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Whoever Desires To Found An ONT And Give It Laws, Must Start With Assuming That All Men Are Bad And Ever Ready To Display Their Vicious Nature

Evening Horde! What's going on out there in gray box land, any news?


News Of The Dim

So, last weekend, I managed to dump my zero-turn mower into the lake. I was trying to cut too close to the edge of the retaining wall (which was stupid, that's a job for the trimmer) and my rear wheel started to slide over the edge, which pitched me and the tractor into the lake. I was fine, I was thrown clear, and the mower was only in the shallow part of the lake, but boy did I feel stupid. Funny thing is that since then everybody I meet has a friend/relative/acquaintance who did the same kind of thing and died. And they all wanted to tell me about it. Anyhow, I used some ramps and the truck to pull the mower out of the lake, but I was worried about what harm the water may have done to the engine and how to best get it going again. I needed someone who knows what they are doing's advice, so I called Alberta Oil Peon. AOP (after telling me about a friend of his' wife who broke her neck flipping a mower on a golf course) gave me a few simple instructions and I had the thing running again in about ten minutes. Once again the Horde proves they are the best. Thanks a bunch for your help AOP!

Whoa, Kid, Leave Some Girls For The Rest Of Us, Will Ya?

Now That You Mention It....

Something Missing

However, it seems a little odd now that there’s no videos of the survivors of the Afghan crisis arriving at airports.   No crowds or families greeting the extracted American residents; no human interest stories and local broadcasted news coverage of relieved Americans, husbands, wives, daughters or sons arriving back in their hometown…. Nothing.

Six to seven thousand Americans saved from the clutches of the Taliban, and not a single story of those Americans arriving home to the waiting arms of their loving family.

Ya know, he's got a point...


Vaccine Regret

But here’s the thing: I don’t think my deliberative process is unique or even rare. Vaccine hesitancy isn’t ultimately a political thing, or an intelligence thing, or a race thing, whatever demographic differences may be emerging along those lines. In essence, the wait-and-see approach is a perfectly reasonable response to more than a year of gaslighting, misinformation, and despotism from official sources.

Lots of us raised our eyebrows at first, then thought about it, then were coming around. But if you’re anything like me, you have now been hounded into vaccine remorse by the same worthless midwits who made you skeptical in the first place. If they would just leave us alone, we’d probably drift in the direction of making the right decisions for ourselves and our families. But they won’t leave us alone, because their entire reason for being is to make absolutely everything spectacularly worse by handling it as arrogantly and as stupidly as possible. So here we are.

Candace Owens says private COVID testing center CANCELED her appointment after accusing her of 'politicizing' the virus and spreading misinformation

This brings us to tonight's discussion question. I know a lot of people on “our” side don't like Candace Owens. I'm not sure why. I mean, while I'm not a fan, I don't dislike her, mostly she's just political background noise, part of the chattering classes that I strive mightily to ignore, albeit one who is mostly on “our” side. The thing is that there are plenty of people who do listen to that kind of stuff, and it's important to have people like her and Charlie Kirk and Steven Crowder out there fighting against the unending deluge of leftist propaganda and lies. I even saw a conservative doctor saying that he wouldn't treat her either, because he doesn't like her. While I agree that each doc does and should have the right to decide who he or she takes on in their practice, is this really a road we want to go down? Political litmus tests for medical treatment? I mean, I know the left would love to go down that road, do we need to encourage it? As always, there's a Mencken quote that perfectly encapsulates the problem:



Based App

Is That Progressive Idea Actually Racist? This High-Tech Tool Can Help You Find Out

Basically it's an app that you can add to your browser that will switch the races of any story you're looking at to better help you determine if an “anti-racist” article is actually just racist. Neat idea, although I don't think you really need an app for that, it blatantly obvious at this point.

I'll Take “Things That Never Happened For $1000 Alex

The world's wrongest man is at it again:


Sure thing Paul.

Good News Everyone!

Millennials Will Get Sick and Die Faster Than the Previous Generation

It's Vice, don't give them the clicks, but the Farnsworth quote popped into my head when I saw the article. Basically the article cites a study which reports that the 30-39 cohort will have shorter lifespans due to stress, depression, suicide and substance abuse. Wait, you mean a generation that tends to be more entitled and narcissistic, one that's determined to kick away all the pillars of society, eschews traditional morality and faith and blindly worships big government has problems with depression and suicide? Color me shocked! Shocked I tell you, shocked!

What's For Dinner?

Video shows a pile of RAW MEAT on luggage conveyor belt as TSA issues warning not to ‘wing your travel packing’

Obviously it was in some kind of container, most likely a Styrofoam cooler, that got broken and separated from its contents while being unloaded from the plane, but how would you feel if the baggage carousel spat that out with your luggage?

Daily Dose Of VDH

American Armageddon: What started out as elite woke nonsense now warps everyone’s daily life.

VDH often points out that decline is a choice. Well, it's obvious that the choice has been made. Gozer the Gozerian has been reborn, and we're all just waiting for the Stay-Puft marshmallow man to enter stage right.

Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by stuff that makes CBD cringe:

mmm pizza.jpg


Posted by: WeirdDave at 10:00 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)



Posted by: Zettai at September 02, 2021 09:00 PM (fCto4)

2 Yay

Posted by: Beartooth at September 02, 2021 09:00 PM (UVMn8)


Posted by: Half Dozen at September 02, 2021 09:00 PM (FkHmZ)

4 Evening!

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 02, 2021 09:00 PM (kTF2Z)

5 Evening, Horde...How goes it? Two weeks of teaching class already over and done with...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 09:00 PM (K5n5d)

6 Good evening

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 02, 2021 09:00 PM (MViHT)

7 Yay WD brings the ONT

Posted by: Zeera at September 02, 2021 09:00 PM (0u04S)

8 You snooze, you lose.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at September 02, 2021 09:00 PM (a3Q+t)


I nooded...

Posted by: Zettai at September 02, 2021 09:01 PM (fCto4)

10 woohoo, ont !

Posted by: sock_rat_eez (YjYuE) at September 02, 2021 09:01 PM (IkGY2)

11 Top *cough cough *

Posted by: callsign claymore at September 02, 2021 09:01 PM (sqQnU)

12 Good evening everyone.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 02, 2021 09:01 PM (mD/uy)

13 Paul happen to not have his phone to record it? Crazy how they never seem to

Posted by: a dude in MI at September 02, 2021 09:01 PM (+I6Y/)

14 Yay, ONT!

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at September 02, 2021 09:02 PM (SchxB)

15 hiya

Posted by: JT at September 02, 2021 09:02 PM (arJlL)

16 Hey everybody! Hey ONT! Hey WeirdDave!

The top pic reminds me, what would most of us do if we saw a journalist's body by the side of the road on fire?

a) point and laugh
b) roast marshmallows
c) other

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 09:03 PM (L2ZTs)

17 Thanks for the ONT.

I'd try slim jim spaghetti.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 02, 2021 09:03 PM (z4k8L)

18 Dang! Thought I was going to be early>

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 02, 2021 09:03 PM (qe5CM)

19 O-H!

Posted by: buzzion at September 02, 2021 09:03 PM (vMCab)

20 Ooo, Slim Jim Spaghetti.

"The meal that satisfies your tum-tum and inflames your gout in just one sitting"

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 09:03 PM (L2ZTs)

21 good evening

Posted by: wing at September 02, 2021 09:04 PM (PlW9M)

22 Hey, what's Zettai saying? It's Greek to me!

Ha HA!

I'll see myself out...

Posted by: callsign claymore at September 02, 2021 09:04 PM (sqQnU)

23 Late braking - heh!

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess, #SuperStraight #EnemyOfTheState (Mzdiz) at September 02, 2021 09:04 PM (Mzdiz)

24 Nice Zettai!

Good evening y'all! Thank you WD for the ONT!

Cicero.....if you are around......rhomboid told me to ask you if you are or know of an employment attorney in LA south bay?

Posted by: westminsterdogshow at September 02, 2021 09:04 PM (6kBQQ)

25 Great job, AOP !

Posted by: JT at September 02, 2021 09:04 PM (arJlL)

26 Remember the old days when Slim Jims were made with actual Jim?

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 09:04 PM (L2ZTs)

27 Read all the content. Coulda been #1. Good job Dave - engaging as always!

Posted by: BacktoGA at September 02, 2021 09:04 PM (MPYWI)

28 I don't watch the news, for reasons I'm sure a lot of people around here understand. But it does seem strange that human interest stories about the Americans airlifted out of Afghanistan haven't popped up on J.J.'s Morning Report. I'd think we'd be hearing something from those who made it back alive...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 09:05 PM (K5n5d)

29 Good evening morons and thanks wd

You can form a club with Hadrian who also dumped his mower in the drink

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 02, 2021 09:05 PM (EZebt)

30 Top thirty, if I am lucky tonight!

But I have excuses, oh yes!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at September 02, 2021 09:05 PM (t88TX)

31 Paul Krugman is his own woke three year old.

Posted by: hogmartin at September 02, 2021 09:05 PM (ghoDT)

32 Prayers to those in the flood and fire zones.

Posted by: Ian Deal at September 02, 2021 09:05 PM (AvN9S)

33 A tweet about the potential Aussie trucker strike. It seems they have been doing some serious planning:

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at September 02, 2021 09:05 PM (DXFDM)

34 Not first; you man lovers.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 09:06 PM (+WWsf)

35 Hmmm. Numbers changing. Methinks there's some deviltry afoot...

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 02, 2021 09:06 PM (z4k8L)

36 Good Lord you guys are quick. Saw it was 9:01, came in here and I'll be in the 30s at least.

Posted by: Farmer at September 02, 2021 09:06 PM (55Qr6)

37 The top pic reminds me, what would most of us do if we saw a journalist's body by the side of the road on fire?

a) point and laugh
b) roast marshmallows
c) other
Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 09:03 PM (L2ZTs)
I'll take d) piss on the other side of the road to help the grass grow over there

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 09:06 PM (K5n5d)

38 Thirst!

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 02, 2021 09:06 PM (0kkuk)

39 potentially willowed:
652 that is stylish, hogmartin !

j-37 on a flooring sample from home despot ...
or a w-e 6b on a hunk of pine I milled out a decade-or-so ago ...

Posted by: sock_rat_eez (YjYuE) at September 02, 2021 09:00 PM (IkGY2)

all the stylish ones are too heavy to schlep ...

Posted by: sock_rat_eez (YjYuE) at September 02, 2021 09:06 PM (IkGY2)

40 I'd think we'd be hearing something from those who made it back alive...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 09:05 PM (K5n5d)

Perhaps, just perhaps, that is a clue?

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at September 02, 2021 09:06 PM (t88TX)

41 Greek is for the nerd thread. It's all Greek.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 02, 2021 09:07 PM (EZebt)

42 That 'pizza' is just so wrong.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 02, 2021 09:07 PM (mD/uy)

43 I'm pretty sure Krugman is lying.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, the Phillips screwdriver of the gods at September 02, 2021 09:07 PM (cSyAR)

44 Living up to the moniker of the Baltimore Buffoon

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at September 02, 2021 09:07 PM (aA3+G)

45 How's that Enron gig Paulie?

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 09:07 PM (ol75U)

46 Actually seeing the condition of a LOT of luggage/parcels on the ole conveyer belt, one would think a threshing machine is part of the baggage handling chain.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 09:07 PM (r1z5A)

47 That "four cheese pizza" is an abomination before God and man!

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 09:08 PM (L2ZTs)

48 slim jim spaghetti > bubblegum pizza

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 02, 2021 09:08 PM (BFigT)

49 I have no proof but all this week I have surmised here that every westerner on those planes had to sign a very restrictive NDA with severe penalties.

Posted by: Beartooth at September 02, 2021 09:08 PM (UVMn8)

50 Bleg: someplace today, i saw a drawing of Puddin' Head in his head down posture, but his arms were outstretched, and covered in blood...

can someone help a 'ron out? i NEED that on a t-shirt.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 02, 2021 09:08 PM (0kkuk)

51 That quotation from Mencken is great and exactly right.

Posted by: Mrs. Peel at September 02, 2021 09:08 PM (8548M)

52 That Slim Jim spaghetti carries the death sentence in twelve star systems.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 09:08 PM (ol75U)

53 @35: "Hmmm. Numberschanging. Methinks there's some deviltry afoot..."

In some future world, Pixy updates our comment reply reference numbers too; much further out than two weeks though.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 09:08 PM (+WWsf)

54 >>> 26 Remember the old days when Slim Jims were made with actual Jim?
Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 09:04 PM (L2ZTs)

Jim Acosta?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 02, 2021 09:08 PM (ACi07)

55 all the stylish ones are too heavy to schlep ...
Posted by: sock_rat_eez (YjYuE) at September 02, 2021 09:06 PM (IkGY2)

True. What do you use for QRP?

Posted by: hogmartin at September 02, 2021 09:08 PM (ghoDT)

56 @41: "It's all Greek."

That's what she said; if you pay enough.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 09:09 PM (+WWsf)

57 Helena, that's Fat-Headed Jim. :-)

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 09:09 PM (L2ZTs)

58 $24 dollars a pound for steak at the grocery store tonight.
But....No more mean tweets!

Posted by: Jmel at September 02, 2021 09:09 PM (bVhJi)

59 Slim Jim spaghetti looks like prison food.

Posted by: Insomniac at September 02, 2021 09:09 PM (II3Gr)

60 Neither food nor love

Posted by: banana Dream at September 02, 2021 09:09 PM (l6b3d)

61 Look at that top picture; another journalist making themselves the story.

Posted by: Dr. T at September 02, 2021 09:09 PM (tp+tP)

62 Ewwww not even Shep! Smith wants anything to do with Jim Acoster

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 09:09 PM (ol75U)

63 A tweet about the potential Aussie trucker strike. It seems they have been doing some serious planning:


Posted by: rickb223 at September 02, 2021 09:09 PM (OCTRt)

64 I have no proof but all this week I have surmised here that every westerner on those planes had to sign a very restrictive NDA with severe penalties.
Posted by: Beartooth at September 02, 2021 09:08 PM (UVMn
You'd think they'd trot out at least a few people to applaud Puddin' Head's decisiveness and courage in evacuating them (regardless of how real their experiences may be)

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 09:10 PM (K5n5d)

65 IIRC, when 300 came out, there was a line in the movie where Leonidas disparages the Persians for having lost a battle/skirmish to 'the boy lovers and eunuchs of Athens.' VDH, in an article from right around that same time mentioned he thought it odd for a Spartan to be making such an accusation as evidently they had quite the reputation around the Aegean.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 02, 2021 09:10 PM (z4k8L)

66 kx-1

sometimes an 817

Posted by: sock_rat_eez (YjYuE) at September 02, 2021 09:10 PM (IkGY2)

67 How many gays died because of this global warning storm???

Posted by: Mary Cloginstien from Brattleboro, VT at September 02, 2021 09:10 PM (D9mnB)

68 "This brings us to tonight's discussion question. I know a lot of people on 'our' side don't like Candace Owens. I'm not sure why."

I think it's because she fails the "purity" test - you know, like everyone in the fucking conservative world does on one issue or another. I can't remember the first pause I had with her.

Hell, I had lots of "pauses" with Trump, and I still do (like the vaccine crap). But it's all good - she says a lot of the right things. Let not good be the enemy of perfection, or whatever.

Must be getting dosed with ivermectin...

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess, #SuperStraight #EnemyOfTheState (Mzdiz) at September 02, 2021 09:10 PM (Mzdiz)

69 IANAL, but, AIUI, contracts signed under duress are invalid. "sign ze papers or we take you back!"

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 02, 2021 09:10 PM (0kkuk)

70 OMG that pizza. Holy shit.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 02, 2021 09:10 PM (9sVFt)

71 Slim Jims, ramen, ketchup and garlic powder. Make it in your cell.

Posted by: Insomniac at September 02, 2021 09:10 PM (II3Gr)

Don't feel too bad about giving your ZTR a bath, WD. When I called Brookside to have them pick mine up after the same thing, they laughed and said it happens a lot.

ZTRs have all their weight in the back. Once they start sliding there's no stopping them.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 02, 2021 09:10 PM (/U27+)

73 you forgot the paste part, you idiot:

I have no proof but all this week I have surmised here that every westerner on those planes had to sign a very restrictive NDA with severe penalties.

Posted by: Beartooth at September 02, 2021 09:08 PM (UVMn

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 02, 2021 09:10 PM (0kkuk)

74 Livin' the dream.

Posted by: A lotta nerve at September 02, 2021 09:10 PM (JdcHc)

75 Some non-existent inflation

Doing price changes, a jump of $4 was seen a few times.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 09:11 PM (ol75U)

76 Hey Mary C's here early tonight. Usually by this time of the evening she's face down in her own ripple-streaked vomit.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 09:11 PM (L2ZTs)

77 Posted by: Miley, the Duchess, #SuperStraight #EnemyOfTheState (Mzdiz) at September 02, 2021 09:10 PM (Mzdiz)

Hmm, removed my italicized comment about the neighbor's horse whinnying.

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess, #SuperStraight #EnemyOfTheState (Mzdiz) at September 02, 2021 09:11 PM (Mzdiz)

78 Ooh...which one is most edible...or least disgusting?

I would eat the pizza before the pasta.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 02, 2021 09:11 PM (Q9lwr)

79 $24 dollars a pound for steak at the grocery store tonight.
But....No more mean tweets!
Posted by: Jmel

$66 of 90/10 ground beef weighed out, vac packed and in the freezer.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 02, 2021 09:11 PM (OCTRt)

80 sometimes an 817
Posted by: sock_rat_eez (YjYuE) at September 02, 2021 09:10 PM (IkGY2)

'sup, Yaesu buddy?

Posted by: hogmartin at September 02, 2021 09:12 PM (ghoDT)

81 You'd think they'd trot out at least a few people to applaud Puddin' Head's decisiveness and courage in evacuating them (regardless of how real their experiences may be)
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 09:10 PM (K5n5d)

Hell, throw lab coats on them and advocate for masks and vaccines and social credit scores all at the same time!

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 02, 2021 09:12 PM (z4k8L)

82 MN goes up 21-17 on OSU in the 3rd quarter.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at September 02, 2021 09:12 PM (sWM8x)

83 Gotta go make dinner. Later.

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess, #SuperStraight #EnemyOfTheState (Mzdiz) at September 02, 2021 09:12 PM (Mzdiz)

84 >>>I even saw a conservative doctor saying that he wouldn't treat her either, because he doesn't like her.

Is that the guy with the Twitter handle JoePilot? Because he's been talking a lot of crap against people who are even skeptical of the vaccine*.

Posted by: Dr. T at September 02, 2021 09:12 PM (tp+tP)

85 @WeirdDave: "I know a lot of people on 'our' side don't like Candace Owens. I'm not sure why."

She's always leaned a little too hard into the absolutely certain of all things side of the debate; and if you've ever seen her "debate" in an off the cuff sorta web stream, then it's way too obvious that she's more an actor than a thinker.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 09:12 PM (+WWsf)

86 The Spartans were deviant child-buggerers as a general rule. Sadly, they had other, even worse vices.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 02, 2021 09:12 PM (9sVFt)

87 That pizza is disgusting.

Posted by: COMountainMarie at September 02, 2021 09:12 PM (MViHT)

88 How many gays died because of this global warning storm???
Posted by: Mary Cloginstien from Brattleboro

Not enough, I'll try to do better next time.

Posted by: Mother is genetic dead end. at September 02, 2021 09:13 PM (r1z5A)

89 1. The spaghetti thing works well with sausage and kids. I did it for my daughter when she was like 4, and she loved it.

2. Dr.s should not get political. They are empowered by the state and have special, state supplied privileges. That means no politics or religion in deciding who to treat. Period. They want that right, then let me play Dr.

3. Thanks WD.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at September 02, 2021 09:13 PM (Fn1G9)

90 Candace Owens says private COVID testing center CANCELED her appointment after accusing her of 'politicizing' the virus and spreading misinformation

If this true, someone is looking at severe fines and possible loss of medicare/medicaid eligability.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 02, 2021 09:13 PM (yQpMk)

91 I was driving home from playing golf and I saw a big fucking plane flying low and probably landing at Shaw AFB.

My first thought was "Oh shit. they are bringing Afghan shits here to SC.

Posted by: JAS, AoSHQ addict at September 02, 2021 09:13 PM (xopIz)

92 It looks like velveeta slices, swiss cheese slices, blue cheese, and shredded cheese blend.

Posted by: banana Dream at September 02, 2021 09:13 PM (l6b3d)

93 Good evening morons.

Posted by: Muad'dib at September 02, 2021 09:13 PM (RrtlF)

94 Candace Owens gets a lot of free passes from me, for punching Ted Lieu's fugly face in during her Congressional testimony. I hope he still has nightmares.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 09:13 PM (L2ZTs)

95 What is failed enron advisor Krugman grieving? Mommy put the cookies on the top shelf again?

Posted by: BunkerintheBurbs at September 02, 2021 09:13 PM (RIp6a)

96 Also, Minnesota is making a good showing against State.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 02, 2021 09:13 PM (yQpMk)

97 Hola chamucos y chamucas. Modelo time.

Posted by: 5280 greaser at September 02, 2021 09:13 PM (oSX/P)

98 Waiting for the vaccine carrot that they have not offered yet. If I get the jab can I get on a cruise ship and not wear a face diaper? I gotta wear the face diaper also? Jump up and bite my shiny metal ass.

Posted by: These fish sticks are hard as tits at September 02, 2021 09:13 PM (3AD8C)

99 I was wrong -- THAT's the pizza that has Satan in it!

*crosses self*

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Live! from the Dungeon of Discord at September 02, 2021 09:13 PM (Dc2NZ)

100 IANAL, but, AIUI, contracts signed under duress are invalid. "sign ze papers or we take you back!"

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 02, 2021 09:10 PM (0kkuk)

Duress is what WE say it is comrade, and we "still" have lots of prison space in DC, oh yes!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at September 02, 2021 09:14 PM (t88TX)

101 78 Ooh...which one is most edible...or least disgusting?

I would eat the pizza before the pasta.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 02, 2021 09:11 PM (Q9lwr)

CBD, you and I agree on a great many things- but here I think you are bat-shit insane.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 02, 2021 09:14 PM (z4k8L)

102 Eris, tis the cheese blob that ate Cleveland

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 09:14 PM (ol75U)

103 That quotation from Mencken is great and exactly right.

Mencken also predicted antifa, though given that he was paying attention to contemporary events it probably didn’t take great foresight.

“ Social Justice… will take us, soon or late, into the stormy waters of Fascism. To be sure, that Fascism is not likely to be identical with the kinds on tap in Germany, Italy and Russia; indeed, it is very apt to come in under the name of anti-Fascism. And its first Duce… will not call himself a dictator, but a scotcher of dictators.”

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at September 02, 2021 09:14 PM (CX3cf)

104 Eris, yup. That pizza is floating six feet above the floor!

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 09:14 PM (L2ZTs)

Here you go. Lambda variant may be the one for near complete vaccine escape:

And they still call for a booster, and not even an update booster. Just blast out those old spike antibodies to some titer where it's coming out of your eyeballs and hope enough manage to still neutralize.

Posted by: Covid variant with complete vaccine escape plus ADE at September 02, 2021 09:15 PM (Mzdiz)

106 Yudhishthira's Dice,

You must be thinking of the Atheneans.

Posted by: JAS, AoSHQ addict at September 02, 2021 09:15 PM (xopIz)

107 CBD, whatcha sous vide-ing tonight?

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 09:15 PM (L2ZTs)

108 Ginger Thursday ONT Compliance Pics

*scroll down

Posted by: kbdabear at September 02, 2021 09:15 PM (qAR6u)

109 WDS, is SFGoth an attorney who could help? I don't recall his specialty.

Posted by: Emmie at September 02, 2021 09:15 PM (6RgRK)

110 Sous-vide pizza it looks like

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 09:15 PM (ol75U)

111 Slim Jim spaghetti looks like prison food.
Posted by: Insomniac at September 02, 2021 09:09 PM (II3Gr)

In my youthful unmarried days I probably would have made that spaghetti if I'd thought of it. On second thought, slim jims were too expensive.

Posted by: Napoleon XIV at September 02, 2021 09:15 PM (AiZBA)

112 Okay, okay. I'll try the Slim Jim spaghetti.

Posted by: Rusty Nail at September 02, 2021 09:16 PM (I99aF)

113 I would be tempted to call the pizza place to ask them to how they developed their recipe.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 02, 2021 09:16 PM (ACi07)

114 IIRC, when 300 came out, there was a line in the movie where Leonidas disparages the Persians for having lost a battle/skirmish to 'the boy lovers and eunuchs of Athens.' VDH, in an article from right around that same time mentioned he thought it odd for a Spartan to be making such an accusation as evidently they had quite the reputation around the Aegean.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 02, 2021 09:10 PM (z4k8L)

Yeah, but the Spartans were 'manly' about it, or something.

Posted by: Dr. T at September 02, 2021 09:16 PM (tp+tP)

115 Slim Jims, ramen, ketchup and garlic powder. Make it in your cell.
Posted by: Insomniac at September 02, 2021 09:10 PM (II3Gr)

Should be on the inside cover of Deplorable Gourmet

Posted by: San Franpsycho at September 02, 2021 09:16 PM (EZebt)

116 Anyone who thinks the SCOTUS decision regarding the TX abortion law is of GINORMOUS, HISTORICAL importance needs to put aside the crack pipe.

It's a legal place marker. A nothing ball.

I WISH the decision could be construed as the death knell of Roe v. Wade, but... that's just silly. It's not.

Posted by: mnw at September 02, 2021 09:16 PM (Cssks)

117 Well, in any locale at any time there could be someone of any race cursing at another random person. So it could be true. Leave it to Krugman to make a Law out of a chance observation. One hammer and many nails, that's Paul.

Posted by: EdmundBurkesShade at September 02, 2021 09:16 PM (RJCvt)

118 Sadly, they had other, even worse vices.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice
What could've be worse??? Now I want to know...

Posted by: lin-duh at September 02, 2021 09:16 PM (UUBmN)

119 Firefly orbital launch attempt went splody just before the ONT went up. I blame the reavers.

Posted by: These fish sticks are hard as tits at September 02, 2021 09:17 PM (3AD8C)

120 “It is a sin to believe evil of others, but it is seldom a mistake.”

Posted by: H.L. Mencken at September 02, 2021 09:17 PM (CX3cf)

121 I would want that cheese pizza floating six feet above the covers too, think of the stains.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 09:17 PM (ol75U)

122 Leave it to Krugman to make a Law out of a chance observation. One hammer and many nails, that's Paul.
Posted by: EdmundBurkesShade

His arguments seem to always come up short.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 02, 2021 09:18 PM (mD/uy)

123 What could've be worse??? Now I want to know...
Posted by: lin-duh at September 02, 2021 09:16 PM (UUBmN)

There are some apocryphal stories of something called "Lacedaemonian pizza".

Posted by: hogmartin at September 02, 2021 09:18 PM (ghoDT)

Four cheese pizza. Let's see here. American, blue, cottage, and dick.

Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at September 02, 2021 09:18 PM (2iDSr)

125 “He sailed through American history like a steel ship loaded with monoliths of granite.”

Posted by: H.L. Mencken at September 02, 2021 09:18 PM (CX3cf)

126 first hf rig was an ft-100 - and once I grokked the menu structure it made sense to stick with the program ... still got an 857, but rfi precludes home operation, so I've gone portable.
sold the 897 when the battery packs gave up the ghost; maybe not the best decision, but oh well...
love the 817s though, own 3 of them ! ... 2 together rock for satellite, and I have one on the bench as a (mostly) test instrument.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez (YjYuE) at September 02, 2021 09:18 PM (IkGY2)

127 "Lacedaemonian pizza"

Lactose intolerant pizza, its made of boys.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 09:19 PM (ol75U)

128 OK this is crazy apparently the truckers in Australia are blocking the roads all their social media accounts are being blocked and the government is Jamming the radios, There's also a complete news blackout so no reporting from any of the media in Australia

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at September 02, 2021 09:19 PM (dKiJG)

129 Aetius, thanks for using the word deviltry. It reminded me I always wanted to know if it had the same meaning as devilry. Just looked it up, it does. Deviltry is ye olde fashioned spelling.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 02, 2021 09:19 PM (mNhhD)

130 That pizza proves cheese can be your best friend... or your worst enemy.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 09:19 PM (L2ZTs)

131 90/10 ground beef

Posted by: rickb223 at September 02, 2021 09:11 PM (OCTRt)

I did not know you were gay!

80/20 at a minimum*. At least that's what men eat.

*I will often add chopped fat to 80/20 burger meat because I have taste buds and testicles.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 02, 2021 09:19 PM (Q9lwr)

132 I would eat both the pizza and the spaghetti.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 02, 2021 09:19 PM (yQpMk)

133 Spider-Man's "Falling" Theme:

Wait for it...

Posted by: Dr. Varno at September 02, 2021 09:19 PM (vuisn)

134 Rome conquered Greece because the men would not mate with women.

Echoes of our own times.

Posted by: JAS, AoSHQ addict at September 02, 2021 09:19 PM (xopIz)

135 “If revenge is really sweet he was sucking a colossal sugar teat, but all the same there was a beery flavor about it that must have disquieted him.”

Posted by: H.L. Mencken at September 02, 2021 09:20 PM (CX3cf)

136 *I will often add chopped fat to 80/20 burger meat because I have taste buds and testicles.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

My Brother!!

Posted by: Tonypete at September 02, 2021 09:20 PM (mD/uy)

137 An exhausting week Been working at my job for seven and a half years with no issues. The company hired the 21 year old junior ceo and now I can't do anything right. Got admonished on Tuesday for not communicating with said "ceo" enough and responding with reply all to document I am taking care of tasks. Aargh!

Posted by: westminsterdogshow at September 02, 2021 09:20 PM (6kBQQ)

138 Former Enron Financial Adviser Paul Krugman

Posted by: AoSHQ Stylebook at September 02, 2021 09:20 PM (yQpMk)

139 >>> 128 OK this is crazy apparently the truckers in Australia are blocking the roads all their social media accounts are being blocked and the government is Jamming the radios, There's also a complete news blackout so no reporting from any of the media in Australia
Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at September 02, 2021 09:19 PM (dKiJG)

The interesting times are getting more interesting...

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 02, 2021 09:21 PM (ACi07)

140 where do you get fat to chop ?

Posted by: 5280 greaser at September 02, 2021 09:21 PM (oSX/P)

141 We should all make an effort to physically attend events held by President Joe Biden, and turn our back on him. Especially on events commemorating the attacks of September 11. #TurnOurBacksOnJoe #180on911.

Posted by: Turn Back Better at September 02, 2021 09:21 PM (QCyzD)

142 Got willowed, so here I go again with a blurb about the Great Insanity.

We have a doctor in town who is a rabid anti-vaxxer. He is also a big proponent for the Covid shots, aggressively advertising for people to come get them at his office. I got a letter from him recently about getting the shots.


Posted by: Emmie at September 02, 2021 09:21 PM (6RgRK)

143 Slim Jim Spagetti is Fookin brilliant.

Change My Mind.

Posted by: West at September 02, 2021 09:21 PM (QY+6a)

144 @WeirdDave: "I know a lot of people on 'our' side don't like Candace Owens. I'm not sure why."

On the whole, I like Candace, but she can sometimes, as in this case, be a little bit exhausting. Walgreens gives free COVID tests, so there are other avenues available to her. I get the larger point, though.

Re: Paul Krugman- does he look like a runner?

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 02, 2021 09:21 PM (qe5CM)

145 first hf rig was an ft-100 - and once I grokked the menu structure it made sense to stick with the program ... still got an 857, but rfi precludes home operation, so I've gone portable.
Posted by: sock_rat_eez (YjYuE) at September 02, 2021 09:18 PM (IkGY2)

I have an 857, a vx-6r, and a FT-270. Of all of them, the 270 gets the most use (as a weather radio).

Posted by: hogmartin at September 02, 2021 09:21 PM (ghoDT)

146 Krugman is like a fireman who starts fires so he can be the hero who put the fire out

Posted by: kbdabear at September 02, 2021 09:21 PM (qAR6u)

147 I don’t even know what that steel ship Mencken quote means, but it speaks to me all the same.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at September 02, 2021 09:21 PM (CX3cf)

148 Nothing wrong with adding a few slices of bacon to whatever meats you might be grinding at home.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 09:21 PM (+WWsf)

149 The spaghetti looks good, the pizza looks like a painted cow pie.

Posted by: Grog at September 02, 2021 09:22 PM (YFj/0)

150 MCoB actually got me thinking of an important point. What if Dr.s or pharmacists refused to give gays their aids drugs because all the butseks. That would actually be a halfway reasonable stand. I wouldn't agree with them but it's logical. Cut the gay buggering and aids would probably die out.

How do y'all think that would go down?

Posted by: banana Dream at September 02, 2021 09:22 PM (l6b3d)

151 ft-100 & a 102' doublet got me my dxcc, though !

oh, and:
136 *I will often add chopped fat to 80/20 burger meat because I have taste buds and testicles.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

My Brother!!

Posted by: Tonypete at September 02, 2021 09:20 PM (mD/uy) "

This !

Posted by: sock_rat_eez (YjYuE) at September 02, 2021 09:22 PM (IkGY2)

152 I thought that no meat could be too fatty for me but I bought a couple of whole briskets and that buffalo hump part is just two greasy.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 02, 2021 09:22 PM (yQpMk)

153 As a native New Yorker, that pie is an abomination.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 02, 2021 09:22 PM (mNhhD)

154 The company hired the 21 year old junior ceo and now I can't do anything right.
Posted by: westminsterdogshow

Hang in there WDS. There is a lot of that going around.

Threaten to pick him up, through him over your shoulder and burp him.

That should help. Maybe.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 02, 2021 09:22 PM (mD/uy)

155 CBD, you and I agree on a great many things- but here I think you are bat-shit insane.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 02, 2021 09:14 PM (z4k8L)

Given another option I would choose it, but assuming it is binary, the scales tip a bit on the side of the pizza because I have a soft spot in my heart for American cheese, which is just marvelous for some things.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 02, 2021 09:23 PM (Q9lwr)

156 I have no proof but all this week I have surmised here that every westerner on those planes had to sign a very restrictive NDA with severe penalties.
Posted by: Beartooth at September 02, 2021 09:08 PM (UVMn

time to start the rumor "all the Westerners were left as hostages, only Afghans were brought back"

Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 09:23 PM (HG00O)

157 There's also a complete news blackout so no reporting from any of the media in Australia
Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at September 02, 2021 09:19 PM (dKiJG)

Hopefully, when the radio comes back up, it will be the voice of Crocodile Dundee saying "Now *this* is a knife."

Posted by: Napoleon XIV at September 02, 2021 09:23 PM (AiZBA)

158 Evening.

The day is nigh!

We're but mere HOURS AWAY from the release of the new Iron Maiden!!!!!

People...let us pray.

Dear LAWD,
Thank you for the bad ass metal for which we are about to receive. It was a nice thing you did with Jesus and all but you really knocked it out of the fucking park with Maiden. I mean holy shit, LAWD! We are unworthy to receive this blessing, but we shall bang our heads until our necks snap. Just like you intended.

In Steve, I mean in Jesus's name we pray.
A-FUCKING-MEN!!!!!!! \m/

Posted by: Robert - 1 Day until Iron Maiden's new album, Senjutsu at September 02, 2021 09:23 PM (wLIOB)

159 where do you get fat to chop ?
Posted by: 5280 greaser

It's a by-product of hog night.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 02, 2021 09:23 PM (mD/uy)

160 >>> 137 An exhausting week Been working at my job for seven and a half years with no issues. The company hired the 21 year old junior ceo and now I can't do anything right. Got admonished on Tuesday for not communicating with said "ceo" enough and responding with reply all to document I am taking care of tasks. Aargh!
Posted by: westminsterdogshow at September 02, 2021 09:20 PM (6kBQQ)

{{{WDS}}} That doesn't sound good. Why does this pinhead ceo think it needs to "communicate" with everyone and everything? Has it not heard of micromanagement, or does it think that's a great new idea?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 02, 2021 09:23 PM (ACi07)

161 We should all make an effort to physically attend events held by President Joe Biden, and turn our back on him. Especially on events commemorating the attacks of September 11. #TurnOurBacksOnJoe #180on911.
Posted by: Turn Back Better at September 02, 2021 09:21 PM (QCyzD)
Honestly, I think the worst thing we can do to him is NOT show up. No one cares about him. At all. Indifference is far more humiliating to a proud man like old JB.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 09:23 PM (K5n5d)

162 Good night my friends.

"Love is patient. Love is kind..."

Be kind and patient with each other. We are living in very, very troubling times.

Keep the faith.

Posted by: JAS, AoSHQ addict at September 02, 2021 09:23 PM (xopIz)

163 As far as the Paul Krugman story, when things are just a little too pat, I'm skeptical. Trump hater Krugman just happened to be right there to witness this.

Posted by: nerdygirl at September 02, 2021 09:23 PM (+lVUW)

164 The first paragraph of that vaccine summary rather succinctly sums up how I feel about the situation. Not categorically opposed, would probably get it after ~12 months in the wild, but the neverending stream of contradictory bullshit makes me very nervous and, frankly, predisposed to assume that whatever they're telling me today will be obviously wrong based on what they're telling me a month from now. Seriously, this marketing blitz is like the psychotic love child of Big Tobacco and a late-night infomercial.

It is also not lost on me that many of the high-profile people mixed up in this also had a hand in the sack and looting of my former Big City.

Posted by: CppThis at September 02, 2021 09:23 PM (UewuT)

165 Can't be any worse to eat dry spaghetti than dry ramen noodles.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 02, 2021 09:23 PM (mNhhD)

166 Japan gives their own spin to Marvel's Spiderman

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 09:23 PM (ol75U)

167 @155: "... I have a soft spot in my heart for American cheese, which is just marvelous for some things."

Provel is the one and only great American cheese blend made for pizzas!

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 09:24 PM (+WWsf)

168 How do y'all think that would go down?

Like Anthony Fauci at a glory hole?

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at September 02, 2021 09:24 PM (SchxB)

169 H.L. Mencken was one of the worst antisemites in U.S. history. He prudently didn't publish his vicious Jew-hating bullzh*t in his lifetime-- left it for posthumous publication. He had a certain feral sense of self-preservation in that regard.

I love it that the left thinks Mencken is some sort of ultra-witty, folk hero role model.

Soros & Mencken deserve each other.

Posted by: mnw at September 02, 2021 09:25 PM (Cssks)

170 21 yr old jr ceo? Just graduate? All kinds of FRESH ideas from collidge?

Posted by: a dude in MI at September 02, 2021 09:25 PM (+I6Y/)

171 134 Rome conquered Greece because the men would not mate with women.

Echoes of our own times.
Posted by: JAS, AoSHQ addict at September 02, 2021 09:19 PM (xopIz)

Pretty much the Greeks lost to the Romans because the Greeks 1) Could not unite but stayed fiercely independent. 2) Were still locked into the use of the Phalanx. 3) Macedon decided to get involved (or tried to) in the second Punic War when Rome was on the ropes after Cannae. They did not make a dent there, but that is not something that the Romans would be disposed to forget. 4) Figured they could beat up on the Romans because their heads were filled with Alexander and all the great battles of the past.

Bad call, Ripley. It was a bad call.

Of course, the Romans were not going to probably let the Mediterranean go no matter what anyone did. Once Carthage was defeated in the second punic war, everyone was living on borrowed time.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 02, 2021 09:25 PM (z4k8L)

172 where do you get fat to chop ?

Posted by: 5280 greaser at September 02, 2021 09:21 PM (oSX/P)

When I trim steaks or brisket....

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 02, 2021 09:25 PM (Q9lwr)

173 Oh the joys of a 2 hour layover at DFW.

Posted by: Redchief at September 02, 2021 09:26 PM (64gDt)

174 >>> 140 where do you get fat to chop ?
Posted by: 5280 greaser at September 02, 2021 09:21 PM (oSX/P)

I'd call some nearby butcher shops to ask what they have available. I would be surprised if any big box grocery stores carried that.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 02, 2021 09:26 PM (ACi07)

Repeating for the nightwalkers. I've revised The Official AoSHQ Classical Music Playlist of Anti-Science Conspiracies and Seditious Plotting (TM) so that it can fit on a 32 GB drive. It now consists of 1200 pieces by over 500 different composers, 275 hours of music in all.

Just about everything you'd find in a Classical Music's Greatest Hits compilation is there, along with other less familiar but still enjoyable stuff. So if you're interested in starting out listening to the classics or if you're already an afficionado, there's something for you.

Write me at monsalvat 61 at g mail dot com with your name and mailing address if you'd like to receive a flash drive. No charge. My treat for being my friends over the years.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 02, 2021 09:27 PM (/U27+)

176 Candace Owens strikes me as a phony.

She doesn't say anything I don't want to hear, strikes all the right fake.

I'll never forget the interview she did with Glenn Beck and talked about Kanye West the entire time.

Posted by: Robert - 1 Day until Iron Maiden's new album, Senjutsu at September 02, 2021 09:27 PM (NpRjs)

177 Honestly, I think the worst thing we can do to him is NOT show up. No one cares about him. At all. Indifference is far more humiliating to a proud man like old JB.
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 09:23 PM (K5n5d)

A lot less likely to end up in DC jail for seven or eight years for aggravated dissent with intent to disagree if you don't show up too.

Posted by: hogmartin at September 02, 2021 09:27 PM (ghoDT)

178 What could've be worse??? Now I want to know...
Posted by: lin-duh at September 02, 2021 09:16 PM (UUBmN)

Institutionalized, predatory wars of conquest. A slavery based command and control economy. Hand in hand with their endemic pederasty went the destruction of the family unit. These things hampered their development to a laughable degree. Their society was among history's shittiest. I rank them just (maybe) above the Aztecs.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 02, 2021 09:27 PM (9sVFt)

179 2 hours at DFW?

You might make your connection on the other side of the airport

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 09:28 PM (ol75U)

180 sold the 897 when the battery packs gave up the ghost; maybe not the best decision, but oh well...
love the 817s though, own 3 of them ! ... 2 together rock for satellite, and I have one on the bench as a (mostly) test instrument.
Posted by: sock_rat_eez (YjYuE) at September 02, 2021 09:18 PM (IkG
Love my 897, although it recently stopped talking through either CAT port, so I can't run digital anymore. Yaesu says send it to Cali for diagnostics, but I'm not fond of being without it for any length of time. I'm actually considering buying a 2nd one, if I can find one at a decent price, before sending this one in...

Posted by: BunkerintheBurbs at September 02, 2021 09:28 PM (RIp6a)

181 HS lunchroom rectangle pizza is better than that pizza. Honestly, the pizza was the safest thing they had.

You know where you stand with a lunchroom pizza.

Posted by: banana Dream at September 02, 2021 09:28 PM (l6b3d)

182 Our sil was deployed to DC from Fort Hood to processing afgani refugees

Posted by: westminsterdogshow at September 02, 2021 09:28 PM (6kBQQ)

183 Thanks for the ONT! Paul Krugman is the biggest? Well one of the biggest axxholes. All lies.
Yeah really strange about no photos of the people arriving stateside. Kind of like I have personally not seen a single photo of an overwhelmed ICU unit, or people on the floor of some hospital.

Posted by: MikeM at September 02, 2021 09:29 PM (jbRB1)

184 Given another option I would choose it, but assuming it is binary, the scales tip a bit on the side of the pizza because I have a soft spot in my heart for American cheese, which is just marvelous for some things.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 02, 2021 09:23 PM (Q9lwr)

Is that Shapiro bait I see? The American cheese is not even the worst of it.

Besides, I wonder how spaghetti flavored with traditional slim jim spices would taste. My guess with the picture we are shown, it would be pretty bland as this shows the slim jims being prepared with the pasta and hence might be watered down a lot. Otherwise, it is not too different from cutting up hot dogs with macaroni and cheese or throwing in some sliced sausage. Hell, I prepare a lot of my pasta with beef bullion as it adds pretty much exactly the right amount of salt plus savory.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 02, 2021 09:29 PM (z4k8L)

185 Last night at about 12:30 AM my smoke alarms went off. No fire, but scared the heck out of me. Then a few minutes later they do it again. OK, let's look for the one with the little red light. Found it, tried swapping out the battery, no go, but then they're all pulled from service elsewhere in the house.

So I end up having to drive to Circle-K in the middle of the night just to get a 9 Volt battery. And because it's a "convenience" store, it cost me 10 bucks. But the darn alarms shut up after that.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at September 02, 2021 09:29 PM (SchxB)

186 137 An exhausting week Been working at my job for seven and a half years with no issues. The company hired the 21 year old junior ceo and now I can't do anything right. Got admonished on Tuesday for not communicating with said "ceo" enough and responding with reply all to document I am taking care of tasks. Aargh!
Posted by: westminsterdogshow at September 02, 2021 09:20 PM

How long before your 59th birthday? I encountered the same scenario in 2018 with the new head of my department and a new supervisor he hired. I was laid off three weeks before my birthday after more than 20 years with the firm. A year before me, eight people of similar age and length of service were let go, so I was prepared when it happened to me. The new head had created a toxic mood in the department and I was ready to go. But not without a nice severance check. Also, I was in Minnesota so was able to collect 26 weeks of unemployment. My only regret is that I didn't get laid off during COVID so I could have gotten more weeks of COBRA and unemployment.

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 02, 2021 09:29 PM (qe5CM)

187 The only good Krugman is Murray Krugman.

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 02, 2021 09:30 PM (KAi1n)

188 @176: "She doesn't say anything I don't want to hear, strikes all the right fake."

Again, I suggest you go find a Daily Wire "behind the scenes" web stream with her and the usual suspects. It's beyond cringe. It's not just that she strikes all the right chords. It's that she doesn't know any other chords to strike. Like, none; none at all. Remember the jokes about Gulianni? Noun, verb, and 9/11? Candace falls into that same trap.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 09:30 PM (+WWsf)

189 >>> 182 Our sil was deployed to DC from Fort Hood to processing afgani refugees
Posted by: westminsterdogshow at September 02, 2021 09:28 PM (6kBQQ)


Fcking Bai-Den

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 02, 2021 09:30 PM (ACi07)

190 that four cheese pizza is nightmare fuel.

Posted by: butch at September 02, 2021 09:30 PM (cHvOo)

191 For those of us whose meal prep consists of using just a can opener and a hot plate...these discussions border on theoretical physics.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 09:30 PM (r1z5A)

192 "We're but mere HOURS AWAY from the release of the new Iron Maiden!!!!!"

Two Minutes to Midniiiiiiiighghghght!!! All night!!!

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 02, 2021 09:31 PM (KAi1n)

193 CBD, it sounds as if you have your own butcher shop.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 09:31 PM (L2ZTs)

194 Institutionalized, predatory wars of conquest. A slavery based command and control economy. Hand in hand with their endemic pederasty went the destruction of the family unit. These things hampered their development to a laughable degree. Their society was among history's shittiest. I rank them just (maybe) above the Aztecs.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 02, 2021 09:27 PM (9sVFt)

Can't argue with too much of that. Although I might add some of the Islamic cultures into the ranks of the worst (plus the Chinese.)

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 02, 2021 09:31 PM (z4k8L)

195 nice !
oh, also a (tiny) vx-1, and an ft-60 that was a surprise $5 find at a garage sale. that was a lot of fun when I was still in illinois, it had just about every known cop frequency programmed into it ...

I know it's wrong, but I also own a couple of Icoms and a fleet of baofengs (the bic lighter of ht's), and an sg-2020 ...
don't get me started on tube stuff; but if the big emp happens, I'll still be on the air !

Posted by: sock_rat_eez (YjYuE) at September 02, 2021 09:32 PM (IkGY2)

196 That pizza is an abomination.

The anti racist app produces some amazing results, which will change zero leftist minds.

Also, that pizza is an abomination.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at September 02, 2021 09:32 PM (OssQ4)

197 Red, you going or coming? If you're coming home you could drive in less time than that. Also,I didn't know the puddle hoppers flew in here this late at night.

Posted by: Weirddave at September 02, 2021 09:32 PM (dyOnf)

198 Was watching the clock while fixing some dinner, and I thought, oh, good, half an hour until the ONT. Then I sit down in front of the computer and... realize... the microwave clock is still on standard time, not DST.

* dives into content *

Posted by: mindful the counterclockwise webworker at September 02, 2021 09:32 PM (Vddbf)

199 Japan gives their own spin to Marvel's Spiderman
Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 09:23 PM (ol75U)

I didn't see any tentacle rape.

Posted by: Robert - 1 Day until Iron Maiden's new album, Senjutsu at September 02, 2021 09:32 PM (+aBsO)

200 Provel is the one and only great American cheese blend made for pizzas!
Posted by: Walter Freeman

*fist bump on a St. Louis style Imo's pizza.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 02, 2021 09:32 PM (OCTRt)

201 Just imagine in 2008 Bidet, Jean Francois Cary, and Hagel could have been MIA in Afghanistan instead of an OK Rep. now.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 09:32 PM (ol75U)

202 >>> 196
The anti racist app produces some amazing results, which will change zero leftist minds.
Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at September 02, 2021 09:32 PM (OssQ4)

Crap! We'll have to make some corrections.

Posted by: guglag at September 02, 2021 09:32 PM (ACi07)

203 It's from 1978. But you get a giant mech

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 09:33 PM (ol75U)

204 CBD, it sounds as if you have your own butcher shop.
Posted by: qdpsteve

He does - Satriale's Pork Store.

Tell 'em Silvio sent you.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 02, 2021 09:33 PM (mD/uy)

205 OMG that pizza. Holy shit.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 02, 2021 09:10 PM (9sVFt)

I've made worse. Ahem:

Spaghetti sauce, gochujiang, corned beef, gouda, cheddar, green peppers, drained sauerkraut topping and cayenne.

It was filling and I didn't need to get baked to make it seem tasty.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 09:33 PM (HG00O)

206 50 Bleg: someplace today, i saw a drawing of Puddin' Head in his head down posture, but his arms were outstretched, and covered in blood...

can someone help a 'ron out? i NEED that on a t-shirt.
Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it

That must have been a take off on the press conference where he put his head down on the podium because he didn't like the one question that wasn't on his list. I watched that, and thought, "What the hell is he doing?"

Posted by: nerdygirl at September 02, 2021 09:33 PM (+lVUW)

207 181 HS lunchroom rectangle pizza is better than that pizza. Honestly, the pizza was the safest thing they had.

You know where you stand with a lunchroom pizza.
Posted by: banana Dream at September 02, 2021 09:28 PM (l6b3d)

Around my Junior/Senior year in high school they switched us from the rectangle pizza that was sausage to a sliced stuffed crust pepperoni pizza. I think elementary school still got the rectangle but high school and maybe junior high got the struffed crust.

Posted by: buzzion at September 02, 2021 09:33 PM (vMCab)

208 Tony, sounds like a great way to get whacked. ;-)

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 09:33 PM (L2ZTs)

209 That must have been a take off on the press conference where he put his head down on the podium because he didn't like the one question that wasn't on his list. I watched that, and thought, "What the hell is he doing?"
Posted by: nerdygirl at September 02, 2021 09:33 PM (+lVUW)

A soft reboot.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 02, 2021 09:34 PM (yQpMk)

A year before me, eight people of similar age and length of service were let go, so I was prepared when it happened to me.


Odd it is. A few years ago, there was this big hue and cry about what were companies going to do when all these experienced people retired. Now they can't get rid of them fast enough.

I richly deserved whatever happened to me, but there are more than a few older (60+) people I know (Her Majesty included) who had excellent reputations and made major contributions who wanted to continue working and either got whacked or were "encouraged" to retire.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 02, 2021 09:34 PM (/U27+)

211 @205": "Spaghetti sauce, gochujiang, corned beef, gouda, cheddar, green peppers, drained sauerkraut topping and cayenne."

Green peppers? No, I suggest frozen green peas.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 09:34 PM (+WWsf)

212 Slim Jim Spaghetti is a dish that should be tried.

Posted by: exdem13 at September 02, 2021 09:34 PM (W+kMI)

213 WDS Cicero acesplained the other night that in fact he is an employment attorney, but works for the evil companies (defendants) in such cases. He observed that the plaintiff's law firms, in his experience, were generally "mills" staffed with green lawyers who make their $ on volume, or something. Anyway, he said he knew some but couldn't recommend any.

You and he should work it out directly, not rely on my dubious memory here.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at September 02, 2021 09:34 PM (OTzUX)

214 For those of us whose meal prep consists of using just a can opener and a hot plate...these discussions border on theoretical physics.
Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 09:30 PM (r1z5A)
Hey, I'm lazy, not entirely incompetent...though I come nowhere close to CBD's culinary skills...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 09:34 PM (K5n5d)

215 I've made worse. Ahem:

Spaghetti sauce, gochujang, corned beef, gouda, cheddar, green peppers, drained sauerkraut topping and cayenne.

It was filling and I didn't need to get baked to make it seem tasty.
Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 09:33 PM (HG00O)

Had to look up gochujang. There is a lot of fermented stuff in Korean cuisine, huh?

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 02, 2021 09:35 PM (z4k8L)

216 I've been expecting an absolutely insane millennial suicide rate for years now. The midlife crisis isn't exactly a new phenomenon, but it's gonna come down hard on those who realize that they've done absolutely nothing, hate themselves, and all their fake heroes like Jon Stewart were just using them to make money.

Posted by: CppThis at September 02, 2021 09:35 PM (UewuT)

217 time to start the rumor "all the Westerners were left as hostages, only Afghans were brought back"

Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 09:23 PM (HG00O)

I am far too convinced that it would not be a mere rumor, but a fact!

The current occupants of the Dulles Expo Center are my reference point.

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at September 02, 2021 09:35 PM (t88TX)

218 It's a Federal top Secret but, Slim Jim spaghetti?
Fauci's all-time favorite dinner.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 09:35 PM (L2ZTs)

219 118 Before Sparta fell, they indulged in voting for Democrats.

But seriously, look up the customs for a Spartan wedding night. Yeesh.

Posted by: callsign claymore at September 02, 2021 09:35 PM (sqQnU)

220 @215: "There is a lot of fermented stuff in Korean cuisine, huh?"

It's not edible if you can't bury it in a wooden barrel for a few months.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 09:35 PM (+WWsf)

221 What is failed enron advisor Krugman grieving? Mommy put the cookies on the top shelf again?
Posted by: BunkerintheBurbs at September 02, 2021 09:13 PM (RIp6a)

I think someone shows him the read out of what was on his computer and he sings to order.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 09:36 PM (HG00O)

222 >>>Millennials Will Get Sick and Die Faster Than the Previous Generation

Nelson Muntz ha ha!

Posted by: flounder at September 02, 2021 09:36 PM (KnJdm)

223 58 $24 dollars a pound for steak at the grocery store tonight.
But....No more mean tweets!
Posted by: Jmel

It isn't just the steak and meat. A lot of other grocery items seem to have gone up by about a third. I'm glad I only buy groceries for one person.

Posted by: nerdygirl at September 02, 2021 09:36 PM (+lVUW)

224 "civilizational collapse"

poignant essay by VDH

Posted by: chris+opher at September 02, 2021 09:36 PM (5g/Qs)

225 Doctors advised pregnant women to get COVID shot.

With that one thing, I went from vaccine hesitancy to vaccine no way.

Anyone in the medical profession who suggests a pregnant women take this sort of vaccine deserves to have their medical license revoked.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at September 02, 2021 09:36 PM (2SdPm)

226 The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
H.L. Mencken

Covid, climate change, white supremacy, etc. We've got quite a list going at this stage in our history.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 02, 2021 09:36 PM (mNhhD)

227 43 I'm pretty sure Krugman is lying.
If you see Krugman with his mouth open he is in the process of lying.

Posted by: exdem13 at September 02, 2021 09:36 PM (W+kMI)

228 Walter, Koreans like it buried and curried!

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 09:37 PM (L2ZTs)

229 Damn, that little man has a near perfect and a beautiful swing.

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at September 02, 2021 09:37 PM (pszwW)

230 Posted by: Tonypete at September 02, 2021 09:33 PM (mD/uy)

What's weird is that they used a few real places, including a sporting goods store where I buy guns occasionally!

Including my new (used) Ruger Mark III 22/45 Lite.

Which only took two days to reassemble after I cleaned it!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 02, 2021 09:37 PM (Q9lwr)

231 Slim Jim Spaghetti is a dish that should be tried.
Posted by: exdem13

And then sentenced to death.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 02, 2021 09:37 PM (OCTRt)

232 >>> 210
A year before me, eight people of similar age and length of service were let go, so I was prepared when it happened to me.
Odd it is. A few years ago, there was this big hue and cry about what were companies going to do when all these experienced people retired. Now they can't get rid of them fast enough.

I richly deserved whatever happened to me, but there are more than a few older (60+) people I know (Her Majesty included) who had excellent reputations and made major contributions who wanted to continue working and either got whacked or were "encouraged" to retire.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 02, 2021 09:34 PM (/U27+)


I think it's a combination of woketard HR getting rid of older employees who might not go along with all their BS, and SMAAAHHHHRT MBAs who think they're "saving money" by getting rid of those high salaries.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 02, 2021 09:37 PM (ACi07)

233 If you see Krugman with his mouth open he is in the process of lying.

Or Fauci is paying a house call...

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 09:37 PM (ol75U)

234 I've been expecting an absolutely insane millennial suicide rate for years now. The midlife crisis isn't exactly a new phenomenon, but it's gonna come down hard on those who realize that they've done absolutely nothing, hate themselves, and all their fake heroes like Jon Stewart were just using them to make money.

That's going to put a dent in the sports car market.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at September 02, 2021 09:37 PM (SchxB)

235 47 That "four cheese pizza" is an abomination before God and man!
Bleu cheese has no place on a pizza.

Posted by: exdem13 at September 02, 2021 09:37 PM (W+kMI)

236 @200: "*fist bump on a St. Louis style Imo's pizza."

I don't remember who said it -- maybe J. Kenji Lopez-Alt -- but it's best to think of St. Louis style pizza as a nacho dish. The dough is unleavened, dense, crispy, etc., and carries way more toppings than you'd expect on a thin crust pizza.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 09:38 PM (+WWsf)

237 I've made worse. Ahem:

Spaghetti sauce, gochujang,

(Raises hand....)

WTF is gochujang ?

Posted by: JT at September 02, 2021 09:38 PM (arJlL)

238 Damn, that little man has a near perfect and a beautiful swing.
Posted by: Widespread Pepe at September 02, 2021 09:37 PM (pszwW)

Whatever. Pitch him hard inside, watch him bail, then, the outside corner is yours.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at September 02, 2021 09:38 PM (2SdPm)

239 No....he has not graduated from college yet, has few people skills and has been installed by his dad.

Posted by: westminsterdogshow at September 02, 2021 09:38 PM (6kBQQ)

240 I come nowhere close to CBD's culinary skills...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 09:34 PM (K5n5d)

The measure of "culinary skills" is quite a simple thing. If you can make food that pleases you and the people you are feeding, then you are a good cook. That is it!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 02, 2021 09:38 PM (Q9lwr)

241 JuJuBee, that's my favorite H. L. Quote, and once you understand it it explains so much.

Posted by: Weirddave at September 02, 2021 09:39 PM (dyOnf)

242 I'll never forget the interview she did with Glenn Beck and talked about Kanye West the entire time.
Posted by: Robert - 1
Yup. Something about her does not seem authentic.
Side topic Kanye. Now Ye. I do not watch Saturday night live, ever. But occasionally youtube wants to feed me clips. One I really enjoy is Black Jeopardy, with Tom Hanks(I know, I know). But it is pretty funny to see the overlap between black culture and Trumpians (like myself). I encourage you to watch it.
About Ye. I listened to one song from his new album Donda, track name Jesus Lord.
Here are a couple lines
Earthquakes will strike this nation for what Bush did to Rwanda
What the Clintons did to Haiti, and what Downing Street did to Ghana.

Posted by: MikeM at September 02, 2021 09:39 PM (jbRB1)

243 71 Slim Jims, ramen, ketchup and garlic powder. Make it in your cell.
Posted by: Insomniac

That reminds me of Prison Pad Thai, which is actually pretty good, although incredibly salty.

Posted by: nerdygirl at September 02, 2021 09:39 PM (+lVUW)

244 Gack! That "4-cheese" pizza looks disgusting.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 02, 2021 09:39 PM (MxrKc)

245 Pitch him hard inside, watch him bail, then, the outside corner is yours.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at September 02, 2021 09:38 PM (2SdPm)

Plunk that little strutting show-off!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 02, 2021 09:39 PM (Q9lwr)

246 Including my new (used) Ruger Mark III 22/45 Lite.

Which only took two days to reassemble after I cleaned it!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 02, 2021 09:37 PM (Q9lwr)

Bill Ruger should be dug up and flogged for that one.

Posted by: flounder at September 02, 2021 09:39 PM (KnJdm)

I think it's a combination of woketard HR getting rid of older employees who might not go along with all their BS, and SMAAAHHHHRT MBAs who think they're "saving money" by getting rid of those high salaries.
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 02, 2021 09:37 PM (ACi07)


The latter in my case.

"MBA" is to "R&D" as "Bubonic Plague" is to "14th Century".

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 02, 2021 09:39 PM (/U27+)

248 Odd it is. A few years ago, there was this big hue and cry about what were companies going to do when all these experienced people retired. Now they can't get rid of them fast enough.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

When I left Monstrous Global Financial Services Firm there were five others in my group with similar years of service and vast experience. Over 150 years of experience in a rather unique section of the firm's expertise.

Not one of us was debriefed or asked to give the benefit of our experience to anyone else. I've since learned customer service in our slice of the world went completely to hell.

No one cared.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 02, 2021 09:39 PM (mD/uy)

249 >>> I love it that the left thinks Mencken is some sort of ultra-witty, folk hero role model.

Soros & Mencken deserve each other.
Posted by: mnw at September 02, 2021 09:25 PM (Cssks)

Have you ever happened to look around the upper portion of the website here? Not the bottom, or the middle part, so much, but the very most top portion. Sort of the tip-top middle area. Way up there. Like where you get when you press the home key. Jogging a few pixels down from there.

Posted by: banana Dream at September 02, 2021 09:40 PM (l6b3d)

250 Thanks for the ONT, WD!

And, because of the discussion in one of the threads the other day about the Baofeng UV-5R Two Way Radio, I'm signing up for a technician level ham radio class starting mid-September. My husband mentioned that we might think about getting some radios, for when the SHTF, and I told him I knew just the ones! Thanks to all who provided the advice!

Posted by: Toni at September 02, 2021 09:40 PM (41loe)

251 That reminds me of Prison Pad Thai, which is actually pretty good, although incredibly salty.
Posted by: nerdygirl at September 02, 2021 09:39 PM (+lVUW)

Effin right it's salty!

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at September 02, 2021 09:40 PM (2SdPm)

252 Wait 'til you taste prison cherries flambe!

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 09:40 PM (L2ZTs)

253 It isn't just the steak and meat. A lot of other grocery items seem to have gone up by about a third. I'm glad I only buy groceries for one person.
Posted by: nerdygirl

Gone up or non existent. And it's not because they don't have enough stockers.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 02, 2021 09:40 PM (OCTRt)

254 I think it's a combination of woketard HR getting rid of older employees who might not go along with all their BS, and SMAAAHHHHRT MBAs who think they're "saving money" by getting rid of those high salaries.
Posted by: Helena Handbasket

This, too, is the story of Windows 11.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at September 02, 2021 09:40 PM (OssQ4)

255 I think it's a combination of woketard HR getting rid of older employees who might not go along with all their BS, and SMAAAHHHHRT MBAs who think they're "saving money" by getting rid of those high salaries.
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 02, 2021 09:37 PM (ACi07)
Yep. It even occurs in higher ed where senior STEM faculty (who generally make good money) are somewhat "encouraged" to retire early. We had a huge swath of faculty retire in the past couple of years as part of the ongoing budget reductions. We'll be lucky if we can fill those positions again.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 09:41 PM (K5n5d)

256 I've been expecting an absolutely insane millennial suicide rate for years now.

We should be so lucky. They'll be on cutting-edge anti-depressants into their early 100s crying like little babies about how unfair life is.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 02, 2021 09:41 PM (QU5/8)

257 @243: "That reminds me of Prison Pad Thai, which is actually pretty good, although incredibly salty."

Begs questions, none of which should be answered in polite company, about prison fish sauce substitutes.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 09:41 PM (+WWsf)

258 185 Last night at about 12:30 AM my smoke alarms went off. No fire, but scared the heck out of me. Then a few minutes later they do it again. OK, let's look for the one with the little red light. Found it, tried swapping out the battery, no go, but then they're all pulled from service elsewhere in the house.

So I end up having to drive to Circle-K in the middle of the night just to get a 9 Volt battery. And because it's a "convenience" store, it cost me 10 bucks. But the darn alarms shut up after that.
Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at September 02, 2021 09:29 PM (SchxB)

Mine starts doing a beep ever 2 - 3 minutes. Very annoying. But it does have a "silence" button that will stop that random beep for 12-24 hours so you can go get a new battery. On mine the "silence" is the same button as the "test" button you just press in on the silence part to stop it.

Posted by: buzzion at September 02, 2021 09:41 PM (vMCab)

259 Re Candice Owens:

There is no "our side". There is only me and my family and God.

Now, you may see me fighting the good fight somewhere, and if the situation avails itself, you may help me defeat a foe and perhaps dispose of the body. And nothing will be said afterwards. No bond is formed or planned formulated for future endeavors. The understanding will be unspoken.

No different than if you see me broken down on the side of the road and stop to help change a tire. The alliances live in our hearts and our intrinsic understanding of what is "right" in the universal sense. And as long as our unspoken alliance lives inside us, we may lighten each other's burdens and bury our foes in shallow, unmarked graves as fodder for coyotes. If we do not organize, we may in fact triumph.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at September 02, 2021 09:41 PM (5We2S)

260 229 Damn, that little man has a near perfect and a beautiful swing.
Posted by: Widespread Pepe at September 02, 2021 09:37 PM (pszwW)

That clip gets better every time I watch it.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at September 02, 2021 09:41 PM (SDdx5)

261 Prison fish sauce?
Gatorade and salt...

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 09:41 PM (L2ZTs)

262 Bill Ruger should be dug up and flogged for that one.
Posted by: flounder

Everyone should have learned after the Mark I.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 02, 2021 09:41 PM (OCTRt)

263 78 Ooh...which one is most edible...or least disgusting?

I would eat the pizza before the pasta.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

I'd put the slim Jims on the pizza and eat the pizza. I like meat on my pizza.

Posted by: nerdygirl at September 02, 2021 09:41 PM (+lVUW)

264 210- Odd it is. A few years ago, there was this big hue and cry about what were companies going to do when all these experienced people retired. Now they can't get rid of them fast enough.

I richly deserved whatever happened to me, but there are more than a few older (60+) people I know (Her Majesty included) who had excellent reputations and made major contributions who wanted to continue working and either got whacked or were "encouraged" to retire.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 02, 2021 09:34 PM

I was talking to my sister yesterday about a large regional financial institution in the area. They wanted to reduce staff size by 15% so they offered early retirement to employees. For some bizarre reason, they didn't set a first-come, first-serve limit and now they are dealing with the fact that 41% of the employees took the offer! Perhaps not so surprisingly, the 60-63-year olds were the least likely to take the offer because they want to work until they qualify for SS and Medicare!

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 02, 2021 09:41 PM (qe5CM)

265 Thanks rhomboid! I missed it last night. I will let my friend know

Posted by: westminsterdogshow at September 02, 2021 09:42 PM (6kBQQ)

266 If we do not organize, we may in fact triumph.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger at September 02, 2021 09:41 PM (5We2S)

I don't believe yelling at the people who are yelling at us will solve a damned thing.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at September 02, 2021 09:42 PM (SDdx5)

267 @261: "Prison fish sauce? Gatorade and salt..."

Maybe on a good day!

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 09:42 PM (+WWsf)

268 So the pan I wanted to use to sear the pheasant wasn't quite what I needed so I bought some ore, smelted it, of course I hammer forged the perfect pan for what I needed then discovered I was out of virgin tears for the sauce and ....

(Big Smiley Face icon here) (I'm actually very jealous of you types)

Posted by: Every foodie out there at September 02, 2021 09:42 PM (r1z5A)

269 There's also a complete news blackout so no reporting from any of the media in Australia
Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at September 02, 2021 09:19 PM (dKiJG)

I wonder if they are using Telegram or something similar, even email chains work.

Unless the benevolent Aussie Government drops all the cell towers like a reasonable social democratic state does

Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 09:43 PM (HG00O)

270 41% bugged out with silver parachutes?

Something is wickedly wrong with that corporate culture.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 09:43 PM (ol75U)

271 92 It looks like velveeta slices, swiss cheese slices, blue cheese, and shredded cheese blend.

Posted by: banana Dream at September 02, 2021 09:13 PM (l6b3d)

Made me think of the blueberry meat patties...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 09:43 PM (ynpvh)

272 I don't watch the news, for reasons I'm sure a lot of people around here understand. But it does seem strange that human interest stories about the Americans airlifted out of Afghanistan haven't popped up on J.J.'s Morning Report. I'd think we'd be hearing something from those who made it back alive...
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 09:05 PM (K5n5d)

Perfect example of "the dog that didn't bark". I can understand that some of the returning "Americans" might want to preserve their privacy, but one would think that at least a few would be Fed employees who could be ordered to appear on TV, all happy and grateful. Unless maybe none of them are actually Americans, as Americans understand Americans.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 02, 2021 09:44 PM (MxrKc)

273 So the pan I wanted to use to sear the pheasant wasn't quite what I needed so I bought some ore, smelted it, of course I hammer forged the perfect pan for what I needed then discovered I was out of virgin tears for the sauce and ....

(Big Smiley Face icon here) (I'm actually very jealous of you types)
Posted by: Every foodie out there at September 02, 2021 09:42 PM (r1z5A)

I was nodding in agreement until that last bit.

Way to shatter the illusion!

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at September 02, 2021 09:44 PM (2SdPm)

274 Gone up or non existent. And it's not because they don't have enough stockers.
Posted by: rickb223

Shopped for groceries today at two different large chains. Lots of holes on the shelves.

Delivery disruptions is what I am told.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 02, 2021 09:44 PM (mD/uy)

275 My niece the millennial knows two young people who committed suicide. One of her running coaches jumped off the George Washington bridge. The other one was the 15-year-old little sister of one of her best friends. The sister had a history of mental health problems; she came unglued during the lockdown. Her lib parents refused to let their kids go anywhere for months, didn't want friends coming over, etc.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 02, 2021 09:44 PM (mNhhD)

276 >>> 264
I was talking to my sister yesterday about a large regional financial institution in the area. They wanted to reduce staff size by 15% so they offered early retirement to employees. For some bizarre reason, they didn't set a first-come, first-serve limit and now they are dealing with the fact that 41% of the employees took the offer! Perhaps not so surprisingly, the 60-63-year olds were the least likely to take the offer because they want to work until they qualify for SS and Medicare!
Posted by: Moonbeam at September 02, 2021 09:41 PM (qe5CM)

*points* HA HA!

I wonder if I am familiar with said Large Regional Financial Institution.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 02, 2021 09:44 PM (ACi07)

277 I'm surprised there's never been a restaurant specializing in prison-recipe food.

I guess local health departments frown on cooking with a toilet...

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 09:44 PM (L2ZTs)

278 Blueberry meat patties?


Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 09:44 PM (ol75U)

279 Everyone should have learned after the Mark I.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 02, 2021 09:41 PM (OCTRt)

Yup. But it was cheap, and I like the 1911 grips. wasn't too bad.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 02, 2021 09:44 PM (Q9lwr)

280 I wonder if they are using Telegram or something similar, even email chains work.

Unless the benevolent Aussie Government drops all the cell towers like a reasonable social democratic state does
Posted by: Kindltot

CB Radio.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 02, 2021 09:45 PM (OCTRt)

281 245 Pitch him hard inside, watch him bail, then, the outside corner is yours.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at September 02, 2021 09:38 PM (2SdPm)

Plunk that little strutting show-off!
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 02, 2021 09:39 PM (Q9lwr)

I believe the AoSHQ style guide prefers the term "Stick it in his ear!!"

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at September 02, 2021 09:46 PM (SDdx5)

282 Perfect example of "the dog that didn't bark". I can understand that some of the returning "Americans" might want to preserve their privacy, but one would think that at least a few would be Fed employees who could be ordered to appear on TV, all happy and grateful. Unless maybe none of them are actually Americans, as Americans understand Americans.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 02, 2021 09:44 PM (MxrKc)
Exactly. I would not have made that connection without Weird Dave's link in the ONT...What's going on that Americans aren't making the media circuit to show gratitude towards the Biden junta for their escape?

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 09:46 PM (K5n5d)

283 I guess local health departments frown on cooking with a toilet...
Posted by: qdpsteve

Especially the 98.6 degree sous vide.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at September 02, 2021 09:46 PM (OssQ4)

284 Yup. But it was cheap, and I like the 1911 grips. wasn't too bad.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

Picked up a new shotgun yesterday. Goong to try to play with it this weekend.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 02, 2021 09:46 PM (OCTRt)

285 166 Japan gives their own spin to Marvel's Spiderman
I must now find and watch this Spider-Man show. I absolutely need to see a sentai-style Spider-Man show with the Spider-Cycle and a giant robot. It looks golden, and if he's in the next Spider-verse movie, it'll be great!

Posted by: exdem13 at September 02, 2021 09:46 PM (W+kMI)

286 @277: "I guess local health departments frown on cooking with a toilet..."

The best part is that ramen comes in a special issue transparent see through package like everything else does in prison.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 09:46 PM (+WWsf)

287 Something is wickedly wrong with that corporate culture.

I’ve known several people in large tech companies. When there’s a buyout or early retirement offering to reduce staff, the first thing that happens is that the best employees, who can most easily get a job elsewhere, take it. Then, the good employees, who see that they’re going to be left with only bad employees, do their best to line up jobs and take it.

And you’re left with demoralized good employees and clueless or anxious bad employees.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at September 02, 2021 09:47 PM (CX3cf)

I believe the AoSHQ style guide prefers the term "Stick it in his ear!!"
Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at September 02, 2021 09:46 PM (SDdx5)

That only applies to players that deserve it, like Manny Machado.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at September 02, 2021 09:47 PM (2SdPm)

289 ...In Steve, I mean in Jesus's name we pray.
A-FUCKING-MEN!!!!!!! \m/

Posted by: Robert - 1 Day until Iron Maiden's new album, Senjutsu at September 02, 2021 09:23 PM

You've been waiting a long time to post that, haven't you?

Posted by: Zettai at September 02, 2021 09:47 PM (fCto4)

290 247-The latter in my case.

"MBA" is to "R&D" as "Bubonic Plague" is to "14th Century".
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 02, 2021 09:39 PM

Same here. I was at the top of my salary band and had been for several years.

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 02, 2021 09:47 PM (qe5CM)

291 Bitter Clinger the other day you mentioned a post by ace you wanted to read again about "free speech." I linked two possibles. Did you happen to see that and were either what you were looking for?

Posted by: buzzion at September 02, 2021 09:48 PM (vMCab)

292 Delivery disruptions is what I am told.
Posted by: Tonypete at September 02, 2021 09:44 PM (mD/uy)

Maybe it's from the truckers strike Tuesday that totally didn't happen.

Posted by: Emmie at September 02, 2021 09:48 PM (6RgRK)

293 Everyone should have learned after the Mark I.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 02, 2021 09:41 PM (OCTRt)

My first was a MKIII 22/45 Hunter. Sweet, smooth, and accurate. Then they came out with the MKIV. And now I need a MKIV lite.

Posted by: flounder at September 02, 2021 09:48 PM (KnJdm)

294 First, I saw a video about getting the people version of ivermectin. They used Seems to come from India.

Next, and I may just be whacked out from work. Remember how they would do shows on voodoo? The voodoo doctor would put a spell on someone and they would die. The show would explain that, because they believed the voodoo doctor had that power, they died. What if we are seeing that with Wuflu? So many people have been told it's a death sentence. They are told they have it and their body shuts down because they believe it's a killer.

Posted by: Notsothoreau - look forward at September 02, 2021 09:49 PM (YynYJ)

295 Posted by: buzzion at September 02, 2021 09:48 PM (vMCab)

Yes, I did.

And you got it. I appreciate it.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at September 02, 2021 09:49 PM (5We2S)

296 >>> 287 Something is wickedly wrong with that corporate culture.

I've known several people in large tech companies. When there's a buyout or early retirement offering to reduce staff, the first thing that happens is that the best employees, who can most easily get a job elsewhere, take it. Then, the good employees, who see that they're going to be left with only bad employees, do their best to line up jobs and take it.

And you're left with demoralized good employees and clueless or anxious bad employees.
Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at September 02, 2021 09:47 PM (CX3cf)

Darn, I don't think my employers need (or even think they need) to reduce staff.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 02, 2021 09:49 PM (ACi07)

Same here. I was at the top of my salary band and had been for several years.
Posted by: Moonbeam at September 02, 2021 09:47 PM (qe5CM)


Three of us let go at the same time. 240 US patents among us. But I suppose they had to make analyst expectations for the next quarter.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 02, 2021 09:49 PM (/U27+)

298 @287: "And you're left with demoralized good employees and clueless or anxious bad employees."

The best tech people are constantly shopping themselves on the market; thus all the non-poaching lawsuit settlements for big companies like Apple, Google, etc. It would be especially shameless and scandalous in any other industry.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 09:49 PM (+WWsf)

299 I believe the AoSHQ style guide prefers the term "Stick it in his ear!!"
Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief

4 inches between brush back and cracked ribs.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 09:49 PM (r1z5A)

300 My first was a MKIII 22/45 Hunter. Sweet, smooth, and accurate. Then they came out with the MKIV. And now I need a MKIV lite.
Posted by: flounder

I would love a Hunter in Stainless.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 02, 2021 09:49 PM (OCTRt)

301 275 The sister had a history of mental health problems; she came unglued during the lockdown. Her lib parents refused to let their kids go anywhere for months, didn't want friends coming over, etc.
David Paulides, author and host of the Missing 411 books and YouTube site, lost a son who had mental problems, and whose lockdown lifestyle kept him from attending the Hindu temple that kept him grounded and engaged in life. One has to wonder how many people with mental problems decided to end it all during that time or shortly afterwards.

Posted by: exdem13 at September 02, 2021 09:50 PM (W+kMI)

302 >>> 294 First, I saw a video about getting the people version of ivermectin. They used Seems to come from India.

Next, and I may just be whacked out from work. Remember how they would do shows on voodoo? The voodoo doctor would put a spell on someone and they would die. The show would explain that, because they believed the voodoo doctor had that power, they died. What if we are seeing that with Wuflu? So many people have been told it's a death sentence. They are told they have it and their body shuts down because they believe it's a killer.
Posted by: Notsothoreau - look forward at September 02, 2021 09:49 PM (YynYJ)

This would not surprise me at all.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 02, 2021 09:50 PM (ACi07)

303 I worked private sector for many years, after leaving the Corps in the early '90s. I went back to the Corps three years ago, and not a lot had changed, certainly not for the better. I have discovered, however, that not one single person in my section has a clue about how to do the whole job, why we do what we do how we do it, and how to not fuck it all up even following the rules. Right now, I can write my ticket, and I intend to. At some point, you know enough to do all of it, and you just can't be bothered to fix what's wrong.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at September 02, 2021 09:51 PM (SDdx5)

304 Bleu cheese has no place on a pizza.
Posted by: exdem13 at September 02, 2021 09:37 PM (W+kMI)

It is really good on a bacon cheeseburger.

Trust me and order the Captain Neon at a McMenamins

Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 09:51 PM (HG00O)

305 248- When I left Monstrous Global Financial Services Firm there were five others in my group with similar years of service and vast experience. Over 150 years of experience in a rather unique section of the firm's expertise.

Not one of us was debriefed or asked to give the benefit of our experience to anyone else. I've since learned customer service in our slice of the world went completely to hell.

No one cared.
Posted by: Tonypete at September 02, 2021 09:39 PM

Tonypete- exactly the same for me! Many people left the department after me- some with checks, some who were just fed up and quit. I just heard about another one today. Like you, we had a specific expertise that is difficult to come by in that industry.

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 02, 2021 09:51 PM (qe5CM)

306 Rooftop Korean prison kimchi is da bomb.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 02, 2021 09:51 PM (mNhhD)

307 I really like David Paulides. But he's Ancient Aliens levels of crazy. He has at least three 411 documentaries. All well worth watching.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 02, 2021 09:52 PM (QU5/8)

308 They are told they have it and their body shuts down because they believe it's a killer.
Posted by: Notsothoreau - look forward at September 02, 2021 09:49 PM (YynYJ)
Don't underestimate the power of suggestion. I think we've seen the biggest mass hypnosis event in recent history...Maybe of all time...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 09:52 PM (K5n5d)

309 I even saw a conservative doctor saying that he wouldn't treat her either, because he doesn't like her.

Is that the guy with the Twitter handle JoePilot? Because he's been talking a lot of crap against people who are even skeptical of the vaccine*.
Posted by: Dr. T at September 02, 2021 09:12 PM (tp+tP)

It's so nice to see doctors who are zealous in their adherence to the Hypocritic Oath.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 02, 2021 09:53 PM (MxrKc)

310 They are told they have it and their body shuts down because they believe it's a killer.
Posted by: Notsothoreau - look forward at September 02, 2021 09:49 PM (YynYJ)

Along those lines, remember the ceremonial first jab? The healthcare worker who got it fainted right afterward. I wondered if it was the shot that did it, or if she was so keyed up with Covid fear and so anxious to finally get the shot that she collapsed from the psychological strain.

Posted by: Emmie at September 02, 2021 09:53 PM (6RgRK)

311 >>> 297
Same here. I was at the top of my salary band and had been for several years.
Posted by: Moonbeam at September 02, 2021 09:47 PM (qe5CM)
Three of us let go at the same time. 240 US patents among us. But I suppose they had to make analyst expectations for the next quarter.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 02, 2021 09:49 PM (/U27+)

Who are these analysts and how do they calculate their expectations? Oh wait, I know - more "experts" we should "trust"!!!

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 02, 2021 09:53 PM (ACi07)

312 @306: "Rooftop Korean prison kimchi is da bomb."

Never let those guys get a room on the second floor!

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 09:53 PM (+WWsf)

313 This would not surprise me at all.
Posted by: Helena Handbasket

I do believe people can talk themselves into being sick and or dying.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 09:53 PM (r1z5A)

314 >>> Made me think of the blueberry meat patties...
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 09:43 PM (ynpvh)

I like some screw ball things. Pickle loaf, head cheese, souse, braunschweiger, liver wurst, assortments of pate, ... I'll stop here, ... but that blueberry stuff grossed me out.

Posted by: banana Dream at September 02, 2021 09:53 PM (l6b3d)

315 I would love a Hunter in Stainless.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 02, 2021 09:49 PM (OCTRt)

That's it. 4 5/8" barrel.

Posted by: flounder at September 02, 2021 09:54 PM (KnJdm)

316 Mentioned this earlier, Sweden bans Israeli travelers. Perfect. Even though travel bans are generally not of much use, it's still perfect. Most rational country bars travelers from one of the most batshit stupid countries (on C19), with (nominal) reason.

Posted by: rhomboid (OTzUX) at September 02, 2021 09:54 PM (OTzUX)

317 Good evening, Horde.

Go Buckeyes!

Posted by: Ladyl at September 02, 2021 09:54 PM (L6tIA)

318 WTF is gochujang ?
Posted by: JT at September 02, 2021 09:38 PM (arJlL)

What Koreans use instead of salsa. Chili paste. Strong stuff, made from Chilies, fermented soy paste similar to miso, garlic, and anchovies.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 09:54 PM (HG00O)

319 The lapdogs that aren't barking.

Ordinarily media would be hounding the arrivals from a-stan, looking for the interviews to bolster the 'success' narrative.

Posted by: davidt at September 02, 2021 09:54 PM (rrAkX)

320 I bought some ore, smelted it, of course I hammer forged the perfect pan for what I needed then discovered I was out of virgin tears for the sauce

Your first mistake was not starting with Sky Iron.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 02, 2021 09:54 PM (yQpMk)

321 They are told they have it and their body shuts down because they believe it's a killer.
Posted by: Notsothoreau - look forward at September 02, 2021 09:49 PM (YynYJ)
Don't underestimate the power of suggestion. I think we've seen the biggest mass hypnosis event in recent history...Maybe of all time...
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel
I have been wondering the same thing. For two years I thought it was maybe a bad flu. Then I got it about a month ago, and it was less than a bad flu.

But then this week I read about two teachers in Texas that died, not old, not obese, etc. I can not understand it.

Posted by: MikeM at September 02, 2021 09:54 PM (jbRB1)

322 >>> 308 They are told they have it and their body shuts down because they believe it's a killer.
Posted by: Notsothoreau - look forward at September 02, 2021 09:49 PM (YynYJ)
Don't underestimate the power of suggestion. I think we've seen the biggest mass hypnosis event in recent history...Maybe of all time...
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 09:52 PM (K5n5d)

This is just crazy talk.

Posted by: Stan at September 02, 2021 09:54 PM (ACi07)

323 270 41% bugged out with silver parachutes?

Something is wickedly wrong with that corporate culture.
Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 09:43 PM

They had just gone through a merger. Culture clash, I believe. But, on the bright side, there might be some openings I can explore if they would let me work remotely.

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 02, 2021 09:55 PM (qe5CM)

324 272 I don't watch the news, for reasons I'm sure a lot of people around here understand. But it does seem strange that human interest stories about the Americans airlifted out of Afghanistan haven't popped up on J.J.'s Morning Report. I'd think we'd be hearing something from those who made it back alive...
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 09:05 PM (K5n5d)

Perfect example of "the dog that didn't bark". I can understand that some of the returning "Americans" might want to preserve their privacy, but one would think that at least a few would be Fed employees who could be ordered to appear on TV, all happy and grateful. Unless maybe none of them are actually Americans, as Americans understand Americans.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 02, 2021 09:44 PM (MxrKc)

Some Americans got out on commercial flights and charters. So no NDA? The total absence of first-person stories is weird. Are European evacuees talking about their scrambles to the airport and conditions there? I have not seen a single one on UK Daily Mail so far. Weird.

Posted by: Gref at September 02, 2021 09:55 PM (AMIL/)

325 Exdem13

Here is Marvel pimping out the sentai Spiderman show.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 09:56 PM (ol75U)

326 One has to wonder how many people with mental problems decided to end it all during that time or shortly afterwards.
Posted by: exdem13 at September 02, 2021 09:50 PM (W+kMI)

Earlier in the pandemic, our town was losing about twice as many people to suicide over lockdowns than we were to Covid.

Posted by: Emmie at September 02, 2021 09:56 PM (6RgRK)

327 Ordinarily media would be hounding the arrivals from a-stan, looking for the interviews to bolster the 'success' narrative.
Posted by: davidt at September 02, 2021 09:54 PM (rrAkX)

Well, since 85 percent of the "evacuees" seem to be of Afghani origin, might be taking one's life in their hands, doing that interview. Plus, showing that many POC might not be good optics.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at September 02, 2021 09:56 PM (2SdPm)

I do believe people can talk themselves into being sick and or dying.
Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 09:53 PM (r1z5A)


How many die soon after their spouses or after some climacteric event?

Or keep themselves alive to see something? I always wondered how many elderly Chicago Cubs fans died after they won in 2016. It's like they finally got there and then it was Nunc Dimittis.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 02, 2021 09:56 PM (/U27+)

329 It's not a purity test, Candace Owens started out as a prog, anti-Gamergate type (look up her Social Autopsy initiative) and never repudiated it. She laid low for a bit after that blew up and then all of the sudden re-appeared as a supposed firebrand conservative. No talk that I've ever seen as to how she flipped. Personally, I don't trust her, but you do you.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at September 02, 2021 09:56 PM (DXFDM)

330 Of course, the Romans were not going to probably let the Mediterranean go no matter what anyone did. Once Carthage was defeated in the second punic war, everyone was living on borrowed time.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 02, 2021 09:25 PM (z4k8L)

I just read an article on how Carthage were into Child sacrifice, they thought for the longest time it was Roman propaganda and they are finding evidence that they did child sacrifices.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at September 02, 2021 09:56 PM (dKiJG)

331 @318: "What Koreans use instead of salsa. Chili paste. Strong stuff, made from Chilies, fermented soy paste similar to miso, garlic, and anchovies."

Spicy twice fried Korean chicken wings are soooo good.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 09:57 PM (+WWsf)

332 The pizza is hideous, worse than Hawaiian.
The Slim Jim spaghetti looks interesting, I may try it.

Posted by: a.moron at September 02, 2021 09:57 PM (I5FZ1)

333 g'night everyone !

and good for you, Toni !

Posted by: sock_rat_eez (YjYuE) at September 02, 2021 09:57 PM (IkGY2)

334 181 HS lunchroom rectangle pizza is better than that pizza. Honestly, the pizza was the safest thing they had.

You know where you stand with a lunchroom pizza.
Posted by: banana Dream

I knew someone who liked school lunchroom pizza so much that she would buy it from the place that sold it to schools.

Posted by: nerdygirl at September 02, 2021 09:57 PM (+lVUW)

335 aaannnddd, another Thursday, another new hash.

Posted by: davidt at September 02, 2021 09:58 PM (rrAkX)

336 Well time to wander for a bit. Maybe a long bit.


Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at September 02, 2021 09:58 PM (2SdPm)

337 But then this week I read about two teachers in Texas that died, not old, not obese, etc. I can not understand it.
Posted by: MikeM

Sadly there will be people who are at risk just because of the genetic lottery.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 09:58 PM (r1z5A)

338 Buffalo Springfield is on Mannix. The other night it was Neil Diamond. And the cars! Watching this time machine of a show is one of the few things that helps the stress of living in Bidenland. That and Perry Mason.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 02, 2021 09:58 PM (mNhhD)

Thou shall not put the apples of pine upon your pizza, it is an abomination. I AM THE LORD.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 02, 2021 09:58 PM (/U27+)

340 253 It isn't just the steak and meat. A lot of other grocery items seem to have gone up by about a third. I'm glad I only buy groceries for one person.
Posted by: nerdygirl

Gone up or non existent. And it's not because they don't have enough stockers.
I've observed both phenomena at Kroger and Wal-Mart here in Little Oaxaca by the Miami. Prices climbed like a scared cat during the Missing Year, and somehow supply is trailing demand by half. Missing product on the shelves is commonplace, and the number of available brands has declined too. Even the ever-reliable Aldi has trouble sometimes. The only grocery that has kept the shelves stocked well is the local legend Jungle Jim's.

Posted by: exdem13 at September 02, 2021 09:59 PM (W+kMI)

341 Client asked today if I could send a bartender that was vaccinated. Second one I've dealt with in a week like that.

The first time I just charged the guy extra (double actually) as a jerk tax.

This time I just told the guy no, that I'm a bartender and I don't ask my employees personal questions about their health decisions. He started to say something about the second wave, and I cut him short and said "I understand. But I don't pry into my employee's health decisions. I can send you a bartender, but I don't know if they are vaccinated or not. I don't do that. Do you want a bartender?"

He said he'd have to ask his wife and get back to me. C*ck.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at September 02, 2021 09:59 PM (5We2S)

342 I know that the will to live is a big part of people surviving bad situations. I just hadn't thought about how much the fear was impacting those that get sick. I have avoided all mainstream media reports.

Posted by: Notsothoreau - look forward at September 02, 2021 10:00 PM (YynYJ)

No Gatorade at all at Kroger today. But they had shelf after shelf of some knock-off Body Armor swill.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 02, 2021 10:00 PM (/U27+)

344 David Paulides, author and host of the Missing 411 books and YouTube site, lost a son who had mental problems, and whose lockdown lifestyle kept him from attending the Hindu temple that kept him grounded and engaged in life. One has to wonder how many people with mental problems decided to end it all during that time or shortly afterwards.
Posted by: exdem13 at September 02, 2021 09:50 PM (W+kMI)
I always think of the people that miss their AA meetings, That had to be really tough I always pray for those people

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at September 02, 2021 10:00 PM (dKiJG)

345 Media's not interviewing the Americans airlifted out because none of them understand or speak English.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 02, 2021 10:01 PM (mNhhD)

346 315 I would love a Hunter in Stainless.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 02, 2021 09:49 PM (OCTRt)

That's it. 4 5/8" barrel.

Posted by: flounder at September 02, 2021 09:54 PM (KnJdm)

I wouldn't touch Hunter Bide with a ten foot pole.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:01 PM (ynpvh)

347 >>> I knew someone who liked school lunchroom pizza so much that she would buy it from the place that sold it to schools.
Posted by: nerdygirl at September 02, 2021 09:57 PM (+lVUW)

They're addictive in a bad food way like eating too many funions.

Posted by: banana Dream at September 02, 2021 10:01 PM (l6b3d)

348 276- *points* HA HA!

I wonder if I am familiar with said Large Regional Financial Institution.
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at September 02, 2021 09:44 PM

In the south, recent merger, picked a crappy successor name.

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 02, 2021 10:02 PM (qe5CM)

349 Every doctor and medical facility can refuse Candace Owens but every baker must bake the gay or satanic cake. Got it.

Posted by: Eisenhorn at September 02, 2021 10:02 PM (FA5Pj)

350 What if we are seeing that with Wuflu? So many people have been told it's a death sentence.

This is, or used to be, at least, a sort of elephant-in-the-room topic in medicine. Control groups using placebos are necessary partly because they sometimes work. Some sort of interaction between patient expectations and the immune system can increase or decrease the quality of the outcome.

The numbers aren’t huge, but the implications for “bedside manner” are. Do you, as a doctor, provide the worst-case scenarios honestly? Or do you downplay them in favor of the best-case scenarios in the hope of increasing the chances of getting them?

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at September 02, 2021 10:02 PM (CX3cf)

351 330 Of course, the Romans were not going to probably let the Mediterranean go no matter what anyone did. Once Carthage was defeated in the second punic war, everyone was living on borrowed time.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 02, 2021 09:25 PM (z4k8L)

I just read an article on how Carthage were into Child sacrifice, they thought for the longest time it was Roman propaganda and they are finding evidence that they did child sacrifices.
Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at September 02, 2021 09:56 PM (dKiJG)

Carthage was a Phoenician colony from Tyre. Phoencian's also known as Canaanites. Also known as Ba'al worshippers. Ergo Child sacrifice.

Posted by: buzzion at September 02, 2021 10:02 PM (vMCab)

352 314 >>> Made me think of the blueberry meat patties...
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 09:43 PM (ynpvh)

I like some screw ball things. Pickle loaf, head cheese, souse, braunschweiger, liver wurst, assortments of pate, ... I'll stop here, ... but that blueberry stuff grossed me out.

Posted by: banana Dream at September 02, 2021 09:53 PM (l6b3d)

I used to be fairly adventurous with my culinary choices. These days I'm limited by my meds, amongst other things. Can't have sushi (raw) anymore. Can't have grapefruit. Can't have orange marmalade. Can't have pomegranates...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:03 PM (ynpvh)

353 The only grocery that has kept the shelves stocked well is the local legend Jungle Jim's.
Posted by: exdem13

Thank God! I mean if one doesn't have 600 varieties of hot sauce to choose from, we might as well be in the Dark Ages!

Posted by: Tonypete at September 02, 2021 10:03 PM (mD/uy)

354 Good for you, Bitter Clinger! I think we need to be aggressively NORMAL to help pull our culture back from the brink.

Posted by: Emmie at September 02, 2021 10:04 PM (6RgRK)

355 They all want the evac debacle story to just go away. Interviews with the evacuees would prolong the attention.

Posted by: davidt at September 02, 2021 10:04 PM (rrAkX)

356 Owens is prochoice and so many for many of us, she's just using conservatism as a "brand"....Like Tomi Lohren..Now Mia Love is conservative but she's a mormon cult member, and Noem is just an opportunist who folded at the first sign of pressure..

Posted by: Michael Christian at September 02, 2021 10:05 PM (/LbTY)

357 Grade school square pizza back in the '80s -- the kind served in little paper pans with peel back cellophane covers and a few steam holes -- always marked a super special day of celebration.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:05 PM (+WWsf)

358 341 Client asked today if I could send a bartender that was vaccinated. Second one I've dealt with in a week like that.

The first time I just charged the guy extra (double actually) as a jerk tax.

This time I just told the guy no, that I'm a bartender and I don't ask my employees personal questions about their health decisions.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at September 02, 2021 09:59 PM (5We2S)

You should continue to charge double for vaccinated bartenders. If anyone looks closer, say you thought they meant tetanus vaccinated.

Posted by: a.moron at September 02, 2021 10:05 PM (I5FZ1)

359 345 Media's not interviewing the Americans airlifted out because none of them understand or speak English.


The media doesn't "interview" anyone, at least in the sense that they randomly select people.

The media vets people. If a repatriated American is willing to praise Biden effusively, they will be coached and then "interviewed". If not, they don't make television. If no one is willing to give praise, then they hire an actor to give a fake interview praising Biden. Then we read about it 10 days later after 4chan proves they weren't even in Afghanistan. But by then, everybody has watched a dozen television interviews and read 3 NYT articles.

And only on the conservative side ever learn that the individual was a fraud.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at September 02, 2021 10:05 PM (5We2S)

360 We should all be willing to pay higher taxes to end globill warming. What goods is all you money if the world is getting hotter?

Posted by: Mary Cloginstien from Brattleboro, VT at September 02, 2021 10:06 PM (D9mnB)

361 And the over just hit.

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at September 02, 2021 10:06 PM (pszwW)

362 I know that the will to live is a big part of people surviving bad situations. I just hadn't thought about how much the fear was impacting those that get sick. I have avoided all mainstream media reports.
Posted by: Notsothoreau - look forward

Well, just in time to justify even more fear mongering and mask mandates , we now have a THIRD variant! But it's not a threat...unless you plebs don't play alone!

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 10:06 PM (r1z5A)

363 330 Of course, the Romans were not going to probably let the Mediterranean go no matter what anyone did. Once Carthage was defeated in the second punic war, everyone was living on borrowed time.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 02, 2021 09:25 PM (z4k8L)

I just read an article on how Carthage were into Child sacrifice, they thought for the longest time it was Roman propaganda and they are finding evidence that they did child sacrifices.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at September 02, 2021 09:56 PM (dKiJG)

America does a better job of hiding the bodies of the children PP kills and makes a profit off of.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:07 PM (ynpvh)

364 WTF is gochujang ?
Posted by: JT at September 02, 2021 09:38 PM (arJlL)

What Koreans use instead of salsa. Chili paste. Strong stuff, made from Chilies, fermented soy paste similar to miso, garlic, and anchovies.
Posted by: Kindltot

Thank you !

Posted by: JT at September 02, 2021 10:07 PM (arJlL)

365 Alone=along, but hey! Both work!

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 10:07 PM (r1z5A)

366 Thank God! I mean if one doesn't have 600 varieties of hot sauce to choose from, we might as well be in the Dark Ages!
Posted by: Tonypete at September 02, 2021 10:03 PM (mD/uy)
You're going to need something to season the tree bark and pine needles we'll be reduced to eating soon!

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 10:07 PM (K5n5d)

367 339
Thou shall not put the apples of pine upon your pizza, it is an abomination. I AM THE LORD.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 02, 2021 09:58 PM (/U27+)

I'm with you. No pine cones.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:08 PM (ynpvh)

368 It's not a purity test, Candace Owens started out as a prog, anti-Gamergate type (look up her Social Autopsy initiative) and never repudiated it. She laid low for a bit after that blew up and then all of the sudden re-appeared as a supposed firebrand conservative. No talk that I've ever seen as to how she flipped. Personally, I don't trust her, but you do you.

This guy gets it.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at September 02, 2021 10:08 PM (SchxB)

369 In the south, recent merger, picked a crappy successor name.
Posted by: Moonbeam at September 02, 2021 10:02 PM (qe5CM)

Washington Federal recently merged or reorganized, and changed its name to WaFd which always looks like We all f'd.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 10:09 PM (HG00O)

370 349 Every doctor and medical facility can refuse Candace Owens but every baker must bake the gay or satanic cake. Got it.

Posted by: Eisenhorn at September 02, 2021 10:02 PM (FA5Pj)

That's her problem. If she was going to a Transgender reveal party, she'd have a case.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:09 PM (ynpvh)

371 @368: "This guy gets it."

Grift until something sticks.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:10 PM (+WWsf)

372 Doctors advised pregnant women to get COVID shot.

With that one thing, I went from vaccine hesitancy to vaccine no way.

Anyone in the medical profession who suggests a pregnant women take this sort of vaccine deserves to have their medical license revoked.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (2SdPm) at September 02, 2021 09:36 PM (2SdPm)

A woman friend of mine got the WuFlu shot, and it caused a flareup of her Crohn's Disease, which had been in remission for years. And it says right in the fucking government handout sheet for the vax: "Do not administer to those with auto-immune diseases, such as lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis." Guess what Crohn's is?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 02, 2021 10:10 PM (Pmzmm)

373 Did somebody need hot sauce? (starts digging in purse)

Posted by: Hillary at September 02, 2021 10:11 PM (rrAkX)

374 It's not a purity test, Candace Owens started out as a prog, anti-Gamergate type (look up her Social Autopsy initiative) and never repudiated it. She laid low for a bit after that blew up and then all of the sudden re-appeared as a supposed firebrand conservative. No talk that I've ever seen as to how she flipped. Personally, I don't trust her, but you do you.
Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny?

Conservatives would be wise to stop seeking saviors besides Jesus Christ as it opens them up for grifting and to be conned. JMHO

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at September 02, 2021 10:11 PM (pszwW)

375 America does a better job of hiding the bodies of the children PP kills and makes a profit off of.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia)

Lot of bridges in merry ole England have a baby in the foundation...

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 10:11 PM (r1z5A)

376 360 We should all be willing to pay higher taxes to end globill warming. What goods is all you money if the world is getting hotter?

Posted by: Mary Cloginstien from Brattleboro, VT at September 02, 2021 10:06 PM (D9mnB)

I've always wanted to winter in Nunyavuut.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:11 PM (ynpvh)

377 343
No Gatorade at all at Kroger today. But they had shelf after shelf of some knock-off Body Armor swill.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 02, 2021 10:00 PM

I feed my cat Royal Canin and it has been disappearing from stores. I asked a cashier at Petsmart about it today and she said that supplies of it were on one of the ships that got blocked in the canal a few months ago. There's a little more to the explanation but it doesn't make sense to me. Similar things going on with Talbots. Also, Glade air freshener for some reason!

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 02, 2021 10:12 PM (qe5CM)

378 Ugh. Guys' been complaining all day about his software install not working. Show him all requested packages are installed and yet he still says something is missing. Finally, after 14 hours he sends the actual error message over.

Well, yeah it can't find some file that there's no package for because it's over 20 years old and the OS vendor stopped including it years ago.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at September 02, 2021 10:13 PM (SchxB)

379 No....he has not graduated from college yet, has few people skills and has been installed by his dad.
Posted by: westminsterdogshow at September 02, 2021 09:38 PM (6kBQQ)

Any way you can set him up to make a costly blunder that would cause his Dad to run him off?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 02, 2021 10:13 PM (Pmzmm)

380 >>> I used to be fairly adventurous with my culinary choices. These days I'm limited by my meds, amongst other things. Can't have sushi (raw) anymore. Can't have grapefruit. Can't have orange marmalade. Can't have pomegranates...
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:03 PM (ynpvh)

I'm with ya. I now can't have organ meat and no shellfish. And a drop of sugar and my body goes wack.

Posted by: banana Dream at September 02, 2021 10:13 PM (l6b3d)

381 Hey jim in Kalifornia!
Have you been paying attention to the Natomas leftist teacher imbroglio? Seeing that asshole get humiliated and fired has been warming the cockles of my heart. Now I just hope we can get others.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 10:13 PM (L2ZTs)

382 375 America does a better job of hiding the bodies of the children PP kills and makes a profit off of.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia)

Lot of bridges in merry ole England have a baby in the foundation...

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 10:11 PM (r1z5A)

Don't think they have 10's of millions of bridges...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:13 PM (ynpvh)

383 i@377: "Also, Glade air freshener for some reason!"

Dishwasher detergents have been spotty for months. I assume that's a Chinese mineral industry and global shipping thing.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:14 PM (+WWsf)

384 And Exdem13 good luck finding a copy of sentai Spiderman, some kind of licensing thing is interfering. Though from 2009 to 2013 it was streamed on Marvel's own site.

Some pirate has a copy on eBay for a mere $1,600 !$#@@!$!!!

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 10:14 PM (ol75U)

385 Grift until something sticks.

If you have no scruples or conscience, 60% of the time it works every time.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at September 02, 2021 10:14 PM (SchxB)

386 Leave it to Krugman to make a Law out of a chance observation. One hammer and many nails, that's Paul.
Posted by: EdmundBurkesShade

His arguments seem to always come up short.
Posted by: Tonypete at September 02, 2021 09:18 PM (mD/uy)

Hey! You think that's funny? Imma punch your kneecaps off!

Posted by: Robert Reich at September 02, 2021 10:15 PM (z79tQ)

387 Mary, were you in the backyard screaming at the goldfinches again?
The neighbors were complaining about something like that "Ron Paul rant again" and thought of you

Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 10:15 PM (HG00O)

388 325 Exdem13

Here is Marvel pimping out the sentai Spiderman show.
Thanks, will set it on friends this weekend.
Here is a tie-in interview with Stan Lee. He sounds like he was cool with it.

Posted by: exdem13 at September 02, 2021 10:15 PM (W+kMI)

389 The other thing I like about Mannix is when they have groovy party scenes in the Brady Bunch house.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 02, 2021 10:15 PM (mNhhD)

390 Don't think they have 10's of millions of bridges...
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia)

True, and it ain't current, encouraged practice.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 10:15 PM (r1z5A)

391 @385: "If you have no scruples or conscience, 60% of the time it works every time."

If you're drinking Colt 45 the other 40% of the time, then you might be doing something wrong.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:15 PM (+WWsf)

392 Jack Posobiec for some reason rubbed me the wrong way, just never trusted him.

When Candice Owen tried to make money off t shirts saying Kayne endorsed or designed them, he put out a statement saying he had nothing to do with them.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at September 02, 2021 10:16 PM (dKiJG)

393 381 Hey jim in Kalifornia!
Have you been paying attention to the Natomas leftist teacher imbroglio? Seeing that asshole get humiliated and fired has been warming the cockles of my heart. Now I just hope we can get others.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 10:13 PM (L2ZTs)

Hey QDP! Didn't know he was fired, but if anyone deserved it, he did. Problem is, he's just the tip of the iceberg, and most of the education complex is actually in his corner, wanting to pump out as many reactionary deadheads as possible.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:16 PM (ynpvh)

394 Wife went to the state fair again today, and I asked her to drop a fiver in the Libertarian Booth Donation cup for me, and to tell them "Rothbard sent me"


they had never heard of Rothbard.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 10:17 PM (HG00O)

395 Will your friends' hair catch fire?

Film it!

Yeah Stan was totes cool with it.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 10:17 PM (ol75U)

396 Hey! You think that's funny? Imma punch your kneecaps off!
Posted by: Robert Reich

Back off or I'll have the cat bury you.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 10:17 PM (r1z5A)

397 384 And Exdem13 good luck finding a copy of sentai Spiderman, some kind of licensing thing is interfering. Though from 2009 to 2013 it was streamed on Marvel's own site.

Some pirate has a copy on eBay for a mere $1,600 !$#@@!$!!!
The Internet is forever, and there's a need for something fun to do this weekend that doesn't involve eating a dozen hamburgers or going to Ohio Renaissance Festival's opening weekend.

Posted by: exdem13 at September 02, 2021 10:17 PM (W+kMI)

398 369- Washington Federal recently merged or reorganized, and changed its name to WaFd which always looks like We all f'd.
Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 10:09 PM

Yep- something else that they waste millions of dollars on with consultants. Just shoot the bucks out of a cannon!

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 02, 2021 10:18 PM (qe5CM)

399 Fun fact: both Robert Reich and Paul Krugman are lifetime members of the Lollypop Guild.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 10:18 PM (L2ZTs)

400 Grift until something sticks.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:10 PM (+WWsf)


Republicans are born suckers for it.

We think "we've got our own minority", it'll start winning minorities to our side. We drool over it. But it doesn't. Because it's not skin color, gender, where you stick your penis or anything else. It's ideology and self-Interest.

"Here's free shite" or "Here's a workplace/social advantage" sells to a certain percentage of our population. Hell, a large percentage. It doesn't matter who the spokesperson is or what they look like, a person saying "Free shite is bad" to someone who votes for "Here's free shite" will not work.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at September 02, 2021 10:18 PM (5We2S)

401 Japanese Spiderman is one thing, until you've seen Indian Superman Spider Woman.

Posted by: Dr. Varno at September 02, 2021 10:18 PM (vuisn)

If you have no scruples or conscience, 60% of the time it works every time.
Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries


"Sincerity: if you can fake that, you've got it made."

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 02, 2021 10:19 PM (/U27+)

403 I'm amazed Krugman was able to resist the impulse to say racial epithets were involved. Of course, the racism is implied by the completely unnecessary detail that the pedestrian was black. Whole story is bullshit and everyone with two brain cells to rub together knows it.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 02, 2021 10:19 PM (QU5/8)

404 399 Fun fact: both Robert Reich and Paul Krugman are lifetime members of the Lollypop Guild.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 10:18 PM (L2ZTs)

In their case "lollypop" is a euphemism for their sexual preferences, probably.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:19 PM (ynpvh)

405 369 In the south, recent merger, picked a crappy successor name.
Posted by: Moonbeam at September 02, 2021 10:02 PM (qe5CM)
Truist that.

Posted by: BunkerintheBurbs at September 02, 2021 10:19 PM (RIp6a)

406 I wonder if they are using Telegram or something similar, even email chains work.

Unless the benevolent Aussie Government drops all the cell towers like a reasonable social democratic state does
Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 09:43 PM (HG00O)

If they planned for the Gummint to jam their comms, they could do work-around. Identify sympathizers around the country who could relay e-mails, or land-line phone calls, and use bicycle couriers to run messages from the comms stations to the truckers on the blockade line.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 02, 2021 10:19 PM (Pmzmm)

407 A woman friend of mine got the WuFlu shot, and it caused a flareup of her Crohn's Disease, which had been in remission for years. And it says right in the fucking government handout sheet for the vax: "Do not administer to those with auto-immune diseases, such as lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis." Guess what Crohn's is?
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 02, 2021 10:10 PM (Pmzmm)
For exactly that reason, I refuse to take the vax.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 10:19 PM (K5n5d)

408 403 I'm amazed Krugman was able to resist the impulse to say racial epithets were involved. Of course, the racism is implied by the completely unnecessary detail that the pedestrian was black. Whole story is bullshit and everyone with two brain cells to rub together knows it.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 02, 2021 10:19 PM (QU5/

That's okay, he can borrow my "boy" in Louisiana.

Posted by: Joey Sniffy Fingers at September 02, 2021 10:20 PM (ynpvh)

409 Yep there has to be a torrent site with all the episodes.

Strangely I can find all of Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory on YouTube.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 10:20 PM (bvE+I)

410 Dishwasher detergents have been spotty for months. I assume that's a Chinese mineral industry and global shipping thing.
Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:14 PM (+WWsf)

Remember to add phosphates,I know of guy from Cleveland that sells reconditioned washing machines he makes his own laundry soap, yes YouTube reviews of washing machines and he got into it with speed queen when he panned there are new washing machine they even stopped letting him sell their machines, Because they changed how much water was added to the washing machines but it didn't work as well

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at September 02, 2021 10:21 PM (dKiJG)

411 Australia really does seem like a weird Anglosphere test case for the hardest lockdown regulations and sanctions. I always thought Canada would be the first country to go full Orwell, but Australia has genuinely surprised me.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:21 PM (+WWsf)

412 Have you been paying attention to the Natomas leftist teacher imbroglio? Seeing that asshole get humiliated and fired has been warming the cockles of my heart. Now I just hope we can get others.

Posted by: qdpsteve

I'm not satisfied until his head is on a literal pike as a warning to others. These fuckers either won't really get fired, or will just get relocated to a new school.

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at September 02, 2021 10:21 PM (jSWkc)

413 353 The only grocery that has kept the shelves stocked well is the local legend Jungle Jim's.
Posted by: exdem13

Thank God! I mean if one doesn't have 600 varieties of hot sauce to choose from, we might as well be in the Dark Ages!
Most assuredly we'll have enough hot sauce for our hillside salmon and roadkill after the transport network collapses. I don't know how the man does it, but all the sections are full, barring the sections pillaged by housewives chasing the weekly deals.

Posted by: exdem13 at September 02, 2021 10:22 PM (W+kMI)

414 407 A woman friend of mine got the WuFlu shot, and it caused a flareup of her Crohn's Disease, which had been in remission for years. And it says right in the fucking government handout sheet for the vax: "Do not administer to those with auto-immune diseases, such as lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis." Guess what Crohn's is?
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 02, 2021 10:10 PM (Pmzmm)
For exactly that reason, I refuse to take the vax.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 10:19 PM (K5n5d)

On the other hand, I'm imuno-compromised and have life insurance (hoping it covers death by experimental "vaccine"), do didn't care either way.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:22 PM (ynpvh)

415 And it says right in the fucking government handout sheet for the vax: "Do not administer to those with auto-immune diseases, such as lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis." Guess what Crohn's is?
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

The Mrs. has a number of auto immune issues - her main guy at Cleveland Clinic has said from the beginning - Absolutely NOT!, concerning getting the shot.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 02, 2021 10:23 PM (mD/uy)

416 412 Have you been paying attention to the Natomas leftist teacher imbroglio? Seeing that asshole get humiliated and fired has been warming the cockles of my heart. Now I just hope we can get others.

Posted by: qdpsteve

I'm not satisfied until his head is on a literal pike as a warning to others. These fuckers either won't really get fired, or will just get relocated to a new school.

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at September 02, 2021 10:21 PM (jSWkc)

You make them sound like pedophile catholic priests...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:23 PM (ynpvh)

417 No....he has not graduated from college yet, has few people skills and has been installed by his dad.
Posted by: westminsterdogshow at September 02, 2021 09:38 PM (6kBQQ)

It is risky, but you might pull him aside and say, "I know you know management, but has anyone shown you anything about leadership?"
He will give you a deer in the headlights look.

I will suggest you get him the book Turn This Ship Around by David Marquet, and talk to him about what leadership does, and the difference between leading and driving.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 10:23 PM (HG00O)

418 jim and DLV, yup and yup!

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 10:23 PM (L2ZTs)

419 Krugman says a Trumper yelled at a black pedestrian.

Probably a j-walker stepped out in front of a car, either ignorantly or arrogantly, or both. But black, so...

Posted by: davidt at September 02, 2021 10:23 PM (rrAkX)

420 405 369 In the south, recent merger, picked a crappy successor name.
Posted by: Moonbeam at September 02, 2021 10:02 PM (qe5CM)
Truist that.
Posted by: BunkerintheBurbs at September 02, 2021 10:19 PM

Bingo. I do hope it's true (no pun intended) because I could use a job and I know they will need people with my background.

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 02, 2021 10:24 PM (qe5CM)

Lori Lightfoot gets shot the fuck down on Yelp:

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 02, 2021 10:24 PM (9sVFt)

422 So far I haven't had any problems finding groceries or other products I'm looking to buy. Knock on wood. Prices are insane.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 02, 2021 10:24 PM (mNhhD)

423 I'm not satisfied until his head is on a literal pike as a warning to others. These fuckers either won't really get fired, or will just get relocated to a new school.
Posted by: Drink Like Vikings

Did you see the size of that little shit? Pike is too big, we must maintain the artistic sense of scale! We are not barbarians!

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 10:24 PM (r1z5A)

424 >>> Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at September 02, 2021 10:13 PM (SchxB)

My desktop virtualization client has been randomly throwing up gnome's onscreen keyboard for a month now. No one has any touch interface here. And IT's only idea is to trash my redhat home folder and hope something magic happens. The magic never comes. I have to keep shutting down and starting a new session. Only when I work from home, which I'm getting tired of.

Posted by: banana Dream at September 02, 2021 10:25 PM (l6b3d)

425 what's especially funny about the Natomas leftist indoctrinator/teacher?

Even his cronies in antifa are pissed with him. "You dumbshit, you blew our cover!!" LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 10:25 PM (L2ZTs)

426 Australia really does seem like a weird Anglosphere test case for the hardest lockdown regulations and sanctions. I always thought Canada would be the first country to go full Orwell, but Australia has genuinely surprised me.
Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:21 PM (+WWsf)

They are trying to get it down to zero cases and it's impossible, Singapore gave up on it. What's crazy is they're even building camps.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at September 02, 2021 10:25 PM (dKiJG)

427 @419: "Krugman says a Trumper yelled at a black pedestrian."

Did he hear that story from his cab driver? No, wait, that's Tom Friedman. My mistake.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:25 PM (+WWsf)

428 419 Krugman says a Trumper yelled at a black pedestrian.

Probably a j-walker stepped out in front of a car, either ignorantly or arrogantly, or both. But black, so...

Posted by: davidt at September 02, 2021 10:23 PM (rrAkX)

So let me get this are a saint and innocent of crime if you are liberal and of color. Got it!

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:25 PM (ynpvh)

429 Here is a first-person Kabul chaos story from a former Marine working outside the wire to help people get inside:

Posted by: Gref at September 02, 2021 10:25 PM (AMIL/)

430 Six to seven thousand Americans saved from the clutches of the Taliban, and not a single story of those Americans arriving home to the waiting arms of their loving family.


Posted by: Diogenes at September 02, 2021 10:25 PM (axyOa)

431 But then this week I read about two teachers in Texas that died, not old, not obese, etc. I can not understand it.
Posted by: MikeM at September 02, 2021 09:54 PM (jbRB1)

If any one profession has gone batshit crazy about the Coof, it's teachers. They could have easily psyched themselves into dying.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 02, 2021 10:26 PM (Pmzmm)

432 426 Australia really does seem like a weird Anglosphere test case for the hardest lockdown regulations and sanctions. I always thought Canada would be the first country to go full Orwell, but Australia has genuinely surprised me.
Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:21 PM (+WWsf)

They are trying to get it down to zero cases and it's impossible, Singapore gave up on it. What's crazy is they're even building camps.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at September 02, 2021 10:25 PM (dKiJG)

Not impossible. The Norks found lead works wonders for curing COVID.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:26 PM (ynpvh)

433 Oyasumi minna, kiokitsene

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 02, 2021 10:27 PM (bvE+I)

434 America does a better job of hiding the bodies of the children PP kills and makes a profit off of.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia)

They hide them in plain sight by parting them out like a 78 Ford pick up.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 02, 2021 10:27 PM (OCTRt)

435 @426: "They are trying to get it down to zero cases and it's impossible, Singapore gave up on it. What's crazy is they're even building camps."

For whatever reasons, they were waaaaay behind the curve on vaccinations; like barely 20% of adult pop with one shot in mid-July. Again, I'm generally not a conspiratorial thinker, but something weird is going on down there.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:27 PM (+WWsf)

436 Yud, LOL!!
Lori's career has not turned out the way she hoped it would in 2021...

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 10:27 PM (L2ZTs)

437 “Clyde, make yourself useful, and beware of easy women.”

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at September 02, 2021 10:27 PM (CX3cf)

438 Not impossible. The Norks found lead works wonders for curing COVID.
Posted by: jim

They best make that first shot count...

Posted by: rickb223 at September 02, 2021 10:28 PM (OCTRt)

439 yeah.
Posted by: Diogenes

Bunch of us could head out to SeaTac, alert the media, maybe get a nice dinner out it.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 10:29 PM (r1z5A)

If any one profession has gone batshit crazy about the Coof, it's teachers. They could have easily psyched themselves into dying.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 02, 2021 10:26 PM (Pmzmm)

Sister in law is a teacher and she was completely unaware of the stats for children and the Coof.
Also the mortality rate.

There can be no real understanding or judgment on personal risk because there are absolutely no facts for the normal person who gets their information from corporate media.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 10:30 PM (HG00O)

441 421
Lori Lightfoot gets shot the fuck down on Yelp:
That was wonderful.

Posted by: exdem13 at September 02, 2021 10:31 PM (W+kMI)

442 We should all be willing to pay higher taxes to end globill warming. What goods is all you money if the world is getting hotter?
Posted by: Mary Cloginstien from Brattleboro, VT at September 02, 2021 10:06 PM (D9mnB)

Well, I could sell my snowblower to an Eskimo, and buy an air conditioner instead...

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 02, 2021 10:31 PM (Pmzmm)

443 Say a prayer for the rough men who are working in the dark of night in a country the media no longer mentions, to finish unfinished business.

Posted by: DBCooper at September 02, 2021 10:31 PM (CJtAX)

444 Boy, can't let States Safety get flagged for targeting late. That might hurt them in their next game. No can do.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at September 02, 2021 10:31 PM (yQpMk)

445 No Gatorade at all at Kroger today. But they had shelf after shelf of some knock-off Body Armor swill.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

Coconut water base.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 02, 2021 10:31 PM (OCTRt)

446 AP reports:

BREAKING: Security experts call for rigorous audit of California recall election, citing increased risk from software breach.

Wait, a software breach is possible now?

Posted by: bonhomme at September 02, 2021 10:33 PM (i0wNm)

447 Bunch of us could head out to SeaTac, alert the media, maybe get a nice dinner out it.
Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 10:29 PM (r1z5A)

The Seattle media is so stupid, if we dressed up a couple womenz or two, we'd not only get a free dinner but recommendations on where to stay.

Posted by: Diogenes at September 02, 2021 10:33 PM (axyOa)

448 Gatorade is tougher to come by ever since Congressional Dems banned the killing of gators to make it.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 10:33 PM (L2ZTs)

449 @440: "There can be no real understanding or judgment on personal risk because there are absolutely no facts for the normal person who gets their information from corporate media."

Another weird thing is that the last major pandemic -- 1919 Spanish Flu -- affected the young way more than the old. Spun throughout Europe during the early post-war world amongst soldiers too.

You'd think we'd all see this mostly old person disease as a minor blessing, but no.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:34 PM (+WWsf)

450 Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 02, 2021 10:07 PM (K5n5d)

I've a pellet rifle and a pot for you Perfessor.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 02, 2021 10:34 PM (UJBzp)

451 @448: "Gatorade is tougher to come by ever since Congressional Dems banned the killing of gators to make it."/

DeSantis will stop at nothing to ruin America!

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:35 PM (+WWsf)

452 1/3 gatoraid, 1/3 cramberru juice, 1/3 water

Posted by: Braenyard at September 02, 2021 10:35 PM (UJBzp)

453 Did you see the size of that little shit? Pike is too big, we must maintain the artistic sense of scale! We are not barbarians!
Posted by: Some Rat

Fine. Then let's treat him to that Beatles classic, While My Chainsaw Gently Weeps.

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at September 02, 2021 10:36 PM (jSWkc)

454 WeirdDave definitely delivers the weird stuff. Snipping quite a bit of his commentary...

As always, there's a Mencken quote that perfectly encapsulates the problem:[i/]

[some random quote] The AoS masthead quote fits into this category. But Mencken was, in final form, a Leftoid. He seems to be quite quotable, but untrustworthy as a fount of knowledge. Kinda bloodthirsty rebel against the Machine.

Yeah, I want to hang a buncha dicks too. Not all of them even have dicks, or usable dicks. Doesn't matter.

Evening, y'all. Thanks for the ONT.

Posted by: GnuBreed, no circumstance at September 02, 2021 10:36 PM (F0YaR)

455 @452: "452 1/3 gatoraid, 1/3 cramberru juice, 1/3 water"

Plus a gel cap of saw palmetto; if you're a man of a certain age.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:36 PM (+WWsf)

456 Gatorade is tougher to come by ever since Congressional Dems banned the killing of gators to make it.

So it could come back if the gators started having a series of unfortunate accidents?

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at September 02, 2021 10:36 PM (SchxB)

457 446 AP reports:

BREAKING: Security experts call for rigorous audit of California recall election, citing increased risk from software breach.

Wait, a software breach is possible now?
Really, so a software breach can happen with an electronic election ballot? Color me surprised...or not.

Posted by: exdem13 at September 02, 2021 10:37 PM (W+kMI)

458 Krugman is a liar. Like all the "Smollet" Dems.

Posted by: Stellastwocents at September 02, 2021 10:37 PM (cRbt7)

459 Gatorade is tougher to come by ever since Congressional Dems banned the killing of gators to make it.
Posted by: qdpsteve

Have you ever tried to squeeze a gator? Damn, that is some tough sledding.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 02, 2021 10:38 PM (mD/uy)

460 446 AP reports:

BREAKING: Security experts call for rigorous audit of California recall election, citing increased risk from software breach.


Posted by: Automated vote count system at September 02, 2021 10:38 PM (axyOa)

461 At the beginning of the covid nonsense the Australian govt. openly called out China. I remember it being in the news because Australia was accused of raaaacism and xenophobia of course.

China got really pissy in return. Insulted them (calling Australia an insignificant nation for one thing) and threatened them.

Now Australia is punishing their citizens (and dogs) by turning the nation into a China-like police state.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 02, 2021 10:38 PM (mNhhD)

462 Dayum. My italic skillz be definitely sucking. Fortunately, Pixy has protected my Barrelworthiness.

Posted by: GnuBreed, no circumstance at September 02, 2021 10:38 PM (F0YaR)

463 You've been waiting a long time to post that, haven't you?
Posted by: Zettai at September 02, 2021 09:47 PM (fCto4)

A thing, yes.

That particular thing? No. That was divinely inspired. Praise Maiden and praise the LAWD!

Posted by: Robert - 1 Day until Iron Maiden's new album, Senjutsu at September 02, 2021 10:40 PM (CHpW3)

464 Now Australia is punishing their citizens (and dogs) by turning the nation into a China-like police state.
Posted by: JuJuBee

You just know our gov. is furiously taking notes.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 10:40 PM (r1z5A)

465 Another weird thing is that the last major pandemic -- 1919 Spanish Flu -- affected the young way more than the old. Spun throughout Europe during the early post-war world amongst soldiers too.

You'd think we'd all see this mostly old person disease as a minor blessing, but no.
Posted by: Walter Freeman

Another weird thing about the 1918 pandemic? You literally had people dying in the streets. Of. The. Flu.

They didn't have to hide other deaths or inflate the death count to include gunshot victims and vehicle accidents.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 02, 2021 10:40 PM (OCTRt)

466 Paul Krugman, cosmically inconsequential twerp, makes up hate crimes to show he can run with the big boys.

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at September 02, 2021 10:40 PM (jSWkc)

467 BREAKING: Security experts call for rigorous audit of California recall election, citing increased risk from software breach.


Posted by: davidt at September 02, 2021 10:41 PM (rrAkX)

468 @461: "Now Australia is punishing their citizens (and dogs) by turning the nation into a China-like police state."

It's a little more complicated than that, but yeah, Australia has lost the plot.

UK lockdown rules at their peak last year was just as crazy by American standards. Something like one hour outside your home within one or two miles per day; only for masked exercise or grocery store trips.

Australia is basically trying to make those same rules stick for months and years on end despite vaccinations.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:41 PM (+WWsf)

469 452 1/3 gatoraid, 1/3 cramberru juice, 1/3 water

Posted by: Braenyard at September 02, 2021 10:35 PM (UJBzp)

Ignoring various misspellings, I detect another flaw in this formula...

No vodka.

Posted by: GnuBreed, no circumstance at September 02, 2021 10:42 PM (F0YaR)

470 BREAKING NEWS: Paul Krugman says he felt bad for himself because he has no shoes, until he just saw a man with no feet...

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 10:42 PM (L2ZTs)

471 BREAKING: Security experts call for rigorous audit of California recall election, citing increased risk from software breach.

hoowooo! He is LOSING!

Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 10:43 PM (HG00O)

472 Another weird thing about the 1918 pandemic? You literally had people dying in the streets. Of. The. Flu.

They didn't have to hide other deaths or inflate the death count to include gunshot victims and vehicle accidents.
Posted by: rickb223

Grandma on my mom's side buried 7 kids, saddest story was grandpa took the wagon into town to get a coffin, by the time he got home he had to turn around to get another one.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 10:43 PM (r1z5A)

473 @465: "Another weird thing about the 1918 pandemic? You literally had people dying in the streets. Of. The. Flu."

To be fair, you also had drunks dying in the gutters for being drunk too; but the inverted age thing is the real scandal. We should be celebrating that our children are mostly unaffected by COVID. All of this grade school mask theater is weird socio-political OCD from the usual communist suspects.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:44 PM (+WWsf)

474 Our King Will Not Be Mocked

Posted by: SMH - The War has been won, only the battles remain, as usual at September 02, 2021 10:45 PM (EKULy)

475 hoowooo! He is LOSING!
Posted by: Kindltot

Gonna need a poll showing him up 15 points so the steal looks legit.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 10:45 PM (r1z5A)

476 466 Paul Krugman, cosmically inconsequential twerp, makes up hate crimes to show he can run with the big boys.
Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at September 02, 2021 10:40 PM (jSWkc)

He's the sort of asshat who would cross the street if he saw a black man approaching.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at September 02, 2021 10:45 PM (SDdx5)

477 Gator aid to our allies the Alligators.

Posted by: Joe Biden at September 02, 2021 10:45 PM (mNhhD)

If they planned for the Gummint to jam their comms, they could do work-around. Identify sympathizers around the country who could relay e-mails, or land-line phone calls, and use bicycle couriers to run messages from the comms stations to the truckers on the blockade line.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 02, 2021 10:19 PM (Pmzmm)

Save emails in draft, and share the free email account password. Type your response and save in draft. But this is the important part: DON'T send the email. Makes it much more difficult to track your comms, not impossible, but make the jackbooted thugs work for it.

If you absolutely HAVE to send emails, use digital microdots. Send an innocuous Word or pdf document, but take your real communications and save it as a jpeg or similar image. Then reduce the size down as small as you can get it, and embed in a known area of the document. The recipient clicks the tiny image and blows it back up to readable size. This also makes it difficult to use text recognition to scan for badthought words. Again, not impossible to find, but they'll have to really work for it.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at September 02, 2021 10:45 PM (gbfHZ)

479 448 Gatorade is tougher to come by ever since Congressional Dems banned the killing of gators to make it.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 10:33 PM (L2ZTs)

And dammit, I killed quite a few, but none were wearing aligator shoes.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:46 PM (ynpvh)

480 And now for something entirely different:

Posted by: Braenyard at September 02, 2021 10:46 PM (UJBzp)

481 Good evening!

"...we'd probably drift in the direction of makingvthe right decision..."

No. I've made the right decision for me, and it had nothing to do with 'drift,' and everything to do with rational thinking.

Posted by: Flyover at September 02, 2021 10:46 PM (Rbu5d)

482 452 1/3 gatoraid, 1/3 cramberru juice, 1/3 water

Posted by: Braenyard at September 02, 2021 10:35 PM (UJBzp)

I think I saw an episode of Steve Irwin talking about the cramberru...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:46 PM (ynpvh)

483 @478: "Save emails in draft, and share the free email account password. Type your response and save in draft. But this is the important part: DON'T send the email. Makes it much more difficult to track your comms, not impossible, but make the jackbooted thugs work for it."

Might have worked ten or twenty years ago; not now.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:47 PM (+WWsf)

484 446 AP reports:

BREAKING: Security experts call for rigorous audit of California recall election, citing increased risk from software breach.

Wait, a software breach is possible now?

Posted by: bonhomme at September 02, 2021 10:33 PM (i0wNm)

It means Newsom can't be pushed to a win using all of the pre-election cheating methods the Dems are implementing. It's time for the fall-back plan.

Posted by: Gref at September 02, 2021 10:49 PM (AMIL/)

485 472 Another weird thing about the 1918 pandemic? You literally had people dying in the streets. Of. The. Flu.

They didn't have to hide other deaths or inflate the death count to include gunshot victims and vehicle accidents.
Posted by: rickb223

Grandma on my mom's side buried 7 kids, saddest story was grandpa took the wagon into town to get a coffin, by the time he got home he had to turn around to get another one.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 10:43 PM (r1z5A)

I was looking through death records in Mexico in the teens, and was amazed where page after page were people dying of the flu; young, old, men women.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:49 PM (ynpvh)

Lot of bridges in merry ole England have a baby in the foundation...
Posted by: Some Rat

Mardi Gras King cake!

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 02, 2021 10:50 PM (63Dwl)

487 Favorite new quote from Red Letter Media:

"Oh, so we're following through on this whole story line, huh?"

Appropriate for so many things these days.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:51 PM (+WWsf)

488 Paul Krugman went for a run, yeah no. I'm calling bullshit.

Posted by: Betty at September 02, 2021 10:51 PM (/QabR)

489 @488: "Paul Krugman went for a run, yeah no."

Just like Dr. Jill Biden, I think we're all legally required to refer to him as Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:53 PM (+WWsf)

490 Hi gray box land. One of those weird days. I feel like I need to stress-clean but not sure what.

I have been feeling rather insignificant in the universe and kinda black pilled about it. Then I spent some time playing in the sun in the park with my boy and felt like everything was alright. Then I read about inslee's latest mask bullshit and it was right back down.

Unrelated (or is it, Bob?) Do I need an angle grinder to sharpen a neglected axe?

Posted by: Funsize (EiPf6) at September 02, 2021 10:53 PM (EiPf6)

491 486
Lot of bridges in merry ole England have a baby in the foundation...
Posted by: Some Rat

Mardi Gras King cake!

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 02, 2021 10:50 PM (63Dwl)

Rosca de Reyes. I generally end up with the baby the first slice I take out of it...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:53 PM (ynpvh)

492 @490: "Do I need an angle grinder to sharpen a neglected axe?"

Who needs an angle grinder when the blood of dead hobos will do?

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:55 PM (+WWsf)

Mencken was, in final form, a Leftoid. He seems to be quite quotable, but untrustworthy as a fount of knowledge. Kinda bloodthirsty rebel against the Machine.

Bill Maher

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 02, 2021 10:55 PM (63Dwl)

494 @478, the 9-11 hijackers supposedly did this, so its on Bob's radar now.

Posted by: Funsize (EiPf6) at September 02, 2021 10:55 PM (EiPf6)

495 Although one year there were three baby Jesus' in my Rosca...not sure what to make of that.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:55 PM (ynpvh)

Might have worked ten or twenty years ago; not now.
Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:47 PM (+WWsf)

That's a common Al Qaeda comms method. I read about it about 10 years ago, so you might be right.

On the other hand, Western intel agencies haven't exactly covered themselves in glory when it comes to efficiency.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at September 02, 2021 10:56 PM (gbfHZ)

497 an acoustic cover of Stephen Taylor's Pink

by the Peach Stealing Monkeys

Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 10:56 PM (HG00O)

498 492 @490: "Do I need an angle grinder to sharpen a neglected axe?"

Who needs an angle grinder when the blood of dead hobos will do?

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:55 PM (+WWsf)

I was led to believe that would promote rusting of the blade.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:57 PM (ynpvh)

499 What is with these afro-permed mouse ears that these young women/girls are wearing?
So retarded.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at September 02, 2021 10:58 PM (ufFY8)

500 There's one UK news story up about English families volunteering to share their homes and spare bedrooms with Afghan refugees. Pic of a smiling white couple accompanying.

Good luck with that. Hope they don't have any daughters.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 02, 2021 10:58 PM (mNhhD)

501 499 What is with these afro-permed mouse ears that these young women/girls are wearing?
So retarded.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at September 02, 2021 10:58 PM (ufFY

My nephew dons a man-bun. Tell me what's worse.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:58 PM (ynpvh)

502 489 @488: "Paul Krugman went for a run, yeah no."

Just like Dr. Jill Biden, I think we're all legally required to refer to him as Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:53 PM (+WWsf)'s Former Enron Advisor Paul Krugman.

Posted by: redchief at September 02, 2021 10:58 PM (Kab4E)

503 @494: "the 9-11 hijackers supposedly did this, so its on Bob's radar now."

No joke, but back in the late '80s and early '90s, the online service Prodigy, similar to CompuServe, but different, suddenly began charging users for more than 30 email message per month.

Guess what people did? Yeah, they began trading messages in draft, and sharing login credentials; turning specific accounts into de facto message boards.

It's been on Bob's radar for much longer than since 9/11.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:59 PM (+WWsf)

504 > Do I need an angle grinder to sharpen a neglected axe?

You can sharpen an axe with a vice and a file.

Posted by: bonhomme at September 02, 2021 10:59 PM (i0wNm)

505 can't help you with Inslee, funsize.

use a file on the axe, though. A grinder is too easy to take to much off and heat it enough to ruin the case-hardening.

Clamp it in a vice to be sure to get the angle right, and go from a fairly coarse to a fine file, and don't file hard with the coarse one.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 10:59 PM (HG00O)

506 @496: "On the other hand, Western intel agencies haven't exactly covered themselves in glory when it comes to efficiency."

True; that.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:00 PM (+WWsf)

507 494 @478, the 9-11 hijackers supposedly did this, so its on Bob's radar now.
Posted by: Funsize (EiPf6) at September 02, 2021 10:55 PM (EiPf6)

Wait, whut?

I've got Radar? Holy crap! Who knew!

/looks around the office with suspicion...

Posted by: Bob, NSA..... at September 02, 2021 11:00 PM (oHd/0)

508 506 @496: "On the other hand, Western intel agencies haven't exactly covered themselves in glory when it comes to efficiency."

True; that.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:00 PM (+WWsf)

Too busy creating new genders out of thin air.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 11:00 PM (ynpvh)

509 507 494 @478, the 9-11 hijackers supposedly did this, so its on Bob's radar now.
Posted by: Funsize (EiPf6) at September 02, 2021 10:55 PM (EiPf6)

Wait, whut?

I've got Radar? Holy crap! Who knew!

/looks around the office with suspicion...

Posted by: Bob, NSA..... at September 02, 2021 11:00 PM (oHd/0)

My Favorite Martian...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 11:01 PM (ynpvh)

510 You can sharpen an axe with a vice and a file.
Posted by: bonhomme at September 02, 2021 10:59 PM (i0wNm)

Two of my favorite things!

Posted by: Jeffery Epstein at September 02, 2021 11:01 PM (Pmzmm)

511 @498: "I was led to believe that would promote rusting of the blade."

Only if you hunt sub-prime hobos.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:01 PM (+WWsf)

512 Cat wants me to go to bed. I think he wants my chair.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 11:02 PM (HG00O)

513 My nephew dons a man-bun. Tell me what's worse.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:58 PM (ynpvh)
A Twat Knot?

Posted by: BunkerintheBurbs at September 02, 2021 11:03 PM (RIp6a)

514 "On the other hand, Western intel agencies haven't exactly covered themselves in glory when it comes to efficiency."

True; that.
Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:00 PM (+WWsf)

On the other other hand, and to contradict my own argument, Western intel services haven't exactly covered themselves in glory when it comes to efficiency AGAINST FOREIGN TERROR ORGANIZATIONS. Against their own citizens engaging in peaceful civil disobedience however? They'll probably be a lot more efficient.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at September 02, 2021 11:03 PM (gbfHZ)

515 Two covid stories for today:

1. My sister's ex is sick and apparently gave it to their oldest. She is keeping both kids while he's sick even though it's not her week (not like she wants to leave them with him when they're sick). Her new husband has LOST HIS SHIT over it. Yelled at her and generally acting like this is something they are all doing to him.

2. Saw a mom put her mask on to pick up her kid at daycare. She's outside, and the unmasked teacher brought her her unmasked kids, so what the hell? The mom then proceeded to hug her baby girl and RUB HER MASK ON THE KID'S FACE. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?

Posted by: Mrs. Peel at September 02, 2021 11:03 PM (8548M)

516 @508: "Too busy creating new genders out of thin air."

Chinese media censors supposedly banning sissy girly men from state television is almost too good to be true; but I suspect it's very true.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:03 PM (+WWsf)

517 Speaking of corrupt votes...

So you have a vote. The votes are counted. You get the result. Result says X.

Result is disputed. A recount must be done. Votes are recounted. Recount says Y.

Winner is assigned according to the result of the recount.

Isn't that bullshit?

Why do we automatically accept the result of the recount? Shouldn't another recount be done after that to confirm the result?

We all know that the truly proper thing is to end Democracy and make me Lord and Master over all of creation.

Posted by: Robert - 1 Day until Iron Maiden's new album, Senjutsu at September 02, 2021 11:03 PM (gTc91)

518 511 @498: "I was led to believe that would promote rusting of the blade."

Only if you hunt sub-prime hobos.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:01 PM (+WWsf)

I blame Bush and Obama for the sub-prime hobos. They should have never bought houses during the bubble.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 11:03 PM (ynpvh)

519 What the fuck indeed.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 02, 2021 11:04 PM (VxC1e)

520 513 My nephew dons a man-bun. Tell me what's worse.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:58 PM (ynpvh)
A Twat Knot?

Posted by: BunkerintheBurbs at September 02, 2021 11:03 PM (RIp6a)

thanks for that one, new to me. Now I'll never look at his hair the same way again. LOL

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 11:05 PM (ynpvh)

521 something I found today:

The oddest thing about the ivermectin controversy is the Sarah Jessica Parker isn't endorsing it

--Stolen from someone snarkier than I

Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 11:05 PM (HG00O)

522 @518: "I blame Bush and Obama for the sub-prime hobos. They should have never bought houses during the bubble."

Government subsidies did distort the hobo pelt market.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:06 PM (+WWsf)

523 The oddest thing about the ivermectin controversy is the Sarah Jessica Parker isn't endorsing it

--Stolen from someone snarkier than I
Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 11:05 PM (HG00O)

She's a neigh-sayer?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 02, 2021 11:06 PM (Pmzmm)

524 Okay, eyelids are heavy.

Your Lird and Master must slumber.

My well.

Posted by: Robert - 1 Day until Iron Maiden's new album, Senjutsu at September 02, 2021 11:07 PM (gTc91)

525 No Gatorade at all at Kroger today. But they had shelf after shelf of some knock-off Body Armor swill.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

Body Armor is far and away the better product, IMO. Have you compared the labels? I stopped using both Gatorade and Powerade when that came out. Way more potassium, and vitamins, way less sodium.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at September 02, 2021 11:07 PM (OssQ4)

526 Took me a second, Kindltot, but I did LOL.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:07 PM (+WWsf)

527 I think I've probably at least mentioned it tangentially before, but there's something important that we should be clobbering socialists over the head with every time we find them. The system is broken as designed, fatally flawed before it ever proceeds to attempt implementation.

All socialist ideology revolves around the idea of material equality - or what they're calling equity now. Equal pay for equal work, and soforth. It sounds good on paper, right?

The problem is that people don't even things out on their own, so you have to give someone the power to make things equal, by force. You now have a government that's empowered to confiscate and redistribute. A small group controls all of the wealth.

Quick, define aristocracy - you just used the preceding sentence, didn't you?

In seeking equality, it creates an aristocracy. This is as contradictory and self-defeating as a thing can be. As Chesterton said, there has never been an aristocracy that didn't behave exactly like a small gang. There's no rational reason to expect this one to act any differently. History tells us they will feather their nests, punish detractors, and try to make themselves permanent.

Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est, Post-Apocalyptic Scourge of the Seas at September 02, 2021 11:07 PM (Msrhc)


Leftists turned on the feminist hero and women's rights crusader, the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, after the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 vote, refused to block the implementation of Texas' "heartbeat bill" on September 1st, effectively banning most abortions after fetal cardiac activity can be detected.

"Ruth Bader Ginsburg's categorical refusal to retire brought us here. So thanks you old dead white bitch," sniffed a self-described "feminist" who later deleted her tweet.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 02, 2021 11:07 PM (63Dwl)

529 516 @508: "Too busy creating new genders out of thin air."

Chinese media censors supposedly banning sissy girly men from state television is almost too good to be true; but I suspect it's very true.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:03 PM (+WWsf)

the Chinese and the Russians don't want sissy men. Here in the West, the perverse is lauded and the normal is abused.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 11:07 PM (ynpvh)

530 Why do we automatically accept the result of the recount? Shouldn't another recount be done after that to confirm the result?

Posted by: Robert - 1 Day until Iron Maiden's new album

Procedure in close races in Washington State is to recount till the dim wins.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 11:08 PM (r1z5A)

531 A Twat Knot?
Posted by: BunkerintheBurbs at September 02, 2021 11:03 PM (RIp6a)

I am sooo stealing this.

Posted by: Automated vote count system at September 02, 2021 11:08 PM (axyOa)

532 Tramp stamp > twat knot

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at September 02, 2021 11:09 PM (VxC1e)

533 Another award winning ONT from WD.

First of all, as a medical professional, if you cannot for whatever reason treat someone who comes to you, you refer them to someone who you know can. I've never heard of denying a TEST to someone. It is not asking to become a patient, just for a diagnostic test. If that was an M.D. they are effing with the Hippo oath. But then again, this whole Covid thing has shown me the people who I thought were all about science, humanity and evidence based medicine are anything but.
Another eye opening gift courtesy of Trump.

Posted by: keena at September 02, 2021 11:09 PM (RiTnx)

534 new bumper sticker for red areas:
If Slow Joe had 4 legs, the vet would have put him on the Rainbow Bridge by now.

/came to whilst i was talking to Herself a few minutes ago. she laughed...

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 02, 2021 11:09 PM (0kkuk)

535 Off damn automated vote counting sock.

Posted by: Diogenes at September 02, 2021 11:09 PM (axyOa)

536 If you've been thinking you need an AR15 but just haven't PSA PSA. These guys really should sponsor me! Anyway in the Labor Day deals you can get a complete lower for $119 free shipping and a complete upper for $299. $418 plus your state sales tax gets you into a complete rifle. Yeah you'll need mags. And a sling. But 418 bones! Unless you live in some commie state that won't let you buy it.

Posted by: blaster at September 02, 2021 11:09 PM (w2z2p)

537 "came to me" you idiot!

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 02, 2021 11:10 PM (0kkuk)

538 @530: "Procedure in close races in Washington State is to recount till the dim wins."

Or keep searching for ballot boxes in random car trunks like Al Franken did in Minnesota; 2008, and into mid-2009.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:10 PM (+WWsf)

539 530 Why do we automatically accept the result of the recount? Shouldn't another recount be done after that to confirm the result?

Posted by: Robert - 1 Day until Iron Maiden's new album

Procedure in close races in Washington State is to recount till the dim wins.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 11:08 PM (r1z5A)

And most amazingly the dims totals INCREASE

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 11:10 PM (ynpvh)

540 538 @530: "Procedure in close races in Washington State is to recount till the dim wins."

Or keep searching for ballot boxes in random car trunks like Al Franken did in Minnesota; 2008, and into mid-2009.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:10 PM (+WWsf)

Magicians! Watch them pull boxes of ballots out of their trunk!

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 11:13 PM (ynpvh)

541 Get this. Lefties in California are warning that the recall will have to be audited very carefully. Because it's running on Dominion machines!

I thought it was a war crime to say that Dominion was not perfect!

Posted by: blaster at September 02, 2021 11:14 PM (w2z2p)

542 Body Armor is far and away the better product, IMO. Have you compared the labels? I stopped using both Gatorade and Powerade when that came out. Way more potassium, and vitamins, way less sodium.
Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at September 02, 2021 11:07 PM (OssQ4)

I thought the entire premise of Gatorade was to maintain your sodium/potassium balance by replenishing those salts in the ratio that you sweated them out.

I had the distinct pleasure of meeting and spending time with Dr. Robert Cade, the inventor of Gatorade. he was a real Southern Gentleman.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 02, 2021 11:14 PM (Pmzmm)

543 Sarah Jessica Parker is probably furious. Before this, she could get all the invermectin she needed for a song. Hell, they probably threw in a free shoeing with each purchase before you lot drove up the prices.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 02, 2021 11:14 PM (QU5/8)

544 Body Armor is far and away the better product, IMO. Have you compared the labels? I stopped using both Gatorade and Powerade when that came out. Way more potassium, and vitamins, way less sodium.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at September 02, 2021 11:07 PM (OssQ4)
1. Body Armor is woke, so they don't need my money.

2. the KCl, NaCl, and all the vitamins are going to wash out, except what your body needs right then.

3. all of those drink have such a horrendous Ph that drinking them straight will demineralize your teeth. dilute that shit!

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 02, 2021 11:14 PM (0kkuk)

545 I thought it was a war crime to say that Dominion was not perfect!
Posted by: blaster at September 02, 2021 11:14 PM (w2z2p)


Also, don't say stranded!

Posted by: Jen Psaki at September 02, 2021 11:15 PM (VxC1e)

546 541 Get this. Lefties in California are warning that the recall will have to be audited very carefully. Because it's running on Dominion machines!

I thought it was a war crime to say that Dominion was not perfect!

Posted by: blaster at September 02, 2021 11:14 PM (w2z2p)

You have to understand what they mean by "Audit". Doesn't mean checking vote ACCURACY, rather it means making sure the required outcome is achieved.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 11:15 PM (ynpvh)

547 Resignation aside, I try not to laugh about Franken being considered one of the "good ones", well after the fact, but people forget that it all came down to a few hundred votes outta 2.4 million, and a slow motion recount, and several court challenges, all continuing months beyond November, and well into the next year.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:16 PM (+WWsf)

548 Get this. Lefties in California are warning that the recall will have to be audited very carefully. Because it's running on Dominion machines!

I thought it was a war crime to say that Dominion was not perfect!
Posted by: blaster

This is how cynical I've become...If they're pointing at Dominion, what have they put in place elsewhere?

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 11:16 PM (r1z5A)

549 Sarah Jessica Parker has a re-shoe of Sex and the Whinny coming out.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 02, 2021 11:16 PM (mNhhD)

550 Thank you bonhomme! Now i need a file or two. I have a dremel, would that work?

Posted by: Funsize (EiPf6) at September 02, 2021 11:16 PM (EiPf6)

551 gotta have a quick GI party here at the FOB: the 6 element is due in NLT 0900 Local. doesn't have to be spotless, but it can't look like a bachelor pad either.


Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 02, 2021 11:17 PM (0kkuk)

552 Thank you bonhomme! Now i need a file or two. I have a dremel, would that work?
Posted by: Funsize (EiPf6) at September 02, 2021 11:16 PM (EiPf6)


You're looking at years of work.

Posted by: Andy Dufresne at September 02, 2021 11:17 PM (VxC1e)

553 @544: "1. Body Armor is woke, so they don't need my money.

Woke, but never so woke as Gatorade:

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:18 PM (+WWsf)

554 Af-stranded-stan it is, Hacky Psaki.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 02, 2021 11:18 PM (mNhhD)

555 Goodnight all, thanks for the chat tonight.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 11:19 PM (L2ZTs)

556 It is, AOP. For athletes. I am not an athlete, so even when I was toiling in a kitchen all day, I didn't need that much sodium. I definitely noticed the extra (like 5x more) potassium in the Body Armor, as I didn't get nearly as many hellish leg cramps as before, in the middle of the night.

Although that probably had a lot to do with drinking a fifth and a half per day. Perhaps. Anyway, I like Body Armor better.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at September 02, 2021 11:19 PM (OssQ4)

557 555 Goodnight all, thanks for the chat tonight.

Posted by: qdpsteve (L2ZTs) at September 02, 2021 11:19 PM (L2ZTs)

Have a good one QDP.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 11:20 PM (ynpvh)

558 This is how cynical I've become...If they're pointing at Dominion, what have they put in place elsewhere?
Posted by: Some Rat

The other twenty old fashioned, tried and true methods.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at September 02, 2021 11:21 PM (OssQ4)

559 512 Cat wants me to go to bed. I think he wants my chair.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 02, 2021 11:02 PM (HG00O)

You misspelled 'lungs'.

Posted by: GnuBreed, no circumstance at September 02, 2021 11:22 PM (F0YaR)

560 Body Armor sounds like a men's cologne. A cousin of Axe body spray, perhaps.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 02, 2021 11:22 PM (mNhhD)

561 @560: "A cousin of Axe body spray, perhaps."

Okay. This settles it.

I will drink nothing less than an electrolyte rich reboot of Drakkar Noir.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:23 PM (+WWsf)

562 "gotta have a quick GI party"

I recently had a GI party. Unfortunately, while it was quick, I had quite a few of them....

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 02, 2021 11:24 PM (KAi1n)

563 Body Armor sounds like a men's cologne. A cousin of Axe body spray, perhaps.
Posted by: JuJuBee

Heh, I kept thinking car upholstery protector...but I wasn't going to judge.

Posted by: Some Rat at September 02, 2021 11:24 PM (r1z5A)

564 That pizza looks like a diseased version of Ensign Naraht, or something unholy; summoned into this world by cultists.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at September 02, 2021 11:25 PM (nRMeC)

565 Sarah Jessica Parker is probably furious. Before this, she could get all the invermectin she needed for a song. Hell, they probably threw in a free shoeing with each purchase before you lot drove up the prices.
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls

For a song?

Well, I guess the horse DID learn to sing.

Posted by: Bozo Conservative...Living on the Prison Planet at September 02, 2021 11:26 PM (tjZg/)

566 Scotchgard! Now available is several tropical fruit flavors!

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:26 PM (+WWsf)

567 That pizza looks like a diseased version of Ensign Naraht, or something unholy; summoned into this world by cultists.


Umm, okay.

Would you like to try our calzone?

Posted by: Little Caesars at September 02, 2021 11:26 PM (VxC1e)

568 272....Unless maybe none of them are actually Americans, as Americans understand Americans.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 02, 2021 09:44 PM (MxrKc)

Dual passport holders. That's what I read something like a week or 10 days ago. Funny, never mentioned again.

Posted by: Flyover at September 02, 2021 11:27 PM (Rbu5d)

569 Jesus, it's been a tough five days. Hope y'all are doing well and taking care of each other.

Posted by: Bert G at September 02, 2021 11:28 PM (JUCU4)

570 Body Armor-All. Never wipe again. Every dump, like a baby whale being born. Swim free, Baby Beluga!

Good night, Hordelings!

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at September 02, 2021 11:28 PM (OssQ4)

571 a high school kid died of water poisening, hyponatremia, durring football practice and all he drank was gatoraid

something to think about

Posted by: will choose a nic later at September 02, 2021 11:31 PM (bTQ72)

572 Regarding Candace Owens, the concept of not liking a particular person "on your side" no matter how much they fight first presented itself to me back during the "Draw the Prophet" event in Texas that Pamela Geller was involved with, where the place it was held was attacked.

I have been to a couple of events where Geller spoke. She has that annoying, nasal, Fran Drescher "Nanny" accent, and is not a particularly inspiring public speaker. So I am definitely not a fan.

After the attack on the event, critics, including Bill O'Reilly, criticized her with statements along the lines of, "I believe in Free Speech, but she is being offensive."

I said at the time that was wrong. That statement means the speaker does not actually believe in Free Speech if they are going to exclude people being offensive, or even just being less than pleasant people in general. The proper phrasing should be, "She is offensive, but I believe in Free Speech." Added to which, as was often said about Trump, "But she fights."

Oh, and as it goes, Trump also criticized Geller for being offensive. Never mind medical treatment, going down that road ends up working passage aboard the Grift Ship Bulwark.

Posted by: Sam at September 02, 2021 11:32 PM (ohyxL)

573 It's been on Bob's radar for much longer than since 9/11. Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 10:59 PM (+WWsf)

Anyone play COD? Hi Bob!

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 02, 2021 11:33 PM (BMmaB)

574 Dual passport holders. That's what I read something like a week or 10 days ago. Funny, never mentioned again. Posted by: Flyover at September 02, 2021 11:27 PM (Rbu5d)

Having a bugout plan was something of a cottage industry in Afghanistan. Karzai had all his Cabinet give him their second passports and he kept them in a safe on his office.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 02, 2021 11:35 PM (BMmaB)

575 @573: "Anyone play COD? Hi Bob!"

First season of Amazon's Jack Ryan reboot did the video game terrorist chat channel thing. Some cliches are cliches because they are real cliches.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:35 PM (+WWsf)

576 564 what's worse, you making a reference to 1980s era Star Trek comic books, or me getting the reference?

Posted by: Weirddave at September 02, 2021 11:36 PM (GWm7j)

577 An exhausting week Been working at my job for seven and a half years with no issues. The company hired the 21 year old junior ceo and now I can't do anything right... Aargh!
Posted by: westminsterdogshow at September 02, 2021 09:20

My sympathies WDS. I had a similar situation. Long story short, my supervisor for 30 yrs retired. His assistant, who rose from being a payroll clerk, was made #2 in the park dist and my boss.

She didn't like me because I fought her on some stupid ideas. While on disability leave, that was forced on me, they eliminated my job. I'm not the type to sue but I think I have a case.

After 32 yrs I got a certified letter eliminating my position. No personal contact, gutless azzholes. They actually said because of my long absence this was a good time to eliminate my job. I think that sounds like true discrimination. That new bitch supervisor wanted me gone and used my disability to get it done.

Posted by: Farmer at September 02, 2021 11:36 PM (55Qr6)

578 I heard it said once that the test of free speech isn't whether you want more people you agree with in the public square, but more people you disagree with.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 02, 2021 11:36 PM (BMmaB)

579 @574: "Karzai had all his Cabinet give him their second passports and he kept them in a safe on his office."

Sounds like a Russian pimp in Baltimore or New Jersey!

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:36 PM (+WWsf)

580 478- Save emails in draft, and share the free email account password. Type your response and save in draft. But this is the important part: DON'T send the email. Makes it much more difficult to track your comms, not impossible, but make the jackbooted thugs work for it.
Posted by: IllTemperedCur at September 02, 2021 10:45 PM

I believe this was a tactic used in an insider trading case I once read about.

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 02, 2021 11:36 PM (qe5CM)

581 @544: "1. Body Armor is woke, so they don't need my money.

Woke, but never so woke as Gatorade:
Posted by: Walter Freeman

There's a few hundred imitation gaterade recipes online.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at September 02, 2021 11:38 PM (1t5dY)

582 580

free emails want to ping you if you use a new computer to log in with. they want to text you, which transmits your celll#

Posted by: will choose a nic later at September 02, 2021 11:39 PM (bTQ72)

583 Sounds like a Russian pimp in Baltimore or New Jersey! Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:36 PM (+WWsf)

The parallels are stronger than one might think.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 02, 2021 11:39 PM (BMmaB)

584 @581: "There's a few hundred imitation gaterade recipes online."

I trust that I can get one from the same guys selling bootleg DVDs in Times Square?

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:39 PM (+WWsf)

585 Save emails in draft, and share the free email account password. Type your response and save in draft. But this is the important part: DON'T send the email. Makes it much more difficult to track your comms, not impossible, but make the jackbooted thugs work for it. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at September 02, 2021 10:45 PM I believe this was a tactic used in an insider trading case I once read about. Posted by: Moonbeam at September 02, 2021 11:36 PM (qe5CM)

Strzok and Page used it when they needed to communicate something longer than a text message.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at September 02, 2021 11:40 PM (BMmaB)

586 @585: "Strzok and Page used it when they needed to communicate something longer than a text message."

Yeah, but it's akin to drug dealers talking about their deals over the phone as prescriptions, refills, and deductibles. At some point, you're only fooling yourself. Bob and his friends can read unsent draft edits in targeted accounts just as easily as full fledged sent emails.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:43 PM (+WWsf)

587 a high school kid died of water poisening, hyponatremia, during football practice and all he drank was gatoraid
something to think about
Posted by: will choose a nic later

I developed hyponatremia during an army reserve drill at Ft. Hunter-Liggett in 1999. I have never felt more miserable in my life. Literally waves of nausea. OMG. Thing was, I was in a feedback loop because I was overcompensating for potential heat sickness by drinking too much water. When I started to feel the first signs, I drank *more*, not realizing I had gone the other way.

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 02, 2021 11:44 PM (KAi1n)

588 The magical internet cloud! How does it work?

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 02, 2021 11:44 PM (+WWsf)

589 576 I was remembering the reference from "My Enemy, My Ally" written by Diane Duane. The line "sausage, extra cheese" stuck in my mind. The fact that you caught it from the comics... I'm not sure which is worse.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at September 02, 2021 11:44 PM (nRMeC)

590 Grumpy, you're right.Duane created the character, but he was featured in the comics as well. I forgot about that.

Posted by: Weirddave at September 02, 2021 11:47 PM (GWm7j)

591 I use gochuchang in my home made kimchi. Adds depth and heat.

Posted by: Bosk at September 02, 2021 11:49 PM (yh68b)

592 It's really common to see people taking fish and game meat on the plane here in the Upper One. But it has to be well-packed...

The local FedEx outlet even has a sign out front, "We Ship Fish!"

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at September 02, 2021 11:50 PM (oL4gB)

593 > Firefly orbital launch attempt went splody just before the ONT went up. I blame the reavers.
Posted by: These fish sticks are hard as tits

Well, the rule of thumb is that if you're doing experimental rocketry and don't blow one up once in a while, you're not pushing the envelope hard enough.

Not at all surprising when a first attempt goes boom.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at September 02, 2021 11:52 PM (oL4gB)

594 "Ruth Bader Ginsburg's categorical refusal to retire brought us here. So thanks you old dead white bitch," sniffed a self-described "feminist" who later deleted her tweet.

Just wait til it sinks in for them that she was Jewish. Fascists always hate them some Jews. They are also always really offended when they can't kill the people they want to.

Posted by: azjaeger at September 02, 2021 11:56 PM (3/XaG)

595 The local FedEx outlet even has a sign out front, "We Ship Fish!"

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at September 02, 2021 11:50 PM (oL4gB)

I'm not the Fish Shipper; I'm the Fish Shipper's son. But I'll ship your fish 'til the Fish Shipper comes.

Posted by: rejected Blues Lyrics at September 02, 2021 11:58 PM (Pmzmm)

596 -I developed hyponatremia*****

i have read if you survive it is high pain, and going to the hospital means even more pain

Posted by: will choose a nic later at September 03, 2021 12:00 AM (bTQ72)

597 I use gochuchang in my home made kimchi. Adds depth and heat.
Posted by: Bosk

Gochu is garlic chili paste with sugar. You don't need the sugar.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at September 03, 2021 12:02 AM (1t5dY)

598 @597: "You don't need the sugar."

Sugar does help those fermenty little buggers ferment though.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at September 03, 2021 12:04 AM (+WWsf)

In basic in the Air Force they made us chug canteens, then gave 30 dudes 3 minutes to piss in 7 portapotties

we called it water hazing, one guy got caught with koolaid powder in his canteen, he was made to have a sad

Posted by: will choose a nic later at September 03, 2021 12:05 AM (bTQ72)

600 WDS, is SFGoth an attorney who could help? I don't recall his specialty.
Posted by: Emmie

Substantively, real property, and sadly now, veterinary malpractice/misconduct. Procedurally, SLAPP. Now I shall hunt above for what WDS's problem is.

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 03, 2021 12:07 AM (KAi1n)

601 599
In basic in the Air Force they made us chug canteens, then gave 30 dudes 3 minutes to piss in 7 portapotties

we called it water hazing, one guy got caught with koolaid powder in his canteen, he was made to have a sad

Posted by: will choose a nic later at September 03, 2021 12:05 AM (bTQ72)

Old Chem prof I had was in service back in the 50's and told a story of how they were stationed in the Colorado Mountains, and when newbies would come, they'd have a baseball game. They'd let the newbies keep hitting the ball, just to watch them get sick afterwards.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 03, 2021 12:08 AM (ynpvh)

602 Night all, have to run a few errands before turning in.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 03, 2021 12:09 AM (ynpvh)

603 Aargh!
Posted by: westminsterdogshow

Sounds like employment law. That is highly state-specific. Even in CA, the only thing I know about employment law is that it is half of a statute called FEHA (Fair Employment and Housing Act) which really should be split into the FEA and the FHA because they have different standards and stuff.

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 03, 2021 12:10 AM (KAi1n)

604 I use gochuchang in my home made kimchi. Adds depth and heat.

Posted by: Bosk at September 02, 2021 11:49 PM (yh68b)
got a recipe or two to share for those, the paste & the kimchi?

e-mail in and i'd be most obliged.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 03, 2021 12:15 AM (0kkuk)

605 Sounds like employment law. That is highly state-specific. Even in CA, the only thing I know about employment law is that it is half of a statute called FEHA (Fair Employment and Housing Act) which really should be split into the FEA and the FHA because they have different standards and stuff.
Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 03, 2021 12:10 AM (KAi1n)

Anything involving government which uses the word "fair" probably isn't.

Posted by: rejected Blues Lyrics at September 03, 2021 12:15 AM (Pmzmm)

606 de-socking

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 03, 2021 12:17 AM (Pmzmm)

607 e-mail in sig...

must be the cleaning chemicals.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 03, 2021 12:18 AM (0kkuk)

608 In basic in the Air Force they made us chug canteens, then gave 30 dudes 3 minutes to piss in 7 portapotties
'Portapotties'? Yeah, that would figure.

The Army requires the troops to spend the 30 minutes digging their own latrines.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 03, 2021 12:18 AM (1vynn)

609 I realized today was the day my maternal grandfather died, 62 yrs ago. He was 61, in a car accident w/ internal injuries. Most probably could have been saved today.

The odd thing is we live on the same block where those grandparents lived. Neither of us were born here, but we ended up in Dutch's hometown where six generations of my family have lived.

Anyone know who the Dutch I'm referring too was? My other grandpa went to HS w/ him.

Posted by: Farmer at September 03, 2021 12:19 AM (55Qr6)

610 338 Buffalo Springfield is on Mannix. The other night it was Neil Diamond. And the cars! Watching this time machine of a show is one of the few things that helps the stress of living in Bidenland. That and Perry Mason.
Posted by: JuJuBee at September 02, 2021 09:58 PM (mNhhD)

I'm with you JuJuBee. Been dvr-ing Perry but get frustrated they are obviously cutting material - see characters in the credits "waitress', 'cosmetics girl' who don't appear in the episode - can only surmise that segment was cut.

Posted by: Anonymous Guy in Kalifornia at September 03, 2021 12:24 AM (7SwmH)

611 Dutch -> Wayne

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 03, 2021 12:26 AM (pbStR)

612 Anyone know who the Dutch I'm referring too was? My other grandpa went to HS w/ him.
Posted by: Farmer


Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 03, 2021 12:27 AM (KAi1n)

613 Dutch -> Wayne
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc.

Or, Marion

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 03, 2021 12:28 AM (pbStR)

614 Anyone know who the Dutch I'm referring too was? My other grandpa went to HS w/ him.
Posted by: Farmer

613 Dutch -> Wayne
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc.

Or, Marion
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc

Ugh. I didn't say it.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 03, 2021 12:29 AM (pbStR)

615 Hey QDP! Didn't know he was fired, but if anyone deserved it, he did. Problem is, he's just the tip of the iceberg, and most of the education complex is actually in his corner, wanting to pump out as many reactionary deadheads as possible.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at September 02, 2021 10:16 PM (ynpvh)

That was my take too....1 down, 9999999999 to go

Posted by: Anonymous Guy in Kalifornia at September 03, 2021 12:33 AM (7SwmH)

616 I tried to watch the new Perry Mason on HBO. Awful.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 03, 2021 12:35 AM (mNhhD)

617 Well, I am going to call it a night. Be well, Horde.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 03, 2021 12:35 AM (Pmzmm)

618 I almost got blanket-partied in basic for having a soda during dinner in week 5. I was seriously pissed the fvck off and would've beaten the shit out of someone because *I* was paying attention when the drill sergeant said we could have sodas after week 4. If I get BP'd because *I* fvcked up, that's one thing, but because *you* fvcked up, you're getting it back in spades.

Then there was the idiot who was jealous because I brought a pair of boots with me to basic -- my reserve unit had issued me a full uniform (DEP) so I kept those boots highly polished and never worn. They were my inspection boots. Idiot *reported* me to the drill sergeant. For thinking ahead? I was not violating any regulation, rule, tradition, or custom; in fact, SFC Torres thought it was a good thing to do. I was gobsmacked at the idiot's pettiness and it was fun to hear him do pushups for it.

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 03, 2021 12:37 AM (KAi1n)

619 Anyone know who the Dutch I'm referring too was? My other grandpa went to HS w/ him.
Posted by: Farmer

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 03, 2021 12:27
Bingo, SFGoth wins a cardboard AOSHQ membership. Actually if you ever wander to Dixon IL to see his home we will buy you dinner. Heck, same for Mike Hammer.

The Basil Tree is great Italian, or if you prefer a midwestern steakhouse there's the Galena Steakhouse. Flyover country does have some good food, and at much cheaper prices,

Posted by: Farmer at September 03, 2021 12:47 AM (55Qr6)

620 612 Anyone know who the Dutch I'm referring too was? My other grandpa went to HS w/ him.
Posted by: Farmer

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 03, 2021 12:27 AM

That's the first one that popped into my head as well.

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 03, 2021 12:49 AM (qe5CM)

621 619 Anyone know who the Dutch I'm referring too was? My other grandpa went to HS w/ him.
Posted by: Farmer

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 03, 2021 12:27
Bingo, SFGoth wins a cardboard AOSHQ membership. Actually if you ever wander to Dixon IL to see his home we will buy you dinner. Heck, same for Mike Hammer.
Posted by: Farmer at September 03, 2021 12:47 AM (55Qr6)

Dang! I should have spoken up sooner!

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 03, 2021 12:51 AM (qe5CM)

622 i was going to get a BO my last night at Benning, just because i was different from all the 18 y/o idiots, and i was from #Failifornia. being on a "dead man walking" profile didn't help. what save me is that, when we started AIT, we got an AD NCO who was re-classing from Supply to Infantry. black dude, from South Central. we got along, for a variety of reasons, and, unlike the children i knew he was a no shit NCO, just going to school. the idiots said "no he's a trainee, just like us..."

told him what one of the plotters had gleefully told me, and he called a formation. told them that, if i didn't sleep peacefully through the night, there would be NO graduation for anyone until the MPs got done with the investigation, and that if they didn't think the CoC wouldn't listen to another AD NCO, they should think again.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 03, 2021 12:53 AM (0kkuk)

623 Dang! I should have spoken up sooner!
Posted by: Moonbeam at September 03, 2021 12:51

Hey Moonbeam, if you ever make it this way we'll buy you dinner also.

Posted by: Farmer at September 03, 2021 12:54 AM (55Qr6)

624 we all woke up, we all got dressed, and they marched off to the cattle cars and graduation. just after they boarded and left, the skies opened up and it pissed down rain, just as it had *every* Thursday we had been there. we both laughed. when it was time to go, i domed my issue Class A raincoat, and was taken to the separation building, where i joined the drowned rats. one of the clique tried to tell me i was out of uniform, because the rest of them didn't have raincoats. i explained that A: we were no longer a class, but individual Soldiers and B: that i was a PFC, he was a PVT, and that i outranked him, and didn't want to hear another word from him.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 03, 2021 12:58 AM (0kkuk)

625 BP not BO.... stupid s*ber fingers.

back to the GI party. next on the list, cat boxes and random cat shit from Miss Rachel (RIP)

then the latrine, some whiskey and to the rack for a few hours sleep.

and another comment or two whilst drinking

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 03, 2021 01:00 AM (0kkuk)

626 When Dutch was prez, I was in high school, so too young to vote for or against him. I was a "Scoop Jackson" Democrat back then. I liked Reagan's foreign policy, pro-military, and "Star Wars" stuff. I fvcking *loved* SDI and getting tough with the Soviets. Then again, the teacher who really made a difference in my life was my 6th grade teacher, a Jewish woman, who taught us about the Russian "refusniks", China's Cultural Revolution (as in, the horrors of it), and fed us a steady diet of Ayn Rand, Ray Bradbury, Aldous Huxley, et al. Domestically, I was moderately liberal, though never a hippy/Greenpeacer/etc.

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 03, 2021 01:01 AM (KAi1n)

627 623 Dang! I should have spoken up sooner!
Posted by: Moonbeam at September 03, 2021 12:51

Hey Moonbeam, if you ever make it this way we'll buy you dinner also.
Posted by: Farmer at September 03, 2021 12:54 AM

Thanks! That would be a fun group!

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 03, 2021 01:02 AM (qe5CM)

628 Been dvr-ing Perry but get frustrated they are obviously cutting material - see characters in the credits "waitress', 'cosmetics girl' who don't appear in the episode - can only surmise that segment was cut.
Posted by: Anonymous Guy in Kalifornia

There isn't enough time for commercials in those old shows. So they shave a scene here or there to make room for more ads.

Posted by: mikeski at September 03, 2021 01:06 AM (P1f+c)

629 told him what one of the plotters had gleefully told me, and he called a formation. told them that, if i didn't sleep peacefully through the night, there would be NO graduation for anyone until the MPs got done with the investigation, and that if they didn't think the CoC wouldn't listen to another AD NCO, they should think again.
Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 03, 2021 12:53

Very cool story red.

Posted by: Farmer at September 03, 2021 01:08 AM (55Qr6)

630 Peeking In

Posted by: Skip at September 03, 2021 01:11 AM (2JoB8)

631 Peeking In
Posted by: Skip at September 03, 2021 01:11

Skip was there any flooding near you? Saw some in PA.

Posted by: Farmer at September 03, 2021 01:14 AM (55Qr6)

632 Peeking In
Posted by: Skip

Back to bed, young man!

Posted by: Miklos knows the US GDP depends on Skip at September 03, 2021 01:15 AM (QzkSJ)

633 MSN headline, John Roberts has lost control of the Supreme Court....

Uh, the Chief Justice is NOT IN CONTROL of the Court. If he was, the entire system would be moot.

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 03, 2021 01:27 AM (oHd/0)

634 John Roberts is feeling roebegone with this sad state of affairs

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 03, 2021 01:32 AM (mNhhD)

635 This might have been mentioned in an earlier thread, but Kathryn Watson of CBS reported that Biden went to Walter Reed at 8:00 this evening, supposedly to visit wounded warriors. Press stayed in the vans. Did anyone hear anything else?

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 03, 2021 01:33 AM (qe5CM)

636 Posted by: Miklos knows the US GDP depends on Skip at September 03, 2021 01:15

Now that sig cracks me up. He is a hardworking SOB. I've gathered he's a few yrs younger than me. I used to do a lot of physical work when I farmed for 32 yrs. Today it's enough to tend a small garden.

And do the composting Skip does. I'm also a fanatic composter, ya'll should try it.

Posted by: Farmer at September 03, 2021 01:34 AM (55Qr6)

637 Pro slavery justices on the supreme court thought they had decided the slavery issue one and for all with the dred scott decision. They were right they did! Anti abortion rights supreme court justices think they will "deal" with roe vs wade. They will be right again. This time john brown won't be going to harpers ferry.

Posted by: exodus 21:22-25 at September 03, 2021 01:35 AM (JbaGW)

638 633 MSN headline, John Roberts has lost control of the Supreme Court....

Uh, the Chief Justice is NOT IN CONTROL of the Court. If he was, the entire system would be moot.
Posted by: Romeo13 at September 03, 2021 01:27 AM

Well put. Didn't he vote with the minority on the Texas law?

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 03, 2021 01:35 AM (qe5CM)

639 Posted by: exodus 21:22-25 at September 03, 2021 01:35 AM (JbaGW)
remember when the HQ had talented trolls?

these lamer dingle berry eating window lickers need to find a new gig.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 03, 2021 01:41 AM (0kkuk)

There's something that hit me today about natural immunity vs vaccine at the global level that I didn't appreciate. Just went right past me until I read something Robert Malone said that phrased in just the right way to make realize, hey, that's something important I've been missing. Some of the others I read like Vanden Bossche have mentioned it but I didn't understand the significance.

The virus mutates. Well, guess what, natural immunity mutates along with it so to speak. Dude A, say in California get the Coof. He develops a broad spectrum immune response to that particular virus. Virus gets in Texas, and has mutated somewhat. Guy in Texas gets in, and he develops immunity. But his immunity is a little different, because it's based on the mutated version.

And so on and so forth around the world. There is a lot of "diversity" in the immune profile at the population level to match the mutations as they occur. [cont]

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at September 03, 2021 01:41 AM (Mzdiz)

641 "There's something that hit me today about natural immunity vs vaccine at the global level that I didn't appreciate. Just went right past me until I read something Robert Malone said that phrased in just the right way to make realize, hey, that's something important I've been missing."

That reminds me of the late-night discussion several of us had the other night about the interplay of language and understanding/conception.

Posted by: SFGoth (KAi1n) at September 03, 2021 01:45 AM (KAi1n)

If we compare the natural immune profiles of the guy in CA vs TX vs SC vs France vs Timbuktu, we see they will overlap, but they will be a little different. Think of a Venn diagram. The guy in Timbuktu recognizes slightly different antigens than the guy in CA.

So the collective population immune profile is much broader than any individual. If somehow the virus managed to mutate enough that it got away from the guy in CA, the guy in Timbuktu might still have enough to still beat it.

That's how population level natural immunity works. That how the species immune system adapts to viral mutations and stay apace with viral mutation. Cleve shit, ain't it? [cont]

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at September 03, 2021 01:45 AM (Mzdiz)

643 Well hey, Horde, just checking in to say Hi. I am off to bed shortly, I must be awake in a few hours. Whoever the programming director is at TCM he/she missed it by "this much", tonight's film at this hour is Singing In The Rain.

Posted by: Debby Doberman Schultz at September 03, 2021 01:50 AM (a4EWo)

Now, take a fucking leaky vaccine that targets one simple epitope. Vaccinate the entire fucking population with it, as much as you can.

You have now *synchronized* the entire world population with a single, narrow immune response. The virus just has to make a little mutational side step, and it gets away from everybody. And because of OAS effects, that globally homogenous immune profile has some inertia.

Stupid, ain't it? This is what happens when you fuck around with shit you don't understand.

And yep, it was Robert Malone's particular phrasing that made me see the point. I'd seen several make it, using their own language but I didn't see it until Malone said it just right. Oh, oh, oh! Yeah!

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at September 03, 2021 01:51 AM (Mzdiz)

645 Now, take a fucking leaky vaccine that targets one simple epitope. Vaccinate the entire fucking population with it, as much as you can.

Posted by: publius

"epitope" is the vaunted spike protein target that the 'vax' covers?

Do the mRNA treatments (not going to call them vaxs because they are not) have broader defense against the virus versus natural antibodies?

Posted by: weft cut-loop at September 03, 2021 01:57 AM (1t5dY)

That same variation in individual immune response happens over time in the same local area as well. Say Bob in Podunk, AZ catches it, but his neighbor Alice doesn't. But a few months later, in another wave, Alice catches it. Well, the virus has mutated some. So even the local population in Podunk has variation in immune response.

This folks is how the homo sapiens collective immune system manages to get us to herd immunity without putting too much selection pressure on the virus to evade that immunity. Well, a part of the way it does it. It's beautiful.

It's nothing but natural selection at work, going both ways. "Life, it will find a way".

And out smartest men in the room can fuck that up so damn easily because they don't know what they're doing.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at September 03, 2021 02:02 AM (Mzdiz)

647 >> Do the mRNA treatments (not going to call them vaxs because they are not) have broader defense against the virus versus natural antibodies?

Lord no! The mRNA (as well as the other adenovirus vector) does nothing but give you some antibodies against a *single* epitope of the virus. One single piece.

The virus simply has to mutate, thanks to leaky vaccine pressure, that single epitope, and Boom! it has evaded the entire immune response of the vaccinated population.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at September 03, 2021 02:04 AM (Mzdiz)

Yes, "epitope" is the term for the part of the antigen that an antibody binds to. The part of the antibody that binds to the epitope is dubbed a "paratope".

So antibody paratopes bind to antigen epitopes.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at September 03, 2021 02:05 AM (Mzdiz)

649 Kind of like the problem of inbreeding; the defects crowd out the superlatives over time.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 03, 2021 02:06 AM (JODDm)

650 Kind of like the problem of inbreeding; the defects crowd out the superlatives over time.
Posted by: SFGoth

Not a geneticist, but I don't think that's true. There are things, as you know, as regressive genes, epigenetics, and that the word 'inbreeding' is used in a careless manner.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at September 03, 2021 02:15 AM (1t5dY)

651 Mornin'
(sips coffee)

Posted by: Puddleglum at September 03, 2021 02:20 AM (QFVV9)

I guess you all saw the news that Sweden has banned travel from Israel (some other countries have as well). I was reading an article that says, Israel is one ofthe most vaccinated countries on the planet. It is only the slight remaining fraction of the unvaccinated that has caused this latest spike in cases!

Fools. Sweden's public health officials know the truth, although they're probably to scared to really say it. Israel's vaccinated population are the "superspreaders" of vaccine-resistant selected mutants that they don't want coming in their country.

Sweden's public health officials did the right thing against tremendous pressure all along this pandemic. They know the truth.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at September 03, 2021 02:24 AM (Mzdiz)

653 I'm metaphoring off Pube's locality example. As a civilization, you'd want immunity diversity.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 03, 2021 02:24 AM (KAi1n)

654 GI Party done. nothing perfect, but it's cleaner than the last time she was here, and all the cat shit in the kitchen and foyer is gone... latrine got some love too, the throne is clean, and the floor where all her excess hair stuff lands is ready for another coat...

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 03, 2021 02:26 AM (0kkuk)

Sweden has also banned travel from the US.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at September 03, 2021 02:26 AM (Mzdiz)

656 As a civilization, you'd want immunity diversity.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 03, 2021 02:24 AM (KAi1n)
Diversity is our Strength!

dude: e-mail me, and we can trade Hungry Lizzard tales, etc. OPSEC to be strictly respected on both ends.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 03, 2021 02:28 AM (0kkuk)

657 so, is anyone here?

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 03, 2021 02:34 AM (0kkuk)

658 testing

Posted by: Dr. Varno at September 03, 2021 02:35 AM (vuisn)

659 fail

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 03, 2021 02:35 AM (0kkuk)

660 they pushed for the vax, because the vlasti would all get rich, just like Merck dunning Ivermectin as they came out with a new antiviral drug under an EUA af $3K/dose, IIRC,

this whole thing is an op.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 03, 2021 02:39 AM (0kkuk)

661 after all, how can it be the EOTWAWKI bug if ~50 y/o generic drugs stop it in its tracks?

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 03, 2021 02:40 AM (0kkuk)

662 so, is anyone here?
Posted by: redc1c4

These are not the Morons you seek.

Well, maybe.

Posted by: Miklosbot v. at September 03, 2021 02:41 AM (QzkSJ)

663 Still here.
(sips coffee, lurks)

Posted by: Puddleglum at September 03, 2021 02:42 AM (QFVV9)

664 saw a bit talking about a "Mu" variant today...

when they come up with a Mu.Nu variant, maybe i'll start to worry...

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 03, 2021 02:42 AM (0kkuk)

665 (sips coffee, lurks)
Posted by: Puddleglum

slurps n' lurks

Posted by: Miklosbot v. at September 03, 2021 02:43 AM (QzkSJ)

666 go for it!

Stiff Little Fingers reference, for those with GOOD musical taste

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 03, 2021 02:44 AM (0kkuk)

667 and i nailed it by accident... Go Me!

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 03, 2021 02:44 AM (0kkuk)

Now, consider ADE. Suppose our virus, due to the selection pressure of the globally synchronized leaky vaccines gets to full evasion, and in the process makes those single epitope antibodies become *enhancing* rather than neutralizing. The vaccinated population is now fucked up the ass.

Now, ADE can occur with natural immunity. Nothing is perfect, and even our own immune systems can fuck up (but at much less a rate than our Top. Men).

Dengue fever is an example.

But guess what, that natural immune diversity means that any such ADE effects will only effect a smaller subset of the population, not the whole. So, maybe poor Bob in Timbuktu gets natural ADE, but Pierre in Paris and Billy Bob in Texas doesn't because of the variation in their own immune response. What's enhancing for Bob, is till neutralizing for Pierre.

Lucky Pierre.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at September 03, 2021 02:44 AM (Mzdiz)

669 I am working hard not to do my stupid homework assignment. But due at noon today.

Posted by: Miklos in Training at September 03, 2021 02:44 AM (QzkSJ)

670 Lucky Pierre.
Posted by: publius

Lucky Pierre's was a place on Bourbon Street.

Posted by: Miklos, and there was the Silver Follies and Gunga Den at September 03, 2021 02:46 AM (QzkSJ)

671 hasta, y'll... ima try to be vertical before herself gets here in a few hours.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at September 03, 2021 02:50 AM (0kkuk)

672 and i nailed it by accident... Go Me!

You Go Girl!!!

Posted by: Miklos, having seen and heard this phrase of American English at September 03, 2021 02:51 AM (QzkSJ)

And before I sack out, one more thing about ADE vaccine fuckups. There was a recent one in the Philippines. Dengue Fever vaccine. They came up a new Dengue fever vaccine. Bunch of scientists pushed it, and the Philippines approved it for all their young 'uns.

It ended up killing 130 chillins due to ADE. Big scandal, and now 20 of the vax pushing scientists have been criminally charged with the equivalent of negligent homicide over that vaccine.

Look up that Philippine Dengue fever vax fiasco. That's an example of what can happen when you rush things, and big Pharma buck get involved in pushing something. Hit the idiot Bluechecks over the head with that.

Note, you've probably never heard of this incident. That's the Big Media for you.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at September 03, 2021 03:00 AM (Mzdiz)

674 More or less up since that 2am post, now I have to get moving.

Posted by: Skip at September 03, 2021 03:02 AM (2JoB8)


Now, fallout of that incident in the Philippines has been, understandably, that parents are getting afraid of vaccines. All vaccines. So, the real safe and effective, time tested vaccines are being rejected because of the fuck up.

Vanden Bossche has warned that if this Covid vaccine thing goes as bad as it possibly could, worse case scenario, the word "vaccine" will become so feared and hated that anyone suggesting using a "vaccine" (no matter which) will be burned at the stake.

He suggests we'll need to change the language. He suggest "immunological sterilizing agent" as a replacement until something better is thought up.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at September 03, 2021 03:05 AM (Mzdiz)

676 Any minute now

Posted by: Skip at September 03, 2021 03:05 AM (2JoB8)

20 Tweets from Bad Blue Vaccine is the Variant edition

Posted by: Skip at September 03, 2021 03:07 AM (2JoB8)

678 The Firesign Theater had a great bit about a game show called Beat the Reaper. The contestant gets injected with a pathogen. He's got 10 seconds to figure out what he has based on his symptoms. Smarmy MC: "So far our patient has survived measles, dengue fever, and the yaws."

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 03, 2021 03:13 AM (mNhhD)

679 fiasco may have been the result of blackmail

It's possible, I have long thought China owned Sundowner and son and will use it someday.

Posted by: Skip at September 03, 2021 03:42 AM (2JoB8)

680 Where did everyone go?

Posted by: Skip at September 03, 2021 03:45 AM (2JoB8)

681 Present.

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at September 03, 2021 03:49 AM (210jg)

682 679 yes, blackmail. A lot more to come. Biden is dangerous

Posted by: CN at September 03, 2021 03:52 AM (ONvIw)

683 Working up in a church steeple today, should be fun

Posted by: Skip at September 03, 2021 03:54 AM (2JoB8)

27 Air Force pilots at joint base Langley have resigned their commissions over the Covid vaccine mandate.

Unfortunately, the enlisted men are not allowed the option of resigning as officers are.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at September 03, 2021 03:55 AM (Mzdiz)

685 Obviously the afghanistan debacle is a result of some wicked fvckery we're not being told about, I agree with that, and some form of extortion certainly factors in that.

Posted by: Common Tater at September 03, 2021 03:56 AM (Idlcg)

686 The Jazz Singer is on TCM but started at 4am

Posted by: Skip at September 03, 2021 04:00 AM (2JoB8)

687 685 We all know about Hunter and the financial grift, so American Thinker is wrong about why Biden and the dems are being blackmailed. And why would so many people throw tw country overboard for Hunter? They wouldn't. Now, power is a big reason for donks to damage the country, and what are they covering up enough to suspect blackmail?

Posted by: CN at September 03, 2021 04:08 AM (ONvIw)

688 Had to be disclaimer before and after showing this.
It's the "new" TCM somehow.

Posted by: Skip at September 03, 2021 04:11 AM (2JoB8)

689 My take is everything Sundowner has done would be exactly as the Chinese government would have ordered it. They have a big blackmail card on him and can use it whenever they need it, or just hold it over him.

Posted by: Skip at September 03, 2021 04:20 AM (2JoB8)

690 Pixy's up!

Posted by: m at September 03, 2021 04:20 AM (SJbY/)

691 Candace Owens is a "scoundrel" I'm compelled to defend? She's a warrior, one of the few we have. I'm nothing but grateful for her.

Posted by: Ordinary American at September 03, 2021 05:31 AM (HKAOM)

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