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#BuildBackBrandon Bill Is Unpopular in Competitive Swing Districts -- and That's Before the Public Realizes It's a Huge Billion Dollar Boondoggle In Tax Breaks for the Left's Plutocrat Donor Base

Not, not "billion dollar." Billions upon billions upon billions of dollars in tax breaks for only the Democrats' plutocratic Ruling Class donors.

Democrats and the media -- who are just Democrats who have too many sex scandals and drug busts and DUIs to run for office -- keep claiming that the #BuildBackBrandon bill is so, so popular.

#BuildBackBrandon will save Brandon.

Steiner will come.

But it's not popular in swing districts:

Notably, a plurality of voters in these battleground districts oppose Biden's radical Build Back Better plan, including independents, who "are a net 18-points opposed" to the agenda, per the NRCC memo.

Coinciding with the president’s plummeting ratings is the fact that Republicans have what the NRCC described as a "decisive advantage" on issues most important to voters -- border security, jobs and the economy, and inflation/cost of living.

"These were the only three issues to register in the double-digits," NRCC found.

#BuildBackBrandon lost even more support when pollsters informed survey respondents about it, using Republican attack lines.

Note that the public has heard nothing about this except what the leftwing Biden Propaganda Media has told them about this -- it's Good for Children and Everyone! -- so this is the first time these respondents are hearing that there might be downsides to this bill.

Among the least popular provisions of Biden's Build Back Better agenda is a natural gas tax, tax breaks to the wealthy, and paying illegal immigrants for children they carry into America:

76% of voters in battleground districts say they are more likely to oppose BBB knowing that it imposes a natural gas tax that will "increase home heating costs, electricity rates, and raise gas prices."

77% of voters in battleground districts are less likely to vote for a Democrat who "votes to give an eighty thousand-dollar tax break to wealthy homeowners in New York, New Jersey, and California, a move that would cost hundreds of billions of dollars, and overwhelmingly benefit the wealthy, not the middle class."

76% of voters in battleground districts oppose the package's proposal "giving $3,600 a year to illegal immigrants for every child they bring into America or give birth to after arriving."

Yes, the second-biggest spending item in this bill to "help everyday Americans" is in fact a huge tax break for the millionaires and billionaires living in blue cities in blue states.

If you recall, Trump limited the SALT (State and Local Tax) deduction from federal income taxes, which let millionaires and billionaires deduct most of the taxes they paid to their high-tax city and state government from their federal tax bill. Thus letting blue cities and blue states steal tax revenue from the federal government.

Trump limited that deduction.

Unless you were someone making over five or six million a year or something, this limitation didn't touch you.

But for the Democrats' ultrawealthy urban donors -- their real base -- it cost them a lot of money.

They had previously been insulated from the huge state and local taxes the blue governments they supported and funded imposed by the SALT deduction, so they could donate to Democrats who would impose these taxes on the middle class, knowing that they, personally, would not have to pay them.

Then Trump said: No, you're going to have to pay the taxes you fund, just like the middle class has to pay.

And then the Democrat Party freaked out.

The left wing, which always claims it just wants millionaires and billionaires to "pay their fair share," suddenly began shrieking as their rich-as-Croesus donors began paying their fair share.

And now: The Build Back Brandon bill gives the millionaires and billionaires an enormous tax cut.

Which the Democrats claim is a "tax cut for middle class families."

Even the leftwing propaganda press realizes this is a lie.



Posted by: Ace at 04:05 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Ugh.

Posted by: bluebell at November 18, 2021 04:06 PM (wyw4S)

2 Glad people oppose it but it's a little late, isn't it?

Posted by: bluebell at November 18, 2021 04:07 PM (wyw4S)

3 We've got that gray box smell!

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at November 18, 2021 04:07 PM (6vaxi)

4 So, no one gives a shit about the infrastructure bill, Biden's great legislative achievement, and no one likes the idea of the BBB bill.

Yeah, Biden's popularity is just about to reverse course.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, the hero Gotham deserves at November 18, 2021 04:08 PM (LvTSG)

5 This has some benefits...
You know what happens in 2022? Sen Kelly becomes a has been!

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at November 18, 2021 04:08 PM (6vaxi)

6 I do enjoy these Matryoshka formatting threads.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at November 18, 2021 04:09 PM (+WWsf)

7 Tax the rich bitch!

Posted by: Xipe Totec at November 18, 2021 04:09 PM (gR+IE)

8 How many Republicans will vote to pass this? I say at least a quarter, if not more.

Posted by: Mr Fabulist at November 18, 2021 04:09 PM (oK/V2)

9 I do enjoy these Matryoshka formatting threads.
Posted by: Walter Freeman at November 18, 2021 04:09 PM (+WWsf)

Ace is colluding with the Rusians.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 18, 2021 04:09 PM (guGkK)

10 Nice that people are realizing what a shit show this administration is. Little too late, though.

Posted by: Toni at November 18, 2021 04:09 PM (PgM6e)

11 Um....Ace?

Sumpin' don't look right.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice. Asymptomatic raycist at November 18, 2021 04:09 PM (3D/fK)

12 Boxed in!

Posted by: Kevin in ABQ at November 18, 2021 04:09 PM (T+GNN)

13 Which the Democrats claim is a "tax cut for middle class families."

Even the leftwing propaganda press realizes this is a lie.


WaPo is reporting on this?

This bill is dead. And Biden's popularity will suffer even further as the rich who wish for SALT to return turn on Biden for not getting it done. They won't vote against him, but they will further feed the overall narrative that Biden is terrible at his job which will further influence the opinions of LIV independents.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, the hero Gotham deserves at November 18, 2021 04:10 PM (LvTSG)

14 Tax cuts for the rich are terrible for the greater (Democrat politicians) good.

2000 Era Dems would roll their eyes at you for predicting then where they would be today.

Posted by: Bete at November 18, 2021 04:10 PM (Ojki1)

15 Gray box hotel.

Posted by: Ruthless at November 18, 2021 04:11 PM (/uaBM)

16 The SALT tax really screws people with big houses.

It's not 5-6M in income, more like 300K. It hits the medium donor just as much as teh big ones, proportionally.

This is why it's so important.

Posted by: MJ at November 18, 2021 04:11 PM (zwDuR)

17 Klepto-pluto-oligo-kakistocracy.

Posted by: Cato, Post-Apocalyptic Scourge of the Seas at November 18, 2021 04:11 PM (Msrhc)

18 SanFranNan is bringing up for a vote today to try and beat to financial reading on it's cost

Posted by: It's me donna at November 18, 2021 04:11 PM (87qwM)

19 What's in the box?

Posted by: David Mills at November 18, 2021 04:11 PM (T+GNN)

20 It's Free Cash Money Folks!!! Nothing for you to pay back ever!!! We just soak the rich and the corporations...except for the ones who fund us and the ones who have lawyers and accountants!!! Oh, and by the way, here's your gigantic tax increase!!! What's not to love about this plan?

Posted by: Downcast at November 18, 2021 04:11 PM (7GOW2)

21 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 18, 2021 04:12 PM (Zz0t1)

22 We're greys, man. We're grays.

Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 18, 2021 04:12 PM (Zz0t1)

23 I feel boxed in

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at November 18, 2021 04:12 PM (XvPQV)

24 Ultra wealthy whites are really who runs the Democrat Party.

I loved the SALT cap purely because it pissed them off so much.

It probably wasn't smart politics, but I'm more into spite at this point.

Posted by: Blago at November 18, 2021 04:12 PM (HDr+z)

25 Agreed. The bill is dead so it doens't matter.

They will pass the SALT repeal either after the midterms or separately now if they can.

It's a top priority for Dem leadership.

Posted by: MJ at November 18, 2021 04:12 PM (zwDuR)

26 Gotta screw them ordinary 'Mericans. They might vote for Trump. Can't be too careful. Until the camps are ready, tax the shit out of them.

Posted by: Ruthless at November 18, 2021 04:12 PM (/uaBM)

Ugh. The quotes within quotes is a nightmare to fix.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 18, 2021 04:12 PM (s2VJv)

28 *rubs eyes*

The Washington Post called attention to this pile of cash giveaway to the Richie Riches? Is the sky raining cats?

Posted by: Lady in Black at November 18, 2021 04:13 PM (sVtYq)

29 I see a grey fog has descended upon us.

Posted by: dantesed at November 18, 2021 04:13 PM (193FS)

30 Ace, HH linked this article and it is very good:

>>> I'm not sure how to describe this article, but it's worth reading the whole thing:

h/t some commenter at Sarah Hoyt's blog
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at November 18, 2021 03:28 PM (llON

Posted by: banana Dream at November 18, 2021 04:13 PM (h/pNJ)

31 lolgf

Posted by: flounder at November 18, 2021 04:13 PM (SH2Zi)

32 @10: "Nice that people are realizing what a shit show this administration is. Little too late, though."

Lots of passive personality type voters just wanted everything to go back to normal; whatever magical idea of normal they pulled outta thin air. I suspect blue and red wave elections might become more normal in this decade as people pinball back and forth between illusions of the non-status quo.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at November 18, 2021 04:13 PM (+WWsf)

33 What is the WaPo doing saying a Demoncrat program is benefitting the rich rather women and the poor?

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker at November 18, 2021 04:13 PM (gGCIA)

34 Someone hid the comments button.

Posted by: Puddin Head at November 18, 2021 04:13 PM (yRved)

35 I feel boxed in
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at November 18, 2021 04:12 PM (XvPQV)

This is the opposite of TJM's yard.

Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 18, 2021 04:14 PM (Zz0t1)


Bilk Bolshevism Biggerer!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 18, 2021 04:14 PM (s2VJv)

37 Democrat California Rep.Jackie Speier just said the BBB will be voted on in the House tonight, then when pressed she said, "You can take it to the bank."

Posted by: redridinghood at November 18, 2021 04:14 PM (NpAcC)

38 Ugh. The quotes within quotes is a nightmare to fix.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 18, 2021 04:12 PM (s2VJv)

I see quotes within quotes within quotes...

And Dune 2021 really is 'Baby's First Dune story'...dumbed down to the lowest common denominator.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at November 18, 2021 04:14 PM (XvPQV)


Posted by: the AOS comment section at November 18, 2021 04:14 PM (o0WIV)

40 Maybe Hitler had the right idea?

Posted by: Puddin Head at November 18, 2021 04:14 PM (yRved)

41 I see a grey fog has descended upon us.
Posted by: dantesed at November 18, 2021 04:13 PM (193FS)

How about a gay fag?

Posted by: Pete Bootigig at November 18, 2021 04:14 PM (Zz0t1)

42 This is the opposite of TJM's yard.
Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 18, 2021 04:14 PM (Zz0t1)

True. We also don't have somebody's car in here.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at November 18, 2021 04:14 PM (XvPQV)

43 50 shades of grey - HQ style

Posted by: IC - #FJB at November 18, 2021 04:14 PM (hV9ir)

44 Evidence phase of the Arbery trial in Georgia just ended. They expect to do closing arguments on Monday, so that jury will be getting the case next week. I wonder if the Rittenhouse jury will still be deliberating then? Be weird if we got both verdicts in these self-defense shooting cases on the same day. Would BLM/antifa declare a National Day of Pillaging and Rioting?

Posted by: TrivialPursuer--F*ck Joe Biden at November 18, 2021 04:15 PM (k4dH2)

45 Boxes within boxes.

Posted by: Heavy Meta at November 18, 2021 04:15 PM (NgqoH)

46 How about a gay fag?
Posted by: Pete Bootigig at November 18, 2021 04:14 PM (Zz0t1)

Isn't that redundant ?

Posted by: It's me donna at November 18, 2021 04:15 PM (87qwM)

47 Just be glad ace didn't lock himself out of his own blog again...

Posted by: steevy at November 18, 2021 04:15 PM (CYnTg)

Fixed it. 2 for 2.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 18, 2021 04:15 PM (s2VJv)

49 i kind of like the gray in gray.

Posted by: IC - #FJB at November 18, 2021 04:16 PM (hV9ir)

50 Peaceful pillaging and rioting. Mostly. Probably.

Posted by: Ruthless at November 18, 2021 04:16 PM (/uaBM)

51 Ugh. The quotes within quotes is a nightmare to fix.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 18, 2021 04:12 PM (s2VJv)

You asked for it......

Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 18, 2021 04:16 PM (Zz0t1)

52 Glad people oppose it but it's a little late, isn't it?
Posted by: bluebell at November 18, 2021 04:07 PM (wyw4S)

Had to pass it to find out what was in it!

Posted by: Doof at November 18, 2021 04:16 PM (mZUr4)

53 Shoot, I was just getting to like the gray boxes, and now "poof!" they're gone, like tears in the rain.

Posted by: Ruthless at November 18, 2021 04:16 PM (/uaBM)

True. We also don't have somebody's car in here.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at November 18, 2021 04:14 PM (XvPQV)

Because we haven't found the keys yet.......

Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 18, 2021 04:17 PM (Zz0t1)

55 Semi-OT: our little burg is proposing to raise water rates ... TENFOLD over the next three years.

Because, reasons.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 18, 2021 04:17 PM (fSRlj)

56 i kind of like the gray in gray.
Posted by: IC - #FJB at November 18, 2021 04:16 PM (hV9ir)

Me too.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 18, 2021 04:17 PM (Ez6QX)

57 Posted by: steevy at November 18, 2021 04:15 PM (CYnTg)

Maybe Ace is making lasagna again.

Posted by: dantesed at November 18, 2021 04:17 PM (193FS)

58 "Hello? Do you have King Harv's in a box?"

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! at November 18, 2021 04:17 PM (LwD/l)

59 Gosh, the evil PDT actually did something to level the tax playing field and, surprise, not, democrats decide to tilt the field again.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at November 18, 2021 04:17 PM (IUFR3)

60 The SALT deduction limitation was a stroke of brilliance in Trump's tax reform. The Left wants to "tax the rich?" Okay, fine. Tax 'em. Limiting the SALT deduction hurts high-income earners in places with low state taxes, and middle-high earners in places with high state taxes. I imagine a lot of well-to-do but not super rich (the $200k-$500k) guys in the Bay Area literally screamed when they saw what happened as a result of that cap.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:17 PM (DU+/6)

61 Had to sit through an all-hands town hall at work yesterday.
Most of it was spent trying to push this.
It was sad, like they were just reading a script, with as much enthusiasm as reading a phone book.
They might as well have just said "All hail Trakanon"

Posted by: Lrrr at November 18, 2021 04:17 PM (k5fFm)

62 It's good to see our economy roaring back to 1979!

Posted by: Dr. Bone at November 18, 2021 04:17 PM (BPuaD)

63 How about a gay fag?
Posted by: Pete Bootigig at November 18, 2021 04:14 PM

Isn't that redundant ?
Posted by: It's me donna at November 18, 2021 04:15 PM (87qwM)

Unless it's a happy cigarette.

Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (Zz0t1)

64 J.J.

Ace has you fixing his loose shit?

You being a published author, you ain't gotta put up with that, no more.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice. Asymptomatic raycist at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (3D/fK)

65 Had to sit through an all-hands town hall at work yesterday.
Most of it was spent trying to push this.
It was sad, like they were just reading a script, with as much enthusiasm as reading a phone book.
They might as well have just said "All hail Trakanon"
Posted by: Lrrr at November 18, 2021 04:17 PM (k5fFm)
Your company was pushing the commie plan? I guess your execs stand to profit from it.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (DU+/6)

66 60 The SALT deduction limitation was a stroke of brilliance in Trump's tax reform. The Left wants to "tax the rich?" Okay, fine. Tax 'em. Limiting the SALT deduction hurts high-income earners in places with low state taxes, and middle-high earners in places with high state taxes. I imagine a lot of well-to-do but not super rich (the $200k-$500k) guys in the Bay Area literally screamed when they saw what happened as a result of that cap.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:17 PM (DU+/6)

When they say "tax the rich" that's not what they mean.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (s2VJv)

67 I am hearing the House will pass the bill this weekend. They want the Senate to have the month of December to modify it.

Posted by: Marcus T at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (VpIIl)

68 The Washington Post called attention to this pile of cash giveaway to the Richie Riches? Is the sky raining cats?

Posted by: Lady in Black at November 18, 2021 04:13 PM (sVtYq)

I feel a draft in here ...

Posted by: Beelzebub at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (f7J9k)

69 Ugh. The quotes within quotes is a nightmare to fix.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 18, 2021 04:12 PM (s2VJv)

You asked for it......
Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 18, 2021 04:16 PM (Zz0t1)

Nice!! I was thinking this...

(no - it's not "Fix You" from Coldplay. I know better.)

Posted by: Doof at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (mZUr4)

70 Joe Biden has his own personal gravy train in his drawers.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (8m1jA)

71 Because, reasons.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 18, 2021 04:17 PM (fSRlj)


60 billion for a train, not one dime for water...

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (IUFR3)

72 60 The SALT deduction limitation was a stroke of brilliance in Trump's tax reform. The Left wants to "tax the rich?" Okay, fine. Tax 'em. Limiting the SALT deduction hurts high-income earners in places with low state taxes, and middle-high earners in places with high state taxes. I imagine a lot of well-to-do but not super rich (the $200k-$500k) guys in the Bay Area literally screamed when they saw what happened as a result of that cap.

lots rich people I know had to sell the shore house

the heart bleeds

Posted by: BlackOrchid at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (j9HX3)

Me too.
Posted by: Jordan61 at November 18, 2021 04:17 PM (Ez6QX)

It's actually comforting to my fubar eyes.

Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (Zz0t1)

74 When they say "tax the rich" that's not what they mean.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (s2VJv)
No, of course not. Thus the shrieking and moaning over the SALT limitation.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (DU+/6)

75 Shoot, I was just getting to like the gray boxes, and now "poof!" they're gone, like tears in the rain.
Posted by: Ruthless at November 18, 2021 04:16 PM (/uaBM)

Like calories into Tater's diet app...

Posted by: reason at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (o0WIV)

76 64 J.J. - Ace has you fixing his loose shit? You being a published author, you ain't gotta put up with that, no more.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice. Asymptomatic raycist at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (3D/fK)


Together Everyone Annoys Me

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 18, 2021 04:19 PM (s2VJv)

77 Ho-lee-shit people! The Bulwark actually surprises in a good way! Headline: "41 Months of Jail for the Qanon Shaman Isn't Justice"
Sure, no surprise. These cocksuckers have been overreacting to Jan 6th since before it happened.

Article lede: "Jacob Chansley deserved to go to prison. But he didn't deserve a harsher sentence because TV made him famous."

A welcome and surprisingly lucid and accurate assessment for the Bulwark. He actually deserved, at most, a small fine for trespassing, but to admit he doesn't deserve extra punishment for being the face of the event is still noteworthy.

The Bulwark is still, of course, untrustworthy backingstabbing shitweasels.

Posted by: Intrepid Bulwark AoS Liaison at November 18, 2021 04:19 PM (dP3gR)

78 60 The SALT deduction limitation was a stroke of brilliance in Trump's tax reform. The Left wants to "tax the rich?" Okay, fine. Tax 'em. Limiting the SALT deduction hurts high-income earners in places with low state taxes, and middle-high earners in places with high state taxes. I imagine a lot of well-to-do but not super rich (the $200k-$500k) guys in the Bay Area literally screamed when they saw what happened as a result of that cap.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:17 PM (DU+/6)


Like certain true conservative bloggers who also happen to be lawyers.


Posted by: TheJamesMadison's Phone, read some movie thoughts at November 18, 2021 04:19 PM (xACKO)

79 Note that the public has heard nothing about this except what the leftwing Biden Propaganda Media has told them about this -- it's Good for Children and Everyone! -- ...


"A free shit in every pot!"

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! at November 18, 2021 04:19 PM (LwD/l)

80 But Trump said "pussy."

Thanks, Brandon voters.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 18, 2021 04:19 PM (Bmy3R)

81 74 When they say "tax the rich" that's not what they mean.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (s2VJv)
No, of course not. Thus the shrieking and moaning over the SALT limitation.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (DU+/6)

It really was kind of a brilliant Alinsky maneuver on Trump's part. Sigh.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 18, 2021 04:19 PM (s2VJv)

82 You know who this helps?

Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at November 18, 2021 04:20 PM (l8gTz)

83 Fixed it. 2 for 2.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton

And pretty quickly too!

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at November 18, 2021 04:20 PM (6vaxi)

84 Hey, its bright in here, again!

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at November 18, 2021 04:20 PM (XvPQV)

85 A welcome and surprisingly lucid and accurate assessment for the Bulwark. He actually deserved, at most, a small fine for trespassing, but to admit he doesn't deserve extra punishment for being the face of the event is still noteworthy.

The Bulwark is still, of course, untrustworthy backingstabbing shitweasels.
Posted by: Intrepid Bulwark AoS Liaison at November 18, 2021 04:19 PM (dP3gR)
Let's think about this. The guy was in solitary for nearly a year and then picked up three more years in his sentence. For nothing. This is shit Code Pink weirdos do routinely with no consequence.

And the hottest "conservative" take the Bulwark can come up with is merely that "41 months is too long?" Fuck it all, *any* was too long given the double standard. And this is a high water mark of conservative reason from those fuckers?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:20 PM (DU+/6)

86 Hey, its bright in here, again!
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at November 18, 2021 04:20 PM (XvPQV)

Not in here......

Posted by: Joe Biden's Head at November 18, 2021 04:21 PM (Zz0t1)

87 I thought dems wanted a wealth tax? Where is it? 25% of all assets annually for anyone worth more than $1 million.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 18, 2021 04:21 PM (0ryfU)

88 I can't say I feel really sorry for the ultra-rich, but on the other hand we know what happens when you kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. They offshore everything and the net result is less income. Arthur Laffer had it nailed.

Posted by: Ruthless at November 18, 2021 04:21 PM (/uaBM)

89 The Bulwark is still, of course, untrustworthy backingstabbing shitweasels.
Posted by: Intrepid Bulwark AoS Liaison at November 18, 2021 04:19 PM (dP3gR)

Whoever wrote that must have spent too long in their cuckshed while their wife was being repeatedly rogered roundly. I'm sure the article will be taken down post haste. I can only imagine the comments. (Bet they all think he deserved a longer sentence.)

Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 18, 2021 04:21 PM (Bmy3R)

90 It's always been about paying off Democrats backers,

Posted by: Skip at November 18, 2021 04:21 PM (2JoB8)

91 It probably wasn't smart politics, but I'm more into spite at this point.
Posted by: Blago at November 18, 2021 04:12 PM (HDr+z)

Spite and cynicism are like bread and butter to me.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at November 18, 2021 04:21 PM (2JVJo)

92 Who cut the cheese?

Posted by: Joe Biden at November 18, 2021 04:21 PM (sWM8x)

93 Who cut the cheese?
Posted by: Joe Biden at November 18, 2021 04:21 PM (sWM8x)

Likely the same guy who shit your pants.

Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 18, 2021 04:22 PM (Zz0t1)

94 (no - it's not "Fix You" from Coldplay. I know better.)
Posted by: Doof at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (mZUr4)

I like the guitar riff in 'Fix You'.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at November 18, 2021 04:22 PM (XvPQV)

95 A bill routes moneys to the politically connected?

Say it isn't so Martha!!

Posted by: Tonypete at November 18, 2021 04:22 PM (mD/uy)

96 Not, not "billion dollar." Billions upon billions upon billions of dollars in tax breaks for only the Democrats' plutocratic Ruling Class donors.


And don't forget that it will be baked into the cake and the amount spent annually via continuing resolutions just like Obama's "stimulus" was.

Trillions and trillions of dollars every year for a decade or so.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - FDA requests 2076 as release date for safety approval data on vax at November 18, 2021 04:22 PM (CM8Oa)

97 @28: "The Washington Post called attention to this pile of cash giveaway to the Richie Riches? Is the sky raining cats?"

It's what happens when you let a whole bunch of young recent undergrads with large Twitter following take hold and grow roots in your newsrooms. (And HR departments.) They're true believers, and they fear the DNC is gonna yank everyone back from the inevitable progressive utopia. No more iron first control from the corporatist publisher and editorial dinner party class.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at November 18, 2021 04:22 PM (+WWsf)

98 Semi-OT: our little burg is proposing to raise water rates ... TENFOLD over the next three years.

Because, reasons.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

How deep is the water table and can you put in a well?

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at November 18, 2021 04:22 PM (6vaxi)

99 87 I thought dems wanted a wealth tax? Where is it? 25% of all assets annually for anyone worth more than $1 million.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 18, 2021 04:21 PM (0ryfU)

I would say $100-$150 million. Whatever's left of small business and family farms would be wiped out at a low threshold.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 18, 2021 04:23 PM (s2VJv)

100 >>> T.E.A.M.

Together Everyone Annoys Me
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 18, 2021 04:19 PM (s2VJv)

That company that used to put out the funny demotivational posters had this:


Because none of us is as dumb as all of us.

Posted by: banana Dream at November 18, 2021 04:23 PM (h/pNJ)

101 Of course the democrats with actual power don't give a damn if this is unpopular in those swing districts. Oh no their low level house members are going to lose their seats and they'll lose the majority! Six or ten years and they'll be back in power. Oh and all the build back better crap will still be law. Because like the republicans are actually going to do anything with power other than entrench what the democrat spending has done. Even if a Republican gets the presidency.

See Obamacare as proof. And the people swearing that the republicans in the house really wanted it repealed.

Posted by: Buzzion at November 18, 2021 04:23 PM (JePgJ)

I like the guitar riff in 'Fix You'.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at November 18, 2021 04:22 PM (XvPQV)

I'm intrigued, but not enough to suffer through Cold Play to hear it.

Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 18, 2021 04:23 PM (Zz0t1)

103 Emperor Joseph the Cheesecutter

Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 18, 2021 04:23 PM (Bmy3R)

104 Just another reminder. They don't believe a damn thing they say they do.

Tax the rich no-no-no

What they really mean is tax the upper middle class so they can't become rich. The target isn't the top 2% it's the 3-10% folks they don't want in their club. People who feel their wealth isn't *luck* are a threat to the upper class.

Posted by: mikethemoose at November 18, 2021 04:23 PM (T/vhV)

105 The point of the government is to loot the productive class on behalf of the governing class and its clients.

And the Democrats have some really disgusting clients.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 18, 2021 04:24 PM (ESjRY)

106 Alvin Lee was a prophet.

Posted by: wth at November 18, 2021 04:24 PM (v0R5T)

107 All comment boxes are gray in the dark

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw at November 18, 2021 04:24 PM (1SMSr)

108 >>>Like calories into Tater's diet app...

>In fairness to Tater, you'd look like that too if you could sniff out a truffle from a 100' away.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at November 18, 2021 04:24 PM (BPuaD)

109 I thought dems wanted a wealth tax? Where is it? 25% of all assets annually for anyone worth more than $1 million.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy

1/2 of all Ivy League endowments would work for me.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at November 18, 2021 04:24 PM (6vaxi)

110 100 TEAM
Because none of us is as dumb as all of us.
Posted by: banana Dream at November 18, 2021 04:23 PM (h/pNJ)

Imus used to say "I'm not happy 'til you're not happy." Did not like him at all but that was kind of funny.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 18, 2021 04:24 PM (s2VJv)

111 106 Alvin Lee was a prophet.

Yep. Nobody knew it till ten years after.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 18, 2021 04:24 PM (Bmy3R)

112 or maybe that was for MEETINGS, I forget

Posted by: banana Dream at November 18, 2021 04:24 PM (h/pNJ)

113 Also PSA

has 1000 rounds of Swiss-made Norma 5.56 for $487 shipped.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - FDA requests 2076 as release date for safety approval data on vax at November 18, 2021 04:24 PM (CM8Oa)

114 Salon:
GOP already has enough safe seats - through redistricting alone - to win back House in '22

Posted by: SMOD at November 18, 2021 04:25 PM (RHGPo)

115 We need someone in the White House who acts like that "Chainsaw" guy who bought companies and chopped out all the deadwood. Only do it to the Deep State bureaucrat scumbags.

Posted by: Ruthless at November 18, 2021 04:25 PM (/uaBM)

116 All comment boxes are gray in the dark
Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw at November 18, 2021 04:24 PM (1SMSr)

How can you tell? It's dark.....

Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 18, 2021 04:25 PM (Zz0t1)

117 I know they say that most people don't pay attention to details in politics, and all this stuff is tribal, gut level, emotional decision making, but the SALT stuff is exactly the sorta issue that should be hammered home in excruciating detail as often as possible.

Huge issue for dividing Democratic power brokers and their white collar indentured working class.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at November 18, 2021 04:25 PM (+WWsf)

118 Your company was pushing the commie plan? I guess your execs stand to profit from it.
Well, it's a government agency so, yeah ...

It was a shitshow, only exceeded the the shitflow questions from the cheap seats.

Posted by: Lrrr at November 18, 2021 04:25 PM (k5fFm)

119 Willowed. It's what I get for having a meeting in the middle of commenting -

Hannah Nikole-Jones: It's Okay to Make White School Children Feel "Uncomfortable" and "Erased" Because That's How Black Kids Feel

Well, guess who is working hard every day to make the black kids feel uncomfortable and erased - Hannah Nikole-Jones and the whole racial strife industrial complex.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at November 18, 2021 04:25 PM (fs1hN)

120 I imagine a lot of well-to-do but not super rich (the $200k-$500k) guys in the Bay Area literally screamed when they saw what happened as a result of that cap.
Posted by: Joe Mannix

The one year I made any real money was 2019 when I collected on a judgment entered in 2015 (+ 10% interest per year). I didn't scream but I wasn't happy. Now, that I'm hardly making any money, it doesn't matter.

Posted by: SFGoth at November 18, 2021 04:25 PM (KAi1n)

121 hiya

Posted by: JT at November 18, 2021 04:25 PM (arJlL)

122 There was a time when lefty Dems tried hard to pull the wool over everyone's they just don't give a shit anymore.

Now they put up bills and half heartedly sell them as somehow "making things better, you know, somehow, okay, fuck it, who cares?"

They're now just shove it in your face and say "eat it!" And when you balk, they sneer "what, not hungry?"

Posted by: Boswell at November 18, 2021 04:25 PM (5iUNf)

123 But Trump said "pussy."

That's disgusting. I would never say that word around, well, anyone! Right Ashley?

Posted by: Joe Biden groping his daughter Ashley in the shower at November 18, 2021 04:25 PM (ESjRY)

124 And 1000 rounds of 9mm Norma at the same site for just over $300

Posted by: Moron Robbie - FDA requests 2076 as release date for safety approval data on vax at November 18, 2021 04:25 PM (CM8Oa)

125 114 Salon:
GOP already has enough safe seats - through redistricting alone - to win back House in '22
Posted by: SMOD at November 18, 2021 04:25 PM (RHGPo)

And when they win it back? Reach-arounds across the aisle.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 18, 2021 04:25 PM (s2VJv)

126 Well, it's a government agency so, yeah ...

It was a shitshow, only exceeded the the shitflow questions from the cheap seats.
Posted by: Lrrr at November 18, 2021 04:25 PM (k5fFm)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:25 PM (DU+/6)

127 67 I am hearing the House will pass the bill this weekend. They want the Senate to have the month of December to modify it.
Posted by: Marcus T at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (VpIIl)

I see a 2am Christmas-morning senate vote in our future.

Posted by: My name is Jose Jimanez at November 18, 2021 04:26 PM (Fs5vw)

128 Fact Check: Jen Psaki Says Lower Income Taxapyers Will Benefit from Raising SALT Cap

Posted by: SMOD at November 18, 2021 04:26 PM (RHGPo)

129 Article lede: "Jacob Chansley deserved to go to prison. But he didn't deserve a harsher sentence because TV made him famous."

Posted by: Intrepid Bulwark AoS Liaison at November 18, 2021 04:19 PM (dP3gR)

He will serve extra time, because of his fashion sense. No fur and Loyal Order of Water Buffalo Hat? and he would be free today IMO.

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 18, 2021 04:26 PM (oHd/0)

130 125 114 Salon:
GOP already has enough safe seats - through redistricting alone - to win back House in '22
Posted by: SMOD at November 18, 2021 04:25 PM (RHGPo)

And when they win it back? Reach-arounds across the aisle.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 18, 2021 04:25 PM (s2VJv)

My friends!

Posted by: IC - #FJB at November 18, 2021 04:26 PM (hV9ir)

131 87 I thought dems wanted a wealth tax? Where is it? 25% of all assets annually for anyone worth more than $1 million.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 18, 2021 04:21 PM (0ryfU)

That had a shelf life of about 48 hours, although it makes a good case to vote in Democratic primaries for the most confiscatory communists running.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at November 18, 2021 04:26 PM (nMx88)

132 Re wealth tax--a million bucks aint squat. Most middle class people have at least that (or should) by retirement age, and that only gets you less than $50k a year to live on. Comfortable? No way.

Posted by: FriscoYoda at November 18, 2021 04:26 PM (+56GQ)

WaPo is reporting on this?

This bill is dead. And Biden's popularity will suffer even further as the rich who wish for SALT to return turn on Biden for not getting it done. They won't vote against him, but they will further feed the overall narrative that Biden is terrible at his job which will further influence the opinions of LIV independents.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, the hero Gotham deserves at November 18, 2021 04:10 PM (LvTSG)

I think everyone knows that Biden is not long for the WH. BBB should have been his crowning achievement, which would have allowed him to take a victory lap before riding off into the sunset. Instead, it's looking more and more like between the vaccine pushback, the bitchslapping of the mandate, the Afghanistan debacle, the Taiwan mess, and now this, he's going to be remembered as an utter disaster.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at November 18, 2021 04:26 PM (wmDcS)

134 BabylonBee: MSNBC Reporter Seen Hanging 'The Jurors Are Here' Sign On Their Hotel

Posted by: SMOD at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (RHGPo)

135 I would say $100-$150 million. Whatever's left of small business and family farms would be wiped out at a low threshold.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton

Nope. Those asshole farmers who voted dem/ gope need to eat the cashews out of brandons shit. Sell your fucking farm to pay for the hell you voted for.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (0ryfU)

136 Fact Check: Jen Psaki Says Lower Income Taxapyers Will Benefit from Raising SALT Cap
Posted by: SMOD at November 18, 2021 04:26 PM (RHGPo)

She can't believe all the shit she spews, can she?

Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (Zz0t1)

137 you know, you guys some talk about term limits. I'm thinking what the constitution needs is a limit on bill size. You can't introduce a bill longer than 50 pages or that costs more than $100 billion at a time.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (ZZK0E)

138 >>> All comment boxes are gray in the dark
Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw at November 18, 2021 04:24 PM (1SMSr)

How can you tell? It's dark.....
Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 18, 2021 04:25 PM (Zz0t1)

It's all gray boxes down here

Posted by: skinless cat in a women's dress staring at you from the sewer at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (h/pNJ)

139 When Trump's "tax cut" passed, my friends and neighbors in New Jersey saw their taxes go up, and often by a lot.

I was ecstatic. Make these people pay for their virtue signaling.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (PUXju)

140 Now they put up bills and half heartedly sell them as somehow "making things better, you know, somehow, okay, fuck it, who cares

And yet I've got a bunch of lefty livs tell me, yeah the Democrats are gonna give me sooooooo much free shit!

I'm guessing that between voter fraud and complete control of the FNM the Dems realized at some point they don't have to make compelling lies anymore.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (ESjRY)

141 I like the guitar riff in 'Fix You'.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at November 18, 2021 04:22 PM (XvPQV)

I'm intrigued, but not enough to suffer through Cold Play to hear it.
Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 18, 2021 04:23 PM (Zz0t1)

The guitar riff in Fix You is often mistaken for a U2 song. For what it's worth (probably not much!), Fix You is probably the best Coldplay song.

To you, that's probably comparable to the prettiest ugly girl -- haha!

Posted by: Doof at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (mZUr4)

142 112 or maybe that was for MEETINGS, I forget
Posted by: banana Dream at November 18, 2021 04:24 PM (h/pNJ)

Yeah I think that one is for meetings. None of us is as dumb as all of us.

Posted by: Buzzion at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (JePgJ)

143 Jen Psaki is not very bright, is she?

Posted by: IC - #FJB at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (hV9ir)

144 China Mitch will push this through like a pound of lard through a goose.

Posted by: Capital Eff believes #RonnaMustGo #McCarthyMustGo #McConnellMustGo at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (2xGy+)

145 I make in the low 6 figure range is and the salt deduction cap hurts me significantly. I don't mind because I understand that that is the cost of living in the state that I live in, which I chose to live in, but it isn't something that just affects people who make 5 to 6 million dollars a year.

Posted by: Keyset at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (ZMVGU)

146 We need someone in the White House who acts like that "Chainsaw" guy who bought companies and chopped out all the deadwood. Only do it to the Deep State bureaucrat scumbags.
Posted by: Ruthless

Department of Education?
Department of Energy?
Department of Agriculture?
(Add in any thousands of Bureaus, Commissions, and others)
"Department of Scumbags and scalliwags?"

All gone! Next!

Posted by: Tonypete at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (mD/uy)

147 >>>I thought dems wanted a wealth tax? Where is it? 25% of all assets annually for anyone worth more than $1 million.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy

Which is, pretty much your top 30% earners at retirement if they've gone the 401k/IRA route.

Just think of it this way. You own your house you're halfway to a wealth tax.

Posted by: mikethemoose at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (T/vhV)

148 Already putting up with Murkowski ads here. She is worried, at least. Bitch getting kicked to the curb come election time, I think.

Posted by: tcn in AK at November 18, 2021 04:28 PM (EHSip)

149 Posted by: SFGoth at November 18, 2021 04:25 PM (KAi1n)

Yeah, I'm OK as long as they don't mess with the Capital Gains taxes.

But being retired, inflation is a killer.

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 18, 2021 04:28 PM (oHd/0)

150 Fact Check: Jen Psaki Says Lower Income Taxapyers Will Benefit from Raising SALT Cap
Posted by: SMOD at November 18, 2021 04:26 PM (RHGPo)
Okay, Discount Pippi Longstockings. How? Use your own Left-wing reasoning to find the answer.

You can't. The rich oppress the poor and need to pay their "fair share," right? The SALT cap doesn't affect people who aren't fairly affluent (though in parts of CA, it definitely hits the local middle class). The SALT cap improves revenue by increasing the effective tax rate on the rich, which is then spent on the poor. Right?

Okay, Pippi. So what's your argument? Either the rich already pay their "fair share" or the poor don't benefit from government spending and revenue. Which is it?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:28 PM (DU+/6)

151 The left/globohomo caucus has run the country since 2008 with omnibus last minute bills that cost hundreds of billions of dollars with impacted colons of legal bullshit added therein.

Trump got blindsided by one that, what?, kept him from building his wall with nails or something?

Oh, here's a $500 billion stimulus where only $10M goes to the public? What bullshit.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:28 PM (ZZK0E)

152 We don't like this bill!

"Yes, you do!! And if you don't it's because you're stupid head racist, sexist, and anti-pants pooping dummies!!!" - The Press

Posted by: Americans at November 18, 2021 04:28 PM (7bRMQ)

153 139 When Trump's "tax cut" passed, my friends and neighbors in New Jersey saw their taxes go up, and often by a lot.

I was ecstatic. Make these people pay for their virtue signaling.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (PUXju)

The hideousness of deducting federal taxes is that it in essence forces red states to pay for the profligacy and welfare of blue shit hole states. The latter face no repercussions as it's mostly bought and paid for on the backs of "the rubes in flyover country" they hate so much.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 18, 2021 04:28 PM (s2VJv)

154 In a fair justice system Q Shaman would have gotten community service.

The guy trespassed into the People's house after....being let in.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 18, 2021 04:28 PM (ESjRY)

The guitar riff in Fix You is often mistaken for a U2 song. For what it's worth (probably not much!), Fix You is probably the best Coldplay song.

To you, that's probably comparable to the prettiest ugly girl -- haha!
Posted by: Doof at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (mZUr4)

Well, they did switch to U2's producer at some point, so that would explain it.

And nailed it.

Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 18, 2021 04:29 PM (Zz0t1)

156 I think we all know the BBB is not gonna ever be passed. Maybe Biden doesn't know, but everyone else, yeah.

Posted by: Puddin Head at November 18, 2021 04:29 PM (yRved)

157 145 I make in the low 6 figure range is and the salt deduction cap hurts me significantly. I don't mind because I understand that that is the cost of living in the state that I live in, which I chose to live in, but it isn't something that just affects people who make 5 to 6 million dollars a year.
Posted by: Keyset at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (ZMVGU)

You get to choose where you live, and vote for the taxes in your state.

Posted by: tcn in AK at November 18, 2021 04:29 PM (EHSip)

158 How deep is the water table and can you put in a well?
Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at November 18, 2021 04:22 PM (6vaxi)

No idea about the water table. We couldn't drill here anyway; it's in the burbs.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 18, 2021 04:29 PM (fSRlj)

159 I thought dems wanted a wealth tax? Where is it? 25% of all assets annually for anyone worth more than $1 million.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy

Which is, pretty much your top 30% earners at retirement if they've gone the 401k/IRA route.


here's a theory. They talk bullshit.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:29 PM (ZZK0E)

160 Meanwhile, that disgusting little pustule of a human being Fauxchi has indicated that the definition of "fully vaxxed" should soon be updated to mean "had at least one booster"... so I've already been coerced into getting one jab (to keep my job - federal contractor); now they're gonna hold me down again for a second... then a third... and so on in perpetuity? Damn them all to hell

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at November 18, 2021 04:29 PM (pcsoT)

161 Ace,

I gotta tell you, I don't want to build back Brandon or his bill.
Lady in her 90's in my congregation I went to visit on Wednesday who used to live in PA near where Joe lived (and has family in DE), said he's always been a mean man, a crook and a liar. Well, we all knew that, but I haven't seen her so animated about politics before. I think Joe needs to go into some ritzy assisted living and his bill needs to go in the dumpster.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 18, 2021 04:29 PM (YK8CE)

162 Ace, HH linked this article and it is very good:

>>> I'm not sure how to describe this article, but it's worth reading the whole thing:

h/t some commenter at Sarah Hoyt's blog
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at November 18, 2021 03:28 PM

This is a good article.

Posted by: flounder at November 18, 2021 04:29 PM (SH2Zi)

163 I've kind of been compiling playlists of good new (last 10 years or so) music by old artists. Iron Maiden, Styx, Kansas, Van Morrison, Eric Clapton, Yes, Robert Plant, etc. There's a surprising amount out there.

This one, by Nancy Wilson of HEART is an earworm in a cheesy-but-good-cheesy kind of way. I can't recommend the album as most of it is disappointingly weak, but "Party at the Angel Ballroom" is a banger:

Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 18, 2021 04:29 PM (Bmy3R)

164 why are they pushing this so hard for this year? are they thinking once its passed and in law, Biden can crawl off into retirement?

Posted by: IC - #FJB at November 18, 2021 04:29 PM (hV9ir)

165 154 In a fair justice system Q Shaman would have gotten community service.

The guy trespassed into the People's house after....being let in.
A warning has been issued - be careful while wearing fur hats.

Posted by: Puddin Head at November 18, 2021 04:30 PM (yRved)

166 154 In a fair justice system Q Shaman would have gotten community service.

The guy trespassed into the People's house after....being let in.
Posted by: 18-1 at November 18, 2021 04:28 PM (ESjRY)

In a place we pay for that belongs to us, not the high-priced help.

Posted by: tcn in AK at November 18, 2021 04:30 PM (EHSip)

167 This one goes out to Spongebrain Shitpants and China.......

Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 18, 2021 04:30 PM (Zz0t1)

168 156 I think we all know the BBB is not gonna ever be passed. Maybe Biden doesn't know, but everyone else, yeah.
Posted by: Puddin Head at November 18, 2021 04:29 PM (yRved)

"Hold our backstabber knife!"

- -The House 13 RINOs and 6-7 RINO Senators

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 18, 2021 04:30 PM (s2VJv)

169 re: KyleTrial...

I like how on Monday, we(me?) were like "that Kenosha, dere hey, lawyer for the defense, eh? That cheese curds and plumber's butt crack closing was good, eh? Goooo Packers!"

And now on Rekeitana, it's like "gesbus, this guy didn't object to shit or discuss anything about the law of self defense, no wonder it's taken 3 days so far"

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:30 PM (ZZK0E)

170 Who cut the cheese?
Posted by: Joe Biden at November 18, 2021 04:21 PM (sWM8x)

Likely the same guy who shit your pants.
Posted by: Sponge


Posted by: rickb223 at November 18, 2021 04:30 PM (MCe9d)

171 Never forget, the Log Cabins are 0.00009 percent of the Republican base.

Posted by: Gabe M at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (2xGy+)

172 >>> I think we all know the BBB is not gonna ever be passed. Maybe Biden doesn't know, but everyone else, yeah.
Posted by: Puddin Head at November 18, 2021 04:29 PM (yRved)

Isn't it already passed to the effect of over a frickin trillion $$$$?

Posted by: banana Dream at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (h/pNJ)

173 tcn in AK

Happy Birthday !

Posted by: JT at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (arJlL)

174 This one, by Nancy Wilson of HEART is an earworm in a cheesy-but-good-cheesy kind of way. I can't recommend the album as most of it is disappointingly weak, but "Party at the Angel Ballroom" is a banger:
Hey, I grew up with Ann and Nancy while stationed in Taiwan. That was a long time ago.

Posted by: Puddin Head at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (yRved)

175 The hideousness of deducting federal taxes is that it in essence forces red states to pay for the profligacy and welfare of blue shit hole states. The latter face no repercussions as it's mostly bought and paid for on the backs of "the rubes in flyover country" they hate so much.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 18, 2021 04:28 PM (s2VJv)

Exactly right. It basically gives liberals in blue shit holes the opportunity to shift their payments from the federal government to local liberal virtue-signaling, at the expense of everyone else.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (fSRlj)

176 The guy trespassed into the People's house after....being let in.


And still no one has said a single word about the magnetic locks that can only be operated with a key or code from the outside, or unlocked with the pull of a fire alarm on the inside.

Hint: Both have to happen by someone on the inside.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - FDA requests 2076 as release date for safety approval data on vax at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (CM8Oa)

177 I think we all know the BBB is not gonna ever be passed. Maybe Biden doesn't know, but everyone else, yeah.

Posted by: Puddin Head at November 18, 2021 04:29 PM

Yep, manchin pretty much said the House can vote for whatever it wants to vote for but it ain't gonna fly in the Senate.

Posted by: Mister Scot (Formerly GWS) at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (bVYXr)

178 I think the goal of SALT was to get they libs living in those Blue States to get their legislatures under control.

I don't know of any where that it worked.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (6vaxi)

179 I love free money, especially when it doesn't cost anything. I have a nice bridge I can sell you, it just hasn't been built yet.

Posted by: Colin at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (ZYf9j)

180 Generally people make more money as they get older. This is the big "omission of truth" that the FNM leaves out.

So they go to the guy just starting his career and say, "I'm gonna tax the rich because it isn't fair!" Meanwhile the "rich guy" is also someone that started off earning shit.

And eventually the just starting out guy will get his tax bludgeon too...but in that time they'll be a whole new bunch of rubes to fool.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (ESjRY)

181 The guitar riff in Fix You is often mistaken for a U2 song. For what it's worth (probably not much!), Fix You is probably the best Coldplay song.

To you, that's probably comparable to the prettiest ugly girl -- haha!
Posted by: Doof at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (mZUr4)

Well, they did switch to U2's producer at some point, so that would explain it.

And nailed it.
Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 18, 2021 04:29 PM (Zz0t1)

It's from the 3rd album (X&Y). Before they switched producers. I very much enjoy their 1st 3 albums. After that, not a fan.

Posted by: Doof at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (mZUr4)

182 Who are these people

Posted by: Gonzotx at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (arxua)

183 >>>Maybe Biden doesn't know, but everyone else, yeah.

How could he possibly have a grip on that reality? He has to be reminded he is President.

Posted by: mikethemoose at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (T/vhV)

184 Buncha no-nooding baskets!

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (P3gRi)

185 Meanwhile, that disgusting little pustule of a human being Fauxchi has indicated that the definition of "fully vaxxed" should soon be updated to mean "had at least one booster"... so I've already been coerced into getting one jab (to keep my job - federal contractor); now they're gonna hold me down again for a second... then a third... and so on in perpetuity? Damn them all to hell

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at November 18, 2021 04:29 PM (pcsoT)

I am all for it. Let the "fully vaxxed" add the two-jabbers to their list of mortal enemies. I'm getting popcorn. Sorry you are beholden to the fed. Sincerely.

Posted by: flounder at November 18, 2021 04:32 PM (SH2Zi)

186 Hey everybody. Hey ace.
Two bits to share:

1), I'm annoying everyone everywhere online lately with my comments because every time some asshole complains about either the 1/6 protesters or Rittenhouse, I start takin' 'bout Alec Baldwin. Finding it gets under people's nerves as it seems nobody really wants to defend Alec.

2), I have two books I'm happy to give away to anyone who wants them here at the Horde:

- Casino Royale by Ian Fleming
- Heart Of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

If anyone is interested, please just send me an email at QDPSJL at the gmail thingy. Ace, this goes for you too. Happy to send them to loving Horde homes.

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 18, 2021 04:32 PM (L2ZTs)

187 172 >>> I think we all know the BBB is not gonna ever be passed. Maybe Biden doesn't know, but everyone else, yeah.
Posted by: Puddin Head at November 18, 2021 04:29 PM (yRved)

Isn't it already passed to the effect of over a frickin trillion $$$$?
Its out of the House but the Senate won't pass it. Manchin and Hooker Boots make it a dead letter.

Posted by: Puddin Head at November 18, 2021 04:32 PM (yRved)

188 Department of Education?
Department of Energy?
Department of Agriculture?
(Add in any thousands of Bureaus, Commissions, and others)
"Department of Scumbags and scalliwags?"
All gone! Next!
Posted by: Tonypete at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (mD/uy)

Dept of Homeland Security
Oh, shit, just looked, you know ALL of the above except Dept of Energy, started under REPUBLICAN Presidents?


Posted by: Romeo13 at November 18, 2021 04:32 PM (oHd/0)

189 I think the SALT cap was among the best things that Trump accomplished.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 18, 2021 04:32 PM (cSs/W)

190 Flauci mouths off every time he gets new orders from Mao Tse Tungdepressor. It will not end.

Posted by: klaftern at November 18, 2021 04:33 PM (taPSh)

191 you know, you guys some talk about term limits. I'm thinking what the constitution needs is a limit on bill size. You can't introduce a bill longer than 50 pages or that costs more than $100 billion at a time.
Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (ZZK0E)
Nah. Two different rules, though, would help. The bill can be as long or as short as you want, but two conditions apply:
1. 10-year sunset on all legislation, and all renewals must be 1:1 (no omnibus "renew everything sunsetting this year" crap)
2. After each bill passes, determine the margin of victory (number of "aye" votes over 50 if we're talking about the Senate). Randomly select that number of people from those who voted "aye" on the bill. Those people then have to take a test on the contents of the bill - what was in it, what it does, etc. Multiple-choice exam. Passing grade is 95%. If you fail the exam, you're executed.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:33 PM (DU+/6)

192 I'm sure Joe Biden and Kamala Harris can sell it.

Posted by: SH (Overturn Roe) at November 18, 2021 04:33 PM (sX1BW)

193 Jen Psaki is not very bright, is she?
Posted by: IC - #FJB at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (hV9ir)


Posted by: Hairyback Guy at November 18, 2021 04:33 PM (8m1jA)

194 Buncha no-nooding baskets!

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (P3gRi)


Posted by: flounder at November 18, 2021 04:33 PM (SH2Zi)

195 Thanks for the tax break Sleepy. It's YUGE!!

- Trump

Posted by: Archer at November 18, 2021 04:33 PM (gmo/4)

196 >>> I think the goal of SALT was to get they libs living in those Blue States to get their legislatures under control

No we all knew that was never going to happen. It was to push those on the fence, the high earners whom stayed for reason xyz, a dollar value to support moving elsewhere.

Posted by: mikethemoose at November 18, 2021 04:33 PM (T/vhV)

197 Has Fraudci been vaxxed?
Which one did he get?

Posted by: vmom - link to Red's fundraiser at November 18, 2021 04:33 PM (K5+Wr)

198 The Washington Post called attention to this pile of cash giveaway to the Richie Riches? Is the sky raining cats?

Posted by: Lady in Black at November 18, 2021 04:13 PM (sVtYq)

I feel a draft in here ...
Posted by: Beelzebub at November 18, 2021 04:18 PM (f7J9k)

I brought snow cones...

Posted by: SturmToddler (8D42x) at November 18, 2021 04:33 PM (8D42x)

199 I am 29 enough that whenever I see SALT I assume it means nukes, not taxes.

Posted by: alexthechick - boobs and hysteria at November 18, 2021 04:33 PM (mf5HN)

200 No idea about the water table. We couldn't drill here anyway; it's in the burbs.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

Might be time to look for a place just outside the city limits...

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at November 18, 2021 04:34 PM (6vaxi)

201 In a place we pay for that belongs to us, not the high-priced help.
Posted by: tcn in AK at November 18, 2021 04:30 PM (EHSip)

My knock exactly on our local high school. They act as though the, e.g., athletic fields BELONG to them. They're not the owners; they're the stewards, that's all. Allowing the peasantry to use them would seem the least they could do. Yet they go out of their way to keep the riff-raff (i.e., taxpayers) out of them.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 18, 2021 04:34 PM (fSRlj)

202 >>> Buncha no-nooding baskets!
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (P3gRi)

I nooded all over the place

Posted by: banana Dream at November 18, 2021 04:34 PM (h/pNJ)

203 I am 29 enough that whenever I see SALT I assume it means nukes, not taxes.
Posted by: alexthechick

I know, right?!

Posted by: Tonypete at November 18, 2021 04:34 PM (mD/uy)

204 Department of Education started under Carter

Posted by: Tofer732 at November 18, 2021 04:34 PM (GcxM3)

205 Trump should come on TV and lobby for the Yuge tax break. That'll kill the entire plan.

Posted by: Archer at November 18, 2021 04:34 PM (gmo/4)

206 There is no simple bureaucratic fix for our current government - the laws as written are already being violated, so any new ones will as well.

You need someone that will aggressively and forcibly enforce the laws.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 18, 2021 04:34 PM (ESjRY)

207 Tim, problem with term limits:

- It would have to be added to the constitution.

- If you hold a Constitutional Convention and let the current batch of idiots and assholes under the hood, we'll end up with the USSA forever.

I say wait 'til we have a batch in Congress who can be trusted. (Which may be never.)

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 18, 2021 04:34 PM (L2ZTs)

208 Nah. Two different rules, though, would help. The bill can be as long or as short as you want, but two conditions apply:
1. 10-year


Joe, you need bright line rules. When a society goes to shades of gray, then it's gay.

Also, 10 year sundowns...maybe but in the meantime, the bill is like "collect taxes for 5 years and then start the program"

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:34 PM (ZZK0E)

209 I'm guessing that between voter fraud and complete control of the FNM the Dems realized at some point they don't have to make compelling lies anymore.

Neither does the GOP.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at November 18, 2021 04:34 PM (2JVJo)

210 154 In a fair justice system Q Shaman would have gotten community service.

The guy trespassed into the People's house after....being let in.
Posted by: 18-1 at November 18, 2021 04:28 PM (ESjRY)

He was convicted of obstruction of a Congressional proceeding.... So if that is what you get for doing that then I guess Code Pink should be in jail right now for doing that very thing during the Kavanaugh hearings.. Right ?

Posted by: It's me donna at November 18, 2021 04:34 PM (87qwM)


But Joe can drive electric trucks!

Posted by: Dr.Rev. Senator Your Highness E Buzz Miller, Esq PhD MA MS at November 18, 2021 04:35 PM (XnbJC)

212 why are they pushing this so hard for this year? are they thinking once its passed and in law, Biden can crawl off into retirement?
Posted by: IC


Collapse is the goal.

They got the ball rolling with COVID where they permanently destroyed something like 42% of all small businesses. They were on track to hit 30%+ unemployment in January with their OSHA clot-shot mandates.

They WANT to collapse the system. They haven't been shy about it. Biden is literally using the WEF's "Build Back Better!" slogan from June of 2020 (that was before he became president), and they've been very open about their intention to destroy and replace capitalism.

They're even already openly using the term Year Zero.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - FDA requests 2076 as release date for safety approval data on vax at November 18, 2021 04:35 PM (CM8Oa)

213 199 I am 29 enough that whenever I see SALT I assume it means nukes, not taxes.
Posted by: alexthechick - boobs and hysteria at November 18, 2021 04:33 PM (mf5HN)


Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at November 18, 2021 04:35 PM (XvPQV)

214 203 I am 29 enough that whenever I see SALT I assume it means nukes, not taxes.
Posted by: alexthechick

I know, right?!


Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 18, 2021 04:35 PM (Bmy3R)

215 Okay, Pippi. So what's your argument? Either the rich already pay their "fair share" or the poor don't benefit from government spending and revenue. Which is it?
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:28 PM (DU+/6)

I thought we've already been through this habit of yours and found it wanting.
You cannot use facts and reason against liars and idiots.

Posted by: OneEyedJack at November 18, 2021 04:35 PM (MFphb)

216 Has Fraudci been vaxxed?
Which one did he get?
Posted by: vmom - link to Red's fundraiser at November 18, 2021 04:33 PM (K5+Wr)

He probably got whatever the Chinese found that contained their outbreak.

How many Democrat politicians have had COVID?

Kinda suspicious that the pro-China party's officers seem to be mostly-immune, ain't it?

Posted by: Cato, Post-Apocalyptic Scourge of the Seas at November 18, 2021 04:35 PM (Msrhc)

217 why are they pushing this so hard for this year? are they thinking once its passed and in law, Biden can crawl off into retirement?
Because-- while you and I know the Republicans won't do this, they don't:
They have six months or less to spend it before the Republicans take back the House and Senate.

Posted by: Lrrr at November 18, 2021 04:35 PM (k5fFm)

218 My wet dream is watching Pelosi, Schumer, Biden and Kamala circle the toilet that Manchin and Hooker Boots flushed. These four are dead pols walking.

Posted by: Puddin Head at November 18, 2021 04:35 PM (yRved)

219 Thank God for bourbon, between my bad rotator cuff and the Democrats, it provides balance.

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at November 18, 2021 04:35 PM (oWBc3)

220 I guess Code Pink should be in jail right now for doing that very thing during the Kavanaugh hearings.. Right ?

Term of art: The Kavanaugh Insurrection. And don't forget the Trump Inauguration Insurrection.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 18, 2021 04:36 PM (ESjRY)

221 Texas should pass a gun and ammo mandate.

Since a mandate is a tax now, we could be deducting the cost of arming up.

Posted by: x at November 18, 2021 04:36 PM (oA+QO)

222 199 I am 29 enough that whenever I see SALT I assume it means nukes, not taxes.
Posted by: alexthechick - boobs and hysteria at November 18, 2021 04:33 PM (mf5HN)



Do you think of SALT 1 or SALT 2?

Posted by: SH (Overturn Roe) at November 18, 2021 04:36 PM (sX1BW)

223 173 tcn in AK

Happy Birthday !
Posted by: JT at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (arJlL)

Had one. I'm old. Like, 29 + 31 old. Oof.

Posted by: tcn in AK at November 18, 2021 04:36 PM (EHSip)

224 Tim, problem with term limits:


oh, I don't care about TL's. It's one topic that the right's diddled their bean about for the last 30 years that made me shrug, like "what, you mean they can't find a young commie to replace the old commie?"

so, yeah, TL's suck. But we need something because the last 13 years of governance by dropping turds on teh nation under threat of lockdowns and economic strife (hey, look where we are now anyway) are below 3rd world level.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:36 PM (ZZK0E)

225 I thought we've already been through this habit of yours and found it wanting.
You cannot use facts and reason against liars and idiots.
Posted by: OneEyedJack at November 18, 2021 04:35 PM (MFphb)
Of course not. I just find it amusing. They're so very stupid.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:36 PM (DU+/6)

226 178 I think the goal of SALT was to get they libs living in those Blue States to get their legislatures under control.

I don't know of any where that it worked.
Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (6vaxi)

True. Probably didn't have time to really generate a lot of push back.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 18, 2021 04:37 PM (fSRlj)

227 Psaki used the "Sherriff Joe" line; the same line used by the "cool" black kid who said, "apparently there weren't any shovel ready jobs out there". So...where'd the money go? I saw 20 miles of single lane interstate lanes with pretty new signs touting Obamma's gift to taxpayers, paid for by said taxpayers...

Posted by: pahound at November 18, 2021 04:37 PM (fQ7bt)

228 who will benefit from the salt cap raise

every DC politician, now serving or before

and evryone on the tube

Posted by: REDACTED at November 18, 2021 04:37 PM (us2H3)

229 How many Democrat politicians have had COVID?

Kinda suspicious that the pro-China party's officers seem to be mostly-immune, ain't it?

Colin Powell is the closest thing to an inner party member to get the Wu Flu and die.

Which is statistically impossible.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 18, 2021 04:37 PM (ESjRY)

230 My corporation finally joined the future and started a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Center of Excellence. Lead by a young woman named Ebonee, because of course it would be.
I am not sure how a center of excellence fits under the concept of equity, but I am sure it will be explained to me.

Posted by: Downcast at November 18, 2021 04:37 PM (edC3X)

231 Even Kinky Boots gets how Arizonans feel about BBB or junk grade bond, as noted by earlier commenters.

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at November 18, 2021 04:37 PM (oWBc3)

232 This blonde in a tight yellow dress has never heard of the "SALT deduction" and has no idea what it is:

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:37 PM (DU+/6)

233 I think the goal of SALT was to get they libs living in those Blue States to get their legislatures under control.

I don't know of any where that it worked.
Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (6vaxi)
I think its had a noticeable impact on attitudes. Ask Ed Durr, for example, I think he would say people are lots more conscious of state and local taxes today.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at November 18, 2021 04:37 PM (PUXju)

234 Collapse is the goal.


they'd rather rule district 9 than participate in america 1.0

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:37 PM (ZZK0E)

235 Super willowed:

age ain't nothing but a number...

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at November 18, 2021 04:37 PM (ufFY8)

236 Meanwhile, that disgusting little pustule of a human being Fauxchi has indicated that the definition of "fully vaxxed" should soon be updated to mean "had at least one booster"...


And in a couple of months it will be "Had at least one booster THIS MONTH"

Comically, the boosters are the exact same chemical for the virus from 2019 that didn't do sh*t to stop the 2019 virus.

It's 2021. The 2019 virus no longer exists.


Posted by: Moron Robbie - FDA requests 2076 as release date for safety approval data on vax at November 18, 2021 04:37 PM (CM8Oa)

237 They're even already openly using the term Year Zero.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - FDA requests 2076 as release date for safety approval data on vax at November 18, 2021 04:35 PM (CM8Oa)

Fucking utopian zealots. They never stop. They always think they're one more social experiment away from the perfect anthill society.

Posted by: Cato, Post-Apocalyptic Scourge of the Seas at November 18, 2021 04:38 PM (Msrhc)

I nooded all over the place
Posted by: banana Dream at November 18, 2021 04:34 PM (h/pNJ)

Me too......Wait....I thought you said nutted.....

Posted by: Peter North at November 18, 2021 04:38 PM (Zz0t1)

239 137 you know, you guys some talk about term limits. I'm thinking what the constitution needs is a limit on bill size. You can't introduce a bill longer than 50 pages or that costs more than $100 billion at a time.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (ZZK0E)

With a qualifier: absolute zero new spending on anything, including defense and "entitlements," when the government is operating on a CR, and for every six months the CR continues without an actual budget, every line item total is reduced by 10%

Posted by: Pennsyltucky at November 18, 2021 04:38 PM (lNHqD)

240 Jordan Peterson: Government Adviser Told Me COVID Rules Based on Opinion Polls, Not Science

Posted by: SMOD at November 18, 2021 04:38 PM (RHGPo)

241 205 Trump should come on TV and lobby for the Yuge tax break.

Would you like a job?

Posted by: Jared K. at November 18, 2021 04:38 PM (2xGy+)

242 The blue state lefties I know finally found a tax increase they opposed with the SALT deduction cap.

It was hilarious. This is different...because it!

Posted by: 18-1 at November 18, 2021 04:38 PM (ESjRY)

143 Jen Psaki is not very bright, is she?
Posted by: IC - #FJB
She may or may not be but that beyotch can maintain a straight face no matter how big the lie may be.

Posted by: NALNAMSAM - not as lean, not as mean, still a Marine at November 18, 2021 04:39 PM (+ldAm)

244 #BuildBackBrandon lost even more support when pollsters informed survey respondents about it, using Republican attack lines.

"Republican attack lines" meaning "facts about the bill which the legacy media keeps from the public because they are major recipients of the bill's spending"

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 18, 2021 04:39 PM (KZzsI)

245 Unless you were someone making over five or six million a year or something, this limitation didn't touch you.

Nah, it hits about 10% of the taxpayers in Oregon. It costs me a few thousand dollars a year.

The thing that enrages the Democrats is that it does significantly change the politics of state and local tax increases.

Even in Oregon, it is hard to raise taxes, but they used to be able to soothingly say that you could write off a lot of the increase on your Federal taxes.

Now that rich liberal Democrats have to pay every dollar of a tax increase, without being able to write any of it off, they are going to be a lot more resistant to tax increases.

I figure that this will save me money in the long run.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 18, 2021 04:39 PM (I2/tG)

246 I love free money, especially when it doesn't cost anything. I have a nice bridge I can sell you, it just hasn't been built yet.
Posted by: Colin at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (ZYf9j)

No thanks, I was in the market for some swamp land though.

Posted by: wth at November 18, 2021 04:39 PM (v0R5T)

247 Let's go, Brandon!

Posted by: Duncanthrax at November 18, 2021 04:39 PM (a3Q+t)

248 230 My corporation finally joined the future and started a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Center of Excellence.

There is such a classic Simpsons joke in there!

Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 18, 2021 04:39 PM (Bmy3R)

249 I like how even Joe Rogan and England's version of Ricky Bobby hates the media and thinks they're 100% liars...and yet the GOP is going to let CNN host debates throughout 2024.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM (ZZK0E)

250 She may or may not be but that beyotch can maintain a straight face no matter how big the lie may be.
Posted by: NALNAMSAM - not as lean, not as mean, still a Marine at November 18, 2021 04:39 PM (+ldAm)

And they never seem to fact check her like they did Kayleigh

Posted by: It's me donna at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM (87qwM)

251 Jordan Peterson: Government Adviser Told Me COVID Rules Based on Opinion Polls, Not Science

I think the Biden Junta and the rest wanted to declare victory over COVID this summer...but there were enough fundamentalist COVIDIANs that they couldn't.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM (ESjRY)

252 Code Pink was invited to and given passes for every Congressional session the disrupted.

Posted by: Ben Had at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM (qNoeu)

253 I never thought I would live to see the National debt reach 50+ trillion

pretty sure it's in the bag now

Posted by: REDACTED at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM (us2H3)

254 they'd rather rule district 9 than participate in america 1.0
Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:37 PM (ZZK0E)

Technically we're America 2.5 or so. 1.0 was the Articles of Confederation. 2.0 was the Constitution. Throw in a few things like the twisting of the Interstate Commerce and General Welfare clauses to paper over the 10th Amendment, the Federal Reserve, Government Education interference, etc, etc. and we're pretty well away from our original version.

But yeah, they'd rather be a ticket-taker in hell than a commuter in heaven.

Posted by: Cato, Post-Apocalyptic Scourge of the Seas at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM (Msrhc)

255 Tim, problem with term limits:

The fundamental problem is that they don't work. CA has them, and every termed out legislator proposes sweetheart legislation (for, e.g, unions, or advocacy organizations) to feather his nest after he leaves.

All the other legislators vote for it, because they'll be in the same boat eventually.

Much better for legislators to find out Tuesday night that they're going to be out of a job in a month or two, not enough time to pull the crap described above.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM (fSRlj)

256 yeah, I called Russel Brand England's version of Ricky Bobby. fight me.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM (ZZK0E)

257 Speaking of ammo, what is up with 30/30 Win? It's the America of ammo and yet the stuff is as scarce as an honest Dem and a pricey as Hunter's hookers.

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM (oWBc3)

258 The Bulwark is still, of course, untrustworthy backingstabbing shitweasels.
Posted by: Intrepid Bulwark AoS Liaison at November 18, 2021 04:19 PM (dP3gR)

The only reason the Never-Trumpers are supporting him is that he is not one of us. He is just a dipshit that likes to participate in demonstrations, and make an ass of himself.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM (P3gRi)

259 Another one bits the dust:

Kamala's Comm's director says bye-bye.

Kamala is giving Amy Klobuchar a run for her money in staff turnover.

Posted by: WisRich at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM (G0vdT)

260 I get a nagging feeling that this piece of crap might actually pass. Will the Senate actually care one bit about the devastating financial realities this bill brings about, or will their own personal bank accounts take priority when thinking about the SALT deduction relief in it. I'd like a little of TJM's optimism.

Posted by: Lady in Black at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM (sVtYq)

261 If you fail the exam, you're executed.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:33 PM (DU+/6)



Posted by: Duke Lowell at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM (kTF2Z)

262 Year Zero--like the Nazis in "The Man in the High Castle?"

Posted by: FriscoYoda at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM (+56GQ)

263 I just wish there were an opposition party I could vote for, that would fight against this shit.

On the bright side, my dog just got a clean bill of health from the vet, so there's that.

Buck Fiden.

Posted by: Eeyore at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM (7X3UV)

264 LOL. The idea that anyone outside the top 3% has enough deductibles to need the SALT deduction is insane.

As is the idea that people making $175K are in the 60-80th percentile. What fantasy land does the Washington Post live in ???

Posted by: deadrody at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM (V9901)

265 And in a couple of months it will be "Had at least one booster THIS MONTH"

Posted by: Moron Robbie - FDA requests 2076 as release date for safety approval data on vax at November 18, 2021 04:37 PM (CM8Oa)

Those cards *do* have a lot of lines on them.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 18, 2021 04:41 PM (Ez6QX)

266 No we all knew that was never going to happen. It was to push those on the fence, the high earners whom stayed for reason xyz, a dollar value to support moving elsewhere.
Posted by: mikethemoose

Based on how many people moved to NV, ID, TX, AZ you might be right.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at November 18, 2021 04:41 PM (6vaxi)

267 >>>Finding it gets under people's nerves as it seems nobody really wants to defend Alec

Why would you defend a negligent discharge that killed someone and injured someone else? Dude picking up a weapon pointing it at someone you don't have any reason to shoot, and actually shooting them is voluntary manslaughter.
You had no relevant reason to operate the weapon.
You had no relevant reason to point it at a person.
You never checked the weapon as being safe.
Yet you pointed it at someone and pulled the trigger.
Rittenhouse only discharged his weapon at people assaulting him. He had a right to be where he was, and carrying a weapon for self defense was a prudent decision given the nature of the crowd. They could clearly see he was armed, so decisions to assault him for
1. Ostensibly disagreeing with their protest.
2. Attempting to reduce the damage caused by their arson.
Should be viewed in that light.

Posted by: mikethemoose at November 18, 2021 04:41 PM (T/vhV)

268 Holy shit.

Goblin comes into a barbershop and fires two rounds. I don't know if he hit anything. Takeover robbery? Assassination?

Goblin shoos a customer past him. The customer then draws his CCW and puts several rounds into the Goblin.

Posted by: bonhomme at November 18, 2021 04:41 PM (sG4Hj)

269 "I imagine a lot of well-to-do but not super rich (the $200k-$500k) guys in the Bay Area literally screamed when they saw what happened as a result of that cap."

Reasonably well-off guy in the Bay Area here. Yeah, the SALT limitation kind of sucked for me. I could previously deduct all my property taxes (upwards of $11,000 this year) as well as my state income taxes (I'm in the 9.3% marginal-rate bracket) from my federal taxes, effectively giving me a 22% discount on the state/local taxes and saving me, oh, $5000-6000 on my total annual taxes.

I had a pretty expensive year and could have used that cash. But if my richer liberal neighbors in my affluent East Bay suburb are getting it even worse than I am, I suppose I'll take my hit for the team.

Posted by: Alex at November 18, 2021 04:41 PM (YjiAb)

270 >>> My corporation finally joined the future and started a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Center of Excellence. Lead by a young woman named Ebonee, because of course it would be.
I am not sure how a center of excellence fits under the concept of equity, but I am sure it will be explained to me.
Posted by: Downcast at November 18, 2021 04:37 PM (edC3X)

It will be useful in the winter at least.

Posted by: banana Dream at November 18, 2021 04:41 PM (h/pNJ)

271 Thank God for bourbon, between my bad rotator cuff and the Democrats, it provides balance.
Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at November 18, 2021 04:35 PM (oWBc3)

What's your preferred brand / variety of bourbon?

Posted by: Doof at November 18, 2021 04:42 PM (mZUr4)

272 As is the idea that people making $175K are in the 60-80th percentile. What fantasy land does the Washington Post live in ???

It's true among educated white people in Washington DC.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 18, 2021 04:42 PM (I2/tG)

273 The thing that enrages the Democrats is that it does significantly change the politics of state and local tax increases.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 18, 2021 04:39 PM (I2/tG)

This is why BADORANGEMAN was literally hitler, IMO.

Posted by: flounder at November 18, 2021 04:42 PM (SH2Zi)

274 I think I'll start grading Joe's babe's on a binary scale because sometimes I'm like "this girl apparently appeals to Joe's own very personal shame and kink from his spank bank, I'm talking grouchy face wonk nose" and sometimes, "yes please."

blonde in yellow dress is rated: yes please.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:42 PM (ZZK0E)

275 One of the "pay fors" in BBB is/was to give the IRS an extra $80 billion to bring in $400 billion in increased revenue.

Those are made up, perpetual motion machine type nonsense numbers. But if true, why not give the IRS $160 billion and get $800 billion back?

Posted by: Match Checksout at November 18, 2021 04:42 PM (dYe5S)

276 My salt deduction is when I skip it with tequila as my doctor is worried about sodium.

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at November 18, 2021 04:42 PM (oWBc3)

277 Jordan Peterson: Government Adviser Told Me COVID Rules Based on Opinion Polls, Not Science


None of any gov't rules and mandates put in place were based on science. It was and is all based on outlandish hysterics and power grabs. This we all know.

Posted by: Lady in Black at November 18, 2021 04:42 PM (sVtYq)

278 259 Another one bits the dust:

Kamala's Comm's director says bye-bye.

When it comes to chewing them up and spitting them out...Kumala has a Certificate of Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Excellence in the second part of that equation.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 18, 2021 04:43 PM (Bmy3R)

279 My corporation finally joined the future and started a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Center of Excellence. Lead by a young woman named Ebonee, because of course it would be.
I am not sure how a center of excellence fits under the concept of equity, but I am sure it will be explained to me.
Posted by: Downcast at November 18, 2021 04:37 PM (edC3X)

Notice how they never call it "diversity, inclusion, and equity;" which could be abbreviated DIE.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 18, 2021 04:43 PM (fSRlj)

280 257 Speaking of ammo, what is up with 30/30 Win? It's the America of ammo and yet the stuff is as scarce as an honest Dem and a pricey as Hunter's hookers.
30/30 has one hell of a ballistic arc. I do like the lever action. Makes me feel like the Rifleman.

Posted by: Puddin Head at November 18, 2021 04:43 PM (yRved)

281 243
143 Jen Psaki is not very bright, is she?
Posted by: IC - #FJB
She may or may not be but that beyotch can maintain a straight face no matter how big the lie may be.
Posted by: NALNAMSAM - not as lean, not as mean, still a Marine at November 18, 2021 04:39 PM (+ldAm)

I keep waiting for one lie too many and then she glitches out like Max Headroom.

Posted by: tcn in AK at November 18, 2021 04:43 PM (EHSip)

282 Scott Atlas was featured on Tucker's teaser for the pay version talking about how clueless the Covid task-force was under Pence including Birx Fuachi and the other guy who I think was forced to retire. Nobody on the task force was referring to scientific studies and everyone was on the same page to do things like they did for the AIDS epidemic, primarily to find a vaccine and then problem solved. "Forget about all the studies you are referencing Dr. Scott, your position is an outlier" Too bad Trump didn't listen Dr Atlas. He probably would have made a better task force leader than Pence.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at November 18, 2021 04:43 PM (fs1hN)

283 16 The SALT tax really screws people with big houses.

It's not 5-6M in income, more like 300K. It hits the medium donor just as much as teh big ones, proportionally.

This is why it's so important.
Posted by: MJ at November 18, 2021 04:11 PM (zwDuR)


Nonsense. I've lived in two blue high tax states. Had combined income as high as $275K. Never paid enough in SALT to exceed the current standard deduction. The notion that this helps anyone but the top 1% is horseshit

Posted by: deadrody at November 18, 2021 04:43 PM (V9901)

284 272 As is the idea that people making $175K are in the 60-80th percentile. What fantasy land does the Washington Post live in ???


the goal is to force your kids to attend the lefts' "jails for kids" program where they can be fucked up the ass by and toss salads for the newly arrived american overclass.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:44 PM (ZZK0E)

285 259 Another one bits the dust:

Kamala's Comm's director says bye-bye.

Kamala is giving Amy Klobuchar a run for her money in staff turnover.
Posted by: WisRich at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM (G0vdT)

Bet she doesn't get to write one of tell all books Trump's cast offs did

Posted by: It's me donna at November 18, 2021 04:44 PM (87qwM)

286 Goblin shoos a customer past him. The customer then draws his CCW and puts several rounds into the Goblin.
Posted by: bonhomme

I love happy endings.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 18, 2021 04:44 PM (mD/uy)

287 275 One of the "pay fors" in BBB is/was to give the IRS an extra $80 billion to bring in $400 billion in increased revenue.


yes, the IRS is going to go from couch to couch, looking for pocket change.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:44 PM (ZZK0E)

288 Ace, HH linked this article and it is very good:
>>> I'm not sure how to describe this article, but it's worth reading the whole thing:
h/t some commenter at Sarah Hoyt's blog
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at November 18, 2021 03:28 PM (llON
Posted by: banana Dream at November 18, 2021 04:13 PM (h/pNJ)

Agree worth the read, nice to see something giving a bit of hope.

Posted by: clutch cargo | now with 100% autocorrect at November 18, 2021 04:44 PM (wAnMi)

289 I get a nagging feeling that this piece of crap might actually pass. Will the Senate actually care one bit about the devastating financial realities this bill brings about, or will their own personal bank accounts take priority when thinking about the SALT deduction relief in it. I'd like a little of TJM's optimism.
Posted by: Lady in Black at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM (sVtYq)

I'm so out of touch, I thought it had already passed.

Saw somewhere Rob Portapotty, OH Sen, was trumpeting something or other

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at November 18, 2021 04:45 PM (sJHOI)

290 ... could previously deduct all my property taxes (upwards of $11,000 this year) as well as my state income taxes (I'm in the 9.3% marginal-rate bracket) from my federal taxes ...
Posted by: Alex at November 18, 2021 04:41 PM (YjiAb)
I cannot fathom that level of property taxation. If my house was worth a million dollars, all other things being equal with tax rates, my annual property taxes would be far less than that. That's unreal.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:45 PM (DU+/6)

291 It's 2021. The 2019 virus no longer exists.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - FDA requests 2076 as release date for safety approval data on vax at November 18, 2021 04:37 PM (CM8Oa)

Robbie - I got my one jab (J&J, because I wanted to limit the number of jabs) less than 2 months ago. I got a text from the county just yesterday saying I "now qualify for a booster" (yay!) After less than two months? Are they converging to daily boosters... it's ridiculous.

Like flounder indicated above... maybe this is a good thing. Maybe (though I doubt it) many sane people who are "fully vaxxed" will FINALLY balk at having to be a human pin cushion.... I'm not holding my breath.

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at November 18, 2021 04:45 PM (pcsoT)

292 Had my six month physical today (and I'm great, except for the bad eye). My young female doc said mask wearing is useless and for show, but her practice insists on them. When I go in her exam room, we take ours off, and get in a couple of minutes of gurl talk about before I leave.

Love her. Best doctor ever.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 04:45 PM (ptqGC)

293 Speaking of ammo, what is up with 30/30 Win? It's the America of ammo and yet the stuff is as scarce as an honest Dem and a pricey as Hunter's hookers.

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM (oWBc3)

Easy shooting, non-black rifle (except for abominations), relatively gun-grabber safe. I am remiss to not own one. But I get the draw.

Posted by: flounder at November 18, 2021 04:45 PM (SH2Zi)

294 That next to last sentence. Sigh. Stupid phone keyboard.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 04:46 PM (ptqGC)

295 Shit, math is hard. Correction: I would have saved about $3500 on my total annual taxes without the SALT limitation, because it doesn't kick in until state/local taxes exceed $10,000. Still coulda used that dough.

Posted by: Alex at November 18, 2021 04:46 PM (YjiAb)

296 many sane people who are "fully vaxxed" will FINALLY balk at having to be a human pin cushion.... I'm not holding my breath.

Every clot shot gives you a real risk of heart damage or stroke. The more shots you take, the more risk you incur.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 18, 2021 04:46 PM (ESjRY)

297 This is right there on the CBO site:

"CBO estimates that enacting this title would result in a net increase in the deficit totaling $150.7 billion over the 2022-2031 period. That increase in the deficit would result from an increase in direct spending of $151.5 billion and an increase in revenues of $0.8 billion."

It does the exact opposite of "paying for itself."

Posted by: gp Sets In Motion Various Apparatuses at November 18, 2021 04:46 PM (qpX6U)

298 I am 29 enough that whenever I see SALT I assume it means nukes, not taxes.
Posted by: alexthechick - boobs and hysteria at November 18, 2021 04:33 PM (mf5HN)

I'm looking for Varuca...

Posted by: SturmToddler (8D42x) at November 18, 2021 04:46 PM (8D42x)

299 After each bill passes, determine the margin of victory (number of "aye" votes over 50 if we're talking about the Senate). Randomly select that number of people from those who voted "aye" on the bill. Those people then have to take a test on the contents of the bill - what was in it, what it does, etc. Multiple-choice exam. Passing grade is 95%. If you fail the exam, you're executed.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:33 PM (DU+/6)

Actually, I'd like to put a less-extreme version of this into the Constitution as an amendment.

How I'd phrase it: After every bill is passed, each person who voted aye must then take a test of no less than 1 question per two pages of the bill. Any Senator or Congressperson obtaining less than 80% on such a test shall be immediately dismissed from elected office and barred from holding future office.

I get the feeling that two thousand-page bills full of gimmedats for the crony class would quickly become a thing of the past...

Posted by: Cato, Post-Apocalyptic Scourge of the Seas at November 18, 2021 04:46 PM (Msrhc)

300 Being Kamala's Comms director must be a really hard fucking job. Wonder if anyone else will apply?

Posted by: Puddin Head at November 18, 2021 04:46 PM (yRved)

301 >>> Holy shit. Goblin comes into a barbershop and fires two rounds. I don't know if he hit anything. Takeover robbery? Assassination? Goblin shoos a customer past him. The customer then draws his CCW and puts several rounds into the Goblin.
Posted by: bonhomme at November 18, 2021 04:41 PM (sG4Hj)

Imagine being that guy there lyin prone with a hot towel over his face and eyes getting ready for a shave and all this war zone starts up. If he peepeeed himself a little I'd give him a pass.

Posted by: banana Dream at November 18, 2021 04:47 PM (h/pNJ)

302 Nancy Pelosi plans to put the BBB bill on the floor tonight for a vote.

Posted by: redridinghood at November 18, 2021 04:47 PM (NpAcC)

303 According to this link, $175k puts you in the top 95% percentile:

Posted by: FriscoYoda at November 18, 2021 04:47 PM (+56GQ)

304 15 and counting. This is truly getting annoying.

Posted by: Jewells45 deplorablethug#FJB at November 18, 2021 04:47 PM (nxdel)

305 The GOP will fall all over itself pretending to oppose this thing but then in the end those gosh-darned "RINOs" will wind up supporting this now "bi-partisan" bill and it will pass largely intact. And Conservatives will shake their fists at the "GOSH DARNED RINOS!!!" And the GOP will shake their heads and make very concerned faces for the cameras and Sean Hannity. And then they'll send out their fund-raising letters.

Posted by: Eat The Eloi at November 18, 2021 04:47 PM (BvNzB)

306 300 Being Kamala's Comms director must be a really hard fucking job. Wonder if anyone else will apply?
Posted by: Puddin Head at November 18, 2021 04:46 PM


Imagine being her food taster.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 04:48 PM (ptqGC)

307 @disclosetv 7m

JUST IN - Kamala Harris' comms director leaves the administration after reports staff are in-fighting and her boss is being sidelined (Daily)

Posted by: Tami at November 18, 2021 04:48 PM (cF8AT)

308 Actually, I'd like to put a less-extreme version of this into the Constitution as an amendment.


PJ Orourke had a test: The "would you shoot your mother to pay for this test if she refused to pay taxes" test.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:48 PM (ZZK0E)

309 I cannot fathom that level of property taxation. If my house was worth a million dollars, all other things being equal with tax rates, my annual property taxes would be far less than that. That's unreal.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)

I wish I had Alex's property taxes. It's why we are fixing to leave. I understand NJ's are even worse.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 18, 2021 04:48 PM (mD/uy)

310 This blonde in a tight yellow dress has never heard of the "SALT deduction" and has no idea what it is:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:37 PM (DU+/6)

I wonder if that's the same girl as the one in the red dress from earlier.

Posted by: spindrift at November 18, 2021 04:48 PM (h5TKJ)

311 Here comes the pitch from Jane. Oooooh, it's a hanging curveball!

Posted by: Duke Lowell at November 18, 2021 04:49 PM (kTF2Z)

312 >>> Shit, math is hard. Correction: I would have saved about $3500 on my total annual taxes without the SALT limitation, because it doesn't kick in until state/local taxes exceed $10,000. Still coulda used that dough.
Posted by: Alex at November 18, 2021 04:46 PM (YjiAb)

With that amount, you could afford to give a million dollars to everyone in the country.

Posted by: journalist / math scholar at November 18, 2021 04:49 PM (h/pNJ)

313 ... could previously deduct all my property taxes (upwards of $11,000 this year) as well as my state income taxes (I'm in the 9.3% marginal-rate bracket) from my federal taxes ...
Posted by: Alex at November 18, 2021 04:41 PM (YjiAb)
I cannot fathom that level of property taxation. If my house was worth a million dollars, all other things being equal with tax rates, my annual property taxes would be far less than that. That's unreal.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:45 PM (DU+/6)

Ah, but that's because CA wants to sock it to the bourgeoisie homeowners to pay for ... well, everything they can. We're lucky: we're grandfathered in by Prop. 13, which the Reds hate passionately.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 18, 2021 04:49 PM (fSRlj)

314 Nancy Pelosi plans to put the BBB bill on the floor tonight for a vote.
Posted by: redridinghood at November 18, 2021 04:47 PM (NpAcC)

So which GOPe traitors are going to cave this time?

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 18, 2021 04:49 PM (Ez6QX)

315 311 Here comes the pitch from Jane. Oooooh, it's a hanging curveball!
Posted by: Duke Lowell at November 18, 2021 04:49 PM (kTF2Z)



Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 04:49 PM (ptqGC)

316 I picture Psaki having inverted aeriole with gross little ginger hairs in them.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 18, 2021 04:50 PM (Bmy3R)

317 Holy shit. Goblin comes into a barbershop and fires two rounds. I don't know if he hit anything. Takeover robbery? Assassination? Goblin shoos a customer past him. The customer then draws his CCW and puts several rounds into the Goblin.
Posted by: bonhomme at November 18, 2021 04:41 PM (sG4Hj)
Imagine being that guy there lyin prone with a hot towel over his face and eyes getting ready for a shave and all this war zone starts up. If he peepeeed himself a little I'd give him a pass.
Posted by: banana Dream at November 18, 2021 04:47 PM (h/pNJ)

That Barber Shop looks like a load of fun.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at November 18, 2021 04:50 PM (8m1jA)

318 241 205 Trump should come on TV and lobby for the Yuge tax break.

Would you like a job?
Posted by: Jared K. at November 18, 2021 04:38 PM

How's about a Yugo for your tax break?

Posted by: Josip Tito at November 18, 2021 04:50 PM (dP3gR)

319 And eventually the just starting out guy will get his tax bludgeon too...but in that time they'll be a whole new bunch of rubes to fool.
Posted by: 18-1 at November 18, 2021 04:31 PM (ESjRY)

Young guy eventually gets fired because usually older guy is the owner or stake holder in the company and he doesn't or can't sell $25 hamburgers or $100 light switches.

Posted by: Boswell at November 18, 2021 04:50 PM (5iUNf)

320 I have such a bad feeling about the Rittenhouse jury.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 04:50 PM (ptqGC)

321 Nancy Pelosi plans to put the BBB bill on the floor tonight for a vote.
Posted by: redridinghood at November 18, 2021 04:47 PM (NpAcC)

Anybody read it yet? Nah? Then let's vote!

Posted by: wth at November 18, 2021 04:50 PM (v0R5T)

322 I'm not sure how to describe this article, but it's worth reading the whole thing:
h/t some commenter at Sarah Hoyt's blog
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at November 18, 2021 03:28 PM (llON
Posted by: banana Dream at November 18, 2021 04:13 PM (h/pNJ)

Agree worth the read, nice to see something giving a bit of hope.


The WW2 metaphor seems forced, but I enjoyed reading it nonetheless. I am hopeful and optimistic too. America may move late, but it always gets it right in the end (at least so far). I didn't want to battle, but I'm not the one who bombed Pearl Harbor. They did. Let them die a thousand deaths.

Posted by: SH (Overturn Roe) at November 18, 2021 04:51 PM (sX1BW)

323 204 Department of Education started under Carter
Posted by: Tofer732 at November 18, 2021 04:34 PM (GcxM3)

Passed under Carter, actually started right after Reagan became President, he could have stopped it cold IMO.

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 18, 2021 04:51 PM (oHd/0)

324 I keep 6 bourbons in the house. Old Forester 86, the original and champion. Old Forester 1910 - sneaky good cheaper whisky. Jim Beam Black 8 Year, defy people to find better. Makers 46 and Buffalo Trace for people who like sweets, and Blanton's for those who have to. And like Sinatra, I visit Jack regularly. And yes I drink every day except Sunday.

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at November 18, 2021 04:51 PM (oWBc3)

325 I'm curious to know how many Americans know IRS agents are armed?

Posted by: pahound at November 18, 2021 04:51 PM (fQ7bt)

326 300 Being Kamala's Comms director must be a really hard fucking job. Wonder if anyone else will apply?
Posted by: Puddin Head at November 18, 2021 04:46 PM (yRved)

It is going to be hard. They'll need to find someone with the guts to tell Kamala "stop that stupid ass laugh every time you get a less-than-softball question."

Posted by: WisRich at November 18, 2021 04:52 PM (G0vdT)

327 316 I picture Psaki having inverted aeriole with gross little ginger hairs in them.
Is gross little ginger hairs the unit of measure called red headed cunt hair?

Posted by: Puddin Head at November 18, 2021 04:52 PM (yRved)

328 316 on Psaki's endowments, is that supposed to be a negative? Not sure without more context.....

Posted by: Chuck Martel at November 18, 2021 04:52 PM (fs1hN)

329 Freckle tits.

Posted by: wth at November 18, 2021 04:52 PM (v0R5T)

* whirrrrr *

* pallet of bricks drops into thread *

* truck drives away *

Posted by: Bare Shelves Biden at November 18, 2021 04:52 PM (dQvv7)

331 Holy shit. Goblin comes into a barbershop and fires two rounds. I don't know if he hit anything. Takeover robbery? Assassination? Goblin shoos a customer past him. The customer then draws his CCW and puts several rounds into the Goblin.
Posted by: bonhomme at November 18, 2021 04:41 PM (sG4Hj)

Enjoy the diversity!

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 18, 2021 04:52 PM (fSRlj)

332 Doof, having had the chance to sample several very good bourbons lately, I have to say that Watershed is my favorite,

Posted by: Ben Had at November 18, 2021 04:52 PM (qNoeu)

333 Seriously, there are media "bailouts" in the bill, so every media outlet is pushing the thing like its the Magna Carta. Its blatant conflict of interest stuff.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 18, 2021 04:52 PM (KZzsI)

334 I'm curious to know how many Americans know IRS agents are armed?
Posted by: pahound


Posted by: Michelle Fields at November 18, 2021 04:52 PM (mD/uy)

335 I think there are two likely outcomes: Hung and acquittal. I don't think all 12 are going to agree this wasn't self defense.

Posted by: mikethemoose at November 18, 2021 04:52 PM (T/vhV)

336 "JUST IN - Kamala Harris' comms director leaves"

I'm looking at photos of the two of them side by side, and I infer that their personal intercommunications may become occasionally tense. Maybe someday a fly on the wall will write a juicy book.

Posted by: gp Sets In Motion Various Apparatuses at November 18, 2021 04:52 PM (qpX6U)

337 I have such a bad feeling about the Rittenhouse jury.
like i said, I like how on Monday, we(me?) were like "that Kenosha, dere hey, lawyer for the defense, eh? That cheese curds and plumber's butt crack closing was good, eh? Goooo Packers!"

And now on Rekeitana, it's like "gesbus, this guy didn't object to shit or discuss anything about the law of self defense, no wonder it's taken 3 days so far"

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:53 PM (ZZK0E)

338 320 I have such a bad feeling about the Rittenhouse jury.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 04:50 PM (ptqGC)

They certainly haven't instilled confidence in an acquittal

Posted by: It's me donna at November 18, 2021 04:53 PM (87qwM)

339 Goblin shoos a customer past him. The customer then draws his CCW and puts several rounds into the Goblin.
Posted by: bonhomme

I love happy endings.
Posted by: Tonypete at November 18, 2021 04:44 PM (mD/uy)

Did the perp put a couple in somebody first? And that guy chilling with the towel around his face barely flinches. WTAF?

"Tuesday at the barbershop".

Posted by: clutch cargo | now with 100% autocorrect at November 18, 2021 04:54 PM (wAnMi)

Best of Breed and Hound Group 1 for Delilah at today's Sandusky KC show in Columbus. Gerry Thornton handled her and no doubt did a splendid job. Waiting on Best in Show competition now.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 18, 2021 04:54 PM (/U27+)

341 The WW2 metaphor seems forced . . . .

Posted by: SH (Overturn Roe) at November 18, 2021 04:51 PM (sX1BW)

It works. It's like the author had a revelation, then realized he/she had to spend a lot of ink explaining the basics (because, historical ignorance), which made it labored.

Posted by: flounder at November 18, 2021 04:54 PM (SH2Zi)

342 I have such a bad feeling about the Rittenhouse jury.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 04:50 PM (ptqGC)

I'd be scared shitless but resolute and prepared.

Posted by: Golfman at November 18, 2021 04:54 PM (sBEo+)

343 I don't know Jane. It's frustrating, but after this long, seems to me it's got to be a deadlock issue. Question is, which side refusing to budge is in the majority, I know if it was me, we'd stay forever before I voted guilty on this record.

Posted by: Farmer Bob at November 18, 2021 04:54 PM (9KXDf)

344 334 I'm curious to know how many Americans know IRS agents are armed?
Posted by: pahound

Posted by: Michelle Fields at November 18, 2021 04:52 PM (mD/uy)

Very not funny!

Posted by: Gaige Grosskreutz at November 18, 2021 04:54 PM (fSRlj)

345 LOL. The idea that anyone outside the top 3% has enough deductibles to need the SALT deduction is insane.

Posted by: deadrody at November 18, 2021 04:40 PM

(Note: I am NOT complaining. It hurts the dem bastards more than me. I live in Illinois and will be moving as soon as my widowed father kicks the bucket)

I gamble on slots and video poker. I won a few mini jackpots of $1200 and one of $8000. Lose most/all of it back. To deduct the gaming losses I have to use Schedule B and forego the standard deduction. Because I won, the state takes taxes off the gross winnings. Add regular employment state taxes + gambling state taxes + IL property taxes and I am above the 10k SALT and I am not in the top 3%.

Posted by: Chuck C at November 18, 2021 04:54 PM (EughT)

346 Whoever this Karen Jury Foreman is seems to really be extending the Rittenhouse circus. The longer this goes, the more obvious it is that he is facing some sort of conviction. How could that be? Jury nullification of prosecutor malfeasance.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at November 18, 2021 04:54 PM (PUXju)

347 335 I think there are two likely outcomes: Hung and acquittal. I don't think all 12 are going to agree this wasn't self defense.


I didn't pay attention to every aspect of the pros/defense intereaction on the provocation sliver frame of a derez video clip being re-rezzed photo...but the prosecution's last minute "rebuttal" of kyle via provocation is apparently the whole linch pin of their case now, one that it doesn't seem that the judge or defense bothered to rebut

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:54 PM (ZZK0E)

348 yes, the IRS is going to go from couch to couch, looking for pocket change.

That was Walter Mondale's Big Idea - hire tens of thousands of new IRS agents, and unleash them on the middle class.

After all, from the perspective of the government, it's just Free Money, waiting to be harvested.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 18, 2021 04:54 PM (I2/tG)

349 I think I'll start grading Joe's babe's on a binary scale because sometimes I'm like "this girl apparently appeals to Joe's own very personal shame and kink from his spank bank, I'm talking grouchy face wonk nose" and sometimes, "yes please."

blonde in yellow dress is rated: yes please.
Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:42 PM (ZZK0E)

I grade them on whether or not looking at them depresses me.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at November 18, 2021 04:55 PM (2JVJo)

350 Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 18, 2021 04:54 PM (/U27+)

Congrats.. We can all use some good news

Posted by: It's me donna at November 18, 2021 04:55 PM (87qwM)

351 290: "I cannot fathom that level of property taxation. If my house was worth a million dollars, all other things being equal with tax rates, my annual property taxes would be far less than that. That's unreal."

If it weren't for Prop 13 (which limits annual increases and reassessments), it'd be even higher. We bought the house for just under $800K about 7.5 years ago. It was appraised at $1.15 for a refinance about a year ago (with a Zillow Zestimate in the $1.2M-1.3M range). Zillow now says it's worth $1.4M.

For a $1400 square foot 3B/2BA 1950 ranch house. I won't say what exact town I live in, but one of Owsley's LSD labs got busted there in the late 60s. It's a high-rent district these days.

I always wanted to live in a million-dollar house, but I didn't think it would be *this* one.

Posted by: Alex at November 18, 2021 04:55 PM (YjiAb)

352 334 I'm curious to know how many Americans know IRS agents are armed?
Posted by: pahound

Posted by: Michelle Fields at November 18, 2021 04:52 PM (mD/uy)

Very not funny!
Posted by: Gaige Grosskreutz at November 18, 2021 04:54 PM (fSRlj)

Quitcher whining.

Posted by: Inspector Krogh at November 18, 2021 04:55 PM (v0R5T)

353 >>>And Dune 2021 really is 'Baby's First Dune story'...dumbed down to the lowest common denominator.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at November 18, 2021 04:14 PM (XvPQ

It's great looking. It's eye candy. But there's something missing. It feels lifeless.

Posted by: Max Power at November 18, 2021 04:55 PM (Hucnr)

354 Enjoy the diversity!

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 18, 2021 04:52 PM (fSRlj)

There were 9s AND 45s.

Posted by: flounder at November 18, 2021 04:55 PM (SH2Zi)

355 @288

Agreed, good read.

Short version, as has been said: Imagine having near total control of the media, entertainment, most corporations, the collages and universities, and the major cities and you STILL had to cheat like hell to win?

The article gives a glimpse of "what happens next"

Posted by: Lrrr at November 18, 2021 04:56 PM (k5fFm)

356 My divorced mom dated an IRS agent (yay '70's!) When it came out the IRS had bullets being bought up...

Posted by: pahound at November 18, 2021 04:56 PM (fQ7bt)

357 Local property taxes should not be deductible period, maybe then people would reel in profligate school boards and county judges. Return accountability to taxpayers!

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at November 18, 2021 04:56 PM (oWBc3)

358 And now on Rekeitana, it's like "gesbus, this guy didn't object to shit or discuss anything about the law of self defense, no wonder it's taken 3 days so far"
Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:53 PM (ZZK0E)

I dunno. Judgment call. The prosecutors made themselves very unpopular, at least with the judge, and probably with the jury.

Popping up every few minutes to object probably would have been counterproductive. Let the prosecution dig itself further into the hole, was I suspect, the idea.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 18, 2021 04:56 PM (fSRlj)

359 After all, from the perspective of the government, it's just Free Money, waiting to be harvested.
Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 18, 2021 04:54 PM (I2/tG)

It's the government's money and we should be thankful they let us keep any at all.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw at November 18, 2021 04:57 PM (1SMSr)

360 Local property taxes should not be deductible period, maybe then people would reel in profligate school boards and county judges. Return accountability to taxpayers!
Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at November 18, 2021 04:56 PM (oWBc3)

There needs to be reasonable caps placed on property taxes. They're getting stupid lately.

Posted by: Cato, Post-Apocalyptic Scourge of the Seas at November 18, 2021 04:57 PM (Msrhc)

Posted by: Michelle Fields at November 18, 2021 04:52 PM (mD/uy)

Very not funny!

Posted by: Gaige Grosskreutz at November 18, 2021 04:54 PM (fSRlj)

Aren't you two a pair.

Posted by: flounder at November 18, 2021 04:57 PM (SH2Zi)

362 I keep 6 bourbons in the house.

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at November 18, 2021 04:51 PM (oWBc3)

The same ones? I try to rotate a few so I always have something interesting to try.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 18, 2021 04:57 PM (Q9lwr)

363 I keep 6 bourbons in the house. Old Forester 86, the original and champion. Old Forester 1910 - sneaky good cheaper whisky. Jim Beam Black 8 Year, defy people to find better. Makers 46 and Buffalo Trace for people who like sweets, and Blanton's for those who have to. And like Sinatra, I visit Jack regularly. And yes I drink every day except Sunday.
Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at November 18, 2021 04:51 PM (oWBc3)

Good selections. Old Forester is underrated for sure. I'm a fan of their 100 proof bourbon and 100 proof rye.

I'm a higher proof kinda guy, so Jim Beam Black is no longer in my collection -- but you are very right to sing its praises. For a few dollars more, Jim Beam bonded (100 proof) can be had. Somewhat tougher to find.

Anything from Buffalo Trace is worth buying -- at normal prices. Elmer T. Lee is my absolute favorite. But good luck finding it.

Posted by: Doof at November 18, 2021 04:57 PM (mZUr4)

364 Had my six month physical today (and I'm great, except for the bad eye). My young female doc said mask wearing is useless and for show, but her practice insists on them. When I go in her exam room, we take ours off, and get in a couple of minutes of gurl talk about before I leave.

Love her. Best doctor ever.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 04:45 PM (ptqGC)

there's a comment in there somewhere....

Posted by: SturmToddler (8D42x) at November 18, 2021 04:57 PM (8D42x)

365 I cannot fathom that level of property taxation
That's nothing. Upper middle class homes in NJ easily pay double that (and more) in property taxes.

Plus the high NJ state taxes. And they get taxed more if they work from NY (if you file jointly, NY even taxes the income from your spouse. Even if he / she didnt work in NY).

Posted by: Revenant at November 18, 2021 04:58 PM (c3dw6)

366 many sane people who are "fully vaxxed" will FINALLY balk at having to be a human pin cushion.... I'm not holding my breath.

Every clot shot gives you a real risk of heart damage or stroke. The more shots you take, the more risk you incur.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 18, 2021 04:46 PM

Talked to a guy I know today. His son got the second shot of the vaccine and 6 days later was in the hospital with heart swelling. He said they pulled over a pint of excess fluid from around his heart. 26 years old and he may or may not have issues for the rest of his life from that shot. They say he is going to be OK but made no promises.

Posted by: Mister Scot (Formerly GWS) at November 18, 2021 04:58 PM (bVYXr)

367 This place. *eyeroll*

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 04:58 PM (ptqGC)

368 The customer then draws his CCW and puts several rounds into the Goblin.
Posted by: bonhomme

Back Bullets Better

Posted by: x at November 18, 2021 04:58 PM (oA+QO)

369 atm, the dims are begging Breyer to quit so they can nominate Kameltoe

and thus giving them cover for ditching her as VP

the precousor to getting rid of Joe

Posted by: REDACTED at November 18, 2021 04:58 PM (us2H3)

370 I've switched to tequila but Evan Williams was always on my list

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:58 PM (ZZK0E)

371 Plus the high NJ state taxes. And they get taxed more if they work from NY (if you file jointly, NY even taxes the income from your spouse. Even if he / she didnt work in NY).
Posted by: Revenant at November 18, 2021 04:58 PM (c3dw6)
How the hell do they rationalize that?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:59 PM (DU+/6)

372 306 300 Being Kamala's Comms director must be a really hard fucking job. Wonder if anyone else will apply?
Posted by: Puddin Head at November 18, 2021 04:46 PM


Imagine being her food taster.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 04:48 PM (ptqGC)

Or her dentist. Eww..

Posted by: Pennsyltucky at November 18, 2021 04:59 PM (lNHqD)

373 334 I'm curious to know how many Americans know IRS agents are armed?
Posted by: pahound

Posted by: Michelle Fields at November 18, 2021 04:52 PM (mD/uy)

Very not funny!
Posted by: Gaige Grosskreutz at November 18, 2021 04:54 PM (fSRlj)

Bunch of pussies.

Posted by: Gaius Mucius Scaevola at November 18, 2021 04:59 PM (dP3gR)

374 My property tax is around 12,000 a year on a 4 bedroom suburban home in Houston. Yeah we have no state income tax but they get you other ways.

Posted by: brak at November 18, 2021 04:59 PM (eibb3)

375 This is false! Only the Republicans give tax breaks to the rich AND aid corps in sending jobs over seas!

Posted by: JROD at November 18, 2021 04:59 PM (0jZnq)

376 361 NOT FUNNY!!
Posted by: Michelle Fields at November 18, 2021 04:52 PM (mD/uy)

Very not funny!

Posted by: Gaige Grosskreutz at November 18, 2021 04:54 PM (fSRlj)

Aren't you two a pair.
Posted by: flounder at November 18, 2021 04:57 PM (SH2Zi)


Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at November 18, 2021 04:59 PM (1SMSr)

377 " after this long, seems to me it's got to be a deadlock issue."

They said the jury instructions alone were 38 pages long. I'd still be on page 11 or something. IANAL, but not worried yet.

Posted by: gp Sets In Motion Various Apparatuses at November 18, 2021 04:59 PM (qpX6U)

378 The customer then draws his CCW and puts several rounds into the Goblin.

So if a white guy shooting white goblins is a back guy shooting a black goblin rayciss or anti-rayciss?

Posted by: 18-1 at November 18, 2021 04:59 PM (ESjRY)

379 @TheInsiderPaper 2m

BREAKING Reports of massive explosion heard in Donetsk, Eastern Ukraine.

Posted by: Tami at November 18, 2021 05:00 PM (cF8AT)

380 The big questions looming in the Rittenhouse trial
Now is; what does the Judge do if he has to
Declare a mistrial due to hung jury?

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 18, 2021 05:00 PM (q3gwH)

381 And now on Rekeitana, it's like "gesbus, this guy didn't object to shit or discuss anything about the law of self defense, no wonder it's taken 3 days so far"
Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:53 PM (ZZK0E)

I dunno. Judgment call. The prosecutors made themselves very unpopular, at least with the judge, and probably with the jury.

Popping up every few minutes to object probably would have been counterproductive. Let the prosecution dig itself further into the hole, was I suspect, the idea.


If you have one or two jurors who are entrenched in their guilty verdict, then Perry Mason himself wouldn't have made a difference. They came in with their guilty verdict set in stone.

As far as this idea that if they had only objected here or objected there, and if they had not put Kyle on the stand, then the judge would have already dismissed .... well that is speculation not supported by anything but their own delusions that they would have been better defense attorneys.

Posted by: SH (Overturn Roe) at November 18, 2021 05:00 PM (sX1BW)

382 I keep 6 bourbons in the house.

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at November 18, 2021 04:51 PM (oWBc3)

The same ones? I try to rotate a few so I always have something interesting to try.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 18, 2021 04:57 PM (Q9lwr)

CBD -- not sure how close you are to West Orange, NJ, but I recently was on the Total Wine website and saw that they had New Riff bourbon in stock there. It came up as the closest to me -- haha!

I am a big fan of New Riff. Made in northern Kentucky, up near Cincy. I always bring a bottle or 2 home when I drive to/from Kentucky. It's 100 proof, at least 4 years aged, for around $40-$45. The bourbon is really good - and the rye is even better.

Posted by: Doof at November 18, 2021 05:01 PM (mZUr4)

383 The corporate establishment and deep state DNC democrats are sweating this out as their blue dog corporate stooge democrats are in swing districts not left democrats. Progressives are in deep blue bullet proof and minority districts. After 2022 AOC will lead the house democrats and nancy will fly away on her broom.

Posted by: raimondo at November 18, 2021 05:01 PM (TjsxZ)

384 379 @TheInsiderPaper 2m

BREAKING Reports of massive explosion heard in Donetsk, Eastern Ukraine.
Posted by: Tami at November 18, 2021 05:00 PM (cF8AT


Where's Hunter?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 05:01 PM (ptqGC)

385 @JackPosobiec 1m

Hearing jury is done deliberations for the day, per courtroom member

Posted by: Tami at November 18, 2021 05:01 PM (cF8AT)

386 >>>the state takes taxes off the gross winnings.

So the state taxes all 15 grand or so and the feds only tax say 1 grand of didn't quite lose it back. So the state with a bogus income tax rule is putting you above 10k. Because they are taxing entertainment in your case. Yeah I'm sure a few folks get caught up in strange tax situations like that where the state ruthlessly taxes something they do.

Posted by: mikethemoose at November 18, 2021 05:01 PM (T/vhV)

387 I'm curious to know how many Americans know IRS agents are armed?
Posted by: pahound


Posted by: Michelle Fields at November 18, 2021 04:52

Thanks. I needed a laugh today.

Posted by: olddog in mo at November 18, 2021 05:01 PM (ju2Fy)

388 379 @TheInsiderPaper 2m

BREAKING Reports of massive explosion heard in Donetsk, Eastern Ukraine.
Posted by: Tami at November 18, 2021 05:00 PM (cF8AT)

That's Putin ringing the doorbell.

Posted by: WisRich at November 18, 2021 05:01 PM (G0vdT)

389 Talked to a guy I know today. His son got the second shot of the vaccine and 6 days later was in the hospital with heart swelling. He said they pulled over a pint of excess fluid from around his heart. 26 years old and he may or may not have issues for the rest of his life from that shot. They say he is going to be OK but made no promises.
Posted by: Mister Scot (Formerly GWS) at November 18, 2021 04:58 PM (bVYXr)

This is why I REALLY don't want my son to do it, and I told him if he goes ahead with it I don't want to know about it.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 18, 2021 05:01 PM (Ez6QX)

390 @TheInsiderPaper 2m

BREAKING Reports of massive explosion heard in Donetsk, Eastern Ukraine.
Posted by: Tami at November 18, 2021 05:00 PM (cF8AT
Well, let's hope it isn't war breaking out.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 05:01 PM (DU+/6)

391 Where's Hunter?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 05:01 PM (ptqGC)

Picking Parmesan cheese out of the carpet?

Posted by: Tami at November 18, 2021 05:02 PM (cF8AT)

392 the assessment can be the key factor

my house is on the books for 500K

have been offered 3 times that over the last year,

Posted by: REDACTED at November 18, 2021 05:02 PM (us2H3)

393 Nonsense. I've lived in two blue high tax states. Had combined income as high as $275K. Never paid enough in SALT to exceed the current standard deduction. The notion that this helps anyone but the top 1% is horseshit
Posted by: deadrody at November 18, 2021 04:43 PM (V9901)

Did you own a home in those blue states and pay property tax?

Because I can tell you, I've never made anything close to $5,000,000/yr. and the SALT affected me bigly.

Posted by: IrishEi at November 18, 2021 05:02 PM (7b2L9)

394 That's Putin ringing the doorbell.
Posted by: WisRich at November 18, 2021 05:01 PM (G0vdT)

And if he is, ain't nobody going to stop him...

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at November 18, 2021 05:02 PM (XvPQV)

395 Well, let's hope it isn't war breaking out.


It may mean that Trump is President.

Posted by: SH (Overturn Roe) at November 18, 2021 05:02 PM (sX1BW)

396 Agree that the provocation issue is the linchpin, but, my take is that one orctwo Karens are trying to force them to "see" what they see (the prosecutor's version) and are failing at it. Like one of those stereo pics- if you don't see it, you just don't.

Posted by: Farmer Bob at November 18, 2021 05:02 PM (9KXDf)

397 Well, let's hope it isn't war breaking out.


ukraine and taiwan go down at the same time

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 05:02 PM (ZZK0E)

398 Picking Parmesan cheese out of the carpet?

Posted by: Tami at November 18, 2021 05:02 PM (cF8AT)

That's funny.

Posted by: flounder at November 18, 2021 05:02 PM (SH2Zi)

399 His son got the second shot of the vaccine and 6 days later was in the hospital with heart swelling. He said they pulled over a pint of excess fluid from around his heart. 26 years old and he may or may not have issues for the rest of his life from that shot. They say he is going to be OK but made no promises.
Posted by: Mister Scot (Formerly GWS) at November 18, 2021 04:58 PM (bVYXr)

Impossible. The FDA, CDC, Anthony Fauci and Brian Stelter all say it's effective and safe.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw at November 18, 2021 05:03 PM (1SMSr)

400 BREAKING Reports of massive explosion heard in Donetsk, Eastern Ukraine.
Posted by: Tami at November 18, 2021 05:00 PM (cF8AT)

That's Putin ringing the doorbell.
Posted by: WisRich at November 18, 2021 05:01 PM (G0vdT)

Semi empty natural Gas Pipeline? Would be explosive.

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 18, 2021 05:03 PM (oHd/0)

401 Threaten the jury with New Jersey taxes if they don;t wrap this up

Posted by: Huck Follywood at November 18, 2021 05:03 PM (PUXju)

402 President Pete Buttitgieg-the red, white, and rainbow

Posted by: pahound at November 18, 2021 05:03 PM (fQ7bt)

403 I'm curious to know how many Americans know IRS agents are armed?
Posted by: pahound

Posted by: Michelle Fields at November 18, 2021 04:52 PM (mD/uy)

this running joke will never get old.

Posted by: SturmToddler (8D42x) at November 18, 2021 05:03 PM (8D42x)

404 BREAKING Reports of massive explosion heard in Donetsk, Eastern Ukraine.
Posted by: Tami at November 18, 2021 05:00 PM (cF8AT)

WH says Punchy is not currently in the Ukraine and had nothing to do with this particular...gaseous explosion.

But the one outside the WH Blue Room...well.

Posted by: Boswell at November 18, 2021 05:03 PM (5iUNf)

405 Judge back...looks like he's just announcing the jury is done for the day.

Posted by: Tami at November 18, 2021 05:03 PM (cF8AT)

406 How the hell do they rationalize that?
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 04:59 PM (DU+/6)
Because fuck you. Pay me.

Posted by: Revenant at November 18, 2021 05:03 PM (c3dw6)

407 CBD, my sons bring others all the time, the gift of children I guess, and I have friends that are Weller(wheat) or Eagle Rare (it's Buffalo Trace btw) or others so I see a range. Me? Creature of habit

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at November 18, 2021 05:03 PM (oWBc3)

408 jury done for the day basically means hung jury, eh?

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 05:03 PM (ZZK0E)

409 There is speculation that perhaps the jury foreperson is a "person used to being in authority that is not used to using honorifics like 'Mr.'"
The Barnes guy on Rekieta is basing his opinion on a couple handwritten notes, both the tone, and the handwriting.
(using a capital 'K' in the middle of a word? lol)

Pretty funny.

Looks like the jury is done for the night.

Speculation is the forewomen is a rogue holdout.
Assuming it is a woman to begin with.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at November 18, 2021 05:03 PM (ufFY8)

410 >>>not supported by anything but their own delusions

The judges actions make it clear. He doesn't want to dismiss if he can possibly avoid it. No amount of objections was going to change that. This was always going to a jury in the *hopes* the jury decision would alleviate the judge of having to do anything.

Posted by: mikethemoose at November 18, 2021 05:04 PM (T/vhV)

411 " I'm curious to know how many Americans know IRS agents are armed?"

Probably best to assume everybody is armed.

Posted by: gp Sets In Motion Various Apparatuses at November 18, 2021 05:04 PM (qpX6U)

412 Jane we had a doctor like that. He was very conservative and hubby or I when we went in, would chat with him for a good 10 or 15 minutes. I really miss him. He quit his practice over the Obamacare bullshit. See? I didn't get t keep my doctor.

Posted by: Jewells45 deplorablethug#FJB at November 18, 2021 05:04 PM (nxdel)

413 405 Judge back...looks like he's just announcing the jury is done for the day.
Posted by: Tami at November 18, 2021 05:03 PM (cF8AT)


This jury seems...special.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 05:04 PM (ptqGC)

414 So if a white guy shooting white goblins is a back guy shooting a black goblin rayciss or anti-rayciss?
Posted by: 18-1 at November 18, 2021 04:59 PM (ESjRY)

No. It's Thursday.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 18, 2021 05:04 PM (fSRlj)

415 404 BREAKING Reports of massive explosion heard in Donetsk, Eastern Ukraine.
Posted by: Tami at November 18, 2021 05:00 PM (cF8AT)

Putin warned them to fire the prosecutor or else

Posted by: REDACTED at November 18, 2021 05:04 PM (us2H3)

416 Robert Barnes is speculating that the Karen foreman (ha), is brow beating them and no one is budging so they're leaving at 4 pm because they can't stand to be in the room together any longer.

Posted by: Tami at November 18, 2021 05:05 PM (cF8AT)

417 I live in Taxachussets and our relatively modest home has a tax bill of over $8,000. Add a small mortgage and SALT most definitely does affect me. But I live with it for all the other good that the tax bill had done.

Posted by: Old Radio Guy at November 18, 2021 05:05 PM (7G65Y)

418 Total Wine website and saw that they had New Riff bourbon in stock there.

Posted by: Doof at November 18, 2021 05:01 PM (mZUr4)

I have a bottle of their rye and have also tasted their bourbon. Good stuff. But...I am on a Texas Whiskey kick because of all the good ones I tried at the Texas Meet-up last month!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 18, 2021 05:05 PM (Q9lwr)

419 Semi empty natural Gas Pipeline? Would be explosive.
Posted by: Romeo13 at November 18, 2021 05:03 PM (oHd/0)

And I just watched "The World Is Not Enough" on pluto 007 channel yesterday.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at November 18, 2021 05:05 PM (ufFY8)

420 Speculation is the forewomen is a rogue holdout.


That's a great opening to good book.

Posted by: SH (Overturn Roe) at November 18, 2021 05:05 PM (sX1BW)

421 The foreperson has to get home to feed all of her cats.

Posted by: Mark1971 at November 18, 2021 05:05 PM (xPl2J)

422 414 So if a white guy shooting white goblins is a back guy shooting a black goblin rayciss or anti-rayciss?
Posted by: 18-1 at November 18, 2021 04:59 PM (ESjRY)

No. It's Thursday.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 18, 2021 05:04 PM (fSRlj)

Fizzbin, the race card edition.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw at November 18, 2021 05:05 PM (1SMSr)

Posted by: Michelle Fields

Very not funny!
Posted by: Gaige Grosskreutz

Aren't you two a pair.
Posted by: flounder

If we want to hold hands, we are going to have to think this through carefully.

Posted by: Michelle Fields at November 18, 2021 05:05 PM (mD/uy)

424 414 So if a white guy shooting white goblins is a back guy shooting a black goblin rayciss or anti-rayciss?
Posted by: 18-1 at November 18, 2021 04:59 PM (ESjRY)


Posted by: REDACTED at November 18, 2021 05:05 PM (us2H3)

425 I tried at the Texas Meet-up last month!


Thanks for the invite.

Posted by: SH (Overturn Roe) at November 18, 2021 05:06 PM (sX1BW)

I'm trying to cut back the bourbon collection a bit.
I keep Buffalo Trace and Woodford Reserve at all times. The Blantons is for when I want to feel special. The rest varies, have some rare batch Woodford, some Maker's Mark Cask Strength (divine with an ice cube), some 1792, Bulleit Barrel Strength, Bulleit Rye....actually I'm not really cutting it back, it seems...lot more than that there. But it SEEMS smaller to me...

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, load and make ready at November 18, 2021 05:06 PM (XvPQV)

427 Looks like the jury is going home for the night.

Posted by: bonhomme at November 18, 2021 05:06 PM (sG4Hj)

428 If I were Kyle I'd be shitting bricks.

Posted by: Sundown Joe Biden at November 18, 2021 05:06 PM (PUXju)

429 416 Robert Barnes is speculating that the Karen foreman (ha), is brow beating them and no one is budging so they're leaving at 4 pm because they can't stand to be in the room together any longer.

Posted by: Tami at November 18, 2021 05:05 PM (cF8AT)

Yeah, just heard that, LOL.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at November 18, 2021 05:06 PM (ufFY8)

430 There is speculation that perhaps the jury foreperson

Make that "foreman." Let's not use feminist bullshit usage.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 18, 2021 05:06 PM (fSRlj)

431 It was a dark and rainy foreperson.

Posted by: garrett at November 18, 2021 05:06 PM (q+cim)

432 Judge back...looks like he's just announcing the jury is done for the day.

Oh FFS. This is beyond ridiculous.

Posted by: Jewells45 deplorablethug#FJB at November 18, 2021 05:06 PM (nxdel)

433 Thanks. I needed a laugh today.
Posted by: olddog in mo at November 18, 2021 05:01 PM (ju2Fy)

Wait for it.

Posted by: Golfman at November 18, 2021 05:06 PM (sBEo+)

434 Total Wine website and saw that they had New Riff bourbon in stock there.


total wine, it's ok, they have ok prices where you know you can get KF chard cheap...but their football bat bullshit new brands of liquor are ... feels left handed canadian

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 05:06 PM (ZZK0E)

435 Order matters.

Its: Diversity. Inclusion. Equity.

Aka: DIE

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at November 18, 2021 05:06 PM (NW9xb)

436 420 Speculation is the forewomen is a rogue holdout.

hubby ratted her out

Posted by: REDACTED at November 18, 2021 05:07 PM (us2H3)

437 So if a white guy shooting white goblins is a back guy shooting a black goblin rayciss or anti-rayciss?
Posted by: 18-1

The reason they're calling it racist, is because jump kick guy was black. And he was the only guy Kyle didn't shoot. Therefore Kyle didn't treat him equally. Therefore it's racist.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 18, 2021 05:07 PM (MCe9d)

438 Geraldo just said Kamala "is blowing it and leaving a bad taste for the next one"

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 18, 2021 05:07 PM (63Dwl)

439 If they come back hung, judge declares mistrial and kicks the can, jury acquits they acquit and the judge has to do nothing. Worst case they convict and judge grants the motion of mistrial without prejudice for the evidence f*up, and kicks the can. This was always about what wa best for the judge.

First rule of game theory. Understand your opponents interests and always assume they will act in their own self interest to the best of their understanding.

Posted by: mikethemoose at November 18, 2021 05:07 PM (T/vhV)

440 421 The foreperson has to get home to feed all of her cats.
Posted by: Mark1971 at November 18, 2021 05:05 PM (xPl2J)

OK, I LOLed.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at November 18, 2021 05:07 PM (ufFY8)

441 Holy shit. Goblin comes into a barbershop and fires two rounds. I don't know if he hit anything. Takeover robbery? Assassination? Goblin shoos a customer past him. The customer then draws his CCW and puts several rounds into the Goblin.
Posted by: bonhomme at November 18, 2021 04:41 PM (sG4Hj)

Oh man, that guy's IG account looks like a cornucopia of cray cray.

Here's Alex Baldwin's gun safety instructor:

Posted by: clutch cargo | now with 100% autocorrect at November 18, 2021 05:07 PM (wAnMi)

442 Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at November 18, 2021 05:03 PM (oWBc3)

I love Weller! I have one bottle, which was stupidly expensive. It is insanely tough to find around here, but in Philadelphia I see it in bars all the time.

Maybe the only reason to go to Philly!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 18, 2021 05:07 PM (Q9lwr)

443 "Juror - (foreman?) is asking if they can take the jury instructions home!"

Judge said...yes?!

Posted by: Tami at November 18, 2021 05:07 PM (cF8AT)

444 430 There is speculation that perhaps the jury foreperson

Make that "foreman." Let's not use feminist bullshit usage.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 18, 2021 05:06 PM (fSRlj)

Is this a Fronthole Having Person?

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw at November 18, 2021 05:07 PM (1SMSr)

445 This jury seems...special.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 05:04 PM (ptqGC)

"Special"...such a polite word for demented.

This is an open and shut case. The jury know it, the judge knows, hell, everyone knows it. But let's pretend.

These "special" jurists are going to make this retarded. Its what they do because 2021, its what we all do now...

Posted by: Boswell at November 18, 2021 05:07 PM (5iUNf)

446 427 Looks like the jury is going home for the night.
Posted by: bonhomme at November 18, 2021 05:06 PM (sG4Hj)

MSNBC staffers make mad dash to their cars.

Posted by: WisRich at November 18, 2021 05:08 PM (G0vdT)

447 Think speculation is right that judge expects acquittal based on record to avoid calling mistrial etc. However, opposite is not true, guilty verdict with error can embarass him.

Posted by: Farmer Bob at November 18, 2021 05:08 PM (9KXDf)

448 412 Jane we had a doctor like that. He was very conservative and hubby or I when we went in, would chat with him for a good 10 or 15 minutes. I really miss him. He quit his practice over the Obamacare bullshit. See? I didn't get t keep my doctor.
Posted by: Jewells45 deplorablethug#FJB at November 18, 2021 05:04 PM (nxdel)


She's the best doctor I've ever had. She doesn't wear a white coat, and is always in cute shoes and is very fashionable. She's smart and reassuring, too.

Not one of her Covid patients became seriously ill, and she is pissed over how the media treated the entire pandemic.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 05:08 PM (ptqGC)

449 What? one juror wants to look at video at home???

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at November 18, 2021 05:08 PM (ufFY8)

450 Looks like the jury is going home for the night.
Posted by: bonhomme at November 18, 2021 05:06 PM (sG4Hj)

Thanks for the heads up.

Posted by: MSNBC at November 18, 2021 05:08 PM (sBEo+)

451 Order matters.

Its: Diversity. Inclusion. Equity.

Aka: DIE
Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at November 18, 2021 05:06 PM (NW9xb)
This is why many organizations substitute "Belonging" for "Inclusion."

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 18, 2021 05:08 PM (DU+/6)

452 So I just now got the PDF of H. R. 5376. It's only 2476 pages long. Amazing compression to just 4MB. But can't wipe butt with PDF.

Posted by: gp Sets In Motion Various Apparatuses at November 18, 2021 05:08 PM (qpX6U)

453 They are hiding as best they can heart and blood clot problems with the Fake Vax, but they keep coming out so must be many more unknown to public outlets.

Posted by: Skip at November 18, 2021 05:08 PM (2JoB8)

454 Did they appoint her foreman or did she just appoint herself?

Posted by: SH (Overturn Roe) at November 18, 2021 05:08 PM (sX1BW)

455 >>> I've switched to tequila but Evan Williams was always on my list
Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 04:58 PM (ZZK0E)

Tequila vs good Mezcal - what would you suggest a person that is curious about it looking into first?

Posted by: banana Dream at November 18, 2021 05:08 PM (h/pNJ)

456 "Nonsense. I've lived in two blue high tax states. Had combined income as high as $275K. Never paid enough in SALT to exceed the current standard deduction."

You must have either been renting or had a lot of dependents;, because SALT plus mortgage interest will exceed the standard deduction pretty easily for a family of 3.

Posted by: Alex at November 18, 2021 05:08 PM (YjiAb)

457 CBD, my sons bring others all the time, the gift of children I guess, and I have friends that are Weller(wheat) or Eagle Rare (it's Buffalo Trace btw) or others so I see a range. Me? Creature of habit
Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at November 18, 2021 05:03 PM (oWBc3)

Weller used to be easy to get but then everyone learned that it is the same juice as Pappy -- just taken from different barrels and aged a little less. Buffalo trace uses a wheated mashbill for Weller and for the Van Winkle stuff. Most barrels become Weller, a lot less become Van Winkle.

Posted by: Doof at November 18, 2021 05:08 PM (mZUr4)

Make that "foreman." Let's not use feminist bullshit usage.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

I have a George Foreperson grill.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 18, 2021 05:09 PM (63Dwl)


Tequila vs good Mezcal - what would you suggest a person that is curious about it looking into first?
Posted by: banana Dream at November 18, 2021 05:08 PM (h/pNJ)

Don't eat the worm.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw at November 18, 2021 05:09 PM (1SMSr)

460 Multiple explosions in Donetsk.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 18, 2021 05:09 PM (I2/tG)

461 Looks like the jury is going home for the night.
Posted by: bonhomme at November 18, 2021 05:06 PM (sG4Hj)

This is terrible. Kyle is being railroaded. But, I guess we saw it coming last week.

Posted by: clutch cargo | now with 100% autocorrect at November 18, 2021 05:09 PM (wAnMi)

462 408 jury done for the day basically means hung jury, eh?
Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 05:03 PM (ZZK0E)


and even tho the jury is 10-2, 11-1 for acquittal

Mr. Tough guy Judge will not apply predjudice

he's a pussy

Posted by: REDACTED at November 18, 2021 05:09 PM (us2H3)

463 Its fun watching the judge, prosecutor, defense punt. Its a field position game; except the kid gets screwed-

Posted by: pahound at November 18, 2021 05:09 PM (fQ7bt)

464 450 Looks like the jury is going home for the night.
Posted by: bonhomme at November 18, 2021 05:06 PM (sG4Hj)


Posted by: It's me donna at November 18, 2021 05:10 PM (87qwM)

465 The fucking judge is letting them take the jury instructions home?

What. The. Fuck.

The person/persons taking the jury instructions home is obviously taking them home to do their own research / show them to someone / work out arguments to use against the jury tomorrow.

Posted by: bonhomme at November 18, 2021 05:10 PM (sG4Hj)

466 Aren't the jury instructions public anyway?

Posted by: Mark1971 at November 18, 2021 05:11 PM (xPl2J)

467 Its fun watching the judge, prosecutor, defense punt. Its a field position game; except the kid gets screwed-

Core aspect of America in 2021 - every office holder that isn't a commie punts on EVERYTHING. Easier to let someone else get crushed by the commies.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 18, 2021 05:11 PM (ESjRY)

468 We realize our reporting on this matter is shocking, to say the least. However, please do not misconstrue said reportage to indicate we will ever stop voting for, propping up, or otherwise lying for Democrats.

Thank you.

Posted by: WaPo Staff at November 18, 2021 05:11 PM (iydjf)

469 Bluecoat gin is from Philly. I love that stuff.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 18, 2021 05:11 PM (6FeV1)

470 This wishy washy fucking judge is starting to really piss me off.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at November 18, 2021 05:11 PM (ufFY8)

471 Tequila vs good Mezcal - what would you suggest a person that is curious about it looking into first?
Posted by: banana Dream


set your price point, decide how much smoke you like. that's about it. MiCampo is great cheap "not quite blanco" blanco.

casa noble anejo is not cheap but not stupid $ and it's insanely good. milagro blanco/silver very nice...but casa doble same field.

the craziest looking the bottle of mezcal you can find under $50, the better.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 05:11 PM (ZZK0E)

472 443 "Juror - (foreman?) is asking if they can take the jury instructions home!"

Judge said...yes?!
Posted by: Tami at November 18, 2021 05:07 PM (cF8AT)

And if they talk about any of this at home?

Reason for mistrial number 5? or is that 6?

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 18, 2021 05:11 PM (oHd/0)

473 Total Wine website and saw that they had New Riff bourbon in stock there.

Posted by: Doof at November 18, 2021 05:01 PM (mZUr4)

I have a bottle of their rye and have also tasted their bourbon. Good stuff. But...I am on a Texas Whiskey kick because of all the good ones I tried at the Texas Meet-up last month!
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 18, 2021 05:05 PM (Q9lwr)

Okee dokee. As they say on Friday Night Lights - "Texas Forever"

Posted by: Doof at November 18, 2021 05:12 PM (mZUr4)

474 Mr. Tough guy Judge will not apply predjudice

he's a pussy
Posted by: REDACTED at November 18, 2021 05:09 PM (us2H3)

Every day he's telling us he's paying too GD much attention to what the media thinks about this. He's enamored with his 15 minutes.

Posted by: clutch cargo | now with 100% autocorrect at November 18, 2021 05:12 PM (wAnMi)

475 "Its: Diversity. Inclusion. Equity. Aka: DIE"

My school district gets dismal education results, but an A+ in diversity, according to the state SD 'scorecard.' So since we were already best-ever in diversity, we just hired a new DIE czar, because we can be even better than best if we pay her a six-figure salary.

Posted by: gp Sets In Motion Various Apparatuses at November 18, 2021 05:12 PM (qpX6U)

476 the holdout will be on MSNBC 5 minutes after the trial is over

telling Joy that the other jurors are racist

Posted by: REDACTED at November 18, 2021 05:12 PM (us2H3)

477 Tequila vs good Mezcal - what would you suggest a person that is curious about it looking into first?
Posted by: banana Dream at November 18, 2021 05:08 PM (h/pNJ)


Posted by: SFGoth at November 18, 2021 05:12 PM (KAi1n)

478 The person/persons taking the jury instructions home is obviously taking them home to do their own research / show them to someone / work out arguments to use against the jury tomorrow.


We've just spent 3 weeks here. Do you really want to leave with those weeks squandered? We can either acquit which is the right thing to do or we just leaving telling the judge we are hung ... because you are the lone holdout?

Posted by: SH (Overturn Roe) at November 18, 2021 05:12 PM (sX1BW)

479 Don't eat the worm.
Posted by: Insomniac


the worm is 80's. now they have baby scorpions

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 05:12 PM (ZZK0E)

480 Aren't the jury instructions public anyway?

Good point. Someone like that is just going to Google them anyway, and they're in the public.

Posted by: bonhomme at November 18, 2021 05:12 PM (sG4Hj)

481 regarding whiskeys, a good, inexpensive canadian rye is 40 creek.

but then, i don't have sophisticated tastes with aalcohol...

Posted by: SturmToddler (8D42x) at November 18, 2021 05:12 PM (8D42x)

482 The fucking judge is letting them take the jury instructions home?

What. The. Fuck.

The person/persons taking the jury instructions home is obviously taking them home to do their own research / show them to someone / work out arguments to use against the jury tomorrow.

Posted by: bonhomme at November 18, 2021 05:10 PM

Only in Wisconsin. Not sure about every State but when I got called for Jury duty nothing left the building, instructions, notepads, nothing. If it didn't come in the door with you it stayed there when you left for the day.

Posted by: Mister Scot (Formerly GWS) at November 18, 2021 05:12 PM (bVYXr)

483 We all know damned good and well the jurors are watching the news and discussing the hell out of the case with their spouses and friends.

Why in the HELL weren't they sequestered?

Poor Kyle.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 05:12 PM (ptqGC)

484 >>> @TheInsiderPaper 2m

BREAKING Reports of massive explosion heard in Donetsk, Eastern Ukraine.
Posted by: Tami at November 18, 2021 05:00 PM (cF8AT)

From Daily Mall: Sean Penn dons combat gear and helmet as he arrives in Ukraine to film documentary about Russian aggression in the region

He's in Donetsk. Maybe he was envious of Alec and decided to outdo him by accidently starting a global thermonuclear war.

Posted by: banana Dream at November 18, 2021 05:13 PM (h/pNJ)

485 Why in the HELL weren't they sequestered?

Poor Kyle.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 05:12 PM (ptqGC)


Posted by: It's me donna at November 18, 2021 05:13 PM (87qwM)

486 Going to be a hung jury, I predict.

I wish the holdout would get dismissed and they bring in an alternate, and issue an acquittal five minutes later.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at November 18, 2021 05:13 PM (ufFY8)

487 I'm talking about tequila's you would sip over ice. Not as a mixer.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 05:13 PM (ZZK0E)

488 Make that "foreman." Let's not use feminist bullshit usage.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

I have a George Foreperson grill.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.

Make it foreskin. Because she's acting like a dick.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 18, 2021 05:14 PM (MCe9d)

489 She doesn't wear a white coat, and is always in cute shoes and is very fashionable.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 05:08 PM (ptqGC)

Pictures! Hopefully in lingerie.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 18, 2021 05:14 PM (Q9lwr)

490 450 Looks like the jury is going home for the night.
Posted by: bonhomme at November 18, 2021 05:06 PM (sG4Hj)

Thanks for the heads up.

Posted by: MSNBC at November 18, 2021 05:08 PM (sBEo+)


This time, just put a tracker on the bus ... then you can sell it to some murdering thugs for a nice profit.

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! at November 18, 2021 05:14 PM (LwD/l)

491 157 145 I make in the low 6 figure range is and the salt deduction cap hurts me significantly. I don't mind because I understand that that is the cost of living in the state that I live in, which I chose to live in, but it isn't something that just affects people who make 5 to 6 million dollars a year.
Posted by: Keyset at November 18, 2021 04:27 PM (ZMVGU)

You get to choose where you live, and vote for the taxes in your state.
Posted by: tcn in AK at November 18, 2021 04:29 PM (EHSip)

Did you miss the part where I said I don't mind, or the part where I said that I chose to live there?

Posted by: Keyset at November 18, 2021 05:14 PM (rEV2u)

492 Kyle's jury deliberations is ridiculous.

Posted by: IC - #FJB at November 18, 2021 05:14 PM (hV9ir)

493 you'd think you'd have them memorized by now

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 05:14 PM (ZZK0E)

494 Only in Wisconsin. Not sure about every State but when I got called for Jury duty nothing left the building, instructions, notepads, nothing. If it didn't come in the door with you it stayed there when you left for the day.
Posted by: Mister Scot (Formerly GWS) at November 18, 2021 05:12 PM (bVYXr)


Same here. They collected our note pads every evening before we left.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 05:14 PM (ptqGC)

495 Nood, from SALT to "Christian" charities.

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at November 18, 2021 05:14 PM (oWBc3)

496 Hey morons how many people do you know that have died of covid? I would ask if you know anybody who died of the vaccine ;but you trumpsters would lie and say yes.

Posted by: raimondo at November 18, 2021 05:15 PM (TjsxZ)

497 Pictures! Hopefully in lingerie.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 18, 2021 05:14 PM (Q9lwr)

She's gorgeous!

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 05:15 PM (ptqGC)

498 She doesn't wear a white coat, and is always in cute shoes and is very fashionable.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 05:08 PM (ptqGC)

Pictures! Hopefully in lingerie.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 18, 2021 05:14 PM (Q9lwr)

going to be a difficult who dis for all but one moron...

Posted by: SturmToddler (8D42x) at November 18, 2021 05:15 PM (8D42x)

499 >>> Scotch
Posted by: SFGoth at November 18, 2021 05:12 PM (KAi1n)

Oh, I'm there buddy. Scotch is my go-to. But I've never tried a lot of tequila and was curious what that was all like.

Posted by: banana Dream at November 18, 2021 05:15 PM (h/pNJ)

500 Imagine if the jury comes back with a conviction and the judge throws it out in the interest of justice.

"After we spent all this time ..."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 18, 2021 05:15 PM (fSRlj)

501 Letting her take the instructions home may just be giving her the rope she needs to hang herself and get dismissed. Once she mentions her "research" she's outside of the gamut of the evidence from trial and gone.

Posted by: Farmer Bob at November 18, 2021 05:15 PM (9KXDf)

502 BTW, this judge has the mentality of a traffic offense jurist - the guy that just wants peace among everyone and downgrades you fine if you just show up, or tries to appease the cop if he just shows up (they usually don't).

In short, he should not be adjudicating what amounts to the trial of the decade. Its like awarding the quarterback position for the last drive needed to win the Super Bowl to some lucky ticket holder in the stands if he wins a lottery over the P.A system...

Posted by: Boswell at November 18, 2021 05:15 PM (5iUNf)

503 "how many people do you know that have died of covid? "

Probably about 160. Why?

Posted by: f'd at November 18, 2021 05:16 PM (Tnijr)

504 I wish the holdout would get dismissed and they bring in an alternate, and issue an acquittal five minutes later.
Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at November 18, 2021 05:13 PM (ufFY

The other jurors should just beat the shit out of her.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 18, 2021 05:17 PM (P3gRi)

505 Why in the HELL weren't they sequestered?

Poor Kyle.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 18, 2021 05:12 PM (ptqGC)


Juror doxxing, intimidation, threats, and murder have a long, rich history in failed banana republics.

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! at November 18, 2021 05:17 PM (LwD/l)

506 Okee dokee. As they say on Friday Night Lights - "Texas Forever"

Posted by: Doof at November 18, 2021 05:12 PM (mZUr4)

The Balcones stuff is excellent...

And I have a Total Wine about 15 minutes from my house. But I prefer to shop at a local chain with excellent prices and who don't support leftist politicians like the owners of TW do!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 18, 2021 05:17 PM (Q9lwr)

507 Eh, Democrat/Communist politics is nothing but Feudalism.

They're the royals plucking food and property away from you deplorable peasants who'd just use the money you earn on what you want.

Anyone who votes for them in the Working or Middle Class is just an idiotic sucker.

Posted by: naturalfake at November 18, 2021 05:17 PM (5NkmN)

508 Once she mentions her "research" she's outside of the gamut of the evidence from trial and gone.

Posted by: Farmer Bob at November 18, 2021 05:15 PM (9KXDf)

Does this judge strike you as intelligent enough to have planned that?

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 18, 2021 05:19 PM (Q9lwr)

509 dd a small mortgage and SALT most definitely does affect me. But I live with it for all the other good that the tax bill had done.
Posted by: Old Radio Guy

ackshully your state and local taxes are finally affecting you.

Posted by: x at November 18, 2021 05:19 PM (oA+QO)

510 It's a hung jury.

Not necessarily.
- Madeleine Kahn

Posted by: Duke Lowell at November 18, 2021 05:20 PM (kTF2Z)

511 Old Radio Guy, I am in Taxachusetts also, our very modest home is taxed slightly over 8k annually, we are both retired. I wish that I could pack up and leave, but that is not happening anytime soon. I feel your pain.

Posted by: Debby Doberman Schultz at November 18, 2021 05:21 PM (a4EWo)

512 2 to 1 the foreskin has a piercing and more than 4 tats

Posted by: REDACTED at November 18, 2021 05:22 PM (us2H3)

513 I can't even go into the next thread, fucking catholic charities is an ally to ivnasion usa.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 05:22 PM (ZZK0E)

514 IDK that being a lone holdout is enough to get you booted for an alternate. What if it's the other way, like a 12 angry men situation?

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 05:23 PM (ZZK0E)

515 "Once she mentions her "research" she's outside of the gamut of the evidence from trial and gone."

I think the judge said, paraphrasing: 'they're researching anyway, so at least they'll research more accurately if the have the instructions in hand.' IANAL, but that's what it sounded like to me.

Posted by: gp Sets In Motion Various Apparatuses at November 18, 2021 05:23 PM (qpX6U)

516 It's not 5-6M in income, more like 300K. It hits the medium donor just as much as teh big ones, proportionally.

This is why it's so important.
Posted by: MJ at November 18, 2021 04:11 PM (zwDuR)

Nonsense. I've lived in two blue high tax states. Had combined income as high as $275K. Never paid enough in SALT to exceed the current standard deduction. The notion that this helps anyone but the top 1% is horseshit
Posted by: deadrody at November 18, 2021 04:43 PM (V9901)
You are wrong, though crazily confident. I checked the poor section of my town on zillow and a 1800 sq ft house on 3,000 sq ft lot has 2021 real estate taxes of $9,600

Posted by: Sundown Joe Biden at November 18, 2021 05:24 PM (PUXju)

517 I saw Baby Scorpions open for Baby Whitesnake

The "Tiny But Venomous" Tour.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 18, 2021 05:25 PM (Bmy3R)

518 I'm talking about tequila's you would sip over ice. Not as a mixer.


You don't put a good tequila over ice.

Posted by: Jewells45 deplorablethug#FJB at November 18, 2021 05:26 PM (nxdel)

519 People who died of/from COVID? Who knows.

Deceased individuals with COVID listed as a cause of death? A bunch. That's where the money is.

Posted by: klaftern at November 18, 2021 05:26 PM (taPSh)

520 You don't put a good tequila over ice.


straight sipper, you are?

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 05:28 PM (ZZK0E)

521 nood on tax exempt charities killing America

Posted by: Huck Follywood at November 18, 2021 05:30 PM (NBppC)

522 nood on tax exempt charities killing America
Posted by: Huck


yeah, that topic pissed me off, I'm skipping.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 18, 2021 05:32 PM (ZZK0E)

523 Polls, we don't need no stinking polls. We have Doh Men Yen and hundreds of cars with trunks capable of holding enough votes to overcome any margin of defeat. Not to mention the votes of those who have passed away from our greatest election feat Chinese virus. Polls, bah.

Posted by: Brandon and Kumi at November 18, 2021 05:43 PM (nZr0l)

524 Ultra wealthy whites are really who runs the Democrat Party.

I loved the SALT cap purely because it pissed them off so much.

It probably wasn't smart politics, but I'm more into spite at this point.
Posted by: Blago at November 18, 2021 04:12 PM (HDr+z)

I support it even though as a well paid citizen of a high tax state, I was bumping right up against the $10,000 limit, and I know that Inflation will put me over the limit in a few years.

This tax limits what the insane confiscatory governments of NYFC, NY State, Commiefornia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and New Jersey can extort from the rich. It also reminds their rich how much these Blue States hate them every tax season. Many are too ideologically dense to change. Butb a few at the margins may very well be.

Posted by: rd at November 18, 2021 05:44 PM (Z32m1)

525 Willowing:

"Trump limited that deduction. Unless you were someone making over five or six million a year or something, this limitation didn't touch you."

WHAAAAA? The limit is $10K. Pretty much anyone who owns a home in NY, NJ, IL or CA pays more than $10K in property tax alone, before even getting to state income tax.

I mean yeah the ultra rich will benefit more from eliminating or increasing SALT. But to say it only touches you if you're a multi millionaire is 100% untrue.

Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at November 18, 2021 05:45 PM (OalnH)

526 I was really surprised when Yahoo yesterday had an article with "Infrastructure Bill a Huge Tax Break for the Rich" and "SALT Tax Deductions the 2nd Biggest Spending in bill"

I like that maybe some liberals will turn on Biden and this bill, because people like Nancy have never fought harder than they have to allow massive SALT deductions, but then again all these people are attacking Biden from the left. They want more taxes and will vote to raise everyone's taxes to 100% if given the chance.

But let them fight,, let them vote in 2024 for commie candidates, and then hopefully 3rd term president Trump or President DeSantis shoots them into the sun in 2025.

Posted by: Rbastid at November 18, 2021 06:01 PM (AxTZp)

527 You mean that the Dems AREN'T the party of the Little Guy? Readership must be way down at the Wapo for them to disclose this.

Posted by: FatAlbert at November 18, 2021 06:01 PM (W23tn)

528 Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at November 18, 2021 05:45 PM (OalnH)

The bigger problem is it's a wealth transfer from low tax states to rich tax states. Thre liberal states will tax you more, so federally you'll get a refund from the low tax states.

The idea would be hopefully it pisses the people off (myself include who lives in one of these states) so they realize the state is stealing from them, and they choose to vote the commies out.

Posted by: Rbastid at November 18, 2021 06:04 PM (AxTZp)

529 I know a way better little toungue twister The Bitter Biter Bittern way better then Build Back Better

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at November 18, 2021 06:39 PM (wGqjj)

530 Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at November 18, 2021 05:45 PM (OalnH)

Median property tax in CA is <$3k, so no, most people aren't coming anywhere near the SALT cap. Million dollar homes are not the norm, even in the wealthiest counties of CA.

Posted by: Sjg at November 18, 2021 06:39 PM (gDSJf)

531 [skidson](

Posted by: aqw at December 13, 2021 05:38 PM (wnHAS)

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