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Biden's Terrorist-Aid Pier Is Now Sinking

The Bee:


Deliveries to Hamas terrorists have been suspended after a piece of Biden's Friendship Dock broke off. Biden's Folly is now sinking.

The U.S. officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said bad weather was believed to be the reason that the part had broken off. They did not say how big the part was or speculate on how long it would take for the pier to resume operations.

The pier was announced by President Joe Biden in March and involved the military assembling the floating structure off the coast. Estimated to cost $320 million for the first 90 days and involve about 1,000 U.S. service members, it went into operation two weeks ago.

The pier's closure came the week after three U.S. service members were injured, one critically, in a forklift accident related to the pier.

You Youngs may not remember Jimmy Carter's ill-fated attempt to rescue his failing 1980 political campaign. At a late hour, he finally gave the greenlight for a special forces operation to rescue the hostages from Iranian Muslim fanatics. But the helicopters crashed in a dust-storm.

It became emblematic of Carter's ineffectual, feckless presidency.

Now Biden's got his own sandstorm.

An American vessel used to unload humanitarian aid from ships into the Gaza Strip via a floating pier disconnected from a small boat tugging it this morning due to stormy seas, leading it to get stuck on the coast of Ashdod, eyewitnesses say.

Another ship was then sent to try and extract the stuck vessel, but also got beached.

Noah Pollak

Update on the Biden admin's Gaza pier to nowhere: Parts of it have broken free and washed up in Israel. And virtually all of the aid that was delivered was stolen by Hamas. A $320M fleecing of the US taxpayer. There should be hearings.


Meanwhile: Biden's trying to excite black voters by trotting out his favorite lies about his ever-changing backstory.

And he repeats the lie again.

Message: I care (about black people). Paragraph. Pause for applause.

Does that look like a big crowd? It's a deliberate camera trick. This photograph shows that the entire "crowd" is just densely packed into about one-quarter of the available space.

More pics expose the hoax.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 04:21 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Commies around the world shit-disturbing over Gaza -- Mexico, here, Berlin. Not coordinated at all I'm sure.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at May 29, 2024 04:21 PM (ZdexC)

2 Mission Accomplished !

Posted by: Next2Nothing at May 29, 2024 04:23 PM (tA1/w)

3 top five

Posted by: gnats local 678 at May 29, 2024 04:23 PM (B1FKF)

4 The US's Normandy D-Day Mulberry Harbour lasted longer. Then again, it was placed on a suitable beach with the General Staff listening to their Engineers.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at May 29, 2024 04:23 PM (ZdexC)

5 funny how often things biden does don't work

Posted by: gnats local 678 at May 29, 2024 04:24 PM (B1FKF)

6 Don't forget the puppet!

CLOWN SHOW: Biden Campaign Brings Out Elmo to Warm Up Crowd in Philadelphia (VIDEO): Biden/Harris “Rally” goers

In a bizarre move, the Biden campaign rolled out Elmo from Sesame Street and a marching band ahead of a rally with Joe Biden and Kamala…

Posted by: weft cut-loop at May 29, 2024 04:24 PM (IG4Id)

7 I saw the actual photo of Joe's "huge" crowd and it was all in the front not even a quarter full

Posted by: it's me donna at May 29, 2024 04:24 PM (Akjoo)

8 Of course the pier debacle was the fault of the sea. It was choppy!

Pretty weird that Biden's campaign banner says "On Board for 2024" lol.

Posted by: PJ at May 29, 2024 04:25 PM (G1dq6)

9 So, how is Michiganistan going to react to this?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:25 PM (GBKbO)

10 Where are all the saintly eco-warriors gretzing about the pollution and destruction of Habitat?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 29, 2024 04:25 PM (BpZ5k)

11 still, getting that many people ot a biden rally is something. maybe they thought kamala would flash them

Posted by: gnats local 678 at May 29, 2024 04:25 PM (B1FKF)

12 Deliveries to Hamas terrorists have been suspended after a piece of Biden's Friendship Dock broke off. Biden's Folly is now sinking.
A wonderful demonstration of American power to ally and enemy alike.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (not a cop!) at May 29, 2024 04:25 PM (d04cU)

13 Noah Pollak
Update on the Biden admin's Gaza pier to nowhere: Parts of it have broken free and washed up in Israel. And virtually all of the aid that was delivered was stolen by Hamas. A $320M fleecing of the US taxpayer. There should be hearings.


Fuck you, Noah.


There should be widescale defunding of the administrative state. 1914 levels.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:25 PM (GBKbO)

14 Who was that chick? She was thicc.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at May 29, 2024 04:25 PM (JTwsP)

15 where did the blond go?

Posted by: gnats local 678 at May 29, 2024 04:26 PM (B1FKF)

16 Another grim milestone?

Posted by: fd at May 29, 2024 04:26 PM (vFG9F)

17 JUST IN: NBC reports that Trump's defense team is "newly animated" and have "cracked" a smile while the District Attorney's team looks "tense and apprehensive" in New York.

The moment came as the jury submitted a second note to Judge Merchan, asking him to give the instructions again.

"The District Attorney’s team looks tense and apprehensive. Todd Blanche, on Trump’s defense team, just cracked a tight smile. Trump, Blanche and Emil Bove, another one of Trump's attorneys, are whispering amongst themselves and look newly animated," NBC reported.

Jurors were then dismissed for the day after a few hours of deliberations.

"You must not google or otherwise search for information about the case," Merchan said.

Deliberations will continue tomorrow at 9:30.

Posted by: SMOD at May 29, 2024 04:26 PM (RHGPo)

18 Trump has not given enough proof that he has not committed any crimes beyond a reasonable doubt.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at May 29, 2024 04:26 PM (P9xGM)

19 But the aid to Ukraine isn't being stolen or wasted, right?


Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at May 29, 2024 04:26 PM (yS5oN)

20 For a buck apiece can all Americans get a p-shop of Joe glug-glug-glugging aboard as it sinks.

Posted by: DaveA at May 29, 2024 04:27 PM (FhXTo)

21 Joe did the "I aint no ways tarred" thing.

Posted by: fd at May 29, 2024 04:27 PM (vFG9F)

22 I'm sure the military who built this pier and can't avoid cargo ships at sea could pull off D-Day.

Posted by: Inspires Confidence at May 29, 2024 04:27 PM (8SCtT)

23 You Youngs may not remember Jimmy Carter's ill-fated attempt to rescue his failing 1980 political campaign. At a late hour, he finally gave the greenlight for a special forces operation to rescue the hostages from Iranian Muslim fanatics. But the helicopters crashed in a dust-storm.

It became emblematic of Carter's ineffectual, feckless presidency.

It did, but in the interests of fairness, I do have to give credit to Carter on one thing: when it was time for his failed and humiliating election year stunt, he at least picked one that had direct American interest rather than openly backing the mullahs.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (not a cop!) at May 29, 2024 04:27 PM (d04cU)

24 Obama: ‘do not underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to fuck things up’.

Posted by: Redenzo at May 29, 2024 04:27 PM (V/pbu)

25 Corn popped amirite?

Posted by: steevy at May 29, 2024 04:27 PM (FQmDC)

26 Easy $300 Million come, easy $300 million go

Posted by: Skip at May 29, 2024 04:27 PM (fwDg9)

27 "Biden's Terrorist-Aid Pier Is Now Sinking"

Vhat is it sinking about?

Posted by: Grape Juice Plus at May 29, 2024 04:27 PM (ufJfM)

28 An American vessel used to unload humanitarian aid from ships into the Gaza Strip via a floating pier disconnected from a small boat tugging it this morning due to stormy seas, leading it to get stuck on the coast of Ashdod, eyewitnesses say.

Another ship was then sent to try and extract the stuck vessel, but also got beached.

A wonderful demonstration of American capability to ally and enemy alike.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (not a cop!) at May 29, 2024 04:28 PM (d04cU)

29 8 Of course the pier debacle was the fault of the sea. It was choppy!

Pretty weird that Biden's campaign banner says "On Board for 2024" lol.
Posted by: PJ at May 29, 2024 04:25 PM (G1dq6)

Of coarse it's choppy haven't you heard that the climate crisis makes the Gaza sea extra choppy.

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at May 29, 2024 04:28 PM (d7sWu)

30 Well here’s your problem, you forgot to make your pier ocean proof. Honest mistake. Nobody really knows what happens on the ocean.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at May 29, 2024 04:28 PM (JTwsP)

31 All we need is an attack rabbit and we can call it a wrap!

Posted by: Piper at May 29, 2024 04:28 PM (pZEOD)

32 No verdict after day one.

Looks like Turley was taking crib notes from my earlier post!

"The request for instructions is particularly interesting. I cannot imagine a need for the instruction unless there was an early disagreement in that room on the evidence and the standards. That could indicate at least one juror who is not convinced by either Steinglass or Blanche saying that this is a no brainer."

Posted by: WIsRich at May 29, 2024 04:28 PM (G0vdT)

33 A $320M fleecing of the US taxpayer. There should be hearings hangings.

Posted by: wth at May 29, 2024 04:28 PM (v0R5T)

34 6 Next thing his speeches will be given by the actual Walter puppet

Posted by: steevy at May 29, 2024 04:28 PM (FQmDC)

35 "17 JUST IN: NBC reports that Trump's defense team is "newly animated" and have "cracked" a smile while the District Attorney's team looks "tense and apprehensive" in New York.

The moment came as the jury submitted a second note to Judge Merchan, asking him to give the instructions again."

why are instructions and testimony transcripts not provided in writing?

Is the jury expected to memorize it? Insane.

Posted by: Bitcoin Fixes Everything at May 29, 2024 04:28 PM (V6W16)

36 900 metric tons? Round if off to 1,000 American tons. At 20 tons a truck, that pier has handled 50 semis worth of goods? That's it?

What is that, 10 minutes worth of cargo out of Houston or LA?

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at May 29, 2024 04:28 PM (tT6L1)

Break me off a piece of that Hamas pier.

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 04:29 PM (krQz2)

This merely confirmed FJB's pierless leadership.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 29, 2024 04:29 PM (xG4kz)

39 32 No verdict after day one.

Looks like Turley was taking crib notes from my earlier post!

"The request for instructions is particularly interesting. I cannot imagine a need for the instruction unless there was an early disagreement in that room on the evidence and the standards. That could indicate at least one juror who is not convinced by either Steinglass or Blanche saying that this is a no brainer."
Posted by: WIsRich at May 29, 2024 04:28 PM (G0vdT)


3 weeks of deliberation and a hanged jury.

Honestly, that would entertain me greatly.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:29 PM (GBKbO)

40 That dust storm that did in the Iran rescue mission was called a “haboob.”

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 29, 2024 04:29 PM (v6JzV)

41 "The pier was announced by President Joe Biden in March and involved the military assembling the floating structure off the coast. Estimated to cost $320 million for the first 90 days and involve about 1,000 U.S. service members, it went into operation two weeks ago."

1,000+ Active Duty US service members and two or three forward deployed auxiliary ships plus assembling the pier has cost more than $320 million.

We are way over $1 BILLION spent on this disaster and climbing.

We are being lied to.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at May 29, 2024 04:29 PM (QNSds)

42 I have not seen any word from DU about this event.

I'm curious if they're talking about it at all.

Not curious enough to go check myself, though.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:29 PM (GBKbO)

43 Btw Carter only allowed them half the helicopters they asked for which is why the attempt had to be abandoned

Posted by: steevy at May 29, 2024 04:29 PM (FQmDC)

44 Biden's Terrorist-Aid Pier Is Now Sinking

The pier is transitioning to a submarine!

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:30 PM (YqDXo)

45 Do Lefties ever feel bad about telling straight up lies to support their guy?

I am thinking back when all the women of the Clinton administration abased themselves to declare that they ALL believed Bill Clinton when he said he did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.

Later, when it turned out - LIKE WE ALL KNEW - that he had indeed had sex with that woman, not a single woman in the Clinton Administration walked back their support or apologized for lying in support of him.

So. no, I don't believe the Lefties are ever going to feel bad about telling us how not only is Biden a spry octogenarian, but he is more powerful than a locomotive. And the smartest man, ever.

Posted by: blaster at May 29, 2024 04:30 PM (xhfG9)

46 It said right on the box for the pier "Single Use - Disposable - Biodegradable"

Posted by: fd at May 29, 2024 04:30 PM (vFG9F)

47 It is the Gaza version of Mulberry Harbor A built at Omaha Beach! Also damaged, destroyed actually, by wind and waves. US Army Floating Piers 0, Weather 2. Don't nobody know how to play this game?

Posted by: Gref at May 29, 2024 04:30 PM (5fDan)

48 Same outfit that does the flood control around New Orleans built that pier.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at May 29, 2024 04:30 PM (JTwsP)

49 Become an ideologue and in due time you'll become thoroughly useless and incapable.

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 04:30 PM (krQz2)

50 Whersh the iche crean?

Posted by: Joe at May 29, 2024 04:30 PM (Y8lzz)

51 The pier is transitioning to a submarine!
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:30 PM (YqDXo)


Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at May 29, 2024 04:30 PM (tT6L1)

52 How did F. Joe insult the reporter? I couldn't understand what he mumbled.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at May 29, 2024 04:31 PM (J2vNu)

53 @NoahPollak
Update on the Biden admin's Gaza pier to nowhere: Parts of it have broken free and washed up in Israel. And virtually all of the aid that was delivered was stolen by Hamas. A $320M fleecing of the US taxpayer. There should be hearings.

"Stolen." Sure.

If I have a deadbeat brother who never pays back money I lend him, I cannot really complain when he promises to pay me back this time but then doesn't. I know the score. I know there is no such thing as a "loan" to him. I know he is going to take the money and never pay me back. It's the nature of things, and I can't claim he stole from me when he did nothing but continue a long, rich history of perfectly consistent behavior.

Hamas took it all? Shocking. Nobody could have seen it coming.

Enjoy your hearings. Maybe you'll get some nice sound bites out of the exercise before they press another big, sweaty wad of American money extracted from it's people into Hamas' hands.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (not a cop!) at May 29, 2024 04:31 PM (d04cU)

54 47 It is the Gaza version of Mulberry Harbor A built at Omaha Beach! Also damaged, destroyed actually, by wind and waves. US Army Floating Piers 0, Weather 2. Don't nobody know how to play this game?
Posted by: Gref at May 29, 2024 04:30 PM (5fDan)


I'd bet the corps of engineers understood it was temporary at Omaha and got the most use out of it they could.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:31 PM (GBKbO)

55 What is that, 10 minutes worth of cargo out of Houston or LA?
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at May 29, 2024 04:28 PM (tT6L1)

It's not about the cargo, really, it's it?

Enough of that $300-odd million got into the right pockets. Enough people got to see that America stands in solidarity with carpet-fucking psychopaths. The pier itself was never the issue.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 29, 2024 04:31 PM (BpZ5k)

56 I'm sorry but your pier wasn't seaworthy.

Posted by: elaine benes at May 29, 2024 04:31 PM (ZdexC)

57 That dust storm that did in the Iran rescue mission was called a “haboob.”

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 29, 2024 04:29 PM (v6JzV)

Dust storm? I thought "haboob" was Carter.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:31 PM (YqDXo)

58 Same outfit that does the flood control around New Orleans built that pier.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at May 29, 2024 04:30 PM (JTwsP)
So, blame Bush?

Posted by: Progs at May 29, 2024 04:31 PM (krQz2)

59 53 Enjoy your hearings. Maybe you'll get some nice sound bites out of the exercise before they press another big, sweaty wad of American money extracted from it's people into Hamas' hands.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (not a cop!) at May 29, 2024 04:31 PM (d04cU)


But THESE hearings will lead to results!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:31 PM (GBKbO)

60 At least the plastic explosives made it to Hamas before the pier sank.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at May 29, 2024 04:31 PM (aD39U)

61 Look, FJB should just save us all some time and build three or four piers in the swamp.

Eventually he'll have a strong enough foundation for the final pier to stay up.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at May 29, 2024 04:32 PM (7fElN)

62 An American vessel used to unload humanitarian aid from ships into the Gaza Strip via a floating pier disconnected from a small boat tugging it this morning due to stormy seas, leading it to get stuck on the coast of Ashdod, eyewitnesses say.

Another ship was then sent to try and extract the stuck vessel, but also got beached.

sounds vaguely familiar

Posted by: old lady who swallowed a fly at May 29, 2024 04:32 PM (v3pYe)

63 If Gaza wasn’t such a shithole with an economy based on nothing but handouts , they would have already had dozens of piers.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at May 29, 2024 04:32 PM (JTwsP)

64 That dust storm that did in the Iran rescue mission was called a “haboob.”
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 29, 2024

Not a simoom?

Oh, wait, that was a model of Volkswagen.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at May 29, 2024 04:32 PM (J2vNu)

65 The 12-day life of Biden's $320 million pier:

May 17: "Aid flows into Gaza over massive U.S. pier"
May 21: "None of the aid from U.S. pier has been delivered"
May 25: Pier damaged but "still functional"
TODAY: "Pier operations suspended after piece breaks off"

We are a competent, powerful, serious nation that should be feared and adored the world over.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (not a cop!) at May 29, 2024 04:32 PM (d04cU)

66 maybe some of the jurors were sure that marchan said that trump was guilty and they wanted to double check

Posted by: gnats local 678 at May 29, 2024 04:32 PM (B1FKF)

67 It said right on the box for the pier "Single Use - Disposable - Biodegradable"

Posted by: fd at May 29, 2024 04:30 PM (vFG9F)

As I said yesterday, it was Acme Corporation cardboard pier, the Wile E. Coyote signature model.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:32 PM (YqDXo)

68 Was this a DEI inspired pier? Or was it designed purposefully to fail so that yet another skimmable contract can be reallocated?

Either or both wouldn't surprise me.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at May 29, 2024 04:32 PM (aXxgO)

69 Under 100 and its already a haboob thread.

Well done, horde.

Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at May 29, 2024 04:32 PM (iRX3h)

70 Pyramids of Giza sinking? Not on my watch Jack!

Posted by: Joe Biden at May 29, 2024 04:33 PM (8SCtT)

71 On the bright side, the pieces of sunken pier will form an artificial reef that shall serve as a welcoming habitat for rare and endangered sea life and provide an uplifting locale for tourism in the Gaza Strip as they rebuild a vibrant and historically relevant Palestinian culture and fuel an economic boon.

Posted by: Muldoon at May 29, 2024 04:33 PM (991eG)

72 Does that look like a big crowd? It's a deliberate camera trick. This photograph shows that the entire "crowd" is just densely packed into about one-quarter of the available space.
It was easier when they could claim that they had to limit attendance as a COVID response measure so that they could ensure social distancing.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (not a cop!) at May 29, 2024 04:33 PM (d04cU)

73 Tarrible just tarrible....

Posted by: runner at May 29, 2024 04:33 PM (RwamF)

74 At least it’s not foggy!

Posted by: Zombie Raisi at May 29, 2024 04:34 PM (Y8lzz)

75 why are instructions and testimony transcripts not provided in writing?

Is the jury expected to memorize it? Insane.
Posted by: Bitcoin

The Feds don't write anything down that may be used as evidence in the future.
Who do you think you are expecting us to help in future prosecutions of us?

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at May 29, 2024 04:34 PM (tiYMI)

76 Article said that pier structure was viable up to Class 3 tides (military classifications) that beach water area is often Class 4 and more. Military guys knew it was a failure from the start.

Posted by: Braenyard at May 29, 2024 04:34 PM (7PZBL)

77 But THESE hearings will lead to results!
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:31 PM (GBKbO)
Of course they will.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (not a cop!) at May 29, 2024 04:34 PM (d04cU)

78 This is as much an indictment of our military as it is Biden.

But yes, let's keep celebrating butt fuckers puckering up on the flight decks of our aircraft carriers.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at May 29, 2024 04:34 PM (KbCG3)

79 It said right on the box for the pier "Single Use - Disposable - Biodegradable"
Posted by: fd


Posted by: wth at May 29, 2024 04:34 PM (v0R5T)

80 There should be hearings.

I hear your cries!


Posted by: Jim Jordan at May 29, 2024 04:34 PM (362/q)

81 Weird. This is making me laugh my ass off and yet it's extremely maddening at the same time. Kind of like I've felt for the last 3 years.

Posted by: hobbitopoly at May 29, 2024 04:34 PM (XPM1I)

82 "As I said yesterday, it was Acme Corporation cardboard pier, the Wile E. Coyote signature model.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara "

I feel like such a sucker. I should have been a supplier of goods to the Federal Government. Everyone I know that's in the business got fat off it.

Posted by: fd at May 29, 2024 04:34 PM (vFG9F)

83 The sea was angry that day, my friends.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at May 29, 2024 04:34 PM (aD39U)

84 Somebody should use that pier to go visit the Titanic.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 29, 2024 04:35 PM (v6JzV)

85 I'd bet the corps of engineers understood it was temporary at Omaha and got the most use out of it they could.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:31 PM (GBKbO)

Of course. It was just a temporary arrangement until Rotterdam could be liberated.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:35 PM (YqDXo)

86 Good intentions are the only thing that matters.

“Results” are prima facie evidence of an oppressive cis-het intersectionality of competence and perseverance that have no place in an inclusive environment made of stakeholders and historically marginalized indigenous colored peoples of first nations we were here firstest peoples who totally didn’t eat the peoples who did something.

Posted by: Common Tater at May 29, 2024 04:35 PM (PpROq)

87 Has ace written anything about the Pope saying there was too much faggotry in the Church yet? I don’t want to miss that one.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at May 29, 2024 04:35 PM (JTwsP)

88 I feel like such a sucker. I should have been a supplier of goods to the Federal Government. Everyone I know that's in the business got fat off it.

Posted by: fd at May 29, 2024 04:34 PM (vFG9F)
Graft floats.

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 04:36 PM (krQz2)

89 71 On the bright side, the pieces of sunken pier will form an artificial reef that shall serve as a welcoming habitat for rare and endangered sea life and provide an uplifting locale for tourism in the Gaza Strip as they rebuild a vibrant and historically relevant Palestinian culture and fuel an economic boon.
Posted by: Muldoon at May 29, 2024

Which will include amazing bottles of olive oil extracted from gorgeous groves left to them by Israel.

Posted by: Piper at May 29, 2024 04:36 PM (pZEOD)

90 3 weeks of deliberation and a hanged jury.

Honestly, that would entertain me greatly.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024

"Hung" jury.

"Hanged" judge.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at May 29, 2024 04:36 PM (J2vNu)

91 Oh no! Not Hearings!!

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at May 29, 2024 04:36 PM (PiwSw)

92 Out: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
In: One Sank Under the Gazan Pier

Posted by: jim (in Kalfornia) at May 29, 2024 04:36 PM (ynpvh)

93 The project director shall be tried by a jury of his piers.

Posted by: Muldoon at May 29, 2024 04:36 PM (991eG)

94 It said right on the box for the pier "Single Use - Disposable - Biodegradable"
Posted by: fd

"Not for use in water."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:36 PM (YqDXo)

95 The next brilliant plan of the FJB junta is to build a solid bridge from NYC to Gaza all the way across the Atlantic Ocean, threading through the Straights of Gibraltar, and then crossing the entire Mediterranean Sea (with a brief pit stop on Malta).

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at May 29, 2024 04:36 PM (7fElN)

96 remember how the rest of the word didn't respect us when trump was president? we can't risk that happening again

Posted by: gnats local 678 at May 29, 2024 04:36 PM (B1FKF)

97 Fuck you, Noah.


There should be widescale defunding of the administrative state. 1914 levels.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:25 PM (GBKbO)

Grover Norquist famously said that he wanted the US Government to be small enough for him to drown in a bathtub.

Posted by: Kindltot at May 29, 2024 04:36 PM (D7oie)

98 a pier built by the US Army ... I wonder why it doesn't work ...

Posted by: The Dark Lord at May 29, 2024 04:36 PM (DBAaD)

99 Yet ... in 1980 ... 40% of Americans voted for four more years of Carter. In 1980.

That is my big point. Gen Z and Millennials are no more stupid than Boomers and Silents. Maybe less.

Posted by: Its Always Been This Way at May 29, 2024 04:37 PM (CBkic)

100 I assume that the Navy doesn't own any LSTs anymore.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at May 29, 2024 04:37 PM (aD39U)

101 "I feel like such a sucker. I should have been a supplier of goods to the Federal Government. Everyone I know that's in the business got fat off it.

Posted by: fd at May 29, 2024 04:34 PM (vFG9F)
Graft floats.
Posted by: Axeman '

I do know one guy that went to jail for it.

Posted by: fd at May 29, 2024 04:37 PM (vFG9F)

102 Carter hanging on to see how much better it gets.

Posted by: Hokey Pokey at May 29, 2024 04:37 PM (as3uC)

103 Has ace written anything about the Pope saying there was too much faggotry in the Church yet? I don’t want to miss that one.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at May 29, 2024 04:35 PM (JTwsP)
And what, exactly, has the current Pope done to resolve the issue? If anything, he's been muddying the waters for some time...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at May 29, 2024 04:37 PM (7fElN)

104 What are the piers pronouns? I'm guessing "it."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:38 PM (YqDXo)

105 If only they’d have paid attention to the Sapier-Wharf hypothesis.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 29, 2024 04:38 PM (v6JzV)

106 why are instructions and testimony transcripts not provided in writing?

Is the jury expected to memorize it? Insane.

Posted by: Bitcoin Fixes Everything at May 29, 2024 04:28 PM (V6W16)

They typically ARE provided in writing. The judge, I'd imagine, doesn't want there to be a written record.

Posted by: Washington Nearsider at May 29, 2024 04:38 PM (/nCD+)

107 65
We are a competent, powerful, serious nation that should be feared and adored the world over.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (not a cop!) at May 29, 2024 04:32 PM (d04cU)

With 70% of the food aid stolen. Who couldn't see that coming....besides Biden and his boot lickers?

The only reason Jimmy Carter is still around is he wants to savor every last moment he can knowing he isn't the worse US President ever.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at May 29, 2024 04:38 PM (N39Ws)

108 The US military is fucked. Can't even build a pier. let alone win a war anymore. I live near a Marine base, these kids that serve our nation deserve better.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at May 29, 2024 04:38 PM (Z8Yh2)

“Results” are prima facie evidence of an oppressive cis-het intersectionality of competence and perseverance that have no place in an inclusive environment made of stakeholders and historically marginalized indigenous colored peoples of first nations we were here firstest peoples who totally didn’t eat the peoples who did something.
Posted by: Common Tater at May 29, 2024 04:35 PM (PpROq)
Yes, it is mean and Nazi to expect results.

Results suggest a meritocracy. And meritocracy is so white supremacy.

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 04:38 PM (krQz2)

110 Geez! At least he tried to help the terrorists!

Posted by: Baldy at May 29, 2024 04:38 PM (u+zD+)

111 I'm counting 8-10 people deep from perspective of camera angle via wide lens shrunken.

They are really going to try and sell this ?

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at May 29, 2024 04:38 PM (b8J4P)

112 Legal Insurrection and CDR Salamander had some good info on the Biden pier. The "bad weather" was 20 knot gusts and 3 feet waves. In other words, normal beach weather.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at May 29, 2024 04:39 PM (2fIO4)

113 The judge, I'd imagine, doesn't want there to be a written record.
Posted by: Washington Nearsider

My thoughts exactly.

Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at May 29, 2024 04:39 PM (iRX3h)

114 Ace,

DoD press release also says that they will resume the Foodpaks on Foreheads program again, to airdrop high protein biscuits and stuff.

Remember the last time, folks tried to catch the pallets while they descended into the drop zone.

Ended about like you would expect.......poorly.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at May 29, 2024 04:39 PM (a1415)

115 G'rump928(c): "The sea was angry that day, my friends."

Sounds like the pier was built only to withstand "Annoyed" or "Miffed."

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at May 29, 2024 04:39 PM (aXxgO)

116 I feel the pier builders' pain.

Posted by: Wile E. Coyote at May 29, 2024 04:39 PM (PiwSw)

117 Hey the troll that disparages 'boomers' is back with a new nic!

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at May 29, 2024 04:39 PM (tiYMI)

118 I remember when the democrat marxists used to call Condoleezza Rice Baby Bush's House Negro.

Look at all those House Negros helping their Massa get on Dat Plane to fly offs to do Massa stuff wit dere big grins and teeths and so happy!

No shame, none at all.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at May 29, 2024 04:39 PM (od9zZ)

119 The next brilliant plan of the FJB junta is to build a solid bridge from NYC to Gaza all the way across the Atlantic Ocean, threading through the Straights of Gibraltar, and then crossing the entire Mediterranean Sea (with a brief pit stop on Malta).

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at May 29, 2024 04:36 PM (7fElN)

And to run HIGH. SPEED. RAIL. across it.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:39 PM (YqDXo)

120 Graft floats.
Posted by: Axeman '

Better than the $320MM pier.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at May 29, 2024 04:39 PM (N39Ws)

121 It was easier when they could claim that they had to limit attendance as a COVID response measure so that they could ensure social distancing.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (not a cop!) at May 29, 2024

The now issue is bird flu in raw milk. Wonder how that could parlay into a need for lighter crowds.

Posted by: Piper at May 29, 2024 04:39 PM (pZEOD)

122 We are a competent, powerful, serious nation that should be feared and adored the world over.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (not a cop!) at May 29, 2024 04:32 PM (d04cU)
President Stuart Smalley said into his mirror.

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 04:39 PM (krQz2)

123 The only reason Jimmy Carter is still around is he wants to savor every last moment he can knowing he isn't the worse US President ever.
Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at May 29, 2024 04:38 PM (N39Ws)

He's certainly getting his money's worth.

Posted by: hobbitopoly at May 29, 2024 04:39 PM (XPM1I)

124 Biden's Terrorist-Aid Pier Is Now Sinking

Metaphor alert.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:39 PM (YqDXo)

125 In fairness, I'm sure that building a pier is somewhat more complicated than flying a pride flag.

Posted by: Grading on a Curve at May 29, 2024 04:40 PM (8SCtT)

126 A friend and I were just talking about how our Mulberry in Normandy got wrecked.

Posted by: Eeyore at May 29, 2024 04:40 PM (1bNHn)

127 The judge, I'd imagine, doesn't want there to be a written record.
Posted by: Washington Nearsider

Aren't his instructions in the court transcript?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:40 PM (YqDXo)

128 President Stuart Smalley said into his mirror.
Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 04:39 PM (krQz2)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (not a cop!) at May 29, 2024 04:40 PM (d04cU)

129 I've got a sinking feeling about this whole pier fiasco.

Posted by: Muldoon at May 29, 2024 04:40 PM (991eG)

130 What about Joey ChooChoo’s railroad to India across the Pacific and Indian Oceans? Is that still a go?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 29, 2024 04:40 PM (v6JzV)

131 The Mediterranean Sea was angry that day.

Although Sea State 3 for that reason is not so bad. I went through that off the coast of Lebanon.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 29, 2024 04:41 PM (u82oZ)

132 The pier was not the goal.
The goal was to provide more 'aid' to the murderers.
The pier succeeded in achieving its goal.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at May 29, 2024 04:41 PM (tiYMI)

133 There should be widescale defunding of the administrative state. 1914 levels.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:25 PM (GBKbO)

What are you...a progressive shill?

Pre-Wilson spending.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo...typical perverted Moron at May 29, 2024 04:41 PM (d9fT1)

134 I remember when the democrat marxists used to call Condoleezza Rice Baby Bush's House Negro.

Whereas Obama's was Eric Holder. Or, Obama himself.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:41 PM (YqDXo)

135 "I've got a sinking feeling about this whole pier fiasco.
Posted by: Muldoon"

I knew it would be a pile of trouble.

Posted by: fd at May 29, 2024 04:41 PM (vFG9F)

136 "The goal was to provide more 'aid' to the murderers."

Don't forget 10% to the big guy.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (Z8Yh2)

137 I see G'rump928(c) beat me to it. Horde mind.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (u82oZ)

138 87 Has ace written anything about the Pope saying there was too much faggotry in the Church yet? I don’t want to miss that one.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at May 29, 2024 04:35 PM (JTwsP

Me neither. Thats Frankie the Red to all you know-it-alls. Howard Cosell school of call-'em-like-I-see-'em.

Posted by: Hokey Pokey at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (as3uC)

139 129 I've got a sinking feeling about this whole pier fiasco.
Posted by: Muldoon at May 29, 2024 04:40 PM (991eG)

Hope floats. Biden's Gaza pier doesn't.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (N39Ws)

140 98 a pier built by the US Army ... I wonder why it doesn't work ...

Posted by: The Dark Lord at May 29, 2024 04:36 PM (DBAaD)

Florida U grads?

Posted by: jim (in Kalfornia) at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (ynpvh)

141 ...United States Army’s Transportation Corps or the 7th Transportation Brigade (Expeditionary)...various mission planners knew in advance this failure of the pier would happen ... JLOTS [pier] has a known limitation in that its effectiveness is greatly reduced at Sea State 3 and above.

...Sea State 4 is [waves] over 4 feet...The sea there is routinely Sea State 3 and above

Posted by: Braenyard at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (7PZBL)

I'm thinking there's probably a reason why there's not a pier there already....

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (krQz2)

143 The judge, I'd imagine, doesn't want there to be a written record.
Posted by: Washington Nearsider

Aren't his instructions in the court transcript?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

The court transcript?
No we don't have a record of it, it was checked out and not returned and we lost the record of who checked it out.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (tiYMI)

144 DoD press release also says that they will resume the Foodpaks on Foreheads program again, to airdrop high protein biscuits and stuff.

May I suggest dropping turkeys?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (YqDXo)

Pretty weird that Biden's campaign banner says "On Board for 2024" lol.
Posted by: PJ

Baby On Board?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (63Dwl)

146 I bet everyone in attendance at that Philly "rally" are the foot soldiers for the Steal, the people behind the scenes taking away American citizen's right to elect their own leader.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (2fIO4)

147 That'll be no vaccine and hold the Mayo

COVID-19 Vaccine Litigation Against Mayo Clinic Revived By Federal Court

A lawsuit against the Mayo Clinic must move forward, a federal court has ruled, reviving the suit after it was thrown out in 2023.

Posted by: SMOD at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (RHGPo)

148 I've got a sinking feeling about this whole pier fiasco.

Posted by: Muldoon at May 29, 2024 04:40 PM (991eG)

Don't be so hard on them. It was a titanic undertaking.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (d9fT1)

149 I hear your cries!


Posted by: Jim Jordan at May 29, 2024 04:34 PM (362/q)

I'm not sure what it says about me that I reflexively read that as LGF and had flashbacks.

Posted by: Washington Nearsider at May 29, 2024 04:43 PM (/nCD+)

150 The British harbor at Normandy survived much better than the American, they badden down the hatches better

Posted by: Skip at May 29, 2024 04:43 PM (o05z1)

151 On the bright side, the pieces of sunken pier will form an artificial reef that shall serve as a welcoming habitat for rare and endangered sea life and provide an uplifting locale for tourism in the Gaza Strip as they rebuild a vibrant and historically relevant Palestinian culture and fuel an economic boon.
Posted by: Muldoon at May 29, 2024 04:33 PM (991eG)

Unfortunately scuba diving is discouraged since both Egypt and Israel are currently on tense watch for infiltrators.

Posted by: Kindltot at May 29, 2024 04:43 PM (D7oie)

152 The pier was not the goal.
The goal was to provide more 'aid' to the murderers.
The pier succeeded in achieving its goal.
Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at May 29, 2024 04:41 PM (tiYMI)
Yes, but it didn't deliver much and resulted in humiliation on the world stage.

Not a win.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (not a cop!) at May 29, 2024 04:43 PM (d04cU)

153 When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up. And that's what you're going to get, Lad, the strongest castle in all of England.

Posted by: joe, living dangerously at May 29, 2024 04:43 PM (B9Prs)

154 Pier 1 went out of business.

Time for Pier 2.

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 04:43 PM (krQz2)

155 And if you asked Biden to define what a "progressive judge" on the Supreme Court would provide to the majority of Black Voters he'd say, "You know the thing.I'll telling you the thing"
Yes; he's really good at communicating with your average voter/s

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 29, 2024 04:43 PM (XkYcA)

156 May I suggest dropping turkeys?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (YqDXo)

Live or frozen? Because I swear the live ones can fly...

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at May 29, 2024 04:43 PM (tT6L1)

157 The published safe operating environment for that type of pier can be found NOWHERE along the Gaza beach.

It needs sheltered harbor to mitigate wave and wind action.

Failure was baked right into that cake.

Now, back to dropping foodpaks on foreheads.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at May 29, 2024 04:44 PM (a1415)

158 144
May I suggest dropping turkeys?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (YqDXo)

Golf clap. Great WKRP reference.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at May 29, 2024 04:44 PM (N39Ws)

159 What are the piers pronouns? I'm guessing "it."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:38 PM (YqDXo)


Posted by: Washington Nearsider at May 29, 2024 04:44 PM (/nCD+)

160 Weird. This is making me laugh my ass off and yet it's extremely maddening at the same time. Kind of like I've felt for the last 3 years.
Posted by: hobbitopoly at May 29, 2024 04:34 PM (XPM1I)

It is like watching my sister ruin her life and blame everyone around her, again.

Posted by: Kindltot at May 29, 2024 04:44 PM (D7oie)

161 They typically ARE provided in writing. The judge, I'd imagine, doesn't want there to be a written record.
orange man bad!!!

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at May 29, 2024 04:44 PM (ZdexC)

162 For $320 million I could take a couple bulldozers and push the Gaza rubble out into the sea. I'd even flatten the top of it for you so you could drive on it.

Posted by: wth at May 29, 2024 04:44 PM (v0R5T)

163 157
Now, back to dropping foodpaks on foreheads.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at May 29, 2024 04:44 PM (a1415)

Bound to be another headache for someone.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at May 29, 2024 04:44 PM (N39Ws)

164 It's almost like, when He said "Who curses Israel will be cursed", he really meant it...

Posted by: Brother Tim, no longer a Cylon at May 29, 2024 04:45 PM (OUMaO)

165 133 There should be widescale defunding of the administrative state. 1914 levels.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:25 PM (GBKbO)

What are you...a progressive shill?

Pre-Wilson spending.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo...typical perverted Moron at May 29, 2024 04:41 PM (d9fT1)


I was going for pre-WWI, but 1880 would work as well.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:45 PM (GBKbO)

166 148 I've got a sinking feeling about this whole pier fiasco.

Posted by: Muldoon at May 29, 2024 04:40 PM (991eG)

Don't be so hard on them. It was a titanic undertaking.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (d9fT1)

We'll soon be plumbing the abysmal depths with puns.

Posted by: jim (in Kalfornia) at May 29, 2024 04:45 PM (ynpvh)

167 148.
Don't be so hard on them. It was a titanic undertaking.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo...typical perverted Moron at May 29

Don’t forget they accidentally let rockets hit it first. Let that sink in a minute.

Posted by: Piper at May 29, 2024 04:45 PM (pZEOD)

168 The pier was not the goal.
The goal was to provide more 'aid' to the murderers.
The pier succeeded in achieving its goal.
Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at May 29, 2024 04:41 PM (tiYMI)
Yes, but it didn't deliver much and resulted in humiliation on the world stage.

Not a win.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (not a cop!) at May 29, 2024 04:43 PM (d04cU)
Has anyone considered that the Big Guy Upstairs (no, not FJB) may have weighed in on the subject of the Gazans receiving aid? Maybe His answer is "No."

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at May 29, 2024 04:45 PM (7fElN)

169 The pier was not the goal.
Pretend to MI and the party's left-wing that Joe was doing something to help the Gazans.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at May 29, 2024 04:45 PM (ZdexC)

170 A pier is just a social construct.

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 04:46 PM (krQz2)

171 Sheesh,

region. The east end of the Med has a long fetch, so swells get larger. Even I know that.

Who made the decision? Who did not say "No, this is a stupid idea. An all for Michigan?"

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 29, 2024 04:46 PM (u82oZ)

172 156 May I suggest dropping turkeys?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (YqDXo)

Live or frozen? Because I swear the live ones can fly...

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at May 29, 2024 04:43 PM (tT6L1)

Fresh frozen, man.

Posted by: jim (in Kalfornia) at May 29, 2024 04:46 PM (ynpvh)

173 160 Weird. This is making me laugh my ass off and yet it's extremely maddening at the same time. Kind of like I've felt for the last 3 years.
Posted by: hobbitopoly at May 29, 2024 04:34 PM (XPM1I)


Next up, the breakout comedic hit:

Cosmic Horror, the Musical.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:46 PM (GBKbO)

174 from twixxer: car accident:

Posted by: gnats local 678 at May 29, 2024 04:46 PM (B1FKF)

175 Yes, but it didn't deliver much and resulted in humiliation on the world stage.

Not a win.
Posted by: Joe Mannix

That is all part of Barrak's third term's goals.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at May 29, 2024 04:46 PM (tiYMI)

176 "Failure was baked right into that cake."

So, just like most recent military action, planned by current military leaders.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at May 29, 2024 04:46 PM (Z8Yh2)

177 He did the "I ain't no ways tarrred" speech today, too.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 29, 2024 04:46 PM (63Dwl)

178 Captain Beau Biden heroically and tragically drowned after going down with the pier.

Posted by: ShainS -- Biden's Two-State Solution is Michigan & Minnesota at May 29, 2024 04:46 PM (oVCG4)

179 I've got a sinking feeling about this whole pier fiasco.
Posted by: Muldoon at May 29, 2024 04:40 PM (991eG)

Don't be so hard on them. It was a titanic undertaking.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (d9fT1)

We'll soon be plumbing the abysmal depths with puns.
Posted by: jim (in Kalfornia)

Just try not to give in to pier pressure.

Posted by: Brother Tim, no longer a Cylon at May 29, 2024 04:46 PM (OUMaO)

180 >>> 133 There should be widescale defunding of the administrative state. 1914 levels.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:25 PM (GBKbO)

What are you...a progressive shill?

Pre-Wilson spending.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo...typical perverted Moron at May 29, 2024 04:41 PM (d9fT1)

CBD Johnson is right!

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at May 29, 2024 04:46 PM (llON8)

181 The pier was not the goal.
The goal was to provide more 'aid' to the murderers.
The pier succeeded in achieving its goal.
Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at May 29, 2024 04:41 PM (tiYMI)

I think the goal was to provide material for the mirth of nations.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:47 PM (YqDXo)

182 169 The pier was not the goal.
Pretend to MI and the party's left-wing that Joe was doing something to help the Gazans.
Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at May 29, 2024 04:45 PM (ZdexC)


And then fail miserably. I's a strategy.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:47 PM (GBKbO)

183 What are the piers pronouns? I'm guessing "it."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:38 PM (YqDXo)

Posted by: Washington Nearsider at May 29, 2024 04:44 PM (/nCD+)
I'm not a grammarian (INAG?), but I don't think verb tenses count as pronouns...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at May 29, 2024 04:47 PM (7fElN)

184 Has anyone considered that the Big Guy Upstairs (no, not FJB) may have weighed in on the subject of the Gazans receiving aid? Maybe His answer is "No."

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at May 29, 2024 04:45 PM (7fElN)
Could there have been signs of a parting?

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 04:47 PM (krQz2)

185 Betting odds on conviction at Bovada just went from -275 to -210. If they get to the end of the day without a verdict, that'll probably drop to around -150.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at May 29, 2024 04:47 PM (Dm8we)

186 Has anyone seen the bridge?

Posted by: dantesed at May 29, 2024 04:47 PM (BD2hB)

187 I was not long out of the Army when Carter's disaster in the desert took place. The blood drained out of my face when I heard about it. I was mortified. Biden's pier problems is just comical, to laugh at.

Posted by: javems at May 29, 2024 04:47 PM (8I4hW)

188 DoD press release also says that they will resume the Foodpaks on Foreheads program again, to airdrop high protein biscuits and stuff.

May I suggest dropping turkeys?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

and canned hams?

Posted by: wth at May 29, 2024 04:47 PM (v0R5T)

189 First we had OceanGate spectacularly sinking. Now we have piergate. An idea so shitty that the turd itself can't float in water.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at May 29, 2024 04:47 PM (N39Ws)

190 A friend and I were just talking about how our Mulberry in Normandy got wrecked.

Posted by: Eeyore at May 29, 2024 04:40 PM

And those piers were constructed as an experimental temporary way to get supplies to the beach during all tide and weather stages and everyone knew they would fail at some point in the very near future if the even worked at all. It took a storm of the century to disable the American pier after a few days. The British one lasted for 10 months until October 1944.

The biden gaza pier, not so much.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at May 29, 2024 04:47 PM (QNSds)

191 Why does Allah not want the residents of Gaza to receive food?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at May 29, 2024 04:47 PM (a1415)

192 maybe when trump is pres again he will put up a flag on what's left of the pier and name it the joe biden memorial

Posted by: gnats local 678 at May 29, 2024 04:48 PM (B1FKF)

193 I've got a sinking feeling about this whole pier fiasco.

Posted by: Muldoon at May 29, 2024 04:40 PM (991eG)

Don't be so hard on them. It was a titanic undertaking.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (d9fT1)

It was a disaster without peer.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:48 PM (YqDXo)

194 167 Let that sink in a minute.
Posted by: Piper


Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 29, 2024 04:48 PM (v6JzV)

195 186 Has anyone seen the bridge?
Posted by: dantesed at May 29, 2024 04:47 PM (BD2hB)

Did Jeff die?

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at May 29, 2024 04:48 PM (N39Ws)

196 I've got a sinking feeling about this whole pier fiasco.

Posted by: Muldoon at May 29, 2024 04:40 PM (991eG)

Don't be so hard on them. It was a titanic undertaking.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (d9fT1)

It was a disaster without peer.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:48 PM (YqDXo)
They're gonna dock you for that one.

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 04:48 PM (krQz2)

197 There are all kinds of hearings. Everyone in the world is hearing. They're hearing that the DC regime is a rogue state that sponsors terrorism. They're hearing that its leadership is childish and incompetent. They're hearing that its allies can't trust it and enemies don't fear it. They're hearing that its military is incapable of projecting power. They're hearing that it's lost deterrence while engendering the hatred of literally everyone else on earth.

Everyone's hearing a lot of stuff these days.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at May 29, 2024 04:48 PM (0FoWg)

198 Dirty Pierre goes down.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 29, 2024 04:48 PM (63Dwl)

199 I harbor resentment toward this thread.

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 04:49 PM (krQz2)

200 And those piers were constructed as an experimental temporary way to get supplies to the beach during all tide and weather stages and everyone knew they would fail at some point in the very near future if the even worked at all. It took a storm of the century to disable the American pier after a few days. The British one lasted for 10 months until October 1944.

The biden gaza pier, not so much.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at May 29, 2024 04:47 PM (QNSds)

The Biden pier was swamped when Lizzo jumped into the water.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:49 PM (YqDXo)

201 197 There are all kinds of hearings. Everyone in the world is hearing. They're hearing that the DC regime is a rogue state that sponsors terrorism. They're hearing that its leadership is childish and incompetent. They're hearing that its allies can't trust it and enemies don't fear it. They're hearing that its military is incapable of projecting power. They're hearing that it's lost deterrence while engendering the hatred of literally everyone else on earth.

Everyone's hearing a lot of stuff these days.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at May 29, 2024 04:48 PM (0FoWg)


"Oh, we're saved then."
-Noah Pollak

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:49 PM (GBKbO)

202 >>A pier is just a social construct.

A perfect metaphor for our society.

Posted by: JackStraw at May 29, 2024 04:49 PM (LkLld)

203 re 183: modern language be flexible

Posted by: gnats local 678 at May 29, 2024 04:49 PM (B1FKF)

204 It must be fun to work at the Babylon Bee even if it's hard for our country that they have so much material to make mockery of.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 29, 2024 04:49 PM (XkYcA)

205 Hasn’t anyone asked Piers Morgan to weigh in? I bet he’s an expert on this stuff

Posted by: Common Tater at May 29, 2024 04:50 PM (PpROq)

206 Where's that confounded bridge?

Posted by: wth at May 29, 2024 04:50 PM (v0R5T)

207 Why are we giving aid to enemy civilians while a war is going on where they are?

Even if the Junta wasn't incompetent, even if Hamas wasn't stealing the aid, the intent of war is to inflict enough pain on your enemies to make them accept your terms.

Giving them aid while engaged in a war is inherently counterproductive.

Make Hamas choose prosecuting the war or watching THEIR civilian population suffer.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 29, 2024 04:50 PM (ibTVg)

208 Biden food ramp sinks.
Obama cook drowns.

Posted by: torabora at May 29, 2024 04:50 PM (QRQhq)

209 195 186 Has anyone seen the bridge?
Posted by: dantesed at May 29, 2024 04:47 PM (BD2hB)

Did Jeff die?

looks like i picked the wrong day to quit sinking

Posted by: lloyd at May 29, 2024 04:50 PM (v3pYe)

210 Beau Biden gavels life so that this pier could be completed.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at May 29, 2024 04:50 PM (a1415)

211 There should be hearings.


Jim Jordan's sleeves are tan, wristed, and ready to roll!

Posted by: ShainS -- Biden's Two-State Solution is Michigan & Minnesota at May 29, 2024 04:50 PM (oVCG4)


I ain't seen the bridge!
Where's that confounded bridge?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 29, 2024 04:51 PM (63Dwl)

213 >>> =======

I was going for pre-WWI, but 1880 would work as well.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:45 PM (GBKbO)

TJM Johnson is also right!

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at May 29, 2024 04:51 PM (llON8)

214 "Make Hamas choose prosecuting the war or watching THEIR civilian population suffer."

Very obvious, yet...

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at May 29, 2024 04:51 PM (Z8Yh2)

215 And then fail miserably. I's a strategy.
Act of Allah.

We tried!

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at May 29, 2024 04:51 PM (ZdexC)

216 The pier parts washed up in Israel . Clearly the Jews stole them - says every Muslim. And a lot of Europeans. And college students . And university faculty. And .....

Posted by: Smell the Glove at May 29, 2024 04:51 PM (wu1+q)

217 Only our government can take an obviously stupid idea and turn it into an utter debacle of universal derision and mockery.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at May 29, 2024 04:51 PM (tT6L1)

218 Hasn’t anyone asked Piers Morgan to weigh in? I bet he’s an expert on this stuff

Posted by: Common Tater at May 29, 2024 04:50 PM (PpROq)

Consult with the House of Lords.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:51 PM (YqDXo)

219 What do the verb tenses identify as?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 29, 2024 04:52 PM (v6JzV)

220 Look fat, show some respect! Beau sank with that pier and drowned! My word as a Biden!

Posted by: Joseph R. Biden at May 29, 2024 04:52 PM (k3d8O)

221 I hear that Pierre Delicto may be tapped to head the Senate's Bipartisan Pier Review Committee.

Posted by: Mike Zee at May 29, 2024 04:52 PM (WWVl1)

222 216 The pier parts washed up in Israel . Clearly the Jews stole them - says every Muslim. And a lot of Europeans. And college students . And university faculty. And .....
Posted by: Smell the Glove at May 29, 2024 04:51 PM (wu1+q)


They believe Jews are magical creatures who control everything through lasers and shit.

And they oppose them and declare that they will kill all the Jews.

I mean...I really don't get that.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:52 PM (GBKbO)

223 "That could indicate at least one juror who is not convinced by either Steinglass or Blanche saying that this is a no brainer."


The judge will make sure there are multiple felony convictions.

It doesn't matter if there are 8 jurors who vote NG

Posted by: Jay in PA at May 29, 2024 04:52 PM (i7Q7S)

224 Let's see if I can tug that pier.

Shame we have no LSTs. That ship class is what supplied the allied armies (exceeding planning limits) until Marseilles and Antwerp opened.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 29, 2024 04:52 PM (u82oZ)

225 I recall a process engineering training class I took that used the Carter fiasco as a lesson. The teacher said the Sea Stallion helicopters had a mechanical failure rate of 15% to 20% per some certain flight hours. He ran the numbers and statistically the rescue mission was bound to fail.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at May 29, 2024 04:52 PM (2fIO4)

226 We'll soon be plumbing the abysmal depths with puns.
Posted by: jim (in Kalfornia)
Just try not to give in to pier pressure.
Posted by: Brother Tim, no longer a Cylon at May 29, 2024

Toujours Trieste?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at May 29, 2024 04:52 PM (J2vNu)

227 The yougins of the Biden administration await its participation trophy.

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 04:52 PM (krQz2)

228 The pier parts washed up in Israel . Clearly the Jews stole them - says every Muslim. And a lot of Europeans. And college students . And university faculty. And .....

Posted by: Smell the Glove at May 29, 2024 04:51 PM (wu1+q)

... And the Biden Administration.

Posted by: Washington Nearsider at May 29, 2024 04:52 PM (/nCD+)

229 107 65
We are a competent, powerful, serious nation that should be feared and adored the world over.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (not a cop!) at May 29, 2024 04:32 PM (d04cU)

With 70% of the food aid stolen. Who couldn't see that coming....besides Biden and his boot lickers?
What do you mean they couldn't see it coming? That was their plan all along.

Posted by: Cave Johnson at May 29, 2024 04:52 PM (w4FWG)

230 196 I've got a sinking feeling about this whole pier fiasco.

Posted by: Muldoon at May 29, 2024 04:40 PM (991eG)

Don't be so hard on them. It was a titanic undertaking.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (d9fT1)

It was a disaster without peer.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:48 PM (YqDXo)
They're gonna dock you for that one.
Posted by: Axeman at

Now you're just piling on.

Posted by: nurse ratched at May 29, 2024 04:52 PM (aP2uV)

231 "Kingstown pier, Stephen said. Yes, a disappointed bridge"

Posted by: gnats local 678 at May 29, 2024 04:52 PM (B1FKF)

232 >>> 216 The pier parts washed up in Israel . Clearly the Jews stole them - says every Muslim. And a lot of Europeans. And college students . And university faculty. And .....
Posted by: Smell the Glove at May 29, 2024 04:51 PM (wu1+q)

I told y'all it was them shape-shifting Jooos disguised as Palestinians who stole all the shit what got stolen.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at May 29, 2024 04:53 PM (llON8)

233 Biden food ramp sinks.
Obama cook drowns.

Posted by: torabora at May 29, 2024 04:50 PM (QRQhq)

What is it with Democrats and water?

Posted by: Ted Kennedy at May 29, 2024 04:53 PM (YqDXo)

Consult with the House of Lords.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

How many holes are in that pier?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 29, 2024 04:53 PM (63Dwl)

235 The pier parts washed up in Israel . Clearly the Jews stole them - says every Muslim. And a lot of Europeans. And college students . And university faculty. And .....

Posted by: Smell the Glove at May 29, 2024 04:51 PM (wu1+q)

... And the Biden Administration.
Posted by: Washington Nearsider at May 29, 2024 04:52 PM (/nCD+)
They put a spell on them!

Posted by: Muslims at May 29, 2024 04:53 PM (krQz2)

236 "I ain't seen the bridge!
Where's that confounded bridge?"

Found it!

Posted by: MV Dali at May 29, 2024 04:53 PM (a1415)

237 Meanwhile, the IDF continues its successful campaign in Rafah. Nikki Haley is signing artillery shells with the words "Finish them!" Won't be long.

Posted by: mrp at May 29, 2024 04:53 PM (rj6Yv)

238 I suggest dropping 500 pound bombs

Posted by: Skip at May 29, 2024 04:53 PM (fwDg9)

239 Noah Pollak
Update on the Biden admin's Gaza pier to nowhere: Parts of it have broken free and washed up in Israel. And virtually all of the aid that was delivered was stolen by Hamas. A $320M fleecing of the US taxpayer. There should be hearings.

Yes, a hearing. That'll show 'em but good!

Posted by: No. Not a hearing. Don't. Stop. at May 29, 2024 04:54 PM (k3d8O)

240 216 The pier parts washed up in Israel . Clearly the Jews stole them - says every Muslim. And a lot of Europeans. And college students . And university faculty. And .....

The Jews used their weather control satellites to send oversize waves towards the pier.

Posted by: Cave Johnson at May 29, 2024 04:54 PM (w4FWG)

241 Make Hamas choose prosecuting the war or watching THEIR civilian population suffer.

That assumes that they actually care about their civilians beyond their use as human shields and propaganda props. Like Golda Meir said, "We will not have peace until they love their children more than they hate us."

Posted by: Elisabeth G. Wolfe at May 29, 2024 04:54 PM (LLJRz)

242 Welp, I guess it's official, we got Voltaire's prayer answered, our enemies are in fact ridiculous.

Posted by: Brother Tim, no longer a Cylon at May 29, 2024 04:54 PM (OUMaO)

243 Romney succumbs to pier pressure, resigns from Pier Review Committee.

Posted by: Mike Zee at May 29, 2024 04:54 PM (WWVl1)

244 I've got a sinking feeling about this whole pier fiasco.

Posted by: Muldoon at May 29, 2024 04:40 PM (991eG)

Don't be so hard on them. It was a titanic undertaking.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (d9fT1)

It was a disaster without peer.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:48 PM (YqDXo)
They're gonna dock you for that one.
Posted by: Axeman at
Now you're just piling on.
Posted by: nurse ratched at May 29, 2024 04:52 PM (aP2uV)
Don't know how much moor I can take!

Posted by: Muslims at May 29, 2024 04:54 PM (krQz2)

245 When the communist government in Ethiopia decided to starve tribes that were resisting it the answer from the western governments and celeb-u-tards buying food aid and sending it through the same genocidal government.

They "stole" it and used it to buy more weapons to kill the people resisting it.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 29, 2024 04:54 PM (ibTVg)

246 224 Let's see if I can tug that pier.

Shame we have no LSTs. That ship class is what supplied the allied armies (exceeding planning limits) until Marseilles and Antwerp opened.
Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 29, 2024 04:52 PM (u82oZ)


According to what I read, two or three small boats got washed ashore too.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at May 29, 2024 04:55 PM (2fIO4)

247 Make Hamas choose prosecuting the war or watching THEIR civilian population suffer.
Posted by: 18-1 at May 29, 2024 04:50 PM (ibTVg)
Hamas is absolutely A-OK with watching every man, woman, and child in Gaza being ground into (literal) sausage.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at May 29, 2024 04:55 PM (7fElN)

248 They believe Jews are magical creatures who control everything through lasers and shit.

Then why would they mess with them?

It's like leftists here accusing conservatives of being violent. If that were really the case, they'd STFU.

Posted by: Ted Kennedy at May 29, 2024 04:55 PM (YqDXo)

249 Yes, a hearing. That'll show 'em but good!

Posted by: No. Not a hearing. Don't. Stop. at May 29, 2024 04:54 PM

Strongly worded letter or a mean tweet would do.

Posted by: Frank Barone at May 29, 2024 04:55 PM (+oR7L)

250 Sounds like there was no pier review.

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 04:55 PM (krQz2)

251 From an accounting perspective, the pier funds are merely sunk costs.

Posted by: goatexchange at May 29, 2024 04:55 PM (ObJ5o)

252 Wish I had a bollard to fasten this supply ship to.

Because if we don't unload that ship, all the SPAM goes back in the National Meat Repository.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 29, 2024 04:55 PM (u82oZ)

253 sock off

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:56 PM (YqDXo)

254 The people responsible for rescuing the stuck ship have been stuck.

Posted by: Ribbed at May 29, 2024 04:56 PM (910Mn)

255 Looks like she's going to lose booking slots on MSNBC and CNN:

"Nikki Haley writes 'finish them' on Israeli artillery shell"

Haley called “on Israel to ignore the restrictions imposed by President Biden regarding the war in Gaza” and to “continue” fighting “until Hamas is eliminated."


Posted by: Jay in PA at May 29, 2024 04:56 PM (i7Q7S)

256 Make Hamas choose prosecuting the war or watching THEIR civilian population suffer.


Making their civilian population suffer is part of Hamas's war plan.

Posted by: Cave Johnson at May 29, 2024 04:56 PM (w4FWG)

257 Hamas could care less about their fellow Gazans they hide behind

Posted by: Skip at May 29, 2024 04:57 PM (fwDg9)

258 Need some parody lyrics for Otis Redding's classic "Sittin' by the Dock of the Bay".

Posted by: mrp at May 29, 2024 04:57 PM (rj6Yv)

259 That wouldn't happen in Pier Michigan.

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 04:57 PM (krQz2)

260 Should we consult a Jewry of our piers?

Posted by: Pug Mahon, with a drawer full of pieces of flair at May 29, 2024 04:57 PM (hZc6Q)

261 Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at May 29, 2024 04:57 PM (pohLc)

262 Never saw this Fetterman coming.

In a symbolic gesture of disappointment with his alma mater,
, Senator Fetterman removed the crimson hood from his robe while delivering his
commencement address earlier today.

Posted by: JackStraw at May 29, 2024 04:57 PM (LkLld)

263 It's like leftists here accusing conservatives of being violent. If that were really the case, they'd STFU.

Posted by: Ted Kennedy at May 29, 2024 04:55 PM (YqDXo)


If Donald Trump was half the fascist they claim he is, they'd already be smoke up a chimney.

Posted by: Washington Nearsider at May 29, 2024 04:57 PM (/nCD+)

264 Take a moment to read the sign that Sal is referring to.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at May 29, 2024 04:57 PM (a1415)

265 This calls for a tweet, like #bringourpierback, or maybe a new version of We Are The World.

Posted by: Give a Man a Fish, against His Will, if Necessary at May 29, 2024 04:57 PM (8SCtT)

266 "An American vessel used to unload humanitarian aid from ships into the Gaza Strip via a floating pier disconnected from a small boat tugging it this morning due to stormy seas, leading it to get stuck on the coast of Ashdod, eyewitnesses say.

Another ship was then sent to try and extract the stuck vessel, but also got beached."

USS Milwaukee (C-21) has entered the chat.

Posted by: Cuck Tzu at May 29, 2024 04:57 PM (82Wko)

267 Hamas is absolutely A-OK with watching every man, woman, and child in Gaza being ground into (literal) sausage.

Honestly, that's fine too. Then the locals will have to choose to keep Hamas as their government and just die or...kill them.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 29, 2024 04:57 PM (ibTVg)

268 254 The people responsible for rescuing the stuck ship have been stuck.
Posted by: Ribbed at May 29, 2024 04:56 PM (910Mn)

Makes one proud to be an American, doesn't it?

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at May 29, 2024 04:58 PM (N39Ws)

269 from zero hedge earlier:

"Merchan just delivered the coup de grace instruction," Turley wrote on X. "He said that there is no need to agree on what occurred. They can disagree on what the crime was among the three choices. Thus, this means that they could split 4-4-4 and he will still treat them as unanimous..."

Posted by: gnats local 678 at May 29, 2024 04:58 PM (B1FKF)

270 Need some parody lyrics for Otis Redding's classic "Sittin' by the Dock ofin the Bay".
Posted by: mrp at May 29, 2024 04:57 PM (rj6Yv)
Just a starting suggestion....

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 04:58 PM (krQz2)

271 You know, Biden is telling the truth that black voters are what got him involved in politics.

Black voters that wanted to integrate schools.

He had to step up and put a stop to that.

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at May 29, 2024 04:58 PM (JMAcK)

272 There's only one candidate the benefits from all this, and I'm not discounting the Russian sabotage theory that is making the rounds in the intelligence community.

Posted by: Joe Scarborough at May 29, 2024 04:58 PM (wGerL)

273 What happened to the photo of the thunder-thighed lady? Just because it was the wrong pic, no reason to take it down.

Posted by: gp Abides at May 29, 2024 04:58 PM (MvF+J)

274 28 An American vessel used to unload humanitarian aid from ships into the Gaza Strip via a floating pier disconnected from a small boat tugging it this morning due to stormy seas, leading it to get stuck on the coast of Ashdod, eyewitnesses say.

Another ship was then sent to try and extract the stuck vessel, but also got beached.

How long before the Gazans raid the vessels?

Posted by: Braenyard at May 29, 2024 04:58 PM (7PZBL)

275 Maga_Ken

A LCM (Mike boat) of limited capacity, and a small tug boat.

We used some good people, hard to replace hardware, and we boffed it up.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 29, 2024 04:58 PM (u82oZ)

276 A lot of times jury instructions are written down. The note was probably asking the judge to further clarify something. Something that made trump's team happy!!

Posted by: PJ at May 29, 2024 04:59 PM (G1dq6)

277 The people responsible for rescuing the stuck ship have been stuck.

Posted by: Ribbed at May 29, 2024 04:56 PM (910Mn)

Do you get the feeling that we must be the laughing stock of the world now? We've got an admiral who thinks he's a woman, we've had a nuclear waste guy who wore lipstick and stole women's suitcases, we've got DoD types fretting over pronouns, we're crashing ships into bridges, we build a pier that sinks, we've got a president who is obviously whacked out, what next?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:59 PM (YqDXo)

278 When the communist government in Ethiopia decided to starve tribes that were resisting it the answer from the western governments and celeb-u-tards buying food aid and sending it through the same genocidal government.

They "stole" it and used it to buy more weapons to kill the people resisting it.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 29, 2024 04:54 PM (ibTVg)


* After several decades of taking a clue-bat upside his head, Bono and lessons learned have entered the chat *

Posted by: ShainS -- Biden's Two-State Solution is Michigan & Minnesota at May 29, 2024 05:00 PM (oVCG4)

279 What happened to the photo of the thunder-thighed lady? Just because it was the wrong pic, no reason to take it down.
Posted by: gp Abides

You love thunder thighs and you cannot lie.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 29, 2024 05:00 PM (v6JzV)

280 Yep, physics and nature are unforgiving

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, PNW MOME June 1st at May 29, 2024 05:00 PM (xcxpd)

281 280 Yep, physics and nature are unforgiving
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, PNW MOME June 1st at May 29, 2024 05:00 PM (xcxpd)


They should pass a law.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 05:00 PM (GBKbO)

282 from twixxer: car accident:
Posted by: gnats local 678 at May 29, 2024 04:46 PM (B1FKF)

WTF?? Holy crap!!

Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy now with twice the crazy at May 29, 2024 05:00 PM (iODuv)

Joe's just sittin' by the dock in the bay
Watching the funds roll away
Sittin by the dock in the bay,
Wasting time.

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 05:00 PM (krQz2)

284 Close enough for government work

Posted by: Ben HaduButker made the speech at a CATHOLIC at May 29, 2024 05:01 PM (8Cfeh)

285 268 254 The people responsible for rescuing the stuck ship have been stuck.
Posted by: Ribbed at May 29, 2024 04:56 PM (910Mn)

Makes one proud to be an American, doesn't it?

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at May 29, 2024 04:58 PM (N39Ws)

We're like Laurel and Hardy trying to paint out of the same bucket.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 05:01 PM (YqDXo)

286 On topic, posted earlier in JJ's thread:

"IDF soldiers posted in the Gaza Strip on Monday documented the American pier near Netzarim beach sinking in the water. The soldier who shot the video is overheard saying: “This is what happens when you help the enemy.”

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Absent religious obedience, name one thing men get from marriage at May 29, 2024 05:01 PM (ex+sF)

287 Yep, physics and nature are unforgiving
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, PNW MOME June 1st at May 29, 2024 05:00 PM (xcxpd)


They should pass a law.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison

The gravity of the situation requires it.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 29, 2024 05:01 PM (v6JzV)

288 They believe Jews are magical creatures who control everything through lasers and shit.
I mean...I really don't get that.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:52 PM (GBKbO)

1.5 billion Muslims have been getting their asses kicked by a few million Jews for 75 years.

For a pre-industrial society, "magic" is a perfectly sensible answer.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 29, 2024 05:02 PM (d9fT1)

289 The 12-day life of Biden’s $320 million pier:
May 17: “Aid flows into Gaza over massive U.S. pier”
May 21: “None of the aid from U.S. pier has been delivered”
May 25: Pier damaged but “still functional”
TODAY: “Pier operations suspended after piece breaks off”

When China invades Taiwan, I sure hope we're wise enough to stay the hell out of it.

Posted by: gp Abides at May 29, 2024 05:02 PM (MvF+J)

290 Braenyard

The beach those vessels grounded on is in Israel.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 29, 2024 05:02 PM (u82oZ)

291 Yep, physics and nature are unforgiving
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, PNW MOME June 1st at May 29, 2024 05:00 PM (xcxpd)
You think some engineer could have stepped in at some point and examined why there wasn't already a pier they could use and why.

And then they could have spoke to their superiors and....

Oh wait, I've spotted the flaw in that plan.

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 05:02 PM (krQz2)

292 gp Abides

If so, then Taiwan needs a balls to the walls nuke warhead program. They have 4 nuke power plants, and rockets that work.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 29, 2024 05:03 PM (u82oZ)

293 You think some engineer could have stepped in at some point and examined why there wasn't already a pier they could use and why.

And then they could have spoke to their superiors and....

Oh wait, I've spotted the flaw in that plan.
Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 05:02 PM (krQz2)

Clown world rules over all

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, PNW MOME June 1st at May 29, 2024 05:03 PM (xcxpd)

294 The beach those vessels grounded on is in Israel.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 29, 2024 05:02 PM (u82oZ)

Israel should sue for the environmental damage, and ask for $100,000,000,000, or six months worth of smart munitions.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 29, 2024 05:03 PM (d9fT1)

295 Pier 1 was a fun store.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 29, 2024 05:04 PM (v6JzV)

296 Do you get the feeling that we must be the laughing stock of the world now? We've got an admiral who thinks he's a woman...


Do men who put on costumes and pretend to be women also panic and screw up situations in similar ways because they think that's part of the blackface act, too?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Absent religious obedience, name one thing men get from marriage at May 29, 2024 05:04 PM (ex+sF)

297 Yep, physics and nature are unforgiving

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, PNW MOME June 1st at May 29, 2024 05:00 PM (xcxpd)
Yep. Totally mean!

Posted by: Green and Purple-haired Kids of Today at May 29, 2024 05:04 PM (krQz2)

298 Doesn't the pier have a name?

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at May 29, 2024 05:04 PM (J8LnB)

299 re 282: looks like the driver ran away.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at May 29, 2024 05:04 PM (B1FKF)

300 Yep, physics and nature are unforgiving
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, PNW MOME June 1st at May 29, 2024 05:00 PM (xcxpd)


They should pass a law.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 05:00 PM (GBKbO)

Against tides and waves....I can see it in a Climate Emergency bill coming soon

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, PNW MOME June 1st at May 29, 2024 05:04 PM (xcxpd)

301 Do you get the feeling that we must be the laughing stock of the world now? We've got an admiral who thinks he's a woman, we've had a nuclear waste guy who wore lipstick and stole women's suitcases, we've got DoD types fretting over pronouns, we're crashing ships into bridges, we build a pier that sinks, we've got a president who is obviously whacked out, what next?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:59 PM (YqDXo)


President Kamala Harris will literally suck for peace!

Posted by: ShainS -- Biden's Two-State Solution is Michigan & Minnesota at May 29, 2024 05:05 PM (oVCG4)

302 272 There's only one candidate the benefits from all this, and I'm not discounting the Russian sabotage theory that is making the rounds in the intelligence community.
Posted by: Joe Scarborough at May 29, 2024 04:58 PM (wGerL)

Nonsense. Many with military construction experience have been pointing that this pier was only designed for light waves, such as inside an estuary or harbor. It was *never* designed to stand up to the level of heavy surf that is routine on the Gaza coast, and this was told to Biden and Blinken and co. at the outset The administration said "go ahead and do it anyways" because they wanted to make a statement.

The military did what the military has to do when given ridiculous orders that it knows will fail - carry them out to the letter, watch everything fall apart, and say "look, we did exactly what you ordered us to do"

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 29, 2024 05:05 PM (i9ffA)

303 295 Pier 1 was a fun store.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May

Overpriced garbage you mean?

Posted by: nurse ratched at May 29, 2024 05:05 PM (w1l2H)

304 298 Doesn't the pier have a name?
Posted by: Humphreyrobot at May 29

Molly Brown

Posted by: Piper at May 29, 2024 05:06 PM (pZEOD)

305 Doesn't the pier have a name?
Posted by: Humphreyrobot

The John McCain Memorial Floater

Posted by: weft cut-loop at May 29, 2024 05:06 PM (IG4Id)

306 "If so, then Taiwan needs a ..."

I don't care what Taiwan needs.

Posted by: gp Abides at May 29, 2024 05:06 PM (MvF+J)

307 298 Doesn't the pier have a name?
Posted by: Humphreyrobot at May 29, 2024 05:04 PM (J8LnB)


Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at May 29, 2024 05:06 PM (N39Ws)

308 302 The military did what the military has to do when given ridiculous orders that it knows will fail - carry them out to the letter, watch everything fall apart, and say "look, we did exactly what you ordered us to do"
Posted by: Tom Servo at May 29, 2024 05:05 PM (i9ffA)


Note the nic you're responding to, Tom.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 05:06 PM (GBKbO)

309 Deplorable Jay Guevar

TBF, the former classmate of Muldoon who likes to wear a dress in US National Health Service, not USN.

Similar, but not exactly the same uniforms. Hat, medal ribbons, and shoulder board and sleeve insignia are different.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 29, 2024 05:06 PM (u82oZ)

310 Doesn't the pier have a name?
Posted by: Humphreyrobot

Pier Delecto.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 29, 2024 05:06 PM (v6JzV)

311 *waves*

Posted by: Gaza Surf at May 29, 2024 05:07 PM (e1y97)

312 Yep, physics and nature are unforgiving
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, PNW MOME June 1st at May 29, 2024 05:00 PM (xcxpd)


They should pass a law.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 05:00 PM (GBKbO)

Against tides and waves....I can see it in a Climate Emergency bill coming soon
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, PNW MOME June 1st at May 29, 2024 05:04 PM (xcxpd)


"It's simple, dummy -- just repeal the Law of Gravity. Duh!"

Posted by: ShainS -- Biden's Two-State Solution is Michigan & Minnesota at May 29, 2024 05:07 PM (oVCG4)

313 Doesn't the pier have a name?
Posted by: Humphreyrobot at May 29, 2024 05:04 PM (J8LnB)

Debbie Downer?

Posted by: WIsRich at May 29, 2024 05:07 PM (G0vdT)

314 "Doesn't the pier have a name?"

It's called a Trident. Its specifications showed it was unsuitable for deployment in those waters. It also has a poor service record in prior deployments.

Posted by: gp Abides at May 29, 2024 05:07 PM (MvF+J)

315 Public Heath Service. My bad.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 29, 2024 05:08 PM (u82oZ)

316 There should be hearings


Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism at May 29, 2024 05:08 PM (9DmOt)

This baloney has a first name
It's J-O-S-E-PH...
This baloney has a second name
It's B-I-D-E-N

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 05:08 PM (e1y97)

318 293 You think some engineer could have stepped in at some point and examined why there wasn't already a pier they could use and why."

It's fascinating to note that Rome faced much the same problems when they built a new harbor at Ceasarea 2000 years ago. They chose to dig a new harbor out of the beach and then surround it with massive breakwaters made of Roman maritime concrete.

Most of what they built is still there today.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 29, 2024 05:08 PM (i9ffA)

319 re 282: looks like the driver ran away.
Posted by: gnats local 678 at May 29, 2024 05:04 PM (B1FKF)

Had that happen to me in East Orange about 25 years ago. Asshole in a stolen car bounced off the front left corner of my car, went airborne, sideways, and wrapped around a pole on the opposite corner. The "yute" crawled out the shattered sun roof and ran, limping down the street. Fucker should have died. Took nearly an hour for the cops to get there.

Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy now with twice the crazy at May 29, 2024 05:08 PM (iODuv)

320 Seems to me the Gazans could use a few hours of court-ordered anchor management classes...

Posted by: Muldoon at May 29, 2024 05:08 PM (991eG)

321 Pier Delecto.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 29, 2024 05:06 PM (v6JzV)


* snort *

Posted by: ShainS -- Biden's Two-State Solution is Michigan & Minnesota at May 29, 2024 05:08 PM (oVCG4)

322 Merchan may be able to remove a juror if he's judged to be sinking the deliberation on purpose, more or less, and appoint one of the alternates.

Xtweet IMAGE

Let's hope it isn't just one holdout.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at May 29, 2024 05:08 PM (ZdexC)

323 Where are all the saintly eco-warriors gretzing about the pollution and destruction of Habitat?
Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 29, 2024 04:25 PM (BpZ5k)

Would bras built by saintly volunteers be considered "Habitat for Humina Humina?"

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 29, 2024 05:09 PM (NQ0jI)

324 Doesn't the pier have a name?

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at May 29, 2024 05:04 PM (J8LnB)
Why? It has no pier.

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 05:09 PM (e1y97)

325 >>Nonsense. Many with military construction experience have been pointing that this pier was only designed for light waves, such as inside an estuary or harbor. It was *never* designed to stand up to the level of heavy surf that is routine on the Gaza coast, and this was told to Biden and Blinken and co. at the outset The administration said "go ahead and do it anyways" because they wanted to make a statement.

You don't even need to be in the military. There's a reason floating piers aren't build on the open sea. You don't need an engineering degree to solve this mystery.

Posted by: JackStraw at May 29, 2024 05:09 PM (LkLld)

326 Come on Russia and Israel.

Release the Biden files and the stolen election results.
What have you got to lose?

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 29, 2024 05:09 PM (u82oZ)

327 Pier 1 was a fun store.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May

Overpriced garbage you mean?
Posted by: nurse ratched

I never bought anything there (I think). But it was fun to look around in.

When I was going off to college, I saw a taxidermy piece of a cobra fighting a mongoose there that I was tempted to buy for my dorm room. I probably didn't have enough money of my own, though, and I doubt my mother would have given me money for the purchase.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 29, 2024 05:09 PM (v6JzV)

328 "look, we did exactly what you ordered us to do"

Honorable men retire. I am really down on the leadership if you can't tell.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at May 29, 2024 05:09 PM (Z8Yh2)

329 Where are all the saintly eco-warriors gretzing about the pollution and destruction of Habitat?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 29, 2024 04:25 PM (BpZ5k)
No Republicans involved.

Posted by: Gov. Kathy Hochey at May 29, 2024 05:10 PM (e1y97)

330 LOL, I was just talking with people about this on twitter, jumped over too fast.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 29, 2024 05:10 PM (i9ffA)

331 *waves*

Posted by: Gaza Surf at May 29, 2024 05:07 PM

Charlie don't surf......

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at May 29, 2024 05:10 PM (QNSds)

332 The Saint George Floyd memorial pier.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at May 29, 2024 05:12 PM (pohLc)

333 If so, then Taiwan needs a balls to the walls nuke warhead program. They have 4 nuke power plants, and rockets that work.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 29, 2024 05:03 PM (u82oZ)

I'd bet my life that they have nukes already. See also Japan and South Korea. They'd be crazy to rely on the US, because you never know when we'll elect a Democrat administration that will double-cross them. The way Ukraine got double-crossed by Clinton, who convinced them to divest themselves of the Soviet nukes with a promise to defend them, and then Obama, who looked the other way when the Russians grabbed Crimea, and then Biden, who told the Russians the US wouldn't mind a "small incursion" into Ukraine.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 05:12 PM (YqDXo)

334 Need some parody lyrics for Otis Redding's classic "Sittin' by the Dock ofin the Bay".
Posted by: mrp at May 29, 2024 04:57 PM (rj6Yv)
Just a starting suggestion....
Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 04:58 PM (krQz2)

Except for one stanza, the entire song is good enough

I left my home in Gaza
Headed for the Ramah Pier
'Cause I've had nothing to live for
And it looks like it's gonna stay that way

Posted by: mrp at May 29, 2024 05:13 PM (rj6Yv)

335 The pier was never needed, it was a huge waste of money, it never did any good for anyone except thieves, and in the end it collapsed in disgrace. Yep, that's Biden's middle east policy; really, his entire presidency.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 29, 2024 05:14 PM (i9ffA)

336 So, what is the difference between a pier, a dock, and a wharf?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 29, 2024 05:15 PM (v6JzV)

337 Doesn't the pier have a name?
Posted by: Humphreyrobot

The Rachel Corrie Memorial Landing

Posted by: Stu Podaso at May 29, 2024 05:15 PM (82Wko)

338 So, what is the difference between a pier, a dock, and a wharf?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 29, 2024 05:15 PM (v6JzV)
Da wharf is shorter.

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 05:15 PM (e1y97)

339 It's fascinating to note that Rome faced much the same problems when they built a new harbor at Ceasarea 2000 years ago. They chose to dig a new harbor out of the beach and then surround it with massive breakwaters made of Roman maritime concrete.

Most of what they built is still there today.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 29, 2024 05:08 PM (i9ffA)

Of course, they didn't have DEI, nor transgenders, because they were not as advanced as we are.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 05:16 PM (YqDXo)

340 Whut yer lookin' at folks is Joe Biden's legacy, and the sorriest, stupidist, corrupt piece of shit to ever infest the White House.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at May 29, 2024 05:16 PM (pohLc)

341 Gee, I wonder why there wasn't a pier there before ?

Posted by: it's me donna at May 29, 2024 05:16 PM (Akjoo)

342 333 If so, then Taiwan needs a balls to the walls nuke warhead program. They have 4 nuke power plants, and rockets that work.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 29, 2024 05:03 PM (u82oZ)

I'd bet my life that they have nukes already. See also Japan and South Korea. They'd be crazy to rely on the US, because you never know when we'll elect a Democrat administration that will double-cross them. The way Ukraine got double-crossed by Clinton, who convinced them to divest themselves of the Soviet nukes with a promise to defend them, and then Obama, who looked the other way when the Russians grabbed Crimea, and then Biden, who told the Russians the US wouldn't mind a "small incursion" into Ukraine.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara
Story was floated around the time of South Africa testing a nuke that S.A., Taiwan, and Israel were collaborating on research. Taiwan most certainly has plans ready to go and with its nuclear power plants, like Japan, could go nuke probably within a few weeks.

Posted by: whig at May 29, 2024 05:16 PM (PkS4e)

343 336 So, what is the difference between a pier, a dock, and a wharf?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 29, 2024 05:15 PM (v6JzV)

A pier and a dock have no business on the bridge of a starship.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 29, 2024 05:17 PM (i9ffA)

Joe's new slogan: Drain the Pier.

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 05:17 PM (e1y97)

345 They are assumed to have everything needed to build buckts of sunshine, but have not assembled the bombs

🇰🇷 Japan 🇹🇼 j

Posted by: N at May 29, 2024 05:17 PM (8XibL)

346 Most of what they built is still there today.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 29, 2024 05:08 PM (i9ffA)

Of course, they didn't have DEI, nor transgenders, because they were not as advanced as we are.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara
Romans resolved political disputes by the old fashioned way of direct military power dictating policy.

Posted by: whig at May 29, 2024 05:17 PM (PkS4e)

347 Biden's May 24th statement on George Floyd in part:

George Floyd should be alive today. His murder shook the conscience of our nation and reminded us that our country has never fully lived up to its highest ideal of fair and impartial justice for all under the law. What we witnessed as a result was one of the largest modern civil rights movements in our Nation’s history, with people from every background marching together against racism and systemic injustice.

Fair and impartial justice? LOL. Ask Trump, J6 defendants, pro-life activists, etc. how that is going. Soros DAs letting violent criminals back on the streets is justice?

Civil rights movement? You mean BLM bilking $$$ off of his drug induced death and how the actual autopsy results were obscured to blame cops? Rioting, burning, looting that resulted in deaths, injuries, and businesses destroyed?

And the lists go on and on.

Posted by: Cheri at May 29, 2024 05:18 PM (oiNtH)

348 54 47 It is the Gaza version of Mulberry Harbor A built at Omaha Beach! Also damaged, destroyed actually, by wind and waves. US Army Floating Piers 0, Weather 2. Don't nobody know how to play this game?
Posted by: Gref at May 29, 2024 04:30 PM (5fDan)


I'd bet the corps of engineers understood it was temporary at Omaha and got the most use out of it they could.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 29, 2024 04:31 PM (GBKbO)


The British Mulberry B at Gold Beach remained in operation until March 1945.

Mulberry A was destroyed on June 19, 1945.

The US Army's reinforcement and logistics plan for Normandy was saved when the Army and Navy made a virtue of necessity. They quickly figured out how to transfer men and stuff directly across the beach by beaching LSTs, Rhino Ferries, and smaller amphib craft at high tide, off-loading while the tide went out and came in, re-floating the vessels to go out and load-up again at cargo ships waiting in deep water.

Posted by: Joe at May 29, 2024 05:18 PM (5fDan)

The Biden Presidency Pier.

Posted by: Axeman at May 29, 2024 05:18 PM (e1y97)

350 Sa and Israel did bombs together

Posted by: N at May 29, 2024 05:18 PM (8XibL)

351 May I suggest dropping turkeys?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 04:42 PM (YqDXo)

Frozen in liquid nitrogen.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 29, 2024 05:18 PM (NQ0jI)

352 Romans also knew how to make a pier on the Med. Us, not so much.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at May 29, 2024 05:18 PM (JTwsP)

353 Joe's new slogan: Drain the Pier.

Nah. "Build Back Better." And drier.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 05:19 PM (YqDXo)

354 The floating pier turned into a big steamer.

Posted by: wth at May 29, 2024 05:19 PM (v0R5T)

355 So, what is the difference between a pier, a dock, and a wharf?


Posted by: nurse ratched at May 29, 2024 05:19 PM (dYHqK)

356 Pier Feed the Hamas

Posted by: Skip at May 29, 2024 05:19 PM (fwDg9)

357 Mine, was a boat ahead of it's time.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at May 29, 2024 05:19 PM (e6UQI)

358 What we witnessed as a result was one of the largest modern civil rights movements in our Nation’s history, with people from every background marching together against racism and systemic injustice.

Right... Burning entire city blocks to the ground.. Multiple deaths.... Dozens of injured police.. yeah... Peaceful

Posted by: it's me donna at May 29, 2024 05:19 PM (Akjoo)

359 So, what is the difference between a pier, a dock, and a wharf?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 29, 2024 05:15 PM (v6JzV)

Pier is the heir to Hawthorne Wipes.
Dock is slang for doctor, medic, corpseman, etc.
Wharf is a cranky Klingon.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, with a drawer full of pieces of flair at May 29, 2024 05:20 PM (hZc6Q)

360 So, what is the difference between a pier, a dock, and a wharf?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

One way to distinguish among the three is by using the rule that when you're out of slits, you're out of pier.

Posted by: John Drake Nearing the Caspian Sea at May 29, 2024 05:20 PM (u/Zei)

361 "Merchan just delivered the coup de grace instruction," Turley wrote on X. "He said that there is no need to agree on what occurred. They can disagree on what the crime was among the three choices. Thus, this means that they could split 4-4-4 and he will still treat them as unanimous..."
Posted by: gnats local 678

So there could be a supermajority agreement, 8/12, for Trump on each of the secondary charges necessary to make this a felony. But if the 4 voting for conviction on each charge are not the same, then they can be totaled up to get to 12. Again, even though a majority or supermajority was against conviction on each individual secondary charge. Insanity.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at May 29, 2024 05:20 PM (Dm8we)

362 Taiwan most certainly has plans ready to go and with its nuclear power plants, like Japan, could go nuke probably within a few weeks.
Posted by: whig at May 29, 2024 05:16 PM (PkS4e)

When NK was tossing IRBMs over Honshu, one senior official in Japan's Ministry of Defense was quoted as saying Japan could have 200 nukes in a week. I'd give 'em a month for leeway.

Posted by: mrp at May 29, 2024 05:21 PM (rj6Yv)

363 "Build Back Better." And drier.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

The American Pier Recovery Act.
Only $2 trillion.

Posted by: wth at May 29, 2024 05:21 PM (v0R5T)

Eh, what's up dock?

Posted by: Gaza Surf at May 29, 2024 05:21 PM (e1y97)

365 whig

Thank you. I pay close attention to what you write. You are a blessing to the blog.

Hope your medical issues clear up, so you can face the zombie apocalypse with elan.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 29, 2024 05:21 PM (u82oZ)

366 Eh, what's up dock?
Posted by: Gaza Surf

The water surface.

Posted by: wth at May 29, 2024 05:22 PM (v0R5T)

367 We live in a world where my 100 year old watch can still get serviced with a minor repair but my three year old smart watch gets permanently bricked by an update

Posted by: The Grounded Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger at May 29, 2024 05:22 PM (VTu1l)

368 Nood

Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at May 29, 2024 05:22 PM (w6EFb)

369 It's Pier Recovery Summer!

Posted by: WIsRich at May 29, 2024 05:22 PM (G0vdT)

370 Doesn't the pier have a name?


Pier Juan

Not from there, no business there, ooking for a place and way to steal money, and unable to swim.

Posted by: Moron Robbie rejects the HQ gay hate and hopes they speak out against their abusers at May 29, 2024 05:23 PM (VrM3n)

371 George Floyd should be alive today and doing time in the jug. His murder death in custody shook the conscience of our nation and reminded us that our country has never fully lived up to its highest ideal of fair and impartial justice for all under the law not to stick fatal doses of fentanyl up our asses.


Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 05:23 PM (YqDXo)

372 365 whig

Thank you. I pay close attention to what you write. You are a blessing to the blog.

Hope your medical issues clear up, so you can face the zombie apocalypse with elan.
Posted by: NaCly Dog
Thank you kindly. The one benefit from being increasingly disabled is that is makes the will to go on stronger than the vessel.

Posted by: whig at May 29, 2024 05:23 PM (PkS4e)

373 That's why you do nitbuya smartwatch, that and that it is sending every detail to the mfr

Posted by: N at May 29, 2024 05:23 PM (8XibL)

374 so you can face the zombie apocalypse with elan.
Posted by: NaCly Dog

Yeah, I'd wanna face it with Elon, too. He'd know how to deal with zombies.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 29, 2024 05:23 PM (v6JzV)

375 The US Army's reinforcement and logistics plan for Normandy was saved when the Army and Navy made a virtue of necessity. They quickly figured out how to transfer men and stuff directly across the beach by beaching LSTs, Rhino Ferries, and smaller amphib craft at high tide, off-loading while the tide went out and came in, re-floating the vessels to go out and load-up again at cargo ships waiting in deep water.
Posted by: Joe at May 29, 2024 05:18 PM (5fDan)

Thank goodness we had air supremacy over the beachhead. The Allies also had at least one fuel pipeline installed between England and Normandy.

Posted by: mrp at May 29, 2024 05:24 PM (rj6Yv)

376 Eh, what's up dock?
Posted by: Gaza Surf

The water surface.

Posted by: wth at May 29, 2024 05:22 PM (v0R5T)

What went down in Gaza?

The pier.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 29, 2024 05:24 PM (YqDXo)

377 Biden's May 24th statement on George Floyd in part:

George Floyd should be alive today. [ . . . ]
And the lists go on and on.
Posted by: Cheri at May 29, 2024 05:18 PM (oiNtH)

from James Kunstler:

Surely it was the right thing to do for President “Joe Biden” to remind the nation of the tragic loss of George Floyd four years ago this Memorial Day weekend. At the time, the man known as “the Black Thomas Edison” was rumored to be this close to achieving an economically viable system for producing electricity via atomic fusion using the fentanyl molecule (C22H28N2O) combined with the nuclei of alcohol (C2H6O), releasing enough energy from one gram to power a city the size of Minneapolis for a day. [ . . . ] Alas, Dr. Floyd had apparently ingested a small amount of these experimental substances accidently before leaving his lab May 25, 2020, when he encountered the white supremacist police officer Derek Chauvin outside a Cup Foods convenience store in Minneapolis’s “Powderhorn” neighborhood. For reasons never understood, despite manifold judicial inquiries, the officer dragged the Great Man out of his car [ . . . ] (long article)

Posted by: Kindltot at May 29, 2024 05:24 PM (D7oie)

378 Posted by: Kindltot at May 29, 2024 05:24 PM


Posted by: Cheri at May 29, 2024 05:29 PM (oiNtH)

Posted by: gnats local 678 at May 29, 2024 04:46 PM (B1FKF)

WTF?? Holy crap!!
Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy now with twice the crazy at May 29, 2024 05:00 PM (iODuv)

A "diverse" yute stole a car, crashed it, and ran away. Pity none of the bystanders were armed.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 29, 2024 05:30 PM (NQ0jI)

380 "George Floyd should be alive today. "

Except his fat ass was a walking heart attack.

Posted by: fd at May 29, 2024 05:31 PM (vFG9F)

381 Similar, but not exactly the same uniforms. Hat, medal ribbons, and shoulder board and sleeve insignia are different.
Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 29, 2024 05:06 PM (u82oZ)

Then there's that whole lack of ships thing.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 29, 2024 05:32 PM (NQ0jI)

382 12 Day Pier > 12 Year Reich

Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 29, 2024 05:34 PM (RIvkX)

383 Legal Insurrection and CDR Salamander had some good info on the Biden pier. The "bad weather" was 20 knot gusts and 3 feet waves. In other words, normal beach weather.
37 mph winds?

Yeah. It's totally weird how the greatest civilizations in history-- two who conquered the known world-- with the greatest navies in history, never built a port there.

But Joey Shitpants, who doesn't know his fore from his aft, knows more than all of them.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at May 29, 2024 05:43 PM (FIef1)

384 Every ship they sent to build the pier broke down along the way

Posted by: Wodun at May 29, 2024 06:10 PM (b1Yk6)

385 Yes I remember 1980 since one of my family was there. On the helicopter that made it out. God almighty the souls politicians sacrifice, still remember.

Posted by: Virginia Hudson at May 29, 2024 06:21 PM (D8xjm)

386 Same as before. 12 people voted for him, but he won. We are a stupid lot. We should have turned the place to dust. We no longer have the back bone. They know we will do nothing. '24 same thing.

Posted by: Virginia Hudson at May 29, 2024 06:26 PM (D8xjm)

387 maxar satellite images prove the pier is completely gone now. completely. parts of it were seen on trucks in israel waiting to be fixed in the ashdod port. parts of it sank to the bottom of the ocean.
and all that due to a moderate wind of about 15mph, not a "storm".

Posted by: juicer at May 30, 2024 07:24 AM (IFyJd)

388 nic

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at May 30, 2024 09:15 AM (GBKbO)

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