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The Laws Exist to Protect White Conservatives.
A Black Man Would Never Have Been Acquitted on a Self-Defense Claim.

This verdict came in... yesterday.

A man who attempted to kill a cop -- who was raiding the home of his girlfriend -- pled self-defense. And was acquitted.

The media won't cover this, even though it's now highly relevant to the claim they're making that a black man could never successfully plead self-defense, never ever ever.

Oh -- and he's a felon.

A Gifford man who claimed he was defending himself and his girlfriend when he fired shots at deputies during an early-morning raid in 2017 was acquitted Friday of charges that carried a life prison term.

A jury found Andrew "A.J." Coffee IV, 27, not guilty of second-degree felony murder, three counts of attempted first-degree murder of a law enforcement officer by discharging a firearm and one count of shooting or throwing a deadly missile.

In a separate proceeding Friday, the same jury convicted Coffee IV of one count of possession of a firearm by a felon.

And how much White Privilege does Mr. Coffee enjoy, I wonder?

How much White Supremacy does he benefit from?

Screenshot (835).png

So he was a felon illegally in possession of a gun. He got convicted of that -- there's no way to avoid that.

But the jury acquitted him of attempted murder of a cop.

I wonder if he cried White Tears on the stand.

Screenshot (836).png

Posted by: Ace at 10:36 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Good morning everyone.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 20, 2021 10:37 AM (mD/uy)

2 Saturday ace is the best ace.

Happy thanksgiving and thank you for brightening my days and keeping me informed!

Posted by: Loki at November 20, 2021 10:38 AM (ZW1rs)

3 And 3rd!

Posted by: Loki at November 20, 2021 10:38 AM (ZW1rs)

4 And off to let them know ace poked his head in!

Posted by: Loki at November 20, 2021 10:38 AM (ZW1rs)

5 Well, yeah Ace, all these details are important. But Mr. Coffee did NOT cross state lines, so he is clearly not guilty!

Posted by: NeverBiden at November 20, 2021 10:39 AM (uA3aJ)

6 Good morning.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at November 20, 2021 10:39 AM (ZJizj)

7 Top 10!

Posted by: FriscoYoda at November 20, 2021 10:39 AM (+56GQ)

8 I thought Ace was off.. working Saturday now?!

Posted by: A dude in MI at November 20, 2021 10:39 AM (/6GbT)

9 the Left certainly will never experience a shortage of slogans and platitudes and wrongness

Posted by: kallisto at November 20, 2021 10:40 AM (DJFLF)

10 Ace is always there. Always watching.

Just like Facebook. I mean Meta!

Posted by: Loki at November 20, 2021 10:41 AM (ZW1rs)

11 Across state lines!!! *hic* Stay safe.

Posted by: Suburban Wine Moms at November 20, 2021 10:42 AM (Xrfse)

12 The government was created by the rich to protect the rich and the people who participate in at, do so for scraps and privileges.

F..k your governance. NO CONSENT. BORN HERE.


Posted by: Hold My Montrachet at November 20, 2021 10:42 AM (juH8z)

13 Good, good, facts are stubborn things. Or more accurately, "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."

Posted by: runner at November 20, 2021 10:43 AM (V13WU)

14 Mornin' Ace!

Posted by: BunkerintheBurbs at November 20, 2021 10:43 AM (rahKx)

15 Tom Nichols needs to stick his head in a gas oven. What a useless and pathetic man.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, the Phillips screwdriver of the gods at November 20, 2021 10:43 AM (cSyAR)

16 Ps. Hoe does one get convicted of exercising a RIGHT....that comes from the Author of Nature and is inalienable?

Posted by: Hold My Montrachet at November 20, 2021 10:43 AM (juH8z)

17 Well I let them know ace had left a beautiful new post but they ignored me. :-(

Posted by: Loki at November 20, 2021 10:44 AM (ZW1rs)

18 They won't take this victory away from us

Suck it libs

Posted by: Zeera Hunkering down here, Boss at November 20, 2021 10:44 AM (0pv1a)

19 Mr O'Spades on a Saturday!

Posted by: Weasel at November 20, 2021 10:44 AM (0IeYL)

20 Any change Feds can bring charges agains this guy ?

Also, juries across the land are scared to put black felons behind bars now ? Fears of backlash, riots and looting ? I guess terrorism works. As intended.

Posted by: runner at November 20, 2021 10:45 AM (V13WU)

21 You should speak to whoever your boss here is at ASHQ, Ace.
First they say you can have a vacation, then they say you have to work on a Saturday?!! Harrrmph!

(yes; I know you are the boss at ASHQ, .

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 20, 2021 10:45 AM (poMoX)

22 Good morning, Ace!

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 20, 2021 10:45 AM (Y+l9t)

23 Yeah? Well what about those (checks notes) 100k unarmed black men killed by police every year?

Posted by: BignJames at November 20, 2021 10:46 AM (AwYPR)

24 repeat From last thread:


Posted by: kallisto at November 20, 2021 10:47 AM (DJFLF)

25 Hah. Some vacation.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 20, 2021 10:47 AM (VxC1e)

26 >>> 16 Ps. Hoe does one get convicted of exercising a RIGHT....that comes from the Author of Nature and is inalienable?
Posted by: Hold My Montrachet at November 20, 2021 10:43 AM (juH8z)

Ha, you flyover people and your make believe things!

Posted by: Stan at November 20, 2021 10:47 AM (llON8)

27 Mr O'Spades on a Saturday!
Posted by: Weasel at November 20, 2021 10:44 AM (0IeYL)

ace is concerned that you might want to put up a food thread , so he is hitting us with posts...

Posted by: first time commenter, long time reader at November 20, 2021 10:47 AM (V13WU)

28 I guess terrorism works. As intended.
Posted by: runner at November 20, 2021 10:45 AM (V13WU)
The government would know. They're the biggest terrorists around.... Don't pay your tax extortion and refuse to surrender your liberty for it....and they'll definitely kill you. If that's isn't terrorism....what is?

Posted by: Hold My Montrachet at November 20, 2021 10:47 AM (juH8z)

29 I thought it was 100 million every day.

Posted by: Buck Joefiden (nee Ofama) at November 20, 2021 10:47 AM (AdmEv)

30 I like coffee as well as the next guy but a coffee IV is step too far.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at November 20, 2021 10:47 AM (FVME7)

31 Ace packed a week's vacation into Friday night.

Posted by: JuJuBee at November 20, 2021 10:48 AM (mNhhD)

32 So you know how to make a vacation you just don't know how to take a vacation.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 20, 2021 10:48 AM (ZLI7S)

33 Blank

Posted by: Skip's Phone at November 20, 2021 10:48 AM (Ocljc)

34 Ace is posting from poolside with hawt strippers fanning him and feeding him grapes.

Posted by: Weasel at November 20, 2021 10:48 AM (0IeYL)

35 Talk about crappy coverage. Seems like two things could have happened here. A bad jury made a bad call based on racial/anti-police sentiment. Or, these cops used excessive force to execute a poorly conceived no-knock raid, killed a guy over petty drug offenses, and then tried to lock up his son for life to deflect blame for their mess they made, and a good jury just wasn't having it.

Impossible to sort out from this trash-media article.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 20, 2021 10:48 AM (PBmdd)

36 Oh, blank again

Posted by: Skip's Phone at November 20, 2021 10:49 AM (Ocljc)

37 Ha, you flyover people and your make believe things!
Posted by: Stan at November 20, 2021 10:47 AM (llON
Literally got that from THE founding document of this country. The entire pretext behind all of their law while they excuse their disobedience to the same.

Posted by: Hold My Montrachet at November 20, 2021 10:49 AM (juH8z)

38 OK, who killed the comments?

Posted by: FriscoYoda at November 20, 2021 10:49 AM (+56GQ)

39 Ace heard there was going to be a sous vide post later today.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 20, 2021 10:51 AM (VxC1e)

40 And by "everyone knows it," that idiot Nichols means "I really, really wish it were so."

Posted by: LASue at November 20, 2021 10:51 AM (Ed8Zd)

41 I used to have a Mr. Coffee. As far as I know it had no criminal record.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 20, 2021 10:52 AM (VxC1e)

42 It's baaaack!

Posted by: Weasel at November 20, 2021 10:52 AM (0IeYL)

43 i turned off the post for a second when I thought maybe I stomped mis.hum.'s coffee thread

Posted by: ace at November 20, 2021 10:52 AM (0G13K)

44 Nil Butron is a pud.

Posted by: Dr. Varno at November 20, 2021 10:52 AM (vuisn)

45 This has been a custom in FL since at least the 80's.

There was an incident in '88 ('89?) in Titusville where the cops pulled a no knock raid on a house. Apparently the 16 yr old that lived there was selling dime bags. The PD kicked down the front door and charged in unannounced and the dad pulled out his couch gun and shot the first one in and killed him. There was a big flashy trial but he was found not guilty.

Posted by: the guy that moves pianos (meh, it's a living) at November 20, 2021 10:53 AM (3DZIZ)

46 I am becoming Sharon's apprentice....

Posted by: lin-duh, duh, duh!! at November 20, 2021 10:53 AM (UUBmN)

47 >>31 Ace packed a week's vacation into Friday night.

i'm sure this is out there but I wanted to give it a signal-boost.

Posted by: ace at November 20, 2021 10:53 AM (0G13K)

48 Excuse, me killed the girlfriend not the dad..

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 20, 2021 10:54 AM (PBmdd)

49 Ace is posting from poolside with hawt strippers fanning him and feeding him grapes.
Posted by: Weasel at November 20, 2021 10:48 AM (0IeYL)

Amazing that he has any energy left after yesterday's epic romp with the Democrat College articles

Posted by: LASue at November 20, 2021 10:54 AM (Ed8Zd)

50 Alex Berenson, former NYT reporter, takes a shot at Gaslight Inc. after The Verdict:

Posted by: kallisto at November 20, 2021 10:54 AM (DJFLF)

51 i got it from the Friday Night Tights stream I think, which so far is all about the Kyle Trial

Posted by: ace at November 20, 2021 10:54 AM (0G13K)

52 Posted by: ace at November 20, 2021 10:53 AM (0G13K)
So how's the vacation going?

Posted by: Weasel at November 20, 2021 10:54 AM (0IeYL)

53 Yes, Happy Thanksgiving Ace. Thank you very much for what you have created here and generously shared with us.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 20, 2021 10:54 AM (mD/uy)

54 i'm sure this is out there but I wanted to give it a signal-boost.

Posted by: ace at November 20, 2021 10:53 AM (0G13K)

appreciate it. Will use in the event a Leftoid confronts me

Posted by: kallisto at November 20, 2021 10:54 AM (DJFLF)

55 "Sounds like Coffee, but spelt different"-innocent Black Man on death row

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at November 20, 2021 10:55 AM (ynpvh)

56 I wanna get me one of those KR-15s, because I hear it works great as a Kommunist Remover.

Posted by: Roy at November 20, 2021 10:55 AM (Ti+Tv)

57 Yesterday was such a weird day.
First the acquittal and I was elated.
Then all the level libtards jumped in trying to figure out how he could still be punished and canceled and incarcerated. ...and DOJ raises their hand and says Civil violation so we will continue to hound him.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 20, 2021 10:55 AM (Y+l9t)

58 Is deflated the opposite of elated?

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 20, 2021 10:56 AM (Y+l9t)

59 Well I let them know ace had left a beautiful new post but they ignored me. :-(
Posted by: Loki

It's okay. My Dad used to call me "Asshoe". I took no offense - it was just his way of saying "I love you.".

Posted by: Tonypete at November 20, 2021 10:57 AM (mD/uy)

60 I've seen the blogs go out on Broadway. I saw the ruins at my feet. You know we almost didn't notice it. We'd seen it all the time on Forty-second Street.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at November 20, 2021 10:58 AM (Xrfse)

61 *pokes around

Is this thing really here ?

Posted by: runner at November 20, 2021 10:58 AM (V13WU)

62 If Mr. Coffee can get an acquittal for shooting a cop, George Foreman would probably get away with murder.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 20, 2021 10:58 AM (VxC1e)

63 deflated the opposite of elated?
Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 20, 2021 10:56 AM (Y+l9t)

They have medicines for that

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at November 20, 2021 10:59 AM (ynpvh)

64 Should have said EVIL libtards. Need to proofread.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 20, 2021 10:59 AM (Y+l9t)

65 Somebody tell that Nichols pussy that Grisham did that scenario in his first novel. The black guy shot a white guy with a rifle for raping his girl. The black guy was acquitted by his skilled white lawyer.

Posted by: exdem13 at November 20, 2021 10:59 AM (W+kMI)

66 Is dejected the opposite of ejected?

Posted by: pawn at November 20, 2021 11:00 AM (Cfk8j)

67 Q: How do you know ace is on vacation?

A: He posts earlier than normal ON A WEEKEND!

Posted by: buzzion at November 20, 2021 11:00 AM (vMCab)

68 George Foreman ? the electric grill guy ??

Posted by: runner at November 20, 2021 11:01 AM (V13WU)

69 Posted by: the guy that moves pianos (meh, it's a living) at November 20, 2021 10:53 AM (3DZIZ)

I recall a similar one, but I think it was in VA. And the guy *did* go to prison, and it was completely ridiculous. Also, he was white.

This guy had no criminal involvement, but an estranged girlfriend falsely reported him for being a large-scale drug dealer. With no evidence (since there was no crime), a squad of plainclothes detectives (smart) executed a no-knock raid (even smarter). All of them (three, IIRC) were wounded or killed within about two seconds of booting his door in.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 20, 2021 11:01 AM (PBmdd)

70 I think the opposite of deflated is "flated"

Posted by: Kindltot at November 20, 2021 11:01 AM (P9T5R)

71 what the heck!

you are ON A BREAK!

Posted by: BlackOrchid at November 20, 2021 11:01 AM (j9HX3)

72 60 I've seen the blogs go out on Broadway. I saw the ruins at my feet. You know we almost didn't notice it. We'd seen it all the time on Forty-second Street.
They burned the businesses in Kenosha.
Just like in that civil rights war.
The flames were everywhere, but no one really cared.
MSNBC said it evened the score.

Posted by: exdem13 at November 20, 2021 11:01 AM (W+kMI)

73 I hear Ace is finally getting a good night's sleep. Makes a huge difference in one's state of mind.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 20, 2021 11:01 AM (Y+l9t)

74 Ace Friday: Peace out, bitches! I am on vacay!

Ace Sat: Here is content!

He can't quit us!

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 20, 2021 11:01 AM (UkBFs)

75 Isn't it interesting that, in spite of being a convicted felon and in illegal possession of the firearm he used to shoot t the officers, he was STILL ACQUITTED???


Posted by: Tex Lovera at November 20, 2021 11:02 AM (q1g+A)

76 John Coffey is innocent, framed by a white man.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 20, 2021 11:02 AM (ZLI7S)

77 How about how that Rykieta guy turned out to be FOS and yet everyone took his analysis as gospel truth?

Posted by: kallisto at November 20, 2021 11:02 AM (DJFLF)

78 I am so sick of being defamed by the leftards with this bald-faced lie. I know that I make a good faith effort to only pass judgement based on the facts of the case and what the law says is and isn't permissible. Race never enters into the equation with me

And I know that the overwhelming, vast majority of conservatives do the same. Yet here we are being libelled and slandered.

Posted by: Sasquatch, the Original Trans-Wookie at November 20, 2021 11:03 AM (xxG/v)

79 Vacation Ace is best

Posted by: Skip's Phone at November 20, 2021 11:03 AM (Ocljc)

80 Electric grill...

I see taser streams coming out of this teeth when he smiles.

Posted by: pawn at November 20, 2021 11:03 AM (Cfk8j)

81 BREAKING (from the Bee):

"Prosecutors find mail-in jury ballots at 3 a.m. Rittenhouse now guilty."

Posted by: Sharkman at November 20, 2021 11:03 AM (GuvvI)

82 8 I thought Ace was off.. working Saturday now?!
Posted by: A dude in MI at November 20, 2021 10:39 AM (/6GbT)

He can't quit us.

Posted by: m at November 20, 2021 11:04 AM (fVJPF)

83 9 the Left certainly will never experience a shortage of slogans and platitudes and wrongness
Posted by: kallisto

They're as intellectual as a bumper sticker.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at November 20, 2021 11:04 AM (C7jzY)

84 >>> 35 Talk about crappy coverage. Seems like two things could have happened here. A bad jury made a bad call based on racial/anti-police sentiment. Or, these cops used excessive force to execute a poorly conceived no-knock raid, killed a guy over petty drug offenses, and then tried to lock up his son for life to deflect blame for their mess they made, and a good jury just wasn't having it.

Impossible to sort out from this trash-media article.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 20, 2021 10:48 AM (PBmdd)

I wonder if a no-knock raid, especially when pulled in the wee hours of the night, shouldn't be considered excessive force *by definition*. How can it result in anything other than violence and chaos, risking *everyone* involved? The military is supposed to kill people and break things. The police are supposed to apprehend suspects (no matter how suspicious) and make sure they are presented to... a judge and jury.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at November 20, 2021 11:04 AM (llON8)

85 The criminal class is the newest of the intersectionality

Posted by: Skip's Phone at November 20, 2021 11:04 AM (Ocljc)

86 74 Ace Friday: Peace out, bitches! I am on vacay!
Ace Sat: Here is content!
He can't quit us!
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 20, 2021 11:01 AM (UkBFs)

82 8 I thought Ace was off.. working Saturday now?!
Posted by: A dude in MI at November 20, 2021 10:39 AM (/6GbT)

He can't quit us.
Posted by: m at November 20, 2021 11:04 AM (fVJPF)

; )

Posted by: m at November 20, 2021 11:04 AM (fVJPF)

87 81 BREAKING (from the Bee):

"Prosecutors find mail-in jury ballots at 3 a.m. Rittenhouse now guilty."

Posted by: Sharkman at November 20, 2021 11:03 AM (GuvvI)

It's the turnout of the 3 a.m. demographic that is most critical in these things.

Posted by: Gref at November 20, 2021 11:05 AM (AMIL/)

88 ace is fortifying us for next week's avalanche

Posted by: runner at November 20, 2021 11:05 AM (V13WU)

89 So, this is still a coffee thread? I always miss the coffee thread.

Posted by: Grudge Harbor at November 20, 2021 11:05 AM (uhPTO)

90 75 Isn't it interesting that, in spite of being a convicted felon and in illegal possession of the firearm he used to shoot t the officers, he was STILL ACQUITTED???

Posted by: Tex Lovera at November 20, 2021 11:02 AM (q1g+A)


Its systemic.

Like black athletes who get millions of dollars to play kids games for racist white people. *** Or black entertainers who get millions for appearing before racist white audiences. *** Or an unqualified black guy who gets elected president on the votes of millions of racist white people.

I could go on.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 20, 2021 11:06 AM (VxC1e)

91 >>> 89 So, this is still a coffee thread? I always miss the coffee thread.
Posted by: Grudge Harbor at November 20, 2021 11:05 AM (uhPTO)

If all threads can be boobs or gubs threads, they can be coffee threads too.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at November 20, 2021 11:07 AM (llON8)

92 The abuse of plea bargaining by prosecutors to get convictions has convinced many suspects, including many minorities, to forfeit their God-given Constitutional rights to a fair trial where they might have gotten acquitted yet. Despair, ignorance, "systematic racism", and the "thug life" fills prisons with men who might be walking free.

Posted by: exdem13 at November 20, 2021 11:07 AM (W+kMI)

93 I watched Kyle's lead atty's commentary post-verdict.

He said the reason they put Kyle on the stand was that they tried out both ways in front of a mock jury: no testimony, vs. testimony...and Kyle testifying won the mock jury hands down.

when asked what was a critical moment for Kyle, the atty replied: "the first team leaving"

Posted by: kallisto at November 20, 2021 11:07 AM (DJFLF)

94 Just as a gag, I wish Tom Nichols' nurse would slip some melted Ex Lax into his Krispy Kreme IV.

Posted by: Paco at November 20, 2021 11:07 AM (njExo)

95 >>And what does Mr. Coffee look like, I wonder?

He's coffee-colored.

Posted by: m at November 20, 2021 11:07 AM (fVJPF)

96 Thank Ace for being a workaholic by contributing to ASHQ support effort in left side bar. Several of us already did!

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 20, 2021 11:08 AM (poMoX)


Here is some wisdom from MSNBC : "MSNBC's Johnson: Rittenhouse Verdict "Warning to White BLM Supporters- 'Race Traitors' Can Be Shot". This guy(just like Joy Reid) thinks all of America lives by the rules of the ghetto.

Posted by: runner at November 20, 2021 11:08 AM (V13WU)

98 BREAKING (from the Bee):
"Prosecutors find mail-in jury ballots at 3 a.m. Rittenhouse now guilty."
Posted by: Sharkman at November 20, 2021 11:03 AM (GuvvI)

See, if I was an election official who had even the tiniest shadow on my conscience, this sort of joke would worry me a lot.
Jokes like this point out fraud and the crime for everyone to see.
The Bee has more in common with Radio Yerevan than the National Lampoon.

Posted by: Kindltot at November 20, 2021 11:09 AM (P9T5R)

99 the Left certainly will never experience a shortage of slogans and platitudes and wrongness

Posted by: kallisto

"The Left: Always wrong, never in doubt."

Posted by: Sharkman at November 20, 2021 11:09 AM (GuvvI)

100 They'll just say the judge should have dropped the gun possession charge on Mr. Coffee.

Posted by: Toad-O at November 20, 2021 11:09 AM (cct0t)

101 97 Here is some wisdom from MSNBC : "MSNBC's Johnson: Rittenhouse Verdict "Warning to White BLM Supporters- 'Race Traitors' Can Be Shot". This guy(just like Joy Reid) thinks all of America lives by the rules of the ghetto.
Posted by: runner at November 20, 2021 11:08 AM (V13WU)

Did you use the words "wisdom" and "Joy Reid" in the same sentence without a big old "NOT" intervening?

Posted by: m at November 20, 2021 11:10 AM (fVJPF)

102 Dang it Ace, you're supposed to be on vacation. We've already bought the booze and everything and now here you are, back in the house.

It's like you don't trust us or something.

Posted by: bluebell at November 20, 2021 11:10 AM (wyw4S)

103 98 BREAKING (from the Bee):
"Prosecutors find mail-in jury ballots at 3 a.m. Rittenhouse now guilty."
Posted by: Sharkman at November 20, 2021 11:03 AM (GuvvI)

See, if I was an election official who had even the tiniest shadow on my conscience, this sort of joke would worry me a lot.
Jokes like this point out fraud and the crime for everyone to see.
The Bee has more in common with Radio Yerevan than the National Lampoon.
Posted by: Kindltot at November 20, 2021 11:09 AM (P9T5R)

Did they find them in Biden's colon?

Posted by: m at November 20, 2021 11:10 AM (fVJPF)

104 Here is some wisdom from MSNBC


Posted by: Notorious BFD at November 20, 2021 11:11 AM (Xrfse)

105 Why would Nichols need to say something that had already been said many times by other idiots?

Posted by: N.L. Urker, the Phillips screwdriver of the gods at November 20, 2021 11:12 AM (cSyAR)

106 "wisdom"...better ?

Posted by: runner at November 20, 2021 11:12 AM (V13WU)

107 Mr. Tea would just pity da fool.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at November 20, 2021 11:12 AM (FVME7)

108 He can't quit us.
Posted by: m at November 20, 2021 11:04 AM (fVJPF)

He's got to watch us so we don't burn the place down. Or overflow the bath tub and flood the server room. He hates it when that happens.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 20, 2021 11:12 AM (P3gRi)

109 when asked what was a critical moment for Kyle, the atty replied: "the first team leaving"

Wait, that's a shot at Barnes? Ouch!

Posted by: Geronimo Stilton at November 20, 2021 11:12 AM (6qKyE)

110 HEY!!!
Browsing deals for an electric pressure cooker - is Kalorik a good brand?

Posted by: vmom - link to Red's fundraiser at November 20, 2021 11:12 AM (YZG/i)

111 Posted by: Paco at November 20, 2021 11:07 AM (njExo)

Releasing that pressure from his backhole might actually reduce the flow of shit from Tom's fronthole.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 20, 2021 11:13 AM (PBmdd)

I wonder if a no-knock raid, especially when pulled in the wee hours of the night, shouldn't be considered excessive force *by definition*. How can it result in anything other than violence and chaos, risking *everyone* involved? The military is supposed to kill people and break things. The police are supposed to apprehend suspects (no matter how suspicious) and make sure they are presented to... a judge and jury.
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at November 20, 2021 11:04 AM (llON
My favorite is when they not knock the wrong house, throw a flash bang in a baby's face....kill the wrong guy....receive "qualified" immunity so there can be on legal redress or accountability....and then pretend like they're the good guys.

The police are a standing army of wannabe military who aren't even brave enough to want armed enemies....and cry when their enemies are armed or use their same tactics, calling them "cowards." FOH

The problem in this country, is that anyone thinks they have the right to control anyone, for anything, if it doesn't affect them immediately and directly.... laws passed by execs paying their political buddies so they all get rich.

Posted by: Hold My Montrachet at November 20, 2021 11:13 AM (juH8z)

113 Just saw a new meme about a new bar thing called the Rittenhouse. It's a chaser, followed by three shots.

Posted by: Roy at November 20, 2021 11:13 AM (Ti+Tv)

114 84 >>> 35 I wonder if a no-knock raid, especially when pulled in the wee hours of the night, shouldn't be considered excessive force *by definition*. How can it result in anything other than violence and chaos, risking *everyone* involved? The military is supposed to kill people and break things. The police are supposed to apprehend suspects (no matter how suspicious) and make sure they are presented to... a judge and jury.
No-knock raids came about in the War On Drugs, because of the worry that hammering on a Colombian drug smuggler's compound would be greeted with gunfire. Those raids were successful, but the raids were then used at crack houses to keep evidence and cash from disappearing don the toilet or out the back door. Then it was used on possible home dealing.... Abuse of a tactic by reverse-averse police chiefs looking for high profile busts instead of doing police work to serve a warrant. The road to paramilitary police didn't suddenly happen.

Posted by: exdem13 at November 20, 2021 11:13 AM (W+kMI)

115 That Black kid shot up a school and was out faster than your head could spin

Posted by: Skip's Phone at November 20, 2021 11:13 AM (Ocljc)

116 >>Wait, that's a shot at Barnes? Ouch!

Yep. If you listened to Richards remarks after the trial it's pretty clear he is not a fan.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 20, 2021 11:14 AM (ZLI7S)

117 Alex Berenson, former NYT reporter, takes a shot at Gaslight Inc. after The Verdict:

Posted by: kallisto

He was on Rogan's podcast a month or so ago. He's great.

Posted by: Sharkman at November 20, 2021 11:14 AM (GuvvI)

118 Just saw a new meme about a new bar thing called the Rittenhouse. It's a chaser, followed by three shots.
Posted by: Roy at November 20, 2021 11:13 AM (Ti+Tv)

Posted at AOSHQ yesterday....hmmm

Posted by: runner at November 20, 2021 11:14 AM (V13WU)

119 He can't quit us.
Posted by: m at November 20, 2021 11:04 AM (fVJPF)

He's got to watch us so we don't burn the place down. Or overflow the bath tub and flood the server room. He hates it when that happens.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 20, 2021 11:12 AM (P3gRi)
Ace is testing us to see how we behave in unusual circumstances. I'm sure of it.

Posted by: Weasel at November 20, 2021 11:14 AM (0IeYL)

120 Why would Nichols need to say something that had already been said many times by other idiots?

Eh, it's all coordinated and scripted. I used to love Rush's weekly montage of commie media talking points. Dozens of empty talking heads spouting the same garbage, verbatim.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at November 20, 2021 11:14 AM (Xrfse)

121 Why would Nichols need to say something that had already been said many times by other idiots?
Posted by: N.L. Urker, the Phillips screwdriver of the gods at November 20, 2021 11:12 AM (cSyAR)

He could save himself time by programming a bot that follows blue checks and just posts "LEFTIES: I AM ONE OF YOU, SWEARSIES!! Please interview me on your cable shows. Thanks!"

IOW, he could Learn 2 Code.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 20, 2021 11:15 AM (PBmdd)

122 #BasedTulsi

Did I not say yesterday that she would be their strongest candidate in '24? I fear her. And am also kinda turned on by her.

Posted by: pep at November 20, 2021 11:15 AM (ZsR3z)

123 Shortest vacation on record. Better luck from now on.

Posted by: Eeyore at November 20, 2021 11:15 AM (7X3UV)

124 Ace is testing us to see how we behave in unusual circumstances. I'm sure of it.

It's a trap!

Posted by: Notorious BFD at November 20, 2021 11:16 AM (Xrfse)

125 Yep. If you listened to Richards remarks after the trial it's pretty clear he is not a fan.
Posted by: JackStraw at November 20, 2021 11:14 AM (ZLI7S)

And the feeling is mutual. In fact, if you watched Rekieta's panel, none of them were too impressed with Richards.

Posted by: bluebell at November 20, 2021 11:16 AM (wyw4S)

126 This post is fantastic, but....

*shoves an armload of books into Ace's hands*


Posted by: pookysgirl, shooing an Ewok away at November 20, 2021 11:16 AM (XKZwp)

127 when asked what was a critical moment for Kyle, the atty replied: "the first team leaving"

Wait, that's a shot at Barnes? Ouch!

Posted by: Geronimo Stilton at November 20, 2021 11:12 AM

I wonder if Barnes was like pretty much everyone else outside the courtroom and was against putting Kyle Rittenhouse on the stand. Not sure if that played a big part in the jury acquitting him, but that seemed to be a very unpopular move that ended up paying off.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at November 20, 2021 11:16 AM (Do5/p)

128 105 Why would Nichols need to say something that had already been said many times by other idiots?
Nichols is the intellectual version of the 90-pound weakling from Gravity Falls who is always going "Git 'im! Git 'im!!" when a fight seems like it's in the offing.

Posted by: exdem13 at November 20, 2021 11:17 AM (W+kMI)

129 He was on Rogan's podcast a month or so ago. He's great.
Posted by: Sharkman at November 20, 2021 11:14 AM (GuvvI)

Alex Berenson's substack is worth subscribing to.

Posted by: bluebell at November 20, 2021 11:17 AM (wyw4S)

130 ace vacations by doing whatever he wants , whenever he wants

Posted by: runner at November 20, 2021 11:17 AM (V13WU)

131 Here is some wisdom from MSNBC


{rolls around in vomit and feces}

Posted by: MSNBC DEEP THOTS at November 20, 2021 11:17 AM (C7jzY)

132 I saw the video of the CNN report where they actually reported the facts of the trial, corrected all the misinformation, you know, like areal news organization.
I think the Sandman suit may have really turned some corporate heads.
MSNBC still has to learn the lesson.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 20, 2021 11:17 AM (Y+l9t)

133 Ace is testing us to see how we behave in unusual circumstances. I'm sure of it.

Cheese it, everyone. It's the cops.

Posted by: pep at November 20, 2021 11:18 AM (ZsR3z)

134 I wonder if Barnes was like pretty much everyone else outside the courtroom and was against putting Kyle Rittenhouse on the stand.

Yeah, that livestream group was pretty hard on him, from what I saw. (Maybe Richards heard some of their comments, and was slapping back in the press conference.)

Posted by: Geronimo Stilton at November 20, 2021 11:18 AM (6qKyE)

135 Wait... wrong coffee thread.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at November 20, 2021 11:18 AM (wAnMi)

136 Here is some wisdom from MSNBC : "MSNBC's Johnson: Rittenhouse Verdict "Warning to White BLM Supporters- 'Race Traitors' Can Be Shot". This guy(just like Joy Reid) thinks all of America lives by the rules of the ghetto.
Posted by: runner at November 20, 2021 11:08 AM (V13WU)

No, I think that is a warning to the remaining white dems who might be thinking of leaving the compound.

Posted by: Kindltot at November 20, 2021 11:18 AM (P9T5R)

137 Wait, that's a shot at Barnes? Ouch!

Posted by: Geronimo Stilton at November 20, 2021 11:12 AM (6qKyE)

He didn't name names, but said that the first team was more concerned with A Cause rather than with the Client.

essentially according to him, Barnes was chasing the glory and really gave no fux about the outcome

Posted by: kallisto at November 20, 2021 11:19 AM (DJFLF)

138 Well, it seems there is a street person/urban camper squatting on the sidewalk across the street. Scruffy gray haired guy, suitcase, Big Gulp from the C-store, and he is crouched on the ground, sort of rocking to and fro. On drugs, I think.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 20, 2021 11:20 AM (P3gRi)

139 I think the Sandman suit may have really turned some corporate heads.
MSNBC still has to learn the lesson.

I know there's an NDA between Sandman and CNN, but one still wonders if there will be (or has been) a conversation between Sandman and Rittenhouse concerning how much money he (Sandman) received. If not, there should be.

Posted by: pep at November 20, 2021 11:20 AM (ZsR3z)

140 ace vacations by doing whatever he wants , whenever he wants
Posted by: runner at November 20, 2021 11:17 AM (V13WU)

My parents would pull this bullshit. "We're off to the vacation house! See you in a week! 5 hours later, pulling back into the driveway. "Your mom thought she left the stove on! What's that smell?"

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at November 20, 2021 11:20 AM (wAnMi)

141 >>And the feeling is mutual. In fact, if you watched Rekieta's panel, none of them were too impressed with Richards.

Lawyers love to argue. Only job I know of where you get paid bigly to do it.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 20, 2021 11:20 AM (ZLI7S)

142 132 I saw the video of the CNN report where they actually reported the facts of the trial, corrected all the misinformation, you know, like areal news organization.
I think the Sandman suit may have really turned some corporate heads.
MSNBC still has to learn the lesson.
Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 20, 2021 11:17 AM (Y+l9t)

Yes. Reminded me of Cleese's apology to Kevin Kline.

Posted by: Eeyore at November 20, 2021 11:20 AM (7X3UV)

143 Big Gulp from the C-store, and he is crouched on the ground, sort of rocking to and fro. On drugs, I think.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 20, 2021 11:20 AM (P3gRi)

Maybe he's off his rocker.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, the Phillips screwdriver of the gods at November 20, 2021 11:21 AM (cSyAR)

144 Babylon Bee says 'Nick Sandmann and Kyle Rittenhouse Agree to Joint-Custody of CNN."

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 20, 2021 11:21 AM (PBmdd)

145 Yes. Reminded me of Cleese's apology to Kevin Kline.

I apologize unreservedly. Any imputation...

Posted by: CNN at November 20, 2021 11:22 AM (ZsR3z)

146 essentially according to him, Barnes was chasing the glory and really gave no fux about the outcome

Posted by: kallisto at November 20, 2021 11:19 AM

Unfortunately, that describes a lot of people. Most on the left wanted a conviction to support their narrative. Most on the right wanted an acquittal as they saw this as a Second Amendment and self defense issue for the nation at large. Then there were people who were genuinely concerned for the well-being of Kyle Rittenhouse.

It's good to understand the overall repercussions of the outcome of the trial and the seriousness of it, but, you cannot lose sight of the primary responsibility, which is defend one's client to the best of one's ability.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at November 20, 2021 11:22 AM (Do5/p)

147 130 ace vacations by doing whatever he wants , whenever he wants
Posted by: runner at November 20, 2021 11:17 AM (V13WU)

I just assume his vacation is lurking 20 hours a day and occasionally posting using the sock, "totally not ace".

Posted by: Bilwis Devourer of Innocent Souls, I'm starvin' over here at November 20, 2021 11:22 AM (cupoy)

148 65 - there was even a movie or was that canceled because it had Kevin Spacey in it. I can't keep up.

Posted by: Mishdog at November 20, 2021 11:23 AM (/VWLE)

149 >>And the feeling is mutual. In fact, if you watched Rekieta's panel, none of them were too impressed with Richards.


Well, I think it's pretty clear Richards won that catfight.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 20, 2021 11:23 AM (PBmdd)

150 And when do I stop craving a fucking cigarette? (Last one was last Mon morning.)

Posted by: Eeyore at November 20, 2021 11:23 AM (7X3UV)

151 136 Here is some wisdom from MSNBC : "MSNBC's Johnson: Rittenhouse Verdict "Warning to White BLM Supporters- 'Race Traitors' Can Be Shot". This guy(just like Joy Reid) thinks all of America lives by the rules of the ghetto.
Posted by: runner at November 20, 2021 11:08 AM (V13WU)

No, I think that is a warning to the remaining white dems who might be thinking of leaving the compound.
They are about a year too late with that warning. Bunch of White Democrats walked and joined in electing the TRUE President of the United States! MSNBC also sweating 'cause a lot of younger wWhites saw the video and said "Oh, so 1 White dude shot 3 White dudes that jumped him? Sorry, we thought it was racist or something."

Posted by: exdem13 at November 20, 2021 11:23 AM (W+kMI)

152 Eh, it's all coordinated and scripted. I used to love Rush's weekly montage of commie media talking points. Dozens of empty talking heads spouting the same garbage, verbatim.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at November 20, 2021 11:14 AM (Xrfse)

Bah! Your comment lacks *consults notes* Gravitas!

Posted by: MSM reporter who just learned a new word at November 20, 2021 11:24 AM (PiwSw)

153 Whatever Richards did, it worked. You can woulda shoulda for the next week, but the other way could only have been worse.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 20, 2021 11:24 AM (UkBFs)

154 >>And when do I stop craving a fucking cigarette? (Last one was last Mon morning.)

Depends. How much longer do you have to live?

Posted by: JackStraw at November 20, 2021 11:25 AM (ZLI7S)

155 Eh, it's all coordinated and scripted. I used to love Rush's weekly montage of commie media talking points. Dozens of empty talking heads spouting the same garbage, verbatim.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at November 20, 2021 11:14 AM (Xrfse)

somebody needs to resurrect that

Posted by: runner at November 20, 2021 11:25 AM (V13WU)

156 Maybe he's off his rocker.
Posted by: N.L. Urker, the Phillips screwdriver of the gods at November 20, 2021 11:21 AM (cSyAR)

Well, that goes with the territory. He's on his feet now. Looks like he will be picking up his backpack and shuffling off, soon.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 20, 2021 11:25 AM (P3gRi)

157 And when do I stop craving a fucking cigarette? (Last one was last Mon morning.)
Posted by: Eeyore at November 20, 2021 11:23

It went with a couple weeks for me, but I still smoke when my daughter's in the hospital. I expect that will continue forever.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 20, 2021 11:25 AM (PBmdd)

158 150 And when do I stop craving a fucking cigarette?

Never, that is the kink. 5 years from now, your brain will tell you it is a good time for a smoke. Just one. It will be ok.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 20, 2021 11:26 AM (UkBFs)

159 Since the Cleese bit is one of my favorite parts of the movie, I include it here in its entirety:

Archie : I'm really really sorry, I apologise unreservedly.

Otto : You take it back.

Archie : I do, I offer a complete and utter retraction. The imputation was totally without basis in fact, and was in no way fair comment, and was motivated purely by malice, and I deeply regret any distress that my comments may have caused you, or your family, and I hereby undertake not to repeat any such slander at any time in the future.

To whomever made the Quote Unf***er, a million thanks.

Posted by: pep at November 20, 2021 11:26 AM (ZsR3z)

160 Let's hope Trump puts Bubba Wallace's sponsors on his boycott list. When is that being released BTW?

Posted by: Betsy DeVos at November 20, 2021 11:26 AM (2xGy+)

161 111 "Releasing that pressure from his backhole might actually reduce the flow of shit from Tom's fronthole."

Ah! Physics to the rescue!

Posted by: Paco at November 20, 2021 11:26 AM (njExo)

162 Off worthless elitist sock

Posted by: Capital Eff believes #RonnaMustGo #McCarthyMustGo #McConnellMustGo at November 20, 2021 11:27 AM (2xGy+)

163 >>> I know there's an NDA between Sandman and CNN, but one still wonders if there will be (or has been) a conversation between Sandman and Rittenhouse concerning how much money he (Sandman) received. If not, there should be.

If Sandman shows up in a Ferrari wearing an expensive suit he could just mention off-hand that the press made some false statements.

Talk to a lawyer, Kyle.

Posted by: fluffy at November 20, 2021 11:27 AM (UnQlg)

164 I bet he half the country doesn't even know that Kyle shot white guys. If they did that would slow down this weak trickle of mandatory outrage

Posted by: keena at November 20, 2021 11:27 AM (RiTnx)

165 How about the ninja foodie pressure cooker? I was thinking it's too bulky but apparently there's a 5 qt version

Posted by: vmom - link to Red's fundraiser at November 20, 2021 11:28 AM (YZG/i)

166 Hello??

Posted by: Doof at November 20, 2021 11:28 AM (mZUr4)

167 Talk to a lawyer, Kyle.Talk to a lawyer, Kyle.

Given the government's preference to ignore double jeopardy and charge Rittenhouse with civil rights violations, I imagine there are still lots of lawyers in his future.

Posted by: pep at November 20, 2021 11:28 AM (ZsR3z)

168 Richards went on CNN immediately on Cuomo's show of all places. Have no respect for the man. He has no right to talk about anyone else.
Did you see the story about how Fox had a team embedded with Kyle in order to do a documentary?

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 20, 2021 11:28 AM (Y+l9t)

169 Most on the right wanted an acquittal as they saw this as a Second Amendment and self defense issue for the nation at large. Then there were people who were genuinely concerned for the well-being of Kyle Rittenhouse.

While the 2A is always high on my list of priorities, for me this was more about this kid. He was about to be railroaded up the river by those on the dark side, possibly never to be heard from again. I just couldn't reconcile that.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at November 20, 2021 11:29 AM (Xrfse)

170 no nO! not again!!

Posted by: runner at November 20, 2021 11:29 AM (V13WU)

171 I saw the video of the CNN report where they actually reported the facts of the trial, corrected all the misinformation, you know, like areal news organization.
I think the Sandman suit may have really turned some corporate heads.
MSNBC still has to learn the lesso

I saw that too. I think it was CNN atty ass covering in case of lawsuits they know are coming.

Posted by: Infidel at November 20, 2021 11:30 AM (pA4Ca)

172 To whomever made the Quote Unf***er, a million thanks.
Posted by: pep at November 20, 2021 11:26 AM (ZsR3z)
I've lost my link to it.

Posted by: Eeyore at November 20, 2021 11:30 AM (7X3UV)

173 Post went poof

Posted by: fluffy at November 20, 2021 11:30 AM (UnQlg)

174 Yeah, that livestream group was pretty hard on him, from what I saw. (Maybe Richards heard some of their comments, and was slapping back in the press conference.)
Posted by: Geronimo Stilton at November 20, 2021 11:18 AM (6qKyE)

So, a bunch of supposed Lawyers had time to take hours every day, to blather about somebody else's case. If they were good Lawyers, wouldn't they be out doing Lawyer shit? or are they like the 'Film critic' who has that script he wrote in his desk drawer... the one that everyone thought sucked?

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 20, 2021 11:30 AM (oHd/0)

175 Ace you are supposed to be on a beach peeling bikinis off models and living the Ace of Spades lifestyle.

It is Saturday. Go vacation!

Posted by: Vance at November 20, 2021 11:30 AM (iZia9)

176 Will my blather show up later?

Posted by: fluffy at November 20, 2021 11:30 AM (UnQlg)

177 Here is the pubic-released summary of Bug-Out Joe's physical exam.

The descriptions of Joe's several problems do not say if they are typical or atypical for a 78-year-old white male (he turned 79 today). An important omission? Any doctors here?

Oh yeah, I'll give you one guess at what aspect of Joe's health and ability to perform his duty is not addressed.

Posted by: Gref at November 20, 2021 11:30 AM (AMIL/)

178 Couple of days ago, a commentator on MSNBC suggested that all women and people of color should live in fear if Kyle was acquitted.

It had something to do with the white supremacists being in high dudgeon over the conviction of Chauvin.

These people have narrowed their brains into a small little tunnel.

Posted by: KT at November 20, 2021 11:31 AM (0ghg2)

179 Is this thing on?

Posted by: fluffy at November 20, 2021 11:32 AM (UnQlg)

180 Blank again
Ace remembered he was on vacation

Posted by: Skip's Phone at November 20, 2021 11:32 AM (Ocljc)

181 No-knock raids [were] used on possible home dealing.... Abuse of a tactic by reverse-averse police chiefs looking for high profile busts instead of doing police work to serve a warrant. The road to paramilitary police didn't suddenly happen.

Posted by: exdem13 at November 20, 2021 11:13 AM (W+kMI)

The rules used to be that drug money and belongings could be seized as civil forfeiture assets as well. There was a monetary benefit to it for the local cops.

Posted by: Kindltot at November 20, 2021 11:32 AM (P9T5R)

182 my occasional reminder that Anatomy of a Murder is awesome.

In it, Joseph Bologna kills the rapist of his wife (Lee Remick).

He consults with small-town laywer Jimmy Stewart, claiming justification. Jimmy Stewart plays this awesome character who is this folksy type but he's super-shrewd a cynical, too. Stewart tells him there's no justification defense when the crime has been over for an hour, but then lays out the four possible defenses, noting that none of them apply. One, he says, COULD apply, maybe, but Bologna hasn't said anything about it, temporary insanity.

He thus basically tells Bologna to lie without explicitly telling him to lie.

The state sends down George C. Scott to prosecute. The movie is a duel between Scott, who is this arrogant city slicker type, and it's very funny watching Stewart play up his gee gosh willickers cornpone act to ingratiate himself to the judge and jury while Scott absolutely FUMES.

Posted by: ace at November 20, 2021 11:32 AM (0G13K)

183 Will this aggression stand?

Posted by: fluffy at November 20, 2021 11:32 AM (UnQlg)

184 Noooooo! The blog disappeared! You did it, darn you all to heck!!!!!

Posted by: Kindltot at November 20, 2021 11:33 AM (P9T5R)

185 Ima cheat my way on to the top 10 sock puppeteers list

Posted by: fluffy 0 at November 20, 2021 11:33 AM (UnQlg)

186 And, we're back.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatknik at November 20, 2021 11:33 AM (DTX3h)

187 my occasional reminder that Anatomy of a Murder is awesome.

In it, Joseph Bologna kills the rapist of his wife (Lee Remick).

He consults with small-town laywer Jimmy Stewart, claiming justification. Jimmy Stewart plays this awesome character who is this folksy type but he's super-shrewd a cynical, too. Stewart tells him there's no justification defense when the crime has been over for an hour, but then lays out the four possible defenses, noting that none of them apply. One, he says, COULD apply, maybe, but Bologna hasn't said anything about it, temporary insanity.

He thus basically tells Bologna to lie without explicitly telling him to lie.

The state sends down George C. Scott to prosecute. The movie is a duel between Scott, who is this arrogant city slicker type, like Binger except Not Gay, and it's very funny watching Stewart play up his gee gosh willickers cornpone act to ingratiate himself to the judge and jury while Scott absolutely FUMES.

Posted by: ace at November 20, 2021 11:33 AM (0G13K)

188 Like it never happened

Posted by: fluffy 1 at November 20, 2021 11:34 AM (UnQlg)

189 I guess Ace picked the wrong week to give up sniffing glue!

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 20, 2021 11:35 AM (UHVv4)

190 and the film is cynically fun because the client, Bologna, IS guilty, and IS lying, and Stewart DID suborn perjury, but you don't care, you want them to win.

Posted by: ace at November 20, 2021 11:35 AM (0G13K)

191 Guten morgen.

The guy had white attorneys.
QED, white supremacy.


Posted by: Flyover. at November 20, 2021 11:35 AM (Rbu5d)

192 I was just going to put it back. Heh. No Pet Thread today, so there will be other adjustments to the schedule.

Posted by: KT at November 20, 2021 11:36 AM (0ghg2)

193 I guess Ace picked the wrong week to give up sniffing glue!

And movies about gladiators.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at November 20, 2021 11:36 AM (Xrfse)

194 Meanwhile at CBS, news you can use:

"The inside story behind Peppa Pig"

Posted by: gp Sets In Motion Various Apparatuses at November 20, 2021 11:36 AM (qpX6U)

195 Maybe ace didn't want to wear a mask on de plane.

Posted by: Debby Doberman Schultz at November 20, 2021 11:37 AM (a4EWo)

196 16 Ps. Hoe does one get convicted of exercising a RIGHT....that comes from the Author of Nature and is inalienable?
Posted by: Hold My Montrachet at November 20, 2021 10:43 AM (juH8z)

Separating God from Society WORKED!!

Posted by: Flyover. at November 20, 2021 11:38 AM (Rbu5d)

197 >>> and the film is cynically fun because the client, Bologna, IS guilty, and IS lying, and Stewart DID suborn perjury, but you don't care, you want them to win.

Was the code still in effect when the film was made?

Posted by: fluffy 2 at November 20, 2021 11:38 AM (UnQlg)

198 I quit smoking about 25 years ago. It took about 2 weeks to lose the physical urge but much longer to lose the psychological urge. I still occasionally dream about smoking... but I never, not once had another cigarette after I quit. I wanted to on many occasions but knew what giving in would do.

Posted by: lin-duh, duh, duh!! at November 20, 2021 11:39 AM (UUBmN)

199 Should have been in the coffee thread.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 20, 2021 11:39 AM (63Dwl)

200 And when do I stop craving a fucking cigarette? (Last one was last Mon morning.)
Posted by: Eeyore at November 20, 2021 11:23 AM (7X3UV)

Been ten years and once in a while I still think one would be really nice when it gets stressful.
After about five years in common sense popped up and started reminding me that I would wind up sick as a dog and wouldn't be worth it.

The new research indicates that psillocybin helps end bad craving, got any 'shrooms connections?

Posted by: Kindltot at November 20, 2021 11:39 AM (P9T5R)

201 And when do I stop craving a fucking cigarette? (Last one was last Mon morning.)
Posted by: Eeyore at November 20, 2021 11:23 AM (7X3UV)

Years, unless you're lucky enough to be pregnant with months and months of bad morning sickness. That kills all craving.

Posted by: LASue at November 20, 2021 11:39 AM (Ed8Zd)

Jimmy Stewart just wants his client to understand the law

Posted by: ace at November 20, 2021 11:39 AM (0G13K)

203 >>>Was the code still in effect when the film was made?

good question... hmmm... I mean, the rapist was killed... he did deserve it, even though there was no legal justification for it...

Posted by: ace at November 20, 2021 11:40 AM (0G13K)

204 Joseph Bologna was in that movie?


Posted by: Gref at November 20, 2021 11:40 AM (AMIL/)

205 i think it's like a 1965 movie. It's kind of racy for the time. A key piece of evidence is Lee Remick's panties. There's like a big part on panties. Tne word is said like 15 times.

Posted by: ace at November 20, 2021 11:41 AM (0G13K)

206 To whomever made the Quote Unf***er, a million thanks.
Posted by: pep at November 20, 2021 11:26 AM (ZsR3z)
I've lost my link to it.

Posted by: pep at November 20, 2021 11:41 AM (ZsR3z)

207 I am using bupropion, and have had no nightmares. But then, I very rarely remember dreams anyway. That stopped when I became convinced they are even more illusory than most realize.

Posted by: Eeyore at November 20, 2021 11:41 AM (7X3UV)

208 >>> good question... hmmm... I mean

You are not really good at this whole vacation thing, are you?

Posted by: fluffy 2 at November 20, 2021 11:42 AM (UnQlg)

209 fluffy is asking about the Hayes Code because of the rule that criminals were never allowed to be shown getting away with their crimes by the end of the movie.

Posted by: ace at November 20, 2021 11:42 AM (0G13K)

210 Ben Gazarra

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 20, 2021 11:42 AM (63Dwl)

211 Luckily this fine upstanding citizen was tried by a jury in the North, instead of some shit-redneck racist group of retards in the South.

Because we all know how racist the South is.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 20, 2021 11:42 AM (Q9lwr)

212 Gazzara

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 20, 2021 11:42 AM (63Dwl)

213 Anatomy of a Murder (1959)

Posted by: JuJuBee at November 20, 2021 11:43 AM (mNhhD)

214 >>>210 Ben Gazarra

right right right.

I always get them confused, and I knew it wasn't Bologna.

I get John Cassavetes mixed up in this mix too.

Posted by: ace at November 20, 2021 11:43 AM (0G13K)

215 Reminds me that, by the 70s, a guy described a movie as "Lee Remick got raped again."

Posted by: Eeyore at November 20, 2021 11:43 AM (7X3UV)

216 >>>213 Anatomy of a Murder (1959)


Posted by: ace at November 20, 2021 11:43 AM (0G13K)

217 IMDB says 1959, so that is code years, I believe.

Posted by: fluffy 3 at November 20, 2021 11:43 AM (UnQlg)

218 Morning Hordemates.

Any word on how many mail in jury ballots the prosecutor "found" last night?

Posted by: Diogenes at November 20, 2021 11:44 AM (axyOa)

219 Lawyers love to argue. Only job I know of where you get paid bigly to do it.
Posted by: JackStraw at November 20, 2021 11:20 AM (ZLI7S)

You are old," said the youth, "and your jaws are too weak
For anything tougher than suet;
Yet you finished the goose, with the bones and the beak -- Pray, how did you mange to do it?"

"In my youth," said his father, "I took to the law,
And argued each case with my wife;
And the muscular strength, which it gave to my jaw, Has lasted the rest of my life."

Posted by: Kindltot at November 20, 2021 11:44 AM (P9T5R)

220 If they want to prove a white man can't get away with killing an innocent, prosecute Alex Baldwin. The gun wasn't to be used in the scene, and he violated a number of safety rules. An innocent woman, just starting her career, was snuffed, and another injured. No self defense argument there at all.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at November 20, 2021 11:44 AM (ynpvh)

221 Did Twitter shut down??

Posted by: Uncle Rick at November 20, 2021 11:45 AM (48/MM)

222 >>Years, unless you're lucky enough to be pregnant with months and months of bad morning sickness. That kills all craving.

When I was lying in the ER after my heart attack I asked my buddy to reach in my bag and get my phone so I could call my mom. He pulled out my pack of cigarettes and he and the cute ER doctor both had a good laugh.

She just took them and said "You won't be needing these anymore unless you want to die.".

That was remarkably effective.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 20, 2021 11:45 AM (ZLI7S)

223 oh wow it's based on a real case and was shot in the actual courthouse where the trial took place

Posted by: ace at November 20, 2021 11:45 AM (0G13K)

224 I like coffee as well as the next guy but a coffee IV is step too far.
You've never had slow-drip coffee??

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 20, 2021 11:46 AM (UHVv4)

225 220 If they want to prove a white man can't get away with killing an innocent, prosecute Alex Baldwin. The gun wasn't to be used in the scene, and he violated a number of safety rules. An innocent woman, just starting her career, was snuffed, and another injured. No self defense argument there at all.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at November 20, 2021 11:44 AM (ynpvh)

As one of the Elect, Baldwin is in the clear. Ask David French how that works.

Posted by: Eeyore at November 20, 2021 11:46 AM (7X3UV)

226 >>> fluffy is asking about the Hayes Code because of the rule that criminals were never allowed to be shown getting away with their crimes by the end of the movie.

Ima say that you are wikkid smaht and made the correct inference because it would be scary if you reading my thoughts.

Posted by: fluffy 3 at November 20, 2021 11:46 AM (UnQlg)

227 Surprised Twitter didn't combust yesterday

Posted by: Skip's Phone at November 20, 2021 11:46 AM (Ocljc)

228 Oh yeah, I'll give you one guess at what aspect of Joe's health and ability to perform his duty is not addressed.
Posted by: Gref at November 20, 2021 11:30 AM (AMIL/)

It's interesting the doctor throws cover for Joe's Dementia Shuffle. Stiffness is one thing - the shuffle is something else entirely. There's a LOT of missing information here that should be in a full physical (blood panel), this is just fluff, as you'd expect. Anybody who's had 2 brain aneurisms would definitely be getting some very specific neurological exams as part of a yearly check.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at November 20, 2021 11:46 AM (wAnMi)

229 If all threads can be boobs or gubs threads, they can be coffee threads too.
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at November 20, 2021 11:07 AM (llON

That's a relief, 'cause I missed the Coffee Thread this morning.

But I have already finished my coffee. But thinking about making some more.

Posted by: Flyover. at November 20, 2021 11:47 AM (Rbu5d)

230 Oh yeah, I'll give you one guess at what aspect of Joe's health and ability to perform his duty is not addressed.

Posted by: Gref at November 20, 2021 11:30 AM (AMIL/)

They looked in his ass and you want to know about his head? Fair point.

Posted by: Grudge Harbor at November 20, 2021 11:47 AM (uhPTO)

231 Separating God from Society WORKED!!
Posted by: Flyover. at November 20, 2021 11:38 AM (Rbu5d)
Agree for the most part....except.... God Himself allows us free agency.

Posted by: Hold My Montrachet at November 20, 2021 11:47 AM (juH8z)

232 I still love a good nicklefucker rant.

Posted by: Infidel at November 20, 2021 11:48 AM (pA4Ca)

233 the review I linked points out something I forgot: After the set-up, the movie gets a bit slow as Stewart investigates the case and interviews witnesses. The court stuff, which is great and the reason to buy the ticket, starts over an hour into the movie.

So, expect that slowness. It pays off.

Posted by: ace at November 20, 2021 11:48 AM (0G13K)

234 I think I'll get the ninja foodie even though ppl say its big and bulky

Posted by: vmom - link to Red's fundraiser at November 20, 2021 11:49 AM (YZG/i)

235 Finished my breakfast, and my coffee. Time to get out on the garage and finish working on the car.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 20, 2021 11:49 AM (P3gRi)

236 The presidential health report seems reasonable for an 80 year old who has received good health care his entire adult life. But, is it truthful or "truthful"?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 20, 2021 11:49 AM (UkBFs)

237 >>>Ima say that you are wikkid smaht and made the correct inference because it would be scary if you reading my thoughts.

I know the code, it ruined some good movies. It ruined the ending of The Big Sleep, for example.

Posted by: ace at November 20, 2021 11:49 AM (0G13K)

238 Got lots to clean up but think I am done for the day

Posted by: Skip's Phone at November 20, 2021 11:49 AM (Ocljc)

239 I think I'll get the ninja foodie even though ppl say its big and bulky

I have one, and it is.

Posted by: pep at November 20, 2021 11:49 AM (ZsR3z)

240 225 220 If they want to prove a white man can't get away with killing an innocent, prosecute Alex Baldwin. The gun wasn't to be used in the scene, and he violated a number of safety rules. An innocent woman, just starting her career, was snuffed, and another injured. No self defense argument there at all.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at November 20, 2021 11:44 AM (ynpvh)

As one of the Elect, Baldwin is in the clear. Ask David French how that works.

Posted by: Eeyore at November 20, 2021 11:46 AM (7X3UV)

Kinda my point.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at November 20, 2021 11:50 AM (ynpvh)

241 I like coffee as well as the next guy but a coffee IV is step too far.
You've never had slow-drip coffee??
Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 20, 2021 11:46 AM (UHVv4)

It's weird, but I find coffee to be an incredibly strong drug now that I'm older. I used to drink the stuff all day, and go to a particular roaster back in my 20's-30's. Now, I drink one cup in the morning and that's it. If I have more later on, I feel awful and way too jittery. Not complaining, one more place I save money. My grandma and step dad used to drink coffee all the way up until bed time. I'd be flying my bed.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at November 20, 2021 11:50 AM (wAnMi)

242 Yup, self defence is a natural right of everyone. Race sex politics does not change the right. The 2a applies to every American.

Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at November 20, 2021 11:51 AM (0OmEj)

243 Browsing deals for an electric pressure cooker - is Kalorik a good brand?
Posted by: vmom - link to Red's fundraiser at November 20, 2021 11:12 AM (YZG/i)

Hm. Never heard of that brand.
I really like my InstantPot, use it several times a week.

Posted by: Flyover. at November 20, 2021 11:51 AM (Rbu5d)

244 What was Joey's schedule the day prior to the alleged colonoscopy? Were there any public appearances, because most people I know spend the day before a colonoscopy on the toilet.

Posted by: Debby Doberman Schultz at November 20, 2021 11:51 AM (a4EWo)

245 I think the cops' pantie-sniffing dog was named "French".

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 20, 2021 11:51 AM (UHVv4)

246 Meanwhile the MSM continues to lament Kyle's " victims"

Posted by: steevy at November 20, 2021 11:52 AM (CYnTg)

247 I was busy yesterday. Any riots happen? Perusing the inter webs quickly I cant see any.

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 20, 2021 11:52 AM (swo8w)

248 And you get Eve Arden.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 20, 2021 11:53 AM (63Dwl)

249 I find coffee to be an incredibly strong drug now that I'm older.

Me, too. This will sound kind of ghey, but I switched to black tea a few years ago, and then to green tea over the summer. Now I'm getting about 10% of the caffeine I used to consume, and at this point it's *plenty*.

Posted by: Geronimo Stilton at November 20, 2021 11:53 AM (6qKyE)

250 I was busy yesterday. Any riots happen? Perusing the inter webs quickly I cant see any.

Dems are in power so no riots were ordered.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at November 20, 2021 11:53 AM (SchxB)

251 The presidential health report seems reasonable for an 80 year old who has received good health care his entire adult life. But, is it truthful or "truthful"?
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 20, 2021 11:49 AM (UkBFs)

I think it's lies by omission.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at November 20, 2021 11:54 AM (wAnMi)

252 246 Meanwhile the MSM continues to lament Kyle's " victims"
Posted by: steevy at November 20, 2021 11:52 AM (CYnTg)

I lament that because of the ignorant violence of a handful of assholes, some poor kid had to get run through the wringer.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 20, 2021 11:54 AM (6FeV1)

253 Victim's families....never heard of them.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at November 20, 2021 11:54 AM (tPUfk)

254 Coffee is lucky. I seem to recall another case of cops breaking into the wrong house. A vet who saw they were cops and did not fire and got ventilated...

Posted by: steevy at November 20, 2021 11:55 AM (CYnTg)

255 Isn't is amazing how the left controls the media, with the complete ability to give the facts, even just the facts they prefer, to the public...and instead spends all their time just misinforming the public?

If it hasn't brought us the Biden Junta it would be comical.

Every TV pundit arguing "but my raycisssism!" that doesn't know the racial make up of the 3 men Kyle shot should be fired and permanently banned from TV.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 20, 2021 11:55 AM (ESjRY)

256 225 220 If they want to prove a white man can't get away with killing an innocent, prosecute Alex Baldwin. The gun wasn't to be used in the scene, and he violated a number of safety rules. An innocent woman, just starting her career, was snuffed, and another injured. No self defense argument there at all.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at November 20, 2021 11:44 AM (ynpvh)

As one of the Elect, Baldwin is in the clear. Ask David French how that works.

Posted by: Eeyore at November 20, 2021 11:46 AM (7X3UV)

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you must find my client not guilty. Convicting him will be like convicting a baby. Neither a baby nor my client has the intelligence to know how to handle firearms. Neither a baby nor my client has the ability to understand things like danger, intent, or the value of lives other than his own. You must consider my client to be a 50-year-old baby in the situation at issue. Because that is what he is in daily life, if guns are around or not. How can you convict a baby of anything?

Posted by: Zombie Jimmy Stewart defending Baldwin at November 20, 2021 11:55 AM (AMIL/)

I was busy yesterday. Any riots happen? Perusing the inter webs quickly I cant see any.

News said there protests across the country.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 20, 2021 11:55 AM (63Dwl)

258 antifa did riot last night in Portland but that is pretty much the norm.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 20, 2021 11:55 AM (ZLI7S)

259 Yet here we are being libelled and slandered.

Posted by: Sasquatch

The Left/Dems project their own psychosis and racism onto us. Because they are racist psychopaths who can only be dealt with successfully with extreme [redacted].

Posted by: Sharkman at November 20, 2021 11:56 AM (VTxmu)

260 251 The presidential health report seems reasonable for an 80 year old who has received good health care his entire adult life. But, is it truthful or "truthful"?
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 20, 2021 11:49 AM (UkBFs)

I think it's lies by omission.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at November 20, 2021 11:54 AM (wAnMi)

When asked if he likes boxers or briefs, FJB says, "Hmmm...Depends".

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at November 20, 2021 11:56 AM (ynpvh)

261 Were there any public appearances, because most people I know spend the day before a colonoscopy on the toilet.
Meeting with Justin and Lopez so yes.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 20, 2021 11:56 AM (UHVv4)

262 NRA Fails to Mention or Congratulate Kyle Rittenhouse, Even After His Acquittal - Big League Politics

The NRA is not only dead, it's rotting corpse is starting to small like Biden's diaper.

Posted by: Capital Eff believes #RonnaMustGo #McCarthyMustGo #McConnellMustGo at November 20, 2021 11:56 AM (2xGy+)

263 The presidential health report seems reasonable for an 80 year old who has received good health care his entire adult life. But, is it truthful or "truthful"?

But is it reasonable for someone who has had multiple brain surgeries due to aneurysms and is publicly showing very strong signs of mental decline?

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at November 20, 2021 11:56 AM (SchxB)

264 Well Portland...

Posted by: steevy at November 20, 2021 11:56 AM (CYnTg)

265 I'm not sure ace understands how vacations work...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at November 20, 2021 11:56 AM (K5n5d)

266 What are the connections between the media and Antifa?

Posted by: Northernlurker at November 20, 2021 11:57 AM (cSyAR)

267 Kyle Rittenhouse: 17 year old attacked by a mob - shot only the people attacking him.

Alex Baldwin: Seasons actor that has been onset with guns for decades. Shoots two people through willful negligence and because he was mad at one of them.

And apparently the latter doesn't even deserve a serious investigation let alone time in jail.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 20, 2021 11:57 AM (ESjRY)

268 News said there protests across the country.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 20, 2021 11:55 AM (63Dwl)

Yes... They were so upset they smash and grabbed necessary Lois Vuitton stuff.

Posted by: It's me donna at November 20, 2021 11:57 AM (87qwM)

269 251 The presidential health report seems reasonable for an 80 year old who has received good health care his entire adult life. But, is it truthful or "truthful"?
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 20, 2021 11:49 AM (UkBFs)

I think it's lies by omission.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at November 20, 2021 11:54 AM (wAnMi)

The report does not say if any of Joe's physical problems are typical or atypical for a man nearing age 80. Hmmm.

Posted by: Gref at November 20, 2021 11:57 AM (AMIL/)

270 NRA Fails to Mention or Congratulate Kyle Rittenhouse, Even After His Acquittal - Big League Politics

The right side of the political world started disappearing as a group that actually does anything in the early 00s.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 20, 2021 11:57 AM (ESjRY)

271 258 antifa did riot last night in Portland but that is pretty much the norm.

Any excuse rule?

Posted by: Capital Eff believes #RonnaMustGo #McCarthyMustGo #McConnellMustGo at November 20, 2021 11:57 AM (2xGy+)

272 254 Coffee is lucky. I seem to recall another case of cops breaking into the wrong house. A vet who saw they were cops and did not fire and got ventilated...

Posted by: steevy at November 20, 2021 11:55 AM (CYnTg)

And I hope the city, department, and cops that shot him were sued to the last penny, but that just doesn't happen, does it? There are a few DA's I'd like to see strung up, protected as they are by immunity laws.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at November 20, 2021 11:58 AM (ynpvh)

273 When I was a yuute I was planning on being a lawyer. I do like to argue. But I realized that for the vast majority of lawyers it is a dull profession with a lot of bland paperwork. It isnt Law and Order stuff. And while you can make good money the median income of layers is pretty average. You have to be really good to make good money. So I ended up forgoing law school.

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 20, 2021 11:58 AM (swo8w)

274 This TV is for...uh...whoever those guys that were that got shot in...uh...Minneapolis?

And this TV is for my baby mamma!

Posted by: Some mostly peaceful protestor at November 20, 2021 11:58 AM (ESjRY)

275 The report does not say if any of Joe's physical problems are typical or atypical for a man nearing age 80. Hmmm.

It was also done by his long time personal physician.

Posted by: It's me donna at November 20, 2021 11:58 AM (87qwM)

276 Blanco Basura: "Dems are in power so no riots were ordered."

Poll numbers are already bad enough.

Demonstrations in LA and Portland and Brooklyn, though. George Floyd?

Posted by: KT at November 20, 2021 11:59 AM (0ghg2)

277 antifa did riot last night in Portland but that is pretty much the norm.

Any excuse rule?

Wasn't ordered, they were freelancing.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at November 20, 2021 11:59 AM (SchxB)

278 How are you, Perfessor?

Posted by: Debby Doberman Schultz at November 20, 2021 12:00 PM (a4EWo)

279 They only question physicals for Republicans. Remember when Trump's physicaL showed him to be in excellent health ? LOL

Posted by: steevy at November 20, 2021 12:00 PM (CYnTg)

280 I too considered law school, and many encouraged me. But I remembered that the only way a lawyer gets into heaven is Thomas More's way.

Posted by: Eeyore at November 20, 2021 12:00 PM (7X3UV)

281 279 They only question physicals for Republicans. Remember when Trump's physicaL showed him to be in excellent health ? LOL
Posted by: steevy at November 20, 2021 12:00 PM (CYnTg)

Has Tater ever been tested for the creaminess of his thighs?

Posted by: Northernlurker at November 20, 2021 12:01 PM (cSyAR)

282 Yeah saying riots happened in Portland is like saying the sun came up in Portland. You just kinda assume it happens every day and deserves no special mention.

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 20, 2021 12:01 PM (swo8w)

283 256 Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you must find my client not guilty. Convicting him will be like convicting a baby....You must consider my client to be a 50-year-old baby in the situation at issue. Because that is what he is in daily life, if guns are around or not. How can you convict a baby of anything?

Posted by: Zombie Jimmy Stewart defending Baldwin at November 20, 2021 11:55 AM (AMIL/)

Prosecutor: "Your Honor, what the Defense proposes is reasonable. I suggest all his assets be placed in Conservatorship as he is unable, at no fault of his own, to be an adult."

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at November 20, 2021 12:01 PM (ynpvh)

284 Supposedly, antifa will also be rioting in LA today at Pershing Square. If you are in the area might be a good idea to avoid that location, no way will the cops help you.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 20, 2021 12:01 PM (ZLI7S)

285 "The inside story behind Peppa Pig"
Posted by: gp Sets In Motion Various Apparatuses

I witnessed the early 70's version of this story during weed/booze mixers at college.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 20, 2021 12:02 PM (mD/uy)

286 Other health news, better get the vax to protect against a new "symptomless" strain of the coof:

Don't know what the point is, other than compliance.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at November 20, 2021 12:02 PM (SchxB)

287 Has Tater ever been tested for the creaminess of his thighs?
Posted by: Northernlurker at November 20, 2021 12:01 PM (cSyAR)

There are some things it was not meant for man to know.

Posted by: Eeyore at November 20, 2021 12:02 PM (7X3UV)

288 Any riots happen?
Big one in Rotterdam over vaxx passports and lockdowns.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 20, 2021 12:02 PM (UHVv4)

289 Browsing deals for an electric pressure cooker - is Kalorik a good brand?
Posted by: vmom - link to Red's fundraiser at November 20, 2021 11:12 AM (YZG/i)

Hm. Never heard of that brand.
I really like my InstantPot, use it several times a week.
Posted by: Flyover. at November 20, 2021 11:51 AM (Rbu5d)

I think if you're looking for an "electric" pressure cooker, your choice is an insta-pot, period. I'd first look at places like Williams-Sonoma and Sur LaTable, to learn the high-end brands and prices, then work your way backwards. I'm leery of the Chinese stuff on amazon TBH.

I would recommend a good old fashioned stove-top pressure cooker unless you specifically need an electric one. Fagor and Zavor are fantastic. Mine is probably 25 years old, and now that they have silicone gaskets, the biggest issue is gone (the rubber ones used to go hard and leak after a year or so).

But, you can't make french fries etc. with a regular pressure cooker. Pressure cookers are unparalleled for making stock, you can wring every last drop of flavor out of those bones.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at November 20, 2021 12:02 PM (wAnMi)

290 262 NRA Fails to Mention or Congratulate Kyle Rittenhouse, Even After His Acquittal - Big League Politics

The NRA is not only dead, it's rotting corpse is starting to small like Biden's diaper.

Posted by: Capital Eff believes #RonnaMustGo #McCarthyMustGo #McConnellMustGo at November 20, 2021 11:56 AM (2xGy+)

The NRA shit my pants!

Posted by: FJB at November 20, 2021 12:02 PM (ynpvh)

291 288 Funny how those never get much play no matter how large they are...

Posted by: steevy at November 20, 2021 12:03 PM (CYnTg)

292 So Ace is doing vacations like he hangs shelves. Which works for us as we get entertained.

Posted by: Bete at November 20, 2021 12:03 PM (Ojki1)

293 Supposedly, antifa will also be rioting in LA today at Pershing Square. If you are in the area might be a good idea to avoid that location, no way will the cops help you.

Too bad nobody's bought a few gross of dildos and rented a plane for the day.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at November 20, 2021 12:04 PM (SchxB)

294 I need to get vaxxed against a disease that Hs no symptoms? Lol. We are so far through the looking glass we are about to come out the other side.

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 20, 2021 12:04 PM (swo8w)

295 281 279 They only question physicals for Republicans. Remember when Trump's physicaL showed him to be in excellent health ? LOL
Posted by: steevy at November 20, 2021 12:00 PM (CYnTg)

Has Tater ever been tested for the creaminess of his thighs?

Posted by: Northernlurker at November 20, 2021 12:01 PM (cSyAR)

Clotted cheese thighs...

Posted by: FJB at November 20, 2021 12:04 PM (ynpvh)

296 Any riots happen?
Big one in Rotterdam over vaxx passports and lockdowns.
Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 20, 2021 12:02 PM (UHVv4)

Portland went cray cray last night - but it's really a matter of degrees there. I think there was some going on in Oakland because racist and dead black men.

Posted by: clutch cargo - processed in a facility that may contain lead at November 20, 2021 12:04 PM (wAnMi)

297 Is ace doing the Garden Thread today?

Posted by: f'd at November 20, 2021 12:04 PM (Tnijr)

298 Well felon or no the jury was correct not to find Mr Coffee guilty of 1st degree murder over shooting during a RAID on his house. Law enforcement needs to drop that BS of raiding peoples houses. Isn't the 4th amendment supposed to prohibit that shit?

Posted by: PaleRider, waiting on farrier at November 20, 2021 12:05 PM (3cGpq)

299 Supposedly, antifa will also be rioting in LA today at Pershing Square. If you are in the area might be a good idea to avoid that location, no way will the cops help you.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 20, 2021 12:01 PM (ZLI7S)

Other than the homeless and street vendors, you won't find anyone in Pershing Square. It's like a designated protest space. Nothing to loot or burn there, really.

Posted by: Grudge Harbor at November 20, 2021 12:05 PM (uhPTO)

300 292 So Ace is doing vacations like he hangs shelves. Which works for us as we get entertained.
Posted by: Bete at November 20, 2021 12:03 PM (Ojki1)

Maybe the spirits did it all in one night.

Posted by: Eeyore at November 20, 2021 12:05 PM (7X3UV)

301 "News" channel here just showed China Joe pardoning the turkeys. So important. So important.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 20, 2021 12:06 PM (UHVv4)

302 Nood

Posted by: Max Power at November 20, 2021 12:06 PM (QCc6B)

303 Jose Guerena shot 71 times by Pima County deputies. They paid his widow 3.4 million and never admitted any wrongdoing. No evidence of criminal activity was found in his home.

Posted by: Nigel West Dickens at November 20, 2021 12:06 PM (5mNpw)

304 301 "News" channel here just showed China Joe pardoning the turkeys. So important. So important.
Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 20, 2021 12:06 PM (UHVv4)

There was only one real turkey there

Posted by: It's me donna at November 20, 2021 12:06 PM (87qwM)

305 298 Well felon or no the jury was correct not to find Mr Coffee guilty of 1st degree murder over shooting during a RAID on his house. Law enforcement needs to drop that BS of raiding peoples houses. Isn't the 4th amendment supposed to prohibit that shit?

Posted by: PaleRider, waiting on farrier at November 20, 2021 12:05 PM (3cGpq)

Not if the search was reasonable and a judge issued a warrant based on a valid oath/affirmation of the need.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at November 20, 2021 12:06 PM (ynpvh)

306 110 HEY!!!
Browsing deals for an electric pressure cooker - is Kalorik a good brand?

Posted by: vmom - link to Red's fundraiser at November 20, 2021 11:12 AM (YZG/i)

Assuming you haven't yet pulled the trigger on the Ninja Foodie, consider the Nesco. I have one and it's one of the best purchases I've ever made. Not only can you pressure cook with it, but you can also can with it, both pressure canning and water bath. It comes with everything you need to do so.

Posted by: Pennsyltucky at November 20, 2021 12:06 PM (lNHqD)

307 So Rittenhouse successfully claimed self-defense for the white men he shot.

When does the trial for the three black men he shot begin? And why haven't the families of the three black men been paid their 27 million dollars from the city of Minneapolis? Benjamin Crump needs to get on this!

Posted by: JB1000 at November 20, 2021 12:07 PM (8Em4J)

308 231...God Himself allows us free agency.

Yes, of course He does.
Each person.
But when a Society rejects God (even though not all persons in that Society do), that Society goes on the decline.
Slow, then all of a sudden.

Posted by: Flyover. at November 20, 2021 12:07 PM (Rbu5d)

309 Excuse me, they fired 71 shots. Only hit him 22 times.

Posted by: Nigel West Dickens at November 20, 2021 12:08 PM (5mNpw)

310 Reminds me of the raid that started the Waco standoff. People breaking the law but the cops overreacting by wanting to play soldier.
Innocent people have been killed by the cops in these no knock raids when they get the address wrong. These type of raids should only be used in rare cases.
I am pro law enforcement but this shit really make me mad along with civil asset forfeiture (i.e. legal government theft)

Posted by: BetaCuck4Lyfe at November 20, 2021 12:08 PM (MFZ8i)

311 There was only one real turkey there
And it shat all over the place!

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 20, 2021 12:08 PM (UHVv4)

312 Richards went on CNN immediately on Cuomo's show of all places. Have no respect for the man. He has no right to talk about anyone else.

why doesn't he have a right to speak? He just got his client freed from a life sentence/

Posted by: kallisto at November 20, 2021 12:09 PM (DJFLF)

313 IIRC Nick Sandman also bounced Barnes from his legal team.

Posted by: kallisto at November 20, 2021 12:10 PM (DJFLF)

314 Jim, well I think the framers had in mind that the state could come to a house, knock on the door and present a valid warrant to search it. Not bust in like they were home invaders and then present the warrant afterwards. Raids are bullshit and need to go away.

Posted by: PaleRider, waiting on farrier at November 20, 2021 12:10 PM (3cGpq)

315 The crazy thing about this one is that the SWAT team shot and killed Mr. Coffee's girlfriend, and the state still charged Coffee with her murder.

Is that right? I almost can't believe that this is right, but that's what the news reports are saying.

"His girlfriend, Alteria Woods, 21, died during the raid after being struck by 10 bullets fired by a SWAT team member, including one shot that entered her chest, records show."

Posted by: Geronimo Stilton at November 20, 2021 12:11 PM (6qKyE)

316 Zuckerburger should have called it the Betaverse.

Posted by: f'd at November 20, 2021 12:12 PM (Tnijr)

317 Zuckerburger should have called it the Betaverse.

That would make him Master Beta.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at November 20, 2021 12:14 PM (SchxB)

318 Not sure if that played a big part in the jury acquitting him, but that seemed to be a very unpopular move that ended up paying off.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton

It's almost unheard of to put a defendant on the stand even for minor crimes.

The only time you do it is when there is exactly zero evidence against your client and that client is also an innocent naif.

Posted by: Sharkman at November 20, 2021 12:18 PM (VTxmu)

319 315: Oh I can believe it. Prosecution "Mr Coffee caused the death of his girlfriend by firing at LEOs, forcing them to fire back and causing his girlfriend to be killed"

But unless they were responding to a 911 call of him holding her hostage, they had no business breaking down the door and charging in with weapons drawn instead of presenting the warrant and searching for drugs or evidence. I don't want unarmed bobbies like the UK, but no knock raids and when I read raid I fill in the no knock. If they just showed up to serve a normal warrant, even with plenty of backup in case of the suspected perp turning violent that would not be a raid IMO.

Posted by: PaleRider, waiting on farrier at November 20, 2021 12:20 PM (3cGpq)

320 It's OJ land and the land where in SF a gang banger can kill a white tourist and be proclaimed innocent. The glories of diversity. Just like Africa.

Posted by: Harry at November 20, 2021 12:23 PM (EcD5Y)

321 >essentially according to him, Barnes was chasing the glory and really gave no fux about the outcome
Posted by: kallisto at November 20, 2021 11:19 AM (DJFLF)

That's believable, and since he won the case, he earned the right to throw some shade.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 20, 2021 12:25 PM (cSs/W)

322 And when do I stop craving a fucking cigarette? (Last one was last Mon morning.)
Posted by: Eeyore at November 20, 2021 11:23 AM (7X3UV)

My husband quit smoking in 2006 and he said sometimes he still wakes up from a dream that he was smoking.

Posted by: MammaB at November 20, 2021 12:26 PM (HkGDB)

323 319 Completely agree. Police who use SWAT tactics without solid proof that they are necessary should be personally liable for any death or damages they cause, unless everyone hurt is convicted of a crime serious enough to make the SWAT tactics proportionate.

Posted by: jdgalt1 at November 20, 2021 12:26 PM (3SFo/)

324 132 I saw the video of the CNN report where they actually reported the facts of the trial, corrected all the misinformation, you know, like areal news organization.
I think the Sandman suit may have really turned some corporate heads.
MSNBC still has to learn the lesson.
Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 20, 2021 11:17 AM (Y+l9t)

Is this true?

Posted by: m at November 20, 2021 12:40 PM (fVJPF)

325 Thanks pressure-cooking people!

Posted by: vmom - link to Red's fundraiser at November 20, 2021 12:42 PM (YZG/i)

326 In the years to come Rittenhouse, tired of the endless publicity and seeking quiet anonymity would change his last name to Reese. A short time later he would meet a man named John Connor...

Posted by: the other rob at November 20, 2021 12:45 PM (RrEQv)

327 62 If Mr. Coffee can get an acquittal for shooting a cop, George Foreman would probably get away with murder.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 20, 2021 10:58 AM (VxC1e)

They'd have hanged Mr. Tea for this same thing.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 20, 2021 01:01 PM (S6plB)

328 Noam Blum is a hero.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at November 20, 2021 01:06 PM (iDcra)

329 B...what is a woman? The trans fucks pretty much say that it's RuPaul. A glammed up street prostitute dressed for a low end GFE with a poor janitor going to his high school reunion.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 20, 2021 01:07 PM (ZZK0E)

330 I wonder how many people have been killed or injured in no knock raids in the past 10 years? I'm sure many of the criminals were jumpy, thinking a rival gang was busting in to steal their stash, or exact revenge vs thinking this was the cops. Many of those would probably have figured their lawyer would get them off and not gone to using deadly force just for a warrant search.

And of course almost all of the wrong addressees would be thinking that a busting down door is some violent home invasion and they need to defend their castle or they and family will be killed by the thugs breaking in.

Posted by: PaleRider, happy Saturday at November 20, 2021 01:13 PM (3cGpq)

331 Posted by: PaleRider, happy Saturday at November 20, 2021 01:13 PM (3cGpq)
When police conduct no knock raids, they deserve every bad thing they get.... Absolutely no difference than anyone else breaking in.

Posted by: Hold My Montrachet at November 20, 2021 01:23 PM (juH8z)

332 Too bad the ill informed woman about to star as Maria in the West Side story movie couldn't see your essay. Actress Rachel Ziegler commented about the Rittenhouse verdict that it was " the epitome of white privilege and exactly what's wrong with this Godforsaken country."

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 20, 2021 01:28 PM (poMoX)

333 319:

Course the police just showed up for no reason. They showed up with guns drawn because he was black! Where did you major in diversity studies?

Posted by: Harry at November 20, 2021 01:35 PM (EcD5Y)

334 331:

Can you tell us about your long happy life at federal institutions of higher learning. No knock raids should be abolished but lets face it the denizens they are after are usually of the same moral character as St Floyd.

Posted by: Harry at November 20, 2021 01:39 PM (EcD5Y)

335 Course the police just showed up for no reason. They showed up with guns drawn because he was black! Where did you major in diversity studies?
Posted by: Harry at November 20, 2021 01:35 PM (EcD5Y)
----agreeing with 319
.... They had no FB at his house....much less brewkong in with guns drawn. F..K THEM.

Posted by: Hold My Montrachet, I'm Off To Make Some Truffled Porcini Risotto at November 20, 2021 01:40 PM (juH8z)

336 331:

Can you tell us about your long happy life at federal institutions of higher learning. No knock raids should be abolished but lets face it the denizens they are after are usually of the same moral character as St Floyd.
Posted by: Harry at November 20, 2021 01:39 PM (EcD5Y)
Harry... I'm going with "who dafuq consented to you being king?"

Freedom.... You know... That thing you pretend to believe in.

Posted by: Hold My Montrachet, I'm Off To Make Some Truffled Porcini Risotto at November 20, 2021 01:42 PM (juH8z)

337 Cops doing no-knock raids get shot at?
Oh. Okay.
Um... I can live with that.

I don't care about the color of the skin of the people shooting either.
Works for me.

Posted by: ertdfg at November 20, 2021 01:59 PM (I388C)

338 The idiots stoking this "what if Rittenhouse was Black" argument don't seem to understand they are actually arguing Rittenhouse's innocence. Consider the premise: All other facts of the case being the same, a jury would have convicted Black Rittenhouse because of systemic ArmeriKKKan Racism, and this would be a miscarriage of justice. Get that? The only reason Hypothetical Black Rittenhouse gets convicted for the same charges is because of his race... a non-racist jury would presumably have acquitted Black Rittenhouse, just as they acquitted Actual Rittenhouse.

Posted by: Harrison Bergeron at November 20, 2021 02:11 PM (ljXWV)

339 331: Problem is the police don't bear the brunt of the badness when there is an address error and they bust into some normal's house. They have body armor and flash bangs and whatnot. And if they settle for a wrongful death case, that doesn't come out of their own pockets, the taxpayers foot the bills.

I tend to 'back the blue.' But when police have a swat department they're going to use that 'tool'. And that's OK if they have to roll up against a fortified cartel meth lab. But when they are allowed to conduct no-knock warrants with the swat team on John Doe's house because Doe is suspected of peddling a few drugs, our constitutional rights and people's safety are both trampled on. I suspect there could be 1/10th the # of swat teams in the country and local police could bring in a team for the few cases where swat tactics are actually called for. And yes, even for those cases they should announce as police rather than just breaking down a door,

Posted by: PaleRider, happy Saturday at November 20, 2021 02:16 PM (3cGpq)

340 Tom Nichols, The Blaxpert

Posted by: x at November 20, 2021 02:58 PM (oA+QO)

341 Good use of flash-bangs and SWAT: My dad's neighbor was drunk, despondent, with a weapon, and with his young daughter. Police shut down the street for 10 hours and eventually flash-banged the door 10 hours in.

Bad use of flash-bangs and SWAT: Everything fucking else.

I would have found this guy not guilty of felon-in-possession. Serve the fucking warrant in the daytime like it is supposed to be. If they destroy some drug evidence, so what? Pretend like they co-operated and *their* dealers will handle the problem.

I had a warrant served once on the downstairs tenants. I was the lucky one to open the door to see a big dude with a sledge hammer. As I slammed the door shut a calm voice said "Police. Warrant.", not flash-bang.

Posted by: Chuck C at November 20, 2021 03:05 PM (EughT)

342 Palerider, Chuck C. ..... I dont support poloce at all.... Not a liberal at all (prefer the entire community doing its own policing)....but basically agree with what you both just said.

Posted by: Hold My Montrachet, I'm Off To Make Some Truffled Porcini Risotto at November 20, 2021 03:56 PM (qi/+I)

343 GoFundMe's story on how it decides which fundraisers to prohibit does not hold up.

Posted by: KT at November 20, 2021 05:35 PM (0ghg2)

344 Of course, you realize that the Left is NOT getting rid of ITS guns.

Posted by: FatAlbert at November 20, 2021 05:55 PM (/LM9B)

345 race is being used over and over to hid the economic tyranny that is occurring. rich get salt tax booted. federal politicians start with little wealth and quickly have massive wealth. bureaucrats spend the taxpayer money trough as if it can never go dry. Trump was threatening them, so they all ganged up to toss him. a little cheating in millions of places. Impossible to beat. leaves little option other than burn it all.

Posted by: government here to save you at November 20, 2021 05:59 PM (lNSu6)

346 Or excuses.

Posted by: FatAlbert at November 20, 2021 06:08 PM (/LM9B)

347 Just to show how little media coverage this got, I live right here in Vero Beach and this is the first I've heard of it.

Posted by: mimetic polyalloy at November 20, 2021 06:39 PM (WusEB)

348 Fuck Biden
Fuck the DOJ

You can't just keep retrying a case you don't like my inventing BS "civil rights" nonsense.



A meteor hitting DC would do us wonders right now.

Posted by: GetchaPull at November 20, 2021 07:23 PM (aR6C/)

349 Rittenhouse attackers were obviously unemployable. Who paid them?

Posted by: Sludgy at November 21, 2021 06:18 AM (8eOu+)

350 When the Special Editions come out, we'll have proof that sweet innocent Greedo was murdered by that evil Han Solo.

Posted by: ChrisW at November 21, 2021 03:16 PM (zFMsi)

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