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Hunter Biden Sues Rudy Giuliani For "Hacking" the Computer That Hunter Biden Continues Claiming Does Not Belong to Him

He's suing on behalf of the unnamed third party the computer really belongs to?

Hunter Biden on Tuesday filed a lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani alleging the former President Trump lawyer violated his privacy rights by illegally disseminating content from Biden's infamous laptop.

The complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California states Giuliani is "primarily responsible" for the "total annihilation" of Biden's digital privacy. It also names Robert Costello, a former federal prosecutor who previously represented Giuliani, as a defendant, Fox News has confirmed.

"For the past many months and even years, Defendants have dedicated an extraordinary amount of time and energy toward looking for, hacking into, tampering with, manipulating, copying, disseminating, and generally obsessing over data that they were given that was taken or stolen from Plaintiff's devices or storage platforms, including what Defendants claim to have obtained from Plaintiff's alleged 'laptop' computer," Biden's attorneys wrote in the complaint, claiming that the data was not even from a "laptop," but from an "external drive."

LOL. The fact that the data came from an external hard drive rather than a laptop as we've all been calling it is the case cracker, as Vincent "Callo/Gallo" Gambini would say.


The president has repeatedly denied any involvement in his son's business dealings.

Hunter Biden's attorneys previously issued cease-and-desist letters to Giuliani and others who obtained and disseminated the laptop's contents.

The lawsuit seeks a court order to prevent Giuliani and others from accessing, tampering with, manipulating or copying Biden's data and have them return the "device/hard drive" to Biden, along with any backup files, cloud files or copies of the same data.

So it does belong to him? Or not?

He continues trying to have it both ways -- suing on "invasion of privacy" grounds while also insisting the disseminated photos and chat messages aren't his at all.

For background, Hunter Biden's mysterious "Sugar Brother" Kevin Morris, his lawyer and bong-buddy and who-knows-what-else, infamously paid off Hunter Biden's $2 million outstanding tax bill to help Hunter avoid jail. Morris dishonestly characterizes this gift as a "loan," but will never attempt to get the money back. It's a disguised payoff and illegal contribution to the Joe Biden 2020 campaign.

David Weiss, of course, refused to investigate this clear case of illegal donations to Joe Biden.

The FBI and IRS probed allegations that Joe Biden's 2020 presidential campaign may have benefitted from "campaign finance criminal violations" by allowing a politically connected lawyer to help pay off Hunter Biden's large tax debts but agents were blocked by federal prosecutors from further action, according to new information uncovered by congressional investigators.

The previously unreported campaign finance inquiry was first alluded to in transcribed interviews by House investigators with two IRS agents and a retired FBI supervisor, and the allegations since have been augmented in recent weeks by new evidence uncovered by the House Ways and Means Committee, the House Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight Committee.

That evidence includes a case summary memo written by IRS Supervisory Criminal Investigative Agent Gary Shapley to his bosses dated May 3, 2021 in which he alleged that Lesley Wolf, a top prosecutor in the Hunter Biden case inside Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss' office, waived agents off the campaign finance case. Shapley provided the information to Congress under the protections of whistleblower laws, and lawmakers voted the information to be public

"This investigation has been hampered and slowed by claims of potential election meddling," Shapley wrote in the memo, according to his now-public transcribed interview with House Ways and Means where he read verbatim a passage from the memo. "Through interviews and review of evidence obtained, it appears there may be campaign finance criminal violations.

But Weiss is Trump's hand-picked US Attorney (lol).

Kevin Morris is shelling out for even more lawyers, aggressive head-hunting ones, expensive ones, -- Abbe Lowell charges $855 per hour -- to punish all the people who told the truth about Hunter Biden with endless lawfair.

These are all undisclosed, unlimited campaign donations to Joe Biden -- and of course no one bothers opening a case.

Meanwhile, the hyperlitigious attorney who's suing everyone for telling the truth is being accused of a "brazen coverup" and "far reaching conspiracy" to hide his work for... a foreign government.

It's like they all shop at the same store, huh?

Hunter Biden's lawyer accused of involvement in 'brazen coverup'

By Josh Boswell For
Hunter Biden 's hotshot lawyer has been accused of involvement in a 'brazen coverup' and 'far-reaching conspiracy' to violate court orders, hide documents, and encourage a witness to lie under oath. Attorney Abbe Lowell is accused in court documents filed last Friday of secretly working for Middle East nation Qatar in a scheme to conceal communications about an alleged computer hacking plot.

It is another example of Lowell getting embroiled in allegations of shady dealings with foreign nations -- after emails published by earlier this year showed the Justice Department scrutinized his links with suspected Chinese spies. Lowell did not respond to a request for comment. The top lawyer helped fight Bill Clinton 's impeachment in 1998 and represented Donald Trump 's daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner. He is currently defending Hunter from federal prosecution for tax and gun crimes, as well as other potential federal charges over the First Son's deals with China , Ukrainian oligarchs, Qatar, and other foreign nations or businesses.

But Lowell's own alleged dealings with foreign nations are now coming under scrutiny in bombshell court documents. Last week's legal filing involving Lowell came from a lawsuit by former top GOP money man and Donald Trump confidant Elliott Broidy, who sued the government of Qatar in 2018 for an alleged hacking and smear campaign against him in 2017 and 2018. Qatar has always strongly denied his hack-and-smear allegations. Lowell was representing a businessman allegedly working in the US for Qatar in 2018, and allegedly drafted documents in which a witness appears to have lied to help get Lowell's client diplomatic immunity protection, Broidy's lawsuit claims.

Lowell also allegedly offered the witness, American political consultant to Qatar Joey Allaham, over $1.5 million to defy a court order and conceal documents pertaining to the hacking plot, according to Broidy's filing. Lowell, who works at firm Winston & Strawn, was representing alleged Qatari government fixer Jamal Benomar in 2018, according to court records. The lawyer ended up becoming deeply involved in Broidy's legal battle -- in part because Broidy accused Lowell's client Benomar of being one of the architects of the alleged scheme to hack his emails. But Broidy's legal team have now uncovered emails purportedly showing Lowell was also 'representing Qatar itself, not just Benomar'.

No FARA registration for connected leftwingers, of course!

And Hunter's "Sugar Brother" himself, Kevin Morris, faces a bar complaint.

Though I doubt anything will come of this. Again: if you're part of the leftist tyranny machine, you own the state, and the world is your oyster.

First son Hunter Biden isn't the only one tied up in legal battles: so is his BFF super-lawyer Kevin Morris.


And now, The Post can reveal, the California State Bar has opened an official ethics investigation into the flashy, bong-smoking Malibu lawyer, 60, who's been linked to Hunter in what often seems more like a bromance than an attorney-client relationship since 2019.

I don't know what these Buttf*ck Toxic Twins are up to and I don't want to know.

And in a separate development, on Friday it will be Morris' turn to be in the legal spotlight. A conservative group which has publicized the contents of Hunter's laptop is suing Morris in a California court to try and shut down his own lawsuit against it, accusing him of an attack on their free speech.


[N]ow Morris has also taken over Hunter's stake in an LLC, Skanateales, that owns 10% of a private equity fund called BHR that is controlled in large part by the Bank of China, according to company records.

Oh how nice, the "Sugar Brother" took over Hunter's stake in the corrupt Chinese intelligence front-company.

BHR was founded shortly after Hunter and President Joe Biden visited China in 2013 and is a focus in House Republican investigations into the Bidens' business dealings.

But because of his alliance with Biden, Morris also become embroiled in shenanigans of his own that are serious enough to have landed him in hot water with the California State Bar.

The State Bar has warned him its investigation could result, documents obtained by The Post show, in "investigation or prosecution." At the moment, however, Morris has been an attorney in good standing with the State Bar for 35 years. He declined comment to The Post.

The probe arises out of Morris' dealings with Irish filmmaker Phelim McAleer in the fall of 2021 when the attorney flew on his Dassault Falcon 50 private jet to Serbia, where McAleer and his wife Ann McElhinney were filming his movie "My Son Hunter," a dramatic reconstruction of the First Son's drug- and prostitute-filled years as revealed on Hunter's laptop.

McAleer accuses Morris of "spying" on the set and saying only that he was a lawyer for Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of "South Park," and that he was doing a documentary on Hunter.

McAleer alleges he never said he also represented Hunter or even knew him, an omission which McAleer used as the basis of the ethics complaint he filed with the State Bar last year.

The State Bar's Office of Chief Trial counsel has now placed Morris officially under investigation, assigned the case to an investigator and told McAleer it could lead to "further investigation and prosecution," according to documents he shared with The Post.

I don't know if spying while lying about who you are and what your interest is counts as an offense that could result in bar discipline.

I do know Trump and Giuliani would already be indicted for these acts, though.

Meanwhile: Oh no, Joe! Don't slip and fall on the baby steps!

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 02:18 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 First

Posted by: Beartooth at September 26, 2023 02:18 PM (azYCi)

2 I'll go get the Yorkies

Posted by: Beartooth at September 26, 2023 02:18 PM (azYCi)

3 i did not read the content, but I did nood

Posted by: joe, living dangerously at September 26, 2023 02:19 PM (fKIdX)

4 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:19 PM (Zz0t1)

5 I thought it was Russian disinformation.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:19 PM (Zz0t1)

6 hee hee he almost busted his ass again

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 02:19 PM (CIS44)

7 DC is asshoe all the way down. As are most state capitols.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 26, 2023 02:20 PM (ynpvh)

8 Oh no, he stayed upright.

Posted by: Dr. T at September 26, 2023 02:21 PM (bhRsz)

9 This is a version of the left’s x isn’t happening but if it is, it’s good. But the inverse.

Posted by: Montec at September 26, 2023 02:21 PM (YoZoX)

10 Hunter Biden on Tuesday filed a lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani alleging the former President Trump lawyer violated his privacy rights by illegally disseminating content from Biden's infamous laptop.

Rudy: enemy of the Party
Hunter: deep in the Party

I think I see which way this will go.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:21 PM (t0OGg)

11 F*ck Joe Biden.

And his entire trailer trash family.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:22 PM (Zz0t1)

12 🤡 🌎

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at September 26, 2023 02:22 PM (q4g6M)

13 So Hunter is going with "Those are not my emails on that computer that is not mine with nude photos' that are also not mine " Defense ?

Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:22 PM (bs+z0)

14 data that they were given that was taken or stolen from Plaintiff's devices or storage platforms, including what Defendants claim to have obtained from Plaintiff's alleged 'laptop' computer," Biden's attorneys wrote in the complaint, claiming that the data was not even from a "laptop," but from an "external drive."

Because part of this story, IIRC, is that part of the verification was an iCloud ID. Unlikely for an external drive that was always an external drive. Also unlikely that text message traffic would be stored there.

I'll bet that, if true, this is a distraction and it was something like an image of the laptop's drive that was copied to an external device.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:23 PM (t0OGg)

15 13 So Hunter is going with "Those are not my emails on that computer that is not mine with nude photos' that are also not mine " Defense ?
Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:22 PM (bs+z0)


"The computer was mine, but it was stolen and hacked and it's impossible to tell what was there before and what is Russian disinformation."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 26, 2023 02:23 PM (LvTSG)


Posted by: Disinformation Expert, Formerly Virginian at September 26, 2023 02:23 PM (N1DT3)

17 The Fetterman gambit is unbeatable. Amazing Chess players we have. America should be proud.

Posted by: Puddinhead at September 26, 2023 02:23 PM (AMd6i)

18 He continues trying to have it both ways -- suing on "invasion of privacy" grounds while also insisting the disseminated photos and chat messages aren't his at all.
He's used to having it both ways.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:23 PM (t0OGg)

19 Does anyone really expect the State Bar of CALIFORNIA to do the right, legal thing?

I didn't think so......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:23 PM (Zz0t1)

20 18 He continues trying to have it both ways -- suing on "invasion of privacy" grounds while also insisting the disseminated photos and chat messages aren't his at all.
He's used to having it both ways.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:23 PM (t0OGg)


*weeps bitterly in the corner*

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 26, 2023 02:24 PM (LvTSG)

21 Meanwhile, the hyperlitigious attorney who's suing everyone for telling the truth is being accused of a "brazen coverup" and "far reaching conspiracy" to hide his work for... a foreign government.

It's like they all shop at the same store, huh?

It's a big club, ain't it?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:24 PM (t0OGg)

22 So Hunter is going with "Those are not my emails on that computer that is not mine with nude photos' that are also not mine " Defense ?
Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:22 PM (bs+z0)


Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:24 PM (Zz0t1)

"The computer was mine, but it was stolen and hacked and it's impossible to tell what was there before and what is Russian disinformation."
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 26, 2023 02:23 PM (LvTSG)

That's all good and well but what about all the witnesses ? harder to "talk" that away

Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:24 PM (bs+z0)

24 My feelings about Gun Grabbing drunkard Rudy are, well,
meh. Hitched his horse to a person that can't keep his yap shut and he expects less?

Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 26, 2023 02:24 PM (9/y3s)

25 Will we be going to the White House to be with Daddy and Pop-Pop for Halloween, mommy?

Posted by: Navy Joan Biden at September 26, 2023 02:24 PM (MZbt/)

26 I'd bet if there was a kid at the bottom of the stairs he would ride the hand rail down and dismount with a half-gainer with a full twist.

Posted by: meal team 6 at September 26, 2023 02:25 PM (plqnc)

27 Do a flip!

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at September 26, 2023 02:25 PM (TIcXN)

28 No FARA registration for connected leftwingers, of course!
Let this serve as your periodic reminder that the deep state destroyed Flynn's life over an alleged FARA violation. It was never proven, but it was the club they used to beat him down into the ground.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:25 PM (t0OGg)

29 If it's not "his" computer, how does HB have "standing" to sue about it? Am I getting this concept completely wrong?

Posted by: Moki at September 26, 2023 02:25 PM (JrN/x)

30 retirement date countdown in minutes:________
thought balloon for all the people in the frame

Posted by: Hokey Pokey at September 26, 2023 02:25 PM (9f0ty)

31 Will we be going to the White House to be with Daddy and Pop-Pop for Halloween, mommy?
Posted by: Navy Joan Biden

no but here's another of daddys paintings.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 02:25 PM (CIS44)

32 Sometimes I feel sorry for Joe. Dementia and all. Then I remember he has been fucking the country over for 45 years. Fuck that guy in particular.

and Jill is worse than Jenny.

Hunter is sad. Probably wants to get back to hookers and blow.

Posted by: DOYLE at September 26, 2023 02:25 PM (Z8Yh2)

33 Cocaine Is One Hell Of A Drug...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at September 26, 2023 02:25 PM (0lY6Y)

34 Stop hacking my comments.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at September 26, 2023 02:26 PM (O+BhX)

35 What kind of crazy luck does Nursing Home Joe have that he manages to avoid the full tumble during all of the stair stumbles?

Posted by: She Hobbit (out and about in Middle Earth) at September 26, 2023 02:26 PM (CU1/u)

36 I swear Hunter is doing his best to keep his laptop, his name, his actions, and the Biden Crime Family in the news.

Posted by: t-bird at September 26, 2023 02:26 PM (CaJIi)

37 31 Will we be going to the White House to be with Daddy and Pop-Pop for Halloween, mommy?
Posted by: Navy Joan Biden

Stay away... Stay far away

Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:26 PM (bs+z0)

38 28 No FARA registration for connected leftwingers, of course!
Let this serve as your periodic reminder that the deep state destroyed Flynn's life over an alleged FARA violation. It was never proven, but it was the club they used to beat him down into the ground.
Flynn may get his revenge sooner than expected. Hate to be those guys.

Posted by: Puddinhead at September 26, 2023 02:26 PM (AMd6i)

39 "Abbe Lowell charges $855 per hour"

There is no way Lowell charges $855 per hour. I worked in the same big NYC law firm with him. He was charging $1200 a hour, and this was well before Covid. He is easily up to $1400 or even $1500 an hour by now.

I know the NY Post reported $855, but that simply can't be. Senior associates at major law firms are billing at $800. Lowell is a nationally-known player. He is charging way more than a senior associate.

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 26, 2023 02:26 PM (iFTx/)

40 23
"The computer was mine, but it was stolen and hacked and it's impossible to tell what was there before and what is Russian disinformation."
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 26, 2023 02:23 PM (LvTSG)

That's all good and well but what about all the witnesses ? harder to "talk" that away

Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:24 PM (bs+z0)

I'm reminded of a restraining order hearing where the woman said, several times, that her husband "killed her". The judge asked for clarification...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 26, 2023 02:27 PM (ynpvh)

41 The Canadian Speaker of the House just resigned. He helped lead the riotous applause for an actual SS NAZI.

It's a good start, but not enough.

Posted by: bonhomme at September 26, 2023 02:27 PM (R38qh)

42 Claiming poverty when it comes to paying child support but sues everyone's asses here, there, and everywhere using a platoon of lawyers. I will say this for him, and it's the only thing, he has steel-balled chutzpah.

Posted by: washrivergal at September 26, 2023 02:27 PM (V202s)

43 Elon Musk cleverly ridicules the clot shot.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at September 26, 2023 02:27 PM (FVME7)

44 Stop hacking my comments.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at September 26, 2023 02:26 PM (O+BhX)

I can't figure out why I read this as "Stop hacking my condiments."

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:27 PM (Zz0t1)

45 Abbe Lowell charges $855 per hour"

My, my... For someone who is broke he sure has a lot of suing money...

Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:27 PM (bs+z0)

46 he looked a bit wobbly on those stairs. must have been really windy.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at September 26, 2023 02:27 PM (B1FKF)

47 There are multiple copies of that HD.
One day that big screen in Times Square will be projecting images from it while a woman's voice will be reciting Ashley's diary.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 26, 2023 02:27 PM (CLkaN)

48 Biden, like most people with dementia, vastly overestimates his abilities and doesn't remember he should take extra care on steps.

Really, someone should be escorting him.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 26, 2023 02:28 PM (RIvkX)

49 Because there is never a wrong time for Ratt!

From the album "Invasion of Your Privacy"

Posted by: Doof at September 26, 2023 02:28 PM (cRUf9)

50 I'm reminded of a restraining order hearing where the woman said, several times, that her husband "killed her". The judge asked for clarification...
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) a

did she say 'literally'?

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 02:28 PM (CIS44)

51 >>5 What kind of crazy luck does Nursing Home Joe have that he manages to avoid the full tumble during all of the stair stumbles?
Posted by: She Hobbit (out and about in Middle Earth)

Much better luck than Mitch. He face planted and took a flight down the stairs using his head.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 26, 2023 02:28 PM (9/y3s)

52 Well, you see, uh.... I uh, the laptop-the laptop, he, he he the laptop and Hunter Biden, it's just, uh.... Guliani invasionofprivacy.

Posted by: John Fetterman explains: at September 26, 2023 02:28 PM (fKIdX)

53 Joe Biden can now add "Auto Worker" to his list of accomplishments having stood on the assembly line for 12 minutes. Well, not assembly line, but a line with people who assemble. Sames.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at September 26, 2023 02:28 PM (O+BhX)

54 The Afternoon Arterton is sarcastically waiting for justice to be done:

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 26, 2023 02:28 PM (LvTSG)

55 He's used to having it both ways.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:23 PM (t0OGg)

Probably more than two.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert, Formerly Virginian at September 26, 2023 02:29 PM (N1DT3)

56 Respondant attorney's whole case,
"Really? Seriously?"
Bonk! Summary judgement with prejudice
for Respondant.
"Thank you, your honor."

Posted by: Hokey Pokey at September 26, 2023 02:29 PM (9f0ty)

57 Joe Biden slips coming down the SHORT STAIRS. He was holding onto the railing for dear life.

Roll out the red mattresses. Having asphalt at the end of his stairways journeys is just asking for trouble.

Posted by: t-bird at September 26, 2023 02:29 PM (CaJIi)

58 He tries to descend those stairs like Boris instead of taking a smooth, steady, natural pace.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 26, 2023 02:29 PM (CLkaN)

59 There are multiple copies of that HD.
One day that big screen in Times Square will be projecting images from it while a woman's voice will be reciting Ashley's diary.
Posted by: Braenyard at September 26, 2023 02:27 PM (CLkaN)

And a nice prelude would be the Bob Kraft videos from the Rub N Tug with a play by play by Joe Buck.

Go Pats!

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at September 26, 2023 02:29 PM (0lY6Y)

60 Abe Froman >>>>> Abbe Lowell

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 02:29 PM (CIS44)

61 I don't know what these Buttf*ck Toxic Twins are up to and I don't want to know.

they do a lot of drugs together, and whatever happens after that happens, you know?

Posted by: BlackOrchid at September 26, 2023 02:30 PM (AcWfM)

62 I can't figure out why I read this as "Stop hacking my condiments."
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden

Scanning the comments too fast, trying the ketchup?

Posted by: She Hobbit (out and about in Middle Earth) at September 26, 2023 02:30 PM (CU1/u)

63 > Meanwhile: Oh no, Joe! Don't slip and fall on the baby steps!

Axios just published an article revealing that Biden has been doing balance exercises with a PT for a couple of years now.

Posted by: bonhomme at September 26, 2023 02:30 PM (R38qh)

64 Sponge needs to be banned for hacking my comment about not hacking comments.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at September 26, 2023 02:30 PM (O+BhX)

65 He's used to having it both ways.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:23 PM (t0OGg)

I've lost track of the number of people/entities he is suing (or thinks he can sue) - he's really pretty much down to suing his mailman for misdelivering his mail.

It's just bizarre, immature and repulsive to drag every single one of your enemies, either business or personal, into court without nary a case for your injury other than being upset like an eight grade girl in gym class.

Posted by: Boswell at September 26, 2023 02:30 PM (K+UlC)

66 I don't know if spying while lying about who you are and what your interest is counts as an offense that could result in bar discipline.

I do know Trump and Giuliani would already be indicted for these acts, though.

Nonsense. The DoJ does not take political opinions into account when making prosecution or investigation decisions.

Posted by: Merrick Garland, paragon of justice at September 26, 2023 02:30 PM (t0OGg)

67 John Doe had the right idea when it came to greed and lawyers.

Posted by: Wonkish Rogue at September 26, 2023 02:30 PM (OZjDX)

68 Scanning the comments too fast, trying the ketchup?
Posted by: She Hobbit (out and about in Middle Earth) at September 26, 2023 02:30 PM (CU1/u)


Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 02:31 PM (CIS44)

69 Next they're f'ing going to roll a giant yellow Fischer-Price "Baby's First Steps" up to Airforce 1.

I bet the recent renovation at his CT rape hotel were bumpers on all the corners and door jambs.

You know what is just the greatest?
It's when you're super-focused on not falling that you do fall

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 26, 2023 02:31 PM (OzHA0)

70 >>>Really, someone should be escorting him.

Posted by: San Franpsycho

He and Jill could descend like royalty.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 26, 2023 02:31 PM (CLkaN)

71 It's just bizarre, immature and repulsive to drag every single one of your enemies, either business or personal, into court without nary a case for your injury other than being upset like an eight grade girl in gym class.
Posted by: Boswell at September 26, 2023 02:30 PM (K+UlC)

It's also effective when the """Justice""" system is in your pocket.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert, Formerly Virginian at September 26, 2023 02:31 PM (N1DT3)

72 I will say this for him, and it's the only thing, he has steel-balled chutzpah.

it's easy when you're stupid and spoiled

Posted by: BlackOrchid at September 26, 2023 02:31 PM (AcWfM)

73 did she say 'literally'?
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 02:28 PM (CIS44)

"I got better. "

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 26, 2023 02:31 PM (9UlRk)

74 50 I'm reminded of a restraining order hearing where the woman said, several times, that her husband "killed her". The judge asked for clarification...
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) a

did she say 'literally'?

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 02:28 PM (CIS44)

She said he killed her more than once.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 26, 2023 02:31 PM (ynpvh)

75 Because there is never a wrong time for Ratt!

From the album "Invasion of Your Privacy"
Posted by: Doof at September 26, 2023 02:28 PM (cRUf9)

A good one, for sure.

As is this little bit of Ratt n' Roll......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:31 PM (Zz0t1)

76 I wonder if Hunter's lawyers are going to argue that he signed the waiver (relinquishing the laptop to the shop owner if he didn't pick it up after 90 days) while high as a kite so it doesn't "count."

Posted by: pookysgirl, curious about legal strategies at September 26, 2023 02:31 PM (dtlDP)

77 He and Jill could descend like royalty.
Being escorted by a couch is not that regal.

Posted by: Puddinhead at September 26, 2023 02:32 PM (AMd6i)

78 I've lost track of the number of people/entities he is suing (or thinks he can sue) - he's really pretty much down to suing his mailman for misdelivering his mail.

It's just bizarre, immature and repulsive to drag every single one of your enemies, either business or personal, into court without nary a case for your injury other than being upset like an eight grade girl in gym class.
Posted by: Boswell at September 26, 2023 02:30 PM (K+UlC)
Hey, Disney is doing the same thing. They claim that Reedy Creek wasn't Disney's private government, but that reorganizing Reedy Creek violates Disney's First Amendment guarantees.

This "have it both ways" thing is increasingly common.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:32 PM (t0OGg)

79 Will any of this horseshit lawfare ever go to an actual trial?

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at September 26, 2023 02:32 PM (BdMk6)

80 It's also effective when the """Justice""" system is in your pocket.

the DOJ probably suggested the suits

Posted by: BlackOrchid at September 26, 2023 02:32 PM (AcWfM)

81 Biden's going the distance,
He's falling down stairs,
He's confused (all confused)
All confused as he blankly stares.

Because he's sniffing and groping and grabbing at kids
He's stumbling and mumbling and shuffling as he skids
He's going the distance

(with apologies to Cake...)

Posted by: Tex Lovera at September 26, 2023 02:32 PM (wtvvX)

82 Saagar Enjeti
Zelensky has now given official state decorations to:

Christian Amanpour - CNN
Wolf Blitzer - CNN
Margaret Brennan - CBS
Greta Van Susteren - Newsmax
Nicole Wallace - MSNBC
Fareed Zakaria - CNN
Anderson Cooper - CNN
Jake Tapper - CNN
Simon Shuster - TIME

I guess they were awarded for speaking truth to power. I assume it was the prestigous Pant On Fire Awarc.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at September 26, 2023 02:32 PM (FVME7)

83 Abbe Lowell charges $855 per hour
What's the five bucks for?

Posted by: torabora at September 26, 2023 02:32 PM (Krc4o)

84 {33} Cocaine Is One Hell Of A Drug...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at September 26, 2023 02:25 PM (0lY6Y)

Diplomatic Immunity!

Posted by: Can Force One at September 26, 2023 02:33 PM (qPw5n)

85 What's the five bucks for?
Posted by: torabora at September 26, 2023 02:32 PM (Krc4o)
Every single one of 'em!

Posted by: Just the punchline at September 26, 2023 02:33 PM (t0OGg)

86 I wonder if Hunter's lawyers are going to argue that he signed the waiver (relinquishing the laptop to the shop owner if he didn't pick it up after 90 days) while high as a kite so it doesn't "count."
Posted by: pookysgirl, curious about legal strategies at September 26, 2023 02:31 PM (dtlDP)

Well you see his father loves him very much so it isnt a crime.
-Hunter's lawyers and the MSM

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 02:33 PM (CIS44)

87 Pseudo-willowed: Out of curiosity I just figured out that the 8,000 tons of U.S. gold would be roughly 260-million troy ounces that at today's $1,920/oz. is roughly $499-billion.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at September 26, 2023 02:33 PM (krqg6)

88 She said he killed her more than once.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 26, 2023 02:31 PM (ynpvh)

Ah, but he failed to remove her head, so she came back to life.

Got it.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert, Formerly Virginian at September 26, 2023 02:33 PM (N1DT3)

89 Looks like the Republic of Artsakh is kaput.

120,000 Armenians fleeing, a massive population shift or "ethnic cleansing"

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 26, 2023 02:33 PM (RIvkX)

90 84 {33} Cocaine Is One Hell Of A Drug...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at September 26, 2023 02:25 PM (0lY6Y)

Diplomatic Immunity!

Posted by: Can Force One at September 26, 2023 02:33 PM (qPw5n)

Cocaine is the national medicine of Columbia. Why you h8 Columbia?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 26, 2023 02:33 PM (ynpvh)

91 NO!
Posted by: BruceWayne

Sorry, not sorry. It was too obvious to skip.

Posted by: She Hobbit (out and about in Middle Earth) at September 26, 2023 02:33 PM (lEF02)

92 I promise I won't do that thing in your mouth. And if I do, it wasn't me.

Posted by: Frasier Crane at September 26, 2023 02:34 PM (bNf8H)

93 A good one, for sure.

As is this little bit of Ratt n' Roll......
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:31 PM (Zz0t1)

This is why we really need to find a way to hang out more often!

Posted by: Doof at September 26, 2023 02:34 PM (cRUf9)

94 Next they're f'ing going to roll a giant yellow Fischer-Price "Baby's First Steps" up to Airforce 1.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 26, 2023 02:31 PM (OzHA0)

He will be bubbleboy......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:34 PM (Zz0t1)

95 Time for another Trump indictment.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 26, 2023 02:34 PM (aD39U)

96 What's the five bucks for?

A deposit on the $1500/hr.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at September 26, 2023 02:34 PM (V8he0)

97 88 She said he killed her more than once.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 26, 2023 02:31 PM (ynpvh)

Ah, but he failed to remove her head, so she came back to life.

Got it.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert, Formerly Virginian at September 26, 2023 02:33 PM (N1DT3)

More resurrections than Jesus and Lazarus combined.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 26, 2023 02:34 PM (ynpvh)

This is why we really need to find a way to hang out more often!
Posted by: Doof at September 26, 2023 02:34 PM (cRUf9)


Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:34 PM (Zz0t1)

99 ****
What's the five bucks for?
Posted by: torabora at September 26, 2023 02:32 PM (Krc4o)


Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:35 PM (Zz0t1)

100 Zelensky has now given official state decorations to:
So the War Gnome is handing out the Iron Cross.


Posted by: torabora at September 26, 2023 02:35 PM (Krc4o)

101 Axios on Operation Don't Let Him Trip:

The #1 concern with Uncle Joe's handlers is to keep him from falling over.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Mr. Miley (Mzdiz) at September 26, 2023 02:35 PM (Mzdiz)

102 100 Zelensky has now given official state decorations to:
So the War Gnome is handing out the Iron Cross.


Posted by: torabora at September 26, 2023 02:35 PM (Krc4o)

Does Ukraine refer to itself as the Motherland or the Fatherland?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 26, 2023 02:35 PM (ynpvh)

103 ... The #1 concern with Uncle Joe's handlers is to keep him from falling over.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Mr. Miley (Mzdiz) at September 26, 2023 02:35 PM (Mzdiz)
They could get him a walker. Or a wheelchair.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:35 PM (t0OGg)

104 So Joe spent 12 minutes on the picket line and then jetted to San Francisco to fund raise ?

Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:36 PM (bs+z0)

105 103 ... The #1 concern with Uncle Joe's handlers is to keep him from falling over.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Mr. Miley (Mzdiz) at September 26, 2023 02:35 PM (Mzdiz)
They could get him a walker. Or a wheelchair.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:35 PM (t0OGg)

Beep, Beep.

Posted by: Captain Pike at September 26, 2023 02:36 PM (ynpvh)

106 >>Zelensky has now given official state decorations to:

We want ours !

Posted by: The Texas Republican Contingent at September 26, 2023 02:36 PM (9/y3s)

107 @esaagar
Zelensky has now given official state decorations to:

Christian Amanpour - CNN
Wolf Blitzer - CNN
Margaret Brennan - CBS
Greta Van Susteren - Newsmax
Nicole Wallace - MSNBC
Fareed Zakaria - CNN
Anderson Cooper - CNN
Jake Tapper - CNN
Simon Shuster - TIME

Now, list the journalists he's put on the hit list.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:36 PM (Zz0t1)

108 Stop all his medications and mainline red breast 21 into the fucker's humeral artery.

He'll be gliding around like Fred Astaire within an hour.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 26, 2023 02:36 PM (9UlRk)

109 They could get him a walker. Or a wheelchair.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:35 PM (t0OGg)

But thats bad optics
-campaign consultant

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 02:37 PM (CIS44)

110 So Joe spent 12 minutes on the picket line and then jetted to San Francisco to fund raise ?
Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:36 PM (bs+z0)

A true man of the people.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:37 PM (Zz0t1)

111 Now, list the journalists he's put on the hit list.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:36 PM (Zz0t1)
All the rest.

Commendation or condemnation. There is nothing in the middle.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:37 PM (t0OGg)

112 Does Ukraine refer to itself as the Motherland or the Fatherland?
I believe the correct term is Borderland.

Posted by: Puddinhead at September 26, 2023 02:37 PM (AMd6i)

113 Now, list the journalists he's put on the hit list.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:36 PM (Zz0t1)

Pretty sure Tucker Carlson is number one on that list

Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:37 PM (bs+z0)

114 104 So Joe spent 12 minutes on the picket line and then jetted to San Francisco to fund raise ?

Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:36 PM (bs+z0)

The gloryholes won't sniff themselves.

Posted by: Captain Pike at September 26, 2023 02:37 PM (ynpvh)

115 ...
104 So Joe spent 12 minutes on the picket line and then jetted to San Francisco to fund raise ?

Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:36 PM (bs+z0)

Lots of kiddies to sniff in the pedo capital of the USA

Posted by: International Brotherhood of Hobos and Associated Hermits at September 26, 2023 02:37 PM (dzZCL)

116 Joe and Jill went up the hill
To get a pail of dollars
Joe fell down and broke his crown
And Jill's still after the dollars

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at September 26, 2023 02:37 PM (FVME7)

117 Does Ukraine refer to itself as the Motherland or the Fatherland?
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 26, 2023 02:35 PM (ynpvh)

The MailOrderStepMotherLand

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 26, 2023 02:37 PM (9UlRk)

118 off sock

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 26, 2023 02:37 PM (ynpvh)

119 >>>There are multiple copies of that HD.
One day that big screen in Times Square will be projecting images from it while a woman's voice will be reciting Ashley's diary.
Posted by: Braenyard at September 26, 2023 02:27 PM (CLkaN)


Didn't Gaetz submit a copy into the congressional record during one of the hearings?

Posted by: Turn 2 at September 26, 2023 02:38 PM (JfxgE)

120 I know the NY Post reported $855, but that simply can't be. Senior associates at major law firms are billing at $800. Lowell is a nationally-known player. He is charging way more than a senior associate.
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 26, 2023 02:26 PM (iFTx/)
They wish to avoid shocking the hoi polloi

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 26, 2023 02:38 PM (RIvkX)

121 This "have it both ways" thing is increasingly common.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:32 PM (t0OGg)

That any court entertains these frivolous lawsuits, or doofus claims of injury without any real specifics, is more of indictment of the maturity and lack of legal thought process residing in our judicial system and less of a comment of the immaturity of those submitting these suits- they only do it because their counsel laughingly explains that these plaintiff complaints will find themselves on a court calendar when 30 years ago they would have been declined by every court anywhere.

Posted by: Boswell at September 26, 2023 02:38 PM (K+UlC)

122 Is Joe still shuffling that picket line? Does he know where he is?

Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at September 26, 2023 02:38 PM (VdGjU)

123 104 So Joe spent 12 minutes on the picket line and then jetted to San Francisco to fund raise ?

Posted by: It's me donna

Trump's going to be there tomorrow.
Wonder if he's going to say something that will embarrass Biden?

Posted by: Braenyard at September 26, 2023 02:38 PM (CLkaN)

124 Yea, Anthony "Carlos Danger" was hacked too. LOLGF. This is how stupid they think we are.

Posted by: Minnfidel at September 26, 2023 02:38 PM (kzu4f)

125 So Joe spent 12 minutes on the picket line and then jetted to San Francisco to fund raise ?
Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:36 PM (bs+z0)
A true man of the people.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:37 PM (Zz0t1)

I seen him on the Boob Tube while at the gym.

He looked like Dirty Grandpa trying to get some of the layabouts to pull his finger.


Posted by: Hairyback Guy at September 26, 2023 02:38 PM (0lY6Y)

126 These lawyers are so disgusting, but I'm sure the BAR will be giving them awards.

Posted by: Blago at September 26, 2023 02:38 PM (PmCSD)

127 109 They could get him a walker. Or a wheelchair.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:35 PM (t0OGg)

But thats bad optics
-campaign consultant
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 02:37 PM (CIS44)

The Space Nazis just kept John Gill parked behind his desk.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at September 26, 2023 02:39 PM (N3zMI)

128 78 I've lost track of the number of people/entities he is suing (or thinks he can sue) - he's really pretty much down to suing his mailman for misdelivering his mail.

It's just bizarre, immature and repulsive to drag every single one of your enemies, either business or personal, into court without nary a case for your injury other than being upset like an eight grade girl in gym class.
Posted by: Boswell at September 26, 2023 02:30 PM (K+UlC)
Hey, Disney is doing the same thing. They claim that Reedy Creek wasn't Disney's private government, but that reorganizing Reedy Creek violates Disney's First Amendment guarantees.

This "have it both ways" thing is increasingly common.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:32 PM (t0OGg)

In legal pleadings, you can "plead in the alternative" which amounts to having it both ways. I think that's what's really going in here. And I think Hunter's claims are more subtle that what's being reported. I don't think he's denying the authenticity of the photos and files. I think he's playing coy on whether they came from his laptop. You could seek to enjoin someone from using pictures that aren't yours.

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 26, 2023 02:39 PM (iFTx/)

129 If you picket, it will bleed!

Posted by: Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:39 PM (9UlRk)

130 Yea, Anthony "Carlos Danger" was hacked too. LOLGF. This is how stupid they think we are.
Posted by: Minnfidel at September 26, 2023 02:38 PM (kzu4f)

Millennials eat that shit up, man. They're led by the nose and think because they grew up with mobile phones that can surf the net, they're the smartest generation ever.

We're proper f*cked for a generation at least......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:39 PM (Zz0t1)

131 Didn't Rudy try to give it to the FBI and they refused ?

Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:39 PM (bs+z0)

132 104 So Joe spent 12 minutes on the picket line and then jetted to San Francisco to fund raise ?

Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:36 PM (bs+z0)

And in those 12 minutes he was jostled, spit upon, knocked over, kicked in the head. It was hell but he recovered.

Posted by: washrivergal at September 26, 2023 02:40 PM (V202s)

133 "It's like they all shop at the same store, huh?"

It's not a conspiracy, just a well organized never ending train of abuses benefitting Joe Biden.

Posted by: Bilwis Devourer of Innocent Souls, I'm starvin' over here at September 26, 2023 02:40 PM (z+89e)

134 =======

Didn't Gaetz submit a copy into the congressional record during one of the hearings?

Posted by: Turn 2

They should hook it up to a printer.
>Print >All

Posted by: Braenyard at September 26, 2023 02:40 PM (CLkaN)

135 Giuliani has been run through the legal wringer. I genuinely feel so sorry for him.

I hope Trump with the hundreds of millions he's raised (plus being a billionaire) is helping with his legal bills. /s

Posted by: Blago at September 26, 2023 02:40 PM (PmCSD)

136 I can see Joe walking the UAW picket line "actors deserve fair wages, Hollywood producers give them the money"

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 26, 2023 02:40 PM (cot+J)

137 @28

>>Let this serve as your periodic reminder that the deep state destroyed Flynn's life over an alleged FARA violation. It was never proven, but it was the club they used to beat him down into the ground.

Actually, they conjured the entire investigation of Flynn based on a supposed violation of the clearly unconstitutional Logan Act.

And if Sally Yates is to be believed, it was The Meat Puppet who suggested going after Flynn using the Logan Act.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 26, 2023 02:40 PM (rc3Z7)

138 Well, yeah--I called Dad "Pedo Peter," but I was just kidding around. Also, that was Russian disinformation. And data manipulation, man.

Posted by: Humper Biden at September 26, 2023 02:40 PM (sWM8x)

Trump's going to be there tomorrow.
Wonder if he's going to say something that will embarrass Biden?
Posted by: Braenyard at September 26, 2023 02:38 PM (CLkaN)

You mean other than the fact that he'll be there for longer than a 10 minute photo op?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:40 PM (Zz0t1)

140 En fuego!

Posted by: That Guy who shouts "En fuego!" at September 26, 2023 02:40 PM (a3Q+t)

141 ++++
And in those 12 minutes he was jostled, spit upon, knocked over, kicked in the head. It was hell but he recovered.
Posted by: washrivergal at September 26, 2023 02:40 PM (V202s)

Well... He should have been after what he has done to this Country

Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:40 PM (bs+z0)

142 The gloryholes won't sniff themselves.
Posted by: Captain Pike at September 26, 2023 02:37 PM (ynpvh)
That's not true anymore. Thanks to our AI-enabled response system driven by big data analytics and real-time user feedback collection - both subjective post-event surveys and sensor-collected physical data - in combination with advanced high-precision robotics, we have created the world's first self-promoting, self-cleaning and yes, even self-sniffing gloryhole!

Posted by: Silicon Valley startup at September 26, 2023 02:41 PM (t0OGg)

143 The Hunter Biden footage of the underage girl he physically injured and persuaded her to say he didn't do what he did, while he recorded it, is The End.

Anyone backing this is complicit. It's like the mother letting a stepfather abuse her daughter knowingly. This is not 'one of those things', it is not. It simply is not.

Anyone at this point not actively opposing the Bidens and the sick fucks that put them in power, is complicit. This is not an argument or a discussion. Anyone supporting anything from this bunch is complicit.

Complicit and there is no excuse or explanation.

Posted by: LenNeal at September 26, 2023 02:41 PM (/BBNv)

144 And if Sally Yates is to be believed, it was The Meat Puppet who suggested going after Flynn using the Logan Act.

Posted by: Puddinhead at September 26, 2023 02:41 PM (AMd6i)

145 They should get the chair lift thing like the old man in the movie "Up" had.

Posted by: Minnfidel at September 26, 2023 02:41 PM (kzu4f)

146 So Joe spent 12 minutes on the picket line and then jetted to San Francisco to fund raise ?
Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:36 PM (bs+z0)

It's a tight schedule with diaper changes and naps.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at September 26, 2023 02:42 PM (BdMk6)

147 Hunter's lawyer is Abbe Someone?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 26, 2023 02:42 PM (63Dwl)

148 @47, we can only hope! it would be a wonderful thing!

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - these lying bastardi e stronzi have been lying for decades at September 26, 2023 02:42 PM (YNbPJ)

149 Zelensky has now given official state decorations to:

Honorary Azov Battalion Nazis.

Posted by: t-bird at September 26, 2023 02:42 PM (CaJIi)

150 Ruprecht loves to run......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:42 PM (Zz0t1)

151 Are they also coaching oatmeal brains to not utter any more Freudian racial slurs during his mumbled disjointed speech's?

Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 26, 2023 02:43 PM (9/y3s)

152 Joe didn't have on his magical PF Flyer sneakers!

Posted by: Archer at September 26, 2023 02:43 PM (gmo/4)

153 Millennials eat that shit up, man. They're led by the nose and think because they grew up with mobile phones that can surf the net, they're the smartest generation ever.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:39 PM

Don't forget that we, like, invented sex.

Posted by: Millennials at September 26, 2023 02:43 PM (a3Q+t)

154 Are they also coaching oatmeal brains to not utter any more Freudian racial slurs during his mumbled disjointed speech's?
Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 26, 2023 02:43 PM (9/y3s)

"Salute the Marines."

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:43 PM (Zz0t1)

155 Supreme Court by refusing to override a lower court is tacitly ruling that black voters interests are different than white voters interests. Alabama redistricting case...

I think that's outrageous. All voters are interested in safe schools and streets, and low taxes. The left stealing elections would have you think other issues predominate.

Posted by: torabora at September 26, 2023 02:43 PM (Krc4o)

156 I dont get the impression at all that the public is behind the UAW strike.

I hope Trump isn't trying to "outdo" Democrats on being some pretend friend of unions pulling this shit.

Shutting down the US auto industry to get a 32 hour work week is disgusting. Plain and simple.

Posted by: Blago at September 26, 2023 02:43 PM (PmCSD)

157 Trump's going to be there tomorrow.
Wonder if he's going to say something that will embarrass Biden?
Posted by: Braenyard at September 26, 2023 02:38 PM (CLkaN)

"I only have the very best Jibes. Unbelievable Jibes. Really, just the greatest. You've never seen Jibes like mine. No one has."

Posted by: Trump's Ego at September 26, 2023 02:43 PM (dzZCL)

158 So finger up my butt or up my nose? Ha! I love that one.

Posted by: Joe Pickett Biden at September 26, 2023 02:43 PM (OZjDX)

159 The Hunter Biden footage of the underage girl he physically injured and persuaded her to say he didn't do what he did, while he recorded it, is The End.

What are you talking about? I heard there was rumors about his niece, but?

Posted by: Minnfidel at September 26, 2023 02:43 PM (kzu4f)

160 I think he's playing coy on whether they came from his laptop. You could seek to enjoin someone from using pictures that aren't yours.
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 26, 2023 02:39 PM (iFTx/)

Abandon property has limits but under abandon property rules, no one, even Hunter, doubts that he abandoned his property, and that is not being disputed as far as I can see. This suit should have been rejected on lack of foundation - if it were anyone else and at any other time in history, it would have been.

Posted by: Boswell at September 26, 2023 02:44 PM (K+UlC)

161 >>>Don't forget that we, like, invented sex.

Posted by: Millennials

Yes, but with your kind of sex there's no one else in the room.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 26, 2023 02:45 PM (CLkaN)



- Joe's earpiece

Posted by: Archer at September 26, 2023 02:45 PM (gmo/4)

163 So finger up my butt or up my nose? Ha! I love that one.
Posted by: Joe Pickett Biden at September 26, 2023 02:43 PM (OZjDX)

He loves to play switch, where you stick one thumb in your mouth and the other up your ass and when someone yells "SWITCH!"........

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:46 PM (Zz0t1)

164 104 So Joe spent 12 minutes on the picket line and then jetted to San Francisco to fund raise ?

Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:36 PM (bs+z0)

Lots of kiddies to sniff in the pedo capital of the USA
Posted by: International Brotherhood of Hobos and Associated Hermits at September 26, 2023 02:37 PM (dzZCL)

That would actually be LA. Very few kids in SF, for obvious reasons.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 26, 2023 02:46 PM (4w8zF)

165 "I hope Trump with the hundreds of millions he's raised (plus being a billionaire) is helping with his legal bills. /s

Posted by: Blago at September 26, 2023 02:40 PM (PmCSD) "

so that they can add some more counts of "conspiracy" to the indictments? uhuh.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - these lying bastardi e stronzi have been lying for decades at September 26, 2023 02:47 PM (YNbPJ)



- Joe's earpiece

Posted by: Archer


Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 26, 2023 02:47 PM (9/y3s)

167 >>>I hope Trump isn't trying to "outdo" Democrats on being some pretend friend of unions pulling this shit.

Shutting down the US auto industry to get a 32 hour work week is disgusting. Plain and simple.

Posted by: Blago

All Your Jobs Will Go To Chy nah!

Posted by: Braenyard at September 26, 2023 02:47 PM (CLkaN)

168 @156

>>I hope Trump isn't trying to "outdo" Democrats on being some pretend friend of unions pulling this shit.

It's called triangulation, maybe you've heard of it, he's also trying to get a state he won in 2016 back into his column.

Doesn't anyone know how this game is played?


Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 26, 2023 02:47 PM (rc3Z7)

169 104. Detroit news reported Biden spent 2hours total on the ground. Plane landed at Detroit, (stopping all air traffic) motorcade hauled him to Wayne , MI( stopping traffic along the way, trip would have taken 15 minutes) 12 minutes with the UAW peasants( UAW president met him at the airport and rode in the limo with him) then I believe he was back in the motorcade to the airport.

Posted by: Jen the original at September 26, 2023 02:48 PM (eIOm9)

170 ...
Yes, but with your kind of sex there's no one else in the room.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 26, 2023 02:45 PM (CLkaN)

"Pull Up, Then Down" isn't instruction just for fire alarms

Posted by: International Brotherhood of Hobos and Associated Hermits at September 26, 2023 02:48 PM (dzZCL)

171 Zelensky has now given official state decorations to:

Honorary Azov Battalion Nazis.
Posted by: t-bird at September 26
So no more mask.
That's good thing...right?

And we've all seen Trudeau wearing his pink Gestapo uniform with the swastika roundel armband.

So when are swastikas going to start appearing at Biden events?

Posted by: torabora at September 26, 2023 02:48 PM (Krc4o)

172 Kevin Morris is shelling out for even more lawyers,


You know things will start getting real when low level people like this Morris guy disappears or winds up dead.

I mean why go after hard to get criminals when there are comparatively easier to get flunkies. Once people get the message that being a friend of Hunter isn’t safe, the whole crooked edifice will fall.

BTW, that is basically what the DoJ is doing by going after Trump’s lawyers.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at September 26, 2023 02:49 PM (cMXNt)

173 Detroit news reported Biden spent 2hours total on the ground. Plane landed at Detroit, (stopping all air traffic) motorcade hauled him to Wayne , MI( stopping traffic along the way, trip would have taken 15 minutes) 12 minutes with the UAW peasants( UAW president met him at the airport and rode in the limo with him) then I believe he was back in the motorcade to the airport.
Posted by: Jen the original at September 26, 2023 02:48 PM (eIOm9)
Hmmm. I wonder what the cost per hour of that exercise was. It doesn't matter, of course. I'm just curious.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:49 PM (t0OGg)

174 "I only have the very best Jibes. Unbelievable Jibes. Really, just the greatest. You've never seen Jibes like mine. No one has."
Posted by: Trump's Ego at September 26, 2023 02:43 PM (dzZCL)

You asked for it.......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:49 PM (Zz0t1)

175 BHR equity fund, owned by Robert Hunter Biden, RHB? That doesn't seem fishy at all.

Posted by: Kalel666 at September 26, 2023 02:50 PM (nBu9R)

176 What the hell happened to Knott's Berry Farm?

They have a show where the performers are showered with water, dressed in bondage gear, and dance like strippers.

Posted by: bonhomme at September 26, 2023 02:50 PM (R38qh)

177 Has Hunter sued the Secret Service for not returning his cocaine yet?

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 26, 2023 02:51 PM (OzHA0)

178 Do you think most union members realize Biden and Democrats support the strike because their demands will make U.S. produced gas vehicles the most expensive in the world, ultimately shrink the labor pool due to declining sales and make EV's look very affordable in comparison?

Posted by: Marcus T at September 26, 2023 02:51 PM (TbpGr)

179 Oh, stop. Line 'em all up agai st a wall and proceed.

This is all smoke and mirrors to distract the media and give them something to talk about beside the unfolding disaster that is the Dem party.

Posted by: creeper at September 26, 2023 02:51 PM (cTCuP)

180 159 The Hunter Biden footage of the underage girl he physically injured and persuaded her to say he didn't do what he did, while he recorded it, is The End.

What are you talking about? I heard there was rumors about his niece, but?
Posted by: Minnfidel at September 26, 2023 02:43 PM (kzu4f)

I think that refers to the video of the young-looking whore he coached to say he didn't hurt. She looked young, but I don't know if there was evidence she was actually underage. 16 is the age of consent in a lot of jurisdictions.

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 26, 2023 02:51 PM (iFTx/)

181 I see the Market isn't too happy . Interest rate hike ?

Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:51 PM (bs+z0)

182 >>>Don't forget that we, like, invented sex.

Posted by: Millennials

You did manage to get glory holes installed in the Ladies Room, but invented? Well...

Posted by: Harems, The British Navy, and The San Fernando Valley video production industry at September 26, 2023 02:51 PM (z+89e)

183 (sips coffee, reads)

Ah, still doomed.

(sips coffee)

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at September 26, 2023 02:52 PM (sAmhv)

184 The Afternoon Arterton is sarcastically waiting for justice to be done.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 26, 2023 02:28 PM (LvTSG)

Posted by: Det Drebin at September 26, 2023 02:52 PM (Zvtjl)

185 Speaking of Jibe......

Doof, you should check this one out.

Yes, it's the whole album, but it's pretty good.

They're a local band from DFW that I'd seen way back in the day, but never found anything by them until recently.

Bought this vinyl for my brother for his birthday.

Track one is quite good. Track five is lyrically kinda disturbing, but also good.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:53 PM (Zz0t1)

186 This bikini brunette isn't a lawyer and doesn't get the finer points of the legal arguments, but she's nonetheless pretty sure that, just like his father, Hunter Biden is a creepy and corrupt scumbag:

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:53 PM (t0OGg)

187 104 So Joe spent 12 minutes on the picket line and then jetted to San Francisco to fund raise ?

He so busy tinkering to continuously improve Bidenomics, he doesn't have any time to waste with you UAW workers. Which is why you must vote for him!

Posted by: UAW Leadership at September 26, 2023 02:54 PM (fs1hN)

They could get him a walker. Or a wheelchair.
Posted by: Joe Mannix

But thats bad optics
-campaign consultant
Posted by: BruceWayne

Bad optics?
He'll be FDR for a new generation.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 26, 2023 02:54 PM (63Dwl)

189 I see the Market isn't too happy . Interest rate hike ?

Another "govt shutdown" panic

Posted by: Halfhand at September 26, 2023 02:54 PM (sTUxJ)

190 Why I know Hunter is still using drugs/alcohol. Any treatment program/counselor will demand that the user - if the user is serious about sobriety and to be completely clean - be completely honest and take responsibility for any damage that they have caused and to make amends when possible.

Hunter, through his lawyers, are doing the exact opposite. He may kid himself into thinking that he is doing all of this to protect dear old dad but that is just another lie. He doesn't want to be punished by the legal system or to take any responsibility. It takes self medicating with booze and drugs to be able to keep pushing these lies. He will die young at this rate.

Posted by: Cheri at September 26, 2023 02:55 PM (oiNtH)

191 What the hell happened to Knott's Berry Farm?

They have a show where the performers are showered with water, dressed in bondage gear, and dance like strippers.
Posted by: bonhomme at September 26, 2023 02:50 PM (R38qh)
Doesn't look very "family friendly."

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:55 PM (t0OGg)

192 93 A good one, for sure.

As is this little bit of Ratt n' Roll......
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:31 PM (Zz0t1)

This is why we really need to find a way to hang out more often!

Posted by: Doof at September 26, 2023 02:34 PM (cRUf9)

Can I join you guys in the Monkey Business?

Posted by: Gunslinger at September 26, 2023 02:55 PM (R2gO3)

193 CBS News: Hunter Biden sues Rudy Giuliani, attorney Robert Costello for "hacking" laptop data...Giuliani has sought to paint Hunter Biden as a corrupt businessman, who cashed in on his father's political power.

I hope Hunter wins these lawsuits. He is a private citizen whose data was essentially stolen by Republicans to use as campaign material against Joe Biden. Hunter’s right to privacy was certainly violated.

And we can't forget whoever "stole" Ashley Biden's diary. She stole it to sell to Project Veritas, but was caught. "Prosecutors have recommended a sentence of six months’ home confinement and three years of supervised release while having Ms. Harris forfeit the $20,000 that Project Veritas paid her for the diary and other materials. Mr. Kurlander, who also received $20,000 from Project Veritas, is scheduled to be sentenced next month. Each faces up to five years in prison."

Where is the signed repair invoice? The shop owner doesn't have it because one never existed. "he obtained the laptop legally." does not mean that Hunter dropped it off. It means that any GOP operative could have dropped it off.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 26, 2023 02:55 PM (JCZqz)

Can I join you guys in the Monkey Business?
Posted by: Gunslinger at September 26, 2023 02:55 PM (R2gO3)

The more the merrier! Nice choice, sir. But, needs more cowbell.

Also, the title track on that one is quite good as well.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:56 PM (Zz0t1)

195 Giuliani has sought to paint Hunter Biden as a corrupt businessman, who cashed in on his father's political power.

I thought Hunter was the painter?

Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 26, 2023 02:56 PM (fs1hN)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:53 PM (t0OGg)


Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:56 PM (Zz0t1)

197 You could seek to enjoin someone from using pictures that aren't yours.
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 26, 2023 02:39 PM (iFTx/)

The interesting thing here, that no one discusses, is that while Hunter has lack of standing to sue under property abandonment, other third parties depicted on his "abandoned property" do have rights to sue...Hunter. They may be able to sue over a perceived right or expectation of safe-keeping by Hunter. If I were on that video with him and, knowing he is an indicted felon, I would sue Hunter for that...if anyone gets credible sued here.

Posted by: Boswell at September 26, 2023 02:57 PM (K+UlC)

198 193 And we can't forget whoever "stole" Ashley Biden's diary. She stole it to sell to Project Veritas, but was caught. "Prosecutors have recommended a sentence of six months’ home confinement and three years of supervised release while having Ms. Harris forfeit the $20,000 that Project Veritas paid her for the diary and other materials. Mr. Kurlander, who also received $20,000 from Project Veritas, is scheduled to be sentenced next month. Each faces up to five years in prison."

Where is the signed repair invoice? The shop owner doesn't have it because one never existed. "he obtained the laptop legally." does not mean that Hunter dropped it off. It means that any GOP operative could have dropped it off.
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 26, 2023 02:55 PM (JCZqz)


I notice that they never deny the contents, especially of Ashley's diary.

I know it's their prime spank bank material, but then they go off and talk about how moral Joe Biden is.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 26, 2023 02:57 PM (LvTSG)

199 What the hell happened to Knott's Berry Farm?

Isn't that in Californicatoria?

Posted by: Sally Claster Gelbard at September 26, 2023 02:58 PM (RilAR)

The interesting thing here, that no one discusses, is that while Hunter has lack of standing to sue under property abandonment, other third parties depicted on his "abandoned property" do have rights to sue...Hunter. They may be able to sue over a perceived right or expectation of safe-keeping by Hunter. If I were on that video with him and, knowing he is an indicted felon, I would sue Hunter for that...if anyone gets credible sued here.
Posted by: Boswell

*Judge summarily tosses lawsuit*

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 02:58 PM (CIS44)

201 Lord i hope Trump makes his appearance tomorrow at the lines a spectacle:

Roll up rockstar tour bus style blasting Bob Seger "Still the Same"
Followed by a food truck of free food and drinks.
Spend hours there; photo booth, autographs, swag bags of MAGA hats, shirts, flags, etc.

And voter registration folks working the crowd ....

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 26, 2023 02:58 PM (OzHA0)

202 Speaking of Jibe......

Doof, you should check this one out.

Yes, it's the whole album, but it's pretty good....

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:53 PM (Zz0t1)

Appreciate the suggestion. Can't listen right now, but I made a note for later.

Posted by: Doof at September 26, 2023 02:58 PM (cRUf9)

203 Doesn't look very "family friendly."
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:55 PM (t0OGg)
Per the Twitter replies, it isn't. It's an evening show after the general park closes and the company calls out that it isn't for kids in the strongest possible language:
"Not recommended for children under 13."

I doubt that the MPAA would give that a PG-13.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 02:58 PM (t0OGg)

I-uh, uh-I-uh,, l-l-like like-uh, I like pie


Posted by: John Fetterman at September 26, 2023 02:59 PM (X4yCj)

205 I know it's their prime spank bank material, but then they go off and talk about how moral Joe Biden is.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison,

He among us, first stone and all that
-DU commenter

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 02:59 PM (CIS44)

206 @TheBabylonBee 27s
To Avoid Embarrassing Falls, Aides Will Now Transport Biden Using Presidential Hand Truck

Posted by: weft cut-loop at September 26, 2023 02:59 PM (IG4Id)

207 The Auto Workers are getting screwed up the ass by Biden, but they will still support and vote for him...

The question should be to the Auto workers is......

"Why are you stupid? "

Posted by: Mr. Creosote at September 26, 2023 02:59 PM (/Qz4j)

208 I know it's their prime spank bank material, but then they go off and talk about how moral Joe Biden is.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 26, 2023 02:57 PM (LvTSG)
He has *their* preferred kind of morality.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 03:00 PM (t0OGg)

209 Ruprecht loves to run......
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 02:42 PM

Oklahoma! Oklahoma! Oklahoma!!!

Posted by: Ruprecht at September 26, 2023 03:00 PM (aQy7p)

210 What the hell happened to Knott's Berry Farm?

They have a show where the performers are showered with water, dressed in bondage gear, and dance like strippers.
Posted by: bonhomme at September 26, 2023 02:50 PM (R38qh)

They've even corrupted Knott's Berry Farm? Good God.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 26, 2023 03:01 PM (4w8zF)

211 207 The Auto Workers are getting screwed up the ass by Biden, but they will still support and vote for him...

The question should be to the Auto workers is......

"Why are you stupid? "
Posted by: Mr. Creosote at September 26, 2023 02:59 PM (/Qz4j)


Union membership has not only been trending down overall over the past few decades, but trending Republican as well.

It's the leadership, essentially the top of the political machine, that is extremely slow to budge in terms of how they change their political donations from skimming off the pension funds.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 26, 2023 03:01 PM (LvTSG)

212 @198

>>I notice that they never deny the contents, especially of Ashley's diary.

No one has ever explained why the Federal Police Force opened an investigation of an allegedly stolen diary, who value is tops, 20 bucks?

I mean, is there a division of stolen diaries at the EFBEEEYE?

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 26, 2023 03:01 PM (rc3Z7)

213 Where is the signed repair invoice? The shop owner doesn't have it because one never existed. "he obtained the laptop legally." does not mean that Hunter dropped it off. It means that any GOP operative could have dropped it off.
Smart people sign and pay for the services before they are rendered?
Do these idiots have any real-world experience?

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 26, 2023 03:01 PM (OzHA0)

214 Millennials eat that shit up, man.

Yadood, we're lucky we're not relying on their votes or support.
We can just shed shit on them all day, then swagger to the rest home. Watch this: they'll never notice anything we say.

This is a comfy rock you've crawled under.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at September 26, 2023 03:01 PM (4PZHB)

215 He's suing on behalf of the unnamed party who really owns the computer really belongs to.

LOL. Because everybody who isn't Hunter wants a laptop of his porn and pictures of him strung out on drugs.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 26, 2023 03:01 PM (RSbhh)

216 Do these idiots have any real-world experience?
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 26, 2023 03:01 PM (OzHA0)

cmon, man

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 03:01 PM (CIS44)

217 The Auto Workers are getting screwed up the ass by Biden, but they will still support and vote for him...

Maybe, but maybe not.

The union leadership is certainly hard left, but the rank and file ... I dunno.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 26, 2023 03:02 PM (4w8zF)

Appreciate the suggestion. Can't listen right now, but I made a note for later.
Posted by: Doof at September 26, 2023 02:58 PM (cRUf9)

I help where I can.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 03:02 PM (Zz0t1)

219 I help where I can.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 03:02 PM (Zz0t1)


Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 03:02 PM (CIS44)

220 Serious Stuff:

Ballistic Missile Submarine USS Alabama CO Removed from Command.

Link goes to USNI News. Scary when it involves a boomer skipper.

Posted by: Archer at September 26, 2023 03:03 PM (gmo/4)

221 And when this spaghetti at the fridge lawfare fails to stick, Team Biden will sue everyone who has ever seen or heard of the Hunter Digital Lifestyle and Crime Wave.

Best defense is strong offense... with an unlimited budget and State Police at your beck and call.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at September 26, 2023 03:03 PM (aXxgO)

222 >>>Bad optics?
He'll be FDR for a new generation.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.

Declare smoking healthy
Ebony cigarette holder with ivory bezel
Grip between teeth with a smile

Posted by: Braenyard at September 26, 2023 03:03 PM (CLkaN)

223 LIES
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 03:02 PM (CIS44)

Why I NEVER.....


Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 03:04 PM (Zz0t1)

224 Anthony Rota, Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons steps down from position of Speaker

Note that this does NOT mean he's given up his seat as an MP, just that he won't be serving as Speaker from today forward.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at September 26, 2023 03:05 PM (qPw5n)

Ballistic Missile Submarine USS Alabama CO Removed from Command.

Link goes to USNI News. Scary when it involves a boomer skipper.

Posted by: Archer at September 26, 2023 03:03 PM (gmo/4)

The Hunt for Crimson Tide.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 03:05 PM (Zz0t1)

226 Serious Stuff:

Ballistic Missile Submarine USS Alabama CO Removed from Command.

Link goes to USNI News. Scary when it involves a boomer skipper.

Posted by: Archer at September 26, 2023 03:03 PM (gmo/4)

In his photo he's got the same look as Pete Buttigieg. Just sayin'.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 26, 2023 03:06 PM (4w8zF)

227 >>>Ballistic Missile Submarine USS Alabama CO Removed from Command.
Link goes to USNI News. Scary when it involves a boomer skipper.
Posted by: Archer

He said Trump

Posted by: Braenyard at September 26, 2023 03:06 PM (CLkaN)

228 So what gets a Boomer Skipper shit canned?

Posted by: Puddinhead at September 26, 2023 03:06 PM (9Eyyt)

229 I think President Biden should do something about the Oil Companies racking in all these profits and hurting the little people for greed. I am not dumb, I know President Biden is doing everything to help us little people and he is honest as the virgin Upsate New York Snow......

Posted by: The Mind Numb Liberal Voter that is Clueless at September 26, 2023 03:07 PM (/Qz4j)

230 >>>Bad optics?
He'll be FDR for a new generation.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.

Declare smoking healthy
Ebony cigarette holder with ivory bezel
Grip between teeth with a smile
Posted by: Braenyard at September 26, 2023 03:03 PM (CLkaN)

FDR stroked out at 64. He was barely weaned by Biden standards.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 26, 2023 03:07 PM (4w8zF)



Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at September 26, 2023 03:07 PM (4PZHB)

232 Where is the signed repair invoice? The shop owner doesn't have it because one never existed. "he obtained the laptop legally." does not mean that Hunter dropped it off. It means that any GOP operative could have dropped it off.
Smart people sign and pay for the services before they are rendered?
Do these idiots have any real-world experience?
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 26, 2023 03:01 PM (OzHA0)

The shop owner does have a repair ticket signed by Hunter. What the hell are both of you talking about?

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at September 26, 2023 03:07 PM (BdMk6)

233 217 The Auto Workers are getting screwed up the ass by Biden, but they will still support and vote for him...

Of course they'll still support him? Getting screwed in the ass is one of the greatest signs of love and respect!

Posted by: Pete Buttigieg at September 26, 2023 03:07 PM (JCZqz)

234 Knott's Berry Farm? Worshipping satan? And you thought George Lucas destroyed your childhood.
Used to think about visiting just the old west portion if any left and the restaurant. No more.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenko stuff in solidarity with the struggle to maintain Moron standards at September 26, 2023 03:08 PM (TF0CD)

Serious Stuff:

Ballistic Missile Submarine USS Alabama CO Removed from Command.

Link goes to USNI News. Scary when it involves a boomer skipper.

Posted by: Archer at September 26, 2023 03:03 PM (gmo/4)

Dood, why are we nuking Andorra?

Posted by: USS 'Bama crew at September 26, 2023 03:08 PM (n+4am)


Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at September 26, 2023 03:07 PM (4PZHB)

Knott's Cherry Popper.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 03:08 PM (Zz0t1)

237 Joe Bien was with the UAW for about 15 minutes. He didn't march with them because he is incapable of marching. Man needs a walker, He just needed to get a photo op in before Trump has a rally in MI tomorrow.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 26, 2023 03:08 PM (RSbhh)

238 Per the Twitter replies, it isn't. It's an evening show after the general park closes and the company calls out that it isn't for kids in the strongest possible language:
"Not recommended for children under 13."

All is well.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at September 26, 2023 03:08 PM (V8he0)

239 I thought Hunter was the painter?
You know who else was a painter??

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at September 26, 2023 03:08 PM (krqg6)

Of course they'll still support him? Getting screwed in the ass is one of the greatest signs of love and respect!
Posted by: Pete Buttigieg at September 26, 2023 03:07 PM (JCZqz)


Posted by: Chasten Buttigieg at September 26, 2023 03:08 PM (Zz0t1)

241 The sub commander could not find his strawberries... or eyeliner... had a major hissy fit...

Posted by: tubal at September 26, 2023 03:09 PM (C5Ncp)

242 Joe Bien was with the UAW for about 15 minutes. He didn't march with them because he is incapable of marching. Man needs a walker, He just needed to get a photo op in before Trump has a rally in MI tomorrow.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 26, 2023 03:08 PM (RSbhh)

I suspect that that rally will be in stark contrast to the reception to Biden's visit.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 26, 2023 03:09 PM (4w8zF)

243 You know what?

Maybe I'll just make some shit up. Then sue a prominent Republican. They ain't good for nothin', no how, and it seems to be worth a ton of money to do it.

"Ted Cruz pantsed me and fingered me up to the third knuckle when I dropped my wallet in the restroom at the French Laundry," or whatever, and sue him for $1B worth of damages or something crazy.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 26, 2023 03:09 PM (0FoWg)

244 Per the Twitter replies, it isn't. It's an evening show after the general park closes and the company calls out that it isn't for kids in the strongest possible language:
"Not recommended for children under 13."

Why do they have that perverted shit at all?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 26, 2023 03:10 PM (4w8zF)

245 "And now, The Post can reveal, the California State Bar has opened an official ethics investigation into..."

I'm sure all Democrats involved are quaking in their loafers at this "investigation".

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at September 26, 2023 03:10 PM (aXxgO)

246 "Ted Cruz pantsed me and fingered me up to the third knuckle when I dropped my wallet in the restroom at the French Laundry," or whatever, and sue him for $1B worth of damages or something crazy.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice

*California judge rules you have standing*

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 03:10 PM (CIS44)

247 Was the sub commander named "Ned" by any chance??

Posted by: tubal at September 26, 2023 03:11 PM (C5Ncp)

248 {232} ... The shop owner does have a repair ticket signed by Hunter. What the hell are both of you talking about?

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at September 26, 2023 03:07 PM (BdMk6)

Yup, I remember the shop owner when he first announced what he had, and why he had it, and the fact that he'd held it the requisite time period before it became legally abandoned, and then he approached the FBI and they seemed uninterested in the contents.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at September 26, 2023 03:11 PM (qPw5n)

*California judge rules you have standing*
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 03:10 PM (CIS44)


- - - Mad Maxine Waters

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 03:11 PM (Zz0t1)

250 I suspect that that rally will be in stark contrast to the reception to Biden's visit.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 26, 2023 03:09 PM (4w8zF)

Yes; Hopefully.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 26, 2023 03:11 PM (RSbhh)

251 "Ted Cruz pantsed me and fingered me up to the third knuckle when I dropped my wallet in the restroom at the French Laundry," or whatever, and sue him for $1B worth of damages or something crazy.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice

*California judge rules you have standing*
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 03:10 PM (CIS44)

He also rules to go on ...

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 26, 2023 03:11 PM (4w8zF)

252 Charles Darwin University Adjunct Professor Adam Britton filmed himself raping and torturing at least forty dogs.

Posted by: bonhomme at September 26, 2023 03:11 PM (R38qh)

253 Ballistic Missile Submarine USS Alabama CO Removed from Command.

No doubt in retaliation for not allowing his sailors to polish the missiles with their tongues.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at September 26, 2023 03:12 PM (Bd6X8)

254 The shop owner does have a repair ticket signed by Hunter. What the hell are both of you talking about?
Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at September 26, 2023 03:07 PM

Well, the first comment saying there is no signed receipt or invoice is just some random poster over at DU, where brain cells or factual basis in reality are frowned upon.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 26, 2023 03:12 PM (JCZqz)

255 Link goes to USNI News. Scary when it involves a boomer skipper.

Perhaps he did something unacceptably dangerous like saying that men can't get pregnant.

Posted by: Oddbob at September 26, 2023 03:12 PM (nfrXX)

256 Per the Twitter replies, it isn't. It's an evening show after the general park closes and the company calls out that it isn't for kids in the strongest possible language:
"Not recommended for children under 13."

Why do they have that perverted shit at all?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 26, 2023 03:10 PM (4w8zF)

So fourteen years olds know what to stick and where to stick it!

Posted by: Sally Claster Gelbard at September 26, 2023 03:12 PM (RilAR)

257 The sub commander could not find his strawberries... or eyeliner... had a major hissy fit...
Posted by: tubal at September 26, 2023 03:09 PM (C5Ncp)

So you're getting the same vibe I was?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 26, 2023 03:13 PM (4w8zF)

258 Why do they have that perverted shit at all?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 26, 2023 03:10 PM (4w8zF)
Because it's "cool and edgy" or some shit. Whatever.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 03:13 PM (t0OGg)

259 Why do they have that perverted shit at all?

Some pervert in HR determined that it was just good, clean fun.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at September 26, 2023 03:13 PM (V8he0)

260 Charles Darwin University Adjunct Professor Adam Britton filmed himself raping and torturing at least forty dogs.
Posted by: bonhomme at September 26, 2023 03:11 PM (R38qh)

And you f*ckers when nuts when I ate a dog........

Posted by: Barack O'Bama at September 26, 2023 03:13 PM (Zz0t1)

261 In his photo he's got the same look as Pete Buttigieg. Just sayin'.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 26, 2023 03:06 PM

My first thought. LOL

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 26, 2023 03:14 PM (aQy7p)

262 Why do they have that perverted shit at all?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 26, 2023 03:10 PM (4w8zF)
Because it's "cool and edgy" or some shit. Whatever.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 03:13 PM (t0OGg)

Sodomites, can't trust 'em.

Avoid sodomites.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at September 26, 2023 03:14 PM (0lY6Y)

263 Balloon-Knott's Barry Farm

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Lookin' for me wooden leg at September 26, 2023 03:15 PM (xPJvm)

264 The shop owner does have a repair ticket signed by Hunter. What the hell are both of you talking about?
Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons

Also, the repair shop owner has a written policy attached to the repair ticket about picking up laptop within the 90 day (I think it was 90 days) and spoke of it with Hunter while he was going over the repair invoice.

Posted by: Cheri at September 26, 2023 03:15 PM (oiNtH)

265 Why do they have that perverted shit at all?

Some pervert in HR determined that it was just good, clean fun.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at September 26, 2023 03:13 PM (V8he0)

OK, then the next question is why do they a pervert in HR? I'd put him/her/it on the Alissa Schicklgruber plan in a heartbeat.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 26, 2023 03:15 PM (4w8zF)

266 So what gets a Boomer Skipper shit canned?
Posted by: Puddinhead at September 26, 2023 03:06 PM

These days? Probably admitting to voting for Trump.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 26, 2023 03:15 PM (aQy7p)

267 258 Why do they have that perverted shit at all?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 26, 2023 03:10 PM (4w8zF)
Because it's "cool and edgy" or some shit. Whatever.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 03:13 PM (t0OGg)


I really wish there was real stockholder advocacy out there that would successfully sue corporations for spending money on things that don't contribute to core business practices.

And for stuff like marketing, suing to see the research and numbers that shows that any given marketing event had a positive impact on revenues.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 26, 2023 03:15 PM (LvTSG)

268 Hmmm. I'm not convinced Hunter has a ton of business acumen

Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at September 26, 2023 03:15 PM (VdGjU)

269 {252} Charles Darwin University Adjunct Professor Adam Britton filmed himself raping and torturing at least forty dogs. ...

Posted by: bonhomme at September 26, 2023 03:11 PM (R38qh)

*types* *deletes* ... Yeah no, I need to go walk this anger off. Back later.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at September 26, 2023 03:15 PM (qPw5n)

270 Well, the first comment saying there is no signed receipt or invoice is just some random poster over at DU, where brain cells or factual basis in reality are frowned upon.
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 26, 2023 03:12 PM (JCZqz)

I would imagine those are grounds for the ban hammer

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 03:15 PM (CIS44)

271 Posted by: bonhomme at September 26, 2023 03:11 PM (R38qh)

Don't tell me stories like this...

Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 03:16 PM (bs+z0)

272 Grumpy and Recalcitrant: "...and then he approached the FBI and they seemed uninterested in the contents."

They were interested in the contents enough to make themselves disinterested. It was intentional disinterest by design. Plus they were interested enough in what was there to run interference from all critics.

So, actually, they were profoundly interested in the contents.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at September 26, 2023 03:16 PM (aXxgO)

273 Let me tell you something. I grew up a black man during the 1960's in Alabama and marched with Martian Lootter King against Governor Mike Wallace , You know that racist governor of Alabama, and we made a differnece. Let me tell you something Boy, I was there and where was Trump???

Posted by: Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 03:16 PM (/Qz4j)

274 104 So Joe spent 12 minutes on the picket line and then jetted to San Francisco to fund raise ?

Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 02:36 PM (bs+z0)

And in those 12 minutes he was jostled, spit upon, knocked over, kicked in the head. It was hell but he recovered.
Posted by: washrivergal at September 26, 2023 02:40 PM (V202s)

He wrapped a chain around his arm and took on five Pinkertons!

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 26, 2023 03:16 PM (aD39U)

275 They were interested in your interest .

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 26, 2023 03:17 PM (RIvkX)

276 The dog story just goes to show how above board and cultured the British are.

It's no wonder they look down their nose at the rest of society......

Posted by: Barack O'Bama at September 26, 2023 03:17 PM (Zz0t1)

277 DAMN.

Strike one......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 03:17 PM (Zz0t1)

278 In his photo he's got the same look as Pete Buttigieg. Just sayin'.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

That was also my first thought when I saw his photo the other day. Fired over loss of confidence to command. He was caught at something....

Posted by: Cheri at September 26, 2023 03:17 PM (oiNtH)

279 276 The dog story just goes to show how above board and cultured the British are.

It's no wonder they look down their nose at the rest of society......
Posted by: Barack O'Bama at September 26, 2023 03:17 PM (Zz0t1)


I'd sooner let a random British middle classman rule the country than a product of Oxford or Cambridge.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at September 26, 2023 03:17 PM (LvTSG)

Why do they have that perverted shit at all?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 26, 2023 03:10 PM (4w8zF)

Because the check cleared.

Posted by: USS 'Bama crew at September 26, 2023 03:18 PM (n+4am)

Oops, off me, squiddy sock.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at September 26, 2023 03:18 PM (n+4am)

282 DAMN.

Strike one......
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 03:17 PM (Zz0t1)

You reset the strike count with each thread?? Weak!!!

Posted by: Doof at September 26, 2023 03:18 PM (cRUf9)

283 Charles Darwin University Adjunct Professor Adam Britton filmed himself raping and torturing at least forty dogs.
Posted by: bonhomme at September 26, 2023 03:11 PM (R38qh)

Even reading the post turns my stomach.

Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at September 26, 2023 03:19 PM (VdGjU)

284 I'm a bit depressed today.

Think I'll start day drinking now.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 03:19 PM (Zz0t1)

285 252 Charles Darwin University Adjunct Professor Adam Britton filmed himself raping and torturing at least forty dogs.
Posted by: bonhomme at September 26, 2023 03:11 PM (R38qh)

I've been screaming from the rooftops for years now that there are more than a few deranged perverts fucking their pets. Some perv also got busted in NJ having sex with his dog in a park. These are the ones we know about . . . .

Posted by: Elric Blade at September 26, 2023 03:19 PM (iFTx/)

286 Let me tell you something Boy, I was there and where was Trump???
Posted by: Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 03:16 PM (/Qz4j)

It's funny because Donald Trump actually used to march with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 26, 2023 03:19 PM (9UlRk)

287 I think that Transgender Admiral Rachel L. Levine should take over the Nuke Sub force.... That will show North Korea we are serious .............

Posted by: Mr. Creosote at September 26, 2023 03:20 PM (/Qz4j)

You reset the strike count with each thread?? Weak!!!
Posted by: Doof at September 26, 2023 03:18 PM (cRUf9)

I do.....It's a process. If it doesn't get better, eventually, it'll be per day.

Then you f*cks would miss me greatly.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 03:20 PM (Zz0t1)

289 Even reading the post turns my stomach.
Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at September 26, 2023 03:19 PM (VdGjU)
It sure does.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 26, 2023 03:20 PM (t0OGg)

290 Charles Darwin University Adjunct Professor Adam Britton filmed himself raping and torturing at least forty dogs.
Posted by: bonhomme at September 26, 2023 03:11 PM

Fire ants, honey, etc. Some assembly required.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 26, 2023 03:20 PM (aQy7p)

291 284 I'm a bit depressed today.

Think I'll start day drinking now.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 03:19 PM (Zz0t1)

If I thought it would help I would too... But it makes it worse

Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 03:20 PM (bs+z0)

292 Monkeypox anyone?

Posted by: DOYLE at September 26, 2023 03:20 PM (Z8Yh2)

293 Per the Twitter replies, it isn't. It's an evening show after the general park closes and the company calls out that it isn't for kids in the strongest possible language:
"Not recommended for children under 13."

What do they call this performance? "A Salute to AIDS?"

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 26, 2023 03:20 PM (4w8zF)

294 You reset the strike count with each thread?? Weak!!!
Posted by: Doof at September 26, 2023 03:18 PM (cRUf9)

I do.....It's a process. If it doesn't get better, eventually, it'll be per day.

Then you f*cks would miss me greatly.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 03:20 PM (Zz0t1)

New blog - who dis?

Posted by: Doof at September 26, 2023 03:21 PM (cRUf9)

If I thought it would help I would too... But it makes it worse
Posted by: It's me donna at September 26, 2023 03:20 PM (bs+z0)

Doesn't make it worse for me, only postpones.......I'll take it.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 03:21 PM (Zz0t1)

296 98% on the DC elec final highest in the class...

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 26, 2023 03:21 PM (CIS44)

297 No honey needed with fire ants. Bad attitude is a feature.

Posted by: DOYLE at September 26, 2023 03:21 PM (Z8Yh2)

298 I was going to ask if Adam Britton is related to Sam Britton but it's Sam Brinton, so two different creeps.

Same depraved spirit rules both of them.

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at September 26, 2023 03:21 PM (sAmhv)

299 Kind of late here but I just got ho,e.
The sugar daddy situation is even more corrupt because Morris is actually "loaning" Hunter his own
money received from the Chinese. Hunter was forced to divest his share of a company which was funded by the Chinese so he "sold" it to Morris although there is no bill of sale or any docs that money changed hands.
This is. It costing the sugar daddy a dime. It is Hunter's money but now Hunter doesn't have to pay any taxes on his "income" because it is a loan which is not taxable.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at September 26, 2023 03:22 PM (t/2Uw)

300 Did Joe wear a ball cap while shuffling the picket line? He looks like he has Down Syndrome when he wears a cap.

Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at September 26, 2023 03:22 PM (VdGjU)

New blog - who dis?
Posted by: Doof at September 26, 2023 03:21 PM (cRUf9)

You asked for it.......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 03:22 PM (Zz0t1)

302 Ballistic Missile Submarine USS Alabama CO Removed from Command.

Roll Tide!

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 26, 2023 03:22 PM (aD39U)

303 I've been screaming from the rooftops for years now that there are more than a few deranged perverts fucking their pets. Some perv also got busted in NJ having sex with his dog in a park. These are the ones we know about . . . .
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 26, 2023 03:19 PM (iFTx/)

First, the sodomites wanted to get married. Then the sodomites promoted their disordered lifestyles in the skools. Soon, the sodomites will be championing cornholing Rusty while filming it for TikTok.

Don't judge, remember? Love Is Love and Hate is Not A Family Value, But Sodomy Is!

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at September 26, 2023 03:22 PM (0lY6Y)

304 No honey needed with fire ants. Bad attitude is a feature.
Posted by: DOYLE at September 26, 2023 03:21 PM

Why take chances?

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 26, 2023 03:22 PM (aQy7p)

305 "Charles Darwin University Adjunct Professor Adam Britton filmed himself raping and torturing at least forty dogs."

Hmm. I think it time for a study on "How Many Frenzied Pit Bulls Does It Take To Exsanguinate A Charles Darwin University Adjunct Professor".

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at September 26, 2023 03:23 PM (aXxgO)

306 The union leadership is certainly hard left, but the rank and file ... I dunno.

Smoke filled union hall backroom, circa 1980-
Doesn't matter anymore how these rank and file bastards vote, we'll always get hard left leadership, now that we fixed our election process. What do you say we get to work on fixing the US elections?

Posted by: Chuck Martel at September 26, 2023 03:23 PM (fs1hN)

307 They promoted Buckner but he couldn't command.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 26, 2023 03:23 PM (aD39U)

308 Will skip over the dog torture/rape story. Sweet Jesus.

Posted by: Cheri at September 26, 2023 03:23 PM (oiNtH)

309 It sure looks like the Bidens at least are intent on "running" for "President" next year.

This sure is a lot of legal mumbo jumbo, which signals that this is about more than just keeping Hunter out of jail, or to get his "reputation" back after mean ol' Rudy did him dirty.

And if that's true, if Biden Inc. wants to keep the old Alzheimer's patient in the Oval Office, I wonder what the other party players are thinking, if they intend to nukular option the guy, or just let this whole thing play out.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 26, 2023 03:23 PM (dGCAG)

310 Nood Canadians

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at September 26, 2023 03:23 PM (cMXNt)

311 Guess I should have read the content first.🤭

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at September 26, 2023 03:23 PM (t/2Uw)

312 Adam Britton?

Another pup handler with last name?

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at September 26, 2023 03:23 PM (14gv0)


Posted by: Joe Biden's Last Brain Cell at September 26, 2023 03:23 PM (aD39U)

314 You asked for it.......
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 03:22 PM (Zz0t1)

Thank you, Gil Grissom

Posted by: Doof at September 26, 2023 03:23 PM (cRUf9)

Thank you, Gil Grissom
Posted by: Doof at September 26, 2023 03:23 PM (cRUf9)


Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 26, 2023 03:24 PM (Zz0t1)

316 "Charles Darwin University Adjunct Professor Adam Britton filmed himself raping and torturing at least forty dogs."

Hmm. I think it time for a study on "How Many Frenzied Pit Bulls Does It Take To Exsanguinate A Charles Darwin University Adjunct Professor".
Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at September 26, 2023 03:23 PM (aXxgO)

The irony is that he's at Charles Darwin University.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 26, 2023 03:24 PM (4w8zF)

317 You could say this fellow really....

*sunglasses on*

Screwed the pooch.

Posted by: YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! at September 26, 2023 03:25 PM (9UlRk)

318 That Joe Biden mis-step is pretty weak sauce. He has made way worse tumbles.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 26, 2023 03:25 PM (uSX7C)

319 Charles Darwin University is in Australia.

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at September 26, 2023 03:27 PM (sAmhv)


Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at September 26, 2023 03:27 PM (krqg6)

321 310 Nood Canadians
Bullshit. I'm wearing a T-shirt!

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at September 26, 2023 03:28 PM (krqg6)

322 Where is the signed repair invoice? The shop owner doesn't have it because one never existed. "he obtained the laptop legally." does not mean that Hunter dropped it off. It means that any GOP operative could have dropped it off.

Yes. Rudy Guiliani busted into Hunty's crib like Tom Cruise through the ventilation hatch. And took it, then brought it to a repair shop in Delaware. Magnificent bastard!

Posted by: Minnfidel at September 26, 2023 03:29 PM (kzu4f)

323 I know the NY Post reported $855, but that simply can't be. Senior associates at major law firms are billing at $800. Lowell is a nationally-known player. He is charging way more than a senior associate.
Posted by: Elric Blade at September 26, 2023 02:26 PM (iFTx/)

In that case, let him have the upholstered seat on the Aero Pinochet helicopter.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 26, 2023 03:30 PM (uSX7C)

324 The Canadian Speaker of the House just resigned. He helped lead the riotous applause for an actual SS NAZI.

It's a good start, but not enough.
Posted by: bonhomme at September 26, 2023 02:27 PM (R38qh)

He didn't just lead the cheers. He is the dillweed that invited the Nazi into the House. But he should resign his seat, too.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 26, 2023 03:33 PM (uSX7C)

325 Does Ukraine refer to itself as the Motherland or the Fatherland?
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 26, 2023 02:35 PM (ynpvh)

It's Funnyuncleland. The kind of "funny uncle" you don't leave alone with the kids.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 26, 2023 03:37 PM (uSX7C)

326 Between Menendez and Biden, it's clear the Dem powers-that-be have decided you're so stupid, ah fuck it just roll with whatever.

Posted by: Joe kidtoucher at September 26, 2023 03:37 PM (W+TLY)

327 SO can I sue somebody for harm done to someone else? Because this sounds like a very lucrative Grift.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at September 26, 2023 03:49 PM (17s+e)

328 Link goes to USNI News. Scary when it involves a boomer skipper.

Posted by: Archer at September 26, 2023 03:03 PM (gmo/4)

Maybe he let slip he is a Trump supporter?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 26, 2023 03:53 PM (uSX7C)

329 So, are the going to admit the computer into evidence for discovery?

Posted by: Darth Randall at September 26, 2023 04:01 PM (xT7BI)

330 The DUers and other Democrat losers are in total denial of the Hunter stuff. In true Proggy fashion, they project all of Hunter's sins onto Don Jr. One Facebook acquaintence of mine posted a meme yesterday (we know about their meme skills), showing Don Jr. as "Cocaine Barbie". I responded (with my burner account, I've been known to troll, myself, lol) with the Hunter on crack pictures. The screeching was epic.

Posted by: Midnight Rambler at September 28, 2023 03:34 AM (8E8Am)

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