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Another Whistleblower Comes Forward to Allege Administration Interference and Favoritism in the Hunter Biden Corruption Cover-Up

US Attorney David Weiss is now sought for questioning. He previously wrote that he wasn't "in charge" of the sham investigation of Hunter Biden, but had to "follow procedures" dictated to him by the DOJ, but then three weeks ago wrote to Congress he is in charge.

This is part of Merrick Garland's ongoing refusal to appoint an independent prosecutor, claiming that man who answers to him, and answers to Joe Biden, is just as independent as an independent prosecutor would be.

Obviously not -- or he'd have appointed one two years ago.

House Republicans want to interview Weiss and Merrick Garland about this fake investigation.

Whistleblower allegations have given House Republicans fresh incentive to look into how the Justice Department handled its investigation into Hunter Biden.

What's happening: The DOJ has asserted that Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney David Weiss had full authority over the probe into the president's son -- ultimately resulting in a plea deal that Republicans have labeled a "sweetheart" agreement. But whistleblower testimony has suggested Weiss encountered more interference from leaders at the Justice Department, and accuses the DOJ and Weiss' office of hampering an IRS investigation into the first son's taxes.

What has Weiss said so far? In a June 7 letter to Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Weiss vowed that the DOJ had given him "ultimate authority" over the investigation "including responsibility for deciding where, when, and whether to file charges and for making decisions necessary to preserve the integrity of the prosecution."


The GOP's bigger picture: The letter is the latest example of Republicans' multi-pronged investigation into not only the Justice Department, but specifically how the DOJ conducted the Hunter Biden investigation.

Republicans are likely to call on Weiss to testify publicly -- though Jordan previously said he and Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) are formally waiting for Hunter Biden's arraignment to determine a next step. The two GOP lawmakers are hoping to get clarity on what piece of the federal investigation remains "ongoing," since Hunter Biden's lawyer has asserted the plea deal concludes the federal probe into his client.

Meanwhile, Jordan and Ways and Means Chair Jason Smith (R-Mo.) also sent a letter to two government watchdogs as they probe the allegations of potential retaliation against the IRS whistleblowers.


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 first?

Posted by: lin-duh at June 27, 2023 03:44 PM (UUBmN)

2 I even read the content!

Posted by: lin-duh at June 27, 2023 03:45 PM (UUBmN)

3 If we were on a completely different planet, this might mean some people in power would be punished.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at June 27, 2023 03:45 PM (H9sxy)

4 Ah, I see that Lamont is back.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 03:46 PM (t0OGg)

5 Mr. X?


Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 27, 2023 03:47 PM (9UlRk)

6 #twoweeks

Posted by: nurse ratched at June 27, 2023 03:47 PM (XDi3x)

7 We could have 1,000 bona fide whistle blowers alleging bidens crimes and nothing is going to happen.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at June 27, 2023 03:47 PM (ncXxy)

8 Malcolm X is the whistleblower?

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at June 27, 2023 03:47 PM (lf83v)

9 Lamont is good people.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, perfectly captured in the frame by William Wyler at June 27, 2023 03:47 PM (LvTSG)

10 Depression is a serious problem in this country. Medical professionals advise short walks in Ft. Marcy Park.

Posted by: The Regime at June 27, 2023 03:47 PM (ppBhU)

11 If we were on a completely different planet, this might mean some people in power would be punished.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at June 27, 2023 03:45 PM (H9sxy)


The best we can hope for is an underling getting a slap on the wrist.

Posted by: Jordan61 at June 27, 2023 03:47 PM (DRSnL)

12 It's 8 years now. 2015.

Posted by: SmileyGG at June 27, 2023 03:47 PM (oRwBU)

13 hiya

Posted by: JT at June 27, 2023 03:47 PM (T4tVD)

14 This could be the big one!

Posted by: Fred S. at June 27, 2023 03:48 PM (FHmlN)

15 I've never even heard of Miss Handle!

Posted by: Joe Biden at June 27, 2023 03:48 PM (ppBhU)

16 I expect this whistlebolower to get the same revered treatment as LtCommander Bearclaw.

Posted by: Inogame at June 27, 2023 03:48 PM (53oGX)

17 I think it takes a lot of balls to come forward at this time, after other whistleblowers have suffered retaliation.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 27, 2023 03:48 PM (RIvkX)

18 Steiner will come.


Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at June 27, 2023 03:48 PM (lf83v)

19 Happen, nothing will.

Posted by: ... at June 27, 2023 03:48 PM (nL0D+)

20 But did Weiss really write the letter of free will?

Or did Garland ghost write it, digitally sign it by impersonation, and make Weiss follow orders or "you'll end up like Epstein".

We saw how that Epstein investigation ended up...

Posted by: Scott T at June 27, 2023 03:48 PM (2waQ7)

21 Lamont is back???

Posted by: Xipe Totec at June 27, 2023 03:48 PM (pohLc)

22 I've got your whistle blower right here!!!

Posted by: Kamala at June 27, 2023 03:49 PM (nL0D+)

23 Is Ace punishing himself again?

Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at June 27, 2023 03:49 PM (VdGjU)

24 So when does Joe suffer a health problem that requires that he step aside? Remember, he said that during his basement campaign.

Posted by: Pudinhead at June 27, 2023 03:49 PM (NsE9F)

25 This is part of Merrick Garland's ongoing refusal to appoint an independent prosecutor, claiming that man who answers to him, and answers to Joe Biden, is just as independent as an independent prosecutor would be.



The idea of an independent prosecutor is a myth used against Republicans to assign an antagonistic prosecutor to a case to embarrass Republicans. The DOJ is an extension of a partisan office, the presidency, and we would be a healthier nation if we all acknowledged that, especially when Republicans have the White House.

The proper overall response would then be to lessen the power of the executive so that it could do fewer things to harm the American nation.


Posted by: TheJamesMadison, perfectly captured in the frame by William Wyler at June 27, 2023 03:49 PM (LvTSG)

26 They have the Money Trail, the Paper Trail and several admissions by declaration / text.

But the smoke coming out of the Smoking Gun is just a Father's Love.

Posted by: garrett at June 27, 2023 03:49 PM (U8uFi)

27 Believe all whistleblowers is as consistent with the Left as the Believe All Women admonishment.

Posted by: polynikes at June 27, 2023 03:49 PM (MNhXM)

28 Quick! Let's get Durham, he'll investigate it. He'll investigate anything!

Posted by: BurtTC at June 27, 2023 03:49 PM (dGCAG)

29 LAMONT You big loveable dummy, YOU ARE HOME!

Thank God, Ace was molting.

Posted by: sven at June 27, 2023 03:50 PM (X0I7i)

30 I always thought Grady was dumber than Lamont.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 27, 2023 03:50 PM (hEBJo)

31 I believe Merrick Garland didn't interfere in the investigation.

I also believe that the lizard people were responsible for the wreck of the Titan.

Posted by: Archimedes at June 27, 2023 03:50 PM (eOEVl)

32 I don't know the guy.

Posted by: Racer X at June 27, 2023 03:51 PM (iayUP)

33 Champipple all around!

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 27, 2023 03:51 PM (9UlRk)

34 This is part of Merrick Garland's ongoing refusal to appoint an independent prosecutor, claiming that man who answers to him, and answers to Joe Biden, is just as independent as an independent prosecutor would be.
Not really. This guy *is* as independent as a special prosecutor would be. If they assigned a special prosecutor, he would be Party Man and a Company Man and he would would do his job. The outcome would be no different.

The appearances would be different. They would still be assured of the outcome, but they would get to pretend to follow the rules. That is the problem with the idea. We're no longer in the era where the power players have to pretend. They're through pretending, they know they're invincible, they know there will be no repercussions and they don't want internal dissenters getting uppity and thinking that they need to be listened to or even be acknowledged.

The smart play - under the old rules - would be to assign a special prosecutor that they know will return the right answer. Under the new rules, though, that is dangerously accommodating of rules and objections among the populace.

We're to remain in our place.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 03:51 PM (t0OGg)

35 Did Ace do something unfortunate or is just into self flagellation?

Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at June 27, 2023 03:51 PM (VdGjU)

36 Is "The Big Dummy" a title?

Posted by: lin-duh at June 27, 2023 03:51 PM (UUBmN)

37 "This is part of Merrick Garland's ongoing refusal to appoint an independent prosecutor, claiming that man who answers to him, and answers to Joe Biden, is just as independent as an independent prosecutor would be."

Well, Barr appointed Durham, and Durham was clearly as independent of Trump as was possible, under the circumstances.

Bought and paid for by the CIA, sure, but independent of Trump.

Posted by: BurtTC at June 27, 2023 03:52 PM (dGCAG)

38 The two GOP lawmakers are hoping to get clarity on what piece of the federal investigation remains "ongoing," since Hunter Biden's lawyer has asserted the plea deal concludes the federal probe into his client.
And people in hell want ice water.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 03:52 PM (t0OGg)

House Republicans want to interview Weiss and Merrick Garland about this fake investigation.



Not a single person believes the GOP is going to do anything substantive with regard to Party corruption, ever, under any circumstances.

This is both tiresome and cringe-inducing. You look so gay. Just quit it. Just take your cut of the bribes and STFU.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 27, 2023 03:52 PM (oINRc)

40 This is part of Merrick Garland's ongoing refusal to appoint an independent prosecutor, claiming that man who answers to him, and answers to Joe Biden, is just as independent as an independent prosecutor would be.

Garland reminds me more and more of an effeminate Renfield.

Posted by: Archimedes at June 27, 2023 03:53 PM (eOEVl)

41 Weiss is "being sought?"

What, they don't know where he is? Try looking at the bottom of a lake?

Posted by: OrangeEnt at June 27, 2023 03:53 PM (Angsy)

42 Champipple all around!
Posted by: Warai-otoko

What is champagne and ripple in the same glass, Grady?

Posted by: rickb223 at June 27, 2023 03:53 PM (+E9mL)


Not a single person believes the GOP is going to do anything substantive with regard to Party corruption, ever, under any circumstances.

This is both tiresome and cringe-inducing. You look so gay. Just quit it. Just take your cut of the bribes and STFU.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 27, 2023 03:52 PM (oINRc)


Plenty of people think that this time hearings will work! It'll move the Overton Window a little bit more!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, perfectly captured in the frame by William Wyler at June 27, 2023 03:53 PM (LvTSG)

44 I also believe that the lizard people were responsible for the wreck of the Titan.
Posted by: Archimedes at June 27, 2023 03:50 PM (eOEVl)

That's exactly what the lobster people want you to believe.

Posted by: BurtTC at June 27, 2023 03:53 PM (dGCAG)

45 Hunter Biden did not accidentally OD.

Posted by: Archer at June 27, 2023 03:54 PM (gmo/4)

46 This is both tiresome and cringe-inducing. You look so gay. Just quit it. Just take your cut of the bribes and STFU.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 27, 2023 03:52 PM (oINRc)

Part of the condition of the bribe is looking as flaccid and pathetic as possible.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 27, 2023 03:54 PM (9UlRk)

47 44 I also believe that the lizard people were responsible for the wreck of the Titan.
Posted by: Archimedes at June 27, 2023 03:50 PM (eOEVl)

That's exactly what the lobster people want you to believe.
Posted by: BurtTC at June 27, 2023 03:53 PM (dGCAG)


"Crab people...crab people...taste like crab, talk like people..."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, perfectly captured in the frame by William Wyler at June 27, 2023 03:54 PM (LvTSG)

48 Meanwhile, Jordan and Ways and Means Chair Jason Smith (R-Mo.) also sent a letter to two government watchdogs as they probe the allegations of potential retaliation against the IRS whistleblowers.
Ohhhh! A *letter?* Oh man, now IT IS OOOOOOOON!!!!!!

Oy vey. Lemme know when they *don't* send him a check.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 03:54 PM (t0OGg)

49 Lamont was the only sane character on that show.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 27, 2023 03:55 PM (RIvkX)

50 48 Ohhhh! A *letter?* Oh man, now IT IS OOOOOOOON!!!!!!

Oy vey. Lemme know when they *don't* send him a check.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 03:54 PM (t0OGg)


Still not a peep about cutting the DOJ's budget by a single dollar, though.

Almost like it's all failure theater.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, perfectly captured in the frame by William Wyler at June 27, 2023 03:55 PM (LvTSG)

51 Part of the condition of the bribe is looking as flaccid and pathetic as possible.

Wow, right in my wheelhouse.

Posted by: Merrick Garland at June 27, 2023 03:55 PM (eOEVl)

52 Jesus Mitchell I hate Politico's writing style.

"What this means: It means I hate this condescending writing style. It is superfluous. The framing statement before the actual statement is pointless.

"Why is matters: It really doesn't, I guess. I just bugs the shit out of me."

Posted by: Frasier Crane at June 27, 2023 03:56 PM (bNf8H)

53 That's exactly what the lobster people want you to believe.
Posted by: BurtTC at June 27, 2023 03:53 PM (dGCAG)


"Crab people...crab people...taste like crab, talk like people..."
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, perfectly captured in the frame by William Wyler at June 27, 2023 03:54 PM (LvTSG)

If I've learned anything from Jordan Peterson, it's that lobster people are exponentially more ruthless than crab people.

Posted by: BurtTC at June 27, 2023 03:56 PM (dGCAG)

54 >>Plenty of people think that this time hearings will work! It'll move the Overton Window a little bit more!

It's making it a lot tougher for Joe to stay in the race.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 27, 2023 03:56 PM (ZLI7S)

55 These guys are like the monkey plugged into the elephant's receiver, they desperately want out but they have two problems, it just feels so good, and it's so far to the ground.

Posted by: Eromero at June 27, 2023 03:56 PM (Uv0D2)

56 I also believe that the lizard people were responsible for the wreck of the Titan.
Posted by: Archimedes at June 27, 2023 03:50 PM (eOEVl)

That's exactly what the lobster people want you to believe.
Posted by: BurtTC at June 27, 2023 03:53 PM (dGCAG)


"Crab people...crab people...taste like crab, talk like people..."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, perfectly captured in the frame by William Wyler at June 27, 2023 03:54 PM (LvTSG)

You're all wet. The metallic orbs have a base there and the Titan got too close.

Posted by: Archer at June 27, 2023 03:56 PM (gmo/4)


Not a single person believes the GOP is going to do anything substantive with regard to Party corruption, ever, under any circumstances.

This is both tiresome and cringe-inducing. You look so gay. Just quit it. Just take your cut of the bribes and STFU.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 27, 2023 03:52 PM (oINRc)

Our favorite pot-smoking Durham simp is still running an op to try to convince us that Something is going to happen Any Time Now.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at June 27, 2023 03:56 PM (X+iTM)

58 I love the return of Lamont!!

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at June 27, 2023 03:56 PM (xT8gx)

59 54 >>Plenty of people think that this time hearings will work! It'll move the Overton Window a little bit more!

It's making it a lot tougher for Joe to stay in the race.
Posted by: JackStraw at June 27, 2023 03:56 PM (ZLI7S)



Joe will easily stay in the race.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, perfectly captured in the frame by William Wyler at June 27, 2023 03:56 PM (LvTSG)

60 "Mr. Weis, Mr. Garland...please come to the Air Brasilia counter immediately, por Estados Unidos Federales aqui!"

Posted by: Boswell at June 27, 2023 03:57 PM (K+UlC)

61 Republicans want to do a lot of stuff. None of it relates to holding anyone in the *biden junta accountable.

Most of what the Republicans want to do is raise money for themselves. And feign impotent moral outrage over what the junta's doing. And get some face time on the boobtube.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 27, 2023 03:57 PM (Q4IgG)

62 Biden could be literally dead and still win in 2024. It's ridiculous to think otherwise.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 27, 2023 03:57 PM (9UlRk)

63 The best we can hope for is an underling getting a slap on the wrist.
Posted by: Jordan61 at June 27, 2023 03:47 PM (DRSnL)

Exactly, somebody might have to change jobs. Oh, the shame!

Posted by: Iris at June 27, 2023 03:57 PM (NaH5I)

64 Don’t forget the chicken people. Those two guys at NASA have video of them.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 27, 2023 03:57 PM (hEBJo)

65 "What this means: It means I hate this condescending writing style. It is superfluous. The framing statement before the actual statement is pointless.

"Why is matters: It really doesn't, I guess. I just bugs the shit out of me."
Posted by: Frasier Crane at June 27, 2023 03:56 PM (bNf8H)

It's written for people who need hand-holding. It's "accessible."

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 03:57 PM (t0OGg)

66 Whistling Dixie.

Posted by: wth at June 27, 2023 03:58 PM (v0R5T)

67 Is "The Big Dummy" a title?
Posted by: lin-duh at June 27, 2023 03:51 PM (UUBmN)

Fred Sanford always referred to Lamont as "Lamont, you Big Dummy"

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 27, 2023 03:58 PM (RIvkX)

68 62 Biden could be literally dead and still win in 2024. It's ridiculous to think otherwise.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 27, 2023 03:57 PM (9UlRk)


The Ashley Biden diary, the admittance of the voter fraud organization, the bragging of the threat to punish Ukraine for not firing that prosecutor...

All happened before 2020.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, perfectly captured in the frame by William Wyler at June 27, 2023 03:58 PM (LvTSG)

69 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at June 27, 2023 03:58 PM (Zz0t1)

70 Starched, rolled up and ready.

Posted by: Jim Jordan's (R - Google) Shirtsleeves at June 27, 2023 03:58 PM (NqqP4)

71 Cover ups, crack cocaine, whistle blowers, interference, favoritism, corruption, shower sex, rape, bribes, kick backs, mishandling this, mishandling that, prostitutes and more rape.

These are the pillars of the Biden Administration.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 27, 2023 03:58 PM (HiuPw)

72 53 That's exactly what the lobster people want you to believe.
Posted by: BurtTC at June 27, 2023 03:53 PM (dGCAG)


"Crab people...crab people...taste like crab, talk like people..."
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, perfectly captured in the frame by William Wyler at June 27, 2023 03:54 PM (LvTSG)

If I've learned anything from Jordan Peterson, it's that lobster people are exponentially more ruthless than crab people.
Posted by: BurtTC at June 27, 2023 03:56 PM
But you know what? The crabs and lobsters go to the same xxclubs, they all dance with each other.

Posted by: Eromero at June 27, 2023 03:58 PM (Uv0D2)

73 I also believe that the lizard people were responsible for the wreck of the Titan.
Posted by: Archimedes at June 27, 2023 03:50 PM (eOEVl)

Is that you, Heckle Fish?

Posted by: Beartooth at June 27, 2023 03:58 PM (8vzCZ)

74 Willowed:


There's always room for more. Like Mannix babes.
Posted by: Jordan61 at June 27, 2023 03:49 PM (DRSnL)

Her point is valid......unfortunately.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at June 27, 2023 03:59 PM (Zz0t1)

75 It's written for people who need hand-holding. It's "accessible."
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 03:57 PM (t0OGg)

Message: I Care.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 27, 2023 03:59 PM (9UlRk)

76 Biden could be literally dead and still win in 2024. It's ridiculous to think otherwise.

Don't dismiss the wily power of the necro-Americans.

Posted by: Bernie at June 27, 2023 03:59 PM (eOEVl)

I'm sorry but we had a big Beach Party and boiled and ate all the Lobster People with lots of melted butter.

They sure were noisy being boiled alive and all, but they were delicious.

Posted by: naturalfake at June 27, 2023 03:59 PM (fb7jX)

78 Cover ups, crack cocaine, whistle blowers, interference, favoritism, corruption, shower sex, rape, bribes, kick backs, mishandling this, mishandling that, prostitutes and more rape.

These are the pillars of the Biden Administration.
Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 27, 2023 03:58 PM (HiuPw)
That's a lot of pillars.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 03:59 PM (t0OGg)

79 74 There's always room for more. Like Mannix babes.
Posted by: Jordan61 at June 27, 2023 03:49 PM (DRSnL)

Her point is valid......unfortunately.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at June 27, 2023 03:59 PM (Zz0t1)


Seems like Jordan thinks Joe should post fat chicks.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, perfectly captured in the frame by William Wyler at June 27, 2023 03:59 PM (LvTSG)

80 69 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at June 27, 2023 03:58 PM (Zz0t1)

That deserves a standing ovation Sponge's first 69!

Posted by: OrangeEnt at June 27, 2023 03:59 PM (Angsy)

81 Flaccid and Pathetic opened for the Isley Brothers at Yankee Stadium.

Posted by: Erik In Texas at June 27, 2023 03:59 PM (aGGj6)

82 notice every time Garland mentions Weiss he says Weiss is a Trump appointee?

Trump had to pick which democrat to appoint from the list his two democrat Delaware senators provided.

Posted by: DanMan at June 27, 2023 04:00 PM (DB6tu)

83 Nixon had Deep Throat

Joey has Veep Throat

Posted by: Anna Puma at June 27, 2023 04:00 PM (m/317)

84 >>Biden could be literally dead and still win in 2024. It's ridiculous to think otherwise.

So then why go to the trouble of indicting Trump on made up bullshit? If the race is in the bag why not just let Trump run? Hell, why not just admit all of the crimes of the Biden family?

Posted by: JackStraw at June 27, 2023 04:00 PM (ZLI7S)

85 Message: I Care think you're stupid.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 27, 2023 03:59 PM (9UlRk)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 04:00 PM (t0OGg)

86 You're all wet. The metallic orbs have a base there and the Titan got too close.

Posted by: Archer at June 27, 2023 03:56 PM (gmo/4)

Another theory is Ariel had found a really really nice necklace, and was afraid the sub was trying to find it.

One jab with a trident later.....

Posted by: BurtTC at June 27, 2023 04:00 PM (dGCAG)

87 84 >>Biden could be literally dead and still win in 2024. It's ridiculous to think otherwise.

So then why go to the trouble of indicting Trump on made up bullshit? If the race is in the bag why not just let Trump run? Hell, why not just admit all of the crimes of the Biden family?
Posted by: JackStraw at June 27, 2023 04:00 PM (ZLI7S)


Because they are in power and love abusing it?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, perfectly captured in the frame by William Wyler at June 27, 2023 04:00 PM (LvTSG)

88 Lamont is back???
Posted by: Xipe Totec at June 27, 2023 03:48 PM (pohLc)

Well, Ace DID blow up the main page for 1/2 an hour........

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at June 27, 2023 04:00 PM (Zz0t1)

That deserves a standing ovation Sponge's first 69!
Posted by: OrangeEnt at June 27, 2023 03:59 PM (Angsy)

As it SHOULD be.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at June 27, 2023 04:01 PM (Zz0t1)

90 "Why did Stalin prosecute political rivals? It's because he feared them! His days are numbered!"

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, perfectly captured in the frame by William Wyler at June 27, 2023 04:01 PM (LvTSG)

91 Ace is too hard on himself.
Hee, hee, hee. He said hard on. .

Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at June 27, 2023 04:01 PM (VdGjU)

92 Cover ups, crack cocaine, whistle blowers, interference, favoritism, corruption, shower sex, rape, bribes, kick backs, mishandling this, mishandling that, prostitutes and more rape.

These are the pillars of the Biden Administration.
Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 27, 2023 03:58 PM (HiuPw)

This is why the MSM is the most dangerous enemy of the Republic. None of that is possible without the Press being part of the Leftist deep state.

Posted by: polynikes at June 27, 2023 04:01 PM (MNhXM)

93 But you know what? The crabs and lobsters go to the same xxclubs, they all dance with each other.
Posted by: Eromero at June 27, 2023 03:58 PM (Uv0D2)

That's gross. But at least they have the decency not to bring their kids with them.

Posted by: BurtTC at June 27, 2023 04:01 PM (dGCAG)

94 Yeah for awhile this blog was the purest expression of White Privilege

Posted by: Anna Puma at June 27, 2023 04:01 PM (m/317)

95 Hell, why not just admit all of the crimes of the Biden family?
Posted by: JackStraw at June 27, 2023 04:00 PM (ZLI7S)


Because they are in power and love abusing it?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, perfectly captured in the frame by William Wyler at June 27, 2023 04:00 PM (LvTSG)

And bingo was his name-o

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 27, 2023 04:01 PM (9UlRk)

96 66 Whistling Dixie.
Posted by: wth at June 27, 2023 03:58 PM
-stands, places hat over heart.

Posted by: Eromero at June 27, 2023 04:01 PM (Uv0D2)

97 >>Because they are in power and love abusing it?

If they did they wouldn't be so desperate to cover up all the Biden family crimes.

The left doesn't love Biden. Never did. They love power and if Joe keeps sinking they will toss him under the bus.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 27, 2023 04:02 PM (ZLI7S)

98 I'm with those who doubt the use of a special prosecutor. Garland would just pick someone safe - for them.

Posted by: Eeyore at June 27, 2023 04:02 PM (brAQZ)

99 I think we need to add another image to the stories. We have flaming skulls and flaming skulls in pudding cups.

I think we need to have an air jerk-off GIF to accompany stories where the McGOP is pretending to investigate some treasonous/seditious act of the Deep State or of the faux inquiries into Party royalty and princelings.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at June 27, 2023 04:02 PM (p8A+W)

100 Whoa! Lamont is back, can Rollo and Julio be far behind?

Posted by: Sanford Arms at June 27, 2023 04:02 PM (T0tUU)

101 So then why go to the trouble of indicting Trump on made up bullshit? If the race is in the bag why not just let Trump run? Hell, why not just admit all of the crimes of the Biden family?
Posted by: JackStraw at June 27, 2023 04:00 PM (ZLI7S)
1. To keep up appearances. All governments need the appearance of lawfullness.
2. To punish Trump for upsetting the apple cart and to serve as an object lesson to any other miserable bastard outsider with big notions who feels inclined to try to do the same (and to appease the intra-party Trump haters).

Trump v Biden, Round II will have the same outcome as Trump v Biden, Round I: they'll steal it and give it and give it to Joe.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 04:02 PM (t0OGg)

102 Love is love. And the Biden's love them some sweet sweet foreign cash.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at June 27, 2023 04:02 PM (2YtOq)

103 Word has to be out to drop Sundowner or the weight is too much to hold back.

Posted by: Skip at June 27, 2023 04:02 PM (xhxe8)

104 Good thing Ace never lets Aunt Esther on the blog. She would really crack down on the tomfoolery here.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 27, 2023 04:02 PM (hEBJo)

105 This Ain't Hell

CNN releases an audio recording of Trump allegedly discussing ways to deal with Iran. As TAH points out, if this was a classified meeting then the recording is also classified.

So CNN needs to be prosecuted.

Posted by: Anna Puma at June 27, 2023 04:02 PM (m/317)

106 I think we need to have an air jerk-off GIF to accompany stories where the McGOP is pretending to investigate some treasonous/seditious act of the Deep State or of the faux inquiries into Party royalty and princelings.
Posted by: Reuben Hick at June 27, 2023 04:02 PM (p8A+W)
I like this idea, and I endorse it.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 04:03 PM (t0OGg)

107 Cover ups, crack cocaine, whistle blowers, interference, favoritism, corruption, shower sex, rape, bribes, kick backs, mishandling this, mishandling that, prostitutes and more rape.
The long lost discarded final verse of "We Didn't Start the Fire"

Posted by: screaming in digital at June 27, 2023 04:03 PM (b+g5u)

108 I think we need to have an air jerk-off GIF to accompany stories where the McGOP is pretending to investigate some treasonous/seditious act of the Deep State or of the faux inquiries into Party royalty and princelings.
Posted by: Reuben Hick at June 27, 2023 04:02 PM (p8A+W)

Sticky skull?

Maybe smoking a cigarette?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 27, 2023 04:03 PM (9UlRk)

109 Joey Bidet - this tired old man they selected king.

Posted by: Anna Puma at June 27, 2023 04:04 PM (m/317)

110 Cover ups, crack cocaine, whistle blowers, interference, favoritism, corruption, shower sex, rape, bribes, kick backs, mishandling this, mishandling that, prostitutes and more rape.

These are the pillars of the Biden Administration.

A Pantheon of Shame

Posted by: Reuben Hick at June 27, 2023 04:04 PM (p8A+W)

111 Republic status: DEAD

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at June 27, 2023 04:04 PM (cMXNt)

112 You can tell Lamont is serious this time 'cuz he's wearing a dashiki.

Posted by: Roots! Roots! Roots! at June 27, 2023 04:04 PM (T0tUU)

113 *Sigh* This is all so boring and predictable. If the GOP were serious, they'd just announce the impeachment of Garland and get it on. They either have what it takes and the stones to do it or they don't. Less talk, more impeachment or STFU and STFD.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 27, 2023 04:04 PM (YRsIm)

114 40

Garland reminds me more and more of an effeminate Renfield.

I see him as a just as effeminate Himmler.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at June 27, 2023 04:04 PM (ruYJi)

115 Afternoon.

Abolish the DOJ.

Burn down their office building.

Salt the earth.

Posted by: Robert at June 27, 2023 04:04 PM (1Yy3c)

116 >>Trump v Biden, Round II will have the same outcome as Trump v Biden, Round I: they'll steal it and give it and give it to Joe.

Then they will steal it from DeSantis or anyone else and we should just stop talking about politics and turn this into a cat blog.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 27, 2023 04:05 PM (ZLI7S)

117 My new piece on latest National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) numbers, with three takeaways:

(1) The numbers are really, really bad. Like historically bad.

(2) Academic recovery is not happening (or nearly not fast enough).

(3) Attendance problems are harbinger of bad things to come.

.. where the hell is Dr Jill ?

Posted by: Neo at June 27, 2023 04:05 PM (RovqD)

118 But you know what? The crabs and lobsters go to the same xxclubs, they all dance with each other.
Posted by: Eromero

Crabs walk sideways and lobsters walk straight
And we won't let you take her for your mate

Posted by: The Smothers Brothers at June 27, 2023 04:05 PM (NqqP4)

119 Garland reminds me more and more of an effeminate Renfield.

I see him as a just as effeminate Himmler.

Carmen Miranda in a tuiti-fruiti hat...

Posted by: Anna Puma at June 27, 2023 04:06 PM (m/317)

120 Everyone here is a Malarkist Who Spouts Malarky!

Posted by: Joe Biden's Teleprompter at June 27, 2023 04:06 PM (ljU3O)

121 The crime this time is worse than the cover-up, which leads to more cover-up. Go figure.

Posted by: JP at June 27, 2023 04:06 PM (tF/Gf)

122 *Sigh* This is all so boring and predictable. If the GOP were serious, they'd just announce the impeachment of Garland and get it on. They either have what it takes and the stones to do it or they don't. Less talk, more impeachment or STFU and STFD.
Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 27, 2023 04:04 PM (YRsIm)
Why bother? He'd just be cleared in the Senate.

If the GOP were serious, they'd pass a budget funding a large number of federal agencies at zero dollars, send it to the Senate, then knock off and go fishing for the rest of the term.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 04:06 PM (t0OGg)

123 So then why go to the trouble of indicting Trump on made up bullshit? If the race is in the bag why not just let Trump run? Hell, why not just admit all of the crimes of the Biden family?

I'm not committed to this black-pill position; I think national elections are winnable under the right conditions, even with the cheating. But a black-piller has a perfectly reasonable answer to your question: the regime wants to maintain the veneer of democratic republicanism to keep the public docile.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at June 27, 2023 04:06 PM (ppBhU)

124 93 But you know what? The crabs and lobsters go to the same xxclubs, they all dance with each other.
Posted by: Eromero at June 27, 2023 03:58 PM (Uv0D2)

That's gross. But at least they have the decency not to bring their kids with them.
Posted by: BurtTC at June 27, 2023 04:01 PM (dGCAG)

They only molest OTHER people's kids. Not their own.

Posted by: XTC at June 27, 2023 04:06 PM (UnA8+)

125 Carmen Miranda in a tuiti-fruiti hat...
Posted by: Anna Puma at June 27, 2023 04:06 PM (m/317)
Unfair comparison. Carmen Miranda was nice-looking, talented and extremely charismatic.

Garland is just a sinister power player dripping with open malice.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 04:07 PM (t0OGg)

126 Well his name IS Garland...

But he ain't no Judy

Posted by: Anna Puma at June 27, 2023 04:08 PM (m/317)

127 If the GOP were serious, they'd confess their dishonor and shame and commit mass-seppuku on the capitol steps.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at June 27, 2023 04:08 PM (ppBhU)

128 If we are impeaching DOJ clowns, can we throw Jack Smith on the pyre? After all, in violation of the court's order, he did just leak his tape of PDJT shuffling desk papers and accusing Mark Milley of wanting to invade Iran.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 27, 2023 04:08 PM (ljU3O)

129 Jeebus Motherfuckinghamsterfucker,

Nothing will happen to the Bidens! And Joe will be "re-elected" With 100 million votes next year.

Ffs. Have y'all learned nothing?

Posted by: nurse ratched at June 27, 2023 04:08 PM (yL9c3)

130 O/T illegals...
People that can are bailing out of Houston. Some of the new development in the surrounding hinterlands is a place called Republic Grand Ranch that is selling acreage tracts in isolated serenity in the woods north.
It is 12 miles from a Terrenos Houston development where the illegal went next door and kilt 5 of the 15 illegals living there a couple of months ago.

Posted by: DanMan at June 27, 2023 04:08 PM (DB6tu)

131 OT-Well, now that we're over 100 points, I just want to share some good news my son received today ,so please bear with me. Because of his excellent academic performance during the last semester-although he did very well in the Fall too-he is receiving a scholarship for next year. I don't know how much it will be (The school has to write to us), but anything helps. I am thankful to God for this and proud of my son who is a rather self deprecating guy.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:09 PM (Keyt1)

132 98 I'm with those who doubt the use of a special prosecutor. Garland would just pick someone safe - for them.

Posted by: Eeyore at June 27, 2023 04:02 PM (brAQZ)

Each of us is tanned, rested, and ready! Put one of us that game, Coach Garland! Puh-leeeez!

Posted by: Louis Freeh, Robert Mueller, James Comey, Andrew Weissman, EWric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCab at June 27, 2023 04:09 PM (AMIL/)

133 You know Aunt Esther and Fred once bumped uglies at a family BBQ at some time. Those are scorned lover looks. Sorry Wheezy, he's coming.

Posted by: JP at June 27, 2023 04:09 PM (tF/Gf)

134 116 Then they will steal it from DeSantis or anyone else and we should just stop talking about politics and turn this into a cat blog.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 27, 2023 04:05 PM (ZLI7S)


It's a movie blog about 75% of the time, to be honest.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, perfectly captured in the frame by William Wyler at June 27, 2023 04:10 PM (LvTSG)

135 So then why go to the trouble of indicting Trump on made up bullshit? If the race is in the bag why not just let Trump run? Hell, why not just admit all of the crimes of the Biden family?

I'm not committed to this black-pill position; I think national elections are winnable under the right conditions, even with the cheating. But a black-piller has a perfectly reasonable answer to your question: the regime wants to maintain the veneer of democratic republicanism to keep the public docile.
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at June 27, 2023 04:06 PM (ppBhU)

My explanation is simpler. They are vengeful psychopaths who want to put you, me and Trump in camps.

Posted by: polynikes at June 27, 2023 04:10 PM (MNhXM)

136 People that can are bailing out of Houston.

I live just outside Houston. Things don't seem any worse here now than they've been in the last decade or so that I've lived here.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at June 27, 2023 04:10 PM (ppBhU)

137 If the GOP were serious, they'd pass a budget funding a large number of federal agencies at zero dollars, send it to the Senate, then knock off and go fishing for the rest of the term.

If the GOP were serious and had any honor, they'd commit sepukku.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 27, 2023 04:10 PM (YRsIm)

138 I have no idea what will happen to Joe. He may be dead before the election-and dear "Fibbies" I am not hoping for this or working for it. I just pray for his conversion and that he held accountable everyday.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:10 PM (Keyt1)

139 I am capable of being commander in chief.

I am also incapable of standing trial due to mental incapacity.

Posted by: Joe D. Mensha at June 27, 2023 04:10 PM (lZVy/)

140 Cat blog?


Posted by: Anna Puma at June 27, 2023 04:10 PM (m/317)

141 >>I'm not committed to this black-pill position; I think national elections are winnable under the right conditions, even with the cheating. But a black-piller has a perfectly reasonable answer to your question: the regime wants to maintain the veneer of democratic republicanism to keep the public docile.

And the perfectly reasonable answer to that is that no, Biden couldn't be dead and still win. They need to have Joe at least be a plausible candidate to make the cheating even possible. That's why they stuffed him in the basement in 2016 and hid his Senate record. The invented Biden 2016, they can't do that now. He has a record and it sucks.

These things are damaging Biden. Even the media is starting to ask uncomfortable questions and all the Biden team is doing is stonewalling. And most of the country doesn't even know the worst of it yet, they think this is a tax case about Hunter. That's the least of it.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 27, 2023 04:11 PM (ZLI7S)

142 Because of his excellent academic performance during the last semester-although he did very well in the Fall too-he is receiving a scholarship for next year. I don't know how much it will be (The school has to write to us), but anything helps. I am thankful to God for this and proud of my son who is a rather self deprecating guy.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:09 PM (Keyt1)
Congratulations to your son, Fen! And every little bit helps, and the recognition is part of the benefit. It also acts as an incentive to keep those grades up! All nice pluses.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 04:11 PM (t0OGg)

143 113 *Sigh* This is all so boring and predictable. If the GOP were serious, they'd just announce the impeachment of Garland and get it on. They either have what it takes and the stones to do it or they don't. Less talk, more impeachment or STFU and STFD.
Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 27, 2023 04:04 PM (YRsIm)


I've been saying this for a long time now, including the fishing!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, perfectly captured in the frame by William Wyler at June 27, 2023 04:11 PM (LvTSG)

144 Every good political thriller needs a "Mr. X".

Posted by: unknown at June 27, 2023 04:11 PM (geLO8)

145 What would change if Joe was dead?

Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at June 27, 2023 04:12 PM (VdGjU)

146 Then they will steal it from DeSantis or anyone else and we should just stop talking about politics and turn this into a cat blog.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 27, 2023 04:05 PM (ZLI7S)

Who's we?

Seems to me that cataloging the abuses and excesses and flat out crimes of the junta (and mocking it while doing so) is *more* important if justice and representation are truly dead. To say the only option if the current regime is irrevocably entrenched is to give up and ignore it is asinine, and you're asinine for imputing that strawman view on others just because your optimism hasn't panned out.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 27, 2023 04:12 PM (9UlRk)

147 Republic status: DEAD
Posted by: MAGA_Ken at June 27, 2023 04:04 PM (cMXNt)

Dormant for a while. It will come back, just like metal music.

Just not sure how long it will take this time.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Keith's Son at June 27, 2023 04:12 PM (T/Lqj)

148 131 Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:09 PM (Keyt1)
Fantastic news Fen! Congratulations to your son for not wasting his opportunity, like I would have done in his place, and performing so well! And to you and FenSpouse, who must be proud.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 27, 2023 04:12 PM (ljU3O)

149 I'd really like to know what Aunt Esther would think of today's situation. Probably slap people upside the head. LaWanda Page died in September 2002, about a year after my Mama. Many similarities.

Posted by: Eromero at June 27, 2023 04:12 PM (Uv0D2)

150 Crab people always have one big claw they use for pinching the lobster's butt while dancing.

Posted by: wth at June 27, 2023 04:12 PM (v0R5T)

151 Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at June 27, 2023 04:08 PM (ppBhU)

Great minds think like.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 27, 2023 04:13 PM (YRsIm)

152 Every dem in this country is secretly hoping Biden dies in a suicide pact with Kamala-lala before the primaries.

Posted by: JP at June 27, 2023 04:13 PM (tF/Gf)

153 "Rather than a State Dinner, maybe Joe could show his love for his crackhead son by treating him to Waffle House?

Posted by: Count de Monet"

Because instead of being an honored guest, the Waffle House clientele would be disgusted by his presence.

Posted by: Ripley at June 27, 2023 04:13 PM (K+BZP)

154 104 Good thing Ace never lets Aunt Esther on the blog. She would really crack down on the tomfoolery here.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 27, 2023 04:02 PM (hEBJo)

You got that right!

Posted by: M Obama at June 27, 2023 04:13 PM (K6jbB)

155 Doubt a whole blog could be built off of Cat Planet Cuties...

Posted by: Anna Puma at June 27, 2023 04:14 PM (m/317)

156 This could be the big one!
Posted by: Fred S. at June 27, 2023 03:48 PM (FHmlN)

Elizabeth! I'm coming for ya!

Posted by: InZona at June 27, 2023 04:14 PM (RiUof)

157 155 Doubt a whole blog could be built off of Cat Planet Cuties...
Posted by: Anna Puma at June 27, 2023 04:14 PM (m/317)

Not if you want it to be full of Military Operators.

Posted by: XTC at June 27, 2023 04:14 PM (UnA8+)

158 115 Afternoon.

Abolish the DOJ.

Burn down their office building.

Salt the earth.
Posted by: Robert at June 27, 2023 04:04 PM
Allen, is that you?

Posted by: Eromero at June 27, 2023 04:15 PM (Uv0D2)

159 Everyone here is a Malarkist Who Spouts Malarky!
Posted by: Joe Biden's Teleprompter

I AM NOT a malarkist.

I will have you know I am a fiddlesticker!


Posted by: rickb223 at June 27, 2023 04:15 PM (+E9mL)

160 Good thing Ace never lets Aunt Esther on the blog. She would really crack down on the tomfoolery here.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 27, 2023 04:02 PM (hEBJo)


I learned the word "tomfuckery" the other day. I like it.

Posted by: Jordan61 at June 27, 2023 04:15 PM (DRSnL)

161 Let's get Weismann in to tell us who made the call to reset the iphones at the end of Mueller's not in my purview calamity.

13/10 for the masked black guy who aided the smack down of the khaki wearers. 11/10 for the white guy walking backwards practicing his high-sticking chops for next season in the NHL.

Posted by: micky at June 27, 2023 04:15 PM (3byMq)

162 Then they will steal it from DeSantis or anyone else and we should just stop talking about politics and turn this into a cat blog.

I would prefer to fantasize about extreme State independence.

Hyper 10th Amendment. If a State already has an EPA, then the Fe'ral Government's doesn't apply. If a State doesn't care to participate in a program, they don't have to. Ignore OSHA, ATF, DHS, FBI etc.

Treat Babylon DC the same way parents do with the education of their children. Home school or private and if you hate your kids, then send them to government schools. If a State has its own way to do things then fine, if the State hates its own citizens then outsource the abuse, plunder, humiliation and sadism to Babylon DC.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at June 27, 2023 04:15 PM (p8A+W)

163 too-he is receiving a scholarship for next year. I don't know how much it will be (The school has to write to us), but anything helps. I am thankful to God for this and proud of my son who is a rather self deprecating guy.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:09

That's wonderful.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 27, 2023 04:15 PM (K6jbB)

164 Thanks, so much, Joe and Huck

We went out for a drink to celebrate and I met a parishioner there with his friends, who wanted to spring him because he's 92 because he can't drive at the moment, after a fall. It's good for him to get out and be with the guys.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:15 PM (Keyt1)

165 they call this guy to testify and Garland replies "nany nany poo poo, didn't do" and it's over.

Posted by: Auspex at June 27, 2023 04:15 PM (j4U/Z)

166 Oh so 'House Republicans want to interview Weiss and Merrick Garland about this fake investigation', huh?

Here's a thought.

How about McCarthy and the RINO pieces of shit issue a subpoena instead of bullshitting about it?

Posted by: DudeAbiding at June 27, 2023 04:16 PM (setIA)

167 Thanks, Caligirl.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:16 PM (Keyt1)

168 Mazel tov FenSon

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 27, 2023 04:17 PM (RIvkX)

169 Lamont is on fire today.

Posted by: Jabba at June 27, 2023 04:17 PM (Xrfse)

170 I am sure they think they will have the 2024 election in the bag, as for Trump he is still the face of the Deep State and Marxists opposition and they need to stop him.

Posted by: Skip at June 27, 2023 04:17 PM (xhxe8)

171 "I think we need to have an air jerk-off GIF to accompany stories where the McGOP is pretending to investigate some treasonous/seditious act of the Deep State or of the faux inquiries into Party royalty and princelings.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at June 27, 2023 04:02 PM (p8A+W) "

thirded, or whatever number we're up to by now +1

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - we are being gaslighted 24/365 at June 27, 2023 04:17 PM (dwh5k)

172 Doubt a whole blog could be built off of Cat Planet Cuties...
Posted by: Anna Puma at June 27, 2023 04:14 PM (m/317)
I don't get anime.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 04:18 PM (t0OGg)

173 Congratulations Fen! Keep up the good Mom work!

Posted by: wth at June 27, 2023 04:18 PM (v0R5T)

174 >>"I think we need to have an air jerk-off GIF to accompany stories where the McGOP is pretending to investigate some treasonous/seditious act of the Deep State or of the faux inquiries into Party royalty and princelings.


Posted by: garrett at June 27, 2023 04:18 PM (U8uFi)

175 Lets justify our phony-baloney jobs!!

Posted by: Jim Jordan, sort of at June 27, 2023 04:18 PM (ljU3O)

176 131 OT-Well, now that we're over 100 points, I just want to share some good news my son received today ,so please bear with me. Because of his excellent academic performance during the last semester-although he did very well in the Fall too-he is receiving a scholarship for next year. I don't know how much it will be (The school has to write to us), but anything helps. I am thankful to God for this and proud of my son who is a rather self deprecating guy.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:09 PM
H'e ok. GOD loves a humble heart. Not the proud kind.

Posted by: Eromero at June 27, 2023 04:18 PM (Uv0D2)

177 Weiss is either in on it or suffers from battered spouse syndrome. The arc of governance in this country points to us augering in shortly.

Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at June 27, 2023 04:19 PM (oWBc3)

178 Doubt a whole blog could be built off of Cat Planet Cuties...
Posted by: Anna Puma at June 27, 2023 04:14 PM (m/317)

Never say never!

If we can land a man on the moon we can build a Cat Planet Cuties blog.

Posted by: Robert at June 27, 2023 04:19 PM (1Yy3c)

179 Flash suffers the biggest 2nd week dropoff in DC films history.

Posted by: Archimedes at June 27, 2023 04:19 PM (eOEVl)

180 I don't know Mr. X, but Dr. X (Dick Beyer) was a great pro wrestler. He was awarded the Order of the Rising Son by a grateful nation of Japan. One of the all-time greats!

Posted by: The Grand Wizard at June 27, 2023 04:19 PM (T0tUU)

181 Oh, yes

I have a prayer request. I have to be interviewed tonight at 7:00 EST by the local Republican organization to see if they will officially vote to have me serve as a candidate. Since I don't know most of these people, I'm a little nervous. Thanks

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:19 PM (Keyt1)

182 So you saying the movie was a flash in the pan?

Posted by: Anna Puma at June 27, 2023 04:20 PM (m/317)

183 I don't get anime.

Agreed. It always seems like thinly disguised pedophilia to me.

Posted by: Archimedes at June 27, 2023 04:20 PM (eOEVl)

184 Lets not fight too hard. It's divisive.

Posted by: Paul Ryan at June 27, 2023 04:20 PM (ljU3O)

185 Lets justify our phony-baloney jobs!!

We all know why you are there. Its for the grift, the drugs, the insider trading and sex with children.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at June 27, 2023 04:21 PM (p8A+W)

186 I have a prayer request. I have to be interviewed tonight at 7:00 EST by the local Republican organization to see if they will officially vote to have me serve as a candidate. Since I don't know most of these people, I'm a little nervous. Thanks
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:19 PM (Keyt1)
Good luck!!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 04:21 PM (t0OGg)

187 Agreed. It always seems like thinly disguised pedophilia to me.

Note: I'm NOT saying people who like it are pedophiles. That's just how it comes across to me.

Posted by: Archimedes at June 27, 2023 04:21 PM (eOEVl)

188 Lets justify our phony-baloney jobs!!
Posted by: Jim Jordan, sort of at June 27, 2023 04:18 PM (ljU3O)



Posted by: Jordan61 at June 27, 2023 04:21 PM (DRSnL)

189 >>Flash suffers the biggest 2nd week dropoff in DC films history.

Too bad you can't kidnap a paying audience, like so many underaged Aleutian girls.

Posted by: garrett at June 27, 2023 04:21 PM (U8uFi)

190 181 Oh, yes

I have a prayer request. I have to be interviewed tonight at 7:00 EST by the local Republican organization to see if they will officially vote to have me serve as a candidate. Since I don't know most of these people, I'm a little nervous. Thanks
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:19 PM (Keyt1)

Fenelon -
Prayer sent. Good luck. Your local Republican organization would be lucky to have you. Just be mindful that you could be stepping into a den of vipers.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at June 27, 2023 04:21 PM (N39Ws)

191 >"I think we need to have an air jerk-off GIF to accompany stories where the McGOP is pretending to

yeah, like this one

Posted by: unknown at June 27, 2023 04:21 PM (geLO8)

192 I don't get anime.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 04:18 PM (t0OGg)

Crunchyroll subscription will get you all the anime you would want for cheap.

Posted by: Robert at June 27, 2023 04:22 PM (1Yy3c)

193 What convenient timing. All these whistle blowers showing up to stop Biden from running for a second term. Looks like Gavin Newsom is warming up on the sidelines by attacking his Republican opponent in the 2024 race, DeSantis.

Posted by: DFCtomm at June 27, 2023 04:22 PM (NTi06)

194 Or a blog centered on neko-girls in anime.

Then we get Outlaw Star, Dominion Tank Police, All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku, UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie, and whole host of others.

Posted by: Anna Puma at June 27, 2023 04:22 PM (m/317)

195 This busty brunette in an unusual strappy top that shows off only interior sideboob finds the idea of strongly-worded letters to be laughable in the extreme:

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 04:23 PM (t0OGg)

196 I wonder how much of the IRS folks stepping forward is due to that they know this will undermine their ability to enforce the tax code?

Which really,, really calls out the lisping fags at the FBI who are still standing behind Wrey.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at June 27, 2023 04:23 PM (HSPw/)

197 Make that:

Hunter Bidens Corruption -> JOE Bidens Corruption

Posted by: AWFL at June 27, 2023 04:23 PM (f4CWy)

198 Fenelon -
Prayer sent. Good luck. Your local Republican organization would be lucky to have you. Just be mindful that you could be stepping into a den of vipers.
Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at June 27, 2023 04:21 PM (N39Ws)

Concur. They need you Fenelon more than you need them.

Good Luck!

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 27, 2023 04:23 PM (HiuPw)

199 H'e ok. GOD loves a humble heart. Not the proud kind.
Posted by: Eromero at June 27, 2023 04:18 PM (Uv0D2)

That's very true. He's also a good young man who comes to to church and prays with us, so I am thankful to God for that as well. He's also a conversative, so not every college students "Flakes out" in college and becomes a leftist.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:23 PM (Keyt1)

200 Crunchyroll subscription will get you all the anime you would want for cheap.
Posted by: Robert at June 27, 2023 04:22 PM (1Yy3c)

I mean, "I don't get it" in the Ben Roethlisberger sense, not in the "I have no way acquire it" sense.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 04:23 PM (t0OGg)

These things are damaging Biden. Even the media is starting to ask uncomfortable questions and all the Biden team is doing is stonewalling. And most of the country doesn't even know the worst of it yet, they think this is a tax case about Hunter. That's the least of it.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 27, 2023 04:11 PM (ZLI7S)

The Junta's next move to stop the media from hassling Joe? Garland appoints Special Counsels to investigate each Republican Representative and Senator, along with each of the declared Republican POTUS candidates. Investigate them for what? Garland can't say because the investigations are on-going.

Why not do it? Who can or will stop it? The Lapdog Media will be all-in, expecting sky-high ratings for the next 18 months or more.

Posted by: Gref at June 27, 2023 04:24 PM (AMIL/)

202 Fenelon - break a leg

Posted by: weew at June 27, 2023 04:24 PM (EaEMG)

203 145 What would change if Joe was dead?
Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at June 27, 2023 04:12 PM
Everything. The investigation would make the JFK thing look like a Quaker meeting. If he dies suspiciously, they will go all 1930 German on MAGA,

Posted by: Eromero at June 27, 2023 04:24 PM (Uv0D2)

204 Flash suffers the biggest 2nd week dropoff in DC films history.

Oh, no. Anyway...

Posted by: Notorious BFD at June 27, 2023 04:24 PM (Xrfse)

205 Fen, if you're nervous just practice saying "Please send money" over and over again.

Posted by: wth at June 27, 2023 04:24 PM (v0R5T)

206 Agreed. It always seems like thinly disguised pedophilia to me.

Note: I'm NOT saying people who like it are pedophiles. That's just how it comes across to me.
Posted by: Archimedes at June 27, 2023 04:21 PM (eOEVl)

There's more big tits than flat chests and that flat chest belongs to a 10,000 year old dragon in human form.

Um...where was I going with this?

Posted by: Robert having a Fetterman Moment at June 27, 2023 04:24 PM (1Yy3c)

207 Correct process: incriminating money transfer forms, phone calls and photos that corroborate other evidence, stonewalled investigators snitching on corrupt higher-ups.
Unfortunately the target is untouchable in Uniparty America.
The Turtle says NO impeachment.....seconded by Senator Goober.
Carry oh Dementia Joe! Make the UniParty proud!

Posted by: Voter theater. at June 27, 2023 04:24 PM (uxAXv)

208 I've developed a hair trigger for that manipulative style of argument that goes "oh, you think my way won't work? You want us to just give up then?".

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 27, 2023 04:25 PM (9UlRk)

209 Weiss is either in on it or suffers from battered spouse syndrome. The arc of governance in this country points to us augering in shortly.
Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem

Faster please.

Posted by: rickb223 at June 27, 2023 04:25 PM (+E9mL)

210 Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at June 27, 2023 04:21 PM (N39Ws)

Thanks for the advice, I appreciate The last candidate who dropped out found that out, so I just have to follow the advice in Scripture, "God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind."

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:25 PM (Keyt1)

211 Thanks
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:19 PM (Keyt1)

Prayers. You got this.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Keith's Son at June 27, 2023 04:25 PM (T/Lqj)

212 195 This busty brunette in an unusual strappy top that shows off only interior sideboob finds the idea of strongly-worded letters to be laughable in the extreme:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 04:23 PM (t0OGg)


Looks like a sexy robot that stole a woman's face and misapplied it to its robot head.


Would not bang.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, perfectly captured in the frame by William Wyler at June 27, 2023 04:25 PM (LvTSG)

213 Archimedes

Thanks for painting me with your stupid ill reasoned brush

Eff you.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes or Crest of the Stars will beg to differ.

Posted by: Anna Puma at June 27, 2023 04:25 PM (m/317)

214 Okay

Posted by: JT at June 27, 2023 04:25 PM (T4tVD)

Garland was a really, really smart pick. He has a burning hatred of Republicans in general for denying him his big prize. He'll take that hatred all the way to his grave.

But I imagine, misdirected as it might be, that he hates Trump the very most. Hill-Dawg was supposed to get elected, and then re-nominate him, and then he'd be confirmed by McConnell's Senate the second time around.

But Trump screwed that all up.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 27, 2023 04:25 PM (oINRc)

216 'Since I don't know most of these people, I'm a little nervous. '
Try picturing them in their underwear.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at June 27, 2023 04:26 PM (ruYJi)

217 The investigation isn't ongoing. The case is ongoing because the judge, who can refuse, has not accepted the plea.

Wanna know what will cause all hell to break loose?

The judge doesn't accept the plea.

The smart money is the plea is accepted.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 27, 2023 04:26 PM (KSNKu)

218 Whistleblower allegations have given House Republicans fresh incentive to look into how the Justice Department handled its investigation into Hunter Biden.

They'll be pouncing and seizing any moment now!

Posted by: Half Dozen at June 27, 2023 04:26 PM (eHovo)

219 Prayers Fen! Rock 'em! 🙏🏻

Posted by: rickb223 at June 27, 2023 04:26 PM (+E9mL)

220 This busty brunette in an unusual strappy top that shows off only interior sideboob finds the idea of strongly-worded letters to be laughable in the extreme:
Posted by: Joe Mannix


Saggy Sue.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at June 27, 2023 04:26 PM (nQd6+)

221 Posted by: wth at June 27, 2023 04:24 PM (v0R5T)

LOL. I haven't actually asked for money yet, and anyway, we'll be outspent by the guy running against me who has his own business, but he really is a moderate Democrat so I won't feel really bad if I lose to him.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:27 PM (Keyt1)

I mean, "I don't get it" in the Ben Roethlisberger sense, not in the "I have no way acquire it" sense.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 04:23 PM (t0OGg)

Me too, I never have.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 27, 2023 04:27 PM (sKoJr)

223 This busty brunette in an unusual strappy top

That's weird.

Posted by: wth at June 27, 2023 04:28 PM (v0R5T)

224 This busty brunette in an unusual strappy top that shows off only interior sideboob finds the idea of strongly-worded letters to be laughable in the extreme:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 04:23 PM (t0OGg)
Yes, I will hire her to be my new intern. Thank you for asking.

Posted by: Paul Ryan at June 27, 2023 04:28 PM (ljU3O)

225 but he really is a moderate Democrat so I won't feel really bad if I lose to him.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:27 PM (Keyt1)

Yeah maybe don't use that as your campaign slogan?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 27, 2023 04:28 PM (9UlRk)

226 >>That's weird.

Looks like it was made for Chestfeeding.

Posted by: garrett at June 27, 2023 04:28 PM (U8uFi)

227 Oh no!

Report: Ford to lay off 1,000 white-collar workers after losing big money on EVs in 2022 👀

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at June 27, 2023 04:28 PM (FVME7)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 27, 2023 04:23 PM (t0OGg)



I don't like her hair. She'd look better if she did something with her hair. Something sexy.

Posted by: Robert having a Fetterman Moment at June 27, 2023 04:28 PM (1Yy3c)

229 >This busty brunette in an unusual strappy top

that is a field expedient halter top, and it's pretty well done

would ask to the movies or even prom

Posted by: unknown at June 27, 2023 04:29 PM (geLO8)

230 227 Oh no!

Report: Ford to lay off 1,000 white-collar workers after losing big money on EVs in 2022 👀
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at June 27, 2023 04:28 PM (FVME7)


They should be happy to be laid off in favor of dedication to the revolution. I sure hope they're not having counter revolutionary thoughts.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, perfectly captured in the frame by William Wyler at June 27, 2023 04:29 PM (LvTSG)

231 Common topics here: boobs and scantily (or pantily) clad women, drugs, music, movies, personal issues, gainzzz, all other animals, and cats. So, yeah, it's a cat blog+.

Posted by: SFGoth at June 27, 2023 04:29 PM (KAi1n)

232 I've developed a hair trigger for that manipulative style of argument that goes "oh, you think my way won't work? You want us to just give up then?".

I believe that's what is called a non sequitur.

Posted by: Archimedes at June 27, 2023 04:29 PM (eOEVl)

233 Posted by: Dr. Claw at June 27, 2023 04:26 PM (ruYJi)

Ha. I think I'd prefer not to. I think they'll mostly in the 50's an 60's and most not looking like Joe Atlas or the feminine equivalent. the ones I met are very smart and nice. I've known some of them since Obama ran the first time.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:29 PM (Keyt1)

Maybe this is all setting the table to get Joe out. Maybe it's clearing the decks for campaign season, because they're planning to keep him around.

Honestly, who cares? Who cares if the plan is to keep him, or replace him with Kamala, or Newsome, or to throw the race because it's time for a (R)enfield Presidency?

None of that matters. Biden or anyone else will carry out orders just the same.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 27, 2023 04:29 PM (oINRc)

235 162 Then they will steal it from DeSantis or anyone else and we should just stop talking about politics and turn this into a cat blog.

I would prefer to fantasize about extreme State independence.

Hyper 10th Amendment. If a State already has an EPA, then the Fe'ral Government's doesn't apply. If a State doesn't care to participate in a program, they don't have to. Ignore OSHA, ATF, DHS, FBI etc.

Treat Babylon DC the same way parents do with the education of their children. Home school or private and if you hate your kids, then send them to government schools. If a State has its own way to do things then fine, if the State hates its own citizens then outsource the abuse, plunder, humiliation and sadism to Babylon DC.
Posted by: Reuben Hick at June 27, 2023 04:15 PM
We already did this once. Then there was 'reconstruction'. That's how we got to this point. No States Rights.

Posted by: Eromero at June 27, 2023 04:29 PM (Uv0D2)


Posted by: Joe Mannix

She's a ginger too. Nice.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 27, 2023 04:30 PM (YRsIm)

237 Sure, on paper and in public, Weiss had ultimate control. But the rest of the DOJ knew that Hunter and The Big Guy were untouchable.

pretty obvious.

Posted by: PJ at June 27, 2023 04:30 PM (G1dq6)

238 Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 27, 2023 04:28 PM (9UlRk)

No, I won't.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:30 PM (Keyt1)

239 I don't get anime.

Agreed. It always seems like thinly disguised pedophilia to me.

This is an exceptionally weird take on a very broad genre.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at June 27, 2023 04:30 PM (ppBhU)

240 Archimedes

Thanks for painting me with your stupid ill reasoned brush

Eff you.

I regretted posting it as soon as I had. Please accept my apologies.

Posted by: Archimedes at June 27, 2023 04:30 PM (eOEVl)

241 The morning after the next election, the country will wake up to find that Hunter Biden has been elected president for life.

Posted by: Queequeg the Harpooner at June 27, 2023 04:30 PM (qTD7v)

242 Completely off topic but I just had a weird experience. I was getting one of my cars serviced at Walmart in preparation for driving to the funeral of my nephew and, as the car was ready, I was cutting through the electronics dept to the auto service and stopped to look at a UPS. Out of the corner of my eye I see a pretty young woman come into the department and look intently around.


Posted by: G'rump928(c) at June 27, 2023 04:30 PM (I8nLU)

243 This is all a lot easier to digest when you understand it's just WWE on a consequential scale.

It's like believing WWE will catch a bad guy cheating and actually implement a rule that has real consequences for the heel.

Joe continues to hit his opponent with a chair while the refs back is turned and there's actually hope that a ruling body will intercede and punish him?


Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at June 27, 2023 04:30 PM (KbCG3)

244 She sees me and approaches and asks if she could ask me a question. I tell her I don't work there and she chuckles and asks me if I need her to pray for me. I am like whut? She said she had to come in there and saw me and did I need her to pray for me.


Posted by: G'rump928(c) at June 27, 2023 04:31 PM (I8nLU)

245 Oh no!

Report: Ford to lay off 1,000 white-collar workers after losing big money on EVs in 2022 👀
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks


Posted by: rickb223 at June 27, 2023 04:31 PM (+E9mL)

246 So this Weiss fella...SWAT team to his home in the middle of the night? I crack myself up.

Posted by: Charlie Tuna at June 27, 2023 04:31 PM (eheVn)

247 Trump had not only WIDE ranging executive powers to purge the swamp top to bottom across the corrupt DOJ, AG, admin agencies, etc, which he pledged to do repeatedly during the campaign - and yet did not - he also had the ability to do exactly what Obama did and is doing in his third term here - just flaunt the rules of law, ethics, you name it. He could have just ignored protocol. He could have steamrolled the entire mess.

He instead let the swamp steamroll him.

Let's definitely put him back in office.

Posted by: Son of Dad at June 27, 2023 04:31 PM (aGIYg)

248 I say No, I'm fine for an old man, and then I say Well, my niece and her husband need prayers as her son just died and is being buried Thursday. I tell her their names and she takes my hand and raises up a nice entrety to The Lord and then pats my hand and turns to walk away. I asked her if this was her ministry and couple I donate to her but she laughed and said no and walked off. I suddenly thought that I should ask her if she was an angel but when I turned around she was gone. I mean, maybe just around the corner, I am not claiming she disappeared right before my eyes but, gone just in an instance.


Posted by: G'rump928(c) at June 27, 2023 04:31 PM (I8nLU)

249 I really wish I had thought to ask her a second earlier because I think they have to answer truthfully but oh well.


Posted by: G'rump928(c) at June 27, 2023 04:31 PM (I8nLU)

250 There are some anime series that are very good

Posted by: Skip at June 27, 2023 04:31 PM (xhxe8)

251 >>She sees me and approaches and asks if she could ask me a question. I tell her I don't work there and she chuckles and asks me if I need her to pray for me. I am like whut? She said she had to come in there and saw me and did I need her to pray for me.

This puts them on their knees, quickly.

Not a bad play really.

Posted by: garrett at June 27, 2023 04:32 PM (U8uFi)

252 'Since I don't know most of these people, I'm a little nervous. '
Try picturing them in their underwear.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at June 27, 2023 04:26 PM (ruYJi)

And if you can't, I have pictures of them here in my trenchcoat.

Posted by: Psst, Fen.... at June 27, 2023 04:32 PM (Angsy)

253 She sees me and approaches and asks if she could ask me a question. I tell her I don't work there and she chuckles and asks me if I need her to pray for me. I am like whut? She said she had to come in there and saw me and did I need her to pray for me.

Posted by: G'rump928


Posted by: rickb223 at June 27, 2023 04:32 PM (+E9mL)



Posted by: Rev Dr Happy Hands at June 27, 2023 04:33 PM (HtGZE)

255 181 Oh, yes

I have a prayer request. I have to be interviewed tonight at 7:00 EST by the local Republican organization to see if they will officially vote to have me serve as a candidate. Since I don't know most of these people, I'm a little nervous. Thanks
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:19 PM
Read The Book Of Esther before you go. Who knows maybe you were born for this time?

Posted by: Eromero at June 27, 2023 04:33 PM (Uv0D2)

256 Would have been more impressed if she said, "Do you need me to make you a Sammich?"

Posted by: garrett at June 27, 2023 04:33 PM (U8uFi)

257 And the perfectly reasonable answer to that is that no, Biden couldn't be dead and still win.


Mel Carnahan

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at June 27, 2023 04:33 PM (KbD1x)

258 I have a prayer request. I have to be interviewed tonight at 7:00 EST by the local Republican organization to see if they will officially vote to have me serve as a candidate. Since I don't know most of these people, I'm a little nervous. Thanks
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:19 PM (Keyt1)

Congrats to your son and Good luck at the interview!

Posted by: Robert having a Fetterman Moment at June 27, 2023 04:33 PM (1Yy3c)

259 244 She sees me and approaches and asks if she could ask me a question. I tell her I don't work there and she chuckles and asks me if I need her to pray for me. I am like whut? She said she had to come in there and saw me and did I need her to pray for me.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at June 27, 2023 04:31 PM (I8nLU)

Reminds me of a Dane Cook joke that still makes me laugh (yeah, yeah). At an airport, easiest way to freak someone out is to walk up to someone and simply say, "Don't get on the flight." And then just walk away.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at June 27, 2023 04:33 PM (KbCG3)

260 really wish I had thought to ask her a second earlier because I think they have to answer truthfully but oh well.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at June 27, 2023 04:31 PM (I8nLU)

Nice story.

Posted by: polynikes at June 27, 2023 04:33 PM (MNhXM)

261 Posted by: G'rump928

So, what is your take on that?

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 27, 2023 04:34 PM (YRsIm)

262 233
'Ha. I think I'd prefer not to.'

OK. Different assignment.
No matter what you do, do NOT think of all the 50-60 year olds in their underwear. Put it completely out of your mind. Force your mind somewhere away (from them in their underwear).

Posted by: Dr. Claw at June 27, 2023 04:34 PM (ruYJi)

263 Reminds me of a Dane Cook joke that still makes me laugh (yeah, yeah). At an airport, easiest way to freak someone out is to walk up to someone and simply say, "Don't get on the flight." And then just walk away.

This is hilarious. And like a lot of things that could have been said in a pre 9/11 world, I suspect it would now lead to a period of confinement in airport jail or worse.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at June 27, 2023 04:35 PM (ppBhU)

264 Report: Ford to lay off 1,000 white-collar workers after losing big money on EVs in 2022 👀

Pretty damned sure while hemorrhaging money on BEV, that those who got the axe are those who knew how to build ICE drivetrains.

The new business model where its better to throw good money after bad, and shutter money making departments.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at June 27, 2023 04:35 PM (p8A+W)

265 Fen drop in somehow your a prized member here, that will get you in

Posted by: Skip at June 27, 2023 04:35 PM (xhxe8)

266 Posted by: G'rump928

Check your wallet.

Posted by: Bosk of Port Kar at June 27, 2023 04:36 PM (VMFAF)

267 JS has a solid point. What if Ace just pivoted away from politics, and made this into a movies/books/pets/art/etc blog?

News is over. None of it matters.

This blog has a really good, built-in, solid community of regulars who love to talk about all kinds of things that actually matter more than that shit, things like old copies of Playboy people inherited from family members.

And if he's not focusing on our ruined country's irrelevant, pre-scripted news stories, he might be able to get un-blacklisted and make some actual $$$.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 27, 2023 04:36 PM (oINRc)

268 OK. Different assignment.
No matter what you do, do NOT think of all the 50-60 year olds in their underwear. Put it completely out of your mind. Force your mind somewhere away (from them in their underwear).
Posted by: Dr. Claw

TOO LATE! No can do! Giggling like a third grader after a fart joke.

Posted by: rickb223 at June 27, 2023 04:36 PM (+E9mL)

269 Wow, Grumps. That's what I call a "God incident" rather than a "coincidence." Thx for letting us know. I am sorry about your nephew and his family and I will pray too.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:36 PM (Keyt1)

270 Grump, make sure you still have your watch and wallet.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at June 27, 2023 04:36 PM (nQd6+)

271 You can't imagine people you have never met in THEIR underwear. You don't know them or their underwear.

You have to imagine them in YOUR underwear.

Posted by: garrett at June 27, 2023 04:36 PM (U8uFi)

272 What would change if Joe was dead?
Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd

Fewer diaper changes.

Posted by: Joe D. Mensha at June 27, 2023 04:36 PM (lZVy/)

273 203 145 What would change if Joe was dead?
Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at June 27, 2023 04:12 PM
Everything. The investigation would make the JFK thing look like a Quaker meeting. If he dies suspiciously, they will go all 1930 German on MAGA,

Posted by: Eromero at June 27, 2023 04:24 PM (Uv0D2)

It was difficult to get Nixon to resign. I cannot see Joe ever resigning. The DNC will have to send goons to the White House with a forged resignation letter to leave on the Oval Office desk, muzzle Joe and put him in a straight-jacket, seal him into a fake filing cabinet, then put the cabinet into a GSA van to take him to an abandoned bomb bunker at some faraway Air Force base.

Posted by: Gref at June 27, 2023 04:37 PM (AMIL/)

274 I have a prayer request. I have to be interviewed tonight at 7:00 EST by the local Republican organization to see if they will officially vote to have me serve as a candidate. Since I don't know most of these people, I'm a little nervous. Thanks

You want us all to call them and give character references? I'm sure an unsolicited call from a grown man identifying as a bear with testicular difficulties would be most reassuring.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at June 27, 2023 04:37 PM (ppBhU)

275 NOOD Bud Light

Posted by: Jordan61 at June 27, 2023 04:38 PM (DRSnL)

276 272 What would change if Joe was dead?
Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd

Fewer diaper changes.
Posted by: Joe D. Mensha at June 27, 2023 04:36 PM (lZVy/)

There would be a new contender for dumbest president to ever serve.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at June 27, 2023 04:38 PM (KbCG3)

277 Posted by: G'rump928

So, what is your take on that?
Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 27, 2023 04:34 PM (YRsIm)

I got nothing. I tried to pay her and she demurred so I am guessing not a scam of some kind.

It was a nice prayer to Elohim and his son and my niece needs any help she can get so I am grateful.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at June 27, 2023 04:38 PM (I8nLU)

278 Posted by: Robert having a Fetterman Moment at June 27, 2023 04:33 PM (1Yy3c)

Thanks, Robert.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:38 PM (Keyt1)

279 Fen drop in somehow your a prized member here, that will get you in
Posted by: Skip at June 27, 2023 04:35 PM (xhxe

Pretty decent voting block.

Posted by: wth at June 27, 2023 04:38 PM (v0R5T)

280 Sundowner dies that would make the Deep State lives a lot better, all tracks of corruption will float away

Posted by: Skip at June 27, 2023 04:38 PM (xhxe8)

281 Doubt a whole blog could be built off of Cat Planet Cuties...
Posted by: Anna Puma at June 27, 2023 04:14 PM (m/317)

LOL. I should have known.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at June 27, 2023 04:39 PM (BdMk6)

282 Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at June 27, 2023 04:37 PM (ppBhU)


Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:40 PM (Keyt1)

283 You gotta love the infighting that's breaking out.

As discussed there is no one really in charge. So, we're seeing a lot of factions make their play.
All Joe has is, he's insurance for the whole party-- if he goes, a lot of them will be swept out too.

The best play for the Rs right now is to make noises that suggest Kamala won't be blamed for Joe's corruption. Stuff like, "of course, Harris had no idea what Biden was hiding from her. "
Because her staff is as stupid as she is, and they will shiv Joe if they think they can escape.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at June 27, 2023 04:41 PM (HSPw/)

284 Oh yeah, we talk about war and ordnance here too. :->

Posted by: SFGoth at June 27, 2023 04:42 PM (KAi1n)

285 240 Archimedes

Thanks for painting me with your stupid ill reasoned brush

Eff you.

I regretted posting it as soon as I had. Please accept my apologies.
Posted by: Archimedes at June 27, 2023 04:30 PM
Maybe it would help if you watch Shogun?

Posted by: Eromero at June 27, 2023 04:44 PM (Uv0D2)

286 I have not seen enough anime to know if its very common but what Ive seen of it does often seem to have child like heads or faces on the characters who otherwise have big chests or adult body features. So I can relate to the poster with the pedophilia thought; although I'm sure for the fans that is a tiny incongruity in the genre they enjoy and doesn't make them think 'sexualized kiddos'

Posted by: PaleRider at June 27, 2023 04:45 PM (3cGpq)

287 249 I really wish I had thought to ask her a second earlier because I think they have to answer truthfully but oh well.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at June 27, 2023 04:31 PM (I8nLU)

Might just be a regular person too.

i.e. I just spent the day at the oncologist. Had the weirdest thing happen. My name was called went in, got my weight and then discovered that I was the "wrong" Lily. I go back and sit down where I was, the lady in the next chair said,"oh, you get to wait again? ". I'm the wrong Lily I said. We started to chat and upshot of it was, she was there from out of state with a friend who was looking at a 6 week stay in town while she goes through treatment. I live too far away or I would have offered but I was able to tell her how to meet with a social worker who would help her find lodging. I know there is help for her and got her going in the right direction to get it. If I wasn't the wrong Lily the conversation would never have happened. It occurred to me on the way home that even having cancer can be a source of blessing to someone. "All things work toward good to those who love the Lord." But so do Angels and your story sounds like it might be that!

Posted by: Just Lily at June 27, 2023 04:47 PM (RLLZj)

288 Remember Harris called Biden a racist to his face.
She 100% will end him if she gets a whiff of the throne.

Most dems know the whole party will be wiped out if Joe is forced to resign.

But, Kamala is stupid enough--if enough people repeat the lie-- to think she will be President and unscathed.

$10,000 to one Republican Senators to say the will confirm her if Joe resigns? She'll blow all of DC to take down Joe.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at June 27, 2023 04:47 PM (HSPw/)

289 Unexpectedly. To repeat my comment from the last thread:

It's scumbag criminals and traitors all the way down ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Oppression Scientist and Your AI Interpreter at June 27, 2023 04:52 PM (wjV4+)

290 Posted by: Just Lily at June 27, 2023 04:47 PM (RLLZj)

Thanka for sharing your story, Lily. Another "God incident", I think, and may God be with you for complete healing

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 04:52 PM (Keyt1)

291 Posted by: Lamont the Big Dummy at 03:43 PM


The Return of Lamont! During Pride Month?

REALLY, Ace???

Posted by: ShainS -- Oppression Scientist and Your AI Interpreter at June 27, 2023 04:53 PM (wjV4+)

292 "I'd prefer not to."

Fellow Melvilleans, I believe
we have hit upon Fen's campaign slogan.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at June 27, 2023 05:16 PM (4PZHB)

293 OT but apparently Weasel Zippers est mort.
Been "suspended" for some weeks and now searches yield only historical pages.
Not the most intellectual site in the world.
And yet "I said nothing because I thought I was more sophisticated than that" rings kind of hollow.

Posted by: Zek at June 27, 2023 05:18 PM (5FPX4)

294 Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at June 27, 2023 05:16 PM (4PZHB)

It would be a better campaign slogan for Bartleby the Scrivener, because if I really preferred not to, I wouldn't have said yes to running.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 27, 2023 05:18 PM (Keyt1)

295 There needs to be a Constitutional Amendment that the government needs to follow the f*cking Constitution.

Posted by: George Carlin's stinky ghost at June 27, 2023 05:20 PM (5FPX4)

296 Weiss and Garland need to be interviewed on the same day at the same time and sitting right next to each other in prime time.

Anything short of that will imo justifiably smack of more GOP Rat Kabuki Theater we've come to know so much about.

Posted by: md at June 27, 2023 05:55 PM (NAa36)

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