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The Morning Report - 4/28/22


Good morning, kids. Thursday and information, misinformation, disinformation, dat information and bullshit remains the hot topic of conversation. Elon Musk's "Grabbe"-ing Twitter by the weeping Vajaya has caused both the wailing and rending of garments on the Left and exultation for us normal people. While I would caution us not to commence a venturi effect on our nether regions just yet, Musk has been saying the right things about economics and taxation for quite some time, earning him the ire of all the wrong people. The actions of the EPA in blocking the construction of a SpaceX launch facility in Boca Chica is textbook government retribution. And that's just for starters. Whatever his motives may be, he has painted a big fat target on himself.

Our ability to communicate freely via the internet hangs in the balance even now. We barely escaped that Orwellian (what the hell isn't these days?) "Net Neutrality" Act -- for now. The internet absolutely broke the stranglehold on both the crafting and mass dissemination of information that Leftist propagandists had had for decades and, along with talk radio, both confirmed what many had feared to be the true nature of who and what has been running the government and society and, more importantly, revealed those truths to a vast audience that was heretofore unaware.

All of that said, Musk acquiring Twitter, in and of itself, is not going to win the war for free speech. But it may very well be the moral equivalent of the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo. It both absolutely shocked Imperial Japan, who had not been attacked in centuries and electrified American morale, which had taken a pounding since Pearl Harbor. Afterwards, the Japanese set about to finish off America once and for all, or so they had hoped. Same thing with the junta in power.

The Department of Homeland Security is setting up a Disinformation Governance Board in an attempt to combat “misinformation” online.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas spoke about the “just established” governance board during a congressional hearing on Wednesday, arguing it would help reduce domestic threats to the United States.

Nina Jankowicz, a fellow for the Wilson Center, confirmed reports that she would direct the board, sharing her official government portrait on her social media profile.

“Cat’s out of the bag: here’s what I’ve been up to the past two months,” she wrote.

She claimed the new board was created to “maintain the Department’s commitment to protecting free speech, privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties" . . .

. . . Jankowicz has long been an advocate for social media censorship and regulation.

In October 2020, Jankowicz testified to the House Select Committee on Intelligence on the dangers of misinformation and conspiracy theories and how to stop it online.

“Disinformation is a threat to democracy,” she warned and criticized the government and social media platforms who have “all but abdicated their responsibility” to address ”domestic disinformation.”

Just fucking wow. I mean, where does one even begin to try and unpack this hideous farce? Aside from the fact that this hag was pimping the now proven lie that the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation, there's this thing called THE FIRST AMENDMENT that, like Charlie Gibson, she apparently has never heard of. The government does not get to decide what is and what is not misinformation. There are laws governing things such as slander and libel, as well as this thing called common sense which is supposed to, in theory, give the individual pause before shooting his mouth off as well as the right to discern for oneself what is and what is not truth. The consequences for either of those being on the individual.

Moving on from the philosophical, under what authority does this "politburo" have the right to exist in the first place? What regulatory power, completely illegitimate that it is, will it wield in supposedly maintaining the DHS' "commitment to protecting free speech, privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties?" Will it amass dossiers - pun absolutely intended - on people who object to the sexualization, disfiguring and brainwashing of their children? On those of us who consider the very government that is forming this commission illegitimate on the basis of the mountain of evidence proving the 2020 election was stolen?

And once it has amassed those dossiers, what is the punishment for spreading disinformation, otherwise known as stating one's opinion? Considering the Junta and its supporters define what happened on January 6th as the greatest threat to our precious democracy (*vomit*) since the Civil War, Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined, one assumes there will be 3:00AM raids followed by incarceration in the Garland Archipelago if not Gitmo, incommunicado and indefinitely.

I'm suddenly reminded about the arguments around the limitations or even abolition of the Second Amendment. The Left always insisted that the Founders never anticipated automatic weapons and machine guns back in the 18th century. The counter to that argument was, should we abolish the First Amendment since they never anticipated massive printing presses, television, radio and -- wait for it -- the internet either? Well, I guess the answer to that is a big old "yes!"

If the Second Amendment was always the final firewall between liberty and tyranny, the First Amendment I guess was the penultimate and, at least in theory, the strongest. Much of this also centers around the battle for who controls the speech. This whole notion of "safe spaces" from being offended has both crippled the last few generations as well as been used as a weapon with which to terrorize us into submission via group coercion, be it at work or even at home. The nature of being free runs antithetical to being safe. Those who argue for safety will hide behind the veneer of being benign and doing things "for our own good." What was that thing that's supposed to be paved with good intentions?

That said, I'm not buying that anymore. There are no good intentions with those who seek to silence us. They do these things not for our own good but for theirs. If agents or informants of this pathetic Ministry of Truth are reading this, come and get me and the publishers who wrote my book.

You can also round up Anthony Fauci. He claimed yesterday that the pandemic was over.

Whoops! Did he say the pandemic was over? No! What he really said was it's NOT over.

Dear Lord how I hate these people. It will be interesting to see how this shakes out, especially if Musk purges the Goebbels acolytes from the Twitter ranks. The Left has already "woke" (heh) a sleeping giant with the assault on children. Let's see how they react if they are silenced and/or threatened because they use Twitter as a means of communication.

The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

Follow us on Twitter: @CutJibNews
Follow us on Instagram: @Cutjibnewsletter

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at 07:24 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 WTFO??

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 07:25 AM (yrol0)

2 Good morning horde!

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, member - Ashli Babbitt Society at April 28, 2022 07:27 AM (uvymP)

3 Morning, I’ve never made top 10 before!

Posted by: Carmenzoid at April 28, 2022 07:28 AM (9sa5h)

4 Burn it down.
Scatter the stones.
Salt the earth where it stood.

Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 07:29 AM (9nPZp)

5 Moronin', Hourde!

Posted by: Hans O'Lo at April 28, 2022 07:29 AM (u7pQw)

6 "Why would you vote to take money out of my family's mouth?"

Because it's getting soggy in there?

Posted by: fd at April 28, 2022 07:31 AM (vrz2I)

7 hiya

Posted by: JT at April 28, 2022 07:31 AM (arJlL)

8 I'm suddenly reminded about the arguments around the limitations or even abolition of the Second Amendment.

Let's be honest. The Left has hated the entire Constitution, but especially the Bill of Rights for at least my entire lifetime, and probably way further back than that.

Freedom of speech, association, and religion have been under assault in one form or another for decades. The right to keep and bear has been a battle ground since at least the 1900s. The left doesn't hesitate for a moment to seize your home and house it's soldiers (for all they're called "cops") whenever it wants to. Unreasonable search and seizure, meet "civil forfeiture." No Cruel and Unusual Punishments and no double-jeopardy, meet massive over charging. Need I continue?

Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 07:32 AM (9nPZp)

9 I think these politicians that claim they have Covid are just looking to goof off for a couple of weeks. Lord knows they are so overworked.

Posted by: fd at April 28, 2022 07:33 AM (vrz2I)

10 Twitter slapping a warning on Babylon Bee mocking their insecurities is not a good start to the Elon Era.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Break The Teachers Unions at April 28, 2022 07:34 AM (9bAhW)

48 degrees here in South Carolina. Global warming, lmao.


Posted by: four seasons at April 28, 2022 07:34 AM (PisyI)

g'mornin' again, 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at April 28, 2022 07:34 AM (DUIap)

13 Fed to the Rescue? Or Fed Fueling Inflation?

See also Comment #4.

Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 07:35 AM (9nPZp)

48 degrees here in South Carolina. Global warming, lmao.


Posted by: four seasons at April 28, 2022 07:34 AM

48 degrees? Luxury!!

it's 29 degrees just outside the wire of The Peoples' Republik of AnnArbor

Posted by: AltonJackson at April 28, 2022 07:36 AM (DUIap)

15 Twitter slapping a warning on Babylon Bee mocking their insecurities is not a good start to the Elon Era.

I must have missed something.

That said, has the Elon Era even started yet? I thought there was still a vote (possibly pro forma, but still a vote) that couldn't happen until 5/25 at the earliest...

Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 07:36 AM (9nPZp)

16 Cats out of the bag: heres what Ive been up to the past two months, she wrote.

1984 is not a HOW TO manual!

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 07:36 AM (yrol0)

17 My father was a career FSO with AID (1962-1987). He was a good man who didn't make a lot of $ but took care of his family. Saved my ass when the Army f*cked up. That screed was a bit sh!tty.

Posted by: SFGoth at April 28, 2022 07:36 AM (KAi1n)

18 Mornin', Horde.
What's goin' on?!

Top 25ish

Posted by: Heirloominati at April 28, 2022 07:36 AM (CtJ/Z)

19 Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Holocaust Remembrance Day: Siren sounds, Israel comes to a standstill
Israelis across the country paused for two minutes on Thursday morning in order to remember the 6 million Jews who perished in the Holocaust.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 28, 2022 07:37 AM (APX53)

20 Mornin', all! Thanks for the newz, JJ . . . I think.

I had a daymare this week that they would kill off Harris and replace her with the bipartisan solution of . . . Mike Pence.

Happy Thursday!

Posted by: Catherine at April 28, 2022 07:38 AM (ZSsrh)

21 DHS Secretary: "Domestic Violent Extremism Poses Greatest Terrorism-Related Threat to Our Homeland"


The only visible evidence of "Domestic Violent Extremism" I see in this country comes from the federal gov't against its own citizens. Coupled with some sporadic episodes of brainwashed blacks committing crimes against Asians. The Federal Gov't is operating as extremist hard left as it can possibly be, short of full blown communism. And that is what I call a terrorist threat to Americans.

Posted by: Lady in Black at April 28, 2022 07:38 AM (sVtYq)

22 Kansas Lawmaker Denounced for Feeling Discomfort at Sharing a Bathroom With Transgender Colleague

So what they want, instead of women fairly politely saying "Hey, can you get your wang out of my face?" is for women to shoot these men in the bathrooms and claim "he was threatening me."

Because there's no camera in the bathroom, and the perv can't deny it if he's dead.

Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 07:38 AM (9nPZp)

23 In October 2020, Jankowicz testified to the House Select Committee on Intelligence on the dangers of misinformation and conspiracy theories and how to stop it online.

Disinformation is a threat to democracy, she warned and criticized the government and social media platforms who have all but abdicated their responsibility to address domestic disinformation.

But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself.

He loved Big Brother.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 07:38 AM (yrol0)

24 $61.40 to fill up my Tacoma yesterday and I still had almost 1/4 tank left.

Posted by: Mister Scott (formerly GWS) at April 28, 2022 07:40 AM (bVYXr)

25 And that is what I call a terrorist threat to Americans.
Posted by: Lady in Black at April 28, 2022 07:38 AM (sVtYq)

Kidnapping was inside job.

J6 was supported by FIB.

J6 support rally was FIB in jorts and raybans.

Was OKC also a FIB thingy??

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 07:41 AM (yrol0)

26 "Florio writes as if he believes that these players don’t have any choice, like they’re forced into a contract with the NFL and can’t get out of it on penalty of death. And he doubled down on this assertion in an interview."

Well, if they didn't play for the NFL, they'd have to get real jobs. And since the majority of them majored in Interior Design and never actually graduated anyway (because what they really majored in was football)... well, that's not a great choice.

Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 07:42 AM (9nPZp)

27 This here left me gobsmacked...

Police executed a search warrant of the suspect's residence on December 1, 2021, where they found 'numerous screen recordings' on his digital devices containing images of children engaging in sexual acts. Grassmann said that authorities did not have enough evidence to arrest the man on sight at the time, but they did seize the devices in question.

So being caught with a shitload of kiddo pr0n isn't enough to get you arrested anymore?

Posted by: Victor Tango Kilo at April 28, 2022 07:42 AM (OeBYn)

28 $61.40 to fill up my Tacoma yesterday and I still had almost 1/4 tank left.

**cries in F-350 Diesel**

Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 07:42 AM (9nPZp)

29 19. Newsmax just had interview with a rabbi and they showed video from Israel. Four lane hwy. completely stopped with people standing outside their vehicles. Rabbi talking about the anti Israel rhetoric has risen here in the USA because there are fewer Holocaust survivors who can testify about it.

Posted by: Jen the original at April 28, 2022 07:43 AM (AAXhQ)

30 So, Alec Baldwin is claiming that the gun went off by itself even though his finger was on the trigger.

Yeah, that makes sense.
More coffee.

Posted by: dantesed at April 28, 2022 07:43 AM (88xKn)

31 There’s a B-17 Parked on My Desk

(Must be a good sized desk.....)

Posted by: JT at April 28, 2022 07:43 AM (arJlL)

32 So being caught with a shitload of kiddo pr0n isn't enough to get you arrested anymore?

Maybe they were hoping someone with a handy woodchipper would find out?

Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 07:43 AM (9nPZp)

33 With all due respect to Hayden Daniel, the end game map he now sees for Russia in Ukraine is what they always wanted, a land bridge to Crimea and the Black Sea. It was never about ruling all of Ukraine or expanding beyond Ukraine. It was about taking back the ethnic Russian Donbas that Putin has always coveted.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 28, 2022 07:44 AM (ZLI7S)

34 Biden Tells Conservatives to Stop Making Teachers the "Target of the Culture Wars"


Teachers have put themselves squarely and smack dab in the center of the so-called culture wars by polluting America's children with gender queer ideology. Don't beat the sh*t out of me and blame me for complaining about my injuries...

Posted by: Lady in Black at April 28, 2022 07:45 AM (sVtYq)

35 Hiya Catherine !

Posted by: JT at April 28, 2022 07:46 AM (arJlL)

So being caught with a shitload of kiddo pr0n isn't enough to get you arrested anymore?


"Love is love!"

Posted by: Lady in Black at April 28, 2022 07:46 AM (sVtYq)

37 Good morning dear morons and happy birthday JJ

I think this Governance Board (hard-dee-har-har) thing is the sort of brazenness from the junta we here at AoS were discussing only days ago.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at April 28, 2022 07:46 AM (EZebt)

38 With all this First Amendment and Net Neutrality talk, I'd once again like to point out that the Bill of Rights only guaranteed the Fed Gov would not seize anyone's printed and posted documents. It never intended to create a protected class. It also never promised that person A could print and post that person B had a whore for a mother without fear of getting his ass kicked. Only that Fed Gov would not interfere.

And the Anti Federalists said that this promise wasn't worth the paper it was written on.

Posted by: Everyone Picks at April 28, 2022 07:46 AM (Gs6BU)

39 domestic violent extremism was the greatest terrorist threat facing the American people in the American homeland.

Guess those 20 to 30 million illegals that hate us and our freedoms are nothing to worry about.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 07:48 AM (yrol0)

40 Good morning one and all. looks out window I see that civilization is still going on. This is good.

Posted by: NR Pax at April 28, 2022 07:48 AM (4olE8)

41 38 And the Anti Federalists said that this promise wasn't worth the paper it was written on.
Posted by: Everyone Picks at April 28, 2022 07:46 AM (Gs6BU)

Shorter Federalists: "You fucked up! You trusted us!"

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 28, 2022 07:48 AM (s2VJv)

42 With all due respect to Hayden Daniel, the end game map he now sees for Russia in Ukraine is what they always wanted, a land bridge to Crimea and the Black Sea. It was never about ruling all of Ukraine or expanding beyond Ukraine. It was about taking back the ethnic Russian Donbas that Putin has always coveted.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 28, 2022 07:44 AM (ZLI7S)

Well yes and no. Once they control the entire Black Sea coast, they can and will strangle Ukraine and try causes a change of gov to one of their liking and thus render Ukraine a vassal State to Russia

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 28, 2022 07:49 AM (APX53)

43 Teachers have put themselves squarely and smack dab in the center of the so-called culture wars by polluting America's children with gender queer ideology.

And I'm coming to hate the ones who yell "Well *I'm* not doing that!" worse than the ones actually doing the grooming. We get that not every teacher - in some places not even most or necessarily very many - is attempting to drive wedges between children and their families (that's way more important to the left than the actual grooming, grooming is just a really effective tool toward that end). However, the way your curriculum is written, the things you communicate to children as "normal" even when you're not trying to, and the fact you won't stand up against those teacher who *do* groom our children means you are part of the problem.

So either admit there's a problem and side with parents over the teaching establishment or be prepared to "a target of the culture wars."

Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 07:49 AM (9nPZp)

44 Good morning horde

Posted by: Skip's phone at April 28, 2022 07:49 AM (pEBr0)

45 This ministry of truth is beyond a joke. They are literally trying to create 1984.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at April 28, 2022 07:50 AM (5kI0z)

46 I would really like to see throngs of weepy hipsters walking down 10th St carrying their stuff in cardboard boxes.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at April 28, 2022 07:50 AM (EZebt)

47 Good morning everyone. Thank you J.J.

Verse for the day:
"But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust."

--Matthew 5:44-45

*This is the sin most difficult to remove from my life. I pray for forgiveness."

Posted by: Tonypete at April 28, 2022 07:50 AM (Msys3)

48 And I'm coming to hate the ones who yell "Well *I'm* not doing that!" worse than the ones actually doing the grooming.

No different than police or the FBI or IRS agents. At best, teachers turn a blind eye to what they see every day, in the quest to get their pension.

Posted by: Everyone Picks at April 28, 2022 07:51 AM (Gs6BU)

49 I have lost the very last shred of patience and support I had for the Republican Party, after the McCarthy tapes and hearing about his standing ovation. After watching Elon Musk be the only person in this country who did anything to rectify the wrongs of censorship against us. After witnessing the near complete silence of the R party in running on anything substantive and counter to Biden's Total Destruction of America Plan. I can't quite express well enough the disgust I have for the Republicans. To call them useless doesn't do my disgust justice. Complicit? Deceitful? Stupid? Dirtbags? My word bank can't find the right terms.

Posted by: Lady in Black at April 28, 2022 07:52 AM (sVtYq)

50 Whenever Ive heard of a new pathogen emerging, my first thought has been the risk to Africans, she explains in her new memoir.

FUCK YOU AMERICANS I guess was rejected by her editors.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 07:52 AM (yrol0)

51 Russian President Vladimir Putins deadly war in Europe is on the brink of expanding outside of Ukraine as Kremlin officials alleged Thursday that there have been acts of terrorism in Moldova.

Moscow set its sights on Moldova last week when a Russian general said its goal was to gain full control over not only eastern Ukraine, but regions along its southern that sit above the Black Sea.

Same script as before

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 28, 2022 07:52 AM (APX53)

52 Abolish the Government Groomers!

Rootin For Putin!

Free Buffalo Guy!

More coffee...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at April 28, 2022 07:52 AM (L3vwo)

53 >>Well yes and no. Once they control the entire Black Sea coast, they can and will strangle Ukraine and try causes a change of gov to one of their liking and thus render Ukraine a vassal State to Russia

Eh, will see. Things were going fairly smoothly until we decided to change the government and make it a vassal state to NATO after repeatedly promising we wouldn't.

Putin might be an evil shit but we certainly don't have clean hands in Ukraine or the region despite what the media says.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 28, 2022 07:53 AM (ZLI7S)

54 I-bond rates may increase to 9.62% in May based on the March Consumer Price Index data, experts say.

You can buy these bonds directly from treasury dot gov

Posted by: McCool at April 28, 2022 07:53 AM (BqBIh)

55 "Bronx Teen Who Was Let Out of Jail Only to Allegedly Commit Murder is Out Again"

If he is going to be a decent rapper he is going to need some interesting life stories to rap about. Why would anyone want to interfere with this young man's career of choice?

Posted by: fd at April 28, 2022 07:53 AM (vrz2I)

56 Vaginal itch is a threat to our democracy. Especially, the fucking whack jobs with pseudovaginas!

Posted by: Mean Tweets at April 28, 2022 07:53 AM (BOJAx)

57 Last night SpaceX docked another crewed mission with the ISS, just after 7:30 eastern, and the four astronauts joined the crowd already living there.

So usual now, it doesn't even make news.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Break The Teachers Unions at April 28, 2022 07:54 AM (5ugpO)

58 With so much govt regs from the EPA and all the rest, we're lucky the kids can still build a snow fort in winter.

Posted by: JM in Florida at April 28, 2022 07:54 AM (L7jyl)

59 54 I-bond rates may increase to 9.62% in May based on the March Consumer Price Index data, experts say.

You can buy these bonds directly from treasury dot gov

Posted by: McCool at April 28, 2022 07:53 AM (BqBIh)

It's a terrible investment to make money...BUT, it's not a bad investment to avoid losing lots of money...

Especially if you have cash sitting that you don't want to use or invest right now.

Posted by: Nova local at April 28, 2022 07:55 AM (exHjb)

60 And the Anti Federalists said that this promise wasn't worth the paper it was written on.

And the Anti-Federalists overestimated its worth by about 100%.

It is amazing to me (as I study the history more closely) exactly how quickly the very framers of the Constitution immediately started attempting to test its boundaries and exceed the limits *they put in place.*

"Oh, we didn't give ourselves banking authority? Eh... it's necessary and proper to handling trade and taxes. Next!" (McCulloch v Maryland was a SCOTUS case we studied just the other day).

Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 07:55 AM (9nPZp)

61 "My word bank can't find the right terms."

How about the "R" word?

Posted by: fd at April 28, 2022 07:55 AM (vrz2I)

62 Really think everyone should use Ministry of Truth when taking or writing about the Disinformation Bureau

Posted by: Skip's phone at April 28, 2022 07:55 AM (pEBr0)

63 Hiya Skip's phone !

Posted by: JT at April 28, 2022 07:55 AM (arJlL)

64 Eh, will see. Things were going fairly smoothly until we decided to change the government and make it a vassal state to NATO after repeatedly promising we wouldn't.

Putin might be an evil shit but we certainly don't have clean hands in Ukraine or the region despite what the media says.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 28, 2022 07:53 AM (ZLI7S)

It seems to me the Ukrainian people changed that government. What role we had in it, is open to interpretation. Say what you want about Ukraine and corruption, but Russia is fully at fault here for the devastation occuring now.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 28, 2022 07:56 AM (APX53)

65 Watching the Left's complete overreaction to Musk's Twitter buyout is just like watching Linda Blair's head spin 360 degrees while spitting green pea soup. The reaction is that over the top. These people are very mentally unwell.

Posted by: Lady in Black at April 28, 2022 07:56 AM (sVtYq)

66 Morning peeps. I gotta' get outside as soon as the grass dries out and mow the grass. And get another can of diesel for the tractor. Going to be a wet couple of days coming up here in the Bluegrass.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at April 28, 2022 07:56 AM (BFigT)

67 With so much govt regs from the EPA..

an old HS friend of mine whose family owned an auto body shop used to joke that EPA stood for 'End Prosperity in America'

He hated when he had to switch to low-VOC paint

Posted by: McCool at April 28, 2022 07:56 AM (BqBIh)

68 I particularly enjoyed the president's remark about how we shouldn't make "teaching part of the culture war." Of course, we should just cede our kids to the government meat grinder to be good little cogs in the machine. Education is an individual good. If it serves the public, that's incidental. It should not be the main goal. My kids aren't even mine. They belong to themselves. I'm just the steward until they come into their own.

Posted by: no good deed at April 28, 2022 07:56 AM (zj8BZ)

69 You can buy these bonds directly from treasury dot gov

Yes, I would like to make a loan to the government. I think they need even more of my money.

Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 07:57 AM (9nPZp)

70 Hiya, JT.

Posted by: Catherine at April 28, 2022 07:57 AM (ZSsrh)

71 This has probably been beaten to death already, but didn't Kamala claim to have had the chinese lung rot twice before? To get out of doing stuff with the joetatoe?

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at April 28, 2022 07:58 AM (2NHgQ)

72 >>> It seems to me the Ukrainian people changed that government. What role we had in it, is open to interpretation.

It was a color revolution and we had a big role in it.

Posted by: IrishEi at April 28, 2022 07:58 AM (VhE0u)

73 "we're lucky the kids can still build a snow fort in winter."

We would never suppress that right!

Posted by: County Bureau for Snow Fort Licensing at April 28, 2022 07:58 AM (vrz2I)

74 "We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavoring to stifle is a false opinion; and if we are sure, stifling it would be an evil still."

John Stuart Mill

Posted by: Ordinary American at April 28, 2022 07:59 AM (H8QX8)

75 Kansas Lawmaker Denounced for Feeling Discomfort at Sharing a Bathroom With Transgender Colleague

So what they want, instead of women fairly politely saying "Hey, can you get your wang out of my face?" is for women to shoot these men in the bathrooms and claim "he was threatening me."

Because there's no camera in the bathroom, and the perv can't deny it if he's dead.
Posted by: AllenG #Texit

Game. Set. Match. No bill or jury nullification. I'm good with it.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 28, 2022 07:59 AM (SvtOj)

76 I thought I saw yesterday that Mad Maxine has the China coof now too. I can't believe the virus wanted anything to do with that fish-faced, evil shrew.

Posted by: Lady in Black at April 28, 2022 07:59 AM (sVtYq)

77 but didn't Kamala claim to have had the chinese lung rot twice before

it seems you can get the WuFlu more than once...
So its possible she's just an exceptional viral host

Posted by: McCool at April 28, 2022 07:59 AM (BqBIh)

78 Education is an individual good. If it serves the public, that's incidental.

You silly person. You think people should own themselves and have the privilege and responsibility of making their own choices and dealing with the consequences.

Obviously, Our Betters know better - all persons belong to the collective and therefore must be made useful to it. Those who cannot or will not do so will be purged and forgotten.

Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 08:00 AM (9nPZp)

79 Good morning, JJ.

Good morning, Horde.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:00 AM (DU+/6)

80 The trick with the I-bonds - you must hold 1 year and if you don't hold 5 years, you lose 3 months of interest.

SO, if somehow Trump or DeSantis saves us in 2025 and inflation drops back to 1-2% and so does the bond interest, you wait 3 months into that "interest pay period" before you sell, so you lose 3 months of the tiny rate, not 3 months of the big one...

Or you hold the 5 years...

Posted by: Nova local at April 28, 2022 08:00 AM (exHjb)

It seems to me the Ukrainian people changed that government. What role we had in it, is open to interpretation. Say what you want about Ukraine and corruption, but Russia is fully at fault here for the devastation occuring now.
Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 28, 2022 07:56 AM (APX53)

The Russian-aligned guy that got coup'd was as far as we know the one that was elected. Since overthrows of the government are generally done by a small % of the population, it's hard to tell how representative they are of the general population.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at April 28, 2022 08:00 AM (b2nrj)

82 Listening to another great podcast episode from the CJN crew.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Break The Teachers Unions at April 28, 2022 08:00 AM (5ugpO)

83 "What regulatory power, completely illegitimate that it is, will it wield in supposedly maintaining the DHS' "commitment to protecting free speech, privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties?" Will it amass dossiers - pun absolutely intended - on people who object to the sexualization, disfiguring and brainwashing of their children?"

Not really. It will force corporations to do all that in its stead. You know: Fascism.
Good morning, J.J.!

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at April 28, 2022 08:00 AM (OssQ4)

84 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau > Disinformation Governance Board

Posted by: San Franpsycho at April 28, 2022 08:01 AM (EZebt)

85 I'd like to go back to the time of fun-filled malls of the 70s and 80s from Buck's ONT and forever leave this miserable "modern" America. My, how we've fallen.

Posted by: Lady in Black at April 28, 2022 08:02 AM (sVtYq)

86 Hiya, JT.
Posted by: Catherine

Posted by: JT at April 28, 2022 08:02 AM (arJlL)

87 It seems to me the Ukrainian people changed that government. What role we had in it, is open to interpretation. Say what you want about Ukraine and corruption, but Russia is fully at fault here for the devastation occuring now.
Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 28, 2022 07:56 AM (APX53)

The Russian-aligned guy that got coup'd was as far as we know the one that was elected. Since overthrows of the government are generally done by a small % of the population, it's hard to tell how representative they are of the general population.
Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at April 28, 2022 08:00 AM (b2nrj)

The ukrainian people do not appear to me to welcoming the russians as liberators?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 28, 2022 08:03 AM (APX53)


Rabbi talking about the anti Israel rhetoric has risen here in the USA because there are fewer Holocaust survivors who can testify about it.

Posted by: Jen the original at April 28, 2022 07:43 AM

My Dad took me to some sort of deli in Philly when I was young in order to have lunch and see the tattoo of a Holocaust survivor. While I may have only been six or seven at the time I'll never forget the man rolling up his sleeve to show me. It took me many years to understand why it was important to witness.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 28, 2022 08:03 AM (dQvv7)

89 The Post exclusively revealed this past weekend that Schwerin visited the White House at least 19 times between 2009 and 2015 and even sat down with then-Vice President Biden in the West Wing.

He was there (at least) 8 additional times using a fake name.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 08:03 AM (yrol0)

90 Just fucking wow. I mean, where does one even begin to try and unpack this hideous farce? Aside from the fact that this hag was pimping the now proven lie that the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation, there's this thing called THE FIRST AMENDMENT that, like Charlie Gibson, she apparently has never heard of. The government does not get to decide what is and what is not misinformation. There are laws governing things such as slander and libel, ...
There's also fraud. I am allowed to lie if I wish to. If my lying causes you demonstrable harm, you can sue me for defrauding you and causing you to act as you otherwise wouldn't. This is exactly why "stolen valor" was shot down under the First Amendment. It should have been. If I lie about my veteran status, I'm a piece of shit but the people I harm through that lie - whether it's free meals at a restaurant or TV gigs or whatever - can sue me.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:03 AM (DU+/6)

91 It's rather amazing that industry people can choose not to understand the reason for the NFL draft. The process came out of one simple desire - the idea that the league wanted some type of rough parity between the teams so that it would be interesting to sports fans. They did *not* want to see a league where one or two well financed teams would buy every big name player, and every contest would be boringly predictable before it was played.

Now in practical fact that may be how it turned out; but still, they should at least acknowledge that it's done in the hope of turning out a viable entertainment product.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 28, 2022 08:04 AM (r46W7)

92 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:04 AM (Zz0t1)

93 87 It seems to me the Ukrainian people changed that government. What role we had in it, is open to interpretation. Say what you want about Ukraine and corruption, but Russia is fully at fault here for the devastation occuring now.
Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 28, 2022 07:56 AM (APX53)

The Russian-aligned guy that got coup'd was as far as we know the one that was elected. Since overthrows of the government are generally done by a small % of the population, it's hard to tell how representative they are of the general population.
Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at April 28, 2022 08:00 AM (b2nrj)

The ukrainian people do not appear to me to welcoming the russians as liberators?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 28, 2022 08:03 AM (APX53)

The Russian ones, who are also the ones who were voting for Russian-aligned policies and politicians are. After Russia took much of the Russian populated areas of Ukraine in 2014, this obviously impacted elections going forward. Ukraine's population is pretty divided.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at April 28, 2022 08:05 AM (b2nrj)

94 That said, I'm not buying that anymore. There are no good intentions with those who seek to silence us. They do these things not for our own good but for theirs. If agents or informants of this pathetic Ministry of Truth are reading this, come and get me and the publishers who wrote my book.
They will. Eventually. The moment they want to.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:05 AM (DU+/6)

95 Want to watch the Declaration for the Future of the Internet, hosted by Jake Sullivan? Here ya go:

Posted by: IrishEi at April 28, 2022 08:05 AM (VhE0u)

96 >>It seems to me the Ukrainian people changed that government. What role we had in it, is open to interpretation. Say what you want about Ukraine and corruption, but Russia is fully at fault here for the devastation occuring now.

I disagree. It's pretty obvious what role we had in it if you look closely. I mean, we even have tape of Nuland and others discussing who we would install in the government after Maidan coup.

NATO has been constantly expanding eastward since it's inception despite promises to Russia it wouldn't. I'm sure we can justify some of it but we also should have been realistic that Putin would eventually respond. He did in Georgia after the 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest when NATO membership was floated for both Georgia and Ukraine and to this day there are 2 autonomous regions outside the control of the Georgian government.

If you continue to poke the bear you can't be totally shocked or call yourself blameless when it responds.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 28, 2022 08:05 AM (ZLI7S)

97 Morning again, all,

Quick tech question: My boss passed his Lenovo Z70-80 (80FG) laptop on to me. It works fine while plugged in but the rechargeable battery is pretty much dead. I see replacement models of battery on Bezos's little hobby site from NinjaBatt and GHU. Anybody used these? If the battery is marked as compatible with a given model on the listing, can I be reasonably sure it will fit and work?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 28, 2022 08:06 AM (txdEq)

98 The more the West pokes Putin, the harder he pushes back. Why can't the idiots here get that? Playing with fire as John Mersheimer says.

Do they really think we will be watching war unfold all nice and comfy in our living rooms, unscathed?
Their blind stupidity is astounding.

Posted by: Ziba at April 28, 2022 08:06 AM (S1hrL)

99 If teachers don't want to be "targets of the culture wars," then maybe they should stop being frontline soldiers in the culture wars!

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 28, 2022 08:06 AM (YIVH2)

100 The Ukrainian Church split off from the Russian one in 2018(both Orthodox). There's a lot of ethnic tension going on.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at April 28, 2022 08:06 AM (b2nrj)

101 Part of America's problem is we stand slack-jawed in amazement at the daily shenanigans of the Junta. Who the hell would so deliberately and enthusiastically destroy America with such determination. Even Josh Hawley is stunned, now that somebody over at the White House is trying to put a SPLC activist into a (lifetime) Federal judgeship.

"Absolutely extraordinary. I can't believe you've been nominated for this position. I can't believe that the president of the United States would nominate someone from this organization with this record, and I can't believe that you would sit here today and refuse to condemn this hateful, frankly, violent rhetoric."

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Break The Teachers Unions at April 28, 2022 08:06 AM (ae8Of)

102 I'd like to go back to the time of fun-filled malls of the 70s and 80s from Buck's ONT and forever leave this miserable "modern" America.

Me too. It's hard to even try and laugh at these people anymore. A Disinformation Governance Board. Un fucking real.

Posted by: Jewells45 at April 28, 2022 08:06 AM (nxdel)

103 I'd like to go back to the time of fun-filled malls of the 70s and 80s from Buck's ONT and forever leave this miserable "modern" America. My, how we've fallen.
Posted by: Lady in Black at April 28, 2022 08:02 AM (sVtYq)

Feels a little like a bad acid flashback from 1973.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at April 28, 2022 08:07 AM (EZebt)

104 This is the day which the Lord has made
We shall rejoice and be glad in it.

Morning, kids!

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at April 28, 2022 08:07 AM (Vxu+H)

105 Has one Republican spoken out against this Orwellian bureaucratic incubus, or called for Biden's impeachment for violating his oath to uphold the Constitution (First Amendment), or even spoken up in support of Elon Musk?

The cause of our collapse is not principally the malevolent activism of the Left (which in fact could, with no great determined effort, be put to rout), it is the combined, appalling cowardice and weakness of those who purport to represent us.

Posted by: Ordinary American at April 28, 2022 08:08 AM (H8QX8)

106 It's not that surprising to see Amerikka transforming into communist China. The commies have infiltrated every sector of our government, military, education, business, tech, infrastructure, means of production, supply and own huge tracts of land. They have a compliant stooge in the White House with another one waiting in the wings. They've made sure there's no realistic opposition to them, but allow the appearance of a nominal two-party system.

Regardless the "party" in power it will always be the communists first and foremost.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at April 28, 2022 08:08 AM (BFigT)

107 Quick tech question: My boss passed his Lenovo Z70-80 (80FG) laptop on to me. It works fine while plugged in but the rechargeable battery is pretty much dead. I see replacement models of battery on Bezos's little hobby site from NinjaBatt and GHU. Anybody used these? If the battery is marked as compatible with a given model on the listing, can I be reasonably sure it will fit and work?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 28, 2022 08:06 AM (txdEq)
It will probably fit and work. A lot of the no-name battery brands come out of China and they are in one of three categories:
1. Low-quality reproductions
2. Rebadged e-waste (e.g., used parts)
3. Good-quality reproductions

The problem is that it's almost impossible to discern which is which before you buy it. If you get one of the first two categories, it will probably not be dangerous (though it could be), but it is likely to not work well nor last very long. I think you're probably best off going to a site where there are people who have already been through it for your laptop model. Your best bet is probably a Lenovo-specific enthusiast or repair site, or a general good name like iFixit.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:09 AM (DU+/6)

108 Hiya Madamemayhem !

Posted by: JT at April 28, 2022 08:09 AM (arJlL)

109 Closed captioning now censors the "Homo" part out of "Homo Sapiens". We are far past the point of absurdity and have gone to fabulous plaid.

Posted by: fd at April 28, 2022 08:09 AM (vrz2I)

110 NATO has been constantly expanding eastward since it's inception despite promises to Russia it wouldn't. I'm sure we can justify some of it but we also should have been realistic that Putin would eventually respond. He did in Georgia after the 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest when NATO membership was floated for both Georgia and Ukraine and to this day there are 2 autonomous regions outside the control of the Georgian government.

If you continue to poke the bear you can't be totally shocked or call yourself blameless when it responds.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 28, 2022 08:05 AM (ZLI7S)

Again not really arguing with that. I was always against expanding to far east. But NONE of that justifies what putin and the russians are doing now. I am sick and tired of reading people defending russia on this one. And nothing that was happening in the Ukraine was an existential threat to mother russia. Pissing russia off, sure, but an existential threat NO

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 28, 2022 08:09 AM (APX53)

111 @89

And no records are kept of who visits Joe at his Delaware pad.

Posted by: Ziba at April 28, 2022 08:09 AM (S1hrL)

112 For those who have encountered Political Cancellation through Linktree...

Posted by: Slapweasel at April 28, 2022 08:09 AM (Ckg4U)

NATO has been constantly expanding eastward since it's inception despite promises to Russia it wouldn't.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 28, 2022 08:05 AM

This is a very handy map of NATO countries with the dates they became members, which proves your point.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 28, 2022 08:10 AM (dQvv7)



Posted by: Hillary Clinton at April 28, 2022 08:10 AM (SWi3y)

115 Has one Republican spoken out against this Orwellian bureaucratic incubus, or called for Biden's impeachment for violating his oath to uphold the Constitution (First Amendment), or even spoken up in support of Elon Musk?

To ask the question is to answer it.

I wish had Musk's or Bezo's billions. I'd start my own political party. First plank in the platform: the Federal Government is too large and too powerful and MUST be shrunk and neutered. Only then can We The People once more be free in our own country.

Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 08:10 AM (9nPZp)

116 And nothing that was happening in the Ukraine was an existential threat to mother russia. Pissing russia off, sure, but an existential threat NO
Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 28, 2022 08:09 AM (APX53)

Russia's perspective isn't necessarily the same as ours. From our end, we never were really serious about bringing Ukraine into NATO. Russia obviously would not want their existing and ongoing low level conflict starting in 2014 to bring in NATO. Their move is logical, to avoid war with NATO, if we were to take the US offer to Ukraine of NATO membership seriously.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at April 28, 2022 08:12 AM (b2nrj)

117 Good morning, Horde.

I want to thank JJ for his excellent and thought-provoking commentary and complication of the news.

I appreciate JJ and the other COBs more than I can express.

Posted by: Ladyl at April 28, 2022 08:12 AM (Q4zvK)

118 OT but from the Overnight Thread, the Aaron Copeland video, I was at that concert. It was relatively recent - last couple of years (lose track of time in pandemic). The Marine Band occasionally plays at the Northern Virginia Community College (venue in video) and its FREE and there's always plenty of parking. Highly recommend attending when available.
Any other morons at that show?

Posted by: Actually Inside the Beltway at April 28, 2022 08:12 AM (fMhOl)

119 First plank in the platform: the Federal Government is too large and too powerful and MUST be shrunk and neutered.

At what point do we get blackjack and hookers?

Posted by: NR Pax at April 28, 2022 08:13 AM (4olE8)

120 "The very aim and end of our institutions is just this: that we may think what we like and say what we think."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

Posted by: Ordinary American at April 28, 2022 08:13 AM (H8QX8)

121 Warren said, I see that we need to make two big changes. The first one is we need a wealth tax in America. Let’s talk about how Elons purchase here was subsidized by tens of millions of people who have paid their taxes every year. The second part is we need rules of the road for big tech.

It has move from a Billionaire tax to a Wealth Tax in a little over a year.


Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 08:13 AM (yrol0)

122 Hiya Ladyl !

I thought you were in Jabib ?

Posted by: JT at April 28, 2022 08:13 AM (arJlL)

123 Hiya, JT!

Posted by: Ladyl at April 28, 2022 08:13 AM (Q4zvK)

124 The new DHS Ministry of Truth is also doing a bait-and-switch, and not even very subtly.

Whether this board actually forms or if it is allowed to act is beside the point in a way. It's a very public "fuck you" to the American people and a formalization of what they already do anyway - but there's nothing new about disrespecting the people or breaking the law whenever they please. The bait-and-switch is around the two words they're using versus the two words they're not. They keep using "misinformation" and "disinformation." They leave out "malinformation" - and that's crucial. The DHS published there "MDM" bullshit earlier this year.

That second "M" is a real killer. "Malinformation" is stuff that's *true* just inconvenient or counter-narrative. Fauci funding the Wuhan lab that created SARS-CoV-2 is not disinformation. It's true. It's just nasty and bad for the state, and therefore it is Malinformation. And Malinformation shares status with the other two. The new MiniTrue has that in its mandate, too, thanks to the prior work.

The other word they don't use is "censor." And yet, it is a censorship organization. The official US Federal censor.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:13 AM (DU+/6)

125 Domestic Violent Extremism Is NOT When BLM Torches Cities, by Jason Lee Steorts.

Posted by: National Review, the shiny new Jen Rubin of Conservative Urinalism at April 28, 2022 08:13 AM (jV+aN)

126 First plank in the platform: the Federal Government is too large and too powerful and MUST be shrunk and neutered.

At what point do we get blackjack and hookers?
Posted by: NR Pax at April 28, 2022 08:13 AM (4olE

Second plank in the platform: No member of the Biden family may play a role in the new Party...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 28, 2022 08:14 AM (YIVH2)

127 I'm in St. Croix. I'm sitting outside looking at a gorgeous view of the ocean and harbor.

Posted by: Ladyl at April 28, 2022 08:14 AM (Q4zvK)

128 Fox is saying the feds are funneling billions for CRT. Figures after I tossed that old monitor into the dumpster.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at April 28, 2022 08:15 AM (lz5hY)

129 Owebama, laughing, spreads his wings.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:15 AM (Zz0t1)

130 121 It has move from a Billionaire tax to a Wealth Tax in a little over a year.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 08:13 AM (yrol0)


They were fronting a wealth tax a few years ago too. It'll never happen because their institutions would destroy them for it (probably a not small reason the establishment is so afraid of Sanders becoming their standard bearer, he'd seriously pursue this sort of thing). It's an empty threat, like the Ted Cruz promising some piece of red meat that McConnell would never allow to get to the floor.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:15 AM (LvTSG)

131 looks like someone on Durham's team is trying to sabotage the investigation

Posted by: REDACTED at April 28, 2022 08:15 AM (us2H3)

132 >>Again not really arguing with that. I was always against expanding to far east. But NONE of that justifies what putin and the russians are doing now. I am sick and tired of reading people defending russia on this one. And nothing that was happening in the Ukraine was an existential threat to mother russia. Pissing russia off, sure, but an existential threat NO

It's not a defense of Russia or their tactics to point out that our actions largely started a war that never needed to happen. Once a war starts bad things happen and I don't see anyone defending Putin or frankly some of the atrocities being carried out by the, shall we say, Ukrainian irregular troops.

We have been fed a pack of lies by western media since the start of this war from the 13 heroes on Snake Island to the Ghost Pilot of Kiev to Russia blowing up Chernobyl and there are many more.

I'm still waiting for anyone to tell me what pressing reason we had for Ukraine in NATO and why we continue to urge them to fight a war they have no chance of winning while we shovel billion of dollars in weapons and money to them. Our foreign policy establishment other than the Trump years has been garbage.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 28, 2022 08:16 AM (ZLI7S)

133 "Fear of serious injury cannot alone justify suppression of free speech and assembly. Men feared witches and burned women. It is the function of speech to free men from the bondage of irrational thought."

Louis D. Brandeis

Posted by: Ordinary American at April 28, 2022 08:16 AM (H8QX8)

134 “Disinformation is a threat to democracy,”

Except we are supposed to be a Constitutional Representative Republic. We The People are to elect representatives who look out for We The People's best interest with the minimum amount of government intervention and coercion.

Silencing and censorship is the first defense to maintain totalitarian rule. 2020 was when the Constitutional Republic ended and the will of We The People was deliberately thwarted by disinformation and outright fraud to install tyrants and dictators who hate We The People with a demonic passion.

Pretty much everything from this junta is disinformation. From anything related to CoViD-19, to Ukraine, to Russia, to the economy, to "climate change", to any of our God given Rights. Every word, sentence, thought and deed by this junta is deliberate disinformation.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 08:16 AM (AHeqJ)

135 Elon Musk's "Grabbe"-ing Twitter by the weeping Vajaya has caused both the wailing and rending of garments on the Left and exultation for us normal people.


Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 28, 2022 08:16 AM (kf6Ak)

136 If the battery is marked as compatible with a given model on the listing, can I be reasonably sure it will fit and work?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius

I like Joe's answer; but, I also rely on the reviews. Do the reviews list your model and if so what do they say about the battery.
I use the reviews more than I use the vendor's description and rarely get burned.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 28, 2022 08:17 AM (XdIKT)

137 looks like someone on Durham's team is trying to sabotage the investigation
Posted by: REDACTED at April 28, 2022 08:15 AM (us2H3)
Shocking. Just shocking. Even if Durham is the ultimate rock-ribbed white hat fighting the clandestine power structure with balls of solid steel despite being a long-time employee of that system (and yeah, color me skeptical), that would make him literally the *only* person in that position. Being surrounded by saboteurs isn't exactly surprising.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:17 AM (DU+/6)

138 With all due respect to Hayden Daniel, the end game map he now sees for Russia in Ukraine is what they always wanted, a land bridge to Crimea and the Black Sea. It was never about ruling all of Ukraine or expanding beyond Ukraine. It was about taking back the ethnic Russian Donbas that Putin has always coveted.
Posted by: JackStraw

Putin has been fairly straightforward about this being his objective. I can't figure out why everyone has so much trouble understanding it.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at April 28, 2022 08:17 AM (Vxu+H)

139 It's just mind-boggling how the junta goes right ahead and creates such an obviously ANTI-Constitutional MiniTru

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 28, 2022 08:18 AM (kf6Ak)

140 Second plank in the platform: No member of the Biden family may play a role in the new Party...

I was just going to blanket say "no one who has, or is related (within 2 removes) to someone who has ever held office in any capacity as a Democrat." With a sup-bullet "and Republicans need at least one libertarian to vouch for them."

And, of course, the 3rd plank: "Regarding sexualization and grooming of our children, we say to those who would do so or defend those who do: 'woodchipper go brrrr.'"

Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 08:18 AM (9nPZp)

141 ...that would make him literally the *only* person in that position. Being surrounded by saboteurs isn't exactly surprising.
Posted by: Joe Mannix

Something seems very familiar about all this.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at April 28, 2022 08:19 AM (OssQ4)

142 And just like that American conservatives agreed the Left was right about the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union all along.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at April 28, 2022 08:19 AM (UHVv4)

143 >>Putin has been fairly straightforward about this being his objective. I can't figure out why everyone has so much trouble understanding it.

As we've all been saying for years if you want to know what the left is guilty of watch what they accuse us of doing.

Disinformation? The left is soaking in it and if you disagree you are just a Putin stooge.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 28, 2022 08:20 AM (ZLI7S)

144 Pissing russia off, sure, but an existential threat NO
And wanting to join the EU instead of joining Russia's shitty trade bloc.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at April 28, 2022 08:20 AM (UHVv4)

145 It's just mind-boggling how the junta goes right ahead and creates such an obviously ANTI-Constitutional MiniTru

And how not a single "conservative" in congress has said, "However well intended the formation of DHS was, it is obvious it is now a threat to the people's freedom and its authorization must be repealed."

Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 08:20 AM (9nPZp)

146 The Burn It Down Party?

Posted by: fd at April 28, 2022 08:21 AM (vrz2I)

147 I'm still waiting for anyone to tell me what pressing reason we had for Ukraine in NATO and why we continue to urge them to fight a war they have no chance of winning while we shovel billion of dollars in weapons and money to them. Our foreign policy establishment other than the Trump years has been garbage.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 28, 2022 08:16 AM (ZLI7S)
There was no reason to bring Ukraine into NATO. There was no reason for Lloyd Austin to say that NATO had an "open door policy" with regard to Ukraine.

More important than that, though (in my supposition, anyway), there was no reason to try to engineer a color revolution in Kazakhstan. Russia rolled in and put an end to that, but that was probably our doing. It has a lot of hallmarks that look like a US intelligence op.

After the second Ukraine color revolution under Obama, Putin was pretty clear about his red lines: no more eastward expansion of NATO and no more color revolutions. We were doing both at the same time by late last year. Is Putin justified in his actions? I dunno. I go back and forth on the topic. Did we precipitate his actions, justified or not? I think we probably did.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:21 AM (DU+/6)

148 >>> Can Kevin McCarthy overcome his very bad week?

He'll probably thrash around for a day or two, trash his opponents in the caucus, and then rally the troops to fight the Democrats. At no point will he criticize Liz Cheney (who apparently made these tapes and handed them to the NYT). Nor will he abandon the Uniparty.

Yes, he can overcome the release of his true thinking.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Break The Teachers Unions at April 28, 2022 08:21 AM (Af8VI)

149 The Burn It Down Party?

I might have to work on branding just a little.

Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 08:21 AM (9nPZp)

150 Russia is fighting the Manhattans. Ukraine is the puppet of the Manhattans. Choices.

Posted by: Head puddi at April 28, 2022 08:22 AM (9rbYr)

Nice "& Beauties" callback, JJ Mah-Cah-Roh-Nee!

Posted by: naturalfake at April 28, 2022 08:22 AM (5NkmN)

152 JJ, that pic up top is disturbing.

Posted by: dantesed at April 28, 2022 08:22 AM (88xKn)

153 "The first principle of a free society is an untrammeled flow of words in an open forum."

Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.

Posted by: Ordinary American at April 28, 2022 08:23 AM (H8QX8)

154 Just noticed something here in Arkansas. Sarah Huckabee Sanders looks like a shoe in for the Republican governor candidate. AG Leslie Rutledge was running, and then, poof, no more ads. Her ads have resurfaced, same ones, but now running for Lt Governor. Lets Make a Deal!

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at April 28, 2022 08:23 AM (lz5hY)

155 Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 07:38 AM (9nPZp)

That's a terrible thing to say.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 28, 2022 08:23 AM (kf6Ak)

156 The Burn It Down Party?

I might have to work on branding just a little.
Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 08:21 AM (9nPZp)
I should say you do! I see nothing about bouncing rubble or salted earth.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:24 AM (DU+/6)

157 'm still waiting for anyone to tell me what pressing reason we had for Ukraine in NATO and why we continue to urge them to fight a war they have no chance of winning while we shovel billion of dollars in weapons and money to them. Our foreign policy establishment other than the Trump years has been garbage.
Posted by: JackStraw

Now that the fraud of C19 is in its end-game state, my client's interests have turned sharply towards ESG. That is a huge field, and I have been amassing data sources and analysis of anything related to ESG.

Ukraine paces Belarus in most areas, but in Stability, Ukraine has been one of the worst for over a decade. All of the metrics place Ukraine, if it was a NATO member, as the most corrupt, ineffective, regulated, stifling, lawless nations among all members - and by a large margin.

Since the Obama regime engineered an overthrow of the Ukraine government, it has been one of the most chaotic and corrupt nations in Europe - approaching that of Syria and the worst of the 'stans.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 08:24 AM (AHeqJ)

158 151
Nice "& Beauties" callback, JJ Mah-Cah-Roh-Nee!

Posted by: naturalfake at April 28, 2022 08:22 AM (5NkmN)

Shirley Stoler was in a bizarre pic called "The Honeymoon Killers" with Tony LoBianco.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 28, 2022 08:24 AM (s2VJv)

159 I see JJ linked the NY Appeals Court ruling yesterday. It hasn't seemed to excite anyone else's attention, but I'd say that was Flaming Skull worthy, in terms of electoral significance. Easily the biggest story of the last couple of days, outside of Musk.

The Dems had planned to use the legislature to get redistricting gains in NY, to counter their losses in Texas and Florida. The NY Appeals Court tossed out their plans yesterday.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 28, 2022 08:25 AM (r46W7)

I might have to work on branding just a little.
Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 08:21 AM (9nPZp)

The Burn Scatter Salt party.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:25 AM (Zz0t1)

161 139 It's just mind-boggling how the junta goes right ahead and creates such an obviously ANTI-Constitutional MiniTru
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 28, 2022 08:18 AM (kf6Ak)

1. Unconstitutional on it's face
2. They don't care
3. They want you to know they don't care

Posted by: San Franpsycho at April 28, 2022 08:25 AM (EZebt)

162 This is a very handy map of NATO countries with the dates they became members, which proves your point.
Because who could imagine Russia invading a neighbouring former puppet-state in this day and age?!

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at April 28, 2022 08:25 AM (UHVv4)

163 The Burn It Down Party?

I might have to work on branding just a little.
Posted by: AllenG

Simplify it. The FYNQ party

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at April 28, 2022 08:26 AM (Vxu+H)

164 "Nina Jankowicz, a fellow for the Wilson Center, confirmed reports that she would direct the board, sharing her official government portrait on her social media profile.

"Cat's out of the bag: here's what I've been up to the past two months," she wrote."

What's really disturbing is that this DHS Disinformation Governance Board to "combat misinformation online" was in the works months before Elon Musk's Twitter takeover.
They probably were looking at shutting Bill Melugin down for all his reports on the border and all the woke groomer stories.

The Dems can't afford to let the truth come out or they will be finished as a party.

Posted by: redridinghood at April 28, 2022 08:26 AM (NpAcC)

165 ===

1. Unconstitutional on it's face
2. They don't care
3. They want you to know they don't care
Posted by: San Franpsycho at April 28, 2022 08:25 AM (EZebt)

They're reminding you that you lost, they won and you're no longer free.

You will lose your guns in 10 years.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:26 AM (Zz0t1)

166 159 I see JJ linked the NY Appeals Court ruling yesterday. It hasn't seemed to excite anyone else's attention, but I'd say that was Flaming Skull worthy, in terms of electoral significance. Easily the biggest story of the last couple of days, outside of Musk.

The Dems had planned to use the legislature to get redistricting gains in NY, to counter their losses in Texas and Florida. The NY Appeals Court tossed out their plans yesterday.
Posted by: Tom Servo at April 28, 2022 08:25 AM (r46W7)


It is to laugh.

I'm all for gerrymandering by the party in power. It's the least bad system out of all the other redistricting systems, but NYS tied its own hands by passing that constitutional amendment.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:26 AM (LvTSG)

167 Biden Tells Conservatives to Stop Making Teachers the "Target of the Culture Wars"
They are welcome to take the targets off their backs any time they please.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:26 AM (DU+/6)

168 >>More important than that, though (in my supposition, anyway), there was no reason to try to engineer a color revolution in Kazakhstan. Russia rolled in and put an end to that, but that was probably our doing. It has a lot of hallmarks that look like a US intelligence op.

I don't know if you saw or not but right after helping put down the "grassroots uprising" in Kazakstan Putin publicly announced that he wouldn't allow anymore color revolutions in former Soviet states. He said those words.

We can argue forever our involvement but Putin clearly believes we are doing it. And just like in Ukraine the corrupt Biden family was eyeballs deep in corruption in Kazakstan and the Clinton's before them.

Yes, Putin is a monster. And so are some of our leaders. They just have better PR.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 28, 2022 08:27 AM (ZLI7S)

169 159 I see JJ linked the NY Appeals Court ruling yesterday. It hasn't seemed to excite anyone else's attention, but I'd say that was Flaming Skull worthy, in terms of electoral significance. Easily the biggest story of the last couple of days, outside of Musk.

The Dems had planned to use the legislature to get redistricting gains in NY, to counter their losses in Texas and Florida. The NY Appeals Court tossed out their plans yesterday.
Posted by: Tom Servo at April 28, 2022 08:25 AM (r46W7)

Yeah, I meant to and it is a pretty big deal and great news. That said, this fucking ministry of truth crap crowded it out.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 28, 2022 08:27 AM (s2VJv)

170 Remember the Party Party guy? Even ace was onboard with that.

Posted by: fd at April 28, 2022 08:27 AM (vrz2I)

171 Heh, just saw this at the Bee. Be on your guard: Watch out for these 12 dangerous cults.

Number 4: Blue Oyster.

Posted by: buzzion at April 28, 2022 08:27 AM (vMCab)

172 Disinformation? The left is soaking in it and if you disagree you are just a Putin stooge.
Posted by: JackStraw

Soaking? They are at the bottom of sea in it. For a mental exercise, come up a list of anything that isn't deliberate disinformation coming from the Left in general or this junta in particular.

Everything is a lie.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 08:27 AM (AHeqJ)

173 It was about taking back the ethnic Russian Donbas that Putin has always coveted.
Posted by: JackStraw

A lot like "ein reich, ein volk, ein fuhrer", isn't it?

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 28, 2022 08:27 AM (r46W7)

174 164 The Dems can't afford to let the truth come out or they will be finished as a party.
Posted by: redridinghood at April 28, 2022 08:26 AM (NpAcC)


The truth is out. They could only win in 2020 by cheating for months at the mail in ballot box and then ballot box stuffing like Tammany Hall last minute when the months of cheating wasn't enough.

The American people are against them. They know it. They're trying to cement control.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:28 AM (LvTSG)

175 Biden Tells Conservatives to Stop Making Teachers the "Target of the Culture Wars"
They are welcome to take the targets off their backs any time they please.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:26 AM (DU+/6)

Say what you will, the left is brilliant at word manipulation.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:28 AM (Zz0t1)

176 It is the function of speech to free men from the bondage of irrational thought."

Louis D. Brandeis
Posted by: Ordinary American at April 28, 2022 08:16 AM (H8QX

You mean the 81 million that voted for FJB.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 08:28 AM (yrol0)

177 159 I see JJ linked the NY Appeals Court ruling yesterday. It hasn't seemed to excite anyone else's attention, but I'd say that was Flaming Skull worthy, in terms of electoral significance. Easily the biggest story of the last couple of days, outside of Musk.

The Dems had planned to use the legislature to get redistricting gains in NY, to counter their losses in Texas and Florida. The NY Appeals Court tossed out their plans yesterday.
Posted by: Tom Servo at April 28, 2022 08:25 AM (r46W7)

Yeah, it's the story of the spring - multiple Dem state-level courts have tossed their enormous gerrymandering attempts, even though the courts are full of Dems, themselves.

Whether it's rule of law trying to inch its way back, or the judges themselves sick of their own party, who knows?

Posted by: Nova local at April 28, 2022 08:28 AM (exHjb)

178 167 Biden Tells Conservatives to Stop Making Teachers the "Target of the Culture Wars"
They are welcome to take the targets off their backs any time they please.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:26 AM (DU+/6)


Hell, if they just got off of TikTok the heat would die down.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:28 AM (LvTSG)

179 Waw. It's what they want.

Posted by: Eromero at April 28, 2022 08:29 AM (OzMhm)

180 Biden’s Transport Czar Recently Bought Stock In a Chinese Company Singled Out for Forced Uyghur Labor Use
Ownership positions in any firm where a Red Chinese government or corporation owns more than 25% of the enterprise value - be it via stock ownership, corporate charter, share of projects, etc. - should be a disqualifying event for public service.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:29 AM (DU+/6)

181 That's a terrible thing to say.

I didn't say I was for it. I said that's the logical answer.

Look, better would be for people to admit that if you're born with a penis you're a guy and if you're born with a vagina you're a girl, and in public, multi-person restrooms, you really need to use the one that matches your plumbing.

Then, when someone doesn't AND they're being all creepy and gross, recognize they're the ones in the wrong, not the people (usually women - because, face it, it's basically always guys doing it to hang out in the women's bathroom) who were creeped- and grossed out.

But if that's *not* what we're going to do, then why would any woman in her right mind allow herself to be censured for not wanting some creepy dude in her face in the bathroom?

Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 08:29 AM (9nPZp)


Hell, if they just got off of TikTok the heat would die down.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:28 AM (LvTSG)

How else will they rub your nose in the fact they're destroying your child's brain? There's no joy in hiding when you're winning.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:29 AM (Zz0t1)

183 You will lose your guns in 10 years.
Posted by: Sponge

Then I'll be dead in 10 years.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 28, 2022 08:30 AM (SvtOj)

184 Yeah, it's the story of the spring - multiple Dem state-level courts have tossed their enormous gerrymandering attempts, even though the courts are full of Dems, themselves.

Whether it's rule of law trying to inch its way back, or the judges themselves sick of their own party, who knows?
Posted by: Nova local at April 28, 2022 08:28 AM (exHjb)

Could be their party machine is failing to propagate with the current generation of Democrats being more sincere, and also crazier.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at April 28, 2022 08:30 AM (b2nrj)

185 180 Biden’s Transport Czar Recently Bought Stock In a Chinese Company Singled Out for Forced Uyghur Labor Use
Ownership positions in any firm where a Red Chinese government or corporation owns more than 25% of the enterprise value - be it via stock ownership, corporate charter, share of projects, etc. - should be a disqualifying event for public service.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:29 AM (DU+/6)

And a prequalified for 10 years in Leavenworth.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 28, 2022 08:30 AM (s2VJv)

186 Man. do I feel sorry the young er generation coming up[ and trying to establish themselves.

Looks like a Big Ole Recession is coming up this/next year, and that's assuming the Fed actually tries to stop/slow/rein-in inflation.

Welp, they voted for Biden and now they're getting it good and hard. Ha-ha-ha-ha*sob*

Still, I don't want the US to be generationally and growth crippled like Japan since the 90s, where the El Crapo economy makes marriage/children a very tough way to go. Their Betters suck just as hard as Our Betters.

For years, I've thought Japan was being used as a lab experiment on how to cripple and bring down a fist world power. Why? They followed all the advice given them by our leftwing economists, with the usual results. Their Betters got rich everybody else got a severely limited future.

Now, we're getting the same/similar treatment

Posted by: naturalfake at April 28, 2022 08:30 AM (5NkmN)

187 AoS Style Guide calls for Kevin McCarthy-Luntz.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at April 28, 2022 08:30 AM (EZebt)

188 167 Biden Tells Conservatives to Stop Making Teachers the "Target of the Culture Wars"
They are welcome to take the targets off their backs any time they please.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:26 AM (DU+/6)

Just as soon as they stop weaponizing children.

Posted by: buzzion at April 28, 2022 08:30 AM (vMCab)

189 159 I see JJ linked the NY Appeals Court ruling yesterday. It hasn't seemed to excite anyone else's attention, but I'd say that was Flaming Skull worthy, in terms of electoral significance. Easily the biggest story of the last couple of days, outside of Musk.

The Dems had planned to use the legislature to get redistricting gains in NY, to counter their losses in Texas and Florida. The NY Appeals Court tossed out their plans yesterday.
Posted by: Tom Servo at April 28, 2022 08:25 AM (r46W7)

My guess is that 3 or 4 congress seat should have left the blue state. That is why the census was late so that they could alter the data.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 08:30 AM (yrol0)

190 177 Yeah, it's the story of the spring - multiple Dem state-level courts have tossed their enormous gerrymandering attempts, even though the courts are full of Dems, themselves.

Whether it's rule of law trying to inch its way back, or the judges themselves sick of their own party, who knows?
Posted by: Nova local at April 28, 2022 08:28 AM (exHjb)


I think every other Dem controlled state was able to do what they wanted, but they were so fully in control already there was only so much damage they could manage to do to the GOP in those places like IL and CA.

Most of their loses have been on GOP ground, like AL, FL, and MO. NY is different, though. The Democrats tied their own hands there.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:30 AM (LvTSG)

191 It's the Department of Permanent Records!

Posted by: Weasel at April 28, 2022 08:31 AM (0IeYL)


Then I'll be dead in 10 years.
Posted by: rickb223 at April 28, 2022 08:30 AM (SvtOj)

And I hope to be fighting next to you at the time.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:31 AM (Zz0t1)

193 I don't know if you saw or not but right after helping put down the "grassroots uprising" in Kazakstan Putin publicly announced that he wouldn't allow anymore color revolutions in former Soviet states. He said those words. ...
Posted by: JackStraw at April 28, 2022 08:27 AM (ZLI7S)
He also said it after 2014 when we engineered the second revolution in 10 years in Ukraine.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:31 AM (DU+/6)

194 191 It's the Department of Permanent Records!
Posted by: Weasel at April 28, 2022 08:31 AM (0IeYL)


Just don't forget your 27b-6.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:31 AM (LvTSG)

195 If the battery is marked as compatible with a given model on the listing, can I be reasonably sure it will fit and work?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius
I like Joe's answer; but, I also rely on the reviews. Do the reviews list your model and if so what do they say about the battery.
I use the reviews more than I use the vendor's description and rarely get burned.
Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 28, 2022

Reviews for the NinjaBatt battery, for instance, are 4.4 out of 5, saying it fits and seems to hold a charge. The Lenovo site itself seems to have nothing at all in the way of batteries. Chargers, yes, but no batteries.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 28, 2022 08:32 AM (txdEq)

196 Me too. It's hard to even try and laugh at these people anymore. A Disinformation Governance Board. Un fucking real.


It is unreal. I stopped laughing at them a while ago, regardless of how unbelievable they are. It's just not funny chuckling at the people who are literally destroying the country. And I make no mistake, they are being pretty frigging successful at it. I can't laugh at them.

Posted by: Lady in Black at April 28, 2022 08:32 AM (sVtYq)

197 just saw on Fox Biz news
1st quarter GDP:
estimated up 1.1%
actual (first read) down 1.4%
Let's go Brandon.

Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at April 28, 2022 08:33 AM (Ynyl9)

198 Hell, if they just got off of TikTok the heat would die down.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:28 AM (LvTSG)
They can't. The public virtue signal is central to the ideology. If you can't play the victim publicly while also advertising your actions to fight oppression, you're not really a person in their system.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:33 AM (DU+/6)

199 Propaganda dominates the left. They believe their own bullshit, always a (bizarre) risk of a PR form of government policy. A friend of mine is still living in fear of "QAnon", a complete fabrication Democrats used to rally voters in 2020, and will try to do again. From QAnon to the Ministry of Truth, a fabrication used to scare voters to a government agency intending to keep Fox viewers from going off the deep end, actually makes sense to Democrats.

They just don't see the threat to themselves! My friend thinks some "reliable" source has to explain reality to MAGA Republicans. These people just don't think for themselves.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Break The Teachers Unions at April 28, 2022 08:33 AM (AZFdl)

200 197 just saw on Fox Biz news
1st quarter GDP:
estimated up 1.1%
actual (first read) down 1.4%
Let's go Brandon.
Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at April 28, 2022 08:33 AM (Ynyl9)


I'm sure a new message from the DNC will turn around the fact that more than a year after Biden saved the economy from Trump we're probably in an actual recession.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:33 AM (LvTSG)

201 You will lose your guns in 10 years.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:26 AM (Zz0t1)

Much sooner; they are perfecting the audacious fast-track to tyranny. Call it a variation of Mickey Kaus's Feiler Faster theory.

Posted by: Ordinary American at April 28, 2022 08:33 AM (H8QX8)

202 Russia is fighting the Manhattans. Ukraine is the puppet of the Manhattans. Choices.
Posted by: Head puddi at April 28, 2022 08:22 AM (9rbYr)

What? Wait!

Are you saying the Russians are stirring the Manhattans?

I'd prefer they shake them.

Posted by: naturalfake at April 28, 2022 08:33 AM (5NkmN)

203 just saw on Fox Biz news
1st quarter GDP:
estimated up 1.1%
actual (first read) down 1.4%
Let's go Brandon.
Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at April 28, 2022 08:33 AM (Ynyl9)

It can't possibly go up when the only entity that's grown is government and it's theft of American worker wealth.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:34 AM (Zz0t1)

204 198 Hell, if they just got off of TikTok the heat would die down.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:28 AM (LvTSG)
They can't. The public virtue signal is central to the ideology. If you can't play the victim publicly while also advertising your actions to fight oppression, you're not really a person in their system.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:33 AM (DU+/6)


A marked contrast to he life in the real Resistance where an improper word would get you killed.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:34 AM (LvTSG)

205 > We can argue forever our involvement but Putin clearly believes we are doing it. And just like in Ukraine the corrupt Biden family was eyeballs deep in corruption in Kazakstan and the Clinton's before them.

Yup. And methinks Putin was more than a little perturbed that they were getting in on "his" grifting cows.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at April 28, 2022 08:34 AM (BFigT)

206 Why does it have to look like Gretchen Whitmer though

Did they get a bulk rate on that model?

Posted by: hogmartin at April 28, 2022 08:34 AM (P4LRL)

207 1st quarter GDP:
estimated up 1.1%
actual (first read) down 1.4%

Interest rates: up.
Inflation: way-the-f*ck up.
Actual GDP: down.

I think that's the definition of "Stagflation" right?

Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 08:34 AM (9nPZp)

208 I think every other Dem controlled state was able to do what they wanted, but they were so fully in control already there was only so much damage they could manage to do to the GOP in those places like IL and CA.

Most of their loses have been on GOP ground, like AL, FL, and MO. NY is different, though. The Democrats tied their own hands there.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:30 AM (LvTSG)

Nope, MD was tossed on their 1st attempt, too by the state was also an utter Dem gerrymander...

Posted by: Nova local at April 28, 2022 08:34 AM (exHjb)

209 The Dems had planned to use the legislature to get redistricting gains in NY, to counter their losses in Texas and Florida. The NY Appeals Court tossed out their plans yesterday.
Posted by: Tom Servo at April 28, 2022 08:25 AM (r46W7)
Even if they did gain seats through redistricting, would it be enough to really counter the swing in FL, TX, and any other other purplish state that is flipping more red? NY only has 8 Rs out of 27 total reps.

Will they lose a seat or two because of people fleeing the state?

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 28, 2022 08:35 AM (YIVH2)

210 206 Why does it have to look like Gretchen Whitmer though

Did they get a bulk rate on that model?
Posted by: hogmartin at April 28, 2022 08:34 AM (P4LRL)

She looks like a fat Klobuchar.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 28, 2022 08:35 AM (s2VJv)

211 A marked contrast to he life in the real Resistance where an improper word would get you killed.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:34 AM (LvTSG)
Yes, of course. Because they're not the resistance, they're the dominant power structure. All of their advertising is an inversion.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:35 AM (DU+/6)

212 208 Nope, MD was tossed on their 1st attempt, too by the state was also an utter Dem gerrymander...
Posted by: Nova local at April 28, 2022 08:34 AM (exHjb)


I missed that one.

Well, interesting.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:35 AM (LvTSG)

213 And wanting to join the EU instead of joining Russia's shitty trade bloc.

I dunno, it appears that EU wants to commit suicide through energy and food starvation while running up massive amount of debt. It is a race to see what will kill off the population first: the food riots, the deprivation, the cold winters or the Clot Shot induced deaths.

In the meantime, Russia's trading bloc is growing to include most of the world's population and economies.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 08:36 AM (AHeqJ)

214 209 Even if they did gain seats through redistricting, would it be enough to really counter the swing in FL, TX, and any other other purplish state that is flipping more red? NY only has 8 Rs out of 27 total reps.

Will they lose a seat or two because of people fleeing the state?
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 28, 2022 08:35 AM (YIVH2)


They lost a seat because of the census a couple of years ago (they most likely juiced the numbers by a whole lot and they should have lost 2 or 3). This attempt at a gerrymander would have left 3 GOP districts, I think.

It was a hell of a gerrymander.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:36 AM (LvTSG)

215 Alright. Time to go work at work.

Posted by: AllenG #Texit at April 28, 2022 08:36 AM (9nPZp)

216 >>Yup. And methinks Putin was more than a little perturbed that they were getting in on "his" grifting cows.

No doubt.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 28, 2022 08:36 AM (ZLI7S)

217 Joel Pollak
Any student loan forgiveness that doesn't force colleges to pay some of the compensation will ensure the problem is repeated -- i.e. turning out left-wing activists who can't get a job while subsidizing propaganda departments.
is lighting $100 million on fire over slavery

Posted by: redridinghood at April 28, 2022 08:37 AM (NpAcC)

218 Did they get a bulk rate on that model?
Posted by: hogmartin at April 28, 2022 08:34 AM (P4LRL)

She looks like a fat Klobuchar.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 28, 2022 08:35 AM (s2VJv)

But with a Rashida Tlaib chin. It's like a parts-bin special.

Posted by: hogmartin at April 28, 2022 08:37 AM (P4LRL)

219 Will McCarthy or McConnell be bothered into making some lame half-flaccid statement against the creation of Biden's totally unconstitutional Mini Tru? Tune in for this week's episode of Republican Failure Theater.

Posted by: Lady in Black at April 28, 2022 08:38 AM (sVtYq)

220 Could be their party machine is failing to propagate with the current generation of Democrats being more sincere, and also crazier.
Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at April 28, 2022 08:30 AM (b2nrj)

My guess is that for all of these years, the Dems excelled at pushing the limits of what was allowed, but always staying just within the lines of the black letter law (or so close to it that there was a plausible argument that what they were doing was legal) The vast majority of the older establishment dems bought into this all the war, and their own sanctimoniousness made them Very Proud that they were *always* obeying The Law.

Now, in desperation over the fact that they are losing, the current hacks (like the New York lege) has decided to just say "screw it!" and not even attempt to stay within the bounds of any laws; they're just going to do whatever they want because they want to. The older Party Members, especially Judges, simply will not go for it.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 28, 2022 08:38 AM (r46W7)

221 ========

They lost a seat because of the census a couple of years ago (they most likely juiced the numbers by a whole lot and they should have lost 2 or 3). This attempt at a gerrymander would have left 3 GOP districts, I think.

It was a hell of a gerrymander.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:36 AM (LvTSG)

The fact that the people are THAT STUPID, I don't really know that I care if NY removes all chances of a R victory anywhere. ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES, NY. Keep electing shit, you're mired in shit. Reap it.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:38 AM (Zz0t1)

222 I think the 20 something woman who will run the Homeland Security Disinformation board is probably not that fat although I assume the photo is intended to represent the overreaching largeness of fascist (Domatrix) government. She does, however, have a fat head in being stupid and I couldn't even really understand the quote from her twitter screed-"Men coming into woman's notice screen" or something like that??

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at April 28, 2022 08:38 AM (fF2aM)

223 We simply have no border left in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, or Southern California,

said the nations sheriffs in a four-paragraph letter to Senate leaders and provided to Secrets.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 08:38 AM (yrol0)

224 76 I thought I saw yesterday that Mad Maxine has the China coof now too. I can't believe the virus wanted anything to do with that fish-faced, evil shrew.
Posted by: Lady in Black

Thoughts and Prayers for the COVID Virus.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at April 28, 2022 08:39 AM (xSnmX)

But with a Rashida Tlaib chin. It's like a parts-bin special.
Posted by: hogmartin at April 28, 2022 08:37 AM (P4LRL)

Bride of Frahnkensteen.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:39 AM (Zz0t1)

226 @joelpollak
Any student loan forgiveness that doesn't force colleges to pay some of the compensation will ensure the problem is repeated -- i.e. turning out left-wing activists who can't get a job while subsidizing propaganda departments. ...
Posted by: redridinghood at April 28, 2022 08:37 AM (NpAcC)
Uhhh, Joel Pollack seems to be under the misapprehension that the goal is anything *but* that...

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:39 AM (DU+/6)

227 They lost a seat because of the census a couple of years ago (they most likely juiced the numbers by a whole lot and they should have lost 2 or 3). This attempt at a gerrymander would have left 3 GOP districts, I think.

It was a hell of a gerrymander.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:36 AM (LvTSG)
Oh, sure, but is it *enough*? Didn't DeSantis whip FL GOP into an even more aggressive gerrymandering plan they originally developed? How much will that counter NY?

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 28, 2022 08:40 AM (YIVH2)

228 Schumer: "If you want to get rid of inflation, the only way to do it is undo the Trump tax cuts."

Exactly what people whose household budgets are being busted by inflation are demanding !!

PLEASE Democrats.... keep pushing for higher taxes.

Posted by: McCool at April 28, 2022 08:40 AM (BqBIh)

229 Schumer: "If you want to get rid of inflation, the only way to do it is undo the Trump tax cuts."

What was the inflation rate 6 months after those cuts were put in place, asshole?

It AMAZES me that people are THAT STUPID they think he's correct.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:41 AM (Zz0t1)

230 just saw on Fox Biz news
1st quarter GDP:
estimated up 1.1%
actual (first read) down 1.4%
Let's go Brandon.
Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at April 28, 2022 08:33 AM (Ynyl9)

Yay! Recovery Summer is back, baby!

Just like the glory days of Oblabla.

Posted by: naturalfake at April 28, 2022 08:41 AM (5NkmN)

231 167 Biden Tells Conservatives to Stop Making Teachers the "Target of the Culture Wars"
They are welcome to take the targets off their backs any time they please.
Head pedophile speaks to protect his homies.

Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 08:41 AM (ifUkZ)

232 Heh. 3rd search suggestion on Youtube for "Amber Heard " is Amber Heard pooped on Johnny Depp's bed.

Posted by: buzzion at April 28, 2022 08:41 AM (vMCab)

233 In the meantime, Russia's trading bloc is growing to include most of the world's population and economies.
||Formalized in the aftermath of Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea and the West's initial sanctions, the EAEU is a free trade zone and customs union consisting of five ex-Soviet states: Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. In theory, goods and labor can move about relatively frictionlessly, akin to the European Union's single market. Notable customs barriers do remain, however.||

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at April 28, 2022 08:41 AM (UHVv4)

234 One could say that the "Disinformation Board" is not the really the news, as it was entirely predictable; rather that the real and more devastating news is the total absence of a response by the Republicans. But that was also entirely predictable (while simultaneously more despairing).

Posted by: Ordinary American at April 28, 2022 08:41 AM (H8QX8)

235 227 Oh, sure, but is it *enough*? Didn't DeSantis whip FL GOP into an even more aggressive gerrymandering plan they originally developed? How much will that counter NY?
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 28, 2022 08:40 AM (YIVH2)


I think the seat changes due to gerrymanders end up being something close to even. A couple of extra seats towards the GOP, or something. That's a separate count from the more direct census changes. The original predictions were that the Democrats would gain 5-10 seats because of the gerrymandering across the states.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:41 AM (LvTSG)

236 Heh. 3rd search suggestion on Youtube for "Amber Heard " is Amber Heard pooped on Johnny Depp's bed.
Posted by: buzzion at April 28, 2022 08:41 AM (vMCab)

She should be proud of her legacy.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:42 AM (Zz0t1)

237 Heh. 3rd search suggestion on Youtube for "Amber Heard " is Amber Heard pooped on Johnny Depp's bed.
Posted by: buzzion at April 28, 2022 08:41 AM (vMCab)
Please tell me there is NOT actual video footage of that event! (though nothing really surprises me anymore)

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 28, 2022 08:42 AM (YIVH2)

238 Schumer: "If you want to get rid of inflation, the only way to do it is undo the Trump tax cuts."


No word from slimy boy on the 80% of US dollars circulating being printed in the last 2 years. But yeah, pony up hard-working American families and give more $$ to the federal gov't. Because that will fix it.

Jesus, these people are such liars, they deserve to have lightening to strike them dead, leaving nothing but a puff of smoke at the mircrophone.

Posted by: Lady in Black at April 28, 2022 08:42 AM (sVtYq)

239 219 Will McCarthy or McConnell be bothered into making some lame half-flaccid statement against the creation of Biden's totally unconstitutional Mini Tru? Tune in for this week's episode of Republican Failure Theater.
Posted by: Lady in Black at April 28, 2022 08:38 AM (sVtYq)

A statement like that might make people think they might actually think about doing something!

Posted by: buzzion at April 28, 2022 08:43 AM (vMCab)

240 229 Schumer: "If you want to get rid of inflation, the only way to do it is undo the Trump tax cuts."
Does Schumer know Biden printed $13T of funny money and then moar than doubled the cost of energy? Is Schumer doing Yellen on the side?

Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 08:43 AM (ifUkZ)

241 PLEASE Democrats.... keep pushing for higher taxes.

Posted by: McCool at April 28, 2022 08:40 AM (BqBIh)

Schumer is probably stupid enough to forget that their "Trump's tax cuts only went to Teh Rich" line was an abject lie..

Posted by: Warai-otoko at April 28, 2022 08:43 AM (6FeV1)

242 Oh, sure, but is it *enough*? Didn't DeSantis whip FL GOP into an even more aggressive gerrymandering plan they originally developed? How much will that counter NY?
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 28, 2022 08:40 AM (YIVH2)
He did, and I don't know - but it was a power move Republicans don't make. The legislature sent up a gerrymander that he thought was not nearly aggressive enough and sent back his own with a message along the lines of, "you're in power. Do better."

They approved his. Like the anti-grooming bill, or the anti-CRT measures or the improvement districts bill, these are things that just don't happen when Republicans are in charge. They don't fight. They don't push back. They certainly don't undo anything the left has done or stack the deck in their favor.

Ron DeSantis is new. He's not like other Republicans.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:43 AM (DU+/6)

243 I had an AMZ gift card, so I went ahead with the NinjaBatt battery. With a 30-day return window if it doesn't work, it's worth a try. I like the Lenovo as it seems sturdy, has a large screen, 16GB of memory, and -- most important -- was free.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 28, 2022 08:43 AM (txdEq)

244 ---
Please tell me there is NOT actual video footage of that event! (though nothing really surprises me anymore)
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 28, 2022 08:42 AM (YIVH2)

Unless she filmed it. The only thing I've seen is the picture Depp's security took of it after the fact.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:43 AM (Zz0t1)

245 They can't. The public virtue signal is central to the ideology. If you can't play the victim publicly while also advertising your actions to fight oppression, you're not really a person in their system.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)

No kidding. In yesterday's "cafe" Ace put up a Twitter link about the junta threatening to discharge student debts.

Rummaging through the tweets, someone would state: that it is unfair to those responsible people who paid theirs off; how it is an adult responsibility to cover your debts; that 'you broke it you bought it' should rule; that the greatest beneficiaries would be physicians and lawyers; there is no money in the treasury; its a bribe for votes....

And there was ALWAYS rebuttals that the person seeking relief was justified and those who were opposed to cancelling student debts were lacking "empathy" and were selfish, cruel and ironically want to see the economy destroyed.

I liked the "lacking empathy" guilt-manipulation technique. The person making the accusation clearly has zero empathy towards those who raise serious objections on moral, economic and ethical grounds.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 08:44 AM (AHeqJ)

246 Oh, sure, but is it *enough*? Didn't DeSantis whip FL GOP into an even more aggressive gerrymandering plan they originally developed? How much will that counter NY?
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 28, 2022 08:40 AM (YIVH2)

The funny part is that DeSantis did it while staying within the bounds of Florida State Law - he did it by attacking the thing that every politician has been afraid of mentioning, the "Safe Black Districts". He exploited the simple fact that Racial Gerrymandering in favor of black voters has been allowed for a long time, even though it should clearly be unconstitutional.

The New York lege tried to counter this by blatantly violating New York State Law.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 28, 2022 08:44 AM (r46W7)

247 We simply have no border left in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, or Southern California,

said the nations sheriffs in a four-paragraph letter to Senate leaders and provided to Secrets.
Posted by: rhennigantx

Border crisis solved in one day:
$5 a left ear bounty. You supply your own grub & ammo.
No limit.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 28, 2022 08:44 AM (SvtOj)

Jesus, these people are such liars, they deserve to have lightening to strike them dead, leaving nothing but a puff of smoke at the mircrophone.
Posted by: Lady in Black at April 28, 2022 08:42 AM (sVtYq)

I certainly like the cut of your jib. Might you have a newsletter one might subscribe to?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:44 AM (Zz0t1)

249 It's time America took our southern border invasion as the existential threat it is.

Posted by: Ziba at April 28, 2022 08:45 AM (S1hrL)

250 Who is PSYCHED for Speaker of the House Kevin McRetard and Senate Leader Bitch McTurtle!

GOPe fever... CATCH IT!

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at April 28, 2022 08:45 AM (flINI)

251 Will McCarthy or McConnell be bothered into making some lame half-flaccid statement against the creation of Biden's totally unconstitutional Mini Tru? Tune in for this week's episode of Republican Failure Theater.
Posted by: Lady in Black at April 28, 2022 08:38 AM (sVtYq)


A real leader of an opposition party would've taken that instantly to a friendly court and had it shutdown.

But, here we are, the Turtle's hungry for more dried flies, so

Farewell, First Amendment! We hardly knew ye.

Posted by: naturalfake at April 28, 2022 08:45 AM (5NkmN)

252 Border crisis solved in one day:
$5 a left ear bounty. You supply your own grub & ammo.
No limit.
Posted by: rickb223 at April 28, 2022 08:44 AM (SvtOj)

Y'know someone will be confused by the old his left or my left.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at April 28, 2022 08:46 AM (b2nrj)

253 250 Who is PSYCHED for Speaker of the House Kevin McRetard and Senate Leader Bitch McTurtle!

GOPe fever... CATCH IT!
Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at April 28, 2022 08:45 AM (flINI)


I want to see the MN state legislature flip to GOP control. That could be interesting.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:46 AM (LvTSG)

254 Border crisis solved in one day:
$5 a left ear bounty. You supply your own grub & ammo.
No limit.
Due to inflation I think we need to kite the bounty to $100 per left ear, no questions asked. That is if you want to succeed.

Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 08:46 AM (ifUkZ)

255 You can tell by looking at Kevin McCarthy that he goes to the bathroom to smell his own farts.

Him and Crenshaw double-date at the Congressional cafeteria so they can eat the same thing and trade notes on their ass perfumes.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at April 28, 2022 08:46 AM (6QGuL)

256 "My view is, without deviation, without exception, without any ifs, ands, buts or whereases that freedom of speech means that you shall not do something to people either for the views that they have or the views they express or the words they speak or write."

Justice Hugo L. Black, 1962

Posted by: Ordinary American at April 28, 2022 08:46 AM (H8QX8)

257 One could say that the "Disinformation Board" is not the really the news, as it was entirely predictable; rather that the real and more devastating news is the total absence of a response by the Republicans. But that was also entirely predictable (while simultaneously more despairing).
Posted by: Ordinary American at April 28, 2022 08:41 AM (H8QX
The "disinformation board" became inevitable the moment the DHS published their "MDM" bullshit a couple of months ago. They stated an official position that they favor censorship in order to maintain state narratives. This flows from that.

So that is actually *two* distinct opportunities for anyone in the elected government to have come out guns blazing against this patently unconstitutional and directly evil pursuit. Two opportunities have been missed in a row. That means they're not being missed, they're just not being taken.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:46 AM (DU+/6)

258 The Left always insisted that the Founders never anticipated automatic weapons and machine guns back in the 18th century.


Another counter to this is to cite the Second Militia Act of 1791, which stated in no uncertain terms that the right to have arms resides with the individual and that each and every male in a certain age range, is to have in his possession the weapons a light infantryman is given.

That law is still on the books, with some modifications (white males have been replaced by all males and certain females).

Posted by: Sasquatch, the Original Trans-Wookie at April 28, 2022 08:46 AM (xxG/v)

259 A good shot at the twatter leftists who say only hate was being banned by old-twatter...

Adam Townsend @adamscrabble; Apr 27
twitter was banning people who said "learn to code"

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at April 28, 2022 08:47 AM (UHVv4)

260 253 250 Who is PSYCHED for Speaker of the House Kevin McRetard and Senate Leader Bitch McTurtle!
It is quite a circle jerk, ain't it?

Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 08:47 AM (ifUkZ)

261 219 Will McCarthy or McConnell be bothered into making some lame half-flaccid statement against the creation of Biden's totally unconstitutional Mini Tru? Tune in for this week's episode of Republican Failure Theater.
Posted by: Lady in Black at April 28, 2022 08:38 AM (sVtYq)

The same McCarthy calling for censorship of other party members

Posted by: 7man at April 28, 2022 08:47 AM (qwO6y)

262 It's gotta be a kick in the nuts too Psaki that they're making this NuMiniTru.

That shit is supposed to be HER job. And she sucks at it.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at April 28, 2022 08:48 AM (6FeV1)

263 That law is still on the books, with some modifications (white males have been replaced by all males and certain females).
We need to fix this.

Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 08:48 AM (ifUkZ)

264 256 "My view is, without deviation, without exception, without any ifs, ands, buts or whereases that freedom of speech means that you shall not do something to people either for the views that they have or the views they express or the words they speak or write."

Justice Hugo L. Black, 1962
Posted by: Ordinary American at April 28, 2022 08:46 AM (H8QX

Of all the people. Sheesh. "Once Hugo Black . . . "

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 28, 2022 08:48 AM (s2VJv)

265 So that is actually *two* distinct opportunities for anyone in the elected government to have come out guns blazing against this patently unconstitutional and directly evil pursuit. Two opportunities have been missed in a row. That means they're not being missed, they're just not being taken.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:46 AM (DU+/6)
The more sinister interpretation is that they are fully on board with it because they want to silence opposition to their own party's policies which are diametrically opposed to America's interests.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 28, 2022 08:48 AM (YIVH2)

266 I want to see the MN state legislature flip to GOP control. That could be interesting.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:46 AM (LvTSG)


MN, outside of the Twin Cities is as red as West Virginia... Even the solidly democrat Iron Range has soured on the dems

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at April 28, 2022 08:48 AM (flINI)

267 I want a new drug.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:48 AM (Zz0t1)

268 Will McCarthy or McConnell be bothered into making some lame half-flaccid statement against the creation of Biden's totally unconstitutional Mini Tru?

Hell, they're cheering right now.

Posted by: Jewells45 at April 28, 2022 08:48 AM (nxdel)

269 The Left always insisted that the Founders never anticipated automatic weapons and machine guns back in the 18th century.

They also never anticipated the telephone, radio, tv or the internet.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 28, 2022 08:49 AM (SvtOj)

270 One could say that the "Disinformation Board" is not the really the news, as it was entirely predictable; rather that the real and more devastating news is the total absence of a response by the Republicans. But that was also entirely predictable (while simultaneously more despairing).

Did I miss the debate and the actual provision of a bill in the legislature to create, authorize and fund this blatantly unconstitutional adventure?

Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 08:49 AM (AHeqJ)

271 Byron Wan @Byron_Wan Apr 26
🔻 somewhere in Shanghai shipping containers are being used as quarantine camps…


Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at April 28, 2022 08:49 AM (UHVv4)

272 Hysterical Poland and confused Bulgaria decided not to pay for energy they were getting from Russia. Russia cut off supply. The usual suspects are calling it blackmail. I am gonna used that line when that peaky ComEd sends me a bill. Stol blackmailing me , ComEd!!

Posted by: runner at April 28, 2022 08:49 AM (BP9lK)

273 Adam Townsend @adamscrabble; Apr 27
twitter was banning people who said "learn to code"
Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at April 28, 2022 08:47 AM (UHVv4)

Which itself was a meme mocking (by directly quoting) Obama's callous dismissal of energy sector workers losing their jobs due to government malfeasance.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at April 28, 2022 08:50 AM (6FeV1)

They also never anticipated the telephone, radio, tv or the internet.
Posted by: rickb223 at April 28, 2022 08:49 AM (SvtOj)

Or cars or airplanes or trains or trannies, 2 spirit or Cuties either.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:50 AM (Zz0t1)

275 * stoopid fone
Pesky and ... stop

Posted by: runner at April 28, 2022 08:50 AM (BP9lK)

276 The more sinister interpretation is that they are fully on board with it because they want to silence opposition to their own party's policies which are diametrically opposed to America's interests.
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 28, 2022 08:48 AM (YIVH2)
I was perhaps too subtle. Not taking the opportunities presented to oppose it means precisely this. I'll be as blunt as possible. Every single person in government who is silent on this topic is actively working against American interests, against the American people, against the American Constitution and in support of oppressive evil. Basic human rights - and freedom of speech and freedom of association are perhaps the most basic - are not a topic on which silence from elected officials is acceptable.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:51 AM (DU+/6)

277 MN, outside of the Twin Cities is as red as West Virginia... Even the solidly democrat Iron Range has soured on the dems
Oddly, MN had a 90% voter turnout and voted for Biden in overwhelming numbers. Hell, 566K voters who voted registered to vote in 1919. Those Vikings live long lives.

Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 08:51 AM (ifUkZ)

278 > Will McCarthy or McConnell be bothered into making some lame half-flaccid statement against the creation of Biden's totally unconstitutional Mini Tru?

The biggest "lie" those two are still sitting on is the 2020 election steal being a legit election. They were in on it and don't want any discussion other than the approved party line.

One can only hope this Mini Tru bites everyone of them in the ass bigly.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at April 28, 2022 08:51 AM (BFigT)

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at April 28, 2022 08:49 AM (UHVv4)

How is it possible that gets out of China?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:51 AM (Zz0t1)

280 Those Vikings live long lives.
Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 08:51 AM (ifUkZ)


It's the Aquavit and Lutefisk

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at April 28, 2022 08:52 AM (flINI)

281 269 The Left always insisted that the Founders never anticipated automatic weapons and machine guns back in the 18th century.

They also never anticipated the telephone, radio, tv or the internet.
Or antibiotics. We need to stop those from being handed out.

Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 08:52 AM (ifUkZ)

282 Did I miss the debate and the actual provision of a bill in the legislature to create, authorize and fund this blatantly unconstitutional adventure?
Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 08:49 AM (AHeqJ)
No, because it's being done administratively. DHS has arrogated the power to itself and is moving forward. There will be surely be lawsuits and the like.

But that's not the point. This is clearly illegal, clearly a use of powers the agency does not have, clearly anti-American and clearly wrong. The elected officials, even though they were not consulted, sure as hell should be filling every air wave and column-inch they can put their hands on about it.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:52 AM (DU+/6)

283 Gloorp sbood wigmeeg pling

Posted by: Kurt at April 28, 2022 08:53 AM (LbjC3)

It's the Aquavit and Lutefisk
Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at April 28, 2022 08:52 AM (flINI)

Aqua Velva and a full flask.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:53 AM (Zz0t1)

285 Sad dunce is sad.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at April 28, 2022 08:53 AM (6FeV1)

286 Did I miss the debate and the actual provision of a bill in the legislature to create, authorize and fund this blatantly unconstitutional adventure?
Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 08:49 AM (AHeqJ)

General handwaving makes it so, comrade. Your attitude is noted

Posted by: A dude in MI at April 28, 2022 08:53 AM (Vgwo7)

287 Oh, joy. Trump is Putin's stooge and the war is all Trump's fault. Great. These people need a new writer because this was a stale take many months ago.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:54 AM (DU+/6)

288 Posted by: Kurt at April 28, 2022 08:53 AM (LbjC3)

You DICK!!!!

Posted by: Jeff Spicoli at April 28, 2022 08:54 AM (Zz0t1)

289 280 Those Vikings live long lives.
Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 08:51 AM (ifUkZ)


It's the Aquavit and Lutefisk
I am descended from these guys but there is no way I can eat what they eat. Eating that shit will make you very angry and violent.

Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 08:54 AM (ifUkZ)

290 Wow. Krut and MUMR on the clock five minutes early.

Impressive work ethic.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at April 28, 2022 08:54 AM (6FeV1)

291 Kurt. Do you actually believe the shit you fling here? Seriously?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 08:54 AM (Zz0t1)

292 Mollie
"In buying out Twitter, Elon Musk is more important for what he has revealed than what he has done."

Posted by: redridinghood at April 28, 2022 08:55 AM (NpAcC)

293 Posted by: MOLESTER UNIVERSE MITT ROMNEY at April 28, 2022 08:54 AM (1IJnB)

You DICK!!!!

Posted by: Jeff Spicoli at April 28, 2022 08:55 AM (Zz0t1)

294 The Left always insisted that the Founders never anticipated automatic weapons and machine guns back in the 18th century.

They also never anticipated the telephone, radio, tv or the internet.

That argument is better suited to demonstrate that the Leftist brain has failed to develop beyond a four y.o. in terms of vertical decalage.

They fail to understand abstracts that lead to formal understanding. They see the printing press and are fully incapable of seeing the equivalent in internet because they can't process the abstract quality of a free press. They see a musket and are completely incapable of extrapolating the abstract concept of comprehensive self-defense into modern improvements.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 08:55 AM (AHeqJ)

295 290 Wow. Krut and MUMR on the clock five minutes early.

Impressive work ethic.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at April 28, 2022 08:54 AM (6FeV1)

Gotta avoid being fired with gdp looking like it does.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at April 28, 2022 08:55 AM (b2nrj)

296 I am descended from these guys but there is no way I can eat what they eat. Eating that shit will make you very angry and violent.
Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 08:54 AM (ifUkZ)


They used to Rape, Pillage, Plunder, and Rape far away lands looking for good food to eat.

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at April 28, 2022 08:56 AM (flINI)

297 237 Heh. 3rd search suggestion on Youtube for "Amber Heard " is Amber Heard pooped on Johnny Depp's bed.
Posted by: buzzion at April 28, 2022 08:41 AM (vMCab)
Please tell me there is NOT actual video footage of that event! (though nothing really surprises me anymore)
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 28, 2022 08:42 AM (YIVH2)

I hope the results turn up videos just talking about the trial testimony.

Posted by: buzzion at April 28, 2022 08:56 AM (vMCab)

298 283 Posted by: Kurt at April 28, 2022 08:53 AM (LbjC3)


Why didn't Putin steal the election for Trump again in 2020 like he did in 2016? With mail in ballots, a massively unsecure method of election, it should have been easier for him.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:56 AM (LvTSG)

299 Gotta avoid being fired with gdp looking like it does.
Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at April 28, 2022 08:55 AM (b2nrj)
How is the Indian economy doing? I think MUMR is a free agent, but something tells me that Kurt is being paid in rupees.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:56 AM (DU+/6)

300 283 Trumps good friend Putin now threatening to bomb Britain
Putin still hoping Trump returns to the White House
Kurt, you do know Biden made energy moar expensive to help Putin, rite?

Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 08:56 AM (ifUkZ)

301 Heh. 3rd search suggestion on Youtube for "Amber Heard " is Amber Heard pooped on Johnny Depp's bed.
Posted by: buzzion

Please tell me there is NOT actual video footage of that event! (though nothing really surprises me anymore)
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel

👩🏻 💩 🛏

Posted by: rickb223 at April 28, 2022 08:57 AM (SvtOj)

302 A big problem with the "free speech" and "First Amendment" debate is that it's devolved into legalisms. Before there was a "First Amendment" there were a group of people who so highly valued freedom of conscience and the inherent right of a free man to speak his mind that they created various legal protections for these rights (or tried to) in our Constitution.

But to too many today, lacking any real feeling for those values that led to the creation of these legalisms, unless you have "violated the law" (according to a Hawaiian judge) they don't even understand what you're talking about when you speak of "free speech."

The same thing, writ large, has occurred in the concept of judicial review and the role of SCOTUS. Because SCOTUS has a long history of vetting the Constitutionality of various government acts, too many have mentally delegated the whole concept of something being unconstitutional to a legal process, and have no sense of responsibility to make such assessments for themselves --unless or until ordered by the final appellate court on the issue.

Another way of saying that you can't create a Free People through the law.

Posted by: Zek at April 28, 2022 08:57 AM (OzNIz)

303 Kurt, you do know Biden made energy moar expensive to help Putin, rite?
Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 08:56 AM (ifUkZ)
In fairness - not that fairness is deserved in any way - I'll bet that helping Putin wasn't the goal of Biden's war on energy. The goal was to hurt us. If it helped Putin, that's just a side effect.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:57 AM (DU+/6)

304 296 I am descended from these guys but there is no way I can eat what they eat. Eating that shit will make you very angry and violent.
Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 08:54 AM (ifUkZ)


They used to Rape, Pillage, Plunder, and Rape far away lands looking for good food to eat.
Well, yeah, its what Vikings, Romans, Greeks, Goths, Visigoths, Huns..... do. Amirite?

Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 08:58 AM (ifUkZ)

305 Ivermectin now available w/o a prescription in Tennessee. Bill signed April 22 by TN governor.

Posted by: one of the quiet ones at April 28, 2022 08:58 AM (2GPSc)

306 WASHINGTON (AP) — US economy shrank at a 1.4% annual rate last quarter despite solid spending by consumers and businesses.

Posted by: McCool at April 28, 2022 08:58 AM (BqBIh)

307 Lydia Monyhan is stunning! That is all!

Posted by: Mean Tweets at April 28, 2022 08:58 AM (BOJAx)

308 305 Ivermectin now available w/o a prescription in Tennessee. Bill signed April 22 by TN governor.
Posted by: one of the quiet ones at April 28, 2022 08:58 AM (2GPSc)


Elections don't matter and all is lost.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 08:58 AM (LvTSG)

309 303 Kurt, you do know Biden made energy moar expensive to help Putin, rite?
Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 08:56 AM (ifUkZ)
In fairness - not that fairness is deserved in any way - I'll bet that helping Putin wasn't the goal of Biden's war on energy. The goal was to hurt us. If it helped Putin, that's just a side effect.
Or it was done to increase cash flow to the Biden grift machine?

Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 08:59 AM (ifUkZ)

310 Ron DeSantis is new. He's not like other Republicans.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:43 AM (DU+/6)

Go Navy!

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 08:59 AM (yrol0)

311 But that's not the point. This is clearly illegal, clearly a use of powers the agency does not have, clearly anti-American and clearly wrong. The elected officials, even though they were not consulted, sure as hell should be filling every air wave and column-inch they can put their hands on about it.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:52 AM (DU+/6)

Agreed. Fortunately, in practical fact it will probably only ever be used to harass government employees, 99% of whom already agree with the far left. And also it will be used to compose hit pieces to farm out to administration mouthpieces like the NYT and the WaPo.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 28, 2022 09:00 AM (r46W7)

312 It's unfair to call the censorship of online speech a leftist movement.

Almost every Republican in Congress supports the move to silence the citizenry.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at April 28, 2022 09:00 AM (v31Ye)

313 Did you know that both the original "Winnie the Pooh" and Ernest Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" are no longer copyrighted? They both entered public domain on Jan 1, 2022.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at April 28, 2022 09:00 AM (ZEHVO)

314 Ivermectin now available w/o a prescription in Tennessee. Bill signed April 22 by TN governor.
Posted by: one of the quiet ones at April 28, 2022 08:58 AM (2GPSc)
Good for them. Now the other side of total control comes into play. It might be legal, but good luck finding a store or a pharmacy to dispense it.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 09:01 AM (DU+/6)

315 News from 1776:

King appoints new minister to discuss disinformation in colonial pamphlets and news sheets.

Lord Psaki said, "We can't have these peasants disagreeing with the King in public. We need to be hanging these people!"

Posted by: 18-1 at April 28, 2022 09:01 AM (ESjRY)

316 They used to Rape, Pillage, Plunder, and Rape far away lands looking for good food to eat.
Posted by: Truck Monkey Report

When you only have lutefisk at home...

Posted by: rickb223 at April 28, 2022 09:01 AM (SvtOj)

317 313 Did you know that both the original "Winnie the Pooh" and Ernest Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" are no longer copyrighted? They both entered public domain on Jan 1, 2022.
Winnie the Pooh has merit. Fuck The Sun Also Rises.

Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 09:01 AM (ifUkZ)

318 Ron DeSantis is new. He's not like other Republicans.

I like him quite a bit. He has zero - none, nada, zilch - chance of being a national candidate in the GOP.

Posted by: Everyone Picks at April 28, 2022 09:01 AM (Gs6BU)

319 306 WASHINGTON (AP) — US economy shrank at a 1.4% annual rate last quarter despite solid spending by consumers and businesses.

Posted by: McCool at April 28, 2022 08:58 AM (BqBIh)

Which means that the Biden Recession (Depression?) has already begun. (Officially, it takes 2 quarters of decline to declare one, so they can only be officially declared in retrospect)

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 28, 2022 09:02 AM (r46W7)

320 Ron DeSantis is new. He's not like other Republicans.

New in a sense...

Posted by: Those dead white guys from the revolutionary era at April 28, 2022 09:02 AM (ESjRY)

321 Another way of saying that you can't create a Free People through the law.

Posted by: Zek at April 28, 2022 08:57 AM (OzNIz)

Same goes for morals. Education. Safety.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 09:02 AM (yrol0)

322 Good for them. Now the other side of total control comes into play. It might be legal, but good luck finding a store or a pharmacy to dispense it.
Posted by: Joe Mannix

Pony paste. Same as before.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 28, 2022 09:02 AM (SvtOj)

323 317 313 Did you know that both the original "Winnie the Pooh" and Ernest Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" are no longer copyrighted? They both entered public domain on Jan 1, 2022.
Winnie the Pooh has merit. Fuck The Sun Also Rises.
Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 09:01 AM (ifUkZ)

The Pooh Also Rises - the story of the Democrat Party.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 28, 2022 09:03 AM (r46W7)

324 Hysterical Poland and confused Bulgaria decided not to pay for energy they were getting from Russia. Russia cut off supply. The usual suspects are calling it blackmail. I am gonna used that line when that peaky ComEd sends me a bill. Stol blackmailing me , ComEd!!

Noted that it is typical childish thinking to expect to get something free and then rationalize why others must sacrifice indefinitely to supply this free thing. I like the added twist that the supplier is also demonized and is attacked. This is a continuation of the assault against Exxon, BP et al to hate and demonize the energy industry and then find new slurs, slander and punishments when your "enemy" charges you for the service you allegedly hate.

But I imagine this latest attempt to finagle free energy on the dependent party's terms is because the politicians are losing their vigorish in the transaction.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 09:03 AM (AHeqJ)

325 313 Did you know that both the original "Winnie the Pooh" and Ernest Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" are no longer copyrighted? They both entered public domain on Jan 1, 2022.
Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at April 28, 2022 09:00 AM (ZEHVO)


Yup. And GW Pabst's cinematic adaptation of Faust.

Without the Sonny Bono Act, Goodnight Moon and Dark Passage (starring Humphrey Bogart) would have entered the public domain this year. From 1947.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 09:03 AM (LvTSG)

326 Winnie the Pooh has merit. Fuck The Sun Also Rises.
Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 09:01 AM (ifUkZ)

Milne and P.G. Wodehouse were good friends when young, but as Plum's fame grew, Milne got jealous and nasty. I believe he was one of the ring-leaders of the gang who accused Wodehouse of being a Nazi collaborator. Screw him.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at April 28, 2022 09:03 AM (906pl)

327 For the Texas Horde- How long do you think it will be before "they" have to admit that those illegal druggies caused the National Guard guy to drown?

Posted by: Ben Had at April 28, 2022 09:03 AM (Z/Yxx)

328 319 306 WASHINGTON (AP) — US economy shrank at a 1.4% annual rate last quarter despite solid spending by consumers and businesses.

Posted by: McCool at April 28, 2022 08:58 AM (BqBIh)

Which means that the Biden Recession (Depression?) has already begun. (Officially, it takes 2 quarters of decline to declare one, so they can only be officially declared in retrospect)
Posted by: Tom Servo at April 28, 2022 09:02 AM (r46W7)

Which is why next quarter will be .1% growth, no matter what it really is...

Posted by: Nova local at April 28, 2022 09:03 AM (exHjb)

329 The suppression of supposed Covid "misinformation" (discussion of effective, low risk therapeutics) killed hundreds of thousands of people.

That alone should serve as a stick with which to beat the Net Tyrants brutally and often, and then shoved up their collective ass.

Posted by: Zek at April 28, 2022 09:03 AM (OzNIz)

330 I like him quite a bit. He has zero - none, nada, zilch - chance of being a national candidate in the GOP.
Posted by: Everyone Picks at April 28, 2022 09:01 AM (Gs6BU)
I fear you're wrong about that, that he does have a chance, and if he takes it and wins he will be sacrificed to the federal machine when it destroys him.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 09:04 AM (DU+/6)

331 76 Lady in Black
Ah, but the Devil has a date with her for sure

Posted by: Skip's phone at April 28, 2022 09:04 AM (t31we)

332 Good for them. Now the other side of total control comes into play. It might be legal, but good luck finding a store or a pharmacy to dispense it.
Posted by: Joe Mannix

Pony paste. Same as before.
Posted by: rickb223

Question: Is it easier to get Ivermectin or Fentanyl smuggled into the country?

Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 09:04 AM (AHeqJ)

333 They used to Rape, Pillage, Plunder, and Rape far away lands looking for good food to eat.
Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at April 28, 2022 08:56 AM (flINI)

We come from the land of ice and snow
Seeking burgers and fries don't ya know...

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 28, 2022 09:04 AM (KYKwc)

334 I had an AMZ gift card, so I went ahead with the NinjaBatt battery. With a 30-day return window if it doesn't work, it's worth a try. I like the Lenovo as it seems sturdy, has a large screen, 16GB of memory, and -- most important -- was free.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius

Free computer is really good!
Good reviews on battery and a 30day return, bonus.
Good luck.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 28, 2022 09:04 AM (Ux0wf)

335 322 Good for them. Now the other side of total control comes into play. It might be legal, but good luck finding a store or a pharmacy to dispense it.
Posted by: Joe Mannix

I know I use a locally owned pharmacy that is very responsive to its customers. A few months ago, not because I was worried but to see if it was possible, I got an online prescription for Ivermectin for a few dollars, and they gladly filled it for me.

but don't try that at any big chain store.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 28, 2022 09:05 AM (r46W7)

336 No step on snek

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at April 28, 2022 09:05 AM (Y3RuP)

337 Without the Sonny Bono Act, Goodnight Moon and Dark Passage (starring Humphrey Bogart) would have entered the public domain this year. From 1947.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 09:03 AM (LvTSG)

Big fan of Goodnight Moon.

Posted by: grammie winger at April 28, 2022 09:05 AM (45fpk)

338 313

Poor Pooh, he'll be trans before long.

Posted by: Ziba at April 28, 2022 09:05 AM (S1hrL)

318 Ron DeSantis is new. He's not like other Republicans.

I like him quite a bit. He has zero - none, nada, zilch - chance of being a national candidate in the GOP.
Posted by: Everyone Picks at April 28, 2022 09:01 AM (Gs6BU)


Why? Because the GOP won't let him?

Posted by: Seems Legit at April 28, 2022 09:05 AM (DcKNO)

340 Well, on the bright side, Biden can lay claim to a recession with another quarter of negative GDP.

Posted by: Tofer732 at April 28, 2022 09:05 AM (GcxM3)

341 Seeking burgers and fries don't ya know...
Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 28, 2022 09:04 AM (KYKwc)


Posted by: Warai-otoko at April 28, 2022 09:06 AM (6FeV1)

342 Be nice to the troll, he provides immense value.

Entertainment value, of course. And fairly reliable transmission of the party line.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at April 28, 2022 09:06 AM (EZebt)

343 306 WASHINGTON (AP) — US economy shrank at a 1.4% annual rate last quarter despite solid spending by consumers and businesses.

Posted by: McCool at April 28, 2022 08:58 AM (BqBIh)


So it begins.

Posted by: The Guy Who Says So It Begins at April 28, 2022 09:06 AM (xxG/v)

344 339 318 Ron DeSantis is new. He's not like other Republicans.

I like him quite a bit. He has zero - none, nada, zilch - chance of being a national candidate in the GOP.
Posted by: Everyone Picks at April 28, 2022 09:01 AM (Gs6BU)


Why? Because the GOP won't let him?
Posted by: Seems Legit at April 28, 2022 09:05 AM (DcKNO)


Just like Trump could never beat the cheat machine behind Jeb Bush.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 09:06 AM (LvTSG)

345 Did you know that both the original "Winnie the Pooh" and Ernest Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" are no longer copyrighted? They both entered public domain on Jan 1, 2022.
Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at April 28, 2022

Time for a crossover: Bears Without Honey, or, Pooh Finds Out Who That Bell Really Tolls For

"The honey was sweet. Too sweet. It was always that way, the things that started out good always went bad, and everything was terrible. Somehow a bear could never find the true things, the important hives, the hives that mattered. The hell with it. Maybe Eeyore was back from the cantina."

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 28, 2022 09:06 AM (txdEq)

346 342 Be nice to the troll, he provides immense value.

Entertainment value, of course. And fairly reliable transmission of the party line.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at April 28, 2022 09:06 AM (EZebt)


I didn't even call him one name.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 09:06 AM (LvTSG)

347 For the Texas Horde- How long do you think it will be before "they" have to admit that those illegal druggies caused the National Guard guy to drown?
Posted by: Ben Had

Morning ma'am. We know. We also know they'll never admit. They have already said it was Abbott's fault he was there.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 28, 2022 09:06 AM (SvtOj)

348 345 Time for a crossover: Bears Without Honey, or, Pooh Finds Out Who That Bell Really Tolls For

"The honey was sweet. Too sweet. It was always that way, the things that started out good always went bad, and everything was terrible. Somehow a bear could never find the true things, the important hives, the hives that mattered. The hell with it. Maybe Eeyore was back from the cantina."
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 28, 2022 09:06 AM (txdEq)


*golf clap*

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, looking great in a trenchcoat and fedora with JP Melville at April 28, 2022 09:07 AM (LvTSG)

349 Which means that the Biden Recession (Depression?) has already begun. (Officially, it takes 2 quarters of decline to declare one, so they can only be officially declared in retrospect)
Posted by: Tom Servo

Hedgeye has been reporting for weeks that the former United States is in Quad 4. (growth and inflation slowing)

Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 09:07 AM (AHeqJ)

350 Goodnight comb. Goodnight brush.

Goodnight bowl of mush.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at April 28, 2022 09:07 AM (A4m9Z)

351 "The only way to make sure people you agree with can speak is to support the rights of people you don't agree with."

Eleanor Holmes Norton, 1970

Posted by: Ordinary American at April 28, 2022 09:07 AM (H8QX8)

352 The Department of Lies, Rumors, and Disinformation.

So we can all be on the same page.

Posted by: Ziba at April 28, 2022 09:07 AM (S1hrL)

353 You either have to produce your own energy resources, or accept the conditions your suppliers demand. This is a core idea of trade.

Europe wants to demand Russia end the Ukraine war as a condition in trading with them. And that is their right. But...Russia also gets to refuse that part of the trade.

And Europe can then acquire their own energy resources. Germany, I believe, has the second largest resources of coal, and Britain/Norway have significant natural gas.

So this is comical. Europe, decide what is more import...Global Warming virtue signaling or Russia/Ukraine war virtue signaling. You can only pick one.

Posted by: 18-1 at April 28, 2022 09:07 AM (ESjRY)

354 They also never anticipated the telephone, radio, tv or the internet.
Or antibiotics. We need to stop those from being handed out.
Posted by: Puddinghead

Birth control.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at April 28, 2022 09:07 AM (Vxu+H)

355 Italy regulates (public) building temps to save energy
No cooler than 80 in summer
No warmer than 66 in winter

I should not have bought that 'smart' thermostat

Posted by: McCool at April 28, 2022 09:08 AM (BqBIh)

356 "I should not have bought that 'smart' thermostat"


Posted by: Smart guns and a cashless society at April 28, 2022 09:09 AM (OzNIz)

357 Eleanor Holmes Norton, 1970

Leftists didn't believe that stuff back then either. As the quote from Dune

When I am Weaker Then You, I ask you for Freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am Stronger than you, I take away your Freedom Because that is according to my principles

Posted by: 18-1 at April 28, 2022 09:09 AM (ESjRY)

Morning ma'am. We know. We also know they'll never admit. They have already said it was Abbott's fault he was there.
Posted by: rickb223 at April 28, 2022 09:06 AM (SvtOj)

Because 'they' would rather have the border wide open, wars start and Americans killed so they can send the military in to take our guns.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 09:09 AM (Zz0t1)

359 I fear you're wrong about that, that he does have a chance, and if he takes it and wins he will be sacrificed to the federal machine when it destroys him.

A very good point. What he does next will be a tell.

Believe it or not, I've drank a few beers with folks reasonably well connected in FLA politics. They think he'll stay in FLA, in some form or fashion, after he terms out of the Gov spot.

Posted by: Everybody Picks at April 28, 2022 09:10 AM (Gs6BU)

360 Because 'they' would rather have the border wide open, wars start and Americans killed so they can send the military in to take our guns.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 09:09 AM (Zz0t1)

They would rather reign in Hell....

Posted by: Warai-otoko at April 28, 2022 09:10 AM (6FeV1)

361 Jackoff Witch is apparently pregnant.

Anyone know if this was a lesbian turkey baster job or whether she actually found a man dumb enough to stick it in crazy?

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at April 28, 2022 09:10 AM (bW8dp)

362 rickb223, news is now saying he wasn't issued a "flotation device" .

Posted by: Ben Had at April 28, 2022 09:10 AM (Z/Yxx)

363 Mario Draghi, Italy’s prime minister, has previously suggested Italians could face a choice between air conditioning or peace in eastern Europe.

Ha...this is what I was saying basically above. But I suspect this will NOT include the office Mr Draghi actually works in.

Posted by: 18-1 at April 28, 2022 09:10 AM (ESjRY)

364 329 The suppression of supposed Covid "misinformation" (discussion of effective, low risk therapeutics) killed hundreds of thousands of people.

That alone should serve as a stick with which to beat the Net Tyrants brutally and often, and then shoved up their collective ass.
Posted by: Zek at April 28, 2022 09:03 AM (OzNIz)

UK has around 60k kids with serious serious depression. Something like 20k suicide attempts.

We are a very evil people!

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 09:11 AM (yrol0)

365 But I imagine this latest attempt to finagle free energy on the dependent party's terms is because the politicians are losing their vigorish in the transaction.
Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 09:03 AM (AHeqJ)

Original poster mischaracterized what took place. The original purchase contract called for payment to be made in dollars. Poland and Bulgaria attempted to make payment, as called for in the supply contract. Putin is worried about the Western Banking system freezing all dollar based assets of his, so he unilaterally changed the contract to say that only Payment in Rubles would be acceptable. Poland and Bulgaria refused to pay in Rubles, so Russia cut off the gas.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 28, 2022 09:11 AM (r46W7)

366 As mentioned above already but the return of an old friend. No, not MUMR... @disclosetv; 29m
JUST IN - United States economy has unexpectedly declined at 1.4% annual pace in the first quarter.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at April 28, 2022 09:11 AM (UHVv4)

367 The suppression of supposed Covid "misinformation" (discussion of effective, low risk therapeutics) killed hundreds of thousands of people.

I can't wait for the GOPe to start prosecuting Fauci and friends once they take congress!

Wait...why are you people laughing?

Posted by: 18-1 at April 28, 2022 09:12 AM (ESjRY)

368 They also never anticipated the telephone, radio, tv or the internet.
Or antibiotics. We need to stop those from being handed out.
Posted by: Puddinghead

Birth control.
Posted by: Madamemayhem

The female vote.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 28, 2022 09:13 AM (SvtOj)

369 In fairness - not that fairness is deserved in any way - I'll bet that helping Putin wasn't the goal of Biden's war on energy. The goal was to hurt us. If it helped Putin, that's just a side effect.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 08:57 AM (DU+/6)
Both Biden and Putin live in a pay off world of corruption. The Big Goal was certainly to hurt Americans, but I would not be shocked if Biden wasn't also paying off Putin for leading the Iran deal negotiations. "Embrace the power of #And", I guess.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Break The Teachers Unions at April 28, 2022 09:13 AM (/ev0N)

370 Time for a crossover: Bears Without Honey, or, Pooh Finds Out Who That Bell Really Tolls For

"The honey was sweet. Too sweet. It was always that way, the things that started out good always went bad, and everything was terrible. Somehow a bear could never find the true things, the important hives, the hives that mattered. The hell with it. Maybe Eeyore was back from the cantina."
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 28, 2022 09:06 AM (txdEq)

ha fucking ha ha

Ask not for whom the bear trolls.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 09:13 AM (yrol0)

371 Reading the comments on the Ukraine conflict, I have to more or less agree with Jack Straw on this. Our involvement in Ukraine in this century has been, very provocative to say the least. I compare it to, say, a hypothetical russian encouraged overthrow in Canada. I would think we'd be feeling quite justified in responding strongly and even with military force to deal with it. It would be a very existential threat to us, if we are being honest.

Posted by: Theskepticalschnauzer aka THELonebadger at April 28, 2022 09:13 AM (h+7ej)

372 In Twitter's latest a shareholder report, they announce they have "oops" oversestimated users by a couple million globally, over 300k in the United States, or about 1% of estimated users.

I imagine this is just the beginning as the bot farm purges will certainly slash that guidance further.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at April 28, 2022 09:13 AM (v31Ye)

373 "The Left always insisted that the Founders never anticipated automatic weapons and machine guns back in the 18th century. The counter to that argument was, should we abolish the First Amendment since they never anticipated massive printing presses, television, radio and -- wait for it -- the internet either? Well, I guess the answer to that is a big old "yes!" "

Mao said political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

What grows out of elections and information can be as threatening and deadly as a gun. The Progs have long used this fact to gain power; they have merely ramped-up the scale of use in the past 20 years. They are near their end goal of a Progressive Party running the country in the way the national Communist Parties run/ran China, North Korea, and the Soviet Union. This is why they want and need total control of voting and vote counting, and information dissemination. And control of what impressionable children and teens are taught.

Posted by: Gref at April 28, 2022 09:13 AM (AMIL/)

374 In fairness - not that fairness is deserved in any way - I'll bet that helping Putin wasn't the goal of Biden's war on energy. The goal was to hurt us. If it helped Putin, that's just a side effect.
Or it was done to increase cash flow to the Biden grift machine?
Posted by: Puddinghead

That was preformed by direct theft by creating trillions of dollars of fiat debt currency with near zero accountability to where, to whom and for why it is spent.

The energy attack is just the usual Left's demonic attack on the West. They love to hurt and kill people, and will continue to do so, and even amp up the intensity until they are violently stopped.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 09:14 AM (AHeqJ)

375 @disclosetv; 29m
JUST IN - United States economy has unexpectedly declined at 1.4% annual pace in the first quarter.
Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at April 28, 2022 09:11 AM (UHVv4)

I'm betting it will be adjusted to a LOT more negative number in the coming weeks.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 09:14 AM (Zz0t1)

Believe it or not, I've drank a few beers with folks reasonably well connected in FLA politics. They think he'll stay in FLA, in some form or fashion, after he terms out of the Gov spot.
Posted by: Everybody Picks at April 28, 2022 09:10 AM (Gs6BU)

Nobody knows the future, not even DeSantis himself. At momentous times, Events take on a life of their own and drive everyone involved to destinations they never envisioned.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 28, 2022 09:14 AM (r46W7)

377 Wow!! NY was stunning, but the map in Illinois is even worse.

Of course the RINO IL GOP party never fought it in the courts. All the good conservatives in this state are leaving in droves. The ones who have not left cannot get decent bids on their homes

Posted by: Jonah at April 28, 2022 09:14 AM (WY8d2)

378 That painting in the meme above......Is that an early rendition of a 'tag team?'

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 09:14 AM (Zz0t1)

379 Biden's solution: Sanction the American taxpayer.
Free natural gas to Poland, Bulgaria, whomever because democracy!

Posted by: Ziba at April 28, 2022 09:14 AM (S1hrL)

380 So the Gestapo is seeking a final solution, eh?? So, it be. . . .it be death to all of them. . . . an ignominious death. . . .with a red hot poker. . . .

Posted by: H8 Marxist Rat Bastards & DemoNcrat schills at April 28, 2022 09:15 AM (8m/Xb)

381 rickb223, news is now saying he wasn't issued a "flotation device" .
Posted by: Ben Had

I gotta remember that next time I see someone drowning.

"Sorry my dude! I'd love to help you, but I wasn't issued a flotation device!"

Posted by: rickb223 at April 28, 2022 09:15 AM (SvtOj)

Mao said political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

Mao was a terrible human being...but he wasn't stupid.

And as we've seen with the J6 political prisoners this holds as true here as it did in China.

Posted by: 18-1 at April 28, 2022 09:15 AM (ESjRY)

383 In Twitter's latest a shareholder report, they announce they have "oops" oversestimated users by a couple million globally, over 300k in the United States, or about 1% of estimated users.

So what else will come out of the due diligence forensic investigations into the value of Twitter prior to sale?

Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 09:15 AM (AHeqJ)

384 The female vote.
Posted by: rickb223 at April 28, 2022 09:13 AM (SvtOj)

Letting 18 YOs vote is stupid. We should raise it to 25.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 09:16 AM (yrol0)

385 I compare it to, say, a hypothetical russian encouraged overthrow in Canada. I would think we'd be feeling quite justified in responding strongly and even with military force to deal with it. It would be a very existential threat to us, if we are being honest.
Posted by: Theskepticalschnauzer aka THELonebadger at April 28, 2022 09:13 AM (h+7ej)

Hmmm. An upgrade

Posted by: 7man at April 28, 2022 09:16 AM (qwO6y)

386 In case anyone had any doubt about who ild Twitter was working for: " Twitter’s deputy general counsel is Jim Baker, who was previously general counsel of the FBI. While at the FBI, Baker played a very controversial role in the FBI’s discredited investigation into the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russia. (In fact, here’s Baker being asked about the process for FISA warrants, which were used by the FBI to spy on the former president: “Do I need to have every one of those details? I mean these things are already quite long. Look, it’s an art, not a science.”

Posted by: runner at April 28, 2022 09:16 AM (BP9lK)

387 A good side effect of declining GDP, looming recession, runaway inflation and WW3, the Biden Program, is that last-ditch Junta supporters "suburban wine moms" will finally come to their senses (right before seeing their hungry children and unemployed relatives incinerated in a nuclear attack).

Posted by: Finding the silver lining! at April 28, 2022 09:16 AM (/ev0N)

388 Jankowicz, and the rest of the commies, should be introduced to Ganowicz.

Posted by: VAR1ABLE at April 28, 2022 09:16 AM (Uj6t4)

389 > Letting 18 YOs vote is stupid. We should raise it to 45.

Fixed it for you.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at April 28, 2022 09:16 AM (bW8dp)

390 301
Please tell me there is NOT actual video footage of that event! (though nothing really surprises me anymore)
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel
👩🏻 💩 🛏
Posted by: rickb223 at April 28, 2022 08:57 AM

No video of the act (that I'm aware of), but Depp's bodyguard (I think) took a picture with his phone and showed it to Depp (and the court, I believe)

I think more and more this trial is less about Depp winning money, and more about Depp trying to restore his reputation/hurt Heard.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at April 28, 2022 09:16 AM (JCZqz)

391 FNC is reporting that16 States are using their Covid relief funds to push CRT and for paying Equity warriors.
Obviously this was the Dems plan all along.

Posted by: redridinghood at April 28, 2022 09:17 AM (NpAcC)

392 In Twitter's latest a shareholder report, they announce they have "oops" oversestimated users by a couple million globally, over 300k in the United States, or about 1% of estimated users.

I imagine this is just the beginning as the bot farm purges will certainly slash that guidance further.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger at April 28, 2022 09:13 AM (v31Ye)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 09:17 AM (DU+/6)

393 Ciao Mr. Baker. Watch out for the doorknob.

Posted by: runner at April 28, 2022 09:17 AM (BP9lK)

394 DeSantis is terrific, but Trump is the only Republican who has proven to be competitive in the Rust belt. He easily won Iowa and Ohio twice, and we all know he probably won WI, Mich, and Penn twice.

Does Desantis fly up North? Hope so

Posted by: Jonah at April 28, 2022 09:17 AM (WY8d2)

395 We had to do Drown Proofing every year in the Army, I was always baffled by the number of people who couldn't swim a lick.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at April 28, 2022 09:18 AM (Y3RuP)

396 Letting 18 YOs vote is stupid. We should raise it to 25.
Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022

And add an IQ and a property qualification as well. At least 110 IQ, at least one parcel of land in the state where you are voting.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 28, 2022 09:18 AM (txdEq)

397 "The only way to make sure people you agree with can speak is to support the rights of people you don't agree with."

Eleanor Holmes Norton, 1970

My way of saying it is: If you only adhere to your diet when you're not hungry, then you're not on a diet.

But that's all out the window now. It's just will to power.

If I was a politician, I would write a bill that makes it illegal for all democrats, individually, from owning or even touching firearms. I'm tired of principles being a path to hell.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at April 28, 2022 09:18 AM (44ww/)

398 So you have two FBI clones running Twitter and Twitter censorship policy.

Posted by: runner at April 28, 2022 09:18 AM (BP9lK)

399 I respect Putin, Kurt; you and Biden not so much...

Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at April 28, 2022 09:18 AM (y7DUB)

400 Lewis and Clark carried a machine gun.

In 1655, a way of loading, aiming and shooting up to 6 wall muskets 60 times in a minute for a total rate of fire of 360 shots per minute was mentioned in The Century of Inventions by Edward Somerset, 2nd Marquess of Worcester.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 09:19 AM (yrol0)

401 Nina Jankowicz = Dolores Umbridge

This being among the few literary references that shitlibs understand.

Posted by: JennyP at April 28, 2022 09:19 AM (H63+u)

402 Biden's solution: Sanction the American taxpayer.

Did I miss the Congress's entertainment of the Executive's argument for why We The People are being dragged into a proxy war in Ukraine?

Where exactly is the authority to economically attack We The People for the open-ended, unarticulated, amorphic strategery in fighting a war that was never declared or justified?

Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 09:19 AM (AHeqJ)

403 Of course the RINO IL GOP party never fought it in the courts. All the good conservatives in this state are leaving in droves. The ones who have not left cannot get decent bids on their homes
Posted by: Jonah at April 28, 2022 09:14 AM (WY8d2)

the humorous part is that, having gerrymandered California and Illinois to the point of absurdity, there's no more water they can get out of those wells no matter how much control they have there.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 28, 2022 09:19 AM (r46W7)

404 Letting 18 YOs vote is stupid. We should raise it to 25.

I'd say you get to vote for the office you are old enough to run for. So House at 25, Senate at 30, President at 35.

Also no one working for the government can vote for that level (eg state employees can't vote for governor but can vote for mayor/president) EXCEPT active duty military. If you are being shot at, or potentially shot at, you still get to vote for the President/Congress.

Posted by: 18-1 at April 28, 2022 09:19 AM (ESjRY)

405 Mao said political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

Some leftist quoted that at one of our township committee meetings several months ago. A conservative is planning to go to the next meeting, offer a rebuttal and ask the committee to rebut that if they weren't suggesting violence against people they disagree with.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at April 28, 2022 09:20 AM (fF2aM)

406 A tribute to Paolo "erected"!

Mondo Mascots @mondomascots
Shirakabeno, a romantic Italian playboy warehouse, is an unofficial mascot for Kurashiki City, Japan.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at April 28, 2022 09:20 AM (UHVv4)

407 Any wonder that the govt is scrambling and is now trying to force a censorship plenum down our throats.

Posted by: runner at April 28, 2022 09:20 AM (BP9lK)

408 Letting 18 YOs vote is stupid. We should raise it to 25.
Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022

And add an IQ and a property qualification as well. At least 110 IQ, at least one parcel of land in the state where you are voting.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius

And a Y chromosome.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 09:20 AM (AHeqJ)

409 396 Letting 18 YOs vote is stupid. We should raise it to 25.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022

Notably older than 25:

Biden, Pelosi, Romney, Graham, Boxer, McCarthy, McConnell, AOC, Feinstein, etc, etc, etc.......

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at April 28, 2022 09:21 AM (v31Ye)

410 "Trudeau has been ousted for a pro-russian candidate in what observers are calling a problematic election"

"Heh. Sweet."

Posted by: Warai-otoko at April 28, 2022 09:21 AM (6FeV1)

411 Nina Jankowicz.....does she get a gun and a badge, too?...arrest powers?

Posted by: BignJames at April 28, 2022 09:21 AM (AwYPR)

412 395 We had to do Drown Proofing every year in the Army, I was always baffled by the number of people who couldn't swim a lick.
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at April 28, 2022 09:18 AM (Y3RuP)

I know if you could not swim and were accepted in the Naval Academy you were sent to a summer school to learn.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 09:21 AM (yrol0)

413 So what else will come out of the due diligence forensic investigations into the value of Twitter prior to sale?
Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 09:15 AM (AHeqJ)
Hopefully a lot. It won't change the share price - this doesn't seem to be about money for Musk - but it sure will make shock waves. The most important shock waves will be in the rest of Big Tech. Big Tech is is rich and it's rich because of advertising. They are major advertising outlets but they are also monopolies in ad carriage. Alphabet owns AdSense, which has tremendous reach and is essentially a monopoly outside of Facebook, and Facebook is a huge ad network as well, including on their own gigantic platform.

If Twitter has a bot problem - and they do, and it has always been known but never quantified and hopefully this is just the beginning - then why should one assume that Facebook or Google don't also have bot problems? Advertisers pay for human eyeballs, not for bots. If the bot problem at Twitter is big and gets quantified, there's suddenly a basis and a yardstick for advertisers to start playing hardball with the other networks, or even potential liability for fraud.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 09:21 AM (DU+/6)

414 It would be easier if we just had a list of States that are probably gone forever, even with a Carter like economic situation of 18% inflation. NY and Cal are gone. IL could have a upset at Governor, but probably gone.

Wash and Oregon are marxist utopias along with Hawaii.

New England is New England. Deleware is a slum along with Horse Meat Jersey. MD, please

Posted by: Jonah at April 28, 2022 09:22 AM (WY8d2)

415 387 A good side effect of declining GDP, looming recession, runaway inflation and WW3, the Biden Program, is that last-ditch Junta supporters "suburban wine moms" will finally come to their senses (right before seeing their hungry children and unemployed relatives incinerated in a nuclear attack).

Posted by: Finding the silver lining!

Yay! Let's go Dancin' in the Ruins!

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at April 28, 2022 09:22 AM (xSnmX)

416 Big shock. Q1 GDP shrank by 1.4%, the first contraction since the COVID scheme. Anyone surprised should punch themselves in the face. Government spending that juiced the economy is trailing off. Imports are up and we now have the biggest trade deficit on record. Inventory investment was abysmal and won't be improving in this rate environment.

Look for the next two quarters before the midterms to be sandbagged and then adjusted. We are headed into a recession and nothing will stop it.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 28, 2022 09:22 AM (BxH25)

417 We had to do Drown Proofing every year in the Army, I was always baffled by the number of people who couldn't swim a lick.

Coastal people normally spend some time by the beach as a kid. Interior people don't.

Posted by: 18-1 at April 28, 2022 09:22 AM (ESjRY)

418 news is now saying he wasn't issued a "flotation device" .
Posted by: Ben Had

I have to call BS on that claim. The Army is (was in my day at least) very good about ensuring the deployed unit could perform the mission. They all had to pass a drown proofing session in full uniform, with their 40lb ruck, and all their combat gear.

Dude was murdered by the illeagal border crossers.

Posted by: BifBewalski's Phone at April 28, 2022 09:22 AM (UgAdJ)

Hmmm. An upgrade
Posted by: 7man

No doubt. But, an upgrade our neos and whatnots would find to be unacceptable.

Posted by: Theskepticalschnauzer aka THELonebadger at April 28, 2022 09:22 AM (h+7ej)

420 And add an IQ and a property qualification as well. At least 110 IQ, at least one parcel of land in the state where you are voting.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius
And a Y chromosome.
Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022

Sounds good to me

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 28, 2022 09:23 AM (txdEq)

421 Rumors the economy has declined 1.4% in the most recent report are malinformation and officially disallowed from discussion.

Posted by: Disinformation Commission at April 28, 2022 09:23 AM (/ev0N)

422 Trudeau govt is locked in until 2025, due to NDP backing them. No hope up there.

Posted by: Jonah at April 28, 2022 09:23 AM (WY8d2)

423 "suburban wine moms" will finally come to their senses

Depends on when they start to feel the actual pain.

Karen McWinemom has had it pretty good over the last couple of years. She gets to virtue signal about saving the world while celebrating wine-o-clock every 4 PM.

Posted by: 18-1 at April 28, 2022 09:24 AM (ESjRY)

424 All of the major opinion shaping forums are in the hands of govt organs. I suspect if we take a closer look at Face book we might find ex ef bee eye employees as well. Google is not even hiding who it works for.

Posted by: runner at April 28, 2022 09:24 AM (BP9lK)

425 Oh and lol, consumer spending increased. Before anyone tells you that's a positive, remember that your gasoline purchase is a "non durable good".

Posted by: Marcus T at April 28, 2022 09:24 AM (BxH25)

426 421 Rumors the economy has declined 1.4% in the most recent report are malinformation and officially disallowed from discussion.
Posted by: Disinformation Commission at April 28, 2022 09:23 AM (/ev0N)

My 330 mls of vodka ration was increased to 200 mls.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 09:24 AM (yrol0)

427 If you are being shot at, or potentially shot at, you still get to vote for the President/Congress.

I disagree. mercenaries for the Democrat Party MIlitary (formerly known as the US Military) should never have a vote because not a single soldier is accountable to We The People. The DPM is an enemy of We The People and exists only to serve the political and economic aspirations and goals of the oligarchs and the MIC.

Show me where the military has served the genuine interests of We The People in the past seventy years and I may change my mind.

(looking at an open border and remembering how that same military had their guns aimed at We The People in January 2021, and routinely hear the DPM generals telling me that I am the enemy because of my skin color, faith in Jesus Christ, and opposition to participatory sodomy)

Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 09:25 AM (AHeqJ)

428 consumer spending increased. Before anyone tells you that's a positive, remember that your gasoline purchase is a "non durable good".
Posted by: Marcus T at April 28, 2022 09:24 AM (BxH25)

Spending can obviously increase without an increase in purchases.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at April 28, 2022 09:25 AM (6FeV1)

429 Coastal people normally spend some time by the beach as a kid. Interior people don't.
Posted by: 18-1

Yeah. Those lake-less & swimming pool-less interiors are at a steep disadvantage.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 28, 2022 09:25 AM (SvtOj)

430 If you really want to roll out the feminist nightmare package on voting...

Men get to vote if they are married and/or active duty military.

Women get to vote when they are married and have at least one child (exceptions for children that have passed).

Never get married/have a kid? You never get to vote.

Posted by: 18-1 at April 28, 2022 09:26 AM (ESjRY)

431 421. Double edged sword. Many conservatives are in the market, and hold Tech positions sadly. Call options have been decimated. Chip stocks etc..

Posted by: Jonah at April 28, 2022 09:26 AM (WY8d2)

432 Oh and lol, consumer spending increased. Before anyone tells you that's a positive, remember that your gasoline purchase is a "non durable good".
Posted by: Marcus T at April 28, 2022 09:24 AM (BxH25)
Consumer spending will increase under inflation until people run out of money.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 09:26 AM (DU+/6)

433 "suburban wine moms" will finally come to their senses "

Not until they castrate their boys, mutilate their girls breasts, tell them both they're gender fluid, and sacrifice them on the alter of BLM to appease their "white guilt".

Posted by: Marcus T at April 28, 2022 09:26 AM (BxH25)

434 Even aldi prices are soaring

Posted by: Jonah at April 28, 2022 09:26 AM (WY8d2)

435 TinfoilBaby @ 395-
Navy never taught me how to swim home from somewhere in a big ocean. They taught me how to survive until rescue arrived.

Posted by: Eromero at April 28, 2022 09:26 AM (gktX6)

436 No video of the act (that I'm aware of), but Depp's bodyguard (I think) took a picture with his phone and showed it to Depp (and the court, I believe)

I think more and more this trial is less about Depp winning money, and more about Depp trying to restore his reputation/hurt Heard.
Posted by: Moron Analyst at April 28, 2022 09:16 AM (JCZqz)

We've all heard of the Christmas time "Elf on a shelf". Some of you may even have heard of the elf and a barbie doll getting busy with the caption "Whore in a drawer". Now we have "Heard on a turd".

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at April 28, 2022 09:26 AM (N39Ws)

437 Men get to vote if they are married and/or active duty military.

Women get to vote when they are married and have at least one child (exceptions for children that have passed).

Never get married/have a kid? You never get to vote.
Posted by: 18-1 at April 28, 2022 09:26 AM (ESjRY)

You read that book about killer bugs and spaceships!

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 09:26 AM (yrol0)

438 Suburban moms only care about Abortion rights.

Posted by: Jonah at April 28, 2022 09:27 AM (WY8d2)

439 You read that book about killer bugs and spaceships!
Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 09:26 AM (yrol0)


Posted by: Warai-otoko at April 28, 2022 09:27 AM (6FeV1)

440 Nobody knows the future, not even DeSantis himself. At momentous times...
Posted by: Tom Servo at April 28, 2022 09:14 AM (r46W7)

Very true. Human character is perhaps more quantifiable or predictable, and must be considered. Is DeSantis the sort of character driven toward or suitable to a "great conflict"? Is even Trump? For that is surely what is coming, and the leadership character that will be required.

If a candidate for 2024 does not see it these terms, see himself (or herself) as a wartime president, he or she should not be running. And that will surely disqualify almost every one of them.

We have seen DeSantis engage the Left in different skirmishes. He has performed uniquely well. But does he have a vision? Can he define the enemy in broader terms, the great nationwide challenge before us, the historic value and purpose of America and how to preserve it or restore it or lead it toward new goals?

As I see it, we currently have no one who is offering such a vision.

Posted by: Ordinary American at April 28, 2022 09:28 AM (H8QX8)

Show me where the military has served the genuine interests of We The People in the past seventy years and I may change my mind.

The military will do what it is told. But the point remains, if you sign up for the military you are signing up to put a lot on the line for the country.

We need better leaders commanding that military.

Posted by: 18-1 at April 28, 2022 09:28 AM (ESjRY)

442 Dianetics?
Posted by: Warai-otoko at April 28, 2022 09:27 AM (6FeV1)

El Ron!

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 09:28 AM (yrol0)

443 387 A good side effect of declining GDP, looming recession, runaway inflation and WW3, the Biden Program, is that last-ditch Junta supporters "suburban wine moms" will finally come to their senses (right before seeing their hungry children and unemployed relatives incinerated in a nuclear attack).

Posted by: Finding the silver lining!
Posted by: Puddleglum at work at April 28, 2022 09:22 AM

Married to a suburban wine-mom that was a moderate Republican/Libertarian before being struck with TDS and going full libtard. They won't come back, for the most part. They amplify and encourage each other in their social media echo chambers, and will just demand more government intervention to solve the growing problems. They don't see (or believe) the government is the CAUSE of these's greedy corporations, racism, Russia, whatever.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at April 28, 2022 09:29 AM (JCZqz)

444 I inherited some Google and Amazon stock, did not buy this shit myself. Decided not to sell last fall like a idiot because of Taxes. Getting crushed

Posted by: Jonah at April 28, 2022 09:29 AM (WY8d2)

445 You read that book about killer bugs and spaceships!
Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 09:26 AM (yrol0)

Posted by: Warai-otoko at April 28, 2022

Starship Troopers. I wonder what Heinlein (RIP, 198 would make of this backwards world now.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 28, 2022 09:29 AM (txdEq)

446 "Consumer spending will increase under inflation until people run out of money.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 09:26 AM (DU+/6)"

They already are. The travel and entertainment services sector is about to get a downgrade. People already can't afford their usual vacations as their dollar buys less for everyday things. Rates are going up which means consumer credit, most of which is tied to rates, is about to take a hit. Don't forget we currently have the biggest extension of consumer credit, ever. Real estate is also now dropping like a stone. It's not a good picture.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 28, 2022 09:29 AM (BxH25)

447 @401

We don't need that kind of "authority," they say.

Posted by: Ziba at April 28, 2022 09:29 AM (S1hrL)

448 Polls are endlessly weird.

Democrat activists at Politico released a poll saying 68% of voters think America is on the wrong track. Ok, seems crazy to me that 32% either think things are going swimingly, but that's a respectable number and an overwhelming majority.

But in the same poll, Politico claims the "generic ballot" is plus 1 for Democrats. Polling mechanics aside, Politico somehow has convinced itself that two thirds of America hates government policy but will still vote to continue it.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Break The Teachers Unions at April 28, 2022 09:29 AM (yqG++)

We've all heard of the Christmas time "Elf on a shelf". Some of you may even have heard of the elf and a barbie doll getting busy with the caption "Whore in a drawer". Now we have "Heard on a turd".
Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at April 28, 2022 09:26 AM (N39Ws)

Heard and Her Turd by Dr. Seuss

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 28, 2022 09:29 AM (Zz0t1)

You read that book about killer bugs and spaceships!

I am darkly amused every time the left calls that book fascist.

Obviously fascist means "something I don't like" to the left...but Heinlein came up with something really interesting in the background to that book/universe.

Posted by: 18-1 at April 28, 2022 09:30 AM (ESjRY)

451 I keep forgetting that the numeral 8 plus a closing parenthesis is interpreted as "Insert this emoji." Heinlein passed away in 1988, is what I meant to write.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 28, 2022 09:30 AM (txdEq)

452 Cut off your nose to spite your face.

Shit in your bed to spite your husband.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at April 28, 2022 09:31 AM (6FeV1)

453 ART

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 28, 2022 09:31 AM (yrol0)

454 If the bot problem at Twitter is big and gets quantified, there's suddenly a basis and a yardstick for advertisers to start playing hardball with the other networks, or even potential liability for fraud.
Posted by: Joe Mannix

The tech tyrants need to be curb stomped.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at April 28, 2022 09:32 AM (Vxu+H)

455 You read that book about killer bugs and spaceships!

I am darkly amused every time the left calls that book fascist.

Obviously fascist means "something I don't like" to the left...but Heinlein came up with something really interesting in the background to that book/universe.
Posted by: 18-1 at April 28, 2022

Heinlein frequently stated that ST says more than once that *any* "federal service" person, military or not, can vote in that society. But I've been through that novel a lot of times, and there is no mention that I can find of Heinlein's statement. It seems to be ex-military only who have the franchise. Maybe he meant to put it in but forgot, or his editor cut it for some reason.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 28, 2022 09:33 AM (txdEq)

456 448. gubmint workers, who never get fired and get pay increases every year, even if it were 1929. College Professors, idiots like my Brother. Have a few union guy cousins. White males love football etc... but still vote D

Posted by: Jonah at April 28, 2022 09:33 AM (WY8d2)

457 434 Even aldi prices are soaring
Posted by: Jonah at April 28, 2022 09:26 AM (WY8d2)


Posted by: Nova local at April 28, 2022 09:33 AM (exHjb)

458 Ars gratia artis

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 28, 2022 09:33 AM (txdEq)

459 The tech tyrants need to be curb stomped.
Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at April 28, 2022 09:32 AM (Vxu+H)

A lot of curb-stomping is required. Who is going to do it?

Posted by: Ordinary American at April 28, 2022 09:35 AM (H8QX8)

460 I dunno. I've never seen people around here so pissed off at our current situation. Things change here electorally. The county went big for Obama, twice. But the last two elections went for Trump. I'm hoping the current attitude reflects the greater part of the electorate. Nobody likes what's going on and have become very against anything the Democrats stand for. There are a few Republicans running for local seats that have been Democrat held for a long time. Republicans are now leading by a large margin.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 28, 2022 09:35 AM (BxH25)

461 horsie art

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at April 28, 2022 09:36 AM (UHVv4)

462 ... Don't forget we currently have the biggest extension of consumer credit, ever. Real estate is also now dropping like a stone. It's not a good picture.
Posted by: Marcus T at April 28, 2022 09:29 AM (BxH25)
Yes. Leisure goes first because food, shelter and transportation are more important. But consumer spending will still rise. Poor people spend all their money because they have to, because life is expensive and they are poor. So when prices go up faster than wages, they shift consumption. People who are less poor will erode savings until they can't and then shift consumption (or a mix), but the net effect is higher spending in aggregate, albeit on fewer goods and services. Those closest to inflation (bankers, etc.) get first access to new dollars and thus see less effect but also spend more because they're richer. Spending increases.

Spending can only decrease during significant inflation when the number of dollars owned by people who spend all of them exceed the number of dollars spent by people who don't. And since the inflation adjustments are all a work of fiction, "real" consumer spending will probably hold up for quite some time.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 28, 2022 09:37 AM (DU+/6)

463 I vaguely recall there were other "federal service" jobs as well. They were dangerous/unpleasant as well and they screened people to make sure they'd be a good fit. Maybe something around space exploration and disaster response?

Posted by: 18-1 at April 28, 2022 09:37 AM (ESjRY)

464 The military will do what it is told.

Which explains why General Milley sabotaged the acting Command in Chief and reported directly to China and the world applauded.

The military does whatever serves the Globalists interest and will kill each and every person in the former United States if that was the day's policy.

They had their guns aimed at We The People in January of 2021, and they supported militarily a coup d'etat.

That makes the military Number One Enemy of We The People and The US Constitution. They would kill you to keep the overthrow intact.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 09:37 AM (AHeqJ)

465 And the Yahoo Finance headline states "US GDP unexpectedly contracted at a 1.4% annualized rate in Q1"

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Posted by: Halfhand at April 28, 2022 09:37 AM (wFpVU)

466 Ron DeSantis is new. He's not like other Republicans.

I like him quite a bit. He has zero - none, nada, zilch - chance of being a national candidate in the GOP.


I can't say I agree with this. Whether or not we ultimately have any effect, the times are changing for the R party. More and more people are becoming very disgusted with them and their Establishment uselessness. Yes, a lot of things must happen before their roots are pulled up, but I do believe it's happening. They're doing it to themselves. Do we have enough time? Don't know that either. But I think Ron DeSantis is showing the way, and people all over the country are noticing. FL is an enormous destination from others fleeing their hellscapes. He's having an impact. I'll give him good odds to go national.

Posted by: Lady in Black at April 28, 2022 09:38 AM (sVtYq)

467 Which explains why General Milley sabotaged the acting Command in Chief and reported directly to China and the world applauded.

One of the many mistakes Trump made was to not cashier and seek prosecution when the military command refused to withdraw from 'Stan.

Sure he would have gotten impeached again what?

Posted by: 18-1 at April 28, 2022 09:39 AM (ESjRY)

468 466 Posted by: Lady in Black at April 28, 2022 09:38 AM (sVtYq)

Right now, Ron DeSantis would win it all running away. That said, he has stated that he would not run if Trump decides to try again.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 28, 2022 09:40 AM (s2VJv)

469 The tech tyrants need to be curb stomped.
Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at April 28, 2022 09:32 AM (Vxu+H)

A lot of curb-stomping is required. Who is going to do it?
Posted by: Ordinary American

[ looking at the stock ticker ]

Appears Wall Street is doing it.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at April 28, 2022 09:40 AM (AHeqJ)

470 JJ Almost sounds optimistic, which worries me.

Posted by: whitecollar redneck at April 28, 2022 09:41 AM (K1UB+)

471 Is the market ugly this morning, reuben?

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at April 28, 2022 09:42 AM (Vxu+H)

472 >>>Whether or not we ultimately have any effect, the times are changing for the R party. More and more people are becoming very disgusted with them and their Establishment uselessness.
I hope you're right. You should be right.

But, as the McCarthy and McConnell cases illustrate so well (and that Cheney is STILL not expelled from the GOP caucus!), the GOPe has tremendous staying power in Congress. We may change the local and state GOP but even their natural inclination away from the base. "The arc of history bends toward corruption", to paraphrase Zoobama.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Break The Teachers Unions at April 28, 2022 09:42 AM (yqG++)

473 472 >>>Whether or not we ultimately have any effect, the times are changing for the R party. More and more people are becoming very disgusted with them and their Establishment uselessness.
I hope you're right. You should be right.

But, as the McCarthy and McConnell cases illustrate so well (and that Cheney is STILL not expelled from the GOP caucus!), the GOPe has tremendous staying power in Congress. We may change the local and state GOP but even their natural inclination away from the base. "The arc of history bends toward corruption", to paraphrase Zoobama.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Break The Teachers Unions at April 28, 2022 09:42 AM (yqG++)

GOPe politicians are the foot soldiers of the state and local RINO Elites. RINO Elites are pretty much the same as Leftist Elites. Hence, the UniParty.

Posted by: Gref at April 28, 2022 09:46 AM (AMIL/)

474 Also, watch the Euro Gas situation. The Baltic Pipe project has been restarted after the asshole greens in Denmark stopped it. Word is it is moving with a vengeance and will be completed quickly. Along with the Europipe II and LNG it's going to displace the Russian gas in most of Europe.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 28, 2022 09:47 AM (BxH25)

475 McCarthy can and will be pushed in the right direction. MCConnell is the one who really needs to go. He doesn't feel any threat to leadership. Unless we get a bunch of new Senators, he's not going anywhere.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 28, 2022 09:49 AM (BxH25)

476 He doesn't feel any threat to leadership. Unless we get a bunch of new Senators, he's not going anywhere.
Posted by: Marcus T at April 28, 2022 09:49 AM (BxH25)
rumored to be retiring after this current term, but it doesn't really matter and your point still stands, since his anointed successor, John Thune, is no better.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Break The Teachers Unions at April 28, 2022 09:52 AM (yqG++)

477 Deleware is a slum along with Horse Meat Jersey.

I live in N.J. Where I live is not a slum and I have never eaten horse meat.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at April 28, 2022 09:56 AM (fF2aM)

478 33 With all due respect to Hayden Daniel, the end game map he now sees for Russia in Ukraine is what they always wanted, a land bridge to Crimea and the Black Sea. It was never about ruling all of Ukraine or expanding beyond Ukraine. It was about taking back the ethnic Russian Donbas that Putin has always coveted.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 28, 2022 07:44 AM (ZLI7S)

And this was known from the get-go. This "war" is a disgusting farce and money laundering operation.

Posted by: Bonnie Blue - no longer playing the game at April 28, 2022 09:58 AM (9qiMu)

479 Now that they are in full panic look for them to commit troops to Ukraine.

Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 10:04 AM (ifUkZ)

480 NJ, the state where the Governor lost reelection but found a thumbie in Newark that made him a winner. Fuck that shithole.

Posted by: Puddinghead at April 28, 2022 10:12 AM (ifUkZ)

481 470 JJ Almost sounds optimistic, which worries me.
Posted by: whitecollar redneck at April 28, 2022 09:41 AM (K1UB+)

Me too.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 28, 2022 10:25 AM (s2VJv)

482 Why does it have to look like Gretchen Whitmer though

Did they get a bulk rate on that model?
Posted by: hogmartin at April 28, 2022 08:34 AM

She looks like a fat Klobuchar.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 28, 2022 08:35 AM

Gretchen Whitmer is the Jussie Smollet of governors

Posted by: AltonJackson at April 28, 2022 10:33 AM (DUIap)

483 this touches on the opener above about "censorship":

NBC Universal is a huge woke monolith, and there is an NBC Universal admin asking questions on Internet infrastructure mailing lists about how to purge Twitter from the Internet entirely now that Elon bought it and get away with it:

this is an email list frequented by bigtime network admins for very large companies, who have the power to do all kinds of things to break the Internet; there are a lot of implications of this that the Tech Morons are well-equipped to explore and elaborate on, but basically, what this guy is proposing is to make Twitter completely unreachable from anywhere at all on the Internet at the IP level, which is a Flaming Skull Very Big Deal, particularly since

1. it doesn't have to be just Twitter (and he says as much)
2. it can be done again and again and again

discussion of this taking place on Gab

Posted by: ann onymous at April 28, 2022 05:07 PM (xrw9B)

484 (posting a fix to the above link)

(also hey guys, if you're gonna tell people to use TinyURL, maybe don't ban it because 'it looks like spam', just sayin')

Posted by: ann onymous at April 28, 2022 05:08 PM (xrw9B)

485 Whoa! This blog looks exactly like my old one!
It's on a completely different topic but it has pretty much the same layout and design. Wonderful choice of

Posted by: TU at April 28, 2022 07:07 PM (Qn2Wg)

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