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Leaked Internal Democrat Polling: 57% of Voters in Competitive Districts Agree That Democrats "Went Much Too Far" In Their Pandemic Lockdowns

Behold, the "changing of The Science (TM):"

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is concerned that Republican attacks on the Democrats' handling of the COVID-19 pandemic have "alarming credibility," according to a slide deck obtained by SFGATE.

The DCCC, which is the main campaign arm for House Democrats and is currently chaired by New York Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, worked with outside consulting groups to conduct an online poll of voters in the 60 most competitive House districts for the upcoming 2022 midterms. The poll was conducted from mid-January to early February, had approximately 1,000 respondents and a 3.1% margin of error.


The poll found that that 57% of voters in competitive congressional districts agree with the statement, "Democrats in Congress have taken things too far in their pandemic response," and 66% of self-defined "swing" voters in competitive districts agree with that statement. White and Hispanic voters in competitive districts were equally as likely to agree (59%), while Black voters (42%) and Asian voters (46%) disagreed with the statement. The poll also did not define what "taken things too far" means.

The Democrats shouldn't worry too much about covid, though.

Because they're in even worse trouble on crime, the border, and woke bullshit.

The DCCC found that critiques of COVID-19 restrictions were slightly less potent than other issues. In swing districts, 64% of voters agreed with the statement that "Democrats in Congress support defunding the police and taking more cops off of the street." The internal poll found that 80% of self-defined swing voters in competitive districts agreed with the same statement.


Sixty-two percent of voters in contested districts agreed with the statement, "Democrats in Congress have created a border crisis that allows illegal immigrants to enter the country without repercussions and grants them tax-payer funded benefits once here." Seventy-eight percent of swing voters in those districts agreed.

Sixty-one percent of swing district voters agreed with the statements, "Democrats in Congress are spending money out of control," and, "Democrats are teaching kids as young as five Critical Race Theory, which teaches that America is a racist country and that white people are racist." And 59% agreed with the statement, "Democrats are too focused on pursuing an agenda that divides us and judging those who don't see things their way."

Politico previously reported other findings from the DCCC: that swing voters just generally hate the Smug Woke Karen Democrats:

Democrats' own research shows that some battleground voters think the party is "preachy," "judgmental" and "focused on culture wars," according to documents obtained by POLITICO.

"Tout qui est 'woke,' il devient en merde."
-- Donaldus Trumpus, medieval philosopher

Politico is blaming The Squad.

So we're now in the Post-Election Recriminations and Scapegoating phase, and we haven't even had the actual election yet.

The hard-left politics of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and the so-called "Squad," once a dominant theme for vast numbers of elected Democrats, is backfiring big-time on the party in power, top Democrats tell us.

Why it matters: The push to defund the police, rename schools and tear down statues has created a significant obstacle to Democrats keeping control of the House, the Senate and the party's overall image.

"It's what we've been screaming about for a year," said Matt Bennett, c0-founder of center-left Third Way, which launched Shield PAC to defend moderate Democrats.

"It's a huge problem."

The latest sign of the backlash was the landslide (70%+) recall this week of three San Francisco school board members, who were criticized for prioritizing issues like the renaming of 44 public schools -- including ones honoring George Washington and Abraham Lincoln -- over a return to in-person classes.

Other factors like an abrupt admissions change to a prestigious high school were at play (all politics is local).

But the most liberal city in the most liberal state decided that liberal activists had gone too far.

It's part of a barrage of evidence that the progressive activism of the Squad pushed the party's image way left of where most voters are -- even most Democratic voters.


Aides to several Squad members declined immediate comment.

Ed Morrissey, a "True Conservative," immediately suggests that the Democrats' embrace of far-left extremists is just like the Republicans' embrace of far-right extremists -- like actual conservatives, like strong border policies:

After all, what happens when the most extreme elements of a major political party start controlling its policies and tactics? They lose voters in the center and sometimes within the party's coalition, and wind up defining their colleagues by their spectacular failures rather than accomplishments.

I wish I could say that this is the first example of this in my lifetime, but alas...

I wish you could lay off the Little Debbie's Snack Cakes, Ed.

Yes, Ed, it's "extremism" for the alleged conservative party to embrace actual conservatism instead of your preferred brand of Democrat Liberalism With Some Insincere Pro-Life Messaging.

The GOP is just like The Squad. You nailed it, Ed.

This is very much on-brand for Ed Morrissey, and AllahPundit -- every story about Democrat extremism and failure somehow immediately becomes fodder for attacking Trump and Trump-supporting Republicans (which is like 80-90% of Republicans).

Fuck you, "Captain," you useless obese midwit twat.

Here's the link, as requested by ShainS. I don't link Salem Media any longer.

TJM writes:

"Republicans are supposed to run on conservatism but govern as technocratic progressives in order to manage the federal government in moral ways, you rube."
-Ed Morrisey, who definitely voted for Trump, you guys

Yeah no one believes that. Hot Air realized that it wasn't viable to have a supposed "conservative" blog where the two longest-serving writers had both voted for Democrats in both 2016 and 2020 and so decided that one of them would have to lie and claim he voted for Trump.

They looked at each other and decided it was just not even conceivable that the deranged drunk obsessive AllahPundit voted for Trump, so Ed Morrissey told the lie.

Once. I don't think he ever told this horrible, acid-in-the-mouth lie again. He lowered himself to telling it just the once.

Alarming credibility?

Sounds like malinformation to us.
Posted by: DHS

114 Ed Morrissey, a "True Conservative," immediately suggests that the Democrats' embrace of far-left extremists is just like the Republicans' embrace of far-right extremists -- like actual conservatives, like strong border policies

I like how squishy fucks like Poppin' Fresh are always quick to label a middle of the road conservative policy as "extreme".
Posted by: Captain Hate won't forget Michael Byrd Murdered Ashli Babbitt

Yes, and remember, it is the claim of NeverTrump that they voted against Trump because of his "incivility" and "poor character" (and his TWEETS!).

They never want to admit the truth -- they voted against him because of his conservative policies. They don't want to admit they're Open Borders. They are, but like the Democrats (which is what NeverTrump are), they realize this admission would be used against them so they lie, lie, lie.

But every once in a while they accidentally let the truth slip out-- no, this isn't about Trump's personality. It's about policy.

Ed Morrissey finds it "extremist."

So, there's an accidental admission: what conservative voters actually want in their policy is "extremist" according to NeverTrump, and I guess we should then return to the days of the GOP Establishment simply ignoring conservative voters' policy demands.

These people are all about dishonestly. They could argue honestly in favor of liberalism or "moderation." But that might damage their lies about being True Conservatives, so they just... like, and frame every one of their arguments in favor of the liberal position or "moderation" as about something else, like "civility" or "Trump's Tweets." Whatever.

And the same people who absolutely refuse to admit their actual agenda will then scold others about their "character" or "lack of integrity."

Ed, we could have a real and civil discussion about your policy preferences... if you ever admitted what your policy preferences are. But you won't. You just keep lying about them, and posing as a True Conservative who's forced to pursue a liberal path out of devotion to "civility" or whatever. And it's this constant dishonesty and false posturing that cause the incivility -- because you always have to mischaracterize your real point of contention with your opponents, and accuse them of something like "extremism" or "bad faith."

We're not "extremists," Ed. We're conservatives.

I know that's a scary word for liberals like yourself. But it's not civil to smear your political opponents as "extremist" just because it helps you obscure what your own politics actually are.

Posted by: Ace at 12:09 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 'Went too far.' I like that soft pedaling.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 12:10 PM (dNqv+)

2 not sponge

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:10 PM (LvTSG)

3 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 12:10 PM (Zz0t1)

4 Captain Ed has no principles.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Break The Teachers Unions at February 18, 2022 12:10 PM (WqYG4)

5 Would have been 1st but phone screen wouldn't stay still loading

Posted by: Skip's Phone at February 18, 2022 12:11 PM (7ArI3)

6 Hola

Posted by: Thanatopsis at February 18, 2022 12:11 PM (UqK+d)

7 Fuck the ass-end of the uniparty.

Posted by: clutch cargo - Now fortified with Vanax37, M390 and CPM-S90V at February 18, 2022 12:11 PM (wAnMi)

8 Yes, Ed, it's "extremism" for the alleged conservative party to embrace actual conservatism instead of your preferred brand of Democrat Liberalism With Some Insincere Pro-Life Messaging.


"Republicans are supposed to run on conservatism but govern as technocratic progressives in order to manage the federal government in moral ways, you rube."
-Ed Morrisey, who definitely voted for Trump, you guys

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:11 PM (LvTSG)

9 The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is concerned that Republican attacks on the Democrats' handling of the COVID-19 pandemic have "alarming credibility," according to a slide deck obtained by SFGATE.
Alarming credibility?

Sounds like malinformation to us.

Posted by: DHS at February 18, 2022 12:12 PM (DU+/6)

10 Soooo, no making up with Salem, then.


Posted by: In Reel Life (yes, dummy, on purpose) at February 18, 2022 12:12 PM (QYPq3)

11 Again, I'm not saying its likely, but its possible Biden is unable to get a SCOTUS nomination through.

Posted by: SH (Overturn Roe) at February 18, 2022 12:12 PM (sX1BW)

12 AOC is her usual commie self. Omar at least said something I have not heard a peep about out of any conservative luminary. Still a dictator's daughter, and probably just means to foam the pot.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 12:12 PM (dNqv+)

13 >>>Politico is blaming The Squad.

Ahhhh ha ha ha ha hah. They're in the power consolidation phase of socialist shithole dictatorships, and they haven't even disarmed the populace, yet.

Oh boy is this great!

Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at February 18, 2022 12:13 PM (SH2Zi)

14 Leaked Internal Democrat Polling: 57% of Voters in Competitive Districts Agree That Democrats Went "Too Far" In Their Pandemic Lockdowns

Hold my Cabernet.

Posted by: Gavin Newsom at February 18, 2022 12:13 PM (AiZBA)

15 And 59% agreed with the statement, "Democrats are too focused on pursuing an agenda that divides us and judging those who don't see things their way."
How is this possible? I'm President Unifier!

Posted by: Joe Biden at February 18, 2022 12:13 PM (DU+/6)

16 If the GOP had a nad, they could win this ON ONE ISSUE.

Government deficit spending is what is driving inflation... PERIOD... FULL STOP. 3 Trillion dollars deficit per year on a 21 Trillion GDP is right at 15%... oh... look... we are at 15% inflation???


Yet, they are about to fund the damn gov at the same levels... AGAIN. Right now... TODAY...

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 12:13 PM (oHd/0)

17 Only douches use "alas". No one says that anymore.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at February 18, 2022 12:13 PM (UuD2k)

18 Politico previously reported other findings from the DCCC: that swing voters just generally hate the Smug Woke Karen Democrats:

Democrats' own research shows that some battleground voters think the party is "preachy," "judgmental" and "focused on culture wars," according to documents obtained by POLITICO.


In order to reverse this they'll have to shovel aside their big money makers in the House like the Squad and convince rabid radicals who actually run the party apparatus and money machines in NGOs to tone it down on the thing they've been religiously indoctrinated into.

Oh, and all of their members who could potentially be moderate Democrats, real moderate Democrats, are going to get wiped out at the state and local levels this year because of the damage the national party has done to the brand.

This is just going to keep spiraling for them. I need more popcorn.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:13 PM (LvTSG)

19 You build the monster like Dr. Frankenstein did. You energize it and give it life.

Then you realize there is no "off" switch.

Sucks to be you.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 12:14 PM (Hica+)

20 Ed Morrissey is completely clueless.
He still has no idea why good people left his site in droves.

Posted by: redridinghood at February 18, 2022 12:14 PM (NpAcC)

21 Dems are backing up, They've backed up to...Hillary.

Posted by: BignJames at February 18, 2022 12:14 PM (AwYPR)

22 Ed Morrissey sucks his own cock.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 12:14 PM (Zz0t1)

23 I had an Aunt that drove a Morrisey Minor.
I think the seats were stuffed with horsehair. It smelled really weird when it rained.

Posted by: clutch cargo - Now fortified with Vanax37, M390 and CPM-S90V at February 18, 2022 12:14 PM (wAnMi)


Posted by: Yo! at February 18, 2022 12:14 PM (CxgjO)

25 Jesse James went too far with that whole bank robbery business.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 12:14 PM (FVME7)

26 Again, I'm not saying its likely, but its possible Biden is unable to get a SCOTUS nomination through.
Posted by: SH (Overturn Roe) at February 18, 2022 12:12 PM (sX1BW)

My theory is that they leaked the news of Breyer's nomination because a) they need time to figure out a compromise candidate who can be backed by both progressives and Senate Dems, and b) Dems are increasing looking to ditch Biden before the midterms, and he didn't want to risk losing out on that nomination to Harris.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at February 18, 2022 12:14 PM (wmDcS)

27 And once again the GOP will win through no fault of their own and after wining, proceed to disappoint everyone.

They don't even look like they want to win.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at February 18, 2022 12:15 PM (UuD2k)

28 >>>The latest sign of the backlash was the landslide (70%+) recall this week of three San Francisco school board members, who were criticized for prioritizing issues like the renaming of 44 public schools -- including ones honoring George Washington and Abraham Lincoln -- over a return to in-person classes.

Talking to a Silicon Valley colleague this week - we NEVER talk politics - and the person mentioned this as we chatted prior to the meeting.

Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at February 18, 2022 12:15 PM (SH2Zi)

29 Sure that's why most Democrats are trying to get out from under Covid regulations

Posted by: Skip's Phone at February 18, 2022 12:15 PM (7ArI3)

30 The democrat 'extremist' IS their party. Root and branch.

The GOPe just sits atop the Right like Louis XVI or Tsar Nicholas.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 12:15 PM (dNqv+)

31 It's so weird that Democrats are acting like voting matters.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:15 PM (LvTSG)

32 Soooo, no making up with Salem, then.

Posted by: In Reel Life (yes, dummy, on purpose) at February 18, 2022 12:12 PM (QYPq3)

My dad used to smoke Salem's.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 12:15 PM (Zz0t1)

33 Most of those polled are either retards that think the lockdowns had a medical purpose in the first place instead of just being the left waging war on political opponents.

That's aside from the large population of dishonest progs that knew what it was about and supported it anyways.

The lockdowns were obvious bullshit from the start because they came on the tail end of 3-4 months of ass-covering, obscuring the origin of the virus, fighting to prevent Trump from blocking travel from China, deliberately negligent repatriations of afflicted Americans, and bureacratic games intended to ensure testing didn't find anything until it was time to find it everywhere, all the time.

This was a deliberate attack from start to finish. And it's not finished yet, as they kill hundreds of thousands of us with bullshit jabs they've either exempted themselves from or faked taking. I said this yesterday as well: the jab mandate is the "ordering people onto the trains" moment in this.

Posted by: somedood - skull mountain sherpa at February 18, 2022 12:15 PM (doiJh)

34 If Castreau can assume dictatorial powers in Canada, I'm sure the fraudulent retard in DC can do so as well. Don't count on midterms to retain/regain your freedoms.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at February 18, 2022 12:15 PM (5kI0z)

35 The hard-left politics of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and the so-called "Squad," once a dominant theme for vast numbers of elected Democrats, is backfiring big-time on the party in power, top Democrats tell us.
They're grasping. The squad are famous, but they're not special or exceptional. They're the *norm* in the Democrat party. They define the standard position. They are mainstream.

This, more than anything, is why we have people like the retiring Dem in Tennessee warning that the entire party is going to die in places that aren't hard Left with wholly-owned local machinery.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 18, 2022 12:16 PM (DU+/6)

36 There being a sudden dramatic split between public wishes and what a government actually does, is exactly what you would see if your government was completely overthrown in a coup and the people in charge have no fear or the least bit concern about what the public, their new slaves, think about anything as shown in polls or, lol, "voting".

Posted by: banana Dream at February 18, 2022 12:16 PM (bYTQR)

37 Jesse James went too far with that whole bank robbery business.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks

He was probably ok until he went to Minnesota.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 12:16 PM (Hica+)

38 Oh, and all of their members who could potentially be moderate Democrats, real moderate Democrats, are going to get wiped out at the state and local levels this year because of the damage the national party has done to the brand.

It's what happened back in 2010. Obama was a disaster for the party, because progressives thought that they no longer needed the blue-collar whites, while at the same time Dems across all levels of gov lost over a thousand seats over the eight years of his administration. This meant a lot of rising stars were forced out.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at February 18, 2022 12:16 PM (wmDcS)

39 It's part of a barrage of evidence that the progressive activism of the Squad pushed the party's image way left of where most voters are -- even most Democratic voters.

Posted by: Ace at 12:09 PM

So the argument will be "it's the squads fault" not all the other house and senate libs that have been voting and talking up Burn/Loot/Murder, CRT, DIE and Defund the Cops.

I can see how this might work with the LIVs just fine.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at February 18, 2022 12:16 PM (vnqom)

40 "Fuck you, you useless braindead obese cunt." One of the best lines of 2022.

Posted by: Ganowicz Commie Exterminators, LTD. at February 18, 2022 12:16 PM (LSDnv)

41 "Politico is blaming The Squad."

I love when they blame a small minority of the party. The entire Democrat Caucus wholly and fully endorsed every one of these attacks on our society and people. How do I know? Well, at least we still have voting records and some of these bills passed with unanimous or near unanimous votes. Plus I guarantee you every Democrat put out a statement in support of this woke garbage.

Also, last time I checked Pelosi set the Democrats agenda. You know, "Iron Nancy" with the eyebrows running away from her face. It's not junior members of Congress.

Democrats are gunna need a bigger boat.

Posted by: Marcus T, Recovering at February 18, 2022 12:17 PM (VpIIl)

42 Poppin' Fresh is still around? I would have thought he ate himself to death.

Posted by: Capital Eff at February 18, 2022 12:17 PM (GYllL)

43 >>>Don't count on midterms to retain/regain your freedoms.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at February 18, 2022 12:15 PM (5kI0z)

So-called "freedoms".

Posted by: In Reel Life (yes, dummy, on purpose) at February 18, 2022 12:17 PM (QYPq3)

44 17 Only douches use "alas". No one says that anymore.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at February 18, 2022 12:13 PM (UuD2k)

Use of archaic language is like a secret handshake. It speaks to the refinement and historical knowledge of the writer.

We're like a bowling league, yo.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 12:17 PM (dNqv+)

The GOP is gutless wonders

Posted by: Yo! at February 18, 2022 12:17 PM (CxgjO)

46 Yeah no one believes that. Hot Air realized that it wasn't viable to have a supposed "conservative" blog where the two longest-serving writer had both voted for Democrats in both 2016 and 2020 and so decided that one of them would have to lie and claim he voted for Trump.


Don't you just love the fresh smell of desperation in the morning.

Posted by: President Select Decaf at February 18, 2022 12:17 PM (N2gf7)

47 Nothing but bad news for the squad and Dems.

I may be calling my doctor - I fear this one may last more than 4 hours.

Posted by: 496 at February 18, 2022 12:17 PM (VJsqe)

48 So, voters recognize democrats as supporting the positions they actually support? Issue is they are failing to fool people? Am I obtuse? I honestly don't understand the point.

Posted by: Farmer Bob at February 18, 2022 12:18 PM (357SM)

49 Just like conservatives are not apt to attend protests , I think real conservatives avoid becoming pundits. Part of my definition of a conservative is not telling people what to think . Kind of a hindrance to being a pundit.

Posted by: Anti doesn't matter at February 18, 2022 12:18 PM (7RvOV)

50 "The Democrats shouldn't worry too much about covid, though.
Because they're in even worse trouble on crime, the border, and woke bullshit."

You had a Quinnipiac poll up yesterday that said Dems top issue was 'climate change.' Weirdos.

Posted by: Durable Yet Minimal gp-Based Barrier at February 18, 2022 12:18 PM (qpX6U)

51 Sure Democrat "Voters" are mad at the Democrats but are they mad enough to vote for the GOP or more importantly, will Dominion and The Donk Fraud Machine let them vote GOP?

Pretty much all the state that had problems with fraud in 2020 have Senators up for election, PA, WI, AZ, GA.

Is the GOP going to have enough people in the Philly, Atlanta, Maricopa county vote centers to make sure nothing fraudy happens?

Posted by: Thomas Bender at February 18, 2022 12:18 PM (utrIp)

52 Hugh Hewitt hardest hit.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at February 18, 2022 12:18 PM (bkUtD)

53 Poppin' Fresh is still around? I would have thought he ate himself to death.
Posted by: Capital Eff at February 18, 2022 12:17 PM (GYllL)

Soon. Death by Little Debbie.

Posted by: Ganowicz Commie Exterminators, LTD. at February 18, 2022 12:18 PM (LSDnv)

54 I remember the 2004 election and thinking it helped not at all for the dems to show their asses because then the reps did not have to be conservative to win. I hope the idiots in both parties keep losing, but I have that feeling again. I figure there will be a realignment toward "conservative" views, but because these idiots have really gone off the deep end in everyone's view, people can still be idiots and win.

Posted by: Catherine at February 18, 2022 12:18 PM (NPNqG)

55 35 This, more than anything, is why we have people like the retiring Dem in Tennessee warning that the entire party is going to die in places that aren't hard Left with wholly-owned local machinery.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 18, 2022 12:16 PM (DU+/6)


One generation of Democrats got wiped out in 2010. In 2022, the next generation of Democrats are also going to get wiped out outside of blue enclaves.

It's just going to further the party's descent into an outright communist party. There already is no one in power to counteract them beyond the deep state aligned people who really don't mind the idea of increased centralized power. Another wipeout will prevent any moderate Democrat from rising to power in purple to red states and potentially map a new direction for the party.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:18 PM (LvTSG)

56 Ed Morrissey is completely clueless.
He still has no idea why good people left his site in droves.
Posted by: redridinghood at February 18, 2022 12:14 PM (NpAcC)

When did he snap? I sort of remember having doubts about him when he was doing Captain's Quarters. Most people didn't realize his Cabin Boy was Bill Kristol.

Posted by: clutch cargo - Now fortified with Vanax37, M390 and CPM-S90V at February 18, 2022 12:18 PM (wAnMi)

57 "16 If the GOP had a nad, they could win this ON ONE ISSUE.

Government deficit spending is what is driving inflation... PERIOD... FULL STOP. 3 Trillion dollars deficit per year on a 21 Trillion GDP is right at 15%... oh... look... we are at 15% inflation???


Yet, they are about to fund the damn gov at the same levels... AGAIN. Right now... TODAY...
Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 12:13 PM (oHd/0)"

It's worse than that. It quietly came out a few weeks ago that they'd printed 10-15 trillion more than previously acknowledged, and then stepped it up to roughly a trillion a week towards the end of the data.

The actual deficit is pretty meaningless and small potatoes compared to the main things driving the increase in the monetary base.

Posted by: somedood - skull mountain sherpa at February 18, 2022 12:18 PM (doiJh)

58 >>>Don't count on midterms to retain/regain your freedoms.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at February 18, 2022 12:15 PM (5kI0z)

So-called "freedoms".
Posted by: In Reel Life (yes, dummy, on purpose) at February 18, 2022 12:17 PM (QYPq3)

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

Posted by: Napoleon XIV at February 18, 2022 12:18 PM (AiZBA)

59 Bongino had a headline this morning saying the NM senator returned to DC. Now it's gone.

So incorrect or false reporting.

Posted by: I Mean at February 18, 2022 12:19 PM (5rVgw)

60 43 >>>Don't count on midterms to retain/regain your freedoms.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at February 18, 2022 12:15 PM (5kI0z)

So-called "freedoms".
Posted by: In Reel Life (yes, dummy, on purpose) at February 18, 2022 12:17 PM (QYPq3)

Saying you are not already free is Mal Information, please report to Camp Obama for your mandatory cultural realignment class.

Posted by: DHS..... at February 18, 2022 12:19 PM (oHd/0)

61 After all, what happens when the most extreme elements of a major political party start controlling its policies and tactics? They lose voters in the center and sometimes within the party's coalition, and wind up defining their colleagues by their spectacular failures rather than accomplishments.
So, if this is his argument - that both Trump and the hard-left Dems are alienating the vast center - then where is his evidence for it? Because I'm not seeing it. If he's right, then it should spell the end of the Uniparty and a new populist movement. Where is it, if he's correct?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 18, 2022 12:19 PM (DU+/6)

62 Removed San Francisco school board member gracefully accepts defeat.

Ex-SF school board member who likened Asian Americans to 'house n****r' rages about how 'the Right has essentially weaponized discussions of race'

Commissioner Gabriela Lopez
So if you fight for racial justice, this is the consequence. Don't be mistaken, white supremacists are enjoying this. And the support of the recall is aligned with this.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 12:19 PM (FVME7)

63 I saw Braindead Obese Cunt open for GWAR at The Toyota Music Factory in 2014.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 12:19 PM (Zz0t1)

64 34 If Castreau can assume dictatorial powers in Canada, I'm sure the fraudulent retard in DC can do so as well. Don't count on midterms to retain/regain your freedoms.
Posted by: Thomas Paine at February 18, 2022 12:15 PM (5kI0z)

Trudeau can do it because Canadian "Law" allows him to. (unless Parliament shows a spine, which I doubt very strongly) This is why we have a Bill of Rights enshrined in our Constitution; the Constitution has to be suspended and martial law installed over the entire country for that to happen.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 12:19 PM (trdmm)

65 38
It's what happened back in 2010. Obama was a disaster for the party, because progressives thought that they no longer needed the blue-collar whites, while at the same time Dems across all levels of gov lost over a thousand seats over the eight years of his administration. This meant a lot of rising stars were forced out.
Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at February 18, 2022 12:16 PM (wmDcS)


And they're in a much weaker position now (they had 60 senate seats in 2009. 60!), and they're going to get wiped out.

All that will be left will be AOC. The idea that the party is suddenly going to moderate after a wipeout in 2022 is silly. I be Ed Morrisey believes it.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:19 PM (LvTSG)

66 Went ahead and looked up Ed Driscoll and Ed Morrissey.

-Driscoll, was he a stand up comic?

-Morrissey. Dear God, he looks like Tater's step-brother.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 12:19 PM (dNqv+)

67 Only douches use "alas". No one says that anymore.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe

Use of archaic language is like a secret handshake. It speaks to the refinement and historical knowledge of the writer.

We're like a bowling league, yo.
Posted by: Aetius451AD

Alas, I need new bowling shoes.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 12:20 PM (Hica+)

*runs around, hair on fire *

Posted by: nurse ratched at February 18, 2022 12:20 PM (W2Pud)

69 very, very odd to hear Erick Erickson wake up a bit....he's never going to get a job on CNN now

Posted by: ziggggyeeee at February 18, 2022 12:20 PM (AsMdZ)

70 The sad part is, the dems may lose but the system will always win.

Just like sports, the players and teams may change, but it's the same game.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at February 18, 2022 12:20 PM (KbCG3)

71 40 "Fuck you, you useless braindead obese cunt." One of the best lines of 2022.
Posted by: Ganowicz Commie Exterminators, LTD. at February 18, 2022 12:16 PM (LSDnv)

Since revised to: Fuck you, "Captain," you useless obese midwit twat.

I like the original better. It's punchier.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 12:20 PM (II3Gr)

72 No! No! Not the barrel! Please! NOT THE BARREL!!!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 12:20 PM (FVME7)

73 Blacks and Asians want to be locked down?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 18, 2022 12:20 PM (63Dwl)

74 11 Again, I'm not saying its likely, but its possible Biden is unable to get a SCOTUS nomination through.

Posted by: SH (Overturn Roe) at February 18, 2022 12:12 PM (sX1BW)

Who leaked my plan to you, to let me send out Joe to play the race card even harder?

Posted by: His Highness Ron Klain at February 18, 2022 12:20 PM (AMIL/)

75 the GOPe will find a way to squander this and any advantage

Posted by: DB - disgraced women's curling official at February 18, 2022 12:20 PM (geLO8)

76 It's just going to further the party's descent into an outright communist party. There already is no one in power to counteract them beyond the deep state aligned people who really don't mind the idea of increased centralized power. Another wipeout will prevent any moderate Democrat from rising to power in purple to red states and potentially map a new direction for the party.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:18 PM (LvTSG)
But they'll still hold the deep state, and they're all exactly like the the squad.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 18, 2022 12:20 PM (DU+/6)

77 The sun's out !

I thought the wind blew it away.

Posted by: JT at February 18, 2022 12:21 PM (arJlL)

78 The Karens are out there. The Dems were playing to them, the suburban vino mom or gen Z hystericals. Apparently US population, even democrat one , is a bit more diverse than that.

Posted by: runner at February 18, 2022 12:21 PM (Axa8z)

79 >>>Is the GOP going to have enough people in the Philly, Atlanta, Maricopa county vote centers to make sure nothing fraudy happens?
Posted by: Thomas Bender

Not in Philly. They bar GOP watchers from polling places, and the mayor does nothing about it.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at February 18, 2022 12:21 PM (bkUtD)

80 Democrats' own research shows that some battleground voters think the party is "preachy," "judgmental" and "focused on culture wars," according to documents obtained by POLITICO.
That explains the Dem's recent stress on Republicans as "culture warriors".

Posted by: Axeman at February 18, 2022 12:21 PM (xjV3I)

81 So what does the GOP learn from this?


Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at February 18, 2022 12:21 PM (6Pupv)

82 64 34 If Castreau can assume dictatorial powers in Canada, I'm sure the fraudulent retard in DC can do so as well. Don't count on midterms to retain/regain your freedoms.
Posted by: Thomas Paine at February 18, 2022 12:15 PM (5kI0z)

Trudeau can do it because Canadian "Law" allows him to. (unless Parliament shows a spine, which I doubt very strongly) This is why we have a Bill of Rights enshrined in our Constitution; the Constitution has to be suspended and martial law installed over the entire country for that to happen.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 12:19 PM (trdmm)

An election was stolen in front of our eyes. I would not rely on documents to keep us safe.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at February 18, 2022 12:21 PM (KbCG3)

83 79
Not in Philly. They bar GOP watchers from polling places, and the mayor does nothing about it.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at February 18, 2022 12:21 PM (bkUtD)


That seems like it's against the law. What do your brothers in the Philadelphia police force think about that?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:21 PM (LvTSG)

84 69 very, very odd to hear Erick Erickson wake up a bit....he's never going to get a job on CNN now
Posted by: ziggggyeeee at February 18, 2022 12:20 PM (AsMdZ)

Maybe starting to realize that it may not be about a sweet money paying gig now?


Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 12:21 PM (dNqv+)

85 So, if this is his argument - that both Trump and the hard-left Dems are alienating the vast center - then where is his evidence for it? Because I'm not seeing it. If he's right, then it should spell the end of the Uniparty and a new populist movement. Where is it, if he's correct?
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 18, 2022 12:19 PM (DU+/6)

I have never, ever, heard that the Left alienates the "center." This is only a thing that happens to the Right. Negative advertising alienates the center they say. But Dems don't listen to such bushwa.

The problem here is not that the "center" has been driven away. It is that EVERYBODY has been driven away.

Posted by: blaster at February 18, 2022 12:22 PM (9otr5)

86 >>Alas, I need new bowling shoes.

Posted by: rickb223

forsooth- let's get some hot wings

Posted by: DB - disgraced women's curling official at February 18, 2022 12:22 PM (geLO8)

87 Remember when Ace went on man-dates with Allahpundit? Good times.

Posted by: Ian S. at February 18, 2022 12:22 PM (ZGrMX)

88 Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.
Posted by: Napoleon XIV

Nothin' ain't worth nothin' but it's free.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 12:22 PM (Hica+)

89 In Philly, just register as a dem and be a poll watcher. Infiltrate.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at February 18, 2022 12:22 PM (jTmQV)

90 >>>67 Only douches use "alas". No one says that anymore.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe

I get what you're saying, he's is ALWAYS putting on airs with that twee sort of "Internet Patois" that was au currant around 2003.

the faux stuffiness, the Briticisms, etc. All of these weak personality types suck up whatever Default Personality they see around them.

Posted by: ace at February 18, 2022 12:22 PM (0G13K)

91 Jesse James should have gotten into Congress, played the stock market and made millions

Posted by: Skip's Phone at February 18, 2022 12:22 PM (7ArI3)

92 I like Ed a lot, but it is ridiculous to suggest anything about Trump was politically extreme.

Posted by: Ted Torgerson at February 18, 2022 12:23 PM (vN+oL)

93 Trudeau can do it because Canadian "Law" allows him to. (unless Parliament shows a spine, which I doubt very strongly) This is why we have a Bill of Rights enshrined in our Constitution; the Constitution has to be suspended and martial law installed over the entire country for that to happen.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 12:19 PM (trdmm)

/looks at his pile of masks...
/Looks at Jan 6 people still locked up...

Uh... have you been paying attention the last couple of years?

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 12:23 PM (oHd/0)

94 An election was stolen in front of our eyes. I would not rely on documents to keep us safe.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at February 18, 2022 12:21 PM (KbCG3)

The Constitution either allows the government we currently have or has failed to prevent it.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at February 18, 2022 12:23 PM (UuD2k)

95 Alarming credibility?

Sounds like malinformation to us.
Posted by: DHS at February 18, 2022 12:12

Exactly. True...but dangerous to speak. Speaking Substack h truths might encourage terr'rists.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at February 18, 2022 12:23 PM (OssQ4)

96 That seems like it's against the law. What do your brothers in the Philadelphia police force think about that?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:21 PM (LvTSG)


That's a good one!

Posted by: blaster at February 18, 2022 12:23 PM (9otr5)

97 very, very odd to hear Erick Erickson wake up a bit....he's never going to get a job on CNN now

More like he's realized CNN's not a gig anyone wants now.

Posted by: Ian S. at February 18, 2022 12:23 PM (ZGrMX)

98 >>>That seems like it's against the law. What do your brothers in the Philadelphia police force think about that?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks

It's a joke, but uniformed police officers are not allowed within 100 feet of a polling place on voting day. Only if we are called. Remember the Black panthers intimidating voters for Obama? Remember what happened to them?


Posted by: Wyatt Earp at February 18, 2022 12:23 PM (bkUtD)

99 >>>Only douches use "alas". No one says that anymore.

'Tis true

Posted by: 496 at February 18, 2022 12:23 PM (VJsqe)

100 "The actual deficit is pretty meaningless and small potatoes compared to the main things driving the increase in the monetary base."

These will blow your mind:

As for spending, there isn't a cunt-hair's difference btw Dem and Repubs. They both spend like crazy. No major pol talks about deficits anymore.

Posted by: Durable Yet Minimal gp-Based Barrier at February 18, 2022 12:23 PM (qpX6U)

101 Democrats' own research shows that some battleground voters think the party is "preachy," "judgmental" and "focused on culture wars," according to documents obtained by POLITICO.
I'm guessing I know. It doesn't affect their pensions one bit.

Posted by: Axeman at February 18, 2022 12:23 PM (xjV3I)

102 Judges and politicians wipe their asses with the Constitution every day

Posted by: DB - disgraced women's curling official at February 18, 2022 12:23 PM (geLO8)

103 Alas, I need new bowling shoes.

Posted by: rickb223

forsooth- let's get some hot wings
Posted by: DB

Jocundly! My treat!

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 12:23 PM (Hica+)

104 Canadian Parliament is still out checking the traps.

Posted by: klaftern at February 18, 2022 12:23 PM (taPSh)

105 Most hispanic voters are repulsed by the woke sexual bullshit; and crime is a huge issue for them as well. That's why the idea of Texas turning blue is ridiculous, it's turning more and more red.

By the way, I now think in the AG's race it's going to come down to a runoff election between Paxton and Gohmert. Probably no one will hit 50% the first time around.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 12:24 PM (trdmm)

106 Ace, some edits are best left undone. Your first description of Cap'n Ed was better.

Posted by: huerfano at February 18, 2022 12:24 PM (MzKgG)

107 I remain convinced that the planet - or at least the human civilization part of it - have only a handful of years left. But hey, the Democrats are in charge, and that's the important part, right?
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at February 18, 2022 11:16 AM (p+1gI)

If you don't have hobbies and pets right now, get 'em.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at February 18, 2022 12:24 PM (44ww/)

108 "The idea that the party is suddenly going to moderate after a wipeout in 2022 is silly."

Indeed. On Democrat consultant said they've probably tarred their brand for a generation.

Nobody will readily forget what Democrats said they were going to do, and then ran in the complete opposite direction towards Marxism, racism, wokeness, COVID tyranny and supporting illegal immigrants over the citizens.

Posted by: Marcus T, Recovering at February 18, 2022 12:24 PM (VpIIl)

109 >>>The hard-left politics of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and the so-called "Squad," once a dominant theme for vast numbers of elected Democrats, is backfiring big-time on the party in power, top Democrats tell us.

I am fondly recalling the prototypical braindead leftist telling everyone that AOC was the future of the dem party.

Let it be so.

Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at February 18, 2022 12:24 PM (SH2Zi)

110 The Squad! The Squad!

It's always the Squad!!
Remember Donald Trump's SOTU speech, where all the women in the Demo caucus wore white, something about being symbolic with the suffragettes? Or....was it just....THE SQUAD?!
Funny how the Democruds play reverse - identity politics when it suits them.
For those scoring at home, the SQUAD! is
Ayanna Presley
Ilhan Omar
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez
Rashid Talib

Honorary member:
The late Leslie Nielsen (I might be making that up)

Posted by: Bozo Conservative...Living on the Prison Planet at February 18, 2022 12:24 PM (vcOmj)

111 If not mentioned - from everywhere...

Rep. Jim Hagedorn (R-Minn.) has died following a battle with kidney cancer. He was 59.

Posted by: Nova local at February 18, 2022 12:24 PM (exHjb)

112 Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 12:13 PM (oHd/0)"

Unfortunately the saying ' democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. '

Doing the right thing doesn't seem possible anymore and still retain some political power.

Posted by: Anti doesn't matter at February 18, 2022 12:24 PM (7RvOV)

113 98 It's a joke, but uniformed police officers are not allowed within 100 feet of a polling place on voting day. Only if we are called. Remember the Black panthers intimidating voters for Obama? Remember what happened to them?

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at February 18, 2022 12:23 PM (bkUtD)


Maybe a bunch of out of uniform cops should volunteer to be poll watchers.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:24 PM (LvTSG)

114 Ed Morrissey, a "True Conservative," immediately suggests that the Democrats' embrace of far-left extremists is just like the Republicans' embrace of far-right extremists -- like actual conservatives, like strong border policies

I like how squishy fucks like Poppin' Fresh are always quick to label a middle of the road conservative policy as "extreme".

Posted by: Captain Hate won't forget Michael Byrd Murdered Ashli Babbitt at February 18, 2022 12:24 PM (y7DUB)

115 That seems like it's against the law. What do your brothers in the Philadelphia police force think about that?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks
I'm guessing I know. It doesn't affect their pensions one bit. (This was the post that comment was *supposed* to be directed to).

Posted by: Axeman at February 18, 2022 12:24 PM (xjV3I)

116 AoSHQ: come for the alarming, stay for the credibility.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at February 18, 2022 12:25 PM (W/MyG)

117 Oh, and all of their members who could potentially be moderate Democrats, real moderate Democrats, are going to get wiped out at the state and local levels this year because of the damage the national party has done to the brand.


After the midterms Democrats will be represented by only the most foul and extreme Congress critters because they come from deeply Dem districts. Competitive districts will pay for the sins of the extremists. It's just the way it goes, you go extreme then that's all you have left.

Posted by: President Select Decaf at February 18, 2022 12:25 PM (N2gf7)

118 Is the GOP going to have enough people in the Philly, Atlanta, Maricopa county vote centers to make sure nothing fraudy happens?

We don't have the resources to do any of that. Most of our people are busy counting money. Idiot.

Posted by: Ronna Romney at February 18, 2022 12:25 PM (GYllL)

119 I have never, ever, heard that the Left alienates the "center." This is only a thing that happens to the Right. Negative advertising alienates the center they say. But Dems don't listen to such bushwa.

The problem here is not that the "center" has been driven away. It is that EVERYBODY has been driven away.
Posted by: blaster at February 18, 2022 12:22 PM (9otr5)

The issue is (IMO), that just like Race, they are FORCING people to choose sides. You can't just keep your head down and live. Its hard to ignore it when your company forces you to wear a mask, get an untested Shot, and tell everyone in a seminar you are a Racisty Racist.

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 12:25 PM (oHd/0)

120 >>>HAHAHAHAHAHAHA (breath)

That's a good one!
Posted by: blaster

I would say that the majority of police officers I know are very conservative. The problem is the inner city blacks and Hispanics who vote for this nonsense.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at February 18, 2022 12:25 PM (bkUtD)

121 Anyone who starts with the " Right Wing extremists " loses me straight away because I am sure they are talking about Fascism.

Posted by: Skip's Phone at February 18, 2022 12:25 PM (7ArI3)

122 >>> Only douches use "alas". No one says that anymore.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe

a las, lassie, babycakes, sheila

Posted by: banana Dream at February 18, 2022 12:25 PM (bYTQR)

123 73 Blacks and Asians want to be locked down? I doubt the blacks do (too much "free" shopping and mayhem). The Asians? Probably just for their own safety (see prior sentence).

Posted by: pahound at February 18, 2022 12:25 PM (VvFFK)

124 As for spending, there isn't a cunt-hair's difference btw Dem and Repubs. They both spend like crazy. No major pol talks about deficits anymore.
Posted by: Durable Yet Minimal gp-Based Barrier at February 18, 2022 12:23 PM (qpX6U)

Increasing the deficit is the plan, not the consequence. As soon as you understand this, everything makes a lot more sense.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at February 18, 2022 12:25 PM (UuD2k)

125 @79

>>Not in Philly. They bar GOP watchers from polling places, and the mayor does nothing about it.

And that's how the Donks swipe these races.

They locate their fraud operations in Deep Donk/Deep POC ie Black areas and bar anyone from observing under the threat of violence and or charges of racism.

Until that shit ends they can steal races.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at February 18, 2022 12:25 PM (utrIp)

126 What I see happening this fall is about 80 GOP members of the house and senate not being allowed to take their seats, based on a show trial by the J6 committee. Thus, the senate will have approximately 95 members, and the house around 360, both with democrat majorities.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at February 18, 2022 12:25 PM (5kI0z)

127 >>>106 Ace, some edits are best left undone. Your first description of Cap'n Ed was better.

i get worried about the c-word

even though it CLEARLY applies

he is why the british invented the c-word

Posted by: ace at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (0G13K)

128 /looks at his pile of masks...
/Looks at Jan 6 people still locked up...

Uh... have you been paying attention the last couple of years?
Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 12:23 PM (oHd/0)

The real reason the Jan 6 protesters are screwed is because they got trapped in a Federal enclave (DC) where all the judges and juries are creatures of the Fed'l government, and there are no State officials or State laws that can offer them any assistance.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (trdmm)

129 I have never, ever, heard that the Left alienates the "center."

I don't think there is a center. Politics isn't a number line. I'm positive of that. At the least, it's a graph - with Economics at one axis, and Social Policy at the other.

And that's not even adequate - but its as good as I can do. Because I'm entirely two dimensional in my thinking. There are more than three dimensions in modelling politics - and I can't visualize that, although I can understand it vaguely.

Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (ycdlF)

130 "AoSHQ: come for the alarming, stay for the credibility."

I come to learn the fine art of vituperation.

Posted by: Durable Yet Minimal gp-Based Barrier at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (qpX6U)

131 So glad I never read Morrisey or Allahpundit.

Posted by: Lizzy at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (Izr3o)

132 American elections are like Professional Wrestling.
Those of us angered by the cheating and corruption are like the fans yelling at the referee. "Can't he see the chair hit the good guy in the head?"

Meanwhile the ones who write the script sit back and laugh at the crowd who bought tickets.

Posted by: Winston Alabaster at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (6BTho)

133 When did he snap? I sort of remember having doubts about him when he was doing Captain's Quarters. Most people didn't realize his Cabin Boy was Bill Kristol.

Posted by: clutch cargo - Now fortified with Vanax37, M390 and CPM-S90V at February 18, 2022 12:18 PM (wAnMi)

I used to read Ed...15+ years ago.

Posted by: BignJames at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (AwYPR)

134 My new way to insult a Branch Covidian Karen at the supermarket is to pull out the phone, pretend to take a call, and say, "I'm in aisle four at the Soopers with some of the masked Branch Covidians," just barely loud enough to be heard by the one I'm passing.

Posted by: Mr Gaga at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (KiBMU)

135 Fuck you, "Captain," you useless obese midwit twat.

LOL.. Poetry sheer poetry ACE

Posted by: It's me donna at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (J8ILO)

136 All that will be left will be AOC. The idea that the party is suddenly going to moderate after a wipeout in 2022 is silly. I be Ed Morrisey believes it.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:19 PM (LvTSG)
A Dem congressional wipeout will result in all of their House leadership resigning. Pelosi, Hoyer, Clyburn, etc.

Who will take over? There won't be moderates. It will be the hard left.

The corporate uniparty will try co-opt them. But their messaging to LIVs throughout the country will be far off.

Posted by: Revenant at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (ydlAE)

137 1. Bidens nominee will easily be confirmed with Gope votes.

2. A Gope congress in 23 will continue deficit spending.

Posted by: I've got bad news for you at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (5rVgw)

138 Boobs.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (Zz0t1)

139 If you don't have hobbies and pets right now, get 'em.
Posted by: BourbonChicken

Raising chickens for hobby & sport!

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 12:27 PM (Hica+)

140 127 i get worried about the c-word

even though it CLEARLY applies

he is why the british invented the c-word
Posted by: ace at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (0G13K)


Thanks for the quote! Not my best work, but I guess it did its job.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:27 PM (LvTSG)

141 And once again the GOP will win through no fault of their own and after wining, proceed to disappoint everyone.

They don't even look like they want to win.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at February 18, 2022 12:15 PM (UuD2k)


Primarying is our friend.

Posted by: President Select Decaf at February 18, 2022 12:27 PM (N2gf7)

142 The people hate us, and voters are rapidly turning away from our Democrat-daddy government! (drinks, starts touching self)

Oh, yeah...I'm one of the only intelligent people that truly understand the science and cafes about her fellow citizens! I'm so virtuous! (more vigorous rubbing, breathing quickens)

Oh, yes! I'm a self-sacrificing martyr and a better person than all of you! (climax, another drink).


Posted by: Bored White Suburban Wine Mom, Virtue Signalling Vigorously at February 18, 2022 12:27 PM (NCgXW)

143 Nobody will readily forget what Democrats said they were going to do, and then ran in the complete opposite direction towards Marxism, racism, wokeness, COVID tyranny and supporting illegal immigrants over the citizens.

Posted by: Marcus T, Recovering at February 18, 2022 12:24 PM (VpIIl)

GenZ's rampant depression and anxiety from uncertainties tied to China virus policies may have a lasting impression.

Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at February 18, 2022 12:27 PM (SH2Zi)

I used to read Ed...15+ years ago.
Posted by: BignJames at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (AwYPR)

Everything Michelle Malkin sells off turns to crap.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 12:27 PM (Zz0t1)

145 Reports of heavy mortar fire in Ukraine.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 12:27 PM (FVME7)

146 126 What I see happening this fall is about 80 GOP members of the house and senate not being allowed to take their seats, based on a show trial by the J6 committee. Thus, the senate will have approximately 95 members, and the house around 360, both with democrat majorities.
Posted by: Thomas Paine at February 18, 2022 12:25 PM (5kI0z)

They would like to do that - but with the entire country collapsing financially, which is where we'll be next winter, they don't have a chance of pulling it off. Too many on their side want to save their own skins from the chaos to come.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 12:27 PM (trdmm)

147 Current police officers cannot work at polling places either. We do have some retired cops who work at them, though.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at February 18, 2022 12:27 PM (bkUtD)

148 ...then it should spell the end of the Uniparty and a new populist movement. Where is it, if he's correct?
Posted by: Joe Mannix

Trump *was* that movement. Evidenced by the many, many actual Democrats at his rallies, and also by the entire Uniparty attacking him from day one.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at February 18, 2022 12:28 PM (OssQ4)

149 So, the Democrats are going to have to cheat a bit more to retain power. I'm sure they're up to the task.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at February 18, 2022 12:28 PM (p+1gI)

150 127 i get worried about the c-word

even though it CLEARLY applies

he is why the british invented the c-word
Posted by: ace at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (0G13K

See you next Tuesday!

Posted by: nurse ratched at February 18, 2022 12:28 PM (W2Pud)

151 145 Reports of heavy mortar fire in Ukraine.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 12:27 PM (FVME7)

You mean Biden is gonna get his war right on schedule ?

Posted by: It's me donna at February 18, 2022 12:28 PM (J8ILO)

152 136 A Dem congressional wipeout will result in all of their House leadership resigning. Pelosi, Hoyer, Clyburn, etc.

Who will take over? There won't be moderates. It will be the hard left.

The corporate uniparty will try co-opt them. But their messaging to LIVs throughout the country will be far off.
Posted by: Revenant at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (ydlAE)


It's obvious that people like Tulsi Gabbard and Kristen Sinema are vying for leadership in a future congress as more moderate examples of the party.

I also doubt their ability to get it.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:28 PM (LvTSG)

153 56 Ed Morrissey is completely clueless.
He still has no idea why good people left his site in droves.
Posted by: redridinghood at February 18, 2022 12:14 PM (NpAcC)

When did he snap? I sort of remember having doubts about him when he was doing Captain's Quarters. Most people didn't realize his Cabin Boy was Bill Kristol. Posted by: clutch cargo
No cred Ed M. became famous due to an accident of history. He allowed Canuck bloggers to use his site to show Liberal Party scumbuggery involving media subsidies back in the Chretien era.

There was and is no indication that Ed was anything more than a pedestrian California transplant to MN with commensurate political views. So, for Ed, following his master's voice of corporate Salem in promoting America last, is par for the course.

Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 12:28 PM (Iq9dF)

154 Ed Morrissey is a fag, who thinks sucking dick is not gay, if the dicks you suck remain limp at all times.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at February 18, 2022 12:28 PM (KFhLj)

155 The only hope the 1/6 jailees have is a republican win in 2024 and a prez willing to pardon them all.

Trump coulda, but didn't. Some were in jail on the day he left office.

Posted by: Mr Gaga at February 18, 2022 12:28 PM (KiBMU)

156 145 Reports of heavy mortar fire in Ukraine.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 12:27 PM (FVME7)

I wouldn't be surprised if its coming from some CIA assets trying to start the war Joe so desperately wants.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 12:28 PM (trdmm)

157 Ed Morrissey looks like the final stage of Brian Stelter after he exits his chrysalis.

Posted by: Azathoth at February 18, 2022 12:28 PM (W3VUu)

158 Boobs.
Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe!


Posted by: JT at February 18, 2022 12:28 PM (arJlL)

159 145 Reports of heavy mortar fire in Ukraine.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 12:27 PM (FVME7)

Like reporters know the difference between light and heavy mortar fire.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at February 18, 2022 12:28 PM (UuD2k)

160 Word to GOP:

Run ads in WI, MI, and other states pointing out how gleefully the Democrat Governors there crushed individual liberty, without any reluctance or hesitation, before being told by their state Supreme Courts that they went beyond their constitutional authority. Repeatedly. Yeah. That piece of paper they swore to protect and defend when they took their oath of office. Evers and Whitmer should not have a chance of being re-elected. The issue for the fall - liberty. You cannot miss.

Posted by: Emil Blatz at February 18, 2022 12:29 PM (MGMZa)

161 for attacking Trump and Trump-supporting Republicans (which is like 80-90% of Republicans)


The SF Chronicle had an article saying that McCarthy endorsing Cheney's primary opponent had "split" the Republican Party.

Yeah, right.

Posted by: Zombie FDR! at February 18, 2022 12:29 PM (I2/tG)

162 Reports of heavy mortar fire in Ukraine.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 12:27 PM (FVME7)

As opposed to light mortar fire.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 12:29 PM (Zz0t1)

163 It's so weird that Democrats are acting like voting matters.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:15 PM (LvTSG)


It must be worse even than the polling being published. They must have worked out that they would need to forge more votes than there is population in districts to win.

Posted by: President Select Decaf at February 18, 2022 12:29 PM (N2gf7)

I wouldn't be surprised if its coming from some CIA assets trying to start the war Joe so desperately wants.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 12:28 PM (trdmm)

Which is exactly what I think

Posted by: It's me donna at February 18, 2022 12:29 PM (J8ILO)

165 By the way, I now think in the AG's race it's going to come down to a runoff election between Paxton and Gohmert. Probably no one will hit 50% the first time around.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 12:24 PM (trdmm)

I don't understand why at this time we are making it harder on ourself to remain a red state. I don't think any of our current office holders have done anything that should have them primaried. Usually it's the party out of power that has a crowed primary . Beto is basically running unopposed.

Posted by: Anti doesn't matter at February 18, 2022 12:29 PM (7RvOV)

166 >>>Until that shit ends they can steal races.
Posted by: Thomas Bender

And it will never end until the Feds make a move, which is never. It's why I'm getting out of PA.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at February 18, 2022 12:29 PM (bkUtD)

167 Great, great post, Ace.

Posted by: soft white underbelly at February 18, 2022 12:30 PM (6O0gM)

168 "Reports of heavy mortar fire in Ukraine."

Merely celebratory fire.

Posted by: Durable Yet Minimal gp-Based Barrier at February 18, 2022 12:30 PM (qpX6U)

169 161 The SF Chronicle had an article saying that McCarthy endorsing Cheney's primary opponent had "split" the Republican Party.

Yeah, right.
Posted by: Zombie FDR! at February 18, 2022 12:29 PM (I2/tG)


They asked their Republican friends in the upper echelon of power in San Francisco. They couldn't believe anyone would oppose Liz Cheney, the only honest Republican in DC.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:30 PM (LvTSG)

170 Unconvicted felons are intimidated by cops at the polls.

Posted by: klaftern at February 18, 2022 12:30 PM (taPSh)

171 >>After all, what happens when the most extreme elements of a major political party start controlling its policies and tactics?

This is a fallacy. This is not the "most extreme element," it is the whole party. These are the policy preferences of the politicians, media, deep state support, teachers unions, etc. This is their party.

Their confusion is that they think that the public (voters) are behind them. They are not, but they are inundated with propaganda 24 hours a day and don't know any better. The public mostly never supported dem policies, except out of fear, ignorance, and lies. So that is what they sell.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at February 18, 2022 12:30 PM (6Pupv)

172 Dems are no doubt going to catch it in the midterms ... but all you have to do is follow the state level "School Voucher" fights to see what good it does to elect corporate squish GOP types. Utah governor (GOP, but a preachy dick of an ass) is going to veto a school voucher bill. Texas Speaker of the House is touting his recent teacher union endorsement (and btw Texas schools are still mandating masks). Oklahoma state legislature filled with GOP members vowing to fight vouchers. Does very little to elect GOP squishes, you have to pick the right ones very carefully (which won't happen).

Posted by: Match Checksout at February 18, 2022 12:30 PM (dYe5S)

173 "Tout qui est 'woke,' il devient en merde."
-- Donaldus Trumpus, medieval philosopher

This statement is even more beautiful in the original Klingon.

Posted by: General Chang at February 18, 2022 12:30 PM (a3Q+t)

174 I wouldn't be surprised if its coming from some CIA assets trying to start the war Joe so desperately wants.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 12:28 PM (trdmm)

The Russian backed separatists publicly announced that they were evacuating to Russian protected areas because they feared Ukrainian attack. Things are getting spicy.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at February 18, 2022 12:30 PM (UuD2k)

175 All that will be left will be AOC.

Brooklyn had a Communist Congressman for years in the '40's and '50's.

Posted by: Zombie FDR! at February 18, 2022 12:30 PM (I2/tG)

176 When did he snap? I sort of remember having doubts about him when he was doing Captain's Quarters. Most people didn't realize his Cabin Boy was Bill Kristol.
Posted by: clutch cargo - Now fortified with Vanax37, M390 and CPM-S90V at February 18, 2022 12:18 PM (wAn
He really snapped when Trump ran for POTUS and started gaining traction. There were a lot of commenters that supported Trump and he would have none of that so he closed the comment section and switched the comments to FB.

Posted by: redridinghood at February 18, 2022 12:30 PM (NpAcC)

177 i get worried about the c-word

even though it CLEARLY applies

he is why the british invented the c-word

Posted by: ace at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM

Haven't you learned by now: People never read the post.

Posted by: huerfano at February 18, 2022 12:30 PM (MzKgG)

178 >>Ed Morrissey, a "True Conservative," immediately suggests that the Democrats' embrace of far-left extremists is just like the Republicans' embrace of far-right extremists -- like actual conservatives, like strong border policies.



Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at February 18, 2022 12:31 PM (Izr3o)

179 Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 12:29 PM (Zz0t1)

The globalists and the Biden regime is pushing us to a nuclear war.

Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at February 18, 2022 12:31 PM (fWn6t)

180 146 126 What I see happening this fall is about 80 GOP members of the house and senate not being allowed to take their seats, based on a show trial by the J6 committee. Thus, the senate will have approximately 95 members, and the house around 360, both with democrat majorities.
Posted by: Thomas Paine at February 18, 2022 12:25 PM (5kI0z)
Fever dreams of the left to keep them motivated. In essence, the J6 version of HUAC has no power over ballots in states as a matter of settled law and enough friendly courts exist to more or less prevent any such enforcement on a one to one basis.

Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 12:31 PM (Iq9dF)

181 Trump *was* that movement. Evidenced by the many, many actual Democrats at his rallies, and also by the entire Uniparty attacking him from day one.
Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at February 18, 2022 12:28 PM (OssQ4)
Yes, unless you're Ed Morrissey or one of his ilk, in which case Trump was an archconservative regressive tyrant alienating the center...

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 18, 2022 12:31 PM (DU+/6)

182 >>>The Russian backed separatists publicly announced that they were evacuating to Russian protected areas because they feared Ukrainian attack. Things are getting spicy.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe

False flag approaching.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at February 18, 2022 12:31 PM (bkUtD)

183 The worthless cocksuckers at Salem Media own Bearing Arms, Towwnhall, Hot Gas, PJ Media, Red State, and Twitchy. They are all shit.

Posted by: Capital Eff at February 18, 2022 12:31 PM (GYllL)

184 As for spending, there isn't a cunt-hair's difference btw Dem and Repubs. They both spend like crazy. No major pol talks about deficits anymore.
Posted by: Durable Yet Minimal gp-Based Barrier at February 18, 2022 12:23 PM (qpX6U)

Wait, M2 is saved money in accounts? Uh, where the hell did the almost 33% increase go? It sure ain't in PEOPLEs accounts... at least not anyone I know. Or does the M2 count the balance sheet of the Fed itself?

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 12:31 PM (oHd/0)

185 "Oh, yes! I'm a self-sacrificing martyr and a better person than all of you! (climax, another drink)."

Forgot to mention another donation to the Democrat-Socialist Party, and lighting of my Dr. Fauci candle, so I can bask in its glow during my afterglow.

Posted by: Bored White Suburban Wine Mom, Virtue Signalling Vigorously at February 18, 2022 12:31 PM (NCgXW)

186 You guys remember "Falling down"?
A movie about a working stiff in CA who gets worn out of being shit on and has a psychotoc break?

That is who the Dems wish MAGAvoters were...

Posted by: Carlos Rodriguez at February 18, 2022 12:31 PM (gVKsO)

187 >>> Ed Morrissey is a fag, who thinks sucking dick is not gay, if the dicks you suck remain limp at all times.

is that Alexander Pope?

Posted by: ace at February 18, 2022 12:32 PM (0G13K)

188 There is light and heavy mortars

Posted by: Skip's Phone at February 18, 2022 12:32 PM (7ArI3)

189 I also doubt their ability to get it.

The Democrat base is cuckoo bananas. So the party is locked into the crazy. They have to succeed or fail on their current platform of madness, which would be impossible but for the fact that most Republican politicians actually support it at this point, albeit silently and tepidly.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at February 18, 2022 12:32 PM (KFhLj)

190 even though it CLEARLY applies

he is why the british invented the c-word
Posted by: ace at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (0G13K)

I did think it was very British of you. Twat is good too, though. I always hear it in Ed from Shaun of the Dead's voice: "you did that, you twat."

Posted by: Jordan61 at February 18, 2022 12:32 PM (Ez6QX)

191 I come to learn the fine art of vituperation.
Posted by: Durable Yet Minimal gp-Based Barrier at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (qpX6U)
How about Ambition, Distraction, Uglification and Derision?

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at February 18, 2022 12:32 PM (W/MyG)

192 163 It must be worse even than the polling being published. They must have worked out that they would need to forge more votes than there is population in districts to win.
Posted by: President Select Decaf at February 18, 2022 12:29 PM (N2gf7)


It doesn't help that the emergency measures in 2020 that allowed for reasonless absentee ballots and mail in voting are mostly gone outside of certain places like CA. PA even killed Wolf's ability to call an emergency again, putting lower caps on cheating.

It's gonna be interesting, especially when we start to figure out which ones who win Republican primaries to own the libs become establishment stooges with a single gift of white label Dewar's.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:32 PM (LvTSG)

193 the faux stuffiness, the Briticisms, etc. All of these weak personality types suck up whatever Default Personality they see around them.

Posted by: ace at February 18, 2022 12:22 PM (0G13K)

You gormless whelp! You contemptible scallywag! Incontinent blackguard!

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 12:32 PM (dNqv+)

194 Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

Posted by: Miss Issippi at February 18, 2022 12:32 PM (sI15f)

195 Is there a single person on Salem Media who isn't a lying hopeless drunk, delusional sociopath, incredulous blubberpuss or Salad Bar Assassin?

Posted by: Marcus T, Recovering at February 18, 2022 12:32 PM (VpIIl)

196 And it's not finished yet, as they kill hundreds of thousands of us with bullshit jabs they've either exempted themselves from or faked taking. I said this yesterday as well: the jab mandate is the "ordering people onto the trains" moment in this.
Posted by: somedood - skull mountain sherpa at February 18, 2022 12:15 PM (doiJh)


It was saline for them and the deathjabs for the rest.

Posted by: President Select Decaf at February 18, 2022 12:32 PM (N2gf7)

False flag approaching.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at February 18, 2022 12:31 PM (bkUtD)

It's Friday... I wonder what they are gonna try to bury today ? Must be bad

Posted by: It's me donna at February 18, 2022 12:32 PM (J8ILO)

198 Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 12:29 PM (Zz0t1)

*touches nose*

If Putin has anything on Biden and the actors aiding him I hope he releases it now.

Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at February 18, 2022 12:32 PM (fWn6t)

199 Like reporters know the difference between light and heavy mortar fire.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe

Mostly just the difference between light and heavy fisting.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at February 18, 2022 12:33 PM (OssQ4)

200 and btw Texas schools are still mandating masks). Oklahoma state legislature filled with GOP members vowing to fight vouchers. Does very little to elect GOP squishes, you have to pick the right ones very carefully (which won't happen).
Posted by: Match Checksout at February 18, 2022 12:30 PM (dYe5S)

Texas needs to look at the VA mask law and pass's not hard - Youngkin showed you could get bipartisan support within weeks and get it all done.

Posted by: Nova local at February 18, 2022 12:33 PM (exHjb)

201 Usually it's the party out of power that has a crowed primary . Beto is basically running unopposed.
Posted by: Anti doesn't matter at February 18, 2022 12:29 PM (7RvOV)

Heh - the primary is crowded because it's the only real election Texas will have for the spot. Beto is running unopposed because he can self finance; there isn't a single other democrat in the entire state of Texas who's willing to pay the filing fee to run in their primary, and the Democrat party itself in Texas is flat broke. The Tech Millionaires are giving all of their money to Beto instead - HA!

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 12:33 PM (trdmm)

202 You guys remember "Falling down"?
A movie about a working stiff in CA who gets worn out of being shit on and has a psychotoc break?

That is who the Dems wish MAGAvoters were...
Posted by: Carlos Rodriguez

Michael Douglas.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 12:33 PM (Hica+)

203 Ed Morrissey, a "True Conservative," immediately suggests that the Democrats' embrace of far-left extremists is just like the Republicans' embrace of far-right extremists -- like actual conservatives, like strong border policies:



Posted by: ShainS -- Keep on HONKING in the Free World! at February 18, 2022 12:33 PM (mgm+u)

204 >>>It's Friday... I wonder what they are gonna try to bury today ? Must be bad
Posted by: It's me donna

Oh, most definitely.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at February 18, 2022 12:33 PM (bkUtD)

205 The issue is (IMO), that just like Race, they are FORCING people to choose sides. You can't just keep your head down and live. Its hard to ignore it when your company forces you to wear a mask, get an untested Shot, and tell everyone in a seminar you are a Racisty Racist.
Posted by: Romeo13

This is generally correct. Much of "BLM's" activities the last few years have been meant to polarize Black Americans and make them choose sides.
What is happening in major cities such as New York, Philadelphia, LA, Chicago, etc is what happened in Detroit in the 1970's -1980's. Drive out the white middle class and working class, and make the city a reliable and "radical" political power base where the votes and political power can be absolutely controlled.
It is ethnic and economic cleansing.

Posted by: Bozo Conservative...Living on the Prison Planet at February 18, 2022 12:33 PM (vcOmj)

206 I don't think there is a center. Politics isn't a number line. I'm positive of that. At the least, it's a graph - with Economics at one axis, and Social Policy at the other.

And that's not even adequate - but its as good as I can do. Because I'm entirely two dimensional in my thinking. There are more than three dimensions in modelling politics - and I can't visualize that, although I can understand it vaguely.
Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (ycdlF)

I think there is something too this. I mean, if you say kill all the babies on one end, and kill none of the babies on the other, then the center would be kill half the babies. No, that's not a good definitiion of center (or moderate).

What the center really is is a hybrid of beliefs - kill some of the babies, but if they are in school, don't have tranny book time?

Posted by: blaster at February 18, 2022 12:33 PM (9otr5)

207 I tried to untangle the "threat to our democracy" yesterday. Man, that's a cluster of fucking.

The people who say that if the majority votes in Republican representation then,

1. they are either too stupid to know how democracy is going to end (which isn't a good argument for a completist democracy)

2. The people want to end democracy--which is entirely permissible under majority rule!

There is the third, more likely conclusion: the Dems are again full of shit. They are trying to throw any shit they can against the wall and see if it sticks, so they can't be bothered with whether or not their case actually argues against democracy, or argues the bad points of what democracy can actually create.

If a majority of people agree that people with beards should be dragged to the street and beaten with an iron bar--that's democracy. If a majority vote "ends democracy as we know it", that's democracy.

That's why "democracy" has a long history as a pejorative, and traditionally means "mob rule".

Posted by: Axeman at February 18, 2022 12:33 PM (xjV3I)

208 195 Is there a single person on Salem Media who isn't a lying hopeless drunk, delusional sociopath, incredulous blubberpuss or Salad Bar Assassin?
Posted by: Marcus T, Recovering at February 18, 2022 12:32 PM

I don't think Shapiro drinks much, if at all. He's guilty of all other charges, however.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at February 18, 2022 12:33 PM (NCgXW)

209 He really snapped when Trump ran for POTUS and started gaining traction. There were a lot of commenters that supported Trump and he would have none of that so he closed the comment section and switched the comments to FB.

Posted by: redridinghood
He did not snap, he was following corporate orders like a good little apparachik. The plain facts are that Salem as a corporate entity made its bones by selling itself as controlled opposition which can be seen in almost every personality that they promote.

Salem's motto appears to be Corporations First! and is fully simpatico with Bush era corporate liberalism at home and wasting vast sums of money abroad while impoverishing average Americans.

Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 12:34 PM (Iq9dF)

210 If Castreau can assume dictatorial powers in Canada, I'm sure the fraudulent retard in DC can do so as well. Don't count on midterms to retain/regain your freedoms.
Posted by: Thomas Paine at February 18, 2022 12:15 PM (5kI0z)

Repost from yesterday.

Or a pretext to "temporarily suspend" (read "permanently cancel") elections.

Posted by: ShainS -- Keep on HONKING in the Free World! at February 17, 2022 07:21 PM (743lG)

That's my guess. Prepare for major terror event or other national "crisis," FBI-sponsored or otherwise. They planned an op to goad a mental defect into thinking he was going to kidnap Whitmer. They perpetrated a failed coup, then stole an election. Nothing is off the table with this crew.

Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at February 18, 2022 12:34 PM (SH2Zi)

211 Holy crap. Ottawa looks like Beijing. I guess it's the end to Canadian democracy.

Posted by: Marcus T, Recovering at February 18, 2022 12:34 PM (VpIIl)

212 Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

No. Now is the time for all good men to stand back and let it burn.

Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 12:34 PM (ycdlF)

213 Democrats' embrace of far-left extremists is just like the Republicans' embrace of far-right extremists

So...if you were to adopt the stated positions of the Obama 2008 Campaign...

No amnesty
No gay marriage
No tranny shit
My Body My Choice

Does that make you a "right wing extremist"?

Posted by: 18-1 at February 18, 2022 12:34 PM (ESjRY)

214 You guys remember "Falling down"?
A movie about a working stiff in CA who gets worn out of being shit on and has a psychotoc break?

Posted by: Carlos Rodriguez at February 18, 2022 12:31 PM (gVKsO)

I'll always remember the scene from the burger restaurant.

Posted by: BignJames at February 18, 2022 12:34 PM (AwYPR)

215 A Russian-backed separatist leader in eastern Ukraine announced the evacuation of his breakaway region's residents to southeast Russia on Friday after an increase in shelling.

I think the separatist is Denis Pushilin, a self styled leader with Russian backing. The region he's referring to is around the city of Donetsk. It's home to several thousand Russian nationals who consider themselves "Russian" and not "Ukrainian." If the "increase in shelling" statement is accurate it implies the Ukrainians are shelling their own city because Russians live there.

Yet another reason for the US to not get involved and let the locals sort their own shit out.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at February 18, 2022 12:34 PM (BFigT)

216 There's that fag talk again.

Posted by: Dr. Lexus at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (357SM)

217 Anyone else think we may be in the Great Tribulation?

Posted by: Miss Issippi at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (sI15f)

218 >>>195 Is there a single person on Salem Media who isn't a lying hopeless drunk, delusional sociopath, incredulous blubberpuss or Salad Bar Assassin?
Posted by: Marcus T, Recovering at February 18, 2022 12:32 PM

Dennis Prager is arguably their only good talk show host.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (bkUtD)

219 You would think that more than just a few pols would sense that if they just went populist right they would be gold plated. It's not like being a major gov figure isn't pretty sweet without the ridiculous graft. But no, they'd rather stick with the Big Scam.

Posted by: azjaeger at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (oY/Tr)

220 182 >>>The Russian backed separatists publicly announced that they were evacuating to Russian protected areas because they feared Ukrainian attack. Things are getting spicy.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe

False flag approaching.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at February 18, 2022 12:31 PM (bkUtD)

There have been reports of Ukraine shelling Russian Controlled areas. Its like sending the Sub into Russian waters to shadow a Russian Naval excercise. Or the incident a couple days ago when a P-3 Orion Spy plane was closely shadowing another Russian Naval Exercise, and was 'escorted' away. Or Intercepting Russian Planes over Syria, because we declared a 'no fly zone'.

Someone in Biden's admin is poking the Bear... and its the National Security Advisor who is doing it.

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (oHd/0)

221 *reads Buck's post*

Well I know where an Ohio class SSGN will be tasked when the balloon goes up.

Posted by: Anna Puma at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (c7Evq)

222 By George, I think he's got it!

Atheist Forum
CHRISTIANITY: Belief that one God created a universe 13.79 billion yrs old, 93 billion light yrs in diameter (1 light yr = approx.6 trillion miles), consisting of over 200 trillion galaxies,each containing ave.of 200 billion stars,only to have a personal relationship with u.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (FVME7)

223 It's gonna be interesting, especially when we start to figure out which ones who win Republican primaries to own the libs become establishment stooges with a single gift of white label Dewar's.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:32 PM (LvTSG)

Yeah, the formula is kind of broken. 10 years ago, I would have said that someone who was too strident was an obvious plant. Now, I am what I would have considered too strident.

Maybe we should do that bit where we 'drop' a hundred dollar bill while walking by a candidate and see if they yell after us to return it or pocket it?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (dNqv+)

224 >>You guys remember "Falling down"?
A movie about a working stiff in CA who gets worn out of being shit on and has a psychotoc break?

That is who the Dems wish MAGAvoters were...

"Beat the dog until it bites, then shoot it."

Posted by: Lizzy at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (Izr3o)

225 Watching the stormtroopers in Ottawa now. Militarized thug cops on the move.

Right now I wouldn't piss on a cop if they were on fire.

Posted by: Capital Eff at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (GYllL)

226 **Yawns**

Posted by: Automatic Vote Counting Machines at February 18, 2022 12:36 PM (axyOa)

227 False flag approaching.


Posted by: Notorious BFD at February 18, 2022 12:36 PM (Xrfse)

228 Texas needs to look at the VA mask law and pass's not hard - Youngkin showed you could get bipartisan support within weeks and get it all done.
Posted by: Nova local at February 18, 2022 12:33 PM (exHjb)

Just fyi, the Texas Lege is out of session and won't reconvene until spring of 2023, unless Abbott calls a special session. (which he has given no sign of doing) Texas doesn't like it's legislators to do too much.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 12:36 PM (trdmm)

229 Fuck Morrissey. Fuck AllahPundit.
RHINOs the lot. No different than commies.

Say, whatever happened to Joe wearing his three ply masks? Did Nurse Jill take them away?

PDT needs to win in 2024 and arrest Hillary on charges of treason.

Posted by: The Man from Athens at February 18, 2022 12:36 PM (QMwOT)

230 Just want to mention it again.


While you still can. Joepedo is getting ideas from Turdeau.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at February 18, 2022 12:36 PM (iDcra)

231 ShainS.

Posted by: ace at February 18, 2022 12:36 PM (0G13K)

232 217 Anyone else think we may be in the Great Tribulation?
Posted by: Miss Issippi at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (sI15f)

Read your old Testament. God does not just Test individuals, but Nations as well.

Jesus said we would be forgiven, not that God was done testing us.

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 12:36 PM (oHd/0)

233 even though it CLEARLY applies

he is why the british invented the c-word
Posted by: ace at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (0G13K)

I did think it was very British of you. Twat is good too, though. I always hear it in Ed from Shaun of the Dead's voice: "you did that, you twat."
Posted by: Jordan61

My wife hates the c word. But after the last year, she agrees that it is warranted in specific instances.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 12:36 PM (Hica+)

234 Karen reads these polls and probably nods and breathes a sigh of relief. She has kept her heart and mind pure. No accusation of awareness of, or negotiation with, Bad Thought can be leveled against her. Her standing in The Tribe is secure.

Posted by: 2009Refugee at February 18, 2022 12:37 PM (K9bCS)

235 I'll always remember the scene from the burger restaurant.

Posted by: BignJames at February 18, 2022 12:34 PM (AwYPR)

The man just wanted the breakfast sandwich - which was right there.

Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 12:37 PM (ycdlF)

236 Wow, I guess Castreau has found his storm troopers. Look at the police acting on command like hounds.

Posted by: Marcus T, Recovering at February 18, 2022 12:37 PM (VpIIl)

237 It's obvious that people like Tulsi Gabbard and Kristen Sinema are vying for leadership in a future congress as more moderate examples of the party.

I also doubt their ability to get it.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:28 PM (LvTSG)

They are from a very old school of politics - you can have different positions, but you don't have to hate each other. Those two are for every single batshit Leftist thing that The Squad is for. But they don't say, well, if you don't accept our politics, we will change the rules so we can put you in camps.

Posted by: blaster at February 18, 2022 12:37 PM (9otr5)

238 Just fyi, the Texas Lege is out of session and won't reconvene until spring of 2023, unless Abbott calls a special session. (which he has given no sign of doing) Texas doesn't like it's legislators to do too much.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 12:36 PM (trdmm)

VA's PT leg only works 60 days, but they do have 60 days every year - did TX skip working this year - it's only Feb!

Posted by: Nova local at February 18, 2022 12:37 PM (exHjb)

239 Jesus said we would be forgiven, not that God was done testing us.
Posted by: Romeo13

I have test anxiety. I always fail.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 12:37 PM (Hica+)

240 My wife hates the c word. But after the last year, she agrees that it is warranted in specific instances.
Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 12:36 PM (Hica+)

My philosophy... If the C word fits use it

Posted by: It's me donna at February 18, 2022 12:37 PM (J8ILO)

241 CHRISTIANITY: Belief that one God created a universe 13.79 billion yrs old, 93 billion light yrs in diameter (1 light yr = approx.6 trillion miles), consisting of over 200 trillion galaxies,each containing ave.of 200 billion stars,only to have a personal relationship with u.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (FVME7)

Heh. Thus the name God.

These people can't imagine anything more all knowing than themselves.

Posted by: Anti doesn't matter at February 18, 2022 12:37 PM (7RvOV)

242 Sundowner needs distractions just as all governments failing do
Ukraine is his Look Squirrel !

Posted by: Skip's Phone at February 18, 2022 12:38 PM (7ArI3)

243 Ukrainians are killing Russians ? Well, that's not good.

Posted by: runner at February 18, 2022 12:38 PM (Axa8z)

244 Mister, we could use a "man" like Willard Romney again.

Posted by: Useless obese midwit twat at February 18, 2022 12:38 PM (tu3iY)

245 You guys remember "Falling down"?

If they remade that movie today they'd have the protagonist have a gay thing for the NAZI guy...but then kill him because he wants to hide his feelings. And he would shoot the cop, who would be a black, disabled, muslim tranny.

Posted by: 18-1 at February 18, 2022 12:38 PM (ESjRY)

246 Wonder who gave them that idea...

Posted by: runner at February 18, 2022 12:38 PM (Axa8z)

247 Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (FVME7)

He is off by a factor of 100 on the number of galaxies.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 18, 2022 12:38 PM (XIJ/X)

248 Anyone have a take on Huffhines in Texas? I saw his sign but didn't know who he was.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at February 18, 2022 12:38 PM (44ww/)

249 Just want to mention it again.


While you still can. Joepedo is getting ideas from Turdeau.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at February 18, 2022 12:36 PM (iDcra)

Top off your cash on hand.

Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at February 18, 2022 12:38 PM (SH2Zi)

250 I think we could have crapped on alipundit some more. He deserves it.

Posted by: SOMEASSHOLESTOLEMYPEN at February 18, 2022 12:38 PM (ITaab)

251 Posted by: Match Checksout at February 18, 2022 12:30 PM (dYe5S)
School choice will be another issue that separates the sheep from the goats--no doubt.

There are definitely some bright spots in the states, though. Alabama has a choice bill currently winding its way through committees that will be a game-changer if it ultimately passes.

After a two-year phase-in, EVERY student (including home-schooled and private-schooled) would have an Educational Savings Account equal to the state's per-pupil contribution to public education. Parents get to decide how it's spent.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at February 18, 2022 12:38 PM (sWM8x)

252 Content storm!!

Posted by: Max Power at February 18, 2022 12:38 PM (QCc6B)

253 I don't think there is a center. Politics isn't a number line. I'm positive of that. At the least, it's a graph - with Economics at one axis, and Social Policy at the other.

Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 12:26 PM (ycdlF)
Well said, sir.

I like to point out that "right" and "left" do not properly capture the dynamics of even the Paris counsel.

Because the most radical faction, "The Mountain", sat up *high* in the bleachers. "Left" and "right" is a mind-trick of Marxists, for where your fer or agin' somebody's anally-extracted "academic" theory, that's "never been tried" (and thus never been tested, for the technically astute among us.)

Posted by: Axeman at February 18, 2022 12:38 PM (xjV3I)

254 VA's PT leg only works 60 days, but they do have 60 days every year - did TX skip working this year - it's only Feb!
Posted by: Nova local

Texas is 140 days every other year.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 12:39 PM (Hica+)

255 Holy crap. Ottawa looks like Beijing. I guess it's the end to Canadian democracy.

My spawn has been dreaming of this day. Viva, Che! Wait, wut?

Posted by: Zombie Fidel Castro at February 18, 2022 12:39 PM (Xrfse)

256 I mean Ukrainians are no strangers to ethnic cleansing, but how stupid can they be to try that again?

Posted by: runner at February 18, 2022 12:39 PM (Axa8z)

257 Oddly, all Beto is pounding is Abbott's response to last winter's ice storm. Not a thing about confiscating all those eeeeevil MSRs.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at February 18, 2022 12:39 PM (a3Q+t)

258 Someone in Biden's admin is poking the Bear... and its the National Security Advisor who is doing it.

Posted by: Romeo13

Can you think of a better way to get Cankles and JoePedo traitorous actions off the radar.

I watched a local morning "news" show today and it was all about war with Russia. Nothing else. The orders of the deep propaganda shitshow have gone out.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at February 18, 2022 12:39 PM (iDcra)

259 10 min ago:


There are snipers on the roof of the Senate and one of the Rideau Centre buildings in Ottawa right now at the Freedom Convoy protest.

Posted by: Lizzy at February 18, 2022 12:39 PM (Izr3o)

260 Hugh Hewitt hardest hit.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at February 18, 2022 12:18 PM (bkUtD)

This probably will provoke some negative comments but I don't care. I've taken a couple online courses from Hillsdale which were very good after which I donated to them. The reward for the donations was Larry Arnn clogging my in basket with moar requests for moar donations, just like every other fucking college.

An online friend does a lot of work sifting through education bullshit by attending conferences to witness what's really going on. I asked her what she thought of Arnn and if she'd encountered him in person. She said he was at some conference where he spent most of his time schmoozing with Hewitt. That told me all I needed to know.

Posted by: Captain Hate won't forget Michael Byrd Murdered Ashli Babbitt at February 18, 2022 12:39 PM (y7DUB)

261 4 Captain Ed has no principles.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Break The Teachers Unions at February 18, 2022 12:10 PM (WqYG4)

Are you telling me that being willing to do or say anything to make a buck is not a principle?

Posted by: Useless obese midwit twat at February 18, 2022 12:39 PM (tu3iY)

262 If the "increase in shelling" statement is accurate it implies the Ukrainians are shelling their own city because Russians live there.

Yet another reason for the US to not get involved and let the locals sort their own shit out.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at February 18, 2022 12:34 PM (BFigT)

Doing anything official in the Russian Language is now against the Law in Ukraine, so clearly they must be shelled for speaking Russian.

Just like in Canada, Martial law must be declared for illegal parking.

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 12:40 PM (oHd/0)

263 Jesus said we would be forgiven, not that God was done testing us.
Posted by: Romeo13

I have test anxiety. I always fail.
Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 12:37 PM (Hica+)

My grandson asked me why grandma was always reading the Bible? I told him she was cramming for her finals.

Posted by: Automatic Vote Counting Machines at February 18, 2022 12:40 PM (axyOa)

264 Content storm!!
Posted by: Max Power at February 18, 2022 12:38 PM (QCc6B)
...Threatening my very life today.
If I don't get some Stelter.
Oh, I'm going to fade away.

Posted by: CNN at February 18, 2022 12:40 PM (xjV3I)

265 They are from a very old school of politics - you can have different positions, but you don't have to hate each other. Those two are for every single batshit Leftist thing that The Squad is for. But they don't say, well, if you don't accept our politics, we will change the rules so we can put you in camps.

They're Classical Liberals. I like those two way more than most Republicans.

Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 12:40 PM (ycdlF)

266 Posted by: Lizzy at February 18, 2022 12:39 PM (Izr3o)

Pray for the Truckers

Posted by: It's me donna at February 18, 2022 12:40 PM (J8ILO)

267 VA's PT leg only works 60 days, but they do have 60 days every year - did TX skip working this year - it's only Feb!
Posted by: Nova local at February 18, 2022 12:37 PM (exHjb)

By the terms of the State Constitution, the Texas Lege only meets for one 140 day session in odd-numbered years. The rest of the time, the bureaucrats in Austin run things however they want.

Being a Texas House member really ain't a whole lot of work.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 12:40 PM (trdmm)

268 Why blame just "The Squad?" They're all onboard with every agenda item that is repelling swing state voters (and the rest of us). They say so at every turn, every opportunity, and they've been screaming so for years now. Reap your rewards, Dems. Reap. Those. Rewards.

Posted by: Lady in Black at February 18, 2022 12:40 PM (sVtYq)

269 Politics, not diplomacy, is warfare by different means.

Our side better wise up.

Posted by: Archer at February 18, 2022 12:40 PM (gmo/4)

270 Anyone have a take on Huffhines in Texas? I saw his sign but didn't know who he was.
Posted by: BourbonChicken

He's in real estate, but he is a direct descendant of the old man Huffines used car dealer.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 12:40 PM (Hica+)

271 Salem does have quite a few creeps writing for it. On the other hand, they purchased PJ Media. So, they are also the publisher of Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds. Plus other good people at PJ, Townhall, and Redstate.

My philosophy is to pick and choose. I will click and read the people that are allies and ignore the ones that are not. No matter how good (provocative) a headline writer Allahpundit is, he gets no clicks from me.

Posted by: No Name Today at February 18, 2022 12:40 PM (vlXMQ)

272 Too bad Canada's parliament is as useless as our Congress. On Monday will they:
1. Decline to continue Trudeau's war powers
2. Affirm Trudeau's war powers
3. Decline to continue Trudeau's war powers and then initiate a confidence vote

I strongly suspect door #1 - non-action.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 18, 2022 12:41 PM (DU+/6)

273 Just fyi, the Texas Lege is out of session and won't reconvene until spring of 2023, unless Abbott calls a special session. (which he has given no sign of doing) Texas doesn't like it's legislators to do too much.

And it shows how full of shit and unreliable Abbott is that he won't call a special session on this. He signed his executive order, which he and the AG have disclaimed any ability to enforce in court (saying only DAs can do so, which means no enforcement in every significant population center). This is a no-brainer move that would enjoy wide public support and put Dems in a tough spot. So good as politics as well as public policy. Yet crickets from Governor Wheels.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at February 18, 2022 12:41 PM (KFhLj)

274 Read your old Testament. God does not just Test individuals, but Nations as well.

I have spent 7 years inductively studying the OT daily, (Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Amos, Hosea, Malachi, Genesis, Job) and that is why I think we may be in the Great Tribulation. This is more than a testing....this is a takeover, and God is allowing it.

Posted by: Miss Issippi at February 18, 2022 12:41 PM (sI15f)

275 After a two-year phase-in, EVERY student (including home-schooled and private-schooled) would have an Educational Savings Account equal to the state's per-pupil contribution to public education. Parents get to decide how it's spent.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at February 18, 2022 12:38 PM (sWM8x)

That would be incredible.

Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at February 18, 2022 12:41 PM (SH2Zi)

276 Yep. Suddenly North Carolina's Governor* Roy Cooper decided that Science has determined that it's time to let kids take their masks off in this election year, too.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - ask school boards if they get funds to keep masks on the kids via ESSER and ARPA plan at February 18, 2022 12:41 PM (txkTB)

277 Holy crap. Ottawa looks like Beijing. I guess it's the end to Canadian democracy.

I've read that Turdeau is not Hitler. Remember that Hitler was not Hitler. I'd make a large bet that Turdeau is going to be Hitler.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at February 18, 2022 12:41 PM (iDcra)

278 Captain Ed has no principles.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Break The Teachers Unions at February 18, 2022 12:10 PM (WqYG4)
He lets the professional troll Allahpundit keep posting on a "conservative" site.

Posted by: Axeman at February 18, 2022 12:41 PM (xjV3I)

279 My grandson asked me why grandma was always reading the Bible? I told him she was cramming for her finals.
Posted by: Automatic Vote Counting Machines

That's cold.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 12:41 PM (Hica+)

280 Watching the stormtroopers in Ottawa now. Militarized thug cops on the move.

Right now I wouldn't piss on a cop if they were on fire.
Posted by: Capital Eff at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (GYllL)

As bad as some believe our law enforcement is Canada's LE has been fascists upholding fascists laws for decades.

Posted by: Anti doesn't matter at February 18, 2022 12:41 PM (7RvOV)

281 257 Oddly, all Beto is pounding is Abbott's response to last winter's ice storm. Not a thing about confiscating all those eeeeevil MSRs.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at February 18, 2022 12:39 PM (a3Q+t)

He was hoping it would happen again this year. It didn't.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 12:41 PM (trdmm)

282 Off damn sock!

Posted by: Diogenes at February 18, 2022 12:41 PM (axyOa)

283 Wow, I guess Castreau has found his storm troopers. Look at the police acting on command like hounds.

They've been bred and groomed for this.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at February 18, 2022 12:42 PM (Xrfse)

284 This busty blonde is pretty upset about the police phalanx advancing on, arresting and threatening to arrest en masse a bunch of peaceable protestors:

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 18, 2022 12:42 PM (DU+/6)

285 It's the end of the world as we know it?

Posted by: runner at February 18, 2022 12:42 PM (Axa8z)

286 I don't think there is a center. Politics isn't a number line. I'm positive of that. At the least, it's a graph - with Economics at one axis, and Social Policy at the other.

It is more complex then a line...but there are patterns...

Leftwing social policy can NEVER work with rightwing economics.

Righting social policy can work with either right/left wing economics...but honestly that just means IT WORKS IN GENERAL.

Essentially conservative social policy was the product of 10,000 years of testing various types of civilization.

The left of course just declares it is different now because they know the right course, and sure many other people have tried to make their stuff work and fail, but that's just because they weren't as awesome as the current members of the left.

Posted by: 18-1 at February 18, 2022 12:42 PM (ESjRY)

287 Anyone else think we may be in the Great Tribulation?
Posted by: Miss Issippi at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (sI15f)

This isn't some great powers clash.

This is essentially a Marx Class War. Just not the way he saw it exactly.

And all the gov'ts in the world appear to be involved in this war against their own citizens. It's a I Want to Teach the World to Sing Happy Fun War.

Posted by: naturalfake at February 18, 2022 12:42 PM (OMayC)

288 "Moral Equivalence" a favorite game of the left. "Trump Rallies are violent (but Project Veritas caught them bragging about covertly causing the violence themselves, paying the violent "protesters")

When they are not busy doing vile things and claiming Conservatives are doing them, they are claiming "The Right is Just as Bad".

Sometimes the FBI even helps develop the narrative, like with J6 "Insurrection" ... to counter the huge peaceful Trump rally to Stop the Steal. Then they say Trump was running the insurrection, when the coup was actually accomplished by DeepState.

Months of BurnLootMurder was glorious, and Trudeau took a knee and donated to the rioters/protesters. But those huge peaceful trucker rallies, just a bunch of Nazis and racists. (sheesh, they really want open war I guess)

Posted by: illiniwek at February 18, 2022 12:42 PM (Cus5s)

289 Anyone have a take on Huffhines in Texas? I saw his sign but didn't know who he was.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at February 18, 2022 12:38 PM (44ww/)

Nathan Arizona.

Posted by: BignJames at February 18, 2022 12:42 PM (AwYPR)

290 >>>Why blame just "The Squad?" They're all onboard with every agenda item that is repelling swing state voters (and the rest of us).

Definitely. I meant to say that.

Posted by: ace at February 18, 2022 12:42 PM (0G13K)

291 285 It's the end of the world as we know it?
Posted by: runner at February 18, 2022 12:42 PM (Axa8z)

And I don't feel fine

Posted by: It's me donna at February 18, 2022 12:42 PM (J8ILO)

292 I wouldn't be surprised if its coming from some CIA assets trying to start the war Joe so desperately wants.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 12:28 PM (trdmm)

It has the feel of two kids with a beef getting pushed into a fight behind the schoolhouse.

Posted by: Grudge Harbor at February 18, 2022 12:43 PM (wBpKf)

293 Look at that post on polls that Ace did yesterday.

The main Dem concerns were ...
Global warming
Then inflation.

The first two are imaginary boogie monsters made up by the Left.
The third is created by DC

There is no base for the Dem party, just deluded NPCs

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at February 18, 2022 12:43 PM (6Pupv)

294 I agree with Ed Morrisey in one sense: it is bad for a party to listen to only its most extreme members. The problem is not with this statement, its how he defines "extreme".

As ACE notes, the core of conservatism is supposed to be, you know, conservatism. People who espouse and cling to small government, traditional Judeo-Christian values, the constitution as written, and the intent of the founding fathers are base line conservatives.

For the right, there are two extremes: the GOPe who are basically democrats with a few small social differences... and anarchists.

Conservatism is by definition not possible to be extreme, since its an attempt to hold to the proper course of American history and government, down the middle of the river. To one side is progressivism and to the other side is raw anarchy without government, law, or structure.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 12:43 PM (KZzsI)

295 228 Texas needs to look at the VA mask law and pass's not hard - Youngkin showed you could get bipartisan support within weeks and get it all done.
Posted by: Nova local at February 18, 2022 12:33 PM (exHjb)/

Or look at Florida's. DeSantis did it a LONG time ago. And he is aggressive about it. They passed laws disallowing private companies from having mask or vaccine mandates.

Posted by: blaster at February 18, 2022 12:43 PM (9otr5)

296 Funny how "cunt" is a common insult in England, vulgar but nobody seems to freak out about it, but here in the US it's treated by some as second only to n*gger. I blame third wave feminists and evangelical pantywaisted pecksniffs.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 12:43 PM (II3Gr)

297 >>> By George, I think he's got it!

Atheist Forum
CHRISTIANITY: Belief that one God created a universe 13.79 billion yrs old, 93 billion light yrs in diameter (1 light yr = approx.6 trillion miles), consisting of over 200 trillion galaxies,each containing ave.of 200 billion stars,only to have a personal relationship with u.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (FVME7)

And only through his will was every action and all of our exercise of free will including this one's silly attempt at a sick burn empowered.

Posted by: banana Dream at February 18, 2022 12:43 PM (bYTQR)

298 If Putin has anything on Biden and the actors aiding him I hope he releases it now.

Putin and Xi both want Biden in power. The mistaken thought was that once the US got rid of Trump, China and Russia would go back to being "buddies" with the Dems.

But that's not how it worked. Once the US got rid of Trump, China and Russia decided that the US was too weak with fear to be a threat to them any longer. They want Biden, and they'll want more when he's gone.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at February 18, 2022 12:43 PM (p+1gI)

299 Too bad Canada's parliament is as useless as our Congress. On Monday will they:
1. Decline to continue Trudeau's war powers
2. Affirm Trudeau's war powers
3. Decline to continue Trudeau's war powers and then initiate a confidence vote

I strongly suspect door #1 - non-action.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)

My educated guess (from the last two years) is a big false flag operation this weekend and the Canadians get No. 2 for life.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at February 18, 2022 12:43 PM (iDcra)

300 I fear that the GOP-e will be flooding the zone with RINO candidates that have full purses for buying rural elections.

Posted by: Paladin at February 18, 2022 12:43 PM (CE4w9)

301 As bad as some believe our law enforcement is Canada's LE has been fascists upholding fascists laws for decades.

Turns out - the protests of Big This or That - as well as Defund Johnny Law - had some merit. Too bad we didn't listen.

Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 12:43 PM (ycdlF)

302 10 min ago:


There are snipers on the roof of the Senate and one of the Rideau Centre buildings in Ottawa right now at the Freedom Convoy protest.
Posted by: Lizzy at February 18, 2022 12:39 PM (Izr3o)

Snipers. Fucking snipers! Oh Canada!

Posted by: Napoleon XIV at February 18, 2022 12:44 PM (AiZBA)

303 289 Anyone have a take on Huffhines in Texas? I saw his sign but didn't know who he was.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at February 18, 2022 12:38 PM (44ww/)

Nathan Arizona.
Posted by: BignJames at February 18, 2022 12:42 PM (AwYPR)

Ain't nobody gonna buy furniture from a store called "Unpainted Huffhines"

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 12:44 PM (II3Gr)

304 unny how "cunt" is a common insult in England, vulgar but nobody seems to freak out about it, but here in the US it's treated by some as second only to n*gger. I blame third wave feminists and evangelical pantywaisted pecksniffs.
Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 12:43 PM (II3Gr)

C###ts are usually naggers too

Posted by: JoeF. at February 18, 2022 12:44 PM (mR6Gs)

305 What look like soldiers (or militarized police) with long guns are pulling truckers out of their vehicles in Ottowa. Supposedly, they're also breaking truck windows (but that's unclear).

One Youtube streamer (ZOT) has been arrested. VivaFrei is live and walking around.

Posted by: Revenant at February 18, 2022 12:44 PM (ydlAE)

306 While we're doing equivalence comparisons, it pays to remember the truckers are protesting something tangible and real that seriously affects their life.

Not ethereal "systemic" bullshit.

Posted by: ... at February 18, 2022 12:44 PM (EAtAT)

307 Salem does have quite a few creeps writing for it. On the other hand, they purchased PJ Media. So, they are also the publisher of Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds. Plus other good people at PJ, Townhall, and Redstate.

My philosophy is to pick and choose. I will click and read the people that are allies and ignore the ones that are not. No matter how good (provocative) a headline writer Allahpundit is, he gets no clicks from me.
Posted by: No Name Today at February 18, 2022 12:40 PM (vlXMQ)

I can't do the same, particularly concerning Hot Air. If the store manager at a store insults me when I come in, I don't really care that all the other employees are nice people doing a good job. And that's because leaders set the culture of a workplace. Everyone in that store may be nice to me now, but over time, they'll follow the culture of the leaders.

Posted by: Wally at February 18, 2022 12:44 PM (FJYfm)

308 @TheMarieOakes

There are snipers on the roof of the Senate and one of the Rideau Centre buildings in Ottawa right now at the Freedom Convoy protest.
Posted by: Lizzy

They're going to mostly peaceful that protest!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 12:44 PM (FVME7)

309 Anyone else think we may be in the Great Tribulation?
Posted by: Miss Issippi at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (sI15f)
I think we're still ramping up for it.

Posted by: Axeman at February 18, 2022 12:44 PM (xjV3I)

310 Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (oHd/0)

How this dipshit gets any traction with the Durham report out there is amazing.

Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at February 18, 2022 12:45 PM (fWn6t)

311 "Only douches use "alas". No one says that anymore."


Posted by: Boxx Culvert, brandon won't last past the 4th of July at February 18, 2022 12:45 PM (9s20h)

312 Too bad we can't slip into TOTUS just one line during Joey's SOTU - "All you Earth people are stupid!"

Posted by: Anna Puma at February 18, 2022 12:45 PM (c7Evq)

313 And it shows how full of shit and unreliable Abbott is that he won't call a special session on this. He signed his executive order, which he and the AG have disclaimed any ability to enforce in court (saying only DAs can do so, which means no enforcement in every significant population center). This is a no-brainer move that would enjoy wide public support and put Dems in a tough spot. So good as politics as well as public policy. Yet crickets from Governor Wheels.
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at February 18, 2022 12:41 PM (KFhLj)

At this point, he'd have the votes in a cakewalk...he could call a 3 day session, or however long it takes for "allowed required debate" and then way TX legislators would want to be more liberal than Virginia...

Posted by: Nova local at February 18, 2022 12:45 PM (exHjb)

314 311 "Only douches use "alas". No one says that anymore."

Posted by: Boxx Culvert, brandon won't last past the 4th of July at February 18, 2022 12:45 PM (9s20h)


Vis a vis, ergo.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:45 PM (LvTSG)

315 311 "Only douches use "alas". No one says that anymore."

Alack you're right

Posted by: It's me donna at February 18, 2022 12:45 PM (J8ILO)

316 Anyone else think we may be in the Great Tribulation?

People do think so, but these are people who never read any history. Times have been much worse. This is a hiccup compared to horrific upheavals like WW2 and the Civil War and the 14th century's rampant plagues, continual grinding misery for the poor, and unbelievable corruption by both church and state. That's just to mention a couple of examples.

What we're experiencing now sucks, to be certain, and we are on the brink of seeing this great experiment in liberty collapsing into tyrrany. But that's not the Great Tribulation, its just another example in a long litany of governments that fell apart over human history.

It sucks a lot to live through this, and it sucks even more to be the main target of the hate that is shot through it, but ask a Jew in WW2 Poland if things are worse now than what they faced.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 12:46 PM (KZzsI)

317 All I want is just one more oatmeal pie.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at February 18, 2022 12:46 PM (PmqP5)

318 Anyone have a take on Huffhines in Texas? I saw his sign but didn't know who he was.
Posted by: BourbonChicken

He's in real estate, but he is a direct descendant of the old man Huffines used car dealer.
Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 12:40 PM (Hica+)

He's saying all the right things. Esp about eliminating or cutting way down on the egregious middle and working class crippling property taxes.

But, I don't hear anyone really talking about him.

If Huffines won, that would be YUGE wake up call to the GOP. But, I doubt he'll pull it off. Maybe if they have debates and he looks good there.

Posted by: naturalfake at February 18, 2022 12:46 PM (OMayC)

319 ========

Vis a vis, ergo.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:45 PM (LvTSG)

I don't get it.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 12:46 PM (Zz0t1)

320 Everyone saying that biden is creating a fake threat of war to show how smart he is in preventing the thing which was never going to happen.

My fear is that they are creating a real war, thinking that that is the only thing that could save his presidency.
("It worked for bush"!)

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at February 18, 2022 12:46 PM (6Pupv)

321 303 yeah he has great signs. End property tax. Build wall. He just looks like a weasel, but I really know little about him.

Posted by: Dogbert at February 18, 2022 12:46 PM (Z9HSN)

322 Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 12:43 PM (II3Gr)

I actually like that it's not ubiquitous here. It has more weight when used properly.

Posted by: Anti doesn't matter at February 18, 2022 12:46 PM (7RvOV)

323 I saw some churn in the Canadian papers that there were people in the police administration that were trying to work with the truckers...and in the last couple of days Castro has pushed them out.

Presumably that is why you are seeing the police goosestepping now. He's got all his people in place now.

Posted by: 18-1 at February 18, 2022 12:46 PM (ESjRY)

324 319 ========

Vis a vis, ergo.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:45 PM (LvTSG)

I don't get it.
Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 12:46 PM (Zz0t1)


"That's because you're just a dummy."
-Guy who totally got the ending of The Matrix Reloaded, totally

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:46 PM (LvTSG)

325 He's saying all the right things. Esp about eliminating or cutting way down on the egregious middle and working class crippling property taxes.

But, I don't hear anyone really talking about him.

If Huffines won, that would be YUGE wake up call to the GOP. But, I doubt he'll pull it off. Maybe if they have debates and he looks good there.
Posted by: naturalfake at February 18, 2022 12:46 PM (OMayC)

Both he and West have mentioned eliminating the property tax altogether.

Where they gonna get that money from?

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 12:47 PM (Zz0t1)

326 Trump never had political problems over ideology, I absolutely believe almost everything he pursued he had majority support. His issues were personality driven and/or phony scandals that he never properly handled.

Democrats though are painted in a corner because it very much is there ideology that's the problem and it's not just annoying "wokeness" it's an incoming economic crisis.

Biden being senile is not their only problem, they clearly can't govern.

Posted by: Blago at February 18, 2022 12:47 PM (ezJm/)

327 These clowns think any real right wing government would be Hitler but we have a good idea of what actual right wing governments work and they're not anywhere near as brutal as left wing governments. Franco for example did execute commies, but the total number was something like 10,000 and that was right after the civil war and then they stopped. The military government in Brazil imprisoned and tortured people but didn't kill that many at all overall. Same with Chile and Argentina. Contrast this with Mao and Stalin and Pol Pot who killed over 100 million combined.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at February 18, 2022 12:47 PM (QRdjz)

328 >>>Salem does have quite a few creeps writing for it. On the other hand, they purchased PJ Media. So, they are also the publisher of Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds. Plus other good people at PJ, Townhall, and Redstate.

i'm pretty sure they didn't buy PJ media. Unless i completely missed this.

Posted by: ace at February 18, 2022 12:47 PM (0G13K)

329 After all, what happens when the most extreme elements of a major political party start controlling its policies and tactics?

I would love to see some evidence that Republicans have ever lost support from the middle because they did something us "far right" folks wanted.

Because you'd have to find some evidence that Republicans A) did something and B) it was what we wanted.

Posted by: Methos at February 18, 2022 12:47 PM (kOpft)

330 >>> a common insult in England, vulgar but nobody seems to freak out about it, but here in the US it's treated by some as second only to n*gger. I blame third wave feminists and evangelical pantywaisted pecksniffs.
Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 12:43 PM (II3Gr)

It's weird in that there is no similar male anatomy term that is verboten. People call other people dicks, or dickheads all the time. Not a big deal at all. I guess you have to go to the eloquently stated Team America treatise on body parts to understand more.

Posted by: banana Dream at February 18, 2022 12:47 PM (bYTQR)

331 There are snipers on the roof of the Senate and one of the Rideau Centre buildings in Ottawa right now at the Freedom Convoy protest.

This is the point where, tactically, this protest has shit itself. Unless you have over-watch - they're gonna' have over-watch.

They should have scattered. The only point they're making now is "watch how you shouldn't protest, unless you like your ass beaten".

Gents - you have trucks. Use them. Leave. Get mobile.

Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 12:47 PM (ycdlF)

332 Turns out - the protests of Big This or That - as well as Defund Johnny Law - had some merit. Too bad we didn't listen.
Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 12:43 PM (ycdlF)

No they didn't, because they were dishonest POS protests by liars who intend to bring in a FEDERAL force with even more power to do future beatdowns.

There is contrary and incendiary, and then there is just sadly misguided. The day I think "gee that Marxist scumbag was right!" is a day I need to check myself into Bellevue.

Posted by: ... at February 18, 2022 12:47 PM (EAtAT)

333 Always skip lege day.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at February 18, 2022 12:47 PM (44ww/)

334 "Republican attacks on the Democrats' handling of the COVID-19 pandemic have "alarming credibility,"

Shorter - Our policies suck.

Posted by: Golfman at February 18, 2022 12:47 PM (asRNB)

335 Tribulations?

Thought it said Trilobites

Posted by: Anna Puma at February 18, 2022 12:47 PM (c7Evq)

336 Months of BurnLootMurder was glorious, and Trudeau took a knee and donated to the rioters/protesters. But those huge peaceful trucker rallies, just a bunch of Nazis and racists. (sheesh, they really want open war I guess)

Posted by: illiniwek at February 18, 2022 12:42 PM (Cus5s)

I am old enough to remember when "those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable . . . ." was their rallying cry.

Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (SH2Zi)

337 GOP Minnesota Congressman Jim Hagedorn Dead at 59

Posted by: SMOD at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (RHGPo)

338 From comments shit getting real in Ottawa

Posted by: Skip's Phone at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (7ArI3)

339 Politico is blaming The Squad.

I don't think they've settled on a narrative yet.

@mehdirhasan 15h

If (when?) the Dems get hammered in November in the midterms, the number 1 reason will not be the left, or the economy, or Joe Biden, or Joe Biden's chief of staff, or mask mandates. It'll be two Democratic senators called Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. We all know this.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (zWpOF)

340 @ForumAtheist
CHRISTIANITY: Belief that one God created a universe 13.79 billion yrs old, 93 billion light yrs in diameter (1 light yr = approx.6 trillion miles), consisting of over 200 trillion galaxies,each containing ave.of 200 billion stars,only to have a personal relationship with u.

The big problem that zealot atheists have is that they spend almost no time learning about what they despise and fight against. So they come across as laughably sad and ignorant, or in this case, think they are being terribly clever and wise, while making Christians shrug.

I mean, he's claiming things as absolute fact that scientists merely guess at, so he's bad at his own religion, but its not even a zinger.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (KZzsI)

341 I think extreme conservatism was a good thing.

Posted by: Seems Legit at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (DcKNO)

342 Evers and Whitmer should not have a chance of being re-elected. The issue for the fall - liberty. You cannot miss.
Posted by: Emil Blatz at February 18, 2022 12:29 PM (MGMZa)

Id be certain of a win in MI if we were not a Dominion voting state.

Posted by: Clutch at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (9UmRs)

343 337 GOP Minnesota Congressman Jim Hagedorn Dead at 59
Posted by: SMOD at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (RHGPo)

Vaccine ?

Posted by: It's me donna at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (J8ILO)

344 It's weird in that there is no similar male anatomy term that is verboten. People call other people dicks, or dickheads all the time. Not a big deal at all. I guess you have to go to the eloquently stated Team America treatise on body parts to understand more.
Posted by: banana Dream at February 18, 2022 12:47 PM (bYTQR)

Okay, I'll go there.


Posted by: Napoleon XIV at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (AiZBA)

345 187 >>> Ed Morrissey is a fag, who thinks sucking dick is not gay, if the dicks you suck remain limp at all times.

is that Alexander Pope?
Posted by: ace
It was in Pope's lesser known 'Rape of the Base' poem.

Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (Iq9dF)

346 Notice the left phrase "our democracy" always is spoken with the "our."

Never just "democracy" as in "the end of democracy."

It's possessive, and they own it. Not us. We don't deserve anything, we cannot have anything, we belong behind barbed concertina fences and walls.

We belong on boxcars.

Posted by: Mr Gaga at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (KiBMU)

347 C###ts are usually naggers too
Posted by: JoeF.

Nah, most are white girls.

Posted by: Just the punchline at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (Msys3)

348 He really snapped when Trump ran for POTUS and started gaining traction. There were a lot of commenters that supported Trump and he would have none of that so he closed the comment section and switched the comments to FB.
Posted by: redridinghood at February 18, 2022 12:30 PM (NpAcC)

Yeah, I guess that was when all the masks dropped. I actually got booted from Red State for sticking up for Trump and calling them out on their BS. My first taste of cancel culture from "our side". I bailed on Hot Air long before Trump announced his run though. IIRC they were writing some fairly pro-Obama pieces - maybe not so pro-Obama but why he had to do what he was doing wasn't all that bad. I think my burnout on them hit about the same time as Bill O'Reilly constantly telling us that Obama wasn't a socialist - until he told us somewhere around 2013 that (shock of shocks) Obama, believe it or not, was a socialist. Looking out for us.

Posted by: clutch cargo - Now fortified with Vanax37, M390 and CPM-S90V at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (wAnMi)

Vis a vis, ergo.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:45 PM (LvTSG)

I shall reply anon.

Shit. the internet stole that word and now it means something else.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (6Pupv)

350 So Ottawa is now Sarajevo?

Posted by: Anna Puma at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (c7Evq)

351 Atheist Forum
CHRISTIANITY: Belief that one God created a universe 13.79 billion yrs old, 93 billion light yrs in diameter (1 light yr = approx.6 trillion miles), consisting of over 200 trillion galaxies,each containing ave.of 200 billion stars,only to have a personal relationship with u.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (FVME7)
Idiot. That differentiates theism, not "Christianity". Christianity just adds that God was willing to sacrifice no one other than Himself to illustrate the principle of your value to Him.

Posted by: Axeman at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (xjV3I)

352 It's weird in that there is no similar male anatomy term that is verboten. People call other people dicks, or dickheads all the time. Not a big deal at all. I guess you have to go to the eloquently stated Team America treatise on body parts to understand more.
Posted by: banana Dream at February 18, 2022 12:47 PM (bYTQR)

Or (he posits, gingerly) women are just overly sensitive.

Posted by: Wally at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (FJYfm)

353 >>>Trump never had political problems over ideology, I absolutely believe almost everything he pursued he had majority support. His issues were personality driven and/or phony scandals that he never properly handled.

well I agree generally but NeverTrump disagrees with him on major conservative issues. But they know they're in the minority on that -- not jut in the country among all voters, but especially with CONSERVATIVES.

So it's all this perpetual pose that it's all about HIS TWEETS when it's really about "children in cages."

They're open borders.

Posted by: ace at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (0G13K)

354 I don't think there is a center. Politics isn't a number line. I'm positive of that. At the least, it's a graph - with Economics at one axis, and Social Policy at the other.

I go with a triangle model, where the three points of the triangle are "Equality," "Stability," and "Personal Freedom." Most people fall somewhere along the edge, focusing on balancing two of the three at the expense of the third.

Left and right are arcs which overlap the "stability" point, while the left covers "equality" and the right covers "personal freedom." At least, prior to 1992 that was the case. Post cold War the left has shifted to the "equality-personal freedom" edge.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (wmDcS)

355 Oh very good news that the polling shows that people are realizing that the Dems are no "party of free love" anymore but a bunch of nagging scolds ready to cancel anyone who would dare say aloud that they'd only want to date or marry a "cis-gender" person of the opposite sex and so on.

Posted by: PaleRider is simply irredeemable at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (3cGpq)

356 Neighbor in banking says his bank (and other bigs) has so much money that he can't get uppers to offer almost anything to potential big depositors, who are offering to put enormous deposits in. They're now doing their pre-interest-rate-rise dance and adjustments, but he says the amount of $$ in major banks is unlike anything ever seen. And to top it off, what amounts to a reverse reserve-ration requirement in effect (didn't know about this one) since the 2009 disaster (referring to public policy here).

Posted by: rhomboid at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (OTzUX)

357 Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at February 18, 2022 12:47 PM (QRdjz)

And people are allowed to leave those countries. Every Left wing dictatorship imprisoned their population within the country. You risked your life trying to leave.

Posted by: Anti doesn't matter at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (7RvOV)

358 Ace, your saddle is ablazing.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (zQWIA)

Vaccine ?
Posted by: It's me donna at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (J8ILO)


Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (Zz0t1)

360 343 337 GOP Minnesota Congressman Jim Hagedorn Dead at 59
Posted by: SMOD at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (RHGPo)

Vaccine ?
Posted by: It's me donna at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (J8ILO)

Nope, I posted the cause 300+ posts up - kidney cancer.

Posted by: Nova local at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (exHjb)

361 339 @mehdirhasan 15h

If (when?) the Dems get hammered in November in the midterms, the number 1 reason will not be the left, or the economy, or Joe Biden, or Joe Biden's chief of staff, or mask mandates. It'll be two Democratic senators called Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. We all know this.
Posted by: weft cut-loop at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (zWpOF)


Correct. Cast them out from the party and anyone else who says anything remotely in support of them. It's the only way to ensure victory going forward.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (LvTSG)

362 Say what you will about AOC, she's a helluva economist!

AOC Blames Crime Surge On Expiring Federal Tax Credits

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (FVME7)

363 The Donbass region of the Ukraine is full of ethnic Russians who identify with the mother country, not Ukraine. Then, there are "Ukrainians" who despise Russia and the Russians living there. Ethnic strife ain't just for the 'Slavs ya know.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (BFigT)

364 Atheist Forum
CHRISTIANITY: Belief that one God created a universe 13.79 billion yrs old, 93 billion light yrs in diameter (1 light yr = approx.6 trillion miles), consisting of over 200 trillion galaxies,each containing ave.of 200 billion stars,only to have a personal relationship with u.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 12:35 PM (FVME7)

Correct. And He has given you free will to accept or turn down His standing invitation. You choose. And you get all this universe to play in. After all: God is love.

Posted by: J. Trudeau at February 18, 2022 12:50 PM (QMwOT)

365 Yep. Suddenly North Carolina's Governor* Roy Cooper decided that Science has determined that it's time to let kids take their masks off in this election year, too.
Posted by: Moron Robbie -

Robbie, I'm absolutely giddy today. It's the first day my kids have been able to go to school all year without a compliance muzzle on their face. Cooper (shit be upon him) announced yesterday, there was an email in my inbox an hour later letting us know our (private) school is mask-optional starting in the morning.

I will never forgive or forget that droopy-jowled piece of donk shit.

Posted by: Oedipus at February 18, 2022 12:50 PM (Ezt1G)

366 I think people will get their politicians under control when they start voting for what they've done in the past few years, not what they promise to do. To that end I would keep Abbott over a primary challenger.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at February 18, 2022 12:50 PM (44ww/)

367 Cause and Effect - that is a good point however, I think if the police start getting violent? It turns the people even further against all this shit.

Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at February 18, 2022 12:50 PM (fWn6t)

368 Nope, I posted the cause 300+ posts up - kidney cancer.
Posted by: Nova local at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (exHjb)


Posted by: It's me donna at February 18, 2022 12:50 PM (J8ILO)

369 I shall reply anon.

Shit. the internet stole that word and now it means something else.
Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (6Pupv)

*picks up dropped Q and hands it to Gentlemen*

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 12:50 PM (dNqv+)

370 358 Ace, your saddle is ablazing.
Posted by: Humphreyrobot at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (zQWIA)


Is the sheriff a near?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:50 PM (LvTSG)

371 These clowns think any real right wing government would be Hitler

What they say and what they think are almost always two very different things. Hitler is a cudgel like racism to get what they want and shut everyone else up. They would tongue worship Hitler's taint if he could get their domestic lefty shit done.

Posted by: ... at February 18, 2022 12:50 PM (EAtAT)

372 It's weird in that there is no similar male anatomy term that is verboten

"Between you and me sports fans, I think Crash used a word that will get you thrown out of a game immediately"
--Bull Durham

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 12:51 PM (KZzsI)

373 Vaccine ?
Posted by: It's me donna

Posted by: Sponge

Well, we suspect that the vaccine will cause untold cancers, so yeah. Vaccine.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 12:51 PM (Hica+)

374 Here's the link, as requested by ShainS. I don't link Salem Media any longer.


Heh. Maybe I need to put a \sarc tag in my nic ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Keep on HONKING in the Free World! at February 18, 2022 12:51 PM (mgm+u)

375 >>>I mean Ukrainians are no strangers to ethnic cleansing, but how stupid can they be to try that again?
Posted by: runner

Or it's Russians pulling this, to give themselves cover for an invasion. It's not like they haven't done that before, either.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at February 18, 2022 12:51 PM (bkUtD)

376 Do you suppose any of the Democrats will run 'against' Joe Biden? They can bloviate on how they are need to 'guide' and 'advise' the White House during the election then, if they manage to keep their seats, return to the spending like a sixteen year old who found a wallet stuffed with 100 dollar bills.

Posted by: JB1000 at February 18, 2022 12:51 PM (99WG3)

377 And for those wondering, Hagedorn's Stage 4 kidney cancer was diagnosed pre-vax - he was treated and went in remission that only lasted about 6 months, and was in the midst of the 2nd attempt at treatment...RIP...

Posted by: Nova local at February 18, 2022 12:51 PM (exHjb)

378 Cancer.
Posted by: Sponge

Well, we suspect that the vaccine will cause untold cancers, so yeah. Vaccine.
Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 12:51 PM (Hica+)

True story!

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 12:51 PM (Zz0t1)

379 >>> (sheesh, they really want open war I guess)
Posted by: illiniwek at February 18, 2022 12:42 PM (Cus5s)

No, they simply wish to crush and exterminate any and all opposition to the dictatorial powers of the oligarchy. And they have no reason to believe they can't.

Posted by: banana Dream at February 18, 2022 12:51 PM (bYTQR)

380 >>@ForumAtheist
CHRISTIANITY: Belief that one God created a universe 13.79 billion yrs old, 93 billion light yrs in diameter (1 light yr = approx.6 trillion miles), consisting of over 200 trillion galaxies,each containing ave.of 200 billion stars,only to have a personal relationship with u.

It's funny 'cause over the years I've sat next to aerospace engineers, a world-famous physicist and other science professors, and more on Sunday mornings. They managed to 'believe in science' as well as God.

What they didn't believe was they were their own god, like a lot of these arrogant atheist activists do.

Posted by: Lizzy at February 18, 2022 12:51 PM (Izr3o)

381 I am old enough to remember when "those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable . . . ." was their rallying cry.
Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (SH2Zi)

Remember way back when calling a class of people Terrorists, created Terrorists?

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 12:51 PM (oHd/0)

382 Or (he posits, gingerly) women are just overly sensitive.
Posted by: Wally at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (FJYfm)


Posted by: Jordan61 at February 18, 2022 12:51 PM (Ez6QX)

383 If Huffines won, that would be YUGE wake up call to the GOP.

Unfortunately I don’t have a strong sense of any of Abbott’s challengers; I do suspect that if anyone comes close to upsetting Abbott it will be Allan West. Who I’ve come to trust less and less over the years. He talks the talk but I’m not sure what he’s actually done, in either of his Texas policy positions or as head of the Texas Republican Party.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at February 18, 2022 12:51 PM (PmqP5)

384 I go with a triangle model, where the three points of the triangle are "Equality," "Stability," and "Personal Freedom." Most people fall somewhere along the edge, focusing on balancing two of the three at the expense of the third.

Interesting. If that's the case - the Boomers dialed up Stability to 11.

Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 12:52 PM (ycdlF)

385 Posted by: rhomboid at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (OTzUX)

People have money burning a hole in their pockets because there is no products to buy.

Posted by: Anti doesn't matter at February 18, 2022 12:52 PM (7RvOV)

386 The big problem that zealot atheists have is that they spend almost no time learning about what they despise and fight against. So they come across as laughably sad and ignorant, or in this case, think they are being terribly clever and wise, while making Christians shrug.

Same can be said for gun confiscation and climate "people." Or just leftists in general it applies.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at February 18, 2022 12:52 PM (iDcra)

387 376 Do you suppose any of the Democrats will run 'against' Joe Biden? They can bloviate on how they are need to 'guide' and 'advise' the White House during the election then, if they manage to keep their seats, return to the spending like a sixteen year old who found a wallet stuffed with 100 dollar bills.
Posted by: JB1000 at February 18, 2022 12:51 PM (99WG3)


When he announces his run for re-election, it's gonna be fun. He's not untouchable like Obama because he's a white guy who passed that racist crime bill in the 90s.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:52 PM (LvTSG)

388 No "cover" needed for an incursion in Donbass. It's a legit (stupid) inter-ethnic squabble, no good guys (from external point of view), and also no real external stake in any of it.

Posted by: rhomboid at February 18, 2022 12:52 PM (OTzUX)

389 No, they simply wish to crush and exterminate any and all opposition to the dictatorial powers of the oligarchy. And they have no reason to believe they can't.
Posted by: banana Dream at February 18, 2022 12:51 PM (bYTQR)


Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 12:52 PM (dNqv+)

390 The big problem that zealot atheists have is that they spend almost no time learning about what they despise and fight against. ...
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor

I think the biggest problem is that they claim to know the unknowable.

They decry faith, and then replace it with a certainty built on turtles all the way down.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at February 18, 2022 12:52 PM (6Pupv)

391 And the drooling idiot will grace us with his words at ET.

Posted by: Infidel at February 18, 2022 12:52 PM (JAkXN)

392 Atheist Forum@ForumAtheist
CHRISTIANITY: Belief that one God created a universe 13.79 billion yrs old, 93 billion light yrs in diameter (1 light yr = approx.6 trillion miles), consisting of over 200 trillion galaxies,each containing ave.of 200 billion stars,only to have a personal relationship with u.
That atheists think this is something is just embarrassing. I actually feel embarrassed for them when they bring this up.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at February 18, 2022 12:52 PM (sWM8x)

393 "Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit, have their mind set on what the Spirit desires."

Posted by: Marcus T, Recovering at February 18, 2022 12:52 PM (VpIIl)

394 Four ET.

Posted by: Infidel at February 18, 2022 12:53 PM (JAkXN)

395 I would love to see some evidence that Republicans have ever lost support from the middle because they did something us "far right" folks wanted.

Because you'd have to find some evidence that Republicans A) did something and B) it was what we wanted.
Posted by: Methos

About the only time I can think of where I will concede something went "too far" and lost the middle is a handful of Republicans on some social issues with abortion. Some insisting on "no exception" abortion policies (rape babies), Virginia passing a law mandating ultrasounds before an abortion, etc.

I'm not saying that there is zero merit in this, but I can see where Republicans lost the majority on those issues and probably undermined the pro-life position.

It wasn't anything Trump did while in office though, hell he was the guy saying he wanted to keep funding Planned Parenthood.

Posted by: Blago at February 18, 2022 12:53 PM (ezJm/)

396 We could use a man like Olaf Johnson...

Posted by: Anna Puma at February 18, 2022 12:53 PM (c7Evq)

397 Atheist Forum@ForumAtheist
CHRISTIANITY: Belief that one God created a universe 13.79 billion yrs old, 93 billion light yrs in diameter (1 light yr = approx.6 trillion miles), consisting of over 200 trillion galaxies,each containing ave.of 200 billion stars,only to have a personal relationship with u.

U mad bro?

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 12:53 PM (Zz0t1)

398 i'm pretty sure they didn't buy PJ media. Unless i completely missed this.

Posted by: ace at February 18, 2022 12:47 PM (0G13K)


I recall it happening, maybe a year or three ago? And PJ's Wikipedia page lists Salem as their owner.

And, here is the announcement in 2019.

Wasn't thrilled when it happened. Still am not.

Posted by: No Name Today at February 18, 2022 12:53 PM (vlXMQ)

399 The Donbass region of the Ukraine is full of ethnic Russians who identify with the mother country, not Ukraine. Then, there are "Ukrainians" who despise Russia and the Russians living there. Ethnic strife ain't just for the 'Slavs ya know.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (BFigT)

Further, the Ethnic Russians in Donbass are fed up with the corruption in Kyiv, as are about half the regular Ukrainians...the other half being in on it. So it's an interesting mix.

Posted by: Diogenes at February 18, 2022 12:53 PM (axyOa)

400 From comments shit getting real in Ottawa
Posted by: Skip's Phone at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (7ArI3)

That a twatty eunuch like Castreau is dropping the totalitarian hammer so quickly means it's nut cracking time.

Posted by: Captain Hate won't forget Michael Byrd Murdered Ashli Babbitt at February 18, 2022 12:53 PM (y7DUB)

401 Four ET.
Posted by: Infidel at February 18, 2022 12:53 PM (JAkXN)

Phones home.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 12:53 PM (Zz0t1)

402 "Fucking prat" is a good Briticism--particularly coming from Brick Top.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik [DHS Verdict: MDM] at February 18, 2022 12:53 PM (DTX3h)

403 Vis-a-vis ergot, you'll be tripping balls.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 12:54 PM (II3Gr)

404 Anti doesn't matter, in this case it's massive liquidity in institutions as a result of the insane money-creation. It's never really been seen before.

Posted by: rhomboid at February 18, 2022 12:54 PM (OTzUX)

405 "Republican attacks on the Democrats' handling of the COVID-19 pandemic have "alarming credibility,"

Now do chicks with dicks athletes.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 12:54 PM (FVME7)

406 382 Or (he posits, gingerly) women are just overly sensitive.
Posted by: Wally at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (FJYfm)

Posted by: Jordan61 at February 18, 2022 12:51 PM (Ez6QX)

You know, I was telling someone the other day- it was better in the 90's. When you got into this kind of argument with a girl, you could hop in your car and drive and REALLY be disconnected without ignoring the other person. Gave both parties a chance to cool off.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 12:54 PM (dNqv+)

407 Cause and Effect - that is a good point however, I think if the police start getting violent? It turns the people even further against all this shit.

Posted by: thathalfrican - The One

Sadly, I do not.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at February 18, 2022 12:54 PM (iDcra)

408 U mad bro?
Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 12:53 PM (Zz0t1)


Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 12:54 PM (II3Gr)

409 Kim Potter only got 16 months. She should have gotten nothing, but 16 months is better than 8 years

Posted by: Nevergiveup at February 18, 2022 12:54 PM (GPwVZ)

410 Biden's creepy Surgeon General and his whole Family have covid...

Posted by: It's me donna at February 18, 2022 12:54 PM (J8ILO)

411 Or (he posits, gingerly) women are just overly sensitive.

Posted by: Wally at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (FJYfm)

Hey ladies, is that a pretty dress on Milania?

Run dude, run!

Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at February 18, 2022 12:54 PM (SH2Zi)

412 In a moment of weakness, after I saw Fox was doing a commercial, and wanting to see if CNN was showing what was going on in Canada, they were instead talking about a fractured Republican party in Missouri. But, before I flipped back to Fox, I saw that...I could run said program back to the I did. then found out you can't fast forward...but, isn't it funny that DirectTv allows CNN programing, with non existent ratings, to be basically re-run , but with Fox, you can't . I know, shocking right? :/

Posted by: ziggggyeeee at February 18, 2022 12:55 PM (AsMdZ)

413 346 Notice the left phrase "our democracy" always is spoken with the "our."

Never just "democracy" as in "the end of democracy."

It's possessive, and they own it. Not us. We don't deserve anything, we cannot have anything, we belong behind barbed concertina fences and walls.

Posted by: Mr Gaga at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (KiBMU)

And the Constitution says we are a Republic. Funny that.

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 12:55 PM (oHd/0)

414 The big problem that zealot atheists have is that they spend almost no time learning about what they despise and fight against. So they come across as laughably sad and ignorant, or in this case, think they are being terribly clever and wise, while making Christians shrug.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (KZzsI)
What they claim, without a shred of proof, is that by intention they won't stumble into the same corrupting human behavior as whatever made the "Word of God" whatever the people in power insisted it was.

What has sway among men will be appropriated by ambitious men that "Science" hasn't traditionally been "settled" doesn't faze them in the slightest.

No, you Luddite, you rube--you WILL be ruled by SCIENCE! You will be punished for spreading "misinformation" that differs from SCIENCE!

Posted by: Axeman at February 18, 2022 12:55 PM (xjV3I)

415 At four Joey will announce the creation of a plant based guacamole that requires no avocados.

Posted by: Anna Puma at February 18, 2022 12:55 PM (c7Evq)

416 preachy," "judgmental" and "focused on culture wars," according to documents obtained by POLITICO.

Tipper Gore is finally vindicated by her party.

Posted by: LASue at February 18, 2022 12:55 PM (Ed8Zd)

417 Will there be any rollback or is the ratchet just stopped here for the moment?

Posted by: WiNO - The Odds Are Never in Our Favor at February 18, 2022 12:55 PM (EpDzw)

418 It's funny 'cause over the years I've sat next to aerospace engineers, a world-famous physicist and other science professors, and more on Sunday mornings. They managed to 'believe in science' as well as God.

I know more than a few scientists and medical types who became a Christian, or who were driven more and more deeply into their faith the more they studied science and math.

I am one of them. The more I learned about the world, the more I learn about science and how it all works, the more clear it becomes that this is not and cannot all be from mindless chance that showed up out of nowhere... slowly.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 12:55 PM (KZzsI)

419 Trudeau is fortifying the capital with the cloak of military readiness, in an attempt to portray the protest as violent paramilitary thugs intent on assassination and mayhem.

The second a nonviolent trucker gets tapped with a .308 head-shot, Trudeau is a dead-man-walking, politically.

Posted by: Mr Gaga at February 18, 2022 12:55 PM (KiBMU)

420 Or (he posits, gingerly) women are just overly sensitive.
Posted by: Wally at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (FJYfm)

Posted by: Jordan61

Calm down! It's lunchtime. Can we get some ham sammiches?

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 12:55 PM (Hica+)

421 I go with a triangle model, where the three points of the triangle are "Equality," "Stability," and "Personal Freedom." Most people fall somewhere along the edge, focusing on balancing two of the three at the expense of the third.

Interesting. If that's the case - the Boomers dialed up Stability to 11.
Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 12:52 PM (ycdlF)

If you're a "Have" you value stability above all else. Because even if the system is totally eff'ed up, you're winning under that system. It's why big corporations are silently (Well, less so in recent years) OK will all this government interference and red tape. They're winning!

So of course the Boomers want stability.

Posted by: Wally at February 18, 2022 12:55 PM (FJYfm)

422 Atheist sure do focus their fire at one particular religion they don't believe in, Christianity.

I don't find myself all that enraged at Hinduism and its belief in 33 million gods, even though I have zero doubts it's all a fiction.

Posted by: Blago at February 18, 2022 12:56 PM (ezJm/)

423 405 "Republican attacks on the Democrats' handling of the COVID-19 pandemic have "alarming credibility,"

Now do chicks with dicks athletes.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 12:54 PM (FVME7)


The boys in girls sports thing touches very few people.

Covid overreaction and oppression touched all of us for two years straight, led by Democrats, and they're suddenly trying to lay claim to victory over covid despite Florida having done that a year ago.

The tranny thing doesn't have quite the same punch.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:56 PM (LvTSG)

424 Idiot. That differentiates theism, not "Christianity". Christianity just adds that God was willing to sacrifice no one other than Himself to illustrate the principle of your value to Him.
Posted by: Axeman at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (xjV3I)

ATHEISM: The Belief that the entire Universe just happened somehow, and that it has no reason, no purpose and no meaning. At some point, it will probably just go away; it would all be a colossal joke except there's no one to laugh at it.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 12:56 PM (trdmm)

425 It's always time to refill my liberal tears water tanks.

Posted by: Gmac - WTF did you think was going to happen? at February 18, 2022 12:56 PM (qZdIZ)

426 419 Trudeau is fortifying the capital with the cloak of military readiness, in an attempt to portray the protest as violent paramilitary thugs intent on assassination and mayhem.

The second a nonviolent trucker gets tapped with a .308 head-shot, Trudeau is a dead-man-walking, politically.

Posted by: Mr Gaga at February 18, 2022 12:55 PM (KiBMU)

They have to have an excuse. We'll see if they go the Byrd/Babbitt route.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 12:56 PM (dNqv+)

427 VivaFrei is live and walking around.

Only a matter of time, I suppose. Wish there were more out there like him. There aren't.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at February 18, 2022 12:56 PM (Xrfse)

428 And the Constitution says we are a Republic. Funny that.
Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 12:55 PM (oHd/0)
But that's closer to the name of the brand of their competitor. So, this bastardized, undefined "democracy" is what we're going to get.

Posted by: Axeman at February 18, 2022 12:56 PM (xjV3I)

429 >>>At four Joey will announce the creation of a plant based guacamole that requires no avocados.

Posted by: Anna Puma at February 18, 2022 12:55 PM (c7Evq)

That's not guac in your pants, Joey.

Posted by: In Reel Life (yes, dummy, on purpose) at February 18, 2022 12:56 PM (QYPq3)

430 >The big problem that zealot atheists have is ...

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor

if they really believe there is no God, why don't they just quietly go about their lives, secure in the knowledge that they are right

why constantly fight against a thing you say does not exist

Posted by: DB - disgraced women's curling official at February 18, 2022 12:56 PM (geLO8)

You know, I was telling someone the other day- it was better in the 90's. When you got into this kind of argument with a girl, you could hop in your car and drive and REALLY be disconnected without ignoring the other person. Gave both parties a chance to cool off.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 12:54 PM (dNqv+)

You can always just turn your phone off. Of course when you turn it back on you'll have 159 texts ranging from tearful to angry to apologetic to obscene and murderous, and 84 voicemail messages running the same gamut.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 12:56 PM (II3Gr)

432 Will there be any rollback or is the ratchet just stopped here for the moment?
Posted by: WiNO

Ratchet only goes one way.
Stasi out front should have told you.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 12:56 PM (Hica+)

433 "Only douches use "alas". No one says that anymore."

Posted by: Boxx Culvert, brandon won't last past the 4th of July at February 18, 2022 12:45 PM


Posted by: Duncanthrax at February 18, 2022 12:57 PM (a3Q+t)

434 72% of respondants agree chocolate chocolate chip is awesome!

Posted by: Joey Two Scoops at February 18, 2022 12:57 PM (u9w0c)

435 >>> Okay, I'll go there.

Posted by: Napoleon XIV at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (AiZBA)

But nobody really cares about that either unless it's used to disparage one of our superior social deviance master groups. I don't think there's a term for penis that anyone really cares about. Not as much as the c word.

Posted by: banana Dream at February 18, 2022 12:57 PM (bYTQR)

436 392 The Atheists need to read Dr. John Polinghorne, the physicist who became an Anglican priest. I expect he wouldn't have a problem with big yet intimate God. Though I expect many of them have no idea who John Polkinghorne was

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 18, 2022 12:57 PM (RExiB)

437 Check out the nasty photos of blood clots and...something else...that's been pulled out of dead people lately. Link goes to American Greatness:

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at February 18, 2022 12:57 PM (Oc2TL)

438 Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 12:46 PM (KZzsI)

I have not read any history about global coordination of tyranny and the global mandates of take this shot or you can not buy or sell. Can you point me to a historical book that I can read, outside of the Bible, where this occurred?

Posted by: Miss Issippi at February 18, 2022 12:57 PM (sI15f)

439 Ace,
Salem bought PJ Media in March 2019. See Salem Media's own website using the Conservative Websites button.

Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 12:57 PM (Iq9dF)

440 Or (he posits, gingerly) women are just overly sensitive.
Posted by: Wally at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (FJYfm)

Posted by: Jordan61 at February 18, 2022 12:51 PM (Ez6QX)

Calm down. You're getting hysterical.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 12:57 PM (II3Gr)

441 >>>Kim Potter only got 16 months. She should have gotten nothing, but 16 months is better than 8 years
Posted by: Nevergiveup

When people are angry that cops are much more lax nowadays, it's because of stories like Potter's.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at February 18, 2022 12:58 PM (bkUtD)

442 422 Atheist sure do focus their fire at one particular religion they don't believe in, Christianity.

I don't find myself all that enraged at Hinduism and its belief in 33 million gods, even though I have zero doubts it's all a fiction.
Posted by: Blago at February 18, 2022 12:56 PM (ezJm/)

I believe that Atheism in this country is a haven for everyone who has neurotic daddy issues.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 12:58 PM (trdmm)

443 You can always just turn your phone off. Of course when you turn it back on you'll have 159 texts ranging from tearful to angry to apologetic to obscene and murderous, and 84 voicemail messages running the same gamut.
Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 12:56 PM (II3Gr)

That is kind of my point. You could actually disengage and the gal could too.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 12:58 PM (dNqv+)

444 347 C###ts are usually naggers too
Posted by: JoeF.

Nah, most are white girls.
Posted by: Just the punchline at February 18, 2022 12:48 PM (Msys3)

The black and mexican ones are da ho's.
Funny how lots of black and mexican ho's don't do black guys. Don't want to be a statistic I reckon.

Posted by: Karen: I nag therefore I am. at February 18, 2022 12:58 PM (QMwOT)

445 ace the issues that made Trump nominee and president have long-standing and wide support in the electorate - the ability of the GOP to exclude these (and the Dems, often, to go the complete opposite direction) defines the dysfunction of the last few decades, in part.

Having a border, rule of law in immigration, an economy unshackled by stifling regulation and taxes or hobbled by clearly asymmetrical trade policies, and something other than the bizarre clownshow that is the Dems in foreign policy are/were easy large-margin preferences (the last being the least important).

Posted by: rhomboid at February 18, 2022 12:58 PM (OTzUX)

446 PJ Media sucks now too. It's a lot of rote garbage that isn't really very insightful or original. It's largely written by people who don't have an expertise in anything that qualifies them to write on the given subjects. It's mostly opinion, without any creativity or anything more then a superficial dive into factual or intellectual aspects. It's written like someone has a deadline and just crapped on a page to make it. It's not even a place you can go for "breaking" scoops or cogent analysis- and now they want you to pay for "premium". Yeah, right. This is how websites become extinct.

Posted by: Marcus T, Recovering at February 18, 2022 12:58 PM (VpIIl)

447 why constantly fight against a thing you say does not exist
Posted by: DB - disgraced women's curling official at February 18, 2022 12:56 PM (geLO

Yeah, now do the religion known as Global Warmering.

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 12:58 PM (oHd/0)

448 The Atheist needs to watch the movie She.

Posted by: Anti doesn't matter at February 18, 2022 12:59 PM (7RvOV)

449 #notcastreustienemensquare


Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at February 18, 2022 12:59 PM (rjpjQ)

450 Direct link to Salem Media's website on ownership of Conservative Websites.

Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 12:59 PM (Iq9dF)

451 Wokefishing evidently is the newest online trend. People pretending to be woke in order to score a date.

Posted by: redridinghood at February 18, 2022 12:59 PM (NpAcC)

452 I will submit that there's no such thing as an atheist conservative; at least not in the sense of the right-wing populism I subscribe to. Allahpuke, George Will and rapidly expanding SC Cupp-size are perfect examples.

Posted by: bigcfromcleveland at February 18, 2022 12:59 PM (I+jBJ)

453 The boys in girls sports thing touches very few people.

Covid overreaction and oppression touched all of us for two years straight, led by Democrats, and they're suddenly trying to lay claim to victory over covid despite Florida having done that a year ago.

The tranny thing doesn't have quite the same punch.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:56 PM (LvTSG)

Every parent with girl kids is touched by the "tranny" thing b/c it's not just sports - it's locker rooms, bathrooms, dating, self-esteem, etc, etc...parents hate that sex sh&t in schools as much as the CRT sh$t - one begot the other, but parents hate's a good way to keep the "parent" vote on your side...

Posted by: Nova local at February 18, 2022 01:00 PM (exHjb)

Posted by: Jordan61 at February 18, 2022 12:51 PM

The protrusions are not calm! I say again, The protrusions are not calm!

Posted by: Duncanthrax at February 18, 2022 01:00 PM (a3Q+t)

455 if they really believe there is no God, why don't they just quietly go about their lives, secure in the knowledge that they are right

Yeah I think there's something in their past or lives that haunts them about God. Either it was parents they now hate who were theist, or they lived in a strongly theist area, or they just know in their heart of hearts what the truth is and fight against that.

But there's an important point here that isn't often mentioned. These guys always rail against Christianity. Not Judaism, not Shintoism, not Islam. They don't seem to give a crap if you are a theist, only if you are a CHRISTIAN theist. I've never seen a single one of these extremist atheist radicals tee off on belief in Allah or Jehovah. Its only Christians they are fixated on and enraged with.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:00 PM (KZzsI)

456 The boys in girls sports thing touches very few people.

Covid overreaction and oppression touched all of us for two years straight, led by Democrats, and they're suddenly trying to lay claim to victory over covid despite Florida having done that a year ago.

The tranny thing doesn't have quite the same punch.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison

I'll have to disagree there, I think a lot of parents are concerned. I just know I've seen up close even liberal people upset by it.

I don't think the GOP should go all in because they are usually terrible about talking about these issues. But I think this social issue has way more majority support than say abortion policies.

If you had a vote on this issue, I bet 80% would go against the trannies.

Posted by: Blago at February 18, 2022 01:00 PM (ezJm/)

I believe that Atheism in this country is a haven for everyone who has neurotic daddy issues.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 12:58 PM (trdmm)

They're FINE.


Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 01:00 PM (Zz0t1)

458 Dear aetheists, Joe Mannix and Fen post proof of God every day.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at February 18, 2022 01:00 PM (KbCG3)

459 Where they gonna get that money from?

1. Cutting spending. There is a lot of graft and handouts in Texas budgets, especially to leftist special interests such as non-reliable energy; and to schools, who currently pretty much get to be their own uncontrolled fiefdoms.

2. Broader sales taxes.

3. Natural resources such as oil.

Link in nic to more detailed plan. I’m not sure it’s realistic, but it does seem technically possible.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at February 18, 2022 01:00 PM (PmqP5)

460 Cause and Effect - that is a good point however, I think if the police start getting violent? It turns the people even further against all this shit.
Posted by: thathalfrican - The One

Sadly, I do not.
Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at February 18, 2022 12:54 PM (iDcra)

The police have been violent. And what was conventional wisdom, here ? "Yes sir, no sir, keep your hands and ten and two - and nothing will go wrong".

Shall I name names ?

Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 01:00 PM (ycdlF)

461 Who runs WZs? It is a known dude (or gal)? Or is it a group of people?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:00 PM (dNqv+)

462 I don't think Shapiro drinks much, if at all. He's guilty of all other charges, however.
Posted by: Moron Analyst at February 18, 2022 12:33 PM (NCgXW)


I tried to watch a video of Shapiro the other day. I think he was going to talk about this new documentary on Showtime about how white people are responsible for all the world's ills. He started by talking about how there was no evidence of voting fraud in 2020 so I turned it off.

Posted by: Darth Randall at February 18, 2022 01:00 PM (jQox2)

463 I think ghandi had a quote about passive resistance that works here. When does castreau lose exactly?

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at February 18, 2022 01:00 PM (rjpjQ)

464 Can MN's guv appoint anyone he likes to the Senate seat vacated by the dead R?

Posted by: Mr Gaga at February 18, 2022 01:00 PM (KiBMU)

465 And the Constitution says we are a Republic. Funny that.
Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 12:55 PM (oHd/0)

The exclusive use of "democracy" to describe our form of government is a tell. Why do you think the commie radio show on college stations is called "Democracy Now".

Posted by: Captain Hate won't forget Michael Byrd Murdered Ashli Babbitt at February 18, 2022 01:00 PM (y7DUB)

466 Now:

You must leave or you will be arrested. (The police are closing in on the demonstrators.) Some women kneeling, offering to be arrested.

Posted by: Lola at February 18, 2022 01:01 PM (xjz83)

Posted by: Jordan61

Calm down! It's lunchtime. Can we get some ham sammiches?
Posted by: rickb223

When the details of rickb223's funeral service are set, would someone please post them?


Posted by: Tonypete at February 18, 2022 01:01 PM (Msys3)

468 Kim Potter only got 16 months. She should have gotten nothing, but 16 months is better than 8 years
Posted by: Nevergiveup

When people are angry that cops are much more lax nowadays, it's because of stories like Potter's.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at February 18, 2022 12:58 PM (bkUtD)

Perhaps. In my opinion, a street cop that can't tell the difference between a tazer and a handgun when it counts shouldn't be on the street, though. Should she have gotten 16 months? Don't know, but she was at least negligent (or perhaps poorly trained?) and killed someone as a result. Don't get me wrong I'm not weeping for the departed...

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 01:01 PM (II3Gr)

469 Wokefishing evidently is the newest online trend. People pretending to be woke in order to score a date.
Posted by: redridinghood at February 18, 2022 12:59 PM (NpAcC)
Nothing new about that. Dudes in the 80s pretending to be "sensitive men" to score dates with chicks and then dump them after scoring wasn't exactly unheard of.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 18, 2022 01:01 PM (DU+/6)

470 I go with a triangle model, where the three points of the triangle are "Equality," "Stability," and "Personal Freedom." Most people fall somewhere along the edge, focusing on balancing two of the three at the expense of the third.

Interesting. If that's the case - the Boomers dialed up Stability to 11.
Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 12:52 PM (ycdlF)
Not to entirely denigrate "personal freedom", but criminals exercise "personal freedom", and laws are created to restrain "personal freedom" as defined by each individual. We wouldn't have a government or laws if we stood at the node that is "personal freedom".

Posted by: Axeman at February 18, 2022 01:01 PM (xjV3I)

471 Received another email yesterday from my Republican precinct capn' asking for donations of time. I told him to suck my dick and never call here again.

Posted by: Capital Eff at February 18, 2022 01:01 PM (GYllL)

472 When the details of rickb223's funeral service are set, would someone please post them?

Posted by: Tonypete


Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:01 PM (Hica+)

473 The credibility of this "backlash against stupid public health policies" is thin to me. The country had the opportunity to show its reaction to these - and to the worst/ugliest/dumbest domestic violence and strife in generations - in November 2020.

Leaving the presidential result aside, there's no evidence of any significantly unusual voting patterns. Fairly typical down-ticket results.

Posted by: rhomboid at February 18, 2022 01:02 PM (OTzUX)

474 >>> The second a nonviolent trucker gets tapped with a .308 head-shot, Trudeau is a dead-man-walking, politically.

Posted by: Mr Gaga at February 18, 2022 12:55 PM (KiBMU)

Again, western countries have been murdering citizens who inconvenience our oligarch masters right and left and it's no big deal. All the puppets in government cheer it. All the propaganda media cheer it. People who dare to criticize it are, if they're lucky, canceled, if not lucky they're painted with a target for the next round of culling.

Posted by: banana Dream at February 18, 2022 01:02 PM (bYTQR)

475 392- Books by theoretical physicist turned Anglican priest, John Polkinghorne:

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 18, 2022 01:02 PM (RExiB)

476 Klain to Senate Dems: Don't worry -- Biden's SOTU will turn this midterm disaster around

Posted by: SMOD at February 18, 2022 01:02 PM (RHGPo)

477 440 Or (he posits, gingerly) women are just overly sensitive.
Posted by: Wally at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (FJYfm)

A combination of hormones, spanxs that are two sizes too small, shoes that are two sizes too small and maxed out credit cards.

This is why garages were invented.

Posted by: Married Men at February 18, 2022 01:02 PM (QMwOT)

478 That is kind of my point. You could actually disengage and the gal could too.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 12:58 PM (dNqv+)

She'd just freak the fuck out at you when you got back. Or give you the silent treatment/cold shoulder for a few days/weeks/months.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 01:02 PM (II3Gr)

479 Perhaps. In my opinion, a street cop that can't tell the difference between a tazer and a handgun when it counts shouldn't be on the street, though. Should she have gotten 16 months? Don't know, but she was at least negligent (or perhaps poorly trained?) and killed someone as a result. Don't get me wrong I'm not weeping for the departed...
Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 01:01 PM (II3Gr)

Right, so fire her. But if this scum did not resist and try to get away none of this would have happened to begin with

Posted by: Nevergiveup at February 18, 2022 01:02 PM (GPwVZ)

480 Remember Captain's Quarters? What a shit-hole that was. How did he get the gig at HotAir? Blackmail?

Posted by: Dr Spank at February 18, 2022 01:03 PM (SHORd)

481 Fuck HotAir! They're racist, misogynistic, sexist, homophobic, transphobic tw@ts! I heard it from a vagrant hanging out at the zoo at closing time.

Posted by: Mean Tweets at February 18, 2022 01:03 PM (BOJAx)

482 Received another email yesterday from my Republican precinct capn' asking for donations of time. I told him to suck my dick and never call here again.
Posted by: Capital Eff

Should have given him that Canadian gofundme doxxer's number.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:03 PM (Hica+)

483 The boys in girls sports thing touches very few people.

I know what you mean, and you're right. This does not hit people at home as much as lockdowns and vaccine passports and all that crap.

But it is one of those low, slow-burning annoyances that adds up. Nobody is going to storm the ballot box based only on tranny bathrooms but it really annoys, offends, upsets, and bothers people even if they aren't directly affected. There's almost nobody alive who does not have a least one little girl in their social circle like a niece or the daughter of a friend.

And... what the hell, why does this racist crap have to keep popping up? Some subjects really brings the nasty out of the woodwork.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:03 PM (KZzsI)

484 BTW,
You see Salem Media bragging about its Fakebook presence with over 6 million fans.

That right there is why Salem properties more or less suck. It is because to get access to those platforms to make a buck, Salem Inc has to censor itself to whatever those platforms deem acceptable conservative thought.

Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 01:03 PM (Iq9dF)

485 I will always be grateful to Hot Air for sending me to a link at ace of spades. Other than that they are dead to me.

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at February 18, 2022 01:03 PM (2NHgQ)

486 You can try to abandon God, but he will never abandon you.

Posted by: Marcus T, Recovering at February 18, 2022 01:03 PM (VpIIl)

487 When the details of rickb223's funeral service are set, would someone please post them?

Posted by: Tonypete at February 18, 2022 01:01 PM (Msys3)

For half a second, I thought I had missed some comments.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:03 PM (dNqv+)

488 477 440 Or (he posits, gingerly) women are just overly sensitive.
Posted by: Wally at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (FJYfm)

A combination of hormones, spanxs that are two sizes too small, shoes that are two sizes too small and maxed out credit cards.

This is why garages were invented.
Posted by: Married Men at February 18, 2022 01:02 PM (QMwOT)

And why married men usually die before their wives.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 01:03 PM (II3Gr)

489 On TikTok, the auto close-captioning feature will not transcribe the word "unvaccinated". It will transcribe the spoke word "unvaccinated" as "vaccinated".

There are some weird mindgames being played in the smallest of places.

Posted by: Miss Issippi at February 18, 2022 01:03 PM (sI15f)

490 >>Only a matter of time, I suppose. Wish there were more out there like him. There aren't.

Rebel News is covering it, and they have a history of standing up to Trudeau and others:

Posted by: Lizzy at February 18, 2022 01:03 PM (Izr3o)

491 "That's because you're just a dummy."
-Guy who totally got the ending of The Matrix Reloaded, totally
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 12:46 PM


Posted by: That Guy who got the ending of 2001: A Space Odyssey at February 18, 2022 01:03 PM (a3Q+t)

492 I am rather surprised at the shock many posters have expressed here over the heavy handed government crackdown in Canada regarding the truckers protesting. I have lived next to Canada for over thirty years and know many Canadians. With only a few exceptions they are all willing socialists. Because it is not a free country it is a socialist country. It is immigrant heavy because of all the social welfare programs. They have universal health care which allows them to run to the doctor at no charge for a cold but wait for months for an MRI for your suspected cancer. They pay taxes and VAT , and everything is more expensive.Why does it continue?Because it is a source of national pride to be socialist because it seems so caring.

Posted by: Jen the original at February 18, 2022 01:03 PM (rkyNn)

493 Hotair went to shit when Malkin bailed. End of story.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at February 18, 2022 01:04 PM (dA9eR)

I wish you could lay off the Little Debbie's Snack Cakes, Ed.

Poppin' Fresh, dammit! He's Poppin' Fresh!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at February 18, 2022 01:04 PM (pNxlR)

495 A combination of hormones, spanxs that are two sizes too small, shoes that are two sizes too small and maxed out credit cards.
This is why garages were invented.
Posted by: Married Men

And why married men usually die before their wives.
Posted by: Insomniac

Because we're ready.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:05 PM (Hica+)

496 You must leave or you will be arrested. (The police are closing in on the demonstrators.) Some women kneeling, offering to be arrested.


This is the approach that the left took in the past and its devastating. Don't run. Don't back down. Face them down and force them to follow through with their tyrannical evil. Make them do what they threaten. Then in court, attack.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:05 PM (KZzsI)

497 Perhaps. In my opinion, a street cop that can't tell the difference between a tazer and a handgun when it counts shouldn't be on the street, though. Should she have gotten 16 months? Don't know, but she was at least negligent (or perhaps poorly trained?) and killed someone as a result. Don't get me wrong I'm not weeping for the departed...
Posted by: Insomniac -

I can't really go all in on defending her either.

I think it was definitely a situation where she got the book thrown at her over skin color, but a trained cop that negligent deserves some sort of punishment.

And I also think that cop that shot and killed the Jan 6 protester deserves prison time.

Posted by: Blago at February 18, 2022 01:05 PM (ezJm/)

498 480 Remember Captain's Quarters? What a shit-hole that was. How did he get the gig at HotAir? Blackmail?

Posted by: Dr Spank
Michelle Malkin hired him and the other remaining original HotFart crew members. Morrissey was a blogger who became famous by accident via the whole Canuck media Liberal party scandal in the early 00's.

Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 01:05 PM (Iq9dF)

499 464 Can MN's guv appoint anyone he likes to the Senate seat vacated by the dead R?
Posted by: Mr Gaga at February 18, 2022 01:00 PM (KiBMU)

House whether or not they can (which I'm not sure), it will be up in 2022...

Posted by: Nova local at February 18, 2022 01:05 PM (exHjb)

500 State of the Union addresses usually have little impact on public opinion of the president. Gallup's regular polling of the president's approval rating, which goes back decades, enables us to compare polls taken immediately before and immediately after the State of the Union to check for any popularity bumps we might attribute to the speech. But according to Gallup, the average State of the Union address since 19783 has boosted the president's approval rating by just 0.4 percentage points.

.. about now 0.4% is big for this POTUS

Posted by: SMOD at February 18, 2022 01:05 PM (RHGPo)

501 469 Wokefishing evidently is the newest online trend. People pretending to be woke in order to score a date.
Posted by: redridinghood at February 18, 2022 12:59 PM (NpAcC)
Nothing new about that. Dudes in the 80s pretending to be "sensitive men" to score dates with chicks and then dump them after scoring wasn't exactly unheard of.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 18, 2022 01:01 PM (DU+/6)


Anything for a piece of ass.

Posted by: Single Men at February 18, 2022 01:05 PM (QMwOT)

502 499 464 Can MN's guv appoint anyone he likes to the Senate seat vacated by the dead R?
Posted by: Mr Gaga at February 18, 2022 01:00 PM (KiBMU)

House whether or not they can (which I'm not sure), it will be up in 2022...

Posted by: Nova local at February 18, 2022 01:05 PM (exHjb)


I don't think there are anything but special elections for House races.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 01:06 PM (LvTSG)

503 I have not read any history about global coordination of tyranny and the global mandates of take this shot or you can not buy or sell. Can you point me to a historical book that I can read, outside of the Bible, where this occurred?
Posted by: Miss Issippi at February 18, 2022 12:57 PM (sI15f)

global coordination is a relatively new phenomena in this civilization, which is why we look back to Rome to find this level of control over society. You might want to read Oswald Spengler, "Decline of the West" to see views of other civilizations that have reached this point. Originally published in 1912, he isn't very well like because he predicted most of the 20th century with uncanny accuracy. He predicted where we are now, as well.

To summarize his end game, he shows that all great civilizations eventually collapse into an Imperial Stage, which they can maintain for some time depending on outside pressures. Eventually everything collapses and there are a few very dark centuries until a new Civilization is created and starts the cycle over.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 01:06 PM (trdmm)

504 Not to entirely denigrate "personal freedom", but criminals exercise "personal freedom", and laws are created to restrain "personal freedom" as defined by each individual. We wouldn't have a government or laws if we stood at the node that is "personal freedom".

An excellent point. I'd counter with this - Freedom doesn't mean being free from protecting yourself. And Law Enforcement has protected certain criminals for far longer than they've helped those that want to protect themselves.

Or, as the Warrior Poet Bill "Superstar" Dundee once said on a fine Saturday morning - "Brother, I can't stop you from jumping on - but I can do a whole lot of things to make you want to jump back off".

You can't give people Freedom. It's an ethos. And it's hard.

Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 01:06 PM (ycdlF)

505 She'd just freak the fuck out at you when you got back. Or give you the silent treatment/cold shoulder for a few days/weeks/months.
Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 01:02 PM (II3Gr)

Or, you could come back and actually take another stab at the conversation with a clear head.

Women are like fighting the Wehrmacht. You do not know what they are going to do and they do not play by the rules. All you can control is what YOU do and where YOUR head is at.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:06 PM (dNqv+)

506 But if this scum did not resist and try to get away none of this would have happened to begin with

Didn't they decriminalize running from the police? That would seem to be an impetus to skedaddle.

Posted by: Mean Tweets at February 18, 2022 01:06 PM (BOJAx)

507 478 That is kind of my point. You could actually disengage and the gal could too.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 12:58 PM (dNqv+)

She'd just freak the fuck out at you when you got back. Or give you the silent treatment/cold shoulder for a few days/weeks/months.
Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 01:02 PM (II3Gr)

I have every potential lady friend listen to two songs...
Elvis, Treat me Right
Depeche Mode, Somebody

Most ladies are surprised when they find out I'm serious about the Elvis song... treat me right or I'm fucking gone.

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 01:06 PM (oHd/0)

Neighbor in banking says his bank (and other bigs) has so much money that he can't get uppers to offer almost anything to potential big depositors, who are offering to put enormous deposits in. They're now doing their pre-interest-rate-rise dance and adjustments, but he says the amount of $$ in major banks is unlike anything ever seen. And to top it off, what amounts to a reverse reserve-ration requirement in effect (didn't know about this one) since the 2009 disaster (referring to public policy here).
Posted by: rhomboid at February 18, 2022 12:49 PM (OTzUX)

That sounds suspiciously like it's leading to math.

*gives rhomboid the stink-eye*

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at February 18, 2022 01:06 PM (n+4am)

509 When the details of rickb223's funeral service are set, would someone please post them?
Posted by: Tonypete at February 18, 2022 01:01 PM

Not all details have been worked out, but it's known there will be no viewing.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at February 18, 2022 01:06 PM (a3Q+t)

510 They're taking the children in Ottawa.

Posted by: Capital Eff at February 18, 2022 01:06 PM (GYllL)

511 Ottowa police are now threatening to seize children in the protest site.

Posted by: Revenant at February 18, 2022 01:06 PM (ydlAE)

512 I fully expect Dementia Joe to push BBB (Buttering Biden Buttocks) in the SOTU

Posted by: SMOD at February 18, 2022 01:07 PM (RHGPo)

513 476 Klain to Senate Dems: Don't worry -- Biden's SOTU will turn this midterm disaster around
Posted by: SMOD at February 18, 2022 01:02 PM (RHGPo)

Jeebus... isn't he like a month late with that shitshow. Dollarz to donuts he doesnt do one or just sends in a taped message from the fake oval office

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at February 18, 2022 01:07 PM (rjpjQ)

514 Just in: Surgeon general, vaxed and double boosted, has tested positive for covid. But he wants everybody to keep getting vaxed because you cant be too careful!

Comedy gold, can't make his shit up.

Posted by: Ripley at February 18, 2022 01:07 PM (MxEKc)

515 Oh, please! Not the briar patch!

NBC News
WATCH: @NBCNewsNow reports on how some teachers are thinking of quitting due to states restricting what they can and cannot teach.

Posted by: Br'er Rabbit at February 18, 2022 01:07 PM (FVME7)

516 Ottowa police are now threatening to seize children in the protest site.
Posted by: Revenant at February 18, 2022 01:06 PM (ydlAE)

Separating kids from their parents is OK now?

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 01:07 PM (Zz0t1)

517 Leaving the presidential result aside, there's no evidence of any significantly unusual voting patterns. Fairly typical down-ticket results.

Posted by: rhomboid

We tend to over emphasize anecdotes, but almost every single person I know that was "Covid crazy" is now angry at all of it.

They feel like they have been conned and that makes people angry and want to punish those involved.

Posted by: Blago at February 18, 2022 01:07 PM (ezJm/)

518 I would love to see some evidence that Republicans have ever lost support from the middle because they did something us "far right" folks wanted.

Because you'd have to find some evidence that Republicans A) did something and B) it was what we wanted.


Ironically, it's the Rs in Congress (and even moderate Dems) who run to what would be considered "far right" agenda items (ie. normal policy positions to most of us) when they hope to win elections. It's only when they get elected they forget all that and do as they damned well please.

Posted by: Lady in Black at February 18, 2022 01:08 PM (sVtYq)

519 I will submit that there's no such thing as an atheist conservative; at least not in the sense of the right-wing populism I subscribe to. Allahpuke, George Will and rapidly expanding SC Cupp-size are perfect examples.
Posted by: bigcfromcleveland at February 18, 2022 12:59 PM (I+jBJ)
That's long been a suspicion of mine. Not that atheists cannot have the same respect for proven and observed systems, (e.g. systems that actually have been *tried*) but that atheists tend to have a similar effect as "progressives".

But I wouldn't suggest that this tendency is absolute. And I intend to accept the input of each person on the merits of their contribution. But the established "we've got to play Jenga with the God-planks of society" has no value to me. And really shouldn't to a rational atheist.

Posted by: Axeman at February 18, 2022 01:08 PM (xjV3I)

520 Women are like fighting the Wehrmacht. You do not know what they are going to do and they do not play by the rules. All you can control is what YOU do and where YOUR head is at.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:06 PM (dNqv+)

So you're saying that taking meth might level the playing field a bit.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 01:08 PM (II3Gr)

521 Trying to take the children should work out well./sarc

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 18, 2022 01:08 PM (TOTYV)

522 Of course, none of this matters. There's still a bureaucracy that is all powerful and will do what it wants regardless of any voting.

Posted by: InCali at February 18, 2022 01:08 PM (eFvmN)

523 I always thought Canadians were rugged freedom loving people- living up there in the cold with bears and wolves and nothing to do but make syrup and watch hockey- but this Trudeau episode makes me wonder if I was wrong the whole time

Posted by: DB - disgraced women's curling official at February 18, 2022 01:08 PM (geLO8)

524 515 Oh, please! Not the briar patch!

NBC News
WATCH: @NBCNewsNow reports on how some teachers are thinking of quitting due to states restricting what they can and cannot teach.
Posted by: Br'er Rabbit at February 18, 2022 01:07 PM (FVME7)


Don't move to California. Please don't do it.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 01:08 PM (LvTSG)

525 510 They're taking the children in Ottawa.
Posted by: Capital Eff at February 18, 2022 01:06 PM (GYllL)

That is a fucking ominous comment.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:08 PM (dNqv+)

526 57% of Voters in Competitive Districts Agree That Democrats "Went Much Too Far" In Their Pandemic Lockdowns

I am re-reading the headline and it isn't as big a deal as all that. First, this only has to deal with "competitive districts" and that is a very small number indeed - competitive meaning its within a 10 point spread. So somewhat more than half of the voters in that small number of districts think that about Democrats. That's really not a lot of people.

What SHOULD shock the Dems is San Francisco recalled three schoolboard members. Those aren't even a little bit competitive. And still the voters removed them.

Posted by: blaster at February 18, 2022 01:08 PM (9otr5)

527 Or, you could come back and actually take another stab at the conversation with a clear head.

Posted by: Aetius451AD

I had occasion to apologize to the lovely Mrs. the other day. I said to her - "I'm sorry I was an asshoe."

She replied - "I'm sorry you are too."

Posted by: Tonypete at February 18, 2022 01:08 PM (Msys3)

528 This is the approach that the left took in the past and its devastating. Don't run. Don't back down. Face them down and force them to follow through with their tyrannical evil. Make them do what they threaten. Then in court, attack.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:05 PM (KZzsI)

As I said earlier today, this is the Ghandi model of resistance. Also used by the British Suffragette movement in the early 20th century. It works against the British model of governance (it wouldn't work against the Chinese or the Russians)

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 01:08 PM (trdmm)

529 Perhaps. In my opinion, a street cop that can't tell the difference between a tazer and a handgun when it counts shouldn't be on the street, though. Should she have gotten 16 months? Don't know, but she was at least negligent (or perhaps poorly trained?) and killed someone as a result. Don't get me wrong I'm not weeping for the departed..

(1) People say this, but if you create a possibility of mistake, humans will eventually make that mistake. Giving police non-lethal options, and effectively mandating they use them, creates this possibility. It'll probably be rare, but it's simply going to happen, and you have to keep in mind officers are making split-second decisions and acting immediately in these cases.

(2) It seemed to me like she would have been justified in using deadly force in this case. I can't wrap my mind around how prison makes sense for a mistake, when an officer would have been justified in shooting the perp anyway.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at February 18, 2022 01:08 PM (KFhLj)

530 For half a second, I thought I had missed some comments.
Posted by: Aetius451AD

See #420 for the full accounting.
And, as a testament to how wonderful our 'ettes are, Jordan61 took it in the kidding way it was meant and didn't kill me.


Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:08 PM (Hica+)

531 >>> That right there is why Salem properties more or less suck. It is because to get access to those platforms to make a buck, Salem Inc has to censor itself to whatever those platforms deem acceptable conservative thought.
Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 01:03 PM (Iq9dF)

It is ridiculous how they just throw statements countering the election steal and covid hysteria into unrelated things. They should just have a facebook disclaimer running through a chyron regarding what they are allowed to believe or say on every webpage to save them time.

Posted by: banana Dream at February 18, 2022 01:09 PM (bYTQR)

532 I'd say we are now solidly in the "bad men make bad times" phase of the human cycle.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at February 18, 2022 01:09 PM (iDcra)

533 Per the Rebel News livestream, the truckers have left after being threatened with arrest but their trucks are still parked and the protesters are moving toward them to try to interfere with towing operations.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 18, 2022 01:09 PM (DU+/6)

534 So you're saying that taking meth might level the playing field a bit.
Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 01:08 PM (II3Gr)

Or, get this, maybe NOT taking meth might give you an advantage in the long term.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:09 PM (dNqv+)

535 That's long been a suspicion of mine. Not that atheists cannot have the same respect for proven and observed systems, (e.g. systems that actually have been *tried*) but that atheists tend to have a similar effect as "progressives".

But I wouldn't suggest that this tendency is absolute. And I intend to accept the input of each person on the merits of their contribution. But the established "we've got to play Jenga with the God-planks of society" has no value to me. And really shouldn't to a rational atheist.
Posted by: Axeman at February 18, 2022 01:08 PM (xjV3I)

Have you talked to the proprietor? Or has he come around?

Posted by: blaster at February 18, 2022 01:09 PM (9otr5)

536 Trudeau has to stop this nonsense. The authorities have to disobey his edicts. Don't think it can't happen here.

Posted by: Mean Tweets at February 18, 2022 01:09 PM (BOJAx)

537 In the US we just take children of illegals, but fancypants Justin Trudeau takes children of citizens.
What a guy !!

Posted by: SMOD at February 18, 2022 01:09 PM (RHGPo)

538 515 Oh, please! Not the briar patch!

NBC News
WATCH: @NBCNewsNow reports on how some teachers are thinking of quitting due to states restricting what they can and cannot teach.
Posted by: Br'er Rabbit at February 18, 2022 01:07 PM (FVME7)

You can't teach your kids that white people are inherently evil.

This is bullshit! I'm out of here.

Also, schools don't teach CRT.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at February 18, 2022 01:10 PM (KbCG3)

539 Oh, please! Not the briar patch!

NBC News
WATCH: @NBCNewsNow reports on how some teachers are thinking of quitting due to states restricting what they can and cannot teach.

Posted by: Br'er Rabbit at February 18, 2022 01:07 PM (FVME7)

"Work" 9 months a year, for excellent pay, benefits, and retirement plan. Yeah, try that anywhere else.

Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at February 18, 2022 01:10 PM (SH2Zi)

540 473 The credibility of this "backlash against stupid public health policies" is thin to me. The country had the opportunity to show its reaction to these - and to the worst/ugliest/dumbest domestic violence and strife in generations - in November 2020.

Leaving the presidential result aside, there's no evidence of any significantly unusual voting patterns. Fairly typical down-ticket results. Posted by: rhomboid
Political preference setting takes time and is a lagging indicator of what thought leaders prefer. To a great extent, that is why the left concentrates on deplatforming and stigmatizing unacceptable (popular) thought leaders while leaving the corporate drone types alone.

Just like it takes a militia time to muster at the order of a captain, it takes twice as long if the captain is unavailable. Look at how bureaucracies flail when their superiors are unavailable.

Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 01:10 PM (Iq9dF)

541 Ottowa police are now threatening to seize children in the protest site.
Posted by: Revenant at February 18, 2022 01:06 PM (ydlAE)

Separating kids from their parents is OK now?
Posted by: Sponge

Of course. Ottawa isn't the border.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:10 PM (Hica+)

542 They're taking the children in Ottawa.
Posted by: Capital Eff at February 18, 2022 01:06 PM (GYllL)

So what, they're resilient.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Wrecker. Hoarder. Honker. at February 18, 2022 01:10 PM (II3Gr)

543 The right to Freedom is absolute, and inherent in all people. It is inalienable (cannot be taken away), inherent (natural part of being human), and God-given (not from government or society).

However, in a society, we agree to voluntarily limit the free expression of our rights in order to collectively gain the benefits of that society. The Founding Fathers worked hard to find the absolute minimal point at which you must do this and yet maintain a coherent society, but warned that it could only be possible in an ethical, "virtuous" people.

That is, it only works if people are governed and guided by shared, righteous principles that are external to them and non-negotiable, like the 10 commandments. Without that, people take advantage, manipulate, and abuse the culture to their gain and the suffering of others.

In response, those in power begin to restrict more and more of the free expression of our rights, in an attempt to stop the unethical from violating everyone else's rights in their greed to have and do more.

And that can only be done with larger and more powerful government.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:10 PM (KZzsI)

544 Klain to Senate Dems: Don't worry -- Biden's SOTU will turn this midterm disaster around
Posted by: SMOD at February 18, 2022 01:02 PM (RHGPo)

Jeebus... isn't he like a month late with that shitshow. Dollarz to donuts he doesnt do one or just sends in a taped message from the fake oval office
Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless

Dude, it takes time to think up the perfect lie.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 01:10 PM (FVME7)

545 The credibility of this "backlash against stupid public health policies" is thin to me. The country had the opportunity to show its reaction to these - and to the worst/ugliest/dumbest domestic violence and strife in generations - in November 2020.

rhomboid, maybe it's cumulative. And the fact that so maybe people took the clot shot and got omicron anyway brought attention to what a farce the whole thing has been.

Posted by: Methos at February 18, 2022 01:10 PM (kOpft)

546 We tend to over emphasize anecdotes, but almost every single person I know that was "Covid crazy" is now angry at all of it.

They feel like they have been conned and that makes people angry and want to punish those involved.
Posted by: Blago at February 18, 2022 01:07 PM (ezJm/)

Know what they call a whole bunch of anecdotes?


Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 01:11 PM (oHd/0)

547 They're taking the children in Ottawa.
Posted by: Capital Eff at February 18, 2022 01:06 PM (GYllL)

Officer Officer!!! They're looting the Food King!

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 01:11 PM (Zz0t1)

548 Justin Trudeau will be hiding longer than Víctor Manuel Gerena, 32 years on most wanted list

Posted by: SMOD at February 18, 2022 01:11 PM (RHGPo)


Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at February 18, 2022 01:11 PM (PiwSw)

550 But I wouldn't suggest that this tendency is absolute. And I intend to accept the input of each person on the merits of their contribution. But the established "we've got to play Jenga with the God-planks of society" has no value to me. And really shouldn't to a rational atheist.

I'm agnostic. Neither for or against the idea of a supreme being. It's possible.

I just want shit to work. And I don't want to take anybody else's shit. Or take any of their shit. I don't mind holding a door. I won't wear a mask.

If going to Church on Sunday is what it takes for some people to be nice - then go. I hate crowds.

Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 01:11 PM (ycdlF)

551 This is the approach that the left took in the past and its devastating. Don't run. Don't back down. Face them down and force them to follow through with their tyrannical evil. Make them do what they threaten. Then in court, attack.

Agree with all of that, except the last. The deck has been stacked and their is no true justice, either in Canada nor here.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at February 18, 2022 01:11 PM (Xrfse)

552 >And, as a testament to how wonderful our 'ettes are, Jordan61 took it in the kidding way it was meant and didn't kill me.

well, they are the 'gentler sex'

Posted by: DB - disgraced women's curling official at February 18, 2022 01:11 PM (geLO8)

553 Starting a sentence with "So" is almost as annoying as the up-talking.

Posted by: BignJames at February 18, 2022 01:11 PM (AwYPR)

554 Or, get this, maybe NOT taking meth might give you an advantage in the long term.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:09 PM (dNqv+)

You're confusing me with your wild inconsistencies.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Wrecker. Hoarder. Honker. at February 18, 2022 01:11 PM (II3Gr)

555 I didn't know...truckers had left to avoid being locked up. They left their trucks behind. There's someone directing "civilians" to stand by the trucks that are present.

It seems they will.

Posted by: Lola at February 18, 2022 01:11 PM (xjz83)

556 I always thought Canadians were rugged freedom loving people- living up there in the cold with bears and wolves and nothing to do but make syrup and watch hockey- but this Trudeau episode makes me wonder if I was wrong the whole time

Posted by: DB - disgraced women's curling official

I know many Canadians here in the USA and those people are hardcore socialist democrats.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at February 18, 2022 01:11 PM (iDcra)

557 Trudeau has to stop this nonsense. The authorities have to disobey his edicts. Don't think it can't happen here.
Posted by: Mean Tweets at February 18, 2022 01:09 PM (BOJAx)
The authorities are not disobeying and they're arresting people. This will continue. There are a *lot* of cops from multiple provinces and the RCMP there to do the job, and they will do the job.

The optics are awful and people will rightly accuse Trudeau of behaving like the CCP, but this was the only option after Trudeau seized war powers.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 18, 2022 01:12 PM (DU+/6)

558 Rep. Jeremy Faison

A government that will kill your dog for simply disobeying their orders on a public demonstration, will eventually have no issue killing you for the same.

Trudeau is a fool and a tyrant.

Posted by: redridinghood at February 18, 2022 01:12 PM (NpAcC)

559 NBC News
WATCH: @NBCNewsNow reports on how some teachers are thinking of quitting due to states restricting what they can and cannot teach.

Really, what can they do in the real world. Suck festering cocks at the local truck stop?

Posted by: Capital Eff at February 18, 2022 01:12 PM (GYllL)

560 >>"Work" 9 months a year, for excellent pay, benefits, and retirement plan. Yeah, try that anywhere else.

Also get all major holidays off as well as numerous "teacher work days."

Posted by: Lizzy at February 18, 2022 01:13 PM (Izr3o)

561 537 In the US we just take children of illegals, but fancypants Justin Trudeau takes children of citizens.
What a guy !!
Posted by: SMOD at February 18, 2022 01:09 PM (RHGPo)

It's all OK, a lot of his rich friends will just have the kids over for a Pizza party....

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 01:13 PM (oHd/0)

562 You're confusing me with your wild inconsistencies.
Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Wrecker. Hoarder. Honker. at February 18, 2022 01:11 PM (II3Gr)

Yes, I am using the enemies' own weapons against them.

Posted by: Aetius451AD, NOT an expert at February 18, 2022 01:13 PM (dNqv+)

563 And, as a testament to how wonderful our 'ettes are, Jordan61 took it in the kidding way it was meant and didn't kill me.

well, they are the 'gentler sex'
Posted by: DB

That just means the shiv goes in "gently".

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:13 PM (Hica+)

564 Ghandi model of resistance.

If the British were Germans Gandhi would be a lampshade.

Mahatma coat!

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenko Solutions at February 18, 2022 01:13 PM (5P6Lv)

Really, what can they do in the real world. Suck festering cocks at the local truck stop?
Posted by: Capital Eff at February 18, 2022 01:12 PM (GYllL)

$5 handies under the overpass.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Wrecker. Hoarder. Honker. at February 18, 2022 01:13 PM (II3Gr)

566 "Tout qui est 'woke,' il devient en merde."
-- Donaldus Trumpus, medieval philosopher

LOL, I have to clean up my coffee spew.

Posted by: NALNAMSAM - not as lean, not as mean, still a Marine at February 18, 2022 01:13 PM (3iMam)

567 Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 01:00 PM (ycdlF)

Good and fair point. We have not quite hit Canada yet....we will see.

Bro. New email in the nic. Do not use yahoo anymore.

Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at February 18, 2022 01:13 PM (fWn6t)

568 I saw Festering Cocks open for Jimmy's Chicken Shack at The Paladium in 2012.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 01:13 PM (Zz0t1)

569 560 >>"Work" 9 months a year, for excellent pay, benefits, and retirement plan. Yeah, try that anywhere else.

Also get all major holidays off as well as numerous "teacher work days."
Posted by: Lizzy at February 18, 2022 01:13 PM (Izr3o)


Today is a half day. Monday is an E-Learning day.

It's fortunate for us that both Dolley and I work from home, otherwise this would be pretty inconvenient.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 01:13 PM (LvTSG)

570 It is ridiculous how they just throw statements countering the election steal and covid hysteria into unrelated things. They should just have a facebook disclaimer running through a chyron regarding what they are allowed to believe or say on every webpage to save them time.

Posted by: banana Dream
Some of the content providers are told to do it; others like to do it. Otherwise, the corporation promotes those that they like and demotes those uncooperative providers or expels them.

Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 01:14 PM (Iq9dF)

571 The media will all shout in unison that the Canadian Insurrection is broken, while kicking the Durham Trumpenspying revelation behind the curtain.

Posted by: Canadafascim is Fascism-Fascism at February 18, 2022 01:14 PM (lGTUj)

572 "Tout ce qui est 'réveillé', ça fait faillite."

Posted by: SMOD at February 18, 2022 01:14 PM (RHGPo)

573 Many people today use "atheist" when they should use "agnostic". Agnostic is simply the position that "I don't know what the ultimate Truth is, and I don't particularly care." Not a position I agree with, but it's intellectually justifiable.

"Atheist" (a = no, theist = belief in God) is the absolute, dogmatic belief that NOTHING exists outside of yourself, because if it did you would know about it. True Atheists are the most dogmatic fundamentalists you will ever meet.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 01:14 PM (trdmm)

574 I don't know how big it is, but there is a run on banks right now in Canada, people pulling their money before the government locks them down. That has a tendency to snowball.

But I wouldn't suggest that this tendency is absolute. And I intend to accept the input of each person on the merits of their contribution. But the established "we've got to play Jenga with the God-planks of society" has no value to me. And really shouldn't to a rational atheist.

Right, there are wiser voices and minds in the atheist group that don't do this stupid crap. I know one friend who is an atheist but says "but for the purposes of running a society, a structure like the 10 commandments is useful and creates stability". He rejects God but sees wisdom in religious writings. I think ACE is in that camp.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:14 PM (KZzsI)

575 Giving police non-lethal options, and effectively mandating they use them, creates this possibility.

Yes, this is user interface 101. The way tasers are designed to work, I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often.

(Aside: the only thing that frightens me about flying nowadays is when I get a glimpse of the cockpit.)

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at February 18, 2022 01:14 PM (PmqP5)

576 573 "Atheist" (a = no, theist = belief in God) is the absolute, dogmatic belief that NOTHING exists outside of yourself, because if it did you would know about it. True Atheists are the most dogmatic fundamentalists you will ever meet.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 01:14 PM (trdmm)


Isn't that solipsism?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 01:15 PM (LvTSG)

577 Ottowa police are now threatening to seize children in the protest site.
Posted by: Revenant at February 18, 2022 01:06 PM (ydlAE)
Separating kids from their parents is OK now?
Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 01:07 PM (Zz0t1)

Really, the last thing I'd want to do is piss off a bunch of Sikh's.

Posted by: clutch cargo - Now fortified with Vanax37, M390 and CPM-S90V at February 18, 2022 01:15 PM (wAnMi)

578 >>> This is the approach that the left took in the past and its devastating. Don't run. Don't back down. Face them down and force them to follow through with their tyrannical evil. Make them do what they threaten. Then in court, attack.

Agree with all of that, except the last. The deck has been stacked and their is no true justice, either in Canada nor here.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at February 18, 2022 01:11 PM (Xrfse)

This works against a moral people. Against the left, no. They want to see your blood. It encourages them.

Posted by: banana Dream at February 18, 2022 01:15 PM (bYTQR)

579 >>A government that will kill your dog for simply disobeying their orders on a public demonstration, will eventually have no issue killing you for the same.

See this yet?

Attention animal owners at demonstration

If you are unable to care for your animal as a result of enforcement actions, your animal will placed into protective care for 8 days, at your cost. After 8 days, if arrangements are not made, your animal will be considered relinquished.

Posted by: Lizzy at February 18, 2022 01:15 PM (Izr3o)

580 I have to admit I'm not sure I object to being called a "conservative extremist". I am a conservative, and that position is based on my values and principles - it includes being both economically and socially conservative (what is the difference, anyway - the operations of the economy being the operations of society?).

And - come to it - what is the difference between a principled conservative and a conservative "extremist"? And how are my values different from a more "moderate" (faux?) conservative?

Posted by: One-Eyed Cat Peepin' in the Seafood Store at February 18, 2022 01:15 PM (Ybhj0)

581 The second a nonviolent trucker gets tapped with a .308 head-shot, Trudeau is a dead-man-walking, politically.


Posted by: Bill C. at February 18, 2022 01:16 PM (nfrXX)

582 I always thought Canadians were rugged freedom loving people- living up there in the cold with bears and wolves and nothing to do but make syrup and watch hockey-

but this Trudeau episode makes me wonder if I was wrong the whole time

Posted by: DB

Yes you were. 90% of Canadians live within 70 miles of the US border. Ruggedness has been bred out of them over the last 100 years.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:16 PM (Hica+)

583 NBC News
WATCH: @NBCNewsNow reports on how some teachers are thinking of quitting due to states restricting what they can and cannot teach.

Bye Bye

Posted by: Nevergiveup at February 18, 2022 01:16 PM (GPwVZ)

584 WATCH: @NBCNewsNow reports on how some teachers are thinking of quitting due to states restricting what they can and cannot teach.

While they're at it, states should also require teachers to pass a basic competency test.

That would eliminate about 90% of them.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer--F*ck Joe Biden at February 18, 2022 01:16 PM (k4dH2)

585 "Should have given him that Canadian gofundme doxxer's number. "
What is wrong with our side???? no one can do what leftist re-tards can do? Why can't someone doxx the Wash post or reuters reporters? go to their houses, ask why they are risking the jobs/lives of people who just gave money to Truckers? And KEEP asking them, for days, weeks, months....

Posted by: ziggggyeeee at February 18, 2022 01:16 PM (AsMdZ)

586 Dr. Francis Collins (previously NIH) Resurfaces as Biden's 'Sciencey Adviser' After Retiring amid Scandal

Posted by: SMOD at February 18, 2022 01:16 PM (RHGPo)

587 573 Many people today use "atheist" when they should use "agnostic". Agnostic is simply the position that "I don't know what the ultimate Truth is, and I don't particularly care." Not a position I agree with, but it's intellectually justifiable.

"Atheist" (a = no, theist = belief in God) is the absolute, dogmatic belief that NOTHING exists outside of yourself, because if it did you would know about it. True Atheists are the most dogmatic fundamentalists you will ever meet.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 01:14 PM (trdmm)

Hmmm, does agnosticism HAVE to include an element of carelessness? I never thought of the term that way, but I also did not know how to pronounce 'acrid' until I was 30.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:16 PM (dNqv+)

588 Bro. New email in the nic. Do not use yahoo anymore.

Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at February 18, 2022 01:13 PM (fWn6t)

Too Sweet. Check your email. Good to hear from ya'.

Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 01:16 PM (ycdlF)

589 "Work" 9 months a year, for excellent pay, benefits, and retirement plan. Yeah, try that anywhere else.

Work 2/3 of a day 3/4 of a year? Brutal!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Proprietor of the Outrage Outlet at February 18, 2022 01:16 PM (FVME7)

590 Atheists are the most dogmatic fundamentalists you will ever meet.

Posted by: Tom Servo at Febr


Posted by: Vegans at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (FrXcb)

591 True Atheists are the most dogmatic fundamentalists you will ever meet.
Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 01:14 PM (trdmm)

"I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist" by Norman Geisler and Frank Turek is a great book.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (PiwSw)

592 Reality check.
100 years ago to me is 1880.
NOT 1922. FML.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (Hica+)

593 Guys, you see how suddenly all the ettes went silent or are avoiding this thread entirely now? Is that what you want?

There's plenty of valid, and overstated stereotypical stuff women can (and will) say about men, but you notice the ettes don't do that here much, right? I mean I look at myself and I can see stuff a woman would justly complain about. I am sure you all can too.

Maybe dial it back a little? I know this is in fun and guys riffing off each other and how that tends to grow and build but... maybe let's not chase off or annoy the ladies as much, please?

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (KZzsI)

594 And, as a testament to how wonderful our 'ettes are, Jordan61 took it in the kidding way it was meant and didn't kill me.

well, they are the 'gentler sex'
Posted by: DB

That just means the shiv goes in "gently".
Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:13 PM (Hica+)

I went for a walk and missed all the fun!

Posted by: Jordan61 at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (Ez6QX)

595 "196 And it's not finished yet, as they kill hundreds of thousands of us with bullshit jabs they've either exempted themselves from or faked taking. I said this yesterday as well: the jab mandate is the "ordering people onto the trains" moment in this.
Posted by: somedood - skull mountain sherpa at February 18, 2022 12:15 PM (doiJh)


It was saline for them and the deathjabs for the rest.
Posted by: President Select Decaf at February 18, 2022 12:32 PM (N2gf7)"

There is no shortage of video and still imagery of politicians and the rich having nurses fake the injection (with or without a needle) or simply shoot it off behind them instead of into the arm.

What I'm really curious about is the distribution of the "bad" lots. It seems several companies were experimenting with dosage, and we know how those lots were distributed in time and how the different doses were distributed between lots; what we don't know is how those hot lots were distributed *geographically*.

Posted by: somedood - skull mountain sherpa at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (doiJh)

596 This works against a moral people. Against the left, no. They want to see your blood. It encourages them.
Posted by: banana Dream at February 18, 2022 01:15 PM (bYTQR)

This. Christianity was the secret sauce that made the West possible.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (dNqv+)

597 590 Atheists are the most dogmatic fundamentalists you will ever meet.

Posted by: Tom Servo at Febr

Posted by: Vegans at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (FrXcb)


Posted by: CrossFitters at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (II3Gr)

598 What is wrong with our side???? no one can do what leftist re-tards can do? Why can't someone doxx the Wash post or reuters reporters? go to their houses, ask why they are risking the jobs/lives of people who just gave money to Truckers? And KEEP asking them, for days, weeks, months....
Posted by: ziggggyeeee at February 18, 2022 01:16 PM (AsMdZ)

We did the Salt Lake City reporter yesterday.

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 01:18 PM (oHd/0)

599 I don't think there are anything but special elections for House races.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison
You are correct. Special election is normally within 60 days of a vacancy. Per the Constitution, it has been interpreted as EVERY House member must be elected by the people. It would take a constitutional amendment to do otherwise.

Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 01:18 PM (Iq9dF)

600 Isn't that solipsism?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 01:15 PM (LvTSG)

quite a bit of overlap between the two, just think about some you've known. Although I think it's possible for some solipsists to believe in a god, and to also believe that they are the only person on the entire earth that their god cares about.

some might call that narcissitic personality disorder.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 01:18 PM (trdmm)

601 590 Atheists are the most dogmatic fundamentalists you will ever meet.

Posted by: Tom Servo at Febr

Posted by: Vegans at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (FrXcb)

WTF wtf?

Posted by: Cross-fitters at February 18, 2022 01:18 PM (dNqv+)

602 Hmmm, does agnosticism HAVE to include an element of carelessness?

Probably not. But its often there; people who are just too busy with life and what they face each day to worry or think about it.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:18 PM (KZzsI)

603 WTFF?
Posted by: CrossFitters at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (II3Gr)

Dammit, too slow.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:18 PM (dNqv+)

604 597 590 Atheists are the most dogmatic fundamentalists you will ever meet.

Posted by: Tom Servo at Febr

Posted by: Vegans at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (FrXcb)

Posted by: CrossFitters at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (II3Gr)


Posted by: Fans of any college team that wears the color orange at February 18, 2022 01:19 PM (PiwSw)

605 597 590 Atheists are the most dogmatic fundamentalists you will ever meet.

Posted by: Tom Servo at Febr

Posted by: Vegans at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (FrXcb)

Posted by: CrossFitters at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (II3Gr)


hahahahah Well done.

Posted by: Seems Legit at February 18, 2022 01:19 PM (DcKNO)

606 Atheists are the most dogmatic fundamentalists you will ever meet.

Just as evangelical as any evangelical.

Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 01:19 PM (ycdlF)

607 Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (KZzsI)

I can only speak for myself but it doesn't bother me. Most of the time.

Posted by: Jordan61 at February 18, 2022 01:19 PM (Ez6QX)

608 Imagine what the polls would look like if every single time a Republican opened his or her mouth they told the true story of the DemonRats.

Slavery, KKK, Jim Crow, Abortion targeted at black babies for extermination.

Posted by: Sharkman at February 18, 2022 01:19 PM (9uqoT)

609 Hmmm, does agnosticism HAVE to include an element of carelessness? I never thought of the term that way, but I also did not know how to pronounce 'acrid' until I was 30.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:16 PM (dNqv+)

Agnostics are the Low Information Voter of the Religious world.

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 01:19 PM (oHd/0)

610 590 Atheists are the most dogmatic fundamentalists you will ever meet.

Posted by: Tom Servo at Febr

Posted by: Vegans at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (FrXcb)


Posted by: EV Car Owners at February 18, 2022 01:20 PM (exHjb)

611 >>Just as evangelical as any evangelical.

Oh heck NO.
Evangelicals are The Worst!!

Posted by: David French, who is holier than thou, like, all the time at February 18, 2022 01:20 PM (Izr3o)

612 Both he and West have mentioned eliminating the property tax altogether.

Where they gonna get that money from?

Can you say "State Income Tax"? There, I knew you could. That's the reason for high property tax. Guess they could go "Consumption Tax", te state does need money to run things.

Posted by: Paladin at February 18, 2022 01:20 PM (CE4w9)

613 Posted by: EV Car Owners at February 18, 2022 01:20 PM (exHjb)

Electric Vehicle Car seems redundant.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 01:20 PM (Zz0t1)

614 Genocide Games Crumble to All-Time Low of 6.93 Million Viewers for NBCUniversal

Posted by: Capital Eff at February 18, 2022 01:20 PM (GYllL)

615 Hmmm, does agnosticism HAVE to include an element of carelessness? I never thought of the term that way, but I also did not know how to pronounce 'acrid' until I was 30.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:16 PM (dNqv+)

It's possible to be an intellectual agnostic who comes to the position through careful consideration. I've never met one, but it's possible.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 01:21 PM (trdmm)

616 Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (KZzsI)

I can only speak for myself but it doesn't bother me. Most of the time.
Posted by: Jordan61 at February 18, 2022 01:19 PM (Ez6QX)

Oh and I also appreciate your post. Thank you.

Posted by: Jordan61 at February 18, 2022 01:21 PM (Ez6QX)

617 You know who else went much too far?

Posted by: fd at February 18, 2022 01:21 PM (vrz2I)

618 614 Genocide Games Crumble to All-Time Low of 6.93 Million Viewers for NBCUniversal
Posted by: Capital Eff at February 18, 2022 01:20 PM (GYllL)


I hope NBC has to pay its advertisers all the money.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 01:21 PM (LvTSG)

619 608 Imagine what the polls would look like if every single time a Republican opened his or her mouth they told the true story of the DemonRats.

Slavery, KKK, Jim Crow, Abortion targeted at black babies for extermination.

Posted by: Sharkman at February 18, 2022 01:19 PM (9uqoT)

If you place the word "Democrat" before each of those, then it's a winner.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 18, 2022 01:21 PM (s2VJv)

Can you say "State Income Tax"? There, I knew you could. That's the reason for high property tax. Guess they could go "Consumption Tax", te state does need money to run things.
Posted by: Paladin at February 18, 2022 01:20 PM (CE4w9)

Texas passed a law that the people would need to vote for a State Income Tax. They can't just implement one.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 01:21 PM (Zz0t1)

621 Both he and West have mentioned eliminating the property tax altogether.

Where they gonna get that money from?

Oil. Natural Gas.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:21 PM (Hica+)

622 596 This works against a moral people. Against the left, no. They want to see your blood. It encourages them.
Posted by: banana Dream at February 18, 2022 01:15 PM (bYTQR)

This. Christianity was the secret sauce that made the West possible.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (dNqv+)

On the other hand, the modern flavor of Christianity has led to the pussificiation that in part makes the left's mostly unresisted onslaught possible.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 01:22 PM (II3Gr)

623 Electric Vehicle Car seems redundant.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 01:20 PM (Zz0t1)

They'll wish for redundancy when they're stranded w/no juice.

Posted by: BignJames at February 18, 2022 01:22 PM (AwYPR)

624 You know who else went much too far?
Posted by: fd at February 18, 2022 01:21 PM (vrz2I)

I got this.

Posted by: Ron Jeremy Sucking His Own Cock at February 18, 2022 01:22 PM (Zz0t1)

625 Electric Vehicle Car seems redundant.

"We have no idea what you are talking about"
--The National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:22 PM (KZzsI)

626 Agnostics are the Low Information Voter of the Religious world.

I'm sure Amway and Shaklee folks feel the same way about the rest of us.

Might be, just possibly, that I read the book and it just didn't "take".

Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 01:22 PM (ycdlF)

627 Can you say "State Income Tax"? There, I knew you could. That's the reason for high property tax. Guess they could go "Consumption Tax", te state does need money to run things.
Posted by: Paladin at February 18, 2022 01:20 PM (CE4w9)

I'm still a proponent of a Fed and State Sales Tax, on EVERYTHING...

Spend more? ya pay more. Period. Taxes imports and domestic stuff the same... which is a net gain for our industry (as most countries tax their industry at their end).

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 01:22 PM (oHd/0)

628 >>> WTFF?
Posted by: CrossFitters at February 18, 2022 01:17 PM (II3Gr)

I've only seen the community gym YMCA version of cross fit. No hard-core people there. TRX is more my style. Slower movement, less impact, still as hard as you want to make it. Also, it feels a bit S&M-ish if that turns you on.

Posted by: banana Dream at February 18, 2022 01:23 PM (bYTQR)

629 does agnosticism HAVE to include an element of carelessness?

I think, practically, it does. If you’re agnostic but do care, how does that caring actually affect your life? If it means searching for the divine and how the divine expresses itself, you’re coming awfully close to deist, which has lots of meanings but basically comes down to I don’t know and I do care. (The official definition of deist seems to be a definition I’ve never seen used in real life, not that the term comes up very often.)

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at February 18, 2022 01:23 PM (PmqP5)

630 I think if you've concluded that the question "Is there a God?" is unanswerable, agnosticism makes sense. But (1) it does seem like a lot of self-professed agnostics are awfully intellectually incurious given the theoretical stakes; and (2) a lot of self-professed agnostics I've met have sort of struck me as being polite, non-confrontational atheists who just didn't think it worth the quarrel to say so.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at February 18, 2022 01:23 PM (KFhLj)

631 ace, you might've missed my earlier post congratulating you on your divorce from Salem bring finalized.

Posted by: creeper at February 18, 2022 01:23 PM (cTCuP)

632 On the other hand, the modern flavor of Christianity has led to the pussificiation that in part makes the left's mostly unresisted onslaught possible.
Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at February 18, 2022 01:22 PM (II3Gr)

Yeah, I was thinking of adding the Enlightenment flavor specifically, but figured brevity was best for clarity.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:23 PM (dNqv+)

Great news! Missouri, a state which went for Trump +15, will now have ranked choice voting, courtesy of the state's GOP, thus ensuring Democrats can swipe elections there in perpetuity.

I can't even.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 18, 2022 01:23 PM (s2VJv)

634 Neighbor in banking says his bank (and other bigs) has so much money that he can't get uppers to offer almost anything to potential big depositors, who are offering to put enormous deposits in. They're now doing their pre-interest-rate-rise dance and adjustments, but he says the amount of $$ in major banks is unlike anything ever seen. And to top it off, what amounts to a reverse reserve-ration requirement in effect (didn't know about this one) since the 2009 disaster (referring to public policy here).
Posted by: rhomboid
Flight to safety by those large depositors who are predicting interest rates will increase. The problem with that is banks are holding off lending right now and can get free money from the feds. They don't need the depositors as those cost them money in interest when they can get Fed money for zero.

Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 01:23 PM (Iq9dF)

635 We just erased equity gains since 12/21. If this market holds. Pretty soon we will be back to 9/21.

Posted by: Marcus T, Recovering at February 18, 2022 01:23 PM (VpIIl)

636 And thats the good part of the poll. The rest is total doom.

Reality. She be a bihatchi.

I know Ace said it, but it needed re-said.

Posted by: Coquettish Haberdasher at February 18, 2022 01:24 PM (buTO7)

637 California needs $23 billion a year to pay out to illegal alien services. So they raised road gas taxes. And give it to illegals.

Voters are such suckers.

Posted by: torabora at February 18, 2022 01:24 PM (WQrjF)

638 Great news! Missouri, a state which went for Trump +15, will now have ranked choice voting, courtesy of the state's GOP, thus ensuring Democrats can swipe elections there in perpetuity.

I can't even.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 18, 2022 01:23 PM (s2VJv)

Really? shit... and I was looking at MO as a possible landing place.

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 01:25 PM (oHd/0)

639 Does God exist?

If I'm wrong, no big deal. Dirt nap.

If you're wrong, huge, hot deal.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:25 PM (Hica+)

640 It's possible to be an intellectual agnostic who comes to the position through careful consideration. I've never met one, but it's possible.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 01:21 PM (trdmm)


Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur at February 18, 2022 01:25 PM (SH2Zi)

641 633
Great news! Missouri, a state which went for Trump +15, will now have ranked choice voting, courtesy of the state's GOP, thus ensuring Democrats can swipe elections there in perpetuity.

I can't even.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 18, 2022 01:23 PM (s2VJv)


I can't find anything about it actually becoming law in the state.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 01:25 PM (LvTSG)

642 I always thought Canadians were rugged freedom loving people- living up there in the cold with bears and wolves and nothing to do but make syrup and watch hockey- but this Trudeau episode makes me wonder if I was wrong the whole time

Posted by: DB

The thousands of Canadian truckers and supporters have been holding the line in Ottawa for > 4 WEEKS.
What more would you have Canadians do to protest and prove their worth?

Sometimes I think people are sitting at their computers waiting for the shooting to begin. In Canada, far from them.

Posted by: old chick at February 18, 2022 01:25 PM (sOete)

643 It's all well and good if we actually have a free and fair election ever again......

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 01:25 PM (Zz0t1)

644 639 Does God exist?

If I'm wrong, no big deal. Dirt nap.

If you're wrong, huge, hot deal.
Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:25 PM (Hica+)


Posted by: Blaise Pascal at February 18, 2022 01:26 PM (PiwSw)

645 Freud, Darwin, Marx, and a couple of other folks in the 1800s came up with an alternate worldview/religion that can replace Christianity as the dominant western faith system, but the basic flaw with it is that it guts everything that makes a society work and hold together. You cannot have freedom under their humanistic, secular faith because it guts every restraint on human behavior and actively encourages tyranny.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:26 PM (KZzsI)

646 >>"We have no idea what you are talking about"
--The National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing


-- University of Maryland University College

Posted by: David French, who is holier than thou, like, all the time at February 18, 2022 01:26 PM (Izr3o)

647 " Missouri, a state which went for Trump +15, will now have ranked choice voting, courtesy of the state's GOP, thus ensuring Democrats can swipe elections there in perpetuity. "

This is why moving is of limited benefit.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at February 18, 2022 01:26 PM (jTmQV)

648 Posted by: Nevergiveup at February 18, 2022 01:16 PM (GPwVZ)

Do not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at February 18, 2022 01:26 PM (fWn6t)

649 639 Does God exist?

If I'm wrong, no big deal. Dirt nap.

If you're wrong, huge, hot deal.
Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:25 PM (Hica+)

The old bumper sticker:
'Those who live their life as if there is no God, better pray they are 'Right' (with the last word in flames.)

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:26 PM (dNqv+)

650 Flight to safety by those large depositors who are predicting interest rates will increase. The problem with that is banks are holding off lending right now and can get free money from the feds. They don't need the depositors as those cost them money in interest when they can get Fed money for zero.
Posted by: whig

So glad car is paid off and refied for 3%.

Posted by: Infidel at February 18, 2022 01:26 PM (JAkXN)

651 That's MR Ed Morrissey to you, Ace. After all, he IS, if not a talking horse, a talking ass.

Posted by: Eeyore at February 18, 2022 01:26 PM (R0Tis)

652 Electric Vehicle Car seems redundant.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 01:20 PM (Zz0t1)


"How DARE you!" -- Future Tesla Simi Owners

Posted by: ShainS -- Keep on HONKING in the Free World! at February 18, 2022 01:26 PM (jDr7d)

653 Flight to safety by those large depositors who are predicting interest rates will increase. The problem with that is banks are holding off lending right now and can get free money from the feds. They don't need the depositors as those cost them money in interest when they can get Fed money for zero.
Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 01:23 PM (Iq9dF)

Yup, Banks get essentially 0% interest from the Fed... so any loan with interest, even one that lags inflation, is still a money maker for them, because... its not their money.

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 01:26 PM (oHd/0)

Ghandi model of resistance.

If the British were Germans Gandhi would be a lampshade.

Mahatma coat!
Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenko Solutions

Mahatma Kane Jeeves

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 18, 2022 01:26 PM (63Dwl)

655 Many people today use "atheist" when they should use "agnostic". Agnostic is simply the position that "I don't know what the ultimate Truth is, and I don't particularly care." Not a position I agree with, but it's intellectually justifiable.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 18, 2022 01:14 PM (trdmm)

Hmmm, does agnosticism HAVE to include an element of carelessness? I never thought of the term that way, but I also did not know how to pronounce 'acrid' until I was 30.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:16 PM (dNqv+)
I am an "agnostic". In that, I do not have a position on whether the terms of "proving God" (and a specific deity!) exists are definable from our perspective.

But as a Christian, I am well into seeing a value in faith and not being a stickler for what is merely plain enough to be proven.

Posted by: Axeman at February 18, 2022 01:27 PM (xjV3I)

656 Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 18, 2022 01:23 PM (s2VJv)

I read this in the scientists voice from Futurama.

Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at February 18, 2022 01:27 PM (fWn6t)

657 Know what they call a whole bunch of anecdotes?

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 01:11 PM


Posted by: Lore at February 18, 2022 01:28 PM (a3Q+t)

658 657 Know what they call a whole bunch of anecdotes?

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 01:11 PM

Posted by: Lore at February 18, 2022 01:28 PM (a3Q+t)

Oral tradition.

Posted by: Kamala Harris at February 18, 2022 01:28 PM (dNqv+)

659 I think you can easily prove that some creator must exist, but the nature of that creator is a bit more challenging and eventually it comes down to faith in the end.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:29 PM (KZzsI)

I read this in the scientists voice from Futurama.
Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at February 18, 2022 01:27 PM (fWn6t)

Good News everyone!

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 01:29 PM (Zz0t1)

661 They won't ever have zero property tax and a state sales tax.

You can't avoid property tax.

Posted by: torabora at February 18, 2022 01:29 PM (WQrjF)

662 I am not buying the Dem's crap about the election. It's only February. Just wait, until the polls show a big "comeback" in the fall, to disguise the steal we all know is coming.

Now, I don't know they can save the House, at least not with conventional means, but since Senate races are statewide, they can be stolen.

For the House, I expect them to really work at excluding some Republicans as ineligible. Enough to keep them in charge. The incoming House won't be full until all the disputes are settled. Which way will they go? I wonder.

Posted by: Eeyore at February 18, 2022 01:29 PM (R0Tis)

663 641 633
Great news! Missouri, a state which went for Trump +15, will now have ranked choice voting, courtesy of the state's GOP, thus ensuring Democrats can swipe elections there in perpetuity.

I can't even.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 18, 2022 01:23 PM (s2VJv)


I can't find anything about it actually becoming law in the state.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison
Gov. Parsons is pushing this and so who knows. The corporate types in the GOPe are getting desperate and ready to burn their whole party down on behalf of corporations.

Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 01:30 PM (Iq9dF)

664 Actually whig if I understood what he said it was quite different. No flight to safety. Depositors looking for something in return for enormous deposits, banks simply not offering anything (they're full-up already, having trouble lending their money out). Massive excess liquidity in every direction you look. He said the treasury group at his big nat'l bank scoffed at his situation (institution looking for something in return for $100M deposit).

Posted by: rhomboid at February 18, 2022 01:30 PM (OTzUX)

665 You can't avoid property tax.

There are some states that have no property tax, but they are few and usually have a much larger ready source of income and little expense (like Nevada).

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:30 PM (KZzsI)

666 They won't ever have zero property tax and a state sales tax.

You can't avoid property tax.
Posted by: torabora

If they removed the school taxes, since I don't have kids, my property taxes would have dropped from $3.5k to under $1k.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:31 PM (Hica+)

Is there a God?
I don't know.
I hope so.


Posted by: DB - disgraced women's curling official at February 18, 2022 01:31 PM (geLO8)

668 663 Gov. Parsons is pushing this and so who knows. The corporate types in the GOPe are getting desperate and ready to burn their whole party down on behalf of corporations.
Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 01:30 PM (Iq9dF)


What is it at now? Seems like a ballot initiative, but I just can't find a clear source.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing with Mel Brooks at February 18, 2022 01:31 PM (LvTSG)

669 So glad car is paid off and refied for 3%.

Posted by: Infidel
And you locked in a good rate on your refi. Right now, everyone should be moving to refinancing to current low fixed rates if you have some floating interest rate debts.

Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 01:31 PM (Iq9dF)

670 Posted by: Nevergiveup at February 18, 2022 01:16 PM (GPwVZ)

Do not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at February 18, 2022 01:26 PM (fWn6t)

I thought you were saying that to NGU and thought I missed something.

Posted by: Jordan61 at February 18, 2022 01:31 PM (Ez6QX)

671 We know the Democrats will cheat as hard as they possibly can in November, but I don't know if its enough to overcome the very strong tide of opinion against them. I know they have all the tools in their hands to make a major effort at it, but whether that will allow them to turn the tide or not, I do not know.

For all we know a meteor the size of Oahu will hit Washington DC in October.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:32 PM (KZzsI)

672 I am getting the feeling that Viva is a short dude. Everyone he talks to looks like giants- even the women.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:32 PM (dNqv+)

673 Sure would be helpful if Conservative Inc over there at Hot Gas could tell exactly which "extremist positions" people support that Republicans adopted even remotely similar to CRT, defund the police, open borders, and Zero Covid.

The only thing remotely similar would be the cynical use of gay marriage as a wedge issue to drive turnout in 2004. Thanks, GWB. Another in the greatest hits list. But even then, that was driven by the political side, not by the grassroots, to then be adopted by the party.

Posted by: deadrody at February 18, 2022 01:32 PM (/jrmI)

674 If they removed the school taxes, since I don't have kids, my property taxes would have dropped from $3.5k to under $1k.
Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:31 PM (Hica+)

Yeah, pisses me off to be paying Rent on my property, to give illegals kids free education... and Leftist indoctrination.

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 01:32 PM (oHd/0)

675 A registered nurse and vaccine believer:

I saw my PCP and had several Covid tests (PCR and rapid tests) over a few days that were all negative. I have never had Covid.

My PCP then referred me to a cardiologist for a cardiac consult. When I saw the cardiologist, he thought it was very important to do an echocardiogram right away. The echocardiogram showed I have pericarditis.

My cardiologist told me he has seen several cases lately that he believes are related to the vaccine. He mentioned he has also seen recent cases of myocarditis he believes are vaccine related. He advised me against any boosters in the future.

Posted by: SMOD at February 18, 2022 01:32 PM (RHGPo)

676 Mistakes were made but Trump!

Posted by: Puddin Head at February 18, 2022 01:32 PM (sVfvf)

677 Is there a God?
I don't know.
I hope so.

Posted by: DB - disgraced women's curling official at February 18, 2022 01:31 PM (geLO

Even if religion is a ruse to get people to LEAD DECENT LIVES, why do they hate it so?

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 01:32 PM (Zz0t1)

678 I thought you were saying that to NGU and thought I missed something.
Posted by: Jordan61 at February 18, 2022 01:31 PM (Ez6QX)


Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:32 PM (dNqv+)

679 I think the phrase we have lost use of is "God-fearing". To be God fearing means you have respect for a higher power even if you have no idea what that power is.
Lots of folks today feel like there is no authority on them and history started last week.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at February 18, 2022 01:33 PM (jTmQV)

680 Know what they call a whole bunch of anecdotes?

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 01:11 PM

Posted by: Lore at February 18, 2022 01:28 PM

I don't get it.

Posted by: B-4 at February 18, 2022 01:33 PM (SchxB)

I thought you were saying that to NGU and thought I missed something.
Posted by: Jordan61 at February 18, 2022 01:31 PM (Ez6QX)

I will admit having to go back and read his original comment.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 01:33 PM (Zz0t1)

682 I thought you were saying that to NGU and thought I missed something.
Posted by: Jordan61 at February 18, 2022 01:31 PM (Ez6QX)

Posted by: Aetius451AD


Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:33 PM (Hica+)

683 CP 24: Headline - Police push to break up Ottawa protest as Parliament sits empty.

Demonstrators singing Oh Canada. Others asking for police to take their hand in peace, chanting "Stand with us."
And, "Freedom!"

Police seems move slowly but consistently around the demonstrators and trucks.

Posted by: Lola at February 18, 2022 01:33 PM (xjz83)

684 The only thing remotely similar would be the cynical use of gay marriage as a wedge issue to drive turnout in 2004.


Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:33 PM (KZzsI)

685 Viva Live stream in Ottawa.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:33 PM (dNqv+)

686 >Even if religion is a ruse to get people to LEAD DECENT LIVES, why do they hate it so?

Posted by: Sponge

I don't hate religion

Posted by: DB - disgraced women's curling official at February 18, 2022 01:34 PM (geLO8)

687 And you locked in a good rate on your refi. Right now, everyone should be moving to refinancing to current low fixed rates if you have some floating interest rate debts.
Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 01:31 PM (Iq9dF)

I'll admit, once I sell this place and move... even though I have not had a single dollar of any type of debt for 10 years, I may get a house loan... even though I could write a check for a new house. The interest rate vs Inflation rate ratio is staggering in its implications.

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 01:34 PM (oHd/0)

688 TJM,
Missouri is apparently one of those states that allows both popular initiative amendments to its Constitution and state legislature proposed amendments.

It could be an attempt to muddy the waters on the popular initiative by having a similar but different state legislative amendment.

Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 01:34 PM (Iq9dF)

689 If you want the full proof in Morrissey's case*, look at his opposition of denying communion to proabortion trans-Catholics.

*And I'll admit he had me fooled for a while.

Posted by: Eeyore at February 18, 2022 01:34 PM (R0Tis)

690 #647 California's ranked choice voting has wiped out the entire statewide office holding in its entirety of Republicans.

Of course Rep. McCarthy is the leader of House Republicans and you would swear his tongue has been cut from his body on the problem.

Posted by: torabora at February 18, 2022 01:34 PM (WQrjF)

A registered nurse and vaccine believer

and a homecoming queen...

Posted by: The Monkeys at February 18, 2022 01:34 PM (DUIap)

692 Great news! Missouri, a state which went for Trump +15, will now have ranked choice voting, courtesy of the state's GOP, thus ensuring Democrats can swipe elections there in perpetuity.

I can't even.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 18, 2022 01:23 PM (s2VJv)


* Insert Picard facepalm here *

Posted by: ShainS -- Keep on HONKING in the Free World! at February 18, 2022 01:34 PM (jDr7d)

693 The thousands of Canadian truckers and supporters have been holding the line in Ottawa for > 4 WEEKS.
What more would you have Canadians do to protest and prove their worth?

This x1000

Posted by: Notorious BFD at February 18, 2022 01:34 PM (Xrfse)

I don't hate religion
Posted by: DB - disgraced women's curling official at February 18, 2022 01:34 PM (geLO8

I was referencing the Atheists. Are you an atheist?

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 01:35 PM (Zz0t1)

695 Ed Whorrissey

Posted by: ... at February 18, 2022 01:35 PM (Jhbk/)

696 A registered nurse and vaccine believer

Finding out what we knew last year.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:36 PM (Hica+)

697 Fuck you, "Captain," you useless obese midwit twat.

LOL nailed it!

Posted by: Dusky Piss Flaps at February 18, 2022 01:36 PM (QHIPb)

698 BTW, last night I had a long phone call with an old friend, one of us. Like me, he was for Cruz, and hostile to Trump, during the nomination fight. And we both said the same thing: the single factor in 2016 that pushed us toward Trump was just how much the Never Trumpers were total douchebags. (Once in office, of course, Trump earned it. But in 2016, it was a gamble.)

Posted by: Eeyore at February 18, 2022 01:36 PM (R0Tis)

699 I'll admit, once I sell this place and move... even though I have not had a single dollar of any type of debt for 10 years, I may get a house loan... even though I could write a check for a new house. The interest rate vs Inflation rate ratio is staggering in its implications. Posted by: Romeo13
Some preach no debt but in inflationary times, a fixed interest debt becomes repaid with cheaper money over time. So, some argue that the better option is to keep your cash relatively liquid and let the lender assume the interest rate hit--indirectly the Fed.

Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 01:36 PM (Iq9dF)

700 I think the phrase we have lost use of is "God-fearing". To be God fearing means you have respect for a higher power even if you have no idea what that power is.

Right, its a short simple wording for "Objective, absolute truth, virtue, and beauty". That takes a lot of explaining to get people to basically understand, but "God Fearing" was a cultural term people understood.

Further, people considered The Bible to be a source of wisdom and truth, even if they didn't believe in God or worship Jesus. It was almost universally considered something to be reckoned with and respected, as a shared cultural identity.

That's why the left had to attack those concepts and destroy them before they could move on to power.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:36 PM (KZzsI)

701 It sounds like Captain Ed not only isn't a conservative, he isn't much of a Catholic, either.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at February 18, 2022 01:36 PM (5kI0z)

702 >I was referencing the Atheists. Are you an atheist?

Posted by: Sponge

lemme look

Posted by: DB - disgraced women's curling official at February 18, 2022 01:37 PM (geLO8)

703 Jordan, I had to scroll back up, too. Couldn't imagine ngu saying something to trigger that.

Posted by: creeper at February 18, 2022 01:37 PM (cTCuP)

704 690 #647 California's ranked choice voting has wiped out the entire statewide office holding in its entirety of Republicans.

Of course Rep. McCarthy is the leader of House Republicans and you would swear his tongue has been cut from his body on the problem.

Posted by: torabora
I was aware that California has a jungle primary but not that it has adopted rank choice voting. Please elaborate.

Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 01:37 PM (Iq9dF)

lemme look
Posted by: DB - disgraced women's curling official at February 18, 2022 01:37 PM (geLO8

Well, there you go.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at February 18, 2022 01:38 PM (Zz0t1)

706 Does God exist?

If I'm wrong, no big deal. Dirt nap.

If you're wrong, huge, hot deal.
Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:25 PM (Hica+)
Net-athiests have "debunked" Pascal's Wager by pointing out that the particular God matters, and since "nobody knows for sure" they expand it out to God's that will punish you for believing in them.

Not that I think that this game is ultimately convincing to me. But it illustrates that it does not work best that our calculations on God are only about the probability of punishment.

It needed widening actually illustrates Judaism/Christianity very well, in that the ultimate risk of "no God" from a J/C perspective--if we were even possible--is that we have no beholder of the Truly good, and we lose even a hope of expectation of striving closer to a "perfection" of human standards. Thus the ultimate risk of no-God is co-survival without "goodness".

Posted by: Axeman at February 18, 2022 01:38 PM (xjV3I)

707 682 I thought you were saying that to NGU and thought I missed something.
Posted by: Jordan61 at February 18, 2022 01:31 PM (Ez6QX)

Posted by: Aetius451AD

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:33 PM (Hica+)

Posted by: ShainS -- Keep on HONKING in the Free World! at February 18, 2022 01:38 PM (jDr7d)

708 Nevada has no state income tax.

There are ZERO stares with no property tax.
I mean real estate, not personal property.

Posted by: torabora at February 18, 2022 01:38 PM (WQrjF)

709 Nood fist fight

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:38 PM (Hica+)

710 Another house collapse is on the near horizon, this feels exactly like early 2007 when everyone knew it was coming but nobody knew when. It happened at almost the perfect time to help Obama win last time. By coincidence.

I'm just glad we got my aunt's house "sold" (pending documents, inspections, and probate). Every day is a step closer to when the value plunges.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:38 PM (KZzsI)

711 Some preach no debt but in inflationary times, a fixed interest debt becomes repaid with cheaper money over time. So, some argue that the better option is to keep your cash relatively liquid and let the lender assume the interest rate hit--indirectly the Fed.
Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 01:36 PM (Iq9dF)

Yup, under Trump when inflation was 'fairly' low... no debt was the way to go... now I'll have to look at what kind of deal I can get when the time comes. Things are going to change very rapidly soon IMO.

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 18, 2022 01:39 PM (oHd/0)

712 Nood.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:39 PM (dNqv+)

713 I can appreciate the next post being a little later than usual. My schadenboner from this post certainly interferes with my computer and keyboard usage.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at February 18, 2022 01:39 PM (NCgXW)

714 I'm just saying, I think there are things that are unknowable


Posted by: DB - disgraced women's curling official at February 18, 2022 01:39 PM (geLO8)

715 >>> Actually whig if I understood what he said it was quite different. No flight to safety. Depositors looking for something in return for enormous deposits, banks simply not offering anything (they're full-up already, having trouble lending their money out). Massive excess liquidity in every direction you look. He said the treasury group at his big nat'l bank scoffed at his situation (institution looking for something in return for $100M deposit).
Posted by: rhomboid at February 18, 2022 01:30 PM (OTzUX)

I've heard this a lot really. Those with capital are searching for places to put it and coming up empty.

Lots of weird things happen as a result like lots of shaky startups forming up backed by big money, and the startups get a lot of physical assets and real estate not really inline with what would be a sane evaluation on their return.

Also people and organizations you wouldn't expect dumping various currencies into crypto.

Our tech oligarchs are pouring wealth they gained through selling magic beans into buying up large areas of land, ag, other hard tangible assets. Our tech oligarchs are looking not too interested in tech.

Strange times.

Posted by: banana Dream at February 18, 2022 01:39 PM (bYTQR)

716 #704 there's a difference?

Posted by: torabora at February 18, 2022 01:40 PM (WQrjF)

717 There are ZERO stares with no property tax.

You're right, some are very, very low, but all have property tax. I was thinking of income tax.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:40 PM (KZzsI)

718 When you die, your estate doesn't have to pay your outstanding debt on your credit card.
They have insurance for that

Posted by: SMOD at February 18, 2022 01:40 PM (RHGPo)

719 The equivocating fence-jockies like Coxswain Ed fool no one anymore. Their leftist accommodation is transparent now. It was never just affected gainsaying to constantly bring up some supposed equivalent nonsense offered by the Right in the face of leftist idiocy.

They have constructed a persona around play the 'adult in the room,' a narcissistic one if there ever was one. This is ego that ultimately gives the left cover for their March and some point they are hoping for a gold badge in the camps.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at February 18, 2022 01:41 PM (zWpOF)

720 Had no idea Morning Joe's b-i-l, Mark, was sworn in as the U.S. Ambassador to Poland, last month. He had been nominated by VP Harris.

B-i-l Ian is Senior Fellow, The Atlantic Council.

Posted by: Lola at February 18, 2022 01:41 PM (xjz83)

721 I'm just saying, I think there are things that are unknowable

Absolutely. And there are very few things you can know to an extremely high degree of certainty and completeness. But most things you can know enough and to enough certainty to act reasonably upon them.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 18, 2022 01:41 PM (KZzsI)

722 Bongino on radio right now spanking Canadian cops who are "just following orders" and actually participating in the deeply immoral destruction of freedom and their society.

Posted by: ShainS -- Keep on HONKING in the Free World! at February 18, 2022 01:41 PM (jDr7d)

723 Check out the nasty photos of blood clots and...something else...that's been pulled out of dead people lately. Link goes to American Greatness:
Posted by: Dworkin Barimen


Posted by: Infidel at February 18, 2022 01:41 PM (JAkXN)

724 I am getting the feeling that Viva is a short dude. Everyone he talks to looks like giants- even the women.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at February 18, 2022 01:32 PM (dNqv+)

He is. On a sidebar with Barnes and The Duran on Ukraine he remarked that he's shorter than Putin.

Posted by: Captain Hate won't forget Michael Byrd Murdered Ashli Babbitt at February 18, 2022 01:42 PM (y7DUB)

725 I don't think God tests anyone. I think the testing thing is just a human rationalization for admitting you might be just sitting on your ass doing nothing.

Posted by: Pork Chops & Bacons at February 18, 2022 01:42 PM (Fs5vw)

726 664 Actually whig if I understood what he said it was quite different. No flight to safety. Depositors looking for something in return for enormous deposits, banks simply not offering anything (they're full-up already, having trouble lending their money out). Massive excess liquidity in every direction you look. He said the treasury group at his big nat'l bank scoffed at his situation (institution looking for something in return for $100M deposit).

Posted by: rhomboid
Rhomboid, that is exactly what I am saying. The big depositors want risk free interest from the banks, the banks don't care about the big depositors because they get free money from the Fed which increases their profits on whatever funds they choose to loan out.

The Fed was even subsidizing banks at one time by letting banks park their reserves at the Fed and paying the banks interest on those. Don't know it that program is continuing or not but it discourages lending by banks.

What you are seeing is the dysfunctional side of Modern Money Theory is that government interference essentially distorts the risk/interest rate market information.

Posted by: whig at February 18, 2022 01:43 PM (Iq9dF)

727 Does God exist?

If I'm wrong, no big deal. Dirt nap.

If you're wrong, huge, hot deal.

I think it was the Heinlein book "Job". Whatever you truly believed when you kicked the bucket. That's what you got. The heroine was a borne again Viking, so she went to Valhalla. Believe there is nothing, that's what you got.

Posted by: Paladin at February 18, 2022 01:43 PM (CE4w9)

728 When you die, your estate doesn't have to pay your outstanding debt on your credit card.
They have insurance for that
Posted by: SMOD

If you are a schmoo. I paid dad's one outstanding cc before he passed.

Posted by: Infidel at February 18, 2022 01:44 PM (JAkXN)

729 Have you talked to the proprietor? Or has he come around?
Posted by: blaster at February 18, 2022 01:09 PM (9otr5)
I'd welcome a conversation. He hasn't "come around" that I know of. But I have seen him have a little more reverence for the established J/C tradition of society.

And as a former "atheist/agnostic" I know how artificial and offputting "The God Conversation" can be. So, in any conversation like that, I would just like to "increment Jesus" in that person's life such as serves that person.

Posted by: Axeman at February 18, 2022 01:44 PM (xjV3I)

730 Does God exist? If I'm wrong, no big deal. Dirt nap.
If you're wrong, huge, hot deal.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 18, 2022 01:25 PM (Hica+)

Then it's spiritual terrorism. Do as I say, or else ?

Why wouldn't a supreme being just put me in solitary for eternity ? You know - just to keep me away from the decent people. Kind of like how they always seat me in restaurants.

What if there is a supreme being - but we're worshiping the wrong one ? Are the Sikhs and Buddhists just doomed to Hell from the get go ? That doesn't seem fair.

Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 01:45 PM (ycdlF)

731 A ship carrying 4,000 vehicles, including 1,100 Porches and 189 Bentleys, has caught fire and has been abandoned mid-Atlantic. Lithium-ion car batteries in electric cars are suspected to have started the fire.

Posted by: Javems at February 18, 2022 01:46 PM (AmoqO)

732 I don't think God tests anyone. I think the testing thing is just a human rationalization for admitting you might be just sitting on your ass doing nothing.
Posted by: Pork Chops & Bacons at February 18, 2022 01:42 PM (Fs5vw)
The "test" of God, to me, simply is God indicating to you where you are.

I'd say that it's akin to the way that Peter knew where he was when he denied Christ 3 times, just as Jesus had told him. He knew that he did not follow through on his brag. That it was more about his assertions about himself than it was about any actual outcome.

Posted by: Axeman at February 18, 2022 01:49 PM (xjV3I)

733 Why wouldn't a supreme being just put me in solitary for eternity ? You know - just to keep me away from the decent people. Kind of like how they always seat me in restaurants.

Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 01:45 PM (ycdlF)
I think that you're reaction and reliance on the present physical illustration is part of the problem. Yeah, for sure, you could do an eternity of isolation from any person standing on your head! It's not like that's going to hurt!

Or don't you perhaps think the fire of desire for companionship and a friendly word (i.e. the "good that comes from God") will not burn you deep?

NP, right?

Posted by: Axeman at February 18, 2022 01:53 PM (xjV3I)

734 Seems to me that several of us are now reaching the "That's it, I'm done" phase with the NeverTrump neoliberals. They're clearly Democrats, and clearly just "occupying enemy ground" on the right in order to assist the Democrats; it's time for the fucking Endless Masquerade to end.

Meh. They ain't Democrats. They're Statists. And I've seen the sides swap back and forth about "Support the State" my entire life.

Back the Blue. Love it or Leave It. When Uncle Sam calls, you answer. It's all the same. Literally the same.

Posted by: Cause and Effect at February 18, 2022 01:53 PM (ycdlF)

735 If 57% feel that way...

Then the pollsters have no idea which districts are competitive.

It is a self-refuting poll.

Posted by: Nom de Blog at February 18, 2022 01:55 PM (UNQS9)

736 I would love to shove this article down the throat of the *&^%$ Karen I had to deal with last w/e.

Posted by: sidney at February 18, 2022 02:00 PM (LJJah)

737 Regarding the GT, I lean that way, and I'll lean a lot more if a direct war gets started between great powers. Apparently pop culture mostly thinks the First Horseman is a great plague/pestilence, whereas the more seriously eschatological see it as the rise of the antichrist's global empire, by means of trickery instead of martial conquest. Pretty clever of God to make them both right, in their own way.

There's other supporting evidence -- the authorities compelling people to continually participate in warding themselves (using innocent blood) against a terrifying death (unleashed by those same authorities), a sort of demonic mockery of the passover (compare Exodus 13:9 and the better known Rev 13:16-17). Then there are things that seem more coincidental, like the observation that the initials of "build back better" resemble the number of the beast. And the concept of burning down society to rebuild it better is very similar to the accusations against Nero, once thought to be the antichrist.

Posted by: me at February 18, 2022 02:00 PM (9p+wn)

738 I wish Ace would stop pulling punches like this. He needs to really tell us what he thinks about these guys instead of saying all the nice things about them.

Posted by: Clean Willie at February 18, 2022 02:42 PM (5FRbo)

739 Ace's description of Ed Morrissey reminds me of Tim Pool, who condemns some awful thing Democrats are doing then says Republicans are just as bad, for Reasons. At least he says plainly he's not a conservative.

Posted by: waelse1 at February 18, 2022 02:55 PM (7YTAg)

740 Sean Patrick Maloney was my Congressman in NY until I moved to Texas five months ago. He is just awful. Actually told a crowd two years ago that he wanted to "take a baseball bat against Trump supporters." I wrote, called and emailed office to complain. I was told he would get back to me, but I never got a response. Vote Maloney OUT!

Posted by: Victoria at February 18, 2022 05:47 PM (qkdUx)

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