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This Indictment is One for the Ages

Yesterday the gigantic indictment of Trump by the Fulton County prosecutors dropped. Well, it dropped twice. The first time was midday, but it was immediately retracted. The County claimed it was a mistake. The second time was late in the day, after the grand jury session concluded. So was it an accident? It's more than possible. Was it an "accident" and someone in Fulton County leaked it on purpose - while the grand jury was still convened - to deliberately cause controversy and show that the fix was in? Who knows.

I'm just a jerk on the internet and am not a lawyer so take everything with at least a grain of salt, but it seems to me that whatever the motivation (if there was motivation at all), the indictment is an exercise in absurdity. The root of the entire thing is that Trump said he didn't think the election was legit. Trump claimed he won, which is criminal, and so he should be punished. He tried to get people onto his side, which is "soliciting false statements" or "solicitation of violation of oath by public officer." To question and to try to gain support for a position that goes against the narrative is now an indictable offense.

Many things in the indictment involve neither Georgia nor Fulton County. The justification for everything is that Georgia went to Biden (as did Fulton County), and therefore they have jurisdiction:

Defendant Donald John Trump lost the United States presidential election held on November 3, 2020. One of the states he lost was Georgia. Trump and the other Defendants charged in this Indictment refused to accept that Trump lost, and they knowingly and willfully joined a conspiracy to unlawfully change the outcome of the election in favor of Trump. That conspiracy contained a common plan and purpose to commit two or more acts of racketeering activity in Fulton County, Georgia, elsewhere in the State of Georgia, and in other states.
By that standard, virtually any local government has jurisdiction over virtually anything it wants. But that's it. RICO against Trump and his "co-conspirators" like his lawyer and a bunch of enumerated but unnamed unindicted co-conspirators.

What was this vast criminal enterprise? It was working with lawyers, making public statements (including online), disagreeing with officials, etc. Here is the "the enterprise" for the RICO charge (most names removed for brevity):

Defendants Donald John Trump, ... and others known and unknown to the Grand Jury, constituted a criminal organization whose members and associates engaged in various related criminal activities including, but not limited to, false statements and writings, impersonating a public officer, forgery, filing false documents, influencing witnesses, computer theft, computer trespass, computer invasion of privacy, conspiracy to defraud the state, acts involving theft, and perjury.
Fascinating. What is the evidence in the indictment? It's really some pretty appalling stuff:
On or about the 3rd day of December 2020, DONALD JOHN TRUMP caused to be tweeted from the Twitter account @RealDonaldTrump, "Georgia hearings now on @OANN. Amazing!" This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.
and (most names removed for brevity):
On or about the 3rd day of December 2020, RUDOLPH WILLIAM LOUIS GIULIANI, JOHN CHARLES EASTMAN, JENNA LYNN ELLIS, and RAY STALLINGS SMITH III committed the felony offense of SOLICITATION OF VIOLATION OF OATH BY PUBLIC OFFICER, in Violation of O.C.G.A. 16-4-7 & 16-10-1, in Fulton County, Georgia, by unlawfully soliciting, requesting, and importuning certain public officers then serving as elected members of the Georgia Senate and present at a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee meeting, including unindicted co-conspirator Individual 8 ... to engage in conduct constituting the felony offense of Violation of Oath by Public Officer, O.C.G.A. 16-10-1, by unlawfully appointing presidential electors from Georgia, in willful and intentional Violation of the terms of the oath of said persons as prescribed by law, with intent that said persons engage in said conduct. This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.
There is of course much more. It's all really shocking stuff.

The man tweeted! He asked officials to send an alternate slate of electors! He called people in Georgia government to try to set up meetings! He even did these things in other states that don't love justice as much as Georgia! Trump and his lawyers had different interpretations of video than the State of Georgia did! They argued points of law about electors with officials! He might have been wrong about some stuff! He made a public case about his belief that the election had problems! CONSPIRACY!

This is one of the most patently absurd things I have ever read (full disclosure: I have not had time to read the whole thing yet, though I sincerely doubt that this matters). In essence, Fulton County is claiming that questioning an election's outcome, testifying about evidence in a way that conflicts with the state's interpretation of evidence, making a public case, working with your lawyers, etc. is a conspiracy and you need to be locked up and barred from public office over it.

This is straight-up banana republic stuff. This is a torturing of law through accumulation of vast amounts of irrelevant "evidence" - large amounts of which which are public statements and on-the-record proceedings - in an attempt to gin up the crime of the century. This is a nakedly political and utterly unjust abuse of power and, like always, nobody (except maybe Trump) will be punished for it. This is utter degradation of anything approaching "justice" and there's no end it sight.

How wide does this spread if Trump and his vast number of "co-conspirators" are convicted? As this is a RICO case, what are the consequences outside the named parties? Is anyone who donated to Trump's fund to contest the election in court now a wanted man in Georgia? After all, didn't they directly finance a criminal enterprise? Is anyone who wrote a letter pressuring their representatives to vote for an alternate slate of electors or refuse certification a wanted man in Georgia? After all, didn't they engage in "solicitation of violation of oath by a public officer?" Where does it end?

Read the indictment. It would be a hoot and a half if it came from some other country.

Posted by: Joe Mannix at 01:15 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Yo!

Posted by: Doof at August 15, 2023 01:15 PM (iY8R7)

2 Yo, Doof!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:16 PM (WkNQM)


Posted by: Inogame at August 15, 2023 01:16 PM (53oGX)

4 I nooded

Posted by: Doof at August 15, 2023 01:16 PM (iY8R7)

5 Yo!
Posted by: Doof at August 15, 2023 01:15 PM (iY8R7)

Ho! Ho!

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at August 15, 2023 01:17 PM (adINt)

6 Did Governor Abrams have anything to say about this?

Posted by: Inogame at August 15, 2023 01:17 PM (53oGX)

7 Yo, Doof!
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:16 PM (WkNQM)

Congrats on graduating from Open Blogger and achieving full COB status!

Posted by: Doof at August 15, 2023 01:17 PM (iY8R7)

8 They won't do this to anyone else, unless they happen to have binders full of women, of course.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 15, 2023 01:18 PM (LvTSG)

9 This one really is beyond the pale.

I don't agree with any of it, it's the weakest case ever.

All that being said, what a fucking idiot to make that phone call. I don't think Trump is corrupt, but he's definitely stupid.

Posted by: Blago at August 15, 2023 01:18 PM (cOFom)

10 If this goes to trial in Fulton county he will be convicted and sentenced to 50 years. We may laugh at the absurdity of it all. But the left doesn’t fuck around,

Posted by: Montec at August 15, 2023 01:19 PM (Sk0O1)

11 I like the part where "Donald Trump accessed computer systems"

They are doing it entirely to teabag the nation who elected Trump in a landslide. They want people to know who has power. Spoilers: It's not elected officials.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 01:19 PM (OeAlt)

12 Did Governor Abrams have anything to say about this?
Posted by: Inogame at August 15, 2023 01:17 PM (53oGX)

Pass the gravy now!
Tank Abrams

Posted by: Glenn John at August 15, 2023 01:20 PM (RilAR)

13 By this logic, if you donated to a Trump related "stop the steal" effort you are guilty of a felony in Georgia.

Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at August 15, 2023 01:20 PM (oWBc3)

14 You coulda put a busty brunette link at the bottom.

Posted by: wth at August 15, 2023 01:20 PM (v0R5T)

15 If this goes to trial in Fulton county he will be convicted and sentenced to 50 years. We may laugh at the absurdity of it all. But the left doesn’t fuck around,
Posted by: Montec at August 15, 2023 01:19 PM (Sk0O1)
I fully expect Trump to go down in some way. Whether it's in Fulton County or somewhere else, they'll get him.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:20 PM (WkNQM)

16 and so it begins

Posted by: that guy that always thinks it's beginning at August 15, 2023 01:20 PM (aD39U)

17 I don't think Trump is corrupt, but he's definitely stupid.
Posted by: Blago at August 15, 2023

It’s not stupid. It’s impulsive with a lack of self control or thinking more than 10 seconds ahead. Wait that’s kind of stupid I guess, lol.

Posted by: Montec at August 15, 2023 01:20 PM (Sk0O1)

18 On or about the 3rd day of December 2020, DONALD JOHN TRUMP caused to be tweeted from the Twitter account @RealDonaldTrump, "Georgia hearings now on @OANN. Amazing!" This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.


Boy. This is just like Caesar and Cicero all over again. What a country!

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 15, 2023 01:21 PM (qI0hU)

19 9 This one really is beyond the pale.

I don't agree with any of it, it's the weakest case ever.

All that being said, what a fucking idiot to make that phone call. I don't think Trump is corrupt, but he's definitely stupid.
Posted by: Blago at August 15, 2023 01:18 PM (cOFom)

Blah, blah, blah... at least come up with something clever.

Posted by: Inogame at August 15, 2023 01:21 PM (53oGX)

20 If there was an opposition party right now Hillary Clinton would be in a sell in Arkansas for claiming Trump stole the election in 2016.

Anyone try contacting their "severely conservative" AG? They did replace the former incumbent who did NOTHING about the CGI for years would be interesting to gets lies and/or sternly worded letters from someone new...

Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:21 PM (lc5cP)

21 I'm just a jerk on the internet and am not a lawyer...
You sure talk purty like one...

Posted by: San Franpsycho at August 15, 2023 01:21 PM (JvZF+)

22 Did they ever get names and addresses for the 17,852 ballots that appeared from nowhere and have no legitimacy whatsoever but were why Biden won Georgia?

But Trump made a phone call about illegal votes being counted or something.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 01:22 PM (OeAlt)

23 Part of the problem is that the criminal RICO statue -- and civil RICO too -- is a piece of garbage that is so overbroad, so vague, and so potentially punitive for minor "crimes" that it's astounding to me it was never struck down as unconstitutional.

I did a lot of civil RICO back when that was fashionable. You make a few allegedly fraudulent statements using mail or interstate wires? That's a predicate offense, dude! You're fucked.

It's an absolutely insane statute that was passed among "get the mafia" hysteria. But it soon morphed into "find me the crime" witch-hunt persecutions like we see here. Some of us saw this coming at the time.

Posted by: Elric Blade at August 15, 2023 01:22 PM (iFTx/)

24 Because asking a state official to do their job correctly is a problem for some people.

Posted by: DaveA at August 15, 2023 01:22 PM (FhXTo)

25 Hiya

Posted by: JT at August 15, 2023 01:22 PM (T4tVD)

26 Next stop, Trump flags outlawed as being offensive as the stars and bars.

Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at August 15, 2023 01:22 PM (oWBc3)

27 Maybe Trump can put out a book. Letters from the Atlanta jail.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 15, 2023 01:22 PM (IjPMX)

28 Hiya Mannix ! Nice post !

Posted by: JT at August 15, 2023 01:22 PM (T4tVD)

29 So what is the process here? Does Trump move for summary dismissal at the first hearing and then appeal the denial to the Georgia Supreme Court?

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 15, 2023 01:23 PM (aD39U)

30 A police state, if you can keep it.

Posted by: ShainS -- Misinflation, Disinflation, & Malinflation Researcher at August 15, 2023 01:23 PM (6VKyY)

31 "I'm just a jerk on the internet and am not a lawyer..."

Nothing wrong with a little jerk on the internet!

Posted by: Jeffrey Toobin at August 15, 2023 01:23 PM (iY8R7)

32 Read the indictment. It would be a hoot and a half if it came from some other country.



It does come from some other country.

Posted by: Just Lily at August 15, 2023 01:23 PM (RLLZj)

33 Blowing up Kemp's staffer's car (and her daughter's boyfriend) might be the single most affective op in recent memory.

Oh, wait, I'm sorry, ICE cars always blow up killing their occupant immediately for no reason whatsoever.

Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:23 PM (lc5cP)

34 HAH

*schlurps martini*

Posted by: hillary Clinton at August 15, 2023 01:23 PM (AD14M)

35 Outrageous. If it were anyone else, they'd be behind bars by now!

Posted by: Gore/Liebermann 2000 at August 15, 2023 01:23 PM (CaJIi)

36 For an entity that hates Trump as much as this government does, it has gone to amazing lengths to not spike the football in his face by not auditing and showcasing just how airtight his election loss really was.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 15, 2023 01:23 PM (KbCG3)

37 *Narrator:

It does come from some other country.
Posted by: Just Lily at August 15, 2023 01:23 PM (RLLZj)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:24 PM (WkNQM)

It does come from some other country.

Welcome to Soviet America where government replaces voters...

Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:24 PM (lc5cP)

39 Outrageous. If it were anyone else, they'd be behind bars by now!
Posted by: Gore/Liebermann 2000 at August 15, 2023 01:23 PM (CaJIi)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:24 PM (WkNQM)

40 Just waiting for a call to arms by Competent Authority.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo, food, water at August 15, 2023 01:24 PM (xcxpd)

41 If this goes to trial in Fulton county he will be convicted and sentenced to 50 years. We may laugh at the absurdity of it all. But the left doesn’t fuck around,
Posted by: Montec at August 15, 2023 01:19 PM (Sk0O1)
I fully expect Trump to go down in some way. Whether it's in Fulton County or somewhere else, they'll get him.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)


I can almost guarantee you, Trump will go down for one of these.

Trump in an orange jump suit is not going to be something we just process and move on.

I say this as someone that really wants Trump to leave politics, but I don't like seeing any of this disgusting behavior. It really is crossing the Rubicon.

It's also apparent to me, this is all done in order to make him a martyr so Biden can run against him. And it will probably work.

Posted by: Blago at August 15, 2023 01:24 PM (cOFom)

42 It's comical that people think it matters one single bit that Trump did or didn't do anything. If he did make a phone call it would be election tampering. If he didn't make a phone call it would be election tampering.

It's all pretend. It has no basis in the truth and nothing to do with the truth. It's all to set up a reason to either

A) keep him off ballots in four or five states in 2024, or

B) justify why empty polling place in Atlanta, Baltimore, Detroit, etc. have 110% turnout and 120M voters turned out to re-elect Biden and vote against that horrible criminal Trump

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 01:25 PM (OeAlt)

43 33 Blowing up Kemp's staffer's car (and her daughter's boyfriend) might be the single most affective op in recent memory.

Oh, wait, I'm sorry, ICE cars always blow up killing their occupant immediately for no reason whatsoever.
Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:23 PM (lc5cP)

It was interesting how no one was very interested in looking into this.. nor ask about the compete about face Kemp took on investigating Fulton County after this.

Posted by: Inogame at August 15, 2023 01:25 PM (53oGX)

44 "Show us the Bad Orange Man, and we'll manufacture the Bad Orange Crimes."

Posted by: ShainS -- Misinflation, Disinflation, & Malinflation Researcher at August 15, 2023 01:25 PM (6VKyY)

45 For an entity that hates Trump as much as this government does, it has gone to amazing lengths to not spike the football in his face by not auditing and showcasing just how airtight his election loss really was.

After Shrub's contested election in 00, Florida provided the means for a full and complete audit of the ballots by all the lefty organizations that claimed he stole it.

They found his margin of victory was slightly larger then originally claimed.

Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:25 PM (lc5cP)


Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 01:25 PM (CIS44)

47 Just waiting for a call to arms by Competent Authority.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo, food, water at August 15, 2023 01:24 PM (xcxpd


Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at August 15, 2023 01:25 PM (BIG3/)

48 I legit think Trump believed that him running again would be mean Dems would be too scared to run him through the legal wringer. Instead it supercharged everything.

Posted by: Blago at August 15, 2023 01:26 PM (cOFom)

49 Where does it end?


Likely mass graves.

Posted by: ShainS -- Misinflation, Disinflation, & Malinflation Researcher at August 15, 2023 01:26 PM (6VKyY)

50 It's also apparent to me, this is all done in order to make him a martyr so Biden can run against him. And it will probably work.
Posted by: Blago at August 15, 2023 01:24 PM (cOFom)

Fire the old time machine up, Blago?

Posted by: Inogame at August 15, 2023 01:26 PM (53oGX)

Posted by: Inogame at August 15, 2023 01:16 PM (53oGX)

I prefer tween meats, IYKWIMAITYD

Posted by: Joey the Sniffer at August 15, 2023 01:26 PM (iY8R7)

52 The real meaning of this is a demonstration that they have already dispensed with the substance and are now preparing to drop the facade of legitimacy.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at August 15, 2023 01:27 PM (JvZF+)

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 01:25 PM (CIS44)

Not yet. I've got a helluva hangover.

Posted by: Norm at August 15, 2023 01:27 PM (v0R5T)

54 42 It's comical that people think it matters one single bit that Trump did or didn't do anything. If he did make a phone call it would be election tampering. If he didn't make a phone call it would be election tampering.

= =

THIS. It doesn't matter what the opposition does. The left plays one game: They flip their coin. "Heads we win. Tails you lose."

Posted by: hillary Clinton at August 15, 2023 01:27 PM (AD14M)

55 "I'm just a jerk on the internet and am not a lawyer"

The last several years have undermined any confidence I had that I understood the law. I've stopped trying.

Posted by: Minimal gp-Based Barrier at August 15, 2023 01:27 PM (MvF+J)

56 Imagine if Shrub had had Manbearpig arrested for contesting the 00 election. Shrub would have been impeached and removed before the week was over. And NRO would have cheered it on...

Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:27 PM (lc5cP)

57 Burning down the country is a small price to pay in order to get Trump.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 15, 2023 01:27 PM (2L+PC)

58 It’s a police state, nothing more or less.

Posted by: Ex GOP at August 15, 2023 01:27 PM (djED6)

59 Oh and waiting for the hotties pics. Always waiting for those...

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo, food, water at August 15, 2023 01:27 PM (xcxpd)

60 There are several large American cities that qualify as criminal enterprises these days, breaking their power will be an interesting exercise.

Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at August 15, 2023 01:27 PM (oWBc3)

61 This jury holds for the defendant in the amount of $5 million each, to be paid by the DA's office, which seems to have an abundance to fund useless trials such at this.

Posted by: SMOD at August 15, 2023 01:28 PM (RHGPo)

62 I'm suspecting they meant it when they said that they won't let Trump be President again.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 15, 2023 01:28 PM (IjPMX)

63 Burning down the country is a small price to pay in order to get Trump.
Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 15, 2023 01:27 PM (2L+PC)
Which doesn't make sense. Trump is likely to be the nominee and is unlikely to win (legitimately or illegitimately - it's irrelevant). Which makes me think that might be the point, but I dunno. These are all uncharted waters.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:28 PM (WkNQM)

64 48 I legit think Trump believed that him running again would be mean Dems would be too scared to run him through the legal wringer. Instead it supercharged everything.
Posted by: Blago at August 15, 2023 01:26 PM (cOFom)

Yes.. because they sure seemed to relax before he talked about running again.

-Things that didn't happen but are imagined by Blago.

Posted by: Inogame at August 15, 2023 01:28 PM (53oGX)

65 I fully expect Trump to go down in some way. Whether it's in Fulton County or somewhere else, they'll get him.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:20 PM (WkNQM)
Ecuador? Hungary?

Posted by: San Franpsycho at August 15, 2023 01:28 PM (JvZF+)

66 So it's clear, in addition to straight up lawfare, is they're trying to make Georgia legit go for Biden this time by doling out payback votes to a "cheater" named Trump.

After hearing 18 months of headlines about Trump trying to cheat Georgia, this is a GOTV to anyone who wants "justice" served via the ballot box.

It's diabolical.

Posted by: ... at August 15, 2023 01:28 PM (D64Af)

67 59 Oh and waiting for the hotties pics. Always waiting for those...
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo, food, water at August 15, 2023 01:27 PM (xcxpd)


The Afternoon Arterton is also on the lookout:

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 15, 2023 01:28 PM (LvTSG)

68 Fox News Wurlitzer will be cranking overtime. WITCH HUNT! HUNTER BIDEN! BENGHAZI! BEAR SPRAY! HER EMAILS!

Indictment charges the folks who pressured poll worker Ruby Freeman - yasss!!...including publicist Trevian Kutti; Illinois pastor Stephen Cliffguard Lee; and Harrison Floyd, who served as director of Black Voices for Trump

Neal Katyal is saying the case is very strong so i have no doubt many will flip because he's going down and they won't get a plea deal if they stick by him.

Where's Lindsay Graham? He must be one of the 30. Working for the prosecution? He was part of the pressure campaign!

Just hoping that when sentencing time comes around, there wil be NO Sympathy For The Devil.

Retribution for Ruby and Shaye! Retribution for all those involved in the election that have been threatened and intimidated! Retribution for Democracy loving Americans everywhere!

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at August 15, 2023 01:28 PM (JCZqz)

69 Where does it end?

Pain. Lotsa pain.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at August 15, 2023 01:29 PM (BIG3/)

70 Re: Supercharged everything

Trump certainly has experienced have massive support from Heritage Americans who realize it has nothing to do with Trump.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 01:29 PM (OeAlt)

71 This is straight-up banana republic stuff.

Indeed, it is.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at August 15, 2023 01:29 PM (Xrfse)

72 45 For an entity that hates Trump as much as this government does, it has gone to amazing lengths to not spike the football in his face by not auditing and showcasing just how airtight his election loss really was.

After Shrub's contested election in 00, Florida provided the means for a full and complete audit of the ballots by all the lefty organizations that claimed he stole it.

They found his margin of victory was slightly larger then originally claimed.
Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:25 PM (lc5cP)

2016 Jill Stein called and told 2020, "Uh...don't go knocking down walls to prove a point."

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 15, 2023 01:29 PM (KbCG3)

73 Weak men create hard times. Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. The need for strong men is upon us.

Posted by: Chairborne!...Desk From Above! at August 15, 2023 01:29 PM (aKuiz)

74 Meanwhile, Republicans send the police state piles of money and fret about their “debates”

Posted by: Ex GOP at August 15, 2023 01:29 PM (djED6)

75 Yes, we have no bananas.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 15, 2023 01:29 PM (aD39U)

76 Fani has got a big fanny.

Posted by: 5th grade jokes at August 15, 2023 01:30 PM (v0R5T)

77 68 Retribution for Ruby and Shaye! Retribution for all those involved in the election that have been threatened and intimidated! Retribution for Democracy loving Americans everywhere!
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at August 15, 2023 01:28 PM (JCZqz)


Think they have any idea the threats and pressure put on lawyers to not defend Trump?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 15, 2023 01:30 PM (LvTSG)

78 Weiss is not legally qualified to be a special counsel in the Hunter Biden case. See 28 CFR § 600.3 - Qualifications of the Special Counsel: "The Special Counsel shall be a lawyer and selected from outside the United States Government."

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at August 15, 2023 01:30 PM (CecP5)

79 How are grand juries selected? Is it completely random, or is there some way to game the system?

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 15, 2023 01:30 PM (2L+PC)

80 It's comical that people think it matters one single bit that Trump did or didn't do anything. If he did make a phone call it would be election tampering. If he didn't make a phone call it would be election tampering.

Posted by: Moron Robbie

If we had a "secret" recording of Obama or Biden with that exact phone call, we would be howling about it. Be honest.

Would they be charged with anything? Of course not, but for a sitting president to personally make a phone call telling the Secretary of State in charge of elections to "find" votes after the election is over, the optics are so bad.

"All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won this state, and flipping the state is a great testament to the country," Trump said. "I only need 11,000 votes. Fellas, I need 11,000 votes. Give me a break." "It's just not possible to have lost Georgia. It's not possible," Trump said."

Posted by: Blago at August 15, 2023 01:30 PM (cOFom)

81 Fani Willis is Alvin Bragg in Drag.

Posted by: garrett at August 15, 2023 01:30 PM (Ow+bp)

82 67 59 Oh and waiting for the hotties pics. Always waiting for those...
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo, food, water at August 15, 2023 01:27 PM (xcxpd)


The Afternoon Arterton is also on the lookout:
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 15, 2023 01:28 PM (LvTSG)

That might be the best Arterton you've shared so far

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo, food, water at August 15, 2023 01:31 PM (xcxpd)

83 ... Indictment charges the folks who pressured poll worker Ruby Freeman - yasss!!...including publicist Trevian Kutti; Illinois pastor Stephen Cliffguard Lee; and Harrison Floyd, who served as director of Black Voices for Trump ...
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at August 15, 2023 01:28 PM (JCZqz)
That's the other part of it, yeah. When I snipped out the long list of names for brevity, it's because it's a *very* long list. Anyone they could connect to Trump's orbit at the time is named in the indictment. I think that's part of the point of this: your life is on the line if you question us.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:31 PM (WkNQM)

84 "I fully expect Trump to go down in some way."

Oh he will dahling.

Posted by: Melania at August 15, 2023 01:31 PM (VMFAF)

85 I have never seen Abrams and Lizzo in the same airplane hangar. Is it because there is a fear of collapsing gravitational fields or are they the same person?

Posted by: Wierzbowski formerly QID at August 15, 2023 01:31 PM (CjHGv)

86 How are grand juries selected? Is it completely random, or is there some way to game the system?
Posted by: Dworkin Barimen

They wouldn't have created the system if it couldn't be gamed.

Posted by: t-bird at August 15, 2023 01:31 PM (ptElO)

87 I saw a new meme today that nails it:

"If you can be jailed for saying an election was stolen, the election was stolen."

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at August 15, 2023 01:31 PM (zjgNU)

88 74 Meanwhile, Republicans send the police state piles of money and fret about their “debates”
Posted by: Ex GOP at August 15, 2023 01:29 PM (djED6)

Hamm and eggers!

Posted by: Hammity! at August 15, 2023 01:31 PM (53oGX)

89 I'm guessing the jury will be manipulated/pressured into voting to convict on at least some of the charges.

Yes, it's patently ridiculous, but you know that there will be credible threats made against the jurors (somehow they will be doxxed).

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 15, 2023 01:31 PM (YIVH2)

90 See, I disagree that this is banana republic level corruption.

I don't think even THEY are this unabashed in their brazeness.

I mean i heard Lil Ki just say that the dems are out of their minds and there's no way people will buy this....

Posted by: SturmToddler at August 15, 2023 01:31 PM (nXhwP)

91 -Things that didn't happen but are imagined by Blago.
Posted by: Inogame
Blago is a Dem demoralization demi troll so best to ignore his blather and his only purpose is to drop anti Trump statements into any post he can get away with.

Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 01:31 PM (6BfIu)

92 How are grand juries selected? Is it completely random, or is there some way to game the system?

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 15, 2023 01:30 PM (2L+PC)


Conduct it in a blue shithole city where > 90% hate America and Trump?

Posted by: ShainS -- Misinflation, Disinflation, & Malinflation Researcher at August 15, 2023 01:31 PM (6VKyY)

93 Yes, we have no bananas.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 15, 2023 01:29 PM (aD39U)
I think they grow some in Hawaii, don't they?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:31 PM (WkNQM)



Posted by: Jimmy Carter at August 15, 2023 01:31 PM (5hfjS)

95 63 Burning down the country is a small price to pay in order to get Trump.
Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 15, 2023 01:27 PM (2L+PC)
Which doesn't make sense. Trump is likely to be the nominee and is unlikely to win (legitimately or illegitimately - it's irrelevant). Which makes me think that might be the point, but I dunno. These are all uncharted waters.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:28 PM (WkNQM)

Think bigger picture, longer term.

Crushing Trump might help them maintain power in 2024, but it also serves to prevent a second Trump from even thinking about rising.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 15, 2023 01:32 PM (KbCG3)

96 One of the key things in the various indictments is that they are going after Trump's lawyers.

They are intent on establishing a precedent that if you represent people that the Deep State doesn't like, you'll be charged too.

This is exactly what Putin is doing with Alexei Navalny's lawyers and other Russian lawyers representing dissidents, of course.

Posted by: Paul Massaro, Six Months From Now! at August 15, 2023 01:32 PM (2tUFv)

97 We have lost any claim to the moral high ground - to the claim of moral authority anywhere in the world. I never thought I'd see it in my lifetime, but we have now become the bad guys.

Time to start investing in bananas because they are now coin of the realm.

Posted by: Chairborne!...Desk From Above! at August 15, 2023 01:32 PM (aKuiz)

98 >>How are grand juries selected? Is it completely random, or is there some way to game the system?

There is no way to game the Grand Jury System any further, as it is always Gamed to allow the Prosecution the outcome it desires.

Grand Jury proceeding ONLY take into account the WORD of the prosecution and are informed to treat it as absolute Truth.

Hence the infamous Ham Sammich.

Posted by: garrett at August 15, 2023 01:32 PM (Ow+bp)

99 If we had a "secret" recording of Obama or Biden with that exact phone call, we would be howling about it. Be honest.

Would they be charged with anything? Of course not, but for a sitting president to personally make a phone call telling the Secretary of State in charge of elections to "find" votes after the election is over, the optics are so bad.

"All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won this state, and flipping the state is a great testament to the country," Trump said. "I only need 11,000 votes. Fellas, I need 11,000 votes. Give me a break." "It's just not possible to have lost Georgia. It's not possible," Trump said."
Posted by: Blago at August 15, 2023 01:30 PM (cOFom).

You are full of shiff.

Posted by: Hammity! at August 15, 2023 01:32 PM (53oGX)

100 I say this as someone that really wants Trump to leave politics, but I don't like seeing any of this disgusting behavior. It really is crossing the Rubicon.

This country has one hell of a lot of Rubicons.

It's also apparent to me, this is all done in order to make him a martyr so Biden can run against him. And it will probably work.

I am not a fan of triple bankshot theories. I dislike the "Trump wanted all these indictments so he can prove the steal in court!" theories as well as the "Dems are just indicting Trump so he will be the Republican candidate" ones.

The reason the Dems are indicting Trump is simple - they want him to die in jail. No other reason.

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 01:32 PM (Jk9SN)

101 This is no different-- and treads in much the same way as-- the DC indictment for J6.

The sole question, which they resolve as "yes" is, "is the government the sole adjudicator of facts?"

From all that flows the rest of the crimes: The government has decided that Biden won. Therefore, any claims of cheating, irregularities or vote fraud are false.
Any acts done upon those false claims are fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud.

Do you know what is missing from all of these indictments?
A victim. Not one person was harmed. Not one person was denied life, liberty or property.

But here is what's worse: Suppose Trump was successful-- the success of his fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud is a purely political question. It's not within the authority for the courts to decide.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 15, 2023 01:32 PM (wbBkh)

102 The target of this indictment is not only Trump. By dragging in everybody who ever worked or spoke with Trump about the election, they hope to discourage any future questioning of elections the Democrats win. It opens the door for them to use even more fraud and other funny business, just daring Republicans to raise questions.

They’ve been destroying the careers of any lawyer who’s helped Trump. Then they mock Trump for having trouble finding good lawyers. It’s diabolical.

Posted by: Rusty Trawler at August 15, 2023 01:32 PM (1gif2)

103 Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at August 15, 2023 01:28 PM (JCZqz)

Me thinks they're gonna be disappointed

Posted by: It's me donna at August 15, 2023 01:32 PM (bs+z0)

104 Think they have any idea the threats and pressure put on lawyers to not defend Trump?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, c

There was an elector from FL talking about the unrelenting pressure from various sources he was put under after the 2016 election to reject the vote for Trump.

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 01:32 PM (CIS44)

105 I forgot...also, GJ doesn't require unanimity.

Posted by: garrett at August 15, 2023 01:32 PM (Ow+bp)

106 Weiss is not legally qualified to be a special counsel in the Hunter Biden case. See 28 CFR § 600.3 - Qualifications of the Special Counsel: "The Special Counsel shall be a lawyer and selected from outside the United States Government."
Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at August 15, 2023 01:30 PM (CecP5)
We're very clearly a post-law country.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:33 PM (WkNQM)

107 "All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won this state, and flipping the state is a great testament to the country," Trump said. "I only need 11,000 votes. Fellas, I need 11,000 votes. Give me a break." "It's just not possible to have lost Georgia. It's not possible," Trump said."


And he was 100% correct.

Him being right was the problem.


"The recount total as Moncla and Rossi have uncovered shows that a grand total of 17,852 ballots are from “unknown provenance.” They found images of those ballots, but no physical ballot that match the images. The only explanation for this is a machine error – which should invalidate Georgia’s results – or outright fraud, which should also invalidate the state’s election results.

You can’t have a 17,852-vote “error” in an election that was supposedly decided by 11,778 votes."

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 01:33 PM (OeAlt)

108 >that have been threatened and intimidated! Retribution for Democracy loving Americans everywhere!
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at August 15, 2023 01:28 PM (JCZqz)

Thanks for making me feel like I've taken crazy pills.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 15, 2023 01:33 PM (2L+PC)

109 Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 01:31 PM (6BfIu)

I know... I'm just enjoying myself.
If it bothers the horde I will stop.

Posted by: Hammity! at August 15, 2023 01:33 PM (53oGX)

110 This whole mess will blow up in our faces and it won't be pretty!

Posted by: The Junta Soviet at August 15, 2023 01:33 PM (CUJgk)

111 Think bigger picture, longer term.

Crushing Trump might help them maintain power in 2024, but it also serves to prevent a second Trump from even thinking about rising.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 15, 2023 01:32 PM (KbCG3)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:33 PM (WkNQM)

112 Weiss is not legally qualified to be a special counsel in the Hunter Biden case. See 28 CFR § 600.3 - Qualifications of the Special Counsel: "The Special Counsel shall be a lawyer and selected from outside the United States Government."
Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at August 15, 2023 01:30 PM (CecP5)

-Merrick Garland

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 01:33 PM (CIS44)

113 Off fox news sock

Posted by: Inogame at August 15, 2023 01:33 PM (53oGX)

114 Screw them and screw Hillary. But not screw Hillary gross.

Posted by: SOMEASSHOLESTOLEMYPEN at August 15, 2023 01:33 PM (ytSiK)

115 I saw a new meme today that nails it:

"If you can be jailed for saying an election was stolen, the election was stolen."

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at August 15, 2023 01:31 PM (zjgNU)


Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

Posted by: ShainS -- Misinflation, Disinflation, & Malinflation Researcher at August 15, 2023 01:34 PM (6VKyY)

116 Does anyone here think Fani Willis IQ is over three digits? I was thinking maybe 90-95. After seeing her last night and today, I think high 80s.

Posted by: Tards Rule! at August 15, 2023 01:34 PM (83IzV)

117 It's also apparent to me, this is all done in order to make him a martyr so Biden can run against him. And it will probably work.
Posted by: Blago at August 15, 2023 01:24 PM (cOFom)

It is amusing to me that anyone can see this and believe that some other potential candidate, perhaps someone who has never held a job outside of the government, could have both the intention and the potential to do good for the people of the United States and would be permitted to both win and make good on their plans.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 15, 2023 01:34 PM (1Z8zZ)

118 One of the key things in the various indictments is that they are going after Trump's lawyers.

They are intent on establishing a precedent that if you represent people that the Deep State doesn't like, you'll be charged too.

This is exactly what Putin is doing with Alexei Navalny's lawyers and other Russian lawyers representing dissidents, of course.
Posted by: Paul Massaro, Six Months From Now! at August 15, 2023 01:32 PM (2tUFv)
They've already destroyed attorney/client privilege in the war on Trump, so destroying access to attorneys is a good next step. That's definitely part of the point of all this, and why there are so many named defendants. If you're associated with Emmanuel Goldstein, you will be punished along with him.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:34 PM (WkNQM)

Read the indictment. It would be a hoot and a half if it came from some other country.
Posted by: Joe Mannix

We ARE some other country. Now.

Posted by: George Takei at August 15, 2023 01:34 PM (63Dwl)

120 Trump embarrassed the fuck out of assholes in 2016. He has to pay. Narcissistic and dangerous adult baby monsters.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at August 15, 2023 01:35 PM (BIG3/)

121 We have lost any claim to the moral high ground - to the claim of moral authority anywhere in the world. I never thought I'd see it in my lifetime, but we have now become the bad guys.


The same federal agencies who carried out 2015-2020 in the United States have been directly in charge of carrying out color revolutions around the world for decades.

There are more than a few folks who assume all of the offshore ones were to see what worked and what didn't in order to successfully do it here. I can't find a flaw with that argument.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 01:35 PM (OeAlt)

122 Disgusting. Outrageous. Where are all of the civil liberties Democrats?

Don't answer that.

They can eat a steaming bag of dicks and die.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at August 15, 2023 01:35 PM (lf83v)

123 This is exactly what Putin is doing with Alexei Navalny's lawyers and other Russian lawyers representing dissidents, of course.

Everything the FNM tells me to hate Vlad for the Biden junta does as well. Except Vlad isn't trying to cut the balls of Russian children and/or provide them as sex toys to his allies.

Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:35 PM (lc5cP)

124 Weiss is not legally qualified to be a special counsel in the Hunter Biden case. See 28 CFR § 600.3 - Qualifications of the Special Counsel: "The Special Counsel shall be a lawyer and selected from outside the United States Government."

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at August 15, 2023 01:30 PM (CecP5)


I anticipate strongly-worded letters from the controlled "opposition."


Posted by: ShainS -- Misinflation, Disinflation, & Malinflation Researcher at August 15, 2023 01:35 PM (6VKyY)

125 Ham sammiches for everyone!

Posted by: Atlanta DA at August 15, 2023 01:35 PM (CUJgk)

126 Him being right was the problem.

If he were wrong, they'd have nothing to fear.

Posted by: t-bird at August 15, 2023 01:35 PM (Sv58p)

127 By this logic, if you donated to a Trump related "stop the steal" effort you are guilty of a felony in Georgia.
Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem

Which is why all the criminals are being freed. It is to make room for all of us insurr3ctionists.

Posted by: db (lowercase since 2008) back from a 2 year break at August 15, 2023 01:36 PM (wu87C)

128 There is no way to game the Grand Jury System any further, as it is always Gamed to allow the Prosecution the outcome it desires.

Grand Jury proceeding ONLY take into account the WORD of the prosecution and are informed to treat it as absolute Truth.

Hence the infamous Ham Sammich.
Posted by: garrett at August 15, 2023 01:32 PM (Ow+bp)
In my county, grand juries also don't need unanimous votes to proceed with an indictment. Only 9 votes are needed (out of 12).

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 15, 2023 01:36 PM (YIVH2)

129 55 "I'm just a jerk on the internet and am not a lawyer"

The last several years have undermined any confidence I had that I understood the law. I've stopped trying.
Posted by: Minimal gp-Based Barrier
Easy, do not figure that the legal system provides 'justice', it can but that is not its primary purpose.l Its purpose to prevent conflicts from becoming large enough to threaten society. The Dems, in their stupidity or desperation, have chosen to elevate it into Lawfare-war by other means as a way of ensuring dominance.

Won't work in the long run as it simply causes the conflict to become bigger than the legal system and then raw power and force will determine the result. Won't do many of those pencil necked dweebs with high school trauma of being stuffed in lockers very good either.

Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 01:36 PM (6BfIu)

130 67

Sticks her tongue out too much.


Would not bang.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 15, 2023 01:36 PM (xTRSc)

131 Blago asks questions then pretends the answers don't exist. Classic troll. Classic Blago.

Posted by: ... at August 15, 2023 01:36 PM (D64Af)

132 Disgusting. Outrageous. Where are all of the civil liberties Democrats?

Glenn Greenwald is right in one of our other threads.

You said "all" right? So there you go

Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:36 PM (lc5cP)

133 They've already destroyed attorney/client privilege in the war on Trump, so destroying access to attorneys is a good next step. That's definitely part of the point of all this, and why there are so many named defendants. If you're associated with Emmanuel Goldstein, you will be punished along with him.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)

In the same vein, The Bar Associations in states have also gone after and continue to go after anyone who represents Trump.

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 01:36 PM (CIS44)

134 I'm waiting for indictments from AZ, PA, MI, NV..

Not sure which state will be next but it's coming and no one will stop them, including the courts.

Have any red county GA DAs indicted Stacey Abrams? What about the Gope AG?

No? Huh

Posted by: Not trying to be mean but... at August 15, 2023 01:36 PM (pHPwR)

135 96 One of the key things in the various indictments is that they are going after Trump's lawyers.

They are intent on establishing a precedent that if you represent people that the Deep State doesn't like, you'll be charged too.

And what if anything will be done? I want those lawyers baying for blood the very moment this happens.

Posted by: NR Pax at August 15, 2023 01:37 PM (4olE8)

136 If this goes to trial in Fulton county he will be convicted and sentenced to 50 years. We may laugh at the absurdity of it all. But the left doesn’t fuck around,
Posted by: Montec at August 15, 2023 01:19 PM (Sk0O1)
Not from this lousy piece of shit indictment, he won't.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at August 15, 2023 01:37 PM (CUJgk)

137 Remember when the forewoman of the grand jury appeared on CNN? Does this really surprise anybody?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 15, 2023 01:37 PM (IjPMX)

138 By this logic, if you donated to a Trump related "stop the steal" effort you are guilty of a felony in Georgia.
Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem

(points finger at nose)

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 01:37 PM (Jk9SN)

139 Imagine if Shrub had had Manbearpig arrested for contesting the 00 election. Shrub would have been impeached and removed before the week was over. And NRO would have cheered it on...
Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:27 PM (lc5cP)

The difference is that Gore challenged the election prior to the EC meeting AND that Florida permitted him to do so.

Trump challenged the election prior to the EC meeting and no one permitted him to do so. Because he was right and they could not permit that.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 15, 2023 01:37 PM (1Z8zZ)

140 They've already destroyed attorney/client privilege in the war on Trump, so destroying access to attorneys is a good next step. That's definitely part of the point of all this, and why there are so many named defendants. If you're associated with Emmanuel Goldstein, you will be punished along with him.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:34 PM (WkNQM)
I'm no Constitutional scholar, but it does seem to me that preventing someone from having access to legal representation of their choosing could be a violation of civil rights...

Trump may even be denied a public defender.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 15, 2023 01:37 PM (YIVH2)

141 Like, is there going to be an NYC area meetup anytime soon?

Posted by: Grandmalcaesar at August 15, 2023 01:37 PM (JDYuG)

142 >Crushing Trump might help them maintain power in 2024, but it also serves to prevent a second Trump from even thinking about rising.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 15, 2023 01:32 PM (KbCG3)

I think the primary goal is to isolate Trump and by extension, any future "Trump", from any base of support. Target and pick off his supporters.

Amateurs talk tactics, pros talk logistics.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 15, 2023 01:37 PM (2L+PC)

143 Not from this lousy piece of shit indictment, he won't.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at August 15, 2023 01:37 PM (CUJgk)

Where do you the jury is going to be from?

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 01:37 PM (Jk9SN)

144 This is no different-- and treads in much the same way as-- the DC indictment for J6.

The sole question, which they resolve as "yes" is, "is the government the sole adjudicator of facts?" ...
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 15, 2023 01:32 PM (wbBkh)
That is how the indictment reads, especially the stuff about the video from State Farm Arena. It boils down to, "their interpretation of the video they provided during testimony differs from the state's interpretation of the video and it is therefore perjury."

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:38 PM (WkNQM)

145 In my county, grand juries also don't need unanimous votes to proceed with an indictment. Only 9 votes are needed (out of 12).
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel
Grand juries at the federal level require a bare minimum majority. States have different requirements but none require unanimity and are not required to have the constitutional requirement of fed grand juries to have 23 members (one less than two trial juries).

Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 01:38 PM (6BfIu)

146 And again: Trump needs to fire his silk-stocking, blue-blood lawyers and hire pitbull criminal defense lawyers.

They are doing him no favors by playing this like just another civil trial. It's so clear that they are utterly clueless about how to defend a hated client.

They need to have filed every possible motion that is subject to interlocutory appeal yesterday. Of course the judges will deny every Trump motion. But the denial gets him instant appeal--tying all these cases up until 2025.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 15, 2023 01:38 PM (wbBkh)

147 Going to get worse from here!

Posted by: The Guy Who Always Says It's Gonna Get Worse at August 15, 2023 01:38 PM (PWI4f)

148 Easy, do not figure that the legal system provides 'justice', it can but that is not its primary purpose.l Its purpose to prevent conflicts from becoming large enough to threaten society.


Thanks, whig. That's a perfect summary for us non-legal types.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 01:38 PM (OeAlt)

149 Does anyone here think Fani Willis IQ is over three digits? I was thinking maybe 90-95. After seeing her last night and today, I think high 80s.

I think that's giving her too much credit.

Between her and the jury forewoman there's a solid case to repeal the 19th Amendment.

Posted by: Ian S. at August 15, 2023 01:38 PM (2ocoG)

150 Of a jury will accept that Bergdorf's nonsense, a jury will accept this. You're kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at August 15, 2023 01:38 PM (KFhLj)


Him being right was the problem.

Posted by: Moron Robbie

If Biden called a Democrat Secretary of State with that same exact phone call, and also threatening him politically if he didnt find the votes, would you think there was anything wrong with it?

"All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won this state, and flipping the state is a great testament to the country," Trump said. "I only need 11,000 votes. Fellas, I need 11,000 votes. Give me a break." "It's just not possible to have lost Georgia. It's not possible,"

I'm not saying legally, I'm just saying, you wouldnt complain? You wouldnt think it looked corrupt as hell?

Again, my issue is Trump's stupidity at actually making a phone call like that and STILL not knowing he was always being recorded.

Posted by: Blago at August 15, 2023 01:38 PM (cOFom)

152 I'm no Constitutional scholar, but it does seem to me that preventing someone from having access to legal representation of their choosing could be a violation of civil rights...

Trump may even be denied a public defender.
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 15, 2023 01:37 PM (YIVH2)

Yeah well saying that makes you a racist so....

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 01:38 PM (Jk9SN)

153 This jury holds for the defendant in the amount of $5 million each, to be paid by the DA's office, which seems to have an abundance to fund useless trials such at this.
Posted by: SMOD at August 15, 2023 01:28 PM (RHGPo)

No! Not the DA's office. The DA... personally. This person doesn't give a damn if the taxpayers of Fulton County are on the hook for a payout.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 15, 2023 01:38 PM (1Z8zZ)

154 Remember when the forewoman of the grand jury appeared on CNN? Does this really surprise anybody?

Normal Banana Republic: The Forewoman discusses how they violated the rights of the accused with her handler

Social Media Banana Republic: The Forewoman discusses how they violated the rights of the accused with CNN

Clown World Social Media Banana Republic: The Forewoman, who is a literal witch, discusses how they violated the rights of the accused with CNN

Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:39 PM (lc5cP)

155 That Trump just is always causing confusion and delay. He's a naughty boy.

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 15, 2023 01:39 PM (DmtxH)

156 I'm no Constitutional scholar, but it does seem to me that preventing someone from having access to legal representation of their choosing could be a violation of civil rights...


We don't live there anymore.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 01:39 PM (OeAlt)

157 111 Think bigger picture, longer term.

Crushing Trump might help them maintain power in 2024, but it also serves to prevent a second Trump from even thinking about rising.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 15, 2023 01:32 PM (KbCG3)
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:33 PM (WkNQM)

History tells us that what comes next won't be Trump... it will be something less forgiving.

Posted by: Inogame at August 15, 2023 01:39 PM (53oGX)

158 "soliciting false statements" or "solicitation of violation of oath by public officer."

Those sound suspiciously like made up bullshit.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at August 15, 2023 01:39 PM (Q4IgG)

159 By that standard, virtually any local government has jurisdiction over virtually anything it wants.

A fascinating observation, even while we watched 80+ cowardly judges all run away screaming "Lack of standing! Lack of standing!" They taught us that no one has the standing to challenge the conduct of an election anywhere in the US: not the candidate, not party, not the supporters, not the election workers, not the State Legislatures, not even the State Governors. No one had any standing to challenge the conduct.

That's when I knew for certain that we no longer have a Republic, a nation, or any Rule of Law.

Posted by: LCMS Rulz! at August 15, 2023 01:39 PM (K58O6)

160 150 Of a jury will accept that Bergdorf's nonsense, a jury will accept this. You're kidding yourself if you think otherwise.
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at August 15, 2023 01:38 PM (KFhLj)

That's one for the record books

Posted by: It's me donna at August 15, 2023 01:39 PM (bs+z0)

161 so trump wanted officials to see if there were uncounted votes for him. don't dems do that pretty much every time they lose a close election? norm coleman vs al franken? rossi vs gregoire in washington state?

as i've said before, we are now in the future.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at August 15, 2023 01:40 PM (B1FKF)

162 >Weiss is not legally qualified to be a special counsel in the Hunter Biden case. See 28 CFR § 600.3 - Qualifications of the Special Counsel: "The Special Counsel shall be a lawyer and selected from outside the United States Government."
Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at August 15, 2023 01:30 PM (CecP5)
We're very clearly a post-law country.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:33 PM (WkNQM)

I'm sure the DOJ will get right onto investigating the DOJ for such a blatant violation.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 15, 2023 01:40 PM (2L+PC)

163 The funny thing about being honest is the same as the funny thing about being right.

You don't worry about being recorded.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 01:40 PM (OeAlt)

164 Whatever you think of Newt, he's a sober historian and he knows what's coming.

He's calling for the House to defund Smiths witch hunt.

*pushes all chips to center of table *

They won't.

Posted by: Not trying to be mean but... at August 15, 2023 01:40 PM (pHPwR)

165 This is no different-- and treads in much the same way as-- the DC indictment for J6.

To an extent Trump is paying the price for not defending them on his way out.

But...this was always a problem during his time in office, he never really got just how bad the opposition was and how low they were willing to go.

Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:40 PM (lc5cP)

166 Weiss is not legally qualified to be a special counsel in the Hunter Biden case. See 28 CFR § 600.3 - Qualifications of the Special Counsel: "The Special Counsel shall be a lawyer and selected from outside the United States Government."
Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at August 15, 2023 01:30 PM (CecP5)

And yet...

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 15, 2023 01:40 PM (1Z8zZ)

167 "Conspiracy to commit impersonating a public officer"??

The mental state of these individuals is truly beyond my comprehension. I guess they and their ilk TRULY hate Trump, and now his attorneys as well.

Posted by: sidney at August 15, 2023 01:41 PM (Uy/WF)

168 Those sound suspiciously like made up bullshit.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at August 15, 2023 01:39 PM (Q4IgG)

Well, yes.

But think what they sound like to a Fulton county jury.

Big law words that orange man bad did!

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 01:41 PM (Jk9SN)

169 Meanwhile, still no toxicology report for the Obamas' chef who died in this year's Mary Jo Kopechne Classic Paddleboard Regatta.

But oodles of indictments against Trump.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at August 15, 2023 01:41 PM (lf83v)

170 154 Remember when the forewoman of the grand jury appeared on CNN? Does this really surprise anybody?

Normal Banana Republic: The Forewoman discusses how they violated the rights of the accused with her handler

Social Media Banana Republic: The Forewoman discusses how they violated the rights of the accused with CNN

Clown World Social Media Banana Republic: The Forewoman, who is a literal witch, discusses how they violated the rights of the accused with CNN
BLUF - White Boys don't you come snuffing around Fulton County. Any chance Bo, Luke and Daisy May Duke are planning on attending the trial?

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 15, 2023 01:41 PM (DmtxH)

171 I would also be remiss if I failed to point out that Fani Willis is Appropriating her hairstyle.

Posted by: garrett at August 15, 2023 01:41 PM (Ow+bp)

172 metamorphosis > the trial

Posted by: anachronda at August 15, 2023 01:41 PM (oY6Yp)

173 Blago is spanish for "ignore"

Posted by: ... at August 15, 2023 01:41 PM (D64Af)

174 172 metamorphosis > the trial
Posted by: anachronda at August 15, 2023 01:41 PM (oY6Yp)


Ah, but The Trial has fewer giant cockroaches.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 15, 2023 01:41 PM (LvTSG)

175 >In my county, grand juries also don't need unanimous votes to proceed with an indictment. Only 9 votes are needed (out of 12).
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 15, 2023 01:36 PM (YIVH2)

So merely empaneling a GJ in an urban bugman hive pretty much guarantees an indictment against Emmanuel Goldstein.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 15, 2023 01:41 PM (2L+PC)

176 Something something, tell a lie big enough, something something, important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, something something.

I dunno...but I'm sure these indictments are legitimate.

Posted by: Crazy to be sane at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (EHbE8)

177 Where do you the jury is going to be from?
Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 01:37 PM (Jk9SN)
This thing will be tossed, if not at the trial level, at the appeals level. Even in a State of Georgia court room a man can speak his opinion. Of that, Trump is guilty as hell. But this ridiculous indictment will eventually be recognized for the stunt it is, and an embarrassed state court (at some level) will say so.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (CUJgk)

178 The same federal agencies who carried out 2015-2020 in the United States have been directly in charge of carrying out color revolutions around the world for decades.

There are more than a few folks who assume all of the offshore ones were to see what worked and what didn't in order to successfully do it here. I can't find a flaw with that argument.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 01:35 PM (OeAlt)


I wonder what color will be used to depict this revolution? It'll have to be of an Orange variation ... perhaps "Smashed Pumpkin."

Posted by: ShainS -- Misinflation, Disinflation, & Malinflation Researcher at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (6VKyY)

179 as i've said before, we are now in the future.
Posted by: gnats local 678 at August 15, 2023 01:40 PM (B1FKF)

Soon, these will be the Good Ole Days.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (aD39U)

180 So merely empaneling a GJ in an urban bugman hive pretty much guarantees an indictment against Emmanuel Goldstein.
Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 15, 2023 01:41 PM (2L+PC)
Something something ham sandwich something something.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (WkNQM)

181 "Clown World Social Media Banana Republic"

Durian Republic.

Posted by: Minimal gp-Based Barrier at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (MvF+J)

182 171 I would also be remiss if I failed to point out that Fani Willis is Appropriating her hairstyle.
Posted by: garrett at August 15, 2023 01:41 PM (Ow+bp)

Some talking head last night said she had a make-over for this occasion

Posted by: It's me donna at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (bs+z0)

183 A fascinating observation, even while we watched 80+ cowardly judges all run away screaming "Lack of standing! Lack of standing!" They taught us that no one has the standing to challenge the conduct of an election anywhere in the US


The massive car explosion that launched the vehicle 30-40 yards after a low-speed sideswipe incident before the issue was immediately resolved in Georgia and Trump was determined to have lost was mentioned above.

It doesn't take much to figure it out.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (OeAlt)

184 No one had any standing to challenge the conduct.

The next step should have been the governors of the Red State offering a plebiscite for independence to their people. The right to case in front of the SC when their is a dispute between states is literally in the constitution.

If the federal courts and legislature have decided to invalide the constitution why should the states remain in a corrupt system?

Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (lc5cP)

185 Clown World Social Media Banana Republic: The Forewoman, who is a literal witch, discusses how they violated the rights of the accused with CNN
Posted by: 18-1

Burn the witch!

Posted by: rickb223 at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (iH7eX)

186 You should see the article linked on Insty. The writer harrumphs at PDT while destroying strawmen which stand on a premise of sand.

The full throated defense of these political actions by people who should know better is nothing short of staggering.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (2YtOq)

187 I like how some commentators on the right are saying okay good Fulton County its all out in the open now the new rules are going to apply to you too!

Narrator: no they aren't.

Bring up Al Gore and his attorneys on these charges in Florida. Do it.

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (Jk9SN)

188 79 How are grand juries selected? Is it completely random, or is there some way to game the system?
Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 15, 2023 01:30 PM (2L+PC)

It can be crazy biased depending on the locale. Apparently, until about 15 years ago, in Texas the grand juries did not have to be randomly selected like a regular jury. Very often it was friends of the DA, retired attorneys, former cops, family members, etc... The only requirement was that each individual could only be called for one 6 month term per year. Again very often they were used the next year.....the things I learned from being on a grand jury this year.

Posted by: Mishdog at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (ZT+DN)

189 So merely empaneling a GJ in an urban bugman hive pretty much guarantees an indictment against Emmanuel Goldstein.
Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 15, 2023 01:41 PM (2L+PC)
Pretty much, yeah. Urban centers are probably going to be at least 75% Democrat, so it stands to reason there'd be about that proportion of Democrats on a grand jury panel.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 15, 2023 01:43 PM (YIVH2)

190 >In the same vein, The Bar Associations in states have also gone after and continue to go after anyone who represents Trump.
Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 01:36 PM (CIS44)

Those dickheads were tripping over themselves to represent terrorists connected to 9/11, but Bad Orange Man doesn't deserve the most basic human rights.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 15, 2023 01:43 PM (2L+PC)

191 Soon, these will be the Good Ole Days.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (aD39U)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:43 PM (WkNQM)

192 173 Blago is spanish for "ignore"
Posted by: ...
Thought it mean incontinent.

Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 01:43 PM (6BfIu)

193 So the Coup D'etat is charging the winner he is charging fraud

Posted by: Skip at August 15, 2023 01:43 PM (MOY79)

194 173 Concur. Broken NT record.

Posted by: Regular joe at August 15, 2023 01:43 PM (nnp+f)

195 Kemp is such a mega faggot, another reason I am reluctant to listen to anything from the Desantis side. These are the people on his side, along with even more mega faggots like Erick Erickson, absolutely giddy Trump might go to jail on BS charges all because some state level gamesmanship in prosecution.

It really is becoming apparent there WAS something wrong with the 2020 election when everyone is saying "I will send you to jail for questioning it."

Posted by: UwU_Power at August 15, 2023 01:44 PM (8rrX6)

196 "On or about Nov 19, 2020 Donald John Trump ate a breakfast consisting on 3 eggs over easy, 4 strips of bacon, hash browns with cheese and 2 cups of coffee. Thus satiated, he was able to further his conspiracy"

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 15, 2023 01:44 PM (eL0G3)

197 But what other facts should be the sole province of determination by the state?

Under the precedent that will be set by these cases--that is urged by the prosecutors--, it will be "fraud on the United States" and "solicitation of violation of oath of office" to post on Twitter that the government is lying about Covid death statistics.

Same for saying they are lying about getting us into war.
Or lying about climate change.
Or lying about the amount of government waste. And on and on--nothing off-limits.

These cases against Trump are prosecutor-created Alien and Sedition Acts.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 15, 2023 01:44 PM (wbBkh)

198 "Conspiracy to commit impersonating a public officer"??

The mental state of these individuals is truly beyond my comprehension. I guess they and their ilk TRULY hate Trump, and now his attorneys as well.
Posted by: sidney


Where in the non-diverse midwest do you live?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 01:44 PM (OeAlt)

They've already destroyed attorney/client privilege in the war on Trump, so destroying access to attorneys is a good next step. That's definitely part of the point of all this, and why there are so many named defendants. If you're associated with Emmanuel Goldstein, you will be punished along with him.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)

In the same vein, The Bar Associations in states have also gone after and continue to go after anyone who represents Trump.
Posted by: BruceWayne

See the 65 project.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 15, 2023 01:44 PM (63Dwl)

200 This thing will be tossed, if not at the trial level, at the appeals level. Even in a State of Georgia court room a man can speak his opinion. Of that, Trump is guilty as hell. But this ridiculous indictment will eventually be recognized for the stunt it is, and an embarrassed state court (at some level) will say so.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (CUJgk)

Eventually didn't mean much to Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.

Eventually means nothing. You've already allowed that it will have to get to a court of appeals before it gets looked at with any seriousness. They are going to convict Trump of this bullshit.

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 01:45 PM (Jk9SN)

201 The appearance of this busty, bespectacled blonde on this thread is an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy:

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:45 PM (WkNQM)

202 The only requirement was that each individual could only be called for one 6 month term per year. Again very often they were used the next year.....the things I learned from being on a grand jury this year.
Posted by: Mishdog at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (ZT+DN)
Wow. That's VERY different from my location. We can only serve one six-month term every 10 years. We are also excused from regular jury duty during that time (still eligible for federal duty, of course).

I'm not sure how the members are selected, but it seems to be a fairly random slice of the community based on my limited experience.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 15, 2023 01:45 PM (YIVH2)

203 The kink this with this Georgia indictment is it doesn't matter if it's completely rubbish. Odds on, because ther're so many allegations contained in the indictment, one of them is going to stick at the trial level and stand a high probability of being reversed through the appellate process. And when will that be four years from now? Brian nobody's going to remember this much except that Trump is a convicted criminal and that is the whole point of this exercise. The prosecutor here, like the rest of them going after Trump, isn't a prosecutor she's a political activist hunting scalps and the toll this is taking on the nation is unimaginable and unknown. The consequences of all this are going to revertebrate for decades.

Posted by: Lost In Space at August 15, 2023 01:45 PM (zh/Tt)

204 If only Trump had managed to beat the steal we wouldn't be in this mess. Of the crime of losing to Resident Basement Man, at least, he is guilty.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at August 15, 2023 01:45 PM (CUJgk)

205 Eventually didn't mean much to Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.

Or Tom Delay.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at August 15, 2023 01:45 PM (KFhLj)

206 182 171 I would also be remiss if I failed to point out that Fani Willis is Appropriating her hairstyle.
Posted by: garrett at August 15, 2023 01:41 PM (Ow+bp)

Some talking head last night said she had a make-over for this occasion
So she got a new weave?

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 15, 2023 01:45 PM (DmtxH)

207 Pretty much, yeah. Urban centers are probably going to be at least 75% Democrat, so it stands to reason there'd be about that proportion of Democrats on a grand jury panel.

And...suppose you are the one hold out. Will you still be after you get a visit from your local antifa stormtroopers? Ask the jury in Oregon...

Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:45 PM (lc5cP)

208 Republican presidential primary debate August 23rd
To qualify for the first debate in Milwaukee, the Republican National Committee requires that candidates reach at least 1% in multiple eligible polls, gather at least 40,000 donors, and sign a pledge committing to supporting the ultimate GOP nominee.
>Qualified according to their campaigns:
Ron DeSantis
Nikki Haley
Tim Scott
Doug Burgum
Vivek Ramaswamy
>Hasn't signed pledge but campaign says they qualify:
Donald Trump
Mike Pence
Chris Christie
>Hasn't qualified:
Will Hurd
Larry Elder
Asa Hutchinson
Francis Suarez (unclear)

Posted by: BeautifulHillaryClinton at August 15, 2023 01:45 PM (MFZ8i)

209 --- How wide does this spread if Trump and his vast number of "co-conspirators" are convicted?

Our Republic is on trial.

Posted by: Braenyard at August 15, 2023 01:46 PM (AbYHm)

210 See 28 CFR § 600.3 - Qualifications of the Special Counsel: "The Special Counsel shall be a lawyer and selected from outside the United States Government."

I've seen others say that this is only a DOJ regulation- not a law- and one which only the Attorney General may go against.

Posted by: t-bird at August 15, 2023 01:46 PM (amJF4)

211 I wonder what color will be used to depict this revolution? It'll have to be of an Orange variation ... perhaps "Smashed Pumpkin."
Posted by: ShainS -- Misinflation, Disinflation, & Malinflation Researcher at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (6VKyY)


Black Lives Matter was the start, then Rainbow Fags (it's not an accident they both have ties to the antifa brownshirts).

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 01:46 PM (OeAlt)

212 Democrats are going to democrat. But I can't with these fucking republicans who, once again, implore us to give the left this one more victory, lest they get angry and do something worse! Fuck them in particular.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 15, 2023 01:46 PM (eL0G3)

213 146 And again: Trump needs to fire his silk-stocking, blue-blood lawyers and hire pitbull criminal defense lawyers.

They are doing him no favors by playing this like just another civil trial. It's so clear that they are utterly clueless about how to defend a hated client.

They need to have filed every possible motion that is subject to interlocutory appeal yesterday. Of course the judges will deny every Trump motion. But the denial gets him instant appeal--tying all these cases up until 2025.
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 15, 2023 01:38 PM (wbBkh)

This is a moment in time where all of these armchair lawyers who make their living opining on their podcasts about what Trump should do should step into the ring.

Don't tell me this is an existential crisis in a YouTube video and then sit back to see how it turns out.

And I get it's likely not as simple as just volunteering your services, but it's a start.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 15, 2023 01:46 PM (KbCG3)

214 Eventually didn't mean much to Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.
Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 01:45 PM (Jk9SN)
What do you mean... he walked.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at August 15, 2023 01:46 PM (CUJgk)

215 201 The appearance of this busty, bespectacled blonde on this thread is an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:45 PM (WkNQM)


Only a soupcon of freckles.


Would not bang.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 15, 2023 01:46 PM (LvTSG)

216 from turley (seen at twitchy):

"While others have portrayed the statement as a raw call for fabricating the votes, it seems more likely that Trump was swatting back claims that there was no value to a statewide recount by pointing out that he wouldn't have to find a statistically high number of votes to change the outcome of the election. It is telling that many politicians and pundits refuse to even acknowledge that obvious alternate meaning."

only needs a couple of jurors to agree and refuse to convict: reasonable doubt

Posted by: gnats local 678 at August 15, 2023 01:46 PM (B1FKF)

217 If this stands, that is if it goes forward without immediate reprisal against this DA, then this country is irrevocably damaged and it's doubtful it will make it another ten years.

This destroys the first amendment for good, something they've been trying to do for a while now with censorship and cancel culture.

If you say something we don't like, we're going to bring charges against you.

Even North Korea would be like, 'Come on, bro. Time to call it a night.'

Free speech will be dead. The justice system completely made devoid of all semblance of fairness. Elections will be stolen with ease as it's now incredibly illegal to even make a complaint about it.

Even Democrats should be ashamed of just how far they've let themselves go.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 15, 2023 01:46 PM (5xURv)

218 I used to be spineless but then I revertebrated.

Posted by: Minimal gp-Based Barrier at August 15, 2023 01:47 PM (MvF+J)

219 Cardillo: If we don't send Trump to prison, he will lose in the general, then the left will win the house and senate, too and pack the supreme court!

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 15, 2023 01:47 PM (eL0G3)

220 196 "On or about Nov 19, 2020 Donald John Trump ate a breakfast consisting on 3 eggs over easy, 4 strips of bacon, hash browns with cheese and 2 cups of coffee. Thus satiated, he was able to further his conspiracy"
No two scoops?

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 15, 2023 01:47 PM (DmtxH)

221 What do you mean... he walked.

Eventually. While his career was over and formerly purple VA because deep blue for years

Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:47 PM (lc5cP)

222 Of course all Brian Kemp has to say is something about how Trump wad wrong and that election was totally legit. This guy falls in the same category as McCain and Romney…. What’s wrong with the GA GOP??

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at August 15, 2023 01:47 PM (nNI2N)

223 Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 15, 2023 01:46 PM (KbCG3)

What you said

Posted by: It's me donna at August 15, 2023 01:47 PM (bs+z0)

224 And...suppose you are the one hold out. Will you still be after you get a visit from your local antifa stormtroopers? Ask the jury in Oregon...
Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:45 PM (lc5cP)
That's part of the problem. You'll not only experience a huge amount of pressure from your fellow jurors who are out for Trump's blood, you'll have pressure from the activists in the community that are out for YOUR blood.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 15, 2023 01:47 PM (YIVH2)

225 I used to be spineless but then I revertebrated.
Posted by: Minimal gp-Based Barrier at August 15, 2023 01:47 PM (MvF+J)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (WkNQM)

226 186 You should see the article linked on Insty. The writer harrumphs at PDT while destroying strawmen which stand on a premise of sand.

The full throated defense of these political actions by people who should know better is nothing short of staggering.
Posted by: Blake
If you are talking about the Jack Goldsmith piece that Glen linked. Glen failed to give you the full context--Goldsmith is part of the Brookings Lawfare group that take gobs of foreign money and aims to use the legal system as a political weapon. He is basically a bought whore working for an intellectual whorehose think tank. Most of the Dems legal thinking in recent years has come out of that repulsive group of lawyers. Goldsmith, fwiw, was a former Bushie, and like Comey and other GOP lawyers in that crew, found the Democrats more sympatico post office.

The Bushes deserve every rotten tomato thrown at them and their hideous entourage of mental midgets.

Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (6BfIu)

227 201 The appearance of this busty, bespectacled blonde on this thread is an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:45 PM (WkNQM)

Land line phone on the wall with a cord less than 100 ft long.

Would not bang.

Posted by: Inogame at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (53oGX)

228 JFK ... by unlawfully appointing presidential electors from Hawaii, in willful and intentional Violation of the terms of the oath of said persons as prescribed by law, with intent that said persons engage in said conduct. This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Posted by: SMOD at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (RHGPo)

229 Kemp is such a mega faggot, another reason I am reluctant to listen to anything from the Desantis side. These are the people on his side, along with even more mega faggots like Erick Erickson, absolutely giddy Trump might go to jail on BS charges all because some state level gamesmanship in prosecution.

Posted by: UwU_Power at August 15, 2023 01:44 PM (8rrX6)

Beyond this incredibly true statement, the Vichy set constantly jacking themselves off when DeSantis suspends (not fires/ arrests) Soros prosecutors has suddenly reached the end of the long fall. By not taking down the Soros stooge in Fulton County, Brian Kemp pretty much paints a target on the back of every Uniparty drone in the GOP. More, he practically dares Ron DeSantis to either call Kemp a spineless prag, or further destroy the credibility of the floundering RDS campaign.

Posted by: trev006 at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (+Wz5+)

230 What do you mean... he walked.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at August 15, 2023 01:46 PM (CUJgk)

$27M poorer, his marriage ended, and his political career - one which had him suggested as a Presidential contender against Obama - ended.

But, yeah, he walked.

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (Jk9SN)

231 201 The appearance of this busty, bespectacled blonde on this thread is an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:45 PM (WkNQM

Who the hell has an old rotary phone on the wall??

1/10. Ugh.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (5xURv)

232 216 from turley (seen at twitchy):

"While others have portrayed the statement as a raw call for fabricating the votes, it seems more likely that Trump was swatting back claims that there was no value to a statewide recount by pointing out that he wouldn't have to find a statistically high number of votes to change the outcome of the election. It is telling that many politicians and pundits refuse to even acknowledge that obvious alternate meaning."

only needs a couple of jurors to agree and refuse to convict: reasonable doubt
Posted by: gnats local 678 at August 15, 2023 01:46 PM (B1FKF)


You have to read the Trump quote with malice to come to the conclusion that he was talking about inventing votes out of nothing. He was obviously talking about recounts in a state that couldn't manage an election effectively.

But no other Republican invites this kind of abuse. Unless they have binders full of women, that is.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (LvTSG)

233 =================
What do you mean... he walked.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at August 15, 2023 01:46 PM (CUJgk)

After the SCOTUS over-turned it.. They ended his political career and almost bankrupted him

Posted by: It's me donna at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (bs+z0)

234 Trump released this statement:

"A Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT on the Presidential Election Fraud which took place in Georgia is almost complete & will be presented by me at a major News Conference at 11:00 A.M. on Monday of next week in Bedminster, New Jersey. Based on the results of this CONCLUSIVE Report, all charges should be dropped against me & others - There will be a complete EXONERATION! They never went after those that Rigged the Election. They only went after those that fought to find the RIGGERS!"

This means two things: Trump will be indicted in New Jersey after this happens. And the NAACP will accuse him of using the word "Riggers", which they will say is white nationalist code for the "N" word that rhymes with it.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (lf83v)

235 This thing will be tossed, if not at the trial level, at the appeals level. Even in a State of Georgia court room a man can speak his opinion...


The case, trial, etc. doesn't matter in the least. The charge will give five or so states the excuse to keep him off the ballots, and cheating in other states can pick up any slack if needed.

And, like was mentioned above, it gives the MSM and (D)s the "turnout was awesome because people reject this criminal!!!" excuse to justify any bizarre and impossible numbers they dump from cheating.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (OeAlt)

236 Eventually didn't mean much to Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.
Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 01:45 PM (Jk9SN)
What do you mean... he walked.
Posted by: Huck Follywood

He was a viable candidate for president. The conviction completely sunk his candidacy and political career. This was the goal. The 9-0 overturn was meaningless to Jack Smith and the Democrat Machine.

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (CIS44)

237 You can’t have a 17,852-vote “error” in an election that was supposedly decided by 11,778 votes."

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 01:33 PM (OeAlt)

You can if you get the right outcome IYKWIMAITTYD.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (1Z8zZ)

238 >I like how some commentators on the right are saying okay good Fulton County its all out in the open now the new rules are going to apply to you too!

Narrator: no they aren't.

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (Jk9SN)

Exactly. Where are the red state AGs even looking like they're going to deploy the same weapon against the Dems? "It's not who we are."

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 15, 2023 01:49 PM (2L+PC)

$27M poorer, his marriage ended, and his political career - one which had him suggested as a Presidential contender against Obama - ended.

Notice Petraeus who was also considered a serious contender to Obama got exactly the same treatment and a similar outcome.

Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:49 PM (lc5cP)

240 This thing will be tossed, if not at the trial level, at the appeals level. Even in a State of Georgia court room a man can speak his opinion. Of that, Trump is guilty as hell. But this ridiculous indictment will eventually be recognized for the stunt it is, and an embarrassed state court (at some level) will say so.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (CUJgk)

I don't know. I'm told that the "republicans" in GA are all tired of Trump. I didn't see the State AG open an investigation into the Fulton County DA's office (at least not yet) and I didn't see that pine board, Kemp, offer anything (not that he owes Trump anything, and his political career is most likely over.) Much like elected officials, I'm guessing there aren't many judges who are going to put their neck on the block for the Orange Man.

Posted by: KJP is a race and gender swapped Side Show Bob at August 15, 2023 01:49 PM (QpUKb)

241 Who the hell has an old rotary phone on the wall??

1/10. Ugh.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (5xURv)
It's clearly a touch-tone phone.

I demand that you increase your score to 5.10.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:49 PM (WkNQM)

242 Weak men create hard times. Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. The need for strong men is upon us.
Posted by: Chairborne!...Desk From Above! at August 15, 2023 01:29 PM (aKuiz)

It's going to take at least a generation to burn through the weak men created by soft times.

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at August 15, 2023 01:50 PM (zjgNU)

243 I would laugh if Fani gets removed from office as a "rouge prosecutor." It won't happen, of course, so one less thing to laugh about in this world of sorrows.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at August 15, 2023 01:50 PM (Bd6X8)

244 Of course all Brian Kemp has to say is something about how Trump wad wrong and that election was totally legit. This guy falls in the same category as McCain and Romney…. What’s wrong with the GA GOP??
Posted by: LinusVanPel


(Ron Desantis has entered the chat)

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 01:50 PM (OeAlt)

245 Fani Fani bo bammy
banana fana fo-fani
fee fi fo mammy

Posted by: wth at August 15, 2023 01:50 PM (v0R5T)

246 Wow. That's VERY different from my location. We can only serve one six-month term every 10 years. We are also excused from regular jury duty during that time (still eligible for federal duty, of course).

I'm not sure how the members are selected, but it seems to be a fairly random slice of the community based on my limited experience.
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 15, 2023 01:45 PM (YIVH2

Yeah it's different now. I was randomly selected this past April. It was a good experience for many reasons. But, yes I'm exempt from regular jury duty for a few years and grand jury duty for 5 years.

Posted by: Mishdog at August 15, 2023 01:50 PM (ZT+DN)

247 If this shit doesn't push people to violence, that the Dems want, what do they do next?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 15, 2023 01:50 PM (IjPMX)

248 History tells us that what comes next won't be Trump... it will be something less forgiving.

At this point, I am all in for the 'next Trump' (if there ever is one) to go full Plotzensee Prison on every goddamned Democrat politician from Senator to dog catcher.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at August 15, 2023 01:50 PM (AW0uW)

249 I'm going out on a limb here: the goal of these charges is not to remove PDT as a candidate. Rather, they're designed to create a backlash against the deep state so the deep state can call off the 2024 elections and rule by decree.

Of course, French, Goldberg and Kristol will be more than happy to tell us why this is a good thing.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at August 15, 2023 01:51 PM (2YtOq)

250 222 Of course all Brian Kemp has to say is something about how Trump wad wrong and that election was totally legit. This guy falls in the same category as McCain and Romney…. What’s wrong with the GA GOP??
Posted by: LinusVanPelt

Bought by China and the Chamber of Commerce--Rattshitburger as SoS got his office from a political firm that specializes in repackaging Dems into GOP candidates. Kemp became a multi millionaire in office with only a nominal salary.

China is big because the firms in Atlanta want access to the Chinese markets and the port in Savannah was designed to bring in Chinese goods via giant containerships going through the Panama canal.

Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 01:51 PM (6BfIu)

251 I saw somewhere that's it's easy to convict under RICO but that's also easy to overturn on appeal. Is that true? Not that it'll make any difference by that time.

Posted by: jeannebodine at August 15, 2023 01:51 PM (ddFzi)

252 But, yeah, he walked.
Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (Jk9SN)

Oh, yeah. He walked, but only after being convicted by a Federal court. In an indictment by one Jack Smith. Yes, that Jack Smith.

The Supreme Court found 8-0 that McDonnell was not guilty - because the conviction was for something that wasn't even a crime.

My point, if it isn't clear, is that bullshit indictments can achieve their goals even if "eventually" they are overturned.

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 01:51 PM (Jk9SN)

253 Eventually. While his career was over and formerly purple VA because deep blue for years
Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:47 PM (lc5cP)
Virginia had been trending bluer for years, and his trial had little (and, maybe nothing) to do with furthering that. His Senate hopes were tenuous at best beforehand so while you speculate this ended his hopes, you could just as easily be wrong. No one knows.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at August 15, 2023 01:51 PM (CUJgk)

254 244 Of course all Brian Kemp has to say is something about how Trump wad wrong and that election was totally legit. This guy falls in the same category as McCain and Romney…. What’s wrong with the GA GOP??
Posted by: LinusVanPel

Jane D'OH used to have the skinny on him and the other "Republican" rats in GA.... Miss her input

Posted by: It's me donna at August 15, 2023 01:51 PM (bs+z0)

255 I’m pretty sure based on this indictment that any politician can be accused of fraud if they don’t keep promises.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 15, 2023 01:51 PM (2HWEq)

256 241 Who the hell has an old rotary phone on the wall??

1/10. Ugh.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (5xURv)
It's clearly a touch-tone phone.

I demand that you increase your score to 5.10.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:49 PM (WkNQM)

I'm being RICO charges against you for demanding the change of my vote.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 15, 2023 01:51 PM (5xURv)

257 Who the hell has an old rotary phone on the wall??

1/10. Ugh.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (5xURv)

But she does have newer appliances.

Posted by: wth at August 15, 2023 01:51 PM (v0R5T)

258 *bringing

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 15, 2023 01:51 PM (5xURv)

259 Of course, French, Goldberg and Kristol will be more than happy to tell us why this is a good thing.
Posted by: Blake - semi lurker

Its just jawboning.

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 01:52 PM (CIS44)

260 I'm not saying legally, I'm just saying, you wouldnt complain? You wouldnt think it looked corrupt as hell?

Posted by: Blago at August 15, 2023 01:38 PM (cOFom)

nonsense. The entire purpose of an investigation is to find illegal or fraudulent votes in the amount needed to change the election vote. Which is what Trump describes.

no check from your handlers for this one Blago.

Posted by: Oldcat at August 15, 2023 01:52 PM (eoQWY)

261 I'm being RICO charges against you for demanding the change of my vote.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 15, 2023 01:51 PM (5xURv)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:52 PM (WkNQM)

262 This thing will be tossed, if not at the trial level, at the appeals level. Even in a State of Georgia court room a man can speak his opinion. Of that, Trump is guilty as hell. But this ridiculous indictment will eventually be recognized for the stunt it is, and an embarrassed state court (at some level) will say so.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at August 15, 2023 01:42 PM (CUJgk)

Right but in the meantime it's a great GOTV against Trump. Think of the average idiot in Georgia hearing that Trump tried to "cheat" Georgia.

Posted by: ... at August 15, 2023 01:52 PM (D64Af)

263 The appearance of this busty, bespectacled blonde on this thread is an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:45 PM (WkNQM


Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo, food, water at August 15, 2023 01:52 PM (xcxpd)

264 The Supreme Court found 8-0 that McDonnell was not guilty - because the conviction was for something that wasn't even a crime.

My point, if it isn't clear, is that bullshit indictments can achieve their goals even if "eventually" they are overturned.
Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 01:51 PM (Jk9SN)


I wouldn’t doubt the DOJ call that the “McConnell option”.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 15, 2023 01:52 PM (2HWEq)

265 I saw somewhere that's it's easy to convict under RICO but that's also easy to overturn on appeal. Is that true? Not that it'll make any difference by that time.
Posted by: jeannebodine

RICO is a by design a very wide statute, that yes can lead to numerous grounds for appeal/overturn

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 01:53 PM (CIS44)

266 It's going to take at least a generation to burn through the weak men created by soft times.


So many simps, and soys and all the ghey boyz

I thought their numbers might be reducing, and then i saw the simpy comments they leave for AI models on Twitter that literally dont exist

Posted by: The Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger - Longing to Lie in Zooey Deschanel's Bosom for Comfort at August 15, 2023 01:53 PM (VTu1l)

267 "Man arrested after people were sprayed with suspected bear spray at restaurant at Nassau and Augusta."
I thought a Trump supporter had gone nuts in Georgia [or FL] but then I discovered this:

||Toronto police say a 45-year-old man has been arrested after allegedly “spraying bear spray at people” in a restaurant.

Police said officers were called to the Nassau Street and Augusta Avenue area in Kensington Market at around 12:01 p.m.||

Thank goodness -- I thought the backlash had stared without me.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 15, 2023 01:54 PM (krqg6)

268 I still can't get over the fact that the prosecutor deadnamed X.

It isn't Twitter anymore, and its choices must be respected by the legal process.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:54 PM (WkNQM)

269 Of course, French, Goldberg and Kristol will be more than happy to tell us why this is a good thing.

Kristol: Let me tell you about my up coming cruise!

Goldberg: Where I will give a 4 hour lecture on whether a hot dog is a sandwich. Note, I'll be eating hot dogs the whole time, for uh, science

French: And I'll be talking about whether my wife is a sandwich when her bulls of the night turn her into a chinese finger puzzle. And dammit one of these times I need to get to watch!

Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:54 PM (lc5cP)

198>Where in the non-diverse midwest do you live?

Non-diverse midwest? I think you think yourself as smart which is a nuclear mistake.

Posted by: sidney at August 15, 2023 01:54 PM (Uy/WF)

271 French: And I'll be talking about whether my wife is a sandwich when her bulls of the night turn her into a chinese finger puzzle. And dammit one of these times I need to get to watch!
Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:54 PM (lc5cP)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:55 PM (WkNQM)

272 So many simps, and soys and all the ghey boyz

I thought their numbers might be reducing, and then i saw the simpy comments they leave for AI models on Twitter that literally dont exist
Posted by: The Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger
I think most of social media postings nowadays are bots and bot nets hired to raise popularity figures and visibility on social media.

Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 01:55 PM (6BfIu)

273 Indicting a ham sandwich was a phrase coined back when criminal laws made a modicum of sense. That is, you could indict a ham sandwich for burglary, murder, etc.

These days you can indict a ham sandwich for the crime of being served on a plate with a pickle and chips.

Posted by: Jack Squat Bupkis at August 15, 2023 01:55 PM (GD2xa)

274 If you say something we don't like, we're going to bring charges against you.
This is a new Alien and Sedition Act.

And like the original it makes it a crime to "print, utter or publish ... any false, scandalous, and malicious writing" about the government."

The government says "Biden won." Any claim he didn't win because of fraud, cheating, etc., is false and a crime.

The government says eating bugs is good for you.
Any claims that it's nor are false and are a crime.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 15, 2023 01:55 PM (wbBkh)

275 >Notice Petraeus who was also considered a serious contender to Obama got exactly the same treatment and a similar outcome.
Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:49 PM (lc5cP)

Jack Ryan has entered the chat.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 15, 2023 01:56 PM (2L+PC)

276 My point, if it isn't clear, is that bullshit indictments can achieve their goals even if "eventually" they are overturned.
Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 01:51 PM (Jk9SN)
That's your point? And here I thought you were saying Democrats have used the Justice system for years and years to cheat Republicans at the ballot box.

And that's the rub. Politics has never been beanbag easy, elections have always been stolen (just ask Robert Caro if LBJ ever, even once, actually won an honest election). He did not.

Obama used lawfare to get to the Senate. Alaskan elections routinely see disqualifying lawsuits. Whitch-mer got ree-elected by disqualifying ALL of her main opponents. Get over it.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at August 15, 2023 01:56 PM (CUJgk)

277 the left is betting on the higher courts will keep their mitts off

but remember Judge Sentelle replaced Fiske with Starr

Posted by: REDACTED at August 15, 2023 01:56 PM (us2H3)

278 French: And I'll be talking about whether my wife is a sandwich when her bulls of the night turn her into a chinese finger puzzle. And dammit one of these times I need to get to watch!
Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:54 PM (lc5cP)

David, come on man, seriously, no yellow

Posted by: Hunter Biden at August 15, 2023 01:56 PM (lc5cP)

279 Can someone please explain the 50s/60s obsession with Freudian analysis?

The whole thing feels like a giant crock of nonsense, but maybe that's because I'm not a secularist in a post War world worrying about the bomb.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 15, 2023 01:56 PM (LvTSG)

280 Maybe when they say RICO, they mean Uncle RICO?

Also, this is another case of The Deep State accusing others of what Joe Biden and his viscously corrupt family are.

I mean, Natalie and Haley Biden got hit off with payments, I wonder what they had to do to get that money?

Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 15, 2023 01:57 PM (XV/Pl)

281 I think most of social media postings nowadays are bots and bot nets hired to raise popularity figures and visibility on social media.


This is true, one of the obvious bots was posting pics of an old guy leaving simpy comments. Bots are now talking to other bots.

thats one of the reasons why I subscribe to the dead internet theory, and also that we'll all wind up being batteries for the machines in the near future

Posted by: The Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger - Longing to Lie in Zooey Deschanel's Bosom for Comfort at August 15, 2023 01:57 PM (VTu1l)

282 Who the hell has an old rotary phone on the wall??

1/10. Ugh.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (5xURv)

That's a touch-tone phone!

Advanced tech-aware girl.


Posted by: spindrift at August 15, 2023 01:57 PM (pyXMr)

283 I still can't get over the fact that the prosecutor deadnamed X.

It isn't Twitter anymore, and its choices must be respected by the legal process.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:54 PM (WkNQM)

Posted by: Huck Follywood at August 15, 2023 01:57 PM (CUJgk)

284 These days you can indict a ham sandwich for the crime of being served on a plate with a pickle and chips.
Posted by: Jack Squat Bupkis at August 15, 2023 01:55 PM (GD2xa)
As well you should. It's oppressive. For one thing, some people don't like pickles. Some people who speak the same language call them "crisps," which could result in them expecting a different side dish. Some people eat ham sandwiches out of bowls or even off of a napkin - which might also be called a serviette. Not to mention how problematic the entire premise is for vegans or those with gluten sensitivity.

That ham sandwich *should* be indicted for its lack of inclusiveness alone!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:57 PM (WkNQM)

285 >And, like was mentioned above, it gives the MSM and (D)s the "turnout was awesome because people reject this criminal!!!" excuse to justify any bizarre and impossible numbers they dump from cheating.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (OeAlt)

Just like they did regarding Roe v Wade being struck down. Hell, even Trump and a decent number of people here were blaming pro-lifers for being too radical and causing 2022 to go down the shitter.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 15, 2023 01:57 PM (2L+PC)

286 In the past, corruption was dealt with by oversight within or outside the organization.

It feels like that's over with. Corruption is now ignored, or at best so convoluted that they throw up their hands.

A DA like this doesn't fear oversight and doesn't fear for her job. She's basically got free rein to use her office to politically persecute Trump.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 15, 2023 01:57 PM (5xURv)

287 > The appearance of this busty, bespectacled blonde on this thread is an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy:

I think she and I have the same oven

Posted by: DB - spanning the globe at August 15, 2023 01:57 PM (geLO8)

288 Tara Reade had to flee the country...and she's just a pure victim of think they'll leave Trump a free man?

Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:58 PM (lc5cP)

289 At this point, I am all in for the 'next Trump' (if there ever is one) to go full Plotzensee Prison on every goddamned Democrat politician from Senator to dog catcher.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at August 15, 2023 01:50 PM (AW0uW)


Wanted: Strongman willing to arrest and imprison or execute potentially 10,000 or more.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 15, 2023 01:58 PM (2HWEq)

290 All I know is, When Schumer torpedoes the filibuster, SCOTUS is stacked, The Electoral College is gone, Guns are banned and vaccines are mandatory, I certainly hope it was worth it to give Trump a reach-around to jack him off. Because you know . . . "loyalty."

Posted by: MarleysGhost at August 15, 2023 01:58 PM (uxXx0)

291 These days you can indict a ham sandwich for the crime of being served on a plate with a pickle and chips.
Posted by: Jack Squat Bupkis at August 15, 2023 01:55 PM (GD2xa)

Up yours.

Posted by: Ham Sandwich at August 15, 2023 01:58 PM (ufFY8)

292 I have an uncle and aunt who moved to Georgia with their kids in the late 70s early 80s as his company had been bought out and was moving from upstate NY. They are old time Catholic liberals who voted to turn Georgia blue and voted for Dems down the line. We aren't close (he's now 90 but still consults in business) , but I'm sure he's over the moon happy about this crap. I would be willing to bet he doesn't head into inner city Atlanta however.

Posted by: Smell the Glove at August 15, 2023 01:58 PM (R62ZP)

293 I think she and I have the same oven.

You know who else had ovens?

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at August 15, 2023 01:59 PM (KFhLj)

294 "Conspiracy to commit impersonating a public officer"??

The mental state of these individuals is truly beyond my comprehension. I guess they and their ilk TRULY hate Trump, and now his attorneys as well.
Posted by: sidney


Where in the non-diverse midwest do you live?

Non-diverse midwest? I think you think yourself as smart which is a nuclear mistake.
Posted by: sidney


Nah. If there's one thing I've never thought I was, it's smart.

That said, I was making fun of the normal, everyday, common existence and experiences of people in areas with diverse populations in charge and how this is a very normal thing to see for people living or working in those areas and around those folks.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 01:59 PM (OeAlt)

295 Would not bang.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 15, 2023 01:36 PM (xTRSc)

Would not bang.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 15, 2023 01:46 PM (LvTSG)

Would not bang.
Posted by: Inogame at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (53oGX)

Fags -- all of youse!

Posted by: Doof at August 15, 2023 01:59 PM (iY8R7)

296 The terminally stupid rule GA. I'm not surprised they are writing sub-illiterate garbage and passing it off as legit.

Posted by: Coki at August 15, 2023 01:59 PM (6Phnr)

297 "Our Republic is on trial.

Posted by: Braenyard at August 15, 2023 01:46 PM (AbYHm)"

The republic is dead and it's not coming back

Posted by: somedood at August 15, 2023 01:59 PM (BbSpR)

298 I think she and I have the same oven
Posted by: DB - spanning the globe at August 15, 2023 01:57 PM (geLO
Dude, that's an "in" if I've ever heard one!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 01:59 PM (WkNQM)

299 290 All I know is, When Schumer torpedoes the filibuster, SCOTUS is stacked, The Electoral College is gone, Guns are banned and vaccines are mandatory, I certainly hope it was worth it to give Trump a reach-around to jack him off. Because you know . . . "loyalty."

Posted by: MarleysGhost at August 15, 2023 01:58 PM (uxXx0)


People like Sinema and Manchin will never agree to it because they'll suddenly become far less important in the horse trading game.

One side needs to have a majority of something like 55-57, at least, to ensure that they can nuke the filibuster completely, and at that point, you can probably pull enough squishes on the other side to get what you want anyway.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 15, 2023 01:59 PM (LvTSG)

300 As well you should. It's oppressive. For one thing, some people don't like pickles. Some people who speak the same language call them "crisps," which could result in them expecting a different side dish. Some people eat ham sandwiches out of bowls or even off of a napkin - which might also be called a serviette. Not to mention how problematic the entire premise is for vegans or those with gluten sensitivity.

That ham sandwich *should* be indicted for its lack of inclusiveness alone!
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)

This checks out
-Supreme Justice Jumanji Action-Jackson

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 01:59 PM (CIS44)

301 Who the hell has an old rotary phone on the wall??


A trad wife.

I bet she makes great sammiches.

Posted by: Just Lily at August 15, 2023 02:00 PM (RLLZj)

302 I certainly hope it was worth it to give Trump a reach-around to jack him off. Because you know . . . "loyalty."


What the fuck is wrong with you?

Posted by: The Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger - Longing to Lie in Zooey Deschanel's Bosom for Comfort at August 15, 2023 02:00 PM (VTu1l)

303 She's basically got free rein to use her office to politically persecute Trump.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 15, 2023 01:57 PM (5xURv)

Hold my beer.

Posted by: Marion, KS cops at August 15, 2023 02:00 PM (ufFY8)

304 Trump embarrassed the fuck out of assholes in 2016. He has to pay. Narcissistic and dangerous adult baby monsters.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at August 15, 2023 01:35 PM (BIG3/)

IMHO, this is what it all boils down to. This and the fact that he exposed the absolute corruption that constitutes Washington DC.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at August 15, 2023 02:00 PM (BdMk6)

305 Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 15, 2023 01:55 PM (wbBkh)

Exactly. And with no discernible dissension from the populous, they will be embolden to do worse.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 15, 2023 02:00 PM (5xURv)

306 Virginia had been trending bluer for years, and his trial had little (and, maybe nothing) to do with furthering that. His Senate hopes were tenuous at best beforehand so while you speculate this ended his hopes, you could just as easily be wrong. No one knows.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at August 15, 2023 01:51 PM (CUJgk)[/i[

Yeah, no. He beat his Democrat opponent by 30 points. THIRTY. The publicity and accusations around the trial and conviction helped to fracture the Virginia Republican Party and Cuccinelli was his AG and could have been a shoo-in for the governor's race but ended up losing to Terry McAuliffe by less than 1%. Whether McDonnell himself had a future as Senator or Presidential candidate is certainly impossible to predict, but that it led to Cuccinellis loss is pretty indisputable.

BTW, that time also was the peak of Republican power in the legislature, and while demographics etc were part of it, the branding of the GOP as corrupt helped with the move to blue statehood. Having McAuliffe as the governor in 2016, letting felons vote, helped too. All of which came from a bullshit indictment.

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 02:01 PM (Jk9SN)

307 All I know is, When Schumer torpedoes the filibuster, SCOTUS is stacked, The Electoral College is gone


Don't look now, but...

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 02:01 PM (OeAlt)

308 McDonald - $27,000,000 in legal fees.

Posted by: Braenyard at August 15, 2023 02:01 PM (AbYHm)

309 The appearance of this busty, bespectacled blonde on this thread is an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy:

I think she and I have the same oven
Posted by: DB - spanning the globe at August 15, 2023 01:57 PM (geLO

She has a nice hardwood floor too. But the cabinet color is not to my liking.

Posted by: wth at August 15, 2023 02:01 PM (v0R5T)

310 Who the hell has an old rotary phone on the wall??

I have a working rotary phone in my parlor and a working rotary candlestick phone at my writing desk.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at August 15, 2023 02:01 PM (AW0uW)

311 What the fuck is wrong with you?
Posted by: The Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger - Longing to Lie in Zooey Deschanel's Bosom for Comfort at August 15, 2023 02:00 PM (VTu1l)
He's a Trump-hater. That's fine. Whatever.

Anyone who read the word hole would notice that I actually only did talk about the absurdity of the indictment and some of its far-reaching consequences if it is successful. Trump isn't really even the focus of this one.

It is what it is.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 02:02 PM (WkNQM)

312 there has always been Stupid USA but there were always a bypass to take

now, all the roads go right thru the middle of Stupid

Posted by: REDACTED at August 15, 2023 02:03 PM (us2H3)

313 The jury will convict but Trump will win and pardon himself from prison, which is the most Trump thing ever.

Posted by: MJ at August 15, 2023 02:03 PM (zwDuR)

314 Is there a difference between “buxom” and “busty?”

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 15, 2023 02:03 PM (xTRSc)

315 301 Who the hell has an old rotary phone on the wall??


A trad wife.

I bet she makes great sammiches.
Posted by: Just Lily at August 15, 2023 02:00 PM (RLLZj)

If that's who I think it is, I can say that she may not know much about sammiches but she can swing a 5-iron.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 15, 2023 02:03 PM (KbCG3)

316 DOJ. 109 Rico Charges: In part,
It is unlawful for anyone employed by or associated with any enterprise engaged in, or the activities of which affect, interstate or foreign commerce, to conduct or participate, directly or indirectly, in the conduct of such enterprise's affairs through a pattern of racketeering activity or collection of unlawful debt. 18 U.S.C.A. § 1962(c) (West 1984).
The RICO statute expressly states that it is unlawful for any person to conspire to violate any of the subsections of 18 U.S.C.A. § 1962. The government need not prove that the defendant agreed with every other conspirator, knew all of the other conspirators, or had full knowledge of all the details of the conspiracy. Delano, 825 F. Supp. at 542. All that must be shown is: (1) that the defendant agreed to commit the substantive racketeering offense through agreeing to participate in two racketeering acts; (2) that he knew the general status of the conspiracy; and (3) that he knew the conspiracy extended beyond his individual role. United States v. Rastelli, 870 F. 2d 822, 828 (2d Cir.), cert. denied, 493 U.S. 982, 110 S. Ct. 515, 107 L. Ed. 2d 516 (1989).
Like a repeated Willful violation

Posted by: L - Practice makes perfect. They know their enemy at August 15, 2023 02:03 PM (GshMh)

317 The jury will convict but Trump will win and pardon himself from prison, which is the most Trump thing ever.

Posted by: MJ a

not in the GA case, state charges.

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 02:03 PM (CIS44)

318 All I know is, When Schumer torpedoes the filibuster, SCOTUS is stacked, The Electoral College is gone, Guns are banned and vaccines are mandatory, I certainly hope it was worth it to give Trump a reach-around to jack him off. Because you know . . . "loyalty."
All I know is, When Schumer torpedoes the filibuster, SCOTUS is stacked, The Electoral College is gone, Guns are banned and vaccines are mandatory, I certainly hope it was worth it to give Desantis a reach-around to jack him off. Because you know . . . "electability."
Your argument wasn't as great as you thought, you know.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 15, 2023 02:03 PM (wbBkh)

319 "On or about Nov 19, 2020 Donald John Trump ate a breakfast consisting on 3 eggs over easy, 4 strips of bacon, hash browns with cheese and 2 cups of coffee. Thus satiated, he was able to further his conspiracy"
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 15, 2023 01:44 PM (eL0G3)

Remember when he almost overthrew the US government by tweeting that people should obey law enforcement and go home peacefully. Evil bastard.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 15, 2023 02:03 PM (1Z8zZ)

320 Is there a difference between “buxom” and “busty?”
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 15, 2023 02:03 PM (xTRSc)
About a 50 year gulf in language preferences.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 02:03 PM (WkNQM)

321 313 The jury will convict but Trump will win and pardon himself from prison, which is the most Trump thing ever.

Posted by: MJ at August 15, 2023 02:03 PM (zwDuR)

He can't pardon State Convictions... Federal only

Posted by: It's me donna at August 15, 2023 02:04 PM (bs+z0)

322 279 Can someone please explain the 50s/60s obsession with Freudian analysis?

The whole thing feels like a giant crock of nonsense, but maybe that's because I'm not a secularist in a post War world worrying about the bomb.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison
Post WWII, due to the GI Bill, there was a tremendous expansion in college education and and those professor positions were filled with largely liberals and leftists. This meant reading a lot of proggie nonsense from the 1900's to the 1930's that later was found demonstrably untrue. The behavioralist boom also lent a scientific patina with such fake but true studies as the Milgram experiments, the Prison Guard experiments, and so on. Margaret Mead's crappy polynesian research and the Kinsey report from a guaranteed sex pervert made common ground in insisting promiscuity and letting your freak flag fly was healthy and natural.

Freud, himself, was a crackpot that even his contemporaries found somewhat embarrassing for his lack of scientific support for his theories.

"But a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest, la la la."

Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 02:04 PM (6BfIu)

323 If someone made an app for smartphones that had a rotary dial on the screen would it make any money?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 15, 2023 02:04 PM (IjPMX)

324 and she's got great eyebrows

Posted by: DB - spanning the globe at August 15, 2023 02:04 PM (geLO8)

325 I always thought buxom had a bit of pleasant zaftig (sp?) associated with it, while busty was just big on a frame.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Some comments were lost, so if you said something interesting, repeat it here. at August 15, 2023 02:04 PM (OeAlt)

326 Fani Willis told the world that an official government act was racist recently, when Georgia crated a panel to assess prosecutor performance in office, and to remove poor performers. Ms. Fani engaged in a RICO conspiracy, making phone calls, writing letters, having lunches with her supporters and numerous public comments at odds with government truth.

She must be indicted!

Willis, who was only considering pursuing criminal charges against Trump at the time, said she viewed the law as racially motivated.

"This bill was never deemed necessary until a historic thing happened in 2020, and let's just talk about it and tell the truth," she said. "In 2020, we went from having five district attorneys that are minorities to 14 that are minorities."

Posted by: Huck Follywood at August 15, 2023 02:04 PM (9fYDK)

327 314 Is there a difference between “buxom” and “busty?”
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 15, 2023 02:03 PM (xTRSc

Social status

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 15, 2023 02:04 PM (5xURv)

328 299 290 All I know is, When Schumer torpedoes the filibuster, SCOTUS is stacked, The Electoral College is gone, Guns are banned and vaccines are mandatory, I certainly hope it was worth it to give Trump a reach-around to jack him off. Because you know . . . "loyalty."

Posted by: MarleysGhost at August 15, 2023 01:58 PM (uxXx0)


People like Sinema and Manchin will never agree to it because they'll suddenly become far less important in the horse trading game.

One side needs to have a majority of something like 55-57, at least, to ensure that they can nuke the filibuster completely, and at that point, you can probably pull enough squishes on the other side to get what you want anyway.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 15, 2023 01:59 PM
The only reason Sinema and Manchin have rejected nuking the filibuster is because they are both up for reelection in 2024 and Sinema wants to be President in 2028 and Manchin wants to be governor of West Virginia again.

Posted by: BeautifulHillaryClinton at August 15, 2023 02:05 PM (MFZ8i)

329 Is there a difference between “buxom” and “busty?”
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 15, 2023 02:03 PM (xTRSc)
I prefer "buxom."

As noted philosopher Bender "Bending" Rodriguez pointed out, "The 'X' makes it sound cool!"

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 15, 2023 02:05 PM (YIVH2)

330 275 >Notice Petraeus who was also considered a serious contender to Obama got exactly the same treatment and a similar outcome.
Posted by: 18-1 at August 15, 2023 01:49 PM (lc5cP)

Jack Ryan has entered the chat.
Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 15, 2023 01:56 PM (2L+PC)


Posted by: Blair Hull at August 15, 2023 02:05 PM (/iWhV)

331 Is there a difference between “buxom” and “busty?”
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 15, 2023 02:03 PM (xTRSc)

*volunteers for this research project*

Posted by: Doof at August 15, 2023 02:05 PM (iY8R7)

332 Would not bang.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 15, 2023 01:36 PM (xTRSc)

Would not bang.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 15, 2023 01:46 PM (LvTSG)

Would not bang.
Posted by: Inogame at August 15, 2023 01:48 PM (53oGX)

There's no possibility she'd bang me.

Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at August 15, 2023 02:05 PM (HfNu5)

333 BTW I have been saying for a while that the McDonnell case was the Obama's administration's test case for weaponization of Justice.

An insider "whistleblower" - in this case, the chef in the Governor's Mansion - puts stories into the local papers and the Washington Post and DOJ uses that as justification to open a public corruption case against McDonnell.

But like I said, SCOTUS overturned the conviction because it was not even of a crime under Federal law.

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 02:06 PM (Jk9SN)

334 323 If someone made an app for smartphones that had a rotary dial on the screen would it make any money?
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 15, 2023 02:04 PM (IjPMX)

Probably not. You'd have to remember peoples phone numbers again.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 15, 2023 02:06 PM (5xURv)

335 I love how Kemp and Ducey and other GOPe faggots (who all support Desantis, coincidentally) who let their states run free with fraud and corruption are not the reasons the dems will abuse their power to remove everything that was normal.

No, it was Donald Trump's fault for daring to say "this election was bullshit."

What's the next level of cope from posters here with TDS? That January 6th really was an insurrection, the FBI only incited it because Trump would have made an even bigger insurrection as he drove the Beast from the passenger seat?

Wipe Romney's jizz off your mouth, it gets stuck in between your key caps.

Posted by: UwU_Power at August 15, 2023 02:06 PM (8rrX6)

336 Trump has a way of belittling people with a vengeance. In political circles that's considered bad form, especially in the GOP. Some of the more thin-skinned can't shake it off. They'll punish Trump anyway they can.

Petty, little people. Yet we put them in charge of our lives.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at August 15, 2023 02:06 PM (Q4IgG)

337 What has Trump said about the election that a hundred million other Americans have not also said?

They have indicted him only as a test run.

We are the real target of their thoughtcrime persecution. If they can jail him they absolutely will try to jail us.

Posted by: Tar Bae at August 15, 2023 02:06 PM (sklOS)

338 322 Freud, himself, was a crackpot that even his contemporaries found somewhat embarrassing for his lack of scientific support for his theories.

"But a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest, la la la."
Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 02:04 PM (6BfIu)


That makes sense. The explosion in education (subsidized) led to a larger, middle class "appreciation" of things like Freud, pushing him well beyond the little bubble he previously occupied.

I just watched John Huston's movie about Freud last night, and the path Huston lays out for Freud to "discover" the sexual awakening in children is so laughably dumb, as presented an excuse to cover up huge flaws in Freud's previous work, that it just amazed me that anyone could believe it at all.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 15, 2023 02:06 PM (LvTSG)

339 My dad told me about how, as a youngster, he was confused how the Red Army was able to defeat the larger White Army when learning about it in school. He made the point that the Red Army was much more vicious and ruthless than the White Army, which was key to their victory.

The left in America is far more ruthless than we are, and we would be wise to make adjustments before we go the way of the White Army.

Posted by: Crazy to be sane at August 15, 2023 02:06 PM (EHbE8)

340 He can't pardon State Convictions... Federal only
Kemp will pardon him.

Posted by: MJ at August 15, 2023 02:07 PM (zwDuR)

341 Radical blacks are not happy with just one civil war being fought on their behalf

Posted by: REDACTED at August 15, 2023 02:07 PM (us2H3)

342 Freud, himself, was a crackpot that even his contemporaries found somewhat embarrassing for his lack of scientific support for his theories.


The man theorized that literally every dream you have was about having sex with your mom

Posted by: The Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger - Longing to Lie in Zooey Deschanel's Bosom for Comfort at August 15, 2023 02:07 PM (VTu1l)

343 I know Trump can't show it, but at this point he must be scared about possibly being sent to prison. The only thing he has going for him is that he has 24 SS protection which might help him from avoiding jail.

The ones that really need to worry are the people being charged as his "co-conspirators."
After seeing what happened to the J6's they are more than likely going to jail.

Posted by: redridinghood at August 15, 2023 02:07 PM (NpAcC)

344 I like bosomy

root word is bazoom

Posted by: DB - spanning the globe at August 15, 2023 02:07 PM (geLO8)

345 "The research that has been coming out is actually suggestive that there's a lot of overlap in terms of the toxins and carcinogens that are in [both] cannabis and tobacco smoke," noted study author Dr. Beth Cohen, a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine. "What we've learned in the past few years seems more concerning, not less concerning."

Posted by: SMOD at August 15, 2023 02:07 PM (RHGPo)

346 The jury will convict but Trump will win and pardon himself from prison, which is the most Trump thing ever.
Posted by: MJ

You were awake during 2020,yes? They're just going to repeat that perhaps a little more subtly but they're not going to let him win.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at August 15, 2023 02:07 PM (IG4Id)

347 Kemp will pardon him.
Posted by: MJ at August 15, 2023 02:07 PM (zwDuR)

Never... He hates Trump... Also I don't think he has that power

Posted by: It's me donna at August 15, 2023 02:07 PM (bs+z0)

348 289
Wanted: Strongman willing to arrest and imprison or execute potentially 10,000 or more.
Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 15, 2023 01:58 PM (2HWEq)

Paging General William Tecumseh Sherman.......

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at August 15, 2023 02:07 PM (N39Ws)

349 Can someone please explain the 50s/60s obsession with Freudian analysis?

It's interesting that you raise this question. Tell us a little about your relationship with your mother.

Posted by: zombie freud at August 15, 2023 02:08 PM (KFhLj)

350 Buxom bikini brunette still has a nice ring to it.

Posted by: wth at August 15, 2023 02:08 PM (v0R5T)

351 279 Can someone please explain the 50s/60s obsession with Freudian analysis?

The whole thing feels like a giant crock of nonsense, but maybe that's because I'm not a secularist in a post War world worrying about the bomb.
Oddly, Freudian analysis actually worked for a while early on. This is likely due to the Placebo Effect. The 50's/60s was a time that discussing Freud and his 'insights' signaled that you were schmartz.

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 15, 2023 02:08 PM (tiR3O)

352 Kemp will pardon him.
Posted by: MJ

GA gov does not have pardon power.

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 02:08 PM (CIS44)

353 >The only thing he has going for him is that he has 24 SS protection which might help him from avoiding jail.

SecSer answers to DHS which answers to the president

Posted by: DB - spanning the globe at August 15, 2023 02:08 PM (geLO8)

354 I always thought of buxom meaning somewhat pudgy, busty not so much.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 15, 2023 02:09 PM (IjPMX)

355 Anyone who read the word hole would notice that I actually only did talk about the absurdity of the indictment and some of its far-reaching consequences


The implication is that they don't have to worry about how fucking stupid and retarded their "legal theories" are as they only need to stack and rig the juries

Posted by: The Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger - Longing to Lie in Zooey Deschanel's Bosom for Comfort at August 15, 2023 02:09 PM (VTu1l)

356 318 All I know is, When Schumer torpedoes the filibuster, SCOTUS is stacked, The Electoral College is gone, Guns are banned and vaccines are mandatory, I certainly hope it was worth it to give Trump a reach-around to jack him off. Because you know . . . "loyalty."
All I know is, When Schumer torpedoes the filibuster, SCOTUS is stacked, The Electoral College is gone, Guns are banned and vaccines are mandatory, I certainly hope it was worth it to give Desantis a reach-around to jack him off. Because you know . . . "electability."
Your argument wasn't as great as you thought, you know.
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 15, 2023 02:03 PM
Has nobody been following what has happened to all the January 6th defendants?
Somebody needs to explain to me how Trump is going to campaign for President when he is sitting behind bars in the Federal Pen.

Posted by: BeautifulHillaryClinton at August 15, 2023 02:09 PM (MFZ8i)

357 Remember when he almost overthrew the US government by tweeting that people should obey law enforcement and go home peacefully. Evil bastard.
Over at Insty there's a nasty troll who does have some value-- he is at the forefront of lefty thought on this.

Basically, they are at, "Trump refused to leave office and is therefore a traitor."
Did that make sense? No, it's shit-pants stupid.
Trump's crime-- in their minds-- is that he didn't concede the election.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 15, 2023 02:09 PM (wbBkh)

358 I always thought of buxom meaning somewhat pudgy, busty not so much.
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 15, 2023 02:09 PM (IjPMX)
I think you're thinking of voluptuous.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 02:10 PM (WkNQM)

359 342 Freud, himself, was a crackpot that even his contemporaries found somewhat embarrassing for his lack of scientific support for his theories.


The man theorized that literally every dream you have was about having sex with your mom
Posted by: The Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger - Longing to Lie in Zooey Deschanel's Bosom for Comfort at August 15, 2023 02:07 PM (VTu1l)

I always assumed Freud was one of those people who just wanted other people to like his kink so he didn't feel weird about it.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 15, 2023 02:10 PM (5xURv)

360 Kemp will pardon him.
Posted by: MJ at August 15, 2023 02:07 PM (zwDuR)

Never... He hates Trump... Also I don't think he has that power
Posted by: It's me donna at August 15, 2023 02:07 PM (bs+z0)
Georgia governors do not have pardon power.

Posted by: redridinghood at August 15, 2023 02:10 PM (NpAcC)

361 GA gov does not have pardon power.
Damn. Huh, he's really going to jail.

Posted by: MJ at August 15, 2023 02:10 PM (zwDuR)

362 Has nobody been following what has happened to all the January 6th defendants?
Somebody needs to explain to me how Trump is going to campaign for President when he is sitting behind bars in the Federal Pen.
Posted by: BeautifulHillaryClinton at

Nelly Mandela did it

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 02:10 PM (CIS44)

363 Refused to accept. ... and then knowingly joined conspiracy to unlawfully change...

Well it sounds like you are admitting he didn't think he lost. If that's true it just run of the mill election contest. Which is an actual area of lawyer specializing. Hardly illegal. FFS.

Posted by: Everything is an OP guy at August 15, 2023 02:10 PM (bd20p)

364 Freud, himself, was a crackpot that even his contemporaries found somewhat embarrassing for his lack of scientific support for his theories.


The man theorized that literally every dream you have was about having sex with your mom
Posted by: The Unvaxxed and Unmasked Ranger - Longing to Lie in Zooey Deschanel's Bosom for Comfort at August 15, 2023 02:07 PM (VTu1l)

His Mom must have been hot.

Posted by: wth at August 15, 2023 02:10 PM (v0R5T)

365 Shani Wallis >>>>>>>>> Fani Willis

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 15, 2023 02:10 PM (xTRSc)

366 So at this point, who has a greater chance of getting a fair trial?

A. Ham sandwich
B. Donald Trump

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 15, 2023 02:10 PM (CyPqT)

367 359 342 Freud, himself, was a crackpot that even his contemporaries found somewhat embarrassing for his lack of scientific support for his theories.

Copernicus has grabbed the mic

Posted by: REDACTED at August 15, 2023 02:11 PM (us2H3)

368 Funny how there's so many different words for big'uns.

Posted by: wth at August 15, 2023 02:11 PM (v0R5T)

369 Sixty-three percent of Americans believe President Joe Biden broke the law by violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) by “actively assisting” Hunter Biden in removing the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Bursima Holdings, recent polling found.

Posted by: SMOD at August 15, 2023 02:11 PM (RHGPo)

370 I think you're thinking of voluptuous.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)

*curvy has entered the chat*

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 02:11 PM (CIS44)

371 318 All I know is, When Schumer torpedoes the filibuster, SCOTUS is stacked, The Electoral College is gone, Guns are banned and vaccines are mandatory, I certainly hope it was worth it to give Trump a reach-around to jack him off. Because you know . . . "loyalty."
Have to have the House sign off on expanding the courts. Senate cannot do it alone.

Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 02:11 PM (6BfIu)

372 Did they accuse Trump of interfering with the election by causing a toilet to overflow, thus stopping the ballot counting in five states, which in turn caused election officials to eject Republican observers, which resulted in baseless accusations that the election was rigged...
That is by Trump deliberately overflowing the toilet it set in course a series of events that Trump himself used to claim the election was stolen.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at August 15, 2023 02:11 PM (TKbnp)

373 Buxom: Christina Hendricks
Busty: Patricia Arquette (a long time ago)
Buxty: Sridevi

Posted by: Minimal gp-Based Barrier at August 15, 2023 02:11 PM (MvF+J)

374 That's your point? And here I thought you were saying Democrats have used the Justice system for years and years to cheat Republicans at the ballot box.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at August 15, 2023 01:56 PM (CUJgk)

My point is you are saying that Trump will not be convicted because this is a bullshit indictment, and that is not a reason to think that because the Dems have proven that they can get convictions on bullshit indictments.

I think the Bob McDonnell case represented a new model, as I outlined above.

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 02:12 PM (Jk9SN)

375 Rubinesque?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 15, 2023 02:12 PM (IjPMX)

376 you know, if there were video of one of hunter's business partners handing joe an envelope and saying "thanks for all your help" the msm idiots would say "well, how do you know it wasn't just a card that said 'pray for us st joseph'?"

Posted by: gnats local 678 at August 15, 2023 02:12 PM (B1FKF)

377 So at this point, who has a greater chance of getting a fair trial?

A. Ham sandwich
B. Donald Trump
Posted by: Anna Puma at August 15, 2023 02:10 PM (CyPqT)
Equal chances. As do you. As do I. As the last several years have made it clear that "fairness" or "legitimacy" are alien concepts in everything to do with government - including the courts - so there is no such thing as a "fair trial" and everyone's odds are the same.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 02:12 PM (WkNQM)

378 337 What has Trump said about the election that a hundred million other Americans have not also said?

They have indicted him only as a test run.

We are the real target of their thoughtcrime persecution. If they can jail him they absolutely will try to jail us.
Posted by: Tar Bae at August 15, 2023 02:06 PM (sklOS)

They can. And they will. And talking about stopping them is just Fed Talk.

Posted by: XTC at August 15, 2023 02:12 PM (UnA8+)

379 I'd imagine truckers strike against Atlanta would cool this right off. A Walesa moment for America?

Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at August 15, 2023 02:12 PM (oWBc3)

380 Freud, himself, was a crackpot that even his contemporaries found somewhat embarrassing for his lack of scientific support for his theories.

"But a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest, la la la."
Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 02:04 PM (6BfIu)

He was ahead of his time. Lack of scientific support for theories didn't become trendy until the age of klimate kooks

Posted by: Doof at August 15, 2023 02:12 PM (iY8R7)

381 Do grand juries need a unanimous vote to indict?

Posted by: Jen the original at August 15, 2023 02:12 PM (U7tmf)

382 That's a lot of words to describe a woman.

Seems we've been preoccupied, as a species, for some time now.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 15, 2023 02:13 PM (5xURv)

383 This might lead to an ironic twist in history where the South burns down Atlanta.

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 15, 2023 02:13 PM (tiR3O)

384 Can someone please explain the 50s/60s obsession with Freudian analysis?

The whole thing feels like a giant crock of nonsense, but maybe that's because I'm not a secularist in a post War world worrying about the bomb.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 15, 2023 01:56 PM (LvTSG)

It started earlier than that, but...

Mainly, because it was early in the study of mind thoughts and behavior and jargon filled with Sciencey sounding Germanic stuff and German was the Language of Science! at that time and it didn't sound as kookoo bananas as Jung, who was Freud's main rival.

About all Freud got right was that the way a person was raised could affect how they behaved as an adult- but it was never deterministic as presented.

Also, it gave Our Betters, psychos, etc. license to be dickweeds cuz it wasn't their fault they behaved that way

And almost nothing was known about brain chemistry. Once folks had some knowledge. most of these loonies could be handled with meds.....assuming they took them.

Posted by: naturalfake at August 15, 2023 02:13 PM (QzZeQ)

385 373 Buxom: Christina Hendricks
Busty: Patricia Arquette (a long time ago)
Buxty: Sridevi
fuckable: Joy Harmon
Posted by: Minimal gp-Based Barrier at August 15, 2023 02:11 PM (MvF+J)

Posted by: REDACTED at August 15, 2023 02:13 PM (us2H3)

386 re 371: and you think they won't try to steal the house of reps too?

Posted by: gnats local 678 at August 15, 2023 02:13 PM (B1FKF)

387 I still think the end goal is to have Trump physically in a jail cell and thus unavailable for the presidency

his enemies will not give up, and they have the blessing of the press

Posted by: DB - spanning the globe at August 15, 2023 02:13 PM (geLO8)

388 All I know is, When Schumer torpedoes the filibuster, SCOTUS is stacked, The Electoral College is gone, Guns are banned and vaccines are mandatory, I certainly hope it was worth it to give Trump a reach-around to jack him off. Because you know . . . "loyalty."

Posted by: MarleysGhost at August 15, 2023 01:58 PM (uxXx0)

Yes. All the things they've done to stop Trump from 2016 - present were just because they didn't like him. Your hobby-horse will totally save the Republic.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 15, 2023 02:13 PM (1Z8zZ)

389 Rubinesque?
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 15, 2023 02:12 PM (IjPMX)
I think the scale goes voluptuous, then zaftig, then Rubenesque.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 02:13 PM (WkNQM)

390 375 Rubinesque?
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 15, 2023 02:12 PM (IjPMX)


Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at August 15, 2023 02:13 PM (N39Ws)

391 Basically, they are at, "Trump refused to leave office and is therefore a traitor."
Did that make sense? No, it's shit-pants stupid.
Trump's crime-- in their minds-- is that he didn't concede the election.
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 15, 2023 02:09 PM (wbBkh)

And yet, he did.

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 02:13 PM (Jk9SN)

392 Damn. Huh, he's really going to jail.
Posted by: MJ at August 15, 2023 02:10 PM (zwDuR)
The pardon power is held by the Board of Pardons and Paroles

Posted by: redridinghood at August 15, 2023 02:14 PM (NpAcC)

393 That's a lot of words to describe a woman.

Seems we've been preoccupied, as a species, for some time now.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 15, 2023 02:13 PM (5xURv)
It's inexplicable!

Posted by: Mayor Pete at August 15, 2023 02:14 PM (WkNQM)

394 43 I know Trump can't show it, but at this point he must be scared about possibly being sent to prison. The only thing he has going for him is that he has 24 SS protection which might help him from avoiding jail.

The ones that really need to worry are the people being charged as his "co-conspirators."
After seeing what happened to the J6's they are more than likely going to jail.
Posted by: redridinghood at August 15, 2023 02:07 PM (NpAcC)
The Marxists have judged that they are fighting, at best, a cowardly and already defeated 'enemy'I(aka as their fellow citizens). They also know that a sizable portion of the 'enemy's' leadership is , in fact, 100 percent pure grifting phonies(the 'McC's et al). So, is there ANY reason for the Marxists to back off?or to restrain them from any conceivable action to subdue and oppress the 'enemy'? Mass civil disobedience may be all that remains to slow down the Marxist march --certainly no judicial, legislative or other traditional system remedy is visible.

Posted by: Voter theater. at August 15, 2023 02:14 PM (6sqKx)

395 I just watched John Huston's movie about Freud last night, and the path Huston lays out for Freud to "discover" the sexual awakening in children is so laughably dumb, as presented an excuse to cover up huge flaws in Freud's previous work, that it just amazed me that anyone could believe it at all.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison
Freud's 'research' was arguably less scientific in its approach than phrenology which at least had measurable statistics.

Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 02:14 PM (6BfIu)

396 381 Do grand juries need a unanimous vote to indict?
Posted by: Jen the original at August 15, 2023 02:12 PM (U7tmf)

no, just one

the prosecutor

Posted by: REDACTED at August 15, 2023 02:14 PM (us2H3)

397 Where does "phat" fit into this?

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at August 15, 2023 02:14 PM (KFhLj)

398 Funny how there's so many different words for big'uns.


It's like Eskimos and snow.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at August 15, 2023 02:15 PM (oZ23Y)

399 I know Trump can't show it, but at this point he must be scared about possibly being sent to prison. The only thing he has going for him is that he has 24 SS protection which might help him from avoiding jail.

Posted by: redridinghood at August 15, 2023 02:07 PM (NpAcC)

Looking at Imran Khan, Lula, and even Andrew Tate, I don't think Donald Trump is even slightly worried.

1) The GOP nomination contest is over, and most of his dedicated primary opponents have permanently torpedoes their chances of ever holding major elected office.

2) The comparison with the increasingly flailing Biden regime is only enhancing the Trump years in retrospect. The only Republicans who don't agree are the true RDS cultists, but at this point they've literally finished off their poisoned Kool-Aid.

3) The sheer ineptitude and viciousness of the legal case against Trump not only puts the legal reputation of Merrick Garland well below Roland Freisler, but encourages literally anything a future President wants to do when destroying the New York oligarchs and their Uniparty puppet dolls.

Posted by: trev006 at August 15, 2023 02:15 PM (+Wz5+)

400 This comment was an overt act in furtherance of a conspiracy.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at August 15, 2023 02:15 PM (JTwsP)

401 re 384: "About all Freud got right was that the way a person was raised could affect how they behaved as an adult- but it was never deterministic as presented."

actually i think that was alfred adler, another of freud's early colleagues turns rivals.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at August 15, 2023 02:15 PM (B1FKF)

402 This might lead to an ironic twist in history where the South burns down Atlanta.
Posted by: Puddinhead at August 15, 2023 02:13 PM (tiR3O)

It moved

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at August 15, 2023 02:15 PM (BIG3/)

403 An insider "whistleblower" - in this case, the chef in the Governor's Mansion - puts stories into the local papers and the Washington Post and DOJ uses that as justification to open a public corruption case against McDonnell.
A chef, you say??

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 15, 2023 02:15 PM (krqg6)

404 How the ef' does Fulton County have standing? The STATE of Texas was denied standing for essentially the same thing.

Posted by: pawn at August 15, 2023 02:15 PM (wsHtO)

405 368 Funny how there's so many different words for big'uns.
Posted by: wth at August 15, 2023 02:11 PM (v0R5T)

Like stars in the sky, or sand in the desert.

Posted by: Inogame at August 15, 2023 02:15 PM (53oGX)

406 I see Joe is off on another VaCay starting Friday....

Posted by: It's me donna at August 15, 2023 02:15 PM (bs+z0)

407 The only thing he has going for him is that he has 24 SS protection which might help him from avoiding jail.

The guys from the same Secret Service that testifies to Congress that there is no way possible to know whose cocaine is in the White House?

That Secret Service?

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 02:16 PM (Jk9SN)

408 Stupefyin'

Posted by: DB - spanning the globe at August 15, 2023 02:16 PM (geLO8)

409 Whether or not you like and support Trump , DeSantis, Scott is irrelevant. They are going after Trump to stomp an resistance to a one world government out if existence. The left wants complete control and total subservience and they aren't going to stop . Saying "well it's only Teump" or "DeSantis is not my guy " means nothing to the left , just like calling them hypocrits or saying the Bidens are corrupt means nothing . While Republicans are saying this the left is advancing on all fronts. Fight where and when you can

Posted by: Smell the Glove at August 15, 2023 02:16 PM (qOFHr)

410 “Voluptuous” is a great word. Always sounded to me just like what its describing.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 15, 2023 02:17 PM (xTRSc)

411 I think the scale goes voluptuous, then zaftig, then Rubenesque.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 02:13 PM (WkNQM)

Where does Abramesque fit in?

Posted by: wth at August 15, 2023 02:17 PM (v0R5T)

412 good news, Frank got a new merkin

Posted by: Mrs Luntz at August 15, 2023 02:17 PM (us2H3)

413 Thus indictment is one for the ages.

Biden is one for the ages.

Ages 5 to 12.

Posted by: ... at August 15, 2023 02:17 PM (D64Af)

414 How the ef' does Fulton County have standing? The STATE of Texas was denied standing for essentially the same thing.
Posted by: pawn at August 15, 2023 02:15 PM (wsHtO)
Biden won Georgia, so Trump's questioning of the outcome makes him fair play for Georgia to prosecute.

To say it is a bit of a stretch would be quite the understatement.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 02:17 PM (WkNQM)

415 304 Maybe, but Trump's nationalism and drive to keep the United States sovereign, is what really has the tyrannical collectivists and expert class on an absolute rampage. They are out for blood. In Brazil, Canada, The Netherlands...resistance is to be crushed.

Posted by: Neo-Kulak at August 15, 2023 02:17 PM (E0JXs)

416 3) The sheer ineptitude and viciousness of the legal case against Trump not only puts the legal reputation of Merrick Garland well below Roland Freisler, but encourages literally anything a future President wants to do when destroying the New York oligarchs and their Uniparty puppet dolls.
Posted by: trev006 at August 15, 2023 02:15 PM (+Wz5+)

Yeah. The new rules are going to apply to Dems.

Narrator: no they won't.

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 02:17 PM (Jk9SN)

417 402 This might lead to an ironic twist in history where the South burns down Atlanta.
Posted by: Puddinhead at August 15, 2023 02:13 PM (tiR3O)

It moved
I left out driving the Atlanteans into the Ocean. Bukaki Moment.

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 15, 2023 02:17 PM (tiR3O)

418 I think Trump is expecting to be imprisoned. But I’m sure he is going to fight with every legal means to prevent that from happening.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 15, 2023 02:17 PM (2HWEq)

419 He was ahead of his time. Lack of scientific support for theories didn't become trendy until the age of klimate kooks
Posted by: Doof
Heh, not so if you have studied the history of science. The fault is being an advocate versus being at least somewhat objective and disinterested. Advocates inevitably cherrypick data and disregard non conforming data. The cycle of academic theories are then built on a foundation of sand until reality washes a lot of it away. Then the sand castles are built all over again.

Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 02:17 PM (6BfIu)

420 >I see Joe is off on another VaCay starting Friday....

being a brain-damaged puppet President is hard work
he needs some downtime

Posted by: DB - spanning the globe at August 15, 2023 02:17 PM (geLO8)

421 Where does Abramesque fit in?


Posted by: Anna Puma at August 15, 2023 02:18 PM (CyPqT)

422 Biden won Georgia, so Trump's questioning of the outcome makes him fair play for Georgia to prosecute.

To say it is a bit of a stretch would be quite the understatement.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 02:17 PM (WkNQM)

415 304 Maybe, but Trump's nationalism and drive to keep the United

There are plenty of Red States that Trump won that could make the same case against Hillary.

And yet....

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 02:18 PM (Jk9SN)

423 Where does Abramesque fit in?
Posted by: wth at August 15, 2023 02:17 PM (v0R5T)
Answer 1: A couple standard deviations to the right of Lena Dunham.

Answer 2: A shipping container.

Vote now!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 02:18 PM (WkNQM)

424 362 Has nobody been following what has happened to all the January 6th defendants?
Somebody needs to explain to me how Trump is going to campaign for President when he is sitting behind bars in the Federal Pen.
Posted by: BeautifulHillaryClinton at

Nelly Mandela did it
Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 02:10 PM (CIS44)
Wow, I didn't know 80%+ of Americans were Trump supporters...
"Statistics South Africa asks people to describe themselves in the census in terms of five racial population groups. The population estimates were 80.7% Black South African, 7.9% White South African, 8.8% Coloured South African, and 2.6% Indian South African."

Posted by: BeautifulHillaryClinton at August 15, 2023 02:18 PM (MFZ8i)

425 Equal chances. As do you. As do I. As the last several years have made it clear that "fairness" or "legitimacy" are alien concepts in everything to do with government - including the courts - so there is no such thing as a "fair trial" and everyone's odds are the same.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 02:12 PM (WkNQM)
As we've seen with Hunter Biden, everyone's odds are NOT the same. For you and I, we'll get the shaft every time.

For the "made men" they get royal treatment, every time.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 15, 2023 02:18 PM (YIVH2)

426 There are plenty of Red States that Trump won that could make the same case against Hillary.

And yet....
Posted by: blaster a

What difference, at this point, does it make?
-Hill Dawg

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 02:18 PM (CIS44)

China is big because the firms in Atlanta want access to the Chinese markets and the port in Savannah was designed to bring in Chinese goods via giant containerships going through the Panama canal.
Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 01:51 PM (6BfIu)

Access to Chinese markets my ass. The Chinese market is a ghost, always has been.

Dumbass business people look at 1.4 billion people and think that it's an ocean of money to be easily scooped up. Except that over a billion of them are mostly illiterate peasants who barely make enough to feed themselves, live in mud huts or crumbling concrete boxes with dirt floors, have no electricity or running water and who's idea of public sanitation is to shit in the road rather than in the river.

That leaves aside the fact that the ChiCom government and Chinese companies will only do business with foreign devils long enough to reverse-engineer your products before they kick you to the curb.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at August 15, 2023 02:19 PM (n+4am)

428 Freud was just will-to-power. He didn't even believe in the law of non-contradiction.

He was a wreck, he passed out a couple times from just being around Jung.

Posted by: Thesokorus at August 15, 2023 02:19 PM (P0plo)

429 Stretch Armstrong has less stretch...

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 15, 2023 02:19 PM (CyPqT)

430 Advocates inevitably cherrypick data and disregard non conforming data. The cycle of academic theories are then built on a foundation of sand until reality washes a lot of it away. Then the sand castles are built all over again.
Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 02:17 PM (6BfIu)

You should not be allowed to transmit such thoughts in the phlogiston.

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 02:19 PM (Jk9SN)

431 That sounds like a Freudian slip. You know, when you're thinking about one word but say a mother.

Posted by: cliff clavin, usps (ret.) at August 15, 2023 02:19 PM (krqg6)

432 The guys from the same Secret Service that testifies to Congress that there is no way possible to know whose cocaine is in the White House?

That Secret Service?
Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 02:16 PM (Jk9SN)

Ugh. Blaster, I usually like your posts more, but this is unfounded. The more consequential Presidents- Clinton and Trump- were both capable of inspiring fanatic loyalty among their handpicked guards. They both brought on their previous security staff when they became President- Clinton bringing Arkansas enforcers and Trump bringing his private security force.

Donald Trump is very unlikely to face major betrayal from inside his own security detail.

Posted by: trev006 at August 15, 2023 02:20 PM (+Wz5+)

433 see Joe is off on another VaCay starting Friday....
Posted by: It's me donna at August 15, 2023 02:15 PM (bs+z0)
Of course. He know his re-election is in the bag.

The Dem. prosecutors, judges, DA's, MSM etc. etc. will make sure his opponent, Trump,is destroyed.

Posted by: redridinghood at August 15, 2023 02:20 PM (NpAcC)

434 Thought Will to Power was a song mashed together with Freebird?

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 15, 2023 02:20 PM (CyPqT)

435 Somebody needs to explain to me how Trump is going to campaign for President when he is sitting behind bars in the Federal Pen.
Posted by: BeautifulHillaryClinton at August 15, 2023 02:09 PM (MFZ8i)

Biden never left his basement. It can be done.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 15, 2023 02:20 PM (1Z8zZ)

436 The Hag still hasn't conceded 2016

Posted by: ... at August 15, 2023 02:20 PM (D64Af)

437 As we've seen with Hunter Biden, everyone's odds are NOT the same. For you and I, we'll get the shaft every time.

For the "made men" they get royal treatment, every time.
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 15, 2023 02:18 PM (YIVH2)
I didn't say the odds of a favorable outcome were the same, I same that the odds of a fair trial were the same. Hunter Biden didn't get a fair trial by any standard.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 02:20 PM (WkNQM)

438 PDT is being indicted for showing the backbone the GOP lacks. He refused to roll over on the obvious fraud and Democrats are gladly playing hired gun for the GOPe.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at August 15, 2023 02:21 PM (2YtOq)

439 I left out driving the Atlanteans into the Ocean. Bukaki Moment.
Posted by: Puddinhead at August 15, 2023 02:17 PM (tiR3O)

The Tybee Island sharks nod in approval.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at August 15, 2023 02:21 PM (BIG3/)

440 That leaves aside the fact that the ChiCom government and Chinese companies will only do business with foreign devils long enough to reverse-engineer your products before they kick you to the curb.
Posted by: IllTemperedCur at August 15, 2023 02:19 PM (n+4am)

Long after I retire...

Posted by: Kemp at August 15, 2023 02:21 PM (53oGX)

441 "The cycle of academic theories are then built on a foundation of sand until reality washes a lot of it away."

I think they gave up on Z-rays too early.

Posted by: Minimal gp-Based Barrier at August 15, 2023 02:21 PM (MvF+J)

442 Once they go down this road, there seems the possibility for future, broad application among others, politicians and not.
IDK but that's how things seemed to go throughout history.

Not too swift and clinically effective to not provide proper entertainment. The public even called out with the first use of guillotines, "Bring back our wooden gallows."

Posted by: L - Practice makes perfect. They know their enemy at August 15, 2023 02:22 PM (GshMh)

443 What would happen if every adult American sued the United States government at the same time?

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 15, 2023 02:22 PM (5xURv)

444 Ugh. Blaster, I usually like your posts more, but this is unfounded. The more consequential Presidents- Clinton and Trump- were both capable of inspiring fanatic loyalty among their handpicked guards. They both brought on their previous security staff when they became President- Clinton bringing Arkansas enforcers and Trump bringing his private security force.

Donald Trump is very unlikely to face major betrayal from inside his own security detail.
Posted by: trev006 at August 15, 2023 02:20 PM (+Wz5+)

His Secret Service detail will deliver him to prison.

I'd bet money on that.

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 02:22 PM (Jk9SN)

445 Yeah. The new rules are going to apply to Dems.

Narrator: no they won't.
Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 02:17 PM (Jk9SN)

The new rulebook is going to be rather lengthy. I don't see a place for Congress in the future of America, much less peaceful transfers of power. Franco isn't even the right example- think of Reconquista here.

Posted by: trev006 at August 15, 2023 02:22 PM (+Wz5+)

446 This is made even worse when you remember the entire media and go apparatus literally phoned up an entire conspiracy to "deny" the 2016 election.

Posted by: ... at August 15, 2023 02:22 PM (D64Af)

447 443 What would happen if every adult American sued the United States government at the same time?

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 15, 2023 02:22 PM (5xURv)

We'd find out very quickly that "no standing" doesn't just apply to state AGs.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 15, 2023 02:23 PM (KbCG3)

448 fer some good news

Rooskie subs are, just outside of NYC, DC, LA, SF, etal are now equipped with SS missiles

and can decimate these cities in a matter of minutes

Posted by: REDACTED at August 15, 2023 02:23 PM (us2H3)

449 418 I think Trump is expecting to be imprisoned. But I’m sure he is going to fight with every legal means to prevent that from happening.
Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 15, 2023 02:17 PM (2HWEq)
lmao!!! Just like Trump fought to overturn the election! Roflmao!

Posted by: BeautifulHillaryClinton at August 15, 2023 02:23 PM (MFZ8i)

450 This is made even worse when you remember the entire media and go apparatus literally phoned up an entire conspiracy to "deny" the 2016 election.
Posted by: ... at August 15, 2023 02:22 PM (D64Af)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 02:23 PM (WkNQM)

451 Blago, you are telling hard truths today.

Posted by: Harun at August 15, 2023 02:23 PM (Cg63x)

452 This is made even worse when you remember the entire media and go apparatus literally phoned up an entire conspiracy to "deny" the 2016 election.
Posted by: ...

That's,like, totally different, man
*takes rip from bing*

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 02:23 PM (CIS44)

453 Wanted: Strongman willing to arrest and imprison or execute potentially 10,000 or more.
Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 15, 2023 01:58 PM (2HWEq)

The federal government has a LOT more than 10,000 employees.

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at August 15, 2023 02:24 PM (zjgNU)

454 451 Blago, you are telling hard truths today.
Posted by: Harun at August 15, 2023 02:23 PM (Cg63x)

Hard to call it truth.

Posted by: in at August 15, 2023 02:24 PM (53oGX)

455 The new rulebook is going to be rather lengthy. I don't see a place for Congress in the future of America, much less peaceful transfers of power. Franco isn't even the right example- think of Reconquista here.
Posted by: trev006
History is a bit of a poor predictor here but the usual end of an oligarchy is a despot of some sort. The smarter ones create enough space to make it stick as hereditary succession if their successors can hold onto it which is a 50/50 proposition at best.

Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 02:24 PM (6BfIu)

456 I think what we're seeing now is the end of the world as we've known it. God never did specify how long the destruction would take.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at August 15, 2023 02:24 PM (BdMk6)

457 That's,like, totally different, man
*takes rip from bing*
Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 02:23 PM (CIS44)
About damn time.

Posted by: Microsoft Bing, now with AI enhancements! at August 15, 2023 02:24 PM (WkNQM)

458 We have to cave to the left otherwise they might get really angry with us!!!

290 All I know is, When Schumer torpedoes the filibuster, SCOTUS is stacked, The Electoral College is gone, Guns are banned and vaccines are mandatory, I certainly hope it was worth it to give Trump a reach-around to jack him off. Because you know . . . "loyalty."

Posted by: MarleysGhost

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 15, 2023 02:25 PM (eL0G3)

459 H. Beam Piper puffs on pipe, "practicing politicians."

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 15, 2023 02:25 PM (CyPqT)

460 Does anybody know if the Gorilla Channel will broadcasting the entire proceedings? Their full coverage is usually exemplary.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at August 15, 2023 02:25 PM (fY84s)

461 Blago, you are telling hard truths today.

Link please.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at August 15, 2023 02:25 PM (oZ23Y)

462 457 About damn time.
Posted by: Microsoft Bing, now with AI enhancements! at August 15, 2023 02:24 PM (WkNQM)


You're just good for doing the same 30-40 searches per day and getting $5 gift cards every 2 weeks or so per account.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 15, 2023 02:25 PM (LvTSG)

463 Just a mediocre, half-wit of a judge would throw this entire case out with extreme prejudice and indict the DA for felony abuse of office.
\The DA needs to decorate a lamp post

Posted by: Ligma Balzak from Fuggencrass, Vulgaria at August 15, 2023 02:25 PM (JNTt1)

464 >His Secret Service detail will deliver him to prison.

I'd bet money on that.

I think that job would fall to the US Marshals service

Posted by: DB - spanning the globe at August 15, 2023 02:26 PM (geLO8)

465 The federal government has a LOT more than 10,000 employees.
I think you meant the feudal government, rite?

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 15, 2023 02:26 PM (DmtxH)

466 Isn't it about time for a new thread?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 15, 2023 02:26 PM (IjPMX)

467 Posted by: trev006 at August 15, 2023 02:15 PM (+Wz5+)

Biden will be re-elected with 100 trillion votes. From LA alone. No one will (be permitted to) question it.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 15, 2023 02:26 PM (1Z8zZ)

468 Feral Government

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 15, 2023 02:26 PM (CyPqT)

469 and can decimate these cities in a matter of minutes
Posted by: REDACTED at August 15, 2023 02:23 PM (us2H

Russian subs rarely left their own waters. The handful of times that they did, they broke or we ran into them.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at August 15, 2023 02:26 PM (JTwsP)

470 You're just good for doing the same 30-40 searches per day and getting $5 gift cards every 2 weeks or so per account.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 15, 2023 02:25 PM (LvTSG)
Huh? Does Microsoft bribe people to use Bing?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 02:26 PM (WkNQM)

471 Just a mediocre, half-wit of a judge would throw this entire case out with extreme prejudice and indict the DA for felony abuse of office.
\The DA needs to decorate a lamp post
Posted by: Ligma Balzak from Fuggencrass, Vulgaria at August 15, 2023 02:25 PM (JNTt1)
Bad news is that this case is being heard by a quarter-wit judge.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 15, 2023 02:26 PM (YIVH2)

472 I think that job would fall to the US Marshals service
Posted by: DB - spanning the globe

I don't think Raylan would do it.

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 02:26 PM (CIS44)

473 Science! A baby in the womb is not life, but weird patterns in salt deposits on Mars is!

HMM: Strange Patterns Discovered on the Red Planet Offer Tantalizing New Evidence for Ancient Life on Mars. “Rapin and the research team say these salt deposits are the first direct fossil evidence of an ongoing cyclical Martian climate where both wet and dry seasons occurred in its ancient past, although previous research had already suggested changes in the seasonal environment on the planet would be capable of providing conditions perfect for the formation of complex compounds that form the building blocks of life.”

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 15, 2023 02:27 PM (eL0G3)

474 Just a mediocre, half-wit of a judge would throw this entire case out with extreme prejudice and indict the DA for felony abuse of office.


That's JURY DOCTOR L'Shaneqqua to you!

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at August 15, 2023 02:27 PM (oZ23Y)

475 459 H. Beam Piper puffs on pipe, "practicing politicians."
Posted by: Anna Puma

Whatever you call a Planet for Texans, it did ensure politicians' accountability.

What we have though with the trad media and social media is more like Naudsonce. People think chanting feelings makes reality run.

Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 02:27 PM (6BfIu)

476 "The reason the Dems are indicting Trump is simple - they want him to die in jail. No other reason."

Sure, but they waited for 2023 to drop these charges so they could run against him in the election.

People need to not be stupid here.

I think the Dems are playing with fire in many ways

Posted by: Harun at August 15, 2023 02:27 PM (Cg63x)

477 470 Huh? Does Microsoft bribe people to use Bing?
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 02:26 PM (WkNQM)


Microsoft Rewards.

I have about $115 banked and need to just get the gift cards. The problem is that I'm not sure what I'd do with it.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 15, 2023 02:27 PM (LvTSG)

478 Pretty sure that even if the left is able to put Trump in prison that isn't going to move the base to any sort of act of retribution.

Now, if they start rounding up all the voters who voted for him in 2020...

Posted by: Martini Farmer at August 15, 2023 02:27 PM (Q4IgG)

479 Isn't it about time for a new thread?
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby

What have you written for us?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 15, 2023 02:27 PM (eL0G3)

480 fer some good news

Rooskie subs are, just outside of NYC, DC, LA, SF, etal are now equipped with SS missiles

and can decimate these cities in a matter of minutes
Posted by: REDACTED at August 15, 2023 02:23 PM (us2H3)

Yes. This is happy news.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at August 15, 2023 02:27 PM (BdMk6)

481 TASS, "glorious new sub [i[Kursk has set sail on exercise."

Russian Navy, "Dude, where's our sub?"

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 15, 2023 02:28 PM (CyPqT)

Russian subs rarely left their own waters. The handful of times that they did, they broke or we ran into them.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at August 15, 2023 02:26 PM (JTwsP)

these people believe all our bullshit

Posted by: US defense dept at August 15, 2023 02:28 PM (us2H3)

483 His Secret Service detail will deliver him to prison.

I'd bet money on that.
Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 02:22 PM (Jk9SN)

I'd ordinarily take that action, except that they might do so on Trump's own orders. I don't think you appreciate how homicidal quite a bit of the Trump base has already become over this injustice, or what it will mean for the country when "McVeigh was Right" reaches double digit sentiment nationally.

Scoff at Larry Correia's unflipped switch if you want, but the tribal natives can tell you all about what that can look like. It you can find any.

Posted by: trev006 at August 15, 2023 02:28 PM (+Wz5+)

484 I have about $115 banked and need to just get the gift cards. The problem is that I'm not sure what I'd do with it.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison

I can provide my Venmo...

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 02:28 PM (CIS44)

485 So many people don't even know about all the Soviet type political charges and sentences being rained down on Trump and his supporters by the deep stage et al. and the ones that do know just go "well Trump was stupid in letting the GOPe decide too many of his hires and being so brash and his supporters took things a step too far" and think DeSantis can be clever enough to be the super hero saving us while we just keep going along, not even figuring out how to work some Irish democracy.

I fear we will let ourselves be herded into gulags or possibly the tyrants create a martyr and we will have a civil war. Either of those will be awful but if there is any push for peaceful pushback against the tyrants to make them back down the commiecrats are managing to silence the news.

Posted by: PaleRider at August 15, 2023 02:28 PM (3cGpq)

486 HMM: Strange Patterns Discovered on the Red Planet Offer Tantalizing New Evidence for Ancient Life on Mars. “Rapin and the research team say these salt deposits are the first direct fossil evidence of an ongoing cyclical Martian climate where both wet and dry seasons occurred in its ancient past, although previous research had already suggested changes in the seasonal environment on the planet would be capable of providing conditions perfect for the formation of complex compounds that form the building blocks of life.”
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 15, 2023 02:27 PM (eL0G3)
Salt deposits are "direct evidence of life" now? Isn't this just brash speculation calling itself direct evidence?

I think these people are overtly furthering a conspiracy.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 02:28 PM (WkNQM)

487 Citing a "radical shift of strategic direction," Open Society Foundations says that their new operating model will require "significant further restructuring," and "closing all regional and global programs," according to a letter sent to grantees in Hungary which was seen by Bloomberg.

"Ultimately, the new approved strategic direction provides for withdrawal and termination of large parts of our current work within the European Union, shifting our focus and allocation of resources to other parts of the world," reads the message, which cites another note sent to staff at OSF's Berlin headquarters.

"OSF will largely terminate funding within the European Union, and further funding will be extremely limited," it reads, without elaborating, except to say that the organization is pivoting because "EU institutions and governments were already allocating significant resources to human rights, freedom and pluralism" inside the bloc.

Posted by: SMOD at August 15, 2023 02:28 PM (RHGPo)

488 Link please.
Posted by: Moron Robbie
Heh. Suspect sock puppet.

Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 02:28 PM (6BfIu)

489 "Hard to call it truth."

They have how many cases against Trump?

90 felonies?

You don't think one is gonna stick?

Dems launched these like its freaking D-Day.

Posted by: Harun at August 15, 2023 02:28 PM (Cg63x)

490 I think that job would fall to the US Marshals service
Posted by: DB - spanning the globe at August 15, 2023 02:26 PM (geLO

Not in Georgia.

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 02:28 PM (Jk9SN)

491 The fucking judge is a machine politician dressed up in a black robe.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at August 15, 2023 02:28 PM (BIG3/)

492 lmao!!! Just like Trump fought to overturn the election! Roflmao!
Posted by: BeautifulHillaryClinton at August 15, 2023 02:23 PM (MFZ8i)


As you can tell in the USA, the legal system is a joke.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 15, 2023 02:29 PM (2HWEq)

493 Nothing. And they'd likely claim the paperwork was lost in the mail.

Posted by: L - Practice makes perfect. They know their enemy at August 15, 2023 02:29 PM (GshMh)

494 They want us to get violent so the cracking of heads can start.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 15, 2023 02:29 PM (eL0G3)

495 Microsoft Rewards.

I have about $115 banked and need to just get the gift cards. The problem is that I'm not sure what I'd do with it.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison
You could buy up multiple copies of Babe-Pig in the City and give them to your family members.

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 15, 2023 02:29 PM (DmtxH)

496 435 Somebody needs to explain to me how Trump is going to campaign for President when he is sitting behind bars in the Federal Pen.
Posted by: BeautifulHillaryClinton at August 15, 2023 02:09 PM (MFZ8i)

Biden never left his basement. It can be done.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 15, 2023 02:20 PM (1Z8zZ)
I am looking forward to the Republicans ballot harvesting the Hell out of Philadelphia, Atlanta, Madison, Phoenix, ect during the 2024 Covid Pandemic 2.0 election while the MSM attacks Biden's every move to provide Trump the victory while he sits incommunicado in jail.
Nobody in here in serious about winning in 2024. You just want to own the libs and GOPe and lose in 2024.

Posted by: BeautifulHillaryClinton at August 15, 2023 02:30 PM (MFZ8i)

497 They nullified 2016, stole 2020, are stealing 2024 and they're charging Trump with bad election influence. It's almost but not quite at all really unbelievable.

Posted by: ... at August 15, 2023 02:30 PM (D64Af)

498 I have about $115 banked and need to just get the gift cards. The problem is that I'm not sure what I'd do with it.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison
You could buy up multiple copies of Babe-Pig in the City and give them to your family members.
Posted by: Puddinhead


Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2023 02:30 PM (CIS44)

499 You could buy up multiple copies of Babe-Pig in the City and give them to your family members.
Posted by: Puddinhead at August 15, 2023 02:29 PM (DmtxH)
That would reduce the number of Christmas cards he receives and needs to send.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 02:30 PM (WkNQM)

500 The Justice Department refuted Hunter Biden's legal team on Tuesday, denying that the First Son's plea deal and pretrial diversion agreement are in effect.

Contained within a footnote of a Monday filing, Hunter's legal team claimed that his plea deal and diversion agreement were "largely dictated" by DOJ prosecutors, and that it's still "valid and binding," and that the government said in court that the agreement was "in effect," and stands apart from Hunter's now-dead plea deal.

Posted by: SMOD at August 15, 2023 02:30 PM (RHGPo)


Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 02:30 PM (WkNQM)

502 499 You could buy up multiple copies of Babe-Pig in the City and give them to your family members.
Posted by: Puddinhead at August 15, 2023 02:29 PM (DmtxH)
That would reduce the number of Christmas cards he receives and needs to send.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 15, 2023 02:30 PM (WkNQM)


You see, this is smartness.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 15, 2023 02:31 PM (LvTSG)

503 the governing theory for the dims is while Trump is a badass, the con base are a bunch of do nothing pussies

Posted by: REDACTED at August 15, 2023 02:31 PM (us2H3)

504 gifts are very useful when you get a call from the electric company telling you that your service will be cut off unless you promptly send money to @

Posted by: gnats local 678 at August 15, 2023 02:31 PM (B1FKF)

505 Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 02:28 PM (6BfIu)

You mean to tell me the Blago Fan Club isn't real?

Posted by: ... at August 15, 2023 02:31 PM (D64Af)

506 nood

Posted by: Minimal gp-Based Barrier at August 15, 2023 02:31 PM (MvF+J)

507 Although as far as the missile boat boats go, the Arctic ocean is as close as they ever needed to be .

They could have lobbed a nuke from the pier and hit the US.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at August 15, 2023 02:31 PM (JTwsP)

508 new thread!

Posted by: gnats local 678 at August 15, 2023 02:31 PM (B1FKF)

509 I have about $115 banked and need to just get the gift cards. The problem is that I'm not sure what I'd do with it.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison


Get gift cards to give to family as Christmas presents.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at August 15, 2023 02:31 PM (oZ23Y)

510 Sharp take per usual, although I take some issue here:

"This is straight-up banana republic stuff."

No, a banana republic at least would fabricate evidence to support a political prosecution. This is totalitarianism, and the paucity of proof and the frivolous nature of the charges are the point. It is a message that "we can do anything we want, any time we want, to a fucking former president and current frontrunner and he cannot do a damned thing about it. Think what we could do to you."

"Our democracy" looks a lot like the USSR, although the latter was not functionally retarded.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at August 15, 2023 02:32 PM (KSNKu)

511 If we had a "secret" recording of Obama or Biden with that exact phone call, we would be howling about it. Be honest.
Posted by: Blago at August 15, 2023 01:30 PM

"Serious, you guys."

Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at August 15, 2023 02:32 PM (kjOVp)

512 I fear we will let ourselves be herded into gulags or possibly the tyrants create a martyr and we will have a civil war. Either of those will be awful but if there is any push for peaceful pushback against the tyrants to make them back down the commiecrats are managing to silence the news.
Posted by: PaleRider
Too many people resisting for gulags and not distributed correctly. Offensive movements to consolidate power are more likely to result in civil war or a swift, relatively peaceful collapse like the USSR.

So what the geniuses in DC have come up with is repression because they know not what else to do and being cowardly bureaucrats and nepots, do so with two feet forward, one step back. This is pissing off more and more of the population and destroying what legitimacy that the DC fed gov had.

Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 02:32 PM (6BfIu)

513 Pretty sure that even if the left is able to put Trump in prison that isn't going to move the base to any sort of act of retribution.

Now, if they start rounding up all the voters who voted for him in 2020...
Posted by: Martini Farmer at August 15, 2023 02:27 PM (Q4IgG)

They've already broken the bond of secret ballots with mail-in voting. What's not to stop them from having to put your name on the ballot at in-person voting locations?

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at August 15, 2023 02:32 PM (BdMk6)

514 Well, this thread is a heck of a lot more civil that the one over at "Legal Insurrection" on the Georgia indictments. Comments used to be fine there even if people disagreed. Now it's like a dumpster fire it's so toxic.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 15, 2023 02:32 PM (Keyt1)

515 26 Next stop, Trump flags outlawed as being offensive as the stars and bars.
Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at August 15, 2023 01:22 PM (oWBc3)

Reporting from inner Boston, MA (temp stay at Harvard ) methinks displaying the stars and bars may be less dangerous to your health than a Trump flag and a MAGA hat. This is ground zero for nuts and fruits and VERY proud trans activists who yearn for CCP rules.

Posted by: Voter theater. at August 15, 2023 02:33 PM (yG+Ds)

516 Lol I've talked to a few Cold War era sub commanders about Crazy Ivan and his sub fleet.

It was nuts. Nuts.

Posted by: Thesokorus at August 15, 2023 02:33 PM (P0plo)

517 Scoff at Larry Correia's unflipped switch if you want, but the tribal natives can tell you all about what that can look like. It you can find any.
Posted by: trev006 at August 15, 2023 02:28 PM (+Wz5+)

I don't think that its a good thing. It is, unfortunately, reality.

I think it is much morel likely that Trump's Secret Service detail would deliver him to prison than some civil unrest from preventing it.

Posted by: blaster at August 15, 2023 02:33 PM (Jk9SN)

The Tinkerbell effect is an American English expression describing the phenomenon of thinking something exists only because people believe in it.

Posted by: L - Practice makes perfect. They know their enemy at August 15, 2023 02:34 PM (GshMh)

519 "Fani" has to be a bad name to grow up with.

Posted by: Coki at August 15, 2023 02:34 PM (6Phnr)

520 , I certainly hope it was worth it to give Trump a reach-around to jack him off. Because you know . . . "loyalty."

Hmmm; I little sexually obsessed with Trump, huh?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 15, 2023 02:34 PM (Keyt1)

521 476 "The reason the Dems are indicting Trump is simple - they want him to die in jail. No other reason."

Sure, but they waited for 2023 to drop these charges so they could run against him in the election.

People need to not be stupid here.

I think the Dems are playing with fire in many ways
Posted by: Harun at August 15, 2023 02:27 PM (Cg63x)
What? "Playing with fire"?!!! Republicans and MAGA aren't going to do anything. Well, maybe except for MAGA, who will try to get Trump the Republican nomination again in 2028 so he can continue to sit & die in jail.
But at least MAGA owned the libs and GOPe again, isn't that what it is all about?! Yeahhhhhhhhhh!!!

Posted by: BeautifulHillaryClinton at August 15, 2023 02:35 PM (MFZ8i)

522 Your book challenges the conventional “white flight” narrative. In brief, what were whites fleeing, if not black Americans moving into their neighborhoods?

I got the book’s title from a childhood friend, the last guy to leave our block. When I asked him why he left, he said, after a moment’s reflection, the neighborhood had become untenable. When I asked what “untenable” meant. He said, “When your widowed mother gets mugged for the second time, that’s untenable. When your home gets invaded for the second time, that’s untenable, too.”

Posted by: SMOD at August 15, 2023 02:36 PM (RHGPo)

523 514 Well, this thread is a heck of a lot more civil that the one over at "Legal Insurrection" on the Georgia indictments. Comments used to be fine there even if people disagreed. Now it's like a dumpster fire it's so toxic.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke
Lawyers and wannabe lawyers in the US are often toxic because they are typically type A personalities that cannot admit loss. Then you get the paid trolls, wannabe political influencers, and bots over there as well on issues like Trump.

Place has went downhill since 2016 on a lot of issues.

Posted by: whig at August 15, 2023 02:36 PM (6BfIu)

524 My American flag remains, furled, on the corner of my porch for when I feel any pride in or allegiance to the government of the United States.

Posted by: Zek at August 15, 2023 02:37 PM (5FPX4)

525 PDT is being indicted for showing the backbone the GOP lacks. He refused to roll over on the obvious fraud and Democrats are gladly playing hired gun for the GOPe.
Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at August 15, 2023 02:21 PM (2YtOq)
Agree 100 percent. The GOPe , aka Dem moles, have always been, and particularly in the times we live in now, THE problem.

Posted by: Voter theater. at August 15, 2023 02:38 PM (OLmg7)

526 Up yours.
Posted by: Ham Sandwich at August 15, 2023 01:58 PM (ufFY

Just the kind of thing a hardened criminal would say.

Posted by: Jack Squat Bupkis at August 15, 2023 02:40 PM (GD2xa)

527 Green energy is bad for the environment.

Posted by: Jack Squat Bupkis at August 15, 2023 02:52 PM (GD2xa)

528 I'm at the point where It's time to start burning flags.

Posted by: Regular joe at August 15, 2023 03:28 PM (nnp+f)

529 Conversation with a fellow conservative who supports Trump:

Me: "sounds like he should be marshaling a defense strategy instead of using his plane to do doughnuts in the middle of a DeSantis Speech."

Them: "Desantis has the job because of Trum!"

Me: "If Trump is such an omnipotent kingmaker, why doesn't he make DeSantis President then?"

Posted by: MarleysGhost at August 15, 2023 03:54 PM (uxXx0)

530 "The reason the Dems are indicting Trump is simple - they want him to die in jail. No other reason."

And as soon as he is finished forcing an election cycle to deal with his shit-storm circus as the nominee, resulting in a landslide loss of everything, I wish him to die in jail, too.

Captain Chaos deserves no better.

Posted by: MarleysGhost at August 15, 2023 04:02 PM (uxXx0)

531 See 28 CFR § 600.3 - Qualifications of the Special Counsel: "The Special Counsel shall be a lawyer and selected from outside the United States Government."

But then see 28 CFR § 600.10 No creation of rights.

The regulations in this part are not intended to, do not, and may not be relied upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or equity, by any person or entity, in any matter, civil, criminal, or administrative.

IOW, the AG will just say, "what are you going to do about it? You have no right to challenge my unauthorized appointment."

Posted by: jayhawkone at August 15, 2023 04:24 PM (9rPx3)

532 The ones who should be arrested for Treason are Obama both the Clintons Gates Soros and Biden and all the rest in this Kangaroo Court system

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at August 15, 2023 04:35 PM (wGqjj)

533 13 If you're a GA Democrat and you donated to Jill Steins recounts in 2016 you may have committed a felony.

Posted by: hurricane567 at August 15, 2023 04:59 PM (MapSb)

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