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Alec Baldwin: I Feel No Guilt For Shooting My Cinematographer, Because It Was Someone Else Who Really Did It

Like OJ Simpson before him, Alec Baldwin vows to find The Real Killer.

I had Alec Baldwin's alibi a bit wrong yesterday, based on the heavily edited clip I saw: He's not saying the gun had a hair trigger. He's now claiming he did not touch the trigger at all. He's saying that he pulled back the hammer, and then was letting it down per the cinematographer's orders -- following the orders of the woman he killed-- to see if it looked right for a shot.

I guess his claim is that when he let the hammer down it somehow set off the bullet. I mean, he's claiming he let it down with great care, which would not ignite a bullet, but he's saying somehow this magic bullet was set off by his careful, proper safe letting down of the hammer.

This article says it's possible for that to happen, if this was a specific kind of clone of a Single Action Army revolver without a safety, but it's still very unlikely to set off a gun without pulling the trigger.

But... he says that you'd still need to really jolt the gun to get the hammer to deliver the striking power to ignite the bullet.

Santa Fe County Sheriff Adan Mendoza identified the gun used in the shooting as a modern Pietta replica of a single-action army revolver. Those guns can be bought either with a transfer bar that makes it impossible for the firing pin to strike the primer unless the trigger is pulled or without one. Often, enthusiasts and collectors prefer the models without modern safety devices because it's more authentic and perfectly safe when handled properly.

A single-action revolver usually requires the hammer to be manually cocked, and the trigger be pulled for a shot to be fired. That’s why it's referred to as a single-action: because the trigger performs just one action. It drops the hammer. In a double-action revolver, on the other hand, the trigger can both cock and release the hammer.

However, a single-action revolver with the old-style firing mechanism can fire without either the hammer being cocked or the trigger being pulled. When the hammer is down on that kind of revolver, the firing pin protrudes and, if a live round is loaded in the chamber underneath, a sharp enough jolt can cause the pin to strike the round's primer with enough force to set it off.

This is why the "cowboy load" was developed. When carrying an old-style single-action revolver, it's best practice to leave the chamber underneath the hammer unloaded. That way, a jolt can't unintentionally set off a round.

Still, it seems like he's making some kind of an allegation about this gun being faulty, ready to fire if merely handled slightly.

I think it's clear he's claiming the armorer is guilty of some kind of murder or negligent homicide. And I think he's come up with this story after a strategy huddle with lawyers.

I think he did not want to admit anything or commit to a story that would leave him without a defense to even lesser charges like criminally negligent homicide -- which probably befuddled his lawyers, who probably thought "If you shoot a woman and everyone sees you do it, you're probably going to be open to some charges" -- and so he concocted a story in which a Magic Gun fires a Magic Bullet all on its own and it's this armorer woman (who I think it's been leaked is a Trump supporter, so you know she's a wrong 'un) is The Real Killer.

He also says he feels "no guilt" about killing the woman because it wasn't really him who killed her.

And one of The Real Killers is the cinematographer herself, whom Alec Baldwin is very, very insistent in portraying as the person who told him to do every single thing he did, including pointing the gun "in her direction" and cocking the gun.

So actually she killed herself.

And I still get vibes that he is laying down the foundation for a claim that someone -- he won't say who -- gimmicked or trapped the gun to fire with only the merest touch.

He's not saying that. Yet.

For now, he's just laying the groundwork. Establishing the predicate. Preparing the battlespace. Making the public receptive to the claim.

Here's Alec Baldwin explaining how the cinematographer is criminally negligent and basically responsible for her own murder:

Posted by: Ace at 01:18 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 What a dick.

Posted by: Jordan61 at December 03, 2021 01:18 PM (Ez6QX)

what a killer.

Posted by: ace at December 03, 2021 01:19 PM (0G13K)

3 He's an idiot

Posted by: BunkerintheBurbs at December 03, 2021 01:19 PM (rahKx)

4 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 01:20 PM (Zz0t1)

5 "If I did it, a non-fiction novel experiment in free form verse."
-by Alec Baldwin, circa 2034

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:20 PM (LvTSG)

6 Hey Alec, where you goin' with that gun in your hand?

Posted by: BignJames at December 03, 2021 01:20 PM (AwYPR)

7 >>>3 He's an idiot

he's a lot more than that.

Posted by: ace at December 03, 2021 01:20 PM (0G13K)

8 Alec Baldwin: I Feel No Guilt For Shooting My Cinematographer.

OK, but you DID feel the recoil you murderer.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at December 03, 2021 01:20 PM (N39Ws)

So actually she killed herself.

Case closed.

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 01:20 PM (prQ8Y)

10 Al is ok, everybody back to work.

Posted by: klaftern at December 03, 2021 01:21 PM (taPSh)

11 *insert your own bannable content*

Posted by: Catherine--who generally doesn't curse. at December 03, 2021 01:21 PM (xQ19v)

12 what a killer.
Posted by: ace at December 03, 2021 01:19 PM (0G13K)

That, too.

Posted by: Jordan61 at December 03, 2021 01:21 PM (Ez6QX)

13 7 >>>3 He's an idiot

he's a lot more than that.
Posted by: ace at December 03, 2021 01:20 PM (0G13K)


A lot of idiot?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:21 PM (LvTSG)

14 i can't even pretend to be shocked by this level of stupidity...

Posted by: SturmToddler (8D42x) at December 03, 2021 01:21 PM (8D42x)

15 "I did that"

Alex Baldwin

Posted by: Jake at December 03, 2021 01:21 PM (ge7+P)

16 Typical liberal asshole.

No responsibility for their actions whatsoever.

Fry him.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 01:21 PM (Zz0t1)

17 We all knew he'd skate.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at December 03, 2021 01:22 PM (OalnH)

18 This unrepentant murderer's giving interviews to sycophants, and January 6 trespassers are still locked up.

Posted by: spindrift at December 03, 2021 01:22 PM (h5TKJ)

19 If I were Alec, I would simply note that my eyes were partially obscured by the acute facial edema brought on by years of chronic alcohol abuse.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at December 03, 2021 01:22 PM (D8mow)

Who here would accept a gun from someone who Told You it wasn't loaded without seeing for yourself?

("depends" is not an acceptable answer)

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 01:22 PM (prQ8Y)

21 Most anyone who's shot a single action knows that if you cock the hammer, but then decide to set it back without firing, it just takes a little slip of your thumb for it to jump back with enough force to discharge the gun. And also to NEVER be pointing that gun at someone while you're trying to slip the hammer back.

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 03, 2021 01:22 PM (trdmm)

22 he's a calculating ruthless sociopath and maybe a full on psychopath

Posted by: ace at December 03, 2021 01:22 PM (0G13K)

23 TBH I kinda don't care. One asshole leftist kills another asshole leftist. Meh. Kinda like the gang shootings in Chicago, doesn't really affect me, I give zero fucks.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at December 03, 2021 01:23 PM (OalnH)

24 Any prosecutor that isn't severely retarded could successfully prosecute him for a ton of things. He's lucky Santa Fe elected a butch lesbian that is no doubt on his side.

Posted by: lowandslow at December 03, 2021 01:23 PM (4thlk)

25 the gun was in his hand when it went off and killed the lady. does he think people are stupid?

Posted by: IC - #FJB at December 03, 2021 01:23 PM (hV9ir)

26 He's truly loathesome.

Posted by: Jewells45 deplorablethug#FJB at December 03, 2021 01:23 PM (nxdel)

27 I want him to get off because we do have a two-tiered justice system, and yet not enough people realize it.

A Hollywood actor getting off for literal murder while the DOJ is preying on moms and dads for speaking their minds at a public forum is the kind of contrast that becomes really hard to handwave away.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:23 PM (LvTSG)

28 If I'm a shit, you must acquit!

Posted by: A-lick Ballsack at December 03, 2021 01:23 PM (WmGrA)

29 I cannot wrap my mind around this level of what? Psychopathy?

Posted by: jmel at December 03, 2021 01:23 PM (RWHIh)

30 At best, involuntary manslaughter.

At worst, she was a 'person of color' and he will be tried for murder 1, murder 2 and manslaughter because THOSE ARE THE RULES now.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 01:24 PM (Zz0t1)

31 Alec Baldwin is a maggot's stool sample.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at December 03, 2021 01:24 PM (R/m4+)

32 He just can't resist running his mouth about this, can he? That'll backfire on him.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at December 03, 2021 01:24 PM (nRMeC)

33 He sounds like Psaki.

Posted by: wth at December 03, 2021 01:24 PM (v0R5T)

34 It looks bad Alec, nice try tho

Posted by: Zeera Hunkering down here, Boss at December 03, 2021 01:24 PM (qUpBb)

35 Actually he sounds delusional

Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 03, 2021 01:25 PM (GPwVZ)

36 Baldwin is making a huge legal mistake (he's scared for his own skin, of course) by blaming it all on the crew - because as Producer, he's financially liable for everything the Crew did. I think the courts are going to agree with the arguments he's making here.

Which is why I believe the legal outcome is going to reflect this, and in the criminal case, Alec Baldwin the actor is going to get off.
In the Civil Liability Suit, Alec Baldwin the Producer is gonna end up paying millions to the estate of the deceased.

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 03, 2021 01:25 PM (trdmm)

37 I'm telling you, that gun had the craziest look in its eyes before it start shooting people, like it hated black people and all the heroes in Hollywood, a "Trump gun" as some are now calling it.

Posted by: Alec Baldwin at December 03, 2021 01:25 PM (7uROS)

38 Maybe we should just no longer tolerate brazen, over-the-top lying. First I remember is "that depends on what the meaning of "is" is." There's a Walter Matthau scene in The 7 year Itch (I think) just as ridiculous, but that's fiction.

Posted by: Farmer Bob at December 03, 2021 01:25 PM (McMSJ)

39 Obviously I am very naive but for my entire life I've always thought guns used in film and television were just plastic props, and that if they were required to fire that they would not be able to chamber a real round. I'm still amazed that they use the real things.

Posted by: moon_over_vermont at December 03, 2021 01:25 PM (oHftl)

the gun was in his hand when it went off and killed the lady. does he think people are stupid?
Posted by: IC

Have you read twitter? He's got lots of support. From day one, thousands of twitter users have not only been defending baldwin, they've been pouring out sympathy and telling him to take "time to heal." "I feel so bad for you." And "I'm sorry this happened to you."

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 01:25 PM (prQ8Y)

41 A person who held a gun that fired a shot killing another person waits over a month to claim he didn't do anything to or with the weapon that could have caused it to fire?

Yeah, sure. A person believing himself innocent, believing the gun has an unsafe hair trigger, or somehow fired on its own, should have immediately gently set the gun on a soft surface and done everything possible to keep the weapon un-touched by him and everyone else until his lawyer and the police forensic team arrived. Then the lawyer must tell the forensics people they must do everything possible to maintain the weapon in the configuration it is in at the instant they take possession.

Posted by: Gref at December 03, 2021 01:26 PM (AMIL/)

42 "She killed herself" defense strategy did not work for Spector.

Posted by: Anna Puma at December 03, 2021 01:26 PM (BK9OQ)

43 I plead the "Baldwin Defense." It's a real thing now. amirite

Posted by: Martini Farmer at December 03, 2021 01:26 PM (BFigT)

44 the gun was in his hand when it went off and killed the lady. does he think people are stupid?
Posted by: IC - #FJB at December 03, 2021 01:23 PM (hV9ir)

To be fair, lots of people ARE that stupid.

Posted by: Jordan61 at December 03, 2021 01:26 PM (Ez6QX)

45 Lets not forget, Baldwin was an Executive Producer. That adds a whole new layer of culpability.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at December 03, 2021 01:26 PM (N39Ws)

46 Is it just me or is Baldwin starting to look Chinese? Since he has a Spanish wife, they now have a wonderfully multi-ethnic household!

Posted by: TrivialPursuer--F*ck Joe Biden at December 03, 2021 01:27 PM (k4dH2)

47 Alec Baldwin is a pustulant carbuncle on a hobo's hemorroid.

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at December 03, 2021 01:27 PM (4I/2K)

48 And one of The Real Killers is the cinematographer herself, whom Alec Baldwin is very, very insistent in portraying as the person who told him to do every single thing he did, including pointing the gun "in her direction" and cocking the gun.

Well, she won't contradict him.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at December 03, 2021 01:27 PM (FVME7)

49 One asshole leftist kills another asshole leftist.

You're familiar with the voting patterns of this dead woman too? It wasn't only the Asian woman most recently attacked on the subwayin NYC? There must be some way you could provide your talents to some pollster.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 03, 2021 01:27 PM (poMoX)

50 This needs to go to trail and witnesses called on his lying ass.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 01:27 PM (V6f9+)

51 Slightly OT. I went down a rabbit hole of AR15 accessory videos on YouTube last night and came across this CBS original documentary on the new pro gun generation. It's about how groups which traditionally vote Democrat like blacks are now realizing the importance of the 2nd amendment. The one major gripe I had with it was they were trying to say that the 2nd amendment community has been toxic towards minorities which in my experience couldn't be further from the truth.

Posted by: Augustine at December 03, 2021 01:27 PM (BDZWU)

52 Jeff Cooper's 4 Rules
The only exception to this occurs when one has a weapon in his hands and he has personally unloaded it for checking.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 03, 2021 01:27 PM (uXonU)

53 What kind of people feel no guilt for their actions? Oh already answered

22 he's a calculating ruthless sociopath and maybe a full on psychopath

Posted by: ace at December 03, 2021 01:22 PM (0G13K)

Posted by: Javems at December 03, 2021 01:27 PM (AmoqO)

54 What's all this about finger on the trigger? He admitted to letting the hammer go.

Posted by: Haimerej at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (rcZnt)

55 Actors are psychotic.

Posted by: huerfano at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (MzKgG)

56 This was a movie set. Is there really no footage of the incident?

Posted by: 496 at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (VJsqe)

57 So actually she killed herself.
And I still get vibes that he is laying down the foundation for a claim that someone -- he won't say who -- gimmicked or trapped the gun to fire with only the merest touch.
He's not saying that. Yet.
For now, he's just laying the groundwork. Establishing the predicate. Preparing the battlespace. Making the public receptive to the claim.

He used to be on my must-punch list, another reason I'm glad to not live on a coast where I'd be likely to have to make good.
He is now on the other list.

Posted by: Santa, or an anagram thereof at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (MFphb)

58 271 Chevron was a justly decided SCOTUS opinion.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 12:50 PM

*hefts tire iron*

*meaningfully taps palm with it*
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 03, 2021 12:53 PM (m+jkK)

RMBS - let's wait till nexr week when he is on vaca without the internet. Then we'll have a movie review of Promethius and rotten tomatoes it to death.

Posted by: BifBewalski @ (IJES/) - at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (IJES/)

59 The Japanese Nambu pistol of WWII was defective. Tap the sear and *bang*

The only defective here is Alec.

Posted by: Anna Puma at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (BK9OQ)

60 RULE 2
You may not wish to destroy it, but you must be clear in your mind that you are quite ready to if you let that muzzle cover the target. To allow a firearm to point at another human being is a deadly threat, and should always be treated as such.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (uXonU)

61 >>>Have you read twitter? He's got lots of support. From day one, thousands of twitter users have not only been defending baldwin, they've been pouring out sympathy and telling him to take "time to heal." "I feel so bad for you." And "I'm sorry this happened to you."

also from day one: Leaks (I wonder who planted them?) about the armorer being sketchy and incompetent and all the prop people being reckless and shooting guns off all day long.

and the media just ran it all

Posted by: ace at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (0G13K)

62 He's an idiot

he's a lot more than that.
Posted by: ace

Or a lot less......

Posted by: JT at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (arJlL)

63 Hopefully some rogue DA doesn't let the clearly out of control gun post bail.

Alec Baldwin needs to thrown into a lake of fire or a wood chipper, whatever, I'm too picky.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (uU5h0)

64 That statement makes Baldwin seem sick and evil. If I killed someone in a traffic accident it would take me a long time to sleep at night, even if I was entirely blameless.
He shot someone to death--he's sick and I tar all of Hollywood with the same brush.

Posted by: Northernlurker at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (eGTCV)

65 39 Obviously I am very naive but for my entire life I've always thought guns used in film and television were just plastic props, and that if they were required to fire that they would not be able to chamber a real round. I'm still amazed that they use the real things.
Posted by: moon_over_vermont at December 03, 2021 01:25 PM (oHftl)


Plastic props look fake and don't have the right moving parts.

If you want some level of realism to help the overall verisimilitude of a film, you need something that looks real, and that can extend to a gun firing rounds for real (usually blanks).

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (LvTSG)

66 I believe him just like I believe his wife is from Spain.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (D8mow)

67 RULE 3
This we call the Golden Rule because its violation is responsible for about 80 percent of the firearms disasters we read about.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (uXonU)

68 the gun was in his hand when it went off and killed the lady. does he think people are stupid?
Posted by: IC - #FJB at December 03, 2021 01:23 PM (hV9ir)

Ummmmm....Yes. They watch his movies and dumb ass TV shows don't they?

People are stupid.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (R/m4+)

69 He can't be guilty.. He's anti-gun and besides guns are icky or something

Posted by: It's me donna at December 03, 2021 01:29 PM (Pohvy)

70 Alec Baldwin will take over Rachael Maddows MSNBC Prime Time spot.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at December 03, 2021 01:29 PM (KY22T)

Here is a gun, loaded or not, loaded with spitballs or rounds, That Is Capable Of Firing A Projectile.

It doesn't matter if it's a replica or a prop, if it Capable of firing a projectile, You Must Treat It Like A Regular Firearm.

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 01:29 PM (prQ8Y)

72 RULE 4
You never shoot at anything until you have positively identified it. You never fire at a shadow, or a sound, or a suspected presence. You shoot only when you know absolutely what you are shooting at and what is beyond it.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 03, 2021 01:29 PM (uXonU)

73 Ben Had, you have a new neighbor!

Posted by: Catherine--who generally doesn't curse. at December 03, 2021 01:29 PM (xQ19v)

74 >>>56 This was a movie set. Is there really no footage of the incident?

oh no, there is, he's talking about doing this all for the camera monitors while the cinematographer watched the footage.

unless it was "accidentally overdeveolped" or something

Posted by: ace at December 03, 2021 01:29 PM (0G13K)

75 So hyper feminist Baldwin, not content with killing a woman is now trying to blame either that woman for setting him up, or ruin another young woman's life (the armorer) by setting his fans on her.

Quite the 'ally', ladies, amirite?

Posted by: Oldcat at December 03, 2021 01:29 PM (eoQWY)

76 People don't kill people, guns kill people. Alec proved it!

Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 03, 2021 01:30 PM (kTF2Z)

77 They'll go to any lengths to protect him. When this is done and over, the prosecution will announce the woman committed suicide in the most elaborate way ever devised, just to make Baldwin look bad. He'll probably sue her estate for reputational damage.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at December 03, 2021 01:30 PM (+LbcH)

78 55 Actors are psychotic.
Posted by: huerfano at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (MzKgG)

This is more psychopathic, with the lack of guilt and empathy.

Posted by: Roy at December 03, 2021 01:30 PM (Ti+Tv)

79 66 I believe him just like I believe his wife is from Spain.

New Jersey is part of Spain now, right?

Posted by: TrivialPursuer--F*ck Joe Biden at December 03, 2021 01:30 PM (k4dH2)

80 I'd like to think this is the end of his career, but I know better. He'll be more popular than ever with the left and the pedos in Hollywood.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at December 03, 2021 01:30 PM (bkUtD)

81 Are we sure Donald Trump hasn't sabotaged the Baldwin legal team? This is the kind of own goal that puts even a greedy Cabal celeb at risk of doing time.

I kind of wish I was the prosecutor. You just know it's be the easiest thing in the world to make him blow up on the stand. It'd be the ultimate real life Sorkin Moment, and usually I HATE those. But this would be real, and it would be earned.

Posted by: trev006 at December 03, 2021 01:30 PM (Eqkqm)

82 38 Farmer Bob, It is the 67 movie, A guide to the married man that you are thinking about. An acquaintance of Matthau is caught in bed with a floozie when his wife comes in and keeps denying everything that she sees until she doubts her own eyesight and memory.

Both the hubbie and floozie are getting dressed and the floozie leaves so the scene ends with the dressed husband and the bumfuzzled wife doubting her own sanity. Classic gaslighting technique

Posted by: whig at December 03, 2021 01:30 PM (9hXN1)

83 74 >>>56 This was a movie set. Is there really no footage of the incident?

oh no, there is, he's talking about doing this all for the camera monitors while the cinematographer watched the footage.

unless it was "accidentally overdeveolped" or something
Posted by: ace at December 03, 2021 01:29 PM (0G13K)


If they aren't using digital cameras then I'll buy a hat and eat it.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:30 PM (LvTSG)

84 Most anyone who's shot a single action knows that if you cock the hammer, but then decide to set it back without firing, it just takes a little slip of your thumb for it to jump back with enough force to discharge the gun. And also to NEVER be pointing that gun at someone while you're trying to slip the hammer back.
Posted by: Tom Servo at December 03, 2021 01:22 PM (trdmm)


Posted by: Hatari Somewhere on Ventura Highway at December 03, 2021 01:30 PM (M+Lyo)

85 he's a lot more than that.

Posted by: ace at December 03, 2021 01:20 PM (0G13K)

Baldwin is an incredibly entitled man who throughout his adult life has never been held accountable for his own actions, whether by others or even more psychopathic, by himself.

This is the first time he has ever encountered responsibility that he cannot easily slough off onto others, so he is dancing as fast as he can.

It's a glimpse into the profound narcissism of Hollywood and American celebrity.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 03, 2021 01:30 PM (Q9lwr)

86 Ms. Hutchins' widower is a Harvard Law grad. He has the means to make Baldwin's life miserable.

Posted by: mr tmz at December 03, 2021 01:31 PM (m/Gc2)

87 I have run into a couple of Alec's brothers in Skaneatles before. They all strike me as weedy people.

Posted by: Puddin Head at December 03, 2021 01:31 PM (8Sqzu)

88 That statement makes Baldwin seem sick and evil. If I killed someone in a traffic accident it would take me a long time to sleep at night, even if I was entirely blameless.
He shot someone to death--he's sick and I tar all of Hollywood with the same brush.
Posted by: Northernlurker at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (eGTCV)

Baldwin is sick and evil, but it seems he has lost the ability to conceal it any more. This seems to be going around these days.

Posted by: Oldcat at December 03, 2021 01:31 PM (eoQWY)

89 oh no, there is, he's talking about doing this all for the camera monitors while the cinematographer watched the footage.

unless it was "accidentally overdeveolped" or something
Posted by: ace at December 03, 2021 01:29 PM (0G13K)

"Mistakes were made"

Posted by: 496 at December 03, 2021 01:31 PM (VJsqe)

90 Beto needs to go door-to-door confiscating actors.

Posted by: Northernlurker at December 03, 2021 01:31 PM (eGTCV)

91 He ran to the media to give this shitty story for one reason and one reason only.

Lessen the jury pool. The more people that he can fill with this bullshit info, the less chance they'll have in finding 12 people that don't know anything about it.

Asshole. Pure asshole. Fuck this guy.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 01:31 PM (Zz0t1)

92 Actors are psychotic.
Posted by: huerfano at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (MzKgG)

There are a whole heck of a lot of people who are actors. I would put a mental illness label of that on all of them.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 03, 2021 01:31 PM (poMoX)

93 Shouldn't his lawyers be telling him to shut up?

Posted by: JuJuBee at December 03, 2021 01:32 PM (mNhhD)

94 The lawsuit is going to be Epic. He did not check the gun because he just does not do that?


Posted by: Romeo13 at December 03, 2021 01:32 PM (oHd/0)

95 You know...Baldwin would be a great scalp for the left to prove their seriousness about prosecuting gun crime.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:32 PM (LvTSG)

96 He has a legally established history of anger management issues. Zero knowledge of how to behave with a weapon in his hands.

He murdered that woman in cold effing blood. No excuses. Go straight to Old Sparky, or the gss chamber.

Posted by: BifBewalski @ (IJES/) - at December 03, 2021 01:32 PM (IJES/)

97 Oh Ace, you didn't post the smoldering mirror selfie he and Hilary took before the interview-NYP has it.

Posted by: Ktgreat at December 03, 2021 01:32 PM (AD3JT)

98 Beto needs to go door-to-door confiscating actors.
Posted by: Northernlurker at December 03, 2021 01:31 PM (eGTCV)

O.K. I laughed.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 03, 2021 01:32 PM (poMoX)

99 He also says he feels "no guilt" about killing the woman because it wasn't really him who killed her.

It wasn't me, it was the one armed man.

Posted by: Stanley Ipkis at December 03, 2021 01:32 PM (ZsR3z)

100 Most anyone who's shot a single action knows that if you cock the hammer, but then decide to set it back without firing, it just takes a little slip of your thumb for it to jump back with enough force to discharge the gun. And also to NEVER be pointing that gun at someone while you're trying to slip the hammer back.
Posted by: Tom Servo at December 03, 2021 01:22 PM (trdmm)

You also have to pull the trigger to release it once it's cocked, regardless of whether you want to ease it down or fire it.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 01:32 PM (Zz0t1)

101 You're familiar with the voting patterns of this dead woman too? It wasn't only the Asian woman most recently attacked on the subwayin NYC? There must be some way you could provide your talents to some pollster.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 03, 2021 01:27 PM (poMoX)


If you want to keep fighting for people who want you dead, be my guest. I'd none with that shit.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at December 03, 2021 01:32 PM (OalnH)

102 The gun inexplicably went PEW all by itself.

Posted by: Alec Baldwin at December 03, 2021 01:32 PM (v0R5T)

103 "I let go of the hammer of the gun and the gun goes off."

Yep. That's what guns do when you let go of the hammer.

Posted by: Haimerej at December 03, 2021 01:33 PM (rcZnt)

104 How is this cocksucker not already in jail? He shot and killed someone in broad daylight in front of a crowd of people! I'll bet you there is video of it, as probably even rehearsals are recorded nowadays. But this prick is not only free as a bird, he's allowed to suck his own cock and poison the jury pool by sashaying around lying through his teeth about what happened. I'll bet you almost any amount of money that if a conservative actor like James Woods killed someone on set, they would have been arrested within an hour. Fuck all of this. When do we split America into two countries?

Posted by: Elric Blade at December 03, 2021 01:33 PM (iFTx/)

105 OJ got away with it because the cops acted like idiots and the jurors were racist against white people. Baldwin is a member of the Worst People on Earth as a white man and he used the evil scary gun thing.

He's doomed.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 01:33 PM (KZzsI)

106 I wonder if he was drunk, or high, or both

Posted by: Hatari Somewhere on Ventura Highway at December 03, 2021 01:33 PM (M+Lyo)

107 Meant I wouldn't put a mental illness label of that on all of them.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 03, 2021 01:33 PM (poMoX)

108 "I'm sorry, Your Honor! That money just jumped out of the bank and ran into my car! It forced me to drive off with it!!! I think I'll need YEARS of therapy to get over this ordeal!!"

Man, you can use the Baldwin in almost ANY scenario!

Posted by: Joe Wagner at December 03, 2021 01:33 PM (qXNVo)

109 >To be fair, lots of people ARE that stupid.
Posted by: Jordan61 at December 03, 2021 01:26 PM (Ez6QX)

/me gestures widely at the country and state of things in general

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at December 03, 2021 01:33 PM (cSs/W)

110 I could help him find the real killer...

Posted by: O.J. Simpson at December 03, 2021 01:33 PM (flINI)

111 Negligent manslaughter, 7 years or 5 with good behavior. That's a wrap, people!

Posted by: Dr. Bone at December 03, 2021 01:33 PM (BPuaD)

112 I love how he's boo hoo hooing, then Stephalupagus asks him a question, and a fraction of a second later he responds with a perfectly composed face and calm voice.

Protip: That isn't how people do it.

Posted by: pep at December 03, 2021 01:34 PM (ZsR3z)

113 Since the gun acted on its own shouldn't Baldwin at least have survivor's guilt?

Posted by: Northernlurker at December 03, 2021 01:34 PM (eGTCV)

114 What were live rounds doing anywhere even near that set. Baldwin's the executive producer... it's his responsibility.

Posted by: Marcus Gravey at December 03, 2021 01:34 PM (0V1NK)

115 You can build elaborate sets showing battles in space, but you can't CGI a fake gun in a scene? Seems weird that they're using real live guns in 2021.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at December 03, 2021 01:34 PM (OalnH)

116 Yes on the old revolver you could set them off by letting the hammer down......HARD....but not gently.

Primers are designed to NOT go off for light taps. They need a HARD punch that dents the metal in order to ignite.

If he actually did everything he says he did the discharge was caused by ammunition malfunction however that doesn't clear him of how it was on the set loaded to begin with. He was the one whom presumably allowed a weapon capable of being live fired to be actually used for that purpose while using it as a practical prop on set that included simulated firing, and that by itself is enough to put culpability of the error of it being loaded on him and therefore the resulting discharge and death on him as criminal negligence.

He can dodge responsibility as the actor but not the producer.

Posted by: mikethemoose at December 03, 2021 01:34 PM (T/vhV)

It's a glimpse into the profound narcissism of Hollywood and American celebrity.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 03, 2021 01:30 PM (Q9lwr

Yes. A narcissism that is reinforced by those around him, stupid fans, and media types.

Posted by: CN...FJB at December 03, 2021 01:34 PM (ONvIw)

118 The pile of AKs in Lord of War is real. Fake ones are more expensive.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at December 03, 2021 01:35 PM (44ww/)

119 I wonder if he was drunk, or high, or both
Posted by: Hatari Somewhere on Ventura Highway at December 03, 2021 01:33 PM (M+Lyo)

It's better to ask when he's not one or both.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 01:35 PM (Zz0t1)

120 Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at December 03, 2021 01:32 PM (OalnH)

The woman who was killed by Alec Baldwin wanted me dead?
Strange that. She's never even met me. BTW, she was from a foreign country. Maybe she doesn't fit into the neat little box of leftist who should DIE now.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 03, 2021 01:35 PM (poMoX)

121 Plenty of witnesses to intimidate and film to destroy. Anybody have the number for the FBI? They're the experts.

Posted by: Alec B. at December 03, 2021 01:35 PM (9Fwwf)

122 Shouldn't his lawyers be telling him to shut up?
Posted by: JuJuBee at December 03, 2021 01:32 PM (mNhhD)

I could tell him that, for $500/hr., minimum two hour charge plus a $50k retainer.

Posted by: wth at December 03, 2021 01:35 PM (v0R5T)

123 115 You can build elaborate sets showing battles in space, but you can't CGI a fake gun in a scene? Seems weird that they're using real live guns in 2021.
Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at December 03, 2021 01:34 PM (OalnH)


If you think Rust had the budget of a Star Wars movie...

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:35 PM (LvTSG)

124 lawyers are forbidden from coaching their clients to lie. It's an ethically disbarable offense AND it's a criminal offense because that is witness tampering.

I learned that in law school.

Posted by: Kamela Harris at December 03, 2021 01:35 PM (Y274z)

125 And also to NEVER be pointing that gun at someone while you're trying to slip the hammer back.
Posted by: Tom Servo at Decembe

I wasn't pointing it at her. She chose to stand in front of it.

Posted by: Baldwin (Probably) at December 03, 2021 01:35 PM (nJSLa)

126 If you really think about it, Nicole cut off her own head. You should ask her.

Posted by: OJ at December 03, 2021 01:35 PM (zwDuR)

127 >>>Baldwin is an incredibly entitled man who throughout his adult life has never been held accountable for his own actions, whether by others or even more psychopathic, by himself.

The first clue was that ridiculously scary voice message her left his daughter. The man is a psychopath.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at December 03, 2021 01:35 PM (bkUtD)

128 He murdered that woman in cold effing blood. No excuses. Go straight to Old Sparky, or the gss chamber.

I wouldn't go so far as to call it murder, since I doubt he intended to kill her. It was manslaughter / reckless indifference, or something like that.

Posted by: pep at December 03, 2021 01:35 PM (ZsR3z)

129 He's as self-aware as Jodi "no jury will convict me" Arias.

Posted by: JuJuBee at December 03, 2021 01:36 PM (mNhhD)

130 BREAKING: Alec Baldwin just inked a book deal where he declares "IF I would've shot and killed that woman on set by my own hand, HERE'S how I would've done it."

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 01:36 PM (Zz0t1)

131 "Baldwin is a member of the Worst People on Earth as a white man and he used the evil scary gun thing."

But he's one of the "good" white people who spent 4 years making fun of Trump on SNL. And he only used the scary gun because it was a movie set in the olden days where evil white racist men used guns, and he was going for realism.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at December 03, 2021 01:36 PM (OalnH)

132 His story keeps being refined

Posted by: Skip's Phone at December 03, 2021 01:36 PM (TeuoI)

133 How is this cocksucker not already in jail?

1) He's rich
2) LA is a company town

If he was a paper boy and black, he'd be in jail and trying to make a plea deal with a bored and incompetent Public Defender shrugging their way through the job.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 01:36 PM (KZzsI)

134 >and the media just ran it all
Posted by: ace at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (0G13K)

Come on, ace. It's not like the media is just a bunch of mouthpieces who literally read the texts of prog fixers verbatim, on the air, to give air cover to their buddies. That would be crazy clown world.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at December 03, 2021 01:36 PM (cSs/W)

135 83 oh no, there is, he's talking about doing this all for the camera monitors while the cinematographer watched the footage.

unless it was "accidentally overdeveolped" or something
Posted by: ace at December 03, 2021 01:29 PM (0G13K)


If they aren't using digital cameras then I'll buy a hat and eat it.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:30 PM (LvTSG)

Yeah, it's more far more likely someone "accidentally" secure-delete the file and/or dropped the SSD containing the footage into an industrial grinder. Oops.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at December 03, 2021 01:36 PM (DTX3h)

136 Boy you did a great job there Film Actor's Guild.

Way to go Film Actor's Guild.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at December 03, 2021 01:36 PM (44ww/)

137 124 lawyers are forbidden from coaching their clients to lie. It's an ethically disbarable offense AND it's a criminal offense because that is witness tampering.

I learned that in law school.
Posted by: Kamela Harris at December 03, 2021 01:35 PM (Y274z)

So who do they hire to do that job?

Posted by: CN...FJB at December 03, 2021 01:36 PM (ONvIw)

Alec Baldwin thinks he is Paul Ehrlich:

The first magic bullet was fired at syphilis on this day in 1909.
Although specific diseases responded better to some drugs than to others, before the early 1900s development of Salvarsan, an arsenic-based drug to treat syphilis, drugs weren't developed to target a specific disease. A German biochemist named Paul Ehrlich changed all that when he targeted syphilis, a disease that had plagued Europe for 500 years.

It takes a mighty man to rassle with a magic bullet!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 03, 2021 01:36 PM (3l5Yq)

139 Which is why I believe the legal outcome is going to reflect this, and in the criminal case, Alec Baldwin the actor is going to get off.
In the Civil Liability Suit, Alec Baldwin the Producer is gonna end up paying millions to the estate of the deceased.
Posted by: Tom Servo at December 03, 2021 01:25 PM (trdmm)

A couple million versus time in jail? Yeah, he'd pay that in a heartbeat.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at December 03, 2021 01:37 PM (wmDcS)

140 OT/ But what's this alternative Mueller report that the DOJ said they found and they are gonna release ?

Posted by: It's me donna at December 03, 2021 01:37 PM (Pohvy)

141 "I let go of the hammer of the gun and the gun goes off."

I did everything I could, Your Honor, to restrain that gun!

Posted by: Alec B. at December 03, 2021 01:37 PM (9Fwwf)

142 136 Boy you did a great job there Film Actor's Guild.

Way to go Film Actor's Guild.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at December 03, 2021 01:36 PM (44ww/)

bunch of FAGs

Posted by: Roy at December 03, 2021 01:37 PM (Ti+Tv)

143 There are sociopaths that cannot handle the truth, so they tell themselves a comforting lie and that for them becomes reality. It shifts in their brain to be the truth. Sounds like Baldwin.

Feeing no guilt that your hands, for whatever the reason, however accidental, were responsible for ending a life? Psychopathic. Also sounds like Baldwin.

Who ever is advising him to do these dumb interviews, keep doing it. I hope it comes back to bite him at trial.

Posted by: LizLem at December 03, 2021 01:37 PM (+mkOR)

144 If this works, Sleepy Joe is going to use a similar defense to evade responsibility for destroying the economy.

"No one told me the spending bills cause inflation! The Senate sent that bill up! Oil prices rose on their own! Workers decided to stay home and not work...their own decisions! Fauci said the covid would be gone by Christmas!"

Posted by: Huck Follywood at December 03, 2021 01:37 PM (+LbcH)

145 If you think Rust had the budget of a Star Wars movie...
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:35 PM (LvTSG)


I get that, but I mean how hard / expensive would it be to do just that little bit? To me it's one of those we put a man on the moon but we can't do X type of things.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at December 03, 2021 01:37 PM (OalnH)

146 That would be crazy clown world.

*honk honk*
--the world

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 01:37 PM (KZzsI)

147 To say he feels no guilt sounds insane.

Posted by: Northernlurker at December 03, 2021 01:37 PM (eGTCV)

148 Everybody's a fvcking lawyer....sheesh
Don't interrupt the guy when he's in a hole digging furiously.

Posted by: torabora at December 03, 2021 01:37 PM (Y274z)

149 The gun was in his hand, and, he pointed it at someone, while assuming the firearm was either unloaded or wouldn't go off.

But, totally not Alec's fault for ignoring every single tenet of safe gun handling.

Alec has been handed a script, he's sticking to it, and, he's playing the role of a lifetime.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at December 03, 2021 01:37 PM (2SdPm)

150 His story keeps being refined
Posted by: Skip's Phone at December 03, 2021 01:36 PM (TeuoI)

Isn't that a 'tell'? I didn't sleep in a Holiday Inn last night but I have watched some police detective shows.

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at December 03, 2021 01:37 PM (4I/2K)

151 Good thing the scene didn't call for a wood chipper.

Posted by: Diogenes at December 03, 2021 01:38 PM (axyOa)

152 Where's an obstructed bore when you need one?

Posted by: wth at December 03, 2021 01:38 PM (v0R5T)

153 The Twitter Defenders are unbelievable on this. "He feels so awful, how can you be so mean!"

But doesn't the armorer feel awful? Doesn't the assistant director or whoever handed him the gun, declaring it "cold", feel awful?

Why are Alex's awful feelings real and other people's awful feelings unimportant?

Posted by: Synova at December 03, 2021 01:38 PM (BD/yx)

Way to go Film Actor's Guild.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at December 03, 2021 01:36 PM (44ww/)


- Matt Damon

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 01:38 PM (Zz0t1)

btw, hollywood celery, seth rogen, says its only "white supremacists" who hate his new, awful HBO series that gives the middle finger to Americans.

Seth Rogen and Sarah "daughter of doberman pinscher" Silverman make a show that's just a big Fuck You to 75% of the USA, and they blame "bigots" for it's huge failure.

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 01:38 PM (prQ8Y)

156 24

Lowanslow, Santa Fe elected Rosie O'Donnell as judge?

Posted by: Pete in Texas at December 03, 2021 01:38 PM (xa9Kf)

157 A clear case of Suicide by Major Star

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at December 03, 2021 01:38 PM (guGkK)

158 "The woman who was killed by Alec Baldwin wanted me dead? Strange that. She's never even met me."

The head of BLM has never met you either. Pretty sure xhe wants you dead.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at December 03, 2021 01:39 PM (OalnH)

159 The wheels on this clown bus go round and round.

*honk honk*

Posted by: Kamela Harris at December 03, 2021 01:39 PM (Y274z)

160 Psychopaths gonna psychopath.

Posted by: Anti-Faucist at December 03, 2021 01:39 PM (gFCzd)

161 I wouldn't go so far as to call it murder, since I doubt he intended to kill her. It was manslaughter / reckless indifference, or something like that.

Do I seem rattled by an 'accident'?

Posted by: Alec B. at December 03, 2021 01:39 PM (CTJwJ)

162 Its not impossible that the gun went off accidentally on its own, its just that... if that was what happened that is the FIRST THING I WOULD SAY, not weeks later.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 01:39 PM (KZzsI)

163 "A Hollywood actor getting off for literal murder while the DOJ is preying on moms and dads for speaking their minds at a public forum is the kind of contrast that becomes really hard to handwave away."

Whatever. The lead singer of Motley Crue literally drove drunk, killed his passenger, did not a single day of jail time, and when interviewed about it he shrugged and said "money talks." Never underestimate the ability of people to handwave stuff away.

Posted by: Sobek at December 03, 2021 01:39 PM (hKq3y)

164 105 OJ got away with it because the cops acted like idiots and the jurors were racist against white people. Baldwin is a member of the Worst People on Earth as a white man and he used the evil scary gun thing.

He's doomed.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 01:33 PM (KZzsI)
OJ got away with it because he's a celebrity. So is Baldwin. And this comes at a time when celebrities are now worshipped (by idiots) even more than they were in OJ's time. Baldwin will walk. You really think a jury of starry-eyed idiots will convict him of any serious crime? I don't. But I hope I'm wrong and you are right.

Posted by: Elric Blade at December 03, 2021 01:39 PM (iFTx/)

165 'Everybody Killas' gang member, kills Columbia University PhD student near Manhattan campus, stabs tourist,

15 minutes later and is then arrested in Central Park trying to rob third man: NYC homicides soar 42% in two years _DM

Posted by: Braenyard at December 03, 2021 01:39 PM (WzJXd)

166 I see "accidental murder" is now a thing. Probably just a fine and some community service.

Right now Baldwin should be in a jail with no bail awaiting trial.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at December 03, 2021 01:39 PM (BFigT)

167 Sorry, prosecutor.

Posted by: Pete in Texas at December 03, 2021 01:39 PM (xa9Kf)

168 The head of BLM has never met you either. Pretty sure xhe wants you dead.
Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at December 03, 2021 01:39 PM (OalnH)

The woman shot was not head of BLM.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 03, 2021 01:40 PM (poMoX)

169 In his defense, Alec was fantastic in She's Having a Baby.

Of course, he played a despicable, lecherous low-life shitbag, so it came naturally.

Posted by: 496 at December 03, 2021 01:40 PM (VJsqe)

170 Cannot wait for him to get to the victim blaming stage of the psychopathic stages of grief. Blaming the object comes before blaming the victim. What a peach of a man.

This story begs the meme of the person shooting someone in a chair and then blaming them for the shooting.

Posted by: LizLem at December 03, 2021 01:40 PM (+mkOR)

He also says he feels "no guilt" about killing the woman because it wasn't really him who killed her.

And thus, "suicide by Baldwin" entered the lexicon ...

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 03, 2021 01:40 PM (3l5Yq)

172 The Twitter Defenders are unbelievable on this. "He feels so awful, how can you be so mean!"

But doesn't the armorer feel awful? Doesn't the assistant director or whoever handed him the gun, declaring it "cold", feel awful?

Why are Alex's awful feelings real and other people's awful feelings unimportant?
Posted by: Synova at December 03, 2021 01:38 PM (BD/yx)

The safety protocols that were bypassed or ignored in the description events feel awful, too.

Posted by: Oldcat at December 03, 2021 01:40 PM (eoQWY)

173 How many live rounds were in the revolver? I mean, if it was one, he had a 1 in 6 chance of something bad happening unless he repeated cocked the hammer and pulled the trigger negligently. Even to let the hammer down carefully he had to pull the trigger, so he's lying if he says he didn't.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 03, 2021 01:40 PM (yQpMk)

174 he feels no guilt, as he cries his sobbing actor tears.

Posted by: x at December 03, 2021 01:40 PM (oA+QO)

175 The woman shot was not head of BLM.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 03, 2021 01:40 PM (poMoX)


No shit. My point was that people can hate you without having met you. I thought that was self explanatory.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at December 03, 2021 01:40 PM (OalnH)

176 145 I get that, but I mean how hard / expensive would it be to do just that little bit? To me it's one of those we put a man on the moon but we can't do X type of things.
Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at December 03, 2021 01:37 PM (OalnH)


To get a digital prop that interacts with an actor's hand to look as real as a real prop in dozens of shots?

A few million dollars, probably.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:41 PM (LvTSG)

177 Your speech is murder -- Alec's murder is speech.

The Trump supporter aspect combined with Baldwin's know rage issues, yeah, he potentially arranged to kill her ... or maybe just thought he'd intimidate her by pointing the gun at her and pulling the trigger.

What seems certain is that he did pull the trigger, and that he was negligent at best (unless he was malicious and murderous ... Murder One in that case).

Posted by: illiniwek at December 03, 2021 01:41 PM (Cus5s)

178 He's still welcome on my show!

Posted by: Ben Mankaweenie at December 03, 2021 01:41 PM (gFCzd)

179 >>>but you can't CGI a fake gun in a scene?

Costs more. Harder on actors to act. Less convincing to the audience. Because you're going to have a real gun disabled or no as a prop anyway. If you pick up a gun and fire a blank on camera that costs you a dollar. To fire that same round in cgi costs a few thousand, all for something that the audience will find less convincing.

Posted by: mikethemoose at December 03, 2021 01:41 PM (T/vhV)

The woman shot was not head of BLM.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 03, 2021 01:40 PM (poMoX)

He was using xer as an example of someone who doesn't know you yet still wanting you dead.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 01:41 PM (Zz0t1)

181 the gun was in his hand when it went off and killed the lady. does he think people are stupid?
Posted by: IC - #FJB at December 03, 2021 01:23 PM

No. He knows about half the country is that stupid.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 03, 2021 01:41 PM (m+jkK)

182 153 The Twitter Defenders are unbelievable on this. "He feels so awful, how can you be so mean!"

But doesn't the armorer feel awful? Doesn't the assistant director or whoever handed him the gun, declaring it "cold", feel awful?

Why are Alex's awful feelings real and other people's awful feelings unimportant?
Posted by: Synova at December 03, 2021 01:38 PM (BD/yx)


He says he doesn't feel awful. He feels no guilt.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:41 PM (LvTSG)

183 If Baldwin is ever accused of rape he'll blame his dick for acting independently of him.

Posted by: Northernlurker at December 03, 2021 01:41 PM (eGTCV)

184 155 btw, hollywood celery, seth rogen, says its only "white supremacists" who hate his new, awful HBO series that gives the middle finger to Americans.

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 01:38 PM (prQ8Y)

Relevant Critical Drinker review of this hateful piece of shit produced by hateful pieces of shit.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at December 03, 2021 01:41 PM (DTX3h)

185 His story keeps being refined
Posted by: Skip's Phone at December 03, 2021 01:36 PM (TeuoI)

Isn't that a 'tell'? I didn't sleep in a Holiday Inn last night but I have watched some police detective shows.
Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at December 03, 2021 01:37 PM (4I/2K)

Just another Script rewrite! Happens all the time!

Posted by: Romeo13 at December 03, 2021 01:41 PM (oHd/0)

186 There could have been video evidence of OJ doing it and he'd still be a free man today. The jury wanted to give the LAPD a big fuck you and they did.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at December 03, 2021 01:41 PM (OalnH)

187 Well, there are more important things than the loss of a loved one, I'll have you know.

Like big $$$$ payoffs, and not being ostracized.

Posted by: Mr. and Mrs Kopecek at December 03, 2021 01:41 PM (XXeDg)

188 OJ got away with it because he's a celebrity

The Jury didn't let him walk because he was famous. They let him walk because he's a black man and the LA police are bigots who keep the black man down and this was the jury's chance to get some justice back from THE MAN.

That's not my invention, its literally what they said about their decision.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 01:41 PM (KZzsI)

189 164 105 OJ got away with it because the cops acted like idiots and the jurors were racist against white people. Baldwin is a member of the Worst People on Earth as a white man and he used the evil scary gun thing.

He's doomed.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 01:33 PM (KZzsI)

OJ trial, for many people, was the first light into what fuck ups and liars the police are.

Posted by: Braenyard at December 03, 2021 01:41 PM (WzJXd)

190 Dude, even I felt PARTIALLY responsible when everything went to shit.

Posted by: Bart Simpson at December 03, 2021 01:42 PM (FJYfm)

191 @74

>>unless it was "accidentally overdeveolped" or something

It appears they were blocking and working out the scene and typically, even with digital cameras, you wouldn't record the blocking.

That is not to say others weren't caputuring it on some other device, they may have.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at December 03, 2021 01:42 PM (Ls9Kq)

192 You should charge the producers of the film! Wait....
- Alec Baldwin

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at December 03, 2021 01:42 PM (r5BVk)

193 I wouldn't put a mental illness label of that on all of them.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 03, 2021 01:33 PM (poMoX)

Agreed...the 99% who are narcissistic psychopaths give the 1% who are normal a bad rap.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 03, 2021 01:42 PM (Q9lwr)

194 94 The lawsuit is going to be Epic. He did not check the gun because he just does not do that?

i have people for that.

Posted by: Balec Aldwin at December 03, 2021 01:42 PM (oY6Yp)

195 Think about this - out of about 200 million chances, Alec Baldwin was the sperm that won.

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at December 03, 2021 01:42 PM (4I/2K)

196 Has Baldwin even been charged with anything?

Posted by: nurse ratched at December 03, 2021 01:42 PM (BOZsl)

197 Right now Baldwin should be in a jail with no bail awaiting trial.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at December 03, 2021 01:39 PM (BFigT)

Yes, so I could visit the Hilaria often.

Posted by: Paolo at December 03, 2021 01:42 PM (v0R5T)

198 Prop guns are used on movie sets all the time and people don't die.

You have to include Alec Baldwin to get those results.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (LvTSG)

Of course, he played a despicable, lecherous low-life shitbag, so it came naturally.
Posted by: 496

He continued in the same vein for "Working Girl".

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (3l5Yq)

200 196 Has Baldwin even been charged with anything?
Posted by: nurse ratched at December 03, 2021 01:42 PM (BOZsl)

Lousy acting in the 1st degree.

Posted by: 496 at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (VJsqe)

Has anyone mentioned that Alex Baldwin, resident of New York, crossed state lines to New Mexico when he killed that woman with a gun?

*his name is fucking Alexander. Enough with the "alec" bullshit. And enough with the "beto" bullshit. Enough with alexandria ocasio cortez, too. Her name is Sandy Cortez.

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (prQ8Y)

202 Agreed...the 99% who are narcissistic psychopaths give the 1% who are normal a bad rap.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

You mean the non-narcissistic psychopaths?

Posted by: SFGoth at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (KAi1n)

203 He also says he feels "no guilt" about killing the woman because it wasn't really him who killed her.

Was it...society?

Posted by: t-bird at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (1fg6a)

204 If only that hammer had a little more Rust, it wouldn't have snapped back onto the firing pin and blasted a hole thru two people.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (BPuaD)

205 Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at December 03, 2021 01:40 PM (OalnH)

Oh, another distraction from my point. which was you don't know this woman, you don't know her politics but you have no interest if she died because she might possibly be a leftist so it's good that she died anyway.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (poMoX)

206 If Baldwin is ever accused of rape he'll blame his dick for acting independently of him.
Posted by: Northernlurker at December 03, 2021 01:41 PM (eGTCV)

It is well known that they have minds of their own.

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (4I/2K)

207 Two things can be true at the same time:
The armorer on Rust was an inexperienced dumbass
Alec Baldwin pointed a gun at someone, cocked it and pulled the trigger

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (V6f9+)

208 In his defense, Alec was fantastic in She's Having a Baby.

Of course, he played a despicable, lecherous low-life shitbag, so it came naturally.
Posted by: 496 at December 03, 2021 01:40 PM (VJsqe)

Also in Malice. Which was also a role that wasn't a stretch.

Posted by: Jordan61 at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (Ez6QX)

209 Think about this - out of about 200 million chances, Alec Baldwin was the sperm that won.
Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at December 03, 2021 01:42 PM (4I/2K)

it shot the female sperm while practicing quick draws.

Posted by: Oldcat at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (eoQWY)

210 I'll wait for more facts to come out regarding the actions and words exchanged of Baldwin and others at the moment of shooting.
However, regarding the firearm, a Pietta 45 Colt replica of the Single Army Colt, if it had a transfer bar safety which to this date no report has claimed, then even partially cocking the hammer and releasing it with no trigger pull will not result in firing it. In fact, you have to pull the trigger to cause the transfer bar to slide up for the hammer to hit the frame's firing pin.

If the firing pin is on the hammer, then it is an unaltered copy of the Single Action Army (these never have used the Colt or S&W trigger blocks which is a different method than the transfer bar safety). There, firing after partially cocking it depends on the strength of the hammer spring and whether the half cock recess on the hammer was engaged. Failing to reach half cock stage makes whether the hammer slipped or not unreliable evidence as to whether the firearm actually fires. True Colt replicas have a 4 click sequence 1st click is the safety notch, 2nd is the half cock notch, 3rd is the cylinder stop as the chamber rotates to under the firing pin, 4th stop engaged.

Posted by: whig at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (9hXN1)

211 Bullsh*t fer sale. Git yer bullsh*t. Dirt cheap. Just like Halyna Hutchins life. Fuqhin POS. Him and his lawyers.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * jus a pohr wayfarin stranger at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (vrYHn)

212 Send $100 ASAP so Alec Baldwin gets the justice he deserves!!

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (OalnH)

213 155
btw, hollywood celery, seth rogen, says its only "white supremacists" who hate his new, awful HBO series that gives the middle finger to Americans.

Seth Rogen and Sarah "daughter of doberman pinscher" Silverman make a show that's just a big Fuck You to 75% of the USA, and they blame "bigots" for it's huge failure.

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 01:38 PM (prQ8Y)

I kind of wish people would cancel all these streaming services and go outside instead. Or find a a hobby or two.

Posted by: Augustine at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (BDZWU)

214 203 He also says he feels "no guilt" about killing the woman because it wasn't really him who killed her.

Was it...society?
Posted by: t-bird at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (1fg6a)


Republican wreckers and hoarder kulaks who were out to besmirch his name because Baldwin was such an effective tool against them.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:44 PM (LvTSG)

215 Actors get away with Murder?

Nah... never happens.

Posted by: Natalie Woods... at December 03, 2021 01:44 PM (oHd/0)

216 200 196 Has Baldwin even been charged with anything?
Posted by: nurse ratched at December 03, 2021 01:42 PM (BOZsl)

Lousy acting in the 1st degree.

Posted by: 496 at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (VJsqe)

Impersonating a human being.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at December 03, 2021 01:44 PM (N39Ws)

217 Go home and cry to Hilaria.

It takes brass balls to sell real estate.

If you're a pussy, try the acting racket.

Posted by: Blake at December 03, 2021 01:44 PM (vJCwr)

Cinematographer: "Don't wave that gun around like that."

Alex the Dick: "She said 'wave that gun around.' She said those exact words.

Alex the Dick's Lawyers:

Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at December 03, 2021 01:44 PM (51CiX)

219 That dead woman? She got no feelings after she is gone, in fact that is how pain and suffering awards work: How long before she died was she in pain and suffering?

If death was instantaneous then no pain and suffering award.

Posted by: torabora at December 03, 2021 01:44 PM (Y274z)

220 Two things can be true at the same time:
The armorer on Rust was an inexperienced dumbass
Alec Baldwin pointed a gun at someone, cocked it and pulled the trigger
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (V6f9+)

AND everyone there was violating all the safety protocols and people quit the shoot over it and left.

Posted by: Oldcat at December 03, 2021 01:44 PM (eoQWY)

221 Nasdaq down almost 400.

Posted by: I guess I'll tell them at December 03, 2021 01:45 PM (E7R/6)

222 Sweet fucking JESUS.

I knew Baldwin was scum, but holy fucking shit what a psychopath.

Posted by: DudeAbiding at December 03, 2021 01:45 PM (setIA)

223 Please please please please please PUH-LEEZE stop calling a cartridge a 'bullet.'

They're not the same thing. The bullet is the projectile (the part that goes flying downrange). The cartridge is the total assemblage of the case (which holds everything else), the primer, the gunpowder, and the bullet.

I don't like being pedantic about shit, and I get it- 'bullet' is often colloquially substituted for 'cartridge' or 'round.'

But in this case, we're trying to point out technical information about firearms, and so it I think it's important to be technically correct, and use the proper terminology, else you sound like you're just trying to fake knowing what you're talking about (are you?).

I wouldn't take a mechanic who talked about a fuel-injected car's carburetor or called the transmission the engine seriously, and nor can I take very seriously someone who wants to have a technical discussion of the working of firearms while butchering the terminology involved. So please, just stop, and take the time to get it right.

Or join CNN. Whichever.

Posted by: some guy at December 03, 2021 01:45 PM (6lyOI)

224 Enough with alexandria ocasio cortez, too. Her name is Sandy Cortez.

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (prQ8Y)

No...her name is bartender. As in, "Bartender, get me another draft and an order of wings."

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 03, 2021 01:45 PM (Q9lwr)

225 I kind of wish people would cancel all these streaming services and go outside instead. Or find a a hobby or two.
Posted by: Augustine at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (BDZWU)

This. So simple and rewarding to do something other than "watch".

Posted by: CN...FJB at December 03, 2021 01:45 PM (ONvIw)

226 Two things can be true at the same time:
The armorer on Rust was an inexperienced dumbass
Alec Baldwin pointed a gun at someone, cocked it and pulled the trigger
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (V6f9+)

AND everyone there was violating all the safety protocols and people quit the shoot over it and left.
Posted by: Oldcat at December 03, 2021 01:44 PM (eoQWY)

Three things

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 01:45 PM (V6f9+)

227 Besides leaving on cylinder open to prevent an accidental firing, they also had hammers that could be half cocked. This was a notch in between all the way down and all the way cocked.

It acted as a kind of a safety altho it was possible to jar the hammer out of the half cock notch and that might fire the round depending on how hard the cap or primer was and how much spring action was available at half cock. It was the source of the saying "going off half cocked" because a round fired from half cocked was usually not aimed and thus dangerous.

Posted by: jakee308 at December 03, 2021 01:46 PM (ZHNfk)

228 Agreed...the 99% who are narcissistic psychopaths give the 1% who are normal a bad rap.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 03, 2021 01:42 PM (Q9lwr)

I am not capable of giving a mental helth diagnosis on every actor, but yes, by what he said he definitely sounds like he has issues.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 03, 2021 01:46 PM (poMoX)

229 how are the *parents* of the michigan shooter already charged while this clown is strutting around on tv? where is speedy justice and equal protection under the law? lock this loser up.

Posted by: turnout man at December 03, 2021 01:46 PM (7CyhL)

230 If Baldwin is ever accused of rape he'll blame his dick for acting independently of him.
Posted by: Northernlurker at December 03, 2021 01:41 PM (eGTCV)

It inexplicably went off.

Posted by: Alec Baldwin at December 03, 2021 01:46 PM (v0R5T)

November 2018:

Alex Baldwin arrested for fight over parking spot in New York City

Actor Alec Baldwin was arrested Friday after he allegedly roughed up another man in a fight over a parking spot in New York, police said.

The incident happened about 1:45 p.m. in front of his East 10th Street building, the NYPD said. The 49-year-old victim told police he was injured in a tussle with Baldwin. "He's not sure if he was punched or exactly how he was injured in the altercation," an NYPD spokeswoman said.

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 01:46 PM (prQ8Y)

Out: Magic Bullet Theory.
In: Magic Trigger Theory.

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at December 03, 2021 01:46 PM (ylLOx)

233 Trump curse.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at December 03, 2021 01:46 PM (44ww/)

234 >>> I see "accidental murder" is now a thing.

Always has been. Most people know it by the name manslaughter, some by negligent homicide, some jurisdictions have 3rd and 4th degree murder charges that cover accidentally killing someone when you are still criminally liable for some form of negligence.

Posted by: mikethemoose at December 03, 2021 01:46 PM (T/vhV)

235 203 He also says he feels "no guilt" about killing the woman because it wasn't really him who killed her.

Was it...society?
Posted by: t-bird at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (1fg6a)

Also, that sumbitch Reagan in the White House

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at December 03, 2021 01:47 PM (guGkK)

236 233 Trump curse.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at December 03, 2021 01:46 PM (44ww/)


No...hit the Democratic Party.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:47 PM (LvTSG)

237 Now I get it. When Sotomayor was talking about brain dead people having muscle reflexes, she was talking about Baldwin pulling the trigger.

Posted by: Wally at December 03, 2021 01:47 PM (FJYfm)


In 2014, Baldwin was charged with disorderly conduct for riding his bike the wrong way down a one-way New York City street and yelling at a police officer. The case was later dismissed.

Back in 2013, Baldwin was photographed throwing photographer Paul Adao into a car after the man filmed the actor and his wife Hilaria in Greenwich Village. Baldwin was never charged in that incident.

But a tweet on the Hilaria and Alec Baldwin Foundation account Friday night, apparently from Baldwin, said "the assertion that I punched anyone over a parking spot is false" and that "I wanted to go on the record stating as much."

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 01:47 PM (prQ8Y)

239 226 Two things can be true at the same time:
The armorer on Rust was an inexperienced dumbass
Alec Baldwin pointed a gun at someone, cocked it and pulled the trigger
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (V6f9+)

AND everyone there was violating all the safety protocols and people quit the shoot over it and left.
Posted by: Oldcat at December 03, 2021 01:44 PM (eoQWY)

Three things
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 01:45 PM (V6f9+)

And Mark is stuck in a sexless marriage.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at December 03, 2021 01:47 PM (z5Vrg)

240 I haven't saved the link(s) but John Schneider "Bo Duke" in the TV series covers this well. Even with a prop gun, let alone a real one that will be loaded with blanks for some scenes HW knows and has rules for all the safety protocols and Baldwin and his crew ignored almost all of them.

And as the producer if his cameraman wanted to calibrate for the "gun pointed at the camera" scene it was his job to insist on the plexiglass? shield and ballistic blanket even if the blank was not going to be fired yet.

Posted by: PaleRider at December 03, 2021 01:47 PM (3cGpq)

241 "I am such an effective advocate for women, POCs, transgendered, and progressive causes more broadly, why wouldn't Trump, the Koch Brothers, or the NRA try to frame me? Isn't the NRA filled with firearms experts that could do this to me?"

Posted by: Alec "Not Saying, Just Asking" Baldwin at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (dYe5S)

242 Baldwin has a long history rage and rants that are infantile at best.

After this first incident, he talked about how he and his wife were very close to Halyna and her husband. Had dinner together, etc. Now he is basically blaming her and the gun.

You can see the bloat of a angry, guilty man in his face. No judge can set that free.

Posted by: Cheri at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (oiNtH)

243 No...her name is bartender. As in, "Bartender, get me another draft and an order of wings."
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 03, 2021 01:45 PM

In her case, might I propose amending the Style Guide to "Bar Wench"?

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (m+jkK)

244 Soothie, I am not surprised at Seth Rogan playing the antisemitism card. As a white male, it is the only card in the intersectionality deck of grief he can play, so he will play it to the hilt to wave away blame. Never mind it just shows he is thin skinned about his anti-Christian movie being an absolute stinker.

Posted by: LizLem at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (+mkOR)

245 Please please please please please PUH-LEEZE stop calling a cartridge a 'bullet.'

Gimme Back My Bullets

Posted by: Lynyrd Skynyrd at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (4I/2K)

Oh, it's Alec the Dick, not Alex. My bad. I wouldn't want to offend him.

Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (51CiX)

247 Posted by: some guy at December 03, 2021 01:45 PM (6lyOI)

And for God's sake quit calling a magazine a clip.

Posted by: jakee308 at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (ZHNfk)

248 To get a digital prop that interacts with an actor's hand to look as real as a real prop in dozens of shots?

A few million dollars, probably.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:41 PM (LvTSG)

Had a boss tell me once that if we screw up a calculation and someone gets killed that no amount of insurance will be enough. I suspect the production company is about to learn the same lesson.

Posted by: moon_over_vermont at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (oHftl)

249 Those bags under his eyes are holding all of his lies.

Posted by: Dontcha know at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (dzOHC)

250 Sweet fucking JESUS.

I knew Baldwin was scum, but holy fucking shit what a psychopath.
Posted by: DudeAbiding at December 03, 2021 01:45 PM (setIA)

The released voicemails from him to his own daughter didn't give you a bit of an inkling?

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (Zz0t1)

251 Bill Cosby and Alec Baldwin should have their own tv series.

Posted by: mr tmz at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (m/Gc2)

252 And Mark is stuck in a sexless marriage.
Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at December 03, 2021 01:47 PM (z5Vrg)

4 Things, though the last isn't relevant to the Baldwin homicide

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (V6f9+)

253 198 Prop guns are used on movie sets all the time and people don't die.

You have to include Alec Baldwin to get those results.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (LvTSG)

Alec Baldwin, he's not just a Jack Ass, he's a Fuck UP too.

Posted by: Braenyard at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (WzJXd)

Donald Trump Jr on Alex Baldwin:

"Is anyone shocked at this piece of garbage anymore? As if the phone calls to his daughter weren't bad enough," Trump Jr. tweeted. "He's a lib so he gets chance after chance to be decent but always fails!"

Oh wait, that's from 2018 -- before Alex Baldwin murdered a woman.

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (prQ8Y)

255 If he wanted to lower the hammer, he had to grab the hammer spur and then PULL THE TRIGGER TO RELEASE THE HAMMER.

I don't know if he doesn't realize it, or he's hoping most of the people he wants to convince won't know that.

On one side he pulled the trigger and it fired. On the other he didn't grab the hammer properly before pulling and bang. Either way, he pulled the damn trigger.

Posted by: Firehand at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (tc9Hx)

256 Maybe it was all an elaborate suicide planned by the her...

Posted by: steevy at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (CYnTg)

257 Baldwin can also argue that she assumed the risk because everyone knew he is bat shit violent crazy.

Posted by: torabora at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (Y274z)

258 His fake crying is pretty bad, I thought this idiot was an actor?

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at December 03, 2021 01:49 PM (h1jJh)

259 So who do they hire to do that job?
Posted by: CN...FJB at December 03, 2021 01:36 PM (ONvIw)

no, Law Schools train lawyers to say "Now, NEVER lie, that is a BAD BAD thing!!!" But I gotta point out, suppose you did lie, well you might win a million dollars, and you'll probably get away with whatever you're trying to get away with, but DON'T LIE! That's Bad!"
"Oh and by the way if you DO lie and I know about it, I can't do anything or tell anyone about it, because that's Ethics. I might hike my fees by a little bit, just so you know. "

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 03, 2021 01:49 PM (trdmm)

260 Who decided that it would be a good idea for Baldwin to give an interview to the press? As a lawyer, that's what I want to know.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at December 03, 2021 01:49 PM (guGkK)

261 Yeah, I love the Drinker but I could not get through the review of that shit

Posted by: steevy at December 03, 2021 01:49 PM (CYnTg)

262 Alec Baldwin has been living scum for decades now. Scum always rises to its own defense.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at December 03, 2021 01:49 PM (p+1gI)

263 242 Baldwin has a long history rage and rants that are infantile at best.

After this first incident, he talked about how he and his wife were very close to Halyna and her husband. Had dinner together, etc. Now he is basically blaming her and the gun.

You can see the bloat of a angry, guilty man in his face. No judge can set that free.

Posted by: Cheri at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (oiNtH)

While he became famous (notorious) for his Trump impersonations, I thought his recent impression of Dick Cheney was memorable.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at December 03, 2021 01:49 PM (N39Ws)

264 His fake crying is pretty bad, I thought this idiot was an actor?
Posted by: Lemmiwinks at December 03, 2021 01:49 PM (h1jJh)

There was no paycheck or contract tied to that interview, so.......

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 01:50 PM (Zz0t1)

265 While he became famous (notorious) for his Trump impersonations, I thought his recent impression of Dick Cheney was memorable.
Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at December 03, 2021 01:49 PM (N39Ws)


Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 03, 2021 01:50 PM (yQpMk)

266 Who here would accept a gun from someone who Told You it wasn't loaded without seeing for yourself?

My dad showed me a pistol he'd just bought. Handed it to me, saying: "it's not loaded."

I pointed it at the floor, released the magazine, racked the slide... he said "I told you it wasn't loaded."

I said "yes, Dad, but every gun is always loaded."

He smiled.

Posted by: JQ at December 03, 2021 01:50 PM (dB4Iz)

267 It appears they were blocking and working out the scene and typically, even with digital cameras, you wouldn't record the blocking.

That is not to say others weren't caputuring it on some other device, they may have.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at December 03, 2021 01:42 PM (Ls9Kq)

I dunno, when you're working out a scene on a set, aren't you also working on where the actors stand, their marks, as it were, etc? I would think modern cinematography would find it advantageous to do a video recording to see how things line up.

But, just a WAG on my part.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at December 03, 2021 01:50 PM (2SdPm)

268 He also says he feels "no guilt" about killing the woman because it wasn't really him who killed her.

Was it...society?
Posted by: t-bird at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (1fg6a)

It's not his fault that he can't behave.
Society made him go astray.

Posted by: Jordan61 at December 03, 2021 01:50 PM (Ez6QX)

269 256 Maybe it was all an elaborate suicide planned by the her...
Posted by: steevy at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (CYnTg)

My initial thought was that nobody would ever bring live rounds to a movie set, so this must have been a set-up. I wasn't real clear on who was setting up who, but that would be the only explanation as to why a live round was anywhere near.

I was dumbfounded to find out it wasn't uncommon.

Posted by: 496 at December 03, 2021 01:50 PM (VJsqe)

270 And for God's sake quit calling a magazine a clip.

Posted by: jakee308 at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (ZHNfk)

God doesn't GAS what you call it.

Posted by: Braenyard at December 03, 2021 01:50 PM (WzJXd)

271 I guess he should have adhered to A-I-D-A.

Posted by: Ajmojo at December 03, 2021 01:50 PM (XxarE)

No...her name is bartender. As in, "Bartender, get me another draft and an order of wings."
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

You misspelled "Sugar Tits"

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 03, 2021 01:51 PM (3l5Yq)

273 Anybody die on the set of John Wick? I didn't think so.

Posted by: wth at December 03, 2021 01:51 PM (v0R5T)

Wasn't the death shot the third negligent discharge on the movie set within a few days?

Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at December 03, 2021 01:51 PM (51CiX)

275 I got me a clip full of bullets and it's Amazeballs!

Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 03, 2021 01:51 PM (kTF2Z)

276 The real shooter was on the grassy knoll.

Posted by: Phuk Ho Le at December 03, 2021 01:51 PM (rHnVI)

277 Out: Magic Bullet Theory.
In: Magic Trigger Theory.
Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at December 03, 2021 01:46 PM (ylLOx)

You almost asked for it........

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 01:52 PM (Zz0t1)

278 How many live rounds were in the revolver? I mean, if it was one, he had a 1 in 6 chance of something bad happening unless he repeated cocked the hammer and pulled the trigger negligently. Even to let the hammer down carefully he had to pull the trigger, so he's lying if he says he didn't.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 03, 2021 01:40 PM (yQpMk)

Could well be six, since there are claims that third parties took guns out to 'target shoot' and that the armorer, such as she was, was often not present with the weapons due to COVID rules on the set.

Posted by: Oldcat at December 03, 2021 01:52 PM (eoQWY)

279 OK lets all stop pretending that its unthinkable and impossible for a mechanical device to malfunction. Its not outside the realm of possibility that the gun went off accidentally without him pulling the trigger.

The problem here isn't that, its that he didn't think of mentioning this until you know, weeks later. After giving multiple other excuses in the interim. And making other absurd, crazed statements.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 01:52 PM (KZzsI)

280 My dad showed me a pistol he'd just bought. Handed it to me, saying: "it's not loaded."

I pointed it at the floor, released the magazine, racked the slide... he said "I told you it wasn't loaded."

I said "yes, Dad, but every gun is always loaded."

He smiled.

Damn. I thought you were going to say then you shot your dad.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at December 03, 2021 01:52 PM (guGkK)

281 Saint George Floyd's nephew arrested for jury tampering.

The riots should be LIT.

Posted by: torabora at December 03, 2021 01:52 PM (U0p6D)

282 230 If Baldwin is ever accused of rape he'll blame his dick for acting independently of him.
Posted by: Northernlurker at December 03, 2021 01:41 PM (eGTCV)

It inexplicably went off.

Posted by: Alec Baldwin at December 03, 2021 01:46 PM (v0R5T)

"Hello, Mr Baldwin? I just got my DNA test result back, and you're my father."

"Unpossible! I may have primed her and have cocksure aim, but I never pulled the trigger with that whore mother of yours ..."

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at December 03, 2021 01:52 PM (ylLOx)

"Let's kill all the Republicans!"
-Alex Baldwin

Remember that?

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 01:52 PM (prQ8Y)

284 And for God's sake quit calling a magazine a clip.

And quit calling Baldwin an actor!

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at December 03, 2021 01:52 PM (r5BVk)

285 267 I dunno, when you're working out a scene on a set, aren't you also working on where the actors stand, their marks, as it were, etc? I would think modern cinematography would find it advantageous to do a video recording to see how things line up.

But, just a WAG on my part.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at December 03, 2021 01:50 PM (2SdPm)


You don't have to pay to develop digital recordings, dropping the cost of visual recording to practically nothing. They tend to leave cameras on for everything, including rehearsals. It's not a guarantee, but I'd be surprised if the cameras weren't rolling for the rehearsal.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:52 PM (LvTSG)

What a psychopath.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 03, 2021 01:53 PM (0x8YM)

287 Sarah Silvermam and Rogan have the exact same brand of "comedy" shock filth. Once it's lost the shock, it's just filth and as such is neither surprising nor funny.

Posted by: Farmer Bob at December 03, 2021 01:53 PM (McMSJ)

288 I got me a clip full of bullets and it's Amazeballs!
Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 03, 2021 01:51 PM (kTF2Z)

Same here. 30 carbine from S.Korea. Dunno why they're all on stripper clips but they are.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 01:53 PM (V6f9+)

289 239 And Mark is stuck in a sexless marriage.

and leon is getting larger.

Posted by: Kulak Anachronda, behind the Newsom curtain at December 03, 2021 01:53 PM (v3pYe)

lol @ Steve Inman


Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 01:53 PM (prQ8Y)

291 Seth Rogen and Sarah "daughter of doberman pinscher" Silverman make a show that's just a big Fuck You to 75% of the USA, and they blame "bigots" for it's huge failure.

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 01:38 PM (prQ8Y)

This is "streaming" money, meant to be pissed away for political points. This business model is not long for this world.

Posted by: Grudge Harbor at December 03, 2021 01:54 PM (uhPTO)

292 Saint George Floyd's nephew arrested for jury tampering.


Do MSNBC next.

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at December 03, 2021 01:54 PM (ylLOx)

293 Nothing he says is sane as reports I have read

Posted by: Skip's Phone at December 03, 2021 01:54 PM (TeuoI)

294 "Oh and by the way if you DO lie and I know about it, I can't do anything or tell anyone about it, because that's Ethics. I might hike my fees by a little bit, just so you know. "

Posted by: Tom Servo

Ethical criminal lawyers though will tell someone before they start talking that they can either not tell them what they did so as the lawyer can devise whatever legal strategy and witnesses to put on a defense OR they can tell them what they did and the lawyer then does not put on a defense but pokes holes in the state's case relying on the burden of proof on the state BUT they cannot put witnesses on the stand to perjure themselves on the behalf of the defendant.

Civil, it gets more complicated.

Posted by: whig at December 03, 2021 01:54 PM (9hXN1)

295 Santa Inc is just an outrage troll on their part. Best thing to do is ignore it. I mean, isn't being Seth Rogen enough punishment for that doughy pothead turd already?

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at December 03, 2021 01:54 PM (cSs/W)

296 It's not a guarantee, but I'd be surprised if the cameras weren't rolling for the rehearsal.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison,

Which footage will never see the light of day.

Posted by: Infidel at December 03, 2021 01:54 PM (qpolg)

297 Btw Silverman is losing her

Posted by: steevy at December 03, 2021 01:54 PM (CYnTg)

298 Love the aussies singing "shove your vaccine mandate up your ass". Is there an American cover?

Posted by: CN...FJB at December 03, 2021 01:54 PM (ONvIw)

299 And quit calling them handguns.

All guns are used with your hands!

Posted by: To the fainting couch! at December 03, 2021 01:55 PM (6fbYg)

300 Saint George Floyd's nephew arrested for jury tampering.

Ha! Now he gets to tell the judicial system exactly what's wrong with it.

Go for it, Sparky.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at December 03, 2021 01:55 PM (sVfvf)

301 Sarah Silvermam and Rogan have the exact same brand of "comedy" shock filth. Once it's lost the shock, it's just filth and as such is neither surprising nor funny.

Next up, a film about how Hanukkah is too "Jewy". Then a special presentation about the lack of black people in Muslim leadership and history. But in a funny way, with penis jokes and lame references to the holocaust!

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 01:55 PM (KZzsI)

302 What they aren't talking about is before lunch they were pounding pints of whiskey and using that same gun to shoot the empties off a fence post.

Posted by: Phuk Ho Le at December 03, 2021 01:55 PM (rHnVI)

303 Look, I am totally a hard core white supremacist and full on Trump supporter. Here is this lefty asshole who's virtue and nobility just sends me into a frothing rage because he makes me see how evil I am. How could I pass up the chance to drag him down and frame him? I set him up and I am glad, GLAD I TELL YOU!! that I could bring him low.

Posted by: The Gun at December 03, 2021 01:55 PM (GZ/yK)

304 287 Sarah Silvermam and Rogan have the exact same brand of "comedy" shock filth. Once it's lost the shock, it's just filth and as such is neither surprising nor funny.
Posted by: Farmer Bob at December 03, 2021 01:53 PM (McMSJ)


Sausage Party was just so bad.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:55 PM (LvTSG)

305 Posted by: whig at December 03, 2021 01:43 PM (9hXN1)

Yeah, looks like Pieta has made .45 both with and without the transfer bar... if it had the transfer bar, which it looks like all the new Pieta's do, his story is totally blown out of the water.

Posted by: Natalie Woods... at December 03, 2021 01:55 PM (oHd/0)

306 In her case, might I propose amending the Style Guide to "Bar Wench"?
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 03, 2021 01:48 PM (m+jkK)

Lin-duh isn't here, but I think I can speak for her and say we don't want The Bartender in our wench club.

Posted by: Jordan61 at December 03, 2021 01:55 PM (Ez6QX)

307 Lowering the hammer
Step 1: pull the trigger

Ok, now what?

Posted by: Alec B. at December 03, 2021 01:55 PM (fSmfa)

308 I wonder what his BAC was when he was waving the gun around.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at December 03, 2021 01:55 PM (r5BVk)

309 Watching him carefully parse his words, he's as guilty as sin.

Posted by: Wicklow at December 03, 2021 01:56 PM (uH65w)

310 And everyone kind of elides that fact that this person has made millions by pretending to be someone he's not with emotions he's not having towards people he has no relationship with at the direction of other people.

Any emotion or words they express at any time but particularly in front of a camera should be totally suspect and most likely false if that is in the persons interest.

Why do people always forget this and think actors never lie and are totally trustworthy?

Posted by: jakee308 at December 03, 2021 01:56 PM (ZHNfk)

311 The Alec Baldwin Defense:

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 01:56 PM (Zz0t1)

312 Also the terms Booger Hook and Bang Switch are right out!

Posted by: 496 at December 03, 2021 01:56 PM (VJsqe)

313 30 carbine from S.Korea.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 01:53 PM (V6f9+)

The M1 Carbine is an underpowered silly little gun.

I am amazed that a real man such as yourself even owns one.

I might be convinced to take it off your hands...just to use to teach my niece how to shoot.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 03, 2021 01:56 PM (Q9lwr)

314 Saint George Floyd's nephew arrested for jury tampering.

The riots should be LIT.
Posted by: torabora at December 03, 2021 01:52 PM (U0p6D)

They should offer him the option of either prison, or having a normal sized man kneel on him for 8 minutes.

Then we'll see if they really believe the kneeling thing is super dangerous.

Posted by: Wally at December 03, 2021 01:56 PM (FJYfm)

315 Gloria Allred is making noises about this case - How wonderfully delicious would it be if Gloria Allred ends up being the one who sues him for negligence?

Oh I don't think she would do a good job, but damn Popcorn futures would go through the roof!

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 03, 2021 01:56 PM (trdmm)

316 Same here. 30 carbine from S.Korea. Dunno why they're all on stripper clips but they are.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards

With a reloading spoon, much faster to reload mags with stripper clips than thumbing the rounds in a thirty round magazine. Easier on the thumbs too. These were combat rounds, not for plinking.

Back in the day, for Uncle Sam in the last century, I remember reloading AR magazines with stripper clips and reloading spoons. Dunno if they are still being used though.

Posted by: whig at December 03, 2021 01:56 PM (9hXN1)

317 123 115 You can build elaborate sets showing battles in space, but you can't CGI a fake gun in a scene? Seems weird that they're using real live guns in 2021.
Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at December 03, 2021 01:34 PM (OalnH)

You have no idea what you're talking about, do you?

Posted by: My name is Jose Jimanez at December 03, 2021 01:56 PM (Fs5vw)

318 Look, I am totally a hard core white supremacist and full on Trump supporter. Here is this lefty asshole who's virtue and nobility just sends me into a frothing rage because he makes me see how evil I am. How could I pass up the chance to drag him down and frame him? I set him up and I am glad, GLAD I TELL YOU!! that I could bring him low.
Posted by: The Gun at December 03, 2021 01:55 PM (GZ/yK)

I need you on that set!

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 03, 2021 01:57 PM (yQpMk)

319 I'm just surprised no one socked as Kim Jong Il from Team America in this thread. I get it though, people don't want the Shane Gillis treatment.

Posted by: Augustine at December 03, 2021 01:57 PM (BDZWU)

320 >>> No...her name is bartender. As in, "Bartender, get me another draft and an order of wings."
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

You misspelled "Sugar Tits"
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 03, 2021 01:51 PM (3l5Yq)

No no she doesn't in any way deserve a "sugar tits". It's a term of endearment and respectful appreciation. I've never "sugar tits" up a gal without her being a deserving recipient and it being a welcome complement. Granted, you oughta know her real, real well first. Sugar Tits are keepers, let me say that. AOC is not a keeper.

Posted by: banana Dream at December 03, 2021 01:57 PM (XXeDg)

321 @267

>>I dunno, when you're working out a scene on a set, aren't you also working on where the actors stand, their marks, as it were, etc?

Even digital cinematography is expensive and time consuming to setup and capture.

The director and cinematographer would capture blocking and setup in their notebooks.

The DP would typically setup the LUTS in the camera and focus in camera or in a program like Davinic Resolv or other program if shooting digitally or work with an assistant to set up a film camera.

You can do tests but this film was a low budget film so you wouldn't be shooting tests of the blocking.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at December 03, 2021 01:57 PM (Ls9Kq)

322 >OK lets all stop pretending that its unthinkable and impossible for a mechanical device to malfunction. Its not outside the realm of possibility that the gun went off accidentally without him pulling the trigger.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 01:52 PM (KZzsI)

Except that ignores the fact that following the standard firearm safety rules would have avoided this death. That's a big part of the reason why these rules are a thing in the first place; to minimize the chance that a malfunction could harm someone.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at December 03, 2021 01:57 PM (cSs/W)

323 Is it true he called her a little pig and then shot her?

Posted by: ... at December 03, 2021 01:57 PM (7HyDs)

324 >>> his name is fucking Alexander. Enough with the Alec bullshit. And enough with the Beto bullshit. Enough with alexandria ocasio cortez, too. Her name is Sandy Cortez.

But Emilio Estevez can stay Emilio, right? Emeeeeeelio!

Posted by: LizLem at December 03, 2021 01:58 PM (+mkOR)

325 281 Saint George Floyd's nephew arrested for jury tampering.

The riots should be LIT.
Posted by: torabora at December 03, 2021 01:52 PM (U0p6D)

If this is true Cop should get a new trial.

Posted by: Braenyard at December 03, 2021 01:58 PM (WzJXd)

326 If they aren't using digital cameras then I'll buy a hat and eat it.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:30 PM (LvTSG)

Ditto, film is too expensive and requires a lot of additional experts. Doesn't seem likely on the shoestring budget these guys had. The RAW footage can compensate for even the worst lighting and white balance. No doubt, Bladwin would have wanted to color grade this for dramatic effect as well.

A stand alone cine camera from Canon or Blackmagic always has at least 2 if not 3 memory slots, so you'd be nuts to not have your redundant backup in place, if not also recording directly to an external HD if you were professional about it, and have all cameras available on a single device for playback.

I just don't see at least one camera not rolling if he was "practicing" then that usually means everybody is "practicing". I just hope he's stupid enough to think that formatting a card was all he needed to do. Or maybe not be aware of any redundant recordings.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at December 03, 2021 01:58 PM (wAnMi)

327 But a tweet on the Hilaria and Alec Baldwin Foundation account Friday night, apparently from Baldwin, said "the assertion that I punched anyone over a parking spot is false" and that "I wanted to go on the record stating as much."
Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 01:47 PM (prQ8Y)

Typical modern truth-lie. If he didn't punch him, but slapped, shoved, grabbed, or wrestled....

Posted by: Oldcat at December 03, 2021 01:58 PM (eoQWY)

328 You know how animation is done?

Exactly the way that Santa Inc portrays things being done at the north pole. Underpaid, overworked, underpraised, unappreciated, and the star gets the glory while they tread all over the animators.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 01:58 PM (KZzsI)

329 They should offer him the option of either prison, or having a normal sized man kneel on him for 8 minutes.

Then we'll see if they really believe the kneeling thing is super dangerous.

How about we just shove the same amount of fentanyl up his ass that Saint George had up his.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at December 03, 2021 01:58 PM (sVfvf)

330 287 Sarah Silvermam and Rogan have the exact same brand of "comedy" shock filth. Once it's lost the shock, it's just filth and as such is neither surprising nor funny.
Posted by: Farmer Bob at December 03, 2021 01:53 PM (McMSJ)

Rogen has a second kind, that he works into all of his movies - Drugs aren't just not bad for you, they're actually good for you, improving your mental and physical performance, and generally making you a better person.

Which, I guess, isn't so much comedy as just bizarre social commentary, so yeah, maybe you're right.

Posted by: Wally at December 03, 2021 01:59 PM (FJYfm)

331 328 You know how animation is done?

Exactly the way that Santa Inc portrays things being done at the north pole. Underpaid, overworked, underpraised, unappreciated, and the star gets the glory while they tread all over the animators.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 01:58 PM (KZzsI)


The producers of Seth Rogan's Sausage Party were sued by their animators because of poor working conditions.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:59 PM (LvTSG)

332 --------------

If this is true Cop should get a new trial.

Posted by: Braenyard at December 03, 2021 01:58 PM (WzJXd)


-Attorney General Muslim Fuckbag.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 01:59 PM (Zz0t1)

333 Saint George Floyd's nephew arrested for jury tampering.

The riots should be LIT.
Posted by: torabora at December 03, 2021 01:52 PM (U0p6D)

If this is true Cop should get a new trial.

Posted by: Braenyard at December 03, 2021 01:58 PM (WzJXd)

Haven't looked but I'm assuming it's for the Rittenhouse trial.

Posted by: Jordan61 at December 03, 2021 01:59 PM (Ez6QX)

334 This cute blonde is willing to give Baldwin some lessons if he promises to pay attention and be a lot less of an arrogant, half-cocked asshole:

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 03, 2021 01:59 PM (DU+/6)

335 Here is what it looks like. Alec is a sociopath lying his way through culpability in order to provide some cover for his sociopathic communist friends to get him off the hook which he thinks they will do because he still has use to the uniparty, (or believing his past service to the uniparty is enough to get him a mea culpa, but communism usually doesn't even work on a "what have you done for me lately" basis rather a "what can I still expect to get from you" basis) and he might not be wrong. All he has to do is provide the lie, and they will decide whether or not to use it to get him out of hot water. It may even have come down to "pssst.... Hey your original lie wasn't good enough use this one instead and we can get you off the hook."

Posted by: mikethemoose at December 03, 2021 01:59 PM (T/vhV)

336 I had .30 cal carbine replica BB gun. Literally wore it out.

Posted by: torabora at December 03, 2021 01:59 PM (U0p6D)

337 >Sausage Party was just so bad.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 01:55 PM (LvTSG)

I would have never admitted in public that I watched that, but then Prometheus, so...

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at December 03, 2021 01:59 PM (cSs/W)

338 258 His fake crying is pretty bad, I thought this idiot was an actor?

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at December 03, 2021 01:49 PM (h1jJh)


"White tears!" -- [Insert favorite black racist here]

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at December 03, 2021 01:59 PM (hZMnF)

I might be convinced to take it off your hands...just to use to teach my niece how to shoot.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 03, 2021 01:56 PM (Q9lwr)

Please let me know if this tactic works as I have a few friends that have toys I need more than they do.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 02:00 PM (Zz0t1)

340 Gloria Allred is making noises about this case - How wonderfully delicious would it be if Gloria Allred ends up being the one who sues him for negligence?

She's never, ever on the right side of any issue. She's always up promoting the scumbag who is wrong and lying.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 02:00 PM (KZzsI)

341 CBD, about the same as the AR 5.56 as far as ft lbs.

Jim Cirrillo and company used them in their NYPD Stakeout squad to good effect.

Only problem is that they have to be altered to fire hollow points reliably and the mag design are crappy as they were considered more or less disposable.

Posted by: whig at December 03, 2021 02:00 PM (9hXN1)

342 OK lets all stop pretending that its unthinkable and impossible for a mechanical device to malfunction. Its not outside the realm of possibility that the gun went off accidentally without him pulling the trigger.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 01:52 PM (KZzsI)

Except that ignores the fact that following the standard firearm safety rules would have avoided this death. That's a big part of the reason why these rules are a thing in the first place; to minimize the chance that a malfunction could harm someone.
Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at December 03, 2021 01:57 PM (cSs/W)

Yes, the protocols as I understand them make *everyone* along the chain of custody open the gun and show the proper, or no loading. Armorer checks, actor checks and shows cameraman....if anyone had done that they would have seen it loaded.

Posted by: Oldcat at December 03, 2021 02:00 PM (eoQWY)

343 I've been making cookie dough all day. What have I missed?

Posted by: bluebell at December 03, 2021 02:01 PM (wyw4S)

344 They didn't have Bruno Maglis in the Old West, so there's that.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at December 03, 2021 02:01 PM (BPuaD)

345 It's catching up to her. Pisshockey looks horrible.

Posted by: Infidel at December 03, 2021 02:01 PM (qpolg)

346 The producers of Seth Rogan's Sausage Party were sued by their animators because of poor working conditions.

Exactly. He is literally who he's attacking in this movie. He is what he's criticizing, and not in an ironic or self deprecatory way. He's just sneering at people as an open hypocrite.

Plus, he's an untalented piece of crap who made Green Hornet. On purpose.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 02:02 PM (KZzsI)

347 I would have never admitted in public that I watched that, but then Prometheus, so...

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at December

I gets worse if he saw it with garrett.

Posted by: Yikes at December 03, 2021 02:02 PM (NDetR)

348 I've been making cookie dough all day. What have I missed?
Posted by: bluebell at December 03, 2021 02:01 PM (wyw4S)

Joetato is sick. Supposedly with a cold.

Posted by: Jordan61 at December 03, 2021 02:02 PM (Ez6QX)

349 No...her name is bartender. As in, "Bartender, get me another draft and an order of wings."
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

You misspelled "Sugar Tits"
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 03, 2021 01:51 PM (3l5Yq)

No no she doesn't in any way deserve a "sugar tits". It's a term of endearment and respectful appreciation. I've never "sugar tits" up a gal without her being a deserving recipient and it being a welcome complement. Granted, you oughta know her real, real well first. Sugar Tits are keepers, let me say that. AOC is not a keeper.
Posted by: banana Dream at December 03, 2021 01:57 PM (XXeDg)

How about, "Sling those drinks, you bitch!"

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at December 03, 2021 02:02 PM (4I/2K)

350 343 I've been making cookie dough all day. What have I missed?
Posted by: bluebell at December 03, 2021 02:01 PM (wyw4S)

Sounds like the baking.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at December 03, 2021 02:02 PM (UuD2k)

351 In her case, might I propose amending the Style Guide to "Bar Wench"?
Posted by: RedMindBlueState

Yeh.... No. She belongs in the bitch category NOT the wench category. I will cut a bitch but welcome my wench home girls freely.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at December 03, 2021 02:02 PM (Vxu+H)

352 You can build elaborate sets showing battles in space, but you can't CGI a fake gun in a scene?

In his director's cut of ET, Spielberg CGI-ed real guns out.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at December 03, 2021 02:02 PM (FVME7)

353 It's catching up to her. Pisshockey looks horrible.
Posted by: Infidel at December 03, 2021 02:01 PM (qpolg)

I will mention that she's never looked all that good, so.......

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 02:02 PM (Zz0t1)

354 Read a report no gun fore was taking place in the scene they were working on

Posted by: Skip's Phone at December 03, 2021 02:03 PM (TeuoI)

355 Joetato is sick. Supposedly with a cold.
Posted by: Jordan61 at December 03, 2021 02:02 PM (Ez6QX)
Ah! What can we do to make it worse?

(Sorry Jesus)

Posted by: bluebell at December 03, 2021 02:03 PM (wyw4S)

356 My dad carried the M1 carbine in the pacific war. He loved it.

Posted by: I'm The Other White Meat at December 03, 2021 02:03 PM (Fs5vw)

357 What a cowardly worm.

Posted by: flounder at December 03, 2021 02:03 PM (SH2Zi)

358 Its not outside the realm of possibility that the gun went off accidentally without him pulling the trigger.

Exactly, it waited its whole life to be held still, directed at that girl, and go off inexplicably. Never before, and never since.

Posted by: Alec B. at December 03, 2021 02:03 PM (lDew/)

359 OK lets all stop pretending that its unthinkable and impossible for a mechanical device to malfunction. Its not outside the realm of possibility that the gun went off accidentally without him pulling the trigger.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 01:52 PM (KZzsI)

Except that ignores the fact that following the standard firearm safety rules would have avoided this death. That's a big part of the reason why these rules are a thing in the first place; to minimize the chance that a malfunction could harm someone.
Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at December 03, 2021 01:57 PM (cSs/W)

Exactly. Let's say that he didn't pull the trigger, that somehow, some way a single action revolver pulled its own trigger. Still, 2 things had to happen for the gun to kill somebody. 1) He had to physically pull back the hammer on the gun. It's not a double action gun, so he actually had to cock it, otherwise it cannot fire. 2) He had to point it directly at a human being.

#1 lesson in gun safety is you do not point a weapon at something you do not intend to destroy.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at December 03, 2021 02:03 PM (wAnMi)

360 >>> 198 Prop guns are used on movie sets all the time and people dont die.

Nolte did a string of good articles on this when it happened. He said the fact the last big accidental set death from a gun that we remember is Brandon Lee, decades ago, with the number of films Hollywood pumps out every year using guns, shows how safe gun handling in Hollywood actually is. If all the protocols are followed to the letter, no death.

Alec and his whole team did not follow those protocols to the letter, so death.

Posted by: LizLem at December 03, 2021 02:03 PM (+mkOR)

361 From a couple of days ago:

275 This is psychopathic. He's in a room with the director and the DP, and he shoots both of them. That's not in dispute. You can argue that he was given a gun that had the wrong ammo in it, pass it off on someone else, and be able to sleep at night. Still, you have a lot of culpability there, but you can live with that. How can you possibly say that an inanimate object went off by itself and live with yourself? How can you possibly look the DP's widower in the face and say that, knowing that it's flat-out untrue? Let a defense lawyer make that assertion. How can you possibly say that yourself?

Posted by: Darrell Harris

Because it was coming out that the script that they were supposedly practicing did not have him fire the weapon in the scene. He is denying pulling the trigger because that makes it depraved indifference or manslaughter (as well as potentially letting insurers off the hook if intentional bad act) if he was pointing, aiming, and pulling the trigger at and when the script did not require him to do so.
Posted by: whig at December 01, 2021 04:21 PM (9hXN1)

Posted by: Darrell Harris at December 03, 2021 02:04 PM (M1I8I)

362 -------
Ah! What can we do to make it worse?

(Sorry Jesus)
Posted by: bluebell at December 03, 2021 02:03 PM (wyw4S)

We're good....

- China GoF Scientists

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 02:04 PM (Zz0t1)

363 Posted by: whig at December 03, 2021 02:00 PM (9hXN1)

Oh...I know. I'm just joking around and trying to embarrass Mark Andrew Edwards into selling me his M1 Carbine.

Because my M1 Garand is lonely without a little brother in the safe next to it.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 03, 2021 02:04 PM (Q9lwr)

364 Just imagine an alternate universe in which ABC, NBC, PBS, the NYT and WaPo all assisted in shaping the self-defense narrative for Kyle Rittenhouse, the way George Stephanopoulos is shaping this one for Baldwin.

Posted by: Mr Gaga at December 03, 2021 02:04 PM (KiBMU)

365 Is she called Sandy because sand got in her girl parts?

Posted by: torabora at December 03, 2021 02:04 PM (U0p6D)

366 This cute blonde is willing to give Baldwin some lessons if he promises to pay attention and be a lot less of an arrogant, half-cocked asshole:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 03, 2021 01:59 PM (DU+/6)

She sure can handle a big gun. Perfect!

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at December 03, 2021 02:04 PM (4I/2K)

367 I think he should have gone with temporary insanity and gotten some "expert" witness like Tom Nichols to say it was a predictable result of an actor who had to try and inhabit Trump's mind.

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at December 03, 2021 02:04 PM (hZMnF)

368 Oh...I know. I'm just joking around and trying to embarrass Mark Andrew Edwards into selling me his M1 Carbine.

Because my M1 Garand is lonely without a little brother in the safe next to it.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 03, 2021 02:04 PM (Q9lwr)


Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 02:04 PM (V6f9+)

369 bluebell was in Bluebell all day and missed yiu

Posted by: Skip's Phone at December 03, 2021 02:05 PM (TeuoI)

370 My dad carried the M1 carbine in the pacific war. He loved it.

Seriously? Why would someone love the Pacific War?

Posted by: AOC at December 03, 2021 02:05 PM (sVfvf)

371 All the boys:

"Too Sandy"

Posted by: torabora at December 03, 2021 02:05 PM (U0p6D)

372 Sounds like the baking.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at December 03, 2021 02:02 PM (UuD2k)

The baking will come later. This dough is going into the freezer.

I've been completely zoned out while doing this. I have a Spotify playlist going with Christmas orchestra music, and every now and again I hear O Holy Night and I think well, I guess a lot of orchestras play this. You probably know what's coming.

I just checked and my list has been playing for 2 1/2 hours, with the same song on repeat.

Posted by: bluebell at December 03, 2021 02:06 PM (wyw4S)

373 I've been making cookie dough all day. What have I missed?
Posted by: bluebell at December 03, 2021 02:01 PM (wyw4S)


Apparently TJM is a fan of Sausage Party.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 03, 2021 02:06 PM (kTF2Z)

374 It's catching up to her. Pisshockey looks horrible.
Posted by: Infidel at December 03, 2021 02:01 PM (qpolg)

I've always found her quite attractive, but when I saw that Morning Joe clip from the last thread, I thought, "Yikes! She might have wanted to clean up a little more and waited for Afternoon Joe, or Evening Joe."

Posted by: Wally at December 03, 2021 02:06 PM (FJYfm)

375 #1 lesson in gun safety is you do not point a weapon at something you do not intend to destroy.

Oh, I followed Rule #1 of Gun Safety to a 't', I can tell you than.

Posted by: Alec B. at December 03, 2021 02:06 PM (lDew/)

376 When I go read about Rittenhouse on marginally sane leftwing sites the argument is "I don't care if he didn't want to hurt those people, he killed two people and should pay a price for it."

And yet the argument for Baldwin on the left is, "Well he didn't mean to hurt anyone so let it go".

Posted by: 18-1 at December 03, 2021 02:06 PM (ESjRY)

377 This cute blonde is willing to give Baldwin some lessons if he promises to pay attention and be a lot less of an arrogant, half-cocked asshole

Cute grin. Get her some pants without holes ripped in them.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 02:06 PM (KZzsI)

378 Alec is a sociopath lying his way through culpability in order to provide some cover for his sociopathic communist friends to get him off the hook

I wouldn't say that. If you go around saying that you'll find yourself bleeding to death on a church floor.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at December 03, 2021 02:06 PM (FVME7)

379 bluebell was in Bluebell all day and missed yiu
Posted by: Skip's Phone at December 03, 2021 02:05 PM (TeuoI)

How nice, Skip! I just skipped across the kitchen and missed you too.

Posted by: bluebell at December 03, 2021 02:06 PM (wyw4S)

380 He's a fuckin moron for giving that interview

Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 03, 2021 02:07 PM (GPwVZ)

381 He should have ran her over with an SUV.

Posted by: SOMEASSHOLESTOLEMYPEN at December 03, 2021 02:07 PM (ytSiK)

382 Can we shoot this thread already?

Posted by: SFGoth at December 03, 2021 02:07 PM (KAi1n)

383 They really called that AB interview "unscripted?" That's pretty bold.

Posted by: flounder at December 03, 2021 02:07 PM (SH2Zi)

384 >>> This cute blonde is willing to give Baldwin some lessons if he promises to pay attention and be a lot less of an arrogant, half-cocked asshole:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at December 03, 2021 01:59 PM (DU+/6)

She sure can handle a big gun. Perfect!
Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at December 03, 2021 02:04 PM (4I/2K)

Not often are girls so friendly and eager that they have breeching standoffs on their pump to force their way into your home so as to love on you real hard.

Posted by: banana Dream at December 03, 2021 02:07 PM (XXeDg)

385 Is she called Sandy because sand got in her girl parts?

She couldn't spell Alexandria.

Posted by: t-bird at December 03, 2021 02:07 PM (JioHo)

386 I just checked and my list has been playing for 2 1/2 hours, with the same song on repeat.
Posted by: bluebell at December 03, 2021 02:06 PM (wyw4S)

well, at least its a good song.

Posted by: Oldcat at December 03, 2021 02:07 PM (eoQWY)

btw, to all the shitbags who are trying to make something cryptic about Pres Trump's "I wish her luck" to gizlame maxwell, he said the exact same thing about Alex Baldwin in 2018.

That's just what he says -- it's his version of "Fuck You," I guess.

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 02:08 PM (prQ8Y)

388 If I killed someone in a traffic accident it would take me a long time to sleep at night, even if I was entirely blameless.

Posted by: Northernlurker at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (eGTCV)

That happened to neighbor of ours when I was growing up. I think that part of why my mom would have weekly coffee with her was to make sure she was okay, especially since the woman had already lost her husband to cancer.

Posted by: pookysgirl, with more guilt than a NY parish at December 03, 2021 02:08 PM (XKZwp)

389 breaching, I mean.

I guess breeching would be some sort of aggressively putting on pants.

Posted by: banana Dream at December 03, 2021 02:08 PM (XXeDg)

390 I would love to have an M1 Carbine. It was designed by a naturally gifted mechanical genius while serving time in prison.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at December 03, 2021 02:08 PM (Y5qcH)

391 They really called that AB interview "unscripted?" That's pretty bold.

That modifier always puzzles me.

So... all other interviews are, in fact, scripted?

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 02:08 PM (KZzsI)

392 @whig, I need to look at getting a stripper clip spoon, I guess. There's no obvious way to use the stripper clips with mine. I've just been pulling them out of the stripper clips, wiping them down (they're filthy rounds) and loading the magazines.

Keepshooting dot com sells new-production 30 carbine mags.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 02:08 PM (V6f9+)

393 Nolte did a string of good articles on this when it happened. He said the fact the last big accidental set death from a gun that we remember is Brandon Lee, decades ago, with the number of films Hollywood pumps out every year using guns, shows how safe gun handling in Hollywood actually is. If all the protocols are followed to the letter, no death.

Alec and his whole team did not follow those protocols to the letter, so death.
Posted by: LizLem at December 03, 2021 02:03 PM (+mkOR)

Indeed, think about the dozens of Westerns on TV alone. Back when they really did have live ammo on the sets. I've been watching old Wild Wild West and Rawhide reruns, and am amazed that they had dummy rounds in the revolvers always. Heck, with the resolution of old sets, how on earth would anybody even notice that detail?

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at December 03, 2021 02:08 PM (wAnMi)

Cute grin. Get her some pants without holes ripped in them.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 02:06 PM (KZzsI)

Good luck. Every teenage girl everywhere has such jeans and thinks they're da bomb.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 02:08 PM (Zz0t1)

395 well, at least its a good song.
Posted by: Oldcat at December 03, 2021 02:07 PM (eoQWY)

My favorite! Which is why I didn't mind that it was ~occasionally ~ being repeated.

Until it finally dawned on me.

Posted by: bluebell at December 03, 2021 02:09 PM (wyw4S)

396 This cute blonde is willing to give Baldwin some lessons if he promises to pay attention and be a lot less of an arrogant, half-cocked asshole

Cute grin. Get her some pants without holes ripped in them.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 02:06 PM (KZzsI)

Hobo-ette with a shotgun.

Posted by: flounder at December 03, 2021 02:09 PM (SH2Zi)

397 >>> Exactly. He is literally who he attacking in this movie. He is what hes criticizing, and not in an ironic or self deprecatory way. Hes just sneering at people as an open hypocrite.

This. He is the toxic male and the toxic producer Hollywood swears they hate. Yet they keep giving him money and cover.

Posted by: LizLem at December 03, 2021 02:09 PM (+mkOR)

398 Using a dead woman who you murdered as an alibi?

Please, judge- I'm a widow now!

Posted by: Aetius451AD at December 03, 2021 02:09 PM (csEWM)

399 392 @whig, I need to look at getting a stripper clip spoon, I guess. There's no obvious way to use the stripper clips with mine. I've just been pulling them out of the stripper clips, wiping them down (they're filthy rounds) and loading the magazines.

Keepshooting dot com sells new-production 30 carbine mags.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 02:08 PM (V6f9+)



Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 02:09 PM (LvTSG)

400 Any emotion or words they express at any time but particularly in front of a camera...

Schneider was mocking that exact thing on his video yesterday by getting all weepy and going straight-faced with a WTF look.

Posted by: Oddbob at December 03, 2021 02:09 PM (nfrXX)

401 When I go read about Rittenhouse on marginally sane leftwing sites the argument is "I don't care if he didn't want to hurt those people, he killed two people and should pay a price for it."

And yet the argument for Baldwin on the left is, "Well he didn't mean to hurt anyone so let it go".
Posted by: 18-1 at December 03, 2021 02:06 PM (ESjRY)

Hypocrisy is a leftist lifestyle. None of the rules apply to the bosses, and the designated enemy has no rights or humanity.

Posted by: Oldcat at December 03, 2021 02:09 PM (eoQWY)

402 333 Saint George Floyd's nephew arrested for jury tampering.

The riots should be LIT.
Posted by: torabora at December 03, 2021 01:52 PM (U0p6D)
That is fantastic news!! I hope its legit

Posted by: LASue at December 03, 2021 02:09 PM (Ed8Zd)

403 Alec. You're a dick.

- Jeff Spicoli

Posted by: Archer at December 03, 2021 02:09 PM (gmo/4)

404 Good luck. Every teenage girl everywhere has such jeans and thinks they're da bomb.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 02:08 PM (Zz0t1)

Meh. The looks on their faces are priceless when you tell them that was the style "in my day."

Posted by: flounder at December 03, 2021 02:09 PM (SH2Zi)

405 So he's trying the Marion Barry defense? "The bitch set me up."

Posted by: butch at December 03, 2021 02:10 PM (cHvOo)

406 >>> That's just what he says -- it's his version of "Fuck You," I guess.
Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 02:08 PM (prQ8Y)

bless his heart...

Posted by: banana Dream at December 03, 2021 02:10 PM (XXeDg)

407 And for the record if Baldwin had shot someone as part of the script of the movie he'd have a case for arguing "not my fault".

He aimed the gun at those people because he was mad at them and he was dicking around. That is *clearly* manslaughter.

The unlawful killing of a human being without any deliberation, which may be involuntary, in the commission of a lawful act without due caution and circumspection.

Posted by: 18-1 at December 03, 2021 02:10 PM (ESjRY)

408 OK lets all stop pretending that its unthinkable and impossible for a mechanical device to malfunction. CRT

Without the actual firearm used, it is impossible to determine that. Uberti's replica at issue makes it more unbelievable as those use modern metallurgy and have a higher standard of reliability than an original first or second generation SAA Colt. A Third generation Colt would be about equal. You might want to also take a gander at the Click system of Colts and the procedure for revolver cylinders locking and unlocking to allow rotation. There is a relatively small window during this rotation where the cartridge is in firing position and the primer is directly under the firing pin. It takes a pretty good hit on the primer to actually crush the primer anvil for firing. Off center hits on the shoulder etc typically do not get it done.

So it is possibly vaguely that the stars lined up just wrong enough for an out of time, damaged Single Action might fire with the hammer alone. But without a demonstration of that firearm doing that, the odds are tremendously against it.

Posted by: whig at December 03, 2021 02:10 PM (9hXN1)

409 Clearly a case of suicide by baldwin

Posted by: Busted Can of Biscuits at December 03, 2021 02:10 PM (2cfUo)

Schneider was mocking that exact thing on his video yesterday by getting all weepy and going straight-faced with a WTF look.
Posted by: Oddbob

It was good acting.

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 02:10 PM (prQ8Y)

411 223/some guy: Reminds me of this old favorite, "The Dissident Frogman, Bite Me Bullet":

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at December 03, 2021 02:10 PM (nRMeC)

412 So he's trying the Marion Barry defense? "The bitch set me up."
Posted by: butch at December 03, 2021 02:10 PM (cHvOo)

Next thing you know he'll be mayor of DC.

Posted by: bluebell at December 03, 2021 02:10 PM (wyw4S)

413 A Fauxcian slip.
WATCH: Dr. Fauci refers to the original virus as the "Wuhan strain"

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at December 03, 2021 02:11 PM (FVME7)

Meh. The looks on their faces are priceless when you tell them that was the style "in my day."
Posted by: flounder at December 03, 2021 02:09 PM (SH2Zi)

My kid's likely response is "but I look better...."

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 02:11 PM (Zz0t1)

415 Trigger kills director

Car kills parade goers

Posted by: LASue at December 03, 2021 02:11 PM (Ed8Zd)

416 Baldwin was depraved BEFORE he pulled the trigger.
People sometimes exhibit crazy as a little at a time on their way to becoming full blown mentally ill. Periods of lucidity followed by episodes of crazy.

Posted by: torabora at December 03, 2021 02:11 PM (U0p6D)

417 >>>Alec Baldwin: I Feel No Guilt

Alec Baldwin (ACTOR): I Feel No Guilt

Posted by: m at December 03, 2021 02:11 PM (rk2/G)

418 They really called that AB interview "unscripted?" That's pretty bold.

That modifier always puzzles me.

So... all other interviews are, in fact, scripted?
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 02:08 PM (KZzsI)

The "unscripted" ones are SUPER scripted. Just not by the interviewer. Its Orwell time.

Posted by: Oldcat at December 03, 2021 02:11 PM (eoQWY)

419 They really called that AB interview "unscripted?" That's pretty bold.

They're just lucky no one got shot.

Posted by: Methos at December 03, 2021 02:11 PM (kOpft)

420 This cute blonde is willing to give Baldwin some lessons if he promises to pay attention and be a lot less of an arrogant, half-cocked asshole

Cute grin. Get her some pants without holes ripped in them.

She's cute. But those eyes are either impish or crazy. I haven't figured out which. I will need her to come over for some one on one consultations.

Posted by: Archer at December 03, 2021 02:11 PM (gmo/4)

421 Using a dead woman who you murdered as an alibi?

That's next-level stuff. We are definitely going to grant him admission to our level if he pulls this off.

Posted by: Bill Clinton at December 03, 2021 02:11 PM (WwKVr)

422 Stripper?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 02:09 PM (LvTSG)

Gunmetal, not ginger

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 02:12 PM (V6f9+)

423 If I killed someone in a traffic accident it would take me a long time to sleep at night, even if I was entirely blameless.

Posted by: Northernlurker at December 03, 2021 01:28 PM (eGTCV)

You're not a sociopath. A good sociopath alters reality to leave himself blameless. Cheating on your wife? Then you invent reasons how she forced you to do it. She was probably cheating first, she was really a lesbian, she beat you, gaslighted you - doesn't matter how far fetched. Your life, your reality. And, stories/alibies for others when they ask uncomfortable questions.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at December 03, 2021 02:12 PM (wAnMi)

424 Trigger kills director

Car kills parade goers

Posted by: LASue at December 03, 2021 02:11 PM (Ed8Zd)

"Mistakes were made"

Posted by: Oldcat at December 03, 2021 02:12 PM (eoQWY)

425 422 Stripper?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 02:09 PM (LvTSG)

Gunmetal, not ginger
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 02:12 PM (V6f9+)


Ginger stripper?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 02:12 PM (LvTSG)

426 Calling an interview unscripted is like a salesman saying he's telling the truth.

Posted by: Northernlurker at December 03, 2021 02:13 PM (eGTCV)

427 I recently learned that in Greek or Latin (?), hypocrite means actor.

Posted by: LASue at December 03, 2021 02:13 PM (Ed8Zd)

428 Update: Plumber finds hundreds (a plethora?) of envelopes stuffed with cash and checks hidden in a wall at Pastor Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Houston.

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at December 03, 2021 02:13 PM (4I/2K)

Car kills parade goers

Posted by: LASue at December 03, 2021 02:11 PM (Ed8Zd)

Common sense parade laws NOW!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 02:13 PM (Zz0t1)

430 He is denying pulling the trigger because that makes it depraved indifference or manslaughter (as well as potentially letting insurers off the hook if intentional bad act) if he was pointing, aiming, and pulling the trigger at and when the script did not require him to do so.

Posted by: whig at December 01, 2021 04:21 PM (9hXN1)


Ironically, this entire display -- and especially his avoidance of any feeling of guilt -- kind of corroborates the depraved indifference charge.

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at December 03, 2021 02:13 PM (hZMnF)

WATCH: Dr. Fauci refers to the original virus as the "Wuhan strain"
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice

It's all falling apart.

Posted by: Infidel at December 03, 2021 02:13 PM (qpolg)

432 The left for decades have been saying guns kill people. Not people kill people.
They yell it from the roof tops...GUN CRIME.
Not people crime.

Posted by: torabora at December 03, 2021 02:13 PM (U0p6D)

433 My kid's likely response is "but I look better...."

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 02:11 PM (Zz0t1)

I'd allow that.

Posted by: flounder at December 03, 2021 02:14 PM (SH2Zi)

434 399 MAE, Thanks, I know that and have bought some. I prefer the 15's though. CDNN had some S. Korean or Taiwanese mags that are of similar quality as does SARCO. Try SARCO for the stripper clip spoons.

All of them including GI originals are more fragile compared with AR mags of a decent make or M-14/FAL/G3 mags.

TJM, yes, it is a tired joke in firearm world and SARCO uses profiles of such ladies like you see on mudflaps to sell their stripper clips.

Posted by: whig at December 03, 2021 02:14 PM (9hXN1)

435 Using a dead woman who you murdered as an alibi?

That's next-level stuff. We are definitely going to grant him admission to our level if he pulls this off.
Posted by: Bill Clinton at December 03, 2021 02:11 PM (WwKVr)

Indeed, and Epstein's chair at the table is still vacant.

Posted by: John Podesta at December 03, 2021 02:14 PM (wAnMi)

436 Leftists always lie. It's inherent.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at December 03, 2021 02:14 PM (Xrfse)

437 Imagine how bad the Rust incident would have been if the gun had been fully semi-automatic!

Posted by: 496 at December 03, 2021 02:14 PM (VJsqe)

438 I've been out so just got on and catching up so way way OT....
But can I have a poster of photo 2 of the male Who Diss made into a poster to hang in my bedroom?
And if he was gay, I don't want to know.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at December 03, 2021 02:14 PM (Y+l9t)

439 I'm sure it was noted in an earlier post (because I'm not that smart) but his lawyer is either TERRIBLE or was directly ignored. There is no way he should be giving statements about this at all.

Posted by: Inogame X-State Lines at December 03, 2021 02:14 PM (53oGX)

440 427 I recently learned that in Greek or Latin (?), hypocrite means actor.
Posted by: LASue at December 03, 2021 02:13 PM (Ed8Zd)

Looking up the etymology, it looks like latin derived it from greek and it did originally mean actor.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at December 03, 2021 02:14 PM (z5Vrg)

441 428 Update: Plumber finds hundreds (a plethora?) of envelopes stuffed with cash and checks hidden in a wall at Pastor Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Houston.

It's a Christmas miracle

Posted by: Busted Can of Biscuits at December 03, 2021 02:14 PM (2cfUo)

442 And again to extend all this - remember when the McCloskey's displayed their weapons to BLM to get the terrorists to leave them alone?

As we found out later the weapons weren't operational.

Now...imagine one of them pointed the weapon at a BLM terrorist and pulled the trigger...thinking the weapon was non-functional...but being incorrect, shooting and killing someone that wasn't directly attacking them (so NOT like the Rittenhouse case).

This is what Baldwin did...well..except his life wasn't being threatened of course. Does anyone believe that the left would have given the McCloskey's a pass here?

Posted by: 18-1 at December 03, 2021 02:15 PM (ESjRY)

443 'Reality' TV shows. Also 'unscripted'. For certain values of 'unscripted'.

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at December 03, 2021 02:15 PM (4I/2K)

444 Ginger stripper?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 02:12 PM (LvTSG)

Very popular model

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 02:15 PM (V6f9+)

445 >>> Schneider was mocking that exact thing on his video yesterday by getting all weepy and going straight-faced with a WTF look.
Posted by: Oddbob

Where would I find said video?

Posted by: LizLem at December 03, 2021 02:15 PM (+mkOR)

You're not a sociopath. A good sociopath alters reality to leave himself blameless. Cheating on your wife? Then you invent reasons how she forced you to do it. She was probably cheating first, she was really a lesbian, she beat you, gaslighted you - doesn't matter how far fetched. Your life, your reality. And, stories/alibies for others when they ask uncomfortable questions.
Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at December 03, 2021 02:12 PM (wAnMi)

*furiously writing notes*

Posted by: I'm The Other White Meat at December 03, 2021 02:16 PM (Fs5vw)

447 444 Ginger stripper?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 02:12 PM (LvTSG)

Very popular model
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 02:15 PM (V6f9+)


Frenchified ginger stripper...

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 02:16 PM (LvTSG)

448 You glow away now.
No gun climb up here.

Posted by: Roof Koreans at December 03, 2021 02:16 PM (U0p6D)

449 It's all falling apart.

Not so sure. Our "betters" are resilient. if nothing else. Witness the panic-du-jour that never ends.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at December 03, 2021 02:16 PM (Xrfse)

450 So basically ABC/Disney just runs publicity/propaganda for these people now? Don't even pretend to be a news org?

Murder someone, and they'll let you come on and tell your bullshit sob story.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 03, 2021 02:17 PM (YV6PJ)

451 Ginger stripper?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at December 03, 2021 02:12 PM (LvTSG)

Is it anything like a Ginger Baker?

Posted by: 496 at December 03, 2021 02:17 PM (VJsqe)

452 Common sense parade laws NOW!!!!
Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 02:13 PM (Zz0t1)

Starting with high-capacity parades. Who on earth needs several hundred people at a parade? You simply don't need more than 3 people for a marching band. Float? 1 driver, maybe somebody to wave. Our founding fathers never intended for jugglers or baton twirlers to roam free on the streets, unchecked. Madness.

Legislate maximum 10 person parade capacity NOW!

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at December 03, 2021 02:17 PM (wAnMi)

453 And again to extend all this - remember when the McCloskey's displayed their weapons to BLM to get the terrorists to leave them alone?

As we found out later the weapons weren't operational.

Now...imagine one of them pointed the weapon at a BLM terrorist and pulled the trigger...thinking the weapon was non-functional...but being incorrect, shooting and killing someone that wasn't directly attacking them (so NOT like the Rittenhouse case).

This is what Baldwin did...well..except his life wasn't being threatened of course. Does anyone believe that the left would have given the McCloskey's a pass here?
Posted by: 18-1 at December 03, 2021 02:15 PM (ESjRY)

To be accurate, I think only the gun held by the wife was non-operational. And of course the DA told the state to make it operational so that the charges could continue.

Posted by: Oldcat at December 03, 2021 02:17 PM (eoQWY)

454 Does Alec Baldwin have a brother who's a professing Christian?

Posted by: Northernlurker at December 03, 2021 02:17 PM (eGTCV)

455 Perhaps we can get Thomas Edison to use Mr. Baldwin to demonstrate the dangers of alternating current.

Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks at December 03, 2021 02:18 PM (lSZIs)

456 The wheels are closing in.

Posted by: Just sayin' at December 03, 2021 02:18 PM (444oS)

457 Imagine how bad the Rust incident would have been if the gun had been fully semi-automatic!
Posted by: 496 at December 03, 2021 02:14 PM (VJsqe)

Or an AR assault pistol !

Posted by: LASue at December 03, 2021 02:18 PM (Ed8Zd)

458 Plumber finds hundreds (a plethora?) of envelopes stuffed with cash and checks hidden in a wall at Pastor Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Houston.

"We, the leadership of this church, have not been hiding donations and tithes to avoid tax issues or disguise our insane level of wealth! Now buy my new book and donate money to Jesus!"
--Joel Osteen

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 02:18 PM (KZzsI)

459 This cute blonde is willing to give Baldwin some lessons if he promises to pay attention and be a lot less of an arrogant, half-cocked asshole

Cute grin. Get her some pants without holes ripped in them.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 02:06 PM

I could never be half-cocked around her, IYKWIM....

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 03, 2021 02:18 PM (m+jkK)

460 He disobeyed all the rules. He didn't check the chamber, pointed it at something he didn't want to kill, had the gun cocked and his finger on the trigger. At the least he was totally negligent. After 40 years in the business, this is not the first time he handled a firearm. It shouldn't have mattered one bit if he was given an instruction, he should know the rules.
I've only been doing this for 14 months and I know the rules.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at December 03, 2021 02:19 PM (Y+l9t)

461 no, Law Schools train lawyers to say "Now, NEVER lie, that is a BAD BAD thing!!!" But I gotta point out, suppose you did lie, well you might win a million dollars, and you'll probably get away with whatever you're trying to get away with, but DON'T LIE! That's Bad!"
"Oh and by the way if you DO lie and I know about it, I can't do anything or tell anyone about it, because that's Ethics. I might hike my fees by a little bit, just so you know. "
Posted by: Tom Servo at December 03, 2021 01:49 PM (trdmm)

What do you do when you know your client is a bumbling fool that is sure to mess up any lies he tells on the stand? Or worse tell the truthy or a different story later and open him/herself up to perjury?

Posted by: rd at December 03, 2021 02:19 PM (Z32m1)

462 >Perhaps we can get Thomas Edison to use Mr. Baldwin to demonstrate the dangers of alternating current.
Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks at December 03, 2021 02:18 PM (lSZIs)

We can call the process "getting Baldwined"

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at December 03, 2021 02:20 PM (cSs/W)

463 If I was that plumber, you would have never heard about me finding bags of money anywhere. What kind of amateur plumber was this guy?

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at December 03, 2021 02:20 PM (UuD2k)

464 Where would I find said video?

Posted by: Oddbob at December 03, 2021 02:20 PM (nfrXX)

465 You're not a sociopath. A good sociopath alters reality to leave himself blameless. Cheating on your wife? Then you invent reasons how she forced you to do it. She was probably cheating first, she was really a lesbian, she beat you, gaslighted you - doesn't matter how far fetched. Your life, your reality. And, stories/alibies for others when they ask uncomfortable questions.
Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at December 03, 2021 02:12 PM (wAnMi)

That's a perfect picture of my sister in law. She is banned from my house until she gets help and apologizes for her wrongs. It will never happen. Her choice.

Posted by: flounder at December 03, 2021 02:20 PM (SH2Zi)

466 >>>But Emilio Estevez can stay Emilio, right?

Yes.. Emilio seems to be a pretty decent guy now.. (I don't know for real. All he had to be was Not Charlie and that was a pretty low, effing bar)

Posted by: Blanco at December 03, 2021 02:20 PM (BZQgK)

467 390 I would love to have an M1 Carbine. It was designed by a naturally gifted mechanical genius while serving time in prison.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe

Movie is a bit misleading as is the hype, Carbine Williams was a talented designer but his main contribution to the Carbine was the short stroke piston system. Same as the William's floating chamber for the Colt Ace which was a .22 LR version of the famous 1911.

Bits and pieces of the .30 Carbine came from various sources such as the bolt is a scaled down version of the M1 Garand and the cartridge was derived from an old Winchester self loading cartridge.

If interested, the definitive history of the carbine is by Larry Ruth and his Warbaby series.

Posted by: whig at December 03, 2021 02:20 PM (9hXN1)

468 The walls are coming off.

Posted by: Just sayin' at December 03, 2021 02:20 PM (444oS)

469 Does this mean Alec is running for president?

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at December 03, 2021 02:20 PM (UvMeP)

>> Schneider was mocking that exact thing on his video yesterday by getting all weepy and going straight-faced with a WTF look.
Posted by: Oddbob

Where would I find said video?
Posted by: LizLem

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 02:20 PM (prQ8Y)

471 Does Alec Baldwin have a brother who's a professing Christian?
Posted by: Northernlurker at December 03, 2021 02:17 PM (eGTCV)

Stephen Baldwin, famously from The Usual Suspects.
He's not popular at home.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 02:20 PM (V6f9+)

472 He disobeyed all the rules.

Read them carefully. I obeyed them all.

Posted by: Alec B. at December 03, 2021 02:21 PM (oY5A0)

473 The fat lady is circling the drain!

Posted by: Just sayin' at December 03, 2021 02:21 PM (444oS)

474 She's never, ever on the right side of any issue. She's always up promoting the scumbag who is wrong and lying.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 02:00 PM (KZzsI)

Yup. See a defendant with AllRed and it's case closed against the defendant.

Posted by: Braenyard at December 03, 2021 02:21 PM (WzJXd)

475 He's utterly disgusting.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Sexual Racist. at December 03, 2021 02:21 PM (II3Gr)

476 She's cute. But those eyes are either impish or crazy.

She looks mischievous, and hopefully she knows how to properly handle that shotgun.

*later at urgent care*
"I just thought it would blast the seat of your pants off, like in the cartoons!"

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 02:21 PM (KZzsI)

477 416 Baldwin was depraved BEFORE he pulled the trigger.
People sometimes exhibit crazy as a little at a time on their way to becoming full blown mentally ill. Periods of lucidity followed by episodes of crazy.

Posted by: torabora at December 03, 2021 02:11 PM (U0p6D)


In many ways, this too is the story of Joe Biden

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at December 03, 2021 02:22 PM (hZMnF)

478 California is passing a law requiring all firearms used in films to have trigger locks installed at all times while being filmed.

Posted by: torabora at December 03, 2021 02:22 PM (U0p6D)

479 If his wife is smart (doubtful as she married him) she would divorce him now while he still has money prior to a civil judgement. I can't even imagine life with this rage-stroke of a human being. Won't be a bit surprised if in the near distant future, she is being interviewed on what it was like to be married to this jerk.

Posted by: Cheri at December 03, 2021 02:22 PM (oiNtH)

480 Do you know how hard it is to shoot two people with one discharge without aiming or pulling a trigger?

Alec is a fucking genius. We need to clone him for the Pentagon and all future wars against women.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at December 03, 2021 02:22 PM (BPuaD)

481 I shot the director but I did shoot the deputy.

Posted by: Alec Baldwin at December 03, 2021 02:22 PM (ESjRY)

482 Baldwin doesn't care about the money. He just can't abide the notion of being convicted of murder. Even in Hollywood that's a career-ender.

Posted by: creeper at December 03, 2021 02:22 PM (cTCuP)

483 The gun is good

The penis is evil

Alec Baldwin is a dickhead

Repeat as needed.

Posted by: Zardoz at December 03, 2021 02:22 PM (OSPlA)

484 He's utterly disgusting.
Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Sexual Racist. at December 03, 2021 02:21 PM (II3Gr)

I'll say.....He stinks on ice!

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 02:22 PM (Zz0t1)

485 >If I was that plumber, you would have never heard about me finding bags of money anywhere. What kind of amateur plumber was this guy?
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at December 03, 2021 02:20 PM (UuD2k)

*plumber finds $5M in cash in the walls*

"Wow, I found $4M in cash stashed away by Joel Osteen!"

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at December 03, 2021 02:23 PM (cSs/W)

486 If his wife is smart (doubtful as she married him) she would divorce him now while he still has money prior to a civil judgement. I can't even imagine life with this rage-stroke of a human being. Won't be a bit surprised if in the near distant future, she is being interviewed on what it was like to be married to this jerk.
Posted by: Cheri at December 03, 2021 02:22 PM (oiNtH)

Nah, likely they are shifting assets to her name so judgement can't get them. Let that finish.

THEN divorce him, and keep it all.

Posted by: Oldcat at December 03, 2021 02:23 PM (eoQWY)

487 That cutie with the shotgun reminds me of Jake and Elwood's problem.

Posted by: torabora at December 03, 2021 02:24 PM (U0p6D)

488 Posted by: creeper at December 03, 2021 02:22 PM (cTCuP)

Hi creeper!!

Posted by: Jordan61 at December 03, 2021 02:24 PM (Ez6QX)

489 The very first eye-witness account of this killing was that the director called for a reshoot of the scene, and arrogant asshole Baldwin pointed the gun at him and the cinematographer and said: "How about I shoot you, instead?" and pulled the trigger.

All of the various press releases and statements and bullshit cover stories are designed to hide that one statement.

Posted by: Sharkman at December 03, 2021 02:24 PM (i22hp)

490 This guy is a murderer. Anyone who is competent in handling firearms knows that you always treat them as if they are loaded. The fact that this incompetent leftist clown, who has always ranted against the Second Amendment, now is trying to shift the blame elsewhere is both predictable and sickening.

Go ahead and take him, Canada.

Posted by: jackcoke at December 03, 2021 02:25 PM (tqqDt)

491 Oh...I know. I'm just joking around and trying to embarrass Mark Andrew Edwards into selling me his M1 Carbine.

Because my M1 Garand is lonely without a little brother in the safe next to it.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

Best watch out, old military firearms multiply and are now getting pricey. Best current carbine replicas are made by Fulton Armory as they use forged receivers and match all the specs of the war time ones. Mid period and later Universal, Iver Johnson, etc and current ones by Autoordnance etc. use cast receivers which makes the dimensions off for using certain carbine parts.

Posted by: whig at December 03, 2021 02:25 PM (9hXN1)

492 If his wife is smart (doubtful as she married him) she would divorce him now while he still has money prior to a civil judgement

"Een Espana where I am totally from, a wife never leeves her hoosband over sometheeng so leetel as a shooteeng!"

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 02:25 PM (KZzsI)

493 Anyone heard any updates from Mike Hammer?

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 02:25 PM (Zz0t1)

494 Makes me wonder if Hollywood cultivates sociopaths or merely attracts them.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Sexual Racist. at December 03, 2021 02:25 PM (II3Gr)

495 >>> If his wife is smart (doubtful as she married him) she would divorce him now while he still has money prior to a civil judgement. I can't even imagine life with this rage-stroke of a human being. Won't be a bit surprised if in the near distant future, she is being interviewed on what it was like to be married to this jerk.
Posted by: Cheri at December 03, 2021 02:22 PM (oiNtH)

His Spanish wife will probably flee back to the tiny village in Spain where she was raised, called Boston.

Posted by: banana Dream at December 03, 2021 02:25 PM (XXeDg)

496 New Hampshire man who stuffed RAZOR blades into pizzas at supermarkets is jailed for nearly five years

Posted by: Braenyard at December 03, 2021 02:25 PM (WzJXd)

497 493 Anyone heard any updates from Mike Hammer?
Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 02:25 PM (Zz0t1)

I didn't know he was sick, what's going on there?

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 02:26 PM (V6f9+)

498 Steven Baldwin as McManus = Alec Baldwin as Alec Baldwin

When my doggie gets rambunctious I call him McManus

Posted by: Zardoz at December 03, 2021 02:26 PM (OSPlA)

499 Red SUVs kill people, the driver at the wheel doesn't.

Prop handguns kill cinematographers, the actor holding the gun doesn't.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at December 03, 2021 02:26 PM (sVfvf)

500 Howdy, Jordan.

Posted by: creeper at December 03, 2021 02:26 PM (cTCuP)

501 494 Makes me wonder if Hollywood cultivates sociopaths or merely attracts them.
Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw.


Posted by: Braenyard at December 03, 2021 02:26 PM (WzJXd)

502 If I was that plumber, you would have never heard about me finding bags of money anywhere. What kind of amateur plumber was this guy?
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at December 03, 2021 02:20 PM (UuD2k)

Per a story related on these very pages by Jim SND, the Osteen church probably 'requested' a 25% discount on the plumbing repair services and a generously-termed payment plan, because God's Holy Work.

Said plumber might have been shocked (shocked!) that skimming the collection plate was happening in the mega church. And a little resentful.

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at December 03, 2021 02:26 PM (4I/2K)

503 My position on Baldwin has changed from empathetic headshaking to, now, wanting to see him die in prison.

Posted by: Hobbiehawk at December 03, 2021 02:26 PM (xvo2h)

504 #486
Wrongful death lawyers will probably already be locking up Baldwin's assets. Wife might be living on a sidewalk already before she's an ex.

Posted by: torabora at December 03, 2021 02:26 PM (U0p6D)

505 The funny thing about Hillaria is that Spaniards are "white". Here, for example, is a picture of the king of Spain

So she's play acting at being a minority by pretending to be someone who is still a gringa.

Posted by: 18-1 at December 03, 2021 02:27 PM (ESjRY)

I didn't know he was sick, what's going on there?
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 02:26 PM (V6f9+)

He had a massive headache, so drove himself to the VA where they discovered a brain hemorrhage. He was able to post in an ONT the other evening, but not sure he's been back.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 02:27 PM (Zz0t1)

507 Makes me wonder if Hollywood cultivates sociopaths or merely attracts them.

From limited contact and experience it is my opinion that it takes being basically sociopathic to be a good actor. Or, at least, its a profession in which sociopaths are common and can excel.

Like politics.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 02:27 PM (KZzsI)

508 Baldwin must be counting on getting the prosecutor to let up so that his version becomes the only one. There is at least one surviving witness - the guy he shot as well - that can give a lie to everything he said, and likely others in the crew as well.

Posted by: Oldcat at December 03, 2021 02:28 PM (eoQWY)

509 Red SUVs kill people, the driver at the wheel doesn't.


Posted by: Some Ork at December 03, 2021 02:28 PM (ESjRY)

510 What kind of amateur plumber was this guy?

The kind that ACTUALLY found $12 million in the wall, but only reported 4.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at December 03, 2021 02:28 PM (sVfvf)

511 Does he really think the guy he shot tha5 survived is going to cover for him?
There were lots of other people around. How does he expect to get away with this story?

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at December 03, 2021 02:28 PM (Y+l9t)

512 Nood Covid Concentration camps

Posted by: whig at December 03, 2021 02:28 PM (9hXN1)

513 My position on Baldwin has changed from empathetic headshaking to, now, wanting to see him die in prison.

What'd he do?

Posted by: Dick Cheney's Shotgun at December 03, 2021 02:28 PM (CTJwJ)

514 Red SUVs kill people, the driver at the wheel doesn't.

Posted by: Some Ork at December 03, 2021 02:28 PM (ESjRY)

You should see the red ones with the go FASTER stripes installed.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 02:29 PM (Zz0t1)

515 old military firearms multiply and are now getting pricey. Best current carbine replicas are made by Fulton Armory as they use forged receivers and match all the specs of the war time ones. Mid period and later Universal, Iver Johnson, etc and current ones by Autoordnance etc. use cast receivers which makes the dimensions off for using certain carbine parts.
Posted by: whig at December 03, 2021 02:25 PM (9hXN1)

Mine's just a civvie Universal. It's not 100% reliable sadly, even after feed ramp polish and spring replacements, but it's a fun range toy.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at December 03, 2021 02:29 PM (V6f9+)

516 Thanks for the links!

George Snuffslupugus has always been a loyal bagman for the left during his career as a fake journalist. He will do whatever his real bosses ask and do it with a smile. Even trying to rehab the image of an unstable psycho.

But enough about bill clinton. . .

Posted by: LizLem at December 03, 2021 02:29 PM (+mkOR)

517 Best current carbine replicas are made by Fulton Armory as they use forged receivers and match all the specs of the war time ones.

Fulton is a manufacturer now? Jeebus, I remember when it was one guy spamming rec.guns with his (IMO) overpriced M-14 clones built on customer supplied Norinco receivers.

Posted by: Oddbob at December 03, 2021 02:29 PM (nfrXX)

518 Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?

While the nation and perhaps the world is melting down, governments going full Hugo Boss against the peaceable people, lawless mobs running wild, school slaughters, "cops" shooting wheelchair bound elderly in the back for shoplifting, etc etc here's Alex fucking Baldwin to add to the death toll, and yet exclaim "No, it wasn't me, honest Injun!"

Posted by: common tater at December 03, 2021 02:29 PM (Idlcg)

519 Said plumber might have been shocked (shocked!) that skimming the collection plate was happening in the mega church. And a little resentful.

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at December 03, 2021 02:26 PM (4I/2K)

$600,000 K had been reported stolen a couple of years ago.

Posted by: Braenyard at December 03, 2021 02:29 PM (WzJXd)

520 There were lots of other people around. How does he expect to get away with this story?

The same way Avenetti thought he could forever stay 1 step ahead of his grifting and fraud catching up with him.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 03, 2021 02:29 PM (KZzsI)

521 Nood in case no one else does

Posted by: Skip's Phone at December 03, 2021 02:29 PM (2JoB8)



Posted by: Soothsayer at December 03, 2021 02:30 PM (prQ8Y)

523 He had a massive headache, so drove himself to the VA where they discovered a brain hemorrhage. He was able to post in an ONT the other evening, but not sure he's been back.
Posted by: Sponge - Saying Jackson Sparks at December 03, 2021 02:27 PM (Zz0t1)

Oh no! I just popped back in and saw this. I hope he's okay. I'll be praying hard for him. He's one of my faves.

Posted by: bluebell at December 03, 2021 02:30 PM (wyw4S)

524 #496
Well pizza razor blades man will be out in time to vote in the 2024 elections... unless he lives in Florida.

And IDK but he sounds like a Florida Man.

Posted by: torabora at December 03, 2021 02:30 PM (U0p6D)

525 Probably said already, but Dumbfuck Baldwin should not be talking to anyone but his lawyers right now.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at December 03, 2021 02:30 PM (ufFY8)

526 $600,000 K had been reported stolen a couple of years ago.
Posted by: Braenyard at December 03, 2021 02:29 PM (WzJXd)

Yes, I remember that now.

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at December 03, 2021 02:31 PM (4I/2K)

527 Makes me wonder if Hollywood cultivates sociopaths or merely attracts them.


Posted by: Notorious BFD at December 03, 2021 02:31 PM (Xrfse)

528 519 Said plumber might have been shocked (shocked!) that skimming the collection plate was happening in the mega church. And a little resentful.

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at December 03, 2021 02:26 PM (4I/2K)

$600,000 K had been reported stolen a couple of years ago.
Posted by: Braenyard at December 03, 2021 02:29 PM (WzJXd)

I've always thought that mega-churches would be the perfect front for laundering drug money.

Posted by: I'm The Other White Meat at December 03, 2021 02:31 PM (Fs5vw)

529 Maybe I missed a comment on this, but if the gun is cocked, you can't let the hammer down on a single action revolver without squeezing the trigger. It isn't that difficult, however, for the thumb to slip while lowering the hammer, thus permitting the hammer to fall with enough force to fire the cartridge. In any event, lowering the hammer of a cocked revolver is yet another thing you don't do while pointing the gun at somebody.

Posted by: Paco at December 03, 2021 02:32 PM (njExo)

530 I'm waiting for I AM SCIENCE to weigh in and explain, in terms only the most delusional sociopaths of our Age can understand, that due to alignment of the planets, the Coriolis Effect, ghosts, Santa Fe County pension deficits, colloidal silver, bird seed and ancient Indian burial mounds and the CoViD tao variant, the gun went off without any intervention.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at December 03, 2021 02:33 PM (+LCoQ)

531 >>> If his wife is smart (doubtful as she married him) she would divorce him now while he still has money prior to a civil judgement

I have suspected that she is pumping out kids as part of a plan to be a top mommyfluencer and build a social media empire as a busy mom who does it all and still looks great in yoga pants. She should get out before he takes her down with him, and build a brand as a Phoenix rising from the ashes of her former life as a single mommyfluencer. If she were smart.

No way she does not have dirt on him being volatile to her she could use in divorce proceedings. No way.

Posted by: LizLem at December 03, 2021 02:34 PM (+mkOR)

532 If I was that plumber, you would have never heard about me finding bags of money anywhere. What kind of amateur plumber was this guy?

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at December 03, 2021 02:20 PM (UuD2k)

Non-union. Definitely non-union.

Posted by: Archer at December 03, 2021 02:34 PM (gmo/4)

533 Razor blade Man

Hannaford Supermarket in Saco, Maine

Posted by: Braenyard at December 03, 2021 02:35 PM (WzJXd)

534 490/jackcoke: "Go ahead and take him, Canada."

He's not one of ours, so no.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at December 03, 2021 02:36 PM (nRMeC)

535 A drug cartel would be perfect repository for wash and wear megachurch money.

Posted by: klaftern at December 03, 2021 02:39 PM (taPSh)

536 I remember early reports that the incident was filmed... Perhaps not?

Posted by: KlondykeBar at December 03, 2021 02:49 PM (uYdqV)


Posted by: irongrampa at December 03, 2021 02:49 PM (KATBx)

538 Trump's "I wish him/her luck" = Texan's "Bless your heart."

Posted by: FriscoYoda at December 03, 2021 02:54 PM (+56GQ)

539 Hammer, schmammer. Trigger or not.

There was still a live round in the weapon.

Fry his ass.

Posted by: Bea Arthur's Dick at December 03, 2021 02:57 PM (TU8Tj)

540 Humm, I expected a clip from "The Shootest" with John Wayne explaining to Opee to only load 5 rounds, for safety.

Posted by: Paladin at December 03, 2021 03:02 PM (CE4w9)

541 I think he's got a substance problem.

Posted by: not a professional opinion at December 03, 2021 03:04 PM (mjggx)

542 "I think he did not want to admit anything or commit to a story that would leave him without a defense to even lesser charges like criminally negligent homicide."

This was evident from the very first tweet he made about the incident. One that he worded just-so, with the same legally analyzed verbiage that tiptoes around implication -- IMMEDIATELY AFTER his so-called friend died at his hands. "This tragedy that happened." "Distraught that this occurred to her." He's exactly the narcissist you'd expect him to be from all the roles he plays.

Posted by: red speck at December 03, 2021 03:13 PM (gS3OW)

543 Hypocrisy is a leftist lifestyle
Remarkably pithy and apropos.

Posted by: Well said, well spoken at December 03, 2021 03:15 PM (ksm5o)

544 Initial reports were that the shot came when Baldwin was annoyed at having to reshoot a scene and had just said "maybe I'll just shoot both of you," presumably not meaning that he would shoot them with a live round, but clearly suggesting that he might pretend to shoot them by going through the actions of shooting at them with a real gun he thought was unloaded.

That doesn't square with his story now that they were actually deep into the details of working out the re-shoot.

Plus there is another earlier story, told by Baldwin himself, where he said he was practicing his draw or his cross-draw when the gun went off. Very different from his story now about a static pose where his victim is supposedly instructing him on how he needs to be pointing his gun right at her.

Posted by: Alec at December 03, 2021 04:09 PM (wh9C3)

545 This jerk has done stupid ads and stuff for PETA and called his own little Daughter a Fat Selfish Pig then made that putrid version of a kids classic book Cat in the Hat just another Hollywood iidot we put on our Boycott List

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at December 03, 2021 06:21 PM (wGqjj)

546 "this armorer woman" was responsible for a real gun loaded with real bullets being present on set (instead of a prop gun, or a real gun not loaded, or a real gun loaded with blanks, any of which would have been acceptable and are standard practice under varying circumstances).

So, yes, "this armorer woman" is indeed the one responsible for the deaths. Alleged support for Trump does not excuse criminal stupidity.

Posted by: rold at December 03, 2021 07:29 PM (lKLPq)

547 37 I'm telling you, that gun had the craziest look in its eyes before it start shooting people, like it hated black people and all the heroes in Hollywood, a "Trump gun" as some are now calling it.
Posted by: Alec Baldwin at December 03, 2021 01:25 PM (7uROS)


Posted by: m at December 04, 2021 03:03 AM (TZgEk)

548 I knew it would come to Baldwin blaming the victim.

Posted by: obsidian at December 04, 2021 01:00 PM (1GobA)

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