Fox News Poll Puts Youngkin Up Eight Points Over Clinton Bagman Terry McAulliffe
Plus: NJ Governor's Race Tightens as Murphy's Staffers Admit He Plans to Re-Impose Draconian Lockdowns After The Election
I guess the visits from Obama and Biden didn't do the trick.
This is a poll of likely voters. Apparently most polls have just been polling registered voters.
Republican Glenn Youngkin has moved ahead of Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the Virginia governor’s race, less than a week before the election.
McAuliffe receives 45 percent to Youngkin’s 53 percent in a new Fox News survey of Virginia likely voters. Youngkin’s eight-point advantage is outside the poll's margin of sampling error.
That's a big shift from two weeks ago, when McAuliffe was ahead by five, 51-46 percent.
Likely voters are a subgroup of registered voters, identified mainly based on self-reported vote intention and interest in the election.
Among the larger pool of registered voters, it's a one-point race: McAuliffe 47 percent vs. Youngkin 48 percent. Two weeks ago, McAuliffe led among registered voters by 11 points, 52-41 percent.
What changed? GOP enthusiasm. The race is largely focused on education and this has energized Republicans, as 79 percent of Youngkin supporters are "extremely" interested in the election compared to 69 percent of McAuliffe supporters.
It's not just enthusiasm driving the change.
It's also a major shift by parents, especially dads.
Youngkin promises to ban the teaching of critical race theory on his first day in office, while McAuliffe denies CRT is even taught in Virginia schools. In addition, McAuliffe is still explaining his comment in the final debate that parents shouldn’t "be telling schools what they should teach."
The survey, released Thursday, finds movement in the views of parents. They backed McAuliffe by 10 points two weeks ago. Now, they go for Youngkin by 14. On the question of which candidate they trust to handle education, Youngkin’s previous 1-point edge among parents has widened to 12.
Among parents, Youngkin has dads to thank. Moms back him by just two points overall, and they trust both candidates equally on education. For dads, those numbers are +23 and +21 for Youngkin respectively.
A GOP poll by co/efficient also ha Youngkin up, but by a smaller margin, 47% to 43%.
The leftwing Washington Post has it as a
has it as a toss-up, McAuliffe 49, Youngkin 48. Which is essentially unchanged from their last poll showing it McAuliffe 50, Youngkin 47.
Via Ed Morrissey at Hot Air -- that seems a little strange. Because independents have surged for Youngkin by ten points since then.
Youngkin is fueled by an 18-point advantage among independent likely voters, up from an eight-point advantage last month -- a significant swing in a group that could determine the election's outcome. While Virginia does not register voters by party, 33 percent of voters in the poll identified themselves as independents. That compares with 34 percent who said they consider themselves Democrats and 27 percent who said they are Republicans.
Morrissey comments:
How did that shift not change the toplines? In part, it seems to be because this current survey includes more Democrats and quite a bit fewer independents.
What makes the Washington Post's poll too preposterous to believe is this: Not only has education rocketed up to become the most important issue on voters minds, but Youngkin has gained substantially on McAuliffe on that issue.
And when I say "substantially," I mean he gained...
42 points. He moved from being at a 33 point deficit on who is more trusted on education to a plus 9 advantange.
So sure, Washington Post -- it's a dead heat.
But let's ask Terry McAuliffe himself.
Does McAuliffe think he's going to lose?
Oh baby, yes he does.
He stupidly accidentally included a Fox reporter in an email chain asking if they could "kill" a story. That story?
News that McAuliffe is hiring an election lawyer.
You don't hire an election lawyer when you expect to have the most votes. You hire one when you expect you're going to have file lawsuits to climb out of a vote deficit.
And this idiot sent an email to Fox asking if they could kill the story.
Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe's campaign raised eyebrows by spending nearly $60,000 to hire a high-profile attorney known for masterminding election-related legal challenges. When Fox News sent the campaign a request for comment, the McAuliffe campaign scrambled to "kill" the story, according to emails mistakenly sent to Fox News.
Oh, and this is
just too precious -- the election lawyer he hired, that he didn't want anyone to know about, is...
Marc Elias. Hillary Clinton's lawyer and FusionGPS payoff conduit and peddler of Russiagate conspiracy theories. (And possible target of John Durham's investigation.)
The McAuliffe campaign tried to spin Fox, claiming they hired him not to challenge the election results, but to fight against... Youngkin' challenges.
And you just hired him a your campaign when to shit, huh?
Causing additional grief for McAuliffe, some comments he made in 2019 have come back to light.
In those comments, the man who says parents should have no say in their children's education claims that
teaching "diversity, inclusion, and openness" is just as important and central as teaching reading and math.
"We don't do a good job in our education system talking about diversity, inclusion, openness and so forth," McAuliffe said on C-SPAN Book TV while promoting his book "Beyond Charlottesville: Taking a Stand Against White Nationalism" in 2019. "We don't. We got our textbooks, but, you know, that has to be a big part of how do you fit into the social work of our nation and our fabric. How we deal with one another is to me as important as, you know, your math class or your English class and so forth."
"Terry McAuliffe introduced political agendas like critical race theory into the Virginia education system back in 2015. He lowered academic standards and dragged our children's math and reading performances down with those diminished expectations," Youngkin spokesperson Macaulay Porter told Fox News on Monday.
McAuliffe peddles the standard issue Education Deep State/progressive culture war line that
there is no such thing as critical race theory and that this is all a delusion of stupid, brainwashed parents.
MCAULIFFE: "I am sick of them talking about these issues of Critical Race Theory. We do not teach Critical Race Theory here in Virginia. It has never been taught. It is a racist dog whistle. It is pitting parents against parents, parents against teachers, and they’re using our children as political pawns, and it has got to stop."
Meanwhile, don't write off the Republican challenger Ciatterelli's chances to knock off covid fascist Phil Murphy in New Jersey. Murphy has an outside-the-margin sized
lead over Ciatterelli-- assuming that the polls aren't skewed, as usual, to the Democrats, and that polls of registered voters are predictive of who actually shows up to vote.
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy's lead over his Republican challenger in the upcoming gubernatorial election recently shrunk to six percentage points in the latest poll from Emerson College and PIX11 News.
Murphy got his own October Surprise recently, courtesy of Project Veritas, which filmed Murphy's staffers saying he planned to reimpose draconian lockdowns after the election -- but not
before the election, because he wanted to deceive voters.
Republicans are demanding answers from New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy after campaign staff revealed on hidden camera that he is concealing plans for broad vaccine mandates after the upcoming election -- citing independents' concern about "my rights, my s--."
The video, released on Monday by Project Veritas, shows Wendy Martinez, who works Hispanic outreach for the campaign, tell an undercover reporter that Murphy would implement widespread mandates like California, but the plan can’t be revealed because "right now it is about him winning."
"He's going to do it, but he couldn't do it before the elections because [independent and undecided voters are] all into all the s--t, my rights, my s--t," Martinez said, adding, ”"And they don't care if they kill everybody.”"
"He will, but right now it is about him winning," she said.
You can't see that story on Big Tech Social Media because they've conveniently banned Project Veritas's accounts.
But the elections aren't rigged. No, not rigged at all.
Posted by:
Ace at
12:19 PM