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Obama's Benghazi Czar Susan Rice: It's Racist and Sexist to Call DEI Vice President Kamala Harris a DEI Hire

She very literally is. To secure James Clyburn's support in South Carolina, where Biden had one last chance to win a primary in 2020 after losing in the first three, he had to promise to make a DEI pick. Specifically, he vowed he would nominate a black woman for the slot.

This is DEI -- picking people based on gender and race. Obviously.

Susan Rice, who lied about a "video" being the cause of Benghazi and then set the whole "intelligence" community to the task of falsifying the facts to justify her lie, says it's "dehumanizing" to criticize an unqualified candidate.

Former White House adviser Susan Rice said Tuesday on CNN's "Situation Room" that it was "extremely offensive and dehumanizing" to say Vice President Harris is a DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) hire.

Host Wolf Blitzer said, "Donald Trump is already slamming her, Kamala Harris, in his words as being 'dumb as a rock,' his words. He says she's dumb as rock, other Republicans are saying she was at diversity hire. What's your reaction when you hear that?"

Rice said, "That is extremely offensive and dehumanizing. Let me tell you what it means when somebody calls a person like me or anybody else a DEI hire. What that means is, if you are a woman of any background, if you are a person of color, if you are an immigrant, if you are LGBTQ, if you are disabled, if you're religious minority, if you're a veteran and you achieved success rose to a position of leadership you didn't deserve it, you didn't get there on merit you got there because you got some unfair advantage. That is incredibly insulting to the vast majority of Americans who fall into all of those categories."

Somehow pushing aside the elected president in a coup, and then anointing a plainly-unqualified DEI incompetent to take over for him, is "preserving democracy:"

She added, "It is emblematic of what this race is really all about. It's a race about whether we are going to move into the future as a democracy, where every American has the opportunity to vote to have their voice heard, to have a chance to make themselves a success or whether we're going backward to Donald Trump and JD Vance and their Project 2025 vision of an America were women don't control their own bodies, they can't get contraception or in vitro fertilization. To an America where we don't educate our children in public schools that are sufficiently funded because we don't want them to have opportunity. That's 19th Century, where the only people who mattered were frankly white Christian men. That's what they're saying with this DEI thing that if you're somebody who is not a white Christian man, then you didn't get where you got because you deserved it. That's not the America who we are."

Last time I checked, we also criticized the white (nominal) Christian Joe Biden as incompetent, too.

But that doesn't matter -- you're allowed to find fault with White Men. (Spit.)

And only white men.

Meanwhile, there's another controversy -- whether or not it's fair to point out that Kamala Harris owes her success, such as it is, to sucking the very blue off a Bombpop.

Vice President Kamala Harris' past relationship with ex-San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown is "fair game" for media scrutiny now that the former is the overwhelming favorite to be the Democratic Party's nominee for president, according to Megyn Kelly.

"I'm going there," Kelly said on her SiriusXM podcast "The Megyn Kelly Show" on Monday, noting that there was a "debate on Twitter ... on whether Willie Brown" boosted her career during their brief romance decades ago.

"First she slept with this guy Willie Brown who was this extremely popular, powerful Congressman out in California ... and he put her in two different positions that she did not deserve when she was only 29 or 30 [and] he was 60," according to Kelly.

"Already that affair is sus."

Brown, who at the time was speaker of the California Assembly, and Harris dated when she was a prosecutor in the Alameda County District Attorney's Office. The relationship began in 1994 and ended sometime the next year.

According to reports, Brown was separated from his wife at the time he and Harris dated.

"Dated." How chivalrous to put it that way.


"She was making the equivalent of 130 grand a year by today's money for meeting twice a month for these medical boards and another position for what she had zero qualifications," Kelly noted on her SiriusXM show on Monday.

"He was trying to lay the road for her political career."

Kelly noted that Brown "admitted that he's the one who helped her win the role as DA and she was sleeping with him."

"I'm sorry. It's fair game ... It takes some talent," Kelly said.


She succeeded Barbara Boxer as US senator before she was picked as former Vice President Joe Biden's running mate in 2020.

And Willie Brown called Harris' most likely opponent for that Senate race and told him to stand down. A kneel-down deserves a stand-down in turn.

I read an argument about this. One woman said that this kind of attack on Kamala will further alienate the "suburban female voters" we need. I don't know about that -- that kind of voter is already Voting Blue No Matter Who.

Another woman replied that women who s*** their bosses' dick for promotions are hated by the women who don't rent out their mouths for perks and promotions.

Not sure. What do you think?

Bzzt, you're wrong. The correct answer is, "You're never allowed to criticize a black woman for anything."

Say ten Black Lives Matters and ten Trans Women are Womens to repent.

Bonus: ActBlue launders illegal donations by attributing them to people who did not donate any money.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 02:00 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Is "roundheels" okay?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at July 26, 2024 02:01 PM (nOjd9)

2 Meep meep!

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 26, 2024 02:01 PM (Ygx2e)

3 How about "Homewrecker Harris"?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at July 26, 2024 02:01 PM (nOjd9)

4 The fact that Act Blue has been doing this shit for years and no Republican effort has been made to stop it is concerning.

Posted by: Strelnikov at July 26, 2024 02:02 PM (LrEPG)

5 Man...these DEI chicks are testy.

Posted by: NR Pax at July 26, 2024 02:02 PM (svLOV)

6 OK, so make sure VP Whore wears long skirts and pants. That way, she can hide her knees, scarred by years of carpet burns and blistering.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 26, 2024 02:03 PM (8sMut)

7 What that means is, if you are a woman of any background, if you are a person of color, if you are an immigrant, if you are LGBTQ, if you are disabled, if you're religious minority, if you're a veteran and you achieved success rose to a position of leadership you didn't deserve it, you didn't get there on merit you got there because you got some unfair advantage.

I am pleased and astonished that a Democrat is capable of articulating exactly what the problem is, with EEOC, DIE, and Affirmative Action.

Posted by: FeatherBlade at July 26, 2024 02:03 PM (hB7mE)

8 ActBlue? Didn't the 20-year-old punk in PA donate through them?

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 26, 2024 02:03 PM (8sMut)

9 "Dated." How chivalrous to put it that way.

Dating Hole > Glory Hole

Posted by: Bilwis Devourer of Innocent Souls, I'm starvin' over here at July 26, 2024 02:04 PM (pIfcn)

10 Calling Kamala a DEI hire completely ignores her blowjob skills.

Posted by: Stateless at July 26, 2024 02:04 PM (jvJvP)

11 It takes a stonk, powerful woman to f*ck her way to the top.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at July 26, 2024 02:05 PM (nOjd9)

12 Screw these assholes!!

Posted by: Plainoldtoast at July 26, 2024 02:05 PM (dQgak)

13 Susan who?

Why are we supposed to care what Susan Rice thinks? Where did she pop up from so conveniently?

Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2024 02:05 PM (Hkcdp)

14 If DEI is so great and needs to be used in every facet of government why is it insulting and racist to say Harris is a DEI hire?

Posted by: JackStraw at July 26, 2024 02:05 PM (LkLld)

15 7 What that means is, if you are a woman of any background, if you are a person of color, if you are an immigrant, if you are LGBTQ, if you are disabled, if you're religious minority, if you're a veteran and you achieved success rose to a position of leadership you didn't deserve it, you didn't get there on merit you got there because you got some unfair advantage.

Yeah, because here's a crazy about we try merit?

Jackie Robinson was not brought on by the Dodgers because he checked a box. He was brought on because he had TALENT. And the fact he had TALENT did more to showcase the stupidity of racism than ANY quota system. Weird, that.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 26, 2024 02:06 PM (8sMut)

16 it's "dehumanizing" to criticize an unqualified candidate.

No you silly skank, dehumanized is what happened to Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

Posted by: Dave's not here, man at July 26, 2024 02:06 PM (raPis)

17 Megyn Kelly is so hardcore these day, making up with Steve Bannon, dropping f-bombs and other profanity.

It sorta makes me suspicious.

However, I am not the trusting type. I still think Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny aren't real.

Posted by: BetaCuck4Lyfe at July 26, 2024 02:06 PM (9aVck)

18 4 The fact that Act Blue has been doing this shit for years and no Republican effort has been made to stop it is concerning.
Posted by: Strelnikov at July 26, 2024 02:02 PM (LrEPG)

Because that is not the honorable thing to do. So they will tell you.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 26, 2024 02:07 PM (8sMut)

19 Also, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say, 'Lympics -wise, the footage of a the Torch and Notre Dame
cathedral might not land the way they were trying for.

Posted by: Bilwis Devourer of Innocent Souls, I'm starvin' over here at July 26, 2024 02:07 PM (pIfcn)

20 “ To secure James Clyburn's support in South Carolina,”

You have to appreciate the irony of a black man from a former slave state demanding a racial pick to secure his support.

Posted by: Truthbomb at July 26, 2024 02:07 PM (AEwIA)

21 Willie Brown also advised her not to take the VP spot. Brown is a lefty, but is super politically savvy.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at July 26, 2024 02:07 PM (7PziG)

22 I read an argument about this. One woman said that this kind of attack on Kamala will further alienate the "suburban female voters" we need. I don't know about that -- that kind of voter is already Voting Blue No Matter Who.

This subset of AWFLs is rather fascinating. They hate, hate, hate Trump for mentioning gold diggers (his pussy comment). Because...they are. They have sex with their cow-workers to get ahead and if they marry, they marry solely for BetaBuxs.

And they fem-splain this away as this is the only way to get ahead in a "man's world". But straight men cannot sleep their way to the top nor can they marry their way into wealth.

Feminists should hate this type of woman more then even a born again Christian woman protesting abortion in front of an abattoir but...they are allied with the Kamalas of the world.

Posted by: 18-1 at July 26, 2024 02:07 PM (oZhjI)

23 Kamala could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.

Posted by: steevy at July 26, 2024 02:08 PM (HJ9BW)

"Dated". Like they went to the malt shoppe after catching the double feature?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 26, 2024 02:08 PM (wMlm8)

25 Joe Biden stated clearly he wanted a BLACK WOMAN for his VP...period.

Isn't that the definition of a DEI hire?

Posted by: Seems Legit at July 26, 2024 02:08 PM (JeYYB)

26 Susan Rice is even less competent than Harris. Even Obama couldn’t get her a serious job.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at July 26, 2024 02:08 PM (7PziG)

27 4 The fact that Act Blue has been doing this shit for years and no Republican effort has been made to stop it is concerning.
Posted by: Strelnikov

My guess is that WinRed has probably being dabbling in that too. Easiest way for foreign money to influence politicians and from Bolton's experience--our political class are a bunch of cheap whores on the street corner and putting off for any punter with a couple of bux to buy them.

Posted by: whig at July 26, 2024 02:09 PM (qdbNv)

28 If DEI is so great and needs to be used in every facet of government why is it insulting and racist to say Harris is a DEI hire?
Posted by: JackStraw at July 26, 2024 02:05 PM

Shut up! they explained.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 26, 2024 02:09 PM (mWGLT)

29 Wait, wasn’t Kamala the victim here and she needs to sue her abusers??

What happened to #TimesUp and #BelieveAllWomen?

Hollywood actresses slept their way to stardom and it was the worst thing ever. We let to Willie off the hook?

Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2024 02:09 PM (Hkcdp)

30 "and he put her in two different positions that she did not deserve when she was only 29 or 30"

Let me guess - missionary and dirty Sanchez?

Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at July 26, 2024 02:09 PM (w6EFb)

31 The fact that Act Blue has been doing this shit for years and no Republican effort has been made to stop it is concerning.

The fact that the Harlem Globetrotters have been doing this shit for years and no Washington Generals effort has been made to stop it is concerning.

/same idea...

Posted by: 18-1 at July 26, 2024 02:09 PM (oZhjI)

32 I also doubt she "slept" with him.

Posted by: steevy at July 26, 2024 02:09 PM (HJ9BW)

33 Feminists should hate this type of woman more then even a born again Christian woman protesting abortion in front of an abattoir but...they are allied with the Kamalas of the world.
Posted by: 18-1
Ignore them and state the truth even if it hurts their feelings. Too much truth is not spoken because somebody might get offended. Screw that.

Posted by: whig at July 26, 2024 02:10 PM (qdbNv)

34 Suggested Edit:

'Specifically, he vowed he would nominate a black woman for the her slot.

Posted by: garrett at July 26, 2024 02:10 PM (zKx9/)

35 Hollywood actresses slept their way to stardom and it was the worst thing ever. We let to Willie off the hook?

Gwen Paltrow seems ok with her time on the casting couch.

For actresses that got what they wanted out of it honestly they seem ok with it...

Posted by: 18-1 at July 26, 2024 02:10 PM (oZhjI)

36 I thought it was the responsibility of any man of influence to position Ka*a*a for success.

Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at July 26, 2024 02:10 PM (w6EFb)

37 But straight men cannot sleep their way to the top nor can they marry their way into wealth.

I beg to differ.

Posted by: John Forbes Kerry at July 26, 2024 02:10 PM (mWGLT)

38 30 "and he put her in two different positions that she did not deserve when she was only 29 or 30"

Let me guess - missionary and dirty Sanchez?
Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at July 26, 2024 02:09 PM (w6EFb)


Heh, reading my mind.

Posted by: Seems Legit at July 26, 2024 02:11 PM (JeYYB)

39 Camel LaLa isn’t a DEI hire, she’s an incompetent idiot.

Have another glass of wine and enjoy the ride, honey. It’s gonna crash real soon.

Posted by: Marcus T at July 26, 2024 02:11 PM (8uqMR)

40 Why are we supposed to think Kamala is a strong ambitious woman but all the other skanks are victims? Ali sky #4, good and hard.

Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2024 02:11 PM (Hkcdp)

41 I beg to differ.

Posted by: John Forbes Kerry at July 26, 2024 02:10 PM (mWGLT)

He was trading influence for money - like Closet Pelosi marrying Nancy...

Posted by: 18-1 at July 26, 2024 02:11 PM (oZhjI)

42 DEI Hiring is Racist and Sexist

and probably a couple other -ists, for the LGBT hires, the other religion hires, the anti-American hires, etc.

Posted by: illiniwek at July 26, 2024 02:12 PM (Cus5s)

43 It sorta makes me suspicious.

However, I am not the trusting type. I still think Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny aren't real.
Posted by: BetaCuck4Lyfe
Actions always speak louder than words but converts should always be welcome but not trusted until they commit with actions and not merely words.

Posted by: whig at July 26, 2024 02:12 PM (qdbNv)

44 Thinking she sucked her way to the top is one thing. Hearing her wax poetic seals the deal.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at July 26, 2024 02:12 PM (Z8Yh2)

45 Gwen Paltrow seems ok with her time on the casting couch.

For actresses that got what they wanted out of it honestly they seem ok with it...
Posted by: 18-1
Not necessarily observable to the naked eye but Paltrow is scarcely someone I would consider stable after her Hollywood career. Her idiotic candles being sold is a perfect example.

Posted by: whig at July 26, 2024 02:13 PM (qdbNv)

46 44 Thinking she sucked her way to the top is one thing. Hearing her wax poetic seals the deal.
Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at July 26, 2024 02:12 PM (Z8Yh2)


Exactly. She can't even put a sentence together without making normal humans laugh.

Posted by: Seems Legit at July 26, 2024 02:14 PM (JeYYB)

47 Don't lump veterans in with DEI people, Susan. They are worth far more than you.

Posted by: NR Pax at July 26, 2024 02:14 PM (svLOV)

48 >> this kind of attack on Kamala will further alienate the "suburban female voters" we need

So, the argument is there are all these women out there who would otherwise vote for the bad orange man, but they won’t if we’re mean to the girl? Not buying it.

Posted by: electronic means at July 26, 2024 02:14 PM (rjJqk)

49 Willie Brown was trying to lay the pipe for her political career

Posted by: Oglebay at July 26, 2024 02:15 PM (ogTiX)

50 It's dehumanizing to criticize Mata Hari for spying for the Germans just because she was a woman.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 26, 2024 02:15 PM (Mlhrz)

51 How about "Homewrecker Harris"?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at July 26, 2024 02:01 PM (nOjd9)

You know, I always put that on the one who's cheating in the marriage. Willie was the one who took the vow. I'm sure she wasn't the first woman he cheated with.

Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at July 26, 2024 02:15 PM (w6EFb)

52 It’s actually entertaining to watch. People often choose a candidate who best reflects their values. Everything else aside, we just watched Trump get shot in the head, get up and shake his fist. Camel Lala, has f’d up everything she has touched from the border to Willie’s Willie.

Posted by: Marcus T at July 26, 2024 02:16 PM (8uqMR)

53 Liberals: We must hire diverse people.

Also Liberals: It is insulting and dehumanizing to suggest that anyone we hire was hired for diversity reasons.

Posted by: Archimedes at July 26, 2024 02:16 PM (xCA6C)

54 Professional women, lawyers particularly, despise Harris-types. Screwing professors, partners, politicians to get ahead. Bad enough first female POTUS almost getting there because she married talent (Clinton). The homewrecker about town is even worse. Obscene.

Posted by: occam's brassiere at July 26, 2024 02:17 PM (kAPL2)

55 The DEI / whore talk isn't enough to defeat her. Trump's crew need to get on policy now.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 26, 2024 02:17 PM (IG4Id)

56 Can't criticize Pol Pot for his genocide because he was a person color.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 26, 2024 02:17 PM (Mlhrz)

57 Feminists should hate this type of woman more then even a born again Christian woman protesting abortion in front of an abattoir but...they are allied with the Kamalas of the world.
Posted by: 18-1 at July 26, 2024 02:07 PM (oZhjI)

Besides, feminists suffer from a permanent case of penis envy, IMHO.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 26, 2024 02:18 PM (8sMut)

58 Man...these DEI chicks are testy.

Posted by: NR Pax at July 26, 2024 02:02 PM (svLOV)

I read tasty *slaps self*

Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at July 26, 2024 02:18 PM (w6EFb)

59 4 The fact that Act Blue has been doing this shit for years and no Republican effort has been made to stop it is concerning.
Posted by: Strelnikov

My guess is that WinRed has probably being dabbling in that too. Easiest way for foreign money to influence politicians and from Bolton's experience--our political class are a bunch of cheap whores on the street corner and putting off for any punter with a couple of bux to buy them.
Posted by: whig at July 26, 2024 02:09 PM (qdbNv)
Both sides have a gentleman's agreement to look the other way, I suspect...

If "everyone does it" then it's not really a problem, is it?

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at July 26, 2024 02:18 PM (7fElN)

60 Breaking:

In an effort to further distance her from the failed Biden policies, top democrats are claiming that VP Harris was never Vice President.

Posted by: Buzz Adrenaline at July 26, 2024 02:19 PM (JRP2U)

61 Being Black bought Willie a lot of leeway. White guilt again causing damage.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at July 26, 2024 02:19 PM (Z8Yh2)

62 56 Can't criticize Pol Pot for his genocide because he was a person color.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 26, 2024 02:17 PM (Mlhrz)

Or my years of outstanding rule.

Posted by: Idi Amin at July 26, 2024 02:19 PM (8sMut)

63 58 I read tasty *slaps self*
Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at July 26, 2024 02:18 PM (w6EFb)

If I'd said "irritable" that really would have started an argument. -:-)

Posted by: NR Pax at July 26, 2024 02:19 PM (svLOV)

64 DEI was chosen by 'Them' explicitly because it means 'Not WASP Male' for use to overtly hire literally anybody as long as they are Not WASP Male.

And 'Them' get butt-hurt and calls out 'racist' when it's noted that they hire hire literally anybody as long as they are Not WASP Male.

I don't think 'racist' means what they think.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at July 26, 2024 02:20 PM (m6NVp)

65 We fully support Kamala.

Posted by: Kevlar Impregnated Knee Pads R Us at July 26, 2024 02:20 PM (/U5Yz)

66 Didn't Ida Amin eat people? or was that a different guy?

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 26, 2024 02:21 PM (Mlhrz)

Car-mella is NOT a DEI hire.
She IS a Guzzle your Custard hire.

Posted by: WILLIE BROWN at July 26, 2024 02:21 PM (rn2/h)

68 I'm with Megyn Kelly- it's fair game. The "Problem", such that it is, isn't women overall being offended by it being pointed out that Harris is a whore, it's the women who conduct themselves both in and out of the business world like Harris has, taking offense at essentially being called out themselves.
Having said that, I don't think Trump/Vance really had much of a chance at that vote anyway.

Posted by: Ktgreat at July 26, 2024 02:22 PM (ei7q6)

69 I bet Harriet Tubman would not be impressed by Kamala were Tubman alive today.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 26, 2024 02:22 PM (dTTBf)

70 Who is Monica Lewinski supporting?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at July 26, 2024 02:22 PM (63Dwl)

71 Breaking:

In an effort to further distance her from the failed Biden policies, top democrats are claiming that VP Harris was never Vice President.
Posted by: Buzz Adrenaline

The Bee from yesterday:

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris distanced herself from Kamala Harris after members of the press confronted her with questions about her past.

"I am not now nor have I ever been Kamala Harris," Kamala Harris replied. "I have no knowledge of Kamala Harris and I can assure you Kamala Harris has never been a part of who I am. Any claims to the contrary are sexist and racist."

Following Kamala Harris's statement, news outlets were quick to condemn anyone who has ever referred to Kamala Harris as Kamala Harris. "As usual, the Republicans are engaging in a misinformation campaign to tarnish the image of the Vice President," Joe Scarborough said. "We all know Kamala Harris has never been Kamala Harris. Will their lies never cease!?"

Wikipedia updated its entry on Kamala Harris to wipe any previous mention of the presidential candidate's name and Politifact rated the statement "Kamala Harris is Kamala Harris" as a ‘Pants On Fire' lie.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at July 26, 2024 02:22 PM (Dm8we)

72 66 Didn't Ida Amin eat people? or was that a different guy?
Posted by: Guy Mohawk

I think he preferred only the pancreas or gall bladder or some other disgusting organ.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at July 26, 2024 02:22 PM (/U5Yz)

73 maybe the wine moms will vote for Harris. They are very susceptible to the FNM telling they are racist if they don't vote for the D's black figurehead. But working women in general are not so eager to have a woman boss. Even the good ones tend to be wishy-washy when you'd like them to give confident leadership. Plus the envy factor. "how did SHE rise to so much power." Now add in all the guys that don't want to vote for a cackling airhead.

But what actual voters want does not guarantee ballot success. What matters is can the FNM create a good enough illusion that people prefer the commiecrat that they can get away with the cheating.

Posted by: PaleRider at July 26, 2024 02:23 PM (wTs+0)

If there was a better qualified white man and they picked someone who wasn't white or a man specifically because they weren't white or a man, then YES it was a DEI hire.
So go choke on it.

Posted by: Speller at July 26, 2024 02:23 PM (pSotA)

75 "He was trying to lay the road for her political career."

She misspelled pipe.

Posted by: Ted Torgerson Trump/Vance 2024 at July 26, 2024 02:23 PM (wGerL)

76 5 Man...these DEI chicks are testy.
Don't talk about hair and weaves. Just don't.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 26, 2024 02:24 PM (n17eQ)

77 70 Who is Monica Lewinski supporting?
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.

Another one of our satisfied customers.

Posted by: Kevlar Impregnated Knee Pads R Us at July 26, 2024 02:24 PM (/U5Yz)

78 So, how did the news about Kamala servicing Willie Brown get out?. Just talk around the office or he said it? They're both loathsome.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 26, 2024 02:24 PM (dTTBf)

79 the words racist and sexist are beyond over-used

they have lost all meaning for me

they are just hissing sounds coming out of someone's face now

Posted by: Don Black at July 26, 2024 02:24 PM (/7KEl)

80 Act Blue is already committing crimes, based on that one woman alone. Hundreds of dollars in donations listed in her name, she did not make them.

Someone call Garland, or Wray, I'm sure they will get right on that (in 2027, their investigation will find "no reasonable prosecutor ...".

Posted by: illiniwek at July 26, 2024 02:24 PM (Cus5s)

81 The weekend is here

So some are still out to get The Ho

Posted by: Skip at July 26, 2024 02:25 PM (fwDg9)

So, the argument is there are all these women out there who would otherwise vote for the bad orange man, but they won’t if we’re mean to the girl? Not buying it.

There is a very, very long list of "We won't vote for a Republican if he does/says X" from AWFLs

Honestly what it really means is they just won't vote for a Republican but a lot of GOPers like to play the game that if they just compromise on issue X that they'll get the AWFL vote.

Posted by: 18-1 at July 26, 2024 02:25 PM (oZhjI)

83 I dont really care about her sexual past. But she used it to get ahead. Thats fair game. She was also blatantly chosen by Biden due to the race/gender agreement with Clyburn. Thats DEI.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at July 26, 2024 02:25 PM (7PziG)

84 I just want to say about this leftist meme that women need to have control over their own bodies: Ladies, if you have an "unwanted" pregnancy, you have already demonstrated that you probably have no control over your own body.

Please stop demanding that we pay for you to end your pregnancy, or to feel in the least bit sorry for you.

Posted by: PJU at July 26, 2024 02:25 PM (G1dq6)

85 Yep, she was Smokin The Birth Cigar.

Posted by: WILLIE BROWN at July 26, 2024 02:25 PM (rn2/h)

86 69 I bet Harriet Tubman would not be impressed by Kamala were Tubman alive today.
Harriet would shoot the no good whore.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 26, 2024 02:25 PM (n17eQ)

87 70 Who is Monica Lewinski supporting?
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at July 26

Is this a real question? Because she remains a bright blue Dem.

Posted by: Piper at July 26, 2024 02:26 PM (pZEOD)

88 So, how did the news about Kamala servicing Willie Brown get out?

They publicly dated out in the open.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 26, 2024 02:26 PM (Mlhrz)

89 I do think it's hilarious that they have not been able to shut Willie Brown up, regarding talking about Kamala and how she owes her career to him. Like, he goes out of his way to sound creepy about it too.

Posted by: Ktgreat at July 26, 2024 02:26 PM (ei7q6)

90 Susan Rice, along with ValJar are two of Obama's minions who are actually running our government. Throw in the Maoist lady (name escapes me)who looks like a bull terrier and you've got the terrible triplets

Posted by: Smell the Glove at July 26, 2024 02:26 PM (9Lk6I)

91 You know what would be funny and maybe somewhat effective? Get Dan Quayle to review Kamala speeches and make TikTok videos of it...

Posted by: 18-1 at July 26, 2024 02:26 PM (oZhjI)

92 I thought women hated other bossy stuck up women . And they seem to have a better radar for that than men do.

Posted by: polynikes at July 26, 2024 02:26 PM (B1dzx)

93 Note that 4 years ago DEI was all the rage. So much so that you would be unpersoned for opposing it.

Now it is a slur, and the Dems are doing everything they can to distance themselves from the concept.

If they believed in it they would be proudly saying that her race and gender brought lived experience that is more important than competence and leadership.

This is yet another sign of why the Dems are in such trouble. They are distancing themselves from their core beliefs. It would be like Trump trying to distance himself for the Border wall.

Posted by: Dave in Fla at July 26, 2024 02:26 PM (5p7BC)

94 *clever quip here*

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at July 26, 2024 02:27 PM (FUHCU)

95 And it was treasonous to put a DEI hire on the ticket and fill the cabinet with them, yet here we are.

Posted by: tankdemon at July 26, 2024 02:27 PM (VSht7)

96 83 I dont really care about her sexual past. But she used it to get ahead. Thats fair game. She was also blatantly chosen by Biden due to the race/gender agreement with Clyburn. Thats DEI.
Maybe Biden got one over on Clyburn or SF has a shit ton of political money to grift?

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 26, 2024 02:27 PM (n17eQ)

97 Fenelon: Willie Brown boasts about it every time someone asks him.
On the one hand, he's a scumbag but on the other hand, it's difficult to have respect for an opportunistic whore like Kamala.

Posted by: gKWVE at July 26, 2024 02:27 PM (gKWVE)

98 So, how did the news about Kamala servicing Willie Brown get out?

There is one photo of married Brown at some fundraiser with Kamala where the latter has her boobs all but hanging out of her dress with Brown drooling.

Posted by: 18-1 at July 26, 2024 02:27 PM (oZhjI)

99 4 The fact that Act Blue has been doing this shit for years and no Republican effort has been made to stop it is concerning.

*shifty ey....

Posted by: Mitch McConnell at July 26, 2024 02:27 PM (fs1hN)

100 Guy Mohawk

Yup. But just the good parts.

Mugabe in Zimbabwe was much worse to an entire nation.

Seeing it in South Africa today.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 26, 2024 02:28 PM (u82oZ)

101 "Not sure. What do you think?"

Ace, my personal belief is that women -- all women -- despise whores who advance their careers sucking dick. Who likes a whore? Even the johns using their services don't like them.

That is part of why nobody ever liked Kumala. Because she's a whore who clearly based her career on fucking a powerful dude -- and a married one at that.

The Dems are very worried that my view is correct. How do I know? Because they are in overdrive trying to get conservatives to drop that line of criticism. They are out there offering us very helpful advice that this would backfire on us.

Never ever take advice from your enemies. They are clearly worried that Kumala's cheap, sordid, whoring past will hurt her chances. They should be.

Posted by: Elric Blade at July 26, 2024 02:28 PM (iFTx/)

102 I always found it weird that Ka*a*a wears pants suits. There are so many beautiful suits with skirts that would work - unless her legs are awful. Has anyone seen her in a dress?

Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at July 26, 2024 02:28 PM (w6EFb)

103 The only thing the Left has had to offer for years now is to shame people into liking something, whether it be a crappy TV show like the Acolyte or a political candidate like Kamala Harris.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 26, 2024 02:28 PM (8sMut)

104 In an effort to further distance her from the failed Biden policies, top democrats are claiming that VP Harris was never Vice President.

Posted by: Buzz Adrenaline at July 26, 2024 02:19 PM (JRP2U)

Vice czar?

Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at July 26, 2024 02:29 PM (w6EFb)

105 Leave the sexual part out of the attack line and keep it factual.

Kamala got her start in CA politics at a relatively young age through the patronage of Willie Brown.

Posted by: WisRich at July 26, 2024 02:29 PM (Irnc0)

106 "Let me tell you what it means when somebody calls a person like me or anybody else a DEI hire."

It means they're paying attention?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 26, 2024 02:30 PM (YqDXo)

107 "Mugabe in Zimbabwe was much worse to an entire nation."

I solved inflation simply by banning it by law. What have you idiots in other countries done?

Posted by: Robert Mugabe at July 26, 2024 02:30 PM (8sMut)

108 "Democratic strategist James Carville warned that Democrats’ “giddy elation” over Vice President Harris’s presidential campaign won’t be “helpful much longer” as Republicans seek to regain lost ground after President Biden’s withdrawal from the race.

I don't get what's gotten into him. Last gasps of a dinosaur. Not worth platforming any more.

Afraid of disapearing into that dark, quiet night. Of irrelevance. So people make outragious statements to grab a mention or two.

I've never trusted somebody who's married to a Republican. To me, that's an indication that he views politics as a game.

People who are democrats and republicans have totally different sets of values and ethics. How can one be married to the other? Values and ethics are what, to me, makes the partnerships whole.

He's insulting the intelligence of a lot of people - women in particular - by suggesting Harris' campaign is just a bunch of happy fluff (women, you know) and they don't know what they'll have to face. Like a black woman in politics doesn't know at least as much as an old white guy about the shit that will be thrown at her. He's become an arrogant old ass.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at July 26, 2024 02:30 PM (UkUKI)

109 vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion

Ya got enough knives, swords, bayonets, and razors to be the Secretary of Close Retribution?

Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 26, 2024 02:30 PM (u82oZ)

110 102 I always found it weird that Ka*a*a wears pants suits. There are so many beautiful suits with skirts that would work - unless her legs are awful. Has anyone seen her in a dress?
Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at July 26, 2024 02:28 PM (w6EFb)

I assume she has more wear and tear on her knees than she wants to reveal.

Posted by: tankdemon at July 26, 2024 02:30 PM (VSht7)

111 Brown is basically Kamala's Jeremiah Wright.
Wright was always mouthing off about how HELL YEAH Obama was always in my pews, cheering every time I damned America and white men. Despite how Obama tried to distance himself.

Posted by: gKWVE at July 26, 2024 02:30 PM (gKWVE)

112 *clever quip here*
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at July 26, 2024 02:27 PM (FUHCU)
*stinging comeback, followed by wry observation*

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar at July 26, 2024 02:30 PM (3Fz6p)

113 So, how did the news about Kamala servicing Willie Brown get out?

There is one photo of married Brown at some fundraiser with Kamala where the latter has her boobs all but hanging out of her dress with Brown drooling.
Posted by: 18-1 at July 26, 2024 02:27 PM (oZhjI)

That, and it was common knowledge at the time. Willie Brown readily admitted he had a sexual relationship with her and got her all these no-work jobs. He was almost bragging about it. Kamala never denied it, because she can't.

Posted by: Elric Blade at July 26, 2024 02:31 PM (iFTx/)

114 Thanks for the NOOD, everyone.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 26, 2024 02:31 PM (v6JzV)

115 Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at July 26, 2024 02:22 PM (Dm8we)

LOL - I can’t compete with that! The Bee is a treasure!

Posted by: Buzz Adrenaline at July 26, 2024 02:31 PM (JRP2U)

116 Kamala got her start in CA politics at a relatively young age through the patronage of Willie Brown.
Posted by: WisRich at July 26, 2024 02:29 PM (Irnc0)

And by patronage you mean his dick?

Posted by: polynikes at July 26, 2024 02:31 PM (B1dzx)

117 Kamala got her start in CA politics at a relatively young age through the patronage of Willie Brown.

Posted by: WisRich at July 26, 2024 02:29 PM (Irnc0)

Split the difference.

"Kamala Harris started her political career working for Willie Brown, under whom she assumed a variety of positions."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 26, 2024 02:31 PM (YqDXo)

118 If the Biden Administration proved anything it's that hiring for sexual preference, your transing status, your gender or your color is catastrophic to the departments implementing it.

America's status: Shit

I saw a meme that said, The world is watching the US right now like the US watched Tiger King.

Posted by: Seems Legit at July 26, 2024 02:31 PM (JeYYB)

119 I've never trusted somebody who's married to a Republican. To me, that's an indication that he views politics as a game.

Sometimes DU makes sense.

Posted by: same holds in reverse at July 26, 2024 02:31 PM (gKWVE)

120 Ya know, nobody ever took Kevin Federline seriously either

Posted by: Elric Blade at July 26, 2024 02:31 PM (iFTx/)

121 79 the words racist and sexist are beyond over-used

they have lost all meaning for me

they are just hissing sounds coming out of someone's face now
Posted by: Don Black at July 26, 2024 02:24 PM (/7KEl)

That, and "toxic".

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 26, 2024 02:32 PM (8sMut)

122 They publicly dated out in the open.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 26, 2024 02:26 PM (Mlhrz)

Dating is a bit different. She wasn't married and he was separated, I believe (Still a creep) but the specifics about her using oral sex to get further in her career is something a sixty something year old bragging man might say, not a woman. "Hey; I only got this job in government because I'm skilled at oral sex" is not a remark Kamala would make.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 26, 2024 02:32 PM (dTTBf)

123 108
He's insulting the intelligence of a lot of people - women in particular - by suggesting Harris' campaign is just a bunch of happy fluff (women, you know) and they don't know what they'll have to face. Like a black woman in politics doesn't know at least as much as an old white guy about the shit that will be thrown at her. He's become an arrogant old ass.
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at July 26, 2024 02:30 PM (UkUKI)


"Also, saying that Kamala should know anything about the border or any major issue is mansplaining."
-DU, 94.67% probability

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at July 26, 2024 02:32 PM (GBKbO)

124 Throw in the Maoist lady (name escapes me)who looks like a bull terrier and you've got the terrible triplets
Posted by: Smell the Glove at July 26, 2024 02:26 PM (9Lk6I)

Anita Dunn?

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at July 26, 2024 02:32 PM (s9EYN)

125 Leave the sexual part out of the attack line and keep it factual.

Kamala got her start in CA politics at a relatively young age through the patronage of Willie Brown.
Posted by: WisRich

You can't leave out the quid pro quo.
He didn't give her the jobs out of the goodness of his heart.

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at July 26, 2024 02:33 PM (+Wnnh)

126 Nothing will be done about ActBlue.

And I will go further and say that the FEC will go over WinReds books with a microscope and close them down if (when) they find the smallest infraction while nevertrump wrings their hands and claim "Both sides".

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 26, 2024 02:33 PM (d9LQi)

127 102 I always found it weird that Ka*a*a wears pants suits. There are so many beautiful suits with skirts that would work - unless her legs are awful. Has anyone seen her in a dress?
Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at July 26, 2024 02:28 PM (w6EFb)

See #6. They are beyond necessary.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 26, 2024 02:33 PM (8sMut)

128 108, I could watch the raging Cajun anytime. I would not watch him because he looks like a lizard and I legitimately don’t care what he says about anything. But I would like the option to hear him, We don’t use terms like platforming that’s what the other guys do

Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024 02:33 PM (/7Asi)

DEI is essential but nobody has ever benefitted from it.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 26, 2024 02:33 PM (wMlm8)

130 Rumor: If Harris wins, Willie Brown will be The First Gentleman’s chief of staff.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at July 26, 2024 02:33 PM (7PziG)

131 Kamala could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.
Posted by: steevy at July 26, 2024 02:08 PM (HJ9BW)

Are you saying she has an acid tongue?

Posted by: Kindltot at July 26, 2024 02:33 PM (D7oie)

132 If the practice of DEI is so objectionable, why is it continued?

Posted by: gourmand du jour at July 26, 2024 02:34 PM (MeG8a)

133 I think he preferred only the pancreas or gall bladder or some other disgusting organ.
Posted by: Maj. Healey

Kidney Pie.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at July 26, 2024 02:34 PM (m6NVp)

134 114 Thanks for the NOOD, everyone.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 26, 2024 02:31 PM (v6JzV)


Was it the echo or the loneliness that tipped you off?

Posted by: Seems Legit at July 26, 2024 02:34 PM (JeYYB)

135 108 People who are democrats and republicans have totally different sets of values and ethics. How can one be married to the other? Values and ethics are what, to me, makes the partnerships whole.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at July 26, 2024 02:30 PM (UkUKI)

Some Republicans actually have ethics (Mitch McConnell and his ilk require me to write the qualifier there.) Democrats have rationalizations.

Posted by: tankdemon at July 26, 2024 02:34 PM (VSht7)

136 "Hey; I only got this job in government because I'm skilled at oral sex" is not a remark Kamala would make.
Pete Buttigay could say the same.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 26, 2024 02:34 PM (n17eQ)

137 Besides, is there a female politician that can pull off wearing a pencil skirt? I doubt it. Rush Limbaugh reminds us that politics is show business for the ugly.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 26, 2024 02:34 PM (8sMut)

138 DEI

Down Every Inch

Posted by: haffhowershower at July 26, 2024 02:34 PM (NMT5x)

139 The rugburn that Kamala persevered over for decades shows that she can fight through adversity and meet whatever challenge is put in front/behind her. Inspirational.

Posted by: Dusky Delights at July 26, 2024 02:35 PM (CV8a5)

140 There are pictures of a slutty Ho with Brown on party nights

Posted by: Skip at July 26, 2024 02:35 PM (fwDg9)

141 132 If the practice of DEI is so objectionable, why is it continued?
Posted by: gourmand du jour at July 26, 2024 02:34 PM (MeG8a)


The practice of DEI is great and brings new life experiences to places that were previously denied them. It increases the ability of organizations to effectively attack problems from new angles and come up with innovative new solutions.

Also, saying that someone is a DEI is racist.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at July 26, 2024 02:35 PM (GBKbO)

142 Trump wasn't shot in the ear.

Biden can outgolf Trump.

Kamala is super qualified.

Posted by: Nonsensical ravings of the demtards at July 26, 2024 02:35 PM (DqKQx)

143 I think he preferred only the pancreas or gall bladder or some other disgusting organ.
Posted by: Maj. Healey

Well, if they weren't in need of them anymore . . .

Posted by: the last king of scotland at July 26, 2024 02:35 PM (gKWVE)

144 If DEI is such a grand thing for people and the culture, then why aren't The Lefties embracing and celebrating DEI Hires -- instead of getting all defensive about us pouncing, seizing, outraging, noticing, and pointing them out?

Hey Rice, don't you have some Ambassadors that you can help get murdered?

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at July 26, 2024 02:35 PM (e6zux)

145 Kamala is the epitome of the DEI hire.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 26, 2024 02:35 PM (JvZF+)

146 Point of Fact:
Obama has brushed with more Tijuana Toothpaste than Vice President Harris.

Posted by: THE FACT CHECKERS at July 26, 2024 02:35 PM (rn2/h)

147 [99 4 The fact that Act Blue has been doing this shit for years and no Republican effort has been made to stop it is concerning.

*shifty ey....
Posted by: Mitch McConnell

Whistling softly while walking away.

Posted by: Republican AG's at July 26, 2024 02:35 PM (/U5Yz)

148 Joe Biden stated clearly he wanted a BLACK WOMAN for his VP...period.

Isn't that the definition of a DEI hire?

It defines an illegal hiring practice under the 1964 Civil Rights Act, sure.

"Whites Need Not Apply" is just as illegal as excluding anybody else. See also: Religious, ethnicity, creed, and arguably political persuasion.

Leftists get carte blanche to hit people over the head with bike locks. "Adjunct Professors" Remember - no law enforcement found this dweeb. It was nerds on the internet who sleuthed this out. Never charged, or got off with nothing due to the usual suspects.

There is a straight line from this arbitrary incident, to former President being shot at a rally due to the rhetoric and invective, the demagoguery. That's why they are doing this, after all. Perhaps some in DC might wonder if they, too, could be subject to this newfound "Choose Your Own Adventure" style of campaigning, but no matter. Trump said pussy, and that, as they say, is the end of that.

Posted by: Common Tater at July 26, 2024 02:35 PM (ylQTz)

149 Kamala is super qualified.

In fairness Kamala is the most qualified person in the white house at ONE SPECIFIC THING since Obama left...

Posted by: 18-1 at July 26, 2024 02:35 PM (oZhjI)

150 120 Ya know, nobody ever took Kevin Federline seriously either
Posted by: Elric Blade at July 26, 2024

Poor Kevin. So much trash talk, yet he raised his children and was present in their lives. His kids are well adjusted. His boys with Brit Brit are smart and doing okay. That did not happen though Brit.

Posted by: Piper at July 26, 2024 02:35 PM (p4NUW)

151 Leave the sexual part out of the attack line and keep it factual.

Kamala got her start in CA politics at a relatively young age through the patronage of Willie Brown.
Posted by: WisRich at July 26, 2024 02:29 PM (Irnc0)

Except that she had his patronage *because* she was his Side Chick and for no other reason. It's entirely germane.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at July 26, 2024 02:36 PM (s9EYN)

152 Was it the echo or the loneliness that tipped you off?
Posted by: Seems Legit

The boob talk ended abruptly.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 26, 2024 02:36 PM (v6JzV)

153 131 Kamala could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.
Posted by: steevy at July 26, 2024 02:08 PM (HJ9BW)
That's why you grease your trailer hitch to protect the chrome.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 26, 2024 02:36 PM (n17eQ)

154 What had Kamala accomplished? Can anyone name one thing that isn't "She was elected to X position in an election with no effective competition"

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 26, 2024 02:36 PM (d9LQi)

Thanks for the NOOD, everyone.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus


Cool kids don't need noods.

*dons shades*
*lights cigarette*

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 26, 2024 02:36 PM (wMlm8)

156 Willie Brown is 90 (I think), lucky for Harris he shouldn't be around much longer.

Posted by: Seems Legit at July 26, 2024 02:36 PM (JeYYB)

157 James O'Keefe discovered this illegal donation/money laundering scheme ActBlue is running last year.

Apparently they don't check CVV numbers on cards.

(Fox News - sorry.)

Posted by: SpeakingOf at July 26, 2024 02:36 PM (6ydKt)

158 Always cool to know the rules are: Anything racist said toward a white person by a person of color is automatically not racist while anything said by a white person to a person of color is racist.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at July 26, 2024 02:36 PM (tT6L1)

159 I've never trusted somebody who's married to a Republican. To me, that's an indication that he views politics as a game.

They're just now figuring this out?

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 26, 2024 02:36 PM (mWGLT)

160 It's just like the attempt to memory hole her border czar title. The border is secure, they tell us, so why shouldn't she get the credit?

Or, the border is a disaster and they all know it, just like they know Biden is senile and Harris was picked for her race and gender.

Posted by: the dandy at July 26, 2024 02:37 PM (L+5ng)

161 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 26, 2024 02:37 PM (Zz0t1)

162 Susan Rice.

Eat a dick up.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 26, 2024 02:37 PM (Zz0t1)

163 55 The DEI / whore talk isn't enough to defeat her. Trump's crew need to get on policy now.
Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 26, 2024 02:17 PM (IG4Id)

Attack from every direction.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 26, 2024 02:37 PM (8sMut)

164 DEI

Down Every Inch
Posted by: haffhowershower

Didn't Earn It.

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at July 26, 2024 02:37 PM (+Wnnh)

165 They are still teaching DI today. I heard someone who worked for the state just yesterday. Talk about the DEI training. I saw some paperwork about a relative mini decades ago. This guy was a former military man and just transitioning to this workplace. Even decades ago, the company bombed them with DEI, even though they didn’t have the term at the moment but that’s exactly what they were doing.

I think there’s going to be someone is going to have to address the fact that most people are hit with this crap because of their job. They’re just trying to earn money to pay their rent and their force to accept this leftist crap. I work for myself, and if I ever went to a modern office, I would probably be fired in a day or two. I don’t know how people put up with it and I’m surprised it isn’t mission more because this isn’t coming from the government. It’s coming from companies.

Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024 02:37 PM (/7Asi)

166 159 I've never trusted somebody who's married to a Republican. To me, that's an indication that he views politics as a game.

They're just now figuring this out?
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 26, 2024 02:36 PM (mWGLT)


"This man views politics through pragmatic lenses about electability. He can't be trusted because he's not blind to how awesome our ideology is."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at July 26, 2024 02:37 PM (GBKbO)

167 I am queen-maker

Posted by: Willie Brown's dick at July 26, 2024 02:37 PM (Y1sOo)

168 But straight men cannot sleep their way to the top nor can they marry their way into wealth.
Allow me to disagree.

Posted by: John Forbes Kerry at July 26, 2024 02:37 PM (DqKQx)

169 DEI is essential but nobody has ever benefitted from it.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 26, 2024 02:33 PM (wMlm

Much like affirmative action.

Posted by: WisRich at July 26, 2024 02:38 PM (Irnc0)

170 Carville was also one of the few who told Hillary to visit the Great Lakes region more in 2016….

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at July 26, 2024 02:38 PM (7PziG)

171 >Has anyone seen her in a dress?
Posted by: Miley, okravangelist

Willie's seen her undressed

Posted by: Don Black at July 26, 2024 02:38 PM (/7KEl)

172 I've never trusted somebody who's married to a Republican. To me, that's an indication that he views politics as a game.

I would imagine having a relationship with a lefty would be tough.

Twenty years ago when they were less crazy? Maybe. But now? All you would do all day long is argue.

Posted by: 18-1 at July 26, 2024 02:38 PM (oZhjI)

173 Allow me to disagree.
Posted by: John Forbes Kerry at July 26, 2024 02:37 PM (DqKQx)

Yeah, well, you still give off a creepy pedo vibe.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at July 26, 2024 02:38 PM (tT6L1)

174 ...Has anyone seen her in a dress?
Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at July 26, 2024 02:28 PM (w6EFb)
I never thought of that, and No not that I recall.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 26, 2024 02:38 PM (JvZF+)

175 >> What had Kamala accomplished? Can anyone name one thing that isn't "She was elected to X position in an election with no effective competition"

The worst thing in that govtrack site wasn't even that she's the most liberal. Someone has to be. She also missed something like two-thirds of the votes that year. Hard to claim you accomplished anything when you don't even show up to work.

Posted by: the dandy at July 26, 2024 02:38 PM (L+5ng)

176 157 James O'Keefe discovered this illegal donation/money laundering scheme ActBlue is running last year.

Apparently they don't check CVV numbers on cards.

(Fox News - sorry.)
Posted by: SpeakingOf at July 26, 2024 02:36 PM

Wasn't this happening during Obama's campaigns or was it later. I distinctly remember hearing about how you could make a donation without using the CCV number? I could be wrong but I think theyv'e been doing this since forever.

Posted by: CaliGirl at July 26, 2024 02:39 PM (YVs21)

177 162 Susan Rice.

Eat a dick up.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 26, 2024 02:37 PM (Zz0t1)


A whole fricken bag.

Posted by: Seems Legit at July 26, 2024 02:39 PM (JeYYB)

178 They publicly dated out in the open.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 26, 2024 02:26 PM (Mlhrz)

Dating is a bit different. She wasn't married and he was separated, I believe (Still a creep) but the specifics about her using oral sex to get further in her career is something a sixty something year old bragging man might say, not a woman. "Hey; I only got this job in government because I'm skilled at oral sex" is not a remark Kamala would make.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 26, 2024 02:32 PM (dTTBf)

See my comment above. It was common knowledge at the time. Everyone knew what was going on. This was California. I'm sure it happened all the time: young stars-in-eyes woman (or man) fucking older, powerful men (or women) to get ahead. What does anyone think goes on in DC with all those juicy young interns?

Posted by: Elric Blade at July 26, 2024 02:39 PM (iFTx/)

179 Anything is possible.

Posted by: John Fetterman at July 26, 2024 02:39 PM (/U5Yz)

180 @134 that's her thank you Polliwog the 'ette

Posted by: Smell the Glove at July 26, 2024 02:39 PM (9Lk6I)

181 The Ethiopian Athlete's boat in the Parade of Nations on the Seine has committed zero acts of Piracy. I am disappoint. Seemed a golden opportunity.

Posted by: Bilwis Devourer of Innocent Souls, I'm starvin' over here at July 26, 2024 02:39 PM (pIfcn)

182 We don’t use terms like platforming that’s what the other guys do
Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024 02:33 PM (/7Asi)

Did you miss that it was "the other guys" saying it in this case?

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at July 26, 2024 02:40 PM (s9EYN)

183 After the things they said about Sarah Palin, etc., I think it is all fair game.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 26, 2024 02:40 PM (Mlhrz)

184 DEI is essential but nobody has ever benefitted from it.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

Just you wait, round-eye.

Posted by: CCP at July 26, 2024 02:40 PM (IG4Id)

185 "He was trying to lay the road for her political career."


ISWYDT, Megyn.

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at July 26, 2024 02:40 PM (e6zux)

186 Kamala will attract some women who were wavering or going to stay home.All the care about are "historic first" and right side of history, not actual policy or qualifications But she will repel many more men than women she attracts. Beside being blithering idiot, she is annoying on multiple levels. It will drive normal men away in droves.

Posted by: Ripley at July 26, 2024 02:41 PM (GUOwU)

187 She probably doesn't wear dresses because she has not-so-great legs. You can't fault her for that, it shows her rare use of good judgment.

Ditto Hillary.

Posted by: Seems Legit at July 26, 2024 02:41 PM (JeYYB)

188 Halfway down is a picture of Kamala in a dress.

Posted by: Piper at July 26, 2024 02:41 PM (GMx4K)

189 DEI is the new lingo for quotas. The left never gives up just changes the wording

Posted by: Smell the Glove at July 26, 2024 02:41 PM (9Lk6I)

190 10 Calling Kamala a DEI hire completely ignores her blowjob skills.

Dick Eating Idiot

Posted by: Mr French at July 26, 2024 02:41 PM (og5mY)

191 Everything is broken, and younger folks have never known any different. They don't like it, but they don't have anything to compare it to, in their own worldview.

The idea is for them to continue to vote for slick and highly scripted, polished professional bullshit artists who promise to fine-tune the weather 100 years from now. They have been spending gazillions of dollars annually for decades to cultivate an entire cohort of brain-dead "constituents", to give the illusion of participatory politics or democracy, a kind of Manufactured Consent.

Everything is fine, because you people think we are the best. And you don't know how good you have it anyway.

Posted by: Common Tater at July 26, 2024 02:42 PM (ylQTz)

192 Thanks for the NOOD, everyone.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 26, 2024 02:31 PM (v6JzV)

Still isn't one over thirty minutes after the post went up.

Posted by: OrangeEnt at July 26, 2024 02:42 PM (0eaVi)

193 If competence is the issue then KamalToe has a problem no matter how many abortion clinics she visited on public and personal time or jazz records her staff bought because it will make her "authentic".

Posted by: Wonkish Rogue at July 26, 2024 02:42 PM (Zsolo)

194 There is no greater demonstration of how catastrophically the DEI messaging has failed than the fact that they are demanding we NOT refer to her as a DEI hire.

They've lost the messaging war, and they know it.

Posted by: DudeAbiding at July 26, 2024 02:42 PM (setIA)

195 I dunno . . . they must be really desperate if they're dragging out ancient old fossil hag Susan Rice to say this. Susan fucking Rice. How many people even know who she is?

Posted by: Elric Blade at July 26, 2024 02:42 PM (iFTx/)

196 Wasn't it O'Keefe who found ActBlue was using legit people's names as a donation proxy? He'd go to their house and ask them if they were aware they donated thousands of dollars.

This is identity theft and there should be class action to sue them into oblivion.

Posted by: Halfhand at July 26, 2024 02:42 PM (frIh6)

197 That TikTok chic?
Not with Nixon's dick.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at July 26, 2024 02:42 PM (vlv2+)

198 Afternoon.

Public corruption?

From the left?


Posted by: Robert at July 26, 2024 02:43 PM (Z2yLo)

199 DEI=Reparations

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at July 26, 2024 02:43 PM (63Dwl)

200 I just asked the girl if she wanted to earn some Sucklemental Income is all.

Posted by: POWER BROKER at July 26, 2024 02:43 PM (rn2/h)

201 196 Wasn't it O'Keefe who found ActBlue was using legit people's names as a donation proxy? He'd go to their house and ask them if they were aware they donated thousands of dollars.

This is identity theft and there should be class action to sue them into oblivion.
Posted by: Halfhand at July 26, 2024 02:42 PM (frIh6)


"Let's, just, not. You know?"
-Ever Republican AG in the country for some reason

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at July 26, 2024 02:43 PM (GBKbO)

202 Biden announced "he" was choosing a black woman to soften the blow because Kamala was already chosen. Otherwise people would have been like "huh?" when she was announced.

In fact I would argue, and have, that she is the entire point of this administration.

If they cheat her in, the mission of "fundamental transformation" will be just about done. She is their lapdog from hell.

Posted by: ... at July 26, 2024 02:43 PM (sztWj)

203 Kamala's husband, Douglas Craig Emhoff, sounds German

Posted by: Maj. Healey at July 26, 2024 02:43 PM (/U5Yz)

204 Kamala was probably seen coming out of Brown's office wiping her mouth and putting cash in her pocket. That's how urban legends start.

Posted by: Seems Legit at July 26, 2024 02:43 PM (JeYYB)

Susan fucking Rice. How many people even know who she is?

Posted by: Elric Blade at July 26, 2024 02:42 PM

Pepperidge Farm remembers...

Posted by: AltonJackson at July 26, 2024 02:44 PM (bEb2S)

206 DEI is essential but nobody has ever benefitted from it.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 26, 2024 02:33 PM (wMlm

Much like affirmative action.

Posted by: WisRich at July 26, 2024 02:38 PM (Irnc0)

DEI is affirmative action. They just renamed the latter after some adverse court rulings.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 26, 2024 02:44 PM (YqDXo)

207 Poor Kevin. So much trash talk, yet he raised his children and was present in their lives. His kids are well adjusted. His boys with Brit Brit are smart and doing okay. That did not happen though Brit.
Posted by: Piper at July 26, 2024 02:35 PM (p4NUW)

It didn't happen through Cher either. Or Elon for that matter.
It almost seems that children need a father around.

Posted by: gKWVE at July 26, 2024 02:44 PM (gKWVE)

208 Never ever take advice from your enemies. They are clearly worried that Kumala's cheap, sordid, whoring past will hurt her chances. They should be.
Posted by: Elric Blade

Not even a classy whore.
Some of those can glean some respect in how they use their talents to capture powerful men on an as needed basis.

Homely secretary that can't take dictation. Joke around that she's the office goat. Never be caught in public with her even though everyone knows she is the goat.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at July 26, 2024 02:44 PM (m6NVp)

209 Everything is broken, and younger folks have never known any different. They don't like it, but they don't have anything to compare it to, in their own worldview.

Were I running the ad buys for an opposition party one consistent theme would be how much better things used to be. Younger people don't know and older people forget.

Hell I was watching the latest Beverly Hills Cop movie and just comparing it to the earlier ones you can see how much shittier CA has become...

Posted by: 18-1 at July 26, 2024 02:45 PM (oZhjI)

210 " ... and he put her in two different positions..."

"...swing voters who are women are up for grabs..."

"...whether we're going backward to Donald Trump..."


This post is full of innuendo...oops, there's another oone.

Posted by: Muldoon RIP JNG at July 26, 2024 02:45 PM (uCfKO)

211 "Let's, just, not. You know?"
-Ever Republican AG in the country for some reason
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at July 26, 2024 02:43 PM (GBKbO)

Give me a call.

Posted by: Ken Paxton at July 26, 2024 02:45 PM (8sMut)

212 Hey Susan Rice, how about you just shut your pie hole. People who disagree are not racist. They just disagree. And with very good reason. So pull your head outta your ass.

Posted by: Diogenes at July 26, 2024 02:45 PM (W/lyH)

213 182, I reread the post I was responding to and Ernest because I often make mistakes and if I do, I tell everyone that I did and they all know I would do that. I reread the entire post and I still not sure what the point of it was. Even on a second read, it looked like they said we should not platform the raging Cajun. I said we don’t use that term to go into it more. It could not be any less democratic. I admit the post itself was complicated because who exactly was saying what and what side were they on? But I stand by what I said.

Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024 02:46 PM (/7Asi)

214 207 It almost seems that children need a father around.
Posted by: gKWVE at July 26, 2024 02

Go figure. And fathers icing children out has horrendous effects.

Posted by: Piper at July 26, 2024 02:46 PM (GMx4K)

215 162 Susan Rice.

Eat a dick up.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 26, 2024 02:37

If need be, you can ask Kamala for lessons.

Posted by: tankdemon at July 26, 2024 02:46 PM (VSht7)

216 Were I running the ad buys for an opposition party one consistent theme would be how much better things used to be.

Posted by: 18-1 at July 26, 2024 02:45 PM (oZhjI)

Like, for example... "Make America Great Again"? 😁

Posted by: ... at July 26, 2024 02:46 PM (sztWj)

217 DEI is the new lingo for quotas. The left never gives up just changes the wording
Posted by: Smell the Glove

Much worse. It's Gnostic cult programming designed to kill the Republic and murder the middle class.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 26, 2024 02:46 PM (IG4Id)

218 So...

A Matter Of Life And Death (1946)(The Archers)
High & Low (1963)(Akira Kurosawa)
The Rules Of The Game (1939)(Jean Renoir)

My final order from the Barnes And Noble Criterion sale.

Posted by: Robert at July 26, 2024 02:48 PM (Z2yLo)

219 176 Wasn't this happening during Obama's campaigns or was it later. I distinctly remember hearing about how you could make a donation without using the CCV number? I could be wrong but I think theyv'e been doing this since forever.
Posted by: CaliGirl at July 26, 2024 02:39 PM (YVs21)


Obama’s campaign was doing something similar if I recall correctly.

It may have been skipping the CVV check, I’m not sure.

But I think the real problem was no checking ZIP Codes or verified addresses, so Obama was getting a ton of illegal foreign donations.

Just like this, nothing was done about it.

Posted by: SpeakingOf at July 26, 2024 02:48 PM (6ydKt)

220 Great! We'll agree she's not DEI, when your side agrees that not every criticism of her is racist and sexist.


Of course not.

Now go fuck yourself.

Posted by: ... at July 26, 2024 02:48 PM (sztWj)

Kamala in a skirt/dress

Posted by: Speller at July 26, 2024 02:48 PM (pSotA)

222 I wonder if Kamala's team is harping on her not to cackel in the middle of sentences or immediately after someone asks a question.

Is she listening or does she get angry?

Posted by: Seems Legit at July 26, 2024 02:49 PM (JeYYB)

223 Kamala never wears a dress for the same reason Hillary didn't: she looks terrible in them. She's got that short, pear-shaped look that dresses make look even shorter and accentuate waist size. And I'm assuming her legs look like shit or else she would show them off.

One thing she can do to improve her fashion style is stop wearing those gay flat sneaks/shoes. She's pushing senior citizen status and she dresses like the kids do. It's like Jill Biden with the slutty fishnets. Stop it.

Posted by: Elric Blade at July 26, 2024 02:49 PM (iFTx/)

224 Emhoff: ‘I’m in pain right now’ over rising antisemitism

This will not sit well with the people of Dearbornistan. I expect peaceful protests at the DNC convention.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at July 26, 2024 02:49 PM (/U5Yz)

225 Donations to Kamala are completely on the up and up.

Posted by: Doodad Pro at July 26, 2024 02:49 PM (sztWj)

226 “ Racist, Sexist”… two of the three points of the canard triangle of Leftists…. all that is missing is the third…

Posted by: tubal at July 26, 2024 02:49 PM (PCK5/)

227 Posted by: Muldoon RIP JNG at July 26, 2024 02:45 PM (uCfKO)


Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at July 26, 2024 02:49 PM (s9EYN)

228 Kamala in a skirt/dress
Posted by: Speller

Hmm. Her legs are actually not bad.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 26, 2024 02:50 PM (v6JzV)

229 221
Kamala in a skirt/dress
Posted by: Speller at July 26, 2024 02:48 PM (pSotA)



If that's not photoshopped, she has great legs and should wear dresses more often.

Posted by: Seems Legit at July 26, 2024 02:50 PM (JeYYB)

230 You know who could still rock a miniskirt at 59?

Posted by: Nichelle Nichols at July 26, 2024 02:50 PM (gKWVE)

231 Obama wants Kamala to win so he could become only the third worst President in history.

Posted by: polynikes at July 26, 2024 02:50 PM (B1dzx)

232 Apropos to absolutely nothing at all, I have discovered that the Truck of Diogenes has a Geezer Alarm. If you leave the turn signal on too long, the Geezer Alarm sounds off.
So I read somewhere...

Posted by: Diogenes at July 26, 2024 02:50 PM (W/lyH)

233 Doug Emhoff? I thought Kamala's husband's name was Jack Emhoff. *shrugs*

Posted by: fly gal at July 26, 2024 02:50 PM (ANkcV)

234 299, I remember many years ago someone once said if I could live anywhere, it would be San Diego in the 1970s. To this day, if anyone asked me where I want to live, that is exactly what I tell them. I lived in California at that time and if you know anything about San Diego at that time, it was super conservative and even still, it has the best weather basically on earth. The point is it’s not about location anymore. It’s about time and yes, the past was better certainly in certain places not in deep blue areas. No one would want to go to a deep blue city in the 1970s.

That’s why they made the movie taxi driver

Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024 02:51 PM (/7Asi)

235 Donations to Kamala are completely on the up and up.
Posted by: Doodad Pro at July 26, 2024 02:49 PM (sztWj)

You mean, on the things that go up?

Posted by: OrangeEnt at July 26, 2024 02:51 PM (0eaVi)

236 "Affirmative Action" back in the day was contentious and controversial, but it didn't have the stink on it the way the modern flavor seems to.

Now it just looks like a wrecking ball deployed by bitter dead-enders who just want to see the world burn. This is not "inspiring" to young Blacks or anyone else.

The Biden "Build Back Better" slogan necessarily implies something different - destroying everything first. They've already done a pretty bang up job on the destruction part.

Nobody believes they are capable of repairing or building anything. That isn't something that is going away.

Posted by: Common Tater at July 26, 2024 02:51 PM (ylQTz)

237 I have always had a certain weakness for women in dresses… but - who cares???

Posted by: tubal at July 26, 2024 02:51 PM (PCK5/)

238 Much worse. It's Gnostic cult programming designed to kill the Republic and murder the middle class.
Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 26, 2024 02:46 PM (IG4Id)

The intense obsessive devotion Americans have to "class" tells me this is already a Marxist nation.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 26, 2024 02:51 PM (8sMut)

239 I wonder if she's gained weight on her lower body and that photo is fold.

Posted by: Seems Legit at July 26, 2024 02:51 PM (JeYYB)

240 221
Kamala in a skirt/dress
Posted by: Speller

Her thighs are trying to burst out from under that dress. Not to mention the big booty.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at July 26, 2024 02:51 PM (/U5Yz)

241 JNG?


Jack Nels Gordon

my F-I-L

Posted by: Muldoon RIP JNG at July 26, 2024 02:51 PM (uCfKO)

242 124 Throw in the Maoist lady (name escapes me)who looks like a bull terrier and you've got the terrible triplets
Posted by: Smell the Glove at July 26, 2024 02:26 PM (9Lk6I)

Anita Dunn?
Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette

Rosie O'Donnell?

I guess she looks more like a bulldog than a bull terrier.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at July 26, 2024 02:51 PM (UkUKI)

243 Besides, is there a female politician that can pull off wearing a pencil skirt?

There are a thousand styles of skirt other than "pencil skirt".

If any one of these female politicians had any kind of leaderships skills, she could find and wear one that looked both professionally appropriate and flattering.

Posted by: FeatherBlade at July 26, 2024 02:51 PM (hB7mE)

244 Done Every Intercourse

Posted by: ... at July 26, 2024 02:51 PM (sztWj)

245 Carville:

He doesn't support the trans stuff or the DEI stuff. He just can't say it out loud.

So he says these things so he can say I told you so.

If he's wrong? He'll say it or go quietly into the night.

James may or may not make it to 2028. This might be his last rodeo

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at July 26, 2024 02:51 PM (RdGct)

246 Kamala in a skirt/dress
Posted by: Speller at July 26, 2024 02:48 PM (pSotA)



If that's not photoshopped, she has great legs and should wear dresses more often.
Posted by: Seems Legit at July 26, 2024 02:50 PM (JeYYB)

That was years ago and no way that's not photoshopped to hell and back. The whole thing looks like AI generated it.

Posted by: Elric Blade at July 26, 2024 02:52 PM (iFTx/)

247 Is anyone else watching the opening ceremonies live?

Cool bit of the opera Carmen mixed with metal. With lots of headless marie antoinettes behind them.

It's very gay. Like, in a prerecorded vid, they had a woman and two gay/nonbinary men kiss, then go into a hotel room and close the door. Can you say menage a trois? Not subtle. If I was a parent with kids I'd be ticked.

Posted by: LizLem at July 26, 2024 02:52 PM (Eng1Z)

248 Why are we supposed to care what Susan Rice thinks? Where did she pop up from so conveniently?
Posted by: Lizzy at July 26, 2024 02:05 PM (Hkcdp)

She's been there the whole time. Right next to the O.

Posted by: Lady Who Always Has a Burning Question at July 26, 2024 02:52 PM (JCLJi)

249 230 You know who could still rock a miniskirt at 59?
Posted by: Nichelle Nichols at July 26, 2024 02:50 PM (gKWVE)

Please. I have her beat. With fishnet stockings, even.

Posted by: Doctor Jill Biden at July 26, 2024 02:52 PM (8sMut)

250 Kamala in a skirt/dress
Posted by: Speller at July 26, 2024 02:48 PM (pSotA)

To be fair she's not a bad looking woman. It's just her black leftist heart that ruins it for me.

Posted by: Robert at July 26, 2024 02:52 PM (Z2yLo)

251 DEI is the modern amalgam of Envy + Sloth.
Like a Reese's cup of sin.

Posted by: Zek at July 26, 2024 02:53 PM (5FPX4)

252 24
"Dated". Like they went to the malt shoppe after catching the double feature?
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 26, 2024 02:08 PM (wMlm
That takes me back to my own 1st girlfriend. Our romance was so chaste it could have been shown on Disney. And remember, this was back when Walt was alive and in charge. Spin and Marty level.

Posted by: Eeyore at July 26, 2024 02:53 PM (1bNHn)

253 247 Is anyone else watching the opening ceremonies live?

Cool bit of the opera Carmen mixed with metal. With lots of headless marie antoinettes behind them.

It's very gay. Like, in a prerecorded vid, they had a woman and two gay/nonbinary men kiss, then go into a hotel room and close the door. Can you say menage a trois? Not subtle. If I was a parent with kids I'd be ticked.
Posted by: LizLem at July 26, 2024 02:52 PM (Eng1Z)

Welcome to France.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 26, 2024 02:53 PM (8sMut)

254 I posted one up thread from not too long ago. She looks like your average woman in a dress.

Posted by: Piper at July 26, 2024 02:53 PM (GMx4K)

255 San Diego is no longer super conservative. Unless super conservative means having a Democrat mayor and police chief.

Posted by: polynikes at July 26, 2024 02:53 PM (B1dzx)

256 A white female that didn't sleep her way to the top with Kamala's very unimpressive mental firepower would be sucking dicks for bus fare and walking home.

Posted by: ballistic at July 26, 2024 02:53 PM (oqH4h)

257 Jack Nels Gordon

my F-I-L
Posted by: Muldoon

Was his body finally found?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 26, 2024 02:53 PM (v6JzV)

258 Posted by: Muldoon RIP JNG at July 26, 2024 02:51 PM (uCfKO)

Did the dogs find his remains then?

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at July 26, 2024 02:53 PM (s9EYN)

259 Biden did the same unethical thing with regards to the Supreme Court. Announced in advance that only a black woman would be considered. How is that legal? And look what a dunce he picked out.

Posted by: Cruel and Unusual at July 26, 2024 02:53 PM (CV8a5)

260 The whole thing looks like AI generated it.
Posted by: Elric Blade at July 26, 2024 02:52 PM (iFTx/)


Yes, it kind of does.

Posted by: Seems Legit at July 26, 2024 02:53 PM (JeYYB)

261 If DEI is a good thing, why is it racist/sexist/etc. to say someone is a DEI hire?

Bonus points: If they say Lizzo is beautiful, tell them they remind you of Lizzo.

Bonus points: If they support "trans" things, tell them that it looks like their transition went well.

Posted by: Eternity Matters at July 26, 2024 02:54 PM (a9ct2)

262 The whole "DEI designation is racist" is the quintessential lefty paradox - they get themselves caught constantly in this trap and seem to be oblivious to the idiocy of it all.

Exhibit A - protecting Democracy means that we negate your primary votes and install some else behind closed doors
Exhibit B - Our violent destruction is protest, your protest is violence
Exhibit C - The border is secure, but it's your fault, Republicans and Americans, that it's not...

And on and on and on - it's like voting to be ruled by 7-year-olds.

Posted by: Boswell at July 26, 2024 02:54 PM (K+UlC)

263 Is anyone else watching the opening ceremonies live?

Thanks for watching so I don't have to.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at July 26, 2024 02:54 PM (/U5Yz)

264 I remember many years ago someone once said if I could live anywhere, it would be San Diego in the 1970s. To this day, if anyone asked me where I want to live, that is exactly what I tell them. I lived in California at that time and if you know anything about San Diego at that time, it was super conservative and even still, it has the best weather basically on earth.

Posted by: Quint at July 26, 2024 02:51 PM (/7Asi)

(sniff) Yep. It was great. Reminiscing about it just makes me sad. We've still got the weather, but ...

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 26, 2024 02:54 PM (YqDXo)

265 To be fair she's not a bad looking woman. It's just her black leftist heart that ruins it for me.
Posted by: Robert at July 26, 2024 02:52 PM (Z2yLo)
She's a Costco 5.5 bro

Posted by: ballistic at July 26, 2024 02:55 PM (oqH4h)

266 There are a thousand styles of skirt other than "pencil skirt".

If any one of these female politicians had any kind of leaderships skills, she could find and wear one that looked both professionally appropriate and flattering.
Posted by: FeatherBlade at July 26, 2024 02:51 PM (hB7mE)

I agree and have infographics listing the types of skirts. I emphasize the pencil skirt because, well, if you can rock a pencil skirt, you can, well, pull off just about anything else.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 26, 2024 02:55 PM (8sMut)

267 Susan Rice speaks only the truth. All women and minorities are obligated to vote for Vice President Harris. Only a traitor would do otherwise.

Posted by: Sid at July 26, 2024 02:55 PM (6l41q)

268 Susan Rice is against DEI!!!???

Posted by: Tom at July 26, 2024 02:56 PM (ThYe7)

269 If you leave the turn signal on too long, the Geezer Alarm sounds off.


And by "too long" you mean all day Tuesday, and into Wednesday morning.

Posted by: Muldoon RIP JNG at July 26, 2024 02:56 PM (uCfKO)

270 Opening ceremony of what?

Posted by: ... at July 26, 2024 02:56 PM (sztWj)

271 That is extremely offensive and dehumanizing

Dehumanizing? I think not. In fact, I would argue that there are quite a few more stupid humans than intelligent ones depending upon you Litmus test.

As far as it being extremely offensive...if the shoe fits. I refuse these days to allow polite patronization to overtake truth. The fact is, Kamala Harris really is dumb. She is socially awkward. She is in a position (and striving for a position) for which she doesn't have the goods to perform.

Posted by: Orson at July 26, 2024 02:57 PM (dIske)

272 Is anyone else watching the opening ceremonies live?

Cool bit of the opera Carmen mixed with metal. With lots of headless marie antoinettes behind them.

It's very gay. Like, in a prerecorded vid, they had a woman and two gay/nonbinary men kiss, then go into a hotel room and close the door. Can you say menage a trois? Not subtle. If I was a parent with kids I'd be ticked.
Posted by: LizLem at July 26, 2024 02:52 PM (Eng1Z)

Welcome to France.
Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 26, 2024 02:53 PM (8sMut)


"Let them eat Jacques."

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at July 26, 2024 02:57 PM (e6zux)

273 You should be more respectful to the actual President of the United States, Susan Rice.

Posted by: Milquetoast Mortgage-Paying Neighbor in Flyover Country at July 26, 2024 02:58 PM (5C4od)

274 269 If you leave the turn signal on too long, the Geezer Alarm sounds off.


And by "too long" you mean all day Tuesday, and into Wednesday morning.
Posted by: Muldoon RIP JNG at July 26, 2024 02:56 PM (uCfKO)

I always laugh when I see a car ( but, usually a small SUV) tootling down the road with their blinker on…

Posted by: tubal at July 26, 2024 02:58 PM (PCK5/)

275 If you leave the turn signal on too long, the Geezer Alarm sounds off.

My new truck has a geezer chime if you leave the directional on for more than a minute and you're rolling. Of course, I've never experienced this alarm.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at July 26, 2024 02:58 PM (/U5Yz)

276 Opening ceremony of what?

Posted by: ... at July 26, 2024 02:56 PM (sztWj)


The Caliphate?

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at July 26, 2024 02:58 PM (e6zux)

277 Cuppa things:

1. Biden himself said he was only going to pick a black woman for VP. That was it, the only qualification.

2. Am I misremembering or was it Willie Brown himself that said in 2020 Kamala wasn't ready?

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 26, 2024 02:58 PM (KbCG3)

278 Very unusual situation in Arizona. Republicans are leading Democrats in early voting for the primary, 55% to 45%.

Posted by: Dave in Fla at July 26, 2024 02:58 PM (5p7BC)

279 I’ve already said I want our woke Olympic team to bomb in the medal count. Sorry to the few based athletes.

Posted by: polynikes at July 26, 2024 02:59 PM (B1dzx)

280 On the subject of black woman getting jobs they're not remotely qualified for with ridiculous salaries, a lot of us would still like to know how Michelle Obama fell into a $321,000 a year job at a Chicago hospital after Preezy DownLow became a senator.

Posted by: Azathoth at July 26, 2024 02:59 PM (wb1YC)

281 >>> Thanks for watching so I don't have to.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at July 26, 2024 02:54 PM (/U5Yz)

Hah, you are welcome!

They DID do one cool thing: rang out the bells of Notre Dame during the ceremony, first time since the fire. And used it as a backdrop for some acrobatic work using the scaffolds.

I thought the opening ceremonies on the river Seine, vs. a stadium, would be a logistical trainwreck, but it's actually working well. The city as the set is cool. The athletes are floating on boats grouped by country, and it's a neat change. But it's pouring rain there, womp womp. Not a pretty Paris in springtime sort of drizzle, but actual rain. That might give fireworks problems.

Posted by: LizLem at July 26, 2024 02:59 PM (Eng1Z)

282 So they put forth this idiot to be the presumptive nominee and then proceed to lecture the entire country on what to think about her and how racist we all are for stating the truth about her.

That's not going to go over very well.

Posted by: hobbitopoly at July 26, 2024 02:59 PM (6xRrr)

283 The Caliphate?
Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at July 26, 2024 02:58 PM (e6zux)


Posted by: ... at July 26, 2024 02:59 PM (sztWj)

284 Democrats have been making and calculating check boxes since the 1950s, when they made it illegal (in some states) to marry outside of your race.
I can recall when these embarrassing laws were repealed.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at July 26, 2024 02:59 PM (MeG8a)

285 Did the dogs find his remains then?
Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at July 26, 2024 02:53 PM (s9EYN)


Nope. Didn't mean to imply that he had been found.

Posted by: Muldoon RIP JNG at July 26, 2024 02:59 PM (uCfKO)

286 278 Very unusual situation in Arizona. Republicans are leading Democrats in early voting for the primary, 55% to 45%.

Posted by: Dave in Fla at July 26, 2024

We better guard the toilets for leaks that shut things down and cause numbers to flip!

Posted by: Piper at July 26, 2024 03:00 PM (CM7zZ)

287 Cuppa things:

1. Biden himself said he was only going to pick a black woman for VP. That was it, the only qualification.

And for SC.

Posted by: polynikes at July 26, 2024 03:00 PM (B1dzx)

288 Leave the sexual part out of the attack line and keep it factual.

Kamala got her start in CA politics at a relatively young age through the patronage of Willie Brown.
Posted by: WisRich at July 26, 2024 02:29 PM (Irnc0)

Naw. Keep it in, and make salacious. "Everything Kamala learned about politics, she sucked out of Willie Brown's dick." She's a ho, make her wear it.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 26, 2024 03:00 PM (QjQFX)

289 278 Very unusual situation in Arizona. Republicans are leading Democrats in early voting for the primary, 55% to 45%.

Posted by: Dave in Fla

This tells me the Boomers don't like annoying black women that threaten their SS.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at July 26, 2024 03:00 PM (/U5Yz)

290 One thing Kamala knows is how to create jobs.

Posted by: ... at July 26, 2024 03:00 PM (sztWj)

291 If the Olympics were a racehorse it would be led into the infield and shot.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 26, 2024 03:01 PM (YqDXo)

292 Posted by: Muldoon RIP JNG at July 26, 2024 02:59 PM (uCfKO)

My condolences.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at July 26, 2024 03:01 PM (s9EYN)

293 I've taken a boat ride on the Siene a couple times. It is a very cool experience, highly recommended.

Posted by: Dave in Fla at July 26, 2024 03:02 PM (5p7BC)

294 Nood!

Posted by: Thrawn at July 26, 2024 03:03 PM (uGhsv)

295 OMG......why do they have Peyton F*cking Manning in the boot for opening ceremonies?

Good lord.......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 26, 2024 03:03 PM (Zz0t1)

296 >>> 278 Very unusual situation in Arizona. Republicans are leading Democrats in early voting for the primary, 55% to 45%.

Maybe they will HAVE to pick Mark Kelly as her VP, just to shore it up.

Literally the only thing I keep hearing about him is he was an astronaut, you guys! As if astronaut = good person, or good politician. Dems have a weak bench.

Posted by: LizLem at July 26, 2024 03:03 PM (Eng1Z)

297 My condolences.
Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette

Same here, Muldoon.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 26, 2024 03:03 PM (v6JzV)

298 *booth.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 26, 2024 03:03 PM (Zz0t1)

299 268 Susan Rice is against DEI!!!???
Posted by: Tom at July 26, 2024 02:56 PM (ThYe7)
No, she's against us white boys talking about it. Big difference.

Posted by: Eeyore at July 26, 2024 03:03 PM (1bNHn)

300 And by "too long" you mean all day Tuesday, and into Wednesday morning.
Posted by: Muldoon RIP JNG at July 26, 2024 02:56 PM (uCfKO)

Well, not quite that long. Just long enough to leave the gas station, go past the post office, get on the freeway, pass the blue hair in the Kia, and hit the DQ.

Posted by: Diogenes at July 26, 2024 03:04 PM (W/lyH)

301 She also shut down the investigation of the Catholic Diocese Priest molestations when she took over as SF AG. The previous AG was getting ready to charge...

Posted by: It's me donna at July 26, 2024 03:04 PM (IyPmt)

302 JNG?


Jack Nels Gordon

my F-I-L
Posted by: Muldoon RIP JNG

Wait, does this mean that the search has found something definitive? I missed that.

Posted by: Oddbob at July 26, 2024 03:04 PM (/y8xj)

303 ery unusual situation in Arizona. Republicans are leading Democrats in early voting for the primary, 55% to 45%.

Posted by: Dave in Fla at July 26, 2024 02:58 PM (5p7BC)

If that is quote Coronel Chapman - "Its over Johnny!"

Posted by: Boswell at July 26, 2024 03:05 PM (K+UlC)

304 Sorry muldoon

Posted by: ... at July 26, 2024 03:06 PM (sztWj)

305 The stupid leftist inversion of facts and sorta literally everything makes Susan Rice say calling Harris a DEI hire is "dehumanizing."

No, you stupid bint, what's dehumanizing is reducing all of us to our skin color, genitalia, and sexual proclivities, then basing hiring processes on those things. Fucking twatwaffle.

Posted by: ballistic at July 26, 2024 03:09 PM (oqH4h)

306 Interesting item that the most recent NY Times poll found. There is a strong agreement in the country that Biden should have withdrawn. 87% agree with that statement, and it is the 7th most universally supported statement.

Unnoticed was the 5th most at 89%. Having an affair is morally wrong.

I think a lot of people are missing the political importance of the fact Brown was married and she was over 30 years younger.

The voters do care about it. I had a conversation with 2 non political women over the weekend and it was their number 1 issue.

Posted by: Dave in Fla at July 26, 2024 03:09 PM (5p7BC)

307 Jack Nels Gordon

my F-I-L
Posted by: Muldoon RIP JNG at July 26, 2024 02:51 PM (uCfKO)

You found his remains? Must have missed that. Condolences, Muldoon.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 26, 2024 03:12 PM (QjQFX)

308 If you leave the turn signal on too long, the Geezer Alarm sounds off.


I drive several hours each weekday for work, and have recently begun experiencing tinnitus -- and it's at its worst while driving (perhaps several years of all that accumulated road noise?); anyway, now with the tinnitus, I can no longer hear that the the blinker is on, so only notice the flashing dashboard light after several seconds or a minute or two.

[BTW, there's a great and hilarious parody of Hotel California called Hotel Honolulu by Michael Piranha with the following lyrics:

"Up ahead in the distance
I saw a typical sight
A 100-year-old Japanese man
Signal left ... turning right." ]

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at July 26, 2024 03:12 PM (P/TXU)

309 Trump is supposed to be distasteful because he said pussy. And they've claimed Melania was a call girl. I'm not much in the mood to be concerned about their feelings.

And I've been told that both Trump and Kamala slept around do it's the same. It isn't.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at July 26, 2024 03:16 PM (xjTDL)

310 I drive several hours each weekday for work, and have recently begun experiencing tinnitus -- and it's at its worst while driving (perhaps several years of all that accumulated road noise?); anyway, now with the tinnitus, I can no longer hear that the the blinker is on, so only notice the flashing dashboard light after several seconds or a minute or two.

Oooh. Business opportunity. After three minutes on with no turn, your dome lights start blinking.

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at July 26, 2024 03:16 PM (+Wnnh)

311 Jackie Robinson was not brought on by the Dodgers because he checked a box. He was brought on because he had TALENT. And the fact he had TALENT did more to showcase the stupidity of racism than ANY quota system. Weird, that.
Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 26, 2024 02:06 PM (8sMut)

Nobody in Baseball ever thought Blacks didn't have talent. There were black major league players before Jim Crow in the 1890s, White teams would play barnstorming Black teams from time to time and get struck out by pitchers / give up home runs.

Blacks got excluded partly from player/owner pressure and partly to avoid legal pressure from local governments. More democrat than republican.

Posted by: Oldcat at July 26, 2024 03:31 PM (eoQWY)

312 Blacks got excluded partly from player/owner pressure and partly to avoid legal pressure from local governments. More democrat than republican.
It would have been interesting watching Ty Cobb handle a black team. He handled white teams pretty nastily so EEOC employer.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 26, 2024 03:49 PM (n17eQ)

313 No man, especially a white man, should mention Kamala's relationship with Brow. Let the conservative wimmins do it.

Posted by: butch at July 26, 2024 04:50 PM (/jnYn)

314 Biden and Obamas Cabinets were the biggest bunch if Screwballs and nutcases North, South East and West of the Pecos

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at July 26, 2024 04:53 PM (wGqjj)

315 What that means is, if you are a woman of any background, if you are a person of color, if you are an immigrant, if you are LGBTQ, if you are disabled, if you're religious minority, if you're a veteran and you achieved success rose to a position of leadership you didn't deserve it, you didn't get there on merit you got there because you got some unfair advantage.

Right. The truth.

Posted by: insurgens ad opus at July 26, 2024 05:06 PM (N2u9M)

316 Never forget or forgive Susan Rice for her role in the deaths of more than 800,000 innocent people during the Rwandan Genocide when Rice convinced Clinton to both neuter the UN Peacekeepers and to not involve the US military. This is after the fuckup in Mogadishu where the US forces had no armored vehicles after she advised Clinton to withdraw the Marines.

Posted by: Roscoe at July 26, 2024 06:57 PM (oc35d)

317 To be a little more clear about Susan Rice, she covered up what happened in the Benghazi Attack on 9/11/12 because the attack was spearheaded by Al-Qaeda. Not just Al-Qaeda but every branch of Al-Qaeda participated in the attack. Her fraud, that the attack was an organic response prompted by a video, resulted in the prosecution of a man in Los Angeles. The man spent two years in jail and the idiot AG who prosecuted him was Kamala Harris.

Posted by: wferrin at July 27, 2024 01:37 PM (FJqI+)

318 So, to deep state frauds like Susan Rice, DEI hires are not just unqualified. However, they are extremely useful to covering up machinations and conspiracies against the American people.

Posted by: wferrin at July 27, 2024 01:39 PM (FJqI+)

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