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Leftist Fear Pron

Two dirty, dirty stories that are guaranteed to make you hot.

First, from this 200 pound mound of rompin'-stompin' sex, a piquant fantasy about the coming impeachment of one Joseph Robinette Biden.

And I do mean "coming."

Note he's writing this to scare his lefty readers.

But I find his fear-mongering highly stimtoxicating.

Imagine this: It's a gray, chilly day in Washington, D.C., in March of 2023. A handful of protesters from left-leaning groups like Indivisible are huddled outside against the icy Potomac winds, but mostly there's a climate of disbelief in the nation's capitol as the GOP-dominated House of Representatives wraps up debate over the impeachment of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., 46th president of the United States.

I'm already "plumping."

It was little more than five months since the Republicans gained 43 House seats in the 2022 midterms, many in newly gerrymandered seats, and since the incoming chair of House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, started studying a menu of equally off-the-wall options -- Hunter Biden's laptop, the Afghanistan withdrawal, or something unprecedented about the president's mental acuity -- for Biden impeachment hearings.

In the end, Jordan and his colleagues -- including the radical QAnon conspiracy theorists who'd replaced GOP moderates Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger -- decided that the pretext didn't even matter that much.


House Speaker Kevin McCarthy -- who'd staved off a challenge to his leadership by flying to Mar-a-Lago and promising Donald Trump that Biden, just like his predecessor, would wear the stain of impeachment -- delivered the closing speech and noted that Republicans had promised "to end this age of decline, and end this presidency." A Code Pink protester burst onto the floor and screamed "Why are you doing this?!" before two burly guards dragged her out, while a handful of Trump supporters in the gallery began chanting, "Let's Go Brandon."

That's hot. I like the dirty-talk.

And the hotness doesn't stop there: The Democrats are ginning up fear by claiming that if Republicans take the House (spoiler: they will), then the next Speaker of the House will be... Donald John Trump.

The leader of the House Democrat Caucus says so.

Hakeem Jeffries

The Constitution does not require the Speaker of the House to serve in Congress.

That's why the radical right will try to install Donald Trump.

Another reason we can't allow the cult to win the majority next year.

BTW, Hakeem Jeffries is the most plausible candidate to take over as Democrat leader when Pelosi retires, which she'll do in January.

Donald Trump. Presiding. Over the Impeachment.

Of Joe "Burisma" Biden.

Now that is hot. That is hot.

Trump says he doesn't want to be Speaker.

Oh yeah?

Well, there's one quick way to be president.

Get installed as Speaker of the House, and then impeach the Biden and Harris.

Who is next in the line of succession?

That's right, the Speaker of the House.



Posted by: Ace at 05:02 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 First!

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at January 03, 2022 06:02 PM (llXky)

2 Win!

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at January 03, 2022 06:03 PM (llXky)

3 Impeached for what? Crimes require intent (if you're a Leftist), and intent requires sapience.

25th amendment, sure. Impeachment?

Posted by: mikeski at January 03, 2022 06:03 PM (P1f+c)

4 Heh

Posted by: TheJamesMadison's Phone, read some movie thoughts at January 03, 2022 06:03 PM (LvTSG)

5 Get help if it lasts more than 4 hours, Ace.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at January 03, 2022 06:04 PM (llXky)

6 th!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at January 03, 2022 06:04 PM (RkC6l)

7 Stop, I can only get so erect.

Their content-free impeachments of Trump are going to come back to haunt them.

Evidence? Who needs evidence? "We want it" is the only rule.

So be it.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at January 03, 2022 06:04 PM (bW8dp)

8 Make it so

Posted by: In Exile at January 03, 2022 06:05 PM (kzzyk)

9 It's a shame the right doesn't have talented authors like this. TJM couldn't write porn of this quality.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at January 03, 2022 06:05 PM (z5Vrg)

10 Donald Trump. Presiding. Over the Impeachment.

Of Joe "Burisma" Biden.

Now that is hot. That is hot.


If erection lasts for longer than 4 hours, fap some more.

Posted by: Darth Randall at January 03, 2022 06:05 PM (3TihK)

11 Boner deflation: This fantasy relies on Republicans, a/k/a "how can we sell you out today?"

Posted by: Lrrr at January 03, 2022 06:05 PM (5IkY2)

12 3 Impeached for what? Crimes require intent (if you're a Leftist), and intent requires sapience.

25th amendment, sure. Impeachment?
Posted by: mikeski at January 03, 2022 06:03 PM (P1f+c)


Since Johnson's impeachment in the 1860s, the definition of high crimes and misdemeanors has been up to interpretation. No one really knows, and the one body that people would look to in order to get clarification, SCOTUS, would never touch it, just walking away, calling it a political matter.

So, in effect and de facto, high crimes and misdemeanors are whatever the House says they are.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison's Phone, read some movie thoughts at January 03, 2022 06:06 PM (LvTSG)

13 Can we do the rompin'-stompin' sex posts after dinner hour?

Posted by: Dr. Varno at January 03, 2022 06:06 PM (vuisn)

14 Fearless prediction: NRO, David French and Jonah Goldberg will all say that given the "radicalization" of the GOP, the Dems need to keep the House.

Because they're far more responsible.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at January 03, 2022 06:06 PM (llXky)

15 >>>Get help if it lasts more than 4 hours, Ace.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at January 03, 2022 06:04 PM (llXky)

Don't worry. Republicans don't won't even last 2 hours.

Posted by: In Reel Life (yes, dummy, on purpose) at January 03, 2022 06:06 PM (QYPq3)

16 11 Boner deflation: This fantasy relies on Republicans, a/k/a "how can we sell you out today?"
Posted by: Lrrr at January 03, 2022 06:05 PM (5IkY2)

All porn stories rely on some suspension of disbelief.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at January 03, 2022 06:06 PM (z5Vrg)

17 14 Fearless prediction: NRO, David French and Jonah Goldberg will all say that given the "radicalization" of the GOP, the Dems need to keep the House.

Because they're far more responsible.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at January 03, 2022 06:06 PM (llXky)


Proof: They have not once impeached Biden.

Case. Closed.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison's Phone, read some movie thoughts at January 03, 2022 06:07 PM (LvTSG)

18 > Impeached for what?

That's one of those "old people" rules that don't apply any more.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at January 03, 2022 06:07 PM (bW8dp)

19 Heh, well some bored conservatives have fantasized on AoS and other internet sites about having DJT as Speaker of the House. So it is not like xe came up with xis fear porn scenario on his own.

Posted by: PaleRider at January 03, 2022 06:07 PM (3cGpq)

20 This is really bad ProgPorn and this author is wackadoodle.

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 03, 2022 06:07 PM (sAmhv)

21 > Impeached for what? Crimes require intent

As the left repeated ad nauseum during the Trump kangaroo courts, impeachment is a political act. It doesn't need a crime.

Posted by: bonhomme at January 03, 2022 06:07 PM (YYlyE)

22 11 Boner deflation: This fantasy relies on Republicans, a/k/a "how can we sell you out today?"

Posted by: Lrrr at January 03, 2022 06:05 PM (5IkY2)
It's a fantasy, like delivering a pizza to a house full of nymphomaniac cheerleaders who desperately need a man.

Reality has no place in it.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at January 03, 2022 06:07 PM (llXky)

23 Dems: "DJT, I just can't quit you!"

Posted by: Lizzy at January 03, 2022 06:08 PM (URNdm)

24 Get installed as Speaker of the House, and then impeach the Biden and Harris.

Who is next in the line of succession?

That's right, the Speaker of the House.



Posted by: Ace at 05:02 PM

I'll be in my bunk.

Posted by: blaster at January 03, 2022 06:08 PM (mbFEM)

25 hiya

Posted by: JT at January 03, 2022 06:08 PM (arJlL)

26 They appear to be getting desperate and afraid.


Posted by: Winston, GOPe, not one dime, not one vote at January 03, 2022 06:08 PM (Ueqns)

27 I could see the Gope burning the clock with a meaningless impeachment. They can't remove him.

And they'd go for theater over really trying to fix things.

Posted by: I Mean at January 03, 2022 06:08 PM (ohRb7)


I think I just ejaculated a little bit...

Posted by: Zettai at January 03, 2022 06:08 PM (BesSx)

29 I love these fairy tales.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at January 03, 2022 06:08 PM (BFigT)

30 Donald Trump. Presiding. Over the Impeachment.

Of Joe "Burisma" Biden.

To put it in the original Klingon, that would be Glorious!

Posted by: Fox2! at January 03, 2022 06:08 PM (Hpenq)

Woot! Let's get started!

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at January 03, 2022 06:08 PM (hAXqz)

32 I'm already "plumping."



Posted by: rhennigantx at January 03, 2022 06:08 PM (yrol0)

33 You'd think it was the Sloppy Second Coming or something.

Posted by: Dr. Varno at January 03, 2022 06:09 PM (vuisn)

34 Let's get rid of Brandon!

Posted by: Ben Had at January 03, 2022 06:09 PM (hoY5O)

35 Donald Trump. Presiding. Over the Impeachment.

Of Joe "Burisma" Biden.

I'm sure I'm like the tenth person to point this out because I took the time to read the content, but in this scenario Trump serves the remainder of "Biden's" term, which is less than two years, which means he can run for reelection again.

Posted by: Methos at January 03, 2022 06:09 PM (kOpft)

We've seen this exact same "bleak future" fake article published many times before. Don't believe me?

Just swap a few words for "abortion rights" and "affirmative action."

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at January 03, 2022 06:09 PM (goeJb)

37 27 And they'd go for theater over really trying to fix things.
Posted by: I Mean at January 03, 2022 06:08 PM (ohRb7


They could pass a real budget for the first time in 2 decades.

Why are you laughing?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison's Phone, read some movie thoughts at January 03, 2022 06:09 PM (LvTSG)

38 I'm going Ballpark Franks over heah!

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 03, 2022 06:09 PM (4I/2K)

39 would wear the stain of impeachment

Democratics wear the badge of impeachment

Republican wear the stain

Posted by: rhennigantx at January 03, 2022 06:10 PM (yrol0)

40 Read the content. Now, I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Posted by: Joe Mama at January 03, 2022 06:10 PM (WmGrA)

41 23 Dems: "DJT, I just can't quit you!"

Posted by: Lizzy at January 03, 2022 06:08 PM (URNdm)
No kidding. Republicans can't wait for the likes of Obama and the Clintons to go the hell away, but they never do.

But the Dems have this pathological need for Trump. It's like they've got the gimp suit laid out and are waiting for him to make them put it on again.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at January 03, 2022 06:10 PM (llXky)

42 If Trump becomes Speaker of the House, I will enjoy the conspiracy theories about Q-Anon.

This is the go to tactic of leftists. Everything is a Q Anon conspiracy and all conservatives are somehow a part of it.

They have to tell themselves that we are all on the Q Anon train.

I think leftists know more about it than actual conservatives.

Posted by: Czech Chick at January 03, 2022 06:10 PM (haWye)

43 They should impeach Biden for his dog being out of control. And any other shit they feel like.

Because they can. An actual reason did not stop the House from impeaching Trump twice.

All it needs is a majority vote. Impeach him at the end of every business day.

Posted by: blaster at January 03, 2022 06:10 PM (mbFEM)

The GOP will betray the Inner Party. And I will be crowned King of Britain, Emperor of India, Defender of the Faith.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 03, 2022 06:10 PM (hQ23g)


Jill Biden will wear him like a skin suit. She won't be removed from the White House. This is HER time to be Mrs DOCTOR First Lady.

Posted by: bonhomme at January 03, 2022 06:11 PM (YYlyE)

46 It takes a lot of nerve for a leftist to bitch about the PROSPECT of impeaching a President when they went at it THREE times with President Trump. In each case, on totally bullshit grounds.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 03, 2022 06:11 PM (YqDXo)

47 Hakeem Jeffries makes Hank Johnson sound and look inteeligent.

Posted by: garrett at January 03, 2022 06:11 PM (97xpy)

48 Rich Lowry is trying to get ahead of the GOP wave, and published an essay entitled "When Does Trump Get His Apology" (I only read the title). Somebody please just end the National Review. Stop funding it, Pierre, nobody cares.

I never thought Lowry could be so blindingly dumb. Apology? Trump doesn't want apologies. Haven't you heard Rich? Like all fascist autocrats, he wants corpses hanging from the trees.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at January 03, 2022 06:11 PM (8Aixa)

49 It's sad that a game I used to play a LOT when I was a little girl has been so bastardized.
It was called MAKE BELIEVE.

This is what I bring up to people often when they want to know what Role Playing Games are.

Everyone played these games. When you pretended you were a kitty or a cowboy or a nurse or a princess or whatever.. you were role playing. RPGs just put some rules and dice into the mix. You make a character. The GM comes up with the scenario, and you role play.

Its just grown up, sophisticated "lets pretend" or improvisational acting.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 03, 2022 06:11 PM (KZzsI)

50 So if we know they constantly lie about the #Science for political reasons, how do we know which lies are lies and which lies are true?

Posted by: ... at January 03, 2022 06:11 PM (6N/S7)

51 I think leftists know more about it than actual conservatives.

Posted by: Czech Chick at January 03, 2022 06:10 PM (haWye)
They're the ones making it up, so yes.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at January 03, 2022 06:11 PM (llXky)

52 I don't understand why anyone likes being afraid but I'm not all that bright.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, resolved to lurking at January 03, 2022 06:11 PM (eGTCV)


Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenko gender fluid at January 03, 2022 06:12 PM (n/Mxu)

54 I'm sure I'm like the tenth person to point this out because I took the time to read the content, but in this scenario Trump serves the remainder of "Biden's" term, which is less than two years, which means he can run for reelection again.
Posted by: Methos at January 03, 2022 06:09 PM (kOpft)

Ooohhhh. Sorry. I will be back in my bunk.

Posted by: blaster at January 03, 2022 06:12 PM (mbFEM)

Every time I see a Trump-hate meme on FB, my comment is always, "Biden must be doing worse than we thought."

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at January 03, 2022 06:12 PM (hAXqz)

56 A Code Pink protester burst onto the floor and screamed "Why are you doing this?!"


Burst onto the floor of the House?


Posted by: Cave Johnson at January 03, 2022 06:12 PM (Obsrs)

57 43 Because they can. An actual reason did not stop the House from impeaching Trump twice.

All it needs is a majority vote. Impeach him at the end of every business day.
Posted by: blaster at January 03, 2022 06:10 PM (mbFEM)


At least the first article in Johnson's impeachment was an actual crime. The other 10 or so were not.

I think I prefer the idea of impeachments ever time Congress is in the other party's hands. If there is going to be nothing other than theater, make it big theater.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison's Phone, read some movie thoughts at January 03, 2022 06:12 PM (LvTSG)

And they use the same fake "bleak future" template for scaremongering about fake global warming.

It was a scorching hot day in Washington D.C. in early April 2025...the Republican President and Republican Congress nervously reassuring the people that this month-long heat wave is normal...

See? I can write bullshit, too.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at January 03, 2022 06:12 PM (goeJb)

59 I'm already "plumping."

This is the best thread ever!

Posted by: Sandra Flook at January 03, 2022 06:13 PM (Xrfse)

60 "...then the next Speaker of the House will be... Donald John Trump.

Yeah, it moved. Bigly.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Ashli Babbitt at January 03, 2022 06:13 PM (aXxgO)

61 Pelosi has already signaled she might not quit. This also signals that shit ain't going so well in commie land.

It does not by any stretch of the imagination mean the "other clique of the Uniparty" will win.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at January 03, 2022 06:13 PM (BFigT)

62 I never thought Lowry could be so blindingly dumb. Apology? Trump doesn't want apologies. Haven't you heard Rich? Like all fascist autocrats, he wants corpses hanging from the trees.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at January 03, 2022 06:11 PM (8Aixa)

Not dumb. Bought.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at January 03, 2022 06:13 PM (BHIbc)

I never hear about QAnon except from progressives.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at January 03, 2022 06:13 PM (hAXqz)

64 Impeached for what? Crimes require intent (if you're a Leftist), and intent requires sapience.

Biden is on the payroll of a hostile foreign power which launched an unanswered biological attack against us.

Posted by: Methos at January 03, 2022 06:13 PM (kOpft)


Posted by: News Cycle at January 03, 2022 06:13 PM (OaZlZ)

66 Not dumb. Bought.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at January 03, 2022 06:13 PM (BHIbc)
Embrace the healing power of "and."

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at January 03, 2022 06:14 PM (llXky)

67 I mean, I think I have moved on from the idea of re-electing Trump but I want this scenario just to watch Leftist heads explode.

Posted by: blaster at January 03, 2022 06:14 PM (mbFEM)

Gotta love how the only time a Republican Shit in the Senate mentions something about Big Tech "canceling" someone is when one of their money-laundering fake book publishers is kicked off Fakebook and can no longer continue to grift stupid Republican voters with book sales.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at January 03, 2022 06:14 PM (goeJb)

69 LOL, if only !

Posted by: sock_rat_eez (JE6lG) at January 03, 2022 06:14 PM (JE6lG)

70 That's why the radical right will try to install Donald Trump.

Another reason we can't allow the cult to win the majority next year.

Newsflash: the "cult" is going to win the majority in November. And I would be ecstatic if they impeached Biden for lack of fitness for office (does that qualify as "high crimes and misdemeanors?" Close enough. Then impeach Harris to boot. There's GOT to be some crap on her, if nothing else, colluding with Kim Foxx re Juicy Smollee to pervert the course of justice.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 03, 2022 06:14 PM (YqDXo)

71 Are we playing Make Believe again?

Posted by: nurse ratched at January 03, 2022 06:15 PM (iWW88)

72 I'm a wee bit drunk but Rich Lowry is an idiot.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, resolved to lurking at January 03, 2022 06:15 PM (eGTCV)

73 The idea of the left -- who screamed in glee and ecstasy as the lunatics in the house impeached Trump twice -- complaining about the horror of a president being impeached is... comical, to say the least.

Especially since the Republican Party wouldn't impeach Josef Mengele for conducting medical experiments on children on the white house lawn.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 03, 2022 06:15 PM (KZzsI)

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenko gender fluid

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 03, 2022 06:15 PM (sAmhv)

This is what I bring up to people often when they want to know what Role Playing Games are.

Everyone played these games. When you pretended you were a kitty or a cowboy or a nurse or a princess or whatever.. you were role playing. RPGs just put some rules and dice into the mix. You make a character. The GM comes up with the scenario, and you role play.

Its just grown up, sophisticated "lets pretend" or improvisational acting.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 03, 2022 06:11 PM (KZzsI)
Somewhat relevant.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at January 03, 2022 06:15 PM (z5Vrg)

76 >>But the Dems have this pathological need for Trump. It's like they've got the gimp suit laid out and are waiting for him to make them put it on again.


Posted by: Lizzy at January 03, 2022 06:15 PM (URNdm)

77 When the opposition calls you a cult, mere voting is not going to get us out of this mess.

Posted by: Mister Scot (Formerly GWS) at January 03, 2022 06:15 PM (bVYXr)

78 That's crazy talk right there..... I like it

Posted by: It's me donna at January 03, 2022 06:16 PM (TdaKq)

79 It's delusional turtles all the way down.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at January 03, 2022 06:16 PM (QU5/8)

80 Looking at Will Bunch's twitter feed -- dude's deranged.

Posted by: Lizzy at January 03, 2022 06:16 PM (URNdm)

81 JEFFRIES: Thank you, Mr. Barr. That is inaccurate. Thats a myth. Thats a lie. Reclaiming my time. In April, President Trump irresponsibly suggested that the American people inject them selves with bleach. Was that superb? Yes or no?

BARR: Thats not what I heard.

JEFFRIES: Thats exactly what he said. Thats what the American people heard. And you know it. And you cant defend it. Lets move on to May.

No, Trump didnt tell Americans infected with the coronavirus to drink bleach

Posted by: rhennigantx at January 03, 2022 06:16 PM (yrol0)

82 what happened to kamaela in this fantasy? Did she walk or was she written out due to the shrivel factor?

Posted by: Kindltot at January 03, 2022 06:16 PM (ZMraq)

83 Not gonna lie.


Posted by: blaster at January 03, 2022 06:16 PM (mbFEM)

84 70
Newsflash: the "cult" is going to win the majority in November. And I would be ecstatic if they impeached Biden for lack of fitness for office (does that qualify as "high crimes and misdemeanors?" Close enough. Then impeach Harris to boot. There's GOT to be some crap on her, if nothing else, colluding with Kim Foxx re Juicy Smollee to pervert the course of justice.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 03, 2022 06:14 PM (YqDXo


Unless the Senate suddenly sends 33 MAGA types in next year (not likely), there will be no conviction. It will be just theater.

Better than the theater of Trey Gowdy yelling at some flunky we'd never heard of before, though.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison's Phone, read some movie thoughts at January 03, 2022 06:16 PM (LvTSG)

85 This makes me so hot! Except the part about Trump as Speaker.

Anybody seen my rabbit suit?

Posted by: Mrs. Frank McCarthy-Luntz (furry version) at January 03, 2022 06:17 PM (8Aixa)

86 They have to tell themselves that we are all on the Q Anon train.

I think leftists know more about it than actual conservatives.

Remember when the left was hot and bothered to get Trump to denounce the Proud Boys? Other than getting in some street brawls with anteefa, what elevated them to "needs denouncing by POTUS" status? Any random street gang has done far worse things than the Proud Boys.

We should demand POTUS denounce the Peckerwood gang, just to see what he'll do. Yes, it's a real street gang.

Posted by: bonhomme at January 03, 2022 06:17 PM (YYlyE)

87 63
I never hear about QAnon except from progressives.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at January 03, 2022 06:13 PM (hAXqz)

Same here. I'd never heard of them before the Reds started bleating about them.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 03, 2022 06:17 PM (YqDXo)

88 Is code pinko even a thing anymore?

Posted by: Ben Had at January 03, 2022 06:17 PM (hoY5O)

89 Biden is on the payroll of a hostile foreign power which launched an unanswered biological attack against us.
Posted by: Methos at January 03, 2022 06:13 PM (kOpft)

Defense: Biden is now completely unaware of this or indeed, of most things. Easy peasy!

Posted by: Chuck Martel at January 03, 2022 06:17 PM (fs1hN)

90 63
I never hear about QAnon except from progressives.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at January 03, 2022 06:13 PM (hAXqz)

They are anonymous.

Posted by: Roy at January 03, 2022 06:18 PM (Ti+Tv)

91 Hey dudes

Posted by: N.L. Urker, resolved to lurking at January 03, 2022 06:18 PM (eGTCV)

92 plinko > code pinko

Posted by: zombie bob barker at January 03, 2022 06:18 PM (QU5/8)

93 many in newly gerrymandered seats

Because the Reds would never gerrymander districts. Nosir. That would be wrong.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 03, 2022 06:18 PM (YqDXo)

94 Now, a ruthless Speaker Trump could actually do more to "drain the Swamp" than he could as President.

1) Back to regular order, no continuing omnibus resolutions. Individual budgets every year with agency heads groveling before the committee for funds. And cut every one that conspired against him 50%.
2) strict adherence to the rules. Like making every House member show up every day for an in-person vote. Or face committee removal and potential expulsion.
3) order the Ethics committee to find all official use of social media to be an illegal use of government funds to campaign

Posted by: Lrrr at January 03, 2022 06:18 PM (5IkY2)

95 I cannot believe I made it this far though the day without having a chance to check in here, and them, when I do, I find the most glorious thread on Impeachment, Justified Impeachment! YES!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at January 03, 2022 06:18 PM (hOUT3)

96 Are we playing Make Believe again?

Posted by: nurse ratched at January 03, 2022 06:15 PM (iWW8

Hello, darlin . . .

Posted by: Conway Twitty at January 03, 2022 06:18 PM (4I/2K)

97 Jim Jordan was told about Hunters laptop.

A year before the election.

He ignored it.

Jim Jordan is deep state.

Posted by: Loki at January 03, 2022 06:18 PM (ZW1rs)

98 > You'd think it was the Sloppy Second Coming or something.

"Second"? Even as a 29 year old, I'm pretty sure I could crank out more than two if this scenario actually came to pass.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at January 03, 2022 06:19 PM (bW8dp)

99 We have been living it for two years

Posted by: Skip at January 03, 2022 06:19 PM (2JoB8)

100 When ace talks dirty, I explode with desire.

Posted by: Sandra Flook at January 03, 2022 06:19 PM (Xrfse)

101 How is it that people still don't realize that the Left doesn't say or do shit without a calculated reason?

We laugh because they are "afraid" and "obsessed", but the reality is this is at best just more targeted propaganda to manipulate their sheep.

If you think articles like this tend to seriously represent the honest thoughts and feelings of the writer then I think you're as gullible as their readers. Yes sometimes the witless are allowed to vomit up their deepest lunatic ravings, but it pays for your own mental well being to never take a thing they say at face value.

Posted by: ... at January 03, 2022 06:19 PM (6N/S7)

Because the Reds would never gerrymander districts. Nosir. That would be wrong.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 03, 2022 06:18 PM (YqDXo)


Rep. Phil Burton (D-CA) practically invented it.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at January 03, 2022 06:19 PM (hAXqz)

103 88 Is code pinko even a thing anymore?
Posted by: Ben Had at January 03, 2022 06:17 PM (hoY5O)

Currently underground. Trump didn't give them a reason to get riled up. And of course they would never protest a Democrat, whom they work for. So, maybe if an R pres is elected, they'll be itching to make an appearance.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at January 03, 2022 06:19 PM (fs1hN)

104 What did Joe Biden know about his impeachment and when did he know it.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at January 03, 2022 06:19 PM (R/m4+)

105 Will Bunch's nickname is PantiesInA.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at January 03, 2022 06:19 PM (PiwSw)

106 I never thought Lowry could be so blindingly dumb. Apology? Trump doesn't want apologies. Haven't you heard Rich? Like all fascist autocrats, he wants corpses hanging from the trees.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at January 03, 2022 06:11 PM (8Aixa)

Mr. Morden:
What do YOU want?

Ambassador Vir Cotto:
I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I want to look up into your lifeless eyes and wave like this. [waves] Can you and your associates arrange that for me, Mr. Morden?

Posted by: Fox2! at January 03, 2022 06:20 PM (Hpenq)

107 I love that satire on American vs Euro board games, but they're board games, not RPGS

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 03, 2022 06:20 PM (KZzsI)

108 "I'm a student at a large Midwestern university. I never thought I'd be writing your magazine. But last night, my incredibly hot and unobtainable suitemate came home a little bit tipsy..."

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at January 03, 2022 06:20 PM (7Fj9P)

109 You have got to be kidding. There is no way in hell that the GOPe would EVER support an impeachment of Bai-Den, let alone supporting PDTS for SotH. Although the idea of that happenjng is really fun to think about.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at January 03, 2022 06:20 PM (fLri9)

110 Rep. Phil Burton (D-CA) practically invented it.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at January 03, 2022 06:19 PM (hAXqz


Not Elbridge Gerry?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison's Phone, read some movie thoughts at January 03, 2022 06:21 PM (LvTSG)

111 > Newsflash: the "cult" is going to win the majority in November.

Ah, but are they going to win the vote count?

There's the rub.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at January 03, 2022 06:21 PM (bW8dp)

112 Same here. I'd never heard of them before the Reds started bleating about them.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 03, 2022 06:17 PM (YqDXo)
At the time of the election, only 20% of conservatives knew who Q was. And only 4% believed him.

"QAnon" is mostly a leftist bugaboo.

Yeah, like the guy saying "trust the plan" was "radicalizing" the right.

But their voice on the matter is all lefties care to hear.

Posted by: Axeman at January 03, 2022 06:21 PM (OaZlZ)

113 FedGov is a million ton rock. Move it, now.

You've got a screwdriver.

Keep voting hard.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at January 03, 2022 06:21 PM (BFigT)

114 "Rich Lowry is trying to get ahead of the GOP wave, and published an essay entitled 'When Does Trump Get His Apology'"

Tip of the Spear, that guy.

He's the pilot who's still deciphering his navigational maps while his "peers" have dropped their loads, won the war, and are boinking their Honeys.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Ashli Babbitt at January 03, 2022 06:21 PM (aXxgO)

115 Better than the theater of Trey Gowdy yelling at some flunky we'd never heard of before, though.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison's Phone, read some movie thoughts at January 03, 2022 06:16 PM (LvTSG)

"Ahem!" as Ms Lindsay Graham weighs in!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at January 03, 2022 06:21 PM (hOUT3)

If Republicans control most state legislatures, thank B. H. Obama, under whose administration the Democrats lost 1000 seats at the state and federal level.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at January 03, 2022 06:21 PM (hAXqz)

117 I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I want to look up into your lifeless eyes and wave like this. [waves] Can you and your associates arrange that for me, Mr. Morden?

I loved that scene. So many good ones in Babylon Five, and Vir turned out to be an amazing character.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 03, 2022 06:21 PM (KZzsI)

118 who says the Repubs will win Congress back? you need fair elections for that to happen

Posted by: DB at January 03, 2022 06:22 PM (geLO8)

119 Trump will be in jail very soon. That would make it hard to become Speaker. Tish has him dead to rights.

Posted by: Sid at January 03, 2022 06:22 PM (fqRV3)

120 He ignored it.
Jim Jordan is deep state.
Posted by: Loki at January 03, 2022 06:18 PM (ZW1rs)
You really have that wrong. Jordan asked his employers at Google what they thought about it and, only then, did he ignore it. I know, because they told me the same thing.

Posted by: Mrs. Frank McCarthy-Luntz (furry version) at January 03, 2022 06:22 PM (8Aixa)

121 Over at Surber:
Trump broke Huawei like it was Kathy Griffin

Posted by: rhennigantx at January 03, 2022 06:22 PM (yrol0)

122 Because the Reds would never gerrymander districts. Nosir. That would be wrong.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 03, 2022 06:18 PM (YqDXo)
Rep. Phil Burton (D-CA) practically invented it.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at January 03, 2022 06:19 PM (hAXqz)
California had a "non-partisan" committee to draw up the new districts. Of course, the Reds packed that "non-partisan" committee with all shades of political viewpoints, ranging from Marxist-Leninist to Maoist to Castroite.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 03, 2022 06:22 PM (YqDXo)

123 Posted by: Sid at January 03, 2022 06:22 PM (fqRV3)

That's PRESIDENT Trump to you, shithead.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 03, 2022 06:23 PM (YqDXo)

124 Those gutless gope pricks won't do shit.

Posted by: Jak Sucio at January 03, 2022 06:23 PM (jvt6t)

125 Code Pink is still active, but they get ignored and suppressed when a Democrat is president. I remember that they tried to say something about Trump but couldn't get any traction because... well, he kind of agrees with them.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 03, 2022 06:23 PM (KZzsI)

126 Maybe if Republicans take over they might impeach Sundowner, being a toady of China it could be easy, but as said often then it's President Ho and it will be a glorious train wreck.
All fine with me btw

Posted by: Skip at January 03, 2022 06:23 PM (2JoB8)

Of course, the Reds packed that "non-partisan" committee with all shades of political viewpoints, ranging from Marxist-Leninist to Maoist to Castroite.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 03, 2022 06:22 PM (YqDXo)


No Khmer Rouge? It's almost moderate!

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at January 03, 2022 06:24 PM (/U27+)

128 I like this idea but I don't see any evidence that Democrats can't steal another election. Or a lot more elections.

Posted by: ChrisW at January 03, 2022 06:24 PM (zFMsi)

129 > Of course, the Reds packed that "non-partisan" committee with all shades of political viewpoints, ranging from Marxist-Leninist to Maoist to Castroite.

Don't forget Juche Ideological Struggle!

Posted by: Kim Long Dong at January 03, 2022 06:24 PM (bW8dp)

130 And CA's disastrous redistricting process, like almost everything across the nation that's destroying it, was voted in by the voters.

Posted by: rhomboid at January 03, 2022 06:24 PM (OTzUX)

131 "...and then she reached out and grabbed my penis, which I will call my dick..."

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at January 03, 2022 06:24 PM (7Fj9P)

132 LOL Sid, talk about fantasies

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 03, 2022 06:24 PM (KZzsI)

133 "Pelosi has already signaled she might not quit. This also signals that shit ain't going so well in commie land."

Like the Clintons, they stay in office/politics to stay out of jail. She isn't quitting. She'll leave but only in a coffin.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at January 03, 2022 06:24 PM (aXxgO)

134 That is not who we are Mr Ace.

Posted by: The GOP at January 03, 2022 06:24 PM (vrz2I)

135 A year before the election.

He ignored it.

Jim Jordan is deep state.

Posted by: Loki at January 03, 2022 06:18 PM (ZW1rs)

Now do a really hard one. Name someone that isn't Deep State and also isn't named Donald Trump!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at January 03, 2022 06:25 PM (hOUT3)

136 Sid. Named after his namesake "acid". Dropped a few too many tabs.

Posted by: Jak Sucio at January 03, 2022 06:25 PM (jvt6t)

137 132 LOL Sid, talk about fantasies
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 03, 2022 06:24 PM (KZzsI)

I hope so.. The Beyotch in NY is going after Don. jr. and Ivanka now

Posted by: It's me donna at January 03, 2022 06:25 PM (TdaKq)

138 I don't want to impeach Biden. I'd be impressed if he wasn't removed from office by Harris, et al before the end of his term. I want Garland impeached and the joint chiefs and the heads of all the alphabet agencies. For failing to fulfill their duties and violating their oath of office.

Posted by: squid_hunt at January 03, 2022 06:25 PM (7MBHe)

139 This dude is saying the same thing Matt Gaetz is. Lmfao

Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at January 03, 2022 06:26 PM (YglAn)

140 Trump broke Huawei like it was Kathy Griffin

I was selling that group that owns aircraft carriers and battleship security for about 8 years. Someone decides that we need to try and get Huawei and Hikvision cameras through their security scans.

I said nope, I have a contract with an approved product and you cannot change it.

So they send me a camera (I forget which) and I reset the password.

So I try admin and password123 and it still works.

Posted by: rhennigantx at January 03, 2022 06:26 PM (yrol0)

141 No Khmer Rouge? It's almost moderate!
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at January 03, 2022 06:24 PM (/U27+)

Nope. Khmer Rouge was too conservative for them.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 03, 2022 06:26 PM (YqDXo)

142 Now do a really hard one. Name someone that isn't Deep State and also isn't named Donald Trump!
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at January 03, 2022 06:25 PM (hOUT3)

Matt Gaetz. MTG. Lauren Boebert.

That's pretty much all I got.

Posted by: blaster at January 03, 2022 06:26 PM (mbFEM)

143 "equally off-the-wall options--Hunter Biden's laptop, the Afghanistan withdrawal, or something unprecedented about the president's mental acuity--for Biden impeachment hearings."

But knowingly false accusations of Russian Collusion and Ukraine! and Incitement to Insurrection are A-OK for impeachment of Trump...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at January 03, 2022 06:26 PM (ynpvh)

144 Now do a really hard one. Name someone that isn't Deep State and also isn't named Donald Trump!
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at January 03, 2022 06:25 PM (hOUT3)

That's a tough one. Is there a distinction between Deep State and Blackmailed by Deep State?

Posted by: Chuck Martel at January 03, 2022 06:26 PM (fs1hN)

145 In the new Congress I have assured President Biden he can count on a core group of Senators dedicated to American prosperity and success that we will support him whenever and however we can do so. We must be above party!

Posted by: Boneless Pork Rectum (R-Utah) at January 03, 2022 06:26 PM (8Aixa)

146 Can't spell idiot without sid

Posted by: ... at January 03, 2022 06:26 PM (6N/S7)

147 Grampa, I thought Uncle Sid was locked up in the attic?

Posted by: Arkansas Biden Baby at January 03, 2022 06:26 PM (Xrfse)

148 Unless the Senate suddenly sends 33 MAGA types in next year (not likely), there will be no conviction. It will be just theater.

Probably. If Joe is still in office a year from now, not removing him might be a hard vote to cast from some states.

Posted by: Methos at January 03, 2022 06:26 PM (kOpft)

149 128 I like this idea but I don't see any evidence that Democrats can't steal another all future [s[election. Or a lot more elections.
Posted by: ChrisW at January 03, 2022 06:24 PM (zFMsi)


Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at January 03, 2022 06:26 PM (hOUT3)

150 The Philadelphia Inquire is a Democrats Propaganda Ministry outlets, dropped buying their crap well over 10 years ago.

Posted by: Skip at January 03, 2022 06:26 PM (2JoB8)

151 I hope so.. The Beyotch in NY is going after Don. jr. and Ivanka now

They've been after him for 6 years and got nothing but brownie points with left wing radicals.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 03, 2022 06:27 PM (KZzsI)

152 > Maybe if Republicans take over they might impeach Sundowner, being a toady of China it could be easy, but as said often then it's President Ho and it will be a glorious train wreck.

IF the GOPe were actually going to do this, they'd need to take out Commie Lay first, then refuse to confirm a successor.

See the playbook with Nixon. They took out Agnew, then forced Nixon to accept Ford (the Speaker of the House) as the new veep.

Posted by: Kim Long Dong at January 03, 2022 06:27 PM (bW8dp)

153 crap

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at January 03, 2022 06:27 PM (hOUT3)

154 Proof: They have not once impeached Biden.

Case. Closed.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison's Phone, read some movie thoughts at January 03, 2022 06:07 PM (LvTSG)[/]


Yes. However, is Biden a sandwich?

Posted by: Jonah Goldberg at January 03, 2022 06:27 PM (3TihK)

155 Like the Clintons, they stay in office/politics to stay out of jail. She isn't quitting. She'll leave but only in a coffin.
Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at January 03, 2022 06:24 PM (aXxgO)

Your offer is acceptable.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 03, 2022 06:27 PM (YqDXo)

156 The GOP drooling over their predicted gains this year makes me ill.

Posted by: f'd at January 03, 2022 06:27 PM (vrz2I)


We laugh because they are "afraid" and "obsessed", but the reality is this is at best just more targeted propaganda to manipulate their sheep.

Yes, they must constantly amp up the fear -- OUR DEMOCRACY IS AT STAKE!! -- at every turn we are millimeters from becoming a Christian theocracy, a MAGA white nationalist state, etc..

Posted by: Lizzy at January 03, 2022 06:27 PM (URNdm)

158 > Matt Gaetz

Another worthless grifter.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at January 03, 2022 06:27 PM (BFigT)

159 Can't spell Brown Acid without "sid"

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 03, 2022 06:27 PM (KZzsI)

160 I'd also like to know why Republicans can't find anyone other than a spineless turd from Cali-freaking-fornia to be in charge of the party. Maybe someone who didn't have to compromise everything they say they stand for to keep getting elected. Oh. Wait. Compromising everything they say they stand for is pretty much the only consistent position Republicans have.

Posted by: squid_hunt at January 03, 2022 06:27 PM (7MBHe)

161 Greene seems to the the only person in DC with balls. I don't trust a one of them but she is first on the list if I had to pick someone.

Posted by: ... at January 03, 2022 06:28 PM (6N/S7)

162 Gerald Ford wasn't a bad guy, at least.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 03, 2022 06:28 PM (KZzsI)

163 "Well, there's one quick way to be president. Get installed as Speaker of the House, and then impeach the Biden and Harris."

Quick? Bonerific, but not quick.

Posted by: All gp's Are Liars at January 03, 2022 06:28 PM (qpX6U)

164 Like the Clintons, they stay in office/politics to stay out of jail. She isn't quitting. She'll leave but only in a coffin.
Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at January 03, 2022 06:24 PM (aXxgO)

I will contribute!

Posted by: rhennigantx at January 03, 2022 06:29 PM (yrol0)

165 > Yes. However, is Biden a sandwich?

Only when his preteen granddaughters are there for a sleepover.

Posted by: Kim Long Dong at January 03, 2022 06:29 PM (bW8dp)

166 Does Hakeem mean hocking a lougey?

Posted by: Head puddi at January 03, 2022 06:29 PM (xMh1R)

167 Another worthless grifter.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at January 03, 2022 06:27 PM

But he can really get the pay for play poontang, amirite?

Posted by: Jak Sucio at January 03, 2022 06:29 PM (jvt6t)

168 A Code Pink protester burst onto the floor and screamed "Why are you doing this?!"

Wait a minute - aren't the Capitol Police supposed to shoot to kill in this scenario? And then get awards?

Posted by: 18-1 at January 03, 2022 06:29 PM (ESjRY)

169 Can you even imagine Jim Jordan wanting to look into such open-and-shut cases of perfect normality like Hunter's laptop, the Afghanistan withdrawal, or Joe's mental fitness? What kind of bizarro-world fetishist is he anyway?

Anyway... back to the sweating, pulsating security guard manhandling the Code Pink patriot...

Posted by: red speck at January 03, 2022 06:30 PM (gS3OW)

Honestly, I hope MTG or somebody *does* draft articles, given a GOP House pickup.

Just to give Republican voters an object lesson about their delusions when 75%+ of House GOP reps condemn whoever it is in the strongest possible terms.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 03, 2022 06:30 PM (hQ23g)

171 Yes. However, is Biden a sandwich?


He could be.

Posted by: Kennedy and Dodd at January 03, 2022 06:30 PM (rAUem)

172 Matt Gaetz. MTG. Lauren Boebert.

That's pretty much all I got.
Posted by: blaster at January 03, 2022 06:26 PM (mbFEM)

Thanks I knew that there had to be a few, but three's the number, got it!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at January 03, 2022 06:30 PM (hOUT3)

173 crap

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at January 03, 2022 06:27 PM

HTML close tags are sooooo 2021...

Posted by: Zettai at January 03, 2022 06:30 PM (chB/a)

174 It's all a Uniparty show anyway. They all get theirs whichever way it goes.

Posted by: f'd at January 03, 2022 06:30 PM (vrz2I)

175 "the radical QAnon conspiracy theorists who'd replaced GOP moderates Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger"

Guess I don't know enough about Q to run for AK's seat. Plus too many closet skeletons. The bones are a problem.

Posted by: All gp's Are Liars at January 03, 2022 06:30 PM (qpX6U)

176 I'd also like to know why Republicans can't find anyone other than a spineless turd from Cali-freaking-fornia to be in charge of the party.
He's a fine man and a great leader!

Posted by: Liz Cheney, still a Caucus Member at January 03, 2022 06:30 PM (8Aixa)

177 biden will never be impeached, but to tie him up in knotts like they did to President Trump would be satisfying

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 03, 2022 06:31 PM (Irn0L)

178 Well in light of what's happening and some of the comments I can only quote Samual Jackson from Jurassic Park. Hang on to your butts.

This will be a very interesting year.

Posted by: Jewells45 deplorablethug#FJB at January 03, 2022 06:31 PM (nxdel)

179 Code Pink is a terrorist org. They helped to try and firebomb the Repub Convention in Austin. Darby decided enough with this shit and turned in the FBI that never went after the leader just a few idiots.

Posted by: rhennigantx at January 03, 2022 06:32 PM (yrol0)

180 Try to read this without crying.

Brian Stelter
>> @jrezaian: "We don't talk enough about the trauma many journalists endure - in large part because we are not supposed to know about it: Journalists never want to eclipse the subjects and broader themes at the heart of our stories."

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter 2022 at January 03, 2022 06:32 PM (FVME7)

181 56 A Code Pink protester burst onto the floor and screamed "Why are you doing this?!"

Michael Byrd shoot her in the neck

Posted by: x at January 03, 2022 06:32 PM (oA+QO)

182 He's a fine man and a great leader!
Posted by: Liz Cheney, still a Caucus Member at January 03, 2022 06:30 PM (8Aixa)

Liz Cheney hasn't seen a caucus since she was a freshman in college.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 03, 2022 06:32 PM (6FeV1)

183 >>> Impeached for what? Crimes require intent (if you're a Leftist), and intent requires sapience.
25th amendment, sure. Impeachment?

Next time ace is enjoying some busts lesbian pr0n, will you be looking over his shoulder and muttering, "Her tits are fake"?

Posted by: fluffy at January 03, 2022 06:32 PM (UnQlg)

184 Remember: the worse the Dems are, the worse the GOP can, and will, be.

And you might have noticed how bad the Dems and the idiot children in the executive branch are right now.

Posted by: rhomboid at January 03, 2022 06:32 PM (OTzUX)

185 Every fortune cookie from now on-You are in interesting times

Posted by: Ben Had at January 03, 2022 06:33 PM (hoY5O)

186 180 Try to read this without crying.

Brian Stelter
>> @jrezaian: "We don't talk enough about the trauma many journalists endure - in large part because we are not supposed to know about it: Journalists never want to eclipse the subjects and broader themes at the heart of our stories."
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter 2022 at January 03, 2022 06:32 PM (FVME7)

You poor thing. I'm playing the world's starchiest violin right now.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 03, 2022 06:33 PM (6FeV1)

187 Go head as said impeach Sundowner, the facts brought up could take moths they are so extensive with Hunter payoffs in China and Ukrane, running away in Afghanistan.

Posted by: Skip at January 03, 2022 06:33 PM (2JoB8)

188 When Dems Gerrymander it is fine. When the GOPe does it, it is racist.

Pretty standard.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 03, 2022 06:34 PM (dNqv+)

189 Well, there's one quick way to be president.

Get installed as Speaker of the House, and then impeach the Biden and Harris.

Coup, coup, cah shew.

Posted by: Braenyard at January 03, 2022 06:34 PM (2QWaF)

We don't talk enough about the trauma many journalists endure


1.) Unless it's Level I blunt force shock trauma, I don't want to talk about it.

2.) If it *is* Level I blunt force shock trauma, the I still don't want to talk about it. I just want to laugh about it.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 03, 2022 06:34 PM (hQ23g)

191 I recognize the style from 1988ish Penthouse Forum letters. Still good stuff right there and totally believable.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at January 03, 2022 06:35 PM (iDcra)

192 We don't talk enough about the trauma many journalists endure - in large part because we are not supposed to know about it: Journalists never want to eclipse the subjects and broader themes at the heart of our stories.

"Which is why we talk about it constantly on shows like this"

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 03, 2022 06:35 PM (KZzsI)

193 Heh! The Capitol Police Chief says they're down 400 officers and are seriously looking at contractors to support their force. I wonder when they'll issue Letters of Marque.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at January 03, 2022 06:35 PM (fLri9)

We don't talk enough about the trauma many journalists endure


Because you'll find out nobody gives a damn.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at January 03, 2022 06:35 PM (/U27+)

195 So... the hard on's for MTG....

Please demonstrate an accomplishment from her. Other than some tweets.

Legislatively. Because there are none. Which is why she was elected in the first place.

Being mouthy is not a recipe for success.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at January 03, 2022 06:35 PM (BFigT)

196 170
Honestly, I hope MTG or somebody *does* draft articles, given a GOP House pickup.

Just to give Republican voters an object lesson about their delusions when 75%+ of House GOP reps condemn whoever it is in the strongest possible terms.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 03, 2022 06:30 PM (hQ23g)

She was kicked off twitter and no one said a thing. Dems would Nuke San Fran if Hakeem Jeffries was banned.

Posted by: rhennigantx at January 03, 2022 06:35 PM (yrol0)

197 You poor thing. I'm playing the world's starchiest violin right now.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 03, 2022 06:33 PM (6FeV1)

You made a violin out of pasta?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 03, 2022 06:35 PM (dNqv+)

198 I think the IC has dirt on everyone in gubmint, anyone who matters. And on those who do live cleanly, well, just make up stories about Russian hookers peeing on you. They've done it before, they'll do it again.
Kabuki on, comrades!

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at January 03, 2022 06:36 PM (7Fj9P)

199 The trauma has left pink welts on my expansive, dimpled spud ass.

Posted by: Tater Seltzer at January 03, 2022 06:36 PM (Xrfse)

Dems would Nuke San Fran if Hakeem Jeffries was banned.


*hums pleasantly*

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at January 03, 2022 06:36 PM (/U27+)

201 Have Republicants spent a single second in the last year making things even marginally difficult for the fake Jello Slurper in Chief?

What would it have cost them to do so?

Posted by: ... at January 03, 2022 06:36 PM (6N/S7)

202 177 biden will never be impeached, but to tie him up in knotts like they did to President Trump would be satisfying
Posted by: Nevergiveup

We get some adults in leadership it will be done.

Posted by: Braenyard at January 03, 2022 06:37 PM (2QWaF)

203 >>Brian Stelter
>> @jrezaian: "We don't talk enough about the trauma many journalists endure - in large part because we are not supposed to know about it: Journalists never want to eclipse the subjects and broader themes at the heart of our stories."

Oh, is that why the MSM studiously covers up #MeToo type allegations directed at their own fellow media people (apart from Fox News, of course) such as Matt Lauer. Les Moonves, and Charlie Rose?

Posted by: Lizzy at January 03, 2022 06:37 PM (URNdm)

204 BIDEN: "[My wife's friend] was sayin' 'do you realize it's over 5 dollars for a pound of hamburger meat?!' 5 dollars. Well this is partly, you know, the pound of beef today costs 5 bucks compared to less than 4 bucks before the pandemic."

Good lord. The average town drunk has more going on upstairs than this fur-turtle.

Posted by: bonhomme at January 03, 2022 06:37 PM (YYlyE)

205 My Ejaculations? 7.5

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at January 03, 2022 06:37 PM (yQpMk)

206 The GOP drooling over their predicted gains this year makes me ill.
Posted by: f'd at January 03, 2022 06:27 PM (vrz2I

Perhaps you may be asking why we drool? Because at last it is our turn to control the graft!

Posted by: GOPe Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at January 03, 2022 06:38 PM (hOUT3)

207 She'll retire after her schlackin.

Posted by: SOMEASSHOLESTOLEMYPEN at January 03, 2022 06:38 PM (ytSiK)

208 Brian Stelter
>> @jrezaian: "We don't talk enough about the trauma many journalists endure

What about the trauma WE have to endure on listening to or reading their crap?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 03, 2022 06:38 PM (YqDXo)

209 compared to less than 4 bucks before the pandemic

2.99 is less that 4 bucks, so he is right there.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at January 03, 2022 06:38 PM (yQpMk)

210 Brian Stelter
>> @jrezaian: "We don't talk enough about the trauma many journalists endure

Such as being baked, boiled, fried....

Posted by: ... at January 03, 2022 06:39 PM (6N/S7)

211 This Fantasy of the Democrat Downtrodden is utterly crap. Pelosi will not resign willingly, She is the first woman speaker, and she cannot be seen as weak and resigning. AOC is touted as one of the most useless Members of congress, I am happy to let her sit there and whine.

The GOP will hide from the press and all protesters.

Posted by: Picric at January 03, 2022 06:39 PM (13tTk)

212 209 compared to less than 4 bucks before the pandemic

Before he was installed in the WH....

Posted by: It's me donna at January 03, 2022 06:39 PM (TdaKq)

213 Dems would Nuke San Fran if Hakeem Jeffries was banned.


Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 03, 2022 06:39 PM (YqDXo)

214 FauxChi

We had a collaboration with some Chinese Commu uh..Chinese Scientists

Posted by: rhennigantx at January 03, 2022 06:39 PM (yrol0)

215 From Dr Malone:

AT WORST, this report implies that the federal workplace vaccine mandates have driven what appear to be a true crime against humanity. Massive loss of life in (presumably) workers that have been forced to accept a toxic vaccine at higher frequency relative to the general population of Indiana.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 03, 2022 06:40 PM (bKdTl)

216 If some congressman do bring up impeachment it better be the real crimes., if they can be verified being the FBI is a Democrat protection agency, because it has to be shown how corrupt Sundowner is.

Posted by: Skip at January 03, 2022 06:40 PM (2JoB8)

217 IDEN: "[My wife's friend] was sayin' 'do you realize it's over 5 dollars for a pound of hamburger meat?!' 5 dollars. Well this is partly, you know, the pound of beef today costs 5 bucks compared to less than 4 bucks before the pandemic."
1) Jill has friendz???

2) The Bidet's know someone who actually buys ground beef???

I doubt this... I rate this as FALSE!!!!

Posted by: lin-duh at January 03, 2022 06:40 PM (UUBmN)

218 193 Heh! The Capitol Police Chief says they're down 400 officers and are seriously looking at contractors to support their force. I wonder when they'll issue Letters of Marque.*
Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at January 03, 2022 06:35 PM (fLri9)

*Do not forget that important part "and Reprisal!"

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at January 03, 2022 06:40 PM (hOUT3)

219 We had a collaboration with some Chinese Commu uh..Chinese Scientists
Posted by: rhennigantx at January 03, 2022 06:39 PM (yrol0)

Commu....nity Organizers! Yeah! That's the ticket!

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 03, 2022 06:40 PM (6FeV1)

You know why I didn't like the movie DIE HARD?

Because I could never understand why his very first priority wasn't to get shoes, or protect his feet with his shirt or pants, or something, anything.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at January 03, 2022 06:40 PM (goeJb)

221 177 biden will never be impeached, but to tie him up in knotts like they did to President Trump would be satisfying

A reprise of Newt's Contract With America is well in order. A clear pronouncement of what must be done and why. But, of course, the GOP is just running around pissing their pants about regaining Congress, with no idea what the fuck to do once their dog catches up to the car.

Posted by: red speck at January 03, 2022 06:41 PM (gS3OW)

222 I think by now it has been richly demonstrated that you don't need "grounds" for impeachment, all you need is the votes.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at January 03, 2022 06:41 PM (jTmQV)

223 The Shocking Film They Tried To Block!

See A Republic On Fire!

See The Spineless Quiver!

Hear The Lamentations Of The Womyn!

"It Came From Mar-A-Lago!"

In 3D Technicolor

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Naughty or Nice? Slay Ride 2 - Santa's Back!- at January 03, 2022 06:41 PM (3yqPP)

224 Hakeem Jefferies is nuttier then Nancy Pelosi's shit after a three-day Brazil Nut and Booze binge.

Posted by: Marcus T at January 03, 2022 06:41 PM (cFL36)

225 Just got an email from my employer, we return to work Wednesday:

basically it says we will continue to live in fear out of an abundance of caution

Posted by: DB at January 03, 2022 06:41 PM (geLO8)

226 2) The Bidet's know someone who actually buys ground beef???

I doubt this... I rate this as FALSE!!!!
Posted by: lin-duh at January 03, 2022 06:40 PM (UUBmN)

Have you priced ground wagyu lately? I mean, come on man....

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at January 03, 2022 06:41 PM (hOUT3)

227 You know why I didn't like the movie DIE HARD?

Because I could never understand why his very first priority wasn't to get shoes, or protect his feet with his shirt or pants, or something, anything.
Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at January 03, 2022 06:40 PM (goeJb)

He does try to take shoes of one of the terrorists he kills, but the guy's feet were too small.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 03, 2022 06:41 PM (dNqv+)

228 The Bidet's know someone who actually buys ground beef???

She's a composite. Her composite name is Julia.

Posted by: Baracky O'Cracky at January 03, 2022 06:42 PM (Xrfse)

229 Nanzi Palsi will not go willingly and will have to have the reins of democrat power ripped from her cold dead talons.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at January 03, 2022 06:42 PM (iDcra)

230 >>I think by now it has been richly demonstrated that you don't need "grounds" for impeachment, all you need is the votes.

Hell, you don't even need a Chief Justice

Posted by: DB at January 03, 2022 06:42 PM (geLO8)

231 > 2.99 is less that 4 bucks, so he is right there.

I feel like you missed how utterly sub-moronic Full Diaper Joe's statement was.

Meat is above five dollars a pound


it used to be less than four.


Posted by: bonhomme at January 03, 2022 06:42 PM (YYlyE)

232 In 3D Technicolor
Posted by: Mikey NTH - Naughty or Nice? Slay Ride 2 - Santa's Back!- at January 03, 2022 06:41 PM (3yqPP)

And fully funded by taxpayer dollars to NPR

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at January 03, 2022 06:42 PM (hOUT3)

233 They will investigate Biden for 6 years, and just sort of fizzle out with nothing. But they will have plenty of fodder for fundraising emails.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 03, 2022 06:43 PM (bKdTl)

234 Joey Shitbritches is more of a veal guy, IYKWIM

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 03, 2022 06:43 PM (6FeV1)

235 He does try to take shoes of one of the terrorists he kills, but the guy's feet were too small.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 03, 2022 06:41 PM (dNqv+)

Tom Hanks handled that in Castaway.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at January 03, 2022 06:43 PM (yQpMk)

236 I think the David French doppleganger is one tizzy away from realizing his true calling: The Bulwark.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (5pTK/)) at January 03, 2022 06:43 PM (5pTK/)

237 Lol. You forget Kevin McCarthy will be speaker. He's the same guy who let MTG take it in the neck. Then you've got Jimmy Google Jordan. The two of them could talk the ears off a China doll. Ask them to actually do something? Nah.

Posted by: Marcus T at January 03, 2022 06:43 PM (cFL36)

238 Have you priced ground wagyu lately? I mean, come on man....
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar
Yes, $7.99/lb for "American Wagyu" here. I grabbed a pound Friday to make potstickers.

Posted by: lin-duh at January 03, 2022 06:43 PM (UUBmN)

239 I too bulged at the prospect of Trump announcing the impeachment with a big bang of the gavel. More lefties should write this type of stuff.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at January 03, 2022 06:43 PM (coYBh)

240 But, of course, the GOP is just running around pissing their pants about regaining Congress, with no idea what the fuck to do once their dog catches up to the car.

Winning congress is going to be as much a disaster for them as it was the last time, because there will be some nominal expectation that they do something different from the dems.

Posted by: Methos at January 03, 2022 06:44 PM (kOpft)

241 Julie Kelly on Twitter:

"Interesting filing today in Oath Keepers case. Defense wants to subpoena Ray Epps, Stewart Rhodes, and Officer Harry Dunn, who several Oath Keepers say they helped protect from violent protesters."

Posted by: IrishEi at January 03, 2022 06:44 PM (0TVNF)

"...House Leadership understands what many of their most right-leaning constituents do not - an impeachment drive would push away results-oriented, pocketbook voters in favor of a tribalistic ploy to shore up support with Trump's fading base.

Voters in 2022 want an end to the division of the Trump Era, and a Congress that can work with the President to deliver sound policy for the American people.

Did you enjoy this column? Then, please... click the link to donate to Publication Y, and help conservatives stop the radical Democrat agenda in its tracks."

Posted by: Conservative Media Ecosystem™ at January 03, 2022 06:44 PM (hQ23g)

243 The Shocking Film They Tried To Block!
See A Republic On Fire!
See The Spineless Quiver!
Hear The Lamentations Of The Womyn!
"It Came From Mar-A-Lago!"

In 3D Technicolor

Posted by: Mikey NTH

I'm in, baby!

Posted by: Irwin Allen at January 03, 2022 06:44 PM (4I/2K)

244 216 If some congressman do bring up impeachment it better be the real crimes., if they can be verified being the FBI is a Democrat protection agency, because it has to be shown how corrupt Sundowner is.

Posted by: Skip

You've got McCarthy's number.
He would stick thumbs in his lapels, make the talk shows and bring up charges designed to fail.

Posted by: Braenyard at January 03, 2022 06:45 PM (2QWaF)

He does try to take shoes of one of the terrorists he kills, but the guy's feet were too small.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 03, 2022 06:41 PM (dNqv+)

Tom Hanks handled that in Castaway.
Posted by: G'rump928(c)

With the coconuts?

Or am I thinking of the Gilligan's Island...

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at January 03, 2022 06:45 PM (goeJb)

246 with no idea what the fuck to do once their dog catches up to the car.
Posted by: red speck at January 03, 2022 06:41 PM (gS3OW)

Like JCS in the 'stan after twenty years in without a coherent (or any) definition of victory?

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at January 03, 2022 06:45 PM (hOUT3)

247 Meat is above five dollars a pound


it used to be less than four.

Posted by: bonhomme at January 03, 2022 06:42 PM (YYlyE)

I think you're being to hard on Joe, or, you've got higher expectations than I do. The fact Joe managed to put together a sentence that almost made sense is quite the accomplishment, these days.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (5pTK/)) at January 03, 2022 06:45 PM (5pTK/)

248 I'm not sure you people appreciate where shoes rank on the priority list when being hunted by Eurotrash terrorosts! Come on man.

Posted by: Holly Genarro's Husband at January 03, 2022 06:46 PM (oWBc3)

249 Democrats believe they are going to pass the voting fraud act by getting Sinema and Manchin on board. They already have Tester and a few others ready to vote for a filibuster suspension, just like the trick that Republicans let them use for the debt ceiling. "But they won't do that again", right Republicans?

Pull my finger.

Posted by: Marcus T at January 03, 2022 06:46 PM (cFL36)

250 The PA Senate race is about to get even more crowded:

David McCormick, CEO of Bridgewater Associates, resigned today in advance of a probable run.

BA is based in CT, and he currently lives in CT. His wife is a managing director at Goldman Sachs, McCormick worked under GWB's administration (Treasury), and was probably friends with Jim Comey, when he was Chief Legal Officer at Bridgewater before going to head the FBI.

GOPe, or not? Between him and Dr. Oz, it's not looking good for our side in PA.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at January 03, 2022 06:46 PM (v7GsP)

251 Aw come on man. $5 per pound for hamburger seems a lot more than the under $4.75 per pound it used to be before the scam ahhh plandemic.

Posted by: Joe Biden at January 03, 2022 06:46 PM (iDcra)

252 Because I could never understand why his very first priority wasn't to get shoes, or protect his feet with his shirt or pants, or something, anything.
Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at January 03, 2022 06:40 PM (goeJb)

I hated the teddy bear. Fucking desperate act of a child predator!

Posted by: rhennigantx at January 03, 2022 06:46 PM (yrol0)

253 I like the fear of revenge by them. It's justified, because I want revenge. And by revenge, I mean Pinochet-throwing-commies-out-of-helicopters revenge.

Posted by: Biden Stercore in eius braccae at January 03, 2022 06:47 PM (KX4VP)

254 238 Have you priced ground wagyu lately? I mean, come on man....
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar
Yes, $7.99/lb for "American Wagyu" here. I grabbed a pound Friday to make potstickers.
Posted by: lin-duh at January 03, 2022 06:43 PM (UUBmN)

I should have known better than to ask that question on this blog...

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at January 03, 2022 06:47 PM (hOUT3)

255 Ho! Ho! Ho! Now I have a pair of Crocs.

Posted by: Die Fabulous! at January 03, 2022 06:47 PM (4I/2K)

256 lin-duh, American Wagyu, trademark that !

Posted by: Ben Had at January 03, 2022 06:47 PM (hoY5O)

257 Marcus T, it's not written in stone that McCarthy will be speaker.

Posted by: Braenyard at January 03, 2022 06:47 PM (2QWaF)

258 But, of course, the GOP is just running around pissing their pants about regaining Congress, with no idea what the fuck to do once their dog catches up to the car.

Reality: the GOP will then just have 2 years to share the blame for everything that happens and remind voters, including blue-collar folks, that they are worthless.

The only upside to a GOP takeover of Congress would be that the Senate could then shut down any liberal supreme court appointment if that becomes an issue.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at January 03, 2022 06:48 PM (QU5/8)

259 How bad does one of your parents hate you that they insist on Robinette as your middle name?

Posted by: Azathoth at January 03, 2022 06:48 PM (dA0zJ)

260 "Did you enjoy this column? Then, please... click the link to donate to Publication Y, and help conservatives stop the radical Democrat agenda in its tracks."
Posted by: Conservative Media Ecosystem at January 03, 2022 06:44 PM (hQ23g)"

Salem Media, is that you?

Posted by: Marcus T at January 03, 2022 06:48 PM (cFL36)

261 > I think you're being to hard on Joe, or, you've got higher expectations than I do. The fact Joe managed to put together a sentence that almost made sense is quite the accomplishment, these days.

Housecats are short because they have a tail.
Trashcans are round because they have a lid.
Jack Murphy is a cuck because he has a beard.

OK, that last one may actually be true.

Posted by: bonhomme at January 03, 2022 06:49 PM (YYlyE)

Reality: the GOP will then just have 2 years to share the blame for everything


That is their role in our national kabuki theater; it is literally the only function they serve in American government.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 03, 2022 06:49 PM (hQ23g)

263 "Marcus T, it's not written in stone that McCarthy will be speaker.
Posted by: Braenyard at January 03, 2022 06:47 PM (2QWaF)"

No it isn't. But Trump supports him and McCarthy is using the House funds to support many of the new candidates. Guess who they'll vote for?

Posted by: Marcus T at January 03, 2022 06:50 PM (cFL36)

264 The only upside to a GOP takeover of Congress would be that the Senate could then shut down any liberal supreme court appointment if that becomes an issue.
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at January 03, 2022 06:48 PM (QU5/

"Ahem! Not so fast there citizen"

Posted by: Turtle Mitch at January 03, 2022 06:50 PM (hOUT3)

265 I like the fear of revenge by them. It's justified, because I want revenge. And by revenge, I mean Pinochet-throwing-commies-out-of-helicopters revenge.

That's a terrible thing to say.

Posted by: Methos at January 03, 2022 06:50 PM (kOpft)

266 I do hope Hakeem Jeffries becomes Speaker.

If there's anything to make that chamber full of carny folk any better, it's an affirmative action hire to lead them.

Posted by: Azathoth at January 03, 2022 06:50 PM (dA0zJ)

267 259 How bad does one of your parents hate you that they insist on Robinette as your middle name?
Posted by: Azathoth at January 03, 2022 06:48 PM (dA0zJ)

It implies some sort of lineage worth noting, I suppose.

Never heard of a whore named "Robinette", but hey, I don't claim to know everything.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 03, 2022 06:50 PM (6FeV1)

268 Ho! Ho! Ho! Now I have a pair of Crocs.
Posted by: Die Fabulous! at January 03, 2022 06:47 PM (4I/2K)

I snorted out loud.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at January 03, 2022 06:50 PM (yQpMk)

269 go away! Baitin!

Posted by: steven burley at January 03, 2022 06:51 PM (TTy55)

270 Jack Murphy is a cuck because he has a beard.

OK, that last one may actually be true.
Posted by: bonhomme at January 03, 2022 06:49 PM (YYlyE)

You mean the bad dye job or his girlfriend/fiancé/prostitute?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 03, 2022 06:51 PM (dNqv+)

271 Marcus T, it's not written in stone that McCarthy will be speaker.
Posted by: Braenyard at January 03, 2022 06:47 PM (2QWaF)

Better yet comrade Braenyard, it is written in the Epstein files!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at January 03, 2022 06:51 PM (hOUT3)

272 > But, of course, the GOP is just running around pissing their pants about regaining Congress, with no idea what the fuck to do once their dog catches up to the car.

They know exactly what they're going to do once they win. They'll be Dem-lite and let the left co-govern out of comity.

Their plan has never changed. They always rely on the left overplaying their hand, and being a slightly less insane alternative. That's it. That's their plan.

Posted by: bonhomme at January 03, 2022 06:51 PM (YYlyE)

273 Marcus T, it's not written in stone that McCarthy will be speaker.

Does he have a primary challenger?

Posted by: Methos at January 03, 2022 06:51 PM (kOpft)

274 I read a Baylon Bee article titled, The View Looks to Have a Big Pinanta as Conservative Host. Ad I thought didn't Ana Novarro already host the view?

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at January 03, 2022 06:52 PM (iDcra)

275 >>>GOPe, or not? Between him and Dr. Oz, it's not looking good for our side in PA.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at January 03, 2022 06:46 PM (v7GsP)

GOPe behind the scenes. Put money on two POS in the primary. Mr. Real Conservative does not have the pockets to make a showing in the primary.

Door #1 you lose, door #2 you lose, door#3 nobody knows his name.

Posted by: Braenyard at January 03, 2022 06:52 PM (2QWaF)

276 They know exactly what they're going to do once they win. They'll be Dem-lite and let the left co-govern out of comity.

Their plan has never changed. They always rely on the left overplaying their hand, and being a slightly less insane alternative. That's it. That's their plan.
Posted by: bonhomme at January 03, 2022 06:51 PM (YYlyE)

100% this.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at January 03, 2022 06:52 PM (v7GsP)

277 "Marcus T, it's not written in stone that McCarthy will be speaker.
Posted by: Braenyard at January 03, 2022 06:47 PM (2QWaF)"

No. And he does not have a challenger for speaker. Scalise would be the next choice, but he won't run against McCarthy.

Posted by: Marcus T at January 03, 2022 06:53 PM (cFL36)

278 IrishEi I have been wondering when the FBI front-end would get dragged into court

Posted by: Skip at January 03, 2022 06:53 PM (2JoB8)

I'm dying to see one of those Code Pinkos get up in Greene's face just to watch her deliver an uppercut to the face, shattering the Pinko's jaw.

Please, Santa. I didn't ask anything for Christmas, so...

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 03, 2022 06:53 PM (n+4am)

It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that Jack Murphy is a closet-queen. I subscribe to Ace's notion that all cucks are.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 03, 2022 06:53 PM (hQ23g)

281 I thought Biden's middle initial stood for "Retard"

Posted by: Weasel at January 03, 2022 06:53 PM (0IeYL)

282 PM (QU5/

"Ahem! Not so fast there citizen"
Posted by: Turtle Mitch at January 03, 2022 06:50 PM (hOUT3)

You're political days may be numbered.

Posted by: Braenyard at January 03, 2022 06:54 PM (2QWaF)

283 Imagine the ego of these carpetbaggers running for senate from another state!

Posted by: Hillary! at January 03, 2022 06:54 PM (KGb/R)

284 Weasel!!!!

Posted by: Ben Had at January 03, 2022 06:54 PM (hoY5O)

285 Newt Gingrich has written it in crayon with pictures for MCCarthy. He should have their legislative agenda Layed out already for what Republicans will do with a majority. I'll give you two guess why McCarthy hadn't done it.

Posted by: Marcus T at January 03, 2022 06:55 PM (cFL36)

286 Hi Ben Had!!!

Posted by: Weasel at January 03, 2022 06:56 PM (0IeYL)

287 >>He should have their legislative agenda Layed out already for what Republicans will do with a majority.

they will squander the opportunity, again

Posted by: DB at January 03, 2022 06:56 PM (geLO8)

288 No. And he does not have a challenger for speaker. Scalise would be the next choice, but he won't run against McCarthy.
Posted by: Marcus T at January 03, 2022 06:53 PM (cFL36)

Scalise has been such a disappointment. Gabby Giffords gets shot, and her hubby leverages that into a Senate seat. Scalise almost dies on that ballfield, and you hardly ever hear from the guy. At minimum, he should have been Minority Leader by this time.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at January 03, 2022 06:56 PM (v7GsP)

289 Posted by: Braenyard at January 03, 2022 06:52 PM (2QWaF

Trump could cut a 30 second ad.

Posted by: Hillary! at January 03, 2022 06:57 PM (KGb/R)

290 Posted by: Hillary! at January 03, 2022 06:54 PM (KGb/R)

This could be the most perfect nic/hash combo.

Posted by: April -- dash my lace wigs! at January 03, 2022 06:57 PM (OX9vb)

No doubt all cucks are queers.
They don't want to admit they're fags.

Just like trannies -- they can't cope with being queer, so they pretend to be the opposite sex.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at January 03, 2022 06:57 PM (goeJb)

292 285 Newt Gingrich has written it in crayon with pictures for MCCarthy. He should have their legislative agenda Layed out already for what Republicans will do with a majority. I'll give you two guess why McCarthy hadn't done it.
Posted by: Marcus T at January 03, 2022 06:55 PM (cFL36)

The guy can't even strip Kinzinger and Cheney's committee assignments, while he let MTG twist in the wind while hers were taken away. Tells me all I need to know about the guy.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at January 03, 2022 06:58 PM (v7GsP)

293 Without the presidency, nothing we do will matter, blah blah blah.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 03, 2022 06:58 PM (dNqv+)

294 Do not underestimate the GOP's gift for turning victory into defeat.

Posted by: Weasel at January 03, 2022 06:58 PM (0IeYL)

295 "Scalise has been such a disappointment. Gabby Giffords gets shot, and her hubby leverages that into a Senate seat. Scalise almost dies on that ballfield, and you hardly ever hear from the guy. At minimum, he should have been Minority Leader by this time.
Posted by: Darrell Harris at January 03, 2022 06:56 PM (v7GsP)"

Scalise has done what he can. But he's comfortable where he is. If he ran against McCarthy it would be over.

Posted by: Marcus T at January 03, 2022 06:58 PM (cFL36)

296 There are at least 100,000 killed by the vaccine.

Whoops! Whoopsie! Well, there were too many involved to hold anyone accountable. And, you know, pandemic, uncertain times and all. Time to

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 03, 2022 06:58 PM (bKdTl)

297 A Los Angeles mother said n December that her 13-year-old son, who has asthma, was given the COVID-19 vaccine without her knowledge or permission. Maribel Duarte told local media her son came home from the Barack Obama Global Prep Academy in South Los Angeles with a COVID-19 vaccine card after he was administered the Pfizer shot in exchange for pizza.

I think I see the problem.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at January 03, 2022 06:59 PM (yQpMk)

298 > How bad does one of your parents hate you that they insist on Robinette as your middle name?

They were ahead of their time. They figured he might want to "transition" as an adult.

As it happens, he turned out to be a pedo rather than a tranny, but it's the thought that counts!

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at January 03, 2022 06:59 PM (bW8dp)

299 >>>Do not underestimate the GOP's gift for turning victory into defeat.
Posted by: Weasel at January 03, 2022 06:58 PM (0IeYL)

Perfecting mediocrity since 1992

Posted by: In Reel Life (yes, dummy, on purpose) at January 03, 2022 06:59 PM (QYPq3)

300 OMG!
Just srop!
At my age I cannot take this kind of excitement.
Ohhh! me! Do me now!!!

Posted by: Diogenes at January 03, 2022 06:59 PM (axyOa)

301 are they challenging times or uncertain times?

asking for a fiend

Posted by: DB at January 03, 2022 06:59 PM (geLO8)

302 > There are at least 100,000 killed by the vaccine.

Source please.

Posted by: bonhomme at January 03, 2022 07:00 PM (YYlyE)

303 I doubt a hundred thousand killed by Fake Vax, wouldn't doubt 1/2 of that number are going to have serious health and for females reproduction issues.

Posted by: Skip at January 03, 2022 07:01 PM (2JoB8)

304 I'd pluck me. I'd pluck me hard.

Posted by: The Chicken at January 03, 2022 07:01 PM (yQpMk)

305 These certainly are uncertainty challenging times. It is the new normal.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 03, 2022 07:01 PM (bKdTl)

306 Robinette. You are not going to be worthy enough to get the full power of the Robin name, kid, you are merely going to be mini-Robin.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 03, 2022 07:01 PM (dNqv+)

307 read a Baylon Bee article titled, The View Looks to Have a Big Pinanta as Conservative Host. Ad I thought didn't Ana Novarro already host the view?
Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at January 03, 2022 06:52 PM (iDcra)

Problem is that no matter how hard they beat her with sticks they still didn't get any candy

Posted by: Kindltot at January 03, 2022 07:01 PM (ZMraq)

308 "The guy can't even strip Kinzinger and Cheney's committee assignments, while he let MTG twist in the wind while hers were taken away. Tells me all I need to know about the guy.
Posted by: Darrell Harris at January 03, 2022 06:58 PM (v7GsP)"

McCarthy is weak. He's McConnell's alter ego. People have no idea how bad this platitude peddler will be for the party. He's not just inarticulate and dumb. He's part of the swamp and he's going to sell us out. This is going to be Repeal Obamacare on steroids. Nothing will change.

Posted by: Marcus T at January 03, 2022 07:01 PM (cFL36)

Posted by: Kindltot at January 03, 2022 07:01 PM (ZMraq)

310 No doubt all cucks are queers.
They don't want to admit they're fags.

Just like trannies -- they can't cope with being queer, so they pretend to be the opposite sex.


I disagree. I think that they are horribly insecure. The fetish is a coping mechanism: they get pleased by the idea that a) "aren't I such a loving husband by allowing her to get the pleasure that I can't provide," or b) "other guys fucking her means that she's desirable and so it bolsters my sense of my own masculinity that she's in a relationship with me."

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at January 03, 2022 07:01 PM (6SGC1)

311 narf

Posted by: Kindltot at January 03, 2022 07:02 PM (ZMraq)

312 How many 18-64 year olds die in a typical year. Now what is 40% of that?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at January 03, 2022 07:02 PM (bKdTl)

313 Damn. I should.have read this before taking a bath. My wife was attending me! We have bath oils!!!

Posted by: Cicero Kaboom! Kid bath spank at January 03, 2022 07:02 PM (n/szn)

314 Scalise, has always been GOPe.
The shooter didn't know who he was shooting he was going for the best opportunity.

Posted by: Braenyard at January 03, 2022 07:02 PM (2QWaF)

315 > Source please.

Some Random Dude on the Internet.

And Some Random Dude is never wrong. This is known. They wouldn't let Some Random Dude have a Twitter account and a blog if he weren't legit.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at January 03, 2022 07:02 PM (bW8dp)

316 IrishEi I have been wondering when the FBI front-end would get dragged into court
Posted by: Skip at January 03, 2022 06:53 PM (2JoB

Trial is scheduled for April. Could be very interesting.

Posted by: IrishEi at January 03, 2022 07:03 PM (0TVNF)

317 Brian Stelter
>> @jrezaian: "We don't talk enough about the trauma many journalists endure

We need to discuss the damage done staring into the lifeless, dull, eyes of Brian Stelter. Seriously, he's a creepy looking dude.

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 03, 2022 07:04 PM (sAmhv)

318 I missed this one. Fauci says we are overcounting Covid cases by testing people who go to the hospital for things other than Covid. If they are positive, even if they're in for something else, they are put in the Hospitalized from Covid category.

I remember when people were kicked off Twitter and YouTube for this exact point.

Posted by: bonhomme at January 03, 2022 07:04 PM (YYlyE)

319 > Robinette. You are not going to be worthy enough to get the full power of the Robin name, kid, you are merely going to be mini-Robin.

The only superhero gayer than Robin is Aquaman.

Joseph Aquaman Biden. I think he could actually have made that work when he was lifeguarding (i.e., the last time in his life he held an honest job).

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at January 03, 2022 07:04 PM (bW8dp)

320 265 I like the fear of revenge by them. It's justified, because I want revenge. And by revenge, I mean Pinochet-throwing-commies-out-of-helicopters revenge.

That's a terrible thing to say.

Posted by: Methos at January 03, 2022 06:50 PM (kOpft)

Indeed. I hope you lose 2 or 3 seconds of a sound good nights sleep over it, at least once.

Posted by: Alcoholic Asshole Shut In at January 03, 2022 07:04 PM (SwUU0)

321 Do not underestimate the GOP's gift for turning victory into defeat.
Posted by: Weasel at January 03, 2022 06:58 PM (0IeYL)

I resemble that remark!

Posted by: Paul Ryan, Stopping The Left He Didn't at January 03, 2022 07:04 PM (R/m4+)

322 BenHad,

"American Wagyu" has been a thing for a while. Supposed to be the Japanese breed of cows used in Japan for Wagyu but raise here in the USA. Problem is we don't feed them beer, play music, and massage the American version so there is no way the meat gets to be anywhere near like what actually comes from Japan.

Posted by: lin-duh at January 03, 2022 07:05 PM (UUBmN)

323 brb

Posted by: Ace at 05:02 PM

Ace gave himself a chubby.

Posted by: wth at January 03, 2022 07:05 PM (v0R5T)

324 > Problem is that no matter how hard they beat her with sticks they still didn't get any candy

Maybe, but I'd think beating her with sticks would be its own reward.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at January 03, 2022 07:05 PM (bW8dp)

325 I disagree. I think that they are horribly insecure. The fetish is a coping mechanism: they get pleased by the idea that a) "aren't I such a loving husband by allowing her to get the pleasure that I can't provide," or b) "other guys fucking her means that she's desirable and so it bolsters my sense of my own masculinity that she's in a relationship with me."
Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at January 03, 2022 07:01 PM (6SGC1)

Wrong read in this case, I think. From watching some of the stuff on him and how he reacted to the one lady reading the superchat: he thinks women are dirt. He wants to humiliate his girlfriend- that is what is getting him off (do not ask me for examples, this is a family blog.) He completely went off all over the Sidney gal who read the superchat, but did not do the same to her cohost or Tim Pool for example.

He might be gay and is sublimating that into hatred of women, I dunno. He is definitely an asshole though.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 03, 2022 07:06 PM (dNqv+)

326 Problem is that no matter how hard they beat her with sticks they still didn't get any candy

Posted by: Kindltot at January 03, 2022 07:01 PM (ZMraq)

They get gravy, though, which is almost as good.

Posted by: Alcoholic Asshole Shut In at January 03, 2022 07:06 PM (SwUU0)

327 Kindltot to the barrel.

Posted by: nurse ratched at January 03, 2022 07:06 PM (ZCyX4)

328 The fetish is a coping mechanism: they get pleased by the idea that a) "aren't I such a loving husband by allowing her to get the pleasure that I can't provide," or b) "other guys fucking her means that she's desirable and so it bolsters my sense of my own masculinity that she's in a relationship with me."


Don't forget item c) "I want to be in the room whole another dude's big sweaty cock flops around."

I'm pretty sure that's part of the equation, too.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 03, 2022 07:07 PM (hQ23g)

329 Burrrrrpppp!

Posted by: The Barrel at January 03, 2022 07:07 PM (R/m4+)

330 I've been noting and mocking McCarthy's absurd 11th hour border security stunt in 2018 for years.

It really was iconic and defining. Not about McCarthy, who's from the lower tier of forgettable public figures, 98% of whom are forgettable.

About the voters. He had a reasonable expectation that after having his party seized by an outsider largely on the issue of border security/immigration, and having his caucus do literally nothing to support that outsider's agenda in this area, his party could (at the last moment) campaign as warriors on the topic.

A country dumbed-down beyond recognition.

Posted by: rhomboid at January 03, 2022 07:07 PM (OTzUX)

331 The only superhero gayer than Robin is Aquaman.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at January 03, 2022 07:04 PM (bW8dp)
What the actual FUCK?!

Posted by: The Ray at January 03, 2022 07:07 PM (OaZlZ)

332 Trial is scheduled for April. Could be very interesting.


Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenko gender fluid at January 03, 2022 07:08 PM (gz1VM)

333 >>>And Some Random Dude is never wrong. This is known. They wouldn't let Some Random Dude have a Twitter account and a blog if he weren't legit.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at January 03, 2022 07:02 PM (bW8dp)

What's a blog?

Posted by: Sen. Joe Biden at January 03, 2022 07:08 PM (QYPq3)

334 I figure that AOC makes her pudgy manlet soyfriend watch while she does other guys.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at January 03, 2022 07:08 PM (bW8dp)

335 195 So... the hard on's for MTG....

Please demonstrate an accomplishment from her. Other than some tweets.

Legislatively. Because there are none. Which is why she was elected in the first place.

Being mouthy is not a recipe for success.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at January 03, 2022 06:35 PM (BFigT)

One could say the same about Trump. I think MTG is out there perhaps acting as a foil to AOC, and the more the media hyperventilates over the two, the more even LIVs will learn that they share more views with MTG. I honestly doubt that there are large numbers of non-Twitter addicted weirdos who hate Gaetz and Greene.

Posted by: Eric Schmidt at January 03, 2022 07:08 PM (ulaXh)

336 All porn stories rely on some suspension of disbelief.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at January 03, 2022 06:06 PM (z5Vrg)

Dear Penthouse:
It was the beginning of 2022, and Brian Stelter insisted that CNN doesn't lie.

And then something happened that I never would have believed...

Trust. The. Plan.


Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at January 03, 2022 07:08 PM (Mzdiz)

337 Don't forget item c) "I want to be in the room whole another dude's big sweaty cock flops around."

I'm pretty sure that's part of the equation, too.


Except that Murphy stated that he wasn't around when she was getting fucked.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at January 03, 2022 07:08 PM (6SGC1)

The fetish is a coping mechanism: they get pleased by the idea that a) "aren't I such a loving husband by allowing her to get the pleasure that I can't provide," or b) "other guys fucking her means that she's desirable and so it bolsters my sense of my own masculinity that she's in a relationship with me."


Don't forget item c) "I want to be in the room whole another dude's big sweaty cock flops around."

I'm pretty sure that's part of the equation, too.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice


Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at January 03, 2022 07:09 PM (goeJb)

339 He might be gay and is sublimating that into hatred of women, I dunno


He shoved a dildo up his ass.

If you do that... You're gay. No two ways about it.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 03, 2022 07:09 PM (hQ23g)

340 >>>I figure that AOC makes her pudgy manlet soyfriend watch while she does other guys.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at January 03, 2022 07:08 PM (bW8dp)

My boyfriend's boyfriend only attacks me because he can't date me.

Posted by: AOC at January 03, 2022 07:10 PM (QYPq3)

341 > If you do that... You're gay. No two ways about it.

Agreed. If you put anything up there for other than legitimate medical reasons....

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at January 03, 2022 07:10 PM (bW8dp)

Except that Murphy stated that he wasn't around when she was getting fucked.
Posted by: Colorado Alex

That we know about.
But we do know he "gets off" when she describes, in detail, her experience. And by "her experience," I mean the other dude.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at January 03, 2022 07:10 PM (goeJb)

343 @272

>>They know exactly what they're going to do once they win.

They typically jack around with taxes, do small ball shit noone except them cares about and get into fights with their voters and other general fuckery.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at January 03, 2022 07:10 PM (fubZS)

344 I figure that AOC makes her pudgy manlet soyfriend watch while she does other guys.
Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at January 03, 2022 07:08 PM (bW8dp)

She pegs him and makes him call her "Papi".

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at January 03, 2022 07:10 PM (R/m4+)

345 How bad does one of your parents hate you that they insist on Robinette as your middle name?
Posted by: Azathoth at January 03, 2022 06:48 PM (dA0zJ)

Joe Biden Jr.'s father's parents were Joseph Biden and Mary Elizabeth Robinette.

It was pretty common practice up until fairly recently that children took their mother's maiden surname as their middle name.

Posted by: Additional Blond Agent, STEM Guy at January 03, 2022 07:11 PM (ZSK0i)

346 Note... I have installed a new trigger into my ar. Simple even i can do it. My build is finished.

Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at January 03, 2022 07:11 PM (0OmEj)

347 "Biddy, biddy, biddy"
"You said it Twiki, Colonel Deering does have a nice form"
"I think Dr Theopolus, that the correct phrase is 'nice ass'"
"Oh Buck!"
*Col Deering punches Buck playfully in the shoulder*
*Everyone laughs*
End scene

Sorry, sometimes I have a one track mind.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at January 03, 2022 07:11 PM (fs1hN)

348 334 I figure that AOC makes her pudgy manlet soyfriend watch while she does other guys.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia

Sometimes she'll reward him, and he can watch all girl action with The Squad.

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 03, 2022 07:11 PM (sAmhv)

349 He shoved a dildo up his ass.

If you do that... You're gay. No two ways about it.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 03, 2022 07:09 PM (hQ23g)

Yeah, I thought of that part too after I hit post. Plus the videos where he is talking about doing young guys.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 03, 2022 07:11 PM (dNqv+)

350 Way beef cattle in Japan get treated to the life of Reilly.
Until that one day...

Posted by: gourmand du jour at January 03, 2022 07:11 PM (jTmQV)





Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at January 03, 2022 07:11 PM (goeJb)

352 339 He might be gay and is sublimating that into hatred of women, I dunno


He shoved a dildo up his ass.

If you do that... You're gay. No two ways about it.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 03, 2022 07:09 PM (hQ23g)

Why does this blog always turn into a discussion about ace's sex life?

Posted by: Alcoholic Asshole Shut In at January 03, 2022 07:12 PM (SwUU0)

353 > The only superhero gayer than Robin is Aquaman.

I don't know. Marvel had a dude who could turn into a door to get people through solid walls. His very imaginative name was "Doorman".

Posted by: bonhomme at January 03, 2022 07:12 PM (YYlyE)

354 It was pretty common practice up until fairly recently that children took their mother's maiden surname as their middle name.
Posted by: Additional Blond Agent, STEM Guy at January 03, 2022 07:11 PM (ZSK0i)

Especially with the "lunch bucket" set!

Posted by: Chuck Martel at January 03, 2022 07:12 PM (fs1hN)

355 > Sometimes she'll reward him, and he can watch all girl action with The Squad.

Sometimes she'll punish him, and make him watch all girl action with The View.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at January 03, 2022 07:12 PM (bW8dp)

356 Looks like Amy's man hands are going to carry the day.

Dude is quick on the buzzer.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at January 03, 2022 07:12 PM (fubZS)

357 When I gag myself with a dildo, it may be shaped like a guy's dick--but it's totally not a guy's dick.

Posted by: Fiercely Hetero at January 03, 2022 07:13 PM (OaZlZ)

358 Ya gotta just know the dems are employing every dirty trick they can now to get the goods on any republican that has any shot at a committee leadership seat, and even those that dont. This includes their staffers and family members. Hookers, blow, money, the works.

Posted by: Diogenes at January 03, 2022 07:13 PM (axyOa)

359 347 "Biddy, biddy, biddy"
"You said it Twiki, Colonel Deering does have a nice form"
"I think Dr Theopolus, that the correct phrase is 'nice ass'"
"Oh Buck!"
*Col Deering punches Buck playfully in the shoulder*
*Everyone laughs*
End scene

Sorry, sometimes I have a one track mind.
Posted by: Chuck Martel at January 03, 2022 07:11 PM (fs1hN)

And then there the long hoped for pole dance off between Wilma and Ardala.

Posted by: Fox2! at January 03, 2022 07:16 PM (Hpenq)

360 TBH I'm not liking that way of doing things. Because that's probably what the Dems have planned.

That said, If that's what has to be done because we know the left won't play fair at all then we could try it.

I would guess tho that the Intelligence community, the woke military and the DC Police and FBI would step in and stop it. There's no way they would allow that to go forward no matter how technically legal it may be. They will not allow Trump to be President again.

That may serve a good purpose in that they will be exposed for all to see what exactly they're in favor of and that it's them who are all for a Military Junta and 3rd worldism for the US. What good that will do would remain to be seen. Maybe arose enough people to stand up to it with arms? I don't know. Don't know if that's what should happen.

I'm at a loss on all fronts. Mainly because they've put us on alert they won't play by any rules. So what happens won't be dictated by any rule book and we'll have to see what happens before we can act. It's not good reacting to your enemies.

Posted by: jakee308 at January 03, 2022 07:18 PM (DqrLy)

361 47 Hakeem Jeffries makes Hank Johnson sound and look inteeligent.
Posted by: garrett at January 03, 2022 06:11 PM (97xpy)

Is that even possible?

Posted by: Clutch at January 03, 2022 07:18 PM (9UmRs)

362 There is one possibility:

Remember a few years after we'd taken over Iraq, we allowed elections and militant Islam won big time? Then a few years after that, we allowed elections again and militant Islam lost big time? I have no proof but I've always thought the point was to show Iraqis what it was like to live under *those people* and they quickly rejected it.

Was that the plan here? Christopher Miller was running Special Forces in Iraq during the second election and has experience with this sort of thing. He was acting Defense Secretary in Trump's last several months, were they trying to put everything into place? They did describe it as the most complicated war ever.

Posted by: ChrisW at January 03, 2022 07:33 PM (zFMsi)

363 Schadenboner.

Posted by: Chuck Moss at January 03, 2022 07:39 PM (91ZPR)

364 He shoved a dildo up his ass.

If you do that... You're gay. No two ways about it.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 03, 2022 07:09 PM (hQ23g)

If you do that... You're a pervert. Male or female, no two ways about it. Why does anal sex spread STDs and HIV so much more than vaginal? Those tissues are not intended to be a two way street. Say what you want about the old testament, but those rabbis knew what would kill people, and eating undercooked shellfish, pork, drinking animal blood, and anal sex will kill you.

Posted by: Eric Schmidt at January 03, 2022 07:39 PM (ulaXh)

365 All porn stories rely on some suspension of disbelief.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at January 03, 2022 06:06 PM (z5Vrg)

If the stepmother can get her head stuck in the dryer then Republicans can impeach and remove Biden/Harris.

Posted by: Jack Squat Bupkis at January 03, 2022 07:40 PM (0V/8D)

366 358 Ya gotta just know the dems are employing every dirty trick they can now to get the goods on any republican that has any shot at a committee leadership seat, and even those that dont. This includes their staffers and family members. Hookers, blow, money, the works.
Posted by: Diogenes at January 03, 2022 07:13 PM (axyOa)

Ask John Edwards. Yeah, you hate his politics, but he was right about the 2 Americas, and the devastation of the south when all the textile mills shut down. The Clintons had to get rid of him, so they sent Rielle Hunter. Same trick worked on Petraeus. Any republican who falls for it is an idiot.

Posted by: Eric Schmidt at January 03, 2022 07:43 PM (ulaXh)

367 Our less than feckless GOPe would reinstall Paul Ryan.

Hell I bet they are drawing up those plans right now.

We got big tough miss Lindsey Gram ready to hide behind that fat sack of fuck all McConnell on the Senate too.

Anyone recall that letter from that fuck FOSSIL on the judiciary committee complaining about playing second trombone? This was during one of the most OBVIOUS hit jobs in history on Judge Kavenaugh...

Worthless failure after worthless fucking FAILURE

fuck the GOPe

Posted by: GetchaPull at January 03, 2022 08:11 PM (aR6C/)

368 Intentionally willowed unsocking.

Posted by: Oddbob at January 03, 2022 08:18 PM (nfrXX)

369 Ace seems to have left out that part about it being necessary after impeachment for the Sensge to convict
Got 60?

Posted by: Kurt at January 03, 2022 08:21 PM (TRQaN)

370 for the Sensge to convict

Sensge? Sounds like some Japanese term. LOL.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 03, 2022 08:53 PM (k49Sx)


The ONT, NOOD it is...

Posted by: Zettai at January 03, 2022 10:02 PM (nnFNT)

372 You know why I didn't like the movie DIE HARD?

Because I could never understand why his very first priority wasn't to get shoes, or protect his feet with his shirt or pants, or something, anything.
Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at January 03, 2022 06:40 PM (goeJb)

He tried with the first guy he killed, Karl's brother. They were too small "women sized feet". After that it got hectic.

Posted by: Oldcat at January 03, 2022 10:14 PM (eoQWY)

373 Say what you want about the old testament, but those rabbis knew what would kill people, and eating undercooked shellfish, pork, drinking animal blood, and anal sex will kill you.
Posted by: Eric Schmidt at January 03, 2022 07:39 PM (ulaXh)

An interesting book on cultural differences I read examining odd cultural beliefs was on pork lovers and haters. Pork eat the same food people do, but in the mid east the high temps mean that they will overheat and die, having wasted food that could raise a productive person. Thus restricting pork became ecologically good.

Posted by: Oldcat at January 03, 2022 10:21 PM (eoQWY)

374 "Trump says he doesn't want to be Speaker. Oh yeah? Well, there's one quick way to be president. Get installed as Speaker of the House, and then impeach the Biden and Harris. Who is next in the line of succession? That's right, the Speaker of the House."

Sorry, but you also need 67 base senators to go along with this pron fantasy. Otherwise, Trump (and Pence, likely) would have been impeached in January, 2018, if all they needed was impeachment, not Senate trial.

Posted by: Jonah Kyle at January 04, 2022 11:09 AM (R4j1g)

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