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Byron York: Kanye West Duped Trump Into Providing Him With a Launching Pad for His 2024 Vanity Presidential Run

And also damaged Trump in doing so.

After trying and failing to quell the controversy about the dinner, Trump issued a new statement in which he attacks "Ye."

"So I help a seriously troubled man, who just happens to be black, Ye (Kanye West), who has been decimated in his business and virtually everything else, and who has always been good to me, by allowing his request for a meeting at Mar-a-Lago, alone, so that I can give him very much needed 'advice'," Trump wrote in a message posted Saturday to his Truth Social account. "He shows up with 3 people, two of which I didn't know, the other a political person who I haven't seen in years. I told him don't run for office, a total waste of time, can't win. Fake News went CRAZY!"

Several prominent Jewish leaders, including David Friedman, who served as Trump's U.S. Ambassador to Israel from 2017-2021, have been critical of the former president for the meeting hosted at his Palm Beach, Florida estate.

The dinner was also attended by white nationalist Nick Fuentes.

Byron York thinks Trump got "played" by someone even better at trolling and media manipulation than he is.

TRUMP GETS PLAYED. What is sure to be one of the weirder moments of the 2024 presidential campaign has just taken place before the campaign is even fully underway.

Here is the short version: Just before Thanksgiving, former President Donald Trump had dinner at Mar-a-Lago with Kanye West, Nick Fuentes, and Milo Yiannopoulos. West is the famous rapper, businessman, and reported bipolar disorder patient who says he will run for president in 2024, a campaign he began last month by announcing on Twitter that he was "going death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE," a threat that brought him widespread condemnation and the loss of lucrative contracts. Fuentes, who many readers might not have heard of, is a 24-year-old white nationalist self-promoter who has sought publicity and online donations with a long series of racist and antisemitic statements and is now, apparently, working for West's so-called campaign. Yiannopoulos is a 38-year-old British provocateur who has spent a good part of his life doing the same sort of thing that Fuentes does and is now apparently also working for YE24, which is how West, who wants to be known simply as "Ye," refers to his presidential campaign.

What do they have in common? Well, Fuentes and Yiannopoulos are joined in a quest to exploit West's money and fame. But as far as politics is concerned, the greater similarity is that they are all lowlifes who should never be allowed near a former president of the United States, much less a current candidate for president. And yet Trump shared a table at Mar-a-Lago with them. The event quickly leaked because that is precisely what West, Fuentes, and Yiannopoulos intended. The usual suspects in the media and political world immediately denounced Trump. And in this case, they were correct; as a former president recently embarked on another campaign, Trump shouldn't have anything to do with fringe figures such as Ye and his crew. And yet there they were.

Who benefits from this ugly and stupid little event? Well, it was a publicity coup for West, Fuentes, and Yiannopoulos -- after all, they don't have any reputations to lose -- while Trump looks like he has been played by a trio of clever publicity hounds. And Trump did not make himself look any better with his increasingly panicked-sounding explanations for what took place.


As Trump was explaining, West and Fuentes were laughing. Both seemed delighted at having pulled off the coup of enlisting Trump, the former president, in a stunt to promote West's own presidential foray.

So at Mar-a-Lago, West and Fuentes managed to recruit Trump to play an unwitting role in West's campaign show. Judging by the videos they made, they seemed to think it was both a major accomplishment and absolutely hilarious.


Meanwhile, Trump has been damaged, again, by his own actions. There is a debate about how intentional those actions were. Despite his protests of ignorance, did the former president in fact know who Fuentes was and decided to send some sort of message by dining with him? The answer to that is unclear. But Trump certainly knew who West was and welcomed him. That's bad enough. It is hard to see what benefit Trump might have expected from the dinner. What was it going to accomplish? Score points with the alt-right fringe? Lock up the groyper vote? (For those who do not follow such things, "groyper" is the word referring to Fuentes's relatively small and contentious group of followers.)

What seems more likely is that Trump did not have any clear intention for the dinner. So why did he take part in it? For one thing, he loves celebrities, and Kanye West, even damaged Kanye West, is a celebrity. Trump also loves flattery, and West had said all those nice things about Trump on TV. And at the dinner, Fuentes was a veritable flattery machine, repeatedly telling Trump how great Trump was. Not surprisingly, Trump thought Fuentes was a really sharp guy. In other words, West, Fuentes, and Yiannopoulos might simply have pushed Trump's buttons over and over and over. That might be all there was to it.

The celebrity thing. The flattery thing. Oy.

Does Trump have no one around him to warn him against this sort of thing? Or have they all by now learned that warning him is futile?

"Ye's" stunt also damaged other Republicans, who are now being demanded to denounce Trump, but can't, because if you say anything bad about Trump's many dick self-stompings, you're "taking the left's side." So you have to make Trump's baggage your own.

RINO Bill Cassidy of course has run out to denounce:

U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D.

President Trump hosting racist antisemites for dinner encourages other racist antisemites. These attitudes are immoral and should not be entertained. This is not the Republican Party.

I don't know how eager others will be to stand up for Trump. People may be getting tired of the long list of things they're expected to say "don't matter" and may want Trump to begin exhibiting some discipline and judgment so that this list of things that "don't matter" stops growing.

On the other hand:

Oh, I should say that I have no idea what Elon is referring to here. It could be any of a dozen different current Regime psyops.

Some of Fuentes' work:

Posted by: Ace at 02:04 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Trump effed up.

Posted by: Glenn John at November 28, 2022 02:07 PM (M3hSG)

2 Can't stand York

Posted by: CN at November 28, 2022 02:07 PM (Zzbjj)

3 Dumb move for sure

Posted by: It's me donna at November 28, 2022 02:07 PM (bs+z0)

4 Fuck it, I'm writing in Pepe the frog in 2024

Posted by: All Hail Kekistan at November 28, 2022 02:07 PM (yOepa)

5 Hola

Posted by: Thanatopsis at November 28, 2022 02:07 PM (jLrAF)

6 Does not matter though since federal elections are rigged.

Posted by: Glenn John at November 28, 2022 02:07 PM (M3hSG)

7 How about we all just shit on Kanye and that pedoloving Kim Balenciaga Kardashian

Posted by: CN at November 28, 2022 02:08 PM (Zzbjj)

8 Don't care

Posted by: Jay Cutler at November 28, 2022 02:08 PM (wKi1F)

9 Thank God Cyber Monday is here. My inbox got majorly spammed with all the Friday-of-Color sales.

Posted by: Brent Crude at November 28, 2022 02:08 PM (8/hSY)

10 I agree with Elon

and Trump got played here, yes. not by Ye directly; it was led by Fuentes, who is a bad bad man

a mole

a traitor

a subversive

it was an op; it clearly worked. trump has to TRY to wise up. and as usual he surrounds himself with loyal morons (not the good kind)

Posted by: BlackOrchid at November 28, 2022 02:08 PM (w0NJk)

11 Bill Gates says the Maricopa election was extremely well run. Seems we know who's paying the pols there.

Posted by: CN at November 28, 2022 02:09 PM (Zzbjj)

12 Yeah, Trump fucked up and he has to stop allowing weasels like Ye near him
That said, Byron York has been talking about this all weekend and I just don't think it has legs.

Biden is surrounded by sleaze, but that's okay, they're Washington Sleaze

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:09 PM (mR6Gs)

13 Trump has always been hit and miss.

I hope someone better is at the plate in 2 years time.

Posted by: Biden's Dog, who knows no margin bounds at November 28, 2022 02:09 PM (UK1vv)

14 I'm kinda done with the you can't stand near this person and if you do you must be excommunicated business.

Eff the Left. They are deeply antisemitic and they are unapologetic.

Posted by: Skynet at November 28, 2022 02:10 PM (atdF6)

15 I mean who on earth thinks anyone who is Not clinically insane gives a shit about whether Trump does or does not honor a request by a clinically insane person, for a private meeting.

I don't know or care who these people are and I never will.

Posted by: really? at November 28, 2022 02:11 PM (60EYD)

16 Al Sharpton is a model citizen. Always pays taxes on time, and has never done anything anti-semitic.

Posted by: Glenn John at November 28, 2022 02:11 PM (M3hSG)

17 Bill Gates says the Maricopa election was extremely well run. Seems we know who's paying the pols there.

Posted by: CN at November 28, 2022 02:09 PM (Zzbjj)

Wrong Bill Gates. The one who made the comment is on the Maricopa Board of Supervisors.

Posted by: HTL at November 28, 2022 02:11 PM (O9S2+)

18 Not the first time someone has played Trump.

Posted by: creeper at November 28, 2022 02:11 PM (cTCuP)

19 I'm kinda done with the you can't stand near this person and if you do you must be excommunicated business.

Eff the Left. They are deeply antisemitic and they are unapologetic.
Posted by: Skynet at November 28, 2022 02:10 PM (atdF6


Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:11 PM (mR6Gs)

20 Did the left denounce Louis Farrakhan? No? Then eff 'em.

Posted by: Flyguy at November 28, 2022 02:11 PM (VrVjC)

21 We're voting for Trump in 2024. If we have to write him in.

Posted by: setnaffa at November 28, 2022 02:12 PM (WgEgc)

22 Byron York has been talking about this all weekend and I just don't think it has legs.
Hey pal, a man has to get paid. And there's a lot of money out there to drive such "pieces".

Posted by: Byork at November 28, 2022 02:12 PM (60EYD)

23 Byron York = GOPe/Paul Ryan stooge

Posted by: Regular joe at November 28, 2022 02:12 PM (nnp+f)

24 Honestly, I quit paying attention at 'Byron York'.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at November 28, 2022 02:12 PM (yQpMk)

25 Elon is also going to war...against Apple:

(the 30% refers to the hidden tax Apple charges on all its apps)

Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2022 02:13 PM (dCxaZ)

26 I really can't see how this matters one fucking iota.

Posted by: Earl Schlobodowicz at November 28, 2022 02:13 PM (P7Iz+)

27 Bill Gates says the Maricopa election was extremely well run. Seems we know who's paying the pols there.

Posted by: CN

Different Bill Gates.

Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 02:13 PM (zYA/b)

28 Biden is surrounded by sleaze, but that's okay, they're Washington Sleaze
Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:09 PM (mR6Gs)

Biden is a child-fondling, hair-sniffing, 8-year-old groping perverted son of a bitch. Considering the degeneracy of the country these days I suppose America's Grandpa is not inapposite for him.

Posted by: They're all Epstein at November 28, 2022 02:13 PM (yOepa)

29 I was really hoping this would have enough legs to damage the "great" Farrakhan. That's probably why it won't hurt the Orange Man. They would have to clean house now that they can't block everyone on Twitter. They have been openly antisemitic for decades. And I haven't paid enough attention to know, but was Ye calling for deaths like Farrakhan and Obama's supposedly former pastor did?

Posted by: Catherine at November 28, 2022 02:13 PM (dll5p)

30 Byron York blows donkeys.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at November 28, 2022 02:13 PM (DTZDT)

31 As if the left actually gets the vapors over associating with Jew haters. That's a major part of their coalition!

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at November 28, 2022 02:13 PM (fS+AK)

32 Come talk to me after you find a democrat who criticized Bill Clinton for raping a woman.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at November 28, 2022 02:14 PM (lTGtQ)

33 Trump has still not learned that everyone is not his bud

Posted by: REDACTED at November 28, 2022 02:14 PM (us2H3)

34 Byron York blows donkeys.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory
Keep it up pal, and I'll make you smell my finger.

Posted by: Byork at November 28, 2022 02:14 PM (60EYD)

35 Does anyone actually give a shit about this stuff? I mean really?

Trump had dinner with a weird musician and a lighting rod political activist. what? Do I have to mentioned how many hundreds of times this happened with Obama or Biden? And for the children were sniffed at this dinner...

Posted by: 18-1 at November 28, 2022 02:14 PM (ESjRY)

36 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 28, 2022 02:14 PM (Zz0t1)

37 None of this matters, the country is finished.

Posted by: I've got bad news for you at November 28, 2022 02:15 PM (bzIRf)

38 Byron York never liked Trump, but at times he seemed to try to at least be fair. But he's gotten his marching orders and is looking for a way to distance himself completely, so he's trying to make this "dinner" a thing. No one knows who Milo or this Fuentes character is--I thought he was a Latin singer--and everyone knows Kanye is a kook

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:15 PM (mR6Gs)

39 And I haven't paid enough attention to know, but was Ye calling for deaths like Farrakhan and Obama's supposedly former pastor did?
Posted by: Catherine

You do realize that Kanye is buddies with Farrakhan, right?

Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 02:15 PM (zYA/b)

40 We hardly knew Ye . . .

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks aka Hangdog Barkston at November 28, 2022 02:15 PM (FVME7)

41 Does Trump have no one around him to warn him against this sort of thing? Or have they all by now learned that warning him is futile?

Yeah, he does seem to have a problem there and my guess is especially at his age, there's no teaching him a lesson.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 28, 2022 02:16 PM (cP/Ah)

42 "Oh, I should say that I have no idea what Elon is referring to here. It could be any of a dozen different current Regime psyops."

I think he's referring to all of them, kinda like a "I Don't Care About the Current Thing" . . . .

Posted by: Elric Blade at November 28, 2022 02:16 PM (iFTx/)

43 Trump, Ye, Nick and Milo walk into a bar...

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 28, 2022 02:16 PM (63Dwl)

44 Pro Tip:

Unless your dinner guest is Eli Wiesel or equivalent, if their opening dinner conversation is, "let me tell you something about the Jews", you should quickly excuse yourself from the table and run in the other direction as fast as possible.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 28, 2022 02:16 PM (up/3i)

45 Byron York was one of the few journalists who interviewed many Russiagate figures, and did it well. (Federalist also did great work.)

Really opened my eyes to that entire hoax.

So, I take him seriously.

Posted by: Harun at November 28, 2022 02:16 PM (Cg63x)

46 The "Trump is an anti-semite" or "anti-semite supporter" has been, is now, and always will be a non-starter.

I can't believe people push this crap.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 28, 2022 02:17 PM (lf83v)

47 Trump, Ye, Nick and Milo walk into a bar...
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 28, 2022 02:16 PM (63Dwl
.....and Byron York gets the vapors

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:17 PM (mR6Gs)

48 "Anti-Semite?" You mean like Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, and AOC, who are ALL FREAKING DEMONCRAT MEMBERS OF CONGRESS!!!!

OK, to avoid a stroke, I'm out.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, who needs a break at November 28, 2022 02:17 PM (PiwSw)

Trump is a dying media meme.

The Republican Party is dying.

We are not “voting” our way out of this.

Posted by: Auspex at November 28, 2022 02:17 PM (0oNSq)

50 I bought a lot via clicking on Ace's ads. Buffalo Games and starter Fenders for the kiddies.

Posted by: CN at November 28, 2022 02:17 PM (Zzbjj)

51 35 Does anyone actually give a shit about this stuff? I mean really?

The media will trot this out at every available opportunity during the Presidential primaries.

Posted by: NR Pax at November 28, 2022 02:18 PM (4olE8)

52 >>> Does anyone actually give a shit about this stuff? I mean really?
Trump had dinner with a weird musician and a lighting rod political activist.

about meeting with white supremacists? Yeah, it's a concern. I'm not willing to say "it doesn't matter" just to save Trump. At some point, one has to say "No."

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:18 PM (C1Zwz)

53 You do realize that Kanye is buddies with Farrakhan, right?

You misspelled Obama.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 28, 2022 02:18 PM (lf83v)

54 U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D.
President Trump hosting racist antisemites for dinner encourages other racist antisemites. These attitudes are immoral and should not be entertained. This is not the Republican Party.

You work in Washington DC, asshole. Hello, pot? Meet kettle.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 28, 2022 02:18 PM (Zz0t1)

55 Come talk to me after you find a democrat who criticized Bill Clinton for raping a woman.

Those years were high humor

First: If rumors of the president having sex with an intern are true he'll have to resign! He'll just have to!

Then: Well it was a consensual private matter between two adults. It wasn't like he sexually harassed someone

A little later: Well uh, that whole thing were he paid a woman for sexually harrassing her was just a misunderstanding. See he thought his employee wanted to see his p*nis. You know? Its not like he raped someone!

And then: Ok, fine he raped someone. But since she was an adult she probably actually wanted him or something.

Finally: There is no proof that when Clinton went to Epstein island that he raped any of the underage sex slaves there. I mean, he probably just wanted to see the beach right?

Posted by: 18-1 at November 28, 2022 02:18 PM (ESjRY)

56 Byron York was one of the few journalists who interviewed many Russiagate figures, and did it well. (Federalist also did great work.)

Really opened my eyes to that entire hoax.

So, I take him seriously.
Posted by: Harun at November 28, 2022 02:16 PM (Cg63x)

Yeah and he wrote a book hat was kind of sort of fair to Trump

But his tone changed after the midterms

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:18 PM (mR6Gs)

57 "Does anyone actually give a shit about this stuff? I mean really?
Trump had dinner with a weird musician and a lighting rod political activist. what? Do I have to mentioned how many hundreds of times this happened with Obama or Biden?"
Posted by: 18-1 at November 28, 2022 02:14 PM (ESjRY)

No, no one really gives a shit about it.

Posted by: lowandslow at November 28, 2022 02:18 PM (qH6FZ)

58 Under that Musk tweet, under "More tweets," the first thing I see is the "Snoop Dobbie Dob" tweet. Another psy-op?

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at November 28, 2022 02:18 PM (F5ekr)

59 Looks like that is a Zippo in the graphic. Subtle signal used among Nazis/Fascists/White Supremacists. Like the 'OK' sign.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 28, 2022 02:18 PM (wN1rp)

60 So we suddenly give a shit what Byron York thinks? He's an establishment NPC who always hated Trump. No matter what Trump ever did, according to York it was like the worse thing evah.

Posted by: Elric Blade at November 28, 2022 02:18 PM (iFTx/)

61 You misspelled Obama.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot

yeah, him too.

As well as Dave Chappelle

Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 02:19 PM (zYA/b)

62 Trump's defense is that he just meant to meet with Kanye West, who just threatened to go "death con 3 on Jews," but didn't know who Fuentes was.

I'm just so tired of having to make excuses for all the things Trump doesn't know or claims he doesn't know.

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:19 PM (C1Zwz)

63 I can't believe people push this crap.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 28, 2022 02:17 PM (lf83v)

It's all they got, and it works with the people who like looking for pseudonazis. It's a career for some people

Posted by: CN at November 28, 2022 02:19 PM (Zzbjj)

64 This is my biggest issue with Trump. Obviously he is extremely easy to roll if you play to his ego.

Posted by: bonhomme at November 28, 2022 02:19 PM (eyxn4)

65 SMH, that's what I mean. I know they're buds, but I don't know if Ye kept his trap shut at all or not.

Posted by: Catherine at November 28, 2022 02:19 PM (EW5fp)

66 So, this white supremacist was at an event with a black rapper?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 28, 2022 02:19 PM (Ckeav)

67 This is the end of Trump, surely.

Posted by: ... at November 28, 2022 02:19 PM (Iy3RN)

68 @57 anyone who isn't already an ardent Trump supporter might.

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at November 28, 2022 02:19 PM (F5ekr)

69 "Oh, I should say that I have no idea what Elon is referring to here. It could be any of a dozen different current Regime psyops."

I think he's referring to all of them, kinda like a "I Don't Care About the Current Thing" . . . .
You realize, that if you had lost power over the holiday, and just got it restored, you would have no idea that this MONUMENTAL THING HAPPENED. Because its a popcorn fart. If you we weren't so culturally easily distractible this stuff wouldn't work. But we are like a bunch of puppies watching squirrels run around in the park LOOK THERE'S ONE!! THERE'S ANOTHER ONE!!

Posted by: My name is Doug, and I am a great tracker at November 28, 2022 02:20 PM (T3Mnf)

70 >>>So we suddenly give a shit what Byron York thinks?

you don't have to care what he thinks. You have the facts, Trump met with a white supremacist. Attacking Byron York as a cuck does not delete that fact.

So you can have whatever take you like, but "Fuck Byron York" doesn't fix things.

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:20 PM (C1Zwz)

71 I like the sales numbers for Black Friday. More money spent but less things bought. Nah, no need to fear recession.

Posted by: Puddinhead at November 28, 2022 02:20 PM (GKqIR)

72 What's the story on Nick Fuentes? Is he really a white supremacist or is he just someone the left has labeled as a white supremacist? I heard he was at Charlottesville, which was organized by an Obama supporter who was trying to dirty up the right by getting patriots and WS people to attend the same event. Was Nick one of the supremacists? Was he a truth-telling patriot who got unfairly labeled? Or was he part of the op?

Posted by: Emmie at November 28, 2022 02:20 PM (Emce2)

73 It sounds like someone is really trying to make this kanye west-trump confab the current outrage...but inflation is so bad that the local deadtree rag is running a front page story about how people are growing their own vegetables to combat food inflation.

These kinds of celebutard set-tos only gain traction when times are good, like when Trump was POTUS.

Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2022 02:20 PM (dCxaZ)

74 I really can't see how this hurts other Republicans. And to the extent it hurts Trump (which I don't think is a whole lot), hey, he brought it on himself.

Posted by: Wally at November 28, 2022 02:20 PM (FJYfm)

75 SMH, that's what I mean. I know they're buds, but I don't know if Ye kept his trap shut at all or not.
Posted by: Catherine at November 28, 2022 02:19 PM (EW5fp)

Like it matters.

Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 02:20 PM (zYA/b)

76 Had never heard of Nick Fuentes before; and like Barack Obama, I have heard of Louis Farrakhan.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at November 28, 2022 02:20 PM (Vwz3I)

77 First: If rumors of the president having sex with an intern are true he'll have to resign! He'll just have to!

George Steponaphallus said this on television.....then nothing happened

Democrats know how to drag things out until they are forgotten or at least considered no "big deal."

When Republicans fuck up, they have to resign or get pushed out or impeached IMMEDIATELY.

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:21 PM (mR6Gs)

78 None of this matters, the country is finished.
Posted by: I've got bad news for you

Only if people give up.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 28, 2022 02:21 PM (wN1rp)

about meeting with white supremacists? Yeah, it's a concern. I'm not willing to say "it doesn't matter" just to save Trump. At some point, one has to say "No."
Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:18 PM (C1Zwz)

1. Did Trump call the meeting or was the meeting requested by West?

2. Did Trump know the white supremacist was coming?

3. There's no chance Trump knew Milo was coming because, who cares? He's a nobody nothing at this point.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 28, 2022 02:21 PM (Zz0t1)

Oh, FFS.

So what if they're anti-Semites? Trump held a political meeting to dissuade them from running.

I don't plan on voting for him or any other (R)enfield candidate, ever again.

But let's not take the word of the press subhumans over the word of a man who's been kind to Jews in his public life. That's silly.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 28, 2022 02:21 PM (oINRc)

81 The more hysterical the gop becomes, the more I harden against anyone but Trump. Fuck desantis.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at November 28, 2022 02:21 PM (YsNf3)

82 >>>No, no one really gives a shit about it.

I think people care about actual white supremacists -- not made-up fake white supremacists, but real ones -- than you're willing to concede, and that believing the public takes a "nazis, schmazis" position is just wrong.

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:21 PM (C1Zwz)

83 Give it a listen. It's good.

Not what you expected, from them at this point, anyway.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 28, 2022 02:21 PM (Zz0t1)

84 Bryon York sips penis, rite?

Posted by: Puddinhead at November 28, 2022 02:21 PM (GKqIR)

85 the walls are closing in

Posted by: brak at November 28, 2022 02:22 PM (lO5WT)

86 about meeting with white supremacists? Yeah, it's a concern. I'm not willing to say "it doesn't matter" just to save Trump. At some point, one has to say "No."

I'm already on the DeSantis train because I think Trump isn't disciplined enough but...some on. Kanye is just weird and his beliefs are completely normal in Hollywood/DC. It doesn't make it right but...come on.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 28, 2022 02:22 PM (ESjRY)

87 I'm just so tired of having to make excuses for all the things Trump doesn't know or claims he doesn't know.
Ha ha ha awesome! Cause you never had to make those excuses for John McCain, or Mitt Romney the Bushes. They never caught any flak.

Posted by: PUHLEEEEZE at November 28, 2022 02:22 PM (kBsCT)

88 >>So what if they're anti-Semites? Trump held a political meeting to dissuade them from running.

this is something you just made up which Trump never claimed.

also the "Kanye vote" isn't a real thing

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:22 PM (C1Zwz)

89 Why does "Nick Fuentes, white supremacist", sound like an old Saturday Night Live Character?

Posted by: Bilwis Devourer of Innocent Souls, I'm starvin' over here at November 28, 2022 02:22 PM (cupoy)

90 I literally have no one idea who Nick Fuentes is but if the MSM says he's a white supremacist, that's the gold standard right there, and you can take it to the bank.

I'm going to go with he's just a largely powerless shit stirrer in the mold of Milo Yionoppolis and is being used as a cudgel against anyone the MSM can.

Again, I have no idea who he is and since he has largely escaped the larger zeitgeist other than being held up as a white supremacist to impugn MAGA and conservatism generally, he's either a con artist, Op or dupe, perhaps all three.

Everything is an Op.
Everything is bullshit.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 28, 2022 02:22 PM (up/3i)

91 Kanye is hanging out with White Supremacists? rofl

Posted by: CN at November 28, 2022 02:22 PM (Zzbjj)

92 It’s pretty obvious that Trump is in no way Antisemitic, so I don’t see how that charge gets any traction at all.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 28, 2022 02:22 PM (Ckeav)

93 you don't have to care what he thinks. You have the facts, Trump met with a white supremacist.

Well duh, of COURSE he did! He's the Leader of All the White Supremacists!
He's the Supreme Being of Super-Duper-Supreme Wipipo Nation!
He's All That And A Bunch of KKKs!

Posted by: Every boring Leftard "news" outlet ever at November 28, 2022 02:22 PM (dCxaZ)

94 Democrats know how to drag things out until they are forgotten or at least considered no "big deal."

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:21 PM (mR6Gs)

There's that magic femtosecond between "unsubstantiated allegation" and "old news."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2022 02:23 PM (YqDXo)

95 *checks ticket number*
I have #47 in the circular firing squad. Anyone know where I need to stand?

Posted by: Aetius451AD Laptop, Doomscroller at November 28, 2022 02:23 PM (CwQXo)

96 Only if people give up.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 28, 2022 02:21 PM (wN1rp)

We'll get em in 24.

Or 26?

Posted by: I've got bad news for you at November 28, 2022 02:23 PM (bzIRf)

97 Funny thing, if Trump wasn't taking this heat, who would be? Don't act like it wouldn't be there. They like having a target and like children will simply move on to the next toy if they manage to destroy this one.

Posted by: Catherine at November 28, 2022 02:23 PM (hZPIq)

98 Epstein was around Trump until he did something untoward and was never in the presence of Trump again, if I'm not mistaken.

PDT may just be willing to take people as they come, until they do something which he personally has no stomach for and that's the end of their Trump privileges.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(5pTK/) at November 28, 2022 02:23 PM (5pTK/)

99 70 >>>So we suddenly give a shit what Byron York thinks?

you don't have to care what he thinks. You have the facts, Trump met with a white supremacist. Attacking Byron York as a cuck does not delete that fact.

So you can have whatever take you like, but "Fuck Byron York" doesn't fix things.

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:20 PM (C1Zwz)

A white supremacist of Mexican descent?

Posted by: Elric Blade at November 28, 2022 02:23 PM (iFTx/)

100 "death con 3?" Really, you'd think someone with Kanye's hourly salary from working at the Adidas warehouse could afford a proofreader.

Posted by: Oddbob at November 28, 2022 02:23 PM (nfrXX)

Contrary opinion: Biden could meet with Hitler and the left would defend it. They never stop. Ever.

Feeling shame is not something they're into, and this Trump/Ye meeting is about shame.

What to do about that?

Posted by: MJ at November 28, 2022 02:23 PM (zwDuR)

102 Its official.

Posted by: The check has been cashed at November 28, 2022 02:24 PM (6gOfE)

103 So, this white supremacist was at an event with a black rapper?

Note also Fuentes is a "white hispanic" "white supremacist". I suspect most actual white supremacists would have an issue with that...

But, he's got the profile of someone on the government payroll so who know what's really going on with him.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 28, 2022 02:24 PM (ESjRY)

104 It’s pretty obvious that Trump is in no way Antisemitic, so I don’t see how that charge gets any traction at all.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

We'll be the ones to decide that, prole.

Posted by: The MSM at November 28, 2022 02:24 PM (wN1rp)

105 There's that magic femtosecond between "unsubstantiated allegation" and "old news."
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2022 02:23 PM (YqDXo)

Can you give me the Hamiltonian function for that quantum state?

Posted by: Aetius451AD Laptop, Doomscroller at November 28, 2022 02:24 PM (CwQXo)

1. Did Trump call the meeting or was the meeting requested by West?

2. Did Trump know the white supremacist was coming?

i assume west asked for it and I will take Trump's word for it that he didn't know who Fuentes was. but no one at Mar-a-Lago, no one on his staff, recognized the name Nick Fuentes? Does Trump have zero competent people working for him now?

What would his presidential staff consist of?

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:24 PM (C1Zwz)

107 I'm just so tired of having to make excuses for all the things Trump doesn't know or claims he doesn't know.

Trump gets attacked for what he does not know...

Biden gets a pass on outright lies.

Yeah, Media is neutral...

Posted by: US Congress at November 28, 2022 02:24 PM (oHd/0)

108 Ye should announce he's now identifying as a Guatemalan illegal alien transvestite, and start wearing dresses and big fruit hats, with bananas and oranges attached to a colorful straw base.

Its his only hope for popular redemption.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at November 28, 2022 02:24 PM (5RN+o)

109 There's that magic femtosecond between "unsubstantiated allegation" and "old news."
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2022 02:23 PM (YqDXo)

The space between "unsubstantiated allegations and "old hews" is usually filled with "debunked."

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(5pTK/) at November 28, 2022 02:25 PM (5pTK/)

110 you don't have to care what he thinks. You have the facts, Trump met with a white supremacist. Attacking Byron York as a cuck does not delete that fact.

So you can have whatever take you like, but "Fuck Byron York" doesn't fix things.

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:20 PM (C1Zwz)

A white supremacist named Nick FUENTES

Trump is NOT a white supremacist, but Joe Biden hung around with segregationists, was mentored by them and ran around saying integration would make schools a racial "jungle,"

The anti-Semitism thing is an even bigger joke. His grandchildren are Jewish, he's the best friend Israel ever had--and the Democrats have elected officials who are openly anti-Semitic.

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:25 PM (mR6Gs)

111 I think people care about actual white supremacists -- not made-up fake white supremacists, but real ones -- than you're willing to concede, and that believing the public takes a "nazis, schmazis" position is just wrong.
Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:21 PM (C1Zwz)

The left calls everyone they disagree with nazis and antisemites, and real nazis in Ukraine, good guys. I don't think people worry about an allegation of white supremacist as much as they used to, as now it covers half the country

Posted by: CN at November 28, 2022 02:25 PM (Zzbjj)

112 The thing is: Trump's not really willing to defend this meeting, so much as explain it away or excuse it. So I'm not going to gin up defenses on his behalf. It was dumb.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at November 28, 2022 02:25 PM (ppBhU)

113 Obama met with lots of whack-a-do rappers with fringe views while at the WH - York never ran to his fainting couch then. York is straining for this to be "but Jeb! would never do this!" moment, but no one really cares.

Lots of pols meet and break-bread with idiots - Speaker Pelosi put a lot them on Congressional Committees, including her fair share of crazy antisemites and just plain racists, for God's sake. The circus will move on, and then York can quit pretending he's shocked.

Posted by: Boswell at November 28, 2022 02:25 PM (+Cgut)

114 Trump should know if you're explaining you're losing.

This AZ dog & pony show is 'just great'.
Voting requires no such complexity and schemes. All to add more opportunity to do unlawful oopsies.

Posted by: micky at November 28, 2022 02:25 PM (3byMq)

115 25 Elon is also going to war...against Apple:

(the 30% refers to the hidden tax Apple charges on all its apps)
Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2022 02:13 PM (dCxaZ)

We'll this should be interesting.

Posted by: WisRich at November 28, 2022 02:25 PM (G0vdT)

116 I'll put this in the Big Pile.

That's full of Things Trump Doesn't Care to Fix. So I don't care to defend him.

This is more of the "general who doesn't think logistics matters."

From "no offense" on RussiaGate and all the impeachments, to the failure to vet and install actual conservatives, to his embarrassingly pathetic vote fraud legal response, to his Skinflit PAC, and now this.

I'm just so, so tired of seeing the same bullshit from him: Fix your shit or get gone. But this continuous Dispatch from the Desk of Donald J. Trump is lazy fuck-all that fixes nothing.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at November 28, 2022 02:25 PM (Su/C7)

117 "I think people care about actual white supremacists -- not made-up fake white supremacists, but real ones -- than you're willing to concede, and that believing the public takes a "nazis, schmazis" position is just wrong."
Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:21 PM (C1Zwz)

I think you're underestimating how many people hear "white supremacy" and their eyes glaze over.

Posted by: lowandslow at November 28, 2022 02:25 PM (qH6FZ)

118 >>A white supremacist of Mexican descent?

i linked him denying the Holocaust and citing the usual "proofs" that the Holocaust was a fiction, like "shadows" of the creamatoria smokestacks not being at the right angles or whatever

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:26 PM (C1Zwz)

119 politcally, there aint no truck in hanging the moron

he aint got no political sway with the black folk, only downside

Posted by: REDACTED at November 28, 2022 02:26 PM (us2H3)

120 >>>I think you're underestimating how many people hear "white supremacy" and their eyes glaze over.

well here's something: Mine don't. I'm allowed to object to Nazis.

Do you?

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:26 PM (C1Zwz)

this is something you just made up which Trump never claimed.


I'm unfamiliar with the situation, but I am only referring to your own pull-quote...

"He shows up with 3 people, two of which I didn't know, the other a political person who I haven't seen in years. I told him don't run for office, a total waste of time, can't win. Fake News went CRAZY!"

If that's not accurate, then fine.

I believe Trump over press-scum all day, and twice on Sunday.

Not voting for him, or Kanye, or anyone else. The story just smells like bullshit.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 28, 2022 02:26 PM (oINRc)

122 None of this will matter in a month. It's just today's "outrage ".

Trump or DeSantis is going to be the next president. End of story. People are tired of the lies. Beyond that, the government today is actively undermining the first and second amendment, ad well as ignoring the separation of powers.

Posted by: Joe Fingerblaster at November 28, 2022 02:26 PM (W+TLY)

123 Trump met with a white supremacist
Um? What was Milo doing with a white supremacist? He was married to a black dude.

What re the bona fides on your picking up the water an carrying the narrative on the guy who branded by the media as a white supremcist? Honest question, I literally have no fucking idea who the guy is supposed to be (So why would Trump - but I guess I'm not super tuned in political spaz). I know the Covington Kid was supposed to be the worst person on earth - how'd that turn out?

Posted by: The check has been cashed at November 28, 2022 02:26 PM (kBsCT)

124 @106 Not to mention there's no way West would stay mum about anything to do with the meeting.

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at November 28, 2022 02:26 PM (F5ekr)

125 Hey pal, a man has to get paid. And there's a lot of money out there to drive such "pieces".

Posted by: Byork at November 28, 2022 02:12 PM (60EYD)
23 Byron York = GOPe/Paul Ryan stooge

Posted by: Regular joe

Of course. He said something bad about Trump, so he's bad. But you don't worship Trump. Not at all.

Posted by: Archimedes at November 28, 2022 02:26 PM (eOEVl)

126 ou do realize that Kanye is buddies with Farrakhan, right?

Did you know that Farrakhan gave a speech calling the mRna jab a "vial of death", and not *one* Leftard spokesparrot said word one about him being a Superspreader??

Why, the pResident didn't even call him a Killer!

True Story.

Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2022 02:27 PM (dCxaZ)

127 2. Did Trump know the white supremacist was coming?
Lemme ask you a question: Do you think it is possible for some rando to show up at the front door and get in to see Trump? Don't forget the SS demands a full list of proposed attendees in advance from the President's secretary. They have to do a background check.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at November 28, 2022 02:27 PM (5RN+o)

128 Hillary and Biden and the entire Democrat Party praise Robert Byrd, Margaret Sanger, LBJ and Woodrow Wilson, and they will do it again tomorrow.

No one gives a fuck. This is all totally useless bullshit.

Posted by: ... at November 28, 2022 02:27 PM (ynQm9)

129 81 The more hysterical the gop becomes, the more I harden against anyone but Trump. Fuck desantis.
Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at November 28, 2022 02:21 PM (YsNf3

Perfect. If we can split the normal people vote, no leader who wants to represent Americans will ever be elected again. Heh, heh, heh.

Posted by: Deep Staters rubbing their hands with glee at November 28, 2022 02:27 PM (Emce2)

130 i assume west asked for it and I will take Trump's word for it that he didn't know who Fuentes was. but no one at Mar-a-Lago, no one on his staff, recognized the name Nick Fuentes? Does Trump have zero competent people working for him now?

What would his presidential staff consist of?

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:24 PM (C1Zwz)

This is my greatest fear. Fact is that everyone knows if you work for Trump, you will be attacked, sometimes with the full force of the entire government behind it.

What competent person would put him, OR HIS FAMILY, through that?

IMO Trumps Presidency was destroyed when they got Gen. Flynn. Flat out destroyed him... and Trump did nothing to help.

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 28, 2022 02:27 PM (oHd/0)

131 I said this morning, but it bears repeating:

Daisy Fuentes >>>>>>>> Nick Fuentes

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 28, 2022 02:27 PM (Ckeav)

132 Stupid.

Believing Trump would ever be allowed to win the presidency, that is.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at November 28, 2022 02:27 PM (g4JKw)

133 Ha ha ha awesome! Cause you never had to make those excuses for John McCain, or Mitt Romney the Bushes. They never caught any flak.
Posted by: PUHLEEEEZE at November 28, 2022 02:22 PM (kBsCT)

Because they are losers

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:27 PM (mR6Gs)

134 @38 No one knows who Milo


Milo Yanoupolis was in the news that we pay attention to quite a bit several years ago. He did a lot of prolific, and very welcome trolling against anti-free speech types during the GamerGate stuff. Then he dropped from sight for a bit after some people who hated him apparently passed around the edited version of an interview he gave, popped back up a year or two ago claiming that he'd realized he was actually straight and not gay...

And now this. To say that I'm surprised to see him with Kanye West is a bit of an understatement. But apparently that's what happened.

Posted by: junior at November 28, 2022 02:27 PM (PTw5h)

135 almost everything is an op

but everything is a gig

Posted by: REDACTED at November 28, 2022 02:27 PM (us2H3)

136 A white supremacist of Mexican descent?
Those guys are La Raza. Conquistadors.

Posted by: Puddinhead at November 28, 2022 02:27 PM (GKqIR)

137 This was his biggest character flaw, falling for a anyone that kisses his ass. He could have a senator that agrees with him 99.99% of the time, but if that senator says one thing against Trump then Trump will try to burn that person down, on the other hand someone can be totally against Trump,but if they say something nice about him than Trump wil bend overt backwards for them. It's why he was often surrounded by people who were just there to sabotage his agenda.

With Kanye he got screwed multiple times, like when Kanye's skank of a wife decided to get Trump to start pardoning "just grandmas in prison for a little pot" except that grandma was laundering money for a violent drug gang she was part of for years. But Trump caved from flattery.

Trump needs to remember more and more people are going to be out to get him now, and if history is any indication he'll fall for it every time.

Posted by: Rbastid at November 28, 2022 02:28 PM (nwvuS)

138 I think crazy Kanye may have been semi invited and Fuentes just showed up.
The anti-Semitism thing is an even bigger joke. His grandchildren are Jewish, he's the best friend Israel ever had--and the Democrats have elected officials who are openly anti-Semitic.
Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:25 PM (mR6Gs)

Yep. It's growing tiresome. Especially while the likes of Jen Rubin are naming the GOP "White Christian Nationalists", and the word "nazi" is tossed around like "poopy-pants".

Posted by: CN at November 28, 2022 02:28 PM (Zzbjj)

139 ace at November 28, 2022 02:21 PM (C1Zwz)


I sincerely do not understand Fuentes. As far as I know, Michelle Malkin has worked with him and likes him. She is not white and is married to a Jewish fella.

I don’t know how to resolve that.

Michelle is good people as far as I’m concerned, yet I saw that video of of Nick Fuentes and the Cookie Monster question. I have no answers.

Posted by: EFG at November 28, 2022 02:28 PM (Ae67h)

140 Oh, I should say that I have no idea what Elon is referring to here. It could be any of a dozen different current Regime psyops.


Odds that Kanye West is a Deep State agent?

Posted by: ShainS -- The Humiliation is Part of the Kink at November 28, 2022 02:28 PM (c8kvg)

141 Isn't Fuentes tight with Malkin?

Posted by: I Mean at November 28, 2022 02:28 PM (bzIRf)

142 If we all stomp on Trump then just pack it up and let the dems have it all.

Posted by: Cicero Kaboom! Kid at November 28, 2022 02:28 PM (3Or4S)

143 Since we're shitting on Byron York I might as well point out that he looks like an old woman, and always has - even when he was young.

Posted by: Emmett Milbarge at November 28, 2022 02:28 PM (VbI7r)

144 The more hysterical the gop becomes, the more I harden against anyone but Trump. Fuck desantis.
Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at November 28, 2022 02:21 PM (YsNf3

Perfect. If we can split the normal people vote, no leader who wants to represent Americans will ever be elected again. Heh, heh, heh.
Posted by: Deep Staters rubbing their hands with glee at November 28, 2022 02:27 PM (Emce2)

Of course if we dump anyone the Deep State accuses of misdeeds, nobody will every be elected again either.

Posted by: Oldcat at November 28, 2022 02:28 PM (eoQWY)

145 Stupid.

Believing Trump would ever be allowed to win the presidency, that is.

Or anyone else with a R behind their name.

Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 02:28 PM (zYA/b)

146 Trump does not matter, victory matters and everything he does to make victory less likely makes him matter less.

Posted by: sven at November 28, 2022 02:28 PM (Lzpvj)

147 >>>This is my biggest issue with Trump. Obviously he is extremely easy to roll if you play to his ego.
Posted by: bonhomme at November 28, 2022 02:19 PM (eyxn4)



Even Fauci was "smart" enough to figure this out.

Posted by: Turn two at November 28, 2022 02:28 PM (JfxgE)

148 How do we know Joe Biden hasn't met with a white supremacist?

Let's see Joe Biden's visitor logs for his Delaware home, which he refuses to release.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 28, 2022 02:28 PM (lf83v)

149 Guilt by association has never held a lot of weight with me, unless you make it clear how you agree with them or it keeps being a pattern. showing up at a dinner with a couple aholes? Eh.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 28, 2022 02:29 PM (cP/Ah)

150 IMO Trumps Presidency was destroyed when they got Gen. Flynn. Flat out destroyed him... and Trump did nothing to help.
Posted by: Romeo13 at November 28, 2022 02:27 PM (oHd/0)

He trusted Pence. Big error.

Posted by: CN at November 28, 2022 02:29 PM (Zzbjj)

151 If we all stomp on Trump then just pack it up and let the dems have it all.

Or...we could reevaluate if he's the best person for the nom at this point....Nahhhhhh.

Posted by: Archimedes at November 28, 2022 02:29 PM (eOEVl)

152 @130 I'd be more worried about him hiring backstabbers and people working for 2 masters, basically a repeat of his last administration.

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at November 28, 2022 02:29 PM (F5ekr)

153 Wondered what happened to Milo.

He was a provocateur. A gadfly, even. And one of the earliest victims of cancel culture, enough that a major publisher cancelled his book deal if I recall correctly.

Still unsure of the logic behind the witch-hunters of New Salem, but: Milo touched the topic of gay grooming. He didn't speak against it, but instead talked about his experience.

He was the groom-ee, not the groom-er.

So he was the victim, didn't condemn it, but was destroyed. Now we have flat-end bell-curvers teaching pre-teens to mutilate themselves and they're protected.

Posted by: Another Anon at November 28, 2022 02:29 PM (Wc1l6)

154 Not even gonna touch this one. Wouldn't be prudent. Have fun.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at November 28, 2022 02:30 PM (Xrfse)

155 I think you're underestimating how many people hear "white supremacy" and their eyes glaze over.

well here's something: Mine don't. I'm allowed to object to Nazis.

Do you?
Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:26 PM (C1Zwz)

Actual Nazis, yes

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:30 PM (mR6Gs)

156 Trump has always been hit and miss.
I hope someone better is at the plate in 2 years time.
Posted by: Biden's Dog, who knows no margin bounds at November 28, 2022 02:09 PM (UK1vv)

I expect whoever is selected to run will show us the correct and acceptable way to lose with honor while maintaining our self respect.

Posted by: Kindltot at November 28, 2022 02:30 PM (xhaym)

157 Enough with this "worship" stuff. People fight for and defend their guy, it's the nature of a political forum.

You can't go fighting for your guy over someone else, but accuse the other guy of being irrational for doing the same.

Every politician is a piece of dirt. Your guy is excrement scum and would happily see you dead for a chance to advance 1 millimeter. That's the name of the game. Pretending that rooting for your guy is totally fine but everyone else is a blind worshiper is beyond stupidity.

Posted by: ... at November 28, 2022 02:30 PM (ynQm9)

158 So...,
The drain pipe from my dishwasher air gap to the sink is clogged and the water is spilling outta the air gap. I think I have a snake somewhere. Really not looking forward to this....

Posted by: SFGoth at November 28, 2022 02:30 PM (KAi1n)

159 118 >>A white supremacist of Mexican descent?

i linked him denying the Holocaust and citing the usual "proofs" that the Holocaust was a fiction, like "shadows" of the creamatoria smokestacks not being at the right angles or whatever

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:26 PM (C1Zwz)

Yes, the guy may be a kook but that doesn't make him a white supremacist. In terms of Holocaust denial, he's about mainstream for Democraps. I'm very skeptical about buying into our enemies' inflammatory labels like "white supremacist" -- especially when the dude is Mexican. Would I have advised Trump to meet with him? No. But this is a tempest in a teapot.

Posted by: Elric Blade at November 28, 2022 02:30 PM (iFTx/)

160 Since we're shitting on Byron York I might as well point out that he looks like an old woman, and always has - even when he was young.

I met him once at the train station. I was sorely tempted to make fun of his hairdo, but decided against it. Nice guy.

Posted by: Archimedes at November 28, 2022 02:30 PM (eOEVl)

161 @97 exactly 💯

Posted by: SOMEASSHOLESTOLEMYPEN at November 28, 2022 02:30 PM (ytSiK)

162 You are a DeSantocuck.

See? I can do it too. I'm totally rational, you are just licking DeSantocuck's ass.

Posted by: ... at November 28, 2022 02:30 PM (ynQm9)

163 Anyone who uses the phrase "white supremacist" like it's legitimate is just doing the left's work for them.

Keep talking about homophobia and transphobia while you're at it.

Posted by: So Tiresome at November 28, 2022 02:31 PM (f1/hZ)

164 Yeah, look at the white supremacists!

Posted by: Hunter Biden's Laptop, FTX, Ukraine Money Laundering, Chinese Kickbacks to Bidens at November 28, 2022 02:31 PM (lf83v)

165 The short memories of most American's will no doubt fail to accomplish the goal of subverting Trump. In the chaos that will be 2024 elections, this will be a nothing burger. Unless you can find me someone better than Trump (and no, Desantis is not better, just different), then get your MAGA hats out again, laddies, and vote Trump.

Perfect guy? not by a long shot..
Obnoxious and arrogant? yep.. but show me a high profile person that isn't on that curve.
Gave us Warp Speed? yep.. he owns it.. fuck him for that.

But find me someone better.

Posted by: Halfdan at November 28, 2022 02:31 PM (oS38t)

166 Brian York: The caretaker of the gates to the presidency and Heaven!

Posted by: Dr. Bone at November 28, 2022 02:31 PM (geVLo)

167 This is my biggest issue with Trump. Obviously he is extremely easy to roll if you play to his ego.

A lesson the left has never figured out. They could have at any of a dozen different points played up to his ego and steered him but just were too busy throwing a fit to notice.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 28, 2022 02:31 PM (cP/Ah)

168 Let me get this straight - democrats can be openly anti-semitic and be elected members of congress, but any republican who meets someone accused of anti-semitism must immediately remove themselves from the pubic eye?

Is this the standard?

Posted by: Thomas Paine at November 28, 2022 02:31 PM (lTGtQ)

169 Only one of these people I know is President Trump.

Posted by: Eromero at November 28, 2022 02:31 PM (0OP+5)

170 The left talks to all their nutbars. Never is it a problem. Ever!!

Posted by: SOMEASSHOLESTOLEMYPEN at November 28, 2022 02:32 PM (ytSiK)

i assume west asked for it and I will take Trump's word for it that he didn't know who Fuentes was. but no one at Mar-a-Lago, no one on his staff, recognized the name Nick Fuentes? Does Trump have zero competent people working for him now?

What would his presidential staff consist of?

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:24 PM (C1Zwz)

I cannot argue these points. I also don't know who he has around him at this point since he lives at a resort community or whatever away from the public eye.

He did not do well in his first run at public office. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that he's learned lessons.

He trusted Kanye because they'd had a good relationship up until that point. It COULD be that Trump knew Kanye said the anti-sematic but was trying to 'help' him and guide him differently because of said relationship.

But, who knows. Trump is who Trump is and everyone will treat him how they will forevermore. It doesn't sway me much.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 28, 2022 02:32 PM (Zz0t1)

172 149 Guilt by association has never held a lot of weight with me, unless you make it clear how you agree with them or it keeps being a pattern. showing up at a dinner with a couple aholes? Eh.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 28, 2022 02:29 PM (cP/Ah)


Posted by: Elric Blade at November 28, 2022 02:32 PM (iFTx/)

173 Ace, if you say "white supremacist" I'll listen, because you've not destroyed your credibility through seeing white supremacists hiding in every corner.

When the usual suspects holler, "white supremacist" my eyes do indeed glaze over.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(5pTK/) at November 28, 2022 02:32 PM (5pTK/)

174 i linked him denying the Holocaust and citing the usual "proofs" that the Holocaust was a fiction, like "shadows" of the creamatoria smokestacks not being at the right angles or whatever
So wait, is he a white supremacist or a holocaust denier?

I 'm confused. I'm not saying he's not a moron. Like "the moon landing was faked" people, but is he actually a racist who believes the master race should be permitted to exploit and exterminate lessers? Or is he saying that the whole thing never happened? There is a difference between the two. On the one hand he'd be an idiot, on the other he'd be a racist, and with both, he'd be a racist idiot. If he's a racist, and anti semite it'd be like all the democratic candidates hanging with Farrakahn. If he's an idiot, it'd be like everyday in DC.

Posted by: The check has been cashed at November 28, 2022 02:32 PM (dp6zy)

175 165 he short memories of most American's will no doubt fail to accomplish the goal of subverting Trump. In the chaos that will be 2024 elections, this will be a nothing burger. Unless you can find me someone better than Trump

tanned, rested, and ready

Posted by: pierre delecto at November 28, 2022 02:32 PM (v3pYe)

176 SFGoth at November 28, 2022 02:30 PM (KAi1n)


Electric or hand snake?

Posted by: EFG at November 28, 2022 02:33 PM (Ae67h)

177 >This is my biggest issue with Trump. Obviously he is extremely easy to roll if you play to his ego.
Posted by: bonhomme at November 28, 2022 02:19 PM (eyxn4)

Yep, it's kind of pathetic after everything that has happened.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at November 28, 2022 02:33 PM (fS+AK)

178 Not Trump's most shining moment. However, he does NOT have giving money to Palestinians on his resume.

Posted by: democrats, Kidnapping, Raping or Mutilating the Children They Cannot Kill Since 1973 at November 28, 2022 02:33 PM (jV+aN)

179 Enough with this "worship" stuff. People fight for and defend their guy, it's the nature of a political forum.

You can't go fighting for your guy over someone else, but accuse the other guy of being irrational for doing the same.

Every politician is a piece of dirt. Your guy is excrement scum and would happily see you dead for a chance to advance 1 millimeter. That's the name of the game. Pretending that rooting for your guy is totally fine but everyone else is a blind worshiper is beyond stupidity.

I agree that most pols are scum. I don't give a pass to any of them, even the ones I like. But to say "it's my guy, or I'm staying home", and "anyone who criticizes my guy is a bad person" really is stupid.

Posted by: Archimedes at November 28, 2022 02:33 PM (eOEVl)

180 I saw Trump consorting with Goody Proctor and the Devil in the forest last All Hallows Eve.

Posted by: A concerned conservative at November 28, 2022 02:33 PM (q8Oe1)

181 110 A white supremacist named Nick FUENTES

Trump is NOT a white supremacist, but Joe Biden hung around with segregationists, was mentored by them and ran around saying integration would make schools a racial "jungle,"

The anti-Semitism thing is an even bigger joke. His grandchildren are Jewish, he's the best friend Israel ever had--and the Democrats have elected officials who are openly anti-Semitic.

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:25 PM (mR6Gs)

Yeah, this is much ado about nothing. Don't know a whole lot about Fuentes, but I agree with you about his name. Definitely diminishes the "white supremacist" argument. And I don't see where he denied the Holocaust. He disputes the numbers of people who were killed, but that's not the same as saying it never happened.

Posted by: E. A. Blair at November 28, 2022 02:33 PM (8o7em)

182 meh

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at November 28, 2022 02:34 PM (Kd4bG)

183 i linked him denying the Holocaust and citing the usual "proofs" that the Holocaust was a fiction, like "shadows" of the creamatoria smokestacks not being at the right angles or whatever

Which is weird because at the very least, prison camps do have deaths which they cremate. The ovens were not the big or even a large concern. They were just burning bodies. It was the way the bodies were made that was the horror, not their disposal.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 28, 2022 02:34 PM (cP/Ah)

184 Looks like I'm going to have to vote for DeSantis to prove that I am not a white supremacist.

It's the only way to show that I really have no hate in my heart.

In doing so, leftists will be left with no other choice but to say "I say, these conservative chaps aren't racist at all. I may vote for this DeSantis fellow after all."

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at November 28, 2022 02:34 PM (rygzY)

185 Nick Fuentes? Does Trump have zero competent people working for him now?
I literally have no fucking idea who this is supposed to be and I am bascially a political spaz.

Posted by: The check has been cashed at November 28, 2022 02:34 PM (60EYD)

186 I don't believe Trump is a racist or gives a damn about white supremecy.

I'm also largely ambivalent about Trump's prospects, as I always have been.

So I'm content to continue sitting out most of the outrage theatrics, especially as I'm increasingly coming around to the idea it probably matters far less than what kind of ballot harvesting mechanics are in place come election time.

Posted by: Kensington at November 28, 2022 02:34 PM (ihgAn)

187 LOL Bitter Clinger!

Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 02:35 PM (JuZEe)

188 Posted by: A concerned conservative at November 28, 2022 02:33 PM (q8Oe1)

wait, that wasn't Goody Proctor, that was me made up to look like her

but if she's taking the rap, bitch deserves it

eff her running ever since she gave my old man a permaboner

Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2022 02:35 PM (dCxaZ)

189 @165

>>But find me someone better.

Sadly, there is no one better for this moment than Trump.

I've stated that I think it would be foolish and disastrous for DeSantis to abandon Florida for a run at the Capital City.

He's going to find just as many problems and resistance trying to work his will as Trump did.

Another area of concern for DeSantis is that he is ex-military and we have no idea what a DeSantis foreign policy would be, for all we know he's a Bolton type.

One of the things that attracted people to Trump was his deep animosity towards foreign entanglements, wars and interventionism.

My suspicion is DeSantis is more of an establishment type Republican in this area than Trump was.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 28, 2022 02:35 PM (up/3i)


Posted by: Maxine Waters at November 28, 2022 02:35 PM (lf83v)

191 169 Only one of these people I know is President Trump.

but how can that be? tucker carlson interviewed kanye west for, like, an hour and found him interesting and engaging. you can watch it on for a low, low subscription price.

(wonder if tucker has ever interviewed anyone he didn't find fascinating)

Posted by: stochastic kulak anachronda at November 28, 2022 02:35 PM (v3pYe)

So I'm content to continue sitting out most of the outrage theatrics, especially as I'm increasingly coming around to the idea it probably matters far less than what kind of ballot harvesting mechanics are in place come election time.
Posted by: Kensington at November 28, 2022 02:34 PM (ihgAn)

It matters less than nothing. None of this matters.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 28, 2022 02:35 PM (oINRc)

193 "Believing Trump would ever be allowed to win the presidency, that is."

Trump blindsided them in 2016 but no way they will allow that to ever happen again.

Posted by: gourmand du jour, now with 50% less content at November 28, 2022 02:35 PM (jTmQV)

194 The answer is less than 10 cookies per oven per hour with just 15 ovens over a period of 5 years. So, totally plausible. And that's not counting shooting the cookies, working the cookies to death, bombing, starving, etc., etc. This Nick Fuentes guy does not seem very good a basic math...

Posted by: Angzarr the Cromulent at November 28, 2022 02:35 PM (S7une)

195 Remember the 3 things Trump loves most:

1. Himself

2. Celebrities

3. Himself with celebrities

Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper at November 28, 2022 02:35 PM (aGT/k)

196 Ego blinded him from a mile out.

Getting tired of all this winning.

Posted by: Valiant at November 28, 2022 02:35 PM (cy2xC)

197 So I'm content to continue sitting out most of the outrage theatrics, especially as I'm increasingly coming around to the idea it probably matters far less than what kind of ballot harvesting mechanics are in place come election time.
Posted by: Kensington

Come sit by me.

I haz chocolate.

Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 02:36 PM (JuZEe)

198 Last summer someone was posting banners that said "Vax the Jews" from some highway overpasses. The media told me is was the work of a vast network of white supremacists.

I looked further into the story and found some lefties had already outed the ONE guy behind this. He was a former (white) rapper who had a couple of moderately successful songs (they are still on youtube, apple music, etc).

The FNM says he makes enough money selling knock off white supremacist materials to pay rent and travel around the country. I call...bullshit.

Note: Even though some lefties outed him, he wasn't cancelled.

How to explain all this? Well...the most obvious answer is...fed. A white supremacist former rapper who worked with other black rappers? Who makes his money selling...t-shirts? And who corporate behemoths like youtube won't cancel?

Posted by: 18-1 at November 28, 2022 02:36 PM (ESjRY)

199 But to say "it's my guy, or I'm staying home", and "anyone who criticizes my guy is a bad person" really is stupid.

Posted by: Archimedes at November 28, 2022 02:33 PM (eOEVl)

As they say, it takes all kinds. You can't police this stuff.

We are literally 100 feet down arguing over who gets to look at the last air bubble before drowning.

Posted by: ... at November 28, 2022 02:36 PM (ynQm9)

200 "well here's something: Mine don't. I'm allowed to object to Nazis.
Do you?"
Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:26 PM (C1Zwz)

That's a cheap shot. Do we have to declare our hate of Nazi's every time someone is called a white supremacist? I don't give a shit about Nick Fuentes or his idiotic beliefs, the discussion is about how much it really hurts Trump. I say it doesn't, claims of association with white supremacy is white noise at this point.

Posted by: lowandslow at November 28, 2022 02:36 PM (qH6FZ)

201 You are a DeSantocuck.

See? I can do it too. I'm totally rational, you are just licking DeSantocuck's ass.

I have been called exactly that here on this very website. I've never, not once, heard someone say something similar to the Trump supporters. In fact, I was very early to say I would support either man as the nom, depending on how it plays out, but a segment of the Trump supporters won't accept that. They'll only accept that their man is the one and only choice, and if you don't agree, well f*** you.

Posted by: Archimedes at November 28, 2022 02:37 PM (eOEVl)

202 After the midterms I hate to say it but were not gonna vote Our way out of this...

Posted by: It's me donna at November 28, 2022 02:37 PM (bs+z0)

203 Is my hash problematic?

I'd hate to be accused of being an antisemitic white supremacist.

Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 02:37 PM (JuZEe)

204 It matters less than nothing. None of this matters.
Which is maybe why he took the check this time. . .

Posted by: The check has been cashed at November 28, 2022 02:37 PM (yl0oI)

205 The answer is less than 10 cookies per oven per hour with just 15 ovens over a period of 5 years. So, totally plausible. And that's not counting shooting the cookies, working the cookies to death, bombing, starving, etc., etc. This Nick Fuentes guy does not seem very good a basic math...

Posted by: Angzarr the Cromulent

That Betty Crocker has a lot to answer for.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at November 28, 2022 02:37 PM (lTGtQ)

206 Maybe also worth suggesting again that Trump is just the Target of the Moment. If it's not him, it will be whoever else it is.

They'd be finding ways to frame Mitt Romney for white supremacy if he was the Target of the Moment.

That doesn't excuse Trump for his many, many (MANY) shortcomings and flaws, it just acknowledges the stacked deck that always faces any Republican in the field.

Posted by: Kensington at November 28, 2022 02:37 PM (ihgAn)

207 It matters less than nothing. None of this matters.

Yeah its at best a mild entertainment, a distraction. People are arguing as if the presidential race isn't fixed already.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 28, 2022 02:37 PM (cP/Ah)

208 DeSantis likes Nickelback.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, navigating a corrupt and violent world with Clint Eastwood at November 28, 2022 02:37 PM (LvTSG)

209 As a follow on to comment #139…how could a white supremicist work for and praise Ye?

It makes no sense, yet Nick was doing that weird Cookie Monster bit that Ace linked.

I have no explanation.

Posted by: EFG at November 28, 2022 02:38 PM (Ae67h)

210 I don't trust the news anymore at all, so is Fuentes an actual Bad Guy?

Kanye, I think has got some legitimate mental illness issues.

I've got not a clue what's up with Milo lately. He used to be interesting and sometimes insightful.

Posted by: Synova at November 28, 2022 02:38 PM (BD/yx)

211 With this latest dick stomp I guess I have no other choice but to not only vote for Biden (or whatever homunculus they roll out) but do some ballot box stuffing too.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at November 28, 2022 02:38 PM (isCJG)

212 I'm pretty sure Trump makes most of his decisions about things like this without consulting anyone. Vetting people is definitely one of his weaknesses. I don't think anyone really believes he knew fuentes but it was still a bad decision.

Posted by: ryukyu at November 28, 2022 02:38 PM (4n6fw)

213 This is a big nothingburger. And I'm surprised so many are falling for it. I'll wait for the next thread.

Posted by: Pork Chops & Bacons at November 28, 2022 02:38 PM (BdMk6)

214 Trump seems to think like a nice guy and not a political animal. He never seems to have people on his staff to vet these encounters properly before they happen.

I'll still crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump, if he's the nominee.

Posted by: Archer at November 28, 2022 02:38 PM (gmo/4)

215 So I will continue to shrug.

Posted by: Kensington at November 28, 2022 02:38 PM (ihgAn)

216 DeSantis likes Nickelback.


Posted by: Maxine Waters at November 28, 2022 02:38 PM (lf83v)

217 The GOPe had a chance to make some amends for 2020. They chose to kick maga in the balls again and elect democrats. Fuck them. Trump is a thumb in their eye. The only reason I will vote Trump or nobody.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Set the Earth to fire and reshape it closer to the heart's desire at November 28, 2022 02:38 PM (5fZeI)

218 Isn't Fuentes a catboy or something?

Posted by: Bourbonchicken at November 28, 2022 02:38 PM (44ww/)

219 @208

>>DeSantis likes Nickelback.

I also heard he has a Scott Stapp tattoo on his thigh.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 28, 2022 02:38 PM (up/3i)

220 Is my hash problematic?

I'd hate to be accused of being an antisemitic white supremacist.

Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 02:37 PM (JuZEe)

/Glares at you

Posted by: Ilhan Omar at November 28, 2022 02:39 PM (ESjRY)

221 DeSantis likes Nickelback.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, navigating a corrupt and violent world with Clint Eastwood at November 28, 2022 02:37 PM (LvTSG)


Trump 2024!

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at November 28, 2022 02:39 PM (flINI)

222 I sincerely do not understand Fuentes.


A political vulture looking for his particular strip of carrion, like everyone else in the Great American Shell Game.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 28, 2022 02:39 PM (oINRc)

223 We'll this should be interesting.

Posted by: WisRich at November 28, 2022 02:25 PM (G0vdT)

Yes, check out his feed, he's @-ing Tim Cook

Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2022 02:39 PM (dCxaZ)

224 This is all kayfabe.

Posted by: The Fool at November 28, 2022 02:39 PM (1dzqn)

225 @189 Another area of concern for DeSantis is that he is ex-military and we have no idea what a DeSantis foreign policy would be, for all we know he's a Bolton type.

One of the things that attracted people to Trump was his deep animosity towards foreign entanglements, wars and interventionism.


This is something that would be expected to come up if and/or when DeSantis runs for president.

Personally, my single biggest issue with Trump right now is probably the fact that if he wins, he's a lame duck. A good chunk of Trump's power right now comes purely from the threat of him winning the next election. As odd as it sounds, in some ways his power actually decreases if he wins the presidency again because everyone knows for a fact that he'll no longer be holding office in four years.

Posted by: junior at November 28, 2022 02:39 PM (PTw5h)

226 Is my hash problematic?

I figure its a tribute to Juicy Smolliet

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 28, 2022 02:39 PM (cP/Ah)

227 no one on his staff, recognized the name Nick Fuentes?

Who is Nick Fuentes? I know of a Daisy Fuentes.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 28, 2022 02:39 PM (H6Wmi)

228 Never heard of this Nick Fuentes guy until this latest kerfuffle.

Posted by: Angzarr the Cromulent at November 28, 2022 02:40 PM (S7une)

229 "Believing Trump would ever be allowed to win the presidency, that is."

Trump blindsided them in 2016 but no way they will allow that to ever happen again.
Posted by: gourmand du jour, now with 50% less content at November 28, 2022 02:35 PM (jTmQV)

I fear I'm starting to believe your second point. After all "they've" done so far , why would they allow this man to become President again?

But we're in a bind now. Millions will stay home if Trump is not on the ticket.

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:40 PM (mR6Gs)

230 Looking up how to spell Ilhan Omar's name I see the FNM is claiming that it has been proven she did not marry her brother.

The proof they site? She says it isn't true.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 28, 2022 02:40 PM (ESjRY)

231 186 I don't believe Trump is a racist or gives a damn about white supremecy.

I'm also largely ambivalent about Trump's prospects, as I always have been.

So I'm content to continue sitting out most of the outrage theatrics, especially as I'm increasingly coming around to the idea it probably matters far less than what kind of ballot harvesting mechanics are in place come election time.
Posted by: Kensington at November 28, 2022 02:34 PM (ihgAn)

I'm at the same place and have been since around 2017. I will vote for Trump if he is indicted or whatever, otherwise I will stay at home come November 2024 just as I did in November 2020. I also am taking a hard pass on any outrage theatre.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at November 28, 2022 02:40 PM (kJLpK)

232 It is all stupid people playing a stupid game. In summary, it is stupid.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Set the Earth to fire and reshape it closer to the heart's desire at November 28, 2022 02:40 PM (5fZeI)

233 I figure its a tribute to Juicy Smolliet
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor


Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 02:40 PM (JuZEe)

234 They'll only accept that their man is the one and only choice, and if you don't agree, well f*** you.

Posted by: Archimedes at November 28, 2022 02:37 PM (eOEVl)

You're generalizing. A lot of truly shitty things were said or implied about Trump supporters when he was first running. And not just by random commenters. It was a hassle to even be here.

It's part of the game. And I'm pissed now because I thought I made up DeSantocuck.

Posted by: ... at November 28, 2022 02:40 PM (ynQm9)

235 Is my hash problematic?

I figure its a tribute to Juicy Smolliet
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor

Is it (sbWy6)

Posted by: rickb223 at November 28, 2022 02:40 PM (H6Wmi)

236 209 As a follow on to comment #139…how could a white supremicist work for and praise Ye?

Right? Made no sense. I have never listened to Fuentes and have no baseline for him but he's described in "news" articles as a white supremacist and how does that work?

Posted by: Synova at November 28, 2022 02:40 PM (BD/yx)

237 What I'm seeing here is that the only-Trump crowd is willing to concede another 4 years to the Biden junta if Trump isn't the nominee. I hope it's just fervent support for what people believe is the candidate who will fight the hardest for real conservative principals. If Trump is all about winning, he can't be blindsided by things like this meeting that he admitted was a mistake.

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at November 28, 2022 02:40 PM (F5ekr)

238 232 It is all stupid people playing a stupid game. In summary, it is stupid.


Life, in a nutshell.

Posted by: The Fool at November 28, 2022 02:40 PM (1dzqn)

239 >>>That's a cheap shot. Do we have to declare our hate of Nazi's every time someone is called a white supremacist? I don't give a shit about Nick Fuentes or his idiotic beliefs, the discussion is about how much it really hurts Trump. I say it doesn't, claims of association with white supremacy is white noise at this point.

I got on my high horse. Sorry about that. But apart from the question of "do people care" *is* the question of, *objectively*, is it good to have a leader meeting with this kind of trash?

How many times have we trashed Democrats offering the "I was ignorant" excuse, saying, either he's lying or he's stupid? Neither of these options is good for Trump.

The left is really separating itself from the country by insisting that the public doesn't mind drag queens teaching kids about transgenderism. We are now at the same point, of insisting that the public "doesn't mind" a little white supremacy or Holocaust denial here or there. They do. And they think it's weird and bad.

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:40 PM (C1Zwz)

240 You'd think after several years of doing this political thing, Trump would stop making so many own goals.

Yet ....

Posted by: Bea Arthur's Dick at November 28, 2022 02:40 PM (TU8Tj)

241 "I don't trust the news anymore at all, so is Fuentes an actual Bad Guy?"

I don't know. He's very young. Could be an idiot. Could be a relatively harmless edgelord type. I truly don't know. I think Michelle Malkin has vouched for him on many occasions, though, and I don't tend to dismiss her perspective out-of-hand.

Posted by: Kensington at November 28, 2022 02:41 PM (ihgAn)

242 Maybe Trump thought the invite said "Daisy Fuentes"

Posted by: Remember the 90s? at November 28, 2022 02:41 PM (lO5WT)

243 The left: Donald Trump likes his jewish daughter TOO much!

Also the left: Obviously Donald Trump hates the jews!

Posted by: 18-1 at November 28, 2022 02:41 PM (ESjRY)

244 Don't care
Posted by: Jay Cutler at November 28, 2022 02:08 PM (wKi1F)

That's the point I am at. One anti-semitism is only used when it is politically expedient. The Dems have tons of them and their Jewish voters are more than happy to keep voting for them. They don't care so why should I? Next, who cares what the yahoo's believe. My grandmother didn't believe we landed on the moon. Unless they are doing something violent or truly illegal, so what. Finally, no one on the right stood up and said, "We don't like what Kanye said, but he shouldn't have his life ruined." Nope, they were all happy with cancel culture. The 1st Amendment only matters sometimes.

Addendum, let me know when the people decrying Kanye and Fuentes go with the same gusto after the anti-Christian, white male bigots.

Posted by: WiNO - Again Fortified with Fraud at November 28, 2022 02:41 PM (EpDzw)

245 More on the Elon - Apple battle:

(so far it's not a war)

Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2022 02:41 PM (dCxaZ)

246 Per TGP: Luzerne Co. PA is not certifying election results as of now. (Scranton, Wilkes Barre).

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at November 28, 2022 02:41 PM (DTZDT)

247 "principles"

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at November 28, 2022 02:41 PM (F5ekr)

248 That's a cheap shot. Do we have to declare our hate of Nazi's every time someone is called a white supremacist? I don't give a shit about Nick Fuentes or his idiotic beliefs, the discussion is about how much it really hurts Trump. I say it doesn't, claims of association with white supremacy is white noise at this point.
Posted by: lowandslow at November 28, 2022 02:36 PM (qH6FZ)

That fifteen minutes of hate is what binds the modern InSoc together to successfully combat EastAsia. So start screaming.

Posted by: Kindltot at November 28, 2022 02:41 PM (xhaym)

249 I would probably be more inclined to spit on DeFuentes if the left didn't have a bushel full of lunatics and idiots spewing at least as stupid or even more stupid crap every day. I mean, seriously.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 28, 2022 02:41 PM (cP/Ah)

250 Anyone saying "This stuff doesn't matter" doesn't recall that Trump LOST in 2020? You think maybe some people are just sick of him and stuff like this?
Posted by: Jason Mellman

Do you honestly believe the PedoJoe got 81 million votes?

Posted by: rickb223 at November 28, 2022 02:41 PM (H6Wmi)

251 242 Maybe Trump thought the invite said "Daisy Fuentes"


I can't read that name without hearing Dana Carvey's voice in my head.

Posted by: The Fool at November 28, 2022 02:41 PM (1dzqn)

252 actually decreases if he wins the presidency again because everyone knows for a fact that he'll no longer be holding office in four years.

Posted by: junior at November 28, 2022 02:39 PM (PTw5h)

It means he also doesn't have to worry about reelection.

But honestly it doesn't matter. They stole it from Trump and then they stole the Red Wave and they have not paid and never will pay for it. You can guess what happens next.

Posted by: ... at November 28, 2022 02:42 PM (ynQm9)

253 And still, not a whisper of impropriety from the biden administration.

Posted by: nurse ratched at November 28, 2022 02:42 PM (5jjnE)

254 227 no one on his staff, recognized the name Nick Fuentes?
Who is Nick Fuentes? I know of a Daisy Fuentes.

pretty much the same tbh

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:42 PM (C1Zwz)

255 This is something that would be expected to come up if and/or when DeSantis runs for president.

Personally, my single biggest issue with Trump right now is probably the fact that if he wins, he's a lame duck. A good chunk of Trump's power right now comes purely from the threat of him winning the next election. As odd as it sounds, in some ways his power actually decreases if he wins the presidency again because everyone knows for a fact that he'll no longer be holding office in four years.
Posted by: junior at November 28, 2022 02:39 PM (PTw5h)

At that point we should have MAGA heirs lined up and waiting to keep things going, or name Trump God-Emperor.

Posted by: Oldcat at November 28, 2022 02:42 PM (eoQWY)

256 This is loose shit
And it's 100% on Trump.
Because the bare minimum requires he fire the whole staff that allowed this.

Seriously, would the host of The Apprentice allow a contestant who spent the whole challenge telling racist jokes?
"But they're just jokes! And some people were laughing!"

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at November 28, 2022 02:42 PM (Su/C7)

257 Do you honestly believe the PedoJoe got 81 million votes?
Posted by: rickb223

Oh, I'm sure he got 81 million ballots.

Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 02:42 PM (JuZEe)

258 @225

>>Personally, my single biggest issue

My biggest single issue is there are literally only two guys on the GOP side in the entire f**king country worth even considering, and one of them is quite frankly, a lunatic, who I voted for, TWICE, and would gladly vote for again.

I'd vote for DeSantis as well and perhaps, Youngkin, but the pickings are getting extraordinarily thin.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 28, 2022 02:43 PM (up/3i)

259 *checks GPS*

I am still unmoved.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at November 28, 2022 02:43 PM (yQpMk)

260 This is not democrats vs republicans anymore. This is a war on the right. The GOP will attack any candidate even remotely MAGA. They will allow dems to win while telling us that it is imperative to vote for their chosen candidate. I could give a fuck less if the donks take the presidency, house and senate in 24. I want the GOP to die.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Set the Earth to fire and reshape it closer to the heart's desire at November 28, 2022 02:43 PM (5fZeI)

261 I doubt that anyone but the most whacky low information manbun lefty really believes that Trump met with these fringe people because he's some a closet white supremacist, anti-semetic old South democrat who wants to resurrect Jim Crow and force Jews into camps - starting with his own SIL and grandkids. So, what upsets York and others is down to the "optics" of it, maybe. But I even doubt that York, deep down, even cares about that. This is politics, played out by phonies who want their brand of POL in office and not yours - they're allowed to play that game and Trump shouldn't give them easy material - his failing is he doesn't care. But we can easily see what this is.

Posted by: Boswell at November 28, 2022 02:43 PM (+Cgut)

262 194 The answer is less than 10 cookies per oven per hour with just 15 ovens over a period of 5 years. So, totally plausible. And that's not counting shooting the cookies, working the cookies to death, bombing, starving, etc., etc. This Nick Fuentes guy does not seem very good a basic math...
Posted by: Angzarr the Cromulent at November 28, 2022 02:35 PM (S7une)

Yeah, the oven thing is stupid. Most of the victims were never in an oven... just mass graves.

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 28, 2022 02:43 PM (oHd/0)

263 I understand and realize a double standard exists for acceptable behavior and positions between Dems and Republicans. We can go over all the hypocrisies and BS the Dems say and do.

The fact is, a Republican presidential candidate MUST be beyond reproach and have no perceived issues or problems. The press and their ilk will hound and highlight any problems, and unfortunately the LIV will attach these problems to the candidate and refuse to vote for him/her.

Trump has this problem. There are so many people I know who, even though they agree with Trump on many issues, will NOT vote for him. They will cut off their nose to spite their face. They find him repulsive.

Republicans need to understand this. I voted for Trump twice and love him. But he had too much baggage and issues that make him electable to a large percentage of the electorate, mainly swing voters.

We have to face reality. Trump cannot win. Does not matter that he should win. He is radioactive.

Posted by: Czech Chick at November 28, 2022 02:43 PM (6Tc2R)

264 Pedo Joe got 81 million ballots.
Not votes.
It looks like that is how the game is played from now on.
Football outlawed the forward pass, once upon a time.

Posted by: gourmand du jour, now with 50% less content at November 28, 2022 02:43 PM (jTmQV)

265 Unless we do something about the way elections are held now, we will never again win the Presidency

Posted by: It's me donna at November 28, 2022 02:43 PM (bs+z0)

You think maybe some people are just sick of him and stuff like this?
Posted by: Jason Mellman at November 28, 2022 02:40 PM (xKGxx)


I'm saying I don't give a fuck and none of it matters.

Not Trump, or DeSantis, or Kanye, or Fuentes, or whomever, or your precious Party, or your precious elections, or anything else in this shell game.

It's all set, it won't be changing because of electoral politicking, and it's all going to play out how it plays out, and if whichever piece of political shit you happen to support over Trump wins or loses, it changes nothing. If they're winning, we're losing, end of story.

I hope that clarifies my "doesn't matter" position.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 28, 2022 02:44 PM (oINRc)

267 Wubba wubba wubba...

Posted by: Downtown Julie Brown at November 28, 2022 02:44 PM (flINI)

268 This is not democrats vs republicans anymore. This is a war on the right. The GOP will attack any candidate even remotely MAGA. They will allow dems to win while telling us that it is imperative to vote for their chosen candidate. I could give a fuck less if the donks take the presidency, house and senate in 24. I want the GOP to die.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Set the Earth to fire and reshape it closer to the heart's desire at November 28, 2022 02:43 PM (5fZeI)


Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 02:44 PM (JuZEe)

269 This is all about painting with a broad brush, and making sure the tar all sticks to Trump. It has nothing to do with what really took place, or what Trump may have thought was a good idea.

If you folks can't see through that, then I worry about the rest of your judgment concerning politics.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at November 28, 2022 02:44 PM (okGHj)

270 @167 i've always thought the exact same thing. All they had to do was keep stroking Trumps ego and they could continue their deep swamp business without any problem at all. But they pitched such a shit fit that he actually became president it erupted into this nonsense and actually exposed all of them. They just didn't have it in themselves to play him and then do whatever they want behind his back which I think would've been very possible

Posted by: keena at November 28, 2022 02:44 PM (RiTnx)

271 You're generalizing. A lot of truly shitty things were said or implied about Trump supporters when he was first running. And not just by random commenters. It was a hassle to even be here.

Not at all. I specifically referenced the people who say things like "it's my guy, or I'm staying home", and "anyone who criticizes my guy is a bad person". I have no patience for that kind of childishness.

It's part of the game. And I'm pissed now because I thought I made up DeSantocuck.

You can rest easy. I remembered that I was actually called a Cuckservative, not a DeSantocuck.

Posted by: Archimedes at November 28, 2022 02:44 PM (eOEVl)

272 my single biggest issue with Trump right now is probably the fact that if he wins, he's a lame duck. A good chunk of Trump's power right now comes purely from the threat of him winning the next election. As odd as it sounds, in some ways his power actually decreases if he wins the presidency again because everyone knows for a fact that he'll no longer be holding office in four years.
This is the best logical argument against him. The best logical fix, is Desantis as VP. THen you get 12 years. THis is why the POWERS want to create division between them and why they are pouring money on the fire. This is an op. And i haz the disappoints because you know who is in it up to his neck. But if its all futile anyway, hard to argue against cashing in on it.

Posted by: tell me why you like somebody better, not why you hate somebody at November 28, 2022 02:45 PM (fsOp0)

273 tcn!!

Well said.

Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 02:45 PM (JuZEe)

274 Let's not forget that Ye couldn't even keep his bitch in line. Family, children, and she's still a middle-aged stripper. How can you turn over the country to this fucking clown?

Give the guy a meal and listen to his ramblings.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at November 28, 2022 02:45 PM (geVLo)

275 Ace, A couple weeks ago or more you had a post and one of the items was a tweet by Molly Hemingway where she said how to get around the Wall Street Journal and New York Times Paywall. I thought I saved it but I didn't. Do any of you guys know what that is?

Posted by: keena at November 28, 2022 02:46 PM (RiTnx)

I got on my high horse. Sorry about that. But apart from the question of "do people care" *is* the question of, *objectively*, is it good to have a leader meeting with this kind of trash?

This is part of why we lose. Was meeting with this guy dumb? Yeah. Does it matter? No. Should we respond to this? Yeah with pictures of Biden molesting kids and excerpts from Ashley Biden's diary.

So we hold conservative leaders to a standard of don't do stupid stuff. Ever. Meanwhile the GOPe and the Dems are allowed to do anything...literally grope kids on national TV.

If we expect our leaders to be perfect we are never going to find one good enough. And again, I already think Trump has an issue with picking the people he associates with, but I'd rather talk about him selecting Pence or Scaramucci
for actual positions with political impact. Not who he was at a dinner with.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 28, 2022 02:46 PM (ESjRY)

277 There is *always* My Candidate or Nothing people. A lot of times it's just Primary talk.

But there will be people who mean it and there will equally be people that will only vote for DeSantis and not Trump.

It's called a vote, not a command, and it's their fucking prerogative, and says nothing larger about anything.

Posted by: ... at November 28, 2022 02:46 PM (BB877)

278 Balkanization started here befor it ever landed up in the Balkans.

Posted by: Eromero at November 28, 2022 02:46 PM (0OP+5)

279 I expect whoever is selected to run will show us the correct and acceptable way to lose with honor while maintaining our self respect.

Posted by: Kindltot at November 28, 2022 02:30 PM (xhaym)

Continuing to lose with dishonor is the way!

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at November 28, 2022 02:46 PM (CQ3Qb)

280 I won't vote for Desantis. Not because he wouldn't make a great president. He would be better than trump. But Ron is the chosen target of the GOPe. They think they can beat him, so the plan is to get MAGA to choose Ron over Don then go thermonuclear on Ron. He has a bright future, and a young family.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Set the Earth to fire and reshape it closer to the heart's desire at November 28, 2022 02:46 PM (5fZeI)

281 Daisy Fuentes. Yum!

Posted by: blaster at November 28, 2022 02:46 PM (pwExq)

282 The Desanto's got his eye on you.

Posted by: Quarter Twenty at November 28, 2022 02:46 PM (DhOHl)

283 This thread needs a deep deep chakra cleansing:

Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2022 02:46 PM (dCxaZ)

284 ace, meeting with "trash" is exactly why people who felt shut out of the political process for decades showed up en masse to vote for Trump in 2016. You don't have to like it, but this is a big part of Trump's appeal. He comes off as someone who doesn't look down on every single person like a Pelosi does. And I'm not against someone else. But anyone who wants to take him on needs to understand his advantages to beat him.

Posted by: Catherine at November 28, 2022 02:47 PM (4NDce)

I'd vote for DeSantis as well and perhaps, Youngkin, but the pickings are getting extraordinarily thin.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 28, 2022 02:43 PM (up/3i)

Trump/DeSantis would be unbeatable, Trump/Youngkin would work--so would (probably) DeSantis/Youngkin

Youngkin as head of the ticket would get smashed

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:47 PM (mR6Gs)

286 Let's not forget that Ye couldn't even keep his bitch in line. Family, children, and she's still a middle-aged stripper.

How can you turn over the country to this fucking clown?

We turned it over to Biden.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 28, 2022 02:47 PM (H6Wmi)

287 Ace, A couple weeks ago or more you had a post and one of the items was a tweet by Molly Hemingway where she said how to get around the Wall Street Journal and New York Times Paywall. I thought I saved it but I didn't. Do any of you guys know what that is?

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:47 PM (C1Zwz)

288 We have to face reality. Trump cannot win.
What if I told you . . . no one else can either?

Posted by: take the blue pill or the red pill at November 28, 2022 02:47 PM (fsOp0)

289 We are now at the same point, of insisting that the public "doesn't mind" a little white supremacy or Holocaust denial here or there. They do. And they think it's weird and bad.

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:40 PM (C1Zwz)

No, I think a lot of people are tired of the one way street. At some point people begin to get fed-up with you must denounce when your side does it. If our side does it it is fine. That's what you are seeing.

Posted by: WiNO - Again Fortified with Fraud at November 28, 2022 02:47 PM (EpDzw)

290 Ace, the problem is that Drag Queen promoters and pervert teachers want to molest your kids and convince them to chop off their genitals to be socially acceptable.

White Supremacist holocaust deniers generally want to be left alone and not be forced to participate in the current idiocy, where they can not be targeted by people who want to steal their children and force them to live among people who want them mostly so they have someone to beat and discriminate against.

Posted by: Kindltot at November 28, 2022 02:47 PM (xhaym)

291 My guess is, without knowing the guy or listening to a second of his podcast stuff, that DeFuentes is like Alex Jones who figures EVERYTHING is a conspiracy and we can trust nothing, so he latched on to the holocaust.

Is it possible that it was overblown? Yeah, maybe. A little? But it was clearly a horrific evil perpetrated against millions of people based on demented twisted pseudo-science and ancient racial hatred, so I don't really give a crap if it was overstated.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 28, 2022 02:48 PM (cP/Ah)

292 Posted by: keena at November 28, 2022 02:46 PM (RiTnx)

But it may be blacklisted by the NYT

Posted by: ... at November 28, 2022 02:48 PM (BB877)

293 >>>ace, meeting with "trash" is exactly why people who felt shut out of the political process for decades showed up en masse to vote for Trump in 2016. You don't have to like it, but this is a big part of Trump's appeal.

i understand that but we're now accepting Holocaust Deniers too? Are we accepting Nazis?

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:48 PM (C1Zwz)

294 It's all bread and circuses, and this circus seems a touch heavy on the clowns.

Pro wrestling is more reputable now.

Posted by: Brother Tim, still the worst commenter on the blog at November 28, 2022 02:48 PM (OUMaO)

295 "But apart from the question of "do people care" *is* the question of, *objectively*, is it good to have a leader meeting with this kind of trash?
How many times have we trashed Democrats offering the "I was ignorant" excuse, saying, either he's lying or he's stupid? Neither of these options is good for Trump."
Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:40 PM (C1Zwz)

Trump has an ego problem, we all know this. Trump has personnel problems, we all know this. Trump has lots of problems.
My bigger issue with him is his current positive association with Kevin McCarthy and the inept GOP congressional leadership.

Posted by: lowandslow at November 28, 2022 02:48 PM (qH6FZ)

296 After the midterms I hate to say it but were not gonna vote Our way out of this...
Posted by: It's me donna at November 28, 2022 02:37 PM (bs+z0)

You can't possibly when your vote is not counted.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 28, 2022 02:48 PM (Zz0t1)

297 Kanye and Fuentes with Trump. Who cares? I wouldn't care if they were in the same room as DeSantis, either.

I care far more about the fact that our Senate Minority Leader just withheld MILLIONs of Trump generated PAC money from America 1st(real) republican candidates the People in those states chose. Or, that the Republican National CORPORATION withdrew all financial and human resources from the fight in AZ.

Trump endorsed 235 and 219 won(93%). The real enemy is the UniParty. Please focus on this other than minor distractions.

Posted by: Danimal28 at November 28, 2022 02:48 PM (klw0w)

298 We turned it over to Biden.
"we" no we didn't. It wasn't us. It was "them".

Posted by: take the blue pill or the red pill at November 28, 2022 02:48 PM (fsOp0)

299 We turned it over to Biden.
Yeah, but he showers with his family.

Posted by: Puddinhead at November 28, 2022 02:49 PM (GKqIR)

300 I won't vote for Desantis. Not because he wouldn't make a great president. He would be better than trump. But Ron is the chosen target of the GOPe. They think they can beat him, so the plan is to get MAGA to choose Ron over Don then go thermonuclear on Ron. He has a bright future, and a young family.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Set the Earth to fire and reshape it closer to the heart's desire at November 28, 2022 02:46 PM (5fZeI)


GOP doesn't want DeSantis they want Youngkin....or worse.

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:49 PM (mR6Gs)

301 A lot of truly shitty things were said or implied about Trump supporters when he was first running. And not just by random commenters. It was a hassle to even be here.

I remember. I was here. I found it incomprehensible that people wanted Trump, given what we thought we knew at the time. I freely admitted my error later on. However, I never let it get personal.

Posted by: Archimedes at November 28, 2022 02:49 PM (eOEVl)

302 This might sound odd but Trumps problem appears to be a combination of ego and naivete. His ego is obvious as ace noted, but he entered government with a businessman s viewpoint. IN business when he wanted something he gave an order and it was done or someone got fired. He gave order In government and it went thru committees, or got stuck in the bureaucracy. Here His ego and naivete said "Kanye wouldn't dare play me" He failed to consider that
Kanye is a loon who has zero impulse control and it blew up in his face. He should have had a gatekeeper but ego said "no need"

Posted by: Smell the Glove at November 28, 2022 02:49 PM (W1h4/)

303 Trump has this problem. There are so many people I know who, even though they agree with Trump on many issues, will NOT vote for him. They will cut off their nose to spite their face. They find him repulsive.

We have to face reality. Trump cannot win. Does not matter that he should win. He is radioactive.
Posted by: Czech Chick at November 28, 2022 02:43 PM (6Tc2R)

Another reality to face is that there are other millions who have only voted Republican because of and for Trump. Not anyone else. They don't trust the other GOP and especially GOPe.

So who wins this tug of war?

Posted by: Oldcat at November 28, 2022 02:49 PM (eoQWY)

304 Over the weekend I read a book about the 2020 election: The Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deception : Evidence of Massive Election Fraud in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.

What went on there was repeated in every single state. The authors' suit is still pending.

I understand it was much worse in 2024. They filed for the 2024 election and were given a 9-hour evidentiary after which the hack judge tossed the suit.

Also turns out that Doug Mastriano was a rat - he had no intention of investigating voter fraud. I went to see him during the campaign and he skeeved me out - there was something creepy about him.

Anyway, elections no longer matter, and it's not just the Dems.

Posted by: jeannebodine at November 28, 2022 02:49 PM (ddFzi)

305 Thx ace!

Posted by: keena at November 28, 2022 02:49 PM (RiTnx)

306 Meh. It is an op
And no one cares other than NRO types

Posted by: Ex-GOP at November 28, 2022 02:49 PM (YTBIQ)

307 pretty much the same tbh
Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:42 PM (C1Zwz)

The whole trio would set off alarm bells at Creekmore - and lots of pols meet and greet with these types of insane people - you look at your normal self in the mirror and say, I could never get a private dinner meeting with a former President, but these three loony-toons get one? It's frustrating to see.

But fame, fortune and politics is just plain weird - on all sides of the ideological perspective.

Posted by: Boswell at November 28, 2022 02:49 PM (+Cgut)

308 Media political discourse is just insane. "White supremacists" ally with black rappers, and also just hapoen to be Latino. Meanwhile, the non-racist civil rights equality leaders openly say "all white people are evil", while the rebellious counterculture are backed by all the biggest corporations and support the 80 year old lifetime pols in DC.

Posted by: azjaeger at November 28, 2022 02:50 PM (Cpn9g)

309 5 years ago, Trump would have found a way to turn this on the Democrats.

But his playbook is tired and worn out.

I recall often the story of his initial campaign, just him in an empty boardroom firing off tweets. And he was dead in the water.

That's Trump now, just firing off hollow missives in random directions. Aimless, spent,... sad.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at November 28, 2022 02:50 PM (Su/C7)

310 280 I won't vote for Desantis. Not because he wouldn't make a great president. He would be better than trump. But Ron is the chosen target of the GOPe. They think they can beat him, so the plan is to get MAGA to choose Ron over Don then go thermonuclear on Ron. He has a bright future, and a young family.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Set the Earth to fire and reshape it closer to the heart's desire at November 28, 2022 02:46 PM (5fZeI)

While it doesn't matter to me at all, I suspect you are correct. Youngkin is relaxed and ready. Anyone who cannot see this is...special.

We should just cut to the chase and allow the National Security State to publicly announce who we can and cannot choose. It happens now with fortified elections as a backstop. This is a totalitarian police state. Drop the kabuki.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at November 28, 2022 02:50 PM (kJLpK)

311 Let's not forget that Ye couldn't even keep his bitch in line. Family, children, and she's still a middle-aged stripper. How can you turn over the country to this fucking clown?

Yeah his wife is a huge-assed whore, his kids are a disaster, and he's out of his freaking mind. Someone like that is going to be right once in a while, but there's a good reason the Bible says that you cannot be an elder if you cannot keep your family in line.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 28, 2022 02:50 PM (cP/Ah)

312 Good news: we're not circling the drain.

Bad news: we're in the pipe system.

Posted by: I Mean at November 28, 2022 02:50 PM (bzIRf)

313 The fact is, a Republican presidential candidate MUST be beyond reproach and have no perceived issues or problems.

And that person doesn't exist. What is the solution?

Posted by: ... at November 28, 2022 02:50 PM (BB877)

314 Trump met with the En Fuego guy?

Posted by: not really paying attention at November 28, 2022 02:51 PM (h5TKJ)

315 Fuentes is trying to be cute.
There's no minimizing what happened in Europe or Asia 80+- years ago. It didn't stop then either. It continues today.

The banality of evil is what gives these creatures room to maneuver, both in real time and their historical romancing.

Posted by: torabora at November 28, 2022 02:51 PM (n8jTi)

316 What is up with all these "Ad Choices" windows covering up all the pages real-estate?
Now there are three of them and I cant ever read a damn article without juking around them.

Posted by: TSgt Ciz at November 28, 2022 02:51 PM (WBco+)

317 This "story" is the biggest nothingburger except to those who either hate Trump or who have decided to support DeSantis (Ace). Nick Fuentes? Is he related to Daisy? Never heard of him but he must be Really. Really. Bad. Or something. Meanwhile, the destruction of the nation continues apace.

Posted by: Mookie at November 28, 2022 02:51 PM (u+Y3T)

318 246 Per TGP: Luzerne Co. PA is not certifying election results as of now. (Scranton, Wilkes Barre).

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at November 28, 2022 02:41 PM (DTZDT)

Is this going to affect anything, like the demorats taking control of the house?

Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2022 02:51 PM (dCxaZ)

319 But there will be people who mean it and there will equally be people that will only vote for DeSantis and not Trump.

You say that, but the evidence says otherwise.

Posted by: Archimedes at November 28, 2022 02:51 PM (eOEVl)

320 Kanye should stick with humping big butts.

Posted by: wth at November 28, 2022 02:51 PM (v0R5T)

While it doesn't matter to me at all, I suspect you are correct. Youngkin is relaxed and ready. Anyone who cannot see this is...special

He's also very quiet.

How can people not see this is what the GOPe wants?

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:51 PM (mR6Gs)

322 i assume west asked for it and I will take Trump's word for it that he didn't know who Fuentes was. but no one at Mar-a-Lago, no one on his staff, recognized the name Nick Fuentes? Does Trump have zero competent people working for him now?

What would his presidential staff consist of?

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:24 PM (C1Zwz)

Anyone with even a passing, cursory knowledge of the far-Right knows who and what Fuentes is. But to your point, no, Trump does not have competent people on his staff. That's almost a given at this point. Trump prizes loyalty, as US Grant did, and as a result gets both disloyalty and incompetence, as US Grant did.

Posted by: troyriser at November 28, 2022 02:51 PM (kDxLa)

323 >>>
Trump has this problem. There are so many people I know who, even though they agree with Trump on many issues, will NOT vote for him. They will cut off their nose to spite their face. They find him repulsive.

Republicans need to understand this. I voted for Trump twice and love him. But he had too much baggage and issues that make him electable to a large percentage of the electorate, mainly swing voters.

We have to face reality. Trump cannot win. Does not matter that he should win. He is radioactive.


agreed. And I'd say that Trump is only responsible for 40% of his radioactivity, and 60% is bullshit, but he's still got that on him, and he needs to AT LEAST stop accumulating FRESH radioactivity and maybe, maybe even start de-radioactifying himself.

But... no, of course not, just more radioactivity.

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:51 PM (C1Zwz)

We have to face reality. Trump cannot win.


Sure. And neither can anyone else, if "winning a political campaign" is winning.

Can't win if he loses the race, and can't win if he wins the race.

It's like nobody even saw 2015-2020 happen, to hear people talk about this silly fuckin' static.

Winning won't be happening in the ballot box, as long as the (R)enfield Party is a thing. Even with a real Party, it's a long shot. Moose out front shoulda told ya.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 28, 2022 02:52 PM (oINRc)

325 @299 Did anyone see the picture on twitter of Biden standing right outside a window, creepin on 2 little girls in Nantucket?

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at November 28, 2022 02:52 PM (F5ekr)

326 If I met this country at a bar at 2 am

I would go home alone

Posted by: REDACTED at November 28, 2022 02:52 PM (us2H3)

327 What is up with all these "Ad Choices" windows covering up all the pages real-estate?
Now there are three of them and I cant ever read a damn article without juking around them.
Posted by: TSgt Ciz at November 28, 2022 02:51 PM (WBco+)

It is annoying

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:52 PM (mR6Gs)

328 After the midterms I hate to say it but were not gonna vote Our way out of this...

That's been clear since 2018's "vote harvesting" experiment. I'm tired of the endless excuses for why each time it was some special circumstances that will never be repeated next time, for three national elections in a row.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 28, 2022 02:52 PM (cP/Ah)

329 >>>Anyone with even a passing, cursory knowledge of the far-Right knows who and what Fuentes is. But to your point, no, Trump does not have competent people on his staff. That's almost a given at this point. Trump prizes loyalty, as US Grant did, and as a result gets both disloyalty and incompetence, as US Grant did.

i wish I was a Civil War buff so I could appreciate that.

Posted by: ace costanza at November 28, 2022 02:52 PM (C1Zwz)

330 Does not matter though since federal elections are rigged.
Posted by: Glenn John at November 28, 2022 02

What am I? Chopped liver?

Posted by: Arizona Elections at November 28, 2022 02:52 PM (n8jTi)

331 i understand that but we're now accepting Holocaust Deniers too? Are we accepting Nazis?
Posted by: ace
Again, is he a nazi? a denier in total or just a diminisher? So far it seems he is a diminisher. So is Ilan Omar or whatever her fcukin name is. I mean if he's an actual nazi - is he like giving the salute or wearing a swastika or something? Handing out autographed copies of mein Kampf? Where is this long and definitive history of this nobody's thoughts on the "master race". I mean you could get sued if you are wrong.

Posted by: really? at November 28, 2022 02:52 PM (zjT1r)

332 I am available you know...

Posted by: Jeb! at November 28, 2022 02:53 PM (flINI)

333 I am confused that a man named Fuentes is championing the white race.

My life will not be enhanced about learning the details of who he is or how that came to happen.

Posted by: Oschisms at November 28, 2022 02:53 PM (0A5+1)

334 It occurs to me that if Fuentes did not exist, the Left would have had to invent him.

Posted by: MartynWW at November 28, 2022 02:53 PM (Ur3df)

335 This kinda reminds me of the kerfuffle over Reagan going to Bitberg.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 28, 2022 02:53 PM (Ckeav)

336 I am skeptical that Kanye and DeFuentes are going to resonate with the public because they think Kanye is a daffy musician and have no clue who the other dude is, so this isn't going to sink or help anyone. Its all just noise anyway.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 28, 2022 02:53 PM (cP/Ah)

337 256 This is loose shit
And it's 100% on Trump.
Because the bare minimum requires he fire the whole staff that allowed this.

The more that I think about this the more I think the assumption that unless one shriek and leap backward while clutching pearls that any contact between people is approval or common-cause is the majority of the problem.

It's like third grade cooties or something.

Posted by: Synova at November 28, 2022 02:53 PM (BD/yx)

338 12 Yeah, Trump fucked up and he has to stop allowing weasels like Ye near him
That said, Byron York has been talking about this all weekend and I just don't think it has legs.

Biden is surrounded by sleaze, but that's okay, they're Washington Sleaze
Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:09 PM (mR6Gs)

I keep seeing this point being made and, yes, if we lived in completely fair world, Democrats would also get punished for hanging out with bad people. We don't live in that world. We live in a world where all the cultural levers of power are held by the left. We have to be perfect, they get to be barely sentient. We can either whine about that and lose, or train ourselves to be leaner and smarter.

Posted by: Lamont Cranston at November 28, 2022 02:53 PM (NVVQz)

339 The folks calling Trump a Nazi are the same ones supporting real Nazis in Ukraine.

Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 02:54 PM (JuZEe)

340 I'm tired of the endless excuses for why each time it was some special circumstances that will never be repeated next time, for three national elections in a row.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 28, 2022 02:52 PM (cP/Ah)


Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at November 28, 2022 02:54 PM (Kd4bG)

341 We are now at the same point, of insisting that the public "doesn't mind" a little white supremacy or Holocaust denial here or there

For the record, the current president is a Dixiecrat on record ranting about black people who has not only had dinners with a who is who of American racist leaders but openly worked with them.

The public does not mind.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 28, 2022 02:54 PM (ESjRY)

342 Oh, we're starting the Trump/DeSantis wars again? Oh, goody! Catch you later.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 28, 2022 02:54 PM (vH/6k)

343 Never heard of him but he must be Really. Really. Bad. Or something. Meanwhile, the destruction of the nation continues apace.

yeah, this fuentes kanye shit is just the distracting shiny object when the real outrage is the demonrats getting the control of PA house for the first time in a century because the demorats know how to win. And part of their winning strategy is REDISTRICTING.

Ballot harvesting and vote manufacturing/stealing are just two of the many tactics they deploy successfully.
they got lots more in their bag o' tricks

Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2022 02:54 PM (dCxaZ)

344 i understand that but we're now accepting Holocaust Deniers too? Are we accepting Nazis?
Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:48 PM (C1Zwz)

I think you are exaggerating a wee bit here. There seem to be very vocal types both in the Dem and Republican sides, and generally only the Dems seem to accept them as fairly mainstream. The Dems claim they are a small minority, and in the Republicans where they are the smallest minority, they are treated as the greatest existential crisis evar.

However, what is the alternative? Rounding them up into camps?
I don't think that is an acceptable solution

Posted by: Kindltot at November 28, 2022 02:54 PM (xhaym)

345 How can people not see this is what the GOPe wants?
Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:51 PM (mR6Gs)

Infantilism, which I totally understand at some level. Who wants to live in a police state?

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at November 28, 2022 02:55 PM (kJLpK)

346 It's like third grade cooties or something.

Cooties are not to be minimized. Well, until puberty hits. Then you are assiduous in seeking them out.

Posted by: Archimedes at November 28, 2022 02:55 PM (eOEVl)

347 If Trump is the nominee in 24 , Ima votin’ for him for the 3rd time. Now that that is out of the way, some of his judgement really sucks.

Posted by: kraken at November 28, 2022 02:55 PM (Vr12I)

348 @324

>>Moose out front shoulda told ya.

Oh no, DeSantis is dreamy and sh*t and will get those Democrat Ballots in PA, GA, AZ, WI, MI, NV, NM, etc. tabulated for him, for sure.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 28, 2022 02:55 PM (up/3i)

349 when you're at an auction and your competitor is chasing a loser

make sure you don't buy the loser but make sure your foe pays the max for the loser

it is a fine art and not for the faint of heart

Posted by: REDACTED at November 28, 2022 02:55 PM (us2H3)

350 Idk but Fuentes smells like a op to me. Unfortunately, Trump stepped in it because he either doesn't have the right people advising him or he thinks he knows better or both.

Posted by: keena at November 28, 2022 02:55 PM (RiTnx)

The folks calling Trump a Nazi are the same ones supporting real Nazis in Ukraine.
Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 02:54 PM (JuZEe)

LOL, and true. I think the Uniparty has more-or-less forsaken their bullshit moralizing about Nazis at this point, over a money-laundry in Eastern Europe.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 28, 2022 02:55 PM (oINRc)

352 The fact is, a Republican presidential candidate MUST be beyond reproach and have no perceived issues or problems.

Good luck with that.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at November 28, 2022 02:55 PM (Xrfse)

353 This largely goes to show that the media still dictates what we care about and who we elect on the right.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 28, 2022 02:55 PM (Zz0t1)

354 Oh for God sakes the whole thing is BS. Ace had a bro crush on the bought amd paid for Saint DeSantis.

As always they make everything bigger about President Trump

Trump is Israel’s best friend amd his freaking daughter is Jewish. I belt he honestly wanted to help Ye, it’s who he is. He thought Ye was a friend. Apparent not. He is troubled and we all know this.

How about those little cuties in Congress that can’t stop stomping on Israel
Amd the Jews?


Posted by: Gonzotx at November 28, 2022 02:55 PM (t4poC)

355 Anyone with even a passing, cursory knowledge of the far-Right knows who and what Fuentes is
I say this without sarcasm or snark . . . just how big do you imagine this body of scholars to be? "far-Right" is a made up term applied by yellow journalists to smear high school kids. How big do you imagine this audience to be? There are like twelve actual members of the KKK, and 12000 informants.

Posted by: really? at November 28, 2022 02:55 PM (kBsCT)

356 The folks calling Trump a Nazi are the same ones supporting real Nazis in Ukraine.

Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 02:54 PM (JuZEe)

There it is.

Posted by: ... at November 28, 2022 02:55 PM (BB877)

357 American voters are chickenshit.
(Myself included)

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at November 28, 2022 02:55 PM (Kd4bG)

358 Ok, it's settled

Trump CAN'T ---or won't be allowed to win

DeSantis--will be destroyed by the media, Democrats and RINOS as NeverTrump morphs into NeverRon

Youngkin IS a RINO and WILL lose---as he will be taking GOP consultant advice to go after the "independents."

Why don't we just let the Media tell us who our candidate will be?

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:56 PM (mR6Gs)

We have to face reality. Trump cannot win. Does not matter that he should win. He is radioactive.

You mean, like he "didnt" win - in a landslide - in 2020? Yeah, OK.

Also #1: Go to a Trump rally, any Trump rally. Tell me with a straight face DeSantis will get 25% of that crowd? Or any of its enthusiasm?

Also #2: DeSantis does have some strong multimillion $$$ backing from elements of the conservative grifters club. He will owe them. For all his good in FL, I see too big a risk for a sellout on the big stage.

It's early. Maybe he ditches the grifters and becomes Trump without the so-called (yet landslide-winning) "radioactivity"

Posted by: Mookie at November 28, 2022 02:56 PM (u+Y3T)

360 I voted for Ted Cruz in the primary. Then I voted for Donald Trump. Twice. And he was elected twice, only the second election was stolen. I'd vote for President Trump again.

Posted by: Eromero at November 28, 2022 02:56 PM (0OP+5)

361 Let's pretend Kanye isn't a raving bipolar and doesn't like Jews. Even that doesn't make him an advocate of death camps, slave labor and world domination. That's more like Schwab who the politicians adore.
Never heard of Fuentes. At worst he's an Eric Hunt wannabe. A cipher an asshole. I suspect he's an op, abpaid agitator based on his bitcoin donations from abroad.

Posted by: CN at November 28, 2022 02:56 PM (UHQP6)

362 149 Guilt by association has never held a lot of weight with me, unless you make it clear how you agree with them or it keeps being a pattern. showing up at a dinner with a couple aholes? Eh.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 28, 2022 02:29 PM (cP/Ah)

Posted by: Elric Blade


There is also the question of competence.

Posted by: ace costanza at November 28, 2022 02:56 PM (C1Zwz)

363 Whatever.

Trump's four years in office vs Joey's 50+ years.

Trump wins.

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 28, 2022 02:57 PM (sgNQB)

364 can't believe people push this crap.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November

Oh, I can.

Posted by: Mayor Pete at November 28, 2022 02:57 PM (n8jTi)

365 i wish I was a Civil War buff so I could appreciate that.

Posted by: ace costanza at November 28, 2022 02:52 PM (C1Zwz)

US Grant got Gen. Lee to surrender and then Grant became POTUS.

Posted by: kallisto, bringing the ACW knowledge at November 28, 2022 02:57 PM (dCxaZ)

366 ace, people do see the double standard. They also remember the one president that did what he could to keep his promises rather than abandon them with their Oath. It's not "accepting nazis," because Trump is not one. If we care whom a candidate or president has a meal next to, how do you have a meeting with Xi Jinping?

Trump inspires loyalty in those who are often despised because of their lot in life or chosen occupation because he doesn't look down on them, and giving people like Ye an audience is part of that.

Posted by: Catherine at November 28, 2022 02:57 PM (fBkft)

367 Trump cannot win because the Republican candidate in 2022 needs to utterly trounces and destroy Biden.

We know the Fems will go big with ballot harvesting, fraud and other shenanigans.

The only way to get the country back on track is to get a solid conservative in there and the way to do that is to win by 10 points. Trump has high negatives which will not go away in 18 months.
There are too many LIVs who want someone without the baggage. I wish Trump made better choices, but here we are.

Posted by: Czech Chick at November 28, 2022 02:57 PM (6Tc2R)

368 Anyone with even a passing, cursory knowledge of the far-Right knows who and what Fuentes is. But to your point, no, Trump does not have competent people on his staff. That's almost a given at this point. Trump prizes loyalty, as US Grant did, and as a result gets both disloyalty and incompetence, as US Grant did.

i wish I was a Civil War buff so I could appreciate that.
Posted by: ace costanza at November 28, 2022 02:52 PM (C1Zwz)

After the Civil War and Presidency Grant was bankrupted by "friends" investments and was dying of throat cancer. He raced death writing his memoirs so his family would have funds for the future which were published by Mark Twain with a 70 percent royalty going to Grant - an unheard of share. He finished the book and died 5 days later.

Posted by: Oldcat at November 28, 2022 02:57 PM (eoQWY)

369 Is it just me or is the campaign rancor starting early? I mean, we have one declared candidate and the first caucus is in January of 2024.

You guys are gonna burn out.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at November 28, 2022 02:57 PM (yQpMk)

370 LOL, and true. I think the Uniparty has more-or-less forsaken their bullshit moralizing about Nazis at this point, over a money-laundry in Eastern Europe.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 28, 2022 02:55 PM (oINRc)

This is situationally true. It also will be interesting to watch the platitudes go out the window if Xi actually gets deposed and his successors decide to keep all of the shiny, nice things Apple and Amazon and whoever have in China.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at November 28, 2022 02:58 PM (kJLpK)

371 358

Why don't we just let the Media tell us who our candidate will be?
Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 02:56 PM (mR6Gs)

Eggs McMullet or Mittens Romney it is then!!

Posted by: kraken at November 28, 2022 02:58 PM (Vr12I)

372 Has there ever been a Holocaust denier that didn't hate the Jews? Realistically, the two traditionally go together. Kind of like the unofficial Muslim take on the Holocaust: it didn't happen but boy did they deserve it. It seems like special pleading to say the least to suppose that Fuentes is this rare creature who bears The Tribe no ill will but just has questions about the veracity of the historical record.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at November 28, 2022 02:58 PM (ppBhU)

373 Now that that is out of the way, some of his judgement really sucks.

Sure it does. That has never changed. Yet he won twice, the second time by a larger margin. And while the state will steal the 2024 election, who do you trust to fight it? Trump or any establishment candidate? I know who I want.

Posted by: Mookie at November 28, 2022 02:58 PM (u+Y3T)

374 >>>However, what is the alternative? Rounding them up into camps?

Is the only alternative to our presidential candidates refusing to dine or meet with them "rounding them up into camps"? It's one or the other, you reckon?

Posted by: ace costanza at November 28, 2022 02:58 PM (C1Zwz)

375 The fact is, a Republican presidential candidate MUST be beyond reproach and have no perceived issues or problems.

When Romneycare was the standard bearer they told me he was literally Hitler because he put a dog on the roof of his car, cut some kid's hair as some sort of hazing incident, and apparently has the ability to give people cancer.

When Shrub was the standard bearer they told me he was literally Hitler because he was a former alcoholic with two daugther that went drinking...underage!

And so on. No one is perfect.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 28, 2022 02:58 PM (ESjRY)

376 The GOP in 2028: Oh my goodness, they ran the same playbook on Desantis as they did on Trump! It didn't even matter that they were distinctly different personalities? Who could have seen this coming?


Posted by: Bourbonchicken at November 28, 2022 02:59 PM (44ww/)

377 kallisto, did you see my comment AT 304?

Posted by: jeannebodine at November 28, 2022 02:59 PM (ddFzi)

378 Also - doubtful that any real Nazis would show up for meeting with his friends who are 1) a gay guy and 2) a black power rapper. They may all be anti-semitic loons, but they do seem to be non-racial, non-homophobic anti-semitic loons. Not sure how those fit together or if it even helps - but Nazis sure seem to have softened up a bit since my great Uncle fought them.

Posted by: Boswell at November 28, 2022 02:59 PM (+Cgut)

379 Why don't we just let the Media tell us who our candidate will be?

"the guy who the Democrat beats"

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 28, 2022 02:59 PM (cP/Ah)

380 The only way to get the country back on track is to get a solid conservative in there and the way to do that is to win by 10 points. Trump has high negatives which will not go away in 18 months.
There are too many LIVs who want someone without the baggage. I wish Trump made better choices, but here we are.
Posted by: Czech Chick

And that would be???

Posted by: rickb223 at November 28, 2022 02:59 PM (H6Wmi)

381 Tell me how, after years of the "fine people " smear-- even accounting for it being 1,000% bullshit-- Trump doesn't have 3 people who's full-time job is "Image Protection?"

Oh, right. The Cheep-ass Billionaire; I'm a better campaign consultant than my campaign manager, a better speech writer than my speech writer, a better lawyer than my lawyer, and on and on--- never spend a dime hiring actual seasoned, ruthless professionals.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at November 28, 2022 02:59 PM (Su/C7)

382 @375

>>And so on. No one is perfect.

Didn't one of the GOP candidates have a racist rock or something in their past.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 28, 2022 02:59 PM (up/3i)

383 This is the very reason I don't want Trump as our candidate.

He makes the same mistakes. Over and over again.

Posted by: nurse ratched at November 28, 2022 03:00 PM (HmAPM)

384 369 Is it just me or is the campaign rancor starting early? I mean, we have one declared candidate and the first caucus is in January of 2024.

You guys are gonna burn out.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at November 28, 2022 02:57 PM (yQpMk)

Never too early for rancor, bile, and vituperation at the HQ!!! Still a little soon for Anathemas though.

Posted by: kraken at November 28, 2022 03:00 PM (Vr12I)

385 Creepy fucker Fuentes looks like Ben Shapiro's younger brother.

Posted by: mr tmz at November 28, 2022 03:00 PM (rJ48h)

386 More on the Elon - Apple battle:

Also, Apple is working on electric vehicles.

Posted by: Diesel Jones, Biologist to the Stars at November 28, 2022 03:00 PM (Vu7A1)

387 382 Didn't one of the GOP candidates have a racist rock or something in their past.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 28, 2022 02:59 PM (up/3i)


Rick Perry was adjacent to a racist rock for a day once.

Obviously, Rick Perry is the devil.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, navigating a corrupt and violent world with Clint Eastwood at November 28, 2022 03:00 PM (LvTSG)

388 I keep seeing this point being made and, yes, if we lived in completely fair world, Democrats would also get punished for hanging out with bad people. We don't live in that world. We live in a world where all the cultural levers of power are held by the left. We have to be perfect, they get to be barely sentient. We can either whine about that and lose, or train ourselves to be leaner and smarter.

Posted by: Lamont Cranston at November 28, 2022 02:53 PM (NVVQz)

Well if the rule is "we have to be perfect or we lose" then we lose. Period. No sway no change no way.

We. Lose.

So don't accept it and stop punishing our side because the Dems and the FNM tells us we are less that perfect.

Posted by: Kindltot at November 28, 2022 03:00 PM (xhaym)

There is also the question of competence.

Posted by: ace costanza at November 28, 2022 02:56 PM (C1Zwz)

Trump agreed to meet with Kanye because they're 'friends.' They worked together during Trump's administration and Trump worked with Kanye's wife for some prison reform. It worked out.

Trump was not going to turn Kanye away regardless of who he showed up with at his door.

I think fanning the flames of this as something other than Trump meeting with Kanye is feeding the leftwing media fantasy that Trump is some white supremacist racist hate monger........

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 28, 2022 03:00 PM (Zz0t1)

390 We live in a world where all the cultural levers of power are held by the left. We have to be perfect, they get to be barely sentient.
Sit down, this is going to be hard to hear. If your premise is correct and all the levers of power are held by the left - whether or not "we" are objectively perfect doesn't matter. The ones with the power make the rules. Also, of small note, perfection is not obtainable. This is why the old saying exists, Perfect, is the enemy of the good. You are in denial. You are in denial of the very premises you embrace. Denial is not a plan, see for example McCain and Romney.

Posted by: really? at November 28, 2022 03:01 PM (xKidP)

391 We really really really have to put a moratorium on Trump vs DeathSantis arguing and bickering. It's only helping our political enemies, which I believe is the whole point of all these ops. It's also pointless at this point since only Trump has announced his candidacy. There will be time enough for all this if and when DS announces he's running.

Posted by: Elric Blade at November 28, 2022 03:01 PM (iFTx/)

392 377 kallisto, did you see my comment AT 304?

Posted by: jeannebodine at November 28, 2022 02:59 PM (ddFzi)

Jeanne, thanks for that. I would like to read that, where do I get it?

Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2022 03:01 PM (dCxaZ)

393 Oh no! We've lost (checks notes)... Byron York! It's over man...

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at November 28, 2022 03:01 PM (flINI)

394 What's wrong with loyalty?

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at November 28, 2022 03:01 PM (Kd4bG)

395 This does smell like Fuentes was an op. Much like the Spencer guy and his "unite the right "rally in Charlottesville seemed like an op. Anybody hear from Spencer lately? Trumps choice of gatekeeper was as good as some of his cabinet choices

Posted by: Smell the Glove at November 28, 2022 03:01 PM (W1h4/)

396 Sounds like Joey will be calling his people in Scranton to help the board of elections come to their sense$.

Posted by: micky at November 28, 2022 03:01 PM (3byMq)

397 I think fanning the flames of this as something other than Trump meeting with Kanye is feeding the leftwing media fantasy that Trump is some white supremacist racist hate monger........
The billionaires get what they pay for.

Posted by: really? at November 28, 2022 03:01 PM (xKidP)

398 You know... can't remember any story EVER of who the Bush's, or Obumas, or Carters, had dinner with once they left office.

Couple stories of Obuma's huge parties... but the media has Trump living in their heads 24/7. Constant deluge of anti Trump stories every single day.

We have two major problems in this country IMO... two things DRIVING every other problem... our Government is too Large, and our Media is too biased.

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 28, 2022 03:01 PM (oHd/0)

399 Looking at the modern world you've got nominally Jewish Soros working with people like Schwab who is the direct ideological descendant of the NAZIs (and apparently a literal one as well)

Does make you wonder how Neo-NAZIs square that circle. But...after reading ZH comments I don't think they actually do think...

Posted by: 18-1 at November 28, 2022 03:02 PM (ESjRY)

400 It's interesting how we're all fighting about this but the Democrats just vote for WHOEVER is put in front of them with a (D) by their name

I'll say what hasn't been said on this thread---Trump would win in a walk if the GOP got behind him

We can talk all day long about how Trump repulses many people, but the bottom line is he wins IF we acted like Democrats and just voted the (R)---like the GOPe always expected us to do.....until it came to trump.

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 03:02 PM (mR6Gs)

401 >>>ace, people do see the double standard. They also remember the one president that did what he could to keep his promises rather than abandon them with their Oath. It's not "accepting nazis," because Trump is not one. If we care whom a candidate or president has a meal next to, how do you have a meeting with Xi Jinping?

i'm not saying Trump is a nazi, i'm saying that the argument that we shouldn't exclude "trash" must have limits, unless we're ready to just start signing up actual Nazis and open white supremacists as Republicans.

Trump himself concedes he should not have met with Fuentes. It's only some of his stronger supporters who seem to be arguing against that.

I have lost all confidence in him. He has no discipline or organizational ability. He has no internal warning light. He doesn't check things. He cannot see a single move ahead.

Posted by: ace costanza at November 28, 2022 03:02 PM (C1Zwz)

402 should be shot down by the entire conservative movement.

I'm going with ignore entirely unless there's a joke to be made.

Posted by: DaveA at November 28, 2022 03:02 PM (FhXTo)

403 What's wrong with loyalty?

Nothing, except it's an empty word for most people nowadays.

Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 03:02 PM (JuZEe)

404 There will be time enough for all this if and when DS announces he's running.

Fair enough, but hard to do in the face of lame hit pieces on Trump by announced DeathSantis supporters...

Posted by: Mookie at November 28, 2022 03:02 PM (u+Y3T)

405 Luzerne Co. PA is not certifying election results as of now. (Scranton, Wilkes Barre).

Wilkes-Barre and Hazelton.

Posted by: t-bird at November 28, 2022 03:03 PM (CaJIi)

You guys had five years of a wave election from the Right falling victim to a slow-rolling coup d'etat, from endless investigations, to two (or three, but who's counting) phony impeachments, to the GOP throwing a midterm and shooting down *their own professed agenda in its entirety,* and then capping it off by acquiescing to a stolen election.

And yet I'm still hearing this "but muh politicz iz gunna save muh this 'n' that" stuff.

It's fuckin' bizarre.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 28, 2022 03:03 PM (oINRc)

407 394 What's wrong with loyalty?
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at November 28, 2022 03:01 PM (Kd4bG)

Nothing is wrong with loyalty. It's just Trump's "friends" stab him in the back over and over again. This is example #1497.

Posted by: Nova local at November 28, 2022 03:03 PM (exHjb)

408 Ace thinks he's doing a good and honest thing by elucidating his longstanding fears about and problems with Trump.

Trump will be the nominee and at that point I'm assuming ace will dispense with the to be fairs and reluctantly support him because the alternative is so unbelievable.

In the meantime its going to be a bumpy ride.

Posted by: ... at November 28, 2022 03:03 PM (BB877)

409 How many votes for president did Byron York receive?

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 28, 2022 03:03 PM (lf83v)

410 395. He's an op from start to finish. Eric Hunt was a real Hitler devotee. Didn't get nearly as much press even when he attacked Wiesel

Posted by: CN at November 28, 2022 03:03 PM (UHQP6)

411 Oh, right. The Cheep-ass Billionaire; I'm a better campaign consultant than my campaign manager, a better speech writer than my speech writer, a better lawyer than my lawyer, and on and on--- never spend a dime hiring actual seasoned, ruthless professionals.
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at November 28, 2022 02:59 PM (Su/C7)

Considering recent revelations about the Republican Consultant racket, he STILL might be better off screwing it up on his own.

Posted by: Synova at November 28, 2022 03:03 PM (BD/yx)

412 We really really really have to put a moratorium on Trump vs DeathSantis arguing and bickering. It's only helping our political enemies, which I believe is the whole point of all these ops. It's also pointless at this point since only Trump has announced his candidacy. There will be time enough for all this if and when DS announces he's running.
The billionaires get what they pay for.

and they don't want a world where Trump and Desantis are on the same ticket. So you get nothing to pearl clutching and SCANDAL and HE SAID WHUT!!! until they money stops.

Posted by: really? at November 28, 2022 03:03 PM (yl0oI)

413 This does smell like Fuentes was an op. Much like the Spencer guy and his "unite the right "rally in Charlottesville seemed like an op. Anybody hear from Spencer lately? Trumps choice of gatekeeper was as good as some of his cabinet choices
Posted by: Smell the Glove at November 28, 2022 03:01 PM (W1h4/)

"Unite the Right" is a name only a leftist could dream up.
Reminds me of BABY MILK FACTORY in big block letters

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 03:03 PM (mR6Gs)

414 kallisto, it's on Amazon.

Posted by: jeannebodine at November 28, 2022 03:04 PM (ddFzi)

415 Personally, I don't think Trump should run simply because he'll be 80 in 2024 and that's too old for the job.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at November 28, 2022 03:05 PM (UuD2k)

416 Geez, do you suppose that's the actual reason that the Republican machine hates Trump so bad? He refused to hire any of them? He met with Sarah Palin early on, maybe she stuck a bug in his ear about how she was undermined by the high-paid campaign employees who (surprise) seem to all be full time Never Trumpers at this point.

Posted by: Synova at November 28, 2022 03:05 PM (BD/yx)

417 And yet I'm still hearing this "but muh politicz iz gunna save muh this 'n' that" stuff.

It's fuckin' bizarre.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 28, 2022 03:03 PM (oINRc)

I wouldnt be here if it wasn't such a great group with a fine host who likes to post my cartoon skulls. I mean, politics is over, I think most should be able to see that.

But while we're here it's fun to play the game, otherwise we'd be on a furry forum or wherever.

Posted by: ... at November 28, 2022 03:05 PM (BB877)

418 never bet on what you believe

always as things are

Posted by: REDACTED at November 28, 2022 03:05 PM (us2H3)

419 I'll say what hasn't been said on this thread---Trump would win in a walk if the GOP got behind him

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 03:02 PM (mR6Gs)

Alot of MAGA candidates would win in a walk if we got behind them AND showed up to vote. Just this year, in the midterms, we found tons of folks ON THIS BOARD who don't do that...and here we are.

Since we can't line up, we need to find the guy/girl without baggage so we can win in a landslide which ends up as us winning by 1% when we calculate fraud, our refusal voters, and our "just can't vote for this guy" folks...

Posted by: Nova local at November 28, 2022 03:05 PM (exHjb)

420 Byron York thinks Trump got "played" by someone even better at trolling and media manipulation than he is.

One would have to be a journalist to come to that conclusion.

Posted by: t-bird at November 28, 2022 03:06 PM (CaJIi)

421 Where do the people who are served no more by the Dems or by the establishment GOP? Were not allowed to have a voice in our government. Our ballots will be harvested by the GOP if they aren't snapped up by the Dem harvesters and used to re-elect the McCarthy's and the McConnell's. Or we'll have a third party that the Dems/GOP/media will trash mercilessly and a deep state that will infiltrate and discredit it.

The way forward is new leadership in the GOP that wants to lead and serve this majority and is ruthless about winning. Current GOP leadership needs to be relentlessly purged.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at November 28, 2022 03:06 PM (fs1hN)

422 403 What's wrong with loyalty?

Nothing, except it's an empty word for most people nowadays.
Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 03:02 PM (JuZEe)

Old saying - if you want loyalty get a dog. Maybe a “ little” cynical. People in general are just no damn good. On another note, how are you feeling? Prayed for you.

Posted by: kraken at November 28, 2022 03:06 PM (Vr12I)

423 More and more friends and relatives are asking me about what weapons and supplies they should get.

I am sensing a loss of confidence in the status quo and we are almost two years out from the next election.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at November 28, 2022 03:06 PM (yQpMk)

424 Trump hired Reince to be his Chief of Staff and got soundly fucked in the ass by him.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Set the Earth to fire and reshape it closer to the heart's desire at November 28, 2022 03:06 PM (5fZeI)

425 ace, you don't have to love, endorse, or even vote for Trump. But anyone hoping to win is gonna need those backwoods, poor, low-status voters. They were ignored by the MsM in 2016, and THEY are why he won. Don't get them, and you have zero chance of beating the fraud.

Posted by: Catherine at November 28, 2022 03:07 PM (sW+eK)

426 This is an image problem.

And you don't fix image problems with words-- you fix it with a better image.

Bad image: Trump had dinner with an antisemitic holocaust denier.
Good image to counter and replace: Uh. Well. Here's this note I posted about it on a social media platform no one uses.

See the problem? Trump's response is shit because it isn't even a counter, let alone a dominant positive.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at November 28, 2022 03:07 PM (Su/C7)

427 Alot of MAGA candidates would win in a walk if we got behind them AND showed up to vote. Just this year, in the midterms, we found tons of folks ON THIS BOARD who don't do that...and here we are.

My little city and county are red.
Chicago runs the state.

So tell me, Ms Thang in NoVa, what else could be done?

Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 03:08 PM (JuZEe)

428 Fine, Trump had Fuentes attend his dinner. I don't know this Fuentes but I'd be more concerned once I heard anyone criticizing the out and out communists who visited Obama when he was in office. Or the BLM leaders who've met with Biden, no doubt.

Posted by: Chairborne!...Desk From Above! at November 28, 2022 03:08 PM (1Kt+g)

429 Exactly zero America First candidates for POTUS will win any time in the foreseeable future. Our elections are a sham and the states that mattered did nothing about it even when they had a majority R in the state house. None of this really matters.

Posted by: Fool Otto at November 28, 2022 03:08 PM (DB16e)

430 Trump won in 2020 and the only reason Biden and the Democrats are still alive and not hanged from gallows is that our side is slow to anger and we care about what that action would do to what is left of our Republic.

Posted by: Archer at November 28, 2022 03:08 PM (gmo/4)

431 Has there ever been a Holocaust denier that didn't hate the Jews?

Eh, I can see someone just a conspiracy theorist, along the lines of "they swapped Kennedy's brain into a chimp and are keeping him in the white house basement" line of things. Nothing against Jews, just doubts everything and thinks we Have Been Lied to.

Not saying that's what this Fuentes dude is like, just suggesting a possibility. I dunno, and honestly I don't care.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 28, 2022 03:09 PM (cP/Ah)

432 Trump hired Reince to be his Chief of Staff and got soundly fucked in the ass by him.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Set the Earth to fire and reshape it closer to the heart's desire at November 28, 2022 03:06 PM (5fZeI)


Ooooh I forgot about Rise Prewash. Horrible hire. Almost as bad as the list of Redskin coaches over the last few decades...

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at November 28, 2022 03:09 PM (flINI)

433 And yet I'm still hearing this "but muh politicz iz gunna save muh this 'n' that" stuff.

It's fuckin' bizarre.
BUT BUT BUT we haz the purffect candidate he's shiny and new.

Um, look prove he's got some universal appeal by having him win a bunch of primaries and I'm gonna be willing to give it a go. There is only ONE reason why this Squeeing is happening now. It is a paid for op. You feed it - without getting paid you are a snook. There aren't too many snooks here.

At the end of the day we might as well field a ball buster. Chances of winning an presidential election with Jesus H Chri$+ as a republican are zero. Its fixed.

Posted by: really? at November 28, 2022 03:09 PM (PHoVT)

434 We have to face the fact that Trump can't win?
Do I have to vote for someone who can, like Bush, McCain, or Romney?

Posted by: Eskimo at November 28, 2022 03:09 PM (L498I)

435 Fuentes is a dangerous little muppet, but some of us are tired of propping up mythology like the USS Liberty being an innocent friendly fire incident.

Posted by: Yoshi, Aggrieved Victim of the White Man at November 28, 2022 03:09 PM (C9XVS)

436 The wrong type of person is anyone Trump associates with that isn't compromised.

Posted by: ... at November 28, 2022 03:09 PM (WLMkC)

437 "I have lost all confidence in him."

I'll be honest here. I don't think you ever had any confidence in him. Based on your pre election writings of 2015 and your post steal writings, that is.

2017-2020 was just a minor interruption.

Posted by: Steel Doors for sale. at November 28, 2022 03:10 PM (1DgE4)

438 @436, Yup, sadly.

Posted by: Catherine at November 28, 2022 03:10 PM (sW+eK)

439 Personally, I don't think Trump should run simply because he'll be 80 in 2024 and that's too old for the job.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at November 28, 2022 03:05 PM (UuD2k)

That's actually my biggest reason for reluctance regarding Trump. We need younger folks. the ambulatory fossils infesting DC are the problem, and they are spreading their disease to young skulls full of mush.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Gen X Ne'er-Do-Well at November 28, 2022 03:10 PM (xPJvm)

440 Is the only alternative to our presidential candidates refusing to dine or meet with them "rounding them up into camps"? It's one or the other, you reckon?

Posted by: ace costanza at November 28, 2022 02:58 PM (C1Zwz)

One is as ridiculous and as extreme a position as the other, which was my point.

I have been burned by this argument as many times as I have been burned by my sister deciding I don't know enough about the Paris Commune to hold an opinion on the roots of Socialism.

However: I suspect more people deny the Armenian genocide than the Holocaust. I also suspect more people deny the Holodomor and the mass starvation in Mao's Great Leap Forward. I have trouble figuring out which of those is more significant than the others.

Posted by: Kindltot at November 28, 2022 03:10 PM (xhaym)

441 Personally, I don't think Trump should run simply because he'll be 80 in 2024 and that's too old for the job.

Exactly where I stand as well. Enough with the fossils. He's too old.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 28, 2022 03:10 PM (cP/Ah)

442 Personally, I don't think Trump should run simply because he'll be 80 in 2024 and that's too old for the job.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at November 28, 2022 03:05 PM (UuD2k)

Fuck that. Just because Joe Biden is a dementia-ridden POS doesn't mean Trump is too old

Posted by: JoeF. at November 28, 2022 03:11 PM (mR6Gs)

443 Allow me to stop the food fight and yell "Nood!"

Something about deprogramming Holy Oaks grads.

And it doesn't involve Paolo.

Posted by: GanGanowicz at November 28, 2022 03:11 PM (Kbz60)

444 "And yet I'm still hearing this "but muh politicz iz gunna save muh this 'n' that" stuff.
It's fuckin' bizarre."
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 28, 2022 03:03 PM (oINRc)

I wish more people gave up on the GOP after 2020. We could be witnessing the death of the GOP right now if half of the GOP voters stayed home on Nov. 8th. But it's always the same, "this is the most important election ever!"
I want the GOP gone, I want new parties that represent the views of the actual voters.

Posted by: lowandslow at November 28, 2022 03:11 PM (qH6FZ)

445 To quote and laugh-cry from the Freedom Convoy 'leader' Brian.

... and remind them that they WORK FOR US!!!

something something in theory something in practice...

Posted by: micky at November 28, 2022 03:11 PM (3byMq)

446 /begone sock

Posted by: Somewhere South of I-80 at November 28, 2022 03:11 PM (1DgE4)

447 they swapped Kennedy's brain into a chimp and are keeping him in the white house basement

Finally I know why that chimp keeps trying to hump Nancy Pelosi.

Posted by: puzzled guy on the Secret Service detail at November 28, 2022 03:11 PM (h5TKJ)

448 The people controlling the election outcomes might be so kind as to give us a Yeb! or Rombley or McCain type, because they'll still get what they want in the end, in attempt to appease the RNC, GOPe and Con Inc donors.

Posted by: Fool Otto at November 28, 2022 03:11 PM (DB16e)

449 I tried to see what former Obama activist and Unite the Right organizer Richard Spencer is up to lately.

Apparently he dropped out of politics in 2018. He's...doing something since then to make money and hasn't been cancelled. He also claims to not be on the right any more and supported Biden in 2020.

I know, I know we are all shocked by these facts.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 28, 2022 03:11 PM (ESjRY)

450 i understand that but we're now accepting Holocaust Deniers too? Are we accepting Nazis?
Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:48 PM (C1Zwz)

Hey, over at Insty, I was told I should support a tranny candidate because it mouthed the right policies. Should we accept trannies? Asking because trannies seem more of a problem than Nazis at the moment.

Posted by: WiNO - Again Fortified with Fraud at November 28, 2022 03:13 PM (EpDzw)

451 The right hand was considered the seat of fidelity by the ancients, the left was considered the weaker side of man.

Posted by: Eromero at November 28, 2022 03:13 PM (0OP+5)

452 More and more friends and relatives are asking me about what weapons and supplies they should get.

I am sensing a loss of confidence in the status quo and we are almost two years out from the next election.
Posted by: G'rump928
Shit is fixin' to get real. Couple years from now, tops.

Posted by: the stock market takes a dump look out at November 28, 2022 03:13 PM (OX9EW)

453 >It's fuckin' bizarre.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 28, 2022 03:03 PM (oINRc)

Nailed it. Plus, seeing the HQ shaping up to tear itself apart in internecine warfare for the next two year sucks the big one. I know this is not going to happen, but I wish ace would deemphasize politics as usual and get into more of the meta topics. There is no salvation via electoral politics.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at November 28, 2022 03:13 PM (fS+AK)

454 I wish more people gave up on the GOP after 2020. We could be witnessing the death of the GOP right now if half of the GOP voters stayed home on Nov. 8th.

and the death of the 1st and 2nd Amendments. As long as the Communists are running the Democrat Party, every election is 'the most important election ever'.

It's a conundrum, for sure.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at November 28, 2022 03:13 PM (yQpMk)

455 build a boat that will float all waters

and that 2/3 of the catch are suckers

Posted by: REDACTED at November 28, 2022 03:13 PM (us2H3)

456 427 Alot of MAGA candidates would win in a walk if we got behind them AND showed up to vote. Just this year, in the midterms, we found tons of folks ON THIS BOARD who don't do that...and here we are.

My little city and county are red.
Chicago runs the state.

So tell me, Ms Thang in NoVa, what else could be done?
Posted by: SMH at November 28, 2022 03:08 PM (JuZEe)

I assume with this response, you didn't vote.

Although I will happily accept the Ms. Thang moniker. I'm probably not too old for it yet.

Posted by: Nova local at November 28, 2022 03:13 PM (exHjb)

457 And think about this, shouldn't Trump's "this just doesn't sound right" instinct been buzzing just a bit?

Even if it was just Ye alone, why was it so important to have a dinner? Instead of a phone call?

How did that alone not raise suspicion?

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at November 28, 2022 03:14 PM (Su/C7)

458 ace, you don't have to love, endorse, or even vote for Trump. But anyone hoping to win is gonna need those backwoods, poor, low-status voters. They were ignored by the MsM in 2016, and THEY are why he won. Don't get them, and you have zero chance of beating the fraud.

I don't understand this comment. Is the idea that "backwoods, poor, low-status" voters are enthusiasts of a rapper who is manifestly crazy and whose body of work is frankly lackluster, a garish morally repulsive homosexual who likes to talk about his love of big black cock, and a 20-something nobody who no one has ever heard of under any circumstances and who just doubts the Holocaust but loves the Jews as all Holocaust deniers do?

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at November 28, 2022 03:14 PM (ppBhU)

459 Eh, I can see someone just a conspiracy theorist, along the lines of "they swapped Kennedy's brain into a chimp and are keeping him in the white house basement" line of things. Nothing against Jews, just doubts everything and thinks we Have Been Lied to.

Not saying that's what this Fuentes dude is like, just suggesting a possibility. I dunno, and honestly I don't care.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 28, 2022 03:09 PM (cP/Ah)

I actually would put his actual anti-Semitism likelihood at high since that is the pattern. Still, Al Sharpton actually engineered the murder of a Jewish guy who had the audacity to do business in a black neighborhood. Sharpton regularly appears on the tube and at Democratic events. Conservatives have a fatal flaw of following whatever laser light the Left points and this is no different.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at November 28, 2022 03:14 PM (kJLpK)

460 @449

>>I know, I know we are all shocked by these facts.

Wherever Robert Creamer ended up, he must be laughing at all of this.

For all we know, he's behind all of these Ops.

He probably is.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 28, 2022 03:16 PM (up/3i)

461 >I don't understand this comment. Is the idea that "backwoods, poor, low-status" voters are enthusiasts of a rapper who is manifestly crazy
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at November 28, 2022 03:14 PM (ppBhU)

No it's obviously that they don't know or care who these other people are, they just know and trust Trump.

Posted by: Yoshi, Aggrieved Victim of the White Man at November 28, 2022 03:17 PM (C9XVS)

462 *searches for 'FTX'*

Phew! They're talking about something else.

Posted by: The MFM at November 28, 2022 03:17 PM (CaJIi)

463 Apparently he dropped out of politics in 2018. He's...doing something since then to make money and hasn't been cancelled. He also claims to not be on the right any more and supported Biden in 2020.

I know, I know we are all shocked by these facts.
Posted by: 18-1 at November 28, 2022 03:11 PM (ESjRY)

simply... he was under investigation... still is.. ergo, he is now Kow Towing to those in power.

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 28, 2022 03:17 PM (oHd/0)

464 Byron York thinks Trump got "played" by someone even better at trolling and media manipulation than he is.

One would have to be a journalist to come to that conclusion.
or simply be in the paid employ of someone who wanted that conclusion to be published by said "journalist".

Posted by: How dare I suggest that reporters take editorial positions for money at November 28, 2022 03:18 PM (L9MA5)

465 I wish more people gave up on the GOP after 2020. We could be witnessing the death of the GOP right now if half of the GOP voters stayed home on Nov. 8th. But it's always the same, "this is the most important election ever!"
I want the GOP gone, I want new parties that represent the views of the actual voters.
Posted by: lowandslow at November 28, 2022 03:11 PM (qH6FZ)

Trump's biggest mistake was not delivering the death blow to the controlled opposition party after 2020. He can still take out the Republican Party, which should have been done already, but it is more difficult now and we are stuck in a rigged system that puts into office who the National Security State wants put into office.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at November 28, 2022 03:18 PM (kJLpK)

466 a 20-something nobody who no one has ever heard of under any circumstances and who just doubts the Holocaust but loves the Jews as all Holocaust deniers do?
Ace WTF? Please tell me you did not just call some dumb kid a nazi and a white supremacist because he saw some idiot video on youtube about the holocaust not being mathematically accurate and repeated some of that stupid shit? FFS.

Posted by: That's probably going to leave a mark at November 28, 2022 03:21 PM (kBsCT)

467 I want new parties that represent the views of the actual voters.

Within a few years these new parties would be right back to doing the bidding of China and the WEF. too much money and power at stake to let the people actually decide through honest elections

Posted by: brak at November 28, 2022 03:22 PM (lO5WT)

468 Why won't ace accept NAZIs?

Posted by: Puddinhead at November 28, 2022 03:22 PM (GKqIR)

469 this is tedious

Posted by: DFCtomm at November 28, 2022 03:23 PM (OHy0b)

470 How does he de-radioactify himself when fruits like Erick Erickson, Baseballcvck, and The Daily Wire refuse to give El Naranja any quarter these days?

They have their AEI marching orders now, push Desantis at all cost and are the ones marching down this purity test sipping some Black Rifle Coffee.

These assholes won't even act like AZ wasn't completely sabotaged by THEIR McCain GOPe people, and I'm supposed to just go along with them?

Like Cat Ass Trophy said, I'd rather let it all fall down, I'm not letting those pricks get power again, so you can die of Fentanyl because their republicans passed a new TPP and all your jobs went overseas again, while still funding Ukraine money laundering, but at least Disney doesn't outright hate us, they just spit on us in passing.

Posted by: UwU_Power at November 28, 2022 03:24 PM (eTPn9)

471 this is tedious
paid for political hit jobs usually are...

Posted by: unless its a sex scandal . . . at November 28, 2022 03:24 PM (kBsCT)

472 Scrub the blackboard. Start anew.

Posted by: Eromero at November 28, 2022 03:28 PM (0OP+5)

473 "PDT may just be willing to take people as they come, until they do something which he personally has no stomach for and that's the end of their Trump privileges."

I dunno, that sounds an awful lot like what normal people do, and I don't know that we can afford to have someone who behaves like a normal person elected to political office. /sarc

Posted by: FeatherBlade at November 28, 2022 03:28 PM (A16qB)

474 about meeting with white supremacists? Yeah, it's a concern. I'm not willing to say "it doesn't matter" just to save Trump. At some point, one has to say "No." Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:18 PM (C1Zwz)


I got a couple of quick questions? Is CRT racist, and if so who is it racist against?

Posted by: DFCtomm at November 28, 2022 03:31 PM (OHy0b)

475 What if Trump met with Louis Farrakhan instead? That guys a paragon of Democrat/Leftist values. Surely, that would win him converts? No?

Posted by: Angzarr the Cromulent at November 28, 2022 03:32 PM (S7une)

476 468 Why won't ace accept NAZIs?
Posted by: Puddinhead at November 28, 2022 03:22 PM (GKqIR)

Apart from the swastika tatted Bandera-ites in Ukraine, they're pretty much dead. WWII has been over for almost 80 years, last "nazi" they came up with was a teenaged secretary who probably just wanted any job. But if you listen to some groups you can be a nazi sympathizer if you criticize Soros, Garland, or even object to CRT. They use a very broad brush.

Posted by: CN at November 28, 2022 03:33 PM (Zzbjj)

477 Not sure I understand this story. The supposed white supremacist was having dinner with a black guy and a gay guy? Boy, they sure don't make white supremacists like they used to. Seems like a pretty obvious set up.

Now that all of Washington will denounce Trump one more time, doesn't that just make him the outsider again? The walls are closing in Bitches!

Posted by: Botched_Lobotomy at November 28, 2022 03:34 PM (WiAW9)

478 They use a very broad brush.
Posted by: CN at November 28, 2022 03:33 PM (Zzbjj)


They do it because it works. You have lunkheads who make it work for them. The left bangs the drug and the right dances.

Posted by: DFCtomm at November 28, 2022 03:35 PM (OHy0b)

479 So now you're taking your cues from Byron York and the controlled-opposition at NRO? JFC, I thought you were based. Breathlessly waiting for more Allahpundit, Erick Erickson, and Bret Stephens.

Posted by: WTF, Ace? at November 28, 2022 03:35 PM (j2+qv)

480 I remember when Ace was all up in arms about Cucinelli wanting to ban contraception in the VA gov race in 2015.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at November 28, 2022 03:36 PM (cMXNt)

481 293 i understand that but we're now accepting Holocaust Deniers too? Are we accepting Nazis?
Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:48 PM (C1Zwz)

Soem people overlook that auto-deciding "If the media says they're bad, then they MUST be good" is exactly how the media is manipulating them into attaching themselves to said people (ex : Fuentes).

Posted by: XTC at November 28, 2022 03:39 PM (UnA8+)

482 Cassidy had that seat handed to him after the trainwreck that was Sen. Mary "Pretty Woman" Landrieu (D-Outer Space). Several more conservative candidates ran but lost. His colleague , more conservative Sen John Kennedy easily won re-election but I think Cassidy'll have a harder time.

Posted by: hurricane567 at November 28, 2022 03:40 PM (mgPND)

483 The most idiotic thing with these Holocaust deniers is the lack of basic logic and simple common do you disappear over 10+ million people and keep it a secret?...Answer: You don't, you flipping loony tune.

Posted by: Si vis pacem fac bellum at November 28, 2022 03:47 PM (tfCQg)

484 293 i understand that but we're now accepting Holocaust Deniers too? Are we accepting Nazis?
Posted by: ace at November 28, 2022 02:48 PM (C1Zwz)


I'm less and less inclined to believe anything the establishment tells me, so I'm not sure why the fuck you think that is sacrosanct?

Posted by: DFCtomm at November 28, 2022 03:49 PM (OHy0b)

485 Posted by: Si vis pacem fac bellum at November 28, 2022 03:47 PM (tfCQg)

I know someone who is a holocaust denier, and their "evidence" and proof is laughable. Whenever he gives me a proof, I counter with something that actually happened. And then they have some evidences that contradict a prior proof.

Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2022 03:51 PM (dCxaZ)

486 Remember the OUTRAGE!!! when Trump's aide ripped that poor woman's arm off?

Same thing here. REEEE ORANGE MAN BAD REEE!!!

This is just what they do to Trump. And "they" includes the GOPe.

Maybe people should see that and stop falling for it.

Posted by: tsj017 at November 28, 2022 03:55 PM (YcOm1)

487 I like Milo. He is really, really sharp and makes good arguments. We need people like him in public life even if we don't agree with every single thing he says or does. He was cancelled and ruined so I cannot begrudge him seeking a patron.

Fuentes sounds like he is worthless and Ye is crazy.

But I think if Obama can link hands with Sharpton, who actually lead a mob to riot and seek out Jews to kill and injure in New York (to the point where Jews were cowering in their homes and were afraid to go out) and it is considered unremarkable then there is obviously something here other than concern over anti-Semitism at work.

I think it is very dangerous to condemn people for talking to others and deeming people so unclean as to make them an untouchable caste. We should all talk, if for no other reason than to convince people they are in error to hate Jews etc... All of our leaders regularly dine with people who are as bad as Fuentes or worse. Many such people serve in Congress and will have to be dealt with.

So if we are going to accept the premise that dining with someone amounts to endorsement of all of their views then we are all going to be dining alone.

Posted by: Thatch at November 28, 2022 03:57 PM (A+k5G)

488 I know someone who is a holocaust denier, and their "evidence" and proof is laughable. Whenever he gives me a proof, I counter with something that actually happened. And then they have some evidences that contradict a prior proof.
Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2022 03:51 PM (dCxaZ)


There is a reason why nobody bans flat earthers from their comment sections.

Posted by: DFCtomm at November 28, 2022 03:59 PM (OHy0b)

489 Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2022 03:51 PM (dCxaZ)

Most arguments with them tend to break down into circular reasoning...they just keep chasing their tails, thinking that they are the only ones seeing the truth.

I'll give them differences in perspective, but I won't let them skate on actual facts. People who were living prior to the war suddenly disappear, but didn't die on the battlefield. Where did they go, cause it takes resources and space to hide them?

Posted by: Si vis pacem fac bellum at November 28, 2022 04:00 PM (tfCQg)

490 Fuentes has stated he believes the holocaust occurred.

That video clip is a joke alluding to the necessity for people to discuss the holocaust using coded language if they intend to divert in any way from the approved version of events. In fact, there are countries where one can be arrested for disputing the holocaust.

Posted by: Reggie1971 at November 28, 2022 04:03 PM (WPCjE)

491 I dunno man...

If your definition of "White Supremacist" includes a guy named "Fuentes" who's friends with a black rapper, I think you might need to update your definition of "White Supremacist."

Posted by: Masturbatin' Pete at November 28, 2022 04:06 PM (lVqB6)

492 Sure... let's have another 4 years of Trump's serial unforced errors and boneheaded ego.

I'm MAGA all the way, but can we please pick a candidate who won't be so off-putting that they're a 10-pt swing in the election?

Posted by: SMFH at November 28, 2022 04:06 PM (CEh/e)

493 Who would think that a a meal with a black, a Hispanic and a gay Jew would be about white supremacy?

Posted by: Avi at November 28, 2022 04:08 PM (9vZy+)

494 Where did they go, cause it takes resources and space to hide them?
Posted by: Si vis pacem fac bellum at November 28, 2022 04:00 PM (tfCQg)


Between 50k and 90k go missing in the U.S. every year, and that is in peace time. Where did they go, cause it takes resources and space to hide them?

Posted by: DFCtomm at November 28, 2022 04:13 PM (OHy0b)

495 "i understand that but we're now accepting Holocaust Deniers too?

How is talking to someone accepting them?

Posted by: Richard Cranium at November 28, 2022 04:26 PM (fN+zW)

496 I don't see Trump "damaged" by this gotcha nonsense story Ace, especially when Democrats hobnob with known Communists, Pedofiles, Race Hustlers and Anti-Semites all the time.

It's a bullshit story and really is meaningless, because the media will scream RACIST at Trump regardless of what he does or doesn't do.

Posted by: Tracy at November 28, 2022 04:37 PM (x58Cx)

497 Oh and to Byron York, plus Jeff Charles and Steriff over at, FUCK ALL THREE OF YOU AND GO TO HELL!!

Posted by: Tracy at November 28, 2022 04:43 PM (x58Cx)

498 You banned my comment. Fortunately, others on your own fucking side said the same thing, I did. Trump is an egomaniac and will suck up to anyone willing to stroke his fragile ego. It's a massive vulnerability that anyone (literally anyone, Putin, Jong-Un, anyone) can take advantage of. Your entire party only seems to exist to stroke one stable orange genius' ego.


Posted by: Seattle Slough at November 28, 2022 06:20 PM (KcqqB)

499 So... Trump meets with Kanye and Kanye's hired gofer flunkies... The media makes a big deal of the flunkies Kanye brought. All Trump knew was that these were Kanye's butt-kissers.

I, a Hispanic, a purported BIOOC... whatever the puck that means, fail to see the big deal in it.

Posted by: Carlos Rodriguez at November 28, 2022 06:44 PM (IPCDE)

500 Trump should be willing to meet EVERYONE at least once, excluding Jeffrey Dalmer types. Why are mentions of Dalmer up so much recently?

If you're president, you should be willing to talk to A LOT of different people and viewpoints.

This unpersoning thing repulses me.

Posted by: CloseTheFed at November 28, 2022 07:14 PM (LeNk3)

501 I'm far less concerned about Trump meeting with Kanye and Nick Fuentes than I am with Ron DeSantis meeting with the Paul Ryan, Ken Griffin, Paul Singer, Jeb!, and Karl Rove-types.

The real question is why hasn't DeSantis denounced that GOPe slime yet if he intends to be taken seriously as an aspirant to the nomination?

Posted by: Brock at November 28, 2022 07:46 PM (OpX6M)

502 Trump sure gets duped a lot. Why he's just the kind of guy to finish what he failed to do the first time!

Posted by: OneChinaPoricy at November 28, 2022 08:19 PM (tUfjF)

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Posted by: Jennifer at November 29, 2022 10:03 AM (QYiGL)

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