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The Morning Report — 9/17/24


Good Morning Kids. It is just beyond revolting, if not completely predictable, that in the wake of the second assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump that the loudest, shrillest voices within the Democrat Party and the media – which as we all know is in point of fact a redundancy – have the unmitigated, radioactive temerity to actually blame him for the attempts on his life. After almost every second of every day for nine straight years of comparing him to Adolph Hitler and sliming anyone who supports him as not only a racist bigot but of willing to throw those unlike them into concentration camps or worse to fulfill the alleged goal of turning America into a white Christian nationalist theocracy (a hoary old retread of a theme going back to Ronald Reagan if not to Barry Goldwater) Projection ain't just a river in Egypt.

It's kind of funny since mere days before the 2008 election, Barack Obama promised to "fundamentally transform" the United States of America. Into what, he never said, but judging from the poisoned rhetoric of his apostate priest and confessor, Jeremiah Wright, as well as the words and deeds of his likely real father and mentor Frank Marshall Davis, an avowed Stalinist and Soviet agent, it was no stretch of the imagination to connect the dots. In point of fact, considering everything that is happening here at home and quite a bit of what's going on abroad we are only beginning to reap the whirlwind of what Obama has just begun to sow.

All things considered, the fact that Donald Trump openly ran to stop that in an effort to Make America Great Again, and that he handily beat a machine intent on continuing the destruction with Hillary Clinton as the combined Eva Peron/Lucretia Borgia as its leader was in and of itself nothing short of miraculous.

This evil gin-blossom of a harridan has been the tip of the spear to take him down both for personal reasons as well as political ever since. So naturally, she had this to say:

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Monday on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show” that former President Donald Trump’s politics of “hate and division” put the United States’ security in danger.

Clinton said, “I’m very hopeful, and even optimistic that Americans who do not want to see a continuation of this politics of hate and division will reject Trump.” She continued, “The object in this case is Donald Trump, his demagoguery, his danger to our country and the world. You know, they were merciless about what they saw as [so-called quote-unquote] President Biden’s problems in the debate and calling for him to withdraw. I believe Donald Trump has disqualified himself over and over and over again to be a presidential candidate, let alone a president.”

The only thing Donald Trump endangers is the Democrat-Left's near stranglehold on power that it has achieved by subverting and dismantling as much of the American founding via legislative action,a corrupted judiciary and the unconstitutional bureaucracy said corrupted judiciary have consistently rubber-stamped as legitimate at least since the FDR era if not before. The only way to make America "great" again is to make America "America" again, and that means the utter defeat and dismantling of the Democrat/Leftist/Socialist/Globalist enterprise that has brought us to the brink of total dissolution, after a nearly 200-year counter-American revolution.

Which leads me to my next disgusting sampling of poisonous vomitus:

On Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Source,” Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) said that it’s “dangerous” for the Trump campaign to blame Democratic rhetoric for the recent attempted assassination of 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump and that doing so is “precisely what they shouldn’t be doing at a moment when they should be taking down the political temperature.” And also responded to Republicans saying they don’t trust the federal government by stating that “if you work hard enough to delegitimize the government in the eyes of Americans, you’re going to create a very dangerous environment.”

The rhetoric is voluminous, Himes (at least until Google and the other Mandarins of the Internet get a chance to erase it from the memory banks) as is the evidence of both a stolen election, Intel agencies colluding with Hilary Clinton to fabricate the Russia Collusion hoax against Trump, two impeachment attempts based on that hoax, trumped up charges in several jurisdictions based on Trump's first amendment rights to challenge the results of that election, that have been twisted into the so-called 1/6 insurrection, which in point of fact was a Pelosi-led plot engineered with or mostly by Federal intel and LE agencies as a false flag operation to arrest and convict Trump of treason and as pretext to delegitimize if not totally outlaw any and all opposition to Democrat power.

I'll say it here and now, the greatest threat to the security and freedom of the American people was and always will be the Democrat Party. The record is crystal clear as my good friend, the brilliant author and historian Michael Walsh has laid out in exacting detail in his great and important work.

The People V. the Democratic Party

His latest is the perfect companion book, which I am currently devouring con gusto Against the Corporate Media

The danger we face by this multi-headed Hydra that seeks our submission or death for defying their delusions of grandeur, superiority and self-declared right to create a nation in their own satanic image is as real as two assassination attempts on Trump, two on Gerald Ford, the ones that took out JFK, RFK and even MLK, along with Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley – not to mention what we've seen in Springfield Ohio and elsewhere, in the wake of the death of George Floyd, the race to turn America's children into Frankenstein catamites, and every other perversion, depredation and criminal act to rob us of our future.

These are fighting words, to be sure and intended to make your blood boil. Does that mean I want you to go grab a weapon and take a pot shot at someone? Of course not. But because I dare even speak these truths, in the eyes of the Left that makes me a threat to our precious democracy (vomit) and potentially someone that needs to be on a terror watch list.

Which is funny given that that the psycho school shooter in Georgia last month was being watched by the FBI and the local police, and yet, and yet!

Turns out this Routhi Houthi rebel was being tracked by intel agents via his cell phone for many hours before the attempt to take out Trump. And yet, and yet!

Basta cosi. Have a good day.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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Posted by: J.J. Sefton at 07:03 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Good morning JJ and horde

Posted by: Skip at September 17, 2024 07:00 AM (fwDg9)

2 WTFO??

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 17, 2024 07:00 AM (gbOdA)

3 Good morning horde!

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 17, 2024 07:01 AM (U7wke)

4 Italican !

Posted by: banana Dream at September 17, 2024 07:02 AM (Y6IkP)


Posted by: Al Gore at September 17, 2024 07:03 AM (YFf9v)

6 Zod wants to see a continuation of the politics of hate and division.

The alternative is not appealing.


Posted by: ZOD at September 17, 2024 07:06 AM (P+D4R)

7 Good Morning Kids. It is just beyond revolting, if not completely predictable, that in the wake of the second assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump that the loudest, shrillest voices within the Democrat Party and the media – which as we all know is in point of fact a redundancy – have the unmitigated, radioactive temerity to actually blame him for the attempts on his life.

Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this Nation. He is a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for.
---Joe Biden

But President Trump is the one who has to tone down the rhetoric???

Piss off media.

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 17, 2024 07:07 AM (fKRr8)

8 All my reading of the Bolsheviks. Ours included, the over the top lies they want us to live by are the most frustrating to me.

Posted by: Skip at September 17, 2024 07:09 AM (fwDg9)

9 Good Morning.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at September 17, 2024 07:09 AM (FfvIc)

10 >>He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for.
---Joe Biden

He's a threat to the KFC eight piece meal, original, with mashed potatoes and gravy, a biscuit, and a large Diet Coke.


Posted by: ZOD at September 17, 2024 07:11 AM (P+D4R)

Posted by: Al Gore at September 17, 2024 07:03 AM (YFf9v)

The NY State Motto. or even more fitting, curled wood shavings used as a packing material.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 17, 2024 07:13 AM (x0n13)

12 Good morning again dear morons and happy birthday JJ

Routh’s son however illustrates the contrasting attitude of the base as well as the leadership of today’s Democrat Party. They don’t simply disagree, they hate. Worse, they think that hatred is “reasonable,” and that everyone “reasonable” agrees with it.

And it is perfectly ok to attack or kill people you "hate." Because that is also reasonable.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 17, 2024 07:14 AM (RIvkX)

13 The neat part is that it's still sort of true, because I'd wager that KFC value meal is almost exactly the same price as whatever average hourly wage the no to low skilled workers preparing it at that restaurant are earning.

Funny how that works out that way.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Remember Bush the First telling you they were implementing the NWO? at September 17, 2024 07:14 AM (zpx/a)

14 Trump ought to be making plans* to have a loyal set of operatives / marshals / whatever ready to arrest every Democrat who has slandered him as inciters of violence. Throw them in Gitmo, along with the publishers of every major 'news'paper in the country.

But he won't. He can't, because I honestly believe that he still believes there are decent, honorable people in the government. He is wrong, and that is not just his blindspot but, IMO, his deadly failing.

Whatever. I'm just a living black pill asshole commenter on a Smart Military Blog.

*plans made within the tightest of circles. I am certain his campaign is infested with Deep State moles.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 17, 2024 07:15 AM (Q0kLU)

15 As has been noted, there is something completely unpalatable about Trump to the lunatics that run the world, so it's highly doubtful they let him assume the Presidency.

It appears they simply cannot conjure the needed fake ballots to counter what they see in internal polling.

So they are going to have their Sic Semper Tyrannis moment if it's the last thing they do.

As others have noted, the next time will probably be someone in his USSS detail simply pumping slugs into him.

Dark times ahead indeed.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 17, 2024 07:15 AM (XV/Pl)

16 *plans made within the tightest of circles. I am certain his campaign is infested with Deep State moles.


Hey Don, where's that golf game next week?

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Remember Bush the First telling you they were implementing the NWO? at September 17, 2024 07:15 AM (zpx/a)

17 MPPP, I think and hope that Trump's attitude and approach to his administration will be very different this time if b"h he wins.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 17, 2024 07:16 AM (RIvkX)

18 >>14 Trump ought to be making plans to have a loyal set of operatives / marshals / whatever ready to arrest every Democrat. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 17, 2024 07:15 AM (Q0kLU)

Zod has fixed it for you.

Posted by: ZOD at September 17, 2024 07:17 AM (P+D4R)

19 Battle of Antietam, 162 years ago today

Posted by: PA Dutchman at September 17, 2024 07:18 AM (QyT5w)

*wanders in*

Still early! Good morning, Hordians.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 17, 2024 07:20 AM (BkEzK)

21 It is just beyond revolting, if not completely predictable, that in the wake of the second assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump that the loudest, shrillest voices within the Democrat Party and the media – which as we all know is in point of fact a redundancy – have the unmitigated, radioactive temerity to actually blame him for the attempts on his life.


The Democrat Party is a Domestic Terrorist Organization.

Prove me wrong ...

Posted by: ShainS -- The Democrat Party is a Domestic Terrorist Organization at September 17, 2024 07:21 AM (P3VPf)

22 19 Battle of Antietam, 162 years ago today
Posted by: PA Dutchman

Where reparations were marked Paid In Full.

Posted by: A. Lincoln at September 17, 2024 07:23 AM (DobEs)

23 Candace Owens said if JD Vance isn't dropped as VP there will be more attempts on Trump's life.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 17, 2024 07:24 AM (RIvkX)

24 Morning Horde, thx JJ.
Sweden offers money to immigrants to go home.
I'm sure Saint Greta will say "how dare you"

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 17, 2024 07:24 AM (JmfnM)

25 >>22 19 Battle of Antietam, 162 years ago today
Posted by: PA Dutchman

One of the most impressive Civil War tours/sites.

Posted by: ZOD at September 17, 2024 07:25 AM (P+D4R)

26 Regarding the P Diddy thing.. another nobody knows what he's been arrested for and will find out. I take it they don't have to tell you why you are being arrested? Seems so banana Republic

Posted by: A dude in MI at September 17, 2024 07:26 AM (9tgP1)

27 23 Candace Owens said if JD Vance isn't dropped as VP there will be more attempts on Trump's life.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 17, 2024 07:24 AM (RIvkX)

What a turd she has turned into, n'est pas?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 17, 2024 07:26 AM (x0n13)

28 Candace's cheese has slid off of the cracker.

Posted by: Ben Had at September 17, 2024 07:26 AM (I1GXe)

29 Due to the fact that the next attempt will probably be successful and Donald Trump no longer in the race, we have called the 2024 Presidential election for Harris.

Posted by: Bret Baier at September 17, 2024 07:27 AM (YFf9v)

30 ... that have been twisted into the so-called 1/6 insurrection, which in point of fact was a Pelosi-led plot engineered with or mostly by Federal intel and LE agencies as a false flag operation to arrest and convict Trump of treason and as pretext to delegitimize if not totally outlaw any and all opposition to Democrat power.


* The Deep State/Junta (BIRM) #FalseFlag #FakePipeBomb #ReichstagFire #InsurancePolicy (in case Ray Epps failed at The Capitol) @ the DNC DC HQ while VP-"elect" Harris was inexplicably there on J6 has entered the post *

Posted by: ShainS -- The Democrat Party is a Domestic Terrorist Organization at September 17, 2024 07:27 AM (P3VPf)

31 25 >>22 19 Battle of Antietam, 162 years ago today
Posted by: PA Dutchman

One of the most impressive Civil War tours/sites.
Posted by: ZOD at September 17, 2024 07:25 AM (P+D4R)

Better visit before the Leftists do a Dr. Zaius and seal up the cave, or a Taliban and bow it up.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 17, 2024 07:27 AM (x0n13)

32 >>What a turd she has turned into, n'est pas?
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 17, 2024 07:26 AM (x0n13)

She's a clueless bint.

Posted by: ZOD at September 17, 2024 07:29 AM (P+D4R)

33 What a turd she has turned into, n'est pas?
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 17, 2024 07:26 AM (x0n13)

28 Candace's cheese has slid off of the cracker.
Posted by: Ben Had at September 17, 2024 07:26 AM (I1GXe)

She is probably sleep-deprived.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 17, 2024 07:29 AM (RIvkX)

34 Trump Assassination Suspect Is a Felon Barred from Gun Possession

When and for what has he been convicted? I see lots of 'charged' but no 'convicted'. What makes him a felon? Remember he's never actually been to the pen.

Posted by: Ciampino - Si Ispettore, prigione e il minimo at September 17, 2024 07:29 AM (qfLjt)

35 Leftists : Antietam was a Confederate battlefield.
Normies: they were fighting the Union
Leftists : shut up fascist

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 17, 2024 07:29 AM (JmfnM)

Battle of Antietam, 162 years ago today
Posted by: PA Dutchman

"As the range grew better, the firing became more rapid, the situation desperate and exasperating to the last degree. Human nature was on the race, and there burst forth form it the most vehement, terrible swearing I have ever heard. Certainly the joy of conflict was not ours that day. The suspense was only for a moment, however, for the order to charge came just after. Whether the regiment was thrown into disorder or not, I never knew. I only remember that as we rose, and started all the fire that had been held back so long was loosed. In a second the air was full of the hiss of bullets and the hurtle of grape-shot. The mental strain was so great that I saw at the moment he singular effect mentioned, I think, in the life of Goethe on a similar occasion - the whole landscape for an instant turned slight red." - David Thompson, 9th New York Regiment

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 17, 2024 07:30 AM (BkEzK)

37 MPPP, I think and hope that Trump's attitude and approach to his administration will be very different this time if b"h he wins.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 17, 2024 07:16 AM (RIvkX)

I'd like to think that. But I don't.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 17, 2024 07:30 AM (Q0kLU)

38 She was going to offer suggested replacements, but....she bored me.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 17, 2024 07:30 AM (RIvkX)

39 NBC News reported that a man was in custody following the "Trump golf club incident,"

He wanted mustard instead of mayo on he club sammich.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 17, 2024 07:32 AM (gbOdA)

g'mornin', 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at September 17, 2024 07:33 AM (bEb2S)

Anyone have Candace Owens and Greta Thunberg wearing matching keffiyeh scarves at a 'free Palestine' rally on their Bingo cards yet?

Posted by: Hungry Haitian Gourmet at September 17, 2024 07:33 AM (RKVpM)

42 Happy Tuesday, one and all.

Looks at headlines. Contemplates going home for the day and sleeping.

Posted by: NR Pax at September 17, 2024 07:34 AM (99eI0)

What a turd she has turned into, n'est pas?
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 17, 2024 07:26 AM (x0n13)

I try never to place much faith in the continuing good judgement and wisdom of conservative media figures. Eventually, they all go off the rails. With anyone, read, but make up your own mind.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 17, 2024 07:35 AM (BkEzK)

44 I think many Democrats having gotten a look at Kamala, regret having her forced on them. They are willing to clap and vote but any enthusiasm is entirely manufactured.

I have only seen 1 or 2 Harris-Walz signs around here.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 17, 2024 07:36 AM (RIvkX)

45 I remember how upset I was the first time I saw one of her D.A. Campaign signs.

"Who would ever vote for this crazy bint?"

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 17, 2024 07:37 AM (RIvkX)

46 Antietam is not crowded and commercial like Gettysburg is. It is a very sobering visit.

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at September 17, 2024 07:37 AM (1FWWQ)

47 According to, the oldest restaurant in Maryland is the Middleton Tavern in Annapolis (1750).


Posted by: ZOD at September 17, 2024 07:37 AM (P+D4R)

48 Clinton said, “I’m very hopeful, and even optimistic that Americans who do not want to see a continuation of this politics of hate and division will reject Trump.”

Interesting phrasing.

She isn't directly saying that Trump is engaged in the politics of hate and division, because Hate, Division, Violence and Corruption are features of the Democrat Party brand.

the clue here is the part "...a continuation of..." which means that while Trump has been making billions of dollars elsewhere while simultaneously dealing with the Hate, Division, Violence and Corruption of the Left in Trump's legal dealings and multiple assassination attempts its the last four years (at the least) where the Left while in office have been dealing out these evil policies.

What she is promising is that the Left will go full Bolshevik and unlock the gates of Hell if the cheat isn't enough to lock in the Left's ability to bring the entire world into permanent darkness.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 07:37 AM (rHxhM)

49 I visited Antietam as a kid but really need to get back there. They recently finished a new visitor center and they're working to restore the battlefield to its 1862 appearance, as much as possible.

Posted by: PA Dutchman at September 17, 2024 07:38 AM (QyT5w)

I've been to a lot of Civil War battlefields, but not Antietam. I keep saying that some day I'll get there, but then there's the sobering thought that at my age there aren't a lot of some days left.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 17, 2024 07:39 AM (BkEzK)

51 Really enjoying J.D. Vance slice and dice Dana Bash from Sunday.

"Moi!!? A Democrat propagandist??"

She was pathetic.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 17, 2024 07:40 AM (RIvkX)

52 Hillary Clinton is a drunk Cylon lesbian.

Posted by: ZOD at September 17, 2024 07:40 AM (P+D4R)



Posted by: Hillary Clinton at September 17, 2024 07:42 AM (5hfjS)

54 Hillary making statements about how the media should behave regarding Trump gives away the game that we already know exists. The media are propaganda ministries for the Dems and that is it. Full stop. Thx Hillary for the confirmation

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 17, 2024 07:42 AM (JmfnM)

55 What rock did Hillary crawl out from under??????

She will never forgive him for winning.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 07:42 AM (Pijte)

I think many Democrats having gotten a look at Kamala, regret having her forced on them. They are willing to clap and vote but any enthusiasm is entirely manufactured.

I have only seen 1 or 2 Harris-Walz signs around here.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 17, 2024 07:36 AM

One of the major problems with mail-in ballots is that the people who lack enough enthusiasm for a candidate to drive to a polling booth and stand in line for half an hour WILL spend five minutes filing out a ballot and drop it in the mail.

It's probably going to be a factor in the swing states and could decide the election.

Posted by: Hungry Haitian Gourmet at September 17, 2024 07:44 AM (RKVpM)

57 Zod will make statements about how Hillary should behave during feeding-time at Zod Imperial Institut Collection Zoo of Human Curiosities.

Posted by: ZOD at September 17, 2024 07:44 AM (P+D4R)

58 Sweden Is Considering Paying Immigrants Big Money to Leave the Country

I wonder if you could make good money spending a couple years travelling from country to country in Europe being paid to leave.

Stupid fuckers.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 17, 2024 07:44 AM (U7wke)

59 Is there some special grant program for potential presidential assassins? Where do these guys get their money from? It seems this hobo did a lot of traveling and not a lot of working, so curious minds would like to know.

Posted by: jwest at September 17, 2024 07:44 AM (VP9ao)

60 Anyone have Candace Owens and Greta Thunberg wearing matching keffiyeh scarves at a 'free Palestine' rally on their Bingo cards yet?
Posted by: Hungry Haitian Gourmet at September 17, 2024 07:33 AM (RKVpM)

I sensed it sometime early in 2023, if I recall.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at September 17, 2024 07:45 AM (t3yy7)

61 ...“The object in this case is Donald Trump, his demagoguery, his danger to our country and the world. ...

its odd how Clinton redefines "country" into meaning "war front" in the war the globalists are engaged with in reducing the West into penury and misery. The clue here is her saying "our country and the world".

The Left clearly hates America and in her statement, which is pure demagoguery in of itself, and is hell bent on destroying the world - the empirical evidence abounds.

Butchering children both in the womb and out of the womb to serve their gods, destroying the environment and man's ability to live off the land and endless war are their trademark positions which lies in direct opposition to the meaning of MAGA.

its clear we know who her father is, for she shares his desires and follows his orders.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 07:45 AM (rHxhM)

62 Killary, still staring at that glass ceiling

Posted by: Ben Had at September 17, 2024 07:45 AM (I1GXe)

63 Assuming that half of Harris’s new taxes (on top of existing taxes, which are enormous by themselves) would fall on middle-class earners, two-earner middle-class households would be paying an additional $8,740 per household.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 17, 2024 07:45 AM (gbOdA)

Is there some special grant program for potential presidential assassins? Where do these guys get their money from? It seems this hobo did a lot of traveling and not a lot of working, so curious minds would like to know.
Posted by: jwest at September 17, 2024 07:44 AM (VP9ao)

It was in one of those 3000-page continuing resolutions that Congress passes minutes before a government shutdown.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 17, 2024 07:46 AM (BkEzK)

65 >>Hillary Clinton

It still passes understanding how a live, consenting(?) human male managed to inseminate her at least once.

Posted by: ZOD at September 17, 2024 07:46 AM (P+D4R)

66 Oof:
The Muslim Justice League announced it is holding a vigil for Caleb Gannon, the man who was shot in the stomach after he tackled a veteran at a peaceful pro-Israel protest on Thursday in Newton, Mass.

“Caleb, a lifelong Newton resident and a Jew committed to Palestinian liberation, was shot by a Zionist in Newton,” the group wrote. “Caleb confronted those defending genocide in his neighborhood.”

The group says that the vigil is for “all of our martyrs” and “all who resist.” . . .
The vigil will also honor Matt Nelson, a man who reportedly set himself on fire Wednesday across from the Israeli consulate and Chabad house in Boston. In a video of his self-immolation shared by anti-Israel group BDS Boston, Nelson says he is calling on the United States government to “stop supplying Israel with money and weapons it uses to imprison and murder innocent Palestinians.”


Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 07:46 AM (Pijte)

67 >>Hillary making statements about how the media should behave regarding Trump gives away the game that we already know exists. The media are propaganda ministries for the Dems and that is it. Full stop. Thx Hillary for the confirmation

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist.

Democrats are also a mouthpiece.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 17, 2024 07:48 AM (LkLld)

68 And so here’s the situation: chance Harris wins the popular vote at this point is about 70%, but the chance she wins the electoral college is only about 50%. So the bottom line is, at this hour, John, there‘s about a 20% chance that Kamala Harris wins the popular vote but actually loses in the electoral college,” he added.

So... Harris leads with Dems (natch), Trump leads with Reps (natch), Trump also leads with Independents - now the largest voting block, but Harris leads overall.

I guess the "imaginary and illegal" block has overtaken the independents for biggest.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 17, 2024 07:48 AM (U7wke)

69 49 I visited Antietam as a kid but really need to get back there. They recently finished a new visitor center and they're working to restore the battlefield to its 1862 appearance, as much as possible.
Posted by: PA Dutchman at September 17, 2024 07:38 AM

I used to do Harper’s Ferry/Antietam/Gettysburg trio ride in the Fall when I lived in DC. A very beautiful and sobering day trip.

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 17, 2024 07:51 AM (rbKZ6)

70 As has been noted, there is something completely unpalatable about Trump to the lunatics that run the world, so it's highly doubtful they let him assume the Presidency.

It seems likely that a goodly portion of that is Trump's opposition to them using children as sex toys. Recall that Trump put into place a federal effort to locate and free missing children which Biden immediately ended.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 17, 2024 07:52 AM (U7wke)

71 >>Really enjoying J.D. Vance slice and dice Dana Bash from Sunday.

"Moi!!? A Democrat propagandist??"

She was pathetic.
- - -

Sputtering, head bobbing.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 07:52 AM (Pijte)

72 I botched my Comment about Jose Andres by posting it in the wrong thread. For sure, he is a hard-core leftist and a camera hog. You remember when Sergio Garcia won the Masters And Jose Andres hugged the camera as if he meant something.

I recall his restaurant in Virginia when they used to sell Yuengling beer at a low price for happy hour. Someone tipped off the dumb Spaniard The Yingling was not woke, so he locked the taps. It shows how fake and cheap these people are because he offered one beer for happy hour at a lower price and when he locked down Yingling, they said no beers are available even though they had many Spanish beers on tap.

Sure this prick is so woke. You would never sell Yuengling again, But he is so cheap he would not offer a Spanish beer on tap for happy hour to make up for it. I No, a lot of people don’t like Andres but my guess is no one else knows about that one.

Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 07:52 AM (sJvjL)

73 65 >>Hillary Clinton

It still passes understanding how a live, consenting(?) human male managed to inseminate her at least once.

The human pedo male you speak of is willing to put his Willie into any creature that stands on two legs without asking name, DNA or species class. Sometimes, I think he'd also entertain doing such to those that stand on 4 legs.

Posted by: H8 Marxist Rat Bastards & their side chicks at September 17, 2024 07:52 AM (foxG0)

74 Candace Owens said if JD Vance isn't dropped as VP there will be more attempts on Trump's life.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 17, 2024 07:24 AM (RIvkX)

Not sure I get the connection. Is she suggesting that he's Pence 2.0?

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 17, 2024 07:53 AM (U7wke)

75 Clinton said, “I’m very hopeful, and even optimistic that Americans who do not want to see a continuation of this politics of hate and division will reject Trump.”

Says the woman of the Demonic Party that considers "rejecting" a political candidate comeing in the form of massive comprehensive voter fraud, imprisoning political opponents on invented political crimes and assassinations.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 07:53 AM (rHxhM)

76 Trump has effectively bored his way into Hillary's head and she'll never shake him.

Not a moment of peace and contentment for her until her last breath. And maybe not ever afterward.

That's the beauty of what he he did to her in 2016 and continues to do.

Posted by: one hour sober at September 17, 2024 07:53 AM (Y1sOo)

77 It still passes understanding how a live, consenting(?) human male managed to inseminate her at least once.
Posted by: ZOD

I was drunk, okay?

Posted by: Webb Hubble at September 17, 2024 07:54 AM (5hfjS)

So... Harris leads with Dems (natch), Trump leads with Reps (natch), Trump also leads with Independents - now the largest voting block, but Harris leads overall.

The problem with polling is they'll use the turnout numbers from the last election to project turnout percentages this election. Sort of like driving a car around a racetrack by only looking in the rear view mirror.

Independents will decide this election. Partisan Democrats and partisan Republicans (according to my tea leaves) cancel each other out. Do the people in the middle want inflation, endless wars, high energy costs, more immigration in their communities, and all the other nightmares of the past nearly four years? I sure hope not.

Posted by: Hungry Haitian Gourmet at September 17, 2024 07:55 AM (RKVpM)

79 Regarding the P Diddy thing.. another nobody knows what he's been arrested for and will find out. I take it they don't have to tell you why you are being arrested? Seems so banana Republic
Posted by: A dude in MI at September 17, 2024 07:26 AM (9tgP1)

I believe P Diddy has been on the run for a couple months now. There was a lot of talk about why they were going to arrest him back when it all started. Normal sordid tale of sex and drugs in the entertainment industry.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 17, 2024 07:56 AM (U7wke)

80 Hillary and the Left have to blame Trump to deflect from their having missed again. And it's still September.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 17, 2024 07:56 AM (nFx0I)

81 It seems likely that a goodly portion of that is Trump's opposition to them using children as sex toys. Recall that Trump put into place a federal effort to locate and free missing children which Biden immediately ended.

They kept finding these missing children drugged, chained up and naked in a Democrat's basement.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 07:57 AM (rHxhM)

82 77 It still passes understanding how a live, consenting(?) human male managed to inseminate her at least once.
Posted by: ZOD

I was drunk, okay?

Posted by: Webb Hubble at September 17, 2024 07:54 AM (5hfjS)


Killin' me. Props.

Posted by: H8 Marxist Rat Bastards & their side chicks at September 17, 2024 07:57 AM (foxG0)

83 Scott Adams made an interesting observation yesterday: You can tell something is up by who runs to the press after an event like the Trump shooting. The big guns will come out to spin and smear if it's a deep state op - Brennan, etc. along with people like Schiff and Swallwell.

Now I see that Hillary Clinton made an appearance yesterday? Oh yeah, I'd say that's a tell. . .

Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 07:57 AM (Pijte)

84 Candice has become a big disappointment.

Posted by: Skip at September 17, 2024 07:57 AM (fwDg9)

85 The people responsible for assassination attempts on Trumps life are now saying that he is too calamitous? Hillary , you poisonous whore.

Posted by: runner at September 17, 2024 07:58 AM (V13WU)

86 74 Candace Owens said if JD Vance isn't dropped as VP there will be more attempts on Trump's life.

oh she's full of nonsense

Posted by: BlackOrchid at September 17, 2024 07:58 AM (s3qiR)

87 74, she seems like a psycho if that is what she said. Vance has been better than anyone can expect. Trump chose him, not the other way around. The left is laser focused on Trump, the psychos they are. They will be really mad when they realize he is the nice one, and we are just getting started.

Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 07:59 AM (sJvjL)

88 btw I saw that killary clip and WOW did she seem desperate

which btw is what they are right now and that is dangerous

cornered rats are apt to bite

Posted by: BlackOrchid at September 17, 2024 07:59 AM (s3qiR)

89 >>Is there some special grant program for potential presidential assassins? Where do these guys get their money from? It seems this hobo did a lot of traveling and not a lot of working, so curious minds would like to know.

IrishEi and I were just discussing this video of Mike Benz being interviewed on Steve Bannon's show yesterday. For those who don't know who Benz is he is a former State Dept official who over the last couple years has been detailing how the deep state or as he calls it the "intelligence blob" works.

You might think he's a kook and maybe he is but Donald Trump doesn't think so. He's been to Mar A Lago and does videos with Don Jr. so Trump is at listening to what he says.

This video gives a pretty plausible explanation for where Routh has been, what he's been doing and how he was able to travel. It also has a pretty troubling tie in to how 9/11 happened. Worth 15 minutes of your time.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 17, 2024 07:59 AM (LkLld)

90 Thank you all for the prayers and good wishes for our family last night. They are a comfort and much appreciated.

Posted by: sal at September 17, 2024 08:00 AM (f+FmA)

91 I try never to place much faith in the continuing good judgement and wisdom of conservative media figures. Eventually, they all go off the rails. With anyone, read, but make up your own mind.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 17, 2024 07:35 AM (BkEzK)

Could it be that, like "conservative" politician, "conservative" media figure is a grift. There've been several "conservative" female utoobers who've gone left recently - mostly over abortion naturally but it leads one to wonder if it is always a lie.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 17, 2024 08:00 AM (U7wke)

Rasmussen this morning:
Trump 52
Harris 46

Posted by: Hungry Haitian Gourmet at September 17, 2024 08:01 AM (RKVpM)

93 "Immigrants who voluntarily return to their countries of origin from 2026 would be eligible to receive up to 350,000 Swedish kronor ($34,000), the government.

Ha I think it was a Sopranos where one fo the guys see a dude that owes him 20 bucks and he complains to Tony. Tony asks Do you want to see the dude again and he says no. Then Tony says for 20 lousy bucks the mutha fucker will avoid you for the rest of his life.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 17, 2024 08:01 AM (gbOdA)

94 Candice has become a big disappointment.
Posted by: Skip at September 17, 2024 07:57 AM (fwDg9)



Posted by: Michael Steele at September 17, 2024 08:02 AM (1FWWQ)

95 Yeah, bing "Chelsea Clinton and Rebecca Hubbell."
Chelsea is Webb's kid. Not gonna guess how that took place. . .

Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 08:02 AM (Pijte)

Hillary Clinton

It still passes understanding how a live, consenting(?) human male managed to inseminate her at least once.

Posted by: ZOD at September 17, 2024 07:46 AM

I was pretty drunk at the time...

Posted by: Webb Hubble at September 17, 2024 08:03 AM (bEb2S)

97 Somebody working at the golf course is a deep state plant

Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:03 AM (YCxFk)

98 Human trafficking in Ohio -

Posted by: BRICKLAYER at September 17, 2024 08:03 AM (MTxCO)

99 92. wow? it was tied yesterday at RAS?

Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:04 AM (YCxFk)

100 Owens is a nutjob. Her tiny brain could not handle sudden fame.

Posted by: runner at September 17, 2024 08:05 AM (V13WU)

101 >>This video gives a pretty plausible explanation for where Routh has been, what he's been doing and how he was able to travel. It also has a pretty troubling tie in to how 9/11 happened. Worth 15 minutes of your time.
- - -
Oh, thanks!!

Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 08:05 AM (Pijte)

102 Just a reminder that Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are the Fall Ember Days.
With food prices as they are, an urgent reason to fast and pray for good harvests.

Posted by: sal at September 17, 2024 08:05 AM (f+FmA)

103 HotAir: For Some Reason Nobody Has Taken Up This $1,000,000 Offer to Hold Pride Rally in West Bank or Gaza

Posted by: SMOD at September 17, 2024 08:06 AM (jcPDy)

104 Harris is polling in the "danger zone?" I was just assured by one of our resident halfwit trolls yesterday she was suuuuuurging. Complete with a laughing emoji.

Posted by: Lady in Black at September 17, 2024 08:06 AM (N2zvp)

105 Low-paid migrants are costing taxpayers nearly $200,000 each by the time they reach retirement age in the United Kingdom, as they contribute far less than they receive in government services like healthcare. Losses reach over $650,000 each if they live to 80 years old, and well over $1 million if they live to 100.

My guess is that a illegal family of 4 living here in the US cost easily $1 Million to $1.25 Million. I also bet the Chamber of Commerce knows this but is too dependent on slave labor illegals.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 17, 2024 08:06 AM (gbOdA)

106 92. That's a huge swing from the 15th to the 16th. Not sure I trust Rasmussen.

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at September 17, 2024 08:07 AM (2NHgQ)

107 104 Harris is polling in the "danger zone?" I was just assured by one of our resident halfwit trolls yesterday she was suuuuuurging. Complete with a laughing emoji.
Posted by: Lady in Black at September 17, 2024 08:06 AM (N2zvp)

The polls and trolls are all over the place

Posted by: It's me donna at September 17, 2024 08:07 AM (IyPmt)

108 {sal}

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 17, 2024 08:07 AM (RIvkX)

109 “Russia still has more nuclear warheads than any country on the planet.”
The Imminent Russia-US War

But do any of them, Russian or the former United States' war heads, even work?

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 08:07 AM (rHxhM)

110 It's Constitution Day.

Posted by: redridinghood at September 17, 2024 08:07 AM (NpAcC)

111 >>I believe P Diddy has been on the run for a couple months now. There was a lot of talk about why they were going to arrest him back when it all started. Normal sordid tale of sex and drugs in the entertainment industry.

Yeah, totally forget why - Weinstein-ish behavior, maybe even some trafficking. When someone like that has been operating for decades, one wonders "why now?" It's always an open secret that it's happening.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 08:07 AM (Pijte)

112 If Trump wasn't winning they wouldn't be trying to kill him.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 17, 2024 08:08 AM (LkLld)

wow? it was tied yesterday at RAS?

Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:04 AM

It has been manic/depression level the past week.
12th Trump +6
15th Trump -6
16th Trump +6

Posted by: Hungry Haitian Gourmet at September 17, 2024 08:08 AM (RKVpM)

114 Candace Owens said if JD Vance isn't dropped as VP there will be more attempts on Trump's life.


She's turned into a real piece of work. I don't know what happened to this girl, but she's lost it.

Posted by: Lady in Black at September 17, 2024 08:08 AM (N2zvp)

115 How did Jay Z escape the me too crap? Ho's and crap on his songs.

Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:08 AM (YCxFk)

116 Routh



Posted by: rhennigantx at September 17, 2024 08:08 AM (gbOdA)

117 Chelsea is Webb's kid. Not gonna guess how that took place. . .
Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 08:02 AM (Pijte)

I have to believe that it involved a turkey baster... that if they got Hubble drunk enough to agree he'd never be able to contribute.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 17, 2024 08:09 AM (U7wke)

118 My guess is that a illegal family of 4 living here in the US cost easily $1 Million to $1.25 Million. I also bet the Chamber of Commerce knows this but is too dependent on slave labor illegals.

I also think gov workers and related really need more clients to support their phoney baloney jobs

lots of schools around here had fewer students - tada! - massive refugee influx and all the admins keep their jobs

Posted by: BlackOrchid at September 17, 2024 08:09 AM (s3qiR)

119 >>My guess is that a illegal family of 4 living here in the US cost easily $1 Million to $1.25 Million.
Posted by: rhennigantx at September 17, 2024 08:06 AM (gbOdA)

That money would purchase one mile of Transborder Industrial Mastic Human Flypaper Array.

Now more than ever.

Posted by: ZOD at September 17, 2024 08:10 AM (P+D4R)

120 Candace bought all the way into the Jew Hate, and just kept digging her hole deeper and deeper. The last few months have revealed as deeply stupid, with no understanding of events. She has decent presentation skills and will say anything she’s told to say.

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 17, 2024 08:10 AM (S6gqv)

121 Man accused of plotting to kill Trump allegedly kept 1,000-pound beast in his living room

@Fox site

Posted by: Don Black at September 17, 2024 08:10 AM (/7KEl)

122 113. My bad. saw one day it 49-47 trump maybe

Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:10 AM (YCxFk)

123 - @67 JackStraw

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled... "

And the most successful tactic in pushing that lie...?

Posted by: TeeJ at September 17, 2024 08:11 AM (HUDFk)

124 And also responded to Republicans saying they don’t trust the federal government

You mean the government that mandated the clot shot to stop the spread of COVID which was totally a normally evolved disease and has since admitted the clot shot does not stop the spread and the disease was created in part by the US government?

Posted by: 18-1 at September 17, 2024 08:11 AM (oZhjI)

125 Recall that: David Plouffe, a former adviser to then-President Barack Obama, posted on June 13, 2016, “It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”

He's now running Kamala's campaign.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 17, 2024 08:12 AM (nFx0I)

126 My guess is that a illegal family of 4 living here in the US cost easily $1 Million to $1.25 Million. I also bet the Chamber of Commerce knows this but is too dependent on slave labor illegals.

This is going to need some explaining, because how is it that anybody can retire on a pension or SSI + Savings if the tab approaches seven figures per year?

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 08:12 AM (rHxhM)

127 It's Constitution Day so we are spending the first hour in class watching School House Rock.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 17, 2024 08:12 AM (CIS44)

128 "stating that if you work hard enough to delegitimize the government in the eyes of Americans, you’re going to create a very dangerous environment.”

And democrats have been working very hard to accomplish this.

Posted by: Ribbed at September 17, 2024 08:12 AM (B0mGw)

129 Tucker Carlson was saying that on the day of the VP pick there were about ten hours of phone calls from every politico and donor to the GOP demanding that Trump not pick Vance.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at September 17, 2024 08:12 AM (lTGtQ)

130 >>And the most successful tactic in pushing that lie...?

Create a Keyser Soze and pin all the blame on him. In this case Donald J. Trump.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 17, 2024 08:12 AM (LkLld)

131 >>Candace Owens said if JD Vance isn't dropped as VP there will be more attempts on Trump's life.

Uh. . . .?
I guess there's a reason I haven't seen her lately.

Things are getting crazy.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 08:13 AM (Pijte)

132 I also think gov workers and related really need more clients to support their phoney baloney jobs

lots of schools around here had fewer students - tada! - massive refugee influx and all the admins keep their jobs

A town near mine was seeking a massive tax hike for the schools - basically they had used their temporary COVID funds to hire a bunch of permanent administrators.

One of the citizens in the town noted that enrollment in the schools was down a third over the last 10 years while the budget was already twice as much. Why are they paying way more per student?

The answer? You are racist.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 17, 2024 08:13 AM (oZhjI)

133 Joel Pollak is a nervous nelly. Saying Trump blew the debate. Hello Joel. Ambush!!

Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:13 AM (YCxFk)

134 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 17, 2024 08:13 AM (Zz0t1)

135 got some readin' to do!

Posted by: DanMan at September 17, 2024 08:13 AM (8uzBS)

136 It's Constitution Day.
Posted by: redridinghood at September 17, 2024 08:07 AM (NpAcC)

I'll take Defunct Documents for $1000, Alex.

Posted by: Doof at September 17, 2024 08:14 AM (RhGG0)

137 But do any of them, Russian or the former United States' war heads, even work?
Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 08:07 AM (rHxhM)

As I understand it, the operation of nuclear weapons is actually fairly simple and well understood. It could be that the tritium has decayed but that's relatively easy to fix.

Not sure I, personally, would be super confident trusting the fate of the world on promises that those stupid Russian bastards can't pull off a nuclear explosion. Particularly when the people claiming that are all members of Team "we need to get rid of most of the people".

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 17, 2024 08:14 AM (U7wke)

138 I'm still fascinated by the idea a billionaire NY real estate developer is recognized as "one of us' by the Deep State.

The mind boggles.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at September 17, 2024 08:15 AM (XJl7d)

139 129. Who should he have picked then, according to these donors?

Haley would kept many conservatives home.

Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:15 AM (YCxFk)

140 My guess is that a illegal family of 4 living here in the US cost easily $1 Million to $1.25 Million. I also bet the Chamber of Commerce knows this but is too dependent on slave labor illegals.

This is a weird think modern big business has gotten good at - keeping profits private while socializing costs. Another variant on this are banks making risky loans. If the loans pay off? Profit. If the loans fail? Oh Uncle Sugar will pay for them.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 17, 2024 08:15 AM (oZhjI)

141 With food prices as they are, an urgent reason to fast and pray for good harvests.

So what you are saying, no matter the outcome of the harvest there is going to be some fasting and urgent praying.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 08:15 AM (rHxhM)

142 It's always an open secret that it's happening.
Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 08:07 AM (Pijte)

I believe there were a couple lawsuits filed which made denying knowing about it more difficult for the authorities.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 17, 2024 08:16 AM (U7wke)

143 Morning, J.J.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at September 17, 2024 08:16 AM (XJl7d)

144 I've always thought that one of the main reasons they hate Trump so much is, that in 2016 he took top spot in 'the club' without ever having been a dues-paying member

he crashed the party and made the prom queen cry- and now he must pay


Posted by: Don Black at September 17, 2024 08:16 AM (/7KEl)

145 >>Failed Trump assassin Ryan Routh was photographed with Democrat megadonor and far-left celebrity chef José Andrés in a picture that emerged on Monday morning. The image, which features Andrés pointing at Routh with his arm around him, appears to have been taken in Kiev, Ukraine.

I've seen that picture since the shooting -- but they were paling around in Kiev?!

What a normal thing to do for a celebrity chef!

Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 08:16 AM (Pijte)

146 Literally, everything they accuse Trump and the Republicans of doing, they're already doing tenfold.

I mean, c'mon. Hateful rhetoric? They've cornered the market.

I mean, shit, immediately after the 2nd attempt on Trump's life, Hakeem Jeffries comes out with this spectacular load of bullshit:

"Extreme MAGA Republicans are the party of a national abortion ban and Trump’s Project 2025," Jeffries wrote. "We must stop them."

Lying sack of shit calling for not only Trump, but ALL OF US to be stopped.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 17, 2024 08:17 AM (Zz0t1)

147 139 129. Who should he have picked then, according to these donors?

Haley would kept many conservatives home.
Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:15 AM (YCxFk)

It would have me, but I'm in CA so I have that Luxury

Posted by: It's me donna at September 17, 2024 08:17 AM (IyPmt)

148 Ironic. The Legacy media is not relevant anymore, but we keep them in the limelight by complaining about them. LOL. 81 million voters in 2020. said the media is worthless. If not for cheating and Covid, Trump would be finishing his second term

Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:18 AM (YCxFk)

149 Trump said it best.

They're really coming after all of us. He's just in the way.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 17, 2024 08:18 AM (Zz0t1)

I've seen that picture since the shooting -- but they were paling around in Kiev?!

What a normal thing to do for a celebrity chef!

Remember the Russians want to commit genocide on the Ukrainians. Even though celebrities and musicians keep going to mostly undamaged Kiev and party.

Also, who was paying Routh and for what during his Ukrainian vacation?

Posted by: 18-1 at September 17, 2024 08:18 AM (oZhjI)

151 JJ despised Haley, and I trust his judgement completely

Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:19 AM (YCxFk)

152 Who should he have picked then, according to these donors?

Haley would kept many conservatives home.

Posted by: Jonah

There is a large list of paid for GOP members to choose from. Trump chose someone who likely won't stab him in the back, and that was intolerable.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at September 17, 2024 08:19 AM (lTGtQ)

153 As I understand it, the operation of nuclear weapons is actually fairly simple and well understood. It could be that the tritium has decayed but that's relatively easy to fix.

That may be true, but you are assuming that the quality/integrity of the required materials and craftsmanship that is necessary to produce a functioning weapon goes against a fine tradition of both nation's MIC of shoddy practices, poor quality components and outright fraud in every step of the production/deployment chain.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 08:19 AM (rHxhM)

154 Though the fig tree does not bud

and there are no grapes on the vines,

though the olive crop fails

and the fields produce no food,

though there are no sheep in the pen

and no cattle in the stalls,

yet I will rejoice in the Lord,

I will be joyful in God my Savior.

Habakkuk 3:17-18

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at September 17, 2024 08:20 AM (SfhV1)

155 Funny how a gotcha question by MSM, national abortion ban, is now stipulated as GOP policy by the Democrats.

Of course, Lindsey Graham's grandstanding didn't help.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at September 17, 2024 08:20 AM (XJl7d)

156 The dude is super weird. Is a chef that wants to be a celebrity not a celebrity chef but a flat out celebrity. I saw up close with a fraud this guy is, It might not translate into text but to me it showed me everything that he is and that is a fraud.

The irony is the guy is actually a talented chef and businessman or at least he was. He wants to be a left wing celebrity in DC and Hollywood.

Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 08:20 AM (sJvjL)

157 >>I've seen that picture since the shooting -- but they were paling around in Kiev?!

>>What a normal thing to do for a celebrity chef!

Andres has been going to places like Ukraine and Gaza to distribute food, no doubt on the government's payroll. Good for his image.

The bigger question to me is how the hell did Ryan Routh get to Ukraine and why was he trying to entice fighters from all over the world to come fight on behalf of Ukraine?

Posted by: JackStraw at September 17, 2024 08:20 AM (LkLld)

158 If Kristie Noem did not cave to Visa and the NCAA on Tranny rights. She would have been the nominee

Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:20 AM (YCxFk)

159 Who should he have picked then, according to these donors?

Haley would kept many conservatives home.
Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:15 AM (YCxFk)

It would have me, but I'm in CA so I have that Luxury
Posted by: It's me donna

Same but Im in OK, so have the luxury as well.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 17, 2024 08:21 AM (CIS44)

160 158 If Kristie Noem did not cave to Visa and the NCAA on Tranny rights. She would have been the nominee
Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:20 AM (YCxFk)

The dog shooting did her in

Posted by: It's me donna at September 17, 2024 08:21 AM (IyPmt)

161 Amen, grammie. I pray the Rev is doing well.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at September 17, 2024 08:21 AM (XJl7d)

162 It is clear that Routh is an intelligence asset. We can pick around the edges but we will truly never get to the truth about this guy in the same way we'll never get to the truth about Crooks.

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at September 17, 2024 08:21 AM (1FWWQ)

163 ... the alleged goal of turning America into a white Christian nationalist theocracy (a hoary old retread of a theme going back to Ronald Reagan if not to Barry Goldwater) Projection ain't just a river in Egypt.

Given the choice of what they are forcing then I am fine with a white Christian nationalist theocracy. It's not hard to pretend to pray silently. Sucking the tranny dick requires more active involvement.

If we get a patriarchy too then I might just go put banners now.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at September 17, 2024 08:21 AM (/lPRQ)

The legacy media is still useful.
For punchlines.

Posted by: Newspapers died quickly, too at September 17, 2024 08:21 AM (DobEs)

165 157. Jack wonder if the shooter partied in Kiev, at one of the outdoor cafe's? Paid for by US taxpayers

Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:21 AM (YCxFk)

166 The ads playing in each state reveal how many girls had their breasts removed in elective procedures: 86 in Wisconsin, 97 in Pennsylvania, 18 in Nevada, and 35 in Michigan.

This is a true WTFO moment. WTF are we doing to children? Cutting off healthy body parts is NOT medicine. It is Concentration Camp horror.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 17, 2024 08:22 AM (gbOdA)

167 Mornin’, All. Happy Taco/Tummy-Rub/Geezer-Fleecing Tuesday.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 17, 2024 08:22 AM (v6JzV)

168 >>Andres has been going to places like Ukraine and Gaza to distribute food, no doubt on the government's payroll. Good for his image.

Like antifa's Riot Kitchen?

Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 08:22 AM (Pijte)

169 blake - he is! Back to work tomorrow! (very part-time)

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at September 17, 2024 08:22 AM (SfhV1)

170 Ohio lawman suggests taking note of where the Harris yard signs are, so we know where to send the Haitians

Posted by: SMOD at September 17, 2024 08:22 AM (jcPDy)

171 It is clear that Routh is an intelligence asset. We can pick around the edges but we will truly never get to the truth about this guy in the same way we'll never get to the truth about Crooks.

Like the Vegas shooter.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 17, 2024 08:22 AM (oZhjI)

172 If Kristie Noem did not cave to Visa and the NCAA on Tranny rights. She would have been the nominee
Posted by: Jonah

Or bragged about executing her dog.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 17, 2024 08:23 AM (CIS44)

173 "Extreme MAGA Republicans are the party of a national abortion ban and Trump’s Project 2025," Jeffries wrote. "We must stop them."

Since the most important distinction that Jeffries could make in that sound bite was to remind the world that the Demonic party is fully committed to butchering babies to their gods, that is - Vote For Us, We Kill People As Soon As They Are Conceived

there is only one way to interpret "stop them".

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 08:23 AM (rHxhM)

174 you cannot lie in wait for 12 hours for a high profile target, unless you are protected

Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:23 AM (YCxFk)

175 I'm gonna repeat, one cannot go to a doctor and have an arm or leg removed because you think it doesn't belong. Yet, breasts and testicle can be lopped off, no problem.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at September 17, 2024 08:24 AM (XJl7d)

176 172. Yes that too. Vance is young, from the rust belt, and a Vet. I think he will do great at the VP Debate also. But why on CBS?

Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:25 AM (YCxFk)

177 you cannot lie in wait for 12 hours for a high profile target, unless you are protected

It isn't at all surprising that a Nat Sec asset like Routh would have contacts with access to where Trump was.

Why would anyone assume that the SS has managed to keep out all the insane leftists that control every other organization in the government?

Posted by: 18-1 at September 17, 2024 08:25 AM (oZhjI)

178 Stepping back a bit, viewing events as an unemotionally involved observer ( not easy to do ) It seems obvious to me that the planet is on a knife’s edge between Light and Darkness. Lord of the Rings territory.

Posted by: tubal at September 17, 2024 08:25 AM (PCK5/)

179 "There is a large list of paid for GOP members to choose from. Trump chose someone who likely won't stab him in the back, and that was intolerable."

Exactly. Not even a big fan of Vance and I agree with this. The neocons are being shut out of the game and they're squawking like the little bitches they are.

Posted by: Ribbed at September 17, 2024 08:25 AM (iFMeW)

180 The fact that BOTH would-be assassins have been featured in Blackrock commercials should be alarming to everyone. That's a pretty freaking specific subset.

Posted by: American Hawkman at September 17, 2024 08:25 AM (9VDxG)

181 Yet, breasts and testicle can be lopped off, no problem.
Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at September 17, 2024 08:24 AM (XJl7d)


You can make a lot of money doing that...

Posted by: Preznit Urkel X at September 17, 2024 08:26 AM (1FWWQ)

182 157 Andres is probably the weirdest celebrity chef in history, He is no Anthony Bourdain, Or I could name off to another chefs that are better chefs, but you get my port.

Andres is just weird. I saw, but I saw about him up close at his restaurant and told me that he is a fraud because he tried to proclaim his politics, but was too cheap to back it up.

Let’s not forget he is off of the guy that backed out on a restaurant at the Trump building in DC and then sued Trump. This guy Andre has been going after Trump and any conservative American for many many years and there’s no camera he won’t jump onto and try to bang.

Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 08:26 AM (sJvjL)

183 125 Recall that: David Plouffe, a former adviser to then-President Barack Obama, posted on June 13, 2016, “It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”

He's now running Kamala's campaign.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 17, 2024 08:12 AM (nFx0I)


and there it is. . . . . Rush was right. . . . . .

Posted by: H8 Marxist Rat Bastards & their side chicks at September 17, 2024 08:26 AM (gnmFt)

184 Yonder Horde

So, the propaganda arm of the Democrats is pushing yet another narrative. That Trump's speech incites violence.

I think I've heard this one before.

However the left has been pretty successful with this. I think they're setting up the narrative and conditions to justify the coming violence that will occur in November and beyond, should Trump "win" the election.

We're all targets. Now, and in the future. Act accordingly.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 17, 2024 08:26 AM (Q4IgG)

185 It gets weirder. Do you remember how the first Trump shooter, Thomas Crooks, appeared in a BlackRock commercial? Well, Routh is featured in a pro-Ukrainian commercial.
There Are Some Really Strange Things About the Second Trump Shooter

Thespians are by nature amoral.
- A Lincoln

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at September 17, 2024 08:26 AM (/lPRQ)

186 Good morning good people. Thank you J.J.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 17, 2024 08:26 AM (WXNFJ)

187 178 Stepping back a bit, viewing events as an unemotionally involved observer ( not easy to do ) It seems obvious to me that the planet is on a knife’s edge between Light and Darkness. Lord of the Rings territory.

Now do 1939.

Posted by: The long view at September 17, 2024 08:26 AM (DobEs)

188 It's also...
National Apple Dumpling Day.

Posted by: redridinghood at September 17, 2024 08:27 AM (NpAcC)

189 Trying blackberry pancakes. Was going to just put on top but chopped up and in mix.
Certainly never did this before

Posted by: Skip at September 17, 2024 08:27 AM (fwDg9)

190 This is going to need some explaining, because how is it that anybody can retire on a pension or SSI + Savings if the tab approaches seven figures per year?
Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 08:12 AM (rHxhM)

Not per year. But see the UK article talks about the cost over lifetime.

$200,000 each by the time they reach retirement age

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 17, 2024 08:27 AM (gbOdA)

191 - JackStraw

I have no idea what a Keyser Soze is and it appears you were perhaps drawing some sort of analogy to current stuff.

I was referring to something that goes back further. Further even than when Paul Harvey did his thing on it.

Posted by: TeeJ at September 17, 2024 08:27 AM (HUDFk)

192 "It's also... National Apple Dumpling Day."

A fact worth exploiting.

Posted by: Ribbed at September 17, 2024 08:27 AM (iFMeW)

193 If Kristie Noem did not cave to Visa and the NCAA on Tranny rights. She would have been the nominee
Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:20 AM (YCxFk)

The dog shooting did her in
Posted by: It's me donna at September 17, 2024 08:21 AM (IyPmt)

Despite any of that -- storm door / hurricane

Posted by: Doof at September 17, 2024 08:28 AM (RhGG0)

"Extreme MAGA Republicans are the party of a national abortion ban and Trump’s Project 2025," Jeffries wrote. "We must stop them."

Projection. Mainline Democrats are the party of a national abortion law allowing full-term abortions, abolishing opt-outs for conscience or religious reasons and making abortion facilities mandatory for all health-care facilities.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 17, 2024 08:28 AM (BkEzK)

195 >>Like antifa's Riot Kitchen?

Since the start of this idiotic war in Ukraine there has been a massive PR campaign to make it appear that the war is a righteous fight for freedom and democracy against the evil Russian maniac and all people of goodwill support Ukraine!

The truth is completely different but our government needs their subterfuge to justify sending hundreds of billions of dollars to fight this war of choice and profit.

Ukraine is a big reason they tried so hard to take Trump down during his first term and it's a big part of why they are trying to take him down now.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 17, 2024 08:28 AM (LkLld)

196 152. Thomas same crap as 2016. Donor class did not want Pence, because he fought Gay rights bills as Governor of Indiana. Wanted him gone. Pence is trash now, but was a big reason we won rust belt in 2016

Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:28 AM (YCxFk)

197 Hillary - the mother of vast left wing conspiracy.

Posted by: runner at September 17, 2024 08:28 AM (V13WU)

198 Grammie, thank you. That is great news.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at September 17, 2024 08:28 AM (XJl7d)

199 187 178 Stepping back a bit, viewing events as an unemotionally involved observer ( not easy to do ) It seems obvious to me that the planet is on a knife’s edge between Light and Darkness. Lord of the Rings territory.

Now do 1939.
Posted by: The long view at September 17, 2024 08:26 AM (DobEs)

Yes, history does repeat itself. Evil never stops.

Posted by: tubal at September 17, 2024 08:28 AM (PCK5/)

200 I have no idea what a Keyser Soze is and it appears you were perhaps drawing some sort of analogy to current stuff.

I was referring to something that goes back further. Further even than when Paul Harvey did his thing on it.
Posted by: TeeJ at September 17, 2024 08:27 AM (HUDFk)

Keyser Soze -- from the best movie ever made -- The Usual Suspects.

Posted by: Doof at September 17, 2024 08:29 AM (RhGG0)

201 Andres also decided that he is the savior of all immigrants from Latin America. Of course Andres is from Spain, but his claim is he is defending the people that work in his restaurants. There is something off about this guy. This is not a normal thing for chefs. He knows she could never have a political future in Spain, so maybe is hoping for one here. We bash Taylor Swift rightly but for sure he is a Taylor Swift of chefs.

Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 08:29 AM (sJvjL)

202 Keyser Soze -- from the best movie ever made -- The Usual Suspects.
Posted by: Doof a

Zardoz hardest hit.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 17, 2024 08:30 AM (CIS44)

203 The fact that BOTH would-be assassins have been featured in Blackrock commercials should be alarming to everyone. That's a pretty freaking specific subset.

So the safe thing to do is round up all of the people who were featured in BlackRock advertisements?

Maybe there is some truth to the "something in the water" claim - they all dipped from the caterer's punch bowl.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 08:30 AM (rHxhM)

204 Trump says he will expose Epstein list. CIA hires Blackrock to find another shooter. Larry Fink runs Blackrock and is a loyal leftist DEI Harris/Biden putz

Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:31 AM (YCxFk)

205 I am very pleased that the Governor of FL has possession of the assassin and ain't letting the Fed privilege of insuring he dies before talking. The template is he was supposed to do the deed and die in a melee of bullets. Basically the Lee Harvey Drop Pistol script.

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 17, 2024 08:31 AM (W3T6M)

206 There is one other fact of life worth noting. Having more of your own group—blacks or women—in politically powerful positions has no positive effect whatsoever on your group. None of the black governors, senators, representatives or mayors have done anything that has specifically benefited black Americans. And the same holds for women in power with regard to helping women. Meanwhile, Asian Americans have become the most successful ethnic group in America with virtually no Asian Americans in positions of power.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 17, 2024 08:31 AM (gbOdA)

207 >>On Sunday, Loreben Tuquero sought to undermine Federalist coverage of an audio recording of a police call in Springfield wherein a local resident reported a group of Haitians carrying dead geese. . .
“Existence of the audio and report does not ‘confirm’ goose-hunting is happening,” Tuquero reported. “Clark County officials did not dispute that the nonemergency call was real. But they have said they found no evidence — such as videos, photos or dead geese — to substantiate the claim.”

And yet a woman who could not even tell us the year, let alone date, of an alleged (checks notes) "forced kiss" from a teen-aged SCOTUS nominee at a party has resulted in Kavanaugh being branded a "sexual predator."

Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 08:31 AM (Pijte)

208 204 Trump says he will expose Epstein list. CIA hires Blackrock to find another shooter. Larry Fink runs Blackrock and is a loyal leftist DEI Harris/Biden putz
Larry and Disney are BFF.

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 17, 2024 08:32 AM (W3T6M)

209 if you work hard enough to delegitimize the government in the eyes of Americans...


WTF? This is like saying "if you work hard enough for grass to keep growing..." or "if you work hard enough for the sun to rise..."

Not even NPCs think the government is legitimate. Just that's it horrendously corrupt in a manner they perceive as beneficial.

The United States government is a criminal organization. Practically every single sentient creature on the planet has figured that out by now.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 17, 2024 08:32 AM (0FoWg)

210 " I have no idea what a Keyser Soze is"

Who is Keyser Soze?

Posted by: Random Movie Quotes at September 17, 2024 08:32 AM (B0mGw)

211 Why are people so helpless?

Posted by: actually inside the beltway at September 17, 2024 08:32 AM (A0ECY)

212 National Apple Dumpling Day.
Posted by: redridinghood

My Grammi, and then my Mom, made the best Apple Dumplings ever. Dough made with lard, hot whole milk (is there any other kind?) over them and lots of brown sugar.

I miss those gals. *Snif* I need to make some in their honor. Thanks for the reminder.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 17, 2024 08:32 AM (WXNFJ)

you cannot lie in wait for 12 hours for a high profile target, unless you are protected

Posted by: Jonah at September 17, 2024 08:23 AM (YCxFk)

Yesterday I was wondering how his vehicle with out-of-state plates could sit by the side of the road for that time, on a busy highway without police or Mar a Lago security noticing. Then I heard he had stolen a license plate. Someone got a picture of the plate, passed it onto authorities and they shortly thereafter knew exactly where he was.

Posted by: Hungry Haitian Gourmet at September 17, 2024 08:33 AM (RKVpM)

214 Sweden is nuts. You don't get rid of illegals by paying them. You get rid of them by paying natives $1000 a head bounty. After a suitable waiting period of course. (I'm not a COMPLETE monster.) Say...48 hours. You can be anywhere else on the planet in 48 hours.

Congratulations on the good news JJ.

Posted by: Mike Oxlong at September 17, 2024 08:34 AM (YAj4d)

215 Yes, history does repeat itself. Evil never stops.

I characterize it from the Bill Murray film:

The Devil's Groundhog Day.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 08:34 AM (rHxhM)

216 >>Ukraine is a big reason they tried so hard to take Trump down during his first term and it's a big part of why they are trying to take him down now.

Both impeachments about Ukraine, now a near assassination about Ukraine.

Yeah, there's something rotten going on there - and they really, really don't want Trump interfering with it.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 08:34 AM (Pijte)

217 >>I have no idea what a Keyser Soze is and it appears you were perhaps drawing some sort of analogy to current stuff.

In the movie The Usual Suspects, where the quote about the devil came from, the real villain, a guy named Verbal Kint, who was behind all of the carnage made up a Turkish gangster he named Keyser Söze and wove a story that pinned all the blame on him for all types of crimes. While everyone was busy trying to find and catch Soze Kint was free to continue his crimes without anyone watching him. The magician's trick.

The left is busy blaming Trump for all of the chaos going on right now and we are busy trying to point the blame back on them with some justification but the real criminals are in our permanent government and they go about their business largely unnoticed and unaccountable.

The intel community is pretty good at lying. Pretty much the job description.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 17, 2024 08:34 AM (LkLld)

218 "Someone got a picture of the plate, passed it onto authorities and they shortly thereafter knew exactly where he was."

Technology that allows cop cars to automatically scan license plates is pretty wide-spread now. Not saying that's what happened, but it's likely.

Posted by: Ribbed at September 17, 2024 08:34 AM (B0mGw)

Also, who was paying Routh and for what during his Ukrainian vacation?
Posted by: 18-1 at September 17, 2024 08:18 AM (oZhjI)

Seems a quick run of his financials would answer a LOT of questions.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 17, 2024 08:35 AM (Zz0t1)

220 - 221, whatever it takes

Posted by: Doof at September 17, 2024 08:35 AM (RhGG0)

221 My Grammi, and then my Mom, made the best Apple Dumplings ever.
Chicken and Dumplings beats Apple Dumplings by a mile.

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 17, 2024 08:35 AM (W3T6M)

222 So the safe thing to do is round up all of the people who were featured in BlackRock advertisements


Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 17, 2024 08:35 AM (fKRr8)

223 The Suzuki Soze was a cheap imitation of the Volkswagen Rabbit. An embarrassing failure for a company known to make decent motorcycles but embarrassing cars.

Posted by: Car nerd at September 17, 2024 08:36 AM (DobEs)

224 Enquirer Op-Ed Says Trump 'Brings [Assassination Attempts] On Himself'
Are letters to the editor now considered "op-eds"?

The story is OK I guess; the headline is dishonest. There's too much of that around. I'm not going to be popular for saying this, but Michael Walsh is not a trustworthy source, and certainly no historian.

Posted by: Eeyore at September 17, 2024 08:36 AM (1bNHn)

225 Chicken and Dumplings beats Apple Dumplings by a mile.
Posted by: Pudinhead


Posted by: Tonypete at September 17, 2024 08:36 AM (WXNFJ)

226 Government was viewed as a necessary evil by the Founders. Else why the First and Second amendment? Why did the Founders acknowledge the Second Amendment was a last resort against a tyrannical government?

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at September 17, 2024 08:36 AM (XJl7d)

227 Sweden is nuts. You don't get rid of illegals by paying them. You get rid of them by paying natives $1000 a head bounty. After a suitable waiting period of course. (I'm not a COMPLETE monster.) Say...48 hours. You can be anywhere else on the planet in 48 hours.

Just a simple reminder that the Earth is over 70% covered in water.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 08:36 AM (rHxhM)

228 Also, who was paying Routh and for what during his Ukrainian vacation?
Seems a quick run of his financials would answer a LOT of questions.
What is the point of setting up a corrupt puppet regime in a foreign country if they're going to expose all your secrets?

Posted by: Ribbed at September 17, 2024 08:37 AM (iFMeW)

229 The Democrats
Trump refuses to admit he's Hitler which proves he's Hitler and so Trump deserves whatever happens to him.
Respectable Republicans, Inc.: Trump needs to tone down his rhetoric

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 17, 2024 08:37 AM (C3eOa)

230 In happier news Diddy was arrested last night.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 17, 2024 08:37 AM (CIS44)

Keyser Soze -- from the best movie ever made -- The Usual Suspects.
Posted by: Doof at September 17, 2024 08:29 AM (RhGG0)

Throw me the keys, you cocksucker.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 17, 2024 08:37 AM (Zz0t1)

I am very pleased that the Governor of FL has possession of the assassin and ain't letting the Fed privilege of insuring he dies before talking. The template is he was supposed to do the deed and die in a melee of bullets. Basically the Lee Harvey Drop Pistol script.

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 17, 2024 08:31 AM

It looks like he put some ceramic tiles in backpacks to his left and right to protect himself from bullets. I've heard they're effective at stopping bullets but I'm skeptical.

Posted by: Hungry Haitian Gourmet at September 17, 2024 08:37 AM (RKVpM)

233 And yet a woman who could not even tell us the year, let alone date, of an alleged (checks notes) "forced kiss" from a teen-aged SCOTUS nominee at a party has resulted in Kavanaugh being branded a "sexual predator."

Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 08:31 AM (Pijte)

Now do rape is a dressing room that was not on that floor, in a dress that did not exist, at a time when one of the people was not in NYC.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 17, 2024 08:38 AM (gbOdA)

234 Andres is also the guy that went after the IDF. I don’t know if he was ever on the TV show, but he should’ve been. He should’ve been the celebrity Chef on the show and then at some point Mark would say, “he is the guy”.

Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 08:39 AM (sJvjL)

235 Throw me the keys, you cocksucker.
Posted by: Sponge

Oh, that would be me!
-- Kevin Spacey

Posted by: Tonypete at September 17, 2024 08:39 AM (WXNFJ)

236 Yeah, there's something rotten going on there - and they really, really don't want Trump interfering with it.
In September 1939, France began a brief offensive into the Saar region of western Germany, but later withdrew. This event, known as the Saar Offensive, was part of the Battle of France during World War II:
France mobilized 98 divisions and 2,500 tanks, while Germany mobilized 43 divisions.
France advanced 5 kilometers into the Saar region from the Maginot Line.
On September 17, France withdrew its troops to their starting positions after encountering the Siegfried Line.
Phoney War
After the Saar Offensive, the Allies dug in along their borders and there was no fighting for the rest of the winter. This period of inaction became known as the "Phoney War".

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 17, 2024 08:40 AM (W3T6M)

237 There is one other fact of life worth noting. Having more of your own group—blacks or women—in politically powerful positions has no positive effect whatsoever on your group.


Absolutely 100% correct. The only group that matters to the ruling class is the ruling class. It hates the subject classes and views them as nothing more than source of wealth and power, as a resource to be consumed.

Anyone you maneuver into a position of power will join that class and do its bidding at your expense, or they'll be sidelined and/or forced out. Keeping the plebes in their place is its entire raison d'etre.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 17, 2024 08:40 AM (0FoWg)

238 Morning all.

I do not believe the Dems will let Trump take office if he wins. Please, someone tell me I'm crazy.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'the world is profoundly morally broken' at September 17, 2024 08:40 AM (QMCMi)

239 Monk, I was talking about the show Monk.

Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 08:40 AM (sJvjL)

240 In happier news Diddy was arrested last night.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 17, 2024 08:37 AM (CIS44)

But he's innocent of all wrongdoing and looks forward to clearing his name in court.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 17, 2024 08:40 AM (Zz0t1)

241 I am very pleased that the Governor of FL has possession of the assassin and ain't letting the Fed privilege of insuring he dies before talking. The template is he was supposed to do the deed and die in a melee of bullets. Basically the Lee Harvey Drop Pistol script.
Posted by: Pudinhead

I thought that was put to bed yesterday. Florida is running an independent investigation. NOWHERE except some unknown Xer has said they're holding the suspect.
He was arraigned in Federal Court. He's in Fed custody.

Posted by: MkY at September 17, 2024 08:40 AM (HNeZy)

242 Now do rape is a dressing room that was not on that floor, in a dress that did not exist, at a time when one of the people was not in NYC.
And none of the staff, including the woman working that day once the accuser finally 'remembered' the date it happened, had ever known Trump to have visited the store, ever. [Law & Order episodes aside.]

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 17, 2024 08:41 AM (CEzQx)

"Someone got a picture of the plate, passed it onto authorities and they shortly thereafter knew exactly where he was."

Technology that allows cop cars to automatically scan license plates is pretty wide-spread now. Not saying that's what happened, but it's likely.

Posted by: Ribbed at September 17, 2024 08:34 AM

He got captured on Interstate 95 heading north, a super highly trafficked road so it may be permanently installed somewhere roadside or overhead. Or maybe I'm just paranoid.

Posted by: Hungry Haitian Gourmet at September 17, 2024 08:41 AM (RKVpM)

244 Pardon me boy, is this the Haitian Station?

Posted by: Froderick Fronkensteen at September 17, 2024 08:41 AM (YFf9v)

245 228 Also, who was paying Routh and for what during his Ukrainian vacation?
Seems a quick run of his financials would answer a LOT of questions.
What is the point of setting up a corrupt puppet regime in a foreign country if they're going to expose all your secrets?
Posted by: Ribbed at September 17, 2024 08:37 AM (iFMeW)

Voila! An American Dream.
Yeah, we can travel, girl, without any means.
When it's as easy as closing your eyes
And dream Ukraine is a big neon sign.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 17, 2024 08:41 AM (gbOdA)

246 My Grammi, and then my Mom, made the best Apple Dumplings ever. Dough made with lard, hot whole milk (is there any other kind?) over them and lots of brown sugar.

I miss those gals. *Snif* I need to make some in their honor. Thanks for the reminder.
Posted by: Tonypete at September 17, 2024 08:32 AM (WXNFJ)
Sounds delicious. I haven't had apple dumplings in forever. I like mine with vanilla ice cream on the side.

Posted by: redridinghood at September 17, 2024 08:42 AM (NpAcC)

247 220 - 221, whatever it takes
Posted by: Doof at September 17, 2024 08:35 AM
Doof has the keys to Ace's time machine!!

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 17, 2024 08:43 AM (CEzQx)

248 Monk, I was talking about the show Monk.
Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 08:40 AM (sJvjL)

Tony Shaloub was awesome as Monk and also as Antonio on Wings

Posted by: Doof at September 17, 2024 08:43 AM (RhGG0)

249 This is the natural consequence of politics as holy war. You can see every step taken and how we got here. The reaction to it has been the worst part and what made this moment inevitable.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at September 17, 2024 08:43 AM (y31cs)

250 There is one other fact of life worth noting. Having more of your own group—blacks or women—in politically powerful positions has no positive effect whatsoever on your group.

Carlin had a riff where he talked about how the elites are a separate group and "you ain't in it".

The same is true for say black pols vs normal black people. Trump tried to point this out at various points asking "what do you have to lose by voting for the other side?" with some effectiveness in 16/20 but it looks to be resonating now.

Of course what percentage of urban votes are actually cast by urban voters is an open question.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 17, 2024 08:43 AM (oZhjI)

251 Toyota is the gold standard for reliability., People do have their affectations though. People buy AMC jeeps.

Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 08:43 AM (sJvjL)

252 And none of the staff, including the woman working that day once the accuser finally 'remembered' the date it happened, had ever known Trump to have visited the store, ever. [Law & Order episodes aside.]
Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 17, 2024 08:41 AM (CEzQx)

I missed that nugget.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 17, 2024 08:43 AM (gbOdA)

253 248 Monk, I was talking about the show Monk.
Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 08:40 AM (sJvjL)

Tony Shaloub was awesome as Monk and also as Antonio on Wings
Posted by: Doof at September 17, 2024 08:43 AM (RhGG0)

Tech Sergeant Chen!

Posted by: Aetius451AD at September 17, 2024 08:43 AM (y31cs)

254 - Thanks Doof. Pretty sure I've heard that movie title mentioned way back in my foggy, memory banks.
Have never seen it. Most likely never will. Was never really big on movies. Over the last 20 years I've probably averaged going to the theater once every 4 or 5 years.

Posted by: TeeJ at September 17, 2024 08:43 AM (HUDFk)

255 Doof has the keys to Ace's time machine!!
Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 17, 2024 08:43 AM (CEzQx)

If I did, I would use it for much more nefarious purposes!

Posted by: Doof at September 17, 2024 08:44 AM (RhGG0)

256 The intel community is pretty good at lying. Pretty much the job description.

That is why the IC needs to be eliminated. Not even the POTUS can believe them as they have become an unaccountable sovereign on their own.

They lied to Trump when he was POTUS, they lie to Congress all of the time, and lie to those who underwrite the operations, who are supposed to benefit from the intelligence because in an age where Knowledge is Money and Power, you don't give money and power away. You abuse it.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 08:44 AM (rHxhM)

257 How did Jay Z escape the me too crap? Ho's and crap on his songs.
Posted by: Jonah

Two ways:

He either paid.

Or made it k own they would pay.

Your choice

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at September 17, 2024 08:44 AM (FxH7T)

258 249, conservatives bitched that the left took over Holly weird academia, the unions, the news, and now the corporations. Of course, we all thought it was real, but it still seemed much more of a political argument some ethereal thing, Those days are gone. It is real now and a lot of us don’t really have a response.

Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 08:45 AM (sJvjL)

259 Tony Shaloub was awesome as Monk and also as Antonio on Wings
Posted by: Doof at September 17, 2024 08:43 AM (RhGG0)

He's also a dead ringer for one of the TV weather dudes in DFW.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 17, 2024 08:45 AM (Zz0t1)

260 " the wake of the second assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump that the loudest, shrillest voices within the Democrat Party and the media – which as we all know is in point of fact a redundancy – have the unmitigated, radioactive temerity to actually blame him for the attempts on his life."

JJ, they do this both because they hate him, and because they want no one to give him any sympathy - thus humanizing him.

I realized this reading a blog comment a couple days after the July 13 attempt on Trump's life. The author is a DU-type nut job. He wrote he was appalled the media and Democrat politicians were giving any bit of sympathy to Trump. Because, he wrote, he deserves none for anything after all the horrible things he's done and his constant lying.

This is likely why the SS and FBI are slow-walking the investigation of July 13. The failures and incompetence are so terrible that a full accounting would cause people to feel sympathy for Trump and contempt for the Junta, i.e., Kamala. Can the Junta keep the lid on the July 13 failures for the next 49 days? It's possible, with the help of the Media Lapdogs. Just as with Hunter's laptop.

Posted by: Gref at September 17, 2024 08:45 AM (aBgBM)

261 >>Sweden is nuts. You don't get rid of illegals by paying them. You get rid of them by paying natives $1000 a head bounty. After a suitable waiting period of course. (I'm not a COMPLETE monster.) Say...48 hours. You can be anywhere else on the planet in 48 hours.

We're standing right here, Sweden.

Posted by: Sons of Odin at September 17, 2024 08:46 AM (Pijte)

262 Deployed Soldier Fact-Checks Kamala Harris’ Claim No Active Duty Troops Currently in a Combat Zone
Doesn't he know that fact checks of Kamala must, by definition, give a "True" verdict?

Posted by: Eeyore at September 17, 2024 08:46 AM (1bNHn)

263 He's also a dead ringer for one of the TV weather dudes in DFW.
Posted by: Sponge

Wasn't Quasimodo also a dead ringer?

Posted by: Tonypete at September 17, 2024 08:46 AM (WXNFJ)

264 And none of the staff, including the woman working that day once the accuser finally 'remembered' the date it happened, had ever known Trump to have visited the store, ever. [Law & Order episodes aside.]
Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 17, 2024 08:41 AM (CEzQx)

So, you're saying Trump raped her in the store while filming a Law & Order episode?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 17, 2024 08:46 AM (Zz0t1)

Ryan Routh did not kill himself. Yet. Prepare bingo cards with prediction, bed sheet, Jack Ruby'ed, Haitian cellmate, etc.

Posted by: Hungry Haitian Gourmet at September 17, 2024 08:47 AM (RKVpM)

266 What a turd she has turned into, n'est pas?
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 17, 2024 07:26 AM (x0n13)

She always had the unmistakable stink of a mole. There's a vacancy and companion self-love there that raised my hackles from day 1.

Posted by: ... at September 17, 2024 08:47 AM (LCr8f)

267 I am not really comfortable with wearing the “ Conservative” label anymore… it’s become pretty sullied now… something better has to be out there???

Posted by: tubal at September 17, 2024 08:47 AM (PCK5/)

268 Second week in a row. Shaved my belly to see if someone would rub my tummy. No takers again! Maybe next week I won't do it at the Food Lion.

Posted by: Desperate For Attention at September 17, 2024 08:47 AM (CV8a5)

269 Thanks Doof. Pretty sure I've heard that movie title mentioned way back in my foggy, memory banks.
Have never seen it. Most likely never will. Was never really big on movies. Over the last 20 years I've probably averaged going to the theater once every 4 or 5 years.
Posted by: TeeJ at September 17, 2024 08:43 AM (HUDFk)

Watching movies at home >>>>>>> going to an overpriced movie theatre.

My furniture is more comfortable. I can drink a bladder-buster sized beverage and pause the movie when I need to take a leak. I can put the subtitles on and actually understand the dialogue. YMMV.

Posted by: Doof at September 17, 2024 08:47 AM (RhGG0)

270 Wasn't Quasimodo also a dead ringer?
Posted by: Tonypete


Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 17, 2024 08:48 AM (fKRr8)

271 Wasn't Quasimodo also a dead ringer?
Posted by: Tonypete at September 17, 2024 08:46 AM (WXNFJ)

That's approaching Muldoon level. Well played!

Posted by: Doof at September 17, 2024 08:48 AM (RhGG0)

272 Just because the left is literally triggered merely by Trump's existence, does not at all mean "he brought it on himself". Someone needs to 'splain that to them.

Posted by: runner at September 17, 2024 08:49 AM (V13WU)

273 And none of the staff, including the woman working that day once the accuser finally 'remembered' the date it happened, had ever known Trump to have visited the store, ever. [Law & Order episodes aside.]
Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 17, 2024 08:41 AM (CEzQx)

So, you're saying Trump raped her in the store while filming a Law & Order episode?
Posted by: Sponge

While Home Alone.

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 17, 2024 08:49 AM (fKRr8)

274 Wasn't Quasimodo also a dead ringer?
Posted by: Tonypete

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 17, 2024 08:48 AM (fKRr

I had a hunch, too.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at September 17, 2024 08:49 AM (LgsNJ)

275 And none of the staff, including the woman working that day once the accuser finally 'remembered' the date it happened, had ever known Trump to have visited the store, ever. [Law & Order episodes aside.]
Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 17, 2024 08:41 AM (CEzQx)

In fairness, Trump is a pretty shy and retiring kind of guy who just sort of blends in wherever he goes.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 17, 2024 08:50 AM (U7wke)

276 We'll be hanging out the washing on the Siegfried Line!

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 17, 2024 08:50 AM (CEzQx)

277 something better has to be out there???

Posted by: tubal at September 17, 2024 08:47 AM (PCK5/)

Christian Nationalist.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at September 17, 2024 08:50 AM (SfhV1)

278 I've always thought that one of the main reasons they hate Trump so much is, . . .
he crashed the party and made the prom queen cry- and now he must pay

Posted by: Don Black


Laid bare the gov't is too big and needs to be run by experts. Everyone is threatened by that in the gov't teat business.

Plus, they knew there would be at least one SCOTUS appt in that Presidency.


Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at September 17, 2024 08:50 AM (FxH7T)

279 @267


Posted by: Don Black at September 17, 2024 08:50 AM (/7KEl)

280 While Home Alone.
Posted by: rickb223

How childish and petty does a group have to be to remove a cameo appearance of someone simply because you don't like them?

Posted by: Tonypete at September 17, 2024 08:50 AM (WXNFJ)

281 He got captured on Interstate 95 heading north, a super highly trafficked road so it may be permanently installed somewhere roadside or overhead. Or maybe I'm just paranoid.

Many police cars have ALPRs built into them. Many traffic cameras have that ability too.

You can download Open Source ALPR software right now and put it on your phone and drive through a parking lot and the camera and the OCR software will process those plates far faster than you can. The newer stuff can also use Computer Vision to determine make, model, year, trim and color of the car. So all an operator has to do is dial in any of those filters and sit back and wait for the system to not only locate the car, but also reconstruct its path and predict its destination.

How do I know? Because I wrote software to do just that.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 08:50 AM (rHxhM)

282 The oligarchs lost a lot of money when NAFTA was canceled and tariffs were set against China.

Trump was the outsider messing up the crooked scams and schemes.

Posted by: davidt at September 17, 2024 08:51 AM (i0F8b)

283 Enquirer Op-Ed Says Trump 'Brings [Assassination Attempts] On Himself'
Are letters to the editor now considered "op-eds"?

The story is OK I guess; the headline is dishonest. There's too much of that around. I'm not going to be popular for saying this, but Michael Walsh is not a trustworthy source, and certainly no historian.
Posted by: Eeyore at September 17, 2024 08:36 AM (1bNHn)

A newspaper can pick and choose what to feature on its editorial page. I'd say that letter would not have appeared had not someone been in sympathy with the expression and used 'objectivity' as a fig leaf for their perfidy.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 17, 2024 08:51 AM (Q0kLU)

284 248, he was great in the movie Big Night too. That is a very underrated movie few watched but most reviewers gave four stars. The soundtrack to the movie is awesome too.

Funny thing about Shaloub, he played Italian in Big Night and Wings, though I think he is Lebanese.

Then again, Al Pacino played the Cuban Tony, Montana, and the Cuban Andy Garcia played an Italian in Godfather III and The Untouchables.

Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 08:51 AM (sJvjL)

285 284 248, he was great in the movie Big Night too. That is a very underrated movie few watched but most reviewers gave four stars. The soundtrack to the movie is awesome too.

Funny thing about Shaloub, he played Italian in Big Night and Wings, though I think he is Lebanese.

Then again, Al Pacino played the Cuban Tony, Montana, and the Cuban Andy Garcia played an Italian in Godfather III and The Untouchables.
Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 08:51 AM (sJvjL)


Posted by: tubal at September 17, 2024 08:52 AM (PCK5/)

286 Funny thing about Shaloub, he played Italian in Big Night and Wings, though I think he is Lebanese.

Then again, Al Pacino played the Cuban Tony, Montana, and the Cuban Andy Garcia played an Italian in Godfather III and The Untouchables.
Posted by: Verlan


Posted by: BruceWayne at September 17, 2024 08:52 AM (CIS44)

287 Pardon me, boy, is this the Haitian Station?
Posted by: Froderick Fronkensteen
Yes, sir.

Quack 69.

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 17, 2024 08:52 AM (CEzQx)

288 “Hello? Suicide hotline? I’d like to place another order!” - Hillary Clinton

Posted by: Ian S. at September 17, 2024 08:52 AM (QZThv)

289 >>How did Jay Z escape the me too crap? Ho's and crap on his songs.

Oddly, I guessing that being married to Beyonce has helped. As long as she sticks by him. She is as beloved as Taylor Swift, a following just as cultish.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 08:53 AM (Pijte)

290 Trump is hated because he wants to do the things Republicans promised for years but never intended to.

He exposes the entire phony fraudulent psy op for what it is.

They HAVE to respond loudly to him to drown out his uncanny ability to control virtually any narrative.

Posted by: ... at September 17, 2024 08:53 AM (LCr8f)

291 How do I know? Because I wrote software to do just that.
Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure

Imagine how I feel about banking and financial firms' software.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 17, 2024 08:53 AM (WXNFJ)

Maybe next week I won't do it at the Food Lion.

I get so angered they sell such a majestic animal in grocery stores, even label it by gender. Sir Lion steaks? Come on. Gonna call PETA on them.

Posted by: Karen CheChe at September 17, 2024 08:54 AM (RKVpM)

293 "Now do rape is a dressing room that was not on that floor, in a dress that did not exist, at a time when one of the people was not in NYC."

The judge said it happened so it happened. Who are you to question our institutions and threaten Our Democracy (TM)?

Posted by: Ribbed at September 17, 2024 08:54 AM (iFMeW)

294 You probably wouldn't remember if Trump ever came into your store.

Posted by: ... at September 17, 2024 08:54 AM (LCr8f)

295 I am not really comfortable with wearing the “ Conservative” label anymore… it’s become pretty sullied now… something better has to be out there???
Posted by: tubal at September 17, 2024 08:47 AM (PCK5/)

Revolutionary Nationalist. You can add in traditionalist if you choose.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 17, 2024 08:55 AM (U7wke)

296 Oddly, I guessing that being married to Beyonce has helped. As long as she sticks by him. She is as beloved as Taylor Swift, a following just as cultish.
Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 08:53 AM (Pijte)

He's beat her more than Neil Peart beat his toms at a concert.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 17, 2024 08:55 AM (Zz0t1)

297 Doof has the keys to Ace's time machine!!
Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 17, 2024 08:43 AM (CEzQx)

If I did, I would use it for much more nefarious purposes!
Posted by: Doof

Behold, he Time-Travelinator!

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 17, 2024 08:55 AM (v6JzV)

How do I know? Because I wrote software to do just that.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure

That must have been fun and challenging. I wrote accounting software which was neither.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 17, 2024 08:55 AM (RKVpM)

299 Pardon me, boy, is this the Haitian Station?
Posted by: Froderick Fronkensteen

🎵Haitian Station, what's your nation? 🎶

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 17, 2024 08:56 AM (fKRr8)

300 Many police cars have ALPRs built into them. Many traffic cameras have that ability too.

This is why SOP for criminals now is to either steal plates off of a car of the same model and color or print a fake temporary tag.

Posted by: Ian S. at September 17, 2024 08:56 AM (QZThv)

301 On the local news right now: new health a and beauty craze, eating dirt!


Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 08:56 AM (Pijte)

302 So, you're saying Trump raped her in the store while filming a Law & Order episode?
The music riff was a dead giveaway.


Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 17, 2024 08:56 AM (CEzQx)

303 How do I know? Because I wrote software to do just that.
Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure

Imagine how I feel about banking and financial firms' software.
Posted by: Tonypete at September 17, 2024 08:53 AM (WXNFJ)

That's pretty good, fellas. However I wrote the songs that make the young girls cry.

Posted by: Bruce Johnston at September 17, 2024 08:57 AM (Aqu9a)

304 All I smell is molasses.

Posted by: just the punchline at September 17, 2024 08:57 AM (CEzQx)

305 Doof has the keys to Ace's time machine!!
Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 17, 2024 08:43 AM (CEzQx)

If I did, I would use it for much more nefarious purposes!
Posted by: Doof

Teach Joe Biden's mom to swallow.

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 17, 2024 08:57 AM (fKRr8)

306 I only heard about the alleged bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio until after they've been exposed as overseas calls. I didn't realize that TV news has been pushing that particular (now debunked) narrative for a couple of days. It's a good thing I don't watch TV news anymore!

Posted by: Pete in Texas at September 17, 2024 08:57 AM (BHrzb)

307 Public Confidence In America’s Elections Systems Is Collapsing.
We need new laws mandating greater confidence. That'll solve the problem.

Posted by: Eeyore at September 17, 2024 08:57 AM (1bNHn)

308 Oregon DMV staff failed to investigate noncitizens for automatic voter registration.

1. They know when the record was created.
2. They know what station was used to create the license.
3. They know who was logged onto that station.

There is nothing to investigate.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 17, 2024 08:57 AM (gbOdA)

309 301 On the local news right now: new health a and beauty craze, eating dirt!

Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 08:56 AM (Pijte)

Why isn't every North Korean or Biafran a SI swimsuit model?!!!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 17, 2024 08:57 AM (x0n13)

310 Cop cars also have SCMODS

Posted by: Don Black at September 17, 2024 08:58 AM (/7KEl)

311 1. They know when the record was created.
2. They know what station was used to create the license.
3. They know who was logged onto that station.

There is nothing to investigate.
If you don't look, you see no evidence of wrong doing.

Posted by: Ribbed at September 17, 2024 08:58 AM (iFMeW)

312 On the local news right now: new health a and beauty craze, eating dirt!

We are all North Koreans!

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 17, 2024 08:58 AM (fKRr8)

313 I don't know his name but his face sure rings a bell.

Posted by: just the punchline at September 17, 2024 08:58 AM (CEzQx)

314 The bomb threat calls to Springfield weirdly have the sound of a guy hitting piano keys with his dick in the background.

Posted by: Ian S. at September 17, 2024 08:58 AM (QZThv)

315 That's pretty good, fellas. However I wrote the songs that make the young girls cry.
Posted by: Bruce Johnston at September 17, 2024 08:57 AM (Aqu9a)

I wrote "shit happens". Oh, I wasn't the first but I wrote it.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 17, 2024 08:59 AM (U7wke)

316 When Rowdy Roddy Piper put on the glasses, he created a dangerous situation.

Posted by: Oglebay at September 17, 2024 08:59 AM (ogTiX)

317 The Prager piece on American Greatness out today is quite revealing. . . . .he explains the sudden yank to the Left that the snowflake TDS-infected group of 18-29 year old US females have made in recent times, all due to some alleged slight that DJT has made to their gender "feewings." Dennis doesn't believe abortion is actually a big issue, but I take exception to that. . . . . young females are now so corrupted that they REALLY do care about their worship of DemoNcrat blood sacrifices--especially those of whoring it up and then sucking their spawn into a sink.

Posted by: H8 Marxist Rat Bastards & their side chicks at September 17, 2024 08:59 AM (gnmFt)

318 On the local news right now: new health a and beauty craze, eating dirt!

Gives new meaning to "Earth Day".

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at September 17, 2024 08:59 AM (SfhV1)

319 - Whoa!
A lot of typing for that explanation, Jack. Appreciate your taking the time. Guess I've seen that movie discussed somewhat recently. Not important enough to me to bother remembering names and such.

I was referring to real life. And those "scientists" pushing their billions of years and ridiculous we all evolved from pond scum, so out with....

In the beginning God...

Posted by: TeeJ at September 17, 2024 08:59 AM (HUDFk)

320 It looks like he put some ceramic tiles in backpacks to his left and right to protect himself from bullets. I've heard they're effective at stopping bullets but I'm skeptical.

Posted by: Hungry Haitian Gourmet

I believe it was ceramic body armor hung on the fence with a gap to shoot through. And a gopro to record and sell the video.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at September 17, 2024 09:00 AM (lTGtQ)

321 Cop cars also have SCMODS
Posted by: Don Black at September 17, 2024 08:58 AM (/7KEl)

I sense an upcoming trip through the mall.

Posted by: Count de Monet at September 17, 2024 09:00 AM (Aqu9a)

322 Besides Ryan Routh, a Pakistani man - Asif Merchant - also appeared in court Monday. Merchant has ties to Iran and pled not guilty in alleged murder-for-hire plot against Trump. Must keep the assassination attempt count accurate.

Posted by: JM in Ill -- Behold the Manchurian Candidate at September 17, 2024 09:01 AM (ABHKu)

323 I was raised as a middle-class kid. And I am actually the only person on this stage who has a plan that is about lifting up the middle class and working people of America. I believe in the ambition, the aspirations, the dreams of the American people. And that is why I imagine and have actually a plan to build what I call an opportunity economy. Because here's the thing. We know that we have a shortage of homes and housing, and the cost of housing is too expensive for far too many people. We know that young families need support to raise their children.

Posted by: SMOD at September 17, 2024 09:01 AM (RHGPo)

324 Cop cars also have SCMODS

Someone has been watching too much "Blues Brothers".

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 09:03 AM (rHxhM)

325 >>Oregon DMV staff failed to investigate noncitizens for automatic voter registration.

1. They know when the record was created.
2. They know what station was used to create the license.
3. They know who was logged onto that station.

There is nothing to investigate.
- - - -

Audit trails. No way any systems makes it into a government institution without audits trailing capabilities. But still we have to pretend like things are just to fluid and complicated to investigate. Stuff just happens, and, oh well, whatareyagonnado?

Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 09:03 AM (Pijte)

326 The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) recently received a $158,085 federal grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study “vaginal health for transgender men on testosterone.”

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 17, 2024 09:04 AM (gbOdA)

327 VP Debate Host CBS News’ Leadership Is Riddled With Democrat Donors
Is there anyone who is surprised by this? Anyone at all?

The one good thing about the commie debate fiascos of this election season is that it give a little hope - a very little - that we may chuck these exercises in futility.

Posted by: Eeyore at September 17, 2024 09:05 AM (1bNHn)

328 >>@MikeBenzCyber

>>they are not fucking around. when I tell you censorship goes up to the top of the State Department, that the State Department is pushing censorship laws around the world in 140 countries, remember when you watch this clip that Hillary Clinton was Secretary Of State.

If you click the link you will see the video that inspired Benz' tweet. I think it's really important to remember that what we are seeing in our government is going on in western government's around the world. I was on a call last night with colleagues from Australia and they are seeing the same stuff we are seeing in their country.

Their own big comment to me, never give up your guns.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 17, 2024 09:05 AM (LkLld)

329 I was raised as a middle-class kid. And I am actually the only person on this stage who has a plan that is about lifting up the middle class and working people of America. I believe in the ambition, the aspirations, the dreams of the American people. And that is why I imagine and have actually a plan to build what I call an opportunity economy. Because here's the thing. We know that we have a shortage of homes and housing, and the cost of housing is too expensive for far too many people. We know that young families need support to raise their children.
Posted by: SMOD at September 17, 2024 09:01 AM (RHGPo)

I did it better: I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, um, some people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our, uh, education like such as, uh, South Africa and, uh, the Iraq and everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should, uh, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, should help South Africa and should help Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future.

Posted by: Miss South Carolina, Miss Teen USA 2007 at September 17, 2024 09:05 AM (Aqu9a)

330 Trump would not have beat Hillary without the debates. Though he is definitely a special case.

Posted by: ... at September 17, 2024 09:07 AM (LCr8f)

331 >The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) recently received a $158,085 federal grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study “vaginal health for transgender men on testosterone.”


and somebody who works at The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) is getting a brand new in-ground swimming pool

somebody else who works at The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) is getting a brand new car

Posted by: Don Black at September 17, 2024 09:07 AM (/7KEl)

332 On the local news right now: new health a and beauty craze, eating dirt!
Just another attempt at normalizing mental illness (pica).

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 17, 2024 09:07 AM (7fElN)

333 This is why SOP for criminals now is to either steal plates off of a car of the same model and color or print a fake temporary tag.

Whereas the smart one will copy/steal a local license plate from a similar car so that the plate won't trigger as being from outside the area.

You have a plate that is from the good side of town appearing on a few ALPRs in the bad side of town and given the tempo and timing, that triggers an algo suggesting drug dealing.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 09:07 AM (rHxhM)

334 My guess is a fiber optic or coax fence system could be wrapped around PDTs gold course for less than $500k.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 17, 2024 09:08 AM (gbOdA)

335 Is Jimmy Carter still alive?

Has Krispy Kreme renounced his hateful rhetoric of needing to stop Trump from becoming President by any means necessary?

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 17, 2024 09:08 AM (91ZQd)

336 Good News - Kirk Cousins beats Philly in Philly on MNF. Way to go Kirk. Both favored Cowboys lose and Philly lose. Who knew?

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 17, 2024 09:10 AM (W3T6M)

337 My brother used to eat dirt. However, he was mentally retarded and had Prader-Willi Syndrome.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at September 17, 2024 09:10 AM (SfhV1)

338 When Kamala gives that spiel about being raised in a middle class Family I always wonder why someone doesn't ask her if living in Berkeley with two PHD parents then moving to Montreal to one one of the most expensive areas makes one middle class ?

Posted by: It's me donna at September 17, 2024 09:10 AM (IyPmt)

339 Howard Stern said that he doesn't hate Trump, but those who vote for him. He describes Trump voters as stupid and he doesn't want Trump voters listening to his show.

Posted by: redridinghood at September 17, 2024 09:10 AM (NpAcC)

340 326 The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) recently received a $158,085 federal grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study “vaginal health for transgender men on testosterone.”
Posted by: rhennigantx at September

That's not crazy, not crazy at all.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 17, 2024 09:10 AM (uoNBM)

341 This is why SOP for criminals now is to either steal plates off of a car of the same model and color or print a fake temporary tag.

Being that a lot of ALPR readers operate on a tight IR spectrum (so that they work at night on the specific light reflective plate paint) a forged plate jumps right out as being suspicious.

Given how lazy LEOs are, just steal a crap car, put on a faded paper dealer plate and go about your criminal business. It won't trigger any ALPRs and unless you are really behaving in a suspicious manner, won't solicit a stop.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 09:11 AM (rHxhM)

342 Biden, Starmer Ponder Striking Russia With Long-Range Weapons
That one mystifies me. What do they hope to gain?

Posted by: Eeyore at September 17, 2024 09:11 AM (1bNHn)

343 Biden, Starmer Ponder Striking Russia With Long-Range Weapons
That one mystifies me. What do they hope to gain?
Posted by: Eeyore at September 17, 2024 09:11 AM (1bNHn)

Mein Fuhrer! I have a plan!

Posted by: Dr. Strangelove at September 17, 2024 09:13 AM (Aqu9a)

344 Biden, Starmer Ponder Striking Russia With Long-Range Weapons
That one mystifies me. What do they hope to gain?
Posted by: Eeyore at September 17, 2024 09:11 AM (1bNHn)

Nuclear war.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at September 17, 2024 09:13 AM (XJl7d)

345 Biden, Starmer Ponder Striking Russia With Long-Range Weapons

"Mein Fuhrer! I can valk!!!"

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 17, 2024 09:13 AM (91ZQd)

346 Good News - Kirk Cousins beats Philly in Philly on MNF. Way to go Kirk. Both favored Cowboys lose and Philly lose. Who knew?

The Cowboy defense didn't come to the game Sunday. Basically NO came into their house and lifted a leg on them.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 17, 2024 09:13 AM (rHxhM)

347 - Doof, movies at home.

I've had no broadcast TV for around 15 or so years.
Have maybe 75 movies, concerts, old TV shows on DVD I picked up during that time in the $5 bin.
Think old classics on those.

Posted by: TeeJ at September 17, 2024 09:14 AM (HUDFk)

348 342 Biden, Starmer Ponder Striking Russia With Long-Range Weapons
That one mystifies me. What do they hope to gain?
WWIII. Then they can go full FDR.

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 17, 2024 09:14 AM (W3T6M)

349 Needs Benny Hill theme soundtrack:

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at September 17, 2024 09:14 AM (LgsNJ)

Blaming Trump for the attempts on his life because of what he says is also yet another justification, or attempted justification of the Left to demand censorship our outright repeal of the 1-A.

Great twofer.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 17, 2024 09:14 AM (x0n13)

351 President Merkin Muffley > Joey Bidet

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 17, 2024 09:15 AM (91ZQd)

352 French EU commissioner Thierry Breton resigns amid dispute with president after threatening Elon Musk
One genuinely encouraging story recently. There are some things even they cannot get away with saying.

Posted by: Eeyore at September 17, 2024 09:15 AM (1bNHn)

353 > Biden, Starmer Ponder Striking Russia With Long-Range Weapons
That one mystifies me. What do they hope to gain?
With nobody in effective control of fedgov... well, shit happens.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 17, 2024 09:15 AM (Q4IgG)

354 JD Vance: The big difference between conservatives and liberals is that no one has tried to kill Kamala Harris in the last couple months. I'd say that's pretty strong evidence that the left needs to tone down the rhetoric.

Threatening the life of the vice president is a crime. Who does this guy think he is? Besides, both of the assassins have been disgruntled MAGAts going after your own running mate, you idiot beardo

Maybe fans of TCF are gigantic pieces of shit in general, and Harris fans are not. That is a more plausible explanation than this mystery unspecified rhetoric.

Now about those bomb threats to an Ohio city resulting from DJ's racist "created for media impact" knowingly false accusations...

repukes do EVERYTHING they can to ensure every nutcase can have a gun, then they get upset ONLY when THEY become the targets - FUCK THEM ALL

That's what this is all about. "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?" They have no chance of winning otherwise.

Just wait until Tim Walz debates him. Tim is going to pounce on JD Vance's rhetoric.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 17, 2024 09:16 AM (JCZqz)

355 One genuinely encouraging story recently. There are some things even they cannot get away with saying.
Posted by: Eeyore at September 17, 2024 09:15 AM (1bNHn


Posted by: It's me donna at September 17, 2024 09:16 AM (IyPmt)

356 Into what, he never said
He was fairly clear about it in the contemporary language of power.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 17, 2024 09:16 AM (HnUIn)

357 Dirt is very pedestrian food, clay is more filling. Lead paint chips are my fave, but are getting harder to find. Play-Doh is yummy, especially the red and blue. Time for a crayon snack-Burnt Sienna-FTW!

Posted by: Food Safety Is Paramount at September 17, 2024 09:16 AM (CV8a5)

358 344 Biden, Starmer Ponder Striking Russia With Long-Range Weapons
That one mystifies me. What do they hope to gain?
Posted by: Eeyore at September 17, 2024 09:11 AM (1bNHn)

Nuclear war.
Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at September 17, 2024 09:13 AM (XJl7d)
How is that a gain?

Posted by: Eeyore at September 17, 2024 09:16 AM (1bNHn)

359 DeSantis will be speaking soon (newsmax) about the second assassination attempt. Hopefully that will clear up the state/federal custody question.

Posted by: old chick at September 17, 2024 09:16 AM (zMue3)

Biden, Starmer Ponder Striking Russia With Long-Range Weapons
That one mystifies me. What do they hope to gain?

Posted by: Eeyore at September 17, 2024 09:11 AM

One of the most interesting parts of the movie 'War Games' at the very end of the movie is this fast scrolling list of nuclear war gaming scenarios the computer (WOPR) runs through. There had to be over one hundred of them.

"Interesting game. The only way to win is not to play."
Our brain dead 'President' does not understand that.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 17, 2024 09:16 AM (RKVpM)

361 Good morning!

Posted by: Can't Make gp's Shimmy Shake on Tea at September 17, 2024 09:17 AM (jW2M4)

362 >>Trump would not have beat Hillary without the debates. Though he is definitely a special case.

I believe Trump won because he kept saying things that most normal people thought but was no longer said by the MSM and DC (both sides). He spoke uncomfortable truths. Starting with immigration. in 2016 75% people in a poll said immigration needed to be reduced, yet 16 of the 17 GOP candidates were too scared or bought to say anything but immigration=love.

For me, it was that he spoke honestly about Hillary, instead of being like every Republican who pretends to like and respect her. What really impressed me, though, was how he had Peter Schwizer advising him, and at his rallies he had new info daily on the Clinton's crimes and the email hacks.

The debates were good, but he was different from the get-go, and he worked hard on the trail in the weeks and months leading up to election day.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 17, 2024 09:17 AM (Pijte)

Their own big comment to me, never give up your guns.
Posted by: JackStraw at September 17, 2024 09:05 AM (LkLld)

Funny. Again, everything they accuse others of doing, they're already doing tenfold.

There IS no bigger propaganda wing than the LEFT wing of the political spectrum. Yet she sits there with a straight face saying that TRUMP was the beneficiary of election fraud in 2016.

You LOST, bitch. Get over it. Go away.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 17, 2024 09:17 AM (Zz0t1)

364 The planet is on a knife’s edge between Light and Darkness
… something better has to be out there???

Have you tried Manichaeism on for size?

Posted by: Way,Way Downriver at September 17, 2024 09:17 AM (zdLoL)

365 Just wait until Tim Walz debates him. Tim is going to pounce on JD Vance's rhetoric.
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 17, 2024 09:16 AM (JCZqz)


Posted by: It's me donna at September 17, 2024 09:17 AM (IyPmt)

366 Just wait until Tim Walz debates him. Tim is going to pounce on JD Vance's rhetoric.
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions

What, liberals are "pouncing" now?

That's cultural appropriation!

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 17, 2024 09:18 AM (v6JzV)

367 @TheBabylonBee
In Latest Bond Film, 007 Tasked With Taking Down 83-Year-Old British Grandma Who Shared Inaccurate Meme

Posted by: Don Black at September 17, 2024 09:18 AM (/7KEl)

368 Paying a illegal in monet they could live in for a year only gets you more illegals
Reindeer out front should be telling them

Posted by: Skip at September 17, 2024 09:18 AM (fwDg9)

369 On Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Source,” Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) said that it’s “dangerous” for the Trump campaign to blame Democratic rhetoric for the recent attempted assassination of 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump ...
He's only partly wrong. It isn't "dangerous," just wrong. It isn't "Democrat[ic] rhetoric." It's an all-of-institutional-society thing, not strictly a Party thing. The Party is in all things institutional, but there is, I think, a distinction.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 17, 2024 09:18 AM (HnUIn)

370 Tampon Timmy Awalz will prance

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 17, 2024 09:19 AM (91ZQd)

371 350
Blaming Trump for the attempts on his life because of what he says is also yet another justification, or attempted justification of the Left to demand censorship our outright repeal of the 1-A.

Great twofer.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 17, 2024 09:14 AM (x0n13)

Your speech is violence.
My violence is speech.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 17, 2024 09:19 AM (gbOdA)

372 Nuclear war.
Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at September 17, 2024 09:13 AM (XJl7d)
How is that a gain?
Posted by: Eeyore at September 17, 2024 09:16 AM (1bNHn)

The idiots in DC believe there is such a thing as a limited nuclear exchange and the US would prevail. By prevail, I mean millions incinerated so they remain in power.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at September 17, 2024 09:20 AM (XJl7d)

373 - hokey smokes, lookit the time.
Best text the dear widow lady.
What a treasure she is.
We gone, bye bye.

Posted by: TeeJ at September 17, 2024 09:20 AM (HUDFk)

374 Russia will never give up Ukraine. There are many reasons but I believe one of the single biggest reasons is that Putin is a student of history and he remembers Operation Barbarossa.

He will not allow more of NATO on his doorstep.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 17, 2024 09:20 AM (LkLld)

375 Just wait until Tim Walz debates him. Tim is going to pounce on JD Vance's rhetoric.

I thought only Republicans did the pouncing.

Posted by: dantesed at September 17, 2024 09:21 AM (Oy/m2)

Basically NO came into their house and lifted a leg on them.

Speaking of, THIS is a well trained dog:

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 17, 2024 09:21 AM (RKVpM)

377 It is a bit fascinating to see a resurgence of the "short skirt defense" taking center stage.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 17, 2024 09:21 AM (HnUIn)

378 "The planet is on a knife’s edge between Light and Darkness
… something better has to be out there???"

Get off the knife and onto the spoon. Less precarious.

Posted by: Can't Make gp's Shimmy Shake on Tea at September 17, 2024 09:21 AM (jW2M4)

379 The Democrats
Trump refuses to admit he's Hitler which proves he's Hitler and so Trump deserves whatever happens to him.
Also the Democrats
Tie him up and throw him in a lake. If he sinks and drowns.
He's not Hitler.
If he doesn't, then he's Hitler and must die.

Posted by: Florida Peasant at September 17, 2024 09:22 AM (Lo97M)

380 344 Biden, Starmer Ponder Striking Russia With Long-Range Weapons
That one mystifies me. What do they hope to gain?
Posted by: Eeyore at September 17, 2024 09:11 AM (1bNHn)

Nuclear war.
Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at September 17, 2024 09:13 AM (XJl7d)
How is that a gain?
Posted by: Eeyore at September 17, 2024 09:16 AM (1bNHn)

I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops. Uh, depending on the breaks

Posted by: General Buck Turdgidson at September 17, 2024 09:22 AM (Aqu9a)

381 Just wait until Tim Walz debates him. Tim is going to pounce on JD Vance's rhetoric.

Most politics is rhetoric, however, Vance's contains at least a modicum of fact in it.

Walz? None. At. All.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 17, 2024 09:22 AM (Zz0t1)

382 Get off the knife and onto the spoon. Less precarious.
Posted by: Can't Make gp's Shimmy Shake on Tea at September 17, 2024 09:21 AM (jW2M4)
Back off, pal.

Posted by: Mack the Knife at September 17, 2024 09:22 AM (HnUIn)

383 It is a bit fascinating to see a resurgence of the "short skirt defense" taking center stage.

Anyone interviewed Jodie Foster yet?

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 17, 2024 09:23 AM (91ZQd)

384 339, Stern was always a fraud. It was movie and even at the end of the movie you said the entire thing was about his wife then he divorced her.

The guy was relevant in DC and New York City in the 1980s. I can’t believe people are still listening to him. Even in the 1980s, he was literally hated and for good reasons. I get some blue color types, found his obscenity funny at the time, but if anyone listens to him for political reasons now, They are so far gone they should simply be discounted. I can’t believe people are still talking about this guy he makes Larry King seem young, hip, and relevant.

Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 09:23 AM (sJvjL)

385 382 Ideally, a ladle.

Posted by: Can't Make gp's Shimmy Shake on Tea at September 17, 2024 09:23 AM (jW2M4)

386 Get off the knife and onto the spoon. Less precarious.
Posted by: Can't Make gp's Shimmy Shake on Tea at September 17, 2024 09:21 AM (jW2M4)

There is no spoon. -- that kid in that movie

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 17, 2024 09:24 AM (U7wke)

387 No love for sporks?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 17, 2024 09:25 AM (v6JzV)

388 No love for sporks?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 17, 2024 09:25 AM (v6JzV)

It should've been called a 'foon' as it's a fork first.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 17, 2024 09:26 AM (Zz0t1)

389 354 Threatening the life of the vice president is a crime. Who does this guy think he is? Besides, both of the assassins have been disgruntled MAGAts going after your own running mate, you idiot beardo

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 17, 2024 09:16 AM (JCZqz)


Cooke is called a MAGAt because of a false report that his parents had Trump signs in their yard. They didn't.

New guy is called a MAGAt because he said he voted for Trump, but he didn't vote in either 2016 or 2020.

But they will hold onto this forever.

Also, even if they were MAGA, whose rhetoric would they be influenced by to get to the point where they feel like they needed to kill Trump to protect democracy?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 17, 2024 09:26 AM (GBKbO)

390 No love for sporks?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 17, 2024 09:25 AM (v6JzV)

Those things are an abomination before all men.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at September 17, 2024 09:26 AM (XJl7d)

Two minute warning. Final thoughts?

Posted by: Hungry Haitian Gourmet at September 17, 2024 09:26 AM (RKVpM)

392 387 Sporks OK as long as they're runcible.

Posted by: Can't Make gp's Shimmy Shake on Tea at September 17, 2024 09:26 AM (jW2M4)

393 That's what this is all about. "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?" They have no chance of winning otherwise.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 17, 2024 09:16 AM (JCZqz)

The irony is lost on this one...

Posted by: Washington Nearsider at September 17, 2024 09:27 AM (musil)

394 388 Ha!

Posted by: Can't Make gp's Shimmy Shake on Tea at September 17, 2024 09:27 AM (jW2M4)

395 393 That's what this is all about. "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?" They have no chance of winning otherwise.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 17, 2024 09:16 AM (JCZqz)

The irony is lost on this one...
Posted by: Washington Nearsider at September 17, 2024 09:27 AM (musil)


And they still just evade the question.

Why are there no apparent attempts on the lives of the ruling class?

Heck, it could be easy enough that there are but SS actually tries to stop them. But they won't bring that up.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 17, 2024 09:27 AM (GBKbO)

396 Tim Walz makes Tim Kaine seem Relevant and hip. They keep going after JD Vance, but if anything he has out performed. Tim Waltz Is legitimately a sack of crap. They chose him to appeal to blue collar types? The minute they hear him speak he’s going to lose all their votes.

Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 09:28 AM (sJvjL)

397 I'm reminded of the satirical headline: "Muslims fear backlash over tomorrow's bombing."

Posted by: Another Anon at September 17, 2024 09:28 AM (QNMaY)

398 DeSantis announces plan for investigating Routh's possible crimes. Said Florida has jurisdiction for the most serious possible crime, attempted murder.

Putting down a marker for FL keeping Routh in its custody, unless the Feds charge him with a higher-level Fed crime. Like attempted assassination.

Posted by: Gref at September 17, 2024 09:28 AM (aBgBM)

399 Cooke is called a MAGAt because of a false report that his parents had Trump signs in their yard. They didn't.

New guy is called a MAGAt because he said he voted for Trump, but he didn't vote in either 2016 or 2020.

But they will hold onto this forever.

Also, even if they were MAGA, whose rhetoric would they be influenced by to get to the point where they feel like they needed to kill Trump to protect democracy?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 17, 2024 09:26 AM (GBKbO)

They're called MAGAts because they did "bad" things and only MAGAts are bad. Everything else is justification for the impure.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 17, 2024 09:29 AM (U7wke)

400 If CBS does anything close to ABC's debate, it SHOULD be the death of media held debates forever.

But, we're the stupid party for a reason, so.......

I just have a feeling JD will push back on them harder than Trump did this last go around.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 17, 2024 09:29 AM (Zz0t1)

401 Oh well, time to meander.

Back to scratchbuilding a main gear door for a P-47 since I have managed to lose one.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 17, 2024 09:29 AM (91ZQd)

402 384 Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 09:23 AM (sJvjL)

The only time he made me do a spit-take was when he joked about Roy Cohn fucking Barbara Walters. Just the thought of that is hilarious, regardless of who says it.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 17, 2024 09:30 AM (x0n13)

403 I still think as said from beginning, Putin thinks he is Czar and acts according

Posted by: Skip at September 17, 2024 09:30 AM (fwDg9)

404 - Forbidden

Posted by: Hungry Haitian Gourmet at September 17, 2024 09:30 AM (RKVpM)

405 It is apparently seen as a benefit to bring in illegal aliens to work in all of the food processing facilities, not pay for their benefits (rely on the taxpayer for that), and to spread diseases like Boar's Head did.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at September 17, 2024 09:30 AM (lTGtQ)

406 396 Tim Walz makes Tim Kaine seem Relevant and hip. They keep going after JD Vance, but if anything he has out performed. Tim Waltz Is legitimately a sack of crap. They chose him to appeal to blue collar types? The minute they hear him speak he’s going to lose all their votes.
Tim Kaine, US Senator for VA, is actually from MN and his second son is in AntiFa in Atlanta. Not really a Virginian seems obvious.

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 17, 2024 09:30 AM (W3T6M)

:: Shakes fist at Skip ::

Posted by: Hungry Haitian Gourmet at September 17, 2024 09:30 AM (RKVpM)

408 NOODlum.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 17, 2024 09:30 AM (Zz0t1)

409 Routh is currently in the custody of the Martin County sheriff

Posted by: Don Black at September 17, 2024 09:30 AM (/7KEl)

410 Noodus gratia artis

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 17, 2024 09:30 AM (v6JzV)

411 Howard Stern said that he doesn't hate Trump, but those who vote for him. He describes Trump voters as stupid and he doesn't want Trump voters listening to his show.
Posted by: redridinghood at September 17, 2024 09:10 AM (NpAcC)

Stern is Oprah with a pussy

Posted by: ... at September 17, 2024 09:31 AM (LCr8f)

412 401 Oh well, time to meander.

Back to scratchbuilding a main gear door for a P-47 since I have managed to lose one.
Posted by: Anna Puma at September 17, 2024 09:29 AM (91ZQd)

Gone are the days when kit makers sent you a replacement for free just for sending them a nice request, I guess?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 17, 2024 09:31 AM (x0n13)

413 Art critic upstairs

Posted by: Skip at September 17, 2024 09:32 AM (fwDg9)

414 Most recent poll at 538 has KH up 8. Poll is LVs and 1500 sample. Silver lining: the pollster is rated poorly by 538.

Posted by: Facts at September 17, 2024 09:32 AM (O5ZVM)

415 >>I still think as said from beginning, Putin thinks he is Czar and acts according

We almost when to war with the Soviets when they tried to put missiles in Cuba. Why would anyone think Putin is acting irrationally if NATO tries to put a beachhead on his doorstep, the same place that was used to launch the most costly invasion of Russia in history?

Putin told the world this was his deadline over a decade ago and our NATO knows it.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 17, 2024 09:33 AM (LkLld)

Putin is a leader who knew approximately 27,000,000 Russians died at the hand of the Nazi's in WWII. I suspect that flavors his perception of modern day Nazi's killing Russians in Ukraine.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 17, 2024 09:34 AM (RKVpM)

417 The word "vomitus" shall henceforth be used when referring to uniparty.
Thank you, JJ!

Posted by: Uniparty, Raping and Mutilating the Children They Do No Kill. See also, Vomitus at September 17, 2024 09:36 AM (gxokI)

418 She is probably sleep-deprived.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 17, 2024 07:29 AM (RIvkX)

You misspelled 'cock'.

Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy at September 17, 2024 09:39 AM (iODuv)

419 416, what? Always heard it was 20 million and most of those were civilians. Most died at the hands of Russians, at least the way they treated their own people.

There’s a reason the Russians lost exponentially more people than anyone else, They didn’t care about their own guys. Studies some Russian history and shocked you will be not.

Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 09:40 AM (sJvjL)

I suggest you studies study some history yourself.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 17, 2024 09:43 AM (RKVpM)

421 I studied a lot of Russian history and I understand they want barriers how they took over half of Europe for that reason. They treated the people there and got thrown out. Actions have consequences. Putin has done more damage to his own people than they will ever know when their lifetimes. This was a war of choice. It had nothing to do with NATO in my opinion. This guy wanted one last gas for the KGB and his own people as always if you study Russian history, have paid the price.

Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 09:44 AM (sJvjL)

422 420, you got me there.

Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 09:45 AM (sJvjL)

423 420 Marie couche toi la.

Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 09:47 AM (sJvjL)

So classy, using French to describe yourself.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 17, 2024 09:50 AM (RKVpM)

425 Touché

Posted by: Verlan at September 17, 2024 09:51 AM (66AWa)

426 404 ISWYDT!

Posted by: Can't Make gp's Shimmy Shake on Tea at September 17, 2024 09:51 AM (jW2M4)

427 Looks to me that there's a mole in the SS.

Maybe more than one.

Posted by: pawn at September 17, 2024 09:56 AM (QB+5g)

Looks to me that there's a mole in the SS.

Maybe more than one.

Posted by: pawn at September 17, 2024 09:56 AM

I suspect wanna be shooter did some research, saw that Trump had a couple day open schedule, and decided to take a chance. Other theories are that Lindsay Graham was invited to golf with him earlier that day and declined. But the shooter was already there, so that doesn't make sense, that Graham tipped off a shooter already there.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 17, 2024 10:05 AM (RKVpM)

429 - Too Many Requests

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 17, 2024 10:05 AM (RKVpM)

430 >>>One source told IGN it was like “just doing a lot of extra work to make sure that no one would potentially see them as not straight.” Report: Disney Tried to Make ‘Inside Out 2′ ‘Less Gay’ After ‘Lightyear’ Flopped

As far as they have gone with the groomer agenda, this is barely enough to scratch the surface. You not only have to stop making groomer content. You have to very overtly assure parents and families that you are mortally embarrassed for that mistaken and you must take very public steps to assure them that their trust will not be violated again. Until then, good luck convincing them to put money in Disney's hands ever again.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 17, 2024 10:21 AM (i24o9)

431 /sock

Posted by: Muldoon at September 17, 2024 10:25 AM (991eG)

432 Thanks, J.J. Good morning, all.

NYTime ran an article, "Three Undecided Voters, Two Swing States, One Big Decision." Quick little read, nothing controversial imo. But judging from the comments it drew, I'm wrong.

Partial quotes, a bit of paraphrasing, in response to the article: She won't incite an insurrection against our democracy; Most undecided voters can't decide whether their bigotry outweighs any moral qualms; Undecided voters want attention. Perverse.; Undecided voters shouldn't be allowed to vote.; Undecideds never mention what's best for the country; they only think of money issues.; To be undecided is denial the convicted ( ) to dismantle Democracy with the "Stop the Steal" J6 attempted Coup." And so on.

Gutless, partisan keyboard bullies who'd line up & laugh if groups of people, not of their opinions, were lined up for prison - or a boxcars ride.

Like they do now for certain individuals.


All, imo.

Posted by: L - If they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you, too at September 17, 2024 11:00 AM (NFX2v)

433 ABC 13 Eyewitness News, Monday, Sep. 16, 2024: Deer Park pipeline blast witnesses describe airborne SUV: 'The car goes up in the air and back down'

Out of a Walmart parking lot, across the road, through a fence, likely striking an Energy Transfer Co. above ground pipeline valve, bursting into flame and closing roads for hours. I hope it's a fluke with no one hurt.

Has it been awhile since we had the burnings? Seems like spoiled, contaminated foods from certain manufacturing plants had become the thing. 🤔

Posted by: L - If they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you, too at September 17, 2024 11:01 AM (NFX2v)

434 American Bridge 21st Century is out in full force. Wikipedia: "a liberal American Super PAC and opposition research group that supports Democratic candidates and opposes Republican candidates. It was founded by David Brock in 2010 and is associated with Media Matters for America."

Politico, 9/12/24, 'Pro-Harris super PAC to invest heavily in ads targeting women on abortion in swing states' American Bridge 21st Century will drop $15 million on ads in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.

The Stakes - Abortion is currently legal in Pennsylvania up to 24* weeks of pregnancy, but is not protected under the commonwealth’s constitution. Abortion access is restricted by laws requiring parental consent, counseling and waiting periods, and strict facility standards. The Center for Reproductive Rights called Pennsylvania a “hostile” state and said abortion access hinged on a “a governor who is supportive of abortion rights.” [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 12/27/21]

Inquirer, 9/15/24, 'Pa. Gov. Josh Shapiro kicks off ‘Reproductive Freedom’ bus tour in Philly for Kamala Harris’

“I made clear, our doors are open in the Commonwealth of PA for women across all of these United States."


Posted by: L - If they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you, too at September 17, 2024 11:01 AM (NFX2v)

435 Its Adolf. He was a Socialist like Bernie Sanders. The exact opposite of George Washington and team America.

Posted by: Fisht at September 17, 2024 01:29 PM (BHEHK)

436 The Dems make the most fanatic Mossies seem like Amish. They need to go back to their rubber rooms. Sure no one loves them. If anyone did they would need to be drag queens.

Posted by: TJ Jackson at September 17, 2024 09:31 PM (bXvrr)

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The Ace of Spades HQ Sex-for-Money Skankathon
A D&D Guide to the Democratic Candidates
Margaret Cho: Just Not Funny
More Margaret Cho Abuse
Margaret Cho: Still Not Funny
Iraqi Prisoner Claims He Was Raped... By Woman
Wonkette Announces "Morning Zoo" Format
John Kerry's "Plan" Causes Surrender of Moqtada al-Sadr's Militia
World Muslim Leaders Apologize for Nick Berg's Beheading
Michael Moore Goes on Lunchtime Manhattan Death-Spree
Milestone: Oliver Willis Posts 400th "Fake News Article" Referencing Britney Spears
Liberal Economists Rue a "New Decade of Greed"
Artificial Insouciance: Maureen Dowd's Word Processor Revolts Against Her Numbing Imbecility
Intelligence Officials Eye Blogs for Tips
They Done Found Us Out, Cletus: Intrepid Internet Detective Figures Out Our Master Plan
Shock: Josh Marshall Almost Mentions Sarin Discovery in Iraq
Leather-Clad Biker Freaks Terrorize Australian Town
When Clinton Was President, Torture Was Cool
What Wonkette Means When She Explains What Tina Brown Means
Wonkette's Stand-Up Act
Wankette HQ Gay-Rumors Du Jour
Here's What's Bugging Me: Goose and Slider
My Own Micah Wright Style Confession of Dishonesty
Outraged "Conservatives" React to the FMA
An On-Line Impression of Dennis Miller Having Sex with a Kodiak Bear
The Story the Rightwing Media Refuses to Report!
Our Lunch with David "Glengarry Glen Ross" Mamet
The House of Love: Paul Krugman
A Michael Moore Mystery (TM)
The Dowd-O-Matic!
Liberal Consistency and Other Myths
Kepler's Laws of Liberal Media Bias
John Kerry-- The Splunge! Candidate
"Divisive" Politics & "Attacks on Patriotism" (very long)
The Donkey ("The Raven" parody)