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True Conservative Superhero Dan Crenshaw: I Have No Power to Help the January 6 Political Prisoners and I Won't Even Bring Attention to Their Plight Because That Would Just be "A Performance" That Helps Me But Not Them

Actually, you won't do it because it would help them and hurt you, Dannie, which the crowd immediately grasps.

Coward. Liar. Grifter.

Neoliberal corporate tool.

Lord knows how much Dannie hates "performances" which could help him politically!

What a hero.

What an absolute stud of a superhero.

You're not going to be president, Dannie.

At least not as a Republican.

Oh, but I see you've already started planning your transition, haven't you?

Posted by: Ace at 05:10 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 first?

Posted by: Boswell at January 18, 2022 05:10 PM (5iUNf)

2 Dan Crenshaw is a one eyed Jack Murphy LARPing as a Pirate.

Posted by: garrett at January 18, 2022 05:11 PM (jmacr)

3 A tough guy with a pussy.

GOPe standard.

Posted by: Czech Chick at January 18, 2022 05:12 PM (haWye)

4 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at January 18, 2022 05:12 PM (Zz0t1)

5 Mr.Trump, in the name that is all Holy, please aim your big, YUGE political gun at this Crenshaw poseur.

Posted by: Voter theater. at January 18, 2022 05:12 PM (FCPbW)

6 MTG and Crenshaw in a room: Three eyes and two balls.

MTG leaves: One eye.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at January 18, 2022 05:13 PM (SchxB)

7 Yar har har, Half-Blind John McCain stabs us in the back again.

One more example of Trump being the only remotely trustworthy person competing at a federal level.

Posted by: trev006 at January 18, 2022 05:13 PM (aS3jl)

8 It used to be if you had a government problem, you called your representative, and they could get action from various agencies.

Did that somehow stop?

Posted by: Romeo13 at January 18, 2022 05:13 PM (oHd/0)

9 Wimpy candy assed RINO

Posted by: It's me donna at January 18, 2022 05:13 PM (TdaKq)

10 The argument that "we must vote for Crenshaw in the general" is weak.

The House is not going to go red or blue based on his district.

Vote him out of the general. Vote for the Democrat, straight up.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:14 PM (LvTSG)

11 Marshall Crenshaw > Dan Crenshaw

Posted by: Mark1971 at January 18, 2022 05:14 PM (xPl2J)

12 Crenshaw is just a Remora.

Posted by: kraken at January 18, 2022 05:14 PM (6Je/Q)

13 ugh, this fucking asshole. did he shoot his own eye out?

Posted by: nckate at January 18, 2022 05:15 PM (z5Nun)

14 10 The argument that "we must vote for Crenshaw in the general" is weak.

The House is not going to go red or blue based on his district.

Vote him out of the general. Vote for the Democrat, straight up.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:14 PM (LvTSG)

What, can't someone Primary him?

Posted by: Romeo13 at January 18, 2022 05:15 PM (oHd/0)

15 Crenshaw can donkey fuck.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at January 18, 2022 05:15 PM (Zz0t1)

16 14 10 The argument that "we must vote for Crenshaw in the general" is weak.

The House is not going to go red or blue based on his district.

Vote him out of the general. Vote for the Democrat, straight up.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:14 PM (LvTSG)

What, can't someone Primary him?
Posted by: Romeo13 at January 18, 2022 05:15 PM (oHd/0)


I'm imagining he wins his primary, just like 90%+ of all incumbents.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:15 PM (LvTSG)

17 >> this fucking asshole. did he shoot his own eye out?

He violated the First Rule of the Gloryhole.

Posted by: garrett at January 18, 2022 05:15 PM (jmacr)

18 He's a selfish cunt

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Lawful Good is Not Lawful Perfect at January 18, 2022 05:15 PM (XvPQV)

19 Vote him out of the general. Vote for the Democrat, straight up.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:14 PM (LvTSG)

Better to see a primary. But the fact is EVERY politician has to earn the vote, every day. As Trump showed, you are better off working for the base than triangulating.

Posted by: trev006 at January 18, 2022 05:15 PM (aS3jl)

20 15 Crenshaw can donkey fuck.
Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at January 18, 2022 05:15 PM (Zz0t1)


$5 says he's an uncle fucker.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:15 PM (LvTSG)

21 This guy is a perfect example of why I put little faith in politicians. He is a McCain style work who cannot be trusted to do the right thing unless it helps him personally.

A fucking dirt bag.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at January 18, 2022 05:15 PM (o2MD2)

22 Genevieve Collins is a babe. I like seeing her wrestle barefoot. If she's on Crenshaw's team, though, I suspect she won't do much for conservatives.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at January 18, 2022 05:16 PM (txdEq)

23 That ad is just embarrassing.

Posted by: Jordan61 at January 18, 2022 05:16 PM (Ez6QX)

24 hiya

Posted by: JT at January 18, 2022 05:16 PM (arJlL)

25 Marshall Crenshaw > Dan Crenshaw
Posted by: Mark1971

Yeah, really liked Marshall Crenshaw back in the day, somewhere back in the early 1980's.

Posted by: Bozo Conservative...Living on the Prison Planet at January 18, 2022 05:16 PM (vcOmj)

I stopped even theoretically, possibly, one day supporting Crenshaw instantly and forever, the moment he endorsed red flag laws. That was all I ever needed to know about this fuckin' bottom-feeder, and everything he's done since reinforces that prejudice. Feed him to the dogs.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 18, 2022 05:17 PM (4odx6)

27 Crenshaw Blvd. > Dan Crenshaw

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at January 18, 2022 05:17 PM (DnWKq)

28 worm, not work.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at January 18, 2022 05:17 PM (o2MD2)

29 "I wish there was a bill we could pass."

Uh, you can SUBMIT one, dickhead.

"I could visit, but that would only draw attention to me, not them."

Uh, depending on what you fucking say to the media when you're there, dickhead.

"I wish there was something we could do, but we can't. We don't have the power."

Uh, you can CALL FOR AN INVESTIGATION, you dickhead.

Worthless one-eyed cunt.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at January 18, 2022 05:17 PM (Zz0t1)

30 Ooooh...awkward.

Posted by: Shooter McGavin at January 18, 2022 05:17 PM (/4P8i)

31 He has a single focus apparently

Posted by: Anna Puma at January 18, 2022 05:17 PM (v23WH)

32 If McCain had one eye instead of one arm.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at January 18, 2022 05:17 PM (pUDQf)

33 That Ad is real? I assumed it was a joke from screenshot.

Posted by: garrett at January 18, 2022 05:17 PM (jmacr)

34 As I've said over and oner again. They honestly think you're stupid. In confrences between themselves we, as a group, are referred to as 'idiots'.

Posted by: Brad Mueller at January 18, 2022 05:17 PM (5oo5k)

35 Dan also has high praise for his esteemed colleague, Liz Cheney.

McCain 2.0.

Posted by: E.A. Poe at January 18, 2022 05:18 PM (URNdm)


$5 says he's an uncle fucker.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:15 PM (LvTSG)

Well, then next logical step is to shut his fuckin' face.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at January 18, 2022 05:18 PM (Zz0t1)

37 13 ugh, this fucking asshole. did he shoot his own eye out?
Posted by: nckate at January 18, 2022 05:15 PM (z5Nun)


Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 18, 2022 05:18 PM (9KTP0)

38 I wonder if MTG will show Dan her big brass ones.

Posted by: JayInAmes at January 18, 2022 05:18 PM (yGu6h)

39 Based on this video, the good people of Texas' 2nd Congressional District should recall his butt.

And they should do it in the most spectacularly public way possible.

Humiliate him and make an example of him so this ends standard wimpy RINO behavior.

Posted by: RondinellaMamma. Donald J. Trump is our duly elected president. at January 18, 2022 05:18 PM (l0Cy4)

40 Jackass will turn to the Dems in less than five years, unless the good people of Texas throw him out sooner.

Guy is such a prick.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 05:18 PM (VWp7G)

41 Ass-pirates are the worst pirates.

Posted by: Joe Mama at January 18, 2022 05:19 PM (WmGrA)

42 I saw a group of Libs on The Hill's "Rise" program discussing how conservatives are coming late to prison reform.

But we're not asking for a Constitutional right to more TV time, we're asking that they not be beaten, and made to sleep in flea-ridden beds!!

Posted by: Axeman at January 18, 2022 05:19 PM (XHhHI)

43 Transition?

Think he's already a carpetbagger.

Posted by: Anna Puma at January 18, 2022 05:19 PM (v23WH)

44 WAPO has out a hilarious crying jag tonight by their resident buffoon, Phillip Bump, which Bumpfuck tries to suggest Biden is hated because, get this, "he's trying to do something important" - whereas Trump and the GOP simply suggested they wanted to do nothing...well, except open up states from the Pandemic, crack down on crime, and curb illegal immigration, making American energy independent - you know - all the things everyone wants except Phil Bumptious Buffoon here.

Bumpfuck doesn't think it's really Biden's fault he's failing - its you, America. Punchy wants to do important stuff, things Silly Philly desperately wants - like jailing Republican Americans and making sure Americans can't vote for anyone that Bump doesn't want. And that's hard - not easy, like Trump's desire to grow the nation's economy and making people safe and free and all. Sheesh!

Posted by: Boswell at January 18, 2022 05:19 PM (5iUNf)

45 "I could visit, but that would only draw attention to me, not them."

Just showing up, and making a dramatic statement, could have a salutary effect, if for no other reason than embarrassing the Biden junta.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 18, 2022 05:19 PM (9KTP0)

46 $5 says he's an uncle fucker.

He gives good skull.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at January 18, 2022 05:19 PM (yQpMk)

47 Maybe he should give Ted Cruz a call, see how well ignoring his base goes?

Posted by: Bete at January 18, 2022 05:19 PM (F9322)

48 >>> I wonder if MTG will show Dan her big brass ones.
Posted by: JayInAmes

She's a dream girl compared to Crenshaw. An actual conservative who fights.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 05:19 PM (VWp7G)

49 Wow, Danny Boy is not doing well with his political get togethers.

Posted by: Romeo13 at January 18, 2022 05:19 PM (oHd/0)

50 10 The argument that "we must vote for Crenshaw in the general" is weak.

The House is not going to go red or blue based on his district.

Vote him out of the general. Vote for the Democrat, straight up.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:14 PM (LvTSG)

As opposed to the Senate, where every seat means a lot, in this case we've got seats to spare. Get rid of him. BTW, we know that MTG is raising millions of dollars for ostensibly conservative candidates. What money is Crenshaw raising, and for whom?

Posted by: Darrell Harris at January 18, 2022 05:19 PM (mdjgu)

51 every time I hear this pretender I immensely regret giving him money. Anti-GUN (he thinks only ex-military like him should be armed.) never again, no matter how sweet his wife's plea for more $$$

Posted by: government here to save you at January 18, 2022 05:20 PM (lNSu6)

52 Ass-pirates are the worst pirates.
Posted by: Joe Mama

I shall comfort them.

Posted by: Captain Ned at January 18, 2022 05:20 PM (mD/uy)

53 Crenshaw Blvd. > Dan Crenshaw
Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at January 18, 2022 05:17 PM (DnWKq)

Now that's just mean. True but mean.

Posted by: Russkilitlover at January 18, 2022 05:20 PM (iyVGU)

54 Vote for the Democrat, straight up.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:14 PM (LvTSG)

And if you can't tell the for the guy with two eyes.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at January 18, 2022 05:20 PM (Q9lwr)

55 And another 2024 pres campaign goes up in smoke...

Of course, he also torched any shot of primarying Cruz, which might be a good thing b/c he is way more uniparty than Ted, or at least more obvious about it...

Posted by: Nova local at January 18, 2022 05:20 PM (exHjb)

56 Can't we all just get along?

Posted by: Dan Crenshaw's Tranny Pool Boy at January 18, 2022 05:20 PM (sWM8x)

57 Crenshaw, yuge disappointment.

And talk about piling on....

Some days ago, on Alex Jones' "Info Wars", they had on a military spec ops doctor, who was now in Texas NG Reserves, and he mentioned that he had contacted a present "Rep in Congress", former special forces, from the Houston area (ring any bells?), that totally let him down on helping him with a problem regarding the border (where said NG reserve doc was stationed).
Another serving Rep from Oklahoma went to bat for him, when asked.

Posted by: Bozo Conservative...Living on the Prison Planet at January 18, 2022 05:20 PM (vcOmj)

You always gotta watch for the Trojan Horse in the party. Whoever is blasting Dr. Oz on Newmax is doing a good job.

Posted by: Traitor Joe's Military Surplus at January 18, 2022 05:20 PM (dQvv7)

59 What a fat, arrogant fraud.

Posted by: Ordinary American at January 18, 2022 05:21 PM (PFjNT)

60 What a useless tool. Keep voting harder.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at January 18, 2022 05:21 PM (EZebt)


The SOF community has its share of scumbags. They are known as "the 10%ers" because roughly 10% of them are absolute buddy fuckers or criminals. If you ever saw the UCMJ records you would be appalled.

Posted by: Johnny Noir at January 18, 2022 05:21 PM (ceKpf)

Crenshaw is a "veteran!"

Crenshaw is a "warrior!"

Crenshaw wears a flag lapel pin!

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at January 18, 2022 05:21 PM (wRjfx)

63 44 Bumpfuck doesn't think it's really Biden's fault he's failing - its you, America. Punchy wants to do important stuff, things Silly Philly desperately wants - like jailing Republican Americans and making sure Americans can't vote for anyone that Bump doesn't want. And that's hard - not easy, like Trump's desire to grow the nation's economy and making people safe and free and all. Sheesh!
Posted by: Boswell at January 18, 2022 05:19 PM (5iUNf)


It will always be that for their side. Always. They can never learn.

The problem is that sometimes the mushy middle of America agrees with him that "SOMETHING MUST BE DONE."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:21 PM (LvTSG)

64 That Ad is real? I assumed it was a joke from screenshot.
Posted by: garrett at January 18, 2022 05:17 PM (jmacr)

It's real. And very bad and terrible.

Posted by: Jordan61 at January 18, 2022 05:21 PM (Ez6QX)

65 She's a dream girl compared to Crenshaw. An actual conservative who fights.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 05:19 PM (VWp7G)

She's a unicorn...that's how rare that breed is

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Lawful Good is Not Lawful Perfect at January 18, 2022 05:21 PM (XvPQV)

66 Congressmen are useless pieces of shit. I begged my former Congress to put up a bill on chain migration

Uh. I can't do that because I'm not on any of those committees.

Posted by: Ben Had at January 18, 2022 05:21 PM (EhsUs)

67 His support ( strong) of Red Flag laws was unnecessary and politically unsavvy. Who was he preening for with that? Maybe he is rather stupid, as well as feckless.

Posted by: kraken at January 18, 2022 05:21 PM (6Je/Q)

68 Thanks Bozo!

Posted by: Emmie -- support your local Moron at January 18, 2022 05:21 PM (6RgRK)

69 What, can't someone Primary him?


"Arrrggh! I've been primaried!!"

"Who primaried you?"

"Noman! Noman primaried me!"

"Oh. Okay. Stop your yelling, then."

Posted by: Muldoon at January 18, 2022 05:21 PM (m45I2)

70 56 Vote for the Democrat, straight up.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:14 PM (LvTSG)

And if you can't tell the for the guy with two eyes.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at January 18, 2022 05:20 PM (Q9lwr)


*preps emergency glass eye*
-Dan Crenshaw

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:22 PM (LvTSG)

71 10 The argument that "we must vote for Crenshaw in the general" is weak.

The House is not going to go red or blue based on his district.

Vote him out of the general. Vote for the Democrat, straight up.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:14 PM (LvTSG)

No - dumb move. Better move is to primary his a$$, and if you can't get him this time b/c the election is too close, find someone for 2024...if nothing else, it will make him toe a closer line to us.

Giving the dems a seat is not wise...we keep doing that everywhere one at a time, and we give them filibuster proof majorities in both houses...

Posted by: Nova local at January 18, 2022 05:22 PM (exHjb)

72 Look at all that Fivehead in the screenshot.

Dude on the left!

I hope, for jhis mother's sake, that he was a C-Section.

Posted by: garrett at January 18, 2022 05:22 PM (jmacr)

73 Dan Crenshaw is a tool. End comment.

Posted by: Archer at January 18, 2022 05:22 PM (gmo/4)

74 Crenshaw is about three more stupid comments away from being contacted by NRO as an independent candidate for President in 2024.

Posted by: Azathoth at January 18, 2022 05:22 PM (W3VUu)

75 >>>Whoever is blasting Dr. Oz on Newmax is doing a good job.
Posted by: Traitor Joe's Military Surplus

I don't think Pennsylvanians will vote for Oz. Not from here, and he's pulling a Hillary carpetbagging campaign.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 05:22 PM (VWp7G)

76 Boggy Creek "Old Man Crenshaw" > most any other Crenshaw

Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 05:22 PM (vrz2I)

77 I'm suddenly noticing a whiff of dirty diaper.

Posted by: Tonypete at January 18, 2022 05:23 PM (mD/uy)

78 Dan Crenshaw snaps at a young girl at a fundraiser:

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 18, 2022 05:23 PM (ptqGC)

79 34 As I've said over and oner again. They honestly think you're stupid. In confrences between themselves we, as a group, are referred to as 'idiots'.
Posted by: Brad Mueller at January 18, 2022 05:17 PM (5oo5k)

Well, given how rah rah "Must always back Team Red, cause Blue is worse" some people are, I'm not sure this conclusion is completely wrong.

Posted by: Bete at January 18, 2022 05:23 PM (F9322)

80 They could continually haul everyone's ass who has anything to do with these people being held prisoner before Congress, every day, indefinitely.

Every fucking day. Take away their freedom to do anything else until these people are released.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at January 18, 2022 05:23 PM (pUDQf)

As I've said over and oner again. They honestly think you're stupid. In confrences between themselves we, as a group, are referred to as 'idiots'.
Posted by: Brad Mueller at January 18, 2022 05:17 PM (5oo5k)

At this time, there is reason for them to doubt their assessment. They publicly betrayed us in every way they could dream of for the last six years, and "we" (though not me) are about to reward them with a big win in about eleven more months.

Why would they think any different or better of their voters? The GOP voter is a battered wife who always comes back.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 18, 2022 05:23 PM (4odx6)

82 Is it wrong to wish he'd get swept up in a time warp and the terrorist that took his eye would end up skull fucking him to death?

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at January 18, 2022 05:23 PM (Zz0t1)

83 an Crenshaw is a one eyed Jack Murphy LARPing as a Pirate.
Posted by: garrett

nope. He tried to look out through the bung hole to see whose dick he was gonna suck next and got his eye poked out by some Donk needle dick lefty. So he's a LARPing veteran trying to ride his disability into a life long grift.

Fuck him.

Posted by: BifBewalski (IJES/) - at January 18, 2022 05:23 PM (IJES/)

84 Ben Crenshaw >> Dan Crenshaw

Posted by: Ted Torgerson at January 18, 2022 05:24 PM (vN+oL)

85 74 Giving the dems a seat is not wise...we keep doing that everywhere one at a time, and we give them filibuster proof majorities in both houses...
Posted by: Nova local at January 18, 2022 05:22 PM (exHjb)


Nah, sometimes it ends up working out, especially if there's a red wave that can guarantee a GOP House in 2022.

Hell, Mark Sanford shit the bed in SC-1. We got Joe Cunningham for a single term, and then we got Nancy Mace. Mace isn't great, but she's better than either of the other two.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:24 PM (LvTSG)

86 Dan Crenshaw is also one of the people in "Young Future Leaders", which is attached to the World Economic Forum.

You know, the globalists that want to take over the world!!! Klaus Schwab!!!

Justin Trudeau is also a member of that group.

Posted by: Bozo Conservative...Living on the Prison Planet at January 18, 2022 05:24 PM (vcOmj)

87 So Ted Cruz, Dan Crenshaw, and Kristi Noem are all drowning.

Question: to which one do you throw a cinder block?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 18, 2022 05:24 PM (9KTP0)

88 Fuck off, racist foreign weirdo.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at January 18, 2022 05:24 PM (yQpMk)

89 Shorter Crenshaw: "Well, I'm useless, so..."

Posted by: San Franpsycho at January 18, 2022 05:24 PM (EZebt)

90 Sponge, sounds good to me.

Posted by: Ben Had at January 18, 2022 05:24 PM (EhsUs)

91 >>Crenshaw is a "veteran!"
Crenshaw is a "warrior!"
Crenshaw wears a flag lapel pin!

Crenshaw is a World Economic Forum "Young Global Leader" along with fellow veteran Pete Buttigieg.

Posted by: E.A. Poe at January 18, 2022 05:24 PM (URNdm)

Beware of many, many Fake Republicans running in '22.

Most of them are grifters.

A young black "Republican" running in Arizona for a House seat was recently exposed. He's a phony. He's a liar. And he's not the only one running in '22 looking to take advantage of the supposed "red wave."

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at January 18, 2022 05:25 PM (wRjfx)

93 He won't do anything because that might be interpreted as defending Trump, and God forbid that happen.

Posted by: Ordinary American at January 18, 2022 05:25 PM (PFjNT)

94 Crenshaw<raimondo<steaming pile of buzzard shit.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at January 18, 2022 05:25 PM (o2MD2)

95 "Arrrggh! I've been primaried!!"
"Who primaried you?"
"Noman! Noman primaried me!"
"Oh. Okay. Stop your yelling, then."
Posted by: Muldoon at January 18, 2022 05:21 PM (m45I2)

Come for the political dunking.

Stay for the Odyssey references.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at January 18, 2022 05:25 PM (DnWKq)

96 Ben Crenshaw >> Dan Crenshaw
Posted by: Ted Torgerson

Well, Ben Crenshaw certainly has a more polished short game, getting to the green.

Dan has a depth perception problem. You can see that easily.

Posted by: Bozo Conservative...Living on the Prison Planet at January 18, 2022 05:25 PM (vcOmj)

97 Crenshaw

Useless except as a bad example.

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at January 18, 2022 05:26 PM (u82oZ)

98 Nice stream of "consciousness" there, RainManDork.

Posted by: Joe Mama at January 18, 2022 05:26 PM (WmGrA)

99 Dan Crenshaw is also one of the people in "Young Future Leaders", which is attached to the World Economic Forum.

You know, the globalists that want to take over the world!!! Klaus Schwab!!!

Justin Trudeau is also a member of that group.
Posted by: Bozo Conservative

Let's give the WEF a whiff of the grape.

Posted by: BifBewalski (IJES/) - at January 18, 2022 05:26 PM (IJES/)

100 Posted by: Muldoon at January 18, 2022 05:21 PM (m45I2) that you?

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at January 18, 2022 05:26 PM (Q9lwr)

101 Cruz, Noem, Crenshaw. Cruz has his uses, Noem is pleasing to look at, Crenshaw

Posted by: kraken at January 18, 2022 05:26 PM (6Je/Q)

102 Crenshaw... norms... etc. Honestly, they're all corrupt, useless shits.

Voting is not the tool required to fix this.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at January 18, 2022 05:26 PM (BFigT)

103 >>> Crenshaw
Posted by: Xipe Totec

The buzzard shit should probably be before Raimondo.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 05:26 PM (VWp7G)

104 The new Karen Cheney no one asked for or wants.

But, he's doing it anyway.

Because that's what heros do ....

Posted by: Well at January 18, 2022 05:27 PM (Tid00)

105 52 What, can't someone Primary him?

He has opponents in the primary'; however, he must obtain independent support/money to overcome this asshoe.

Pick the best opponent and I'll contribute to his gofundme.

Posted by: Braenyard at January 18, 2022 05:27 PM (dl6yC)


What a piece of garbage, I felt something off with that dude early.

Like he's one of those idiot Black Rifle Coffee jackasses.

Posted by: Dr.Rev. Senator Your Highness E Buzz Miller, Esq PhD MA MS at January 18, 2022 05:27 PM (XnbJC)

A fake Republican will run for office to grift for contributions and build their "war chest," which is $$ they can live off.

If the fake Republican wins, that's even better because they become even bigger grifters and get Inside Information.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at January 18, 2022 05:27 PM (wRjfx)

108 Voting is not the tool required to fix this.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at January 18, 2022 05:26 PM (BFigT)

*nods vigorously*

Posted by: Tire Iron at January 18, 2022 05:27 PM (yQpMk)

109 The Left infiltrates and wrecks everything. It's one of their strategies. There are a lot of infiltrators in the GOP.

Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 05:27 PM (vrz2I)

110 Young girl quotes Crenshaw from a podcast, at the fundraiser:

"The most important thing here is that we have important hero archetypes that we look up to. Jesus is a hero archetype, Superman is a hero archetype. Real characters too. I could name a thousand. Rosa Parks and Ronald Reagan too. All of these people embody certain attributes that the American people think this is good," she quotes him.

"I can't wrap my head around this," the young girl added.

Crenshaw snapped back at her, "I'll help you. Put a period after the word Jesus and don't question my faith."

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 18, 2022 05:27 PM (ptqGC)

111 {{{{Ben Had}}}}

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at January 18, 2022 05:28 PM (Zz0t1)

112 17 >> this fucking asshole. did he shoot his own eye out?

He violated the First Rule of the Gloryhole.
Posted by: garrett at January 18, 2022 05:15 PM (jmacr)

This is the type of Highbrow commentary I come here for.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at January 18, 2022 05:28 PM (dKiJG)

113 83 Is it wrong to wish he'd get swept up in a time warp and the terrorist that took his eye would end up skull fucking him to death?
Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at January 18, 2022 05:23 PM (Zz0t1)


But understandable.

Posted by: Bete at January 18, 2022 05:28 PM (F9322)

114 Wasn't WEF that was insinuating that not eating bugs is racist?

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at January 18, 2022 05:28 PM (3YVs3)

115 Would bet anything that if this was a room full of liberals asking him things like, "Why aren't you supportive of the voting rights bill?" or "Why did you vote against the infrastructure bill?" his tone would be far more civil and his answers would be much more conciliatory.

Posted by: Japanese Whalers at January 18, 2022 05:28 PM (KbCG3)

116 Speaking of Crenshaw, Chopped on Food Network just had Rocky Mountain Oysters as a main ingredient. Dannie's weren't there.

Posted by: olddog in mo at January 18, 2022 05:28 PM (ju2Fy)

117 Look the idea that a Republican not named Trump can actually DO something is entirely new. It'll take time to filter thru.

Posted by: DaveA at January 18, 2022 05:28 PM (FhXTo)

118 One thing I don't understand if why former military seem to think only military should have guns...

I was military and came in only having shot on arcade games. I learned how to shoot/load/clean/break apart a 9MM in 4 hours. That's how much training carrying officers got. Was I spectacular? No. But I could do it, and I know if someone is 15ft away, and I can shoot without moving, I'll hit him center mass. And that training got renewed 1x/year in a shorter format.

Now, if I'm moving, it probably won't be lethal, so I'm also a fan of having lots of shots. But I know if I can shoot, anyone's not hard to do, the hard thing is being responsible with the weapon - competence is easy. And if we can be responsible with a vote and a jury verdict and a kid's life, we can be responsible with a weapon - that's why we're adults...

Posted by: Nova local at January 18, 2022 05:28 PM (exHjb)

119 >>>The new Karen Cheney no one asked for or wants.

But, he's doing it anyway.

Hearing a lot of stories about beatings and torture of the J6 political prisoners. I'm sure congress is hearing it too, and very few even care.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 05:28 PM (VWp7G)

120 Ben Crenshaw >> Dan Crenshaw
Posted by: Ted Torgerson at January 18, 2022 05:24 PM (vN+oL)

He was one puttin mo fo back in the day.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at January 18, 2022 05:28 PM (Zz0t1)

121 Sounds like Crenshaw was on his period.

Posted by: Azathoth at January 18, 2022 05:29 PM (W3VUu)

122 Stay for the Odyssey references.
Posted by: Captain Obvious


It's a narrow target demographic I must say.

Posted by: Muldoon at January 18, 2022 05:29 PM (m45I2)

123 Anyone can be help to the political prisoners by standing up and being heard

Posted by: Skip at January 18, 2022 05:29 PM (2JoB8)

124 He took Jesus at his word. His eye offended him.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at January 18, 2022 05:29 PM (o2MD2)

Hearing a lot of stories about beatings and torture of the J6 political prisoners. I'm sure congress is hearing it too, and very few even care.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 05:28 PM (VWp7G)

It gives me a big ol' throbbin' blue-veiner, buddy.

Posted by: Lindsey Graham at January 18, 2022 05:30 PM (4odx6)

126 Should we take any advice from a NoVa local?

You know the GOPe never has any second thoughts about sacrificing seats (even Senate seats).

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at January 18, 2022 05:30 PM (cMXNt)

127 Well here's a rai of sunshine. And looka me newly diagnosed with the 'rona and nothing to do but play with the trolls for the net 10 days straight.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at January 18, 2022 05:30 PM (EZebt)

128 Those that rise in the ranks are generally no better - or worse - than those that rise in any other big business. And they all have a similar spectrum of motivations.

History books show this - Germany had veterans, as did the USSR. As did the UK and Japan and every other nation that could field a standing army. And all were nothing more than an expression of their various cultures.

Why we think our military is somehow different simply baffles me.
Posted by: Told You So

Give me a mad as hell E-7, or 0-4 that sees clearly wtf the problem is with how our country is run, believes in the constitution, god, and being a good person and that person has my vote all damned day.

I'm specifically thinking of Morons of Good Standing such as Romeo13, SMH, NGU (even though he's had an extra 2 lobotomies for an 0-4). I'm leaving myself out of this robust group of veterans as y'all really don't want a pissed off warrant officer with any levers or helicopters of power.

Posted by: BifBewalski (IJES/) - at January 18, 2022 05:30 PM (IJES/)

129 The buzzard shit should probably be before Raimondo.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp

Buzzards serve a useful purpose.

Posted by: Bozo Conservative...Living on the Prison Planet at January 18, 2022 05:30 PM (vcOmj)

130 GP also has him yelling at a girl, "don't question my faith!"

Well, she wasn't. She was asking why you lumped Jesus in with mere political figures.

But now? Yeah, we're questioning your faith.

Posted by: Well at January 18, 2022 05:30 PM (Tid00)

131 88 So Ted Cruz, Dan Crenshaw, and Kristi Noem...
There really should be some "walk into a bar" jokes here.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at January 18, 2022 05:31 PM (sWM8x)

132 Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at January 18, 2022 05:28 PM (Zz0t1)

And a true Texan. Won the NCAAs for UT 1971 and 1972.

Posted by: Ted Torgerson at January 18, 2022 05:31 PM (vN+oL)

...and don't question my faith."

How dare you!

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at January 18, 2022 05:31 PM (wRjfx)

134 Can someone photoshop this guy and replace the eye-patch with a tampon?

Posted by: garrett at January 18, 2022 05:31 PM (jmacr)

135 Going back to the previous post (which I didn't read as I was afk) who here said Youngkin hired a CRT proponant for his education director a few days ago? Whoever it was, you need to seriously up your game.

Posted by: Brunnhilde at January 18, 2022 05:31 PM (KVsa6)

136 What a piece of garbage, I felt something off with that dude early.

Like he's one of those idiot Black Rifle Coffee jackasses.

Posted by: Dr.Rev. Senator Your Highness E Buzz Miller, Esq PhD MA MS at January 18, 2022 05:27 PM (XnbJC)

Eff those guys. Especially, Black Rifle Coffee, it tastes like excrement, way over-hyped.

Posted by: Ganowicz Commie Exterminators, LTD. at January 18, 2022 05:31 PM (3er2y)

137 "Stay for the Odyssey references.
Posted by: Captain Obvious"

This is about me isn't it?

Posted by: The Cyclops at January 18, 2022 05:31 PM (vrz2I)

138 GP also has him yelling at a girl, "don't question my faith!"

Well, she wasn't. She was asking why you lumped Jesus in with mere political figures.

But now? Yeah, we're questioning your faith.
Posted by: Well at January 18, 2022 05:30 PM (Tid00)


See my post at 110.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 18, 2022 05:32 PM (ptqGC)

139 He violated the First Rule of the Gloryhole.
Posted by: garrett at January 18, 2022 05:15 PM (jmacr)

This is the type of Highbrow commentary I come here for.
Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at January 18, 2022 05:28 PM (dKiJG)

LOL @ both of you.

Posted by: Jordan61 at January 18, 2022 05:32 PM (Ez6QX)

140 He isn't helping the J6 political prisoners because he just cares too much about the J6 political prisoners.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at January 18, 2022 05:32 PM (iDcra)

Crenshaw went to the Lamar Alexander School of Fakery.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at January 18, 2022 05:32 PM (wRjfx)

142 Crenshaw is a cynical girl

Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 05:33 PM (mR6Gs)

143 >>>Buzzards serve a useful purpose.
Posted by: Bozo Conservative...Living on the Prison Planet

Good point.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 05:33 PM (VWp7G)


That Crenshaw boy looks well marbled...

Posted by: Ed Gein, white meat enthusiast at January 18, 2022 05:33 PM (ceKpf)

145 Saw that clip of him on Trevor Noah. Falling all over himself to show he is not like those icky racist republicans because he went to HS in bogota Columbia.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 18, 2022 05:33 PM (F4b8f)

146 Pretty contemptuous of his voters.

Posted by: kraken at January 18, 2022 05:33 PM (6Je/Q)

Jesus is a hero archetype, Superman is a hero archetype. Real characters too.


I'm no Christian, but Yeshua ben Yosef was most assuredly a "real character," you dumb, one-eyed shitheel.

Posted by: Lindsey Graham at January 18, 2022 05:33 PM (4odx6)

148 The problem is that sometimes the mushy middle of America agrees with him that "SOMETHING MUST BE DONE."
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:21 PM (LvTSG)

This has to do with the discussion a thread or two ago - if Punchy had just done nothing, kept all the Trump policies in place - he'd be the most praised President of all time - one who's reputation would only increase as he continued to do nothing! But alas, lefties must always be working, marching ever forward, to destroy what is yours - and since Punchy is just an empty glass in human form, he's the perfect creature for them.

So, now Phillip Bump has got the sadz - no one here in America understands or appreciates his arduous and heroic desire for socialism in his time! Silly, ungrateful Americans!

Posted by: Boswell at January 18, 2022 05:33 PM (5iUNf)

149 126 Should we take any advice from a NoVa local?

You know the GOPe never has any second thoughts about sacrificing seats (even Senate seats).
Posted by: MAGA_Ken at January 18, 2022 05:30 PM (cMXNt)

Right, if we give seats directly to Dems, Uniparty gets even stronger...

In a 2 party system, which we unfortunately have had, pretty much from our beginning with hiccups now and then, you have to pick one side and change it to match your side - ignoring both just means the worse side wins and keeps power...

Posted by: Nova local at January 18, 2022 05:33 PM (exHjb)

150 >BREAKING: Following a lawsuit from parents, the State of California has permanently removed the "In Lak Ech Affirmation" from the state curriculum, which would have forced students to chant to the Aztec god of human sacrifice in order to become "warriors" for "social justice."


Aww, how come we can't partake in any tzompantli fun?

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at January 18, 2022 05:33 PM (/umJ9)

Well here's a rai of sunshine. And looka me newly diagnosed with the 'rona and nothing to do but play with the trolls for the net 10 days straight.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at January 18, 2022 05:30 PM

Keep us updated so we can figure out the value of truly awesome strains of marijuana as covid treatment in your N=1 study.

Posted by: CDC at January 18, 2022 05:33 PM (dQvv7)

152 Breaking: Aussies worried they can't vaccinate their pets.

A virus that they had to work on to infect humans--and now, researchers can't give Sars-COV-2 "back" to bats!

Posted by: Axeman at January 18, 2022 05:34 PM (XHhHI)

153 No way am I gonna tell Herschel Walker to not look at nekkid titties.

Posted by: wth at January 18, 2022 05:34 PM (v0R5T)

154 Trans-Republican? Sounds about right.

Posted by: Darth Randall at January 18, 2022 05:34 PM (3TihK)

155 Give me a mad as hell E-7, or 0-4 that sees clearly wtf the problem is with how our country is run, believes in the constitution, god, and being a good person and that person has my vote all damned day.

The fallacy is the assumption that most E7s or O4s believe in the Constitution, and one can thus - on average - trust any E7 or O4. That ship sailed a long, long time ago.

Posted by: Hombre Sans Fiesta at January 18, 2022 05:34 PM (8Wkve)

156 At least his career is ruined and we can mock and shun him now.

Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 05:34 PM (vrz2I)

Off, power-mad, bloodthirsty closet queen sock.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 18, 2022 05:34 PM (4odx6)

158 110 Young girl quotes Crenshaw from a podcast, at the fundraiser:

"The most important thing here is that we have important hero archetypes that we look up to. Jesus is a hero archetype, Superman is a hero archetype. Real characters too. I could name a thousand. Rosa Parks and Ronald Reagan too. All of these people embody certain attributes that the American people think this is good," she quotes him.

He sounds like an alien observer.

Posted by: Braenyard at January 18, 2022 05:34 PM (dl6yC)

159 Dr. Crook

Posted by: Sylvias Mother at January 18, 2022 05:35 PM (n/szn)

160 Typical seal if ya ask me.

Posted by: CSMBigBird at January 18, 2022 05:35 PM (Bera0)

161 Those hero archetypes weren't trying to be loved by all the "right" people Dan. Be better.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at January 18, 2022 05:35 PM (fs1hN)

162 Horatius Cocles would give Crenshaw the side-eye.

Posted by: Miklosius Caroliniensis at January 18, 2022 05:35 PM (QzkSJ)

163 152 Breaking: Aussies worried they can't vaccinate their pets.

croc's got the covid.

Posted by: Roy at January 18, 2022 05:35 PM (Ti+Tv)

164 BREAKING: Following a lawsuit from parents, the State of California has permanently removed the "In Lak Ech Affirmation" from the state curriculum, which would have forced students to chant to the Aztec god of human sacrifice

This post-Republic is one weird-ass place.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at January 18, 2022 05:35 PM (njfCw)

165 137 "Stay for the Odyssey references.
Posted by: Captain Obvious"

This is about me isn't it?
Posted by: The Cyclops at January 18, 2022 05:31 PM (vrz2I)

But not about me, I guess?

Posted by: Erasmus at January 18, 2022 05:35 PM (mdjgu)

166 Worthless one-eyed cunt.
Crenshaw = WOEC = TFG = JEF

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at January 18, 2022 05:35 PM (UHVv4)

167 See my post at 110.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 18, 2022 05:32 PM (ptqGC)

Reading that, he did way worse than lump Jesus in with political figures. He calls Jesus a fictional character.
Clumsy phrasing? Maybe. But I have no reason to give the guy a break.

Posted by: Wally at January 18, 2022 05:35 PM (FJYfm)

168 Saw that clip of him on Trevor Noah. Falling all over himself to show he is not like those icky racist republicans because he went to HS in bogota Columbia.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 18, 2022 05:33 PM (F4b8f)
Is this John McCain reaching out to us from the grave?

Posted by: Axeman at January 18, 2022 05:36 PM (XHhHI)

169 The fallacy is the assumption that most E7s or O4s believe in the Constitution, and one can thus - on average - trust any E7 or O4. That ship sailed a long, long time ago.
Posted by: Hombre Sans Fiesta

Yeah, they need to prove it with language, and actions (MTG for example).

Posted by: BifBewalski (IJES/) - at January 18, 2022 05:36 PM (IJES/)

170 Well here's a rai of sunshine. And looka me newly diagnosed with the 'rona and nothing to do but play with the trolls for the net 10 days straight.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at January 18, 2022 05:30 PM (EZebt)

I thought we were down to 5 days.

Posted by: Jordan61 at January 18, 2022 05:36 PM (Ez6QX)

171 So apparently Sotomayor is now demanding the other Justices and other people around her mask up and take extra special precautions so she doesn't catch covid.

Because as you can plainly see, if she catches covid it's really going to cut into her kickboxing classes and CrossFit.

Posted by: Azathoth at January 18, 2022 05:36 PM (W3VUu)

172 GOP sacrificed the AL senate seat because a fake yearbook page made Moore look bad.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 18, 2022 05:36 PM (F4b8f)

173 Oh, but I see you've already started planning your transition, haven't you?

Posted by: Ace at 05:10 PM


He's going full tranny?

Posted by: ShainS -- Beware the Branch Covidians at January 18, 2022 05:36 PM (E35CO)

174 >A young black "Republican" running in Arizona for a House seat was recently exposed. He's a phony. He's a liar. And he's not the only one running in '22 looking to take advantage of the supposed "red wave."
Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at January 18, 2022 05:25 PM (wRjfx)

Another cohort of grifters just like the one that rode the Tea Party wave? Shocking!

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at January 18, 2022 05:36 PM (/umJ9)

175 Question: to which one do you throw a cinder block?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 18, 2022 05:24 PM (9KTP0)

Throw 'em the chick who was governor of South Carolina.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at January 18, 2022 05:37 PM (EZebt)

176 173 Oh, but I see you've already started planning your transition, haven't you?

Posted by: Ace at 05:10 PM


He's going full tranny?

His progress has been patchy.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at January 18, 2022 05:37 PM (njfCw)

177 173 Oh, but I see you've already started planning your transition, haven't you?

Posted by: Ace at 05:10 PM


He's going full tranny?
Posted by: ShainS -- Beware the Branch Covidians at January 18, 2022 05:36 PM (E35CO)

He was an automatic.

Posted by: Roy at January 18, 2022 05:37 PM (Ti+Tv)

178 Good grief, who do we have here in Texas to primary this guy? What about Marcus Lutrell? No that's Lufkin area....

Posted by: Eromero at January 18, 2022 05:37 PM (0OP+5)

179 BREAKING: Following a lawsuit from parents, the State of California has permanently removed the "In Lak Ech Affirmation" from the state curriculum, which would have forced students to chant to the Aztec god of human sacrifice


Posted by: Xipe Totec at January 18, 2022 05:37 PM (o2MD2)

180 BREAKING: Following a lawsuit from parents, the State of California has permanently removed the "In Lak Ech Affirmation" from the state curriculum, which would have forced students to chant to the Aztec god of human sacrifice

Aw, hell, I was planning on convincing them that the very best human sacrifices were liberals.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 18, 2022 05:39 PM (YhzyV)

181 Breaking: Aussies worried they can't vaccinate their pets.

croc's got the covid.
Posted by: Roy at January 18, 2022 05:35 PM (Ti+Tv)
Messenger bags are next. Then Zima.

Posted by: Axeman at January 18, 2022 05:39 PM (XHhHI)

182 He will het a rhinestone eyepatch.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 18, 2022 05:39 PM (F4b8f)

183 Current House Minority Leader, McCarthy holds the purse strings for all member's election/reelection campaigns. He'll make sure Crenshaw has enough money to put down any rebellion.

Unless someone like Trump wanted to come in and fund an upstart with big monies just to shit all over the GOP. Which is no guarantee they'd win anyway.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at January 18, 2022 05:39 PM (BFigT)

The insistence on feigning faith by politicians is one of the more disgusting features of our predatory political system. They know they are completely decoupled from the values of those they putatively represent, and in turn, we know these people worship nothing more than money, power, and the face in the mirror.

The few of these people who may have ever had faith to begin with had to abandon it to become what they are, but they mouth their platitudes, and simply expect to be taken at face value. It's truly repulsive.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 18, 2022 05:39 PM (4odx6)

185 In Lak Ech! In Lak Ech ! In Lak Ech !

It sounds like a chant in Pidgin English.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at January 18, 2022 05:40 PM (njfCw)

186 No more soccer games using heads of your rivals in California high schools?

Posted by: Skip at January 18, 2022 05:40 PM (2JoB8)

187 "The Left infiltrates and wrecks everything. It's one of their strategies."

A political strategy put forth by V. Lenin a hundred years ago.

"The best way to control the opposition is to BECOME the opposition."

Posted by: gourmand du jour at January 18, 2022 05:40 PM (jTmQV)

188 I hope Dans staff lurks here.

Ace DESTROYS Dan Crenshaw in sharp tongue post

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 18, 2022 05:40 PM (F4b8f)

189 >>As I've said over and oner again. They honestly think you're stupid. In confrences between themselves we, as a group, are referred to as 'idiots'.

[insert laughing lizard people at a party meme here ]

Posted by: Lizzy at January 18, 2022 05:40 PM (URNdm)

190 So apparently Sotomayor is now demanding the other Justices and other people around her mask up and take extra special precautions so she doesn't catch covid.

Whereas the other Justices are demanding she wear a bag over her head, so there's that.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 18, 2022 05:40 PM (YhzyV)

191 Lol. They wanted everyone to mask up and Gorsuch refused. Which is why Sotomayor had to attend remotely.

Posted by: Azathoth at January 18, 2022 05:40 PM (W3VUu)

192 Eromero, I'm so sorry I didn't get to spend more time with you today.

Posted by: Ben Had at January 18, 2022 05:41 PM (EhsUs)

193 "The Left infiltrates and wrecks everything. It's one of their strategies."

A political strategy put forth by V. Lenin a hundred years ago.
As Lenin famously said of the Russian famine of 1896, "The worse, the better."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 18, 2022 05:41 PM (YhzyV)

194 Crenshaw is out meeting and greeting his voters. But not for long.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at January 18, 2022 05:41 PM (o2MD2)

195 Good. Muh Gorsuch has some cajones. Unlike Boofy.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at January 18, 2022 05:41 PM (njfCw)

196 189 I hope Dans staff lurks here.

Ace DESTROYS Dan Crenshaw in sharp tongue post
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 18, 2022 05:40 PM (F4b8f)

An interesting point. I wonder if any politician's staff lurks here.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at January 18, 2022 05:41 PM (mdjgu)

197 In Lak Ech! In Lak Ech ! In Lak Ech

Sounds like an Arab choking

Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 05:41 PM (mR6Gs)

198 192 Lol. They wanted everyone to mask up and Gorsuch refused. Which is why Sotomayor had to attend remotely.
Posted by: Azathoth at January 18, 2022 05:40 PM (W3VUu)

So the fat, sickly Nazgul didn't get her way.

Posted by: kraken at January 18, 2022 05:41 PM (6Je/Q)

199 So apparently Sotomayor is now demanding the other Justices and other people around her mask up and take extra special precautions so she doesn't catch covid.
All the Justices are vaxxed, including Gorsuch, and I also assume boosted for the leftists and pussies, yet their vaxxes, and her vaxxes, and her mask won't save her from the Coof.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at January 18, 2022 05:42 PM (UHVv4)

200 183 Current House Minority Leader, McCarthy holds the purse strings for all member's election/reelection campaigns. He'll make sure Crenshaw has enough money to put down any rebellion.

Unless someone like Trump wanted to come in and fund an upstart with big monies just to shit all over the GOP. Which is no guarantee they'd win anyway.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at January 18, 2022 05:39 PM (BFigT)

Money doesn't always buy votes - Cantor knows that...

You have to try to win - see took a decade to take back the party...

Posted by: Nova local at January 18, 2022 05:42 PM (exHjb)

201 In a 2 party system, which we unfortunately have had, pretty much from our beginning with hiccups now and then, you have to pick one side and change it to match your side - ignoring both just means the worse side wins and keeps power...
Posted by: Nova local at January 18, 2022 05:33 PM (exHjb)


You think short term. GOPe loses a few election cycles and the Uniparty realizes all they have are the Democrats. The GOPe is weeded out and a stronger party more responsive to voters will result.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at January 18, 2022 05:42 PM (cMXNt)

202 Apparently Sotomayor, in addition to her talent in bending light around her, also has the diabetus.

Posted by: Azathoth at January 18, 2022 05:42 PM (W3VUu)

203 An interesting point. I wonder if any politician's staff lurks here.
Posted by: Darrell Harris at January 18, 2022 05:41 PM (mdjgu)

We don't have to put on pants, do we?

Posted by: Jordan61 at January 18, 2022 05:42 PM (Ez6QX)

204 What a brave man taking a passive aggressive shot at the Reps that actually did go to see them.

Posted by: buzzion at January 18, 2022 05:43 PM (vMCab)

We don't have to put on pants, do we?
Posted by: Jordan61 at January 18, 2022 05:42 PM (Ez6QX)

Shit, if pols lurk here, I'm mooning them anyway. No pants makes that MUCH easier.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at January 18, 2022 05:43 PM (Zz0t1)

206 201 You have to try to win - see took a decade to take back the party...
Posted by: Nova local at January 18, 2022 05:42 PM (exHjb)


To be feels like the fight for the soul of the Republican Party goes back to at least Taft vs. Eisenhower.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:43 PM (LvTSG)

207 Sotomayer can't take any chances, so there's that.

Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 05:43 PM (mR6Gs)

208 But not about me, I guess?
Posted by: Erasmus at January 18, 2022 05:35 PM (mdjgu)

Prometheus: "I'd be in the discussion if someone hadn't made a worthless movie using my name."

Posted by: Boswell at January 18, 2022 05:43 PM (5iUNf)

209 Crenshaw is a miserable sack of shit. People point out the Red Flag crap that he voted for, but no one seems to mention the vote for authorizing and funding a Vaccine Information and Tracking System just recently. Yes, that's right. That's what the sack of crap voted for. Only a few "Republicans" did. I guess they were his kind...

Crenshaw faces a Primary Election on 1 March, 2022. He has 3 opponents. If you live in that District (West side of Houston, Richmond, Katy), read up on his opponents, find one you like and vote that sack of RINO shit out!

Posted by: Brewingfrog at January 18, 2022 05:43 PM (cjlB3)

210 Dan Crenshaw is also one of the people in "Young Future Leaders", which is attached to the World Economic Forum.

Which is more than another Never-President achieved, Hillary...

Posted by: t-bird at January 18, 2022 05:44 PM (BvZkh)

211 One eye, one eye!
Harelip, harelip!

Posted by: wth at January 18, 2022 05:44 PM (v0R5T)

212 Crenshaw is worse than Jordan. Jim gets up there in his shirt sleeves looking all working man white color manager and yaks and yaks and does good questions but then when he had the chance we got zero anything done about his favorite hobby horse the socials.

Well Crenshaw busted in on the scene like a boss looking all strack and mercenary, gun slinger and got away with that image for a while but that's over. We've seen what he does and it's mostly move his eye patch over to his good eye. He's no more conservative than McCarthy. Almost as bad as Cheney.
He's a fake, phony fraud and he knows he's been outed which is why he tells what he feels more lately cause he knows we don't believe is convservatism phoniness anymore.

He needs to shove that Eye Patch where the sun don't shine. And btw get yourself an artificial eye. That's what most guys do cause they want to look normal and not stand out. But you wanted to call attention to your wound. To me that's almost as bad as stolen valor.

Posted by: jakee308 at January 18, 2022 05:44 PM (eQvlh)

213 That ad is just embarrassing.
Posted by: Jordan61 at January 18, 2022 05:16 PM (Ez6QX)

He must think his constituency is all ComiCon attendees.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at January 18, 2022 05:44 PM (guGkK)

214 To be feels like the fight for the soul of the Republican Party goes back to at least Taft vs. Eisenhower.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:43 PM (LvTSG)

William Howard Taft vs. TR

Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 05:44 PM (mR6Gs)

215 I always assume our trolls are republican staffers or Jonah.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 18, 2022 05:44 PM (F4b8f)

216 We don't have to put on pants, do we?
Posted by: Jordan61 at January 18, 2022 05:42 PM (Ez6QX)

What's this "pants" thing you're going on about?
- guy who's worked from home since at least 2017

Posted by: Azathoth at January 18, 2022 05:45 PM (W3VUu)

217 Current House Minority Leader, McCarthy holds the purse strings for all member's election/reelection campaigns. He'll make sure Crenshaw has enough money to put down any rebellion.
Just ask the Republican candidate who lost to the "Independent" Snowblower in AK those many years ago.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at January 18, 2022 05:45 PM (UHVv4)

218 202 In a 2 party system, which we unfortunately have had, pretty much from our beginning with hiccups now and then, you have to pick one side and change it to match your side - ignoring both just means the worse side wins and keeps power...
Posted by: Nova local at January 18, 2022 05:33 PM (exHjb)


You think short term. GOPe loses a few election cycles and the Uniparty realizes all they have are the Democrats. The GOPe is weeded out and a stronger party more responsive to voters will result.
Posted by: MAGA_Ken at January 18, 2022 05:42 PM (cMXNt)

There will be nothing to save if you give the Dems 20 years of all 3 branches of government with enormous majorities...which is what would happen if we just abandon the R without fixing it...

Posted by: Nova local at January 18, 2022 05:45 PM (exHjb)

219 >>>What a brave man taking a passive aggressive shot at the Reps that actually did go to see them.
Posted by: buzzion

I think he'll get reelected, because most voters are lazy, and don't keep up with everything this turd does.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 05:45 PM (VWp7G)

220 208 201 You have to try to win - see took a decade to take back the party...
Posted by: Nova local at January 18, 2022 05:42 PM (exHjb)


To be feels like the fight for the soul of the Republican Party goes back to at least Taft vs. Eisenhower.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:43 PM (LvTSG)

I'd go back even further, to Taft v. Roosevelt.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at January 18, 2022 05:46 PM (mdjgu)

221 Wait until Dan runs for senate.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 18, 2022 05:46 PM (F4b8f)

222 I have it on good authority that Garrett wears Birddogs as well as crocks.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at January 18, 2022 05:46 PM (o2MD2)

223 I'd go back even further, to Taft v. Roosevelt.
Posted by: Darrell Harris at January 18, 2022 05:46 PM (mdjgu)


Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 05:46 PM (mR6Gs)

224 I thought we were down to 5 days.
Posted by: Jordan61 at January 18, 2022 05:36 PM (Ez6QX

Hey Jimmy, we found another one!

*notes jordan61 in the record*

Posted by: San Francisco Department of Public Health at January 18, 2022 05:46 PM (EZebt)

225 216 To be feels like the fight for the soul of the Republican Party goes back to at least Taft vs. Eisenhower.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:43 PM (LvTSG)

William Howard Taft vs. TR
Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 05:44 PM (mR6Gs)


Eh...TR left the party to make the Bull Moose Party. Probably part and parcel, but it feels different.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:46 PM (LvTSG)

226 Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 05:44 PM (mR6Gs)

Beat me to it.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at January 18, 2022 05:46 PM (mdjgu)

An interesting point. I wonder if any politician's staff lurks here.
Posted by: Darrell Harris at January 18, 2022 05:41 PM (mdjgu)

Highly doubtful. The DC crew makes an entire lifestyle out of never peering outside their bubble.

First of all, it revolts them. Grubby little normals, grubbing around in the grubby dirt. Gross. Secondly, it may just create a tiny little nagging doubt about their invulnerability to see the seething mass of humanity, many of whom vote for them, that hates them so very much.

And while I'm sure there's probably a *few* here and there who do look at what the proles are saying, and maybe even (GASP) sympathize with them, they would never speak of it in a meeting or anything. They'd fall through the trapdoor in that office before they could finish the sentence "So, I was visiting this conservative comments section, and..."

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 18, 2022 05:46 PM (4odx6)

Breaking: Aussies worried they can't vaccinate their pets.

croc's got the covid.
Posted by: Roy

Do the Hokey Pokey in the Gympie Gympie.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 18, 2022 05:47 PM (63Dwl)

229 211 Crenshaw is a miserable sack of shit. People point out the Red Flag crap that he voted for, but no one seems to mention the vote for authorizing and funding a Vaccine Information and Tracking System just recently. Yes, that's right. That's what the sack of crap voted for. Only a few "Republicans" did. I guess they were his kind...

Crenshaw faces a Primary Election on 1 March, 2022. He has 3 opponents. If you live in that District (West side of Houston, Richmond, Katy), read up on his opponents, find one you like and vote that sack of RINO shit out!
Posted by: Brewingfrog at January 18, 2022 05:43 PM (cjlB3)

And talk to your friends and CONSOLIDATE your votes onto one person, after knowing that person isn't uniparty or a plant...incumbents win b/c they split the votes with lots of need to pick one and run with him/her and push him/her everywhere...

Posted by: Nova local at January 18, 2022 05:47 PM (exHjb)

230 I saw this vid earlier (appy-polly-woggies if posted above) of Melon Man going off on a 10 year old kid at the same town hall.

Almost seems like he's screwing the pooch on purpose.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at January 18, 2022 05:47 PM (wAnMi)

231 I wonder how many convicted pedophiles are laundering foreign money into "conservative" PACs.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 18, 2022 05:48 PM (F4b8f)

232 Keep us updated so we can figure out the value of truly awesome strains of marijuana as covid treatment in your N=1 study.
Posted by: CDC at January 18, 2022 05:33 PM (dQvv7)

I'd like some Cherry Pie, please!

Posted by: San Franpsycho at January 18, 2022 05:49 PM (EZebt)

233 Almost seems like he's screwing the pooch on purpose.
Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at January 18, 2022 05:47 PM (wAnMi)

Or he's just unstable

Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 05:49 PM (mR6Gs)

234 193 Eromero, I'm so sorry I didn't get to spend more time with you today.

Posted by: Ben Had at January 18, 2022 05:41 PM (EhsUs)
No problemo. I can honestly say I ambushed Ben Had and lived to tell the tale. So far.

Posted by: Eromero at January 18, 2022 05:49 PM (0OP+5)

Just showing up, and making a dramatic statement, could have a salutary effect, if for no other reason than embarrassing the Biden junta.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 18, 2022 05:19 PM (9KTP0)


I can't help thinking about the Son Tay Raid in Vietnam. A failure, but it scared the living shit out of the North Viets, to the point that they consolidated all of the POWs in one easily defended spot in Hanoi, and coincidentally, resulted in markedly improved conditions and treatment for the POWs.

There's no reason to think that a similar improvement in conditions and treatment would be futile if a sitting US Congressman made a public stink about it.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 18, 2022 05:49 PM (n+4am)

236 GP also has him yelling at a girl, "don't question my faith!"

Nothing spells political electoral problems than yelling at the very people you are trying to talk into voting for you.

Posted by: Boswell at January 18, 2022 05:49 PM (5iUNf)

237 When does the Crenshaw action figure come out? My Barack Obama Seal Team 6 action figure is getting lonely.

Posted by: wth at January 18, 2022 05:49 PM (v0R5T)

238 I'd like some Cherry Pie, please!
Posted by: San Franpsycho at January 18, 2022 05:49 PM (EZebt)

Lemon Skunk. I'll take one for the team in the name of science.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at January 18, 2022 05:50 PM (njfCw)

239 221 >>>What a brave man taking a passive aggressive shot at the Reps that actually did go to see them.
Posted by: buzzion

I think he'll get reelected, because most voters are lazy, and don't keep up with everything this turd does.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 05:45 PM (VWp7G)

Apathy is the greatest advantage to every incumbent.

Posted by: buzzion at January 18, 2022 05:50 PM (vMCab)

240 border crisis is bad but in mexico a larger crisis looms

In those millions of illegals have to be drug cartel members.

Posted by: Skip at January 18, 2022 05:50 PM (2JoB8)

241 William Howard Taft vs. TR
Forget it. He's on a roll.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at January 18, 2022 05:50 PM (UHVv4)

242 This is getting tedious. Tell us, how will you take over the GOP better than the Tea Party wave ? How does one take over the GOP by voting differently than giving them Trump, the House, and Senate all at once ?

All you're saying is "Vote Republican - no matter what". Except you use a lot more characters.
Posted by: Hombre Sans Fiesta at January 18, 2022 05:47 PM (Wd0WT)

VA is and has been the example of the decade. Repubs were nowhere for a decade. Then, Repubs got smart and ignored the "party wisdom." People voted against all the uniparty choices in the conventions for Gov, LT Gov, and AG...and then, they voted them in office. It was organization from the pure grassroots and then followed through in the election...

Posted by: Nova local at January 18, 2022 05:50 PM (exHjb)

243 I'm still trying to comprehend the idea of Aussies freaking out so bad over the coof.

It's not like they don't live on a continent that's one big giant warning sign from the Lord saying "Thou shalt not live here, dumbass."

The whole country is like one of those Star Trek sets where you show up and 5 minutes later Lieutenant Redshirt takes a poison thorn in the neck and turns into a salt lick.

Posted by: Azathoth at January 18, 2022 05:50 PM (W3VUu)

244 How long before his patch slips and we see his eye is really there?

Posted by: I Mean at January 18, 2022 05:51 PM (YImO4)

245 There are POSs all over the US that need to be primaried.

Grass roots/national Go Fund Me is what these people need.

Posted by: Braenyard at January 18, 2022 05:51 PM (dl6yC)

246 247 It's not like they don't live on a continent that's one big giant warning sign from the Lord saying "Thou shalt not live here, dumbass."

The whole country is like one of those Star Trek sets where you show up and 5 minutes later Lieutenant Redshirt takes a poison thorn in the neck and turns into a salt lick.
Posted by: Azathoth at January 18, 2022 05:50 PM (W3VUu)


They are the descendants of prison guards and wardens.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Searching with John Ford at January 18, 2022 05:51 PM (LvTSG)

247 LOL: Manchin told Shroomer that if he forces his hand, he could vote to end the filibuster. But he could then turn Independent and Schroomer could refer to McConnell for the rest of the fallout.

Posted by: Axeman at January 18, 2022 05:51 PM (XHhHI)

248 When does the Crenshaw action figure come out? My Barack Obama Seal Team 6 action figure is getting lonely.
Posted by: wth at January 18, 2022 05:49 PM (v0R5T)

I can't stand Obama.
He's the biggest jerkoff to ever become president, and the least talented.
The guy got his dick sucked 24/7 and is nearly a billionaire, all because he was black enough to get white liberals wet

Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 05:52 PM (mR6Gs)

249 Breaking: Aussies worried they can't vaccinate their pets.

Steve Irwin tried that once.


Posted by: Sting Ray at January 18, 2022 05:52 PM (FJYfm)

all because he was black enough to get white liberals wet
Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 05:52 PM (mR6Gs)

*just* black enough, and not a bit more.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 18, 2022 05:52 PM (4odx6)

251 How long before his patch slips and we see his eye is really there?
Posted by: I Mean

Maybe it's a shriveled little raisin? like he sold his soul through black magic with a cross-roads demon so he could be a penis sipping demoncrat uniparty stooge cross-roads deal.

Come on, Danny Boy. Peel that little whinge patch up and give us a look see.

Posted by: BifBewalski (IJES/) - at January 18, 2022 05:52 PM (IJES/)

252 I heard something today about a bunch of hamsters getting executed because they had Covid.

Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 05:53 PM (vrz2I)

253 >>>Then, Repubs got smart and ignored the "party wisdom." People voted against all the uniparty choices in the conventions for Gov, LT Gov, and AG...and then, they voted them in office. It was organization from the pure grassroots and then followed through in the election...

Posted by: Nova local at January 18, 2022 05:50 PM (exHjb)

Yes, we can vote our way out of this mess that we are in.

Posted by: Braenyard at January 18, 2022 05:53 PM (dl6yC)

When does the Crenshaw action figure come out? My Barack Obama Seal Team 6 action figure is getting lonely.
Posted by: wth at January 18, 2022 05:49 PM (v0R5T)

Business Opportunity: Dan Crenshaw Urinal Cake

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 18, 2022 05:54 PM (n+4am)

255 True Conservative Heroes sounds like the worst comic book ever. Except maybe the recent Woke shit.

Ben Sasse as "Sassy." Dan Crenshaw as "Patchy." Lindsay Graham as "Lucky Pierre." Bitch McConnell as "Super Turtle" and Mutt Rombley as "The Beaver."

Posted by: Guy Smiley at January 18, 2022 05:54 PM (njfCw)

256 I heard something today about a bunch of hamsters getting executed because they had Covid.
Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 05:53 PM (vrz2I)

You serious?

Posted by: Richard Gere at January 18, 2022 05:54 PM (FJYfm)

257 Politics is 50% theater with uglier actors. If he does not get that WTF is he doing in this business.

Hint - he does get that - that why he acts in his silly-tough guy political commercials. He just doesn't want to apply any of that effort for conservative causes.

He is a Democratic plant play-acting as a conservative - I've seen too much of it. It always manifests in the exuberance with which they attack actual conservatives.

Posted by: Brian at January 18, 2022 05:54 PM (9kfcJ)

258 GP also has him yelling at a girl, "don't question my faith!"

Nothing spells political electoral problems than yelling at the very people you are trying to talk into voting for you.
Posted by: Boswell at January 18, 2022 05:49 PM (5iUNf)

Didn't know that was on GP, I saw it early this morning on twatter. Even if the kid was a "plant" (which seemed a bit doubtful since she followed up on her own), this was actually something he could have capitalized on to some extent. Instead, he gets shitty. I didn't see how it's questioning his faith to quote him, and question what he meant.

It's a shame, while I can't say I was a big supporter I had really hoped he was the real deal. But as they say, if it seems too good to believe... But reading the emails he spams me with you'd think he was Captain America 2.0.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at January 18, 2022 05:54 PM (wAnMi)

259 >>>I can't stand Obama.
He's the biggest jerkoff to ever become president, and the least talented.
The guy got his dick sucked 24/7 and is nearly a billionaire, all because he was black enough to get white liberals wet
Posted by: JoeF.

Look at the bright side. The first black president was a mitigated failure.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 05:54 PM (VWp7G)

260 He has to prove that he is the right kind of republican in order to get that corporate cash flowing. Can't run a campaign on donations from Patriot Phone Cards and Disaster Emergency Food.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 18, 2022 05:55 PM (F4b8f)

261 248 How long before his patch slips and we see his eye is really there?
Posted by: I Mean at January 18, 2022 05:51 PM (YImO4)

Don't care much about his eye, but somebody should probably check that he still has balls, since they are clearly not in evidence at this point.

Posted by: tcn in AK at January 18, 2022 05:55 PM (REhq8)

262 >>I'm still trying to comprehend the idea of Aussies freaking out so bad over the coof.

If Hillary had beaten Trump and installed 3 SC Justices we would look an awful lot more like Australia today.

Take a look at some of the recent polling on the virus and Democrats. Not only do majorities of them want forced vaccines they want enforced lockdowns of the unvaccinated. Not the infected, the unvaccinated.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 18, 2022 05:55 PM (ZLI7S)

263 I wonder how many convicted pedophiles are laundering foreign money into "conservative" PACs.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 18, 2022 05:48 PM (F4b8f)

Wait. There's big money in pedophilia? What's the business model?

Posted by: Hunter Biden at January 18, 2022 05:55 PM (guGkK)

264 I heard something today about a bunch of hapmsters getting executed because they had Covid.
Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 05:53 PM (vrz2I)
Fixed it.

Posted by: Axeman at January 18, 2022 05:55 PM (XHhHI)

265 >>>I heard something today about a bunch of hamsters getting executed because they had Covid.
Posted by: f'd

They weren't the one who run the servers, right?

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 05:55 PM (VWp7G)

266 all because he was black enough to get white liberals wet.

Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 05:52 PM (mR6Gs)

Be fair. Also clean and articulate.
Posted by: Hombre Sans Fiesta at January 18, 2022 05:53 PM (Wd0WT)

Being serious though. I couldn't watch Obama through his 8 year presidency, now I can't stand to even hear his name.
And he has a big coffee table book out called Renegades with Springsteen, another phony

AssRenegades is more like it

Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 05:55 PM (mR6Gs)

267 hamsters getting executed because they had Covid.
Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 05:53 PM (vrz2I)

Eye believe we are approaching full retard

Posted by: A dude in MI at January 18, 2022 05:55 PM (/6GbT)

268 LOL: Manchin told Shroomer that if he forces his hand, he could vote to end the filibuster. But he could then turn Independent and Schroomer could refer to McConnell for the rest of the fallout.
Oh lord!
The diamond Schumer must've pinched off with his sphincter hearing that

Posted by: Well at January 18, 2022 05:55 PM (Tid00)

269 Crenshaw snapped back at her, "I'll help you. Put a period after the word Jesus and don't question my faith."

I'd question his Christian faith too. That's really bad.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 18, 2022 05:55 PM (k49Sx)

270 Woof

Harsh reality, Batman.

Posted by: nurse ratched at January 18, 2022 05:56 PM (5bO5K)

271 I never understood the attraction of Steve Irwin. He was just like Bear Grylls. Constantly demonstrating how NOT to behave in their particular environment. Stupid men doing stupid stuff.

Here, you should just jump off this fukkin cliff into water of unknown depth to get to the bottom quickly.

Here, kiss this deadly reptile cause it looks cool.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at January 18, 2022 05:56 PM (o2MD2)

272 I heard something today about a bunch of hampsters getting executed because they had Covid.
Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 05:53 PM (vrz2I)
Fixed it.
Posted by: Axeman at January 18, 2022 05:55 PM (XHhHI)
Some proofreading would have helped.

Posted by: Axeman at January 18, 2022 05:56 PM (XHhHI)

273 I like the Gorsuch gambit. Make Sotamayor(sp? who cares) stay home. Not even get the exercise to walk from the limo into the chambers.

Posted by: Mky at January 18, 2022 05:56 PM (cPGH3)

274 Here we go:

Hong Kong to kill nearly 2,000 hamsters after COVID-19 found in pet shop

Buyers of hamsters after Dec. 22 were instructed to hand the pets over to authorities.

Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 05:56 PM (vrz2I)

275 Hint - he does get that - that why he acts in his silly-tough guy political commercials. He just doesn't want to apply any of that effort for conservative causes.

Right, either he agrees that these people held in a gulag are bad guys (which he has said in the past) or he's just lazy. Either way: time to primary his worthless carcass.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 18, 2022 05:56 PM (KZzsI)

276 I dunno, it's pretty easy to fish Republitards in for fake Republican candidates.
Ex Mil? Check
Ex Spec Forces? Double check
Corporate $$? Check
We got it here in MO w/Greitens. All of that. And the cool cons were saying all along he was a RiNO. Soros ended up ending him, but only one party carves up elections like Ds. They figure it out, run a fake candidate, blow up the primary with 8 fake Rs. If a few honest conservatives make it in? Use the IC and Big Tech to fuck them.
We don't play to win.

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at January 18, 2022 05:56 PM (7Fj9P)

277 Take a look at some of the recent polling on the virus and Democrats. Not only do majorities of them want forced vaccines they want enforced lockdowns of the unvaccinated. Not the infected, the unvaccinated.


Oh, I already came to grips years ago with the idea that if Hillary was ever elected, we were going to have a civil war.

Posted by: Azathoth at January 18, 2022 05:56 PM (W3VUu)

278 I heard something today about a bunch of hamsters getting executed because they had Covid.
Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 05:53 PM (vrz2I)

I guess they are X-Hamsters now....

Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 05:57 PM (mR6Gs)

279 The hamsters were Chinese hamsters. After they were executed, they were sauteed.

Posted by: kraken at January 18, 2022 05:57 PM (6Je/Q)

280 I heard something today about a bunch of hamsters getting executed because they had Covid.
Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 05:53 PM (vrz2I)
You serious?
Posted by: Richard Gere at January 18, 2022 05:54 PM (FJYfm)

2,000 pants-parties euthanized after 11 test positive for Covid:

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at January 18, 2022 05:57 PM (wAnMi)

281 Hong Kong to kill nearly 2,000 hamsters after COVID-19 found in pet shop

Buyers of hamsters after Dec. 22 were instructed to hand the pets over to authorities.
Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 05:56 PM (vrz2I)

Oh FFS already.

Posted by: Jordan61 at January 18, 2022 05:57 PM (Ez6QX)

282 First they came for the hamsters...

Posted by: Guy Smiley at January 18, 2022 05:58 PM (njfCw)

283 I think Dan should pop out that glass eye and juggle it.

Posted by: wth at January 18, 2022 05:58 PM (v0R5T)

284 Lol NYT says Hong Kong will "cull" more than 2,000 hamsters.

Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 05:58 PM (vrz2I)

285 Probably time to kill all animals. Just in case.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at January 18, 2022 05:58 PM (3YVs3)

286 >>>Oh FFS already.
Posted by: Jordan61


Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 05:58 PM (VWp7G)

287 I think he'll get reelected, because most voters are lazy, and don't keep up with everything this turd does.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 05:45 PM (VWp7G)

Maybe Trump will put him on his List. My rep, Chris Smith (Rino-NJ) made the list and I'm thrilled. Pretty sure Trumpers will pay attention to him when it comes to removing Rinos.

Posted by: IrishEi at January 18, 2022 05:58 PM (0TVNF)

288 Crenshaw. What a joke.

Posted by: Jak Sucio at January 18, 2022 05:58 PM (jvt6t)

289 General Tso's hamster.

Posted by: kraken at January 18, 2022 05:58 PM (6Je/Q)

290 Did you know that GrubHub brings donuts right to your door? Donuts! Lots of them!

Posted by: The Wise Latina at January 18, 2022 05:58 PM (guGkK)

291 The hamsters were Chinese hamsters. After they were executed, they were sauteed.
Posted by: kraken at January 18, 2022 05:57 PM (6Je/Q)

They were winding up in a wok one way or another.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at January 18, 2022 05:58 PM (wAnMi)

292 Probably time to kill all animals. Just in case.
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls

Dude... you look at your name?

Posted by: Mky at January 18, 2022 05:58 PM (cPGH3)

293 In better news, the US Chair Force continues to work on the Kinetic Strike system, AKA "Rods from God" (telephone pole size tungsten rods dropped from 1000 miles in orbit):

How do you get the heavy tungsten rods into space, you ask? Why, you use the StratoLauncher, which is a yuge aircraft that yours truly saw flying high over Edwards AFB in Cali last week:

A Nuke Without The Mess.

Posted by: Sharkman at January 18, 2022 05:58 PM (KGs+i)

294 First they came for the hamsters...
Posted by: Guy Smiley at January 18, 2022 05:58 PM (njfCw)

Posted by: Richard Gere at January 18, 2022 05:58 PM (XHhHI)

295 Guinea Pigs are not Pigs and Hamsters are not where we get ham from...

Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 05:59 PM (mR6Gs)

296 >>>I think Dan should pop out that glass eye and juggle it.
Posted by: wth

Second look at Pete Davidson?

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 05:59 PM (VWp7G)

297 Motherfuckinghamsterfuckers!

Posted by: nurse ratched at January 18, 2022 05:59 PM (5bO5K)

298 Hong Kong to kill nearly 2,000 hamsters after COVID-19 found in pet shop
DO YOU PEOPLE NOT FEEL MY PAIN!??! Oh and, pray for Tibet.

Posted by: Richard "Dick" Geer at January 18, 2022 05:59 PM (7Fj9P)

299 Lol NYT says Hong Kong will "cull" more than 2,000 hamsters.
Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 05:58 PM (vrz2I)

By aggressively culling hamsters we will improve the species. The result will be intelligent hamsters.

Do we really want intelligent hamsters?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at January 18, 2022 05:59 PM (guGkK)

300 295 Hamsters are not where we get ham from...

I see you didn't grow up as poor as I did.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at January 18, 2022 05:59 PM (njfCw)

301 I had two hamsters: named Hamlet and Egglet. They escaped their cage and got squashed when we moved the dresser looking for them.

Posted by: wth at January 18, 2022 05:59 PM (v0R5T)

302 Guinea Pigs are not Pigs and Hamsters are not where we get ham from...
Posted by: JoeF

Ah, the things i learn here...

Posted by: Mky at January 18, 2022 06:00 PM (cPGH3)

303 Wow so Microsoft bought Activision. I'm guessing the owners decided now was a good time to get out as they were being tanked because their "woke" company was as you would expect actually an amazingly toxic environment.

Posted by: buzzion at January 18, 2022 06:00 PM (vMCab)

304 I heard something today about a bunch of hamsters getting executed because they had Covid.
Posted by: f'd
BREAKING: Hong Kong to cull 2,000 animals after hamsters tested positive for C-19 at pet store with infected employee.

Richard Gere hardest hit.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at January 18, 2022 06:00 PM (UHVv4)

305 I heard something today about a bunch of hamsters getting executed because they had Covid.
Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 05:53 PM (vrz2I)

I guess they are X-Hamsters now....
Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 05:57 PM (mR6Gs)

C'mon guys. Not even a (golf clap) for this?

Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 06:00 PM (mR6Gs)

306 Buyers of hamsters after Dec. 22 were instructed to hand the pets over to authorities.
Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 05:56 PM (vrz2I)

All in those folding white boxes with the wire handles.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at January 18, 2022 06:00 PM (wAnMi)

307 First they came for the hamsters...
Posted by: Guy Smiley

I guarantee you they try that shiz with MegaRoy, they'll have a very brief and violent preview of anything 2A related.

Posted by: BifBewalski (IJES/) - at January 18, 2022 06:00 PM (IJES/)

308 Whatever happened to hampsterdance? I thought that had long term staying power.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 18, 2022 06:00 PM (F4b8f)

309 At the wrapup, he probably ripped his communications staff a new one.

I pay you assholes to plant morons (Not Morons) that'll lob hanging curveballs for me to launch into the cheap seats, not that crap I just got. Be better!

Posted by: 2009Refugee at January 18, 2022 06:01 PM (8AONa)

310 C'mon guys. Not even a (golf clap) for this?
Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 06:00 PM (mR6Gs)

Ah jeez, now I get it.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at January 18, 2022 06:01 PM (wAnMi)

311 Wow so Microsoft bought Activision. I'm guessing the owners decided now was a good time to get out as they were being tanked because their "woke" company was as you would expect actually an amazingly toxic environment.
Posted by: buzzion at January 18, 2022 06:00 PM (vMCab)

Based on what MSFT has done to previous game companies...this is very bad news for gamers.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Lawful Good is Not Lawful Perfect at January 18, 2022 06:01 PM (XvPQV)

312 Crenshaw is just Lizzie Flectcher with an eyepatch. Both are Liz Cheney wannabes. Houston wou,d be ashamed but they also have Green, Sylvia and Maxine lite to deal with.

Posted by: Indignatio Vindicatorem at January 18, 2022 06:01 PM (QZ/dC)

313 305
I guess they are X-Hamsters now....
Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 05:57 PM (mR6Gs)

C'mon guys. Not even a (golf clap) for this?
Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 06:00 PM (mR6Gs)

Guess you will have to link it to sell the joke.

Posted by: kraken at January 18, 2022 06:01 PM (6Je/Q)

314 You can't stuff too much dirty laundry into a hamster

Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 06:01 PM (mR6Gs)

315 I can't stand Obama

Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 06:02 PM (mR6Gs)

316 Dec. 22 were instructed to hand the pets over to authorities.

There is a hamster authority?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 18, 2022 06:02 PM (F4b8f)

317 288 Crenshaw. What a joke.
Posted by: Jak Sucio at January 18, 2022 05:58 PM (jvt6t)

I'm more concerned about Murky and Snow, but he can get bent, too.

Posted by: tcn in AK at January 18, 2022 06:02 PM (REhq8)

318 I guess they are X-Hamsters now....
Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 05:57 PM (mR6Gs)

C'mon guys. Not even a (golf clap) for this?
Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 06:00 PM (mR6Gs)

I don't get it. And not in a TJM way.

Posted by: Jordan61 at January 18, 2022 06:02 PM (Ez6QX)

319 X hamsters? Should I google that for context?

Posted by: Indignatio Vindicatorem at January 18, 2022 06:02 PM (QZ/dC)

320 (BangBangBang!) Open up! Hamster Police!

Posted by: Guy Smiley at January 18, 2022 06:03 PM (njfCw)

321 "ha you think we eat hamster. What you think is in those frozen chicken nuggets you buy at Walmart?"
--Chinese manufacturer

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 18, 2022 06:03 PM (KZzsI)

322 I prefer my candidates to have 2 eyes to see what's up.

Posted by: Dr Spank at January 18, 2022 06:03 PM (9IwHp)

323 >>>X hamsters? Should I google that for context?
Posted by: Indignatio Vindicatorem

No, mutant superhamsters saving the world.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 06:03 PM (bkUtD)

324 I don't get it. And not in a TJM way.
Posted by: Jordan61 at January 18, 2022 06:02 PM (Ez6QX)

Xhamster => mega porn site.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at January 18, 2022 06:03 PM (o2MD2)

I guess they are X-Hamsters now....
Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 05:57 PM (mR6Gs)

C'mon guys. Not even a (golf clap) for this?
Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 06:00 PM (mR6Gs)

I have no idea what you're talking about.

*looks around. coughs*

Posted by: buzzion at January 18, 2022 06:03 PM (vMCab)

326 Dan can say "I went full rino and got reelected in tx! You can, too!"

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 18, 2022 06:03 PM (F4b8f)

327 Have to say I was an early Crenshaw disliker.

Posted by: Weasel at January 18, 2022 06:03 PM (0IeYL)

328 (BangBangBang!) Open up! Hamster Police!
Posted by: Guy Smiley at January 18, 2022 06:03 PM (njfCw)
It's China, so it's just the sound of a welder.

Posted by: Richard Gere at January 18, 2022 06:03 PM (XHhHI)

329 308 Whatever happened to hampsterdance? I thought that had long term staying power.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 18, 2022 06:00 PM (F4b8f)

It has become Hampsterdome. Two Hampsters enter...

Posted by: tcn in AK at January 18, 2022 06:03 PM (REhq8)

330 Posing yourself as a superhero congressman in your ads is like Yogi Berra pointing to the outfield fence.

If you do it you'd better deliver. If you don't then you look like an idiot.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at January 18, 2022 06:03 PM (guGkK)

331 So apparently Sotomayor is now demanding the other Justices and other people around her mask up and take extra special precautions so she doesn't catch covid.


Actually, I want her to hang on at least until the Repubs take over the Senate, and ideally until there's a Republican President as well. So mask up, Supremes!

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 18, 2022 06:03 PM (YhzyV)

332 "(BangBangBang!) Open up! Hamster Police!
Posted by: Guy Smiley "

People will need a secret room in the attic.

Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 06:04 PM (vrz2I)

333 I thought the Hampsters was where New Yorkers went in the summer.

Posted by: kraken at January 18, 2022 06:04 PM (6Je/Q)

334 X hamsters? Should I google that for context?
Posted by: Indignatio Vindicatorem at January 18, 2022 06:02 PM (QZ/dC)

It wouldn't lead to anything positive.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at January 18, 2022 06:04 PM (guGkK)

335 I heard Dan just wants to patch things up.

Posted by: Truth-Seeker at January 18, 2022 06:04 PM (SeGCh)

336 >>>Posing yourself as a superhero congressman in your ads is like Yogi Berra pointing to the outfield fence.

Wasn't that Babe Ruth?

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 06:04 PM (bkUtD)

337 I heard something today about a bunch of hamsters getting executed because they had Covid.

"Well, it was that or work at Nike so..."
- the hamsters

Posted by: Azathoth at January 18, 2022 06:05 PM (W3VUu)

338 Hamster Cop is below Mall Cop.

How embarassing that must be in the cop bars.

"Hey there pal, I'm Detective Jock Manley! What's your gig?"

"Um...(sotto voce) hamstercop..."

Posted by: Guy Smiley at January 18, 2022 06:05 PM (njfCw)

339 Wow so Microsoft bought Activision.

Damn, just when I thought World of Warcraft couldn't get any worse.

I shouldn't say that though, Dungeon Siege was a fun series of games.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 18, 2022 06:05 PM (KZzsI)

340 Has there been any ex-military that haven't been disappointing?

Posted by: dartist at January 18, 2022 06:05 PM (+ya+t)

341 They are going to take them all to Happy Hamster Camp where they can run and play with all the other hamsters.

Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 06:05 PM (vrz2I)

342 I heard something today about a bunch of hamsters getting executed because they had Covid.
Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 05:53 PM (vrz2I)

I guess they are X-Hamsters now....
Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 05:57 PM (mR6Gs)

C'mon guys. Not even a (golf clap) for this?
Posted by: JoeF. at January 18, 2022 06:00 PM (mR6Gs)

And just like that we are back to China and animals. What's next? Bats?

Posted by: Diogenes at January 18, 2022 06:05 PM (axyOa)

343 336 >>>Posing yourself as a superhero congressman in your ads is like Yogi Berra pointing to the outfield fence.

Wasn't that Babe Ruth?
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 06:04 PM (bkUtD)

Why would Yogi Berea point at Babe Ruth?

Posted by: 29Victor at January 18, 2022 06:05 PM (BJKQV)

344 >>Wasn't that Babe Ruth?

He's rolling.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 18, 2022 06:05 PM (ZLI7S)

345 "(BangBangBang!) Open up! Hamster Police!
Posted by: Guy Smiley "

People will need a secret room in the attic.

Posted by: f'd


Can't help but picture a big Irish cop doing the knocking, and bugs bunny instructing the bank robbers to hide in the oven.

Posted by: 2009Refugee at January 18, 2022 06:06 PM (8AONa)

346 If you don't then you look like an idiot.

Narrator: he didn't deliver

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 18, 2022 06:06 PM (KZzsI)

347 So you want a licence for your pet hamster, Xi??

Are all of your pets named "Xi"??

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at January 18, 2022 06:06 PM (UHVv4)

348 A hamper with a false bottom would be the perfect place to conceal your hampster.

Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 06:06 PM (vrz2I)

349 Has there been any ex-military that haven't been disappointing?

Posted by: dartist at January 18, 2022 06:05 PM

Maybe GEN Flynn.

Posted by: Bert G at January 18, 2022 06:06 PM (iMNfP)

350 In government.

Posted by: dartist at January 18, 2022 06:06 PM (+ya+t)

351 "Um...(sotto voce) hamstercop..."

Posted by: Guy Smile

Where would a guy like me fit into that scenario?

Posted by: Kovid Kop at January 18, 2022 06:06 PM (cPGH3)

352 If Sotomayor is infected with the coof, it will take a while to get to her lungs. Lotta real estate to cross first. She's kind of her own social distancing measurement.

Posted by: tcn in AK at January 18, 2022 06:06 PM (REhq8)

You should have known. To throw that shield around, Captain America had depth perception.

** hurls shield, decapitates five spectators **

Aide: "Uh, sir, perhaps you'd do better as Daredevil"

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) [/s at January 18, 2022 06:06 PM (cgHdD)

354 I prefer my candidates to have 2 eyes to see what's up.
Posted by: Dr Spank at January 18, 2022 06:03 PM (9IwHp)

I want to see eye to eye with mine.

Posted by: wth at January 18, 2022 06:07 PM (v0R5T)

355 I heard Dan just wants to patch things up.
Posted by: Truth-Seeker at January 18, 2022 06:04 PM (SeGCh)

Eye see what you did there.

Posted by: Diogenes at January 18, 2022 06:07 PM (axyOa)

356 Speaking of China, anybody else find it a bit troubling that one of the featured speakers at this years masters of the universe WEF Davos Forum is Xi Jinping?

Posted by: JackStraw at January 18, 2022 06:07 PM (ZLI7S)

357 >>>Why would Yogi Berea point at Babe Ruth?
Posted by: 29Victor


Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 06:08 PM (bkUtD)

cum hampster

don't ask

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) [/s at January 18, 2022 06:08 PM (cgHdD)

359 Has a Pet Thread ever featured hamsters?

Posted by: kraken at January 18, 2022 06:08 PM (6Je/Q)

360 334 X hamsters? Should I google that for context?
Posted by: Indignatio Vindicatorem at January 18, 2022 06:02 PM (QZ/dC)
It wouldn't lead to anything positive.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at January 18, 2022 06:04 PM (guGkK)

Depends on what you look for.

I mean... I have no idea what that is.


Posted by: buzzion at January 18, 2022 06:08 PM (vMCab)

361 "And he's not the only one running in '22 looking to take advantage of the supposed "red wave."

Makes me think of how Gavin Newsom got his start, running as a kind of moderate conservative, "I'm better than the lefty that I'm running against" type.

And look at him now.

Posted by: RM at January 18, 2022 06:08 PM (U3LtS)

362 340 Has there been any ex-military that haven't been disappointing?
Posted by: dartist at January 18, 2022 06:05 PM (+ya+t)

Most of them, but the good ones are too smart to run for office.

Posted by: tcn in AK at January 18, 2022 06:08 PM (REhq8)

363 Xhamster => mega porn site.
Posted by: Xipe Totec at January 18, 2022 06:03 PM (o2MD2)

Ah. Well that's a weird name for a porn site.

Posted by: Jordan61 at January 18, 2022 06:08 PM (Ez6QX)

364 Has there been any ex-military that haven't been disappointing?

R. Lee Ermey was pretty good albeit not a politico. I always thought he should have been tapped as White House press secretary.

"What are your Questions!!?!"

Posted by: Common Tater at January 18, 2022 06:08 PM (psL96)

365 I'd primary him but beating the handicapped is not really winning.

Posted by: Dr Spank at January 18, 2022 06:08 PM (9IwHp)

366 There's over 100,000 supreme court justices in the hospital with onomatopoeia right now, you selfish bastards.

Posted by: Justice Sodamayor at January 18, 2022 06:08 PM (3YVs3)

367 I heard Dan just wants to patch things up.
Posted by: Truth-Seeker at January 18, 2022 06:04 PM (SeGCh)

Maybe if he'd quit winking at me.

Posted by: wth at January 18, 2022 06:08 PM (v0R5T)

368 Why would Yogi Berea point at Babe Ruth?

Posted by: 29Victor at January 18, 2022 06:05 PM (BJKQV)

Pointing him out to the NKVD?

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at January 18, 2022 06:09 PM (Q9lwr)

369 Has a Pet Thread ever featured hamsters?
Food for pet snakes.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at January 18, 2022 06:09 PM (UHVv4)

370 Does anybody know if Crenshaw has a constituent rotting in the jail? And maybe a State AG of the same party in his home state with a staff full of clever lawyers?

Posted by: 2009Refugee at January 18, 2022 06:09 PM (8AONa)

Speaking of China, anybody else find it a bit troubling that one of the featured speakers at this years masters of the universe WEF Davos Forum is Xi Jinping?

Posted by: JackStraw

Fauci running his ignorant mouth before them bothers me far more.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) [/s at January 18, 2022 06:09 PM (cgHdD)

372 >>If Hillary had beaten Trump and installed 3 SC Justices we would look an awful lot more like Australia today.

well, except Americans will be a lot harder to drag off to "unvaxx camps" armed they way they are - and doubtful Local LEO are going to go out to Cletis's farm and try and drag away the missus and chilluns...

So, not ever going to be like Australia, as much as a Hillary tries to make that happen...

Posted by: Boswell at January 18, 2022 06:09 PM (5iUNf)

373 352 If Sotomayor is infected with the coof, it will take a while to get to her lungs. Lotta real estate to cross first. She's kind of her own social distancing measurement.
Posted by: tcn in AK at January 18, 2022 06:06 PM (REhq8

Why is she worried all on the Court are fully vaxed and boosted.... )

Posted by: It's me donna at January 18, 2022 06:09 PM (TdaKq)

374 >>>R. Lee Ermey was pretty good albeit not a politico. I always thought he should have been tapped as White House press secretary.

"What are your Questions!!?!"
Posted by: Common Tater

Imagine him tearing into Acosta. Must-see TV/

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 06:09 PM (bkUtD)

375 Speaking of China, anybody else find it a bit troubling that one of the featured speakers at this years masters of the universe WEF Davos Forum is Xi Jinping?

Posted by: JackStraw

Nah, he's gonna be the leader of the New World Order. Who'd you have in the pool?

Posted by: MkY at January 18, 2022 06:09 PM (cPGH3)

People will need a secret room in the attic.
Posted by: f'd

Ummmm, that won't work

- Anne Frank

Posted by: BifBewalski (IJES/) - at January 18, 2022 06:09 PM (IJES/)

377 Kirk A. Bado
"A review of Senate candidate Herschel Walker's Instagram account shows he follows several accounts with links to racy material. One of the accounts has a name not suitable for a family newsletter."

I think I can speak for everyone here when I say, "That bastard motherless child! Damn Darn him to Hell perdition!"

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter 2022 at January 18, 2022 06:09 PM (FVME7)

378 Hong Kong to kill nearly 2,000 hamsters after COVID-19 found in pet shop

Buyers of hamsters after Dec. 22 were instructed to hand the pets over to authorities.
Posted by: f'd at January 18, 2022 05:56 PM (vrz2I)


Posted by: ... at January 18, 2022 06:09 PM (YcvYE)

379 363 Xhamster => mega porn site.
Posted by: Xipe Totec at January 18, 2022 06:03 PM (o2MD2)

Ah. Well that's a weird name for a porn site.
Posted by: Jordan61 at January 18, 2022 06:08 PM (Ez6QX)

Looked 'em up, they are out of Cyprus. Cyprus. Not a place I think about, ever.

Posted by: kraken at January 18, 2022 06:09 PM (6Je/Q)

380 Ah. Well that's a weird name for a porn site.
Posted by: Jordan61 at January 18, 2022 06:08 PM (Ez6QX)

No worse than Thumbzilla, or Pornhub, or Xvideo, or.....

Posted by: Xipe Totec at January 18, 2022 06:10 PM (o2MD2)

381 >>>Pointing him out to the NKVD?
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

They're busy scouting Ukraine at the moment.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 06:10 PM (bkUtD)

Why is she worried all on the Court are fully vaxed and boosted.... )
Posted by: It's me donna

Kavvy was boofing out pharts

Posted by: BifBewalski (IJES/) - at January 18, 2022 06:10 PM (IJES/)

383 >>So, not ever going to be like Australia, as much as a Hillary tries to make that happen...

I'm not nearly as confident of that as you. Hope you're right.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 18, 2022 06:10 PM (ZLI7S)

384 377 Kirk A. Bado
"A review of Senate candidate Herschel Walker's Instagram account shows he follows several accounts with links to racy material. One of the accounts has a name not suitable for a family newsletter."

And ?

Posted by: It's me donna at January 18, 2022 06:11 PM (TdaKq)

385 If the GOPe will not speak out even in the face of obvious political prosecution...

Eh, you all said it.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 18, 2022 06:11 PM (dNqv+)

386 Imagine him tearing into Acosta. Must-see TV/
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 06:09 PM (bkUtD)

Jackwagon is my new name for the boy. Has been since the commercial. Covers the subject nicely.

Posted by: tcn in AK at January 18, 2022 06:11 PM (REhq8)

387 There's over 100,000 supreme court justices in the hospital with onomatopoeia right now, you selfish bastards.
Posted by: Justice Sodamayor at January 18, 2022 06:08 PM (3YVs3)

You sure it's not coprophagia?

Posted by: Jordan61 at January 18, 2022 06:11 PM (Ez6QX)

388 Has there been any ex-military that haven't been disappointing?
Posted by: dartist at January 18, 2022 06:05 PM (+ya+t)

Tom Cotton

Posted by: IrishEi at January 18, 2022 06:11 PM (0TVNF)

389 Are you telling me that a retired jock likes tits?!? I haven't been this upset in the last 5 minutes or so for sure.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at January 18, 2022 06:12 PM (3YVs3)

390 374 >>>R. Lee Ermey was pretty good albeit not a politico. I always thought he should have been tapped as White House press secretary.

"What are your Questions!!?!"
Posted by: Common Tater

Imagine him tearing into Acosta. Must-see TV/
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 06:09 PM (bkUtD)

You ask another stupid question like that, Jimmy, I am gonna rip out one of your eyes- AND FUCK THE HOLE!!!

*calm, respectful* Next question.

Posted by: RL Ermey at January 18, 2022 06:12 PM (dNqv+)

391 What kind of idiot doesn't believe Jesus existed except a militant Atheist?. I don't know of any reputable scholar or theologian who doesn't think Jesus existed. No wonder the girl was questioning it.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 18, 2022 06:12 PM (k49Sx)

392 Desantis

In 2007, DeSantis reported to the Naval Special Warfare Command Group in Coronado, California, where he was assigned to SEAL Team One and deployed to Iraq[8] with the troop surge as the Legal Advisor to the SEAL Commander, Special Operations Task Force-West in Fallujah.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 18, 2022 06:12 PM (F4b8f)

393 >>>Jackwagon is my new name for the boy. Has been since the commercial. Covers the subject nicely.
Posted by: tcn in AK


Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 06:12 PM (bkUtD)

394 384 377 Kirk A. Bado
"A review of Senate candidate Herschel Walker's Instagram account shows he follows several accounts with links to racy material. One of the accounts has a name not suitable for a family newsletter."

And ?
Posted by: It's me donna at January 18, 2022 06:11 PM (TdaKq)

I think it's kinda like when kids discover that their parents ever had sex.

Posted by: tcn in AK at January 18, 2022 06:12 PM (REhq8)

395 >>365 I'd primary him but beating the handicapped is not really winning. Posted by: Dr Spank at January 18, 2022 06:08 PM (9IwHp)

(Plants KISS-boot on cane/eyepatch/hearing aid; Imperial Konzern Productionkraft Propaganda Offizier)

Zod is not afraid to take advantage of opportunity (flexes). The weak must go under.

Posted by: ZOD at January 18, 2022 06:12 PM (x8kT3)

Posted by: ... at January 18, 2022 06:09 PM (YcvYE)

LMAO when I refreshed the sock disappeared but ol canuck beat me to it anyway.

Posted by: ... at January 18, 2022 06:13 PM (YcvYE)

397 Kirk A. Bado
"A review of Senate candidate Herschel Walker's Instagram account shows he follows several accounts with links to racy material. One of the accounts has a name not suitable for a family newsletter."
Ah. concernism.

Seems to me that as Jack made sure that you can send uncensored porn on Twitter all you have to have is a link to Twitter.

Posted by: Axeman at January 18, 2022 06:13 PM (XHhHI)

You ask another stupid question like that, Jimmy, I am gonna rip out one of your eyes- AND FUCK THE HOLE!!!

*calm, respectful* Next question.
Posted by: RL Ermey

Now I need to go watch the first half of FMJ.

Posted by: BifBewalski (IJES/) - at January 18, 2022 06:13 PM (IJES/)

399 Are you telling me that a retired jock likes tits?!? I haven't been this upset in the last 5 minutes or so for sure.
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at January 18, 2022 06:12 PM (3YVs3)


Posted by: Jordan61 at January 18, 2022 06:13 PM (Ez6QX)

Hamster Cop is below Mall Cop.

"I'll NEVER get off this crazy wheel that is law enforcement!"

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) [/s at January 18, 2022 06:13 PM (cgHdD)

401 My guess is after this, we will see Crenshaw moving more openly leftward and "growing in office". The word is out, so why hide your true colors?

Posted by: RM at January 18, 2022 06:13 PM (U3LtS)

402 Tom Cotton
Posted by: IrishEi at January 18, 2022 06:11 PM (0TVNF)

No. He is very little better than Crenshaw.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at January 18, 2022 06:13 PM (o2MD2)

403 Mark- Kyiv is Kiev

Posted by: Skip at January 18, 2022 06:13 PM (2JoB8)

404 Speaking of China, anybody else find it a bit troubling that one of the featured speakers at this years masters of the universe WEF Davos Forum is Xi Jinping?
The opener.

And one of his main themes was to encourage the Fed not to be aggressive raising rates. market wants higher rates and Xi wants only minor change...who will the Fed listen to?

Posted by: Huck Follywood at January 18, 2022 06:13 PM (VMY76)

405 A review of Senate candidate Herschel Walker's Instagram account shows he follows several accounts with links to racy material.

Herschel, what's your nic?

Posted by: t-bird at January 18, 2022 06:14 PM (l0OK9)

406 403 Tom Cotton
Posted by: IrishEi at January 18, 2022 06:11 PM (0TVNF)

No. He is very little better than Crenshaw.
Posted by: Xipe Totec at January 18, 2022 06:13 PM (o2MD2)

I like Tom Cotton... No way is he like Crenshaw

Posted by: It's me donna at January 18, 2022 06:14 PM (TdaKq)

407 395 384 377 Kirk A. Bado
"A review of Senate candidate Herschel Walker's Instagram account shows he follows several accounts with links to racy material. One of the accounts has a name not suitable for a family newsletter."

And ?
Posted by: It's me donna at January 18, 2022 06:11 PM (TdaKq)

I think it's kinda like when kids discover that their parents ever had sex.
Posted by: tcn in AK at January 18, 2022 06:12 PM (REhq

I think they still think this is a deal breaker for conservatives- as being too gauche and improper. Hell, at least he likes women!

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 18, 2022 06:14 PM (dNqv+)

408 First time I've watched one, and that because of the plot precis, of Chicago Med and they've had a block party of white people shot up by what a cop called "an automatic weapon" so I'm waiting to see if the perp is black or white and any possible motive. Looks like real crap.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at January 18, 2022 06:14 PM (UHVv4)

409 Ahhhh, yes. Election season. When democrats pretend to have puritan morals.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 18, 2022 06:14 PM (F4b8f)

410 >>>Mark- Kyiv is Kiev
Posted by: Skip

Soon to be renamed Putin Heights.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 06:14 PM (bkUtD)

411 Winsome Sears was also was DeSantis (as mentioned)...

Posted by: Nova local at January 18, 2022 06:14 PM (exHjb)

412 Does anybody know if Crenshaw has a constituent rotting in the jail? And maybe a State AG of the same party in his home state with a staff full of clever lawyers?
Posted by: 2009Refugee at January 18, 2022 06:09 PM (8AONa)

Yes he does. Julie Kelly reported today that there are six from Texas and one of them is from Crenshaw's district.

Posted by: IrishEi at January 18, 2022 06:15 PM (0TVNF)

413 I like Tom Cotton... No way is he like Crenshaw
Posted by: It's me donna at January 18, 2022 06:14 PM (TdaKq)

He's gutless, and from my state.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at January 18, 2022 06:15 PM (o2MD2)

414 Are you telling me that a retired jock likes tits?!? I haven't been this upset in the last 5 minutes or so for sure.
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at January 18, 2022 06:12 PM (3YVs3)

Me too. I'd say something to him but I kinda like my teeth.

Posted by: wth at January 18, 2022 06:15 PM (v0R5T)

415 Oof. My wife went off on her mother. I feel bad for me her mom but wife finally snapped.

The stress of covid(the othering of the unclean), sky rocketing prices, the state of the schools.

She said she hates democrats and the resident in thief and demanded to know why she voted that way.

I told her to apologize but she can remain firm that everything is worse under this president.

Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at January 18, 2022 06:15 PM (YglAn)

416 X hamsters? Should I google that for context?


Posted by: Hershel Walker at January 18, 2022 06:15 PM (nfrXX)

417 @kirk_bado
"A review of Senate candidate Herschel Walker's Instagram account shows he follows several accounts with links to racy material. One of the accounts has a name not suitable for a family newsletter."


Pics or it didn't happen.

Posted by: Azathoth at January 18, 2022 06:15 PM (W3VUu)

418 So if Herschel watches porn, how does that make the lefties swoon? They are the ones constantly telling me that a man shoving his penis into another man's backside until his rectum falls out is "love." So, what's wrong with porn in that perverted world?

Posted by: tcn in AK at January 18, 2022 06:16 PM (REhq8)

419 No. He is very little better than Crenshaw.
Posted by: Xipe Totec at January 18, 2022 06:13 PM (o2MD2)
I'm surprised to hear you say that. Cotton, at least, gets out and loud in support of Jan 6 prisoners, when hardly anyone else will (especially that dweeb, Crenshaw).

Posted by: Huck Follywood at January 18, 2022 06:16 PM (VMY76)

420 >>>Yes he does. Julie Kelly reported today that there are six from Texas and one of them is from Crenshaw's district.
Posted by: IrishEi

And he will do nothing to help his constituent. Lovely.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 06:16 PM (bkUtD)

421 ...One of the accounts has a name not suitable for a family newsletter."

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at January 18, 2022 06:16 PM (UHVv4)

422 I think they still think this is a deal breaker for conservatives- as being too gauche and improper. Hell, at least he likes women!

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 18, 2022 06:14 PM (dNqv+)

If that is the worst they can come up with then I think we may be looking at Senator Walker.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at January 18, 2022 06:16 PM (Q9lwr)

423 And ?
Posted by: It's me donna at January 18, 2022 06:11 PM (TdaKq)

Isn't it obvious? That report can only mean one thing. He's a nasty free thinking conservative!

Posted by: ... at January 18, 2022 06:16 PM (YcvYE)

424 wasn't George Washington the general of the army during the revolution? He's veteran that did well in office, right?

Posted by: BifBewalski (IJES/) - at January 18, 2022 06:16 PM (IJES/)

425 Speaking of China, anybody else find it a bit troubling that one of the featured speakers at this years masters of the universe WEF Davos Forum is Xi Jinping?

Posted by: JackStraw

Nah, he's gonna be the leader of the New World Order. Who'd you have in the pool?
Posted by: MkY at January 18, 2022 06:09 PM (cPGH3)

My money is still on Cthulhu. Why settle for the lesser evil.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at January 18, 2022 06:16 PM (yQpMk)

426 Wow so Microsoft bought Activision.


And the journey of Bobby Kotick is complete. Bought the company when it was making nothing but educational software. Built it into the largest third party publisher around 2010. Pulled the rip cord and will walk away a billionaire.

And he's still known in old Hollywood circles as the guy who clogged up Schwarzenegger's toilet.

Posted by: Grudge Harbor at January 18, 2022 06:16 PM (uhPTO)

427 Crenshaw's tone sounds like he doesn't give a fuck about the prisoners, and would like to change the subject

Posted by: DB at January 18, 2022 06:16 PM (geLO8)

428 >I think it's kinda like when kids discover that their parents ever had sex.
Posted by: tcn in AK at January 18, 2022 06:12 PM (REhq

As the parent of a couple of tweens who just had this horrifying realization, it's immensely amusing.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at January 18, 2022 06:16 PM (/umJ9)

429 Hercshel Walker said doody!

Posted by: Your Illustrious Media at January 18, 2022 06:16 PM (YcvYE)

430 >>>He's gutless, and from my state.
Posted by: Xipe Totec

Drove through Arkansas on the way to Texas when Covid started to get my son. Gorgeous state, and the only part I didn't like was Little Rock. The rest was really nice.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 06:17 PM (bkUtD)

431 You cock-a-doodie!


Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 18, 2022 06:17 PM (F4b8f)

432 I'm surprised to hear you say that. Cotton, at least, gets out and loud in support of Jan 6 prisoners, when hardly anyone else will (especially that dweeb, Crenshaw).
Posted by: Huck Follywood at January 18, 2022 06:16 PM (VMY76)

He certified the damn stolen election and the letter he sent me was full of bullshit, weak kneed excuses. Fucking worm.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at January 18, 2022 06:17 PM (o2MD2)

433 ...One of the accounts has a name not suitable for a family newsletter."
Posted by: andycanuck

Busty Asian Lesbians?

Posted by: BifBewalski (IJES/) - at January 18, 2022 06:17 PM (IJES/)

434 >wasn't George Washington the general of the army during the revolution? He's veteran that did well in office, right?

Posted by: BifBewalski

Congress passed a law, I forget when, that states no military officer, past present or future, can ever outrank George Washington

Posted by: DB at January 18, 2022 06:18 PM (geLO8)

435 What kind of idiot doesn't believe Jesus existed except a militant Atheist?. I don't know of any reputable scholar or theologian who doesn't think Jesus existed. No wonder the girl was questioning it.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 18, 2022 06:12 PM (k49Sx)

In fairness, Crenshaw's asserted Jesus Christ is a Jungian hero archetype, probably an idea he picked up reading Joseph Campbell but also an idea effectively refuted by C.S. Lewis, who called it 'The Corn King' argument. That's a different argument than whether or not Christ existed as a human being.

Posted by: troyriser at January 18, 2022 06:18 PM (+UKMq)

436 ...One of the accounts has a name not suitable for a family newsletter."


Dude, you couldn't handle my family.

Posted by: Azathoth at January 18, 2022 06:18 PM (W3VUu)

437 >I think they still think this is a deal breaker for conservatives- as being too gauche and improper. Hell, at least he likes women!
Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 18, 2022 06:14 PM (dNqv+)

Almost as sad as the black day that Trump said "pussy". A stain on our national conscience. --NRO

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at January 18, 2022 06:18 PM (/umJ9)

438 Drove through Arkansas on the way to Texas when Covid started to get my son. Gorgeous state, and the only part I didn't like was Little Rock. The rest was really nice.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp

What's that highway that goes south out of St Loo in Arkansas? The only time I saw EVERY car and truck doing the speed limit. Weird.

Posted by: MkY at January 18, 2022 06:19 PM (cPGH3)

439 Drove through Arkansas on the way to Texas when Covid started to get my son. Gorgeous state, and the only part I didn't like was Little Rock. The rest was really nice.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 06:17 PM (bkUtD)

You should see my farm up in the Ozarks in the northern part of the state. Beautiful. And I shoot high power rifles off my front porch.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at January 18, 2022 06:19 PM (o2MD2)

440 >>>What's that highway that goes south out of St Loo in Arkansas? The only time I saw EVERY car and truck doing the speed limit. Weird.
Posted by: MkY

Don't know it. We were stuck for an hour when a car destroyed a camping trailer. Not on injury, which was wild because the trailer looked like it exploded.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 06:20 PM (bkUtD)


A Nuke Without The Mess.
Posted by: Sharkman

Would love to see a demonstration of the Rod from God.

Posted by: Infidel at werk at January 18, 2022 06:20 PM (/oG9s)

442 Him and Ted Cruz want to live through the upcoming wave of arrests/investigations/purge.

Posted by: steven burley at January 18, 2022 06:20 PM (TTy55)

443 >>>You should see my farm up in the Ozarks in the northern part of the state. Beautiful. And I shoot high power rifles off my front porch.
Posted by: Xipe Totec

I became a Razorbacks football fan right after. Pretty nice season they had this year.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 06:21 PM (bkUtD)

444 I told her to apologize but she can remain firm that everything is worse under this president.
Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at January 18, 2022 06:15 PM (YglAn)
All of us feel the stress. Especially when I go to the grocery store, as I just did. Raising a family isn't going to get easier here for a little bit. I have a daughter that voted that way too, and I have to bite my tongue.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at January 18, 2022 06:21 PM (VMY76)

445 Would love to see a demonstration of the Rod from God.

Posted by: Infidel at werk at January 18, 2022 06:20 PM (/oG9s)

Uh oh!

Posted by: Iranian nuclear facilities at January 18, 2022 06:21 PM (Q9lwr)

446 Kyiv = Putingrad

Posted by: Skip at January 18, 2022 06:22 PM (2JoB8)

447 Just glancing at the image (not playing the video) of that Crenshaw ad is beyond CringeFest.

As always, the first/most important question about such things is: what does this say about his voters, or the pool of voters from which he hopes to get a winning share. Yikes.

Posted by: rhomboid at January 18, 2022 06:22 PM (OTzUX)

448 Almost as sad as the black day that Trump said "pussy". A stain on our national conscience. --NRO
Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at January 18, 2022 06:18 PM (/umJ9)

Plus it led to all those "women" walking around with their genitalia displayed on their heads. Ew.

Posted by: tcn in AK at January 18, 2022 06:22 PM (REhq8)

449 Has there been any ex-military that haven't been disappointing?

Well, let's see... There's Washington. And then there's... Um, there's... Yeah, I guess that's about it.

Posted by: Oddbob at January 18, 2022 06:22 PM (nfrXX)

450 Not sure if anyone nooded, but NOOD

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 18, 2022 06:22 PM (bkUtD)

451 Well, let's see... There's Washington. And then there's... Um, there's... Yeah, I guess that's about it.

Posted by: Oddbob at January 18, 2022 06:22 PM (nfrXX)

Eisenhower didn't do a bad job.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at January 18, 2022 06:23 PM (Q9lwr)

452 Imagine him tearing into Acosta.
Rip your head off and shit down your neck you ask me one more stupid question.

Posted by: dartist at January 18, 2022 06:23 PM (+ya+t)

453 The cost of pork in Thailand is getting so high that many people are increasingly springing for crocodile meat instead

Eat them before they eat you.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter 2022 at January 18, 2022 06:23 PM (FVME7)

454 wasn't George Washington the general of the army during the revolution? He's veteran that did well in office, right?

If Democrats had existed back then, they would have pushed to disqualify him for conflict-of-interest.

Posted by: t-bird at January 18, 2022 06:25 PM (BvZkh)

455 Cotton is obviously much much better than 98% of the other incumbents - and yes, that's spectacularly damning faint praise. On the election thing, I am only aware of 2 reasons he voted to certify (there may have been more, I'm just going off what I saw).

One - it wouldn't be constitutional for the Senate to block things. WTFFFF? Ridiculous, on its face. But even better, ...

Two. If OMG we fail to certify this election, OMG we will have opened the floodgates, and *there's no telling what the Dems might do in the future!!!!*.

Along with the collapse of the judiciary - in one of its few actually legitimate roles - and the collapse of the state legislatures, this was sort of a key part of the dissolution that the 2020 election represented.

Posted by: rhomboid at January 18, 2022 06:25 PM (OTzUX)

456 So, what's wrong with porn in that perverted world?

Posted by: tcn in AK at January 18, 2022 06:16 PM

Not to mention their "sex workers are stronk empowered women!" stance.

Posted by: Bert G at January 18, 2022 06:25 PM (iMNfP)

Has there been any ex-military that haven't been disappointing?
Posted by: dartist at January 18, 2022 06:05 PM (+ya+t)

The tell is if a politico keeps shoving his fucking fruit salad in your face, talking about how he's hardcore, code name Agent Orange.

"Oh, eat shit and die, you fucking Spanish American. You fucking pogue! I was there man! I was in the shit with the grunts!"

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 18, 2022 06:26 PM (n+4am)

458 Russia wants all of Ukraine, as in occupying Kiev?

Umm. Huh? No.

Posted by: rhomboid at January 18, 2022 06:26 PM (OTzUX)

459 Has there been any ex-military that haven't been disappointing?

Teddy is another one. How about Andrew Jackson, too?

Posted by: t-bird at January 18, 2022 06:27 PM (BvZkh)

460 There have been good political figures who were ex-military, the problem is the mileage that any ex-mil gets with voters, especially "conservative" ones, out of the gate. And then there's the actually important pattern of garbage Dem authoritarian candidates getting mileage out of it, from "independents" and some GOP voters. Pathetic. But just one part of the voter failure that brought us where we are today.

Posted by: rhomboid at January 18, 2022 06:28 PM (OTzUX)

461 Tippecanoe and Tyler too

Posted by: Skip at January 18, 2022 06:36 PM (2JoB8)

462 >>460 There have been good political figures who were ex-military, the problem is the mileage that any ex-mil gets with voters, especially "conservative" ones, out of the gate. Posted by: rhomboid at January 18, 2022 06:28 PM (OTzUX)

Succinctly put.

Posted by: ZOD at January 18, 2022 06:37 PM (x8kT3)

463'm suing to stop new yorks racially discriminatory covid therapeutic guidelines

Yes Professor Jacobson himself

Posted by: Skip at January 18, 2022 06:42 PM (2JoB8)

464 Eisenhower didn't do a bad job.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at January 18, 2022 06:23 PM (Q9lwr)

I like Ike.

Posted by: Javems at January 18, 2022 06:55 PM (AmoqO)

465 First!

Posted by: Elvis' Skeleton at January 18, 2022 06:57 PM (ZEUCO)

466 The Pirate has spent too much time at Hahvahd or Yale or whatever IV school he went to. Also bear in mind he even CONSIDERED "red flag" laws as something to look at.

If he gets primaried I won't shed a tear. And I don't give a fuck is he is some sort of "war hero". That isn't a shield from criticism.

Posted by: Snake Spirit at January 18, 2022 06:59 PM (CdZ4i)

467 Wise Latina my Aunt Fanny. Sotomayor is dumber than a box of rocks with all the smart rocks taken out.

Posted by: GlendaleGreybeard at January 18, 2022 07:01 PM (cn6vO)

468 61

The SOF community has its share of scumbags. They are known as "the 10%ers" because roughly 10% of them are absolute buddy fuckers or criminals. If you ever saw the UCMJ records you would be appalled.
Posted by: Johnny Noir at January 18, 2022 05:21 PM (ceKpf)

I have worked up close with Special Forces. They are in two types: genuine, no-shit badasses and whiny, mewling prima donnas. I have no desire to work with them again.

Posted by: Snake Spirit at January 18, 2022 07:06 PM (CdZ4i)

469 Renegade lost me when he engaged his inner Gene Roddenberry and tried to make Space Force into Star Fleet.

Posted by: Fox2! at January 18, 2022 07:15 PM (3FBAK)

470 Seriously, he`s in Congress, and people actually expect competence? The dude just needs another eye patch.

Posted by: bombolino at January 18, 2022 07:56 PM (A5d7R)

471 Maybe instead of the black eye patch Crenshaw could go with a little hand-knit pink pussy hat?

Or a miniature KN-95 with Fauci's face on it

Posted by: some guy at January 18, 2022 08:46 PM (OadoO)

472 R. I. N. O.
All veterans are not good people, such as John Kerry, Al Gore and Dan Crenshaw.

Posted by: obsidian at January 19, 2022 10:53 AM (Bw26F)

473 well, except Americans will be a lot harder to drag off to "unvaxx camps" armed they way they are
Jan 6 protestors beg to differ.

Posted by: uttar pradesh at January 19, 2022 03:40 PM (YHZ1m)

474 His primary opponent is Jamison Ellis. Look him up and donate

Posted by: ptm at January 20, 2022 10:01 AM (QfxMn)

475 Hey Dan! EVERYTHING you do every day as a politician is "just a performance." Why gripe about THIS one?

Posted by: RLABruce at January 20, 2022 10:55 AM (BxH25)

476 You will be voted out

Posted by: Lou at January 20, 2022 11:27 AM (s+1tz)

477 Crenshaw's really kind of a hateful person & for sure, a huge egomaniac. What a lame & stupid answer. There is PLENTY he could do but that wouldn't make his masters very happy. Crenshaw, you are done~!

Posted by: Nonya Ziom at January 20, 2022 11:31 AM (gmX3a)

478 I'm so sorry I supported you in the past. So you lied about morals, values, honor, integrity, etc. to get elected, but when you need to actually show that you have those attributes, you come up sorely lacking.

Posted by: Scott Norris at January 20, 2022 11:51 AM (qRI0F)

479 Who the hell is Dan Crenshaw?????????

Posted by: Craig K at January 20, 2022 12:50 PM (OztTt)

480 Time for Texans to replace him with someone who isn't so darn feckless.

Posted by: Jasonn at January 20, 2022 01:00 PM (xLara)

481 Played the game, livin' the Beltway dream for life and hitting Gay bars with AOC.

Posted by: Gilchrist at January 20, 2022 05:00 PM (rhCxU)

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