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Biden's Bagman Brother James Biden Tells FBI That He Was Trying to Get the US Government to Allow the Chinese Company CEFC Gobble Up American Energy Companies... Even Though He Knew the Company was Controlled by Chinese President Xi


BREAKING - President Joe Biden's brother, James Biden, told FBI agents that Hunter Biden and the Biden family attempted to help a Chinese energy company purchase U.S. energy assets while believing the Chinese company's chairman was directly tied to Chinese President Xi Jinping.

James Biden told the FBI in an interview last year about efforts by him and Hunter Biden to help CEFC China Energy buy a liquid natural gas facility on Monkey Island off the coast of Louisiana, according to explosive new documents made public Wednesday by the House Ways and Means Committee.

"James B noted that RHB [Robert Hunter Biden] portrayed CEFC to him as Chairman Ye was a protégé of President Xi," FBI agents wrote in the report.

Last October, the @MarcoPolo501c3
Report on the Biden Laptop revealed that President Xi Jinping, whom Hunter and his business partner referred to as "#1" and "no 1" in text messages, personally approved of the business partnership between CEFC China Energy and the Biden family.

Hunter and James Gilliar, his business partner, alluded to President Xi's involvement in approving meetings and ownership shares on two separate occasions.

On May 16, 2017, Gilliar told Hunter business partner Tony Bobulinski: "As I know chairman [Ye Jianming] will come to meet VP [Joe Biden] if he gets approval from no 1 [Xi Jinping]..."

The following day, Bobulinski, who later confirmed that "#1" and "no 1" referred to President Xi, expressed concerns about the Bidens potentially overruling him on corporate decisions.

Hunter responded, "TONY that is what Zang implied - they are both [Zang Jianjun and Ye Jianming] coming to be MY partner to be partners with the Bidens. He [Zang Jianjun] has implied that the #1 [Xi Jinping] has made that clear and available to him."

In other words, the Bidens were paid millions by their Chinese energy partners, effectively operating as unregistered foreign lobbyists, in a business partnership personally approved by Chinese President Xi Jinping, which leveraged the Biden family's connections within the U.S. government to assist China in acquiring U.S. energy assets.

Just a few years ago, these actions by a President and his family would have been considered treasonous.

His tweet is here, with screncaps of the supporting documents.

Meanwhile, the media is engaging in wilful, deliberate misinformation.

Jonathan Turley's opening statement opined that while there was not enough evidence to impeach Biden at the moment, there was ample evidence to begin an impeachment inquiry, which, of course, is precisely what these hearings are.

Take a guess how the media "reported" this.

Scott Coleman

"I do not believe that the current evidence would support articles of impeachment... But I also do believe that the House has passed the threshold for an impeachment inquiry." Pretty sure that adds the important context missing.

(((Aaron Walker)))

You don't even need to add that context. Last I checked, Rubin is a lawyer. If she doesn't know what the purpose of an investigation is, if she doesn't understand that you don't need proof to start an investigation, if she doesn't understand that the purpose of an investigation is to gather evidence that might add up to proof, then she should turn in her bar license

Which is not to say you're wrong, but we don't even need to go there. She should already understand what the context is

Here's what he really said:

If the media can "report" this level of intentional disinformation, can I claim that the below post by a Brain-Damaged Hobo represents his real endorsement of the impeachment inquiry, or nah?

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 02:14 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 okay back to the content

Posted by: DanMan at September 28, 2023 02:13 PM (8uzBS)

2 Am I sureprised by this? Naaaah

Posted by: Lurking Cheshirecat at September 28, 2023 02:15 PM (w3u3d)

3 wtf Turley?

Posted by: gourmand du jour at September 28, 2023 02:16 PM (MeG8a)

4 top five or six, maybe

Posted by: gnats local 678 at September 28, 2023 02:16 PM (B1FKF)

5 Hey DanMan, did you nood the prior posting?

Posted by: Lurking Cheshirecat at September 28, 2023 02:16 PM (w3u3d)

6 What is Fetterman's actual job on the senate? Is he chairman of the Clown Committee, or just a hat rack in the cloakroom?

Posted by: Chris at September 28, 2023 02:16 PM (kLbP8)

7 We are ruled by traitors.

We need to start hanging them.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert, Formerly Virginian at September 28, 2023 02:17 PM (N1DT3)

8 my client has not been convicted yet so there is no need for a grand jury to investigate

Posted by: gnats local 678 at September 28, 2023 02:17 PM (B1FKF)

9 Willowed
Willowed -
Paul Sperry

BREAKING: CNN, MSNBC and the Big 3 TV networks have all blacked out coverage of today's Biden impeachment inquiry, only the fourth presidential impeachment inquiry in U.S. history -- in stark contrast to their wall-to-wall coverage of the 2019.

Posted by: redridinghood at September 28, 2023 02:17 PM (NpAcC)

10 betcha stroke guy wishes he had had a few more light beers prior to 2022.....

Posted by: KJP is a race and gender swapped Side Show Bob at September 28, 2023 02:18 PM (QpUKb)

11 Dear Senator Fetterman,

When you're such a window licker that you have to pass a senate resolution to cover for your inexplicable inability to dress yourself, you really shouldn't take shots.

Now, put your rubber helmet on and get on the short bus.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 28, 2023 02:18 PM (lf83v)

12 Just a few years ago, these actions by a President and his family would have been considered treasonous.

Uh, they still are treasonous.

Posted by: Half Dozen at September 28, 2023 02:19 PM (eHovo)

13 We are ruled by idiotic assholes.

Posted by: Anustocracy? at September 28, 2023 02:19 PM (lR6tR)

14 So by sending a case of Bud Light with a snarky note, is Fetterman insinuating that Comer and/or the hearing are gay/trans? Seems kinda h8ty to me...

Posted by: Oddbob at September 28, 2023 02:19 PM (nfrXX)

15 I added more clips. Turley's statement is good, in context.

Posted by: ace at September 28, 2023 02:19 PM (KRtlO)

16 Who sent Fetterman out to do that stunt? I'm thinking Nancy did.

Posted by: torabora at September 28, 2023 02:19 PM (Krc4o)

17 wtf Turley?

Turley's vote doesn't count. He ain't a Congressman.

Je m'en fiche.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 28, 2023 02:19 PM (lf83v)

18 fetterman is just a slob. i'm sure stephen hawking dressed better

Posted by: gnats local 678 at September 28, 2023 02:20 PM (B1FKF)

19 19!

Posted by: lost in space at September 28, 2023 02:20 PM (kmEPs)

20 The MSM purposely doesn't cover the impeachment inquiry so they can lie to their viewers and readers without them knowing it's all lies.

Posted by: redridinghood at September 28, 2023 02:20 PM (NpAcC)

21 The investigation can't begin because you don't have any evidence.

That's the argument.

Welp, I'm sold.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at September 28, 2023 02:20 PM (aXxgO)

22 Did Fetterman shotgun the beer first or did Nancy?

Posted by: torabora at September 28, 2023 02:21 PM (Krc4o)

23 Huh. Turns out Fetterman is a literal troll. My shocked face. It is shocked.

Posted by: Darth Chipmunk at September 28, 2023 02:21 PM (AD14M)

24 Oh how cute, the gave the retarded Senator a sign and he is all happy now.


Posted by: Jay in PA at September 28, 2023 02:21 PM (i7Q7S)

25 $100 bucks Fetterman didn't even print out that sign on the box.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 28, 2023 02:21 PM (lf83v)

26 Kabuki.

Posted by: Eromero at September 28, 2023 02:21 PM (geKVF)

27 That doesn't even look exactly like the real Fetterman, and what's with the Bud Light?. They're saying-obviously- there's nothing to impeachment- while also giving an endorsement of trannies and making fun of the Bud Light boycott?
Did the age 30 something aides to Fetterman sit around and discuss this stunt while having a few brewskis?

I think these people are cruel, just as I think Jill Biden is cruel. Fetterman and Biden need to be OUT of government and getting some serious help

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 28, 2023 02:21 PM (vp1F8)

28 Turley was just speaking conservatively, but unfortunately nowadays you have to always be aware that what you say will be chopped up and spun by the Leftists (who control all media)

Posted by: BlackOrchid at September 28, 2023 02:22 PM (AcWfM)

29 Afternoon.

Posted by: Robert at September 28, 2023 02:22 PM (1Yy3c)

30 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 28, 2023 02:22 PM (Zz0t1)

31 No noodin bastages.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 28, 2023 02:22 PM (Zz0t1)

32 Franks and beans!!

Posted by: John Fetterman at September 28, 2023 02:22 PM (AD14M)

33 19 19!
Posted by: lost in space at September 28, 2023 02:20 PM (kmEPs)

Celebrating that Wilson got a stroke then?

Posted by: Disinformation Expert, Formerly Virginian at September 28, 2023 02:23 PM (N1DT3)

34 forty-second!

Posted by: deep thought at September 28, 2023 02:23 PM (sGtp+)

35 I've been busy past couple days but on AoS I just learned that there was a republican "debate" last night.


Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at September 28, 2023 02:23 PM (17s+e)

36 He was just trying to make some money. What could be more American than that?!?

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, anti-Marxist, buy ammo at September 28, 2023 02:23 PM (xcxpd)


Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 28, 2023 02:23 PM (9/y3s)

38 And Turley is just another "controlled opposition" jagoff. Kinda like every Salem Media site linking to Bill Mahr any time he says something remotely conservative.

What he didn't think that little bit wasn't going to be widely quoted?

Posted by: KJP is a race and gender swapped Side Show Bob at September 28, 2023 02:23 PM (QpUKb)

39 31 No noodin bastages.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 28, 2023 02:22 PM (Zz0t1)

Yeah.. I was talking to myself...

Posted by: It's me donna at September 28, 2023 02:23 PM (bs+z0)

40 Is Fetterman actually retarded? I know AOC is stupid. And I know democrats are big on firsts, but is Fetterman truly our first anencephalic senator?

Posted by: red speck at September 28, 2023 02:23 PM (t20Fg)

41 I had the pleasure to share a Bud Lite or two with the Bastard Son of Fidel Castro this week.

Posted by: YAROSLAV HUNKA, Member Of The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves at September 28, 2023 02:24 PM (2znMt)

42 Take this story and the last one, and it must be emphasized, what others have pointed out, which is that the media often controls the narrative, by having unwritten ground rules for what can and cannot be said.

So while questions get asked, they have to fall within the framework. It's why "normal" people can look at Joe Biden, and recognize this Alzheimer's patient, who is also an incestuous pedophile/rapist, as well as being a cheap, common grifter, while the media can go on pretending otherwise.

And as long as people tolerate this garbage from the corporate media, it'll keep giving cover for the evil shitheads who run this country.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 28, 2023 02:24 PM (dGCAG)

43 I'm sorry, but is Fetterman now saying that sending someone a beer endorsed by psychosexually deranged person is an insult?


Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 28, 2023 02:24 PM (lf83v)

44 Turley was just speaking conservatively, but unfortunately nowadays you have to always be aware that what you say will be chopped up and spun by the Leftists (who control all media)
Posted by: BlackOrchid at September 28, 2023 02:22 PM (AcWfM)

They literally cut him off mid-sentence. Not much you can do about that.

Now, I think he's wrong and the obvious money-laundering ought to be enough BY ITSELF for impeachment, but I can't fault him because of media depravity.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert, Formerly Virginian at September 28, 2023 02:24 PM (N1DT3)

45 Professor Jonathan Turley: "This idea that you can have millions going to a politician's family and that's not a benefit, I think is pretty fallacious."

— TheBlaze (@theblaze) September 28, 2023

They spelled phallus wrong.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 28, 2023 02:24 PM (Zz0t1)

46 "James B noted that RHB [Robert Hunter Biden] portrayed CEFC to him as Chairman Ye was a protégé of President Xi," FBI agents wrote in the report.

Last October, the @MarcoPolo501c3
Report on the Biden Laptop revealed that President Xi Jinping, whom Hunter and his business partner referred to as "#1" and "no 1" in text messages, personally approved of the business partnership between CEFC China Energy and the Biden family.

Hunter and James Gilliar, his business partner, alluded to President Xi's involvement in approving meetings and ownership shares on two separate occasions.

But there is no evidence that Joe Biden knew about it or participated! His fatherly love might have made him look the other way, but *he* didn't do it.

Just as we do not punish the son for the sins of the father, we mustn't punish the father for the sins of the son!

Posted by: Coming soon to DU at September 28, 2023 02:25 PM (t0OGg)

47 At least if the Chinese ran our energy companies we would still be able to burn coal.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at September 28, 2023 02:25 PM (HRmGY)

48 I'm sorry, but is Fetterman now saying that sending someone a beer endorsed by psychosexually deranged person is an insult?

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 28, 2023 02:24 PM (lf83v)

Xcretions denouncing his transphobia in 3.....2.....1.....

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 28, 2023 02:25 PM (Zz0t1)

49 Maybe they could send out Diane Feinstein next wearing some stupid sign?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 28, 2023 02:25 PM (vp1F8)

Yeah.. I was talking to myself...
Posted by: It's me donna at September 28, 2023 02:23 PM (bs+z0)

I was reading........

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 28, 2023 02:25 PM (Zz0t1)

51 Jonathan Turley's opening statement opined that while there was not enough evidence to impeach Biden at the moment, there was ample evidence to begin an impeachment inquiry, which, of course, is precisely what these hearings are.

Take a guess how the media "reported" this.

1. I don't need to guess because you provided examples!
2. I don't need to guess because I can safely assume the answer.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 28, 2023 02:26 PM (t0OGg)

52 >>“I do not believe that the current evidence would support articles of impeachment,” said Jonathan Turley.

This analysis is patently absurd, there is enough direct and circumstantial evidence to impeach and convict Biden with crimes that are literally enumerated as basis for impeachment in the constitution.

And not the more airy fairey catchall, High Crimes and Misdemeanors Jazz.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 28, 2023 02:26 PM (67MXg)

53 >>40 Is Fetterman actually retarded? I know AOC is stupid. And I know democrats are big on firsts, but is Fetterman truly our first anencephalic senator?
Posted by: red speck

Mazie Hirono and Patty Murray would like a word.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 28, 2023 02:26 PM (9/y3s)

54 Well I've set the timer for 4 hours, because I will surely have to see a doctor after that.

Christopher Nolan is set to direct two 60s-era Bond movies and has had a terrific audition with Henry Cavill.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 28, 2023 02:26 PM (44ww/)

55 45 They spelled phallus wrong.

can't get no respect

Posted by: phallus maximus at September 28, 2023 02:26 PM (sGtp+)

56 I'm sure the highly capable President Joseph Robinette Biden will explain his defense to a national audience with clarity and honesty and towering prose.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 28, 2023 02:26 PM (lf83v)

57 What a bunch of stupid liars.... Obviously the purpose of an inquiry is to inquire....You don't automatically convict.. Of less of course it's against Trump.. Then... Guilty !

Posted by: It's me donna at September 28, 2023 02:26 PM (bs+z0)

58 Impeaching dictator, criminal, traitor, and pedophile Joe Biden is....

DANGEROUS TO OUR DEMOCRACY (said a million times at once on every "news" outlet).

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at September 28, 2023 02:26 PM (17s+e)

59 A bunch of kids occupied Speaker McCarthy's office today ... but don't call it an insurrection

Posted by: redridinghood at September 28, 2023 02:26 PM (NpAcC)

60 And as long as people tolerate this garbage from the corporate media, it'll keep giving cover for the evil shitheads who run this country.
Posted by: BurtTC at September 28, 2023 02:24 PM (dGCAG)

And yes, Fox is part of that. What really disgusted me about that sham of a "debate" yesterday is how fully on board with the parameters those so-called candidates on stage were.

The one time Vivek seemed to want to go off script, he was attacked by the rest, to prevent him from even uttering words that are not acceptable (i.e. that this shitty war in Ukraine should be stopped).

Posted by: BurtTC at September 28, 2023 02:27 PM (dGCAG)

61 I know AOC is stupid. And I know democrats are big on firsts, but is Fetterman truly our first anencephalic senator?

The dude can't dress himself. He is incapable of it. He is ready for a group home.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 28, 2023 02:27 PM (lf83v)

62 Christopher Nolan is set to direct two 60s-era Bond movies and has had a terrific audition with Henry Cavill.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 28, 2023 02:26 PM (44ww/)

I might actually go see that (those?) movies.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert, Formerly Virginian at September 28, 2023 02:27 PM (N1DT3)

63 If the media can "report" this level of intentional disinformation, can I claim that the below post by a Brain-Damaged Hobo represents his real endorsement of the impeachment inquiry, or nah?
You could, but there might be a better angle.

Fetterman's staff is clearly and deliberately seeking to damage the Bud Light brand by firmly aligning the brand with partisan politics and AB-InBev should immediately file a cease-and-desist against Fetterman and consider a civil action for the obvious tortious interference.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 28, 2023 02:28 PM (t0OGg)

64 Fox.
Was Always.

Posted by: BlackOrchid at September 28, 2023 02:28 PM (AcWfM)

65 47 At least if the Chinese ran our energy companies we would still be able to burn coal.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger

Golf clap

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at September 28, 2023 02:28 PM (Z8HhT)

66 A bunch of kids occupied Speaker McCarthy's office today ... but don't call it an insurrection
Posted by: redridinghood at September 28, 2023 02:26 PM (NpAcC)

Green New Deal Now!

A one page piece of idiocy written in crayon? F*ck........

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 28, 2023 02:28 PM (Zz0t1)

67 At least if the Chinese ran our energy companies we would still be able to burn coal.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger

No, the coal would go back to China, and they'd rip up the plants and leave, waiting for the inevitable chaos.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at September 28, 2023 02:28 PM (IG4Id)

68 Get Fetterman a gentleman's gentleman.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 28, 2023 02:29 PM (63Dwl)

69 You know what's a really sound strategic position?

Handing the Chinese significant control over your natural gas export system.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 28, 2023 02:29 PM (t0OGg)

70 Turley can 1) think about reciprocity, or 2) avoid thinking about being a second-class citizen.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 28, 2023 02:29 PM (44ww/)

71 Why is Fetterman in a suit and tie in his Twitter avatar but not in the Senate?

Posted by: Because Twitter is More Important? at September 28, 2023 02:29 PM (ppBhU)

72 >>59 A bunch of kids occupied Speaker McCarthy's office today ... but don't call it an insurrection
Posted by: redridinghood

If Ms. Luntz wasn't such a faggot he would have had the Sgt At Arms throw them all in the brig.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 28, 2023 02:30 PM (9/y3s)

73 A bunch of kids occupied Speaker McCarthy's office today ... but don't call it an insurrection

Did the ever-heroic Capitol Police Officer Lt. Michael Byrd shoot any one of them like he did with Ashlii Babbitt?

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at September 28, 2023 02:30 PM (lf83v)





Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at September 28, 2023 02:30 PM (17s+e)

75 Michael Gambon (Dumbledore 2.0) tits up

Posted by: Robert at September 28, 2023 02:30 PM (1Yy3c)

76 Turley should either stop drinking or start. He looks like he's slowly transforming into Herman Munster.

Posted by: The Law Offices of Herman Munster, P.C. at September 28, 2023 02:31 PM (ppBhU)

77 Trump is beating Biden in straight polling. A nice long and substantive investigation of the Biden family is clearly a good thing to do for the next 18-22 months. Enjoy.

FOX just informed us who the next president won't be.

Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 02:31 PM (xA5g+)

78 Trump set them up!

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 28, 2023 02:31 PM (w8j6z)





big brother the big guy is watching you

Posted by: anachronda at September 28, 2023 02:31 PM (sGtp+)

80 @62

>>I might actually go see that (those?) movies.

Cavell is far too brawny and far too good looking to play Bond.

That being said, I think the series needs to counter program for the times and go back to the tongue in cheek era of the Roger Moore years.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 28, 2023 02:31 PM (67MXg)

81 If the media covers any of it at all, it will be the statement by Turley.. The edited statement

Posted by: It's me donna at September 28, 2023 02:31 PM (bs+z0)

82 Cavell is far too brawny and far too good looking to play Bond.

I'll manage to overlook it

Posted by: BlackOrchid at September 28, 2023 02:32 PM (AcWfM)

At least if the Chinese ran our energy companies we would still be able to burn coal.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at September 28, 2023 02:25 PM

Yeah, that's kinda odd. Unless, sneaky bastids that they are, they knew they could drop enough documents and cancelled checks to keep Biden out of office and make some serious coin with a second Trump term and keep the coal flowing to China.

In which case the China lab leak is actually an honest-to-Gawd lab leak and not malicious intent to bring down Trump.

Too many chess levels for me.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 28, 2023 02:33 PM (enJYY)

84 Republicans present fake texts messages today as evidence to impeach a President that they pulled off some QAnon disinformation social media page.

Tweet, quoting AOC ]AOC: That screenshot of what appeared to be a text message was a fabricated image. It was a fabricated image, I don't know where it came from, I don't know if it was staff of the committee,

They got two fake cases to the Supreme Court. The football preacher coach and the marriage website designer

AOC is SOMETHING. She doesn't tolerate bullshit in her workplace - period. Fabricated texts not submitted under oath. That's what they're going to hang their impeachment on? And I have family who are okay with this.

she's underappreciated! She motivates young voters, and enlightens everyone. She's grown a lot as a representative since her first days. I guess having your life threatened so many times, and so publicly, will do that to a person. She our future!

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 28, 2023 02:33 PM (JCZqz)

85 We can't have this. If Red Chinese are running are power, Texas won't be able to keep the lights on during a cold spell! Or something. I mean, if China was running ERCOT or in charge of the utilities themselves, it would be bad. But probably not worse than China running Biden and McConnell, which it apparently does.

Posted by: One China Policy Has Been Updated: Texas Is Now China Too at September 28, 2023 02:33 PM (ppBhU)

86 Cavell is far too brawny and far too good looking to play Bond.

mE TOoo.

Posted by: SEnAAtuR JoN FEETERmen at September 28, 2023 02:34 PM (lf83v)

87 And Turley is just another "controlled opposition" jagoff. Kinda like every Salem Media site linking to Bill Mahr any time he says something remotely conservative.

Posted by: KJP is a race and gender swapped Side Show Bob at September 28, 2023 02:23 PM (QpUKb)

Turley is just another lawyer in a city filthy with them. Who gives a flying fuck what he had to say in the matter? They're all trying to point fingers at other people saying that what they're doing is/isn't justified because none of them has the balls to order their own breakfast without running a poll or determining how it will affect their bank accounts.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 28, 2023 02:34 PM (GYIa4)

88 If Ms. Luntz wasn't such a faggot he would have had the Sgt At Arms throw them all in the brig.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 28, 2023 02:30 PM (9/y3s)
Does the House have a brig? Cool! Do they have a keel that they can haul the perps under?

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at September 28, 2023 02:34 PM (ScR16)

89 But there was enough evidence to impeach Trump because a server in Trump Tower was pinged by a server in a Russian Bank 2,000 times?

Because a loudmouth drunk at a bar said he heard Trump paid Moscow whores to pee on a bed?

Because a guy with the same name as a guy who worked for Trump once traveled to Europe?

Because another guy who worked for Trump once refused the attempt at entrapment for a bribe by the CIA?

That was your evidence for the 1st Trump impeachment.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 28, 2023 02:35 PM (OzHA0)

90 "... Even Though He Knew the Company was Controlled by Chinese President Xi"

Was that wrong? Should I have not done that? I tell you I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon, you know, cause I've worked in a lot of offices and I tell you people do that all the time.

Jim "George Constanza" Biden.

Posted by: WisRich at September 28, 2023 02:35 PM (G0vdT)

91 If Ms. Luntz wasn't such a faggot he would have had the Sgt At Arms throw them all in the brig.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 28, 2023
Does the House have a brig? Cool! Do they have a keel that they can haul the perps under?
Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at September 28, 2023

An Agony Booth would be a nice addition to the rotunda.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 28, 2023 02:35 PM (J2vNu)

92 Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 28, 2023 02:33 PM (JCZqz)

Talk about delusional

Posted by: It's me donna at September 28, 2023 02:36 PM (bs+z0)

93 {i]A bunch of kids occupied Speaker McCarthy's office today ... but don't call it an insurrection
Posted by: redridinghood at September 28, 2023 02:26 PM (NpAcC)

Were any of them "shot and killed" by Capitol Police? Cuz that's how you know it's an insurrection.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 28, 2023 02:36 PM (GYIa4)

94 If I were Xi, I'd plug the leak.

Posted by: Alexander Scipio at September 28, 2023 02:37 PM (NX5U7)

95 A quick search of the comments shows that no one has remarked

Nothing Will Come Of This

Posted by: DB - slightly implacable at September 28, 2023 02:37 PM (geLO8)

96 Talk about delusional
Posted by: It's me donna at September 28, 2023 02:36 PM (bs+z0)
It's not just a river in Hungary.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at September 28, 2023 02:37 PM (ScR16)

97 Festerman looks like the doofus he is. In a sane country he would have been laughed out of running for *any* elective office.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 28, 2023 02:38 PM (J2vNu)

98 You say you hate the media enough. I say you don't.

There should not be a successful remote media shot in this country. Yet...

Posted by: DOYLE at September 28, 2023 02:38 PM (Z8Yh2)

99 @paulsperry_

BREAKING: House Intelligence chairman Mike Turner suggested there may be a nexus between Biden foreign influence peddling and the classified documents Joe Biden "hoarded" at locations where Hunter Biden had access and where he received Chinese wire payments

Posted by: JackStraw at September 28, 2023 02:38 PM (ZLI7S)

100 Festerman looks like the doofus he is. In a sane country he would have been laughed out of running for *any* elective office.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 28, 2023 02:38 PM (J2vNu)
And people said *I* was nuts...

Posted by: Gaius Little-boots at September 28, 2023 02:38 PM (ScR16)

101 I think that another resolution by the House was passed affirming the dress code to be business attire which was spelled out - pants / coat / tie. Poor Hubba the Fett! Maybe his wife can crawl out of bed, wipe off the donut crumbs, and help dress her troll.

Posted by: Cheri at September 28, 2023 02:39 PM (oiNtH)

102 92 Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 28, 2023 02:33 PM (JCZqz)

Talk about delusional
Posted by: It's me donna at September 28, 2023 02:36 PM

Well, let's not be too hasty. A few days ago they were praising AOC, and someone said she might be the next Pelosi. AOC is pretty well endowed, so in 50 years, her bewbs may be dragging on the floor...just like Pelosi.

Phew...glad I've already eaten lunch.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 28, 2023 02:39 PM (JCZqz)

103 Turley should either stop drinking or start. He looks like he's slowly transforming into Herman Munster.
Posted by: The Law Offices of Herman Munster, P.C. at September 28, 2023 02:31 PM (ppBhU)

I'm sure you're thinking of Chamberlain Haller. -- Vincent Gambini, Esq.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 28, 2023 02:39 PM (GYIa4)

104 Green New Deal Now!

A one page piece of idiocy written in crayon? F*ck........
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 28, 2023 02:28 PM (Zz0t1)
Future Democrat voters wanting to take away my gas powered vehicles.

Another reason to never vote Democrat.

Posted by: redridinghood at September 28, 2023 02:39 PM (NpAcC)

105 Bud Light?

Sick burn, bro. Sick. Burn.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 28, 2023 02:39 PM (aQy7p)

106 go back to the tongue in cheek era of the Roger Moore years.
Posted by: Thomas Bender

I was ok with the Moore era when I was a kid, but I then realized that camp is passive-aggressive nihilism.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at September 28, 2023 02:39 PM (IG4Id)

107 81 If the media covers any of it at all, it will be the statement by Turley.. The edited statement
Posted by: It's me donna at September 28, 2023 02:31 PM (bs+z0)

Top of NBC "News" Website:
"House GOP's impeachment witnesses say there's no evidence yet that Biden committed a crime"

Also, a picture of Gaetz looking demonic.

Well done, comrades.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, DEI (Disinformation, Eggplant, and Insanity) Coordinator at September 28, 2023 02:40 PM (PiwSw)

108 101 I think that another resolution by the House was passed affirming the dress code to be business attire which was spelled out - pants / coat / tie. Poor Hubba the Fett! Maybe his wife can crawl out of bed, wipe off the donut crumbs, and help dress her troll.
No shirts?

Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 02:40 PM (xA5g+)

109 Or how about the second impeachment?

Because a guy heard from another guy that on a phone call neither heard, that Trump "demanded 8 times that Ukraine manufacturer dirt on Biden?"

Or the third impeachment?
That Cornbread heard from someone that Trump crawled through the bulletproof divider in the Presidential limo and tried to wrest the wheel from the driver to go to the Capitol?

All the fucking bullshit, flat-out lies the left impeached Trump over and out-and-out open bribery is "let's not be too hasty, gentlemen?!"

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 28, 2023 02:40 PM (OzHA0)

110 If I were Xi, I'd plug the leak.
Posted by: Alexander Scipio at September 28, 2023 02:37 PM (NX5U7)
If I were Xi, I wouldn't.

There is no risk to Xi or his lieutenants and agents. The only risk - if it is even a risk at all - is to Biden. Yes, he bought Biden and has certain expectations, but the problem is that those expectations have not been met.

Xi expected to get his whole wish list out of Joe in exchange for giving him millions of dollars and loads of assistance getting elected. It hasn't panned out well for Xi. He's gotten some stuff, but not nearly enough to justify the investment. American China policy has not reverted to pre-Trump norms. Both the CHIPs act and the "inflation reduction act" have explicitly anti-China components. He was a bum bet as far as Red China is concerned. They bought Biden thinking they were buying the entire policy apparatus. That isn't how it turned out.

Joe getting iced is probably not a significant concern for Xi at this point, and if I were him I wouldn't be throwing good money after bad. Xi is fine either way, so fuck Joe.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 28, 2023 02:40 PM (t0OGg)

111 Top of NBC "News" Website:
"House GOP's impeachment witnesses say there's no evidence yet that Biden committed a crime"

Also, a picture of Gaetz looking demonic.

Well done, comrades.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, DEI

Well at least they said "yet"

Posted by: It's me donna at September 28, 2023 02:41 PM (bs+z0)

112 97 Festerman looks like the doofus he is. In a sane country he would have been laughed out of running for *any* elective office driven from the village with pitchforks and torches.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 28, 2023 02:38 PM

Posted by: Medieval Transylvanians at September 28, 2023 02:41 PM (JCZqz)

113 Fetterman is that guy from The Goonies.

Hey you guys!

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at September 28, 2023 02:41 PM (JTwsP)

114 No shirts?
Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 02:40 PM (xA5g+)

No Shoes?


- Spicoli

Posted by: Doof at September 28, 2023 02:41 PM (cRUf9)

115 Festerman looks like the doofus he is. In a sane country he would have been laughed out of running for *any* elective office.

He's our version of Caligula's horse.

Posted by: Except he's less useful than a horse at September 28, 2023 02:41 PM (ppBhU)

116 Who is playing the part of Fetterman's brain. One does not simply recover from his brain damage that quickly.

Posted by: Valiant at September 28, 2023 02:42 PM (iI8bS)

117 @paulsperry_

BREAKING: House Intelligence chairman Mike Turner suggested there may be a nexus between Biden foreign influence peddling and the classified documents Joe Biden "hoarded" at locations where Hunter Biden had access and where he received Chinese wire payments
As Trump pointed out last night, they have Biden three month warning before they raided him.
"No telling what he was able to hide"

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 28, 2023 02:42 PM (OzHA0)

118 Fetterman is that guy from The Goonies.

Hey you guys!
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at September 28, 2023 02:41 PM (JTwsP)

You're going to live with me now.

Posted by: Chris Christie at September 28, 2023 02:42 PM (ppBhU)

119 Fetterman truly our first anencephalic senator?
Posted by: red speck at September 28, 2023 02:23 PM (t20Fg)

That's a mighty fine 50 cent word you got there. If you mean he dum, then no, not the first. And obviously we have many senile old foops in the Senate right now.

Not that long ago, which one was it... Thune? The Republican from one of the frozen tundra states? He had a stroke (not that kind, you pervs), and didn't give up his seat. Plenty others have kept their seats long past the point of being sentient, including the man for whom they are still holding a funeral, John McLosemyplane.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 28, 2023 02:43 PM (dGCAG)

120 Why should anyone be listening to Turly on this anyway? I’m not overly impressed with the dude myself. Although he does seems to stick to his principles, he strike me as more of a DC throne sniffer.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at September 28, 2023 02:44 PM (JTwsP)

121 "All the fucking bullshit, flat-out lies the left impeached Trump over and out-and-out open bribery is "let's not be too hasty, gentlemen?!""

Just being so very reasonable. It's why we are here.

Posted by: DOYLE at September 28, 2023 02:44 PM (Z8Yh2)

122 @106

>>I was ok with the Moore era when I was a kid, but I then realized that camp is passive-aggressive nihilism.

But we really don't need another gritty take on Bond.

Hell, how about a Neo Noir/Hard Boiled take on Bond?

I don't know, change up the formula fellas.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 28, 2023 02:44 PM (67MXg)

123 >>Hey DanMan, did you nood the prior posting?

nope and nada, I just stumbled in, saw an opening and left my mark...then I went back and read the content and noticed nobody had shown up for two minutes and snuck back out

Posted by: DanMan at September 28, 2023 02:44 PM (8uzBS)

124 Christopher Nolan is set to direct two 60s-era Bond movies and has had a terrific audition with Henry Cavill.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 28, 2023
I might actually go see that (those?) movies.
Posted by: Disinformation Expert, Formerly Virginian at September 28, 2023

Sixties-era??? Now they're thinking!

As for Cavill being too tall and brawny, well, Bond was said in his Russian dossier in 1956 to be 183 cm tall (6'), so that's okay. But the same dossier, I think, listed his weight as 76 kg -- and that's only about 168 lbs. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong? If it were 80 kg = 176 lbs., which is more in line with the height given.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 28, 2023 02:45 PM (J2vNu)

125 >>As Trump pointed out last night, they have Biden three month warning before they raided him.
"No telling what he was able to hide"

Yep. That's why I don't mind the House taking the time to try and dig up every bit of evidence they can. Make Democrats own Biden's corruption by making them defend him.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 28, 2023 02:45 PM (ZLI7S)

126 108 101 I think that another resolution by the House was passed affirming the dress code to be business attire which was spelled out - pants / coat / tie.
No shirts?
Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 02:40 PM

Hey. If Albanian news girls have taught us anything, it's that a jacket and no shirt is entirely awesome attire for women.

Posted by: Military Moron at September 28, 2023 02:45 PM (JCZqz)

127 Sloth Fetterman

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at September 28, 2023 02:46 PM (dKuyx)

128 28 Turley was just speaking conservatively, but unfortunately nowadays you have to always be aware that what you say will be chopped up and spun by the Leftists (who control all media)
Posted by: BlackOrchid at September 28, 2023 02:22 PM (AcWfM)


It would be nice if he would say what would constitute evidence.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at September 28, 2023 02:46 PM (PqqaB)

129 "Unless they confess, there was no crime!"

The left re: Bribed Biden; 2020 Election; Hillary Server Servicing; Gun Running Obama and Diplomat Killer; and a long history of raped and dead women.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 28, 2023 02:46 PM (OzHA0)

130 It's A Madhouse! A Madhouse!!!

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at September 28, 2023 02:46 PM (0lY6Y)

131 How about a Bond that honors the damn original source material?

Too soon?

Posted by: DOYLE at September 28, 2023 02:46 PM (Z8Yh2)

132 Michael Gambone in Layer Cake

Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 28, 2023 02:46 PM (44ww/)

133 BREAKING: CNN, MSNBC and the Big 3 TV networks have all blacked out coverage of today's Biden impeachment inquiry, only the fourth presidential impeachment inquiry in U.S. history -- in stark contrast to their wall-to-wall coverage of the 2019.
Posted by: redridinghood

I seem to recollect that the Nixon hearings were broadcast live.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 28, 2023 02:46 PM (48u4S)

134 127 Sloth Fetterman
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at September 28, 2023 02:46 PM (dKuyx)

Baby Ruth !

Posted by: Slotherman at September 28, 2023 02:47 PM (bs+z0)

135 Benny Johnson

HIGGINS: "Blue Star Strategies is a long time democrat lobbying firm that Hunter Biden used to put pressure on US government officials to end the investigation and protect Bursima -- the Department of Justice was investigating Blue Star for these activities and allowed to retroactively register as a foreign agent. Today, NO ONE has been held accountable at Blue Star.."

Posted by: redridinghood at September 28, 2023 02:47 PM (NpAcC)

136 Plenty of room to move with the Bond stories. First would be exploring 001, 002, 003, 004.... and so on.

Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 02:47 PM (xA5g+)

137 No shirts?
Posted by: Puddinhead

Okay smarty-pants For the love of God, shirts too please. Who wants to see them with their big guts hanging out and nipple piercings? And for the women, their boobs hanging low and swinging to and fro.

Posted by: Cheri at September 28, 2023 02:47 PM (oiNtH)

138 Sloth love Chunk.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at September 28, 2023 02:47 PM (dKuyx)

139 Festerman looks like the doofus he is. In a sane country he would have been laughed out of running for *any* elective office driven from the village with pitchforks and torches.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 28, 2023
Posted by: Medieval Transylvanians at September 28, 2023

"We . . . belong . . . dead."

Posted by: Festerman's Monster at September 28, 2023 02:47 PM (J2vNu)

140 DAYUM . . . that Fetterman "joke" was so cringe-worthy my cringe is cringing. What idiot came up with that abortion? I'm sure whoever did thought it was a sick burn. That's how delusional and stupid these people are. We can't even find common ground on something so simple as a joke.

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 02:48 PM (iFTx/)

141 131 How about a Bond that honors the damn original source material?

Too soon?
That would upset the wymynz.

Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 02:48 PM (xA5g+)

142 Please no more Bond movies. Just let it go. If they do another one Bond will probably be gay.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 28, 2023 02:48 PM (RSbhh)

I hope all the Philadelphia residents who voted 80% for Fetterman and watched 'Meatball' and crew decimate liquor stores in the city to such a level that every one had to be closed, and can now wait and see what stores will now decide to leave the city...

Are proud of their decision.

Who am I kidding? The Eagles are 3-0, the Phillies made the playoffs, and fences are paying fifty bucks for 800 dollar Apple phones. Life is good under Bidenomics.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 28, 2023 02:48 PM (enJYY)

144 136 Plenty of room to move with the Bond stories. First would be exploring 001, 002, 003, 004.... and so on.
Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 02:47 PM (xA5g+)



Apparently one of the sticking points in Nolan's negotiations with EON productions for writing/directing two films and then exec producing more is that Nolan wants to make them period pieces and Barbara Broccoli wants to keep it modern.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 02:48 PM (LvTSG)

145 Imagine that.

Posted by: Noah Bawdy at September 28, 2023 02:48 PM (GUmpY)

146 I have seen no check made out to Joe with "Bribe money" written in the memo line.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at September 28, 2023 02:48 PM (R8uWY)

147 I'm not the bagman
He is the bagman
coo coo ca choo

Posted by: Braenyard at September 28, 2023 02:49 PM (bETih)

148 This is another example of the gop stepping on its dick. Rehearse this a bit more guys. Try to foresee how every word will be spun by the enemy media.

JFC they are so bad at this.

Posted by: Montec at September 28, 2023 02:49 PM (bZ4X/)

149 As for Cavill being too tall and brawny, well, Bond was said in his Russian dossier in 1956 to be 183 cm tall (6'), blah, blah, blah
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 28, 2023 02:45 PM

Canon and logic are good and all, but ultimately, it's more important to have a cool, handsome dude as Bond. It's like Terminator. A giant hulking robot with a heavy accent is a terrible infiltration robot, but it's an awesome action movie villain.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at September 28, 2023 02:49 PM (JCZqz)

150 Christopher Nolan is set to direct two 60s-era Bond movies and has had a terrific audition with Henry Cavill.
Posted by: BourbonChicken
On to the important stuff, who is being cast as Pussy Galore?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 28, 2023 02:49 PM (48u4S)

151 @131

>>How about a Bond that honors the damn original source material?

Fun Fact: In the book, Chief Brody grew up in Amity and was a schlub and oaf.

Sometimes the source material is not the be all and end all.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 28, 2023 02:50 PM (67MXg)

152 I'm ready for my closeup!

Posted by: Dylan Mulvaney as Jane Bond at September 28, 2023 02:50 PM (PiwSw)

153 149 As for Cavill being too tall and brawny, well, Bond was said in his Russian dossier in 1956 to be 183 cm tall (6'), blah, blah, blah
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 28, 2023 02:45 PM

Canon and logic are good and all, but ultimately, it's more important to have a cool, handsome dude as Bond. It's like Terminator. A giant hulking robot with a heavy accent is a terrible infiltration robot, but it's an awesome action movie villain.
Posted by: Moron Analyst at September 28, 2023 02:49 PM (JCZqz)


Bond was supposed to be high class British.

Sean Connery is low born Scottish therefore could never be a true Bond.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 02:50 PM (LvTSG)

154 Oh my goodness. Fetterman's Monster doesn't realize he's making fun of Bud Light, does hie?

Posted by: Family members won't listen to Gandalf anymore at September 28, 2023 02:50 PM (+MSSo)


This isn't evidence, you've shown nothing!


Posted by: Dr.Rev. Senator Your Highness E Buzz Miller, Esq PhD MA MS at September 28, 2023 02:51 PM (UCNv1)

156 Okay smarty-pants For the love of God, shirts too please. Who wants to see them with their big guts hanging out and nipple piercings? And for the women, their boobs hanging low and swinging to and fro.
Posted by: Cheri at September 28, 2023 02:47 PM (oiNtH)

I used to have a mail woman like that. Big black mama with tits down to her knees. Never wore a bra and in the summertime it was like my own personal National Geographic.

I think she got fired after awhile.


Posted by: Hairyback Guy at September 28, 2023 02:51 PM (0lY6Y)

157 Apparently one of the sticking points in Nolan's negotiations with EON productions for writing/directing two films and then exec producing more is that Nolan wants to make them period pieces and Barbara Broccoli wants to keep it modern.
There's actually a woman named Barbara Broccoli and people seek her opinion?

Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 02:51 PM (xA5g+)

158 CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS/NBC not covering the Biden impeachment hearings...

BANANAS! Get yer bananas here! Ya can't run this kind of republic without a lot of bananas!

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at September 28, 2023 02:51 PM (qPw5n)

159 150 Christopher Nolan is set to direct two 60s-era Bond movies and has had a terrific audition with Henry Cavill.
Posted by: BourbonChicken


The latest I had heard was the Aaron Taylor-Johnson was still the favorite for the role.

Cavill's probably a bit too old at this point, but if Nolan signs on the dotted line he's going to be able to do what he wants.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 02:51 PM (LvTSG)

160 Hey. If Albanian news girls have taught us anything, it's that a jacket and no shirt is entirely awesome attire for women.
Posted by: Military Moron

You apparently haven't seen what constitutes the females of Congress with very few exceptions. Alpo time kennel club.

My apologies to actual dogs.

Posted by: Cheri at September 28, 2023 02:51 PM (oiNtH)

161 Biden Crime Family is in Cohoes with Chine, through and through

Posted by: Skip at September 28, 2023 02:51 PM (fwDg9)

162 What Turley also said.

TURLEY: “I do believe that the House has passed the threshold for an impeachment inquiry into the conduct of President Biden.”

And that's what this is, an impeachment inquiry not an official impeachment. The whole purpose of this inquiry is to get more evidence.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 28, 2023 02:51 PM (ZLI7S)

163 140 DAYUM . . . that Fetterman "joke" was so cringe-worthy my cringe is cringing. What idiot came up with that abortion?
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 02:48 PM

How many times do I have to say I'm sorry!?!? Thankfully, with PA passing Fetterman's law, aborted fetuses that survive the procedure are allowed to expire naturally, instead of revived and treated.

Posted by: Fetterman's Mom at September 28, 2023 02:52 PM (JCZqz)

164 157 Apparently one of the sticking points in Nolan's negotiations with EON productions for writing/directing two films and then exec producing more is that Nolan wants to make them period pieces and Barbara Broccoli wants to keep it modern.
There's actually a woman named Barbara Broccoli and people seek her opinion?
Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 02:51 PM (xA5g+)


She was born into the role of Bond producer. It's nepotism.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 02:52 PM (LvTSG)

165 This is fine:

After two solid bond sales earlier this week, moments ago the Treasury offloaded another $37BN in 7Y paper, in what was at best a mediocre affair.

Pricing at a high yield of 4.673%, this was the highest stop on record...

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at September 28, 2023 02:52 PM (R8uWY)

166 {161} Biden Crime Family is in Cohoes with Chine, through and through

Posted by: Skip at September 28, 2023 02:51 PM (fwDg9)

Yup, just like Trudeau's Liberals. They are thoroughly bought and paid for.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at September 28, 2023 02:52 PM (qPw5n)

167 Apparently one of the sticking points in Nolan's negotiations with EON productions for writing/directing two films and then exec producing more is that Nolan wants to make them period pieces and Barbara Broccoli wants to keep it modern.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023

I'd say to Nolan, "Take over the Man From U.N.C.L.E. franchise," except he's likely to make it too grim (a la Dark Knight or Dark Knight Rises).

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 28, 2023 02:53 PM (J2vNu)

168 Cavill's probably a bit too old at this point, but if Nolan signs on the dotted line he's going to be able to do what he wants.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 02:51 PM (LvTSG)

There are also rumors about Cavill being interested in a 'Highlander' spin off... basically another immortal.

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 28, 2023 02:53 PM (QPmu4)

169 It's all kabuki. Congress has the power to set specific wages and compensation for anyone in the bureaucracy. Until they set Garland's pay at $0.01 and zero out the FBI, they are not serious.

Posted by: WOPR at September 28, 2023 02:53 PM (WFJRS)

170 1960s Britain was only 46% black and gay.

Posted by: Family members won't listen to Gandalf anymore at September 28, 2023 02:53 PM (+MSSo)

171 168 There are also rumors about Cavill being interested in a 'Highlander' spin off... basically another immortal.
Posted by: Romeo13 at September 28, 2023 02:53 PM (QPmu4)


I think that's one of those projects where he's officially cast but the movie hasn't moved in 3 years.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 02:54 PM (LvTSG)

172 @157

>>There's actually a woman named Barbara Broccoli and people seek her opinion?

Ersatz Dana Carvey Channeling Ersatz Paul McCartney: We're chopping Barbara Broccoli, We're Chopping Barbara Broccoli, we're Chopping...

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 28, 2023 02:54 PM (67MXg)

173 There's actually a woman named Barbara Broccoli and people seek her opinion?
Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023

She was born into the role of Bond producer. It's nepotism.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023

Cubby Broccoli's daughter.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 28, 2023 02:54 PM (J2vNu)

174 Huh. Thanks Mr. Obvious. You're a life saver.

Posted by: Noah Bawdy at September 28, 2023 02:54 PM (GUmpY)

175 She was born into the role of Bond producer. It's nepotism.
I'd go with period piece cuz the cars looked cool back then.

Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 02:54 PM (xA5g+)

176 If this process goes further, I wonder how Biden will punish America this time.

Posted by: humphreyrobot at September 28, 2023 02:54 PM (J8LnB)

177 I guess I expected Turley to use a better choice of words, him being a university professor and all...

Posted by: gourmand du jour at September 28, 2023 02:54 PM (MeG8a)

178 Apparently one of the sticking points in Nolan's negotiations with EON productions for writing/directing two films and then exec producing more is that Nolan wants to make them period pieces and Barbara Broccoli wants to keep it modern.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 02:48 PM (LvTSG)
I'd pay money to see '50s era Bond battling SMERSH.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at September 28, 2023 02:54 PM (ScR16)

179 Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 28, 2023 02:40 PM (t0OGg)

The USA-China relationship has deteriorated under Biden. All I can figure is the neocon psychopaths metastasized throughout the Administration thought Xi would agree to be a junior partner in dismantling the Russian land mass. As crazy as that may seem, it is a typical neocon delusion. Also, the Chinese consider buying people an investment, and will take risks. They are cutting losses.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at September 28, 2023 02:54 PM (KSNKu)

180 What is there was a whistleblower who knows someone who heard a phone call between Joe and Xi and swears they talked about bribes? But there is no recording so we just have to take heresay as the final word.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at September 28, 2023 02:55 PM (R8uWY)

181 140 DAYUM . . . that Fetterman "joke" was so cringe-worthy my cringe is cringing. What idiot came up with that abortion?
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 02:48 PM

Best part... its a Trans Slam... the Trans community will NOT be amused.

Expect ritual groveling very soon.

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 28, 2023 02:55 PM (QPmu4)

182 Barbara Broccoli is the worst thing to ever happen to Bond.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 28, 2023 02:55 PM (44ww/)

183 I'm sure this is just one big misunderstanding being exaggerated by extremist Republicans who couldn't shine George W. Bush's shoes and stopped watching Foxnews because they believe they're liberally biased.

Posted by: Dana Perino at September 28, 2023 02:55 PM (kLbP8)

184 And that's what this is, an impeachment inquiry not an official impeachment. The whole purpose of this inquiry is to get more evidence.
Posted by: JackStraw at September 28, 2023 02:51 PM (ZLI7S)

And do nothing.

Posted by: WOPR at September 28, 2023 02:55 PM (WFJRS)

185 178 I'd pay money to see '50s era Bond battling SMERSH.
Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at September 28, 2023 02:54 PM (ScR16)


Nolan would make Bond a billion dollar franchise again.

He made a 3 hour, partly black and white biography about physics into a $900 million film.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 02:55 PM (LvTSG)

186 Turley isn't stupid. He knew the media would parse his statement. It's his attempt to make everyone happy.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 28, 2023 02:55 PM (fs1hN)

187 She was born into the role of Bond producer. It's nepotism.

James Bond in: Of Course, She's Qualified, Mr. Bond!

As qualified as the simpering heirs of Ian Fleming to keep profiting off him while despising what he wrote, anyway.

Posted by: Alber R. Broccoli Presents: at September 28, 2023 02:56 PM (ppBhU)

Maybe I'm remembering it wrong? If it were 80 kg = 176 lbs., which is more in line with the height given.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 28, 2023 02:45 PM

My daughter went to school with a guy in her class who went on to become a New York fashion model. After she told me I found the magazine she mentioned with his pic and stats and about 50 other up-and-coming models for her. It was kinda interesting how they were all in this very narrow height and weight range which was about 2.5 pounds per inch of height. Which puts your estimate almost dead on.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at September 28, 2023 02:56 PM (enJYY)

189 164 157 Apparently one of the sticking points in Nolan's negotiations with EON productions for writing/directing two films and then exec producing more is that Nolan wants to make them period pieces and Barbara Broccoli wants to keep it modern.
There's actually a woman named Barbara Broccoli and people seek her opinion?
Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 02:51 PM (xA5g+)


She was born into the role of Bond producer. It's nepotism.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 02:52 PM (LvTSG)

She's probably not wrong about this point. There's surely a bigger market for a modern Bond than one set in the weird, long-past 1960s. After the last few disastrous Bond films, any new one should aim for a broad audience.

Oh, and I'm not sold that there will be ANY new Bond films any time soon. The series and even the genre are soooo played out. They should give it a rest.

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 02:57 PM (iFTx/)

190 Turkey is a fuckhead who has been in the business long enough to know his words would have been taken out of context

Fucking typical lawyer shitheel talking out of
both sides of his mouth

Get off my lawn

Posted by: The Unmasked and Unvaxxed Ranger at September 28, 2023 02:58 PM (VTu1l)

191 189 She's probably not wrong about this point. There's surely a bigger market for a modern Bond than one set in the weird, long-past 1960s. After the last few disastrous Bond films, any new one should aim for a broad audience.

Oh, and I'm not sold that there will be ANY new Bond films any time soon. The series and even the genre are soooo played out. They should give it a rest.
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 02:57 PM (iFTx/)


No Time to Die still made $775 million.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 02:58 PM (LvTSG)

192 If Albanian news girls have taught us anything, it's that a jacket and no shirt is entirely awesome attire for women.
Posted by: Military Moron

She looks . . . remarkably . . . like nude model Jana Defi, aka Maria Swan.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 28, 2023 02:58 PM (J2vNu)

193 181 140 DAYUM . . . that Fetterman "joke" was so cringe-worthy my cringe is cringing. What idiot came up with that abortion?
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 02:48 PM

Best part... its a Trans Slam... the Trans community will NOT be amused.

Expect ritual groveling very soon.
Posted by: Romeo13 at September 28, 2023 02:55 PM (QPmu4)

I'm not even sure what point he was trying to make with the Bud Light.

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 02:58 PM (iFTx/)

194 The USA-China relationship has deteriorated under Biden. All I can figure is the neocon psychopaths metastasized throughout the Administration thought Xi would agree to be a junior partner in dismantling the Russian land mass. As crazy as that may seem, it is a typical neocon delusion. Also, the Chinese consider buying people an investment, and will take risks. They are cutting losses.
Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at September 28, 2023 02:54 PM (KSNKu)
I think it is two separate issues. I doubt people were much thinking about China when we decided to create the conditions for war with Russia. The much bigger problem (as far as China is concerned, anyway) is that I think China profoundly misunderstood the US government. They thought buying the head of state would buy them the state. That's not how it works here. It isn't even how it works in Red China, though it's much closer to that ideal. We have competing power structures and networks, warring factions, all-comers graft that has to be balanced, etc.

But as you say, Xi made the bet and it hasn't panned out. Why would he care that is Biden investment isn't panning out? It already hasn't.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 28, 2023 02:59 PM (t0OGg)

195 My loathing of the marxist media continues unabated.
And I am a master at abating.

Posted by: Diogenes at September 28, 2023 02:59 PM (uSHSS)

196 This underwear-clad blonde on the stairs have bever accepted bribes from foreigners or attempted to sell US infrastructure to enemy states:

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 28, 2023 02:59 PM (t0OGg)

197 RNC Research

Junior Democrat Rep. Max Frost: "The only thing the president can be guilty of here is being a father"

Posted by: redridinghood at September 28, 2023 02:59 PM (NpAcC)

198 I'm not even sure what point he was trying to make with the Bud Light.
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 02:58 PM (iFTx/)
That they're fake and gay? Beyond that, I got nothin'.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at September 28, 2023 03:00 PM (ScR16)

199 Best part... its a Trans Slam... the Trans community will NOT be amused.

Expect ritual groveling very soon.
Posted by: Romeo13 at September 28, 2023 02:55 PM

The left hasn't gotten that message yet. Only a few of them have the brain cells to reach that logical conclusion independently.

Truly This is how to deal with the inanities of the fascistic opposition party. And then join together laughing at their ridiculous antics in the face of government shutdowns.

We need more of this. Ridicule is a powerful tool, especially when it’s wielded in a larger-than-life way by a master like Sen. Fetterman.

I LOVE this guy!! He has the art of trolling for the public good down to an art form.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 28, 2023 03:00 PM (JCZqz)

No Time to Die still made $775 million.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 02:58 PM (LvTSG)

According to us it lost $12M
- Hollywood Accounting

Posted by: Montec at September 28, 2023 03:00 PM (bZ4X/)

201 Apparently one of the sticking points in Nolan's negotiations with EON productions for writing/directing two films and then exec producing more is that Nolan wants to make them period pieces and Barbara Broccoli wants to keep it modern.
There's actually a woman named Barbara Broccoli and people seek her opinion?
Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 02:51 PM (xA5g+)

Gonna assume "keep it modern" is code for there have to be teh wimminz (preferably Of Color) and/or trans characters sprinkled throughout. None of whom can be shown up (or beat up) by any male characters.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 28, 2023 03:00 PM (dGCAG)

202 196 This underwear-clad blonde on the stairs have bever accepted bribes from foreigners or attempted to sell US infrastructure to enemy states:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 28, 2023 02:59 PM (t0OGg)


Oh dear...that crease in her ankle...*vomits in mouth a little bit*


Would not bang.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 03:00 PM (LvTSG)

203 ... I LOVE this guy!! He has the art of trolling for the public good down to an art form.
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 28, 2023 03:00 PM (JCZqz)
But Trump was a mean poopy head?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 28, 2023 03:01 PM (t0OGg)

204 200
No Time to Die still made $775 million.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 02:58 PM (LvTSG)

According to us it lost $12M
- Hollywood Accounting
Posted by: Montec at September 28, 2023 03:00 PM (bZ4X/)


"My points!"
-Daniel Craig, next starring in the movie Queer (no, it's not a joke)

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 03:01 PM (LvTSG)

205 191 189 She's probably not wrong about this point. There's surely a bigger market for a modern Bond than one set in the weird, long-past 1960s. After the last few disastrous Bond films, any new one should aim for a broad audience.

Oh, and I'm not sold that there will be ANY new Bond films any time soon. The series and even the genre are soooo played out. They should give it a rest.
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 02:57 PM (iFTx/)


No Time to Die still made $775 million.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 02:58 PM (LvTSG)

True, but everyone hated it, it still lost money, and anything under a billie is now considered underperforming for a blockbuster. That awful twattastic Barbie movie that everyone here laughed at and mocked made almost twice what the last Bond did.

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 03:02 PM (iFTx/)

206 "I'm not even sure what point he was trying to make with the Bud Light."

It's OK. Neither does he. They just stood him up, told him to hold the prop, wiped the dribble from his chin and then re chained him to the desk.

Pennsylvania's Finest.

Posted by: Marcus T at September 28, 2023 03:02 PM (GmDse)

207 Best part... its a Trans Slam... the Trans community will NOT be amused.

Expect ritual groveling very soon.

I'm not even sure what point he was trying to make with the Bud Light.
Posted by: Elric Blade


I think he was trying to show support for the left, but he's so brain damaged (and I don't say that jokingly) that he doesn't realize that the action he took is *exactly* what someone who was making fun of a friend would do, and they'd choose the gay beer for that very reason.

Posted by: Family members won't listen to Gandalf anymore at September 28, 2023 03:02 PM (+MSSo)

208 Barbara Broccoli is the worst thing to ever happen to Bond.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 28, 2023 02:55 PM (44ww/)

Except for that time he thought a dildo was just a dildo.....

Posted by: BurtTC at September 28, 2023 03:02 PM (dGCAG)

209 I krAcK mYsellf uppp.

Posted by: SEnAAtuR JoN FEETERmen at September 28, 2023 03:03 PM (lf83v)

210 Gonna assume "keep it modern" is code for there have to be teh wimminz (preferably Of Color) and/or trans characters sprinkled throughout. None of whom can be shown up (or beat up) by any male characters.

Nah. A lot of people were black women back then. People just didn't realize it. Henry VIII was a black woman, for example.

Posted by: Black Anne Boelyn at September 28, 2023 03:03 PM (ppBhU)

211 205 True, but everyone hated it, it still lost money, and anything under a billie is now considered underperforming for a blockbuster. That awful twattastic Barbie movie that everyone here laughed at and mocked made almost twice what the last Bond did.
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 03:02 PM (iFTx/)


It probably made a little bit of money, but not Skyfall money. The worst hit was on probably having to pay penalties on delays in marketing.

There's obviously still a desire for more Bond from audiences at large. Maybe it's as deep as Fast and Furious desires, but that just takes going to the theater again (remember when those were dead?).

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 03:03 PM (LvTSG)

212 Hey, you guys!

Posted by: Sloth Fetterman at September 28, 2023 03:04 PM (og5mY)

213 Barbara Broccoli is the worst thing to ever happen to Bond.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 28, 2023 02:55 PM (44ww/)

Except for that time he thought a dildo was just a dildo.....
Posted by: BurtTC at September 28, 2023 03:02 PM (dGCAG)

I mean, he suffered some second degree burns in some interesting places, his tux was totally ruined, but his date... she had it even worse.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 28, 2023 03:04 PM (dGCAG)

214 Pennsylvania's Finest.
Posted by: Marcus T at September 28, 2023 03:02 PM (GmDse)

Scariest part is he might be

Posted by: It's me donna at September 28, 2023 03:04 PM (bs+z0)

215 It would've made it more tone-deaf and out of touch is if he'd somehow referenced the dead children in Hawaii in his Bud Light whatever that was.

Hint: Don't draw attention to failures

Posted by: Family members won't listen to Gandalf anymore at September 28, 2023 03:04 PM (+MSSo)

216 Yeah, dig.
William the Conqueror?
He was black, and gay and a woman!

Posted by: gourmand du jour at September 28, 2023 03:05 PM (MeG8a)

217 Please no more Bond movies. Just let it go. If they do another one Bond will probably be gay.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 28, 2023 02:48 PM (RSbhh)

Did I tell you about my treatment of Goldfinger, where Auric Goldfinger is an Anarcho-capitalist who is acting to save the globe's economy from establishment of fiat based CBDCs by destroying the remaining reserves used to legitimize the fiction of the fiat currencies? Bond is the instrument of the states' monopoly on violence.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 28, 2023 03:05 PM (xhaym)

218 That awful twattastic Barbie movie that everyone here laughed at and mocked made almost twice what the last Bond did.
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 03:02 PM (iFTx/)

And still making money. It’s still in theaters.

Posted by: Montec at September 28, 2023 03:05 PM (bZ4X/)

219 The longer the Dems keep Biden, the deeper the hole they're digging. So keep on keepin' on, Democrats. Giving Turley cred now will make you even look dumber when you inevitably turn on him when the weight of evidence comes comes aboard and finally sinks the regime.

Posted by: mrp at September 28, 2023 03:05 PM (rj6Yv)

220 Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 28, 2023 02:59 PM (t0OGg)

What? No magic underwear signaling her conversion to conservative ideals? Just dressed down for the net to show which a true blue, honest person she is?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 28, 2023 03:06 PM (RSbhh)

221 Bond was supposed to be high class British.

Sean Connery is low born Scottish therefore could never be a true Bond.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 02:50 PM (LvTSG)

David Nevin, unfortunately, is unavailable.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 28, 2023 03:06 PM (bETih)

"When you were running whores, I was your bagman in Wilshire Vice. I did the payoffs for Brenda. I'm sure you remember Brenda."

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 28, 2023 03:06 PM (MoZTd)

223 Great, they'll probably remake Live and Let Die and Solitaire will be black this time.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 28, 2023 03:06 PM (44ww/)

224 221 David Nevin, unfortunately, is unavailable.
Posted by: Braenyard at September 28, 2023 03:06 PM (bETih)


He didn't need to play Bond more than once.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 03:06 PM (LvTSG)

225 Gonna assume "keep it modern" is code for there have to be teh wimminz (preferably Of Color) and/or trans characters sprinkled throughout. None of whom can be shown up (or beat up) by any male characters.
Posted by: BurtTC


Yeah, I'm guessing cool cars, countryside, etc. and millions spent on making it period-piece stylish, but at least half the cast will have to be black /gay /cross-dresser.

Posted by: Family members won't listen to Gandalf anymore at September 28, 2023 03:07 PM (+MSSo)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 28, 2023 02:59 PM (t0OGg)

Looks left
Looks right
Quietly unzips

Posted by: Robert at September 28, 2023 03:07 PM (1Yy3c)

227 The D's impeachment inquiry runs likes

1. Trump and Giuliani set the Biden's up.
2. Trump has been impeached and indicted so Biden is not guilty.
3. There is no direct evidence that Biden had anything to do with the Biden Crime Family bribery racket because none of the people involved with this criminal enterprise have testified that they have direct knowledge of seeing stacks of Benjamin's stuffed into The Big Guy's coat pockets.
4. The potential federal government shutdown is proof the Republicans would rather engage in a smear campaign against a father who dearly loves his son instead of funding welfare recipients.

Posted by: lost in space at September 28, 2023 03:07 PM (kmEPs)

228 214 Pennsylvania's Finest.
Posted by: Marcus T at September 28, 2023 03:02 PM (GmDse)

Scariest part is he might be
No skin tags. Not the scariest.

Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 03:07 PM (Wg6v7)

229 in a larger-than-life way by a master like Sen. Fetterman


there is no way in hell that this comment could be real

Posted by: The Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger - Longing to Lie in Zooey Deschanel's Bosom for Comfort at September 28, 2023 03:08 PM (VTu1l)

Replace the words "Hunter Biden" with "Eric Trump or Donald Trump Jr " and see how the media would cover this.

Posted by: Frank Barone at September 28, 2023 03:08 PM (+oR7L)

231 211 205 True, but everyone hated it, it still lost money, and anything under a billie is now considered underperforming for a blockbuster. That awful twattastic Barbie movie that everyone here laughed at and mocked made almost twice what the last Bond did.
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 03:02 PM (iFTx/)


It probably made a little bit of money, but not Skyfall money. The worst hit was on probably having to pay penalties on delays in marketing.

There's obviously still a desire for more Bond from audiences at large. Maybe it's as deep as Fast and Furious desires, but that just takes going to the theater again (remember when those were dead?).
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 03:03 PM (LvTSG)

I dunno, dude. The budget was pushing $300M. Plus marketing. I think it would have had to make $900M to turn a profit. I think it lost a ton of money. And it was total rancid garbage.

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 03:08 PM (iFTx/)

232 Posted by: Kindltot at September 28, 2023 03:05 PM (xhaym)

Seems a little convoluted. but as long as you have sexy dames, fast cars and gadgets it might work.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 28, 2023 03:08 PM (RSbhh)

233 I think he was trying to show support for the left, but he's so brain damaged (and I don't say that jokingly) that he doesn't realize that the action he took is *exactly* what someone who was making fun of a friend would do, and they'd choose the gay beer for that very reason.
Posted by: Family members won't listen to Gandalf anymore at September 28, 2023 03:02 PM (+MSSo)

Yep. Iimagine the facepalms, "Oh sh*t"s, and final farewells amongst the senior A-B staff when they saw that.

Posted by: mrp at September 28, 2023 03:08 PM (rj6Yv)

234 4. The potential federal government shutdown is proof the Republicans would rather engage in a smear campaign against a father who dearly loves his son instead of funding welfare recipients.
Why not? It works wonders for Democrats.

Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 03:08 PM (Wg6v7)

235 Posted by: lost in space at September 28, 2023 03:07 PM (kmEPs)

I would laugh.. But it's all true

Posted by: It's me donna at September 28, 2023 03:08 PM (bs+z0)

236 And as Pussy Galore ... Lizzo

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 28, 2023 03:09 PM (cot+J)

237 Fetterman looked better before he got his feral pig tusks removed.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Not Neanderthal, Just Ruggedly Handsome at September 28, 2023 03:09 PM (xPJvm)

238 It's obvious that the best course of action is Barbie can be the new Bond.

Posted by: fd at September 28, 2023 03:09 PM (vFG9F)

239 And still making money. It’s still in theaters.
Posted by: Montec at September 28, 2023 03:05 PM (bZ4X/)

Barbie is why we need to revoke the franchise for women. The film is misandry made real and women are completely oblivious to it. Or, they are reveling in it.

Posted by: WOPR at September 28, 2023 03:09 PM (WFJRS)

240 And as Pussy Galore ... Lizzo
Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 28, 2023 03:09 PM (cot+J)
She's got the "galore" part down.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at September 28, 2023 03:09 PM (ScR16)

241 Joe's gal doesn't need to sell secrets, she isn't hiding much now

Posted by: Skip at September 28, 2023 03:09 PM (fwDg9)

242 Oh dear...that crease in her ankle...*vomits in mouth a little bit*


Would not bang.

Only a 1? Where does that leave room for me?

Posted by: Lena Dunham at September 28, 2023 03:10 PM (fs1hN)

243 That awful twattastic Barbie movie that everyone here laughed at and mocked made almost twice what the last Bond did.


That movie was so extremely woke that it accidentally became based as a result

Also Ryan Gosling is literally me

Posted by: The Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger - Longing to Lie in Zooey Deschanel's Bosom for Comfort at September 28, 2023 03:10 PM (VTu1l)

244 231 I dunno, dude. The budget was pushing $300M. Plus marketing. I think it would have had to make $900M to turn a profit. I think it lost a ton of money. And it was total rancid garbage.
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 03:08 PM (iFTx/)


It might have needed its home video/licensing to get it over the line, but I imagine it's in the black.

And in terms of audience reaction, I'll just say that its IMDB rating is 7.3 and its RT audience score is 88%.

I didn't like it, but I'm pretty sure that a lot of the general audience did.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 03:10 PM (LvTSG)

245 Bond was supposed to be high class British.

Sean Connery is low born Scottish therefore could never be a true Bond.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023

JB's father Andrew was a Scots engineer, not a noble. I know he had quite the parcel of land as shown in Skyfall. I suspect Andrew worked his way to middle management for his firm, and maybe he bought some land and the small mansion from an impoverished gentleman. Or maybe JB's mother had some capital.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 28, 2023 03:11 PM (J2vNu)

246 Plenty of room to move with the Bond stories. First would be exploring 001, 002, 003, 004.... and so on.
Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 02:47 PM (xA5g+)

The 001 story: The name is Nigel. Nigel Czeblinski.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at September 28, 2023 03:11 PM (BdMk6)

247 Somebody's horse is gonna be a senator one day.

Posted by: Eromero at September 28, 2023 03:11 PM (z3WCn)

248 245 JB's father Andrew was a Scots engineer, not a noble. I know he had quite the parcel of land as shown in Skyfall. I suspect Andrew worked his way to middle management for his firm, and maybe he bought some land and the small mansion from an impoverished gentleman. Or maybe JB's mother had some capital.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 28, 2023 03:11 PM (J2vNu)


That was just retconning by Ian Fleming to keep the books up with the movie. It's not in alignment with his original vision.

Sean Connery is the worst Bond because he is out of alignment with Bond as Ian Fleming originally wrote him.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 03:12 PM (LvTSG)

249 218 That awful twattastic Barbie movie that everyone here laughed at and mocked made almost twice what the last Bond did.
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 03:02 PM (iFTx/)

And still making money. It’s still in theaters.
Posted by: Montec at September 28, 2023 03:05 PM (bZ4X/)

Yup. Funny how after the initial derision on this site and predictions Barbie would fail for being too stupid and woke, we haven't heard a word about it. We only talk about woke movies that fail. We ignore the putrid woke crap that makes truckloads of money. That upsets our narrative.

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 03:12 PM (iFTx/)

250 Posted by: Lena Dunham

Only a 1? Where does that leave room for me?


yoooohoooo big boy!

Posted by: Dylan Mulvaney at September 28, 2023 03:12 PM (VTu1l)

251 This morning, I directed my staff to deliver a gift to congratulate and salute Representative Comer and his Team America™️ squad as they embark on their historic impeachment journey.


Couldn't the plastic surgeons at least have hidden Uncle Fester-Man's lobotomy scar?

Posted by: ShainS -- Deplorable AND Listless Vessel AND Overimaginative Scamp at September 28, 2023 03:12 PM (fGYJL)

Austin Powers had it best with "Alotta Fagina".

Posted by: Frank Barone at September 28, 2023 03:12 PM (+oR7L)

253 Received a note from Apple. Your free balance is low, wouldn't you like to save join our inexpensive cloud? hmmm

busily deleting some and hording other files to flash drive

Posted by: Braenyard at September 28, 2023 03:12 PM (bETih)

254 252
Austin Powers had it best with "Alotta Fagina".
Posted by: Frank Barone at September 28, 2023 03:12 PM (+oR7L)


She changed her named to Sandy.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 03:12 PM (LvTSG)

255 Seems a little convoluted. but as long as you have sexy dames, fast cars and gadgets it might work.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 28, 2023 03:08 PM (RSbhh)

the hard part is selling the motivation without sounding like someone has been slamming Monster Energy Drinks and White Claw, and plotting with red yarn pinned to news clippings on a room full of bulletin boards.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 28, 2023 03:13 PM (xhaym)

256 Somebody's horse is gonna be a senator one day.
Posted by: Eromero at September 28, 2023 03:11 PM (z3WCn)
I know, right?

Posted by: Gaius Little-boots at September 28, 2023 03:13 PM (ScR16)

257 " There's surely a bigger market for a modern Bond than one set in the weird, long-past 1960s."

I personally would love to see a Bond period-piece.

Maybe as a television series, rather than a movie.

Posted by: FeatherBlade at September 28, 2023 03:13 PM (ou9hh)

258 We ignore the putrid woke crap that makes truckloads of money. That upsets our narrative.


One woke movie in all of 2023 does not a trend make

Part of Barbie's success is in the fraudulent marketing

And also Ryan Gosling, who is literally me

Posted by: The Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger - Longing to Lie in Zooey Deschanel's Bosom for Comfort at September 28, 2023 03:13 PM (VTu1l)

259 Somebody's horse is gonna be a senator one day.

Posted by: Eromero at September 28, 2023 03:11 PM (z3WCn)


Does 97 horse's asses count?

Posted by: ShainS -- Deplorable AND Listless Vessel AND Overimaginative Scamp at September 28, 2023 03:13 PM (fGYJL)

260 So…Hunters “experience “ with the energy sector is facilitating the sale of US Compton enemy states?!

And Hillary sold US uranium rights to Russia?

We really are just a sales opportunity and a tax farm, not a country, eh?

Posted by: Lizzy at September 28, 2023 03:13 PM (Hkcdp)

261 Sean Connery is the worst Bond because he is out of alignment with Bond as Ian Fleming originally wrote him.
Yet he owns the role. All are compared to Sean. Few are worthy.

Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 03:13 PM (Wg6v7)

262 James Bond was Queen Elizaneth's half brother, right? Got his foot in the crack don't you know.

Posted by: Eromero at September 28, 2023 03:14 PM (z3WCn)

263 258 One woke movie in all of 2023 does not a trend make

Part of Barbie's success is in the fraudulent marketing

And also Ryan Gosling, who is literally me
Posted by: The Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger - Longing to Lie in Zooey Deschanel's Bosom for Comfort at September 28, 2023 03:13 PM (VTu1l)


Most of what I've heard is that it's fun and speaks to a lot of women.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 03:14 PM (LvTSG)

264 That was just retconning by Ian Fleming to keep the books up with the movie. It's not in alignment with his original vision.
Fleming genuinely liked Connery as Bond. It's why he gave Book!Bond the Scottish background in the later novels.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at September 28, 2023 03:14 PM (ScR16)

265 Posted by: Kindltot at September 28, 2023 03:13 PM (xhaym)


Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 28, 2023 03:15 PM (RSbhh)

266 That awful twattastic Barbie movie that everyone here laughed at and mocked made almost twice what the last Bond did.
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 03:02 PM (iFTx/)
And still making money. It’s still in theaters.
Posted by: Montec at September 28, 2023 03:05 PM (bZ4X/)

Yup..."Barbie" is proof that people are stupid and should be treated as sheep.

Wait until Barbie 2: Cornhole Boogaloo comes out in a year or two.

People will flock to it like Manna from Heaven.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at September 28, 2023 03:15 PM (0lY6Y)

267 James, have you seen the NetFlix series Peaky Blinders?

Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 03:15 PM (Wg6v7)

268 the Republicans would rather engage in a smear campaign against a father who dearly loves his son instead of funding welfare recipients.
Posted by: lost in space at September 28, 2023 03:07 PM (kmEPs)

I know that I do.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 28, 2023 03:15 PM (w8j6z)

269 264 That was just retconning by Ian Fleming to keep the books up with the movie. It's not in alignment with his original vision.
Fleming genuinely liked Connery as Bond. It's why he gave Book!Bond the Scottish background in the later novels.
Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at September 28, 2023 03:14 PM (ScR16)


I know. I'm just doing a bit.

I hate the, "It's not in alignment with the original," argument. You see it a lot in discussions around the Batman movies.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 03:15 PM (LvTSG)

270 Is Lurch implying that he is NOT on Team America? Huh.

Posted by: Kalel666 at September 28, 2023 03:15 PM (9UP/Y)

271 267 James, have you seen the NetFlix series Peaky Blinders?
Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 03:15 PM (Wg6v7)



Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 03:16 PM (LvTSG)

272 229 in a larger-than-life way by a master like Sen. Fetterman
there is no way in hell that this comment could be real
Posted by: The Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger

I could go and see the original post...if you dare. Many normal beings that travel into the abyss of DU come back looking like Senator Fetterman, though, so be warned.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 28, 2023 03:16 PM (JCZqz)

273 Tom Elliott

, screaming: "I will tell you what the president has been guilty of: He has been guilty of loving this child unconditionally."

Posted by: redridinghood at September 28, 2023 03:16 PM (NpAcC)

274 Most of what I've heard is that it's fun and speaks to a lot of women.


The KENtriachy in the movie literally takes over Barbieland in one day and everyone is happy as a result, even the Barbies

The only way Barbies take it back is via reverse brainwashing and sleeping around like whores to get the Kens jealous

Like I said the movie is so ridiculously woke it winds up being based

Posted by: The Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger - Longing to Lie in Zooey Deschanel's Bosom for Comfort at September 28, 2023 03:16 PM (VTu1l)

275 Austin Powers had it best with "Alotta Fagina".
Posted by: Frank Barone at September 28, 2023 03:12 PM (+oR7L)


She changed her named to Sandy.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 03:12 PM (LvTSG)


Gwyneth Paltrow is sanned, tested, and rocky!

Posted by: ShainS -- Deplorable AND Listless Vessel AND Overimaginative Scamp at September 28, 2023 03:16 PM (fGYJL)

276 Rep.
, screaming: "I will tell you what the president has been guilty of: He has been guilty of loving this child unconditionally."

Child ?

Posted by: It's me donna at September 28, 2023 03:17 PM (bs+z0)

277 This underwear-clad blonde on the stairs have bever accepted bribes from foreigners or attempted to sell US infrastructure to enemy states:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 28, 2023 02:59 PM (t0OGg)


Oh dear...that crease in her ankle...*vomits in mouth a little bit*


Would not bang.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 03:00 PM (LvTSG)

Hmmmm. Something about this picture, perhaps the lack of tan lines, causes me to suspect she may not be bringing her pearl of great price to her wedding bed.

Posted by: Diogenes at September 28, 2023 03:17 PM (uSHSS)

278 Hey guys.

Anyone want some salmon 'n ketchup sandwiches?

Posted by: Mitt Romney at September 28, 2023 03:17 PM (EGPRf)

279 Oh shit, it’s really over for Biden now. He kicked a dog. That’s unforgivable.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at September 28, 2023 03:17 PM (JTwsP)

280 Many normal beings that travel into the abyss of DU come back looking like Senator Fetterman, though, so be warned.


Pass, I still havent recovered from seeing clips of She-Hulk Attorney at Law

Posted by: The Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger - Longing to Lie in Zooey Deschanel's Bosom for Comfort at September 28, 2023 03:17 PM (VTu1l)

281 Fettermans staff must be made up entirely of 12 yr old juveniles who were assigned to him as being in a youth offender diversion program.

Posted by: Jen the original at September 28, 2023 03:18 PM (FfZAG)

282 Peaky Blinders writers have gotten out of a couple tough jams.

In interesting ways.

Posted by: DOYLE at September 28, 2023 03:18 PM (Z8Yh2)

283 It's Pussy Galore, not Pudding Galore.

Posted by: James T. Kirk at September 28, 2023 03:18 PM (8Zb9m)

284 271 267 James, have you seen the NetFlix series Peaky Blinders?
Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 03:15 PM (Wg6v7)


Great scripts, characters, actors and setting. Think you should give it a go. A real page turner intellectually.

Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 03:18 PM (Wg6v7)

285 Off, Starfleet sock.

Posted by: PabloD at September 28, 2023 03:18 PM (8Zb9m)

286 That was just retconning by Ian Fleming to keep the books up with the movie. It's not in alignment with his original vision.
Fleming genuinely liked Connery as Bond. It's why he gave Book!Bond the Scottish background in the later novels.
Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at September 28, 2023

Very true. Fleming's original vision of an actor to play Bond was David Niven, or maybe Cary Grant. And he mentions once or twice in the early novels that Bond looked much like the young Hoagy Carmichael. But, aside from mentioning that Bond (in 1955) had "a thousand a year free of tax of his own," and referring to the young Bond learning to ski before the war, Fleming never did give much background detail on him until the "obituary" in You Only Live Twice. No mention of a Scots background -- but also no mention that he came from wealth, or even landed gentry.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 28, 2023 03:19 PM (J2vNu)

287 258 We ignore the putrid woke crap that makes truckloads of money. That upsets our narrative.


One woke movie in all of 2023 does not a trend make

Part of Barbie's success is in the fraudulent marketing

And also Ryan Gosling, who is literally me
Posted by: The Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger - Longing to Lie in Zooey Deschanel's Bosom for Comfort at September 28, 2023 03:13 PM (VTu1l)

Fraudulent marketing fooled audiences into a $1.5B+ box office? And there are many woke movies that make a ton of money. Google top grossing movies of 2000, 2021, 2022, and 2023. You'll see plenty of woke crap there. We are deluding ourselves into thinking that the general audiences reject woke crap like we do.

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 03:19 PM (iFTx/)

288 Rep.
, screaming: "I will tell you what the president has been guilty of: He has been guilty of loving this child unconditionally."

Child ?
Posted by: It's me donna at September 28, 2023 03:17 PM (bs+z0)

I wonder if Joe still claims Hunter as a dependent.

Posted by: mrp at September 28, 2023 03:20 PM (rj6Yv)

289 Most of what I've heard is that it's fun and speaks to a lot of women.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 03:14 PM (LvTSG)

And the miserable old Karen who is the catalyst for all of it comes off so badly, it's almost as if the movie itself makes its point by being the opposite of what "normal" people do.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 28, 2023 03:20 PM (dGCAG)

290 Fraudulent marketing fooled audiences into a $1.5B+ box office?


No, but actually, yes

Posted by: The Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger - Longing to Lie in Zooey Deschanel's Bosom for Comfort at September 28, 2023 03:21 PM (VTu1l)

291 Noodus Madison Cornbread

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 28, 2023 03:21 PM (J2vNu)

292 Hmmmm. Something about this picture, perhaps the lack of tan lines, causes me to suspect she may not be bringing her pearl of great price to her wedding bed.

Is that near the little man in the boat, or.....

Posted by: Confused in Portlandia at September 28, 2023 03:21 PM (fs1hN)

293 JasmineForUS
, screaming: "I will tell you what the president has been guilty of: He has been guilty of loving this child unconditionally."

Grandkids...not so much.

Posted by: Diogenes at September 28, 2023 03:21 PM (uSHSS)

294 I hate the, "It's not in alignment with the original," argument. You see it a lot in discussions around the Batman movies.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 28, 2023 03:15 PM (LvTSG)

You should hate the "in alignment with the original" argument with Batman, because the original for Batman was totally ripped off of The Shadow.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 28, 2023 03:21 PM (xhaym)

295 Hmmmm. Something about this picture, perhaps the lack of tan lines, causes me to suspect she may not be bringing her pearl of great price to her wedding bed.
Posted by: Diogenes at September 28, 2023 03:17 PM

I don't understand the pearl part, but if it's code for her having a lady penis, I'm all in!!!

Posted by: Dylan Mulvaney at September 28, 2023 03:23 PM (JCZqz)

296 James, have you seen the NetFlix series Peaky Blinders?
Posted by: Puddinhead at September 28, 2023 03:15 PM (Wg6v7)

Peaky Blinders is one of the best series out there right now. I'll also recommend the Israeli series Fauda. Watching it now. It's very good.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at September 28, 2023 03:24 PM (BdMk6)

297 Jonathan Turley

Also wondering if Trump backing Ronna was to make sure she'd retain her post and thereby ensure the ultimate, total and complete implosion of the RNC.


He's not *that* smart, right?

Posted by: CZ = FNG, Free State of Florida at September 28, 2023 03:26 PM (MkuC5)

298 297 Jonathan Turley

Posted by: CZ = FNG, Free State of Florida at September 28, 2023 03:27 PM (MkuC5)

299 Is it a movie thread now?

Posted by: I gotta ask at September 28, 2023 03:28 PM (2r4U7)

300 297 & 298 Redacted + Censored?


Posted by: CZ = FNG, Free State of Florida at September 28, 2023 03:29 PM (MkuC5)

301 Are we going to the White House for Halloween with Daddy and Pop-pop, mommy?

Posted by: Navy Joan Biden at September 28, 2023 03:30 PM (2r4U7)

302 ***

Hmmmm. Something about this picture, perhaps the lack of tan lines, causes me to suspect she may not be bringing her pearl of great price to her wedding bed.

Posted by: Diogenes

She will also not be bringing any common, modern, faddish, physical alterations. I'm astounded Manixx would put such a woman forward.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 28, 2023 03:35 PM (bETih)

303 We are deluding ourselves into thinking that the general audiences reject woke crap like we do.
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 28, 2023 03:19 PM (iFTx/)

That's why Disney is crushing it.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 28, 2023 03:38 PM (w8j6z)

304 Fetterman couldn't spell Bud if you spotted him the B and the D.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 28, 2023 03:40 PM (KbCG3)

305 Jesus H Christ, it's the Fetterman!

Posted by: Garbled memo at September 28, 2023 05:06 PM (8E/8X)

306 How do you spell Relief? I.M.P.E.A.C.H.-J.O.E.-B.I.D.E.N.

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at September 28, 2023 05:52 PM (wGqjj)

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