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Tucker Carlson reported that a whistleblower inside the government alerted him that his emails were being read by the NSA, and proved it to him by reading from them.

He then said the NSA planned to leak his emails to the media, to get his show "taken off the air." That might be an ambitious goal.

Let's say that is a colloquial, inexact statement of their intent.

Let's say maybe that they just planned to leak the emails to discredit him.

An insistent critic who threatens their power and threatens the Ruling Class whom they serve.

Today Tucker Carlson reported that a journalist that he likes and trust told him that he had received the leaked emails.

Guess what just happened? Jonathan Swann at Axios just "reported" on the contents of the surveilled emails.


The emails might have been surveilled "incidentally," because Tucker was reaching out to US-based Russia representatives to get an interview with Putin.

You know -- what journalists used to do.

But there is no innocent explanation for why Tucker Carlson's name is included in the emails. Remember, in cases of so-called "incidental" collection of US citizens' data, you're supposed to "minimize" exposure of the person who was spied on by redacting him name and calling him something like US CITIZEN NO. 1.

This is also called "masking."

Here, though, Tucker Carlson's name is de-anonymized -- "unmasked," as Obama officials preferred it -- and left right on the supposedly "incidentally" collected emails.

No effort is made to keep his identity anonymous. Quite the opposite.

Remember, even when someone's emails are "incidentally" collected, their privacy has still been breached, and their constitutional rights have still been violated.

"Minimization"/anonymization/masking is supposed to be a compromise that mitigates the effects of that breach of constitutional rights.

And yet here's the Deep State again, doing what they did to Trump -- just saying "Fuck minimization" and deliberately engaging in spying on a US citizen with no efforts made to protect that citizen.


There is also no innocent explanation as to why the emails were leaked to the press, exactly as Tucker's whistleblower told them the NSA planned to leak them.

Even if you "incidentally" spy on a US citizen, and even if you "inadvertently" "forget" to minimize his name and redact his identity -- how can there be any innocent explanation for then leaking the emails to the media?

You cannot claim that it was a mistake. Tucker's whistleblower already told him this was the premeditated scheme of the NSA. They schemed with malice aforethought to do just this.

And now they've done it.

And now National Review will again deny that this has happened, and then say, "Well, if it has happened, I'm sure the Deep State had good reasons to do it."

Just as they said about the FBI spying on Trump -- after having ridiculed the notion of it, right alongside their leftwing Democrat media buddies.

Here was the liberal blog National Review just two days ago, ridiculing the idea that the order to spy on Tucker Carlson could have possibly come from the top:

Against this backdrop of real problems, the notion that NSA director general Paul Nakasone is taking time out of his day to sit around a conference table with his top officers and gravely order, "Launch Operation Unraveling Bowtie!" is implausible.

Say guys -- didn't you also ridicule the idea that Trump was being spied on?

And say: Didn't the order to spy on Trump come directly from James Comey and Andy McCabe? The absolute top of the FBI, in fact?

Not rogue middle-level operatives. Not "some folks from the Cincinnati office."

No, the plan was hostaed at the very top of the FBI and DOJ.

And didn't all of Obama's minions -- who are of course running the Biden Administration -- all resort to lawyerly and plainly false denials of their intent to spy on Trump?

Do you guys... remember this at all?

Boy you guys just... never quite lose your absolute certitude about things, no matter how many times your absolute certitude is proven completely unfounded, do you?

Maybe you should, I don't know, show a little more humility about what you know and what you definitely do not know, huh?

Maybe, especially, given your appallingly poor track records for the past six years?

I will say this for you guys: You all certainly seem to possess a Millennial's Level of Absolute Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence, no matter what facts may arise to undermine it! (I expect you absorb that gift from all the time you spend on Twitter.)

Is there literally anything your Deep State Friends can do that can shake your unshakable confidence in their absolute Pope-like rectitude, if only by a few degrees?

Or at least lighten up on the mocking tone? Maybe phrase it with a caveat that admits past errors, like, "I had trouble believing that the FBI and Clapper's DNI would spy on Trump, but it turned out they had. Still, I'm having trouble believing the NSA would risk so much here."

I feel a little bad calling out people I used to respect like this, but maybe if you just acknowledged your own errors every once in a while -- you know, like you constantly scolded Trump for not doing -- then other people would not be forced to ungracefully point your long history of errors out to you.

And now Andy McCarthy will vouch for all 30,000 members of the NSA, and re-vouch for all 100,000 members of the DOJ. All a bunch of straight-shooters and devoted patriots in the cause of Justice and America.

All this preening about what he knows about organizations he hasn't worked for in decades just to show off that he still "knows people" and still has clout in DC.

One More Thing: For the Deep State Defenders in Conservative, Inc., let me point out to you that it is the position of the "Biden" Administration that "right-wing extremism" is the number one threat to National Security that we face."

They have therefore very clearly laid out the predicate as to why they would be justified in doing anything they could to stop "right wing extremism" and further "insurrection."

Anything. As long as it saves just one life.

So based on that: Why do you keep claiming it's "implausible" that they would act in accordance with their own publicly-stated assessment of who the "real terrorists" are?

They have re-oriented the national security apparatus to claim that dissident conservatives are literally the greatest threat to the Republic.

Why would they claim that, and then not act upon that belief?

By the way:

Among those who "unmasked" the names of Americans "incidentally" spied upon?

One Joseph Robinette Biden, the Vice President under the spy-happy authoritarian socialist Obama.

Also remember: Tucker Carlson reported a lot on the Obama/Biden administration's extreme "unmasking" of political opponents.

And now here he is himself, "incidentally" spied on, but then deliberately unmasked.

Posted by: Ace at 06:40 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 First!

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Sans-Culottes (except for the Book Thread) at July 07, 2021 05:40 PM (Dc2NZ)

2 Panopticon for the win!

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Sans-Culottes (except for the Book Thread) at July 07, 2021 05:41 PM (Dc2NZ)

3 Also, highly illegal.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Sans-Culottes (except for the Book Thread) at July 07, 2021 05:41 PM (Dc2NZ)

4 Trifecta!

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Sans-Culottes (except for the Book Thread) at July 07, 2021 05:41 PM (Dc2NZ)

5 How could any reasonable person be anti-government?

Posted by: fluffy at July 07, 2021 05:41 PM (UnQlg)

6 Time for Air Pinochet yet?

Posted by: In Exile at July 07, 2021 05:42 PM (ozJi8)


But, of course!

Posted by: artisanal ette at July 07, 2021 05:42 PM (9VFzC)

8 there is not "accidental" spying

Posted by: runner at July 07, 2021 05:42 PM (V13WU)

9 We got a flamer...

Posted by: It's me donna at July 07, 2021 05:44 PM (Zmnko)

10 I like the gif Ace.

Posted by: banana Dream at July 07, 2021 05:44 PM (f6xX0)

11 Ham and eggers!

Posted by: Sean Claude Van Damm at July 07, 2021 05:44 PM (0i3sN)

12 Oops. That flaming skull is going to melt Slow Joe's ice cream cone.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at July 07, 2021 05:44 PM (guGkK)

13 TuCa is a Russian stooge?!

Posted by: Godwin's Gaping Gulch at July 07, 2021 05:44 PM (BWQw7)

14 Joey Bidet is now molesting flaming skulls?

Chapped lips?

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 05:44 PM (mTQFY)

15 I am so shocked!!!!!/s

Posted by: CN at July 07, 2021 05:44 PM (ONvIw)

16 Abolish the NSA.

They have way too much time on their hands.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at July 07, 2021 05:44 PM (R/m4+)

17 I fucking love this skull.

Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, single and SuperStraight at July 07, 2021 05:45 PM (cvNl1)

18 Merrick Garland will empanel a grand jury to investigate this any day now...

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at July 07, 2021 05:45 PM (guGkK)

19 So what?

At least we have a gentleman in the White House who appreciates the finer things in life.

Like fingering interns and sniffing girls hair.

Posted by: Czech Chick at July 07, 2021 05:45 PM (haWye)

20 Yeah old Merritt will be getting right on this... Any minute now...

Posted by: It's me donna at July 07, 2021 05:45 PM (Zmnko)

21 "Incidental" intercept while collecting against what legitimate target in comms with Tucker effing Carlson? Or are they not even trying to make it seem legitimate anymore?

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Sans-Culottes (except for the Book Thread) at July 07, 2021 05:45 PM (Dc2NZ)

22 When everyone is a Russian plant, then no one is.

Except Joey Bidet, he's a ficus.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 05:45 PM (mTQFY)

23 wow ! that is some burning skull situation !

Posted by: runner at July 07, 2021 05:46 PM (V13WU)

24 *waves to Nearsider*

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 05:46 PM (mTQFY)

25 Ace, that may be the greatest flaming skull ever. No, it IS the greatest flaming skull now and forever.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Sans-Culottes (except for the Book Thread) at July 07, 2021 05:46 PM (Dc2NZ)

26 That these agencies exist, that the people who man them exist, demonstrates the state of moral degeneracy of the American people. And we wonder how Stalin and Hitler existed?

Posted by: I am not corey Booker at July 07, 2021 05:46 PM (EcD5Y)

27 Who didn't see that coming, what about a few others like Sheryl Attkisson?

Posted by: Skip at July 07, 2021 05:46 PM (Cxk7w)

28 17 I fucking love this skull.
Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, single and SuperStraight at July 07, 2021 05:45 PM (cvNl1)

+1 Truly the skull for our time

Posted by: In Exile at July 07, 2021 05:46 PM (ozJi8)

29 >>Remember, even when someone's emails are "incidentally" collected, their privacy has still been breached, and their constitutional rights have still been violated.

This is 79% incorrect.

Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 05:46 PM (xK9An)

30 Why should they show humility? They are getting paid to deny with certainty, not with half-hearted, bullshit, equivocation. What reader is going to be comforted and lulled to sleep by " maybe, I just don't know"?

Posted by: CN at July 07, 2021 05:47 PM (ONvIw)

31 Clearly, All Hail Eris, had NSA aid in getting first fours.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at July 07, 2021 05:47 PM (UHVv4)

32 Surveillance on a presidential candidate, and president-elect (without the slightest plausible, non-laughable rationale) is now routine, right?

So what's the big deal?

But Trump calling the press names, obviously with complete justification, was an "attack on the press". A threat to our open society.


Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 05:47 PM (OTzUX)

33 Even if you "incidentally" spy on a US citizen, and even if you "inadvertently" "forget" to minimize his name and redact his identity -- how can there be any innocent explanation for then leaking the emails to the media?

Mistakes were made, and the responsible parties will be undergoing additional training.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at July 07, 2021 05:47 PM (guGkK)

34 this is a *types* *deletes* thread for me. I'll lurk this one.

Posted by: BifBewalski @ (VcFUs) - at July 07, 2021 05:47 PM (VcFUs)

35 Who else is going to collect all that crap? Hillary? Xi? Putin? Hackers? Zuckerberg? Dorsey? Google?

Posted by: 80's music fan at July 07, 2021 05:47 PM (glGDV)

36 6 Time for Air Pinochet yet?
Posted by: In Exile at July 07, 2021 05:42 PM (ozJi

Just give the word.

Posted by: Pinochets Loadmaster at July 07, 2021 05:47 PM (a48q1)

37 I'd think Joe's nasal hair would burst into flame.

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at July 07, 2021 05:47 PM (cSyAR)

38 Merrick Garland will empanel a grand jury to investigate this (/s] Tucker Carlson any day now...
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at July 07, 2021 05:45 PM (guGkK)

Suggested real outcome.

Posted by: tbodie at July 07, 2021 05:47 PM (VqySH)

39 >>> They have way too much time on their hands.
Posted by: Hairyback Guy at July 07, 2021 05:44 PM (R/m4+)

These are not the best of times for a blue-collar man.

Posted by: banana Dream at July 07, 2021 05:47 PM (f6xX0)

40 Mistakes were made, and the responsible parties will be undergoing additional training in Hawaii at your expense
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at July 07, 2021 05:47 PM (guGkK)


Posted by: In Exile at July 07, 2021 05:48 PM (ozJi8)

41 The Democrats Propaganda Ministry has been in cahoots with the spooks all since DJT started his administration.

Posted by: Skip at July 07, 2021 05:48 PM (Cxk7w)

42 31 Clearly, All Hail Eris, had NSA aid in getting first fours.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at July 07, 2021 05:47 PM (UHVv4)

Bob is my bitch.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Sans-Culottes (except for the Book Thread) at July 07, 2021 05:48 PM (Dc2NZ)

43 United Sates of Banana Republic.

Posted by: runner at July 07, 2021 05:48 PM (V13WU)

44 These fucking guys...

Posted by: some blue collar Bronx guy at July 07, 2021 05:48 PM (ufFY8)

45 Andy McCarthy isn't out of touch regarding the extent of corruption at the DOJ is. It's always been corrupt. He's simply being a good soldier and lending his "talents" and reputation in order to aid in the coverup.

Posted by: PacosMojo at July 07, 2021 05:48 PM (he/dn)

46 Closes I've gotten to the barrel in a while.

Posted by: tbodie at July 07, 2021 05:48 PM (VqySH)

47 And Bob likes it

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 05:48 PM (mTQFY)

48 OMG! That skull and....thing....

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 07, 2021 05:48 PM (ptqGC)

49 Lest we forget, Tucker was another one who wasn't allowed to mention that there were discrepancies in the election, and he toed the line.

Maybe he's changed, maybe he hasn't

Posted by: artemis at July 07, 2021 05:48 PM (AwPyG)

50 Rogue Cincinnati office shit again.

Posted by: Roy at July 07, 2021 05:49 PM (Ti+Tv)

51 Hey Anna!

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Sans-Culottes (except for the Book Thread) at July 07, 2021 05:49 PM (Dc2NZ)

52 LOL!!! Dude, that pic! Biden molesting a flaming skull! Perfect!

Posted by: Puddleglum at July 07, 2021 05:49 PM (QFVV9)

53 Enemies. Of. The. F**king. People.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 07, 2021 05:49 PM (XSRBF)

54 Of course he is not the only one, Sharyl Attkisson....

Posted by: runner at July 07, 2021 05:49 PM (V13WU)

55 Mistakes were made, and the responsible parties will be undergoing additional training.

At a 5-star resort in Maui, on the taxpayers' dime.

After that, they will all be promoted and get raises!

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 07, 2021 05:49 PM (k4dH2)

56 Make your reservations now, so you can join us for our Lido Deck panel discussion on "Journalists who email foreign Heads of State: Threat or Menace?"

Special recreational activities have been arranged for your WAGs during the panel and mixer afterwards.

Posted by: Cap'n Bill at July 07, 2021 05:49 PM (DMUuz)

57 Hmm.......I've been "voting" with ballots, feet and dollars for about 20 solid years here and yet this shit keeps getting worse and worse, more and more blatant, more and more in my face from all quarters. The NSA no doubt couldn't care less about any of this going public. Just asking, should we keep doing this same thing over and over expecting something different?

Posted by: Cringe Biscuit at July 07, 2021 05:49 PM (Eus9b)

58 Here's an important posting tip:

34 this is a *types* *deletes* thread for me. I'll lurk this one.

Kind of like learning threshold braking in your car back in the day.

Posted by: 80's music fan at July 07, 2021 05:49 PM (glGDV)

59 45 Andy McCarthy isn't out of touch regarding the extent of corruption at the DOJ is. It's always been corrupt. He's simply being a good soldier and lending his "talents" and reputation in order to aid in the coverup.
Posted by: PacosMojo at July 07, 2021 05:48 PM (he/dn)

Money is money, silly readers.

Posted by: Andy likes to lie and is good at it at July 07, 2021 05:50 PM (ONvIw)

60 "Nice occipital condyles you have there, young lady!"

Posted by: Joe Biden's Last Remaining Synapse at July 07, 2021 05:50 PM (guGkK)

61 And not for nothing, don't ever read Axios; it's Hugh Hewitt's favorite publication; chock full of clowns and jackasses.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 07, 2021 05:50 PM (XSRBF)

62 Hooray for the fascist panopticon, I guess.

Posted by: Insomniac at July 07, 2021 05:50 PM (II3Gr)

63 @41

The old guard on conservative twitter argued that the CIA controlled the media, and the media controlled congress.

Posted by: artemis at July 07, 2021 05:50 PM (AwPyG)

64 OT, but how are our Florida Morons doing?

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Sans-Culottes (except for the Book Thread) at July 07, 2021 05:50 PM (Dc2NZ)

65 Does McCarthy still bring his sad act to publication anywhere, still? I mean, literally doing what ace mocks him (rightly) for having done for years now?

It was far from an original or insightful point, but McCarthy had one good turn of phrase, in regard to the SCOTUS morphing into a legislature (well, to be fair and pertinent, the "liberal" court members). "They don't judge, they vote".

That, and the Islamoterrorist prosecution and public education, are about all Andy seems to have. Otherwise, the dimmest of hacks at the very time his treasured institutions have essentially unraveled.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 05:50 PM (OTzUX)

66 Maybe I've missed it 'til now, but Biden sniffing the flaming skull is phenomenal.

Posted by: reason at July 07, 2021 05:51 PM (RQDhf)

67 That Axios article is as tone deaf as they can be. What color is the sky in Liber-land? Basically...he had it coming.

Posted by: In Exile at July 07, 2021 05:51 PM (ozJi8)

68 This is really terrible stuff. But the important thing to remember is that Trump is not tweeting! That's what we need to focus on.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at July 07, 2021 05:51 PM (Vxu+H)

69 >>Maybe he's changed, maybe he hasn't
Posted by: artemis at July 07, 2021 05:48 PM (AwPyG)

His gruel-bowl will have as many dents as that of the prole behind him in gruel-line.

Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 05:51 PM (xK9An)

70 Ladies and gentlemen, I'll be brief. The issue here is not whether or not we broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with our Nation's trust - we did.

Posted by: Bob "Otter" Stratton, NSA at July 07, 2021 05:52 PM (gmo/4)

71 >>>Maybe I've missed it 'til now, but Biden sniffing the flaming skull is phenomenal.
Posted by: reason

It's the most amazing thing I've seen here.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 07, 2021 05:52 PM (XSRBF)

72 Hey, Anna.

I wish I could say this surprised me. It doesn't. We're all being watched. We're all being recorded.

I guess I'm on team "Plan Accordingly" now.

Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, single and SuperStraight at July 07, 2021 05:52 PM (cvNl1)

73 This serious breach of the public trust must be thoroughly investigated. I'm assigning the case to Capitol Police-Missisauga.

Posted by: Nancy Pelosi, Leader of the Free World at July 07, 2021 05:52 PM (sWM8x)

74 Fire sale. Everything must go.

At least we have one cartel instead of several.

Maybe Jimi Hendrix was iced by the men in black and brown shoes.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at July 07, 2021 05:52 PM (d6gDP)

75 Also, highly illegal.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Sans-Culottes (except for the Book Thread) at July 07, 2021 05:41 PM (Dc2NZ)

Now that's funny!

Posted by: BignJames at July 07, 2021 05:52 PM (AwYPR)

76 Of course he is not the only one, Sharyl Attkisson....

Posted by: runner at July 07, 2021 05:49 PM (V13WU)

She's been on Tucker's show. Hell, she was threatened up close and personal while walking her dog.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 07, 2021 05:52 PM (ptqGC)

77 Just confirming what we already knew.

But the MFM won't be reporting this, so the LIVs won't know about it.

Posted by: Teresa in Fort Worth, Texas at July 07, 2021 05:52 PM (SRRAx)

78 I see two flaming skulls.

Posted by: dantesed at July 07, 2021 05:52 PM (88xKn)

79 So what was in these e-mails that was supposed to mean the end for Tucker Carlson's show when it was revealed to the public?

Surely the NSA didn't think people were going to be scandalized and outraged because a political news guy was trying to get an interview with a Russian politician?

What am I missing here?

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 07, 2021 05:52 PM (k4dH2)

80 Remain Calm. All is Well!

Posted by: Archer at July 07, 2021 05:53 PM (gmo/4)

81 Holy underwear! Sheriff murdered! Innocent women and children blown to bits! We have to protect our phoney baloney jobs here, gentlemen! We must do something about this immediately! Immediately! Immediately! Harrumph! Harrumph! Harrumph!

Posted by: Joe Biden's Last Remaining Synapse at July 07, 2021 05:53 PM (guGkK)

82 I'm just a neko-grrl, what is this 'plan accordingly' thing?

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 05:53 PM (mTQFY)

83 >>>This is really terrible stuff. But the important thing to remember is that Trump is not tweeting!

I really miss President Trump. America just isn't fun anymore without him.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 07, 2021 05:53 PM (XSRBF)

84 It's the most amazing thing I've seen here.
That's a terrible thing to say!

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at July 07, 2021 05:53 PM (sWM8x)

85 Remember when it was totally plausible that Trump was sitting in the oval office forbidding the CDC to use certain words in internal PowerPoints.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 05:53 PM (5atWK)

86 I feel a little bad calling out people I used to respect like this

Posted by Ace at 06:40 PM

Fuck that. You are doing exactly what you should be doing. You should be proud.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 07, 2021 05:53 PM (Q9lwr)

87 >>>Maybe I've missed it 'til now, but Biden sniffing the flaming skull is phenomenal.
Posted by: reason

It's the most amazing thing I've seen here.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 07, 2021 05:52 PM (XSRBF)


Sure. That, and victory t*ts.

Posted by: Swingin' for the downs: Now fortified with Remdemsivir at July 07, 2021 05:53 PM (jPtGI)

88 This is disconcerting.

Posted by: Count de Monet, Free Agent (4I/2K) at July 07, 2021 05:54 PM (4I/2K)

89 You wanna talk some unmasking, huh? Well take a look at this unmasking!

Posted by: Stacey Abrams, Topless at July 07, 2021 05:54 PM (9vQJW)

90 >>> OT, but how are our Florida Morons doing?
Posted by: All Hail Eris, Sans-Culottes (except for the Book Thread) at July 07, 2021 05:50 PM (Dc2NZ)

I was wondering the same myself? Looking for a preview as it's headed right for me in SE GA. It kind of just looks like a big storm cell now. I'm getting the outer bands of rain now. Zero wind.

Posted by: banana Dream at July 07, 2021 05:54 PM (f6xX0)

91 Could that flaming skull be shoved up Biden's ass?

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at July 07, 2021 05:54 PM (cSyAR)

92 20 Yeah old Merritt will be getting right on this... Any minute now...

Posted by: It's me donna at July 07, 2021 05:45 PM (Zmnko)

Merrick will get on this as soon as he's completed the report that declares the REvil-claimed hacks were really done some of The Proud Boys, operating out of a cheap hotel in Magnitogorsk.

Posted by: Gref at July 07, 2021 05:54 PM (AMIL/)

93 Brilliantly said, Ace

Posted by: Huck Follywood at July 07, 2021 05:54 PM (bIH0b)

94 Well good thing, nothing will come from this, the spooks will probably get a new better job out of it.

Posted by: Skip at July 07, 2021 05:54 PM (Cxk7w)

95 86
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 07, 2021 05:53 PM (Q9lwr)

The deuce you say!

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Sans-Culottes (except for the Book Thread) at July 07, 2021 05:54 PM (Dc2NZ)

96 Ace, that may be the greatest flaming skull ever. No, it IS the greatest flaming skull now and forever.


Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Psychos Rule! No, really. They're in charge now. (HaL55) at July 07, 2021 05:54 PM (HaL55)

97 Will he have any course to pursue relief through the courts?

Of course in a sane world. In the joey rape fingers junta don't count on it.

Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at July 07, 2021 05:54 PM (0OmEj)

98 Obama is the evilest pos who has ever occupied the Oval. Even more so than Woodrow Wilson. And now he's behind the curtain in his third term.

Thanks, Biden voters. No mean tweets, tho.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 07, 2021 05:54 PM (ptqGC)

99 Same as it ever was.

- David Byrne

Posted by: Cringe Biscuit at July 07, 2021 05:54 PM (Eus9b)

100 I'd feel worse about all this except that Elise Stefanik announced the GOP will be making tax cuts the center-piece of their next campaign.

This is a huge relief.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 05:54 PM (OTzUX)

101 moar war

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, get ready now at July 07, 2021 05:55 PM (XvPQV)

102 She's been on Tucker's show. Hell, she was threatened up close and personal while walking her dog.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 07, 2021 05:52 PM (ptqGC)

oh...well that's not good.

Posted by: runner at July 07, 2021 05:55 PM (V13WU)

103 I didn't get a "harrumph" out of that guy!

Posted by: Joe Biden's Last Remaining Synapse at July 07, 2021 05:55 PM (guGkK)

104 We are on the road to nowhere while burning down the house...

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 05:55 PM (mTQFY)

105 Maybe you should, I don't know, show a little more humility about what you know and what you definitely do not know, huh?

not how it works
they purposely lie and run cover
they won't stop

Posted by: artisanal ette at July 07, 2021 05:55 PM (9VFzC)

106 72 . . . I guess I'm on team "Plan Accordingly" now.
Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, single and SuperStraight

Welcome to the team!

* listens to whisper from offstage *

Oh, never mind.

Posted by: Myron Floren at July 07, 2021 05:55 PM (9vQJW)

107 lol, the graphic is perfect

Posted by: artisanal ette at July 07, 2021 05:56 PM (9VFzC)

108 Obama is the evilest pos who has ever occupied the Oval. Even more so than Woodrow Wilson. And now he's behind the curtain in his third term.

Bbbbut light bringer.

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at July 07, 2021 05:56 PM (cSyAR)

109 all those fucking crocodile tears about watergate. 100% bullshit.

Posted by: x at July 07, 2021 05:56 PM (oA+QO)

110 104 We are on the road to nowhere while burning down the house...
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 05:55 PM (mTQFY)

This ain't no party; this ain't no disco; this ain't no foolin' around....

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at July 07, 2021 05:56 PM (PiwSw)

111 >>>And now National Review will again deny that this has happened, and then
say, "Well, if it has happened, I'm sure the Deep State had good
reasons to do it."

Seems like more of an op to discredit National Review than it is an op to discredit Carlson, at least judging by results.

Posted by: flounder at July 07, 2021 05:56 PM (KnJdm)

112 I was wondering the same myself? Looking for a
preview as it's headed right for me in SE GA. It kind of just looks like
a big storm cell now. I'm getting the outer bands of rain now. Zero

Posted by: banana Dream at July 07, 2021 05:54 PM (f6xX0)


You're in the same area I am, aren't you? Some interesting stuff is heading here shortly. A couple of tornadoes touched down west of Brunswick a while ago.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 07, 2021 05:56 PM (ptqGC)

113 I think I almost went to Magnitogorsk once (um, work, not vacation). Kinda wanted to go. Coolest Soviet stupid city name of all of them.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 05:56 PM (OTzUX)

114 Not to worry fellow republicans, your GOPe is hard at work writing a strongly worded letter to the NSA as I type.

-- GOPe
Send money.

Posted by: Archer at July 07, 2021 05:56 PM (gmo/4)

From another dimension,
With voyeuristic intention,
Well secluded,
I see all.

Posted by: Bob@NSA at July 07, 2021 05:56 PM (Mzdiz)

116 Does Nancy Pelosi have Young Pioneers? I always wanted to be a Young Pioneer.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at July 07, 2021 05:56 PM (sWM8x)

117 I must courageously vote harder in 2022.

Posted by: flounder at July 07, 2021 05:57 PM (KnJdm)

118 O/T. How do you get a job at the Smithsonian? I want to be able to pee down the leg of Andy Kim's donated blue suit to keep it historically accurate.

Posted by: Downcast at July 07, 2021 05:57 PM (jQJ3k)

119 American forces abandoned Weapons And ammunition when they left Afghanistan. Milley needs to be fired.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 05:57 PM (5atWK)

120 We know Andy McCarthy continues to be a celebrated idiot, but is Hannity still doing the "99.9% of agents are salt of the earth, Great Americans" schtick?

I quit FOXNews about a year ago, so I don't know anymore. I'll assume he still is. Looks kinda bad if his lead-in show host is running stories nightly about how corrupt the non-99.9% are.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at July 07, 2021 05:57 PM (aXxgO)

121 Somebody linked this yesterday and it's fascinating to watch:

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Sans-Culottes (except for the Book Thread) at July 07, 2021 05:57 PM (Dc2NZ)

122 If they openly act wit no reguards for our rights.....

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at July 07, 2021 05:58 PM (d6gDP)

123 This is disconcerting.
The Statue of Liberty again?

Posted by: dartist (+ya+t) at July 07, 2021 05:58 PM (+ya+t)

124 I must courageously vote harder in 2022.
Posted by: flounder

Or forever be thought of as a malingering troll by some here.

Posted by: SMH at July 07, 2021 05:58 PM (a/6Gi)

125 You cannot claim that it was a mistake. Tucker's whistleblower already told him this was the malice-aforethought plan by the NSA. They schemed with malice aforethought to do just this.

And now they've done it.

Nobody will stop them. If you try, they can now shoot you.

Posted by: Andy likes to lie and is good at it at July 07, 2021 05:58 PM (ONvIw)

126 89 You wanna talk some unmasking, huh? Well take a look at this unmasking!
Posted by: Stacey Abrams, Topless at July 07, 2021 05:54 PM (9vQJW)


*runs screaming from room*

Posted by: Teresa in Fort Worth, Texas at July 07, 2021 05:58 PM (SRRAx)

127 American forces abandoned Weapons And ammunition when they left Afghanistan. Milley needs to be fired hanged.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 05:57 PM (5atWK)

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 07, 2021 05:58 PM (ptqGC)

128 > Of course he is not the only one, Sharyl Attkisson....

Hey, it could be worse.

Posted by: Michael Hastings at July 07, 2021 05:58 PM (9p+wn)

129 How come the symbol of the Democrats isn't a pentagram or Blaphomet, or whatever that goat thing is?

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at July 07, 2021 05:58 PM (cSyAR)

130 Good evening, horde.

Day after day, watching this train wreck. It makes me nauseous.

I know they're watching, listening, gathering, convincing our children and grandchildren to keep an eye on us. It's not going to make me more careful, it just makes me angry.

Posted by: April at July 07, 2021 05:59 PM (OX9vb)

131 Nobody will stop them. If you try, they can now shoot you.
Posted by: Andy likes to lie and is good at it at July 07, 2021 05:58 PM (ONvIw)

As long as you are white. Or white-adjacent

Posted by: In Exile at July 07, 2021 05:59 PM (ozJi8)

132 I'd feel worse about all this except that Elise Stefanik announced the GOP will be making tax cuts the center-piece of their next campaign.

This is a huge relief.
Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 05:54 PM (OTzUX)

OFFS. How about a new play? The defense has got this one figured out.

Posted by: Count de Monet, Free Agent (4I/2K) at July 07, 2021 05:59 PM (4I/2K)

133 Nearsider,

Saved myself about $70 by not buying the AMK 1/48 F-14D Super Tomcat kit. Being able to build a fully dirty wing with everything hanging out is completely cancelled out by the con of massive shape issues that makes the F-14 look like it has some serious curves where it meets the burner cans.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 05:59 PM (mTQFY)

134 We are on the road to nowhere while burning down the house...
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 05:55 PM (mTQFY)

This ain't no party; this ain't no disco; this ain't no foolin' around....
Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at July 07, 2021 05:56 PM (PiwSw)

Life during wartime

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, get ready now at July 07, 2021 05:59 PM (XvPQV)

135 OT, but how are our Florida Morons doing?
Checks in, nothing to report down here. Nothing bad last night. A bit windy now and there's thunder, but that's about it here at stately Casa Backwardio.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Psychos Rule! No, really. They're in charge now. (HaL55) at July 07, 2021 05:59 PM (HaL55)

136 >>> You're in the same area I am, aren't you? Some interesting stuff is heading here shortly. A couple of tornadoes touched down west of Brunswick a while ago.
Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 07, 2021 05:56 PM (ptqGC)

Really! I haven't been keeping tabs on it. I'm in the midtown area and just getting some moderate rain. But I see more is coming.

Posted by: banana Dream at July 07, 2021 05:59 PM (f6xX0)

137 just a neko-grrl, what is this 'plan accordingly' thing?

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 05:53 PM (mTQFY)

That's the fun part about OpSec. If you're doing it right, there are only questions.

Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, single and SuperStraight at July 07, 2021 05:59 PM (cvNl1)

138 Fuck that. You are doing exactly what you should be doing. You should be proud.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 07, 2021 05:53 PM (Q9lwr)


Seconded! All in favor?

Posted by: Duke Lowell at July 07, 2021 05:59 PM (kTF2Z)

139 "Milley needs to be fired."

Into the sun.

Posted by: Obligatory HQ comment at July 07, 2021 05:59 PM (OTzUX)

Hey, it could be worse.
Posted by: Michael Hastings at July 07, 2021 05:58 PM (9p+wn

Preach on

Posted by: Seth Rich at July 07, 2021 05:59 PM (ONvIw)

141 If it's fewer than 950 emails, it's just a misdemeanor, right?

Posted by: The NSA at July 07, 2021 06:00 PM (JioHo)

142 American forces abandoned Weapons And ammunition when they left Afghanistan. Milley needs to be fired hanged.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 05:57 PM (5atWK)

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 07, 2021 05:58 PM (ptqGC)

Aid and comfort to the enemy? Sounds legit.

Posted by: flounder at July 07, 2021 06:00 PM (KnJdm)

143 At the very least, the Deep State can stick you in a DC jail with no bail, and leave you to rot.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 07, 2021 06:00 PM (ptqGC)

144 TuCa was picked up incident to spying on a foreign national.

Now TuCa is a primary target (first hop) and anybody TuCa communicates with is too (second hop). That should cover pretty much everybody in the press and incidentally related to them

Posted by: Godwin's Gaping Gulch at July 07, 2021 06:00 PM (3XlA9)

145 With a bit of a mind-flip
You're into the time slip,
And nothing can ever be the same.
You're spaced out on sensation,
Like you're under sedation.

Let's do the Time Warp again.

Posted by: Bob@NSA at July 07, 2021 06:00 PM (Mzdiz)

146 To be fair, thanks to Joe Biden we did save $0.16 on our Fourth of July barbecues.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at July 07, 2021 06:00 PM (guGkK)

147 >>Life during wartime
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, get ready now at July 07, 2021 05:59 PM (XvPQV)

Inventing situations. Scouting out locations.

Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 06:00 PM (xK9An)

148 I wouldn't want to be the first Afghani to pull the trigger on one of those left behind weapons. They might have been rigged to go all splodey when used.

Posted by: PabloD says start up the rotors at July 07, 2021 06:00 PM (b4R7g)

149 American forces abandoned Weapons And ammunition when they left Afghanistan. Milley needs to be fired.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 05:57 PM

My guess that was a agreement between the administration and Taliban

Posted by: Skip at July 07, 2021 06:00 PM (Cxk7w)

150 Aid and comfort to the enemy? Sounds legit.
Posted by: flounder at July 07, 2021 06:00 PM (KnJdm)

We are partners in peace

Posted by: Talibunnies at July 07, 2021 06:01 PM (ONvIw)

151 141 If it's fewer than 950 emails, it's just a misdemeanor, right?
Posted by: The NSA at July 07, 2021 06:00 PM (JioHo)

I sentence you to 10 hours of paid community service and a 1 femto second suspension of your law license

Posted by: In Exile at July 07, 2021 06:01 PM (ozJi8)

152 And ace, recall that the late Rush Limbaugh also considered McCarthy a solid player and friend.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 06:01 PM (OTzUX)

153 Cat Ass Trophy: "American forces abandoned Weapons And ammunition when they left Afghanistan. Milley needs to be fired."

WhyTF would he do that? Since money is not ever an issue WRT military/national defense anymore but for political posturing, what reason would there possibly be? The best explanation I could envision was the hope that chaos might follow and the prayer that it doesn't rebound against us. But that would be a terrible basis itself.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at July 07, 2021 06:01 PM (aXxgO)

154 104 We are on the road to nowhere while burning down the house...

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 05:55 PM (mTQFY)
BOC: Edge of the World.

Posted by: some blue collar Bronx guy at July 07, 2021 06:01 PM (ufFY8)

155 I've now read two Axios articles today. Both were left-wing bullshit.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at July 07, 2021 06:01 PM (OssQ4)

156 What does a country's citizens do, realistically, when their own federal government and its tentacled bureaucracies are so thoroughly corrupted and no longer follow any sense of law? Are we waiting for Congress to fix it? Uh, it's not going to happen. How do you unwind and disassemble such an illegal leviathan? That's where we're at.

Oh, and I love that flaming skull.

Posted by: Lady in Black at July 07, 2021 06:01 PM (O+I8R)

157 say it with skulls !

Posted by: runner at July 07, 2021 06:02 PM (V13WU)

So they're trying to set Tucker up as colluding with Russia, sounds like to me.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at July 07, 2021 06:02 PM (Mzdiz)

159 sock off, dammit

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 07, 2021 06:02 PM (ufFY8)

160 Anna: I'm wrapping up Tamiya's 1/32 Phantom II, and starting the Trumpy 1/200 Bismark.

New pastures...

Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, single and SuperStraight at July 07, 2021 06:02 PM (cvNl1)

161 Kevin McCarthy to condemn this illegal spying on Americans in five...four...

Oh, who the fuck am I kidding. He's waking from his nap, and going to roll over in his expensive Frank Luntz sheets and call for dinner in bed. He will do for Tucker exactly what he did for the January 6 political prisoners. Tom Cotton too.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at July 07, 2021 06:02 PM (bIH0b)

162 My guess that was a agreement between the administration and Taliban
Certainly it was. The story that our troops pulled out without coordinating with the local Afghans was complete bullshit.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at July 07, 2021 06:02 PM (sWM8x)

163 You know, Nancy Pelosi really does have some terrific ice cream!

Posted by: Rep. Liz Cheney (Q) at July 07, 2021 06:02 PM (guGkK)

164 Spying on American Citizens is a tax!

Posted by: Archer at July 07, 2021 06:02 PM (gmo/4)

165 152 And ace, recall that the late Rush Limbaugh also considered McCarthy a solid player and friend.
Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 06:01 PM (OTzUX)

As did Hannity

Posted by: CN at July 07, 2021 06:02 PM (ONvIw)

166 They might have been rigged to go all splodey when used.
Posted by: PabloD says start up the rotors at July 07, 2021 06:00 PM (b4R7g)

Not who we are any more

Posted by: A dude in MI at July 07, 2021 06:02 PM (/6GbT)

167 American forces abandoned Weapons And ammunition when they left Afghanistan. Milley needs to be fired

or left in Afghanistan.

Posted by: t-bird at July 07, 2021 06:03 PM (3fR4G)

168 Seconded! All in favor?

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Psychos Rule! No, really. They're in charge now. (HaL55) at July 07, 2021 06:03 PM (HaL55)

169 Now i'm thinking about banging the bass play for The Talking Heads, got nothing else going on.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at July 07, 2021 06:03 PM (O7b05)

170 Dammit. Trump is using his presser about his lawsuit against Zuckerberg et al to fund raise. I've given him my last dime.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 07, 2021 06:03 PM (ptqGC)

171 Tucker Carlson is going to get an interview with Putin now, and it will get far more views than it otherwise would have.

Posted by: Mark1971 at July 07, 2021 06:03 PM (xPl2J)

172 The singing sodomites, in case it needs reposted. Download and archive before it's wiped for good

Posted by: doomed at July 07, 2021 06:04 PM (E8tbI)

173 165 152 And ace, recall that the late Rush Limbaugh also considered McCarthy a solid player and friend.
Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 06:01 PM (OTzUX)

As did Hannity
Posted by: CN at July 07, 2021 06:02 PM (ONvIw)

The way these pieces of shit rise to the top is being persuasive in person. True of both parties. The difference is that the left actually plays for keeps, while the right plays only to get reelected or land a lobbying job

Posted by: In Exile at July 07, 2021 06:04 PM (ozJi8)

174 PabloD, there was that program to do just that with enemy ammo during Vietnam, but I don't think we're into that any more.

Plus, could be wrong, but didn't we keep the Afghans with mostly Soviet-design platforms - AKs, etc? As we did with the Iraqis. Would think most of the looting would be supplies and heavy equipment left behind, more than weaponry. But it's of little importance - weaponry is not among the major constraints on the Taliban or ISI.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 06:04 PM (OTzUX)

175 >>144 TuCa was picked up incident to spying on a foreign national. Posted by: Godwin's Gaping Gulch at July 07, 2021 06:00 PM (3XlA9)

You know claiming that is like listing the 7 postulates to prove segments in a circle. You will now establish your LX2 bonafides by naming them.

Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 06:04 PM (xK9An)

176 >>>170 Dammit. Trump is using his presser about his lawsuit against Zuckerberg et al to fund raise. I've given him my last dime.

I'm hearing that more and more and more

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:04 PM (0G13K)

177 Or forever be thought of as a malingering troll by some here.

Posted by: SMH at July 07, 2021 05:58 PM (a/6Gi)

The awakening will be rude.

Posted by: flounder at July 07, 2021 06:04 PM (KnJdm)

You ought to see the junkyard of abandoned equipment left around Bagram airbase. The Daily Mail had pictures.

All the Afghan "forces", the ones we had trained, happily surrendered to the Taliban, shaking hands with them, and turned over all their American supplied weapons.

That Bagram junkyard is a metaphor for America.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at July 07, 2021 06:05 PM (Mzdiz)

179 172 The singing sodomites, in case it needs reposted. Download and archive before it's wiped for good

Posted by: doomed at July 07, 2021 06:04 PM (E8tbI)

Caterwauling catamites?

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 07, 2021 06:05 PM (ufFY8)

180 Bangin the bass player like a chimpanzee?

Posted by: A dude in MI at July 07, 2021 06:05 PM (/6GbT)

181 If we didn't leave all those weapons and ammunition in Afghanistan, then think of all of our diverse LGBLTQED friends in countries where the Prophet is honored who would think ill of us.

Posted by: Thoroughly Post-Modern Milley at July 07, 2021 06:05 PM (9vQJW)

182 Tucker loses his show on FOX due to "security concerns" in 3... 2... 1

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 07, 2021 06:05 PM (BFigT)

183 Chekism.

If you don't know what it means, you should probably go ahead and learn about it.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Juneteenth, because we needed another holiday celebrating white people being badass at July 07, 2021 06:05 PM (f3v6k)

184 121 Somebody linked this yesterday and it's fascinating to watch:

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Sans-Culottes (except for the Book Thread) at July 07, 2021 05:57 PM (Dc2NZ)

Here is another site using the same base data that gives a few more options for parameters to display and map views. Not as spiffy with spot temp display and other notes, though

Posted by: Gref at July 07, 2021 06:06 PM (AMIL/)

185 Mark 1971, excellent point.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 06:06 PM (OTzUX)

186 i added a fair amount to the post, at the end and in the rhetorical part before the end.

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:06 PM (0G13K)

187 Which Phantom II?

Need the Takom 1/72 Bismarck Bruno turret. And a 1/72 Arado floatplane.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 06:06 PM (mTQFY)

188 Dr. Washington Nearsider, single and SuperStraight

Be neat to see pictures next time JJ puts up a hobby thread

Posted by: Skip at July 07, 2021 06:06 PM (Cxk7w)

189 They are trying to get Tucker fired/sidelined from FOX aren't they; he is unpalatable to Murdock's spawn. His contract is most likely iron clad, but there might be paragraphs that they are trying to exploit. They might have come to Murdock's people and said "fire him". They might have said "give me something". So there you go.

Posted by: runner at July 07, 2021 06:06 PM (V13WU)

190 178
You ought to see the junkyard of abandoned equipment left around Bagram airbase. The Daily Mail had pictures.

All the Afghan "forces", the ones we had trained, happily surrendered to the Taliban, shaking hands with them, and turned over all their American supplied weapons.

That Bagram junkyard is a metaphor for America.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at July 07, 2021 06:05 PM (Mzdiz)

Guy I work with was in the sandbox, and his role was basically to bribe the Taliban with pallets of cash. That is what most of "the surge" was -- paying people to stop killing us temporarily. There was never a path to make that place better, and all we were doing was whistling dixie

Posted by: In Exile at July 07, 2021 06:06 PM (ozJi8)

191 You ought to see the junkyard of abandoned equipment left around Bagram airbase. The Daily Mail had pictures.

All the Afghan "forces", the ones we had trained, happily surrendered to the Taliban, shaking hands with them, and turned over all their American supplied weapons.

That Bagram junkyard is a metaphor for America.

So it is possible to get a black market F15, right ?

Posted by: Reuben Hick at July 07, 2021 06:06 PM (iMXIi)

192 Godwin's Gaping Gulch: "Now TuCa is a primary target (first hop) and anybody TuCa communicates with is too (second hop). That should cover pretty much everybody in the press and incidentally related to them"

And his entire viewing audience. See, Tucker is using his platform to communicate with allies in the public square. I could see our esteemed, honorable DOJ and IC justifying spying on anyone who watches Tucker's shows.

Because that's how our now perverted legal system operates.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at July 07, 2021 06:06 PM (aXxgO)

193 O/T. How do you get a job at the Smithsonian? I want to be able to pee down the leg of Andy Kim's donated blue suit to keep it historically accurate.
Posted by: Downcast at July 07, 2021 05:57 PM (jQJ3k)

Ain't it good, ain't it right
That you are with me here tonight
Music playing, our bodies swaying in time
(In time, in time, in time)
Touching you, so warm and tender
Lord, I feel such a sweet surrender
Beautiful is the dream that makes you mine...

Posted by: Andy Kim, Canada's Finest Singer at July 07, 2021 06:06 PM (R/m4+)

194 Nanzi Pelosi is insane and yet she maintains her grip on power. Did she sell her soul to Satan?

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at July 07, 2021 06:06 PM (cSyAR)

195 I loved Trump, but I'm over the never ending fund raising. Team DeSantis for me. He's a pitbull like Trump, but more polished and polite while he's flamethrowing the enemy.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 07, 2021 06:07 PM (ptqGC)

196 i added a fair amount to the post, at the end and in the rhetorical part before the end.

There's a post? I keep forgetting that.

Posted by: t-bird at July 07, 2021 06:07 PM (3fR4G)

197 Chekism.

If you don't know what it means, you should probably go ahead and learn about it.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Juneteenth, because we needed another holiday celebrating white people being badass at July 07, 2021 06:05 PM

It's about nucluar wessels.

Posted by: Ensign Chekov at July 07, 2021 06:07 PM (DMUuz)

198 180 Bangin the bass player like a chimpanzee?
Posted by: A dude in MI

Mmmmm, Tina Weymouth!

Posted by: Furious George in the 1980s. at July 07, 2021 06:07 PM (9vQJW)

199 Putin would be stupid not to give Tucker an interview now. It's great anti-Biden propaganda for him. He can play the "don't criticize me when you do it too" card.

Posted by: Mark1971 at July 07, 2021 06:07 PM (xPl2J)

200 Caterwauling catamites?

Isn't that called nuts in a machine press?

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 06:07 PM (mTQFY)

201 154 104 We are on the road to nowhere while burning down the house...

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 05:55 PM (mTQFY)
BOC: Edge of the World.

Posted by: some blue collar Bronx guy a

More BOC: Dancing in the Ruins

Posted by: Puddleglum at July 07, 2021 06:08 PM (QFVV9)

202 Nanzi Pelosi is insane and yet she maintains her grip on power. Did she sell her soul to Satan?
Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at July 07, 2021 06:06 PM

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.

Posted by: Satan at July 07, 2021 06:08 PM (rBtIz)

203 Feels like a Muslim plane highjacking.

Divided in to Christian/ non Christian gtoups.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at July 07, 2021 06:08 PM (d6gDP)

204 195 I loved Trump, but I'm over the never ending fund raising. Team DeSantis for me. He's a pitbull like Trump, but more polished and polite while he's flamethrowing the enemy.
Posted by: Jane D'Oh #Impeach Foady Six!(ptqGC) at July 07, 2021 06:07 PM (ptqGC)

This. I hope that Trump reads the room and throws his support behind DeSantis rather than running again

Posted by: In Exile at July 07, 2021 06:08 PM (ozJi8)

205 The way these pieces of shit rise to the top is being persuasive in person. True of both parties. The difference is that the left actually plays for keeps, while the right plays only to get reelected or land a lobbying job
Posted by: In Exile at July 07, 2021 06:04 PM (ozJi

Or a 4M book deal like Pence, or graft like McConnell, etc

Posted by: CN at July 07, 2021 06:09 PM (ONvIw)

206 >>>Posted by Ace at 6:40 PM

Ruh roh, somebodies ears are burning.

Posted by: Braenyard, (Zd0xi) at July 07, 2021 06:09 PM (ri5Bo)

207 Anna: F4J Phantom II. VMFA-333. Air to mud.

Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, single and SuperStraight at July 07, 2021 06:09 PM (cvNl1)

208 But there were at least 1000 hearts or minds won! So I call Afghanistan a victory!

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 06:09 PM (5atWK)

209 But Moron Robbie, without cheating, what's the "chekist" come from? Actually a hyper-efficient abbreviation, not really a portmanteau or acronym, for a ridiculously long string of words.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 06:10 PM (OTzUX)

If they can fuck over Carlson, no one on this site's identity is safe.

They know who we are and where we live. It's a matter of time before we get mostly peacefully "dealt with."

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:10 PM (s2VJv)

211 Bangin the bass player like a chimpanzee?
Posted by: A dude in MI at July 07, 2021 06:05 PM

I thought all bass players wanted to be soloists?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 07, 2021 06:10 PM (DMUuz)

212 Air to mud?

That was a lot of Mk82s to paint and add arming wires and RBF tags.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 06:10 PM (mTQFY)

213 Abganistan been berry, berry good to me.

Posted by: Dick Cheney, Third Base at July 07, 2021 06:11 PM (sWM8x)

214 We know Andy McCarthy continues to be a celebrated idiot, but is Hannity still doing the "99.9% of agents are salt of the earth, Great Americans" schtick?

I quit FOXNews about a year ago, so I don't know anymore. I'll assume he still is. Looks kinda bad if his lead-in show host is running stories nightly about how corrupt the non-99.9% are.
Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at July 07, 2021 05:57 PM (aXxgO)
Andy McCarthy is rarely on. They have revamped the old shows and added a bunch of new shows. I don't watch Brett Barr's show, but love the new show after it which is Fox News Primetime.
They are talking about Ashli right now.

Posted by: redridinghood at July 07, 2021 06:11 PM (NpAcC)

215 I don't know about the rest of FL but Ocala had a lot of rain, a little bit of wind, and two cancelled piano moves.

Posted by: the guy that moves pianos (meh, it's a living) at July 07, 2021 06:11 PM (3DZIZ)

216 Putin/Tucker interview would shut down every other channel. Their little meters would register, black out.

Posted by: Braenyard, (Zd0xi) at July 07, 2021 06:11 PM (ri5Bo)

217 210
If they can fuck over Carlson, no one on this site's identity is safe.

They know who we are and where we live. It's a matter of time before we get mostly peacefully "dealt with."

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:10 PM (s2VJv)

I'm embracing the power of not giving a shit. Stasi relied on fear to keep people in line, and I don't fear the US Stasi. Though they absolutely will come for us all

Posted by: In Exile at July 07, 2021 06:11 PM (ozJi8)

218 >>>195 I loved Trump, but I'm over the never ending fund raising. Team DeSantis for me. He's a pitbull like Trump, but more polished and polite while he's flamethrowing the enemy.

I knew Trump was a self-centered guy going in, but it really rankles me that he's not even putting on a show that he's acting in my interest. He's just dropping that and being pretty upfront that he sees the Trump Movement as about serving Trump.

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:12 PM (0G13K)

219 Eh, if they saw Ace as a threat, he would be outed by now. Not meant as a backhand. But i am sure there are more than a few who know who he really is, but it ain't front page news.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 06:12 PM (5atWK)

220 And Julie Kelly is on FNC now.

Posted by: redridinghood at July 07, 2021 06:12 PM (NpAcC)

221 >>199 Putin would be stupid not to give Tucker an interview now. It's great anti-Biden propaganda for him. He can play the "don't criticize me when you do it too" card. Posted by: Mark1971 at July 07, 2021 06:07 PM (xPl2J).

Putin would be smart not to get in the way of a nicely-developing train-wreck.

(The Kremlin. Putin, his advisors. A television. Caviar, wodka)

"Tooker. He is the one who called us."
"Will they jail him?"
"No. In America, he would be 'cancelled.' Then his life is over."
"Can the Trump rednecks save him?"
"No. They do not have money."
"Should we help him? Do interview?"
No. We should watch and laugh."

Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 06:13 PM (xK9An)

222 219 Eh, if they saw Ace as a threat, he would be outed by now. Not meant as a backhand. But i am sure there are more than a few who know who he really is, but it ain't front page news.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 06:12 PM (5atWK)

The leaks come only when the person is a threat or is particularly vulnerable (e.g. a leak to an unsympathetic employer)

Posted by: In Exile at July 07, 2021 06:13 PM (ozJi8)

223 I'm embracing the power of not giving a shit.
Stasi relied on fear to keep people in line, and I don't fear the US
Stasi. Though they absolutely will come for us all.

Posted by: In Exile at July 07, 2021 06:11 PM (ozJi

They don't have enough people. They crapped themselves over a walk through the Capitol, fenced it off, and stationed NG on site, because some people left some water bottles lying around. Best of luck, Stasi.

Posted by: flounder at July 07, 2021 06:13 PM (KnJdm)

224 This strikes me as the FBI using the NSA's product for political ends. Sure, it could be the NSA, but we know the FBI has engaged in similar behavior before. The focus of the January 6th "insurrection" likely gives enough fodder for FBI contractors to exploit the NSA database and seek to destroy the FBI's ideological enemies.

Posted by: Revenant at July 07, 2021 06:14 PM (TZivQ)

225 >> They know who we are and where we live.

Every damn thing any of us have typed here and all the "metadata" about it are in Bob's storage facilities. Every damn thing you've done electronically, including voice calls are stored there.

The only question is far back can they retain this shit. Storage capacity is YUGE, but finite. It gets larger and larger, but there are still limits. From the info Snowden leaked, they have to delete old stuff and do so routinely to make room for the new, but we have no idea really how much that is.

You can assume several years. For everything. But anything can be flagged to not be deleted.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at July 07, 2021 06:14 PM (Mzdiz)

226 218 >>>195 I loved Trump, but I'm over the never ending fund raising. Team DeSantis for me. He's a pitbull like Trump, but more polished and polite while he's flamethrowing the enemy.

I knew Trump was a self-centered guy going in, but it really rankles me that he's not even putting on a show that he's acting in my interest. He's just dropping that and being pretty upfront that he sees the Trump Movement as about serving Trump.

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:12 PM (0G13K)

I'm 50/50 on that. Considering the media has censored and distorted him since forever and more now that he was overthrown, and that they are trying to kangaroo court him and destroy him, I kind of cut him some slack.

Still, I get your drift.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:14 PM (s2VJv)

227 YEAH, BUT STILL.....

Posted by: Just a side note at July 07, 2021 06:15 PM (2DOZq)

228 There are no foreign enemies --including China/N Korea et al--that are as great a threat to our lives and livelihoods as 'our friends across the aisle'.

Posted by: Voter theater. at July 07, 2021 06:15 PM (xXx5y)

229 Oh I don't do all the wires and tags. I build for fun, don't count rivets, and don't go super over the top much. My aftermarket shopping is minimal. I went pretty crazy with the Corsair, but didn't go beyond new intakes and burner cans on the Phantom.

Posted by: Dr. Washington Nearsider, single and SuperStraight at July 07, 2021 06:15 PM (cvNl1)

230 225 >> They know who we are and where we live.

Every damn thing any of us have typed here and all the "metadata" about it are in Bob's storage facilities. Every damn thing you've done electronically, including voice calls are stored there.

The only question is far back can they retain this shit. Storage capacity is YUGE, but finite. It gets larger and larger, but there are still limits. From the info Snowden leaked, they have to delete old stuff and do so routinely to make room for the new, but we have no idea really how much that is.

You can assume several years. For everything. But anything can be flagged to not be deleted.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at July 07, 2021 06:14 PM (Mzdiz)

Google keeps all of your metadata, including location data, for years. You can assume the NSA is at least as eager in retaining data. Though they probably purge the lowest-value material periodically

Posted by: In Exile at July 07, 2021 06:15 PM (ozJi8)

231 When Sheryl Attkisson reported on being spied on she implicated that great hero, and all-round white hat Rod Rosenstein.

Posted by: CN at July 07, 2021 06:15 PM (ONvIw)

232 220 And Julie Kelly is on FNC now.
Posted by: redridinghood at July 07, 2021 06:12 PM (NpAcC)

She is a national treasure vis a vis the persecution of January 6th political prisoners and the general uncovering of the Reichstag Fire for what it was.

Surprised she has not been targeted yet.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:16 PM (s2VJv)

Speaking of gay fascist songs...

they made racist "song" up specifically aimed at black people to encourage getting the shot:

It's called "Vacc That Thang Up"

Does that song title scream "a white leftist racist wrote this!!" or what?

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at July 07, 2021 06:16 PM (a08xO)

234 flounder: "They don't have enough people."

We have nukes. That's more than enough.

Posted by: Biden and Swalwell at July 07, 2021 06:16 PM (aXxgO)

Oh I don't do all the wires and tags. I build for fun, don't count rivets, and don't go super over the top much.

*puts back on shelf and tries to hide the Z-M 1/32 He 219 Uhu*

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 06:16 PM (mTQFY)

236 We got a flamer...
Posted by: It's me donna at July 07, 2021 05:44 PM (Zmnko)

Oh be nithe!

Posted by: Harvey Fierstein at July 07, 2021 06:17 PM (RNJyu)

237 No one will pay any price for this.

Except for Tucker.

Posted by: blaster at July 07, 2021 06:17 PM (4q7lA)

238 Your interstate movement will be the next restriction.


Posted by: It's Happening at July 07, 2021 06:17 PM (4cFiw)

239 230 Google keeps all of your metadata, including location data, for years. You can assume the NSA is at least as eager in retaining data. Though they probably purge the lowest-value material periodically
Posted by: In Exile at July 07, 2021 06:15 PM (ozJi

"Ich habe kommen in mein lederhosen!!!!"

- - Zombie Erich Honnecker

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:17 PM (s2VJv)

240 Hey, remember the fights we had about the Patriot Act and how those of us who were less than enamored with it, shall we say, were mocked and ridiculed for wanting the country to be less safe because there's no way the NSA would abuse it's authoritah, no way, no how, remember that?

Yeah, the soles of these stompy boots aren't going to lick themselves. Hop to it.

That snarked, how is this stupider and worse than I thought? How?

Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 07, 2021 06:17 PM (GbPPJ)

241 J.J. Sefton: "Surprised she has not been targeted yet."

I'm certain she has been and is being targeted. She just hasn't been entrapped yet.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Ashli Babbitt at July 07, 2021 06:17 PM (aXxgO)

242 >>Storage capacity is YUGE, but finite.

It's never been a question of storage. It's always been a question of exploitation.

Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 06:18 PM (xK9An)

243 Shocked shocked to find spying on Americans by the NSA!

Posted by: Big V at July 07, 2021 06:18 PM (6Pqz7)

244 I'm more machine than human with this stuff, so I don't care about Trump appearing to be more self-promoting than would be optimal, I only evaluate him vs. Heavy D in terms of their likely utility in achieving key objectives.

Not sure Heavy D actually is equal to or greater than Trump in terms of grit and determination, or that he gets or is as committed to the vital economic agenda (leaving aside fiscal, where Trump was a disaster, though was not the driver of said disaster). Not saying he isn't or doesn't, it's just hard to know. Also - Trump's traction with Dem and other demos - does Heavy D have that?

No answers, just questions. All against a backdrop that in 3+ years, hard to say what the biggest priorities will actually be. Or whether it will matter much who's president.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 06:18 PM (OTzUX)

245 flounder: "They don't have enough people."

We have nukes. That's more than enough.

Posted by: Biden and Swalwell at July 07, 2021 06:16 PM (aXxgO)

You got bigger problems if you're seriously considering nuking your countrymen.

Posted by: flounder at July 07, 2021 06:18 PM (KnJdm)

246 At this point, what does it even matter....

Posted by: SteveOReno, I proudly self-identify as a Moron at July 07, 2021 06:18 PM (2sCft)

247 The DC-Beijing Axis is the only real threat to the American people.

Posted by: Methos at July 07, 2021 06:18 PM (kOpft)

>>Storage capacity is YUGE, but finite.

It's never been a question of storage. It's always been a question of exploitation.

Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 06:18 PM (xK9An)

What they can't store, they can make up. That's how Stasi rolls.

Posted by: flounder at July 07, 2021 06:18 PM (KnJdm)

249 243 Shocked shocked to find spying on Americans by the NSA!
Posted by: Big V at July 07, 2021 06:18 PM (6Pqz7)

You can't spell NSDAP without NSA...

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:18 PM (s2VJv)

250 >>"They don't have enough people."

It's always been a question of exploitation.

Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 06:19 PM (xK9An)

251 I loved Trump, but I'm over the never ending fund raising. Team DeSantis for me. He's a pitbull like Trump, but more polished and polite while he's flamethrowing the enemy.

I knew Trump was a self-centered guy going in, but it really rankles me that he's not even putting on a show that he's acting in my interest. He's just dropping that and being pretty upfront that he sees the Trump Movement as about serving Trump.

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:12 PM (0G13K)

here is another, there are people - political prisoners who are locked up in jails, rights violated, abused , mentally tortured. all are innocent. those people came out to hear him speak. what has he done on their behalf ?

Posted by: runner at July 07, 2021 06:19 PM (V13WU)

252 I hear the NSA has a real appreciation for ironic, humorous nics.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at July 07, 2021 06:19 PM (sWM8x)

253 Where is John Durham?

Posted by: Mark1971 at July 07, 2021 06:20 PM (xPl2J)

254 Every time I see "TuCa" I think of that Clint Eastwood movie. Ugly, bad something something.

Posted by: Cringe Biscuit at July 07, 2021 06:20 PM (Eus9b)

255 Once they "killed the King" so to speak, Tucker and others are just the icing on the cake

Posted by: Ben Had at July 07, 2021 06:20 PM (gRnk7)

256 253 Where is John Durham?
Posted by: Mark1971 at July 07, 2021 06:20 PM (xPl2J)

Two weeks to stop the spread. Of information...

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:20 PM (s2VJv)

257 *puts back on shelf and tries to hide the Z-M 1/32 He 219 Uhu*
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 06:16 PM

* waves at Anna Puma *

Posted by: Bronie Bros at July 07, 2021 06:20 PM (DMUuz)

258 >>What they can't store, they can make up. That's how Stasi rolls. Posted by: flounder at July 07, 2021 06:18 PM (KnJdm)

You're giving far too much credit for imagination in a desert of same.

Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 06:20 PM (xK9An)

259 *looks at SFGMC video*

Holy cow, now THAT'S gay! I made it nine seconds and turned it off!

Posted by: Rip Taylor getting a cotton candy enema from Waylon Flowers while dressed like Carmen Miranda at July 07, 2021 06:20 PM (E8tbI)

Abganistan been berry, berry good to me.
Posted by: Dick Cheney, Third Base

Me too, pal!

Posted by: Raytheon at July 07, 2021 06:20 PM (63Dwl)

261 OT, but how are our Florida Morons doing?
Posted by: All Hail Eris
Mostly dry on this coast, but lots of clouds.

Thanks for asking!

Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 07, 2021 06:21 PM (5p7BC)

262 I have to see if anyone does wires and fuse tags on a jet model

Posted by: Skip at July 07, 2021 06:21 PM (Cxk7w)

263 alex the mechanisms and authorities (abused, or not abused) involved here all pre-date the Patriot Act, pretty sure. It is routine around here for people to lament how FISA was put in after 9/11, except that it was put in under Jimmy Carter. Not as familiar with the specific uses/abuses here, but I don't think the incredibly stupidly named Patriot Act is in play, or doesn't need to be.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 06:21 PM (OTzUX)

264 Surprised she has not been targeted yet.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:16 PM (s2VJv)

LOL... they've targeted *everybody*.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it. at July 07, 2021 06:21 PM (5Vl6w)

265 218 >>>195 I loved Trump, but I'm over the never ending fund raising. Team DeSantis for me. He's a pitbull like Trump, but more polished and polite while he's flamethrowing the enemy.

I knew Trump was a self-centered guy going in, but it really rankles me that he's not even putting on a show that he's acting in my interest. He's just dropping that and being pretty upfront that he sees the Trump Movement as about serving Trump.

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:12 PM (0G13K)

I'm 50/50 on that. Considering the media has censored and distorted him since forever and more now that he was overthrown, and that they are trying to kangaroo court him and destroy him, I kind of cut him some slack.

Still, I get your drift.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:14 PM (s2VJv)

Guessing that Trump may do what the Communists intended to do when they stole the election: run, win, and hand it over to DeSantis at the two year mark so Ronnie D can do 10 years as POTUS.

Posted by: Voter theater. at July 07, 2021 06:21 PM (xXx5y)

Can't believe I'm saying this but second look at Frank Church?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:21 PM (s2VJv)

267 I'm sorry this is happening to you.



Posted by: Bill Barr at July 07, 2021 06:22 PM (4cFiw)

268 >>>
here is another, there are people - political prisoners who are locked up in jails, rights violated, abused , mentally tortured. all are innocent. those people came out to hear him speak. what has he done on their behalf ?

right... in a way, i half-understand it, because he's been deplatformed over this, and speaking on their behalf will just be used as further evidence that he's "leading the insurrection."

But... I mean...

On the other hand: Which GOP officials are mentioning the plight of the "insurrectionist grandmas"?



Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:22 PM (0G13K)

269 253 Where is John Durham?
Posted by: Mark1971 at July 07, 2021 06:20 PM (xPl2J)

In bed with Garland and Rosenstein.

Posted by: CN at July 07, 2021 06:22 PM (ONvIw)

I have this sneaky suspicion the all forms of government the media as well big businesses are corrupt.
And that they don't give a shit about anybody including the people that vote for them, watch their programs or buy their products.

Posted by: YIKES! at July 07, 2021 06:22 PM (t6XCL)

271 Maybe phrase it with a caveat that admits past errors, like, "I had trouble believing that the FBI and Clapper's DNI would spy on Trump, but it turned out they had. Still, I'm having trouble believing the NSA would risk so much here."


I like this point, the left can't just report, they have to snark-splain it like "akkkshually...tucker without evidence claims that blah blah despite truth checkers because bow tie"

Posted by: Tim Riggins at July 07, 2021 06:22 PM (ZZK0E)

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:22 PM (0G13K)

Vote harder? /s

Posted by: CN at July 07, 2021 06:22 PM (ONvIw)

273 262 I have to see if anyone does wires and fuse tags on a jet model
Posted by: Skip at July 07, 2021 06:21 PM (Cxk7w)

Look up the "Project Air" channel on YouTube.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:22 PM (s2VJv)

274 >>>They know who we are and where we live. It's a matter of time before we get mostly peacefully "dealt with."

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:10 PM (s2VJv)

Cue "Jaws" music

Posted by: Braenyard, (Zd0xi) at July 07, 2021 06:22 PM (ri5Bo)

The DC-Beijing Axis is the only real threat to the American people.
Posted by: Methos

May I?

the DC -Big Tech- Fake News - Beijing Axis

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at July 07, 2021 06:22 PM (a08xO)

276 On the other hand: Which GOP officials are mentioning the plight of the "insurrectionist grandmas"?


Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:22 PM (0G13K)

Oh, they mention it. At cocktail parties, laughing about it with lobbyists

Posted by: In Exile at July 07, 2021 06:23 PM (ozJi8)

277 there was that program to do just that with enemy ammo during Vietnam, but I don't think we're into that any more.
My brother worked with a Special Forces guy that gave him a mortar shell that was so intricately engraved that anyone would be tempted to pick it up. Of course they were all wired. Also gave him a bunch of NVA Zippo lighters and told him they didn't need them anymore, they quit smoking. Great guy, died of some strange thing from Agent Orange.

Posted by: dartist (+ya+t) at July 07, 2021 06:23 PM (+ya+t)

278 Love is Love!!! *hic*

Posted by: Suburban Wine Moms at July 07, 2021 06:23 PM (W4eKo)

279 NONE!

Posted by: ace


Posted by: SMH at July 07, 2021 06:23 PM (a/6Gi)

Yep, there's no way they go over all that info they have. The entire federal employee pool would've be enough people to go over all that shit.

They have these YUGE supercomputers that process it, looking for interesting stuff to flag to the humans in control. And the capacity there is getting better and better.

But, if they decide to zero in on you, it's child play for them to get *every damn piece of electronic/telephone communication* you've done over the last X years.

Thanks to Snowden, and other reports over the years, the NSA has mirroring taps at all the major communication hubs. Everywhere. They're plugged right in, and are mirroring all traffic to their own systems, where they are stored and processed.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at July 07, 2021 06:23 PM (Mzdiz)

281 alex the mechanisms and authorities (abused, or not abused) involved here all pre-date the Patriot Act, pretty sure. It is routine around here for people to lament how FISA was put in after 9/11, except that it was put in under Jimmy Carter. Not as familiar with the specific uses/abuses here, but I don't think the incredibly stupidly named Patriot Act is in play, or doesn't need to be.
Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 06:21 PM (OTzUX)

Yes, but that doesn't let me snark.

Someone on the twats pointed out that there's usually around a 20 year cycle between an organization being caught doing something, cleaning up its act, and then being corrupt again.

Church commission to Clintons is about 20 years.

Just sayin'.

(See ace's discussions over the years about how the technology has finally caught up to the desires of the authorities to have panopticon access and that's truly what is going on)

Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 07, 2021 06:23 PM (GbPPJ)

282 I think a lot of Trump voters are not GOP voters (particularly in 2020 when he got massive crossover). Most R candidates would very much struggle to get to 70m (Not that Ds can easily get to 70m legitimately either).

Is there some reason to believe that DeSantis or someone else would have a lot of people to working class blacks and Hispanics? Because they really loved Trump's mannerisms.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy (z5Vrg) - The Republic is Already Dead at July 07, 2021 06:23 PM (z5Vrg)

283 Can't believe I'm saying this but second look at Frank Church?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:21 PM (s2VJv)

How about a second look at me?

Posted by: Frank Castle at July 07, 2021 06:23 PM (RNJyu)

284 Was watching a show called Berlin, Berlin, one episode was about people trying to escape.

These guys dug a tunnel under Heidelburgstrasse with the intention of reaching a house basement and getting people out. Well the tunnel came up in the garden instead. Guy has to sneak out the tunnel and knock on the door to find the house is full of Stasi. He gets nabbed and put in prison while the other tunnelers escaped back to West Berlin.

After the Berlin Wall fell the last secret of this tunnel was revealed. The Stasi had planned to detonate the tunnel with the diggers in it. But somehow the fuse for the bomb had gotten cut. To this day no one knows who cut the fuse.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 06:23 PM (mTQFY)

285 >>that Clint Eastwood movie. Ugly, bad something something. Posted by: Cringe Biscuit at July 07, 2021 06:20 PM (Eus9b)

Fistful of Ugly, 1964.

Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 06:24 PM (xK9An)

286 alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria - I will admit, I was on the wrong side on this one. You were correct, and I didn't appreciate how this process would be abused.

Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 07, 2021 06:24 PM (5p7BC)

287 283 Can't believe I'm saying this but second look at Frank Church?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:21 PM (s2VJv)

How about a second look at me?
Posted by: Frank Castle at July 07, 2021 06:23 PM (RNJyu)

Ooh, the tingler!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:24 PM (s2VJv)

288 The lawsuit is an attempt to counter the 1/6 narrative thats coming. Trump knows that to stay out of jail he has to play ball.

Posted by: Jamaica Queens at July 07, 2021 06:24 PM (b+v9B)

289 They have hollowed out the moon and built a 100 billion exabyte storage drive.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 06:24 PM (5atWK)

290 No one will do dick about this. The Republic is dead.

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at July 07, 2021 06:24 PM (oWBc3)

291 How about a second look at me?
Posted by: Frank Castle at July 07, 2021 06:23 PM (RNJyu)

Ooh, the tingler!
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:24 PM (s2VJv)

That's William Castle. Never mind.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:24 PM (s2VJv)

292 Trump did (mostly) what we needed him to do. The depth of the corruption has been exposed. But that moment has passed. He will never regain the momentum he had, and his opposition will never be any less hysterical and demonic.

I pray that he will understand now that his best role will be support for younger fighters. If it matters at all, which I am not convinced.

Posted by: April at July 07, 2021 06:25 PM (OX9vb)

293 When you have to shoot, shoot! Don't talk!

Posted by: Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez at July 07, 2021 06:25 PM (R/m4+)

294 @253

>>Where is John Durham?

Durham retired in February.

He's relaxing on the beach with Lois Lerner, Imran Awan and Peter Strozk, sipping Pina Coladas and laughing their asses off.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 07, 2021 06:25 PM (VpwBr)

295 Tee hee!

We mean oh noes! Help us stop Pelosi and the socialists!

Posted by: McConnell and McCarthy at July 07, 2021 06:25 PM (4cFiw)

296 293 When you have to shoot, shoot! Don't talk!
Posted by: Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez at July 07, 2021 06:25 PM (R/m4+)

"I'll follow my nose!"

- - TuCan Sam

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:25 PM (s2VJv)

297 >>They have these YUGE supercomputers that process it, looking for interesting stuff to flag to the humans in control. And the capacity there is getting better and better.

They don't process. They store.

Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 06:26 PM (xK9An)

298 The truth is coming out, now that they can rub peoples' faces in it and they can do nothing.

Posted by: CN at July 07, 2021 06:26 PM (ONvIw)

299 294 He's relaxing on the beach with Lois Lerner, Imran Awan and Peter Strozk, sipping Pina Coladas and laughing their asses off.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 07, 2021 06:25 PM (VpwBr)

Sipping penis colossus.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:26 PM (s2VJv)

300 >>>286 alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria - I will admit, I was on the wrong side on this one. You were correct, and I didn't appreciate how this process would be abused.

I have a question, though: Alexthechick seems to assume that if there weren't legal permissions for the deep state to do this, then they wouldn't do it.

But... there aren't actually legal permissions for the deep state to do what they're doing, and they're doing it anyway.

What does it matter what the law says? They know they're above the law.

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:26 PM (0G13K)

301 No one will do dick about this. The Republic is dead.

This is why I consider myself a dissident.

Posted by: SMH at July 07, 2021 06:26 PM (a/6Gi)

302 I will admit, I was on the wrong side on this one. You were correct, and I didn't appreciate how this process would be abused.

Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 07, 2021 06:24 PM (5p7BC)

Yep. It was a great learning experience.

Posted by: flounder at July 07, 2021 06:27 PM (KnJdm)

303 >>>This is why I consider myself a dissident.

internal exile

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:27 PM (0G13K)

304 William Castle?

Too bad Joey never sniffed the hair of Rosemary's baby

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 06:27 PM (mTQFY)

305 If I were running a 3 letter agency that collected electronic data on people I'd have invested in the biggest network pipe you can conceive and plopped it down between said agency and Google.

It would be disguised as a search engine.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 07, 2021 06:27 PM (BFigT)

306 internal exile
Posted by: ace


Posted by: SMH at July 07, 2021 06:27 PM (a/6Gi)

307 >>>They know who we are and where we live. It's a matter of time before we get mostly peacefully "dealt with."

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:10 PM (s2VJv)

We're about to knock on your door about the vax.

Posted by: Biden at July 07, 2021 06:27 PM (4cFiw)

308 Durham retired in February.

He's relaxing on the beach with Lois Lerner, Imran Awan and Peter Strozk, sipping Pina Coladas and laughing their asses off.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 07, 2021 06:25 PM (VpwBr)

Allegedly he retired from his day job and is devoting all his time to tracking down criminals at the FBI. LOL, what a lot of bullshit

Posted by: CN at July 07, 2021 06:27 PM (ONvIw)

285 >>that Clint Eastwood movie. Ugly, bad something something. Posted by: Cringe Biscuit at July 07, 2021 06:20 PM (Eus9b)

Fistful of Ugly, 1964.
Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 06:24 PM (xK9An)

What was the sequel called? For A Few Fuglies More?

Posted by: Robert at July 07, 2021 06:28 PM (RNJyu)

310 292 Trump did (mostly) what we needed him to do. The depth of the corruption has been exposed. But that moment has passed. He will never regain the momentum he had, and his opposition will never be any less hysterical and demonic.

I pray that he will understand now that his best role will be support for younger fighters. If it matters at all, which I am not convinced.
Posted by: April at July 07, 2021 06:25 PM (OX9vb)

That was among the greatest achievements of any president:

He exposed the kabuki-bukkake theater illusion of American representative government of the past 60 years.

G-d bless him for that alone.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:28 PM (s2VJv)


I'm obviously not the one to debate that particular contention (!), but in this particular case I at least see some potential non-insane tactical considerations.

The Jan. 6 event has been ludicrously exaggerated and mischaracterized, to include the ridiculous slander that Trump or his actual supporters, who'd never engaged in or condoned violence of any kind, "incited" it. But enough of the Reichstag Fire mythos has soaked into the masses - and the entirety of the now North Korea-like "press" - that embracing even the grandmas and others charged with trivial violations would provide a cudgel for the enemy to bash Trump and the GOP.

Yeah yeah I know they don't *need* anything, they make up s**t all day, but in this case the template is already fixed, and this would be girls' gym to slander anyone making a point about, you know, *OUTRAGEOUS ABANDONMENT OF DUE PROCESS RIGHTS AND COMMON SENSE* in this case.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 06:28 PM (OTzUX)

312 US command authority is in disarray

I expect our enemies are sharpening their knives

Posted by: DB- just DB (iTXRQ) at July 07, 2021 06:28 PM (iTXRQ)

There's a book titled Man Without A Country, no?

I seem to remember it from an American History course...

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at July 07, 2021 06:28 PM (a08xO)

314 219 Eh, if they saw Ace as a threat, he would be outed by now. Not meant as a backhand. But i am sure there are more than a few who know who he really is, but it ain't front page news.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 06:12 PM (5atWK)

When we have fruit flies at the bar, we set out a water bottle with 5 ounces of red wine in it. The wine draws in the flies, most of them can't get back out.

I believe that the NSA/FBI leaves places like this unchecked because it serves as a good spot for fellow conservative patriots to get identified.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at July 07, 2021 06:28 PM (YA914)

315 The NSA computers are like Collossus, they control the vertical and they control the horizontal. We are surplus.

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at July 07, 2021 06:28 PM (oWBc3)

316 I added a .308 Savage to my arsenal today.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 06:28 PM (5atWK)

317 If DeSantis, unbelievably, is president, he will suffer the same head winds as Trump did.

DeSantis is much better positioned as Trump's vice president. Trump can mentor DeSantis and by the time DeSantis becomes president he will have a team and coat tails all through congress.

DeSantis as VP this time gives us twelve solid conservative years in the White House.

Posted by: Braenyard, (Zd0xi) at July 07, 2021 06:28 PM (ri5Bo)

318 303 >>>This is why I consider myself a dissident.

internal exile
Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:27 PM (0G13K)

What was the USA is now the world's largest gulag. The landmass of everything EAST of the Urals notwithstanding.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:29 PM (s2VJv)

319 and then they lie to congress with impunity while Stone get the alphabet death squad to hold him at gunpoint

Posted by: Tim Riggins at July 07, 2021 06:29 PM (ZZK0E)

320 the DC -Big Tech- Fake News - Beijing Axis

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at July 07, 2021 06:22 PM (a08xO)

That's a little cumbersome, IMO.
Maybe "DC-Tech-Beijing Axis"? There were three axis powers last time, and Tech seems to be the most obvious linkage between the two.

Posted by: Methos at July 07, 2021 06:29 PM (kOpft)

321 >>Lois Lerner
Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 07, 2021 06:25 PM (VpwBr)

She has thigh-high shiny black boots and implements to match.

This is, umm, known.

Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 06:29 PM (xK9An)

322 Are you calling me a fruit fly?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 06:29 PM (5atWK)

323 >>>He exposed the kabuki-bukkake theater illusion of American representative government of the past 60 years.

G-d bless him for that alone.


he did and deserves praise for that.

But he did not beat it. He didn't really mess it up too much.

Yes, it's now exposed, but in its exposed state, it is acting more brazenly than ever.

we need someone who can beat the Chekist Ruling Class, not just troll them.

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:29 PM (0G13K)

324 What does it matter what the law says? They know they're above the law.

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:26 PM (0G13K)

This guy gets it!

Posted by: blaster at July 07, 2021 06:29 PM (4q7lA)

What does it matter what the law says? They know they're above the law.

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:26 PM (0G13K)

That's right. And while it would have been possible to demonstrate and rally and stop the abuse, we were being fed lies that everything was alright and "trust Jeff Sessions" and "three dimensional chess". Now we can bitch on line, until they take that too

Posted by: CN at July 07, 2021 06:30 PM (ONvIw)

326 316 I added a .308 Savage to my arsenal today.
Envy is an ugly, ugly thing.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at July 07, 2021 06:30 PM (sWM8x)

327 tse-tse fly
Med Fly
Fruit Fly

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 06:30 PM (mTQFY)

328 Where is John Durham?
Posted by: Mark1971 at July 07, 2021 06:20 PM


In bed with Garland and Rosenstein.
Posted by: CN at July 07, 2021 06:22 PM

Ummm ... would you happen to know where?

Asking for a friend.

Posted by: Katie Hill at July 07, 2021 06:30 PM (DMUuz)

329 Allegedly he retired from his day job and is devoting all his time to tracking down criminals at the FBI. LOL, what a lot of bullshit
Posted by: CN at July 07, 2021 06:27 PM (ONvIw)

Careful you. Lest you be accused of pants shitting.

Posted by: buzzion at July 07, 2021 06:31 PM (vMCab)

What's that saying? Nothing more dangerous than a cornered animal?

Yeah, as Ace says, President Trump exposed and cornered these Wild Animals...and just stood there.

Now the Animals are more dangerous than ever.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at July 07, 2021 06:31 PM (a08xO)

331 323 Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:29 PM (0G13K)

A friend of mine said, "there was no Trump administration; only Trump." Could he have beat them all by himself? He literally would have to have been a dictator as he was always smeared as to undo this 100 year madness. It was impossible given the depth and breadth of the rot.

And that said, I am angry he has not said shit about those people rotting in jail.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:32 PM (s2VJv)

332 CN: "Allegedly he retired from his day job and is devoting all his time to tracking down criminals at the FBI. LOL, what a lot of bullshit"

Have faith. Durham will come.

Posted by: Steiner at July 07, 2021 06:32 PM (aXxgO)

333 Ummm ... would you happen to know where?

Asking for a friend.
Posted by: Katie Hill at July 07, 2021 06:30 PM (DMUuz)

Party at Barr's house, he's too fat to participate, but he likes to watch

Posted by: Snoreregard, the reasonable at July 07, 2021 06:32 PM (ONvIw)

334 I added a .308 Savage to my arsenal today.


Envy is an ugly, ugly thing.
Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at July 07, 2021 06:30 PM

They may be ugly, but they shoot well, and you can change the barrel yourself.

Plus, Academy had a box of Hornaday 180 gr. today!

Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 07, 2021 06:32 PM (DMUuz)

335 314 219

When we have fruit flies at the bar, we set out a water bottle with 5 ounces of red wine in it. The wine draws in the flies, most of them can't get back out.

I believe that the NSA/FBI leaves places like this unchecked because it serves as a good spot for fellow conservative patriots to get identified.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger at July 07, 2021 06:28 PM (YA914)

FBI is real big on infiltration. Tsarist Russia had very connected spies in the communist revolution. Turns out it doesn't help much.

Proud Boys and Oathkeepers might be compromised from an intelligence perspective, but it's not like that really affects their day to day activities.

Besides the ruling party is formed of incompetent subversives who push policies that destroy governments without any impetus on our part.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy (z5Vrg) - The Republic is Already Dead at July 07, 2021 06:32 PM (z5Vrg)

336 Every body is ready to dump Trump.
That's fucking amazing.

Posted by: Braenyard, (Zd0xi) at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (ri5Bo)

337 I have a question, though: Alexthechick seems to assume that if there weren't legal permissions for the deep state to do this, then they wouldn't do it.

But... there aren't actually legal permissions for the deep state to do what they're doing, and they're doing it anyway.

What does it matter what the law says? They know they're above the law.

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:26 PM (0G13K)

No, I think that of course the intelligence agencies will do this and that those that thought the Patriot Act would be rails on what the intelligence agencies could do were naïve. Those of us who screamed about it at the time were in the give an inch and they'll take 10 miles and claim to be righteous to do so.

This is because I've met people. The desire by the State to have panopticon access is universal. For heaven's sake, Bentham came up with the idea of the panopticon prison in the 1791. This isn't about party, this is about people. And people? Not so much the best.

Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (GbPPJ)

338 alex your snark permit here is, I believe, life-time, and is the coveted "all-area-access" variety.

And ace added what I didn't to my typically verbose comment - that whatever the particulars of the laws involved, such laws do not appear to be much of a constraint any more.

Remember Adm. Rogers shut down one of the most egregious and well-understood sorts of abuse, the 702 "about" queries, even before Trump was elected. And the FISC pretended to be upset about the abuses, did a 99-page report on it.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (OTzUX)

339 Talk about back biting.

Posted by: Braenyard, (Zd0xi) at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (ri5Bo)

340 >>>If DeSantis, unbelievably, is president, he will suffer the same head winds as Trump did.

not quite. Although I credited Trump as a cagey, cynical guy -- cynical enough to see the games the Deep State was playing -- he continued to seem very perplexed that "allies" like Reince Pribus, Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell, etc., continued to thwart him.

He just never seemed to grasp how truly corrupt DC is, despite having dealt with corrupt local officials and, I imagine, mafioso "labor leaders."

All that still left him unprepared and flat-footed dealing with The Swamp.

Here's a huge advantage DeSantis has: he has a group of aides and officials who support him and who he trusts. He won't blunder into DC asking Reince Pribus who he can trust.

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (0G13K)

341 One of the things that has me really puzzled is why no one is stepping up to provide legal representation to the J6 political prisoners.

I agree with Ace, why isn't Trump hiring lawyers? Or has he tried and been told by every law firm, "nope, not touching that".

I do suspect that anyone who tries to defend them is facing severe repercussions.

I think Sen Johnson is the only person who has even asked about them in Washington. Has Paul or Cruz said anything?

Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (5p7BC)

342 Yeah, as Ace says, President Trump exposed and cornered these Wild Animals...and just stood there.

Who was there to help him. Everyone he put in a position of power betrayed him.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (5atWK)

343 If only JackStraw were still here. He could tell us all we just don't understand how it works.

Posted by: blaster at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (4q7lA)

And how many divisions did Trump have? Considering Lloyd Austin, Vanilli Milley et al, that says much.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (s2VJv)

345 >I knew Trump was a self-centered guy going in, but it really rankles me that he's not even putting on a show that he's acting in my interest. He's just dropping that and being pretty upfront that he sees the Trump Movement as about serving Trump.

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:12 PM (0G13K)

Yep. He's a spent force and I'm done.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (DXFDM)

Careful you. Lest you be accused of pants shitting.
Posted by: buzzion at July 07, 2021 06:31 PM (vMCab)

I am so over that person and his dick moves

Posted by: Snoreregard, the reasonable at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (ONvIw)

347 We are inconsequential to them now. What they need are stories involving whites with guns.

Posted by: Jamaica Queens at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (b+v9B)

348 Cuck Inc., believes the State can do no wrong, because it has been perfected through the agency of straight shooting upright American citizens who have nothing but the best interests of their countrymen at heart.

In other words, they worship at the foot of Moloch by another name.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (2SdPm)

Ooh, the tingler!
Posted by: J.J. Sefton

Mr. Sardonicus

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at July 07, 2021 06:34 PM (63Dwl)

350 Party at Barr's house, he's too fat to participate, but he likes to watch
Bet those bagpipes will be smokin.'

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at July 07, 2021 06:34 PM (sWM8x)

351 Skip, going overboard building a model airplane. In this case an Eduard Fw 190A-6 in 1/48 scale.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 06:34 PM (mTQFY)

352 I thought when the truth came out about all the federal corruption and illegal activities the rank and file employee parasites would resign en masse.


Posted by: Hairyback Guy at July 07, 2021 06:34 PM (R/m4+)

353 DeSantis is much better positioned as Trump's vice president. Trump can mentor DeSantis and by the time DeSantis becomes president he will have a team and coat tails all through congress.


I would support either one with every fiber of my being.

Like it or not, Trump uniquely has an ability to attract all kinds of people. Yes, he's fundraising ad nauseam. I'm sick of it too. Yes, he made missteps in office. Yes, he makes the demons in the D party spit blood. But I will never argue that he doesn't understand what we're up against and I will never argue he's "in it for himself." He's in it for America and Americans. I don't doubt him one bit. I trust him to not sell me out. Can't say that very often. Or hardly at all. I would love to see him team up with DeSantis. It would be glorious.

Posted by: Lady in Black at July 07, 2021 06:34 PM (O+I8R)

On the other hand: Which GOP officials are mentioning the plight of the "insurrectionist grandmas"?
Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:22 PM (0G13K)
There have been some speaking out. I really should write them all down because it's hard to keep up with who said what. Senator Ron Johnson
is one of them.

Posted by: redridinghood at July 07, 2021 06:35 PM (NpAcC)

355 Regarding who runs in 2024, that is when a decision needs to be made, otherwise, Trump still is a lightning rod in a way that DeSantis cannot be while governing Florida and can still flame the GOPe like McConnell and McCarthy.

The problem with DeSantis is that it takes gobs of money to run for president even without the Team Blue plutocrats financing whoever the Dems have up with fed bux. We know that the donor/strategists of team GOPe want things that the base absolutely hates (amnesty for one) and sound trade, defense, and economic policy instead of globalism and war everywhere.

Walker did a stellar job in WI fighting the good fight and was promptly turned into mush when he ran for president because of donor bucks and GOPe campaign team. The only way out for DeSantis from my viewpoint is that he is really going to have to go truly grass roots in a way that even Trump could not do. This means heavy reliance on campaign volunteers instead of the normal media/donor/strategists from Team GOPe.

Posted by: whig at July 07, 2021 06:35 PM (pO7gM)

356 Who was there to help him. Everyone he put in a position of power betrayed him.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (5atWK)

No, we did our best, swearsies

Posted by: Sessions, Rosenstein and Barr at July 07, 2021 06:35 PM (ONvIw)

357 336 Every body is ready to dump Trump.
That's fucking amazing.
Posted by: Braenyard, (Zd0xi) at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (ri5Bo)

Some but I think many like myself - despite loving the guy yuuugely - are trying to give an honest critique.

Obsequious worship of anyone is a Leftist thing.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:35 PM (s2VJv)

358 Are you calling me a fruit fly?
Better than a piss ant.

Posted by: dartist (+ya+t) at July 07, 2021 06:35 PM (+ya+t)

359 Trump, literally, has nothing to lose if at his rallies he starts talking about people languishing in DC jails. Their names , what is being done to them. How many times does he think he can milk that snake BS or talk about coming down the escalator.

Posted by: runner at July 07, 2021 06:35 PM (V13WU)

360 The 'Patriot Act' would have been done with or without it being passed. I don't know how you stop a covert behemoth government agency ( IC's) once they get started.

Posted by: Just a side note at July 07, 2021 06:35 PM (2DOZq)

361 Has Paul or Cruz said anything?

They sent strongly worded letters. They are awaiting the quantum language technology I referenced in the morning report to mature so they can send a strongly worded letter of unheard of strength.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 06:35 PM (5atWK)

362 @332

>>Have faith. Durham will come.


John Huber

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 07, 2021 06:35 PM (VpwBr)

Yes, it's now exposed, but in its exposed state, it is acting more brazenly than ever.

we need someone who can beat the Chekist Ruling Class, not just troll them.
Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:29 PM (0G13K)

The country can't be saved simply by acquiring political power at this point anyways. We can't roll back the clock twenty years and raise future generations of mentally balanced, reasonably capable people. The game here is to minimize the damage inflicted on what human capital remains.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy (z5Vrg) - The Republic is Already Dead at July 07, 2021 06:35 PM (z5Vrg)

364 I think Sen Johnson is the only person who has even asked about them in Washington. Has Paul or Cruz said anything?
Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (5p7BC)

After a long period of silence about it - Trump has come out swinging on the topics of Who shot Ashli Babbit and the incarceration of the paraders. He has not extended that to any action yet. But he has broken his silence.

Posted by: blaster at July 07, 2021 06:35 PM (4q7lA)

365 Here's a huge advantage DeSantis has: he has a group
of aides and officials who support him and who he trusts. He won't
blunder into DC asking Reince Pribus who he can trust.

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (0G13K)

Somebody better watch their garbage.

Posted by: flounder at July 07, 2021 06:35 PM (KnJdm)

366 I was referring to what Red Turban alluded to in my comment on Trump v. Heavy D. Trump has/had unique traction, demographically, for I think a combo of reasons (Rio Grande Valley Democratic counties going GOP at prez level for first time was amazing). Personal, cultural, other. Not saying Heavy D doesn't, but seems at least a bit doubtful.

Anyway, not sure "younger" actually matters when talking about Trump, whose energy level as prez was so off the charts that the Secret Service had to change their work scheduling.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 06:35 PM (OTzUX)

367 When the IRS leaked conservative donor info to its political opposition, no one was punished. No one was punished when the IRS targeted Obama's political opposition. No one will be punished because they are doing the will of the left.

Posted by: IanDeal at July 07, 2021 06:35 PM (MGjjz)

368 He may even become more popular.

Posted by: runner at July 07, 2021 06:36 PM (V13WU)

369 108 Obama is the evilest pos who has ever occupied the Oval. Even more so than Woodrow Wilson. And now he's behind the curtain in his third term.

Bbbbut light bringer.
Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at July 07, 2021 05:56 PM (cSyAR)

Clean. Articulate.

Posted by: Joe's Biden at July 07, 2021 06:36 PM (Rbu5d)

370 " They schemed with malice aforethought to do just this." -- And now they've done it."

And they know they will "get away with it", it being not the spying (of course they get away with that for decades) .. but get away with leaking it, affirming their above the law, DeepState powers.

DeepState, because they are acting politically, to destroy good people, apparently representing some other interests (not Liberty and Justice for All). Who are the men they serve? oligarchs? BigBank? Foreign owners?

Posted by: illiniwek at July 07, 2021 06:36 PM (Cus5s)

371 not quite. Although I credited Trump as a cagey, cynical guy -- cynical enough to see the games the Deep State was playing -- he continued to seem very perplexed that "allies" like Reince Pribus, Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell, etc., continued to thwart him.


trump, mr. you're fired, never really fired enough people.

He was hamstrung by whoever advised him that he was in legal/political peril if he acted normally. He instead hired people who hated him. Everyone from Rosenstein, Mueller, Wray, Milley, Tillerson and on and on. The only qualification was to be a nominal republicuck who hated trump and you got a job.

Once Sessions quit on him he shoulda brought in his whole NY/NJ crew and had them do their thing.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at July 07, 2021 06:37 PM (ZZK0E)

372 Ace, remember, President Trump was dealing with corrupt democrats in NY.

Did any of us truly think we'd be stabbed in the face by Paul Ryan and company? How many of us thought the GOP would toss the House back to the Dems in order to get rid of Trump?

Both sides went after President Trump.

When you're beset by enemies on all sides, it makes life difficult.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at July 07, 2021 06:37 PM (2SdPm)

Another thing Bob@NSA and his buddies do is put backdoors in everything. They have moles working for the big software and hardware manufacturers, and they put back doors in everything.

You can be sure Windows 10 has a nice backdoor that will let Bob come in and see all. Same with everything else you run.

And this included hardware backdoors. Bob is in the chips. See Intel's "Management engine". It's basically a little x86 SOC that has been in the chipsets for over a decade. A little computer inside your computer. It has its own parallel channel to the ethernet controllers. AMD has something similar.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at July 07, 2021 06:37 PM (Mzdiz)

374 336 Every body is ready to dump Trump.
That's fucking amazing.
Posted by: Braenyard, (Zd0xi) at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (ri5Bo)

And when that happens, the GOPe can get back to doing what they do best. Guilting you and failure theater. And you will vote for the lesser evil, just as you have always done, and tolerate the lies.

Posted by: Sessions, Rosenstein and Barr at July 07, 2021 06:37 PM (ONvIw)

375 hey guys, what was trump impeached for again?

Posted by: Tim Riggins at July 07, 2021 06:37 PM (ZZK0E)



Posted by: blaster at July 07, 2021 06:37 PM (4q7lA)

377 >>>One of the things that has me really puzzled is why no one is stepping up to provide legal representation to the J6 political prisoners.

I agree with Ace, why isn't Trump hiring lawyers? Or has he tried and been told by every law firm, "nope, not touching that".


Dave Reaboi and that guy from twitter -- hrdrakza or something -- are ALWAYS pointing out that the right has no infrastructure at all for political combat. The left has lawyers on retainer, all funded by leftwing causes.

Republican donors do not want to pay for anything like that. They don't even want to fund *media.* ALl they want to do is fund ads every 2 or 4 years, as if a month of ads can fight the constant pressure and gold-plated funding of the institutional left.

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:37 PM (0G13K)

378 357 336 Every body is ready to dump Trump.
That's fucking amazing.
Posted by: Braenyard, (Zd0xi) at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (ri5Bo)
Some but I think many like myself - despite loving the guy yuuugely - are trying to give an honest critique.
Obsequious worship of anyone is a Leftist thing.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:35 PM (s2VJv)

You don't want to look like you're jealous that its Melania that gets to share his bed. That's what made people like prescient11 just as, or even more annoying than the people that were NeverTrump here.

Posted by: buzzion at July 07, 2021 06:37 PM (vMCab)

379 If DeSantis, unbelievably, is president, he will suffer the same head winds as Trump did.

There's not much point in sending anyone to DC without a militia or something to impose his will on the DoJ and their comrades.

Posted by: Methos at July 07, 2021 06:38 PM (kOpft)

380 Not one major "journalist" or "journalism" outlet will stand up for Carlson. Not one.

Posted by: Ordinary American at July 07, 2021 06:38 PM (H8QX8)

381 "This is why I consider myself a dissident.

internal exile"

I'm going for Statler and Waldorf.

Posted by: DaveA at July 07, 2021 06:38 PM (FhXTo)

382 >>353 DeSantis is much better positioned as Trump's vice president. Trump can mentor DeSantis and by the time DeSantis becomes president he will have a team and coat tails all through congress.

Trump is much better positioned as DeSantis' hype-man.

Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 06:38 PM (xK9An)

383 372 Ace, remember, President Trump was dealing with corrupt democrats in NY.

Did any of us truly think we'd be stabbed in the face by Paul Ryan and company? How many of us thought the GOP would toss the House back to the Dems in order to get rid of Trump?

Both sides went after President Trump.

When you're beset by enemies on all sides, it makes life difficult.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at July 07, 2021 06:37 PM (2Sd

The fucking military openly threatened him before, during and after the rigged election.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:38 PM (s2VJv)

384 It sucked for trump that the whole GOP was out to get him. You betcha Paul Ryan told Trump point blank, "why sure, we'd work with theDNC to impeach you if you oppose a special counsel". Then the state GOP's let the election get stolen. what can yo do.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at July 07, 2021 06:38 PM (ZZK0E)

385 To be fair, Trump talking about the political prisoners in DC will just make those poor people's lives worse...and this is his thinking.

I don't believe that Trump is uncaring, but there's very little he can do now...or ever again.

Posted by: SMH at July 07, 2021 06:38 PM (a/6Gi)

386 >>>And when that happens, the GOPe can get back to doing what they do best. Guilting you and failure theater. And you will vote for the lesser evil, just as you have always done, and tolerate the lies.

I hate the GOP, but DeSantis is showing that he, too, *FIGHTS.*

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:38 PM (0G13K)

387 "I loved Trump, but I'm over the never ending fund raising."

Huh? Are you expecting him to use his own money?

"Team DeSantis for me. He's a pitbull like Trump, but more polished and polite while he's flamethrowing the enemy."

I don't understand that. Trump has proven he will serve us a President. I like DeSantis but why take a chance that he could be another Christy or McCain when Trump is running?

As for civility and tone, polished and polite is not what's needed for these times. Have we forgotten everything we learned with Romney?

All that said, support whoever you like for whatever reason you like. I just don't understand how we can toss aside the only politician since Reagan to represent our interests.

Posted by: Hoyt's Paid Turkish Provocateur at July 07, 2021 06:39 PM (83lwH)

388 Scarlett Johansson: Well Fen, your dream is finally going to come true - 7 days in a secluded cabin with me satisfying every sexual fantasy you can imagine

Fen: Maybe. Is this Red Headed Scarlett or Blonde Scarlett? Because I prefer you as a redhead.

Scarlett Johansson: ....

Posted by: Hoyt's Paid Turkish Provocateur at July 07, 2021 06:39 PM (83lwH)

Once Sessions quit on him he shoulda brought in his whole NY/NJ crew and had them do their thing.
Posted by: Tim Riggins at July 07, 2021 06:37 PM (ZZK0E)

Sessions quit the day he recused and handed the job to Rosenstein. Probably incoherently drunk for his entire tenure and pretend AG

Posted by: Sessions, Rosenstein and Barr at July 07, 2021 06:39 PM (ONvIw)

390 checkist wannabes: cheka was all about ideology, communist ideals. Dc people are in it for the money. all.

Posted by: runner at July 07, 2021 06:39 PM (V13WU)

391 The best part of the last few years is that we have learned we are all like Hawkeye or Bridger or Carson in the wilderness, fictional or real, the only safe haven is what you can make for yourself.

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at July 07, 2021 06:39 PM (oWBc3)

392 well duh!!

Posted by: rhennigantx at July 07, 2021 06:39 PM (yrol0)

393 The left has lawyers on retainer, all funded by leftwing causes.

The leftwing causes were funded by corporate shakedowns thanks to Obama's AG Holder.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 06:40 PM (5atWK)


Posted by: rhennigantx at July 07, 2021 06:40 PM (yrol0)

395 Keep DeSantis as Governor of Florida, so he will be my governor when I move there. Then he can be President of the New United States or whatever.

Posted by: blaster at July 07, 2021 06:40 PM (4q7lA)

396 >>>Republican donors do not want to pay for anything like that. They don't even want to fund *media.* ALl they want to do is fund ads every 2 or 4 years, as if a month of ads can fight the constant pressure and gold-plated funding of the institutional left.

I mean BIG Republican donors, the $100,000+ guys.

I know from a bunch of people that no matter how many times they get pitched the idea "we need a media outlet that will push american values" or "we need our own social media," the big-money guys just say, "How about I just fund some commercials in October?"

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:40 PM (0G13K)

397 Oh, and lest I be accused of white washing PDT in office, I hated that he signed the budget bills he was sent, and thought the lockdown was a huge mistake.

PDT made a lot of unforced errors, but one cannot accuse him of not trying to enact at least some of what he ran on.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at July 07, 2021 06:40 PM (2SdPm)

398 Every body is ready to dump Trump.
That's fucking amazing.
Posted by: Braenyard, (Zd0xi) at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (ri5Bo)

Some but I think many like myself - despite loving the guy yuuugely - are trying to give an honest critique.

Obsequious worship of anyone is a Leftist thing.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:35 PM (s2VJv)

I kept my mouth relatively shut for four years and am still hesitant to give any of my extensive critiques I have of Trump as it gives the left what they want and can cause division between compatriots at a time when that's unity is needed.

It's been hard.

Posted by: Just a side note at July 07, 2021 06:40 PM (2DOZq)

399 Have we forgotten everything we learned with Romney?

Posted by: Hoyt's Paid Turkish Provocateur at July 07, 2021 06:39 PM (83lwH)

You've forgotten everything and will still vote for faux GOP candidates approved by the CoC

Posted by: Sessions, Rosenstein and Barr at July 07, 2021 06:40 PM (ONvIw)

400 My reasoning for supporting Trump in 2024 instead of DeSantis is that it will destroy the real enemy, the Washington GOP.

Trump may win, and he may lose. But the GOP will be torn asunder.

Academic of course, DeSantis won't run unless Trump decides not to.

Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 07, 2021 06:41 PM (5p7BC)

401 Trump is much better positioned as DeSantis' hype-man.
Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 06:38 PM (xK9An)

Correct. DeSantis as VP is a waste. I love Trump but he never went full bore on the Left, and that's what we need now. No more deal-making.

Posted by: Ordinary American at July 07, 2021 06:41 PM (H8QX8)

402 >>>395 Keep DeSantis as Governor of Florida, so he will be my governor when I move there. Then he can be President of the New United States or whatever.

I hear non-Florida people saying that -- they want DeSantis to govern over a safe harbor, a haven.

But I don't think that's possible in the US. The Ruling Class will not permit a Renegade Insurrectionist State.

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:41 PM (0G13K)

403 I feel powerless and completely out of outrage.

In other words, their schemes have worked flawlessly.

Posted by: 496 at July 07, 2021 06:41 PM (U1eOr)

404 We did not marry Trump. We eLected him.

Posted by: runner at July 07, 2021 06:42 PM (V13WU)

405 Where do people think Trump got all those not-normally-Republican votes? What's the case for DeSantis getting those same votes? I'm not saying he or some other Republican can't, but Trump very obviously had personal appeal to people who don't normally vote Republican.

If getting that strong crossover vote isn't possible, how does DeSantis win with maybe 65m votes?

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy (z5Vrg) - The Republic is Already Dead at July 07, 2021 06:42 PM (z5Vrg)

406 403 I feel powerless and completely out of outrage.

In other words, their schemes have worked flawlessly.
Posted by: 496 at July 07, 2021 06:41 PM (U1eOr)


Posted by: Sessions, Rosenstein and Barr at July 07, 2021 06:42 PM (ONvIw)

407 All that said, support whoever you like for whatever
reason you like. I just don't understand how we can toss aside the
only politician since Reagan to represent our interests.

Posted by: Hoyt's Paid Turkish Provocateur at July 07, 2021 06:39 PM (83lwH)

3 years of Trump wars is gonna suck.

Posted by: flounder at July 07, 2021 06:42 PM (KnJdm)

408 Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 07, 2021 06:41 PM (5p7BC)

5p7 before Christ was about 11 teen hundred years ago.

Posted by: rhennigantx at July 07, 2021 06:42 PM (yrol0)

409 I hate the GOP, but DeSantis is showing that he, too, *FIGHTS.*

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:38 PM (0G13K)

And he fights with a legislature passing stuff.

That's not a slam on DeSantis or on Trump. It's that nearly all of the stuff that DeSantis is doing is signing legislation, not issuing executive orders because the asshats who assured us all we needed was 3/3 of everything and then boy howdy would bills be passed aren't stabbed him in the dick.

Not that I'm bitter.

Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 07, 2021 06:42 PM (GbPPJ)

410 Well back to building a Bf109G-6/AS Weiss 16+- of 5./JG27 and fixing the paint of P-51D-5-NA "Daddy Rabbit" of the 357th FG.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 07, 2021 06:42 PM (mTQFY)

411 alex your snark permit here is, I believe, life-time, and is the coveted "all-area-access" variety*.
Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM

* height restrictions apply

Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 07, 2021 06:42 PM (DMUuz)

412 But I don't think that's possible in the US. The Ruling Class will not permit a Renegade Insurrectionist State.
Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:41 PM (0G13K)

The Split is coming. One way or another.

Posted by: blaster at July 07, 2021 06:43 PM (4q7lA)

413 What did you do in the Trump Wars?

Posted by: rhennigantx at July 07, 2021 06:43 PM (yrol0)

414 If getting that strong crossover vote isn't possible, how does DeSantis win with maybe 65m votes?
Posted by: Red Turban Someguy (z5Vrg) - The Republic is Already Dead at July 07, 2021 06:42 PM (z5Vrg)

If fraud is allowed to stand and remains unprosecuted, he can't win with 85M votes either. Biden or Harris will get 90M. And nothing will happen then either.

Posted by: Sessions, Rosenstein and Barr at July 07, 2021 06:43 PM (ONvIw)

415 The steel plate in his skull won't burn.

Posted by: wth at July 07, 2021 06:43 PM (v0R5T)

416 411 alex your snark permit here is, I believe, life-time, and is the coveted "all-area-access" variety*.
Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM

* height restrictions apply
Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 07, 2021 06:42 PM (DMUuz)

*3 apples high for admittance.*

Posted by: buzzion at July 07, 2021 06:44 PM (vMCab)

417 >>>He's in it for America and Americans. I don't doubt him one bit. I trust him to not sell me out. Can't say that very often. Or hardly at all. I would love to see him team up with DeSantis. It would be glorious.
Posted by: Lady in Black at July 07, 2021 06:34 PM (O+I8R)

Yes, and another important point.
Twelve years of conservatism, not eight.

A child nine years old when the Trump/DeSantis ticket is elected will be able the vote for DeSantis successor.
That's a generation of Rush babies.

Posted by: Braenyard, (Zd0xi) at July 07, 2021 06:44 PM (ri5Bo)

418 "Trump is much better positioned as DeSantis' hype-man."

The other problem I have with this line of attack is that the NeverTrumpers are going to push hard for DeSantis over Trump, and once Trump is out of the running, they will drop DeSantis to promote their RINO.

I am NOT saying that is what's happening here, but I expect it down the road and am therefore suspicious of any push to replace Trump with DeSantis.

And I like DeSantis. A lot. But we are getting excited over Chris Christy and Scott Walker al over again.

Posted by: Hoyt's Paid Turkish Provocateur at July 07, 2021 06:44 PM (83lwH)


Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 07, 2021 06:44 PM (GbPPJ)

420 "Launch Operation Unraveling Bowtie!" is implausible.

Yeah, the never ending clown grab bag of snark is the go to for NTs like NR writers...its really all they have. Its like they all graduated with rodeo clown degrees in snarky frat boy responses to serious policy questions that they really have no answer to.

Posted by: Boswell at July 07, 2021 06:45 PM (5iUNf)

421 Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 06:35 PM (5atMm

If you were a Senator what would you do?

Posted by: Just a side note at July 07, 2021 06:45 PM (2DOZq)

422 maybe letting corporations make being a republican a fireable offense was a bad idea, as well as letting the ABA make being a republican a disbarring offernse. And to let the DNC use lawfare against republican with impunity...that was a bad idea. And not forcing lobbying firms to hire republicans when we controlled all 3 branches...boner.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at July 07, 2021 06:45 PM (ZZK0E)

BREAKING: 36 States and D.C. Take Google to Court

On Wednesday, the attorneys general of thirty-six states and the District of Columbia filed an anti-trust lawsuit against Google. The bipartisan lawsuit echoes a similar case that Fortnite-maker Epic Games brought against the search giant last August, challenging Google's surcharge on apps that use its Google Play Store.

good, keep it up

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 07, 2021 06:45 PM (9VFzC)

424 414 If getting that strong crossover vote isn't possible, how does DeSantis win with maybe 65m votes?
Posted by: Red Turban Someguy (z5Vrg) - The Republic is Already Dead at July 07, 2021 06:42 PM (z5Vrg)

If fraud is allowed to stand and remains unprosecuted, he can't win with 85M votes either. Biden or Harris will get 90M. And nothing will happen then either.
Posted by: Sessions, Rosenstein and Barr at July 07, 2021 06:43 PM (ONvIw)

I largely agree. There might be something to the argument that they'd have a hard time boosting much over 80m again or something that I could buy, but if we're only aiming for 65m, this seems a little silly.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy (z5Vrg) - The Republic is Already Dead at July 07, 2021 06:45 PM (z5Vrg)

425 Where is Keith Olbermann to tell us we're not allowed to read these emails?

Posted by: t-bird at July 07, 2021 06:46 PM (UMXod)

426 alex your snark permit here is, I believe, life-time, and is the coveted "all-area-access" variety*.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM

* height restrictions apply

Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 07, 2021 06:42 PM (DMUuz)

Submission of (2) 8x10 glossies needed for the approval process.

Posted by: flounder at July 07, 2021 06:46 PM (KnJdm)

427 IMHO DeSantis is absolutely the guy.

He's not Trump so he won't repeat his mistakes.
He's younger and has more energy, and IMHO is at least as aggressive.
He has actual political experience and most likely knows best how to massage and/or threaten people.
When the press a/k/a DNC try to pin all of PDT's problems on him, he can say truthfully, "that's Trump not me."

Posted by: qdpsteve at July 07, 2021 06:46 PM (L2ZTs)

428 >>>But I don't think that's possible in the US. The Ruling Class will not permit a Renegade Insurrectionist State.
Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:41 PM (0G13K)

Correct, it should become a fad.

Posted by: Braenyard, (Zd0xi) at July 07, 2021 06:46 PM (ri5Bo)

429 Trump won't run. If he does, miracle dictu, he won't win the nomination. If he does, he won't win the election.

I considered adding conditionals, but they're not necessary.

Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 06:46 PM (xK9An)

430 >>>Yeah, the never ending clown grab bag of snark is the go to for NTs like NR writers...its really all they have. Its like they all graduated with rodeo clown degrees in snarky frat boy responses to serious policy questions that they really have no answer to.

I used to see this from the left. Anytime they couldn't rebut a point, they'd just go BWAHAHAHAHA!

Now it's on " " " the right. " " "

Although it's not, not really. THese people have always been "the right of the left," if you know what I mean. They still have loyalty and kinship with the left.

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:46 PM (0G13K)

Here's something you had better prepare for:

By 2024, the "mainstream" GOP will be identical to the 2012-era Democrats, policy-wise.

Full embrace of obamacare, global warming, perversion, and "systemic racism."

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at July 07, 2021 06:46 PM (a08xO)

432 "3 years of Trump wars is gonna suck."

They will do they same thing to DeSantis, or any other Mr Smith that goes to Washington. Because it worked.

Posted by: Hoyt's Paid Turkish Provocateur at July 07, 2021 06:46 PM (83lwH)

433 squeal mail

Posted by: wth at July 07, 2021 06:46 PM (v0R5T)

434 429 Trump won't run. If he does, miracle dictu, he won't win the nomination. If he does, he won't win the election.

I considered adding conditionals, but they're not necessary.
Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 06:46 PM (xK9An)

Is this a 2015/2016 joke?

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy (z5Vrg) - The Republic is Already Dead at July 07, 2021 06:46 PM (z5Vrg)

435 as ... said:

The Establishment's first, last, and best line of defense against conservatism is the GOP.

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:47 PM (0G13K)

436 On Wednesday, the attorneys general of thirty-six states and the District of Columbia filed an anti-trust lawsuit against Google.


Posted by: t-bird at July 07, 2021 06:47 PM (fFtVH)

437 402 >>>395 Keep DeSantis as Governor of Florida, so he will be my governor when I move there. Then he can be President of the New United States or whatever.

I hear non-Florida people saying that -- they want DeSantis to govern over a safe harbor, a haven.

But I don't think that's possible in the US. The Ruling Class will not permit a Renegade Insurrectionist State.


alphabet death squads of fat liberal men and diversity hires can only do so much. But then again, the clintons managed to put enough firepower together to take out the president of haiti. And maybe the traditional trigger pulling base of the us army and marines will be happy shooting mom and pa to help globohomo keep control of america.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at July 07, 2021 06:47 PM (ZZK0E)

438 Amazing how quickly the Taliban will take over without even one F-15 or nuke...more chocolate chip ice cream please.

Posted by: Tiny Axelrod at July 07, 2021 06:47 PM (c3Qm1)

439 I considered adding conditionals, but they're not necessary.
Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 06:46 PM (xK9An)

They'll manufacture as many votes as they need.

Posted by: Sessions, Rosenstein and Barr at July 07, 2021 06:47 PM (ONvIw)


Posted by: wth at July 07, 2021 06:47 PM (v0R5T)

441 >>Is this a 2015/2016 joke? Posted by: Red Turban Someguy (z5Vrg) - The Republic is Already Dead at July 07, 2021 06:46 PM (z5Vrg)


Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 06:47 PM (xK9An)

442 Google is the new Big Tobacco.

Posted by: runner at July 07, 2021 06:47 PM (V13WU)

443 IMPEACH!!!!

Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 07, 2021 06:48 PM (Irn0L)

444 If you were a Senator what would you do?
Posted by: Just a side note at July 07, 2021 06:45 PM (

Cruz has argued before the SCOTUS. I think he can do more than write a mealy mouthed letter.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 06:48 PM (5atWK)

445 This'll likely get willowed, but...

has anyone here ever found a GPS tracker on their car?

Posted by: qdpsteve at July 07, 2021 06:48 PM (L2ZTs)

446 A remarkable example of 21st century journalisming by Jonathan Swain, managing to type that up with his source's cock still deep in his throat. Amazing.

Posted by: motionview - saying Fauci Flu (non-racist, eh?) at July 07, 2021 06:48 PM (RKp8A)

In fact, if you look back at the 2016 Republican field of candidates, all but Trump were embracing the 2004-era Democrat platform.

By 2028, the Republican party will be running on crt.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at July 07, 2021 06:48 PM (a08xO)

448 Google has been declared the 51st state, therefore the other states have no standing.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 06:49 PM (5atWK)

449 Since Reagan left office there have been three republican presidents, two named Bush. Trump got more done in four years than the Bushes did in twelve. If Trump is running, he has my support.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at July 07, 2021 06:49 PM (kTF2Z)

450 has anyone here ever found a GPS tracker on their car?
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 07, 2021 06:48 PM (L2ZTs)

We have you covered.

Posted by: ONSTAR at July 07, 2021 06:49 PM (2SdPm)

451 429 Trump won't run. If he does, miracle dictu, he won't win the nomination. If he does, he won't win the election.

I considered adding conditionals, but they're not necessary.
Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 06:46 PM (xK9An)


- - Dao-Min Yen

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:49 PM (s2VJv)

452 >>>In fact, if you look back at the 2016 Republican field of candidates, all but Trump were embracing the 2004-era Democrat platform.

yes, I always ask, "How is what the GOPe supports any different from Clinton's agenda? Or Obama's?"

It's NOT.

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:49 PM (0G13K)

453 Okay credit where it's due, this is utterly true:

"All our major institutions have degenerated into the equivalent of a monkey with a loaded revolver, superficially comical while at the same time scary AF."

From here:

Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 07, 2021 06:49 PM (GbPPJ)

454 The other problem I have with this line of attack is that the
NeverTrumpers are going to push hard for DeSantis over Trump, and once
Trump is out of the running, they will drop DeSantis to promote their

Trump, if he somehow takes office again, is a lame duck on day 1.
At least as things stand now. Unless something changes between now and then. At the very least folks who prefer Trump again are going to need an argument for that.

Posted by: Methos at July 07, 2021 06:49 PM (kOpft)

455 There will be no split. Soon, most of America will work for various gov't paychecks. Trump made us aware of where we are, standing in line in the Katyn forrest.

Posted by: Jamaica Queens at July 07, 2021 06:49 PM (b+v9B)

456 One thing we learned in this last election besides the fraud is that people came out not to vote for Biden, but to vote against Trump because they were enraged with hate for the man.

Posted by: redridinghood at July 07, 2021 06:49 PM (NpAcC)

457 We will teach you not to speak out against us, you Nazi.

Posted by: Ready for the new Days of Noah at July 07, 2021 06:50 PM (Ezraj)




Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at July 07, 2021 06:50 PM (a08xO)

459 I simultaneously love and hate the new flaming skull graphic. There has to be a German term for this!

Posted by: pookysgirl, looking to her ancestors at July 07, 2021 06:50 PM (XKZwp)

BREAKING: 36 States and D.C. Take Google to court.

BREAKING: Steiner will come

Posted by: Getting the banned back together at July 07, 2021 06:50 PM (uhteW)

461 >>>
And I like DeSantis. A lot. But we are getting excited over Chris Christy and Scott Walker al over again.
Posted by: Hoyt's Paid Turkish Provocateur at July 07, 2021 06:44 PM (83lwH)

Yes, the commies play that feint game well.
Push DeSantis make it appear that he's unstoppable then went he get's the nomination pull the rug.

Posted by: Braenyard, (Zd0xi) at July 07, 2021 06:50 PM (ri5Bo)

462 447
In fact, if you look back at the 2016 Republican field of candidates, all but Trump were embracing the 2004-era Democrat platform.

By 2028, the Republican party will be running on crt.
Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at July 07, 2021 06:48 PM (a08xO)

Watch: The Chinese Communist Party is overthrown and the country liberated while America becomes Cuba circa 1959.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 07, 2021 06:50 PM (s2VJv)

463 Insurrectionist Cafe is up.
Today's special: half off Anti-Communist Chili Cheese Fries!

Posted by: qdpsteve at July 07, 2021 06:50 PM (L2ZTs)

464 >>has anyone here ever found a GPS tracker on their car? Posted by: qdpsteve at July 07, 2021 06:48 PM (L2ZTs)

No, but it never hurts to occasionally check your tags for a bit of reflective tape.

Posted by: ZOD at July 07, 2021 06:50 PM (xK9An)

465 Here's my assessment of where we are at.

The government has logged everyone, texts, emails, calls, bank records, et al.

Therefor, there really is no recourse at this point. Judges are manipulated, courts won't work. Generals are manipulated, military won't work. DOJ and every other form of recourse is under direct control of the controllers.

There is no way out. The system is whatever they decide it is and the law is whatever they decide it is.

In that way, the ghetto hustlers are correct. Free for all is the only rule, because there is no legal system.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at July 07, 2021 06:50 PM (YA914)

466 This is too rich, from Swain's source:

It is unclear why Carlson, or his source, would think this outreach could be the basis for NSA surveillance or a motive to have his show canceled

Really? Have you been living under Joe Bidens's demented left tit for the past six years? Turn on MSDNC and see if they have started calling TuCa a Russian agent yet.

Posted by: motionview - saying Fauci Flu (non-racist, eh?) at July 07, 2021 06:50 PM (RKp8A)

467 Kevin McCarthy will address this issue with the NSA. Right after he finishes condemning the cruel and unusual punishment and persecution of people who were in Washington on January 6th. Oh yeah, he's also focused like a laser on the use of our justice department, FBI and other agencies to attack Democrats political enemies, that is white Trump voters.

Posted by: Marcus T at July 07, 2021 06:51 PM (a1CRn)

468 Aaaaagggghhhh! Damn bats.

Posted by: motionview - saying Fauci Flu (non-racist, eh?) at July 07, 2021 06:52 PM (RKp8A)

469 It appears that the people last to accept Trump as candidate are the first to see him not a candidate in the 2024.

Posted by: Braenyard, (Zd0xi) at July 07, 2021 06:52 PM (ri5Bo)

470 Cruz has argued before the SCOTUS. I think he can do more than write a mealy mouthed letter.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 07, 2021 06:48 PM (5atWK

Cruz was set to present his case on Jan 6 on why he voted not to confirm the electors. The rally and Capitol incursion put the kabash on that.

Posted by: Just a side note at July 07, 2021 06:52 PM (2DOZq)

GPS tracker on your car? They're built in now. And Bob has the keys to the backdoor.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at July 07, 2021 06:52 PM (Mzdiz)

472 When the press a/k/a DNC try to pin all of PDT's problems on him, he can say truthfully, "that's Trump not me."
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 07, 2021 06:46 PM (L2ZTs)

Sure he can say that truthfully. They will still tar him with it. Glenn Youngkin is running in Virginia. He's a Bushie, and not even a "severe" conservative like Pierre Delecto. He won't even say Trump's name.

And yet, he is called a far-right wing extremist like Trump.

Posted by: blaster at July 07, 2021 06:52 PM (4q7lA)

473 467 a piece of shit, that one. Voting gives us pussies and liars

Posted by: Sessions, Rosenstein and Barr at July 07, 2021 06:52 PM (ONvIw)

474 467 Kevin McCarthy will address this issue with the NSA. Right after he finishes condemning the cruel and unusual punishment and persecution of people who were in Washington on January 6th. Oh yeah, he's also focused like a laser on the use of our justice department, FBI and other agencies to attack Democrats political enemies, that is white Trump voters.
Posted by: Marcus T at July 07, 2021 06:51 PM (a1CRn)

Kevin! I've got the popcorn ready! Loki is coming on!

Posted by: Frank Luntz at July 07, 2021 06:53 PM (vMCab)

475 Psst ... nood

Posted by: Dave in Fla (5p7BC) at July 07, 2021 06:53 PM (5p7BC)

476 Greenwald is now an ex-pat living in Brazil. His wife is a foreign national. They are after Greenwald also, and people on the know have suggested thar Tucker's communication with Greenwald is the basis for incidental surveillance.

This whole thing stinks like Grandpa Diddlefingers Depends.

Posted by: Marcus T at July 07, 2021 06:54 PM (a1CRn)

477 DeSantis is the only heavyweight Republican in the country who is not a careerist calculating machine. He cares about the country above all. He is unique, and therefore outside of Trump the only possible candidate for patriotic Americans in 2024.

Trump is not going to run. But he will bring his clout and qualities to bear on the process, and will endorse DeSantis.

Posted by: Ordinary American at July 07, 2021 06:54 PM (H8QX8)

478 "There is also no innocent explanation as to why the emails were leaked to the press, exactly as Tucker's whistleblower told them the NSA planned to leak them."

They were already leaked and both Tucker and the whistleblower undoubtedly already knew this.

Posted by: somedood at July 07, 2021 06:55 PM (/z9fK)

What did you do in the Trump Wars?
Posted by: rhennigantx

Shoveled shit in Louisiana.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at July 07, 2021 06:55 PM (63Dwl)

480 469 It appears that the people last to accept Trump as candidate are the first to see him not a candidate in the 2024.
Posted by: Braenyard, (Zd0xi) at July 07, 2021 06:52 PM (ri5Bo)

At least in my case I didn't even vote in 2016 (got snookered by the claims he'd be a NY lib) though I favor him over anyone else now.

Strategically I haven't really seen people address the question of how we'll win with less people.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy (z5Vrg) - The Republic is Already Dead at July 07, 2021 06:55 PM (z5Vrg)

481 460 it gave an excuse

Posted by: Sessions, Rosenstein and Barr at July 07, 2021 06:55 PM (ONvIw)

482 The Establishment's first, last, and best line of defense against conservatism is the GOP.
Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:47 PM (0G13K)

Conservatism is a dead letter in the modern US.

Posted by: TC at July 07, 2021 06:55 PM (4Ckyj)

483 472 When the press a/k/a DNC try to pin all of PDT's problems on him, he can say truthfully, "that's Trump not me."
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 07, 2021 06:46 PM (L2ZTs)
Sure he can say that truthfully. They will still tar him with it. Glenn Youngkin is running in Virginia. He's a Bushie, and not even a "severe" conservative like Pierre Delecto. He won't even say Trump's name.
And yet, he is called a far-right wing extremist like Trump.
Posted by: blaster at July 07, 2021 06:52 PM (4q7lA)

Donald Trump has Jewish grandchildren. And he sued the city of Palm Springs for discrimination because his club allowed Jews and Blacks to join. And they tarred him as a racist and more Hitler than Hitler.

Posted by: buzzion at July 07, 2021 06:55 PM (vMCab)

484 A man that loves his country stood up and gave voice to millions of peoples hope for that and 500,000 went to work to stab him in the back. Et Tu Bureaucrats.

Posted by: Ben Had at July 07, 2021 06:55 PM (gRnk7)

485 I think I'll watch "Hang 'em High" on YT tonight to get in the mood.

Posted by: Colin at July 07, 2021 06:56 PM (4l8s3)

486 "Cruz was set to present his case on Jan 6 on why he voted not to confirm the electors. The rally and Capitol incursion put the kabash on that."

Actually, McConnell put a "kabash" on that. But you're on a roll.

Posted by: Marcus T at July 07, 2021 06:56 PM (a1CRn)

487 They still have loyalty and kinship with the left.

Posted by: ace at July 07, 2021 06:46 PM (0G13K)

It has to be the most infuriating habit from people who would desperately want you to think they are "thought leaders" - but when confronted with complex or complicated issues where solutions aren't easy or require some sort of brave confrontation of fact, its clown nose on...honk! Honk!

Everyone at NR thinks he's Jon Stewart now....

Posted by: Boswell at July 07, 2021 06:57 PM (5iUNf)

488 Hate to say it but I'm probably not the only moron who wonders when the feds/commies/doxers (birm) will come for Ace or this site.

Posted by: SamIam at July 07, 2021 07:06 PM (oasF3)

489 "He's a Bushie, and not even a "severe" conservative like Pierre Delecto. He won't even say Trump's name. And yet, he is called a far-right wing extremist like Trump."

I find that both funny and sad.

Funny, because he really thinks he won't be slimed as a radical if he doesn't say radical things. What's that saying about dying a thousand deaths? He will self-censor AND still be called radical

Sad, because he demonstrated a lack of character that's a tell - first time MSNBC calls him a racist, he will surrender.

Posted by: Hoyt's Paid Turkish Provocateur at July 07, 2021 07:08 PM (83lwH)

490 "Trump, if he somehow takes office again, is a lame duck on day 1. At least as things stand now. Unless something changes between now and then. At the very least folks who prefer Trump again are going to need an argument for that."

1) I don't agree with the premise

2) if he is a lame duck, so is anyone else we nominate to take on the Establishment Party (E), including DeSantis.

Posted by: Hoyt's Paid Turkish Provocateur at July 07, 2021 07:13 PM (83lwH)

491 Well, and the most appalling thing - they do this, get caught, then reluctantly agree to investigate, find the perpetrator, and let him off with a warning.

You know, like the lawyer who falsified documents to the FISA court in order to get a court to sign off on spying on Carter Page and by extension president Trump. he received a one year suspension of his law license, and 400 hours of community service. That's IT. His bullshit launched a multi year, multimillion $ investigation, almost got Trump impeached, and was national disaster. But he meant well.

Posted by: Inspector Kemp at July 07, 2021 07:19 PM (+DS2f)

492 Custer was a p****

Looks around,

Nope, no custards here

If President Trump feels he can make another go of it,

I'm with him!

Posted by: Butch at July 07, 2021 07:44 PM (gY8Ir)

493 Question: Is a robinette:

a) A small robin
b) A female robin
c) A robin that does high kicks in boots
d) Something else

Posted by: 40 Miles North at July 07, 2021 07:49 PM (uWF4x)

494 You blew it! The FLAMING SKULL should have been that of a small child.

Posted by: Texas Jimmy at July 07, 2021 07:55 PM (BBCdX)

495 Spying on Tucker...The government has become the enemy. period.

Posted by: LostInSpace at July 07, 2021 07:55 PM (FNKF+)

496 Cuck Inc., believes the State can do no wrong, because it has been perfected through the agency of straight shooting upright American citizens who have nothing but the best interests of their countrymen at heart.

In other words, they worship at the foot of Moloch by another name.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (2SdPm)

No, they don't believe that, that is their cover story.

They know how utterly corrupt the tri-letters are, and want to be on their side and part of it.

Posted by: Oldcat at July 07, 2021 08:00 PM (eoQWY)

497 124 I must courageously vote harder in 2022.
Posted by: flounder

Or forever be thought of as a malingering troll by some here.
Posted by: SMH at July 07, 2021 05:58 PM (a/6Gi)

I guess I'll hang with the "trolls." My last vote was 2020.

Posted by: Bonnie Blue says the election was stolen by commie rat bastards at July 07, 2021 08:21 PM (BNMel)

498 Spying on Tucker...The government has become the enemy. period.
Posted by: LostInSpace at July 07, 2021 07:55 PM (FNKF+)


Best regards to the wifey and little Tommy and Charlene!

Posted by: Bob at the NSA at July 07, 2021 08:29 PM (VxC1e)

499 Donald Trump has Jewish grandchildren. And he sued the city of Palm Springs for discrimination because his club allowed Jews and Blacks to join. And they tarred him as a racist and more Hitler than Hitler.
Posted by: buzzion at July 07, 2021 06:55 PM (vMCab)

They say that about every R with power. They say they are stupid too, every one. Just tell the groups on the plantation that they are "other" - intellectuals hate dummies, Jews fear Hitler II, blacks hate racists.

I read a lot of history of Late Republican Roman history, and the entrenched elite had the same playbook for every reformer. Say he wants to be king, to alienate Senators, Say he wants to cancel loans to alienate rich equestrians, then say he wants to burn the city down to alienate the urban poor.

Then they usually set up a gang of street hoodlums to find the guy, his friends, and a few hundred passersby and beat them all to death.

Posted by: Oldcat at July 07, 2021 08:34 PM (eoQWY)

500 The social compact has been broken.

The left knew Obama and Biden broke the law and spied on everyone. They knew Biden abused his powers in every way imaginable. They knew he sold his office. And they knew he staged what was little short of a coup attempt against his successor.

Yet they elected him specifically. There is nothing that says 49% of the population has to play by the rules while the other 51% oppresses them and is above the law.

Posted by: Thatch at July 07, 2021 08:55 PM (DmvGi)

501 498 Spying on Tucker...The government has become the enemy. period.
Posted by: LostInSpace at July 07, 2021 07:55 PM (FNKF+)


Best regards to the wifey and little Tommy and Charlene!

So you are saying I should pack my toothbrush on my way to Gitmo. Fair enough. This administration is doing things I have never seen - doubt me?, ask those locked up in jail, essentially, for trespassing at the Capitol.

I am an American citizen. It is my inalienable right to criticize the government. My criticism will cease when it stops being an enemy.

Posted by: LostInSpace at July 07, 2021 09:05 PM (FNKF+)

502 336 Every body is ready to dump Trump.
That's fucking amazing.
Posted by: Braenyard, (Zd0xi) at July 07, 2021 06:33 PM (ri5Bo)

I'm dumping ALL politicians. The great experiment is over. It was a failure.

Posted by: Bonnie Blue says the election was stolen by commie rat bastards at July 07, 2021 09:20 PM (BNMel)

503 Andy McCarthy can EABOD.

Posted by: butch at July 07, 2021 09:46 PM (cHvOo)

504 I say keep posting past quotes from NRO, soytits, and others just to remind everyone of the dishonesty and or hypocrisy. Name names and do it repeatedly.

Posted by: mercury at July 08, 2021 05:24 AM (l7rT0)

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