Ogre's Politics & Views

March 10, 2007

R.I.P. Brad Delp

I can't say it any better than the Boston home page:

Brad Delp - June 12, 1951 to March 9, 2007

The nicest, kindest, most caring, down to earth rock star the world has ever known.

May you rest in Peace

If you don't know the name Brad Delp, he's the lead singer from the rock band Boston. If you've ever listened to a radio, you've probably heard his voice. I think the most famous of all their recording was either "Long Time" or "More than A Feeling." Classic 70s rock at it's best.

Posted by: Ogre at 07:54 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

Social Commentary on Pants


Posted by: Ogre at 07:03 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

RIAA fines Students

The Recording Industry is nicely asking some people who have broken the law for a small fine. I think that's rather nice of them. They could have taken the lawbreakers to court for enormous fines.

How long will it be before Democrats propose a fund to help struggling college students pay criminal fines? Heck, here in North Carolina, Democrats are doing all they can to make college 100% free to the students (who actually benefit) by making those who are NOT in college pay for it.

In this case, the RIAA is going after people who have broken the law. I don't care how much you think it's okay to share copyrighted files, it's still wrong. It doesn't really matter how many other people you know that do it, it's wrong. Someone else made the music. You made copies of it. That's stealing, no matter what else you might want to say about it.

I had to laugh when I read that "Many students cannot even afford the $3,000." Of course, it was made by a lawyer. Know what? Could they afford 89 cents? That's what it likely would have cost them to BUY the music instead of stealing it. You have to rely on the old fallback: "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime." You people who are still doing this -- if you can't afford the $3,000, then perhaps you ought to stop stealing.

Posted by: Ogre at 05:07 PM | Comments (279) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

Republican 08 Candidates

Oh, this is SO true and accurate.


Posted by: Ogre at 02:51 PM | Comments (22) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

NC and Jessica's Law

Guest editorial by Mark Palmer:

We have watched the news cover the Jessica Lunsford trial and to know that a child suffered at the hands of a sex offender, when it could have been prevented should be galvanizing our law makers, to enact. This could have been your daughter, just imagine the anguish any parent would have to live with, if this happened to them. John Couey, who was convicted, had a record as a sex offender and was just released from prison, at the time of her murder. There are many John Couey types and one could be living next to you.

Often, administration has failed to let law enforcement know of the placement of paroled sex offenders in their communities. Allowing violent sex offenders to go free and not providing mandatory hearings, stricter penalties for non-compliances. This has allowed dangerous parolees to remain free, even after they violated parole. Psychological damage inflicted on defenseless child lasts a lifetime, if they survive. Sexual predators are always looking for their next victim.

North Carolina has many sex offenders, who have fallen thought the cracks. By changing their identity and not re-registering once moved, these offenders manipulate the system.

The Basic Statistics:

95% of children that are molested know and trust their molester.

90% of sex crimes are committed against someone the perpetrator knows.

20% of girls and 17% of boys will be molested before their 18th birthday.

North Carolina has 111,000 children yearly reported "Abused" and "Neglected. Presently, 10,000 registered "Sex Offenders" move to a new address or jobs daily. Children, women, elderly, incapacitated or handicapped people are especially at risk from sexual predators. Charlotte is no different; our city has a large number of registered sexual offenders.

The laws pertaining to Sex Offenders had been lacking in North Carolina. Still, North Carolina state lawmakers and officials' priorities lack necessary guidelines pertaining to North Carolina Sex Offenders.


Over the past several years, I have given time to push for tougher laws, regarding sex crimes, especially sexual predators. Personally, I have worked with sexually abused children and have seen the effects. Words cannot even begin to describe seeing the rape of childs innocent soul. The soul is amputated and takes a lifetime to repair, if ever!

Recently, I heard from Marc Klaas. In 1993 his 12 year-old daughter Polly Hannah Klass was kidnapped and murder. Ever since, Marc has crusaded for stricter laws and awareness regarding sex offenders. I agree 100% with Marc Klaas that North Carolina still needs stick laws regarding sex offenders.

(Letter from Marc Klass)


On July 27, 2006 President Bush signed the Adam Walsh Act that dramatically changes the way sex offenders will be treated in the USA. One significant portion of the Walsh Act pertains to sentencing and mandatory minimum sentences. I have attached a PDF overview of the Act so you will want to pay particular attention to all sections that refer to sentencing. In essence individuals that kill or harm children during the commission of a sexual assault will most likely spend the rest of their lives behind bars. Those offenders who fail to comply with registration laws will similarly be returned to prison for lengthy sentences. Law enforcement will have important new tools to track and monitor offenders and the public will have access to a one-stop shop with a national sex offender registry that can be accessed via the Internet. Of course, federal law has limited leverage as it pertains to criminal justice, but the Walsh Act cleverly attaches a three-year time limit with significant bonus payments for states that beat the deadline and penalties for states that fail to comply. This is the same mechanism that was used to turn Megans Law from a concept into national policy. You might want to bring this to the attention of your state legislators. They can turn their tune pretty quickly when money is involved.

*PDF of the Adam Walsh Act:

National Integration:

Requires States to have a uniform, public access sex offender registration Website;

Creates Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website;

Expands sex offenders to include juvenile sex offenders;

Requires States to notify each other when sex offender moves from one State to another;

Expands sex offenses covered by registration and notification requirements to include military, tribal, foreign, sex crimes, and increases duration of registration requirements;

Fully integrates Megans Law;

Adds the Use of the Internet to facilitate or commit a crime against a minor as one that could trigger registration.


Requires state prisons to notify states attorneys whenever high risk offenders are about to be released, so that states attorneys can petition the courts for continued confinement if an individual is deemed a continuing threat to the public safety;

Creates new criminal penalty of mandatory minimum of 5 years to maximum of 20 years for sex offender who fails to comply with registration requirements;

Provides funding for law enforcement to purchase programs like JusticeXchange to identify individuals currently in jail;

Makes failing to register or update registry information as proscribed in the Act a strict liability crime.

Mandatory Minimums:

Death Sentence or Life without Parole (LWOP): If the crime of violence results in the death of a person who has not attained the age of 18 years;

Life or any term of years not less than 30: If the crime of violence is kidnapping, aggravated sexual abuse, sexual abuse, or maiming, or results in serious bodily injury;

Life or any term of years not less than 20: If the crime of violence results in bodily injury;

Life or any term of years not less than 15: If a dangerous weapon was used during and in relation to the crime of violence;

Life or any term of years not less than 10: In any other case.

Law Enforcement Management:

Expands community notification requirements to include law enforcement agencies, schools, public housing, social service agencies and volunteer organizations in area where sex offender resides, works or attends school;

Expands law enforcement use of DNA to solve sex crimes;

A sex offender will have to register prior to release from prison or supervised release;

Sex offenders will have to re-register in person twice a year (every three months for a sexually violent predator) not just once;

Improves verification systems for sex offender information by requiring monthly verification, sex offender in-person verification every six months, and regular notarized verification mailings;

The duration to register for a first-time sex offender increases from 10 years to 20 years and for second offenders and sexually violent offenders for their lifetime;

Any change of status requiring a registry update (change of address, employment, etc.) must be made 3 business days after the change occurs not 10 days;

Requires offenders to notify police when they enroll or attend (current law is just attend) high schools, vocational/technical institutions or higher education institutions;

Creates a 3-year pilot program to help states and local governments outfit sex offenders with electronic and GPS tracking devices.

Public Awareness:

Requires the U.S. Justice Department to create a public accessible Internet based national sex offender database that allows users to specify a search radius across state lines.

Requires States to have a uniform, public access sex offender registration website.

Requires a mandatory annual photograph that must be posted on State online registries.


Bonus Payments: Provides bonus payments to states for complying with this Act sooner than its three-year timeline.

Penalties: Provides a 10 percent reduction in Justice Assistance Grants and certain reductions of Sex Offender Management Assistance Program monies for those states that do not comply.

Pollys Dad

If our lawmakers would take the following steps this would be step in right direction.

North Carolina Lawmakers need to take a stand and apply the needed differences have Jessicas Law.

North Carolina Lawmakers should take advantage of the Adam Walsh Act and use the monetary bonus payment available to those states complying with the act sooner than its three-year timeline. Rather than a 10 percent reduction in Justice Assistance Grants and certain reductions of Sex Offender Management Assistance Program monies for those states that do not comply with Adam Walsh Act.

Posted by: Ogre at 01:05 PM | Comments (32) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

March 09, 2007

Fluffy Llama

How often do you think about fluffy things when you think of llamas (you DO think of llamas, right?)? I don't know why you don't...


Posted by: Ogre at 10:03 PM | Comments (563) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

Second Amendment: Constitutional!

Wow. I'm amazed. I'm shocked. I'm quite impressed.

A federal appears court actually ruled that the second amendment is constitutional! Seriously!

Washington, DC, has had a virtual ban on handguns for years. This has helped to ensure that the crime and murder rates in Washington, DC, has remained rather high. Some people sued the government, claiming that there was a second amendment to the US Constitution that allowed them to be armed and that DC couldn't simply decide they didn't like guns and ban them.

They won this appeals ruling.

I can't tell you how amazed I am.

In most cases like this, groups like the NRA won't get involved. Most groups are terrified to have a court actually rule on the second amendment, because they're afraid they might lose. Most of the gun cases you see revolve around other technical details or other laws. This was one of very few that actually was argued on second amendment grounds.

That's how I would argue any court case that found me guilty of any firearms violation -- I'd just say, "I reserve the right under the second amendment and no government agency, person, or organization, has the power to remove that right from me, a law-abiding citizen." And that's just about all the plaintiffs did in this case.

A lower court had previously ruled some crap about needing to be a member of a militia (while ensuring that such memberships would be illegal in many places). But this court actually ruled that the second amendment means what it says. I can't tell you how shocked I am. This is really, really huge.

I imagine the city will appeal, because it likes power. It's run by Democrats who hate free people owning firearms. I wonder if the Supreme Court will hear the case. This will be very interesting to follow. In my opinion, it is unlikely that the court will want to hear the case. They really don't want to rule on the second amendment, because if they hear the case and agree with the appeals court, that will drastically change many laws around the country.

At the same time, if they let the ruling stand, DC -- and every other group of government thugs -- will have lost their gun-banning ability. But still, if the Supreme Court DOES hear the case and overturns the appeals court, then they will completely remove the second amendment from the Constitution, formally, and forever.

Do you see why no one wanted the courts to actually rule on this issue? Wow. I'm incredibly amazed. Individual people actually have the right to own firearms. I cannot believe that a court actually ruled that way. Maybe there is a tiny sliver of hope for freedom in this country yet.

Posted by: Ogre at 07:31 PM | Comments (17) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

Friday Feast

Once again it's time for the Friday Feast. Here's how it works:

Each Friday when you visit this meme, you will find 5 enticing courses for your mind to gobble up:

- a quick, tasty morsel to get you started

- smooth and warm to soothe your mind

- a nutritious blend of "veggies"

Main Course
- a hearty portion that is sure to satisfy

- light concoction for your sweet tooth

And now for this week's fare:
Appetizer: What is your usual bedtime? Do you like that, or would you rather it be different?

When I fall asleep. Usually when it's dark. I wouldn't mind never needing to sleep because I could really get a lot more things done.
Soup: When it comes to advice, do you give more or receive more?

Hello? I have a political blog. What do you think?
Salad: Describe a memorable meal you've had.

Troll. Served raw.
Main Course: Name a work of fiction that affected the way you think about something.

Fiction? Well, fiction changes the way I think about fictional worlds and fictional places. I don't often attempt to apply fiction to the real world. Last time I tried people just looked at me funny as I waved a black stick around and mumbled while nothing happened.
Dessert: What is your favorite type of fruit juice?

Why does it have to be juice? Is that a crack on OJ (not the orange liquid, but the football player)? And why would anyone have fruit juice for dessert? Why not eat the whole fruit? Are you people fruit racists? I bet you just throw the remains away, using what you want and tossing the rest, don't you? Bums.

Posted by: Ogre at 06:06 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

Good Stories

Ms Underestimated sent along a link to a column by Larry Elder. The title is "Profiles in Everyday Courage." And read the comments, too. You can go now, I'll wait. It's a short read.

No really, go ahead and read it and then come back when you're done. I'm not going anywhere.

Put things in perspective, doesn't it? Did you read the comments? There's amazing people all around you. This is the reason that politics matter to me -- because I want everyone to have the freedom to show their own courage every day. Socialism destroys freedom. Socialism destroys hope. Socialism won't allow individual courage because everyone has to be the same. Socialism is the Democrat Party platform.

So take a minute today, on your way home, and just try and find one person. Just find one. And act a little different. You don't have to be nice, if that's not your style, but at least don't be mean. And thank God for what you have because you could lose it all in a minute.

Posted by: Ogre at 05:06 PM | Comments (20) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

Lawsuit Lottery Entrant: Dawn Giugliano

Another slime-sucking moron wants something for nothing. Dawn Giugliano, you are a scum-sucking, lazy, worthless pile of crap. I know that sounds a little severe, but I've really had it with these lazy bastards who want other people to pay for their stupidity. And yes, I would tell Ms. Giugliano that she's a slimeball to her face.

Dawn is suing Victoria's Secret because they have money and she wants a pile of money for doing nothing. There's nothing more to this than that. And unfortunately, there's a lot of morons who might end up on a jury that will give her piles of cash for being a lazy bastard. And there are likely even lawyers who will settle her lawsuit and get piles of cash themselves. What a screwed up place this has become.

Underlying her desire to have free cash for being a lazy slimeball, Dawn claims that she was burned by a swimsuit made by Victoria's Secret. In her quest for free cash, she claims that the metal ring on the swimsuit permanently scarred her because the heat generated from wearing the swimsuit in the sun warmed the metal. Duh.

Even more priceless is the bottom-dweller's ambulance-chasing lawyer's (Luke Bigelow) statement:

You think they'd realize that people would wear this in the sun

The appropriate response, which should come from a judge that fines both the lawyer and Dawn is:
You'd think a person with a centimeter of common sense would know that the sun generates heat. And when the heat reached the point where you felt the damn thing burning your skin, you'd come in out of the sun. If you were too stupid to notice the burning sensation, perhaps the smell of your own damn skin burning over the smell of the salt air and seagull crap might be enough to encourage the average person to put down their damn fruity alcoholic drink long enough to look around and see what might be causing the stench. But apparently the plantiff doesn't have enough sense to come in out of the rain of a hurricane, so she's hired an ambulance chaser to get a pile of cash from a company who has actually worked for and earned their money, unlike the lazy scum-sucker of a plantiff. How about you try suing the sun for generating the heat, you stupid morons.

But I'm not holding my breath for justice. For some reason, way too many people in this country equate piles of cash that you didn't earn with pleasure and happiness. For way too many, if you give them enough money, that will take care of all hurts, pains, and problems -- especially ones that they themselves have caused. What crapholes.

If there were justice, this lawyer and Dawn would not only have their case thrown out of court, but they would be fined large amounts of money for being stupid and for bringing a case of a stupid person who wants money to court. But I'm betting like most cases where one person has money and someone else wants it, it will be settled out of court for an "undisclosed amount." The risk of getting jealous morons on the jury who agree that Victoria's Secret has "too much" money and should share with lazy bastards like Dawn is just too high.

Posted by: Ogre at 02:04 PM | Comments (211) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

Stop the ACLU!

March 6, 2007

J. Michael Sharman

Two ACLU Leaders Causing Harm in Virginia

In an ironic but very appropriate linkage, a Google search on the name "Charles Rust-Tierney" first yields the headline: "Former ACLU Chapter President Arrested for Child Pornography," and then the very next item is headlined, "Statement of ACLU on Loudoun Filtering Policy: Statement read by Charles Rust-Tierney."

In that public statement made back in 1998, Charles Rust-Tierney, as the President of the ACLU of Virginia, urged the Loudoun County Library Board not to put any filters on the library's internet portals. He said, "Recognizing that individuals will continue to behave responsibly and appropriately while in the library, the default should be maximum, unrestricted access to the valuable resources of the Internet."

Dan at Riehl World View post: "In what amounts to the first two half-real news story on the Charles Rust-Tierney case by the Washington Post and and WDBJ, the story may be even more unsettling to some. Two dozen people, including a neighbor and his former wife, Diann Rust-Tierney spoke on his behalf, both saying they'd trust him with their kids tomorrow, yet Charles Rust-Tierney was apparently downloading images and video of the sexual torture of infants and toddlers in his ten year old son's bedroom during the night.

The FBI recently arrested Rust-Tierney for multiple counts of child pornography, which he acquired over the internet.

The 51 year-old Arlington County lawyer and youth sports coach, was named in a criminal complaint filed by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Alexandria and was taken into custody on February 23, 2007 by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and Arlington County police.

The web site for Virginia's ACLU chapter indicates Charles Rust-Tierney served as its president as recently as 2005 , and is still a board member.

Riehl World View "Prosecutors say Charles Rust-Tierney, a former president of the Virginia ACLU, was leading a "double life,'' coaching Little League baseball by day and using a computer in his 10-year-old son's bedroom to view child pornography at night.

It's also stated that Rust-Tierney was on the ACLU board up until the day he was arrested and has spent the last several years only representing the mentally ill."

Riehl World View has much more.

The D.C. Bar's listing for Charles M. Rust-Tierney says he is a lawyer with the Public Defender Service in Washington, D.C. and his office is located in St. Elizabeth's Hospital.

Since 1991, Diann Rust-Tierney, Charles Rust-Tierney's wife, has been the ACLU's lead strategist and spokeswoman on the death penalty as the director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Capital Punishment Project. In 2004, she became the executive director of the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty.

Maybe she'll re-think her opposition to the death penalty after seeing and hearing the cries of pre-teen girls being bound with rope and raped on her husband's videos.

A little further down the Virginia coastline, in Williamsburg, another ACLU leader is also exerting a destructive influence, this time on the nation's second oldest college.

When the College of William & Mary paid thousands of dollars to host the "Sex Workers Art Show" featuring topless women, bare bottoms, erotic dances, and 200-pound stripteasers using sex toys, College President Gene R. Nichol said, "[I]t's not the practice and province of universities to censor or cancel performances because they are controversial."

One might be led to believe that President Nichol is a just a go-along-get-along, laissez faire sort of guy were it not for the fact that a few months earlier, in late October 2006, Nichol ordered a brass cross removed from the Wren Chapel (in the oldest academic building in continuous use in the United States) because, he said, the "chapel, like our entire campus, must be welcoming to all."

So how can a supposedly intelligent college president reconcile censoring a historic cross out of a chapel because it might possibly offend a few people, while paying for live sex acts that are certainly offensive to many of the college's students, faculty and alumni?

The answer is revealed by the items listed in Nichol's official resume on the College's website which showed he had been: President, North Florida ACLU, 1984; Chair, University of Colorado Task Force on Gay and Lesbian Issues, 1992-93; Colorado Democrat of the Year, 1999; Member, Board of Directors, North Carolina Civil Liberties Union (2002- ); Colorado ACLU (1999- 2000); Keynote Address Speaker, North Carolina - American Civil Liberties Union annual banquet, North Carolina, October, 2004.

A donor has withdrawn a pledged $12 million gift to William & Mary because of Gene Nichol's ACLU-style logic, and so one can expect that he will soon be out of a job. But he shouldn't have to look too far for a new one.

Since the FBI's report says Charles Rust-Tierney confessed to possessing the child pornography, and he will thus be disbarred sooner or later, there's going to be a vacancy in the Public Defender's Service office at St. Elizabeth's Hospital. Maybe Gene Nichol can submit his resume to them.

The College of William & Mary link also has an article: Committee's compromise returns cross to chapel

"According to the new policy, the cross will be displayed permanently in a glass case, which will be located prominently inside the chapel and be accompanied by a plaque commemorating the College's Anglican roots and its historic connection to Bruton Parish Church."

Now it's a non-denominational museum!

This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at Jay@stoptheaclu.com or Gribbit at GribbitR@gmail.com. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 200 blogs already on-board.

Posted by: Ogre at 01:56 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

Easley on Economics

Mike Easley is the governor of North Carolina. He's not real trustworthy. He has no problem "stretching the truth." He stood by admitted felon Jim Black and absolutely refused to condemn Black. Easley loves power and will do or say anything to retain power and to help Democrats retain power.

Now he's gone and shown his knowledge of economics.

Last year, he proclaimed that if the lottery were passed, all the problems of education would be solved in North Carolina. He went on and on about how many hundreds of millions of dollars would go into school construction and how everything would be wonderful if the lottery were passed. The lottery did pass (under VERY suspicious circumstances: one legislator who would have voted against it was suddenly in the hospital. Another who would have voted against it was suddenly on vacation. The lottery passed by 1 vote). It's a year later. Let's see what they're saying now.

The lottery "generates" a certain amount of money. That was supposed to be the end of needs for schools. However, the lottery didn't generate as much money as Easley had hoped. So what's his solution? Spend more of the money the lottery isn't generating. Seriously.

Easley says that since the lottery isn't generating enough money. Therefore, one year after the income stream to end all income streams, Easley wants a billion dollar bond to, wait for it... pay for school construction. Oh, and since the lottery isn't generating enough cash, he wants to increase the payouts of the lottery. Apparently, if the lottery is only generating $400 million, by giving more of that money to lottery winners, the money will magically increase. Oh, and he wants to spend more of that money on schools.

Yes, this is the logic of the Democrats and economics -- by giving away MORE money that was taken from taxpayers (remember, the government ONLY has money when they take it from people), then they will somehow have even MORE money to spend! It absolutely baffles the mind. But not, apparently, the mind of the North Carolina Democrat.

Posted by: Ogre at 12:31 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

March 08, 2007

Muslim Websites Target Georgia Motorist for Death

Since the Gwinnett County authorities don't seem to be taking this seriously, it might be a good idea to get the word out. Maybe we'll get the ball moving and get an investigation moving.

See: Muslim Websites Target Georgia Motorist for Death

Two U.S. based Islamic websties have called on Muslims to kill the driver of a Georgia registered vehicle displaying an offensive bumper sticker. On February 28 the "Black Lion" blog, a website run by two American Muslims who support violent jihad, posted the license plate number of a Gwinnett County, Georgia motorist displaying a bumper sticker which read, "Kill em all, let Allah sort em out." A thinly veiled threat encouraging Muslims to find the driver and kill him was also posted.

Another Muslim offended, another death threat issued.

Jawa Report reader "Louise", who found the post, has contacted the Gwinnett County Chief of Police's office but says that they have not gotten back to her. Further, she reports that the person who took her call said, "what do you want me to do about it?" For starters, how about finding the person targetted for death and letting them know that their life may be in danger?!?! Then, how about contacting the FBI, just down the road in Atlanta, so they can open an

In the meantime, "The Black Lion" blog removed the death threat from their website.

However, another U.S. based militant Islamist website picked up the post and republished it. In a post celebrating the shooting down of an American helicopter in Iraq, a "Join the Caravan" author identified as "Mujahida3001" republishes the earlier threat made by "The Black Lion":

Another blogger who gets few hits per day has e-mailed me and told me of a truck he saw with a decal on it saying "Kill em all, let Allah sort em out." He was kind enough to give me the license tag number, too. Georgia tag [tag number is shown in actual post] Gwinnett County

Just thought I'd share that with you.

This is baraa [enmity]. If he wants to repeat the quote of one of the crusader generals during the first crusades in Jerusalem, then no, I do not care about his safety. I care about his lack of it. He shouldn't feel any security at all.

So, Muslims, do whatever you can get away with.

Take care and keep it militant. [emphasis mine]

The entire website is devoted to encouraging violent jihad against American citizens. Ironically, the website displays an image of a child wearing the uniform Heabollah right next to a post about "Why dirty Shia are not Muslim".

A whois search shows that "Join the Caravan" is hosted by the servers of the popular blogging platform and an American company, Wordpress. The website is registered to an address in Glendale Heights, Illinois.

The "Black Lion" blog is hosted by a subdivision of the California based internet giant, Google. In the past, Google's blogspot division has refused to take down websites encouraging the killing of Americans, the murder of civilians, and violent jihad on the grounds of "free speech".

In the most recent post at "The Black Lion", the author praises the work of the al Qaeda front group, The Islamic State of Iraq, for murdering 18 Iraqis on a recent video posted to the internet.* The murders were allegedly in retaliation for a well publicized propaganda piece by al Qaeda alleging that Shia Iraqi soldiers had raped a Sunni woman.

Congratulations to the mujahideen who captured and killed the hostages from the apostate security forces of Iraq, in exchange for the rape of our sister Sabrine. 18 killed for one rape. ALLAHU AKBAR!
So, who is it that posted the original death
threat at "The Black Lion"?

1) We know he is in Georgia.
2) One of the two authors of the blog recently created scene at "a Chinese embassy in North America" and was threatened with arrest, but it appears he was merely kicked out. The author says he went into the embassy and "punked" them by using one of their computers to access "Chinese servers" and then started shouting out Free Tibet slogans.

But the author is no follower of the nonviolent Dalai Lama, instead he praises violent resistance to the Communist government ("This is because I hate Communism and atheism even more than I detest liberal democracies")--including suicide bombing ("which I do not advocate for anyone who has access to better weapons and attack methods") as an example for Muslims to follow.

So, there may be a police record of this incident on file on or about the Feb. 12th date in the post. Is there a Chinese consulate office in Atlanta?

So, if you're a Georgia motorist with a bumper sticker which Muslims might find offensive, beware!

*The video of the
18 Iraqis being murdered by al Qaeda is here

Posted by: Ogre at 04:09 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

Blog for Boders Video

This week we focus in on the Amnesty Gravy Train.

In "When Aliens Attack" we show the chaotic reality when patriots tell illegal aliens 'no.'

100% Preventable shows us three more examples of crimes that are 100% Preventable.

More coverage of the nationwide "Free The Texas Three" rallies.

And Eagles gather in Washington?

This mystery can only be solved by watching...

You can watch the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst here: http://tinyurl.com/27eqqd

If you'd like to join the burst or submit stories contact: jake.jacobsen@sbcglobal.net

Posted by: Ogre at 03:03 PM | Comments (33) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

Conservative NEQ Republican

Poll at CPAC Shows Overwhelming Support for New RepublicanLeadership;
Few Believe Bush or Congress Learned From Mistakes;
Tancredo, Gingrich, Brownback Seen as Most Conservative

(Washington, D.C.) A poll by ConservativesBetrayed.com of 526 persons attending the recent Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C. showed that an overwhelming 81.7% believe the Republican Party and Congressional Republicans need new leaders. Only 7.9% supported the present GOP leadership with 10.4% undecided.

When asked if President Bush had learned from his mistakes and will now govern as a conservative, only 18.4% agreed, while 58.8% disagreed and 23.1% were undecided.

When the same question was asked about Congressional Republicans, 30.3% thought they had learned from their mistakes and would revert back to conservative principles, 58.5% did not think so, and 23.1% were undecided.

Respondents were asked if various candidates for President, if elected, would govern as a conservative. Counting only those who had an opinion about a candidate, the results were:
Tom Tancredo 88.1%
Newt Gingrich 87.9%
Sam Brownback 85.8%
Duncan Hunter 83.5%
Mike Huckabee 73.8%
Ron Paul 62.3%
Mitt Romney 55.2%
Rudy Guiliani 24.1%
John McCain 16.8%

The opposition to McCain was so strong that, when asked if they would vote for him if he were the Republican nominee, only 43.1% said they would. The rest would either vote for the Democratic nominee, support a third party candidate, not vote at all, or were undecided.

When the same question was asked about Mitt Romney and Rudy Guiliani, 57.9% and 58.3%, respectfully, indicated they would vote for them for president in the general election.

Richard A. Viguerie, author of Conservatives Betrayed: How George W. Bush and Other Big Government Republicans Hijacked the Conservative Cause, said the poll was bad news for the GOP.

Only small percentages thought President Bush and the Republicans in the Congress had learned anything from the 2006 elections. It appears to be business as usual at the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. With less than 8% supporting the present Republican leadership, the 2008 elections could very well hand the GOP another thumping, Viguerie said.

A separate poll conducted during CPAC, and a previous online version, asked which persons, groups, or factors were most responsible for the Republican defeats in the 2006 elections. Those results are posted on the ConservativesBetrayed.com website.

Posted by: Ogre at 02:06 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

Viguerie's CPAC Speech

Richard A. Viguerie
Strategies for a Bold Conservative Future
Conservative Political Action Conference
Regency Ballroom
Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, D.C.
Thursday, March 1, 2007

To have a successful future, it helps to understand the past.

First, lets understand that conservatives and conservatism did not lose last November.

The election loss was a direct result of the Republican Party and its leadership in the White House and Congress moving left.

The Republicans became that which they beheld.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, they beheld the corruption and abuse of power by the Democrats. But a few years after the voters threw the Democrats out of office, the Republicans became that which they beheld-the Republicans became corrupt and abused their power.

When most of the Congressional Republicans first ran for office, they ran against the sewer that Washington had become. But after a few years in Washington most of them act like theyve discovered that Washington isnt a sewer after all its a hot tub.

In other words, the Republicans real message was: We didnt want the Democrats spending the money, but now that we are totally in charge, lets blow the door off the bank vault, and lets spend and spend and spend our children and grandchildrens inheritance.


And how appropriate that it turned into ashes in their mouth.

In January 2001, for all intents and purposes, the Republicans in the White House and Congress adopted a one-word strategy to govern.

And that one word was BRIBERY.

In essence they said to the voters youve got votes-weve got money-lets talk - lets deal.

The illegal corruption of Duke Cunningham, Bob Ney, Jack Abramoff, and Mark Foley is not a serious problem for us, our children, or grandchildrens lives.

Theyve been caught and punished.

But far worse crimes have been committed by the politicians who are still sitting in their Capitol Hill offices. Im talking about the legalized theft of trillions of dollars these politicians have stolen from the children of tomorrow in order to buy votes to stay in office today.

Therefore conservatives, our #1 need going forward is for new leaders.

Conservatives are like the Biblical Jews who had to wander through the desert for 40 years until that generation of immoral corrupt leaders had passed away.

As conservatives, were not going to get to the political Promised Land until we also get new, uncorrupt, principled leaders.

Dr. Phil, the TV psychiatrist, likes to say: Hows that working for you?

And I say: Hows that working for you conservatives to be an appendage of the Republican Party?

The voters spoke in November, and what was the first thing the Republicans did? They kept in power all the leaders who had led them over the cliff!

Obviously the initials GOP now stands for Go On Partying. Or Give up (G) on (O) principles (P).

Well, the Republican party apparently has a death wish, but that doesnt mean we conservatives have to go along with it.

My strong recommendation is for conservatives to stop being an arm of the Republican Party and become a 3rd Force, but not a 3rd Party.

The left has had enormous success by building strong 3rd force groups and coalitions.

The left has hundreds of environmental groups, consumer groups, civil rights groups, feminist groups, and homosexual groups, etc., etc.

And these groups have their own agenda, their own members, their own money, and most importantly they operate independent of the Democratic Party

Conservatives must do the same.

No longer think of yourself as a Republican, but as a Reagan conservative.

Lets re-launch the conservative movement.

Lets act independently of the Republican Party and their failed big government leadership.

Lets focus on the conservative movement, not the GOP.

We need to greatly increase the size and number of principled conservative organizations.

Lets launch a thousand new organizations reaching out to:

1. Small business owners, especially women, Hispanics, and Asians.

2. Americas youth, who know the current Social Security system just wont be there for them.

3. Independent voters, most of who support a balanced budget, family values, and fiscal restraint.

4. Values voters, who agree with us on same sex marriage and the culture of life and promoting traditional moral values not Hollywood values.

5. Young married couples, who care about child tax credits and better schools.

6. Senior citizens, who want to stop the politicians raid on the Social Security Trust Fund and dont trust them to manage their health care, either.

7. Doctors, who are already being hamstrung by red tape and are scared to death of the prospect of socialized medicine.

8. And all the Americans in the sensible center who know deep-down that conservatives really are right: Were right on illegal immigration, right on taxes, right on health care, right on the economy, right on terrorism and right for America.

Lets withhold support from all Republican National Committees because they spend our money in primaries to defeat conservatives.

Lets withhold support from most Republican elected officials, supporting only those few principled conservatives

Lets challenge in primaries all establishment big government Republicans and Democrats at the National, state, and local levels.

Lets run principled conservatives for local, state, and national party offices.

I congratulate CPAC for not having the Chairman of the Republican National Committee at CPAC for the first time in memory.

And conservativesthis is important for the time being, we should withhold our support from all of the top tier 2008 Presidential wannabees.

Not a one of them deserves our support today.

They all fail the Goldwater/Reagan test.

Goldwater became our hero when he and he alone in Washington stood up and criticized the Republicans for their big government policies.

On the floor of the Senate in 1960, he said President Eisenhower was running a dime store New Deal.

He spoke truth to power. Where is the Republican Presidential candidate that has stood up publicly to the big government Republican leaders in the last 6 years?

And if they havent stood up for conservative principles in the last 6 years, they wont start if they become President.

And Reagan regularly criticized Presidents Nixon and Ford.

And the second test is, tell me who you walk with and Ill tell you who you are.

Reagan walked with conservatives- long before he ran for President in 1976; he was at our meetings, our receptions, and our rallies.

And surrounding Reagan were conservative stars Lyn Nofziger, Marty Anderson, Dick Allen, Ed Meese, Judge Clark, Joe Coors, and many others.

If conservatives have not been around a Republican Presidential candidate before he began asking for our votes, I guarantee you conservatives will not be around him if he moves into the White House.

And I promise you; you will not have conservative policies or conservative programs without conservative personnel.

I dont know about you, but Im angry and I feel betrayed, but fortunately there are things we conservatives can do to become a governing majority in America.

However, its not likely to happen quickly, certainly not by 2008.

One of the strengths of the conservative movement is weve always approached politics as a marathon, not a sprint.

It may take 6-10 years for conservatives to be able to govern America.

But 1st conservatives have to follow the advice that Kevin Costner got in the baseball movie Field of Dreams.

If you build it, they will come.

We have to build a whole new conservative movement, independent of the two major parties.

And once we build a large, dynamic powerful conservative movement, the next Ronald Reagan will appear.

Remember the movie, The Blues Brothers with Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi.
The idea in the movie was
Were putting the band back together
And were on a mission from God

Well conservatives,
Were putting the conservative movement back together.
And hopefully were on a mission from God.

Posted by: Ogre at 01:07 PM | Comments (362) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

Iredell Republican's Men Club

It's tonight!

I just got the notice in the mail. If you're anywhere near Iredell County, NC, you're welcome to join. Dinner is at 6:30 and the program starts at 7:00. It will be at Fat Boy's in Mooresville. Fat Boy's just just off exit 36 on I-77 on the Northeast corner of the interchange. Come on out if you're nearby.

Dr. Mike Adams is the featured guest of the evening:

Dr. Adams is a professor of Criminal Justice at UNC-Wilmington. He has gained national recognition for exposing the left-wing, politically correct ideology that is prevalent on most college campuses.

Dr. Adams has appeared on Hannity & Colmes, CNN, and Rush Limbaugh. He is a regular columnist for townhall.com and is the author of the book "Welcome to the Ivory Tower of Babel."

Posted by: Ogre at 12:08 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

March 07, 2007

A New Blog

Have you seen Tired of all the Liberal Rhetoric Out There? Well, why not thead on over and take a peek? What's it about?

I have this blog to show the discrepancies between the Republicans and The Democrats!

Well, there you go. Apparently someone still thinks there's some difference between the two ruling noble parties. Huh. But hey, there's Ronald Reagan quotes there, and that's always a good thing! Go take a look!

Posted by: Ogre at 08:39 PM | Comments (17) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

Washington (State) Sues for Cash

The state of Washington wants YOUR money. And they want a lot of it. As much as they can get away with. And they're suing the federal government to get it. Why? Because they're whiny liberals who would rather take money from someone else than earn it, that's why.

This case is a strange one. In the past, states often complained when the federal government told the states what to do, but didn't provide funds for them. While this was clearly unconstitutional and any state could have easily ignored the federal government, they all took it and spent the money. But they complained.

Sometimes, states complained about federal bribing. For example, the federal government bribed all 50 states to lower the DUI limits in their states. The feds said that they would withhold highway funding if the states refused to comply. So, once again, the states bent over and did what the feds said.

This case is a bit weirder. The federal government gives away dump truck loads of cash to states. Quite often, the feds tell the states what they're allowed to do with that money. To me, that seems rather reasonable. If you want money that I'm giving to you, then I should have some say in how it's spend. And if you don't want to let me have any say, then I should be free to NOT give you the money. But Washington State disagrees.

The state seems to think that not only should the federal government not be allowed to determine how their money is spent, the feds should be forced to give the state money because, well, they want it. They want more money to spend on medicaid patients, so they feel the feds should provide it. The federal government said that they didn't want the money used on non-citizens. The state of Washington claims that they want to spend the money on non-citizens, and the federal government should be forced to spend that money on non-citizens, whether they want to or not.

My guess is that the state will win because it means more government spending -- which nearly everyone in a current elected office can agree is good.

Posted by: Ogre at 04:05 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

Whiny Unemployed Feds

Have you read the latest whinings of the unemployed? Apparently some folks got fired because they were crappy at their job, and now they're whining with help from Democrats. Well, if you're going to whine, and you want advice on how to do it, Democrats are second only to the French in skill and ability in that area.

And since it's Democrats that are whining, you know who's to blame, right? Absolutely: Bush.

First, a little lesson for Democrats and anyone else who doesn't understand the US Constitution:

The government is divided up into three branches. Two of them are the executive branch and the legislative branch. The legislative branch, which includes Congress, gets to make laws. The executive branch, which includes the president, gets to enforce laws. There's another branch, but I don't want to confused the small-minded.

The Justice department falls under the executive branch. This means that all the people in that department work for the president. Most of the people in the justice department serve at the president's will -- that means that the president can fire those people when he wants to. This is why there is so much turnover in the cabinet and at other high-level posts when a new president is elected.

Any questions so far?

Okay, in this article, various fired federal prosecutors are complaining (with help from Democrats) that they were fired for political reasons. They also claim they felt pressured by members of Congress to do certain things.

First, remember who they work for? They work for the president. So if the president wants to fire you, he can. And yes, the president is a political position. Therefore, there's nothing wrong with being fired for political reasons when you serve an elected official! That's how government works. I wish MORE government employees were fired when the elected officials changed.

Next, the "pressure" claim. They claim that members of Congress called them and pressured them. If I call you, the good reader, on the phone right now and tell you that you should look out your window or your job will suffer, how much pressure do you feel? Apparently the fired prosecutors don't realize that they don't actually work for the Congressmen (I know the Democrats think they do, but that's another story). If you don't work for someone, how can they "pressure" you? And if you feel threatened, call the police, that's what they're there for.

It's just another reason to bash Bush and literally nothing more. You'd think the Democrats would realize that they were in power by now.

Posted by: Ogre at 02:04 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)

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