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The Morning Report — 7/23/24

Good Morning Kids. Horrendous a human being as Joe Biden is (or was assuming he is still alive let alone compos mentis or compost) what the Democrat Left and the other powers that be did to him and to all of us, regardless of our politics, is every bit as disgusting as what has been done to Donald Trump vis a vis the shampeachments and kangaroo court show trials, let alone the assassination attempt. I get no schadenfreude from it, as it is yet another indication that whatever last vestiges of our nation as founded, and any shred of decency, morality and ethics have been completely eviscerated, or are on the verge of it.

Because those who installed Biden after sabotaging and then stealing the 2020 election somehow now feel as if their hold on power and their chance to seize and cement it once and for all sense that that ultimate goal might be slipping away, for a host of reasons, felt it necessary to get rid of him via what was and is in fact a textbook coup.

The putschists who prevailed against President Biden therefore err badly in their assumptions, chief among them the belief that the office, not the man, is the singular thing conferring meaning and therefore power. This is an easily arrived-at error in the fantasyland of propositional civics, which replaces people with concepts, and in fact expects the people to conform to the concept: a coerced reversion to the pre-political state. But the truth is that a nation, contrary to propositionalism’s core thesis, is both man and law, both persons and forms. Moreover, the man and the person are the most important elements. In 1798 a predecessor in the presidency wrote to the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts, then preparing to go to war with the French Republic, reminding its officers that “[o]ur Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Solemn affirmations of basic rights are after all commonplaces in the constitutions and laws of nearly every autocratic society.

. . . This, the ranks of dead collectivities, is where the United States finds itself under the present regime. The coup d’état of July 21st is merely a dramatic symptom. Note the artifice of it all, shot through with the cant and strictures of propositionalism. We could list the details at length, from the rapid coordination of the involved elites, each pursuing the fiction of reaction to affairs that they themselves authored, to the overthrow of the expressed will of tens of millions of primary voters. That process now lies exposed not as mass democracy, but as mass theater. One of the minor historical ironies here is that when Joe Biden first assumed elected office — a moment in time closer to the existence of a Habsburg Emperor than to now — the American presidential-selection system was undergoing a convulsive change, from party-elder diktat mostly via caucuses, to truly democratic primaries. What we just saw in the coup was supposed to have been rendered impossible back when our grandfathers were in middle age. Now we know better. We saw, and we know.

Meanwhile Joe Biden who, despite being pulled out of the race by the powers that be is nowhere to be seen. He is after all still supposedly the alleged president. And as Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in the US neither Biden nor his presumptive replacement Kamala Harris were there to greet him. Despite the fact that this is their function, and that Israel is or at least was a staunch ally, their absence is telling. Even heads of state who visit that are not our allies, and some who are even considered rivals or enemies are traditionally met by the President.

The fact that greeting Bibi could lose the Democrats Minnesota and Michigan and the support of those who harass or assault Jews on campuses and even in the streets in broad daylight I'm sure was part of the calculus, as well as not wanting to anger their friends in Tehran.

So, Biden and Harris are absent, so who is running the show.

Meanwhile, this Kim Cheatle hack got roasted alive on Capitol Hill by the GOP and viciously and surprisingly by the Democrats. Many of whom have called for her resignation. I guess it's good theater.

Have a good day.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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Posted by: J.J. Sefton at 06:28 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 i'm number 1

Posted by: hifi at July 23, 2024 06:26 AM (ZBUT4)

2 Good morning everyone. Continued prayers for our beloved J.J., JT and all who ail.

Posted by: Tonypete at July 23, 2024 06:28 AM (5Seyi)

3 they are ruining the economy for 47. maybe even a depression.

Posted by: hifi at July 23, 2024 06:28 AM (ZBUT4)

4 10th?

Posted by: rustbucket at July 23, 2024 06:29 AM (r9Zj0)

5 Top 10! Go me!

Posted by: NR Pax at July 23, 2024 06:30 AM (lXoJ5)

6 I made the top 5. Wow.

Posted by: rustbucket at July 23, 2024 06:30 AM (r9Zj0)

7 Good morning horde!

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 06:30 AM (U7wke)

8 >>Good Morning Kids. Horrendous a human being as Joe Biden is (or was assuming he is still alive let alone compos mentis or compost)

if you listen carefully to the recording of "Joe" when Kamala talks to him, she slips up and says, Joe it's nice to talk to you on this recor..... nice to talk to you.

So it probably was AI Joe and not real life Meat Puppet Joe.

The timeline we are currently inhabiting is becoming more preposterous by the day.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 23, 2024 06:33 AM (XV/Pl)

9 10

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 23, 2024 06:34 AM (XV/Pl)

Who is Kamala Harris?

A stupid, talentless bitch who succeeded the way stupid, talentless bitches have succeeded for time immemorial.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 23, 2024 06:35 AM (1Nxff)

11 Hey JJ,

Thanks, super early.

Posted by: actually inside the beltway at July 23, 2024 06:36 AM (LNOmA)

12 Good morning JJ and horde

Posted by: Skip at July 23, 2024 06:37 AM (aE7Eb)

13 8 So it probably was AI Joe and not real life Meat Puppet Joe.

So we're in the era of Max Headroom but it's not as entertaining.

Posted by: NR Pax at July 23, 2024 06:37 AM (lXoJ5)

14 The hell are all y'all doing up so early?

Posted by: Weasel at July 23, 2024 06:37 AM (OQSTL)

15 Happy Tuesday

Posted by: rhennigantx at July 23, 2024 06:37 AM (gbOdA)

16 Day 6 No Show Joe.

Posted by: rhennigantx at July 23, 2024 06:38 AM (gbOdA)

17 @14

>>The hell are all y'all doing up so early?

This ain't early, day starts at 4:30am, early is like 230.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 23, 2024 06:39 AM (XV/Pl)

Meanwhile, this Kim Cheatle hack got roasted alive on Capitol Hill by the GOP and viciously and surprisingly by the Democrats. Many of whom have called for her resignation. I guess it's good theater.

Because Cheatle will not say that seven shell casings were recovered from the roof, we know there's a second shooter, maybe the killer. Politicians everywhere of either party should be concerned because maybe they're next. Schedule some outdoor political event or rally? I doubt it.

Cheatle stonewalling them pretty much guarantees they're gonna use every tool they have to force the truth out. Self preservation means more, in this case, then party loyalty.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at July 23, 2024 06:40 AM (RKVpM)

19 @18

>>Cheatle stonewalling them pretty much guarantees they're gonna use every tool they have to force the truth out. Self preservation means more, in this case, then party loyalty.

The fact that they won't release the list of agents or the RACI Matrix of who was onsite and in command that day is suggestive of a coverup. Like... you have that list, release it.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 23, 2024 06:43 AM (XV/Pl)

20 Joe can't last as titular POTUS -- FFS, he may already be dead.

So POTUS Kamala, as predicted. Titular only, of course.

Obama / Klain have always been running things, it's my belief, with help from their Deep State friends co-opted during Obama's reign from 2008 to 2016. And their well-laid plans have them backed into a corner with only sub-optimal End Game moves to play.

Their best sub-optimal move is to install Hillary to boost turnout to save down-ticket seats with the chance that Hillary can win with some cheating. But Obama may not agree.

The only other play is to knock over the chess board with an obvious Coup Coup more glorious than the Coup of 2020. Will the Deep State go along? Will Hillary play along?

Developing ...

Posted by: Ignoramus at July 23, 2024 06:45 AM (Gse2f)

The hell are all y'all doing up so early?

You should be up by 5:00. Otherwise you're wasting the day away.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 23, 2024 06:47 AM (1Nxff)

22 Joe calls in to talk to campaign workers.

Is that really his voice or someone else?

Then the clip skips to Comma Lah.

She says "Joe I know you're still on the rec-...on the call..."

You might think she was about to say "recording" but I will give her the benefit of the doubt and say she was about to say the word "recovery."

Nonetheless, no video call?

Posted by: Why trust them? at July 23, 2024 06:47 AM (MvyjV)

23 "Rosie O'Donnell Says Even Therapy Isn't Helping Her Fears Over the Election"

How can she say anything with her mouth stuffed full of donuts?

I sure hope this thing goes our way because the show these mentally unstable nuts will put on will be the best thing that has come out of Hollywood in years. The mass exodus to Canada is sure to cause a deficit in dumbness.

Posted by: fd at July 23, 2024 06:47 AM (vFG9F)

24 ThanksJJ!!! Prayers for you and Sponge

Posted by: Rasmus at July 23, 2024 06:47 AM (LBva1)

25 The mass exodus to Canada is sure to cause a deficit in dumbness.

You ever notice that they only talk about going to Canada? My hypothesis is that Mexico is out of the question because they don't want to live with the help.

Posted by: NR Pax at July 23, 2024 06:49 AM (lXoJ5)

26 "The hell are all y'all doing up so early?
Posted by: Weasel"

Getting the worm.

Posted by: The bird at July 23, 2024 06:49 AM (vFG9F)

27 There is no intrinsic merit of waking at blahblah early hour.

What one accomplishes with one's time, is what matters.

Posted by: JQ at July 23, 2024 06:49 AM (njWTi)

28 The advanced military equipment was supplied by Iran, constructed using American parts, and funded by more than $100 billion in sanctions relief that has been granted to the hardline regime during President Joe Biden’s tenure in office, Cruz said in an investigatory letter sent to the White House on Monday.

Obama sure do love them mullahs.

Posted by: rhennigantx at July 23, 2024 06:50 AM (gbOdA)

29 There is no intrinsic merit of waking at blahblah early hour.

What one accomplishes with one's time, is what matters.
Posted by: JQ

What is time really, anyway?

Posted by: Tonypete at July 23, 2024 06:50 AM (5Seyi)

30 Thank you J.J. It's so good of you to collect all this news and commentary when you are dealing with cancer treatments. FenSpouse and I are praying for you.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 06:51 AM (pSxhu)

31 The fact that they won't release the list of agents or the RACI Matrix of who was onsite and in command that day is suggestive of a coverup. Like... you have that list, release it.
Posted by: Thomas Bender


We don't even know the three calibers that were fired before the long 10 second pause where the gunman is assumed to have finally put down the tranny.

Not many news clips are letting the shots play all the way through to that last one.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 06:51 AM (4NrhA)

32 If the Marxists are all in for The Ho see if the don't install her in the Oval Office first

Posted by: Skip at July 23, 2024 06:53 AM (aE7Eb)

33 The president’s physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, released a letter saying Biden had “completed his tenth dose of PAXLOVID” and that his symptoms were “almost resolved completely.”

Everyone I know that got the CV was over it on day 2.

Posted by: rhennigantx at July 23, 2024 06:53 AM (gbOdA)

34 'cuz everybody knows what a RACI Matrix is. Was discussing it with my kids just last night.

Posted by: Sure, throw in some jargon at July 23, 2024 06:54 AM (MvyjV)

35 What is time really, anyway?
Posted by: Tonypete

No, really... What difference does it make, if some yokel wakes at 5 a.m., but sits on his butt, watching teevee & drinking beer all day, while his home falls apart?

Contrast with another yokel, what wakes at noon, but manages to keep a job, maintain his house, and put food on the table for his family.

Posted by: JQ at July 23, 2024 06:55 AM (njWTi)

36 @31

>>We don't even know the three calibers that were fired before the long 10 second pause where the gunman is assumed to have finally put down the tranny.

The caliber's involved are more than likely .223/5.56 (Assassin(s)) .308 (Snipers), 9MM (LEO)

They are not even offering a preliminary timeline, because it would be damning.

And the fact that they have put a bunch of Deep State Swamp Rats in charge of the commission is nauseating.

Like the Vegas Shooting, we ain't ever finding out the true story.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 23, 2024 06:56 AM (XV/Pl)

37 Hope ole Joe isn't dead. I want him out campaigning for Kammy. I want him to tell the nation exactly who she is.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at July 23, 2024 06:57 AM (g8Ew8)

38 Sorry. Worked swing shift for years & took all kinds of crap from family, who figured I was *less than virtuous* solely due to my sleep schedule.

Posted by: JQ at July 23, 2024 06:58 AM (njWTi)

The president’s physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, released a letter saying Biden had “completed his tenth dose of PAXLOVID” and that his symptoms were “almost resolved completely.”

The doctor is Irish? Probably bleeds his patients and uses a shovel for surgery.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 23, 2024 06:59 AM (1Nxff)

40 With the complete lack of any discussion about the snipers that were confirmed by the SS to be in the building and reported on by news agencies left and right but suddenly forgotten about in the same clips discussing the shots, I'm beginning to assume they're foreign agents/military. My guess is Ukranian, same as on J6.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 06:59 AM (4NrhA)

"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."

Posted by: Blame Ben effin' Franklin at July 23, 2024 06:59 AM (MvyjV)

42 What is time really, anyway?
Posted by: Tonypete

No, really... What difference does it make, if some yokel wakes at 5 a.m., but sits on his butt, watching teevee & drinking beer all day, while his home falls apart?

Contrast with another yokel, what wakes at noon, but manages to keep a job, maintain his house, and put food on the table for his family.
Posted by: JQ at July 23, 2024 06:55 AM (njWTi)

We all wonder of the passage of time......

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at July 23, 2024 07:00 AM (g8Ew8)

43 *Contrast with another yokel, what wakes at noon, but manages to keep a job, maintain his house, and put food on the table for his family.*

Unburdened by what has been...

Posted by: Is that how this works? at July 23, 2024 07:01 AM (MvyjV)

44 The caliber's involved are more than likely .223/5.56 (Assassin(s)) .308 (Snipers), 9MM (LEO)


I don't disagree, especially with the weird little pop at the end of the hectic three or four round burst after the first three almost perfectly spaced shots. Pop, pause, pop, pause, pop. And no echo.

And then tranny started with the barrage because it was the signal, and then someone shot him.

Ten seconds later a SS agent fired for whatever reason.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 07:02 AM (4NrhA)

45 The greatest lie that leftists tell themselves is that they are violent only as a reaction. Someone, society, an economic system, human nature, always started it and they’re the ones fighting back. The reality is that the real purpose of every radical movement is violence.

You made me hit you!

Posted by: rhennigantx at July 23, 2024 07:03 AM (gbOdA)

46 Like many have commented, I don't like this Future. I was promised flying cars, hot sexbots, and bionic limbs.

Posted by: LenNeal at July 23, 2024 07:03 AM (43xH1)

47 Daniel Greenfield: Does the Left actually regret nearly killing Trump?
Of course they do. They'd much prefer a success.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at July 23, 2024 07:03 AM (BpYfr)

48 And then tranny started with the barrage because it was the signal, and then someone shot him.

Ten seconds later a SS agent fired for whatever reason.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 07:02 AM (4NrhA)

Local cops claim they shot at Crooks too.

Posted by: rhennigantx at July 23, 2024 07:04 AM (gbOdA)

49 We all wonder of the passage of time......

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons

I had occasion to show my wife around my old college haunts not long ago. I mentioned how everything had completely changed. She said to me "Honey, it's been 50 years."


Posted by: Tonypete at July 23, 2024 07:05 AM (5Seyi)

50 The downside to installing Harris as POTUS is that she will actually have to pretend to be POTUS while campaigning.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at July 23, 2024 07:05 AM (aVudl)

51 38
Decades of night shift.
Yeah, try to explain to people why you're answering your door in pajamas at 2 in the afternoon. And are in the bar at 6 AM.

Posted by: LenNeal at July 23, 2024 07:05 AM (43xH1)

52 Ten seconds?

The guy could have run and jumped off the roof in that time.


Posted by: pawn at July 23, 2024 07:05 AM (QB+5g)

53 Local cops claim they shot at Crooks too.


That might be the one 9mm snap at the end of the tranny's hectic burst that, unlike the first three shots, was echoing all over the place.

How bizarre for them to only shoot once and at someone they didn't have a shot at ten seconds earlier.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 07:06 AM (4NrhA)

54 Kamala Harris Will Blow It.

Posted by: LASue at July 23, 2024 07:06 AM (lCppi)

55 Is Joe alive?

Posted by: Huck Follywood at July 23, 2024 07:07 AM (6A5fn)

Posted by: JQ at July 23, 2024 07:07 AM (njWTi)

57 Report: Malig-Nancy Pelosi Told Biden ‘They Could Do This the Easy Way or the Hard Way’ to Make Him Quit the Race

Kids, this is why conservatives should install hidden cameras and microphones in all their offices.

Posted by: NR Pax at July 23, 2024 07:07 AM (lXoJ5)

58 The president’s physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor,

Another scummy liar. Doctors are still helping people and saving lives, but the shine has come of that apple since covid and 'gender'-'affirming'-'care", and it isn't coming back.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at July 23, 2024 07:07 AM (fs1hN)

59 30 Thank you J.J. It's so good of you to collect all this news and commentary when you are dealing with cancer treatments. FenSpouse and I are praying for you.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 06:51 AM (pSxhu)

God bless you both. Only 10 more days of treatment and then, off for four weeks. MRI's after that, possible continuation of Chemo only.

Ready for whatever is to be.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2024 07:08 AM (x0n13)



Posted by: Hillary Clinton at July 23, 2024 07:09 AM (EFZgU)

61 Weasel, what are you doing up so early is really the question.

Posted by: Ben Had at July 23, 2024 07:09 AM (5MvGY)

62 The game changed abruptly during their lifetimes, as major companies shed defined benefit plans and replaced them with voluntary retirement accounts managed by workers. As this momentous change took place, the urgency of the moment was not impressed upon workers, and generational optimism blinded many to the difficult road ahead.

I am approaching retirement and so I spend some amount of time trying to prepare for my new financial reality. I watch a number of youtube videos from "retirement advisors" and one thing always irritates me is when they do a video called something along the lines of "are you richer than you think". These videos will always go into government reports on what percentage of the population has x dollars saved.

Like it matters. If I don't have enough money to reasonably cover my expenses for the rest of my life, it's irrelevant if 90% of the population is worse off. So much in life is wading through the spew of idiots who believe themselves to be wise.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 07:09 AM (U7wke)

63 Posted by: LenNeal at July 23, 2024 07:05 AM

Yep. And they don't deserve the explanation. They'll believe whatever they want to believe, anyway.

Posted by: JQ at July 23, 2024 07:09 AM (njWTi)

64 Top Transgender Health Group Said Hormones, Surgeries Were 'Medically Necessary' So That Insurance Would Cover Them, Documents Show

These people must be arrested, prosecuted and jailed for life. They have ruined the lives of many children and youth. In a fairer society they would be executed.

Posted by: Ciampino - At least the sky's not falling yet #38 at July 23, 2024 07:10 AM (qfLjt)

65 Here's a Dailymail video of the event.

The last shot is fired at 20 seconds, ten seconds after the shooting had stopped.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 07:10 AM (4NrhA)

66 Kamala has a statement out saying she already has all the delegates needed to take the nomination.

Posted by: Tom Servo at July 23, 2024 07:11 AM (S6gqv)

67 Why do the call it "gender affirming care"

When it's actually gender denying and not really "care" at all?

Posted by: JQ at July 23, 2024 07:11 AM (njWTi)

68 Any of you experts in Wyoming law with respect to property, specifically rentals and leases?

See post 302 in last night's overnight thread by "four seasons" and the replies to her.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 23, 2024 07:12 AM (O7YUW)

69 CNN says the governor of Pennsylvania, being Jewish, is a risky choice for Democrats VP annoitment.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at July 23, 2024 07:12 AM (pskdC)

70 Like it matters. If I don't have enough money to reasonably cover my expenses for the rest of my life, it's irrelevant if 90% of the population is worse off. So much in life is wading through the spew of idiots who believe themselves to be wise.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic

Amen to that.

Posted by: Tonypete at July 23, 2024 07:12 AM (5Seyi)

71 The hearing with Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle ended with Oversight Chairman James Comer and Ranking Member Jamie Raskin announcing a joint letter demanding her resignation.


Posted by: Jay in PA at July 23, 2024 07:13 AM (i7Q7S)

72 Oh, and g'morning Horde. May today be a good day for us all, in spite of the firehose of "crazy" coming out of the swamp of DC.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 23, 2024 07:13 AM (O7YUW)

73 The hearing with Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle ended with Oversight Chairman James Comer and Ranking Member Jamie Raskin announcing a joint letter demanding her resignation.



And once again the (R)s are being rope-a-doped.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 07:14 AM (4NrhA)

74 Biden and Kumala not greeting Bibi is disgusting, infuriating, and disturbing.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galf at July 23, 2024 07:16 AM (ufFY8)

75 Biden can't and Karmella has Minnesota to worry about.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 07:17 AM (4NrhA)

76 Re Shapiro, I have Democrats On Substack, by self declared Jews, that he's not a good choice because he's Jewish and the deadly threat of Trump requires Unity.

Posted by: LenNeal at July 23, 2024 07:17 AM (43xH1)

77 "As this momentous change took place, the urgency of the moment was not impressed upon workers, and generational optimism blinded many to the difficult road ahead."


It didn't help that the political class insisted Social Security was some sort of guaranteed retirement benefit.

You have to wonder what is going to happen to the childless people who have about $5,000 saved for retirement.

Posted by: Jay in PA at July 23, 2024 07:17 AM (i7Q7S)

78 Joe's official schedule today has him flying to DC and arriving at the White House at 2:30, followed by a briefing at 3 PM.

No Netanyahu meeting. In fact, nothing at all after 3.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at July 23, 2024 07:17 AM (ytJ1l)

79 You have to wonder what is going to happen to the childless people who have about $5,000 saved for retirement.


Work until they die, which has always been a fairly common state for men.

It's still hard to believe women actively chose it, though.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 07:18 AM (4NrhA)

80 Does Shapiro ever take a moment of self reflection and wonder why he's part of a political party that cannot put him on a national ticket because Jew hatred is openly accepted in the party?

What is it with these self loathing weirdos?

Posted by: Jay in PA at July 23, 2024 07:19 AM (i7Q7S)

81 Netanyahu meeting with Bribe'em is allegedly scheduled for Thursday

Posted by: Ben Had at July 23, 2024 07:19 AM (5MvGY)

82 Kyiv Mayor Klitschko Calls on Zelensky to Hold Referendum on Russian War

Zelensky knows that if he can just delay long enough there won't be enough adult Ukrainians left alive to oppose him. Evil fuck.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 07:20 AM (U7wke)

83 Seems increasingly likely POTUS is dead. His phone call was obviously deep faked, both from the energy which we haven't seen or heard from him for 10 years, and from a persistent lisp he seems to have picked up in LV. No, all indications are that he's a goner. Time to impeach Harris for her part in hiding the decline and covering up his death. President Mike Johnson, anyone?

Posted by: Betty B. Nomo at July 23, 2024 07:21 AM (dZG6s)

84 "It's still hard to believe women actively chose it, though."


Yeah, but a whole lot of women spend their lives having the impact of their poor choices mitigated by men or the government.

Posted by: Jay in PA at July 23, 2024 07:21 AM (i7Q7S)

85 So POTUS Kamala, as predicted. Titular only, of course.

I suspect that they really, really, really don't want to make Kamala POTUS before the election. They want to be able to run their "historic first" playbook again and that would dampen it.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 07:23 AM (U7wke)

86 >>>>Biden and Kumala not greeting Bibi is disgusting, infuriating, and disturbing.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galf at July 23, 2024 07:16 AM (ufFY8
Remember Obama kept Bibi waiting in another room while he ate his dinner with Big Mike, then had him unceremoniously shown the door. This is nothing new for the Dem’s, they loath Bibi.

Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly at July 23, 2024 07:23 AM (vvy/+)

87 muh democracy

About 20 people in DC deciding what is best for 85 Million (D) voters.

Posted by: rhennigantx at July 23, 2024 07:24 AM (gbOdA)

88 @83: Shades of Capricorn One.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 23, 2024 07:24 AM (O7YUW)

89 good morning JJ, Horde

Posted by: callsign claymore at July 23, 2024 07:24 AM (JcnCJ)

90 That 'hearing' the other day was just kabuki theatre. If there were a real opposition party, let alone real intent to govern, there would have been a bill ready to send to the floor for a vote to strip the salaries of Mayorkas and his Secret Cervix Director of their salaries. And there would be subpoenas for the LEOs on duty that day to come and testify.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead...Wearing Pants and Working at July 23, 2024 07:24 AM (DIB8X)

91 66. Ny Dem operative said this morning on Newsmax that the entire NY set of delegates voted last night to endorse Harris. She will simply be affirmed at the Dem convention.

Posted by: Jen the original at July 23, 2024 07:24 AM (Uj3+u)

92 Good morning dear horde and thank you JJ for pointing out the incredibly dangerous place our country is in right now.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 23, 2024 07:24 AM (JvZF+)

93 What is time really, anyway?
Posted by: Tonypete at July 23, 2024 06:50 AM (5Seyi)

Does anyone really know what time it is? Does anyone really care?

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 07:26 AM (U7wke)

94 >Meanwhile, this Kim Cheatle hack got roasted alive on Capitol Hill by the GOP and viciously and surprisingly by the Democrats. Many of whom have called for her resignation.

Yeah, that was yesterday. She survived. Moving on...

Posted by: Don Black at July 23, 2024 07:26 AM (/7KEl)

95 88 good movie

Posted by: callsign claymore at July 23, 2024 07:26 AM (JcnCJ)

96 Biden was originally scheduled to meet Netanyahu yesterday, and then today, and then Harris was rumored to be meeting him tomorrow. Now, Ben Had says, she read it may happen on Thursday., which would require him to extend his visit.

Weirder and weirder.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at July 23, 2024 07:27 AM (aBUyl)

97 Even if Joe _is_ alive, they sure as hell aren't going to show proof of it, because they think they can pull a "Haha, those stupid RethugliKKKans, they think Joe's dead!!!!" strategy out of it.

Posted by: XTC at July 23, 2024 07:28 AM (6Uni8)

98 This morning Kim Cheatle and her top staff are enjoying a celebration breakfast in her office paid for by you, h8ers.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 23, 2024 07:28 AM (JvZF+)

99 57 Kids, this is why conservatives should install hidden cameras and microphones in all their offices.
Posted by: NR Pax at July 23, 2024 07:07 AM (lXoJ5)

That’s why Nixon did it.
He eventually came to regret that decision sometime in ‘73.

Posted by: SpeakingOf at July 23, 2024 07:28 AM (6ydKt)

g'mornin', 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at July 23, 2024 07:29 AM (bEb2S)

101 No matter how much Harris tries to distance herself from Joe Biden, she will carry the burden of answering for his failures. Among them:

The border crisis.
The economy.
Biden’s mental decline.
Foreign policy.
Her own record as a “leader.”

Posted by: rhennigantx at July 23, 2024 07:29 AM (gbOdA)

102 Morning Horde, as always thx JJ.
Nancy Pelosi's "we can do this the day way or the hard way" is a classic mob statement. She probably learned it from her mobbed up father and brother who were mayors of Baltimore. Joey is lucky he still has kneecaps

Posted by: Smell the Glove at July 23, 2024 07:30 AM (qejsy)

103 You should be up by 5:00. Otherwise you're wasting the day away.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 23, 2024 06:47 AM (1Nxff)

Please to remember, I am always awake three hours earlier than you.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 23, 2024 07:30 AM (JvZF+)

104 Rosie O'Donnell in that vid looks like Harry Potter after a five day food and booze bender

Posted by: Smell the Glove at July 23, 2024 07:31 AM (qejsy)

105 And it is no secret that those are less and less the Ronald Reagan, limited government, free market, tax-cutting, deregulation, global policeman tenets.


Republicans have been the party of limited government? Could’ve fooled me these 40 years.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at July 23, 2024 07:31 AM (xt5tS)

106 Kamala has a statement out saying she already has all the delegates needed to take the nomination.
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 23, 2024 07:11 AM (S6gqv)

Unless she has contracts signed in blood, the promises of delegates mean nothing until the vote is taken. There's already been one poll out showing her 9 points behind Trump. How does the cabal justify keeping her if the fear of losing was the official reason for dumping Joe?

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 07:31 AM (U7wke)

107 @101

>>No matter how much Harris tries to distance herself from Joe Biden, she will carry the burden of answering for his failures. Among them:

I find it bizarre that they are sticking with her when the have the opportunity to clean house and saddle two different, younger horses.

Something is clearly afoot.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 23, 2024 07:32 AM (XV/Pl)

108 “A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.”
Proverbs 29:11 (KJV)

Posted by: muldoon at July 23, 2024 07:33 AM (uCfKO)

109 It seems to look like Joe Biden may have had a stroke while in Las Vegas this past Wednesday

Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 07:33 AM (c7kgD)

110 That’s why Nixon did it. He eventually came to regret that decision sometime in ‘73.

Poor old Nixon did not understand that ONLY democrats can secretly record meetings and he couldn't use the ONLY democrat equipment.

Posted by: mustbequantum at July 23, 2024 07:34 AM (AYNL4)

How does the cabal justify keeping her if the fear of losing was the official reason for dumping Joe?
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 07:31 AM (U7wke)

Skin color and body parts. Already the slavishly laudatory memes are appearing. Are you going to dump a PROUD! BLACK! WOMAN! for some white guy? Maybe even a Jew?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 23, 2024 07:34 AM (1Nxff)

112 Kamala won’t be unburdened by what went before

Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 07:34 AM (c7kgD)

113 62
Like it matters. If I don't have enough money to reasonably cover my expenses for the rest of my life, it's irrelevant if 90% of the population is worse off. So much in life is wading through the spew of idiots who believe themselves to be wise.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 07:09 AM (U7wke)
Their logic is if 90% is in bad shape then the Government is going to have to come to the rescue. One can't leave so many people in the lurch, they may revolt or not vote D. That's how it always is with Socialists.

Posted by: Ciampino - At least the sky's not falling yet #39 at July 23, 2024 07:35 AM (qfLjt)

114 Weasel, what are you doing up so early is really the question.
Posted by: Ben Had at July 23, 2024 07:09 AM (5MvGY)
I was on donut and bagel duty this morning!

Posted by: Weasel at July 23, 2024 07:35 AM (OQSTL)

115 Scranton Joe is harder to find this morning than Ray Epps.

Posted by: Rhubarb Ranch at July 23, 2024 07:35 AM (kc0fx)

No matter how much Harris tries to distance herself from Joe Biden, she will carry the burden of answering for his failures.

I think she's overburdened by her own failures, let alone Joe's.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 23, 2024 07:36 AM (1Nxff)

117 No you don't understand. Kumswalla 's duties as Border Czar was to travel to those countries and find the root causes for the mass exodus. She was never taxed to do anything about our border.

Posted by: Ben Had at July 23, 2024 07:37 AM (5MvGY)

118 Work until they die, which has always been a fairly common state for men.

It's still hard to believe women actively chose it, though.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 07:18 AM (4NrhA)

They didn't "choose" it. They bought into a pocketful of mumbles because "muh fairness".

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 07:38 AM (U7wke)

119 On yesterday's proof of life phone call, Kamala even says "Joe, I know you're still here on the"...

Was that a slip to "recording" - who knows. Kamala is not the brightest bulb...

Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 07:39 AM (exHjb)

120 Vance said in a phone interview on Monday before a huge rally in Ohio.

“It doesn’t matter who they put as the figurehead. We don’t want an open border. We don’t want the inflation and affordability problems caused by Joe Biden. We don’t want a foreign policy that leads to war and destruction all over the world. We want to bring back some common sense and prosperity.

Posted by: rhennigantx at July 23, 2024 07:39 AM (gbOdA)

121 I see someone beat me to that - dang, I should read the content and the comments 1st!

Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 07:39 AM (exHjb)

122 Who’s in Charge: Pelosi, Obama, or the Clintons?

None of the above. Shadow gov

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 07:40 AM (qrUD3)

Scranton Joe is harder to find this morning than Ray Epps.
Posted by: Rhubarb Ranch

Time to start putting "Have You Seen This Man?" posters on lampposts?

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at July 23, 2024 07:40 AM (xG4kz)

124 Does Shapiro ever take a moment of self reflection and wonder why he's part of a political party that cannot put him on a national ticket because Jew hatred is openly accepted in the party?

What is it with these self loathing weirdos?
Posted by: Jay in PA at July 23, 2024 07:19 AM (i7Q7S)

Roughly 99% of all people who seek political power do so in order to obtain power. Not to fix anything. Not for some lofty goal. Pure personal power. I'm betting there aren't many of them who would risk that on faith.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 07:40 AM (U7wke)

125 So, anyway, I have a new granddog and am finishing the fixes to my house after six months of insurance stalemate. I'm in a good mood because I finally have a ceiling and carpeting in my living room and a new puppy (1yo) to dogsit and send home.

Posted by: mustbequantum at July 23, 2024 07:40 AM (AYNL4)

126 Was pleased with Pat Fallon's performance yesterday questioning Kim Cheeto. He's my guy, even gave a shoutout to Savoy, Texas, where I still own a house, occupied by my ex. Good on you, Pat!

Posted by: Rhubarb Ranch at July 23, 2024 07:40 AM (kc0fx)

127 It seems to look like Joe Biden may have had a stroke while in Las Vegas this past Wednesday.
Halfway thru the visit there was a “medical emergency” that at first had him heading to a local hospital, then diverted to Air Force One and DC.

Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 07:40 AM (c7kgD)

128 Trump winning is not a slam dunk. Far from it.

Biden was plan A. Circumstances have forced the crooks into plan B, Kamala.

Be assured, plan B has been well thought out and well planned.

Posted by: davidt at July 23, 2024 07:41 AM (i0F8b)

129 @123: Milk Carton Joe Biden with a "Check Engine" light stamped on his forehead.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 23, 2024 07:41 AM (O7YUW)

130 78 Joe's official schedule today has him flying to DC and arriving at the White House at 2:30, followed by a briefing at 3 PM.

No Netanyahu meeting. In fact, nothing at all after 3.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at July 23, 2024 07:17 AM (ytJ1l)

At least that should be proof of life - normally journos film him walking across the lawn...

Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 07:41 AM (exHjb)

131 I'm in a favorite place right now, under the stars and planets of the night sky in Sonoma listening to the crickets and waking birds chirp.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 23, 2024 07:42 AM (JvZF+)

132 Theater, all of it.

And it is there to distract men make the women happy, fueling as it does the emotional fire-pit of conversation and argument, adding exactly nothing to the actions needed for defense of this country.

Like an alcoholic actor's makeup we have for too long painted over rotten wood pretending, as the actor does, what we see is real instead of make-believe.

Well friends, our tickets to the play have expired, the curtain must come down on the final scene and we all will walk outside to the torments of reality. Fine words and pretend escapades are no match for drawn swords.

Posted by: Clear-Eyed Killer at July 23, 2024 07:42 AM (5mIZs)

133 @130 - If they bring him in via the tunnels, that'll be a huge tell.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 23, 2024 07:42 AM (O7YUW)

134 Yonder Horde

I see we're still a crappy banana republic this morning.


Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 23, 2024 07:42 AM (Q4IgG)

135 They didn't "choose" it. They bought into a pocketful of mumbles because "muh fairness".
Posted by: I used to have a different nic

Yes, 'got sold a bill of goods' you might say.

Have a job, have kids, do all the housework, take care of the aging parents... hubby leaves because she's "not the same"...

Posted by: JQ at July 23, 2024 07:43 AM (njWTi)

136 120 … We want to bring back some common sense and prosperity.


I’m almost positive that both of these things have been banned due to their being white supremacist in nature.

But if we try hard enough this sinister move could possibly be done under the radar so as no to alarm our Woke Overlords.

Posted by: SpeakingOf at July 23, 2024 07:44 AM (6ydKt)

137 Dangerous times. What happens if there is a major international crisis. Does Joey get off his death bed? Does Kamala baffle the miscreants with her gibberish? Does Obama achieve peace by selling out the US?
Tune in next time , same Bat time, same Bat channel

Posted by: Smell the Glove at July 23, 2024 07:44 AM (qejsy)

138 coop, coop !

Posted by: runner at July 23, 2024 07:45 AM (V13WU)

139 I'm in a favorite place right now, under the stars and planets of the night sky in Sonoma listening to the crickets and waking birds chirp.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 23, 2024 07:42 AM (JvZF+)

I sometimes have insomnia, too.


Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at July 23, 2024 07:45 AM (lD/pF)

140 133 @130 - If they bring him in via the tunnels, that'll be a huge tell.
Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 23, 2024 07:42 AM (O7YUW)

They gotta know they need him walking...although seeing that car video, maybe he can't anymore...

Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 07:46 AM (exHjb)

141 I find it bizarre that they are sticking with her when the have the opportunity to clean house and saddle two different, younger horses.

Something is clearly afoot.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 23, 2024 07:32 AM (XV/Pl)

It has been suggested that they've come to the conclusion that they cannot beat Trump without massive cheating and that losing to Trump provides them two things. First, it allows them to pretend that cheating doesn't take place, second, it allows them to get rid of some dead weight in the party. Assuming that is correct, it'll be interesting who that add as Kamala's VP and if they expect that person to become the frontrunner in '28 or if they just want to kill their political future.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 07:46 AM (U7wke)

Be assured, plan B has been well thought out and well planned.
Posted by: davidt at July 23, 2024 07:41 AM (i0F8b)

This looks like something that was “well planned” to you?

Posted by: Tom Servo at July 23, 2024 07:46 AM (S6gqv)

143 Trump winning is not a slam dunk. Far from it.
Posted by: davidt

They are trotting out all the usual suspects to prop up "High-priced call girl" Kamala as the next historic-first "woman of color" president. Indian-Jamaican cosplaying as fake black woman isn't playing all that well with actual Black people, but all of their white NPCs got their new programming pushed down along with the new Crowdstrike fix.

Posted by: Rhubarb Ranch at July 23, 2024 07:47 AM (kc0fx)

144 Show me the money Joe!!

Posted by: Count de Monet at July 23, 2024 07:47 AM (Aqu9a)

145 128 Be assured, plan B has been well thought out and well planned.
Posted by: davidt at July 23, 2024 07:41 AM (i0F8b)

Having seen the Democrats attempts at “planning” over the last few decades, I must say I’m not too impressed, nor too surprised by the absolute clusterf69ks that result.

Their plans only work as long as the media plays dumber than they actually are.

Posted by: SpeakingOf at July 23, 2024 07:47 AM (6ydKt)

146 ...putschists... the singular thing...a coerced reversion to the pre-political state....contrary to propositionalism’s core thesis,...predecessor in the presidency...the ranks of dead collectivities...


Holy moly! Who writes like that?

Are you trying to give me a headache first thing in the morning, JJ?

Posted by: muldoon at July 23, 2024 07:48 AM (uCfKO)

147 It has been suggested that they've come to the conclusion that they cannot beat Trump without massive cheating and that losing to Trump provides them two things. First, it allows them to pretend that cheating doesn't take place, second, it allows them to get rid of some dead weight in the party. Assuming that is correct, it'll be interesting who that add as Kamala's VP and if they expect that person to become the frontrunner in '28 or if they just want to kill their political future.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 07:46 AM (U7wke)

A white male has no future in the Dem party...a white southern straight male has negative future in the Dem party...

So, I'd expect one of them...they have nothing to lose...

Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 07:48 AM (exHjb)

148 Mornin’, All. Happy Taco/Tummy-Rub/Geezer-Golf Tuesday.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 23, 2024 07:48 AM (v6JzV)

149 Biden's call reminded me of the Poochie cancel in the Simpsons. "My planet needs me!"

Posted by: theATL at July 23, 2024 07:48 AM (GhJWt)

150 This looks like something that was “well planned” to you?
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 23, 2024 07:46 AM (S6gqv)

Some of it. Never waste a crisis.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at July 23, 2024 07:49 AM (lD/pF)

151 Mornin’, All. Happy Taco/Tummy-Rub/Geezer-Golf Tuesday.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

I love Happy Tacos !!

Posted by: Tonypete at July 23, 2024 07:49 AM (5Seyi)

152 All they need is the thinnest of veneers of plausibility to cover the fraud.

As in 2020.

Posted by: davidt at July 23, 2024 07:49 AM (i0F8b)

153 So now it's the Harris-Biden administration.

Posted by: Just admit it at July 23, 2024 07:50 AM (MvyjV)

154 Media to DNC: "What's the plan?"

DNC: "Plan?!"

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 23, 2024 07:50 AM (O7YUW)

155 I saw the Ranks of Dead Collectivities open for Paul Revere and the Raiders at the US Military Academy in '67

Posted by: muldoon at July 23, 2024 07:51 AM (uCfKO)

156 In no manner is Kamala "African-American".

Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 23, 2024 07:51 AM (JvZF+)

157 Can't agree that the Dems are planning to let Trump win and go for 2028. Dems will not give up power for any reason , especially as a tactic. Not only are they power hungry , but paranoid (rightly so) because they think Trump will reveal their murderous behavior.

Posted by: Smell the Glove at July 23, 2024 07:52 AM (qejsy)

158 'If you have an assassination attempt on a president, a former president, or a candidate, you need to resign,' Rep. Ro Khanna told Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle

I think this is actually real, in that every (D) not involved with whatever happened in Butler PA wants the palace guard to at least be competent at palace guarding. Otherwise what's the point of stealing the election.

Posted by: Ian S. at July 23, 2024 07:52 AM (qRNmP)

159 Dems have to try put someone with at least a veneer of executive experience on the ticket to prop up historic worst.

Posted by: Ben Had at July 23, 2024 07:52 AM (5MvGY)

160 well, "they" have all the mail-in ballots they need and then the awesome "migrant" (illegals they registered at the border, or at dmvs) vote; plus she got 241M+ in donations within the last day or two. they feel good about their chances

Posted by: runner at July 23, 2024 07:53 AM (V13WU)

161 With the delegates pledging in sufficient numbers, while it's "binding", it's not "binding" like if they were state primary delegates. We'll see if Kamala consolidates and continues forward or if she still gets pitched with another fake or real controversy over the next few weeks. There are so many to choose from that the media can be called on to toss her overboard if, I don't think Dems are done if she keeps polling worse than Biden and dragging down races. They are about gaining power, not losing power...

Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 07:54 AM (exHjb)

162 Can't agree that the Dems are planning to let Trump win and go for 2028. Dems will not give up power for any reason , especially as a tactic. Not only are they power hungry , but paranoid (rightly so) because they think Trump will reveal their murderous behavior.

It's already been reveled and single women voters all believe deeply that Trump has raped every woman in America etc etc. They believe, with good reason given his first term, that they can contain him to an acceptable degree.

Posted by: Ian S. at July 23, 2024 07:54 AM (qRNmP)

163 Good morning, J.J.
Good morning, Horde.

Posted by: Inogame at July 23, 2024 07:54 AM (53oGX)

164 >In no manner is Kamala "African-American".

Posted by: San Franpsycho

Not yet. The media machine is just now starting to spin up. She'll be authentic black soon.

Posted by: Don Black at July 23, 2024 07:55 AM (/7KEl)

165 I'm in control here!!!

/Zombie Alexander Haig

They've learned not to say that part out loud.

Posted by: muldoon at July 23, 2024 07:56 AM (uCfKO)

166 162 Can't agree that the Dems are planning to let Trump win and go for 2028. Dems will not give up power for any reason , especially as a tactic. Not only are they power hungry , but paranoid (rightly so) because they think Trump will reveal their murderous behavior.

It's already been reveled and single women voters all believe deeply that Trump has raped every woman in America etc etc. They believe, with good reason given his first term, that they can contain him to an acceptable degree.
Posted by: Ian S. at July 23, 2024 07:54 AM (qRNmP)

Funny enough, I see more men proclaiming Trump is a rapist on Hollywood boards, Disney boards, etc...they push the message and believe it in their bones as truth...

Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 07:56 AM (exHjb)

167 hubby leaves because she's "not the same"...
Posted by: JQ


Speaking of "sold a bill of goods"

70% of divorces are initiated by women.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 07:56 AM (4NrhA)

168 157 Can't agree that the Dems are planning to let Trump win and go for 2028. Dems will not give up power for any reason , especially as a tactic. Not only are they power hungry , but paranoid (rightly so) because they think Trump will reveal their murderous behavior.
Posted by: Smell the Glove at July 23, 2024 07:52 AM (qejsy)

They might if they can stage or let Trump deal with the global economic meltdown or pandemic, wars gone bad, etc. to come in the next year(s).

Posted by: theATL at July 23, 2024 07:57 AM (GhJWt)

169 @162

>>They believe, with good reason given his first term, that they can contain him to an acceptable degree.

Well, at the end of the day, he is still President, so as much as they would like to constrain him, there are intrinsic powers that must be respected, abided, and policies carried out.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 23, 2024 07:57 AM (XV/Pl)

170 167 hubby leaves because she's "not the same"...
Posted by: JQ


Speaking of "sold a bill of goods"

70% of divorces are initiated by women.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 07:56 AM (4NrhA)

Probably b/c 70% of men cheated on them...

Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 07:57 AM (exHjb)

171 I've said this before; giving Kamala the Oval Office for the next several months, even if she's not the nominee, gets that historic first black, woman president moniker for the Democrats. That it'd be the shortest term in history isn't relevant to them.

But I agree whoever is tapped to be her VP is a tell on whether they plan another election steal or not. Because that person will likely be the president in 2025 if the Democrats think they can get away with ditching Harris and running that person. Now or later.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 23, 2024 07:58 AM (Q4IgG)

172 I'll just leave this here for anyone who is interested

"Numerous studies have shown this. In fact, nearly 70 percent of divorces are initiated by women. This is according to a 2015 research study conducted by the American Sociological Association (ASA) which suggests two-thirds of all divorces are initiated by women. Among college-educated women, this number jumps up to 90%."

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 07:58 AM (4NrhA)

173 Dems have to try put someone with at least a veneer of executive experience on the ticket to prop up historic worst.
Posted by: Ben Had at July 23, 2024 07:52 AM (5MvGY)

I'm the Super Mayor of Dolton Village and Supervisor of Thorton Township in south suburban Chicago, Illinois. Best of all, I'm a BLACK, WOMAN, IN POWER!

Posted by: Tiffany Henyard at July 23, 2024 07:58 AM (Aqu9a)

174 Morning Horde.

Morning J.J.

Posted by: mpfs, Jooish Spy Dolphin reporting for duty at July 23, 2024 07:58 AM (c4NPH)

175 As Cheadle was leaving the scene of the massacre, I did not see one female agent guarding her. Maybe I missed her 30%.

Posted by: Miflin at July 23, 2024 07:59 AM (aA6YN)

176 Probably b/c 70% of men cheated on them...

"Among college-educated women, this number jumps up to 90%."



Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 07:59 AM (4NrhA)

177 I just have to keep reminding myself that God is in control.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 23, 2024 07:59 AM (d9LQi)

178 Mornin all. God Bless You JJ.

Posted by: Jonah at July 23, 2024 07:59 AM (YCxFk)

179 so, I don't think Dems are done if she keeps polling worse than Biden and dragging down races. They are about gaining power, not losing power...
Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 07:54 AM (exHjb)

If not Kamala, who? Thomas Bender last night was saying Wes Moore, but no one outside of Maryland even knows who he is. Plus, he might be someone who isn’t completely controlled yet.

Posted by: Tom Servo at July 23, 2024 07:59 AM (S6gqv)

180 The generic YouTube "Home" page is all-in for promoting Kamala Harris, the Democrat's and Celebrities' choice for president. Smiling and holding hands with Joe. So wise. So benevolent. So presidential.

Posted by: Cackling Baby-Murdering Ghouls and Sodomites at July 23, 2024 08:00 AM (BIamM)

181 I just have to keep reminding myself that God is in control.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy


Someone in our Sunday school class said something that I liked a lot.

Sometimes He calms the storm, and sometimes He calms you.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:00 AM (4NrhA)

182 With this inflation and Border Crisis, Kameltoe does not want to be Scotus until the election

Posted by: Jonah at July 23, 2024 08:01 AM (YCxFk)

183 70% of divorces are initiated by women.

And lesbians have a 75% divorce rate. No word on if that's different for busty ones that are accidentally posted by guys with shelving trouble on smart military blogs.

Posted by: Ian S. at July 23, 2024 08:01 AM (qRNmP)

184 @158

>>I think this is actually real, in that every (D) not involved with whatever happened in Butler PA wants the palace guard to at least be competent at palace guarding. Otherwise what's the point of stealing the election.

They literally have one job, and they failed at every level of analysis.

Some failed less, but they all failed, the only reason Trump is alive is that he turned his head 15degrees with a bullet in flight that would have entered his right eye and blown out the back of his skull.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 23, 2024 08:01 AM (XV/Pl)

185 I am up this early to have a heart valve replacement. Positive thoughts will be appreciated.

Posted by: Ruthless at July 23, 2024 08:01 AM (XYXF1)

186 I just have to keep reminding myself that God is in control.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 23, 2024 07:59 AM (d9LQi)

This. Me too. All throughout the day.

Posted by: Count de Monet at July 23, 2024 08:01 AM (Aqu9a)

187 Prediction: it will be a misdemeanor to mispronounce Kamala's name.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 23, 2024 08:01 AM (JvZF+)

188 Meanwhile, this Kim Cheatle hack got roasted alive on Capitol Hill by the GOP and viciously and surprisingly by the Democrats. Many of whom have called for her resignation. I guess it's good theater.

Getting roasted alive in Esagila, Babylon DC is what is meant by "taking full responsibility", not resigning, getting fired or actually taking responsibility and being one of several thrown in prison for plotting the murder of PDJT .

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 23, 2024 08:02 AM (rHxhM)

189 Also I love the idea that 70% of men in marriages where they will lose half their stuff in a divorce are cheating on their wives.

Feminism is hilarious.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:02 AM (4NrhA)

190 Ruthless, prayers ascending.

Posted by: Ben Had at July 23, 2024 08:03 AM (5MvGY)

191 As Cernovich said, what about the White Catholic voters who voted for Trump in 2016, and then fellow Catholic Biden in 2020?

Many of these are over 50 voters, who will not vote for Harris. Same with the young male Fetterman voters of Penn

Posted by: Jonah at July 23, 2024 08:03 AM (YCxFk)

192 @179

>>If not Kamala, who? Thomas Bender last night was saying Wes Moore, but no one outside of Maryland even knows who he is. Plus, he might be someone who isn’t completely controlled yet.

Nova Local was the first person to proffer Moore, I added Kotek.

It would put a literal Obama Clone at the top of the ticket and a relatively attractive, young lesbian as the VP.

The MSM will literally ballot harvest themselves for that ticket.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 23, 2024 08:04 AM (XV/Pl)

193 I am up this early to have a heart valve replacement. Positive thoughts will be appreciated.
Posted by: Ruthless at July 23, 2024 08:01 AM (XYXF1)

May it be a relative walk in the park for you and your surgical team and caregivers.

Posted by: Count de Monet at July 23, 2024 08:04 AM (Aqu9a)

194 Cheatle knows that Goober, Romney, Murk, and Collins have her back in the senate

Posted by: Jonah at July 23, 2024 08:04 AM (YCxFk)

195 Good morning and thanks for the news J.J. You are in my prayers

I have to believe that if God saved Trump from getting shot in the head then he also has a greater purpose for Trump. I don’t know if that is to help steer the country back towards God, I don’t know if it was to bring Trump closer to God, but I do feel that God‘s hand is on Trump and I praying this country as well For the last several years, my prayer every day to God has been that he expose what’s going on in such a way that nobody can deny it. I feel like these prayers are being answered.
I also think that the GOP should be raising hell and calling for a transfer of power immediately making Kamala the president. The world is too dangerous of a place to not have at least a figurehead at this point someone who is at least capable of answering a phone call. It baffles me the lack of concern that Biden hasn’t been seen or given a speech.

Posted by: Spypeach at July 23, 2024 08:05 AM (UuB/1)

196 Some failed less, but they all failed, the only reason Trump is alive is that he turned his head 15degrees with a bullet in flight that would have entered his right eye and blown out the back of his skull.

You are describing the mechanics, but you aren't providing the reason.

If spiritual warfare isn't part of your calculus you aren't seriously looking in to what is going on.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 23, 2024 08:05 AM (rHxhM)

197 What the actual fuck is going on in my country?!

Stuff Jefferson Said. Vol. 6, Chapter 3. Page 46.

Posted by: mpfs, Jooish Spy Dolphin reporting for duty at July 23, 2024 08:05 AM (c4NPH)

198 @185/Ruthless: May the heart valve replacement surgery go spectacularly well, and may your recovery back to full health be quick.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 23, 2024 08:05 AM (O7YUW)

199 Speaking of fidelity, women's infidelity in marriage has risen 40% over the last 30 years...

But that still means 23% of men have physically cheated on their spouse, while 13% of women have. As for emotionally cheating, 45% of men have done so, while 35% of women have done so...

So, even with the huge growth in women cheating, men are still physical cheaters 43% more in marriage and emotional cheaters 22% more in marriage than women are.

From techreport this year...

Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 08:05 AM (exHjb)

200 Jewish Lumber King 🇺🇲🌳🇮🇱
No president to greet.
No VP to greet.
No secretary of State to greet.
Such a nice welcome from the Democratic party.

Chuck Schumer tells me no one supports Israel more than him.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 23, 2024 08:05 AM (JvZF+)

201 Ruthess, good luck my friend.

Posted by: Jonah at July 23, 2024 08:05 AM (YCxFk)

202 Ruthless, my prayers are with you.

Posted by: dantesed at July 23, 2024 08:06 AM (Oy/m2)

203 194 Who’s “Goober?” Miss Lindsey?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 23, 2024 08:06 AM (v6JzV)

204 Posted by: Ruthless at July 23, 2024 08:01 AM (XYXF1)

Of course.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 08:06 AM (dTTBf)

205 Medical Tech is amazing these days, Ruthless. It will be smooth

Posted by: Jonah at July 23, 2024 08:06 AM (YCxFk)

But that still means 23% of men have physically cheated on their spouse, while 13% of women have. As for emotionally cheating, 45% of men have done so, while 35% of women have done so..


Wait, did you mean to point out that the numbers are literally within 10% of each other in each scenario and women STILL initiate 70% of divorces (90% for college educated women)?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:07 AM (4NrhA)

207 @155 I saw the Ranks of Dead Collectivities open for Paul Revere

"shot through with the cant and strictures of propositionalism!"

My, my. Such big language from Leedle Tre-Veen-Yo.
Lot of words there. Hope he keeps a firm grip on those reins.

Posted by: Way,Way Downriver at July 23, 2024 08:07 AM (zdLoL)

208 203. Yes. Neocon Lindsay

Posted by: Jonah at July 23, 2024 08:07 AM (YCxFk)

209 Wes Moore makes a good photo shoot , he's Obama with military service. He shot himself in the foot yesterday by saying "being president is a black job". That honks off whites , Hispanics, Asians and yes some blacks. I'm sure AWFL's are swooning

Posted by: Smell the Glove at July 23, 2024 08:07 AM (qejsy)

210 The coup d’état of July 21st is merely a dramatic symptom. Note the artifice of it all, shot through with the cant and strictures of propositionalism. We could list the details at length, from the rapid coordination of the involved elites, each pursuing the fiction of reaction to affairs that they themselves authored, to the overthrow of the expressed will of tens of millions of primary voters.
Where was all the flowing prose during the three-year slow-motion coup against Trump? What makes him see them as different, if he does? They are alike in fact. The Party operators are in charge and taking out inconvenient executives. The type of inconvenience is quite different, but the basic condition and approach are essentially the same.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:08 AM (HnUIn)

211 Congress already has one foot out the door heading for recess.

Posted by: Ben Had at July 23, 2024 08:08 AM (5MvGY)

212 I think Goober was related to Gomer.

Posted by: Don Black at July 23, 2024 08:08 AM (/7KEl)

213 JJ, how are you? I hope you are hanging in. Updates are always welcome if you want to spill.

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 08:08 AM (qrUD3)

214 That phone call was bizarre if not fake.. Calling Kamala kid ? She's 60 in a few months and saying he loves her and is gonna campaign for her...Strange

Posted by: It's me donna at July 23, 2024 08:08 AM (IyPmt)

215 Congress already has one foot out the door heading for recess.


Quick, pass a continuing resolution!!!

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:08 AM (4NrhA)

216 Until I see a live version of FJB...

*adjusts tin foil hat*
- The Crowdstrike BSOD began on or about the 20th.
- FJB was uncerimoniously poured into a government SUV right before that
- voice recordings via laptops and reporters on board af1 catch the fascists coup plotter junta talking about his death
- video evidence was taken of his time of death, and it got out
- big cyber attack by the junta coup plotters to quash the video and the audio

*checks paperclip ground strap connection to tin foil hat*

Posted by: BifBewalski at July 23, 2024 08:09 AM (MsrgL)

I'm sure AWFL's are swooning
Posted by: Smell the Glove at July 23, 2024 08:07 AM (qejsy)


Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 23, 2024 08:09 AM (1Nxff)

Soon you will be made to feel that having no one in charge is normal, soothing even, as there's less panic after some absurd word / noise irrationality is sprouted by the dementia patient, and you can just get along without being bothered. And, after all, isn't that what we all want?

Posted by: Auspex at July 23, 2024 08:09 AM (j4U/Z)

219 Posted by: Spypeach at July 23, 2024 08:05 AM (UuB/1)

Super well said on all counts

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 08:09 AM (qrUD3)

220 @196

>>You are describing the mechanics, but you aren't providing the reason.

The reason is the people running our government attempted to assassinate the leading Republican candidate, everyone on that day was not in on it, but they needed the D-Team onsite so that no one competent could ruin their plans.

We still have no idea who was running the show onsite and the entire command structure and resource loading for that day.

I doubt we'll ever get that.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 23, 2024 08:09 AM (XV/Pl)

221 It’s going to be funny watching Kamala out on the campaign trail over the next few months.

She’ll put Hillary to shame in tailoring her accent to fit the audience.

Kamala will go to any black neighborhood and start drioppin’ those Gs and saying “Ya’ll” like she’s auditioning for HeeHaw.

She might even try to outdo Obama by turning the Southern Black Preacher routine up to Eleven

Posted by: SpeakingOf at July 23, 2024 08:09 AM (6ydKt)

222 Even heads of state who visit that are not our allies, and some who are even considered rivals or enemies are traditionally met by the President.
Always. Heads of state meet with heads of state. This has been an ongoing indicator of Biden's incapacity. The Party has been sloughing that task off of on Harris for some time now. I dunno why she's not there this time. Politics and scheduling, I would bet.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:09 AM (HnUIn)

223 I think the government and media convincing people that thinking about things was wrong was maybe their most effective tool.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:10 AM (4NrhA)

224 206
But that still means 23% of men have physically cheated on their spouse, while 13% of women have. As for emotionally cheating, 45% of men have done so, while 35% of women have done so..


Wait, did you mean to point out that the numbers are literally within 10% of each other in each scenario and women STILL initiate 70% of divorces (90% for college educated women)?
Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:07 AM (4NrhA)

Well, women take responsibility for their cheating, so initiate the divorce...and they throw out men for their cheating, so they initiate the divorce.

With 36% physical cheating in marriages (23 + 13), and 50% of marriages ending in divorce, that would be the 70% women initiated divorces. (36/50)

Women admit when it's over faster - when they leave or the spouse leaves, it doesn't matter - it's over if someone else is sleeping with someone.

Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 08:10 AM (exHjb)

225 Calling Kamala kid ?
Posted by: It's me donna at July 23, 2024 08:08 AM (IyPmt)


Get it? The old man vs the "kid"

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 08:10 AM (qrUD3)

226 I have relatives, wife's friends, and college pals who all live in either Penn, Michigan, and Wisconsin. They tell me their Neighbors etc.. were all pissed off that Biden was treated like Shit when pushed out. To many in Penn, they would have voted for him even with dementia. He is their Scranton guy

Posted by: Jonah at July 23, 2024 08:10 AM (YCxFk)

227 "He shot himself in the foot yesterday by saying "being president is a black job".


I guess that's why he voted for Joe!

Also, Kameltoe was just off at an event pretending she is Asian. How in the world is she black??

These people are so dumb it is scary.

Posted by: Jay in PA at July 23, 2024 08:10 AM (i7Q7S)

228 Ruthless: May the heart valve replacement surgery go spectacularly well, and may your recovery back to full health be quick.
Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 23, 2024 08:05 AM (O7YUW)

May the surgical instruments be relatively clean and the surgeon mostly sober.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at July 23, 2024 08:10 AM (g8Ew8)

229 Since DOCTOR Jill always likes to be front and center, with her mug in front of every camera she can find, isn't it odd that even she hasn't come out and said anything about how The Vegetable is doing or make any comment whatsoever on his withdrawal from the race? She's as AWOL as he is.

Posted by: Lady in Black at July 23, 2024 08:10 AM (mupln)

230 It's National Vanilla Ice Cream Day.

Posted by: redridinghood at July 23, 2024 08:11 AM (NpAcC)

231 It's National Vanilla Ice Cream Day.
Posted by: redridinghood at July 23, 2024 08:11 AM (NpAcC)
And Joe Biden isn't here to enjoy it!


Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:11 AM (HnUIn)

232 Well, women take responsibility for their cheating, so initiate the divorce...and they throw out men for their cheating, so they initiate the divorce.

With 36% physical cheating in marriages (23 + 13), and 50% of marriages ending in divorce, that would be the 70% women initiated divorces. (36/50)

Women admit when it's over faster - when they leave or the spouse leaves, it doesn't matter - it's over if someone else is sleeping with someone.
Posted by: Nova Local


So men are more willing to try and stay true to the vows and work through any infidelity issues that the couple may struggle with for the sake of the marriage.

Interesting. Thanks.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:12 AM (4NrhA)

233 Speaking of divorce, Portugal (91.5%) and Spain (85.5%) have the highest rates in Europe.

Posted by: mr tmz at July 23, 2024 08:12 AM (rJ48h)

234 ThePersistence
My heart is literally singing.

Can’t believe we flipped Bucks County.

To every volunteer that wrote postcards, knocked on doors, registered voters, & contributed their time, thank you.

Thank you to every person that made this happen.

4 words: Luzerne County is next!
11:50 AM · Jul 22, 2024
This man fights.


Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 23, 2024 08:12 AM (JvZF+)

235 Ruthless prayers are up and bless you.

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 08:12 AM (qrUD3)

236 I think the GOP is being fairly quiet for two reasons;
1. McConnell - he's in about the same condition *biden's in.
2. The Democrats made this mess, why help?

That being said, there are probably several of them that are doing what they can, quietly, to help their "friends across the aisle."

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 23, 2024 08:12 AM (Q4IgG)

237 So Netanyahu will be greeted by the concierge of the Willard Hotel in DC. Any Jewish person that votes for this vile junta is suicidally stupid

Posted by: Smell the Glove at July 23, 2024 08:12 AM (qejsy)

238 To many in Penn, they would have voted for him even with dementia.


Imagine being so very stupid as to vote for a candidate for the presidency of the United States knowing he has dementia...and voting for him anyway. That's some weapons-grade lunacy.

Posted by: Lady in Black at July 23, 2024 08:12 AM (mupln)

239 It's also..
National Sprinkle Day.

Posted by: redridinghood at July 23, 2024 08:12 AM (NpAcC)

240 "They tell me their Neighbors etc.. were all pissed off that Biden was treated like Shit when pushed out. "


My contingent of Facebook friends who are white union guys all in for Joe (he created so many jobs!!) have been very quiet. They don't know how to react yet because they want the marching orders from the party, but also realize she hates people like them.

Posted by: Jay in PA at July 23, 2024 08:13 AM (i7Q7S)

241 239 It's also..
National Sprinkle Day.
Posted by: redridinghood at July 23, 2024 08:12 AM (NpAcC)

Good.. Vanilla ice cream is bland

Posted by: It's me donna at July 23, 2024 08:13 AM (IyPmt)

242 Biden was a great con artist. Many Republican Catholics in my area, some Pro Life, because they were fooled that he was good Catholic moderate and Grandfather who lost Children.

Harris is the best contrast Trump could hope for. Shapiro as VP loses Michigan for sure, by many gains Penn. A wash

Posted by: Jonah at July 23, 2024 08:13 AM (YCxFk)

243 Speaking of divorce, Portugal (91.5%)


91%! Why bother even getting married if you live in Portugal.

Posted by: Lady in Black at July 23, 2024 08:13 AM (mupln)

244 It will be interesting to hear what Bibi has to say about his visit.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 23, 2024 08:14 AM (v6JzV)

245 I have to believe that if God saved Trump from getting shot in the head then he also has a greater purpose for Trump.

So I am studying aspects of what is meant by "Messenger of God" and "Word of the LORD" in the original and one thing that comes out is the The God That Can't Be Seen, and the God that is seen. (eg. Moses at Mt Sinai).

In a spiritual sense, there are the Dark Forces that can't be seen and the same Dark Force that can be seen. (eg. demon possession)

The Dark Forces that can't be seen used "cut-outs" like the sniper, the parents of the sniper, Mayorkas, Cheatle, CIA recruiters, Doctor Jill, FBI agents, various Party Donors and Stewards, etc. to Be Seen in roles that doesn't make them the prosecutable Shot Caller, but people used by the unseen Dark Forces to effect the too often scene in Revolutions and that is to kill enemies of the Darkness.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 23, 2024 08:14 AM (rHxhM)

246 Always. Heads of state meet with heads of state. This has been an ongoing indicator of Biden's incapacity. The Party has been sloughing that task off of on Harris for some time now. I dunno why she's not there this time. Politics and scheduling, I would bet.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:09 AM (HnUIn)

C'mon, man. Jews are icky.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at July 23, 2024 08:14 AM (g8Ew8)

247 So men are more willing to try and stay true to the vows and work through any infidelity issues that the couple may struggle with for the sake of the marriage.

Interesting. Thanks.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:12 AM (4NrhA)

Yes. Exactly. For men, sex is way less valued emotionally, but is way more physical. For women, it's the opposite. So, if you've decided to sleep with someone else, while a man doesn't think much of it b/c it's a physical action, for a women, it's an emotional betrayal (if done to her) or an emotional break (if she walks and does it elsewhere).

I always told my husband if he ever cheated, it was over. There was never gonna be any question.

Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 08:14 AM (exHjb)

248 "Women admit when it's over faster - when they leave or the spouse leaves, it doesn't matter - it's over if someone else is sleeping with someone."


Meh. A very good friend of mine from college caught her husband cheating red handed. They're still married.

Posted by: Jay in PA at July 23, 2024 08:15 AM (i7Q7S)

249 Tina Kotek was born in 1966. While she's not as old as Biden or Hillary (or Trump) , she's not young.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 08:15 AM (dTTBf)

250 Trump and Netanyahu should televise their meeting. Won't that send a fun message.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 23, 2024 08:15 AM (IHRQq)

251 In the End, Penn would have been a tossup with Biden, reason I am happy he dropped out. Cindy Mac the homewrecker would have made him tough in AZ again

Posted by: Jonah at July 23, 2024 08:15 AM (YCxFk)

252 91%! Why bother even getting married if you live in Portugal.

They are not practical people otherwise men would just cut out the ritual, find a woman they deeply hate and give them houses, cars and half their savings.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 23, 2024 08:16 AM (rHxhM)

253 186 I just have to keep reminding myself that God is in control.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 23, 2024 07:59 AM (d9LQi)

I put my Infant Jesus of Prague back on the kitchen counter. In this version, he is holding the orb (the world) in both hands. Comforting and strengthening to see...

Posted by: sal at July 23, 2024 08:16 AM (4lnL8)

254 Is Bibi being allowed to meet with Trump?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 08:16 AM (dTTBf)

255 Harris husband is Jewish?

Posted by: Jonah at July 23, 2024 08:16 AM (YCxFk)

256 PA has 19 electoral votes
MI has 15

Posted by: Ben Had at July 23, 2024 08:16 AM (5MvGY)

257 "Shapiro as VP"


I just can't see it happening. Jew hatred is a very strong force in the party and it isn't just concentrated in Michigan.

Also, he will make Kameltoe look pretty stupid. That is the real dilemma here for them. Who can they pick that makes her look good intellectually?

Posted by: Jay in PA at July 23, 2024 08:16 AM (i7Q7S)

212 I think Goober was related to Gomer.
Posted by: Don Black at July 23, 2024 08:08 AM (/7KEl)

They were kissin’ cousins.

Posted by: Tom Servo at July 23, 2024 08:16 AM (S6gqv)

259 So are we gonna get the commie artwork of Kamala a la hope and change? I have this terrible feeling we might.

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 08:16 AM (qrUD3)

260 Ruthless - may your heart surgery go smoothly and your recovery as well.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at July 23, 2024 08:16 AM (SfhV1)


They're eating people in the Superdome!

Posted by: Shemp Smith at July 23, 2024 08:17 AM (aS4jF)

262 Divorce is a tragedy regardless of the circumstances or who initiates it.

Give the men vs. women thing a rest.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 23, 2024 08:17 AM (v6JzV)

263 Which brings us back to:

Speaking of "sold a bill of goods"

70% of divorces are initiated by women.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:17 AM (4NrhA)

264 248 "Women admit when it's over faster - when they leave or the spouse leaves, it doesn't matter - it's over if someone else is sleeping with someone."


Meh. A very good friend of mine from college caught her husband cheating red handed. They're still married.
Posted by: Jay in PA at July 23, 2024 08:15 AM (i7Q7S)

Ask if they still have sex together...

Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 08:17 AM (exHjb)

265 Sending prayers, Ruthless.

Posted by: redridinghood at July 23, 2024 08:17 AM (NpAcC)

266 @255 yup , Doug Emhoff. His daughter is a mutant

Posted by: Smell the Glove at July 23, 2024 08:17 AM (qejsy)

267 Did he let her eat the wedding cake?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:18 AM (4NrhA)

268 91%! Why bother even getting married if you live in Portugal.
Posted by: Lady in Black at July 23, 2024 08:13 AM (mupln)
They don't. Marriages are up, but off such a shockingly low baseline that big moves are easy. Age of first marriage is 25 for men and 32 for women. Marriage is dead in Portugal. Even those who opt to in marriage are doing so too late to matter. While improving slightly recently (bouncing around), the fertility rate in Portugal is 1.36, which is down in fertility trap territory. Left unabated, there won't be a Portugal in a hundred years.

It's almost like destroying the cornerstone of civilization was a bad idea.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:18 AM (HnUIn)

269 234. What happened in Bucks county?

Posted by: Jonah at July 23, 2024 08:18 AM (YCxFk)

270 Ruthless, good luck and God bless. As a guy with a heart issue I sympathize with your troubles

Posted by: Smell the Glove at July 23, 2024 08:18 AM (qejsy)

271 Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 23, 2024 08:17 AM (v6JzV)


Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 08:18 AM (dTTBf)

272 >>The fact that greeting Bibi could lose the Democrats Minnesota and Michigan and the support of those who harass or assault Jews on campuses and even in the streets in broad daylight I'm sure was part of the calculus, as well as not wanting to anger their friends in Tehran.

Wow. No one showed up to greet him.

As for Cheatle, who will fire her, with seemingly no one in charge? Mayorkas, like Cheatle and Biden before him, issued a written statement on DHS's website on Sunday to announce his special commission to investigate. Like, these people can't - or won't - even show up to announce these things in person.

Who the H#ll is writing these statements and what has happened to any recognizable person of leadership within the Biden administration???

Posted by: Lizzy at July 23, 2024 08:18 AM (Pijte)

273 I thought AOC did a good job at the Cheatle hearing yesterday. Surprised by that.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at July 23, 2024 08:19 AM (SfhV1)

274 It's almost like destroying the cornerstone of civilization was a bad idea.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:18 AM (HnUIn)

You know what else was a bad idea?

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 08:19 AM (qrUD3)

275 Meh. A very good friend of mine from college caught her husband cheating red handed. They're still married.
Posted by: Jay in PA

Ask if they still have sex together...
Posted by: Nova Local

Yes, but not with each other.

Posted by: Tonypete at July 23, 2024 08:19 AM (5Seyi)

254 Is Bibi being allowed to meet with Trump?
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 08:16 AM (dTTBf)

I’m sure he would want to, but it would be seen as too politically provocative back in Israel, especially under the circumstances.

Posted by: Tom Servo at July 23, 2024 08:19 AM (S6gqv)

277 *35 for men, not 25. 25 would be fine.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:19 AM (HnUIn)

278 Speaking of divorce, Portugal (91.5%) and Spain (85.5%) have the highest rates in Europe.
Posted by: mr tmz at July 23, 2024 08:12 AM (rJ48h)

Spain. They say the ladies are insane there. And they sure know how to use it.

Posted by: Count de Monet at July 23, 2024 08:19 AM (Aqu9a)

279 Probably b/c 70% of men cheated on them...

Most of the ones who take to social media say they did it because they were bored and wanted someone to make them happy. A lot of them will even admit that their exes were good husbands and great fathers but the tingle went away so... hot girl summer.

Unlike many people, I don't specifically blame women, they've been trained to be this way by people who want to destroy society. That doesn't change the fact that they've been trained to act this way.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 08:20 AM (U7wke)

280 Harris husband is Jewish?
Posted by: Jonah at July 23, 2024 08:16 AM (YCxFk)
I think so. He's an American, though, so I don't know if he's remotely serious about it.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:20 AM (HnUIn)

PA has 19 electoral votes

Posted by: Ben Had at July 23, 2024 08:16 AM

The Philadelphia Area Congressional District should get 3 electoral votes and the rest of the state 16. So damn tired of one city that votes 80% (D) decides every election.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at July 23, 2024 08:20 AM (RKVpM)

282 Good.. Vanilla ice cream is bland
Posted by: It's me donna at July 23, 2024 08:13 AM (IyPmt)
It's boring.

Posted by: redridinghood at July 23, 2024 08:20 AM (NpAcC)

283 What if you're on a break??

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 08:20 AM (wse2C)

284 257. I agree. Roy Cooper is a bigger joke. He will not deliver NC to a California liberal.

Whitmer is a no go, they will not go two marxist women on the ticket

Posted by: Jonah at July 23, 2024 08:20 AM (YCxFk)

285 Doug Emhoff is as "Jewish" as a bowl of chicken soup.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 23, 2024 08:21 AM (JvZF+)

286 If infidelity is actually driving the divorce rate - and I don't think it is, but I will acknowledge that it could be - then there should be no objection to ending no-fault divorce. Infidelity is the oldest form of fault.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:21 AM (HnUIn)

287 Divide by Zero, agree 100%

Posted by: Ben Had at July 23, 2024 08:21 AM (5MvGY)

288 In addition to the hard Left horror show Daniel Greenfield laid out, as California AG she defied multiple court orders--including SCOTUS rulings.

Her proven track record may well attract wealthy radicals for whom Obama is weak sauce.

Counting on her to publicly fall on her face could be a big mistake for her Party rivals. Not to mention being a catastrophe for the country, but that's a feature, not a bug for the Lect

Posted by: Peter B at July 23, 2024 08:22 AM (sCwkm)

289 ... Vanilla ice cream is bland
Posted by: It's me donna at July 23, 2024 08:13 AM (IyPmt)
Oh man. Hard disagree. It can be bland, of course - but so can anything else. It's all in whether it's well made or not. Good vanilla ice cream is not bland, in my opinion. "Plain vanilla" is not.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:22 AM (HnUIn)

290 As for emotionally cheating, 45% of men have done so

What is emotional cheating?

Posted by: Chuck Martel at July 23, 2024 08:22 AM (nIBG7)

291 "Ask if they still have sex together...
Posted by: Nova Local "


Heh. Well, I have inferred from conversations that it is very rare. In fact, the decision to stay is related to aging parents needs and not wanting to screw with retirement funds.

Posted by: Jay in PA at July 23, 2024 08:22 AM (i7Q7S)

292 Biden is at the Woodrow Wilson moment. MTG and Boebert want to see him alive, and who the F is running the Country

Posted by: Jonah at July 23, 2024 08:23 AM (YCxFk)

293 I always told my husband if he ever cheated, it was over. There was never gonna be any question.

Success in any relationship starts with loving God more than you love the other person. It sounds bad to the uninitiated, but love of God ought to be the pinnacle and everything else flows from that starting point.

When one thinks about it, a relationship shouldn't be based on emotions or feelings because If We Are What We Eat, then a pizza could destroy a marriage because food alters brain chemicals which has an effect on emotions (ref Esau and a bowl of chili) So a transcendent quelle must be there.

Or in the form of a bumper sticker:
No woman is worth an eternity in Hell because of adultery (ref 1 Corinthians 6:9-10)

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 23, 2024 08:23 AM (rHxhM)

294 We need a CGI of Bibi's face and head on the John Travolta character looking around questioningly at the bottom of the plane's stairs.

Posted by: Count de Monet at July 23, 2024 08:23 AM (Aqu9a)

295 In rejecting Jankowicz's claims, the judge said that 36 of the 37 statements made on Fox News programs were about the disinformation board and not Jankowicz. The judge ruled that the remaining statement — which was also a reference to the board and not Jankowicz, despite showing an image of her as it was said — was not disinformation because it was a factual statement that matched the wording in the board's own charter describing its purpose.

Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 08:23 AM (RHGPo)

296 Speaking of men, women, and marriage, check out this Reagan joke. It's really good.

Posted by: Gipper at July 23, 2024 08:24 AM (MvyjV)

297 Left unabated, there won't be a Portugal in a hundred years.

It's almost like destroying the cornerstone of civilization was a bad idea.


So in the U.S. 50% of women 25-44 will be childless and alone in 2030, 50% of marriages end in divorce (90% initiated by college educated women), and 25-50% of marriages are sexless.*

We're headed somewhere bad very quickly.

* It would be interesting to know the "college educated women" percentage of sexless marriages, wouldn't it? Battle of the sexes and what-not.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:25 AM (4NrhA)

298 Biden is at the Woodrow Wilson moment. MTG and Boebert want to see him alive, and who the F is running the Country

Spiritual Dark Forces using members of the oligarchy to express their evil.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 23, 2024 08:25 AM (rHxhM)

299 Doug Emhoff is as "Jewish" as a bowl of chicken soup.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 23, 2024 08:21 AM (JvZF+)


Just add Matzah balls… instantly kosher.

Posted by: SpeakingOf at July 23, 2024 08:25 AM (6ydKt)

300 286 If infidelity is actually driving the divorce rate - and I don't think it is, but I will acknowledge that it could be - then there should be no objection to ending no-fault divorce. Infidelity is the oldest form of fault.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:21 AM (HnUIn)

On that, I agree - an abusive or cheating spouse should get to keep almost nothing.

The only problem is that every divorce will claim that and they will get very, very ugly for all parties. This is why no fault came up...

Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 08:25 AM (exHjb)

301 My wife did everything possible to drive me out of the house. It drove her crazy that no matter what horrible thing she did I would just not leave. It was pure hell.

She ended up pulling a gun and trying to shoot me while I was brushing my teeth one morning.

So she ended up leaving, in cuffs.

Posted by: pawn at July 23, 2024 08:25 AM (QB+5g)

302 "What is emotional cheating?"

Talking to anyone other than your wife about your problems. It's just another tick on the Duluth model to prove why she can divorce you and you deserve it you worthless sack of crap.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 23, 2024 08:25 AM (IHRQq)

303 yep

Posted by: Jonah at July 23, 2024 08:25 AM (YCxFk)

304 Karl: But one more thing. The person that finds her gets to name her right?
Dan: Yes-yes that's right, that's right.
Karl: I wanna name her Dottie after my wife. She's a vicious life-sucking bitch from which there is no escape.

Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 08:25 AM (RHGPo)

305 What if you're on a break??
Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 08:20 AM (wse2C)

Was it an official timeout?

Posted by: Andy Reid at July 23, 2024 08:25 AM (Aqu9a)

306 "In her first bid for office, Harris leaned into her Indian background. She introduced herself to the local press as "Kamala Devi Harris," using her full name. "In terms of Indian culture, my name represents the beautiful lotus flower," she said at one of her first campaign events. "I grew up with a strong Indian culture," she told Asian Week in 2003.

By the time she ran for the presidency in 2019, the mention of her Indian background had been removed from her campaign."

--She's a complete fraud.

Posted by: Jay in PA at July 23, 2024 08:25 AM (i7Q7S)

307 So in the U.S. 50% of women 25-44 will be childless and alone in 2030, 50% of marriages end in divorce (90% initiated by college educated women), and 25-50% of marriages are sexless.*

So for long term investments I should go long on cat food?

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 23, 2024 08:25 AM (rHxhM)

Homemade vanilla ice cream made with homemade vanilla extract from Madagascar vanilla beans is truly memorable.

I haven't made it in years, because waistline.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at July 23, 2024 08:26 AM (RKVpM)

309 This is a very shallow comment (Sorry!) but recent pictures of Gretchen Whitmer are not good. I don't know if it's just the few I saw, but unless she was squinting into the sun her eyes are unnaturally squinted and her face stretched that it seems that she went overboard with Botox.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 08:26 AM (dTTBf)

310 290 As for emotionally cheating, 45% of men have done so

What is emotional cheating?
Posted by: Chuck Martel at July 23, 2024 08:22 AM (nIBG7)

Whatever the survey respondents said it was...I don't think marriages break up over it b/c it's "less"...these are the marriages that get saved b/c someone was lonely and started texting a random girl/guy on e-harmony, but didn't go further...but they didn't act more...

Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 08:27 AM (exHjb)

311 America is a state of political (not to mention cultural) sepsis. Trump is the last-line antibiotic.

Posted by: Ordinary American at July 23, 2024 08:27 AM (MoKe9)

312 >>>as California AG she defied multiple court orders--including SCOTUS rulings.

That will get her tons of votes from the AWFLs

Posted by: bed head at July 23, 2024 08:27 AM (Y1sOo)

313 "I wanna name her Dottie after my wife. She's a vicious life-sucking bitch from which there is no escape."

That was such a well done scene. The look on her face right before he crushes her is tragic. He genuinely touched her and then stabbed her with an ice pick.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 23, 2024 08:27 AM (IHRQq)

314 133 @130 - If they bring him in via the tunnels, that'll be a huge tell.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 23, 2024 07:42 AM (O7YUW)

There is always a small 'pool' of WH reporters that travels everywhere with POTUS, in the entourage of aides and support personnel. If the Junta hides Joe from them they'll report it. If so it won't be because Joetato is stronk and sharp as a tack today.

Posted by: Gref at July 23, 2024 08:27 AM (5fDan)

315 So she ended up leaving, in cuffs.

That stunt made it a little bit easier for your divorce attorneys.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 23, 2024 08:27 AM (rHxhM)

316 "What is emotional cheating?"


Posting photos of yourself on Instagram for likes and followers but not including your spouse or children in any of them.

(wait for it...)

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:28 AM (4NrhA)

317 @296: That's the old IBM Salesman joke told in a different way. Still funny though.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 23, 2024 08:28 AM (O7YUW)

318 Kamala's very thin South Asian background, that she conveniently hid the last 4 years, is now moot. We have Usha Chilukuri Vance ! (that some of the trolls here had a problem with)

Posted by: runner at July 23, 2024 08:28 AM (V13WU)

319 The only problem is that every divorce will claim that and they will get very, very ugly for all parties. This is why no fault came up...
Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 08:25 AM (exHjb)
So be it. No-fault was one of the things that destroyed marriage and thus destroyed family. Reagan was a big driver of it, and started the ball rolling in California. His divorce was gruesome and public.

It should be. Marriage is important. It is in fact *foundation* level stuff. It's supposed to be difficult and unpleasant to shred one.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:28 AM (HnUIn)

320 I'm just going to point out that having the position that "women are usually wrong" or "men are usually wrong" plays into the forces that are destroying the world.

I understand that people who've been through an acrimonious divorce won't listen, but I just thought I'd point it out.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 08:28 AM (U7wke)

321 Catturd ™ @catturd2 2h
Watching the full court press by the leftwing Democrat propaganda media pretending cringe, unlikable Kamala Harris is magically a superhero now is hysterical.
The MFM here is blowing her too.

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 08:29 AM (wse2C)

322 So in the U.S. 50% of women 25-44 will be childless and alone in 2030
Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:25 AM (4NrhA)

"Reproducing as fast as we can, Boss!"

Posted by: Trad-wives of America at July 23, 2024 08:29 AM (4lnL8)

323 (that some of the trolls here had a problem with)
Yeah. Darn those trolls.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 23, 2024 08:29 AM (IHRQq)

324 also, kamala grew up in a household that celebrated kwanzaa

so she's got that card to play

Posted by: Don Black at July 23, 2024 08:29 AM (/7KEl)

325 I'm just going to point out that having the position that "women are usually wrong" or "men are usually wrong" plays into the forces that are destroying the world.

I understand that people who've been through an acrimonious divorce won't listen, but I just thought I'd point it out.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic


I'll say again that I've been happily married for decades and it's the best thing I've ever done.

It's not wrong to notice things and point out where structures are failing or systems are going off the rails.

Remember when gays just wanted to visit their friends in the hospital? That.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:30 AM (4NrhA)

326 I wasn't even married and got run thru the CA Court's wringer!!

Posted by: Zombie Lee Marvin at July 23, 2024 08:30 AM (Aqu9a)

327 291 "Ask if they still have sex together...
Posted by: Nova Local "


Heh. Well, I have inferred from conversations that it is very rare. In fact, the decision to stay is related to aging parents needs and not wanting to screw with retirement funds.
Posted by: Jay in PA at July 23, 2024 08:22 AM (i7Q7S)

So, effectively they have emotionally and physically divorced, and are married in name only. That's what folks used to do with cheating b/c it was so expensive to split...

Again, physical cheating breaks marriages. The Catholic Church gives annulment weight to unfaithfulness - it's one of the few things that can get you one (guaranteed if you were cheating into the marriage day - great weight if you cheat at any point in the marriage, although not guaranteed)...

Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 08:30 AM (exHjb)

328 Usha Chilukuri

I have no idea what that means.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 08:31 AM (dTTBf)

329 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 17h
Hey Democrat voters -

Remember when Democrat elites cancelled any semblance of a primary

Then waited until Joe Biden had it locked in

Then they pushed him out so they could replace him with their chosen candidate?

Does that feel like “democracy” to you?

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 08:31 AM (wse2C)

330 So for long term investments I should go long on cat food?
Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 23, 2024 08:25 AM (rHxhM)
Pet food. Cheap - not too cheap, but cheap - and trendy alcohol. Meal-prep services (whether cook-at-home like BlueApron or the fancy new TV dinners like Factor). Low-cost institutional elderly-care facilities (wait at least 25 years for that one). If you can find a way to invest in it, tattoo removal is probably going to be big business, too.

Nobody knows what vast numbers of elderly singles with no money are going to do, because it's never happened before. These are mostly guesses.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:31 AM (HnUIn)

331 Good morning!

Posted by: gp At The Internet Desert Oasis at July 23, 2024 08:31 AM (X1vg/)

332 What happened in Bucks county?
Posted by: Jonah at July 23, 2024 08:18 AM (YCxFk)

Party registration lead flipped to GOP. That's what Scott Pressler is all about. Guy labored alone for so long until Trump got rid of Ronna and Lara Trump gave him a job.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 08:31 AM (U7wke)

333 the trolls here also had a problem with another South Asian lady, the one who read a blessing (!) of sorts at the convention. because trolls are dumb, short sighted, lack intellectual curiosity. because if they did, they would understand the strategy that people a hell of a lot smarter than them are crafting.

Posted by: runner at July 23, 2024 08:31 AM (V13WU)

334 People asking "who's running the country" need to remember that neither *biden nor Harris have actually had a role in that. I think most people who are not Democrats know that someone(s) else is pulling those strings.

Also, it's beginning to look like the "medical emergency" on AF-1 enroute to or from Las Vegas is real.

All any of this does is cement the notion that neither elected official charged with "running the country" are actually doing it.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 23, 2024 08:32 AM (Q4IgG)

335 Usha Chilukuri

I have no idea what that means.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 08:31 AM (dTTBf)

You are not aware of Vance's wife's full name. That is why.

Posted by: runner at July 23, 2024 08:33 AM (V13WU)

336 Ask if they still have sex together...
Posted by: Nova Local

Lots of married women don't have sex with their husbands even in the absence of infidelity. It's a trope for a reason.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 08:33 AM (U7wke)

337 Usha Chilukuri

I have no idea what that means.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 08:31 AM (dTTBf)

Oh, Fen....

It's Vance's wife

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 08:33 AM (qrUD3)

338 Usha Chilukuri

I have no idea what that means.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 08:31 AM (dTTBf)

She's J D Vance's wife.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at July 23, 2024 08:33 AM (SfhV1)

339 All any of this does is cement the notion that neither elected official charged with "running the country" are actually doing it.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 23, 2024 08:32 AM (Q4IgG)
Which has been obvious for a long time, but people usually need a big event to see something like that.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:33 AM (HnUIn)

340 Yeah. Darn those trolls.
Posted by: Ribbed at July 23, 2024 08:29 AM (IHRQq)

glad you stopped by to read my comment

Posted by: runner at July 23, 2024 08:33 AM (V13WU)

341 then there should be no objection to ending no-fault divorce.


hahaha, that's about the quickest way to split a group into two teams.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:34 AM (4NrhA)

The "Joe Biden For President" banner on the front door of the neighbor, who had vehicles in front of his house for weeks at a time in 2020 (ballot-marking parties, perhaps?), has been removed.

So sad ...

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at July 23, 2024 08:34 AM (xG4kz)

343 Definitely-
The media has a few weeks before the Dem convention to repackage and rebrand Kamala Harris-

the effort is well underway

she's not a candidate- she's a product, and that product has to sell

you will be told why you want it. why you need it.

Posted by: Don Black at July 23, 2024 08:34 AM (/7KEl)

344 "That stunt made it a little bit easier for your divorce attorneys."

I wish. She filed for divorce and her lawyer talked her into filing a lawsuit for a half a million. After the filing she stiffed the lawyer and freaked him out so bad that the thing sat on the books at court for five years.

Posted by: pawn at July 23, 2024 08:34 AM (QB+5g)

345 Ruthless-

I am assuming that slapping hot iron to it was tried and was not successful...?

Posted by: muldoon at July 23, 2024 08:34 AM (uCfKO)

346 The "Joe Biden For President" banner on the front door of the neighbor, who had vehicles in front of his house for weeks at a time in 2020 (ballot-marking parties, perhaps?), has been removed.

So sad ...



Posted by: runner at July 23, 2024 08:34 AM (V13WU)

347 Regarding those who say vanilla ice cream is bland. Just add strawberries and whipped cream. Enjoy.

Posted by: dantesed at July 23, 2024 08:34 AM (Oy/m2)

348 Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at July 23, 2024 08:33 AM (SfhV1

Ok. Thanks. Sorry.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 08:34 AM (dTTBf)

349 336 Ask if they still have sex together...
Posted by: Nova Local

Lots of married women don't have sex with their husbands even in the absence of infidelity. It's a trope for a reason.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 08:33 AM (U7wke)

But in the presence of confirmed infidelity (by either party), lack of sex in the marriage then becomes a certainty.

Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 08:35 AM (exHjb)

350 Nobody knows what vast numbers of elderly singles with no money are going to do, because it's never happened before. These are mostly guesses.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:31 AM (HnUIn)

The boarding houses at The Villages are gonna be swinging!

Posted by: Cocoon at July 23, 2024 08:35 AM (Aqu9a)

351 91%! Why bother even getting married if you live in Portugal.
They eat tripe.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 23, 2024 08:35 AM (n17eQ)

352 You know I’d like to watch “It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia” but I’ll be damned if I want invest the time and energy to watch 15 seasons of a TV show when I just started watching “Deadwood” again in honor of its 20th Anniversary and it’s taken me about two weeks to get to the eighth episode of the first season.

Starting something new seems almost daunting at this point.

Haven’t seen “Arrested Development” either, since I pretty much stopped watching network sitcoms when Seinfeld went off the air.

Posted by: SpeakingOf at July 23, 2024 08:35 AM (6ydKt)

353 Time for a walk!

Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 08:35 AM (exHjb)

354 @314/Gref: See # 321 by andycanuck.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 23, 2024 08:35 AM (O7YUW)

355 The hell are all y'all doing up so early?

You should be up by 5:00. Otherwise you're wasting the day away.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

Oh, my! Utter madness. Sleeping in is a basic American right. I won't conform to anyone's predawn fantasies.

Posted by: My Pillow, My Choice at July 23, 2024 08:35 AM (CV8a5)

356 Sorry.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 08:34 AM (dTTBf)

No need to be sorry. There's too much going on to be aware of every single thing.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at July 23, 2024 08:36 AM (SfhV1)

357 347 Regarding those who say vanilla ice cream is bland. Just add strawberries and whipped cream. Enjoy.
Vanilla is a delicious and sublime flavor. See Cream Soda.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 23, 2024 08:36 AM (n17eQ)

358 Re. unfaithfulness...

Allie @Cluffalo 6h
Ladies, if he:

- Gives mixed signals for months
- Breaks up via text
- Ghosts so intensely you don't know if he's alive or dead

That's not your man, that's your current president

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 08:36 AM (wse2C)

359 Kamala has a history of blowing her opportunities, but she has a firm grip and won't go down without a fight.

Posted by: Victor Tango Kilo at July 23, 2024 08:36 AM (gD+xE)

360 But in the presence of confirmed infidelity (by either party), lack of sex in the marriage then becomes a certainty.
Posted by: Nova Local at July 23, 2024 08:35 AM (exHjb)
The inverse is also often true.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:37 AM (HnUIn)

361 G'morning, Deplorables. Thank you, J.J. This was a good 'un.

The guy who wrote the article on retirement seems to think planning for retirement is difficult. It's not. There are two rules:

1. Save every penny you can. Live poor. The reward comes later.
2. Do not assume Social Security will be waiting when you get there. It's a pyramid scheme, after all.

People don't seem to want to think any more. I suspect that's what got us in this mess.

Posted by: creeper at July 23, 2024 08:37 AM (M6moH)

362 She ended up pulling a gun and trying to shoot me while I was brushing my teeth one morning.

So she ended up leaving, in cuffs.
Posted by: pawn at July 23, 2024 08:25 AM (QB+5g)

So, halitosis?

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at July 23, 2024 08:37 AM (lD/pF)

363 So in the U.S. 50% of women 25-44 will be childless and alone in 2030

I'm not 25-44 and I could be childless and alone in 2030 because I have no idea what the future holds.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 08:37 AM (dTTBf)

364 @Cluffalo 6h
Ladies, if he:
- Gives mixed signals for months
- Breaks up via text
- Ghosts so intensely you don't know if he's alive or dead

That's not your man, that's your current president
Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 08:36 AM (wse2C)
That's good for a chuckle.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:37 AM (HnUIn)

365 352 You know I’d like to watch “It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia” but I’ll be damned if I want invest the time and energy to watch 15 seasons of a TV show when I just started watching “Deadwood” again in honor of its 20th Anniversary and it’s taken me about two weeks to get to the eighth episode of the first season.
This is a wonderful run on sentence. As for Deadwood it was like Babe: Pig In The City. It turned me off very quickly.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 23, 2024 08:38 AM (n17eQ)

366 Vanilla is hilarious. Now it means "plain" or "basic" (as in "vanilla DVD release" but it's the most popular ice cream flavor, and used to be an expensive and exotic spice.

I mean-- it was rare, but popular enough for the supply to increase so much that it's not at all rare anymore.

Absolute success story.

Fried chicken used to be another rich people food-- until new techniques brought the cost waaaaay down.

(many such cases)

Posted by: Lance McCormick at July 23, 2024 08:38 AM (1Idb6)

367 332 What happened in Bucks county?

H1-B visas, same as here in Chester County

Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 23, 2024 08:38 AM (s3qiR)

368 "glad you stopped by to read my comment"

Any time.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 23, 2024 08:38 AM (IHRQq)

369 Usha Vance, undergrad from Yale, Masters in Philosophy from Cambridge, Law degree from Yale, clerked for Roberts at the Supreme court, and worked for Kavanaugh when he was on the appeals court.

Posted by: runner at July 23, 2024 08:39 AM (V13WU)

370 It’s almost quaint to think we were wondering how the 25th amendment process could work - Dems just showed us how their process works. I doubt we’ll ever see Joe again, except in a coffin when they decide the time is right for a funeral.

Posted by: Tom Servo at July 23, 2024 08:39 AM (S6gqv)

371 you can just jump into It's Always Sunny anywhere it doesn't matter

there's a gang of idiots

they do dumb stuff

it's like a fictional version (more fictional?) of Jackass

Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 23, 2024 08:39 AM (s3qiR)

372 Nobody knows what vast numbers of elderly singles with no money are going to do, because it's never happened before. These are mostly guesses.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:31 AM (HnUIn)

Wait, whut?
-Medicaid and Medicare

Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 23, 2024 08:39 AM (JvZF+)

373 347 Regarding those who say vanilla ice cream is bland. Just add strawberries and whipped cream. Enjoy.

Posted by: dantesed at July 23, 2024 08:34 AM (Oy/m2)

I don't get why people dilute their ice cream and milkshakes with whipped cream. When I get a fast food shake and say no to whipped cream and the cherry the order-takers look at me like I'm insane.

Posted by: Gref at July 23, 2024 08:40 AM (5fDan)

374 Word to your mother.

Posted by: Vanilla Ice at July 23, 2024 08:40 AM (Aqu9a)

375 Aviva Klompas @AvivaKlompas 8h
This is Nashville, Tennessee.
This is America in 2024.
This is a clear sign of the rot in this country.
[photo of Glowies and reeetards with a black flag bearing a red swastika]

Ezra Levant 🍁🚛 @ezralevant 6h
For every redneck “Nazi” like this — most of whom are Feds — there are 1,000 antisemites in woke academia, or immigrants from antisemitic countries.

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 08:40 AM (wse2C)

376 370 It’s almost quaint to think we were wondering how the 25th amendment process could work - Dems just showed us how their process works. I doubt we’ll ever see Joe again, except in a coffin when they decide the time is right for a funeral.

Exactly Tom. Exactly. I knew the coup had happened in 2020 and we were in the mopping up phase, but now I REALLY KNOW IT

have to move have to move have to move

Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 23, 2024 08:40 AM (s3qiR)

377 Why bother even getting married if you live in Portugal.


I thought they were all Lisbons...

Posted by: muldoon at July 23, 2024 08:41 AM (uCfKO)

378 When I get a fast food shake and say no to whipped cream and the cherry the order-takers look at me like I'm insane.
Posted by: Gref

Ah, the same look is provided to my lovely wife when she orders unsweetened tea. In the South.

Posted by: Tonypete at July 23, 2024 08:41 AM (5Seyi)

379 It’s almost quaint to think we were wondering how the 25th amendment process could work - Dems just showed us how their process works. I doubt we’ll ever see Joe again, except in a coffin when they decide the time is right for a funeral.
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 23, 2024 08:39 AM (S6gqv)

Coffin? I'm thinking they'll go for the full Lenin.

Posted by: Count de Monet at July 23, 2024 08:42 AM (Aqu9a)

380 As bad as Obama's "Worldwide Apology Tour" was, imagine if Harris gets installed and goes on her "Fellate the World in 80 Days Tour."

Posted by: windbag at July 23, 2024 08:42 AM (ZsCfX)

381 I'm surprised Cheatle didn't resign this morning. Per the theatrics yesterday, the Party is very, very pissed off that the Killer Beavis plan failed. They had a lot riding on that bullet, they were waiting years for that bullet, and it came acropper, and now they had to whip up an impromptu coup with no great options on the other side of it.

Rightly or wrongly, someone has to pay for this failure, and they made it clear yesterday that she will be sacrificed.

Resignation is her best option. They'll force her out, or worse, if she doesn't do it. I'd submit the paperwork this morning, if I were her.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 23, 2024 08:42 AM (0FoWg)

382 I thought they were all Lisbons...
Posted by: muldoon at July 23, 2024 08:41 AM (uCfKO)

That would exspain it.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at July 23, 2024 08:42 AM (lD/pF)

383 Stolen election, treasury looted, show of military force for specifically for inauguration, political opponents jailed, ex-president shot...

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:43 AM (4NrhA)

384 365 This is a wonderful run on sentence. As for Deadwood it was like Babe: Pig In The City. It turned me off very quickly.
Posted by: Pudinhead at July 23, 2024 08:38 AM (n17eQ)

Yeah Deadwood isn’t for everyone.
I tend to tune the language out because the story, dialogue, and acting are so good. It’s a hard look at life.

I learned my sentence structure from Mark Twain.

Posted by: SpeakingOf at July 23, 2024 08:43 AM (6ydKt)

385 "Coffin? I'm thinking they'll go for the full Lenin."

They're saving that for Obama.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 23, 2024 08:43 AM (IHRQq)

386 Vanilla is hilarious. Now it means "plain" or "basic" (as in "vanilla DVD release" but it's the most popular ice cream flavor, and used to be an expensive and exotic spice.

A lot of vanilla flavored stuff barely has a taste. The good stuff (Wegmans French Vanilla ice cream, for instance) definitely has a real flavor and it’s excellent.

Posted by: Ian S. at July 23, 2024 08:43 AM (FD5dr)

Usha Vance, undergrad from Yale, Masters in Philosophy from Cambridge, Law degree from Yale, clerked for Roberts at the Supreme court, and worked for Kavanaugh when he was on the appeals court.

Posted by: runner at July 23, 2024 08:39 AM

Thanks for that. I've had some concerns about her.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at July 23, 2024 08:43 AM (RKVpM)

388 When I get a fast food shake and say no to whipped cream and the cherry the order-takers look at me like I'm insane.

It's pretty simple when you understand that they can't find the pictogram for that.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:43 AM (4NrhA)

389 I thought they were all Lisbons...

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 23, 2024 08:43 AM (n17eQ)

390 Ah, the same look is provided to my lovely wife when she orders unsweetened tea. In the South.
Posted by: Tonypete at July 23, 2024 08:41 AM (5Seyi)

Do the other people nearby point and howl like Donald Sutherland?

Posted by: Count de Monet at July 23, 2024 08:44 AM (Aqu9a)

391 @379/Count de Monet: If you thought John McCain's funeral lasted a long time, brace yourself.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 23, 2024 08:44 AM (O7YUW)

392 GayPatriot

The cunnilingus of the media is in full swing.

Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 08:44 AM (RHGPo)

393 Thanks for that. I've had some concerns about her.
Posted by: Divide by Zero at July 23, 2024 08:43 AM (RKVpM)


If she worked under Roberts and Kavanaugh you should still have some concerns.

Posted by: Seems Legit at July 23, 2024 08:44 AM (JeYYB)

394 A lot of vanilla flavored stuff barely has a taste. The good stuff (Wegmans French Vanilla ice cream, for instance) definitely has a real flavor and it’s excellent.
Wegmans Ice Cream Sandwiches are the best.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 23, 2024 08:45 AM (n17eQ)

395 Do the other people nearby point and howl like Donald Sutherland?
Posted by: Count de Monet

Damn right. I've been practicing my shocked face also. I'm too old to fight my way out.

Posted by: Tonypete at July 23, 2024 08:45 AM (5Seyi)

396 371 you can just jump into It's Always Sunny anywhere it doesn't matter

there's a gang of idiots

they do dumb stuff

it's like a fictional version (more fictional?) of Jackass

Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 23, 2024 08:39 AM (s3qiR)


I think it’s on Hulu.
I might give the first few episodes a shot on your recommendation.

Posted by: SpeakingOf at July 23, 2024 08:45 AM (6ydKt)

397 Charlie Kirk @charliekirk11 8h
People have sent me a post from Emily Goodin, senior White House correspondent for the DailyMail from July 17th. She documented that the flight time from Vegas to Dover was 3hrs 48 mins—extremely fast—and that AF1 flew so fast the "plane shook." This seems to confirm reports of how urgently AF1 took off out of Vegas. The questions now are:

Did Joe Biden have a serious medical event in Vegas that has been covered up?

Did that medical event contribute to his decision to pull out of the race?

How precarious is Joe Biden's current health condition?

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 08:45 AM (wse2C)

398 Charlie Kirk @charliekirk11 10h
UPDATE: I've received multiple emails like this one confirming many elements of the story. Many have confirmed that a call went out to block streets to get Biden to University Medical trauma center ASAP, and then the plan abruptly changed and they got him out on AF1 very quickly. I have not confirmed the IDs of these people, but there are an overwhelming number of stories corroborating essentially the same account that I felt comfortable sharing. I have people diving deeper into this now.

Emily Goodin @Emilylgoodin
POTUS arrives in Dover. “I’m doing well,” he said. Flight time from Vegas was 3 hour 48 minutes. AF1 flew so fast the plane shook

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 08:45 AM (wse2C)

399 That's only partly a joke. We stopped by the local McDonalds for the first time in years and the inside is completely changed. All kiosks, no cashier. When you order the food is brought to the counter by someone who is struggling to your name ("row-bee?") phonetically.

The kiosks are not only there to save money on staff, but now they can hire ANYONE.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:45 AM (4NrhA)

400 66 Kamala has a statement out saying she already has all the delegates needed to take the nomination.
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 23, 2024 07:11 AM (S6gqv)

Because the dems staged an honest to God Banana Republic coup, Kamala has zero delegates who are legally obligated to vote for her. The delegates may promise votes but they are under no legal obligation to follow through on those promises.

The DNC should be an interesting watch, either way.

Posted by: Redbanzai at July 23, 2024 08:46 AM (JOR6L)

401 The Kamala unveiling has been planned all along. Nothing about this is unexpected to those running it except possibly the timing.

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 08:46 AM (qrUD3)

If she worked under Roberts and Kavanaugh you should still have some concerns.

Posted by: Seems Legit at July 23, 2024 08:44 AM

They're not exactly Ruth Bader Ginsburg clones.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at July 23, 2024 08:46 AM (RKVpM)

403 378 Ah, the same look is provided to my lovely wife when she orders unsweetened tea. In the South.
Posted by: Tonypete at July

Think about being me- Alabama. I don’t do sugar often at all, so no sweet tea for me. It’s a daily thing. 😂

Posted by: Piper at July 23, 2024 08:46 AM (2N3ca)

New Type of Fungal Infection Claims Two Lives in China.

And here we go...

Anyone remember when Covid was still all the rage but fading, and-

Bill Gates came out and predicted that the next big deadly global pandemic would be-

a deadly fungal infection coming out of India?

With zero proof...just a prediction?


I guess this one also escaped the lab in China before it was fully ready and in place for its debut.

Posted by: naturalfake at July 23, 2024 08:46 AM (eDfFs)

405 A lot of vanilla flavored stuff barely has a taste. The good stuff (Wegmans French Vanilla ice cream, for instance) definitely has a real flavor and it’s excellent.

Yeah, there's a difference between real vanilla and the artificial stuff, and of course quantity has an effect. I just think it's interesting how some things get significantly less expensive over time (from greater supply or whatever) and idioms and figures of speech shift, not to mention the social/class aspects.

Posted by: Lance McCormick at July 23, 2024 08:46 AM (1Idb6)

406 This is Nashville, Tennessee. ...
[photo of Glowies and reeetards with a black flag bearing a red swastika] ...
Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 08:40 AM (wse2C)
Nashville? Nah, bro. Nashville is a fledgling prog utopia. The reality of southern neonazism is quite different from that.

You *can* find it. It's there. Drive down rural highways in Tennessee for long enough, and you'll see one of its vocal practitioners. Almost all examples of it look the same. It will be a rural area. Most of the houses (or small farms) will be somewhat shabby but well kept. There will be a few examples of decaying wrecks of houses that are one stiff breeze away from collapsing, set in weed-choked lots. If you are going to find KKK or Nazi banners, they will be on one of those houses.

You can find Klansmen and neo-Nazis in Tennessee, but not marching through Nashville of all places. They're usually poor and resentful and locked in a battle of mutual hatred with their poor and non-resentful neighbors.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:46 AM (HnUIn)

407 Usha Vance clerked for Roberts and worked for Kavanaugh.


Posted by: creeper at July 23, 2024 08:47 AM (M6moH)

408 I learned my sentence structure from Mark Twain.
Posted by: SpeakingOf at July 23, 2024 08:43 AM (6ydKt)

I was thinking Joseph Conrad.

Best to everyone in all their challenges today!

Posted by: Catherine at July 23, 2024 08:47 AM (ZSsrh)

409 "The DNC should be an interesting watch, either way."

That's part of the strategy. If everyone is watching the White House drama and wondering what comes next, no one is talking about Trump.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 23, 2024 08:47 AM (IHRQq)

410 Emily Goodin @Emilylgoodin
POTUS arrives in Dover. “I’m doing well,” he said. Flight time from Vegas was 3 hour 48 minutes. AF1 flew so fast the plane shook
Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 08:45 AM (wse2C)

If he has covid, and it's a big if, I bet his oxygen level dropped too low.. That's what happened to Trump when they took him to the hospital with covid...

Posted by: It's me donna at July 23, 2024 08:47 AM (IyPmt)

411 Thank you, JJ. Our prayers continue for you.
May the Good Lord continue to bless us and this great nation!

Posted by: uniparty, Raping and Mutilating the Children They Do Not Kill at July 23, 2024 08:47 AM (gxokI)

412 The guy who wrote the article on retirement seems to think planning for retirement is difficult. It's not. There are two rules:

1. Save every penny you can. Live poor. The reward comes later.
2. Do not assume Social Security will be waiting when you get there. It's a pyramid scheme, after all.
Posted by: creeper at July 23, 2024 08:37 AM (M6moH)

1. Not only does the reward come later, it trains you to live within your means. One video I watched said the worst problem new retirees often have is that they keep spending like they have an income.
2. Ugh. My it took me years to get my CFP to understand that I never wanted to see social security in any forecast. If it's there... great, bonus, but I don't want to NEED it because as sure as God made little green apples, if I need it then it won't be there.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 08:48 AM (U7wke)

413 Ersatz Paul Anka: Where's Joe?

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 23, 2024 08:48 AM (XV/Pl)

414 >>Yeah Deadwood isn’t for everyone.
I tend to tune the language out because the story, dialogue, and acting are so good. It’s a hard look at life.

Tune out the fucking language? Fuck that.

One of my favorite Deadwood scenes.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 23, 2024 08:48 AM (LkLld)

415 Tea is disgusting. All of it.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 23, 2024 08:48 AM (v6JzV)

416 407 Usha Vance clerked for Roberts and worked for Kavanaugh.

Posted by: creeper at July 23

We aren’t electing her.

Posted by: Piper at July 23, 2024 08:48 AM (2N3ca)

417 Was Biden's "medical event" related to them screwing up the attempt and a bloodied but unbreakable Trump raising his fist in the air like they had just missed Malcolm X.

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 08:48 AM (qrUD3)

418 Good morning, all, 🙏 and thanks, J.J.

Why not invoke the 25th Amendment? Once again, they want it all, they want it now.

Some strange bedfellows, indeed. Think of the years of planning for funding endowments of certain universities, knowing other funding sources would be forced to dry up.

UK Guardian- Unions rally round Harris as Trump makes populist appeal to workers

Kamala the brat; Kamala introduced with Beyonce song

USDOL - The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008: "GINA"

CNN - Hamas and Fatah sign declaration in Beijing on ending yearslong rift as war rages in Gaza

Posted by: L - If.... (Cellphone) at July 23, 2024 08:48 AM (LL19j)

419 When I get a fast food shake and say no to whipped cream and the cherry the order-takers look at me like I'm insane.
Posted by: Gref

Ah, the same look is provided to my lovely wife when she orders unsweetened tea. In the South.

Posted by: Tonypete at July 23, 2024 08:41 AM

Here in NE Texas almost all of the places that serve tea have two vats of tea, one for sweet and one for unsweetened.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 23, 2024 08:48 AM (QNSds)

420 Yeah Deadwood isn’t for everyone.
I tend to tune the language out because the story, dialogue, and acting are so good. It’s a hard look at life.

I learned my sentence structure from Mark Twain.
I learned my sentence structure from Henry Fielding. Run on sentences are marvelous and remarkably informative.

Deadwood struck me as a director trying too hard to top Sergio Leone.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 23, 2024 08:49 AM (n17eQ)

421 Wegmans Ice Cream Sandwiches are the best.
Posted by: Pudinhead at July 23, 2024 08:45 AM (n17eQ)
Wegmans' deli is top-notch.

I hated living in upstate NY. I was happy to leave and never looked back. The *one* silver lining was Wegmans. It wasn't enough to keep me in NYS, but I do miss it.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:49 AM (HnUIn)

422 I've seen several tweets insisting Kamala will destroy any Republican she meets in debate. Where do they get that insane notion?

Posted by: Northernlurker , wondering where his phone is at July 23, 2024 08:49 AM (JLq/1)

423 "I've seen several tweets insisting Kamala will destroy any Republican she meets in debate. Where do they get that insane notion?"

Anyone have any input on her previous debates?

Posted by: Ribbed at July 23, 2024 08:49 AM (IHRQq)

424 I'm not 25-44 and I could be childless and alone in 2030 because I have no idea what the future holds.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 08:37 AM (dTTBf)

Childless, in this case, means never having had a child. And you won't be alone because you have us. Try to sleep tonight with that weighing on your mind.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 08:49 AM (U7wke)

425 Usha never mentioned or even referred to Trump in her speech. Seemed odd to me.

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 08:50 AM (qrUD3)

426 That's part of the strategy. If everyone is watching the White House drama and wondering what comes next, no one is talking about Trump.

I feel like this will help Trump - Vance. A lot.

the chaos is tiring people very very fast

Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 23, 2024 08:50 AM (s3qiR)

427 , I don't think Dems are done if she keeps polling worse than Biden and dragging down races. They are about gaining power, not losing power...
Posted by: Nova Local


But if the CBC wants her along with Bernie & AOC, she's it.

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at July 23, 2024 08:50 AM (FxH7T)

428 @400/Redbanzai:

Cankles will meet with them to inform them how they're expected to vote but will remind them that they could always choose to go their own way, though that might not be the prudent long term choice.

Posted by: Cankles, probably. at July 23, 2024 08:50 AM (O7YUW)

429 Expect the media to go 1000% on stories that are completely insignificant as the biggest issues facing America.

They are already doing it to carry Kamala--focus on her biology, her "historic" and all that-- as far away as possible from her toxic record, her radical ideology, her intellectual skim.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at July 23, 2024 08:50 AM (sXCCN)

430 I've seen several tweets insisting Kamala will destroy any Republican she meets in debate. Where do they get that insane notion?
Posted by: Northernlurker ,

cause she called Joe an old racist that one time

Posted by: BruceWayne at July 23, 2024 08:50 AM (CIS44)

431 George Clooney endorses Kamala.

Posted by: redridinghood at July 23, 2024 08:51 AM (NpAcC)

432 those who have concerns about Trump's selected VP's wife, can call Trump and let him know about those concerns you know

Posted by: runner at July 23, 2024 08:51 AM (V13WU)

433 1. Save every penny you can. Live poor. The reward comes later.
2. Do not assume Social Security will be waiting when you get there. It's a pyramid scheme, after all.
Posted by: creeper


The problem being when inflation rips 50% of the value out of those saved dollars in four years, and 75% is gone in 10 years. Because that's what happening now, and all of it was on purpose by our federal government.

That $1M you saved is worth $500K. It will be worth $250K in 2030.

In hindsight I'm not convinced the guy that enjoyed life with new trucks and boats didn't have it right all along. I wouldn't try it, but still.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:51 AM (4NrhA)

434 Hamas and Fatah sign agreement in Beijing ‘ending’ their division, China says

Palestinian factions including rivals Hamas and Fatah have signed an agreement on “ending division and strengthening Palestinian unity” in Beijing, China said Tuesday. The announcement followed reconciliation talks hosted by China involving 14 Palestinian factions starting Sunday, according to China’s Foreign Ministry, which come as Israel wages war against militant group Hamas in Gaza and as Beijing has sought to present itself as a potential peace broker in the conflict.

... Fatah was wiped out by Hamas in Gaza long ago
expect a repeat

Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 08:51 AM (RHGPo)

435 401 The Kamala unveiling has been planned all along. Nothing about this is unexpected to those running it except possibly the timing.
They likely assumed Trump would be dead. Kamala's accession is a surprise.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 23, 2024 08:51 AM (n17eQ)

436 422 I've seen several tweets insisting Kamala will destroy any Republican she meets in debate. Where do they get that insane notion?
Posted by: Northernlurker , wondering where his phone is at July 23, 2024 08:49 AM (JLq/1)

If Trump follows through with the scheduled ABC Sept debate with Snuffaluffagus they may be right.. He needs to insist on a new venue... Better yet a Town Hall format

Posted by: It's me donna at July 23, 2024 08:51 AM (IyPmt)

437 When Biden was first elected, my conspiracy theory / joke was that Obama wanted two full terms plus ten years in Harris. Obama planned on Biden getting wiped out in the 2022 mid-terms, forced to resign for Harris.

The 2022 black swan election kept Biden viable.

Chicago Jesus has since had to go bare-knuckle.

The putsch is on.

Posted by: Candidus at July 23, 2024 08:51 AM (gqB9v)

438 I have taken up watching Fox of late. I have noticed that a significant number of their eye candy is wearing the star.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 23, 2024 08:51 AM (pohLc)

439 I hated living in upstate NY. I was happy to leave and never looked back. The *one* silver lining was Wegmans. It wasn't enough to keep me in NYS, but I do miss it.

we have wegmans in PA

it'd fine, the ones here used to be fantastic but went downhill a bit. that happens with every grocery chain in PA, because of our shitty unions

Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 23, 2024 08:51 AM (s3qiR)

440 ... (or was assuming he is still alive let alone compos mentis or compost) ...


First *snort* of the day -- thanks, JJ!

I'll have to steal that when I refer to F. Joe now as non compost mentis ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at July 23, 2024 08:52 AM (qC/Q1)

441 "Kamala Devi Harris" ran as South Asian in her first race in 2003 but her 2020 bio listed her only as a Black woman. In SF she was tough on crime, pro-ICE, pro-biz then shifted to a crim justice lefty on the national stage. What is her 2024 identity?

Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 08:52 AM (RHGPo)

442 Usha Vance clerked for Roberts and worked for Kavanaugh.

Good thing we’re voting for her husband. Not gonna hold that against him given our own JJ Sefton has admitted his wife is a liberal college professor.

Posted by: Ian S. at July 23, 2024 08:52 AM (FD5dr)

443 George Clooney endorses Kamala.

Posted by: redridinghood at July 23, 2024 08:51 AM (NpAcC)

That makes me re-evaluate my support for Trump.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at July 23, 2024 08:52 AM (SfhV1)

444 Watching and watching, and I'll say one more time--check your logistics AND your gear.

The solution to this issue is going to involve some violence, though nowhere near the level in that last unpleasantness. This will be prevalent in blue urban centers and not likely to last terribly long. I understand the preceding was speculation and may be in error, but my analysis indicates such is probable.

Posted by: IRONGRAMPA at July 23, 2024 08:52 AM (hKoQL)

445 "I've seen several tweets insisting Kamala will destroy any Republican she meets in debate. Where do they get that insane notion?"


Nobody believes that. She's stupid. Real dumb. This is narrative building. She will not win any debate, but the press will claim she did.

The other part of this will be the narrative that she's leading in the polls, and will be used for the claim that she won an election.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 23, 2024 08:53 AM (0FoWg)

446 > This seems to confirm reports of how urgently AF1 took off out of Vegas.
A ramp worker at the airport said AF-1 was in the air faster than any aircraft he's seen there. As soon as the doors were closed they were blowing down the runway.

I'll have to go look and see if there's any route info on ADS-B (flight tracking). Probably flew "dark" anyway.

*shrugs* Probably not important anymore.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 23, 2024 08:53 AM (Q4IgG)

447 GayPatriot

The cunnilingus of the media is in full swing.
Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 08:44 AM (RHGPo)

It's about time the knee was on the other foot. -- ,La

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 08:53 AM (U7wke)

448 The DNC should be an interesting watch, either way.
Posted by: Redbanzai at July 23, 2024 08:46 AM (JOR6L)

It could be, but I expect her to win on the first ballot.

Posted by: OrangeEnt at July 23, 2024 08:53 AM (0eaVi)

449 431 George Clooney endorses Kamala.
Who could have seen that coming? Next, you will tell me DeNiro will endorse Kamala.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 23, 2024 08:53 AM (n17eQ)

450 389 I thought they were all Lisbons...
Posted by: Pudinhead at July 23, 2024 08:43 AM (n17eQ)


Peruvia has always been at war with Lisbonia.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at July 23, 2024 08:53 AM (LxER7)

451 George Clooney endorses Kamala.
Posted by: redridinghood at July 23, 2024 08:51 AM (NpAcC)

Hold my Nespresso!

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at July 23, 2024 08:53 AM (lD/pF)

452 ALL planes shake. Something to do with engines producing thousands of pounds of thrust strapped to the wings, I think..

Posted by: creeper at July 23, 2024 08:53 AM (M6moH)

453 "Kamala Devi Harris" ran as South Asian in her first race in 2003 but her 2020 bio listed her only as a Black woman. In SF she was tough on crime, pro-ICE, pro-biz then shifted to a crim justice lefty on the national stage. What is her 2024 identity?

A receptacle for the demons who will speak through her.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 23, 2024 08:54 AM (rHxhM)

454 Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 23, 2024 08:40 AM (s3qiR)

Hey Orchid wouldn't you know the media has been "suddenly" blanketed with "the prosecutor vs the felon", a narrative I called verbatim 12 days ago right here on these very pages.

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 08:54 AM (qrUD3)

455 Deadwood was an outstanding show. Ian McShane as Al Swearengin (emphasis on the "swear"!!) was amazing.

Posted by: Doof at July 23, 2024 08:54 AM (RhGG0)

456 "I feel like this will help Trump - Vance. A lot. the chaos is tiring people very very fast"

Maybe. Trump usually trends downward when he's not in the news, but he also usually pumps the process instead of a steady run.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 23, 2024 08:54 AM (IHRQq)

457 In hindsight I'm not convinced the guy that enjoyed life with new trucks and boats didn't have it right all along. I wouldn't try it, but still.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:51 AM (4NrhA)
Moral hazards abound.

On the plus side, doing things the right way makes you a lot more resilient. Living below your means and not buying lots of toys on long credit terms means you can weather shocks. Lose a job? Okay. Tighten the belt, eat your savings, be set back - but live through it and keep a roof over your head and food on the table. If you do it the other way, you quickly run out of runway and bad things happen and you get to add the loss of all those toys and often your house, too, to the mix - adding the stresses of liquidation and moving to an already bad time.

Being affluent and broke is one of the worst conditions to be in.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:54 AM (HnUIn)

458 NATALISM: Give Parents the Vote! Let voting parents cast ballots for their children, including the unborn.

.. if you can tax unrealized gains, the unborn can vote.

Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 08:54 AM (RHGPo)

459 Ezra Levant 🍁🚛 @ezralevant 12h
I was told this was a conspiracy theory.

It’s actually a 177-page UN report.

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 08:54 AM (wse2C)

460 I don't like coup d'états to be honest with you. And that it has happened right in front of our eyes can be unnerving.

Posted by: runner at July 23, 2024 08:54 AM (V13WU)

461 A receptacle for the demons who will speak through her.
Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 23, 2024 08:54 AM (rHxhM)

And cackle

Posted by: It's me donna at July 23, 2024 08:54 AM (IyPmt)

462 Hey Orchid wouldn't you know the media has been "suddenly" blanketed with "the prosecutor vs the felon", a narrative I called verbatim 12 days ago right here on these very pages.


I'm still not worried she is just very icky on a lizard-brain level

Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 23, 2024 08:55 AM (s3qiR)

463 354 @314/Gref: See # 321 by andycanuck.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 23, 2024 08:35 AM (O7YUW)

Until a month ago all of the MFM except Doocey - maybe - would have covered for Joe being Total Joetato on any given day. Not after the debate. The MFM smells Joe's chemical-laden blood in the water and are after him. We'll see if they cover-up Kamala's idiocy as hard as they used to cover-up Joe's decrepitude. Magik 8-Ball says: Does Joe drool?

Posted by: Gref at July 23, 2024 08:55 AM (5fDan)

464 I wouldn't watch the DNC if I was strapped to the Clockwork Orange chair.

They are going to build up all this phony drama and then magically the DNC will be a psy op unity love fest for Hag II.

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 08:55 AM (qrUD3)

465 if they go with Kamala - we r good

if they switch her out ... hmm. could be a problem.

Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 23, 2024 08:55 AM (s3qiR)

466 yep

I'm still not worried she is just very icky on a lizard-brain level
Posted by: BlackOrchid at July 23, 2024 08:55 AM (s3qiR)

Mark these words too. Trump will make them regret ever using the word "prosecutor". He will have them running from it eventually. It's what he does.

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 08:56 AM (qrUD3)

467 Palestinian factions including rivals Hamas and Fatah have signed an agreement on “ending division and strengthening Palestinian unity”

Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 08:51 AM (RHGPo)

Rival factions with the exact same goals and methods. Always have been.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at July 23, 2024 08:56 AM (lD/pF)

468 Reading "Who is Kamala Harris?" was the most depressing pile of Leftist dogma that I've seen in a long, long time. I don't think most Democrats have any idea of what she believes in.

Posted by: JM in Ill -- Behold the Manchurian Candidate at July 23, 2024 08:56 AM (dd8RI)

469 I hated living in upstate NY. I was happy to leave and never looked back. The *one* silver lining was Wegmans. It wasn't enough to keep me in NYS, but I do miss it.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:49 AM (HnUIn)
What's wrong with six months of brutal lake effect winter followed by six months of heat and humidity?

Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 23, 2024 08:57 AM (JvZF+)

470 Nobody knows what vast numbers of elderly singles with no money are going to do, because it's never happened before. These are mostly guesses.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)'

Hokkaido, Japan. It was noticeable in every public place the country is old and getting older. They do what they do here in retirement villages: mope around in food courts, grocery shop for hours on end, sit in parks, go to endless medical appointments whether they really need them or not, watch TV, smile at the few children they see, and shoplift.

Posted by: LenNeal at July 23, 2024 08:57 AM (bFId9)

471 NJ Gov't Readies Mandatory Genomic Sequencing of All Newborn Baby Blood
Those they haven't aborted, I assume.

Why don't we just cut to the chase and build altars to sacrifice them to Baal?

Posted by: Eeyore at July 23, 2024 08:57 AM (1bNHn)

472 >>I don't like coup d'états to be honest with you. And that it has happened right in front of our eyes can be unnerving.

Coup attempts have been happening right before our eyes for years. Russia collusion, Ukraine phone call, the 2020 election and now the assassination attempt.

Biden is just the first successful one on the left.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 23, 2024 08:57 AM (LkLld)

473 I've seen several tweets insisting Kamala will destroy any Republican she meets in debate. Where do they get that insane notion?
Posted by: Northernlurker , wondering where his phone is at July 23, 2024 08:49 AM (JLq/1)

The media, which has never lied and never been wrong about anything in their memory - which stretches all the way back to breakfast - told them so, and tells them so constantly.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 08:57 AM (U7wke)

474 The FNC Morning Dipshits are celebrating Kamala's ascension and are quoting George Looney

Fair and balanced Junta Nooz!

Posted by: Ex GOP at July 23, 2024 08:57 AM (GpUII)

475 We could list the details at length, from the rapid coordination of the involved elites, each pursuing the fiction of reaction to affairs that they themselves authored, to the overthrow of the expressed will of tens of millions of primary voters.


Next you'll be telling me that over four dozen or maybe 51 former IC officials participated in and helped drive this soft coup as well.

Wait, wut?

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at July 23, 2024 08:58 AM (qC/Q1)

476 FNC is pissed Trump snubbed them for their obvious backstabbing.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 23, 2024 08:58 AM (IHRQq)

477 I am going to assume that Joe Biden is dead until the deep state offers convincing proof that he is not. This whole Harris campaign rollout thing is ridiculous. It is something they have been planning for weeks based on the speech and production value of the whole thing. The Joe Biden call was fake. No way he could talk like that for an extended period of time before trailing off into gibberish. The deep state is EVIL,

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at July 23, 2024 08:58 AM (1FWWQ)

478 Biden has now been in two coups - once as beneficiary, once as victim.

It's how the commies roll.

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 08:58 AM (qrUD3)

479 I've seen several tweets insisting Kamala will destroy any Republican she meets in debate. Where do they get that insane notion?
Posted by: Northernlurker , wondering where his phone is at July 23, 2024 08:49 AM (JLq/1)

The media, which has never lied and never been wrong about anything in their memory - which stretches all the way back to breakfast - told them so, and tells them so constantly.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 08:57 AM (U7wke)


"Every day is now a New Year Zero, comrades!"

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at July 23, 2024 08:59 AM (qC/Q1)

480 430 I've seen several tweets insisting Kamala will destroy any Republican she meets in debate. Where do they get that insane notion?
Posted by: Northernlurker ,

cause she called Joe an old racist that one time

Posted by: BruceWayne at July 23, 2024 08:50 AM (CIS44)

If Trump and Kamala debate I believe Trump will deal with her like I deal with a mosquito on my arm.

Posted by: Gref at July 23, 2024 08:59 AM (5fDan)

481 In hindsight I'm not convinced the guy that enjoyed life with new trucks and boats didn't have it right all along. I wouldn't try it, but still.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 08:51 AM (4NrhA)

I confess that I have that thought from time to time.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 08:59 AM (U7wke)

482 Coup attempts have been happening right before our eyes for years. Russia collusion, Ukraine phone call, the 2020 election and now the assassination attempt.

Biden is just the first successful one on the left.

second: 2020 election and J6 theatre was a smashing success. 350 million goobers said Yeah, Record Number of Votes!

Posted by: Ex GOP at July 23, 2024 08:59 AM (GpUII)

483 Masters in Philosophy from Cambridge

Her British degree is in history. The M.Phil. title has no more "philosophy" in it than the "Ph.D." does.

Posted by: Way,Way Downriver at July 23, 2024 09:00 AM (zdLoL)

484 Kamala has one disadvantage when she goes to debate Trump. She is an imbecile.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 23, 2024 09:01 AM (pohLc)

485 Tune out the fucking language? Fuck that.

One of my favorite Deadwood scenes.
Posted by: JackStraw at July 23, 2024 08:48 AM (LkLld)

No problems with the As, Ds, Fs, and Ss.
It’s those Cs that Deadwood is famous for that raises eyebrows around here.

Al Swearengen had to be the most complex villain ever created for television.

Posted by: SpeakingOf at July 23, 2024 09:01 AM (6ydKt)

486 Rob Reiner

Kamala Harris will be the 47th President of the United States. Democracy will survive.

Posted by: redridinghood at July 23, 2024 09:01 AM (NpAcC)

487 Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 08:49 AM (U7wke)

I knew what it meant. I was just expounding on the idea, but thanks for the word of support.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 09:01 AM (dTTBf)

488 And it is no secret that those are less and less the Ronald Reagan, limited government, free market, tax-cutting, deregulation, global policeman tenets.
There's a bit of misdirection going on in that. The author is just putting up a mirror to the misdirection performed by the Lowryite wing, who claimed that the above was what constituted the Republican party. Except for the last it included but was not limited to them. And I see no indication that that has changed.

Global policeman is something they made up. It's not Reaganite, it is Bushite.

Posted by: Eeyore at July 23, 2024 09:01 AM (1bNHn)

489 it's Kamala. there is no doubt about it. the only outstanding item is the VP pick. they are most likely looking at someone from the "Middle West", and though technically only part of Kentucky is mid-west, Beshear is at the top. Shapiro too.

Posted by: runner at July 23, 2024 09:01 AM (V13WU)

490 each pursuing the fiction of reaction to affairs that they themselves authored, to the overthrow of the expressed will of tens of millions of primary voters.

No worries. They'll all fall in line behind their new Messiah like the good little sheep they are...

Posted by: It's me donna at July 23, 2024 09:01 AM (IyPmt)

491 Democracy will survive.
Posted by: redridinghood at July 23, 2024 09:01 AM (NpAcC)

It hasn't been doing so swell the past four years, Robbie.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 09:02 AM (dTTBf)

492 Rob Reiner's "democracy" is not our democracy.

Posted by: runner at July 23, 2024 09:02 AM (V13WU)

493 David Sacks @DavidSacks 13h
I'm predicting this now: Harris has a likability problem. You see this in the staff turnover, in the fact that her advancement has mainly been through selections rather than elections, and in her awkwardness as soon as there's no script to follow. California is a one-party state dominated by machine politics. Advancement tests intra-party knife-fighting skills, not popularity with the people.

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 09:02 AM (wse2C)

494 Kamala was NOT tough on crime as DA.

She was soft on cop-killers and mass murderers.

Search for Ofc. Isaac Espinoza. Search for the murder of the Bologna family.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 23, 2024 09:02 AM (JvZF+)

495 So now Senator Hawley says that a whistleblower told him a person was assigned to the AGR roof but left his or her post because it was too hot. Also that local law enforcement was assigned to keep an eye on the area. Not sure it was city, county or state enforcement assigned.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at July 23, 2024 09:02 AM (g48JD)

496 486 Rob Reiner

Kamala Harris will be the 47th President of the United States. Democracy will survive.
Posted by: redridinghood at July 23, 2024 09:01 AM (NpAcC)

Not for long

Posted by: It's me donna at July 23, 2024 09:02 AM (IyPmt)

497 Jordan Schachtel @ @JordanSchachtel 12h
New Update: Biden's physician says that his Covid "symptoms have almost resolved completely" and that he "continues to perform all of his presidential duties."

So why have we not heard from or seen Biden?

Biden has not been seen in public since Wednesday.

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 09:03 AM (wse2C)

498 I hope she picks a woman.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at July 23, 2024 09:03 AM (SfhV1)

499 Where’s Joe? [so-called quote-unquote] President’s Schedule Wiped Clean After Ending Campaign Via Letter
Maybe we should call him "Akhenaten Biden".

Posted by: Eeyore at July 23, 2024 09:03 AM (1bNHn)

NJ Gov't Readies Mandatory Genomic Sequencing of All Newborn Baby Blood

NJ had - not sure if they still do - some testing when my daughters second son was born. He came up hot on a test with an incredible amount of false positives. Scared the hell out of her. I had to attempt to talk her off the ledge with some actual numbers.

I think I read later they discontinued the test. Jersey is one f'd up state in so many ways.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at July 23, 2024 09:03 AM (RKVpM)

501 The Junta Party is behaving as tyrants, while GOP acts as if its biz as usual: Vote for Us, yay! GOP in la la land

Posted by: Ex GOP at July 23, 2024 09:03 AM (GpUII)

502 "Why don't we just cut to the chase and build altars to sacrifice them to Baal?
Posted by: Eeyore at July 23, 2024 08:57 AM (1bNHn)"

you mean they're not, already?

my 0.02, likely there's an always-locked broom closet in every pp facility that has one in it.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - they have been lying to us for decades at July 23, 2024 09:03 AM (UWgy2)

503 Rob Reiner
Kamala Harris will be the 47th President of the United States. Democracy will survive.

NPC update is complete.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 23, 2024 09:03 AM (IHRQq)

504 So, Is everyone in agreement? We are doomed no matter what? Is that the consensus?

Posted by: Outside of Life at July 23, 2024 09:03 AM (89Sog)

505 >>Kamala has one disadvantage when she goes to debate Trump. She is an imbecile.

A big problem for Harris is that given how close we are to the election she needs to do a lot of catchup so I expect she will be pushed to make public appearances constantly. Every time she opens her mouth something stupid comes out.

We're going to get a lot of that over the next couple months.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 23, 2024 09:03 AM (LkLld)

506 Hey Orchid wouldn't you know the media has been "suddenly" blanketed with "the prosecutor vs the felon", a narrative I called verbatim 12 days ago right here on these very pages.
Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 08:54 AM (qrUD3)

Given that a lot of people agree with the idea that Trump's convictions are unjust, given that one of the items Tulsi used to end ,La's campaign was her unjust behavior as a prosecutor, I question how smart that is. I guess the media is, once again, relying on the short memories and collective stupidity of the American voter.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 09:03 AM (U7wke)

507 obama has always run the show.. and soros.. and the rest of the deep state.. but head of the snake an all..

Posted by: Zippyslug at July 23, 2024 09:04 AM (/jFSs)

508 If I was in consideration to be VP, I wouldn't want someone at the top of the ticket who was stupid and venal, but perhaps they hope Kamala will have an "event" too.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 09:04 AM (dTTBf)

509 Biden has now been in two coups - once as beneficiary, once as victim.

It's how the commies roll.
Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 08:58 AM (qrUD3)

A line from The Wire comes to mind -- "The game is the game". Convo between Avon Barksdale and Stringer Bell. Allies become adversaries. What puts you in power or makes you a player can/will take you down. The "game" in that scenario was drug dealing. Which isn't all that different from politics.

Live by the coup, die by the coup.

Posted by: Doof at July 23, 2024 09:04 AM (RhGG0)

510 "So, Is everyone in agreement? We are doomed no matter what? "


Posted by: Ribbed at July 23, 2024 09:04 AM (IHRQq)

511 >>Fried chicken used to be another rich people food-- until new techniques brought the cost waaaaay down.

Lobster used to be cheap and considered food for the poor, right?

Posted by: Lizzy at July 23, 2024 09:05 AM (Pijte)

512 Hoping (and yes she is that stupid) Kammy picks a man in a dress for her VP candidate.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 23, 2024 09:05 AM (pohLc)

513 David Sacks @DavidSacks 13h
I'm predicting this now: Harris has a likability problem. You see this in the staff turnover, in the fact that her advancement has mainly been through selections rather than elections, and in her awkwardness as soon as there's no script to follow. California is a one-party state dominated by machine politics. Advancement tests intra-party knife-fighting skills, not popularity with the people.
Posted by: andycanuck


Something that is unavoidable is that, even for LIVs, she played a key role in the Biden coverup of the last six months to four years.

All while Trump has been relentlessly and correctly pounding the drum that the deep state is in control of things.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 09:05 AM (4NrhA)

514 Trump does not do well in a debate. That last one was "won" because Biden was so awful. It won't happen with Harris.

Posted by: M. Gaga at July 23, 2024 09:05 AM (onAMJ)

515 Good morning, and thank you Mr Sefton.

"Kamala Harris Will Be Burdened By What Has Been"


so my question is: who DID greet Bibi N.? An Uber driver? Anybody?

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at July 23, 2024 09:05 AM (Rbu5d)

516 .....

Live by the coup, die by the coup.
Posted by: Doof at July 23, 2024 09:04 AM (RhGG0)

If you come at the King, you best not miss.

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 09:05 AM (qrUD3)

517 Eric Holder is doing the vetting of 6 governors to be Kamala's VP.

Posted by: redridinghood at July 23, 2024 09:06 AM (NpAcC)

518 Given the coup unfolding before our eyes, I think the GOP should do everything it can to keep Biden on and Harris off of any state ballot possible.

Posted by: Candidus at July 23, 2024 09:06 AM (gqB9v)

519 I watched the first episode of Deadwood. The swearing was too much for me; it was just so over the top. I was left with the impression that the writers suffered from a lack of vocabulary, education, creativity and imagination. I never watched another episode.

Posted by: Cankles, probably. at July 23, 2024 09:06 AM (O7YUW)

520 Posted by: Doof at July 23, 2024 09:04 AM (RhGG0)

Funny. When I think of Kamala I think of a line from Justified.

"You mean I had four kidneys??"

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 09:06 AM (qrUD3)

521 I am going to assume that Joe Biden is dead until the deep state offers convincing proof that he is not. This whole Harris campaign rollout thing is ridiculous. It is something they have been planning for weeks based on the speech and production value of the whole thing. The Joe Biden call was fake. No way he could talk like that for an extended period of time before trailing off into gibberish. The deep state is EVIL,
Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at July 23, 2024 08:58 AM (1FWWQ)

Concur. Emphatically.

Posted by: Doof at July 23, 2024 09:06 AM (RhGG0)

522 If Joe cannot function and Kamala needs to learn the job, I presume Obama is President

Posted by: Huck Follywood at July 23, 2024 09:07 AM (UnkOA)

523 Off Clinton harpie sock.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 23, 2024 09:07 AM (O7YUW)

524 Ugh, can't keep up with the horde today. Put me on team Let's Not Start the Gender Wars Today team.

Here's a thought: Dems are turning on Cheatle because she failed. Oh, not at protecting Trump, but in enabling him to be killed.

*places tin foil hat carefully back on the counter, instead of the cupboard, since it's come in so handy lately*

Posted by: Lizzy at July 23, 2024 09:07 AM (Pijte)

525 What's wrong with six months of brutal lake effect winter followed by six months of heat and humidity?
Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 23, 2024 08:57 AM (JvZF+)
That wasn't why I hated it. The bad climate was sort of offset by the staggering natural beauty.

It's just depressing. There is no economy to speak of (thanks, deindustrialization) and everyone is miserable. People are unpleasant in most interactions. Smiles were uncommon and even basic courtesy was often hard to come by. The whole place (the part of it I was in, anyway - the southern tier) was defined by surliness. Also a lot of dishonesty, especially in car shops.

Just a crushing place to live.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 09:07 AM (HnUIn)

526 If *biden's unable to discharge his duties as president I think Harris will be elevated. Even if only until the inauguration next year with whoever is "elected."

There's an emphasis on having the first black, female president as a Democrat. That is fodder the party can run on for decades. Even if it was under strange circumstances and only for a short period of time. Those issues will get buried by the media anyway.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 23, 2024 09:07 AM (Q4IgG)

527 I am going to assume that Joe Biden is dead until the deep state offers convincing proof that he is not. This whole Harris campaign rollout thing is ridiculous. It is something they have been planning for weeks based on the speech and production value of the whole thing. The Joe Biden call was fake. No way he could talk like that for an extended period of time before trailing off into gibberish. The deep state is EVIL,
Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at July 23, 2024 08:58 AM (1FWWQ)

Concur. Emphatically.
Posted by: Doof at July 23, 2024 09:06 AM (RhGG0)


Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at July 23, 2024 09:07 AM (tT6L1)

528 Al Swearengen had to be the most complex villain ever created for television.
Especially his orphanage tale.

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 09:07 AM (wse2C)

529 @524: It's amazing how many threads in the last 8 to 9 days have gone over 1,000 comments.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 23, 2024 09:08 AM (O7YUW)

530 Birdfeeder status: Many chickadees (love their calls) and hummingbird(s). The latter come one at a time, so I have no idea if it's several visitors, or one very, very hungry one.

Posted by: Lizzy at July 23, 2024 09:09 AM (Pijte)

531 Secret Service Director Says She Has Not Been To Butler 9 Days After Trump Assassination Attempt

but really, what would she do there? she's an incompetent DEI hire (at best). She'd be as usefull as Buttigieg was in Palestine after the RR spill.

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at July 23, 2024 09:09 AM (Rbu5d)

532 420 Deadwood struck me as a director trying too hard to top Sergio Leone.
Posted by: Pudinhead at July 23, 2024 08:49 AM (n17eQ)

I’m not sure of the creators’ intentions.
I believe they wanted to recreate, as close as possible, how it really was in the frontier of the West; the mud, the manure, you can almost smell the stench wafting around.

Almost the entire cast except Starr, Bullock, Alma Garret and Sophia looking like they haven’t bathed in a month.

The evil people running their scams and killings.
The good people trying to protect the innocent.
The in-between people, just trying to live and let live.

I find it all fascinating, and much more interesting and captivating than any spaghetti western.

Posted by: SpeakingOf at July 23, 2024 09:09 AM (6ydKt)

533 so my question is: who DID greet Bibi N.? An Uber driver? Anybody?
Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at July 23, 2024 09:05 AM (Rbu5d)

Customs inspector.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at July 23, 2024 09:09 AM (lD/pF)

534 Funny. When I think of Kamala I think of a line from Justified.

"You mean I had four kidneys??"
Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 09:06 AM (qrUD3)


Raylan: Have you been pissing?
Dewey: He took my kidneys, Raylan, not my dick!

Posted by: Doof at July 23, 2024 09:09 AM (RhGG0)

535 One point in all this - normally banana republics don't just end up having one coup and then becoming stable.

And that's what we see here. Trump was removed via a coup/election theft and now in turn Biden has been removed.

If they are allowed to steal the 2024 election under Harris's name don't be surprised if she gets removed by some other faction upset with her later (and I'm guessing the anti-Semitic faction specifically considering her husband).

Posted by: 18-1 at July 23, 2024 09:09 AM (oZhjI)

536 Maybe we should call him "Akhenaten Biden".


And Jill can be his mummy dearest.

Posted by: muldoon at July 23, 2024 09:09 AM (uCfKO)

537 I'm predicting this now: Harris has a likability problem. You see this in the staff turnover, in the fact that her advancement has mainly been through selections rather than elections, and in her awkwardness as soon as there's no script to follow. California is a one-party state dominated by machine politics. Advancement tests intra-party knife-fighting skills, not popularity with the people.
Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 09:02 AM (wse2C)

Kamala Harris is Meghan Markle without the acting "skill" or the 39 year old infant husband.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 09:09 AM (U7wke)

538 I think they're hiding Joe on purpose. It's not that there's anything new wrong with him.

They want people to see that the D party is bigger than him, stronger than him.

Not weak and frail and demented. Getting him out of the eye for a while is good branding while they reinvent.

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 09:10 AM (qrUD3)

539 >>Trump does not do well in a debate. That last one was "won" because Biden was so awful. It won't happen with Harris.

In 2016 Trump battered 16 professional Republican politicians to win the nomination in the debates and then did the same to the inevitable Hillary. He was too aggressive with Biden in 2020 and it backfired but he actually did very well with Biden a couple weeks ago. He was calm, knowledgable, funny and on point with details.

Harris' presidential campaign was ended by Tulsi Gabbard in less than 2 minutes on the debate stage. She's a babbling moron who loves yellow electric school buses sexually and is awed by space.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 23, 2024 09:10 AM (LkLld)

540 According to the msm all of you are kookie conspiracy nuts. Biden is simply recovering from Covid and resigned all on his own for twell
Being of the country, he’s a hero.

Posted by: Kumala Word Salad at July 23, 2024 09:10 AM (dXFAZ)

541 but really, what would she do there? she's an incompetent DEI hire (at best). She'd be as usefull as Buttigieg was in Palestine after the RR spill.

I don't know - I think a lot of good could come from sending Bootyjuice and his boytoy to Gaza right now...

Posted by: 18-1 at July 23, 2024 09:10 AM (oZhjI)

542 Continued prayer J.J.
Thank you for all you do every weekday morning.
First stop, even before the coffee maker.

Posted by: Reforger at July 23, 2024 09:11 AM (xcIvR)

543 >>I am going to assume that Joe Biden is dead until the deep state offers convincing proof that he is not. This whole Harris campaign rollout thing is ridiculous. It is something they have been planning for weeks based on the speech and production value of the whole thing. The Joe Biden call was fake. No way he could talk like that for an extended period of time before trailing off into gibberish. The deep state is EVIL,

I'm wondering if this has been the plan all along. It was odd they planned their DNC so late. Now, it makes sense.

Posted by: Lizzy at July 23, 2024 09:11 AM (Pijte)

544 If Joe Biden is dead, there needs to be a legit murder investigation.

Also, I feel weird turning into one of the Horde's conspiracy nuts, but welcome to 2024, it just gets weirder from here y'all.

Posted by: Brother Tim sez at July 23, 2024 09:11 AM (Nv+9A)

545 Markle is probably 10 times smarter than the whore.

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 09:11 AM (qrUD3)

546 508 If I was in consideration to be VP, I wouldn't want someone at the top of the ticket who was stupid and venal, but perhaps they hope Kamala will have an "event" too.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 09:04 AM (dTTBf)

Kamala will want someone dumber than herself and unattractive. Just like all Presidents/Presidential Candidates, she will not want a VP that could have any chance of overshadowing her. Which is why Joe picked her. Looks like Kamala will have to choose between Zoe Lofgren and Patty Murray.

Posted by: Gref at July 23, 2024 09:11 AM (5fDan)

547 Hokkaido, Japan. It was noticeable in every public place the country is old and getting older. They do what they do here in retirement villages: mope around in food courts, grocery shop for hours on end, sit in parks, go to endless medical appointments whether they really need them or not, watch TV, smile at the few children they see, and shoplift.
Posted by: LenNeal at July 23, 2024 08:57 AM (bFId9)
Japan still has those "safety nets" at least for now. So do we, at least for now. But neither of us can afford it. With no spouses and no children, life is going to get *very* hard for the elderly. Imagine going through health decline or - G-d forbid - dementia with zero support. Even if you have money - either yours or welfare - to keep a roof over your head, there will be nobody to help you.

It's going to be very, very hard and I suspect the mortality will be high. Watch the "life expectancy at age 50" figure closely, because the odds are good that it's going to decline precipitously as this new reality sets in.

If there's enough left in the tank to still track statistics, anyway.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 09:11 AM (HnUIn)

548 First poll done post “resignation” is out and has OrangeMan up by 2 nationally.

Posted by: Kumala Word Salad at July 23, 2024 09:12 AM (dXFAZ)

549 The Babylon Bee @TheBabylonBee 13h
'Sorry, No Refunds,' Says Hunter Biden To All The Foreign Governments That Sent Him Bribes

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 09:12 AM (wse2C)

550 Posted by: Lizzy at July 23, 2024 09:11 AM (Pijte)

Don't you question how all of this happened right after the RNC?

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 09:12 AM (qrUD3)

551 Why don't we just cut to the chase and build altars to sacrifice them to Baal?
Posted by: Eeyore

On it!!
-- Planned 'Parenthood'

Posted by: Tonypete at July 23, 2024 09:12 AM (5Seyi)

552 Trump does not do well in a debate. That last one was "won" because Biden was so awful. It won't happen with Harris.


At some point he'll quit getting lucky!!!!

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 09:12 AM (4NrhA)

553 Which is why Joe picked her. Looks like Kamala will have to choose between Zoe Lofgren and Patty Murray.
Posted by: Gref at July 23, 2024 09:11 AM (5fDan)

Don't forget Mazie

Posted by: It's me donna at July 23, 2024 09:12 AM (IyPmt)

554 Report: Joe Biden Cancels Nearly Ten Trips After Exiting Presidential Race

They cut off his supply of adenochrome? Or Jill's supply?

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at July 23, 2024 09:12 AM (Rbu5d)

555 If Joe Biden is dead, there needs to be a legit murder investigation.

In one week there was an assassination attempt on the likely winner of the 2024 election AND the incumbent president disappeared.

You'd have to be a "conspiracy nut" to not believe dark things are happening.

Posted by: 18-1 at July 23, 2024 09:12 AM (oZhjI)

556 but really, what would she do there? she's an incompetent DEI hire (at best). She'd be as useful as Buttigieg was in Palestine after the RR spill.
Turn on the ceremonial power-washer.

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 09:13 AM (wse2C)

557 >>Fried chicken used to be another rich people food-- until new techniques brought the cost waaaaay down.

Lobster used to be cheap and considered food for the poor, right?
Posted by: Lizzy at July 23, 2024 09:05 AM (Pijte)

Same with chocolate. Read up on Milton S. Hershey. Before he started mass producing chocolate, it was a luxury item.
His story is incredible. HIGHLY recommend reading about him and/or watching the episode of A&E Biography (remember that show?!?!) about him.

Posted by: Doof at July 23, 2024 09:13 AM (RhGG0)

558 Hmm vanilla ice cream, my favorite of the basic flavors. I love the smell of vanilla .... in the morning, Better than Napalm.
I used vanillin in the lab as a TLC spray.

Posted by: Ciampino - At least the sky's not falling yet #40 at July 23, 2024 09:13 AM (qfLjt)

559 "Harris' presidential campaign was ended by Tulsi Gabbard in less than 2 minutes on the debate stage. She's a babbling moron who loves yellow electric school buses sexually and is awed by space."

I don't think you should underestimate someone who made it to being the most likely Democrat candidate for president of the United States. I don't think she's the return of Winston Churchill, but this ain't her first rodeo and she's obviously hungry for it. Downplaying her skills doesn't help anyone but her.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 23, 2024 09:13 AM (iFMeW)

560 Rob Reiner

Kamala Harris will be the 47th President of the United States. Democracy will survive.

Posted by: redridinghood at July 23, 2024 09:01 AM

In other words, we have to destroy democracy in order to save democracy.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 23, 2024 09:13 AM (QNSds)

561 I wouldn't watch the DNC if I was strapped to the Clockwork Orange chair.

They are going to build up all this phony drama and then magically the DNC will be a psy op unity love fest for Hag II.

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 08:55 AM (qrUD3)


Ditto. This year's RNC was the first one I've watched since Palin brought town the house with that tremendous speech in 2008.

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at July 23, 2024 09:13 AM (qC/Q1)

562 Huh, imagine that. The DOJ just found it.


NEW: The Justice Department has been in touch with special counsel Bob Hur and located a partial transcript of Joe Biden’s interviews with his ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer — which it previously claimed it didn’t have — according to a new court filing.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 23, 2024 09:14 AM (LkLld)

563 They absolutely need to prove that Joe is still alive.

Until they do, one has to assume he's dead.

Posted by: XTC at July 23, 2024 09:14 AM (6Uni8)

564 Who’s in Charge: Pelosi, Obama, or the Clintons?
A very stupid article. A mishmash of bad Whig mythology, that doesn't deliver the answer it promises, or even a half-assed excuse for not doing so.

To discuss what the author does: We can rule out Obama as too stupid. Same problem for Hillary, even when sober.

That leaves Bill Clinton, who I suspect isn't really into that anymore. What he's interested in are those who have outgrown Biden's desires.

So, assuming the foursome, it must be Pelosi.

Posted by: Eeyore at July 23, 2024 09:14 AM (1bNHn)

565 Just a crushing place to live.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 09:07 AM (HnUIn)

Sorry to hear that. I had a very different experience living there 30 years ago. I found strangers very friendly and welcoming. I had good abs back then, maybe it was that.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 23, 2024 09:14 AM (JvZF+)

566 Also, quit crediting these people as master planners. I mean yes, they scheme and plan, but the schemes and plans are dumb as can be, and it's only because of position and lack of effective resistance they work as well as they do.

Posted by: Brother Tim sez at July 23, 2024 09:14 AM (Nv+9A)

567 I saw a video where a guy traveled to west africa and gave cocoa farmers chocolate bars.

And even though it was cheap hershey bars the looks on those guys faces...they'd never tasted something like that before...

Posted by: 18-1 at July 23, 2024 09:14 AM (oZhjI)

568 NEW: The Justice Department has been in touch with special counsel Bob Hur and located a partial transcript of Joe Biden’s interviews with his ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer — which it previously claimed it didn’t have — according to a new court filing.
Posted by: JackStraw at July 23, 2024 09:14 AM (LkLld)

It's a moot subject now

Posted by: It's me donna at July 23, 2024 09:15 AM (IyPmt)

569 Hershey, PA is worth the trip.

The thing I remember the most is he put up his share of the candy fortune at the time - something like $15M in the early 1900s - to establish and orphanage. That was incredible and I admire the heck out of it.

Nowadays the same people just build yachts and insist that bridges be removed.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 09:15 AM (4NrhA)

570 Markle is probably 10 times smarter than the whore.
Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 09:11 AM (qrUD3)

I suppose I could have a quip about how even Joe could clear that bar but I think Markle is more cunning than intelligent.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 09:15 AM (U7wke)

571 553 Which is why Joe picked her. Looks like Kamala will have to choose between Zoe Lofgren and Patty Murray.
Posted by: Gref at July 23, 2024 09:11 AM (5fDan)

Don't forget Mazie

Posted by: It's me donna at July 23, 2024 09:12 AM (IyPmt)

Oh, crap. You win this round!

Posted by: Gref at July 23, 2024 09:15 AM (5fDan)

572 The big problem with "Deadwood" for all the good stuff was dedicating..what was it?...six(?) episodes to Swearington's kidney issues.

And with no real payoff to the time invested in that episode.

I guess the take-away there was having kidney stones in the Old West sucked.

Fine, whatever, good thinking there Einstein.

Posted by: naturalfake at July 23, 2024 09:15 AM (eDfFs)

573 " expect she will be pushed to make public appearances constantly. Every time she opens her mouth something stupid comes out."


Yes, but the videos will be edited by the professional journalists to minimize her stupidity.

You would not believe the # of people who have no idea about the stupid stuff she's said. My uncle is a Biden-supporting LIV. I quoted him stuff she has said and he asked "who said that?"

Posted by: Jay in PA at July 23, 2024 09:15 AM (i7Q7S)

574 557 >>Fried chicken used to be another rich people food-- until new techniques brought the cost waaaaay down.
Well yes, roast chicken was a common Sunday dinner dish amongst those with money.

Posted by: Ciampino - At least the sky's not falling yet #41 at July 23, 2024 09:16 AM (qfLjt)

575 Also, quit crediting these people as master planners. I mean yes, they scheme and plan, but the schemes and plans are dumb as can be, and it's only because of position and lack of effective resistance they work as well as they do.

Imagine if the PA assassination attempt happened in say...FL...or really anywhere where there is an effective opposition.

We'd be in a very different place right now because this "investigation" is going to end with Cheatle riding out the storm and then later resigning to a board role somewhere just like Gorelick...

Posted by: 18-1 at July 23, 2024 09:16 AM (oZhjI)

576 569 Hershey, PA is worth the trip.

The thing I remember the most is he put up his share of the candy fortune at the time - something like $15M in the early 1900s - to establish and orphanage. That was incredible and I admire the heck out of it.

Nowadays the same people just build yachts and insist that bridges be removed.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 09:15 AM (4NrhA)

One weird thing is that apparently nobody can own land there. It all belongs to the trust, and when you "buy" property, you're actually on a 99-year lease.

Posted by: XTC at July 23, 2024 09:16 AM (6Uni8)

577 Mornin', Horde.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 23, 2024 09:16 AM (Wnv9h)

578 Julie Kelly @julie_kelly2 30m
"He then disappeared from public view for nearly two hours while reporters waited outside the restaurant in extreme heat, pacing along the president’s motorcade and knocking on the car windows to ask staff members for an update."

He left tarmac at 3:20pm. Reporters said AF1 traveled so fast back to Delaware that "the plane shook."

The oversaturation of coverage about Kamala Harris not only is designed to boost her from a political pariah to KWEEN in a matter of 24 hours but to cover up what appears to be a major medical event suffered by Biden.

FURTHER, if accurate, this contradicts reporting that Biden gracefully exited the race to put "country over party."

More likely he raged about being able to stay in the race despite his incapacitation.

Only until Pelosi threatened to go public with the possible stroke news did he relent. "Easy way or the hard way."

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 09:17 AM (wse2C)

579 Damnatio memoriae has been practiced throughout various civilizations.

Democrats are no different from the Egyptians and Romans in this regard.

Posted by: stu-mic-o-sucks at July 23, 2024 09:17 AM (w9Wax)

580 July Polls: Trump Crushes Harris in 13 National Surveys

Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 09:18 AM (RHGPo)

581 "She's a babbling moron who loves yellow electric school buses sexually and is awed by space."


The loop of her talking about Venn diagrams is surreal.

She may very well be the dumbest person ever elected to a national office.

Posted by: Jay in PA at July 23, 2024 09:18 AM (i7Q7S)

582 Morning.

It's too much to think Kamala is the head of the coup, right? She's mostly the face of it.

But it's amazing how quickly they got all the poster designs and campaign slogans going from the first moment on. "The Prosecutor vs. The Felon." Golly gee, I wonder how many weeks of market testing they did to land on that?

Funny enough our very own Ellipsis predicted that slogan back on the 11th. Really!

"466 So will it be Kamala and a five month tongue bath with her as the Most Amazing President Evar? The tough prosecutor vs the felon?

The great thing is Trumpy has all kinds of great stuff lined up for Kamala. She has a bad past. Nasty Woman.
Posted by: ... at July 11, 2024 11:00 AM (U2stO)"

Kamala is probably less well liked than Hillary and a shameless whore to boot. There's a message to send to every little American girl. You, too, can break the glass ceiling if you just suck and fuck all the right men.

The Democrats are starting to get energized again. Most elections are just about getting out the vote and this one will absolutely be that. Horde! Vote early and vote often! Donate time and money if at all possible. Vote, baby!

Posted by: Robert at July 23, 2024 09:18 AM (dKrYG)

Nowadays the same people just build yachts and insist that bridges be removed.

The mega rich back then were Christians.

The mega rich now are not and have embraced an ideology that says that normal people need to be controlled if not eliminated.

Posted by: 18-1 at July 23, 2024 09:18 AM (oZhjI)

584 >>I don't think you should underestimate someone who made it to being the most likely Democrat candidate for president of the United States. I don't think she's the return of Winston Churchill, but this ain't her first rodeo and she's obviously hungry for it. Downplaying her skills doesn't help anyone but her.

Inventing a persona for her just to be afraid doesn't help either. When she ran in 2020 she was adored by the media as the female version of Obama. She was showered with fawning media and it was widely thought she was going to be the nominee.

Then the debates started. She left the campaign never rising about a couple percent in the polls and before a single vote was cast. The only reason she is in this position is because she survived CA Democrat machine politics and Joe specifically announced he was going to have a DEI black female VP. That narrowed the field a tad.

Seriously, go listen to any of her speeches and interviews over the last 3 1/2 years and tell me this woman fills you with dread. Even Democrats don't really like her.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 23, 2024 09:19 AM (LkLld)

585 One point in all this - normally banana republics don't just end up having one coup and then becoming stable.

After Nero, Rome had Emperor of the Week going on until things started to settle down.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 23, 2024 09:19 AM (rHxhM)

586 >>Don't you question how all of this happened right after the RNC?

Absolutely. They attempted to take out both POTUS nominees - only one succeeded - within two weeks, both right before their respective party nomination events.
Think those who have speculated that the plan was a surprise, late-breaking Nikki Haley - Kamala Harris race are onto something.

Posted by: Lizzy at July 23, 2024 09:19 AM (Pijte)

587 So, assuming the foursome, it must be Pelosi.

Posted by: Eeyore at July 23, 2024 09:14 AM (1bNHn)

Well, it's Pelosi.

She really has been the Fair-Haired Child of Malignancy and Gangsterism in the Democrat Party.

Except for becoming Preezy, she's pretty much achieved every nation-damaging goal she's set for herself in life.

Posted by: naturalfake at July 23, 2024 09:19 AM (eDfFs)

588 Seriously, why would I give a shit if Biden is alive or dead?

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 23, 2024 09:19 AM (pohLc)

589 42 What is time really, anyway?
Posted by: Tonypete
No, really... What difference does it make, if some yokel wakes at 5 a.m., but sits on his butt, watching teevee & drinking beer all day, while his home falls apart?
Contrast with another yokel, what wakes at noon, but manages to keep a job, maintain his house, and put food on the table for his family.
Posted by: JQ at July 23, 2024 06:55 AM (njWTi)

We all wonder of the passage of time......
Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at July 23, 2024 07:00 AM

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at July 23, 2024 09:19 AM (Rbu5d)

590 "You, too, can break the glass ceiling if you just suck and fuck all the right men."


Posted by: Ribbed at July 23, 2024 09:19 AM (iFMeW)

591 Pelosi and the Clintons are ancients they’re not running shit. Obama has some dabbling probably. But even he’s kinda faded away. The people running things are people you’ve never heard off. 41 year old chicks with big glasses and soy boys with funding from big tech, Saudis, Sorors, etc.

Posted by: Kumala Word Salad at July 23, 2024 09:19 AM (dXFAZ)

592 Hillary: If you marry the right philandering cad you too can become a girl boss!

Harris: If you sexually serve the right philandering cad you too can become a girl boss!

Posted by: 18-1 at July 23, 2024 09:19 AM (oZhjI)

593 Unelected globalists at the World Economic Forum (WEF) are calling on governments to usher in “digital IDs” for members of the general public.

.. they do realize this will end all of the excuses for not having Voter ID
it will also make it nearly impossible for illegals to hide in any country

Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 09:20 AM (RHGPo)

594 It's a moot subject now
Posted by: It's me donna at July 23, 2024 09:15 AM (IyPmt)


Posted by: runner at July 23, 2024 09:20 AM (V13WU)

595 Everything about Kamala ascending to the top of the DNC ticket isn't normal. Heck, everything currently going on with Joe is weird.

Yet, the NPC's of the left don't see it.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at July 23, 2024 09:20 AM (tT6L1)

596 I recall the NYT and Jen Psaki (probably others) both making statements to the effect re: Trump along the lines of "who knows, Trump is old, things could happen and he may not be around in November."

Posted by: Lizzy at July 23, 2024 09:20 AM (Pijte)

597 Michelle Obama to replace Kamala Harris?:
Vivek Ramaswamy's new prediction on US presidential race

Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 09:20 AM (RHGPo)

598 ".. they do realize this will end all of the excuses for not having Voter ID. it will also make it nearly impossible for illegals to hide in any country"

You don't need voter ID if you can shut someone's bank account off for voting the wrong way.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 23, 2024 09:21 AM (IHRQq)

599 Seriously, why would I give a shit if Biden is alive or dead?
Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 23, 2024 09:19 AM (pohLc)

Because whoever is running the country is usurping power illegally and doing so quite openly.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at July 23, 2024 09:21 AM (tT6L1)

600 Let's get to the determinative question: Who does the FBI/CIA think is President?

Posted by: Huck Follywood at July 23, 2024 09:21 AM (myAA3)

601 "The mega rich now are not and have embraced an ideology that says that normal people need to be controlled if not eliminated."


Yes. They all have big families, but that is *for them* not for you, peon.
[Side note: really depressing to see Jennifer Garner, a WV girl raise 3 kids as gender confused.]

You also see this by what I call the "leadership class" of buffoon CEO's who repeat "AI" as if some sort of religious mantra. Of course AI is going to displace 10's of thousands of workers and that is a social good to these weirdos.

Posted by: Jay in PA at July 23, 2024 09:21 AM (i7Q7S)

602 595 Yet, the NPC's of the left don't see it.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at July 23, 2024 09:20 AM (tT6L1)

Questioning it would be a thought crime, and get them expelled from the left.

Posted by: XTC at July 23, 2024 09:21 AM (6Uni8)

603 NEW: The Justice Department has been in touch with special counsel Bob Hur and located a partial transcript of Joe Biden’s interviews with his ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer — which it previously claimed it didn’t have — according to a new court filing.
Posted by: JackStraw at July 23, 2024 09:14 AM

Pretty sure all sorts of stuff is going to come out now that biden has quit the race. We might get to actually see that interview tape he did with the special counsel.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 23, 2024 09:21 AM (QNSds)

604 476 FNC is pissed Trump snubbed them for their obvious backstabbing.
Posted by: Ribbed
There is a shot of Rupert Murdoch and his sour grapes attitude when Vance was selected as VP.

I am beginning to believe that Fox was more or less the center of global idiocy in the GOP and responsible in part for the turn from sober analysis to idiotic nation building and globalism built on the blood from 9/11.

Certainly, the Murdochs are singularly responsible for the continuing political existence and influence of the Texas Toad, Karl Rove and should be reviled for that in and of itself.

The disintegration of American industry is in part because the media, tech, etc. are all cloud people floating above the real economy. Time to turn them off permanently and cut the cord. Plenty of other media alternatives including now Twitter to get your news rather than Fox or the other Murdoch ruined properties like the Wall Street Journal.

Posted by: whig at July 23, 2024 09:21 AM (RcRst)

605 Moochelle and Hilary are like Iran and nukes. Always a week away from happening. 😂

Posted by: Kumala Word Salad at July 23, 2024 09:22 AM (dXFAZ)

606 When Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson announced in March that it was filing a “first-of-its-kind lawsuit” against firearm manufacturer Glock, the city drummed up publicity with a press release and widespread media coverage. There was no press release and no media coverage on Monday when the city’s attorneys unceremoniously dropped the case in a two-sentence federal court filing.

Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 09:22 AM (RHGPo)

607 Hershey, PA is worth the trip.

The thing I remember the most is he put up his share of the candy fortune at the time - something like $15M in the early 1900s - to establish and orphanage. That was incredible and I admire the heck out of it.

Nowadays the same people just build yachts and insist that bridges be removed.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 09:15 AM (4NrhA)

Home of the back to back (and now 13 time) Calder Cup champion Hershey Bears!!!

The Hotel Hershey, built during the Depression, is till there and an impressive building. One of my favorite things I learned about Milton...
During the construction of the hotel, which he refused to stop despite the Depression, the construction foreman was showing him a steam shovel. The foreman said something like "this thing is incredible, it does the work of 10 men". To which Milton replied "then get rid of it, and hire 10 men".

Milton Hershey and his wife had booked passage on the Titanic, but canceled due to her health. So much of the Hershey company would very likely not exist had they not canceled that trip.

Posted by: Doof at July 23, 2024 09:22 AM (RhGG0)

608 It's about time to stop ascribing so many Trump victories to luck and acknowledge the man is a consummate fighter well able to turn adversity into victory. If one has the temerity to challenge him, that person had best bring their Aplus game, or not bother to engage.

Posted by: IRONGRAMPA at July 23, 2024 09:22 AM (hKoQL)

609 Kamala Harris will pick Stacy Abrams as her VP.

That, however, requires Abrams to step down as Governor of Georgia.

Posted by: dantesed at July 23, 2024 09:22 AM (Oy/m2)

610 Because whoever is running the country is usurping power illegally and doing so quite openly.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at July 23, 2024 09:21 AM (tT6L1)


Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 23, 2024 09:22 AM (pohLc)

611 Julie Kelly @julie_kelly2 11h
Kamala Harris has no accomplishments as senator and vice president so Democrats are running on her record as a "prosecutor" and CA AG from years ago.

Except her record in both positions was dismal--in some ways she was a Soros prosecutor before being a Soros prosecutor was cool--and she flopped as a presidential candidate.

Only the sheep that populate the Democratic Party will buy "the prosecutor v the felon" messaging. She has supported every criminal act from BLM riots and illegal border crossings to the Biden family crime racket.

Now Dems are rebranding her as a tough-on-crime warrior? Give me a small break.

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 09:22 AM (wse2C)

612 597 Michelle Obama to replace Kamala Harris?:
Vivek Ramaswamy's new prediction on US presidential race
Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 09:20 AM (RHGPo)

He's said that for Months... What are her qualifications ? Black and Obama's beard ? Besides.. She's too accustomed to the good life

Posted by: It's me donna at July 23, 2024 09:23 AM (IyPmt)

613 Because whoever is running the country is usurping power illegally and doing so quite openly.

We've gone from the subtly of taking over the GOP to the much less subtle process of openly stealing the 2020 election to now just replacing presidents at will.

This is something that should terrify anyone paying attention.

Posted by: 18-1 at July 23, 2024 09:23 AM (oZhjI)

614 @604, whig

I love everything you just said and agree. I despise Fox News.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 23, 2024 09:23 AM (iFMeW)

615 AI is going to displace 10's of thousands of workers and that is a social good to these weirdos.
Posted by: Jay in PA at July 23, 2024 09:21 AM (i7Q7S)

Thousands? Try millions. And not tens but hundreds.

Posted by: Kumala Word Salad at July 23, 2024 09:23 AM (dXFAZ)

616 POLITICO: Feds discover transcripts of Biden chats with biographer

.. how nice

Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 09:23 AM (RHGPo)

617 >>It's a moot subject now

Might be a shot across Joe's bow in case he is making sounds about rising from the crypt.

The DOJ didn't just find the transcript everyone has been asking about for months now that the issue seems over. They don't just do things like that for no reason.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 23, 2024 09:23 AM (LkLld)

618 >>Unelected globalists at the World Economic Forum (WEF) are calling on governments to usher in “digital IDs” for members of the general public.

.. they do realize this will end all of the excuses for not having Voter ID
it will also make it nearly impossible for illegals to hide in any country

"Countries?" You think they're going to retain national sovereignty?

Posted by: Lizzy at July 23, 2024 09:24 AM (Pijte)

619 So?
Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 23, 2024 09:22 AM (pohLc)

Because the people behind the curtain need to be revealed. We don't know who they are and they obviously wish to remain anonymous.

They're hiding because they still fear there might be consequences.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at July 23, 2024 09:24 AM (tT6L1)

620 Good morning all and to the big names in the GOP, especially Senator Ted Cruz, would you PLEASE STFU and quit saying stupid things like how we shouldn't "underestimate" Kamala Harris!!
Do you hear ANY Democrat ever saying to not underestimate Trump or Vance, or anyone on the right side of the aisle? No you don't, because they are about promoting their candidates, not giving tacit praise to their opponents. And I respect Ted Cruz but dear Lord, most Republicans have zero political sense. Useful idiots but never to our advantage!

Posted by: Tracy at July 23, 2024 09:24 AM (j4eDc)

621 This is something that should terrify anyone paying attention.
Posted by: 18-1 at July 23, 2024 09:23 AM (oZhjI)

No, it should anger anyone paying attention. Buy ammo.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 23, 2024 09:24 AM (pohLc)

622 You also see this by what I call the "leadership class" of buffoon CEO's who repeat "AI" as if some sort of religious mantra. Of course AI is going to displace 10's of thousands of workers and that is a social good to these weirdos.
Posted by: Jay in PA
Some of the lowest hanging fruit for AI to replace are actually the call centers in India, etc. via chatbots. Beyond that, much of what is called AI right now is simply the latest scam (remember blockchain) on the investing public.

That bubble will burst and be replaced by something else depending on whether the Fed takes away the punchbowl.

Posted by: whig at July 23, 2024 09:24 AM (RcRst)

623 NY Post Dubs Big Apple ‘Rape City,’ Cites Violence From Illegals, Bail Reform

Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 09:24 AM (RHGPo)

624 3 they are ruining the economy for 47. maybe even a depression.
Posted by: hifi at July 23, 2024 06:28 AM (ZBUT4)

and... he can come in, and get all the credit for the recovery

Posted by: ed gibbon at July 23, 2024 09:24 AM (1Yzy6)

625 They warned China is buying up land, all the while the Middle East eyed the ports, shipbuilding, employment, meat, real estate, and more. And both 'hands' in education.

Can we unwind who's in charge of what thanks to The 'Delaware Way,' Nevada's corporate creation system...

Posted by: L - If.... (Cellphone) at July 23, 2024 09:25 AM (LL19j)

626 I saw a video where a guy traveled to west africa and gave cocoa farmers chocolate bars.

And even though it was cheap hershey bars the looks on those guys faces...they'd never tasted something like that before...

Posted by: 18-1 at July 23, 2024 09:14 AM (oZhjI)

I heard of an organization that visits dogs who are about to be put down and feeds them chocolate just beforehand -- saying no creature should die without knowing the joy of eating chocolate.

Posted by: Doof at July 23, 2024 09:25 AM (RhGG0)

627 I would have Hoored around but I didn't get many takers except for Huma, Vince Foster and Webb Hubbell.

Posted by: HILLARY! at July 23, 2024 09:25 AM (1FWWQ)

628 It's about time to stop ascribing so many Trump victories to luck and acknowledge the man is a consummate fighter

I suspect part of this is that Trump isn't the best fighter but he's one of the very few Republicans with any national presence because he actually DOES fight.

If one were to imagine every high profile R were to just have Trump's fighting spirit we could maybe still save this country...but right now its Trump...DeSantis...and on a good day Abbott. And that's just about it.

Posted by: 18-1 at July 23, 2024 09:25 AM (oZhjI)

629 Because the people behind the curtain need to be revealed. We don't know who they are and they obviously wish to remain anonymous.

They're hiding because they still fear there might be consequences.
Posted by: blake
Destabilizing a country for profit and gain always creates consequences because quite simply you can predict reasonably for the short term but in the long term predictions become fortune telling.

Almost impossible to anticipate much beyond first or mebbe second order effects from a particular action.

Posted by: whig at July 23, 2024 09:26 AM (RcRst)

630 The thing about Roman emperors is that if bad enough, they ended up with knives in their guts. The smart ones knew this, the dumb ones, well, they didn't.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 23, 2024 09:27 AM (pohLc)

631 AI is already displacing workers. Anything data related is no longer going to be a job. Instead of paying someone to compile data into reports or similar work, I just as ChatGPT to produce that report for me now.

It’s not quite here yet but developer jobs will be gone in the not too distant future. At least low leve dev jobs that just crank out code. ChatGPT can already crate basic methods from simple inputs.

Posted by: Kumala Word Salad at July 23, 2024 09:27 AM (dXFAZ)

632 >>Kamala Harris has no accomplishments as senator and vice president so Democrats are running on her record as a "prosecutor" and CA AG from years ago.

Someone please ask the awesome Ms. Kelly to name so-called "Most Qualified Presidential Candidate Ever" Hillary Clinton's accomplishments.

The point is: this is not a deal-breaker for the party or its dumb voters. They respond to emotion and hype. See: "Yes We Can!" [insert Sheppard Fairey image here]

Posted by: Lizzy at July 23, 2024 09:27 AM (Pijte)

633 Some of the lowest hanging fruit for AI to replace are actually the call centers in India, etc. via chatbots. Beyond that, much of what is called AI right now is simply the latest scam (remember blockchain) on the investing public.

I've dealt with many an AI chatbot and every single time all it does is delay me in getting to a human being.

If I need your hours, your location, or the like I'll just go to your website. By the time I call/text you I need to talk to a human being.

Posted by: 18-1 at July 23, 2024 09:27 AM (oZhjI)

634 Los Angeles County’s Board of Supervisors unanimously voted Tuesday in favor of creating a plan to provide free attorneys to low income renters facing eviction. The policy — which still needs a final vote before it is scheduled to take effect on Jan. 1, 2025 — would be the first of its kind in Southern California. It comes at a time when lapsed pandemic renter protections have caused a spike in eviction filings leading to thousands losing housing.

Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 09:27 AM (RHGPo)

635 Can we stop with the "that plane was going so fast it shook" nonsense?

Posted by: bed head at July 23, 2024 09:27 AM (Y1sOo)

636 I don't think you should underestimate someone who made it to being the most likely Democrat candidate for president of the United States. I don't think she's the return of Winston Churchill, but this ain't her first rodeo and she's obviously hungry for it. Downplaying her skills doesn't help anyone but her.

It might've been mentioned but IIRC she got no votes for the presidential nominee, not even from her own state.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 09:27 AM (4NrhA)

637 I really wish people would quit dumping on President Trump. Is he the best? I'm going with "yes" because he's a multi billionaire who could have walked away from all this and let the country burn. He's chosen to lay his life and fortune on the line for America, and, by extension, all Americans.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at July 23, 2024 09:27 AM (tT6L1)

638 That bubble will burst and be replaced by something else depending on whether the Fed takes away the punchbowl.
Posted by: whig at July 23, 2024 09:24 AM (RcRst)

I have come to the cynical belief that, in modern history at any rate, bubbles are inflated/popped as a way to remove money from the commoners who've managed to save some and put it into the hands of their betters.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 09:28 AM (U7wke)

639 Some of the lowest hanging fruit for AI to replace are actually the call centers in India, etc. via chatbots.


I honestly can hardly wait for that. It's going to be hilarious when the jobs that were taken from America to save a few bucks are ripped out from under them the same way.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 09:29 AM (4NrhA)

640 The thing is, we just don't know if they can boost Kamala to a place where her poll numbers look close enough that their cheat won't look suspicious...

Posted by: It's me donna at July 23, 2024 09:30 AM (IyPmt)

641 Can we stop with the "that plane was going so fast it shook" nonsense?
Posted by: bed head at July 23, 2024 09:27 AM (Y1sOo)

Nope. It brings to mind that amply endowed woman in the "She's starting to shake. She's starting to shimmy." scene from Airplane!

Posted by: Doof at July 23, 2024 09:30 AM (RhGG0)

642 .


Go get your first.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 23, 2024 09:30 AM (O7YUW)

643 I have come to the cynical belief that, in modern history at any rate, bubbles are inflated/popped as a way to remove money from the commoners who've managed to save some and put it into the hands of their betters.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 09:28 AM (U7wke)

Already happened. Those financial instruments are known as the "401K."

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at July 23, 2024 09:30 AM (tT6L1)

644 Can we stop with the "that plane was going so fast it shook" nonsense?
Posted by: bed head at July 23, 2024 09:27 AM (Y1sOo)

Isn't it a Boeing?

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 23, 2024 09:30 AM (U7wke)

645 Fox News reports this morning that their poll shows Biden 45 Trump 45. So what sort of idiotic voting public do we have in this country that half the people want a demented person for president. And one with a terrible record to boot. Now they are wanting an empty headed woman? I am not sure there is any saving this country. All this is depressing and mind boggling.

Posted by: AnnaS at July 23, 2024 09:30 AM (ANuwa)

646 >>I really wish people would quit dumping on President Trump. Is he the best? I'm going with "yes" because he's a multi billionaire who could have walked away from all this and let the country burn. He's chosen to lay his life and fortune on the line for America, and, by extension, all Americans.

And through force of will completely took over the Republican Party and changed it from a globalist uniparty to an America First party in 8 years.

One of the most remarkable political movements in history.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 23, 2024 09:30 AM (LkLld)

647 Fweedom!
Posted by: Ribbed at July 23, 2024 09:19 AM (iFMeW)

This is my favorite Weird Kamala Line.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 23, 2024 09:30 AM (JvZF+)

648 He's chosen to lay his life and fortune on the line for America, and, by extension, all Americans.


The only reluctant candidate I've ever seen. Probably the only one in 100 or so years, maybe longer. That alone is worth a big chunk of my consideration.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 09:30 AM (4NrhA)

649 614 @604, whig

I love everything you just said and agree. I despise Fox News.
Posted by: Ribbed
I quit watching them before the end of GWB's term and tuned GWB's worthless ass out in his second term. I turned on in 08 and 12 on election night and the televised midnight panicked run of Karl Rove to the grimy election decision room was a thing of hilarity in a dark comedy that was the 2012 election.

Makes me think that Rove really believed the returns would favor the GOP Romneybot rather than TFG. That election was probably dirty as well as TFG was not that popular.

Posted by: whig at July 23, 2024 09:30 AM (RcRst)

650 I think the new narrative coming out of the Democrats is going to be something along the lines that the party's are "even" now that both have had a candidate denied the presidency.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 23, 2024 09:30 AM (Q4IgG)

651 He's chosen to lay his life and fortune on the line for America, and, by extension, all Americans.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at July 23, 2024 09:27 AM (tT6L1)


THIS! So much so this...

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at July 23, 2024 09:30 AM (1FWWQ)

652 574 557 >>Fried chicken used to be another rich people food-- until new techniques brought the cost waaaaay down.

Mass production of chicken was another WW2 dividend. We started mass producing it and air dropped canned chicken into blockaded parts of Europe.

Posted by: BunkerintheBurbs at July 23, 2024 09:31 AM (qvYge)

636 I don't think you should underestimate someone who made it to being the most likely Democrat candidate for president of the United States. I don't think she's the return of Winston Churchill, but this ain't her first rodeo and she's obviously hungry for it. Downplaying her skills doesn't help anyone but her.. “

Why Harris has risen:
California is a one-party state dominated by machine politics. Advancement tests intra-party knife-fighting skills, not popularity with the people.

Posted by: Tom Servo at July 23, 2024 09:31 AM (S6gqv)

654 I’m asking as don’t remember or never really laid attention or was too young. What was Bush’s “accomplishment” as VP when he ran in 1988? Or Gore in 2000? Or hell Biden in 2020?

VPs do nothing. That’s their job definition. How do you get accomplishments from that? It’s a weak argument to say Kumala has no accomplishments as VP.

Posted by: Kumala Word Salad at July 23, 2024 09:31 AM (dXFAZ)

655 I thought we had the Hur transcript but wanted the audio.

Posted by: IrishEi at July 23, 2024 09:31 AM (3ImbR)

656 PS and now Kamala Harris has raised 100 million dollars almost overnight. Insanity.

Posted by: AnnaS at July 23, 2024 09:31 AM (ANuwa)

657 LIZZY-

Put me in coach. I'm ready to play.

The no gender wars game against leftists.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 09:31 AM (dTTBf)

658 And even though it was cheap hershey bars the looks on those guys faces...they'd never tasted something like that before...

Posted by: 18-1 at July 23, 2024 09:14 AM (oZhjI)

I can beat that. I stopped at a roadside Amish farm stall to buy an ear of fresh pearl corn because I was famished.

Shucked it and began eating on the spot. The farmer was shocked. "You eat it uncooked?". I told him to try it himself. "This is good!"

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at July 23, 2024 09:32 AM (lD/pF)

659 Nood zombie art

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 23, 2024 09:32 AM (i2fv4)

660 I’m asking as don’t remember or never really laid attention or was too young. What was Bush’s “accomplishment” as VP when he ran in 1988? Or Gore in 2000? Or hell Biden in 2020?

Bush 41 was head of the CIA. For good or ill he had accomplishments that were not shared with the public...

Posted by: 18-1 at July 23, 2024 09:33 AM (oZhjI)

661 Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper 3h
JUST IN - Fences being put up around the Capitol before Israel PM Netanyahu's address to the US Congress

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 09:33 AM (wse2C)

662 You're in, Fen!

Posted by: Lizzy at July 23, 2024 09:33 AM (Pijte)

663 Man come on. Stop with this reluctant candidate shit. Trump loves the limelight. And he wants very much to be president again. There are enough reasons to like him already. We don’t have to invent more.

Posted by: Kumala Word Salad at July 23, 2024 09:33 AM (dXFAZ)

664 645 Fox News reports this morning that their poll shows Biden 45 Trump 45. So what sort of idiotic voting public do we have in this country that half the people want a demented person for president. And one with a terrible record to boot. Now they are wanting an empty headed woman? I am not sure there is any saving this country. All this is depressing and mind boggling.
Posted by: AnnaS

A) turn Fox off--they are controlled opposition and Rupert Murdoch and his clan hate actual conservatives. B) Fox consistently produces outlier polling going back decades and has actually the worst polling results of media polls which is saying something.

Fox uses those intentionally bad polls to manipulate the people watching them--either to go doomer or to promote an endless array of the fake conservatives like Ladybugs Lindsay as The Way.

Turn them off and cut the cord so they don't get a nickel of ad revenues.

Posted by: whig at July 23, 2024 09:34 AM (RcRst)

665 Thanks doof. That steamshovel story is great.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 09:34 AM (4NrhA)

666 185 I am up this early to have a heart valve replacement. Positive thoughts will be appreciated.
Posted by: Ruthless at July 23, 2024 08:01 AM (XYXF1)

God be with you, and have mercy upon you.

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at July 23, 2024 09:34 AM (Rbu5d)

667 Newsweek headline:

"Kamala Harris Suffers Double Polling Blow Against Donald Trump"

Uh, phrasing?

Posted by: Lizzy at July 23, 2024 09:34 AM (Pijte)

668 Posted by: Robert at July 23, 2024 09:18 AM (dKrYG)

I appreciate you for the callout, sir. Feels nice to get something right.

Posted by: ... at July 23, 2024 09:34 AM (qrUD3)

669 >>JUST IN - Fences being put up around the Capitol before Israel PM Netanyahu's address to the US Congress

Sadly, this is necessary.

However, watch them stay up beyond the election. . .

Posted by: Lizzy at July 23, 2024 09:35 AM (Pijte)

670 There is an infinite amount of news available online. No need to watch cable news.

Posted by: Kumala Word Salad at July 23, 2024 09:36 AM (dXFAZ)

671 If I've got the day off I would rather go fishing or play golf, and I don't even get shot at by the SS or investigated by the entirety of the federal government. I certainly wouldn't be voluntarily setting myself up for those things.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - What about the confirmed SS snipers in the 2nd story window watching the shooter at July 23, 2024 09:36 AM (4NrhA)

672 185 I am up this early to have a heart valve replacement. Positive thoughts will be appreciated.
Posted by: Ruthless at July 23, 2024 08:01 AM (XYXF1)

God be with you, and have mercy upon you.

Prayers for you

Posted by: It's me donna at July 23, 2024 09:36 AM (IyPmt)

673 They will stick with kamala since they’re running out of time. After the dnc convention they have less then 3 months to the election. Right now they are ramping up the glorification of kammie and if she’s replaced at the convention that’s less time for the glorification of a potential replacement. Guessing kammie will announce a veep suggestion soon, a strong candidate that will cover a few of her flaws to help boost her run for the nomination. Lastly, Biden is alive, diminished but alive.

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at July 23, 2024 09:36 AM (5rbBj)

674 they have less then 3 months to the election.
And starting from scratch to print new phoney ballots is a real PITA.

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 23, 2024 09:38 AM (wse2C)

675 572 The big problem with "Deadwood" for all the good stuff was dedicating..what was it?...six(?) episodes to Swearington's kidney issues.

And with no real payoff to the time invested in that episode.

I guess the take-away there was having kidney stones in the Old West sucked.

Fine, whatever, good thinking there Einstein.
Posted by: naturalfake at July 23, 2024 09:15 AM (eDfFs)


I believe that arc started at the beginning of the second season, after Swearengen and Bullock hook up and go over the balcony together.
Al’s kidney stone issues worsen as a result.

I haven’t gotten there yet in the rewatch, but if I recall correctly, Al sort of softens up a bit, personality-wise, as a result of that infliction. So maybe that’s the reason the producers drug it out, to make it stick,

Posted by: SpeakingOf at July 23, 2024 09:44 AM (6ydKt)

676 Posted by: Lizzy at July 23, 2024 09:33 AM (


Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2024 09:47 AM (oWk6O)

677 Kamala got 'Joe's money." The only way it could legally & easily passthrough.

Hope all of their billionaire, millionaire and corporate donors are pleased - for the present.

Nothing lasts forever.

Posted by: L - If.... (Cellphone) at July 23, 2024 09:49 AM (LL19j)

Unelected globalists at the World Economic Forum (WEF) are calling on governments to usher in “digital IDs” for members of the general public.

.. they do realize this will end all of the excuses for not having Voter ID
it will also make it nearly impossible for illegals to hide in any country
Posted by: SMOD at July 23, 2024 09:20 AM (RHGPo)

Digital IDs fail Joe Huffman's Jews In The Attic test to an astounding degree.

Posted by: IllTemperedcur at July 23, 2024 09:49 AM (bQgYe)

679 The coup d’état of July 21st is merely a dramatic symptom.
Where was all the flowing prose during the three-year slow-motion coup against Trump? What makes him see them as different, if he does? They are alike in fact. The Party operators are in charge and taking out inconvenient executives. The type of inconvenience is quite different, but the basic condition and approach are essentially the same.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 23, 2024 08:08 AM

I read someone comment somewhere that this is now the 3rd coup in under 10 years. First coup was the Democrat Presidential primary in 2016 to eliminate Bernie Sanders to anoint Hillary Clinton. Second coup was the 2020 election steal to remove President Trump and install Biden/Harris. And now this third coup to remove Biden and install Harris.

Combine that with the Plandemic, the Whitmer kidnapping operation and the Jan 6th black op (not to mention undermining the Trump Administration from Jan 2017 to January 2021) and the Deep State has been very busy the past 10 years.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at July 23, 2024 09:53 AM (P5BPp)

680 Cheatle resigned.

Posted by: mnw at July 23, 2024 10:41 AM (NLIak)

681 Well, you won't have Kim Cheatle to kick around any more.

Posted by: Kim Cheatle at July 23, 2024 11:22 AM (woPEM)

682 500
NJ Gov't Readies Mandatory Genomic Sequencing of All Newborn Baby Blood

NJ had - not sure if they still do - some testing when my daughters second son was born. He came up hot on a test with an incredible amount of false positives. Scared the hell out of her. I had to attempt to talk her off the ledge with some actual numbers.

I think I read later they discontinued the test. Jersey is one f'd up state in so many ways.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at July 23, 2024 09:03 AM (RKVpM)

In Kali, they did amniocentesis and determined the probability that my eldest would have Downs as very high and advised possible abortion; normal kid with slightly big head (like on his Mom's side). They also wanted him delivered early, saying he'd be over 10 lbs and pushed for early delivery; we fought it and he was delivered a few days to a week shy of full term at a hefty...7lbs, 14 oz. Yeah, don't always believe what they tell ya.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at July 23, 2024 12:09 PM (ynpvh)

683 23 "Rosie O'Donnell Says Even Therapy Isn't Helping Her Fears Over the Election"

How can she say anything with her mouth stuffed full of donuts?

I sure hope this thing goes our way because the show these mentally unstable nuts will put on will be the best thing that has come out of Hollywood in years. The mass exodus to Canada is sure to cause a deficit in dumbness.

Posted by: fd at July 23, 2024 06:47 AM (vFG9F)

Come to Canada, Rosie; we have assisted suicide paid for by the State that'll fix your problems.

Posted by: Oh Canada! at July 23, 2024 12:10 PM (ynpvh)

684 Hello there! Would you mind if I share your blog with my myspace group?

There's a lot of people that I think would really
enjoy your content. Please let me know. Cheers

Posted by: personal injury at August 02, 2024 08:38 PM (RsW7y)

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