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The Media Keeps Claiming Crime Rates Are Falling.
They Lying, As Usual.

John Lott writes that the media and blue cities and the FBI are massaging stats in favor of The Regime.

Americans think crime is on the rise, but the media keep telling them they're wrong. A Gallup survey last year found that 92% of Republicans and 58% of Democrats thought crime was increasing. A February Rasmussen Reports survey found that 61% of likely voters say violent crime in the U.S. is getting worse, while only 13% think it's getting better. Journalists purport to refute this by citing official crime statistics showing a downward trend.

Americans aren't mistaken. News reports fail to take into account that many victims aren't reporting crimes to the police, especially since the pandemic.

The U.S. has two measures of crime. The Federal Bureau of Investigation's Uniform Crime Reporting program counts the number of crimes reported to police every year. The Bureau of Justice Statistics, in its National Crime Victimization Survey, asks some 240,000 people a year whether they have been victims of a crime. The two measures have diverged since 2020: The FBI has been reporting less crime, while more people say they have been victims.

The divergence is due to several reasons. In 2022, 31% of police departments nationwide, including Los Angeles and New York, didn't report crime data to the FBI. In addition, in cities from Baltimore to Nashville, Tenn., the FBI is undercounting crimes those jurisdictions reported.

Another reason crimes reported to the police are falling is that arrest rates are plummeting. If victims don't believe criminals will be caught and punished, they won't bother reporting them. According to the FBI, if you take the five years preceding Covid-19 (2015-19) and compare them with 2022, the percentage of violent crimes in all cities resulting in an arrest fell from 44% to 35%. Among cities with more than one million people (where violent crime disproportionately occurs), arrest rates over the same period plunged from 44% to 20%.

Arrests for property crimes dived even more sharply. FBI data show that in 2022, 12% of reported property crimes in all cities resulted in an arrest. In cities of more than one million people, only 4.5% of reported property crimes in 2022 resulted in an arrest.

Based on the National Crime Victimization Survey, only 42% of violent crimes, such as robberies or aggravated assaults, and 32% of property crimes, such as burglary or arson, were reported in 2022. While the Justice Department doesn't track the number of prosecutions, the percentage of arrests that resulted in a prosecution appears to have fallen that year as well.

The FBI decided to scrap its old system of collecting crime data at the exact same time the Democrats were enacting their disastrous "decarceration" schemes. This was guaranteed to produce a discontinuity in the data, since pre-2021 stats are recorded and categorized differently than post-2021 stats. Even if they were actually recording all crimes, Democrats would point to the inconsistency in data treatment to explain away any increases in crime.

Here's what's going on in the real world:

Fifty women have been randomly attacked by strangers so far this year in the lower half of Manhattan, an NYPD official said.

"The trend that I'm getting from the people that we're arresting, the majority of them are homeless, the majority of them seem like they need some kind of help with mental illness," Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny said at One Police Plaza Tuesday.

Most of the attacks don't appear to be copycats and cops don't consider them a trend, Kenny said.

But some of them have become high profile because of victims posting on social media, he said.

"This is no new phenomenon," Kenny said. "It's just being reported at a higher rate and getting a lot more publicity than it normally does because of social media . . . we welcome that. We want to encourage reporting so that we can make these arrests."

Out of the 50 female victims, 37 were attacked in the street and 13 in the transit system, he said.

Some were punched and others were struck with objects.

Arrests have been made in 14 of the attacks, he said.

All of the assailants appear to be black, homeless, and mentally ill. The exact sort of people the left was determined to release from jail and bail requirements in the name of "equity."

The left has an answer to this, of course. The problem isn't "decarceration" programs aimed at releasing dangerous repeat felons from jail.

The Real Criminals attacking women are MAGA dudebros being indoctrinated on anti-feminist 4chan boards.


Angry maniac femcel Amanda Marcotte:

Women report being assaulted by men of different races and ages. Still, across the different stories, a couple of similarities pop out: The alleged victims are mostly young and pretty, and most of them say they were minding their own business when they were attacked. Some were on their phones or reading on tablets. Others were speaking to friends or daydreaming. Whatever they were doing, they were just living their lives, and that, it seems, is what enraged their assailants.

The alleged victims are mostly young and pretty, and most of them say they were minding their own business when they were attacked.

Are there any points-in-common among the assailants, Amanda? I'm thinking about racial and Housing Status traits that might make your "this is all MAGA hatred of women" thesis less plausible.

Whatever the scale of this problem eventually turns out to be, it's not surprising that these stories have gone viral and captured the public's imagination.

1, the problem is decarceration, and that's obvious, which is why you're handwaving away the importance of the cause.

2, as usual, committed gnostic Marxists insist that crime isn't real, not really real anyway, and the only real crisis here is one occurring in "the public imagination."

While it rarely turns to violence, most women who spend much time walking around in public have experience with men who berate them for paying attention to something other than the man who is now, often out of nowhere, spewing invectives. In our modern era, that often manifests with men who are infuriated at women for looking at their phones. But I'm old enough to remember when I would get yelled at for reading books in public.

I grew up in a town where it was illegal to dance. True story, my word as a Kevin Bacon.

Whatever the excuse the angry man concocts, the impetus is always the same: The eyes of a woman are directed at someone or something that is not him, and he is indignant over it. So he will make sure she has no choice but to look at him, either by getting in her face or -- in these alarming New York cases -- punching her. If he cannot capture her adoring gaze, well, he will make her stare at him in fear.

So, nothing about the fact that these are obviously mentally-ill homeless men who are being mass-released from prison by your Marxist allies?

She's claiming this phenomenon is just due to the usual fascination of trivial "feminists" -- fucking Internet Drama. MAGA men are ruining my mentions on Twitter! Ugh! Something must be done!

These stories resonate, as well, because the nation is having a moment of increasingly unhinged male fury at women for daring to have lives that are centered around something other than catering to a man's every whim. Unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, there's an upswell of loud male entitlement shouting at us from every corner.

The black homeless mentally-ill men playing the knockout game are all MAGA diehards, huh?

Now she's going to flashback to Internet Drama from fucking 2015:

We see it in the male fans of Jordan Peterson, who clamor to his events to hear him croak out a just-so story about how lobsters justify their faith in male dominance. Or the rise of "tradwives" online who make a living pretending they're unemployed and housebound.

Can she draw a line between black homeless mental patients playing the knockout game with women, and more Trivial Internet Drama about men not liking the feminist propaganda trifle Barbie?

Let's see:

Or Ben Shapiro setting fire to a Barbie doll because he can't stand that a blockbuster comedy starring a woman is about anything but her quest for male affection.

Let's connect it up with abortion -- really explore the studio space.

Or MAGA pundits telling lies about birth control, in hopes of tricking women into having babies before they're ready. Or conservatives writing op-eds that blame women for male loneliness, telling women they must self-sacrifice to relieve male pain by marrying Donald Trump voters. Or right-wing men yelling because Taylor Swift has cats or because she dates a hunky, vaccinated NFL player instead of, I dunno, having babies with a guy in ill-fitting cargo shorts.

I have to tell you, feminists tend to be among the ugliest, most out-of-shape, least alluring women on the fucking planet, but they're always complaining of the aggressive persistence of devoted and implacable Gentlemen Suiters vying for their (cold, asexual, femcel) affections.

These poor dishrag-dingy drulls are absolutely irresistible to men! They're just absolutely beset by unwanted male attention, 24/7/365!

This insane spin is of course being parrotted by all the lower-IQ FemPCs.

This is yet another example of the left pretending that all of society's ills are due to White Christian Straight Men. They can't castigate the black homeless men actually sucker-punching women because they're higher on the progressive stack, but they still have to Defend Wimmins and talk about the attacks, so they just pretend that MAGA is primarily a movement of the black, homeless, and mentally-ill.

This is like that stunt video of a woman walking down the street and being cat-called. Every man seen cat-calling her was black and Hispanic, but feminists pretended not to notice that and scolded White Incels about it for a year.

Or more recently, and more directly on-point: We watched the videos of mostly black (and some Hispanic) men sucker-punching Jews on the streets of New York, which Jake Tapper and other propagandists turned into a ritual denunciation of white MAGA voters and their antisemitism.

Semi-related: An obvious MAGA incel tells Columbia Administrators, at a disciplinary hearing, that they should excuse his crimes and just be grateful that he's "not murdering zionists."

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 03:20 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 This is hefty blogging work today, ace.

Good content.

Thanks for all the hard work!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 03:21 PM (GBKbO)

2 Yeet!

Posted by: nurse ratched at April 26, 2024 03:21 PM (8Ep58)

3 Howdy Ace! Have a great weekend!!

Posted by: Moonbeam at April 26, 2024 03:22 PM (rbKZ6)

4 I grew up in a town where it was illegal to dance. True story, my word as a Kevin Bacon.


Being footloose leads to Hell!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 03:22 PM (GBKbO)

5 That Salon headline is unreal, even for them.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 03:23 PM (HnUIn)

6 Americans aren't mistaken. News reports fail to take into account that many victims aren't reporting crimes to the police, especially since the pandemic.

Around here there really is no point. Even if they get arrested they're let out the same day.

Posted by: Jordan61 at April 26, 2024 03:23 PM (DRSnL)

7 Since President Joe Biden opened the border and let millions of newcomers in rapes have gone dowm 50%.


Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at April 26, 2024 03:23 PM (cOq4q)

8 6 Americans aren't mistaken. News reports fail to take into account that many victims aren't reporting crimes to the police, especially since the pandemic.

Around here there really is no point. Even if they get arrested they're let out the same day.
Posted by: Jordan61 at April 26, 2024 03:23 PM (DRSnL)


There seems to be decreasingly a point to just taking the abuse, too.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 03:23 PM (GBKbO)

9 People this stupid won't win forever.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at April 26, 2024 03:24 PM (cf/0E)

10 You can claim anything you want to claim and you can back that claim up with all sorts of numbers. Doesn't make it true though.

Once the fib started redefining what crime is and not reporting crimes from major cities, of course the *numbers* are going to go down.

This wont fool anybody except the rock ribbed liberals who are going to vote for biden no matter what.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at April 26, 2024 03:24 PM (QNSds)

11 9 People this stupid won't win forever.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at April 26, 2024 03:24 PM (cf/0E)


I still think the American people woke up in 2010, and the past 14 years have been the establishment clawing back the power that the electorate is trying to retake, rightfully, for themselves.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 03:25 PM (GBKbO)

12 They have to do something about those Amish attacking women in NY !

Posted by: It's me donna at April 26, 2024 03:25 PM (Akjoo)

13 The FBI decided to scrap its old system of collecting crime data at the exact same time the Democrats were enacting their disastrous "decarceration" schemes. This was guaranteed to produce a discontinuity in the data, since pre-2021 stats are recorded and categorized differently than post-2021 stats. Even if they were actually recording all crimes, Democrats would point to the inconsistency in data treatment to explain away any increases in crime.
Yup. Not to mention that reporting is probably down.

If I know that there is *zero* point to reporting a crime - the cops probably won't come and talk to me or investigate, if the cops *do* come, they probably won't make an arrest, if they do make an arrest, the DA probably won't charge, if the DA charges, the perp is going to walk away with a sweetheart deal - then I am not going to report it unless I have to for insurance reasons.

It's not that the crime didn't happen, it's just that there's no entry for it at the PD. What's the point? This is one of the reasons that, even pre-2021, crime rate stats for neighborhoods are so funky. Peaceful suburbs often show more property crime than the ghetto. Why? Suburbanites report.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 03:26 PM (HnUIn)

14 This is MAGA Country!

Posted by: Nobody ever in Manhattan at April 26, 2024 03:26 PM (PiwSw)

15 Women report being assaulted by men of different races and ages. Still, across the different stories, a couple of similarities pop out: The alleged victims are mostly young and pretty, and most of them say they were minding their own business when they were attacked. Some were on their phones or reading on tablets. Others were speaking to friends or daydreaming. Whatever they were doing, they were just living their lives, and that, it seems, is what enraged their assailants.
Amanda Marcotte *desperately* needs Chad to fuck some sense into her.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 03:27 PM (HnUIn)

16 But I'm old enough to remember when I would get yelled at for reading books in public.

Maybe you shouldn't have walked into the middle of the road with your nose buried in the latest Danielle Steele.

Posted by: spindrift at April 26, 2024 03:27 PM (OguvZ)

17 Has anyone considered that crime stats--i.e., crimes being *reported*--may be going down simply because people realize now that there's no point to it.

They cannot get justice because their assailant will NOT be incarcerated and will most likely be released back onto the streets at the first opportunity. So the victims don't even bother.

How many crimes are NOT being reported and therefore do not factor into the crime statistics?

Eventually, we may see the crime stats tick upwards as people start taking the law into their own hands....and are punished for it by the very law that is supposed to protect them.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 26, 2024 03:27 PM (7fElN)

18 15 Amanda Marcotte *desperately* needs Chad to fuck some sense into her.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 03:27 PM (HnUIn)


"Nah, bruh. Old and uggo."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 03:27 PM (GBKbO)

19 There are also documented cases of DAs downgrading felony crimes to misdemeanors.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 03:28 PM (GBKbO)

20 Amanda Marcotte *desperately* needs Chad to fuck some sense into her.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 03:27 PM (HnUIn)

And I am well aware of Rule #1.

Posted by: Chad at April 26, 2024 03:28 PM (PiwSw)

21 Men are better at being women anyway.

Posted by: nurse ratched at April 26, 2024 03:28 PM (pr6zm)

22 These stories resonate, as well, because the nation is having a moment of increasingly unhinged male fury at women for daring to have lives that are centered around something other than catering to a man's every whim. Unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, there's an upswell of loud male entitlement shouting at us from every corner.
Huh, so the standard line about anti-feminist or feminist-skeptical men - a line that has been regularly run by the press since at least the early 10s - has now been reframed to be Trump's fault?

Amazing. There's nothing the man can't do - not even time travel.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 03:29 PM (HnUIn)

23 Don't forget Hispanics are listed as white in crime statistics

Posted by: It's me donna at April 26, 2024 03:29 PM (Akjoo)

24 hiya

Posted by: JT at April 26, 2024 03:29 PM (T4tVD)

25 We see it in the male fans of Jordan Peterson, who clamor to his events to hear him croak out a just-so story about how lobsters justify their faith in male dominance. Or the rise of "tradwives" online who make a living pretending they're unemployed and housebound.
Man, she needs some new material. This shit is super-boring now.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 03:29 PM (HnUIn)

26 Whatever the excuse the angry man concocts, the impetus is always the same: The eyes of a woman are directed at someone or something that is not him, and he is indignant over it.

You have to be some level of depraved degenerate to miss the plot this badly.

I mean I know people like to add their own peeves to every possible story but no 9/11 didn't happen because they added green apple jacks to your beloved orange ones.

And anyway this is pure propaganda. She knows exactly what she's doing.

Posted by: ... at April 26, 2024 03:30 PM (2e48P)

27 Willowed: Unless the clowns move to the other side of the avenue, it shouldn't affect my commute home. Except drivers will slow down to look. Maybe I'd better take another route.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at April 26, 2024
Sounds like a good day to leave an hour early. You know those protesters are going to be tapping the Friday afternoon keg any time now.
Posted by: Diogenes at April 26, 2024

I usually leave half an hour early on Fridays. If they're still there at four, I can whip around, drive up an access lane to a parallel street about half a mile north, and come back down to the main avenue to avoid these pointy-heads. Usually I don't go that way because it's not well-paved . . . but sometimes ya gotta make the horse ford the river whether he likes it or not.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at April 26, 2024 03:30 PM (J2vNu)

28 These poor dishrag-dingy drulls are absolutely irresistible to men! They're just absolutely beset by unwanted male attention, 24/7/365!
True, actually. Any one of 'em could get a date anytime she pleased.

She doesn't want who she can get. Breeds resentment.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 03:30 PM (HnUIn)

29 I bet the NYC attackers were wearing MAGA hats and shit. Just like it happened to me. Bitches.

Posted by: Juicy Smollet at April 26, 2024 03:30 PM (Aoykm)

30 Yes; I'm sure the (often) Black or Latino mentally ill, druggies and crooks slugging people in the subways and streets are big supporters of MAGA. I expect many of them are high up in Trump's re-election team./sarc

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at April 26, 2024 03:30 PM (XkYcA)

31 23 Don't forget Hispanics are listed as white in crime statistics
Posted by: It's me donna at April

That's Latinx!

Posted by: nurse ratched at April 26, 2024 03:30 PM (pr6zm)

Men punching random women in NYC: A desperate last gasp of the male rage fueling MAGA


Stoopid bint -- everyone knows that Chi-Town is MAGA Country!

-- Joocey Sommelier, doing time

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at April 26, 2024 03:30 PM (xG4kz)

33 White men have the amazing power of being guilty of the crimes being committed by boack men.

Posted by: steevy at April 26, 2024 03:31 PM (FQmDC)

34 So MAGA supporters are both white supremacists and black?

Didn't see that one coming.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 26, 2024 03:31 PM (LkLld)

35 If a Leftist commits a crime it doesn't count because they let them go without charges

Posted by: Skip at April 26, 2024 03:31 PM (fwDg9)

36 32 -- Joocey Sommelier, doing time
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at April 26, 2024 03:30 PM (xG4kz)


I like it when he gets killed in Alien Covenant.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 03:31 PM (GBKbO)

37 Well, here's a tiny bit of karma: "Adam Schiff's Luggage, Clothes Stolen in San Francisco".

Somebody ought to be able to pick up some prime leather chaps on eBay.

Posted by: Paco at April 26, 2024 03:31 PM (njExo)

38 Eventually, we may see the crime stats tick upwards as people start taking the law into their own hands....and are punished for it by the very law that is supposed to protect them.
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel

That's the anarcho-tyranny two-step.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at April 26, 2024 03:31 PM (IG4Id)

39 This is like that stunt video of a woman walking down the street and being cat-called. Every man seen cat-calling her was black and Hispanic, but feminists pretended not to notice that and scolded White Incels about it for a year.

Or more recently, and more directly on-point: We watched the videos of mostly black (and some Hispanic) men sucker-punching Jews on the streets of New York, which Jake Tapper and other propagandists turned into a ritual denunciation of white MAGA voters and their antisemitism.

Yup. It's still whitey's fault, especially if he's a he and especially especially if he's also a Christian.

They made the world and broke the poor non-white people down so much that they accept the White Christian Male Code and lash out on the street in a perpetual fugue state.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 03:32 PM (HnUIn)

40 America's Monster Chirruns Have Done Come Home To Roost!

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at April 26, 2024 03:32 PM (R/m4+)

41 a couple of similarities pop out: The alleged victims are mostly young and pretty, and most of them say they were minding their own business when they were attacked.

Also, they vote Democrat.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at April 26, 2024 03:32 PM (L/fGl)

42 > I'm old enough to remember when I would get yelled at for reading books in public.

She left out the part where she was at a movie theater and was reading by flashlight.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 26, 2024 03:32 PM (eyxn4)

43 The CDC also just released a story that shows how global warming is caused by MAGA.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at April 26, 2024 03:33 PM (lTGtQ)

44 There's only one way to measure crime that cannot be gamed: murder rates. People can decide not to bother reporting lesser crimes, police can decline to arrest, prosecutors can decline to prosecute, juries can decline to convict, but a dead body is a dead body, and there's no way to spin it otherwise.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 26, 2024 03:33 PM (YqDXo)

45 The 90 IQ male no longer has a sustainable job path possible in the US.

Now, you see what happens to society when you can't/don't employ the 90 IQ males.

They become women. They become criminals. They become layabouts. They become destructive. They become an Antifa army. Etc, etc, etc...

Posted by: Nova Local at April 26, 2024 03:33 PM (exHjb)

46 "just-so story about how lobsters justify their faith in male dominance"

What the heck is she talking about?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at April 26, 2024 03:33 PM (XkYcA)

47 No blah blah blah

Posted by: Dr. Varno at April 26, 2024 03:33 PM (khh04)

The massage isn't bad, as long as the lights are out. But these harridans couldn't give happy ending to save their own lives.

Posted by: The Stats at April 26, 2024 03:33 PM (n+4am)

49 By the way, when a lefty DA releases a criminal without charges, those crimes are not reported in the stats.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at April 26, 2024 03:34 PM (lTGtQ)

50 Even President Ronald Reagan’s failed assassin-turned-folk singer is too afraid to step foot in the Big Apple — calling it a “cesspool of crime” after canceling an upcoming gig. “I’m afraid of New York City and I just don’t want to go there right now,” John Hinckley Jr. — who tried to kill Reagan in 1981 — told The Post days after pulling the plug on a June show scheduled on Manhattan’s Lower East Side.

Posted by: SMOD at April 26, 2024 03:34 PM (RHGPo)

51 a couple of similarities pop out: The alleged victims are mostly young and pretty, and most of them say they were minding their own business when they were attacked.

Also, they'd never heard the term "situational awareness."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 26, 2024 03:34 PM (YqDXo)

52 To answer Peter Doocy's Question on why Biden is a Complete F**kup and Why Crime is Out of Control in our Large Inner Cities.........

"Are You Not Entertained ??????????????????

Posted by: Karine Jean-Pierre at April 26, 2024 03:34 PM (s+cGt)

53 Empire of Lies, indeed.

Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at April 26, 2024 03:34 PM (d/fBw)

54 I know I am supposed to feel sorry for these people.. but..

Posted by: tubal at April 26, 2024 03:34 PM (PCK5/)

55 44 There's only one way to measure crime that cannot be gamed: murder rates. People can decide not to bother reporting lesser crimes, police can decline to arrest, prosecutors can decline to prosecute, juries can decline to convict, but a dead body is a dead body, and there's no way to spin it otherwise.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 26, 2024 03:33 PM (YqDXo)

Either justifiable homicide or suicide...easy...

Posted by: Nova Local at April 26, 2024 03:34 PM (exHjb)

56 "just-so story about how lobsters justify their faith in male dominance"

What the heck is she talking about?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at April 26, 2024 03:33 PM (XkYcA)

Forget it, she's rolling.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 26, 2024 03:35 PM (YqDXo)

57 I remember the day Beau was killed by a vicious MAGA sad.

Posted by: Joe Biden at April 26, 2024 03:35 PM (Aoykm)

58 Trump is in NYC and these attacks are happening in NYC. Coincidence?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at April 26, 2024 03:35 PM (L/fGl)

59 > Don't forget Hispanics are listed as white in crime statistics

Hell, they're straight up listing BLACK men as white in many cases. There are dozens of examples on Twitter of black men doing violent crimes who are booked as white men.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 26, 2024 03:35 PM (eyxn4)

60 Wolfus Aurelius, you wanted my contact info. My nic at gee, mail! Send me an email and I'd be happy to help you out.

Posted by: Weirddave at April 26, 2024 03:35 PM (dcAmm)

61 "Humanity's soul must be shaken to its very depths, frightened by unfathomable and seemingly senseless crimes. Crimes that benefit no one. Whose only objective is to inspire fear and terror. Because the ultimate purpose of crime is to establish the empire of crime. A state of complete insecurity and anarchy founded upon the tainted ideals of a world doomed to annihilation. When mankind, subjugated by the terror of crime has been driven insane by fear and horror and when chaos has become supreme law, then the time will have come for the empire of crime."
-Dr. Mabuse, visionary

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 03:35 PM (GBKbO)

62 As I was walking down the street one day
A man came up to me and asked what the crime was on my watch
And I said “does anybody really know what crime it is?” (Does any one really care….about crime?)

Posted by: Officer De-Policing at April 26, 2024 03:36 PM (v7HDF)

63 When did blacks return to wearing doo rags?

Posted by: pudinhead at April 26, 2024 03:36 PM (/UtnQ)

Usually I don't go that way because it's not well-paved . . . but sometimes ya gotta make the horse ford the river whether he likes it or not.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere

Now you are experiencing the extreme regret that you'd hoped to avoid when you abandoned your cherished childhood dream of earning a living driving a snowplow.

Just imagine the gloriously beautiful arc of Stinkies and Dirties that you'd send sidewalk-ward as you made your way home.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at April 26, 2024 03:36 PM (xG4kz)

65 Is this cunt in favor of men waggling their dicks around in girls and women's spaces and breaking their jaws in fights? What say you, oh Grand Protector of Women From Men?

Chivalrous rhetoric is being dusted off once again to abuse some of the most vulnerable people in our society: young trans people, especially those who are still minors. Across the country, the New York Times reports, "Republicans are diving into a culture war clash that seems to have come out of nowhere," which is the growing hysteria over trans people competing in sports.

Lying useless sow. With friends like her, women don't need enemies.

Posted by: ... at April 26, 2024 03:36 PM (2e48P)

66 Either justifiable homicide or suicide...easy...

Posted by: Nova Local at April 26, 2024 03:34 PM (exHjb)

I don't think so. A black teenaged gang member gunned down at 3 am on a street corner would be tough to spin as either justifiable homicide or suicide.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 26, 2024 03:36 PM (YqDXo)

67 Since President Joe Biden opened the border and let millions of newcomers in rapes have gone down 50%.
Stopping the rapes American men will do.

Posted by: andycanuck (vtyCZ) at April 26, 2024 03:36 PM (vtyCZ)

68 If you wanted to make blue cities safer you'd return to

Cash bail.
Felonies stay felonies.
Three strikes.
Institutionalizing the mentally ill.

I don't care, so send them more illegals out of red states.

Posted by: Candidus at April 26, 2024 03:36 PM (OxhFf)

69 Even if Marcotte herself got punched unconscious by a street thug, she'd find a way to blame it on herself and apologize to the thug. She's pathological and pathetic.

Posted by: gp In The Center Of A Stool Boom at April 26, 2024 03:36 PM (MvF+J)


I want to call movies Blackbusters from now on, since they are only marketed towards the blacks.

Posted by: Rev Dr E Chill Buzz at April 26, 2024 03:37 PM (Eprv+)

71 66 Either justifiable homicide or suicide...easy...

Posted by: Nova Local at April 26, 2024 03:34 PM (exHjb)

I don't think so. A black teenaged gang member gunned down at 3 am on a street corner would be tough to spin as either justifiable homicide or suicide.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 26, 2024 03:36 PM (YqDXo)

If you're not reporting crime anyway, just put a gun in his hand. If cops are told not to report, they'll find expect cops to stay pure in a system that tells them to purposely look the other way?

Posted by: Nova Local at April 26, 2024 03:38 PM (exHjb)

72 There's only one way to measure crime that cannot be gamed: murder rates. People can decide not to bother reporting lesser crimes, police can decline to arrest, prosecutors can decline to prosecute, juries can decline to convict, but a dead body is a dead body, and there's no way to spin it otherwise.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 26, 2024 03:33 PM (YqDXo)

"COVID-19...natural causes"

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 26, 2024 03:38 PM (7fElN)

73 All of the assailants appear to be black, homeless, and mentally ill.


* Downtown Oakland of the 90s -- where I mostly worked AND definitely carried concealed despite not being "permitted" to do so -- has entered the post *

Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at April 26, 2024 03:38 PM (d/fBw)

74 I hope one day it is legal in places like New York City for cullid folks to beat on any white wimmens they come across.

They have definitely earned it.

Posted by: Zombie OJ Simpson, USC Class Of 68 And Murderer at April 26, 2024 03:38 PM (R/m4+)

75 People this stupid won't win forever.
Posted by: BourbonChicken

Objection! Assumes facts not in evidence!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at April 26, 2024 03:38 PM (L/fGl)

76 While it rarely turns to violence, most women who spend much time walking around in public have experience with men who berate them for paying attention to something other than the man who is now, often out of nowhere, spewing invectives. In our modern era, that often manifests with men who are infuriated at women for looking at their phones. But I'm old enough to remember when I would get yelled at for reading books in public.
1. "Invective" is singular. You write for a living, dumbass.
2. I seriously doubt it. Name me one example. If you can, name me 11 more.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 03:39 PM (HnUIn)

77 I wanted to point out about the video of the black man getting into a fight with the San Diego mayor's aide:
We have all seen that behavior.

You dare not say anything about it.
Because to even notice it is cross-burning, hood-wearing racism.

But .... it's there. It's getting worse.

Certain segments are internalizing 1) they won't be arrested, 2) you are the one that will get in trouble if you report them or fight back.
A perpetual victim complex coupled with being untouchable by consequence.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at April 26, 2024 03:39 PM (yikga)

78 That's Latinx!
Latine, h8tr!

Posted by: andycanuck (vtyCZ) at April 26, 2024 03:39 PM (vtyCZ)

79 76 2. I seriously doubt it. Name me one example. If you can, name me 11 more.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 03:39 PM (HnUIn)


I believe this.

It was probably a homeless dude who should have been in prison, though.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 03:39 PM (GBKbO)

80 I love the video of the San Jose mayor getting attacked during an interview. The pencil torso praises his one man security detail for his skill at de-escalation. Holy cow that mayor should be afraid. His limp wristed security struggled impotently for like 5 minutes before bystanders helped subdue the attacker.

Posted by: Mishdog at April 26, 2024 03:40 PM (fR1Q6)

81 The 90 IQ male no longer has a sustainable job path possible in the US.

Now, you see what happens to society when you can't/don't employ the 90 IQ males.

The average IQ of a relevant demographic? 85. Right on the cusp of what the U.S. military considers intelligent enough to be trainable (83). That means that essentially HALF of that demographic is written off as hopeless by the military.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 26, 2024 03:40 PM (YqDXo)

82 79 76 2. I seriously doubt it. Name me one example. If you can, name me 11 more.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 03:39 PM (HnUIn)


I believe this.

It was probably a homeless dude who should have been in prison, though.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 03:39 PM

Probably sitting and reading in "his spot"...

Posted by: Nova Local at April 26, 2024 03:40 PM (exHjb)

83 Yes I often go around yelling at women for looking at their phones or reading a book. LOL what a lunatic this woman is.

Posted by: steevy at April 26, 2024 03:40 PM (FQmDC)

84 83 Yes I often go around yelling at women for looking at their phones or reading a book. LOL what a lunatic this woman is.
Posted by: steevy at April 26, 2024 03:40 PM (FQmDC)


Me? I yell at them for wearing shoes.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 03:41 PM (GBKbO)

85 Marcotte: On the contrary, the attacks on trans rights are all tied up in the assumption that women's sports and female athletes are inferior.

Boy she really is a genius.

I guess once all the trannies take all the records much closer to men's records in 10 years, they'll finally have their proof that women aren't "inferior" at sports.

Posted by: ... at April 26, 2024 03:41 PM (2e48P)

86 The Press only exists to pass on the messaging of the Uniparty. They are a propaganda organ, nothing more. And an infected one, to boot.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Anti-Marxist, buy ammo at April 26, 2024 03:41 PM (xcxpd)

87 What demographic is 90 IQ?

Posted by: tubal at April 26, 2024 03:41 PM (PCK5/)

88 Ken Paxton for the win...
So the dems in Harris County want to be rid of a law and order democrat DA who has subpoenaed three of Lina Hidalgo's (Dora the Explorer, the county judge) lieutenants. They made sure she lost her election to a rabid dem who already said he wouldn't pursue the cases. Kim Ogg just handed the cases over the Ken Paxton, who also just stopped the county's effort to hand out money for votes.

Posted by: DanMan at April 26, 2024 03:41 PM (8uzBS)

89 The average IQ of a relevant demographic? 85. Right on the cusp of what the U.S. military considers intelligent enough to be trainable (83). That means that essentially HALF of that demographic is written off as hopeless by the military.
Hey, remember McNamara's 100K?

Posted by: pudinhead at April 26, 2024 03:41 PM (/UtnQ)

90 86 The Press only exists to pass on the messaging of the Uniparty. They are a propaganda organ, nothing more. And an infected one, to boot.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Anti-Marxist, buy ammo at April 26, 2024 03:41 PM (xcxpd)


Richard Roeper is CIA!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 03:41 PM (GBKbO)

91 The way to expose these crime wave statistic lies is to take actual media reported crimes in NYC, well documented, and then compare and verify if they ever show up on any crime report or register...doubtful that the near 50 assaults last week in just the NYC subways alone, as reported in the media, will ever show up in any crime statistic put out by NYC or the feds...

But that would take real gum shoe reporting...long since gone in the US..

Posted by: Boswell at April 26, 2024 03:41 PM (K+UlC)

92 Well, here's a tiny bit of karma: "Adam Schiff's Luggage, Clothes Stolen in San Francisco".

Somebody ought to be able to pick up some prime leather chaps on eBay.
Posted by: Paco at April 26, 2024 03:31 PM

I had nothing to do with that!

Posted by: Sam Brinton at April 26, 2024 03:42 PM (Wnv9h)

93 There was a story from when they were filming Barbie on location. People were interacting with and joking with the actor in his Ken getup but no one approached Margot Robbie. This was attributed to sexism of course.

Posted by: steevy at April 26, 2024 03:42 PM (FQmDC)

94 John Lott is a genius. Also very handsome, and has a large, girthy penis. If you disagree with him, you're probably stupid, ugly, and have a sad, small manhood.

Posted by: Mary Rosh at April 26, 2024 03:42 PM (WYzU6)

95 "Or MAGA pundits telling lies about birth control"

What is the lie here?

No "MAGA Pundit" says anything about birth control.

Posted by: Jay in PA at April 26, 2024 03:42 PM (i7Q7S)

96 People this stupid won't win forever.

Maybe but like stock traders say that "The market can remain irrational longer than you can stay solvent" they can win long enough for it to not matter for you and me.

Posted by: Oddbob at April 26, 2024 03:42 PM (AP5hF)

97 Hopefully the survivors in NYC will see the light.


Posted by: Jak Sucio at April 26, 2024 03:42 PM (Aoykm)

98 I love the video of the San Jose mayor getting attacked during an interview. The pencil torso praises his one man security detail for his skill at de-escalation. Holy cow that mayor should be afraid. His limp wristed security struggled impotently for like 5 minutes before bystanders helped subdue the attacker.

Posted by: Mishdog at April 26, 2024 03:40 PM (fR1Q6)

I like that the security guy dropped his steel baton, and some little tootsy picked it up and held it.

Hey, sweetheart, if you're not going to use it yourself, hand it one of the bystanding men (/spit), who can end this brouhaha with one good swipe of that baton across the perp's knee.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 26, 2024 03:42 PM (YqDXo)

99 The average IQ of a relevant demographic? 85. Right on the cusp of what the U.S. military considers intelligent enough to be trainable (83). That means that essentially HALF of that demographic is written off as hopeless by the military.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 26, 2024 03:40 PM (YqDXo)

Hopeless to have a weapon to hurt people with.
But in the past, that crew could work factories, mines, yardwork, farms, etc.

But now, those jobs have been sent overseas or had wages brought to almost nil thanks to illegals. So, the path forward is "choose badly" b/c to be responsible is to not make it.

Posted by: Nova Local at April 26, 2024 03:43 PM (exHjb)

100 93 There was a story from when they were filming Barbie on location. People were interacting with and joking with the actor in his Ken getup but no one approached Margot Robbie. This was attributed to sexism of course.
Posted by: steevy at April 26, 2024 03:42 PM (FQmDC)


Robbie feels like a woman who keeps her security tight. She's attractive and famous. She really has probably good reason for not wanting a mass of fans to mob her.

Gosling, though, obviously loves the attention.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 03:43 PM (GBKbO)

101 Ken Paxton for the win...
So the dems in Harris County want to be rid of a law and order democrat DA who has subpoenaed three of Lina Hidalgo's (Dora the Explorer, the county judge) lieutenants. They made sure she lost her election to a rabid dem who already said he wouldn't pursue the cases. Kim Ogg just handed the cases over the Ken Paxton, who also just stopped the county's effort to hand out money for votes.
Posted by: DanMan at April 26, 2024 03:41 PM (8uzBS)

Holy cow! Kim Ogg is no friend to Republicans let alone conservatives...that's a big deal!

Posted by: Mishdog at April 26, 2024 03:43 PM (fR1Q6)

102 Kinda odd that these attackers are all deranged, mentally ill lunatics -- but they sure know how to pick their targets.

They target exclusively "soft" targets like women and elderly people. And even then usually from behind or some other sucker punch.

They never seem to target 200-pound guys coming out of the MMA gym, now do they?

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 26, 2024 03:43 PM (iFTx/)

103 Adam Sessler formerly of G4TV thinks all these protestors are Trump voters.

He Tweeted this before deleting his account.

Posted by: Anna Puma at April 26, 2024 03:43 PM (J4Vhp)

104 100 That's what I mean, it wasn't sexism the guy was approachable and she was not. Ofc in the movie the first thing that happens to her in the "real world" is a guy feeling her up.

Posted by: steevy at April 26, 2024 03:44 PM (FQmDC)

105 101 Ken Paxton for the win...
So the dems in Harris County want to be rid of a law and order democrat DA who has subpoenaed three of Lina Hidalgo's (Dora the Explorer, the county judge) lieutenants. They made sure she lost her election to a rabid dem who already said he wouldn't pursue the cases. Kim Ogg just handed the cases over the Ken Paxton, who also just stopped the county's effort to hand out money for votes.
Posted by: DanMan at April 26, 2024 03:41 PM (8uzBS)

Holy cow! Kim Ogg is no friend to Republicans let alone conservatives...that's a big deal!
Posted by: Mishdog at April 26, 2024 03:43 PM (fR1Q6)


You know, it'd be hilarious if Paxton unraveled cheating in Houston to the point where Sheila Jackson Lee lost her race. That would entertain me.

Make it so, Number One.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 03:44 PM (GBKbO)

106 There was another Kevin Bacon, light in the loafers, who did a Grindr meet up. It was fatal.

Posted by: Anna Puma at April 26, 2024 03:45 PM (J4Vhp)

Women report being assaulted by men of different races and ages.


Some are black. Some are really black. Age range is 18-35.

Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at April 26, 2024 03:45 PM (dtlw7)

108 Things One Must Not Say Out Loud
1. Head Start has negative outcomes on children

Posted by: San Franpsycho at April 26, 2024 03:45 PM (RIvkX)

109 So this dude thinks he may go out and murder zionists huh? Well there Skippy, I'll be your huckleberry. Come on. Try it. Your such a bad ass...give it a try.

What a dick.

Posted by: Diogenes at April 26, 2024 03:46 PM (W/lyH)

110 There's only one way to measure crime that cannot be gamed: murder rates. People can decide not to bother reporting lesser crimes, police can decline to arrest, prosecutors can decline to prosecute, juries can decline to convict, but a dead body is a dead body, and there's no way to spin it otherwise.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 26, 2024 03:33 PM (YqDXo)

Either justifiable homicide or suicide...easy...
Posted by: Nova Local

Yup. Cannot go off assuming a dead body is Murder I without a conviction. Only count convictions.
- Europe

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at April 26, 2024 03:46 PM (cOq4q)

111 Sessler is extremely ugly and deranged. I give him Olbermann like odds to do something insane in public.

Posted by: steevy at April 26, 2024 03:46 PM (FQmDC)

112 Are men getting punched in cities across America?

I'd assume so, because that kind of crap has been happening for decades. Only men, well, straight men, don't see it as an opportunity to milk sympathy and get monetized hits (ha!).

Enjoy the equality, ladies.

Posted by: Moron Robbie congratulates women on needing to work until they're 80 at April 26, 2024 03:46 PM (M4M2/)

113 Marcotte looks like and dresses like a tranny

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at April 26, 2024 03:46 PM (NtVYv)

114 "I like that the security guy dropped his steel baton, and some little tootsy picked it up and held it."


You can tell that her only face-to-face interaction with lower class black males in her life has been seeing them on television.

She was absolutely terrified.

Posted by: Jay in PA at April 26, 2024 03:46 PM (i7Q7S)

115 100 93 There was a story from when they were filming Barbie on location. People were interacting with and joking with the actor in his Ken getup but no one approached Margot Robbie. This was attributed to sexism of course.
Posted by: steevy at April 26, 2024 03:42 PM (FQmDC)


Robbie feels like a woman who keeps her security tight. She's attractive and famous. She really has probably good reason for not wanting a mass of fans to mob her.

Gosling, though, obviously loves the attention.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 03:43 PM (GBKbO)

Not sure I blame her. It's usually women who have stalkers and potentially dangerous "fans." Plus, I think Gosling is a known show-off and goofball. So it's not an apples-to-apples comparison.

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 26, 2024 03:47 PM (iFTx/)

116 It's like when people say crime wasn't that high in the old West because there weren't many convictions...

Posted by: steevy at April 26, 2024 03:47 PM (FQmDC)

117 Say, does anyone else remember when everyone was laughing at old white men being punched in the Knockout Game?

That sure was funny, wasn't it?

Posted by: Moron Robbie congratulates women on needing to work until they're 80 at April 26, 2024 03:47 PM (M4M2/)

118 I like that the security guy dropped his steel baton, and some little tootsy picked it up and held it.

Hey, sweetheart, if you're not going to use it yourself, hand it one of the bystanding men (/spit), who can end this brouhaha with one good swipe of that baton across the perp's knee.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 26, 2024 03:42 PM (YqDXo)

Lol, I missed that part. Did you notice all the staff were white. I think those weiners in his crew would wet themselves if they tried to use that baton.

Posted by: Mishdog at April 26, 2024 03:47 PM (fR1Q6)

119 Hell, they're straight up listing BLACK men as white in many cases. There are dozens of examples on Twitter of black men doing violent crimes who are booked as white men.
Posted by: bonhomme

Willie Horton was white?

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at April 26, 2024 03:48 PM (cOq4q)

120 Amanda Marcotte - the crazy cat lady of cat ladies.


Posted by: Anna Puma at April 26, 2024 03:48 PM (J4Vhp)

121 CNN anchor Poppy Harlow announced Friday she is departing the network after 16 years.

Posted by: SMOD at April 26, 2024 03:48 PM (RHGPo)

122 Amanda! Come visit us and we will change your whole life.

Posted by: Custom Cooters of Beverly Hills at April 26, 2024 03:49 PM (lD9TC)

123 I enjoy how the feminists on one hand say that women are the equal of men in every way including physical but on the other hand they are often victims of male violence.

Posted by: steevy at April 26, 2024 03:49 PM (FQmDC)

124 As usual, Aman-duh can't even understand the material she's venting her spleen over. Utter imbecilic scrunt.

JP's lobster bit has nothing to do with the "patriarchy", it's an illustrative example of the truism that success tends to breed more success, while repeated failure tends to breed more failure. He couples this with slamming home that many things well-within a person's control, who they associate with, the self discipline they practice, will strongly tip the odds towards success of failure.

This used to be basic knowledge, but it's revolutionary for millions of young men in particular who've never been taught to get their own shit together first if they want to succeed.

Posted by: SeaWorldActual at April 26, 2024 03:49 PM (eZCZA)

125 119 Hell, they're straight up listing BLACK men as white in many cases. There are dozens of examples on Twitter of black men doing violent crimes who are booked as white men.
Posted by: bonhomme

Willie Horton was white?

As a bed sheet

Posted by: Taggart at April 26, 2024 03:49 PM (og5mY)

126 Unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, there's an upswell of loud male entitlement shouting at us from every corner.


The gaslighting is beyond parody and, of course, part of the kink.

The Babylon Bee and National Strategic Fart-Clam-Gas Reserve hardest hit ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at April 26, 2024 03:50 PM (D4kcr)

127 Robbie feels like a woman who keeps her security tight. She's attractive and famous. She really has probably good reason for not wanting a mass of fans to mob her.

Gosling, though, obviously loves the attention.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 03:43 PM (GBKbO)

I would offer to clean her toilets, just to get that close.

If there was no toilet brush available, that would be ok.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 26, 2024 03:50 PM (fdD2n)

128 Did they identify as white or did the police mis-race them?

Posted by: Anna Puma at April 26, 2024 03:50 PM (J4Vhp)

129 Robbie feels like a woman who keeps her security tight. She's attractive and famous. She really has probably good reason for not wanting a mass of fans to mob her.

What I learned from the Professor of Rock. Michael Jackson's Billie Jean is based on fact. He had a long time wackadoodle stalker fan who, among other things, sent him a knife to kill himself with so they could be together in the afterlife.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at April 26, 2024 03:51 PM (L/fGl)

130 I think it was the police union or something there in Houston that recently said, "don't come into Houston, there too many murderers walking free."

And you can tell crime is going down in all the major cities as they look more and more like Detroit.

My favorite, "don't live there" euphemism in real estate is "vibrant neighborhood." A/k/a "run whitey, your kind ain't safe here."

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at April 26, 2024 03:51 PM (yikga)

131 LOBSTERS Analogy:
Jordan Peterson is often associated with lobsters. What is the deal? What do lobsters have to do with 12 Rules for Life?

In summary, it has to do with science experiments with lobsters and social status. Lobsters jockey for social hierarchy, and they signal that to other lobsters. And this is relevant to you, because humans behave the same way. Learn more here.

Overview of Lobsters and Jordan Peterson
Jordan Peterson first mentions lobsters (specifically, crawfish) in Rule 1 of 12 Rules for Life: “Stand up Straight With Your Shoulders Back.”

This chapter discusses social status from a biological point of view, and how your body language affects how others perceive you and how you feel about yourself.
2:37 minutes making BBC interviewer look like an idiot.

Posted by: andycanuck (vtyCZ) at April 26, 2024 03:51 PM (vtyCZ)

132 "But I'm old enough to remember when I would get yelled at for reading books in public."

Things that never happened for 100, Alex...

Posted by: Inogame at April 26, 2024 03:51 PM (53oGX)

133 99 The average IQ of a relevant demographic? 85. Right on the cusp of what the U.S. military considers intelligent enough to be trainable (83). That means that essentially HALF of that demographic is written off as hopeless by the military.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

Criminal activity has an interesting complex relationship with iq. The inability to delay gratification nor see consequences for one's actions appears to be genetic based more than nurture. Iq at the low end is a bit of both genetic and nurture based. Plus substance abuse by mothers along with poor parenting skills caused by continuing substance abuse, sexual abuse, and various other nasty things can make one much less empathetic to other people even apart from genetics.

The combination of short time preferences, inability to understand consequences, and socio/psychopathy leads to violent street thugs that are essentially nonredeemable without God's grace.

Posted by: whig at April 26, 2024 03:51 PM (/xdjH)

134 "just-so story about how lobsters justify their faith in male dominance"
What the heck is she talking about?
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at April 26, 2024 03:33 PM (XkYcA)

Peterson talks about the similarities between lobsters and humans in some very basic elements of behavior to point out how unrealistic it is to claim that theses behaviors in humans are merely cultural artifacts and have no basis in biology, as the evolutionary divergence predates mammals, much less hominins.

Have you listened to Peterson's lectures on Genesis? He is very interesting, though I admit I consider him wrong in a couple of major points, he has some very compelling things to say about the first book of the Bible.

Posted by: Kindltot at April 26, 2024 03:52 PM (D7oie)

135 If you are reading Lolita in public...

Posted by: Anna Puma at April 26, 2024 03:52 PM (J4Vhp)

136 Amanda Marcotte

I seldom seek moral guidance from women (or men) with tattooed arms.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at April 26, 2024 03:52 PM (XeU6L)

137 CNN anchor Poppy Harlow announced Friday she is departing the network after 16 years.
Posted by: SMOD at April 26, 2024 03:48 PM (RHGPo)

Which university is she going to, Columbia?

Posted by: BurtTC at April 26, 2024 03:53 PM (fdD2n)

138 Prison guard told me once that most of the inmate’s main issue was lack of impulse control..

Posted by: tubal at April 26, 2024 03:53 PM (PCK5/)

139 There is a new privately-built submersible for underwater tourism. They seem to understand that the segment has a bit of a safety-related perception problem. Even if all of the claims they make are verified, the pucker factor in one of those things has to be pretty high. As in 6 digits.

Posted by: Archimedes at April 26, 2024 03:53 PM (CsUN+)

140 There are rabid wolverines less aggressive than a black dude hitting on a woman.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at April 26, 2024 03:54 PM (KbCG3)

141 I love the video of the San Jose mayor getting attacked during an interview. The pencil torso praises his one man security detail for his skill at de-escalation. Holy cow that mayor should be afraid. His limp wristed security struggled impotently for like 5 minutes before bystanders helped subdue the attacker.
Posted by: Mishdog

I guess I should feel guilty for admitting this, but considering it was a California city and the proto-typical soyboy mayor, I was rooting for the random dude attacker.

Posted by: Biergood at April 26, 2024 03:54 PM (PwgSL)

142 There is a new privately-built submersible for underwater tourism.

All part of a plan by local officials to


h/t norm

Posted by: ... at April 26, 2024 03:54 PM (2e48P)

143 If you are reading Lolita in public...
Posted by: Anna Puma

What if the cover touts, 'Banned in Boston!'

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at April 26, 2024 03:54 PM (XeU6L)

144 Titan II- This Time We Got It Right


Posted by: Anna Puma at April 26, 2024 03:54 PM (J4Vhp)

145 Amanda Marcotte

It must be really sad to be her

Posted by: It's me donna at April 26, 2024 03:54 PM (Akjoo)

146 Don Petersen, CEO who steered Ford to success in late 1980s, dies at 97

Posted by: SMOD at April 26, 2024 03:55 PM (RHGPo)

147 Is it a carbon fibre submersible?

Posted by: steevy at April 26, 2024 03:55 PM (FQmDC)

There is a new privately-built submersible for underwater tourism. They seem to understand that the segment has a bit of a safety-related perception problem. Even if all of the claims they make are verified, the pucker factor in one of those things has to be pretty high. As in 6 digits.
Posted by: Archimedes at April 26, 2024 03:53 PM (CsUN+)

Imagine being the tourism director for Dresden in early 1946.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 26, 2024 03:55 PM (n+4am)

149 Posted by: Kindltot at April 26, 2024 03:52 PM (D7oie)

No; I have not seen his talks on Genesis. I will look for that. Thanks.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at April 26, 2024 03:56 PM (XkYcA)

150 My favorite, "don't live there" euphemism in real estate is "vibrant neighborhood." A/k/a "run whitey, your kind ain't safe here."

Also acceptable: up and coming

Posted by: Archimedes at April 26, 2024 03:56 PM (CsUN+)

151 Is it a carbon fibre submersible?
Posted by: steevy

OceanGate comeback story?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at April 26, 2024 03:57 PM (XeU6L)

152 Marcotte is a Texan. And married.

Posted by: tubal at April 26, 2024 03:57 PM (PCK5/)

153 Amanda Marcotte

I seldom seek moral guidance from women (or men) with tattooed arms.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at April 26, 2024 03:52 PM (XeU6L)

Or someone who got famous discussing how to use anal sex as a way to get ahead in life.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 26, 2024 03:57 PM (fdD2n)

154 145 Amanda Marcotte

It must be really sad to be her
Posted by: It's me donna
Running your life by your feelz ends up badly. Religion serves as a regulator of society and as it has faded in influence, we see a lot more broken people out there that inevitably vote Dem.

Posted by: whig at April 26, 2024 03:57 PM (/xdjH)

155 Marcotte is a Texan. And married.
Posted by: tubal at April 26, 2024 03:57 PM (PCK5/)

To a Man ?

Posted by: It's me donna at April 26, 2024 03:57 PM (Akjoo)

156 Speaking of evil and stupid:

@RichSementa 42s
Ilhan Omar: "All Jewish kids should be kept safe and that we should not have to tolerate anti-Semitism or bigotry for all Jewish students whether they are pro genocide or anti-genicide."

Posted by: weft cut-loop at April 26, 2024 03:57 PM (IG4Id)

157 I saw the Poor Dishrag-Dingy Drulls open for Josie and the Pussycats at the Coyote-Ugly Drive-In around 2001.

Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at April 26, 2024 03:57 PM (D4kcr)

158 155 Marcotte is a Texan. And married.
Posted by: tubal at April 26, 2024 03:57 PM (PCK5/)

To a Man ?
Posted by: It's me donna at April 26, 2024 03:57 PM (Akjoo)

Funnily enough, yes.

Posted by: tubal at April 26, 2024 03:58 PM (PCK5/)

159 Imagine being the tourism director for Dresden in early 1946.
Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 26, 2024 03:55 PM

Dresden - Come for the Amazing Construction! Don't Miss the National Museum of Scaffolding!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at April 26, 2024 03:59 PM (Wnv9h)

160 Please, come to Boston for the Springtime
And bring a shit load of ammo

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at April 26, 2024 03:59 PM (L/fGl)

161 My favorite, "don't live there" euphemism in real estate is "vibrant neighborhood." A/k/a "run whitey, your kind ain't safe here."

Also acceptable: up and coming
Posted by: Archimedes

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at April 26, 2024 03:59 PM (XeU6L)

162 This thread needs some Persian Kittuhs, begging for treats!

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at April 26, 2024 03:59 PM (sAmhv)

163 I love the video of the San Jose mayor getting attacked during an interview. The pencil torso praises his one man security detail for his skill at de-escalation. Holy cow that mayor should be afraid. His limp wristed security struggled impotently for like 5 minutes before bystanders helped subdue the attacker.
Posted by: Mishdog

Video was hilarious in how comically inept the mayor's security detail was. Took rando bystanders to save the day. That blonde twit was a caricature of a clueless idiot.

But I think there's more to this story. The attacker didn't look like the usually disheveled homeless lunatic attacking people because of voices in his head. He seemed relatively "clean" and seemed to know at least some boxing. I'd be curious to know what started this fight. It looked almost personal.

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 26, 2024 03:59 PM (iFTx/)

164 Is it a carbon fibre submersible?

The passenger chamber is an acrylic bubble, but I didn't see how thick it is.

Posted by: Archimedes at April 26, 2024 03:59 PM (CsUN+)

165 Rich Diversity is a phrase that is chilling…

Posted by: tubal at April 26, 2024 04:00 PM (PCK5/)

166 And in(one of today's) winning headlines/sarc from the Washington Post:

The desperate and ironic attempt to blame the anti Israel protests on George Soros.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at April 26, 2024 04:00 PM (XkYcA)

167 Looking at that video I have one question. Just what does it take to get expelled from Columbia?

Posted by: Duke Lowell at April 26, 2024 04:00 PM (2UnvF)

168 166 And in(one of today's) winning headlines/sarc from the Washington Post:

The desperate and ironic attempt to blame the anti Israel protests on George Soros.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at April 26, 2024 04:00 PM (XkYcA)

I'm just gonna blame them on Joe Biden

Posted by: It's me donna at April 26, 2024 04:01 PM (Akjoo)

169 Please, come to Boston for the Springtime
And bring a shit load of ammo
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at April 26, 2024 03:59 PM


Posted by: RedMindBlueState at April 26, 2024 04:01 PM (Wnv9h)

170 Crime Rates Are Falling


Thieves snatch Rep. Adam Schiff's luggage in S.F. He gives dinner speech without a suit
(S.F. Chronicle)


Posted by: wth at April 26, 2024 04:01 PM (v0R5T)

171 His limp wristed security struggled impotently for like 5 minutes before bystanders helped subdue the attacker.

Screw that. Let fate run its course.

Posted by: Its Always Been This Way at April 26, 2024 04:01 PM (tblLd)

172 Looking at that video I have one question. Just what does it take to get expelled from Columbia?

A membership card from the Federalist Society.

Posted by: Archimedes at April 26, 2024 04:02 PM (CsUN+)

173 172 Looking at that video I have one question. Just what does it take to get expelled from Columbia?

A membership card from the Federalist Society.
Posted by: Archimedes at April 26, 2024 04:02 PM (CsUN+)


A is a.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 04:02 PM (GBKbO)

174 @RichSementa 42s
Ilhan Omar: "All Jewish kids should be kept safe and that we should not have to tolerate anti-Semitism or bigotry for all Jewish students whether they are pro genocide or anti-genicide."
Posted by: weft cut-loop

Haven't the pro-genocides suffered enough?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at April 26, 2024 04:02 PM (L/fGl)

175 Crime Rates Are Falling

So I guess they're not counting car jackings ?

Posted by: It's me donna at April 26, 2024 04:02 PM (Akjoo)

176 @RichSementa
Ilhan Omar: "All Jewish kids should be kept safe and that we should not have to tolerate anti-Semitism or bigotry for all Jewish students whether they are pro genocide or anti-genicide."
Posted by: weft cut-loop at April 26, 2024 03:57 PM (IG4Id)
What a bitch.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 04:02 PM (HnUIn)

177 who is the woman in that video about 2 minutes in hollering 'give me the money'. i know i just saw her here or someplace like... oh i remember ana kasperian, is that her name?

Posted by: gnats local 678 at April 26, 2024 04:02 PM (B1FKF)

178 U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris hosted reality-television star Kim Kardashian at the White House on Thursday to discuss criminal justice reform...The United States imprisons more people than any other country. Some one in five of those 1.9 million people are behind bars for a drug-related offense.

the Taylor swift fans hate kim k and are feuding openly so I see this as a huge mistake

Kim k and her nutty x husband are Republicans, and have made draining young black voters from the Democratic Party their mission. By inviting her to the White House they are slapping the swift fans in the face, when Taylor actually endorsed joe last election and we all thought she would again? How “out of touch “ can the wh be?

It really does say something about our current society when the Vice President, wanting to meet with the leading justice reform advocate in America, has to call on Kim Kardashian.

Who is Kamala pandering to? I think are many others who are more qualified than Kim, but I wonder who Kamala could be pandering to? Hollywood?

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at April 26, 2024 04:03 PM (ycI94)

179 Who is Kamala pandering to? I think are many others who are more qualified than Kim, but I wonder who Kamala could be pandering to? Hollywood?
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at April 26, 2024 04:03 PM (ycI94)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 04:03 PM (HnUIn)

180 178 It really does say something about our current society when the Vice President, wanting to meet with the leading justice reform advocate in America, has to call on Kim Kardashian.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at April 26, 2024 04:03 PM (ycI94)


They think that's why Kamala wants to meet Kim? Like, seriously?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 04:04 PM (GBKbO)

181 Looking at that video I have one question. Just what does it take to get expelled from Columbia?
Posted by: Duke Lowell at April 26, 2024 04:00 PM (2UnvF)

Be white.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 26, 2024 04:04 PM (yWi/M)

182 148
There is a new privately-built submersible for underwater tourism. They seem to understand that the segment has a bit of a safety-related perception problem. Even if all of the claims they make are verified, the pucker factor in one of those things has to be pretty high. As in 6 digits.
Posted by: Archimedes at April 26, 2024 03:53 PM (CsUN+)
Imagine being the tourism director for Dresden in early 1946.
Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 26, 2024 03:55 PM (n+4am)

"Eight passengers and a pilot can dive up to 200 meters in Triton’s new luxury submersible."

200 meters. 650 feet. This is clearly not a deep-sea sub. While I wouldn't want anything to happen to me in a sub at 650 feet, this is orders of magnitude different that going down miles to see the Titanic.

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 26, 2024 04:04 PM (iFTx/)

183 179 Who is Kamala pandering to? I think are many others who are more qualified than Kim, but I wonder who Kamala could be pandering to? Hollywood?
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at April 26, 2024 04:03 PM (ycI94)
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 04:03 PM (HnUIn)


Hollywood is on the fence about Biden, I guess. That letter signed by 300 stars should have been 1,000,000.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 04:04 PM (GBKbO)

184 I'm just gonna blame them on Joe Biden
Posted by: It's me donna at April 26, 2024 04:01 PM (Akjoo)

Sounds good to me, although why these WAPO dopes couldn't figure out that chaos on the campuses with fancy new tents is being funded on some group(s) and why wouldn't Soros be among them? I doubt he has any warm and particular regard for Israel. He certainly hates America.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at April 26, 2024 04:05 PM (XkYcA)

185 A Swift Kim-ck to the ass.

Posted by: andycanuck (vtyCZ) at April 26, 2024 04:05 PM (vtyCZ)

186 @RichSementa 42s
Ilhan Omar: "All Jewish kids should be kept safe and that we should not have to tolerate anti-Semitism or bigotry for all Jewish students whether they are pro genocide or anti-genicide."
Posted by: weft cut-loop

Reminds me of the Flight of the Conchords where Murray made sure the guys stayed out of politics. After all, you wouldn't want to come out as anti-AIDs and offend your pro-AIDs audience.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at April 26, 2024 04:05 PM (KbCG3)

187 Crime Rates Are Falling

So I guess they're not counting car jackings ?
Posted by: It's me donna at April 26, 2024 04:02 PM (Akjoo)

or all the TRUMPCRIMES

Posted by: wth at April 26, 2024 04:05 PM (v0R5T)

188 Ilhan Omar: "All Jewish kids should be kept safe and that we should not have to tolerate anti-Semitism or bigotry for all Jewish students whether they are pro genocide or anti-genicide."
Posted by: weft cut-loop

Haven't the pro-genocides suffered enough?
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at April 26, 2024 04:02 PM (L/fGl)

I'm not anti-genicide. Once I've made my three wishes, what the heck do I care.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 26, 2024 04:05 PM (yWi/M)

189 I am always amused by people talking about some celebrity du jour and using their first names or some pet name as if they are besties…what a crap society…

Posted by: tubal at April 26, 2024 04:05 PM (PCK5/)

190 Michael Jackson's Billie Jean is based on fact. He had a long time wackadoodle stalker fan who, among other things, sent him a knife to kill himself with so they could be together in the afterlife.


I can see how that would've been especially disturbing considering it was likely an adult female.

Posted by: Moron Robbie congratulates women on needing to work until they're 80 at April 26, 2024 04:06 PM (M4M2/)

191 Looking at that video I have one question. Just what does it take to get expelled from Columbia?
Posted by: Duke Lowell at April 26, 2024 04:00 PM (2UnvF)

Misgendering a womyn or belonging to the Republican club.

Posted by: Kindltot at April 26, 2024 04:06 PM (D7oie)

192 If I was a Leftist, it would be simple to merely call Amanda Marcotte a racist, but that's such a cliché

Posted by: SMOD at April 26, 2024 04:06 PM (RHGPo)

193 I am always amused by people talking about some celebrity du jour and using their first names or some pet name as if they are besties…what a crap society…
Posted by: tubal at April 26, 2024 04:05 PM (PCK5/)

Keep your foul mouth off Tay-Tay, she need support!

Posted by: Kindltot at April 26, 2024 04:07 PM (D7oie)

194 200 meters. 650 feet. This is clearly not a deep-sea sub. While I wouldn't want anything to happen to me in a sub at 650 feet, this is orders of magnitude different that going down miles to see the Titanic.

No, it is not. There isn't a lot of light below 200 meters to justify an acrylic bubble.

Posted by: Archimedes at April 26, 2024 04:07 PM (CsUN+)

195 But I think there's more to this story. The attacker didn't look like the usually disheveled homeless lunatic attacking people because of voices in his head. He seemed relatively "clean" and seemed to know at least some boxing. I'd be curious to know what started this fight. It looked almost personal.
Posted by: Elric Blade at April 26, 2024 03:59 PM (iFTx/)

The speculation I saw on twitter was they were blocking his workplace entrance and he experienced some sidewalk rage.

Posted by: Biergood at April 26, 2024 04:07 PM (PwgSL)

196 138 Prison guard told me once that most of the inmate’s main issue was lack of impulse control..
Posted by: tubal

Posted by: whig at April 26, 2024 04:07 PM (/xdjH)

197 "Eight passengers and a pilot can dive up to 200 meters in Triton’s new luxury submersible."

200 meters. 650 feet. This is clearly not a deep-sea sub. While I wouldn't want anything to happen to me in a sub at 650 feet, this is orders of magnitude different that going down miles to see the Titanic.
Posted by: Elric Blade at April 26, 2024 04:04 PM (iFTx/)
Triton is also a real company with real engineering and significant experience. They built the sub that did the "Five Deeps" expedition and are the only (unless it's changed) outfit to get a "full ocean depth" - that is, effectively unlimited - rating from any of the major maritime classification boards.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 04:08 PM (HnUIn)

198 Speaking of f*cking idiots . . .

Bernie Sanders
Mr. Netanyahu, antisemitism is a vile and disgusting form of bigotry that has done unspeakable harm to millions.
Do not insult the intelligence of the American people by attempting to distract us from the immoral and illegal war policies of your extremist and racist government.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at April 26, 2024 04:08 PM (L/fGl)

199 197 Triton is also a real company with real engineering and significant experience. They built the sub that did the "Five Deeps" expedition and are the only (unless it's changed) outfit to get a "full ocean depth" - that is, effectively unlimited - rating from any of the major maritime classification boards.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 04:08 PM (HnUIn)


So...they're owned and operated by an Acolyte taking orders from a Shoggoth and working to awaken the Old Ones?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 04:08 PM (GBKbO)

200 198 Speaking of f*cking idiots . . .

Bernie Sanders
Mr. Netanyahu, antisemitism is a vile and disgusting form of bigotry that has done unspeakable harm to millions.
Do not insult the intelligence of the American people by attempting to distract us from the immoral and illegal war policies of your extremist and racist government.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at April 26, 2024 04:08 PM (L/fGl)


"Fighting wars is immoral. That's why you have to let wars be fought upon you endlessly without fighting back. Those fighting you are more moral."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 04:09 PM (GBKbO)

201 The more vehemently I hear crime is down

The faster I count my silverware.

Posted by: Field Marshal Zhukov at April 26, 2024 04:10 PM (+htnY)

202 So...they're owned and operated by an Acolyte taking orders from a Shoggoth and working to awaken the Old Ones?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 04:08 PM (GBKbO)
I mean, .... probably, yeah.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 04:10 PM (HnUIn)

203 202 So...they're owned and operated by an Acolyte taking orders from a Shoggoth and working to awaken the Old Ones?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 04:08 PM (GBKbO)
I mean, .... probably, yeah.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 04:10 PM (HnUIn)


That's it. I'm calling Hellboy.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 04:11 PM (GBKbO)

204 @BernieSanders
Mr. Netanyahu, antisemitism is a vile and disgusting form of bigotry that has done unspeakable harm to millions.
Do not insult the intelligence of the American people by attempting to distract us from the immoral and illegal war policies of your extremist and racist government.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame

Gosh he sounds mad. Hope he doesn't have another hearty tack.

Posted by: wth at April 26, 2024 04:11 PM (v0R5T)

205 The more vehemently I hear crime is down

The faster I count my silverware.
Posted by: Field Marshal Zhukov at April 26, 2024 04:10 PM (+htnY)
Man, there are some classy people 'round these parts. Silverware? I have to just use my bare hands and that's good enough for me.

Some people, man. Yeesh.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 04:11 PM (HnUIn)

206 i recall the year before covid that there was a rise in attacks on orthodox jews in one part of brooklyn, perp was pretty much always black or hispanic, and mayor diblasio blamed it on trump

Posted by: gnats local 678 at April 26, 2024 04:12 PM (B1FKF)

205 The more vehemently I hear crime is down

The faster I count my silverware.
Posted by: Field Marshal Zhukov at April 26, 2024 04:10 PM (+htnY)
Man, there are some classy people 'round these parts. Silverware? I have to just use my bare hands and that's good enough for me.

Some people, man. Yeesh.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 04:11 PM (HnUIn)

Spork guy??

Posted by: tubal at April 26, 2024 04:12 PM (PCK5/)

208 George Soros Paying Student Agitators To Whip Up Anti-Israel Protests

I thought it was antisemitic to say something about Soros, and here he is paying for antisemitic protestors.

I had read that it was his mother who was an antisemitic Jew.

Posted by: SMOD at April 26, 2024 04:12 PM (RHGPo)

209 Well Seattle news hasn't stopped reporting on crime. They certainly don't report every crime, but they are not greatly suppressing it either. We know it's bad.

Anyone walking around anywhere with their face buried in a cellphone is at risk. Situational awareness is compulsory.

Posted by: nurse ratched at April 26, 2024 04:12 PM (KW5no)

210 "Fighting wars is immoral. That's why you have to let wars be fought upon you endlessly without fighting back. Those fighting you are more moral."
Posted by: TheJamesMadison

Yes, Sanders is such a paragon of morality himself living as a shiftless commie before becoming a wealthy shiftless commie via public office and benefitting from his wife's looting of her college and his looting of his own idiot political followers via campaign funds converted into several dachas.

Posted by: whig at April 26, 2024 04:12 PM (/xdjH)

211 This sporty blonde might be convinced to try out a tourist trip on a submersible, but only if she could given an effective guarantee that she would not have to share the trip with the likes of Ilhan Omar or Bernie Sanders:

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 04:13 PM (HnUIn)

212 Man, there are some classy people 'round these parts. Silverware? I have to just use my bare hands and that's good enough for me.

Some people, man. Yeesh.

Oooooh, you have hands, your majesty. We had to make do with phagocytosis, and let me tell you, that is unpleasant with your larger animals.

Posted by: Archimedes at April 26, 2024 04:13 PM (CsUN+)

213 The more vehemently I hear crime is down

The faster I count my silverware.
Posted by: Field Marshal Zhukov

Just don't take my plastic spoons. I need them to stir my coffee in the morning.

Posted by: wth at April 26, 2024 04:13 PM (v0R5T)

214 I have to just use my bare hands and that's good enough for me.
That's not funny!!!

Posted by: michelle fields at April 26, 2024 04:13 PM (vtyCZ)

215 Adam Schiff getting robbed.

Oh, my schadenboner!!

Posted by: San Franpsycho at April 26, 2024 04:13 PM (RIvkX)

216 Oooooh, you have hands, your majesty. We had to make do with phagocytosis, and let me tell you, that is unpleasant with your larger animals.
Posted by: Archimedes at April 26, 2024 04:13 PM (CsUN+)
LOL! I was waiting to see how the one-upsmanship would work on this one.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 04:14 PM (HnUIn)

217 211 This sporty blonde might be convinced to try out a tourist trip on a submersible, but only if she could given an effective guarantee that she would not have to share the trip with the likes of Ilhan Omar or Bernie Sanders:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 04:13 PM (HnUIn)


Eyebrows so deeply brown that they are actually tears in space time.


Would not bang.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 04:14 PM (GBKbO)

218 Spork guy??
Posted by: tubal at April 26, 2024 04:12 PM (PCK5/)

Worst. Superhero. Ever.

Posted by: spindrift at April 26, 2024 04:14 PM (OguvZ)

219 This sporty blonde might be convinced to try out a tourist trip on a submersible, but only if she could given an effective guarantee that she would not have to share the trip with the likes of Ilhan Omar or Bernie Sanders:

Very nice eyes.

Posted by: Archimedes at April 26, 2024 04:14 PM (CsUN+)

220 I thought it was antisemitic to say something about Soros, and here he is paying for antisemitic protestors.

I had read that it was his mother who was an antisemitic Jew.
Posted by: SMOD
He is just reliving his teen salad years looting Jews in Hungary with his uncle on behalf of That Man.

He described those days in a public interview as the best days in his life.

Posted by: whig at April 26, 2024 04:14 PM (/xdjH)

221 I can proudly say, I have not stepped a foot into NYC since the Summer of 21.

The City reeked of piss, garbage, pot and failure.

I can't imagine what it reeks of now.

I will never enter NYC again, if I can help it.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at April 26, 2024 04:15 PM (XV/Pl)

222 Blinken Threatens China Over Russia Ties, Warns Xi Against "Downward Spiral" In Relations With US

Haven't I seen this movie before ?

Posted by: SMOD at April 26, 2024 04:16 PM (RHGPo)

223 In the 60s, it was all Vietnam. Young men had skin in the game, at least the ones who didn't have deferments. What we have here is a political terrorist movement in search of a meme. Idiots following orders from people who'd sell them out at the drop of a hat.

Posted by: mrp at April 26, 2024 04:16 PM (rj6Yv)

224 This sporty blonde might be convinced to try out a tourist trip on a submersible, but only if she could given an effective guarantee that she would not have to share the trip with the likes of Ilhan Omar or Bernie Sanders:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 04:13 PM (HnUIn)

Nice child-bearing hips.

I will take it.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 26, 2024 04:16 PM (yWi/M)

225 Very nice eyes.

And just the right number of them too!

Posted by: Oddbob at April 26, 2024 04:16 PM (zwmk7)

226 Men "trick women into having babies"? What? Most men, aren't trying to have babies outside of wedlock just to pay child support on. It's women tricking men into having babies to keep the man committed or to have on the hook for their ho lifestyles. Jesus.

Posted by: GimpyMcGimpo at April 26, 2024 04:16 PM (P4QxO)

227 Biden Admin Abandons Plan To Ban Menthol Cigarettes To Avoid 'Angering Black Voters'

... 'party of science' has decided to abandon its plan to save millions of lives (of mostly African American youth)

I guess a ban on 'loose shoes' is off the table too.

Posted by: SMOD at April 26, 2024 04:17 PM (RHGPo)

228 Men "trick women into having babies"? What? Most men, aren't trying to have babies outside of wedlock just to pay child support on. It's women tricking men into having babies to keep the man committed or to have on the hook for their ho lifestyles. Jesus.
Posted by: GimpyMcGimpo at April 26, 2024 04:16 PM (P4QxO)
LOL. It's Amanda Marcotte. Reality doesn't enter into it.

This is just another - even stupider - form of "any restriction on abortion is consigning women to slavery" nonsense.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 04:18 PM (HnUIn)

229 Men "trick women into having babies"? What?

Do the women not understand what causes pregnancy?

Posted by: Archimedes at April 26, 2024 04:18 PM (CsUN+)

230 Watched the Mayor of San Jose's body guard try to fight off a crazy negro on Insureds while his star stood.around and video phoned.

Funny and sad.

Posted by: Field Marshal Zhukov at April 26, 2024 04:18 PM (+htnY)

231 At least when Amanda Marcotte dies and no one looks for her at her apartment for three weeks her cats will have something to snack on

Posted by: Smell the Glove at April 26, 2024 04:18 PM (aX7Uj)

232 @222

>>Haven't I seen this movie before ?

I mean, what are we really going to do about it.

The only thing the US makes anymore is meth and dick pills.

** Heavy Metal Blares **

** Xi Laughing, Spreads His Wings **

Posted by: Thomas Bender at April 26, 2024 04:18 PM (XV/Pl)

233 Spork guy??
Posted by: tubal

If we can invent the spork, why can't we run honest, efficient elections?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at April 26, 2024 04:18 PM (L/fGl)

234 223 In the 60s, it was all Vietnam. Young men had skin in the game

.. there were no major anti-war demonstrations after the draft ended

Posted by: SMOD at April 26, 2024 04:19 PM (RHGPo)

235 Do the women not understand what causes pregnancy?
Posted by: Archimedes at April 26, 2024 04:18 PM (CsUN+)
Abortion restrictions.

Posted by: Marcotte-style feminist at April 26, 2024 04:19 PM (HnUIn)

236 Blinken Threatens China Over Russia Ties, Warns Xi Against "Downward Spiral" In Relations With US

Haven't I seen this movie before ?
Posted by: SMOD at April 26, 2024 04:16 PM (RHGPo)

Like the teen bully, going up and getting in the face of other kids, just hoping one of them will take a swing.

Eventually the bully approaches someone who knows how to throw a punch, and the bully is left sitting on the curb, crying about his bloody nose.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 26, 2024 04:19 PM (yWi/M)

237 Ooh. Brinken tough guy

Posted by: Xi Jinping at April 26, 2024 04:19 PM (v0R5T)

238 It was Insty and staff fucking autocorrect

Posted by: Field Marshal Zhukov at April 26, 2024 04:19 PM (+htnY)

239 226 Men "trick women into having babies"? What? Most men, aren't trying to have babies outside of wedlock just to pay child support on. It's women tricking men into having babies to keep the man committed or to have on the hook for their ho lifestyles. Jesus.
Posted by: GimpyMcGimpo
Inversion is a thing with Stan's minions on Earth. Take what they say and believe the opposite is a good rule of thumb.

Posted by: whig at April 26, 2024 04:20 PM (/xdjH)

240 I wouldn't break bread with that lying sack of sh*t Adam Schiff for a billion trillion dollars.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at April 26, 2024 04:20 PM (RIvkX)

241 240 I wouldn't break bread with that lying sack of sh*t Adam Schiff for a billion trillion dollars.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at April 26, 2024 04:20 PM (RIvkX)


What about a billion trillion and one dollars?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 04:20 PM (GBKbO)

242 >>Do the women not understand what causes pregnancy?


Posted by: JackStraw at April 26, 2024 04:21 PM (LkLld)

243 Simple solution to Men "trick women into having babies"

Lorena Bobbitt's eight-inch Ginsu carving knife

Posted by: SMOD at April 26, 2024 04:21 PM (RHGPo)

244 166 And in(one of today's) winning headlines/sarc from the Washington Post:

The desperate and ironic attempt to blame the anti Israel protests on George Soros.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke

We should thank the WashPravda. This is confirmation that George Soros is financing this. Well done, WashPravda.

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at April 26, 2024 04:21 PM (sAmhv)

245 Sarkeesian, Sargon's once-nemesis, celebrated her 40th with a wedding-themed party. Her soy-stuffed boyfriend attended.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at April 26, 2024 04:21 PM (cf/0E)

246 Dancing.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 26, 2024 04:21 PM (LkLld)
Old joke:

Q: Why don't baptists have sex standing up?
A: It could lead to dancing.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 04:22 PM (HnUIn)

247 Wow, that Amanda is quite the idiotic twat, isn't she?
i bet she doesn't shave her armpits because of MAGA.

Posted by: tcn in AK, hail to the thief at April 26, 2024 04:22 PM (uqyzO)

248 @241

>>What about a billion trillion and one dollars?

I'd take the money and have a waiter pee in his Bouillabaisse.

I saw that in a movie.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at April 26, 2024 04:22 PM (XV/Pl)

249 But I'm old enough to remember when I would get yelled at for reading books in public.
Sorry, Amanda, we've seen your picture. No man would yell at you, ever.

Marcotte may be the worst in show.

Posted by: Eeyore at April 26, 2024 04:22 PM (1bNHn)

250 Blinken Threatens China Over Russia Ties, Warns Xi Against "Downward Spiral" In Relations With US

Threatened how? What exactly did he say? He's nothing but a yappy little dog to Xi. The Chinese own our pantz shittin retard preznit and I hope Xi told him to go piss up a rope. Publicly.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at April 26, 2024 04:23 PM (YRsIm)

251 249 But I'm old enough to remember when I would get yelled at for reading books in public.
Sorry, Amanda, we've seen your picture. No man would yell at you, ever.

Marcotte may be the worst in show.
Posted by: Eeyore at April 26, 2024 04:22 PM (1bNHn)

I imagine her husband is on some serious drugs…

Posted by: tubal at April 26, 2024 04:23 PM (PCK5/)

252 240 I wouldn't break bread with that lying sack of sh*t Adam Schiff for a billion trillion dollars.
Posted by: San Franpsycho

I would, just so I could kick him in the shins under the table.
Then I'd buy my own tropical island and invite the girl working at the 7-11 across the street to come live with me.

Posted by: wth at April 26, 2024 04:24 PM (v0R5T)

253 Sarkeesian, Sargon's once-nemesis, celebrated her 40th with a wedding-themed party.

That's hilariously sad.

Posted by: spindrift at April 26, 2024 04:24 PM (OguvZ)

254 >>Do the women not understand what causes pregnancy?

Posted by: JackStraw

I thought it was riding a bicycle in a swim suit.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I've Been Through the Desert On a Horse With No Shame at April 26, 2024 04:24 PM (L/fGl)

255 The desperate and ironic attempt to blame the anti Israel protests on George Soros.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke

Ironic? Is that what they call objective truth now?

Posted by: tcn in AK, hail to the thief at April 26, 2024 04:24 PM (uqyzO)

256 nood

Posted by: Zeera , becoming ungovernable by choice at April 26, 2024 04:24 PM (5FlEF)

257 Men "trick women into having babies"?

Yep, that's exactly how it works. We just get baby fever deep in our sweaty, bulbous loins and then start running the sexual equivalent of bunkos scams all to make women have the babies we so desperately want.

Posted by: "But, baby, storks aren't even native to this region!" at April 26, 2024 04:24 PM (WYzU6)

258 Sarkeesian, Sargon's once-nemesis, celebrated her 40th with a wedding-themed party. ...
Posted by: BourbonChicken at April 26, 2024 04:21 PM (cf/0E)
What a pathetic loser. That's *way* more pathetic than having failed to get married and being eternally disappointed. At least with the latter, you failed and it sucks but you acknowledge it instead of playing pretend.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 26, 2024 04:25 PM (HnUIn)

259 US State Department Arabic Spokesperson Resigns Over Biden's Gaza Policy

The 3rd senior level State Dept official to step down in protest

.. State was and still is full of troublemakers that should resign for the good of the country

Posted by: SMOD at April 26, 2024 04:25 PM (RHGPo)

260 Men "trick women into having babies"? What?

Just the tip.

Posted by: Oh, You Don't Want to Know at April 26, 2024 04:25 PM (lf83v)

261 >There is a new privately-built submersible for underwater tourism.

We've spared no expense ... we hired the 50-year-old white guy.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at April 26, 2024 04:25 PM (cf/0E)

262 >>Do the women not understand what causes pregnancy?

Posted by: JackStraw

and tractor seats.

Posted by: wth at April 26, 2024 04:26 PM (v0R5T)

263 There is a new privately-built submersible for underwater tourism.

Notice they don't say "surfaceable." Sure it can submerge, but can it surface again? Maybe. Maybe not.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 26, 2024 04:27 PM (YqDXo)

264 What about a billion trillion and one dollars?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 26, 2024 04:20 PM (GBKbO)
We can talk.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at April 26, 2024 04:27 PM (RIvkX)

265 'For Your Own Safety': USC Cancels Commencement To Avoid Supporters of the Hamas Barbarians

Posted by: SMOD at April 26, 2024 04:27 PM (RHGPo)

266 229 Men "trick women into having babies"? What?

Do the women not understand what causes pregnancy?
Posted by: Archimedes at April 26, 2024 04:18 PM (CsUN+)

And here I was told women are strong and powerful. You'd think they could keep their legs together and utter a quiet "no".

Posted by: tcn in AK, hail to the thief at April 26, 2024 04:28 PM (uqyzO)

267 251:I imagine her husband is on some serious drugs…
Posted by: tubal

Humiliation is part of the kink.

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at April 26, 2024 04:28 PM (sAmhv)

268 My favorite, "don't live there" euphemism in real estate is "vibrant neighborhood." A/k/a "run whitey, your kind ain't safe here."

Also acceptable: up and coming

Posted by: Archimedes at April 26, 2024 03:56 PM (CsUN+)


Get back to me when it's fully gentrified.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 26, 2024 04:30 PM (YqDXo)

Blinken Threatens China Over Russia Ties, Warns Xi Against "Downward Spiral" In Relations With US

Haven't you got work to do to finish the application for Ukraine to join NATO, Planarian Man?

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at April 26, 2024 04:30 PM (xG4kz)

270 'For Your Own Safety': USC Cancels Commencement To Avoid Supporters of the Hamas Barbarians

Posted by: SMOD at April 26, 2024 04:27 PM (RHGPo)

Profiles in courage.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 26, 2024 04:30 PM (YqDXo)

271 Or someone who got famous discussing how to use anal sex as a way to get ahead in life.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 26, 2024 03:57 PM (fdD2n)

Worked for Mayor Pete.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 26, 2024 04:31 PM (YqDXo)

272 I'd like to see all those posters making fun of my silverware and gouge out their eyes with a grapefruit spoon

No WASP jury in the would convict me.

Posted by: Field Marshal Zhukov at April 26, 2024 04:31 PM (+htnY)

'For Your Own Safety': USC Cancels Commencement To Avoid Supporters of the Hamas Barbarians

Posted by: SMOD

What, you no longer have any love for me?
* runs away, bawling its eyes out *

Posted by: "Out of an abundance of caution" at April 26, 2024 04:34 PM (xG4kz)

... and we're back!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at April 26, 2024 04:36 PM (xG4kz)

275 To be fair, the only thing the Columbia Jew-hater is capable of murdering is a glory hole erection.

Posted by: Texas Cheesehead at April 26, 2024 04:39 PM (KWwiI)

276 Oh, hell. It's power & spite. The great majority of those guys know exactly what they're doing, mentally ill, drug addicted, whatever. (Idle minds are the devils workshop, yada, yada.) They're just angry men who simply hate most women because it is assumed those women have risen above the angry men's class.

He can't easily get away with this with most Black women, most adult men of any race, but a many a young White woman wants to be understanding, woke, and she's walking along pretending she's not at all fearful because that could give the impression she's a racist & tags her as privileged. Now he's more angry and she's easy pickings.

Here in urban suburban land, gas stations and stores become the challenge for the White women, older men, etc. Have to stay on guard because as soon as the angry guy in sweatpants - who stops to pump gas or shop - gets within his target's range of vision and then lets his pants shimmy down farther, as a teen might have done in the past for attention, he's gauging reaction & response and the target is already within likely striking range.

Posted by: L - If they do it with you, they'll do it to you, too at April 26, 2024 04:42 PM (NFX2v)

277 I rarely carry, but I always do if I go to any neighborhood with a "MLK" Street, Blvd, etc.

Posted by: Flt93_Militia at April 26, 2024 04:45 PM (9RIOs)

278 What isn't being reported locally are all the campus riots.

Posted by: nurse ratched at April 26, 2024 04:47 PM (+xP4Z)

279 Listening to heavy metal band Civil War and Christopher Lee suddenly appears.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at April 26, 2024 04:55 PM (cf/0E)

280 Gee who knew how many of these Amish guys supported Trump.

Posted by: Fred at April 26, 2024 05:27 PM (bXvrr)

281 Mr potential Zionist killer is one humongous risk for Columbia University to keep around.

How many incidents of (you know what) do we need with schools before common sense comes into these people's heads?

With all this publicity if this charming persynx goes out and kills "Zionists", the liability to the university be astronomical. Seems the risk of special accommodation versus the risk of expulsion leads to a conclusion obvious to 3-year-olds that expulsion is the way to go.

Posted by: Johnny at April 26, 2024 05:33 PM (PmiZd)

282 273
'For Your Own Safety': USC Cancels Commencement To Avoid Supporters of the Hamas Barbarians

Posted by: SMOD

I think it not unlikely there were rumors of a mass shooting that would occur

Posted by: Johnny at April 26, 2024 05:35 PM (PmiZd)

283 198 Speaking of f*cking idiots . . .

Bernie Sanders
Mr. Netanyahu, antisemitism is a vile and disgusting form of bigotry that has done unspeakable harm to millions.
Do not insult the intelligence of the American people by attempting to distract us from the immoral and illegal war policies of your extremist and racist government

This is satire, right?


Posted by: Johnny at April 26, 2024 05:37 PM (PmiZd)

284 President Biden’s approval rating average is lower than any other president in recent history at the same point in their time in the White House, data released Friday found.
The president averaged 38.7 percent job approval in his 13th quarter in office, which ran from Jan. 20 to April 19, according to averages aggregated by Gallup.
In the same quarter, former President Trump had a 46.8 percent approval rating average; former President Obama’s was 45.9 percent and former President George W. Bush’s was 51 percent, according to Gallup.
The second-lowest to Biden’s in that time was former President George H.W. Bush, who had a 41.8 percent mark.

Posted by: SMOD at April 26, 2024 05:37 PM (8DTuN)

285 My mom was a hard Leftist. She hated to drive on the highway, because "truck drivers come into my lane, because truck drivers are men and they're trying to peak down my blose."

That's just one of many paranoid fantasies she had about men. She was diagnosed with schizophrenia later in life.

Posted by: insurgens ad opus at April 26, 2024 07:13 PM (FRT/w)

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