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The Morning Report — 11/2/23


Good morning, kids. All I can say is, are you kidding me? Are you really efffin' kidding me?

A group of 22 House Republicans voted Wednesday night with Democrats to table a resolution that would censure Democrat Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib over her “anti-Semitic beliefs.”

Rep. Armstrong, Rep. Buck, Rep. Duarte, Rep. Edwards, Rep. Griffith, Rep. Grothman, Rep. Hageman, Rep. Huizenga, Rep. Issa, Rep. Johnson (SD), Rep. LaMalfa, Rep. Massie, Rep. McClintock, Rep. McCormick, Rep. Miller (OH), Rep. Miller-Meeks, Rep. Moolenaar, Rep. Roy, Rep. Scott (GA), Rep. Spartz, Rep. Turner, Rep. Walberg

The resolution was introduced by Republican Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. The House did not end up voting on the legislation after 22 Republicans voted with Democrats on a motion to table the vote. 13 Republicans did note vote. The vote was 222-186. After the vote, Rep. Van Orden changed his vote to no.

“I just introduced my resolution to censure Rashida Tlaib as privileged to force a House vote in two legislative days,” Greene wrote in a tweet after introducing the resolution. “Tlaib led a pro-Hamas insurrection into the Capitol complex, has repeatedly displayed her anti-Semitic beliefs, and shown her hatred for Israel. She must be held accountable and censured.”

Is this controversial? Is this abortion in a swing state? Is this protecting your seat at the trough? Is this Kevin McCarthy? I mean, an abject, filthy, unreconstructed and no-doubt terrorist-linked piece of shit is in your midst, while upwards of 200 American citizens are being held by the savages that she openly supports and we can't get a unanimous GOP vote to censure her? Some folks I recognize as being bereft of morality such as Ken Buck who's bucking to be the next Joe Walsh or Joe Scarborough to get a gig on MSNSDAP. But Harriet Hageman or Victoria Spartz? What the hell are you people thinking?

Am I getting wee-wee'd up over nothing? I mean, we all know the GOP is an abject joke of a farce of a sham of two mockeries of a fraud. But the world and a not insignificant portion of this nation, whatever the hell it has or is about to totally devolve into, is exploding in an orgy of orgasmic Jew-hatred not seen since the 1940s. Even Kristallnacht was a supposed "retaliation" to a German bureaucrat being gunned down by a desperate Polish Jew in Paris. This time, it's an eruption of near-violence and rage at the victims of an orgy of barbaric savagery straight out of Hell. And by failing to censure one of its biggest cheerleaders in the House of Representatives the GOP has in fact given her the Good "House"-keeping seal of approval.

I can go on and on about the depravity of our culture vis a vis the transexual madness, sexualization of children, the murder of unborn children, decriminalization of crime, the corruption and venality of those in power, and all the rest of it. But this abomination perpetrated by 22 GOP gutless wonders has a certain quality all its own in underscoring how bereft and bankrupt of moral fiber and the courage of conviction we as a society have become. And at the risk of repeating myself, what courage did it take to execute an absolute no-brainer like censuring that rancid hunk of evil? Zero. And yet.

This at a time when courage and moral fiber are the very things required to stave off an apocalypse that is headed our way. I have yet to find any links as to the excuses given by any one of these 22 jerks but if any of them state something about the First Amendment, my head will explode. That said, I am a First Amendment absolutist. But given the nature of her statements, which included specifically the spreading of propaganda about Israel intentionally bombing that Gaza hospital, to me her right of free speech ended while spreading lies and disinformation about an ally in her official capacity as a government official. At least in terms of being a sitting Congressbeast.

It brings up that dicey issue, for us anyway, that the Left is so damned good at: using our very freedoms as both weapon and shield with which to destroy us from within.

One of the people watching college students cheer Hamas and tear down posters of kidnapped Israeli children commented that this was not just “dumb kids wearing Che t-shirts”.

But it is.

The ‘dumb college kids wearing Che t-shirts” were supporting mass murder, atrocities and ethnic cleansing in Latin America. They were cheering on the murder of women and children. And an international Communist movement responsible for the deaths of millions. Before they were supporting Hamas, they were backing BLM while cities burned, streets filled with broken glass and people were violently assaulted. And before BLM, there was Mumia Abu Jamal and the Gitmo terrorists, further back there were the Sandinistas, the PLO, the Weathermen, the BLA and the Viet Cong. And before them Mao and the Bolsheviks.

‘Dumb college kids’ have been supporting the mass murder of millions for at least a century. There is something different here. Never before have the atrocities been as graphically documented with so many videos taken by the monsters themselves committing their crimes that were broadly distributed in graphic and gory detail to the public in ways that could not be censored or suppressed. . .

. . . The dumb college kids may be dumb, but so was your average Nazi goose stepper or Bolshevik thug. The mobs who clamored to see heads roll around the guillotine were not geniuses. But much like the Gaza civilians that crossed the fence to take part in the murder and rape, they know what they like. And what they like is chaos, violence and seeing things burn.

Your average dumb college kid isn’t born evil because she misses BLM rallies and traded in her black power fist banner for a PLO flag, but neither were the German teens who filled stadiums to listen to Hitler or their Chinese counterparts who giggled while their teachers were beaten during Mao’s Cultural Revolution. As Alinsky said, “a good tactic is one your people enjoy.” And, “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”

. . . The Hitler Youth weren’t just ‘dumb kids’ even if they were dumb kids. Patronizingly dismissing leftist extremism as a phase or a coming of age ritual normalizes our version of the Hitler Youth. And then we wonder at the spectacle of crowds of college kids cheering “armed resistance” against the ‘Zionist occupiers” and wonder over how they could possibly do such things. What do we think has been the norm on college campuses for at least 50 years? . . . Dismissing all of this as ‘dumb college kids’ or ‘youthful passion’ is how we got here. The greatest extremist threat in this country isn’t coming from a few KKK members living in trailer parks, but from the nation’s most prestigious Ivy League universities. It’s time for either academia to rethink its relationship to political extremism or for the country to rethink its relationship to a system of higher education that teaches students to support mass murder.

The Nazi party had its strongest base of support in German universities. As did the Communists of the Soviet Union. Our ‘Hitler Youth’ on both sides of the political spectrum are invariably college graduates. We broke up the KKK, it may be time to break up Harvard.

Can't argue at all with Daniel Greenfield. If academia wants to hire individuals with the most repugnant views and even more, teach courses that fully promote and advance these views – while excluding any others from being taught or even expressed on campus – then they should not receive one red cent of taxpayer money and certainly donations and even tuition.

The problem however is we have a government that supports the mush being pumped into young skulls full of mush and is now actively persecuting anyone who protests. And this is not private universities and schools but public ones. The ones that we supposedly fund via our taxes. Look what happened in Loudon County when Biden at the suggestion of the NASB sicked the DOJ on parents who complained, and then labeled them as potential terrorists. Rancida Taliban though is a patriot, right?

What almost happened and what still is likely to happen over here has happened across the pond:

The most important thing to know is that London is 15% Muslim. That’s far from a majority, but Muslims need a lot of what the Nazis used to call “Lebensraum”—that is, territory where they dominate the local population. Flexing their muscles, they act as if 15% is a majority and the general population, made ignorant by leftism and scared by the threat of jihad, accepts its status as a minority. If you understand these principles, you will appreciate the different approaches the London police have to things that call for Jewish genocide (that’s fine) and things that offend Muslim sensibilities (that’s bad, very, very bad). . .

. . . One would think that the British police, in the interests of public safety and protecting against hate speech (for antisemitism is hate speech), would be having a heyday arresting people. One would think that…but one would be wrong. Instead, the police have been helping the genocidal pro-Hamas protesters, whether that meant clearing the way for their marches or helping them remove posters of kidnapped Israelis. The one thing they haven’t been doing is arresting them. . . Clearly, the police in a city that is 15% Muslim know who’s in charge—and it’s Sharia law, not British law, that controls. Indeed, the police are open about their efforts to placate their Muslim overlords . . .

. . . But it’s never enough. Turning a blind eye to Muslim calls for violence and their openly antisemitic actions in a nation that prides itself on wiping out “hate crimes” is insufficient. While “hate crimes” against Jews are getting a pass, the London police are now aggressively policing any criticism against all things Muslim. Take, for example, this video, in which a man says that Hamas flags in the Bethnal Green neighborhood of London are “sh**” and “crap”.

The video doesn’t incite violence, nor does it claim that certain people are deserving of genocide. But apparently, it offended the 15%, which is why we’re now being told that the man who filmed the video and who is caring for his wife with Stage 4 cancer was dragged off to prison . . .

. . . There’s an old expression about “nursing a viper to your bosom.” It talks about naively taking close to you someone who wishes to kill you. The left trained the West to hate itself and its values. And having beaten the West down, it encouraged Westerners to embrace Muslim immigration. However, Western values and sharia are like matter and anti-matter: They cannot simultaneously exist in the same place. And as Europe gets increasingly more Muslim, it will discover, as all other nations have, that Islam’s need for Lebensraum crowds out everything else.

England is gone as are whole swathes of Europe. I predicted that Westminster Abbey would be converted into another Hagia Sophia within the next 25 years. With everything going on, I think I have to move that up to perhaps 10. And that's whistling past the graveyard if I'm being honest.

Looking at scenes from NYC, which was and perhaps still is the most populous Jewish city on the planet and historically the safest place for Jews up until the founding of the modern state of Israel, I'm sickened to see the virulent hate marches, the ripping down of hostage posters and the cornering of Jewish students in Cooper Union to name only a few. I'm also heartened to see some of my former fellow citizens confronting some of these bastards, but how long can that last? We were this close to having an official Ministry of Propaganda shoved down our throats and no doubt Big Tech is doing exactly that behind the scenes.

How long before mass brainwashing along with mass immigration and skyrocketing Muslim birth rates destroy us from within?

I'd say, second look at the Alien and Sedition Acts, but that's a non-starter considering who is in control of our government. That has to go, lock, stock and barrel.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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Posted by: J.J. Sefton at 08:06 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Ace is the place ... ♫

Posted by: Marooned at November 02, 2023 08:06 AM (kt8QE)

2 WTFO??

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 02, 2023 08:06 AM (lwOKI)

3 Hola

Posted by: Thanatopsis at November 02, 2023 08:06 AM (sNtYB)

4 Morning all

Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2023 08:06 AM (XjWYE)

5 Good Morning

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at November 02, 2023 08:07 AM (R4t5M)

6 Good morning horde!

Will we get the shrieking about GOP representatives working with Dems or does that only apply to Gaetz?

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at November 02, 2023 08:07 AM (z99Zw)

7 Good morning! One day closer to Monday!

Posted by: RADinVA at November 02, 2023 08:07 AM (S8cdb)

8 Bahrain recalls Ambassador from Israel and suspends all economic ties.

Another Biden victory as the world falls apart

And as I typed this, how many Illegals have crossed our southern border? 100? More?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 02, 2023 08:07 AM (PQ4m2)

9 Good morning JJ and horde

Posted by: Skip at November 02, 2023 08:07 AM (fwDg9)

10 Texas Rangers win the 2023 World Seeies!

Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2023 08:07 AM (XjWYE)

11 Mornin’, JJ. I was starting to worry about you.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 02, 2023 08:08 AM (JrojV)

12 I nood'd

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at November 02, 2023 08:08 AM (R4t5M)

13 Yonder Horde

The GOP are just leftists wearing American (and Ukrainian) flag pins. Keep that in mind and their actions make more sense.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at November 02, 2023 08:08 AM (Q4IgG)

14 Good morning again dear morons and awesome as always JJ

This at a time when courage and moral fiber are the very things required to stave off an apocalypse that is headed our way.

Girlfriend, please. If you're looking for courage and moral fiber from the Republicans, you're looking in the wrong place.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at November 02, 2023 08:09 AM (RIvkX)

15 Good Morning Vietnam

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at November 02, 2023 08:10 AM (CecP5)

16 A group of 22 House Republicans voted Wednesday night with Democrats to table a resolution that would censure Democrat Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib over her “anti-Semitic beliefs.”


Anyone else old enough to remember when the eight (R)s who were trying to save the country from financial collapse were traitors?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Biden hasn't lowered flags or called for release of Jewish American hostages at November 02, 2023 08:10 AM (O69GV)

17 Bahrain is shia, so it does the will of Iran.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at November 02, 2023 08:11 AM (R4t5M)

18 A group of 22 uniparty members - clears it right up

Posted by: A dude in MI at November 02, 2023 08:12 AM (/6GbT)

19 Congratulations to the Texas Rangers. The baseball team, not the ones Toby Keith sung about in "Shoulda Been A Cowboy."

Posted by: grammie winger - I don't belong here at November 02, 2023 08:13 AM (45fpk)

20 The Nazi party had its strongest base of support in German universities. As did the Communists of the Soviet Union. Our ‘Hitler Youth’ on both sides of the political spectrum are invariably college graduates. We broke up the KKK, it may be time to break up Harvard.

The Nazis also did a great job of taking over the Church. They became a place that confirmed their rights as a Nation (to hate and kill). Look at the churches now that openly support the entire Dem Progressive agenda right down the line. Believe me that they will be co-opted to believe Islamophobia BAD, anti-Semitism ACCEPTABLE.

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 02, 2023 08:13 AM (lwOKI)

g'mornin', 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at November 02, 2023 08:14 AM (WfYsw)

22 14 Girlfriend, please. If you're looking for courage and moral fiber from the Republicans, you're looking in the wrong place.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at November 02, 2023 08:09 AM (RIvkX)

You miss the gravamen of my discourse, to wit:

"I can go on and on about the depravity of our culture vis a vis the transexual madness, sexualization of children, the murder of unborn children, decriminalization of crime, the corruption and venality of those in power, and all the rest of it. But this abomination perpetrated by 22 GOP gutless wonders has a certain quality all its own in underscoring how bereft and bankrupt of moral fiber and the courage of conviction we as a society have become."

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2023 08:14 AM (x0n13)

23 What Hitler Youth are on the right? And the Dems' KKK weren't fighting government spending or taxation.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 02, 2023 08:15 AM (krqg6)

24 Your average dumb college kid isn’t born evil because she misses BLM rallies and traded in her black power fist banner for a PLO flag, but neither were the German teens who filled stadiums to listen to Hitler or their Chinese counterparts who giggled while their teachers were beaten during Mao’s Cultural Revolution. As Alinsky said, “a good tactic is one your people enjoy.” And, “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”

Where do YOU draw the line? Me? Personally?
I draw the line when you become old enough to drive. By then, you SHOULD KNOW right from wrong.

If you choose wrong, doom on you.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2023 08:15 AM (XjWYE)

25 Mornin' Morons.

Posted by: Hawkpilot at November 02, 2023 08:16 AM (k6uu5)

26 Might be interesting to see Westminster turned into a mosque. Then we'll know for sure what Britons think.

Posted by: OrangeEnt at November 02, 2023 08:16 AM (Angsy)

27 African American Bird singing in the dead of night...

Posted by: The New Beatles at November 02, 2023 08:16 AM (vFG9F)

Knight passed away at the age of 83. RIP - jjs

another grim milestone for the biden administration

Posted by: AltonJackson at November 02, 2023 08:17 AM (WfYsw)

29 Buckingham Palace is the 52nd most holy sight in islam... and Big Ben is the 65th.

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at November 02, 2023 08:17 AM (ZV+pB)

30 "This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all."

1 John 1:5

Posted by: Marcus T at November 02, 2023 08:18 AM (FrBWc)

31 Minor quibble. Not teaching history in grade school allows colleges to spread any lie they want.

Posted by: Ben Had at November 02, 2023 08:18 AM (ikjfg)

32 Great summary as always, JJ.

>> England is gone as are whole swathes of Europe. — JJ Sefton

I was thinking about this in the context of the Holocaust and the Oct 7 Hamas Einsatzgruppen activity. There are remembrance sites in Europe like Dachau, which is in Germany, and Auschwitz, in Poland. Perfessor Squirrel yesterday mentioned he’s visited at least one of these places. The point is with Germany again ramping up its antisemitism with the rest of Europe, will commemoration sites like Dachau be permitted to remain or will the Holocaust deniers close them down? What would have been unthinkable not so long ago now seems possible due primarily to unlimited immigration and feckless leadership. We live in “interesting” times

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at November 02, 2023 08:18 AM (KEuti)

33 I'd be willing to bet some of those 22 "Republicans" had staffers who told them how to vote. Because they probably were to involved with their primary grift operation to take the time to find out what exactly they were voting on. Upon finding out, they still didn't give a shit.

And it's not "just" those 22. It's all of them.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at November 02, 2023 08:19 AM (Q4IgG)

34 Many countries in history have been ruled by a minority
England is done. Haven't been most male children there been named Mo in last few years?

Posted by: Skip at November 02, 2023 08:20 AM (fwDg9)

35 32 Posted by: LinusVanPelt at November 02, 2023 08:18 AM (KEuti)

Read this article from Mark Steyn from 2010:

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2023 08:20 AM (x0n13)

36 Good Morning, and thanks for the news J.J.

It's all so depressing, hard to even want to get out of bed.

Posted by: spypeach at November 02, 2023 08:20 AM (UuB/1)

37 > 22 House Republicans voted Wednesday night with Democrats to table a resolution that would....


I think a reason they voted that way is, to buy some protection should they ever find themselves facing a censure vote

Congress is a very exclusive club. Don't incur the wrath of other members if you hope to stay in the club.

Posted by: DB - at November 02, 2023 08:20 AM (geLO8)

38 I was thinking about this in the context of the Holocaust and the Oct 7 Hamas Einsatzgruppen activity. There are remembrance sites in Europe like Dachau, which is in Germany, and Auschwitz, in Poland. Perfessor Squirrel yesterday mentioned he’s visited at least one of these places. The point is with Germany again ramping up its antisemitism with the rest of Europe, will commemoration sites like Dachau be permitted to remain or will the Holocaust deniers close them down? What would have been unthinkable not so long ago now seems possible due primarily to unlimited immigration and feckless leadership. We live in “interesting” times
Posted by: LinusVanPelt

Shut down? They're fixing the ovens. Honestly, Israel needs to put such a beat down on gaza that there is no question about Never Again.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2023 08:21 AM (XjWYE)

39 I wanted to go back to Europe one day. So much for that shit.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at November 02, 2023 08:21 AM (R4t5M)

40 All I can say is, are you kidding me? Are you really efffin' kidding me?


Forget it, J.J. It's Bartertown ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Overimaginative Scamp and AGAAVE Plant at November 02, 2023 08:21 AM (c82bI)

41 Nearly all kollege utes nowadays are horrible. What was worst of all was that by means of such organizations as the democrat party they were systematically turned into ungovernable little savages, and yet this produced in them no tendency whatever to rebel against the discipline of the democrat party.

Harvard = Wewelsburg

More coffee...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at November 02, 2023 08:21 AM (R/m4+)

42 You miss the gravamen of my discourse...

Not the first time, and not the last either!

Posted by: San Franpsycho at November 02, 2023 08:22 AM (RIvkX)

43 42 You miss the gravamen of my discourse...

Not the first time, and not the last either!
Posted by: San Franpsycho at November 02, 2023 08:22 AM (RIvkX)


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2023 08:22 AM (x0n13)

44 Today is All Souls Day.
Día de los Muertos). 💀

Posted by: redridinghood at November 02, 2023 08:23 AM (NpAcC)

45 RIP Bobby Knight.

Boy he was hated by some… I think primarily because he embodied unapologetic masculinity and competitiveness. And he was “old school” to the core…. Didn’t know until I read his obit this morning that his coaching tree includes Bill Parcells… yep, the football coach was a Knight assistant for the Army round ball team when Knight was the head coach at West Point…

I’m pretty sure Knight was an unapologetic Trump supporter the last few years…

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at November 02, 2023 08:23 AM (KEuti)

46 A large slice of the police in England is made up of mohamedans. I don't know about Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland. In London it's probably an even greater slice.

Posted by: Ciampino - You've stolen a pizza my heart. at November 02, 2023 08:23 AM (qfLjt)

"Callen Zimmerman, a biological female who identifies with “they/them” pronouns, was listed as an adjunct professor within the City University of New York (CUNY) system until backlash resulted in her online biography being taken down."

"Adjunct professor" is one step up from "random guy pulled in off the street".

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 02, 2023 08:23 AM (MoZTd)


Nah, just kidding. It's different when it's supporting the beheading of infants simply because they're Jews.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Biden hasn't lowered flags or called for release of Jewish American hostages at November 02, 2023 08:23 AM (O69GV)

49 Not sure if letting Tiabi spouting her H8 is bad.
Certainly Democrat/ Marxists are quick to shut down the likes of M T-G but maybe letting them is supposed to be better to unmask themselves.

Posted by: Skip at November 02, 2023 08:24 AM (fwDg9)

50 The point is with Germany again ramping up its antisemitism with the rest of Europe, will commemoration sites like Dachau be permitted to remain or will the Holocaust deniers close them down?


They'll get the Robert E. Lee statue Maoist treatment.

"The future is known, comrades -- it's the past that keeps changing!"

Posted by: ShainS -- Overimaginative Scamp and AGAAVE Plant at November 02, 2023 08:24 AM (c82bI)

Not a lot of 'warm and fuzzy' links in the list.

Posted by: Traitor Joes Arms Emporium at November 02, 2023 08:25 AM (enJYY)

52 >>The most important thing to know is that London is 15% Muslim. That’s far from a majority,

Black people make up around 12-13pct of our country but have been the impetus for massive societal and social changes to the point of losing our country over Democrats treatment of them and the consequent knock on effects.

So 15pct is not insignificant.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 02, 2023 08:25 AM (XV/Pl)

53 Knight's fishing buddy was Ted Williams.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at November 02, 2023 08:25 AM (R4t5M)

I believe there was fraud in the 2020 election = bad

Jewish infants should be beheaded because they deserve it because they're dirty Jews = good

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Biden hasn't lowered flags or called for release of Jewish American hostages at November 02, 2023 08:25 AM (O69GV)

55 Say it ain't so!

Jury selected for the trial of Atlanta based rapper Young Thug on gang and racketeering charges.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 02, 2023 08:25 AM (krqg6)

56 Good morning, J.J.
Good morning, horde.

Posted by: Inogame at November 02, 2023 08:25 AM (53oGX)

57 I know quite a lot of young people who are perfectly upstanding -- and, much more importantly, there are plenty of total a-holes my age. You guys have got to get this satanic "Generation Religion" washed out of your heads, or you're just putting the old crotch into Crotchety Old Man. You look ridiculous, because you are.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at November 02, 2023 08:25 AM (4PZHB)

58 47 "Adjunct professor" is one step up from "random guy pulled in off the street".
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 02, 2023 08:23 AM (MoZTd)

Kind of a bizarre twist on Wm. F. Buckley's "I'd rather be governed by 3,000 random people from the phone book than an equal number of Ivy League graduates."

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2023 08:26 AM (x0n13)

59 Very sad didn't go to Normandy when was in Egland, trip now is never going to happen

Posted by: Skip at November 02, 2023 08:26 AM (fwDg9)

60 31 Minor quibble. Not teaching history in grade school allows colleges to spread any lie they want.
Posted by: Ben Had at November 02, 2023 08:18 AM (ikjfg)

I think teaching from Zinn is worse that knowing nothing.

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 02, 2023 08:26 AM (lwOKI)

61 The most important thing to know is that London is 15% Muslim. That’s far from a majority,

Black people make up around 12-13pct of our country but have been the impetus for massive societal and social changes to the point of losing our country over Democrats treatment of them and the consequent knock on effects.

So 15pct is not insignificant.
Posted by: Thomas Bender

Especially when they are willing to cut your head off to get their way.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2023 08:26 AM (XjWYE)

62 The most important thing to know is that London is 15% Muslim. That’s far from a majority,

Black people make up around 12-13pct of our country but have been the impetus for massive societal and social changes to the point of losing our country over Democrats treatment of them and the consequent knock on effects.

So 15pct is not insignificant.

Posted by: Thomas Bender



People insist that violence doesn't work.


Posted by: Moron Robbie - Biden hasn't lowered flags or called for release of Jewish American hostages at November 02, 2023 08:26 AM (O69GV)

63 The Nazis also did a great job of taking over the Church. They became a place that confirmed their rights as a Nation (to hate and kill). Look at the churches now that openly support the entire Dem Progressive agenda right down the line. Believe me that they will be co-opted to believe Islamophobia BAD, anti-Semitism ACCEPTABLE.
Posted by: rhennigantx at November 02, 2023 08:13 AM (lwOKI)

There was a great struggle in the churches and a schism in the state Lutheran church, hence the persecution and imprisonment of Pastor Niemoller. The Nazis did attempt to create their own "church" which was quite pagan In orientation. They did their best to hide it but the Nazi ideology was deeply anti-Christian and hostile to the Catholic Church. They murdered every priest and nun they found in Poland.

Cit. Kirchenkampf, Reichsminister Otto Kerl

Posted by: San Franpsycho at November 02, 2023 08:26 AM (RIvkX)

64 “I just introduced my resolution to censure Rashida Tlaib as privileged to force a House vote in two legislative days,” Greene wrote in a tweet after introducing the resolution. “Tlaib led a pro-Hamas insurrection into the Capitol complex, has repeatedly displayed her anti-Semitic beliefs, and shown her hatred for Israel. She must be held accountable and censured.”


The error here was grouping the two together. Had she put forward one motion on each count she might have had better success, but two counts gives the cowards two options to dither behind.

Posted by: can of spam at November 02, 2023 08:27 AM (7oNMO)

65 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 08:27 AM (Zz0t1)

66 Posted by: spypeach at November 02, 2023 08:20 AM (UuB/1)

Dear, You need to get out of bed, because people in your world need the unique gifts you have to make the world a better place. Concentrate on your little area. You can bless someone today and in blessing someone you will be blessed. I find when I spend too much time here-which I often do, because it tends to be addictive-I am in lower spirits. However, I am leaving for today. You might-if you're a Bible reader-read the prophet Habakkuk. Shot read, Very helpful, I think.

Also, the Morning Tech usually contains happier stories and a Bible devotional.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 02, 2023 08:27 AM (RSbhh)

67 Black people make up around 12-13pct of our country

but make up 85 percent of the ads on TV.

Posted by: grammie winger - I don't belong here at November 02, 2023 08:27 AM (45fpk)

68 By the end of 4 years of Biden's stolen presidency, we will have amassed an additional 10 million illegal aliens within America's borders. It's so staggering to contemplate. I really think we're on a freight train to utter ruin that just can't be stopped anymore.

Posted by: Lady in Black at November 02, 2023 08:27 AM (mupln)

69 52 So 15pct is not insignificant.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 02, 2023 08:25 AM (XV/Pl)

15% of 67 million is much more significant than 12-13% of 330 million.

And US blacks are declining while UK Muslims are skyrocketing.

ADDENDUM: it's 15% of London's total, but still. All the rest are relevant observations.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2023 08:28 AM (x0n13)

70 The only thing that can be obtained from this is our government sucks and does NOT represent the people of the country as a whole.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 08:28 AM (Zz0t1)

71 So 15pct is not insignificant.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 02, 2023 08:25 AM (XV/Pl)

Interesting that California HAD to have a black woman senator from DC when blacks are 4th or 5th after white hispanic and asian.

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 02, 2023 08:28 AM (lwOKI)

I'm not comfortable with censuring Tlaib for her views, considering the Shall Not Be Questioned privileges under the Constitution as well as the Qualification clause. But who doubts that if the tables were turned, the Democrats would unanimously be baying for blood?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 02, 2023 08:28 AM (MoZTd)


Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 08:27 AM


Posted by: AltonJackson at November 02, 2023 08:29 AM (WfYsw)

74 ". . . according to a Politico analysis released on Wednesday, Kennedy is 'collecting checks from past Donald Trump donors at a much higher rate than former Joe Biden contributors' . . .

Only one thing that can fix this: Trump gushing even more about how awesome Operation Warp Speed and the "vaccines" are.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at November 02, 2023 08:29 AM (DTX3h)

75 "I'm a free speech absolutist, but..." means you aren't really a free speech absolutist.

I think Tlaib is a POS and she should be shipped back where she came from so hat she can continue her fight closer to her Muslim brethren.

But, since we aren't going to do that, no I'm not going to allow a raghead to be the cause du jour to embrace silencing dissenting speech in America by force of law.

Let her spew her hatred. And let the ADL and others (including the 70% of the American Jewish electorate that support her ilk) target her and drive her from office by funding her opposition.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at November 02, 2023 08:29 AM (/11g9)

76 And at the risk of repeating myself, what courage did it take to execute an absolute no-brainer like censuring that rancid hunk of evil?


But they're totally going to find the courage for -- and die on the hill of -- balancing the budget ... or actually reducing spending ... or closing the border ... or impeaching the traitorous criminal scum in the White House and Deep State ... or something.

Posted by: ShainS -- Overimaginative Scamp and AGAAVE Plant at November 02, 2023 08:30 AM (c82bI)

77 ‘Dumb college kids’ have been supporting the mass murder of millions for at least a century.


Some might call it demonification through evil choices.
I'm not saying we are unfairly demonizing them, or that they are demonizing Jews, but that through this pedagogy of violence and transhumanism, the kids are being encouraged to become less human and more demonic.
Instead of being taught to seek to become, as we are all born to become, images of the Divine, they are being taught to image the Fallen.

tl;dr: the kids are not all right

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at November 02, 2023 08:30 AM (vHIgi)

78 The Wogs have won it looks like. Good job, England.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at November 02, 2023 08:30 AM (R4t5M)

79 I think a reason they voted that way is, to buy some protection should they ever find themselves facing a censure vote
Posted by: DB - at November 02, 2023 08:20 AM (geLO

McCarthy supported Dem desires, in part, to secure their support should he face a removal vote.

Any Republican who does anything in an effort to "build up goodwill" with the Democrats in an effort to protect their position is too stupid for words.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at November 02, 2023 08:30 AM (z99Zw)

80 Read this article from Mark Steyn from 2010:
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2023 08:20 AM (x0n13)

Thank you. Fine writing by Steyn, as always. Depressing but worthwhile. The execrable Helen Thomas makes an appearance! She really was a piece of work….

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at November 02, 2023 08:30 AM (KEuti)

81 Chip Roy of Texas voted in favor of Tlaib. Hepretends to be an aw shucks conservative but I noted he was all in with the Bush Family's attempt to take out Ken Paxton. He's one of Karl Roves boys.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 02, 2023 08:30 AM (S6gqv)

82 I'm not comfortable with censuring Tlaib for her views, considering the Shall Not Be Questioned privileges under the Constitution as well as the Qualification clause. But who doubts that if the tables were turned, the Democrats would unanimously be baying for blood?
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

I'm baying for blood because she can't serve two masters.

And muzzie master wins every time with her.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2023 08:31 AM (XjWYE)

83 68 By the end of 4 years of Biden's stolen presidency, we will have amassed an additional 10 million illegal aliens within America's borders. It's so staggering to contemplate. I really think we're on a freight train to utter ruin that just can't be stopped anymore.
Posted by: Lady in Black at November 02, 2023 08:27 AM (mupln)

I want to be an optimist but as of this moment, I cannot see anything that will stop it. We never know the future, of course, but from where we are now we are hang for disaster.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2023 08:31 AM (x0n13)

but make up 85 percent of the ads on TV.

Posted by: grammie winger - I don't belong here at November 02, 2023 08:27 AM (45fpk)

And you're racist if you're not in a bi-racial relationship.

Oh, and white men are f*cking stupid as hell.

TV. It's really quite evil.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 08:31 AM (Zz0t1)

85 Black people make up around 12-13pct of our country

but make up 85 percent of the ads on TV.


It would be really interesting to know if that's because the networks are trying very hard to push diversity, or because the demographic makes up the majority of TV watchers.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Biden hasn't lowered flags or called for release of Jewish American hostages at November 02, 2023 08:32 AM (O69GV)

86 By the end of 4 years of Biden's stolen presidency, we will have amassed an additional 10 million illegal aliens within America's borders. It's so staggering to contemplate. I really think we're on a freight train to utter ruin that just can't be stopped anymore.

I want to be an optimist but as of this moment, I cannot see anything that will stop it. We never know the future, of course, but from where we are now we are hang for disaster.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton




Posted by: Moron Robbie - Biden hasn't lowered flags or called for release of Jewish American hostages at November 02, 2023 08:32 AM (O69GV)

87 It's all so depressing, hard to even want to get out of bed.

Posted by: spypeach at November 02, 2023 08:20 AM (UuB/1)

Arise, dragonslayers!

Dragons abound.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at November 02, 2023 08:32 AM (vHIgi)

88 . You might-if you're a Bible reader-read the prophet Habakkuk. Shot read, Very helpful, I think.

Also, the Morning Tech usually contains happier stories and a Bible devotional.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 02, 2023 08:27 AM (RSbhh)

Thanks Fen

Posted by: spypeach at November 02, 2023 08:32 AM (UuB/1)

89 Muslhams know one way: violence.

They will control you by violence. They will defeat you with violence. They will convert you, enslave you or kill you.

The quicker the stupid leaders of the western world realize that, the better way of life will survive the incoming onslaught.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 08:33 AM (Zz0t1)

90 Hadrian! How was the cataract surgery?

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at November 02, 2023 08:33 AM (vHIgi)

91 What the hell are you people thinking?

The uniparty was told to go easy on Rancid Talib. And at least 35 House Republicans are part of the uniparty.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 02, 2023 08:33 AM (XqcwY)

92 Hurray for Pallywood!

Hot news @TheNewsTrending 29m
A Gazan grabs the camera and shouts: Israel is attacking a UNRWA school with phosphorus bombs and shows how phosphorus can be extinguished using sand.

Well, these are smoke bombs.... you see the smoke grenades. If he really knew how to extinguish phosphorus, he would probably receive a Nobel Prize

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 02, 2023 08:34 AM (krqg6)

93 Both sides of the political spectrum? No.

Posted by: steevy at November 02, 2023 08:34 AM (FQmDC)

Black people make up around 12-13pct of our country

but make up 85 percent of the ads on TV.

Gays are the other 30%.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 02, 2023 08:34 AM (MoZTd)

It would be really interesting to know if that's because the networks are trying very hard to push diversity, or because the demographic makes up the majority of TV watchers.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Biden hasn't lowered flags or called for release of Jewish American hostages at November 02, 2023 08:32 AM (O69GV)

It's ALL about agenda. You will be brainwashed.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 08:34 AM (Zz0t1)

96 80 Posted by: LinusVanPelt at November 02, 2023 08:30 AM (KEuti)

I'm kind of shocked the Muslims have not desecrated or at least demanded that British and US war graves in North Africa be removed. That's coming.

All things considered, one day, the cemetery at Coleville sur Mer will be ransacked. I pray to God I do not live to see that day.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2023 08:35 AM (x0n13)

97 Muslhams know one way: violence.

They will control you by violence. They will defeat you with violence. They will convert you, enslave you or kill you.

The quicker the stupid leaders of the western world realize that, the better way of life will survive the incoming onslaught.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden

Yep. It's why those inbreds only understand overwhelming force.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at November 02, 2023 08:35 AM (R4t5M)

98 Following link after link, the ," Groomkng Gang" in England being allowed to run with impunity tells you they are doomed.

Posted by: Skip at November 02, 2023 08:35 AM (fwDg9)

Hadrian! How was the cataract surgery?
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion

Very successful. I'm very happy with the results.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 02, 2023 08:35 AM (MoZTd)

100 86 Fundamental.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Biden hasn't lowered flags or called for release of Jewish American hostages at November 02, 2023 08:32 AM (O69GV)

Stay tuned for this weekend's podcast. We have a great guest lined up. No, not Obama.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2023 08:36 AM (x0n13)

101 Very successful. I'm very happy with the results.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

Yay! Bionic eyes?

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at November 02, 2023 08:36 AM (vHIgi)

102 “The Indictment rests on a dogmatic premise that the election of President Biden was free of material irregularity and that any thought, expression, or conduct of the Defendants to the contrary was necessarily wrongful and criminal, and thus constituted a massive (but on its face preposterous) Georgia RICO conspiracy,” the attorneys wrote.


Posted by: rhennigantx at November 02, 2023 08:36 AM (lwOKI)

Stay tuned for this weekend's podcast. We have a great guest lined up. No, not Obama.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2023 08:36 AM (x0n13)

Bull watcher Frank Luntz?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 08:37 AM (Zz0t1)

Yay! Bionic eyes?
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion

Unfortunately, the X-Ray Vision option wasn't available.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 02, 2023 08:37 AM (MoZTd)

105 Well, these are smoke bombs.... you see the smoke grenades. If he really knew how to extinguish phosphorus, he would probably receive a Nobel Prize
Posted by: andycanuck

Put it under water.
(Saw that on MASH)

Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2023 08:37 AM (XjWYE)

Yay! Bionic eyes?
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at November 02, 2023 08:36 AM (vHIgi)

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 08:38 AM (Zz0t1)

107 98 Following link after link, the ," Groomkng Gang" in England being allowed to run with impunity tells you they are doomed.
Posted by: Skip at November 02, 2023 08:35 AM (fwDg9)

now do Shitcago black on black crime and cartel run border cities.

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 02, 2023 08:38 AM (lwOKI)

108 The city nearest me is 77% black. I see plenty of biracial couples. There is a stereotypical type that I will not describe here.

There really not much race conflict here though. No riots during BLM or anything like that. The mayor is usually white, the last black mayor was a racist bigamist used car salesman.

Posted by: fd at November 02, 2023 08:38 AM (vFG9F)

109 >It would be really interesting to know if that's because the networks are trying very hard to push diversity, or because the demographic makes up the majority of TV watchers.

It's to protect the Bottom Line from the mobs
"Look! I'm wearing the ribbon!"

Posted by: DB - at November 02, 2023 08:38 AM (geLO8)

110 Not sure if letting Tiabi spouting her H8 is bad.
Certainly Democrat/ Marxists are quick to shut down the likes of M T-G but maybe letting them is supposed to be better to unmask themselves.
Posted by: Skip at November 02, 2023 08:24 AM (fwDg9)
For the most part I'm against censuring. It just becomes a tit for tat for each side.
I'd rather have them out in the open and exposed to the voters.

Posted by: redridinghood at November 02, 2023 08:38 AM (NpAcC)

111 Hot news @TheNewsTrending 31m
Hamas leader abroad Khaled Mashal:
October 7 paved the highway for the elimination of Israel.

Russia and China can do more to help us, this is their chance to eliminate the American monopoly.
1:21 minutes; translation subtitles so no sound required; also calls the Global Left an ally.

Khaled's abroad?? No wonder U.S. universities support xer!

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 02, 2023 08:38 AM (krqg6)

112 Tlaib has openly taken money from Hamas, she is an agent for Hamas. In any sane country she wouldn't be censured; she'd be executed by firing squad.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 02, 2023 08:38 AM (S6gqv)

113 The election was as free of irregularity as Joe's bowel movements

Posted by: steevy at November 02, 2023 08:38 AM (FQmDC)

114 Yay! Bionic eyes?
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion

Unfortunately, the X-Ray Vision option wasn't available.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

For .99 cents plus $4.50 shipping and handling we can send you your very own x-ray glasses!

Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2023 08:39 AM (XjWYE)

115 Anytime a lone republican tries to do something positive all the RINOs get nervous. Tommy Tuberville is trying to hold the pentagon accountable for funding trips by service members to get abortions… so he’s holding up general level promotions and according to Miss Lindsey (and 4 other republican senators) he’s ruining our military. They had a hissy fit on the floor of the senate last night. Interesting that a football coach has more guts than these career politicians

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at November 02, 2023 08:39 AM (KEuti)

116 Good morning everyone. Thank you J.J.

Verse for the Day:

"I, I am He who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins."

–Isaiah 43:25

November 2nd is All Souls Day, sometimes called the Day of the Dead. On this day, and during the month of November, the Church prays in a special way for the souls of the faithful departed, and individuals pray especially for those whom they have known and loved. The Holy Souls in purgatory died in the mercy of God, thus they are called “holy.” However, because they still had attachment to sin at the time of their death, they must undergo the spiritual purification of their souls before they are able to fully love God with their whole heart, mind, and soul for all eternity. As they are nevertheless part of the communion of saints, they depend upon us to help ease their suffering and quickly advance them through their purification so that they can join the saints in heaven. Those in purgatory cannot pray for themselves, this is why they are also called “poor.” They can no longer merit anything for themselves and rely entirely on living souls to pray and make sacrifices on their behalf.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 02, 2023 08:40 AM (qoGsy)

For .99 cents plus $4.50 shipping and handling we can send you your very own x-ray glasses!
Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2023 08:39 AM (XjWYE)

I suppose when you're a horny young boy, that sort of thing is a fantasy, but now that I'm 29 the very thought of seeing underneath clothes makes me want to woof.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 02, 2023 08:41 AM (MoZTd)

118 The Indictment rests on a dogmatic premise that the election of President Biden was free of material irregularity

If I was Trump I'd call each one of the 10,000 "voters" from WI that were 120+ years old at the time of the 2020 election as a witness.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 02, 2023 08:41 AM (XqcwY)

119 The quicker the stupid leaders of the western world realize that, the better way of life will survive the incoming onslaught.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 08:33 AM (Zz0t1)

They're not stupid. They just hate us more than they hate them.

Posted by: OrangeEnt at November 02, 2023 08:41 AM (Angsy)

120 England is gone as are whole swathes of Europe. I predicted that Westminster Abbey would be converted into another Hagia Sophia within the next 25 years. With everything going on, I think I have to move that up to perhaps 10.


Next you'll be telling me that Muhammad is the top baby name for the seventh year running in the UK -- and one of the most popular baby boys names now throughout Western Europe (Berlin, Brussels, The Netherlands, et. al.).

Oh, wait ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Overimaginative Scamp and AGAAVE Plant at November 02, 2023 08:42 AM (c82bI)

121 117 Ray Milland found out it wasn't all fun and games....

Posted by: steevy at November 02, 2023 08:42 AM (FQmDC)

122 For .99 cents plus $4.50 shipping and handling we can send you your very own x-ray glasses!
Posted by: rickb223

Better to see the Sea-Monkeys with!

Posted by: Tonypete at November 02, 2023 08:43 AM (qoGsy)

123 Tlaib has openly taken money from Hamas, she is an agent for Hamas. In any sane country she wouldn't be censured; she'd be executed by firing squad.

And as a way to think about this, if a House Republican took money from the Aryan Nation and lobbied on behalf of them...right after they had abducted and murdered Americans...what would have happened to him/her?

Because Hamas is no different.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 02, 2023 08:43 AM (XqcwY)

Missed All Saints Day Mass yesterday because of my procedure. I feel badly about it, but Wednesday is the day they do operations and I didn't even think about it when it was scheduled.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 02, 2023 08:43 AM (MoZTd)

They're not stupid. They just hate us more than they hate them.
Posted by: OrangeEnt at November 02, 2023 08:41 AM (Angsy)

The dangerous part is, they're willing to stand back and watch the destruction, all while thinking they'll be able to control them or be part of the leadership when the smoke clears.

They won't.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 08:43 AM (Zz0t1)

126 Hot news @TheNewsTrending 32m
Seven senior Hamas officials are in hotels in Doha, the capital of Qatar, headed by Ismail Haniya, and from there, from the hotels, they demand that the people of Gaza continue their firm stand.
Cut ties with Qatar!

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 02, 2023 08:44 AM (krqg6)

127 Next you'll be telling me that Muhammad is the top baby name for the seventh year running in the UK

Feminist Europeans are too busy at their make work jobs to have kids.

Muslims are focused on something more important then the promotion from Senior Principle HR Specialist to Principle Senior HR Specialist

Posted by: 18-1 at November 02, 2023 08:44 AM (XqcwY)

128 Missed All Saints Day Mass yesterday because of my procedure. I feel badly about it, but Wednesday is the day they do operations and I didn't even think about it when it was scheduled.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 02, 2023 08:43 AM (MoZTd)

Always remember. Two or more people gathered together in the name of Christ is Church. I think you're good.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 08:44 AM (Zz0t1)

129 Two days ago, a new park was graffitied in a jewish community in Pittsburgh. Adjacent to the Tree of Life synogogue.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at November 02, 2023 08:45 AM (R4t5M)

130 Tommy Tuberville is trying to hold the pentagon accountable for funding trips by service members to get abortions… so he’s holding up general level promotions and according to Miss Lindsey (and 4 other republican senators) he’s ruining our military.
Posted by: LinusVanPelt at November 02, 2023 08:39 AM (KEuti)

If whomever cannot do the job they're supposed to be doing until, and unless, they get a promotion then they're not the person to be doing the job.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at November 02, 2023 08:46 AM (z99Zw)

131 Dr. Skidmore then projected those findings across the country’s population to conclude: “the total number of fatalities due to [Chinese] COVID-19 inoculation may be as high as 289,789.”

I think my A fib was caused by J and J.

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 02, 2023 08:46 AM (lwOKI)

132 Missed All Saints Day Mass yesterday because of my procedure. I feel badly about it, but Wednesday is the day they do operations and I didn't even think about it when it was scheduled.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

I hear you - I didn't make Mass yesterday and will not today either due to my face surgery. I honestly look worse than Frankenstein with the sutures and swelling - I'd scare adults. To say nothing of dogs and small children.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 02, 2023 08:46 AM (qoGsy)

133 Speaking of modern internet, I got a popup from Steam asking if they could poll my system to determine the specs and software I use because it would be incredibly helpful to their company and help them determine what to offer in the future. I've seen the same for years with emailed surveys after a purchase from online stores.

For free. They want to have people give them valuable (they even admitted it in the steam popup) information for free.

I'm certain tons of people do it, too.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Biden hasn't lowered flags or called for release of Jewish American hostages at November 02, 2023 08:46 AM (O69GV)

134 The dangerous part is, they're willing to stand back and watch the destruction, all while thinking they'll be able to control them or be part of the leadership when the smoke clears.

They won't.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 08:43 AM (Zz0t1)

Yes, in that part they are stupid. Though, more likely just too arrogant to think dumb sand dwellers could beat them.

Posted by: OrangeEnt at November 02, 2023 08:47 AM (Angsy)

135 For .99 cents plus $4.50 shipping and handling we can send you your very own x-ray glasses!
Posted by: rickb223

Better to see the Sea-Monkeys with!
Posted by: Tonypete

I see someone who read 70's comic books.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2023 08:47 AM (XjWYE)

136 Tlaib has openly taken money from Hamas, she is an agent for Hamas. In any sane country she wouldn't be censured; she'd be executed by firing squad.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 02, 2023 08:38 AM (S6gqv)


Next you'll be telling us that the Obama/Biden White Houses and Deep State Brownshirts were, and are, riddled with Iranian agents and spies, from former President ValJar on down.

None dare call it treason ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Overimaginative Scamp and AGAAVE Plant at November 02, 2023 08:48 AM (c82bI)

137 115 Anytime a lone republican tries to do something positive all the RINOs get nervous. Tommy Tuberville is trying to hold the pentagon accountable for funding trips by service members to get abortions… so he’s holding up general level promotions and according to Miss Lindsey (and 4 other republican senators) he’s ruining our military. They had a hissy fit on the floor of the senate last night. Interesting that a football coach has more guts than these career politicians
Posted by: LinusVanPelt at November 02, 2023 08:39 AM (KEuti)

Chuck U runs the Senate. All he has to do is put the Name up for promotion, then call a vote.

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 02, 2023 08:48 AM (lwOKI)

138 JD Sharp
Here's what happened:

1. Biden asked NARA to remove Trump's executive privilege over documents
2. NARA granted it
3. Biden declared documents reclassified
4. Biden used new classification to order Mar-A-Lago raid

Posted by: SMOD at November 02, 2023 08:48 AM (RHGPo)

139 An America Without Gun Rights Would Look Like Mexico, Not Australia

That is the plan.

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 02, 2023 08:49 AM (lwOKI)

140 "More Than A Hundred Bird Species About To Be Renamed Because … Racism"

Maybe these Leftist groups should concentrate on the biggest bird that was a senator for the Democrat party... Robert KKK Byrd.

Posted by: redridinghood at November 02, 2023 08:49 AM (NpAcC)

141 For free. They want to have people give them valuable (they even admitted it in the steam popup) information for free.

I'm certain tons of people do it, too.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Biden hasn't lowered flags or called for release of Jewish American hostages

Moron Robbie

"Everyone's first job was at McDonalds! Prove me wrong!!"
"What hit song do you remember from your senior year?"

etc., etc.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 02, 2023 08:49 AM (qoGsy)

142 UK BLM leader. Two peoples united by a single vice.

Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper 15m
NEW: A Black Lives Matter activist who helped mastermind the protest which led to the toppling of Edward Colston's statue during the first national coronavirus lockdown and spent more than £30,000 in donations earmarked for charity to fund her lifestyle has been jailed for fraud, Daily Mail reports

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 02, 2023 08:49 AM (krqg6)

143 . . . according to a Politico analysis released on Wednesday, Kennedy is 'collecting checks from past Donald Trump donors at a much higher rate than former Joe Biden contributors'

1. Politico is a far left site. They absolutely don't want RFK on the ballot as an independent, because they know he'll drain a huge amount of support away from Biden.
2. The Trump supporters are funding RFK for all of the above reasons. The don't "support" him, they want him on the ballot as an independent.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at November 02, 2023 08:50 AM (CecP5)

144 140 Blue Tits?

Posted by: steevy at November 02, 2023 08:50 AM (FQmDC)

145 Dr. Skidmore then projected those findings across the country’s population to conclude: “the total number of fatalities due to [Chinese] COVID-19 inoculation may be as high as 289,789.”

I think my A fib was caused by J and J.

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 02, 2023 08:46 AM (lwOKI)


Where are all the class action lawsuits?

Wait, wut?

Posted by: ShainS -- Overimaginative Scamp and AGAAVE Plant at November 02, 2023 08:50 AM (c82bI)

An America Without Gun Rights Would Look Like Mexico, Not Australia

That is the plan.
Posted by: rhennigantx at November 02, 2023 08:49 AM (lwOKI)

American cities already look like Mexico.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 02, 2023 08:50 AM (MoZTd)

147 The term "biological female" is hideously redundant.

Posted by: But I ain't no biologist at November 02, 2023 08:51 AM (NBVIP)

148 so he’s holding up general level promotions and according to Miss Lindsey (and 4 other republican senators) he’s ruining our military.

There are currently 231 generals in the army more then any time in history even though the size of the army is relatively small.

I suspect we'd be better off with half or fewer that number of generals.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 02, 2023 08:51 AM (XqcwY)

149 Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper 56m
NEW 🚨 Israel has no right to self-defense in current conflict because it is an occupying state, Russian UN envoy Vasily Nebenzya said — TASS

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 02, 2023 08:51 AM (krqg6)

150 Two days ago, a new park was graffitied in a jewish community in Pittsburgh. Adjacent to the Tree of Life synogogue.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory

Sniper. Silenced weapon. Drop one body and leave it lay. Disappear into the darkness.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2023 08:51 AM (XjWYE)

151 Chutzpa from the Ruskis...

Posted by: steevy at November 02, 2023 08:52 AM (FQmDC)

152 God bless Coach Knight. He was an eccentric and complicated figure who was a legend in his profession. He was a real man, unafraid to take stances that might be unpopular. His players graduated...they had futures. He inspired a rare kind of loyalty as well, and you can't inspire loyalty if you are weak and soft.

May he rest in peace in a land full of referees who can see!

Posted by: Don Draper at November 02, 2023 08:52 AM (T4RS9)

153 138 JD Sharp
Here's what happened:

1. Biden asked NARA to remove Trump's executive privilege over documents
2. NARA granted it
3. Biden declared documents reclassified
4. Biden used new classification to order Mar-A-Lago raid
Posted by: SMOD at November 02, 2023 08:48 AM (RHGPo)

And DOE was involved in somehow pulling PDTs security clearance.

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 02, 2023 08:53 AM (lwOKI)

154 144 140 Blue Tits?

Is this the art thread already?

Posted by: Just woke up at November 02, 2023 08:53 AM (NBVIP)

155 Chip Roy of Texas voted in favor of Tlaib. Hepretends to be an aw shucks conservative but I noted he was all in with the Bush Family's attempt to take out Ken Paxton. He's one of Karl Roves boys.
Posted by: Tom Servo at November 02, 2023 08:30 AM (S6gqv)

So did my Rep. I will send him a email later, once I cool off, but he’s a McCarthy RINO. Don’t expect much in response…..we’ll freedom of speech….Blah, blah, blah.

Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly at November 02, 2023 08:53 AM (wbjP0)

There are currently 231 generals in the army more then any time in history even though the size of the army is relatively small.

Do the armed forces still have that substantive rank thing? You occupy a command as a three-star general but revert to a one-star once you relinquish it?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 02, 2023 08:54 AM (MoZTd)

157 Chutzpa from the Ruskis...

"Russians" have been in Ukraine for ~1200 years.

But...Jews have been in Israel for ~4000 years.

You still lose Vlad!

Posted by: 18-1 at November 02, 2023 08:54 AM (XqcwY)

158 Always remember. Two or more people gathered together in the name of Christ is Church. I think you're good.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 08:44 AM (Zz0t1)


That doesn't fly with Catholics, unfortunately. But Hadrian had a legit reason for not being there, so he's still good.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 02, 2023 08:54 AM (0mWPK)

159 Finally, from many months ago...

Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper 3h
BREAKING 🚨 An Australian woman is charged with murder after serving a mushroom meal that left three people dead and a local preacher fighting for his life
A little harder to cover up than colchicine but probably not windshield-wiper [IIRC] fluid. Keep up the good work, ladies, just don't use evil guns!

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 02, 2023 08:54 AM (krqg6)

160 Am I getting wee-wee'd up over nothing?

Nope. Letting little things fester because they are "little things" is what led to moments like this. In an ideal world, Republicans would introduce the motion to censure and have press conferences explaining why.

Posted by: NR Pax at November 02, 2023 08:54 AM (4olE8)

161 Sniper. Silenced weapon. Drop one body and leave it lay. Disappear into the darkness.
Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2023 08:51 AM (XjWYE)

Works for illegal immigration and organized retail theft.

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 02, 2023 08:54 AM (lwOKI)

162 Heh. My first job was at McDonald's.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 02, 2023 08:54 AM (S6gqv)

That doesn't fly with Catholics, unfortunately. But Hadrian had a legit reason for not being there, so he's still good.
Posted by: Jordan61 at November 02, 2023 08:54 AM (0mWPK)

I know, but since the Catholic Church left me decades ago, I'm more of a purist when it comes to that stuff.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 08:55 AM (Zz0t1)

164 My first job was telemarketing. Lasted one day.

Posted by: steevy at November 02, 2023 08:55 AM (FQmDC)

165 I think there is fundamentally an argument to be made about freedom of speech or freedom on conscience.

However, that sets aside that you do not want to allow ideas into your society that are tacitly evil. That way lies bad things.

Cultural homogenization can be a good thing.

Posted by: Aetius451AD work phone at November 02, 2023 08:56 AM (Gbphe)

166 Surprising no one, yesterday Trump's lawyers advised the judge they have proof Biden colluded directly to indict Trump:

1) Biden asked the Archives to remove Trump's executive privilege over documents -- by telling them, if you ask it be waived, I won't object
2) The Archives then demand the current Executive waive the Executive Privileges of the prior Executive
3) Biden then declared documents reclassified
4) Biden then used that new re-classification to order Mar-A-Lago raid

This has always been a purely political show trial without a shred of evidence a crime even could have been committed.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at November 02, 2023 08:56 AM (TzW+Y)

167 Israel has no right to self-defense in current conflict because it is an occupying state, Russian UN envoy Vasily Nebenzya said — TASS

Well, technically he said "...according to the 2004 decision by the International Court of Justice."

I've seen many of these headlines pop up with just the shocking gotcha!

None of them say "Russian envoy says Israel has the right to ensure its security" or "Russian envoy says Israel has the right to fight terrorism" which are included in his statement.

Rather than read the snippet, better to be informed by listening to the statement.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at November 02, 2023 08:56 AM (/11g9)

God bless Coach Knight. He was an eccentric and complicated figure who was a legend in his profession. He was a real man, unafraid to take stances that might be unpopular. His players graduated...they had futures. He inspired a rare kind of loyalty as well, and you can't inspire loyalty if you are weak and soft.

I thought he was a prick until I read a book about a season under him that was intended to be hostile. I gained a lot of respect for him after that. And it's not like anyone going to Indiana was surprised about what kind of coach he was or what was demanded of them.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 02, 2023 08:56 AM (MoZTd)

169 Heh. My first job was at McDonald's.
Posted by: Tom Servo

My first job was as a bus boy at an Italian restaurant on The Hill in St. Louis.
Paid in cash under the table because I was 15.

I've never worked at McDonald's.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2023 08:57 AM (XjWYE)

170 Loudoun County Students Walk Out Of School Over Policy Allowing Boys In Girls Locker Rooms

Good on you kids!

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 02, 2023 08:57 AM (lwOKI)

171 Re: Coach Knight. May he rest in peace in a land full of referees who can see!
Posted by: Don Draper at November 02, 2023 08:52 AM (T4RS9)

He was a great coach and from I could tell a good man interested in his student players. Just as important, he was hated by all the right people, so he must have be doing the right things. RIP .

Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly at November 02, 2023 08:58 AM (wbjP0)

172 Heh. My first job was at McDonald's.
Posted by: Tom Servo at November 02, 2023 08:54 AM (S6gqv)


Mine was Hot Dog on a Stick. I rocked that hat.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 02, 2023 08:58 AM (0mWPK)

173 Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper 5h
JUST IN - US border sees influx of 24,000 Chinese migrants crossing from Mexico in the past 12 months - up more than 10 times from the year before, Daily Mail reports

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 02, 2023 08:58 AM (krqg6)

174 This has always been a purely political show trial without a shred of evidence a crime even could have been committed.
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at November 02, 2023 08:56 AM (TzW+Y)
oh, lots of crimes have been committed, just not by Trump or his team.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at November 02, 2023 08:58 AM (YIVH2)

175 It's also,
National Deviled Egg Day.

Posted by: redridinghood at November 02, 2023 08:58 AM (NpAcC)

176 My first job was as a bus boy at an Italian restaurant on The Hill in St. Louis.
Paid in cash under the table because I was 15.

I've never worked at McDonald's.
Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2023 08:57 AM (XjWYE)

My first job was sacking groceries at Skaggs Alpha Beta.

Only food service job was waiting tables for a year. I've never worked in "fast" food.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 08:58 AM (Zz0t1)

177 I worked at a McDonald's as my first job. I realized fairly quickly that while I could be good at customer service, that type specifically was not for me.

Posted by: Aetius451AD work phone at November 02, 2023 08:59 AM (Gbphe)

Mine was Hot Dog on a Stick. I rocked that hat.
Posted by: Jordan61 at November 02, 2023 08:58 AM (0mWPK)

Oh I bet you did!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 08:59 AM (Zz0t1)

179 My first job was as a dishwasher at the Caravan Serai in St Paul. I was 13. $2.07 an hour with a crazy Afghan owner.

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at November 02, 2023 08:59 AM (ZV+pB)

180 Mine was Hot Dog on a Stick. I rocked that hat.
Posted by: Jordan61 at November 02, 2023 08:58 AM (0mWPK)
Great preparation for your future as a Bacon Wench!

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at November 02, 2023 08:59 AM (YIVH2)

But Hadrian had a legit reason for not being there, so he's still good.
Posted by: Jordan61 at November 02, 2023 08:54 AM (0mWPK)

I could have put it off by a week. But it had already been put off by a week. Off to Confession, I'm afraid, just to salve my conscience.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 02, 2023 08:59 AM (MoZTd)

182 JUST IN - US border sees influx of 24,000 Chinese migrants crossing from Mexico in the past 12 months - up more than 10 times from the year before, Daily Mail reports

You know something the GOP could probably easily do?

Pass a law that you can't seek asylum FROM a country that the US has a trade agreement with.

Make the Dems argue that a country can be so bad you need asylum from it BUT that its fine to trade with them too

Posted by: 18-1 at November 02, 2023 08:59 AM (XqcwY)

183 175 It's also,
National Deviled Egg Day.
Posted by: redridinghood at November 02, 2023 08:58 AM (NpAcC)

Followed tomorrow by 'National Chemical Weapons' day.

Posted by: Aetius451AD work phone at November 02, 2023 09:00 AM (Gbphe)

184 Some people never go away. Liz Cheney a bitchin and a moanin about the new speaker being an insurrectionist. Sure wish Wyoming had a Take Your Daughter Hunting Day.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at November 02, 2023 09:00 AM (0EOe9)

185 Make the Dems argue that a country can be so bad you need asylum from it BUT that its fine to trade with them too
Posted by: 18-1

Dems could do it without breaking a sweat.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2023 09:01 AM (XjWYE)

186 Frank Herbert boiled it down the most succinctly: "When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.”

Not bad for a sci-fi guy.

Posted by: Ex Rex Reeder at November 02, 2023 09:01 AM (MZ+PY)

187 Some people never go away. Liz Cheney a bitchin and a moanin about the new speaker being an insurrectionist. Sure wish Wyoming had a Take Your Daughter Hunting Day.
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at November 02, 2023 09:00 AM (0EOe9)

Since her Wyoming thing was a ruse anyway, does she still 'live' there? Did she ever?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 09:01 AM (Zz0t1)

188 140 "More Than A Hundred Bird Species About To Be Renamed Because … Racism"

Maybe these Leftist groups should concentrate on the biggest bird that was a senator for the Democrat party... Robert KKK Byrd.
Posted by: redridinghood at November 02, 2023 08:49 AM (NpAcC)

"Baby let me bang your box!"

- - Robyn Byrd

"Baby let me burn my cross!"

- - Robert "Sheets" Byrd

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2023 09:01 AM (x0n13)

189 1 day Telemarketing - reminds me of this exchange:
Lister: "you're so bad with people, you got asked to leave one day after you volunteered at the suicide hot line! All 7 people you talked to killed themselves!"
Rimmer: "You can't blame that on me, those people were crazy."
Lister: "Yeah, but one of them was a wrong number!"

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 02, 2023 09:02 AM (S6gqv)

190 Black people make up around 12-13pct of our country
but make up 85 percent of the ads on TV.
Posted by: grammie winger - I don't belong here at November 02, 2023 08:27 AM (45fpk)

Concur...and they are all smiling, happy, eating their taco bell and driving that new Hyundais and redecorating their homes and all so content and smart and polite and speak well and appear employed with good jobs in these TV ads.

I just have one question....where are all these black folks at?

Posted by: Stepin Fetchit at November 02, 2023 09:02 AM (R/m4+)

191 I suspect if Lizard Cheney doesn't find a way to be actually useful to her masters soon she's due for a big paycut.

Its one thing to be a GOPe congressvermin. But...they have a million uniparty "Republican" pundits to choose from to put on FOXN or the like.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 02, 2023 09:03 AM (XqcwY)

192 Visegrád 24 @visegrad24 24m
A mother cries over the body of her son who was killed in an Israeli airstrike against Gaza.

She sees a journalist’s camera and screams “this all happened because of those Hamas dogs”.

A “rescue-worker” grabs her face and tells her to “shut up”

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 02, 2023 09:03 AM (krqg6)

193 187 Mailbox at The UPS Store.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at November 02, 2023 09:03 AM (0EOe9)

194 hiya

Posted by: JT at November 02, 2023 09:03 AM (T4tVD)

195 It would be really interesting to know if that's because the networks are trying very hard to push diversity, or because the demographic makes up the majority of TV watchers.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Biden hasn't lowered flags or called for release of Jewish American hostages at November 02, 2023 08:32 AM (O69GV)

Most of it is the fact that advertising executives and corporate execs are scared shitless of being called racists. It really is that simple. I worked in the TV industry for many years and you will be hard pressed to find a more "liberal" (progressive) and spineless group in the upper management positions in most other industries. I'm glad I finally retired 4 years ago.

Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy now with twice the crazy at November 02, 2023 09:04 AM (h4nev)

196 Quetzal’s homepage is emblazoned with the title “Decolonize. Reclaim. Reimagine” and its stated mission is to “support institutions working to build a legacy of liberatory education with Black and Brown communities through anti-oppression consultation.”

One dos tree foh

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 02, 2023 09:04 AM (lwOKI)

197 andycanuck, thank you for your posts. I look for them all day.

Posted by: Wenda at November 02, 2023 09:04 AM (Tji/p)

198 Internal Primary polling for House RINO's like Buck and Granger must be awful, for these two vain power hunger whores to retire.

Many of those 22 are in Red States. What is going on with McLintock in California? Is he a RINO now?

Posted by: Jonah at November 02, 2023 09:04 AM (33nmr)

199 Birdbath status?

Posted by: Just Wondering at November 02, 2023 09:04 AM (NBVIP)

200 Oh and a suggestion for the uniparty. Rather then paying your not so hard earned cash for pols like Lizard Cheney have you thought of replacing them with AI?

I could give you one that would write a daily "Trump is a Russian poopyhead" article every day for a low low cost.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 02, 2023 09:05 AM (XqcwY)

201 Democrat mayors from sanctuary cities will be meeting with Biden in a few hours.
They will be asking for 5 billion dollars to help with all the illegals that have invaded their cities.

Posted by: redridinghood at November 02, 2023 09:05 AM (NpAcC)

202 Concur...and they are all smiling, happy, eating their taco bell and driving that new Hyundais and redecorating their homes and all so content and smart and polite and speak well and appear employed with good jobs in these TV ads.

Posted by: Stepin Fetchit

Or camping with one white, Spanish, and Asian buddies.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 02, 2023 09:05 AM (qoGsy)

203 Many countries in history have been ruled by a minority
England is done. Haven't been most male children there been named Mo in last few years?
Posted by: Skip at November 02, 2023 08:20 AM (fwDg9)

What about Larry and Curly ?

Shenp ?

Posted by: JT at November 02, 2023 09:05 AM (T4tVD)

204 Back during the 80s oil bust there was a joke in Houston:

A geologist walks into a McDonald's and fills out an application to work there. The manager reviews the application and says: "I see you have a master's degree in geology, that's very good, but frankly, we prefer our geologists have PhDs."

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at November 02, 2023 09:06 AM (CecP5)

205 Concur...and they are all smiling, happy, eating their taco bell

Its all smiles when you eat Taco Hell but not so much in 30 minutes when you are running to the bathroom...

Posted by: 18-1 at November 02, 2023 09:06 AM (XqcwY)

206 173
Illegal Chinese influx
From Tech thread

Posted by: Ciampino - You've stolen a pizza my heart at November 02, 2023 09:06 AM (qfLjt)

207 132 Missed All Saints Day Mass yesterday because of my procedure. I feel badly about it, but Wednesday is the day they do operations and I didn't even think about it when it was scheduled.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

I hear you - I didn't make Mass yesterday and will not today either due to my face surgery. I honestly look worse than Frankenstein with the sutures and swelling - I'd scare adults. To say nothing of dogs and small children.
Posted by: Tonypete at November 02, 2023 08:46 AM (qoGsy)

Heart of the Nation online mass on Youtube will meet your needs.

Posted by: Nova Local at November 02, 2023 09:07 AM (exHjb)

208 I worked in the TV industry for many years and you will be hard pressed to find a more "liberal" (progressive) and spineless group in the upper management positions in most other industries. I'm glad I finally retired 4 years ago.
Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy now with twice the crazy at November 02, 2023 09:04 AM (h4nev)

Heh, just watch us roar!!!!

Posted by: Government Employees at November 02, 2023 09:07 AM (wbjP0)

McLintock! >>>> McClintock

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 02, 2023 09:07 AM (MoZTd)

210 189 LOL

Posted by: steevy at November 02, 2023 09:07 AM (FQmDC)

211 Black people make up around 12-13pct of our country
but make up 85 percent of the ads on TV.
Posted by: grammie winger - I don't belong here at November 02, 2023 08:27 AM

TV. I used to watch one of those. Back in the day.

Posted by: Now I just Roku everything at November 02, 2023 09:07 AM (NBVIP)

212 > US border sees influx of 24,000 Chinese migrants crossing from Mexico in the past 12 months - up more than 10 times from the year before...

There's no way all of these Chinese, or even a significant number are simply "poor" or have legally exited China with the government's permission to travel to South or Central America. It is planned. These people are coming here to wage war.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at November 02, 2023 09:07 AM (Q4IgG)

213 My first job was paperboy. 6th grade through high school got up early loaded up the papers in a burlap bag designed to go over head and shoulders…. Ride bike around little town and throw papers on porches (sometimes miss even as badly as ending up on the roof). It was a ball in summer, but wintertime at 5 below not so much. I never enjoyed collecting either: knock on doors and get your money, but I was shy and did not like that part…

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at November 02, 2023 09:07 AM (KEuti)

214 Most of it is the fact that advertising executives and corporate execs are scared shitless of being called racists. It really is that simple.


* The GOPee (establishment eunuchs) of the past 60 years have entered the chat *

Posted by: ShainS -- Overimaginative Scamp and AGAAVE Plant at November 02, 2023 09:08 AM (c82bI)

215 Shut down? They're fixing the ovens. Honestly, Israel needs to put such a beat down on gaza that there is no question about Never Again.
Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2023 08:21 AM (XjWYE)


Posted by: runner at November 02, 2023 09:08 AM (Aoizk)

216 Todays FOAD list is your usual assortment of cocksuckers and cvnts:

The Republican senators included Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Todd Young (R-IN), Mitt Romney (R-MA), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), and Joni Ernst (R-IA)."

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 02, 2023 09:09 AM (lwOKI)

217 Have two nieces who are in their early twenties. Have no clue about politics, don't care. But they shocked us all at a recent family bday party.

They both said not only are they trying to take down the white male, but now the white women. Said white girls out of college are getting pushed outside by the new preferred quota groups.

Karma is a bitch for the liberal white women who vote for this shit

Posted by: Jonah at November 02, 2023 09:09 AM (33nmr)

218 I never enjoyed collecting either: knock on doors and get your money, but I was shy and did not like that part…
Posted by: LinusVanPelt

Heh. Had the big ring with the customer's cards on it and then punched them when they paid for a week or two?

Posted by: Tonypete at November 02, 2023 09:09 AM (qoGsy)

219 Shut down? They're fixing the ovens. Honestly, Israel needs to put such a beat down on gaza that there is no question about Never Again.

Gazans are offered the choice of 72 virgins and paradise if they die fighting the Jews or a shitty life as a Gazan if they don't.

Most of their young men will choose the latter unless their culture is completely replaced or they face starvation for not working

Posted by: 18-1 at November 02, 2023 09:09 AM (XqcwY)

220 “They don’t know and understand what this Islamist ideology is.”
Tulsi Gabbard: LGBTQ+ Activists At Pro-Palestine Marches “Don’t Understand” Islamists Want To Kill Them

Self-bashing gays to go with the self-gassing Jews.

Posted by: What is wrong with these people? at November 02, 2023 09:10 AM (6VAZZ)

221 My birdbath has a thin layer of ice on it.

I left a book of matches out thar for the birds.

Posted by: JT at November 02, 2023 09:10 AM (T4tVD)

222 Ernst and Young got those second terms and went to the left

Young is a marine. A disgrace to Indiana

Posted by: Jonah at November 02, 2023 09:11 AM (33nmr)

223 "Most of it is the fact that advertising executives and corporate execs are scared shitless of being called racists.*

The movie American Fiction looks promising.

Posted by: Now I just Roku everything at November 02, 2023 09:11 AM (NBVIP)

224 I have to go to the VA for blood work today. The Doc scheduled the draw before the exam, which I like. Little bit worried about the A1C. Seems like everybody has the big D nowadays, especially in my age group.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at November 02, 2023 09:11 AM (0EOe9)

225 Dusty Johnson (Squish SD) is asshole. I didn't vote for the guy in the last election. I didn't vote for anyone running for the house. The alternative was basically a commie.

Posted by: Archer at November 02, 2023 09:11 AM (gmo/4)

226 knowledge of the Holocaust among theses vermin only leads to them imitating hitler.

Posted by: runner at November 02, 2023 09:12 AM (Aoizk)

227 Seems like everybody has the big D nowadays, especially in my age group.
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at November 02, 2023 09:11 AM (0EOe9)

I do not think that means what you think it means. I have 'the big D.' No matter my age group.

Posted by: The Paolo at November 02, 2023 09:12 AM (Zz0t1)

228 The main Pallywood actor is now an ER genius. And Gregory House M.D. didn't mind risking someone's life if it meant discovering the truth!

Intelschizo @Schizointel 9h
I also like to live dangerously and place an oxygen tank next to the MRI along with a metal pole for saline bags. "Government Media Office in Gaza" aka Hamas really expects people to buy this.


Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 02, 2023 09:13 AM (krqg6)

229 What happened to the Buc lighter?

Posted by: The boids at November 02, 2023 09:13 AM (NBVIP)

230 My first job was grinding the welding flash and splatter off of the Cherry Pickers the company was building. I think I got $1.50 an hour.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at November 02, 2023 09:13 AM (CecP5)

231 Harris is the stupidest VP EVAH
https://twitter. com/VP/status/1719833418869981388

Posted by: SMOD at November 02, 2023 09:13 AM (RHGPo)

232 *Bic

Posted by: The boids at November 02, 2023 09:13 AM (NBVIP)

233 I wonder about the A1C and 'pre-diabetes.'

For example, my aunt (who is heavy, no question) has been pre-diabetic without developing diabetes for about 20 years now.

I am not saying it is nothing, but that I do not think they completely understand what they are talking about and their terms are inaccurate.

Posted by: Aetius451AD work phone at November 02, 2023 09:13 AM (Gbphe)

234 Dusty Johnson (Squish SD) is asshole. I didn't vote for the guy in the last election. I didn't vote for anyone running for the house. The alternative was basically a commie.
Posted by: Archer at November 02, 2023 09:11 AM (gmo/4)

Dusty Rhodes > Dusty Johnson

More coffee...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at November 02, 2023 09:14 AM (R/m4+)

235 You're welcome, Wenda.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 02, 2023 09:14 AM (krqg6)

236 227 Seems like everybody has the big D nowadays, especially in my age group.
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at November 02, 2023 09:11 AM (0EOe9)

I do not think that means what you think it means. I have 'the big D.' No matter my age group.
Posted by: The Paolo at November 02, 2023 09:12 AM (Zz0t1)

"And I never say a big, big 'D'!"

"What, never?"

"Well, hardly ever..."

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at November 02, 2023 09:14 AM (N3zMI)

237 Vice President Kamala Harris
Taking on hate is a national priority.

Today, @POTUS
and I are announcing the country's first National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia.

This action is the latest step forward in our work to combat a surge of hate in America.

Posted by: SMOD at November 02, 2023 09:15 AM (RHGPo)

238 My first job was as a bus boy at an Italian restaurant on The Hill in St. Louis.
Paid in cash under the table because I was 15.

I've never worked at McDonald's.
Posted by: rickb223

Rigazzi's? Love that place.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at November 02, 2023 09:15 AM (R4t5M)

239 Pacman, the big Jewish Hedge funder on Wall Street, laid out the truth the other day. He said the higher ups are putting a list together, to black ball all pro palestinian students at the elite east schools. Even hired pro's to sift it all out.

Many of these rat kids are from blue blood families, and their parents are in a panic

Posted by: Jonah at November 02, 2023 09:15 AM (33nmr)

240 The Republican senators included Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Todd Young (R-IN), Mitt Romney (R-MA), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), and Joni Ernst (R-IA)."
Posted by: rhennigantx at November 02, 2023 09:09 AM (lwOKI)

Dan Sullivan was so upset, according to reports, he was yelling on the senate floor. What a thing to lose your temper over…. He’s mad at Tuberville! I wonder if he’s that upset about Hamas?

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at November 02, 2023 09:15 AM (KEuti)

241 There's no way all of these Chinese, or even a significant number are simply "poor" or have legally exited China with the government's permission to travel to South or Central America. It is planned. These people are coming here to wage war.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at November 02, 2023 09:07 AM (Q4IgG)


One could conclude that the barbarians are at already within the gates, but that presupposes the existence of gates -- of which we now have none.

* cues the theme to M*A*S*H *

"'Cause suicide is painless
it brings on many changes ..."

Posted by: ShainS -- Overimaginative Scamp and AGAAVE Plant at November 02, 2023 09:15 AM (c82bI)

242 Harris is the stupidest VP EVAH
https://twitter. com/VP/status/1719833418869981388
Posted by: SMOD at November 02, 2023 09:13 AM (RHGPo)

She's also a lying sack of shit.

Posted by: The Paolo at November 02, 2023 09:15 AM (Zz0t1)

243 Biden-backed wind power company cancels New Jersey projects despite $1B in subsidies

Posted by: redridinghood at November 02, 2023 09:15 AM (NpAcC)

244 When I got drafted for the Vietnam war, my pay as a private E1 was $110 per month.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at November 02, 2023 09:15 AM (CecP5)

245 For example, my aunt (who is heavy, no question) has been pre-diabetic without developing diabetes for about 20 years now.

I am not saying it is nothing, but that I do not think they completely understand what they are talking about and their terms are inaccurate.

Posted by: Aetius451AD


I think you might misunderstand the point, also. I'm guessing it allows a billing code for a medical problem, as well as per-existing condition for other billing.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Biden hasn't lowered flags or called for release of Jewish American hostages at November 02, 2023 09:16 AM (O69GV)

246 My first job was grinding the welding flash and splatter off of the Cherry Pickers the company was building. I think I got $1.50 an hour.
Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at November 02, 2023 09:13 AM (CecP5)

The funniest comment I ever heard was “yeah…I was making a $1.75/hour and NO it wasn’t a lot of money then”

Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly at November 02, 2023 09:16 AM (wbjP0)

247 It's no longer medicine. It's the medical industry. COVID cleared my mind of any other misconception.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Biden hasn't lowered flags or called for release of Jewish American hostages at November 02, 2023 09:17 AM (O69GV)

248 230 My first job was grinding the welding flash and splatter off of the Cherry Pickers the company was building. I think I got $1.50 an hour.
So you were a jizz rag, rite?

Posted by: Puddinhead at November 02, 2023 09:17 AM (naiw2)

249 Many of these rat kids are from blue blood families, and their parents are in a panic
Posted by: Jonah at November 02, 2023 09:15 AM (33nmr)

So, wait. Does this mean he will be the subject of the Islamophobia committee kneepads mentioned?

Posted by: Aetius451AD work phone at November 02, 2023 09:17 AM (Gbphe)

250 Nobody wants it, but what worries me is that a cabal of Islamic terrorists are in a Jersey basement right now planning another hit on NYC. Yes, probably came over the border disguised as Gautemalans

Posted by: Jonah at November 02, 2023 09:17 AM (33nmr)

251 There are currently 231 generals in the army more then any time in history even though the size of the army is relatively small.

I suspect we'd be better off with half or fewer that number of generals.
Posted by: 18-1
I'm sure the junta will be getting rid of the ones who are straight white males ASAP.

Posted by: Florida Peasant at November 02, 2023 09:17 AM (dr4Q1)

252 >This action is the latest step forward in our work to combat a surge of hate in America.

please provide some recent examples of said hate

Posted by: DB - at November 02, 2023 09:17 AM (geLO8)

253 Heh. Had the big ring with the customer's cards on it and then punched them when they paid for a week or two?

Posted by: Tonypete at November 02, 2023 09:09 AM (qoGsy)

Exactly, yes! Sometimes I had customers that would answer the door and seem annoyed they had to pay for the paper. I don’t have cash now, can you come back another time, they’d say? Sigh…

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at November 02, 2023 09:17 AM (KEuti)

254 Speaking of diabetes, I recently had to wait for someone at a Cracker Barrel restaurant, so I took a seat out front in one of the rocking chairs for about a half an hour.
Whoa. The tonnage that walked by!

Posted by: It was kinda scary at November 02, 2023 09:18 AM (NBVIP)

255 Nobody wants it, but what worries me is that a cabal of Islamic terrorists are in a Jersey basement right now planning another hit on NYC. Yes, probably came over the border disguised as Gautemalans

Posted by: Jonah


2 Muslims and 7 feds.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Biden hasn't lowered flags or called for release of Jewish American hostages at November 02, 2023 09:18 AM (O69GV)

256 Strike one.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 09:18 AM (Zz0t1)

257 They showed a photo of the son of Female cosmetics billionaire at Harvard. He was the number two at of the radical plo group there. Kid looks like a clean cut blonde haired Nazi

Posted by: Jonah at November 02, 2023 09:19 AM (33nmr)

258 @VP
Taking on hate is a national priority.

Today, @POTUS
and I are announcing the country's first National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia.

Now do MAGAphobia. Cünt.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 09:19 AM (Zz0t1)

259 Yes, certainly the hate I have been seeing is directed at muslims. Sure.

Posted by: steevy at November 02, 2023 09:19 AM (FQmDC)

260 255. Wow Robbie. Spot on

Posted by: Jonah at November 02, 2023 09:19 AM (33nmr)

261 81 Chip Roy of Texas voted in favor of Tlaib. Hepretends to be an aw shucks conservative but I noted he was all in with the Bush Family's attempt to take out Ken Paxton. He's one of Karl Roves boys.

Posted by: Tom Servo

That was a state issue. What did he do?

Posted by: Braenyrard at November 02, 2023 09:20 AM (J2bXY)

262 I am torn about the opening story of censorship of Tlabia (Whatever). Let all the voters is her district see this, and see what they elected.

Posted by: Picric at November 02, 2023 09:20 AM (13tTk)

263 254 Speaking of diabetes, I recently had to wait for someone at a Cracker Barrel restaurant, so I took a seat out front in one of the rocking chairs for about a half an hour.
Whoa. The tonnage that walked by!
One of the few places I can buy Chow-Chow. NOVA is not VA anymore.

Posted by: Puddinhead at November 02, 2023 09:21 AM (naiw2)

264 >I am torn about the opening story of censorship of Tlabia (Whatever). Let all the voters is her district see this, and see what they elected.

Posted by: Picric

they saw it when they elected her

Posted by: DB - at November 02, 2023 09:21 AM (geLO8)

265 "A man in London was arrested for posting a video on Facebook in which he complained about Palestinian flags and said immigration to the UK was too high."
Knock, Knock, It’s the Thought Police

Great video, only thing is, I thought they spoke English in Northern England?

Posted by: Chuck Martel at November 02, 2023 09:22 AM (fs1hN)

266 That offshore wind power plant cancelation is a Big Deal. New Jersey's pathetic governor is pussed ! These were to be two of the top "Green Energy" projects on the Atlantic Coast, and the Euro Company that was going to build them just walked away from the project. They're even going to pay a $100 million contractual fine for walking away, but figure that is far less than the billions they would have lost if they went through with it.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 02, 2023 09:22 AM (S6gqv)

267 Today, @POTUS
and I are announcing the country's first National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia.

Now do MAGAphobia. Cünt.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden


Posted by: Braenyrard at November 02, 2023 09:22 AM (J2bXY)

268 2 Muslims and 7 feds.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Biden hasn't lowered flags or called for release of Jewish American hostages at November 02, 2023 09:18 AM (O69GV)


2 Muslims in MAGA turbans and 7 feds.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at November 02, 2023 09:22 AM (/11g9)

269 *NOVA is not VA anymore.*

Virginia is doing its best to become New Jersey.

Posted by: Change my mind at November 02, 2023 09:23 AM (NBVIP)

270 When I got drafted for the Vietnam war, my pay as a private E1 was $110 per month.
Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at November 02, 2023 09:15 AM (CecP5)

What year was that? When I was drafted in 1967, I seem to remember my pay was less than that. Even as a SP4, it was $135 a month when stationed at Fort Gordon, GA.

Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy now with twice the crazy at November 02, 2023 09:23 AM (h4nev)

271 >>Taking on hate is a national priority. Today, @POTUS and I are announcing the country’s first National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia. This action is the latest step forward in our work to combat a surge of hate in America,” Harris shared in a post on X, along with a brief video

Oh, I really miss Norm MacDonald right now!

If I were motivated, I could do a word search of all the times Biden and his team have openly hated and demonized Christian Americans -- "Christian Nationalists," the slur that intentionally likens a person with traditional Christian values as being on par with a jihadi terrorists.

Oh wait, they refuse to acknowledge that jihadis exists, they claim that "jihad" is a generic term for "goal" or somesuch.

Posted by: QUEEN at November 02, 2023 09:23 AM (izj35)

272 Dr. Eli David
Dr. Ali Al Nuaimi, Chairman of the Defense Committee of UAE 🇦🇪: “We want everyone to acknowledge and accept that Israel 🇮🇱 is here to exist and that the roots of Jews and Christians are not in New York or Paris but here in our region. They are part of our history and our future.”

https://twitter. com/DrEliDavid/status/1719495937620386145

Posted by: SMOD at November 02, 2023 09:23 AM (RHGPo)

Posted by: Braenyrard at November 02, 2023 09:22 AM (J2bXY)

They denounce hate, yet Biden got up in full Nazi regalia and called for the destruction of all Trump voters.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 09:23 AM (Zz0t1)

274 2 Muslims in MAGA turbans and 7 feds.



Bright red head wraps with MAGA in Arab.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Biden hasn't lowered flags or called for release of Jewish American hostages at November 02, 2023 09:23 AM (O69GV)

The funniest comment I ever heard was “yeah…I was making a $1.75/hour and NO it wasn’t a lot of money then”

Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly at November 02, 2023 09:16 AM

Bought my first car at 16 years of age with minimum wage money. Cash. A two year old Chevrolet.

Think kids today could buy a two year old Chevrolet after working an after school job plus a single summer at minimum wage? I think not very likely. Also, I could buy six gallons of gasoline for every hour I worked.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at November 02, 2023 09:24 AM (enJYY)

276 Biden was heckled by a bearded female Rabbi. I f’ing hate the 21st century.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at November 02, 2023 09:24 AM (JTwsP)

277 254 Speaking of diabetes, I recently had to wait for someone at a Cracker Barrel restaurant, so I took a seat out front in one of the rocking chairs for about a half an hour.
Whoa. The tonnage that walked by!
One of the few places I can buy Chow-Chow. NOVA is not VA anymore.
Posted by: Puddinhead at November 02, 2023 09:21 AM (naiw2)

Well, God, if you're 5-foot-3 and you're 300 pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds...

Posted by: Oliver Anthony at November 02, 2023 09:24 AM (R/m4+)

278 The voters in her district are a pack of Somali rejects who can't even figure out indoor plumbing.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 02, 2023 09:24 AM (S6gqv)

279 My first job was as a bus boy at an Italian restaurant on The Hill in St. Louis.
Paid in cash under the table because I was 15.

I've never worked at McDonald's.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2023 08:57 AM (XjWYE)


My first job was during the spring & summer of my high school senior year as a room service busboy at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas.

Imagine my horror when, a year later and from a friend's room with a TV at a small college in Southern CA, I watched the news as that hotel was on fire and people on the upper floors were trapped in their hotel rooms -- breaking open windows to get fresh air, which allowed thicker smoke from outside to come into the rooms.

Ugh, I kept imaging myself in that scenario ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Overimaginative Scamp and AGAAVE Plant at November 02, 2023 09:24 AM (c82bI)

280 Rigazzi's? Love that place.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory

Honestly? Since it's been 45 years, I don't remember. I think it was on Shaw, because I rode the bus after school down Kingshighway and walked. Back then, there wers two restaurants across the street from each other and they constantly traded the title of #1 restaurant in the City.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2023 09:25 AM (XjWYE)

Well, God, if you're 5-foot-3 and you're 300 pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds...
Posted by: Oliver Anthony at November 02, 2023 09:24 AM (R/m4+)

HOW ELSE do you expect them to become Lizzo?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 09:25 AM (Zz0t1)

282 2 Muslims in MAGA turbans walk into a bar...

Posted by: You finish the joke at November 02, 2023 09:26 AM (NBVIP)

283 Kid looks like a clean cut blonde haired Nazi
Posted by: Jonah

Maybe because he is a clean cut blond-haired Nazi!

Posted by: Tonypete at November 02, 2023 09:26 AM (IaTa3)

284 Did you see the video of the guy being told that his flag could incite violence and he had to stop waving it? It was an English flag in , you know, England....

Posted by: steevy at November 02, 2023 09:26 AM (FQmDC)

285 Think kids today could buy a two year old Chevrolet after working an after school job plus a single summer at minimum wage? I think not very likely. Also, I could buy six gallons of gasoline for every hour I worked.


We were discussing it the other day. Fifty percent of *adults* can't afford a new car, and a two year old used car is usually the same or more depending on the options.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Biden hasn't lowered flags or called for release of Jewish American hostages at November 02, 2023 09:27 AM (O69GV)

286 Did you see the video of the guy being told that his flag could incite violence and he had to stop waving it? It was an English flag in , you know, England....
Posted by: steevy at November 02, 2023 09:26 AM (FQmDC)

Paul Joseph Watson did a video about that not long ago.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 09:27 AM (Zz0t1)

287 282 2 Muslims in MAGA turbans walk into a bar...

Posted by: You finish the joke at November 02, 2023 09:26 AM (NBVIP)

....and the bartender says "What's up fellas? Here to get bombed?"

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at November 02, 2023 09:27 AM (/11g9)

288 England is very, very boned. And we're next.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at November 02, 2023 09:27 AM (R4t5M)

289 >>Knock, Knock, It’s the Thought Police



Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at November 02, 2023 09:27 AM (izj35)

290 "Once you understand the relentless bombardment of highly organized propaganda intended to get us on board with leftist ideas, you can truly start to resist"

The overwhelming amount of propaganda we are subject to in news, media, education, books etc.. is what makes it so hard to convince the LIV's and lemmings it exists. It is so pervasive one has a hard time believing we live in sea of lies and deceptions. Yet it is true and one once notices it is impossible not to see everywhere. Unfortunately, getting somebody top open their eyes for a few days is near impossible. Only huge events like 9/11 or the Hamas attack seem to help people break through the fog. And huge efforts are always put in place to restore the narrative.

Posted by: Ripley at November 02, 2023 09:28 AM (JojsZ)

291 From the veep; "Taking on hate is a national priority."

Translation: "Wiping out conservatives and creating a society totally beholden to the State is a national priority."

The junta keeps using the word "hate" for anyone and anything that opposes them.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at November 02, 2023 09:28 AM (Q4IgG)

292 My first job was with the parish doing highway right of way maintenance (edging, grass cutting, etc) in the summer. The prisoners refused to do it, so they hired a bunch of kids.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at November 02, 2023 09:29 AM (JTwsP)

The junta keeps using the word "hate" for anyone and anything that opposes them.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at November 02, 2023 09:28 AM (Q4IgG)


Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 09:29 AM (Zz0t1)

294 Bearded rabbi was a plant. Demanding a cease fire and Joe was all ready with an answer.

Posted by: steevy at November 02, 2023 09:29 AM (FQmDC)

295 #237 138 >>Somebody should restart Biden's programming

Look at what is happening in the country right now. Biden is playing to his base. This is what today's Democrat party has become.

Harris is in London today where she announced a new program designed to go after Islamaphobia. Not kidding.
Posted by: JackStraw at November 01, 2023 09:03 PM (ZLI7S)

139 Greg Price @greg_price11 1h
Amid an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism all over America, the Biden White House decided that now was the time to announce the “first ever national strategy to counter Islamophobia”

60% of hate crimes last year targeted Jews.

Just 9% targeted Muslims.
Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6)

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 02, 2023 09:30 AM (krqg6)

296 Certainly with the border Olly Olly In Free gives anyone with devious minds allowed to do the worse

Posted by: Skip at November 02, 2023 09:30 AM (fwDg9)

"...and the bartender says "What's up fellas? Here to get bombed?"


Posted by: Not bad at November 02, 2023 09:30 AM (NBVIP)

298 Lots o' great content today, J.J.!

Posted by: KT at November 02, 2023 09:31 AM (rrtZS)

299 297
"...and the bartender says "What's up fellas? Here to get bombed?"

Posted by: Not bad at November 02, 2023 09:30 AM (NBVIP)

They ordered a round of kamikazes?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2023 09:31 AM (x0n13)

300 When I got drafted for the Vietnam war, my pay as a private E1 was $110 per month.

When I got out, as an E5, drawing hostile fire pay of $65/month I think I was up to $450/month.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at November 02, 2023 09:31 AM (CecP5)

301 >> 2 Muslims in MAGA turbans walk into a bar...

. . . and a coven of Karens immediately start shrieking about how "unsafe" the rainbow community is now because of these scary bible-thumping domestic terrorists.

Posted by: Lizzy at November 02, 2023 09:31 AM (izj35)

302 >>Just 9% targeted Muslims.
Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6)

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6)

your quoting yourself now

Posted by: lodger at November 02, 2023 09:33 AM (Kvuw3)

303 I really wish JJ would retire that leather-clad fat person meme.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 02, 2023 09:34 AM (JrojV)

304 > I really wish JJ would retire that leather-clad fat person meme.

and the monkeys

Posted by: DB - at November 02, 2023 09:35 AM (geLO8)

305 303 I really wish JJ would retire that leather-clad fat person meme.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 02, 2023 09:34 AM (JrojV)

OK. I'll use fat naked ottoman man instead . . .

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2023 09:35 AM (x0n13)

306 Probably they find Tlaib more congenial than Santos.
They can imagine themselves chanting "death to the Jews" or whatnot, if it became de rigueur in their circles, but they cannot see themselves doing what Santos did. It's not respectable.

Posted by: PG at November 02, 2023 09:35 AM (afPT4)

307 301 >> 2 Muslims in MAGA turbans walk into a bar...

. . . and a coven of Karens immediately start shrieking about how "unsafe" the rainbow community is now because of these scary bible-thumping domestic terrorists.

Posted by: Lizzy at November 02, 2023 09:31 AM (izj35)

"Raheem, what you think about brunette Karen? She kind of of cute."

"Khalil, Allah forgive me, I can not lie, her shrieking and yelling is very appealing.

But she has had more humps than the Hezbollah cavalry."

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at November 02, 2023 09:35 AM (/11g9)

308 I suspect that the 22 no votes were a rebuke of MTG because they just don't like her. Rebuking one of their own while ignoring the acts of a virulent anti-American hater of all things Jewish is so GOPe.

Posted by: mc at November 02, 2023 09:35 AM (TaHV5)

309 >>Did you see the video of the guy being told that his flag could incite violence and he had to stop waving it? It was an English flag in , you know, England....

There's a lot of video of that Canadian guy, "Billboard Dad," who calmly and quietly stands at various rallies with a billboard saying something bland like "there are two genders" as the trans/lgbt protesters scream in his face, spit on him, and hit him. And you know what the Canadian police do? They laugh at him being punched and tell *him* to stop being violent.

Posted by: Lizzy at November 02, 2023 09:36 AM (izj35)

310 > but they cannot see themselves doing what Santos did. It's not respectable.

didn't he just survive a censure too?

Posted by: DB - at November 02, 2023 09:36 AM (geLO8)

311 310 > but they cannot see themselves doing what Santos did. It's not respectable.

didn't he just survive a censure too?
Posted by: DB - at November 02, 2023 09:36 AM (geLO

He survived a vote to kick him out.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2023 09:37 AM (x0n13)

312 Fat chicks don't often get that cold

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at November 02, 2023 09:37 AM (ZV+pB)

313 OK. I'll use fat naked ottoman man instead . . .

Don't you have to get CBD's permission to use that one?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 02, 2023 09:37 AM (JrojV)

314 257 They showed a photo of the son of Female cosmetics billionaire at Harvard. He was the number two at of the radical plo group there. Kid looks like a clean cut blonde haired Nazi

Posted by: Jonah at November 02, 2023 09:19 AM (33nmr)
What do you mean 'looks like'!
Kid is a clean cut blonde haired Nazi

Posted by: Ciampino - I don't believe you. You're an impasta! at November 02, 2023 09:37 AM (qfLjt)

315 Art is late........

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 09:37 AM (Zz0t1)

316 Have heard that the fuckwit asshats who recently melted down that Robert E Lee statue posted a video of it trying to humiliate the rest of us -- and an image from it is now going viral (I think this is it) and being embraced & used in memes a la Trump's mugshot as a rallying cry:

Posted by: ShainS -- Overimaginative Scamp and AGAAVE Plant at November 02, 2023 09:37 AM (/lchH)

317 312 Fat chicks don't often get that cold
Oddly, on hot humid nights they are cool to the touch. Slow dancing is great way to cool off.

Posted by: Puddinhead at November 02, 2023 09:38 AM (naiw2)

318 See the oppression inherent in the system!

Posted by: Leather-clad fat people at November 02, 2023 09:38 AM (NBVIP)

319 your quoting yourself now
Posted by: lodger
From a thread yesterday about the same topic and quoting Jack.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 02, 2023 09:38 AM (krqg6)

320 Come on Art Thread!! If I hit F4 one more time and see that pig beast again. . ..

Posted by: Tonypete at November 02, 2023 09:38 AM (IaTa3)

. . . and a coven of Karen's

I prefer a scold of Karen's myself.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at November 02, 2023 09:38 AM (enJYY)

322 "He survived a vote to kick him out."
I think the two may be relatated, i.e. this could be "moderate Republicans" saying "if you don't give us support to get rid of Santos, then you'll have to bear with Tlaib as well".

Posted by: PG at November 02, 2023 09:40 AM (afPT4)

323 My first job was during the spring & summer of my high school senior year as a room service busboy at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas.

... I gambled there a few times back in the 80's
When I heard about the fire, I could just imagine the scene

Posted by: SMOD at November 02, 2023 09:40 AM (RHGPo)

324 relatated=related

Posted by: PG at November 02, 2023 09:40 AM (afPT4)

325 There's a lot of video of that Canadian guy, "Billboard Dad," who calmly and quietly stands at various rallies with a billboard saying something bland like "there are two genders" as the trans/lgbt protesters scream in his face, spit on him, and hit him. And you know what the Canadian police do? They laugh at him being punched and tell *him* to stop being violent.

Posted by: Lizzy at November 02, 2023 09:36 AM (izj35)


Yep. Billboard Chris; courageous dude.

Posted by: ShainS -- Overimaginative Scamp and AGAAVE Plant at November 02, 2023 09:40 AM (/lchH)

326 relatated=related

Einstein was into relatating.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 02, 2023 09:41 AM (JrojV)

327 Tlaib has openly taken money from Hamas, she is an agent for Hamas. In any sane country she wouldn't be censured; she'd be executed by firing squad.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 02, 2023 08:38 AM (S6gqv)

This. 1000X this.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at November 02, 2023 09:41 AM (VwHCD)

Come on Art Thread!! If I hit F4 one more time and see that pig beast again. . ..

Posted by: Tonypete at November 02, 2023 09:38 AM

I don't know if it's just my browser but if I click on the last post number (currently around 322) it refreshes to that point, not the top of page.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at November 02, 2023 09:42 AM (enJYY)

329 Bitch is getting old

Posted by: Skip at November 02, 2023 09:42 AM (fwDg9)

330 "Einstein was into relatating."
I'm more into latating.

Posted by: PG at November 02, 2023 09:42 AM (afPT4)

331 Collin Rugg @CollinRugg 13h
JUST IN: As Jewish students are being targeted and attacked on college campuses across the nation by left-wing radicals, VP Kamala Harris has launched a strategy to counter Islamophobia.


Kamala, who has done practically nothing for 2 years, says the White House is seeing an uptick in anti-Muslim attacks.

“Today we take another important step forward in our fight against hate. For years, Muslims in America and those perceived to be Muslim, have endured a disproportionate number of hate fueled attacks.”

Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays 11m
Evidently, Democrats don't want her to be president.

This feels more like a prank. "Let's see if we can get Kamala to say the dumbest thing anyone could say after Oct. 7th."

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 02, 2023 09:43 AM (krqg6)

332 Tlaib has openly taken money from Hamas, she is an agent for Hamas.

I wonder if she is registered, Hamas is a foreign government. If not that is a FARA violation.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at November 02, 2023 09:43 AM (CecP5)

333 Where for art thou art thread?

Posted by: Tuna at November 02, 2023 09:44 AM (oaGWv)

334 *I don't know if it's just my browser but if I click on the last post number (currently around 322) it refreshes to that point, not the top of page.*

Kewl. Thanks.

"I did not know that."

Posted by: To quote Johnny Carson at November 02, 2023 09:44 AM (NBVIP)

335 Rashida in leather sure is a looker.

Posted by: Braenyrard at November 02, 2023 09:45 AM (J2bXY)

336 NOODlum.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2023 09:46 AM (Zz0t1)

337 Noodus gratia artis.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 02, 2023 09:46 AM (JrojV)

338 >>Did you see the video of the guy being told that his flag could incite violence and he had to stop waving it? It was an English flag in , you know, England....

Pretty sure in her victory speech or the day she was sworn in she proudly announced that she represents all Palestinians in Congress.
Not the voters in her district, not her state -- Palestinians.

Posted by: Lizzy at November 02, 2023 09:46 AM (izj35)

339 I'm sure a vote to censure MTG would get near unanimous support.

This is what pisses me off the most.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at November 02, 2023 09:47 AM (Q4IgG)

340 Where's the Morning Art Thread? I got up early (for a day off) just so I could avoid the news.

Speaking of the news, Texas Rangers, World Series Champions!

Posted by: Pete in Texas at November 02, 2023 09:48 AM (BHrzb)

341 What is a proportionate number of hate fueled attacks?

Posted by: steevy at November 02, 2023 09:53 AM (FQmDC)


Even if it was a horse (whores) trade between leaving Santos alone and Rancida not censured, it's still a propaganda win for the Left.

"See, the GOP wants liars in their midst!" along with "Even the GOP recognizes Rashida has a right to her opinion, which is not hateful!"

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2023 09:54 AM (x0n13)

343 ""See, the GOP wants liars in their midst!" along with "Even the GOP recognizes Rashida has a right to her opinion, which is not hateful!""
Yes, these appeals to moderation are strategically deployed only when it's time to defend some truly hateful people.

Posted by: PG at November 02, 2023 09:57 AM (afPT4)

344 237 138 >>Somebody should restart Biden's programming

Look at what is happening in the country right now. Biden is playing to his base. This is what today's Democrat party has become.

Harris is in London today where she announced a new program designed to go after Islamaphobia. Not kidding.
Posted by: JackStraw at November 01, 2023 09:03 PM (ZLI7S)

139 Greg Price @greg_price11 1h
Amid an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism all over America, the Biden White House decided that now was the time to announce the “first ever national strategy to counter Islamophobia”

60% of hate crimes last year targeted Jews.

Just 9% targeted Muslims.
Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6)
Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 02, 2023 09:30 AM (krqg6)

I just heard on TV that Biden wants to make Islamophobia a crime! What about Jewiishphobia??

Posted by: Chillin the most at November 02, 2023 09:58 AM (0uQp2)

345 The culture of tolerance is a cult of surrender.

Posted by: Craken at November 02, 2023 10:05 AM (nSRZX)

346 Massie is no surprise. He wears his antisemitism openly. Hageman and Spartz most definitely are, but Spartz is a lame duck already. She announced she won't run again in 2024.

But Max Miller of Ohio??!? Who is purportedly a member of our (((Tribe)))???! RYFKM??!!!!!

Posted by: clams on the half shell and roller skates, roller skates at November 02, 2023 10:13 AM (kvDvI)

347 Morning, all, and thank you, J.J.

"The resolution was introduced by Republican Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene." And then the MSM became almost orgasmic about not one, but two women, (See, they do know what is a woman.) being up for censure, the other being MTG.

PBS: "In response to Greene's resolution, House Democrats, led by Rep. Becca Balint of Vermont, introduced a resolution censuring Greene for what they called her record of "Racist rhetoric and conspiracy theories."

Once the measure to censure Tlaib, a punishment one step below expulsion from the House was dismissed, "A Democratic effort to in turn censure Rep. MTG, R-GA, who had sponsored the Tlaib resolution, was called off in response." (AP)

Progressive Rebecca Balint of Vermont assumed her seat in the House 01/2023. Of note, her grandfather was killed during the Holocaust; her Hungarian-Jewish father immigrated to the U.S. in the 1950's & she was born at the U.S. Army hospital in Heidelberg, W. Germany. She was also among 56 Dems to vote for the removal of U.S. troops from Syria within 180 days.

We're our collective minds and all control when we're OK with a Purge.

Stand with Israel

Posted by: L - Can't make 'em love you more or hate you less at November 02, 2023 10:13 AM (GshMh)

348 I just heard on TV that Biden wants to make Islamophobia a crime! What about Jewiishphobia??

Posted by: Chillin the most at November 02, 2023 09:58 AM (0uQp2)

A crime is a crime. To make a crime carry different penalties depending on who does it to whom only does one thing. It creates a class structure.

Last I checked, I can simply like or dislike anyone for whatever silly reason I pick. And I can make my personal choices for the same reasons, no matter how silly.

Posted by: Common Sense at November 02, 2023 10:15 AM (pr+qD)

349 We've LOST our collective minds...

Posted by: L - Can't make 'em love you more or hate you less at November 02, 2023 10:15 AM (GshMh)

350 "But Harriet Hageman or Victoria Spartz?"

Yep. We know for sure Donald Trump would censor Tlaib(Palestinian rat). What I do NOT know is if DeSantis or Haley would.

The republican party is compromised in so many ways that they are paralyzed and it is madness.

How hard can it be to be like Trump or Ken Paxton and fight for godsakes?! We have no other choice.

Posted by: Danimal28 at November 02, 2023 10:23 AM (klw0w)

351 I bring up something I've argued many, many, many times before over the decades. The GOP will not change until absolutely forced to change.

To do this, we have to steel ourselves for a democrat victory. Because to punish the GOP and force it to change (and by change, I mean force it to be what it claims to be when campaigning). The only way to "punish" the GOP is to withhold votes. (Yes, withholding money and volunteering also helps, but ultimately it is the votes). And withholding votes means the dems will likely win a majority in both houses. And yes, short term, that will be terrible. But, long term if we don't change the GOP, it won't make a difference.

We need a true conservative strike where we all vote for local and state level politicians, but refuse to vote at all for federal offices. That way, the votes will show the # of people sitting out - there can be no confusion as to what happened. There will be 100 votes for mayor, but only 75 for congressman, for example.

If we keep doing the same thing (electing republicans) and expecting a different result, we are insane.

Posted by: I forgot my name b/c I haven't posted in 6 months at November 02, 2023 10:36 AM (ky+MF)

352 And, again, not to make everything about Trump - but this is the type of thing that led to Trump being able to win the GOP primary.

The GOP base hates the GOP, and for good reason. The GOP is dishonest, corrupt, unethical, filled with traitors, and useless.

This is why DeSantis doesn't inspire me. Will a DeSantis led GOP be any different than today's GOP? I find it hard, almost impossible, to believe that it would.

I really wish there was a better alternative to Trump that I trusted. I really, really, really do.

Posted by: I forgot my name b/c I haven't posted in 6 months at November 02, 2023 10:40 AM (ky+MF)

353 Now Biden is talking about a "Pause". After all can't lose Michigan in the next election.


I pray for victory!

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Posted by: online casinos at November 02, 2023 11:24 AM (0tOoY)

355 UH-OH: RFK Jr. Has Taken Something That Belongs to Trump

Did it never occur to these idiots that perhaps money is being given to RFK to boost his campaign against Biden? Operation Chaos.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at November 02, 2023 11:28 AM (ynpvh)

356 I can't really be upset at the House Republicans, mainly because capitulation is what I expect of them every single time. And they've totally earned that expectation.

What's better is the hilarity of watching trying to cover for 1 of the 22 cowards, Rep. Chip Roy of Texas. RS writer Susie Moore uses the "principled Republican" line to defend Roy's legalistic argument for why he voted with Democrats on this no-brainer of a resolution. And it's what you'd expect, more of the NOT WHO WE ARE bullshit.

What is it with Texas these days??? First they give us Dan Crenshaw, who's come to be known as Eyepatch McCain and now we have Chip Roy, who's vying hard to be the new Trey Gowdy, he of all talk and zero action.
But again, these guys totally meet my expectations. Can't wait for this party of liars, lobby whores and traitors to go extinct. What a fucking worthless bunch.


Posted by: Tracy at November 02, 2023 12:11 PM (fSupL)

357 Wrong messenger. Someone else should have filed it besides MTG and then it would have passed. Sad but true.

Posted by: A person afraid of the LGBTQ lobby at November 02, 2023 12:22 PM (WE1WX)

358 Wrong messenger??You've got to be kidding.
That's what you believe, really?

If true, then what a petty and stupid reason not to support the measure. What utter pussies the 22 are, if that's the actual reason. God forbid we have a member who speaks out and gives it back to the other side.

Now I just want this party to go extinct faster.

Posted by: Tracy at November 02, 2023 01:20 PM (fSupL)

359 Chip Roy is solid. I won’t second guess him.

Posted by: halfastro at November 02, 2023 01:28 PM (JUAx8)

360 Well halfastro, for such a "solid" guy, Chip Roy sure spends a lot of time talking about finding solutions with Democrats and working across the aisle, surefire G.O.P. code for selling out.
Just saying.

Posted by: Tracy at November 02, 2023 01:49 PM (fSupL)

361 They know that Conservatives defending Jews is a political loser. More and more Conservatives are asking the obvious question: Why should we give a rats a** about Jews when Jews not only overwhelmingly vote against us but also provide the bulk of the financing for every extremist leftist mob from Antifa to BLM? Jews have stood shoulder to shoulder with these leftist animals when they came for us. They cheered them and encouraged them when they cancelled us, persecuted our leaders, mocked and denigrated us. If not for Oct 7th they would still be allied with them. They are now only upset because the goons are coming for them. Sorry, no tears here for either side. Let them destroy each other.

Posted by: b at November 02, 2023 02:16 PM (9XwPD)

362 Mr. Sefton,
Thank you for the brilliant commentary, as usual.
Also, I found The Sultan Knish's excerpt especially enlightening.
Keep up the sobering work.

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