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Quick Hits

Hillary Clinton honors the dead of D-Day by using them as props in her typical graceless, charmless, white trash politicking way:

Hillary Clinton

Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy.

This November, all we have to do is vote.

Hey everyone, prepare for a shock: New York Liberal Allahpundit, who only supported the GOP because his city had been attacked by terrorists (he wouldn't have been outraged if they bombed some hick town), is making "the Conservative Case for re-electing Biden."

He said the thing! He said the thing we always joke about!


I can't find this noxious cuck's column, but the Dispatch was very proud of this cuckold quote.

In the UK, the "Conservative" party, the Tories, have admitted more immigrants than any government before them, and continue refusing to execute the people's will and finalize Brexit. They will suffer an enormous loss at the next election, scheduled for July 4 (which in England is known as "the day after July 3rd").

Nigel Farage is running, and his Reform party is now polling within a few points of the Tories. This polls says the Tories are at 20%, and Reform at 15%. I've seen another poll that puts it at 18 for the Tories and 17% for Reform.

That doesn't mean the Tories are doing well, or that Reform will win any elections. What will happen is that every Tory stronghold will be split between the two parties and Labour will win almost every seat in England.

And frankly, this needs to happen. The commentators on the Lotus Eater channel are all conservative, but said that we have to fight the first enemy first, and the first enemy, they say, is the fake "conservative" party whose only goal is to thwart conservative voters. They are resigned, even contented, to lose all power for the next four or five years to destroy the "Conservative" Party so that a real conservative party can rise up to displace it.

Facing what will be an epochal defeat which will reshape British politics, the Tories, with less than a month to go before the election, have finally decided that maybe there are only two genders after all. Voters are laughing at this desperate last-minute election-eve realization.

We're going to have to do the same thing within the next election or two.

In the rigged Hunter Biden trial, they at least got the FBI to admit that the laptop is real. Matt Vespa wants to know if Lesley Stahl and CBS will issue a correction and an apology to Trump, for insisting it was RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION.

It's not just CBS which is compelled to offer an apology, of course:

As I always point out: The media campaigns to get spreaders of "disinformation" deplatformed. When anyone points out that the media spreads more lies with more reach and more force than any "Macedonian Content Farmer," they always say the same thing: When we err -- lie, actually -- we always correct our errors and admit we erred, and tell people the truth.

They always say that. They never actually do it.

Their definition of "disinformation" -- spreading falsehoods repeatedly without ever correcting them or admitting their falsehoods -- brands them as the biggest Disinformation Agents in history.

Biden is being killed on his agenda of dissolving the US border and merging our country with the entire world:

Senator Kennedy asks the criminal Christopher Wray why they haven't prosecuted the people they know had sex with children on Epstein's Island, and if the FBI has seized the videotapes Epstein made of his clients having sex with children.

He refuses to answer, claiming that he has an "active investigation" open even though the case against Gisele Maxwell ended last year and there are no prosecutions of any clients.

Kennedy wants to know if Epstein's clients are "above the law."

Wray won't even answer if anybody is being investigated by the FBI -- because he'd have to admit that no one is being investigated, and if he admits that, he will not be able to refuse to answer other questions under the "I can't talk about an active investigation" pretext.

People have had ENOUGH.

The city of Nashville is controlled by a leftwing Crime Should Be Legal mayor. These poor citizens will be lucky if they're not charged with false imprisonment and kidnapping and, if any of these thieves turn out to be Gentle Giant Teens, with endangering a minor.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:15 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 The only way AP could be a literal cuckold is if he found a woman. How likely do you think that is really?

Posted by: spongeworthy at June 06, 2024 06:18 PM (DWqKI)

2 Howdy Ace!

Posted by: Doof at June 06, 2024 06:18 PM (AyKbk)

Lesley Stahl or The Cryptkeeper?

You decide!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 06, 2024 06:18 PM (xG4kz)

4 howdy doof!

Posted by: ace at June 06, 2024 06:19 PM (KRtlO)

5 I'd be wary of blocking the door to keep thieves in unless I was armed. They might be armed. They are criminals, after all.

Posted by: huerfano at June 06, 2024 06:19 PM (VGOMa)


Thanks. I just did.

Posted by: Joe Biden at June 06, 2024 06:21 PM (wnZ8w)

7 I agree with those signs: GO, Joe!

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at June 06, 2024 06:22 PM (63Dwl)

8 Lesley Stahl has been a shill for the Democrats and the Left wing for so long, she should get some kind of life - time achievement award.

Maybe parachuted into the front lines of the Ukraine-Russia war to report how things are going. Going out with a bang.

Posted by: A face in the crowd..... at June 06, 2024 06:22 PM (vcOmj)

9 Ace, you often say "you don't hate the media enough". I think I actually do. With the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.

Posted by: Doof at June 06, 2024 06:22 PM (AyKbk)

10 And frankly, this needs to happen. The commentators on the Lotus Eater channel are all conservative, but said that we have to fight the first enemy first, and the first enemy, they say, is the fake "conservative" party whose only goal is to thwart conservative voters. They are resigned, even contented, to lose all power for the next four or five years to destroy the "Conservative" Party so that a real conservative party can rise up to displace it.


Hmmm, I wonder if that might work in other countries?

There's one I can think of.

Posted by: BurtTC at June 06, 2024 06:22 PM (HOyWK)

11 Gawd, I forgot how much I despise Nick Cottagiio (the wanker that called himself Allahpundit) I guess living on as a forgotten nobody who will always dream of his glory days is all he will ever have in life.

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 06, 2024 06:22 PM (wyMQY)

12 They are resigned, even contented, to lose all power for the next four or five years to destroy the "Conservative" Party so that a real conservative party can rise up to displace it.

At least Corbyn isn't running the Labor Party anymore.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at June 06, 2024 06:23 PM (uxCna)

13 If this shopper-intervention trend continues, DAs will start charging them with kidnapping, false imprisonment, or as accomplices to any crime subsequently committed by the perps within the store.

Posted by: Magic Eight Ball at June 06, 2024 06:23 PM (Ob4MM)

14 Matt Vespa wants to know if Lesley Stahl and CBS will issue a correction and an apology to Trump
What we need is a universal rule with Republicans, if they wish to be taken seriously. In EVERY interview with a Medea liar, they must start off with throwing that liar's past lies in their faces. Make them own it. Bring proof. Like that recent case with Fredo Cuomo and Ivermectin.

Posted by: Eeyore at June 06, 2024 06:24 PM (1bNHn)

15 I'd be wary of blocking the door to keep thieves in unless I was armed. They might be armed. They are criminals, after all.
Posted by: huerfano at June 06, 2024 06:19 PM (VGOMa)
It's Tennessee, so I would not be surprised if some of the folks blocking in the thieves were indeed armed.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at June 06, 2024 06:24 PM (BpYfr)

16 At least Corbyn isn't running the Labor Party anymore.
Posted by: The ARC of History! at June 06, 2024 06:23 PM (uxCna)
They still have an equally loathsome guy running their show.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 06, 2024 06:24 PM (mUnoX)

17 Nice to see savages locked up in a pen like they should be.

Raping, stealing, getting high, sleeping, raping is the only thing that runs thru their lower than 80 IQ smooth brains 24/7.

Too bad the heroes holding the savages inside couldn't shoot them. No one would miss the savages except their victims.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 06, 2024 06:25 PM (R/m4+)

18 >>>11 Gawd, I forgot how much I despise Nick Cottagiio

It was AP who brought me here, over 20 years ago. Since then it seems he's learned to squat to pee as well as other neutered traits.

Posted by: spongeworthy at June 06, 2024 06:25 PM (DWqKI)

19 There are only two "cases" for voting for Biden:

1) You're an idiot.
2) You hate the United States

Posted by: tankdemon at June 06, 2024 06:25 PM (XLUOX)

20 They are resigned, even contented, to lose all power for the next four or five years

Until you are the German Christian Democratic Party, and you discover that it is January 30, 1933.

That can be a very dangerous strategy.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at June 06, 2024 06:25 PM (uxCna)

21 My British wife likes to say they celebrate July 5th.

Posted by: ... at June 06, 2024 06:26 PM (lX8VI)

22 With immigration being the number 2 concern of Americans, I'm gonna take a stab and guess that the economy is number 1....

Did I win anything?

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at June 06, 2024 06:26 PM (BpYfr)

23 Leading Report @LeadingReport Jun 4
BREAKING: Arizona Republican Party has filed a lawsuit against Secretary of State Adrian Fontes after allegedly discovering between 500,000 and 1.3 million illegal voters on the voter rolls, including dead people and nonresidents.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 06, 2024 06:26 PM (ZdexC)

24 Lesley Stahl has been a shill for the Democrats and the Left wing for so long, she should get some kind of life - time achievement award.

Maybe parachuted into the front lines of the Ukraine-Russia war to report how things are going. Going out with a bang.
Posted by: A face in the crowd..... at June 06, 2024 06:22 PM (vcOmj)

Have a heart, man. She spent a career, on her knees in front of the likes of Moley Safer, Ed Bradley, and Les Moonves.

Somehow I think dodging bullets in Uke would be less horrifying.

Posted by: BurtTC at June 06, 2024 06:26 PM (HOyWK)

25 Leading Report @LeadingReport Jun 5
BREAKING: 70% of voters, including 64% of Democrat voters, want Joe Biden to be drug tested before the presidential debates, according to a Daily Mail/TIPP poll.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 06, 2024 06:26 PM (ZdexC)

26 There are only two "cases" for voting for Biden:

1) You're an idiot.
2) You hate the United States
Posted by: tankdemon at June 06, 2024 06:25 PM (XLUOX)
I note that those are not mutually exclusive propositions...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at June 06, 2024 06:27 PM (BpYfr)

27 Oh oh.

If people are taking criminals in their own hands, it’s because they believe the cops and Justice system won’t.

Dunno if this past the point of no return, but it’s certainly at least close.

Posted by: Joe, living dangerously at June 06, 2024 06:27 PM (B9Prs)

28 It took 30 minutes for the cops to show up and by that time the perps had escaped out the back door

Posted by: it's me donna at June 06, 2024 06:27 PM (Akjoo)

29 Ace, you often say "you don't hate the media enough". I think I actually do. With the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.
Posted by: Doof

The problem with the so-called Media isn't so much that a percentage of the populace hate them so much.
Another percentage of the population believes almost everything they say...and yes there are a lot of people THAT stupid....or rather sheeplike.
I am constantly both infuriated and amused to read comments on Linked In news or opinion columns, and see just how thick - headed and mid-wit a lot of people are, and they probably think of themselves as pretty intelligent too.

Posted by: A face in the crowd..... at June 06, 2024 06:27 PM (vcOmj)



Posted by: wth at June 06, 2024 06:27 PM (v0R5T)

31 25 Leading Report @LeadingReport Jun 5
BREAKING: 70% of voters, including 64% of Democrat voters, want Joe Biden to be drug tested before the presidential debates, according to a Daily Mail/TIPP poll.
Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 06, 2024 06:26 PM (ZdexC)

And Trump only leads overall by one point ?

Posted by: it's me donna at June 06, 2024 06:28 PM (Akjoo)

32 Ace, you often say "you don't hate the media enough". I think I actually do. With the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.
Posted by: Doof at June 06, 2024 06:22 PM (AyKbk)

You don't.

Posted by: ... at June 06, 2024 06:28 PM (lX8VI)

33 Wray and Garland can barely keep from laughing during these Tough Questions from Congress.

Posted by: Last Days of the Republic at June 06, 2024 06:28 PM (zsYKV)

34 Just to be clear, the FBI didn't acquire the laptop. They took the hard drive. And, when the two FBI agents did so, the owner of the computer store (who did everything right and within the the service agreement) stated that he was a little concerned about his own safety due to the contents of the hard drive. And, THIS is what the FBI told him.

"People that don't talk have nothing to worry about."

Posted by: Orson at June 06, 2024 06:29 PM (dIske)

35 the conservative case case for being a neomarxist

ok. i'm regusted, will maybe clean up for a while

Posted by: gnats local 678 at June 06, 2024 06:29 PM (B1FKF)

36 'Member when we tried to fix the leftward lurch of the GOP with the Tea Party movement? Good times.

Posted by: steevy at June 06, 2024 06:29 PM (FQmDC)

37 One reason I never listen to or read anything from Bearing is because Morrissey is one the the hosts there. If there were anyone more cucked in AP's Cucktown it was him. Fuck both of them to hell.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at June 06, 2024 06:29 PM (aFNOf)

38 Axios @axios Jun 4
SCOOP: Trump's House allies want a floor vote on a bill that would allow current or former presidents to move any state case brought against them — such as the one in New York that resulted in Trump's conviction — to federal court.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 06, 2024 06:29 PM (ZdexC)

39 There are only two "cases" for voting for Biden:

1) You're an idiot.
2) You hate the United States

You forgot

3) You're dead.

Posted by: ... at June 06, 2024 06:30 PM (lX8VI)

40 Hey everyone, prepare for a shock: New York Liberal Allahpundit, who only supported the GOP because his city had been attacked by terrorists (he wouldn't have been outraged if they bombed some hick town), is making "the Conservative Case for re-electing Biden."

Has anyone fallen father than Allahpundit - a few years ago he was one of the leading conservative commentators, and now I doubt that he has 1% of the traffic he used to have.

An epic, epic, flameout.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at June 06, 2024 06:30 PM (uxCna)

41 but they only insisted that it 'sounded like russian disinformation'. like cassidy cornbread testifying to what she 'heard'

Posted by: gnats local 678 at June 06, 2024 06:30 PM (B1FKF)

42 They will suffer an enormous loss at the next election, scheduled for July 4 (which in England is known as "the day after July 3rd").


AKA "Oops! Whoopsie!" Day.

Posted by: ShainS -- We Are All 'Convicted Felons' Now at June 06, 2024 06:30 PM (u6DiY)

43 "All the earmarks of a Russian op," seems to get a wider and wider application.

Like the claim that the laptop had all the earmarks of a Russian op.

Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 06:30 PM (krQz2)

44 A group of shoppers in Nashville Tennessee took it upon themselves to stop shoplifters at the Tanger Outlets in Antioch from leaving the store.
I notice that the good guys there were, themselves, high in melanin. Maybe the change is real.

Posted by: Eeyore at June 06, 2024 06:31 PM (1bNHn)

45 Hildabeast should fly the Hammer & Sickle flag

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2024 06:31 PM (fwDg9)

46 So, no.

Posted by: Christopher Wray at June 06, 2024 06:31 PM (4SnFm)

47 SCOOP: Trump's House allies want a floor vote on a bill that would allow current or former presidents to move any state case brought against them — such as the one in New York that resulted in Trump's conviction — to federal court.
Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 06, 2024 06:29 PM (ZdexC)

Trying to protect Biden or maybe Kamala...

Posted by: ... at June 06, 2024 06:31 PM (lX8VI)

48 Their definition of "disinformation" -- spreading falsehoods repeatedly without ever correcting them or admitting their falsehoods -- brands them as the biggest Disinformation Agents in history.

Pretty good analysis. What we should expect from a self-professed Disinformation Expert Ace.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at June 06, 2024 06:31 PM (bt/IU)

49 Just to be clear, the FBI didn't acquire the laptop. They took the hard drive. And, when the two FBI agents did so, the owner of the computer store (who did everything right and within the the service agreement) stated that he was a little concerned about his own safety due to the contents of the hard drive. And, THIS is what the FBI told him.

"People that don't talk have nothing to worry about."

Posted by: Orson at June 06, 2024 06:29 PM

Luckily the owner made copies of the hard drive before the fib got ahold of the laptop. If he had not done that, we would have never heard anything about hunters laptop. The fib is not as smart as they think they are.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at June 06, 2024 06:31 PM (QNSds)

50 The earmarks had hallmarks.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 06, 2024 06:31 PM (mUnoX)

51 42 Not too long ago there was a piece on one of the shit sites about how great it would have been if the US never broke away. We could be great like Canada!

Posted by: steevy at June 06, 2024 06:32 PM (FQmDC)

52 Oh, the Official Explanation now is that Droolin' Joe didn't shit himself - he was preparing to sit in a chair that didn't exist.

Much, much, better.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at June 06, 2024 06:32 PM (uxCna)

53 re 38: well bragg did lean on federal election laws.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at June 06, 2024 06:32 PM (B1FKF)

54 Wray and Garland can barely keep from laughing during these Tough Questions from Congress.
Posted by: Last Days of the Republic

But if we elect Donald Trump, it will all be fixed!!!

I like DJT and will vote for him, but the notion that anything is going to be fixed, or even that they will let him be inaugurated if elected, is likely wishful thinking.
We are not voting our way out of this.....

And I'll leave it at that.

Posted by: A face in the crowd..... at June 06, 2024 06:32 PM (vcOmj)

55 Sad. How far Allahpundit has fallen.

He's now in the Charles Johnson Club.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at June 06, 2024 06:32 PM (+myjY)

56 @amuse @amuse 12h
TIKTOK: I decided to start posting to the platform after Trump created is account. I posted the news that the FBI confirmed Hunter Biden's laptop was REAL and not altered. It was banned for promoting election interference.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 06, 2024 06:33 PM (ZdexC)

57 "Go Joe?" As in, "Go to the bathroom?" I can't imagine how completely bereft of brain matter you'd have to have to support Joe Biden at this point. I really can't wrap my brain around that.

Posted by: Lady in Black at June 06, 2024 06:33 PM (mupln)

58 Can anyone tell me which dog breed is the best homework eater?

Posted by: Ron at June 06, 2024 06:33 PM (KDtr3)

59 Gawd, I forgot how much I despise Nick Cottagiio (the wanker that called himself Allahpundit) I guess living on as a forgotten nobody who will always dream of his glory days is all he will ever have in life.
Posted by: Tom Servo at June 06, 2024 06:22 PM (wyMQY)

There are other spaces online, places with hundreds of thousands or even millions of followers, and you NEVER hear about these formerly prominent right wingers talked about. Other than, say, Bill Kristol or Ben Shapiro.

These guys exist in a space that is disappearing, quickly. They just don't rate a consideration. I understand why they do here, but here is pretty unique in lots of ways.

Posted by: BurtTC at June 06, 2024 06:33 PM (HOyWK)

60 21 My British wife likes to say they celebrate July 5th.
Posted by: ... at June 06, 2024 06:26 PM (lX8VI)
Like Chesterton's line that Britain should have a Thanksgiving Day to celebrate the Pilgrims leaving.

Posted by: Eeyore at June 06, 2024 06:33 PM (1bNHn)

61 We're going to have to do the same thing within the next election or two.

If we give up all power to the Democrats for four to five years, we will have a one-party dictatorship at the end of that period.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at June 06, 2024 06:33 PM (uxCna)

62 Wray can’t or won’t answer whether the Epstein sex trafficking conspiracy investigation is on going.

What is it you say you do here Mr Wray ?

Posted by: polynikes at June 06, 2024 06:34 PM (SHMXB)

63 There are only two "cases" for voting for Biden:

1) You're an idiot.
2) You hate the United States
Posted by: tankdemon at June 06, 2024 06:25 PM (XLUOX)
I note that those are not mutually exclusive propositions...
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at June 06, 2024 06:27 PM (BpYfr)
And both redundant with the phrase "Life-long Democrat".

Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 06:34 PM (krQz2)

64 Honest question, but who does Allahpundit influence? Who listens to him, other than the staff at The Bulwark and National Review.

Posted by: Lady in Black at June 06, 2024 06:34 PM (mupln)

65 Can anyone tell me which dog breed is the best homework eater?
Posted by: Ron at June 06, 2024 06:33 PM (KDtr3)

Posted by: Fido at June 06, 2024 06:34 PM (mUnoX)

66 Hillary, architect of Benghazi, the reset button, the destruction of Libya, bollard hugger and all around clueless idiot.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 06, 2024 06:34 PM (tT6L1)

67 Just to be clear, the FBI didn't acquire the laptop. They took the hard drive. And, when the two FBI agents did so, the owner of the computer store (who did everything right and within the the service agreement) stated that he was a little concerned about his own safety due to the contents of the hard drive. And, THIS is what the FBI told him.
"People that don't talk have nothing to worry about."
Posted by: Orson at June 06, 2024 06:29 PM (dIske)

This is where the computer repair guy fucked up. You get something like that, you go to a big shot in the media, like that clown Tucker Asswipe or that other fool James O'Queef, and you give it to them, close up shop and disappear for a few weeks. Say your job was burgled while you were at a gay pride parade or something and the laptop was stolen by some cullid fellas.

Do not call LE of any kind.

Let the asswipes in the media do the dirty work.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 06, 2024 06:34 PM (R/m4+)

68 Allahpundit was always a stupid dick who enjoyed making fun of his backwards hick readers. So I wouldn't call it a "fall" so much as a gender reveal.

Posted by: ... at June 06, 2024 06:34 PM (lX8VI)

69 Mike Lee @BasedMikeLee Jun 4
“Sen. Schumer’s brother, Robert Schumer, is a partner in that law firm, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton, and Garrison …. Paul, Weiss granted three highly paid attorneys leaves of absence to join the Manhattan district attorney’s office in its targeting of Donald Trump.”

Just like any other criminal case, then, right?

Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr 17h
This is a huge revelation—that Chuck Schumer’s brother is a partner in the firm that gave three highly paid lawyers a paid leave of absence to prosecute Trump.

@amuse @amuse 14h
LAWFARE: Democrats would have you believe they had nothing to do with Trump's prosecution in NYC despite the fact that Biden dispatched his no. 3 AG and the Democrat Senate Majority Leader's brother gave his firm's top 3 lawyers a leave of absence to join DA Alvin Bragg's team

Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr Jun 4
Why are some DC Republicans playing tee ball while Democrats are destroying our Republic??
Subpoena Merchan daughter’s bank records - how much is she making off the lawfare?
Who is blocking this? We want answers.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 06, 2024 06:35 PM (ZdexC)

70 I'm ruined. RUINED!!!

Posted by: Allahpundit at June 06, 2024 06:35 PM (+myjY)

71 Has anyone fallen father than Allahpundit - a few years ago he was one of the leading conservative commentators, and now I doubt that he has 1% of the traffic he used to have.

An epic, epic, flameout.

Dudes sucked since 2016 at least. 8 years is more than a “few” years.

Posted by: Joe, living dangerously at June 06, 2024 06:35 PM (B9Prs)

72 For the next hearing - whatever the subject - they need to have Wray's head on a pike right behind the chairman's desk.

To encourage the others.

Posted by: Eeyore at June 06, 2024 06:36 PM (1bNHn)

73 Can anyone tell me which dog breed is the best homework eater?

Posted by: Ron at June 06, 2024 06:33 PM (KDtr3)
Labs can be quite destructive.

My lab ate my first bible.

Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 06:36 PM (krQz2)

74 These guys exist in a space that is disappearing, quickly.

Never Trump Republicans no longer exist anywhere (with the possible exception of Utah).

It suits the interests of left-wing billionaires to subsidize a few people who pretend that Never Trump Republicans exist.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at June 06, 2024 06:36 PM (uxCna)

75 Go Joe Wait, no exclamation point? So, no excitement in that slogan, just like Joe. Hey, Go Joe works for me! Go AWAY, Joe!

On a related note: GoJo is popular hand cleaner. A cross between a paste and a lotion, white-colored, it resembles the stuff in Joe's brain box.

Posted by: Gref at June 06, 2024 06:36 PM (5fDan)

76 Sad. How far Allahpundit has fallen.

He's now in the Charles Johnson Club.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at June 06, 2024 06:32 PM (+myj

He wasn’t very high in the first place IMO. He was at his height when he bogarted someone else’s breaking of the Air NG fake letter.

Posted by: polynikes at June 06, 2024 06:36 PM (SHMXB)

77 If we give up all power to the Democrats for four to five years, we will have a one-party dictatorship at the end of that period.
Posted by: The ARC of History!

Kind of like Franklin Roosevelt's presidency, a really long economic recession, and then a really big war.

The incompetence (and incontinence) of Joe Biden and his cohort of midwits is going to do BOTH in a much more compressed time-span.

Posted by: A face in the crowd..... at June 06, 2024 06:37 PM (vcOmj)

78 Has anyone fallen father than Allahpundit - a few years ago he was one of the leading conservative commentators, and now I doubt that he has 1% of the traffic he used to have.

An epic, epic, flameout.
His appeal has gotten more selective.

Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 06:37 PM (krQz2)

79 Oversight Committee @GOPoversight 14h
We Are Referring Hunter and James Biden for Criminal Prosecution

Our Committee, along with @JudiciaryGOP and @WaysandMeansGOP, today sent criminal referrals to the DOJ recommending Hunter and James Biden be charged with making false statements to Congress about key aspects of the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden.

These false statements implicate Joe Biden’s knowledge of and role in his family’s influence peddling schemes and appear to be a calculated effort to shield Joe Biden from the impeachment inquiry.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 06, 2024 06:37 PM (ZdexC)

80 We say BLM/Antifa are the street thugs (or brown shirts) for the DeepState.

What is the FBI/CIA for the Globalist Cabals (billionaires with government "benefits")? They are the Stasi I guess, or the Soviet "show me the man and I'll find you the crime" version.

Perhaps CIA/FBI have improved on those models, as they now fabricate the crime, entrap the innocents, manufacture the evidence, and lie to Congress every step of the (traitorous) way.

Posted by: illiniwek at June 06, 2024 06:37 PM (Cus5s)

81 Hillary, muumuu wearing, fat ankled, architect of Benghazi, the reset button, the destruction of Libya, bollard hugger and all around clueless idiot.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing

minor addendum

Posted by: wth at June 06, 2024 06:37 PM (v0R5T)

82 These false statements implicate Joe Biden’s knowledge of and role in his family’s influence peddling schemes and appear to be a calculated effort to shield Joe Biden from the impeachment inquiry.
Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 06, 2024 06:37 PM (ZdexC)

DOJ's gonna get right on it...

Posted by: it's me donna at June 06, 2024 06:37 PM (Akjoo)

83 58 Can anyone tell me which dog breed is the best homework eater?
Posted by: Ron at June 06, 2024 06:33 PM (KDtr3)

It depends on the type of homework. For science classes, you definitely need a lab.

Posted by: tankdemon at June 06, 2024 06:38 PM (XLUOX)

84 Sure, none of Epstein's child raping clients are facing any legal consequences. But really, it's not like they were GUILTY OF THIRTY FOUR COUNT FELONY QuickBooks expense categorization.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at June 06, 2024 06:38 PM (bt/IU)

85 Remember "NeverTrump" was so named as a promise that "Trump" would "Never" be the Republican Nominee in 2016.

There is nothing quite so GOP as keeping your movement named after the most ginormous feckless failure imaginable.

Posted by: ... at June 06, 2024 06:38 PM (lX8VI)

86 GI Joe - Gastrointestinal

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at June 06, 2024 06:38 PM (NtVYv)

87 John Kennedy of LA is a great showman. His questioning of various witnesses during committee and confirmation hearings is highly entertaining. Sadly, in the end that’s all it is: entertainment. You can watch video after video of Kennedy on YouTube “owning” this person or “devastating” that person. I like to watch but nothing substantial ever comes of it. Just today (I think) 7 GOP senators voted to confirm some loon to a federal judgeship… I’m sure Kennedy “destroyed” this person during the confirmation hearing but now they’re a judge…

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at June 06, 2024 06:38 PM (xT8gx)

88 I see Allahpundit now thinks he really is a deity, at least he picked the appropriate deity for his inclinations.

Posted by: Decaf at June 06, 2024 06:39 PM (unUNN)

89 >>The FBI just admitted in court that Hunter Biden's laptop is real.

Here are 20 minutes of Joe Biden, U.S. intelligence officials, and the American media claiming that Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation."

As I commented yesterday, as soon as the trial is over, no matter the result, the Official Democrat-Media Party Line about the laptop will resume being "Russian disinformation."

Posted by: Gref at June 06, 2024 06:39 PM (5fDan)

90 Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ @realchrisrufo 21h
Vice bankrupt. WaPo losing millions. NPR pink-slipping journos. NYT attacking Kendi. The realignment is happening fast. The George Floyd moment is over.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 06, 2024 06:39 PM (ZdexC)

91 It depends on the type of homework. For science classes, you definitely need a lab.
Posted by: tankdemon at June 06, 2024 06:38 PM (XLUOX)

Golf clap.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 06, 2024 06:39 PM (tT6L1)

92 Sad. How far Allahpundit has fallen.

He's now in the Charles Johnson Club.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at June 06, 2024 06:32 PM (+myjY)
A lot of people used to suspect he liked Johnson.

Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 06:39 PM (krQz2)

93 And Hillary, your time is up. You can just go away now.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at June 06, 2024 06:39 PM (+myjY)

94 I concluded a couple of tears ago that the only possible means of saving the country would be to cede all power to the Dems and hope they so abuse it through a combination of malice and incompetence that it destroys the union. Mostly because it seems obvious to me that the GOP will not do anything for us and probably cannot be reformed to be any better than it presently is (which is terrible). That would be a harrowing experience. Imagine if these lunatics were in the saddle in the Supreme Court, for example. But I cannot think of a better plan, other than just keep voting for the GOP and hope things somehow magically get better despite all evidence to the contrary.

Posted by: Gir says, "DOOM de DOOM de DOOM!" at June 06, 2024 06:40 PM (Ob4MM)

95 75 Go Joe Wait, no exclamation point? So, no excitement in that slogan, just like Joe. Hey, Go Joe works for me! Go AWAY, Joe!

On a related note: GoJo is popular hand cleaner. A cross between a paste and a lotion, white-colored, it resembles the stuff in Joe's brain box.
Posted by: Gref at June 06, 2024 06:36 PM (5fDan)
How much should you use? 10 ccs?

Posted by: Eeyore at June 06, 2024 06:40 PM (1bNHn)

96 Oversight Committee @GOPoversight 14h
We Are Referring Hunter and James Biden for Criminal Prosecution

Nothing will happen.

Posted by: ... at June 06, 2024 06:40 PM (lX8VI)

97 Joke was supposed to be touring through Europe after the D Day ceremonies. No word about that.

Posted by: Ben HaduButker made the speech at a CATHOLIC at June 06, 2024 06:40 PM (v/nZx)

98 Ha ha

Babylon Bee
Biden Drops First Bomb On Normandy In 80 Years

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at June 06, 2024 06:41 PM (Ka3bZ)

99 Jeff Clark @JeffClarkUS 20h
Here’s John Brennan telling MSNBC that Trump should not get national security briefings while he is a candidate (once he is the official Republican nominee).

Why? Because he stands convicted in Manhattan.

Brennan says it’s good enough for Biden to give access to intelligence to a Brennan hand-picked proxy for President Trump. Lot of good that would do in alerting Trump during the presidential debates against Biden when Biden lies about classified info.

These people have no respect for our constitutional system making the President the unitary head of government and, by logical extension, the candidate of the other major political party the other person during campaign season who needs the information to effectively run for the presidency.

I’ll tell you who should not have access to our national secrets: It’s Brennan or any of the other 51 intelligence officials who ran a political cover operation for Joe Biden by suggesting the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 06, 2024 06:41 PM (ZdexC)

100 Jeff Clark @JeffClarkUS 20h
Just yesterday, the Biden DOJ confirmed —in court no less — that the Hunter laptop is 100% real and has not been tampered with.

What consequences for Biden and Brennan for lying to the American people?

Remember, no man is above the law.

Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays 19h
Democrats have unleashed their designated liars to tell the lies normal Democrats can’t stomach.

Look for Schiff, Clapper, Raskin to follow.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 06, 2024 06:41 PM (ZdexC)

101 92 A lot of people used to suspect he liked Johnson.
Posted by: Axeman at June 06

I liked CJ, too. Until his cheese slipped off his cracker, rolled out the door, down the hill, and then got smashed by the 456 idiots rolling after it.

Posted by: Piper at June 06, 2024 06:41 PM (9Gey9)

102 I like to watch but nothing substantial ever comes of it.

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at June 06, 2024 06:38 PM (xT8gx)

Just like me!

Posted by: Jonah G. at June 06, 2024 06:42 PM (lX8VI)

103 Hillary, muumuu wearing, fat ankled, architect of Benghazi, the reset button, the destruction of Libya, bollard hugger and all around clueless idiot.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing

minor addendum
Posted by: wth at June 06, 2024 06:37 PM (v0R5T)


"Let it stand and so may it be written."

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 06, 2024 06:42 PM (tT6L1)

104 Allahpundit is so useless he doesn't even show up on Islamists radar for being blasphemous against Allah

Posted by: Smell the Glove at June 06, 2024 06:43 PM (Clqcn)

105 He's now in the Charles Johnson Club.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at June 06, 2024 06:32 PM (+myjY)

Who’s Charles Johnson? Is he related to Jharles Cohnsen?

Posted by: Joe, living dangerously at June 06, 2024 06:43 PM (B9Prs)

106 Matt Vespa has to be a pseudonym.

Posted by: Northernlurker at June 06, 2024 06:43 PM (JLq/1)

107 54 Wray and Garland can barely keep from laughing during these Tough Questions from Congress.
Posted by: Last Days of the Republic

But if we elect Donald Trump, it will all be fixed!!!

I like DJT and will vote for him, but the notion that anything is going to be fixed, or even that they will let him be inaugurated if elected, is likely wishful thinking.
We are not voting our way out of this.....

And I'll leave it at that.

Posted by: A face in the crowd..... at June 06, 2024 06:32 PM (vcOmj)

The Resistance will resume. Amped-up to twent-ity. Brutally interesting times ahead.

Posted by: Gref at June 06, 2024 06:43 PM (5fDan)

108 52 Oh, the Official Explanation now is that Droolin' Joe didn't shit himself - he was preparing to sit in a chair that didn't exist.

Much, much, better.
Posted by: The ARC of History!

Uh, then why was he was led away by his wife, to find a chair?, rather than greet US veterans. Ok.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at June 06, 2024 06:43 PM (bt/IU)

109 Joe thought he would gamble, but he crapped out.

Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 06:43 PM (krQz2)

110 Matt Vespa has to be a pseudonym.
Posted by: Northernlurker at June 06, 2024 06:43 PM (JLq/1)
His real name is "Scooter."

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 06, 2024 06:43 PM (mUnoX)

111 88 I see Allahpundit now thinks he really is a deity, at least he picked the appropriate deity for his inclinations.
Posted by: Decaf at June 06, 2024 06:39 PM (unUNN)
Does that mean he'll throw himself off a building?

Posted by: Eeyore at June 06, 2024 06:44 PM (1bNHn)

112 On a related note: GoJo is popular hand cleaner. A cross between a paste and a lotion, white-colored, it resembles the stuff in Joe's brain box.
Posted by: Gref at June 06, 2024 06:36 PM (5fDan)
How much should you use? 10 ccs?
Posted by: Eeyore at June 06, 2024 06:40 PM (1bNHn)
Let's not go there again...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at June 06, 2024 06:44 PM (BpYfr)

113 The city of Nashville is controlled by a leftwing Crime Should Be Legal mayor.


It's almost as if every city is a Sodom and Gomorrah. We should refuse to just move to the uplands and watch the fire and brimstone destroy what our ancestors had built. Doxx them all.

Posted by: Decaf at June 06, 2024 06:44 PM (unUNN)

114 Matt Vespa has to be a pseudonym.

Posted by: Northernlurker at June 06, 2024 06:43 PM (JLq/1)
Matt Vespa > Matt Zima

Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 06:44 PM (krQz2)

115 "Elk don't know how many legs a horse has!"

Biden is the stalking horse for the enemy to hide behind as they destroy the nation, and when he finally dies he can be their martyr who ushered in the totalitarian utopia.

Posted by: davidt at June 06, 2024 06:44 PM (SYTee)

116 109 Joe thought he would gamble, but he crapped out.
Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 06:43 PM (krQz2)
He was playing the slots but rolled a deuce.

Posted by: Joe, living dangerously at June 06, 2024 06:44 PM (B9Prs)

117 Barb McQuade, UMichigan Law Prof and leftist gadfly, was one of the people who got called out for lying about the laptop once the FIBs confirmed its contents.

She then declared victory because the "Russian bots and extremist trolls" called her out for her lie.

Posted by: bonhomme at June 06, 2024 06:44 PM (Odg76)


did anyone ever ask this dude about the insane bullshit that went on when they tried to get some idiots to assassinate Big Fat Gretch?

Has he ever answered for that?

No he hasnt, of course.

Posted by: Dr.Rev. Senator Your Highness E Buzz Miller, Esq PhD MA MS at June 06, 2024 06:44 PM (et1vG)

119 Alipun sucks!!!!!

Posted by: Plainoldtoast at June 06, 2024 06:44 PM (MdSwn)

120 Hunter's laptop will prove Joke's corruption
Hoisted by his own bastard

Posted by: Ben HaduButker made the speech at a CATHOLIC at June 06, 2024 06:44 PM (v/nZx)

121 Chief Nerd @TheChiefNerd 18h
🚩 Fmr. CDC Director Robert Redfield Makes a Series of Stunning Admissions That Were Once Deemed 'Misinformation'

"There was a decision not to do anything that made the vaccine sound like it didn't work."

"Two thirds of the people that I'm seeing infected in Maryland have been vaccinated."

"If you came down and visited me and interviewed my'd interview patient after patient after patient that did not have COVID but are very sick. You would say very sick, long COVID patients. And it's all from the vaccine."

"The spike protein is immunotoxic. You get infected, it's immunotoxic. But when you give the vaccine, we make the spike protein."

"When I give you an mRNA vaccine...I don't know how much spike protein you make because I give you mRNA and then your body goes and makes it...You may make it for a week...You may make it for a month."

"I use the protein vaccine so I know exactly how much spike protein you get. Your body's not becoming a [spike protein] manufacturing plant."

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 06, 2024 06:45 PM (ZdexC)

122 Listening to the interview of Tucker
Pretty good so far

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at June 06, 2024 06:45 PM (Ka3bZ)

123 The city of Nashville is controlled by a leftwing Crime Should Be Legal mayor.


It's almost as if every city is a Sodom and Gomorrah. We should refuse to just move to the uplands and watch the fire and brimstone destroy what our ancestors had built. Doxx them all.
Posted by: Decaf at June 06, 2024 06:44 PM (unUNN)

I’m starting to understand why the trannyfesto was never released

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at June 06, 2024 06:46 PM (xT8gx)

124 106 Matt Vespa has to be a pseudonym.
Posted by: Northernlurker at June 06, 2024 06:43 PM (JLq/1)
At least "Vespa" openly declares his penchant. Unlike Benthon who hides it.

Posted by: Eeyore at June 06, 2024 06:46 PM (1bNHn)

125 Urban = Left wing government in every state in the Union

Posted by: steevy at June 06, 2024 06:47 PM (FQmDC)

126 "Catoggio" sounds like something best performed behind closed doors.

Posted by: yo nicky at June 06, 2024 06:47 PM (gKWVE)

127 I come here to read ace & Buck and ace always cracks me the fck up (Biden fires "mud gun") but ace also frequently links to that douchebag allapundit's site to which we should all refuse to give our traffic. Every damn click counts to those desperate soulless hacks.

Posted by: Son of Dad at June 06, 2024 06:47 PM (8JB5s)

128 Yes, it's Hunter's laptop, but it was hacked.

Posted by: Biden DOJ at June 06, 2024 06:47 PM (SYTee)

129 The thing about the NeverTrumpers is that they revealed themselves to be every bit the evil, nasty, rage-fueled narcissists that they claim Trump was. Projection all the way down.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at June 06, 2024 06:48 PM (IG4Id)

130 Briahna Joy Gray, who was roundly criticized for rolling her eyes at a guest who encouraged Gray to believe Jewish women who said they were raped, has been fired from The Hill.

Posted by: bonhomme at June 06, 2024 06:48 PM (Odg76)

131 If the Democrat/ Marxists get away with another election we are cooked or at war

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2024 06:49 PM (fwDg9)

132 I think the GOP either is now, or soon will be, at the point where nothing they do will matter. The point where there's nothing they could do to make the voters say "OK, now you're starting to get it". Which seems to be the point where the Tories are now. They've sold us out too many times, and now it's time for them both to go away.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 06, 2024 06:49 PM (BpZ5k)

133 Is this a thing or a one off? "Youngkin says Virginia will exit California electric vehicle mandate"

Posted by: Altaria Pilgram at June 06, 2024 06:50 PM (7Os14)

134 Hillary, muumuu wearing, fat ankled, architect of Benghazi, the reset button, the destruction of Libya, bollard hugger and all around clueless idiot.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing

Pro Tip: In the Olden Days, fat ankles on a prostitute meant she had syphilis.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 06, 2024 06:50 PM (R/m4+)

135 ...New York Liberal Allahpundit, who only supported the GOP because his city had been attacked by terrorists (he wouldn't have been outraged if they bombed some hick town)...


I've always wondered why they didn't hit some Texas city instead of NY and Washington. The left would have said that Chimpy McHitler (or whatever it was they called Bush) provoked it. The country would have been torn apart then instead of now.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at June 06, 2024 06:50 PM (Dm8we)

136 Pro Tip: In the Olden Days, fat ankles on a prostitute meant she had syphilis.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 06, 2024 06:50 PM (R/m4+)
I thought it just meant that they were Irish.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 06, 2024 06:51 PM (mUnoX)

137 >>> 130 Briahna Joy Gray, who was roundly criticized for rolling her eyes at a guest who encouraged Gray to believe Jewish women who said they were raped, has been fired from The Hill.
Posted by: bonhomme at June 06, 2024 06:48 PM (Odg76)

"fired", like from a cannon?


Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 06, 2024 06:51 PM (llON8)

138 I've always wondered why they didn't hit some Texas city instead of NY and Washington. The left would have said that Chimpy McHitler (or whatever it was they called Bush) provoked it. The country would have been torn apart then instead of now.

Clearly they, like many of us, drastically underestimated how much the left hates America.

Posted by: Joe, living dangerously at June 06, 2024 06:52 PM (B9Prs)

I've always wondered why they didn't hit some Texas city instead of NY and Washington. The left would have said that Chimpy McHitler (or whatever it was they called Bush) provoked it. The country would have been torn apart then instead of now.
Posted by: B

What would they have hit a bbq ?

Posted by: N at June 06, 2024 06:52 PM (8XibL)

140 but ace also frequently links to that douchebag allapundit's site to which we should all refuse to give our traffic. Every damn click counts to those desperate soulless hacks.
Posted by: Son of Dad

Allapudnut got booted from HotAir years ago, IIRC.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at June 06, 2024 06:52 PM (IG4Id)

141 And this little tid bit about the vaccines causing cancers….

Posted by: Piper at June 06, 2024 06:54 PM (9Gey9)

142 75 Go Joe Wait, no exclamation point? So, no excitement in that slogan, just like Joe. Hey, Go Joe works for me! Go AWAY, Joe!

On a related note: GoJo is popular hand cleaner. A cross between a paste and a lotion, white-colored, it resembles the stuff in Joe's brain box.

Posted by: Gref at June 06, 2024 06:36 PM (5fDan)

Maybe the more polite form of FJB...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 06, 2024 06:54 PM (ynpvh)

143 130 Briahna Joy Gray, who was roundly criticized for rolling her eyes at a guest who encouraged Gray to believe Jewish women who said they were raped, has been fired from The Hill.
Posted by: bonhomme

Posted by: Puddleglum, chillin in Amish Country at June 06, 2024 06:54 PM (/Djer)

144 If DeepState was really concerned about Trump going after their criminal cabal, they would not be running away, they be planning an assassination. MAYBE they would first try the barrage of old tricks like last time ... but if Trump really brought in some honest hard hitters ... they do like they did to Kennedy, or Nixon. my guess.

Posted by: illiniwek at June 06, 2024 06:54 PM (Cus5s)

145 No need to read hot air since Michelle quit wearing hot pants and jumping in the trampoline

Posted by: N at June 06, 2024 06:54 PM (8XibL)

146 I've often wondered why the CIA chose New York. I mean, the terrorists!! The terrorists!!!!

Posted by: ... at June 06, 2024 06:54 PM (lX8VI)

147 I never see Michelle Malkin mentioned anymore.

Posted by: davidt at June 06, 2024 06:54 PM (SYTee)

148 145 No need to read hot air since Michelle quit wearing hot pants and jumping in the trampoline

Posted by: N at June 06, 2024 06:54 PM (8XibL)


Posted by: davidt at June 06, 2024 06:55 PM (SYTee)

149 Yes, it's Hunter's laptop, but it was hacked.
Posted by: Biden DOJ
I know that's a joke but an FBI witness testified yesterday [or two??] that the contents of the laptop hadn't been changed in any way.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 06, 2024 06:56 PM (ZdexC)

150 "fired", like from a cannon?


Posted by: FJB at June 06, 2024 06:56 PM (mH6SG)

151 147 I never see Michelle Malkin mentioned anymore.
Posted by: davidt at June 06, 2024

She was a guest speaker at a Skinhead thing. And I don’t remember what it was exactly, but her response was something close to “yep, I know”. I will try to find it in case I am misremembering.

Posted by: Piper at June 06, 2024 06:56 PM (UiUD7)

152 So, the Nashville video, where the hell are the cops? Do they EVENTUALLY get there?

Posted by: Romeo13 at June 06, 2024 06:57 PM (xaFKb)

153 And this little tid bit about the vaccines causing cancers….

Posted by: Piper at June 06, 2024 06:54 PM (9Gey9)

Pretty sure this is their new CYA. It wasn't the vaccine, it was the COVID !

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at June 06, 2024 06:58 PM (NtVYv)

154 Matt Vespa has to be a pseudonym.
Posted by: Northernlurker

That's a croc.

Posted by: Miklos swings messenger bag wildly at June 06, 2024 06:58 PM (wWqRd)

155 B-24s? B-17s? Lancasters? I'm the greatest all-time heavy bomber of Normandy, Jack!

Posted by: President Brown Bomber at June 06, 2024 06:59 PM (6gW4D)

156 Nigel Farage @Nigel_Farage
Now YouGov says Reform UK can win seats at the election. Something is happening out there.

New voting intention (3-4 Jun) : this is our first poll carried out under our new methodology, which mirrors that which we use for our MRP
Lab: 40%
Con: 19%
Reform UK: 17%
Lib Dem: 10%
Green: 7%
SNP: 3%

The Telegraph @Telegraph
🚨BREAKING: Reform has surged to within just two points of the Conservatives in the latest YouGov poll following the return of @Nigel_Farage as leader.

Rebel News @RebelNewsOnline
@Nigel_Farage explains how after seeing the Reform Party "transform the landscape" of Canadian politics, he was inspired to change his Brexit Party into the Reform Party "in case the Tory party let us all down, which indeed they have."

Ezra Levant 🍁🚛 @ezralevant
31 years ago, Kim Campbell took Canada's decrepit Progressive Conservative Party from 156 seats in Parliament down to just two.

I don't think the decrepit British Conservative Party will fall that low, but they could fall to 30 seats (out of 650).

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 06, 2024 06:59 PM (ZdexC)

157 The commentators on the Lotus Eater channel are all conservative, but said that we have to fight the first enemy first, and the first enemy, they say, is the fake "conservative" party whose only goal is to thwart conservative voters.



This is patently obvious. These fake controlled opposition parties are the only thing protecting the corrupt regimes of the West. They must go, if *anything* is to be done at all, ever.

Destruction of the GOP is Step 1 of any other plans you may have, unless your plan is "be lorded over by Democrats."

But if you say this, then you're the one helping the Democrats, according to the cargo cult voters of the GOP.

They'll call you names, ignore the obvious truth, crawl over broken glass to vote GOP in November, and then complain when the inevitable happens again.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 06, 2024 06:59 PM (0FoWg)

158 Miklos!! Hope you are well.

Posted by: Ben HaduButker made the speech at a CATHOLIC at June 06, 2024 07:00 PM (v/nZx)

159 hiya

Posted by: JT at June 06, 2024 07:01 PM (T4tVD)

160 I know that's a joke but an FBI witness testified yesterday [or two??] that the contents of the laptop hadn't been changed in any way.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 06, 2024 06:56 PM (ZdexC)
That's just how good of a hack it was.

You can't find any trace that it was ever hacked.

Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 07:02 PM (krQz2)

161 I never see Michelle Malkin mentioned anymore.
Posted by: davidt at June 06, 2024 06:54 PM (SYTee)

She is an unperson now and has been vaporized and sent to 20 years hard labor at a labor camp in Airstrip One.

Posted by: The Thought Police at June 06, 2024 07:03 PM (R/m4+)

162 You can't find any trace that it was ever hacked.
Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 07:02 PM (krQz2)

"Anyone check the Recycle Bin?"

"What's that?"

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 06, 2024 07:03 PM (BpZ5k)

163 That's just how good of a hack it was.

You can't find any trace that it was ever hacked.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 06, 2024 07:04 PM (ZdexC)

164 Yes, it's Hunter's laptop, but it was hacked.
Posted by: Biden DOJ
I know that's a joke but an FBI witness testified yesterday [or two??] that the contents of the laptop hadn't been changed in any way.
Posted by: andycanuck

Biden DOJ Dictionary. Hacked. What we scream anytime we are caught doing something illegal, or presented with something politically inconvenient and true. The style guide mandates this is best used in conjunction with smearing Donald Trump.

Posted by: Altaria Pilgram at June 06, 2024 07:04 PM (7Os14)

165 How much of the fault lies with the Party or the voters?

Conservative politicians start behind the eight ball from the start because they have to play parent and their opponents get to spend all their parents money and give it away to their ‘friends’.

What happens is the Conservative politicians eventually try to be the cool parents and let the kids call them by their first name , etc.

Posted by: polynikes at June 06, 2024 07:06 PM (SHMXB)

166 No one is to molest the abbos in any way, whatsoever, if anyone else is looking.

Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 07:06 PM (krQz2)

167 I always suspected Malkin might actually be a right winger, which would explain why she's out of the spotlight. No honest person with a single shred of self respect would continue working in "conservative" media.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 06, 2024 07:06 PM (0FoWg)

168 They'll call you names, ignore the obvious truth, crawl over broken glass to vote GOP in November, and then complain when the inevitable happens again.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 06, 2024 06:59 PM (0FoWg)

Some of us have been calling for a new Conservative party for a couple of decades now... hell... we tried it with the Reform party.

But we keep being told that this will mean the Dems are in power for a few years.... like a new party splitting actual conservatives off of fakes, would mean the Dems had MORE Power, then they do now with the Vichy Republican party in place.

Posted by: Romeo13 at June 06, 2024 07:07 PM (xaFKb)

169 Just wanted to weigh in.

Posted by: Croc Vespa, Pet Detective at June 06, 2024 07:07 PM (mH6SG)

170 Michelle is one of a very few who never stuck it in, who stood with a steel spine in the face of the worst the Left has to offer. Smart as a whip too, and funny. She's on a very exclusive list.

Posted by: ... at June 06, 2024 07:07 PM (lX8VI)

171 147 Nick Fuentes. That is who Malkin was with, and if I am wrong about him, please reeducate me, but I believe he is a holocaust denier and was a catalyst for our friend Ye to go off the rails with his antisemetic rants.

Posted by: Piper at June 06, 2024 07:07 PM (4g0JA)

172 162 You can't find any trace that it was ever hacked.
Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 07:02 PM (krQz2)

"Anyone check the Recycle Bin?"

"What's that?"
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 06, 2024 07:03 PM (BpZ5k)

It's the Blue Trashcan out back, between the Grey one for regular trash and the Green one for grass clippings... duh...

Posted by: Romeo13 at June 06, 2024 07:08 PM (xaFKb)

173 Just wanted to weigh in.
Posted by: Croc Vespa, Pet Detective at June 06, 2024 07:07 PM (mH6SG)
Right with you.

Posted by: Matt "Messenger Bag" Zima at June 06, 2024 07:09 PM (krQz2)

174 It's not Matt Kroc, he think's he's a girly girl now.

Rep out some Kroc rows in memorium.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at June 06, 2024 07:09 PM (UfRqq)

175 Not sure Michelle was ever the same after what happened to her niece (?)

Posted by: ... at June 06, 2024 07:10 PM (lX8VI)

176 Nick Fuentes. That is who Malkin was with, and if I am wrong about him, please reeducate me, but I believe he is a holocaust denier and was a catalyst for our friend Ye to go off the rails with his antisemetic rants.
Posted by: Piper at June 06, 2024 07:07 PM (4g0JA)
Yeah, that's Fuentes. But I don't recall Malkin aligning with him.

Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 07:10 PM (krQz2)

177 "Matt Vespa wants to know if Lesley Stahl and CBS will issue a correction and an apology to Trump, for insisting it was RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION."

I'd love Trump to give an interview to Stahl, et al. and then bring the White House productions team's cameras. Then, after Stahl (or whomever) asks their first question, he responds, "First, I want you to apologize both personally and professionally for lying to the country about (XYZ) and lying about me and lying about pretty much everything in my previous administration. We won't continue until you do." Then if she doesn't, walk off. If she does, say, "It's about damned time. And good-bye." And also walk off.

Just knock the crap out of her and the MFM at every opportunity. Open contempt should be his calling card for these charlatans. He owes them nothing, forever. What will they do? Make up stories about him from now on? Try to undermine him? Misrepresent facts? Ahhhhahaha!

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at June 06, 2024 07:10 PM (aXxgO)

178 Some of us have been calling for a new Conservative party for a couple of decades now... hell... we tried it with the Reform party.

But we keep being told that this will mean the Dems are in power for a few years.... like a new party splitting actual conservatives off of fakes, would mean the Dems had MORE Power, then they do now with the Vichy Republican party in place.
Posted by: Romeo13 at June 06, 2024 07:07 PM (xaFKb)

We need two parties out of "conservatism", and the death of both the existing sham teams of the Uniparty.

We need an actually Liberal party (which i would probably be a part of) and an actually Right Wing party. We currently have neither. We have Red Uniparty and Blue Uniparty playing shirts vs. skins with each other while the front office blows the merch sales on blackjack and hookers.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 06, 2024 07:10 PM (BpZ5k)

179 *side eyes*

Posted by: Ray Kroc at June 06, 2024 07:11 PM (6gW4D)

180 "Senator John Kennedy (Rep-LA)" I really like that guy, but I am fully prepared to be disappointed sooner or later.

Posted by: Blame It On gp's Juice at June 06, 2024 07:11 PM (MvF+J)

181 And other Communist Democrat, Paula Collins, running against Elise Stefanik of NY said this in Zoom Meeting:

"Even if we were to have a resounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like, putting it all back together again after we’ve gone through this MAGA nightmare and re-educating basically, which, that sounds like a rather, a re-education camp. I don’t think we really want call it that," she said during the Zoom townhall. "I’m sure we can find another way to phrase it."

hat MAGA nightmare? You mean wehen gas was cheaper, inflations was lower, we hadn't given billions to Ukraine, the border wasn't such a disaster and we didn't have a demented man was our President?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 06, 2024 07:11 PM (XkYcA)

182 I always suspected Malkin might actually be a right winger, which would explain why she's out of the spotlight. No honest person with a single shred of self respect would continue working in "conservative" media.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 06, 2024 07:06 PM (0FoWg)

I think Malkin is the real deal.

Also, IIRC, she started then sold for supposedly good money two heavy click websites.

So, she made her money, like a good, smart Conservative, got tired of the the stupid bullshit of being a high target media Conservative and bailed to concentrate on her family.

Anyway, that's my story.

Posted by: naturalfake at June 06, 2024 07:11 PM (eDfFs)

183 re 105: if i am thinking of the same person, charles johnson (little green footballs) was the guy who showed that the cbs docs about w bush from 1973 were typed in microsoft word

Posted by: gnats local 678 at June 06, 2024 07:11 PM (B1FKF)

184 147 Nick Fuentes. That is who Malkin was with, and if I am wrong about him, please reeducate me, but I believe he is a holocaust denier and was a catalyst for our friend Ye to go off the rails with his antisemetic rants.
Posted by: Piper at June 06, 2024 07:07 PM (4g0JA)

She is probably basking in all the money she made. I know I would probably get out of the spotlight if I were her

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at June 06, 2024 07:12 PM (NtVYv)

185 So, she made her money, like a good, smart Conservative, got tired of the the stupid bullshit of being a high target media Conservative and bailed to concentrate on her family.

Anyway, that's my story.
Posted by: naturalfake at June 06, 2024 07:11 PM (eDfFs)

Beat me to it

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at June 06, 2024 07:13 PM (NtVYv)

186 "Smart as a whip too, and funny." And good-looking.

Posted by: Blame It On gp's Juice at June 06, 2024 07:13 PM (MvF+J)

187 Just wanted to weigh in.
Posted by: Croc Vespa, Pet Detective at June 06, 2024 07:07 PM (mH6SG)
I don't!

Posted by: Miss Alabama at June 06, 2024 07:13 PM (krQz2)

188 Was Chraels the guy that rode a bike with only the seatpost and no seat ?

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at June 06, 2024 07:13 PM (NtVYv)

189 So, the Nashville video, where the hell are the cops? Do they EVENTUALLY get there?
Posted by: Romeo13

Only after their monthly complimentary lap dances at the County Line Gentleman's Club.

Posted by: Altaria Pilgram at June 06, 2024 07:14 PM (7Os14)

190 Not sure Michelle was ever the same after what happened to her niece (?)

Posted by: ... at June 06, 2024 07:10 PM

No she wasn't. After her niece went missing she spent more and more time trying to find her or some clues on what had happened. It started affecting her work and I am sure her personal life as well. That was about the time she cashed in and sold her media group IIRC.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at June 06, 2024 07:14 PM (QNSds)

191 Malkin spent a bit of time as a contributor to Fox news and founded Twitchy. Which I think she sold as well. But she was so on point that the left went out of their way to destroy her.

Posted by: runner at June 06, 2024 07:14 PM (9pFgx)

192 176

Yeah, that's Fuentes. But I don't recall Malkin aligning with him.
Posted by: Axeman at

Here, from the Jerusalem Post

Posted by: Piper at June 06, 2024 07:15 PM (4g0JA)

193 "Senator John Kennedy (Rep-LA)" I really like that guy, but I am fully prepared to be disappointed sooner or later.
Posted by: Blame It On gp's Juice at June 06, 2024 07:11 PM (MvF+J)

VP material ?

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at June 06, 2024 07:15 PM (NtVYv)

194 "Smart as a whip too, and funny." And good-looking.
Posted by: Blame It On gp's Juice at June 06, 2024 07:13 PM (MvF+J)
Apologies to my wife, but, I just couldn't stop gawking at her when she was on TV or a video.

Just stunning.

Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 07:15 PM (krQz2)

195 Ephraim Zimbalist Jr would not recognize today’s FBI

Posted by: Oglebay at June 06, 2024 07:16 PM (7fVdQ)

196 I believe he is a holocaust denier and was a catalyst for our friend Ye to go off the rails with his antisemetic rants.

Posted by: Piper at June 06, 2024 07:07 PM (4g0JA)

You are correct. Fuentes is a slimy little cocks*cker, and Malkin gave him aid and comfort.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at June 06, 2024 07:16 PM (d9fT1)

197 That Michelle has virtually disappeared might prove she didn't sell out. She isn't out in any Leftists media Propaganda company

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2024 07:17 PM (fwDg9)

198 I'm sure the FBI plotting to let Moslem terrorists kill her didn't help.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 06, 2024 07:17 PM (ZdexC)

199 During the ceremonies today everyone stood at attention with their hand over their heart for Taps.
Not our Joe, he turned around, arms at his sides, scowl on his face, looking for a girl to sniff.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at June 06, 2024 07:18 PM (MeG8a)

200 Malkin spent a bit of time as a contributor to Fox news and founded Twitchy. Which I think she sold as well. But she was so on point that the left went out of their way to destroy her.
Posted by: runner at June 06, 2024 07:14 PM (9pFgx)

Sometimes...they threaten you with something, something you can't stand up to, can't even think about. And then you say, 'Don't do it to me, do it to somebody else, do it to so-and-so.' ... And after that, you don't feel the same towards the other person any longer.

Posted by: Unperson #1876, Labor Camp 675 at June 06, 2024 07:18 PM (R/m4+)

201 Not our Joe, he turned around, arms at his sides, scowl on his face, looking for a girl to sniff.
Posted by: gourmand du jour at June 06, 2024 07:18 PM (MeG8a)

"You're shitting me."

"No! I'm shitting ME!"

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 06, 2024 07:19 PM (BpZ5k)

202 I’ll be the contrarian. I never was a fanboy of Malkin. Didn’t dislike her but she did a couple of things I thought were silly . Also her book , Culture of Corruption was unreadable to me. To be fair, I thought the Case for Internment was helpful to understand better.

Posted by: polynikes at June 06, 2024 07:19 PM (SHMXB)

203 Ace should pull a Malkin. Sell this site to the cunts at Salem. They can put Ed Morrissey's fat ass and smooth crotch in charge, while Ace tans on a beach somewhere. Ed can put up a new masthead: "Every useless tub of shit must be tempted to hoist himself across a barrelhead, and take all comers from behind for a fistful of grubby nickels."

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 06, 2024 07:20 PM (0FoWg)

204 200 She spent considerable time defending a policeman sentenced to 400+ years for sex crimes. Forget his name. Daniel Bearclaw, something like that.

Posted by: Blame It On gp's Juice at June 06, 2024 07:20 PM (MvF+J)

205 andycanuck, I think that was Pamela Geller, not Malkin

Posted by: Ben HaduButker made the speech at a CATHOLIC at June 06, 2024 07:20 PM (v/nZx)

206 VP material ?
Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at June 06, 2024 07:15 PM (NtVYv)

Too old.

Posted by: polynikes at June 06, 2024 07:20 PM (SHMXB)

207 Their definition of "disinformation" -- spreading falsehoods repeatedly without ever correcting them or admitting their falsehoods -- brands them as the biggest Disinformation Agents in history.
Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:15 PM

There is iron in the words of Disinformation Expert Ace for all the World to see.

Posted by: Duncanthrax Ten Bears at June 06, 2024 07:21 PM (M6Opu)

208 Finally people pushing back in this Culture War. Fighting it where the real war, the real battle is on, the street. In the street when its not at the illegally stuffed ballot box or fixed jury box.

We'll hit full stride when shoplifters like this are dragged out and beaten mercilessly.

Posted by: JROD at June 06, 2024 07:21 PM (IlL6s)

209 I expect Farage and UK Reform to win a plurality.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 06, 2024 07:21 PM (RIvkX)

210 I'm at the Golden Corral. The patrons have Miss Alabama locked inside and negotiations are ongoing. More as things develop.

Posted by: Croc Vespa, Pet Detective at June 06, 2024 07:21 PM (mH6SG)

211 m. They can put Ed Morrissey's fat ass and smooth crotch in charge,
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 06, 2024 07:20 PM

I must admit, I'm a little disturbed that you know Ed Morrissey's carpeting status.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at June 06, 2024 07:22 PM (M6Opu)

212 nood

Posted by: Blame It On gp's Juice at June 06, 2024 07:23 PM (MvF+J)

213 Yeah, that's Fuentes. But I don't recall Malkin aligning with him.

Posted by: Axeman at

Here, from the Jerusalem Post
Posted by: Piper at June 06, 2024 07:15 PM (4g0JA)
Sorry, but that is pretty thin.

From what I can see is she heard about him on YT and wanted to encourage all younger activists "on the right".

Also, looks like in general she took offense to what Shapiro said about young adults in basements posting memes, which simply applied to Fuentes.

To say that this is *explicit* support for Fuentes, is stretching it. It might have been taken as such and it might even have ruined her career, but it's pretty thin.

Most likely she "got in trouble" for entertaining the idea about cutting back money for Israel.

Although, I'm pretty much in the camp that wants to back Israel, nearly no matter what. I've seen people get called out as anti-Semitic for simply not being as adamant about it. Of even as they put it "asking questions about Israel".

Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 07:23 PM (krQz2)

214 I must admit, I'm a little disturbed that you know Ed Morrissey's carpeting status.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at June

I only meant to say he has no dick.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 06, 2024 07:23 PM (0FoWg)

215 Geert Wilders says " Go Nigel"

Posted by: Ben HaduButker made the speech at a CATHOLIC at June 06, 2024 07:24 PM (v/nZx)

216 I'm at the Golden Corral. The patrons have Miss Alabama locked inside and negotiations are ongoing. More as things develop.
Posted by: Croc Vespa, Pet Detective at June 06, 2024 07:21 PM (mH6SG)

Turn the cheese fountain back on!

Posted by: Miss Alabama at June 06, 2024 07:24 PM (6gW4D)

217 I'm at the Golden Corral. The patrons have Miss Alabama locked inside and negotiations are ongoing. More as things develop.
Posted by: Croc Vespa, Pet Detective at June 06, 2024 07:21 PM (mH6SG)

"You bring me one of those firefighter planes full of gravy and flight clearance to Iowa, or i start eating the hostages!"

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 06, 2024 07:24 PM (BpZ5k)

218 When we err -- lie, actually -- we always correct our errors and admit we erred, and tell people the truth.

Chris Cuomo to the white courtesy phone, please.

You big phony. Especially your smarmy fake earnesty. We know you know we know you suck.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 06, 2024 07:24 PM (RIvkX)

219 I would not be against leaving Joe Biden permanently in France. Just not anywhere near the sacred ground of the D-Day war dead.

Posted by: Altaria Pilgram at June 06, 2024 07:25 PM (7Os14)

220 I only meant to say he has no dick.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 06, 2024 07:23 PM


Posted by: Ken at June 06, 2024 07:25 PM (M6Opu)

221 183 re 105: if i am thinking of the same person, charles johnson (little green footballs) was the guy who showed that the cbs docs about w bush from 1973 were typed in microsoft word
Posted by: gnats local 678
Not exactly. The guy who made the fonts for Microsoft was the one who blew the whistle. LGF just glommed onto that and became a thing, briefly.

Posted by: Puddleglum, chillin in Amish Country at June 06, 2024 07:26 PM (/Djer)

222 Miklos!! Hope you are well.
Posted by: Ben HaduButker

The dude abides

Posted by: Miklos is Happily Houring at June 06, 2024 07:26 PM (wWqRd)

223 205 andycanuck, I think that was Pamela Geller, not Malkin

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 06, 2024 07:26 PM (ZdexC)

224 213 Although, I'm pretty much in the camp that wants to back Israel, nearly no matter what. I've seen people get called out as anti-Semitic for simply not being as adamant about it. Of even as they put it "asking questions about Israel".
Posted by: Axeman at June 06

How do you feel about the term “zio-shrill”.

Posted by: Piper at June 06, 2024 07:27 PM (p4NUW)

225 I only meant to say he has no dick.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 06, 2024 07:23 PM
Yes it is true.

Posted by: Dr. Peter Venkman at June 06, 2024 07:27 PM (krQz2)

226 224 - sorry, hit send too soon. I wanted to find this video somewhere else because the source is not one I want to send traffic too, but hear it in her own words.

Posted by: Piper at June 06, 2024 07:29 PM (p4NUW)

Allahpundit is the Little Green Footballs of our times.

Posted by: Frank Barone at June 06, 2024 07:30 PM (+oR7L)

228 Of even as they put it "asking questions about Israel".
Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 07:23 PM (krQz2)

Yeah, but even as a goy I've got a hair trigger about "just asking questions" on shit like that. It has never, ever, once in my experience not devolved into open jew-hatred if it isn't met with wrath and disdain immediately. Sure the Israeli govt and the US govt are both rotten to the core, but what America is and what Israel is are unique and irreplaceable. Or at least not easily replaceable. It's like listening to a commie bash the government. Sorry, buddy, i don't give a fuck if you stumble into a true fact here or there, i still don't give a fuck what you have to say.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 06, 2024 07:30 PM (BpZ5k)

229 Although, I'm pretty much in the camp that wants to back Israel, nearly no matter what. I've seen people get called out as anti-Semitic for simply not being as adamant about it. Of even as they put it "asking questions about Israel".
Posted by: Axeman at June 06

How do you feel about the term “zio-shrill”.
Posted by: Piper at June 06, 2024 07:27 PM (p4NUW)
Never heard of it.

I'm a "Zionist". I'm not Jewish, but I do understand what that term meant when it was coined in England, I *do* believe that the Jews should have a home in Zion.

I think the IDF should wipe Hamas TF out. I think that is the only sane way forward.

But it's just my perception that the people who disagree with me, but complain that they are getting harassed just for "asking questions" and not being as adamant as I am do seem to have something to their complaint.

Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 07:31 PM (krQz2)

230 In defense of Lesley Stahl, she is a fucking idiot.

Is that a strong defense? No, but it's true and it's really all she's given me to work with.

Posted by: Wally at June 06, 2024 07:33 PM (EyElY)

231 michelle m is in colo sprgs and is doing yoemans work
with a colo slant now

Posted by: yoeman at June 06, 2024 07:34 PM (j1QfB)

232 Yeah, but even as a goy I've got a hair trigger about "just asking questions" on shit like that. It has never, ever, once in my experience not devolved into open jew-hatred if it isn't met with wrath and disdain immediately.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 06, 2024 07:30 PM (BpZ5k)
If it devolves to Jew-hatred. I condemn the hatred.

It doesn't make me fear that everybody who is less zealous for Israel only secretly hates the Jews.

Here's the thing: how much we support or back or fund Israel *is* something we should be able to have a conversation about.

Otherwise, we've allowed a closet on the right where we can exercise the over-assumptions like about "racism". Or how what lies behind the idea of "promptness" is "white supremacy".

But if you want to define that as "Jew hatred", the you're free to do so.

Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 07:36 PM (krQz2)

233 How do you feel about the term “zio-shrill”.
Posted by: Piper at June 06, 2024 07:27 PM (p4NUW)
I think she said zio-shill which is I guess appended to "Zionisim?"

The problem is that it is a corruption and therefore a disrespect to the word, and hence to the idea of Zionism, which to my ear sounds intentionally. And she uses the term in an insulting manner.

Typically antisemites will elide the term "Zionist" with word "Jew" which for reasons mostly unknown to me they seem to fear and avoid using. I have heard the terms used interchangeably because most antisemites do not differentiate between the different definitions of the words.

So appending zio- to anything would sound antisemitic, and intentionally meant to sound antisemitic.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 06, 2024 07:39 PM (RIvkX)

234 38 Axios @axios Jun 4
SCOOP: Trump's House allies want a floor vote on a bill that would allow current or former presidents to move any state case brought against them — such as the one in New York that resulted in Trump's conviction — to federal court.
Posted by: andycanuck

That's dangerous. Right now, there is a movement encouraging
state AGs to bring suit against Federal bureaucrats in local jurisdictions. (Which should be getting more traction than it has)
This move all to DC may actually, though well intended, be one more step in the wrong direction.

Posted by: Braenyard - at June 06, 2024 07:40 PM (bQ/08)

235 Not sure that made sense.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 06, 2024 07:40 PM (RIvkX)

236 232
But if you want to define that as "Jew hatred", the you're free to do so.
Posted by: Axeman at June 06,

Not sure if you will still see this, but that video clip and her association with Fuentes gives me pause. But the cool thing about us is you don’t have to think like me and I don’t have to think like you. Even cooler, we can share information and change minds or not. I truly appreciate the conversation.

Posted by: Piper at June 06, 2024 07:41 PM (pZEOD)

237 But if you want to define that as "Jew hatred", the you're free to do so.
Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 07:36 PM (krQz2)

I don't think America should have anything to do with it at all, for the mere fact that the only way this junta can fuck is up. There are all kinds of places on earth that will take shekels for things that go boom.

There's plenty of room for actual back and forth over actual events. But it's pretty easy to smell out a jew hater from someone who's not "asking questions" but just talking about stuff, i think.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 06, 2024 07:42 PM (BpZ5k)

238 zio-shill > joo-shill

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 06, 2024 07:42 PM (RIvkX)

239 I can't not read zio and think "uncle".

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 06, 2024 07:43 PM (BpZ5k)

240 Is Joe Biden tough enough to stand up to foreign powers? He literally just shit on France. How 'bout THAT, conservatives?

Posted by: Wally at June 06, 2024 07:44 PM (EyElY)

241 235
235 Not sure that made sense.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 06

If you watched that video, again I don’t like the source, but it is her speaking, she absolutely means it in a defamatory manner. She questions spending, which is okay, but she goes further. It gives me pause. It’s not something I would want to align with, personally. But others can certainly take it differently.

Posted by: Piper at June 06, 2024 07:45 PM (pZEOD)

242 So appending zio- to anything would sound antisemitic, and intentionally meant to sound antisemitic.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 06, 2024 07:39 PM (RIvkX)
Well, it's been clear to me for a while that real Jew haters--mostly those that manipulate the press on the left--want people to thing that "Zionism" means something "Zion Supremacy". And they use it almost as if the Jews were Nazis--where sometimes they'll let the word "ironic" slip in.

I've seen that there is a big Israeli lobby in DC. I don't know it's big enough to "control politics" such that Israel becomes the "third rail" of politics, as some people claim. But still I am sensitive to the idea that a discussion about cutting back support for Israel *seems* to them to have a lot of people who want to shut that down.

Seems we have a lack of perspective if we're sniffing out the anti-Zionists on the right, while the left is chanting "From the River to the Sea" and seems to pshaw students assaulting Jews and chanting things like they can't hide in the attic while surrounding buildings.

Let's not have this fight now. Let's fight the left until we get back to the point that threatening Jews is not some allowable

Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 07:52 PM (krQz2)

243 This is where the computer repair guy fucked up. You get something like that, you go to a big shot in the media, like that clown Tucker Asswipe or that other fool James O'Queef, and you give it to them, close up shop and disappear for a few weeks. Say your job was burgled while you were at a gay pride parade or something and the laptop was stolen by some cullid fellas.

Do not call LE of any kind.

Let the asswipes in the media do the dirty work.
Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 06, 2024 06:34 PM (R/m4+)

You seem to have an ass fixation. Something you're not telling us?

Posted by: NotEnoughLampposts at June 06, 2024 07:54 PM (z39Bx)

244 "expression" because REASONS.

But I feel the same way about thugs assaulting Asian ladies on the street.

And also, let's not have this hysteria about "genocide", simply because Hamas ended up on the Find Out phase of action.

I will fight against anybody who suggests that Israel, in order not to seem "mean" has to take the occasional October 7th and a certain level of terrorism.

But that's because it's wrong. Not because I've detected a certain hole in their soul.

Posted by: Axeman at June 06, 2024 07:56 PM (krQz2)

245 What would they have hit a bbq ?

BBQ pits are for tourists and girlie men.

Real Texas men smoke/grill their own bbq.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at June 06, 2024 07:57 PM (iruKY)

246 So, she made her money, like a good, smart Conservative, got tired of the the stupid bullshit of being a high target media Conservative and bailed to concentrate on her family.

Anyway, that's my story.
Posted by: naturalfake

That's the story I know.

Posted by: Braenyard - at June 06, 2024 07:57 PM (bQ/08)

247 I have always really liked Malkin, her defense of the Japanese internment was brave and thorough but I agree with Piper and her use of the term alone gives me pause. I'm mostly unaware of this Fuentes character although I have heard others repeatedly label him, I haven't any familiarity myself.

Anti-Zionism is plainly antisemitic, claiming otherwise is common among antisemites. In debates I have heard Israel criticized as an ethno-nationalist state.

What the f*ck do you think France is numbnuts?

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 06, 2024 07:59 PM (RIvkX)

248 Some engineer was saying it's not necessary to flood the tunnels
All they have to do is dig a trench from the Med to the first tunnel
See all the tunnels are below sea level. See?

Posted by: Braenyard - at June 06, 2024 08:02 PM (bQ/08)

249 Here, from the Jerusalem Post
Posted by: Piper

I would have to see the video and read Malkin's November 14, speech to make a judgement.

Posted by: Braenyard - at June 06, 2024 08:19 PM (bQ/08)

250 Didn’t Nashville citizens elect that Crime Should Be Legal mayor?

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 06, 2024 09:35 PM (8sMut)

251 The "Laptop from Hell" could be Russia disinformation ... if Hunter is a Russian agent

Posted by: SMOD at June 06, 2024 09:56 PM (GITLP)

252 Allahpundit's column may be found here, but it's behind a *giggle* paywall.

Posted by: ThePopeofFremontStreet at June 06, 2024 10:45 PM (LS6i5)

253 Nic update

Posted by: ShainS -- Make Mean Tweets Great Again! at June 07, 2024 12:10 AM (NGa9E)

254 Each year, removal defense gets to be tougher. Those immigration attorney at
law would aide you to you protect against such mistakes in your individual document doling.
Ordinary people will find it almost impossible to understand.

Posted by: Stanley at June 10, 2024 04:35 AM (C35VH)

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