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The Morning Report — 6/1/23


Good morning kids. So the revoltingly Orwellian and in-your-face insultingly labeled "Fiscal Responsibility Act" passed the House late last night. As we all know, there is zero in the way of "fiscal responsibility," but you can rest assured that it's 100% an "act." So, now it goes to the Senate where supposedly, per this shriveled testicle-looking Brad Sherman commie stooge, it could face trouble.

On Wednesday’s broadcast of Bloomberg’s “Sound On,” Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) reacted to Sen. Tim Kaine’s (D-VA) plan to try to strip the approval of the Mountain Valley pipeline from the debt ceiling bill by stating that doing so risks a global recession over one pipeline.

Co-host Joe Mathieu asked, [relevant exchange begins around 53:50] “Are you concerned at all about the Senate, or if this gets through the House, we’re pretty much done?”

Sherman answered, “I could imagine the Senate somehow pushing this to June 6 instead of June 5. But I have little doubt that it’s going to pass the Senate.”

Mathieu then asked, “I ask you that because there is an effort by Sen. Tim Kaine to strip this pipeline, the [Mountain Valley pipeline] that Sen. Manchin (D-WV) got inside the bill that crosses West Virginia. The White House seemed to think this was a good chip to play here. They said it was 95% approved. But Tim Kaine says he wants to kill the pipeline. Would you consider that a good idea or a dangerous one with so little time?”

Sherman responded, “You’re talking about the risk of a worldwide recession with increased debts in every poor country and hungry Americans on the streets of the United States, the one pipeline seems less significant then.”

Emphasis mine, and a few things to note. First, if the debt ceiling is not raised, you can be certain that nothing from that pre-digested propaganda Sherman just vomited out is going to happen as a direct result. For sure at some point, our economy is going to collapse from the out of control borrowing, spending and impossible to pay off interest.

Secondly, you can bet the farm that Chuck Schemer and McYertle together are going to lard the living shit out of whatever Luntz's cabana boy allegedly saved and with the Schemer running the show and not permitting any amendments, and everyone desperate to "prevent the world from economic disaster!!!" that will be that.

Lastly, Joe Manchin will fold like a wet taco on this because, despite his schtick as the "sane," "moderate" Democrat, he's a total fraud interested in only one thing: his access to the trough. He'll kill the pipeline as he will kill the lifeblood of his state's economy, coal. He'll just do it in a way that keeps his hands clean to the extent that he can. Finally, West Virginians seemingly have had enough of this bloated tick. Sure, they kept on voting for ol' Sheets Byrd time and time again. He was a Democrat through and through but even he would be sickened by the Commies, trannies, homos and most of all the Black Lives Matter crowd. And he certainly would not have glommed onto the whole global warming madness; not if it meant destroying the coal mining industry. Joe Manchin? Total sell-out fraud.

(UPDATE: I actually misread this. It's Tim Kaine that's trying to strip the pipeline out of the bill, but the Dems left it in to give Manchin political cover at the expense of temporarily pissing off the Maoist greenies. The pipeline will stay. For now anyway until the EPA nixes it and Manchin can put on a dog and pony show feigning outrage. Still, the rest of my statements are valid)

Hence the rise of the state's governor Jim Justice as the man to finally take out Manchin. Which of course means the State is primed to prevent that and take him out.

Justice, who is also a GOP Senate candidate hoping to unseat Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), is the latest to experience political targeting from Biden’s DOJ, as it has filed a civil complaint against his family’s coal empire — over a dozen coal businesses ran or owned by his son Jay Justice — citing “repeated violations of the law” in hopes of recovering what the assistant attorney general of the DOJ’s Environment and Natural Resources Division Todd Kim described as “penalties they owe as a result of those violations.”

“Our environmental laws serve to protect communities against adverse effects of industrial activities including surface coal mining operations,” Kim said in a statement. “Through this suit, the Justice Department seeks to deliver accountability for defendants’ repeated violations of the law and to recover the penalties they owe as a result of those violations.”

U.S. Attorney Christopher R. Kavanaugh for the Western District of Virginia claimed defendants have “engaged in over 130 violations of federal law, thereby posing health and safety risks to the public and the environment” over the past five years, concluding the Justice family businesses “failed to remedy those violations and were ordered over 50 times to cease mining activities until their violations were abated.”

. . . “Joe Biden’s Department of Justice has gone totally rogue. Democrats weaponizing the federal government to attack the family of a Republican Senate candidate is a complete abuse of power,” NRSC spokesman Tate Mitchell stated.

“Did anyone really think that Biden’s weaponization of the DOJ to target his political opponents was going to stop with Trump?” Donald Trump Jr. asked.

No Justice, no peace. Indeed. If he survives this hit job and then goes on to actually remove the Manchin abscess, will he become a McConnell/Thune flunky or be in the MAGA camp? You WV commenters will have to weigh in and put me some knowledge. The salient point here is of course Don Jr.s rhetorical question. Meh, too many pixels devoted to this garbage. Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, I see that the natives are getting restless.

Black Chicago residents criticized city officials for funding migrants over their community, they said during a city council meeting Wednesday.

The statements from angry residents came before the city council voted to allocate $51 million to support migrants in Chicago, according to a livestream of the meeting. The residents shamed the city council for considering the funding as the city faces homeless and mental health crises within its own populations. . .

. . . “I understand that $51 million are gonna be voted on today and I encourage the alderman to please vote it down because number one, we have not opened up the schools for our homeless, we see them in the streets everyday, I make sure that the homeless are fed with clothing,” Caroline Ruff, Black Lives Matter Women of Faith founder, said during Wednesday’s meeting. “We need to take care of our community, we need to take care of our black community, we need to open up these schools for mental health.”

“We have not gotten anything for our community and we are sick and tired … enough is enough,” Ruff said.

Another resident, Andre Smith, said he and another individual stopped a migrant bus and were arrested during the situation. Smith advocated that the city put the funds towards reparations.

“How dare this mayor and city council have the guts to give migrants $51 million. I demand you to have the same passion and urgency to pass the City of Chicago Reparations Ordinance and also give us a office for black Americans, just like the new Americans,” Smith, the CEO of Chicago Against Violence, said.

L-O-L-G-F and pass the popcorn. First of all, while I honestly feel bad for any decent hardworking person regardless of race, color or creed (what the hell is a creed anyway?), you people have voted for this madness time and time again so you deserve it, good and hard. In this case, it's a dyed-in-the-wool BLM race terrorist pissed off that their payoffs are going to the wetbacks. Maybe she should round up some stormtroopers and stormtrooper out to one of Patrice Cullors' Beverly Hills mansions. If they haven't been seized to pay off their bankruptcy judgments. Reparations. You make me vomit.

And then there's this little "revolting" set of circumstances.

Female residents of Oakland, California, tore into city officials over local crime and recent attacks on women during a crime and violence prevention meeting Tuesday evening.

Hundreds of people showed up at the meeting, where numerous women recounted being robbed and attacked in Oakland, often by teenagers, according to the Berkeley Scanner. One woman drew cheers from the audience for a fiery speech in which she decried city leaders’ crime policies and called for the police to crack down on low-level offenses, according to footage shared by independent journalist Leighton Woodhouse.

Oakland has seen a surge in crime over the past year and saw more than 100 robberies in a single week in May, with some ending in assault or gunfire, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Many of the alleged perpetrators were children.

“Oakland is out of control with the crime. I’m fed up. I’m absolutely fed up. We’re all fed up because of you and your policies, and you coddle these criminals. They’re coddled,” she said as the audience erupted in applause, according to Woodhouse’s video. . .

. . . One woman touted her progressive credentials before complaining that women weren’t safe in the area due to ongoing violence. “I’ve had two dozen years of being at the far extreme most progressive community-organizing activism kind of activity you can think of,” she said. “I don’t think it’s as simple as being too progressive here. I think the devil is in the details … It’s all kinds of women being targeted. This is systemic violence as well.”

L-O-L-G-F!!! Even bigger and bolder than previous. You voted for this, or maybe even rigged elections for this. Your "progressive" credentials are the reason you don't feel safe. Maybe you shouldn't even say that because feeling safe is "white privilege" yo!

Basta cosi. In the interest of always wanting to keep 'em laughing, I'll wrap it up with this. Both Mike Pence and Krispy Kreosote Christie are expected to announce their candidacies.

Maybe even this fiend as well. Yikes.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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Posted by: J.J. Sefton at 07:48 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 WTFO??

Posted by: rhennigantx at June 01, 2023 07:46 AM (BRHaw)

2 Yonder Horde.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 01, 2023 07:47 AM (Q4IgG)

3 Good morning JJ and horde

Posted by: Skip at June 01, 2023 07:48 AM (9NfKV)

4 Happy Degenerate Month

Posted by: fd at June 01, 2023 07:48 AM (iayUP)

5 Morning, everyone

Posted by: Iron Mike Golf A2E6, Easy 6 Titanium Enhanced at June 01, 2023 07:48 AM (8C7+r)


Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at June 01, 2023 07:48 AM (Dzf2t)

7 Add JCrew to the boycott list:


Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at June 01, 2023 07:49 AM (Dzf2t)

8 My goodness. It's almost as if black communities can benefit from and in fact deserve the stable rule of law and order just as much as anyone else.

Heavens, it feels awkward to say something so racist.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 07:50 AM (9UlRk)

Air New Zealand Will Weigh Passengers Before International Flights To Maximize Fuel Efficiency

Lizzo hardest hit

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 01, 2023 07:50 AM (MoZTd)

10 If they would just convert to all electric airplanes we wouldn't need to worry about fuel efficiency.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 07:52 AM (9UlRk)

11 Every f'n company that acknowledges Degenerate Month is going to be on my shitt list. I don't care who they are. I may have to boycott everything.

Posted by: fd at June 01, 2023 07:52 AM (iayUP)

12 Every new clown entering the race improves Trump's chances of winning the nomination, in much the same way as he did in 2016, when he won 45% of the vote and the other candidates split the rest.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 01, 2023 07:53 AM (OX2CO)

13 I'm already going to have to start making my own shoes.

Posted by: fd at June 01, 2023 07:53 AM (iayUP)

14 G'mornin' Horde!

Thanks, JJ!

hi-ho, off to Da Norf Woods!

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - we are being gaslighted 24/365 at June 01, 2023 07:53 AM (v0mat)

15 I share your sentiments towards Oakland.

But as we chuckle a schadenfreude laugh, you best be preparing.

Eventually the feral humans will run out of people to rape and pillage in the cities and will make for the suburbs.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at June 01, 2023 07:54 AM (IAwid)

16 I just hope to hell that Little Debbie doesn't go woke.

Posted by: fd at June 01, 2023 07:54 AM (iayUP)

17 hi-ho, off to Da Norf Woods!

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - we are being gaslighted 24/365 at June 01, 2023 07:53 AM (v0mat)


Posted by: grammie winger at June 01, 2023 07:55 AM (45fpk)

18 Pushback: If the Young Are Beginning to Resist the Leftist Queer Agenda, Then There Is Real Hope

These articles happen like clockwork. The Left pushes something. The Right blabs impotently. The Left suffers setbacks but keeps pushing on. The Right blabs more. The Left begins to win. The Right blabs about how kids/magic minorities are resisting. The Left establishes their new moral order.

#gogaltjune (don't buy anything except what you need and avoid the alphabet supporing companies as much as possible)

Posted by: Crom Laughs - Troonteenth is now at June 01, 2023 07:55 AM (GNPj+)

19 Character actor John Beasley has died at 79. [Bald black gentleman -- you'll recognize him immediately in a photo search.]

Everwood TV series, The Soul Man amongst his works.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 07:57 AM (Vwz3I)

20 not too add to the fun but zero hedge has an article from david stockman about what an impressively shitty deal mccarthy made:

"If there was ever any doubt, now we know: Speaker Kevin McCarthy has straw for brains and a Twizzlers stick for a backbone. He was within perhaps five days of breaking the iron grip of America's fiscal doomsday machine, yet inexplicably he turned tail and threw in the towel for a mess of fiscal pottage."

Posted by: gnats local 678 at June 01, 2023 07:58 AM (B1FKF)

21 Mornin’, All. Happy Friday Eve.

Mountain Valley Pipeline? Well, which is it, a mountain pipeline or a valley pipeline? Sounds landform-confused if you ask me.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 01, 2023 07:58 AM (MVYuJ)

22 I don't know. I think it shows an immense amount of steel and grit for a man to stick with a charade so doggedly as the average GOPe mutant.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 07:59 AM (9UlRk)

23 Mountain Valley is right next to Valley Mountain.

Posted by: fd at June 01, 2023 08:00 AM (iayUP)

24 Remove the debt limit and let the rascals borrow all they want. They ain't never paying the debt off so stop pretending they will.

Everything is smoke and mirrors and bullshit.

More coffee...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 01, 2023 08:00 AM (7tCXb)

25 You can take the boy out of California but you can’t take California out of the boy. Oh, a Speaker should actually be able to express a cogent thought. I will admit he is better the President Tapioca Brain.

Posted by: FINGERS at June 01, 2023 08:00 AM (C8ve7)

26 P is for the Perversity I see
R is for..

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at June 01, 2023 08:01 AM (PiwSw)

27 uhhmmmmmm...


Posted by: John Fetterman at June 01, 2023 08:01 AM (vwCZJ)

28 Air New Zealand Will Weigh Passengers Before International Flights To Maximize Fuel Efficiency
I've been flying a lot recently, and on the (very) rare occasions the flight is not completely full, the air-waitresses spend a bit of time "balancing" the passenger load across the cabin. I never remember this happening before. But then again, it used to be rare to see 300lbr's walking around.
Someone told me there was a significant mystery delay in their flight. Apparently they ran out of those seatbelt extenders, and had to wait for ground crew to supply more.

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at June 01, 2023 08:02 AM (7Fj9P)

29 Jim Jordan--he of important Congressional hearings and tough guy attire and Marjorie Taylor Greene--the mouth of the South--voted for the Democrat budget disaster. Many other alleged 'R' Congressmen from solid red Congressional districts voted for the Democrat budget bill.

Betrayal was the featured menu item at the feast last night in Congress.

If your 'R' Congressman in a solid red district voted for this budget monstrosity, skip the middleman and vote Democrat next time.

Posted by: Voter theater. at June 01, 2023 08:03 AM (/5Who)

30 McCarthy got the bill passed only with higher percentages of Democrat support than Republican. Nothing could be more uniparty than that record.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 01, 2023 08:03 AM (OX2CO)

31 "Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position. But the rich should take pride in their humiliation—since they will pass away like a wild flower."

James 1:9-10

Posted by: Marcus T at June 01, 2023 08:04 AM (63An5)

32 26 P is for the Perversity I see
R is for...

.....the Reeeeeeee
I scream, if you propose some sanity.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at June 01, 2023 08:04 AM (IAwid)

Lizzo hardest hit
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

FedEx or DHL would provide xer with all the comforts that livestock requires, plus a plane all to xerself!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Your Gateway to Bismarck, ND (TM) at June 01, 2023 08:04 AM (pNxlR)

34 See how well voting GOP works. Imagine the success if they control all of the branches of gov't.

Posted by: Crom Laughs - Troonteenth is now at June 01, 2023 08:05 AM (GNPj+)

35 McCarthy said "the American people owe a great deal of debt" to the people who passed the ridiculous "Debt Relif Bill." Right on, Kevin.

Posted by: Erik In Texas at June 01, 2023 08:05 AM (9loYT)

36 “Farmland buying spree by Wall Street’s mammoth hedge funds and China are turning America’s and the globe’s agricultural landscapes into corporate fiefdoms and farmers into serfs,” Kennedy wrote. “Many people do not understand that small farms actually outproduce large industrial farms.”
Feature, not bug, in the WEF's plans for humanity.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at June 01, 2023 08:05 AM (YIVH2)

37 20 not too add to the fun but zero hedge has an article from david stockman about what an impressively shitty deal mccarthy made:

"If there was ever any doubt, now we know: Speaker Kevin McCarthy has straw for brains and a Twizzlers stick for a backbone. He was within perhaps five days of breaking the iron grip of America's fiscal doomsday machine, yet inexplicably he turned tail and threw in the towel for a mess of fiscal pottage."
Posted by: gnats local 678 at June 01, 2023 07:58 AM (B1

So much for the political profitability for the wrong people to do the right thing. We have the wrong people yet again doing the wrong thing. But it still will be profitable for them.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 01, 2023 08:05 AM (x0n13)

38 L O L G F is right.

About everything.

Posted by: Ziba at June 01, 2023 08:06 AM (4h9M3)

39 Everything is smoke and mirrors and bullshit.

More coffee...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 01, 2023 08:00 AM (7tCXb)

That's my position.

It's a microcosm of every other dumbass rope-a-dope issue the GOPe swings around. "Oh no, they're trying to do X! Support us so we can opoose them!..... oh no, they did X! Support us so we can undo X!" Fuck them. Let the whole rotten condemnable edifice fall, and the sooner the better so we can clear the rubble and start rebuilding.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 08:06 AM (9UlRk)

40 Happy Thursday one and all. While I appreciate LOLGF, I am also fond of IDGAF.

Posted by: NR Pax at June 01, 2023 08:06 AM (4olE8)

41 34 See how well voting GOP works. Imagine the success if they control all of the branches of gov't.
Posted by: Crom Laughs - Troonteenth is now at June 01, 2023 08:05 AM (GNPj+)

See also: 1/20/17 - 1/19/19

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 01, 2023 08:07 AM (x0n13)

42 When RFK says something that is true, and I find myself agreeing with him, it feels wrong, somehow…

Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 08:08 AM (PCK5/)

43 McCarthy said "the American people owe a great deal of debt" to the people who passed the ridiculous "Debt Relif Bill." Right on, Kevin.
Posted by: Erik In Texas at June 01, 2023 08:05 AM (9loYT)

Yeah, jerknuts. That's the whole fucking problem, isn't it? We owe a great deal of debt indeed because you nutsacks maxed out all our lines of credit.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 08:08 AM (9UlRk)

44 Good morning!

Happy Monkeypox and Suppurating Crotch Wound Awareness Month!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:08 AM (DU+/6)

45 Why can't Pride month be this 🇺🇸 instead of this 🏳️‍🌈??

Posted by: redridinghood at June 01, 2023 08:09 AM (NpAcC)

46 Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 01, 2023 08:00 AM (7tCXb)

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 08:06 AM (9UlRk)

At this stage, nothing is salvageable. The entire thing must be wiped clean and started over from scratch.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 01, 2023 08:09 AM (x0n13)

47 So, is CBS reporter Nancy Cordes is saying that Senator Joe Biden had a Russian asset, Tara Reade, in his office on Capitol Hill

Posted by: SMOD at June 01, 2023 08:09 AM (Dmb5D)

48 One clear winner emerges from this theater of the absurd.
Manchin finally gets his pipeline permits.

Biden promised them in return for Manchins vote on the hilariously named "Inflation Reduction Act", and then immediately stabbed Manchin in the back after the vote. Now McCarthy delivers the win for Manchin.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 01, 2023 08:09 AM (kLb13)

49 Can't spell "Pride Month" without "Demon"!

Posted by: Hawkpilot at June 01, 2023 08:09 AM (btisP)

50 47 So, is CBS reporter Nancy Cordes is saying that Senator Joe Biden had a Russian asset, Tara Reade, in his office on Capitol Hill
Posted by: SMOD at June 01, 2023 08:09 AM (Dmb5D)

That's hilarious

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 08:10 AM (9UlRk)

51 We're rolling downhill like
a snowball headed for hell.

Posted by: Count de Monet, getting his Merle on at June 01, 2023 08:10 AM (4I/2K)

52 46
tarted over from scratch.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 01, 2023 08:09 AM (x0n13)

So, the “ Heads on Pikes” solution?

Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 08:10 AM (PCK5/)

I don't worry about a default. All the money that everyone has in stocks and retirement accounts can be electronically shifted to the government and cover the debt completely.

At least this is how our 'betters' in government think.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at June 01, 2023 08:11 AM (enJYY)

54 Yeah, jerknuts. That's the whole fucking problem, isn't it? We owe a great deal of debt indeed because you nutsacks maxed out all our lines of credit.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 08:08 AM (9UlRk)
Only a matter of time before it becomes *illegal* for the average American to live within their means...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at June 01, 2023 08:11 AM (YIVH2)

55 re "The company said that over the course of the next few weeks, it will ask over 10,000 clients traveling on overseas flights to “take part in its passenger weight survey before they board,” CNBC reported. This pilot program seeks to limit the use of fossil fuel usage."

won't that violate the nyc rule that you can't discriminate against the horizontally challenged/

Posted by: gnats local 678 at June 01, 2023 08:11 AM (B1FKF)

56 Today is National Olive Day. 🫒

Posted by: redridinghood at June 01, 2023 08:11 AM (NpAcC)

57 21 Mornin’, All. Happy Friday Eve.

Mountain Valley Pipeline? Well, which is it, a mountain pipeline or a valley pipeline? Sounds landform-confused if you ask me.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 01, 2023 07:58 AM (MVYuJ)

Son is a heavy equipment operator and worked that pipeline in the WV stretch. It was both mountains and valleys. The mountain parts were...exhilarating. Two dozers atop the mountain serving as anchors for his excavator digging on the slope. Down the mountain, across the valley, up the next mountain.

Posted by: Iron Mike Golf A2E6, Easy 6 Titanium Enhanced at June 01, 2023 08:11 AM (8C7+r)

58 Only a matter of time before it becomes *illegal* for the average American to live within their means...
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at June 01, 2023 08:11 AM (YIVH2)

Having a low debt ratio is probably already a "red flag" for the three-letters.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 08:12 AM (9UlRk)

59 "Today is National Olive Day."

Well blow me down.

Posted by: Popeye at June 01, 2023 08:12 AM (iayUP)

60 Happy Monkeypox and Suppurating Crotch Wound Awareness Month!
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:08 AM (DU+/6)
Where can I buy that on a t-shirt?

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at June 01, 2023 08:12 AM (YIVH2)

61 Emphasis mine, and a few things to note. First, if the debt ceiling is not raised, you can be certain that nothing from that pre-digested propaganda Sherman just vomited out is going to happen as a direct result. For sure at some point, our economy is going to collapse from the out of control borrowing, spending and impossible to pay off interest.
This is movie writing, and it isn't even particularly good. If the stakes are end-of-the-world, then why are we negotiating at all? I mean, if a pipeline isn't important in that context, then why are 80,000+ new IRS agents? Why is continued operation of the Department of Justice?

If the result of *not* passing a bill at all is human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA, then why not negotiate harder? If accepting a Dread Pipeline is no big deal, then why is including actual cuts somewhere unacceptable? I mean, we're talking end-of-the-world stakes here!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:12 AM (DU+/6)

62 hiya

Posted by: JT at June 01, 2023 08:13 AM (T4tVD)

63 36 “Farmland buying spree by Wall Street’s mammoth hedge funds and China are turning America’s and the globe’s agricultural landscapes into corporate fiefdoms and farmers into serfs,” Kennedy wrote. “Many people do not understand that small farms actually outproduce large industrial farms.”
Feature, not bug, in the WEF's plans for humanity.
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at June 01, 2023

I take issue with small farms out produce large industrial farms. That doesn't sound correct without defining small and large farms.
Doesn't pass the smell test.
The Chinese and hedge funds buying land, that's correct.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 01, 2023 08:13 AM (xgS37)

64 But Tim Kaine says he wants to kill the pipeline.

So basically we are being ruled by psychopaths and their enablers.

The stakes are allegedly pain, misery and death on a global scale if the senate doesn't approve. Tim Kaine says that he is OK with that and will not vote for the bill unless the pipeline provision is stripped out (as if it is within Kaine's Constitutional authority to dictate who gets to operate a pipeline and where).

So Kaine wants to compound more damage on the economy by stopping critical infrastructure and energy needs or he will knowingly bring pain, misery and death to people on a global scale.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at June 01, 2023 08:13 AM (YXHzG)

65 Future budgets will have to cover increased interest expense and greater net payouts to social security medicare. This is baked in.

We're running huge deficits in what's supposed to be normal times.

We're like a rich family living on borrowing on the home equity loan. This can go on until it doesn't.

Expect continued high inflation. Powell can't do a Volckler.

Posted by: Ignoramus at June 01, 2023 08:13 AM (RqMSv)

66 The pipeline will stay. For now anyway until the EPA nixes it and Manchin can put on a dog and pony show feigning outrage.
Heh. It's almost like you've seen this movie before ...

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:13 AM (DU+/6)

67 Joe Manchin isn't going anywhere.
Fission For The Future Act, tied to Bill Gates with TerraPower building salt cooled nuclear power plants on shuttered coal fire power plants, China manufacturing and supplying plant equipment to us through Gates........he's safe.

Plus we have the new Oliver Stone movie Nuclear Now coming out. I told you the lefties are going to be the ones to usher in nuclear power but "oh no JROD that'll never happen".

Posted by: JROD at June 01, 2023 08:13 AM (IlL6s)

68 So Kaine wants to compound more damage on the economy by stopping critical infrastructure and energy needs or he will knowingly bring pain, misery and death to people on a global scale.
Posted by: Reuben Hick at June 01, 2023 08:13 AM (YXHzG)

Like son, like father (son is Antifa, IIRC).

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at June 01, 2023 08:14 AM (PiwSw)

69 Thanks JJ !


Posted by: JT at June 01, 2023 08:14 AM (T4tVD)

70 “I think… we need to streamline the system so that it’s easier for people who have a real reason and desire and will contribute something to the USA to actually be legal,” Pushaw argues further

My God are you shitting me?

This woman was a fucking fire breather for three plus years!!!

I don't understand why people belive it's so crazy to think someone like DeSantis has just been playing the long game to get himself and the establishment GOP into this position. After we have been long gamed to death for more than half a century. I really don't.

In fact I'm kind of tired of fighting people on my side who really should know better at this point.

Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 08:14 AM (/KXen)

71 Ooh! Talking about scumbag families on the tech thread. I have another one. My uncle lived in 1/2 of a family duplex. Grandma gave him a cc to pay for repairs on the rental half. As she declined, he changed the address on the card to his own, then maxed it out. As mom lay on her deathbed in the hospital, he went to the cc website and changed the address back. My Aunt got the overlimit overdue bill while sorting grandmas affairs and confronted uncle, he said "It doesn't matter, the card is in her name, they will just write it off". Then we found out he conned grandma into signing his half of the duplex into his name, which he promptly mortgaged and defaulted on.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 01, 2023 08:14 AM (RsLp5)

72 “Joe Biden’s Department of Justice has gone totally rogue. Democrats weaponizing the federal government to attack the family of a Republican Senate candidate is a complete abuse of power,” NRSC spokesman Tate Mitchell stated.
Wrong. Dead wrong.

Trump's DoJ was rogue. Biden's DoJ is doing its job as expected and dictated by the administration.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:14 AM (DU+/6)

73 It's also,
National Moonshine Day!

Posted by: redridinghood at June 01, 2023 08:15 AM (NpAcC)

74 #45 None of the national flags cut & paste, redridinghood. I think the fag flag does because it's a graphic like this pirate flag and not coded for Twitter bylines, or whatever they're called.

I don't know if there are any similar national flag graphics.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:15 AM (Vwz3I)

75 Misgendering is ‘Act of Violence,’

Which will lead to people getting shot for it because if it's violence, you can defend yourself.

Posted by: NR Pax at June 01, 2023 08:16 AM (4olE8)

76 National Moonshine Day!
Posted by: redridinghood at June 01, 2023 08:15 AM (NpAcC)
In light of all the depressing news, we're gonna need a bigger jug.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at June 01, 2023 08:16 AM (YIVH2)

77 Nobody on the left is arguing for more legal avenues to immigration. Nobody. Why?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 01, 2023 08:16 AM (RsLp5)

78 Fun With Flags!!!

Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 08:16 AM (PCK5/)

79 #49 Yes, PRIDE MONTH

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:16 AM (Vwz3I)

80 No Justice, no peace. Indeed. If he survives this hit job and then goes on to actually remove the Manchin abscess, will he become a McConnell/Thune flunky or be in the MAGA camp?
Irrelevant question. He'll drop out or be forced out. They'd rather he drop out - that's why they're going after his family - and he probably will. I would. If he doesn't, they'll just destroy him.

They're sending a very, very clear message: nobody with anything at all to lose need apply.

This is, of course, how you end up with actual in-the-streets revolutionaries at some point. But "some point" isn't "today" so they'll keep strip-mining what's left of this country and hope they can jump off the runaway train before it careens off the cliff.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:16 AM (DU+/6)

81 Birdbath status?

Posted by: Just Wondering at June 01, 2023 08:17 AM (DhOHl)

82 Birdbath status?
Posted by: Just Wondering

In use.

Posted by: JT at June 01, 2023 08:18 AM (T4tVD)

83 National Moonshine Day!
Posted by: redridinghood

And there was moonshine moonshine
to quench the devil's thirst
the Law swore they'd get him
but the devil got him first.

Posted by: JT at June 01, 2023 08:20 AM (T4tVD)

84 Any budget bill will have billions of dollars in grift built in to it. Democrats and Republicans both craft grifting opportunities to line their pockets. Some get what they want out of the deal, others do not. The only way a Congress critter isn't going to vote to pass this budget is because they didn't get as big a slice of the pie as they thought they deserved.

This has nothing to do with "debt." It has everything to do with graft, corruption and idiocy.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 01, 2023 08:20 AM (Q4IgG)

85 what the hell is a creed anyway
A creed is a set of fundamental beliefs or guiding philosophy. It can be religion/religious, but needn't be. The Hippocratic Oath summarizes the creed of the medical industry, for example.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:20 AM (DU+/6)

86 What does being anti-Christian have to do with "Pride"?

Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 08:20 AM (pygbu)

87 Black olives matter!

Posted by: Paint it on the street! at June 01, 2023 08:20 AM (DhOHl)

88 Oooohhh! JJ! Your doctorate in wordsmithing came through for you in your pre-dawn scribbling today.

" . . . feeling safe is 'white privilege,' yo!" is classic Sefton, one for the wall.

Posted by: Mr Gaga at June 01, 2023 08:20 AM (KiBMU)

89 It's not just the hedge funds and Chinese buying farmground, the university endowments are buying prime Ag ground and growing fresh produce. It's tough to acquire more farm ground when I'm bidding against billionaire endowment funds looking for someplace to park their cash.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 01, 2023 08:21 AM (xgS37)

90 I blame Big Kabuki for all this mess.

Posted by: Count de Monet at June 01, 2023 08:21 AM (4I/2K)

91 One woman touted her progressive credentials before complaining that women weren’t safe in the area due to ongoing violence. “I’ve had two dozen years of being at the far extreme most progressive community-organizing activism kind of activity you can think of,” she said. “I don’t think it’s as simple as being too progressive here. I think the devil is in the details … It’s all kinds of women being targeted. This is systemic violence as well."
Hmmm. Allow me to translate, please.
"I did it and I was right to do it and I would do it all again. Now, rescue me from the consequences of my choices."

Fuck her.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:21 AM (DU+/6)

92 Ny birdbath is a popular additon.. I put it near the feeders.. sort of a spa for the birds. My issues revolve around deer stopping by to eat.. hate the vermin. The other vermin, squirrels, are happily sparse, as we have efficient predators that keep them thinned out.

Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 08:22 AM (PCK5/)

93 86 What does being anti-Christian have to do with "Pride"?
Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 08:20 AM (pygbu)

On the contrary, It is written (Tobit 4:14): "Never suffer pride to reign in thy mind or in thy words."

I answer that, Pride [superbia] is so called because a man thereby aims higher [supra] than he is; wherefore Isidore says (Etym. x): "A man is said to be proud, because he wishes to appear above (super) what he really is"; for he who wishes to overstep beyond what he is, is proud. Now right reason requires that every man's will should tend to that which is proportionate to him. Therefore it is evident that pride denotes something opposed to right reason, and this shows it to have the character of sin, because according to Dionysius (Div. Nom. iv, 4), "the soul's evil is to be opposed to reason." Therefore it is evident that pride is a sin.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at June 01, 2023 08:22 AM (eYoxG)

94 I take issue with small farms out produce large industrial farms. That doesn't sound correct without defining small and large farms.
Doesn't pass the smell test.
The Chinese and hedge funds buying land, that's correct.
Posted by: CaliGirl at June 01, 2023 08:13 AM (xgS37)

I've heard that. You think manager X cares that his yield in field Y is down a bit since he still made his quota? The smaller guys do. I've known some small farmers who calculated down the the gallon the herbicide they needed. They got irritated if they purchased too much.

Posted by: Crom Laughs - Troonteenth is now at June 01, 2023 08:22 AM (GNPj+)

95 (what the hell is a creed anyway?)


Posted by: Apollo at June 01, 2023 08:22 AM (a3Q+t)

96 Birdbath status?
Posted by: Just Wondering

In use.
Posted by: JT at June 01, 2023 08:18 AM (T4tVD)

During Pride month!?!?

Posted by: dantesed at June 01, 2023 08:23 AM (88xKn)

97 Happy Pried Month! to every parent, guardian or concerned citizen who freed a child from degenerate, anti-Western, indoctrinating groomers.

Posted by: Rex B at June 01, 2023 08:24 AM (6/TvZ)

98 89 It's not just the hedge funds and Chinese buying farmground, the university endowments are buying prime Ag ground and growing fresh produce. It's tough to acquire more farm ground when I'm bidding against billionaire endowment funds looking for someplace to park their cash.
Posted by: CaliGirl at June 01, 2023 08:21 AM (xgS37)

The college endowments have tended to be investing in farmland for longer than recent Chinese and hedge fund activity. Though historically they bought a lot overseas. Interesting to hear that they're active again, because only a few years back they were exiting.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at June 01, 2023 08:24 AM (eYoxG)

I take issue with small farms out produce large industrial farms. That doesn't sound correct without defining small and large farms.
Doesn't pass the smell test.
The Chinese and hedge funds buying land, that's correct.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 01, 2023 08:13 AM

Agreed. I live next to a small farm that grows wheat. Last fall they fertilized every other row. Like 8 feet of fertilizer, skip 8 feet, lather, rinse repeat. Walking through the field this spring there was a noticeable difference in height between the two. Well, it just got cut and baled this week. One tractor trailer load taken away instead of the usual two. I don't think a large farm would have taken such a risk.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at June 01, 2023 08:25 AM (enJYY)

100 I don't know if there are any similar national flag graphics.
Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:15 AM (Vwz3I)

Posted by: redridinghood at June 01, 2023 08:25 AM (NpAcC)

101 BTW, the CAGW MFM here is now using "wildfire" instead of the usual Canadian descriptor of "bush fires" for the fires threatening Halifax, N.S. and Alberta as well as elsewhere. [BTW, am Aussie friend tells me their forest/scrub fires are also called "bush fires".]

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:25 AM (Vwz3I)

102 Morning Horde, thank you JJ. I'm always amazed by white people alleging that white privilege exists or denouncing white supremacy. Do they actually think that such behavior will end well for them and their children? It will lead to death or enslavement. Not the sharpest tacks in the box

Posted by: Smell the Glove at June 01, 2023 08:25 AM (gCIuO)

103 The Hippocratic Oath summarizes the creed of the medical industry, for example.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:20 AM

First, do no harm.

* smiles *

Posted by: Pfizer at June 01, 2023 08:25 AM (a3Q+t)

I take issue with small farms out produce large industrial farms. That doesn't sound correct without defining small and large farms.
Doesn't pass the smell test.
The Chinese and hedge funds buying land, that's correct.
Posted by: CaliGirl at June 01, 2023 08:13 AM (xgS37)

That's probably "small farms in total" vs "large industrial farms in total" since small farms have a lot more land in total.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at June 01, 2023 08:25 AM (eYoxG)

105 Across the Bay from Oakland is San Francisco. Oakland probably should have seen this coming. Speaking of which, there was this comment on the Tech Thread about some of the real-world - though not obvious to all - consequences of this shit:

I was at a meeting yesterday of downtown hotel people and I was surprised at how bitter and vitriolic their comments were about the street-crime situation. It is really affecting convention business. ...
Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 01, 2023 05:13 AM (RIvkX)

Count my company in. Last year, we held our convention in San Francisco like usual (except for when Moscone was closed for renovations). The post-convention surveys were clear in that the most common piece of feedback we got was, "if this convention is still in San Francisco next year, we will not be attending."

It won't be in San Francisco this year.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:25 AM (DU+/6)

106 JJ, I don't know if this was covered, but Belk's, a large Retail chain, headquartered in Charlotte, NC, has jumped on the Targay train.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at June 01, 2023 08:26 AM (PiwSw)

107 First, do no harm.

* smiles *
Posted by: Pfizer at June 01, 2023 08:25 AM (a3Q+t)

*fist bump*

Posted by: Every Abortion Doctor at June 01, 2023 08:27 AM (PiwSw)

108 First, do no harm.

* smiles *
Posted by: Pfizer at June 01, 2023 08:25 AM (a3Q+t)
Yeah. I should have specified that it *was* the creed of the medical industry. In the old days.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:27 AM (DU+/6)

109 106 The Great Retailer Suicide Pact of 2023.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at June 01, 2023 08:27 AM (lz5hY)

110 "DeSantis wasn't going to get anywhere soft-pedaling his opposition to Trump as many Republican candidates appeared to do in 2016. Fearing Trump's acid tongue and unerring aim in going for the jugular, Trump's opponents refused to go toe-to-toe with candidate Trump."
Revisionist bullshit. Pure GOPe loser horseshit; "we're too nice, that's why we lose."
They all lost to Trump because not one, not a single one of them losers, dared get to the right of Trump on any issue.

And they're all going to lose again because they are all doing it again. Including Ron.
"Who will better respond to the next Covid"-- when they all failed in the original Covid response--isn't the killshot Ron thinks it is. Pointing out Trump's failures doesn't excuse your failures.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at June 01, 2023 08:28 AM (5EnGD)

111 what the hell is a creed anyway?

And can you really take them higher?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 01, 2023 08:29 AM (RsLp5)

112 Coping or lying?

Breaking911 @Breaking911 · 7h
SPEAKER MCCARTHY: "I’ve been thinking about this day before my vote for Speaker because I knew the debt ceiling was coming. I wanted to make history. […] For the first time, in quite sometime, we’d spend less than we did the year before...”

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:29 AM (Vwz3I)

113 Do? No, Harm!

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 08:29 AM (9UlRk)

114 The Great Retailer Suicide Pact of 2023.
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at June 01, 2023 08:27 AM (lz5hY)
And 2022. And 2021. And so on back for a while.

They all do this crap. Every large organization does. Every large organization is woke. It's why I'm not all that happy about people calling for general boycotts. Those can't work, because do need things.

Just stick to Target and try to hurt them badly. If that works, *then* move on to Kohl's or Belk or whatever. Serial action, not parallel action, is what is needed. You can't attack the entire corporate structure in parallel, but you can knock them out one by one until the rest learn and choose survival over woke pandering.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:29 AM (DU+/6)

That's probably "small farms in total" vs "large industrial farms in total" since small farms have a lot more land in total.
Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at June 01, 2023 08:25 AM (eYoxG)

That makes sense. Without defining terms, anything can be true.
I'm thinking yields are probably pretty close all things being equal.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 01, 2023 08:30 AM (xgS37)

116 Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:29 AM (DU+/6)

Freeze, polarize, etc.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 08:30 AM (9UlRk)

117 I don't need to address the Jury for my closing statement on the guilt or innocence of my client or the weight of or lack of evidence, because they should just know.

Posted by: Woman Matlock at June 01, 2023 08:31 AM (Td0oq)

118 For those that missed it yesterday,

Breaking911 @Breaking911 · 20h
WATCH: Florida woman sends car flying after hitting parked tow truck ramp on highway in southern Georgia; the driver is hospitalized with serious injuries
9 seconds [no bloodshed]

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:31 AM (Vwz3I)

119 This year the farm behind us is growing corn. They were out fertilizing the acreage yesterday and the day before. I believe the corn produced is for commercial use (corn oil, corn based meals, etc.) since they don't have a little stand to sell it like some others do.

I presume there's a difference in the actual corn grown for human consumption and that used for commercial/animal purposes.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 01, 2023 08:32 AM (Q4IgG)

120 The statements from angry residents came before the city council voted to allocate $51 million to support migrants in Chicago, according to a livestream of the meeting.




Figured it out yet, black folks?

Posted by: Every child has a normal childhood, which is the point of what we're seeing at June 01, 2023 08:32 AM (pQ2gM)

121 My farmer planted wheat and hay mixed together. His plan was to combine off the taller wheat, then come back later and cut the hay.

We had so much rain that the hay outgrew the wheat, and he just cut it all and baled it. Took about 200 round bales, so not a total loss.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 01, 2023 08:32 AM (RsLp5)

122 I can't wait for the Woke reboot of Charlie's Angels...

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at June 01, 2023 08:32 AM (PiwSw)

123 Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at June 01, 2023 08:22 AM (eYoxG)

Just stepping ALL over my point I guess 😅

Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 08:32 AM (58Lyk)

124 ... They all lost to Trump because not one, not a single one of them losers, dared get to the right of Trump on any issue. ...
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at June 01, 2023 08:28 AM (5EnGD)
And none of them had a real platform. Platforms matter less than personalities, but they aren't nothing. What was Jeb!'s platform? He didn't have one. His "platform" was "get buffeted by the same currents that delivered me to where I am today." So was almost everyone else's. Trump's platform was fairly complicated but the key points were easily and consistently flogged:
1. Deal with the border
2. Fight back against Red China and improve the domestic economy
3. Build infrastructure and the military

That's it. Three points. Three clear, concise points that can be hammered mercilessly. There's no room for attack from the right and it invites attacks from the left - and every other candidate chose to attack from the left.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:33 AM (DU+/6)

125 106 JJ, I don't know if this was covered, but Belk's, a large Retail chain, headquartered in Charlotte, NC, has jumped on the Targay train.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at June 01, 2023 08:26 AM (PiwSw)

Had not seen the story as of yesterday night into this morning. No doubt I will be seeing it today so the link will be tomorrow.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 01, 2023 08:33 AM (x0n13)

126 Abbas is a gangster, not any sort of "leader", adept at skimming money from donations he's guilt-grifted, and nothing more.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 01, 2023 08:33 AM (w/OAj)

127 “Farmland buying spree by Wall Street’s mammoth hedge funds and China are turning America’s and the globe’s agricultural landscapes into corporate fiefdoms and farmers into serfs,” Kennedy wrote. “Many people do not understand that small farms actually outproduce large industrial farms.”
Feature, not bug, in the WEF's plans for humanity.


If this is true, it should send ice cold shivers down the backs of every American. I can't even contemplate the nefarious plans they will cook up once they own lock, stock and barrel the means of our food production.

Posted by: Lady in Black at June 01, 2023 08:34 AM (sVtYq)

128 >what the hell is a creed anyway?

I think they held a revival in Florida. Near Clearwater.

Posted by: If memory serves at June 01, 2023 08:34 AM (DhOHl)

129 "WATCH: Florida woman sends car flying after hitting parked tow truck ramp on highway in southern Georgia"

Are they gender-swapping "Dukes of Hazzard" now?

Posted by: fd at June 01, 2023 08:34 AM (iayUP)

130 Freeze, polarize, etc.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 08:30 AM (9UlRk)
You betchya

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:34 AM (DU+/6)

131 Breaking911 @Breaking911 · 20h
WATCH: Florida woman sends car flying after hitting parked tow truck ramp on highway in southern Georgia; the driver is hospitalized with serious injuries

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:31 AM (Vwz3I)

The craziest thing about the story is that at the time she was parallel parking.

Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 08:35 AM (58Lyk)

132 “It’s a very dangerous precedent to set, that if people just get riled up enough about the products that you’re selling, you can completely distance yourself from the LGBT community, when and if it’s convenient,” Carnell said.

“If you’re going to take a stance and say that you care about the LGBT community, you need to stand by that regardless.”

CARE AYFKM Most people have the time, energy, money, and emotions to really care for a handful of family and friends. No one CARES about the groups you belong to or some made up class. They may pander. They may brown-nose. But they do not CARE.

Posted by: rhennigantx at June 01, 2023 08:35 AM (BRHaw)

133 National Olive Day, huh?

Olives are even lower than Brussels sprouts on my list of despised foods.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 01, 2023 08:35 AM (MVYuJ)

134 Mass retail psychosis.

Posted by: There's a clinical term for that at June 01, 2023 08:36 AM (DhOHl)

135 Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper · 2h
JUST IN: Japan experienced warmest spring on record: weather agency

||The average temperature in the three months through May was 1.59 degrees Celsius higher than usual, the biggest gap since the Japan Meteorological Agency started taking comparable measurements in 1898, it said.||

Meanwhile, Australia is having its coldest May on record as well.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:36 AM (Vwz3I)

136 124
1. Deal with the border
2. Fight back against Red China and improve the domestic economy
3. Build infrastructure and the military

That's it. Three points. Three clear, concise points that can be hammered mercilessly. There's no room for attack from the right and it invites attacks from the left - and every other candidate chose to attack from the left.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:33 AM (DU+/6)

And whatever small gains were made in four years were so easily undone in one or two… any lasting change would take a decade or two of consecutive administrations. The chances of that?

Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 08:37 AM (PCK5/)

137 @Breaking911 · 20h
WATCH: Florida woman sends car flying after hitting parked tow truck ramp on highway in southern Georgia; the driver is hospitalized with serious injuries
9 seconds [no bloodshed]
Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:31 AM (Vwz3I)
That's a hell of a thing. I saw it yesterday, but on rewatching it, it's nice to see the cop doing the right thing. He shouts in surprise then immediately regroups and runs toward the scene *while* calling for EMS. Quick, solid reaction. "Get there, get help while you get there, see what you can do once there."

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:37 AM (DU+/6)

138 Breaking: Measure the temperature in enough places for 80 years and every year one of those places is going to break a "record"

Also I use the word "measure" sparingly.

Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 08:38 AM (58Lyk)

139 🦃 in the straw
🦃 in the hay

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:38 AM (Vwz3I)

140 ... “If you’re going to take a stance and say that you care about the LGBT community, you need to stand by that regardless.” ...
Posted by: rhennigantx at June 01, 2023 08:35 AM (BRHaw)
"Sacrifice yourself on my altar to prove your devotion" is a pretty hard sell.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:38 AM (DU+/6)

I presume there's a difference in the actual corn grown for human consumption and that used for commercial/animal purposes.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 01, 2023 08:32 AM

Yeah, you don't wanna try corn on the cob with the wrong kinda corn. A couple decades back the farmer next door planted some of each and it was a guessing game of which rows to (small scale) snitch from. To my eye it all looked the same.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at June 01, 2023 08:39 AM (enJYY)

142 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at June 01, 2023 08:39 AM (Zz0t1)

143 “I think… we need to streamline the system so that it’s easier for people who have a real reason and desire and will contribute something to the USA to actually be legal,” Pushaw argues further

My God are you shitting me?

This woman was a fucking fire breather for three plus years!!!

I don't understand why people belive it's so crazy to think someone like DeSantis has just been playing the long game to get himself and the establishment GOP into this position. After we have been long gamed to death for more than half a century. I really don't.

In fact I'm kind of tired of fighting people on my side who really should know better at this point.
Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 08:14 AM (/KXen)

OK. But stick to your principles and don't vote for this guy:


Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at June 01, 2023 08:39 AM (Dzf2t)

144 "Sacrifice yourself on my altar to prove your devotion" is a pretty hard sell.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)

Death by Bunga-Bunga ?

Posted by: JT at June 01, 2023 08:39 AM (T4tVD)

145 Sacrifice yourself on my altar to prove your devotion" is a pretty hard sell.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:38 AM (DU+/6)

"Put on this dress and say you're a little fat girl or you don't get your balance sheet shored up by government backed loan sharks" is an easier sell.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 08:39 AM (9UlRk)

I presume there's a difference in the actual corn grown for human consumption and that used for commercial/animal purposes.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 01, 2023 08:32 AM (Q4IgG)

Yes, there is sweet corn and what I incorrectly refer to as cow corn.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 01, 2023 08:40 AM (xgS37)

147 Sacrifice yourself on my altar to prove your devotion" is a pretty hard sell.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:38 AM (DU+/6)

After watching the coof response, you really think so?

Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 08:40 AM (z60vo)

148 News just came across my feed that a team led by Henry Louis Gates is creating an African American English dictionary made up of words created by African Americans. Old school and cakewalk are two examples. Can't wait

Posted by: Smell the Glove at June 01, 2023 08:41 AM (gCIuO)

149 Breaking: Measure the temperature in enough places for 80 years and every year one of those places is going to break a "record"
And sometimes the 'record' broken just goes back to, IIRC, 1990 or so when the temperature-reading satellite coverage of the planet was completed.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:42 AM (Vwz3I)

150 There’s sweet corn and pig corn. And popcorn. And Indian corn for decoration in the fall.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 01, 2023 08:42 AM (MVYuJ)

151 "Put on this dress and say you're a little fat girl or you don't get your balance sheet shored up by government backed loan sharks" is an easier sell.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 08:39 AM (9UlRk)
Oh, yes. Which is why there needs to be a counter-argument like, "If you put on that dress say you're a little fat girl, you don't get enough revenue to cover your operations."

Balance of terror is the way. They all fear Woke Capital. Make them fear their customers, too, and make them walk through the minefield they helped create.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:42 AM (DU+/6)

152 Confederate rations suffered from, along with other things, using any corn they could find. Also, cobs got ground into the meal, resulting in some pretty bad health issues including internal bleeding.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at June 01, 2023 08:42 AM (lz5hY)

153 There is sweet corn and field corn and popcorn.. all very different. Also, there is a need to ensure that the varieties of corn do not cross pollinate.

Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 08:42 AM (PCK5/)

154 Oh boy. GMA is "kicking off Pride month" with a drag queen profile.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 01, 2023 08:43 AM (RsLp5)

155 On the plane. Maybe my wife gets lucky

Posted by: Nevvergiveup at June 01, 2023 08:43 AM (wluxq)

156 🌽

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:43 AM (Vwz3I)

157 Good morning horde!

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 01, 2023 08:44 AM (GYIa4)

158 After watching the coof response, you really think so?
Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 08:40 AM (z60vo)
I think so, yeah. The coof response was promised to be three things:
1. Temporary
2. Not too damaging
3. Damages won't be too terrible because the government will help for this brief period

The betrayal of all three of those points has likely made a lot of folks awfully nervous, and the damage that betrayal caused has made the economy so fragile that nobody wants to be the first one to fall over the edge.

Time will tell, of course, but I think that the compound betrayals during COVID and the subsequent damage will result in much more skepticism that before. Not talked about in public, but there.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:44 AM (DU+/6)

159 ManBallsOnChin can't be shuffled off to live the rest of his life on his accumulated graft soon enough.

Things you learn from Twitter: "Lesbian" does not mean "a woman who is attracted to women". It means "non-men who are attracted to non-men".

So, like, a chick who's into big dogs is a "lesbian" now?

The more you know. ™

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at June 01, 2023 08:45 AM (Y6AXb)

160 Doubling down:

zerohedge @zerohedge · 1h
Bud Light Giving LGBTQ Organization $200,000 Donation

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:45 AM (Vwz3I)

161 Oh boy. GMA is "kicking off Pride month" with a drag queen profile.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 01, 2023 08:43 AM (RsLp5)

Speaking of profiles, "Alfred Hitchcock" would be a fantastic drag name.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 08:45 AM (9UlRk)

162 Breaking Pride News:

"Eat da Poo Poo!"

Posted by: Rev. Martin Ssempa at June 01, 2023 08:45 AM (G6/u1)

163 Bud Light Giving LGBTQ Organization $200,000 Donation

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:45 AM (Vwz3I)

Speaking of sacrificing yourself on someone else's altar...

Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 08:46 AM (z60vo)

164 126 Abbas is a gangster, not any sort of "leader", adept at skimming money from donations he's guilt-grifted, and nothing more.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 01, 2023 08:33 AM (w/OAj)

*checks math* He's 18 years into his 4-year term as President.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at June 01, 2023 08:46 AM (PiwSw)

165 News just came across my feed that a team led by Henry Louis Gates is creating an African American English dictionary made up of words created by African Americans. Old school and cakewalk are two examples. Can't wait
Posted by: Smell the Glove at June 01, 2023 08:41 AM (gCIuO)

Can we first finish our Jive lessons?

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at June 01, 2023 08:46 AM (Dzf2t)

166 Field corn is pretty good boiled or grilled the same way as sweet corn, if your palate hasn't been destroyed by the modern store-bought "sweet corn" that's 90% sugar, 0% taste.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at June 01, 2023 08:47 AM (Y6AXb)

167 Bloomberg said a 535-mile rail line used to haul iron ore and manganese from Kumba Iron Ore Ltd.'s giant Sishen mine in the Northern Cape province to west coast ports was paralyzed on Tuesday after criminal organized gangs stole power cables used to power electric locomotives

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 01, 2023 08:47 AM (RsLp5)

168 152 There were cobs during the Civil War? I didn’t know that they did blogs by telegraph.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 01, 2023 08:47 AM (MVYuJ)

169 151 "Put on this dress and say you're a little fat girl or you don't get your balance sheet shored up by government backed loan sharks" is an easier sell.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 08:39 AM (9UlRk)
Oh, yes. Which is why there needs to be a counter-argument like, "If you put on that dress say you're a little fat girl, you don't get enough revenue to cover your operations."

Balance of terror is the way. They all fear Woke Capital. Make them fear their customers, too, and make them walk through the minefield they helped create.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:42 AM (DU+/6)

Fear will keep them in line. Fear of this balance sheet!

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at June 01, 2023 08:48 AM (eYoxG)

170 There were cobs during the Civil War? I didn’t know that they did blogs by telegraph.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 01, 2023 08:47 AM (MVYuJ)


Sending an embedded tweet must have made the little clicker-clacker thingy start smoking.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 08:48 AM (9UlRk)

171 Good morning!

Posted by: Lizzy at June 01, 2023 08:48 AM (mo/0F)

172 168 Heh. I was waiting for that.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at June 01, 2023 08:48 AM (lz5hY)

173 Can we first finish our Jive lessons?

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:49 AM (Vwz3I)

174 Even bigger and bolder than previous.

Just to show you how my mind works, as soon as I saw that comment from JJ I thought of the 1988 Nick Lowe album Pinker and Prouder Than Previous.

Morning, 'rons and 'ronettes.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at June 01, 2023 08:49 AM (AW0uW)

175 "Not only is this the first day of pride month, but it is also the first day of June!"

Really? They are trying to invade Pride month with another name? Probably those fucking MAGAts.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 01, 2023 08:49 AM (RsLp5)

176 So there's no such thing as a woman but there *is* a such thing as a non-man.

These people need Jesus, I swear.

Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 08:50 AM (dqH+B)

177 148 165 Will Samuel L. Jackson be invited to contribute?

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at June 01, 2023 08:50 AM (lz5hY)

178 > I can't wait for the Woke reboot of Charlie's Angels...
Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at June 01, 2023 08:32 AM (PiwSw)

A black "transwoman" in the Farrah Fawcett role. A fat, tattooed, blue-haired bull dyke in the Jaclyn Smith role. A fey chorus boy in the Kate Jackson role.

How did I do?

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at June 01, 2023 08:50 AM (Y6AXb)

179 Morning MP4…. Welcome to the Jungle..

Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 08:50 AM (PCK5/)

180 March, April, May, Suck the Tranny Dick, July......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at June 01, 2023 08:50 AM (Zz0t1)

181 June was once the month of weddings, optimism and love.

And when I say once I mean like three years ago.

Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 08:51 AM (dqH+B)

These people need Jesus, I swear.
Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 08:50 AM (dqH+B)

EVERYONE needs Jesus.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at June 01, 2023 08:51 AM (Zz0t1)

183 “Our environmental laws serve to protect communities against adverse effects of industrial activities including surface coal mining operations,” Kim said in a statement.

And from having good paying jobs. But who needs those when you can have low paying and mostly imaginary green jobs? You a have saved the climate and can eat bugs.

Posted by: Ripley at June 01, 2023 08:51 AM (cUYo/)

184 >>News just came across my feed that a team led by Henry Louis Gates is creating an African American English dictionary made up of words created by African Americans. Old school and cakewalk are two examples. Can't wait

Isn't that the beauty of the English language, it's constantly changing, takes from all sorts of sources including other languages, slang, and common misuses, etc.?

Posted by: Lizzy at June 01, 2023 08:52 AM (mo/0F)

185 We periodically get corn from the local farms. There's a farmer's market at the town's city hall parking lot twice a week. Last week I bought some locally raised pork (chops.)

Yea, there's a difference from store bought.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 01, 2023 08:52 AM (Q4IgG)

186 So there's no such thing as a woman but there *is* a such thing as a non-man.

These people need Jesus, I swear.
Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 08:50 AM (dqH+B)

No such thing as a woman. Such a thing as a non-man... which means a man must also be a thing. So men exist. Women do not, except in so far as they are non-men.

Mmmm, yes. I can definitely smell patriarchy.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 08:52 AM (9UlRk)

187 Ahem. War Between The States.

Posted by: Might as well stir this pot at June 01, 2023 08:52 AM (DhOHl)

188 Mmmm…Jaclyn Smith…always the hottest of the Angels, even alongside Farrah…mmmmmm…

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 01, 2023 08:53 AM (MVYuJ)

189 Mmmm, yes. I can definitely smell patriarchy.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 08:52 AM (9UlRk)

Don't make us cut to the Lume commercial again!

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at June 01, 2023 08:53 AM (Dzf2t)

190 Quote Tweet: Charles Rollet @CharlesRollet1 · May 30
BREAKING: Protest signs and protestors' faces are automatically reported to PRC police thanks to an AI system touted by Dahua, a huge Chinese video surveillance manufacturer. Dahua calls this solution a "banner_alarm"

Balaji @balajis · May 31
The true dystopia would be:

- take a photo of a crowd
- face recognize all people
- look up their phones
- freeze their WeChat accounts

It’s like a human EMP.
Knocks the fight out of a crowd.
And is technologically possible now.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:53 AM (Vwz3I)

191 >>Black Chicago residents criticized city officials for funding migrants over their community, they said during a city council meeting Wednesday.

Welcome to reality, folks.
They've never cared about you, just how they could use you to justify their agenda. You have been replaced.

Posted by: Lizzy at June 01, 2023 08:53 AM (mo/0F)

192 That article about Perdue Pharma is mostly crap.

How about blaming the f*cking drug addicts...the people who actually took the drugs!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at June 01, 2023 08:54 AM (ZCCyW)

193 Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at June 01, 2023 08:39 AM (Dzf2t)

I'm not voting for anyone. But I hope I'm still allowed to hate all elected Republicans. I know that's controversial because DeSantis "fights" or whatever. Noem fought too. So did Chris Christie.

Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 08:54 AM (Ow4GS)

194 >>Quote Tweet: Charles Rollet @CharlesRollet1 · May 30
BREAKING: Protest signs and protestors' faces are automatically reported to PRC police thanks to an AI system touted by Dahua, a huge Chinese video surveillance manufacturer. Dahua calls this solution a "banner_alarm"

IIRC, Juggalos can stymie this kind of tech. . .

Posted by: Lizzy at June 01, 2023 08:55 AM (mo/0F)

195 > Mmmm…Jaclyn Smith…always the hottest of the Angels, even alongside Farrah…mmmmmm…

72 years old now. Still looks pretty good.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at June 01, 2023 08:55 AM (Y6AXb)

196 How about blaming the f*cking drug addicts...the people who actually took the drugs!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at June 01, 2023 08:54 AM (ZCCyW)

They have a disease.

Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 08:55 AM (Ow4GS)

197 Don't make us cut to the Lume commercial again!
Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at June 01, 2023 08:53 AM (Dzf2t)

(Imagine that i put a link to Carlin's bit about "Sprunt" here...)

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 08:55 AM (9UlRk)

198 Wow, too bad about Pushaw. And Meatball.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 01, 2023 08:55 AM (MVYuJ)

199 185 You have to watch some of the farmer's market and roadside people. There's a guy who sets up around here in the summer with produce of all types. Everybody assumes local grown, but I noticed a lot of knocked down boxes saying producto de Mexico. Fucker just hits the produce house like the stores do.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at June 01, 2023 08:55 AM (lz5hY)

200 Me, I'm glad that Pence and Christie are running.

It's always nice to have more people to vote against.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at June 01, 2023 08:55 AM (Y6AXb)

201 That article about Perdue Pharma is mostly crap.

How about blaming the f*cking drug addicts...the people who actually took the drugs!
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at June 01, 2023 08:54 AM (ZCCyW)

And doctors who inappropriately prescribed them.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at June 01, 2023 08:56 AM (Dzf2t)

202 June was once the month of weddings, optimism and love.

And when I say once I mean like three years ago.
When it was just "Pride: Day/Week, it was the last week of June -- IMHO to put it near July 4th, and Canada's July 1 national holiday.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:56 AM (Vwz3I)

203 We saw a bunch of turkeys next to the road the other day and began to debate what a group of turkeys is called. Herd, flock, murder (no dummy, that's crows), a tangle?
We decided no matter what it actually is, it should be a jive of turkeys.

Posted by: Trog04 at June 01, 2023 08:56 AM (TaCAX)

204 News just came across my feed that a team led by Henry Louis Gates is creating an African American English dictionary made up of words created by African Americans. Old school and cakewalk are two examples. Can't wait


It will never see the light of day once it's realized that 85% of the words / phrases have something to do with laziness or insults.

Posted by: Every child has a normal childhood, which is the point of what we're seeing at June 01, 2023 08:56 AM (pQ2gM)

205 160 Doubling down:

zerohedge @zerohedge · 1h
Bud Light Giving LGBTQ Organization $200,000 Donation
Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:45 AM (Vwz3I)

Yeah, I put that news on the Bud thread's like they want to fail.

It's why I said Bud and Disney need to stay the top 2 targets for boycott and we need to crush them. Target (privately) changed course somewhat - these two just keep doubling down full speed ahead and smashing our face in it...

Posted by: Nova Local at June 01, 2023 08:57 AM (exHjb)

206 There were cobs during the Civil War? I didn’t know that they did blogs by telegraph.

-... . / ... ..- .-. . / - --- / -.. .-. .. -. -.- / -.-- --- ..- .-. / --- ...- .- .-.. - .. -. .

Posted by: Arch Stanton at June 01, 2023 08:57 AM (Td0oq)

207 195 Just did an image search. You are correct.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 01, 2023 08:57 AM (MVYuJ)

208 re some reliable Democrat voters voicing anger at their Blue City tyrants about money for illegals and rampant crime: Paraphrasing Joe Stalin, by ignoring those voters the Blue tyrants are essentially asking, "How many precincts can you win?" Knowing the answer is and will always be zero.

Posted by: Gref at June 01, 2023 08:57 AM (AMIL/)

209 Mountain Valley is right next to Valley Mountain.

Soon to be renamed: Valle de Montaña

Posted by: Reuben Hick at June 01, 2023 08:57 AM (YXHzG)

210 >>Female residents of Oakland, California, tore into city officials over local crime and recent attacks on women during a crime and violence prevention meeting Tuesday evening.

Ah, another group of reality-colliders learning politicians don't care about their demographic. You've been conned, ladies, and they will not save you.

Posted by: Lizzy at June 01, 2023 08:57 AM (mo/0F)

211 Still pending ... Moore v. Harper is an ongoing United States Supreme Court case related to the independent state legislature theory (ISL)

Posted by: SMOD at June 01, 2023 08:58 AM (RHGPo)

212 I think that you should send the photoshop to McCarthy, J.J.

That is some frightening picture.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 01, 2023 08:58 AM (Keyt1)

213 Isn't that the beauty of the English language, it's constantly changing, takes from all sorts of sources including other languages, slang, and common misuses, etc.?
Posted by: Lizzy
I dug her rap. My momma didn't raise no dummies!

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:59 AM (Vwz3I)

214 Ahem. War Between The States.
Posted by: Might as well stir this pot at June 01, 2023 08:52 AM (DhOHl)

More properly referred to in these parts as The Late Unpleasantness.

Posted by: Count de Monet at June 01, 2023 08:59 AM (4I/2K)

215 EVERYONE needs Jesus.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at June 01, 2023 08:51 AM (Zz0t1)

Everyone's getting so technical with me this morning...

Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 08:59 AM (aOZbw)

216 Profoundly disturbing pic up on top. Gah!!

Posted by: Count de Monet at June 01, 2023 08:59 AM (4I/2K)

217 Project Veritas case against O'Keefe looks like the very definition of a nuisance lawsuit. I have no skin in the game but this legal whine that O'Keefe is in business with his own media group is the silliest sort of claim.

What a waste of donor money.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 01, 2023 09:00 AM (E7x/i)

218 164
*checks math* He's 18 years into his 4-year term as President.
Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at June 01, 2023 08:46 AM (PiwSw)

"I can take him!"

- - Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 01, 2023 09:00 AM (x0n13)

219 North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum to launch his GOP presidential bid on June 7th.

Posted by: redridinghood at June 01, 2023 09:00 AM (NpAcC)

220 #206 What? It's just a stupid ad for Valu-Rite!

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 09:00 AM (Vwz3I)

221 "Female residents of Oakland, California, tore into city officials over local crime and recent attacks on women during a crime and violence prevention meeting Tuesday evening."

They are racists for expecting safe streets and neighborhoods. Violent crime is a part a city life, especially for POC.

Posted by: Ripley at June 01, 2023 09:01 AM (cUYo/)

Everyone's getting so technical with me this morning...
Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 08:59 AM (aOZbw)

I'm not being technical, just factual.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at June 01, 2023 09:01 AM (Zz0t1)

223 Grammie - close; Apostle Islands!

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - we are being gaslighted 24/365 at June 01, 2023 09:01 AM (v0mat)

224 Ok....that meme is....uh......well........

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at June 01, 2023 09:02 AM (Zz0t1)

225 News just came across my feed that a team led by Henry Louis Gates is creating an African American English dictionary made up of words created by African Americans. Old school and cakewalk are two examples. Can't wait


It will never see the light of day once it's realized that 85% of the words / phrases have something to do with laziness or insults.
Posted by: Every child has a normal childhood, which is the point of what we're seeing at June 01, 2023 08:56 AM (pQ2gM)


Posted by: First Jive Dude at June 01, 2023 09:02 AM (4I/2K)

226 216 Profoundly disturbing pic up on top. Gah!!
Posted by: Count de Monet at June 01, 2023 08:59 AM (4I/2K)

Then it encapsulates the situation.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 01, 2023 09:02 AM (x0n13)

227 Mmmm…Jaclyn Smith…always the hottest of the Angels, even alongside Farrah…mmmmmm…

I always preferred Kate Jackson.

And Joyce DeWitt.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at June 01, 2023 09:02 AM (AW0uW)

228 Grammie - close; Apostle Islands!

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - we are being gaslighted 24/365 at June 01, 2023 09:01 AM (v0mat)

Wow - very nice!

Posted by: grammie winger at June 01, 2023 09:02 AM (45fpk)

229 Morning MP4…. Welcome to the Jungle..
Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 08:50 AM

We got fun and games!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at June 01, 2023 09:03 AM (Wnv9h)

230 227 Mmmm…Jaclyn Smith…always the hottest of the Angels, even alongside Farrah…mmmmmm…

I always preferred Kate Jackson.

And Joyce DeWitt.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at June 01, 2023 09:02 AM (AW0uW)

Where have all the pretty women gone???

Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 09:03 AM (PCK5/)

231 And Joyce DeWitt.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at June 01, 2023 09:02 AM (AW0uW)

Smart and dirty hot, at least on Three's Company......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at June 01, 2023 09:03 AM (Zz0t1)

Where have all the pretty women gone???
Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 09:03 AM (PCK5/)

"To our bank accounts."

- - - - - Plastic Surgeons Local 354

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at June 01, 2023 09:04 AM (Zz0t1)


Monkeypox Month is finally here!

You can hear the train whistles from Fire Island!

I mean, more than usual...

Fresh tourist meat!

Posted by: Shemp Smith at June 01, 2023 09:04 AM (G6/u1)

234 Everyone's getting so technical with me this morning...
Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 08:59 AM (aOZbw)

I'm not being technical, just factual.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at June 01, 2023 09:01 AM

Lets get technical, technical....

Posted by: Olivia Newton John at June 01, 2023 09:04 AM (Wnv9h)

235 The question is: Will it include "crunkt" and "purple drank" and countless words for drugs, alcohol, etc.?

Posted by: Every child has a normal childhood, which is the point of what we're seeing at June 01, 2023 09:04 AM (pQ2gM)

236 It will never see the light of day once it's realized that 85% of the words / phrases have something to do with laziness or insults.
Posted by: Every child has a normal childhood, which is the point of what we're seeing at June 01, 2023 08:56 AM (pQ2gM)

By then, the checks will have cleared, so it's all good.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at June 01, 2023 09:04 AM (PiwSw)

237 In her attempt to shame an infiltrator to a DeSantis DONOR briefing, Zelensky loving Christina Pushaw posts photo with "independent, pick-no-sides, strictly neutral" radio personality and TV commentator Clay Travis.

It was an invitation only event for DONORS and Travis claims he was just there to observe.

Sure, Jan.

Posted by: IrishEi at June 01, 2023 09:05 AM (3ImbR)

238 199 185 You have to watch some of the farmer's market and roadside people. There's a guy who sets up around here in the summer with produce of all types. Everybody assumes local grown, but I noticed a lot of knocked down boxes saying producto de Mexico. Fucker just hits the produce house like the stores do.
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at June 01,

Sometimes those are stock boxes, the small guys do not have their own label so they reuse boxes.
But, yeah, some guys do not grow their own, they may grow a small amount of some commodity and buy the rest while telling you how it's all local, organic, free range, artisanal, no-spray, biodynamic and sustainable.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 01, 2023 09:05 AM (xgS37)

239 Where have all the pretty women gone???
Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 09:03 AM (PCK5/)

Now covered in tatts and piercings. Gah!!

Posted by: Count de Monet at June 01, 2023 09:05 AM (4I/2K)

240 Trump will be doing a town hall with Hannity tonight.

Posted by: redridinghood at June 01, 2023 09:05 AM (NpAcC)

241 And Joyce DeWitt.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at June 01, 2023 09:02 AM

Mmm...Joyce DeWitt.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at June 01, 2023 09:05 AM (Wnv9h)

242 >>News just came across my feed that a team led by Henry Louis Gates is creating an African American English dictionary made up of words created by African Americans. Old school and cakewalk are two examples. Can't wait

OK, apart from the divisiveness of a separate dictionary (will this be like black prom and black graduation?), will this become used to legitimize slang so that they cannot low score a test, or reject an applicant, a submitted article/report/whatever for using the soon to be 'proper' black English instead of, say, Oxford dictionary/AP style guidelines English?

Posted by: Lizzy at June 01, 2023 09:06 AM (mo/0F)

243 Where have all the pretty women gone???
Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 09:03 AM (PCK5/)


(checks 1963 Congressional Record for stated communist goals to conquer the U.S.A.)

Ah, there we are:

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive,
meaningless art."

Posted by: Every child has a normal childhood, which is the point of what we're seeing at June 01, 2023 09:06 AM (pQ2gM)

244 And doctors who inappropriately prescribed them.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at June 01, 2023 08:56 AM (Dzf2t)

Works for me.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at June 01, 2023 09:06 AM (ZCCyW)

245 240 Trump will be doing a town hall with Hannity tonight.
Posted by: redridinghood at June 01, 2023 09:05 AM (NpAcC)

I would say something rude, but… nah..

Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 09:06 AM (PCK5/)

246 I'm not being technical, just factual.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at June 01, 2023 09:01 AM (Zz0t1)

To be fair everyone needs water but it's still worth pointing out that a dude who's been in a desert for five days needs it more

Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 09:06 AM (U62b7)

247 CBD, yeah, spot-on about the ongoing demonization of the Sacklers and Purdue ... the sadist wing of the demonrat party is drooling over the idea of no more pain pills for the peasantry and that is all there is to all of the opioid hysteria-astroturfing.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - we are being gaslighted 24/365 at June 01, 2023 09:06 AM (v0mat)

248 239 Where have all the pretty women gone???
Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 09:03 AM (PCK5/)

Hey, I'm blind. Cut me some slack!

Posted by: Roy Orbison at June 01, 2023 09:06 AM (PiwSw)

249 Hannity, that "star"...

Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 09:07 AM (U62b7)

250 North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum to launch his GOP presidential bid on June 7th.
Posted by: redridinghood at June 01, 2023 09:00 AM (NpAcC)
All these political nonentities must be hedging that PDJT gets taken out of the race defending himself against the Garland KGB prosecutors. I can think of no other reason so many are throwing hats in.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 01, 2023 09:07 AM (E7x/i)

251 Sheeeet!

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 09:07 AM (Vwz3I)

252 224 Ok....that meme is....uh......well........
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at June 01, 2023 09:02 AM

Senator Fetterman, it's considered bad form to sock the regulars around here. Ah, what's the use? He'll forget before he votes on his next senate bill.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at June 01, 2023 09:07 AM (g+rMQ)

253 242 >>News just came across my feed that a team led by Henry Louis Gates is creating an African American English dictionary made up of words created by African Americans. Old school and cakewalk are two examples. Can't wait

OK, apart from the divisiveness of a separate dictionary (will this be like black prom and black graduation?), will this become used to legitimize slang so that they cannot low score a test, or reject an applicant, a submitted article/report/whatever for using the soon to be 'proper' black English instead of, say, Oxford dictionary/AP style guidelines English?
Posted by: Lizzy at June 01, 2023 09:06 AM (mo/0F)

Well they've long been pushing blacks to speak in Ebonics. Not sure it has anything to do with test scores so much as keeping them quaint and ethnic. It's like a zoo but with people instead of animals.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at June 01, 2023 09:07 AM (eYoxG)

254 News just came across my feed that a team led by Henry Louis Gates is creating an African American English dictionary made up of words created by African Americans. Old school and cakewalk are two examples. Can't wait


It will never see the light of day once it's realized that 85% of the words / phrases have something to do with laziness or insults.
Posted by: Every child has a normal childhood, which is the point of what we're seeing at June 01, 2023 08:56 AM

I'm sure that the quality of the etymological scholarship will be on par with the scholarship of Leonard Jeffries.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at June 01, 2023 09:08 AM (Wnv9h)

255 Trump will be doing a town hall with Hannity tonight.
Posted by: redridinghood at June 01, 2023 09:05 AM (NpAcC)
thanks for the warning

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 01, 2023 09:08 AM (E7x/i)

To be fair everyone needs water but it's still worth pointing out that a dude who's been in a desert for five days needs it more
Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 09:06 AM (U62b7)

Your point is valid.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at June 01, 2023 09:09 AM (Zz0t1)

257 And Joyce DeWitt.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at June 01, 2023 09:02 AM (AW0uW)

I only ever knew her from Three's Company but I noticed recently that I probably underestimated her comedy skills *and* she was pretty sexy in some ABC prime time dance number

Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 09:09 AM (U62b7)

258 hope so! weather forecast is, so to speak, clouding up ...

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - we are being gaslighted 24/365 at June 01, 2023 09:09 AM (v0mat)

259 the sadist wing of the demonrat party is drooling over the idea of no more pain pills for the peasantry and that is all there is to all of the opioid hysteria-astroturfing.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - we are being gaslighted 24/365 at June 01, 2023 09:06 AM (v0mat)

They tapped into America's puritanical tendencies. Too bad that opioids are excellent drugs when used correctly, and that 99% of the people prescribed them handle them just fine.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at June 01, 2023 09:09 AM (ZCCyW)

260 "The statements from angry residents came before the city council voted to allocate $51 million to support migrants in Chicago, according to a livestream of the meeting}

"One woman touted her progressive credentials before complaining that women weren’t safe in the area due to ongoing violence"

It brings me great satisfaction to see people getting what they voted for in Our Democracy. Hopefully they get even more of what they wanted.

Posted by: Ripley at June 01, 2023 09:10 AM (cUYo/)

261 Put on this dress and say you're a little fat girl or you don't get your balance sheet shored up by government backed loan sharks" is an easier sell.

I know of a company that is as woke as can be, caters to woke principles and desires a woke product.

At trade shows and industry conventions, they are the talk of the town. Those who use the product love it.

In the past few months they have gone through a couple significant layoffs with the doors likely to close by the end of summer unless they acquired. The investors have turned off the tap and are looking for an exit.

Being woke is no guarantee

Posted by: Reuben Hick at June 01, 2023 09:10 AM (YXHzG)

262 The whole Black Dictionary thing?? Eh, just a crappy niche offering only bought by the usual suspects, and ignored by everyone else. Wokies masturbating each other

Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 09:10 AM (PCK5/)

263 Where have all the pretty women gone???
Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 09:03 AM (PCK5/)

Why do you think I linger in the past so much?

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at June 01, 2023 09:10 AM (AW0uW)

264 All these political nonentities must be hedging that PDJT gets taken out of the race defending himself against the Garland KGB prosecutors. I can think of no other reason so many are throwing hats in.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 01, 2023 09:07 AM (E7x/i)
I can think of a reason. Fundraising. They'll gladly feather their own nests at the expense of the fight between Trump and DeSantis. They know they have little chance of winning the nomination in the primaries, but they'll use this opportunity to increase their own personal fortunes. It's the same thing that happens every election season.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at June 01, 2023 09:10 AM (YIVH2)

265 for using the soon to be 'proper' black English instead of, say, Oxford dictionary/AP style guidelines English?
Posted by: Lizzy at June 01, 2023 09:06 AM (mo/0F)

And the further absurdity... Who's gonna be the first kid who gets a red x on their homework for spelling "shizzle" wrong? I mean, if there's a lexicon, the lexicon must be adhered to or it isn't in any meaningful sense a lexicon. Right?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 09:10 AM (9UlRk)

266 265 Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 09:10 AM (9UlRk)

I got mugged on Lexicon Avenue . . .

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 01, 2023 09:11 AM (x0n13)

267 Hannity, that "star"...

Hannity is Fetterman with hair and a suit.

Fight me.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at June 01, 2023 09:12 AM (AW0uW)

268 Trump will be doing a town hall with Hannity tonight.

Question is, will Trump be able to speak or will Hannity keep talking over him?

I'm not going to find out.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at June 01, 2023 09:12 AM (YXHzG)

269 Daniel Webster weeps.

Posted by: Count de Monet at June 01, 2023 09:12 AM (4I/2K)

270 @zerohedge · 1h
Bud Light Giving LGBTQ Organization $200,000 Donation
Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:45 AM (Vwz3I)
I called it, and I'm taking my victory lap.

I am looking forward to June with open excitement. After Memorial Day, we'll probably find that the outright sales collapse has stabilized and maybe even recovered some.

And InBev is going to go full rainbow along with everyone else, just in time to reignite the fire.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 22, 2023 02:34 PM (DU+/6)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 09:13 AM (DU+/6)

271 Good morning dear morons and thanks JJ

I had only one thought watching those people at the meeting in Oakland, "Reap the Whirlwind!"

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 01, 2023 09:13 AM (RIvkX)

272 I got mugged on Lexicon Avenue . . .
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 01, 2023 09:11 AM (x0n13)

You should have rocked on to Electric Avenue!

Posted by: Eddy Grant at June 01, 2023 09:13 AM (AW0uW)

273 240 Trump will be doing a town hall with Hannity tonight.
Posted by: redridinghood at June 01, 2023 09:05 AM (NpAcC)

Sean Hannity = Yawn Inanity.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 01, 2023 09:13 AM (x0n13)

274 I can think of a reason. Fundraising.

It worked for Bernie Sanders.

When the game is rigged, you can make decisions based on maximizing grift and not be distracted by petty things like winning an election.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at June 01, 2023 09:14 AM (YXHzG)

275 Bud Light in the loafers

I came up with that one you can use it though

Posted by: FIB agent Brandon at June 01, 2023 09:14 AM (VQAjR)

276 236 It will never see the light of day once it's realized that 85% of the words / phrases have something to do with laziness or insults.
Posted by: Every child has a normal childhood, which is the point of what we're seeing at June 01, 2023 08:56 AM (pQ2gM)

By then, the checks will have cleared, so it's all good.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at June 01, 2023 09:04 AM (PiwSw)

I believe the other goal is to further pander to blacks, by academically legitimizing use of black street lingo by the Democrat-Media Complex. "Hey, that word is in the dictionary, you stupid Republican!"

Posted by: Gref at June 01, 2023 09:15 AM (AMIL/)

277 Am i the only one who is disgusted by this farce of "town halls", as if a fake stage and a passel of slackjawed imbeciles watching two idiots gabble on incoherently about nothing were some indispensable pillar of civil society? It's almost as bad as a candidate's "debate".

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 09:15 AM (9UlRk)

278 R A W S A L E R T S @rawsalerts
🚨#BREAKING: Nearly 10,000 pictures from Hunter Biden's laptop has will be released to the public later this afternoon.
📌#UnitedStates | #USA
A trove of photos from Hunter Biden's laptop will be available to the public through a new website that will be launched sometimes this Thursday afternoon The website houses almost 10,000 photos spanning from 2008 to 2019 and took months to complete Several photos containing private information such as banking details & social security numbers will be kept private. Additionally, multiple nude photos of Hallie Biden & photos of genitalia have also been redacted.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 09:15 AM (Vwz3I)

279 273 240 Trump will be doing a town hall with Hannity tonight.
Posted by: redridinghood at June 01, 2023 09:05 AM (NpAcC)

Sean Hannity = Yawn Inanity.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 01, 2023 09:13 AM (x0n13)

Hard pass, because Hannity… oh, and all of the current insulting going on. I don’t need to hear that crap.

Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 09:16 AM (PCK5/)

280 16-year-old grandson, just finished soph year at Denver East High School, where his mom placed him because diversity equity and inclusion, after 8 years of private schooling, got carjacked at gunpoint last evening. He's OK.

Daughter and family went past the tipping point this spring after a third shooting incident at the high school. SIL's job is portable, so they listed their house, sold it in two days, and in ten days move to Mt Lebanon, PA, which is close to 100 percent white. And with top schools, although public.

Posted by: Mr Gaga at June 01, 2023 09:16 AM (KiBMU)

281 Taylor Swift fans are wearing diapers to her concerts so they don't have to miss a second of the show

Make a note: Don't go to Taylor Swift shows.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at June 01, 2023 09:16 AM (FVME7)

282 Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at June 01, 2023 09:09 AM (ZCCyW)

I use them for Crohns. Can't do anti imflammatories. They are great and I take the smallest dose imaginable

Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 09:17 AM (R6bLJ)

283 Pence and DeVos did an event in MI together. He says, as a mark in his favor, that he was in charge of Trump's transition team and picked great leaders like Betsy.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 01, 2023 09:17 AM (RsLp5)

284 >Well they've long been pushing blacks to speak in Ebonics. Not sure it has anything to do with test scores so much as keeping them quaint and ethnic. It's like a zoo but with people instead of animals.

Worst case scenario: It will the ultimate racism to disrespect grammatically incoherent, slang-infused writing at all levels that is backed up by this dictionary.
I mean, we're already at the point of "math/punctuality/owning dogs/hiking/waking up early is racist!"

Posted by: Lizzy at June 01, 2023 09:17 AM (mo/0F)

285 I applied for a job with the Middle English Dictionary when I was in Ann Arbor. Didn’t get it. Still pisses me off.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 01, 2023 09:17 AM (MVYuJ)

286 I'll say this for the turd sandwich: if, in fact, they manage to restrain the growth of government to one percent for six years (which I sincerely doubt), that will be the largest cut to government spending in the history of the world, in a 10% inflation environment. If inflation continues as it has been, six years out the dollar will be worth half what it is now. A hard-capped Federal budget would be balanced and repaying debt in probably four years.

Posted by: Hawkpilot at June 01, 2023 09:17 AM (btisP)

287 Anybody seen "MORE PENIS" signs in your area?I guess there is an anti circumcision group out there. Big signs and red on the front of their white pants. They call themselves "goodcock" or something.

Without saying anything about circumcision, I will say a lot of these "Intactivist" groups are to some extent parallel to MRA/racist/hate groups.

We have only seen "Do you have a rash on your wiener?" or "Is your kitty itchy?" billboards all over town. They have a picture of dachshund or a cat on their billboard for a Veterinary clinic that does low cost spay and neuters.

anti-circumcision is anti-jewish prejudice It has been a bone of contention for 2000 years. Jesus was circumcised. Jewish baby boys have no choice.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at June 01, 2023 09:17 AM (g+rMQ)

288 The problem with morons is they just can't believe/accept they hold minority viewpoints

Posted by: Paul at June 01, 2023 09:18 AM (zgrfx)

289 Well, when he's right, he's right.

Biden Tells Reporters “You’re Not In The Real World”

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at June 01, 2023 09:18 AM (FVME7)

290 Make a note: Don't go to Taylor Swift shows.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at June 01, 2023 09:16 AM (FVME7)

I hear her cover of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is...fragrant.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at June 01, 2023 09:18 AM (PiwSw)

291 Additionally, multiple nude photos of Hallie Biden & photos of genitalia have also been redacted.
Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 09:15 AM (Vwz3I)


He's a MAN of the PEOPLE!!!!

****we're totally f*cked

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at June 01, 2023 09:18 AM (Zz0t1)

292 These norms. These norms. Oh my God. These norms.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 09:20 AM (9UlRk)

293 Make a note: Don't go to Taylor Swift shows.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at June 01, 2023 09:16 AM (FVME7)

You needed a note for that?

Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 09:20 AM (R6bLJ)

294 A trove of photos is tight!

Posted by: David French at June 01, 2023 09:20 AM (4I/2K)

295 The problem with opioids is the "Pain free" push. The expectation that you should feel no pain.
That and the introduction of synthetic opioids that give a euphoric rush and lead to addiction.
I prescribe morphine when a patient needs more than motrin or tylenol.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 01, 2023 09:21 AM (RsLp5)

296 240 Trump will be doing a town hall with Hannity tonight.

Posted by: redridinghood at June 01, 2023 09:05 AM (NpAcC)

If Corrupt Joe ever does another town hall, it will make his scripted 2020 town halls look like total chaos.

Posted by: Gref at June 01, 2023 09:21 AM (AMIL/)

297 I believe the other goal is to further pander to blacks, by academically legitimizing use of black street lingo by the Democrat-Media Complex.

Totally the opposite of coaching where the goal is to tease out the best in people by cooperatively pushing them in a positive direction.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at June 01, 2023 09:21 AM (YXHzG)

298 The truth is a minority viewpoint.

Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 09:22 AM (j6qk/)

299 Wokies masturbating each other
Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 09:10 AM (PCK5/)

I noes dats rite...noes what I bees sayin?


Posted by: Rastus, Cream Of Wheat Chef at June 01, 2023 09:22 AM (7tCXb)

300 Technically, dictionaries are reference works documenting usage, not prescribing correctness. But too many people forget that distinction.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 01, 2023 09:22 AM (MVYuJ)

301 Birdbath status?
Posted by: Just Wondering

In use.
Posted by: JT at June 01, 2023 08:18 AM (T4tVD)

During Pride month!?!?
Posted by: dantesed at June 01, 2023 08:23 AM

Temporary bird bathhouse.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at June 01, 2023 09:23 AM (Wnv9h)

302 The federal budget must continue to grow. It's packed with graft for congress. You can't expect congressional level fed employees to survive on a salary, can you?

And inflation... gotta' keep ahead of that monster.

So, yes. The federal budget will never shrink because it's the largest single pool of money at our elected officials fingertips.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 01, 2023 09:23 AM (Q4IgG)

303 My tongue tastes funny.

Posted by: Pawl at June 01, 2023 09:23 AM (iayUP)

304 R A W S A L E R T S @rawsalerts
🚨#BREAKING: Nearly 10,000 pictures from Hunter Biden's laptop has will be released to the public later this afternoon.
Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 09:15 AM (Vwz3I)
Should be at "" but I guess Bill Clinton wouldn't sell the url.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 01, 2023 09:23 AM (RRZXB)

305 Additionally, multiple nude photos of Hallie Biden & photos of genitalia have also been redacted.


That's the skinny cousin, right?

Ace posted something about them not too long ago, and morons were insisting that her saying something like "we should tell them we're together" didn't mean they were banging each other.

Posted by: You had your day for dead GIs, now here's a month to celebrate men who are sexually aroused by feces at June 01, 2023 09:24 AM (9nwlC)

306 >>He says, as a mark in his favor, that he was in charge of Trump's transition team and picked great leaders like Betsy.

Wasn't the head of Pence's transition team was working with the FBI, ffs. Not a badge of honor, idiot.

Posted by: Lizzy at June 01, 2023 09:24 AM (mo/0F)

307 I used contact info online to get FoxNews email addresses for Jesse Watters, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Greg Gutfeld.

Told him I went sour on FNC's 6 pm news when neverTrump Baier called AZ for Biden in 2020, but continued to watch later, my never-miss being TuCa.

Asked them how it feels to look into the camera and see a million less pairs of eyes each day, and be on a leash to never ever say Tucker's name, no matter what.

Told them I've quit FNC forever, and will preach this new faith of No-Foxweiser, with vigor, whenever I speak with others.

Imagine a couple million emails like mine. Write yours now.

Posted by: Mr Gaga at June 01, 2023 09:24 AM (KiBMU)

308 I am sure all of the thugs and addicts will rush right out and purchase copies of the Black Dictionary. This is utter bullshit and a grift by the author, grifting off of white Progs and the white Prog school systems. Ka-Ching!!!

Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 09:24 AM (PCK5/)

309 301
Temporary bird bathhouse.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at June 01, 2023 09:23 AM

Ah...The White Swallow.

Posted by: South Park Reference at June 01, 2023 09:24 AM (g+rMQ)

310 “You’re talking about the risk of a worldwide recession with increased debts in every poor country and hungry Americans on the streets of the United States...”

But we have hundreds of billions for Ukraine.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at June 01, 2023 09:25 AM (YXHzG)

311 I kind of like the idea of a Black Dictionary. Nothing can possibly go wrong with that. No jokes can ever be made about that sort of thing.

Posted by: You had your day for dead GIs, now here's a month to celebrate men who are sexually aroused by feces at June 01, 2023 09:25 AM (9nwlC)

312 The federal budget must continue to grow. It's packed with graft for congress. You can't expect congressional level fed employees to survive on a salary, can you?

We used to have a commenter here who argued that we would have better people in congress if we paid them more.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at June 01, 2023 09:25 AM (AW0uW)

313 North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum to launch his GOP presidential bid on June 7th.

Burgum sold his software company to Microsoft for $1.1 billion in 2001.
He's in it for power/authority, not money.

Posted by: old chick at June 01, 2023 09:26 AM (sOete)

314 @rawsalerts
🚨#BREAKING: Nearly 10,000 pictures from Hunter Biden's laptop has will be released to the public later this afternoon.
Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 09:15 AM (Vwz3I)
On this topic, I can strongly recommend a product called "Emetrol." It doesn't taste very good, but it is an *excellent* OTC medicine to treat nausea. They have both chewable and liquid varieties, but I've only ever used the liquid.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 09:26 AM (DU+/6)

315 It was a major point of contention in the early Christian church whether gentiles needed to be circumcised per Jewish faith before they could be saved.

Paul's purpose was to preach to the uncircumcised, and spread the message that one did not need to be in order to accept Christ. Then, followers of other deciples would take over the church after Paul moved on and convince them to get cut.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 01, 2023 09:26 AM (RsLp5)

316 Meta Threatens To Pull News Feeds Over California's Journalism Preservation Act

“It is disappointing that California lawmakers appear to be prioritizing the best interests of national and international media companies over their own constituents,”

don't chortle too much

Posted by: SMOD at June 01, 2023 09:26 AM (RHGPo)

317 Technically, dictionaries are reference works documenting usage, not prescribing correctness.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 01, 2023 09:22 AM (MVYuJ)
Seems to me this is wrong. But, then again, I'm no Simon Winchester.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 01, 2023 09:26 AM (RRZXB)

318 281 Taylor Swift fans are wearing diapers to her concerts so they don't have to miss a second of the show

Make a note: Don't go to Taylor Swift shows.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at June 01, 2023 09:16 AM (FVME7)

282 Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at June 01, 2023 09:09 AM (ZCCyW)

I use them for Crohns. Can't do anti imflammatories. They are great and I take the smallest dose imaginable
Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 09:17 AM (R6bLJ)

Lots of shit going down!

Posted by: rhennigantx at June 01, 2023 09:26 AM (BRHaw)

319 AOC meme. Ahahahahaha! Small details count:


Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at June 01, 2023 09:27 AM (Dzf2t)

320 Good morning,

The Mattlock reboot..

That's the flimsiest of premises of the reboot

"Yes, my name is Mattlock, just like the show and I just so happen to be a whimsical southern lawyer JUST LIKE HIM but I'm a woman "

If you're going to reboot it, reboot it from the beginning.. not some shit premise of, "I'm just like the TV Show"

Posted by: Blanco at June 01, 2023 09:27 AM (yMc+2)

321 312

We used to have a commenter here who argued that we would have better people in congress if we paid them more.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at June 01, 2023 09:25 AM (AW0uW)

I remember that… stunningly obtuse..

Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 09:27 AM (PCK5/)

322 Told them I've quit FNC forever, and will preach this new faith of No-Foxweiser, with vigor, whenever I speak with others.

Imagine a couple million emails like mine. Write yours now.
Posted by: Mr Gaga at June 01, 2023 09:24 AM

Meh. I've never regularly watched FoxNews, and am so apathetic towards their fate I'm not writing them anything. I didn't write Bud Light, either, and am about as invested in both.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at June 01, 2023 09:27 AM (g+rMQ)

323 Additionally, multiple nude photos of Hallie Biden & photos of genitalia have also been redacted.


As has been pointed out, every child's childhood is normal.

I wonder why Hunter thinks it's okay to bang his younger cousin?

Posted by: You had your day for dead GIs, now here's a month to celebrate men who are sexually aroused by feces at June 01, 2023 09:28 AM (9nwlC)

324 Kelly Ripa and her husband are doing the show together now? They will be divorced soon.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 01, 2023 09:28 AM (RsLp5)

325 Daniel Webster weeps.
Posted by: Count de Monet at June 01, 2023 09:12 AM

*sees that the new dictionary contains 'aardvark'*

Blast your eyes!

I'm out.

Posted by: Samuel Johnson at June 01, 2023 09:28 AM (Wnv9h)

326 I can tell that what I have to say is not only true, but effective. The leftist Trolls on Rumble are careful to down vote my comments to keep them from being seen. (Rumble hides any comment with a net of 2 down votes.) Example of a comment that got down voted Yesterday:

"Why leftists love censorship: They know they can't win a free and open debate on just about any subject, so the only thing they can do is silence the truth."

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at June 01, 2023 09:28 AM (CecP5)

327 > "Yes, my name is Mattlock, just like the show and I just so happen to be a whimsical southern lawyer JUST LIKE HIM but I'm a woman "

Not a "transwoman"?


Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at June 01, 2023 09:29 AM (Y6AXb)

328 315 Yeah, I imagine Paul wouldn’t have gotten very far with converting adult male gentiles if he’d insisted they get circumcised.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 01, 2023 09:29 AM (MVYuJ)

329 We used to have a commenter here who argued that we would have better people in congress

It was probably Dan Crenshaw.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 01, 2023 09:29 AM (RsLp5)

330 On this topic, I can strongly recommend a product called "Emetrol."

Interesting name. Isn't an "emetic" something that makes you throw up?

*checks dictionary*
*checks black dictionary*


Posted by: spindrift at June 01, 2023 09:30 AM (ivvNA)

331 Noodus gratia artis

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 01, 2023 09:30 AM (MVYuJ)

332 315 Yeah, I imagine Paul wouldn’t have gotten very far with converting adult male gentiles if he’d insisted they get circumcised.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 01, 2023 09:29 AM (MVYuJ)

10% for the Big Guy has been around for a looong time.

Posted by: Count de Monet at June 01, 2023 09:30 AM (4I/2K)


Posted by: rhennigantx at June 01, 2023 09:30 AM (BRHaw)

334 Blast your eyes!

I'm out.
Posted by: Samuel Johnson at June 01, 2023 09:28 AM (Wnv9h)

May I be allowed to extend my most heartfelt contrafibularities on your self-imposed retirement!

Posted by: Blackadder at June 01, 2023 09:30 AM (PiwSw)

335 Can't do anti imflammatories. They are great and I take the smallest dose imaginable

Posted by: ... at June 01, 2023 09:17 AM (R6bLJ)'s almost as if you are an adult!

I have taken them for ruptured disc pain. They are wonderful!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at June 01, 2023 09:30 AM (ZCCyW)

336 Taylor Swift fans are wearing diapers to her concerts so they don't have to miss a second of the show.

Stupidity knows no bounds.

All for an auto-tuned, lip-syncing, player piano using, no talent twit.

Posted by: Archer at June 01, 2023 09:31 AM (gmo/4)

337 Interesting name. Isn't an "emetic" something that makes you throw up?

*checks dictionary*
*checks black dictionary*


Emetrol, white dictionary: Vomit-inducing agent

Emetrol, black dictionary: Beyonce's youngest son

Posted by: You had your day for dead GIs, now here's a month to celebrate men who are sexually aroused by feces at June 01, 2023 09:31 AM (9nwlC)

338 I remember that… stunningly obtuse..
Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 09:27 AM (PCK5/)

I don't know. There's something to it. Pay them a handsome salary well above the median income for the remainder of their life span... and for any penny over and above that they enrich themselves by from investments, business, donations, etc. beyond that income, you cut their head off on the National Mall.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 09:31 AM (9UlRk)

339 Art is up and adjectives are blowing through

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 01, 2023 09:31 AM (RRZXB)

340 Technically, dictionaries are reference works documenting usage, not prescribing correctness.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 01, 2023 09:22 AM (MVYuJ)
Seems to me this is wrong. But, then again, I'm no Simon Winchester.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 01, 2023 09:26 AM (RRZXB)

Look that up in your Funk and Wagnall!

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at June 01, 2023 09:31 AM (Dzf2t)

341 **pneumatic tube spits out cylinder on to desk**

Work is coming in. Talk to you all later.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at June 01, 2023 09:32 AM (AW0uW)

342 I wonder why Hunter thinks it's okay to bang his younger cousin?

Same reason his dad thought it OK to shower with his daughter.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at June 01, 2023 09:32 AM (CecP5)

343 338 I remember that… stunningly obtuse..
Posted by: tubal at June 01, 2023 09:27 AM (PCK5/)

I don't know. There's something to it. Pay them a handsome salary well above the median income for the remainder of their life span... and for any penny over and above that they enrich themselves by from investments, business, donations, etc. beyond that income, you cut their head off on the National Mall.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 01, 2023 09:31 AM (9UlRk)

Could tie salaries and bonuses to some metrics. Like median wage growth and debt reduction or something.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at June 01, 2023 09:33 AM (eYoxG)

344 > That's the skinny cousin, right?

Nope, she's his dead brother's ex. Nothing weird there, amiright?

The skinny cousin is another bimbo.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at June 01, 2023 09:33 AM (Y6AXb)

345 **pneumatic tube spits out cylinder on to desk**

Work is coming in. Talk to you all later.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at June 01, 2023 09:32 AM (AW0uW)

Hah, I knew it!

Posted by: spindrift at June 01, 2023 09:34 AM (ivvNA)

346 > It was probably Dan Crenshaw.

Who was it who first started calling him "Eyepatch McCain"? Was it Trump?

Because... talk about an on-point nickname.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at June 01, 2023 09:35 AM (Y6AXb)

347 Fox is air Desantis' 1st NH speech in its entirety. Two thumbs on the scale it seems. In other news he appears to give speeches without teleprompters, that is kind of refreshing. He is a solid speaker.

Posted by: Lost In Space at June 01, 2023 09:35 AM (a175k)

348 **pneumatic tube spits out cylinder on to desk**

Work is coming in. Talk to you all later.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at June 01, 2023 09:32 AM (AW0uW)
Great image. Stolen!

Posted by: George Orwell at June 01, 2023 09:36 AM (RRZXB)

349 312 We used to have a commenter here who argued that we would have better people in congress if we paid them more.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at June 01, 2023 09:25 AM (AW0uW)

Well, if you look at their salary, it matches up with a private sector CEO managing a company of around $50-$100 million in revenue.

2022 budget
Total revenue $4.896 trillion
Total expenditures $6.272 trillion

$4.896 trillion split 535 ways is about $9 billion.

Posted by: SMOD at June 01, 2023 09:37 AM (RHGPo)

350 We used to have a commenter here who argued that we would have better people in congress if we paid them more. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing

We would have better people in Congress is they were paid a modest base salary and a bonus percentage when they produce budget surpluses.

Posted by: Lost In Space at June 01, 2023 09:39 AM (a175k)

351 Bud Light Giving LGBTQ Organization $200,000 Donation
Don't let them hide behind the acronym.

"Bud Light Giving Transgender Organization $200,000 Donation"

BTW, is there a single fag or tranny charity that isn't flush with corporate donations?
You think Bud Light would give $200,000 to a charity that supported mothers in crisis pregnancies?

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at June 01, 2023 09:40 AM (5EnGD)

352 Bud Light Giving LGBTQ Organization $200,000 Donation

The company remains adamant in its support of LGBTQ-related events, despite nationwide boycotts and decline in sales numbers...

Posted by: SMOD at June 01, 2023 09:42 AM (RHGPo)

353 Good morning, all, and thanks, J.J.

Put a signature on a settlement agreement with a Federal agency; POW! It may be only the beginning: James C. Justice, II and James C. Justice Companies, Inc., and High Mountain Living, LLC Clean Water Act Settlement (Washington, DC - Dec. 10, 2015)

Ken Ward Jr., The Charleston Gazette-Mail Aug. 15, 2019, and featured in ProPublica. Welcome to the Greenbrier, the Governor-Owned Luxury Resort Filled With Conflicts of Interest. ... Here’s how the governor, dubbed “Big Jim,” became West Virginia’s little Trump.

Forbes, Mar '21: Gov. Jim Justice No Longer A Billionaire, After $850 Million Debt To Insolvent Greensill Capital Revealed.
Where's VP Harris when the residents of Oakland, her birthplace, need her? ktvu news, 8/22, VP in Oakland to support 30K low-income students, babies, announcing the launch of "The Generation Fund," a $50-million investment to support every low-income public school student and baby born into poverty. "We must pay attention to this issue of equity," Harris said...

Posted by: Lola - ALL the 1/6 videotapes from Alexandra & Jade, too. at June 01, 2023 10:08 AM (GshMh)

354 "Breadcrumbs From A Buried FBI Source May Lead To A Bigger Biden Scandal"

Dates mentioned in Margot Cleveland's piece include June, July, August, September, and October of 2020. Apparently a very busy time for evidence-burying at the FBI. Anything else of note going on in late 2020? Anything you could "interfere" with, for instance?

Posted by: Ray Van Dune at June 01, 2023 10:13 AM (OqSlY)

355 If they "rigged the elections" for it, doesn't that mean they DIDN'T vote for it? Maybe a lot of them voted for it just like the people here voted for Joe Biden. That is to say, they didn't vote for it but got it anyway.

Posted by: gallchobhair at June 01, 2023 10:26 AM (SzDHP)

356 nic

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at June 01, 2023 10:27 AM (LvTSG)

357 I am guessing that no one will actually be forced to work for welfare or lose their welfare for not working. Our GIVERnment does not really care about laws. The GIVERnment grows, the debt grows, taxes increase and only freedoms are reduced with these UNIparty clowns.

Posted by: Bang-a-gong at June 01, 2023 10:50 AM (6nGPB)

358 Chairman James Comer: He offered us the opportunity to come look at it in a private SKIF but he was going to redact it. My experience with getting documents from the FBI, when they’re redacted it’s all black lines. They don’t show you anything. But I’m going to say on this show. What we told Director Ray, what Senator Grassley told Director Ray, is he and I have already seen the 1023 form. We knew what was in the 1023 form. Until we told Director Ray that he never even admitted that the form existed.

Posted by: SMOD at June 01, 2023 10:51 AM (RHGPo)

359 Is the Sleeping Conservative Dragon Finally Waking Up?

I'm still waiting for the Kraken I was promised...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 01, 2023 10:56 AM (ynpvh)

360 Breaking911 @Breaking911 · 20h
WATCH: Florida woman sends car flying after hitting parked tow truck ramp on highway in southern Georgia; the driver is hospitalized with serious injuries
9 seconds [no bloodshed]
Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at June 01, 2023 08:31 AM (Vwz3I)

There's a lawsuit just waiting to be teed up. Tow truck sitting in lane with no lights/flashers, no police cruiser blocking the lane, etc., etc. That's just basic safety.

Posted by: Additional Blond Agent, STEM Guy at June 01, 2023 10:56 AM (ZSK0i)

361 Project Veritas Sues James O’Keefe

One can hope, if O'Keefe is not guilty, that Project Veritas gets sued into the ground and O'Keefe uses those funds to accerate his work. Veritas is just upset that kicking O'Keefe out wasn't enough to shut him up ot stop him. I do wonder how things got so bad at Veritas for O'Keefe to lose control...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 01, 2023 11:01 AM (ynpvh)

362 The Chinese COVID-19 Pandemic Caused Massive Mental Illness on the Left

They were already mentally ill; it's now more out in the open.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 01, 2023 11:03 AM (ynpvh)

363 Posted by: Additional Blond Agent, STEM Guy at June 01, 2023 10:56 AM (ZSK0i)

Yup. Lawsuit by driver and/or his family.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 01, 2023 11:05 AM (ynpvh)

364 J.J. -

Please warn if linking NRO...I'm a conscientious objector!

Thanks for keeping up the variety.

PJ, Redstate and even Instapundit are becoming just 24x7 DeSantis/Trump food fight (Driscoll is the absolute fucking worst). Really? Nothing else going on to write about these days such as blatant election machine tampering on video in AZ?

Posted by: Little Larry Sellers at June 01, 2023 11:14 AM (zdYK9)

365 Love yah, JJ!

"Progressive" credentials indeed. These fools brought this upon themselves and while I don't condone street violence against women, that idiot lady activist made this mess, so she and her commie friends can clean it up on their own.

Pass the popcorn!

Oh and I knew MCarthy was destined to make a horrible debt limit deal the minute that unscrupplous bastard Mitch McConnell got involved. Fuck them both.

Posted by: Tracy at June 01, 2023 11:37 AM (VHrFr)

366 The Blacks in Chicago say all the gibs belong to them!

Posted by: DFCtomm at June 01, 2023 02:00 PM (NTi06)

367 “Joe Biden’s Department of Justice has gone totally rogue. Democrats weaponizing the federal government to attack the family of a Republican Senate candidate is a complete abuse of power,” NRSC spokesman Tate Mitchell stated.
Wrong. Dead wrong.

Trump's DoJ was rogue. Biden's DoJ is doing its job as expected and dictated by the administration.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 01, 2023 08:14 AM

Nope. Still wrong. It was President Trump and his Administration who went rogue.

You assume that the default policy is that which is dictated by the President and his Administration. But it is not. The default policy is that which is dictated by the Deep State and WEF. Anyone who deviates from that is the one going rogue. President Trump and his Administration did that and he was politically assassinated. President Trump's DOJ on the other hand was following the dictates of the Deep State and thus was not going rogue at all.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 01, 2023 03:09 PM (Do5/p)

368 "Even the RINOs call one another RINOs these days to get ahead in an election. Discerning conservatives need to know (and avoid) the real thing."

How to Spot a RINO

RINO ("Republican In Name Only") has lost all meaning the last decade or so. Since you first have to define what is a modern Republican politician.

Considering 90%+ of Republican politicians are Deep State Leftists, a "RINO" would therefore have to refer to non-Deep State Republicans.

As such, actual conservative Republican politicians should start proudly calling themselves RINOs to distinguish themselves from the Republican Party which is now a Deep State Leftist party. Or better yet, leave the party altogether and start an actual conservative political party. Because just like Bud Light, the Republican Party brand is toxic and dead.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 01, 2023 03:20 PM (Do5/p)

369 More than $15k can be earned online by performing straightforward tasks from home. In the previous month, I got $18376. Even a young child may do this job and make money because it is so simple to complete and has higher pay than typical office occupations. Everyone needs to try this task by using the information on this page.

Posted by: Theresa Yates at June 02, 2023 03:20 AM (6qv6g)

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