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Why all good Americans must be afraid of "Christian Nationalists"

Get A Load Of These Insane Christian Nationalists Who Believed Rights Come From God And Not The Government

insane founding fathers.jpg

At the end of yesterday's The Week In Woke post (don't comment on old threads), Ace wrote about a bit on MSNBC:

Watch the leftwing authoritarian Marxist media create the Narrative in real time:

1, if you believe that our rights derive from God, then you are a "Christian Nationalist"

2, if you are a "Christian Nationalist," you are a dangerous proto-terrorist who must be surveilled, harassed, debanked, and imprisoned by the Marxist God-State

She didn't say "2" but we've seen how this game of demonization and creation of a pretext for government persecution works.

Yes. But how do you handle such attacks?

Ace posted Kyle Shideler's reaction: "I wish everyone posting this clip would stop with the "look how dumb they are" schtick. They aren't dumb. They are setting conditions for what will become, or has already become, the accepted reality."

Troublemaker James Lindsay, that anti-communist atheist with a background in the study of religious cults, would agree with Shideler. He has foreseen this for several months now, and says that "Christian Nationalism is an operation" of the left.

This was his reaction to the same clip:

He has been studying the methods by which leftists conduct leftist operations. Lindsay has also said:

Now what?

Now we watch the Right walk into the most obvious trap laid for them maybe in all of history.

So, how do you expose their operation?

Lindsay seems to be dribbling this information out a little at a time, but he recommends studying the Woke manual for activism, Beautiful Trouble.

Because, for example,

"Christian Nationalism" doesn't have a definition. It's an operational term that means whatever it needs to mean moment to moment in order for the operation to succeed.


On February 15, Lindsay wrote a long tweet demonstrating some of the ways the media is treating "Christian Nationalism"
Some highlights:

Christian Nationalism is 10000% an op. Since I'm incredibly accused of not backing up this assertion, let's have a thread, not of arguments but just to show off some of the ways the media sees it.

Not to get lost in that weighty article, here's what Time Magazine, a mouthpiece of the WEF, had to say about Christian Nationalism. It poses three distinct threats to the United States: it's anti-democratic, racist, and approves of political violence.

You should read the whole report, remembering that it came from "inside the church" in partnership with atheist Freedom From Religion Foundation lawyer Andrew Seidel, who also filed a detailed report of his own to the House Unselect Committee on J6.

Time Magazine, linking the idea of Christian Nationalism to the icon Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is widely recognized by the center-left as an idiot hate symbol and what's wrong with rural America and Congress, offers another article about it, same themes.

MSNBC uses excuses like Greene to tie Christian Nationalism to all of the Republican Party, especially MAGA, a recurring theme in all of this literature. . .

What we're looking at here is easy to dismiss as the ravings of the Leftist press or even to characterize as a sales pitch for Christian Nationalism, since we know their "democracy" means their tyranny (Communism, frankly), but we need to understand what it is.

What you are looking at here, and why I did this thread, is called Operational Preparation of the Environment in political warfare talk. If you think this is ridiculous and worth ignoring, that's because you're not in the target audience of its psychological active measure.

The objective in saturating a media narrative from multiple kinds of outlets (Vertically Integrated Messaging Apparatus) is to psychologically prime the target audience to believe there's a lurking or looming threat out there that will become an emergency later at the right time. . .

There are two primary target audiences with this issue. First, there's the center-left, whom they want to have believe in a lurking threat with an identifiable name that's already associated with things they don't trust. They're linking that name to "bad" things they know.

The objective with the center-left is to create a vague sense that Christian Nationalism is real, on the rise, and dangerous, and more importantly that it's associated in various ways with the worst things they know: Covid, Boebert and Greene, J6, racism, fascism, violence. . .

The other target audience is the red-pilled Right, or at least the dumber among them, who are Christians leaning toward the Christian Nationalism movement. They want them to think the Regime sees it as a threat (it doesn't) so they think it's "based" to get involved.

The Regime doesn't see Christian Nationalism as a threat, you guys. It's a trap they're setting. They're showing weakness because they know they're immeasurably strong. Walk into it if you want, but I recommend you don't. I don't care that much about you if you do, tbf, but don't

You should realize the relevance of the fact that they're working with elements "inside the church." It's really easy to dismiss those characters as Leftists or apostates or in ill-repute or whatever. You're missing it. The savvy operators in the church are playing both sides. . .

As I have explained umpteen times in the past, in case you missed it, the goal of this part of the op is to destroy independent churches and belief, just like in the Soviet Union. It's not to get rid of Christianity. It's to put it under government yoke despite the 1A.

That happens by linking Christian Nationalism to white nationalism, domestic extremism, insurrection, political violence, etc., and mandating surveillance and other legal measures that make it hard to run an indy church. Convention churches skip it through a deal made.

The conventions come along and say that they'll exert convention discipline on member churches, and the government will lighten the pressure on convention churches in response. Now you have a de facto "registered church" like the USSR but that's USA 1A compliant.

The people who are writing these reports and positioning themselves within the church as adjacent to Christian Nationalism, whether warm or cool to it, without signing onto it fully, are your snakes who want to run the new registered churches, plus their money and power.

So is Lindsay talking crazy talk? Or do we just point out that The Regime has nothing to fear from Christian Nationalism when the conspiracy theorists get going?

* * * * *

What's in the Center Left's Social Media and the MSM?

Via J.J. Sefton on Wednesday, John Nolte wrote: Like all Rob Reiner movies, Rob Reiner's documentary, God & Country: The Rise Of Christian Nationalism, didn't just tank at the box office, it was humiliated.

In 85 theaters, Reiner's bigoted attack on Christians who dared to vote for Donald Trump earned just $38,415 over four days. As one website put it, that's "averaging $451 [per] theater over four days, which is incredibly low." If you assume it only had "one showing each day (and likely it had several), it brought in around 112 dollars a day, or ten people a day spread across however many showings." . .

It certainly wasn't negative reviews or a lack of publicity that humiliated God and Country at the box office. Producer Rob Reiner (someone named Dan Partland directed) has been all over cable news pimping his latest flop. Naturally, far-left critics gushed God and Country to a 91 percent fresh rating at Rotten Tomatoes.

Here's how the far-left New York Times described the movie:

"God & Country" describes the growing threat to democracy posed by voters who subscribe to the belief that the United States is above all a Christian nation and that this should influence policies on abortion, public education, immigration, and so on. The film's insights about the role of religion in politics feel especially well-informed because many of its commentators draw on their own personal and professional experiences with the Christian church. They're believers, too, and they're worried.

The rise of Donald J. Trump as a presidential candidate and his subsequent term in office galvanized antidemocratic attitudes in the country, and in the film the former president is likened to a fire-and-brimstone televangelist. A pocket history lesson charts how televangelists grew in power in the 1970s and '80s, opportunistically using wedge issues such as abortion for conservative political goals.

Last I read, America is a republic where the best ideas are supposed to win. But fascists like Reiner and the New York Times believe Christian ideas should be automatically disqualified for being Christian.

From J.J.'s comments, Handshakes suggests that the poor quality of the movie was not due to the fact Rob Reiner produced it.

I think that the movie is not the intended final product, though. I think Reiner and others will use clips from the movie in anti-Christian ad spots for the election. Reiner has already been doing the cable news circuit.

Nobody has to see the movie in order for Reiner's message to reach its intended audience.

Did you pick up on Reiner's message about "good" and "bad" Christians?


I saw this on the social media page of an ordinary, not too far left citizen:

At the core of tRumpism

I have cropped the following photos to emphasize the essentials and remove the California license plate number from the car in the second photo (didn't wanna dox anybody), but they were originally posted side by side:

korean maga churrch.jpg

californ confedert.jpg

To me, the original photos suggested that the car (and its message) were closely connected to the church advertised in the sign. But maybe not:

Rod of Iron Ministries

Rod of Iron Ministries (also known as the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary Church) is a schismatic offshoot of the Unification Church led by Hyung Jin Moon and Kook-jin Moon. Both of them are sons of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han. Their father is the founder of the Unification Church and its leader until his death in 2012. Their mother is its present leader.[1]
The Rod of Iron Ministries was formed as the result of a dispute between Hyung Jin Moon and his mother Hak Ja Han following the death of Sun Myung Moon. This led Hyung Jin and his wife to separate from the Unification Church and establish an offshoot sect named World Peace and Unification Sanctuary Church in early 2013. The church, also called Rod of Iron Ministries, officially opened in January 2015.[2]

In 2015, Hyung Jin Moon began renouncing his mother as the 'Whore of Babylon', saying she was no longer a "True Mother". He also began teaching that Hyun Shil Kang, one of Sun Myung Moon's first disciples, was now True Mother instead, as his spirit had married her.[2] He and his wife Yeon Ah Lee also began assuming the titles 'Second King' and 'Second Queen' respectively.[3]

Hyung Jin Moon is supported by his elder brother Kook-Jin (Justin) Moon, who effectively serves as assistant pastor of the church. He also owns Kahr Arms, a small arms manufacturer.[4]

This particular church seems to be doing some things to attract people disaffected with government. For example, they bought land in Texas near where the government slaughtered David Koresh and his followers.

You might recall that investigators discovered that members of the original Korean church (not the one in the USA) were widely used as political workers by politicians in Japan, after a son of a former member assassinated Shinzo Abe. This was the environment in which the sons who established the U.S. church grew up. Separating church and politics may not seem natural to them.

"King Bullethead" is the rap name of the head of the U.S. church. YouTube seems to have cancelled his account. Not the typical American church leader. Yet this church is presented as "At the core of tRumpism," along with someone from California who wants to revive confederate traditions or something. According to the narrative.

This is a documentary video by VICE from 2018.

The video is rather dramatic, in an understated way. Does Biden think that he will need F-15s to defend against this group and their guns?


This tweet must also be very scary to some people, from February 20:

New: Trump's team is preparing to fundamentally reshape America under their "Project 2025" plan if he wins in November.

Their first priority: Declaring America is now a "Christian nationalist" country.

Includes a link to a Politico article about "Trump allies". They were converted into "Trump's Team" in the tweet. See what he did there?

* * * * *


Tom Smothers and a Hippie Girl

* * * * *

Hope you have something nice planned for this weekend.

This is the Thread before the Gardening Thread.

Serving your mid-day open thread needs

* * * * *

Last week's thread, It may be confusing to watch the press for the next few months

Comments are closed so you won't ban yourself by trying to comment on a week-old thread. But don't try it anyway.

Posted by: K.T. at 11:14 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Good morning KT

Posted by: Skip at February 24, 2024 11:16 AM (fwDg9)

2 Morning again, 'rons and 'ettes.

Posted by: olddog in mo at February 24, 2024 11:19 AM (ju2Fy)

3 Rob Reiner I'd utterly vile and yet he has a platform.

Posted by: Northernlurker at February 24, 2024 11:23 AM (xcrUy)

4 KT, the UniParty wants you too scared to do anything. This article is a big help to them.

Posted by: SDN at February 24, 2024 11:23 AM (2gqBa)

5 Good Morning!

Posted by: KT at February 24, 2024 11:25 AM (rrtZS)

6 Can't say would have consider myself a Christian Nationalist a few months ago but guess I am in the Leftists eyes.

Posted by: Skip at February 24, 2024 11:25 AM (fwDg9)

7 I keep forgetting the guy's name, the WEF fella who looks like Nosferatu... there's the famous Ted Talk clip of him talking about how humans don't have rights. If you cut one open, you see blood and guts, but you don't find any rights.

As I've said many times, EVERYTHING we're seeing is compatible with the grand conspiracy theory: They're meaning to kill off humanity. Most of it. Their goal is a planet with 500-800 million people, with all of them still around to rule the masses that remain.

This is coming. I don't doubt it at all. People who don't keep this in mind, don't really understand what they're doing.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 11:25 AM (GtZ7X)

8 Christians and Christian Nationalists are what? do what?

Posted by: BignJames at February 24, 2024 11:25 AM (AwYPR)

9 Roosevelt's four freedoms:

Freedom of speech (as long as you say only the right things)

Freedom of worship (forget about it!)

Freedom from want (been to the grocery store lately?)

Freedom from fear (step out of line and they'll take you away)

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at February 24, 2024 11:26 AM (FVME7)

10 Heh. If google really wanted to do something useful they'd create an alpaca-to-Indian-peacock conversion algorithm.
Posted by: screaming in digital
Male peacocks... weigh 4–6 kg (8.8–13.2 lb)

||Alpacas are one of the smallest members of the camelid family, and a mature alpaca will usually weigh between 120 and 185 pounds. This is much smaller than their Llama cousins, which makes alpacas easier to handle and manage.

As is the case with llamas, there is no significant difference in size between male and female alpacas.||

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at February 24, 2024 11:27 AM (2yu8s)

11 Christian Nationalist = Christian w/a gun?

Posted by: BignJames at February 24, 2024 11:27 AM (AwYPR)

12 The left is working extra hard on this particular narrative ahead of the next "election." No need to wonder why.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at February 24, 2024 11:27 AM (Q4IgG)

13 "God & Country" describes the growing threat to democracy posed by voters who subscribe to the belief that the United States is above all a Christian nation and that this should influence policies on abortion, public education, immigration, and so on.

Yeah, I hate this shit. In a representative democracy, political preferences based on religion is not a 2nd class opinion, expected to step to the back of the bus. However I know, I know, whether my opinion is based on divine revelation or picked up from conversation at the bar, or force fed me by NPR or the New York Times.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at February 24, 2024 11:28 AM (aD39U)

14 Lindsay is wrong - it's an op, but the people behind it very much believe it is true. Because they are aligned with evil, anything that comes from God terrifies them.

Being an atheist, Lindsay has no effective answer, which is to be found in speaking confidently and fearlessly in the language of the true faith, not their weird, distorted version of it.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 11:28 AM (llXky)

15 Let's all talk about Atheist One World Government Marxism...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at February 24, 2024 11:28 AM (R/m4+)

16 These kinds of arguments are bait. They want you to argue the substance. Don't. Expose the operation instead. Don't take the bait, cut the line.

I guess I'm being slow, but what exactly is he recommending here? Ignore them? Refute their arguments? Punch them in the face?

Posted by: Archimedes at February 24, 2024 11:28 AM (CsUN+)

17 Stupid media tools. Two words, Marxism-Leninism. "Class consciousness" and class struggle is not possible in a well adjusted, prosperous society, in which anyone can attain - such as ours. Society based on democratic principles, natural rights that come from God, and so on. So they are constantly trying to create a sham class struggle - by race, by gender. Race had its moment in 2020, now fizzled out a bit, since all the major cities are now trashed completely. Gender? Massive pushback and good old market forces are pushing back. SO, now what ? Religion !! Opium des Volkes ! Tell me another....

Posted by: runner at February 24, 2024 11:28 AM (V13WU)

18 As is the case with llamas, there is no significant difference in size between male and female alpacas.||

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at February 24, 2024 11:27 AM (2yu8s)

Is there a difference in spitting range?

Posted by: BignJames at February 24, 2024 11:29 AM (AwYPR)

19 Can't say would have consider myself a Christian Nationalist a few months ago but guess I am in the Leftists eyes.
Posted by: Skip at February 24, 2024 11:25 AM (fwDg9)

It's just a category into which you can be placed.

It's almost exactly like the nazzies in the 30s. Some people were Jews, some Gypsies, some mentally retarded, others various degenerates of one sort or another.

The nazzies kept meticulous records of who needed to be exterminated, and why. This crowd is doing the same thing.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 11:29 AM (GtZ7X)

20 We're on the same wavelength, I've been thinking about this very thing all morning. First important point; this push is an Administration "op"; you can tell one when alm
ost identical stories with similar wording start popping up on Administration friendly media outlets. In this case it's MSNBC and Politico together, and I'm sure more will soon follow. Then Biden will mention "media concerns" and talk about how Evil These Christian Nationalists are in his SOTU.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 24, 2024 11:29 AM (rPV4g)

21 The problem is that Nationalist used to be called a Patriot.

Now, defending your own Constitution, gets you called a pejorative...

So... we need to own that term. Don't allow it to have a negative meaning. Yes, I'm a Nationalist. I believe in the good ole US of A. I believe in the Constitution.

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 24, 2024 11:29 AM (xaFKb)

As I've said many times, EVERYTHING we're seeing is compatible with the grand conspiracy theory: They're meaning to kill off humanity. Most of it. Their goal is a planet with 500-800 million people, with all of them still around to rule the masses that remain.

This is coming. I don't doubt it at all. People who don't keep this in mind, don't really understand what they're doing.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 11:25 AM (GtZ7X)
That's their goal, but operationalizing it is tricky because they are so far removed from normal humans that they have no idea how to control their own guards. The see everyone as cattle, so they assume when they order the cops to fire on children, they'll mindlessly obey. They've forgotten about Christmas in Romania, 1989.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 11:30 AM (llXky)

23 *massive pushback from family units that is

Posted by: runner at February 24, 2024 11:31 AM (V13WU)

24 However I know, I know, whether my opinion is based on divine revelation or picked up from conversation at the bar, or force fed me by NPR or the New York Times.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at February 24, 2024 11:28 AM (aD39U)

Your opinion.

That's the problem. You haven't earned one.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 11:31 AM (GtZ7X)

25 Christian Nationalists are the new Kulak to our Bolsheviks

Posted by: Skip at February 24, 2024 11:32 AM (fwDg9)

26 Archimedes at February 24, 2024 11:28 AM

One part of what he is recommending is to point out that arguments about "Christian Nationalism" are an operation aimed at scaring the Center Left, partly by using vague psychological connections to things they already feel negatively about.

Posted by: KT at February 24, 2024 11:33 AM (rrtZS)

27 Arguments with the godless are always difficult. The godless thinks that we are seeing things that aren't there while we can't understand how they don't perceive what stands clearly before us.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at February 24, 2024 11:34 AM (aD39U)

28 So... we need to own that term. Don't allow it to have a negative meaning. Yes, I'm a Nationalist. I believe in the good ole US of A. I believe in the Constitution.

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 24, 2024 11:29 AM (xaFKb)
No, we need to be who we are, people of faith. I guarantee you, if you recite the Archangel Michael prayer to one of these folks, they will crap themselves with fear.

For too long Christians tried to be "nice." Corrupt liberal theologians (not political liberalism, that's different), told us that we had to be "nice" to spread the faith, and that the ONLY message we could use was that of love. Acceptance. Tolerance.

No reference to hell, or hating sin, or calling people to repent. That vocabulary is needed now more than ever, and I'm seeing a lot of it in Catholic circles. My soft, liberal college town parish is now talking about hell, its reality, and how to avoid it.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 11:35 AM (llXky)

29 "Christian Nationalism" are an operation aimed at scaring the Center Left, partly by using vague psychological connections to things they already feel negatively about.

Posted by: KT at February 24, 2024 11:33 AM (rrtZS)


Posted by: BignJames at February 24, 2024 11:35 AM (AwYPR)

30 That's their goal, but operationalizing it is tricky because they are so far removed from normal humans that they have no idea how to control their own guards. The see everyone as cattle, so they assume when they order the cops to fire on children, they'll mindlessly obey. They've forgotten about Christmas in Romania, 1989.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 11:30 AM (llXky)

I think it's very likely we've not seen their Final Solution. We're seeing all the preparatory actions, and even some of the dress rehearsals, but not the real show.

Whatever that's going to look like, I don't expect it to be goose stepping troops, or any other show of force that will look like what the nazzies used.

My best guess is The Big One will be another plandemic, but even that's just a guess. It almost seems too obvious at this point.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 11:35 AM (GtZ7X)

31 Archimedes at February 24, 2024 11:28 AM

The main point is not to get lost in the weeds arguing substance with these people. Find a different way to send your message.

Posted by: KT at February 24, 2024 11:36 AM (rrtZS)

32 It's almost exactly like the nazzies in the 30s. Some people were Jews, some Gypsies, some mentally retarded, others various degenerates of one sort or another.

The nazzies kept meticulous records of who needed to be exterminated, and why. This crowd is doing the same thing.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 11:29 AM (GtZ7X)
This isn't Weimar Germany, it's closer to Republican Spain. That's the model they are using.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 11:36 AM (llXky)

33 Basically any time a leftist starts going on about 'Christian Nationalism' they're just looking to get their murder on.


Posted by: Voyager at February 24, 2024 11:37 AM (S3d13)

34 At some point, a healthy bigotry is the only sane response.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at February 24, 2024 11:37 AM (aD39U)

35 Heidi Przybyla is either evil or historically illiterate, and maybe both.

Here is her brag page on her personal website, where every single accomplishment she cites is misstated, weirdly conspiratorial and just plain wrong.

And, yet, she is celebrated (at least enough to appear regularly on TV and get a writing gig with Politico).

She was first to obtain a memo to the FBI and text messages showing then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was communicating with former classmates in advance of sexual harassment claims that later became public. A 2022 investigative report on RNC poll worker recruitment in Michigan led the state to establish a "code of conduct" for poll workers. She was the first network correspondent to break, on air, the shape of the impeachment articles against President Trump. Przybyla obtained internal Dept. of Health and Human Services communications showing the Trump administration's abrupt cancellation of a federal program to prevent teen pregnancy was directed by political appointees over the objections of career staff. Days later, HHS agreed to pull back its earlier decision to cancel the program outright.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at February 24, 2024 11:37 AM (5UAvA)

36 Nationalism, llamaism, bla-blah-ism , whatever ! IT DOES NOT MATTER. They are birthing "collective struggle" man! then they will move that collective mass any which way they want. It works doesn't it ? So far on a short-term basis. And it will continue to work, unless it is called by its real name.

Posted by: runner at February 24, 2024 11:38 AM (V13WU)

37 That's their goal, but operationalizing it is tricky because they are so far removed from normal humans that they have no idea how to control their own guards. The see everyone as cattle, so they assume when they order the cops to fire on children, they'll mindlessly obey. They've forgotten about Christmas in Romania, 1989.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 11:30 AM (llXky)

BurtTC at February 24, 2024 11:35 AM (GtZ7X)

There's already a disconnect between young men and young women.

Posted by: KT at February 24, 2024 11:38 AM (rrtZS)

38 operationalizing it is tricky because they are so far removed from normal humans

New Atheist Man!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at February 24, 2024 11:38 AM (FVME7)

39 For too long Christians tried to be "nice." Corrupt liberal theologians (not political liberalism, that's different), told us that we had to be "nice" to spread the faith, and that the ONLY message we could use was that of love. Acceptance. Tolerance.
No reference to hell, or hating sin, or calling people to repent. That vocabulary is needed now more than ever, and I'm seeing a lot of it in Catholic circles. My soft, liberal college town parish is now talking about hell, its reality, and how to avoid it.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 11:35 AM (llXky)

Concur. Stop being nice to people who hate your guts and want you dead or worse. Simply tell them to go fuck theyselves and go away and if they wanna get nuts, well, let's get nuts.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at February 24, 2024 11:38 AM (R/m4+)

40 Kinda like if you are not a Statist/Socialist, you are a racist.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at February 24, 2024 11:38 AM (8sMut)

41 One part of what he is recommending is to point out that arguments about "Christian Nationalism" are an operation aimed at scaring the Center Left, partly by using vague psychological connections to things they already feel negatively about.

Posted by: KT at February 24, 2024 11:33 AM (rrtZS)

It's hard to convince some people not to take the bait, when they spend so much time and effort munching on it.

It's not unlike, because it essentially is the same human impulse, that when you say on a webzine like this "don't feed the trolls," many people can't help it.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 11:38 AM (GtZ7X)

42 At some point, a healthy bigotry is the only sane response.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at February 24, 2024 11:37 AM (aD39U)
To a certain extent, yes. But also say you will pray for them. That drives them nuts.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 11:39 AM (llXky)

43 Interestingly enough the “hippie chick” was a fairly well known paid actress, at least in the biz, nothing organic about that. Completely staged.

Would be a good thread here. The entire 60s “Hippie” thing was an OP. Brought to you by the usual consortium of alphabet agencies, Henry Luce and Time-Life.

follow the networks, Did you know. Buffalo Springfield played on Mannix? For a “counter culture” movement they sure had a lot fucking culture bankrolling them.

Tim Leary and the rest of those clowns were painfully obvious assets, playing a script.

Like we whst have now.

Posted by: Common Tater at February 24, 2024 11:40 AM (HYyZn)

44 Suggestion 8. Discriminate in all your private dealings, without openly saying so. Never miss an opportunity to quietly do a Commie dirty.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at February 24, 2024 11:40 AM (aD39U)

45 Funny.... not that long ago it was the Jews who were the "greatest threat to democracy."

Now, it's Christians.

Bet the outrage mobs will be turned loose soon. Anyone paying attention pretty much knows what's next.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at February 24, 2024 11:41 AM (Q4IgG)

46 One part of what he is recommending is to point out that arguments about "Christian Nationalism" are an operation aimed at scaring the Center Left, partly by using vague psychological connections to things they already feel negatively about.

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but point out to whom? The left? People who think like I do? What's the point. The left won't listen, and people who think like I do, don't need to be persuaded.

The main point is not to get lost in the weeds arguing substance with these people. Find a different way to send your message.

But that's just a restatement of my question. What other methods? I think I'm reasonably good at argumentation, but if not that, what else?

Posted by: Archimedes at February 24, 2024 11:41 AM (CsUN+)

47 This isn't Weimar Germany, it's closer to Republican Spain. That's the model they are using.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 11:36 AM (llXky)

So yeah, these people are NOT stupid. They studied the 20th century models, and appear to be figuring out how to accomplish essentially the same goals on a global scale, without making the same mistakes.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 11:42 AM (GtZ7X)

48 2008: fundamentally transform America good

2024: fundamentally transform America,
Threat to precious democracy

Posted by: Montec at February 24, 2024 11:42 AM (bWsRe)

49 The left is setting the stage to make the word Christian itself a hate word, such that Christians are by default considered racist. They'll soon be calling it "the C word" and pixelating out crosses.

Posted by: Buck Throckmorton at February 24, 2024 11:42 AM (d9Cw3)

50 My siblings and I had a bit of conversation the other day about what it means to be "consevative." We did not come up with a good answer; good conversation about topics, personal experiences, etc., but we all missed the point. The point is that the moment you allow yourself to believe that rights are granted only through earthly sources, you become subject to the master/slave menrality. For most of us, that means serfdom. I am not relugious, but I know my right to live is not based on congress, the WEF, the idiot Supreme Court, etc. That is what "conservative" means.

Posted by: Erik In Texas at February 24, 2024 11:42 AM (QN7a1)

51 Stop being nice to people who hate your guts and want you dead or worse. Simply tell them to go fuck theyselves and go away and if they wanna get nuts, well, let's get nuts.

Now those are clear marching orders.

Posted by: Archimedes at February 24, 2024 11:43 AM (CsUN+)

52 I posted this yesterday as well. Christian, as well as writer and actor Kirk Cameron says that tolerance of tyranny is wrong and it is not "Turning the Other cheek":

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 24, 2024 11:43 AM (Ki//m)

53 "White Christian Nationalism" has been Emanuel Goldstein to the Christian Left for awhile:

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at February 24, 2024 11:43 AM (PiwSw)

54 There's already a disconnect between young men and young women.

Posted by: KT at February 24, 2024 11:38 AM (rrtZS)
In certain circles, very much so. Again, my worm's eye view (fenced in by choice) is that the Catholic community around here is experiencing a remarkable resurgence. The animus seems to be drawing people in, wondering what's so awful about Catholics. The Diocese has seen a surge in school enrollments and instead of closing parish schools, there's enough demand to open new ones. It's crazy.

I've not seen the numbers from Ash Wednesday, but last year it was nuts, people driving to Mass in white-out conditions to announce their faith to the world. We have a surge of religious women, and our seminaries are filling up again with ardent, orthodox men - many inspired by Tolkien, if you can believe it.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 11:43 AM (llXky)

55 There's already a disconnect between young men and young women.

Posted by: KT at February 24, 2024 11:38 AM (rrtZS)

And along racial lines. The ratcheting up of racial tensions happened on purpose too.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 11:44 AM (GtZ7X)

I think it's very likely we've not seen their Final Solution. We're seeing all the preparatory actions, and even some of the dress rehearsals, but not the real show."

How telling that Biden's UN ambassador was just talking about the need to find a Final Solution for the Jewish problem in Gaza.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 24, 2024 11:45 AM (rPV4g)

57 So the Moonies are back? But now calling themselves Rod of Iron Ministries? LoL…. There’s nothing new under the sun

I believe the first time the title/category Christian Nationalist came into my consciousness couldn’t have been more than a year or two ago. I think Lindsay is right…. It’s inconceivable to me that these people believe what they’re saying; it’s a means of propaganda to gain power. Sure there are some useful idiots that actually believe the drivel….. just as I’d imagine there are a few useful idiots (ahem… Moonies) who might accurately fit their description

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at February 24, 2024 11:45 AM (xT8gx)

58 In my personal experience, nobody dies cults like Koreans.

They'll even take otherwise normal shit like stamp collecting or Methodism and be all "Hey where should we put our compound?"

Posted by: Warai-otoko at February 24, 2024 11:45 AM (9UlRk)

59 *does

Stupid phone.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at February 24, 2024 11:45 AM (9UlRk)

60 As much an op as Patriot Front, as fake as David French's righteousness.

Posted by: It's all bullshit at February 24, 2024 11:45 AM (PMYn/)

61 I was out of town for Ash Wednesday so I didn't witness it but, our two services had Easter like numbers according to the attendance book.

It isn't normally like that.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at February 24, 2024 11:45 AM (aD39U)

62 The left is carefully crafting a condition where violence is the only way to escape their orbit. They are certain on victory and afraid of nothing. Trump has been their best tool, a hard point of opposition that forces confrontation.

Posted by: Erik In Texas at February 24, 2024 11:45 AM (QN7a1)

63 Maybe I need more coffee but the Rod of Iron snippet appears to be a meaningless chronology.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 24, 2024 11:46 AM (Lf+TO)

64 Hiya KT !

Thanks for reminding me how funny Tom Smothers was !

Posted by: JT at February 24, 2024 11:46 AM (T4tVD)

65 Posted by: Erik In Texas at February 24, 2024 11:42 AM (QN7a1)

yeas, exactly.

Posted by: runner at February 24, 2024 11:46 AM (V13WU)

66 Freedom of conscience genuinely terrifies some people. As you see here there are plenty on the Left who do NOT want to deny God - they want to REPLACE God with the State. And government has LONG been AT WAR with civil society, which in part is formed by churches and synagogues and other houses of worship. (See, government wants you to turn to them for EVERYTHING, which you can’t do if people can turn to charity.)

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at February 24, 2024 11:46 AM (8sMut)

67 Something related to this: liberal Catholic clergy are going to be extinct within a few years. They're clustered in the hierarchy and making as much mischief as they can, but surveys of seminaries found a staggering 80 percent identify themselves as "somewhat" or "very" orthodox/conservative.

These are guys who are keen to take on the world and spoiling for a fight. "Spiritual warfare" is a constant topic of conversation. The left has no idea with whom it is messing.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 11:46 AM (llXky)

68 I can't find the link now, but "Christian Post" reported that attacks against churches have gone way up since Biden became President What a surprise-NOT, Churches have been burned and vandalized.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 24, 2024 11:47 AM (Ki//m)

69 I am not relugious, but I know my right to live is not based on congress, the WEF, the idiot Supreme Court, etc. That is what "conservative" means.
Posted by: Erik In Texas at February 24, 2024 11:42 AM (QN7a1)


Posted by: Montec at February 24, 2024 11:47 AM (bWsRe)

70 And I would bet 50 quatloos that that picture of Jesus in a MAGA hat was done by a provocateur from the Left.

Come to think of it, the man in the middle carrying a blue flag looks a lot like Ray Epps...

*adjusts tinfoil hat*

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at February 24, 2024 11:47 AM (PiwSw)

71 Visegrád 24 @visegrad24 22h
It is Christians, not countries, that stand with Israel today.

Without Christian support, there would be no Embassies in Jerusalem.

Without Christian support, we wouldn’t have anti-BDS legislation,” says @ReinsteinJosh, the President of the Israel Allies Foundation.

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at February 24, 2024 11:47 AM (2yu8s)

72 The left is setting the stage to make the word Christian itself a hate word, such that Christians are by default considered racist. They'll soon be calling it "the C word" and pixelating out crosses.
Posted by: Buck Throckmorton at February 24, 2024 11:42 AM (d9Cw3)

There are plenty of people saying, and I happen to agree, that the left/right paradigm is not just obsolete, but part of the operation. It keeps people divided, who could otherwise unite against the Globalists.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 11:48 AM (GtZ7X)

73 Something related to this: liberal Catholic clergy are going to be extinct within a few years. They're clustered in the hierarchy and making as much mischief as they can, but surveys of seminaries found a staggering 80 percent identify themselves as "somewhat" or "very" orthodox/conservative.

These are guys who are keen to take on the world and spoiling for a fight. "Spiritual warfare" is a constant topic of conversation. The left has no idea with whom it is messing.

Sadly, the Episcopal Church isn't as far along towards this inflection point. I have noticed, however, that the bishops seem to be more woke than many of the seminarians.

Posted by: Archimedes at February 24, 2024 11:48 AM (CsUN+)

74 said Balmer, an Episcopal priest, Dartmouth College religion professor and author of more than a dozen books including Bad Faith: Race and the Rise of the Religious Right.

I feel my healthy bigotry kicking in.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at February 24, 2024 11:48 AM (aD39U)

75 62 The left is carefully crafting a condition where violence is the only way to escape their orbit. They are certain on victory and afraid of nothing. Trump has been their best tool, a hard point of opposition that forces confrontation.
Posted by: Erik In Texas at February 24, 2024 11:45 AM (QN7a1)

For many and varied reasons, I have been watching a lot - a lot - of German news broadcasts, West and East, from the Fall of 1989. One of the biggest takeaways? The obvious - the Final Freedom Is Voting With Your Feet. And something I figured out even then - that even the Vopos and Grenztruppen would run out of bullets. Then what?

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at February 24, 2024 11:50 AM (8sMut)

76 How telling that Biden's UN ambassador was just talking about the need to find a Final Solution for the Jewish problem in Gaza.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 24, 2024 11:45 AM (rPV4g)

When one introduces the religious aspect into the Globalist plan, one could easily see how some of them might believe the Final Solution must involve a conflagration in the Holy Land.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 11:51 AM (GtZ7X)

77 The left is carefully crafting a condition where violence is the only way to escape their orbit. They are certain on victory and afraid of nothing. Trump has been their best tool, a hard point of opposition that forces confrontation.

Posted by: Erik In Texas at February 24, 2024 11:45 AM (QN7a1)
No, they are filled with fear, that's why they lash out so often. They are high on their own supply, and the more power they get, the more terrified they become that they will lose the slightest piece of it.

I know a liberal woman who actually told me she was considering fleeing Michigan - MICHIGAN! because it was so close to fascism. We have abortion as a constitutional right, Dem majorities in both houses, they control all the top elected offices and the Supreme Court, but there's still danger everywhere.

They are moral and physical cowards who lash out to try to keep themselves together.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 11:51 AM (llXky)


45 Funny.... not that long ago it was the Jews who were the "greatest threat to democracy."

Now, it's Christians."

It brings up an important target of this push that Lindsay missed. I know from watching the Israeli conflict closely that in recent weeks, Biden and Blinken have completely destroyed their credibility with Jews both in Isreal and America - just yesterday Blinken announced a new political attack on Israeli settlers. (Why bring a contentious issue like that up now, except to help Hamas?) So this is a very cynical play to Jewish voters saying "well you may not like us, but are you gonna vote for those scary radical CHRISTIANS???"

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 24, 2024 11:51 AM (rPV4g)

79 The state is trying to both crush and redefine Christianity in its own faithless image.
An official state church like they have in China might well be in the planning.
David French will be an advocate of the state church.

Posted by: Northernlurker at February 24, 2024 11:52 AM (xcrUy)

80 This thing started, or at least really got going, when Johnson was elected speaker. They had nothing on him so they made him a crazy religious nut.

Posted by: Montec at February 24, 2024 11:52 AM (bWsRe)

81 Ok, let's ask them, if Christians - Bad, tell me, Mr. Proletariat with a million dollar salary, what religion is Good ? Islam ? Buddhism? Judaism per chance?? Which ?

Posted by: runner at February 24, 2024 11:53 AM (V13WU)

82 So this is a very cynical play to Jewish voters saying "well you may not like us, but are you gonna vote for those scary radical CHRISTIANS???"

I predict that precisely zero Jews will be persuaded to move to the left by this, while many may move right because of disgust with Biden and all his works, but especially those involving Israel.

Posted by: Archimedes at February 24, 2024 11:53 AM (CsUN+)

75 62 The left is carefully crafting a condition where violence is the only way to escape their orbit. They are certain on victory and afraid of nothing."

They should note that Hamas just did the same thing in Isreael, starting on Oct 7. Things haven't worked out the way they thought they would.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 24, 2024 11:54 AM (rPV4g)

84 Looking at Rotten Tomatoes is out of character for me, but couldn't resist reading a bit about the Rob Reiner film. David French seems to be in it, so you know it's really strange without knowing even a little bit more.

"Rotten" is apt. It's so bad, the site won't let anyone comment on it, and only shoes approved right-think reviews. The Critics Soviet they use give it a North Korean level of popularity.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at February 24, 2024 11:54 AM (j+PwL)

85 They should note that Hamas just did the same thing in Isreael, starting on Oct 7. Things haven't worked out the way they thought they would.

Excellent point.

Posted by: Archimedes at February 24, 2024 11:54 AM (CsUN+)

86 I can't find the link now, but "Christian Post" reported that attacks against churches have gone way up since Biden became President What a surprise-NOT, Churches have been burned and vandalized.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 24, 2024 11:47 AM (Ki//m)
Our parish was vandalized. If it was supposed to scare people, it backfired in the worst possible way.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 11:55 AM (llXky)

87 They're really pissed that Johnson won't give them their Ukraine money.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 24, 2024 11:55 AM (rPV4g)

88 If a person or group of persons want to be the god for the people, then Christians are a real problem since they already have a real God.

Posted by: Emmie at February 24, 2024 11:55 AM (Sf2cq)

89 62 The left is carefully crafting a condition where violence is the only way to escape their orbit. They are certain on victory and afraid of nothing. Trump has been their best tool, a hard point of opposition that forces confrontation.

Posted by: Erik In Texas

I see it not as intent but failure. Since the beginning of Obama every political gain they've attempted (achieved or not) has been met with increasing public rejection/skepticism. They, in return,
met the rejection with paranoia by arming agencies which increased skepticism. It started the feedback loop which hasn't stopped. They didn't intend armed conflict they are just not mentally mature enough to accept rejection.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 24, 2024 11:56 AM (Lf+TO)

90 87 They're really pissed that Johnson won't give them their Ukraine money.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 24, 2024 11:55 AM (rPV4g)

Always follow the money.

Posted by: Montec at February 24, 2024 11:56 AM (bWsRe)

91 Hiya JT, good morning.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 24, 2024 11:56 AM (Lf+TO)

92 And I would bet 50 quatloos that that picture of Jesus in a MAGA hat was done by a provocateur from the Left.

Come to think of it, the man in the middle carrying a blue flag looks a lot like Ray Epps...

*adjusts tinfoil hat*
Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at February 24, 2024 11:47 AM (PiwSw)

Just tell them that's not Jesus, it's just some nice white guy with a beard.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 11:57 AM (GtZ7X)

93 I guess just don't underestimate them, and don't take it for granted that they are going to back off or somehow get put in their place. If y'all have not listened to James Lindsay, very much recommended. Long winded but worthwhile.

Posted by: Erik In Texas at February 24, 2024 11:57 AM (QN7a1)

94 Hiya JT, good morning.
Posted by: Braenyard

Hiya !
And a Good Morning to you !

Posted by: JT at February 24, 2024 11:58 AM (T4tVD)

95 ...then they will most likely tell you - none ! And then you have every right to tell them they are marxist tools.

Posted by: runner at February 24, 2024 11:58 AM (V13WU)

96 I predict that precisely zero Jews will be persuaded to move to the left by this, while many may move right because of disgust with Biden and all his works, but especially those involving Israel.

Posted by: Archimedes at February 24, 2024 11:53 AM (CsUN+)
The explosion of Jew hatred on college campuses took a lot of them by surprise. I think many assumed that the "Coalition of the Aggrieved" was a permanent thing, but they're now finding out that numerically - and increasingly financially - they are no longer necessary.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 11:58 AM (llXky)

97 I just realized DEI is an attempt to correct the mistakes of the Creator.

It's fundamentally a religious movement, with articles of faith and a moral code.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at February 24, 2024 11:58 AM (7tUHB)

98 Good morning, KT and highly esteemed horde. Those of you who identify as Christian Nationalists can sit with me. Some more coffee?

Posted by: Eromero at February 24, 2024 11:59 AM (15fJM)

99 Everything on Earth ends in tears and it is wise to remember that 'whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.'

On that note, I have deadfalls to burn. BBL

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at February 24, 2024 11:59 AM (aD39U)

100 Yuval Harari - That's the guy. Look at his picture, and tell me he doesn't look like Klaus Kinski as Nosferatu.

Listen to him, and tell me he doesn't sound like he's a messenger directly from hell.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 11:59 AM (GtZ7X)

101 You know who else was a Christian Nationalist?

Oh wait, no he wasn't. At all.

Posted by: Archimedes at February 24, 2024 12:00 PM (CsUN+)

102 "Christian Nationalism" doesn't have a definition. It's an operational term that means whatever it needs to mean moment to moment in order for the operation to succeed.

Ah, kinda like "assault weapons," then.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at February 24, 2024 12:00 PM (DTX3h)

A British conservative in a long interview about this and other common western issues. His answer is 'push back' but we all kinda already know that. I enjoyed knowing there was a decent Brit in that country as it's all been kinda sad over there.

Twitter/X 1:15 minutes - but if you have the time well worth a listen.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at February 24, 2024 12:00 PM (nIvob)

104 They're really pissed that Johnson won't give them their Ukraine money.


they hate to be reminded that it's not their money

Posted by: runner at February 24, 2024 12:00 PM (V13WU)

105 The explosion of Jew hatred on college campuses took a lot of them by surprise. I think many assumed that the "Coalition of the Aggrieved" was a permanent thing, but they're now finding out that numerically - and increasingly financially - they are no longer necessary.

Concur. I think it was surprising to almost everyone just how vile the universities have become. It was a true wake up moment.

Posted by: Archimedes at February 24, 2024 12:01 PM (CsUN+)

106 83
75 62 The left is carefully crafting a condition where violence is the only way to escape their orbit. They are certain on victory and afraid of nothing."

They should note that Hamas just did the same thing in Isreael, starting on Oct 7. Things haven't worked out the way they thought they would.

Posted by: Tom Servo

Their thought leaders, not the actors, are studying those events closely and making adjustments to the action plans. Be prepared.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 24, 2024 12:01 PM (Lf+TO)

107 Bringing back The Handmaiden for election season...

Which is kind of hypocritical considering they are the Groomers.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at February 24, 2024 12:02 PM (cOq4q)

108 It started the feedback loop which hasn't stopped. They didn't intend armed conflict they are just not mentally mature enough to accept rejection.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 24, 2024 11:56 AM (Lf+TO)
Yes. This gives me great hope, but also fills me with despair. They are so insular, so remote from the world that they cannot comprehend Christians. They only know the parodies they see on TV, where orthodox Christians struggle with being secretly gay, or have affairs, or drink to excess, do drugs, etc.

"Why they're even more messed up than we are!" They openly state that turning to God is because we're too scared to face the world, and it's a sign of weakness.

Thus, they don't know when to stop pushing, but at the same time they are terrified of suffering personal harm. (cont)

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 12:02 PM (llXky)

109 From the link at 92…

“The fact that some Black Americans have endorsed the ideology doesn’t negate its racist character, he added”

lol. Black white supremacists are TIGHT!!

Posted by: Montec at February 24, 2024 12:02 PM (bWsRe)

110 One of the left's go-to tactics is the use of "othering." Some time ago that topic was discussed at length here.

It's basically isolating a group of people based on some sort of attribute; skin color, political ideology, religion, gender, etc. and demonizing them based on that attribute.

They're very good at it. The media is a huge factor in magnifying the effects too.

Turning the other cheek with these people will lead to misery and, IMO, eventually death.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at February 24, 2024 12:02 PM (Q4IgG)

111 Their thought leaders, comfortably and safely ensconced in other countries, not the actors, are studying those events closely and making adjustments to the action plans.


Posted by: Archimedes at February 24, 2024 12:02 PM (CsUN+)

112 I guess just don't underestimate them, and don't take it for granted that they are going to back off or somehow get put in their place. If y'all have not listened to James Lindsay, very much recommended. Long winded but worthwhile.
Posted by: Erik In Texas at February 24, 2024 11:57 AM (QN7a1)

There's something to be said for listening to and/or reading the various out-of-the-mainstream voices. Plenty of things to disagree with them on (Tucker, RFK, Greenwald, Bari Weiss, etc), and I suppose Lindsay is another, even though I don't care for his style.

A good test is to look at who they're attacking, and specifically what they're attacking them on. When you see it, you know the critics are onto something.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 12:03 PM (GtZ7X)

113 I have not looked into this Google AI thing but wonder what would show up if one tried Christian Nationalist?

Posted by: Skip at February 24, 2024 12:04 PM (fwDg9)

114 The term “thought leader” MUST DIE, for if you need one, NO ONE IS THINKING.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at February 24, 2024 12:04 PM (8sMut)

115 The left always needs a bogeyman. Western civ had Jews that the left would always consider the "other". Now they've invented "Christian Nationalist".
The script never changes just the names

Posted by: Smell the Glove at February 24, 2024 12:04 PM (D2RJG)

116 “The fact that some Black Americans have endorsed the ideology doesn’t negate its racist character, he added”

lol. Black white supremacists are TIGHT!!

Are these people just STUPID?

Posted by: LGBT Intifada at February 24, 2024 12:05 PM (CsUN+)

117 (cont) Let me give an example of this.

If you take a liberal and hold them at gunpoint and tell them that you will let them go if they just make a profession of faith, they will do so in a hot minute. They will say anything you want, because they know it's a lie and lying is the smart play.

Afterwards, they will feel smug about how stupid it was and how easily the 'trap' was broken.

They cannot fathom someone will would prefer death to uttering blasphemy or renouncing their faith. The regard those people as dangerously unstable, and they have nightmares about them. They are desperately trying social shaming because that works wonderfully on them. The rising panic is because their bullying tactics are visibly backfiring and they don't know what to do. Thus the fear that they will go kinetic.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 12:05 PM (llXky)

Listen to him, and tell me he doesn't sound like he's a messenger directly from hell.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 11:59 AM

I listened to the devil himself this morning. Guy is a medical researcher involved in vaccine research and development. In court, on the witness stand denying he used more then two fetuses in his research. When confronted with proof of more then 70 fetuses he finally admitted. Avowed atheist, proud of what he does.

Apparently some court cases of people being fired for refusing to take the vaccine out of moral/ethical/religious grounds are starting to happen and this initial case is big.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at February 24, 2024 12:06 PM (nIvob)

119 I will continue to pray for my country.

Posted by: Northernlurker at February 24, 2024 12:06 PM (xcrUy)

120 Longest post ever

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at February 24, 2024 12:07 PM (jpK9G)

121 It's fundamentally a religious movement, with articles of faith and a moral code.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at February 24, 2024 11:58 AM (7tUHB)
It is objectively demonic, and these people are driven by demonic energy. You can actually see it sometimes.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 12:08 PM (llXky)

122 Longest post ever

Would you have preferred a bumper sticker?

Posted by: Archimedes at February 24, 2024 12:08 PM (CsUN+)

123 ...dangerous proto-terrorist who must be surveilled,harassed, debanked, and imprisoned by the Marxist God-State.

I wonder if they have really thought this through? Do they believe Christians will go meekly like Hollywood has portrayed for so many years?
I do not believe they will enjoy the counter-surveillance, counter-harassment, and counter-debarking. No. They won't like it at all.

Posted by: Diogenes at February 24, 2024 12:08 PM (W/lyH)

124 Lindsay is wrong - it's an op, but the people behind it very much believe it is true. Because they are aligned with evil, anything that comes from God terrifies them. Being an atheist, Lindsay has no effective answer, which is to be found in speaking confidently and fearlessly in the language of the true faith, not their weird, distorted version of it.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 11:28 AM (llXky)

This perfectly explains why I have a hard time following Lindsay.

Posted by: A Man With No Plan at February 24, 2024 12:09 PM (VPbRr)

125 Is this why the feds are marching around with swastkas

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at February 24, 2024 12:09 PM (jpK9G)

126 They are desperately trying social shaming because that works wonderfully on them. The rising panic is because their bullying tactics are visibly backfiring and they don't know what to do. Thus the fear that they will go kinetic.

The faceplant by the Reiner movie is evidence of the public's shift in perception, and it does NOT favor the left.

Posted by: Archimedes at February 24, 2024 12:10 PM (CsUN+)

127 they hate to be reminded that it's not their money
Posted by: runner at February 24, 2024 12:00 PM (V13WU)

But it IS their money. What you get to keep in earnings is what they let you have out of kindness that they CAN and WILL take from you at any time.
YOU can do with less. Government cannot.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at February 24, 2024 12:10 PM (8sMut)

128 I wonder if they have really thought this through? Do they believe Christians will go meekly like Hollywood has portrayed for so many years?
I do not believe they will enjoy the counter-surveillance, counter-harassment, and counter-debarking. No. They won't like it at all.

Posted by: Diogenes at February 24, 2024 12:08 PM (W/lyH)
Yes, they don't know actual Christians. They think they are all cowardly hypocrites.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 12:11 PM (llXky)

129 “The fact that some Black Americans have endorsed the ideology doesn’t negate its racist character, he added”


Some?? SOME?? idiots !

80% of black population identify as Christian.

Here is more (from Pew): " Most Black Americans identify as Christian, and many are highly religious by traditional measures of belief. For instance, belief in the divine is close to universal among Black Americans, the vast majority of whom say they believe in God or a higher power (97%). And most, when asked about the nature of the divinity they believe in, say it is “God as described in the Bible” (or, if they identify with a non-Christian religion, the holy scripture of that faith)...Among those who identify with a religion, Protestants (73%) are more likely than Catholics (49%) to say religion is very important to them. And eight-in-ten Protestants who attend religious services at least a few times a year say this, regardless of the racial composition of their congregation."

Posted by: runner at February 24, 2024 12:11 PM (V13WU)

130 I listened to the devil himself this morning. Guy is a medical researcher involved in vaccine research and development. In court, on the witness stand denying he used more then two fetuses in his research. When confronted with proof of more then 70 fetuses he finally admitted. Avowed atheist, proud of what he does.

Apparently some court cases of people being fired for refusing to take the vaccine out of moral/ethical/religious grounds are starting to happen and this initial case is big.
Posted by: Divide by Zero at February 24, 2024 12:06 PM (nIvob)

Tucker had Steven Kirsch on his "show," and I watched the clip that's posted on Rantingly. I'm sure there's a longer version somewhere. He's referring to the data that is becoming harder and harder to ignore.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 12:11 PM (GtZ7X)

97 I just realized DEI is an attempt to correct the mistakes of the Creator.

It's fundamentally a religious movement, with articles of faith and a moral code.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at February 24, 2024 11:58 AM (7tUHB)

Absolutely it is a religious movement, and it's one in which it's adherents make gods of themselves. They think that is something new - in fact it is very old, and we know that these things always end up the same way - but they do a lot of damage before they get there.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 24, 2024 12:11 PM (rPV4g)

132 The faceplant by the Reiner movie is evidence of the public's shift in perception, and it does NOT favor the left.

The only thing the left hates more than being ignored, is being laughed at and not feared.

Posted by: Archimedes at February 24, 2024 12:11 PM (CsUN+)

133 This feels like more of the leftist divisional playbook. You can't let those who disagree with the current regime to label themselves (constitutionalists, freedom-loving). That might attract disaffected blacks, hispanics, union workers...

So give them a divisive label so that we can continue to keep everyone divided and pitted against each other so that they're never strong enough to turn on the regime.

Posted by: Grudge Harbor at February 24, 2024 12:12 PM (hCzfy)

134 So is the American Roman Catholic Church a convention church, with its Catholic Charities wing aiding and abetting illegal invasion?

Posted by: Mr Gaga at February 24, 2024 12:13 PM (KiBMU)

135 This perfectly explains why I have a hard time following Lindsay.

Posted by: A Man With No Plan at February 24, 2024 12:09 PM (VPbRr)
Jordan Peterson is moving towards conversion. His wife will enter the Catholic Church this Easter. She was raised Protestant, fell away and after receiving a terminal diagnosis of cancer. She was supposed to die within months. A friend came to her and offerted to pray the Rosary with her. They did this each day for months and she inexplicably recovered, and was pronounced cancer-free on a wedding anniversary she wasn't supposed to live long enough to see. That was four years ago.

There are two miracles here - most will focus on the cure, but the true one is her conversion.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 12:15 PM (llXky)

136 I am starting to think that most if not all of them never met a black family, and even if they had, it was from the same rarified, incestuous circle that does not venture out outside of DC, or 5star Manhattan restaurants.

Posted by: runner at February 24, 2024 12:15 PM (V13WU)

Yes, they don't know actual Christians. They think they are all cowardly hypocrites.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 12:11 PM

They know David French.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 24, 2024 12:15 PM (rPV4g)

138 After a conversation with a professor where he referenced the "Christian Fundamentalist" bogeyman, I recalled the history of the term "fundamentalist" from my experience. My 1979 dictionary says a fundamentalist is someone who believes the foundational concepts in their belief system. Like a fundy Christian believes that Jesus is God Incarnate, He died for our sins, we need to confess our sins and trust Him for our salvation, you know, basic things like that. This is in contrast to some "churches" who teach that your sins are not that bad and you just need to realize what a good person you are deep down inside.

But then the hostage crisis happened and Islamic barbarism intruded upon our national consciousness. The terrorists started being referred to as "fundamentalists".

I think this was an effort by the social engineers to taint Christians with the crimes of the Islamic terrorists. So now fundamentalist Christians are a threat. It's a very vague threat, but people feel it.

Posted by: Emmie at February 24, 2024 12:16 PM (Sf2cq)

139 Is there anything that isn't an OP? I assume OP is short for operation? A plan? A scheme? The term certainly is used a lot.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 24, 2024 12:18 PM (63Dwl)

140 So is the American Roman Catholic Church a convention church, with its Catholic Charities wing aiding and abetting illegal invasion?

Posted by: Mr Gaga at February 24, 2024 12:13 PM (KiBMU)
The Church has got lots of parts, and Catholic Charities are involved in migrant assistance. It's a tough situation because if you are called to help those in need, it doesn't matter how they got there. I don't doubt that there are elements in the Church who see this as "good for business," but there are also concerns about other people having to get less assistance because of it.

The dark nexus is taxpayer subsidies going to the relief services, and that's problematic because on the one hand, the government wants to hide the scope of the problem and its involvement in supporting it, but on the other it hates giving money to religious charities.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 12:18 PM (llXky)

141 114 The term “thought leader” MUST DIE, for if you need one, NO ONE IS THINKING.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33

Some are leaders some of the leaders are thinkers.
What term would you prefer?

Posted by: Braenyard at February 24, 2024 12:19 PM (Lf+TO)

142 109 From the link at 92…

“The fact that some Black Americans have endorsed the ideology doesn’t negate its racist character, he added”

lol. Black white supremacists are TIGHT!!


They are not lying to you and me. None of their lies are ever believed by us. They are lying to the millions of weak minded liberals to help them explain a phenomenon that doesn't match their dogma

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at February 24, 2024 12:19 PM (jpK9G)

They know David French.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 24, 2024 12:15 PM (rPV4g)
That guy would happily spit on a cross and renounce Christ if it would save his miserable skin. He probably fantasizes about it with his wife's boyfriend doing the work.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 12:20 PM (llXky)

144 So is the American Roman Catholic Church a convention church, with its Catholic Charities wing aiding and abetting illegal invasion?
Posted by: Mr Gaga at February 24, 2024 12:13 PM (KiBMU)

Remember, the Catholic Church has been around quite a long time. They have seen empires, countries and their governments and institutions and borders come and go. They respect a nation and it's government and will pay lip service to it, but The Church looks on them as a passing phase, sometimes a benefit and sometimes a nuisance but The Church is above them and will do what benefits The Church most of all. Since nothing is done to prevent the illegal invaders from invading, The Church sees nothing wrong with helping the "down trodden" and future pew and coffer fillers.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at February 24, 2024 12:20 PM (R/m4+)

145 If you ever find yourself in an underground church and David French tries to visit proceed cautiously.

Posted by: Northernlurker at February 24, 2024 12:20 PM (xcrUy)

146 Good morning KT

Your Saturday morning articles are always interesting. Thank you!

Posted by: AmericanKestrel at February 24, 2024 12:21 PM (S5+ge)

147 This article is all over the place. Too many loose ends, and too perhapsy. E.g., why didn't they just boost ticket sales for Meathead's movie? It would not have taken much to get it out of the Total Disgrace range, which is where it is.

The tactic will work with some, like my idiot sister who lives in NY (though even she is wavering), but not so many as Lindsay implies.

Frankly, I suspect Lindsay himself of being a grifter.

Posted by: Eeyore at February 24, 2024 12:22 PM (1bNHn)

148 The term “thought leader” MUST DIE, f


together with "lived experience" , and "your truth"

Posted by: runner at February 24, 2024 12:22 PM (V13WU)

149 Is there anything that isn't an OP? I assume OP is short for operation? A plan? A scheme? The term certainly is used a lot.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 24, 2024 12:18 PM (63Dwl)
Yeah, there are a lot of them out there. I'm convinced the Westboro Baptist Church was an op. It was designed to do multiple things. First, create a high-profile caricature of mean, hateful Christians. Second, generate sympathy for gays by showing that the only people opposed to them were inbred Bible-thumping foul-mouthed jerks.

Most importantly, though, it established case law that the right of free speech was more important than religious practice. Yes, you have the right to a funeral Mass, but outsiders can shout blasphemy at you while you do it.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 12:23 PM (llXky)

150 The Church most of all. Since nothing is done to prevent the illegal invaders from invading, The Church sees nothing wrong with helping the "down trodden" and future pew and coffer fillers.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at February 24, 2024 12:20 PM (R/m4+)
Yes. If the secular authorities refuse to defend the frontier, that's not their problem.

I do think there is also an idea that converting the fallen away or unchurched justifies the situation. And who knows? God works in mysterious ways.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 12:25 PM (llXky)

151 Is there anything that isn't an OP? I assume OP is short for operation? A plan? A scheme? The term certainly is used a lot.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 24, 2024 12:18 PM (63Dwl)

It's the other side of the equation, when old style liberals used to say "everything is political."

Sure. And that was a very successful campaign, to the point where now how many squares you use on the toilet is a political statement.

Now... IS everything an op? I don't know, probably not. For example, Fanny sliding up and down, in and out of her... campaign funds, is probably not an op. Just a shitty person, doing shitty things, and thinking she's entitled to get away with it.

But yeah, let's say everything is, because we're much more often going to be right when we say something's an op.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 12:25 PM (GtZ7X)

152 I tend to look at the hard core Democrats, the real leftists and how they perceive their chosen ideology. It's their religion. They're very, very passionate about it too.

The way they demonize anyone who doesn't subscribe to it is eerily similar to the jihadi's and their devotion to Islam. Mostly the parts about subjugating and/or killing the nonbelievers.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at February 24, 2024 12:25 PM (Q4IgG)

153 Frankly, I suspect Lindsay himself of being a grifter.

Posted by: Eeyore at February 24, 2024 12:22 PM (1bNHn)
Everyone has bills to pay.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 12:26 PM (llXky)

The way they demonize anyone who doesn't subscribe to it is eerily similar to the jihadi's and their devotion to Islam. Mostly the parts about subjugating and/or killing the nonbelievers.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at February 24, 2024 12:25 PM (Q4IgG)
I know two liberal women who have switched between various belief systems over the years. Their truth faith, however, is Democrat.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 12:28 PM (llXky)

155 The Moonies own Kahr?! That sucks. Maybe explains why the pistol I loved so much was *way* out of my price range.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at February 24, 2024 12:29 PM (nC+QA)

The term “thought leader” MUST DIE, for if you need one, NO ONE IS THINKING.
Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33

How about "difference maker?"

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 24, 2024 12:31 PM (63Dwl)

157 I agree that this is also to force liberal American Jews back onto the reservation. A show is being made of shushing the Palestinian crazies, and this is to remind them that Literal Nazis are on the ballot so keep the cash and votes flowing.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 12:32 PM (llXky)

158 The term “thought leader” MUST DIE, for if you need one, NO ONE IS THINKING.
Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33

How about "difference maker?"
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 24, 2024 12:31 PM (63Dwl)

We used to call them intellectuals. It's a neutral term, merely describing those who operate in the realm of thoughts, as opposed to action.

They can be useful, obviously. They can also be used by the action-takers to give cover for their more horrible lies.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 12:34 PM (GtZ7X)

159 My memory may be faulty, but I'm pretty sure our founding documents state quite plainly that our rights come from God.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at February 24, 2024 12:35 PM (baqtI)

I am starting to think that most if not all of them never met a black family, and even if they had, it was from the same rarified, incestuous circle that does not venture out outside of DC, or 5star Manhattan restaurants.

Posted by: runner at February 24, 2024 12:15 PM

I had a credit card issue sometime in the past year. I was on the phone with a Black woman - it was easy for me to discern, nothing racist about knowing speech patterns and word usage. She was quite nice and at a certain point she said if I had further issues to call my branch at XYZ-6661. At that point, knowing how many Blacks are people of faith, I said, "666? I don't think I'm calling that number!"

She laughed as long and hard as I did, my laughter was in her confirmation that she 'got' the joke. She was still laughing as we finished the call. My wife was listening in and she was laughing, too. It was a nice moment that my wife and I still laugh about.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at February 24, 2024 12:36 PM (nIvob)

161 A lefty relative constantly rails against Christians because they don't live up to her standards. We Christians are more interested in God's approval than her approval, for instance. She condemns Christians for not enthusiastically cooperating with the push toward communism and tyranny. In her view, if Christians were good people, we'd be in favor of government wealth redistribution and the invasion of looters. Never mind that the wealth distribution is mostly from the productive class to the ruling class, with a few crumbs tossed to the dependent class. And we're supposed to pretend that every person illegally crossing the border is a sympathetic case.

Posted by: Emmie at February 24, 2024 12:37 PM (Sf2cq)

162 At the root of all the evil K.T. has laid out above (and a very nice job, K.T.!) is Big Penguin.

Like rust and trolls, Big Penguin never sleeps.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at February 24, 2024 12:38 PM (a3Q+t)

163 Westboro Baptist was really just one extended family - there were never more than about 30 people involved - and they were just a con game / extortion racket. I realized that they were incredibly delighted with the notoriety they had gotten when I learned they were sending representatives to funeral homes and other public functions demanding thousands of dollars in advance to NOT show up.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 24, 2024 12:38 PM (rPV4g)

164 My memory may be faulty, but I'm pretty sure our founding documents state quite plainly that our rights come from God.
Posted by: Thomas Paine at February 24, 2024 12:35 PM (baqtI)

That's funny. Our founding documents were created by rayciss, sisterjenner white slaveholder men. Therefore, null and void.


Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 12:38 PM (GtZ7X)

165 > My memory may be faulty, but I'm pretty sure our founding documents state quite plainly that our rights come from God.

Democrats are convinced they come from the State.

"Their" State.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at February 24, 2024 12:39 PM (Q4IgG)

166 Westboro Baptist was really just one extended family - there were never more than about 30 people involved - and they were just a con game / extortion racket. I realized that they were incredibly delighted with the notoriety they had gotten when I learned they were sending representatives to funeral homes and other public functions demanding thousands of dollars in advance to NOT show up.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 24, 2024 12:38 PM (rPV4g)

That sounds like heaven to me. I can't think of anything I'd rather do for a living, than to have people pay me NOT to show up.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 12:40 PM (GtZ7X)

167 It's time for "Lefties Losing It".

Posted by: Archimedes at February 24, 2024 12:40 PM (CsUN+)

168 Unbelievably, Mop Top now claims Biden has always been against an open border.. Her shit's all retarded.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at February 24, 2024 12:40 PM (+nXom)

169 Westboro Baptist was really just one extended family - there were never more than about 30 people involved - and they were just a con game / extortion racket. I realized that they were incredibly delighted with the notoriety they had gotten when I learned they were sending representatives to funeral homes and other public functions demanding thousands of dollars in advance to NOT show up.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 24, 2024 12:38 PM (rPV4g)
Right, a high-profile extortion racket that no federal agency touched, even though they were hateful, right-wing crazy Christians. I think they are the only people in America who can burn a rainbow flag with impunity.

It was definitely an op.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 12:42 PM (llXky)

170 119 I will continue to pray for my country.
Posted by: Northernlurker at February 24, 2024 12:06 PM (xcrUy)


Posted by: Emmie at February 24, 2024 12:43 PM (Sf2cq)

That sounds like heaven to me. I can't think of anything I'd rather do for a living, than to have people pay me NOT to show up.
Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 12:40 PM (GtZ7X)

Same racket as getting people to pay you for NOT burning their business down.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 24, 2024 12:44 PM (rPV4g)

172 Commandancy of the The Alamo

Bejar, Feby. 24th. 1836

To the People of Texas & All Americans in the World-

Fellow Citizens & compatriots-

I am besieged, by a thousand or more of the Mexicans under Santa Anna - I have sustained a continual Bombardment & cannonade for 24 hours & have not lost a man - The enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion, otherwise, the garrison are to be put to the sword, if the fort is taken - I have answered the demand with a cannon shot, & our flag still waves proudly from the walls - I shall never surrender or retreat. Then, I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism & everything dear to the American character, to come to our aid, with all dispatch - The enemy is receiving reinforcements daily & will no doubt increase to three or four thousand in four or five days. If this call is neglected, I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible & die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country - Victory or Death.

William Barret Travis.

Lt. Col.comdt.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at February 24, 2024 12:45 PM (8sMut)

173 "L'stat c'est moi."

Posted by: Anna Puma at February 24, 2024 12:45 PM (3hJhH)

174 Christian nationalism.
Hey. Looky here!!!
The left has invented a new term to demonize a segment of society that won't vote for them.
Who the fu*k says they get to be the only ones to invent terms? And who says I have to play along?

Posted by: Diogenes at February 24, 2024 12:45 PM (W/lyH)

175 Raggity Karine is a better lier than Bagdad Bob ever could have dreamed

Posted by: Skip at February 24, 2024 12:45 PM (fwDg9)

176 I believe that:

Somewhere in Washington DC, in a windowless, below street-level conference room, there is a team of people whose job it is to dream up new buzzwords, catchphrases and memes for the far Left.

Their job is to pervert existing language, while creating new language, that supports the Left's views.

Orwell envisioned this in 1984 with his description of Newspeak, so I'm not making a new observation here.

I believe it is a real thing that people are doing right now.

Posted by: Don Black at February 24, 2024 12:46 PM (geLO8)

177 That sounds like heaven to me. I can't think of anything I'd rather do for a living, than to have people pay me NOT to show up.
Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 12:40 PM (GtZ7X)

Same racket as getting people to pay you for NOT burning their business down.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 24, 2024 12:44 PM (rPV4g)

Wasn't the world a lovely place, when they only people doing these things were Italians in zoot suits, carrying tommyguns?

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 12:47 PM (GtZ7X)

178 161: let me guess. She flunked history?

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at February 24, 2024 12:47 PM (8sMut)

179 J6 rally is the biggest trap laid out by the Left in history.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 12:47 PM (TSAar)

180 Were there any traditions taken from the South other than the institution of slavery? Or did that snowball for them since so much of their economy was dependent on slave labor?

Posted by: Emmie at February 24, 2024 12:47 PM (Sf2cq)

It was definitely an op.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 12:42

And they always got big time media coverage. Yeah I agree.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 24, 2024 12:48 PM (rPV4g)

182 Somewhere in Washington DC, in a windowless, below street-level conference room, there is a team of people whose job it is to dream up new buzzwords, catchphrases and memes for the far Left.

They are probably the ones responsible for such gems as "Dark Brandon", and "Ultra-MAGA". Geniuses they are not.

Posted by: Archimedes at February 24, 2024 12:48 PM (CsUN+)

183 The Left is just fulfilling Jesus's words.

In an odd way it's comforting.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 12:49 PM (TSAar)

184 Actual Christian Nationalists are fruitcake racialists. If you see a black sun with lightning bolt rays, like the arms of a swastika, you're looking at someone who believes the nonsense.

I don't know if they're necessarily violent, but they do tend to worship the State, just differently from your typical Leftists. They like big government programs, but only for citizens. They profess hard work and strong work ethic, and they spout Biblical stuff all the time. Lion imagry, crusader knights in armor festooned with crosses are all over their profiles.

Very similar to average conservatives with a whites only twist.

Posted by: insurgens ad opus at February 24, 2024 12:49 PM (FRT/w)

185 Excellent post, KT, like most.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 24, 2024 12:49 PM (ynpvh)

186 Who the fu*k says they get to be the only ones to invent terms? And who says I have to play along?
Posted by: Diogenes at February 24, 2024 12:45 PM (W/lyH)

Wise men once upon a time (in places like this very webzine) used to point out that arguing with them was part of the op.

While you're getting into the weeds, they're moving on dot org to the next new thing, and like dogs chasing bones, the so-called conservatives will be arguing the last new thing.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 12:50 PM (GtZ7X)

187 178 161: let me guess. She flunked history?
Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at February 24, 2024 12:47 PM (8sMut)

Ha! No. Never underestimate the ability of a leftist to ignore reality.

Posted by: Emmie at February 24, 2024 12:50 PM (Sf2cq)

188 A 'christian' church that bends its knee to a government is not Christian.

Posted by: Anna Puma at February 24, 2024 12:50 PM (3hJhH)

189 Somewhere in Washington DC, in a windowless, below street-level conference room, there is a team of people whose job it is to dream up new buzzwords, catchphrases and memes for the far Left.

It's not "somewhere", it's "everywhere". Each time I got a new memo, policy, addendum, Yada Yada Yada Yada there was new left wing language in it. Made up out of magic cloth.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at February 24, 2024 12:51 PM (pVWRI)

190 “We used to call them intellectuals. It's a neutral term, merely describing those who operate in the realm of thoughts, as opposed to action.”


Posted by: Communist Party of China, 1966-1976 at February 24, 2024 12:51 PM (8sMut)

191 173 "L'stat c'est moi."

Posted by: Anna Puma at February 24, 2024 12:45 PM (3hJhH)
174 Christian nationalism.

"La démocratie, c'est moi"--Deep State

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 24, 2024 12:51 PM (ynpvh)

192 Very similar to average conservatives with a whites only twist.
Posted by: insurgens ad opus at February 24, 2024 12:49 PM (FRT/w)

And they all could fit in a high school gym.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 12:51 PM (TSAar)

193 J6 rally is the biggest trap laid out by the Left in history.
Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 12:47 PM (TSAar)

Many of us were saying so, well before the date.

I will admit though, I far underestimated how they would use it, to spend the next several years using it to go after their enemies... primarily the American people.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 12:51 PM (GtZ7X)

194 187 178 161: let me guess. She flunked history?
Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at February 24, 2024 12:47 PM (8sMut)

Ha! No. Never underestimate the ability of a leftist to ignore reality.
Posted by: Emmie at February 24, 2024 12:50 PM (Sf2cq)

Well, true. The biggest Leftists I have known were in the history department of the university that I attended for my master’s.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at February 24, 2024 12:52 PM (8sMut)

195 Democracy killed Socrates.

Posted by: Erik In Texas at February 24, 2024 12:53 PM (Lnvr7)

196 A 'christian' church that bends its knee to a government is not Christian.
Posted by: Anna Puma at February 24, 2024 12:50 PM (3hJhH)

You mean like closing down, and not serving their flocks during a plandemic?

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 12:53 PM (GtZ7X)

197 193 J6 rally is the biggest trap laid out by the Left in history.
Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 12:47 PM (TSAar)

Many of us were saying so, well before the date.

I will admit though, I far underestimated how they would use it, to spend the next several years using it to go after their enemies... primarily the American people.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 12:51 PM (GtZ7X)

As this post suggests, EVERY OP form the left has to be looked at through this lens.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 24, 2024 12:53 PM (ynpvh)

The 'Nazi' march was so much an op recently. Since we noticed the khaki pants thing, they switched to all black this time. The shirts were all similar, the face coverings the same, the flags all the same size and recently procured. Everything SCREAMED Fed!

It took more then a few dollars to equip that little act. But this is the level of leftist thought in our government and 'law enforcement'. It's a blatant in-your-face level of deceit to sway voters.

It is beyond despicable. It is truly embarrassing to live in a country where so-called members of law enforcement stoop to such reprehensible behavior.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at February 24, 2024 12:54 PM (nIvob)

199 188 A 'christian' church that bends its knee to a government is not Christian.
Posted by: Anna Puma at February 24, 2024 12:50 PM (3hJhH)

I think of Daniel who kept on openly praying despite a death threat.

Posted by: Northernlurker at February 24, 2024 12:55 PM (xcrUy)

200 195 Democracy killed Socrates.
Posted by: Erik In Texas at February 24, 2024 12:53 PM (Lnvr7)
Chose Barabbas, too.

There is no human political idea not corruptible, and often corrupted.

Posted by: Eeyore at February 24, 2024 12:55 PM (1bNHn)

201 Memory is hazy, Westboro was run by a guy who was running Al Gore’s campaign in Oklahoma or something like that.

Once you know what to look for you will see thr hallmarks of government intervention and spook ops going back decades and decades.

You won’t be able to un-see it. You’ll see the same names keep popping up, and curious “coincidences” over and over.

Posted by: Common Tater at February 24, 2024 12:55 PM (HYyZn)

202 Democracy killed Socrates.
Posted by: Erik In Texas at February 24, 2024 12:53 PM (Lnvr7)
I also understand that video killed the radio star.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at February 24, 2024 12:55 PM (0gvpA)

203 While you're getting into the weeds, they're moving on dot org to the next new thing, and like dogs chasing bones, the so-called conservatives will be arguing the last new thing.
Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 12:50 PM (GtZ7X)

That's because most #conservatives buy into the idea that government solves social end economic problems, so long as the wealth is redistributed by the right people to the right people.

They don't question the 111 year cultural lie that you can get Big Government gibzmedats while retaining Small Government freedoms.

They will always fiddle at the edges about how much, for how long, to whom under which conditions, because they cannot question the underlying premise without shooting their own core belifs in the gut.

Their core beliefs do not start with freedom, but with security and what's in it for them. What's right in front of my face? Not, what are the potential pitfalls of this action?

Posted by: insurgens ad opus at February 24, 2024 12:56 PM (FRT/w)

204 195 Democracy killed Socrates.

Posted by: Erik In Texas at February 24, 2024 12:53 PM (Lnvr7)

Democracy is good at poisoning the well of freedoms.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 24, 2024 12:57 PM (ynpvh)

205 There is no human political idea not corruptible, and often corrupted.
Posted by: Eeyore at February 24, 2024 12:55 PM (1bNHn)

A form of Democracy is the best of the worst.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 12:57 PM (TSAar)

206 Is Westboro church still active?

Posted by: Northernlurker at February 24, 2024 12:57 PM (xcrUy)

207 The conventions come along and say that they'll exert convention discipline on member churches, and the government will lighten the pressure on convention churches in response. Now you have a de facto "registered church" like the USSR but that's USA 1A compliant.
You do, but those entities are no longer part of the body of Christ as they've chosen to serve the god of this world instead.

Posted by: Methos at February 24, 2024 12:57 PM (Dnobf)

208 And they all could fit in a high school gym.
Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 12:51 PM (TSAar)

Maybe, but who cares? The response ignores the point.

Posted by: insurgens ad opus at February 24, 2024 12:57 PM (FRT/w)

209 Right, a high-profile extortion racket that no federal agency touched, even though they were hateful, right-wing crazy Christians. I think they are the only people in America who can burn a rainbow flag with impunity.

It was definitely an op.

Phelps was a Democrat, and ran for Kansas Governor and a Senate seat as a Democrat. Obviously he got blown out in the primaries in both cases.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at February 24, 2024 12:57 PM (dZVON)

210 196 A 'christian' church that bends its knee to a government is not Christian.
Posted by: Anna Puma at February 24, 2024 12:50 PM (3hJhH)

You mean like closing down, and not serving their flocks during a plandemic?
Posted by: BurtTC

My church was told no services allowed in the sanctuary. Fine, we held them in the parking lot, communion and all.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at February 24, 2024 01:00 PM (baqtI)

211 J"6 rally is the biggest trap laid out by the Left in history.
Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 12:47 PM (TSAar)

Many of us were saying so, well before the date.

I will admit though, I far underestimated how they would use it, to spend the next several years using it to go after their enemies... primarily the American people.
Posted by: BurtTC"

I remember saying people should stay away, that thousands would be arrested and the Deep State was planning/hoping for hundreds killed/wounded. They didn't get everything they wanted but do have thousands of people they are ruining and are hunting down more.

Posted by: Ripley at February 24, 2024 01:00 PM (PTDkx)

212 The Cleveland Bridge Statues, formerly known as the Indians, play spring baseball today versus the Red Stockings of Cincinnati. Cookie Carrasco pitches for the Good Guys.

There are some good things in the world.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at February 24, 2024 01:00 PM (z5VAa)

213 Maybe, but who cares? The response ignores the point.
Posted by: insurgens ad opus at February 24, 2024 12:57 PM (FRT/w)

Why do you think I ignored it? I just pointed out a fact which apparently you want to ignore as significant to what you said.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 01:00 PM (TSAar)

214 205 There is no human political idea not corruptible, and often corrupted.
Posted by: Eeyore at February 24, 2024 12:55 PM (1bNHn)

A form of Democracy is the best of the worst.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 12:57 PM (TSAar)

Indeed. All forms of human governance suck, as they depend on humans, who are exceedingly corruptable.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 24, 2024 01:00 PM (ynpvh)

215 The next time the fake "Patriot Front" shows up to do a march could someone start recording while a group of real men accosts a few of them to take their masks off and also nick their wallets.

If they are real nazis then they deserve to be doxxed. If they are feds, then they REALLY deserve to be doxxed.

If they are real nazis then it is completely OK by the current established rules. If they are feds, like we all know they are, then we have an even bigger story. How are they going to press charges for assaulting a fed when they are dressed up as nazis?

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at February 24, 2024 01:01 PM (xw1WS)

216 Indeed. All forms of human governance suck, as they depend on humans, who are exceedingly corruptable.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 24, 2024 01:00 PM (ynpvh)

And are apt to form a mob mentality.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 01:03 PM (TSAar)

217 On the bright side, gladiatorial games with Christians v. lions would be better than anything else on TV.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at February 24, 2024 01:04 PM (FVME7)

218 The hippie chick is an actress, Leigh French (Goldie Keif).

Posted by: m at February 24, 2024 01:04 PM (o3SCB)

219 I just pointed out a fact which apparently you want to ignore as significant to what you said.
Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 01:00 PM (TSAar)


I didn't ignore it, because you didn't bring it up. It's your straw man. You brought it to the argument. You defend it.

But certainly, avert your eyes from the fact that the majority of flag-waving, thin blue line authoritarians have a lot in common with their supposed antithetical political enemies. They aren't enemies as much as they are rivals for the confiscated spoils of their neighbors.

And you'd need a gymnasium as large as Kansas to pack them all in, regardless of their views on race.

Posted by: insurgens ad opus at February 24, 2024 01:04 PM (FRT/w)

220 Posted by: insurgens ad opus at February 24, 2024 01:04 PM (FRT/w)

Sure move your white only goal posts.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 01:06 PM (TSAar)

221 So. I am a conservative. I believe in America.
And I believe in God and that, as the founders so clearly laid out, that my Rights are inalienable and are derived from God.
Apparently the Left thinks that makes me a "Christian Nationalist." (Rheir term)
They are against Christian Nationalism. Therefore they are against God, and our inalienable rights.
Ok. Good to know.
Now we know who the enemy is.

Posted by: Diogenes at February 24, 2024 01:07 PM (W/lyH)

222 In the interest of steelmanning, there are some people that openly promote themselves as christian nationalists who might be better sytlized as NaChis. I'm thinking of the Doug Wilson aligned folks in particular that push some of their more patriotic sounding ideas but when you dig a bit it turns out they're pretty much rebranded fascists (and I use that in the historical, not pejorative, sense).

Of course, the media is going to associate everyone they can with the worst public example they can find which isn't the same as identifying the actual problem set.

Posted by: f2000 at February 24, 2024 01:07 PM (9oDjL)

223 On the bright side, gladiatorial games with Christians Journalists v. lions would be better than anything else on TV.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at February 24, 2024 01:04 PM (FVME7)

Fixed it for ya.

Posted by: Diogenes at February 24, 2024 01:09 PM (W/lyH)

224 Hard to exaggerate how much Marx hated Christianity.

Posted by: Ordinary American at February 24, 2024 01:09 PM (U7Mqa)

225 They are against Christian Nationalism. Therefore they are against God, and our inalienable rights.
Ok. Good to know.
Now we know who the enemy is.
Posted by: Diogenes at February 24, 2024 01:07 PM (W/lyH)

Not long ago they tried to remove any mention of God from their platform at the DNC convention. The only reason they didn't was the higher ups realized it was bad optics.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 01:09 PM (TSAar)

The 'Nazi' march was so much an op recently."

There was a good thread on this on X tecently. Someone was able to get pictures of a couple of their faces when they were forming up, which they try very hard to keep hidden, and was able to ID them. They weren't technically "feds" but they WERE two very well known Far Left Activists who have involved in things around the country.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 24, 2024 01:10 PM (rPV4g)

227 224 Hard to exaggerate how much Marx hated Christianity.

Posted by: Ordinary American at February 24, 2024 01:09 PM (U7Mqa)

More than the athiests? Oh wait...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 24, 2024 01:10 PM (ynpvh)

228 The "Christian Nationalist" term is being driven
by the Media to be subconsciously very Nazi adjacent visually.

They want you to see a Swastika in your mind or at least the same outrage when a Cross is presented or God is referenced.

Jesus is now Hitler.

This is an enormous psy ops.

Posted by: pawwn at February 24, 2024 01:11 PM (QB+5g)

229 226
The 'Nazi' march was so much an op recently."

There was a good thread on this on X tecently. Someone was able to get pictures of a couple of their faces when they were forming up, which they try very hard to keep hidden, and was able to ID them. They weren't technically "feds" but they WERE two very well known Far Left Activists who have involved in things around the country.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 24, 2024 01:10 PM (rPV4g)

So Fed-Adjacent.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 24, 2024 01:11 PM (ynpvh)

230 J6 rally is the biggest trap laid out by the Left in history.
Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 12:47 PM (TSAar)

Many of us were saying so, well before the date.

I will admit though, I far underestimated how they would use it, to spend the next several years using it to go after their enemies... primarily the American people.
Posted by: BurtTC

Their actions since then indicate that they somehow believed that was really going to be an armed insurrection (maybe because they earned know they earned it), planned to 'lose' the intial skirmish, then brought in the forces held in reserve... but it was a dud in that regard.
Since they invested so much in persecuting an armed insurrection.set-up they are just going with it anyway.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at February 24, 2024 01:11 PM (cOq4q)

231 >The hippie chick is an actress, Leigh French

she played the naughty backseat teacher in Hollywood Knights

Posted by: Don Black at February 24, 2024 01:12 PM (geLO8)

232 228 The "Christian Nationalist" term is being driven
by the Media to be subconsciously very Nazi adjacent visually.

They want you to see a Swastika in your mind or at least the same outrage when a Cross is presented or God is referenced.

Jesus is now Hitler.

This is an enormous psy ops.

Posted by: pawwn at February 24, 2024 01:11 PM (QB+5g)

Please remind me how many people Christians killed in the 20th Century vs the Commies and Socialists?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 24, 2024 01:12 PM (ynpvh)

233 That's because most #conservatives buy into the idea that government solves social end economic problems, so long as the wealth is redistributed by the right people to the right people.

They don't question the 111 year cultural lie that you can get Big Government gibzmedats while retaining Small Government freedoms.

They will always fiddle at the edges about how much, for how long, to whom under which conditions, because they cannot question the underlying premise without shooting their own core belifs in the gut.

Their core beliefs do not start with freedom, but with security and what's in it for them. What's right in front of my face? Not, what are the potential pitfalls of this action?
Posted by: insurgens ad opus at February 24, 2024 12:56 PM (FRT/w)

Unpopular opinion: It seems to me as self-evident, at least starting with the Reagan administration, the right half of the Deep State was able to fundamentally divert the purpose of a President's mission, from left leaning Big Government to right leaning Big Government, and it's always been thus, ever since, when one administration hands over the reins to the other.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 01:13 PM (GtZ7X)

234 231 >The hippie chick is an actress, Leigh French

she played the naughty backseat teacher in Hollywood Knights

Posted by: Don Black at February 24, 2024 01:12 PM (geLO

Did that movie have Michelle Pfieffer in it?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 24, 2024 01:13 PM (ynpvh)

235 As I've said many times, EVERYTHING we're seeing is compatible with the grand conspiracy theory: They're meaning to kill off humanity. Most of it. Their goal is a planet with 500-800 million people, with all of them still around to rule the masses that remain.

This is coming. I don't doubt it at all. People who don't keep this in mind, don't really understand what they're doing.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 11:25 AM (GtZ7X)
That's their goal, but operationalizing it is tricky because they are so far removed from normal humans that they have no idea how to control their own guards. They see everyone as cattle, so they assume when they order the cops to fire on children, they'll mindlessly obey. They've forgotten about Christmas in Romania, 1989.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 24, 2024 11:30 AM (llXky)

These minions of Satan, believing in nothing but material things, view other human beings as "things" rather than "persons." Jesus Christ, St. John (in the Apocalypse) and Our Lady of Fatima have warned us that the world would experience tribulations before things get better.

Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at February 24, 2024 01:14 PM (pJWtt)

236 Neo has a article up on the Jan6 hanging scaffold that has slipped into oblivion in the eyes of the Feds.
The planning of Jan6 to me was months in advance, only question I have is who was involved?

Posted by: Skip at February 24, 2024 01:14 PM (fwDg9)

237 >>> The 'Nazi' march was so much an op recently. Since we noticed the khaki pants thing, they switched to all black this time. The shirts were all similar, the face coverings the same, the flags all the same size and recently procured. Everything SCREAMED Fed!

Other than pop-up looting of Targets and Kwik-Stops they have no 'grass-roots' and cannot even imagine how to fake a real one other than making every one some variant of some out-dated socialist group from Europe.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at February 24, 2024 01:15 PM (cOq4q)

238 This is OT, but since when do our cell phones track where we put our peckers?

Posted by: Eeyore at February 24, 2024 01:15 PM (1bNHn)

239 >Did that movie have Michelle Pfieffer in it?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia)

oh yeah
and Fran Drescher
both very young and fresh looking

Posted by: Don Black at February 24, 2024 01:16 PM (geLO8)

240 236 Neo has a article up on the Jan6 hanging scaffold that has slipped into oblivion in the eyes of the Feds.
The planning of Jan6 to me was months in advance, only question I have is who was involved?

Posted by: Skip at February 24, 2024 01:14 PM (fwDg9)

The entire Deep State was involved, including DoD, NSA, FIB, and so forth. I believe certain members of Congress (e.g. Nancy Pelosi) were also involved, not only in the J6 setup but the coverup afterwards.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 24, 2024 01:16 PM (ynpvh)

241 239 >Did that movie have Michelle Pfieffer in it?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia)

oh yeah
and Fran Drescher
both very young and fresh looking

Posted by: Don Black at February 24, 2024 01:16 PM (geLO

Fran Drescher's real voice was quite nice. Not Nannyish at all.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 24, 2024 01:17 PM (ynpvh)

242 It is 70 degrees and cloudless here on the Gulf Coast. A good last week of February even if makes yardwork a bit warm.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at February 24, 2024 01:17 PM (aD39U)

243 Hollywood Knights is an undiscovered classic and I don't know why more Morons™ aren't hip to it

(I just said hip)

(far out)

Posted by: Don Black at February 24, 2024 01:18 PM (geLO8)

244 Bukele's speech at CPAC is worth watching. Why is it seemingly impossible for America to produce this sort of man. Fascinating to hear us being graciously schooled on democracy and liberty by the leader a former Latin banana republic. We're in a new world.

Posted by: Ordinary American at February 24, 2024 01:18 PM (U7Mqa)

Hard to exaggerate how much Marx hated Christianity.

Posted by: Ordinary American at February 24, 2024 01:09 PM

In that video I linked above in the thread the writer got into an interesting discussion about Marx and how he is one historical figure who has not been 'canceled' despite his obvious racist writings.

Strange that, is it not? Some racism good, some bad?

Posted by: Divide by Zero at February 24, 2024 01:18 PM (nIvob)

246 Fran Drescher's real voice was quite nice. Not Nannyish at all.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 24, 2024 01:17 PM (ynpvh)

Newbomb did you c--? Did you ?

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 01:18 PM (TSAar)

247 I remember saying people should stay away, that thousands would be arrested and the Deep State was planning/hoping for hundreds killed/wounded. They didn't get everything they wanted but do have thousands of people they are ruining and are hunting down more.
Posted by: Ripley at February 24, 2024 01:00 PM (PTDkx)

AoSHQ history should include remembering the commenter here, who was trying to shame everyone who wasn't going. This person claimed to be female, and maybe she was.

I don't recall seeing her after the event.

A glowie? Someone who got caught up in it to the point of no longer being able to post here? I don't know, but she wasn't very pleasant about it in the days leading up to J6.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 01:18 PM (GtZ7X)

248 >Fran Drescher's real voice was quite nice. Not Nannyish at all.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia)

she monetized being a JAP

Posted by: Don Black at February 24, 2024 01:19 PM (geLO8)

249 Gotta run. Good day all.
Oh, and foot? Seems it's just a bone bruise (thankfully). I guess the best case for a 10lb disc weight falling on my toes.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 24, 2024 01:19 PM (ynpvh)

250 248 >Fran Drescher's real voice was quite nice. Not Nannyish at all.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia)

she monetized being a JAP

Posted by: Don Black at February 24, 2024 01:19 PM (geLO

Heh, you know it.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 24, 2024 01:19 PM (ynpvh)

251 Hollywood Knights is an undiscovered classic and I don't know why more Morons™ aren't hip to it

(I just said hip)

(far out)
Posted by: Don Black at February 24, 2024 01:18 PM (geLO

In my top 5 all time comedies. As quotable as Caddy Shack.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 01:19 PM (TSAar)

The hippie chick is an actress, Leigh French (Goldie Keif).
Posted by: m

She was a regular character on their show. As was Pat Paulsen.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 24, 2024 01:21 PM (63Dwl)

253 This is OT, but since when do our cell phones track where we put our peckers?
Posted by: Eeyore at February 24, 2024 01:15 PM (1bNHn)

the technology for the monitoring anklets that the court puts on you for monitored parole is essentially a cell phone, and it is triangulated by cell tower.
It can tell what side of the street you are on, and may be able to tell where in your livingroom you are watching TV from and how often you go to the fridge for a snack

Your phone pings towers regularly so you can keep and have instant access to calls. Oh, and you pay for it instead of via property taxes to the County

Posted by: Kindltot at February 24, 2024 01:22 PM (D7oie)

254 The old tyrants attempted to calm the passions of the people in fear that they would turn on them. The new tyrants believe in stirring up fear and passion in hopes that they can turn the people against each other.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) muses at February 24, 2024 01:23 PM (aD39U)

255 I know a lot of people who are all for religious tolerance and accepting different views. Except when it comes to Christianity. They will weep and wail how Muslims are being persecuted, but when presented with the fact of Christians being persecuted, they won't hear and won't care.

Myself? I am 99.9% deist. What keeps me from tipping into pure atheism? Who pushed the button? Somehow, my mind can not cope with the idea of eternity. "Deep time" makes me nervous. I am married to a very religious Catholic. (His mother was Irish.) I have never interfered with his religious beliefs and practices. He raised all four of our kids to be good Catholics. I never said a word. Every now and again, out of earshot of the kids, I've been known to take a shot at the Catholic institution or various popes. (If he doesn't like it, he shouldn't have married a medieval historian.)

I simply don't understand the people who go into raging fits over Christianity.

Posted by: Captain Josepha Sabin -- I stand with Israel and all Jews everywhere at February 24, 2024 01:23 PM (ET1Q8)

256 Your phone pings towers regularly so you can keep and have instant access to calls. Oh, and you pay for it instead of via property taxes to the County
Posted by: Kindltot at February 24, 2024 01:22 PM (D7oie)

If The First 48 is any indication, that's how most murderers are caught.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 01:23 PM (TSAar)

257 I just did my part to increase Nikki Haley's humiliation here in SC.

Posted by: Lady in Black at February 24, 2024 01:23 PM (mupln)

258 Leigh French and the Bros:

Posted by: pawn at February 24, 2024 01:24 PM (QB+5g)

259 Hard to exaggerate how much Marx hated Christianity.

Posted by: Ordinary American at February 24, 2024 01:09 PM

In that video I linked above in the thread the writer got into an interesting discussion about Marx and how he is one historical figure who has not been 'canceled' despite his obvious racist writings.

Strange that, is it not? Some racism good, some bad?
Posted by: Divide by Zero at February 24, 2024 01:18 PM (nIvob)

The book, The Devil and Karl Marx by Paul Kengor, lays out how Marx flirted with demonology. After reading this book, I realized that Communism as an economic model was Satan-inspired. It requires the commission of the Sins of Pride, Anger, Envy and Theft - all while masquerading as compassion for the poor.

Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at February 24, 2024 01:25 PM (pJWtt)

260 >>> Fran Drescher's real voice was quite nice. Not Nannyish at all.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia)

A Nanny episode had her stuffing big load of wasabi in her mouth, falling to the floor, then getting up saying something in a very very nice voice which transitioned back to 'Nanny' as she spoke.

Very steamy voice for maybe a minute.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at February 24, 2024 01:25 PM (cOq4q)

261 I am 99.9% deist.

Does deist mean you believe in, or are accepting of the idea of, a prime mover but not a personal god interested in your welfare?

Posted by: G'rump928(c) muses at February 24, 2024 01:26 PM (aD39U)

262 It requires the commission of the Sins of Pride, Anger, Envy and Theft - all while masquerading as compassion for the poor.
Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at February 24, 2024 01:25 PM (pJWtt)

Good summation.

Posted by: Ordinary American at February 24, 2024 01:26 PM (U7Mqa)

263 257 I just did my part to increase Nikki Haley's humiliation here in SC.
Posted by: Lady in Black at February 24, 2024 01:23 PM (mupln)


I did that earlier this morning.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at February 24, 2024 01:26 PM (DTX3h)

264 77
'They are moral and physical cowards who lash out to try to keep themselves together.’

I agree with you about the left. They’re also without honor and generally putrid people.
The mystery to me is how they acquired so much power.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at February 24, 2024 01:27 PM (roH4R)

265 Fran Drescher of course big time Leftist as is most of Hollywood. She unfortunately was raped raped in front of her husband by a black guy.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 01:28 PM (TSAar)

266 >>> Does deist mean you believe in, or are accepting of the idea of, a prime mover but not a personal god interested in your welfare?
Posted by: G'rump928(c) muses

Clocker Maker. Winds it up and sees what happens.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at February 24, 2024 01:28 PM (cOq4q)

267 I know one thing; Protestants on Twitter aren'tbring anyone to their religion. They attack any sort of religious belief and insist that reading the Bible is all you should do. One argued with me that Jesus never laughed. They hate The Chosen. They hate the Virgin Mary in particular. And they have no understanding that the Catholic Church was the original church.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at February 24, 2024 01:28 PM (USTAS)

268 Debate or discussion regarding leftism really needs to start with the understanding that it is also an organized religion and it functions accordingly. I'm in the awkward place that I see the cult doing obvious cult stuff but lack the tools to engage in what is ultimately a matter of human spirituality. James Lindsay's probably in a similar place, which is probably why his recommendation is to flip the table.

That African Muslim-turned-atheist-turned-Christian lady whose name escapes me probably knows how to deal with the church of cultural Marxism better than anyone.

Posted by: CppThis at February 24, 2024 01:29 PM (PZvjL)

269 well thanks for bumming us all out

Posted by: Don Black at February 24, 2024 01:29 PM (geLO8)

270 Eh, this whole Christian Nationalism foofaraw from the left seems to me to mostly be about-

keeping the Jewish vote on the plantation.

This is exactly the same as Biden's "they gonna put y'all back in chains" nonsense a few years ago.

The Democrats know they're kicking one of the greatest support groups right in the nuts with their Nazi-Hamas style rhetoric and actions. But, they don't care.

They think their Jewish voters are so stupid that they're going to run right back to them. And, unfortunately, they may be right. I don't know.

I can't believe people fall for this kind of obviously stupid crap, but they do. Maybe it's like some kind of brain security blanket to fall into a lame-ass belief even if it runs counter to reality because it's a fluffy, huggable lie of yore.

Y'all will notice the Christian Nationalism stuff really got fired up after the Oct 7 attack. I don't think it's any deeper than that.

If it works then they'll keep using it and then it may become something.

Posted by: naturalfake at February 24, 2024 01:31 PM (nFnyb)

271 James Lindsay's probably in a similar place, which is probably why his recommendation is to flip the table.

Posted by: CppThis at February 24, 2024 01:29 PM (PZvjL)

I haven't heard Lindsay enough to understand his solutions. But the two new leaders in South America, Milie and Bukele, have gone straight for the Left's jugular. This appears to be working for them.

Posted by: Ordinary American at February 24, 2024 01:31 PM (U7Mqa)

272 I know a lot of people who are all for religious tolerance and accepting different views. Except when it comes to Christianity. They will weep and wail how Muslims are being persecuted, but when presented with the fact of Christians being persecuted, they won't hear and won't care.


I simply don't understand the people who go into raging fits over Christianity.
Posted by: Captain Josepha Sabin -- I stand with Israel and all Jews everywhere at February 24, 2024 01:23 PM (ET1Q

That's a bit of a clue as to what is the correct, true religion. If Jesus Christ was really just some rabbi that got on the wrong side of the Sanhedrin and the Roman Empire, why the hatred of Christianity? Especially since Jesus instructs his followers to love their neighbors as they love themselves.

Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at February 24, 2024 01:33 PM (pJWtt)

273 Of all the religions that an atheist could live among, surely post-Enlightenment Christianity is the safest.

These people are not deep thinkers.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) muses at February 24, 2024 01:33 PM (aD39U)

274 Your phone pings towers regularly so you can keep and have instant access to calls. Oh, and you pay for it instead of via property taxes to the County
Posted by: Kindltot at February 24, 2024 01:22 PM (D7oie)

If The First 48 is any indication, that's how most murderers are caught.
Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 24, 2024 01:23 PM (TSAar)

It is. It's also being used in some cases, when someone's phone is unusually inactive for some period of time, as an indication they turned it off and/or didn't take it with them when they went to commit whatever heinous crime they're being accused of.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 01:34 PM (GtZ7X)

275 And I do think that is an op too. Can't have Christians set aside the differences and come together on the points they agree on.

I watched an interview with Tammy Peterson. It was impressive. Jordan has known her since she was eight. I saw his interview too. She told him she would be cancer free on their anniversary and that's exactly what happened.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at February 24, 2024 01:35 PM (USTAS)

276 >268

I've compared the left to jihadi's. They share a similar fervor for "converting" others to their ideology.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at February 24, 2024 01:36 PM (Q4IgG)

I would love to post an unedited version of Karl Marx's writing into this thread. But I will not. Just assume the words would include a certain word that is considered the worst word in the world.

That's the lefts uncancel-able hero. It should be a warning to all Blacks. You're being used in furtherance of some goal and it's not about you - who they in reality look down upon.

What have you got to lose by breaking free?

Posted by: Divide by Zero at February 24, 2024 01:39 PM (nIvob)

278 What was that quote? That when you stop believing in god you won't believe nothing, you'll believe anything.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) muses at February 24, 2024 01:41 PM (aD39U)

279 Garden Thread is blooming

Posted by: Skip at February 24, 2024 01:46 PM (c629M)

280 261 I've seen deism defined as "There might be a god, but what's he done for me lately?

But I am not 100% deist. As I said in my first post, I have a problem with eternity. I also have a problem with something being created from nothing. That's the hallmark of the Enlightenment -- the realization that everything was created from something other than sheer air. The prime example of that is maggots. Before the invention of the microscope, the fly eggs were not seen, and when the maggots burst out of their egg shells and began devouring whatever mama fly had laid them, it was taken as irrefutable proof of spontaneous generation. But the microscope and a developing split between the Church and education changed that.

Posted by: Captain Josepha Sabin -- I stand with Israel and all Jews everywhere at February 24, 2024 01:49 PM (ET1Q8)

Biden planning to hit food ‘shrinkflation,’ corporate greed in SOTU

And what of the kulaks, wreckers, and saboteurs?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at February 24, 2024 01:54 PM (FVME7)

282 And what of the kulaks, wreckers, and saboteurs?
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at February 24, 2024 01:54 PM (FVME7)

Yeah .. hmm ... well ... quite ...

Those bastards.

Posted by: Hoarders at February 24, 2024 01:55 PM (aD39U)

283 the technology for the monitoring anklets that the court puts on you for monitored parole is essentially a cell phone, and it is triangulated by cell tower.


Nowadays the ankle monitors use GPS. -- far more precise than cell tower triangulation.

Posted by: Bigsmith at February 24, 2024 02:03 PM (jrWmV)

284 Hollywood Knights is an undiscovered classic and I don't know why more Morons™ aren't hip to it

(I just said hip)

(far out)
Posted by: Don Black at February 24, 2024 01:18 PM (geLO

"My d*** was in the punch!!"

Posted by: Newbomb Turk at February 24, 2024 02:17 PM (iODuv)

285 Are suggestions for dealing with the Christian Nationalist question good, or playing into enemy hands?

Posted by: Michael Gilson at February 24, 2024 02:58 PM (kS4zg)

286 AoSHQ history should include remembering the commenter here, who was trying to shame everyone who wasn't going. This person claimed to be female, and maybe she was.

I don't recall seeing her after the event.

A glowie? Someone who got caught up in it to the point of no longer being able to post here? I don't know, but she wasn't very pleasant about it in the days leading up to J6.
Posted by: BurtTC

I remember "her" quite well. Nic had "red" in it? Yeah, smelled like an op.

Posted by: SFGoth at February 24, 2024 02:59 PM (p1SDw)

287 Oh, and foot? Seems it's just a bone bruise (thankfully). I guess the best case for a 10lb disc weight falling on my toes.

yay! good news Jim!

Posted by: BlackOrchid at February 24, 2024 03:16 PM (AcWfM)

288 David French met Jesus Christ and found Him lacking.

Posted by: Unanonymous Jon at February 24, 2024 03:20 PM (ZbzZB)

289 Hard to exaggerate how much Marx hated Christianity.
Posted by: Ordinary American at February 24, 2024 01:09 PM (U7Mqa)

Absolute fact. American citizens who are of a socialist bent who also call themselves nationalists are walking cognitive dissonance, and you could not penetrate their irrational thinking with a stick of dynamite.

Posted by: insurgens ad opus at February 24, 2024 03:24 PM (FRT/w)

290 at least starting with the Reagan administration, the right half of the Deep State was able to fundamentally divert the purpose of a President's mission, from left leaning Big Government to right leaning Big Government, and it's always been thus, ever since, when one administration hands over the reins to the other.
Posted by: BurtTC at February 24, 2024 01:13 PM (GtZ7X)

Our only quibble is I'd say it's been happening since Progressive Pedocrat Woodrow Wilson. Otherwise, we are of the same opinion.

Posted by: insurgens ad opus at February 24, 2024 03:27 PM (FRT/w)

291 "Actual Christian Nationalists are fruitcake racialists. If you see a black sun with lightning bolt rays, like the arms of a swastika, you're looking at someone who believes the nonsense"

You're thinking of white nationalists. Unlike "Christian nationalists," they actually exist but typically keep to fediverse servers and Dlive. They're also either firm atheists or LARP as Norse/Germanic pagans because "blah blah blah muh white traditions WE WUZ VIKINGZ". And if you don't encounter a kooky Odinist even just once a month, then you have a firm grasp of precisely how much power they weild. (Read:Nada)

Posted by: Saber Alter at February 24, 2024 03:29 PM (G/gy4)

292 Saber Alter at February 24, 2024 03:29 PM

I know someone whose brother was in an Odinist prison gang. Seemed less dangerous than other prison gangs.

Posted by: KT at February 24, 2024 04:04 PM (rrtZS)

293 We have all recently seen first hand the threat of this Christian Nationalism...In Nevada...
Where common sense, mainstream moderate, centrist Icon, Nikki Haley was defeated by an underground radical christian attack candidate that called herself
"Nun of the Above"

Posted by: birdog at February 24, 2024 04:57 PM (SFGDK)

294 We are all Christian Nationalists, say the Socialist Nationalists.

Posted by: John59 at February 24, 2024 05:43 PM (TrJzI)

295 Salon:

Joe Biden gives the media a desperately needed lesson about Donald Trump
The president has to break the news to journalists that Trump plans to jail us

… straight up disinformation

Posted by: SMOD at February 24, 2024 05:51 PM (BnGkj)

296 Fani was just checking to see if Nathan's Hot Dog was Kosher, and had to get rid of his legal briefs to do the examination. 😀

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at February 24, 2024 07:06 PM (CecP5)

297 Thanks very nice blog!

Posted by: violence at February 24, 2024 09:55 PM (QzjMP)

298 The Harvard Crimson daily college paper had an article a Year ago March 30, 2023 by Ellie Ashby 'The Golden Cross and the Golden Eagle" harping about how many alumns and then President Abbott L. Lowell were deciding how to memorialize the 373 dead Harvard students, alumni, staff from WWI when they came up with Memorial Church with its very touching memorial room (and later, after WWII they carved all the names of the heroic dead by Class Year into the south wall of the nave). She complained, as did the NYT at that time in 193, that it was inappropriate to have a protestant chapel be the memorial. But Lowell and others prevailed to say that these young heroes sacrifced all to save civilization. Ashby then complained that the lectern for the reverend up the dais was a carved gilded eagle. She, along with Reiner and other Christophobes and idiots, did not understand the symbolism of the eagle in regard to being (from Revelations) the symbol for St. John the Evangelist (with St. Mark the lion, and St. Matthew the man and St. Luke the bull). So this "CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM IS BAD" has been brewing for at least 12 months or more. Any religious in the Public Square is anathema to them.

Posted by: Donovan Nuera at February 24, 2024 10:01 PM (LKMDZ)

299 For those who noted above that James Lindsay gets too wordy to follow sometimes, he has created a short meme to summarize the left's "Christian Nationalism" psyop and its main goals as he sees them. His advice is to "UNDERSTAND THE GAME.

Link goes to Twitter. I had to refresh on the address bar to get the post to show.

Posted by: KT at February 24, 2024 11:24 PM (rrtZS)

300 Have you seen the little piggies
Crawling in the dirt
And for all the little piggies
Life is getting worse
Always having dirt to play around in.

Posted by: SMOD at February 25, 2024 09:11 PM (RovqD)

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