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Open Thread - DJT Developments


Trump rushed off stage by Secret Service as bangs heard at Pennsylvania rally

Former President Donald Trump was swarmed by Secret Service agents and rushed off stage as bangs were heard during at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday.

Trump began his speech at about 6 p.m. and was only shortly into his speech when a disturbance caused Secret Service to swarm the former president. He was then led off the stage quickly, pumping his fist.

There appeared to be blood on his right ear as he was being taken off stage.

Posted by: Open Blogger at 07:04 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Holy shit!

Posted by: Jaimo at July 13, 2024 06:45 PM (sOA7y)

2 God bless President Trump. Keep him safe.

Posted by: bluebell at July 13, 2024 06:46 PM (bS+DD)

3 Pray for America

Posted by: Rex B at July 13, 2024 06:46 PM (5h/8D)

4 War.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 13, 2024 06:46 PM (ufFY8)

5 Garland will investigate it along the Jan. 6th pipe bomber.

Posted by: SMOD at July 13, 2024 06:46 PM (GITLP)

6 Deep State must die.


Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 13, 2024 06:46 PM (u82oZ)

7 MFM are so fucking feeble.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 13, 2024 06:46 PM (ufFY8)

8 Anyone have a 10-20 on Alec Baldwin?

Posted by: Defenestratus at July 13, 2024 06:46 PM (ufJYg)

9 You can kill a man but you can't kill a movement.

Unless that man is Trump, in which case you can't kill him either.

Posted by: Shenanigans at July 13, 2024 06:47 PM (pZ0Mr)

10 So far, Divine Providence is providing.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 13, 2024 06:47 PM (ufFY8)

11 Jesus christ !! The left are evil. Whoever did this needs to pay. Libs are fascist terrorists in word, deed, and belief.

Posted by: Edward at July 13, 2024 06:47 PM (93DJn)

12 The left will kill all of you rather than give up power.

Stop acting like this is just 'politics as usual'.

They are losing catastrophically, they can't beat Trump, and this is a sign that they don't think they can even cheat this time.

It's long past time to stop pretending that this is anything other than the radical left getting desperate that they are losing power.

Posted by: DudeAbiding at July 13, 2024 06:47 PM (setIA)

13 Death to Vermin!

And Pray for a Constitutional America that is different than the police state we are in now.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 13, 2024 06:47 PM (u82oZ)

14 Omg I’m so pissed right now. They hurt my guy.

Posted by: Jaimo at July 13, 2024 06:47 PM (sOA7y)

15 No effort is worth anything without the Lord. Pray for our nation, my friends and countrymen.

Posted by: Crazy at July 13, 2024 06:47 PM (9xCsX)

16 Willowed:

Could it have been an air gun? A BB or pellet might make a wound like that on the ear.

Posted by: Mark1971 at July 13, 2024 06:48 PM (xPl2J)

17 More right wing violence, am I right?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 13, 2024 06:48 PM (YqDXo)

18 The cornered rats did exactly what cornered rats will do: resorted to violence.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at July 13, 2024 06:48 PM (tT6L1)

Could it have been an air gun? A BB or pellet might make a wound like that on the ear.
Posted by: Mark1971 at July 13, 2024 06:48 PM (xPl2J)

I was watching live and you could hear pop,pop,pop

Posted by: It's me donna at July 13, 2024 06:48 PM (IyPmt)

20 Wow

Posted by: CTHillary, dead but dreaming at July 13, 2024 06:48 PM (zSyrn)

21 Tiger stripes

Posted by: gKWVE at July 13, 2024 06:48 PM (UUui5)

22 Saw CNN clip few seconds before to after and sounded like multiple small caliber shots to me

Posted by: Skip at July 13, 2024 06:49 PM (fwDg9)

23 Literally inches away from assassination. Are we pissed yet or are we just going to just shrug this off?

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at July 13, 2024 06:49 PM (SExrd)

24 I'm so fucking pissed.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2024 06:49 PM (r+J3S)

25 Yeah, something hit his ear before he went down.

Posted by: SMOD at July 13, 2024 06:49 PM (GITLP)

26 Shit just got real.

Posted by: blaster at July 13, 2024 06:49 PM (IFNME)

27 I'm so fucking pissed right now

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2024 06:45 PM

You and me both. If I saw a biden/harris bumper sticker right now I would need some bail money.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 13, 2024 06:49 PM (QNSds)

28 Fuck the left.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2024 06:49 PM (r+J3S)

29 I'm about to cry.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 13, 2024 06:49 PM (Zy6LG)

30 I cannot believe how stupid these people are! Do they want to start a civil war? I swear, if they manage to assassinate this guy, we'll vote for him even if he's dead. And as my DH observes, even with a head wound, Trump's more cognizent than FJB. And I'll bet there'll be another 30 million sent to his campaign in the next half hour!

Posted by: tankascribe at July 13, 2024 06:49 PM (HWxAD)

31 I don't miss or graze my target.

Posted by: Alec Baldwin at July 13, 2024 06:49 PM (UUui5)

32 5 Garland will investigate it along the Jan. 6th pipe bomber.
Posted by: SMOD

Sure he will. Then, indictments against Trump will follow. For...reasons....shut up.....

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at July 13, 2024 06:49 PM (FmapG)

33 Fucking info is hard to come by. Did they get the perp?

Posted by: Xipe Tptec at July 13, 2024 06:49 PM (kzHlT)

34 Fuck you, War.

Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 13, 2024 06:49 PM (5AVMW)

35 We really need to start coming down hard on left-wing violence.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 13, 2024 06:49 PM (YqDXo)

36 The Center is holding!

Posted by: Blutarski, Gradually then Suddenly at July 13, 2024 06:49 PM (Cp1vk)

37 Trump is OK, I want the shootercaught and waterboarded

Posted by: Skip at July 13, 2024 06:49 PM (fwDg9)

38 This kind of thing was predictable. The regime keeps calling him a Nazi and the worst threat ever… what do they think would happen??

I’m furious

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at July 13, 2024 06:50 PM (Y5yGp)

39 SO many thoughts.

Worst is: we knew this would happen - so many in the DNC and MSM have been saying Trump *must* be stopped. Some even went there and said he needs to be killed.

Posted by: Lizzy at July 13, 2024 06:50 PM (+oRno)

40 Daily Mail has the news.

They say 8-10 shots

Posted by: blaster at July 13, 2024 06:50 PM (IFNME)

41 They want us to overreact.


Posted by: MrT at July 13, 2024 06:50 PM (THLv1)

42 There’s your campaign photo. Epic.

Posted by: Allen at July 13, 2024 06:51 PM (6EF2c)

43 Per Fau-Snooze, SS not calling it a shooting.
Then what the hell was it?

Posted by: Iasonas at July 13, 2024 06:51 PM (2O9Sc)

44 Well, holy shit.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 13, 2024 06:51 PM (wE3/A)

45 Not surprised this happened.

Posted by: Grandpa bullet point at July 13, 2024 06:51 PM (s9TOl)

46 Shot by both sides, Magazine.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at July 13, 2024 06:51 PM (J8LnB)

47 Types. Deletes.

Types. Deletes.

Posted by: blaster at July 13, 2024 06:51 PM (IFNME)

48 This is sickening. I'd expect this to happen in some third world hellhole...which I guess the USA is now, officially.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at July 13, 2024 06:51 PM (CHHv1)

49 So this is in Pennsylvania, right?

I guess it's not in play any longer.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - if you can't pick your adjectives, how can you pick your pronouns? at July 13, 2024 06:51 PM (M3zoF)

50 Already went to Kos.

Several comments that this just gave Trump the election! America loves an underdog....

Posted by: Stateless at July 13, 2024 06:51 PM (jvJvP)

51 Fucking Newsmax is STILL saying "Well, we don't know for sure there was any gun fire..."

What the fucking FUCK?

Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 13, 2024 06:51 PM (5AVMW)

52 It’s weird, but I’m not shocked at all.

Posted by: Allen at July 13, 2024 06:51 PM (6EF2c)

53 Fuck the left. They called for this. They have been begging for one of their minions to do this very thing. Encouraged it. Lionized it.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2024 06:52 PM (r+J3S)

54 I think Charlton Heston pretty well sums up my feelings towards the actual triggerman and those who fueled the fires and are now trying to downplay this evil act.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 13, 2024 06:52 PM (Dn9nA)

There appeared to be blood on his right ear as he was being taken off stage.

Fuckyou, ABC "News"

Posted by: Soothsayer at July 13, 2024 06:52 PM (Go1ny)

56 41 They want us to overreact.

Posted by: MrT at July 13, 2024 06:50 PM (THLv1)

Exactly, I was just going to post something to that effect. 24 hour rule. Could be a crazy, could be a setup, could be a friend of Durbin's. We don't know yet.

Posted by: Dr. Fausti - I AM The Science at July 13, 2024 06:52 PM (lg881)

57 ABC making excuses

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2024 06:52 PM (r+J3S)

58 8 shots fired, per Newsmax.

We're in the aftermath period where news reports are wild and inconsistent.
No narrative yet.

Posted by: Lizzy at July 13, 2024 06:52 PM (+oRno)

59 RAV is reporting one fatality. I just sent Trump a lot of money.

Posted by: Blutarski, Gradually then Suddenly at July 13, 2024 06:52 PM (Cp1vk)


These pricks are evil.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 13, 2024 06:52 PM (v6JzV)

61 51 Fucking Newsmax is STILL saying "Well, we don't know for sure there was any gun fire..."

What the fucking FUCK?
Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 13, 2024 06:51 PM (5AVMW)

I was watching live.. You could hear the pop and trump immediately reached for his ear

Posted by: It's me donna at July 13, 2024 06:52 PM (IyPmt)

62 Shots = bangs

Trump shot = fell like biden

Fuck the media

Posted by: The Grounded Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger at July 13, 2024 06:52 PM (DBZuM)

63 I DOES give Trump the election.

Posted by: Xipe Tptec at July 13, 2024 06:52 PM (kzHlT)

64 Yeah, ABC. It might have been ketchup.

Posted by: Mark1971 at July 13, 2024 06:52 PM (xPl2J)

65 The left will really around the story that Trump caused it because he is divisive.

Posted by: Roberto at July 13, 2024 06:52 PM (QUC63)

66 I wonder if any of our newspeople who openly called for him to be assassinated will be arrested. Actually, I don't wonder at all.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at July 13, 2024 06:52 PM (CHHv1)

67 "Let me get my shoe, let me get my shoe". - he's cogent.

Posted by: Braenyard, can't help himself at July 13, 2024 06:52 PM (aNKhG)

68 OMG, Shannon Bream just can't talking about Joe Biden of all people

shut it dummy

Posted by: Ex GOP at July 13, 2024 06:52 PM (GpUII)

69 In the shooters defense, Trump DID say pussy.

Posted by: Crazy at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (/HA7N)

70 Posted by: blaster at July 13, 2024 06:50 PM (IFNME)

Any news on whether others were hit?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (Zy6LG)

71 Does anyone know yet what actually happened?

Posted by: Tom Servo at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (pgG81)

72 No one seated behind Trump seems to have caught a bullet.

Posted by: 13times at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (/Bbf2)

73 This photo is incredible. It’s raw. The blood. The fist. The emotion.

Posted by: Piper at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (pZEOD)

74 Trump statement: He is FINE.

Posted by: Lizzy at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (+oRno)

75 I am thinking this could be Divine intervention to save his life.

Posted by: Skip at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (fwDg9)

76 As I said in previous thread, the photo up top.

That is so visceral. He is Rocky Balboa. He is bloodied. But he is not defeated.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (Dn9nA)

77 49 So this is in Pennsylvania, right?

I guess it's not in play any longer.
Posted by: Moron Robbie

After this?

It's in play.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (FmapG)

78 8-10 account is coming from the R rep that was at the rally - Rep. Dan Meuser, R-Pa.

Posted by: runner at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (V13WU)

79 Muzzie?

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (i+Y/j)

80 Hitting my knees for President Trump and America.
Then it's inventory time.

Posted by: Diogenes at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (W/lyH)

81 we need love

Posted by: Johnny/Errol Osbourne at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (UUui5)

82 Double check as to where the CIA was at the time. I think Schumer has an alibi.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (5ki+c)

83 It's not the CIA. He would be dead right now.

Posted by: Mark1971 at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM (xPl2J)

84 SO many thoughts.

Worst is: we knew this would happen - so many in the DNC and MSM have been saying Trump *must* be stopped. Some even went there and said he needs to be killed.

Posted by: Lizzy at July 13, 2024 06:50 PM

I have been waiting for this to happen for some months now. Trump has been consistently polling ahead of biden and the rhetoric from biden that Trump was hitler that this was inevitable.

Trump literally dodged a bullet tonight. Let's hope the next idiot is just as poor a shot as this person was, because there are going to be more of them.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM (QNSds)

85 What the fuck?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM (y31cs)

86 Fuck. Gonna buy more ammo tomorrow.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Nothing to Contribute to the Debate at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM (Ad8y9)

87 I am thinking this could be Divine intervention to save his life.
Posted by: Skip at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (fwDg9)

I can repost the JPII quote from the last thread ....

Posted by: runner at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM (V13WU)

88 Btw, asshoe,


and fuck you. I hate the left.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM (ie65O)

89 If Trump was any other guy running for President, any old politician, he would have hit the ground, pissed his pants, and hid for weeks, if they could ever coax him out again.

Trump? the New York real estate guy? He got up seconds after being hit by a bullet, fist-pumped the crowd, and shouted "FIGHT!"

That's my candidate.

Posted by: Shenanigans at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM (pZ0Mr)

90 12 "The left will kill all of you rather than give up power."

100% true. Always remember that

Posted by: That dude at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM (vJDDY)

91 We knew they would. It's been my biggest fear. And those people in the stands behind him, I pray none were hit.

Posted by: Peaches at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM (14URa)

92 Awfully subdued. Your choice.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM (Z8Yh2)

93 Watching the video, I was impressed with how quickly PDT hit the floor. Good on him.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM (tT6L1)

94 MTG says people hurt at the rally, possibly one fatality. Could be the shooter as the SS said "shooter is down". A lot of angry people on X but I don't follow any lefties.

Welcome to the 70s.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM (xjTDL)

Thank Christ they didn't kill him.

Posted by: Soothsayer at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM (Go1ny)

96 Def sounded like gun shots

Sounded exactly like the pop pop gun shots actually make when picked up by a mic feed

Don’t think air guns would be that loud

Posted by: The Grounded Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM (DBZuM)

97 69. Read the room, please.

Posted by: Piper at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM (pZEOD)

98 Drop the air rifle/bb comments. Those things dont travel far enough or accurately to draw blood. A .22 at least.

Posted by: Field Marshal Zhukov, now, where does a war hero get some lubrication around here? at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM (wBaIH)

99 Thank God for shitty shooters.

Posted by: 13times at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM (/Bbf2)

100 God just voted Trump.

Posted by: Xipe Tptec at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM (kzHlT)

101 NBC is furious that it was only a graze.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at July 13, 2024 06:55 PM (5ki+c)

102 40 Daily Mail has the news.

They say 8-10 shots
Posted by: blaster

Bing, DDG, Google ----- duh?

Posted by: Braenyard, can't help himself at July 13, 2024 06:55 PM (aNKhG)

103 The left will really around the story that Trump caused it because he is divisive.
Posted by: Roberto at July 13, 2024 06:52 PM (QUC63)

Yeah go with that.

The tramp was at fault for being raped. Shouldn't have been wearing that miniskirt .

Posted by: Minnesota Siamese Twins at July 13, 2024 06:55 PM (rrmPi)

104 There can't be anything that would do this other than gun shots,

Posted by: Skip at July 13, 2024 06:55 PM (fwDg9)

105 Sounds like he/she/it was a lousy shot Thank god. campaign released a statement saying Trump was okay

Posted by: It's me donna at July 13, 2024 06:55 PM (IyPmt)

106 83 It's not the CIA. He would be dead right now.

Posted by: Mark1971 at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM (xPl2J)

You forgetting the DEI hires?

Posted by: Peaches at July 13, 2024 06:55 PM (14URa)

107 Any news on whether others were hit?
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (Zy6LG)

Reading between the lines in the DM the shooter is dead.

Posted by: blaster at July 13, 2024 06:55 PM (IFNME)

108 Fundraising for Trump is going to go into the stratosphere.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2024 06:55 PM (ie65O)

109 Newsmax - Trump released statement he is okay.

No word of injuries or fatalities / attending crowd.

Posted by: old chick at July 13, 2024 06:55 PM (F3Dlr)

110 As I said in previous thread, the photo up top.

That is so visceral. He is Rocky Balboa. He is bloodied. But he is not defeated.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM

Spot on AP.
This will hit everyone who watches it. His supporters will be energized. His haters will double down on blaming him for it.

Posted by: Diogenes at July 13, 2024 06:55 PM (W/lyH)

111 Vice President Trump just made an announcement that he's okay.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - if you can't pick your adjectives, how can you pick your pronouns? at July 13, 2024 06:55 PM (M3zoF)

112 Countdown to the left saying his was a false flag planned by the Trump campaign?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at July 13, 2024 06:55 PM (y31cs)

113 Where was Mike Tyson during all this?

In all seriousness, this move is SO idiotic. If the shooter succeeded, congratulations, you just created a martyr. You didn’t, so many will rally, including “normies” who may well take Trump’s side now.

While subbing in HS the past year, I overheard some of the kids saying “I don’t know why we have to hate Trump so much…what did he do to deserve it?” These are HS kids. A lot more people will be asking this question…

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 13, 2024 06:55 PM (8sMut)

114 29 I'm about to cry.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 13, 2024 06:49 PM (Zy6LG)

{{{hugs Fenelon}}}

Ditto. Lord, help us all. Help us to keep an eye out for each other, and hold to You in the storm.

Posted by: barkingmad59, wandering lurkette at July 13, 2024 06:55 PM (t8L50)

115 It sounded like 22LR rounds fired from a rifle.

Posted by: That dude at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (vJDDY)

116 Telling wife of first view clip I saw at least 3 shots, don't think 8

Posted by: Skip at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (fwDg9)

117 Whomever took that photo is going to be a millionaire

Posted by: Thomas Paine at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (5ki+c)

118 what happened to the individual who shot Reagan ...oh right...Hinckley is still alive...Mehmet Ali Ağca is still alive...

Posted by: runner at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (V13WU)

119 I think collateral, if any, might be to the right or left. PDT was looking to his right and kneeled down at about the third 'pop'.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (ufFY8)

120 Have we now entered the “shoot the commies” phase? Asking for a friend…

Posted by: PaterNovem at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (XIXQF)

121 I'm just waiting to see how the Mudia will try to spin this one. Obviously one of those rabid MAGA rethuglicans, you know how they are...

Posted by: GGE of the Mobile Horde at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (6I7rw)

122 2) Countdown to Bill Kristol saying this was a flase flag planned by the Trump Campaign?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (y31cs)

123 41 They want us to overreact.

Posted by: MrT

Yep. Also, beware of new shiny nics wanting violence. FYI.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (FmapG)

124 Yeah. That’s blood.

Posted by: Xipe Tptec at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (kzHlT)

125 52 It’s weird, but I’m not shocked at all.
Posted by: Allen at July 13, 2024 06:51 PM (6EF2c)

I'm not, either. We've already speculated here that the only way they can stop him is to kill him.

Even when you expect it, it's devastating.

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (OX9vb)

126 Reading between the lines in the DM the shooter is dead.

Turns out it was a gang banger involved in a separate shooting! What are the odds!

Posted by: Moron Robbie - if you can't pick your adjectives, how can you pick your pronouns? at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (M3zoF)

127 Reading between the lines in the DM the shooter is dead.


link ?

Posted by: runner at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (V13WU)

Tell us again who is a "threat" to Democracy, cocksucker Democrats?

A Republican candidate can't even make a speech without getting shot.

FUCKYOU, Democrats & Fake News. Fuck. You.

Posted by: Soothsayer at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (Go1ny)

129 Don't turn on Fox. Shannon bream is now insane "someone may have tried to do something to him in the midst of this contentious election..." Their focus is the secret ssecurity- not that Biden last week said we need to put a target on Trump. While Newsmax says 8 shots fired , Fox says Trump may have what looks like a little blood on his face

Prayers for Pres. Trump, his family and our country

Posted by: LASue at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (Kcw7x)

130 So the leftists have adopted the Stormtrooper method of shooting.

This makes me feel better.

Lord protect President Trump and his family.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Nothing to Contribute to the Debate at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (Ad8y9)

131 That's a fucking Iwo Jima picture, there.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 13, 2024 06:57 PM (wE3/A)

132 The pic is kind of iconic with the American flag, blood, and a defiant fist in the air.

Was that Zuckerburg playing as a S.S. agent staring straight into the camera lens?/s

Posted by: Idon'tknow at July 13, 2024 06:57 PM (nOzgv)

133 Game on MF's.................


now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country

Posted by: zooomzooom at July 13, 2024 06:57 PM (rfnUk)

134 From the previous thread, where I posted about John Schrank, who in 1912 shot Teddy Roosevelt:

Schrank was apparently not a leftist, just a nut.


Is there a difference?
Posted by: The Grounded Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger at July 13, 2024

Uh . . . I'll get back to you.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 13, 2024 06:57 PM (omVj0)

135 I thought 22cal or 9mm pistol, rifle would be obvious and more time to line up

Posted by: Skip at July 13, 2024 06:57 PM (fwDg9)

136 If Trump was any other guy running for President, any old politician, he would have hit the ground, pissed his pants, and hid for weeks, if they could ever coax him out again.

Trump? the New York real estate guy? He got up seconds after being hit by a bullet, fist-pumped the crowd, and shouted "FIGHT!"

That's my candidate.

Posted by: Shenanigans at July 13, 2024 06:54 PM

The election is over. The left crossed a line that I had hoped they would never cross but here we are. They can run whoever they want to run but it's over.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 13, 2024 06:57 PM (QNSds)

137 Daily Mail has the news.

They say 8-10 shots
Posted by: blaster

I was watching live on RAV and I only heard about 5 shots but they might've continued.

Also, CNN is calling it an "incident". Fuck me.

Posted by: Blutarski, Gradually then Suddenly at July 13, 2024 06:57 PM (Cp1vk)

138 The Regime tried and failed

101 Intel officials will say it was Russian election interference

Posted by: Ex GOP at July 13, 2024 06:57 PM (GpUII)

139 Even when you expect it, it's devastating.
Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (OX9vb)

Fair observation.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at July 13, 2024 06:57 PM (tT6L1)

140 Trump up bigly on betting markets post assassination attempt.

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 13, 2024 06:57 PM (i+Y/j)

"We don't know the motive or if this was a gunshot"

NBC should be indicted.

Posted by: Auspex at July 13, 2024 06:57 PM (j4U/Z)

142 Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor…

Posted by: Eromero at July 13, 2024 06:57 PM (LHPAg)

143 "17:48
U.S. Secret Service: 'The former President is safe'
An incident occurred the evening of July 13 at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania. The Secret Service has implemented protective measures and the former President is safe. This is now an active Secret Service investigation and further information will be released when available."

Posted by: runner at July 13, 2024 06:57 PM (V13WU)

144 When I first saw that pic I thought it was an AI re-enactment of Iwo Jima. Then I read the blurb. God keep Trump and his family safe.

Posted by: look whats not at July 13, 2024 06:57 PM (nakGR)

145 116 Telling wife of first view clip I saw at least 3 shots, don't think 8

Posted by: Skip at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (fwDg9)

Listen to the replays, there were a LOT of pops.

Posted by: Peaches at July 13, 2024 06:57 PM (14URa)

146 This whole thing will be covered up just like Las Vegas and the Maui fires.

TPTB are Satanic.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 13, 2024 06:57 PM (v6JzV)

147 As I said in previous thread, the photo up top.

That is so visceral. He is Rocky Balboa. He is bloodied. But he is not defeated.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (Dn9nA)

Yes! He fist raised in defiance with a bloody face. Wow do I admire this man!!

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at July 13, 2024 06:58 PM (Y5yGp)

148 So it begins.

Posted by: Not The Guy Who Usually Says 'So It Begins' at July 13, 2024 06:58 PM (gKDq2)

149 And never forget: the Statist mouthpieces (who quietly endorse such behavior) want you to, but who shot up the Republicans at baseball practice back in June 2017?

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 13, 2024 06:58 PM (8sMut)

150 ATF? They're the Deep States domestic assassins.

Posted by: Field Marshal Zhukov, now, where does a war hero get some lubrication around here? at July 13, 2024 06:58 PM (wBaIH)

Any statement by white house, yet??

Posted by: Soothsayer at July 13, 2024 06:58 PM (Go1ny)

152 That's a fucking Iwo Jima picture, there.

That needs to be a T-Shirt Right Now.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 13, 2024 06:58 PM (rHxhM)

153 Yes! He fist raised in defiance with a bloody face. Wow do I admire this man!!

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at July 13, 2024 06:58 PM (Y5yGp)

As the crowd screamed "USA USA USA"

Posted by: Peaches at July 13, 2024 06:58 PM (14URa)

154 A lot of new names here... beware

Posted by: It's me donna at July 13, 2024 06:58 PM (IyPmt)

155 I feel like crying.
I am so angry.

Posted by: Floridachick at July 13, 2024 06:58 PM (YOqVd)

156 Javier Milei take note.

Posted by: 13times at July 13, 2024 06:58 PM (/Bbf2)

157 Replay sounded like two volleys of 4-5 shots each but it was hard to tell.

Posted by: Nigel West Dickens at July 13, 2024 06:58 PM (Y8lzz)

158 Where was Jack Smith this afternoon?

Posted by: Thomas Paine at July 13, 2024 06:58 PM (5ki+c)

159 Hope original video would be on YouTube already

Posted by: Skip at July 13, 2024 06:58 PM (fwDg9)

160 Are You Fucking Kidding me? That Pic!

Posted by: davidt at July 13, 2024 06:58 PM (SYTee)

161 There appeared to be blood on his right ear
That's one CIA asset who isn't getting paid this month.

Posted by: Methos at July 13, 2024 06:58 PM (Dnobf)

162 I like this one:

Posted by: Braenyard, can't help himself at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (aNKhG)

163 New York Post has a good picture of his ear , looks like it was nicked, My God he was lucky

Posted by: Patrick from Ohio at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (FCrpy)

Richard Simmons is mort?

Posted by: Soothsayer at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (Go1ny)

165 "We're done talking about the debate, it's time to put Trump in a bullseye!" says President Biden

Posted by: Socratease at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (t8Egx)

166 8 - 10 shots? All missed? And that’s what we keep saying about these idiot progs, they’re never willing to put in the range time.

Posted by: Tom Servo at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (pgG81)

167 Comments on DU also think this helps Trump.

Posted by: Stateless at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (jvJvP)


Secret Service agents race on to the stage to protect the former president with their bodies.

Another volley of bullets can be heard, before a shout of 'Shooter down.'

Posted by: blaster at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (IFNME)

169 Posted by: barkingmad59, wandering lurkette at July 13, 2024 06:55 PM (t8L50)

Thank you for that, dear one.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (Zy6LG)

170 U.S. Secret Service: 'The former future President is safe'


Posted by: eat a long one, leftists at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (UUui5)

171 152 That's a fucking Iwo Jima picture, there.

My first thought.

Posted by: 13times at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (/Bbf2)

172 They shot the VP?

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (i+Y/j)

173 I thought by 3rd shot he grabs ear then ducks

Posted by: Skip at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (fwDg9)

174 That is so visceral. He is Rocky Balboa. He is bloodied. But he is not defeated.

Now think what image quakes the boots of our nation's enemies, the New Iwo Jima, or Biden shitting his pants and falling down stairs?

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (rHxhM)

175 now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country
Posted by: zooomzooom at July 13, 2024 06:57 PM (rfnUk)

These are the times that try men’s souls.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (8sMut)

176 This is insane.

Posted by: CaliGirl at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (tMjDM)

177 too bad the shooter can only die once

Posted by: runner at July 13, 2024 07:00 PM (V13WU)

178 Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor…
Posted by: Eromero at July 13, 2024 06:57 PM (LHPAg)

Well said E.

Posted by: Diogenes at July 13, 2024 07:00 PM (W/lyH)

179 I'll bet some Democrat claims Trump staged it for the photo op.

Posted by: Socratease at July 13, 2024 07:00 PM (t8Egx)

180 167 Comments on DU also think this helps Trump.

Posted by: Stateless at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (jvJvP)

Of course it does. You know the old saying, if you're gonna come for the king, you'd better not miss. He just won the election, in a landslide.

Posted by: Peaches at July 13, 2024 07:00 PM (14URa)

181 79 Muzzie?
Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (i+Y/j)


Posted by: Inogame at July 13, 2024 07:00 PM (KCCqb)

182 The hydrailucs of the speaker lift took a stray round.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at July 13, 2024 07:00 PM (Z8Yh2)

183 Watching OAN

Posted by: Jamaica at July 13, 2024 07:00 PM (GfN2c)

184 I do not want to hear from any Democrats right now. Shut your yaps and keep them shut

Posted by: Ex GOP at July 13, 2024 07:00 PM (GpUII)

185 I already have that photo on my desktop. if my company has a problem with that, well, I am already an old guy. Fuck it.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Nothing to Contribute to the Debate at July 13, 2024 07:00 PM (Ad8y9)

186 Six to eight shots were fired in fairly rapid succession. It didn’t sound like a large caliber rifle. Any experts here able to tell what it was?

Posted by: Just reporting at July 13, 2024 07:00 PM (Bp98T)

187 My friend is here and I just asked him how we know it was a leftie.

8 shots fired. Thank God...not accurately.

Posted by: Stateless at July 13, 2024 07:01 PM (jvJvP)

188 This is now an active Secret Service investigation and further information will be released when available."
Posted by: runner

The very thing I was afraid of.

Posted by: Tonypete at July 13, 2024 07:01 PM (WXNFJ)

189 Another summer of love.

Posted by: PG at July 13, 2024 07:01 PM (rCO8r)

190 ABC hates America

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2024 07:01 PM (9bYWc)

191 Fuck you Joe Biden, your syncophants and the MSM. You all have blood on your hands. You will not win. You’ve only made us all more determined.

God bless Pres Trump and protect him.

Posted by: Mrs Emma Peel at July 13, 2024 07:01 PM (lIN5E)

192 Anyone know where Jack Smith is/was at that moment?

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at July 13, 2024 07:01 PM (cOq4q)

193 I wanted the shooter to be taken alive and waterboarded. On live stream so the whole world could learn.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 13, 2024 07:01 PM (Dn9nA)

We've been prepared for this to happen to President Trump for the last 9 years. But you can never really be ready to hear the news and face the reality of it actually happen.

Posted by: Soothsayer at July 13, 2024 07:01 PM (Go1ny)

195 The MSM will act like it's no big deal like they did with Hodgkinson.

Posted by: Minnesota Siamese Twins at July 13, 2024 07:01 PM (rrmPi)

196 Those bastards Whoopie Goldberg and Joy Behar and all those Communit's on the View must be happy Today....

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at July 13, 2024 07:01 PM (38eU4)

197 New York Post has a good picture of his ear , looks like it was nicked, My God he was lucky
Posted by: Patrick from Ohio at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (FCrpy)

Exactly. "Incident", my ass.

Hold on tight. It's gonna get lit from here on out through potentially the next five years.

Posted by: RickZ at July 13, 2024 07:01 PM (gKDq2)

198 This reminds me of the Las Vegas concert shooting for some reason.

Posted by: Iasonas at July 13, 2024 07:01 PM (2O9Sc)

199 Wow.

Posted by: Dr. T at July 13, 2024 07:01 PM (jGGMD)

200 8 - 10 shots? All missed? And that’s what we keep saying about these idiot progs, they’re never willing to put in the range time.

But they do so well in FPS video games!

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (rHxhM)

201 154 A lot of new names here... beware

I'm an oldie who tapped out after SCOTUS passed on TX vs.PA. Only back here for this, but I know my Ps and Qs.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (wE3/A)

202 193 I wanted the shooter to be taken alive and waterboarded. On live stream so the whole world could learn.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 13, 2024 07:01 PM (Dn9nA)

I want him stomped into a bloody puddle, then walked dry.

Posted by: Peaches at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (14URa)

203 The Amish have struck again.

Sure isn’t a dem trans angry Palestinian lover.

Posted by: Frank Barone at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (zyVQc)

204 Norms restored gopers?

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (JdL1m)

205 Semi-auto 22LRs usually have a 10 round magazine.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (Dn9nA)

206 Secret Service agents race on to the stage to protect the former president with their bodies.

Another volley of bullets can be heard, before a shout of 'Shooter down.'

Posted by: blaster at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM

I hope they didn't kill the shooter. If the fib gets ahold of him it's game over and we will never know what happened.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (QNSds)

207 how did a gun get into a rally ..was it planted from the night before ?

Posted by: runner at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (V13WU)

208 6-8 shots, anyone hear about any people in the grandstands getting hit?

Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (5AVMW)

209 OK. I want somebody's head.

Posted by: Weasel at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (JwHpX)

210 I'll bet some Democrat claims Trump staged it for the photo op.
Posted by: Socratease

You know it.

Posted by: Tonypete at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (WXNFJ)

211 Came in for a little break and THIS was on the news!

Posted by: Some Rat at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (vJiyU)

212 Grassy knoll..

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn it! at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (o3Uyl)

213 Oops, I just had an incident.

Posted by: Joe "No Malarkey" at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (UUui5)

214 There are pics on TikTok and it looks like his ear is bleeding…there were people doing lives at the rally.

Posted by: Amy R. at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (/Oo3T)

Christ Almighty, it could've been a head shot between the eyes.

Wait, it WAS a head shot.

They shot President Trump in the head. Wow.

Posted by: Soothsayer at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (Go1ny)

216 Will Biden have the Balls to come on TV tonight after this happened?? I bet the F**ker Does not !!!!!!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (38eU4)

217 Remember nothing happened to the leftists that tried to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2024 07:03 PM (JdL1m)

218 Yes! He fist raised in defiance with a bloody face. Wow do I admire this man!!
Posted by: LinusVanPelt

He stood in the way for us and it's absolutely amazing, but, by raising his fist after a bullet grazed his head he has shown he really is fearless.

Posted by: old chick at July 13, 2024 07:03 PM (F3Dlr)

219 166 8 - 10 shots? All missed? And that’s what we keep saying about these idiot progs, they’re never willing to put in the range time.
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (pgG81)


2 inches from his brains being blown out.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at July 13, 2024 07:03 PM (2fIO4)

220 Fox saying he's safe.
Thank you God.

Posted by: Some Rat at July 13, 2024 07:03 PM (vJiyU)

Another volley of bullets can be heard, before a shout of 'Shooter down.'

Who took him down I wonder. If it was some rando in the crowd...especially THAT crowd...I'm thinking the crowd might have done it.

Posted by: GGE of the Mobile Horde at July 13, 2024 07:03 PM (6I7rw)

222 I am thinking this could be Divine intervention to save his life.
Posted by: Skip at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (fwDg9)

I know I'm not the only one praying for him weekly.

Posted by: LASue at July 13, 2024 07:03 PM (YDB6U)

223 ‘shooter down.'

Hopefully alive.

Posted by: 13times at July 13, 2024 07:03 PM (UwtPD)

224 1968 has made a return. God save us.

Posted by: Frank Barone at July 13, 2024 07:03 PM (zyVQc)

225 8 - 10 shots? All missed? And that’s what we keep saying about these idiot progs, they’re never willing to put in the range time.
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (pgG81)

Technically one didn't miss.

Posted by: Minnesota Siamese Twins at July 13, 2024 07:03 PM (rrmPi)

226 I just got back from the Renaissance Faire when I saw the news.

I can tell you the average costumed cosplay steampunk dressing androgynous weirdo that I encountered would be gratified at the news.

And I guarantee we would lay waste to them in war.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at July 13, 2024 07:03 PM (YIxO9)

227 You can tell a lefty is the shooter based on the volume and inaccuracy.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at July 13, 2024 07:03 PM (5ki+c)

228 Well shit. Just heard (and saw) what happened. Fucking loser leftists.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at July 13, 2024 07:03 PM (g8Ew8)

229 Watching NBC News they are saying anything other than assassination attempt

Posted by: Patrick from Ohio at July 13, 2024 07:03 PM (FCrpy)

230 Fock Snooze still has not said

Trump was shot.

say it assholes

Posted by: Ex GOP at July 13, 2024 07:03 PM (GpUII)

231 I'm about to cry.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 13, 2024 06:49 PM (Zy6LG)

don't cry, he appears to be mobile.

Posted by: Kindltot at July 13, 2024 07:03 PM (D7oie)

232 That pic up top would make a great banner - with the SS guys 'shopped out. Trump, his ear, flag overhead.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at July 13, 2024 07:04 PM (cOq4q)

233 (ok, time to repost...)

well, they were definitely were aiming at his head, but...remember what JPII said after assassination attempt on his life "one hand pulled the trigger, another guided the bullet"..
Posted by: runner at July 13, 2024 06:38 PM (V13WU)

Posted by: runner at July 13, 2024 07:04 PM (V13WU)

234 Of course it does. You know the old saying, if you're gonna come for the king, you'd better not miss. He just won the election, in a landslide.
Posted by: Peaches

Of course there's the OTHER old adage of "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again". The Left has a nearly inexhaustable supply of nut jobs, and about 110 days, to work with.

Posted by: Military Moron at July 13, 2024 07:04 PM (ycI94)

235 OMG. I take a short nap and wake up to this. How I admire that man. Yelling "fight" and raising his fist as they take him off stage. I hope and pray that is is just a superficial wound and that no one else was injured.

Please, please apprehend the shooter ASAP

Posted by: Tuna at July 13, 2024 07:04 PM (oaGWv)

236 Someone on DU.

34. Oh you know they are already making t-shirts with that photo on it


Posted by: Stateless at July 13, 2024 07:04 PM (jvJvP)

237 5 of the first 7 Republican presidents were assassinated or shot by a Democrat.

Historical fact. Time to update the numbers.

Posted by: insurgens ad opus at July 13, 2024 07:04 PM (pCwyU)

238 That needs to be a T-Shirt Right Now.


Even money is that mark dice will selling them by tomorrow

Posted by: The Grounded Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger at July 13, 2024 07:04 PM (DBZuM)

CNN clip on shooting

Posted by: Skip at July 13, 2024 07:04 PM (fwDg9)

240 Biden is refusing to give JFK jr Secret Service protection

Posted by: Patrick from Ohio at July 13, 2024 07:04 PM (FCrpy)

241 No shortage of crazies groomed over the edge by a murderous media. They'll try again if Trump makes himself vulnerable to such attacks, which is why he shouldn't give them that window. No more public appearances for Trump unless a technology exists that makes him both visible and bomb/bulletproof.

Posted by: troyriser at July 13, 2024 07:04 PM (Vvljl)

242 Despite how much as I complain about Trump, him raising a fist in the air brought a tear to my eye.

Posted by: ryukyu at July 13, 2024 07:04 PM (lmKVt)

243 God Bless America, and Donald Trump's ear!!!!

Posted by: Weasel at July 13, 2024 07:04 PM (JwHpX)

244 Yes! He fist raised in defiance with a bloody face. Wow do I admire this man!!
Posted by: LinusVanPelt


Posted by: davidt at July 13, 2024 07:04 PM (SYTee)

245 My listening to the replay sounds like the very first shot is the one that clipped Trump and there were 3 more, then 6 more a few seconds later - which sounds a lot like those were in response.

Posted by: blaster at July 13, 2024 07:04 PM (IFNME)

I was 11 when Reagan was shot. I remember that day. I got home from school and ran in the house and turned on the TV.

Posted by: Soothsayer at July 13, 2024 07:05 PM (Go1ny)

247 I'll bet some Democrat claims Trump staged it for the photo op.
Posted by: Socratease

You know it.
Posted by: Tonypete at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (WXNFJ)

There's already a false flag hashtag. The lefties aren't buying this was a real assassination attempt at all.

Posted by: RickZ at July 13, 2024 07:05 PM (gKDq2)

248 220 Fox saying he's safe.
Thank you God.
Posted by: Some Rat at July 13,

Praise the lord, but if there are other victims, or a fatality as being reported, more prayers are needed.

Posted by: Piper at July 13, 2024 07:05 PM (p4NUW)

249 Those bastards Whoopie Goldberg and Joy Behar and all those Communit's on the View must be happy Today....

Somehow screeching for more human sacrifice as a reason to vote for Biden doesn't have the emotional motivation as pure unrefined hate towards the Left for trying to murder our Champion.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 13, 2024 07:05 PM (rHxhM)

250 A Republican candidate can't even make a speech without getting shot.

FUCKYOU, Democrats & Fake News. Fuck. You.
Posted by: Soothsayer at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (Go1ny)

Or play softball.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 13, 2024 07:05 PM (ufFY8)

251 Christ Almighty, it could've been a head shot between the eyes.

Wait, it WAS a head shot.

They shot President Trump in the head. Wow.
Posted by: Soothsayer at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (Go1ny)

yep. Thank the Lord.

Posted by: LASue at July 13, 2024 07:05 PM (YDB6U)

252 I was watching and I wondered about something.

He was presenting a chart to the folks (must have been on a screen somewhere) and he had his head turned towards it, which maybe helped keep him alive? If he had been looking straight into the crowd, face front, might have been a different outcome.

But I might be full of beans.

Posted by: lizabth at July 13, 2024 07:05 PM (Jfw7U)

253 Will Biden have the Balls to come on TV tonight after this happened?? I bet the F**ker Does not !!!!!!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM

Not happening, it's past joe biden's bed time. And like they didn't wake up hitler for the Normandy D-Day invasion they won't dare wake him up with this news.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 13, 2024 07:05 PM (QNSds)

254 "Fight"

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at July 13, 2024 07:05 PM (sJHOI)

255 Leftwing media of course just wrong wrong wrong.

What was that line about that damn conservative clock being right 24/7?

He went down and came up bloody and pumped his fist. He didn't "fall over."

Leftwing media is useless Deepstate Propaganda I wouldn't even link to it

Posted by: James at July 13, 2024 07:05 PM (ZwGhR)

256 Technically one didn't miss.
Posted by: Minnesota Siamese Twins

Yeah, looks like his ear got nicked.
Wow, just wow!

Posted by: Some Rat at July 13, 2024 07:06 PM (vJiyU)

257 I would leave the agents in to prove that yes there are still heroes to be found.

Brave souls who will run towards the gunfire.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 13, 2024 07:06 PM (Dn9nA)

Democrats are going to make it about:

1. Guns
2. Trump's "rhetoric."

So prepare yourselves for that outrageous bullshit.

Posted by: Soothsayer at July 13, 2024 07:06 PM (Go1ny)

259 Damn, that was close.
Like Bannon says "Next man up..."
Glad we don't need the next man today.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at July 13, 2024 07:06 PM (MeG8a)

260 Damn the Left for bringing us to this position.

Posted by: Dr. T at July 13, 2024 07:06 PM (jGGMD)

261 ‘shooter down.'


Posted by: Lee Harvey Oswald at July 13, 2024 07:06 PM (SYTee)

262 That pic up top would make a great banner - with the SS guys 'shopped out. Trump, his ear, flag overhead.
Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher

Nah. Here's a caption for you: "Secret Service agents cower when our President Trump does not."

Posted by: Tonypete at July 13, 2024 07:06 PM (WXNFJ)

263 We're gonna get that flaming skull we haven't seen in awhile on Monday.

But I didn't want to see it for this reason. Fuck them.

Posted by: haffhowershower at July 13, 2024 07:06 PM (NMT5x)

264 Have we now entered the “shoot the commies” phase? Asking for a friend…
Posted by: PaterNovem at July 13, 2024 06:56 PM (XIXQF)

I am fueling up the copters.

Posted by: zombie Pinochet at July 13, 2024 07:06 PM (ufFY8)



Posted by: Soothsayer at July 13, 2024 07:07 PM (Go1ny)

266 Fuck you CNN
Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at Rally

Posted by: Patrick from Ohio at July 13, 2024 07:07 PM (FCrpy)

267 On clip posted does sound maybe 8 shots, lots after he dives down

Posted by: Skip at July 13, 2024 07:07 PM (fwDg9)

268 29 I'm about to cry.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 13, 2024 06:49 PM (Zy6LG)

{{{hugs Fenelon}}}

Ditto. Lord, help us all. Help us to keep an eye out for each other, and hold to You in the storm.
Posted by: barkingmad59, wandering lurkette at July 13, 2024 06:55 PM (t8L50)

Hugs from me, too.

Posted by: LASue at July 13, 2024 07:07 PM (YDB6U)

269 5 of the first 7 Republican presidents were assassinated or shot by a Democrat.

Historical fact. Time to update the numbers.
Posted by: insurgens

6 of 8 now

Posted by: Thomas Paine at July 13, 2024 07:07 PM (5ki+c)

270 I was afraid this was going to happen with all this Hatred Coming from Biden, Harris and the Communists .......

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at July 13, 2024 07:07 PM (38eU4)

271 258 So prepare yourselves for that outrageous bullshit.
Posted by: Soothsayer at July 13, 2024

And don’t bite. We can’t bite.

Posted by: Piper at July 13, 2024 07:07 PM (pZEOD)

272 Please. I watched Lee Harvey Oswald get shot over and over.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at July 13, 2024 07:07 PM (xjTDL)

273 I was 11 when Reagan was shot. I remember that day. I got home from school and ran in the house and turned on the TV.
Posted by: Soothsayer at July 13, 2024 07:05 PM (Go1ny)

I was in a record store in Troy, OH and went home and turned on the TV

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at July 13, 2024 07:07 PM (sJHOI)

274 That pic up top would make a great banner - with the SS guys 'shopped out. Trump, his ear, flag overhead.
Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher

Nah. Here's a caption for you: "Secret Service agents cower when our President Trump does not."

Posted by: Tonypete at July 13, 2024 07:06 PM

The one guy on the right is a US Marshall.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 13, 2024 07:07 PM (QNSds)

275 Yes! He fist raised in defiance with a bloody face. Wow do I admire this man!!
Posted by: LinusVanPelt

Posted by: davidt

Mans got Speirs balls!

Posted by: Some Rat at July 13, 2024 07:07 PM (vJiyU)

276 209 OK. I want somebody's head.

Posted by: Weasel at July 13, 2024 07:02 PM (JwHpX)

ON A SPIKE!!!!! out in front of Mar a Lago by sundown!!!!!!

Posted by: zooomzooom at July 13, 2024 07:07 PM (rfnUk)

277 5 days before Donald Trump was shot at, Biden told Democrats "so, we're done talking about the debate, it's time to put Trump in a bullseye."

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 13, 2024 07:07 PM (Q4IgG)

278 226 I just got back from the Renaissance Faire when I saw the news.

I can tell you the average costumed cosplay steampunk dressing androgynous weirdo that I encountered would be gratified at the news.
Posted by: Big Fat Meanie

As a kid, I used to love going to Ren Faires. I joined the SCA, did armored was great! The last few years, though, it's like a rainbow pride sheen has been vomited over everything. I don't go anymore.

Posted by: Military Moron at July 13, 2024 07:08 PM (ycI94)

279 That pic up top would make a great banner - with the SS guys 'shopped out. Trump, his ear, flag overhead.
Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at July 13, 2024 07:04 PM (cOq4q)
I guarantee it's going to be on J.J.'s Morning Report on Monday. "Bloodied but Unbowed."

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at July 13, 2024 07:08 PM (BpYfr)

280 176 This is insane.
Posted by: CaliGirl

Buckle up, it's going to get worse.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at July 13, 2024 07:08 PM (FmapG)

281 DM has headlines that Trump was shot and the shooter is down.

Posted by: blaster at July 13, 2024 07:08 PM (IFNME)

282 247 I'll bet some Democrat claims Trump staged it for the photo op.
Posted by: Socratease

Plenty of comments on Kos and DU claiming this.

I'm having beer and will do the sewer surfing.

Posted by: Stateless at July 13, 2024 07:08 PM (jvJvP)

283 I want to remind everyone this is the 5th attempt we know of. There were 4 while he was in office. None as close at this, obviously

2 ramming attacks on his motorcade, one dude grabbed a cop gun at a rally, and another I can't recall the details of.

Posted by: somedood at July 13, 2024 07:08 PM (MtsYL)

284 When i watched the replay, I knew the shots were coming. Trump was moving a lot at the time. Saved his life.

I am trying to go icy resolve, instead of off the rails.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at July 13, 2024 07:09 PM (Z8Yh2)

285 > "Fox News saying he's safe.
Thank you God."

Amen. Let's hope the wound was just a graze.

But I'm reminded of the assassination attempt on President Reagan in 1981. His wound later was found to be more serious than it appeared at first.

Posted by: Just reporting at July 13, 2024 07:09 PM (Bp98T)

286 I remember when one of those F**kers on MSNBC said "Where is John Wilkes Boothe " when we need him...

My Blood Pressure is 200 right now !!!!!!!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at July 13, 2024 07:09 PM (38eU4)

287 I shit you not, CNN had on their website "Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at Rally"

I'm sure they will quickly change it

Posted by: Blago at July 13, 2024 07:09 PM (wMRY8)

288 This makes me sick. The dems all need to be rounded up.

Posted by: Megthered at July 13, 2024 07:09 PM (W1XW9)

289 The thing that worries me, is that this was the first attempt.

There will be more. They will not stop.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at July 13, 2024 07:09 PM (CHHv1)

290 Damn. That was too close. They will escalate. His protection needs to go up to Presidential levels. His routes and venues may be bombed. They don't care who they kill in order to take out the man who is worse than Hitler.

Posted by: fd at July 13, 2024 07:09 PM (vFG9F)

291 @273 I was 10. We had a Cub Scout meeting that night and one of my fellow Cub Scouts said he was glad. My pack leader kicked him out.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at July 13, 2024 07:09 PM (YIxO9)

292 Muzzie?
Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 13, 2024 06:53 PM (i+Y/j)

Posted by: Inogame

All of the above; but, you failed to list "DEI".

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at July 13, 2024 07:09 PM (rTH7i)

293 So will the shooter somehow manage to "mysteriously" escape? Or will they throw some patsy under the bus to cover up for the actual CIA shooter?

Posted by: harbqll at July 13, 2024 07:10 PM (tpLW4)


I aint crying, I am praying and will crawl over fire and broken glass to help DJT win.

And just donated to his campaign.

Posted by: groovygirl at July 13, 2024 07:10 PM (K9U8R)

295 Dems have no shame we'll see how the Deepstate Media downplays this harder than Bidens incompetence.

Posted by: James at July 13, 2024 07:10 PM (ZwGhR)

296 ABC says "Trump
Apparently injured after shots fired. "


Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2024 07:10 PM (bWDwv)

297 That pic up top would make a great banner - with the SS guys 'shopped out. Trump, his ear, flag overhead.

Hell no on that 'shopping out anyone - optics way too much like the Stalin and Nikolai Yezhov photo.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 13, 2024 07:10 PM (rHxhM)

298 Jill Biden was speaking in Western PA - the city of Pittsburgh - today, too.

Posted by: L - If ... at July 13, 2024 07:10 PM (NFX2v)

299 I'm having beer and will do the sewer surfing.
Posted by: Stateless

You sir, are a better man than I.

Posted by: Some Rat at July 13, 2024 07:10 PM (vJiyU)

300 This will be a lone wolf that has nothing to do with the Democrat Party. And forgotten by Monday.

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 13, 2024 07:11 PM (i+Y/j)

301 If Trump was any other guy running for President, any old politician, he would have hit the ground, pissed his pants, and hid for weeks, if they could ever coax him out again.

Trump? the New York real estate guy? He got up seconds after being hit by a bullet, fist-pumped the crowd, and shouted "FIGHT!"

That's my candidate.
Posted by: Shenanigans

To be fair,
Teddy Roosevelt got shot and finished his speach.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at July 13, 2024 07:11 PM (cOq4q)

302 I'm seeing an assassin's name pop up on Twitter. Won't repeat it here.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at July 13, 2024 07:11 PM (YIxO9)

303 A little odd that I don't see anyone in the crowd behind him that looked like they were hit.

Posted by: Socratease at July 13, 2024 07:11 PM (t8Egx)

304 “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first."

Posted by: LASue at July 13, 2024 07:12 PM (YDB6U)

305 So will the shooter somehow manage to "mysteriously" escape? Or will they throw some patsy under the bus to cover up for the actual CIA shooter?

The modern Zapruder film is being AI generated Right Now.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 13, 2024 07:12 PM (rHxhM)

306 “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first."

Could we not equate Trump with Jesus Christ?

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 13, 2024 07:13 PM (rHxhM)

307 ABC hates America
Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2024 07:01 PM (9bYWc)

The all do.
The media has a shitload to answer for. Fu*king commie bastards.

Posted by: Diogenes at July 13, 2024 07:13 PM (W/lyH)

308 Video on X of two PA Troopers dragging lifeless corpse out of the stands.

Posted by: Next2Nothing at July 13, 2024 07:13 PM (tA1/w)

309 Oooo. Beware the new nice.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2024 07:14 PM (1GRHN)

310 287 I shit you not, CNN had on their website "Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at Rally"

I'm sure they will quickly change it
Posted by: Blago at July 13, 2024 07:09 PM (wMRY


Now it’s the raw:

Trump injured in incident

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at July 13, 2024 07:14 PM (2fIO4)

311 Pray for Melania and Trump Jr. too. They're also fair game. The left has become desperate.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at July 13, 2024 07:14 PM (g8Ew8)

312 He didn't fall. SS pulled him down. They were trying to keep his head covered and he stopped them, raised his fist and yelled Fight

Posted by: Notsothoreau at July 13, 2024 07:14 PM (xjTDL)

313 I'm seeing an assassin's name pop up on Twitter. Won't repeat it here.
Posted by: Big Fat Meanie

Worthless, tractorist, fuckers.

Posted by: Some Rat at July 13, 2024 07:14 PM (vJiyU)

314 Why would they drag the lifeless corpse out of the crime scene?

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at July 13, 2024 07:15 PM (YIxO9)

315 Here we go. Everyone pretending to be shocked that gun violence has occurred in fully armed America. We have unreported mass murders here every single day! I live in America, not a fantasized version of it.

Well, the press has a new crisis to harp on, maybe now they will get off the too old kick.

I want all Democrats to be very careful. Be very aware of your surroundings. Be aware that things have changed, even if they have not changed, the cult is going to be angry with our side. The cult is dangerous. The cult is unpredictable.

I was just thinking this AM that it's very possible to have another JFK moment. Only with someone taking out Joe. Then Kamala. Guess who would become president? Yep Mike johnson.

Tsf is going to say Joe is trying to take him out. I think it was staged by his people. This is now spreading all over MAGA world as an assassination attempt and they will be if not already vowing revenge.

The photo of the orange asshole with blood on his face and fist in the air. That will be his campaign poster, everywhere. I was confident Joe would win this morning. No more.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at July 13, 2024 07:15 PM (ycI94)

316 > "The modern Zapruder film is being AI generated Right Now."

There were scores of people with cell phones near that stage recording what actually happened.

Any fake AI generated video is DOA.

Posted by: Just reporting at July 13, 2024 07:16 PM (Bp98T)

317 Of course here is the Secret Service:

“An incident occurred the evening of July 13 at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania. The Secret Service has implemented protective measures and the former President is safe. This is now an active Secret Service investigation and further information will be released when available,” Guglielmi said in a statement.

So “incident” is straight from the SS.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at July 13, 2024 07:16 PM (2fIO4)

318 Piper, prayers up for those possibly killed or wounded in this vile assassination attempt.

Posted by: Some Rat at July 13, 2024 07:16 PM (vJiyU)

319 UPDATED: 18:55 EDT, 13 July 2024

The former president was seen with blood on his face as protective detail appeared to say the 'shooter is down' according to attendees.

The U.S. Secret Service said that the 'former President is safe' in a new statement.

Posted by: Braenyard, can't help himself at July 13, 2024 07:16 PM (aNKhG)

320 Now ABC

There is a growing concern this may have been a serious attempt on the life of Donald Trump.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2024 07:16 PM (1GRHN)

321 Jesus. Idiot MFM speculating about people gettin hurt in the grandstand.

No, idiots, to the right or left of the podium. PDT was looking to his right when grazed. Bullets went either right or left, because the shooter, imo, was to the left or right.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 13, 2024 07:16 PM (ufFY8)

322 Not often you hear of tractors complicit in assassination attempts.

Posted by: look whats not at July 13, 2024 07:17 PM (nakGR)

323 The left will kill all of you rather than give up power.

They are welcome to TRY.
It won't end like they think.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 13, 2024 07:17 PM (NzK/m)

324 Sirhan Sirhan Sirhan?

Posted by: No one of any consequence at July 13, 2024 07:17 PM (+H2BX)

325 I am glad President Trump survived the attempt. I am so passed off and I'm 13000 kms away and not an American. He is a total bad ass. Fuck the commies. God bless America.

Posted by: NZFrank with an M2 at July 13, 2024 07:17 PM (/Sdat)

326 Video of the shooting:

Posted by: Braenyard, can't help himself at July 13, 2024 07:17 PM (aNKhG)

327 Donald Trump rushed offstage after shots fired.


Laster Holt is an absolute piece of shit.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2024 07:18 PM (1GRHN)

328 I keep thinking of Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi.
Don't know why.

Posted by: Braenyard, can't help himself at July 13, 2024 07:18 PM (aNKhG)

329 Now ABC

There is a growing concern this may have been a serious attempt on the life of Donald Trump.
Posted by: nurse ratched

Wow abc..."a growing concern"?

Posted by: Some Rat at July 13, 2024 07:18 PM (vJiyU)

330 If you don't pray every day for Donald and Melania Trump and their family, you should start now.

Posted by: No one of any consequence at July 13, 2024 07:19 PM (+H2BX)

331 Dave McCormick running for U.S. Senate - is on Foxnews now and says he heard 7 or 8 shots. There was another person visibly wounded. A number of people were trying to administer first aid to the person until the police came.

Posted by: L - If ... at July 13, 2024 07:19 PM (NFX2v)

332 NZFrank

Thank you. And next time I see you, you get a smooch.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2024 07:19 PM (1GRHN)

333 The former president was seen with blood on his face as protective detail appeared to say the 'shooter is down' according to attendees.

MAC-10 go brrrrrrrppppp.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 13, 2024 07:19 PM (NzK/m)

334 Richard Simmons died? In Pennsylvania?

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 13, 2024 07:19 PM (ufFY8)

335 Footage of Trump's shooter being dragged out of the rally by police

Posted by: SMH at what's coming at July 13, 2024 07:19 PM (oTfjA)

336 There are reports that the shooter is Antifa and is in custody. Then there are reports that the shooter is dead.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at July 13, 2024 07:19 PM (xjTDL)

337 Quick send that proof to the silk screen company

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn it! at July 13, 2024 07:20 PM (o3Uyl)

338 Well, hopefully we get a pic and a name soon.

Posted by: 13times at July 13, 2024 07:20 PM (HJE4R)

339 330 If you don't pray every day for Donald and Melania Trump and their family, you should start now.

Posted by: No one of any consequence

Let's not get crazy here! The guy did say "pussy"

Posted by: William Kristol at July 13, 2024 07:20 PM (ycI94)

340 "This is all alleged and nothing has been confirmed "

"How did this happen"

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2024 07:20 PM (1GRHN)

341 A growing concern that someone who shot at Trump 10 times may have wanted to cause him harm?


Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 13, 2024 07:20 PM (i+Y/j)

342 8 - 10 shots? All missed? And that’s what we keep saying about these idiot progs, they’re never willing to put in the range time.
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (pgG81)

I suspect someone may have tackled the shooter(s), or at least spoiled the aim by grabbing him/her/it

Posted by: Kindltot at July 13, 2024 07:20 PM (D7oie)

343 If the stupid concept of stochastic terrorism means anything, it means that stupid left-wing journalists encouraged this to happen. They were kind of wishing for it and saying how good it would be. Not this one time in particular, but one of these days.

Posted by: PG at July 13, 2024 07:21 PM (rCO8r)

344 Breaking: Jonah Goldberg just came multiple times.

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 13, 2024 07:22 PM (i+Y/j)

345 Gosh, let it be Antifa. The f’n trifecta.

Posted by: 13times at July 13, 2024 07:22 PM (HJE4R)

346 "These echos of what appeared
To be shots"
"Where did the other shots go?"
"Why wasn't anyone else hot?"

Fuck abc

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2024 07:22 PM (1GRHN)

347 POS Johnathan Karl of ABC Propaganda Network says we really don’t know what happened, perhaps Trump was injured when the SS took him down. Sure Karl.

Posted by: DJ Jazzy Mel at July 13, 2024 07:23 PM (ZTJjv)

348 PG, I agree.

Posted by: Earl Schlobodowicz at July 13, 2024 07:23 PM (OzR+b)

349 Well, hopefully we get a pic and a name soon.
Posted by: 13times

I'll settle for a carcass.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 13, 2024 07:23 PM (NzK/m)

350 How did the people behind him not get hit? Are they ok?

Posted by: Megthered at July 13, 2024 07:23 PM (W1XW9)

351 Hi Nurse. You will see me again, look forward to it. Again El Trumpo is a sea going, weapons grade bad ass. He has my sword.

Posted by: NZFrank with an M2 at July 13, 2024 07:23 PM (/Sdat)

352 I am still banned from twitter because I refuse to remove a post that jokingly said that Robert De Niro should be kicked in the nutts but because he is so short, the blow would land on his head.

Posted by: No one of any consequence at July 13, 2024 07:23 PM (+H2BX)

353 335. Thanks, SMH.

Wonder if he's the person reported injured in 331?

Posted by: L - If ... at July 13, 2024 07:23 PM (NFX2v)

354 I want it alive.

Posted by: 13times at July 13, 2024 07:24 PM (HJE4R)

355 > "How did the people behind him not get hit? Are they ok?"

One bystander now confirmed dead, and a second wounded.

Posted by: Just reporting at July 13, 2024 07:25 PM (Bp98T)

356 I'll settle for a carcass.
Posted by: rickb223

Not till after the "Argentinean Confession" process has run its course.

Posted by: Some Rat at July 13, 2024 07:25 PM (vJiyU)

357 How did the people behind him not get hit? Are they ok?
Posted by: Megthered

Possibly by the angle from ground up to lectern.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 13, 2024 07:26 PM (NzK/m)

358 If you don’t want high BP, do not go to Reddit right now. The consensus is “damn he survived”.

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 13, 2024 07:26 PM (i+Y/j)

359 Then the Pinochet helicopter gambit?

Posted by: No one of any consequence at July 13, 2024 07:27 PM (+H2BX)

360 Shooter dead and one rally attendee also dead.

Posted by: IrishEi at July 13, 2024 07:27 PM (3ImbR)

361 I want all Democrats to be very careful. Be very aware of your surroundings. Be aware that things have changed, even if they have not changed, the cult is going to be angry with our side. The cult is dangerous. The cult is unpredictable.

I'm going to give this guy some credit, because QAnon is still a thing for some, and some idjits aren't as wise as those posting in good-enough standing in the HQ.
Also remember if someone is winding you up to "Do Something You Pu$$y", 9 to 1 odds that fucker's had ham and eggs that morning and has covered himself in makeup to hide his glow.
Of course there's a cult on the Left too so, be careful out there.

Posted by: Joe at July 13, 2024 07:27 PM (UUui5)

362 "How did the people behind him not get hit? Are they ok?"

One bystander now confirmed dead, and a second wounded.
Posted by: Just reporting

Welp, the msm won't be able to hide that.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 13, 2024 07:27 PM (NzK/m)

363 No, I'm not "average joe", that post was serious.

Posted by: gKWVE at July 13, 2024 07:27 PM (UUui5)

364 I rolled my eyes when I saw posts here saying Trump will be executed. I’m rolling no more.

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 13, 2024 07:27 PM (i+Y/j)

365 Has anyone seen Alec Baldwin today?

Posted by: J nics at July 13, 2024 07:27 PM (Hs8ej)

366 179. I'll bet some Democrat claims Trump staged it for the photo op.
Posted by: Socratease at July 13, 2024 07:00 PM (t8Egx)

Olbermann already has

Posted by: Slade at July 13, 2024 07:27 PM (OERWa)

367 342 8 - 10 shots? All missed? And that’s what we keep saying about these idiot progs, they’re never willing to put in the range time.
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (pgG81)

I suspect someone may have tackled the shooter(s), or at least spoiled the aim by grabbing him/her/it
Posted by: Kindltot

Talk is the shot did not come from the crowd high in the trees.
Other shots were returns from men on the roof tops.

Posted by: Braenyard, can't help himself at July 13, 2024 07:28 PM (aNKhG)

368 I want all Democrats to be very careful. Be very aware of your surroundings. Be aware that things have changed

Because it's almost game time.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 13, 2024 07:28 PM (NzK/m)

369 The folks behind him really didn't have anyplace to go. But I didn't see any indication that someone there was shot.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at July 13, 2024 07:29 PM (xjTDL)

370 310 287 I shit you not, CNN had on their website "Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at Rally"

I'm sure they will quickly change it
Posted by: Blago at July 13, 2024 07:09 PM (wMRY


Now it’s the raw:

Trump injured in incident
Posted by: MAGA_Ken at July 13, 2024 07:14 PM

The MFM will spin this:

See. Trump is so old that he falls on-stage too.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at July 13, 2024 07:29 PM (g8Ew8)

371 “Shooter dead and one rally attendee also dead”.

Dang.So much for live-scalping the Antifa assassin.

Posted by: 13times at July 13, 2024 07:29 PM (HJE4R)

372 Thank you, {{{NZFrank}}}.

Posted by: IrishEi at July 13, 2024 07:30 PM (3ImbR)

373 Shooter down Shooter down!1


Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn it! at July 13, 2024 07:30 PM (o3Uyl)

374 AP - DA said shooter dead, another person in serious condition.

Posted by: L - If ... at July 13, 2024 07:30 PM (NFX2v)

375 Nood

Posted by: rickb223 at July 13, 2024 07:30 PM (NzK/m)

376 Shooter is dead. Rally attendee also killed.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at July 13, 2024 07:31 PM (g8Ew8)

377 I wanted the shooter alive to squeal like a pig. You know they would. Now the whitewash begins.

Posted by: Megthered at July 13, 2024 07:31 PM (W1XW9)

378 Fucking Facebook won't allow a post of the picture of President Trump holding up his fist.

Posted by: Diogenes at July 13, 2024 07:31 PM (W/lyH)

379 Why's the shooter dead? Suicide? If I'm in the crowd I'm restraining that soyboy so he can rat out his comrades.

Posted by: gKWVE at July 13, 2024 07:31 PM (UUui5)

380 Over under before this story is memory holed by the MSM.

I’m starting the line at 36.

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 13, 2024 07:31 PM (i+Y/j)

381 I thought by 3rd shot he grabs ear then ducks
Posted by: Skip at July 13, 2024 06:59 PM (fwDg9)

He didn't stand up quickly because he was draped with Secret Service.

Posted by: Kindltot at July 13, 2024 07:32 PM (D7oie)

382 I'm going to give this guy some credit, because QAnon is still a thing for some, and some idjits aren't as wise as those posting in good-enough standing in the HQ.

Nah. It's the standard "Republican shot, Dems most at risk of backlash!"

Posted by: Moron Analyst at July 13, 2024 07:33 PM (ycI94)

383 "There is no wisdom no insight no plan that can succeed against the Lord" proverbs 21:30 prayers up for President Trump and family

Posted by: jadedlady at July 13, 2024 07:33 PM (Gzc8t)

384 2024 Republican National Convention
Mon, Jul 15, 2024 – Thu, Jul 18, 2024

Posted by: L - If ... at July 13, 2024 07:33 PM (NFX2v)

385 This is supposed to be the guy that took out the shooter:

Posted by: Notsothoreau at July 13, 2024 07:34 PM (xjTDL)

379 Why's the shooter dead? Suicide? If I'm in the crowd I'm restraining that soyboy so he can rat out his comrades.

Going by what I'm hearing on the radio the shooter was on a water tower and a SS sniper took him down.

Posted by: GGE of the Mobile Horde at July 13, 2024 07:45 PM (6I7rw)

387 Someone up thread called Trump Rocky Balboa. I'm going with Richard the Lionhearted.

Posted by: Kilo 4/11 at July 13, 2024 07:46 PM (3jAUS)

388 Uhh, why the hell did PA State Troopers carry the shooters body away? If that was the shooter, but even if it was a by-stander....weird.

Posted by: Sua Sponte at July 13, 2024 07:49 PM (ppKip)

389 320 Now ABC

There is a growing concern this may have been a serious attempt on the life of Donald Trump.
Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2024 07:16 PM (1GRHN)


Posted by: Tom Servo at July 13, 2024 07:52 PM (pgG81)

390 Supposedly Butler PD is saying that the shooter is an Antifa guy named Mark Violets, he posted a video on YouTube a few hours ago saying "justice is coming." He's dead at the scene.

Posted by: Average Jen at July 13, 2024 07:53 PM (hGNrS)

391 Anyone thinking CIA, FBI, DNC?

Posted by: FINGERS at July 13, 2024 08:02 PM (C8ve7)

392 Does this mean Trump has more or less “skin in the game” ?

Posted by: SMOD at July 13, 2024 08:04 PM (GITLP)

393 Sources are saying that there's a video of the dead shooter on a roof.

Posted by: SMOD at July 13, 2024 08:09 PM (GITLP)

394 Antifa guy named Mark Violets

.. Trump was shot by an ideology ?

Posted by: SMOD at July 13, 2024 08:12 PM (GITLP)

395 How long until MSNBC calls this a false flag operation?

Posted by: Libz are Terrorists at July 13, 2024 08:25 PM (qXygI)

396 358 If you don’t want high BP, do not go to Reddit right now. The consensus is “damn he survived”.
Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 13, 2024 07:26 PM (i+Y/j)

That’s fine. The truth is that people will rally. Especially after reading responses like on Reddit.

When I was subbing HS classes the past year, I heard young people saying things like “What did Trump do to deserve so much hate? Why are we supposed to hate him so much?” Those are the young people, the same young that are supposed to be Leftists, because. That should tell you something. Then this happens?

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 13, 2024 09:24 PM (8sMut)

397 389 320 Now ABC

There is a growing concern this may have been a serious attempt on the life of Donald Trump.
Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2024 07:16 PM (1GRHN)

Posted by: Tom Servo at July 13, 2024 07:52 PM (pgG81)

Party mouthpieces will mouthpiece.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 13, 2024 09:26 PM (8sMut)

398 I was able to find good information from your blog posts.

Posted by: herpes at July 13, 2024 10:22 PM (TsgFT)

399 Trump has more than skin in this game. Now he'd got flesh and blood in the game. This lone nut? Has ensured that Trump will be ejected 11/24, Amen

Posted by: Tom22ndState at July 13, 2024 10:59 PM (LE2ju)

400 Why is the most popular photo of the Circumstance an Odd Recreation of the raising of the flag of Iwo Jima.

Why was any flag flown upside down?

Why is there no flag in evidence anywhere near Trump before the episode?

A: FAKE NEWS: There absolutely was NO FLAG near Trump during the shooting, nor was any displayed upside down.

Brought to you by the same people who put Sesame Street's Burt (Burt is Evil) into the 90's OBL posters.

Given the soon to be realized blow back, there is now the basis for the LIBs to promote CTHillary/CTHarris as their last hope to convince their constituency to Choose Evil.

Coups like this used to only occur in Banana Republics -- NO MORE! Why Settle for the Lesser Evil ever again?

Posted by: MANFRED the Heat Seeking OBOE at July 14, 2024 01:36 PM (WzMbN)

401 Of course, many of you may not remember: Mostafa Kamal -- the great and powerful print manager who distributed the OBL poster.

Fake Name/Anagram: Mostafa Kamal :: Kamala's A Foam -- yes, indeed.
LIBs. What FARCE their Vision?
History repeats itself, first as Tragedy, then as FARCE!

"to leave now we would send a message to terrorists
and other potential adversaries around the world that
they can change our policies by killing our people.
It would be open season on Americans."
-- Bill Clinton '93
just before he pulled out of Somalia.

To abandon this area now -- and to rely only on efforts against
alQaeda from a distance -- would significantly hamper our ability to
keep the pressure on al Qaeda, and create an unacceptable risk of
additional attacks on our homeland and our allies.
-- OBAMA'09

When I made the decision to end the U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan,
I judged that it was not in the national interest of the United States of America to continue fighting
-- Dark Brandon, July 8, 2021

Posted by: MANFRED the Heat Seeking OBOE at July 14, 2024 02:23 PM (BFgMs)

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