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Inflation Hits Another 41-Year High as Consumer Price Index Blows Through All Expectations to Climb to an Ear-Popping 9.1%

Strongest economy in history, Jack!

Inflation Reached Highest Rate in Nearly 41 Years
U.S. inflation reached 9.1% in June, its highest rate in nearly 41 years.

The consumer-price index's reading for June was higher than May's annual rate of 8.6% that led Fed officials to shift to a faster pace of interest rate increases.

Stocks fell after the release of the data, later recovering some ground. Investors were closely watching the report for clues about the outlook for central-bank policy and the wider economy.

The two interest rate climbs of 0.5% each did not even slow inflation a little bit.

It will take stronger medicine, unfortunately.

Stocks whipsawed as a shockingly hot US inflation report rattled financial markets, boosting bets the Federal Reserve could get even more aggressive with its belt-tightening campaign.


"The June CPI print is ugly across the board," wrote Krishna Guha, vice chairman at Evercore ISI. "This is bad news for risk assets as it increases the likelihood that the Fed will keep raising rates rapidly and end up overshooting by enough to push the economy into recession."

It's not Biden's fault, though.

In anticipation of this latest inflation report, he offered up a new scapegoat for his incompetent spending spree that set off this ruinous inflationary spiral: The Republican Party.

Joe Biden

Republicans are doing nothing but obstructing our efforts to crack down on gas-price gouging, lower food prices, lower healthcare costs, and hopefully, soon, lower your prescription drug costs.

This is not right. And that's why this election is going to be so darn important.

Update your records: Biden's pre-campaign promise that he would accept responsibility for his actions, unlike that scoundrel Trump, is no longer operative.

August 20, 2020:

Joe Biden

The President needs to stop blaming others and do his job.

Posted by: Ace at 02:35 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 st

Posted by: RUReadingthis at July 13, 2022 02:35 PM (aQ25I)

2 In anticipation of this latest inflation report, he offered up a new scapegoat for his incompetent spending spree that set off this ruinous inflationary spiral: The Republican Party.

It's a vast right-wing conspiwacy!

Posted by: kallisto at July 13, 2022 02:37 PM (dCxaZ)

3 The destruction of America proceeds apace.

Posted by: kraken at July 13, 2022 02:38 PM (ks05J)

4 yeah we're getting dunked on by Bidenflation, fer shur

Posted by: kallisto at July 13, 2022 02:38 PM (dCxaZ)

5 Chump. Read the content.

Posted by: RI Red at July 13, 2022 02:38 PM (ZVQcg)

6 “Price gouging” is the shriek of the economically illiterate.

Res tantum valet quantum vendi potest.

Posted by: Cow Demon at July 13, 2022 02:38 PM (YuGwe)

7 "at some point you've made, err printed, enough money"

Posted by: brak at July 13, 2022 02:38 PM (j5Tg0)

8 "The June CPI print is ugly across the board," wrote Krishna Guha

The Pride Month CPI??! PRIDE MONTH??!

Posted by: 496 at July 13, 2022 02:39 PM (VJsqe)

9 I hope they raise interest rates to the moon so I can make a fortune giving payday loans to deadbeat democrats.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 13, 2022 02:39 PM (UuD2k)

10 "Republicans are doing nothing but obstructing our efforts"

He's trying to follow the Obama playbook. He had no President Bush to blame, so he blamed Putin. Now he's getting ready for the midterm wipeout and starting to blame Republicans in Congress. I don't know if average Americans will buy it but the MSM, his base and big donors will.

Posted by: 29Victor at July 13, 2022 02:39 PM (BJKQV)

11 Bidenflation

In the nation

More creation

Of frustration

Posted by: kallisto at July 13, 2022 02:39 PM (dCxaZ)


Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 02:39 PM (F63C3)

13 The maddening part of it all, kallisto, is that the causes are there for all to plinly see, but so many don't can't won't.

Posted by: kraken at July 13, 2022 02:40 PM (ks05J)

14 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 13, 2022 02:40 PM (Zz0t1)

15 "Republicans are doing nothing but obstructing our efforts"....Like?.....

Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 02:40 PM (F63C3)

16 "The June CPI print is ugly across the board," wrote Krishna Guha, vice chairman at Evercore ISI. "This is bad news for risk assets as it increases the likelihood that the Fed will keep raising rates rapidly and end up overshooting by enough to push the economy into recession."
Yup. Borrowing from my comment on the Morning Report:
CPI-U all items: +9.1%
Food at home: +12.2% !!!
Food away from home: +7.7%
All Energy: +41.6% !!!
Electricity: +13.7%
Nat gas: +38.4% !!!
CPI-U "core" (all items less food and energy): +5.9%

Brutal. Absolutely brutal print.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 02:40 PM (WWh8n)

17 Carter howz my ass taste!!??

Posted by: Joey Fingerstick McShitpants at July 13, 2022 02:40 PM (Zz0t1)

18 Inflation is now so high that AOC can't pay her tax lien.

Oh....the suffering she must be experiencing.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 13, 2022 02:41 PM (1n+EO)

19 Canada apparently just raised rates a full percent. Wonder if we're going to be seeing an international competition to raise rates.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at July 13, 2022 02:41 PM (b2nrj)

20 These are the good old days.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at July 13, 2022 02:41 PM (89T5c)

21 The Pride Month CPI??! PRIDE MONTH??!
Posted by: 496 at July 13, 2022 02:39 PM

Cock Pullers International.

Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 02:41 PM (F63C3)

22 Demoncrats.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at July 13, 2022 02:41 PM (PiwSw)

23 According to Fox "News", Biden's trip to Israel is as much about inflation as it is about international relations. What he's going to do about it over there I don't know other than maybe drop dead.

Posted by: fd at July 13, 2022 02:41 PM (sn5EN)

24 That 9.1% is stale, Jack! Stale numbers! All you guys are the same!

(Oh--is this your daughter?)

Posted by: Preezy Peter Pedo at July 13, 2022 02:42 PM (sWM8x)

25 How is any of this shocking?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at July 13, 2022 02:42 PM (dNqv+)

26 Republicans are doing nothing

He got that part right.*

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 13, 2022 02:42 PM (8GBH4)

27 If I see that Biden ad on tv, I'm gonna need a new tv.

Posted by: Diogenes at July 13, 2022 02:42 PM (anj39)

28 And per Shadowstats, the figure is closer to 15% based on the 1990 methodology and closer to 18% based on the 1980 methodology (I can't see precisely because I am not a subscriber and the free charts are deliberately low-res, but the theme is apparent).

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 02:42 PM (WWh8n)


Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars at July 13, 2022 02:42 PM (pNxlR)

30 Damn Putin.

Posted by: Media at July 13, 2022 02:42 PM (kCl/v)

31 Damn that Putin!
(we will see how that flies in the next election)

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 13, 2022 02:42 PM (QSjkU)

32 Democrats still insist that 'A Living Wage' has in no manner contributed to higher prices across the board?

And Republicans refuse to mention it as well?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 13, 2022 02:42 PM (1n+EO)

33 Which Horseman is this?!?

Posted by: Jmel at July 13, 2022 02:43 PM (RWHIh)

34 Willowed Re: Faulty Gaydar

I'm surprised way too often.

It's like the world is full of otters.

Posted by: Oedipus at July 13, 2022 02:37 PM (w4a7O)

I was being hit on by this - later known to me to be one half of a gay couple - dude, and it took me a while to get it, when he was showing me around their consulting office in Smith Tower Seattle, and the other half was shooting daggers at me with his eyes. It finally clicked when the dude was offering me some of his paintings. I quickly beat feet out of there.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at July 13, 2022 02:43 PM (U3uv2)

35 23 According to Fox "News", Biden's trip to Israel is as much about inflation as it is about international relations. What he's going to do about it over there I don't know other than maybe drop dead.
Posted by: fd at July 13, 2022 02:41 PM (sn5EN)

The Palestinian issue is at the center of US inflation.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at July 13, 2022 02:43 PM (b2nrj)

36 *'Working in a coal mine' by the Talking Heads plays*

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Buy ammo, food, water at July 13, 2022 02:43 PM (V6f9+)

37 What he's going to do about it over there I don't know other than maybe drop dead.
Posted by: fd at July 13, 2022 02:41 PM (sn5EN)

You are such a tease.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 13, 2022 02:43 PM (ufFY8)

38 In all seriousness, this all sucks, especially for the middle class and the family with minor children class (and the two tend to be very much intertwined)...

Posted by: Nova local at July 13, 2022 02:43 PM (exHjb)

39 This is old data from last month. Things are better now. Don't let those using out-of-date information shake your confidence in the booming American economy.

Posted by: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre at July 13, 2022 02:43 PM (WWh8n)

40 It's obvious. The Repubs are obstructing by not passing the bills creating more spending by the government.

Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at July 13, 2022 02:43 PM (5HBd1)

41 Good News: You got $15/hr.
Bad News: $15 won't buy shit.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 13, 2022 02:44 PM (UuD2k)


Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars at July 13, 2022 02:42 PM (pNxlR)


Posted by: Comrade flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at July 13, 2022 02:44 PM (U3uv2)

43 Not that we care, but Biden ALSO says these numbers are bullshit.

President Joe Biden on Wednesday said in a statement that while a "headline inflation reading is unacceptably high, it is also out-of-date," as he reacted to a report showing a year-over-year rise of 9.1% for the consumer price index in June. "Today's data does not reflect the full impact of nearly 30 days of decreases in gas prices, that have reduced the price at the pump by about 40 cents since mid-June," Biden said.

Posted by: Jordan61 at July 13, 2022 02:44 PM (DRSnL)

44 Kind of ominus that they are enabling all of the economic destruction on the eve of a very big election. What is up their sleeve?

Posted by: kraken at July 13, 2022 02:44 PM (ks05J)

45 Which Horseman is this?!?
Posted by: Jmel

The rainbow unicorn 🦄

Posted by: rickb223 at July 13, 2022 02:44 PM (fAMHd)

46 Joe Biden

The President needs to stop blaming others and do his job.

Look fat, I read the lines they give me. Like every one of them. And then I eat my ice cream and sniff some kids. If you think you can do the job better, well, I'll meet you out back.

Posted by: Joseph Biden at July 13, 2022 02:44 PM (ESjRY)

47 Read the polls Jack!

Uh, we have, have you?

Posted by: Cheri at July 13, 2022 02:44 PM (oiNtH)

48 How is any of this shocking?
Posted by: Aetius451AD

The shocking part is the bubblehead saying the Fed can't manage a soft landing and will CAUSE a recession, as if we are t already in one.

Posted by: TexasDan at July 13, 2022 02:44 PM (2jRyv)

49 Well I guess I won't be selling my house this fall. Nobody will be able to afford a loan.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 13, 2022 02:44 PM (QSjkU)

50 It finally clicked when the dude was offering me some of his paintings. I quickly beat feet out of there.

Would you like to come upstairs and see my etchings?


Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at July 13, 2022 02:44 PM (ppBhU)

51 Man, Putin's Inflation sure is rough...

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Buy ammo, food, water at July 13, 2022 02:45 PM (V6f9+)

52 According to Fox "News", Biden's trip to Israel is as much about inflation as it is about international relations. What he's going to do about it over there I don't know other than maybe drop dead.
Posted by: fd at July 13, 2022 02:41 PM (sn5EN)

He's ALREADY fucked up in his first speech and offended the holocaust victims........

The dude needs to be put to bed, forever.

Posted by: Joey Fingerstick McShitpants at July 13, 2022 02:45 PM (Zz0t1)

53 The republicans who have a majority of the house and senate? And the republican executive branch? Those republicans are obstructing Joe? I guess he's banking on people being retarded.

Posted by: NCKate at July 13, 2022 02:45 PM (2oJif)

54 Quick! More COVID cash!

Posted by: DNC at July 13, 2022 02:45 PM (kCl/v)

55 Brutal. Absolutely brutal print.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 02:40 PM (WWh8n)

And 20 months ago the country was booming!

Posted by: Diogenes at July 13, 2022 02:45 PM (anj39)

56 But........... But.............. But............ Trump is mean !!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at July 13, 2022 02:45 PM (p3lya)

57 Inflation is now so high that AOC can't pay her tax lien.

Oh....the suffering she must be experiencing.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 13, 2022 02:41 PM (1n+EO)

She owes $2,500? She can pay that, she is just choosing not to.

Posted by: Jordan61 at July 13, 2022 02:45 PM (DRSnL)

58 The leftist money managers on Wall Street just keep plowing money into the market believing it's all going to be ok. We had that little thousand point bump that will end up looking like your last best chance to sell!

Posted by: Fish at July 13, 2022 02:45 PM (ADw0E)

59 At this rate, bodega chips are going to be $4/bag by week's end.

Posted by: 496 at July 13, 2022 02:45 PM (VJsqe)

60 Oops....damn sock.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 13, 2022 02:45 PM (Zz0t1)

61 You're also forgetting the Fed's new job to reduce climate change.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 13, 2022 02:45 PM (UuD2k)

62 I'm paying 50% more for groceries over 2 years ago.

So what is the official inflation rate for this last two years...

F*cking liars.

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 02:46 PM (ESjRY)

63 Why do we bother listening to liars? Cereal question.

Posted by: Puddinhead at July 13, 2022 02:46 PM (tiR3O)

64 hiya

Posted by: JT at July 13, 2022 02:46 PM (T4tVD)

65 Good News: You got $15/hr.
Bad News: $15 won't buy shit.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 13, 2022 02:44 PM (UuD2k)

I was told this cost $20.

Posted by: typical horny Moron contemplates the bill at July 13, 2022 02:46 PM (h5TKJ)

66 I am the only one that’s been able to position Kamala Harris for success

Posted by: Reverse cowgirl at July 13, 2022 02:46 PM (P3i8y)

67 34 Willowed Re: Faulty Gaydar
I'm surprised way too often.
My ex-wife assured me that I have the puniest, most defective gaydar on the planet. Maybe it's a defense mechanism or something--I just don't want to think about that crap.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at July 13, 2022 02:46 PM (sWM8x)

68 But, can you put a price on nice tweets and green energy?

Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at July 13, 2022 02:46 PM (dQGIk)

69 and see my etchings?

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at July 13, 2022 02:44 PM (ppBhU)

And by etchings, he means his man meat.

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at July 13, 2022 02:46 PM (ufFY8)

She owes $2,500? She can pay that, she is just choosing not to.

At $20/pop she's gonna get some TMJ earning that money the hard way

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 02:46 PM (ESjRY)

71 Good News: You got $15/hr.
Bad News: $15 won't buy shit.

Good thing you saved the Covid stimulus money to help cover the impact of high inflation though.

Posted by: TexasDan at July 13, 2022 02:46 PM (2jRyv)

72 President Joe Biden on Wednesday said in a statement that while a "headline inflation reading is unacceptably high, it is also out-of-date," as he reacted to a report showing a year-over-year rise of 9.1% for the consumer price index in June. "Today's data does not reflect the full impact of nearly 30 days of decreases in gas prices, that have reduced the price at the pump by about 40 cents since mid-June," Biden said.
Posted by: Jordan61 at July 13, 2022 02:44 PM (DRSnL)
Okay. Fair enough. Gas moves fast and so from a CPI standpoint it can cause some swings. The problem, though, is that gasoline is but one category and this print was awful in *every* category across the board, including the incredibly important "food at home" and "electricity" and "natural gas" categories.

Suck it, Brandon.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 02:46 PM (WWh8n)

73 Hiya JT!

Posted by: kraken at July 13, 2022 02:47 PM (ks05J)

74 I hope there are 1M conservative economists that write their PHD thesis (here and overseas) on Biden's monetary policy and how it ruined the USA's economy for bupkis in the next 20 years.

Him and his handlers have been a disaster.

Posted by: Scott_T at July 13, 2022 02:47 PM (2waQ7)

75 62 I'm paying 50% more for groceries over 2 years ago.

So what is the official inflation rate for this last two years...

F*cking liars.
Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 02:46 PM (ESjRY)

I think you mean 1 year ago...

Posted by: Nova local at July 13, 2022 02:47 PM (exHjb)

76 Truman: The buck stops here.

Biden: The 10% goes here.

Posted by: Diogenes at July 13, 2022 02:47 PM (anj39)

77 YOU blame PUTIN




YOU salute the MARINES

Posted by: Archer at July 13, 2022 02:47 PM (gmo/4)

78 "Joe Biden @BeffudledOldMan
Republicans are doing nothing but obstructing our efforts to crack down on gas-price gouging, lower food prices, lower healthcare costs, and hopefully, soon, lower your prescription drug costs."

So he's saying that those durn Republicans are standing in the way of price controls? Heaven forbid!

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at July 13, 2022 02:47 PM (Wg1SU)

79 It finally clicked when the dude was offering me some of his paintings. I quickly beat feet out of there.

Would you like to come upstairs and see my etchings?


Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at July 13, 2022 02:44 PM (ppBhU)

Yeah, in my defense, it started as a overture for a job or work in their consulting business.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at July 13, 2022 02:47 PM (U3uv2)

80 63 Why do we bother listening to liars? Cereal question.
Posted by: Puddinhead at July 13, 2022 02:46 PM (tiR3O)

It's the only game in town?

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Buy ammo, food, water at July 13, 2022 02:47 PM (V6f9+)

81 Did the Demented One take his navigators along with him to Israel?

Posted by: N.L. Urker, there are chickens in my trench at July 13, 2022 02:47 PM (eGTCV)

82 Gas prices dropped a bit because of the Strategic Oil Reserve release. We got a bit of it. But that won't go on forever and the reasons for high prices haven't gone away. And it's not the price of gas that's the issue. it's the price of diesel.

Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at July 13, 2022 02:47 PM (5HBd1)

83 C'mon. man! You should all be proud to be part of Incredible Transition Summer! No joke, Jack! End of quote! Repeat the line!

Posted by: JoE BiDeN ThE pReSiDeNt GuY at July 13, 2022 02:47 PM (9l3TU)

84 @15 "Republicans are doing nothing but obstructing our efforts"....Like?.....


Allowing Manchin and Sinema to block him from passing every last bit of his BBB plan!


Posted by: junior at July 13, 2022 02:48 PM (pCmKt)

85 Good News: You got $15/hr.
Bad News: $15 won't buy shit.

I saw an interview with some minimum wage workers in one of the first cities to do the $15/hr minimum.

And the workers were happy to get a raise (mostly teenage kids) but they also noticed the cost of everything they wanted to buy went up more then their salaries.

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 02:48 PM (ESjRY)

86 Democrats still insist that 'A Living Wage' has in no manner contributed to higher prices across the board?
And Republicans refuse to mention it as well?
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 13, 2022 02:42 PM (1n+EO)

Inflation is caused by central bank money creation. All living wage does is price low quality employment out of the reach of small businesses, and leaves low skilled potential employees out of work and unemployable.

Inflation is ONLY caused by central bank money creation.

Posted by: Kindltot at July 13, 2022 02:48 PM (xhaym)

87 Read the polls Jack!

Uh, we have, have you?
Posted by: Cheri at July 13, 2022 02:44 PM

Read the polls Jack, and don't you come back no more no more no more no more.

Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 02:48 PM (F63C3)

88 Update your records: Biden's pre-campaign promise that he would accept responsibility for his actions, unlike that scoundrel Trump, is no longer operative.
What a coincidence! I had that as the center square on my Election 2022 BINGO card!

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at July 13, 2022 02:48 PM (YIVH2)

89 There's no way rezident retard will own up to any of this shit. The media, even tho' they're whiffing back and forth on whether to dump on *biden or not will cover for him and his bullshit administration.

Expect some flunkies to pop out of their holes soon and tell us we're stupid for believing our own eyes.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 13, 2022 02:48 PM (BFigT)

90 1st of all, nothing on Biden's Twitter account actually came from Biden. I doubt the fool even owns a cell phone.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 13, 2022 02:48 PM (UuD2k)

91 Whip inflation now!

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 13, 2022 02:48 PM (KNJGg)

92 63 Why do we bother listening to liars? Cereal question.
Posted by: Puddinhead at July 13, 2022 02:46 PM (tiR3O)

We needed the eggs.

Posted by: 496 at July 13, 2022 02:48 PM (VJsqe)

93 I hope there are 1M conservative economists that write their PHD thesis (here and overseas) on Biden's monetary policy and how it ruined the USA's economy for bupkis in the next 20 years.

Him and his handlers have been a disaster.
Posted by: Scott_T at July 13, 2022 02:47 PM (2waQ7)
This might - maybe - be viable overseas, but let us assure you that there is zero possibility of this happening with domestic research.

Posted by: Economics Journals Peer Reviewers at July 13, 2022 02:48 PM (WWh8n)

94 And on gay pride month!

Posted by: Transgender issues at July 13, 2022 02:48 PM (P3i8y)

95 On his trip to Israel, it is absolutely crucial that he gets to the bottom of Jew tacos!

Posted by: Cheri at July 13, 2022 02:48 PM (oiNtH)

96 Today President Joe Biden announced, with the insistance of AOC, that the United States will adopt ri Lanka's plan to curb Global Warming.

What could go wrong I ask you ????

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at July 13, 2022 02:49 PM (p3lya)

97 Posted by: kraken at July 13, 2022 02:40 PM (ks05J)

Yes, I have heard those around me say that Bidenflation is all because of the coof

Posted by: kallisto at July 13, 2022 02:49 PM (dCxaZ)

98 Might help if stop sending billions and billions of dollars to Ukraine.

That's like throwing the hundy in your pants pocket down the same sewer drain that just took your wallet.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 13, 2022 02:49 PM (9qSw/)

99 82 Gas prices dropped a bit because of the Strategic Oil Reserve release. We got a bit of it. But that won't go on forever and the reasons for high prices haven't gone away. And it's not the price of gas that's the issue. it's the price of diesel.

I heard the reality was quite different, that practically all of the barrels released from the SPR went overseas.

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at July 13, 2022 02:49 PM (Wg1SU)

100 On his trip to Israel, it is absolutely crucial that he gets to the bottom of Jew tacos!

I'll help him with Gal Gadot's.

Posted by: Some Helpful Moron at July 13, 2022 02:49 PM (ESjRY)

101 that have reduced the price at the pump by about 40 cents since mid-June," Biden said.

Not around here.

Posted by: Diogenes at July 13, 2022 02:49 PM (anj39)

Biden Bucks

They're just like money, but worth half as much !

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at July 13, 2022 02:49 PM (M+Lyo)

103 Special counsel John Durham requested a federal court to issue 30 subpoenas for testimony in the trial against Igor Danchenko, British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s alleged main source for his discredited dossier.

Danchenko was charged with five counts of making false statements to the FBI, which Durham says he made about the information he provided to Steele for the dossier. His trial is scheduled for October. The DOJ’s watchdog said FBI interviews with Danchenko “raised significant questions about the reliability of the Steele election reporting” and concluded Danchenko “contradicted the allegations of a ‘well-developed conspiracy’ in” Steele’s dossier. He has pleaded not guilty.

Durham’s brief court filing on Wednesday requested the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia to issue “thirty subpoenas” for an “appearance before said Court at Alexandria, Virginia,” starting on Oct. 11 “to testify on behalf of the United States.” The potential witnesses are not named, but a copy of the blank subpoena reads that “YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear.”

Posted by: SMOD at July 13, 2022 02:49 PM (RHGPo)

104 Sinema

Has she wore her kinky boots lately?

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at July 13, 2022 02:49 PM (ufFY8)

105 our efforts to crack down on gas-price gouging, lower food prices, lower healthcare costs, and hopefully, soon, lower your prescription drug costs.

Wait... what? I haven't seen this anywhere. Tell me Fat, about these crackdowns and lowerings you're goin on about.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 13, 2022 02:49 PM (8GBH4)

106 So spending a gazillion dollars on shit causes inflation?

-Spongebrain's economic team

Posted by: Archer at July 13, 2022 02:50 PM (gmo/4)

107 My cats' preferred wet food (only the fanciest of Fancy Feasts!) was $18 for 30 cans about two years ago.

Now it's $24 / 30 cans. About a 33% increase.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at July 13, 2022 02:50 PM (YIVH2)

108 Inflation does not hurt gays as much as straight people....

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at July 13, 2022 02:50 PM (p3lya)

109 Say it loud! You're a cocksucker and you're proud!

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 13, 2022 02:50 PM (QSjkU)

110 Wait... what? I haven't seen this anywhere. Tell me Fat, about these crackdowns and lowerings you're goin on about.

You've got free clot shots man, what more do you need?

Posted by: J Biden at July 13, 2022 02:50 PM (ESjRY)

111 105 "our efforts to crack down on gas-price gouging, lower food prices, lower healthcare costs, and hopefully, soon, lower your prescription drug costs."

Wait... what? I haven't seen this anywhere. Tell me Fat, about these crackdowns and lowerings you're goin on about.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 13, 2022 02:49 PM (8GBH4)

Biden wants to implement price controls. Republicans have been unsupportive.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at July 13, 2022 02:50 PM (b2nrj)

112 Harris aping Krugman or spinning the other way around...

Breaking911 @Breaking911 · 1h
VP Harris after inflation hit 9.1%, highest rate in 40+ years: "It is important to note that these numbers do not fully reflect the recent drop in gas prices. Average national gas prices have fallen every day for nearly 30 days."

Posted by: andycanuck (yikp0) at July 13, 2022 02:50 PM (yikp0)

113 Gas prices dropped a bit because of the Strategic Oil Reserve release. We got a bit of it. But that won't go on forever and the reasons for high prices haven't gone away. And it's not the price of gas that's the issue. it's the price of diesel.
Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at July 13, 2022 02:47 PM

Bonus, we gave some of our own oil from the SPR to Hunters China companies. But that's not important at all. Like no biggie.

Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 02:50 PM (F63C3)

114 The White House has a pool rite?

Posted by: Puddinhead at July 13, 2022 02:50 PM (tiR3O)

115 It will take stronger medicine, unfortunately.
Fortunately. We need to take our medicine as soon as possible. We should have taken it in 2001, but didn't. We should have taken it in 2008, but didn't. Deferring it has made it worse.

And Powell has indicated that folks should be prepared for significant increases - probably 0.75 points or more - at every Fed meeting for the foreseeable future. Whether he blinks is anyone's guess, but I kind of doubt he will. The Fed plays politics and loves to play politics, but historically they have been willing to let *everyone* twist in the wind to defend the currency. That better not have changed or we're all fucked.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 02:51 PM (WWh8n)

116 Stop whining. You got your PPP money.

Posted by: DNC at July 13, 2022 02:51 PM (kCl/v)

117 The White House has a pool rite?

Posted by: Puddinhead at July 13, 2022 02:50 PM (tiR3O)

Dead pool.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at July 13, 2022 02:51 PM (U3uv2)

118 So sad, I won't be able to buy as many tacos now.

Posted by: She Hobbit at July 13, 2022 02:51 PM (TCbSr)

119 MSLSD's Stephanie Ruhle comments on Musk's Hunter in cameras meme.

Stephanie Ruhle@SRuhle
Imagine the positive impact you could have on the world if you used the extraordinary amount of influence and power you have to spread decency, kindness and positivity?

Musk strikes back!

Elon Musk@elonmusk
Replying to @SRuhle
Imagine if MSNBC did that

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now the Summer of Our Discontent at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM (FVME7)

120 I heard the reality was quite different, that practically all of the barrels released from the SPR went overseas.
Posted by: Chairman LMAO at July 13, 2022 02:49 PM (Wg1SU)
Oil is fungible. Release it and sell it here vs. release it and sell it there, you're still selling it and it's a global market. It was poorly managed and the bidding should have been restricted to domestic firms, but it still has an effect regardless.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM (WWh8n)

121 if you do the math....The push for $15 should actually be closer to $20 now. The Republicans should have a inflation board that tracks how much inflation has done to the dream of $15 minimum wage

Posted by: Fish at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM (ADw0E)

122 A week ago they had a sale on limes - 3 for a buck. It was like the Soviet Union grocery of 1958.

Posted by: kraken at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM (ks05J)

123 Why is everyone yelling at me?

Posted by: JackStraw at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM (ZLI7S)

124 Is it a coincidence that President Tween Diddler is in the Middle East just as the bad news is released?

Brave Sir Robin.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM (9qSw/)

125 Hey AWFLs do you realize electing the guy without mean tweets has already cost you 20-50% of your life savings?

And he's got more then two years left!

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM (ESjRY)

126 Biden and his junta will soon blame all Americans but not his economic polices that are destroying the country.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM (WKPeU)

127 Bullshit.
Not around here.
Posted by: Diogenes at July 13, 2022 02:49 PM (anj39)

Nope. Not even half that.

Posted by: Jordan61 at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM (DRSnL)

128 And Powell has indicated that folks should be prepared for significant increases - probably 0.75 points or more - at every Fed meeting for the foreseeable future. Whether he blinks is anyone's guess, but I kind of doubt he will. The Fed plays politics and loves to play politics, but historically they have been willing to let *everyone* twist in the wind to defend the currency. That better not have changed or we're all fucked.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 02:51 PM (WWh8n)

I wouldn't mind seeing 15% rates. It'd bring the federal debt to a rather rapid head though.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM (b2nrj)

129 Sinema

Has she wore her kinky boots lately?
Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at July 13, 2022 02:49 PM

I missed Mannix' hottie with boots post so I guess as a runner up prize I get Sinema in kinky boots?

Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM (F63C3)

130 The good news is your $200,000 mortgage will be pocket change soon.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM (KNJGg)

131 Wonder what my 1000 rounds of 5.56 and 7.62x39 are worth now?

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 13, 2022 02:53 PM (QSjkU)

132 I want to have Cumalot Harris's love child after my sex change paid for by California tax payers....

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at July 13, 2022 02:53 PM (p3lya)

133 I think they're trying to blame climate change and Sun flares now.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at July 13, 2022 02:53 PM (MkYsY)

134 Musk strikes back!

Elon Musk@elonmusk
Replying to @SRuhle
Imagine if MSNBC did that

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now the Summer of Our Discontent at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM (FVME7)

lol, The dude gives no fucks.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at July 13, 2022 02:53 PM (U3uv2)

135 Why is everyone yelling at me?

Broken Caps Locks buttons?

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 02:53 PM (ESjRY)

136 The White House has a pool rite?

Posted by: Puddinhead at July 13, 2022 02:50 PM (tiR3O)

In the basement. Biden likes to swim naked in front of the female SS agents

Posted by: Kindltot at July 13, 2022 02:53 PM (xhaym)

Breaking911 @Breaking911 · 1h
VP Harris after inflation hit 9.1%, highest rate in 40+ years: "It is important to note that these numbers do not fully reflect the recent drop in gas prices. Average national gas prices have fallen every day for nearly 30 days."
Posted by: andycanuck (yikp0) at July 13, 2022 02:50 PM (yikp0)

Yeah, dropping from $4.80 to $4.32 doesn't really mean all that much you dumb cuunt.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 13, 2022 02:53 PM (Zz0t1)

138 Price controls have worked so well in other countries to control inflation...

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at July 13, 2022 02:54 PM (Wg1SU)

139 And he's got more then two years left!

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM (ESjRY)


Nah, the dems are already sharpening the knives and setting the battlefield to force him out.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at July 13, 2022 02:54 PM (gQZm2)

140 Why is everyone yelling at me?
Posted by: JackStraw

Easy target?

Pick one or both!

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at July 13, 2022 02:54 PM (YWMaw)

141 123 Why is everyone yelling at me?
Posted by: JackStraw at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM (ZLI7S)

White privilege?

Posted by: kraken at July 13, 2022 02:54 PM (ks05J)

142 Just remember: inflation is a 12 month rolling number. Prices are 9.1% higher than they were last year at this time - which was already inflated.

Inflation compounds, just like interest.

At 9%, prices will double - increase a full 100% - in just eight years.

9.1% is an "existential crisis" level of inflation. Even cut in half, it's still not long term sustainable. You cannot cut your earnings in half every 8, or even 16 years. Not forever. Not without consequences.

But... ultimately this is how the debt will be repaid. Make 30, 40, 50 billion dollars mean "nothing," and it's easy peasy.

The plebs? Who cares about the plebs. Mr. Brains, Bill Gates, owns North Dakota. He has his, right?

Posted by: Mr. Proton at July 13, 2022 02:54 PM (L/BnQ)

143 Imagine how bad inflation would be now if Manchin and Sinema hadn't stopped BBB.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 13, 2022 02:54 PM (ZLI7S)

144 It will take stronger medicine, unfortunately.

Don't worry. DC is on it!

Tom Elliott@tomselliott
Biden Admin Senior Gaslighter @BrianDeeseNEC on the worst inflation in 100 years: "More urgency than ever to pass" new spending bills

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now the Summer of Our Discontent at July 13, 2022 02:54 PM (FVME7)

145 Yeah, dropping from $4.80 to $4.32 doesn't really mean all that much you dumb cuunt.

Gas under Trump = $2

Gas under Biden = $4.32

And we are supposed to be...thankful?!?

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 02:54 PM (ESjRY)

146 if you do the math....The push for $15 should actually be closer to $20 now. The Republicans should have a inflation board that tracks how much inflation has done to the dream of $15 minimum wage

Posted by: Fish

The push for $15/hr for unskilled and stupid people is one of the main drivers of inflation.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at July 13, 2022 02:54 PM (WKPeU)

147 The good news is your $200,000 mortgage will be pocket change soon.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM (KNJGg)

Bad news is, it will cost you $600,000 before it's all said and done.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 13, 2022 02:54 PM (Zz0t1)

148 Make the minimum wage $50 a hour to offset the 9% inflation. Sounds like a great idea....What do y'all think ??

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at July 13, 2022 02:54 PM (p3lya)

149 Now it's $24 / 30 cans. About a 33% increase.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at July 13, 2022 02:50 PM (YIVH2)

Just wait until you see what it goes for when seniors on a fixed income start eating it.

Posted by: Archer at July 13, 2022 02:55 PM (gmo/4)

150 if you do the math....The push for $15 should actually be closer to $20 now. The Republicans should have a inflation board that tracks how much inflation has done to the dream of $15 minimum wage
Posted by: Fish at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM

Which every sane fucker in the world told the lemmings from the SEIU in their purple shirts what would happen. One day you make 15.00 per hour. The next day you make 20.00, yea! you! The next day everything doubles in price. Derp.

Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 02:55 PM (F63C3)

151 Maybe there will be an "accident" over in the ME.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at July 13, 2022 02:55 PM (89T5c)

152 Wonder what my 1000 rounds of 5.56 and 7.62x39 are worth now?

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 13, 2022 02:53 PM (QSjkU)

About $0.56 round/shipped, depending on quality. My COVID toilet paper hoarding era $0.33/round M193 has appreciated nicely.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at July 13, 2022 02:55 PM (U3uv2)

153 Want to stop inflation? Stop deficit spending.

Biden and congress could do it right now if they wanted to. But they don't.

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 02:55 PM (ESjRY)

154 zerohedge @zerohedge · 12m
California Governor Signs Bill Allowing Victims to Sue Gun-Makers

Posted by: andycanuck (yikp0) at July 13, 2022 02:55 PM (yikp0)

Tom Elliott@tomselliott
Biden Admin Senior Gaslighter @BrianDeeseNEC on the worst inflation in 100 years: "More urgency than ever to pass" new spending bills
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now the Summer of Our Discontent at July 13, 2022 02:54 PM (FVME7)

You misspelled "Shut down the government for the next two years."

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 13, 2022 02:55 PM (Zz0t1)

156 Does that stupid fuck Krugman still have a job?
What an asshole.

I got Mrs DIG hyped out today when I told her that I saw GMA3: What You Need To Know in the TV listings.

She wanted (correctly) about brainwashing, and I mentioned that they are not even circumspect about it.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 13, 2022 02:55 PM (ufFY8)

157 147 The good news is your $200,000 mortgage will be pocket change soon.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM (KNJGg)

Bad news is, it will cost you $600,000 before it's all said and done.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 13, 2022 02:54 PM (Zz0t1)

That's what fixed rate loans are for.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at July 13, 2022 02:55 PM (b2nrj)

158 The White House has a pool rite?
Posted by: Puddinhead at July 13, 2022 02:50 PM

Pool and a pond ... Pond be good for you

Posted by: Ty Webb at July 13, 2022 02:56 PM (hOAT3)

159 Hiya Kraken !

Posted by: JT at July 13, 2022 02:56 PM (T4tVD)

160 California Governor Signs Bill Allowing Victims to Sue Gun-Makers

Can I sue the guy that let the illegals in if they murder/rob me?

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 02:56 PM (ESjRY)

161 Why is everyone yelling at me?
Posted by: JackStraw

They aren't, your just high,,, again.

Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 02:56 PM (F63C3)

162 153 Want to stop inflation? Stop deficit spending.

Biden and congress could do it right now if they wanted to. But they don't.
Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 02:55 PM (ESjRY)

Could we technically get out of this by cutting spending and reducing the money supply? Yes.

Are we going to? Not a chance.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at July 13, 2022 02:56 PM (b2nrj)

163 And that 9.1% is excluding food and fuel, yes?

A lot of people, especially in the North, are going to really be boned this winter.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 13, 2022 02:56 PM (yQpMk)

164 So are the Sword Twirling Saudis gonna do us a favor?

Posted by: Puddinhead at July 13, 2022 02:56 PM (tiR3O)

165 if you do the math....The push for $15 should actually be closer to $20 now. The Republicans should have a inflation board that tracks how much inflation has done to the dream of $15 minimum wage.

When I was working in high school - we're talking late 80s - I did all I could to avoid eating at McDonalds.

Because it cost five bucks, and I conveniently made five bucks an hour. My boy started work yesterday, in a tire shop. He makes twelve bucks an hour. McDonalds - which he does not buy because he carries my cooler and we supply lunches - costs around ten bucks.

The big difference is gas. My five bucks bought five gallons. His twelve bucks buys two and a half.

Posted by: And Away We Go at July 13, 2022 02:56 PM (UM2Gg)

166 Saw a headline last week on Yahoo Finance where Jim Cramer says that the market will recover in the second half. Which pretty much guarantees that we're screwed for at least a year.

Posted by: Oddbob at July 13, 2022 02:56 PM (nfrXX)

167 A week ago they had a sale on limes - 3 for a buck. It was like the Soviet Union grocery of 1958.
Posted by: kraken

Were they the same limes ?

Posted by: JT at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM (T4tVD)

168 The new state law, which comes into effect in July 2023, takes advantage of an exemption to the federal statute that allows gun makers or sellers to be sued for violations of state laws concerning the sale or marketing of firearms.

“If you’ve been hurt or a family member is a victim of gun violence, you can now go to court and hold the makers of these deadly weapons accountable,” Newsom added.

Stop selling guns in CA.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM (KNJGg)

169 I think they're trying to blame climate change and Sun flares now.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at July 13, 2022 02:53 PM (MkYsY)

Under Brezhnev, it was acknowledged that there were four things that adversely affected the Soviet economy: Winter weather, Spring weather, Summer weather and Fall weather.

Posted by: Kindltot at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM (xhaym)

170 California Governor Signs Bill Allowing Victims to Sue Gun-Makers


The firearms companies should stop selling all of their firearms in California, including sales to police and National Guard.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM (lf83v)

171 9.1% inflation this month versus 8.6% last month actually means that inflation is going up 6% month over month.

Ladies and gentlemen I present the utopian economic world of socialism.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM (WKPeU)

172 Does that stupid fuck Krugman still have a job?
What an asshole.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 13, 2022 02:55 PM (ufFY8

A tough cut, but fitting.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM (Zz0t1)

173 153 Want to stop inflation? Stop deficit spending.

Biden and congress could do it right now if they wanted to. But they don't.
Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 02:55 PM (ESjRY)

They can't - entitlements plus interest make up more than our entire US federal revenue. No one will touch entitlements, and the interest is a required payment...

Posted by: Nova local at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM (exHjb)

174 Hey remember how Hunter Biden's favorite hooker got COVID bucks. Has she been arrested? No. Have they clawed back the money? No.

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM (ESjRY)

175 Stephanie Ruhle@SRuhle
Imagine the positive impact you could have on the world if you used the extraordinary amount of influence and power you have to spread decency, kindness and positivity?

Elon Musk@elonmusk
Replying to @SRuhle
Be nice, Stephanie or I will buy MSNBC and make you my personal fuck toy.

Posted by: Elon at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM (9l3TU)

176 167 A week ago they had a sale on limes - 3 for a buck. It was like the Soviet Union grocery of 1958.
Posted by: kraken

Were they the same limes ?
Posted by: JT at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM (T4tVD)


Posted by: kraken at July 13, 2022 02:58 PM (ks05J)

177 Unexpectedly.

Posted by: ShainS -- Welcome to the boneyard, it gets worse here every day at July 13, 2022 02:58 PM (vRiFo)

178 Wife: I don't understand cloning.
Husband: that makes two of us.

Posted by: Quarter Twenty at July 13, 2022 02:58 PM (kCl/v)

179 122 A week ago they had a sale on limes - 3 for a buck. It was like the Soviet Union grocery of 1958.
Posted by: kraken at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM (ks05J)

the tony lil grocer in Great Barrington

limes 2.50 each

Posted by: REDACTED at July 13, 2022 02:58 PM (us2H3)

180 Negative I disagree..... Biden and AOC says Global Warming is out of control, so your heating bill will be cheaper because you will need to use your AC year round..

163 And that 9.1% is excluding food and fuel, yes?

A lot of people, especially in the North, are going to really be boned this winter.

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at July 13, 2022 02:58 PM (p3lya)

181 I wouldn't mind seeing 15% rates. It'd bring the federal debt to a rather rapid head though.
Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at July 13, 2022 02:52 PM (b2nrj)
That's the risk, yes. And that will now happen. There's no way out. The Fed has more tools this time around than last time (they have a balance sheet they can try to drain this time), but there's no avoiding rising interest. Unlike on the way down (and we spent 35 years on the way down), you can't just refinance all the time and shuffle along like a zombie. Every time you turn the crank, your debt gets *more* expensive. This is going to hurt the US fiscal situation for probably 15 or 20 years, if we live through it without a default.

But deficit spending has to stop. No more debt growth, as of now. The refinancing will consume more and more money each time, and the only way to keep that from eating you is to shrink the balance.

But we can't do it. The mandatory spending alone will dictate more deficit financing as interest rates rise. Zero everything else from parks to the military and we're still going to be underwater (largely due to Medicare and federal Medicaid block grants).

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 02:58 PM (WWh8n)

182 Jimmy Carter, the mewling quim that he is, bitterly blamed the fed chairman for not getting re-elected.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at July 13, 2022 02:59 PM (44ww/)

That's what fixed rate loans are for.
Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at July 13, 2022 02:55 PM (b2nrj)

And that rate is over 8% currently, going no where but up from there.

Welcome to 1978!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 13, 2022 02:59 PM (Zz0t1)

184 49 -- Xipe Toltec -- Don't say things like that! We 're looking to sell this fall or winter, too. We'll be selling as is, so hopefully we won't take too horrible a bath. (I keep telling the XO a stick of dynamite would make everything better.)

Posted by: Captain Josepha Sabin -- I wasn't particularly fond of the '70s the first time around at July 13, 2022 02:59 PM (H31K8)

185 I can't find the twatt now but a site that tracks the REAL rate of inflation [using the 1970's standards I'd guess?] says the real rate is more than 16%.

Posted by: andycanuck (yikp0) at July 13, 2022 02:59 PM (yikp0)

186 A week ago they had a sale on limes - 3 for a buck. It was like the Soviet Union grocery of 1958.
Posted by: kraken

Were they the same limes ?
Posted by: JT at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM

LOL. There were probably only 3 limes in the whole store.

Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 02:59 PM (F63C3)

187 About $0.56 round/shipped, depending on quality. My COVID toilet paper hoarding era $0.33/round M193 has appreciated nicely.
Posted by: Comrade flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at July 13, 2022 02:55 PM

Hell, I could have stocked up just before COVID at about $0.38/round, but no one will ship to this benighted state.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 13, 2022 02:59 PM (4p7Em)

188 The firearms companies should stop selling all of their firearms in California, including sales to police and National Guard.

I'd like to see a constitutional amendment that no civilian member of the government at any level can have a weapon in a jurisdiction that civilians can't.

Ban semi-autos? No semi-autos for cops. Or politician's bodyguards.

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 02:59 PM (ESjRY)

189 Have they clawed back the money? No.

They don't want her money because they know where it has been.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at July 13, 2022 02:59 PM (lf83v)

190 So, a barrel of oil has dropped to about the price of what it was at the beginning of February. I must have missed that new supply coming on line in June? I must have missed all the new drilling permits issued this year-for future development? I must have missed new refineries coming on-line this year. The price drop is temporary Kamalaladingdong.

Posted by: Bill and Hill at July 13, 2022 02:59 PM (hKmvK)

191 170 Awesome.

The firearms companies should stop selling all of their firearms in California, including sales to police and National Guard.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM (lf83v)

I support all California LEOs being armed only with billy clubs.

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at July 13, 2022 02:59 PM (Wg1SU)

192 MSM: Biden states that Repubs are blocking his efforts

Repub: ya know, we don't have the house or senate, and besides, we have plenty of idiots in our caucus who would love to bail Biden out to make whatever he wants to dump on the citizens a bipartisan pile of crap.

MSM: Republicans pounce on President's remarks

Posted by: Chuck Martel at July 13, 2022 02:59 PM (fs1hN)

193 "Inflation is ONLY caused by central bank money creation."

So raising the minimum wage to $30.00 an hour will NOT cause an increase in the cost of goods and services?

Good to know.

Let's go to 60.00 and we'll all be rich!!!

Wait, you'll take a check? Let me just pay that whole car off right now

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 13, 2022 02:59 PM (1n+EO)

194 Awesome.

The firearms companies should stop selling all of their firearms in California, including sales to police and National Guard.

I used to ask ... why don't cig companies simply pick one state, and stop ? Don't buy our awful product.

Same for California Compliant emissions. Just don't, if it's that expensive.

Same for guns. Ruger, just don't ship a single damn thing to New York. Stop. Today.

Posted by: And Away We Go at July 13, 2022 02:59 PM (UM2Gg)

195 Stephanie Ruhle@SRuhle
Imagine the positive impact you could have on the world if you used the extraordinary amount of influence and power you have to spread decency, kindness and positivity?

Now do your own damn network, stupid.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 13, 2022 02:59 PM (Zz0t1)

196 Let's put the blame squarely where it belongs, on those extreme ultra MAGAs.

Posted by: Hillary! at July 13, 2022 03:00 PM (a3Q+t)

197 California Governor Signs Bill Allowing Victims to Sue Gun-Makers


The firearms companies should stop selling all of their firearms in California, including sales to police and National Guard.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM (lf83v)

This. Not a single gun, not a single fucking round of ammo.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at July 13, 2022 03:00 PM (VwHCD)

198 And that 9.1% is excluding food and fuel, yes?

No, it includes food and fuel.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at July 13, 2022 03:00 PM (gQZm2)

199 Yeah, dropping from $4.80 to $4.32 doesn't really mean all that much you dumb cuunt.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 13, 2022 02:53 PM (Zz0t1)

Even that is tentative, one well-placed hurricane or some other disaster ie Russia completely blocking all oil sales West will erase those "drops" in a hurry.

Posted by: Thrawn at July 13, 2022 03:00 PM (Rl7KJ)

200 Hell, I could have stocked up just before COVID at about $0.38/round, but no one will ship to this benighted state.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 13, 2022 02:59 PM (4p7Em)

I imagine that we will be in the same boat, soon.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at July 13, 2022 03:00 PM (U3uv2)

201 The Commies ... er .... Democrats are running around blaming the greedy businesses for price-gouging, ignoring the fact that they are the a$$holes that injected billions into the money-stream without any commensurate increase is assets. This is basic economics: devaluing currency results in increasing prices -- as certain as night follows day.

I predict that these fools are going to impose price controls. That will be as successful as every other time it's been done.

People are really starting to hurt. It's not fun for me and Mrs. Cop, but so far OK. We have noticed a significant decrease in customers at the local bar-n-grill we like to patronize.

Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at July 13, 2022 03:00 PM (pJWtt)

202 During the Carter administration, inflation peaked at 14.6% in 1980 and was only brought to heal by interest rates moved to 20% by Volcker, which crashed the economy and led to a recession.

We've got a ways to go yet on interest rates because the Fed is scared to death to push the button.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 13, 2022 03:00 PM (9qSw/)

203 ------

No, it includes food and fuel.
Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at July 13, 2022 03:00 PM (gQZm2)

Making the number bullshit.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 13, 2022 03:01 PM (Zz0t1)

204 The push for $15/hr for unskilled and stupid people is one of the main drivers of inflation.
Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at July 13, 2022 02:54 PM (WKPeU)

Inflation is caused by central bank creating money. Inflation is only caused by central bank creating money.

Living wage / minimum wage legislation only pushed unskilled workers out of the work force and makes job creation for them impossible for small businesses

Posted by: Kindltot at July 13, 2022 03:01 PM (xhaym)

205 When I was working in high school - we're talking late 80s - I did all I could to avoid eating at McDonalds.

Because it cost five bucks, and I conveniently made five bucks an hour. My boy started work yesterday, in a tire shop. He makes twelve bucks an hour. McDonalds - which he does not buy because he carries my cooler and we supply lunches - costs around ten bucks.

The big difference is gas. My five bucks bought five gallons. His twelve bucks buys two and a half.
Posted by: And Away We Go at July 13, 2022 02:56 PM (UM2Gg)

Currency is just a medium of exchange so over the long haul certain exchanges tend to fall in a certain band. Trading unskilled labor for food (served by other unskilled labor) for instance. Technological advances can even bring this cost down over time, in the past we had to exchange way more labor to feed ourselves. Inflation, especially high and volatile inflation, plays havoc with supply chains and planning though.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at July 13, 2022 03:01 PM (b2nrj)

206 This gas crisis is caused by all the People from India running 7-11 stores and jacking up the gas prices !!!!!!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at July 13, 2022 03:01 PM (p3lya)

207 Free shit sure is expensive

Posted by: x at July 13, 2022 03:01 PM (QzGLY)

208 Fk Joe Biden

Posted by: Skip at July 13, 2022 03:01 PM (2JoB8)

209 9.1% inflation this month versus 8.6% last month actually means that inflation is going up 6% month over month.

Ladies and gentlemen I present the utopian economic world of socialism.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM (WKPeU)


Long wheelbarrows.

Posted by: ShainS -- Welcome to the boneyard, it gets worse here every day at July 13, 2022 03:02 PM (vRiFo)

210 This. Not a single gun, not a single fucking round of ammo.


Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at July 13, 2022 03:02 PM (lf83v)

211 If inflation gets any worse

the dims will hold onto congress

Posted by: REDACTED at July 13, 2022 03:02 PM (us2H3)

212 Awesome.

The firearms companies should stop selling all of their firearms in California, including sales to police and National Guard.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM (lf83v)

This. Not a single gun, not a single fucking round of ammo.
Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at July 13, 2022 03:00 PM

Iirc, Barrett did that when CA banned .50 cals.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 13, 2022 03:02 PM (4p7Em)

213 Free shit sure is expensive

I was trying to point out to a LIV the other day that part of the reason health care was so expensive was that insurance just paid for it for most people. So no one tries to get a lower price.

She wasn't getting it....

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 03:02 PM (ESjRY)

214 Hiya Skip !

Its hot out thar !

Posted by: JT at July 13, 2022 03:02 PM (T4tVD)

215 Yeah, dropping from $4.80 to $4.32 doesn't really mean all that much you dumb cuunt.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 13, 2022 02:53 PM (Zz0t1)
Yes it does. 9% is 9% lower. The problem is that the price drop isn't organic - we're goosing the market with the SPR and haven't had a supply shock since Russia went offline to a lot of markets. The SPR hit is going to wane and fast because we're draining the damn thing (it will be empty by Autumn if we keep it up) and we're not even into hurricane season yet.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 03:03 PM (WWh8n)

216 Were they the same limes ?
Posted by: JT at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM

LOL. There were probably only 3 limes in the whole store.
Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 02:59 PM

Limes don't matter if you don't have a place to put them.

Posted by: Coconuts at July 13, 2022 03:03 PM (a3Q+t)

217 The firearms companies should stop selling all of their firearms in California, including sales to police and National Guard.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot

This. Not a single gun, not a single fucking round of ammo.
Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division

Colt: Gentlemen, if we don't stand together we will certainly swing separately.

Gun and Ammo Companies: WE SHALL SWING SEPARATELY!

Stupid fucks.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 13, 2022 03:03 PM (fAMHd)

218 The Dems should have tried to avoid hyperinflation.

They win because people don't pay attention if it does not directly affect them.

But inflation hits everyone not living off an EBT card.

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 03:03 PM (ESjRY)

219 203

Making the number bullshit.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 13, 2022 03:01 PM (Zz0t1)

Gas where I am is at $5.99 for regular everywhere in my neighborhood. No way that's right, I agree!

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at July 13, 2022 03:03 PM (Wg1SU)

220 This. Not a single gun, not a single fucking round of ammo.
Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at July 13, 2022 03:00 PM (VwHCD)

Then they'll run into disparate impact complaints.

Can't have gang shootouts without guns-n-ammo.

Posted by: 496 at July 13, 2022 03:03 PM (VJsqe)

221 A lot of people, especially in the North, are going to really be boned this winter.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 13, 2022 02:56 PM (yQpMk)

Yes. And the dumb fucks will leave their frozen houses to march right down and vote Democrat. Fukkem.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 13, 2022 03:04 PM (QSjkU)

222 Zero everything else from parks to the military and we're still going to be underwater (largely due to Medicare and federal Medicaid block grants).
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 02:58 PM (WWh8n)

Not much left of the can. Been kicked down the road far to long

Posted by: A dude in MI at July 13, 2022 03:04 PM (/6GbT)

223 It makes no sense for the gun manufacturers to do any business in California if they are going to be sued for every gun death. They will lose more in litigation costs than they do in sales.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at July 13, 2022 03:04 PM (lf83v)

224 So now if an illegal alien child rapist shoots you, you can sue Remington.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now the Summer of Our Discontent at July 13, 2022 03:04 PM (FVME7)

225 117 The White House has a pool rite?

Posted by: Puddinhead at July 13, 2022 02:50 PM (tiR3O)

a pool and a pond

the pond would be good for you

Posted by: Ty Webb at July 13, 2022 03:04 PM (us2H3)

226 Just create a new calculation that makes inflation 2% problem solved.

Posted by: BruceWayne at July 13, 2022 03:04 PM (MGB5H)

227 The firearms companies should stop selling all of their firearms in California, including sales to police and National Guard.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM (lf83v)

This. Not a single gun, not a single fucking round of ammo.
Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at July 13, 2022 03:00 PM (VwHCD)

I see I've finally found some fellow Federalists. I support their Constitutional right to run their state as they wish. Disarm. And Abort. All damn day.

Let me know when they set up road-blocks stopping folks from leaving for asylum. You know, in an adjacent state. Then I might be interested.

Posted by: And Away We Go at July 13, 2022 03:04 PM (UM2Gg)

228 There are over 80 million people in this country that believe we can reduce inflation by increasing government spending.

All that's going to happen in 2023 is the limp puds in the GOPe will do everything possible to take the blame for inflation.

Better that than Trump win in 2024.7

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at July 13, 2022 03:04 PM (eQO+b)

229 I can't find the twatt now but a site that tracks the REAL rate of inflation [using the 1970's standards I'd guess?] says the real rate is more than 16%.
Posted by: andycanuck (yikp0) at July 13, 2022 02:59 PM

It has to be. Not one blessed thing has gone down since Joepedo took the reigns that I can think of, other than my retirement account.

Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 03:04 PM (F63C3)

230 zerohedge @zerohedge · 12m
California Governor Signs Bill Allowing Victims to Sue Gun-Makers
Posted by: andycanuck (yikp0) at July 13, 2022 02:55 PM (yikp0)

We got the Florida governor Walkin' Lawton Chiles, democrat asshole, years ago to do that for evil Big Tobacco.

Using our Tobacco Torts as a road map will bring you fame, fortune and whores.

But mostly fortune and whores.

Posted by: Zombie Fred Levin at July 13, 2022 03:05 PM (vvzla)

231 Free shit sure is expensive

Posted by: x at July 13, 2022 03:01 PM (QzGLY)


Corollary to Milton Friedman: "The bill for free lunches will one day total in excess of $300 trillion -- which will eventually result in the worth of those dollars to be something approaching zero ..."

Posted by: ShainS -- Welcome to the boneyard, it gets worse here every day at July 13, 2022 03:05 PM (mAynD)

232 BTW, Bank of Canada raises prime 1 full percent; now is 2.5%% overall.

Posted by: andycanuck (yikp0) at July 13, 2022 03:05 PM (yikp0)

233 Tacos sure are getting expensive.

Posted by: wth at July 13, 2022 03:05 PM (v0R5T)

234 Zero everything else from parks to the military and we're still going to be underwater (largely due to Medicare and federal Medicaid block grants).

Want if we take all the wealth of every Democrat/GOPe government official/lobbyist/Bond villain (Soros, Bezos, etc)?

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 03:05 PM (ESjRY)

235 And as others have noted, its at least 10% higher in reality. And while Biden's policies and the work of other imbeciles in places like California have caused this, part of it can be placed at the feet of every state that shut down panicking over the Wuhan Flu.

Limes don't matter if you don't have a place to put them.

"I say, old bean, I'll take all your limes, should you not need them. Spare limes, as it were."
--James Cosworthy Smythe-Biggington III Brigadier General, Ret, Mrs

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 13, 2022 03:05 PM (Ivdso)

236 Living wage / minimum wage legislation only pushed unskilled workers out of the work force and makes job creation for them impossible for small businesses

Posted by: Kindltot

So you are telling me that as a former restaurant owner where labor costs were 50%+ of total costs that increasing minimum wage wouldn't force me to charge more for every item on the menu?


Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at July 13, 2022 03:05 PM (WKPeU)

237 What if a cop on California payroll accidentally shoots a person dead?

Is that too the fault of the gun mfr?

Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 13, 2022 03:06 PM (9qSw/)

238 There are over 80 million people ballots in this country that believe we can reduce inflation by increasing government spending.

All that's going to happen in 2023 is the limp puds in the GOPe will do everything possible to take the blame for inflation.

Better that than Trump win in 2024.7

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at July 13, 2022 03:04 PM (eQO+b)


Posted by: Comrade flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at July 13, 2022 03:06 PM (U3uv2)

239 he firearms companies should stop selling all of their firearms in California, including sales to police and National Guard.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM (lf83v)

This. Not a single gun, not a single fucking round of ammo.
Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at July 13, 2022 03:00 PM (VwHCD)

I see I've finally found some fellow Federalists. I support their Constitutional right to run their state as they wish. Disarm. And Abort. All damn day.

Let me know when they set up road-blocks stopping folks from leaving for asylum. You know, in an adjacent state. Then I might be interested.
Posted by: And Away We Go at July 13, 2022 03:04 PM

Yep. Not even a Highpoint! Nothing. Don't sell them a b.b gun. Give it to them hard.

Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 03:06 PM (F63C3)

240 "Republicans are doing nothing but obstructing our efforts to crack down on gas-price gouging, lower food prices, lower healthcare costs, and hopefully, soon, lower your prescription drug costs."

Biden is correct. He's referring to his "efforts to crack down on . . . lower food prices, lower healthcare costs . . . ." He sure is cracking down on lower prices. Just terrible phrasing. Does nobody in the WH speak good English?

Posted by: Elric Blade at July 13, 2022 03:06 PM (iFTx/)

241 "Stocks whipsawed as a shockingly hot US inflation report rattled financial markets, boosting bets the Federal Reserve could get even more aggressive with its belt-tightening campaign"

Soon to be know as Putin's interest rate hikes.

Followed by Putin's food shortages

And Putin's famine.

Posted by: Ripley at July 13, 2022 03:06 PM (MxEKc)

242 The gun companies will stop selling guns in California. The number of guns in California won't drop, but there will be no incentive to sell there.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 13, 2022 03:06 PM (QSjkU)

243 This has a bright side. Unless you're 55+ you have never experienced this.

All those millineials and Gen X (whatev) are now getting some real life lessons. Learn they may not. But this experience stays with you.

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at July 13, 2022 03:06 PM (NW9xb)

244 Be nice, Stephanie or I will buy MSNBC and make you my personal fuck toy.
Posted by: Elon at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM (9l3TU)


She's a One.
I would make her face a glazed donut

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at July 13, 2022 03:07 PM (ufFY8)

245 Those green shoots are poisonous weeds!


Posted by: Shiggz (defective slave) at July 13, 2022 03:07 PM (0SrVS)

246 Kamala
Yes we must honor the hollow cost, because their is honor in the hollow cost that is too high, and that cost might come down with honor.

Posted by: Not My Reel Name at July 13, 2022 03:07 PM (dQvv7)

247 Honestly for me the most shocking part of this all is that the Biden Administration is admitting this. I would have thought that they would all conspire to find a way to state that the inflation rate is like 5% and its all a right wing nationalist racist lie to claim otherwise.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 13, 2022 03:07 PM (Ivdso)

248 Soon to be know as Putin's interest rate hikes.

Followed by Putin's food shortages

And Putin's famine.
Posted by: Ripley at July 13, 2022 03:06 PM (MxEKc)

We should impeach Putin!

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 13, 2022 03:07 PM (Hp9vG)

249 I'd love a 5.1% raise.
I got 2%.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2022 03:07 PM (U5n2r)

250 Don't sell them a b.b gun.

You'll put your eye out kid.

Posted by: Gavin Newsome at July 13, 2022 03:07 PM (lf83v)

251 This was posted earlier today:

The 9.1% number is bullshit.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 13, 2022 03:07 PM (Zz0t1)

252 Yep. Not even a Highpoint! Nothing. Don't sell them a b.b gun. Give it to them hard.
Posted by: Minnfidel

That'd work. If you could get every manufacturer onboard.

Good luck with that.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM (fAMHd)

253 When do we get to sue the Cartels?

Posted by: Puddinhead at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM (tiR3O)

254 80 million people voted for a loser hiding in his basement over Trump who had the country in great shape ???

Split the country in half and let these losers live with a President Bite-Me and the rest of us live in Trump's America. Use the money to build a wall to keep the idiots away from us with higher then a double digit IQ...

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM (p3lya)

255 The defunded cops in California can buy their guns off the street, like the thugs. Who cares?

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM (QSjkU)

256 off topic, if no one mentioned this already, from zero hedge:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday signed legislation to allow Californian victims of shootings to sue gun makers and sellers for the harm caused by criminals using guns.

Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM (Ynyl9)

The firearms companies should stop selling all of their firearms in California, including sales to police and National Guard.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at July 13, 2022 02:57 PM (lf83v)

First, stop selling arms and ammo to the movie industry armorers. When they have to make A-list action movies with plastic airsoft guns while making pew-pew-pew noises to be adjusted in post...

It won't make much of a difference, but it'll be fun to flip off the movie cocksuckers.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM (n+4am)

258 Well, I didn't vote for Putin.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM (9qSw/)

259 I remember back when warning about Putin and Russia was SOOOO 1980's.

Good times.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM (Zz0t1)

260 "our efforts to crack down on gas-price gouging, lower food prices, lower healthcare costs"

Has he considered ~not~ cracking down on lower food prices and healthcare costs?

Posted by: FeatherBlade at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM (V5QJ5)

261 Not much left of the can. Been kicked down the road far to long
Posted by: A dude in MI at July 13, 2022 03:04 PM (/6GbT)
Yup. I dunno if they're going to trot out "austerity measures" again like they did during the Euro crisis, but that's where we're heading. Not fake government accounting cuts, but *real* cuts. There are only three ways out of this:
1. Cut government spending, go into budget surplus (or at least balance) and refinance as aggressively and on as long a maturity as possible to keep ahead of rising interest rates.
2. Default and trigger a global fiscal crisis and likely trigger a war as a result
3. Let inflation continue, destroy the savings of the entire domestic and much of the global population, constrain government budget growth during that time and possibly trigger a war as a result.

#1 is by far the least painful option on balance, but there is no pain-free option. Rising interest will also bring some of the carry trade home and stimulate the domestic economy. Good trade policy will help more. But there's no good way out of this mess, nor is there a fast way. We spent 30+ years causing this problem and we won't come out of it 2-3 quarters.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM (WWh8n)

262 "Donors need to tell these Beltway idiots that your average young person or American doesn’t know about what the filibuster it." -- David Hogg

Do you think, Mr. Soon-2-B-Harvard-Graduate that that might be a root cause of what you spend a lot of time bitchy-bitching about?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM (a3Q+t)

263 Let me know when they set up road-blocks stopping folks from leaving for asylum

Leftist in a blue state: Well this blue state is perfect. We care about immigrants, we take care of the earth, and we believe in science! Shame I can't get a job, buy a house, or walk the streets at night.

Leftist in now in a red state: Well this red state sucks. They don't care about immigrants, take care of the earth, or believe in science! I mean I did get a good a job, bought a house, and I can walk the streets at night. But if I can just elect some SMART people we can fix all that!

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM (ESjRY)

264 When do we get to sue the Cartels?


No hablo.

Posted by: Department of Justice at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM (lf83v)

265 It has to be. Not one blessed thing has gone down since Joepedo took the reigns that I can think of, other than my retirement account.

Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 03:04 PM (F63C3)


So stealing that ... Joepedo the Torpedo 2024 -- This Time He's Gone Nuclear!

Posted by: ShainS -- Welcome to the boneyard, it gets worse here every day at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM (bxDDB)

266 I’m going to have to cut my Juneteenth celebrations short. They’re just getting too expensive.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 13, 2022 03:09 PM (o8pZB)

267 Maybe it's time to see medical costs drop. They've been running way higher than the inflation rate. I suspect there are a few folks that don't trust the medical profession right now.

Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at July 13, 2022 03:09 PM (5HBd1)

268 Can't Biden sign an Executive Order to make the Earth produce clean burning oil and coal ????

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at July 13, 2022 03:09 PM (p3lya)

269 Is that too the fault of the gun mfr?

If they are brown, sure.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at July 13, 2022 03:09 PM (89T5c)

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 13, 2022 03:04 PM (QSjkU)

I thought you claimed you weren't and Eeyore. What happened?

Posted by: Kindltot at July 13, 2022 03:09 PM (xhaym)

“If you’ve been hurt or a family member is a victim of gun violence, you can now go to court and hold the makers of these deadly weapons accountable,” Newsom added.

Stop selling guns in CA.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 13, 2022 02:57

It's going to screw people like me that need firearms and I won't be able to legally buy one.
I predict a run on guns and black market guns from other states.

Posted by: CaliGirl at July 13, 2022 03:09 PM (oeVy+)

272 First, stop selling arms and ammo to the movie industry armorers. When they have to make A-list action movies with plastic airsoft guns while making pew-pew-pew noises to be adjusted in post...


Great point.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at July 13, 2022 03:10 PM (lf83v)

273 Maybe the J6 committee can investigate Putin and bring him to justice.

Posted by: Ripley at July 13, 2022 03:10 PM (MxEKc)

274 so let me see, if a thug steals a gun from a cop and shoots me, who do I get to sue?

Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at July 13, 2022 03:10 PM (Ynyl9)

275 All those millennials and Gen X (whatev) are now getting some real life lessons. Learn they may not. But this experience stays with you.

Yeah there was a recession during the Obama years, but things have not been this bad for a long time.

But... Gen X lived right through those years. Its Millennials and Zoomers who either were too young to remember or weren't born yet.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 13, 2022 03:10 PM (Ivdso)

276 I got several raises this year, and I can handle the inflation, but the tight situations I get into can really leave me chafed.

Posted by: Undocumented Sexual Therapist's Penis at July 13, 2022 03:10 PM (miV6E)

277 Gas price gouging is 100% bullshit. The stations make mere pennies per gallon.

Anybody but Joe's fault.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 13, 2022 03:10 PM (9qSw/)

278 Well, I didn't vote for Putin.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM

You did, however, vote for Yoko.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 13, 2022 03:10 PM (a3Q+t)

279 Shadowstats website has inflation at 17.3 percent annually in June, up from May's 16.8 rate. Shadowstat uses the old inflation measure that Carter altered in order to bolster his reelection. Under that measure, inflation is the highest in 75 years (since 194.

Someone was asking why Truman's Gallup approval rate hit 22 percent, the inflation during his era is one of the explanations. The surge was created in part by WWII deficit spending and in part by his stupid labor/business policies plus the effects of the Korean War.

Posted by: whig at July 13, 2022 03:10 PM (BjqxB)

280 This leggy Asian lady is preparing to give an economics lecture and she expects your undivided attention:

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 03:10 PM (WWh8n)

281 So stealing that ... Joepedo the Torpedo 2024 -- This Time He's Gone Nuclear!

Posted by: ShainS -- Welcome to the boneyard, it gets worse here every day at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM (bxDDB)

It turns out that the Joepedo was fired by the captain of the Konovolov.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at July 13, 2022 03:10 PM (gQZm2)

282 So stealing that ... Joepedo the Torpedo 2024 -- This Time He's Gone Nuclear!

That's from a failed attempt by the left to meme in 2020. They had a cartoon of a Biden torpedo named "Joepedo" that was going to blow up a Trump boat parade. They then tried to delete the post after everyone laughed that it said "Joe Pedo".

Posted by: Ian S. at July 13, 2022 03:10 PM (ZGrMX)

283 274 so let me see, if a thug steals a gun from a cop and shoots me, who do I get to sue?
Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at July 13, 2022 03:10 PM (Ynyl9)

The manufacturer if you live in California.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at July 13, 2022 03:11 PM (b2nrj)

284 I’m going to have to cut my Juneteenth celebrations short. They’re just getting too expensive.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 13, 2022 03:09 PM (o8pZB)


I saved $0.16 this year by NOT celebrating Juneteenth!

Is there nothing F. Joe can't do?

Posted by: ShainS -- Welcome to the boneyard, it gets worse here every day at July 13, 2022 03:11 PM (bxDDB)

285 This gas crisis is caused by all the People from India running 7-11 stores and jacking up the gas prices !!!!!!!
Posted by: Ferd Berfall at July 13, 2022 03:01 PM (p3lya)

I am willing to help you Sir! Would you like a pack of Parliament Lights?

Posted by: Babu Patel, Operator of Babu's Gas & Go at July 13, 2022 03:11 PM (vvzla)

286 Maybe we can start with no more money to Ukraine. Then let Europe pick up the tab for their own defense and NATO, if they want it.

Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at July 13, 2022 03:11 PM (5HBd1)

287 I thought you claimed you weren't and Eeyore. What happened?
Posted by: Kindltot at July 13, 2022 03:09 PM (xhaym)

I'm ready for the damn war to begin. Tired of the stupidity.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 13, 2022 03:11 PM (QSjkU)

288 Trump needs to send out a photo of him holding a magic wand with, "miss my economy yet?"

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at July 13, 2022 03:11 PM (8+c8C)

289 #1 is by far the least painful option on balance, but there is no pain-free option.

"Why, that first option is clearly the most painful for those who matter most, such as myself! Where, I ask you where is the opportunity for self enhancement and enrichment if you cut spending? This shall not be allowed!"
--Senator Porky VonGraft

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 13, 2022 03:12 PM (Ivdso)

290 At this rate, it's going to be hard to print enough money to keep up with this...

Posted by: The Fed at July 13, 2022 03:12 PM (SOV+T)

291 I did not buy any new shorts, tops, sandals, swimsuits for the summer. And I probably won't be spending any money on fall/winter wear either.

Posted by: washrivergal at July 13, 2022 03:12 PM (qWMK9)

292 So stealing that ... Joepedo the Torpedo 2024 -- This Time He's Gone Nuclear!

Posted by: ShainS -- Welcome to the boneyard, it gets worse here every day at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM (bxDDB)

Peter Pedo of the United States.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at July 13, 2022 03:12 PM (U3uv2)

293 This leggy Asian lady is preparing to give an economics lecture and she expects your undivided attention:

She's into pi.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at July 13, 2022 03:12 PM (lf83v)

294 Yep. Not even a Highpoint! Nothing. Don't sell them a b.b gun. Give it to them hard.
Posted by: Minnfidel

That'd work. If you could get every manufacturer onboard. Good luck with that.
Posted by: rickb223 at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM (fAMHd)

Just the opposite. If California and New York don't want guns - let your competitor jump through hoops since that market is so big.

As some here love to say - never stop your enemy while he's making a mistake.

Posted by: And Away We Go at July 13, 2022 03:12 PM (UM2Gg)

295 Above meme about getting a 5.1% raise? Hah! 3% where I work - tops.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at July 13, 2022 03:12 PM (N39Ws)

296 280 This leggy Asian lady is preparing to give an economics lecture and she expects your undivided attention:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 03:10 PM (WWh8n)


Posted by: Elric Blade at July 13, 2022 03:12 PM (iFTx/)

297 Yep. Not even a Highpoint! Nothing. Don't sell them a b.b gun. Give it to them hard.
Posted by: Minnfidel

That'd work. If you could get every manufacturer onboard.

Good luck with that.
Posted by: rickb223 at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM

I bet you that they will all think long and hard about it when they consider the cost of litigation. Of course then Gavin should allow the car manufactures and since it's Kulifornia, swimming pool manufacturers. CA can FOAD.

Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 03:12 PM (F63C3)

298 I went grocery shopping today. Inflation feels much worse than 9.1 percent.

Posted by: Dianna at July 13, 2022 03:12 PM (YFlEv)

299 speaking of inflation

the COLA may go to 12

soak it up, gummers

Posted by: Ty Webb at July 13, 2022 03:12 PM (us2H3)

300 But... Gen X lived right through those years. Its Millennials and Zoomers who either were too young to remember or weren't born yet.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 13, 2022 03:10 PM (Ivdso)
Zoomers. Older Millennials *did* live through and remember the last one. I sure as shit did and do. I had a car loan at 14% and worked overnight shifts to keep my head above water. 2008 was only 14 years ago. Even younger Millennials will remember the stress their families were under and the problems they faced.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 03:12 PM (WWh8n)

301 I don't think this 10 yr old allegedly raped situation is going to work out for the Leftoids like they seem to think it will:


Posted by: kallisto at July 13, 2022 03:13 PM (dCxaZ)

302 I did not buy any new shorts, tops, sandals, swimsuits for the summer. And I probably won't be spending any money on fall/winter wear either.

Posted by: washrivergal at July 13, 2022 03:12 PM (qWMK9)

I am confused about whether we should be requiring pics.


Posted by: Comrade flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at July 13, 2022 03:13 PM (U3uv2)

303 off topic, if no one mentioned this already, from zero hedge:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday signed legislation to allow Californian victims of shootings to sue gun makers and sellers for the harm caused by criminals using guns.

Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at July 13, 2022 03:08 PM (Ynyl9)

Look above and below your post. You're soaking in it. lol

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at July 13, 2022 03:13 PM (VwHCD)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 03:10 PM (WWh8n)

Her numbers add up.
Her shoes crack me up

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at July 13, 2022 03:14 PM (ufFY8)

305 I don't think this 10 yr old allegedly raped situation is going to work out for the Leftoids like they seem to think it will:

He's just raping the 10 year old girls Americans won't. Really its an act of love.

Posted by: Jebby Bush at July 13, 2022 03:14 PM (ESjRY)

306 Maybe we can start with no more money to Ukraine. Then let Europe pick up the tab for their own defense and NATO, if they want it.
Posted by: Notsothoreau

They are now asking the IMF to pull at least $650 billion out of thin air to send to Ukraine. That is in addition to the $650 billion they made up for covid relief.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 13, 2022 03:14 PM (KNJGg)

307 What does the CA state Constitution say about self defense?

Posted by: Puddinhead at July 13, 2022 03:14 PM (tiR3O)

308 "Republicans are doing nothing but obstructing our efforts..."

I wish.

Posted by: The Fed at July 13, 2022 03:14 PM (SOV+T)

309 What's interesting is the retail push right now. Amazon has Prime Days, a lot of stores out here are celebrating Christmas in July! And everyone had SLASHED PROCES!

They want us to spend every last dime so they can right and truly screw us. Don't fall for it.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 13, 2022 03:14 PM (U5n2r)

310 California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday signed legislation to allow Californian victims of shootings to sue gun makers and sellers for the harm caused by criminals using guns.

And we should be able to sue car manufacturers if we get into a collision! And road makers, get the government for creating something that was used in an evil way! Why, the possibilities are endless!

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 13, 2022 03:14 PM (Ivdso)

311 Pics

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at July 13, 2022 03:14 PM (89T5c)

312 Kamala
Yes we must honor the hollow cost, because their is honor in the hollow cost that is too high, and that cost might come down with honor.
Posted by: Not My Reel Name

Didja see Joe?

Joe Biden Flub In Israel: "Truth And Honor Of The Holocaust"

He meant "horror". Damn teleprompters are always failing to position him for success.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now the Summer of Our Discontent at July 13, 2022 03:15 PM (FVME7)

313 Look above and below your post. You're soaking in it. lol


Posted by: Cranky Old Maid With Leathery Hands at July 13, 2022 03:15 PM (lf83v)

314 >>>I don't think this 10 yr old allegedly raped situation is going to work out for the Leftoids like they seem to think it will:

Baby murderers are harboring child rapists for fun and profit.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at July 13, 2022 03:15 PM (U3uv2)

315 But... Gen X lived right through those years. Its Millennials and Zoomers who either were too young to remember or weren't born yet.

I remember living through the 80s. The Reagan Years, that were supposed to be so damn good.

I finally got my own bedroom, in an unfinished basement, in '88. I was not unique. The Reagan Boom wasn't a universal boom. Yet, it was better than Carter.

The rising tide didn't lift all boats all that much, depending upon your boat.

Posted by: And Away We Go at July 13, 2022 03:16 PM (UM2Gg)

316 Funflation!

Posted by: DB at July 13, 2022 03:16 PM (geLO8)

317 Does this mean we can sue Hi Tech Californian companys for breach of privacy?

Posted by: Puddinhead at July 13, 2022 03:16 PM (tiR3O)

318 286 Maybe we can start with no more money to Ukraine. Then let Europe pick up the tab for their own defense and NATO, if they want it.
Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at July 13, 2022 03:11 PM (5HBd1)

Supposedly some Repub Senator claimed that there's no spending limit for Ukraine (yet) a few days ago. So we're going to fight this war until the last Ukrainian.

Posted by: Thrawn at July 13, 2022 03:16 PM (Rl7KJ)

319 Listen, we all know the left are authoritarian Marxists with an institutional hegemon. We all know "the more the plans fail the more the planners plan.". We all know when the peasantry, who bought their lies object to the shitstorm the left starts scapegoating political enemies.

We all know DC is beyond saving. So I gotta ask, what is your guys long term plan here if not seceeed? It's certainly not teach children liberty through media and education.

This is why conservative culture is always a dead end. They are content to just bitch and point fingers as the titanic sinks. Say what else you will about the left, they have long term plans to destroy us and take control of everything and they have succeed mightily in one lifetime.

Posted by: Shiggz (defective slave) at July 13, 2022 03:16 PM (0SrVS)

320 The "it's a stale number because gas prices came down some" spin is silly (yeah, it's always a backwards looking number because that's how the space-time continuum works), but this is specifically why the "core CPI" number exists.

How did core CPI come in for last month? Ah, 5.9% almost exactly the same as the month before (6%). I suppose even the Biden Whitehouse isn't dumb enough to try and brag about a 0.1 drop in core CPI, so we get the presently unfalsifiable "just wait to next time, it's bound to be better" spin.

Posted by: Match Checksout at July 13, 2022 03:16 PM (IK4m/)

321 Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 03:12 PM (F63C3)

No need to think long or hard. It's a no brainer. Get out and save the lawyer fees.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 13, 2022 03:16 PM (QSjkU)

322 FJB will give the military a 4% raise and declare himself a hero.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 13, 2022 03:16 PM (KNJGg)

323 Shadowstats website has inflation at 17.3 percent annually in June, up from May's 16.8 rate. Shadowstat uses the old inflation measure that Carter altered in order to bolster his reelection. Under that measure, inflation is the highest in 75 years (since 1948 ).
Ah, that's the one! Although I misremembered it as 16% in #185.

Thanks for the info!

Posted by: andycanuck (yikp0) at July 13, 2022 03:16 PM (yikp0)

324 Was this unexpected?

Posted by: N.L. Urker, my trench is full of chickens at July 13, 2022 03:16 PM (VdGjU)

325 "Republicans are doing nothing but obstructing our efforts"

Well, he's half right. Republicans are doing nothing. And, will continue in that great tradition if and when they again secure control of congress.

Posted by: Queequeg the Harpooner at July 13, 2022 03:17 PM (9X60i)

326 Maybe we can start with no more money to Ukraine. Then let Europe pick up the tab for their own defense and NATO, if they want it.
Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at July 13, 2022 03:11 PM (5HBd1)
That needs to be the starting point.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 03:17 PM (WWh8n)

327 Lots of baloney sandwiches in the 80s.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 13, 2022 03:17 PM (nsnF6)

328 What's interesting is the retail push right now. Amazon has Prime Days, a lot of stores out here are celebrating Christmas in July! And everyone had SLASHED PROCES!

They want us to spend every last dime so they can right and truly screw us. Don't fall for it.
Posted by: nurse ratched

Slashed proces ?

Is that like gang sings ?

Posted by: JT at July 13, 2022 03:17 PM (T4tVD)

329 So if judges release criminals that then use guns to commit crimes they get sued to... or better yet are charged as a co-conspirator.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at July 13, 2022 03:17 PM (WKPeU)

330 I went grocery shopping today. Inflation feels much worse than 9.1 percent.
Posted by: Dianna at July 13, 2022 03:12 PM

Here is a microscopic example. Aldi used to have packs of taco seasoning for .28 I used to buy tons of them. We were running low so I went to grab them. It was now .49. A bank breaker, no of course not. But it stuck out to me because they had been that price for years. Milk, gas, housing is all up way more than 9.1% no effing way it's not.

Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 03:17 PM (F63C3)

331 TBH, the years 1984 through 1998 were great economic years for me.

Posted by: kraken at July 13, 2022 03:17 PM (ks05J)

332 >

Good Heavens, Miss Akimoto- you're beautiful!

Posted by: DB at July 13, 2022 03:17 PM (geLO8)

333 FJB will give the military a 4% raise and declare himself a hero.

That's great news for the diversity and inclusion mob in uniform.

The real soldiers left years ago.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at July 13, 2022 03:18 PM (lf83v)

334 This leggy Asian lady is preparing to give an economics lecture and she expects your undivided attention:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 03:10 PM (WWh8n)

Reminds me of my high school French teacher, except she was German heritage, had brown hair and bigger bewbs.

Posted by: Diogenes at July 13, 2022 03:18 PM (anj39)

335 Does this mean we can sue Hi Tech Californian companys for breach of privacy?

Definitely sue Silicon Valley for that spam you got, and the hate someone spewed on you on Twitter. Sue Social Media too, its their fault someone abused their platform!

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 13, 2022 03:18 PM (Ivdso)

336 So you are telling me that as a former restaurant owner where labor costs were 50%+ of total costs that increasing minimum wage wouldn't force me to charge more for every item on the menu?

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at July 13, 2022 03:05 PM (WKPeU)

Yep, he would have to, but the place down the road that uses less labor to do food won't, so he may have to close, because he can't sell meals at that price.

Also, demand for restaurant food is dependent of cost. Unless you can hold a gun to a customer's head and force them to buy (like health care or garbage service or taxes) then people don't buy if the cost goes too high.

Inflation is too many dollars chasing too few goods: the central banks print a lot, there are more dollars than value in the system, and that means value of the dollar goes down in relation to how many dollars there are in the economy.
Price fixing for labor or prices does not change the amount of dollars or affect the value in the system directly. It does create barriers to access, it warps the market, it creates shortages and black markets.

Posted by: Kindltot at July 13, 2022 03:18 PM (xhaym)

337 Upside to today's inflation report: there are still several months before we find ourselves huddled around a burning tire for warmth sharing a dented can of cat food.

Posted by: Weasel at July 13, 2022 03:18 PM (0IeYL)

338 Ah, that's the one! Although I misremembered it as 16% in #185.

Thanks for the info!

Posted by: andycanuck
No problem. Shadowstats has unemployment at about 24 percent when you consider people that could work (not disabled, aged out, etc.) that are not. The labor participation rate continues to decrease which puts more pressure on prices. FWIW, the official current grocery inflation rate for June is 12.2 percent.

Posted by: whig at July 13, 2022 03:18 PM (BjqxB)

339 Golf ball sized hail is forecast for Alberta today.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, my trench is full of chickens at July 13, 2022 03:19 PM (VdGjU)

340 Joe Biden Flub In Israel: "Truth And Honor Of The Holocaust"

He meant "horror". Damn teleprompters are always failing to position him for success.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now the Summer of Our Discontent at July 13, 2022 03:15 PM

Good grief. Damn the Joepedo's!

Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 03:19 PM (F63C3)

341 329 So if judges release criminals that then use guns to commit crimes they get sued to... or better yet are charged as a co-conspirator.
Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at July 13, 2022 03:17 PM (WKPeU)

They are doing this to put the manufacturers out of business. They need to get out. Now.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 13, 2022 03:19 PM (QSjkU)

342 Good Heavens, Miss Akimoto- you're beautiful!

You can tell she's smart because she has glasses. They make you smart, like racing stripes on your car make you go faster.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 13, 2022 03:19 PM (Ivdso)

343 House burgers.

No McDonald's. Just house burgers.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at July 13, 2022 03:19 PM (89T5c)

344 Golf ball sized hail is forecast for Alberta today.
Posted by: N.L. Urker,

Damn carbon.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 13, 2022 03:19 PM (KNJGg)

345 102
Biden Bucks

They're just like money, but worth half as much !

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at July 13, 2022 02:49 PM (M+Lyo)

They trade at near parity with the Dave & Busters currency.

Posted by: Simple Stevo at July 13, 2022 03:19 PM (SOV+T)

346 So I gotta ask, what is your guys long term plan here if not seceeed? It's certainly not teach children liberty through media and education.

Posted by: Shiggz (defective slave) at July 13, 2022 03:16 PM (0SrVS)

Homeschool. Otherwise, when the time comes, they get nothing.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at July 13, 2022 03:19 PM (U3uv2)

347 On the plus side, the manufacturers of Giffen Goods will do well.

(Giffen Goods are a category of goods that see rising demand as prices go up, because they are inferior goods used as a substitute for preferred goods when people start running out of money. Even if the ramen noodles (a classic Giffen good) go up in price, people will still buy more of them regardless because they're cheaper than Kraft Dinner and you gotta eat something)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 03:19 PM (WWh8n)

348 Instead of NATO, maybe re-arm the Germans and tell them to do what needs to be done.

Posted by: Queequeg the Harpooner at July 13, 2022 03:19 PM (9X60i)

349 I would let Miss Akimoto pound the erasers out back.

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at July 13, 2022 03:19 PM (ufFY8)

350 California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday signed legislation to allow Californian victims of shootings to sue gun makers and sellers for the harm caused by criminals using guns.

Presidential material.

Posted by: wth at July 13, 2022 03:19 PM (v0R5T)

351 You can use your Biden Bucks at Fyre Festival to buy Bitcoin!

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 13, 2022 03:20 PM (Ivdso)

352 48 How is any of this shocking?
Posted by: Aetius451AD

The shocking part is the bubblehead saying the Fed can't manage a soft landing and will CAUSE a recession, as if we are t already in one.
Posted by: TexasDan at July 13, 2022 02:44 PM (2jRyv)

That's two consecutive quarter of negative growth. We just finished the second one. The fat lady already did a sound check.

Posted by: Roy at July 13, 2022 03:20 PM (39OkX)

353 Golf ball sized hail is forecast for Alberta today.
Posted by: N.L. Urker, my trench is full of chickens at July 13, 2022 03:19 PM

They were predicting mothball size hail the other day and I scoffed. How big can moth balls be? I mean how can you even find them?

Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 03:20 PM (F63C3)

354 So if judges release criminals that then use guns to commit crimes they get sued to... or better yet are charged as a co-conspirator.

We need these kind of actions from a red state governor.

Supposedly we have 27 R governors outside of DeSantis. But...kind of feels like we don't.

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 03:20 PM (ESjRY)

355 Golf ball sized hail is forecast for Alberta today.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, my trench is full of chickens at July 13, 2022 03:19 PM (VdGjU)

Good luck. Where I live, we have a fantastic hail season.

Posted by: Archer at July 13, 2022 03:20 PM (gmo/4)

356 Did FJB ask to see where Allah was buried in Jerusalem?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 13, 2022 03:21 PM (KNJGg)

357 Lots of baloney sandwiches in the 80s.
Posted by: AlaBAMA

Ha. I remember. Kidlet was born in 81.

I have bologna in fridge. It was expensive as hell.

Posted by: Infidel at July 13, 2022 03:21 PM (mn1Pi)

358 Instead of NATO, maybe re-arm the Germans and tell them to do what needs to be done.

I'm not saying trying to take over Europe by force of arms is the right thing to do, but would things have been so bad if the Germans had won WWI?

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 13, 2022 03:21 PM (Ivdso)

359 280 This leggy Asian lady is preparing to give an economics lecture and she expects your undivided attention:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 03:10 PM (WWh8n)

Looks like she's doing math. For the sake of the blog, I MUST put a stop to this!

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at July 13, 2022 03:21 PM (906pl)

Posted by: Elric Blade

If so, I missed it again!

Posted by: Oedipus at July 13, 2022 03:21 PM (hGLEc)

361 @280 This leggy Asian lady is preparing to give an economics lecture and she expects your undivided attention:


And I raise you a leggy Asian who's seriously good at drumming.

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at July 13, 2022 03:21 PM (Wg1SU)

362 We all know DC is beyond saving. So I gotta ask, what is your guys long term plan here if not seceeed? It's certainly not teach children liberty through media and education.

This is why conservative culture is always a dead end. They are content to just bitch and point fingers as the titanic sinks. Say what else you will about the left, they have long term plans to destroy us and take control of everything and they have succeed mightily in one lifetime.
Posted by: Shiggz (defective slave) at July 13, 2022 03:16 PM (0SrVS)

Secession or other dissolution of the country is not exactly a fringe position, let alone here.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at July 13, 2022 03:21 PM (b2nrj)

363 Trump years: What restaurant should I try out tonight?

Biden years: How many dinners can I get out of this one box of Ramen?

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 03:21 PM (ESjRY)

364 They were predicting mothball size hail the other day and I scoffed. How big can moth balls be? I mean how can you even find them?
Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 03

You could stand in that no problem.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, my trench is full of chickens at July 13, 2022 03:21 PM (VdGjU)

365 Can it be that the financial Big Brains don't understand that the Fed intends to provoke a recession? That's the cost of taming inflation, is it not? That's what Reagan and Volker had to do.

Posted by: IronDave at July 13, 2022 03:21 PM (k3crU)

366 Upside to today's inflation report: there are still several months before we find ourselves huddled around a burning tire for warmth sharing a dented can of cat food.
Posted by: Weasel at July 13, 2022 03:18 PM (0IeYL)

Cat food?

*stirs pot of bark soup*

Posted by: Diogenes at July 13, 2022 03:21 PM (anj39)

367 As I posted above, the problem isn't necessarily the inflation but what it takes to stop it, which is interest rates at or above 15%. It was 20% in 1980 under Volker. Which caused a massive recession.

The recession needed to stop it will cost everyone their jobs and put everyone on unemployment.

Well, not everyone as the people who caused all of it will be comfy.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 13, 2022 03:22 PM (nsnF6)

368 "He's just raping the 10 year old girls Americans won't. Really its an act of love.

Posted by: Jebby Bush"

Prediction: if this story turns out to be trues that girl is either his niece or daughter of family friend, also illegals.

Posted by: Ripley at July 13, 2022 03:22 PM (MxEKc)

369 Jubilee celebration time.

Harrison Ford turns 80. One day closer to the dirt nap and a much safer airspace.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at July 13, 2022 03:22 PM (MkYsY)

370 The shocking part is the bubblehead saying the Fed can't manage a soft landing and will CAUSE a recession, as if we are t already in one.
Posted by: TexasDan at July 13, 2022 02:44 PM (2jRyv)
"The economy fundamentals remain strong and we're confident that we can manage a soft landing" is right up there with "just the tip, baby, I promise."

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 03:22 PM (WWh8n)

371 California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday signed legislation to allow Californian victims of shootings to sue gun makers and sellers for the harm caused by criminals using guns.

The logic in this is bass fucking ackwards........Can we just wall California off or follow Zod's request of blowing up the San Andreas fault?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 13, 2022 03:22 PM (Zz0t1)

372 A, "shockingly hot inflation report"?

The fuck? They make it sound like emotionally exhilarating news.

How about relentlessly DIRE inflation report???

Posted by: ... at July 13, 2022 03:23 PM (G2GXn)

373 >>> 28 And per Shadowstats, the figure is closer to 15% based on the 1990 methodology and closer to 18% based on the 1980 methodology (I can't see precisely because I am not a subscriber and the free charts are deliberately low-res, but the theme is apparent).
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 02:42 PM (WWh8n)

(added tags for emphasis)

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at July 13, 2022 03:23 PM (llON8)


Prediction: if this story turns out to be trues that girl is either his niece or daughter of family friend, also illegals.
Posted by: Ripley at July 13, 2022 03:22 PM (

O su vecina

Posted by: CaliGirl at July 13, 2022 03:23 PM (oeVy+)

375 In 1980 when inflation was at 9% the fed set their rate at 20% to squash it.

What is the fed rate now ? 1.75%.

The fed is all in on protecting Democrats until after November

Posted by: Viso Latte at July 13, 2022 03:23 PM (681h8)

376 They are now asking the IMF to pull at least $650 billion out of thin air to send to Ukraine. That is in addition to the $650 billion they made up for covid relief.

Shouldn't this be enough to convince people that Ukraine is just a money pit to drain the West of wealth?

Posted by: Chuck Martel at July 13, 2022 03:23 PM (fs1hN)


Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at July 13, 2022 03:23 PM (lf83v)

378 And I raise you a leggy Asian who's seriously good at drumming.
Posted by: Chairman LMAO at July 13, 2022 03:21 PM (Wg1SU)
To be seriously good, she'd need to be wearing short shorts...

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 03:23 PM (WWh8n)

379 even if he did nothing else, I suspect Biden's poll numbers would jump if he just came out and said "we messed up"

never happen unless he can blame someone else, eg, "we messed up by not passing the Green New Deal"

Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at July 13, 2022 03:23 PM (Ynyl9)

380 They want us to spend every last dime so they can right and truly screw us. Don't fall for it.
Posted by: nurse ratched

My house wants me to spend every last dime so it can screw with me, lol. Btw, the "ette" bathroom in the "ette" wing of castle berserker is just about finished. Its almost party time.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at July 13, 2022 03:24 PM (VwHCD)

Posted by: Elric Blade

If so, I missed it again!

Posted by: Oedipus at July 13, 2022 03:21 PM (hGLEc)

Don't think so, but uncomfortably Thai-tranny adjacent, that I would avoid.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at July 13, 2022 03:24 PM (U3uv2)

382 Harrison Ford turns 80. One day closer to the dirt nap and a much safer airspace.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at July 13, 2022 03:22 PM

Roger that 9424 Charlie. You are cleared to land on taxiway 91 RL.

Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 03:24 PM (F63C3)

383 I am confused about whether we should be requiring pics.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at July 13, 2022 03:13 PM

Is next....svimvear!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 13, 2022 03:24 PM (4p7Em)

384 What is the fed rate now ? 1.75%.

From what I understand they simply cannot raise the rate much or it will blow up the debt into a new category of numbers (what's 1000 trillion?)

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 13, 2022 03:24 PM (Ivdso)

385 They aren't going to call it a recession until the day after election day when the Rs take the house and senate. Then it will be a depression and the republicans fault.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 13, 2022 03:24 PM (KNJGg)

386 Harrison Ford turns 80.

"Get off my Rascal!"

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at July 13, 2022 03:25 PM (lf83v)

387 Posted by: Diogenes at July 13, 2022 03:21 PM (anj39)
True! I didn't want to mention that before long cat food will be a memory of the good ol days.

Posted by: Weasel at July 13, 2022 03:25 PM (0IeYL)

Roger that 9424 Charlie. You are cleared to land on taxiway 91 RL.
Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 03:24 PM (F63C3)

This gave me a headache.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 13, 2022 03:25 PM (Zz0t1)

389 @378

She does and in swimsuits (though not while playing) if you check out the other videos on her channel

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at July 13, 2022 03:25 PM (Wg1SU)

390 Gas prices dropped a bit because of the Strategic Oil Reserve release. We got a bit of it. But that won't go on forever and the reasons for high prices haven't gone away. And it's not the price of gas that's the issue. it's the price of diesel.
Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at July 13, 2022 02:47 PM (5HBd1)
They've started to fall because the economy is definitely slowing down. And the recession probably becomes official in a few weeks. But it will take awhile for inflation to work its way totally out. Probably one or two more months of increases yet to come before it peaks out.

Posted by: Black JEM at July 13, 2022 03:25 PM (xWZcb)

391 The fed is all in on protecting Democrats until after November

Posted by: Viso Latte at July 13, 2022 03:23 PM (681h

Bingo. Once the GOP takes congress the fed will jack up rates and kill the economy.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at July 13, 2022 03:25 PM (gQZm2)

392 Cat food?

*stirs pot of bark soup*

Posted by: Diogenes at July 13, 2022 03:21 PM (anj39)

*stares longingly at water-filled ditch*

Posted by: Comrade flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at July 13, 2022 03:25 PM (U3uv2)

393 >>> 273 Maybe the J6 committee can investigate Putin and bring him to justice.
Posted by: Ripley at July 13, 2022 03:10 PM (MxEKc)

I would love to see the Eff.Bee.EYE try to arrest Poo Tin (regardless of the outcome).

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at July 13, 2022 03:25 PM (llON8)

394 Prediction: if this story turns out to be trues that girl is either his niece or daughter of family friend, also illegals.
Posted by: Ripley at July 13, 2022 03:22 PM

What's his name Jose Biden? he'd fit right in.

Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 03:26 PM (F63C3)

395 Quadrillion.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 13, 2022 03:26 PM (ufFY8)

396 Has anyone explained to Brandon that inflation is like golf where the lower the score the better?

Posted by: SmartAlecK at July 13, 2022 03:26 PM (cMlC1)

397 "The economy fundamentals remain strong and we're confident that we can manage a soft landing" is right up there with "just the tip, baby, I promise."
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 03:22 PM (WWh8n)

It's all battlespace prep and PR for Biden. They've been talking about soft landings since Joey Shitbrains took office and inflation started to spike. They're just gonna try to drag out the "soft landing" con for another 6 months to try to get over the midterms.

Posted by: Elric Blade at July 13, 2022 03:26 PM (iFTx/)

398 391

Bingo. Once the GOP takes congress the fed will jack up rates and kill the economy.
Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at July 13, 2022 03:25 PM (gQZm2)

And they will blame them for the carnage.Winning!!!!

Posted by: kraken at July 13, 2022 03:26 PM (ks05J)

399 What is the point of having money in the bank when its value is decreasing 20% per year.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 13, 2022 03:26 PM (KNJGg)

400 Once the GOP takes congress the fed will jack up rates and kill the economy.

People blame the president for terrible economic numbers, not congress. Even if it makes no sense, and often it does not.

But ripping the bandage off in a hurry is probably better than the long, slow crushing decline that is the alternative.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 13, 2022 03:27 PM (Ivdso)

401 Americans need pain. Lots of it. Otherwise they will never wake up.

Posted by: Joe XiDen at July 13, 2022 03:27 PM (OalnH)

402 Maybe the Fed can send everyone stickers with ",000" to stick onto their paper money.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 03:27 PM (WWh8n)

403 "You'll have nothing and be happy."

Posted by: Seems Legit at July 13, 2022 03:27 PM (DcKNO)

404 384 What is the fed rate now ? 1.75%.

From what I understand they simply cannot raise the rate much or it will blow up the debt into a new category of numbers (what's 1000 trillion?)
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 13, 2022 03:24 PM (Ivdso)

Yup. Not without defaulting the government. They put themselves in this position by ignoring the national debt and refusing to even acknowledge a balanced budget like the fucking law requires.

Continuing budget resolutions

Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 13, 2022 03:27 PM (nsnF6)


Maybe...the early history of the Caliphate is rather hazy and likely full of lies.

Interesting point to consider - the Koran talks about Mecca as a major city and important trading hub prior to Muhammed.

The Romans? They don't mention Mecca at all.

Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 03:27 PM (ESjRY)

406 Harrison Ford turns 80. One day closer to the dirt nap and a much safer airspace.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at July 13, 2022 03:22 PM

Roger that 9424 Charlie. You are cleared to land on taxiway 91 RL.
Posted by: Minnfidel at July 13, 2022 03:24 PM (F63C3
LA Center,
Beech 24 Charlie is at flight level 15, speed 210 knots and on course 410.

Posted by: Diogenes at July 13, 2022 03:27 PM (anj39)

407 Once the GOP takes congress the fed will jack up rates and kill the economy.


The fed is already doing this. Housing market boom is finito.

Posted by: Joe XiDen at July 13, 2022 03:27 PM (OalnH)

408 It's all battlespace prep and PR for Biden. They've been talking about soft landings since Joey Shitbrains took office and inflation started to spike. They're just gonna try to drag out the "soft landing" con for another 6 months to try to get over the midterms.
Posted by: Elric Blade at July 13, 2022 03:26 PM (iFTx/)
They're not doing a very good job of it. Powell was on TV a month or two ago talking about a "soft landing" and then has done nothing but get bearish.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 03:27 PM (WWh8n)

409 >>>Well I guess I won't be selling my house this fall. Nobody will be able to afford a loan.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 13, 2022 02:44 PM (QSjkU)

Can't say you weren't warned, though.

Tried to get my semi-retired mother to sell her house in early March and get the heck outta Dodge. She said she would wait until August. It'll be fine, she said. Told her August was way too late.

Posted by: In Reel Life (yes, dummy, on purpose) at July 13, 2022 03:28 PM (QYPq3)

410 399 What is the point of having money in the bank when its value is decreasing 20% per year.

Which means for me my future home down payment goal already needs to be 20% higher. Serenity now!

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at July 13, 2022 03:28 PM (Wg1SU)

411 Japan had the lost decade.

We can beat that!

Posted by: TexasDan at July 13, 2022 03:28 PM (2jRyv)

412 "our efforts to crack down on gas-price gouging, lower food prices, lower healthcare costs"

He HAS cracked down on lower costs. That's why they're sky-high now.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 13, 2022 03:28 PM (Hp9vG)

413 Harrison Ford turns 80. One day closer to the dirt nap and a much safer airspace.

The airspace is perfectly safe when he's flying. Taxiways and golf courses, not so much.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at July 13, 2022 03:28 PM (Bd6X8)

414 Raising interest rates above the rate of inflation is the only way to stop inflation. You must reduce the money supply to a point where money's value is sufficiently increased to a point where price inflation stops at both the wholesale and retail consumer level.

Posted by: Archer at July 13, 2022 03:28 PM (gmo/4)

415 During the Carter administration, inflation peaked at 14.6% in 1980 and was only brought to heal by interest rates moved to 20% by Volcker, which crashed the economy and led to a recession.

We've got a ways to go yet on interest rates because the Fed is scared to death to push the button.
At that time, we had roughly balanced budgets and the national debt was less than each of the last 13 continuing spending resolutions.

We don't have a "raise rates to fix this" option anymore. That's just a cruel lie the Fed is pushing to stave off real panic.
A 20% interest rate would send 150% of tax revenues to interest payments.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at July 13, 2022 03:28 PM (dw9Wj)

416 The New York Times says Ray Epps is a victim of the January 6 "truthers".

Ashli Babbitt called to say she sympathizes with that lousy fucking FBI piece of shit.

Posted by: Jonah Goldberg at July 13, 2022 03:29 PM (5uO/N)

417 The people who cause a recession, and we'll be lucky it isn't a depression won't be riding this one out comfy - suburban wine moms will break bad and all hell will break loose.

Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at July 13, 2022 03:29 PM (oWBc3)

418 Japan had the lost decade.

We can beat that!
Posted by: TexasDan at July 13, 2022 03:28 PM (2jRyv)
We already essentially did. The post-2008 recovery wasn't very good and was entirely debt-fueled.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 03:29 PM (WWh8n)

419 Raising interest rates above the rate of inflation is the only way to stop inflation. You must reduce the money supply to a point where money's value is sufficiently increased to a point where price inflation stops at both the wholesale and retail consumer level.
Posted by: Archer at July 13, 2022 03:28 PM (gmo/4)
In the absence of other ways to reduce the effective money supply, yes. The Fed does have it's balance sheet, though, and that's a factor that has not been present in other eras. It's a dangerous game, though.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 03:30 PM (WWh8n)

420 415 During the Carter administration, inflation peaked at 14.6% in 1980 and was only brought to heal by interest rates moved to 20% by Volcker, which crashed the economy and led to a recession.

We've got a ways to go yet on interest rates because the Fed is scared to death to push the button.
At that time, we had roughly balanced budgets and the national debt was less than each of the last 13 continuing spending resolutions.

We don't have a "raise rates to fix this" option anymore. That's just a cruel lie the Fed is pushing to stave off real panic.
A 20% interest rate would send 150% of tax revenues to interest payments.
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at July 13, 2022 03:28 PM (dw9Wj)

Inflation either way. But mostly possible to stave off if all spending is cut to near 0 (including entitlements)

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at July 13, 2022 03:30 PM (b2nrj)

421 @416

The MSM would certainly see fit to put the word "truth" in scare quotes.

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at July 13, 2022 03:30 PM (Wg1SU)

422 Nood Pedo Peter.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at July 13, 2022 03:30 PM (U3uv2)

423 A soft landing is coming in hot on Trigglypuff.

Posted by: Don't be cruel at July 13, 2022 03:31 PM (a3Q+t)

424 A 20% interest rate would send 150% of tax revenues to interest payments.
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at July 13, 2022 03:28 PM (dw9Wj)

Only some of that earlier debt is variable rate. A lot of it is fixed rate and won't change.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 13, 2022 03:31 PM (UuD2k)

425 384 What is the fed rate now ? 1.75%.

From what I understand they simply cannot raise the rate much or it will blow up the debt into a new category of numbers (what's 1000 trillion?)
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 13, 2022 03:24 PM (Ivdso)
Why do I have the feeling that these people start painting the floor at the door, and work their way back into the corner?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 13, 2022 03:31 PM (Hp9vG)

426 When you get a 5.1% raise but find out inflation is 9.1%

Heh, true to life. I was just informed today we are getting 3% CoL raises. I didn't hassle my supervisor who shared the news from management, since I know he has no control over management decisions.

In the end, it's better than not getting anything. I learned back in 2009 and 2010 that the worst day of work is always better than the best day of unemployment. When I finally got another job in December 2010 (which I maintain 11 years later), after losing my house to foreclosure and going broke during that time, I never took another day of work for granted. I'll never take hours or pay for granted again.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at July 13, 2022 03:31 PM (Do5/p)

427 Inflation is ONLY caused by central bank money creation.
Posted by: Kindltot at July 13, 2022 02:48 PM (xhaym)
Not really. Inflation is caused by too much money chasing an unproductive economy. Trump printed a bunch of money too. But the economy was recovering on the basis of the general strength it still possessed.

FJB killed the economy the first few days of his administration. This is all on him.

Posted by: Black JEM at July 13, 2022 03:31 PM (xWZcb)

428 >>> 404 384 What is the fed rate now ? 1.75%.

From what I understand they simply cannot raise the rate much or it will blow up the debt into a new category of numbers (what's 1000 trillion?)
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 13, 2022 03:24 PM (Ivdso)

Yup. Not without defaulting the government. They put themselves in this position by ignoring the national debt and refusing to even acknowledge a balanced budget like the fucking law requires.

Continuing budget resolutions
Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 13, 2022 03:27 PM (nsnF6)

Hmm, why does this not sound like a bad thing...

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at July 13, 2022 03:31 PM (llON8)

429 384 What is the fed rate now ? 1.75%.

From what I understand they simply cannot raise the rate much or it will blow up the debt into a new category of numbers (what's 1000 trillion?)
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 13, 2022 03:24 PM (Ivdso)

1000 trillion is one quadrillion. A term with which we're going to become familiar. Soon.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 13, 2022 03:32 PM (Hp9vG)

430 the obvious answer here is a comprehensive immigration reform package including a limited amnesty option for those hardworking new americans

Posted by: GOP at July 13, 2022 03:32 PM (j5Tg0)

431 I'm ready for the damn war to begin. Tired of the stupidity.
Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 13, 2022 03:11 PM (QSjkU)

You are making yourself miserable, please stop.

The longer you stew on things you fear in the future, the greater they become in your mind. You will drive yourself into a frenzy over this, and life will be terrible.
I have been there, it sucks.
You need to either focus on what is good, or plan on what to do if things do go sour.
If that is too much to shoulder (and it might be, these are scary things) start by writing down your fears (privately please, the group mocks) and then take each item and figure a work around, a prevention you can take personally, or what needs to be done to prevent it or escape it. Then what you can do to help that to happen.

Rending your clothes in the rain while howling does no one any good except your dry cleaner, and they charge A LOT to fix torn, muddy clothing

Posted by: Kindltot at July 13, 2022 03:32 PM (xhaym)

432 Oh, I agree. But they have to have a recession to stop inflation. Normally, rates would act as car brakes but because the government has incurred such ludicrous debt, those brakes are gone. They can't bankrupt the government, so they can't stop the inflation.

All they can do is wait for a naturally occurring recession, which they likely will get because of decreased spending due to inflation.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 13, 2022 03:32 PM (nsnF6)

433 Japan had the lost decade.
Their QE was what, 5 years or less?
And they're going on 20 years of stagnation.

We've been doing QE for over a decade, right?

There is no "soft landing." It's crash and burn. Or burn and crash.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at July 13, 2022 03:32 PM (dw9Wj)

434 I think.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 13, 2022 03:32 PM (nsnF6)


Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 13, 2022 03:32 PM (WWh8n)

436 You know what would solve inflation......a fresh wave of low cost undocumented workers!

Posted by: Chamber of Commerce at July 13, 2022 03:32 PM (dQGIk)

437 The Fed's balance sheet is also funny money, not sure there are any tricks they can conjure without real capital.

Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at July 13, 2022 03:33 PM (oWBc3)

438 >>comfy - suburban wine moms will break bad

Will they do anything for a box of wine and new pair of yoga pants?

Posted by: Maj. Healey at July 13, 2022 03:33 PM (MkYsY)

439 424 A 20% interest rate would send 150% of tax revenues to interest payments.
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at July 13, 2022 03:28 PM (dw9Wj)

Which would logically force a govt to slow down spending, right?

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at July 13, 2022 03:33 PM (Wg1SU)

I finished my daughter's bathroom two years after she moved out. Shame because she really would have liked it.

Posted by: Not My Reel Name at July 13, 2022 03:33 PM (dQvv7)

441 412 "our efforts to crack down on gas-price gouging, lower food prices, lower healthcare costs"

He HAS cracked down on lower costs. That's why they're sky-high now.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 13,

I want to know who is gouging, I grow vegetables and berries and have beef cattle and I'm not getting rich, the calves sold for more than previously but the markets on lettuce, and other commodities has been terrible. Just an fyi.

It used to be everyone made a fortune when the economy was bad, I don't know why but this time it's different. In the 1970s fortunes were made off of lettuce that will take 5 generations to spend.

Posted by: CaliGirl at July 13, 2022 03:33 PM (oeVy+)

442 The people who cause a recession, and we'll be lucky it isn't a depression won't be riding this one out comfy - suburban wine moms will break bad and all hell will break loose.

Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at July 13, 2022 03:29 PM (oWBc3)


Future Headline: After massive wine shortage and hyperinflation, suburban moms turn to manufacturing meth for Mexican drug cartels in order to get by.

Posted by: ShainS -- Welcome to the boneyard, it gets worse here every day at July 13, 2022 03:33 PM (VtjJQ)

443 The PPI has been 6% or more than the CPI. We have a ways to go with inflation.

Also with the housing market crash that money has to go somewhere and I expect it to go into consumer goods and services.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at July 13, 2022 03:33 PM (KwBmy)

444 Maybe...the early history of the Caliphate is rather hazy and likely full of lies.

Interesting point to consider - the Koran talks about Mecca as a major city and important trading hub prior to Muhammed.

The Romans? They don't mention Mecca at all.
Posted by: 18-1 at July 13, 2022 03:27 PM (ESjRY)

It's not a region that the Romans had territory in. There is a trade nexus down in Yemen that went to India. Mecca wouldn't have been as important as ports in Yemen but likely a transit point to the Mediterranean.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at July 13, 2022 03:34 PM (b2nrj)

445 I do think the first big hit on inflation was giving every person in the country, every as in even illegals, cash. You were going to pay it back most likely 10 fold later.

Posted by: Skip at July 13, 2022 03:34 PM (2JoB8)

446 You know what would solve inflation......a fresh wave of low cost undocumented workers!
Posted by: Chamber of Commerce at July 13, 2022 03:32 PM (dQGIk)

I thought the solution was High Speed Rail.

Posted by: wth at July 13, 2022 03:34 PM (v0R5T)

447 The last time, sky high rates brought inflation to heel after a couple years (1980-1982?).

This time it is going to take sky high interest rates and a massive cut in gubmint, and gubmint spending. MASSIVE.

About two thirds of fed spending are transfer payments - medicare/medicaid, SS, welfare. Dents will have to be made in that. People yap about defense, but last I recall it was about 14% or so of the total.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 13, 2022 03:34 PM (ufFY8)

448 For the upper middle class Karens $5 is kinda meh. As a % of income spent on gas that extra $1 or $2 a gallon is not life changing. Same with higher costs for groceries. Inflation is a killer for the working and middle class. Which is why Biden gives no fucks, his voters are not affected. The poor also are not affected since everything they have is free.

Posted by: Joe XiDen at July 13, 2022 03:35 PM (OalnH)

449 Prices are just the beginning. I saw our future on Tucker last night.
Standing in line for days waiting for food and gas that ain't coming.
Do these screw up leaders of ours really want us swimming in their pools and rummaging through their sock drawers?

Posted by: FARVA at July 13, 2022 03:36 PM (z9V4B)

450 Having a world war would fix this if we win.

Posted by: Puddinhead at July 13, 2022 03:36 PM (tiR3O)

451 > Which would logically force a govt to slow down spending, right?

> Posted by: Chairman LMAO at July 13, 2022 03:33 PM (Wg1SU)

History suggests they will instead "print" enough money to destroy the currency and trigger hyperinflation.

Posted by: IronDave at July 13, 2022 03:36 PM (k3crU)

452 World Health Organization Says Gender is "Beyond Non-binary", "Exists on a Continuum"

Yeah, we should trust these guys on vaccinations.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now the Summer of Our Discontent at July 13, 2022 03:37 PM (FVME7)

453 Instead of NATO, maybe re-arm the Germans and tell them to do what needs to be done.
Posted by: Queequeg the Harpooner at July 13, 2022 03:19 PM (9X60i)

the problem with germany has nothing to do with their capacity to re-arm, it is their inability to pay for it and unwillingness to do anything but turn the military into a social experiment

Posted by: Kindltot at July 13, 2022 03:38 PM (xhaym)

454 People yap about defense, but last I recall it was about 14% or so of the total.
Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 13, 2022 03:34 PM (ufFY8

Wonder how much the defense budget would decrease if they stopped funding the social engineering/experimentation stuff.

Posted by: Emmie at July 13, 2022 03:38 PM (6RgRK)

455 The longer you stew on things you fear in the future, the greater they become in your mind. You will drive yourself into a frenzy over this, and life will be terrible.

You just shit on the story of the Ark. Literally.

Posted by: And Away We Go at July 13, 2022 03:38 PM (UM2Gg)

456 I read that pet products are up 12%. They do check for inflation there.

Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at July 13, 2022 03:39 PM (5HBd1)

Posted by: And Away We Go at July 13, 2022 03:39 PM (UM2Gg)

458 Did that clear it?

Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at July 13, 2022 03:40 PM (5HBd1)

459 You are making yourself miserable, please stop.

The longer you stew on things you fear in the future, the greater they become in your mind. You will drive yourself into a frenzy over this, and life will be terrible.
I have been there, it sucks.

Unless that frenzy, because the crash is coming, is real. In which case, embrace the frenzy.

Straight up, you just enunciated anyone giving Noah "the talk".

Don't hear any of the usual religious suspects chiming in right now.

Posted by: And Away We Go at July 13, 2022 03:41 PM (UM2Gg)

460 Kind of ominus that they are enabling all of the economic destruction on the eve of a very big election. What is up their sleeve?
Posted by: kraken at July 13, 2022 02:44 PM (ks05J)

A new, much deadlier COVID variant is my best guess, although a newly mutated and airborne Monkey Pox Plus on the loose is always an option. Starting a war with Russia as an excuse to suspend the misterms seems too extreme even for desperate Democrats.

Posted by: troyriser at July 13, 2022 03:44 PM (ogIek)

461 "Don't worry, inflation is only hitting millionaires and billionaires*!"

-- SpongeBrain ShitPants

*Working people making over $10K/mo for a family of 4.

Posted by: Sharkman at July 13, 2022 04:30 PM (0seoq)

462 "I'm just like Ronald Reagan because this inflation is only transitory and within a month or so the longest peacetime expansion of the economy in American history will begin, all because of my policies!"

-- SpongeBrain ShitPants

Posted by: Sharkman at July 13, 2022 04:35 PM (0seoq)

463 Btw, if you look here back to Obama era I was saying, red states should start passing legislations telling foreign debtors those states will not be responsible for US government debt in event of bankruptcy. In fact red states should start printing their own currency ASAP.

Posted by: Shiggz (defective slave) at July 13, 2022 08:38 PM (WKdnR)

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