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Afternoon Quickies

I was writing this up for the usual 6:30 slot but it's time to post again and I've got nothing else, so:

House Republicans will probe whether or not the Biden White House retaliated against the IRS whistleblowers who cried foul on the plot to let all of the charges against Hunter Biden expire, or cover them up in a sham "plea agreement."

House Republicans are intensifying their scrutiny over the handling of IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who claimed political interference in the Department of Justice's investigation of Hunter Biden. The whistleblowers assert that they were removed from the case shortly after they reported concerns to Congress, including alleged preferential treatment toward Hunter Biden and potentially false testimony by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

The issue has caught the attention of high-ranking Republicans, including House Speaker Mike Johnson, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, and the chairmen of key committees, who have united in their call for transparency and accountability from the Office of Special Counsel (OSC). They argue that the whistleblowers performed their duties honorably by reporting wrongdoing and making legally protected disclosures, yet they faced retaliation instead of protection.

Twenty-four Republican state Attorneys General are challenging Jack Smith's demand for a gag order on Trump in his political witch-hunt, calling it, understatedly, "presumptively unconstitutional."

Led by Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird, the group emphasizes that free and fair elections depend on candidates being able to speak freely about important issues. "Attempts to stop a candidate from speaking out harm more than just the candidate. They also hurt the voters, who are denied access to crucial information, and the States, which are responsible for managing elections," the brief stated.

The request from Special Counsel Smith, filed last month, sought to prohibit Trump from making statements that could pose "a significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger to law enforcement agents participating in the investigation and prosecution of this case." This followed Trump's claims that FBI agents were "locked & loaded ready to take me out & put my family in danger." Prosecutors argued that Trump's remarks were "grossly misleading" and referred to standard FBI protocols.

The attorneys general counter that Smith's motion asks the court "to curtail that right by ordering a prior restraint on President Trump's constitutionally protected speech. Such an order is presumptively unconstitutional." They assert that preventing Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, from speaking about his prosecution would undermine the electoral process.

Another judge has blocked Biden's lawless rewrite of Title IX from taking effect, in six more states.

On Monday, U.S. District Judge Danny Reeves blocked the implementation of an expanded Title IX rule in six states. This rule, set to take effect on August 1, 2024, was designed to extend protections to LGBT students by outlawing discrimination based on gender identity. The block affects Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia.

The ruling came in response to a lawsuit filed by Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman, which argued that the Department of Education (ED) had exceeded its authority. The complaint highlighted concerns that the ED's new rule unlawfully broadens the scope of Title IX, which was originally enacted in 1972 to prevent sex-based discrimination in federally funded education programs.

Judge Reeves supported this viewpoint in his decision, stating that the rule's redefinition of 'sex' to include gender identity contradicts the original text of Title IX and infringes upon government employees' First Amendment rights. He further criticized the rulemaking process as "arbitrary and capricious."

911 Denier, antisemite, Hamas pimp, and Fire Alarm Insurrectionist Jamaal Bowman is facing a difficult primary election on June 25th. He's in trouble with Jewish voters for essentially blessing the Hamas rape raid on Israel.

In 2022, his antisemtism had already become an issue. He called Jewish people in his district that he barely knows to them to send any photos they might have of him standing next to them. To prove, and here I quote this pro-terrorist sub-moron, "that I'm friends with Jewish People."

Matthew Kassel

New: In late spring 2022, Rep. Jamaal Bowman reached out a local Jewish leader with an unusual request as he faced mounting scrutiny over his record on Israel.

"Do you have pics of us?" he texted. "So I can show the world I'm friends with Jewish People."

Also via Twitchy: AOC continues shrieking that out-of-district money is coming in to support Bowman's opponent, who I think is named Gary Latimer.

But ninety percent of Bowman's money is coming from outside the district.

AOC is complaining about "Wall Street" money supporting Latimer, but what she really means is Jewish Money.

The full court media press of pretending that 1, Biden doesn't need nannying the few times he's out in public and 2, but Trump is the one who really does is now in meltdown mode.

Trump briefly shook his son's hand as he was walking off the stage. A lefty froze the picture and claimed it was someone "leading Trump off the stage."

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 04:24 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 I

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 18, 2024 04:26 PM (8sMut)

2 Silver

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 18, 2024 04:26 PM (8sMut)

3 ""Do you have pics of us?" he texted. "So I can show the world I'm friends with Jewish People.""

He's upfront about his motives, anyway.

Posted by: gp's Sack O' Woe at June 18, 2024 04:26 PM (MvF+J)

4 Threeth

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 18, 2024 04:26 PM (8sMut)

5 I nooded!

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - they have been lying to us for decades at June 18, 2024 04:26 PM (tQtDb)

6 Boy, AOC is really showing off her donkey-chompers in that photo. You can practically hear the bray.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 18, 2024 04:26 PM (v6JzV)

7 Does this mean we can stop talking about Biden's feces? I sure hope so.

Posted by: Archimedes at June 18, 2024 04:27 PM (xCA6C)

8 Top 5?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 18, 2024 04:27 PM (J2vNu)

9 Top 10

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 18, 2024 04:27 PM (J2vNu)

10 It's not retaliation until they are taken out back and shot.
Even then, it's a cheap fake.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at June 18, 2024 04:27 PM (cOq4q)

11 (Willowed From a Democratic Party bleg (bold is theirs):

"A short while ago, the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee recently announced they raised $141 million in the month of May.

Let us repeat that: $141 million. It's terrifying.

That is money they will use not only to defeat Joe Biden, but also Democrats running up and down the ballot in November.

We're going to be blunt: if Trump's supporters will donate that much money after his conviction, there is no telling what they will do in the future."

Posted by: Duncanthrax at June 18, 2024 04:28 PM (AMBt6)

12 Made it by a kitten's whisker!

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 18, 2024 04:28 PM (J2vNu)

13 The band started another song.
Just masturbatory, shreddy stuff. Maybe trying to add a Robin Trower type feel?
I won't be running out and grabbing g one of their cd's.

Posted by: TeeJ at June 18, 2024 04:28 PM (aDAOz)

14 i really don't want to see ocasio-crackpot get hurt or anything, but i think i might laugh if some day she gets car jacked in d.c.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at June 18, 2024 04:28 PM (CWTWj)

15 I got nothing.

Other than people are stupid and should be hit with a tire iron.

Posted by: nurse ratched at June 18, 2024 04:28 PM (O/8il)

16 The mouthpieces are evil. Vote Trump for no other reason than to piss them off.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 18, 2024 04:29 PM (8sMut)

17 13 Trump just in time to save the national anthem from that awful guitarist.

Posted by: gp's Sack O' Woe at June 18, 2024 04:29 PM (MvF+J)

18 Jamal, what a standup guy!
AOC, what a peach!

Posted by: Lizzy at June 18, 2024 04:29 PM (Hkcdp)

19 15 I got nothing.

Other than people are stupid and should be hit with a tire iron.
Posted by: nurse ratched at June 18, 2024 04:28 PM (O/8il)

Good enough

Posted by: It's me donna at June 18, 2024 04:29 PM (Akjoo)

20 Tells you all you need to know about inner city education when you realize that Bowman was a HS principal.

Posted by: Smell the Glove at June 18, 2024 04:29 PM (KhB32)

21 15 I got nothing.

Other than people are stupid and should be hit with a tire iron.
Posted by: nurse ratched at June 18, 2024 04:28 PM (O/8il)

The Achille’s Heel of Dmocracy… Heinlein wrote about it.

Posted by: tubal at June 18, 2024 04:29 PM (PCK5/)

22 "Do you have pics of us?" he texted. "So I can show the world I'm friends with Jewish People."

That made me laugh. Like some guy in high school pretending he has a girlfriend.

Posted by: spindrift at June 18, 2024 04:29 PM (OguvZ)

23 Boy, AOC is really showing off her donkey-chompers in that photo. You can practically hear the bray.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 18, 2024

"We'll stay up all night, swappin' manly stories . . . and then, in the mornin', I'm makin' waffles!"

Posted by: The Donkey at June 18, 2024 04:30 PM (J2vNu)

24 It should be illegal to raise money outside your congressional district (or state for a senator). Who do they represent?

Posted by: Not Their Constituents at June 18, 2024 04:30 PM (F/oxI)

25 Double standards ... or something even worse than that.

Posted by: illiniwek at June 18, 2024 04:30 PM (Cus5s)

26 re 22: maybe he can get a picture with amy schumer

Posted by: gnats local 678 at June 18, 2024 04:30 PM (CWTWj)

27 Stronk worded letters incoming!

Sleeves will be rolled up!

No consequences shall be had!

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 18, 2024 04:30 PM (Q4IgG)

28 "Do you have pics of us?" he texted. "So I can show the world I'm friends with Jewish People."

That made me laugh. Like some guy in high school pretending he has a girlfriend.
Posted by: spindrift at June 18, 2024

Like David Duke wanting to show that he's friends with black people.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 18, 2024 04:30 PM (J2vNu)

29 6 Boy, AOC is really showing off her donkey-chompers in that photo. You can practically hear the bray.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 18, 2024 04:26 PM (v6JzV)

She makes insane money was a Congressbitch and has, I am sure, great medical coverage, yet cannot find a decent orthodontist.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 18, 2024 04:31 PM (8sMut)

30 I'm rooting for Bowman! The crazier the better.

Posted by: Black JEM at June 18, 2024 04:31 PM (GZYu7)

31 What does this have to do with what kind of a whore Jill Biden is?

Posted by: wth at June 18, 2024 04:31 PM (v0R5T)

32 Which is worse, Obama guiding Joe off stage or Georgia Meloni having to fetch Joe and point his attention in the right direction?

Even if Obama didn't have to guide Joe off the stage, how does that explain the incident in Italy?

And, shall we discuss the bunny scare? How about the rocketman pose during the Anderson Cooper interview?

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 18, 2024 04:32 PM (tT6L1)

33 It was a good day. I got to vote for a guy named Hung Cao.

Posted by: Archimedes at June 18, 2024 04:32 PM (xCA6C)

34 Trump: 'fix the crime in Milwaukee.'
gp: Lotsa luck.

Posted by: gp's Sack O' Woe at June 18, 2024 04:32 PM (MvF+J)

35 i sometimes think aoc looks like she could chew through a 2 by 4

Posted by: gnats local 678 at June 18, 2024 04:32 PM (CWTWj)

36 FL cleavage was better.

Posted by: Braenyard at June 18, 2024 04:32 PM (bQ/08)

37 When you're getting fact checked by KFile...

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at June 18, 2024 04:32 PM (KbCG3)

38 It's okay, Ace. Afternoon quickies are fun.

Posted by: Emmie at June 18, 2024 04:32 PM (Sf2cq)

39 Even if Obama didn't have to guide Joe off the stage, how does that explain the incident in Italy?

And, shall we discuss the bunny scare? How about the rocketman pose during the Anderson Cooper interview?
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 18, 2024 04:32 PM (tT6L1)

The Italian press noticed

Posted by: It's me donna at June 18, 2024 04:32 PM (Akjoo)

40 That made me laugh. Like some guy in high school pretending he has a girlfriend.…

You wouldn’t know them. They live in Canada

Posted by: Euro at June 18, 2024 04:33 PM (LxqBJ)

41 If you look at just AOC's head and pony tail in that pic, it's like that deep sea fish that's all teeth.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at June 18, 2024 04:33 PM (9KYZq)

42 It was a good day. I got to vote for a guy named Hung Cao.
Posted by: Archimedes

Sorry, but I need a hung bull.

Posted by: David French at June 18, 2024 04:33 PM (v6JzV)

43 Which is worse, Obama guiding Joe off stage or Georgia Meloni having to fetch Joe and point his attention in the right direction?

I enjoyed the video of Meloni watching a performance of Nessun Dorma. She looked rapt, although she was obviously playing it up for the cameras. Biden was next to her, asleep.

Posted by: Archimedes at June 18, 2024 04:33 PM (xCA6C)

44 AOC has that Coke bottle figure though
if we could only flip her to our side...

Posted by: Don Black at June 18, 2024 04:33 PM (/7KEl)

45 13 The band started another song.
Just masturbatory, shreddy stuff. Maybe trying to add a Robin Trower type feel?
I won't be running out and grabbing g one of their cd's.

Posted by: TeeJ at June 18, 2024 04:28 PM (aDAOz)

I was just introduced to a guitarist by the name of Erik Gales. He's insanely good.

Problem is, he's just fast as hell up and down the board and after seven minutes of that I'm bored.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at June 18, 2024 04:33 PM (KbCG3)

46 @28 I see the every four year sighting of David Duke has occurred. He showed up the other day at a pro Hamas rally. This will probably confuse the propaganda ministries in that you know he's an icky Republican

Posted by: Smell the Glove at June 18, 2024 04:33 PM (KhB32)

47 Bowman has Jewish friends but they’re from Canada so you wouldn’t know them.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at June 18, 2024 04:33 PM (u73oe)

48 Do we think they know that every time they gaslight it blunts their effectiveness?
I mean it's been 8-9 years of gaslighting...

Now it's so silly they are trying to convince us Brandon is sharp as a tack, strong as an ox and Trump is old and frail.

I mean... who on Trumps side or truly undecided would buy any of this at this point?

Posted by: Inogame at June 18, 2024 04:34 PM (53oGX)

49 but as the two year old said, biden is the best president in my lifetime

Posted by: gnats local 678 at June 18, 2024 04:34 PM (CWTWj)

50 29 6 Boy, AOC is really showing off her donkey-chompers in that photo. You can practically hear the bray.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 18, 2024 04:26 PM (v6JzV)

She makes insane money was a Congressbitch and has, I am sure, great medical coverage, yet cannot find a decent orthodontist.
Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 18, 2024 04:31 PM (8sMut)

Orthodontics? They'd have to reshape her entire skull to conquer that Hew Haw overbite. And if they do that, then she has to manufacture an entirely new human suit. It's very involved.

Posted by: Most things are, when you are a lizardperson at June 18, 2024 04:34 PM (F/oxI)


~Brenna Bird~

Posted by: Braenyard at June 18, 2024 04:34 PM (bQ/08)

52 Monkfish>>AOC

Posted by: tubal at June 18, 2024 04:34 PM (PCK5/)

53 Trump: 'four years ago things were great'
gp: He means five years ago.

Posted by: gp's Sack O' Woe at June 18, 2024 04:34 PM (MvF+J)

54 "If you were really my friend, you would already have pics of us together and would just be asking my permission to use them in your campaign and which of them I like the best."

Posted by: tankdemon at June 18, 2024 04:35 PM (MWf2b)

55 AOC just needs to shut up and make an Only Fans page.

Please note. I said AOC. Wouldn't want to see AoP's OF page....

Posted by: OrangeEnt at June 18, 2024 04:35 PM (0eaVi)

56 re 46: official media story will be that even some republicans support the palastinien cause

Posted by: gnats local 678 at June 18, 2024 04:35 PM (CWTWj)

57 53 Trump: 'four years ago things were great'
gp: He means five years ago.
Posted by: gp's Sack O' Woe at June 18, 2024 04:34 PM (MvF+J)

Point… 4 years ago, muy no bueno..

Posted by: tubal at June 18, 2024 04:36 PM (PCK5/)

58 If you look at just AOC's head and pony tail in that pic, it's like that deep sea fish that's all teeth.
Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at June 18, 2024 04:33 PM (9KYZq)

Anglerfish Of the C.

Posted by: spindrift at June 18, 2024 04:36 PM (OguvZ)

59 38 It's okay, Ace. Afternoon quickies are fun.
Posted by: Emmie at June 18, 2024 04:32 PM (Sf2cq)

Unless the kiddos get back from soccer practice earlier than expected.

Posted by: tankdemon at June 18, 2024 04:36 PM (MWf2b)

60 The people running Biden are evil but they’re not stupid. If they thought there was a better alternative they’d have replaced him a year ago. They’re stuck with him.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at June 18, 2024 04:36 PM (u73oe)

61 57 53 Trump: 'four years ago things were great'
gp: He means five years ago.
Posted by: gp's Sack O' Woe at June 18, 2024 04:34 PM (MvF+J)

Point… 4 years ago, muy no bueno..
Posted by: tubal at June 18, 2024 04:36 PM (PCK5/)

See.. He can't remember dates ! Worse than Biden !

Posted by: It's me donna at June 18, 2024 04:36 PM (Akjoo)

62 Please note. I said AOC. Wouldn't want to see AoP's OF page....
Posted by: OrangeEnt

He could get that Juliana Morgan chic to talk about something related to the petroleum industry.

Posted by: David French at June 18, 2024 04:37 PM (v6JzV)

63 "Please note. I said AOC. Wouldn't want to see AoP's OF page....
Posted by: OrangeEnt "

Why not?

Posted by: Guy who is really into Studebakers at June 18, 2024 04:37 PM (vFG9F)

64 58 If you look at just AOC's head and pony tail in that pic, it's like that deep sea fish that's all teeth.
Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at June 18, 2024 04:33 PM (9KYZq)

Anglerfish Of the C.
Posted by: spindrift at June 18, 2024 04:36 PM (OguvZ)

Good on the grill, fish, not Sandy..

Posted by: tubal at June 18, 2024 04:37 PM (PCK5/)

65 "No Lie with Brian Taylor Cohen"

-Posts a lie

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 18, 2024 04:37 PM (rsqyi)

66 Off, Cuck Sock!

Posted by: David French at June 18, 2024 04:37 PM (v6JzV)

67 Off, Cuck Sock! And this time I mean it!

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 18, 2024 04:38 PM (v6JzV)

68 Must've been the flatus emanating from the front...

@Breaking911 32m
WATCH: Reporter passes out in the White House briefing room

Posted by: weft cut-loop at June 18, 2024 04:38 PM (IG4Id)

69 How is it a guy named Bowman never seems to be able to hit the target?

Posted by: tankdemon at June 18, 2024 04:38 PM (MWf2b)

70 61 57 53 Trump: 'four years ago things were great'
gp: He means five years ago.
Posted by: gp's Sack O' Woe at June 18, 2024 04:34 PM (MvF+J)

Point… 4 years ago, muy no bueno..
Posted by: tubal at June 18, 2024 04:36 PM (PCK5/)

See.. He can't remember dates ! Worse than Biden !
Posted by: It's me donna at June 18, 2024 04:36 PM (Akjoo)

You left out the Reeeeee!!!

Posted by: tubal at June 18, 2024 04:38 PM (PCK5/)

71 AOC: the queen of overbites. 🤪

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 18, 2024 04:38 PM (Q4IgG)

72 Logging in

Posted by: Skip at June 18, 2024 04:38 PM (fwDg9)

73 Off, Cuck Sock!
Posted by: David French at June 18, 2024 04:37 PM (v6JzV)


Were you socking Jonah Goldberg, David?

Posted by: Duke Lowell at June 18, 2024 04:38 PM (u73oe)

74 AOC: the queen of overbites. 🤪
Posted by: Martini Farmer

No, that would be Gene Tierney. Mmmmmmm...

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 18, 2024 04:39 PM (v6JzV)

75 Something something Cuck Socker….

Posted by: tubal at June 18, 2024 04:39 PM (PCK5/)

76 Please note. I said AOC. Wouldn't want to see AoP's OF page....
Posted by: OrangeEnt

I'm picturing AOP in assless bib overalls working on cars. Could be a market for that in Canuckistan.

Posted by: I mean, "Bear" was a Canadian bestseller at June 18, 2024 04:40 PM (F/oxI)

77 Twenty-four Republican state Attorneys General are challenging Jack Smith's demand for a gag order on Trump in his political witch-hunt, calling it, understatedly, "presumptively unconstitutional."

If you want to actually force a resolution of this you arrest Biden, or some prominent Democrat, and implement the exact same gag order.

This is all failure theater still.

Posted by: 18-1 at June 18, 2024 04:40 PM (ibTVg)

78 Cuck Socker….
Posted by: tubal

*golf clap*

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 18, 2024 04:40 PM (v6JzV)

79 Jack Smith is a ' Special Council ' because he doesn't conform to the rules to make a Council?

Posted by: Skip at June 18, 2024 04:40 PM (fwDg9)

80 See.. He can't remember dates ! Worse than Biden !
Posted by: It's me donna at June 18, 2024 04:36 PM (Akjoo)

All of this Biden "I'm on top of my game, Ma!" BS is getting so thick, I bet even those boobs in Massachusetts are starting to figure it out. Probably around 2032, they'll start bragging they knew all the time.

Posted by: mrp at June 18, 2024 04:42 PM (rj6Yv)

81 The people running Biden are evil but they’re not stupid. If they thought there was a better alternative they’d have replaced him a year ago. They’re stuck with him.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at June 18, 2024 04:36 PM

This, plus 100 internet points. There are a whole lot of people who should know better that are still clinging to the belief that the democrats are going to replace biden at the last minute.

It's not gonna happen, they literally have no one to replace him with at this point. Maybe if he had stuck to the claim that he would only serve one term like his campaigned said back in 2019 they might have worked something out, but that promise is long expired.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at June 18, 2024 04:42 PM (QNSds)

82 Jack Smith is a ' Special Council ' because he doesn't conform to the rules to make a Council?
Posted by: Skip


But, do you know what the Russian word for "council" is? "Sovyet" -- i.e., "Soviet."

So, maybe we should refer to Smith as a "Special Soviet." It fits.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 18, 2024 04:42 PM (v6JzV)

83 Jack Smith is a ' Special Council ' because he doesn't conform to the rules to make a Council?
Posted by: Skip at June 18, 2024 04:40 PM (fwDg9)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!0 at June 18, 2024 04:43 PM (d04cU)

84 the wide range of the "cheap fake" uproar makes me think they're trying to transition us from gaslighting to sustainable electriclighting. i think they need to put more work into the infrastructure before it'll succeed.

Posted by: anachronda at June 18, 2024 04:43 PM (v3pYe)

85 So, maybe we should refer to Smith as a "Special Soviet." It fits.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 18, 2024 04:42 PM (v6JzV)
Sort of a typical Soviet, really...

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 18, 2024 04:43 PM (d04cU)

86 House GOP probing the possibility to consider a vote that would potentially open the door to the option of bringing charges against the Biden family. America waits....

Posted by: Son of Dad at June 18, 2024 04:43 PM (8JB5s)

87 Sort of a typical Soviet, really...
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)

True. Good point.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 18, 2024 04:43 PM (v6JzV)

88 I think the loathsome Bowman wins his primary. The fix will be in.

Posted by: Elric Blade at June 18, 2024 04:44 PM (opUAf)

89 Biden enjoying shuffling around in front of the cameras far too much to quit his no-work gig… born grifter.

Posted by: tubal at June 18, 2024 04:44 PM (PCK5/)

90 Can any of the kapos send photos of us hangin' out? I think it'll help if the French occupation authorities see I'm friends with Jewish People.

Posted by: Otto Dirlewanger at June 18, 2024 04:44 PM (0FoWg)

91 Migrants in 'urgent humanitarian' need flown to US from wealthy countries

Posted by: Don Black at June 18, 2024 04:45 PM (/7KEl)

92 So Joe waved his magic wand and gave 500 thousand illegals amnesty today..

Posted by: It's me donna at June 18, 2024 04:45 PM (Akjoo)

93 These fookers aren't even clever.

Us: Biden has advancing dementia.

Them: Oh yeah. So does Trump. So there. Big Stupids! Doo-dooheads!

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Come Sail Away with me, You guys at June 18, 2024 04:45 PM (hZc6Q)

94 Has anybody noticed the number of stories about programs that Congress authorized but for some reason they haven't spent much if any ?
(hint 7 or 8 charging stations for $7.5 billion; high-speed internet in rural area where none of $4.25 billion has been spent)

Back in the old days, when inflation would creep into the picture, the first thing that would happen was that Congress would look to cut spending.

It is looking more and more like the Biden Administration has been cutting back on spending but leaving the money on the books to be spent later.

Posted by: SMOD at June 18, 2024 04:45 PM (RHGPo)

95 Some state's atty gen should indict Jack Smith.

Posted by: Braenyard at June 18, 2024 04:46 PM (bQ/08)

96 @Breaking911 32m
WATCH: Reporter passes out in the White House briefing room

Posted by: weft cut-loop

Gaslighting without a flame? Dangerous.

Posted by: Grudge Harbor at June 18, 2024 04:46 PM (hCzfy)

97 95 Some state's atty gen should indict Jack Smith.
Posted by: Braenyard at June 18, 2024 04:46 PM (bQ/0


Posted by: tubal at June 18, 2024 04:46 PM (PCK5/)

98 79 Jack Smith is a ' Special Council ' because he doesn't conform to the rules to make a Council?
Posted by: Skip at June 18, 2024 04:40 PM (fwDg9)

Can we refer to him as "Short Bus Counsel"?

Posted by: tankdemon at June 18, 2024 04:46 PM (MWf2b)

99 96 @Breaking911 32m
WATCH: Reporter passes out in the White House briefing room

Posted by: weft cut-loop

Too much cheap fakes ?

Posted by: It's me donna at June 18, 2024 04:47 PM (Akjoo)

100 What's more amazing about the No Lies lie is that he exposed his utter lack of human interaction with any elderly.

Anyone with an ounce of human decency has helped an elderly person.

"Let me help you while walking 3 feet lower than you" makes no sense to anyone who had actually helped someone.

You walk next to them, on the same level, and you hold their elbow--because they'll be on the ground before you can react, if you're holding the hand.
Just like Obama did: Grab the elbow.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at June 18, 2024 04:47 PM (XxeK+)

101 House GOP probing the possibility to consider a vote that would potentially open the door to the option of bringing charges against the Biden family. America waits....
Posted by: Son of Dad at June 18, 2024 04:43 PM (8JB5s)

The House GOP should leave probing to the Dems. Those guy have probing down to a science. The House GOP should focus instead on "charging" and "convicting".

Posted by: mrp at June 18, 2024 04:47 PM (rj6Yv)

102 So Joe waved his magic wand and gave 500 thousand illegals amnesty today..
Posted by: It's me donna

Oh, my wand is magic alright, IYKWIMAITYD.

Posted by: Joe Biden at June 18, 2024 04:47 PM (v6JzV)

103 Someone needs to make an ad that alternates between his falls, bike, Air Force One, the sandbag incident and some of the dumb shit he says and garbles. Make it go viral.

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at June 18, 2024 04:47 PM (NtVYv)

104 Cheap Fakes sounds like a Cheap Trick cover band.

Posted by: fd at June 18, 2024 04:48 PM (vFG9F)

105 Some state's atty gen should indict Jack Smith.
Posted by: Braenyard at June 18, 2024 04:46 PM (bQ/0

What'd I do?!

Posted by: Jack Smith, HVAC guy in Wyoming at June 18, 2024 04:48 PM (hZc6Q)

106 Off, Joetato Sock!

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 18, 2024 04:48 PM (v6JzV)

107 I suppose that the lying liars could show the backside of Melania (no; not the derriere, male hordians -from the back view) while Trump embraces her and they'd report, "Uknown woman needed to hold up Trump he is so old and feeble."

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 18, 2024 04:48 PM (XkYcA)

108 WATCH: Reporter passes out in the White House briefing room

It wash only three martooni lunch... *plop*

Posted by: wth at June 18, 2024 04:49 PM (v0R5T)

109 Biden White House aides reportedly pressured House Democrats not to sponsor a bill that would force presidents, vice presidents, and their relatives to disclose foreign income.

Bipartisan backing of a bill could be used as a Republican campaign talking point to slam the Biden family for making millions during and after President Joe Biden was a public official.

Posted by: SMOD at June 18, 2024 04:49 PM (RHGPo)

110 Reporter passed out in the White House?

*bashes "do I care meter" repeatedly with sledge hammer

Gosh, it reads less than zero.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 18, 2024 04:49 PM (tT6L1)

I have a sense that our nation is about to come to a tipping point. The gaslighting is just one more thing pushing us to it.

Posted by: Frank Barone at June 18, 2024 04:50 PM (+oR7L)

112 It's hard to keep up with the left these days, is Trump a criminal mastermind who's gonna put everyone in camps like a fascist strongman, or a senile oldster who can't walk unaided?

Posted by: Drumpf Took My Cheese at June 18, 2024 04:50 PM (F/oxI)

113 99 96 @Breaking911 32m
WATCH: Reporter passes out in the White House briefing room

Posted by: weft cut-loop

I'm sure he just completed the "Biden workout routine". He couldn't keep up with Joe.

Posted by: WisRich at June 18, 2024 04:50 PM (G0vdT)

114 It's A Madhouse! A Madhouse!!!

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 18, 2024 04:50 PM (XRpj3)

115 I’m circumcised, so you know I’m friends with Jewish people. Got a pic right here.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at June 18, 2024 04:50 PM (JTwsP)

116 WATCH: Reporter passes out in the White House briefing room

It wash only three martooni lunch... *plop*

Hunter's boofing buddy?

Posted by: Three at June 18, 2024 04:51 PM (Vu7A1)

117 The gaslighting is just one more thing pushing us to it.
Posted by: Frank Barone

If all our wimmins looked like Ingrid Bergman, I'd be cool with it.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 18, 2024 04:51 PM (v6JzV)

118 I can only assume Demoncrats have 20 longish videos of Biden acting vigorous, sharp and coherent for every brief, edited, video of him decomposing.

Posted by: Northernlurker at June 18, 2024 04:51 PM (JLq/1)

119 88

Unh-uh. Fuggetaboutit.

When you're 22 points down and the election is next Tuesday...

Toast. Cori Bush too.

Posted by: mnw at June 18, 2024 04:51 PM (NLIak)

120 Reporter passed out in the White House?

*bashes "do I care meter" repeatedly with sledge hammer

Gosh, it reads less than zero.
Posted by: blake

Have you checked the field outside your house?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 18, 2024 04:52 PM (v6JzV)

121 I'm picturing AOP in assless bib overalls working on cars. Could be a market for that in Canuckistan.
Posted by: I mean, "Bear" was a Canadian bestseller

I dunno…

There’s a reason you don’t bar-b-que nekkid.

Posted by: Just Sayin at June 18, 2024 04:52 PM (TX4bP)

122 Past 100:
there's a young woman on Libs of TikTok suggesting that service workers should wish everyone a "Happy Pride", like "Merry Christmas".

Posted by: sal: tolle adversarium et afflige inimicum at June 18, 2024 04:52 PM (y7DxH)

123 Expect the lies to amp to a fever pitch this fall.

What can you possibly say about Biden that is good?

Posted by: El Mariachi Attorney at Law at June 18, 2024 04:52 PM (nLFEI)

124 121 I'm picturing AOP in assless bib overalls working on cars. Could be a market for that in Canuckistan.
Posted by: I mean, "Bear" was a Canadian bestseller

I dunno…

There’s a reason you don’t bar-b-que nekkid.
Posted by: Just Sayin at June 18, 2024 04:52 PM (TX4bP)

Or fry bacon…

Posted by: tubal at June 18, 2024 04:53 PM (PCK5/)

125 I'm calling it now. Trump is giving a speech at Racine, Wisconsin. The kid to the left as you're looking at Trump has on a red cowboy hat with a starred hatband. Lefties will try to say this is a representation of the confederate flag.

Posted by: Kenneth Conner at June 18, 2024 04:53 PM (/nOVx)

126 there's a young woman on Libs of TikTok suggesting that service workers should wish everyone a "Happy Pride", like "Merry Christmas".
Posted by: sal: tolle adversarium et afflige inimicum

How long until we get a gay or trannie Santa?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 18, 2024 04:53 PM (v6JzV)

127 >>104 Cheap Fakes sounds like a Cheap Trick cover band.

I saw Cheap Fakes open up for Elton Jack at the Sigma Chi Kegathon in '85

Posted by: J. Frank Parnell at June 18, 2024 04:54 PM (RXJdG)

128 If F. Joe Mugabe shows up at the debate, Trump should arrange for Clint Eastwood to come onstage and put down an empty chair next to F. Joe

Posted by: ShainS -- Make Mean Tweets Great Again! at June 18, 2024 04:54 PM (+ZIxH)

129 As long as there are no consequences for perpetuating a complete falsehood, we will have more lies.
You can't shame these people, they have no idea what is shame.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at June 18, 2024 04:54 PM (MeG8a)

130 Unh-uh. Fuggetaboutit.

When you're 22 points down and the election is next Tuesday...

Toast. Cori Bush too.
Posted by: mnw at June 18, 2024 04:51 PM (NLIak)

If Cori Bush loses, is the "Squad" really the "Squad" anymore.

Posted by: WisRich at June 18, 2024 04:54 PM (G0vdT)

131 What funny about Biden - it's not us noticing Biden has a problem, it's the whole damn world. They write about it in their papers every day.

Posted by: El Mariachi Attorney at Law at June 18, 2024 04:54 PM (nLFEI)

132 WATCH,
OK, where's the link?

Posted by: Braenyard at June 18, 2024 04:55 PM (bQ/08)

133 What happened to the frontier spirit?

If you're not willing to expose your bare scrotum to the sizzle of bacon, do you really know what it isnto be alive and free?

Posted by: The Comanche Learned to Fear Naked Bacon Men at June 18, 2024 04:55 PM (F/oxI)

134 I can’t even think of a Cheap Trick song. I know I’ve heard them.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at June 18, 2024 04:55 PM (JTwsP)

135 It's hard to keep up with the left these days, is Trump a criminal mastermind who's gonna put everyone in camps like a fascist strongman, or a senile oldster who can't walk unaided?
Posted by: Drumpf Took My Cheese at June 18, 2024 04:50 PM (F/oxI)

In ancient Rome, the augurs would study the entrails of birds to receive omens. In the modern 21st century, our augurs throw shit upon the walls to see what sticks.

Posted by: mrp at June 18, 2024 04:55 PM (rj6Yv)

136 there's a young woman on Libs of TikTok suggesting that service workers should wish everyone a "Happy Pride", like "Merry Christmas".


"Sure thing. Have a good June, you dirty lesbo."

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 18, 2024 04:55 PM (0FoWg)

137 >>there's a young woman on Libs of TikTok suggesting that service workers should wish everyone a "Happy Pride",

Happy Pride, y'all.

Also, get MonkeyPox and Die.

Posted by: garrett at June 18, 2024 04:56 PM (8eskY)

138 How long until we get a gay or trannie Santa?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 18, 2024 04:53 PM (v6JzV)

Mel as Santa was pretty good. As was that viking warrior Santa.

Maybe we do a trannie Santa versus Viking warrior Santa?

Homo Santa versus Mel?

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 18, 2024 04:56 PM (tT6L1)

139 How long until we get a gay or trannie Santa?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 18, 2024 04:53 PM (v6JzV)


"I don't care what the straight man say
Santa Claus is a trans man."

Posted by: ShainS -- Make Mean Tweets Great Again! at June 18, 2024 04:56 PM (+ZIxH)

140 Prosecutors argued that Trump's remarks were "grossly misleading" and referred to standard FBI protocols.

Naw, dog, we AWAYS

Posted by: FIB & DOJ at June 18, 2024 04:57 PM (ynpvh)

141 >>I can’t even think of a Cheap Trick song. I know I’ve heard them.

That's a Logical assumption.

Posted by: garrett at June 18, 2024 04:57 PM (8eskY)

142 In ancient Rome, the augurs would study the entrails of birds to receive omens. In the modern 21st century, our augurs throw shit upon the walls to see what sticks.
Posted by: mrp

The augurs really liked to drill down to the root cause of things. They became really boring over time.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 18, 2024 04:57 PM (v6JzV)

143 65 "No Lie with Brian Taylor Cohen"

-Posts a lie

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy

It's a consistent trend. Whenever some declares 'they never tell a lie' or 'I always tell the truth', they immediately follow that declaration with a lie.

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at June 18, 2024 04:57 PM (sAmhv)

144 Somehow saw new thread but still got back downstairs

Posted by: Skip at June 18, 2024 04:57 PM (fwDg9)

145 Prosecutors argued that Trump's remarks were "grossly misleading" and referred to standard FBI protocols.

Naw dog, we ALWAYS go in with the intent of shooting all critters and folks. Standard operating procedure.

Posted by: FIB & DOJ at June 18, 2024 04:57 PM (ynpvh)

146 What can you possibly say about Biden that is good?

Posted by: El Mariachi Attorney at Law



he hasn't spit out his dentures in public yet?

Posted by: wth at June 18, 2024 04:58 PM (v0R5T)

147 141 >>I can’t even think of a Cheap Trick song. I know I’ve heard them.

That's a Logical assumption.
Posted by: garrett at June 18, 2024 04:57 PM (8eskY)

You took The Long Way Home, there…

Posted by: tubal at June 18, 2024 04:58 PM (PCK5/)

148 104 Cheap Fakes sounds like a Cheap Trick cover band.
Posted by: fd at June 18, 2024 04:48 PM (vFG9F)

And they think this is so very clever. Just one more example of their narcissism- we're smart and funny!- and their utter lack of wit and humor.

Posted by: sal: tolle adversarium et afflige inimicum at June 18, 2024 04:58 PM (y7DxH)

149 He called Jewish people in his district that he barely knows to them to send any photos they might have of him standing next to them.

There's precedent for this. Both Randy Marsh and George Costanza did something similar.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at June 18, 2024 04:59 PM (L/fGl)

150 142 In ancient Rome, the augurs would study the entrails of birds to receive omens. In the modern 21st century, our augurs throw shit upon the walls to see what sticks.
Posted by: mrp

The augurs really liked to drill down to the root cause of things. They became really boring over time.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 18, 2024 04:57 PM (v6JzV)

Bunghole borers and Gay Pride Month...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 18, 2024 04:59 PM (ynpvh)

151 New Santa will hurtle around the globe stealing dicks from little boys and stapling them to little girls in their beds. Zhe doesn't care if you're naughty or nice, so don't sweat that. Make sure to leave zher a Bud Light and some amyl nitrate by the fire.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 18, 2024 04:59 PM (0FoWg)

152 Funny thing, the only thing that's surprised me about the dementia addled pervert in the White House is that he's lasted this long.

Otherwise, the Junta is pretty much doing as expected.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 18, 2024 04:59 PM (tT6L1)

153 I'm sure AOC would say say she mentioned AIPAC first bc it was alphabetical. Lol

Posted by: brak at June 18, 2024 05:00 PM (e6K+d)

154 Trump said inflation is between 40 and 50%.

cost = $28,000 per household

Posted by: Braenyard at June 18, 2024 05:02 PM (bQ/08)

155 "Do you have pics of us?" he texted. "So I can show the world I'm friends with Jewish People."

That made me laugh. Like some guy in high school pretending he has a girlfriend.
Posted by: spindrift at June 18, 2024 04:29 PM (OguvZ) I have Jewish friends. Lots of them.

But, you wouldn't know them. They in Canada.


Posted by: Jamaal Bowmann at June 18, 2024 05:02 PM (eDfFs)

156 Tranta Claws.

Posted by: Zhe's Keeping A List at June 18, 2024 05:03 PM (F/oxI)

157 OT -Prayer request-I have to go to a possibly contentious political meeting in 95 degree heat. Well, I assume there will be air conditioning there, but there will be a lot of hot air, I expect. Please pray for all of us. Thanks.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 18, 2024 05:03 PM (XkYcA)

158 151 New Santa will hurtle around the globe stealing dicks from little boys and stapling them to little girls in their beds. Zhe doesn't care if you're naughty or nice, so don't sweat that. Make sure to leave zher a Bud Light and some amyl nitrate by the fire.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 18, 2024 04:59 PM (0FoWg)

Think New Santa might prefer some trinitrotoluene?

Posted by: Xipe Totec at June 18, 2024 05:03 PM (pohLc)

159 134 I can’t even think of a Cheap Trick song. I know I’ve heard them.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at June 18, 2024 04:55 PM (JTwsP)

Surrender, Dream Police, I Want You to Want Me

Posted by: tankdemon at June 18, 2024 05:03 PM (MWf2b)

160 108 WATCH: Reporter passes out in the White House briefing room

It wash only three martooni lunch... *plop*

Posted by: wth

Actually I wouldn't blame a WH press flack to have a wee nip of courage (a liter of cheap scotch) before a WH briefing. Even for a partisan flack, it's got to get tiring and stressful to organize all the lying shit being flown at you.

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at June 18, 2024 05:03 PM (sAmhv)

161 134 I can’t even think of a Cheap Trick song. I know I’ve heard them.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at June 18, 2024 04:55 PM (JTwsP)

In a way they kind of predicted this stupidity.

Posted by: Reforger at June 18, 2024 05:03 PM (xcIvR)

162 Trump said inflation is between 40 and 50%.

cost = $28,000 per household
Posted by: Braenyard at June 18, 2024 05:02 PM (bQ/0

Gee, that means Trump understands you got to add all the years of inflation not just talk about what's expected over the next few months before that forecast unexpectedly turns out to be wrong....

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 18, 2024 05:04 PM (tT6L1)

163 55 AOC just needs to shut up and make an Only Fans page.

Please note. I said AOC. Wouldn't want to see AoP's OF page....
Posted by: OrangeEnt at June 18, 2024 04:35 PM (0eaVi)

She's gross, with massive teeth, and a very fat ***. No thanks.

She is proof of the Rush Limbaugh adage "Politics is show business for the ugly."

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 18, 2024 05:04 PM (8sMut)

164 Toast. Cori Bush too.
Posted by: mnw

She'll just eye of newt, toe of frog her election.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at June 18, 2024 05:04 PM (L/fGl)

165 Soo...they're actually going to run Biden.

This should be pretty bizarre. In an awful way.

Posted by: eleven at June 18, 2024 05:05 PM (fV+MH)

166 Prayer request-I have to go to a possibly contentious political meeting in 95 degree heat. Well, I assume there will be air conditioning there, but there will be a lot of hot air, I expect. Please pray for all of us. Thanks.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 18, 2024 05:03 PM (XkYcA)


Fen, what you do is find the biggest, meanest looking guy and punch him in the mouth. Wait, that’s prison. Might work here too though.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at June 18, 2024 05:05 PM (u73oe)

167 Dems are really melting down. They must be terrified.

What fresh hell will they come up with to steal this election?

Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at June 18, 2024 05:05 PM (w6EFb)

168 159 134 I can’t even think of a Cheap Trick song. I know I’ve heard them.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at June 18, 2024 04:55 PM (JTwsP)

Surrender, Dream Police, I Want You to Want Me
Posted by: tankdemon at June 18, 2024 05:03 PM (MWf2b)

Where's Mike Damone when you need him?

Posted by: J. Frank Parnell at June 18, 2024 05:05 PM (RXJdG)

169 >>>Actually I wouldn't blame a WH press flack to have a wee nip of courage (a liter of cheap scotch) before a WH briefing. Even for a partisan flack, it's got to get tiring and stressful to organize all the lying shit being flown at you.
Posted by: Puddleglum,

It's surprising that any of them are sober.

Posted by: Braenyard at June 18, 2024 05:06 PM (bQ/08)

170 I saw Cheap Fakes open up for Elton Jack at the Sigma Chi Kegathon in '85

Posted by: J. Frank Parnell at June 18, 2024 04:54 PM (RXJdG)

I saw them!

The Rolling Steins played that night too!

Posted by: naturalfake at June 18, 2024 05:06 PM (eDfFs)

171 What fresh hell will they come up with to steal this election?
Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at June 18, 2024 05:05 PM (w6EFb)

Marshall Law. Or, they'll start a Civil War and suspend the election.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 18, 2024 05:06 PM (tT6L1)

Surrender, Dream Police, I Want You to Want Me
Posted by: tankdemon at June 18, 2024 05:03 PM (MWf2b)

"Mommy's all right, daddy's all right, they just seem a little weird..."

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 18, 2024 05:06 PM (8sMut)

173 Marshall Law. Or, they'll start a Civil War and suspend the election.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 18, 2024 05:06 PM (tT6L1)

I'm dead! Don't blame me!

Posted by: Chief Justice John Marshall at June 18, 2024 05:07 PM (8sMut)

174 If you grew up in the NE and went to see ANY rock concert from 87 - 92, you saw Cheap Trick and/or Joan Jett.

They lived at those Arena Shows in NY, NJ and CT area.

Posted by: garrett at June 18, 2024 05:07 PM (8eskY)

175 Marshall Law. Or, they'll start a Civil War and suspend the election.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 18, 2024 05:06 PM (tT6L1)

So I will be voting with my mini-14?

Posted by: Xipe Totec at June 18, 2024 05:08 PM (pohLc)

176 I expect. Please pray for all of us. Thanks.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke

Good luck and I pray that God looks favor upon your undertaking.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at June 18, 2024 05:09 PM (UC3nL)

177 They're from the government and they're here to help!

Corey A. DeAngelis, school choice evangelist
They're calling for federal homeschooling regulations.
Hell no.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at June 18, 2024 05:09 PM (L/fGl)

178 Martial law is possible in a city. It is not possible for the entire country. Not gonna happen.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at June 18, 2024 05:09 PM (u73oe)

179 “Happy Buttfvckery Errybidy!”

Yeah, the brief interaction I have found with young folks, they aren’t necessarily down with this brave new world. I asked someone at fast retail store if they shared tips.

“Hell no! Sharing ain’t Caring around here!!” These were 20 somethings.

The connection is it is difficult to make $$ right now, nobody sane ever wants to piss off potential customers. Everyone learns at their own pace, I always say. These kids, as worked over as they are, they get it.

Posted by: Common Tater at June 18, 2024 05:09 PM (l8IOH)

180 145 Prosecutors argued that Trump's remarks were "grossly misleading" and referred to standard FBI protocols.

Naw dog, we ALWAYS go in with the intent of shooting all critters and folks. Standard operating procedure.
Posted by: FIB & DOJ at June 18, 2024 04:57 PM (ynpvh)

Cue Dead Kennedys "Police Truck"

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 18, 2024 05:09 PM (8sMut)

181 The party of common sense. Common Sense Party

Posted by: Braenyard at June 18, 2024 05:10 PM (bQ/08)

182 178 Martial law is possible in a city. It is not possible for the entire country. Not gonna happen.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at June 18, 2024 05:09 PM (u73oe)

Kill a chicken to scare a monkey.

Posted by: Chinese proverb at June 18, 2024 05:10 PM (8sMut)

183 It seems like some commenters here are getting their second tier 70's rock acts a bit confused. Supertramp's vocalist sings about an octave higher than Cheap Trick's lead singer usually does.

Unless they are purposely substituting one band for the other and I am just missing the joke. (Entirely possible- I'm no Auguste Dupin. He'll, I'm not even Hercule Poirot.)

Posted by: tankdemon at June 18, 2024 05:10 PM (MWf2b)

184 I'm fine with ample buttocks.

It's her gross mouth when she smiles she has orange gums with the red lipstick. eeh

Posted by: eleven at June 18, 2024 05:10 PM (fV+MH)

185 181 The party of common sense. Common Sense Party
Posted by: Braenyard at June 18, 2024 05:10 PM (bQ/0

So the party isn't common.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 18, 2024 05:11 PM (8sMut)

186 Martial law is possible in a city. It is not possible for the entire country. Not gonna happen.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at June 18, 2024 05:09 PM (u73oe)

Crap, it is "Martial" not Marshall. Good grief.

I dunno, FedGov got 49 governors to go along with the Covid lockdowns.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 18, 2024 05:11 PM (tT6L1)

187 Kill a chicken to scare a monkey.
Posted by: Chinese proverb at June 18, 2024 05:10 PM (8sMut)


That come with an egg roll?

Posted by: Duke Lowell at June 18, 2024 05:12 PM (u73oe)

188 164 Anon

...fur of bat and tongue of dog.

Cori would make a MOST excellent Weird Sister.

Posted by: mnw at June 18, 2024 05:12 PM (NLIak)

189 >>It seems like some commenters here are getting their second tier 70's rock acts a bit confused. Supertramp's vocalist sings about an octave higher than Cheap Trick's lead singer usually does.

They both are awful.

Posted by: garrett at June 18, 2024 05:12 PM (8eskY)

Crap, it is "Martial" not Marshall. Good grief.

Nah, dawg.

you're thinking of martialmallows.

Posted by: naturalfake at June 18, 2024 05:12 PM (eDfFs)

191 ""Mommy's all right, daddy's all right, they just seem a little weird...""

Thank you. I never knew what that lyric was.

Posted by: eleven at June 18, 2024 05:13 PM (fV+MH)

192 184 I'm fine with ample buttocks.

It's her gross mouth when she smiles she has orange gums with the red lipstick. eeh
Posted by: eleven at June 18, 2024 05:10 PM (fV+MH)

There are limits to everything. I'm not good with a fat ***. Hence my idea of the "pencil skirt test". Hence my horror at how many women think they can pull off leggings as pants.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 18, 2024 05:13 PM (8sMut)

193 "I can’t even think of a Cheap Trick song. I know I’ve heard them."

Dream Police confiscated your memory.

Posted by: gp's Sack O' Woe at June 18, 2024 05:13 PM (MvF+J)

194 AOC would be a lot more attractive if she were wearing an iron mask and manacles. But nobody but the pitiless jailer would know, given the dismal oubliette.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 18, 2024 05:13 PM (0FoWg)

195 I believe Cheap Trick's big hit was Hamburger Helper Never Helped Me None.

Posted by: Great Moments in Music History at June 18, 2024 05:14 PM (F/oxI)

196 Crap, it is "Martial" not Marshall. Good grief.

So this great deal I got on ebay for a Martial stack is a scam?

Posted by: spindrift at June 18, 2024 05:14 PM (OguvZ)

197 If F. Joe Mugabe shows up at the debate, Trump should arrange for Clint Eastwood to come onstage and put down an empty chair next to F. Joe
Posted by: ShainS -- Make Mean Tweets Great Again!

Clint doesn't particularly like Donald Trump.

Posted by: William Munny who is unforgiven at June 18, 2024 05:14 PM (vcOmj)

198 I saw In Living Color open for Cheap Trick last year.

Really, I did.

Great bands.

Rock N Roll is unfortunately almost dead.

I trying to see all the greats before they go Joe Biden on me.

Ick. That sounds gross.

Posted by: Czech Chick at June 18, 2024 05:14 PM (fpVC1)

199 179 “Happy Buttfvckery Errybidy!”

Yeah, the brief interaction I have found with young folks, they aren’t necessarily down with this brave new world. I asked someone at fast retail store if they shared tips.

“Hell no! Sharing ain’t Caring around here!!” These were 20 somethings.

The connection is it is difficult to make $$ right now, nobody sane ever wants to piss off potential customers. Everyone learns at their own pace, I always say. These kids, as worked over as they are, they get it.
Posted by: Common Tater at June 18, 2024 05:09 PM (l8IOH)

I have heard high schoolers discussing among themselves why they are supposed to hate Trump so much and what did he do to deserve such treatment.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 18, 2024 05:15 PM (8sMut)

200 See Rick Nielsen open his new Hard Rock Casino in Rockford. Any day now. Meh.

Posted by: gp's Sack O' Woe at June 18, 2024 05:15 PM (MvF+J)

201 > It seems like some commenters here are getting their second tier 70's rock acts a bit confused. Supertramp's vocalist sings about an octave higher than Cheap Trick's lead singer usually does.
Back in the 80's I saw Supertramp and was amazed at how versatile the band was. Members switching to different instruments for different songs.

Pretty cool.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 18, 2024 05:15 PM (Q4IgG)

202 Hence my horror at how many women think they can pull off leggings as pants.
Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 18, 2024 05:13 PM (8sMut)


Yes, if the size on the leggings starts with XXX, put them back in the drawer.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at June 18, 2024 05:15 PM (u73oe)

203 I think AOC would be great as the slave in some dark web S&M video.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at June 18, 2024 05:15 PM (pohLc)

204 Rock N Roll is unfortunately almost dead.

I trying to see all the greats before they go Joe Biden on me.

Ick. That sounds gross.
Posted by: Czech Chick at June 18, 2024 05:14 PM (fpVC1)

Not dead, but not what it was. You have to go looking for it in various places.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 18, 2024 05:16 PM (8sMut)

205 Martial law is possible in a city. It is not possible for the entire country. Not gonna happen.
Posted by: Duke Lowell

I mentally pictured the progtards attempting just this, then stamping their wee little hoofsees in anger when the obvious result happens.

Made me LOL.

Posted by: BifBewalski at June 18, 2024 05:16 PM (MsrgL)

206 I've seen them at the grocery store a couple times.

Posted by: gp's Sack O' Woe at June 18, 2024 05:16 PM (MvF+J)

207 AOC, physically, is not unattractive.

Unfortunately, her stock in trade is abusive histrionics coupled with a complete lack of intelligence.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 18, 2024 05:16 PM (tT6L1)

208 >>I saw In Living Color open for Cheap Trick last year.

Living Colour shows used to be awesome. I miss Muzz. He was a good guy.

Posted by: garrett at June 18, 2024 05:16 PM (8eskY)

209 Martial law is possible in a city. It is not possible for the entire country. Not gonna happen.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at June 18, 2024 05:09 PM

Unless you got some F-15s, Jack.

Posted by: J. Robinette Biden at June 18, 2024 05:17 PM (AMBt6)

210 On Monday, U.S. District Judge Danny Reeves blocked the implementation of an expanded Title IX rule in six states.

How does a Hawaiian judge get to block stuff in 50 states? Judge Danny needs to up his game.

Posted by: olddog in mo at June 18, 2024 05:17 PM (hoCmQ)

211 >>Back in the 80's I saw Supertramp and was amazed at how versatile the band was. Members switching to different instruments for different songs.

Parliament PFunk shows were like that.

Switching instruments. Wandering offstage to be replaced by other players...amazing how good all those guys were.

Posted by: garrett at June 18, 2024 05:18 PM (8eskY)

212 Come to think of it, I did meet Bun E Carlos once. I did a photo shoot at a recording studio.

Posted by: gp's Sack O' Woe at June 18, 2024 05:18 PM (MvF+J)

213 The only question in my mind is whether we should wait until after the election to come down hard on all the Democrats. I really want to see them all in jail.

Assuming we hold the House, can't we just exclude Schiff as happened to Santos?

And, once again, I love the idea of using the Sgt at Arms to lock up Garland (and Wray). I am in no way swayed by the fact that Luna makes AOC look like an aged skank.

Posted by: Eeyore at June 18, 2024 05:18 PM (1bNHn)

214 AOC has some big teef.

Posted by: Minnfidel at June 18, 2024 05:18 PM (ewjUl)

Thinking of Marsha's mallows.

Posted by: Braenyard at June 18, 2024 05:19 PM (bQ/08)

216 "Back in the 80's I saw Supertramp and was amazed at how versatile the band was. Members switching to different instruments for different songs."

I was impressed in exactly the same way.

Posted by: gp's Sack O' Woe at June 18, 2024 05:19 PM (MvF+J)

217 I saw In Living Color open for Cheap Trick last year.

Really, I did.

Great bands.

Rock N Roll is unfortunately almost dead.

I trying to see all the greats before they go Joe Biden on me.

Ick. That sounds gross.
Posted by: Czech Chick at June 18, 2024 05:14 PM (fpVC1)

We did the same going to see David Sanborn early this year.

Guy could barely walk or stand without help but still put on an excellent show musically.

Two weeks later....dead.

Catch'em quick cuz they're going fast.

Posted by: naturalfake at June 18, 2024 05:19 PM (eDfFs)

218 207

Sounds like some of youse are fantasizing about a hate f.

Posted by: mnw at June 18, 2024 05:19 PM (NLIak)

219 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:19 PM (Zz0t1)

220 No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen
Here is a photo of Trump having to hold someone’s hand to guide him off stage.

No lie, as he lies with reckless abandon.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:20 PM (Zz0t1)

221 But that's not to say her looks are special. They're not. The thought of any Communist getting clapped in an iron mask and tossed unceremoniously onto the dank cobbles of a dismal oubliette works for me.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 18, 2024 05:20 PM (0FoWg)

222 How does a Hawaiian judge get to block stuff in 50 states? Judge Danny needs to up his game.
Posted by: olddog in mo

Because he may actually be sticking to the actual scope of the district and the law. Crazy, I know.

( those 6 are in addition to 5 previous states that had it halted, bTW. )

Posted by: weft cut-loop at June 18, 2024 05:20 PM (IG4Id)

223 Howdy Ace, Horde

Cheap Trick puts on a good show.

Posted by: callsign claymore at June 18, 2024 05:20 PM (JcnCJ)

Warm afternoon, sitting on the back deck with a glass of Laphroig Quarter Cask with an ice cube in it.

Will have to deal with the Lord in taking pleasure in the death of another, but since it's Noam Chomsky retard commie monster I have hope of forgiveness.

Posted by: Auspex at June 18, 2024 05:20 PM (j4U/Z)

225 AOC has some big teef.
Posted by: Minnfidel at June 18, 2024 05:18 PM (ewjUl)

I keep waiting for her to meet her destiny.

Posted by: Donkey at June 18, 2024 05:21 PM (Zz0t1)

226 "Do you have pics of us?" he texted. "So I can show the world I'm friends with Jewish People."
But would he let his sister marry one??

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 18, 2024 05:21 PM (ZdexC)

227 I keep waiting for her to meet her destiny.
Posted by: Donkey at June 18, 2024 05:21 PM (Zz0t1)
She's already met her density.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 18, 2024 05:21 PM (3Fz6p)

228 Will have to deal with the Lord in taking pleasure in the death of another, but since it's Noam Chomsky retard commie monster I have hope of forgiveness.
Posted by: Auspex at June 18, 2024 05:20 PM

Wait, Wut? He dead? Hell yes!

Posted by: Minnfidel at June 18, 2024 05:22 PM (ewjUl)

229 The Oldsmobile Oubliette was a short-lived attempt to create land yacht like ride in the style of the Mercury Grand Marquis. Consumers shunned the car partly because of the overly soft suspension, out of style landau roof, and the fact that it looked too similar to a hearse and frankly creeped people out.

Posted by: Car nerd at June 18, 2024 05:22 PM (no6nP)

Cheap Trick puts on a good show.
Posted by: callsign claymore at June 18, 2024 05:20 PM (JcnCJ)

When your drummer's name is Bun E. Carlos, it's hard to go wrong.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:22 PM (Zz0t1)

231 I saw AC/DC in STL a few years back.

They were on their last legs, I regret to have to say.

Sometimes you ARE too old to rock'n'roll.

Posted by: mnw at June 18, 2024 05:22 PM (NLIak)

232 Will have to deal with the Lord in taking pleasure in the death of another, but since it's Noam Chomsky retard commie monster I have hope of forgiveness.
Posted by: Auspex at June 18, 2024 05:20 PM (j4U/Z)

I hate to do this to you guys, but there are several reports online that his wife is saying that he is not dead.

Posted by: hobbitopoly at June 18, 2024 05:23 PM (XPM1I)

233 "Vivek hasn't learned his lesson yet"

Posted by: Braenyard at June 18, 2024 05:23 PM (bQ/08)

234 However, looking on the internet, Mr. Carlos left Cheap Trick in 2010.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:23 PM (Zz0t1)

235 202 Hence my horror at how many women think they can pull off leggings as pants.
Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 18, 2024 05:13 PM (8sMut)


Yes, if the size on the leggings starts with XXX, put them back in the drawer.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at June 18, 2024 05:15 PM (u73oe)

Some guy said a joke like that; said he must be a porn star because all his clothing says XXX.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 18, 2024 05:23 PM (ynpvh)

236 >>When your drummer's name is Bun E. Carlos, it's hard to go wrong.

Big Black had the best drummer.

Posted by: garrett at June 18, 2024 05:23 PM (8eskY)

237 Warm afternoon, sitting on the back deck with a glass of Laphroig Quarter Cask with an ice cube in it.

Will have to deal with the Lord in taking pleasure in the death of another, but since it's Noam Chomsky retard commie monster I have hope of forgiveness.
Posted by: Auspex at June 18, 2024 05:20 PM (j4U/Z)

That scotch is too good to dilute with an ice cube! I might throw in a splash of ice cold water, but a full ice cube? Too much dilution for me.

Posted by: Elric Blade at June 18, 2024 05:24 PM (opUAf)

238 I saw AC/DC in STL a few years back.

They were on their last legs, I regret to have to say.

Sometimes you ARE too old to rock'n'roll.
Posted by: mnw at June 18, 2024 05:22 PM (NLIak)

If you're a AC/DC fan, check out the tribute band Back in Black. They're good enough to have played for AC/DC at their birthday party one year.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:24 PM (Zz0t1)

239 AOC, physically, is not unattractive.

Unfortunately, her stock in trade is abusive histrionics coupled with a complete lack of intelligence.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 18, 2024 05:16 PM (tT6L1)


AHFL (Affluent Hispanic Female Leftist)

Posted by: ShainS -- Make Mean Tweets Great Again! at June 18, 2024 05:24 PM (+ZIxH)

240 OT,
I'm disappointed today.. I thought my dog was coming home this coming weekend and he's not.
Been a long time, would like him back soon.

Have a call with the trainer tonight, will hopefully understand what the deal is.

(He's been off to school for the past 6 months.. was supposed to be home ages ago)

Just had to bitch about it a bit, apologies for being off topic.

Posted by: Inogame at June 18, 2024 05:25 PM (53oGX)

241 I hate to do this to you guys, but there are several reports online that his wife is saying that he is not dead.
Posted by: hobbitopoly at June 18, 2024 05:23 PM (XPM1I)

He ain't dead but I've got him by his shriveled balls. Won't be long!

Posted by: Satan at June 18, 2024 05:26 PM (pohLc)

242 I keep waiting for her to meet her destiny.
Posted by: Donkey at June 18, 2024 05:21 PM (Zz0t1)
She's already met her density.
Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight

You're thinking of Whoopsie Goldbrick.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at June 18, 2024 05:26 PM (L/fGl)

243 Caption this photo of Kim Jong Un:

'When I find the guy who dusted this velvet rope, I'll have him machine-gunned. I'll let Putin dump a mag into the guy too.'

Posted by: gp's Sack O' Woe at June 18, 2024 05:26 PM (MvF+J)

244 234 However, looking on the internet, Mr. Carlos left Cheap Trick in 2010.
Posted by: Sponge
The parting was acrimonious, sadly. Lawsuits were flying around. No idea of the outcome or why.

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at June 18, 2024 05:26 PM (qp4xd)

245 AOC, physically, is not unattractive.

Unfortunately, her stock in trade is abusive histrionics coupled with a complete lack of intelligence.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 18, 2024 05:16 PM (tT6L1)

Waffle House 7, right up to the point she smiles.

Then drops to a 4.

Would look at her naked once or twice, mostly to see if she's just a lying sack of shit, didn't come from a poor family and has $7000 worth of fake tits.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:26 PM (Zz0t1)

246 Ah it's comforting to know they think Jews are good for something.

Posted by: ... at June 18, 2024 05:27 PM (lX8VI)

247 he must be a porn star because all his clothing says XXX.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia)

You know all those photos of me where I look fat? Deep fakes. All deep fakes.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at June 18, 2024 05:28 PM (L/fGl)

248 Have seen Cheap Trick in person. They were a good band, the studio/radio stuff is required, bubble gum, but they were pretty hard rock. The drummer used these fireplace log size drum sticks for a while. Nazareth used to tour constantly and was inexpensive. Styx was also very good live in concert. Couldn’t pay me to buy the studio stuff. Blech.

Hell - I’ve even been in the same room as Hunter Thompson, and a big ass peacekeeper revolver he laid on the podium at a lecture. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

In those days at the Hippodrome, the nice ladies in the red blazers who ordinarily played usher at Hockey games, provided “security” for all the hippies and rock and roll concerts. Smoking dope and talking shit about the government, they were not pleased. The 70s and 80s were different.

Posted by: Common Tater at June 18, 2024 05:28 PM (l8IOH)

249 Nothing says "I'm hale" like someone else debying your death.

Posted by: SOON! at June 18, 2024 05:28 PM (F/oxI)

250 there's a young woman on Libs of TikTok suggesting that service workers should wish everyone a "Happy Pride", like "Merry Christmas".

"Yes I have a very happy bride. You?"

Posted by: ... at June 18, 2024 05:28 PM (lX8VI)

251 I just watch Live from Daryl’s House to get my old rock /music legends performances. The shows he puts on with minimal rehearsing is probably like watching old masters paint . The talent is amazing to me , a wanna be bebop sax player.

Posted by: polynikes at June 18, 2024 05:29 PM (SHMXB)

Clint doesn't particularly like Donald Trump.
Posted by: William Munny who is unforgiven

He'd do it for Randolph Scott!

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at June 18, 2024 05:29 PM (63Dwl)

Big Black had the best drummer.
Posted by: garrett at June 18, 2024 05:23 PM (8eskY)

ZZ Top replaced Frank Beard with a drum machine once. It sounded like shit.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:30 PM (Zz0t1)

254 So, “Happy Butt Sex!”?
“Happy Furry Sexplay!”?
“Happy Scissoring!”?
“Happy Orgies!”?

Because you know it never ends, it just expands and gets more deviant …

Posted by: Lizzy at June 18, 2024 05:30 PM (Hkcdp)

255 there's a young woman on Libs of TikTok suggesting that service workers should wish everyone a "Happy Pride", like "Merry Christmas".

Blasphemy is not my color.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:30 PM (Zz0t1)

256 "Who the hell painted this handrail orange?"

Posted by: Kim Jong Un at June 18, 2024 05:30 PM (no6nP)

257 Sponge

Instead of a tribute band, I'd watch the "Live at the Rio Platte" concert film again.

I only went to the AC/DC concert (geriatric edition) in STL because I thought my kids might like it. They didn't, especially. Meant nothing to them. My mistake.

Why should they get excited to see some old guys they've barely even heard of?

Posted by: mnw at June 18, 2024 05:30 PM (NLIak)

258 If Cori Bush loses, is the "Squad" really the "Squad" anymore.

Posted by: WisRich at June 18, 2024 04:54 PM (G0vdT)

Out: Squad
In: Squat

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at June 18, 2024 05:31 PM (YqDXo)

259 He'd do it for Randolph Scott!
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.

Whatever happened to him, anyway?

Posted by: The Statler Brothers at June 18, 2024 05:32 PM (no6nP)

260 AHFL (Affluent Hispanic Female Leftist)


I'd initially considered the H as standing for Histrionic -- then immediately realized that that would be redundant.

Posted by: ShainS -- Make Mean Tweets Great Again! at June 18, 2024 05:32 PM (GbUDJ)

261 Chomsky’s wife recently moved him to Brazil ‘to recover from a stroke ‘ he had last year. I’m sure there are nefarious reasons. She’s confirming that with her denial of his death. She has to have him alive .

Posted by: polynikes at June 18, 2024 05:32 PM (SHMXB)

Chomsky not dead? Oh well, a stroke is worth celebrating too.

Posted by: Auspex at June 18, 2024 05:32 PM (j4U/Z)

263 Chomsky not dead? Oh well, a stroke is worth celebrating too.
Posted by: Auspex at June 18, 2024 05:32 PM

Bring out yer dead...

Posted by: Minnfidel at June 18, 2024 05:33 PM (ewjUl)

264 How 'bout Happy turd tamping aids ailing, child grooming queer day?

Posted by: Xipe Totec at June 18, 2024 05:33 PM (pohLc)

265 Chomsky not dead? Oh well, a stroke is worth celebrating too.
Posted by: Auspex at June 18, 2024 05:32 PM


Posted by: Jill Biden at June 18, 2024 05:33 PM (ewjUl)

266 That Bowman story reminds me of the Seinfeld where George wanted to prove to his black boss he wasn't racist

Posted by: steevy at June 18, 2024 05:33 PM (FQmDC)

267 One thing about AC/DC - did they ever release a fruity dance tune? You know, some sensitive Chick tune?

I think it was required. Name a popular rock band who didn’t release a flamer tune or two. Against their better judgment I’m sure, but a deals a deal. I don’t think they ever did. Disco made a lot of surprising inroads.

Posted by: Common Tater at June 18, 2024 05:34 PM (l8IOH)

268 Cheap Trick - I want you to want me

Posted by: Lizzy at June 18, 2024 05:34 PM (Hkcdp)

269 The Horde hates Biden. The Horde hates Chomsky.

Posted by: gp's Sack O' Woe at June 18, 2024 05:34 PM (MvF+J)

270 One thing about AC/DC - did they ever release a fruity dance tune? You know, some sensitive Chick tune?

I think it was required. Name a popular rock band who didn’t release a flamer tune or two. Against their better judgment I’m sure, but a deals a deal. I don’t think they ever did. Disco made a lot of surprising inroads.
Posted by: Common Tater at June 18, 2024 05:34 PM (l8IOH)

Early on, the record company requested they do a ballad as all the other bands were doing, so they came up with Hell's Bells.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:35 PM (Zz0t1)

271 So, “Happy Butt Sex!”?
“Happy Furry Sexplay!”?
“Happy Scissoring!”?
“Happy Orgies!”?

Because you know it never ends, it just expands and gets more deviant …

Posted by: Lizzy at June 18, 2024 05:30 PM (Hkcdp)


Happy Pedo & Child Mutilation Day!
Happy Monkeypox!

Posted by: ShainS -- Make Mean Tweets Great Again! at June 18, 2024 05:35 PM (GbUDJ)

272 To boldly hate...

Posted by: Explore new fonts at June 18, 2024 05:35 PM (no6nP)

273 Cheap Trick - I want you to want me
Posted by: Lizzy at June 18, 2024 05:34 PM (Hkcdp)

Dwight Yoakam does a good cover.

Posted by: polynikes at June 18, 2024 05:35 PM (SHMXB)

274 'I bet if I strangled a guy with this, it would be deliciously slow, cruel and painful.'

Posted by: Kim Jong Un at June 18, 2024 05:36 PM (MvF+J)

275 Cheap Trick - I want you to want me
Posted by: Lizzy at June 18, 2024 05:34 PM (Hkcdp)

You usually only hear the live version of that song because the studio version sucked. Bad.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:36 PM (Zz0t1)

276 Neither Bon Scott nor Brian Johnson had a voice for ballads...

Posted by: steevy at June 18, 2024 05:36 PM (FQmDC)

277 AC/DC would have done a great Achy Breaky Heart.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at June 18, 2024 05:36 PM (pohLc)

278 Cheap Trick was on Daryl’s House. Awesome episode.

Posted by: polynikes at June 18, 2024 05:36 PM (SHMXB)

279 I want you to want me
I need you to need me
I'd love you to love me
I'm beggin' you to beg me
I want you to want me
I need you to need me
I'd love you to love me

- President Joe Biden

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at June 18, 2024 05:36 PM (L/fGl)

280 AC/DC would have done a great Achy Breaky Heart.
Posted by: Xipe Totec at June 18, 2024 05:36 PM (pohLc)

I f*cking hate that song.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:37 PM (Zz0t1)

281 I think it was required. Name a popular rock band who didn’t release a flamer tune or two. Against their better judgment I’m sure, but a deals a deal. I don’t think they ever did. Disco made a lot of surprising inroads.
Posted by: Common Tater at June 18, 2024 05:34 PM (l8IOH)

I don't know about that, but Jerry Reed in the 70's was edging into David Bowie territory, in stage appearance.

Posted by: Kindltot at June 18, 2024 05:37 PM (D7oie)

282 I've been surprised that Cori Bush is getting wiped out. I think a Congress critter with even average political skills could've survived a primary challenge.

Posted by: mnw at June 18, 2024 05:37 PM (NLIak)

283 Took the grandson to karate class tonight.

There is something awe inspiring watching 6 year olds run around with reckless abandon.

I'd kill for a 10th of that energy.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 18, 2024 05:37 PM (I2M9E)

284 My favorite AC/DC tune is Money Talks.

Posted by: polynikes at June 18, 2024 05:37 PM (SHMXB)

285 "I could use this for a Festivus pole. Has a good strength to weight ratio."

Posted by: Kim Jong Un at June 18, 2024 05:37 PM (no6nP)

286 Neither Bon Scott nor Brian Johnson had a voice for ballads...
Posted by: steevy at June 18, 2024 05:36 PM (FQmDC)

Really, none of Brian Johnson's voices were good for ballads.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:37 PM (Zz0t1)

287 Early on, the record company requested they do a ballad as all the other bands were doing, so they came up with Hell's Bells.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:35 PM (Zz0t1)
Ian Anderson said that his agent ordered him to write a Top 10 song, so he wrote "Living in the Past." He said that it contained all the elements of a Top 10 tune, "...except that it's in 5/4 time, which makes it rather difficult to dance to, unless you have two and a half legs."

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 18, 2024 05:37 PM (3Fz6p)

288 @198 I saw Living Colour in a small club in Albany NY in 1988 while I was studying for the bar. Maybe 150 people, but good show. One year later I saw them open for the Rolling Stones at the Carrier Dome in front of 56k. Funny that you never heard "Cult of Personality" during the Obama administration

Posted by: Smell the Glove at June 18, 2024 05:38 PM (KhB32)

289 The horde hates okra in gumbo!

* runs away *

Posted by: ShainS -- Make Mean Tweets Great Again! at June 18, 2024 05:38 PM (GbUDJ)

290 '[Mesmerized by the clandestinely-planted KGB Hypnosis Rope] Yes Putin. I will do as you say.'

Posted by: Kim Jong Un at June 18, 2024 05:38 PM (MvF+J)

291 I f*cking hate that song.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:37 PM (Zz0t1)

Heh. Me too.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at June 18, 2024 05:38 PM (pohLc)

292 The whistleblowers assert that they were removed from the case shortly after they reported concerns to Congress, including alleged preferential treatment toward Hunter Biden and potentially false testimony by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Sounds serious. That means there will be consequences, right?


Posted by: blaster at June 18, 2024 05:39 PM (IFNME)

293 My favorite AC/DC tune is Money Talks.
Posted by: polynikes at June 18, 2024 05:37 PM (SHMXB)

Love that one. My favorite song ever, ever, is Thunderstruck. They played it for me last summer on my last day of radiation treatments. Made it hard to hold still!

Posted by: hobbitopoly at June 18, 2024 05:39 PM (XPM1I)

294 So, “Happy Butt Sex!”?
“Happy Furry Sexplay!”?
“Happy Scissoring!”?
“Happy Orgies!”?

Because you know it never ends, it just expands and gets more deviant …
Posted by: Lizzy at June 18, 2024 05:30 PM (Hkcdp)
Happy "but first, you should blow me" month.

Posted by: torabora at June 18, 2024 05:39 PM (LMbDX)

295 I f*cking hate that song.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:37 PM (Zz0t1)

Wasn't a bad pop country song.

Was killed due to being massively over played. There are songs, to this day, i cannot stand, due to how much they were played on radio. Stairway to Heaven for one. Freebird for another.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 18, 2024 05:39 PM (tT6L1)

296 I saw Living Colour in a small club in Albany NY in 1988 while I was studying for the bar. Maybe 150 people, but good show. One year later I saw them open for the Rolling Stones at the Carrier Dome in front of 56k. Funny that you never heard "Cult of Personality" during the Obama administration
Posted by: Smell the Glove at June 18, 2024 05:38 PM (KhB32)

Was a fan. Then, they went full on BLM and oppression in their songs.....yeah, out.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:39 PM (Zz0t1)

297 Not with AC/DC but the Eagles, Kiss, Boston, and many, many others released “hits” that were “ballads”. Remember those? I do, because they always blew chunks. There must be an unwritten old radio law that no more than two (2) good tunes can be played without a mandatory wuss tune, where some poor bastard has his nutsack on display, nailed to the wall by his one true love.

I don’t believe “Night Prowler” was what the radio execs had in mind.

Posted by: Common Tater at June 18, 2024 05:40 PM (l8IOH)

298 >>I saw Living Colour in a small club in Albany NY in 1988 while I was studying for the bar. Maybe 150 people, but good show.

I saw every show they played in NYC from the 3rd show at CBGBs until I left for AZ in 1992.

Those guys were amazing live. Vernon Reid is an alien.

Posted by: garrett at June 18, 2024 05:40 PM (8eskY)

299 Wasn't a bad pop country song.

Was killed due to being massively over played. There are songs, to this day, i cannot stand, due to how much they were played on radio. Stairway to Heaven for one. Freebird for another.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 18, 2024 05:39 PM (tT6L1)

All things considered, I hated that song the first time I heard it, so.......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:40 PM (Zz0t1)

300 Prove to me how easy it is to make cheap fakes by producing a cheap fake of Trump being led off stage by some notable flunky after freezing in front of his audience and shitting his pants.

Posted by: Jack Squat Bupkis at June 18, 2024 05:40 PM (dQfJF)

301 'Oh, that's a rail, not a rope. My bad! Let me show you my dungeons next.'

Posted by: Kim Jong Un at June 18, 2024 05:40 PM (MvF+J)

302 The whistleblowers assert that they were removed from the case shortly after they reported concerns to Congress, including alleged preferential treatment toward Hunter Biden and potentially false testimony by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Sounds serious. That means there will be consequences, right?

Posted by: blaster at June 18, 2024 05:39 PM (IFNME)
Ha ha ha ha ha.

Posted by: The DOJ, investigating themselves at June 18, 2024 05:40 PM (3Fz6p)

303 I never got Freebird. Skynyrd had a ton of good songs. But somehow, one of their lamer ones became the biggest hit.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 18, 2024 05:41 PM (0FoWg)

304 241 I hate to do this to you guys, but there are several reports online that his wife is saying that he is not dead.
Posted by: hobbitopoly at June 18, 2024 05:23 PM (XPM1I)

He ain't dead but I've got him by his shriveled balls. Won't be long!
Posted by: Satan at June 18, 2024 05:26 PM (pohLc)

oh get on the cart, you big baby!

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 18, 2024 05:41 PM (wyMQY)

305 Billy Ray ruined his career with Achy Breaky. He had some really good music after that song but he became a joke. Has a really good country voice.

Posted by: polynikes at June 18, 2024 05:41 PM (SHMXB)

306 279 I want you to want me
I need you to need me
I'd love you to love me
I'm beggin' you to beg me
I want you to want me
I need you to need me
I'd love you to love me

- President Joe Biden
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at June 18, 2024 05:36 PM (L/fGl)

How I love to love Nadine.

Posted by: Randall Flagg at June 18, 2024 05:41 PM (8sMut)

307 I never got Freebird. Skynyrd had a ton of good songs. But somehow, one of their lamer ones became the biggest hit.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 18, 2024 05:41 PM (0FoWg)

There was a time in Chicago where one of the rock DJ's had dudes running around the city to various press conference and yelling FREEBIRD at random times.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:42 PM (Zz0t1)

308 Billy Ray ruined his career with Achy Breaky. He had some really good music after that song but he became a joke. Has a really good country voice.
Posted by: polynikes at June 18, 2024 05:41 PM (SHMXB)

And one helluva fubar whore daughter.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:42 PM (Zz0t1)

309 Not with AC/DC but the Eagles, Kiss, Boston, and many, many others released “hits” that were “ballads”. Remember those? I do, because they always blew chunks. There must be an unwritten old radio law that no more than two (2) good tunes can be played without a mandatory wuss tune, where some poor bastard has his nutsack on display, nailed to the wall by his one true love.

I don’t believe “Night Prowler” was what the radio execs had in mind.
Posted by: Common Tater at June 18, 2024 05:40 PM (l8IOH)

I admit to liking Beth by Kiss.

Posted by: polynikes at June 18, 2024 05:42 PM (SHMXB)

310 >>I never got Freebird. Skynyrd had a ton of good songs. But somehow, one of their lamer ones became the biggest hit.

I think it really took off after the plane crash...prior to that, you went to see them play 'T' for Texas.

Posted by: garrett at June 18, 2024 05:43 PM (8eskY)

311 Supertramp Superfans....
Ignore the video, just crank it up. I got two speeding tickets in the early 90's (both significantly over the limit) cranking this.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 18, 2024 05:43 PM (Q4IgG)

312 I never got Freebird. Skynyrd had a ton of good songs. But somehow, one of their lamer ones became the biggest hit.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 18, 2024 05:41 PM (0FoWg)
Tell me about it.

Posted by: Maurice Ravel, pondering the score of "Bolero" at June 18, 2024 05:43 PM (3Fz6p)

313 If we only had a better quality candidate, the media wouldn't freeze video to make false claims like this.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at June 18, 2024 05:43 PM (YQOnX)

314 "I never got Freebird."

It perfectly captures the feeling of room-spinning imminent drunk vomiting.

Posted by: Kim Jong Un at June 18, 2024 05:43 PM (MvF+J)

315 Ian Anderson said that his agent ordered him to write a Top 10 song, so he wrote "Living in the Past." He said that it contained all the elements of a Top 10 tune, "...except that it's in 5/4 time, which makes it rather difficult to dance to, unless you have two and a half legs."
Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 18, 2024 05:37 PM (3Fz6p)

BS. They are ONLY known for Aqualung.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 18, 2024 05:43 PM (8sMut)

316 Neither Bon Scott nor Brian Johnson had a voice for ballads...
Posted by: steevy at June 18, 2024 05:36 PM (FQmDC)

Really, none of Brian Johnson's voices were good for ballads.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden

Lee Marvin's "I was born under a wondering star" has entered the chat.

Posted by: BifBewalski at June 18, 2024 05:43 PM (MsrgL)

317 I never got Freebird. Skynyrd had a ton of good songs. But somehow, one of their lamer ones became the biggest hit.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 18, 2024 05:41 PM (0FoWg)

The people are sheep. Pay to play. You'll love what they shove down your throat.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:43 PM (Zz0t1)

318 305 Billy Ray ruined his career with Achy Breaky. He had some really good music after that song but he became a joke. Has a really good country voice.
Posted by: polynikes at June 18, 2024 05:41 PM (SHMXB)

Justice! I hated that crap the first time I heard it. It SHOULD have been musical suicide.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at June 18, 2024 05:44 PM (pohLc)


In a way they kind of predicted this stupidity.
Posted by: Reforger at June 18, 2024 05:03 PM (xcIvR)

that was always my favorite of their stuff!

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 18, 2024 05:44 PM (wyMQY)

All things considered, I hated that song the first time I heard it, so.......
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:40 PM (Zz0t1)

All things considered, I'd take Freebird over Achy Brakey or whatever it is in a heartbeat.

If it were Stairway to Heaven versus Achy, I'd probably take Achy simply because the torture would be over quicker.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 18, 2024 05:44 PM (tT6L1)

321 nood

Posted by: Kim Jong Un at June 18, 2024 05:44 PM (MvF+J)

322 Nood media dood

Posted by: Kratwurst at June 18, 2024 05:44 PM (nIRE6)

323 And one helluva fubar whore daughter.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden and Cancer at June 18, 2024 05:42 PM (Zz0t1)

I’ve got five of songs downloaded. She may be a whore but she’s got talent.

Posted by: polynikes at June 18, 2024 05:44 PM (SHMXB)

324 Freebird was the 'Our DJ has to take a shit' song.

Posted by: garrett at June 18, 2024 05:45 PM (8eskY)

325 correction: AC/DC "Live at the River Plate," not "Rio Plat"

2011. It's a mighty good concert film. They used 38 film cameras, I read. Feels like an NFL game broadcast. The stadium could accomodate the Super Bowl, too.

Posted by: mnw at June 18, 2024 05:45 PM (NLIak)

326 What about me????

I'm a ballad and a sloppy drunk chick dancing to me in a bar tune.

Posted by: Ride on at June 18, 2024 05:45 PM (xcIvR)

327 Don't tell my dick
My achy blue balled dick

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at June 18, 2024 05:45 PM (L/fGl)

328 No Mo I think Jethro Tull best album is Thick as a Brick

Posted by: Skip at June 18, 2024 05:46 PM (fwDg9)

329 Not that Freebird is horrible or anything. It's just one of those songs where I'm totally unmoved. It just seems weird to me that people love it so much.

Speaking of ballads, though, The Ballad of Curtis Loew was a good one.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 18, 2024 05:46 PM (0FoWg)

330 Oh, Massachusetts 911 system was down for a couple of hours this afternoon.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at June 18, 2024 05:47 PM (Ka3bZ)

331 Skynyrd was a really tight band, and seeing them live must have been fun. They were good.

Freebird was way too long, and overplayed. Ed King made a really fine guitarist solo on Sweet Home Alabama. They had 3 good guitarists at one point, and it must have been ear splitting in a club.

Posted by: Common Tater at June 18, 2024 05:47 PM (l8IOH)

332 Billy Ray ruined his career with Achy Breaky. He had some really good music after that song but he became a joke. Has a really good country voice.
Posted by: polynikes at June 18, 2024 05:41 PM (SHMXB)

I thought he ruined his country music career with that treacly TV show he was in.

Posted by: Northernlurker at June 18, 2024 05:48 PM (JLq/1)

333 Free bird was perfect for the final shootout in Satan's Rejects.

Posted by: Field Marshal Zhukov at June 18, 2024 05:49 PM (wBaIH)

334 Speaking of ballads, though, The Ballad of Curtis Loew was a good one.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 18, 2024 05:46 PM (0FoWg)

The Needle and the Spoon, Cry for the Bad Man...lots of excellent Skynyrd stuff out there beyond Freebird. But everyone knows Freebird. Uggh.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 18, 2024 05:49 PM (tT6L1)

335 305 Billy Ray ruined his career with Achy Breaky. He had some really good music after that song but he became a joke. Has a really good country voice.
Posted by: polynikes

He worked in Emmylou Harris' band. When I read that it was...wut?

Posted by: Braenyard at June 18, 2024 06:07 PM (bQ/08)

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