Republican 08 Candidates

Oh, this is SO true and accurate.


Posted by: Ogre at 02:51 PM


1 There's a movement now to draft Fred Thompson for President and I say draft because apparently he doesn't want to run. However, I think if enough people ask him, he would. I'm rather disappointed in Tancredo since he conceded to CPAC during that conference. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see... perhaps Draft is a good word... perhaps a movement to campaign for one write-in candidate rather than the usual "Mickey Mouse"?

Posted by: Steph at March 10, 2007 05:26 PM (AC9Dc)

2 The best people to serve in elected office do not want to serve -- which is why I want them elected.

I still like Tancredo -- I didn't hear anything about anything he did at CPAC. I like Duncan Hunter. The "front-runners?" Nothing worth voting for at all.

Posted by: Ogre at March 10, 2007 07:01 PM (kft0e)

3 Well, it was more a concession to the fact that he knew he wouldn't be one of their picks to represent conservatives... he has the videos on his teamtancredo site.

Posted by: Steph at March 10, 2007 08:31 PM (AC9Dc)

4 I'm still supporting him. I think a lot of Democrats will, too. His BIG issue is the border, and he's right AND he wants what the American people want -- unlike any Democrat nominee, unlike McCain, Guiliani, Romney, or other Republicans.

Posted by: Ogre at March 10, 2007 08:42 PM (kft0e)

5 Tancredo is not really a serious candidate. No Congressmen has been promoted straight from teh house to the Presidency in so long....I can't even remember for sure who the last one was. Okay, I looked it up. It was James A. Garfield in 1881.

We need a conservative, but we also need a winner. Tancredo is not him. Not even a Senator has made it straight to the Presidency since Kennedy in 1960. We need a Governor. Could it be Gilmore? Jeb? Mayor Rudy might actually win it, but that has never happened before. Since NYC is so big, it is actually a more important office than several Governors. (Like Clinton of Arkansas) He is no conservative, but he is consistent and very presidential.

Romney is no conservative, and has the added baggage of being almost kerryesque in his flip-flops.

It worries me some that we do not have a good conservative candidate. I keep hoping one will step forward. Time is running out.

Posted by: David at March 10, 2007 10:27 PM (fXOqq)

6 I donated $ to Team Tancredo but... If not him, I seriously hope someone does come forward. I watched Hannity's America today on Fox News... he had a segment on there called "What Would Reagan Do?" It was very... enlightening... a 1964 speech.

Posted by: Steph at March 10, 2007 11:52 PM (AC9Dc)

7 I know that Reps don't make it to the White House, but as you pointed out, neither do Senators. So what happens when the front-runners are McCain and sHillary?

I really think that Tancredo can win -- if he can win the Republican nomination -- and that will be harder than winning the general election because the inside forces don't want him to win! Washington LIKE illegals and doesn't want Tancredo to stop them -- so he's battling all of Washington and the National Republican Party. But if he can win...

Posted by: Ogre at March 11, 2007 12:47 AM (kft0e)

8 Well, the front runners are Guiliani and Hillary right now.

Romney is making a run at it, as Obama is on the left. McCain is just a non-starter as far as i can tell. He is not a conservative and his personal politics has alienated so much of the base, i don't see him having a real chance at the nomination. It's Bob Dole all over again, right down to the Letterman announcement ploy. Just stamp the BIG "L" for LOSER on his forehead and be done with him.

Yes, it is theoretically possible to have two Senators nominated, meaning one will actually win. I am just saying it is very unlikely. They have too much of a record to defend. McCain will have to answer for every vote, every compromise, every filibuster, every proposal he has made or participated in for his entire career. Hillary will have the same problem. Governors have that problem to a far lesser degree. It is usually straight up a leadership issue.

Also, legislators have no executive experience. Why would their first executive leadership job be in the White house?

Posted by: David at March 11, 2007 03:26 PM (fXOqq)

9 McCain swears he is a conservative. Just ask him. Yesterday or the day before he said something like "I'll put my conservative record up against anyone. I'm a real conservative."

The press LOVES him, so that will help him a lot, too.

Posted by: Ogre at March 11, 2007 05:17 PM (kft0e)

10 See, that's the funny thing. McCain THOUGHT the press loved him, because they always supported him when he was a thorn in the GOP side. BUT, when it comes to him being the nominee, or even potential nominee, against a real liberal, they will SAVAGE him. Trust me, his relationship with the press is a short term boon. It will avail him nothing in the long term.

Posted by: David at March 11, 2007 08:54 PM (fXOqq)

11 I think the press will continue to support him until the Republican nomination is complete. Then, whether he wins or not, they'll support the liberal. They'd just like him to be the Republican nominee so they can have a liberal in the White House no matter who wins!

Posted by: Ogre at March 11, 2007 11:08 PM (kft0e)

12 Please consider my Goveror, Mitt Romney. The fact that there are so many hit pieces out on him should tell you that PERHAPS he is a little too conservative for the media - and that's a good thing for the rest of us!

I watched him govern for 4 years - and he is a decent, able and intelligent person with good fiscal conservative values. He ALSO wants to seal the border, Ogre.

Investigate below the surface a little - I think you will be impressed.

Posted by: Peter Porcupine at March 13, 2007 03:25 AM (CQ717)

13 I've looked, and what I've seen most about Romney is that he changes with the wind. He seems to want to be whatever he needs to be to be elected. I'm not sure I see a consistent position from him on various topics. But I would at least consider him. I'm still supporting Tancredo, but if Tancredo drops out, I'll at least consider Romney -- as opposed to McCain or Guiliani, both of which will never get my vote.

Posted by: Ogre at March 13, 2007 11:20 AM (oifEm)

14 Lemme get in here. I think the perfet ticket is President Tancredo, and VP Ted Nugent. Naw, I'm not kidding.

Posted by: carole at March 13, 2007 05:33 PM (GQFli)

15 I would vote 10 times for that ticket! Seriously. The Nuge would be an awesome candidate.

Posted by: Ogre at March 13, 2007 05:49 PM (oifEm)

16 It might come down to supporting Romney. I actually voted for GHWB because to vote for Dukakis was unthinkable. But not because I thought that men like GHWB or Romney make good Presidents.

Romney has more flip flops than a California girl.

Posted by: David at March 13, 2007 09:20 PM (fXOqq)

17 I don't know if I can support Romney. If he wins the nomination, then I'll look more into him. Until then, I'm with Tancredo! (Or at least until Tancredo gives up)

Posted by: Ogre at March 13, 2007 09:47 PM (kft0e)

18 We have all noticed them. The huge guys at the gym, lifting huge stacks associated with plates and grunting and also sweating like their head is all about to explode. Their arms are busting from their shirts and their legs seem like they belong to a horse-a muscular horse. Who would like to look like that? This is among the main reasons that many people, although they want to lost weight and look great, refuse to lift weights. They are scared that obtaining the heavy iron will turn them into hulking behemoths which can't put their hands down by their aspect. Nothing could be further from your truth.

Lifting weights will not turn you into a bodybuilder overnight. Getting the type of muscle you see upon those big boys in the gym takes years (10-15) associated with work, incredibly long exercises, and sometimes, a little -help- from a not so natural source-if you receive my drift. For the majority of us, adding weight training into our exercise program will do exactly what we want it to. Weight training will assist in your weight loss, get in shape, and appear better at the beach. You see, for each and every ounce of muscle you build, your body will accelerate its own internal fat burning process. The more muscle Inversion Table you build, the more fat you were burn. Now, muscle DOES weigh a lot more than fat, but don't let that scare you. I am talking about, what do you really care about, how much you weight, or what you seem like with your shirt away? That is the real test if improving your physique is at the top of your priority list. The majority of us just want to watch the scales and find out the pounds come flowing off, but when you might be regularly training with weight load, this oftentimes does not really happen. As you are losing fat, you are building muscle mass, so your weight may stay exactly the same, but your body may look drastically different. Your own clothes will fit much better, the people at the office will start to look at your differently so when beach time comes, you may be the first to rip off your shirt!

So, how do you get started with a good weight training program? The last thing you want to do is hit the gym and start blasting out arm curls with simply no idea of what you do. Weight training is serious business and can be quite dangerous. One wrong move and you could wind up lying during sex for 6 months watching your body slip into worse shape than before you decide to started. A solid rule of thumb when beginning to work together with weights is to partner plan someone who knows what they are doing. This could be a friend who has plenty of experience or better however, a personal trainer. A qualified personal trainer can walk you through a step-by-step process of building a highly effective weight training program that will help you to reach your objectives while avoiding injury as you go along.

So the next time you think about lifting weights, you might not conjure a vision of the well oiled massive physique posing in tiny trunks; you may see yourself, ripped, in form, and looking fantastic thanks to your weight training system.

Posted by: Shea Scripter at November 06, 2011 01:16 AM (4egwv)

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