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Ace of Spades Pet Thread, November 19

war ktn.jpg

Fact check: True

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Good afternoon and welcome to the almost world famous Ace of Spades Pet Thread. Thanks for stopping by. Kick back and enjoy the world of animals.

Would you like a treat?

Let's pay some attention to the critters and leave the world of politics and current events outside today. That can wait.

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This is Wendy. She saw you about to leave for work. Wanted to remind you that you shouldn't.

wendy dontgo.jpg

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Thanksgiving for Pets

Thanksgiving foods that are safe for your pets according to the experts

Turkey - yes. Bones and skin - no.

Dogs, cat and humans getting along at Thanksgiving dinner

Meet The PetMorons

lexi i 1.jpg


lexi i cat.jpg

From Mary Ellen:

I wanted to share the most beautiful dog in the world--our Lexi, who passed over the Rainbow Bridge 4 years ago after a battle with kidney cancer. We got her as a puppy when the very active family (who lived in a huge house with a huge back yard) simply didn't want to take care of an active Shelty puppy. She was in a crate in the middle of a large, immaculate living room when we picked her up, and after we let her out into our rather more messy living room, she had the run of our house, our yard, and our hearts.

We miss her terribly, but I'm sure she is keeping our three cats who went before (Miko, Henley, and Saavik) company, and diligently walking the fenceline looking for squirrels.

Gracie was a stray who my sister picked up. Her druggie neighbor's daughter played really rough with her, and when my sister saw she said some strong words to the young girl, and basically took Gracie away from her. She had been hit by a car, tortured by a five year old, and some kind of raptor grabbed her and tried to fly away with her, leaving her temporarily paralyzed. After my sister nursed her back to health, we ended up with her due to my sister's asthma. She passed quietly one day, lying on my sweater, with a peaceful expression on her face.

What lovely animals. No wonder you miss Lexi and Gracie.

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From Texas lurker:

This is Scooter in his favorite sunny spot in our yard. He almost nine in this picture taken about 9 months after we adopted him. He was a most unusual fellow for his breed, German Shorthair Pointer, first of all he was way, way to the right side of the size bell curve for GSPs at 110 pounds. But he was also a courageous dog. One night after dark we were out behind our back yard along a woods trail often used by mountain bikers. Nature came over me and I was in mid pee when I looked down the trail and saw two bright lights coming toward us, one five feet high, the other a couple feet below it, I yelled something like WTF. Scooter simply charged the unknown demon. When he got to the invader he realized it was a biker, likely someone he knew from our walks, stopped the fellow and demanded petting in return for passage. He is a year and a half gone now, and another adoptee lives with us, but I think of him almost daily. I have had dogs throughout my now long life, this old guy, adopted because we have had other GSPs and love them and at his age he was having a tough time finding a new home, really had a huge impact on me, I doubt I will ever forget him.

Of course you won't forget him.

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I comment occasionally as Surellin. I have an enormous 16-pound tabby named Tybalt (for "The Prince of Cats" in Romeo and Juliet) who is lovable but... somewhat sluggish when he's comfortable. Here's my open letter to Tybalt (or "Mr.. T," as he is usually known).

An open letter to Mr. T . . .

...who sleeps in my porch chair and pretends not to hear me when I tell him to get up.

Dear Cat,

This is my chair.

I earned the money to hire some Indonesian dude to make the chair, which was then sold to Kroger, where I picked it up. There are human financial and logistics issues far beyond your comprehension which allowed me to get my chair.

It didn't appear by magic for your comfort.

You are welcome to sleep in my chair when I am not using it. You are welcome to sit in my lap when I am using it. You are welcome to sleep in the cardboard box on the porch which I preserved for your use. You are welcome to sleep in the old dog bed in the garage, which I know you do because I've seen you. You are welcome to sleep in the new dog bed by the heater in the living room, which would be rated A+ by Comfy Cat Online, if there were such a thing. You are welcome to sprawl the width of the dining room table, which know you do because I've seen you.

There are many fine places where you can sleep.

But this is my chair.



What are the odds that Mr. T will pay attention?

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From conservative hippie:

Lost my Sam I Am in June. It's been a lonely summer. I always say, "You can never replace a pet - but your heart can expand to welcome another". My heart just stretched: Welcome Gemma, a 6 year old longhaired GS who has spent her life in and out of shelters. Just the most intelligent, grateful, lovely lady! Sam would approve.

I know Sam would approve, too.

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Long time lurker here. Can't start my day without checking the ONT. Also check in frequently during the day to see what else is new.

Love the pet thread so I thought I'd send a photo of my best buddy, our cocker spaniel Boomer, who is Lord of the Realm in this house.

Keep up the good work in spite of all travails!

Thanks for checking in and letting us get to know Boomer!

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Maya giving the eye.jpg

Some dog breeds are good at letting their 2-legs know when it's time for food or treat or etc. This is our Bluenose Pitt telling us "it is time to eat", even though it isn't yet. Despite the intense stare, she is a sweet girl who loves our grandkids (and anyone who will pet her).


thank you

"Giving the Eye". Heh.

These pets all have their own personalities.

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What a wonderful collection of pet stories and photos today. Thank you each and everyone for sharing your pets with us.

If you would like to send pet and/or animal stories, links, etc. for the Ace of Spades Pet Thread, the address is:

petmorons at protonmail dot com

Remember to include the nic by which you wish to be known when you comment at AoSHQ, or let us know if you want to remain a lurker.

Until next Saturday, have a great week!

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If you start feeling nostalgic, here a link to last week's Pet Thread, the Ace of Spades Pet Thread, November 12 Some special PetMoron stories and photos there.

I closed the comments on this post so you wouldn't get banned for commenting on a week-old post, but don't try it anyway.

Posted by: K.T. at 03:28 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Happy Caturday everyone

Posted by: Skip at November 19, 2022 03:30 PM (xhxe8)

2 hiya

Posted by: JT at November 19, 2022 03:32 PM (T4tVD)

3 Skip

You got home okay ?

Posted by: JT at November 19, 2022 03:33 PM (T4tVD)

4 Critters!

Posted by: Duke Lowell at November 19, 2022 03:35 PM (u73oe)

5 Sad to hear of pets going to the green fields in Heaven.

Gemma is a great looking dog

Posted by: Skip at November 19, 2022 03:36 PM (xhxe8)

6 Good looking puppy dogs today. The long hair German Shepard is beautiful.

Posted by: polynikes at November 19, 2022 03:38 PM (f+KrF)

7 War kittens?

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at November 19, 2022 03:39 PM (uNylN)

8 Arf!

Posted by: Sandy at November 19, 2022 03:41 PM (l4PkY)

9 Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at November 19, 2022 03:39 PM

You have to use your imagination to think how troops would utilize kittens in war. My guess would be for stress relief.

Posted by: KT at November 19, 2022 03:42 PM (rrtZS)

10 I'm starting a new cryptocurrency based entirely on cats and blockchain. And cats. And alcohol.

Would anyone like an offering circular?


Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 19, 2022 03:45 PM (l4PkY)

11 Nice Pets Y'all!...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at November 19, 2022 03:45 PM (R/m4+)

12 My kittehs are zonked out right now because of the rain . Otherwise this would be the time they would start yelling at me to take them outside.

Yesterday sister kitteh finally found the tree branch path to my roof. I was taking out my ladder to go get her and she heard me and she made a bee line to the same path and came down on her own and acted like ' What ? '

Posted by: polynikes at November 19, 2022 03:46 PM (f+KrF)

13 Gracie’s passing is what we all hope for, for our pets!
For ourselves too.

Posted by: Best Thief in Lankhmar at November 19, 2022 03:46 PM (64rer)

14 Topnotch dogs, but that warkitten.......whoa boy.

Posted by: Eromero at November 19, 2022 03:46 PM (1Wx+L)

15 What a great looking group of moronimals!

Can't stop looking at the pic of Gemma. What eyes. Looks like she knows things.

Posted by: olddog in mo at November 19, 2022 03:48 PM (ju2Fy)

16 I'm starting a new cryptocurrency based entirely on cats and blockchain. And cats. And alcohol.

Would anyone like an offering circular?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 19, 2022 03:45 PM (l4PkY)

Dogcoin was started as a joke. Now it's part of the legit cryptocurrency.

Posted by: polynikes at November 19, 2022 03:48 PM (f+KrF)

17 Didn't take to long to change tire, did fill it up when got home and see no reason to be flat, should go see if holding air pressure. My truck warns if low air but not which tire, but going to work had no warning. Have slow leaks but if kept up have no issues.

Posted by: Skip at November 19, 2022 03:50 PM (xhxe8)

18 CatCoin would sound better

Posted by: Skip at November 19, 2022 03:51 PM (xhxe8)

19 Wow. Some of the most gorgeous dogs I’ve ever seen! And Gracie looks like an amazing cat! Thanks for the happiness today.

Posted by: LadyS at November 19, 2022 03:51 PM (VGiJY)

20 Feral cat from last week giving me even dirtier looks - wind destroyed his umbrella perch.

Bestest Thanksgiving evar was a bird club potluck, my lorikeet scooting from plate to plate in disbelief "you mean I'm welcome here and here and here?"

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenko Solutions at November 19, 2022 03:55 PM (135ws)

21 7 War kittens?
Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at November 19, 2022 03:39 PM (uNylN)

Yeah.... if'n ya didna charge the enemy... or started to retreat... duh damn Kittys would turn around und claw ya...

Right there...

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 19, 2022 03:55 PM (oHd/0)

22 "CatCoin would sound better
Posted by: Skip"

Well, I certainly hope that no one tries to monetize my pussy.

Posted by: Mrs Slocumb at November 19, 2022 03:58 PM (g8Ow2)

23 My favorite thread.

Posted by: That NLurker guy at November 19, 2022 03:58 PM (VdGjU)

24 Kitty on a kilt!

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at November 19, 2022 04:01 PM (NFvdZ)

25 Yesterday sister kitteh finally found the tree branch path to my roof. I was taking out my ladder to go get her and she heard me and she made a bee line to the same path and came down on her own and acted like ' What ? '
Posted by: polynikes at November 19, 2022

If cats and kittens really need rescuing from trees, how come we don't see kitten skeletons among branches? They can get down. Slowly sometimes, but they can.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at November 19, 2022 04:01 PM (KAKDL)

26 LOVE the war kitten, and the concept of a war kitten! What a snuggleable little furball.
K. T., thank you for what you do to help produce the pet thread, the gardening thread, and others.
Many others, I know. I truly appreciate your efforts.
This whole site is an island of sanity, even when it gets a bit contentious, but these two threads are a lovely change of pace, and I enjoy reading other's comments, knowing how kind and generous so many of the Morons are.
Thank you again.

Posted by: Appycay at November 19, 2022 04:02 PM (zGcp1)

27 Hugs to all the horde who ate missing their fur friends

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at November 19, 2022 04:04 PM (NFvdZ)

28 *are

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at November 19, 2022 04:05 PM (NFvdZ)

29 Hugs to all the horde who ate missing their fur friends
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion

Ya still offer hugs if they ATE their fur friends ?

Posted by: JT at November 19, 2022 04:07 PM (T4tVD)

30 lol JT

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at November 19, 2022 04:08 PM (NFvdZ)

31 Hiya VMom !

Posted by: JT at November 19, 2022 04:09 PM (T4tVD)

32 Love this week's edition of the Pet Thread. I will add it to my list of favorites!

Posted by: Huck Follywood at November 19, 2022 04:09 PM (Yu1As)

33 Beautiful Moronimals today, both those still with us, and those that crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 19, 2022 04:09 PM (JwEvn)

34 what beautiful sweet pets today!

thanks everyone!

Posted by: BlackOrchidDancingByMyself at November 19, 2022 04:10 PM (w0NJk)

35 just got back from the Kennel Club of Phila Dog Show

so many great dogs there today! had a blast

Posted by: BlackOrchidDancingByMyself at November 19, 2022 04:11 PM (w0NJk)

36 Sam I Am was most lovely.

Posted by: That NLurker guy at November 19, 2022 04:14 PM (VdGjU)

37 Didn't take to long to change tire, did fill it up when got home and see no reason to be flat, should go see if holding air pressure. My truck warns if low air but not which tire, but going to work had no warning. Have slow leaks but if kept up have no issues.
Posted by: Skip

I carry one of those inflators in my ride; plugs into cig lighter.

Posted by: JT at November 19, 2022 04:14 PM (T4tVD)

38 All these beautiful pets!! As usual. So good to see.

Drove two of my cats across the county this morning, an hour and a half round trip, for cheap rabies shots. Oh, the complaining. My tortie Susannah is 10-1/2, and Rufus the huge golden boy almost two. They did great though. But it wore me out!

It seems to me the rabies shot used to make my pets sore for a day, but I haven't seen that reaction in years. Dawned on me today that it's because of the tiny needles now, which is also why shots don't hurt me like they did when I was a kid. People under 29 have no idea

Posted by: skywch at November 19, 2022 04:14 PM (uqhmb)

39 K. T., thank you for what you do to help produce the pet thread, the gardening thread, and others.
Many others, I know. I truly appreciate your efforts.

Posted by: Appycay

Hear hear!

KT is the best!

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at November 19, 2022 04:16 PM (jbyb/)

40 I've been retreating to the shadows but I love the pet thread.

Posted by: That NLurker guy at November 19, 2022 04:16 PM (VdGjU)

41 Posted by: skywch at November 19, 2022 04:14 PM (uqhmb)

They have rabies vaccines now that last three years . I still get my kittehs the one year shots though since I'm there for a yearly check anyway.

Posted by: polynikes at November 19, 2022 04:17 PM (f+KrF)

42 It seems to me the rabies shot used to make my pets sore for a day, but I haven't seen that reaction in years. Dawned on me today that it's because of the tiny needles now, which is also why shots don't hurt me like they did when I was a kid. People under 29 have no idea
Posted by: skywch at November 19, 2022 04:14 PM (uqhmb)

My Pogo dog was in to the vet yesterday for a tune-up. Got 3 shots, and didn't seem to mind them at all.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 19, 2022 04:17 PM (JwEvn)

43 Sadly the past two years have made me suspicious of all shots including pet ones.
Doggeh only getting the mandated rabies shot from now on

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at November 19, 2022 04:20 PM (jbyb/)

44 War kitty doesn't have a war face, LOL!
Some great looking pets today. Sorry for the passing of the beloveds.
Love is also pain, this I have learned.

Posted by: gourmand du jour, clear and cool at November 19, 2022 04:20 PM (jTmQV)

45 Vmom, I feel the same way. I'm not even sure the rabies one is necessary as often as they demand; used to see a lot of discussion about that online.

Posted by: skywch at November 19, 2022 04:22 PM (uqhmb)

46 We've got a cat with "pillow paw" - the pad is swollen and will sometimes crack and bleed. We got him a steroid shot on Nov 1, but the vet doesn't recommend administering these very often. He says it's an autoimmune thing.

Has anyone else had experience with this?

Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at November 19, 2022 04:22 PM (Mzdiz)

47 Great pictures of adorable pets; Thanks, all.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 19, 2022 04:25 PM (vH/6k)

48 Lovely GSD.

Posted by: flounder at November 19, 2022 04:26 PM (V9DeG)

49 Socks (the black and white kitty featured last week) got her rabies shot because a) she is a 100% outdoor cat b) there are other wild animals around, foxes, raccoon, etc and c) my grand nieces love to cuddle with Socks and I would hate for them to get exposed to rabies.
Dexter, my indoor cat, never gets the rabies shot.
A bunch of others, yes.

Posted by: gourmand du jour, clear and cool at November 19, 2022 04:26 PM (jTmQV)

50 If cats and kittens really need rescuing from trees, how come we don't see kitten skeletons among branches? They can get down. Slowly sometimes, but they can.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at November 19, 2022 04:01 PM (KAKDL)

Our Purry somehow got on top of the trailer that we use to store some old stuff from Publius' mom's family. He was prancing around up there, showing off. Until he realized he didn't know how to get down. He ended up jumping into my brother's arms.

Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at November 19, 2022 04:26 PM (Mzdiz)

51 skywch @ 38-
Hypodermic need big as a 16d nail.

Posted by: Eromero at November 19, 2022 04:27 PM (1Wx+L)

52 Vmom, I hear you! I’ve even got suddenly and irrationally suspicious of the flu shot—I no longer buy their explanation of a yearly necessity.
There are only so many hemaglutins and neurominidases, and I think I’ve seen all of em.

Posted by: Best Thief in Lankhmar at November 19, 2022 04:36 PM (64rer)

53 Yes; Thanks, KT for everything.

And the war kitten is adorable!

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 19, 2022 04:36 PM (vH/6k)

54 I'm in a FB group for dogs with seizures. Several started having seizures after vaccinations. I usually don't worry about anything but a rabies shot. I do make sure they get the first series. I think vets over vaccinate. And some of the human meds they use on animals have side effects.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at November 19, 2022 04:37 PM (uz3Px)

55 Sorry. Inapprops for pet thread.
Did I tell you the cat came along on the dog walkie today? No she won’t wear a harness.

Posted by: Best Thief in Lankhmar at November 19, 2022 04:38 PM (64rer)

56 I wonder what kind of dog Wendy is. Anyone know?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 19, 2022 04:38 PM (vH/6k)

57 56 I wonder what kind of dog Wendy is. Anyone know?

that's a Newfie!!!

and Newfoundland

cutest puppies in all the land! grow fast tho

Posted by: BlackOrchidDancingByMyself at November 19, 2022 04:39 PM (w0NJk)

58 Miley, autoimmune disorders sometimes respond to a change in diet.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at November 19, 2022 04:40 PM (jbyb/)

59 Did I tell you the cat came along on the dog walkie today? No she won’t wear a harness.

I desperately want to let my cat do this - but even on his leash/harness he still can't.

we've only just started immunotherapy. he's allergic to trees, grasses, mold, plants ... poor little guy!

Posted by: BlackOrchidDancingByMyself at November 19, 2022 04:41 PM (w0NJk)

60 I think I should go home and tell Paisley she's a good girl.

Posted by: That NLurker guy at November 19, 2022 04:43 PM (VdGjU)

61 If cats and kittens really need rescuing from trees, how come we don't see kitten skeletons among branches? They can get down. Slowly sometimes, but they can.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at November 19, 2022 04:01 PM

That is like people keep saying you can feed alka seltzer to sea gulls and they blow up. If that were true youtube would be filled with videos of seagulls blowing up.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at November 19, 2022 04:47 PM (uNylN)

62 Miley, autoimmune disorders sometimes respond to a change in diet.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at November 19, 2022 04:40 PM (jbyb/)

I got him some dental diet (previous cats have enjoyed it) as an alternative to Friskies Seafood Sensations (a traditional kitty kibble in the Publius fam) and Fancy Feast cans. With 3 cats here, it's harder to control what he eats (including the myriad critters he kills and devours).

Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at November 19, 2022 04:48 PM (Mzdiz)

63 Tell me that war kitten's name is Angus McFierce.

And that kilts' tartan resembles that of my clan, but ours has some black and red pinstripes.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Gen X Ne'er-Do-Well at November 19, 2022 04:49 PM (UQUAY)

64 Yes, Eromero @ 51! They were huge. My bro and I used to get the great big Hershey bars as a reward for not crying when we got shots.

And looking back I do think it was the same for pets. Mine used to react with pain immediately at the moment of the shot, like something bit them, even a decade or so ago. Now they just slip that micro needle in and the cats don't even seem to notice.

Posted by: skywch at November 19, 2022 04:49 PM (uqhmb)

65 War Kitty!

Lucy the Fink just woke up from a nap and is glaring at me for some reason. Oh well.

Posted by: nurse ratched at November 19, 2022 04:52 PM (U2p+3)


Posted by: AltonJackson at November 19, 2022 05:01 PM (ENBF0)

67 NOOD Bodgeting

Posted by: JT at November 19, 2022 05:01 PM (T4tVD)

68 I heard the reason rabies shots are recommended yearly was just to get pet owners to bring their pets in for a checkup every year. Supposedly they are only needed every three years.

I also heard that the fewer shots your pets get, the less likely they are to develop cancer, especially that type that causes a tumor on the back of the neck.

Posted by: Emmie at November 19, 2022 05:05 PM (Emce2)

69 52 Vmom, I hear you! I’ve even got suddenly and irrationally suspicious of the flu shot—I no longer buy their explanation of a yearly necessity.
There are only so many hemaglutins and neurominidases, and I think I’ve seen all of em.

Posted by: Best Thief in Lankhmar at November 19, 2022 04:36 PM (64rer)
They want to combine the flu and covid shots, and make both mRNA types. Definitely avoid. Also we aren't clever enough to tailor vaccines to last just a year, that's just so we remember to get another shot. Your distance may vary. I like the vaccines that are real and give lifelong immunity.

Posted by: Ciampino - I hoofed it here as soon as you called but after a nap at November 19, 2022 05:10 PM (qfLjt)

70 Wonderful animals this week. The stare down looks very familiar. Our Shih-Pom Edison (who has appeared here a few times) is still adjusting to the time change. The stare down starts at 11 for his noon dinner.

Posted by: DebraT at November 20, 2022 05:41 PM (vFF0w)

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