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The Morning Report — 9/12/24


Good Morning Kids. Lest we forget, 9/11 was also the anniversary of the 2012 Benghazi attack that took the lives of four Americans, thanks to Obama's and Hillary Clinton's gun-running scheme to Syrian terrorists gone south. All blamed on a fictitious "Islamophobic" video and some Egyptian-American patsy.

I suppose the stories I'm going to highlight fall into the category of chicken and egg, but they do for sure illustrate how completely warped and twisted the Leftist mindset is. And from there, it's a very short walk indeed to extrapolate where they intend to take anyone who resists them (hint: a mass grave or gas chamber (assuming a future Dem junta grants a waiver for the drilling of gas and manufacture of bullets strictly for this purpose) and what they intend to teach future generations and indeed what's being taught in far too many schools as we speak. Meh, look no further than the campus of Columbia University but I digress.

The first item is from Tuesday night's pornographic donkey act of an alleged presidential debate. Literally on the eve of the anniversary of the 9/11/01 terrorist mass attack. Kamala Harris said this:

On the evening before the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, during which almost three thousand Americans were killed, Democrat VP Kamala Harris made the utterly preposterous claim during the presidential debate that Jan. 6 was the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War. There are a whole host of problems with Harris‘s statement, including the fact that America is a republic, not a democracy; that (as Donald Trump noted) the only people killed on J6 were Trump supporters murdered by Capitol police; and most J6 protesters were peaceful, although they have since been abused in jail and denied basic rights by the Biden-Harris administration. But since today is the anniversary of the infamous 9/11 attacks, it is particularly insensitive that Harris made her ridiculous claim yesterday.

Democrats started the Civil War upon the election of Republican President Abraham Lincoln, because they refused to accept the results of an election that went against them (which Democrats always do when they lose), and they were afraid Lincoln would live up to his word of restricting slavery’s spread. The Civil War was the deadliest war in American history, with at least 620,000 casualties, and we can lay it at the door of the racist, anti-freedom Democratic Party.

Fast forward to today, when a race-baiting, anti-freedom Democratic candidate totally ignored the tragedy of 9/11 to claim that a protest where no one but the protesters were killed was a major assault on democracy. “Donald Trump left us the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War,” Kamala lied. It was such an outrageous claim that my 16-year-old sister spontaneously observed to me, “Kamala said that just before the anniversary of 9/11!” Independent journalist Ian Miles Cheong had the same reaction.

Until my dying day: What happened on 1/6/21 was a false flag op orchestrated by Pelosi, and Deep State Intel and LE agencies/operatives. Where two innocent women were murdered by Pelosi's goons in the Capitol PD and others yet unidentified, Ashli Babbit gunned down by Michael Byrd and Roseanne Boyland beaten to death. And hundreds of others arrested, tossed into jail, many still rotting there all because they exercised their first amendment right of free speech. And of course Trump railroaded on multiple kangaroo court charges and most recently surviving a likely Deep State initiated assassination attempt in Butler PA. Which was not even mentioned at that so-called "debate"

But that's Kamala Harris and the mindset of everyone like her. Remember, in her and her compatriots' twisted reptilian minds, America is evil, racist and illegitimate. And on that terrible day of 9/11, Jeremiah Wright, Obama's Pazuzu-worshipping priest declared it was America's chickens coming home to roost.

And speaking of Fowl and Foul, as horrendous as all of the aforementioned were and are, I give you something even more revolting, yet it reveals how we get people like Harris and Obama in power in the first place:

The father of an 11-year-old boy who was killed by a Haitian immigrant in Springfield, Ohio, said during a city commission meeting on Tuesday that he wishes his son was instead killed by an “old white man.”

Aiden Clark was killed in August 2023, when a Haitian immigrant, Hermanio Joseph, 36, crossed over the center dividing line and crashed into a full school bus. The 11-year-old was ejected from the bus, which flipped over and then landed on him. More than 20 children were taken to the hospital. Joseph is now facing nine years behind bars after being convicted of involuntary manslaughter. He was not licensed to drive in Ohio.

“Ya know, I wish that my son Aiden Clark was killed by a 60-year-old white man,” the boy’s father, Nathan Clark, said. “I bet you never thought anyone would ever say something so blunt. But if that guy killed my 11-year-old son, the incessant group of hate-spewing people would leave us alone.”

“They make it seem as though our wonderful Aiden appreciates your hate, that we should follow their hate,” Clark, who is a teacher, said. “And look what you’ve done to us.”

. . . “They can vomit all the hate they want about illegal immigrants, the border crisis, and even untrue claims about fluffy pets being ravaged and eaten by community members,” he said. “But they are … not allowed to mention Aiden Clark.”

“My son Aiden Clark was not murdered. He was accidentally killed by an immigrant from Haiti,” the father added. “In order to live like Aiden, you need to accept everyone.”

This ghastly, despicable bastard! Of course, he's also a teacher. Makes perfect sense. Slap a burqa on this fiend, plunk him down in Jenin and you have a typical "Palestinian" woman cheerfully sending off her kids with suicide belts to blow themselves up on buses, and in Pizzerias filled with Jews, or fly themselves into skyscrapers while ululating with orgasmic glee.

Debate the debate all you want. But until the cancer of this mindset is excised from our midst, we will not survive much longer.
Have a good day.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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Posted by: J.J. Sefton at 06:23 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 st

Posted by: Buzz Adrenaline at September 12, 2024 06:27 AM (JRP2U)

2 The jib has been cut.

Posted by: Sailmaker at September 12, 2024 06:28 AM (DobEs)

3 Good morning, and thank you J.J.!

Posted by: All Hail Eris at September 12, 2024 06:29 AM (kpS4V)

4 "The father of an 11-year-old boy who was killed by a Haitian immigrant in Springfield, Ohio, said during a city commission meeting on Tuesday that he wishes his son was instead killed by an “old white man.”

I'll bet a hundred thousand people could say the same thing. Think about it.

Posted by: qzy at September 12, 2024 06:30 AM (JsKAq)

5 Good morning horde! I hope today is better than yesterday.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at September 12, 2024 06:30 AM (lYZ0S)

6 Good morning, horde! I'm leaving work early today for my car's sake (oil change and tire rotation) and the day is actually quite nice.

Posted by: NR Pax at September 12, 2024 06:31 AM (99eI0)

7 Good morning again dear horde and happy birthday JJ

Too bad Aiden's father wasn't on the bus.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 06:31 AM (RIvkX)

8 Somebody posted yesterday the lies of Kamala Harris during the debate. Maybe you did as well J.J it was from the I didn't see the list but I also saw someone post but I saw that someone said that 1/6 was the greatest attack on America since the Civil War.. How convenient to just leave out 9/11. What an awful woman!

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 06:31 AM (J9q6k)

9 MeNt that the list was from "The Federalist"

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 06:32 AM (J9q6k)

10 Happy Friday Eve

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 06:32 AM (gbOdA)

11 If we were a serious nation, we'd take the millions of hours of "austere religious scholars" shouting their bullshit in videos as our excuse to fuck up a couple three dozen embassies and consulates across the middle third or so of the globe.

What? Inflammatory rhetoric. Things go boom. Not my fault, just the way she rolls.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 12, 2024 06:32 AM (nPLkK)

12 Septus, "how do you fight an idea?"

Masalla, "with another idea!"

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 12, 2024 06:32 AM (L2lKu)

13 I tested positive last night and am on 24 hour quarantine

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 06:33 AM (RIvkX)

14 And before I forget: Willowed from the previous thread.

81 Agreed and I am far from a Luddite, having been in the tech industry for most of my working life.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at September 12, 2024 06:28 AM (mH6SG)

I'm think schools doing a tech detox and forcing them to use other means to do their homework would be a good idea.

Posted by: NR Pax at September 12, 2024 06:34 AM (99eI0)

15 It's not quarantine.
It's house arrest.

Posted by: Don't buy the lie at September 12, 2024 06:34 AM (DobEs)

16 People say all kinds of bizarre things when they're in shock and evidently the father of the poor kid felt the need to be perceived as politically correct

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 06:34 AM (J9q6k)

17 It's not quarantine.
It's house arrest.
Posted by: Don't buy the lie at September 12, 2024 06:34 AM (DobEs)

It's a golden ticket.

"Oh, sorry, I'd love to, but...."

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 12, 2024 06:35 AM (nPLkK)

18 “I bet you never thought anyone would ever say something so blunt. But if that guy killed my 11-year-old son, the incessant group of hate-spewing people would leave us alone.”
Father Of Boy Killed By Haitian In Springfield Says He Wishes Son ‘Was Killed By 60-Year-Old White Man’

How very Marxist. His dead son, murdered by what he voted for, he now uses as a weapon against his political enemies. Hence the dangers of elevating one's politics into a religion.

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at September 12, 2024 06:35 AM (sAmhv)

19 The FAA is a clearly weaponized political actor opposing progress. But, at least, they aren't (yet) jailing oeople, destroying businesses and marriages, like the fully weaponized Garland DOJ.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at September 12, 2024 06:35 AM (FFQwN)

20 and they were afraid Lincoln would live up to his word of restricting slavery’s spread.

"BUT THEY SWITCHED SIDES!" is the inevitable rebuttal to that sentence.

Posted by: NR Pax at September 12, 2024 06:36 AM (99eI0)

21 We should pray that Aidan's father has a road to Damascus moment.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 12, 2024 06:37 AM (L2lKu)

22 willowed:

So, some folks bought up a bunch of housing in Springfield just before the Fed dropped the Haitian population bomb. Then make make big money renting to the Haitians.

How to destroy your country for fun and profit.

Posted by: no one of any consequence


I sort of miss the pre-2008 feeling of being a little surprised by things like this.

Posted by: Haiti Has No Home Here at September 12, 2024 06:37 AM (MMH/f)

23 The democrats are intentional. Jan 6 was orchestrated specifically so that democrats could label the actions 'insurrection' so they could argue Trump couldn't run again because of the 14th Amendment. They will happily destroy the lives of thousands of innocent Americans so they can maintain power. Their ridiculous claims are made specifically to achieve their desired goals.

Posted by: IanDeal at September 12, 2024 06:37 AM (WLJIy)

24 pretty easy to guess what that loathsome s#itbird "teaches" the unfortunate children in his grasp.

G'mornin' everyone!

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - they have been lying to us for decades at September 12, 2024 06:37 AM (UWgy2)

25 At first i thought this guy meant that an "old white guy" killing his kid would at least make some sense, and would take away the pain of knowing his child was murdered by someone his own government imported on a H1-B explicitly for the purpose.

But no, just a fucking mutant.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 12, 2024 06:38 AM (nPLkK)

26 Aiden Clark was killed in August 2023, when a Haitian immigrant, Hermanio Joseph, 36, crossed over the center dividing line and crashed into a full school bus. The 11-year-old was ejected from the bus, which flipped over and then landed on him. More than 20 children were taken to the hospital.


Making a bus flip over seems to be a tad bit more than "crossed over the center line"

Posted by: Haiti Has No Home Here at September 12, 2024 06:39 AM (MMH/f)

27 But if Aidan's father still wants to blame the candle then all I can say is, enjoy the darkness. You chose it.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 12, 2024 06:40 AM (L2lKu)

28 We should pray that Aidan's father has a road to Damascus moment.
Posted by: Anna Puma at September 12, 2024 06:37 AM (L2lKu)

Indeed. Those people don't give a shit about pedestrians over there.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 12, 2024 06:40 AM (nPLkK)

29 Glad to see the vile John Kirby screwed the pooch, exposing himself more obviously as a nasty little shit.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at September 12, 2024 06:40 AM (GbZf+)

30 "This ghastly, despicable bastard! Of course, he's also a teacher"

I bet his wife has a Haitian boyfriend. Heck, he probably does too.

Posted by: fd at September 12, 2024 06:40 AM (vFG9F)

31 I thought BJ Clinton and his lovely bride fixed the Haiti problem.

Posted by: Was I misinformed? at September 12, 2024 06:40 AM (DobEs)

32 Good morning horde!

Black Chicagoan Warns Democrats that Migrants Are Replacing African Americans

Someone should let the black folks know that the globalist's 750M total human population goal doesn't envision a significant number of blacks in it. Mostly hispanic and asian.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 12, 2024 06:41 AM (U7wke)

33 We should pray that Aidan's father has a road to Damascus moment.
Posted by: Anna Puma at September 12, 2024 06:37 AM (L2lKu)

And encounters an IDF Rachel Corrie special from behind.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 12, 2024 06:41 AM (x0n13)

34 “Ya know, I wish that my son Aiden Clark was killed by a 60-year-old white man,” the boy’s father, Nathan Clark, said


There's a bit of sad truth there that he's trying to disguise.

He can't sue an illegal because they don't have crap. And that illegal wasn't insured, so that routes out, too.

A 60 year old white man would have insurance AND property.

Posted by: Haiti Has No Home Here at September 12, 2024 06:41 AM (MMH/f)

35 Good morning JJ and horde

Posted by: Skip at September 12, 2024 06:42 AM (6gitY)

36 That little incident at Pearl Harbor seemed to have been forgotten too.

Posted by: fd at September 12, 2024 06:42 AM (vFG9F)

37 Let us remember GOD is in control, also let us pray for wisdom, strength, and coursge.

Posted by: Eromero at September 12, 2024 06:42 AM (o2ZRX)

38 I posted this yesterday, but I wanted to do so again. I went to the municipal building of our township and there was a guy with a large paneled t facing sideways ruck with a sign on it saying "9/11/01 and "I will never forget." I had a long conversation with him. He said the township would not allow a flag to be flown at the building because someone might be offended, so this is why his truck was there. I assume he's on video and so is anyone who talked to him.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 06:42 AM (dTTBf)

39 Don't drag us into this.

Posted by: Old White Guys at September 12, 2024 06:43 AM (DobEs)

40 Posted by: Eromero at September 12, 2024 06:42 AM (o2ZRX)

Thank you. I do those things.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 06:43 AM (dTTBf)

41 Note the unspoken racism of this bastard... it's OK to hate a 60 year old white man who murders (negligently or otherwise) your kid? But not a Haitian?

Why, exactly?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 12, 2024 06:43 AM (nPLkK)

42 Trifecta of disaster - NYC/DC/ Benghazi, and Kabul.

Islam has reason to celebrate 9/11.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 12, 2024 06:43 AM (L2lKu)

43 Black Chicagoan Warns Democrats that Migrants Are Replacing African Americans


The funniest part is I clearly remember multiple articles discussing this very thing before Obama was placed in office.

It's not like the black people vote or their votes are accurately counted when they do, but still it's funny to see this 20 years later.

Posted by: Haiti Has No Home Here at September 12, 2024 06:43 AM (MMH/f)

44 Can you possibly hate those vindictive treasonous fucks in the Biden Junta enough?

The late November (launch) date is also significant in that it pushes the test launch back until after the election, and strongly suggests that politics are involved. The Democrats who control the White House are very hostile to Musk, and are quite willing to do whatever they can to hurt him. It seems to me that they are telling him — and everyone else — that they want that test launch delayed until after the election so that if they win, they will then be in a position to stymie Musk entirely, and maybe forever.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at September 12, 2024 06:44 AM (eaI/Y)

45 Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar at September 12, 2024 06:44 AM (VdhcA)

46 43 Black Chicagoan Warns Democrats that Migrants Are Replacing African Americans.

I have an idea...

Posted by: Margaret Sanger at September 12, 2024 06:45 AM (DobEs)

47 37 Let us remember GOD is in control, also let us pray for wisdom, strength, and coursge.
Posted by: Eromero at September 12, 2024 06:42 AM (o2ZRX)

Indeed. Something I've embraced these past 6 months.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 12, 2024 06:45 AM (x0n13)

48 31 I thought BJ Clinton and his lovely bride fixed the Haiti problem.
Posted by: Was I misinformed? at September 12, 2024 06:40 AM (DobEs
They did. Turned misery into money, jut like they’re doing in Ukraine.

Posted by: Eromero at September 12, 2024 06:45 AM (o2ZRX)

49 There is mathematically 0.000-repeating percent chance this fucker wasn't stoned when he hit that bus.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 12, 2024 06:45 AM (nPLkK)

50 "Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some Americans," Clinton said. "What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 06:46 AM (gbOdA)

51 "Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some Americans," Clinton said. "What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"
Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 06:46 AM (gbOdA)
Notice how she works in the false dichotomy.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar at September 12, 2024 06:47 AM (VdhcA)

52 37 Let us remember GOD is in control, also let us pray for wisdom, strength, and courage.
Posted by: Eromero at September 12, 2024 06:42 AM (o2ZRX)

I try to remember that. I try and remember that He knows what the eventual outcome of things will be and we only see a small part of what's going on.

But it's really tough sometimes to not say "Grant me patience already!" when I pray.

Posted by: NR Pax at September 12, 2024 06:47 AM (99eI0)

53 I want to point out that the illegals weren't really a topic in an environment where people were just trying to afford food for their family.

And then that magnificent bastard did it again.

Posted by: Haiti Has No Home Here at September 12, 2024 06:48 AM (MMH/f)

54 Since I got up too late, I didn't get to post a devotional on the earlier thread. Here is one "Retrieval practice" on recalling things which God has done, Biblical passage is Exodus 20:8-11

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 06:50 AM (dTTBf)

55 16 People say all kinds of bizarre things when they're in shock and evidently the father of the poor kid felt the need to be perceived as politically correct
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 06:34 AM (J9q6k)

Sorry, Fen. Not buying it. I have never been in this man's place and hope to God never to be.

But what he said took time to formulate in his mind, It was not said out of shock or grief, It was a premeditated political statement.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 12, 2024 06:50 AM (x0n13)

56 And Corporations Scramble To Kill ‘Divisive’ Diversity Policies

To hear the left talk about it, companies that backtrack on DEI policies are now raysis hatemongers that want coloreds in the back of the bus and gays in death camps.

Posted by: NR Pax at September 12, 2024 06:50 AM (99eI0)

57 Morning everyone, thx JJ hope your strength improves.
I posted it yesterday but what happened to Aiden was a tragedy. But if it ends his idiot fathers genetic line , so be it. Rough to hear but a man even thinking to say such a thing about his murdered child is a waste of breath

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 06:52 AM (tKS+g)

So, some folks bought up a bunch of housing in Springfield just before the Fed dropped the Haitian population bomb. Then make make big money renting to the Haitians.

In one of the half dozen or so videos I've watched about Springfield someone mentioned a manufacturing facility being built which was going to cause a resurgence in the towns fortunes.

I spent my adult life in tech and manufacturing. Manning a factory with people with a 67 IQ is a very very bad idea. People are going to end up seriously dead.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 06:53 AM (RKVpM)

59 The number of white Army recruits declined year by year and fell 43% from 44,042 in 2018 to 25,070 in 2023.

As secretary of defense, Wormuth could help shift the military further away from the traditional “warrior caste” and to DEI hires who are promoted based not on merit or ability, but on quotas, and are statistically less likely to be willing to fight and die for the United States of America.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 06:54 AM (gbOdA)

60 The people bitchin about that most often live in the red states where people are dying from obesity
Posted by: Paul


Well that's a pretty racist observation.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 06:54 AM (NHRtg)

61 57 Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 06:52 AM (tKS+g)

Better day by day, I think. Medical team is pleased with my MRI and progress. On to 6 months more of chemo and continued monitoring. One day at a time!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 12, 2024 06:55 AM (x0n13)

62 Morning all

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 12, 2024 06:55 AM (gXyd9)

63 But yes, food as 10% of the budget is a fair point.

When inflation on food is 200% over four years, you're now able to afford 5% of the food for your family that you were previously able to.

See the problem yet?

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 06:55 AM (NHRtg)

64 50%, not 5%

The rest of you know that but Paul likely needs it written out.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 06:56 AM (NHRtg)

65 Let him eat cock.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 12, 2024 06:56 AM (nPLkK)

66 Lest we forget, 9/11 was also the anniversary of the 2012 Benghazi attack that took the lives of four Americans, thanks to Obama's and Hillary Clinton's gun-running scheme to Syrian terrorists gone south.

Never, ever forget.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at September 12, 2024 06:57 AM (mH6SG)

67 Been reading lots of articles on the debate and many say wait a minute, that was so over the top thrown to Harris it will come back after everyone thinks about it.

Posted by: Skip at September 12, 2024 06:57 AM (6gitY)

68 Raphael Bostic the head of the Atlanta Fed Reserve has been found to have committed insider trading . Whether he's prosecuted or not is a question. However he is the first black and openly gay head of a Fed Bank. Those are two layers of Democratium to overcome

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 06:57 AM (tKS+g)

69 Of course it's a teacher that wins the diamond encrusted platinum medal in the cuckathlon.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 12, 2024 06:58 AM (0FoWg)

70 50%, not 5%

The rest of you know that but Paul likely needs it written out.
Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 06:56 AM (NHRtg)

"94% of the quotes you read on the internet are made up. "

- Samuel Adams

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 12, 2024 06:58 AM (nPLkK)



Posted by: Hillary Clinton at September 12, 2024 06:58 AM (5hfjS)

72 Wow I cannot taste anything. I thought it was the whitefish salad turns out it was the 'rona.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 06:58 AM (RIvkX)

73 ou did send out tweets, but it was more than two hours before you sent out that video message telling your supporters to go home. Is there anything you regret about what you did on that day?

I regret that Ray Epps, one of Pelosis minions along with a corrupt FBI got two innocent women killed.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 06:58 AM (gbOdA)

Making a bus flip over seems to be a tad bit more than "crossed over the center line"

Posted by: Haiti Has No Home Here at September 12, 2024 06:39 AM

Traditionally the greater mass of the bus smashes the automobile to smithereens. I imagine the auto was traveling at a high rate of speed and got under the front left tire of the bus.

I'd like to know if the DMV who issues licenses actually road tests these low IQ knuckleheads.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 06:58 AM (RKVpM)

75 However he is the first black and openly gay head of a Fed Bank.


Wow, imagine him also being the most qualified candidate. That's amazing.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 06:58 AM (NHRtg)

76 This father is speaking the lefts truth. He would happily sacrifice his son to denigrate non-leftists and maybe do a gun grab. He has no interest in justice against the illegals. That would be too unparty of him.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at September 12, 2024 06:58 AM (vsXBg)

77 Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 12, 2024 06:50 AM (x0n13)

I have no way of judging whether it was formulated at length or not as I don't know him. As I said, it was a stupid and insenstive thing to say, but as PG noted earlier this is what happens when people make politics their God..

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 06:58 AM (dTTBf)

78 "The father of an 11-year-old boy who was killed by a Haitian immigrant in Springfield, Ohio, said during a city commission meeting on Tuesday that he wishes his son was instead killed by an “old white man.”

When I first heard about this statement I was prepared to give the father some slack. I'm sure losing a child is extremely traumatic (thankfully, mine are all still alive), and I originally thought he had been approached by media vultures. But the death was a year ago and he went out of his way to speak at a government meeting. He's just another of the multitude of our "citizens" who would put the rope around their own necks if only their "betters" would say that they're good people.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 12, 2024 06:58 AM (U7wke)

79 Raphael Bostic the head of the Atlanta Fed Reserve has been found to have committed insider trading . Whether he's prosecuted or not is a question. However he is the first black and openly gay head of a Fed Bank. Those are two layers of Democratium to overcome
Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 06:57 AM (tKS+g)

100% chance of gay porn on his work computer.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 06:59 AM (RIvkX)

80 "...he wishes his son was instead killed by an “old white man.”"

Then he would have someone to sue.

Posted by: no one of any consequence at September 12, 2024 06:59 AM (+H2BX)

81 @61 JJ , good luck and God bless

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 06:59 AM (tKS+g)

82 Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 12, 2024 06:55 AM (x0n13

I am glad to hear that.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 06:59 AM (dTTBf)

83 77 Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 06:58 AM (dTTBf)


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 12, 2024 07:00 AM (x0n13)

84 Better day by day, I think. Medical team is pleased with my MRI and progress. On to 6 months more of chemo and continued monitoring. One day at a time!

You can do this, J.J. Just remember that the Horde is pulling for ya. You are in our prayers.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at September 12, 2024 07:00 AM (mH6SG)

85 Good morning!

Let's smile & be happy & strike fear in the hearts of killjoy leftists everywhere.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at September 12, 2024 07:01 AM (u82oZ)

86 Someone should let the black folks know that the globalist's 750M total human population goal doesn't envision a significant number of blacks in it. Mostly hispanic and asian.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 12, 2024 06:41 AM (U7wke)

And the first PP was built in Harlem.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 07:01 AM (gbOdA)

87 Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 12, 2024 06:58 AM (U7wke)

I didn't realize it was said a year after the fact I apologize.That makes it quite different

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 07:01 AM (dTTBf)

88 >>Tuesday that he wishes his son was instead killed by an “old white man.”

Well, he wasn't killed by an old white man you f**king retard, he was killed an illegal alien that shouldn't have been in this country in the first place.

You're a f**king disgrace, you obviously were and are a terrible father, role model and exhibit number one in why leftism is a mental disorder.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 12, 2024 07:01 AM (XV/Pl)

89 Better day by day, I think. Medical team is pleased with my MRI and progress. On to 6 months more of chemo and continued monitoring. One day at a time!
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 12, 2024

Marvelous news, JJ.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 12, 2024 07:02 AM (omVj0)

90 “My son Aiden Clark was not murdered. He was accidentally killed by an immigrant from Haiti,” the father added. “In order to live like Aiden, you need to accept everyone.”


Fuck you, your son (and many others) was killed by the very policies you promote and support. What a despicable human being.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at September 12, 2024 07:03 AM (aIU4O)

91 Has anyone asked why DeWine needed Trump/Vance to bring up the issues in Springfield before he acted?

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 12, 2024 07:03 AM (U7wke)

92 I'm glad you're tolerating chemo well and not struggling like {jewells}

Sometimes the cure is as bad as the disease.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 07:04 AM (RIvkX)

93 Somebody had to grind up and compress at least 10,000 David French-grade cucks and then drop forge them in the supine, docile fires of Mt. Cuck to make a cuck that pathetic.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 12, 2024 07:05 AM (0FoWg)

94 Parse out the statement. Really dig into it...

"I wish my kid was killed by an old white guy because you're all racists."

Not "i wish my kid wasn't killed at all because you're all racists". Not "i wish he was killed by an OWG because it would be easier to process".


Sounds a lot like the idiots in Europe getting violated by their own Sparks Of Divinity...

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 12, 2024 07:05 AM (nPLkK)

Actually the Haitians are here legally under some government program. TPS or temporary protected status.

Biden administration extends protected status for up to 309,000 migrants from Haiti
June 28, 20241:02 PM ET

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 07:06 AM (RKVpM)

96 Kuhl suggested that girls’ greater dependence on social interactions might explain their disproportionate brain aging. She notes the essential role of social scenes in girls’ neural, physical, and emotional development.

The CV lockdowns were all planned. It was known it would harm children and more importantly turn these children into fearful, uneducated, and lonely people that will demand more government.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 07:08 AM (gbOdA)

97 I try to remember that. I try and remember that He knows what the eventual outcome of things will be and we only see a small part of what's going on.

But it's really tough sometimes to not say "Grant me patience already!" when I pray.
Posted by: NR Pax at September 12, 2024 06:47 AM (99eI0)

Wait until you remember that his plans are greater than human lifespans. While He will prevail in the end there's room for a lot of pain beforehand. If only evil didn't find such a fertile field in humanity.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 12, 2024 07:08 AM (U7wke)

98 The CV lockdowns were all planned. It was known it would harm children and more importantly turn these children into fearful, uneducated, and lonely people that will demand more government.
Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 07:08 AM (gbOdA)

I do think that for every kid it turned into a sheep, there's another kid it turned into a wolf.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 12, 2024 07:09 AM (nPLkK)

99 @95

>>Actually the Haitians are here legally under some government program. TPS or temporary protected status.

It's conjured bullsh*t, these people should not be here.

There are now more military aged Haitian men in that town then any other group, this is intentional.

I don't know, maybe the Haitian's will raise the testosterone level in that town, because apparently the town is Low-T.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 12, 2024 07:10 AM (XV/Pl)

100 What Dem president started the Temporary Protected Status program? Old Man Bush in 1990. Uniparty indeed

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 07:11 AM (tKS+g)

100% chance of gay porn on his work computer.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 06:59 AM (RIvkX)


Only slightly less chance of naked teen boys.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 12, 2024 07:11 AM (ZG4KX)

g'mornin', 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at September 12, 2024 07:11 AM (bEb2S)

103 I work with a number of 20-24 year olds.

They are completely mental, unable to communicate, understand directions, take initiative, and persist to task-completion. They have the emotional maturity of a hormonal 16 year old.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 07:11 AM (RIvkX)

104 The more I look at history, the more I understand that post-WW2 American foreign policy has been misguided and largely a failure if one believes the purpose of a government is to ensure safety and prosperity for its own citizenry.

It seems as if America grew to be a formidable, dominant nation that most of the world viewed as a sleeping giant, precisely because our foreign policy views allowed our giant to sleep.

When America's focus was largely inward, our people flourished, our cohesiveness as a society was greater and our enemies fewer.

But our leaders were not shrewd enough to eschew sending generations of men to the meat grinder conflicts of other nations half way round the planet, conflicts that posed no real threat to America, that siphoned off resources, lives and served only to create what are now generational ideological enemies of our citizenry.

Posted by: Malcolm Tent at September 12, 2024 07:13 AM (En2Zh)

105 59 The number of white Army recruits declined year by year and fell 43% from 44,042 in 2018 to 25,070 in 2023.

As secretary of defense, Wormuth could help shift the military further away from the traditional “warrior caste” and to DEI hires who are promoted based not on merit or ability, but on quotas, and are statistically less likely to be willing to fight and die for the United States of America.
Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 06:54 AM (gbOdA

Posted by: Eromero at September 12, 2024 07:14 AM (o2ZRX)

106 Tuesday that he wishes his son was instead killed by an “old white man.”

They're political evangelists, and their faith is unshakable. Forget trying to change them.

Posted by: Call It What It Is at September 12, 2024 07:14 AM (6FEVY)

107 In the Grading for Equity regimen, teachers don’t consider homework, extra credit, or “soft-skill” behaviors such as punctuality, attendance, timely handing in assignments, and class participation.

Try running a business with these people. Try having a country with these people.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 07:14 AM (gbOdA)

108 @ 105-
Also, this is how you get a military that will follow an order to fire on civilians.

Posted by: Eromero at September 12, 2024 07:16 AM (o2ZRX)

Megyn Kelly has a message for Taylor Swift:

/ language warning

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 07:16 AM (RKVpM)

110 They are completely mental, unable to communicate, understand directions, take initiative, and persist to task-completion. They have the emotional maturity of a hormonal 16 year old.

Going to need some tough love and soon.

Posted by: NR Pax at September 12, 2024 07:17 AM (99eI0)

Ayaan Hirsi Ali
The CA one-party state went from being a vibrant two party-state to a run down banana republic with similar levels of corruption, poverty, drugs, crime, homelessness, despair and an ever widening gap between rich and poor. It is all the negatives that Kamala Harris embodies.
5:07 AM · Sep 10, 2024

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 07:18 AM (RIvkX)

112 Also, this is how you get a military that will follow an order to fire on civilians.

Kent State. The dispersal of the Bonus Army. Reconstruction and Sherman's March. I can list more. The US Military has been willing to fire on Americans for a long time. Its nothing new.

Posted by: Call It What It Is at September 12, 2024 07:20 AM (6FEVY)

113 “My son Aiden Clark was not murdered. He was accidentally killed by an immigrant from Haiti"

Accidentally. Geeze people ....It was just an accident./

Posted by: Molly k. at September 12, 2024 07:20 AM (j/yko)

When America's focus was largely inward, our people flourished, our cohesiveness as a society was greater and our enemies fewer.


Historians (leftist to the last one) treat 20th century "isolationists" as Neanderthal subhumans. Whereas they recognized that elective involvement in foreign conflicts would irreparably damage the nation. Which, of course, they did.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 12, 2024 07:21 AM (ZG4KX)

115 Gee. It's so unpredictable. Why would the ruling class ever expect that constantly and loudly ridiculing, denigrating and demonizing white, heterosexual males without college education might make them reluctant to answer the rainbow flag's call and volunteer to go die in some fucking armpit so the Big Guys can collect another 10%?

It's, as they say... weird.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 12, 2024 07:21 AM (0FoWg)

116 Good morning, JJ and Horde.

Off to the content.

Posted by: Eeyore at September 12, 2024 07:21 AM (1bNHn)

117 Today's (or the 7:20 AM EST version) of the latest stupidity from Microsoft Bing articles grouching about Vance saying people won't be swayed by billionaire Tay-Tay's endorsement of Trump:

"Given that Trump has spent more than 40 years cultivating an image as a “billionaire celebrity,” who as a politician is often characterized as being out of touch with most Americans, only running to return to the White House out of self-interest, and whose economic platform benefits billionaires to the detriment of the majority of the population, this was — to put it mildly — tone-deaf."

Ummm, because people were doing better under Trump?!!

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 07:21 AM (dTTBf)

118 Sometimes the cure is as bad as the disease.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 07:04 AM (RIvkX)

Given that you're flooding your body with poison in the effort to not, quite, kill you, I'm surprised it's ever easy going.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 12, 2024 07:21 AM (U7wke)

119 SORRY Tay-Tay's endorsement of Kamala.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 07:22 AM (dTTBf)

120 I was a steward on a job where we had a young apprentice delete himself over a girl that broke up with him. Went to the funeral and his father got up in front of everyone to speak and went on a rant about George W. and the ongoing war in Iraq. One of the most horrible things I've got to witness. Wanted to drag his ass of the podium and beat the fuck out of him.
It's true, these people exist.

Posted by: JROD at September 12, 2024 07:23 AM (IlL6s)

121 We all better hope the military is as weak as some say. Because they'll be ordered to move against the citizenry sooner rather than later.

Posted by: Call It What It Is at September 12, 2024 07:23 AM (6FEVY)

122 “He spoke facts. She just basically repeated everything that Biden has said in the past,” a female voter, who said Trump won the debate, asserted on CBS.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 07:23 AM (gbOdA)

123 The CV lockdowns were all planned. It was known it would harm children and more importantly turn these children into fearful, uneducated, and lonely people that will demand more government.
Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 07:08 AM (gbOdA)

I do think that for every kid it turned into a sheep, there's another kid it turned into a wolf.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 12, 2024 07:09 AM (nPLkK)

Further increasing a fearful citizenry's calls for more "protections" from a benevolent overlord.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 12, 2024 07:24 AM (U7wke)

124 I didn't watch "The Apprentice" and had no interest in listening to DT before he ran for President, but I wouldn't have known enough about him (except that he gave money
to build the ice rink IN NYC) to say whether he was insensitive or out of touch.

Kamala is Ms, Sensitivity?!!

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 07:26 AM (dTTBf)

125 The number of white Army recruits declined year by year and fell 43% from 44,042 in 2018 to 25,070 in 2023.

As secretary of defense, Wormuth could help shift the military further away from the traditional “warrior caste” and to DEI hires who are promoted based not on merit or ability, but on quotas, and are statistically less likely to be willing to fight and die for the United States of America.
Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 06:54 AM

The Army can't exist without a constant influx of poor white kids joining up. They can fvck around all they want to with die and quotas but without those white kids coming in and filling the ranks every year the Army will cease to exist.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at September 12, 2024 07:26 AM (QNSds)

126 The Army can't exist without a constant influx of poor white kids joining up.

Which is why we have Army ads now with strong white men fighting battles and less of the Heather Has Two Mommies ads at the moment..

Posted by: NR Pax at September 12, 2024 07:27 AM (99eI0)

127 But our leaders were not shrewd enough to eschew sending generations of men to the meat grinder conflicts of other nations half way round the planet, conflicts that posed no real threat to America, that siphoned off resources, lives and served only to create what are now generational ideological enemies of our citizenry.
Posted by: Malcolm Tent at September 12, 2024 07:13 AM (En2Zh)

By the end of WW2 the President had become one of the two great kings upon the Earth. The children of the king, and his Congress of courtiers, stopped serving in the military and, therefore, there was no personal risk to expanding the borders of the empire. They saw foreign policy as a way to enrich themselves and so they took it.

It wasn't foolishness, it was avarice.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 12, 2024 07:29 AM (U7wke)

128 The Army can't exist without a constant influx of poor white kids joining up. They can fvck around all they want to with die and quotas but without those white kids coming in and filling the ranks every year the Army will cease to exist.
Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at September 12, 2024 07:26 AM (QNSds)

The armed forces can be small and incompetent, as long as they possess the will to fight, because the enemy doesn't. All they have to do is ride herd on an atomized, fearful civil society. A handful of them is really all that's necessary.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 12, 2024 07:31 AM (0FoWg)

Seeing more then a couple of athlete's/celebrities who are staying out of the endorsement game and saying people should do their own research and make up their own minds.

It's kinda refreshing.

I know if I had a young daughter Taylor Swift would be on a boycott list now. Not one thin dime for her.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 07:31 AM (RKVpM)

130 WTF is the hand under the chin thingy.
It is really cringe inducing.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 07:31 AM (gbOdA)

131 122 “He spoke facts. She just basically repeated everything that Biden has said in the past,” a female voter, who said Trump won the debate, asserted on CBS.
Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 07:23 AM (gbOdA)


So all the caterwauling about Trump were wrong?

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at September 12, 2024 07:31 AM (aIU4O)

132 Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 07:31 AM (gbOdA)

I do that as well sometimes when I'm tired to hold up my head.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 07:33 AM (dTTBf)

133 Good morning!

Posted by: Blame It On gp's Juice at September 12, 2024 07:34 AM (cZPb7)

Any athlete, entertainer or celeb should say, "My political opinion carries no more weight than that of a plumber, hairdresser or insurance agent."

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 12, 2024 07:34 AM (ZG4KX)

135 Mornin’, All. Happy Friday Eve.

Not gonna be on the blog much today. I’ve got an in-person interview in the afternoon that I’ll spend the morning preparing for.

Plus, I think I need to take a break from the blog for a bit. Things are getting emotionally overwrought the closer we get to the election. It’s not good for my mental or emotional health to spend so much time dwelling on it.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 12, 2024 07:34 AM (v6JzV)

136 Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump and running mate Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) stopped by a fire station in New York City on Wednesday, the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on U.S. soil that killed 2,977 innocent people.

WTF was Kamala and Dead Joe?

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 07:34 AM (gbOdA)

137 Actually the Haitians are here legally under some government program


Which is why it's fine to continue calling them illegals.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 07:35 AM (NHRtg)

138 Good morning fine people. We have a segment of the population that has firmly turned their backs on the God of the Bible, and embraced the god of this present darkness. I don't expect them to function morally. I'm not surprised when sinners sin.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at September 12, 2024 07:35 AM (SfhV1)

139 In one of the half dozen or so videos I've watched about Springfield someone mentioned a manufacturing facility being built which was going to cause a resurgence in the towns fortunes.

I spent my adult life in tech and manufacturing. Manning a factory with people with a 67 IQ is a very very bad idea. People are going to end up seriously dead.
Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 06:53 AM (RKVpM)


How often do conservative middle class and the working class have to get screwed over by the rich and powerful before they realize they aren’t on their side?

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at September 12, 2024 07:37 AM (aIU4O)

140 The Biden administration, on Friday, announced an 18 months extension —and redesignation- to temporary protected status for up to 309,000 unauthorized migrants from Haiti living in the country.

...The extension period starts on Aug. 4 and runs until Feb. 3, 2026.


Go ahead and tell me what will happen to these illegals on February 4, 2026 under a Harris administration.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 07:37 AM (NHRtg)

141 When Obama was a state senator in Illinois he voted against the Born Alive bill didn't he? I recall the story of a baby being placed in a plastic container and moved to a room to die and he defended that accommodating the mother's intent didn't he?

Posted by: DanMan at September 12, 2024 07:37 AM (8uzBS)

142 That story about the Springfield, OH dad who lost his kid to a Haitian driver is just...jaw dropping. I feel deeply sorry for the death of his boy, but good lord. This brainwashed man can't see the forest for the trees. It isn't "hatred" to recognize that so many Americans have been killed (and murdered) by the Biden/Harris mass influx of illegal aliens into the country. If this Haitian hadn't been coddled into America by Biden/Harris, his kid would still be alive. It's unbelievable he can't see that.

Posted by: Lady in Black at September 12, 2024 07:37 AM (N2zvp)

143 Demonstrates how stupid Swift actually is that she endorses Harris. This occurred after an Islamicist tried to blow up her concert and Harris favors them over Israel and the West. Being a pop performer doesn't guarantee intelligence

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 07:38 AM (tKS+g)

144 he defended that accommodating the mother's intent didn't he?

Posted by: DanMan at September 12, 2024 07:37 AM (8uzBS)


Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at September 12, 2024 07:38 AM (SfhV1)

145 That story about the Springfield, OH dad who lost his kid to a Haitian driver is just...jaw dropping. I feel deeply sorry for the death of his boy, but good lord. This brainwashed man can't see the forest for the trees. It isn't "hatred" to recognize that so many Americans have been killed (and murdered) by the Biden/Harris mass influx of illegal aliens into the country. If this Haitian hadn't been coddled into America by Biden/Harris, his kid would still be alive. It's unbelievable he can't see that.

Posted by: Lady in Black


You do know that Trump said pussy, right?

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 07:38 AM (NHRtg)

146 I meant senator from Illinois, not Illinois state senator

Posted by: DanMan at September 12, 2024 07:38 AM (8uzBS)

147 LIVs are just that. The literally know nothing. I heard a 60 something yesterday talk about fracking. And ground water. In the Haynesville Shale the water is about 200 to 400 feet. The gas around 2000 to 4000.
Then he talked about the water and sand. The water is recycled at 94% and the sand around 90%.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 07:39 AM (gbOdA)

148 “you need to accept everyone”

Except those horrible, racist conservatives.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 12, 2024 07:40 AM (v6JzV)

149 - So, the dems are essentially destroying our standing army?

Hmmm - while I consider having an unmatched navy and air force, and in this day and age space force, to keep enemies away from our borders, not having a standing army I consider to be a good thing.
Problem is, they're doing their best to destroy our air force and navy also.

The good thing is is knowing, as has been noted above, God is in control of it all. That He has always, and always will, place rulers into power to fulfill His plan for this world.

Posted by: TeeJ at September 12, 2024 07:40 AM (oKIzl)

150 "...he wishes his son was instead killed by an “old white man.”"

Then he would have someone to sue.

Posted by: no one of any consequence


It really is as simple as that.

He'd say the same thing if Jay-Qwuan did it.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 07:41 AM (NHRtg)

151 How often do conservative middle class and the working class have to get screwed over by the rich and powerful before they realize they aren’t on their side?
Posted by: MAGA_Ken at September 12, 2024 07:37 AM (aIU4O)

But they have a poster... in a primary color... and it says they're fighting for me/we're all on the same team/let me stick it in your butt... surely this time will be different.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 12, 2024 07:42 AM (U7wke)

152 Bulgaroctonus, prayers up for your interview today. You know you can always call on the Horde to provide character references!

Posted by: screaming in digital at September 12, 2024 07:43 AM (iZbyp)

153 The Army can't exist without a constant influx of poor white kids joining up. They can fvck around all they want to with die and quotas but without those white kids coming in and filling the ranks every year the Army will cease to exist.


It sounds like a catastrophe in the making. If I were a white young man, I certainly would have no desire to join and serve under any modern-day Democrat president. No way.

Posted by: Lady in Black at September 12, 2024 07:43 AM (N2zvp)

154 Not gonna be on the blog much today. I’ve got an in-person interview in the afternoon that I’ll spend the morning preparing for.

Plus, I think I need to take a break from the blog for a bit. Things are getting emotionally overwrought the closer we get to the election. It’s not good for my mental or emotional health to spend so much time dwelling on it.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 12, 2024 07:34 AM (v6JzV)

Good luck on your interview. Taking a break is always a good idea.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 07:43 AM (RIvkX)

155 I don't know how I feel about 9/11 anymore. I was in downtown DC that day 23 years ago. Yesterday I hardly thought of it. Too much has happened. Largely we have defeated Islamic Fascism to the point that it can no longer be considered an existential threat. So that's good.

But we invaded Iraq because of it (and I heartily supported it, then) and just 5 years later we elected a guy named Hussein. I mean weird, right?

And I ate a bacon cheeseburger yesterday at a restaurant with a sign in the window that said 100% Halal. So we are winning, right?

Meanwhile Columbia University is promoting concentration camps for Jews.

Posted by: blaster at September 12, 2024 07:43 AM (QfvaV)

156 94 Parse out the statement. Really dig into it...

"I wish my kid was killed by an old white guy because you're all racists."

Not "i wish my kid wasn't killed at all because you're all racists". Not "i wish he was killed by an OWG because it would be easier to process".


Sounds a lot like the idiots in Europe getting violated by their own Sparks Of Divinity...
Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 12, 2024 07:05 AM (nPLkK)

The only defense I'll give him...people, especially men, have been known throughout history to say things they don't mean when they are stressed/emotional...bringing the death back up a year later was probably not the best thing for his mental health...

Someone should have tried to stop him from speaking...maybe they did...but maybe not hard enough...

Posted by: Nova Local at September 12, 2024 07:44 AM (exHjb)

157 This brainwashed man can't see the forest for the trees. It isn't "hatred" to recognize that so many Americans have been killed (and murdered) by the Biden/Harris mass influx of illegal aliens into the country. If this Haitian hadn't been coddled into America by Biden/Harris, his kid would still be alive. It's unbelievable he can't see that.
Posted by: Lady in Black at September 12, 2024 07:37 AM (N2zvp)

Look at it this way... his son was a casualty in the War Against Legacy White America. He's a Gold Star dad. Sure, it's sad the kid is dead but the destruction of the enemy is more important.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 12, 2024 07:44 AM (U7wke)

158 142 That story about the Springfield, OH dad who lost his kid to a Haitian driver is just...jaw dropping. I feel deeply sorry for the death of his boy, but good lord. This brainwashed man can't see the forest for the trees. It isn't "hatred" to recognize that so many Americans have been killed (and murdered) by the Biden/Harris mass influx of illegal aliens into the country. If this Haitian hadn't been coddled into America by Biden/Harris, his kid would still be alive. It's unbelievable he can't see that.
Posted by: Lady in Black at September 12, 2024 07:37 AM (N2zvp)

The Progressive mind accepts a second or third rate culture as the norm. Look at the band of nothings that constitute the (D) party. Dead Jpe and Harris at the top. Then throw in Bernie, Liawatha, AoC, and a few other mouth breathers that have never had a real income and value producing job. Then add in a culture of death and you have a good deal of people that accept a pitiful, down trodden, miserable life. Look at the number of blacks that accept death, illegitimacy, and being poor as a fact of life.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 07:45 AM (gbOdA)

159 Happy New Year!

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 12, 2024 07:45 AM (cw9q7)

160 Someone should have tried to stop him from speaking...maybe they did...but maybe not hard enough...
Posted by: Nova Local


I wouldn't be surprised if he received quite a bit of money or a job or some other award for speaking up like he did.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 07:46 AM (NHRtg)

161 Good morning good people. Thank you J.J.

On each September 12th, the Church venerates the Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary because of her unique privilege as the holiest of creatures, the Mother of God, and the Queen of Heaven and Earth. Her name is therefore a royal one of the highest order, and as such should be given the greatest honor after that of her Divine Son, Jesus Christ. Instituted in 1513, the feast commemorates all the privileges given to Mary by God, and all the graces we have received through her intercession and mediation.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 12, 2024 07:46 AM (WXNFJ)

162 Good luck Big B! on your interview.

Keep your stick on the ice, I'm pulling for you!

Posted by: Tonypete at September 12, 2024 07:46 AM (WXNFJ)

The problem isn't that LIVs don't know anything, it's that our would-be masters - people like Elizabeth Warren - don't know anything. They've never been on a farm or a shop floor or a production line or in a refinery. They don't know how things gets made or built. They don't know how it gets from A to B. They think stuff is just laying around and greedy capitalists just pick it up and sell it. Yet they make laws and policies.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 12, 2024 07:47 AM (ZG4KX)

164 I have been reading articles about kamala's unrealized capital gains tax and I see some confusion. Her proposal is not a one time tax, it will be an annual tax. The wife and I were talking about that the other day. She wants to take 24% of our gains from our 401k each and every year the tax is in effect.

Her tax proposal will destroy the economy and crash the stock market and nobody other than Trump is saying anything about it.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at September 12, 2024 07:47 AM (QNSds)

165 Constance Mayer, who served as the acting chief Diversity and Inclusion officer until April of this year, raked in $194,510 annually, according to financial disclosures published by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). The State Department’s Special Representative for Racial Justice and Equity, Desiree Cormier Smith, makes $191,900 each year, the disclosures show.

Racism pays!

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 07:47 AM (gbOdA)

166 Best of luck to Bulg!

Posted by: Blame It On gp's Juice at September 12, 2024 07:48 AM (cZPb7)

167 Demonstrates how stupid Swift actually is that she endorses Harris. This occurred after an Islamicist tried to blow up her concert and Harris favors them over Israel and the West. Being a pop performer doesn't guarantee intelligence


Pretty young woman with marginal talent and a $billion dollar bank account supports Harris. Sure, why not. Anything any Democrat president would do to further destroy America and crumble the living standards and opportunities of the lower and middle classes will never affect the pretty young woman with marginal talent and a $billion dollar bank account.

Posted by: Lady in Black at September 12, 2024 07:48 AM (N2zvp)

168 On the evening before the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, during which almost three thousand Americans were killed, Democrat VP Kamala Harris made the utterly preposterous claim during the presidential debate that Jan. 6 was the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.

Really? Lets pretend for a moment that when the government murders two of its citizens in a excited Capitol Building Tour facilitated by the Deep State - that it could be considered the greatest attack on Our Democracy™ but the perpetrators are misidentified.

The attack, similar in scope to the Democrat attack on the Union as a response to Lincoln's victory for a second term not on January 6th, but the nearly four years that followed as the "southern troops", particularly from nations south of the former United States have invaded all parts of this once great nation and have brought disease, drugs, death and destruction to all of our institutions.

J6 was just the firing on Fort Sumter. These jackals and their aristocratic cohort in the Deep State, WEF and Davos are fighting to restore global slavery and misery.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 07:49 AM (rHxhM)

169 163
The problem isn't that LIVs don't know anything, it's that our would-be masters - people like Elizabeth Warren - don't know anything. They've never been on a farm or a shop floor or a production line or in a refinery. They don't know how things gets made or built. They don't know how it gets from A to B. They think stuff is just laying around and greedy capitalists just pick it up and sell it. Yet they make laws and policies.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 12, 2024 07:47 AM (ZG4KX)

See me at 158

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 07:49 AM (gbOdA)

170 @155 blaster, I said this yesterday, but 9/11 knocked this nation sideways. Patriot Act and DHS, instead of reforming FBI and CIA thx W , has allowed repression to flourish. People wanting normalcy listened to nice slogans giving us Barky and Biden/Harris, with the steal. Rough times ahead

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 07:49 AM (tKS+g)

171 As Ronald Reagan said it's not so much what they don't know, but what they do know that just isn't true.

Elizabeth Warren probably believes some of the stuff she says. Probably most of it. It's not just a path to power. She's a true believer in that stuff.

Posted by: blaster at September 12, 2024 07:50 AM (QfvaV)

172 Thanks much for the good wishes, all.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 12, 2024 07:51 AM (v6JzV)

173 I wouldn't be surprised if he received quite a bit of money or a job or some other award for speaking up like he did.
Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and m

That pathetic sack of pure cuck is just a male Karen - he said what he said for the social capital. Wouldn't want the other Karens down at the school to think less of him. Then they might not invite him to guzzle White Claw at their Acolyte watch party, if they suspect his son's demise may have turned him into a Garbage Person.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 12, 2024 07:51 AM (0FoWg)

The parent being O.K. with the Haitian running over his kid is nothing new for lefty dads. Some Sandy hook dad is doing commercials trading off his sons death as well to scam for gun control.

And speaking of dads and guns, wasn't there one recently who's son took several shots at that deplorable Trump person and ended up killing a spectator? If only I could remember his name, but I haven't heard anything more about that incident.

Guessing it's best to move on.

Posted by: Auspex at September 12, 2024 07:52 AM (j4U/Z)

175 Top DEI Officials at Biden-Harris State Department Rake In Nearly $200k a Year, Records Show


What's neat is to recognize that all of the offensive stereotypes about blacks being lazy, unable to show up on time, unwilling to work, incapable of learning, incapable of performing at similar levels as whites, etc. are now being codified into law.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 07:53 AM (NHRtg)

176 Elizabeth Warren was actually on to something with her book The Two-Income Trap. She identified the problem correctly. Unfortunately, her solution was more government meddling in the economy.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 12, 2024 07:53 AM (v6JzV)

177 Wait until you remember that his plans are greater than human lifespans. While He will prevail in the end there's room for a lot of pain beforehand. If only evil didn't find such a fertile field in humanity.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 12, 2024 07:08 AM (U7wke)

I get it and it's easy sometimes to just give into despair. That's one reason I talk to you lovely people. It reminds me that things are not as terrible as they sometimes appear.

Posted by: NR Pax at September 12, 2024 07:53 AM (99eI0)

178 I have been reading articles about kamala's unrealized capital gains tax and I see some confusion. Her proposal is not a one time tax, it will be an annual tax. The wife and I were talking about that the other day. She wants to take 24% of our gains from our 401k each and every year the tax is in effect.

Because there are deep restrictions on how 401k money is "invested", it would be stocks and treasury notes that have to be unloaded. Stocks would be purchased for pennies on the dollar by foreign investors, and the cursed USG would probably form carve outs for treasury notes so that the mass monetization of debt could continue as this shit excuse for government continues to murder and plunder American citizens for the benefit of the wealthy and their replacement population of chattel pets.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 07:54 AM (rHxhM)

179 As of March 8, according to the city controller’s office, Measure ULA has brought in just $173.6 million, about a quarter of what the city had estimated.

The only tax policy that has ever worked as planned is communism as practice on the Kulaks and now on the Boer White Farmers. Kill the owners and take the land.
Of course it only work in year 1 and 2 as by year 3 the crops do not come in and by year 5 you have to starve the Ukrainians.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 07:54 AM (gbOdA)

180 This isn't seizing your 401K because it's not happening all at once.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 07:56 AM (NHRtg)

181 I note that when the idiot dad gave his statement it appeared that his wife was standing beside him looking on approvingly. Why do I get the feeling Karen put him up to this?

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 07:56 AM (tKS+g)

182 And speaking of dads and guns, wasn't there one recently who's son took several shots at that deplorable Trump person and ended up killing a spectator? If only I could remember his name, but I haven't heard anything more about that incident.

Wasn't there a "dad" recently who gave his mentally disturbed tranny "son" a rifle to go murder his fellow classmates in Georgia?

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 07:57 AM (rHxhM)

183 The only tax policy that has ever worked as planned is communism as practice on the Kulaks and now on the Boer White Farmers. Kill the owners and take the land.

Of course it only work in year 1 and 2 as by year 3 the crops do not come in and by year 5 you have to starve the Ukrainians.


Speaking of seizing middle class investments...

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 07:57 AM (NHRtg)

184 A new study, commissioned by NASA, endorses giving NASA more power and money, even as NASA becomes more irrelevant

Redoubling your efforts after having lost site of the original goals is the true sign of a zealot.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 07:57 AM (gbOdA)

185 I note that when the idiot dad gave his statement it appeared that his wife was standing beside him looking on approvingly. Why do I get the feeling Karen put him up to this?

Eve: "Here Adam take a bite of this fruit."

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 07:57 AM (rHxhM)

186 he father of an 11-year-old boy who was killed by a Haitian immigrant in Springfield, Ohio, said during a city commission meeting on Tuesday that he wishes his son was instead killed by an “old white man.”


Reminds of some Western European woman (don't recall which country, and a search using both Brave and Google show that it's been conveniently memory-holed) who had been raped by Muslim men, but claimed it was what guys because in her #Wokeness she didn't want to accuse minorities of the crime.

We're watching the civilization suicide of the West in real-time ... and the barbarian hordes are once again prevailing.

Posted by: ShainS -- Join Bush/Cheney in War Criminals For Kommie-la! at September 12, 2024 07:57 AM (P3VPf)

187 The problem isn't that LIVs don't know anything, it's that our would-be masters - people like Elizabeth Warren - don't know anything.

This is one of my concerns about DeSantis. He's never been anything but a government lawyer/legislator/governor. I'd really like to see at least one of the parties wanting real world experience in something.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 12, 2024 07:58 AM (U7wke)

188 This isn't seizing your 401K because it's not happening all at once.\

[ Insert parable of the frog and increasingly warming pot of water ]

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 07:58 AM (rHxhM)

189 Oh no.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 07:58 AM (NHRtg)

190 Septus, "how do you fight an idea?"

Masalla, "with another idea!"
Posted by: Anna Puma at September 12, 2024 06:32 AM (L2lKu)

I just love that movie (and book). Stephen Boyd was tremendous… the entire cast was. The musical score awesome. A masterpiece…

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at September 12, 2024 07:59 AM (6RwsA)

191 Yesterday, 9/11, was the anniversary of Hillary's ass on my face.

Posted by: The Bollard at September 12, 2024 07:59 AM (i0F8b)

192 Mornin’, All. Happy Friday Eve.

Not gonna be on the blog much today. I’ve got an in-person interview in the afternoon that I’ll spend the morning preparing for.

Plus, I think I need to take a break from the blog for a bit. Things are getting emotionally overwrought the closer we get to the election. It’s not good for my mental or emotional health to spend so much time dwelling on it.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 12, 2024 07:34 AM (v6JzV)

Good luck with the interview!

Don't go away from us for too long -- we'll be talking smack about you the whole time!

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 08:00 AM (RhGG0)

193 and speaking of dads and guns, wasn't there one recently who's son took several shots at that deplorable Trump person and ended up killing a spectator? If only I could remember his name, but I haven't heard anything more about that incident.


There's no proof of that.

No, really. There's no proof of that. Remember all the files spread out on the floor and the little numbered tents when Trump's home was raided?

The roof was just hosed off.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 08:00 AM (NHRtg)

194 Good morning, you lot. You wonderful lot.

Posted by: Count de Monet at September 12, 2024 08:01 AM (Aqu9a)

195 - @185. UDUP

You left out the part where the serpent says don't bite the apple and Eve asks where's it at.

Posted by: TeeJ at September 12, 2024 08:01 AM (oKIzl)

196 he father of an 11-year-old boy who was killed by a Haitian immigrant in Springfield, Ohio, said during a city commission meeting on Tuesday that he wishes his son was instead killed by an “old white man.”

Common theme: the "father" literally wished his boy was dead.

There you go, a sanctioned abortion at 140 months.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 08:01 AM (rHxhM)

197 So I have a million in my 401k.
You take 250,000.
I now have 750,000.
Let say I get 8%.
So in year 2 I have 810, year 3 I have 870, year 4 I have 930 and in year 5 I have 990. Finally in year 6 I have 1050 of which the Big Govt takes 250 again.

Hamster wheel has better odds.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 08:02 AM (gbOdA)

198 Off to lose golf balls . Later Horde

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 08:02 AM (tKS+g)

199 There's not much point in seizing investments anyway. At massive inflation rates like we have they'll disappear in years already.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 08:03 AM (NHRtg)

200 Some Sandy hook dad is doing commercials trading off his sons death as well to scam for gun control.

I can see that... a gun killed my kid so I want all guns destroyed. I understood that Code Pink chick during the Bush years - don't remember her name... war killed my kid so I want all war ended.

This guy in Ohio, however, says an "immigrant" killed my kid... I really wish it would have been a white dude. That's entirely different.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 12, 2024 08:03 AM (U7wke)

201 164 I have been reading articles about kamala's unrealized capital gains tax and I see some confusion. Her proposal is not a one time tax, it will be an annual tax. The wife and I were talking about that the other day. She wants to take 24% of our gains from our 401k each and every year the tax is in effect.


Math is not my strong suite but I just looked and my 401 has me at a 17% gain for the year so far...So basically all that would be gone each year.....?!

Posted by: Molly k. at September 12, 2024 08:03 AM (j/yko)

202 188 This isn't seizing your 401K because it's not happening all at once.\

[ Insert parable of the frog and increasingly warming pot of water ]
Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 07:58 AM (rHxhM)

Judges would have accepted scorpion fable.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 08:04 AM (gbOdA)

203 “If you guys don’t get out here, we’re all going to f—-ing die.”

September 11, 2012: Terrorists Murder Four Americans in Benghazi


I subsequently read the book "13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi" (and was surprised at how faithful Michael Bay's 2016 movie "13 Hours" was to it) -- both causing my blood to boil into a murderous rage.

"Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia Hillary Clinton!"

Posted by: ShainS -- Join Bush/Cheney in War Criminals For Kommie-la! at September 12, 2024 08:04 AM (P3VPf)

204 Off to lose golf balls . Later Horde
Posted by: Smell the Glove


I learned something interesting recently. I found a pink one and played it over a water hazard. I hit it well and continued playing with it, and didn't lose a single ball for the next 14 holes.

The trade-off is you have to play with a pink ball.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 08:04 AM (NHRtg)

205 The Blaze has a very interesting article which unfortunately is subscriber-only beyond a few paragraphs, but I'll summarize:

After 9/11/01 and the subsequent anthrax (fake?) attacks, Dick Cheney decided we needed biological weapons, so he went searching around the federal government for someone who didn't morally/ethically object. He found (wait for it) Anthony Fauci.

Fauci then embarked on his own search for a facility with no moral/ethical standards and he found the Wuhan Institute.

And now you know the REST of the story.

Posted by: Ian S. at September 12, 2024 08:04 AM (wItF4)

206 Seize this, honkus!

Posted by: Josephus at September 12, 2024 08:05 AM (Aqu9a)

207 Happy Trash Day.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 12, 2024 08:07 AM (WXNFJ)

208 The trade-off is you have to play with a pink ball.
Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 08:04 AM (NHRtg)

Now do black panties in the glove compartment.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 08:07 AM (gbOdA)

209 I have been reading articles about kamala's unrealized capital gains tax and I see some confusion. Her proposal is not a one time tax, it will be an annual tax. The wife and I were talking about that the other day. She wants to take 24% of our gains from our 401k each and every year the tax is in effect.

And guess what? If your portfolio loses money, you can only deduct $3,000, and assuming the assessor raises your house value every year due to inflation, you will probably have an overall taxable gain every year. No indexing that I know of.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at September 12, 2024 08:08 AM (azqol)

The left is operating under the theory that if you rob Peter to pay Paul you'll get Paul's ballots. A lot of them.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 08:09 AM (RKVpM)

211 Reuters headline Haitian immigrants fueled Midwestern city's growth.
No further comment necessary.

Posted by: From about That Time at September 12, 2024 08:09 AM (4780s)

212 I have been reading articles about kamala's unrealized capital gains tax and I see some confusion.

Let me help: They won't stop until everyone in this country is taxed at 100% and you are forced to beg for scraps to feed you and your family.

Posted by: NR Pax at September 12, 2024 08:09 AM (99eI0)

213 We're watching the civilization suicide of the West in real-time ... and the barbarian hordes are once again prevailing.

I've been working on a theory based on Ancient religions where at Babel, when families were divided up and scattered upon the earth, these nations or ethnicities were assigned their spiritual princes. This is in large part why over the span of human history you see nations rising up against nations is that its demons warring for turf. Sort of cosmic game of Risk being played out. Its also why you see certain nations never getting along with other nations (e.g. perpetual racial/ethnic strife within the US and in Balkans, etc.)

The divisions are not racial, they are within family groups that were separated by language group at Babel. (family groups following the female genetic line).

What you are seeing with the border "crisis" and in Europe is a spiritual Getting the Band Back Together Again as demons from around the world unite in a few venues in the West.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 08:10 AM (rHxhM)

214 The trade-off is you have to play with a pink ball.
Posted by: Boron Cobbie

Candidate Walz, is that you?

Posted by: Tonypete at September 12, 2024 08:10 AM (WXNFJ)

215 Let me help: They won't stop until everyone in this country is taxed at 100% and you are forced to beg for scraps to feed you and your family.
Posted by: NR Pax at September 12, 2024 08:09 AM (99eI0)

Well now I am feeling better/

Posted by: Molly k. at September 12, 2024 08:10 AM (j/yko)

216 It's National Chocolate Milkshake Day.

Posted by: redridinghood at September 12, 2024 08:10 AM (NpAcC)

217 Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 12, 2024 07:34 AM (v6JzV)

I will pray for your interview, and I think it's good to take breaks from here. My posting has gone down and will probably go down more as the election gears up.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 08:11 AM (dTTBf)

218 NY Post online national poll; 1,174 LV
Harris won the debate - 50%
Trump - 29%
Neither - 13%

But, Trump moves up 1 point in voting preference to 47% against Harris at 50%

Biden was up an average of 7.6% at 50.5% in 2020. He widened the gap to 10.7% middle of October.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 12, 2024 08:11 AM (M5STE)

219 Let me help: They won't stop until everyone in this country is taxed at 100% and you are forced to beg for scraps to feed you and your family.

I'm pretty sure Rule 556 comes into play at some point.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 08:11 AM (rHxhM)

220 The trade-off is you have to play with a pink ball.
Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 08:04 AM (NHRtg)

Are we not doing phrasing?

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 08:11 AM (RIvkX)

221 Off to have the doctor tell me I'm fat. Y'all be good to each other.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 12, 2024 08:12 AM (U7wke)

222 The trade-off is you have to play with a pink ball.

Candidate Walz, is that you?
Posted by: Tonypete

Ugh. Imagine taking time off on a beautiful September day to play a round of golf and getting paired up with him.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 08:13 AM (NHRtg)

223 The left is operating under the theory that if you rob Peter to pay Paul you'll get Paul's ballots. A lot of them.

The dead, the duplicate and the fictional don't need Peter's money so the agents who stole it keep it for themselves.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 08:13 AM (rHxhM)

224 I have been reading articles about kamala's unrealized capital gains tax and I see some confusion. Her proposal is not a one time tax, it will be an annual tax. The wife and I were talking about that the other day. She wants to take 24% of our gains from our 401k each and every year the tax is in effect.

Her tax proposal will destroy the economy and crash the stock market and nobody other than Trump is saying anything about it.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at September 12, 2024 07:47 AM (QNSds)


She is, stupidly of course, telegraphing that she will crash the economy. I don't know why she doesn't go "whole hog" and make it applicable to people's inflated home values.

Imagine the GIANT SUCKING SOUND of the vast majority of home-owners putting their homes up for sale in order to pay an unrealized capital gain on it ... and not that approximately 2/3rds of Americans own a home -- that's around 250 million people.

Instant poverty and chaos. Anarcho-terrorism and Cloward-Piven ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Join Bush/Cheney in War Criminals For Kommie-la! at September 12, 2024 08:13 AM (P3VPf)

225 Reuters headline Haitian immigrants fueled Midwestern city's growth.

As far as I've seen, the reality there is that idiot metal shop guy found 30 Haitians out of the 20,000 that had a high enough IQ to do the work he wanted. Probably below minimum wage and no benefits because that's how it works with illegals.

So a little over 1/10th of a percentage hit rate. Why yes, that makes it all worth it.

Posted by: Ian S. at September 12, 2024 08:13 AM (wItF4)

226 Not gonna be on the blog much today. I’ve got an in-person interview in the afternoon that I’ll spend the morning preparing for.

Plus, I think I need to take a break from the blog for a bit. Things are getting emotionally overwrought the closer we get to the election. It’s not good for my mental or emotional health to spend so much time dwelling on it.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 12, 2024

Good luck on the interview, B. You'll ace it.

And I plan to restrict myself more to the non-poli threads too.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 12, 2024 08:14 AM (omVj0)

227 I'm pretty sure Rule 556 comes into play at some point.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 08:11 AM (rHxhM)


Breaker Morant 2: Americanized Boogaloo.

Posted by: ShainS -- Join Bush/Cheney in War Criminals For Kommie-la! at September 12, 2024 08:15 AM (P3VPf)

228 She is, stupidly of course, telegraphing that she will crash the economy. I don't know why she doesn't go "whole hog" and make it applicable to people's inflated home values.


Because lots of people own homes. And lots of those people think that only rich people have investments.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 08:15 AM (NHRtg)

229 In other interesting news, per statista, nearly half of Americans didn't read a single book in 2023.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at September 12, 2024 08:15 AM (azqol)

The trade-off is you have to play with a pink ball.

You know who else had a single pink ball?

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 08:15 AM (RKVpM)

231 Probably below minimum wage and no benefits because that's how it works with illegals.

So a little over 1/10th of a percentage hit rate. Why yes, that makes it all worth it.
Posted by: Ian S. at September 12, 2024 08:13 AM (wItF4)

(D)s do love that slavery system.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 08:15 AM (gbOdA)

232 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:16 AM (Zz0t1)

233 I have been reading articles about kamala's unrealized capital gains tax and I see some confusion. Her proposal is not a one time tax, it will be an annual tax.

I would say that she would need a willing Congress and SCOTUS because there is a 16th Amendment issue at stake, but its pretty clear we are post Constitutional, it only takes traitors with guns who receive green paychecks who will murder their own family members and neighbors if necessary to keep their pensions secure.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 08:16 AM (rHxhM)

234 It's National Chocolate Milkshake Day.
Posted by: redridinghood

Just what a country saddled with obesity and metabolic syndrome needs.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 08:16 AM (KAi1n)

235 Taxing unrealized capital gains has all the intellectual heft of race-based reparations.

Cotton candy for the minstrel show.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 08:16 AM (RIvkX)

236 Joseph is now facing nine years behind bars after being convicted of involuntary manslaughter. He was not licensed to drive in Ohio.

Seems light.........

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:16 AM (Zz0t1)

237 What position will Tay-Tay have in the upcoming Emhoff administration?

Posted by: She makes great decisions at September 12, 2024 08:16 AM (DobEs)

They won't stop until everyone in this country is taxed at 100% and you are forced to beg for scraps to feed you and your family.
Posted by: NR Pax at September 12, 2024 08:09 AM (99eI0)


Democrats think all money is actually government property. Consider yourself lucky they let you keep some.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 12, 2024 08:17 AM (ZG4KX)

239 It's National Chocolate Milkshake Day.

Posted by: redridinghood at September 12, 2024 08:10 AM (NpAcC)


Make Vanilla Privilege Great Again!

Posted by: ShainS -- Join Bush/Cheney in War Criminals For Kommie-la! at September 12, 2024 08:17 AM (P3VPf)

240 Brett Baier is a scumbag up the ass of Democrats. No better than Muir or Stephoshitafag.

Posted by: ... at September 12, 2024 08:17 AM (U/CEs)

241 As far as I've seen, the reality there is that idiot metal shop guy found 30 Haitians out of the 20,000 that had a high enough IQ to do the work he wanted. Probably below minimum wage and no benefits because that's how it works with illegals.

So a little over 1/10th of a percentage hit rate. Why yes, that makes it all worth it.
Posted by: Ian S.

Employers don't have to pay for benefits for illegals, the US taxpayer does. They can legally refuse to provide benefits as instructed by the federal government.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at September 12, 2024 08:18 AM (azqol)

242 In other interesting news, per statista, nearly half of Americans didn't read a single book in 2023.

Probably don't wear pants Sunday morning either.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 08:18 AM (rHxhM)

243 I've read the dumb dad's statement 100 times and still don't understand what he's trying to say there. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:18 AM (Zz0t1)

244 Just what a country saddled with obesity and metabolic syndrome needs.
Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 08:16 AM (KAi1n)

*looks up from caramel frozen half-caf latte with extra cream*

Wait, whut?

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 08:18 AM (RIvkX)

245 229 In other interesting news, per statista, nearly half of Americans didn't read a single book in 2023.
Posted by: Thomas Paine at September 12, 2024 08:15 AM (azqol)

About one third of high school graduates have not read a book since graduation.
Proof positive that High School is for the teachers and admin, not for the students.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 08:18 AM (gbOdA)

246 That really wasn't a "space walk," right?

Posted by: one hour sober at September 12, 2024 08:18 AM (Y1sOo)

247 What position will Tay-Tay have in the upcoming Emhoff administration?
Posted by: She makes great decisions at September 12, 2024 08:16 AM (DobEs)

The Babylon Bee's response to Swift's endorsement HAD to leave a mark.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:18 AM (Zz0t1)

248 Let us remember GOD is in control, also let us pray for wisdom, strength, and coursge.
Posted by: Eromero at September 12, 2024 06:42 AM (o2ZRX)

So is the free will that God so generously gave humankind. And there are people using that free will in an attempt to enslave and eventually kill us.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 12, 2024 08:19 AM (g8Ew8)

249 In other interesting news, per statista, nearly half of Americans didn't read a single book in 2023.

That's because half of Americans are functionally illiterate.

That's not a joke. That's data from the NEA from back in one of Obama's terms.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Christians are the most persecuted, oppressed, and murdered religious group at September 12, 2024 08:19 AM (NHRtg)

250 Kamala is the Meghan Markle of politicians.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 12, 2024 08:19 AM (nFx0I)

251 If I didn't know better, why I'd suspect that the suggestion of taxing unrecognized gains was a pointed effort to drive boomers to withdraw money from the market en masse to crash the equities market and bring about massive financial turmoil to enable regulators to enact draconian measures and bring about a global reset on the debt-driven fiat currency system.

Fortunately, I'm secure in my knowledge that there is no such desire on behalf of any non-existent meta-level decision making cabal, and that we, as citizens, are represented only by elected officials whom we have power over at the ballot box and whose only orientation is towards the stability and well-being of their constituency.

Posted by: Malcolm Tent at September 12, 2024 08:19 AM (En2Zh)

252 About one third of high school graduates have not read a book since graduation.
Proof positive that High School is for the teachers and admin, not for the students.
Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 08:18 AM (gbOdA)

Print is dead.

Posted by: Egon Spengler at September 12, 2024 08:19 AM (Zz0t1)

253 What position will Tay-Tay have in the upcoming Emhoff administration?

Posted by: She makes great decisions at September 12, 2024 08:16
AM (DobEs)


Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy.

/Atomic Tranny PurseThieving DogBoy hardest hit ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Join Bush/Cheney in War Criminals For Kommie-la! at September 12, 2024 08:20 AM (P3VPf)

254 If I read comments here for three hours a day, does that equal reading a book?

Posted by: How does that work, exactly? at September 12, 2024 08:20 AM (DobEs)

255 WTF

Ben & Jerry's co-founders unveil Kamala Harris 'Coconut Jubilee' ice cream flavor

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 08:21 AM (gbOdA)

256 Did you hear about the new Haitian restaurant in Springfield?

It's called Backyards.

Posted by: CatDuck at September 12, 2024 08:21 AM (/YM5e)

257 If I read comments here for three hours a day, does that equal reading a book?

While reading comments for three hours a day is engaging and can provide various insights, it’s not quite the same as reading a book in terms of depth, structure, and educational value. If you’re looking to deepen your knowledge on a subject or enjoy a well-developed narrative, reading books would be more beneficial.

Posted by: ChatGPT at September 12, 2024 08:21 AM (NHRtg)

258 Trump did not just "give money" to repair the Wollman ice rink. He took over the project after the city government wasted years and millions screwing it up. He ran the project like a Boss and had it up and running in short order. A capable man taking charge. The same way he runs everything.

Posted by: FJB!!, FKH!! at September 12, 2024 08:22 AM (CV8a5)

259 I saw Stephoshitafag open for Steppenwolf at The Starplex in '86.

Posted by: Egon Spengler at September 12, 2024 08:22 AM (Zz0t1)

260 Delusional.

Tom Elliott
spends 5 minutes regaling in Kamala’s debate performance:

“What a smackdown. Harris ran Trump over w/ a truck … It was fun. I’m still giddy thinking about it … She tore out [his] heart, showed it to him while it was still beating, then ate it on national TV … And now she would like seconds”

Posted by: redridinghood at September 12, 2024 08:22 AM (NpAcC)

261 WTF

Ben & Jerry's co-founders unveil Kamala Harris 'Coconut Jubilee' ice cream flavor
Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 08:21 AM (gbOdA)

This surprises you?

Oh, and damn......strike one.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:22 AM (Zz0t1)

262 I'm watching Have Gun -- Will Travel's Christmas 1962b episode, and pretending this is a day in my retirement.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 12, 2024 08:23 AM (omVj0)

263 CBS’s
spends 5 minutes regaling in Kamala’s debate performance:

“What a smackdown. Harris ran Trump over w/ a truck … It was fun. I’m still giddy thinking about it … She tore out [his] heart, showed it to him while it was still beating, then ate it on national TV … And now she would like seconds”


That's why there aren't any meaningful or viral clips of her performance.

Posted by: ChatGPT at September 12, 2024 08:23 AM (NHRtg)

264 8 Years Ago Today Hillary Clinton Dropped Like a Rock and Was Thrown Into Van Like a Side of Beef (VIDEO)

- gateway pundit

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at September 12, 2024 08:23 AM (XoGHf)

265 What I thought was an interesting observation was that she confirmed the Deep State / Uniparty by reading off the list of (R) supporters like Cheney.

Posted by: ChatGPT at September 12, 2024 08:23 AM (NHRtg)

266 Darned sock

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Men don't care about women's accomplishments, only looks and pleasantness at September 12, 2024 08:24 AM (NHRtg)

267 I have been reading articles about kamala's unrealized capital gains tax and I see some confusion. Her proposal is not a one time tax, it will be an annual tax. The wife and I were talking about that the other day. She wants to take 24% of our gains from our 401k each and every year the tax is in effect.

So what is the tax hickey for a one time withdrawal of all the funds?

Ex-patriation is where it is at. Sell everything before the fools realize what is happening and take your savings somewhere else

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 08:24 AM (rHxhM)

268 Kamala is the Meghan Markle of politicians.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 12, 2024 08:19 AM (nFx0I)


The Meghan Markle of Maxine Waters of Frederica Wilsons of Zombie Sheila Jackson Lees.

Posted by: ShainS -- Join Bush/Cheney in War Criminals For Kommie-la! at September 12, 2024 08:24 AM (P3VPf)

269 *If you’re looking to deepen your knowledge on a subject or enjoy a well-developed narrative, reading books would be more beneficial.*

You're not the boss of me!

Posted by: My twelve year old self at September 12, 2024 08:24 AM (DobEs)

270 The Babylon Bee's response to Swift's endorsement HAD to leave a mark.

Still less of one than Elon saying in response to her "I'm a childless cat lady for Harris" that he'd be glad to knock her up so she could vote for Trump.

Posted by: Ian S. at September 12, 2024 08:24 AM (NqGS/)

271 Morning JJ and Horde

Posted by: Jonah at September 12, 2024 08:24 AM (YCxFk)

That's why there aren't any meaningful or viral clips of her performance.

Posted by: ChatGPT at September 12, 2024 08:23 AM

Trumps closing statement at debate on Twitter/X set some record for views while Harris videos are ignored.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 08:25 AM (RKVpM)

273 Lin Gui’an, the assistant director of the New York City Police Commissioner Liaison Unit, previously worked as the vice chairman of a nonprofit that has since been linked to the Chinese government, according to the New York Post.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 08:25 AM (gbOdA)

274 Ex-patriation is where it is at. Sell everything before the fools realize what is happening and take your savings somewhere else

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 08:24 AM (rHxhM)


* "Have a Plan B" James Hickman, formerly of Sovereign Man blog, has entered the chat *

Posted by: ShainS -- Join Bush/Cheney in War Criminals For Kommie-la! at September 12, 2024 08:26 AM (P3VPf)

275 hahahaha, yeah, Trump won.


"As of September 2024, Taylor Swift's latest album is "The Tortured Poet’s Department," released on September 20, 2024. This album follows her previous work and showcases her ongoing evolution as an artist. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, you can check Taylor Swift's official website or streaming platforms."


"As of my last update in September 2021, there has not been a debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Donald Trump, the former President of the United States, and Kamala Harris, the Vice President, have not participated in a direct debate.

If you're referring to a specific debate or a more recent event, it would be best to check the latest news sources for up-to-date information."

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Men don't care about women's accomplishments, only looks and pleasantness at September 12, 2024 08:26 AM (NHRtg)

276 That's why there aren't any meaningful or viral clips of her performance.

I particularly like the part where the CBS employee was articulating his pagan human sacrifice fantasies - the mask slipping off to see his allegiance to demonic forces.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 08:26 AM (rHxhM)

277 ...
The Meghan Markle of Maxine Waters of Frederica Wilsons of Zombie Sheila Jackson Lees

Looking forward to seeing Mzzzz Emhoff in a big foam runner cowboy hat!

Posted by: Gold, Jerry! Gold! at September 12, 2024 08:27 AM (DobEs)

278 264 8 Years Ago Today Hillary Clinton Dropped Like a Rock and Was Thrown Into Van Like a Side of Beef (VIDEO)

- gateway pundit
Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at September 12, 2024 08:23 AM (XoGHf)

Bollard 1
Hilldog 0

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 08:27 AM (gbOdA)

279 @StephenAtHome
spends 5 minutes regaling in Kamala’s debate performance:

StephenAtHome is the Jamie from Progressive of Limu's Doug.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:27 AM (Zz0t1)

280 Trumps closing statement at debate on Twitter/X set some record for views while Harris videos are ignored.
Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024

I watched the whole thing, glutton for punishment that I am, on Newsmax2. For some reason Pluto did not return to Newsmax during KH's statement, but did show DJT's. I was perfectly happy with it that way.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 12, 2024 08:27 AM (omVj0)

The Meghan Markle of Maxine Waters of Frederica Wilsons of Zombie Sheila Jackson Lees

Looking forward to seeing Mzzzz Emhoff in a big foam rubber cowboy hat!

Posted by: Gold, Jerry! Gold! at September 12, 2024 08:27 AM (DobEs)

282 The next debate should be held on October 7, hosted by Fox, moderated by Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, the location Butler Township, PA, and it must include a live audience.

The last one was hosted by a network that pumps every day for Harris, ignores and spikes any news helpful to Trump, was moderated by two ultra partisans that hate his guts, and fed Harris the script.

Fair is fair, right? Who is not for fairness? Speak up, and say why?

Posted by: Mr Gaga at September 12, 2024 08:28 AM (nWmNS)

8 Years Ago Today Hillary Clinton Dropped Like a Rock and Was Thrown Into Van Like a Side of Beef (VIDEO)

- gateway pundit

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at September 12, 2024 08:23 AM

The LA Times had a daily tracking poll up that year. Hillary was ahead until 'Bollard Day'. She fell behind after that and never regained the lead.

The rest is history.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 08:28 AM (RKVpM)

284 Good news: the New York Times tech/IT department is going on strike. Right before the election. LOL.

Posted by: Ian S. at September 12, 2024 08:28 AM (NqGS/)

285 >>> What I thought was an interesting observation was that she confirmed the Deep State / Uniparty by reading off the list of (R) supporters like Cheney.
Posted by: ChatGPT

Two sides of the same coin. Major difference is that one calls the other 'nazi' and 'stalinist' right back.
But they are in cahoots in their march towards absolute authoritianism and we witness the in-house fight of who gets to be despot in charge.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at September 12, 2024 08:28 AM (XoGHf)

286 Last month, the Minnesota Guard told Just the News that it does not know whether Walz, now the Democratic vice presidential nominee, had disclosed his drunk driving charge and guilty plea to the military at the time of the incident. The Guard’s spokesperson did not respond to several follow-up emails seeking clarification.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 08:28 AM (gbOdA)

287 Has anyone mentioned to idiot father that if we didn't allow unrestricted immigration his son would still be alive?

Or let me guess, he'd still rather the son was killed by a white guy then that

Posted by: Some Conspira18-1cy theorist at September 12, 2024 08:29 AM (oZhjI)

288 WTF

Ben & Jerry's co-founders unveil Kamala Harris 'Coconut Jubilee' ice cream flavor
Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 08:21 AM (gbOdA)

Jizm surprise.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 12, 2024 08:29 AM (x0n13)

289 Just what a country saddled with obesity and metabolic syndrome needs.
Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 08:16 AM (KAi1n)
Don't forget to take your Ozempic.

Posted by: redridinghood at September 12, 2024 08:30 AM (NpAcC)

290 If you're buying Ben & Jerry's ice cream, you hate yourself more than you hate your country.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:30 AM (Zz0t1)

291 Demonstrates how stupid Swift actually is that she endorses Harris. This occurred after an Islamicist tried to blow up her concert and Harris favors them over Israel and the West. Being a pop performer doesn't guarantee intelligence
Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 12, 2024 07:38 AM (tKS+g)

She's bought.

Posted by: ... at September 12, 2024 08:30 AM (U/CEs)

292 Anyone who takes a mental health break from here will be gossiped about relentlessly and blamed for problems that come up. Kind of like how you blame the last guy who quit/was fired for disasters on the job.

Posted by: Don't Be This Guy/Gal! at September 12, 2024 08:30 AM (CV8a5)

293 We needed the 17th Amendment "to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived,"

Can you stretch this to cover unrealized capital gains? At least one on SCOTUS will say "that's a tax!"

But is it income if your unrealized gains go up one year but then go down the next?

Not to worry. The Left is already confiscating wealth with inflation.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 12, 2024 08:30 AM (nFx0I)

294 anyone having outlook / teams issues this morning?

we're dead in the water here at the office...not sure if we missed a payment or it's a wider outage

Posted by: AltonJackson at September 12, 2024 08:31 AM (bEb2S)

295 Ben & Jerry's co-founders unveil Kamala Harris 'Coconut Jubilee' ice cream flavor

They haven't owned the company for 20 or 25 years now. I'm surprised they're allowed that much influence.

Posted by: Ian S. at September 12, 2024 08:31 AM (NqGS/)

296 Kirby needs to resign

Posted by: Jonah at September 12, 2024 08:31 AM (YCxFk)

297 The LA Times had a daily tracking poll up that year. Hillary was ahead until 'Bollard Day'. She fell behind after that and never regained the lead.

The rest is history.
Posted by: Divide by Zero

She also lost a shoe.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at September 12, 2024 08:31 AM (XoGHf)

298 Although less common, Ozempic can also cause more serious side effects that may require immediate medical attention. These include:

hypoglycemia (especially when combined with insulin or sulfonylureas),
allergic reactions, gallstones,
pancreatitis, and
kidney damage.

Go to the gym. It's much less harmful.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:31 AM (Zz0t1)

we're dead in the water here at the office...not sure if we missed a payment or it's a wider outage
Posted by: AltonJackson at September 12, 2024 08:31 AM (bEb2S)

I'm in both, at the moment, so no issues here.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:32 AM (Zz0t1)

300 Go to the gym. It's much less harmful.
Posted by: Sponge


Stop eating sweets and walk for 30 minutes a day.

But that takes effort.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Men don't care about women's accomplishments, only looks and pleasantness at September 12, 2024 08:32 AM (NHRtg)

301 Let us remember GOD is in control, also let us pray for wisdom, strength, and coursge.

God was in control at the scene of the former Sodom and Gomorrah. God was in control at the violent demise of many nations over the span of human history.

What is your point?

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 08:32 AM (rHxhM)

302 Though they're not as open about carrying around the carcasses. In public, the illegal immigrant Haitians in Ohio are also killing local cats and in large numbers. Several people have verified first-hand accounts of seeing them scoop up the cats and there are pictures and videos of them in the Dominican Republic where they also kill cats. There's a very disturbing video of a Haitian, illegal immigrant and the Dominican Republic ringing the neck of a cat write on X. There are also several videos on X put up there by people who either came from Haiti or whose parents can't be Haiti, who verify the cats are killed and used as food and in sacrifices in voodoo ceremonies.

Trump was not wrong that they're eating pets too.

Posted by: Redbanzai at September 12, 2024 08:32 AM (S2itA)

303 anyone having outlook / teams issues this morning?

we're dead in the water here at the office...not sure if we missed a payment or it's a wider outage
Posted by: AltonJackson at September 12, 2024 08:31 AM (bEb2S)

Anybody in your Team named Todd? Effin' Todd did it.

Posted by: Count de Monet at September 12, 2024 08:33 AM (Aqu9a)

304 Stop eating sweets and walk for 30 minutes a day.

It really is that simple.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 08:33 AM (rHxhM)

305 I loathe coconut. I used to like it years ago but as I've gotten older, I can't stand it. and it seems exactly true to form for leftist billionaires anti Israel Ben and Jerry to think of a new flavor to celebrate the nut Kamala.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 08:33 AM (dTTBf)

306 Kumswala is a Jimmy's Chicken Shack 3

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at September 12, 2024 08:34 AM (1FWWQ)

307 People who harm cats should be harmed.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 08:34 AM (KAi1n)

308 anyone having outlook / teams issues this morning?

Local install on your own servers or the cloud-based Office 365?

Posted by: Ian S. at September 12, 2024 08:34 AM (NqGS/)

She's bought.
Posted by: ... at September 12, 2024 08:30 AM (U/CEs)

Look at the number of 'influencers' that were approached by the Biden/Harris and now Harris/Walz campaign to say nice things about them.

If you thing Swift did this for any reason other than a substantial payout, you're of Haitian IQ.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:34 AM (Zz0t1)

310 Sorry for the spelling errors in the post above. I haven't had a stroke. I'm just using talk to text. And it is terrible with knowing homonyms.

Posted by: Redbanzai at September 12, 2024 08:34 AM (S2itA)

311 [checks list]

Nope. No one named Emhoff on the list.

Posted by: Cowboy Foam Runners Union at September 12, 2024 08:34 AM (/YM5e)

312 The LA Times had a daily tracking poll up that year. Hillary was ahead until 'Bollard Day'. She fell behind after that and never regained the lead.

The rest is history.
Posted by: Divide by Zero

As f***ed as we are, consider for a moment how much worse off we would have been if the evil one was 'elected'.

Is does my black heart good to know she rises from the crypt every morning realizing she will never be President.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 12, 2024 08:34 AM (WXNFJ)

313 Ben & Jerry's co-founders unveil Kamala Harris 'Coconut Jubilee' ice cream flavor

The picture on the outside is chocolate ice cream with a little bit of coconut but...

But when you open the container it is kheer flavored ice cream with a handful of chocolate cups each full of Willie's Famous Pure White Cream.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 08:35 AM (oZhjI)

314 And it is terrible with knowing homonyms.
Posted by: Redbanzai

I know lots of them!!
-- Buttigig

Posted by: Tonypete at September 12, 2024 08:35 AM (WXNFJ)

315 Oh, I see the Left is back to trotting around in the dead skin of "absolute moral authority" for a "parent whose child has died."

No, not for the hundreds and thousands of deaths they threw away running from Iraq and Afghanistan.
Not for the Gold Star Families they made retreating from Afghanistan.

But, once again, only when it can be used against a Republican.

It was ghastly and obscene when Cindy Sheehan was doing it.
It's even worse now when Clark is doing it.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 12, 2024 08:35 AM (M5STE)

316 I loathe coconut. I used to like it years ago but as I've gotten older, I can't stand it

I've always hated coconut. Not as much as I hate that Mexican weed they put in everything that tastes like soap, but close. (Yes I'm aware some people have a mutation where it doesn't taste like soap).

Posted by: Ian S. at September 12, 2024 08:35 AM (NqGS/)

317 The LA Times had a daily tracking poll up that year. Hillary was ahead until 'Bollard Day'. She fell behind after that and never regained the lead.

The rest is history.
Posted by: Divide by Zero


Posted by: Count de Monet at September 12, 2024 08:36 AM (Aqu9a)

I loathe coconut. I used to like it years ago but as I've gotten older, I can't stand it. and it seems exactly true to form for leftist billionaires anti Israel Ben and Jerry to think of a new flavor to celebrate the nut Kamala.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 08:33 AM

Imagine someone doing this...

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 08:36 AM (RKVpM)

319 Turnabout is fair play.

Bill Barr, who endorsed Trump recently, is now representing custodians in a lawsuit against Antifa thugs who assaulted them at Columbia University, including one trust fund 40 year old thug.

Hope Barr wins big!

Posted by: Huck Follywood at September 12, 2024 08:36 AM (h7OA3)

320 (Yes I'm aware some people have a mutation where it doesn't taste like soap).
Posted by: Ian S. at September 12, 2024 08:35 AM (NqGS/)

I believe you're the minority here, sir.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:36 AM (Zz0t1)

321 I am slow to catch on, but it’s finally dawned on me that the Cackler has been chosen because she’s an empty vessel in much the same way as the potato. She’s simply a younger (barely) palatable version without dementia. The praetorian guard (whoever they are) that actually runs things want a slightly stupid and pliant front. She hasn’t concocted any tax policy… or any policy. They hate Trump because he won’t be a puppet…

BTW…. That Springfield father is a scumbag and Stephen Colbert is execrable

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at September 12, 2024 08:36 AM (i5Vkf)

Can you stretch this to cover unrealized capital gains? At least one on SCOTUS will say "that's a tax!"

This idea is such a cluster f*ck. You buy $100 of stock. Because of inflation it goes up $10. The feds charge you taxes on the $10. Then it goes town $10. Do the feds credit you the lost $10? can they tax you on "income" that's just the impact of inflation?

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 08:37 AM (oZhjI)

Imagine someone doing this...
Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 08:36 AM (RKVpM)

He's actually retarded.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:37 AM (Zz0t1)

324 Posted by: Ian S. at September 12, 2024 08:35 AM (NqGS/)

I like cilantro. I wonder if people are just born with an aversion to certain foods and also that they develop them as they get older, because diary really bothers my innards now as does chocolate.l

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 08:37 AM (dTTBf)

325 I understand the sentiment of the father. Kids get killed by vehicles all the time. We just had a four year old in my area get run over on a major highway in the middle of the night. I wouldn't want my kid to get run over and have to grieve over it and then it get turned into a nation wide hockey puck for political points.

Posted by: Ribbed at September 12, 2024 08:38 AM (B0mGw)

326 I've read the dumb dad's statement 100 times and still don't understand what he's trying to say there. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:18 AM (Zz0t1)

It means he's fully onboard with the destruction of this country.

Posted by: OrangeEnt at September 12, 2024 08:38 AM (0eaVi)

This idea is such a cluster f*ck. You buy $100 of stock. Because of inflation it goes up $10. The feds charge you taxes on the $10. Then it goes town $10. Do the feds credit you the lost $10? can they tax you on "income" that's just the impact of inflation?
Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 08:37 AM (oZhjI)

And none of it is made or lost until you sell it........

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:39 AM (Zz0t1)

328 anyone having outlook / teams issues this morning?

we're dead in the water here at the office...not sure if we missed a payment or it's a wider outage
Posted by: AltonJackson at September 12, 2024 08:31 AM (bEb2S)

It’s happening here… my work Outlook can’t connect to the server…. Sigh

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at September 12, 2024 08:39 AM (i5Vkf)

329 I understand the sentiment of the father. Kids get killed by vehicles all the time. We just had a four year old in my area get run over on a major highway in the middle of the night. I wouldn't want my kid to get run over and have to grieve over it and then it get turned into a nation wide hockey puck for political points.

If I had a child killed by one of the invaders I want want every politician responsible for those invaders being here arrested for conspiracy to murder.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 08:39 AM (oZhjI)

330 ... and fed Harris the script.

I think that is cart/horse ordering problem.

The same hidden cabal that issues out the talking points to the enemedia and to the White House spokes-perp, no matter what "administration" is in office over the decades provided the questions, the answers and the approved narrative to both the "moderators" and the Coconut.

That way no one can credibly claim that the Campaign gave the questions to ABC nor that ABC gave the questions in advance to the Campaign.

it came by way of a third party to both.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 08:40 AM (rHxhM)

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 08:36 AM (RKVpM)

Ewww. Coconut in pizza. Of course if that's the only reason to hate the Mayor he doesn't sound too bad. I laughed at the tweeter.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 08:40 AM (dTTBf)

332 Bill Barr and Chris Christie can go hug each other.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 08:40 AM (KAi1n)

333 BTW…. That Springfield father is a scumbag and Stephen Colbert is execrable
Posted by: LinusVanPelt

Even for those on the left, do those father's words point to anything other than a ghoulish, contrived statement?

Posted by: Tonypete at September 12, 2024 08:40 AM (WXNFJ)

Michael Foster
“Well, since I work in the Ohio city that is presently all over the news, I suppose a few words are in order. (When I type in the city name, Facebook seems to be blocking it.)

For those of you not following, two local Catholic charities have contracted with the federal government to relocate "refugees." (I use quotes, because the local Haitians themselves are telling folks they were recruited for work.) This is publicly disputed, but the evidence is overwhelming. Regardless, at present, 20k Haitians now live in an Ohio town of 60k residents.

The results are predictable, and I can confirm the stories are true.

Traffic accidents involving Haitian drivers has skyrocketed - property damage, hit and runs, and more. One kid was killed when a driver slammed into a school bus filled with kids.

Petty crime is out of control. Stores are locking down merchandise due to rampant theft. Driving without a license is ubiquitous.

The schools are chaotic. The local district has had to spend north of $300k on translators. I spoke with a teacher who said there is not nearly enough room in the existing buildings.

The real estate market is also crazy.

Posted by: SMOD at September 12, 2024 08:40 AM (mkI1r)

335 Asshole dad should wish his kid was killed in a school shooting, because then he could use it politically to score even more points.

Posted by: Roy at September 12, 2024 08:40 AM (z+ik4)

336 If I had a child killed by one of the invaders I want want every politician responsible for those invaders being here arrested for conspiracy to murder.
Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 08:39 AM (oZhjI)

This. The entire Biden/Harris administration should be brought up on charges.

Blood on their hands.

But nothing will happen.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:41 AM (Zz0t1)

337 ho lee fook he may be the funniest person alive today

Fine Taylor … you win … I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 08:41 AM (gbOdA)

338 anyone having outlook / teams issues this morning?

I'm on Teams right now and all is fine.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 08:42 AM (rHxhM)

339 The schools are chaotic. The local district has had to spend north of $300k on translators. I spoke with a teacher who said there is not nearly enough room in the existing buildings.

The left promised you change and told you wanting to be safe from crime was racist so...this is exactly what the left is offering.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 08:42 AM (oZhjI)

340 26 Aiden Clark was killed in August 2023, when a Haitian immigrant, Hermanio Joseph, 36, crossed over the center dividing line and crashed into a full school bus. The 11-year-old was ejected from the bus, which flipped over and then landed on him. More than 20 children were taken to the hospital.

Local story.

Posted by: MSM at September 12, 2024 08:42 AM (fs1hN)

341 @juliettekayyem
It's such a minor point but I cannot stop thinking that Trump casually calling the head of Taliban "Abdul" is a perfect mix of his ignorance, racism and senility in just a single word.

Thats his name.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 08:42 AM (gbOdA)

342 Btw, i got 2 harris fundraiser texts after the debate. Which is weird. I guess they're spamming everyone around here.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 08:43 AM (KAi1n)

343 Cilantro, coconut, okra, and pumpkin spice will be banned by EO on Trump's first day in office. So, enjoy it now. Time done run out.

Posted by: Good Taste Is Timeless! at September 12, 2024 08:43 AM (CV8a5)

344 Aiden Clark was killed in August 2023, when a Haitian immigrant, Hermanio Joseph, 36, crossed over the center dividing line and crashed into a full school bus. The 11-year-old was ejected from the bus, which flipped over and then landed on him. More than 20 children were taken to the hospital.

Not mentioned: The sobriety of the Haitian Illegal Immigrant at the time of the accident.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:43 AM (Zz0t1)

345 Asshole dad should wish his kid was killed in a school shooting, because then he could use it politically to score even more points.

Truth be told, the dead kid is worth more now than whatever mess of a human being he would be with this piece of shit for a "father".

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 08:43 AM (rHxhM)

346 What Would a Kamala Administration Look Like?

Like a Faculty DEI Advisory Committee at Columbia University.

Posted by: Gref at September 12, 2024 08:43 AM (aBgBM)

347 This. The entire Biden/Harris administration should be brought up on charges.

Blood on their hands.

But nothing will happen.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:41 AM (Zz0t1)

Well, not on this side of paradise anyway.

Posted by: OrangeEnt at September 12, 2024 08:44 AM (0eaVi)

348 "If I had a child killed by one of the invaders I want want every politician responsible for those invaders being here arrested for conspiracy to murder."

Understood. There's not a script for grieving and sometimes it doesn't make you feel better obsessing over revenge. I would want to bury my child and grieve privately, not make a national spectacle out of it.

Posted by: Ribbed at September 12, 2024 08:44 AM (B0mGw)

349 I suspect Taylor had a choice to keep getting pumped by the FNM - either endorse Kamel Toe, dump Kelce for a girl, or get her lady bits lopped off*.

*On the plus side she still could have gone by the first name Taylor

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 08:44 AM (oZhjI)

350 Just received an email from my Knights of Columbus council - the call has gone out for anyone that can operate a beer tap. They are needed to work the beer tent at our Octoberfest.

America is still a great country!

Posted by: Tonypete at September 12, 2024 08:44 AM (WXNFJ)

351 obsessing over revenge./i]

Justice, not revenge

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 08:44 AM (oZhjI)

352 You cilantro H8Rs need to GTFO!!!

2 questions --

1. For you uncouth degenerates who think it tastes like soap, how do you know what soap tastes like?

2. Is there a direct relationship between people who taste soap in cilantro and those who don't understand the "asparagus pee" smell?

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 08:44 AM (RhGG0)

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 08:44 AM (oZhjI)

354 The elephant in the room at the debate was Trump's getting shot during the campaign. It was an epic historical moment ... "Not since Teddy Roosevelt."

But it only got a stray mention. Trump actually played to it with his simmering righteous anger throughout.

Those who care about America know he's a fighter, for us. [For different values of "us"]

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 12, 2024 08:45 AM (nFx0I)

355 "Justice, not revenge"

It's vengeance.

Posted by: Ribbed at September 12, 2024 08:45 AM (B0mGw)

356 2. Is there a direct relationship between people who taste soap in cilantro and those who don't understand the "asparagus pee" smell?
Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 08:44 AM (RhGG0)

I like cilantro and don't get the whole asparagus pee smell thing.........

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:46 AM (Zz0t1)

357 Aiden Clark was killed in August 2023, when a Haitian immigrant, Hermanio Joseph, 36, crossed over the center dividing line and crashed into a full school bus.

I thought they painted these real large, slow moving vehicles a bright yellow and put an amazing amount of flashing lights on them just to prevent this sort of thing.

I'm pretty sure no one ever thought that this tactic would also make the bus a no-miss target.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 08:46 AM (rHxhM)

358 It's vengeance.
Posted by: Ribbed at September 12, 2024 08:45 AM (B0mGw)

So, abolish the entire criminal justice system.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:46 AM (Zz0t1)

359 The elephant in the room at the debate was Trump's getting shot during the campaign. It was an epic historical moment ... "Not since Teddy Roosevelt."

Had the reversed happened, candidate Biden shot with the assistance of Trump's SS, Trump would already have been impeached and jailed and every question to whoever was running on the R side would be "what did you know and when did you know it"

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 08:46 AM (oZhjI)

Resident of Springfield Ohio explains how Haitians get ability to drive without test of ability to you know, drive...

/ and some other stuff too

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 08:47 AM (RKVpM)

361 "So, abolish the entire criminal justice system."

Or punish the guy who killed the kid, not anyone who ever bought him a meal.

Posted by: Ribbed at September 12, 2024 08:47 AM (B0mGw)

362 The elephant in the room at the debate was Trump's getting shot during the campaign. It was an epic historical moment ... "Not since Teddy Roosevelt."


- Muir

Also oddly missing was the pipe bomb attempt on Kamela. Still hasn't been covered or addressed, and she hasn't said a word about that racist threat to her life.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Men don't care about women's accomplishments, only looks and pleasantness at September 12, 2024 08:47 AM (NHRtg)

363 Asparagus is disgusting.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 08:48 AM (KAi1n)

364 I like cilantro and don't get the whole asparagus pee smell thing.........
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:46 AM (Zz0t1)



Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 08:48 AM (RhGG0)

365 1. For you uncouth degenerates who think it tastes like soap, how do you know what soap tastes like?

Boomers who in their youth experimented with cursing around adults.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 08:48 AM (rHxhM)

366 Not mentioned: The sobriety of the Haitian Illegal Immigrant at the time of the accident.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:43 AM (Zz0t1)

Not mentioned : the 20 children who were injured and what their parents think about Haitian illegals

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 08:48 AM (RIvkX)

367 I didn't think it was possible. But the father using his son is more despicable than Joe & Beau.

May his soul find some peace. And quickly

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at September 12, 2024 08:48 AM (JkCto)

368 >>Asparagus is disgusting.

Have you tried sprinkling some shredded coconut on it?

Posted by: one hour sober at September 12, 2024 08:49 AM (Y1sOo)

369 Or punish the guy who killed the kid, not anyone who ever bought him a meal.

If the government put a bunch of grizzlies in some town in Ohio do we just put down the grizzlies that eat people or do we do something about the people responsible for this happening?

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 08:49 AM (oZhjI)

370 I need to figure a way to hide my money from the government

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 08:49 AM (/7KEl)

371 Is there a direct relationship between people who taste soap in cilantro and those who don't understand the "asparagus pee" smell?
Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 08:44 AM (RhGG0)

I like cilantro and don't get the whole asparagus pee smell thing.........
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:46 AM (Zz0t1)

Outlier here, I guess. I like cilantro and pee can smell like a lot of recently eaten foods, including asparagus and bacon.

Posted by: Count de Monet at September 12, 2024 08:49 AM (Aqu9a)

372 Forgot to mention that I filled up my gas tank yesterday. Price was $2.93/gal. Almost as if something big is happening in the next two months.

Posted by: NR Pax at September 12, 2024 08:50 AM (99eI0)

373 I haven't had breakfast yet. Might be time for asparagus and okra, covered in coconut and cilantro, with a dusting of pumpkin spice.

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 08:51 AM (RhGG0)

374 Some movies pissed me off so much I only watched them once

Blackhawk Down
13 Hours

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 08:51 AM (/7KEl)

375 What are the mayor and the police chief of this town doing? It is way, way beyond time for these sort of people to start arrested the people responsible for this carnage. That means the feds and the NGOs.

Yes let Biden/Harris get off when the judge drops the charges because "IT IS A TAX" but now is the time to get this shit in front of everyone and the NGO folks? Those you are more likely to succeed with...

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 08:51 AM (oZhjI)

376 Forgot to mention that I filled up my gas tank yesterday. Price was $2.93/gal. Almost as if something big is happening in the next two months.
Posted by: NR Pax at September 12, 2024 08:50 AM (99eI0)

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 08:51 AM (RIvkX)

377 If the government put a bunch of grizzlies in some town in Ohio do we just put down the grizzlies that eat people or do we do something about the people responsible for this happening?
Posted by: 18-1




Posted by: Women at September 12, 2024 08:51 AM (NHRtg)

378 Doof, just rush along.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 08:51 AM (KAi1n)

379 369 If the government put a bunch of grizzlies in some town in Ohio do we just put down the grizzlies that eat people or do we do something about the people responsible for this happening?
Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 08:49 AM (oZhjI)

That's an interesting variant on the "Man or Bear" question.

Posted by: NR Pax at September 12, 2024 08:51 AM (99eI0)

380 "it came by way of a third party to both."

"the family had a lot of buffers," - Willi Cicci

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 12, 2024 08:51 AM (nFx0I)


/ and some other stuff too
Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 08:47 AM (RKVpM)

But the replacement theory is a conspiracy theory.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:51 AM (Zz0t1)

382 why are you people smelling the pee
flush and be done with it

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 08:52 AM (/7KEl)

383 If I had a child killed by one of the invaders I want want every politician responsible for those invaders being here arrested for conspiracy to murder."

Be sure to include local Catholic Charities funneling taxpayer money and local businesses recruiting low cost labor.

Posted by: MSM at September 12, 2024 08:52 AM (fs1hN)

384 ... pee can smell like a lot of recently eaten foods, including ... bacon.
Posted by: Count de Monet at September 12, 2024 08:49 AM (Aqu9a)

Wait.... We sense an opportunity here.

Posted by: Marketing Dept at September 12, 2024 08:52 AM (0eaVi)

385 I thought the thing about asparagus was that it turned pee green.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 12, 2024 08:52 AM (v6JzV)

That's...just tremendously sad IMHO.

When I read so-called "father", Nathan Clark's quote about his son's death, all I could think of was this quote from "1984":

"He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself."

He loved Big Brother."

America is truly dead in parts of this country.

The Left has won its victory.

The bonds of blood, the bonds of love, the face of fact and reality mean nothing to these people. A pat on the head by Democrats is all they desire out of life.

We have to win this election.

Posted by: naturalfake at September 12, 2024 08:52 AM (eDfFs)

387 I pay about $4.70/gal in cash. Arco @ castro & market

Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 08:52 AM (KAi1n)

388 Haitian Bridge Alliance

Made 1.4, 3.2 and 4.3 MILLION since 2020 importing Haitians.

Slave Traders

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 08:53 AM (gbOdA)

389 Trust me guys, eat lots of pineapple so your mistress doesn't have to gargle 4 times a day with you...

Posted by: Kamala Harris at September 12, 2024 08:53 AM (oZhjI)

390 I need to figure a way to hide my money from the government
Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 08:49 AM (/7KEl)

I'm here for you.

Posted by: Old Mattress at September 12, 2024 08:53 AM (0eaVi)

391 387 I pay about $4.70/gal in cash. Arco @ castro & market
Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 08:52 AM (KAi1n)

I paid 2.59 on Tuesday.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 08:53 AM (gbOdA)

Outlier here, I guess. I like cilantro and pee can smell like a lot of recently eaten foods, including asparagus and bacon.
Posted by: Count de Monet at September 12, 2024 08:49 AM (Aqu9a)

The only thing that I've notice changing the smell of my pee is asparagus and coffee. Of course, I don't stick my nose down in the toilet to see if there's any other smells, but those are the most aromatic smells that make it up to my nose.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:53 AM (Zz0t1)

393 pee can smell like a lot of recently eaten foods, including ... bacon.
Posted by: Count de Monet at September 12, 2024 08:49 AM (Aqu9a)

Wait.... We sense an opportunity here.
Posted by: Marketing Dept at September 12, 2024 08:52 AM (0eaVi)

Someone is going to make millions exploiting this.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 12, 2024 08:54 AM (g8Ew8)

394 I pay about $4.70/gal in cash. Arco @ castro & market
Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 08:52 AM (KAi1n)

That gas is teh ghey!

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 12, 2024 08:54 AM (RIvkX)

395 Because of the hyperinflation you can't hide your money from the feds. They are already taking 10%+ of its value per year

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 08:54 AM (oZhjI)

396 Doof, just rush along.
Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 08:51 AM (KAi1n)

Beauty, eh!

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 08:54 AM (RhGG0)

397 I thought the thing about asparagus was that it turned pee green.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 12, 2024 08:52 AM (v6JzV)

I guess it might if you eat 40 bushels of it in one sitting.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:55 AM (Zz0t1)

398 As a mother to an 11-year-old, I have had many "types/deletes" moments upon hearing various stories of illegal immigrant malfeasance, and that was before I saw the remarks of Aidan's father.

You all know what would happen to the home country of any scum that tried to harm Lil Pooky and Pookette. The only question would be how many years the place would be uninhabitable.

Posted by: pookysgirl, Mama Bear at September 12, 2024 08:55 AM (dtlDP)

399 good morning JJ, Horde

Posted by: callsign claymore at September 12, 2024 08:56 AM (JcnCJ)

400 I thought the thing about asparagus was that it turned pee green.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 12, 2024 08:52 AM (v6JzV)

*blueberries have entered the chat*

Posted by: Count de Monet at September 12, 2024 08:56 AM (Aqu9a)

401 How is the MiniPooky doing?

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 08:56 AM (/7KEl)

402 400 I thought the thing about asparagus was that it turned pee green.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 12, 2024 08:52 AM (v6JzV)

*blueberries have entered the chat*
Posted by: Count de Monet at September 12, 2024 08:56 AM (Aqu9a)

Good morning all. Try durian.

Posted by: IC - #FJB at September 12, 2024 08:57 AM (YiKO5)

403 - Not Found

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 08:57 AM (RKVpM)


403 - Not Found
Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 08:57 AM (RKVpM)

Premature commentation.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:57 AM (Zz0t1)

405 The only thing that I've notice changing the smell of my pee is asparagus and coffee. Of course, I don't stick my nose down in the toilet to see if there's any other smells, but those are the most aromatic smells that make it up to my nose.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:53 AM (Zz0t1)

Same. Never had the confluence of both though.

*mind wheels begin spinning*

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 08:57 AM (RhGG0)

406 @elonmusk
Fine Taylor … you win … I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life
Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 08:41 AM (gbOdA)

He has heirs to spare and won't miss one.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 12, 2024 08:57 AM (cw9q7)

407 373 I haven't had breakfast yet. Might be time for asparagus and okra, covered in coconut and cilantro, with a dusting of pumpkin spice.
Posted by: Doof

You need to come visit me.

Posted by: Pilgrim State Hospital Bldg. 23 at September 12, 2024 08:58 AM (CV8a5)

408 I'm here for you.
Posted by: Old Mattress

You called?
- Kamala

Posted by: Tonypete at September 12, 2024 08:58 AM (WXNFJ)

409 Good morning all. Try durian.

Imagine just how hungry the first person to eat one of those was.

First you try to bite the skin and...nope not edible.

Then you cut it open and see goop that smells like sewage eat it anyway.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 08:58 AM (oZhjI)

Premature commentation.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:57 AM

I blame you. You coulda said something sooner.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 08:58 AM (RKVpM)

411 Watched those clips on Quick Hits of JD directly confronting the bias of the media.

His ability to turn the question around on the interviewer is beautiful.

His answers were basically what I was hoping Trump would give.

Hoping we get the chance to vote for JD in 2028.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 12, 2024 08:59 AM (KbCG3)

412 ha

To address the increase in dangerous driving in Springfield by inexperienced Haitian drivers and all others who disregard traffic laws, Governor DeWine directed the Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP) to support the Springfield Police Department with traffic enforcement. Beginning tomorrow morning, OSHP troopers will patrol local roads with the highest crash rates and hold accountable any driver who drives erratically and risks the safety of others.

Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 08:59 AM (gbOdA)

413 403 is forbidden

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 08:59 AM (oZhjI)

414 The United States Secret Service is under fire yet again, this time for “accidentally” including the 19 terrorist hijackers responsible for the September 11 attacks in its “victim” count. The social media post commemorating the 23rd anniversary of the tragedy contained an unforgivable “error,” which forced the agency to issue a swift apology.

Posted by: SMOD at September 12, 2024 08:59 AM (RHGPo)

415 I cannot believe that God’s providence would spare Trump’s life in Butler only to have him lose in November and subsequently face all that jail time that is inevitable if that happens.

Of course, God’s ways and thoughts are far above mine (Isaiah 55:9)… But from a human perspective it wouldn’t make sense….

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at September 12, 2024 08:59 AM (i5Vkf)

416 "If the government put a bunch of grizzlies in some town in Ohio do we just put down the grizzlies that eat people or do we do something about the people responsible for this happening?"

The worst thing about a republic is you get what you vote for. I read an article yesterday that said Springfield has been left wing progressive for decades. These people loved this stuff until the consequences finally caught up with them.

Posted by: Ribbed at September 12, 2024 08:59 AM (B0mGw)

417 pls not a pee thread

steak & smoked meats
making things with metal
the rockabilly stylings of Carl Perkins

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 08:59 AM (/7KEl)

I blame you. You coulda said something sooner.
Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 08:58 AM (RKVpM)

I accept that.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 08:59 AM (Zz0t1)

419 The results are predictable, and I can confirm the stories are true.

Traffic accidents involving Haitian drivers has skyrocketed - property damage, hit and runs, and more. One kid was killed when a driver slammed into a school bus filled with kids.

Petty crime is out of control. Stores are locking down merchandise due to rampant theft. Driving without a license is ubiquitous.

The schools are chaotic. The local district has had to spend north of $300k on translators. I spoke with a teacher who said there is not nearly enough room in the existing buildings.

The real estate market is also crazy.
Posted by: SMOD at September 12, 2024 08:40 AM (mkI1r)
This is what the Left wants to happen in *every* small town in America.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 12, 2024 09:00 AM (7fElN)

420 Then you cut it open and see goop that smells like sewage eat it anyway.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 08:58 AM (oZhjI)

The smelll! Your sweat, pee, poop - they all smell like it.

Posted by: IC - #FJB at September 12, 2024 09:00 AM (YiKO5)

421 I Meme Therefore I Am
Haitian-American, whose family members ate cats, SPEAKS OUT against illegal migration.

Posted by: redridinghood at September 12, 2024 09:01 AM (NpAcC)

422 >Beginning tomorrow morning, OSHP troopers will patrol local roads with the highest crash rates and hold accountable any driver who drives erratically and risks the safety of others.


they weren't doing that already?

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 09:01 AM (/7KEl)

423 So it's a pee thread?

Posted by: Just got here at September 12, 2024 09:01 AM (DobEs)

424 "Justice, not revenge"

It's vengeance.
Posted by: Ribbed at September 12, 2024 08:45 AM (B0mGw)

A reckoning.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 12, 2024 09:01 AM (cw9q7)

425 I haven't had breakfast yet. Might be time for asparagus and okra, covered in coconut and cilantro, with a dusting of pumpkin spice.
Posted by: Doof

You need to come visit me.

Posted by: Pilgrim State Hospital Bldg. 23

Is this the person responsible for the menu?

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at September 12, 2024 09:02 AM (rHxhM)

426 Good morning! This explains Aiden's dad's comments:

Aidan Clark's parents have received a visit from the Dep. of Justice's Community Relations Service, which exists solely to get white victims to make public disavowals of any racial motive in obviously racist crimes. That's how entrenched anti-white hatred is in government. You’ve probably never heard of the Department of Justice’s “Community Relations Service,” but if you or a loved one has been the victim of a serious crime with a racial element, the Community Relations Service has probably heard of you. It’s probably on its way to your home right now. Assuming you’re white, of course.

According to the Service’s website, “CRS serves as ‘America’s peacemaker’ for communities facing conflict based on actual or perceived race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or disability.”

The CRS provides its services free of charge, “on a voluntary basis” and “is not an investigatory or prosecutorial agency”. As soon as a relevant “conflict” arises, CRS goes to work “providing facilitated dialogue, mediation, training, and consultation” to help communities “come together. . .

Posted by: Lizzy at September 12, 2024 09:02 AM (Pijte)

427 The feds are sending money and "troops" to Ohio to manage the "crisis" it created.

Posted by: Ben Had at September 12, 2024 09:02 AM (I1GXe)

The worst thing about a republic is you get what you vote for. I read an article yesterday that said Springfield has been left wing progressive for decades. These people loved this stuff until the consequences finally caught up with them.

In a wealthy blue town near me they are tearing down their fancy hotel (and only hotel) to build a slum for all the newcomers the state is sending their way.

And you'd be shocked to learn there are a bunch of "good" blue voters in that town shocked...shocked!...that the state would send them all these people and force them to tear down the only thing the town is known for as well...

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 09:02 AM (oZhjI)

429 I cannot believe that God’s providence would spare Trump’s life in Butler only to have him lose in November and subsequently face all that jail time that is inevitable if that happens.


I think Trump was put where he was to remind men what's worthwhile. I don't think this modern America is it any longer, and the commies will do their best to burn it down before they allow any freedoms to return or people to participate in elections in their and their childrens best interests.

But what comes next is why Trump is here, and why God led him to do what he's doing. And I'm constantly grateful for both of them.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Men don't care about women's accomplishments, only looks and pleasantness at September 12, 2024 09:02 AM (NHRtg)

430 Can we just drop all the pee talk here?!

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at September 12, 2024 09:02 AM (i5Vkf)

431 SpaceX's spacewalk videos are so cool.

Posted by: IC - #FJB at September 12, 2024 09:02 AM (YiKO5)

432 Pee thread >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pee-pee thread

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 09:02 AM (RhGG0)

433 Good morning all. Try durian.

Imagine just how hungry the first person to eat one of those was.

First you try to bite the skin and...nope not edible.

Then you cut it open and see goop that smells like sewage eat it anyway.
Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 08:58 AM (oZhjI)



Posted by: Oysters at September 12, 2024 09:03 AM (1FWWQ)

434 Beginning tomorrow morning, OSHP troopers will patrol local roads with the highest crash rates and hold accountable any driver who drives erratically and risks the safety of others.
Posted by: rhennigantx at September 12, 2024 08:59 AM (gbOdA)

Really? Isn't part of their overall job description? So I guess they haven't been doing what they were hired to do until now.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 12, 2024 09:03 AM (g8Ew8)

435 Tits.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 09:03 AM (Zz0t1)

436 They come in two's.

It's hard to choose.

Your favorite tit.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 09:03 AM (Zz0t1)

437 This makes it official: the steal is on and this time they're not going to have anybody rallying in the Capitol to dispute it: The Secret Service has declared the counting and certification of results in the Capitol to be a "Designated National Security Event."

Posted by: tankascribe at September 12, 2024 09:03 AM (HWxAD)

438 Aidan Clark's parents have received a visit from the Dep. of Justice's Community Relations Service, which exists solely to get white victims to make public disavowals of any racial motive in obviously racist crimes.


Dang. My comment on him getting paid was probably wrong and I retract it.

He was likely threatened with audits and jail time.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Men don't care about women's accomplishments, only looks and pleasantness at September 12, 2024 09:04 AM (NHRtg)

It's vengeance.
Posted by: Ribbed at September 12, 2024 08:45 AM (B0mGw)

Oh FFS. You give them a fair trial and then punish them for their crimes. Justice.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 09:04 AM (oZhjI)

440 387 I pay about $4.70/gal in cash. Arco @ castro & market
Posted by: SFGoth at September 12, 2024 08:52 AM (KAi1n)
Is that more or less than the cost of 1-dozen eggs in your area?

Around here (semi-rural MO), 1-doz eggs are more expensive than a gallon of gas.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 12, 2024 09:04 AM (7fElN)

441 How is the MiniPooky doing?

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 08:56 AM (/7KEl)

He is firmly in the "I want to eat/sleep/be held 24/7" phase. He seems to be following the normal dip of weight you see post-delivery but still has a healthy appetite.

First checkup is this morning, preceded by a heel stick to check bilirubin levels. I sure hope the lab techs have earplugs!

Posted by: pookysgirl, taking a breather at September 12, 2024 09:04 AM (dtlDP)

442 435 Tits.
Posted by: Sponge

Here we go...

Posted by: Brace yourselves at September 12, 2024 09:04 AM (DobEs)

443 Where's Muldoon when you need a pee limerick?

Posted by: Ben Had at September 12, 2024 09:04 AM (I1GXe)

444 416 These people loved this stuff until the consequences finally caught up with them.
Posted by: Ribbed at September 12, 2024 08:59 AM (B0mGw)

The Face Eating Leopard Party has entered the chat.

Posted by: NR Pax at September 12, 2024 09:04 AM (99eI0)

445 continued. . .. . develop solutions to the conflict, and enhance their capacity to independently prevent and resolve future conflict.” Its aim, we are assured, is simply to be “the neutral party.”

The language is thick bureaucratic slop, but the real meaning is clear when you look at what the CRS actually does when it gets involved in a case. There seem to be two essential aspects to how the CRS operates: 1) telling white victims and the loved ones of white victims not to say anything inflammatory about the race or motivations of the perpetrators; and 2) helping the perpetrators get off with as light a sentence as possible. . .
And just like in the cases of Jonathan Lewis and Andy Probst, public statements by the victim’s family were an essential part of concealing the fact a brutal racial killing had just occurred. Donald Giusti’s body was barely cold when both his uncle and sister came forward to make a public call for “peace.”

Posted by: Lizzy at September 12, 2024 09:05 AM (Pijte)

The worst thing about a republic is you get what you vote for. I read an article yesterday that said Springfield has been left wing progressive for decades. These people loved this stuff until the consequences finally caught up with them.


They fully supported it so long as it was just Southerners being raped and DUI'd and their jobs disappearing. Now they get a crash course in it without the decades to prepare.

(pops popcorn)

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Men don't care about women's accomplishments, only looks and pleasantness at September 12, 2024 09:05 AM (NHRtg)

447 Two things
Read yesterday Garland is up to 1,500 arrests , many already convicted of the Jan 6 Ralliers.
Revolver brings up Harris was at the DMC when the supposedly 'Bomb' was discovered and that plot of the Deep State fell apart almost immediately.

Posted by: Skip at September 12, 2024 09:05 AM (FkL+D)

448 438 Aidan Clark's parents have received a visit from the Dep. of Justice's Community Relations Service, which exists solely to get white victims to make public disavowals of any racial motive in obviously racist crimes.


Dang. My comment on him getting paid was probably wrong and I retract it.

He was likely threatened with audits and jail time.
Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Men don't care about women's accomplishments, only looks and pleasantness at September 12, 2024 09:04 AM (NHRtg)

And yet, he still couldn't stand up for his son.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 12, 2024 09:05 AM (KbCG3)

449 Tits.
Posted by: Sponge

Boob thread!!

Posted by: Tonypete at September 12, 2024 09:05 AM (WXNFJ)

450 Where's Muldoon when you need a pee limerick?
Posted by: Ben Had at September 12, 2024 09:04 AM (I1GXe)

Yeah, he's our resident whiz kid when it comes to limericks

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 09:06 AM (RhGG0)

451 I have a pair.

Posted by: Tay-Tay at September 12, 2024 09:06 AM (DobEs)

452 As just one more example, there is the persecution of the VDARE Foundation by Letitia James. VDARE was an organization that advocated for more restrictive immigration policy. I use the past tense because, at this time, the organization appears to have been put out of business by an aggressive lawfare campaign from James. Ex-Director of VDARE, Peter Brimelow, describes it this way: “She has simply battered us to death by a massive and intrusive ‘investigation’ that bears no rational relationship to any conceivable offense. We estimate we’ve spent upwards of a million dollars on compliance, let alone hundreds of hours of work. . . . Letitia James is quite obviously aiming at suppressing our speech.” VDARE was a small organization that apparently did not have the resources (like the NRA) to fight back for years against James’s lawfare campaign.

Posted by: SMOD at September 12, 2024 09:06 AM (RHGPo)

453 >These people loved this stuff until the consequences finally caught up with them.

isn't that always the way

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 09:06 AM (/7KEl)

454 I have a pair.
Posted by: Tay-Tay at September 12, 2024 09:06 AM (DobEs)

You know the rules.......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 09:06 AM (Zz0t1)

455 "Ya know, I wish that my son Aiden Clark was killed by a 60-year-old white man," the boy's father, Nathan Clark, said.

Yeah, I love you too, Dad.

And GFY.

Posted by: Aiden Clark at September 12, 2024 09:08 AM (aXxgO)

456 Ben Had, urine the mood for pee limericks?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 12, 2024 09:08 AM (v6JzV)

457 According to the Service’s website, “CRS serves as ‘America’s peacemaker’ for communities facing conflict based on actual or perceived race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or disability.”

The CRS provides its services free of charge, “on a voluntary basis” and “is not an investigatory or prosecutorial agency”. As soon as a relevant “conflict” arises, CRS goes to work “providing facilitated dialogue, mediation, training, and consultation” to help communities “come together. . .
Posted by: Lizzy at September 12, 2024 09:02 AM (Pijte)

2+2 equals what now?

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 12, 2024 09:08 AM (g8Ew8)

458 Pee thread asked for it.......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 09:09 AM (Zz0t1)

The Haitian drivers thing has been brewing for a while in Springfield. But what happens is they increase enforcement efforts and all the locals end up getting bullshit tickets for not stopping at stop signs for three seconds and driving five miles over the limit.

The actual answer is driving tests, then temporary license with proof of insurance. That should clear every one of them off the roads.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 09:09 AM (RKVpM)

460 Bulg, sure, goes with me being pissed off.

Posted by: Ben Had at September 12, 2024 09:09 AM (I1GXe)

461 >>>I have a pair.

Which I would sprinkle with some shredded coconut and a pinch of cilantro.

Posted by: Hannibal Lecter at September 12, 2024 09:09 AM (Y1sOo)

462 Tits.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 09:03 AM (Zz0t1)

These are two of my favorite things.
When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad

I simply remember my favorite tits
And then I'm not feeling so bad.

Posted by: Count de Monet at September 12, 2024 09:09 AM (Aqu9a)

463 Bulg, sure, goes with me being pissed off.
Posted by: Ben Had at September 12, 2024 09:09 AM (I1GXe)

It's better than being pissed on.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 09:10 AM (Zz0t1)

464 Beginning tomorrow morning, OSHP troopers will patrol local roads with the highest crash rates and hold accountable any driver who drives erratically and risks the safety of others.

If "hold accountable" means sending any economic migrants back home via trebuchet, then this is a good turn of events.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 12, 2024 09:10 AM (fs1hN)

465 If you happen to make a leek and bean soup with way too many leeks in it, you will smell like leeks, and everything that comes out of you will smell like leeks. (kinda like a cross between onions and garlic) Everything.

Posted by: CatDuck at September 12, 2024 09:10 AM (/YM5e)

466 Nathan Clark is a POS.
That is all.

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at September 12, 2024 09:11 AM (Rbu5d)

467 Pee thread asked for it.......
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 09:09 AM (Zz0t1)

You fooled me -- I was sure it was gonna be Zappa / Yellow Snow

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 09:11 AM (RhGG0)

468 By the way, I heard of this story of Haitian migrants taking over Springfield months ago. Which means DeWine new about it to. I'm certain there are many turncoat Rs in Ohio making money off of this.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 12, 2024 09:11 AM (fs1hN)

469 If "hold accountable" means sending any economic migrants back home via trebuchet, then this is a good turn of events.
Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 12, 2024 09:10 AM (fs1hN)

Narrator: It will not result in any deportations.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 12, 2024 09:11 AM (cw9q7)

470 I know a couple who's child would only eat pureed carrots.

His skin eventually turned orange.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 09:11 AM (Zz0t1)

471 Sponge, you know me> all piss and vinegar

Posted by: Ben Had at September 12, 2024 09:11 AM (I1GXe)

472 The Haitian drivers thing has been brewing for a while in Springfield. But what happens is they increase enforcement efforts and all the locals end up getting bullshit tickets for not stopping at stop signs for three seconds and driving five miles over the limit.

If the Haitians get more tickets/arrests then the locales, the cops involved will be disciplined.

So the cops will be told to make up crimes to go after the locales. And unlike the Haitians, any tickets/arrests the locales get will be enforced.

And this should be understood as the state punishing them for embarrassing it and the feds by talking about the impacts of the policies the Junta has implemented.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 09:11 AM (oZhjI)

473 462 As I tell my wife, the two things that instantly cheer me up are puppies and boobs.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 12, 2024 09:11 AM (v6JzV)

474 If you happen to make a leek and bean soup with way too many leeks in it, you will smell like leeks, and everything that comes out of you will smell like leeks. (kinda like a cross between onions and garlic) Everything.
Posted by: CatDuck at September 12, 2024 09:10 AM (/YM5e)

I have never smelled a leek leak

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 09:12 AM (RhGG0)

475 >>>Beginning tomorrow morning, OSHP troopers will patrol local roads with the highest crash rates and hold accountable any driver who drives erratically and risks the safety of others.

They pull them over, discover it's a protected refugee without a license and then what? Arrest them? Take their license -- which, oh that's right, they don't have? Take their car? Are we really pretending that they'll be prosecuted, instead of be out on small/no cash bail, then the locals decide to no prosecute, and they go back to driving?

We've seen this too many times. Crime now pays, and there are demographics that know they will escape prosection and punishment no matter what they do.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 12, 2024 09:12 AM (Pijte)

476 You fooled me -- I was sure it was gonna be Zappa / Yellow Snow
Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 09:11 AM (RhGG0)


Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 09:12 AM (Zz0t1)

477 Sponge, you know me> all piss and vinegar
Posted by: Ben Had at September 12, 2024 09:11 AM (I1GXe)


Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 09:12 AM (Zz0t1)

478 I know a couple who's child would only eat pureed carrots.

His skin eventually turned orange.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 09:11 AM (Zz0t1)

Don't talk about my parents!

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 09:12 AM (RhGG0)

479 Pee thread asked for it.......
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 09:09 AM (Zz0t1)

Love Stinks…. And so does piss on the wall

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at September 12, 2024 09:13 AM (6RwsA)

480 >>I have never smelled a leek leak

Lucky for you. You wouldn't leek the experience very much!

Posted by: Lizzy at September 12, 2024 09:13 AM (Pijte)

481 The worst thing about a republic is you get what you vote for. I read an article yesterday that said Springfield has been left wing progressive for decades. These people loved this stuff until the consequences finally caught up with them.

Springfield is left-wing? I thought nearby college town Yellow Springs was the blue dot in the area.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 12, 2024 09:13 AM (fs1hN)

482 The story at the top of the sidebar incorrectly states that Trump was president when the Border Patrol did not whip Haitians. Biden was president when the BP did not whip Haitians, but they lied about it and vilified the BP anyway.

Posted by: huerfano at September 12, 2024 09:14 AM (VGOMa)

483 This thread is about us, isn’t it?
— Russian hookers

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 12, 2024 09:14 AM (v6JzV)

484 465 If you happen to make a leek and bean soup with way too many leeks in it, you will smell like leeks, and everything that comes out of you will smell like leeks. (kinda like a cross between onions and garlic) Everything.
Posted by: CatDuck

I got thirty days in County for taking a leek in the produce section at the Food Lion.

Posted by: X-Offender at September 12, 2024 09:14 AM (CV8a5)

485 Same for shallots, and garlic. Very similar results. You really have to overload the soup though.

Posted by: CatDuck at September 12, 2024 09:14 AM (/YM5e)

"I'm your teeeeecher"

-- Soi Daddy

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at September 12, 2024 09:15 AM (xG4kz)

487 A good place to take a leek.

Posted by: The crock pot at September 12, 2024 09:15 AM (DobEs)

488 @486
Which means DeWine new about it to

Appalling comment. s/b - DeWine knew about it too.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 12, 2024 09:15 AM (fs1hN)

489 486
"I'm your teeeeecher"

-- Soi Daddy

I'm your ejjj-yooo-kay-torrr

Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 12, 2024 09:16 AM (fs1hN)

490 Rosanna Xia says her climate 'grief' has left her unsure if she can 'justify' having children"

There, there, Rosanna. It's better if you don't have kids, that's right. Go get your tubes tied and then live your life with your cats.

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at September 12, 2024 09:17 AM (Rbu5d)

491 470 Danny Bonaduce told a similar story about Susan Dey when they were in The Partridge Family. Susan ate so many carrots her skin turned orange.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 12, 2024 09:17 AM (v6JzV)

492 What... did I chase everyone away? Or does this happen normally in anticipation of the art thread?

Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 12, 2024 09:18 AM (fs1hN)

493 same thing with tumeric. SE Asians tend to use a lot of tumeric in their cooking and I've seen some older folks who looked jaundiced but it was tumeric overconsumption turning their skin yellow.

Posted by: IC - #FJB at September 12, 2024 09:18 AM (YiKO5)

494 Fun fact: Flamingos get their pink color from their food.

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 09:18 AM (/7KEl)

The story at the top of the sidebar incorrectly states that Trump was president when the Border Patrol did not whip Haitians. Biden was president when the BP did not whip Haitians, but they lied about it and vilified the BP anyway.

Posted by: huerfano at September 12, 2024 09:14 AM

Yup. 2021 Haitian migrant whip controversy

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 09:18 AM (RKVpM)

496 What... did I chase everyone away? Or does this happen normally in anticipation of the art thread?
Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 12, 2024 09:18 AM (fs1hN)

The entire thread slows down with everyone running to the main page and pressing F5.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 09:19 AM (Zz0t1)

497 Tries to come up with pun using "diuretic."

Posted by: Scratches head at September 12, 2024 09:19 AM (DobEs)

498 >>The Haitian drivers thing has been brewing for a while in Springfield. But what happens is they increase enforcement efforts and all the locals end up getting bullshit tickets for not stopping at stop signs for three seconds and driving five miles over the limit.

Apparently, their car insurance rates have gone up because of all the crashes They start issuing more tickets and the insurance goes up more?

I've seen some video of various crashes in Springfield, and noticed they all look like newer cars -- not beaters. Wondering where penniless refugees get new cars. . .

Posted by: Lizzy at September 12, 2024 09:19 AM (Pijte)

499 If "hold accountable" means sending any economic migrants back home via trebuchet, then this is a good turn of events.
Posted by: Chuck Martel

Hah~!! No. It's to snare normies and to take their livelihoods away from them.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at September 12, 2024 09:19 AM (IG4Id)

500 What... did I chase everyone away? Or does this happen normally in anticipation of the art thread?/i]

The thread smelled stale?

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 09:19 AM (oZhjI)

501 I think Springfield, OH isn't an anomaly. Neither is Aurora, CO. I bet this is fairly widespread. By design.

I'm seeing something similar here in rural Kentucky. Small groups of Hispanics wandering around, attempted home invasions, break-in's at people's garages or storage facilities.

It made news on Facebook, but has sense disappeared from the local government's pages. (By FB not the locals as it's still being reported via other channels)

Posted by: Martini Farmer-Rhetorical Flourishes and Factual Liberty at September 12, 2024 09:20 AM (Q4IgG)

502 >What... did I chase everyone away? Or does this happen normally in anticipation of the art thread?

everyone is on the main page slapping F5 like it's an unresponsive johnson

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 09:20 AM (/7KEl)

503 “ Father Of Boy Killed By Haitian In Springfield Says He Wishes Son ‘Was Killed By 60-Year-Old White Man’”

You can’t blame a man who is grieving his son for some things he speaks, especially if politicians use that tragedy in a political manner. But it’s obvious he didn’t like “who” was speaking it. Because he then used his son’s death as his own political platform. That’s despicable.

Posted by: Vengeance at September 12, 2024 09:20 AM (kTMWW)

504 470 Danny Bonaduce told a similar story about Susan Dey when they were in The Partridge Family. Susan ate so many carrots her skin turned orange.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 12, 2024 09:17 AM (v6JzV)

Susan Dey…. Yum! Her hometown Pekin, IL … I’ve been there a lot; sadly never saw her

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at September 12, 2024 09:21 AM (i5Vkf)

505 Rosanna Xia says her climate 'grief' has left her unsure if she can 'justify' having children"


Every once in a while you get a clear glimpse of the population reduction death cult.

Focus on your career, ladies.

IVF works great, ladies.

Global Warming is killing the planet, ladies.

Your body your choice, ladies.

Etc, etc.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Men don't care about women's accomplishments, only looks and pleasantness at September 12, 2024 09:21 AM (NHRtg)

506 Because he then used his son’s death as his own political platform. That’s despicable.
Posted by: Vengeance

ala Biden.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 12, 2024 09:21 AM (WXNFJ)

507 I've got a spare Gus.

Posted by: I always carry an extra at September 12, 2024 09:21 AM (DobEs)

My brother in law is a baseball fanatic who once had a bucket list going of ball parks he wanted to visit. The White Sox and Cardinals are now no-go areas, even for daylight games.

Big city open criminality is becoming standard, and towns Like Springfield are just starting to get the fevah.

Posted by: Auspex at September 12, 2024 09:21 AM (j4U/Z)

509 "On the evening before the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, during which almost three thousand Americans were killed, Democrat VP Kamala Harris made the utterly preposterous claim during the presidential debate that Jan. 6 was the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War."

Even as stupid as she is, she knows that is not true. It is for the lemming base who are so propagandized with filled with the leftist narrative they can't even be called stupid. Just thoroughly brainwashed.

Posted by: Ripley at September 12, 2024 09:21 AM (GUOwU)

510 I only buy lobsters and asparagus when I run out of rubber bands.

Posted by: Practical Solutions, Inc. at September 12, 2024 09:22 AM (CV8a5)

511 >Rosanna Xia says her climate 'grief' has left her unsure if she can 'justify' having children"


Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 09:22 AM (/7KEl)

512 yes
everyone is on the main page slapping F5 like it's an unresponsive johnson
Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 09:20 AM (/7KEl)

Since you asked for it:

Posted by: Count de Monet, Spuds Unite! at September 12, 2024 09:22 AM (Aqu9a)

513 What... did I chase everyone away? Or does this happen normally in anticipation of the art thread?
Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 12, 2024 09:18 AM (fs1hN)

Everyone took a break to drain the main vein -- and whatever the ladies equivalent is - at the same time

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 09:22 AM (RhGG0)

514 Don't drag me into this.

Posted by: Your unresponsive johnson at September 12, 2024 09:22 AM (DobEs)

515 That's an oddity. They usually only flood red areas with migrants. Wonder what happened with Springfield.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 12, 2024 09:22 AM (0FoWg)

516 I've seen some video of various crashes in Springfield, and noticed they all look like newer cars -- not beaters. Wondering where penniless refugees get new cars. . .
Posted by: Lizzy


Some black woman found a receipt and made a video of illegals EBT type bank account with $10K+ in it, and was trying to point out to her community that they never got that level of benefits.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Men don't care about women's accomplishments, only looks and pleasantness at September 12, 2024 09:22 AM (NHRtg)

517 everyone is on the main page slapping F5 like it's an unresponsive johnson
Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 09:20 AM (/7KEl)

WTF is an unresponsive johnson? Not familiar with those words used in relation to each other

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 09:23 AM (RhGG0)

518 Carrots? The peas-and-carrots vegetable mix I buy at Walmart is a classic case of false advertising. The color pic on the package shows equal amounts of both, but inside it's more like 65% carrots. Sure, they're good for you in moderation, but *more than half*?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 12, 2024 09:24 AM (omVj0)

519 I just got an alert from my IT staff that there's a region wide issue with Microsoft and Office 365 and all of North America can be impacted.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 09:24 AM (Zz0t1)

520 Some black woman found a receipt and made a video of illegals EBT type bank account with $10K+ in it, and was trying to point out to her community that they never got that level of benefits.

It would be interesting to see just how much money is being laundered through the various NGOs.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 12, 2024 09:24 AM (oZhjI)

521 "A new study, commissioned by NASA, endorses giving NASA more power and money, even as NASA becomes more irrelevant...":

Most every study these days are like this, especially in the food/health arena. Skepticism is required.

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at September 12, 2024 09:24 AM (Rbu5d)

522 Large businesses are declaring bankruptcy at a staggering rate, and yet we are being told over and over again that the economy is just fine.

Posted by: SMOD at September 12, 2024 09:24 AM (RHGPo)

523 WTF is an unresponsive johnson? Not familiar with those words used in relation to each other
Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 09:23 AM (RhGG0)

Never taken a beta blocker, I take it.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 09:25 AM (Zz0t1)

524 "Trump Open to Second Debate on Fox, But Not With Bret Baier, Martha MacCallum"

Trump stillhasn't learned. OK, maybe he learned a little, but not enough.

FOXNews (FOX Corp) isn't his friend. It is institutionally Big Government from the Right, or it was under Roger Ailes. It has since moved more Left. It will try to appeal to the Middle and Middle Left. It will not move Right.

Maybe, I dunno, start your hand with Newsmax as an alternative. They're actually Populist and support Classic American values and they'll not sandbag him.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at September 12, 2024 09:25 AM (aXxgO)

525 no 'I saw The Unresponsive Johnsons open for...' ?

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 09:25 AM (/7KEl)

526 Charleroi PA according to poster on X has been flooded with a lot of migrants recently.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 12, 2024 09:25 AM (fs1hN)

527 @amuse @amuse Sep 11
DIE: The Chief of the Boat of the USS Manchester currently deployed in the South China Sea installed an illegal Starlink antenna and secret wifi network so she could watch her favorite telenovelas. When she was caught she lied to her commanding officer and the admiral not once but three times forcing an official NCIS investigation to be conducted. The antenna and network potentially allowed the Chinese Navy to track the ship and penetrate its classified Combat Information Systems.

Despite putting the entire crew of the Manchester at risk AND lying to her commanding officer Command Senior Chief Petty Officer Grisel Marrero was not given any prison time nor was she separated from the Navy - instead she was demoted to Chief Petty Officer and reassigned. Marrero was recruited and promoted BECAUSE of her racial and cultural identity to meet the diversity, equity, and inclusion goals of the Navy. As a result, her command did not believe they could separate her from the Navy much less sentence her to prison.

Like, reply, and subscribe if you’re as concerned as I am about DEI recruiting and promotion in the US Armed Forces.
Latina DEI promotion I'm guessing.

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 12, 2024 09:26 AM (CEzQx)

528 525 no 'I saw The Unresponsive Johnsons open for...' ?

They were solo act

Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 12, 2024 09:26 AM (fs1hN)

529 First major post debate poll. Harris up 3. Poll done by NY Post.

Posted by: News Update at September 12, 2024 09:27 AM (j04EC)

530 Sponge: "I just got an alert from my IT staff that there's a region wide issue with Microsoft and Office 365 and all of North America can be impacted."

Don't blame me. I got canned a long time ago.

Posted by: Clippy at September 12, 2024 09:27 AM (aXxgO)

531 525 no 'I saw The Unresponsive Johnsons open for...' ?

They were solo act
Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 12, 2024 09:26 AM (fs1hN)

I heard they flopped.

Posted by: Count de Monet at September 12, 2024 09:27 AM (Aqu9a)

532 I just got an alert from my IT staff that there's a region wide issue with Microsoft and Office 365 and all of North America can be impacted.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024

My office is closed thanks to the hurricane, and while I'm supposed to be on "remote work," I'll tell my boss tomorrow that I lost power Wed. night and didn't get it back until Thurs. afternoon.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 12, 2024 09:27 AM (omVj0)

533 Don't blame me. I got canned a long time ago.
Posted by: Clippy at September 12, 2024 09:27 AM (aXxgO)

This is, unfortunately, not true.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 09:27 AM (Zz0t1)

534 >They were solo act
Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 12, 2024 09:26 AM (fs1hN)

I heard they flopped.

Posted by: Count de Monet

demand was soft

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 09:28 AM (/7KEl)

535 didn't watch "The Apprentice" and had no interest in listening to DT before he ran for President, but I wouldn't have known enough about him (except that he gave money
to build the ice rink IN NYC) to say whether he was insensitive or out of touch.

Kamala is Ms, Sensitivity?!!
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 12, 2024 07:26 AM (dTTBf)

I hadn't even really heard of Donald Trump until he ran for president in 2016, but I remember being shocked when St. Jude's said the the Trump family had been consistently donating about 8 million dollars a year, and that now they were refusing his money due to his campaign. It disgusted me, and I never understood it.

Posted by: Chillin the most at September 12, 2024 09:28 AM (AhKLt)

536 hey turns out there is a new thread

Posted by: Don Black at September 12, 2024 09:29 AM (/7KEl)

537 Rosanna Xia is an environment reporter for the Los Angeles Times. . . She's in a cult, doing her part to convince others to not reproduce.

For Jade Sasser, whose research on climate emotions has been grounded by her own experiences as a Black woman, these questions sharpened into focus during a research-methods seminar that she was teaching early last year at UC Riverside.

The class — all female, many from low-income immigrant communities — had been a fairly quiet group all quarter, so Sasser was surprised when the room completely erupted after she broached what she thought would be an academic, somewhat dispassionate discussion about climate change and the future.

Every student was suddenly talking, even yelling, over one another. Thought after thought tumbled out as they shared that not only does the future feel bleak when it comes to the job market, the housing crisis and whether their generation will ever be able to “settle down with kids” — but all this is many times worse when you’re not white, not documented and not born into a college-educated family. . ."

Sad. Being trained to be victims instead of see the opportunities before them.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 12, 2024 09:29 AM (Pijte)

538 Ars gratia artis

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 12, 2024 09:29 AM (omVj0)

539 WTF is an unresponsive johnson? Not familiar with those words used in relation to each other
Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 09:23 AM (RhGG0)

Never taken a beta blocker, I take it.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 12, 2024 09:25 AM (Zz0t1)

Probably TMI for me to continue commenting on the readiness attributes of my schwanz

Posted by: Doof at September 12, 2024 09:29 AM (RhGG0)

540 529 First major post debate poll. Harris up 3. Poll done by NY Post.
Posted by: News Update at September 12, 2024 09:27 AM (j04EC)

At best, they are Trump-averse, if not TDS sufferers. Plus, it's the Murdoch's paper. That said, Miranda Devine is outstanding. Michael Goodwin is off and on good, and not a Trump fan.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 12, 2024 09:30 AM (x0n13)

541 A series of previously reported alleged Israeli strikes hit military sites in central Syria late Sunday, killing at least 14 people, wounding 43, and sparking fires. Local Syrian media reported at the time that the strikes hit a scientific research center in Masyaf, which has long been associated with the manufacture of chemical weapons and precision missiles by the Syrian regime and Iranian forces.

However, the fresh reports were the first to claim that Israeli troops operated on the ground during the action at Masyaf, which lies about 200 kilometers (124 miles) north of Israel, though only about 30 kilometers (18 miles) from Syria’s western coastline.

The opposition Syria TV network, based in Turkey, reported that Israeli helicopters did not land on Syrian soil, but instead hovered as special forces rappelled down ropes.

The report said there were violent clashes in which three Syrians were killed, and two to four Iranians were captured. The report did not give details as to what happened to the Iranians.

The outlet additionally said that a Russian communications center was among the sites targeted as part of the operation.

Posted by: SMOD at September 12, 2024 09:30 AM (RHGPo)

542 but all this is many times worse when you’re not white, not documented and not born into a college-educated family. .

Whitey is on par with illegals now in terms of black hate. Progress I guess? lol,

Posted by: News Update at September 12, 2024 09:31 AM (j04EC)

543 DIE: The Chief of the Boat of the USS Manchester currently deployed in the South China Sea installed an illegal Starlink antenna and secret wifi network so she could watch her favorite telenovelas.


That's an interesting little tidbit.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Men don't care about women's accomplishments, only looks and pleasantness at September 12, 2024 09:32 AM (NHRtg)

Rasmussen said yesterday it will be a couple more days before he can see if the debate moved the needle any.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 09:32 AM (RKVpM)

545 497 Diuretics by L Ron Hubbard changed my life.

( Hubbard was evil and crazy. Not an actual endorsement )

Posted by: callsign claymore at September 12, 2024 09:33 AM (JcnCJ)

546 That person should never have had children.

Posted by: Bob at September 12, 2024 09:34 AM (YiqZD)

547 The father as Aiden Clark is as brain dead as the father of Mollie Tibbets who describe her killer as just like Americans but with better food. (which also is a petty stupid thing to say about real, daily Mexican food, not what you see in restaurants)

These people are despicable and completely brainwashed. Just what would it take to wake them up if the death of their child won't?

Posted by: Ripley at September 12, 2024 09:36 AM (GUOwU)

548 Morning Horde. Prayer JJ and glad to hear things are going well.
Just logged into my X-box and one of the things at they bottom said "Treat others as they want to be treated".

How about... No.

Posted by: Reforger at September 12, 2024 09:39 AM (xcIvR)

549 Just logged into my X-box and one of the things at they bottom said "Treat others as they want to be treated".


Golden Rule skinsuit.

Posted by: Boron Cobbie - Men don't care about women's accomplishments, only looks and pleasantness at September 12, 2024 09:42 AM (NHRtg)

Some cool technology to track (R)'s (D)'s and (I)'s during the debate:

/ Cliff Notes: (R)'s and (I)'s tracked almost exactly the same
/ Very good news for Trump

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 12, 2024 09:51 AM (RKVpM)

551 Since I'm naturally just a ray of sunshine, my mind usually goes to; "How much was he paid?"

Of course, the dad could just be batshirt crazy.

Yeah, probably that.

Posted by: Ju at September 12, 2024 09:59 AM (aTmM/)

552 What's even more disturbing about the statement put out by the father was this: "I wish he was killed."

That, right there, removes any moral authority the man has as a father.

If one is going to speak to the press to memorialize or talk about, in no way shape or form should there be a sentence containing "I wish my son was killed."

Were it my son, it would be, "I prefer my son was still alive" and go from there. The man is a sick ghoul.

Father of the year material, right there.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 12, 2024 10:19 AM (tT6L1)

553 Morning, J.J. Thanks again.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 12, 2024 10:20 AM (tT6L1)

554 It is fine if the father is forgiving the man who killed his son. But the reality is that a Haitian immigrant who was not licensed to drive killed his son and injured other children, not an old white man. His leftist attitude is wrong. This has to be stopped or other children will be murdered by other illegal aliens because of your permissive attitude. Your son is just one of many americans who have been raped or murdered by illegal aliens thanks to biden/harris. How many more children need to be killed before it starts to sink in.

Posted by: James at September 12, 2024 11:16 AM (GBXrr)

555 Thank you, J.J. 'Morning, all.

Arose this AM to: ABCNews, Sept. 12, 2024, 'Harris to begin 'more aggressive' post-debate campaigning stage, campaign says' Vice President Harris will hold rallies in North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

In part, "Vice President Kamala Harris's post-debate campaign visits to North Carolina and Pennsylvania on Thursday and Friday, respectively, represents the start of a "more aggressive" campaigning stage, her campaign said.

Harris is set to hold two rallies in North Carolina and one in Pennsylvania as part of the kickoff for her "New Way Forward Tour," which her campaign said is an effort to "capitalize on her decisive victory" against former President Donald Trump at the ABC News debate."

Recalled recently reading, The Atlantic's article, 'An Article the Likes of Which Nobody Has Every Seen Before' Not one soul. Published Sept. 5, 2024

In part, "Stop me if you've heard this one before. But don't worry-nobody has, ever. Or at least, that's what Donald Trump would say if asked about, well, anything. It's the ex-president's favorite locution."

SEVERAL media outlets promptly ran with The Atlantic's 'description' of Trump's manner of speaking.

Posted by: L - If they'll do it with you, they'll to do it you, too at September 12, 2024 11:16 AM (NFX2v)

556 Now back to the last presidential campaign -

Just days before the Biden-Trump presidential debate, and only weeks before the 2020 Presidential election, the Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails, October 19, 2020, was released.

It claimed the laptop had "all the earmarks" of a Russian effort to influence the vote. The more than 50 signatories included James Clapper, former director of national intelligence in the Obama administration and also some purported to have CIA connections.

It read in part, "Perhaps most important, each of us believes deeply that American citizens should determine the outcome of elections, not foreign governments. All of us agree with the founding fathers’ concern about the damage that foreign interference in our politics can do to our democracy.

It is for all these reasons that we write to say that the arrival on the US political scene of emails purportedly belonging to Vice President Biden’s son Hunter, much of it related to his time serving on the Board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, has all the classic earmarks of a
Russian information operation (to influence the vote)."

Posted by: L - If they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you, too at September 12, 2024 11:16 AM (NFX2v)

557 The 2024 presidential campaign, a debate between Presidential candidates, and Harris while critiquing Trump's foreign policy stances states, as she was well trained, "These dictators and autocrats are rooting for you to be president again, because they're so clear, they can manipulate you with flattery and favors."

She added, "And that is why so many military leaders who you have worked with have told me, you are a disgrace."

(Many in the MSM are practically orgasmic quoting Harris' broad, undefined 'foreign policy' allegations against Trump. Perhaps juicy allegations need to sky over an unknown domestic policy, less than 2 months to the Presidential election.)

Anyway, Harris has little practical knowledge...about anything.
>How does Harris measure up in foreign policy? The best clue may be: Middle East Eye, News, US Elections 2024: 'What a Hamala Harris Middle East policy team could look like'

Worth reading, imo. It seems Harris' team is, was & will be Obama's team: Phil Gordon, Ilan Goldenberg, Samantha Sutton...

Biden is/was Tammany Hall II. O's the man behind the (change) curtain.

Trump's greatest gift & weakness may be caring. 47/2024!

Posted by: L - If they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you, too at September 12, 2024 11:16 AM (NFX2v)

558 "The Wisdom of Trump’s Tariffs"

Prayers and good vibes, JJ...

You know, all I read in the conservative blogosphere was that Trump didn't hire the right people. The pool of people to hire from for State, CIA, FBI have proven to be completely corrupt no matter who he chose...

Meanwhile in spots that actually matter - economics - he was spot on with Bob Lighthizer, Wiber Ross, etc. Ric Grenell, Peter Theil(influence), Robert Wilke(VA)... All these guys were tops.

Trump(and team) was absolutely right on strategic tariffs on steel and aluminum - staples of our lives - and prices of each decreased along with, and leading to, deflation.

Posted by: Danimal28 at September 12, 2024 11:48 AM (klw0w)

559 Takes an idiot to lay the blame for the civil war on the south when Lincoln did everything he could to insure war would break out. Lincoln killed a million Americans and said repeatedly he did so to insure that slavery would not end. He was a tyrant of the worst kind and if he fought the war today he'd be a war criminal.

Posted by: TJ Jackson at September 12, 2024 03:14 PM (bXvrr)

560 "Lincoln killed a million Americans and said repeatedly he did so to insure that slavery would not end. He was a tyrant of the worst kind and if he fought the war today he'd be a war criminal."

Okay, although I think you're drunk, prove that "war criminal" thingy.

Lincoln didn't like the Indians, according to a teacher I once was Stanton who wanted war.

Posted by: Ju at September 12, 2024 06:54 PM (aTmM/)

561 That is a really good tip especially to those fresh to the blogosphere.
Simple but very precise information… Appreciate your sharing this
one. A must read article!

Posted by: child porn at September 15, 2024 03:11 AM (ee35w)

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