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The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition


Tribalism? How very unmodern... unsophisticated... ignorant... uneducated!

Don't we live in a society in which the individual is the highest expression of humanity? Don't we live in the modern world, which is interconnected with wondrous transportation that will get us anywhere on the planet in a matter of a few hours? And the instantaneous communication available to us is even more amazing! We are connected to everyone, and everyone is connected to us!

Except...October 7th happened, and Jewish Tribalism needs to make a big comeback...and fast.

Demonstrators chanting that Hitler was right..."From The River To The Sea" as a catchphrase...Jews being prevented from walking into campus buildings...Jews unwelcome on the streets of sophisticated European capitals...Jews being killed by protestors... all under cover of many governments' curious sloth in upholding the law.

And to make matters worse, Israel is being demonized by supposedly sophisticated world organizations like the UN, the ICC, the ICRC, the EU, and dozens more. And the tepid and inconsistent support from the United States, which has traditionally been Israel's solid ally is calling into question Israel's position as part of the West's bulwark against encroaching Islam. Never mind Europe, which is rapidly being subsumed by Islam's march.

No longer can Jews see ourselves are part of this great experiment in liberal democracy, enlightened self rule, and robust respect for all...because we are being singled out as unworthy of those protections and support!

The message is clear; Jews are not welcome as full members of Western culture because of our connection to our ancestral home. Israel is the modern focus for 2,500 years of Jew-Hate, and the fury with which the world expresses its frustration that it has not disappeared under a tidal wave of Arab and Muslim hatred is on full display.

How to respond? Raise Judaism and Jewish culture above the ephemeral connection to the West. Return to the Tribe. Focus on Jewish culture and the Jewish people before participating in the larger Western culture.

There is a huge amount of overlap, it is not life-changing, but it does require that attention be paid. Jewish businesses require our support. Synagogues require our membership. Jewish culture requires our defense. And most of all...the Jewish people must participate in its own defense and stop relying on a Western culture that is in the process of rejecting us as full-fledged members.

But that does not mean that we are alone. Outside of the tent cities on our campuses and the progressive hell-holes of our cities is a vast and wonderful country that has been steadfast in its support for Israel and Judaism. And they are being confronted by similar pressures, since all religion is under attack.

That Jews, Judaism and Israel are on the battlefront does not mean that people of other faiths are safe. As Islam says..."First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people."

[Crossposted at CutJibNewsletter]

Posted by: CBD at 11:00 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:00 AM (Zz0t1)

2 1st?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:00 AM (v6JzV)

3 t CutJibNewsletter


Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:01 AM (Zz0t1)

4 Dammit, not first.

*shakes fist at Sponge*

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:01 AM (v6JzV)

5 What are the 12 Tribes of Israel?

Posted by: BignJames at May 21, 2024 11:02 AM (AwYPR)

6 Five

Posted by: Doof at May 21, 2024 11:02 AM (h0Z+I)

7 Commenting present

Posted by: Skip at May 21, 2024 11:02 AM (qfcFW)

8 Michael Cohen Testifies He Raked in $4.4 Million From Anti-Trump Books and Podcast

I thought the going rate was thirty pieces of silver.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 11:02 AM (L/fGl)

9 I'm slow

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at May 21, 2024 11:03 AM (N1DT3)

10 Willowed

389 Ridiculous I know.

Posted by: Northernlurker at May 21, 2024 10:52 AM (JLq/1)

Before Covid Scam, I labeled some shit 'conspiracy'. Not now, not since then. Not with the CIA and FBI that we have in bed with lefty Marxists and fascists wanting permanent control of the country. Nope. no amount of election stealing, and violence is off the table. Whacking someone is just another day.

Posted by: Just sayin at May 21, 2024 11:01 AM (Hm5mk)

Posted by: Just sayin at May 21, 2024 11:03 AM (Hm5mk)

11 10

Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 11:03 AM (CIS44)

12 Morning.

Posted by: Robert at May 21, 2024 11:03 AM (SJ0Wp)

13 You know for being God's chosen people the Jews sure have had a rough go the last 5,000 years or so.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at May 21, 2024 11:03 AM (QNSds)

14 There's a lot of this tribalism going on...

Posted by: Martini Farmer at May 21, 2024 11:03 AM (Q4IgG)

15 Many cultures on the planet lives by tribalism

Posted by: Skip at May 21, 2024 11:03 AM (qfcFW)

16 Howdy!

Posted by: Moonbeam at May 21, 2024 11:04 AM (rbKZ6)

17 hiya

Posted by: JT at May 21, 2024 11:04 AM (T4tVD)

18 Before Covid Scam, I labeled some shit 'conspiracy'. Not now, not since then. Not with the CIA and FBI that we have in bed with lefty Marxists and fascists wanting permanent control of the country. Nope. no amount of election stealing, and violence is off the table. Whacking someone is just another day.

Posted by: Just sayin at May 21, 2024 11:01 AM (Hm5mk)
Posted by: Just sayin

Im willing to give at least some credence to pretty much any "conspiracy theory" hell I like driving people batty by insisting we never landed on the moon.

Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 11:04 AM (CIS44)

19 I said it multiple times here long ago:

Philistines upon you, America!

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:04 AM (aJWJO)

20 The Sunday People: Come get some

Posted by: ... at May 21, 2024 11:05 AM (aYXz1)

21 Outside of the tent cities on our campuses and the progressive hell-holes of our cities is a vast and wonderful country that has been steadfast in its support for Israel and Judaism. And they are being confronted by similar pressures, since all religion is under attack.

I'd suggest that if you're patronizing a Jewish-owned business that does not know you, make it plain to the owner that you are a supporter of Judaism and Israel. If you're Christian, emphasize that, too. It's going to take a long time to wipe away the perception that to be a faithful Christian means anti-semitism, but it must be done.

I can't believe I, of all people, am advocating baby steps.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing (aka Eloquent Depression) at May 21, 2024 11:05 AM (Q0kLU)

22 What are the 12 Tribes of Israel?
Posted by: BignJames at May 21, 2024 11:02 AM (AwYPR)

Is this a test?

Does it count?

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:05 AM (aJWJO)

23 I don't consider myself a true 'conspiracy theorist,' but if they keep proving Alex Jones right all the time, I'll change my tune a bit.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:05 AM (Zz0t1)

24 "First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people."
Exactly right. This is the plan.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at May 21, 2024 11:06 AM (WE4qG)

25 Tribalism has become necessary and vital, as our nation has broken down and there is no way back. I am a proud Amalekite, myself. Don't like those Hittites at all.

Posted by: Amalek at May 21, 2024 11:06 AM (V5BDR)

26 I honestly think that we're entering a new phase of history. Ancient, Medieval, Modern...Postmodern.

Not sure where the demarcation point would be. Maybe we haven't reached it yet. But we're definitely dealing with entirely new phenomena in the history of the world.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:06 AM (v6JzV)

27 Suggested variation.

From the river to the sea
Then to Auschwitz yes siree!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 11:06 AM (L/fGl)

28 Don't we live in a society in which the individual is the highest expression of humanity? Don't we live in the modern world, which is interconnected with wondrous transportation that will get us anywhere on the planet in a matter of a few hours? And the instantaneous communication available to us is even more amazing! We are connected to everyone, and everyone is connected to us!
You can be as individual as you want within the behavioral confines and expectation of the tribe.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 21, 2024 11:07 AM (d04cU)

29 The conspiracies are not theoretical.

Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 11:07 AM (PCK5/)

30 MAZE @mazemoore
Listening to Biden talk about the worst day in the history of humanity is awesome.
Mashup of Joe effing up "January 6th".

Robby Starbuck @robbystarbuck 13h
This video is real. Not manipulated. This is the President of the United States. Imagine what you’d think you could get away with if you were a foreign leader watching this. He sounds like they pumped his mouth with Novocain.
15 seconds; the Hersh Goldberg-Polin clip

End Wokeness @EndWokeness 8h
Trump's latest post on Instagram 😂 🤣 😭

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at May 21, 2024 11:07 AM (ZdexC)

31 If its bullshit, it should be easy enough to show it as bullshit. Calling it a "conspiracy theory" is just short hand for "shut up, you're making me uncomfortable".

Posted by: Its Always Been This Way at May 21, 2024 11:08 AM (pTv5j)

32 Top U.S. General Warned Biden Admin That Afghanistan Would Be a Disaster After Withdrawal

He must be like Nostradamus.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 11:08 AM (L/fGl)

33 I'd suggest that if you're patronizing a Jewish-owned business that does not know you, make it plain to the owner that you are a supporter of Judaism and Israel. If you're Christian, emphasize that, too. It's going to take a long time to wipe away the perception that to be a faithful Christian means anti-semitism, but it must be done.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing

Good point.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:09 AM (v6JzV)

34 26 I honestly think that we're entering a new phase of history. Ancient, Medieval, Modern...Postmodern.

Not sure where the demarcation point would be. Maybe we haven't reached it yet. But we're definitely dealing with entirely new phenomena in the history of the world.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:06 AM (v6JzV)

I agree. We are moving now from Post Modern to Transhuman. I am being serious, we are in the early stage of Transhumanism..

Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 11:09 AM (PCK5/)

35 I don't consider myself a true 'conspiracy theorist,' but if they keep proving Alex Jones right all the time, I'll change my tune a bit.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:05 AM (Zz0t1)

I have definitely gotten to a point where I'm willing to hear many more people out and at least try on many different tin foil hats. Too many things that I used to think were not possible are now VERY possible.

Posted by: Doof at May 21, 2024 11:09 AM (h0Z+I)

36 Speaking of tribalism, I'd like to congratulate Mike Brown on nearly a decade of not committing any violent crimes.

Posted by: Saint Swisher at May 21, 2024 11:09 AM (V5BDR)

37 But that does not mean that we are alone. Outside of the tent cities on our campuses and the progressive hell-holes of our cities is a vast and wonderful country that has been steadfast in its support for Israel and Judaism. And they are being confronted by similar pressures, since all religion is under attack.
You're a prog tribesman or you're other. Whatever other tribe - if any - to which you belong is the *wrong* one.

There will be many allies of convenience (and hopefully some real alliances of strength and respect) in the coming crackup conflicts. War makes strange bedfellows.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 21, 2024 11:09 AM (d04cU)

38 Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at May 21, 2024 11:07 AM (ZdexC)

So far Trump is just about the only one that fights them with the nastiness they give to us. And he's actually nicer to them.

Posted by: ... at May 21, 2024 11:09 AM (aYXz1)

39 What are the 12 Tribes of Israel?

Posted by: BignJames at May 21, 2024 11:02 AM (AwYPR)

The sons of Jacob.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 11:09 AM (d9fT1)

40 Cornell's recently shitcanned President wrote a "thank you" letter to the anti-Semite protestors on campus, her leaving words to be remembered by, and used the opportunity to express her gratitude they didn't hurt any Jews. Yet.

What an ass. And the Trustees are too, for tolerating this POS for as long as they did.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at May 21, 2024 11:09 AM (WE4qG)

41 I agree. We are moving now from Post Modern to Transhuman. I am being serious, we are in the early stage of Transhumanism..
Posted by: tubal

They attack Elon for being a "humanist" because he believes the human race is important and should survive

Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 11:10 AM (CIS44)

42 What an ass. And the Trustees are too, for tolerating this POS for as long as they did.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at May 21, 2024 11:09 AM (WE4qG)
The real problem at Cornell is that the trustees were inadequately committed to the cause of justice, and punished the president for standing on the side of progress.

Posted by: Columbia University Board of Trustees at May 21, 2024 11:10 AM (d04cU)

I have definitely gotten to a point where I'm willing to hear many more people out and at least try on many different tin foil hats. Too many things that I used to think were not possible are now VERY possible.
Posted by: Doof at May 21, 2024 11:09 AM (h0Z+I)


I'm really starting to think Big Pharma ISN'T all about providing life saving medicines for all of mankind........

In fact, I think a lot of the wrongs in society today are CAUSED by Big Pharma.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:10 AM (Zz0t1)

44 The sons of Jacob.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 11:09 AM (d9fT1)

So...Abraham's grandsons?

Posted by: BignJames at May 21, 2024 11:11 AM (AwYPR)

45 I saw Curious Sloth open for the Eagles at Cajundome in '95.

Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at May 21, 2024 11:11 AM (VXJx/)

46 43 In fact, I think a lot of the wrongs in society today are CAUSED by Big Pharma.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:10 AM (Zz0t1)


Working out and eating well are hard.

Taking a pill is easy.

No bad incentive structure there.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:11 AM (cD1dp)

47 I have to disagree that tribalism is the best choice.

It is an understandable choice as it seems that is the only response to a world that is dividing itself into tribes- there's an increase in broader "white" tribalism as well, because when you are attacked for being part of a "tribe" you start to defend simply as part of the "tribe".

The real answer is the melting pot. Maybe some may think it just a bigger "tribe" to defend, but I think it's fundamentally different from using immutable characteristics as the basis for your tribe.

It works for Christianity- "there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave or free, male or female- all are one in Christ."

It works similarly for America- every one brings their uniqueness to the culture and adds to the nation, but takes things from everyone else, too. It's why American was great.

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at May 21, 2024 11:11 AM (N1DT3)

48 So far Trump is just about the only one that fights them with the nastiness they give to us. And he's actually nicer to them.
Posted by: ...

This is about me isnt it?
-Maggie Habberman

Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 11:11 AM (CIS44)

49 The left: You America belongs to the Indians because they were here first.

Also the left: How dare Jews claim a right to Israel just because they've lived there 3000 years or so.

Also, also the left: You know white and white adjacent people that move into black neighbors are really asking to be attacked.

Also, also, also the left: White people are being targeted for their race in South Africa? Good! All colonizers should be removed by any means necessary. They've been there literally hundreds of years? Who cares!

Posted by: 18-1 at May 21, 2024 11:12 AM (ibTVg)

50 I'm a proud member of the Moronite tribe. Outsiders shouldn't f*ck around with us. Most of us are armed and well practiced.

Posted by: Doof at May 21, 2024 11:12 AM (h0Z+I)

51 If I were President. One of my first orders of business would be turning around any shipment of arms or $ to Ukraine. And sending what was supposed to go to them to Israel and tell Bibi, go ahead and wipe all the Pals off the planet.

Posted by: Minnfidel at May 21, 2024 11:12 AM (HqA+5)

52 44 The sons of Jacob.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 11:09 AM (d9fT1)

So...Abraham's grandsons?
Posted by: BignJames at May 21, 2024 11:11 AM (AwYPR)


Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 11:12 AM (PCK5/)

53 The Tribe of the Left and the Tribe of Islam have declared the Tribe of Israel to be Other.

Left delenda est

Islam delenda est.

Posted by: Anna Puma at May 21, 2024 11:12 AM (Vv92G)

54 So...Abraham's grandsons?

Posted by: BignJames at May 21, 2024 11:11 AM (AwYPR)


Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 11:12 AM (d9fT1)

55 What are the 12 Tribes of Israel?

Posted by: BignJames at May 21, 2024 11:02 AM (AwYPR)

The sons of Jacob.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

And two of his grandsons, Manasseh and Ephraim, the sons of Joseph.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:12 AM (v6JzV)

56 Trump Apparently Now Only Polling Poorly Among Illegal Aliens

Well, they're a huge constituency.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 11:13 AM (L/fGl)

57 Too many things that I used to think were not possible are now VERY possible.
Posted by: Doof at May 21, 2024 11:09 AM (h0Z+I)
Which is why you should believe my stories of my prison term on Robben Island.

Posted by: Joe Biden, confused and demented, but happy! at May 21, 2024 11:13 AM (WE4qG)

58 So...Abraham's grandsons?
Posted by: BignJames at May 21, 2024 11:11 AM (AwYPR)

Father Abraham had many sons. And many sons had Father Abraham.

Posted by: Sunday school ear worm at May 21, 2024 11:13 AM (Wc83a)

59 Again with tribalism in mind, I'd like to congratulate Ted Kennedy on nearly 15 years of sobriety.

Posted by: Waitress Sandwich at May 21, 2024 11:13 AM (V5BDR)

60 So...Abraham's grandsons?

Posted by: BignJames at May 21, 2024 11:11 AM (AwYPR)


Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 11:12 AM (d9fT1)


Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 11:13 AM (d9fT1)

61 Again with tribalism in mind, I'd like to congratulate Ted Kennedy on nearly 15 years of sobriety.
Posted by: Waitress Sandwich at May 21, 2024 11:13 AM (V5BDR)

And no murder!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:13 AM (Zz0t1)

62 What are the 12 Tribes of Israel?
We're #13!!

Posted by: zombie Haile Selassie at May 21, 2024 11:14 AM (ZdexC)

63 In fact, I think a lot of the wrongs in society today are CAUSED by Big Pharma.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:10 AM (Zz0t1)


Old & Busted: Anti-Fascist.
New Hotness: Pharma-Fascist.

Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at May 21, 2024 11:14 AM (VXJx/)

64 Oops...great-grandsons.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 11:13 AM (d9fT1)

You're full of OOPSIES today. Coffee creamer. JJ's surgery day. Lineage from Abraham. Be careful the rest of the day!

Posted by: Doof at May 21, 2024 11:15 AM (h0Z+I)

65 ... The real answer is the melting pot. Maybe some may think it just a bigger "tribe" to defend, but I think it's fundamentally different from using immutable characteristics as the basis for your tribe. ...
Posted by: Formerly Virginian at May 21, 2024 11:11 AM (N1DT3)
The melting pot is, in essence, a way to balance and integrate colonial subjects. If you come here, you have to adapt and Americanize. You'll bring something of yourself, too, of course - our slang, foods, etc. all reflect that over time - but you will change *yourself* to gain admission and you will conform with our ways.

That the people subject to it voluntarily subscribe to it doesn't change what it is. I agree with you, for what it's worth, and the "melting pot" concept is key, but it requires both that people willingly subjugate themselves to it and that the rest of the people willingly enforce it.

All means of enforcement have been destroyed because the "melting pot" concept is too colonial for progressives.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 21, 2024 11:15 AM (d04cU)

66 And 15 years of no submarine races using cars.

Posted by: Anna Puma at May 21, 2024 11:15 AM (Vv92G)

67 "You can be as individual as you want within the behavioral confines and expectation of the tribe." Joe Mannix

Well stated.

Posted by: boynsea at May 21, 2024 11:15 AM (cx155)

68 You're full of OOPSIES today. Coffee creamer. JJ's surgery day. Lineage from Abraham. Be careful the rest of the day!
Posted by: Doof

Best to pack it in, try again tomorrow.

Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 11:15 AM (CIS44)

69 So...Abraham's grandsons?
Posted by: BignJames at May 21, 2024 11:11 AM (AwYPR)

Great grandsons. And only certain ones of those.

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at May 21, 2024 11:15 AM (N1DT3)

70 In fact, I think a lot of the wrongs in society today are CAUSED by Big Pharma.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:10 AM (Zz0t1)

Solutions in search of problems!!

Posted by: Doof at May 21, 2024 11:15 AM (h0Z+I)

71 America-Melting Pot to Chamber Pot in one generation.

Posted by: Up Schiff's Creek at May 21, 2024 11:15 AM (V5BDR)

72 You're full of OOPSIES today. Coffee creamer. JJ's surgery day. Lineage from Abraham. Be careful the rest of the day!
Posted by: Doof

I foresee him putting carrots in chili.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:16 AM (v6JzV)

73 If Israel was still under Muslim rule, all the same people would still hate Jews and be doing the same things. They just use Israel as a deflection.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at May 21, 2024 11:16 AM (JTwsP)

74 What are the 12 Tribes of Israel?



Posted by: Glen A Larson at May 21, 2024 11:16 AM (ibTVg)

75 I've read that early Mormons regarded indians to be a "lost tribe" of Israel.

Posted by: BignJames at May 21, 2024 11:16 AM (AwYPR)

76 I'm a proud member of the Moronite tribe.

Posted by: The Moroni at May 21, 2024 11:16 AM (ZdexC)

77 And two of his grandsons, Manasseh and Ephraim, the sons of Joseph.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:12 AM (v6JzV)

Those are usually referred to as "Half-tribes", but are counted in the 12 because Levi is often left out as the Priestly tribe.

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at May 21, 2024 11:16 AM (N1DT3)

78 72 You're full of OOPSIES today. Coffee creamer. JJ's surgery day. Lineage from Abraham. Be careful the rest of the day!
Posted by: Doof

I foresee him putting carrots in chili.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:16 AM (v6JzV)


With a crossbow.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:16 AM (cD1dp)

79 I've read that early Mormons regarded indians to be a "lost tribe" of Israel.
Posted by: BignJames

The ten lost tribes, I think. The ones who got carried off by the Assyrians.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:17 AM (v6JzV)

80 Well...there are the 12 Patriarchs, but the 12 tribes are a bit different. And it has been a long time since I learned this stuff.

I think Bulgaroctonus is correct...Joseph's two sons are considered the heads of two tribes, but I don't remember which of Jacob's sons are not.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 11:17 AM (d9fT1)

81 Can we get a "anti-colonial" movement to start demanding Turkey out of Greece/Western Anatolia and the Muslims out of Egypt at the UN and places like that?

Posted by: 18-1 at May 21, 2024 11:17 AM (ibTVg)

82 hell I like driving people batty by insisting we never landed on the moon.

Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 11:04 AM (CIS44)

Lol. Thanks I needed that.

*rewatches moon landing*

" one step for man...."....Hey! He's wearing Keds!

Posted by: Just sayin at May 21, 2024 11:18 AM (Hm5mk)

83 Moronites make terrible shelving.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at May 21, 2024 11:18 AM (JTwsP)

84 You're full of OOPSIES today. Coffee creamer. JJ's surgery day. Lineage from Abraham. Be careful the rest of the day!
Posted by: Doof at May 21, 2024 11:15 AM

There is much iron in the words of Doof. Stir up a Manhattan, chill, and recharge.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at May 21, 2024 11:18 AM (3piu2)

85 I despair. The Rafah incursion has the stink of Gantz and Gallant all over it.

Posted by: Ben Had at May 21, 2024 11:18 AM (s7CNV)

86 And to make matters worse, Israel is being demonized by supposedly sophisticated world organizations like the UN, the ICC, the ICRC, the EU, and dozens more.


* Numerous members of the U.S. Congress & their paymasters, led by noted Anti-Semites Chuck U. Schumer and George Soros, have entered the post *

Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at May 21, 2024 11:18 AM (VXJx/)

87 Lol. Thanks I needed that.

*rewatches moon landing*

" one step for man...."....Hey! He's wearing Keds!
Posted by: Just sayin a


is my go to to

Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 11:18 AM (CIS44)

88 72 You're full of OOPSIES today. Coffee creamer. JJ's surgery day. Lineage from Abraham. Be careful the rest of the day!
Posted by: Doof

I foresee him putting carrots in chili.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:16 AM (v6JzV)

( We’ve put Maple Syrup into CBDs syrup carafe… let’s see if he notices!)

Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 11:18 AM (PCK5/)

89 Too much a geek, talk of the Twelve Tribes always makes me think of the original Battlestar Galactica

Posted by: Anna Puma at May 21, 2024 11:19 AM (Vv92G)

90 Solutions in search of problems!!

Posted by: Doof at May 21, 2024 11:15 AM (h0Z+I)

So, too, is the story of gain of function research.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:19 AM (Zz0t1)

91 80 According to Wiki:

Jacob elevated the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh (the two sons of Joseph and his Egyptian wife Asenath) to the status of full tribes in their own right due to Joseph receiving a double portion after Reuben lost his birth right because of his transgression with Bilhah.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:19 AM (v6JzV)

92 I think the tribalism seen today is more ideological driven than it is religious. The left isn't really all that religious in the traditional sense, but they are very, very ideological and that IS their religion.

In that respect, there are people from all the religions that may, or may not fall on one side of the ideological spectrum or the other. Not "just" Jews and Christians either.

So both 'sides' here have rather diverse followers. Clearly one of those sides is insane.

My 2 cents. YMMV

Posted by: Martini Farmer at May 21, 2024 11:19 AM (Q4IgG)

93 398 344 Remember this guy is the last pope on the list of popes from Malachy.
Posted by: Ribbed

I'm not Catholic but I follow a website called Novus Ordo watch. It's sedevacantist. The guy who runs it is of the opinion that every pope since Vatican II -- from John XXIII on -- was illegitimate and not an actual Pope.

And whoo boy, do they ever hate Francis.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 10:50 AM (v6JzV)
Sounds like Anne Barnhardt.
Posted by: Eromero at May 21, 2024 11:11 AM (NxC5+
Excuse my butting in, was willowed from Art Thread.

Posted by: Eromero at May 21, 2024 11:19 AM (NxC5+)

94 The real problem at Cornell is that the trustees were inadequately committed to the cause of justice, and punished the president for standing on the side of progress.
Posted by: Columbia University Board of Trustees at May 21, 2024 11:10 AM (d04cU)
Yeah, that's it. Not radical enough! Should have encouraged destruction of Hillel and the Board should have confined the Jews to their dorms!

Posted by: Professor Russell Rickford at May 21, 2024 11:19 AM (YLId6)

95 CBD..
My take on this is that they are determined to exterminate religion. Jews in Israel are more observant that Jews in Europe or America. That's why Israel must be destroyed. To destroy those who are faithful. It's the most obvious because it's a whole country.
But they are attacking other religious groups as well. Catholic, protestant, Baptist, Methodist... every Christian denomination is being attacked. Infiltrated by the rainbow brigade, excoriated as bigots, cancelled by government decree, and censored for belief and arrested for prayer.
They do not want any religious beliefs to interfere with their corruption and depravity.
Why aren't they attacking Islam? Because they understand, truly know, that it is not a religion.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at May 21, 2024 11:20 AM (4XwPj)

96 ( We’ve put Maple Syrup into CBDs syrup carafe… let’s see if he notices!)

Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 11:18 AM (PCK5/)


Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 11:20 AM (d9fT1)

97 I foresee him putting carrots in chili.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:16 AM (v6JzV)


With a crossbow.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:16 AM (cD1dp)

LMAO! You fuckin guys.

Posted by: Just sayin at May 21, 2024 11:20 AM (Hm5mk)

98 Can we get a "anti-colonial" movement to start demanding Turkey out of Greece/Western Anatolia and the Muslims out of Egypt at the UN and places like that?

Posted by: 18-1 at May 21, 2024 11:17 AM (ibTVg)


Four-legged Colonialism good, two-legged Colonialism bad.

Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at May 21, 2024 11:20 AM (VXJx/)

99 I'm really starting to think Big Pharma ISN'T all about providing life saving medicines for all of mankind........

In fact, I think a lot of the wrongs in society today are CAUSED by Big Pharma.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:10 AM (Zz0t1)

Big Government, Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, Big Tech, they're all fucking us over. USDA and Big Agriculture are largely responsible for obesity in the US (see food pyramid).

Posted by: 3 cheers for fascist oligarchy at May 21, 2024 11:21 AM (Wc83a)

100 In fact, I think a lot of the wrongs in society today are CAUSED by Big Pharma.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden

Don't forget about us!

Posted by: Big Carb at May 21, 2024 11:21 AM (yOPBE)

101 I thought the going rate was thirty pieces of silver.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 11:02 AM (L/fGl)

And they are pieces. Not standard coinage or silver bars. Pieces, with some being bigger than others.

If your integrity is up for grabs, go for broke. Try and get 100 standard gold bars or something like that at least.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 21, 2024 11:21 AM (DeJo7)

102 Can we get a "anti-colonial" movement to start demanding Turkey out of Greece/Western Anatolia and the Muslims out of Egypt at the UN and places like that?
Posted by: 18-1 at May 21, 2024 11:17 AM

*Cyprus has entered the chat*

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at May 21, 2024 11:21 AM (3piu2)

103 Big Government, Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, Big Tech, they're all fucking us over. USDA and Big Agriculture are largely responsible for obesity in the US (see food pyramid).
Posted by: 3 cheers for fascist oligarchy a

How dare you forget us!
-Big Penguin

Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 11:21 AM (CIS44)

104 I foresee him putting carrots in chili.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:16 AM (v6JzV)


With a crossbow.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:16 AM (cD1dp)

And a Beretta 92 9mm on the countertop.

Posted by: Anna Puma at May 21, 2024 11:22 AM (Vv92G)

105 Jacob elevated the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh (the two sons of Joseph and his Egyptian wife Asenath) to the status of full tribes in their own right due to Joseph receiving a double portion after Reuben lost his birth right because of his transgression with Bilhah.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:19 AM (v6JzV)

This is incorrect. Very surprised Wiki says this.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:22 AM (aJWJO)

106 Love God and love your neighbor. A "neighbor" is a local person that you know. That is somewhat tribal.

Certainly "tribalism" among blacks or Hispanics (or any of the "others") has long been "acceptable". It is just whites that must be forced to become diverse ... in hiring, in associating, even their neighborhoods undergo forced integration.

Posted by: illiniwek at May 21, 2024 11:22 AM (Cus5s)

With a crossbow.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:16 AM (cD1dp)

"Cooking with Crossbow" starring CharlieBrown'sDildo!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:22 AM (Zz0t1)

108 Big Government, Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, Big Tech, they're all fucking us over. USDA and Big Agriculture are largely responsible for obesity in the US (see food pyramid).
Posted by: 3 cheers for fascist oligarchy at May 21, 2024 11:21 AM (Wc83a)

The food pyramid…

When does the concept of free will kick in?

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 21, 2024 11:22 AM (DeJo7)

109 Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:19 AM (v6JzV)

Here is Chabad's explanation.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 11:23 AM (d9fT1)


is my go to to

Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 11:18 AM (CIS44)

TANG filmed the whole damn thing.

Posted by: Just sayin at May 21, 2024 11:23 AM (Hm5mk)

111 Everything big is bad.

Except for government. Big Government is WONDERFUL.

Posted by: Americans at May 21, 2024 11:23 AM (DeJo7)

112 Can we get a "anti-colonial" movement to start demanding Turkey out of Greece/Western Anatolia and the Muslims out of Egypt at the UN and places like that?

Posted by: 18-1 at May 21, 2024 11:17 AM (ibTVg)

I've been wondering* why the left is all up in arms about Jerusalem and the debate over the Temple Mount but say not a word about the Hagia Sophia.

*Not really, I know they're a bunch of hypocrites that hate Christianity and love Islam because they think that Musselmen are victims.

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at May 21, 2024 11:23 AM (N1DT3)

113 People who riot claiming America is built on stolen land are the same people who hate Jews for returning to their ancestral land.

Posted by: Sarge at May 21, 2024 11:23 AM (BzF4R)

114 "Cooking with Crossbow" starring CharlieBrown'sDildo!
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:22 AM

I'll take "Statistically Improbable Phrases" for $1,000, Alex.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at May 21, 2024 11:23 AM (3piu2)

115 TANG filmed the whole damn thing.

Apollo 17's orange rock was TANG!

Posted by: Anna Puma at May 21, 2024 11:23 AM (Vv92G)

116 Is Egypt still rattling its sabers in the direction of Israel?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 21, 2024 11:23 AM (b47tW)

117 113 People who riot claiming America is built on stolen land are the same people who hate Jews for returning to their ancestral land.
Posted by: Sarge at May 21, 2024 11:23 AM (BzF4R)


Also, they don't say much about Arabs returned invaded lands across the Middle East.

Hell, they think the Reconquista in Spain is bad.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:24 AM (cD1dp)

118 This is incorrect. Very surprised Wiki says this.
Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey

I'll have to check my Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible later today and see what it says.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:24 AM (v6JzV)

119 This is incorrect. Very surprised Wiki KJB says this.
Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:22 AM (aJWJO)


Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:24 AM (aJWJO)

120 TANG filmed the whole damn thing.

Apollo 17's orange rock was TANG!
Posted by: Anna Puma a

It was all a scheme to sell freeze died ice cream to children.

Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 11:24 AM (CIS44)

121 Requesting a courtesy explanation on 2 recurring AOSHQ themes...

Big Penguin
Gas station guy

Missed the origins of each

Posted by: Doof at May 21, 2024 11:25 AM (h0Z+I)

It was all a scheme to sell freeze died ice cream to children.
Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 11:24 AM (CIS44)

I'm still waiting for the invention of Dehydrated Water.


Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:25 AM (Zz0t1)

123 121 Requesting a courtesy explanation on 2 recurring AOSHQ themes...

Big Penguin
Gas station guy

Missed the origins of each
Posted by: Doof at May 21, 2024 11:25 AM (h0Z+I)


Big Penguin is the gas station guy of Ben Roethlisbergers.


Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:25 AM (cD1dp)

124 It works similarly for America- every one brings their uniqueness to the culture and adds to the nation, but takes things from everyone else, too. It's why American was great.
Posted by: Formerly Virginian at May 21, 2024 11:11 AM (N1DT3)

I like this too. The breakdown into affinity groups has done the West no favors, and has probably been the biggest mistake for Jews. I don't think withdrawing into a tribe makes sense, but neither did throwing in with BLM and championing muslim migration to show your hate for Trump, but being against the "muslim ban" was very chic locally. You can't call white Christians all "racists" to be abolished and expect support when the shit hits the fan.

Posted by: GOP sux at May 21, 2024 11:26 AM (Zzbjj)

125 I would speculate that the alliance of the Left with Islam and Islam with the Left is that each player believes that the other player can be co-opted, suborned and eventually subsumed. I have anothermopinion on that matter.

Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 11:26 AM (PCK5/)

126 Here is Chabad's explanation.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 11:23 AM (d9fT1)


Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:26 AM (aJWJO)

127 Oh yeah

The opening for the original Battlestar Galactica

Posted by: Anna Puma at May 21, 2024 11:26 AM (Vv92G)

128 Also, they don't say much about Arabs returned invaded lands across the Middle East.

Hell, they think the Reconquista in Spain is bad.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting

Any land the Arabs have step foot on is their's in perpetuity, whether or not it was taken back form them or was their's to begin with.
-The Left

Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 11:26 AM (CIS44)

129 Also, they don't say much about Arabs returned invaded lands across the Middle East.

The Jews have been in Israel longer then Germans have been in Germany.

And Europeans in the Americans have been there almost as long as Muslims in the Balkans.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 21, 2024 11:26 AM (ibTVg)

130 It's not they hate Jews for anything specific, it's that they have been fellating the Arabs for so long that they feel they need to hate whom they hate in solidarity because that's what you do when you're a bunch of cocksuckers.

Posted by: rechill at May 21, 2024 11:26 AM (Q1LXu)

131 The message is clear; Jews are not welcome as full members of Western culture because of our connection to our ancestral home. Israel is the modern focus for 2,500 years of Jew-Hate, and the fury with which the world expresses its frustration that it has not disappeared under a tidal wave of Arab and Muslim hatred is on full display.


"Israel seems to be the only country in the world who are never allowed to win war ... But whenever Israel begins to win it is told to stop."

-- Douglas Murray

Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at May 21, 2024 11:26 AM (VXJx/)

132 Big Penguin
Gas station guy

Missed the origins of each
Posted by: Doof at May 21, 2024 11:25 AM (h0Z+I)

Yeah, me too.

The only thing I've been told is the gas station guy was a dude that was videoed shoving the fuel nozzle up his ass for some reason.

Don't know about the penguin thing. Doobedoobedoo......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:27 AM (Zz0t1)

133 The real answer is the melting pot. Maybe some may think it just a bigger "tribe" to defend, but I think it's fundamentally different from using immutable characteristics as the basis for your tribe.

It works for Christianity- "there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave or free, male or female- all are one in Christ."

It works similarly for America- every one brings their uniqueness to the culture and adds to the nation, but takes things from everyone else, too. It's why American was great.
Posted by: Formerly Virginian at May 21, 2024 11:11 AM


The worst racists I ever met were Albanians who came to the US as teenagers in the '80s, got citizenship, and continued to live here. Their children were allowed to play only with other Albanian families. The wife actually told me, "We would beat them if they had American friends. We would kill them if they had black friends."

I asked if they were going to move back to Albania when the kids became teenagers, since they'd start looking for future spouses then. The husband was shocked I mentioned it. "There are no jobs in Albania."

They couldn't stand the Filipino or Chaldean neighbors, let alone mixed-race couples with kids.

Posted by: NaughtyPine at May 21, 2024 11:27 AM (fxCK2)

134 Four of the eight Ivies are now looking for new leaders, Penn, Cornell, Yale, and Harvard. It's an opportunity to try saving these schools, but I'm not optimistic. The same Boards that appointed these lousy Presidents will choose the next ones, too.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at May 21, 2024 11:27 AM (/kB4N)

135 Here is Chabad's explanation.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

Which would seem to agree with Wikipedia.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:27 AM (v6JzV)

136 Big Penguin is the gas station guy of Ben Roethlisbergers.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:25 AM (cD1dp)

I really don't like you sometimes. I'm laughing, but I still don't like you!

Posted by: Doof at May 21, 2024 11:27 AM (h0Z+I)

137 "Israel seems to be the only country in the world who are never allowed to win war ... But whenever Israel begins to win it is told to stop."

Well...the US hasn't been allowed to win a war since 1945 either...

Posted by: 18-1 at May 21, 2024 11:27 AM (ibTVg)

138 Cooking with Crossbow" starring CharlieBrown'sDildo!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:22 AM

I once thought a manly cooking show might be watched if I cut everything up with a cleaver. Until i took a chunk of my thumb off slicing a carrot.

Posted by: Just sayin at May 21, 2024 11:27 AM (Hm5mk)

139 Big Penguin
Gas station guy

Missed the origins of each
Posted by: Doof

consider yourself VERY lucky that you dont know of Gas Station Guy

Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 11:27 AM (CIS44)

140 136 I really don't like you sometimes. I'm laughing, but I still don't like you!
Posted by: Doof at May 21, 2024 11:27 AM (h0Z+I)


I don't even like me.

I'm an asshole.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:27 AM (cD1dp)

141 In fact, I think a lot of the wrongs in society today are CAUSED by Big Pharma.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden

Drug advertisements will look different as new FDA rule takes effect Monday
Anew rule governing direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertisement takes effect on Monday, requiring commercials to articulate potential side effects clearly and reasons why a person with certain conditions should avoid the medication.


Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 11:28 AM (L/fGl)

142 I'd suggest that if you're patronizing a Jewish-owned business that does not know you, make it plain to the owner that you are a supporter of Judaism and Israel. If you're Christian, emphasize that, too.

I was at the NRA convention Friday and Saturday and there were several product exhibitors on the show floor that specifically noted that they were Israeli. I have no idea what the percentage of NRA members are Jewish but I would bet it's lower than the general population.

Posted by: Oddbob at May 21, 2024 11:28 AM (/y8xj)

143 And Europeans in the Americans have been there almost as long as Muslims in the Balkans.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 21, 2024 11:26 AM (ibTVg)

Longer, really.

Posted by: the Solutreans at May 21, 2024 11:28 AM (b47tW)

144 89: I’m bent that I missed perhaps the best episode of Space: MCMXCIX this morning: “Guardian of Piri”.

In some ways it is a warning.

And it features Catherine Schell before she was cast as Maya. And in this episode, Catherine Schell is extremely HOT.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 21, 2024 11:28 AM (DeJo7)

145 I really don't like you sometimes. I'm laughing, but I still don't like you!
Posted by: Doof at May 21, 2024 11:27 AM (h0Z+I)


I don't even like me.

I'm an asshole.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:27 AM (cD1dp)

I don't get... Actually, I do get it!!

Posted by: Doof at May 21, 2024 11:29 AM (h0Z+I)

146 I would speculate that the alliance of the Left with Islam and Islam with the Left is that each player believes that the other player can be co-opted, suborned and eventually subsumed. I have another opinion on that matter.
Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 11:26 AM (PCK5/)

Well, amusingly, that's explicit muslim doctrine.

The left just doesn't believe things explicitly written and stated, though. Because the poor victims are just misunderstood.

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at May 21, 2024 11:29 AM (N1DT3)

147 I'm an asshole.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:27 AM (cD1dp)

My wife's pet name for me.

Posted by: BignJames at May 21, 2024 11:29 AM (AwYPR)

148 Which would seem to agree with Wikipedia.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:27 AM (v6JzV)

No. Joseph's sons did not have the responsibilities of the family first-born.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:29 AM (aJWJO)

149 It was all a scheme to sell freeze died ice cream to children.

Ice cream, Mandrake. Children's ice cream.

Posted by: Gen Jack T. Ripper at May 21, 2024 11:29 AM (yOPBE)

150 Apollo 17's orange rock was TANG!

Posted by: Anna Puma at May 21, 2024 11:23 AM (Vv92G)

You noticed that too?!

Posted by: Just sayin at May 21, 2024 11:29 AM (Hm5mk)

151 George and Amal Clooney are big Obama fans and actively promote Biden. That Amal had a part in writing up the arrest warrant against Bibi doesn't surprise me but just confirms their world view that doesn't include Jews/Israel in that world. Disgusting.

Posted by: Cheri at May 21, 2024 11:29 AM (oiNtH)

152 I would speculate that the alliance of the Left with Islam and Islam with the Left is that each player believes that the other player can be co-opted, suborned and eventually subsumed

I just call them my A team and my B team.

Posted by: Stan at May 21, 2024 11:30 AM (ibTVg)

153 Why aren't they attacking Islam? Because they understand, truly know, that it is not a religion.
Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench)

This is correct.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at May 21, 2024 11:30 AM (2QA3G)

154 requiring commercials to articulate potential side effects clearly and reasons why a person with certain conditions should avoid the medication.

Wow. The FDA did something GOOD? WTF?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:30 AM (Zz0t1)

155 When does the concept of free will kick in?
Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 21, 2024 11:22 AM (DeJo7)

People en masse are easily led sheep and highly susceptible to suggestion and social pressure. This is why advertising agencies make so much fucking money. And you have the government, schools, and doctors all pressuring people to follow this regimen for their diet. People were propagandized about how to eat. And for a long time alternate sources of information were suppressed, and anyone suggesting a different approach to diet was made into a marginalized figure by the establishment, including the "medical community."

Now, stuffing your face until you're 500 pounds is another question altogether involving the question of the addictive nature of certain high calorie foods, mental disorders, and other factors. People can and do find ways to break out of it, others don't. But I find "free will" to be something of a hand wave response to a great many things that aren't that simple.

Posted by: Longer answer than I was anticipating at May 21, 2024 11:30 AM (Wc83a)

156 Catherine Schell also starred in a Tom Baker Doctor Who story arc. She plays a spoiled rich vain countess married to a guy who is really an alien who wants to destroy Humanity.

Posted by: Anna Puma at May 21, 2024 11:30 AM (Vv92G)

157 Just remember, Gas Station Guy is still out there, somewhere. Ready to pounce.

The horror, the horror...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at May 21, 2024 11:30 AM (IebSC)

158 Yup.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:26 AM (aJWJO)

I love Chabad!* My local Chabad rabbi is marvelous.

*Except for when they tell me that putting on Teffilin takes 60 seconds!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 11:30 AM (d9fT1)

159 Also, they don't say much about Arabs returned invaded lands across the Middle East.

Hell, they think the Reconquista in Spain is bad.

The Party Line is that you determine who is "indigenous" by looking only when the Western Expansion started really gathering steam about 1600 or so.

That way, you can pretend that the Turks are indigenous to Turkey, that Arabs are indigenous to every place they've settled outside of Arabia, etc.

I saw a Crimean Tatar explain that the Crimean Tatars are "indigenous" to Crimea - apparently arriving with the Mongol Horde in the 14th Century is enough to make you indigenous.

Posted by: Drooling Joe Biden! at May 21, 2024 11:31 AM (uxCna)

160 The only thing I've been told is the gas station guy was a dude that was videoed shoving the fuel nozzle up his ass for some reason.

Don't know about the penguin thing. Doobedoobedoo......
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden

He was also cranking it while using the gas nozzle in that fashion. It haunts me.

Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 11:31 AM (CIS44)

161 And they are pieces. Not standard coinage or silver bars. Pieces, with some being bigger than others.

If your integrity is up for grabs, go for broke. Try and get 100 standard gold bars or something like that at least.
Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 21, 2024 11:21 AM (DeJo7)

Music to my ears

Posted by: Menendez at May 21, 2024 11:31 AM (Gfz8S)

162 Getting awfully tired of the Jew hating mob. Reminds me that if I need to exclude a group from my life to better it…it’s Jew haters.

Do I envy the general financial/social status that many Jews enjoy? Some…but then I remind myself that they earned it. That’s the real reason most of the haters bellyache. They’d have to WORK to get on par. Lazy little…

Posted by: Don Draper at May 21, 2024 11:31 AM (SpDH3)

163 I'm an asshole.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:27 AM (cD1dp)

My wife's pet name for me.

Posted by: BignJames at May 21, 2024 11:29 AM (AwYPR)

"Shitweasel" here. I think she means it affectionately? Except for the yelling.

Posted by: Just sayin at May 21, 2024 11:31 AM (Hm5mk)

164 but being against the "muslim ban" was very chic locally. You can't call white Christians all "racists" to be abolished and expect support when the shit hits the fan.
Posted by: GOP sux at May 21, 2024 11:26 AM (Zzbjj)

Yeah, I liked the whole “Muslim ban” bit. Showed how dumb Leftists are.

I would ask “If Trump has a Muslim ban, how come people from Indonesia can still visit the United States?”

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 21, 2024 11:32 AM (DeJo7)

165 I have no idea what the percentage of NRA members are Jewish but I would bet it's lower than the general population.
Posted by: Oddbob at May 21, 2024 11:28 AM (/y8xj)

Even if you consider that only 30% or so of Jews are conservative in nature, many live in blue cities and states where gun ownership is inhibited in the first place.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:32 AM (aJWJO)

166 Penguins are intelligent, cute, animals that have the good sense to never put a gas pump nozzle up their cloaca, though they do tend to prefer their own tribe.

Posted by: Penguin Defense Fund 501c3 at May 21, 2024 11:32 AM (V5BDR)

167 I'm an asshole.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:27 AM (cD1dp)

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at May 21, 2024 11:32 AM (7fElN)

168 He was also cranking it while using the gas nozzle in that fashion. It haunts me.

Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 11:31 AM (CIS44)

Future trannies of America.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:33 AM (Zz0t1)

169 Tribal identity and tribal solidarity are the only protections Jews have at this time...and if so, the same goes for Whites! If not...why not?

Posted by: Francis W. Porretto at May 21, 2024 11:33 AM (Nmmyc)

170 Later all, got some conspiracy theories to validate.

Posted by: Just sayin at May 21, 2024 11:33 AM (Hm5mk)

171 Penguins are intelligent, cute, animals that have the good sense to never put a gas pump nozzle up their cloaca, though they do tend to prefer their own tribe.
Posted by: Penguin Defense Fund 501c3

What does a penguin smell like? Be honest.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at May 21, 2024 11:33 AM (IG4Id)

172 I'm not Catholic but I follow a website called Novus Ordo watch. It's sedevacantist. The guy who runs it is of the opinion that every pope since Vatican II -- from John XXIII on -- was illegitimate and not an actual Pope.

I'm a trad RCC, but not that trad. I do, however, consider Frankie Fabulous to be an antipope and heresiarch. Benedict had no right to resign, and was the legitimate heir to the Throne of Peter until his death.

There is no legitimate pope in Rome at this moment.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing (aka Eloquent Depression) at May 21, 2024 11:33 AM (Q0kLU)

173 That Amal had a part in writing up the arrest warrant against Bibi doesn't surprise me but just confirms their world view that doesn't include Jews/Israel in that world. Disgusting.

The warrant mentions the "State" of Palestine and the "territory" of Israel.

A legal pogrom.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at May 21, 2024 11:33 AM (uxCna)

174 *Except for when they tell me that putting on Teffilin takes 60 seconds!
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 11:30 AM (d9fT1)


Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:33 AM (aJWJO)

175 People en masse are easily led sheep and highly susceptible to suggestion and social pressure. Posted by: Longer answer than I was anticipating at May 21, 2024 11:30 AM (Wc83a)

" A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. "

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at May 21, 2024 11:34 AM (4XwPj)

I saw a Crimean Tatar explain that the Crimean Tatars are "indigenous" to Crimea - apparently arriving with the Mongol Horde in the 14th Century is enough to make you indigenous.

This is one time you could really through the Khazars in a Muslim's face. Jews were there first!!!

Of course there was a whole series of people moving through that area that we know of from the PIEs to the Scythians and on and on...

Posted by: 18-1 at May 21, 2024 11:34 AM (ibTVg)

177 174 *Except for when they tell me that putting on Teffilin takes 60 seconds!
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 11:30 AM (d9fT1)

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:33 AM (aJWJO)

How do you guys put Teflon on?

Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 11:34 AM (PCK5/)

178 The ICC 'arrest' warrant is more blood libel to justify killing Jews.

Posted by: Anna Puma at May 21, 2024 11:34 AM (Vv92G)

179 95
‘ Why aren't they attacking Islam? ’

Because they’re afraid of it. Pure and simple.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at May 21, 2024 11:34 AM (jbnUc)

180 Am I the only one who sees Clooney's wife's name as "Anal?"

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 11:34 AM (d9fT1)

181 There's a great scene early in the Patrick O'Brian Aubrey/Maturin series when Stephen drills a hole into the skull of an injured sailor, widens it, and clears the brain area, and then makes a metal patch out of a flattened doubloon, sews the scalp over the patch and everyone starts drinking.

Just thinking about JJ's surgery and hoping the doctor waits until surgery over to start drinking, as Maturin did.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at May 21, 2024 11:34 AM (GpAMt)

182 People en masse are easily led sheep and highly susceptible to suggestion and social pressure. This is why advertising agencies make so much fucking money. And you have the government, schools, and doctors all pressuring people to follow this regimen for their diet. People were propagandized about how to eat. And for a long time alternate sources of information were suppressed, and anyone suggesting a different approach to diet was made into a marginalized figure by the establishment, including the "medical community."

Now, stuffing your face until you're 500 pounds is another question altogether involving the question of the addictive nature of certain high calorie foods, mental disorders, and other factors. People can and do find ways to break out of it, others don't. But I find "free will" to be something of a hand wave response to a great many things that aren't that simple.

Posted by: Longer answer than I was anticipating at May 21, 2024 11:30 AM (Wc83a)

I don’t know. For me, I have resigned myself to their not being a Universal Rule Book, you HAVE to understand yourself and act accordingly. And there is still free will.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 21, 2024 11:34 AM (DeJo7)

183 No. Joseph's sons did not have the responsibilities of the family first-born.
Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey

I don't see the assertion that they did in the Wikipedia article. Both accounts, Wiki and the link that CBD provided state that Reuben's double allotment of land was taken from him and given to Joseph's sons. What am I missing?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:35 AM (v6JzV)

184 Why aren't they attacking Islam? Because they understand, truly know, that it is not a religion.
Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench)

This is correct.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at May 21, 2024 11:30 AM

Doubtful. They are afraid of the "getting killed" response; And also, they want to use them as part of their revolution thinking they can get rid of them when they are done. That part always works as-planned.

Posted by: Chuck C at May 21, 2024 11:35 AM (yOPBE)

185 Am I the only one who sees Clooney's wife's name as "Anal?"
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo


Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at May 21, 2024 11:35 AM (2QA3G)

186 How do you guys put Teflon on?
Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 11:34 AM (PCK5/)

With our hands.

What exactly are you asking?

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:36 AM (aJWJO)

" A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. "
Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at May 21, 2024 11:34 AM (4XwPj)

Agent K. A wise man.

Posted by: We have different aliens to worry about at May 21, 2024 11:36 AM (Wc83a)

188 Does George and Amal have any kids?

Posted by: Anna Puma at May 21, 2024 11:36 AM (Vv92G)

189 I'm an asshole.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:27 AM (cD1dp)

My wife's pet name for me.
Posted by: BignJames at May 21, 2024 11:29 AM (AwYPR)

The Paolo, your wives have many pet names for him.

Posted by: Paolo at May 21, 2024 11:36 AM (Q0kLU)

190 He was also cranking it while using the gas nozzle in that fashion. It haunts me.
Posted by: BruceWayne

While smoking a cigarette/cigar. He took multi-tasking to a whole new disturbing level.

Posted by: Cheri at May 21, 2024 11:36 AM (oiNtH)

191 156 Catherine Schell also starred in a Tom Baker Doctor Who story arc. She plays a spoiled rich vain countess married to a guy who is really an alien who wants to destroy Humanity.
Posted by: Anna Puma at May 21, 2024 11:30 AM (Vv92G)

She is also on the Sci Fi Babes page. Oddly enough, not a word is said there about Space:1999 at all. (I don’t think her entry was for Doctor Who though.)

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 21, 2024 11:37 AM (DeJo7)

192 186 How do you guys put Teflon on?
Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 11:34 AM (PCK5/)

With our hands.

What exactly are you asking?
Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:36 AM (aJWJO)

Joke fail… please disregard.

Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 11:37 AM (PCK5/)

193 Am I the only one who sees Clooney's wife's name as "Anal?"
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 11:34 AM (d9fT1)

Which is ironic considering she's the one wearing the strap-on shoving it in George's fartclam.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:37 AM (Zz0t1)

194 Am I the only one who sees Clooney's wife's name as "Anal?"
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 11:34 AM (d9fT1)

"Amal" was a brand of carburetor found on British motorcycles for years and years. They leaked gas. Would have leaked oil, too, if they had any.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 21, 2024 11:37 AM (b47tW)

195 That Amal had a part in writing up the arrest warrant against Bibi doesn't surprise me but just confirms their world view that doesn't include Jews/Israel in that world. Disgusting.

Amal is a British citizen. It would be fun to ban her from the United States, like the Bush Administration was threatening to do to ICC personnel, when the ICC was drawing up warrants for American military personnel.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at May 21, 2024 11:37 AM (uxCna)

196 Vlad the Impaler was the good guy.

Posted by: No one of any consequence. at May 21, 2024 11:37 AM (VuZH8)

197 Tribalism is crude and ugly but it might the natural state of mankind.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, PNW MOME June 1st at May 21, 2024 11:38 AM (xcxpd)

198 Penguins bathe in clean, cold, salt water daily and are renowned for their freshness and overall cleanliness. Haters, wreckers, and kulaks have disparaged a great race.

Posted by: Penguin Pete at May 21, 2024 11:38 AM (V5BDR)

199 and congrats to Sponge

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, PNW MOME June 1st at May 21, 2024 11:38 AM (xcxpd)

200 197 Tribalism is crude and ugly but it might the natural state of mankind.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, PNW MOME June 1st at May 21, 2024 11:38 AM (xcxpd)

Oh, absolutely.

Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 11:39 AM (PCK5/)

201 Off to work.

Be excellent to each other.

Screw Paul, he's full of Sid's jizz.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at May 21, 2024 11:39 AM (Zz0t1)

202 This video is real. Not manipulated. This is the President of the United States. Imagine what you’d think you could get away with if you were a foreign leader watching this. He sounds like they pumped his mouth with Novocain.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at May 21, 2024 11:07 AM

Imagine all our enemies trying to hurry up and take advantage this year of a weak USA if they assume that Biden is going to lose the election to Trump.

I already read that illegal aliens are ramping up even more their efforts to get into the USA now before Trump gets into office and closes and border.

Who knows what else is planned for this year among our nation's enemies to take advantage of our weakness.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at May 21, 2024 11:39 AM (P5BPp)

203 Requesting a courtesy explanation on 2 recurring AOSHQ themes...

Big Penguin
Gas station guy

Missed the origins of each
Posted by: Doof

I've noticed that both the toaster and sofa have fallen from favor.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 21, 2024 11:39 AM (XeU6L)

204 Does Amal have night visitors?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:39 AM (v6JzV)

205 Joey Bidet is President Mush Mouth?

Posted by: Anna Puma at May 21, 2024 11:39 AM (Vv92G)

206 I don't see the assertion that they did in the Wikipedia article. Both accounts, Wiki and the link that CBD provided state that Reuben's double allotment of land was taken from him and given to Joseph's sons. What am I missing?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:35 AM (v6JzV)

OK. I under-read. I was referring to the next part in the Chabad article:

Additionally, the priesthood was going to be given to the tribe of Reuben, but because of this mistake it was given to the tribe of Levi. Likewise, the kings of the Jewish nations are from the tribe of Judah and not from Reuben because of this incident.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:39 AM (aJWJO)

207 "Amal Clooney" looks like a typo made by a pron production company.

Posted by: Chuck C at May 21, 2024 11:40 AM (yOPBE)

208 World Economic Forum founder Klaus Barbie steps back from executive post

Posted by: SMOD at May 21, 2024 11:40 AM (RHGPo)

209 204 Does Amal have night visitors?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:39 AM (v6JzV)

Well done..

Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 11:40 AM (PCK5/)

210 Amateur!

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:33 AM (aJWJO)


Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 11:40 AM (d9fT1)

211 134 Four of the eight Ivies are now looking for new leaders, Penn, Cornell, Yale, and Harvard. It's an opportunity to try saving these schools, but I'm not optimistic. The same Boards that appointed these lousy Presidents will choose the next ones, too.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at May 21, 2024 11:27 AM (/kB4N)

Peter Salovey was probably the worst Yale president in my lifetime. Under his tenure they changed the name of my old residential college to appease the woke mob - before that a campus worker defaced a very valuable stained-glass window at Calhoun and was let off with a slap on the wrist. He was also one of the pioneers in Emotional Intelligence, which, although valuable, opened the door to a lot of this DEI nonsense years later. The extreme leftward turn on these Ivies started in force under his watch.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at May 21, 2024 11:40 AM (uii8N)

212 Iranian President Butcher of Tehran finds Islamic Paradise is not all he was promised. Demands to see the manager.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at May 21, 2024 11:41 AM (GpAMt)

213 Even if you consider that only 30% or so of Jews are conservative in nature, many live in blue cities and states where gun ownership is inhibited in the first place.

Yet those vendors have found that promoting their Jewishness* is an overall positive with us gun-totin' rednecks. Kinda cuts against the stereotype.

* First, I'm not entirely sure that's a word. Second, I get that being Jewish and being Israeli are not 100% coincident but it's close enough for gummit work.

Posted by: Oddbob at May 21, 2024 11:41 AM (/y8xj)

214 Amals actually have a button called a "tickler" that makes them drip.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 21, 2024 11:41 AM (b47tW)

215 Trump now leads Biden 55-40 on Polymarkets betting site.

The money is on Trump

Posted by: SMOD at May 21, 2024 11:41 AM (RHGPo)

"Amal" was a brand of carburetor found on British motorcycles for years and years. They leaked gas. Would have leaked oil, too, if they had any.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

Heh. They had to be 'tickled' to get things under way.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 21, 2024 11:41 AM (XeU6L)

217 Why do we need ads for prescription drugs? Oh yeah because that's what keep the Media Money Train moving and the ones who subjugate us would die a slow death without that Pharma Dolla.

Posted by: ... at May 21, 2024 11:42 AM (aYXz1)

218 Reuben lost the priesthood, but gained the sandwich concession.

Posted by: Corned Beef, FTW at May 21, 2024 11:42 AM (V5BDR)

219 The ICC 'arrest' warrant is more blood libel to justify killing Jews.

Posted by: Anna Puma at May 21, 2024 11:34 AM

It is also all that a muslim idiot needs to take a shot at him under the color of international law for crimes against humanity.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at May 21, 2024 11:42 AM (QNSds)

220 133
‘ allowed to play only with other Albanian families’

Like Albanians are so Goddamn wonderful. Get over yourselves.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at May 21, 2024 11:43 AM (jbnUc)

221 I've noticed that both the toaster and sofa have fallen from favor.

But the man on the Ottoman hasn't...

Posted by: Anna Puma at May 21, 2024 11:43 AM (Vv92G)

222 Amals actually have a button called a "tickler" that makes them drip.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 21, 2024 11:41 AM (b47tW)

The ones on Peugots are french ticklers.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at May 21, 2024 11:43 AM (2QA3G)

223 Yet those vendors have found that promoting their Jewishness* is an overall positive with us gun-totin' rednecks. Kinda cuts against the stereotype.

* First, I'm not entirely sure that's a word. Second, I get that being Jewish and being Israeli are not 100% coincident but it's close enough for gummit work.
Posted by: Oddbob at May 21, 2024 11:41 AM (/y8xj)

Israeli Jews manufacture numerous weapons systems, including hand guns and up.

American Jews? Not so much.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:43 AM (aJWJO)

224 "Amal" was a brand of carburetor found on British motorcycles for years and years. They leaked gas. Would have leaked oil, too, if they had any.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

She's named after a carburetor because she sucks and blows?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 11:43 AM (L/fGl)

225 CBD, what is Chabad?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:43 AM (v6JzV)

226 This video is real. Not manipulated. This is the President of the United States. Imagine what you’d think you could get away with if you were a foreign leader watching this. He sounds like they pumped his mouth with Novocain.
Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at May 21, 2024 11:07 AM
Likely irrelevant. Foreign leaders - real or important ones, anyway - know who to actually talk to. They surely know from their own spies and our machinating politburo that anything with Biden is a show. They're talking to politburo members, not the dotard.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 21, 2024 11:43 AM (d04cU)

227 Am I the only one who sees Clooney's wife's name as "Anal?"
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at May 21, 2024 11:35 AM (2QA3G)


Posted by: JT at May 21, 2024 11:43 AM (T4tVD)

228 Yet those vendors have found that promoting their Jewishness* is an overall positive with us gun-totin' rednecks. Kinda cuts against the stereotype.

* First, I'm not entirely sure that's a word. Second, I get that being Jewish and being Israeli are not 100% coincident but it's close enough for gummit work.
Posted by: Oddbob at May 21, 2024 11:41 AM (/y8xj)

Maybe it's just because Israelis are justifiably regarded as military hardasses, and their weapons work.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 21, 2024 11:44 AM (b47tW)

229 Hey Amal, surprise!

Posted by: Otters at May 21, 2024 11:44 AM (u73oe)

230 Penguins bathe in clean, cold, salt water daily and are renowned for their freshness and overall cleanliness. Haters, wreckers, and kulaks have disparaged a great race.
Posted by: Penguin Pete

And they taste great too!

Posted by: Shamu at May 21, 2024 11:44 AM (oiNtH)

231 Reuben lost the priesthood, but gained the sandwich concession.
Posted by: Corned Beef, FTW at May 21, 2024 11:42 AM (V5BDR)

Drum tap.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:44 AM (aJWJO)

232 "Amal" was a brand of carburetor found on British motorcycles for years and years. They leaked gas. Would have leaked oil, too, if they had any.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

Heh. They had to be 'tickled' to get things under way.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 21, 2024 11:41 AM (XeU6L)

Yeah, they sucked! And not in a good way.

Posted by: Stromberg and Solex, FTW at May 21, 2024 11:44 AM (V5BDR)

233 Like Albanians are so Goddamn wonderful. Get over yourselves.
Posted by: Dr. Claw

Skanderbeg was a badass.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:45 AM (v6JzV)

234 CBD, what is Chabad?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

Prolly thirty bucks now.

Thanks brandon !

Posted by: JT at May 21, 2024 11:45 AM (T4tVD)

235 CBD, what is Chabad?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:43 AM (v6JzV)

Internet search is your friend.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:45 AM (aJWJO)

236 "Joseph's two sons are considered the heads of two tribes, but I don't remember which of Jacob's sons are not."

Levi was taken out of contention because Levi belongs to God and God is their inheritance.

Posted by: Ribbed at May 21, 2024 11:45 AM (Ectld)

237 Am I the only one who sees Clooney's wife's name as "Anal?"
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

Butt Secs Clooney

Posted by: Minnfidel at May 21, 2024 11:45 AM (HqA+5)

238 Why do we need ads for prescription drugs? Oh yeah because that's what keep the Media Money Train moving and the ones who subjugate us would die a slow death without that Pharma Dolla.

Posted by: ... at May 21, 2024 11:42 AM (aYXz1)


Killed the TV over 15 years ago, so haven't seen any commercials since then -- but have heard from talk radio hosts that something like 50% or more of MDM-MSM advertising now is Big Pharma?

Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at May 21, 2024 11:46 AM (VXJx/)

239 Blah blah blah.. Israel First..

CBD is aiming for that “top shabbos goy” position.

Nobody under the age of “Boomer” gives a feck about that shitty little country. You conservatives are all failures, you’ve never conserved anything.

Most of the world is waking up to how despicable the Zionist Entity is.

Support for Israel among Americans (the dumbest goycattle) is plummeting. Among under-40s it’s dismal.

In twenty years, once you dickless Boomers are pushing up daisies, Israel” will cease to exist. Palestine will exist from the river to the sea. Jewish citizens of Palestine will live in settlements and be permitted 1500 calories a day.

Posted by: stfu...who likes it in the ass from goats at May 21, 2024 11:46 AM (VS4X+)

240 I've noticed that both the toaster and sofa have fallen from favor.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 21, 2024 11:39 AM (XeU6L)

Things have been pretty restful for me lately, too.

Posted by: The Chicken at May 21, 2024 11:46 AM (Q0kLU)

241 CBD, what is Chabad?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:43 AM (v6JzV)

Internet search is your friend.
Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey

But not nearly as fun as pestering CBD.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:46 AM (v6JzV)

242 Reuben lost the priesthood, but gained the sandwich concession.
Posted by: Corned Beef, FTW at May 21, 2024 11:42 AM

Heh. And what kind of dressing is on a Reuben sandwich?

Russian! It's all part of the plan! Wheels within wheels! Happy Feet within Happy Feet! Things are proceeding as we have foreseen.

* coprolitic cackling in unison *

Posted by: Big Penguin at May 21, 2024 11:46 AM (a3Q+t)

243 We allowed some of this to happen & intensifying during C19. Pings in certain communities, test cases, not ALL Jewish but MANY were.

And was that not as the Poles & many other groups leading into WWII?

'First They Came' – By Pastor Martin Niemoller

>Look at the First Quarantined Community in the USA: Response of Religious Communal Organizations and Implications for Public Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic, ncbiI nlm nih, Published online 2020 Jul 10

>NBC Oct. 16, 2020, By J.J. Goldberg, When Covid-19 rules are flouted by ultra-Orthodox Jews, it isn't anti-Semitism to call it out When the Jewish community says that it is, it obscures true anti-Semitism while providing leeway not to comply with restrictions needed to stop the spread of the virus.

>UAB Institute for Human Rights Blog, Antisemitism: From the Bubonic Plague to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Nov. 20, 2023

>Pew Research Center, Mar 17, 2023: Anti-Jewish harassment occurred in 94 countries in 2020, up from earlier years

We only react to the absolute worst in this country, i.e., The Tree of Life massacre. Few defend religious anti-abortionists. Fewer defend the more tragic 1/6 'participants.'

All, imo.

Posted by: L - If they do it with you, they'll do it to you, too at May 21, 2024 11:47 AM (NFX2v)

244 Posted by: stfu at May 21, 2024 11:46 AM (VS4X+)


You seem fun.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:47 AM (cD1dp)

245 Like Albanians are so Goddamn wonderful. Get over yourselves.

Screw you, pal.

Posted by: Spence Olchin at May 21, 2024 11:47 AM (Q0kLU)

246 If it applies to Jews shouldn’t it apply to white peoples too?

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at May 21, 2024 11:47 AM (Adc+I)

247 CBD, what is Chabad?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

It's a gang of tea drinkers. They hang out in subways, threatening passerby with shouts of 'OOH-HOO' and 'AH-HAH' with animated gyrations. Very scary.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at May 21, 2024 11:47 AM (IG4Id)

248 Levi was taken out of contention because Levi belongs to God and God is their inheritance.
Posted by: Ribbed at May 21, 2024 11:45 AM (Ectld)

This only occurred much later on, as a result of not one single Levite participating in the sin of the Golden Calf.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:47 AM (aJWJO)

249 >> Even if you consider that only 30% or so of Jews are conservative in nature, many live in blue cities and states where gun ownership is inhibited in the first place.

One thing I heard after 10/7 that really surprised and startled me: Many Israeli’s living near the border with Gaza were prohibited from having personal firearms so had no way to fight back. Is that accurate? If so, what was the rationale of the Israeli government for imposing such a ban?

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at May 21, 2024 11:47 AM (htC+Q)

250 I noted several contingencies of Hasidic Jews at the NRA Annual Meetings. Groups of four, wandering the aisles.

And always, they were smiling, having received naught but the warmest of welcomes, well wishes and words of support.

My Prayer (yes, literally), is that they'll return to their congregations, and spread the word of their experiences, there in Dallas.

And that they'll acquire The Training, take up arms, and join the ranks of Armed Jews in this Nation, who are and remain, an inseparable part of Our Freedom Family.

Hell, I think they'd even love being at The Ranch in Texas in October. Except for the Bacon Wench, but I could guarantee, they'd at least be POLITE in her presence.

Civilization allows for our differences, without making our differences become the fissures for division. Respect and Courtesy are the grout that fill those voids.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at May 21, 2024 11:47 AM (e6UQI)

251 Killed the TV over 15 years ago, so haven't seen any commercials since then -- but have heard from talk radio hosts that something like 50% or more of MDM-MSM advertising now is Big Pharma?

Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at May 21, 2024 11:46 AM

Big pharma along with all sorts of medicare supplements and ads for reverse mortgages.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at May 21, 2024 11:48 AM (QNSds)

252 Killed the TV over 15 years ago, so haven't seen any commercials since then -- but have heard from talk radio hosts that something like 50% or more of MDM-MSM advertising now is Big Pharma?
Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at May 21, 2024 11:46 AM (VXJx/)
Tons on YouTube, too. Usually unhelpful. A lot of the drug ads on YT are 5-second ads with some scene - a woman by a lake, a man on a hillside, whatever - followed by the name of the drug. That's it. Nothing about what the drug does or what it's for. Just the name and a calm scene with gentle music.

I don't understand these ads, or why they exist. I assume there's some backroom deal between the pharma companies and Google, where the pharmas buy useless 5-second ad spots and Google does some censorship favor for them (or something like that, something that's essentially money laundering), but it's baffling.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 21, 2024 11:48 AM (d04cU)

253 Posted by: stfu at May 21, 2024 11:46 AM

There'll be a little something extra in your sardine tin next week.

Posted by: Big Penguin at May 21, 2024 11:48 AM (a3Q+t)

254 Great post, CBD. Thanks.

Posted by: L - If they do it with you, they'll do it to you, too at May 21, 2024 11:49 AM (NFX2v)

255 This only occurred much later on, as a result of not one single Levite participating in the sin of the Golden Calf.
Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey

Well, except for Aaron, who made it.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:49 AM (v6JzV)

256 Meanwhile, at CNN, "Two people canoeing are missing after going over Minnesota waterfall."

Well, they don't have to search upstream, so it's not like they're missing-missing.

Posted by: gp In The Center Of A Stool Boom at May 21, 2024 11:49 AM (MvF+J)

257 252 I don't understand these ads, or why they exist. I assume there's some backroom deal between the pharma companies and Google, where the pharmas buy useless 5-second ad spots and Google does some censorship favor for them (or something like that, something that's essentially money laundering), but it's baffling.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 21, 2024 11:48 AM (d04cU)


Big Pharma is awash in cash, the actual causal link between marketing and sales is unclear but everyone believes in it, and grifting, I guess.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:49 AM (cD1dp)

258 Maybe it's just because Israelis are justifiably regarded as military hardasses, and their weapons work.

Certainly. But if conservative Christians really were the anti-Semitic bigots that the left accused us of being until like the day before yesterday, that wouldn't fly as a marketing angle.

Posted by: Oddbob at May 21, 2024 11:49 AM (/y8xj)

259 Posted by: stfu at May 21, 2024 11:46 AM (VS4X+)

See, the trick with humor is to make it funny.

You, my sad little friend, are not funny.

You did take away the title of 'resident asshole' from TJM, though, so there's that.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at May 21, 2024 11:49 AM (Q0kLU)

260 Catherine Schell was also in Moon Zero Two.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 21, 2024 11:50 AM (63Dwl)

261 259 You did take away the title of 'resident asshole' from TJM, though, so there's that.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at May 21, 2024 11:49 AM (Q0kLU)



I worked hard for that title.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:50 AM (cD1dp)

262 Catholic monk in Kentucky comes out as "trans man" with permission of bishop

Whatever happened to the vow of silence?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 11:50 AM (L/fGl)

263 Kurt got on the crazy train again this morning.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at May 21, 2024 11:50 AM (GpAMt)

264 "This only occurred much later on, as a result of not one single Levite participating in the sin of the Golden Calf."

It was related to redeeming the sons of Israel from the plague on the firstborn, but the question was how the math works if there are 12 sons of Israel and Joseph got two, how do we end up with 12 tribes and the answer is because God took Levi for himself.

Posted by: Ribbed at May 21, 2024 11:50 AM (Ectld)

265 I'm pretty sure Big Pharma ads only amount to about 63% of all TV and revenue.

Posted by: Jonathan Lawson @ Colonial Penn at May 21, 2024 11:50 AM (V5BDR)

266 Posted by: stfu at May 21, 2024 11:46 AM (VS4X+)

What a nasty post.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 21, 2024 11:51 AM (XkYcA)

267 >>In twenty years, once you dickless Boomers are pushing up daisies

In 20 days so will most of your heroes in Hamas.

Have you considered a helicopter vacation in Iran? Visit the mountains.

Posted by: JackStraw at May 21, 2024 11:51 AM (LkLld)

268 Big Pharma is awash in cash, the actual causal link between marketing and sales is unclear but everyone believes in it, and grifting, I guess.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:49 AM (cD1dp)
Sure. I get that. Hurl money at marketing and chalk it up on the books as "good will" or somesuch.

But one would think - or maybe it's just old-fashioned, I dunno - that they'd try to make the ads appear relevant to someone in some context - any context - at some point. These aren't. They're utterly useless.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 21, 2024 11:51 AM (d04cU)

269 Killed the TV over 15 years ago, so haven't seen any commercials since then -- but have heard from talk radio hosts that something like 50% or more of MDM-MSM advertising now is Big Pharma?
Posted by: ShainS

Only two countries in the world allow Big Pharma to advertise on TV - New Zealand and the US. It is horrible. When Oprah did her big interview with Harry & Meghan, Europeans and others were appalled at all the US pharma advertising.

Posted by: Shamu at May 21, 2024 11:51 AM (oiNtH)

270 You did take away the title of 'resident asshole' from TJM, though, so there's that.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at May 21, 2024 11:49 AM (Q0kLU)



I worked hard for that title.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:50 AM (cD1dp)

You'll always be Resident Asshole to me.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at May 21, 2024 11:51 AM (2QA3G)

271 268 But one would think - or maybe it's just old-fashioned, I dunno - that they'd try to make the ads appear relevant to someone in some context - any context - at some point. These aren't. They're utterly useless.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 21, 2024 11:51 AM (d04cU)


Added explanation:

Marketing isn't about selling products, it's about winning awards.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:52 AM (cD1dp)

272 260 Catherine Schell was also in Moon Zero Two.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 21, 2024 11:50 AM (63Dwl)

Now that I see that I think that is how Catherine Schell got onto the Sci Fi Babes page, under the 1960s.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 21, 2024 11:52 AM (DeJo7)

273 One thing I heard after 10/7 that really surprised and startled me: Many Israeli’s living near the border with Gaza were prohibited from having personal firearms so had no way to fight back. Is that accurate? If so, what was the rationale of the Israeli government for imposing such a ban?
Posted by: LinusVanPelt at May 21, 2024 11:47 AM (htC+Q)

Correct. But also, many around the Gaza envelope were Oslo Accord loving utopian progressives who left their security to the failed IDF and to their miniscule community security teams.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:52 AM (aJWJO)

274 CBD, what is Chabad?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 11:43 AM (v6JzV)

Chabad is an orthodox Jewish organization that promotes Judaism. They are all over the world.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 11:52 AM (d9fT1)

275 I love a dude that doesnt make it clear what he actually believes beyond a bunch of stupid shit that we could guess from his first sentence or two.

Posted by: ... at May 21, 2024 11:52 AM (aYXz1)

276 Well, it looks like the Sun is shining out there. Time for me to get on with my day.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 21, 2024 11:53 AM (b47tW)

277 Marketing isn't about selling products, it's about winning awards.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:52 AM (cD1dp)
But these won't. That's what ads like Marshall's that are woke and shit are for. These aren't. No message at all, no point, no production value, nothing. Stock footage scenes with a title card. They're nothing.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 21, 2024 11:53 AM (d04cU)

278 Don't know the origin either, but suspect that the Big Penguin meme (exclusive to the HQ?) is the Q Anon of Big Fascist conspiracy theories (including but not limited to Big Government, Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, Big Tech, Big Billionaire, Big Davos, Big Rothschild, Big Green New Scam, Big Academia, Big Malthus, Big WEF, Big War, Big CRT, Big ESG, et. al.).

Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at May 21, 2024 11:53 AM (VXJx/)

279 "What a nasty post."

And delusional. Because stfu claims no one cares and then goes on to trumpet the same clump of dirt, only in Palestinian hands. Completely unable to make a rational argument.

Posted by: Ribbed at May 21, 2024 11:53 AM (Ectld)

280 What a nasty post.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 21, 2024 11:51 AM (XkYcA)

Pay no attention to the Nazi wannabee behind the curtain.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:53 AM (aJWJO)

281 Unfortunately a several people chosen to equate everyone jews, the even 80% for american jews this vote dem, the taking current bibi government for israel
bibi is a currently achieved forced to the asked palestinian authority of helped the originate quagmire. Bibi ask them to to take the over rafah the crossing, pa refused
sone israeli ministers appreciation gantz take demanded the forcing palestinians outward for gaza upon threat for dead.
to what is bibi do ?
only 8 countries outward for almost 200 voted against admiting palestine.
bibi turn the virtually all of planet against he is a governmen great job bibi

Posted by: Paul banned because he eats his own poop at May 21, 2024 11:54 AM (f4igK)

282 You'll always be Resident Asshole to me.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at May 21, 2024 11:51 AM (2QA3G)

What am I, chopped liver?

Posted by: Hope Solo's Globetrotting Squeakhole at May 21, 2024 11:55 AM (Q0kLU)

283 Posted by: Paul banned at May 21, 2024 11:54 AM (f4igK)


Why couldn't the Gazans build a functioning country over the past 15 years?

Why did the Gazans feel the need to invade Israel and murder, rape, and torture over a thousand Israeli civilians, many of whom were at a peace rally in support of the Gazans?

Why do Gazans keep supporting Hamas and voicing support for 10/7?

Why does Hamas keep promising to redo 10/7 until all the Jews are dead?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:55 AM (cD1dp)

284 239 | VS4X+

Go back to your shithole, you subhuman filth.

Without the Israelies, the 'Palestinian' state won't even be able to survive. They don't build anything of their own and rely on them for power, water, and everything else. They'll trash any facilities the Israelies (or other 3rd parties) built, just like they did when they took over Gaza and the West Bank. And they'll come crying to everyone else once they've cut off their noses to spite themselves. But they'll sure have plenty of spite to keep themselves warm at least.

In hell.

Posted by: Gaff at May 21, 2024 11:56 AM (jPS2y)

285 The EU is mirroring Hitler's most moist of wet dreams.

Posted by: Reforger at May 21, 2024 11:56 AM (NBxAd)

286 The Left are proven dead wrong and/or lying about every single fucking thing but I trust them on Israel and Ukraine because I'm smurt.

Posted by: ... at May 21, 2024 11:56 AM (aYXz1)

287 Warsaw mayor bans crosses from city hall, urges use of "preferred pronouns" for city employees
Yeah, the big problem facing Europe is too much Christianity.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 11:56 AM (L/fGl)

One thing I heard after 10/7 that really surprised and startled me: Many Israeli’s living near the border with Gaza were prohibited from having personal firearms so had no way to fight back. Is that accurate? If so, what was the rationale of the Israeli government for imposing such a ban?
Posted by: LinusVanPelt at May 21, 2024 11:47 AM (htC+Q)

Self-gassing Jews aren't exclusive to America I guess?

Posted by: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder at May 21, 2024 11:56 AM (Wc83a)

289 First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people."

Tuesday and Friday at 7:30, but it's a closed meeting so you have to have a desire to stop exploding.

Posted by: DaveA at May 21, 2024 11:56 AM (PMJuY)

290 It's Bibi's fault that people lack the ability to rationalize. That darn Bibi. Stealing people logical faculties and forcing them to turn into bloodthirsty savages supporting murders. It's just unconsciable what that monster has done. When will his reign of diabolical rhetorical genius end so the peace-loving palestinians and their terrorist supporters can go back to killing Jews?

Posted by: Ribbed at May 21, 2024 11:57 AM (Ectld)

291 Dammit.

I worked hard for that title.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 11:50 AM

TBF, the prometheaness of your labors has slacked off recently.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at May 21, 2024 11:57 AM (a3Q+t)

292 Israeli gun laws are very restrictive. You have to be pretty much ex-mil

Posted by: Its Always Been This Way at May 21, 2024 11:56 AM (pTv5j)

Are you serious bro. Please tell me you're not fucking being serious.

Posted by: ... at May 21, 2024 11:58 AM (aYXz1)

293 I rewatched Ari Shaffir's comedy special, called "Jew."

It's funny.

Posted by: BurtTC at May 21, 2024 11:58 AM (dGCAG)

294 293 It's true.

Posted by: gp In The Center Of A Stool Boom at May 21, 2024 11:59 AM (MvF+J)

295 OK for the people on here who were hitting the fainting couches over the rumor that Trump was going to testify at his trial in NYC you can relax. The defense has rested their case. All that's left is closing arguments.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at May 21, 2024 11:59 AM (QNSds)

296 But these won't. That's what ads like Marshall's that are woke and shit are for. These aren't. No message at all, no point, no production value, nothing. Stock footage scenes with a title card. They're nothing.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 21, 2024 11:53 AM (d04cU)

Cue that fat lady singing and dancing about jardiance lowering my A1C….

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at May 21, 2024 11:59 AM (htC+Q)

297 295 293 It's true.
Posted by: gp In The Center Of A Stool Boom at May 21, 2024 11:59 AM (MvF+J)

Ex-mil in ---- Israel? Is restrictive?

Unless I'm losing my fucking mind which is possible.

Posted by: ... at May 21, 2024 12:00 PM (aYXz1)

298 Cue that fat lady singing and dancing about jardiance lowering my A1C….
Posted by: LinusVanPelt at May 21, 2024 11:59 AM (htC+Q)
At least that one tells you what it's for. It's a dumb ad, but it's a real ad.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 21, 2024 12:00 PM (d04cU)

299 stfu

Go back to the SPLC web-page

Posted by: Anna Puma at May 21, 2024 12:00 PM (Vv92G)

300 295 OK for the people on here who were hitting the fainting couches over the rumor that Trump was going to testify at his trial in NYC you can relax. The defense has rested their case. All that's left is closing arguments.
Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at May 21, 2024 11:59 AM (QNSds)



It is impossible for Trump to avoid the spotlight. Also, his lawyers are the worst. Also, anything he does is self-sabotage because he is his own worst enemy.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 12:00 PM (cD1dp)

301 Poll after poll shows that a significant majority of the American people support Israeli's right to defend itself against the terrorists.

Leftists have a bad habit of claiming that because the institutions they dominate such as the media and the corrupt government they had to cheat to infest support terrorists that means the country does. As in most things they are wrong.

Posted by: JackStraw at May 21, 2024 12:00 PM (LkLld)

302 The mother of all community notes.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 12:00 PM (L/fGl)

303 Absolutely true. Israeli gun laws are very restrictive. You have to be pretty much ex-mil or ex-gov ... or a minimum age somewhere around 40. And then you get to buy a handgun and one box of ammo.

Israeli gov is very, very liberal.
Posted by: Its Always Been This Way at May 21, 2024 11:56 AM (pTv5j)

People living in Judea and Samaria and other dangerous areas are by default allowed to apply for a weapons license.

I myself live in Jerusalem. It's apparently so safe here that I can't even get off the ground with an application. But I'm working on it by volunteering for a local citizens patrol which is managed by a national organization.

I'm still being told that after a year of service, come this Nov./Dec., I can apply for a license.

We shall see...

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 12:00 PM (aJWJO)

304 See, the trick with humor is to make it funny.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at May 21, 2024 11:49 AM

See, the trick with humor is to make it funny.

Posted by: Amy Schumer, yes, related to *that* Schumer at May 21, 2024 12:01 PM (a3Q+t)

305 Correct. But also, many around the Gaza envelope were Oslo Accord loving utopian progressives who left their security to the failed IDF and to their miniscule community security teams.
Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:52 AM (aJWJO)
Are you trying to tell us Big Gubmint failed to defend all the nice peaceniks????

Posted by: Karen Awfl, angry wine shopper at May 21, 2024 12:01 PM (5SbPP)

306 The mother of all community notes.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 12:00 PM (L/fGl)

Darn! I was gonna post this over an hour ago. Still have the browser tab open.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 12:01 PM (aJWJO)

307 295 OK for the people on here who were hitting the fainting couches over the rumor that Trump was going to testify at his trial in NYC you can relax. The defense has rested their case. All that's left is closing arguments.
Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at May 21, 2024 11:59 AM (QNSds)
What are the odds that the judge will seek his fainting couch if the jury returns a verdict other than, "Off with his head!"?

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at May 21, 2024 12:02 PM (7fElN)

308 Trying to get fat people to sing and dance takes lots of work.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at May 21, 2024 12:02 PM (2QA3G)

309 I thought the trick with humor was to not be an retard for life

Posted by: ... at May 21, 2024 12:02 PM (aYXz1)

310 The mother of all community notes.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 12:00 PM (L/fGl)

I dunno, that wasn't about Sydney Sweeney at all.

Posted by: spindrift at May 21, 2024 12:02 PM (OguvZ)

311 Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 12:00 PM (aJWJO)

Aliyah is problematic for me because of the gun laws.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 12:02 PM (d9fT1)

312 The defense has rested their case. All that's left is closing arguments.
Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at May 21, 2024 11:59 AM

"The jury will ignore everything said in the defense's closing arguments."

Posted by: New York Judge #7 at May 21, 2024 12:03 PM (a3Q+t)

313 Again, seat belts, people:

@BNONews 5m
UPDATE: Number of injured from turbulence on London to Singapore flight rises to 71, with 1 passenger confirmed dead

Posted by: weft cut-loop at May 21, 2024 12:03 PM (IG4Id)

314 312 The defense has rested their case. All that's left is closing arguments.
Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at May 21, 2024 11:59 AM

"The jury will ignore everything said in the defense's closing arguments."
Posted by: New York Judge #7 at May 21, 2024 12:03 PM (a3Q+t)


-Prosecution, during the defense's closing argument


Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 12:03 PM (cD1dp)

315 284 239 | VS4X+

Go back to your shithole, you subhuman filth.

Without the Israelies, the 'Palestinian' state won't even be able to survive. They don't build anything of their own and rely on them for power, water, and everything else. They'll trash any facilities the Israelies (or other 3rd parties) built, just like they did when they took over Gaza and the West Bank. And they'll come crying to everyone else once they've cut off their noses to spite themselves. But they'll sure have plenty of spite to keep themselves warm at least.

In hell.
Posted by: Gaff at May 21, 2024 11:56 AM (jPS2y)
The muslims are still in the seventh century in their heads. Their preferred way of living is hate, rape, theft, piracy, rape, murder, rape, and rape.

Posted by: Eromero at May 21, 2024 12:04 PM (NxC5+)

316 America is treating Israel the same way we treat our own military. We are supposed to fight, we just aren't supposed to win.

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at May 21, 2024 12:04 PM (vAb/j)

317 I read somewhere that a large percentage of NYC hard to get concealed carry permits are Hasidic Jews. A lot of those folks are engaged in the diamond trade so it makes sense.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at May 21, 2024 12:04 PM (V5eKu)

318 I have nothing but enmity for Islam, but I don't want Ace to lose his blog because I keep saying it.

Posted by: XTC at May 21, 2024 12:04 PM (6Uni8)

319 Are you trying to tell us Big Gubmint failed to defend all the nice peaceniks????
Posted by: Karen Awfl, angry wine shopper at May 21, 2024 12:01 PM (5SbPP)

Big gubbernmint usually relates to bloat.

Here we're talking about a progressive corruption of the upper echelons of the Israeli government and military, along with the justice and education systems, etc.

What happened in the IDF needs to lead to firing squads, AFAIC.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 12:05 PM (aJWJO)

320 316 America is treating Israel the same way we treat our own military. We are supposed to fight, we just aren't supposed to win.
Posted by: Lemmiwinks at May 21, 2024 12:04 PM (vAb/j)


"War is terrible, and we should fight it rarely. So, we've decided to make war nice, so we can fight it all the time."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at May 21, 2024 12:05 PM (cD1dp)

321 Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at May 21, 2024 12:04 PM (V5eKu)

Most of the guards in the diamond district are off-duty or retired NYPD.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 12:05 PM (d9fT1)

322 Maybe a tad hyperbolic.

Sweden on 'brink of civil war' as country gripped by migrant violence...

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 12:06 PM (L/fGl)

323 Aliyah is problematic for me because of the gun laws.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 12:02 PM (d9fT1)

There are more important things in Jewish life - as much as I want to carry.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 12:06 PM (aJWJO)

324 Probably been said already but stop voting for Democrats, for crying out loud.

Posted by: Chairborne!...Desk From Above! at May 21, 2024 12:07 PM (Sw64s)

Cue that fat lady singing and dancing about jardiance lowering my A1C….
Posted by: LinusVanPelt

A little pill with a big story to tell.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 21, 2024 12:07 PM (63Dwl)

326 The muslims are still in the seventh century in their heads. Their preferred way of living is hate, rape, theft, piracy, rape, murder, rape, and rape.
Posted by: Eromero at May 21, 2024 12:04 PM (NxC5+)

They said rape twice.

Posted by: ... at May 21, 2024 12:08 PM (aYXz1)

327 But look on the bright side. After 10/7 ... it only took Israeli gov a few days to OK a second box of ammo for permit holders.
Posted by: Its Always Been This Way at May 21, 2024 12:06 PM (pTv5j)

Yes, my son - currently somewhere in Gaza - got his extra 50 bullets for his Glock.

/insert archie bunker whoopdeedoo here

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 12:08 PM (aJWJO)

328 Probably been said already but stop voting for Democrats, for crying out loud.

Posted by: Chairborne!...Desk From Above! at May 21, 2024 12:07 PM (Sw64s)

I was at a wedding this weekend, and plenty of people nodded in agreement when I would say, "We don't have a choice in's Trump or Jew-hate."

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 12:09 PM (d9fT1)

329 A little pill with a big story to tell.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 21, 2024 12:07 PM

Even better. I pimped a big pill with a (hopefully) big story to tell.

Posted by: zombie Bob Dole at May 21, 2024 12:09 PM (a3Q+t)

330 They said rape twice.
Posted by: ... at May 21, 2024 12:08 PM (aYXz1)
they like rape

Posted by: Huck Follywood at May 21, 2024 12:09 PM (5SbPP)

331 326 The muslims are still in the seventh century in their heads. Their preferred way of living is hate, rape, theft, piracy, rape, murder, rape, and rape.
Posted by: Eromero at May 21, 2024 12:04 PM (NxC5+)

They said rape twice.
Posted by: ... at May 21, 2024 12:08 PM (aYXz1)

That's so it's clear to Whoopie.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at May 21, 2024 12:09 PM (PiwSw)

332 Cultural Israel has always been a hard read for me… seems very Progressive/Leftist, which has a dissonance for me. I suppose that is in part because of my Christianity and the “ Holy” veneer on things that we get constantly.

Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 12:09 PM (PCK5/)

333 As soon as Chris Wray concludes his investigation of the TLM he will focus his resources on this outright curtailment of civil liberties.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at May 21, 2024 12:09 PM (aFNOf)

334 325 Every time that commercial comes on and I see a bunch of diabetics dancing like Kansas City faggots I consider busting a cap on the Samsung.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at May 21, 2024 12:09 PM (V5eKu)

335 Most of the guards in the diamond district are off-duty or retired NYPD.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 12:05 PM (d9fT1)

I remember that a lot of diamonds are carried from one 47th St. office to another by employees. It's not just guards.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 12:10 PM (aJWJO)

336 Why do Kansas City faggots get all the fabulous memetic love?

Posted by: San Francisco faggots at May 21, 2024 12:11 PM (a3Q+t)

337 Posted by: stfu...who likes it in the ass from goats at May 21, 2024 11:46 AM (VS4X

Troll hates America as much as it hates Israel like most anti Israel protestors in the country. Nothing but a mentally defective leech .

Posted by: polynikes at May 21, 2024 12:11 PM (SHMXB)

338 334 325 Every time that commercial comes on and I see a bunch of diabetics dancing like Kansas City faggots I consider busting a cap on the Samsung.
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door

At least she's not pulling her undies out and spraying some deodorant down there. Also under the tit flop.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at May 21, 2024 12:11 PM (aFNOf)

339 332 Cultural Israel has always been a hard read for me… seems very Progressive/Leftist, which has a dissonance for me. I suppose that is in part because of my Christianity and the “ Holy” veneer on things that we get constantly.
Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 12:09 PM (PCK5/)

Especially when they're supposed to be the example all others are supposed to try (but always fail) to live up to.

Does that include the Cultural Leftism?

Posted by: XTC at May 21, 2024 12:12 PM (6Uni8)

340 I remember that a lot of diamonds are carried from one 47th St. office to another by employees. It's not just guards.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 12:10 PM (aJWJO)

Absolutely true. But most aren't armed, especially because 580 5th Ave (the big office building) is controlled access. And of course because there are plenty of armed guards all over the place.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 12:12 PM (d9fT1)

341 337 Troll hates America as much as it hates Israel like most anti Israel protestors in the country. Nothing but a mentally defective leech .
Posted by: polynikes at May 21, 2024 12:11 PM (SHMXB)

He comes off like a Nick Fuentes/Groyper type.

Posted by: XTC at May 21, 2024 12:13 PM (6Uni8)

342 At least she's not pulling her undies out and spraying some deodorant down there. Also under the tit flop.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at May 21, 2024 12:11 PM (aFNOf)

Or telling you about constipation drugs while sitting on the throne.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at May 21, 2024 12:13 PM (2QA3G)

343 CBD, you're always welcome. Just bring some maple syrup.

Posted by: Jak Sucio at May 21, 2024 12:13 PM (Aoykm)

344 "Cultural Israel has always been a hard read for me… seems very Progressive/Leftist"

There was an ostensibly pro-Israel site called or .com

They put up big billboards all over the USA shortly after 10/7. I looked them up, and they had a brag there about how gay Tel-Aviv is; 25% they claimed.

Can't get to the site now. Maybe it was a phony.

Posted by: gp In The Center Of A Stool Boom at May 21, 2024 12:13 PM (MvF+J)

345 Sort of OT but Adam Sandler’s Uncut Gems was a very well done movie but hard to watch .

Posted by: polynikes at May 21, 2024 12:14 PM (SHMXB)

346 CBD, you're always welcome. Just bring some maple syrup.

Posted by: Jak Sucio at May 21, 2024 12:13 PM (Aoykm)

You people are horrid...drinking the blood of maple trees!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 21, 2024 12:14 PM (d9fT1)

347 The mother of all community notes.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks,

That was good!

Posted by: Shamu at May 21, 2024 12:14 PM (oiNtH)

348 Swiss court bans ‘racist’ Mexican food brand ‘Bimbo’

Posted by: SMOD at May 21, 2024 12:15 PM (RHGPo)

349 345 Recommended.

Posted by: gp In The Center Of A Stool Boom at May 21, 2024 12:15 PM (MvF+J)

350 Or telling you about constipation drugs while sitting on the throne.

Total lack of the slightest amount of dignity right there.
I hope she got paid well.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at May 21, 2024 12:15 PM (aFNOf)

351 George and Amal Clooney

I always read that as "Anal Clooney".

Posted by: Ian S. at May 21, 2024 12:16 PM (2ocoG)

352 345
‘ Adam Sandler’s Uncut Gems’

I have to laugh at the double entendre.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at May 21, 2024 12:16 PM (jbnUc)

353 Bimbo bread! Mexican Bimbos make the bread.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at May 21, 2024 12:16 PM (2QA3G)

354 351 George and Amal Clooney

I always read that as "Anal Clooney".
Posted by: Ian S. at May 21, 2024 12:16 PM (2ocoG)

Well they do come across as a**holes.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at May 21, 2024 12:17 PM (N39Ws)

355 See, the trick with humor is to make it funny, ese!

Posted by: Carlos Mencia at May 21, 2024 12:17 PM (Wc83a)

356 Why does "bimbo" end in an "o" if it applies exclusively to women? Shouldn't it be "bimba?"

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 12:17 PM (v6JzV)

357 NYC Carry permits. A good friend of mine had his stepfather's Colt Cobra. Beautiful shape, had the box and all the Colt paper work. In the box was the old man's NYC Carry permit. He got it through the friend of a friend network. Kind of like having the "bring back" papers on a war trophy.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at May 21, 2024 12:17 PM (V5eKu)

358 The mother of all community notes.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks,

That was good!
Posted by: Shamu at May 21, 2024 12:14 PM

That burn made my a/c kick on. Damn.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at May 21, 2024 12:18 PM (Wnv9h)

I always read that as "Anal Clooney".
Posted by: Ian S.

She is a Night Visitor.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 21, 2024 12:18 PM (63Dwl)

360 Shouldn't it be "bimba?"
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 12:17 PM (v6JzV)

Then you'd get sued by a pneumatics company.

Posted by: spindrift at May 21, 2024 12:18 PM (OguvZ)

361 CBD, you're always welcome. Just bring some maple syrup.

Posted by: Jak Sucio

Some smart ass wrote about life in commie Canada and described it as living behind the Maple Curtain.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 12:19 PM (L/fGl)

362 345 Recommended.
Posted by: gp In The Center Of A Stool Boom at May 21, 2024 12:15 PM (MvF+J)

I recommend too. When I say hard to watch I don’t mean boring or anything similar. If I explained I would have to be a spoiler.

Posted by: polynikes at May 21, 2024 12:19 PM (SHMXB)

363 Why does "bimbo" end in an "o" if it applies exclusively to women? Shouldn't it be "bimba?"
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 12:17 PM (v6JzV)

--One bimbo, two bimbeaux.

Posted by: logprof at May 21, 2024 12:19 PM (hY3f7)

364 Some smart ass wrote about life in commie Canada and described it as living behind the Maple Curtain.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 12:19 PM (L/fGl)

I would have thought it was the Flannel Shirt Curtain.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 12:20 PM (aJWJO)

365 Some smart ass wrote about life in commie Canada and described it as living behind the Maple Curtain.

Heh! That's good.

Posted by: Chairborne!...Desk From Above! at May 21, 2024 12:20 PM (Sw64s)

366 Some smart ass wrote about life in commie Canada and described it as living behind the Maple Curtain.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 12:19 PM

People have referred to the Holyoke Range of hills, that separates working-class Springfield and Chicopee from the collegiate hell of Amherst, Smith, Mt. Holyoke, et al. as the Tofu Curtain.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at May 21, 2024 12:20 PM (Wnv9h)

367 Amal Nitate

Posted by: polynikes at May 21, 2024 12:20 PM (SHMXB)

368 Why does "bimbo" end in an "o" if it applies exclusively to women? Shouldn't it be "bimba?"
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 12:17 PM

As I've said many times, why are you such a cispatriarchal H8r? It should be bimbx!


Posted by: Karine Jean-Pierre, Interlocutus for The Regime at May 21, 2024 12:21 PM (a3Q+t)

369 Attack of the Bimpa Parallel Multi-Finger Gripper Drones.

Posted by: gp In The Center Of A Stool Boom at May 21, 2024 12:21 PM (MvF+J)

370 364 Some smart ass wrote about life in commie Canada and described it as living behind the Maple Curtain.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 12:19 PM (L/fGl)

I would have thought it was the Flannel Shirt Curtain.
Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey

The Fake Bacon Curtain.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at May 21, 2024 12:21 PM (aFNOf)

371 Flannel shirt, overalls, and boots is a Canadian tuxedo.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at May 21, 2024 12:22 PM (2QA3G)

372 Ace is late. Are Trump trial wheels in motion?

Posted by: Archimedes at May 21, 2024 12:22 PM (CsUN+)

373 the poutine curtain

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at May 21, 2024 12:22 PM (v6JzV)

374 Walt Disney changing the name of the beloved animated movie Dumbo.

Posted by: polynikes at May 21, 2024 12:22 PM (SHMXB)

375 I would have thought it was the Flannel Shirt Curtain.
Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey

The Fake Bacon Curtain.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at May 21, 2024 12:21 PM (aFNOf)

I wouldn't know.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 12:22 PM (aJWJO)

376 Ace is late. Are Trump trial wheels in motion?
Posted by: Archimedes at May 21, 2024 12:22 PM

Either that or his spring Ewok dip is taking longer than usual.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at May 21, 2024 12:23 PM (Wnv9h)

377 US, Saudis close to deal on defense pact and sale of F-35's, White House says

What could go wrong?

Posted by: Maj. Healey at May 21, 2024 12:23 PM (aFNOf)

378 Okay I did a quick searh on Bimbo Foods. It is a bakery conglomerate. Zero objectionability… the Swiss are batshit crazy I guess… lot of that going around now.

Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 12:23 PM (PCK5/)

379 The nutter judge in the Trump case is scheduling the jury to go home for seven days then summations will begin on Tuesday and deliberations on Wednesday. I don’t remember ever hearing of a jury going home for a week after testimony then coming back to deliberate.

Posted by: Jen the original at May 21, 2024 12:23 PM (cHHZm)

380 People have referred to the Holyoke Range of hills, that separates working-class Springfield and Chicopee from the collegiate hell of Amherst, Smith, Mt. Holyoke, et al. as the Tofu Curtain.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at May 21, 2024 12:20 PM (Wnv9h)

Whoa I saw Robert Schimmel in Chicopee in 2007

Posted by: ... at May 21, 2024 12:24 PM (aYXz1)

381 When the Canadians go full blown fascist, at least they'll be nice fascists.


Posted by: Chairborne!...Desk From Above! at May 21, 2024 12:24 PM (Sw64s)

382 Posted by: Archimedes at May 21, 2024 12:22 PM (CsUN+)

Jury has been dismissed for the day and weekend holiday. I believe they resume next Wednesday.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 21, 2024 12:24 PM (XkYcA)

383 379 The nutter judge in the Trump case is scheduling the jury to go home for seven days then summations will begin on Tuesday and deliberations on Wednesday. I don’t remember ever hearing of a jury going home for a week after testimony then coming back to deliberate.
Posted by: Jen the original at May 21, 2024 12:23 PM (cHHZm)

It is the Intimidation Hiatus…

Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 12:24 PM (PCK5/)

384 Lot of my friends are on their sixth day without electricity. Will be in the 90’s rest of the week. Not good .

Posted by: polynikes at May 21, 2024 12:24 PM (SHMXB)

385 Okay I did a quick searh on Bimbo Foods. It is a bakery conglomerate. Zero objectionability… the Swiss are batshit crazy I guess… lot of that going around now.
Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 12:23 PM (PCK5/)

There is a teddy bear on the bread bag.

These people are fucking insane.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at May 21, 2024 12:24 PM (2QA3G)

386 The jury has to hear more evidence from the media before they render their decision. Totally normal.

Posted by: ... at May 21, 2024 12:24 PM (aYXz1)

387 Walt Disney changing the name of the beloved animated movie Dumbo.

About half an hour from where I live is a prep school which was once called "Governor Dummer Academy," after one of MA's colonial governors.

It's now called "The Governor's Academy," since people are too damned thin-skinned.

Posted by: Hope Solo's Globetrotting Squeakhole at May 21, 2024 12:25 PM (Q0kLU)

388 It's bimbo, and not bimba, because most of us don't have the grace to dance the bimba.

To dance the Bimba,
to dance the Bimba,
one needs a bit of grace.
A bit of grace for me, for you,
now come on, come on.

Aye, aye bimba
Aye, aye bimba
Aye, aye bimba

Posted by: Duncanthrax at May 21, 2024 12:25 PM (a3Q+t)

389 It's simply unbelievable that Biden would dare to use this line of attack. Forget Biden's nominees, the man is a black hole of legal ignorance, and his law school record shows it.

Biden Questions Intelligence of Trump’s Next Supreme Court Pick, Forgetting His Own Dumb Nominees

Posted by: Archimedes at May 21, 2024 12:25 PM (CsUN+)

390 About half an hour from where I live is a prep school which was once called "Governor Dummer Academy," after one of MA's colonial governors.

It's now called "The Governor's Academy," since people are too damned thin-skinned.
Posted by: Hope Solo's Globetrotting Squeakhole at May 21, 2024 12:25 PM

That one always made me laugh growing up.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at May 21, 2024 12:25 PM (Wnv9h)

391 Jen, it's probably because he wants to enjoy Memorial day weekend his self and doesn't give a crooked fuck about how things are usually done.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at May 21, 2024 12:26 PM (4XwPj)

392 Lot of my friends are on their sixth day without electricity. Will be in the 90’s rest of the week. Not good .

Posted by: polynikes at May 21, 2024 12:24 PM (SHMXB)

Yikes! What happened?

Posted by: Chairborne!...Desk From Above! at May 21, 2024 12:26 PM (Sw64s)

393 Jury has been dismissed for the day and weekend holiday. I believe they resume next Wednesday.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke a

Pretty sure I saw something that said closings begin tuesday, they are general off wednesdays

Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 12:26 PM (CIS44)

394 The nutter judge in the Trump case is scheduling the jury to go home for seven days then summations will begin on Tuesday and deliberations on Wednesday. I don’t remember ever hearing of a jury going home for a week after testimony then coming back to deliberate.
Posted by: Jen the original at May 21, 2024 12:23 PM (cHHZm)

Giving the mob plenty of time to intimidate. Did you expect anything else?

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at May 21, 2024 12:26 PM (Q0kLU)

395 I'm free Friday nights if anybody wants to kill me.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at May 21, 2024 12:26 PM (J8LnB)

396 Jen,

Friday would probably have been scheduled to be a "dark" day in the courthouse, the day before a holiday weekend.

Monday is Memorial day, the Holiday.

So they could get 2 days of "deliberating" and then break, is what the Judge is hoping for. Think that any holiday break will "disrupt deliberations".

When in reality, it will take 15 minutes and then be done.

The Judge is prolonging this as much as he can.

Posted by: s_tenhoff at May 21, 2024 12:26 PM (2waQ7)

397 Posted by: Jen the original at May 21, 2024 12:23 PM (cHHZm)

What was his reasoning ? Did the defense object or were those negotiations in chambers?

Posted by: polynikes at May 21, 2024 12:26 PM (SHMXB)

398 If there was a picture of a hooker eating a sammich on the bread bag, that's one thing.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at May 21, 2024 12:26 PM (2QA3G)

399 Walt Disney changing the name of the beloved animated movie Dumbo.

About half an hour from where I live is a prep school which was once called "Governor Dummer Academy," after one of MA's colonial governors.

It's now called "The Governor's Academy," since people are too damned thin-skinned.
Posted by: Hope Solo's Globetrotting Squeakhole at May 21, 2024 12:25 PM (Q0kLU)

We had fun with this here about a year ago.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 12:26 PM (aJWJO)

400 The nutter judge in the Trump case is scheduling the jury to go home for seven days then summations will begin on Tuesday and deliberations on Wednesday. I don’t remember ever hearing of a jury going home for a week after testimony then coming back to deliberate.

Seems normal....NOT.

Posted by: Archimedes at May 21, 2024 12:27 PM (CsUN+)

401 381 Fascists are never nice Fascists.

Posted by: Erik In Texas at May 21, 2024 12:27 PM (Wv0GD)

402 The nutter judge in the Trump case is scheduling the jury to go home for seven days then summations will begin on Tuesday and deliberations on Wednesday. I don’t remember ever hearing of a jury going home for a week after testimony then coming back to deliberate.
Posted by: Jen the original

My over optimistic ass hopes it is because the judge is actually considering a directed verdict of acquittal.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 12:27 PM (L/fGl)

403 Okay I did a quick searh on Bimbo Foods. It is a bakery conglomerate. Zero objectionability… the Swiss are batshit crazy I guess… lot of that going around now.
Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 12:23 PM (PCK5/)

Good White Bread, which is probably rayciss too.

Piggly Wiggly carries a lot of their products. Which is probably rayciss too.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at May 21, 2024 12:27 PM (IebSC)

404 UPDATE: Number of injured from turbulence on London to Singapore flight rises to 71, with 1 passenger confirmed dead
Posted by: weft cut-loop at May 21, 2024 12:03 PM

And FOX made sure to tell us it was a Boeing. Because. Well. uh er something. Airbus' do not experience it. Also they have better cushioning! Or something.

Posted by: Minnfidel at May 21, 2024 12:27 PM (HqA+5)

405 ot of my friends are on their sixth day without electricity. Will be in the 90’s rest of the week. Not good .

Posted by: polynikes at May 21, 2024 12:24 PM (SHMXB)

Yikes! What happened?
Posted by: Chairborne!...Desk From Above! at May 21, 2024 12:26 PM (Sw64s)

The Derecho storm front that hit Houston last Thursday.

Posted by: polynikes at May 21, 2024 12:27 PM (SHMXB)

406 Jen, it's probably because he wants to enjoy Memorial day weekend his self and doesn't give a crooked fuck about how things are usually done.
Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench)

Moron fact check rates this statement as: Definitely True

Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 12:28 PM (CIS44)

407 Fascists are never nice Fascists.
Posted by: Erik In Texas at May 21, 2024 12:27 PM (Wv0GD)

Except for slow fascists.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 12:28 PM (aJWJO)

408 My over optimistic ass hopes it is because the judge is actually considering a directed verdict of acquittal.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 12:27 PM

Does JackStraw know you've been raiding his stash?

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at May 21, 2024 12:28 PM (Wnv9h)

409 403 In every bodega in our area.

Posted by: gp In The Center Of A Stool Boom at May 21, 2024 12:28 PM (MvF+J)

410 397. I don’t know. Just saw this on Fox. Lady lawyers are dumbfounded over this schedule.

Posted by: Jen the original at May 21, 2024 12:29 PM (cHHZm)

411 348 Swiss court bans ‘racist’ Mexican food brand ‘Bimbo’
Posted by: SMOD at May 21, 2024 12:15 PM (RHGPo)
This is just crazy.

Posted by: Eromero at May 21, 2024 12:29 PM (NxC5+)

412 371 Flannel shirt, overalls, and boots is a Canadian tuxedo.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at May 21, 2024 12:22 PM (2QA3G)

Don't forget the toque, eh?

Posted by: Bob and Doug McKenzie at May 21, 2024 12:29 PM (PiwSw)

413 My over optimistic ass hopes it is because the judge is actually considering a directed verdict of acquittal.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've

If thats the case he should have done that after the state rested.

Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 12:29 PM (CIS44)

414 403 Okay I did a quick searh on Bimbo Foods. It is a bakery conglomerate. Zero objectionability… the Swiss are batshit crazy I guess… lot of that going around now.
Posted by: tubal at May 21, 2024 12:23 PM (PCK5/)

Good White Bread, which is probably rayciss too.

Piggly Wiggly carries a lot of their products. Which is probably rayciss too.
Posted by: Hairyback Guy

WinCo as well, in the Hispanic section.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at May 21, 2024 12:29 PM (aFNOf)

415 Swiss court bans ‘racist’ Mexican food brand ‘Bimbo’
Posted by: SMOD at May 21, 2024 12:15 PM (RHGPo)
This is just crazy.
Posted by: Eromero at May 21, 2024 12:29 PM

Exactly which race is Bimbo?

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at May 21, 2024 12:29 PM (Wnv9h)

416 402
‘ My over optimistic ass hopes it is because the judge is actually considering a directed verdict of acquittal.’

I don’t like pessimism but this is weapons grade over-optimism.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at May 21, 2024 12:29 PM (jbnUc)

417 "... supposedly sophisticated world organizations like the UN, the ICC, the ICRC, the EU..."

Ah come on. These orgs have been Marxist fronts and postmodern boot camps ever since they were founded.

Posted by: Marcus Gravey at May 21, 2024 12:30 PM (TIizU)

418 Piggly Wiggly's still around? Haven't seen one of their grocery stores since I was a kid.

Posted by: Who knew? Not me. at May 21, 2024 12:30 PM (Wc83a)

419 Have you been injured on an airline recently? Forget to buckle your seat belt? Are you a big fat ass who needs two seats and three seat belts to be safe? Well, call me! I want to get you some money! today!

Posted by: Alexander Shunnarah, Billboard King at May 21, 2024 12:30 PM (IebSC)

420 Walt Disney changing the name of the beloved animated movie Dumbo.

Changing it to Biden?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at May 21, 2024 12:30 PM (L/fGl)

421 Adam B. Coleman, who is black, wrote in the New York Post:

Joe Biden was racist and patronizing in his speech to Morehouse grads

Joe Biden is right. Black people are treated as negatively different, inferior and undeserving of being seen as equals.

The culprit of such behavior: Joe Biden himself.

He’s incapable of speaking to black people without reminding us of past plights, or ones that we’re all supposedly dealing with today, as an emotional ploy to leverage our votes.

Worse, even in the face of success and celebratory triumph, like graduating from college, Joe Biden is unable to let us have our moment to reflect on what we were capable of doing.

Instead, he patronizes, telling us what he believes we won’t be able to achieve…

I don’t throw statements like this around often because I take them very seriously: Joe Biden is a racist.

Posted by: SMOD at May 21, 2024 12:31 PM (RHGPo)

422 Have you been injured on an airline recently? Forget to buckle your seat belt? Are you a big fat ass who needs two seats and three seat belts to be safe? Well, call me! I want to get you some money! today!
Posted by: Alexander Shunnarah, Billboard King

We dont get paid unless you get paid
-Huckster Atty's Everywhere

Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 12:31 PM (CIS44)

423 Piggly Wiggly's still around? Haven't seen one of their grocery stores since I was a kid.
Posted by: Who knew? Not me. at May 21, 2024 12:30 PM (Wc83a)

Piggly Wiggly was the grocery store in the 2004 romcom, Win a Date With Tad Hamilton.

One of my recommended romcom movies.

Posted by: polynikes at May 21, 2024 12:32 PM (SHMXB)

424 415 Swiss court bans ‘racist’ Mexican food brand ‘Bimbo’
Posted by: SMOD at May 21, 2024 12:15 PM (RHGPo)
This is just crazy.
Posted by: Eromero at May 21, 2024 12:29 PM

Exactly which race is Bimbo?

blondes, mostly

i denounce myself. saw a bimbo truck making deliveries in vegas once and laughed myself silly.

Posted by: anachronda at May 21, 2024 12:32 PM (sGtp+)

425 Piggly Wiggly's still around? Haven't seen one of their grocery stores since I was a kid.
Posted by: Who knew? Not me. at May 21, 2024 12:30 PM

I recall a YouTuber describing Piggly Wiggly as "think of Wal-Mart on 'All. The. Drugs.'"

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at May 21, 2024 12:32 PM (Wnv9h)

426 Piggly Wiggly's still around? Haven't seen one of their grocery stores since I was a kid.
Posted by: Who knew? Not me. at May 21, 2024 12:30 PM (Wc83a)

Yup...I stop and get their fried chicken on Fridays after the rifle range.

Stores are low rent but carry a wide variety of ghetto and south of the border products.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at May 21, 2024 12:33 PM (IebSC)

427 He’s incapable of speaking to black people without reminding us of past plights, or ones that we’re all supposedly dealing with today, as an emotional ploy to leverage our votes.

Worse, even in the face of success and celebratory triumph, like graduating from college, Joe Biden is unable to let us have our moment to reflect on what we were capable of doing.

Instead, he patronizes, telling us what he believes we won’t be able to achieve…

They do it because it works. If black voters would stop rewarding it, they wouldn't do it.

Posted by: Archimedes at May 21, 2024 12:33 PM (CsUN+)

428 NOOD Biden Racist Speech (is there any other?)

Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at May 21, 2024 12:33 PM (VXJx/)

429 Nood.

Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks at May 21, 2024 12:33 PM (w9Wax)

430 They do it because it works. If black voters would stop rewarding it, they wouldn't do it.

And yes, it's completely racist.

Posted by: Archimedes at May 21, 2024 12:33 PM (CsUN+)

431 392 384 We have rare power outages around here (yay OG&E) but when it's hot and they last for a day or two it sucks. Bought one of those little desk top air conditioners (actually a small swamp cooler) just to keep around for emergencies. Paid less than fifty bucks delivered. Charges off a USB (car if need be) and keeps things cool enough for general comfort or sleeping. I tried it out last year when things were in the 90s and its's a handy thing to have around. Runs about seven hours on a charge.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at May 21, 2024 12:34 PM (V5eKu)

432 As no doubt already mentioned: the response to the NFl kicker’s graduation speech is a yuuuuuge indication that Christians are every bit as unwelcome as Jews in the West. Church burning bonanza in Canada is a yuge indication as well. And our own POTuS demonizing Christians as “the biggest threat to our Democracy.”

We need to stick together against these forces!!

Posted by: Lizzy at May 21, 2024 12:35 PM (Hkcdp)

433 Oh, I just love ghetto. Got no choice.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at May 21, 2024 12:36 PM (J8LnB)

434 We dont get paid unless you get paid
-Huckster Atty's Everywhere
Posted by: BruceWayne at May 21, 2024 12:31 PM (CIS44)

We ain’t hucksters.

Posted by: Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe at May 21, 2024 12:37 PM (DeJo7)

435 Asserting that Jews do practice tribalism is considered Anti-Semitic according to the working definition by the Holocaust Remembrance Alliance referenced.
"Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations." (Source:

Posted by: T at May 21, 2024 12:39 PM (VId9O)

436 Asserting that Jews do practice tribalism is considered Anti-Semitic according to the working definition by the Holocaust Remembrance Alliance referenced.
"Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations." (Source:
Posted by: T at May 21, 2024 12:39 PM (VId9O)

Jewish "tribalsim" is much more than Israel. It existed way before the state was founded.

Our community life has been very tight-knit, from Europe to the Americas, to Australia and to Africa.

Regards from Jerusalem.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 12:46 PM (aJWJO)

437 This only occurred much later on, as a result of not one single Levite participating in the sin of the Golden Calf.
Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 21, 2024 11:47 AM (aJWJO)

.... Aaron wasn't a Levite??

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at May 21, 2024 01:11 PM (N1DT3)

438 It will help if American Jewish people stop supporting the Left.

Posted by: AntiLeft at May 21, 2024 01:22 PM (D9gVb)

439 Hey there! I could have sworn I've been to this website before but after
reading through some of the post I realized it's new to me.
Nonetheless, I'm definitely glad I found it and I'll be book-marking
and checking back frequently!

Posted by: sabung ayam at May 22, 2024 09:39 AM (z5Ae2)

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