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Saturday Evening Movie Thread 09-11-2021 [TheJamesMadison]

John Carpenter and the Moviegoing Public


John Carpenter has a special place in the hearts of many, many film fans. His output from 1978 to 1988 is the sort of thing that almost any filmmaker would be incredibly jealous of. Beginning with the original Halloween and ending with They Live, Carpenter directed nine films that have more than their fair share of places in lists of favorites from the decade peaking, most likely, with The Thing in 1982.

And yet, his movies, with only one exception, cannot be called box office hits. Halloween is one of those movies that was made for almost no money and then tapped into the culture zeitgeist to bring in many multiples of its budget at the box office, but that's also the only one that could be called a hit from Carpenter's body of work. His next most financially successful movie (in unadjusted dollars) is Starman, easily one of the least Carpenter-like films he ever made. After that is Escape from L.A., widely considered to be one of Carpenter's least films (I don't agree, but that's another matter) and most definitely a financial bomb, it made less than half its $50 million budget back in theaters.

Why is that? Why is it that Carpenter is so beloved by film fans now, but at the same time why is it that almost none of his films found any meaningful success at the box office?



Looking at the number one box office hits from 1978 on you see titles like Grease, the musical about young love starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton John, Superman II, the sequel to the successful first serious comic book movie, and Back to the Future, the time travel adventure. The only movie that topped the box office charts without an ending doused in good feelings was The Empire Strikes Back, the sequel to the most successful movie ever at that time. Everything else, like Top Gun, Ghostbusters, and E.T. give us heroes who win clear battles, often showing us the strength of the human spirit.

John Carpenter's movies are...well, they aren't that.

Nihilism and Cynicism


If I had to boil down Carpenter's entire filmography into two words they would be nihilism and cynicism. Carpenter's heroes tend to be cynics who don't believe in anything. They're often cut off from their past, unable to connect with anything that could provide them with any larger meaning. Mac in The Thing is a drinker who destroys the chess computer he's playing against when it wins (and during the first goddamn week of winter, no less) and has no real connections to the other men in the Antarctic research station. John Trent in In the Mouth of Madness is an insurance investigator who believes that everyone's lying all the time. Snake Plissken in the Escape movies is a former war veteran (the youngest man decorated by the president) who turned to robbing the federal reserve because nothing matters anymore.

These are not the heroes of your normal blockbuster. These are largely cynical nihilists, people who believe in nothing, feel that nothing matters, and think that there's nothing more important than the here and now. These aren't the kind of heroes that general audiences want. These aren't clear-eyed men fighting for freedom, apple pie, and grandma. These are men fighting for themselves mostly, maybe finding that there could be something else out there worth caring about but, in the end, discovering that no, not even personal connections are enough to overcome the awfulness of the world around them.



That overall view extends into the tone of Carpenter's films as well. It's not like Snake Plissken is on an energetically positive adventure with his per sonality acting as a counterbalance to the optimism around him. The worlds that these characters inhabit are decidedly grungy and depressing. The Fog is about a small town originally built on betrayal and murder with the past coming back to haunt the innocent contemporary residents. Escape from L.A. is about a country suffering from a dictatorship inspired by Jimmy Falwell and on the brink of invasion from a host of third world countries. They Live is about how the world is completely overrun by aliens who are trying to strip-mine the planet and brainwash the entire populace.

The victories of these movies are not the kind of love conquers all feel good adventures that one has come to expect from Hollywood. Victories are often hollow or ironic instead of cathartic.

Carpenter, you see, has a worldview, and that worldview comes across very easily to see in his films. It's not a terribly positive worldview. It's a worldview shaped by the New Left of the 60s and Watergate. Escape from New York is based on his own realization that Presidents can be assholes too. He was and is a man who felt disconnected from the world that had come before, like he had nothing tying him to it. His first film, the student project Dark Star, is a story of three men on a spaceship with the sole objective of destruction, finding "unstable planets" and blowing them up with smart bombs. The movie ends with an epistemological debate with the smart bomb and the two final living characters marveling in the beauty of their own deaths. And Dark Star is a comedy.

Carpenter didn't make movies for general audiences. They're too dark, too cynical, and too nihilistic. The one time his worldview really gelled with general audiences was the horror film Halloween, which shares a lot with the rest of his body of work but does also have a more likeable lead in Laurie Strode as played by Jamie Lee Curtis. It's a horror film which, as a genre, contains more of the nihilistic and cynical elements generally as well. Horror films are also rarely the biggest films of a year, generating decent sized profits from generally smaller budgets.

Special note must be made of The Thing. The first in what Carpenter calls his Apocalypse Trilogy (the other two being Prince of Darkness and In the Mouth of Madness), it was the culmination of Carpenter's career up to that point. He had been seeing minor success following minor success ever since Halloween, and this was his biggest budgeted movie up to that point at $15 million. In retrospect, it's fairly widely viewed as his best film, but it bombed horribly back in 1982. There are many excuses for it (releasing it in summer, releasing in the summer of 1982, releasing it in 1982, not releasing it in October), and the truth is probably somewhere in the middle of all of it. In competition with Conan the Barbarian, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Poltergeist, and, most importantly, E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial, this dark tale of paranoia simply got lost. This could have been the major turning point in his career if it had been released at a time when it might have gotten more attention. Instead, it just set him back.

Another Side


Everything up above holds true for the bulk of Carpenter's work. Even movies not mentioned like Assault on Precinct 13 and Vampires fit into the mold of the typical Carpenter film. However, there are two films in particular that need to be pointed out as counterexamples to the kind of movies Carpenter made: Starman and Big Trouble in Little China.

Starman was originally a script in development by Universal at the same time as E.T., but Universal decided to go with Spielberg's film and sold the script to Columbia who held onto it for a few years. Carpenter, smarting from the financial failure of The Thing made the Stephen King adaptation Christine, which was a mild success, and then he took on the project of Starman to, as he put it, prove that he was more than just a horror director. Starman is Carpenter's second biggest grossing movie (at a grand $28.7 million in the US), and it's the only film he made to ever receive an Academy Award nomination (for Jeff Bridges as the titular alien character). This was the kind of success that Carpenter needed to prove that he was more and could direct outside of his comfort zone. He took that success and reunited with his friend Kurt Russell to make Big Trouble in Little China.

A script that was rushed into production to beat the Eddie Murphy film The Golden Child to theaters, Carpenter was given a short production timeline to make his effects-heavy action-adventure film. Taking inspiration from his main influence, Howard Hawks, Carpenter essentially made His Girl Friday with martial arts action, Chinese magic, and Kurt Russell playing John Wayne. It's a giddy, earnest adventure with a twist where Russell's Jack Burton is actually a sidekick to Dennis Dun's Wang Chi. James Hong as the villain David Lo Pan adds an extra sense of fun on top of the outlandish sets and action.

And it was a financial bomb, making only $11 million in the US. Carpenter has gone on to blame the studio's marketing department for having no idea how to market the film as well as the release of James Cameron's Aliens for the film's financially disappointing performance. It's obvious, though, that the failure had an intensely negative effect on Carpenter. He had delivered the fun adventure that people seemed to want, that dominated the box office throughout the 80s, and audiences didn't care. What did Carpenter make next? Prince of Darkness about evil defying any measurement or categorization and They Live about how evil selling out is (among other things).

It's easy to imagine that a financially successful Big Trouble in Little China would have led to a completely different second half career for Carpenter. His ability to command larger productions wouldn't have been questioned, and he would have been encouraged to make fun films rather than being forced back to where he started, making relatively inexpensive horror and action films again. I mean...he did end up making In the Mouth of Madness and Escape from L.A., two movies that I love, in this "downward spiral", but there's also no denying that these movies came from places of anger and pain rather than joy.

An Ending


John Carpenter hasn't made a movie since 2011's The Ward, a decent little psychological horror film that was poorly received and made no money. He seems content to collect paychecks from people remaking his movies and making music for the new installments of the Halloween franchise directed by David Gordon Green. He had definitely lost the love of filmmaking in the late 90s after the critical and financial rejection of Escape from L.A.. For every step forward he would take professionally, it seemed, he would end up taking two steps back, and the public just never went along with him.

There are myriad reasons for that, but it's hard to blame everything on externalities. Love of Carpenter's work has grown over the years, bleeding out from the hardcore film geek community very slowly and in small amounts, but it was never there in the general population. I don't think this is an instance of Carpenter being ahead of his time. I think it's simply that most audiences aren't enamored with the kind of films he liked to make. They'd rather see E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Movies of Today

Opening in Theaters:


Movies I Saw This Fortnight:

Escape from L.A. (Rating 4/4) Full Review "I love this movie. I unabashedly, unironically, and unashamedly love this movie." [Personal Collection]

In the Mouth of Madness (Rating 3.5/4) Full Review "It does have a traditional three act structure, but that familiarity is undermined by the absolute ruthlessness that Carpenter takes Trent into complete insanity. There's something really special at the heart of this film, and it just keeps growing on me with every viewing." [Library]

They Live (Rating 2/4) Full Review "As it stands, I find They Live an ultimately frustrating film experience that's more important for a central twenty-minute stretch than actually an enjoyable or engaging story to latch onto." [Peacock Free]

Prince of Darkness (Rating 3/4) Full Review "Prince of Darkness is a testament to Carpenter the director over Carpenter the writer. He took a script that honestly needed more work, and he made the absolute most of it in terms of production." [Library]

Starman (Rating 3.5/4) Full Review "There's tenderness and a guileless humanity on display, and then there's also a subplot about how the military is filled with dumb warmongers. Well, I guess we can't always have everything." [Library]

Christine (Rating 2.5/4) Full Review "It's still a safe genre movie for Carpenter to sink his teeth into after the critical and commercial failure of The Thing, but that safety ends up numbing its effect for me a bit." [Personal Collection]

The Iron Horse (Rating 3.5/4) Full Review "Still, this is an imperfect but wonderful entertainment that I found a joy to watch." [YouTube]

The Colossus of Rhodes (Rating 1/4) Full Review "This was [Sergio] Leone taking a studio job for his first credited film as director...He filmed the movie competently with an eye to the physical elements in the absence of anything terribly compelling on the storytelling front, but it simply wasn't enough to save a fatally flawed film." [Library]


Email any suggestions or questions to thejamesmadison.aos at symbol gmail dot com.
I've also archived all the old posts here, by request. I'll add new posts a week after they originally post at the HQ.

Posted by: Open Blogger at 07:44 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)


Posted by: Nobody at September 11, 2021 06:46 PM (8sr5K)

2 Second first ever!

Posted by: Nobody at September 11, 2021 06:47 PM (8sr5K)

3 Great thread

Posted by: CN at September 11, 2021 06:47 PM (ONvIw)

4 3 Great thread
Posted by: CN at September 11, 2021 06:47 PM (ONvIw)



I've read better.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September 11, 2021 06:47 PM (LvTSG)


Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at September 11, 2021 06:48 PM (oEn12)

6 I think Assault on Precinct 13 is available for free on VRV

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at September 11, 2021 06:49 PM (oEn12)

7 Good evening everyone.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 11, 2021 06:49 PM (mD/uy)

8 I always thought ET looked like a turtle without a shell. A naked turtle

Posted by: f'd at September 11, 2021 06:50 PM (Tnijr)

9 In the Mouth of Madness ... so underrated. amazing!

not to be overlooked, John Carpenter's music!

Posted by: BlackOrchid at September 11, 2021 06:50 PM (j9HX3)

10 Reading a tribute to the Shanksville heros.

Only movie I watched again I add was Union of Salvation, a in Russian language with no subtitles. It's about the Decembrists revolution in 1825 by some guard officers.
It's my understanding Tolstoy ment to have a sequel to War and Peace and the children from that were in the Decembrists movement.

Posted by: Skip at September 11, 2021 06:50 PM (2JoB8)

11 Christine is one of those films that I hated when it came out, but it seems stronger to me now.

I'm over my "Stephen King worship" I guess...

Posted by: BlackOrchid at September 11, 2021 06:51 PM (j9HX3)

12 Meh.

I've read better.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September

I don't get it.

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 11, 2021 06:51 PM (U2p+3)

13 Halloween didn't feel like a 20 day film made on a shoestring budget. That should be the film Carpenter is most proud of as it showed his talent.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 06:51 PM (2DOZq)

14 12
I don't get it.
Posted by: nurse ratched at September 11, 2021 06:51 PM (U2p+3)


I don't either.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September 11, 2021 06:52 PM (LvTSG)

15 Movies I saw recently:
Wrath of Man (awesome)
SAS: Rise of The Black Swan - it was ok action, and Sam Heughan is yummy to watch

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at September 11, 2021 06:52 PM (oEn12)

16 Halloween also produced my favorite movie trivia question that everyone now knows the answer.

What actors mask did Michael wear?

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 06:53 PM (2DOZq)

17 Given our media and movie maker's tilt these days... why anyone would put money in their coffers via streaming, renting, or otherwise is beyond me.


Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 11, 2021 06:53 PM (BFigT)

18 I don't get it enough.

Posted by: f'd at September 11, 2021 06:54 PM (Tnijr)


This post reminded me of Brion James, for some reason. When I just went to imdb to look him up, the now-garbage website is pushing the garbage "fauci" fake "documentary" on its main page. "fauci" is rated a pathetic 2.3.

Posted by: Soothsayer at September 11, 2021 06:56 PM (SfHsb)

20 Starman was a great movie. On my All-time favorites list.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Keith's Son at September 11, 2021 06:56 PM (x8Wzq)

21 Also: I loathe ET. Fooking hate it.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Keith's Son at September 11, 2021 06:56 PM (x8Wzq)

22 I always thought ET was overrated dreck aimed at a tween audience.

Wine mom naturally approved of their tweens going to see such innocent dreck, because it gave them more time to cuddle with a wine glass.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at September 11, 2021 06:57 PM (2SdPm)

18 I don't get it enough.
Posted by: f'd at Septem

At least you get it a little

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 11, 2021 06:57 PM (U2p+3)

24 I'm going to bow out before saying something about being tone deaf.

Posted by: Ben Had at September 11, 2021 06:57 PM (vK3Vg)

25 Original Halloween is good movie, seen many of these, mostly once only except Halloween which seen many many times.

Posted by: Skip at September 11, 2021 06:58 PM (2JoB8)

26 Watching Prince of Darkness before Y2K (especially the dream sequences) was very spooky.

Yeoman's work, TJM.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at September 11, 2021 06:58 PM (PiwSw)

27 Okay, I rarely hit the movie thread, yet, managed to post a scathing comment about ET just below another scathing comment about ET.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at September 11, 2021 06:58 PM (2SdPm)

28 ET was too kid like for me

Posted by: Skip at September 11, 2021 06:59 PM (2JoB8)

29 ET 2021: Text Home....

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at September 11, 2021 06:59 PM (PiwSw)

30 I'd no idea "Big Trouble in Little China" was a box office bomb.

I think it's a fun movie all the way around.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at September 11, 2021 06:59 PM (2SdPm)

31 I saw "E.T." as a kid during its theatrical run. I won a copy of it on VHS over the radio and even bought the CAV LD set later when I came across it for dirt cheap, but I don't think I watched either of them in their entirety. Bleah.

"In the Mouth of Madness" is one of those I'd still like to see--if for no other reason--for the context of that one scene with Sam Neil screaming on the bus.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at September 11, 2021 07:00 PM (DTX3h)

32 ET was too kid like for me
Posted by: Skip at September 11, 2021 06:59 PM (2JoB

I was a kid when it was out in theaters. I still hated it. And me, a kid and all.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Keith's Son at September 11, 2021 07:01 PM (x8Wzq)

33 "The Path to 9/11" (2006) Two part epic drama series covering eight years of Islamist war on America. I enjoy the kinetic editing, shakycam and closeups, (which was the style at the time, along with belt-onions,) but I can see where some folks would not. This is the movie that has been said to be repressed by ABC under Clinton duress, but there it is on YouTube, for now. Pretty darn good for a TV movie.

Posted by: gp's Movie Laffs at September 11, 2021 07:01 PM (qpX6U)

34 I've never liked Halloween, and I don't get why anyone does.

Most of Carpenter's catalogue is dreck. I'd like to be able to say otherwise, because horror is my jam, but there it is.

The Thing and They Live are notable standouts.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 11, 2021 07:02 PM (QU5/8)

35 I hate depressing movies as that's not reason for watching movies but there are a few I found are very good in spite of themselves. My favorite depressing movie is The Human Stain.

Wondering what on the horde's list of favorite depressing movies.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 07:02 PM (2DOZq)

36 I'm a chirpily optimistic type, but I love Carpenter's ballz-out pessimistic ending to "The Thing". Cosmic horror never concludes to the advantage of humans.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Live! from the Dungeon of Discord at September 11, 2021 07:02 PM (Dc2NZ)

37 I remember not being particularly impressed with ET when it came out in theaters. I saw it again with my boys about 10 years ago. It was even worse.

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 11, 2021 07:02 PM (U2p+3)

38 I finally watched a trailer for the second season of Picard.

Q pops up, they finally paid DeLancie enough money, and we go V for Vendetta fascist alternate time line. So Picard and his merry crew, who are unaffected by this time shift, hop in the Mystery Machine to time travel and instead of saving whales Seven of Nine tries to drive.

Dear CBS, when you ret-con cr@p you still get cr@p.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 07:02 PM (HmqpM)

39 ET blew. Carpenter is one of my favorite directors, Halloween, The Thing, The Fog and Mouth of Madness is just insane.

Posted by: Dr Spank at September 11, 2021 07:02 PM (4nBd7)

40 33 Pretty darn good for a TV movie.
Posted by: gp's Movie Laffs at September 11, 2021 07:01 PM (qpX6U)


Carpenter made 2 TV movies. The Hitchcockian Someone's Watching Me! and the biographical Elvis (where he first worked with Kurt Russell).

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September 11, 2021 07:02 PM (LvTSG)

41 I liked Starman...but then, I had/have a crush on Karen Allen.

All that aside, I liked the movie, and wasn't aware that John Carpenter was involved in its making.

Of course, back in the day, I wasn't geeking out on "directors" and such.

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 11, 2021 07:03 PM (BgMrQ)

42 Yeah ET was dumb. Now Trumpy , that was an friendly alien with a nasty side!

Posted by: f'd at September 11, 2021 07:03 PM (Tnijr)

43 John Carpenter's Vampires with James Woods was a fun movie. Campy, but fun.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 11, 2021 07:03 PM (kTF2Z)

44 Trumpy is magic!

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Live! from the Dungeon of Discord at September 11, 2021 07:04 PM (Dc2NZ)

45 I really liked Prince of Darkness, it is an incredibly unsettling, excellent film that is genuinely frightening and uses none of the usual horror movie tricks of today's movies.

I do like They Live, but it takes a really long time to tell a very simple story (its basically a Twilight Zone episode). The padded out beginning fails to really give a coherent sense of what is wrong overall, just "things suck and I can't get a job".

I did really like Starman, but I honestly was unaware that it was a Carpenter movie. It doesn't feel like one at all.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:04 PM (KZzsI)

46 I love, love, love, They Live. Yes, it has its flaws, but it's highly entertaining.

My favorite Carpenter films are Escape from New York, Big Trouble in Little China, and The Thing. All fantastic films.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at September 11, 2021 07:04 PM (VWp7G)

47 Now Trumpy , that was an friendly alien with a nasty side!
Posted by: f'd at September 11, 2021 07:03 PM (Tnijr)

Trumpy can do magic!

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Keith's Son at September 11, 2021 07:04 PM (x8Wzq)

48 When Jack Burton catches Lol Pan's knife and flings it back to plant it in his forehead is the best scenes in Big trouble in little China.

Posted by: Nobody at September 11, 2021 07:04 PM (8sr5K)

49 McCloud!!!

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Keith's Son at September 11, 2021 07:04 PM (x8Wzq)

50 They Live could have been a better movie if it had been less politically biased, or even just alleged that all parties were controlled by aliens. Carpenter should have consulted David Icke for the screenplay, he was halfway there as it was.

I always like Strange Invaders better.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at September 11, 2021 07:05 PM (UfRqq)

51 They Live should really resonate with everyone living through the current wave of bizarro-world fascism ...

Posted by: sock_rat_eez (Seiya) at September 11, 2021 07:05 PM (Seiya)

52 Wondering what on the horde's list of favorite depressing movies.
Posted by: Just a side note

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Posted by: Tonypete at September 11, 2021 07:05 PM (mD/uy)

53 Really liked Vampires, more so than Tarantino's From Dusk To Dawn. In Dawn you can really see what a bad actor Clooney is.

Posted by: Dr Spank at September 11, 2021 07:05 PM (4nBd7)

54 >>>They Live should really resonate with everyone living through the current wave of bizarro-world fascism ...
Posted by: sock_rat_eez

Absolutely correct.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at September 11, 2021 07:05 PM (VWp7G)

55 I've never liked Halloween, and I don't get why anyone does.

I didn't really like Halloween but its very well done and it created a whole new genre of film making. And when Michael Myers gets up off the floor behind Jamie Lee Curtis, that is genuinely frightening (especially the first time anyone saw it, before the immortal monster killer was standard)

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:06 PM (KZzsI)

56 I take it we all agree then, Pod People was a better movie than ET.

Posted by: f'd at September 11, 2021 07:06 PM (Tnijr)

57 Prince of Darkness plays off one of Mankind's greatest assets and sins - curiosity.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 07:06 PM (HmqpM)

58 Wondering what on the horde's list of favorite depressing movies.
Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 07:02 PM (2DOZq)

"Requiem for a Heavyweight" and it's not even close.

"The Wrestler" rates a distant "honorable mention."

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at September 11, 2021 07:07 PM (2SdPm)

59 John Carpenter's Vampires with James Woods was a fun movie. Campy, but fun.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 11, 2021 07:03 PM (kTF2Z)

Based on the book by the author of my favorite SciFi novel, Armor. John Steakley. He only wrote two books.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 07:07 PM (2DOZq)

60 >>>I take it we all agree then, Pod People was a better movie than ET.
Posted by: f'd

I was the only kid in my class who hated E.T. I thought it was boring as hell.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at September 11, 2021 07:07 PM (VWp7G)

61 ...I really liked ET :/

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:07 PM (KZzsI)

62 Depressing movie what I like: The Fountain.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Keith's Son at September 11, 2021 07:07 PM (x8Wzq)

63 61 ...I really liked ET :/
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:07 PM (KZzsI)


Me too.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September 11, 2021 07:08 PM (LvTSG)

64 If you don't like Halloween, see a doctor, immediately, there's a brain issue, probably cancer.

Posted by: Dr Spank at September 11, 2021 07:08 PM (4nBd7)

65 64 If you don't like Halloween, see a doctor, immediately, there's a brain issue, probably cancer.
Posted by: Dr Spank at September 11, 2021 07:08 PM (4nBd7)


Brain cloud.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September 11, 2021 07:08 PM (LvTSG)

66 The Wrestler was a surprisingly well made movie. Amazingly entertaining and likable, but tragic.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:08 PM (KZzsI)

Bad news, everyone: Twitter Activist and fake "comedian" and fake "actor" Patton Oswald cancels his events in Florida because the venue would not require vax for entry.

Posted by: Soothsayer at September 11, 2021 07:09 PM (SfHsb)

68 >>>.I really liked ET :/
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor

I was probably the one-off. Got teased about my opinion for the entire year.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at September 11, 2021 07:09 PM (VWp7G)

69 Call me crazy but...

I would consider Halloween the first of the "slasher movies" that would dominate horror in the 1980s, and Michael Myers would be the first of the "slashers".

Posted by: Snake Spirit at September 11, 2021 07:09 PM (y2DWb)

70 My other depressing movie I like is This Property is Condemned.

Of course all of Tennessee Williams stuff is depressing.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 07:09 PM (2DOZq)

71 I think that Carpenter's big problem wasn't so much that he made cynical movies, cuz there are plenty of those made in Hollywood, but that

he never ever compromised his his movie for the sake of the audience. He's very much an audience indifferent director, which is why his movies work so well as movies. They're very logical and follow the framework and characters which he's set up. But, never does he have an extraneous "fun moment" in his movies to pander to the audience or jostle them into his corner.

"Starman" is his warmest, friendliest movie but even there there's a certain wall between the movie and the audience. Fortunately, it has an awesome, emotion laden soundtrack - not by Carpenter to help the audience connect.

Posted by: naturalfake at September 11, 2021 07:09 PM (5NkmN)

72 Precinct 13 ?
Little China ?

both excellent !

Posted by: sock_rat_eez (Seiya) at September 11, 2021 07:10 PM (Seiya)

73 68 I was probably the one-off. Got teased about my opinion for the entire year.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at September 11, 2021 07:09 PM (VWp7G)


So, you went into law enforcement so you could plant drugs on every single one of those little bastards years later.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September 11, 2021 07:10 PM (LvTSG)

74 Drew Barrymore was the best actor in ET. and she was 6.

Stupid movie.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Keith's Son at September 11, 2021 07:10 PM (x8Wzq)

75 56 I take it we all agree then, Pod People was a better movie than ET.

Posted by: f'd at September 11, 2021 07:06 PM (Tnijr)

/makes "okay" (now, "white power") gesture

It stinks!

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at September 11, 2021 07:10 PM (DTX3h)

76 >>>f you don't like Halloween, see a doctor, immediately, there's a brain issue, probably cancer.
Posted by: Dr Spank

It was years before I realized Jamie Lee Curtis was the narrator at the beginning of Escape from New York.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at September 11, 2021 07:10 PM (VWp7G)

77 When I went to see ET in the theater, the trailer shown right before the start was for Poltergeist. It affected the first part of ET for me.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 11, 2021 07:10 PM (kTF2Z)

78 Critical Drinker just did a podcast on They Live with one of his subscribers. It's not bad:

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 11, 2021 07:10 PM (K5n5d)

79 The works of Tennessee Williams and William Faulkner cause alcoholism.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 07:11 PM (HmqpM)

80 74 Drew Barrymore was the best actor in ET. and she was 6.

Stupid movie.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, Keith's Son

Who was the little girl in Poltergeist? Because she rocked

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 11, 2021 07:11 PM (U2p+3)

81 Steakly's novels are both excellent. Vampire$ also has to be understood in the context of its release date, which was about halfway through Anne Rice publishing her Vampire Chronicles and turning the vampire into a metaphor for gay men. Steakly's vampires were satanic monsters and his heroes were unapologetic and 'toxicly' masculine. Very stark contrast to Rice.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at September 11, 2021 07:11 PM (UfRqq)

82 If I were younger when I saw ET I probably would have liked it if only for the flying bikes. That's a kid's dream.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 07:11 PM (2DOZq)

83 53 Really liked Vampires, more so than Tarantino's From Dusk To Dawn. In Dawn you can really see what a bad actor Clooney is.
Posted by: Dr Spank at September 11, 2021 07:05 PM (4nBd7)

I absolutely hated From Dusk Til Dawn, and you are spot on regarding George Clooney. "Hey, I need to be a badass in this so I'll just say 'Fuckin' every third word!"

Posted by: Cow Demon at September 11, 2021 07:11 PM (y2DWb)

84 One thing I liked about ET is that Spieberg pulled out all the stops to make a horror film, but instead turned it into a charming family kids comedy adventure. Like Goonies all the shots, all the themes should have been scary but were instead fun. The kid going alone into the corn field in the middle of the night alone, something strange is moving through the rows ... and its a kid alien that is shy and scared.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:11 PM (KZzsI)

85 Evening.

Starman is easily Carpenter's greatest film. Why?

Karen Allen and a pair of amazingly tight fitting jeans. Now that's a sweet, sweet ass!

Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 11, 2021 07:12 PM (0Us8J)

86 Escape from LA is a fav. Signed Cuervo Jones

Posted by: Surgeon General of Beverly Hills at September 11, 2021 07:12 PM (eBKFl)

87 Very nice commentary about John Carpenter. I watched the homage to 1950s Sci Fi "B" movies, Matinee starring John Goodman, this week. Loosely, Carpenter created the perfect 1980s "B" movies that were sort cheeseball, sort of over the top, sort of pure Hollywood, and most certainly designed to but butts in the seats which they did and still do. Carpenter for me can be summed up in two words: Snake Plissken. I mean, come on, he has an eye patch - he is like perfect.

My other watch this week has been The Man Who Wasn't There. In the Cohen Brothers universe this one seems to get lost. For me it ranks right there with No Country and The Big Lebowski as some of their finest work. The same can be said for Thornton's performance as the grey man, Ed Crane.

Posted by: LostInSpace at September 11, 2021 07:12 PM (ESLBo)

88 Having a young Jamie Lee Curtis in your movies was a good idea.

Posted by: Dr Spank at September 11, 2021 07:12 PM (4nBd7)

89 The fight scene in They Live is outstanding.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 11, 2021 07:12 PM (kTF2Z)

90 Who was the little girl in Poltergeist? Because she rocked
Posted by: nurse ratched at September 11, 2021 07:11 PM (U2p+3)

I forget her name, but she died in 1989, IIRC not long after Poltergeist III was done and in the can.

Posted by: Cow Demon at September 11, 2021 07:12 PM (y2DWb)

91 I didn't really like Halloween but its very well done and it created a whole new genre of film making. And . . .

Oh, I get the take that it is "important" in terms of horror film history and influential. But that's a separate issue from being enjoyable or interesting in its own right. And the genre it inspired is itself almost universally dreck. Obviously that's a subjective judgment. Friday the 13th etc does noting for me. The immortal serial killer is just kinds boring for me personally. I prefer other stuff. Just preferences. But I genuinely don't get the appeal of elevating someone lRichard Ramirez-like into a demigod who does all his work in the space of an evening.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 11, 2021 07:12 PM (QU5/8)

92 Saw The Green Knight, very arty and meta like a Terrence Malick film except more ponderous and less exposition.

Also I think the DP ran out of money for lights or he was going for a you are there lighting effect of the darkness of the middle ages.

Dev Patel was good and underutilized and he was the star and in every scene, which is neat trick.

See it once, and you never have to see it again.

After the film I had to watch The Best Most Exotic Marigold Hotel to pick my spirits up.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 11, 2021 07:13 PM (bnkLv)

93 I might mention that movies like Big Trouble In Little China probably got popular from many many MANY repeats on HBO.

Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 11, 2021 07:13 PM (0Us8J)

94 Growing up in the 70s and 80s, I never really felt that the cold war was going to end in mushroom clouds, no matter how many european protests there were against Reagan and Thatcher. So the cynicism many felt was overshadowed by optimism. And the bulk of the movies were balanced with feel good fare. Contrast that to today, where I am seriously doubtful about what the future holds, and there is almost no such thing as good, clean fun at the theater. Instead, an amoral public is inundated with depressing, woke, or senselessly violent pap like the Purge franchise or preachy, formulaic superhero insipidity. A newer version of They Live released today would strike a chord with at least half the country. Perhaps Carpenter was just ahead of his time. God kniws good storytelling is sorely needed.

Posted by: red speck at September 11, 2021 07:13 PM (gS3OW)

95 Who was the little girl in Poltergeist? Because she rocked
Posted by: nurse ratched at September 11, 2021 07:11 PM (U2p+3)

Can't think of her name, but she died, very young. As did the girl who played the older sister. A whole "Poltergeist is evil" thing sprouted up.

"They're here."

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Keith's Son at September 11, 2021 07:13 PM (x8Wzq)

96 Starman reminded me of what I think is a very underrated movie , K-Pax with Kevin Spacey,

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 07:14 PM (2DOZq)

97 85 Evening.

Starman is easily Carpenter's greatest film. Why?

Karen Allen and a pair of amazingly tight fitting jeans. Now that's a sweet, sweet ass!
Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 11, 2021 07:12 PM (0Us8J)

Ah, damn, need to see it again, then. Haven't seen it in YEARS.

Posted by: Cow Demon at September 11, 2021 07:14 PM (y2DWb)

98 I don't like movies and try to avoid Hollywood in general, but I read this entire post as it kept me engaged the entire time. Great job open blogger! Fantastic writing.

Posted by: BacktoGA at September 11, 2021 07:14 PM (MPYWI)

99 "Carrie-Anne do not go into the light."

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 07:14 PM (HmqpM)

Yeah ET was dumb. Now Trumpy , that was an friendly alien with a nasty side!
Posted by: f'd

But Trumpy can do magic things!

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 11, 2021 07:14 PM (63Dwl)

101 91 Oh, I get the take that it is "important" in terms of horror film history and influential. But that's a separate issue from being enjoyable or interesting in its own right. And the genre it inspired is itself almost universally dreck. Obviously that's a subjective judgment. Friday the 13th etc does noting for me. The immortal serial killer is just kinds boring for me personally. I prefer other stuff. Just preferences. But I genuinely don't get the appeal of elevating someone lRichard Ramirez-like into a demigod who does all his work in the space of an evening.
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 11, 2021 07:12 PM (QU5/


Michael Myers is pure evil in the first one, and he functions on a certain thematic level that creates a deeper sense of terror. In Halloween 2 he's just an unstoppable monster. There's a very fine line that Carpenter ends up balancing in the first that he didn't even try to both while writing (not directing) the second.

I don't really like slashers in general, but Halloween works.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September 11, 2021 07:15 PM (LvTSG)

102 Got to applaud Carpenter for his SFX for They Live, nothing super fancy but yet he managed to make really alien looking people.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 07:15 PM (HmqpM)

103 98 I don't like movies and try to avoid Hollywood in general, but I read this entire post as it kept me engaged the entire time. Great job open blogger! Fantastic writing.
Posted by: BacktoGA at September 11, 2021 07:14 PM (MPYWI)


Open Blogger is great at parties, too.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September 11, 2021 07:16 PM (LvTSG)

104 And as much as I thoroughly enjoy TJM's thoughts and opinions on film (I came around on 2001 because of his review) he's gotta spoil it by saying shit like, "I like Escape From LA!"

*Shakes head*

Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 11, 2021 07:16 PM (0Us8J)

105 [shakes head, startled out of trance]

Huh? Whut?

Last thing I remember, there was pic of uh...Melania, yeah, that's it...Melania.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc. etc. at September 11, 2021 07:16 PM (L47aO)

106 Sssssnaaaake...

Posted by: Dr. Varno at September 11, 2021 07:16 PM (vuisn)

107 Ah, yeah. Karen Allen. She had had that "attainable-for-a-dork-like-me" attractiveness.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Keith's Son at September 11, 2021 07:16 PM (x8Wzq)

108 98 I don't like movies and try to avoid Hollywood in general, but I read this entire post as it kept me engaged the entire time. Great job open blogger! Fantastic writing.
Posted by: BacktoGA at September 11, 2021 07:14 PM (MPYWI)

This is a James Madison sock right?

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 07:17 PM (2DOZq)

109 My freshman year in college I watched Prince of Darkness and Hellraiser on Halloween night for the first time ever. I didn't sleep that night...I kept seeing that really weird dream that showed up in Prince of Darkness...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 11, 2021 07:17 PM (K5n5d)

110 104 "I like Escape From LA!"

*Shakes head*
Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 11, 2021 07:16 PM (0Us8J)


Love is love.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September 11, 2021 07:17 PM (LvTSG)

111 I thought Open Kegger was great at parties.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 07:17 PM (HmqpM)


Get your tickets for the greatest movie of all time

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 11, 2021 07:17 PM (63Dwl)

113 I don't really like ET, but it's interesting to me that it's seen as a fun, optimistic movie. It portrays authority - the government, law enforcement - as enemies with ill motives who are not to be trusted. That's not especially fun or optimistic.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 11, 2021 07:17 PM (QU5/8)

114 111 I thought Open Kegger was great at parties.
Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 07:17 PM (HmqpM)


He's always first out the back door when the cops show up.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September 11, 2021 07:17 PM (LvTSG)

115 Love is love.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September 11, 2021 07:17 PM (LvTSG)

Yeah, not funny, especially after the sexual harassment "gender isn't sexuality" film I had to watch.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at September 11, 2021 07:18 PM (2SdPm)

Audrey II from European Vacation also died young.

Posted by: Soothsayer at September 11, 2021 07:18 PM (SfHsb)

"Open Blogger is great at parties, too."

I heard he brings his own lampshade.

Posted by: f'd at September 11, 2021 07:18 PM (Tnijr)

118 Ah, damn, need to see it again, then. Haven't seen it in YEARS.
Posted by: Cow Demon at September 11, 2021 07:14 PM (y2DWb)

They released a Blu-ray version a couple of years ago.

Karen Allen's sweet hiney in HD...mmmmmmmmm!!!!

Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 11, 2021 07:18 PM (0Us8J)

119 It's OK if you love Escape from L.A., TJM. I love it too. I think it has one of the most awesome endings I've ever seen in a movie. Perfectly captures the nihilistic worldview of Snake Plissken.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 11, 2021 07:18 PM (K5n5d)

120 The ending of Escape from LA is a thing of beauty.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at September 11, 2021 07:18 PM (UfRqq)

121 It's rare that I can catch TJM in an error, but Superman II was released in 1980. The first Christopher Reeve Superman film was the one in 1978.

Posted by: Darles Chickens at September 11, 2021 07:19 PM (yMbVh)

122 Carpenter is a mad genius, not of the ham-and-egger Hollywood clique. How many different ways can you remake Pretty Woman, - that's Hollywood!

Posted by: Dr. Bone at September 11, 2021 07:20 PM (z3kfP)

123 69 Call me crazy but...

I would consider Halloween the first of the "slasher movies" that would dominate horror in the 1980s, and Michael Myers would be the first of the "slashers".
Posted by: Snake Spirit at September 11, 2021 07:09 PM (y2DWb)

This is correct...

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 11, 2021 07:20 PM (BgMrQ)

124 Show them love, Peleton

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at September 11, 2021 07:20 PM (ufFY8)

125 I like parts of Escape from LA, but overall its a sad and somewhat cheesy remake of Escape from NY. With bad FX.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:20 PM (KZzsI)

126 It's funny sometimes but not shocked someone likes or dislikes a movie seemingly out of normal.

Posted by: Skip at September 11, 2021 07:21 PM (2JoB8)

127 Since Drew Barrymore came up , for those who like RomComs I am going to highly recommend Going The Distance .

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 07:21 PM (2DOZq)

128 And that basketball game was one of the cringiest things I've ever seen. The Surgeon General of Beverly Hills makes up for a lot of things, but not enough.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:21 PM (KZzsI)

129 You guys seem to think the point of making From Dusk til Dawn was something other than letting Tarrantino suck on Salma Hayak's toes.

It wasn't made for the audience, unless you like to watch that kind of stuff.

Posted by: Bilwis Devourer of Innocent Souls, I'm starvin' over here at September 11, 2021 07:21 PM (u1eUk)

130 Wow, with all this dislike or outright hatred for E.T., who would have guessed it was the highest grossing movie of all time for quite some time? Anyways, I saw it once. Before the Thanksgiving break in eighth grade. I thought it was...alright. Not spectacular but nothing I hated, either. The - key - thing I remember is my eighth grade English teacher going on and on about the symbolism of the keys - "Notice who has the keys!"

Posted by: Cow Demon & Snake Spirit at September 11, 2021 07:21 PM (y2DWb)

131 Ah, yeah. Karen Allen. She had had that "attainable-for-a-dork-like-me" attractiveness.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, Keith's Son at September 11, 2021 07:16 PM (x8Wzq)


Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 11, 2021 07:22 PM (0Us8J)

132 123 I would consider Halloween the first of the "slasher movies" that would dominate horror in the 1980s, and Michael Myers would be the first of the "slashers".
Posted by: Snake Spirit at September 11, 2021 07:09 PM (y2DWb)

This is correct...
Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 11, 2021 07:20 PM (BgMrQ)


I've usually seen the first slasher title referred to as Black Christmas in 74.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September 11, 2021 07:22 PM (LvTSG)

133 I saw at least 3 of these movies in the theater: Stsrman, The Thing, Escape from L.A.

So don't blame me.

Posted by: Texican ette at September 11, 2021 07:22 PM (UdJdw)

134 Excuse me.....

I need prayers for this covid thing that is messing me up. I haven't been able to eat much for the last few days because everything tastes super salty and gross. I have no idea what to do. I'm still drinking plenty water. But I'm weak, dizzy, tired, and just about ready to say fuck it.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 11, 2021 07:22 PM (Vxu+H)

135 She had had that "attainable-for-a-dork-like-me" attractiveness.

There is a whole type of actress in that role that is far more appealing than the "unattainable sharp elbows beauty queen" as Gillian's Island portrayed so well.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:23 PM (KZzsI)

136 Saw "Malignant", the new James Wan horror movie last night -
Wholley Kau!
It does exactly what I love a horror movie to do. Which is, set up the scenario, keep building on it, then goes completely balls to the wall insane in the final act.

"Malignant" is very much a throwback to the horror of the late seventies and 80s. Dario Argento was definitely an influence but not the only one. You'll figure out what the secret is, mostly, before the final act if your IQ is above your shoes size. But, it still manages to surprise.

Try to not read anything about this movie. Going in spoiler free is the best way to enjoy this.

The plot concerns a woman who's husband has been violently murdered and who herself was attacked and injured as well. Suddenly, she begins having visions about other people who the killer is murdering.

Is "Malignant" a great movie? No. But, it's hugely fun and entertaining. And completely kookoobananas in a good way.

Check it out.

Posted by: naturalfake at September 11, 2021 07:23 PM (5NkmN)

137 Yeah, Karen Allen was sexy yet seemingly attainable.

Posted by: Dr Spank at September 11, 2021 07:23 PM (4nBd7)

138 Done, Madam.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at September 11, 2021 07:23 PM (2SdPm)

139 Madam,
Take care, love.

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 11, 2021 07:24 PM (U2p+3)

140 Well well well fair Juliet and David Bowman in a movie together?

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 07:24 PM (HmqpM)

141 Madam - We're with you. Prayers.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc. etc. at September 11, 2021 07:25 PM (WD9ZA)

142 I watched the homage to 1950s Sci Fi "B" movies, Matinee starring John Goodman, this week.

I loved this movie when it came out! Raved about it. My friend saw it and hated it.

I guess it helps to grow up with "creature features" like "Robot Monster" or Castle's "The Tingler". We would howl with laughter at these schlockfests.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Live! from the Dungeon of Discord at September 11, 2021 07:25 PM (Dc2NZ)

143 THEY LIVE! IS BRILLIANT. I do love that movie.

Rowdy Roddy Piper was robbed of an Oscar!

Posted by: Puddleglum at September 11, 2021 07:25 PM (QFVV9)

144 Madame: eat anyway, just think of it as fuel rather than food. Feed the fire so you can fight off the sickness. Treat yourself like you would your child that you are caring for. God be with you and keep you.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:25 PM (KZzsI)

145 132 123 I would consider Halloween the first of the "slasher movies" that would dominate horror in the 1980s, and Michael Myers would be the first of the "slashers".
Posted by: Snake Spirit at September 11, 2021 07:09 PM (y2DWb)

This is correct...
Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 11, 2021 07:20 PM (BgMrQ)


I've usually seen the first slasher title referred to as Black Christmas in 74.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September 11, 2021 07:22 PM (LvTSG)

Now that I think on it, the same could be argued for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre as well (with Leatherface being the first "slasher").

Posted by: Snake Spirit at September 11, 2021 07:25 PM (y2DWb)

146 See a doctor on the Covid issue, there's various treatments and some of seem to work.

Posted by: Dr Spank at September 11, 2021 07:26 PM (4nBd7)

147 Dear Mr. Carpenter:

Better to have 5 or 6 movies that initially flopped because idiot boomers didn't "get them" and then go on to have all those movies enjoy cult followings for the next 30 to 100 years, than to be an immediate success and feted by all the fake, pedophile Hollywood assholes who were your "peers".



Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 07:26 PM (slzYk)

148 Matinee was loads of fun. The movie MANT makes me grin every time, that name is perfect (and, I used it for a monster in my fantasy setting).

I put it up with That Thing You Do as a fun nostalgia movie that doesn't get maudlin or sappy.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:26 PM (KZzsI)

149 I've usually seen the first slasher title referred to as Black Christmas in 74.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September 11, 2021 07:22 PM (LvTSG)

Then I would amend the statement to:
"Mainstream Slasher Movies"

I am not familiar with Black Christmas. Though by the title alone I should love it...

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 11, 2021 07:26 PM (BgMrQ)

150 My freshman year in college I watched Prince of Darkness and Hellraiser on Halloween night for the first time ever. I didn't sleep that night...I kept seeing that really weird dream that showed up in Prince of Darkness...
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 11, 2021 07:17 PM (K5n5d)

I saw The Prince of Darkness and The Serpent and the Rainbow at the drive-in when I was about 16. First and only time I've seen it, and I don't remember anything about it.

Posted by: Jordan61, Runner's Island Ambassadrex at September 11, 2021 07:26 PM (hP4QN)

151 Big trouble in little china was always a fav of mine. It was goofy but funny. The green eyed chicks were a nice bonus. Kim Cattrall and Suzee Pai..what a nice sandwich that would be.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at September 11, 2021 07:27 PM (VwHCD)

152 I love John Carpenter for Snake Plissken alone. All the rest of his work is just gravy. And you gotta love a guy who would cast Rowdy Roddy Piper in the lead role of one of his films!

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 11, 2021 07:27 PM (WmVfO)

153 147 Better to have 5 or 6 movies that initially flopped because idiot boomers didn't "get them" and then go on to have all those movies enjoy cult followings for the next 30 to 100 years, than to be an immediate success and feted by all the fake, pedophile Hollywood assholes who were your "peers".


Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 07:26 PM (slzYk)


Nowadays, he just extends his hand out and Hollywood drops checks into it as Hollywood remakes and makes further sequels to stuff he originated. He seems okay with that. It keeps him in cigarettes and video games.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September 11, 2021 07:27 PM (LvTSG)

154 Ace, rebrand this website as strictly satire and just report the news. There's literally no difference anymore!

Posted by: Taliban Vocal Band, Airplane Repo at September 11, 2021 07:28 PM (cCWRj)

155 Hellraiser was a genuinely disturbing movie as well, just unsettling and chilling without being gross or over the top with jump scares etc. Psychological and cold.

The Serpent and the Rainbow is terrible. "It was only through the scrotum" ... dude. Railroad spike to the ballbag means no sex for months.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:28 PM (KZzsI)

156 Just started watching Risen, a great little movie starring Joseph Fiennes as a cynical Roman Tribune who witnessed Jesus crucifixion and is tasked with finding His body when it "disappears". Highly recommended viewing.

Saw In The Mouth Of Madness this week and loved it.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 07:28 PM (slzYk)

157 Talia Shire luckiest actress as she was in The Godfather movies and Rocky movies. Set for life.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 07:28 PM (2DOZq)

158 I never would have guessed that these films would have done so poorly at the box office.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 11, 2021 07:28 PM (yQpMk)

159 For the past few years, I've been doing a double-feature of Prince of Darkness and In the Mouth of Madness. I recently got around to obtaining The Thing, so I suppose I can now do a full "Apocalypse Trilogy" over Halloween this year. That could be fun...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 11, 2021 07:28 PM (K5n5d)

160 "There are many excuses for it (releasing it in summer, releasing in the summer of 1982, releasing it in 1982, not releasing it in October), and the truth is probably somewhere in the middle of all of it."

No excuses. Your movie film didn't have a net profit? Your movie film wasn't good.

"Cult classics"? What are the metrics?

The Powers That Be will one day fix this inequity. Release one movie film per month and tie your social credit score to your having bought a ticket, showed up to watch it, remained in the theater throughout, and posted honest loving reviews.

Posted by: Iron Mike Golf at September 11, 2021 07:28 PM (8C7+r)

161 Dear Mr. Carpenter:

Better to have 5 or 6 movies that initially flopped because idiot boomers didn't "get them" and then go on to have all those movies enjoy cult followings for the next 30 to 100 years, than to be an immediate success and feted by all the fake, pedophile Hollywood assholes who were your "peers".
Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 07:26 PM (slzYk)

This x 2!

Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 11, 2021 07:28 PM (0Us8J)

162 156 Just started watching Risen, a great little movie starring Joseph Fiennes as a cynical Roman Tribune who witnessed Jesus crucifixion and is tasked with finding His body when it "disappears". Highly recommended viewing.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 07:28 PM (slzYk)


Fucking weird. I just got Risen in the mail from Netflix DVD today.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September 11, 2021 07:29 PM (LvTSG)

163 I may be the only person over 10 years old who never saw ET. But I love John Carpenter's movies. Kurt Russell being in a slew of them did not hurt.

Posted by: huerfano at September 11, 2021 07:30 PM (MzKgG)

here's a "movie"

A kitty falls from the stands (very high) at a stadium.

Posted by: Soothsayer at September 11, 2021 07:31 PM (SfHsb)

165 Malignant is available via HBO Max if you have it.

Posted by: Dr Spank at September 11, 2021 07:31 PM (4nBd7)

166 Hellraiser was a genuinely disturbing movie as well, just unsettling and chilling without being gross or over the top with jump scares etc. Psychological and cold.
Hellraiser was pretty gross (Frank shows up with NO SKIN), but yeah, not quite as over-the-top with gore as the later installments in the series. Its primary focus is on the relationship between pleasure and pain from the Cenobite view of things. Great movie.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 11, 2021 07:31 PM (K5n5d)

167 142 I watched the homage to 1950s Sci Fi "B" movies, Matinee starring John Goodman, this week.

I loved this movie when it came out! Raved about it. My friend saw it and hated it.

I guess it helps to grow up with "creature features" like "Robot Monster" or Castle's "The Tingler". We would howl with laughter at these schlockfests. Posted by: All Hail Eris

One word Galagator. I'm still waiting for it to be made. One of my favorite creature features was the movie "Them," a movie about giant atomic ants. Apparently the people involved with making Matinee also loved Them along with the Fly since the creature was a mashup of the two.

Posted by: LostInSpace at September 11, 2021 07:31 PM (ESLBo)

168 Big Trouble in Little China is so much fun.

Play it last if you binge on Escape from New York and The Thing first. You'll need the levity.

Posted by: callsign claymore at September 11, 2021 07:31 PM (g5J/M)

169 Posted by: Madamemayhem

Prayers for healing and for strength.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at September 11, 2021 07:32 PM (Z2hVt)

170 It blows my mind to learn that BTiLC was a box office bomb.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at September 11, 2021 07:32 PM (ZZK0E)

Watch that video!

The cat was saved by a...

Posted by: Soothsayer at September 11, 2021 07:32 PM (SfHsb)

172 Escape from NY was so underwhelming.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at September 11, 2021 07:32 PM (ZZK0E)

173 Risen is a movie I have wanted to see for a while now. Sadly its not streaming anywhere

The Serpent and the Rainbow should have been great, it has a terrific premise and overall its mostly well done. Its just that one scene stops the entire immersion, reminds you its actors doing stuff in front of a camera and yanks you completely out of the film. You just cannot take anything in it seriously again.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:32 PM (KZzsI)

174 168 Big Trouble in Little China is so much fun.

Play it last if you binge on Escape from New York and The Thing first. You'll need the levity.
Posted by: callsign claymore at September 11, 2021 07:31 PM (g5J/M)

And may the wings of liberty never lose a feather.

Posted by: Snake Spirit at September 11, 2021 07:33 PM (y2DWb)

175 Great post, compelling and rich.

Posted by: Dr Spank at September 11, 2021 07:33 PM (4nBd7)

176 Better to have 5 or 6 movies that initially flopped because idiot boomers didn't "get them" and then go on to have all those movies enjoy cult followings for the next 30 to 100 years, than to be an immediate success and feted by all the fake, pedophile Hollywood assholes who were your "peers".

That's what I told Bob all the time.

Posted by: Roy Hinkley at September 11, 2021 07:34 PM (cCWRj)

177 Watching another very enjoyable Keanu Reeves movie on TNT. The Replacements. The actress co-star was smoking hot but her career went no where.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 07:34 PM (2DOZq)

178 174 Exactly. I'm going to use that in a toast sometime soon.

Posted by: callsign claymore at September 11, 2021 07:34 PM (g5J/M)

179 Big Trouble in Little China is the only movie I have ever seen in which Kim Catrall was entertaining and likable. It has so many great lines, and the brilliant twist of making what seems to be the main character actually the sidekick is amazingly fun and effective.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:34 PM (KZzsI)

180 I have never seen ET. Never.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 11, 2021 07:35 PM (Vxu+H)

181 I watched the homage to 1950s Sci Fi "B" movies, Matinee starring John Goodman, this week.
Posted by: LostInSpace at September 11, 2021 07:12 PM (ESLBo)

Jesus, I think I remember that. I saw it once as a kid...whatever year it came out. Was there like some kind of subplot involving the Cuban Missile Crisis and a girl in the main character's class flipping out about hiding under their desks from the nukes?

Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 11, 2021 07:35 PM (0Us8J)

182 The actress co-star was smoking hot but her career went no where.


many times I've checked her imdb page when the replacements comes on

Posted by: Tim Riggins at September 11, 2021 07:35 PM (ZZK0E)

183 181 Jesus, I think I remember that. I saw it once as a kid...whatever year it came out. Was there like some kind of subplot involving the Cuban Missile Crisis and a girl in the main character's class flipping out about hiding under their desks from the nukes?
Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 11, 2021 07:35 PM (0Us8J)


You got it.

Joe Dante had a similar career to Carpenter's. Matinee would be his Big Trouble in Little China.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September 11, 2021 07:36 PM (LvTSG)

184 Carpenter gets credit for launching the career of his wife at the time, Adrienne Barbeau.

Why so much talk about Escape from LA when the first one, Escape from New York, is clearly the better of the two? But my only complaint about EfLA is that its mainly a remake of the original.

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 11, 2021 07:37 PM (WmVfO)

185 I have never seen ET. Never.

I never watched it either. I was a teenager at the time and my gang thought it was gay!

Posted by: Roy Hinkley at September 11, 2021 07:37 PM (cCWRj)

186 That Mannequin movie with Kim was not a box office win either.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 07:37 PM (HmqpM)

187 Jesus, I think I remember that. I saw it once as a kid...whatever year it came out. Was there like some kind of subplot involving the Cuban Missile Crisis and a girl in the main character's class flipping out about hiding under their desks from the nukes?
Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden,

You remember correctly. It takes place during the Cuban missile crisis in Key West.

Posted by: LostInSpace at September 11, 2021 07:37 PM (ESLBo)

188 Watching another very enjoyable Keanu Reeves movie on TNT. The Replacements.

There was a string of really entertaining sports movies that came out for a while there. I think maybe Major League started it? And yeah The Replacements is great fun. And yeah, Brooke Langton was lovely and unusually likable for a Hollywood love interest. Usually "she's pretty" is sufficient for the story.

Brooke has had a pretty steady career, mostly 1 off TV appearances

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:37 PM (KZzsI)

189 Hellraiser

The Hellbound Heart (novella on which Hellraiser is based) is one of the better kind of modern HP Lovecraft type of horror stories. I have a soft spot for Hellraiser, but the novella is a lot better.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 11, 2021 07:37 PM (QU5/8)

190 Watching another very enjoyable Keanu Reeves movie on TNT. The Replacements. The actress co-star was smoking hot but her career went no where.
Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 07:34 PM (2DOZq)

Highly underrated!

Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 11, 2021 07:38 PM (0Us8J)

191 There was a string of really entertaining sports movies that came out for a while there. I think maybe Major League started it?


the first major league was surprisingly touching, I rewatched awhile back and was like, wow, this love story angle is really the movie. Also, the world we grew up in is dead.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at September 11, 2021 07:38 PM (ZZK0E)

192 I was a kid when ET came out, but I have never seen it either. I suspect it either sucks or blows.

It took me years to get all the way through Close Encounters.

Posted by: Crom's Tankard at September 11, 2021 07:38 PM (QnWgk)

193 Porky's was a box office hit though that last third of the movie sucked. The entire movie didn't hold up too well either IMHO.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 07:39 PM (2DOZq)

194 193 Porky's was a box office hit though that last third of the movie sucked. The entire movie didn't hold up too well either IMHO. Posted by: Just a side note
The first Porky's is a masterpiece I'm willing to die on that hill.

Posted by: LostInSpace at September 11, 2021 07:40 PM (ESLBo)

195 193 Porky's was a box office hit though that last third of the movie sucked. The entire movie didn't hold up too well either IMHO.
Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 07:39 PM (2DOZq)

The Porky's Trilogy

Posted by: Cow Demon at September 11, 2021 07:40 PM (y2DWb)

196 The Twilight Zone mannikin episode was a lot better written than the Mannequin movie.

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 11, 2021 07:40 PM (WmVfO)

197 >>>Watching another very enjoyable Keanu Reeves movie on TNT. The Replacements. The actress co-star was smoking hot but her career went no where.
Posted by: Just a side note

Great film. And a beefy John Favreau.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at September 11, 2021 07:41 PM (VWp7G)

198 The first Porky's is a masterpiece I'm willing to die on that hill.

Posted by: LostInSpace at September 11, 2021 07:40 PM (ESLBo)


Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at September 11, 2021 07:41 PM (VwHCD)

199 >>>the first major league was surprisingly touching, I rewatched awhile back and was like, wow, this love story angle is really the movie. Also, the world we grew up in is dead.
Posted by: Tim Riggins

Should have stopped after the first film. It's a nearly perfect comedy, with a lot of great performances.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at September 11, 2021 07:41 PM (VWp7G)

200 I rewatched a couple really good flicks recently:

"Boiler Room" (2000) - Seth (Giovanni Ribisi) is a college dropout who runs an illegal gambling den. His father, a judge, holds him in contempt and demands that he do something with his life. One evening one of Seth's buddies brings in a young stock broker friend who is doing really well for himself, and Seth decides he wants a piece of the action too. He signs on with this small suburban investment firm even though all kinds of red flags are popping up in his mind. The money and lifestyle are just to seductive, and he has something to prove to his father.

Ribisi and Vin Diesel were both very good.

The other movie was "All That Jazz". *pops bennies* It's showtime! For a man who never danced on screen before, Scheider was a very convincing Fosse.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Live! from the Dungeon of Discord at September 11, 2021 07:42 PM (Dc2NZ)

201 For those who have trouble staying awake during Close Encounters of the Third Kind, here is a shorter more entertaining version:

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 07:42 PM (HmqpM)

202 Open Blogger is great at parties, too.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way

He just got a job as a male stripper !

Posted by: JT at September 11, 2021 07:42 PM (arJlL)

203 ET was the kind of movie that parents could take their 6 year old kids too and be happy because they know the kids would love it. That's the intellectual level of the material.

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 11, 2021 07:42 PM (WmVfO)

204 Joe Dante did a ton of great lucrative stuff though. Gremlins, The Howling, Innerspace, Loony Tunes Back in Action (great, forgotten and underrated) and yeah Matinee.

I thought he did Joe vs the Volcano, but that was John Patrick Shanley ?? Whom I have never heard of. He was mostly a screenwriter, he wrote January Man, Moonstruck, Joe vs the Volcano, and sadly Congo.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:42 PM (KZzsI)

205 The first Porky's is a masterpiece I'm willing to die on that hill.

Posted by: LostInSpace at September 11, 2021 07:40 PM (ESLBo)

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at September 11, 2021 07:41 PM (VwHCD)

I thought so when I first saw it but on a repeat showing 20 years later I barely chuckled.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 07:43 PM (2DOZq)

206 I only saw ET recently, like maybe in the last year or so. I saw little bits and pieces over the years, but finally decided to watch the whole thing.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at September 11, 2021 07:43 PM (VwHCD)

207 200 - Boiler Room surprised me, pleasantly. It's a good movie. I haven't seen a frame since 2003, though.

Posted by: Cow Demon at September 11, 2021 07:43 PM (y2DWb)

208 Should have stopped after the first film.

The third one in the Minor Leagues was pretty good but 2 was... not good. Pretty lousy, in fact.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:44 PM (KZzsI)

209 204 I thought he did Joe vs the Volcano, but that was John Patrick Shanley ?? Whom I have never heard of. He was mostly a screenwriter, he wrote January Man, Moonstruck, Joe vs the Volcano, and sadly Congo.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:42 PM (KZzsI)


Also Doubt. He's more of a theater guy, I think.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September 11, 2021 07:44 PM (LvTSG)

210 I never saw Porky's, I was too young, but I knew as a kid that it was a naughty film and I'll just keep that mystery alive. I didn't see Close Encounters but I read the Mad Magazine parody and when I did see it, tbh, I had no idea that Teri Garr was such a cutie.

As for stopping the Major LEague franchise...I think the second one had some moments.

For example, who among us wondered how the Yellowstone joke from the ML trailer never made it into the movie.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at September 11, 2021 07:45 PM (ZZK0E)

211 Sharkman
Idiot boomers again.

Posted by: dartist at September 11, 2021 07:45 PM (+ya+t)

212 Them! scared the shit out of me as a kid. Also, a young Fess Parker has a small part in it.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 11, 2021 07:45 PM (kTF2Z)

I need prayers for this covid thing that is messing me up. I haven't been able to eat much for the last few days because everything tastes super salty and gross. I have no idea what to do. I'm still drinking plenty water. But I'm weak, dizzy, tired, and just about ready to say fuck it.
Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 11, 2021 07:22 PM (Vxu+H)

Keep eating and make sure you don't get dehydrated, Gatorade helps. Treat it as medicine.

Consider zinc and lots of D, it can't hurt

Posted by: Kindltot at September 11, 2021 07:45 PM (HG00O)

214 Another movie that was great when I younger but is ballz now is The Corsican Brothers, a less famous Cheech and Chong movie.

Posted by: Crom's Tankard at September 11, 2021 07:45 PM (QnWgk)

215 I only saw ET recently, like maybe in the last year or so. I saw little bits and pieces over the years, but finally decided to watch the whole thing.

I've never seen Jaws start to finish.

It's ... not very good. Robert Shaw saves it from being forgettable TV movie junk but really its a B movie. Scheider is great as always but its really not memorable or great.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:45 PM (KZzsI)

216 I thought so when I first saw it but on a repeat showing 20 years later I barely chuckled.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 07:43 PM (2DOZq)

I'm pretty sure I would still laugh my ass off. Then again, I'm still that kind of asshole. lol

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at September 11, 2021 07:45 PM (VwHCD)

217 I thought so when I first saw it but on a repeat showing 20 years later I barely chuckled.. Posted by: Just a side
The best part about movie discussions is disagreeing with each other. I watched it a few weeks ago and it's a cheese ball movie and I loved every second of it. It's sort of like American graffiti but for people who dropped out.

Posted by: LostInSpace at September 11, 2021 07:46 PM (ESLBo)

218 Movie Related:

John Wick 3 Knife Fight Scene, but with E.L.O.'s "Mr. Blue Sky" as the soundtrack...

Posted by: Slapweasel (Ckg4U) at September 11, 2021 07:46 PM (Ckg4U)

219 I must have seem All That Jazz 30+ times when I was 10 so, because it was on HBO or Showtime or Cinemax and there were so many bare breasts. I was like David Bowman staring into the gateway: "It's full of boobs."

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 11, 2021 07:46 PM (QU5/8)

220 I need prayers for this covid thing that is messing me up. I haven't been able to eat much for the last few days because everything tastes super salty and gross. I have no idea what to do. I'm still drinking plenty water. But I'm weak, dizzy, tired, and just about ready to say fuck it.


that was me for about 4 days. you start eating again. I still feel like ass a month later but it's a lingering dark tea time of the soul sort of thing, which is fine because you should really rest and not workout for a while anyway.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at September 11, 2021 07:46 PM (ZZK0E)

221 If you're a fan of anime...

I finally finished the full series of "Fairy Tail" and I have to say that it's the best anime series that I've seen.
It doesn't reinvent the anime trope of "get stronger to beat worse villains", but it does work some interesting variations on it and the outcomes are sometimes surprising.

What makes "Fairy Tail" so good? Mostly the writing. They have a great set of characters with distinct personalities that go through changes as the series progresses. There's quite a bit of humor in the series from the very silly to the fairly sophisticated and most of it is character related, which is something I like to see. They also play the long game with over-reaching arcs as well as shorter adventures.
Best of all, it comes to a complete and satisfactory end. Which most series, anime or no, fail to do.

The soundtrack for the most part is excellent. And they use the outros almost always perfectly within the context of an episodes ending scene.

I don't want' to oversell "Fairy Tail" cuz it is an anime. But, if you'd like to see a good one. Check it out.
It's currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

Posted by: naturalfake at September 11, 2021 07:47 PM (5NkmN)

222 >>>The third one in the Minor Leagues was pretty good but 2 was... not good. Pretty lousy, in fact.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor

Yep. Fun fact. I have a Ricky Vaughn Indians jersey. Probably a collectible now.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at September 11, 2021 07:47 PM (VWp7G)

223 Close Encounters has one scene that resonates today. The govt. lies to the citizens about the alien spaceship about to land in Wyoming. They fabricate a story about a deadly virus in order to evacuate everyone in the vicinity.

When Richard Dreyfuss is in a van being evacuated with other ordinary people, everyone wearing a gas mask type protection against the "deadly virus", he does a rant about, you're being lied to, there's nothing to fear, etc.

He rips off his had mask to show the sheeple in the van the truth, but they all just stare at him. He escapes the van and continues on his journey to meet up with the spaceship.

I've thought a lot about that scene lately.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 11, 2021 07:48 PM (UsshY)

224 He's more of a theater guy, I think.

That makes sense. His writing, other than Congo, is terrific. Great dialog, great pacing, great plotting. January Man is one of my favorite cop thrillers, up to the last 10 minutes or so when it gets stupid.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:48 PM (KZzsI)

225 I think Porkys was funny once, didn't hold up on a second view

Posted by: Skip at September 11, 2021 07:48 PM (2JoB8)

226 The third one in the Minor Leagues was pretty good but 2 was... not good. Pretty lousy, in fact.


interesting. I vaguely remember 2 and have no recollection of 3. I'll have to find it. We're running out of content.

I will recommend Brand New Cherry Flavor if you got the right streaming platform. Set in pre-grunge 90's LA where ... it defies explanation.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at September 11, 2021 07:48 PM (ZZK0E)

227 Posted by: LostInSpace at September 11, 2021 07:46 PM (ESLBo)

Agree. No one is wrong about their personal opinion and I find the difference of opinion very interesting.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 07:49 PM (2DOZq)

228 The romance in Major League is a key central part of the movie, whereas in Bull Durham, its an annoying intrusion that could have been cut out losing nothing.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:50 PM (KZzsI)

229 Watched Videodrome last week as well.

Delicious Debbie Harry and James Woods mugging it up. Excellent movie that is creepy and a little prescient.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 07:51 PM (slzYk)

230 The romance in Major League is a key central part of the movie, whereas in Bull Durham, its an annoying intrusion that could have been cut out losing nothing.


which is not what people would expect.

rewatched field of dreams, happily before the FoG MLB game. Damn, that movie still gets me weepy from scene one to the end.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at September 11, 2021 07:51 PM (ZZK0E)

231 Fairy Tail also had the sense to do a great wrap-up. Not quite happily ever after but pretty close for that bunch.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 07:52 PM (HmqpM)

232 Brand New Cherry Flavor


Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 11, 2021 07:52 PM (QU5/8)

233 I'm trying to think of a bad James Woods performance. He's great in everything even if the movie is bad. Even little roles like the creepy ex boyfriend of Mrs Rothstein in Casino he's great. Apparently he improved most of his stuff, including the entire phone call at the wedding.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:52 PM (KZzsI)

234 I thought Little Shop of Horrors was pretty awful,too.

Posted by: Crom's Tankard at September 11, 2021 07:53 PM (QnWgk)

235 which is not what people would expect.

rewatched field of dreams, happily before the FoG MLB game. Damn, that movie still gets me weepy from scene one to the end.
Posted by: Tim Riggins at September 11, 2021 07:51 PM (ZZK0E)

Here is where I'm in the very small minority. Never got the appeal. Saw on American Pickers you can visit the filming location where there recreate the scene coming out of the corn field,

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 07:54 PM (2DOZq)

236 CRT, I love ya man, but Jaws is a very good movie. Now, had the mechanical shark worked as they thought, it would have been SyFy fodder.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 11, 2021 07:54 PM (kTF2Z)

237 I'm trying to think of a bad James Woods performance. He's great in everything even if the movie is bad.


love the JW anecdote for his appearance on Entourage. The script called for him to have a hot gf and he didn't like the one who was cast, so he brought in his own gf who was whoa, smoking hot jessica simpson style blonde.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at September 11, 2021 07:54 PM (ZZK0E)

238 >>>The romance in Major League is a key central part of the movie, whereas in Bull Durham, its an annoying intrusion that could have been cut out losing nothing.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor

I hated Sarandon in that. Costner, Robbins, Wuhl, the manager, the slutty girl, were all great, but Sarandon just seemed awful to me. Great film, otherwise.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at September 11, 2021 07:54 PM (VWp7G)

239 Watched Videodrome last week as well.

Delicious Debbie Harry and James Woods mugging it up. Excellent movie that is creepy and a little prescient.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 07:51 PM (slzYk)

Haven't seen that in decades, don't remember a lot of it, but I remember Debbie done titties in it. The important shit. lol

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at September 11, 2021 07:55 PM (VwHCD)

240 219 I must have seem All That Jazz 30+ times when I was 10 so, because it was on HBO or Showtime or Cinemax and there were so many bare breasts. I was like David Bowman staring into the gateway: "It's full of boobs."
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 11, 2021 07:46 PM (QU5/

I would argue that All That Jazz is the last great Musical that Hollywood ever made. (Oh Brother Where Art Thou has a great soundtrack, but it's not really a musical)

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 11, 2021 07:55 PM (WmVfO)

241 Jaws, viewed cold and on the big screen was fantastic. But it doesn't age well.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 11, 2021 07:56 PM (yQpMk)

242 The first A Nightmare on Elm Street is far superior to either Halloween or Friday the 13th.

YMMV of course. That movie scared the shit out of youngish Sharkman.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 07:56 PM (slzYk)

243 (Oh Brother Where Art Thou has a great soundtrack, but it's not really a musical)


and no boobies.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at September 11, 2021 07:56 PM (ZZK0E)

244 YMMV of course. That movie scared the shit out of youngish Sharkman.


It fucking scared the shit out of me and the posse

Posted by: Tim Riggins at September 11, 2021 07:56 PM (ZZK0E)

245 234 I thought Little Shop of Horrors was pretty awful,too.
Posted by: Crom's Tankard at September 11, 2021 07:53 PM (QnWgk)

IIRC, that was a musical, which makes it awful to begin with.

Posted by: Cow Demon at September 11, 2021 07:56 PM (y2DWb)

246 Hubbymayhem is so wonderful. He just went out hunting down low sodium food options. This prevents that whole everything tastes super salty. Low sodium chicken noodles soup is a winner!

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 11, 2021 07:56 PM (Vxu+H)

247 I thought Little Shop of Horrors was pretty awful,too.
Posted by: Crom's Tankard

90% of all small businesses fail in the first six months.

Posted by: JT at September 11, 2021 07:57 PM (arJlL)

248 James Woods and Brian Dennehy were in a mid 80s movie called Best Seller. The best part is watching Dennehy and Woods try to out intense each other with every scene. It's a good flick. Not great, but good.

Posted by: Puddleglum at September 11, 2021 07:57 PM (QFVV9)

249 I will bet that Field of Dreams is not near as good the second time you watch it.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 11, 2021 07:58 PM (yQpMk)

250 Here is where I'm in the very small minority. Never got the appeal. Saw on American Pickers you can visit the filming location where there recreate the scene coming out of the corn field,
Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 07:54 PM (2DOZq)

the story is aimed at men who had issues with making an emotional connection to their father - which is about 90+ % of all men ever.

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 11, 2021 07:58 PM (WmVfO)

251 Not to go off topic, but I have to get this off of my chest. I hate GW Bush more than I hate Obama. Almost as much as I hate Biden. I will be first in line to take a shit on his grave.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at September 11, 2021 07:58 PM (y1UMU)

252 I hated Sarandon in that.

She's terrible in everything. She never once got a job for her acting skills, it was an entirely different skillset in play.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:58 PM (KZzsI)

253 243 (Oh Brother Where Art Thou has a great soundtrack, but it's not really a musical)


and no boobies. Posted by: Tim Riggins

But it does have pomade

Posted by: LostInSpace at September 11, 2021 07:58 PM (ESLBo)

254 197, Wyatt - The Replacements is one of my favorite movies. It would have been cool if the redskins renamed themselves the Sentinals. I catch it every time it's on. Smarmy B movies are my wheelhouse. Twister, Independence Day, Where The Heart Is, etc. Twister is number one on my list. I know it front to back and back to front. When they cut something for time on tv, I know exactly what it is. Yes I'm an idiot. Lol.

Posted by: Jaimo at September 11, 2021 07:59 PM (NXGjq)

James Woods was great in Meatballs.

Posted by: Soothsayer at September 11, 2021 07:59 PM (SfHsb)

256 I will bet that Field of Dreams is not near as good the second time you watch it.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 11, 2021 07:58 PM (yQpMk)


"Hey, Dad? Wanna have a catch?"

Gets me every time.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 11, 2021 07:59 PM (kTF2Z)

257 250 Here is where I'm in the very small minority. Never got the appeal. Saw on American Pickers you can visit the filming location where there recreate the scene coming out of the corn field,
Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 07:54 PM (2DOZq)

the story is aimed at men who had issues with making an emotional connection to their father - which is about 90+ % of all men ever.
Posted by: Tom Servo at September 11, 2021 07:58 PM (WmVfO)

I'm in that 90+% and I could not get into that movie at all.

Posted by: Snake Spirit at September 11, 2021 07:59 PM (y2DWb)

258 From what I recall, back when critics really mattered when it came to box office performance (no slight to TMJ), many were very anti The Thing. That many of them reevaluated later does kind of speak to how a mindset can build among many of the supposed artistic classes and those that wish they were in them.

And I kind of have discovered I'm not the fan of ET I once was, as the last time I watched I was more discerning of how the score was moving me more than the film itself.

But I still want nothing to do with Escape from LA.

Posted by: Bete at September 11, 2021 07:59 PM (Ojki1)

259 My favorite depressing movie is Miracle Mile, starring Anthony Edwards and Made Winningham.

Young couple on first date try to survive the turmoil that erupts when it becomes known that the Russkies have launched their nukes at us.

Thoroughly enjoyable with a very, very sad ending.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 07:59 PM (slzYk)

260 252: Yea, never saw the deal with Sarandon. Meh actor, average looks. All that said I did enjoy The Hunger. An off putting, weird movie. I liked it.

Posted by: Puddleglum at September 11, 2021 08:00 PM (QFVV9)

261 Mare Winningham, not Made, obviously.

Stupid AutoCuke.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 08:00 PM (slzYk)

262 Omg Cat Ass I totally agree with you. I am so disappointed in GWB. Votes for him twice. Wouldn't surprise me if the deep state did take out the towers like my idiot commie brother in law said since 2001. But he said Bush did it himself.

Posted by: Jaimo at September 11, 2021 08:00 PM (NXGjq)

263 >>>She's terrible in everything. She never once got a job for her acting skills, it was an entirely different skillset in play.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor


Posted by: Wyatt Earp at September 11, 2021 08:00 PM (VWp7G)

264 the story is aimed at men who had issues with making an emotional connection to their father - which is about 90+ % of all men ever.
Posted by: Tom Servo at September 11, 2021 07:58 PM (WmVfO)

Makes sense since I'm part of the 10% whose father was my hero.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 08:01 PM (2DOZq)

265 James Woods strikes me as the type of actor that will do his best, no matter the quality of the script. He even researched a role on The Simpsons by taking a job at the Kwik-E-Mart...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 11, 2021 08:01 PM (K5n5d)

266 I've never seen them in a movie she's in that I've seen (huh?) but I heard they're fucking fantastic. dial a rotary phone.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at September 11, 2021 08:01 PM (ZZK0E)

267 Low sodium chicken noodles soup is a winner!

Hunting and gathering is one of the top jobs for a man. Good on him

I think South Park or Team America are the last good musicals. South Park barely qualifies

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 08:02 PM (KZzsI)

268 >>>Wyatt - The Replacements is one of my favorite movies. It would have been cool if the redskins renamed themselves the Sentinals. I catch it every time it's on. Smarmy B movies are my wheelhouse.

Brooke Langton. Yummy! You're in good company, since I really love XXX with Vin Diesel. It's not a good film, but I watch it every time it's on.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at September 11, 2021 08:02 PM (VWp7G)

269 My favorite depressing movie is Miracle Mile, starring Anthony Edwards and Made Winningham.

Young couple on first date try to survive the turmoil that erupts when it becomes known that the Russkies have launched their nukes at us.

Thoroughly enjoyable with a very, very sad ending.
Posted by: Sharkman

Did Anthony Edwards get hit in the head with a nuke ? I'd like to see that !

Posted by: JT at September 11, 2021 08:02 PM (arJlL)

270 Thoroughly enjoyable with a very, very sad ending.


Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 11, 2021 08:03 PM (yQpMk)

271 Thoroughly enjoyable with a very, very sad ending.
Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 07:59 PM (slzYk)

Damn I wish it didn't have a sad ending because it sounds like an awesome premise. Never heard of it before.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 08:03 PM (2DOZq)

272 Oh wow

For those who love Labyrinth, Fathom Events Sunday and Monday at select theaters will have a special showing to mark the 35th anniversary.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 08:04 PM (HmqpM)

273 Anyone seen Midnight Meat Train?

Holy shit is that a frightening movie. Based on a Clive Barker story.

It'll fuck up your dreams.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 08:04 PM (slzYk)

274 I've never seen Jaws start to finish.

It's ... not very good. Robert Shaw saves it from being forgettable TV movie junk but really its a B movie. Scheider is great as always but its really not memorable or great.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:45 PM

Nothing like it had ever come out before. Sure, the shark was cheesy, but there was nothing to compare it to and certainly no CGI. My brother and I saw it in a full theater in seats that sort of reclined a little and when Hooper pulls the tooth out of the boat and the face drops down, everyone in the room slammed backward. It was great.

Posted by: huerfano at September 11, 2021 08:04 PM (MzKgG)

275 Meet OwlKitty (Lizzy) and get a peak behind the scenes:

Lizzy on the soccer field was a scream!

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Live! from the Dungeon of Discord at September 11, 2021 08:04 PM (Dc2NZ)

276 Necessary Roughness is another fun football movie that came out around the time of Replacements. A bit more silly but still fun. Plus Kathy Ireland.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 08:04 PM (KZzsI)

277 Brooke Langton. Yummy! You're in good company, since I really love XXX with Vin Diesel. It's not a good film, but I watch it every time it's on.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at September 11, 2021 08:02 PM (VWp7G)

Babylon AD is one of my guilty pleasure movies,

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 08:05 PM (2DOZq)

278 when Hooper pulls the tooth out of the boat and the face drops down, everyone in the room slammed backward. It was great.
Posted by: huerfano at September 11, 2021 08:04 PM (MzKgG)

I believe I squeaked.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 11, 2021 08:05 PM (yQpMk)

279 James Woods strikes me as the type of actor that will do his best, no matter the quality of the script. He even researched a role on The Simpsons by taking a job at the Kwik-E-Mart...
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 11, 2021 08:01 PM (K5n5d)

I didn't know he was on The Simpsons, but I know he played himself on The Family Guy. I can't even say James Woods in front of my son without him replying, "ooh, a piece of candy!"

Posted by: Jordan61, Runner's Island Ambassadrex at September 11, 2021 08:05 PM (hP4QN)

Eris, did you see the vid of the kitty of the falling from the stadium stands?

Posted by: Soothsayer at September 11, 2021 08:05 PM (SfHsb)

281 Necessary Roughness


good one. Then there was The Program.

Everybody Wants Some catches this early 90's sportball energy too.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at September 11, 2021 08:06 PM (ZZK0E)

282 Fucking weird. I just got Risen in the mail from Netflix DVD today.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison

You are destined to write an interesting review.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 08:06 PM (slzYk)

283 My brother and I saw it in a full theater in seats that sort of reclined a little and when Hooper pulls the tooth out of the boat and the face drops down, everyone in the room slammed backward. It was great.
Posted by: huerfano at September 11, 2021 08:04 PM (MzKgG)

I remember that scene well - I went to it with friends bragging that nothing in a movie could scare me! Well that scene had me jumping out of my seat.

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 11, 2021 08:06 PM (WmVfO)

284 272 Oh wow

For those who love Labyrinth, Fathom Events Sunday and Monday at select theaters will have a special showing to mark the 35th anniversary.
Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 08:04 PM (HmqpM)

I will!

I saw it on tv a few years back and they pixelated David Bowie in the no-no region. Dem tight britches! It might have ushered a few girls into womanhood to see that, I guess.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Live! from the Dungeon of Discord at September 11, 2021 08:06 PM (Dc2NZ)

285 The Prophecy with Christopher Walker as Gabriel is a fun little movie. Virgo Mortenson plays a great Lucifer. I can't really tell if they were trying to make a horror movie or if it was tongue in cheek the whole way.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 11, 2021 08:07 PM (kTF2Z)

286 274 I've never seen Jaws start to finish.

It's ... not very good. Robert Shaw saves it from being forgettable TV movie junk but really its a B movie. Scheider is great as always but its really not memorable or great.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 07:45 PM

Nothing like it had ever come out before. Sure, the shark was cheesy, but there was nothing to compare it to and certainly no CGI. My brother and I saw it in a full theater in seats that sort of reclined a little and when Hooper pulls the tooth out of the boat and the face drops down, everyone in the room slammed backward. It was great.
Posted by: huerfano at September 11, 2021 08:04 PM (MzKgG)

There is something to be said for the pre-CGI era where the director and others working on the movie had to work hard to sell the audience on what was happening.

Posted by: Snake Spirit at September 11, 2021 08:07 PM (y2DWb)

287 Best of all, it comes to a complete and satisfactory end. Which most series, anime or no, fail to do.
Posted by: naturalfake at September 11, 2021 07:47 PM (5NkmN)

One of the problems for anime is it is often based off from manga or light novels and is used to promote those. So it often catches up to where the story is and either has to invent things (the maligned filler) or end in an unsatisfactory way as the material it is based on isn't over yet, and they don't want to turn people off from getting the manga/LN, so then you get the "no ending ending."

The joys of being in a secondary market is that the source manga/LNs may never be licensed, so overseas fans are either left hanging or have to hope someone somewhere did a fan translation that you can find.

Posted by: Bete at September 11, 2021 08:07 PM (Ojki1)

288 True story, Jaws 2 was partly filmed where I was living. Some of my friends were extras in the movie, as was my HS band.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 11, 2021 08:07 PM (yQpMk)

289 Escape from L.A. is about a country suffering from a dictatorship inspired by Jimmy Falwell and on the brink of invasion from a host of third world countries.



Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at September 11, 2021 08:07 PM (hVqGz)

290 Since we are talking about Kurt Russell, he's in another of my guilty pleasure movies.

3000 Miles to Graceland.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 08:07 PM (2DOZq)

291 Midnight Meat Train


Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 11, 2021 08:07 PM (QU5/8)

292 Christopher, Risen is $2.99 on Amazon Prime.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 08:08 PM (slzYk)

293 Eris!
Owlkitty in Jaws is hysterical!

But my favorite is owlkitty in Pulp fiction

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 11, 2021 08:08 PM (U2p+3)

294 The Prophecy with Christopher Walker as Gabriel is a fun little movie. Virgo Mortenson plays a great Lucifer. I can't really tell if they were trying to make a horror movie or if it was tongue in cheek the whole way.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 11, 2021 08:07 PM (kTF2Z)

That and Peter Stormare in Constantine are the two best devil performances ever.

Posted by: Jordan61, Runner's Island Ambassadrex at September 11, 2021 08:08 PM (hP4QN)

295 For Studio Ghibli fans willing to go to a theater -

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 08:08 PM (HmqpM)

296 290 Since we are talking about Kurt Russell, he's in another of my guilty pleasure movies.

3000 Miles to Graceland.
Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 08:07 PM (2DOZq)

My wife's favorite rom com is Overboard. It has some damn funny moments. (We live here? Deliberately?)

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 11, 2021 08:09 PM (WmVfO)

297 Fuck you, autocucumber.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 11, 2021 08:09 PM (kTF2Z)

298 Oh, look, a website I haven't visited in years upon years.

Because it was mentioned above...

Black Christmas (in 30 seconds, re-enacted by bunnies)

Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 11, 2021 08:10 PM (0Us8J)

299 That and Peter Stormare in Constantine are the two best devil performances ever.
Posted by: Jordan61, Runner's Island Ambassadrex at September 11, 2021 08:08 PM (hP4QN)
I dunno. I'm kinda partial to Al Pacino's performance in The Devil's Advocate. He goes ALL IN. Stormare's performance is also great though....

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 11, 2021 08:10 PM (K5n5d)

300 The first A Nightmare on Elm Street is far superior to either Halloween or Friday the 13th.

Oh, ye of little discernment.
The original Halloween had no blood, no killing scenes.
It was Hitchcockian, IMHO.

Posted by: MkY at September 11, 2021 08:10 PM (Foq6I)

301 They pixelated David Bowie?

They need to be pixelated in return and see how they like being Minecraft characters.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 08:10 PM (HmqpM)

302 They Live cracks me up because it shows boobs in the last 3 seconds of the film.

Posted by: goodluckduck at September 11, 2021 08:11 PM (V8zw+)

303 Just came back from Raleigh, NC-- they're all masked up again and prancing around like some Kansas City faggots.

Posted by: Regular joe at September 11, 2021 08:11 PM (L9P9s)

304 Jaws:
Haven't seen it quite some time. But the last time I saw it (Netflix? Prime Video? A later dvd issue? -- I dunno, I've slept since then) they'd dubbed in voice-over at the finish where a desperate Roy Scheider is shooting at the shark. "Blow up! Come on, blow up!" I saw Jaws in its initial theatrical release, and those words weren't there. It was clear from Scheider's expression that for a moment he hadn't realized what had happened when a lucky bullet hit the air tank. The dubbing makes it look like he was shooting at the tank all along -- yeah, right -- and lets the audience know that somebody in the production thinks the audience is too stupid to realize what had happened at that moment. Bleecccchhhh.

Sarandon -- didn't think she was bad in Bull Durham, just that the character was hard to believe. She was, I thought, quite good in Atlantic City and in Twilight (the one with Paul Newman, James Garner, and Gene Hackman; not the one with sparkly vampires).

Carpenter -- His stuff doesn't always quite work for me, but the man is never dull. These days, there's a lot to be said for that, and there are a number of Carpenter flicks that just never get old.

Posted by: Just Some Guy at September 11, 2021 08:11 PM (JzDjf)

305 I really liked the Constantine movie. Its not really Constantine, and fans of the comic generally hate it but it was a well done and entertaining movie.

There was a short-lived TV show with John Glover as satan called Brimstone that was terrific, he was an amazing Devil there. So good they recast him in Lucifer, but not as Satan, sadly.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 08:11 PM (KZzsI)

306 My wife's favorite rom com is Overboard. It has some damn funny moments. (We live here? Deliberately?)
Posted by: Tom Servo at September 11, 2021 08:09 PM (WmVfO)

One of my favorites if not my favorite RomCom. Up thread I recommended the RomCom , Going the Distance.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 08:12 PM (2DOZq)

307 Big Trouble in Little China (My second fave Carpenter film after The Thing, which is the greatest horror movie ever made) also gave rise to the greatest youtube parody video ever made:

Posted by: NeverBiden at September 11, 2021 08:12 PM (uA3aJ)

308 I love Labyrinth.
"Just love me, fear me, do as I say and I will be your slave"

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 11, 2021 08:12 PM (Vxu+H)

309 278 when Hooper pulls the tooth out of the boat and the face drops down, everyone in the room slammed backward. It was great.
Posted by: huerfano at September 11, 2021 08:04 PM (MzKgG)

I believe I squeaked.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 11, 2021 08:05 PM (yQpMk)

There are two other scenes that I've seen make an audience jump out of their seats in terror.

1) Aliens, the chest bursting scene ( I was so high when I saw that, and almost shit myself )

2) The Exorcist, Regan doing the head spinning 360. I was at a theater which was in the inner city environs. The audience LOST.THEIR.SHIT.

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 11, 2021 08:13 PM (BgMrQ)

310 Devil's Advocate is a gem. And one of the few movies where nudity actually makes sense and is required for the scene.

Another creepy devil movie that really worked was Angel Heart. Brilliant premise, well done. Again, nude scene that worked and made sense.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 08:13 PM (KZzsI)

311 There was a short-lived TV show with John Glover as satan called Brimstone that was terrific, he was an amazing Devil there.

and God, when he had on a white suit.

that was another of those Fox shows that got cancelled just when it got good.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 11, 2021 08:14 PM (yQpMk)

312 That and Peter Stormare in Constantine are the two best devil performances ever.
Posted by: Jordan61, Runner's Island Ambassadrex at September 11, 2021 08:08 PM (hP4QN)
I dunno. I'm kinda partial to Al Pacino's performance in The Devil's Advocate. He goes ALL IN. Stormare's performance is also great though....
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 11, 2021 08:10 PM (K5n5d)

Both Keanu Reeves movies.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 08:14 PM (2DOZq)

313 Halloween (in 40 seconds and re-enacted by bunnies)

Man, I forgot how much I loved this site.

Posted by: Robert - Iron Maiden, Senjutsu, OUT NOW!!! at September 11, 2021 08:14 PM (0Us8J)

314 They pixelated David Bowie?

Just his Diamond Dog.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Live! from the Dungeon of Discord at September 11, 2021 08:14 PM (Dc2NZ)

315 308 I love Labyrinth.
"Just love me, fear me, do as I say and I will be your slave"
Posted by: Madamemayhem

we just rewatched Labyrinth the other night!

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabamillion (oEn12) at September 11, 2021 08:14 PM (oEn12)

316 I've seen an awful lot of those Carpenter films, and I'm not really a horror fanboi. I seem to recall seeing Halloween, but none of the sequels.

Maybe it's Kurt Russell, who worked for him a lot.

Anyways, good review of Carpenter's works TJM.

I've been watching Tubi stuff this week -- Die Hard, DHII, The Specialist. Explosions and Sharon Stone's boobs in that last one; James Woods does a good bad guy.

Posted by: GnuBreed, no circumstance at September 11, 2021 08:15 PM (F0YaR)

317 that was another of those Fox shows that got cancelled just when it got good.

Yeah they should have given it at least one more season. That was a great show.

Keanu has been in a lot of great stuff. He's got a really narrow range, but he picks roles well that work in that range.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 08:15 PM (KZzsI)

318 Robert De Niro played a good devil, albeit briefly, in Angelheart.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 11, 2021 08:15 PM (QU5/8)

319 Sharkman
Idiot boomers again.

Posted by: dartist

I was born in 63, so I'm an Idiot Boomer.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 08:15 PM (slzYk)

320 There are two other scenes that I've seen make an audience jump out of their seats in terror.

1) Aliens, the chest bursting scene ( I was so high when I saw that, and almost shit myself )

2) The Exorcist, Regan doing the head spinning 360. I was at a theater which was in the inner city environs. The audience LOST.THEIR.SHIT.
Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 11, 2021 08:13 PM (BgMrQ)

I saw Carrie in the theater on shrooms. I thought the movie was over and was starting to stand up when the hand burst up out of the grave.

Another squeaker.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 11, 2021 08:16 PM (yQpMk)

321 That chest bursting scene, its one of those things you love to watch with someone who's never seen the movie. Just to see them react.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 08:16 PM (KZzsI)

322 I saw Carrie in the theater on shrooms. I thought the movie was over and was starting to stand up when the hand burst up out of the grave.

Another squeaker.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 11, 2021 08:16 PM (yQpMk)

...and then there's the scene in Jeremiah Johnson. That was another rocket ship shot to the ceiling.

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 11, 2021 08:17 PM (BgMrQ)

323 And of course the Movie Thread can't pass without mentioning that the trailer for Matrix Resurrections is out:

Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 08:18 PM (slzYk)

324 Twilight (the one with Paul Newman, James Garner, and Gene Hackman; not the one with sparkly vampires).

I forgot she was in that. I liked that movie.

Posted by: Puddleglum at September 11, 2021 08:18 PM (QFVV9)

325 272 Oh wow

For those who love Labyrinth, Fathom Events Sunday and Monday at select theaters will have a special showing to mark the 35th anniversary.
Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 08:04 PM (HmqpM)

The original Ghost in the Shell is coming to IMAX theaters . Waiting for a regular theatrical release, as I'm not anywhere near a screen where it is showing, and am not driving a couple hours to see it.

Posted by: Bete at September 11, 2021 08:18 PM (Ojki1)

326 I was born in 63, so I'm an Idiot Boomer.
Posted by: Sharkman at Septe

You're right on the cusp of Boomer, Gen X.

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 11, 2021 08:19 PM (U2p+3)

327 Was remembering Isaw Porky II I the theater and might e one of the worst movies ever paid for

Posted by: Skip at September 11, 2021 08:19 PM (2JoB8)

328 The animated Ghost in the Shell was amazing. I still don't quite understand everything that is going on, but that's usually true in Anime

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 08:19 PM (KZzsI)

329 327 Was remembering Isaw Porky II I the theater and might e one of the worst movies ever paid for
Posted by: Skip at September 11, 2021 08:19 PM (2JoB

Beats Tree of Life...

***runs from TJM's wrath***

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 11, 2021 08:20 PM (BgMrQ)

330 Angel Heart was pretty damn creepy.

Posted by: Puddleglum at September 11, 2021 08:20 PM (QFVV9)

331 James Woods. Yummy. Ultimate bad guy role?

Hades. Whoa! Is my hair out?

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 11, 2021 08:20 PM (Vxu+H)

332 How much do I hate Jim Harbaugh?

Woodpeckers stand a better chance.

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 11, 2021 08:20 PM (U2p+3)

333 The original Ghost in the Shell is coming to IMAX theaters . Waiting for a regular theatrical release, as I'm not anywhere near a screen where it is showing, and am not driving a couple hours to see it.
Posted by: Bete at September 11, 2021 08:18 PM (Ojki1)

No wait, think again! You can wear a mask and be socially distanced from the rest of the audience. Doesn't that tempt you?

Posted by: Kindltot at September 11, 2021 08:20 PM (HG00O)

334 2) The Exorcist, Regan doing the head spinning 360. I was at a theater which was in the inner city environs. The audience LOST.THEIR.SHIT.

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 11, 2021 08:13 PM (BgMrQ)

Have you seen the scene they cut? They hired a contortionist to run down the stairs like a 4 legged spider. Very very creepy. So creepy they cut it from the movie:

Posted by: GnuBreed, no circumstance at September 11, 2021 08:22 PM (F0YaR)

335 Hades. Whoa! Is my hair out?
Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 11, 2021 08:20 PM (Vxu+H)

LOL. Guys. Olympus would be THAT way.

Posted by: Jordan61, Runner's Island Ambassadrex at September 11, 2021 08:22 PM (hP4QN)

336 Not to go off topic, but I have to get this off of my chest. I hate GW Bush more than I hate Obama. Almost as much as I hate Biden. I will be first in line to take a shit on his grave.


God bless you, and I mean that sincerely. It gives me perverse pleasure to see that Chimpy Dubya is aging very badly too.

Posted by: The Maskless Ranger at September 11, 2021 08:23 PM (hQVBP)

337 334 Have you seen the scene they cut? They hired a contortionist to run down the stairs like a 4 legged spider. Very very creepy. So creepy they cut it from the movie:

Posted by: GnuBreed, no circumstance at September 11, 2021 08:22 PM (F0YaR)


They didn't cut it because it was creepy. Friedkin cut it because the levels of horror were too heightened for that point in the film. He later inserted it into The Version You've Never Seen. It should have stayed out. Yeah, it's creepy, but it doesn't fit.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, nihilism is all fun and games with a Carpenter leading the way at September 11, 2021 08:23 PM (LvTSG)

338 295 For Studio Ghibli fans willing to go to a theater -
Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 08:08 PM (HmqpM)

I did drive almost 2 hours to see Spirited Away when it was first released so I could see it subbed. Had to go to an arthouse in Milwaukee.

Was worth it.

Chose not to drive 2 1/2 to see the Escaflowne movie in Chicago however.

Posted by: Bete at September 11, 2021 08:23 PM (Ojki1)

339 I can't watch satanic movies. Nope. Nope. Nope.

Won't sleep for a week.

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 11, 2021 08:23 PM (U2p+3)

340 Hellraiser II scared the ever living crap out of me.

Posted by: Bosk at September 11, 2021 08:23 PM (yh68b)

341 Your mother sews socks that smell.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 08:24 PM (2DOZq)

342 Jimmy?

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous

Forget it. He's rolling.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 08:24 PM (slzYk)

343 Fun fact but I believe it was 9/11 or somewhere in that timeframe that James Wood turned right. He played Rudy Giuliani in a docudrama movie about five years later where by that time he was solidly based and for that he will always be my favorite actor.

Posted by: The Maskless Ranger at September 11, 2021 08:25 PM (hQVBP)

344 No wait, think again! You can wear a mask and be socially distanced from the rest of the audience. Doesn't that tempt you?
Posted by: Kindltot at September 11, 2021 08:20 PM (HG00O)

I have a friend who is a giant Sci Fi geek, in addition to being a PHD candidate in the hard sciences.

I asked him to accompany me to the opening of DUNE this fall. And he floored me by saying two things:
1) "For that, I'll go out in public...but I'll wear a mask."

2) He's never read DUNE...and he calls himself a Sci Fi addict.

Both statements left me shaking my head.

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 11, 2021 08:25 PM (BgMrQ)

345 323 And of course the Movie Thread can't pass without mentioning that the trailer for Matrix Resurrections is out:
Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 08:18 PM (slzYk)

okay that's a good trailer!

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 11, 2021 08:25 PM (WmVfO)

346 But then I thought God would strike me dead after my first Dio concert. I walked out very afraid.

Posted by: Bosk at September 11, 2021 08:25 PM (yh68b)

347 336 now with attacks in Iraq, Biden is going to demolish his entire " legacy"

Posted by: CN at September 11, 2021 08:25 PM (ONvIw)

348 Depressing movies:

Yes! Requiem for a Heavyweight. Twilight Zone is gold, but much of Serling's best work is here. I'd also throw in I Never Sang for My Father, with Gene Hackman and Melvyn Douglas, for my money the great American tragedy. Years ago, I had a vhs with those two movies, Under the Volcano, and A Flash of Green. I called it the suicide reel because I figured watching all four of those back to back to back would make the viewer want to jump off a bridge.

Posted by: Just Some Guy at September 11, 2021 08:25 PM (JzDjf)

349 Ghost in the Shell (1995 film), an animated film based on the Masamune Shirow manga
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, a 2004 sequel to the 1995 film
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, a 2002-2006 anime television series (2 seasons)
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society, a 2006 Stand Alone Complex made-for-TV movie
Ghost in the Shell: Arise, a 2013-2015 OVA and anime television series
Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie, a 2015 animated film continuing from Arise
Ghost in the Shell (2017 film), a live-action film starring Scarlett Johansson
Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2045, a 2020 anime Netflix series
[From Wikipedia]

Which one did you see? It looks like all of them are anime except for the Scarlett Johansson one.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at September 11, 2021 08:26 PM (hVqGz)

350 No wait, think again! You can wear a mask and be socially distanced from the rest of the audience. Doesn't that tempt you?
Posted by: Kindltot at September 11, 2021 08:20 PM (HG00O)

Nope. Didn't go to see Halloween (197, the Nightmare Before Christmas or Empire Strikes Back when the theater showed them for $5 the last 2 years cause I ain't wearing a damned mask for 2 hours for anything short of an oncology appointment.

Or when work forced me to...which reminds me, I need to see if my boss will do the next staff mtg by Zoom so I can ditch the mask.

Posted by: Bete at September 11, 2021 08:26 PM (Ojki1)

351 GW burned the last little tiny respect I had for him today.

Posted by: Skip at September 11, 2021 08:26 PM (2JoB8)

352 I like Halloween and the The Thing a lot.

ET is OK, but I would rewatch the aforementioned two movies multiple times over before rewatching the latter

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at September 11, 2021 08:27 PM (sJHOI)

353 That cut scene from Exorcist was clearly finished (except the blood effect, not great). Look at the way the stairs are lit as opposed to the ground floor. Big stark shadows, creepy.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 08:27 PM (KZzsI)

354 All these movies everyone talks about are garbage compared to The Transaction.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 11, 2021 08:27 PM (FvCkv)

355 I hate that they made John Wick sequels. At least the sequels that were made. John Wick was supposed to be the boogeyman but he was just one of many and made foolish by a female in the 3rd one. They took everything away that made the original so good.

Posted by: Just a side note at September 11, 2021 08:27 PM (2DOZq)

356 Rod Serling also wrote the screenplay for the original Planet of the Apes. His nuclear war obsession is evident.

Posted by: steevy at September 11, 2021 08:27 PM (uUDKV)

357 Have you seen the scene they cut? They hired a contortionist to run down the stairs like a 4 legged spider. Very very creepy. So creepy they cut it from the movie:

Posted by: GnuBreed, no circumstance at September 11, 2021 08:22 PM (F0YaR)

That would have cleared the theater...holy shit!

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 11, 2021 08:27 PM (BgMrQ)

358 I never realized THEY LIVE would turn out to be a documentary of today.

Posted by: The Maskless Ranger at September 11, 2021 08:28 PM (hQVBP)

359 You're right on the cusp of Boomer, Gen X.

Posted by: nurse ratched

I'm an idiot, so I identify more closely as a Boomer.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 08:29 PM (slzYk)

360 The spider walk scene is in the book.

Posted by: steevy at September 11, 2021 08:30 PM (uUDKV)

361 Won't sleep for a week.

That's why I like those and the supernatural genre in general: they scare me. I don't have a good explanation for it, but it's that they get under my skin and bother me that makes them somehow enjoyable.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 11, 2021 08:30 PM (QU5/8)

g'early evenin', 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at September 11, 2021 08:30 PM (DUIap)

363 I'm looking forward to seeing a movie in 4K... I went *way* too long without getting a new prescription so my vision was fucked up anyway, and the baby completely demolished those already insufficient lenses, so I've been more-or-less blind for a couple years. I got the new ones today and I feel like I'm on LSD.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 11, 2021 08:31 PM (FvCkv)

364 The idea of the Devil hiring a detective to investigate what ends up being himself carrying out horrific acts that his mind blanks out after selling his soul is brilliant.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 08:31 PM (KZzsI)

365 355 Every movie has to have the girl power scene now. The guy can't even be the full star in his own movie, right Shang Chi? Nerdrotic always points it out, usually the guy literally gets kicked in the nuts ...

Posted by: steevy at September 11, 2021 08:32 PM (uUDKV)

366 2) He's never read DUNE...and he calls himself a Sci Fi addict.

I'm calling BS on this...I can forgive a science fiction geek not watching the movie. But you really can't call yourself an SF geek if you haven't read the book. It's the equivalent of Lord of the Rings for science fiction...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 11, 2021 08:32 PM (K5n5d)

367 I'm an idiot, so I identify more closely as a Boomer.
Posted by: Sharkman at

Well, I think you're a nice man. And thoughtful.

How's the grand baby?

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 11, 2021 08:32 PM (U2p+3)

368 Nerdrotic always points it out, usually the guy literally gets kicked in the nuts

And apparently that happens, in a scene where his sister who trained herself beats the "Master of Kung Fu" up.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 08:33 PM (KZzsI)

369 GW burned the last little tiny respect I had for him today.
Posted by: Skip at September 11, 2021 08:26 PM (2JoB

Man focused on being liked by people who promised to destroy him.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 11, 2021 08:34 PM (HG00O)

370 356 Rod Serling also wrote the screenplay for the original Planet of the Apes. His nuclear war obsession is evident.
Posted by: steevy at September 11, 2021 08:27 PM (uUDKV)

Speaking as someone who was a kindergartener back when Twilight Zone TOS was in first airing, nuclear war weighed heavy on lots and lots of folks.

Posted by: Iron Mike Golf at September 11, 2021 08:34 PM (8C7+r)

371 I came here to chew bubble gum and make snarky comments about movies.

And I'm all out of bubble gum.

That said, don't have too much snark tonight.

My oldest son had never seen "They Live" and so he was over and we watched it a couple of Saturdays ago.

The paranoia, it fits the times.

And yeah, "ET" sucks.
"Jaws" is a pretty good movie, but....meh.

Posted by: Bozo Conservative.....Living on the prison planet at September 11, 2021 08:34 PM (tjZg/)

372 A fun movie I watched again a couple if months ago Race With the Devil with Warren Oates , Peter Fonda and Loretta Switt as one if the wives.

Posted by: steevy at September 11, 2021 08:34 PM (uUDKV)

373 I'm calling BS on this...I can forgive a science fiction geek not watching the movie. But you really can't call yourself an SF geek if you haven't read the book. It's the equivalent of Lord of the Rings for science fiction...
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 11, 2021 08:32 PM (K5n5d)

Nah, I can attest to his bona fides as being a Sci Fi / Fantasy geek.

That's why it shocked me so. It's a huge hole in his Geek CV...

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 11, 2021 08:34 PM (BgMrQ)

374 Dr campbell on zinc:

We all need to build our immune system. Vitamin D and C. Zinc is critical.

Posted by: Notsothoreau - look forward at September 11, 2021 08:35 PM (YynYJ)

375 Big Trouble is my favorite movie of all time.

Posted by: banana Dream at September 11, 2021 08:36 PM (pxX6h)

376 Often the difference between 4k and 1080 is your eyes believing. Also the difference between 24 fps and 60.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 11, 2021 08:36 PM (ybIRR)

377 so I've been more-or-less blind for a couple years. I got the new ones today and I feel like I'm on LSD.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 11, 2021 08:31 PM (FvCkv)

I still remember that feeling from 4th grade. I had started out doing well in school, and suddenly I was flunking everything. It took the adults forever to figure out the problem was that I couldn't see anything, and I was too young to know that wasn't how it was supposed to be. The day I got glasses was like Dorothy stepping out of the house into Munchkin land.

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 11, 2021 08:37 PM (WmVfO)

378 370 I know, I grew up with it too but it comes up over and over in Serling stories.

Posted by: steevy at September 11, 2021 08:37 PM (uUDKV)

379 Notsothoreau taking them every day

Posted by: Skip at September 11, 2021 08:38 PM (2JoB8)

380 I had to drive a fair distance to see Spirited Away and Bubba Ho Tep. Barbarians.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 11, 2021 08:38 PM (ybIRR)

381 If memory serves, Woods described being on a plane and seeing what appeared to be a dry run rehearsal for the 9/11 hijackings, and got more outspoken after that.

Carpenter -- one movie of his that I don't expect to watch again is his remake of Village of the Damned. That material and that director should have resulted in a horror classic. It's the only Carpenter movie I've seen that I thought was a real disappointment.

Posted by: Just Some Guy at September 11, 2021 08:38 PM (JzDjf)

382 Big Trouble is my favorite movie of all time.
Posted by: banana Dream at September 11, 2021 08:36 PM (pxX6h)

Big Trouble in Little China or Big Trouble?

Posted by: Jordan61, Runner's Island Ambassadrex at September 11, 2021 08:38 PM (hP4QN)

383 Look at the demented geezer

Posted by: steevy at September 11, 2021 08:38 PM (uUDKV)

384 We all need to build our immune system. Vitamin D and C. Zinc is critical.
Posted by: Notsothoreau

This is why the np at the clinic told me to use emergen-c. Lots of c, d, and zinc. It tastes awful. Like Tang with Perrier.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 11, 2021 08:38 PM (Vxu+H)

385 381 I like the original. All I remember about that version was Christopher Reeves is in it.

Posted by: steevy at September 11, 2021 08:39 PM (uUDKV)

386 Bubba Ho Tep was a blast, so fun and sad at the same time. The premise is absolutely crazy but it works so well in the movie.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 08:39 PM (KZzsI)

387 I've always liked Emergen-C. But I've been using it for years. So maybe it's awful and I've just gotten used to it.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 11, 2021 08:39 PM (QU5/8)

388 Nah, I can attest to his bona fides as being a Sci Fi / Fantasy geek.

That's why it shocked me so. It's a huge hole in his Geek CV...
Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 11, 2021 08:34 PM (BgMrQ)
Is he at least conversant in Asimov/Bradbury/Clarke (and maybe Heinlein)?

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 11, 2021 08:40 PM (K5n5d)

389 Escaflowne movie never happened.

The original animated movie. Section 6 and the Puppetmaster.

Scarlet Johansen movie never happened either. And the Netflix series is picking the bones of everything before it.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 08:40 PM (HmqpM)

390 380 I had to drive a fair distance to see Spirited Away and Bubba Ho Tep. Barbarians.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 11, 2021 08:38 PM (ybIRR)

the man who wrote Bubba Ho Tep was born just north of Tyler TX and is still a college professor over at SFA in Nacogdoches. (Joe R. Lansdale) I love that movie!

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 11, 2021 08:41 PM (WmVfO)

391 If memory serves, Woods described being on a plane and seeing what appeared to be a dry run rehearsal for the 9/11 hijackings, and got more outspoken after that.
I vaguely remember that as well. Very creepy story when he told it...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 11, 2021 08:41 PM (K5n5d)

392 Is he at least conversant in Asimov/Bradbury/Clarke (and maybe Heinlein)?
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 11, 2021 08:40 PM (K5n5d)


Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 11, 2021 08:42 PM (BgMrQ)

393 ONT yo.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 11, 2021 08:43 PM (mD/uy)

394 They Live is about how the world is completely overrun by aliens who are trying to strip-mine the planet and brainwash the entire populace.

OMG can you imagine?

Posted by: ... at September 11, 2021 08:43 PM (l/duF)

395 330 Puddleglum

When I think creepy movies, Angel Heart jumps to the front of the line, for me. Everything heinous you can think, that movie delivers.

Posted by: EveR at September 11, 2021 08:43 PM (MUpk6)

396 I'm calling BS on this...I can forgive a science fiction geek not watching the movie. But you really can't call yourself an SF geek if you haven't read the book. It's the equivalent of Lord of the Rings for science fiction...
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 11, 2021 08:32 PM (K5n5d)

There is SF nerd like I have read everything by Heinlein, Doc Smith, Coblentz, Piper, Herbert and Asimov,

And then there is SF nerd like I can quote from Battlestar Galactica and Babylon Five

Posted by: Kindltot at September 11, 2021 08:43 PM (HG00O)

Rod Serling also wrote the screenplay for the original Planet of the Apes. His nuclear war obsession is evident.
Posted by: steevy

He should have been more obsessed over quitting smoking.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 11, 2021 08:44 PM (63Dwl)

398 I saw "Big Trouble in Little China" at the theater back when, and it does surprise me at this point to know it was a box-office "flop". It was really weird and funny.

Yes, James Woods became a 9/11 conservative, because he was on a flight that was a "dry run" for Sept 11, and he later realized it and talked to the FBI about it.
Scared him shitless, and he changed his mind about a lot of things. And hasn't wussed out in the following years like so many other so-called "9/11 Conservatives".
Like the execrable Allahpundit.

Posted by: Bozo Conservative.....Living on the prison planet at September 11, 2021 08:44 PM (tjZg/)

399 I know of JRR Tolkein but never read any of his works. Unfortunately I was reading other fantasy like P.C. Hodgell or even *shudder* stories about the Horseclans.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 08:44 PM (HmqpM)

400 393 ONT yo.
Posted by: Tonypete at September 11, 2021 08:43 PM (mD/uy)

As the sun sets earlier these days, so the ONT appears before 10:00pm est...

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 11, 2021 08:44 PM (BgMrQ)

401 I still remember that feeling from 4th grade. I had started out doing well in school, and suddenly I was flunking everything. It took the adults forever to figure out the problem was that I couldn't see anything, and I was too young to know that wasn't how it was supposed to be. The day I got glasses was like Dorothy stepping out of the house into Munchkin land.

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 11, 2021 08:37 PM (WmVfO)

Wow. This happened to me too. I didn't get glasses until I was 12 or so; the optometrist wouldn't believe I had never had glasses, I was so nearsighted. I adapted and overcame up until that point by always nabbing a front row class seat, plus hard squinting and using my fist as a pinhole camera (both are pinhole camera effects). I didn't know I couldn't see clearly.

Posted by: GnuBreed, no circumstance at September 11, 2021 08:45 PM (F0YaR)

402 >>> Every movie has to have the girl power scene now. The guy can't even be the full star in his own movie, right Shang Chi? Nerdrotic always points it out, usually the guy literally gets kicked in the nuts ...
Posted by: steevy at September 11, 2021 08:32 PM (uUDKV)

Horryrood knows there's a potential of big $$$ in china. But china doesn't want any of their woke ass crap. So they want to dump it, they just know they'd be able to print money domestic and in asia. But they're invested in woke ass crap and leftists always take any movement backward as a sign you are now the enemy so they can't. They have to keep making woke ass crap that won't sell.

It's fun to watch. Their slow painful death is the only thing they're capable of entertaining me with now.

Posted by: banana Dream at September 11, 2021 08:45 PM (pxX6h)

403 320 There are two other scenes that I've seen make an audience jump out of their seats in terror.


another is when Uma Thurman gets naked for the first time in Dangerous Liaisons. more like jaw drop in awe thoughj.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at September 11, 2021 08:47 PM (ZZK0E)

404 How's the grand baby?

Posted by: nurse ratched

Just turned 5 months old. Handsome little Prince who smiles and laughs all day long. I've not met him personally yet; hopefully I'll finally get to Florida for a visit soon. He's a splendid little lad.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 08:47 PM (slzYk)

405 Ya know, I like Metallica as much the next guy, but I fucking hate that they took over the Sirius Liquid Metal channel for weeks.

Posted by: Crom's Tankard at September 11, 2021 08:47 PM (QnWgk)

406 378 370 I know, I grew up with it too but it comes up over and over in Serling stories.
Posted by: steevy at September 11, 2021 08:37 PM (uUDKV)

Serling was a WWII vet. Most of the people watching The Twilight Zone at the very least lived through WWII. So that obsession is not surprising.

Posted by: Snake Spirit at September 11, 2021 08:47 PM (y2DWb)

407 I know of JRR Tolkein but never read any of his works. Unfortunately I was reading other fantasy like P.C. Hodgell or even *shudder* stories about the Horseclans.
Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 08:44 PM (HmqpM)
P.C Hodgell is amazing! She's easily in my top five favorite fantasy authors. Up there with J.R.R. Tolkien, Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson, and Tad Williams.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 11, 2021 08:47 PM (K5n5d)

408 The day I got glasses was like Dorothy stepping out of the house into Munchkin land.


I couldn't see shit and for the longest time I regretted telling my parents because they were wondering why I was stupid.

One, I knew that I was getting glasses and it scared me, like my life was over. at 6. nerd!

Two, oops I could see the blackboard and now was smart.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at September 11, 2021 08:48 PM (ZZK0E)

409 James Woods supposedly has an IQ of 184.

Posted by: GnuBreed, no circumstance at September 11, 2021 08:48 PM (F0YaR)


We all need to build our immune system. Vitamin D and C. Zinc is critical.

Posted by: Notsothoreau - look forward at September 11, 2021 08:35 PM (YynYJ)

All You Need is Love
All You Need is Love
All You Need is Love
love is all you need
love is all you need
love is all you need

Posted by: Braenyard at September 11, 2021 08:49 PM (xw5ql)

411 Rowdy Piper's greatest film HELL COMES TO FROG TOWN, they live is his 2nd

Prince of Darkness,still scares the crap out of me, the Devil's son is trapped and trying to get out and bring his father to our realm and everybody having the same dream.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at September 11, 2021 08:49 PM (wXOWj)

412 Any sci-fi fans looking forward to the new Dune movie?


Posted by: Snake Spirit at September 11, 2021 08:50 PM (y2DWb)

413 Robert Jordan totally lost me with Wheel of Time, after six books and no end in sight I bailed.

Yeah Jame is a delight of a character. An unfallen Darkling with a list of enemies that is impressive. And boy did Gerridon get a shock that night of red ribbons.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 08:52 PM (HmqpM)

414 I figured watching all four of those back to back to back would make the viewer want to jump off a bridge.

Posted by: Just Some Guy

There's a single movie that will make you hump off a bridge before it's over.

The execrable Melancholia.

A planet or moon slowly approaches earth on a collision course as the boring, one-dimensional characters bore you with their choking ennui.

By the end of the movie you will either take your own life or go mad, screaming: "FOR GOD'S SAKE, SWEET METEOR OF DEATH . . . NOW!!!$$"

Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 08:53 PM (slzYk)

415 Robert Jordan totally lost me with Wheel of Time, after six books and no end in sight I bailed.
Sanderson pulled it together in the end. The last three books are FANTASTIC. (You can probably skip books 7-11, though).

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 11, 2021 08:53 PM (K5n5d)

416 Any sci-fi fans looking forward to the new Dune movie?

I was until I learned that Mary Jane from the new Spider-Man films is playing Chani... and they expanded her part significantly to make her more "important" for the movie.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 08:53 PM (KZzsI)

417 No idea what this cat was doing in a football stadium but glad they saved it:

Posted by: Notsothoreau - look forward at September 11, 2021 08:54 PM (YynYJ)

418 I was until I learned that Mary Jane from the new Spider-Man films is playing Chani


I would think she makes more sense as an actress as an alien in Dune than as a in-your-face example of blackwashing redhead characters.

Posted by: Tim Riggins at September 11, 2021 08:55 PM (ZZK0E)

419 408 The day I got glasses was like Dorothy stepping out of the house into Munchkin land.


I couldn't see shit and for the longest time I regretted telling my parents because they were wondering why I was stupid.

I had a second grade teacher who sent me to an optometrist (or insisted my parents take me to one) because...she didn't like how I held a pen/pencil. And she didn't like the way I was writing.

Posted by: Snake Spirit at September 11, 2021 08:55 PM (y2DWb)

420 There is SF nerd like I have read everything by Heinlein, Doc Smith, Coblentz, Piper, Herbert and Asimov,

And then there is SF nerd like I can quote from Battlestar Galactica and Babylon Five
Posted by: Kindltot at September 11, 2021 08:43 PM (HG00O)

Ah the classicist as opposed to the culturalist...

He's a bit of both.

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at September 11, 2021 08:56 PM (BgMrQ)

421 I wonder if I wondered, when I was six, or whatever it was "why do they bother using that blackboard when no one can read it?"

Posted by: Tim Riggins at September 11, 2021 08:56 PM (ZZK0E)

422 I think James Woods was on one of the future high-jacked flights a week or so before 9/11 and he actually did witness the highjackers who altimately took over that flight.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 11, 2021 08:57 PM (slzYk)

423 The only thing I've read by Jordan are some of his Conan novels (in my teens), which I enjoyed. But I'm mot signing on for a series with however many books.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 11, 2021 08:57 PM (QU5/8)

424 There is just one Battlestar Galactica with Lorne Greene, the other is feldergarp.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 11, 2021 08:57 PM (HmqpM)

425 424 Right on!

Posted by: steevy at September 11, 2021 09:02 PM (uUDKV)

426 414 - Melancholia? Never seen it. And from the description, I don't think I will. Always preferred my depressing stories to be interesting rather than dull. Thanks for the warning.

Dune -- read it in high school, and again a few years later. The Frank Herbert books that did it for me were Destination:Void and the non-sf Soul Catcher.

Posted by: Just Some Guy at September 11, 2021 09:06 PM (JzDjf)

427 There is just one Battlestar Galactica with Lorne Greene, the other is feldergarp

I concur, Anna.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 11, 2021 09:07 PM (KZzsI)

428 Hello... hello... I have a message for you and you're not going to like it...

Pray for death!

Posted by: Wyndham at September 11, 2021 09:36 PM (ZSK0i)

429 "Back to the Future" is from 1985, not 1978.

Posted by: DinsdalePiranha at September 11, 2021 11:11 PM (3HBgs)

430 I hated Escape From LA. Now I'm wondering if I should give it another look after a few decades to fog the movie from my mind. Still think you may be confusing Escape From New York which I loved with LA.

Posted by: mouse at September 12, 2021 09:32 AM (8EAmw)

431 Late for the party...oh well. Kurt Russell was rescued from the Disney Lite movie doldrums by John Carpenter's 3000 Miles to Graceland, my fave The Thing, Escape from New York, and Big Trouble in Chinatown. Just as Russell's career was revived by Quentin Tarantino, perhaps Russell and Carpenter make another Thing, New York, or Chinatown. We need cynical entertainment at its finest!
Also, in the mid seventies, as an editor on my University's newspaper, I and a couple of my colleagues drove to the Atlanta Airport to pick up Rod Serling. A very cordial and pleasant guy, He was patient with college kids slightly in awe with the creator of The Twilight Zone, particularly considering this was a job promoting his past and present works. I was too young and ignorant to recognize his fatigue as anything more than being my parents age.

Posted by: JMW Turner at September 12, 2021 09:49 AM (gckL2)

432 Left off the punch line...within a few months, he passed away from a heart attack.

Posted by: JMW Turner at September 12, 2021 09:53 AM (gckL2)

433 Carpenter's films usually had Marxist subtexts. The aliens in They live, for example, obviously represent Capitalism.

Posted by: ChazChan at September 12, 2021 02:52 PM (BGmdW)

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