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That Night On The Marge Of Lake Lebarg, I Cremated The ONT

Greetings Horde! Welcome to Thursday night. Unfortunately, tonight's content was what I could glean from Twitter in some hasty scrolling this afternoon. I tried out a new program to “clean up” my computer, and one of the things it “cleaned up” was the browser I keep open to stash ONT content. It was clean all right, all the history gone and all open tabs closed.

In other news, I've been asked by a friend who is a published author to contribute a short story for an anthology set in his WWIII universe. If they like it, I'll even get paid. I think it'll be cool to be able to refer to myself as a “published author”.

Eating pets.jfif

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Destroys The Diversity Is Our Strength Crowd

The Fatal Flaws of the "Far Center"

I was irked by this post, and responded that, on the contrary, the people stoking ethnic conflict are our politicians. In particular, the blame lies with those who have recklessly imposed unprecedented levels of mass immigration without public consent or concern for the consequences. You have only to look at Africa and the Middle East to realize that, once you have a sufficiently diverse population, there will always be some level of ethnic conflict. The greater the number of migrants a country brings in, the faster this change is imposed, the greater the cultural and ethnic difference between the existing population and the migrants, and the more such conflict you’re likely to get.

Read the whole thing. It's a good old fashioned fisking, the kind you don't see much anymore.

Happy Gates OF Vienna Day!
On this day in 1683, Christian forces defeated the Ottoman army outside the gates of Vienna, saving Europe from the clutches of Islam. "We came, we saw, God conquered" -John III Sobieski

Tonight's Menu

Fine International Cuisine

The truth is that the left howls racist or white supremacist because — as usual — they confuse race with culture. Frankly, if we’d got Ukrainians in the middle of Holodomor in the same circumstances these Haitians were dumped in Ohio, they would likely do the exact same thing — and most Ukrainians are far paler than I.

Race means nothing. Culture means everything. And Hatian culture is horrible, coming from horrible circumstances and a horrible history. In fact, things have been bad for so long in Ohio (Pretty sure she means Haiti here, but I love the backhanded attack on Ohio - WD) that even attempts at turning it around are impossible. And would probably fail. The island has been a wreck and a charity case so long that there is no memory of a productive existence, anymore. (No, it’s not race. The Dominican Republic has the same racial composition and is not the same mess.)

Haitians are as close, at this point, to feral humans, as it’s possible to get. Worse, they’re referalized humans. Humans once civilized who have been forced by extreme circumstances, to shed their civilization. Which is much worse than being “just” savage or feral.

Now, they could be salvaged, and if there’s a place they might have hope, it’s the US. But the way to do that is NOT to bring them in through wide open borders, with no background check, and dump them on a small Ohio town that you deem should be punished because– I don’t know — they voted for your opponent or something.

Sarah does a good job of illustration the folly of our current immigration policy. I agree, but I also realize that it's intentional.

Even A Squish Like DeWine Is Reacting

Ohio Governor Takes Matters Into His Own Hands, Deploys Troops as Haitian Migrant Crisis Hit Town Hard

Of course, if you read the article, you'll see that he's sending state police in to...address traffic problems. And he's spending money to “expand healthcare access”, whatever that means. Oh, and he wants money from the feds:

“As these numbers dramatically pick up, there’s some obligation for the federal government to help local communities who had nothing to do with the decision about people coming in, but now find themselves with a massive number of people,” DeWine said, according to the Columbus Dispatch.

“I want the people of Springfield and Clark County to know that as we move forward, we will continue to do everything we can to help the community deal with this surge of migrants,” DeWine said in a news release on his website.

“The federal government has not demonstrated that they have any kind of plan to deal with the issue. We will not walk away,” he said.

So, it's pretty much all bullshit.

College Choice

Here's an interesting tool from Heritage to help you find a non-woke, or at least a minimally woke, college

If you know anyone with kids about to choose a college, pass it along.


This Is Wild

Complete stranger obtains deed to $4M North Carolina home without homeowner's knowledge

The deed to a multi-million dollar home in Raleigh, North Carolina was swiped out from under the nose of the home's owner.

Craig Adams is frustrated. His 8,300-square-foot home is no longer in his name, despite Adams owning the home and still living in it with his wife. Despite him being up-to-date and in good standing with paying his mortgage and property taxes, Adams discovered the deed to his home is no longer in his name. Instead, it belongs to a complete stranger.

"Found out that she had filed a false warranty claim deed against this house and basically tried to steal (it)," Adams said.

The she Adams is referring to is Dawn Mangum. Adams only learned about Mangum getting the deed in her name after the property management company for his HOA asked if he sold his home, because Mangum had contacted the company to get gate access to the private gated community where the house sits.

What's wild is the county says there's nothing they can do about it. This is a huge gap in the law that needs to be filled.

The Peasants Are Revolting!

Never Trumpers Are on a War Footing

We face the extraordinary assumption among self-credentialed elites that America is stupid and degenerate, but American institutions are wise and effective. A nation full of ignorant trash has produced brilliance in government, genius in media, wisdom in academia, and a condition of near flawlessness from the helping professions. All elites are without failure, as are their works; all non-elites are without merit, as are their lives. A constitutional republic has produced Soviet cultural assumptions from soil that shouldn’t nurture this crop: the five-year plan is working, except for the wreckers and saboteurs. 

We have descended into vanguardism: the common folk cannot understand their own true interests, but a class imbued with the appropriate consciousness has the wisdom to guide them forward. With a firm hand. 

It will not end well for the “elites”.

Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by jigs:

Posted by: WeirdDave at 10:00 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 back

Posted by: Ciampino - it's soon tonight! at September 12, 2024 10:04 PM (qfLjt)

2 Yo!

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 10:04 PM (bFuzj)

3 Nein!

Posted by: Werner Herzog Has Opinions at September 12, 2024 10:05 PM (tmPIh)

4 Rats.

Posted by: Teresa in Fort Worth, Texas - Ace of Spades Ladies' Brigade plucky comic relief at September 12, 2024 10:05 PM (yh31E)

5 fffffff...irst

Posted by: Ciampino - it wasn't sooner at September 12, 2024 10:06 PM (qfLjt)

6 Good evening good people.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 12, 2024 10:06 PM (WXNFJ)

7 Yay ONT !

Posted by: Anonymous Rogue in Kalifornistan (ARiK) at September 12, 2024 10:07 PM (QGaXH)

8 Fresh thread smell

Posted by: Erebus- ex-killer whale at September 12, 2024 10:07 PM (i5nTr)

9 "Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by jigs:"

Sounds kinda rayciss!

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 10:08 PM (bFuzj)

10 I like the content.

Posted by: Idaho Spudboy at September 12, 2024 10:08 PM (GLegy)

11 fffffff...irst
Posted by: Ciampino - it wasn't sooner at September 12, 2024 10:06 PM (qfLjt)

Golf clap. Beat me by a whisker. Or a pube.

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 10:09 PM (bFuzj)

12 Of course, if you read the article, you'll see that he's sending state police in to...address traffic problems.

And probably arresting citizens who complain.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at September 12, 2024 10:10 PM (IG4Id)

13 How is Oklahoma Baptist College not even listed on that site??? Cool tool though

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:10 PM (MGB5H)

14 WAIT! What happened to Wednesday?
Oh, well.

Good evening WeirdDave. Good evening everyone, glad to be here.
Thanks for being here too.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 12, 2024 10:11 PM (P3Tz/)

15 I've been looking at some of my old animations. Damn, they're weird. Even for me. I have no idea what I was doing, but if someone else did these, I'd be impressed.

Maybe someone else DID do them. Maybe that person was a younger more interesting me.

It's interesting to encounter your old works. Many times you look and you think, "What was I thinking?" If you're lucky, you can say "Oh, yeah, I was really into Carlos Casteneda" and it fits into place.

If you're me, on the other hand-- (a fate I wish on no one)

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at September 12, 2024 10:11 PM (CHHv1)

16 Rumor has it that Kamala is furious that the debate failed to move the needle for her.

I'd pay a lot of money to see Kammie's reaction when she first saw the picture of Biden wearing the Trump hat.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at September 12, 2024 10:12 PM (uxCna)

17 I'm sorry it's come to this

Bus is a passenger vehicle
Buss is an old fashioned word for kiss

one bus, two buses

>NEW: Large amount of busses spotted outside of Kamala Harris’ North Carolina rally,

this means a bunch of people are making out at the Harris rally

why, no one knows

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 10:12 PM (/7KEl)

18 Would a Haitian eat an otter?

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at September 12, 2024 10:12 PM (7PlRe)

19 *Possible downer alert - keep scrolling if you don't like sad stuff*

It was four years ago today that I found my son had passed away overnight due to a seizure.

That evening I posted about it here and got support from strangers and friends alike. Not just that night, but for months afterward.

Thank you, Horde, for that.

*Back to your regularly scheduled silliness*

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 10:13 PM (dZVON)

20 What about jugs?

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at September 12, 2024 10:13 PM (8vn6g)

21 also Buffalo is thumping Miami. mostly because the MIA QB keeps throwing the ball to BUF defensive backs

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 10:13 PM (/7KEl)

22 So if you need screwing, use a jig?

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at September 12, 2024 10:14 PM (sRfrW)

23 Just one week ago, Harris was reportedly caught bussing people in across state lines.

violation of the Mann act, right there.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 12, 2024 10:15 PM (D7oie)

24 And probably arresting citizens who complain.
Posted by: weft cut-loop

Complaining citizens are the real problem comrade, how dare they question their betters!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at September 12, 2024 10:15 PM (rOtXe)

25 Is the Commie Kamala campaign using yellow school buses to bring in the bodies? Short yellow school buses?

Or just cat busses, to keep the cat women company?

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at September 12, 2024 10:15 PM (VNX3d)

26 Oh, that Dr. Seuss parody pic makes me sad.

Posted by: Dr. T at September 12, 2024 10:15 PM (lHPJf)

27 Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by jigs

Had to click just to find out if it was leprechauns dancing, Minnesotans fishing, or my shop teacher building something in order to build something else.

Little of column A, little of column C.

Posted by: mikeski at September 12, 2024 10:15 PM (DgGvY)

28 19 *Possible downer alert - keep scrolling if you don't like sad stuff*

It was four years ago today that I found my son had passed away overnight due to a seizure.

That evening I posted about it here and got support from strangers and friends alike. Not just that night, but for months afterward.

Thank you, Horde, for that.

*Back to your regularly scheduled silliness*
Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310

Bless you, dear friend. Huge hugs.

Posted by: Piper at September 12, 2024 10:16 PM (p4NUW)

29 I've wondered if one of the reasons why Kammie is busing in crowds is so her campaign can vet them before they are allowed on the bus.

She does not want to have to deal with pro-Hamas hecklers.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at September 12, 2024 10:16 PM (uxCna)

30 18 Would a Haitian eat an otter?
Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at September 12, 2024 10:12 PM (7PlRe)

Depends on the otter. Otter might win.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at September 12, 2024 10:16 PM (sRfrW)

31 Sending hugs, Blanco Basura.

Posted by: screaming in digital at September 12, 2024 10:16 PM (iZbyp)

32 Good evening morons and thanks wd

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is quite a brave woman and brilliant.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 10:16 PM (RIvkX)

33 *** Frankly, if we’d got Ukrainians in the middle of Holodomor in the same circumstances these Haitians were dumped in Ohio, they would likely do the exact same thing — and most Ukrainians are far paler than I.

Comparing Ukrainian farmers to savages; Really?

Posted by: Braenyard at September 12, 2024 10:17 PM (P3Tz/)

34 Would a Haitian eat an otter?
Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle

Are we talking sea otter, river otter, or Rush Chairman Otter?

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at September 12, 2024 10:17 PM (VNX3d)

35 The greater the number of migrants a country brings in, the faster this change is imposed, the greater the cultural and ethnic difference between the existing population and the migrants, and the more such conflict you’re likely to get.

As has been said here many times, the Left has the equation wrong.

It's not
Diversity = Strength

Diversity + Proximity = War

Posted by: mikeski at September 12, 2024 10:17 PM (DgGvY)

36 Thank you, Horde, for that.

*Back to your regularly scheduled silliness*
Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 10:13 PM (dZVON)

Oh, no parent should ever outlive their child. Cherish the memories, forget the end. A Catholic would pray to that saint in heaven. **hug**

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at September 12, 2024 10:17 PM (sRfrW)

37 It was four years ago today that I found my son had passed away overnight due to a seizure.

That evening I posted about it here and got support from strangers and friends alike. Not just that night, but for months afterward.

Thank you, Horde, for that.

*Back to your regularly scheduled silliness*
Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 10:13 PM (dZVON)

*raises a glass to the memory of Blanco-son*

I experienced that same support when Mrs. Doof passed away in early 2022. There is no place like this. You are amongst people who genuinely care.
Smile and cry as you recall the life of your son. Keep his memory alive!

And come to a MoMe if you can!!!

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 10:18 PM (bFuzj)

38 You know who else could dance a jig?

Posted by: Franz Liebkind at September 12, 2024 10:18 PM (CV8a5)

39 29 I've wondered if one of the reasons why Kammie is busing in crowds is so her campaign can vet them before they are allowed on the bus.

She does not want to have to deal with pro-Hamas hecklers.
Posted by: The ARC of History

Apparently they don’t announce the location until right before and only to confirmed guests.

Posted by: Piper at September 12, 2024 10:18 PM (p4NUW)

40 Good grief! I just soooo love WD ONTs.....❤❤❤

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 10:18 PM (Dbv5s)

41 I am very frustrated - I am in a holding pattern for my next surgery (originally scheduled for 09/06) pending the results of a follow-up UTI test. Found out today that the lab that was supposed to run a culture if the results came back iffy DIDN'T CULTURE MY SAMPLE. So now I have to wait until Monday (after my second round of antibiotics) to retest.

If everything looks good, we can proceed with surgery. If not, I will have wasted almost 2 weeks in California, and will have to fly home and make a urology appointment.

Thankfully, Mr. TiFW sent me some of my yarn so that I wouldn't go crazy just sitting around the hotel.

Posted by: Teresa in Fort Worth, Texas - Ace of Spades Ladies' Brigade plucky comic relief at September 12, 2024 10:18 PM (yh31E)

42 Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 10:13 PM (dZVON)

May his memory be a blessing.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 10:18 PM (RIvkX)

43 Mea culpa.

I've been defending game publisher Ubisoft but now I find out they are promoting straight anti-white, anti-male propaganda.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With Pumpkin Spice! at September 12, 2024 10:18 PM (L/fGl)

Worse, they’re referalized humans. Humans once civilized who have been forced by extreme circumstances, to shed their civilization.


When was this? Haiti has always had the thinnest veneer of civilization, but it's totally false.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 12, 2024 10:19 PM (8LYwR)

45 Evenin'

The TV at work is on a college football game. Texas St vs Arizona St. It's turned into a pretty good football game. Other than it's obviously in Texas, I had no idea where TSU was located. Looked it up. San Marcos, located between Austin and San Antonio. Anyway, good game. Tied 28-28, 3rd Qt. TSU is in the Sun Belt Conf. I have no idea what conf ASU is in now. Big 12?

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at September 12, 2024 10:19 PM (yKhjs)

46 *Possible downer alert - keep scrolling if you don't like sad stuff*

It was four years ago today that I found my son had passed away overnight due to a seizure.

That evening I posted about it here and got support from strangers and friends alike. Not just that night, but for months afterward.

Thank you, Horde, for that.

*Back to your regularly scheduled silliness*
Posted by: Blanco Basura -

Sorry for your loss, Blanco.

Posted by: Erebus- ex-killer whale at September 12, 2024 10:19 PM (i5nTr)

47 Howdy COMM!! Will you be making the trek to the TxMoMe this year?

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 10:20 PM (bFuzj)

48 What about jugs?
Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at September 12, 2024 10:13 PM (8vn6g)


Posted by: Speed at September 12, 2024 10:20 PM (0eaVi)

49 20 What about jugs?

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at September 12, 2024 10:13 PM (8vn6g)
20 comments and it's bewbs already!

Posted by: Ciampino - it wasn't sooner but later at September 12, 2024 10:20 PM (qfLjt)

50 What can I say, y'all? There was a little girl in California who was bussed everyday. And that little girl was me. So quit yo bitchin '!

Posted by: kamala at September 12, 2024 10:20 PM (592Pr)

51 I can vouch for the value of Harding University (AR) on the colleges list.

Surprised and disappointed by Drury University on the bad list, though. Visited it once and it seemed okay. But that was a while ago.

Posted by: Dr. T at September 12, 2024 10:20 PM (lHPJf)

52 Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by jigs:


Where’s me damn Irish music ?!??!?

Posted by: Adriane the Darby Oh Gill Music Critic. . . at September 12, 2024 10:20 PM (TX4bP)

53 Apparently they don’t announce the location until right before and only to confirmed guests.

That's what I suspected.

Yeah, it's an anti-protestor move.

Life is tough when you ally your political party with terrorist organizations.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at September 12, 2024 10:21 PM (uxCna)

54 I watched a YouTube about the French Eh Ministry, and its miserable record in defense of French ehspace, especially in the early 20th Century.

Generation after generation of French ehcraft - fytahs and bummahs alike - proved useless at ehreal wohfeh.

Posted by: Tom Perry at September 12, 2024 10:21 PM (MX0bI)

55 Oh Blanco, so sorry for your loss.

Posted by: Iris at September 12, 2024 10:21 PM (n3DL0)

56 Hello Dave

Weird as usual and all that.

Nice to keyboard you as usual...

Posted by: Nightwatch at September 12, 2024 10:21 PM (TDvv2)

57 Ya know, I had an ottoman once. It really sucked. I got a couch...

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 10:21 PM (Dbv5s)

58 Haiti has been a shit show for longer I or my parents have been alive.

Posted by: Erebus- ex-killer whale at September 12, 2024 10:21 PM (i5nTr)

59 {{{Hugs}}} Blanco.

The Horde was a saving grace when our daughter died.

Posted by: Teresa in Fort Worth, Texas - Ace of Spades Ladies' Brigade plucky comic relief at September 12, 2024 10:21 PM (yh31E)

60 Oh more playing with the school tool lists Michigan State as a yellow and Oklahoma State as a red. I went to the former and am pretty familiar with the later. That's not even close to right. Msu is HARD red and osu is a solid yellow.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:21 PM (MGB5H)

61 Hilarious how people can track the mobile devices at an even like the bimbo's rally in NC and determine where the people are from (well, the phones - but there's probably a 95% correlation). Thus revealing most were from GA, not NC. This same technology was used by some independent data folks verrrrry early in the C19 catastrophe (The Great Idiocy) to quickly illustrate how "mitigation", in the key sense of people moving around and interacting less, had zero correlation with infection rates. As of course the long accepted epidemiology predicted, for a prevalent highly infectious pathogen.

Posted by: rhomboid at September 12, 2024 10:22 PM (GcNJ2)

62 Posted by: Teresa in Fort Worth, Texas - Ace of Spades Ladies' Brigade plucky comic relief at September 12, 2024 10:18 PM (yh31E)

Two weeks in California is never wasted.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 10:22 PM (RIvkX)

63 Ya know, I had an ottoman once. It really sucked. I got a couch...
Posted by: COMountainMarie

Once you go couch you don't go back.
Know what I mean?
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Say no more.

Posted by: Erebus- ex-killer whale at September 12, 2024 10:22 PM (i5nTr)

64 {{{Teresa}}}

Posted by: screaming in digital at September 12, 2024 10:23 PM (iZbyp)

65 What can I say, y'all? There was a little girl in California who was bussed everyday. And that little girl was me. So quit yo bitchin '!

You know, white kids got bussed as well in California.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 10:23 PM (dZVON)

66 No Hillsdale in the college list?

Posted by: OrangeEnt at September 12, 2024 10:23 PM (0eaVi)

67 So sorry that happened, Blanco. You're a good dude and hope you find strength in the good people you know.

Posted by: rhomboid at September 12, 2024 10:23 PM (GcNJ2)

68 29 I've wondered if one of the reasons why Kammie is busing in crowds is so her campaign can vet them before they are allowed on the bus.

She does not want to have to deal with pro-Hamas hecklers.
Posted by: The ARC of History

They have to, get ready for it, show ID to prove who they are before they get in.

Posted by: Piper at September 12, 2024 10:23 PM (pZEOD)

69 What about jugs?
Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop

Posted by: Speed

And what ???

Posted by: Mother at September 12, 2024 10:24 PM (TX4bP)

70 11 fffffff...irst
Posted by: Ciampino - it wasn't sooner at September 12, 2024 10:06 PM (qfLjt)

Golf clap. Beat me by a whisker. Or a pube.

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 10:09 PM (bFuzj)
Which is thinner?

Posted by: Ciampino - so notoriety hangs on the radius of a hair? at September 12, 2024 10:24 PM (qfLjt)

71 A bluegrass soundtrack for the debate. NSFW.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With Pumpkin Spice! at September 12, 2024 10:24 PM (L/fGl)

72 Blanco Basura - I remember that. Continued prayers and Bro hugs.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 12, 2024 10:24 PM (WXNFJ)

73 >>>The she Adams is referring to is Dawn Mangum. Adams only learned about Mangum getting the deed in her name after the property management company for his HOA asked if he sold his home, because Mangum had contacted the company to get gate access to the private gated community where the house sits.

Around here there are title companies that verify that your deed is free and clear of any encumbrances.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 12, 2024 10:24 PM (P3Tz/)

74 Apparently they don’t announce the location until right before and only to confirmed guests.

This is what they do with Republican fundraisers in the Portland area, to keep Antifa from showing up.

Pretty funny that Kamala has to use that tactic in swing states.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at September 12, 2024 10:24 PM (uxCna)

75 I hear ads on radio all the time about Home deed insurance. Sort of like Lifelock ID insurance.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 12, 2024 10:24 PM (63Dwl)

76 What can I say, y'all? There was a little girl in California who was bussed everyday. And that little girl was me. So quit yo bitchin '!
Posted by: kamala

I would have guessed you as more of a TRAIN type IYKWIM.

Posted by: Erebus- ex-killer whale at September 12, 2024 10:25 PM (i5nTr)

77 No Hillsdale in the college list?
Posted by: OrangeEnt

Ya green

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:25 PM (MGB5H)

78 28
Prayers up for you sir.

Our children should never depart before the Mother and Father.

Posted by: Nightwatch at September 12, 2024 10:25 PM (TDvv2)

They have to, get ready for it, show ID to prove who they are before they get in.
Posted by: Piper at September 12, 2024 10:23 PM (pZEOD)


ID? How can any black people attend?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 12, 2024 10:25 PM (8LYwR)

80 Sorry for your loss, Blanco. I can't imagine suffering a loss like that.

I don't know what else to say, but I hope you get some comfort from sharing it.

Posted by: Dr. T at September 12, 2024 10:26 PM (lHPJf)

81 Winged Hussars were cool.

The Kahn and his boys were pretty bad themselves.

Posted by: javems at September 12, 2024 10:26 PM (8I4hW)

82 Golf clap. Beat me by a whisker. Or a pube.

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 10:09 PM (bFuzj)
Which is thinner?
Posted by: Ciampino - so notoriety hangs on the radius of a hair? at September 12, 2024 10:24 PM (qfLjt)

Might have to ask the hawk tua girl

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 10:26 PM (bFuzj)

83 Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by jigs:

Where’s me damn Irish music ?!??!?
Posted by: Adriane the Darby Oh Gill Music Critic

Ain't got no jigs today. Would you take some reels?

Posted by: mikeski at September 12, 2024 10:26 PM (DgGvY)

84 As of course the long accepted epidemiology predicted, for a prevalent highly infectious pathogen.

Posted by: rhomboid at September 12, 2024 10:22 PM (GcNJ2)

There's a Kumala and STD joke in there somewhere, I'm just too lazy to find it.

Posted by: Idaho Spudboy at September 12, 2024 10:26 PM (GLegy)

85 Golf clap. Beat me by a whisker. Or a pube.

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 10:09 PM (bFuzj)
Which is thinner?
Posted by: Ciampino

Aren't whiskers just chin pubes?

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:27 PM (MGB5H)

86 Which is thinner?
Posted by: Ciampino

That would be a RCH.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 12, 2024 10:27 PM (WXNFJ)

87 Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 10:13 PM (dZVON)

May you be Blessed with Peace and Memories of Love …

Posted by: Adriane at September 12, 2024 10:27 PM (TX4bP)

88 Blanco and Doof - continued condolences for your losses.

At a bit of a loss for words....

Posted by: Anonymous Rogue in Kalifornistan (ARiK) at September 12, 2024 10:28 PM (QGaXH)

89 Aren't whiskers just chin pubes?
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:27 PM (MGB5H)

Aren't pubes just dick whiskers?

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 10:28 PM (bFuzj)

90 29 I've wondered if one of the reasons why Kammie is busing in crowds is so her campaign can vet them before they are allowed on the bus.

She does not want to have to deal with pro-Hamas hecklers.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at September 12, 2024 10:16 PM (uxCna)
Are you insinuating that they nay need a photo-ID?

Posted by: Ciampino - so notoriety hangs on the radius of a hair or two? at September 12, 2024 10:28 PM (qfLjt)

91 Evening.

Where's Anna Puma?

I need her to hold onto my wallet for me. For my protection.

Posted by: Robert at September 12, 2024 10:29 PM (YbqMd)

92 fffffff...irst
Posted by: Ciampino

Golf clap. Beat me by a whisker. Or a pube.
Posted by: Doof

Which is thinner?
Posted by: Ciampino

Eh, pussy hairs is pussy hairs.

Posted by: somebody was gonna say it at September 12, 2024 10:29 PM (DgGvY)

93 shoulda been watching AZ St v TX St all along

28-28 4th qtr coming up

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 10:29 PM (/7KEl)

94 Thanks again, Horde! You all were there when I needed people four years ago just like you are tonight.

And I return the hugs to everyone. Sorry about that hand, ladies, it just wanders down sometimes.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 10:29 PM (dZVON)

95 Aren't whiskers just chin pubes?
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:27 PM (MGB5H)

Aren't pubes just dick whiskers?
Posted by: Doof


Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:29 PM (MGB5H)

96 The she Adams is referring to is Dawn Mangum.

Regarding this N.C. home title theft story, the name of the stripper in the Duke Lacrosse Rape Hoax case was Chrystal Mangum. Coincidence?

Posted by: RickZ at September 12, 2024 10:31 PM (gKDq2)

97 Thanks, WD. That was ... odd. That's not a bad thing.

Posted by: GWB at September 12, 2024 10:31 PM (CrXxA)

98 "Found out that she had filed a false warranty claim deed against this house and basically tried to steal (it)," Adams said.

So file one back.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 10:31 PM (KAi1n)

99 shoulda been watching AZ St v TX St all along

28-28 4th qtr coming up
Posted by: Don Black

ASU qb is a former Sparty. And doing well so far this year.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:31 PM (MGB5H)

100 CW, clam's whisker for the discreet.

Posted by: Rex B at September 12, 2024 10:32 PM (592Pr)

101 Oh more playing with the school tool lists Michigan State as a yellow and Oklahoma State as a red. I went to the former and am pretty familiar with the later. That's not even close to right. Msu is HARD red and osu is a solid yellow.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:21 PM (MGB5H)

It also lists Mizzou as an acceptable yellow. Having spent my grad school years there, let's just say I question that choice.

Posted by: Dr. T at September 12, 2024 10:32 PM (lHPJf)

102 47 Doof
Dang was my plan... I was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple of weeks ago, so probably not makin' it. Lots of crazy stuff ahead....
Damn. I so wish i could be there! I so loved the last time I came to TX😜😜😜
Raise a glass to me my friend!

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 10:33 PM (Dbv5s)

They have to, get ready for it, show ID to prove who they are before they get in.
Posted by: Piper

ID? How can any black people attend?
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

That crowd looked mostly White.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 12, 2024 10:33 PM (63Dwl)

104 Sarah is wrong. You just have to google the image of WSJ College Board SAT scores and the difference is all laid out in living color normal distributions

And my German buddy has encountered many Ukrainian refugees in Europe. They don’t act like Haitians.

In fact, the Dominican Republic on the same island doesn’t act like Haitians. It’s the fourth highest GDP in North America vs the last. They have forests. Haiti’s has deserts.

Ask the spirits of the French and mulattos that were killed (and many eaten) by the Haitians what they think.

I love Sarah Hoyt but she believes the magic diet fallacy. It’s not all culture.

Posted by: Justin Pinochet Castreau at September 12, 2024 10:33 PM (l5yVc)

105 It also lists Mizzou as an acceptable yellow. Having spent my grad school years there, let's just say I question that choice.
Posted by: Dr. T at

I seem to remember things both ways in recent years for mizzou. So maybe it's like it comes down kinda in the middle. But ya I'd lean toward the nah

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:33 PM (MGB5H)

106 Re: The Sabaton video.

See, what would you rather listen to? Another shitty, corny ass craptastic pop song about loOoOoOoOve? Or a song about Winged Hussars?

Or, if you're an Iron Maiden fan, Alexander The Great.

Or, if you're a Metallica fan, a song about a vegetative soldier who has lost his arms and legs and is begging for the sweet release of death.

Cuz I know what I'll be listening and it's not more fucking love songs.

Posted by: Robert at September 12, 2024 10:33 PM (YbqMd)

107 Employer has announced that they're bringing in contractors to start doing my team's "routine" work.

One of those routine items is patching. Which can be automated for the most part. The exception to that being making VMWare snapshots. Today I found how to automate that as well.

Try to take my job? I'll automate you out of yours.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 10:34 PM (dZVON)

108 No Hillsdale in the college list?
Posted by: OrangeEnt

Ya green
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:25 PM (MGB5H)

Oops. Thought it was in Ill annoy.

Posted by: OrangeEnt at September 12, 2024 10:34 PM (0eaVi)

109 "rebel bird" (L'amour est un oiseau rebelle) from Bizet's opera Carmen

Posted by: Kindltot at September 12, 2024 10:34 PM (D7oie)

110 Doof, anyone who spent any time in the DMV during the 70's or 80's knows Abe Pollin (unless that time was in Lorton....)

PSP (progressive supranuclear palsy) is a pretty tough thing to die from, though the end itself wasn't painful in my father's case. It's usually mistaken for Parkinson's and there's no cure; you just manage the decline.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 10:34 PM (KAi1n)

111 Thx WeirdDave, evening Horde. The deed was filed fraudulently. Even if the house was accidentally listed in foreclosure there would have to be a foreclosure sale in order for the woman to be the owner. The local DA should charge the woman immediately to put a stop to this crap. A lot of this happens against older people who get suckered by con men .

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 10:34 PM (hgmb+)

112 Oh man lists Colorado as a yellow. Getting more and more suspect.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:34 PM (MGB5H)

113 102 102 47 Doof
Dang was my plan... I was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple of weeks ago, so probably not makin' it. Lots of crazy stuff ahead....
Damn. I so wish i could be there! I so loved the last time I came to TX😜😜😜
Raise a glass to me my friend!
Posted by: COMountainMarie at

Oh my gosh! I must have missed this, I am sending you prayers for strength and positivity right now.

Posted by: Piper at September 12, 2024 10:35 PM (pZEOD)

114 Good evening, y'all. Thanks for the timely ONT, WeirdDave.

Once again battling the spyware that is Win11. First thing I try, I end up in that "need administrative permission" sinkhole. I am the administrator, you stupid machine. Let me in!

Battling dragons.

Going to try to relax with the ONT post for a bit. Then back to standing on my head. Arrrr.

Posted by: mindful webworker - aggrevated at September 12, 2024 10:35 PM (zQ3t+)

115 Dang was my plan... I was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple of weeks ago, so probably not makin' it. Lots of crazy stuff ahead....
Damn. I so wish i could be there! I so loved the last time I came to TX😜😜😜
Raise a glass to me my friend!
Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 10:33 PM (Dbv5s)

I did not know about your cancer diagnosis. Fuck cancer with a sideways cactus!!!!
Raising a glass to you now and we will do so at the ranch, as well.
Prayers up for you. Please keep us posted!

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 10:35 PM (bFuzj)

116 Oh, and really excellent choice of music.

Posted by: GWB at September 12, 2024 10:35 PM (CrXxA)

117 They've Minneapolised Springfield, OH. Heh. Hide your kitty cats, Buckeyes.

Posted by: nerdygirl at September 12, 2024 10:35 PM (0Htd1)

118 Hillsdale would be the place to send ALL of my college age offspring if only I was not being put into poverty by Commiefornia water rate hikes and now sewer rate hikes of 22%.

The Demoncraps continue the destruction of the remaining "MiddleClass."

Shooting for their "Elitist" and Welfare Class of Citizens in this state under Socalist rule.

And they bring in "Fellow Travelers' from other states to teach them how to overthrow the politics in their home states.

Posted by: Nightwatch at September 12, 2024 10:36 PM (TDvv2)

119 >>Never Trumpers Are on a War Footing

They have been for 8+ years. It's globalists vs us.

That's what all of this is all about.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 12, 2024 10:36 PM (LkLld)

120 COMM very sorry to hear this, hope everything turns out well for you

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 10:36 PM (/7KEl)

121 COMM, sending love and hugs and prayers for you. We'll miss you in TX this year!!

Posted by: screaming in digital at September 12, 2024 10:36 PM (iZbyp)

122 Doof, anyone who spent any time in the DMV during the 70's or 80's knows Abe Pollin (unless that time was in Lorton....)

PSP (progressive supranuclear palsy) is a pretty tough thing to die from, though the end itself wasn't painful in my father's case. It's usually mistaken for Parkinson's and there's no cure; you just manage the decline.
Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 10:34 PM (KAi1n)

No doubt about folks in the DMV knowing Abe Pollin -- just didn't think too many Hordelings would know who he was.

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 10:37 PM (bFuzj)

123 Positive vibes comm

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:37 PM (MGB5H)

124 {{{COMountainMarie}}}

I'll pray for your healing. Whether by the doctor's hand or God's, as long as you get better.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 10:38 PM (dZVON)

125 Blanco - it took me awhile to process all the garbage dumped upon me after that loss. And then, years after the fact, I started volunteering as a leader of a men's grief group who lost either children or a wife.

Even though I wasn't the target of the healing provided, it's helped me immensely finally stow all the baggage if you will.

Perhaps you might consider doing something similar.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 12, 2024 10:38 PM (WXNFJ)

126 Good evening, y'all. Thanks for the timely ONT, WeirdDave.

Once again battling the spyware that is Win11. First thing I try, I end up in that "need administrative permission" sinkhole. I am the administrator, you stupid machine. Let me in!

Battling dragons.

Going to try to relax with the ONT post for a bit. Then back to standing on my head. Arrrr.
Posted by: mindful webworker - aggrevated

I empathize with your Win11 problems. The only real solution I've found, as a software engineer on Windows, is a powerful electromagnet to completely wipe the hard drive.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at September 12, 2024 10:38 PM (VNX3d)

127 A woman was killed illegally blocking a freeway in Seattle during a 2020 BLM protest.

The driver, an Ethiopian immigrant, was sentenced to six and a half years in prison.

The family sued the State of Washington, asking for $24 million, arguing that either the state should have taken stronger measures to secure the illegally closed freeway, or should have arrested all the protestors before the driver showed up (talk about chutzpah).

The jury found the driver liable for $6 million (good luck collecting that), and found the State of Washington liable for - nothing.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at September 12, 2024 10:39 PM (uxCna)

128 COMM, sending love and hugs and prayers for you. We'll miss you in TX this year!!
Posted by: screaming in digital at September 12, 2024 10:36 PM (iZbyp)

*waves to SiD, Forest Gump style*

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 10:39 PM (bFuzj)

129 >>>The Gateway [Hotel] is also appears on Google maps as the “Salih El-Amin Falke Motel.” But there’s no DBA under that name and all DBAs for the Gateway Hotel show up as inactive.

It's operated by muslim terrorists 1/2 housing Venezuelan terrorists.
They are going to try to kill us all before they start killing each other.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 12, 2024 10:39 PM (P3Tz/)

130 See, what would you rather listen to? Another shitty, corny ass craptastic pop song about loOoOoOoOve? Or a song about Winged Hussars?

Or a song about 7 Screaming Diz-Busters! The epic, 15-minute BBC version with Lucifer story and all the solos and stuff.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 10:39 PM (KAi1n)

131 Going to try to relax with the ONT post for a bit. Then back to standing on my head. Arrrr.
Posted by: mindful webworker - aggrevated at September 12, 2024 10:35 PM (zQ3t+)

Who told you to stop diving for bbs?

Posted by: Guy with Pitchfork at September 12, 2024 10:39 PM (0eaVi)

132 Hillsdale would be the place to send ALL of my college age offspring if only I was not being put into poverty by Commiefornia water rate hikes and now sewer rate hikes of 22%.

The Demoncraps continue the destruction of the remaining "MiddleClass."

Shooting for their "Elitist" and Welfare Class of Citizens in this state under Socalist rule.

And they bring in "Fellow Travelers' from other states to teach them how to overthrow the politics in their home states.
Posted by: Nightwatch

Hillsdale is down to like 17% acceptance because of the increase in applications. I'm pushing for Grand Canyon great school. Affordable. Conservative. And still get a "big" college experience

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:40 PM (MGB5H)

133 Dooooooooooooof!

Posted by: screaming in digital at September 12, 2024 10:40 PM (iZbyp)

134 Say what you will about ID protection services. It is a racket, but they are on something of a hook of you're a paying customer and are legit ripped off.

During a recent home purchase my credit was accessed by the bank we're doing biz with. The bank couldn't complete the application until I unfroze access.

So... there are some safe guards if you're interested.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 12, 2024 10:40 PM (Q4IgG)

135 Trump War Room
Crooked Joe Biden says the "best decision" he made was "selecting Kamala Harris" as his partner in destroying the country

The sad thing is, he might be right. All of the others were worse.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With Pumpkin Spice! at September 12, 2024 10:40 PM (L/fGl)

136 No doubt about folks in the DMV knowing Abe Pollin -- just didn't think too many Hordelings would know who he was.
Posted by: Doof

You and me makes 2, so yeah.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 10:40 PM (KAi1n)

137 So, a county aids in the theft of property, by giving a deed to someone who is trying to steal it...

Seems like Property theft to me... and their negligence would make them an accessory to the crime.

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 12, 2024 10:41 PM (xaFKb)

138 19 *Possible downer alert - keep scrolling if you don't like sad stuff*

It was four years ago today that I found my son had passed away overnight due to a seizure.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310

So very sorry for the loss of your beloved son.

Prayers for him, for you.

Posted by: L - If they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you, too at September 12, 2024 10:41 PM (NFX2v)

139 Blanco - it took me awhile to process all the garbage dumped upon me after that loss. And then, years after the fact, I started volunteering as a leader of a men's grief group who lost either children or a wife.

Even though I wasn't the target of the healing provided, it's helped me immensely finally stow all the baggage if you will.

Perhaps you might consider doing something similar.

In a group of people who lost a son within about 2 years of each other. We all provide support for each other, although not on a schedule. It has helped, and I'm more than willing to talk to anyone who may have to go through this. I'm hoping not to have to, but I know it's just a matter of time.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 10:42 PM (dZVON)

140 >>>The family sued the State of Washington, asking for $24 million, arguing that either the state should have taken stronger measures to secure the illegally closed freeway, or should have arrested all the protestors before the driver showed up (talk about chutzpah).

No, this is correct. A road way is not a pedestrian way and certainly not a protest plaza. Haitians don't belong here; protesters don't belong in the road.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 12, 2024 10:42 PM (P3Tz/)

141 43 Mea culpa.

I've been defending game publisher Ubisoft but now I find out they are promoting straight anti-white, anti-male propaganda.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With Pumpkin Spice! at September 12, 2024 10:18 PM (L/fGl)
Listening to the commenter discussing discrimination in favor of women, cripples, darkies, at one point he says, "If you're minus an arm then you have a leg up!"
I found that funny, okay!?

Posted by: Ciampino - lawsuit lawsuit lawsuit at September 12, 2024 10:42 PM (qfLjt)

142 As has been said here many times, the Left has the equation wrong.

It's not
Diversity = Strength

Diversity + Proximity = War
Posted by: mikeski at September 12, 2024 10:17 PM

People who keep fish tanks, or kennels, know this well.

Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at September 12, 2024 10:42 PM (BEAj6)

143 No doubt about folks in the DMV knowing Abe Pollin -- just didn't think too many Hordelings would know who he was.
Posted by: Doof

He owns (owned) 2 major franchises and the mystics. Who wouldn't know him.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:42 PM (MGB5H)

144 Re: The Sabaton video.

See, what would you rather listen to? Another shitty, corny ass craptastic pop song about loOoOoOoOve? Or a song about Winged Hussars?

Sabaton's song about the Warsaw Uprising, filmed live in Warsaw before a huge crowd of Poles, is truly inspiring:

Posted by: The ARC of History! at September 12, 2024 10:42 PM (uxCna)

They've Minneapolised Springfield, OH. Heh. Hide your kitty cats, Buckeyes.
Posted by: nerdygirl

They've had Somalis in Columbus for years.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 12, 2024 10:43 PM (63Dwl)

146 106 Cuz I know what I'll be listening and it's not more fucking love songs.
Posted by: Robert at September 12, 2024 10:33 PM (YbqMd)

Clears throat:

Time after time, I think, "Oh, Lord, what's the use?"
Time after time, I think it's just no good
Sooner or later in life, the things you love, you lose
But you've got the love I need to see me through

Posted by: Piper at September 12, 2024 10:43 PM (pZEOD)

147 Blanco Basura

I am so glad you reached out and got support from Team Ace. This is indeed a most remarkable group

Prayers up for you from here!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at September 12, 2024 10:43 PM (rOtXe)

148 No, this is correct. A road way is not a pedestrian way and certainly not a protest plaza. Haitians don't belong here; protesters don't belong in the road.
Posted by: Braenyard

We can run em over here. No harm no foul.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:43 PM (MGB5H)

149 "The local DA should charge the woman immediately to put a stop to this crap."

Or the vic could put the business end of a .38 special in her mouth and yell FAFO! (Not that i'm recommending that, but DTCFDM.)

Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 10:44 PM (KAi1n)

150 Ain't got no jigs today. Would you take some reels?
Posted by: mikeski

Mighty fine!

May I offer 2 minutes from the Gardiner Brothers

Posted by: Adriane the Ethnic Music Critic . . . at September 12, 2024 10:44 PM (TX4bP)

151 So, a county aids in the theft of property, by giving a deed to someone who is trying to steal it...

Seems like Property theft to me... and their negligence would make them an accessory to the crime.

They can at least nail her for insurance fraud, since she filed a claim against a property she didn't own at the time.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 10:44 PM (dZVON)

152 No doubt about folks in the DMV knowing Abe Pollin -- just didn't think too many Hordelings would know who he was.
Posted by: Doof

He owns (owned) 2 major franchises and the mystics. Who wouldn't know him.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:42 PM (MGB5H)

Ex-CUUUUUUSE me, Mr Smarty Pants

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 10:44 PM (bFuzj)

153 Massad Ayoob, said when you're escaping a crowd in a vehicle and you hit one be sure to duck because he's coming through your windshield.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 12, 2024 10:44 PM (P3Tz/)

154 A guy I grew up with posts on Facebook. We were in each other's house every day as kids. He's Jewish and a liberal. He posted that the criticism of Haitian immigrants is wrong and would lead to something like the Holocaust and when Jews say never again they mean for everyone. His liberalism blinds him to the reality of what the left is doing. God help him

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 10:44 PM (hgmb+)

155 Well that's it for the Dolphins. Seasons done in week 2.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 12, 2024 10:44 PM (LkLld)

156 Greetings All

Starting to summarize the costs of our recent RV tour. We left our home port of Huntington Beach, Ca, on Wed Aug 14 and traveled to Grand Teton and Yellowstone NP, east thru South Dakota to Mt Rushmore and Deadwood, saw Badlands NP and both Wall Drug and the Corn Palace and crossed the wide Missouri. From I-90 we dropped south on I-29 to Omaha, west on I-80 to Cheyenne, dropped down to Denver and came home via I-70 and I-15, arriving back Saturday Sept 7.

We spent about $1300 on gasoline, $500 eating out and $1950 on campgrounds for 24 nights. The most expensive CGs being Yellowstone and Grand Teton at about $120 per night for 7 nights.

Starting to plan the next voyage...maybe Ozarks in October?

Posted by: Anonymous Rogue in Kalifornistan (ARiK) at September 12, 2024 10:45 PM (QGaXH)

157 113 Piper

So much thanks darlin'!!!❤

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 10:45 PM (Dbv5s)

158 Ex-CUUUUUUSE me, Mr Smarty Pants
Posted by: Doof

I will NOT!

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:45 PM (MGB5H)

159 Or the vic could put the business end of a .38 special in her mouth and yell FAFO! (Not that i'm recommending that, but DTCFDM.)

If the deed is still in her name at that point then the legit owner will have to deal with her heirs trying to screw him out his house too.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 10:45 PM (dZVON)

160 Ah, yes. "I tried out a new program to 'clean up' my computer, and one of the things it 'cleaned up' was the browser I keep open to stash ONT content."

I totally sympathize. Between my earlier comment and this one, I had to close and restart my browser. And this is the old Win8 computer, not the new one that's being a pain.

I'm still glad that, back in 1978, I went with Radio Shack and TRaShdos instead of that computer kit named after a fruit. Came to a fork in the road and took it.

Posted by: mindful webworker - aggrevated^2 at September 12, 2024 10:46 PM (zQ3t+)

161 Well that's it for the Dolphins. Seasons done in week 2.
Posted by: JackStraw

Time for tua to hang it up

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:46 PM (MGB5H)

162 1 back
Posted by: Ciampino

Posted by: Braenyard at September 12, 2024 10:46 PM (P3Tz/)

163 Ex-CUUUUUUSE me, Mr Smarty Pants
Posted by: Doof

I will NOT!
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:45 PM (MGB5H)

Don't be a dick whisker!

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 10:48 PM (bFuzj)

164 157 113 Piper

So much thanks darlin'!!!❤

Posted by: COMountainMarie

If you need anything let me know. I will do whatever I can.

Posted by: Piper at September 12, 2024 10:49 PM (pZEOD)

165 How long until Dolphins fans start chanting "hawk Tua"?

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 10:49 PM (hgmb+)

166 Don't be a dick whisker!
Posted by: Doof at

Chin pube it is. I mean mine are at least pretty long

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:50 PM (MGB5H)

167 _________

When was this? Haiti has always had the thinnest veneer of civilization, but it's totally false.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

Haitians in Ohio are not starving. They look healthy in the pick definitely not emaciated. They eat each other, they eat other peoples property, they have no respect for other peoples property.
They are not a culture they are savages.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 12, 2024 10:51 PM (P3Tz/)

168 never saw a Spam commercial before

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 10:51 PM (/7KEl)

169 LOL, watching Me-again Kelly go OFF on the ABC Debate moderators was... just...

and to say it was done because they were doing the bidding of their boss...

Some here will, of course, defend her... but... geeezzzz....

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 12, 2024 10:52 PM (xaFKb)

170 Don't be a dick whisker!
Posted by: Doof at

Chin pube it is. I mean mine are at least pretty long
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:50 PM (MGB5H)

You better have a "Chin Pube" nametag on when I see you next month!

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 10:52 PM (bFuzj)

171 never saw a Spam commercial before
Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 10:51 PM (/7KEl)

That's wild. Not ever, huh?

Posted by: RickZ at September 12, 2024 10:52 PM (gKDq2)

172 I'm gonna hop in he shower. What a stupid day.

You know what the world needs?

A song about Catherine The Great. And her favorite horse.

Posted by: Robert at September 12, 2024 10:53 PM (YbqMd)

173 Hold on Springfield, help is a comin

You tell ‘em da law be comin and I be comin with it

Posted by: One toke over da Wine Voodoo King of the Buckeyes at September 12, 2024 10:54 PM (vt7xw)

174 We spent about $1300 on gasoline, $500 eating out and $1950 on campgrounds for 24 nights. The most expensive CGs being Yellowstone and Grand Teton at about $120 per night for 7 nights.

Starting to plan the next voyage...maybe Ozarks in October?
Posted by: Anonymous Rogue in Kalifornistan (ARiK) at September 12, 2024 10:45 PM (QGaXH)

If you plan ahead... Road trips in Hotels can be a hoot... and you don't have to make yer own bed...

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 12, 2024 10:54 PM (xaFKb)

175 Ian Miles Cheong
Tim Walz just called Kamala a “young prostitute-r” when relaying a story about her younger days.

Well, she said she supports the small business person. I guess that includes professional women, too.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With Pumpkin Spice! at September 12, 2024 10:54 PM (L/fGl)

176 >>Time for tua to hang it up

Only so many shots to the head you can take.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 12, 2024 10:54 PM (LkLld)

177 Don't be a dick whisker!
Posted by: Doof at

Chin pube it is. I mean mine are at least pretty long
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:50 PM (MGB5H)

You better have a "Chin Pube" nametag on when I see you next month!
Posted by: Doof

Sent that to She Hobbit she laughed.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:54 PM (MGB5H)

178 Very nice ONT tonight, WeirdDave. The Sarah Hoyt piece was gold. I follow Chris Bray on substack, and he linked that "War Footing" article today.

Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at September 12, 2024 10:54 PM (w6EFb)

179 2 Yo!

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 10:04 PM (bFuzj)

A question I expect cannot be answered.
Whatever happened to Commenter Yo! who only ever posted the comment 'Yo!'?

Posted by: Gref at September 12, 2024 10:54 PM (aBgBM)

180 Holy cow!
What a great giant pile of wonderful friends!
I love you all to pieces!
A little humble prayer...certainly would be appreciated....

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 10:54 PM (Dbv5s)

181 It's FL. the vic could take her fishing.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 12, 2024 10:55 PM (P3Tz/)

182 Or the vic could put the business end of a .38 special in her mouth and yell FAFO! (Not that i'm recommending that, but DTCFDM.)

If the deed is still in her name at that point then the legit owner will have to deal with her heirs trying to screw him out his house too.
Posted by: Blanco Basura

Then it's a question of what there's more of: ammo or heirs?

Posted by: mikeski thinks there's a Hollywood movie franchise in here somewhere at September 12, 2024 10:55 PM (DgGvY)

183 "... The greater the number of migrants a country brings in, the faster this change is imposed, the greater the cultural and ethnic difference between the existing population and the migrants, and the more such conflict you’re likely to get."

Approximately 56 years ago, The UK's Enoch Powell in his 'Rivers of Blood' speech, said basically the same thing (in a lot more words). He was pilloried for it, but history proved him to be correct sooner than everyone expected. Funny, though. At the same time that the elites cast him into the political outer darkness, the vast majority of British people agreed with every word he wrote.

Plus ca change, and all that.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 12, 2024 10:55 PM (2VLvh)

184 Time for tua to hang it up

Only so many shots to the head you can take.
Posted by: JackStraw

You don't want to go full AB

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:55 PM (MGB5H)

185 There is a Winston Marshall interview with Aayan I been meaning to watch and haven't.

Posted by: Skip at September 12, 2024 10:56 PM (fwDg9)

186 @stillgray
Tim Walz just called Kamala a “young prostitute-r” when relaying a story about her younger days.

Well, she said she supports the small business person.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks

My "business" is not small!

Posted by: Big Willie Brown at September 12, 2024 10:57 PM (DgGvY)

187 You know what the world needs?

A song about Catherine The Great. And her favorite horse.
Posted by: Robert

Where have all the Russian Cowboys Gone?

Posted by: Adriane the Ethnic Music Critic . . . at September 12, 2024 10:57 PM (TX4bP)

188 A question I expect cannot be answered.
Whatever happened to Commenter Yo! who only ever posted the comment 'Yo!'?

Posted by: Gref at September 12, 2024 10:54 PM (aBgBM)

Went ... En Fuego?

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 12, 2024 10:57 PM (xaFKb)

189 ASU just took the lead after a TO and behind the former Spartan.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:57 PM (MGB5H)

190 189: sloppy turnover by the TSU BobKittuhs!

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at September 12, 2024 10:58 PM (yKhjs)

191 Define isn’t “pretty much bullshit,” he’s ten pounds of bullshit in a tiny, five pound bag. Sniveling lockdown toady and Democrat fluffer.

Posted by: Dirty DeWine Done Dirt Cheap at September 12, 2024 10:59 PM (1wdUl)

192 I wonder how Auburn got the green dot? I notice Alabama and Georgia Tech aren't even mentioned.

Posted by: Dave in Fla at September 12, 2024 10:59 PM (5p7BC)

193 Adams discovered the deed to his home is no longer in his name. Instead, it belongs to a complete stranger.
... the county says there's nothing they can do about it.
"The county" -actually, whoever said this- is a lazy, lyin' sumbitch.
Theft by deception is a crime everywhere, even including NC.

Posted by: buddhaha at September 12, 2024 10:59 PM (vhnXZ)

194 175 Ian Miles Cheong
Tim Walz just called Kamala a “young prostitute-r” when relaying a story about her younger days.

Well, she said she supports the small business person. I guess that includes professional women, too.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With Pumpkin Spice! at September 12, 2024 10:54 PM (L/fGl)

She's a giver, that's for sure.

Posted by: Willie Brown at September 12, 2024 10:59 PM (pIfcn)

195 155

Since you stated that I wanted to make a comment about Miami's Head Coach...


He looks like an early version of Spike Lee and a STARBUCKS BARRISTO...N F...L.

Damn...this sport has fallen so low.

Posted by: Nightwatch at September 12, 2024 11:00 PM (TDvv2)

196 >You know what the world needs?

♫ Love- sweet love. ♪

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 11:00 PM (/7KEl)

197 Of course, if you read the article, you'll see that he's sending state police in to...address traffic problems. And he's spending money to “expand healthcare access”, whatever that means. Oh, and he wants money from the feds:

Those cops are being sent to punish the townspeople for embarrassing the junta.

They'll be instructed to NOT give any more tickets to the Haitians then they do the locales. And the Haitians will be able to rip up and ignore their tickets whereas the locales will face a different response if they try.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 11:00 PM (oZhjI)

198 "The county" -actually, whoever said this- is a lazy, lyin' sumbitch.
Theft by deception is a crime everywhere, even including NC.
Posted by: buddhaha at September 12, 2024 10:59 PM (vhnXZ)

Sue the County for being an accessory to theft.

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 12, 2024 11:00 PM (xaFKb)

199 Yeah the MIA head coach seems like a geek

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 11:01 PM (/7KEl)

200 You better have a "Chin Pube" nametag on when I see you next month!
Posted by: Doof

Sent that to She Hobbit she laughed.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 10:54 PM (MGB5H)

Good - she needs some laughs this week. And at your expense, it's even better!

With that, I'm out. 7am pickleball tomorrow. Gotta get my rest in. G'night Horde!!

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 11:01 PM (bFuzj)

201 73 >>>The she Adams is referring to is Dawn Mangum. Adams only learned about Mangum getting the deed in her name after the property management company for his HOA asked if he sold his home, because Mangum had contacted the company to get gate access to the private gated community where the house sits.

Around here there are title companies that verify that your deed is free and clear of any encumbrances.
Posted by: Braenyard at September 12, 2024 10:24 PM (P3Tz/)

Back when I used to listen to Mark Levin (not for quite a while now) he'd have commercials from companies that prevented just this type of theft. I think the sector are consistent advertisors of conservative media.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 12, 2024 11:01 PM (2VLvh)

202 I wonder how Auburn got the green dot? I notice Alabama and Georgia Tech aren't even mentioned.
Posted by: Dave in Fla

Granted it's been a long time since I was there. But when I visited it was a very "conservative" type campus. Not quite Oxford but more so than Tuscaloosa.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 11:02 PM (MGB5H)

203 At the same time that the elites cast him into the political outer darkness, the vast majority of British people agreed with every word he wrote.

I had noticed for a long time that whatever people or parties Europeans voted for they got the same policies.

Of course the same is true here now with the GOPe. Don't want a leftist Democrat? Well how about a leftist Republican instead?

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 11:02 PM (oZhjI)

204 Good - she needs some laughs this week. And at your expense, it's even better!

With that, I'm out. 7am pickleball tomorrow. Gotta get my rest in. G'night Horde!!
Posted by: Doof at

Not the first nor the last time I'll be the butt of a joke. And of course happy to help her smile this week.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 11:03 PM (MGB5H)

205 So did anyone ask Ms Magnum how she got the deed?

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 11:03 PM (oZhjI)

206 Good grief... a chin whisker...on a girl?!

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 11:03 PM (Dbv5s)

207 During COVID didn't DeWine listen to his leftist health commissioner and lick down everything? I'm sure the cops and Nat Guard he is sending will harass the the citizens and care for the Haitians

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 11:04 PM (hgmb+)

208 >>Yeah the MIA head coach seems like a geek

He does but he's a good offensive coach.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 12, 2024 11:04 PM (LkLld)

209 Of course the same is true here now with the GOPe. Don't want a leftist Democrat? Well how about a leftist Republican instead?
Posted by: 18-1

*jeb! Raises his hand*

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 11:04 PM (MGB5H)

210 Hey, where all da white wimmen at?

Posted by: Sheriff Bart at September 12, 2024 11:04 PM (JkO4W)

211 I hear that Kamala will start a new airline serving DC - only. It will be called Unzipped Air, and she'll train the flight crew to service each customer the way she handled Willie Brown.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at September 12, 2024 11:05 PM (VNX3d)

212 Dawn Magnum needs to have dinner with some Haitians.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 12, 2024 11:05 PM (fGHUn)

213 Yeah the MIA head coach seems like a geek

He does but he's a good offensive coach.
Posted by: JackStraw

He also loves LEGO

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 11:05 PM (MGB5H)

214 At the end of it all, who is Kamala Harris? She's a person, I suppose. I've seen video footage of a person who purports to be her, so I'll take the video at face value, I guess.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 12, 2024 11:06 PM (0FoWg)

215 Lock not lock.

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 11:07 PM (hgmb+)

216 My uncle said he saw Dick Whiskers drive in the Atlanta International speedway for the NASCAR race in 1965

Posted by: Kindltot at September 12, 2024 11:08 PM (D7oie)

217 214 At the end of it all, who is Kamala Harris? She's a person, I suppose. I've seen video footage of a person who purports to be her, so I'll take the video at face value, I guess.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 12, 2024 11:06 PM (0FoWg)


She may win, so you'll want to curry favor with her.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 12, 2024 11:08 PM (JkO4W)

218 Lock not lock.
Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 11:07 PM (hgmb+)
Something is wrong with your keyboard

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 11:08 PM (RIvkX)

219 Only so many shots to the head you can take.
Posted by: JackStraw

That's true.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 11:08 PM (KAi1n)

220 WD, I laffed at tonight's title.
"The Cremation of Sam Magee" was a fellow Girl Scout's campfire party piece. Fun memories...

Posted by: sal at September 12, 2024 11:08 PM (bx3Km)

221 210 Hey, where all da white wimmen at?

Posted by: Sheriff Bart at September 12, 2024 11:04 PM (JkO4W)

At the Number Six dance!

Posted by: Taggart at September 12, 2024 11:08 PM (aBgBM)

222 dewine was an asshole during covid. That crap he pulled was one of the reasons we left the state. And taxes. Out of control taxes..

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at September 12, 2024 11:09 PM (2NHgQ)

223 My uncle said he saw Dick Whiskers drive in the Atlanta International speedway for the NASCAR race in 1965
Posted by: Kindltot

Did he beat Dick Trickle by a hair?

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 11:09 PM (MGB5H)

224 Lock not lock.
Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 11:07 PM (hgmb+)

No offense but give it up. Correcting a mistake with a mistake.

Some days the fingers just don't work right.

Posted by: RickZ at September 12, 2024 11:10 PM (gKDq2)

225 115 Dang was my plan... I was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple of weeks ago, so probably not makin' it. Lots of crazy stuff ahead....
Damn. I so wish i could be there! I so loved the last time I came to TX😜😜😜
Raise a glass to me my friend!
Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 10:33 PM (Dbv5s)

COMM(?!!) - I had no idea. I'm praying for you right now - stat!

Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 12, 2024 11:10 PM (2VLvh)

226 dewine was an asshole during covid. That crap he pulled was one of the reasons we left the state. And taxes. Out of control taxes..
Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine

He's the reason I was worried about JD being chose as VP if he picks the interim it's gonna be a shitty GOPe hell maybe he'd pick himself as his political career is now done.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 11:11 PM (MGB5H)

227 At the end of it all, who is Kamala Harris? She's a person, I suppose. I've seen video footage of a person who purports to be her, so I'll take the video at face value, I guess.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 12, 2024 11:06 PM (0FoWg)


She may win, so you'll want to curry favor with her.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43)

Just don't caste her in a bad light.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at September 12, 2024 11:11 PM (VNX3d)

228 Raise a glass to me my friend!
Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 10:33 PM (Dbv5s)


Boobs are near and dear to the heart of the Horde. We're all rooting for you!

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 12, 2024 11:11 PM (JkO4W)

229 @205, it appears she saw an erroneous post on Zillow that the property was in foreclosure and she just decided to file a deed. I watched a TV report and reporter talked to some "attorney" for Mangum who kept asking what law was violated. Con artists through and through
It's probably correct that it will take a lawsuit to quite the title because the Recorder of Deeds has no evidence of fraud. The local DA should take the lead and tell Magnum either to withdraw the deed or she'll be prosecuted for fraud.

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 11:12 PM (hgmb+)

230 210 oh honey...
We be right here!!!

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 11:12 PM (Dbv5s)

231 "At the end of it all, who is Kamala Harris?"

Franpsycho knows. She has personally belittled and berated him (though he got paid to take it).

Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 11:12 PM (KAi1n)

232 Oh no! Way past bed time. Nightsie noodles!

Posted by: Piper at September 12, 2024 11:12 PM (pZEOD)

233 (No, it’s not race. The Dominican Republic has the same racial composition and is not the same mess.)

Lol, this is absolutely false.

Posted by: Lurker at September 12, 2024 11:12 PM (FC8SQ)

234 The local DA should take the lead and tell Magnum either to withdraw the deed or she'll be prosecuted for fraud.
Posted by: Smell the Glove

I see the flaw in your plan.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 11:13 PM (MGB5H)

235 Yup me hot dog fingers are acting up

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 11:13 PM (hgmb+)

236 Franpsycho knows. She has personally belittled and berated him (though he got paid to take it).
Posted by: SFGoth

I've only caught a couple of his stories. But they are all I would expect and more.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 11:14 PM (MGB5H)

At the Number Six dance!
Posted by: Taggart

I am not a dancer.

Posted by: Number Six at September 12, 2024 11:14 PM (63Dwl)

238 225 115 Dang was my plan... I was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple of weeks ago, so probably not makin' it...
Posted by: COMountainMarie

Bullshit. There are multiples of survivors here. My next door neighbor discovered she had stage 4, a year later she was her old self. This is a thing you do and you do it with intent to win. The Horde is here with you in spirit and prayer. Go for it.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 12, 2024 11:15 PM (P3Tz/)

239 The she Adams is referring to is Dawn Mangum.

The stripper in the Duke Lacrosse case back in the day is Crystal Mangum.

Just sayin'.... Hmmm.

Posted by: NC Ref at September 12, 2024 11:15 PM (2xCPU)

240 The local DA should take the lead and tell Magnum either to withdraw the deed or she'll be prosecuted for fraud.
Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 11:12 PM (hgmb+)


That assumes that government in America exists to protect property rights and not engage in perpetual gay communist revolution against property owners.

Posted by: Lurker at September 12, 2024 11:15 PM (FC8SQ)

241 Complete stranger obtains deed to $4M North Carolina home without homeowner's knowledge

Monthly, I check my property id on my county's Recorder of Deeds webpage and my name on my county's Circuit Court webpage. Once upon a time that would have been considered paranoid.

Posted by: Chuck C at September 12, 2024 11:16 PM (yOPBE)

242 Musical interlude.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 12, 2024 11:16 PM (LkLld)

243 We need to make our own "BLUE DOT" yard signs

Except with a "RED DOT" overlay.

Posted by: Nightwatch at September 12, 2024 11:18 PM (TDvv2)

244 Unfortunately, it isn't just libs: A conservative charter school in Edgewood, NM violated a parent’s First Amendment rights.

Estancia Valley Classical Academy’s school board has to pay the parent $43,000.  

The school's governance council treats the school like their own private club, and have ended the school's affiliation with Hillsdale without parent's knowledge. When Craig Springer found out and brought it up at a school board meeting, he was silenced.

Posted by: JML at September 12, 2024 11:18 PM (Wzyjq)

245 You have only to look at Africa and the Middle East to realize that, once you have a sufficiently diverse population, there will always be some level of ethnic conflict.

From a spiritual perspective this is obviously true. Unlike the Materialist's fake definition of "ethnicity" the Scriptural definition follows the genetics of the female side of a person's lineage going all the way back to Babel when the Almighty divided up the people, assigned them their spiritual prince and let the events play out.

So then you have the demons playing a game of Risk with the descendants of the original families that were separated by language when everyone was gathered together. Of course they are going to war and make alliances to make war.

The former United States had a few "nations" before the colonists arrived, and the Europeans that came were roughly of two different principalities but with enough Christians (who have their prince in Christ the King) to forge a great nation and not have the ethnic wars of Continental Europe.

The South imported another ethnicity that has a prince that doesn't play well with the predominant ones in the former US and that is why.... (cont)

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 11:18 PM (rHxhM)

246 "At the end of it all, who is Kamala Harris?"

A person who will be recorded in history as either,
A. The person responsible for the total destruction of the USA,
B. A person mentioned only in a single footnote in most histories of the USA.

Posted by: Gref at September 12, 2024 11:18 PM (aBgBM)

247 Yup me hot dog fingers are acting up
Posted by: Smell the Glove

You just have to accept the occasional typo when you type wearing gloves.

Posted by: mikeski at September 12, 2024 11:19 PM (DgGvY)

248 >"At the end of it all, who is Kamala Harris?"

she is the living embodiment of 'an accident of history'

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 11:20 PM (/7KEl)

249 The only real solution I've found, as a software engineer on Windows, is a powerful electromagnet to completely wipe the hard drive.
Posted by: Hour of the Wolf

A tad drastic, and not very good on getting it up & running, but definitely a time-saver.

Does a software engineer get to wear one of those cool hats and blow the steam whistle?

Posted by: mindful webworker - comin' down the track at September 12, 2024 11:21 PM (zQ3t+)

250 (cont) there will always be strife between the so-called "races".

Interject people of all of the other nations/ethnicities bringing the culture that mirrors their spiritual overlord prince, and you have a Thanksgiving meal where many of the relatives hate each other.

This is what we are building here. The demons are putting the band back together again to recreate Babel before the dispersion. They can't help to fight among themselves through their carnal proxies.

So when you hear these demonic people say "Diversity is Our Strength" they mean that the spirit world is reclaiming its power it had when unified against the Almighty.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 11:21 PM (rHxhM)

251 she is the living embodiment of 'an accident of history'
Posted by: Don Black

Her dad probably said "whoops" the night she was foisted upon this earth.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 11:22 PM (MGB5H)

252 Thanks HORDE

Work calling early.


Posted by: Nightwatch at September 12, 2024 11:22 PM (TDvv2)

253 Of course the same is true here now with the GOPe. Don't want a leftist Democrat? Well how about a leftist Republican instead?
Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 11:02 PM (oZhjI)

AfD won near majorities in Eastern Germany and suddenly the federal government is rethinking their position on unrestricted immigration.
They won't do anything of course, but suddenly they are saying things they refused to say for 20 years

Posted by: Kindltot at September 12, 2024 11:23 PM (D7oie)

254 Raise a glass to me my friend!
Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 10:33

And prayers.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at September 12, 2024 11:23 PM (mH6SG)

255 246 "At the end of it all, who is Kamala Harris?"


She's living proof that trailer hitch chrome can be an important part of a heathy diet.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 12, 2024 11:23 PM (+o2mc)

256 228

I love that boobs are loved!!!
You crazy boob lovers!
Give a prayer for my boob...[ surely would appreciate the prayers.
Thanks pals🙂

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 11:23 PM (Dbv5s)

257 AfD won near majorities in Eastern Germany and suddenly the federal government is rethinking their position on unrestricted immigration.
They won't do anything of course, but suddenly they are saying things they refused to say for 20 years
Posted by: Kindltot

They also branded them a terrorist group blocked them from social media and tried to arrest them. So YMMV

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 11:24 PM (MGB5H)

258 At the end of it all, who is Kamala Harris?

A literal and political prostitute.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 11:24 PM (dZVON)

259 Does a software engineer get to wear one of those cool hats and blow the steam whistle?
Posted by: mindful webworker - comin' down the track

We're the eternal optimist.

Let's try this.

Hmm. It must be this.

It can't be this causing the problem.

We're making progress.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at September 12, 2024 11:24 PM (VNX3d)

260 Raise a glass to me my friend!
Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 10:33 PM (Dbv5s)

I'm so sorry to hear this. There are some freaky claims out there that ivermectin and fen-something has worked some miracles. C-60 too. Without chemo. Check it out.

Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at September 12, 2024 11:26 PM (w6EFb)

261 The Catholics should have a patron saint of knockers, no?

Seems like I should know this.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 12, 2024 11:26 PM (+o2mc)

262 Dang was my plan... I was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple of weeks ago, so probably not makin' it...
Posted by: COMountainMarie

I just want to tell you my friend went from being diagnosed with breast cancer to surgery within weeks back in Nov., 2002. She's still around being a pain in the ass.

I will also say, follow any diet recommended.

Posted by: RickZ at September 12, 2024 11:27 PM (gKDq2)

263 Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 10:33 PM (Dbv5s)

I am praying for you. You can beat this thing. F*ck cancer.

Posted by: Lurker at September 12, 2024 11:27 PM (FC8SQ)

264 I will also say, follow any diet recommended.

Posted by: RickZ at September 12, 2024 11:27 PM (gKDq2)


Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at September 12, 2024 11:28 PM (w6EFb)

265 I'm so sorry to hear this. There are some freaky claims out there that ivermectin and fen-something has worked some miracles. C-60 too. Without chemo. Check it out.

I think it's fenbenzadole.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 11:28 PM (dZVON)

266 193 Adams discovered the deed to his home is no longer in his name. Instead, it belongs to a complete stranger.
... the county says there's nothing they can do about it.
"The county" -actually, whoever said this- is a lazy, lyin' sumbitch.
Theft by deception is a crime everywhere, even including NC.

Posted by: buddhaha at September 12, 2024 10:59 PM (vhnXZ)
Have a judge ask the crook when, where and how she paid for the property and to whom.

Posted by: Ciampino - lawsuit lawsuit lawsuit lawsuit at September 12, 2024 11:29 PM (qfLjt)

267 dewine was an asshole during covid. That crap he pulled was one of the reasons we left the state. And taxes. Out of control taxes..
Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine

Seconded! My property taxes here in TN are one tenth of what they were in OH for a similarly valued home. And he closed the churches. Bastid.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 12, 2024 11:29 PM (WXNFJ)

268 No matter what, I will never eat my dog...or any one else's dog....

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 11:29 PM (Dbv5s)

269 The stripper in the Duke Lacrosse case back in the day is Crystal Mangum.

Just sayin'.... Hmmm.
Posted by: NC Ref at September 12, 2024 11:15 PM (2xCPU)

Yeah, noticed that, too (# 96).

Posted by: RickZ at September 12, 2024 11:29 PM (gKDq2)

270 I'm going to retire to my boudoir. I may check back later. Take care, friends in gray boxes.

Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at September 12, 2024 11:30 PM (w6EFb)

271 The Catholics should have a patron saint of knockers, no?

Seems like I should know this.

They have a St Agatha as the patron saint for those fighting breast cancer.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 11:30 PM (dZVON)

272 >>>I will also say, follow any diet recommended.
Posted by: RickZ

Ha! That food pyramid thingy it out the window.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 12, 2024 11:30 PM (P3Tz/)

273 Starting to plan the next voyage...maybe Ozarks in October?
Posted by: Anonymous Rogue in Kalifornistan

Sounds like a great tour.

I might guess the Ozarks to be a little cheaper, on campgrounds, at least.

We ought to take a drive through there soon. Should be mighty pretty fall colors.

Posted by: mindful webworker - Ozarks-adjacent Okies at September 12, 2024 11:30 PM (zQ3t+)

274 263


Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 11:31 PM (Dbv5s)

275 I think it's fenbenzadole.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 11:28 PM (dZVON)

Sounds right.

Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at September 12, 2024 11:31 PM (w6EFb)

276 Drea DeMateo is on rn talking about how there are so many people in her world that are trump voters that just can't speak out. And she is claiming that many ie swift are being paid. Her awakening has been fun to watch.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 11:31 PM (MGB5H)

277 I love that boobs are loved!!!
You crazy boob lovers!
Give a prayer for my boob...[ surely would appreciate the prayers.
Thanks pals🙂
Posted by: COMountainMarie

Lord we ask you to restore the health and vigor of this dear lady's boobs. Give her strength and comfort and wisdom to those who care for her. Heal her Lord.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * considering the imponderables at September 12, 2024 11:31 PM (42DR8)

278 Of course, if you read the article, you'll see that he's sending state police in to...address traffic problems. And he's spending money to “expand healthcare access”, whatever that means. Oh, and he wants money from the feds:

So the locals will be harassed by the state police and then the humiliation will compounded by the state extracting more tax dollars to underwrite the Haitian invasion and conquest.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 11:31 PM (rHxhM)

279 Going off on hownthey align with Cheney and neocons when they say they are democrats.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 11:32 PM (MGB5H)

280 Lord we ask you to restore the health and vigor of this dear lady's boobs. Give her strength and comfort and wisdom to those who care for her. Heal her Lord.
Posted by: Sock Monkey * considering the imponderables at September 12, 2024 11:31 PM (42DR


Hear hear.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 12, 2024 11:33 PM (+o2mc)

Let's say I concede the point that you're a whacky gazillionaire like Scrooge McDuck, if that ducky sonofabitch was actually named Scroogei Duckovich, and was dead set to piss our sacred democracy away on a bed full of Putin's whores?

How, even in that case, would you justify your litany of crimes?

How, in good conscience, could you be so orange?

How could you?!

Posted by: ABC's David Muir at September 12, 2024 11:33 PM (0FoWg)

282 In addition to eating all the geese, ducks, and cats they can get their hands on, the Haitians in Springfield, OH, have apparently been found to be attempting to illegally register to vote:

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 11:34 PM (dZVON)

283 I love that boobs are loved!!!
You crazy boob lovers!
Give a prayer for my boob...[ surely would appreciate the prayers.
Thanks pals🙂
Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 11:23 PM (Dbv5s)

May the Blessings of the Boob Almighty, and the Fellowship of the Holy Cleavage, descend upon us all. This day and forever more.

Posted by: Count de Motorboatin' Foo at September 12, 2024 11:34 PM (Aqu9a)

284 278 Of course, if you read the article, you'll see that he's sending state police in to...address traffic problems.

I have come to shoot them up not to shoot them.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 12, 2024 11:34 PM (P3Tz/)

285 238
Yeah babe!
Will you pick me up on your way to Texas??🤪🤪

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 11:35 PM (Dbv5s)

286 I think it's fenbenzadole.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 11:28 PM (dZVON)

Sounds right.
Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at September 12, 2024 11:31 PM (w6EFb)

It is fenbenzadole, there is a fair number of reports on it. The main one is called Joe Tippins' Fenbendazole Protocol For Cancer.

you apparently have to take vitamins and other OTC stuff along with it. I am not an MD or a cancer survivor, for which I am extremely thankful.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 12, 2024 11:36 PM (D7oie)

287 282 In addition to eating all the geese, ducks, and cats they can get their hands on, the Haitians in Springfield, OH, have apparently been found to be attempting to illegally register to vote:
Posted by: Blanco Basura

They are frail and starving but can make their way to the DMV whereas local Blacks are to stupid to understand how to do it or find their way there.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 12, 2024 11:37 PM (P3Tz/)

288 The heavens declare the glory of the Boob, and the rounded firmness showeth His handiwork.

Posted by: Count de Motorboatin' Foo at September 12, 2024 11:39 PM (Aqu9a)

289 Ha! That food pyramid thingy it out the window.
Posted by: Braenyard at September 12, 2024 11:30 PM (P3Tz/)

Absolutely. One of her restricted foods is soy. So much food has soy as an ingredient, besides the obvious tofu and soy sauce. Even eating soy in moderation requires checking every package at the grocery store to try to keep as much soy out of her diet as possible.

Posted by: RickZ at September 12, 2024 11:39 PM (gKDq2)

290 I'm out
y'all take care

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 11:40 PM (/7KEl)

291 Posted by: Anna Puma at September 12, 2024 11:05 PM (fGHUn)


Macross Zero just went on presale at Crunchyroll.

I need you to hold on to something for me.


Keep it secret. Keep it safe.

Posted by: Robert at September 12, 2024 11:40 PM (YbqMd)

292 It is fenbenzadole, there is a fair number of reports on it. The main one is called Joe Tippins' Fenbendazole Protocol For Cancer.

you apparently have to take vitamins and other OTC stuff along with it. I am not an MD or a cancer survivor, for which I am extremely thankful.

Same here, but cancer runs in the family on both sides so I keep an eye out for stuff like this.

Humorous aside, once while being asked if there was any family history of Alzheimer's or dementia I responded with, "No idea, nobody's lived long enough to find out."

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 11:40 PM (dZVON)

293 102 47 Doof
Dang was my plan... I was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple of weeks ago, so probably not makin' it. Lots of crazy stuff ahead....
Damn. I so wish i could be there! I so loved the last time I came to TX😜😜😜
Raise a glass to me my friend!
Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 10:33 PM (Dbv5s)

Oh, no - I must have missed that! {{{Hugs}}} to you, COMM. You will be in our family's prayers ♥️♥️♥️

Posted by: Teresa in Fort Worth, Texas - Ace of Spades Ladies' Brigade plucky comic relief at September 12, 2024 11:41 PM (yh31E)

294 Drea DeMateo is on rn talking about how there are so many people in her world that are trump voters that just can't speak out. And she is claiming that many ie swift are being paid. Her awakening has been fun to watch.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 12, 2024 11:31 PM (MGB5H)

there was a tape of four women in Jim Jones' congregation arguing whether or not to drink the flavor-aide or not at the last hour or so. In the end they all did, including the one who said it would kill them all for no reason.
It might be necessary to reach out to people like her and be brave and open for them so they can be brave too.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 12, 2024 11:41 PM (D7oie)

295 No soy.


Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 12, 2024 11:41 PM (+o2mc)

296 I knew about Springfield months ago, so DeWine must have known about it also. Greasy Repubs are making money off of it somehow. It only became a problem because Trump pointed it out.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 12, 2024 11:41 PM (NPtPv)

297 I love that boobs are loved!!!
You crazy boob lovers!
Give a prayer for my boob...[ surely would appreciate the prayers.
Thanks pals🙂
Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 11:23 PM (Dbv5s)

Do you need us to perform a laying on of hands?

Posted by: Robert at September 12, 2024 11:41 PM (YbqMd)

298 COMountainMarie, good luck and God bless

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 11:42 PM (hgmb+)

299 OH FFS!

DIE: The Chief of the Boat of the USS Manchester currently deployed in the South China Sea installed an illegal Starlink antenna and secret wifi network so she could watch her favorite telenovelas. When she was caught she lied to her commanding officer and the admiral not once but three times forcing an official NCIS investigation to be conducted. The antenna and network potentially allowed the Chinese Navy to track the ship and penetrate its classified Combat Information Systems.

Despite putting the entire crew of the Manchester at risk AND lying to her commanding officer Command Senior Chief Petty Officer Grisel Marrero was not given any prison time nor was she separated from the Navy - instead she was demoted to Chief Petty Officer and reassigned. Marrero was recruited and promoted BECAUSE of her racial and cultural identity to meet the diversity, equity, and inclusion goals of the Navy. As a result, her command did not believe they could separate her from the Navy much less sentence her to prison.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at September 12, 2024 11:42 PM (IG4Id)

300 Eos is the Greek goddess of healthy boobage. Write it down.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 12, 2024 11:43 PM (+o2mc)

The only real solution I've found, as a software engineer on Windows, is a powerful electromagnet to completely wipe the hard drive.
Posted by: Hour of the Wolf

That won't do much to a solid state drive.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 12, 2024 11:43 PM (63Dwl)

302 Eos is the Greek goddess of healthy boobage. Write it down.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 12, 2024 11:43 PM (+o2mc)

I think she was known for having rosy fingers.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 12, 2024 11:44 PM (D7oie)

303 149 "The local DA should charge the woman immediately to put a stop to this crap."

Or the vic could put the business end of a .38 special in her mouth and yell FAFO! (Not that i'm recommending that, but DTCFDM.)

Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 10:44 PM (KAi1n)
Your choice of a .38, was that made on the basis of the splatter factor, total internal reflection of the bullet, or lack of the latter?

(is there a poster and table of caliber vs splatter?)
.22 -- no fuss, no mess;
.38 -- the wall! Look at the wall!;
.45 -- forget the wall, look at the damned ceiling!;
.50 -- when you're done with the wall and ceiling, get the soap bucket, we have to go to the next county.

Posted by: Ciampino - lawsuit or burial suit? at September 12, 2024 11:44 PM (qfLjt)

304 I guess I better take a nap. Thanks to you oh so many fantastic friends!
I can't even tell you all how wonderful you all are!!!
Good night wonderful ones!

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 11:44 PM (Dbv5s)

305 Eos

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 12, 2024 11:45 PM (+o2mc)

306 CO Marie, prayers up.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 12, 2024 11:45 PM (vJiyU)

307 6:45AM here. We slept soundly with our phones on "do not disturb."

Woke up to find a pic of one of our BD pups holding his newborn son.

Lotsa tasks to do. l8r.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at September 12, 2024 11:46 PM (tbAq/)


Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at September 12, 2024 11:46 PM (Rbu5d)

309 "The local DA should take the lead and tell Magnum either to withdraw the deed or she'll be prosecuted for fraud."
Posted by: Smell the Glove

"lead" as in "leed" or as in "led"?

Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 11:47 PM (KAi1n)

310 Posted by: COMountainMarie....
Boobs are near and dear to the heart of the Horde. We're all rooting for you!
Posted by: Cicero

I was searching for some way to say something light-hearted but sympathetic. I think I'll just say, yeah, what Cicero said, COMM.

Posted by: mindful webworker - Ozarks-adjacent Okies at September 12, 2024 11:48 PM (zQ3t+)

311 Good night wonderful ones!
Posted by: COMountainMarie

Sleep well sweet lady.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * considering the imponderables at September 12, 2024 11:49 PM (42DR8)

312 @309 lead as in leading, or out in front, a leader which in this case the DA should be

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 11:50 PM (hgmb+)

313 think it's fenbenzadole

Festus Hagen's middle name.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at September 12, 2024 11:50 PM (VXcWv)

314 260 Miley

I've heard this. I just don't know how to get Ivermectin....suggestions?

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 11:50 PM (Dbv5s)

315 Marrero was recruited and promoted BECAUSE of her racial and cultural identity to meet the diversity, equity, and inclusion goals of the Navy. As a result, her command did not believe they could separate her from the Navy much less sentence her to prison.
Posted by: weft cut-loop at September 12, 2024 11:42 PM (IG4Id)

Honestly, I am absolutely (and pleasantly) shocked we have not been attacked militarily this year, and especially once Bye-den was done and hanging out on the beach. Just who is in charge and would have the minutes necessary to punch in the launch codes?

All branches of our military suffer recruiting shortages and woke military brass. I'm sure morale with actual warriors is in the crapper. We are easy pickings right now and for the short-term future.

Posted by: RickZ at September 12, 2024 11:50 PM (gKDq2)

316 a friend of a friend had to recondition and sell a .38 that his brother in law used to off himself, in a way that left toothmarks on the barrel and front sight. The cops just shoved it into a manila envelope and stuck it in the evidence locker for a while before giving back to his widow, and the blood and various other gunk etched the bluing and rusted the steel, so it had to be buffed down and parkerized.

I didn't make a bid on that one, even though I do adore a S&W revolver.

anyways, there is a moral to this story somewhere.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 12, 2024 11:50 PM (D7oie)

317 Cats and dogs and geese better scurry
When I start to make my curry
When I start to make my curry in my trash-can pot

Posted by: Rodgers and Haitianstein at September 12, 2024 11:51 PM (/aHmZ)

318 301
The only real solution I've found, as a software engineer on Windows, is a powerful electromagnet to completely wipe the hard drive.
Posted by: Hour of the Wolf

That won't do much to a solid state drive.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.

How about a hammer?

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at September 12, 2024 11:51 PM (yKhjs)

319 All branches of our military suffer recruiting shortages and woke military brass. I'm sure morale with actual warriors is in the crapper. We are easy pickings right now and for the short-term future.
Posted by: RickZ at September 12, 2024 11:50 PM (gKDq2)


Yep. Let's hope this never gets out to our enemies. Like on the internet or something.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 12, 2024 11:52 PM (+o2mc)

320 The only real solution I've found, as a software engineer on Windows, is a powerful electromagnet to completely wipe the hard drive.
Posted by: Hour of the Wolf

That won't do much to a solid state drive.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.

How about a hammer?
Posted by: Puddleglum at work

Strong acid or thermite would also be satisfactory solutions.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at September 12, 2024 11:53 PM (VNX3d)

321 The only real solution I've found, as a software engineer on Windows, is a powerful electromagnet to completely wipe the hard drive.
Posted by: Hour of the Wolf

That won't do much to a solid state drive.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.

How about a hammer?
Posted by: Puddleglum

Thermite. It doesn't care what it's burning.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 11:53 PM (dZVON)

Posted by: Miley, okravangelist

That's because if you think *you* have a sweet tooth, cancer *is* a sweet tooth. But wait, there's more! Cancer's backup to sugar is the amino acid glutamine. Ugh, right? You keto/carni folks ain't getting off that easy. However, guess what blocks glutamine? Fenbendazole. Hmmm. (Note: not all cancers are the same. Pancreatic cancer can feed on hyaluronic acid which has regular and necessary biologic properties.)

Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 11:54 PM (KAi1n)

323 Mr. Rat....
Thanks sir!

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 11:54 PM (Dbv5s)

324 Yep. Let's hope this never gets out to our enemies. Like on the internet or something.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 12, 2024 11:52 PM (+o2mc)

You know, there's always spy balloons. Or the convergence of Democrat politicians and Chinese spies.

The information is readily available without the internet.

Posted by: RickZ at September 12, 2024 11:56 PM (gKDq2)

325 Your women. How much? We want to buy them.

Posted by: Haitians at September 12, 2024 11:57 PM (+o2mc)

326 "Your choice of a .38, was that made on the basis of the splatter factor, total internal reflection of the bullet, or lack of the latter?"

"38 special" just sounds cool.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 11:59 PM (KAi1n)

327 COMountainMarie, prayers for you

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at September 13, 2024 12:01 AM (Ydd86)

328 "38 special" just sounds cool.
Posted by: SFGoth

Hold on loosely

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 12:01 AM (MGB5H)

329 "38 special" just sounds cool.
Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 11:59 PM (KAi1n)


Posted by: .38 Special w/ Donnie Van Zant at September 13, 2024 12:03 AM (gKDq2)

330 I've heard this. I just don't know how to get Ivermectin....suggestions?

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 12, 2024 11:50 PM (Dbv5s)

Easy and fast, go to the feed store, the co-op or Tractor Supply. Pancur is the one they give to horses. You can also get ivermectin there. If you have a bad conscience about it practice looking in your eyes in a mirror and saying "its for my goats" until you don't giggle. Or buy it from Amazon. trust me, no one really cares, of they do care but probably will just suggest you don't take it yourself. That's when you say "I have goats" or "it is for my daughter's critters."

You might go to Joel Tippens' blog, he has some resources there. He talks a lot about his use and his cancer

Posted by: Kindltot at September 13, 2024 12:04 AM (D7oie)

331 328 "38 special" just sounds cool.
Posted by: SFGoth

Hold on loosely
Posted by: BruceWayne

Love that song. Music video was vintage 80s, dumb and bad. The blond strutting around in it was a hottie though.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at September 13, 2024 12:05 AM (yKhjs)

Yep. Let's hope this never gets out to our enemies. Like on the internet or something.
Posted by: Cicero

They'd have to have some piss poor intelligence services if they had to get their info from AoS.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 13, 2024 12:05 AM (63Dwl)

333 Love that song. Music video was vintage 80s, dumb and bad. The blond strutting around in it was a hottie though.
Posted by: Puddleglum at work at September 13, 2024 12:05 AM (yKhjs)


Meh. She was no Whitesnake writher.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 13, 2024 12:06 AM (+o2mc)

334 "Adams discovered the deed to his home is no longer in his name. Instead, it belongs to a complete stranger."

It's called Fraud. And believe it or not, there is actual black letter law governing this crime. All it takes is a willing prosecutor. Which, I will admit, seems to be in short supply since Soros.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at September 13, 2024 12:06 AM (MeG8a)

335 Oops, got my .38 Special music video's mixed up. 'Caught Up in You' was the one with the smokin' hot blond.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at September 13, 2024 12:06 AM (yKhjs)

336 Thanks for posting that, weft. The USS Manchester thing is yet another unsurprising yet appalling examples of decline in standards and norms. Always for racism, social engineering, or political purposes, of course.

For a case of pure, non-DEI decline, check out the report on the USS Connecticut (submarine) incident, which was about ..... ? ..... 6 or 7 years ago. Sub augured into a sea mount at 24 knots, after they had lost knowledge of their location *for 45 minutes* (!!!!), without the watch being informed. Small miracle the boat wasn't lost with all hands. Quartermaster, responsible for navigation, wasn't even separated from the Navy, much less prosecuted or subject to non-judicial punishment.

The story has other appalling elements, including a slapdash work-up in San Diego (including a pier collision) that had the immediate superior nixing the boat for its deployment. Miraculously, after a phone call between this commander and the squadron commander and another senior Navy commander in Japan, the boat was allowed to deploy anyway. Pretty much a general horror show. In what has historically been probably the most strict high-standard part of the US armed forces.

Posted by: rhomboid at September 13, 2024 12:06 AM (GcNJ2)

337 OMG

Thank you all wonderful friends! I kinda tend to cry a all are so damn great! Thank you so much for your love and prayers... does one ever thank her friends?!!

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 13, 2024 12:06 AM (Dbv5s)

338 38 special" just sounds cool.
Posted by: SFGoth

Hold on loosely
Posted by: BruceWayne

Love that song. Music video was vintage 80s, dumb and bad. The blond strutting around in it was a hottie though.
Posted by: Puddleglum

Stealing sponges shtick cause he isn't here

You asked for it

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 12:08 AM (MGB5H)

339 .how does one ever thank her friends?!!
Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 13, 2024 12:06 AM (Dbv5s)

You don't. You just borrow books from us to read and never bring them back.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 13, 2024 12:08 AM (D7oie)

340 I've read that we really have no idea to what extent seamounts are out there in the various oceans. Imagine a topo map of the Earth sans water. That would be so rad.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 13, 2024 12:09 AM (KAi1n)

341 COMM. also a lot of docs will easily proscribe you ivermectin. Ask yours if he won't I'm sure you can find one around you that does. We have a lot of fam pracs we know that will do it if you just ask.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 12:10 AM (MGB5H)

342 330

Perfect. Thank you sir....

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 13, 2024 12:10 AM (Dbv5s)

343 Pancur is a brand of fenbenzadole gel sold for horses. You have to read the labels by the way.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 13, 2024 12:11 AM (D7oie)

344 "38 special" just sounds cool.
Posted by: SFGoth
Hold on loosely
Posted by: BruceWayne

Love that song. Music video was vintage 80s, dumb and bad. The blond strutting around in it was a hottie though.
Posted by: Puddleglum at work at September 13, 2024 12:05 AM (yKhjs)

One of the bands I did manage to see. Always liked the instrumental song 'Robin Hood'.

That band definitely had that '80s sound, though, with a slick sound/recording production. At the time, both 'Hold On Loosely' and 'Good Lovin' Gone Bad' were always played on the local AOR station.

Posted by: RickZ at September 13, 2024 12:11 AM (gKDq2)

345 Actually SFGoth we have very good terrain maps of the ocean floor. This was in the South China Sea, which is shallow waters for subs as it is - and has plenty of sea mounts. Moving submerged all-ahead full when you don't know where you are, and you're in the SC Sea, umm ..... particularly nuts.

Posted by: rhomboid at September 13, 2024 12:12 AM (GcNJ2)

346 If you search fenbendazole glutamine on DDG, a JohnsHopkins article on anti-cancer properties comes up.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 13, 2024 12:13 AM (KAi1n)

347 Stop calling them "elites". They like it when you call them that. Call them by what they really are: neo-aristocrat parasites.

Posted by: Blast Hardcheese at September 13, 2024 12:14 AM (PWI4f)

348 Stop calling them "elites". They like it when you call them that. Call them by what they really are: neo-aristocrat parasites.
Posted by: Blast Hardcheese

Nah. "Elites" is now a slur. Just like "woke"

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 12:15 AM (MGB5H)

349 {{{COMM}}} I did not know about your diagnosis. Hugs and prayers for you my friend.

Posted by: Debby Doberman Schultz at September 13, 2024 12:16 AM (Sgq8y)

350 Carlos Saura did a flamenco version of Carmen that has a bit more bite than the classic Bizet opera filming. It fleshes out some parts including the knifing Carmen did at another woman at the cigarette factory

Saura's version starts out pretty harshy with the gypsy / flamenco singing, but it turns into a dance off that is better than any production of West Side Story

Posted by: Kindltot at September 13, 2024 12:16 AM (D7oie)

351 Today the bimbo's campaign announced that the NC event marked the start of a "new phase" in her campaign, a more "aggressive" one.

A friend snarks "does that mean she'll actually do real interviews and real free-form press interactions?".

But to me this is a very, very, very encouraging sign. Campaigns, with possibly no known exceptions in history, only "reboot" when they're in trouble. It's common sense of course. Anyway, it is very difficult for me to imagine any reason this "new phase" thing would arise unless their numbers are really, really horrible.

Add this to her asking (begging?) publicly for another debate. That's kind of like a flare being launched, signifying "uh oh, that first debate didn't do anything for us". Just tea leaves and inferences, but taken all together - fairly darn suggestive.

Posted by: rhomboid at September 13, 2024 12:17 AM (GcNJ2)

352 RE: the phony deed situation in Raleigh, NC:

I agree that a criminal felony indictment for fraud (Attempted Stealing By Deceit) is warranted.

My concerns are:

1) Can they find the def?

2) Can they establish that the person who filed the phony deed was in fact the woman whose name ("Mangum" or something) appears on the deed? Need to block the "it was someone using my name but it wasn't me" defense.

In the meantime, I bet a judge could be persuaded to order a preliminary injunction forbidding the woman ("Mangum") from attempting to alienate the property (sell it or use it as collateral).

This is like the squatter cases. The publicity alone may cause the fraudsters to run like cockroaches when a light goes on.

Posted by: mnw at September 13, 2024 12:19 AM (NLIak)

353 >>I've read that we really have no idea to what extent seamounts are out there in the various oceans. Imagine a topo map of the Earth sans water. That would be so rad.

I get hacked for saying this but we know relatively little about what is under 3/4 of this planet. I've spent a large part of my life on, in and under it and I know a tiny fraction. It's always seemed weird to me how relatively little interest we have in discovering what's right in front of us.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 13, 2024 12:20 AM (LkLld)

354 339
Oh, you!!

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 13, 2024 12:21 AM (Dbv5s)

355 Add this to her asking (begging?) publicly for another debate. That's kind of like a flare being launched, signifying "uh oh, that first debate didn't do anything for us". Just tea leaves and inferences, but taken all together - fairly darn suggestive.
Posted by: rhomboid

They knew immediately, even with the help, her attitude didn't move anything for her positively. That's why the tay tay endorsement came out right away not in October like usual, as if anyone didn't know or care who she was voting for, trump gained 2 on the economy immediately, Rasmussen came out with a plus 3 trump today. Silver still had him over 61% to win.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 12:22 AM (MGB5H)

356 2) Can they establish that the person who filed the phony deed was in fact the woman whose name ("Mangum" or something) appears on the deed? Need to block the "it was someone using my name but it wasn't me" defense.

Posted by: mnw at September 13, 2024 12:19 AM (NLIak)


According to the article, she freely admits doing it, and says it was an accident. She thought the property was in foreclosure (I don’t know why that wouldn’t also be fraud..)

Posted by: Lurker at September 13, 2024 12:24 AM (FC8SQ)

357 OK. Realy, I better sleep now....i so love y'all!!!

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 13, 2024 12:24 AM (Dbv5s)

358 Add this to her asking (begging?) publicly for another debate. That's kind of like a flare being launched, signifying "uh oh, that first debate didn't do anything for us". Just tea leaves and inferences, but taken all together - fairly darn suggestive.
Posted by: rhomboid

Also she could have agreed to the second (third) debate weeks ago on nbc and said nah bro. Cause her handlers knew she couldn't be out there twice. You turned it down. So pass.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 12:25 AM (MGB5H)

359 I get hacked for saying this but we know relatively little about what is under 3/4 of this planet. I've spent a large part of my life on, in and under it and I know a tiny fraction. It's always seemed weird to me how relatively little interest we have in discovering what's right in front of us.
Posted by: JackStraw

My favorite anecdote is the supposed energy 'budget' of the earth and undersea volcanic activity. The warming cultists used a decades old survey of undersea activity to "prove" global warming has to be anthropogenic. The thing is another survey was done about 2006 showing that the original estimate was under by a factor of something like 100. SCIENCE™~~~!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: weft cut-loop at September 13, 2024 12:27 AM (IG4Id)

360 38 special...If I'd been the one
- not one of their better known but one of their best! Fight Me!

Posted by: a dude in MI at September 13, 2024 12:28 AM (+I6Y/)

361 rhomboid,

The Heels Up/Tampon Tim campaign has to reboot because they have to figure out how to bus in supporters for there largely unannounced campaign stops without so many people noticing them doing just that.

But I agree. The debate did not move her internals at all, maybe even dropped some because of her haughty demeanor, her non-answers and the 3 on 1 set-up for the debate.

Trump's a natural in public encounters and in public speaking. I honestly think Harris is petrified to speak in public, a severe case of state fright. She is not natural in public interactions as many are staged and has to fake accents to sound relevant. She's a construct, an avatar. She's gotten where she is with no real push back. The one time she left her lane and ran for president, Tulsi torpedoed her before she even got one delegate. She's unlikable and, from the reports I believe, does not read/take briefings and when she comes off as an idiot in interviews or whatever, she berates her staff for her own failure. She's a Girl Boss In Charge. And we know how bad they are. Girl Boss In Charge Cheatle tried to get Trump killed.

You're right: She's losing and wants another crack at Trump.

Posted by: RickZ at September 13, 2024 12:30 AM (gKDq2)

362 get hacked for saying this but we know relatively little about what is under 3/4 of this planet. I've spent a large part of my life on, in and under it and I know a tiny fraction. It's always seemed weird to me how relatively little interest we have in discovering what's right in front of us.
Posted by: JackStraw

I think the US Navy might at least know the topography of the oceans,

Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at September 13, 2024 12:30 AM (B1dzx)

363 My favorite anecdote is the supposed energy 'budget' of the earth and undersea volcanic activity. The warming cultists used a decades old survey of undersea activity to "prove" global warming has to be anthropogenic. The thing is another survey was done about 2006 showing that the original estimate was under by a factor of something like 100. SCIENCE™~~~!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: weft cut-loop

One of my instructors, a former navy seal and been involved in a lot of big government projects , told me about years and years ago he was tasked with resurrecting the days off a computer from like the 60s maybe that charted weather and temp, and when they were finally able to pull all the data off of it it was exactly the same and they told him to shut up bury the project "that's when I knew global warming was a government hoax"

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 12:34 AM (MGB5H)

364 I am glad there are no cat recipes in the Moron Cookbook.

Posted by: Jinx the Cat at September 13, 2024 12:35 AM (wOdAh)

365 Illinois court rules Trump Tower endangered Chicago River, killed fish for nearly 20 years

Posted by: Ciampino - Trump Tower and who else at September 13, 2024 12:35 AM (qfLjt)

366 *data

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 12:35 AM (MGB5H)

367 It's always seemed weird to me how relatively little interest we have in discovering what's right in front of us.
Posted by: JackStraw at September 13, 2024 12:20 AM (LkLld)

Maybe actually going into space will help us build equipment that can survive the pressures of deep sea exploration/habitation.

I think the pressure of the ocean depths is what is preventing us from true exploration. We can do space walks but we can't do deep dive underwater 'walks'.

Posted by: RickZ at September 13, 2024 12:35 AM (gKDq2)

368 I'm a longstanding Tagovailoa skeptic-- since way before tonight (Bills 31 Dolphins 10). He left the game tonight with a concussion, which is certainly not his fault, obviously. But still...

The Fins have never shown me anything. I suspect the club will live to regret the yuuge new contract they just gave Tua. I also wonder if Hill has regrets about leaving the Chiefs for the Fins.

There are benefits that come with playing for the Chiefs which the Fins can't match-- being on prime time TV a lot; being in a lot of post season games, including 3 of the last 4 Super Bowls. These things can lead to endorsement money which may (or may not) exceed the extra money Hill got from Miami. For example the Brothers Kelce just signed a $50 million deal for their... podcast.

Posted by: K.C. Wolf (mnw) at September 13, 2024 12:36 AM (NLIak)

369 Illinois court rules Trump Tower endangered Chicago River, killed fish for nearly 20 years
Posted by: Ciampino

The forced reverse flow of the chicago river has killed fish since forever. Fuck off

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 12:36 AM (MGB5H)

370 Texas shooter on the loose after opening fire in downtown Dallas apartment building

Posted by: Ciampino - it's rats at September 13, 2024 12:37 AM (qfLjt)

371 Posted by: K.C. Wolf (mnw

Hill gets 23 mil a year and choked out his pregnant gf has a ring and gets to play victim. He's fine.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 12:38 AM (MGB5H)

372 It's always seemed weird to me how relatively little interest we have in discovering what's right in front of us.
Posted by: JackStraw

It's not exactly easy to explore most of it.

Posted by: Oceangate at September 13, 2024 12:39 AM (/aHmZ)

373 356 Lurker

Thx. I didn't know that.

I agree that even if that were true, it's still attempted stealing by deceit.

Posted by: K.C. Wolf (mnw) at September 13, 2024 12:40 AM (NLIak)

374 Wild conspiracy about what happened during historic private space walk

Posted by: Ciampino - it's all done with mirrors at September 13, 2024 12:40 AM (qfLjt)

375 >>My favorite anecdote is the supposed energy 'budget' of the earth and undersea volcanic activity. The warming cultists used a decades old survey of undersea activity to "prove" global warming has to be anthropogenic. The thing is another survey was done about 2006 showing that the original estimate was under by a factor of something like 100. SCIENCE™~~~!!!!!!!!!!

Tinyurl seems to be having issues at the moment so I can't post the link but if you search for Cosmos April 2023 and volcanoes you will probably find the article that claims in 2023 it was discovered that there are over 19,000 more undersea volcanoes than were previously thought. That seems like a lot. And it's an assload of "greenhouse" gases being released, even more than Taylor Swift's plane.

About 20% of the ocean floor is accurately surveyed. We don't really know much about the deep ocean anymore than we know about deep space. We've sent probes to Mars but I wouldn't say we know it, same with the deep ocean. And Cthulhu lives down there so we should probably figure it out.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 13, 2024 12:41 AM (LkLld)

376 The oceans are cold.

Yeah, and deep too!

Posted by: Just the Punchline at September 13, 2024 12:42 AM (Aqu9a)

377 Illinois court rules Trump Tower endangered Chicago River, killed fish for nearly 20 years
Posted by: Ciampino - Trump Tower and who else at September 13, 2024 12:35 AM (qfLjt)


Chicago River.. the one that’s got electrified barriers to keep Asian carp out of Lake Michigan..

Posted by: Lurker at September 13, 2024 12:42 AM (FC8SQ)

378 Rhapsody in Balls, Les Luthiers

Posted by: Kindltot at September 13, 2024 12:43 AM (D7oie)

379 Chicago River.. the one that’s got electrified barriers to keep Asian carp out of Lake Michigan..
Posted by: Lurker

Well that's actually good. Asian carp are an alien invasive species. That do massive harm to the Lake Michigan ecosystem.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 12:43 AM (MGB5H)

380 The forced reverse flow of the chicago river has killed fish since forever. Fuck off
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 12:36 AM (MGB5H)


Lol, that too..

Posted by: Lurker at September 13, 2024 12:44 AM (FC8SQ)

381 371

Hill has always been a jerk. I like his chances of somehow losing all his money.

Adrian Peterson (Vikes All Pro) managed to do just that, & Peterson ISN'T a jerk. Just a wretched money manager.

Posted by: K.C. Wolf (mnw) at September 13, 2024 12:44 AM (NLIak)

382 >>It's not exactly easy to explore most of it.

As opposed to Mars which is only 140 million miles away?

Posted by: JackStraw at September 13, 2024 12:44 AM (LkLld)

383 "Texas shooter on the loose after opening fire in downtown Dallas apartment building"

there was a shooter in Denver this morning ... lots of shots, then he took a hostage, I think he killed her (?). Did not see any follow up on that.

Like invasion of zombies, (copycat?) killers are all around. Well, not that many overall, except the illegals, but too many crazies are being "called to action", or something. It would seem.

Posted by: illiniwek at September 13, 2024 12:45 AM (Cus5s)

384 JackStraw is absolutely right about how little understood the oceans are, weft correctly and critically points out how little is understood about ocean temperatures and dynamics and currents - which of course is the most important system of systems within "climate", itself an even bigger system of systems.

But for obvious reasons a fair amount of effort has gone into bathymetric topographic mapping, especially in areas of special (military) interest, so our submarines are not operating "blind" in that sense.

The incident I mentioned is a sub that's lost its plot for 45 minutes and is proceeding at 24 knots, in an area that is shallow and has lots of underwater hazards. Yes, it's as insane as it sounds.

Posted by: rhomboid at September 13, 2024 12:46 AM (GcNJ2)

385 Hill has always been a jerk. I like his chances of somehow losing all his money.

Adrian Peterson (Vikes All Pro) managed to do just that, & Peterson ISN'T a jerk. Just a wretched money manager.
Posted by: K.C. Wolf

Well he did whip his kid with an extension cord to he bled.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 12:46 AM (MGB5H)

386 Well that's actually good. Asian carp are an alien invasive species. That do massive harm to the Lake Michigan ecosystem.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 12:43 AM (MGB5H)


Right, Trump should just say he was protecting Lake Michigan from invasive species.

Of course, he’d be a racist for saying Asian carp are invasive.

Posted by: Lurker at September 13, 2024 12:46 AM (FC8SQ)

387 The good news is no other species of fish get got by the electric nets.

Have you heard the one about the owls?

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at September 13, 2024 12:47 AM (Z8Yh2)

388 Multiple Incidents Reported at Correctional Centers in Illinois Recently

The highlight of this piece of nothing burger is
The report stated an officer was securing some cell doors when the smell of an odor was detected.

Posted by: Ciampino - Si Ispettore, la cucina adesso e pulita at September 13, 2024 12:48 AM (qfLjt)

389 Have you heard the one about the owls?
Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at September 13, 2024 12:47 AM (Z8Yh2)

Do they taste good?

Asking for some Haitians in Ohio.

Posted by: RickZ at September 13, 2024 12:49 AM (gKDq2)

390 Does the green dye every March constitute an ecological problem for the Chicago River?

Damn micks.

Posted by: rhomboid at September 13, 2024 12:49 AM (GcNJ2)

391 Posted by: K.C. Wolf

I love in OK. I was here when hill did some of the worst things he's done. He doesn't learn. He thinks he's special. I like to think he'll be one of the poor loser athletes. He's an awful human being. But he has 83mil guaranteed. I don't think the dumbest person on the planet can blow that.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 12:49 AM (MGB5H)

392 I'm sorry it's come to this

Bus is a passenger vehicle
Buss is an old fashioned word for kiss

one bus, two buses

>NEW: Large amount of busses spotted outside of Kamala Harris’ North Carolina rally,

this means a bunch of people are making out at the Harris rally

why, no one knows
Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 10:12 PM (/7KEl)

LOL... This is news. I can certainly use. I have been riding busses all day long.

Posted by: Redbanzai at September 13, 2024 12:49 AM (zafOm)

393 Right, Trump should just say he was protecting Lake Michigan from invasive species.

Of course, he’d be a racist for saying Asian carp are invasive.
Posted by: Lurker


Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 12:50 AM (MGB5H)

394 Putting Roman Numerals after your son's name is so wypipple

Posted by: Miklos X at September 13, 2024 12:51 AM (sq/uD)

395 Mussolini's granddaughter quits Meloni's party saying it's too right wing.z

Good good

Posted by: Ciampino - Si Ispettore, e stato pulito tutto at September 13, 2024 12:51 AM (qfLjt)

396 Does the green dye every March constitute an ecological problem for the Chicago River?

Damn micks.

Posted by: rhomboid

Nah just like food coloring doesn't hurt your water. Plus that the most fun weekend in chicago. Maybe the world. Or at least used to be. They canceled the south side (fun) parade when I lived there. And that's been a minute

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 12:54 AM (MGB5H)

397 385

Gulp. I didn't know that about Peterson.

Going back to Hill, I still think he and his agent may have made a short-sighted decision to leave the Chiefs & sign with the Fins.

Is Hill getting the same ego gratification playing for a middling team? He seems like a "white hot spotlight" craving kind of guy to me. He's already missed out on one SB ring.

Happy now, Tyreek, that you traded Mahomes for Tua?

Posted by: K.C. Wolf (mnw) at September 13, 2024 12:54 AM (NLIak)

398 365 Illinois court rules Trump Tower endangered Chicago River, killed fish for nearly 20 years
Posted by: Ciampino

That article didn't make it a paragraph before TDS set in. 'NO EVIDENCE' of pets being eaten by Haitians in Springfield but blah blah blah. A corrupt judicial system in Illinois makes a BS ruling and is dutifully echoed by partisan hack newzpyrsons. Fuck these people with a tire iron.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at September 13, 2024 12:55 AM (yKhjs)

399 Mussolini's granddaughter quits Meloni's party saying it's too right wing.z

Good good
Posted by: Ciampino

2024 y'all! Smoke em if ya got em

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 12:55 AM (MGB5H)

400 Israel to revoke press cards of Al Jazeera journalists after banning network earlier this year

Posted by: Ciampino - probably tit-for-tat at September 13, 2024 12:56 AM (qfLjt)

401 347 Stop calling them "elites". They like it when you call them that. Call them by what they really are: neo-aristocrat parasites.
Posted by: Blast Hardcheese at September 13, 2024 12:14 AM (PWI4f)

Might I offer an alternative? Nepo Twats

Posted by: Bilwis Devourer of Innocent Souls, I'm starvin' over here at September 13, 2024 12:56 AM (pIfcn)

I could use a little spin on a red brick floor
In that crazy 'ol bar when Tim locks the door
Where the walls are gonna ring and the strings are gonna bend
And it's a buss on the cheek from all my old lovers again

Posted by: Nanci Griffith at September 13, 2024 12:56 AM (XeU6L)

403 "Wild conspiracy about what happened during historic private space walk"

but the article shows those theories are false. Do they think the Starlink internet access is also fake? I have one that I access most days ... seems to work fine, antenna pointing to the sky.

"Thus, each of these theories - and others that challenge the authenticity of the moon landings - have been debunked. But as the Polaris Dawn spacewalk has shown us, this type of thinking isn't going away any time soon. "

Posted by: illiniwek at September 13, 2024 12:58 AM (Cus5s)

404 Stop calling them "elites". They like it when you call them that. Call them by what they really are: neo-aristocrat parasites.
Posted by: Blast Hardcheese at September 13, 2024 12:14 AM (PWI4f)

Might I offer an alternative? Nepo Twats
Posted by: Bilwis

Parasitical autocrats

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 13, 2024 12:58 AM (XeU6L)

405 Happy now, Tyreek, that you traded Mahomes for Tua?
Posted by: K.C. Wolf

Yup. He got the 83 mil guaranteed the chiefs couldn't afford. And they knew they could win with out him. They won the title last year with 1 td pass outside the 20. 1! Now was that a bit lucky sure. But they knew mahomes Kelce jones creed Humphrey etc was where the money was needed we'll get cast off kadrius Rooney and win will draft a fast guy who can't run routes or catch and win. It's the organization a tyreek wanted the money

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:00 AM (MGB5H)

406 Stepping back in to say:
Love ya girl!
Back out....
Oh,yeah....again. love all y'all too...just in case I didn't say so before?..

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 13, 2024 01:01 AM (Dbv5s)

407 I'd be more interested if Ciccolina's daughter (if she has one) had entered the Italian parliament.

Il Duce's granddaughter's opponents should brandish meat hooks, wave them around. And of course anyone/thing being "too right wing" for her is a nothingburger - if she shares any of her grandpa's politix, which is remembered for "tutto nello stato, niente ai fuori della stato, nullo contro lo stato".

Posted by: rhomboid at September 13, 2024 01:01 AM (GcNJ2)

408 347 Stop calling them "elites". They like it when you call them that. Call them by what they really are: neo-aristocrat parasites.
Posted by: Blast Hardcheese at September 13, 2024 12:14 AM (PWI4f)

Might I offer an alternative? Entrees.

Posted by: Eat the Press at September 13, 2024 01:01 AM (GLegy)

409 Spain to host meeting of European and Muslim countries on Palestinian statehood

Now do the Basque Province.

Posted by: Ciampino - probably the Basque have a more legit claim at September 13, 2024 01:01 AM (qfLjt)

410 "neo-aristocrat parasites."

The French revolution wasn't entirely wrong.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at September 13, 2024 01:01 AM (MeG8a)

411 And he's still in the spotlight

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:01 AM (MGB5H)

412 391

I've read about all of Hill's encounters with the police, going on for about a decade. He is what he is, & the latest incident shouldn't have surprised anybody.

It looks like the Chiefs may have found themselves "Tyreek II, Rashee Rice: the Saga Continues."

Posted by: K.C. Wolf (mnw) at September 13, 2024 01:01 AM (NLIak)

413 Putting Roman Numerals after your son's name is so wypipple
Posted by: Miklos X at September 13, 2024 12:51 AM (sq/uD)

Making people of color learn an old dead wypipple language is racis'.

Posted by: RickZ at September 13, 2024 01:02 AM (gKDq2)

414 The question is are the fins happy with that trade. Esp now that tua is probably gojng to retire after he just got 160 guaranteed?

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:03 AM (MGB5H)

415 Chicago Mayor Suddenly Exempts Police From Hiring Freeze Amid Growing Pushback

Posted by: Ciampino - that's a nice house you have there .... at September 13, 2024 01:03 AM (qfLjt)

416 It looks like the Chiefs may have found themselves "Tyreek II, Rashee Rice: the Saga Continues."

Posted by: K.C. Wolf

Yup he still has a thing from college lingering

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:03 AM (MGB5H)

417 Do they taste good?

Asking for some Haitians in Ohio.

Thank you for the tip, sahib.

Posted by: OhHatians at September 13, 2024 01:04 AM (mH6SG)

The incident I mentioned is a sub that's lost its plot for 45 minutes and is proceeding at 24 knots, in an area that is shallow and has lots of underwater hazards. Yes, it's as insane as it sounds.
Posted by: rhomboid at September 13, 2024 12:46 AM (GcNJ2)

Show offs

Posted by: Driverless Cars at September 13, 2024 01:05 AM (pIfcn)

419 Now do the Basque Province.
Posted by: Ciampino - probably the Basque have a more legit claim at September 13, 2024 01:01 AM (qfLjt)

Now do Catalonia. Which apparently scares the pants off the Spanish government.

Posted by: Idaho Spudboy at September 13, 2024 01:06 AM (GLegy)

420 California Assembly Bill 2802 would prohibit foster programs from requiring s*x-based housing, including the use of bathrooms.

Posted by: Ciampino - we have this in gyms, etc. already at September 13, 2024 01:06 AM (qfLjt)

421 looks like the Chiefs may have found themselves "Tyreek II, Rashee Rice: the Saga Continues."

Posted by: K.C. Wolf

And wait til you find out Xavier can't run routes and has stone hands. Hahah. Though I'm sure Reid will figure it out like end arounds and inside handoffs to him

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:06 AM (MGB5H)

422 Bruce Wayne

Nice visiting with you.

I suspect the Bengals are going to get waxed Sunday. Burrow isn't right. I'm going to believe my lyin' eyes about that, not the club's happy talk.

Gotta go.

Next time.

Posted by: K.C. Wolf (mnw) at September 13, 2024 01:07 AM (NLIak)

423 I recall something about Tyreek being more prima donna than team player, which hurts the whole team. Always lots of ego in pro sports ... so hard to say which opinions are correct.

Posted by: illiniwek at September 13, 2024 01:08 AM (Cus5s)

424 one of the things it 'cleaned up'

Don't bother cleaning, storage is cheap.

You do have a recent tested backup right?

Where did I put that external drive 8^)

Posted by: DaveA at September 13, 2024 01:09 AM (FhXTo)

425 Woke up to find a pic of one of our BD pups holding his newborn son.

Lotsa tasks to do. l8r.
Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey

May BD pup and family be Blessed with Health & Happiness !!!

Posted by: Adriane the Ethnic Music Critic . . . at September 13, 2024 01:09 AM (TX4bP)

426 Iran is hiring Hell's Angels to abduct and kill defectors in the US and Europe

'Have Harley, Will Travel'

Posted by: Ciampino - Anyone looking for an outdoor job? /s at September 13, 2024 01:09 AM (qfLjt)

427 Posted by: K.C. Wolf (mnw) at

Same. I think Taylor is the problem there though. But who am I to talk my team is ass with a qb that has started 17 games since hs. And all the fans are obsessed with him and I know he isn't the answer

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:10 AM (MGB5H)

428 recall something about Tyreek being more prima donna than team player, which hurts the whole team. Always lots of ego in pro sports ... so hard to say which opinions are correct.
Posted by: illiniwek

He's a WR. Been the same since the 70s

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:11 AM (MGB5H)

429 recall something about Tyreek being more prima donna than team player, which hurts the whole team. Always lots of ego in pro sports ... so hard to say which opinions are correct.
Posted by: illiniwek

He's a WR. Been the same since the 70s
Posted by: BruceWayne

Also tyreek is among the worst people in the world.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:14 AM (MGB5H)

430 Springfield City Hall is evacuated by bomb threat as Ohio town finds itself in middle of immigration firestorm

Posted by: Ciampino - send in Hell's Angels? at September 13, 2024 01:14 AM (qfLjt)

431 "He's a WR. Been the same since the 70s"

White Racist? No, that can't be right. What is WR?

Posted by: illiniwek at September 13, 2024 01:15 AM (Cus5s)

432 Suspect in custody and one victim rushed to hospital after Colorado apartment complex shooting

Posted by: Ciampino - send in the Marines at September 13, 2024 01:15 AM (qfLjt)

Dammit, I missed the Polaris Dawn spacewalk. Forgot all about it.... that happens when you get to be 29.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Mr. Miley (w6EFb) at September 13, 2024 01:16 AM (w6EFb)

434 Hahahah wide receiver. Lynn swyan used to bitch that Terry didn't get him the ball enough. Sure there are are outliers (Steve largest) but wr are divas

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:17 AM (MGB5H)

435 "Suspect in custody and one victim rushed to hospital after Colorado apartment complex shooting"

I saw another report saying hostage was dead ... just relying on the YouTube feeds.

Posted by: illiniwek at September 13, 2024 01:17 AM (Cus5s)

436 >>Might I offer an alternative? Nepo Twats

It's really pretty simple. They are neocons. If you aren't familiar with Irving Kristol, father of Bill Kristol, and his influence on both the Republican Party and modern politics you should look him up.

Neocons ran the Republican Party since Reagan and they eventually captured the leadership of the Democrat Party. That's how we got the uniparty.

It's globalists vs nationalist all the way down. Party means dick. That's why we traded Dick and Liz for RFK and Tulsi.

They aren't elite. They are morons, the bad kind. They hate us because their foreign policy has run the world for 50 years and it sucks dick but it has made them rich and powerful. That's what all of this is about, from Russia collusion to open borders. Globalists vs Nationalists.

First principles Clarice.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 13, 2024 01:17 AM (LkLld)

437 "Sure there are are outliers (Steve largest) but wr are divas"

oh, OK, I thought of wide receiver, but didn't connect with "they are all divas". ha.

Posted by: illiniwek at September 13, 2024 01:19 AM (Cus5s)

438 White Racist? No, that can't be right. What is WR?
Posted by: illiniwek at September 13, 2024 01:15 AM (Cus5s)

Wide Receiver. A position which requires the ability to run like you just stole a purse, deceive the guy guarding you, and have incredibly sticky fingers.

Posted by: Idaho Spudboy at September 13, 2024 01:19 AM (GLegy)

439 What a moron. This is why you never name something after a person who is still alive.

Linda Ronstadt slams 'rapist' Trump for holding a rally in her namesake venue.

Posted by: Ciampino - Rename the place Trump Hall - problem solved at September 13, 2024 01:20 AM (qfLjt)

440 Posted by: JackStraw at September

I'm barely 29 (by AoS grading) and I know this I came up in the 80s/90s. Fool me
Once fool me twice (when bush signed the patriot act) I knew what was up

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:20 AM (MGB5H)

441 Wide Receiver. A position which requires the ability to run like you just stole a purse, deceive the guy guarding you, and have incredibly sticky fingers.
Posted by: Idaho Spudboy

*puts on snopes hat*.

The litany of high valued (and paid) WR that couldn't catch a cold forces me to rate this as mostly true

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:24 AM (MGB5H)

442 "Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by jigs:"

Sounds kinda rayciss!
Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 10:08 PM (bFuzj)

Instead of making a crude tap from a screw to make (poor) threads in the wood block, I would find a way to use a tee nut, which might cost 25 cents. Tee nuts are little hardware items purpose made to put durable metal threads into a piece of wood. Any good hardware store will stock multiple sizes.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 13, 2024 01:26 AM (odUHk)

443 Linda Ronstadt slams 'rapist' Trump for holding a rally in her namesake venue.
Posted by: Ciampino

Well Linda you should be seeing a defamation case shortly.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:26 AM (MGB5H)

444 It was four years ago today that I found my son had passed away overnight due to a seizure.

That evening I posted about it here and got support from strangers and friends alike. Not just that night, but for months afterward.

Thank you, Horde, for that.

*Back to your regularly scheduled silliness*
Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 12, 2024 10:13 PM (dZVON)

I remember that very well. Such a sad event. Looking forward to a visit with you this coming Winter in AZ.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 13, 2024 01:28 AM (odUHk)

445 Orbital sunset from Dragon

Posted by: Ciampino - VERY COOL at September 13, 2024 01:28 AM (qfLjt)

446 Linda Ronstadt slams 'rapist' Trump for holding a rally in her namesake venue.
Posted by: Ciampino - Rename the place Trump Hall - problem solved at September 13, 2024 01:20 AM (qfLjt)

Old witch. She could sing, but not much else. Apparently she has dementia which leads her to forget she ain't all that and bag of chips.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at September 13, 2024 01:29 AM (sRfrW)

447 They aren't elite. They are morons, the bad kind. They hate us because their foreign policy has run the world for 50 years and it sucks dick but it has made them rich and powerful. That's what all of this is about, from Russia collusion to open borders. Globalists vs Nationalists.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 13, 2024 01:17 AM (LkLld)

They and their plans have been exposed. They're angry and when an angry animal is protecting its territory, its cash, its POWER, all bets are off.

I've heard it said Trump is the populist wildcard the global cocksuckers cannot abide. They took out Bolsonaro in Brazil. They've tried to take out Trump in multiple ways, including the permanent kind. But Europe is starting to react/revolt. The neocons are getting pushed around. They're trying to install the sockpuppet Harris to salvage the US in this period of nationalist populist uprisings. The question is will this election be too big to rig?

If Harris wins, it's over for the US. No way we can come back from another 4 years of our current crap, if not worse crap. 20 plus million illegals since Obama took office, with the heftiest amount under Bye-den and that traitor, Mayorkas.

Posted by: RickZ at September 13, 2024 01:29 AM (gKDq2)

448 Q: Why do ducks have tail feathers?

A: To cover their butt quacks.

Posted by: Ciampino - VERY FUNNY at September 13, 2024 01:30 AM (qfLjt)

449 Posted by: RickZ at

Haley was the neocon puppet that they were going to install after they killed him.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:31 AM (MGB5H)

450 Linda Ronstadt slams 'rapist' Trump for holding a rally in her namesake venue.

Doesn't she have bigger fish to fry? She has major health issues and is not long for this mortal coil. I guess that being a lefty indeed is a religion.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at September 13, 2024 01:31 AM (mH6SG)

451 Frankly, if we’d got Ukrainians in the middle of Holodomor in the same circumstances these Haitians were dumped in Ohio, they would likely do the exact same thing — and most Ukrainians are far paler than I.

Comparing Ukrainian farmers to savages; Really?
Posted by: Braenyard at September 12, 2024 10:17 PM (P3Tz/)

No, Ukrainians are civilized, and have been so for several thousand years. Haitians are neither civilized, nor Christian.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 13, 2024 01:32 AM (odUHk)

452 Wide Receiver. A position which requires the ability to run like you just stole a purse, deceive the guy guarding you, and have incredibly sticky fingers.
Posted by: Idaho Spudboy at September 13, 2024 01:19 AM (GLegy)

Well yeah. If yer gonna steal a purse, I'd think that would be a prerequisite for the job.

Posted by: RickZ at September 13, 2024 01:32 AM (gKDq2)

We have descended into vanguardism: the common folk cannot understand their own true interests, but a class imbued with the appropriate consciousness has the wisdom to guide them forward. With a firm hand.

It will not end well for the “elites”.

Like this (metaphorically, of course)?

Do recall that J'noah Goldbrick unashamedly referred to himself as a "thought leader" several years back.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at September 13, 2024 01:34 AM (gqnrt)

454 No, Ukrainians are civilized, and have been so for several thousand years. Haitians are neither civilized, nor Christian.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

Fun game: let's transport all Danes to Haiti and all Haitians to Denmark. As it is today. Any bets on what will happen in within say 20 years?

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:34 AM (MGB5H)

455 441 Wide Receiver.
National Felons League - Football names explained.

Tight End: your ass as you enter the Pen.

Wide Receiver: your ass when leaving the Pen after 'playing' 8 years for murder.

Posted by: Ciampino - MUCH FUNNIER at September 13, 2024 01:36 AM (qfLjt)

I started watching the full Polaris Dawn EVA on youtube, here:

You could see the spacesuits puff up when pressurized. I need to look up the exact procedure they used. The astronauts pre-breathed pure O2 for a long time to get all the N2 out (Dragon's normal internal atmosphere is "nitrox", 23% O2/77% N2, close to normal air) at 1 atm.

They had their suits on, closed, lowered Dragon's internal pressure and puffed up the suits. They then vented the cabin, while keeping the suit pressures a constant difference (gauge pressure).

They dropped the pressure pretty fast, didn't have to worry about the bends, because the N2 was out of their systems.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Mr. Miley (w6EFb) at September 13, 2024 01:37 AM (w6EFb)

457 >>I'm barely 29 (by AoS grading) and I know this I came up in the 80s/90s. Fool me
Once fool me twice (when bush signed the patriot act) I knew what was up

Do you know what's the richest county in the US?

Loudoun County, VA. Borders DC and has an assload of both pols and the remora fish that feed off them such as the leaders of the military industrial complex Ike warned about. It also happens to be the home of more data centers than anywhere on earth and that includes any county in CA. And that's just one county, there are others right next door. I've been doing business in and around the region for a good part of my 20 to 29ish years.

I always get a kick out of people hacking on Trump for not flushing the swamp in his first 15 minutes in office. It's not a swamp, it's an ocean full of some of the biggest sharks ever to inhabit the earth both in and out of government and they love their money and power.

Gird your loins. We aren't clean these stables in my lifetime even if Trump wins in November.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 13, 2024 01:37 AM (LkLld)

458 Good evening, good people. Interesting reading tonight.

I have this to say concerning the situation and my country.

We live in the most exceptional country on the planet, populated by an extraordinary people governed by the most unique political system in history. Throughout our history we have met and prevailed over issues even more serious than the current mess, with an unbroken record of success that can be proven by just a cursory look back. There is no reason why anything but abject surrender will result in victory.

In fact, continuing that struggle of our predecessors to ensure our Republic endures has morphed into an integral part of our heritage. It is an ongoing battle that must be maintained, never abandoned.

Posted by: IRONGRAMPA at September 13, 2024 01:38 AM (hKoQL)

459 Any bets on what will happen in within say 20 years?

The Little Mermaid will be stolen & sold for scrap ???

Posted by: Adriane the Ethnic Music Critic . . . at September 13, 2024 01:39 AM (TX4bP)

460 Haley was the neocon puppet that they were going to install after they killed him.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:31 AM (MGB5H)

Absolutely agree. 100%. There's a reason why she hasn't bailed and endorsed Heels Up like those has-been Republicans have. The neocons need one of their own waiting in the wings of the Republican Party as they hope that MAGA, too, shall pass whether Trump wins or not. Let's face it, they killed off The TEA Party. MAGA is a bigger outgrowth of that movement.

With Haley, they're Hedging their bet, so to speak, by not betting it all on 'D'.

Posted by: RickZ at September 13, 2024 01:39 AM (gKDq2)

461 Australia to introduce a minimum age limit for social media

Good luck with that.

Posted by: Ciampino - I really don't know what happened to Oz at September 13, 2024 01:40 AM (qfLjt)

462 450 Linda Ronstadt slams 'rapist' Trump for holding a rally in her namesake venue.

Doesn't she have bigger fish to fry? She has major health issues and is not long for this mortal coil. I guess that being a lefty indeed is a religion.
Posted by: Notorious BFD

Virtue noted, Linda.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at September 13, 2024 01:40 AM (yKhjs)

463 Posted by: JackStraw

Exactly. Masks falling is HUGE accomplishment. The Cheneys endorsing the commie is a huge accomplishment. The commie BRAGGING about a Cheney endorsement is a huge accomplishment. Is it enough to stem the tide. I doubt it. But maybe

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:41 AM (MGB5H)

464 ...Fun game: let's transport all Danes to Haiti and all Haitians to Denmark. As it is today. Any bets on what will happen in within say 20 years? Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:34 AM (MGB5H)

*pushes stack of 1,000 quatloos into center of table*...

I'm betting that Haiti will never flood again.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at September 13, 2024 01:41 AM (kQgoX)

465 With Haley, they're Hedging their bet, so to speak, by not betting it all on 'D'.
Posted by: RickZ

Haley is a used up whore. Everyone's run through that so hard she finally said ya vote trump cause the Ds cast her aside after he wasn't killed. She's literally the 60 year old on the corner offering blowies for 5$ at this point

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:44 AM (MGB5H)

466 She's literally the 60 year old on the corner offering blowies for 5$ at this point
Posted by: BruceWayne at

Well beside her 20m parachute to leave Boeings board

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:46 AM (MGB5H)

467 433
Dammit, I missed the Polaris Dawn spacewalk. Forgot all about it.... that happens when you get to be 29.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Mr. Miley (w6EFb) at September 13, 2024 01:16 AM (w6EFb)
Yes, me too. Fell asleep. Just watch the replay on uTube.

Posted by: Ciampino - I really don't know what happened to Oz! at September 13, 2024 01:47 AM (qfLjt)

468 I'm betting that Haiti will never flood again.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX
Posted by: Jim at September 13, 2024 01:41 AM (kQgoX)

The Viking raids on Miami would be a hoot. I'm seeing pastel board shorts and battle axes.

Posted by: Bilwis Devourer of Innocent Souls, I'm starvin' over here at September 13, 2024 01:47 AM (pIfcn)

469 Aetna's denial of gender-affirming care taken to court

Posted by: Ciampino - Good for Aetna. at September 13, 2024 01:50 AM (qfLjt)

470 ...The Viking raids on Miami would be a hoot. I'm seeing pastel board shorts and battle axes. Posted by: Bilwis Devourer of Innocent Souls, I'm starvin' over here at September 13, 2024 01:47 AM (pIfcn)

Tell me you've seen me at the TxMoMeet without actually having SEEN me at the TxMoMeet. Lie to me if you must!

(actually. olive colored Khaki shorts, LOUD made in Honolulu Aloha shirts, battered Jungle Hat in sun bleached OD.)

In other words. Galveston TACTICAL BayBee!!!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at September 13, 2024 01:52 AM (kQgoX)

471 Former senior police chiefs warn Britain faces new crime wave as thousands of prisoners go free in Keir Starmer's early release scheme - as one inmate is re-arrested within SECONDS of getting out

Posted by: Ciampino - Sounds like CA & NY States at September 13, 2024 01:52 AM (qfLjt)

472 Police freed teenage knife thug, 15, before he killed pensioner 30 minutes later with ONE punch

Posted by: Ciampino - Sounds like CA & NY States? at September 13, 2024 01:53 AM (qfLjt)

473 Exactly. Masks falling is HUGE accomplishment. The Cheneys endorsing the commie is a huge accomplishment. The commie BRAGGING about a Cheney endorsement is a huge accomplishment. Is it enough to stem the tide. I doubt it. But maybe
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 01:41 AM (MGB5H)

Don't know if you know who lefty Jimmy Dore is. Fun to watch (except on Israel); he was on the vax bullshit pretty early. Anyway, he flipped out when he showed RFK's endorsement at the rally, and seeing Republicans cheering for him and his policies/plans. Dore called it, the parties have flipped. The working man's party is now the Republican Party. The monocle and top hat-wearing crowd are now the elites of Martha's Vineyard, Hollywood and other rich lefty enclaves. Someone the Dems called a war criminal just a few short years ago now endorses the neocon Dem candidate and the neocon Dems are in ecstasy over it while MAGA is saying 'great, keep 'im'.

Who wrote this crazy script?

Posted by: RickZ at September 13, 2024 01:53 AM (gKDq2)

474 >>Exactly. Masks falling is HUGE accomplishment. The Cheneys endorsing the commie is a huge accomplishment. The commie BRAGGING about a Cheney endorsement is a huge accomplishment. Is it enough to stem the tide. I doubt it. But maybe

Once you understand the game the moves make a lot more sense.

People who call Trump supporters cultists or other idiotic names have no clue what's going on nor do they even seem curious why they hate him and us so much. This kind of mortal combat politics isn't normal. We lose an election, even an obviously rigged one and we go on with our lives. They lose and cities burn and nobody get punished and people whine about the DOJ. It's not the DOJ or magic. We are this close to losing this country.

Trump is literally risking his life to turn this around because he knows exactly what is going on and has sacrificed his cushy life to fight these fuckers. Yea, I absolutely have his back.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 13, 2024 01:55 AM (LkLld)

475 She liked narrow-bodies with big engines!!
Woman splits with AEROPLANE she was in relationship for nine years

No kites resulted from that relationship.

Posted by: Ciampino - Paper airplanes spawned in their hundreds at September 13, 2024 01:56 AM (qfLjt)

476 Trump is literally risking his life to turn this around because he knows exactly what is going on and has sacrificed his cushy life to fight these fuckers. Yea, I absolutely have his back.
Posted by: JackStraw

Spot on. You aren't alone in that sentiment.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * considering the imponderables at September 13, 2024 02:00 AM (42DR8)

477 A Springfield, Ohio homeless advocate tells the city council that landlords are kicking people out of their homes and replacing them with Haitians and that the Biden-Harris government is paying them to do it."

Posted by: Ciampino - I used to confuse Haiti & Tahiti at September 13, 2024 02:00 AM (qfLjt)

478 Who wrote this crazy script?
Posted by: RickZ at

Hahah ya I know Jimmy dore. I don't listen to him much clips here and there it's been fun to see him almost red pilled. But I don't agree with the whole parties have "changed" thing. It's the same as saying the Dems aren't the party of racism slavery Jim Crow kkk "the parties switched. I've been who
I am since I was born. And I never understood why the "working class" didn't agree with me because the "conservative" party was always better for them. So ya it changes I guess. But the roots are what they always were. Republicans believed in liberty and democrats believed in power esp over minorities no matter how you slice it.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 02:00 AM (MGB5H)

479 I suspect the Bengals are going to get waxed Sunday. Burrow isn't right. I'm going to believe my lyin' eyes about that, not the club's happy talk.

I suspected the same thing, so I sat Burrow in the AOS fantasy league, and played my backup.

Tua Tagovailoa.


Posted by: Weirddave at September 13, 2024 02:01 AM (df/te)

480 Trump is literally risking his life to turn this around because he knows exactly what is going on and has sacrificed his cushy life to fight these fuckers. Yea, I absolutely have his back.
Posted by: JackStraw at September 13, 2024 01:55 AM (LkLld)

Yup, this unmasking just proves out what I said a few years ago...

This is the Wallstreet / Bankster / Beltway Cabal.... vs the rest of America.

I love how they define populism: a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups:

And then somehow say it's a BAD thing.

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 13, 2024 02:01 AM (xaFKb)

Experimental Memes, Facts and Slap Downs
20 Posts from Bad Blue

Posted by: Skip at September 13, 2024 02:01 AM (fwDg9)

482 According to the article, she freely admits doing it, and says it was an accident. She thought the property was in foreclosure (I don’t know why that wouldn’t also be fraud..)
Posted by: Lurker at September 13, 2024 12:24 AM (FC8SQ)

If she says it was an accident, then she should have no problem with signing over the deed to the rightful owner, should she?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 13, 2024 02:01 AM (6RYcT)

483 Prince Philip statue must be taken down, planning watchdog rules

I can alost see the dog-eater's hand in this.

Posted by: Ciampino - why? at September 13, 2024 02:02 AM (qfLjt)

484 Trump is literally risking his life to turn this around because he knows exactly what is going on and has sacrificed his cushy life to fight these fuckers. Yea, I absolutely have his back.
Posted by: JackStraw

Ask my family, I've been saying this shit was about to crack since 2012. I love America and I love trump fighting for it. But I'm good with a secession. And it doesn't seem far off.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 02:03 AM (MGB5H)

485 Trump is literally risking his life to turn this around because he knows exactly what is going on and has sacrificed his cushy life to fight these fuckers. Yea, I absolutely have his back.
Posted by: JackStraw at September 13, 2024 01:55 AM (LkLld)

I believe Trump when he said there are evil forces arrayed against him.

People who call Trump supporters cultists or other idiotic names have no clue what's going on nor do they even seem curious why they hate him and us so much.

I read a comment once about how it's funny people can see, believe and hate gov't conspiracies in movies but can't see them in real life. No one seems bothered by Epstein being dead for years and his 'little black book' client list has yet to be released nor any of the clients arrested, just Maxwell taking the fall so far alone. We still don't know the motive for the Las Vegas shooting. People can understand the gov't had Whitey Bulger killed in prison but can't see the gov't trying to kill Trump. Reality is scary, I guess.

Posted by: RickZ at September 13, 2024 02:03 AM (gKDq2)

486 Yea but two people left the Trump NC rally early to watch a football game !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Trump lied about how many people were there.....

Posted by: Kamal Harris at September 13, 2024 02:04 AM (hbjSA)

487 Tua Tagovailoa.

Posted by: Weirddave

Said it up thread. He's gonna retire.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 02:04 AM (MGB5H)

488 Navient reaches $120 million settlement with CFPB for misleading student loan borrowers

Seems like a drop in the ocean compared to the mountain of cash in play.

Posted by: Ciampino - why settle, too dirty laundry? at September 13, 2024 02:06 AM (qfLjt)

489 read a comment once about how it's funny people can see, believe and hate gov't conspiracies in movies but can't see them in real life. No one seems bothered by Epstein being dead for years and his 'little black book' client list has yet to be released nor any of the clients arrested, just Maxwell taking the fall so far alone. We still don't know the motive for the Las Vegas shooting. People can understand the gov't had Whitey Bulger killed in prison but can't see the gov't trying to kill Trump. Reality is scary, I guess.
Posted by: RickZ

But don't we know the answers to all those things?

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 02:07 AM (MGB5H)

490 Posted by: RickZ at September 13, 2024 02:03 AM (gKDq2)

Hmmm... Guess we need to tell Jason Bourne his Girlfriends killer was on Epstein's plane...

or... maybe John Wick's dog?

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 13, 2024 02:07 AM (xaFKb)

491 Laura Loomer:
Karine Jean Pierre doesn’t like me because she’s a lesbian, Haitian immigrant and she doesn’t like the fact that I have been so vocal about the cat eating Haitians. 🐱

Posted by: Ciampino - when Haitian lesbians eat out ..... at September 13, 2024 02:10 AM (qfLjt)

492 But don't we know the answers to all those things?
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 02:07 AM (MGB5H)

Honestly, not really.

People can see gov't conspiracies in movies and believe them but practically outright deny they could possibly exist in real life. So, no, the answer is not readily known to me.

Posted by: RickZ at September 13, 2024 02:11 AM (gKDq2)

493 or... maybe John Wick's dog?
Posted by: Romeo13 at September 13, 2024 02:07 AM (xaFKb)

I don't think that would do it anymore. Not after Ohio.

Posted by: RickZ at September 13, 2024 02:14 AM (gKDq2)

494 White House finalizing plans to expand where Ukraine can hit inside Russia

The logical outcome would be missiles in Cuba again but this time we wouldn't be able to stop them; and making it easier for Russia to both justify an escalation as well as it finding Uke forces and destroying our advaned weaponry carried by Ukes.

Posted by: Ciampino - when Haitian lesbians eat out .... at September 13, 2024 02:14 AM (qfLjt)

495 I'm betting that Haiti will never flood again.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX
Posted by: Jim

Hah! To begin with

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 02:14 AM (MGB5H)

496 ..Laura Loomer: Karine Jean Pierre doesn’t like me because she’s a lesbian, Haitian immigrant and she doesn’t like the fact that I have been so vocal about the cat eating Haitians. 🐱

Isn't "cat eating Haitian" the very definition of a Haitian Lesbian?

Inquiring minds, etc.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at September 13, 2024 02:15 AM (kQgoX)

497 Laura Loomer:
Karine Jean Pierre doesn’t like me because she’s a lesbian, Haitian immigrant and she doesn’t like the fact that I have been so vocal about the cat eating Haitians. 🐱
Posted by: Ciampino - when Haitian lesbians eat out ..... at September 13, 2024 02:10 AM (qfLjt)

Well, KJP must be a pussy-eating Haitian, right?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 13, 2024 02:16 AM (6RYcT)

498 >>People can see gov't conspiracies in movies and believe them but practically outright deny they could possibly exist in real life. So, no, the answer is not readily known to me.

The uniparty attempted a coup against Trump with a completely fraudulent and paid for Russia collusion hoax. It tore the country apart for almost 4 years and hamstrung Trump's first term. Hillary paid an election law fine for not properly accounting for her campaign paying for the Steele "dossier" that was nothing more than made up bullshit that was mostly put together by a Russian immigrant who worked for the leftwing Brookings Institute and shit that came from Ukraine.

Many if not most Democrats still think Trump is Putin's bitch. We are up against deeply stupid people.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 13, 2024 02:19 AM (LkLld)

People can see gov't conspiracies in movies and believe them but practically outright deny they could possibly exist in real life. So, no, the answer is not readily known to me.
Posted by: RickZ

I get your point. And I don't disagree about the dissonance. But epsteins black book isn't out because it hurts powerful and more so the deep state. The Vegas shooter was an isis operative and Whitey bulger was a criminal that the fbi allowed to operate for years committing crimes including murder because his "handler" was a Boston friend. Ya other people can't wrap their heads around it but we know it

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 02:19 AM (MGB5H)

500 Well, KJP must be a pussy-eating Haitian, right?
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at

Well we know 1 is true. Get hee 23 and me she might be part Haitian.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 02:21 AM (MGB5H)

501 Posted by: Ciampino - when Haitian lesbians eat out .... at September 13, 2024 02:14 AM (qfLjt)

Just today both Russia and China talked about how they would cooperate in the face of US aggression... calling us out by name.

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 13, 2024 02:25 AM (xaFKb)

502 Many if not most Democrats still think Trump is Putin's bitch. We are up against deeply stupid people.
Posted by: JackStraw

Also don't forget this started the circle of "fact checking" for both the media and the FISA courts. Oh the leak I made was reported on by the news so that's my evidence. The worlds most insidious self licking ice cream cone

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 02:25 AM (MGB5H)

503 Apparently she has dementia which leads her to forget she ain't all that and bag of chips.
Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief

She has progressive supranuclear palsy. My father had it. Mind was mostly intact until the end. His body, particularly his ability to see and swallow, was not.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 13, 2024 02:26 AM (KAi1n)

504 275
Fenbendazole is not the same as Ivermectin. These are two very different compounds.

Posted by: Ciampino - worms for Africa at September 13, 2024 02:26 AM (qfLjt)

505 Well, past midnight here. Time for me to hit the sack. Night, Horde.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 13, 2024 02:28 AM (6RYcT)

506 Woke up to find a pic of one of our BD pups holding his newborn son.

Lotsa tasks to do. l8r.
Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey

May BD pup and family be Blessed with Health & Happiness !!!
Posted by: Adriane the Ethnic Music Critic . . . at September 13, 2024 01:09 AM (TX4bP)

Thanks. Work to do!

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at September 13, 2024 02:28 AM (tbAq/)

507 >>White House finalizing plans to expand where Ukraine can hit inside Russia

Sure. Cause it's completely normal that we are considering starting WWIII over a country 99.9% of Americans couldn't find on a map if you spotted them the U and Kraine.

>>Long-range missile approval would put NATO - including UK and US - 'at war' with Russia, Putin warns

I might be crazy but I'm not wrong.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 13, 2024 02:28 AM (LkLld)

508 I might be crazy but I'm not wrong.
Posted by: JackStraw

Pretty sure Putin said he'd consider that a NATO escalation. I could be wrong.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 02:30 AM (MGB5H)

509 "Loudoun County, VA. Borders DC"

Loudon doesn't border DC. It's near DC, but (assuming you discount the Potomac River as a barrier) Arlington Co. and the City of Alexandria border DC. Loudon is 2 counties over.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 13, 2024 02:31 AM (KAi1n)

510 Idiots in the war dept fapping themselves over the idea of being able to 'strike inside Russia' using some patsy paid for actor. Great idea guys!

Posted by: a dude in MI at September 13, 2024 02:33 AM (+I6Y/)

511 Loudon doesn't border DC. It's near DC, but (assuming you discount the Potomac River as a barrier) Arlington Co. and the City of Alexandria border DC. Loudon is 2 counties over.
Posted by: SFGoth

Seems to be semantics. London is lowsy with DC people.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 02:34 AM (MGB5H)

512 Idiots in the war dept fapping themselves over the idea of being able to 'strike inside Russia' using some patsy paid for actor. Great idea guys!
Posted by: a dude in MI

They are pushing for boots on the ground before the end of the year

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 02:35 AM (MGB5H)

513 Seems to be semantics. London is lowsy with DC people.
Posted by: BruceWayne

Well, certainly our diplomatic corps. ;->

Posted by: SFGoth at September 13, 2024 02:40 AM (KAi1n)

514 Ya other people can't wrap their heads around it but we know it
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 02:19 AM (MGB5H)

Forget about the people in on the game calling everything a 'conspiracy theory' as a diversion, it's just regular people who have no monetary skin in that game who astound me with their 'that's soooo-ooo not believable' viewpoint. And in that game, you have to have a big bank to even be at the table, much less selected. These are little clowns we're talking about, thinking they're getting something but not really. And I'm not even sure they think they know what that 'something' is.

Cognitive dissonance is about the sum of it. Our history is full of conspiracies fact, some just in the 21st Century alone.

After watching our USSS (DHS) allow/abet an assassination on Trump that failed makes me think about 9/11. Moussoui's computer the FBI could not 'legally' get into. The student pilots who only wanted to fly, not land. Who's to say what the hell really transpired that day after all that's happened since? And what the real goal was, besides the obvious destruction and mayhem. Did our gov't allow/abet 9/11? Scary thought.

Posted by: RickZ at September 13, 2024 02:42 AM (gKDq2)

515 Well, certainly our diplomatic corps. ;->
Posted by: SFGoth

They have to live somewhere. And my dream of a fenced in camp doesn't seem to be happening

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 02:42 AM (MGB5H)

516 >>Pretty sure Putin said he'd consider that a NATO escalation. I could be wrong.

From the article I just posted.

>>The Russian president said it would "significantly change" the nature of the Ukraine conflict and amount to "nothing less than direct involvement of NATO countries".

That's what this has been about the entire time as I have been saying since day 1. He couldn't be more clear, if we give fake president Zelensky long range missiles to hit deep into Russia he will consider this a NATO war.

It doesn't matter that Ukraine isn't a part of NATO anymore than Loudoun County, where a huge number of government employees live and and an even larger number of them work isn't technically on the border, this is the real world.

War with a nuclear armed Russia is a RCH away.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 13, 2024 02:44 AM (LkLld)

517 how would hitting inside russia away from the front not be an escalation? Top grossing actor Zelensky sure as hell doesnt have the resources to do that

Posted by: a dude in MI at September 13, 2024 02:47 AM (+I6Y/)

518 Did our gov't allow/abet 9/11? Scary thought.
Posted by: RickZ at September 13, 2024 02:42 AM (gKDq2)

I want to say, I have never said that until just now. I pooh-poohed that as a 'crazy, even insane, conspiracy theory'. But I can't anymore.

Posted by: RickZ at September 13, 2024 02:48 AM (gKDq2)

519 assassination on Trump that failed makes me think about 9/11. Moussoui's computer the FBI could not 'legally' get into. The student pilots who only wanted to fly, not land. Who's to say what the hell really transpired that day after all that's happened since? And what the real goal was, besides the obvious destruction and mayhem. Did our gov't allow/abet 9/11? Scary thought.
Posted by: RickZ

I'm not a the government did 9/11 guy. That's insane to me. But there sure fucking pounced and seized on it the hurt the American people. DHS and Patriot Act. I was in college at the time and I kept saying to everyone I knew who was like "ya doesn't matter we gotta get em!" Dudes this is bad and we this is going to kill freedom. I was called a nutball.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 02:49 AM (MGB5H)

520 how would hitting inside russia away from the front not be an escalation? Top grossing actor Zelensky sure as hell doesnt have the resources to do that
Posted by: a dude in MI

The guy that ended elections and banned other political parties? But if you don't give him a trillion dollars you hate democracy

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 02:50 AM (MGB5H)

521 That's what this has been about the entire time as I have been saying since day 1. He couldn't be more clear, if we give fake president Zelensky long range missiles to hit deep into Russia he will consider this a NATO war.

But the Biden administration has backed putting Ukraine into NATO. which don't even get me started on NATO. Turkey is in fuckjng a NATO a country that is run by a psychotic muzzie dictator. So that's an "ally"

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 02:57 AM (MGB5H)

522 Fairfax, Prince William, Arlington, Loudon, Fairfax City and Alexandria, Prince George, Montgomery, and some of those other MD counties I can't remember are all part of the same blob: Babylon DC.

I'm nearly positive I've missed a few. It's a big area and state lines don't matter much.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at September 13, 2024 03:07 AM (yKhjs)

523 Ruh Roh, reports of another major Microsoft outage... many of their online services are down...

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 13, 2024 03:10 AM (xaFKb)

524 >>But the Biden administration has backed putting Ukraine into NATO. which don't even get me started on NATO. Turkey is in fuckjng a NATO a country that is run by a psychotic muzzie dictator. So that's an "ally"

Someday we might actually have a thread here about what is the purpose of NATO, an organization that was founded with roughly a dozen countries we swore would never expand and now has over 30 member countries, to protect the west from the aggression of a country that no longer exists but not tonight.


Posted by: JackStraw at September 13, 2024 03:10 AM (LkLld)

525 I'm not a the government did 9/11 guy. That's insane to me.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 13, 2024 02:49 AM (MGB5H)

That's exactly the way I thought. But seeing that we've had no official president since the inauguration in Jan., '21, who's really running the gov't? And no one really seems bothered by it. And why couldn't this neocon Deep State run an op in '01 of which President Bush had no need to know, because he's not really in charge? It was Schumer who said the intelligence agencies have 5 ways of Sunday to get you.

I just can't rule anything out anymore, no matter how crazy. Because we're living in Crazy Times. FFS, WWIII's looming on the horizon thanks to us, the US of A. It's that meme with the Nazi in uniform who asks: "Are we the bad guys?"

Posted by: RickZ at September 13, 2024 03:13 AM (gKDq2)

526 Dpn't look now, but Ukraine just belted Moscow and 3 air bases where Ivan is/was launching dumb bombs, this after he went after the entire country's infrastructure 2 days ago, but that doesn't seem to count as an "escalation".

Posted by: IRONGRAMPA at September 13, 2024 03:22 AM (hKoQL)

527 In college a friend was from the Dominican Republic and he talked about the blight and horrible things that happen on the other side of the island. They do allow some Haitian's to come across the border and work in the hospitals (nurses) Good workers, but young males, forget it, not wanted, and anyway they would rather come to the US for all the free stuff they get.
Plus lots of cats and dogs and geese to BBQ.

Posted by: Colin at September 13, 2024 03:24 AM (e8qy3)

528 Time to.get Friday rolling
It's Friday 13

Posted by: Skip at September 13, 2024 03:48 AM (fwDg9)

529 Morning, all you insomaniacals! I'll go back up to read the content in a minute, but first --

'Tis Friday, the consummation devoutly to be wished! Especially after this week, with Hurricane Francine and all. I hope anyone else affected by this storm has made out okay!

Anyway: I'm up, I'm drinking coffee, planning a workout. Yesterday p.m. I took a look around my neighborhood, the street where I usually walk/run, and there is no debris. I'll bring a flashlight to inspect the street ahead of me when I get back under the trees farther up, but I really doubt there will be any junk that could trip me. WE got super-lucky with this storm.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 13, 2024 03:50 AM (omVj0)

530 Time to.get Friday rolling
It's Friday 13
Posted by: Skip at September 13, 2024

Ohhhh, that's right! I knew whenever a month begins on a Sunday we'll have a Friday the 13th, and completely forgot it. Well, I've had just as many good days as bad on those supposedly evil dates. Probably more good ones. A bad day can happen anytime. No superstition here.

*fingers crossed*

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 13, 2024 03:55 AM (omVj0)

531 No superstition here.

*fingers crossed*
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere

* Tosses black cat in front of Wolfus *

** Opens umbrella in doors **

Good to hear you came through it without cannibalism in the Superdome.

Posted by: Adriane the Ethnic Music Critic . . . at September 13, 2024 04:01 AM (TX4bP)

532 * Tosses black cat in front of Wolfus *

** Opens umbrella in doors **

Good to hear you came through it without cannibalism in the Superdome.
Posted by: Adriane the Ethnic Music Critic . . . at September 13, 2024

I *live* with a black cat! And the only bad thing about opening an umbrella indoors is that I might poke myself, or someone else, in the eye with the points of the ribs. Yeah, this storm was minor league compared to Katrina and others where I've lost power and bugged out.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 13, 2024 04:04 AM (omVj0)


Posted by: Skip at September 13, 2024 04:04 AM (fwDg9)

534 It was four years ago today that I found my son had passed away overnight due to a seizure.

I’m so sorry Blanco, there are no words, but I am glad you found support here, truly, I am

Posted by: Gonzotx at September 13, 2024 05:11 AM (YjECI)

535 WeirdDave! and ExtremePrecisionGuy!

Posted by: Candidus at September 13, 2024 08:23 AM (zAh2S)

536 Was it Large Marge?

Posted by: Old Man Mike at September 13, 2024 12:51 PM (WCuBP)

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