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The Morning Report - 6/14/21


Good morning kids. Start of a new week but it's still the same old story. On the heels of Veep Throat Harris' disastrous "fact-finding mission" to Mexico and Guatemala, where most of America saw a woman, whose entire career is based solely on her skill in tonsil hockey and the D after her name, so out of her depth and arrogant that even the propagandists charged with protecting her couldn't spin it, we had a geriatric mental patient supposedly the leader of the free world shambling about the G-7, with our allies barely able to suppress howls of laughter as he spouted out gaffe after gaffe. I guess "Doctor" Shill Biden didn't bone up enough whilst in the hot seat on Air Force One, but have no fear; she'll have the opportunity to redeem herself when she, I mean her husband, goes one-on-one with Vladimir Putin. Yes, that Vladimir Putin; the one Biden referred to last March as a "killer" and who was "going to pay a price." Maybe by "pay a price" he meant 10 million in rubles for "the big guy."

I'd be laughing right along with AMLO and the G-7 attendees were it not for the fact that our economy, our sovereignty, our safety and security, and our rights have been so thoroughly trashed like never before. And it's only been five months. Lest we forget, it was an axis of evil comprised of Big Brother Tech, our intelligence services and the Democrat Party establishment that sabotaged the 2020 election and installed these two dangerous, inept boobs as president and vice president. Of course with the help of many millions of legitimately cast ballots for them. The question is, of course, how many of those votes really were legitimate? A big story that has been percolating these last few months has been the election audits in Arizona and in Georgia, two of the six states where after 10:00PM on election night the vote counts were stopped, observers ejected and pallets of ballots trucked in. Now, a number of other states want to audit their votes as well and the reaction from the Left, as you can imagine, has been the Pris-shot-by-Deckard paroxysm, only with more limb-flailing. The reason for that is obvious; ever since that night the spin has been that Biden not only won fair and square, but that it was a mandate. In fact, to even question the results now gets you labeled as a dangerous terrorist, insurrectionist and white supremacist by the DoD, and perhaps puts you in line for a less than honorable discharge.

On April 9, 2021, Secretary Austin issued a memorandum announcing the establishment of the Countering Extremism Working Group (CEWG) to spearhead the military's witch-hunt to locate and stamp out "extremism" in its ranks.

To lead the CEWG, Austin appointed as his senior adviser on Human Capital and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, a black American named Bishop Garrison, who has made no secret of his profound contempt for former President Trump and the scores of millions of people who voted for him. In July 2019, for example, Garrison said in a tweet: "Support for him [Trump], a racist, is support for ALL his beliefs. He's dragging a lot of bad actors (misogynist, extremists, other racists) out into the light, normalizing their actions. If you support the President, you support that." "There is no room for nuance with this," Garrison added. "There is no more 'but I'm not like that' talk." This is the man in charge of purifying our military...

...Austin's remarks about extremists in our midst were a clear reference to the January 6 protest at the Capitol, which Democrats denounced as an "armed insurrection" even though there were no arms found, and therefore no insurrection. Under pressure from Black Lives Matter radicals, the incident was also denounced absurdly as a "white supremacist coup." The incident itself was, in fact, far more "peaceful" than the more than 600 riots conducted by Democrat supporters and encouraged by Democrat mayors over the summer of 2020.

In fact, the only person killed on January 6 was an unarmed Trump supporter, a 14-year air force veteran named Ashli Babbitt who was murdered by a Capitol police officer. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi jailed the Hispanic reporter who videoed the murder, revealing that Babbitt was standing by herself and menacing no one. The journalist was charged with the crime of appearing at the event. Pelosi has concealed the identity of the officer. Attorney General Merrick Garland, revealing himself as a partisan extremist, called the whole event "the most dangerous threat to our democracy," and refused to charge the officer who shot and killed an unarmed woman with a crime.

Garland is right. The whole event was the most dangerous threat to "our democracy." That is, their reaction to the legitimate protests of January 6th by organizing the "break-in" and mayhem as a Reichstag Fire pretext to then hound and persecute decent, innocent citizens, dozens of whom are still rotting in jail. Psaki-psircling back to the election audits, there is no reason for the Left to object; not if they fully believe that Biden won fair and square. The audit would confirm that, no? Of course, their reaction is telling. But it raises the question, what happens when one or more states' audits actually prove that at a minimum major fraud occurred or if the fraud actually did indeed throw the election to Biden?

The forensic audit of the popular votes in Arizona being conducted right now is intriguing and also a little scary. The forensic audit of the popular votes should be able to catch and identify voting irregularities, cheating, abnormalities, and felonious actions. What happens if not only Arizona flips, but also Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin?

The vote-winning margins in these four states were about 1%, or even much less. Not a whole lot of cheating and theft required to flip the states, if that is what actually historically happened. With Arizona's 11 Electoral College votes, with Georgia's 16, with Pennsylvania's 20, and with Wisconsin's 10, if those slim margins went to President Trump rather than Biden, the Electoral College vote would be 289 votes for Trump and just 249 for Biden. With Trump needing only 270 for the win, maybe that is why the Progressives are so determined that the forensic audits should not happen. Maybe that is why the Deep State cabal does not want light to shine in on the actual votes last November.

What would happen next? What does the military do? How does the Supreme Court rule? And then how do the masses react? How do both the Patriot and also the Progressive citizens react? Does the military put troops and tanks on the streets, especially in Washington, D.C., to keep Biden in the White House? Does the military arrest Trump for winning? Does the Supreme Court finally "man up" and hear the case of election fraud? Does the Supreme Court rule that President Trump is actually president? Does the Supreme Court rule that Trump is President Trump, but then the military vetoes the Court's decision and keeps Biden in the White House?

What then do the people do? How then do the masses react to a probable fraudulent election? Do the Patriots finally take to the streets for a "mostly peaceful protest" of the election? Or do the Patriots say they have had enough of the election fraud and fake president, and it gets violent? Does it become the Reds/Patriots versus Blues/Progressives on our streets? What happens to America if?

As a purely academic exercise, and like everything else over the past few years, we are in uncharted waters insofar as what is the remedy, if there is a remedy, for this ex post facto. New elections? Biden and Harris forced to step down? You think last summer was lit, the reaction to this would be insane. While there is no way that I can see Biden and Harris and the rest of their minions forced out, there's no doubt in mind at all that these audits are necessary. The truth must come out, and the reaction to that - if indeed the audits continue to show that the election was stolen - as painful as it will be, we cannot live a lie and cannot allow the monstrous crime and lies of 11/3/20-1/6/21 to become mythologized and etched in granite as truth, no matter the consequences to our already divided nation.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at 07:26 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Morning Horde!

Posted by: Moonbeam at June 14, 2021 06:27 AM (qe5CM)

2 Good morning horde!

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 14, 2021 06:28 AM (T7iTv)

Good morning, Hordians.

Let's get out there and enrage the lunatics by living a good life today.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 14, 2021 06:28 AM (mht8P)

4 Thank you J.J.



Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice. Asymptomatic raycist at June 14, 2021 06:30 AM (3D/fK)

5 Yes, not misfeasance, they are actually Betraying America.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 14, 2021 06:31 AM (Zny85)

6 Good monday morning morons. Get up. Get out. Start something. Finish something.

Posted by: IanDeal at June 14, 2021 06:32 AM (BIHou)

7 You're not allowed to scrutinize an election, because that would cast doubt upon the election....

Sure. That makes sense. I'll just be over here gnawing on this week's choco-rat.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 06:33 AM (6FeV1)

8 You will never hear election audit results for GA and AZ, and other states won't dare to audit.

And all of this only confirms what you already knew. You live in a police state brotha, with unelected marxists at the wheel.

Posted by: Bill Barr, worst AG ever at June 14, 2021 06:36 AM (Tc2CN)

9 With free and fair elections you pissants would never have the privilege of being ruled by your betters.

Posted by: The people across the aisle want us silenced at best,dead at worst at June 14, 2021 06:38 AM (xXx5y)

10 "Republican Sen. Ron Johnson is pressuring Capitol Police to answer questions about Jan. 6 and why they weren't prepared to stop people from entering the building."
New Video Shows Capitol Police Letting Jan. 6 Rioters Inside -- And Sen. Ron Johnson is Demanding Answers

Sorry, I don't trust anyone who voted to confirm Merrick Garland to act in the country's interest or anybody's.

Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 06:39 AM (y7DUB)

11 In the age of proven, cheap launches SpaceX, the Congress keeps on funding Blue Asshole and SLS (Boeing) out of grifty habit. No one is surprised that Bezos is able to do this, what with owning WaPo, and Boeing keeps money because they have always got money.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 14, 2021 06:40 AM (Zny85)

Her Majesty and Delilah made it to Chattanooga last night. They'll be getting in here early this evening. Then on Tuesday we can 1) unload the car and 2) load the RV for them to leave on Wednesday for three weeks.

Hey, it's the spring show season. Since the end of March until mid-July she will have been home for 10 days, maybe two weeks. I might be a REMF in the dog show game, but I do my part to keep things going while she's gone.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 14, 2021 06:40 AM (mht8P)

13 I used to get SciAm and Smithsonian magazines when i was a kid. I thought they were awesome. Then, one year, not exactly sure when, i just noticed that a disturbingly large amount of nonsense was getting put in. I'd be reading a bunch of neat stuff, and then some ghastly clanger of a non-sequitur or a baseless claim or just some good old fashioned prima facie nonsense would squelch out from between the pages.

I eventually said no mas. And that was decades ago. I can't imagine it somehow got better in the interim.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 06:40 AM (6FeV1)

14 I'd be laughing right along with AMLO and the G-7 attendees were it not for the fact that our economy, our sovereignty, our safety and security, and our rights have been so thoroughly trashed like never before. And it's only been five months.
I dig it, JJ, but I am also reveling and laughing along with the foreigners. There is a reason for this. I am complicit in what this country is doing, insofar as I continue to work and pay taxes to it. That is far as it goes any longer, though. I view this more as poking fun at the dead, since the country as it once was most certainly is not the country as it is. This *is* the country, now. The shambling, stupid, reckless, corrupt dotard who was installed at its helm is indeed a decent reflection of the government he is pretending to direct.

This will continue. The humiliations. The insults. The contempt. It will go on and on and on. And this is a good thing. The more it happens, the more people might become appalled. The last five years - and indeed the 8 preceding it - should have been enough, but weren't. Will the added serial humiliation and loss of status be enough? I don't know. I see a tiny possibility, though.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 06:41 AM (Jsjd7)

15 I just keep having this nasty thought that Biden and Veep throat are being turned loose to fail spectacularly, so that everything goes completely to shit and a "Committee" is installed for the sake of the "Public's" "Safety".

For the Children, of course.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 06:44 AM (6FeV1)

16 I figure we'll come out on the lucky side if the Rutabaga doesn't pull out his willy whilst chatting with Putin, and ask for extra paste on his johnson.

Before he mentions his ****%10%****

Apparently, per reports, he will not appear with Putin in an 'after-summit' presser, a major break with previous preezy protocol, where the previous last 6 preezys told the Russkie head honcho to go fuck a goat.

Joy joy joy at the new normal.

Posted by: GnuBreed at June 14, 2021 06:45 AM (F0YaR)

17 Tracy Stone-Manning should be a hill to die on, even for the almost criminal GOPe Senators. Are they really going to approve a terrorist in charge of BLM? It is insane to even have to say this, but Land Management is a critical resource for ranchers and residents in too many states to be left to an admitted terrorist.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 14, 2021 06:45 AM (Zny85)

18 Start of a new week but it's still the same old story. On the heels of Veep Throat Harris' disastrous "fact-finding mission" to Mexico and Guatemala, where most of America saw a woman, whose entire career is based on her skill in tonsil hockey and the D after her name, so out of her depth and arrogant that even the propagandists charged with protecting her couldn't spin it,
It wasn't a fact-finding mission. It was a dictation of terms to Latin America mission. She wasn't going there to learn, she was going there to address "root causes" - and thus implying that she knew both what the root causes are, and how to tackle them. That is astoundingly arrogant. Not that she thought so, but that she blundered so catastrophically in stating it so bluntly *ahead of the event.*

They didn't kowtow this time. They rejected us, the hegemon of this entire hemisphere. It was a shocking blow in terms of regional politics and recent history. This is probably good. We no longer deserve our hegemonic status, and perhaps the loss of it will rouse people.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 06:46 AM (Jsjd7)

19 In the age of proven, cheap launches SpaceX, the Congress keeps on funding Blue Asshole and SLS (Boeing) out of grifty habit. No one is surprised that Bezos is able to do this, what with owning WaPo, and Boeing keeps money because they have always got money.

Everyone who's paying attention knew why he bought the WaPo. I'm still kind of stunned that prior to SpaceX nobody had the thought that maybe the first stage would be a lot easier/cheaper to recover if you had it actually land instead of having to fish it out of corrosive salt water.

Posted by: Ian S. at June 14, 2021 06:46 AM (6XLoz)

20 Moronin', Hourde!

Posted by: Hans O'Lo at June 14, 2021 06:47 AM (u7pQw)

21 G'mornin' Horde !
sunny, 54 degrees, warming up fast !

JJ, "the Pris-shot-by-Deckard paroxysm, only with more limb-flailing." is not only true but as poetic as The Big Ewok at his best.
Bravo !

seconding warai-otoko at 13, & Joe Mannix at 14.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at June 14, 2021 06:47 AM (wHoql)

22 Morning peeps.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 14, 2021 06:47 AM (3H9h1)

23 Good morning and Happy Birthday, JJ. Appreciate all that you do!

Posted by: Doof at June 14, 2021 06:49 AM (mZUr4)

I'd be reading a bunch of neat stuff, and then some ghastly clanger of a non-sequitur or a baseless claim or just some good old fashioned prima facie nonsense would squelch out from between the pages.


Forty years ago Chemical and Engineering News, published by the American Chemical Society, used to have interesting articles and industry news. Then they got some lunatic as an editor who dogmatically pushed the Global Warming line. Now it's a full-on SJW publication, with stories every week on Women in Science and the plight of the transgendered grad student. Now I read it for the obituaries.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 14, 2021 06:49 AM (mht8P)

25 In the age of proven, cheap launches SpaceX, the Congress keeps on funding Blue Asshole and SLS (Boeing) out of grifty habit. No one is surprised that Bezos is able to do this, what with owning WaPo, and Boeing keeps money because they have always got money.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 14, 2021 06:40 AM (Zny85)
Musk can deliver the goods, but Bezos is better at delivering the fringe benefits. Musk isn't in command of propaganda outlets and Musk's company isn't an aspiring retail, wholesale and logistics monopoly. Musk is a loose cannon and Bezos is a consistent, steady operator who always comes through for the system.

This isn't about space. If it were about space, it's unlikely that there'd be one thin dime for Blue Origin. This is about everything else, everything *but* space - and so Bezos and the MIC (via the Export-Import Bank) come out on top. In fact, given how much this *isn't* about space, the only remarkable thing is that there's even a single SpaceX contract.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 06:50 AM (Jsjd7)

26 This will continue. The humiliations. The insults. The contempt. It will go on and on and on. And this is a good thing. The more it happens, the more people might become appalled. The last five years - and indeed the 8 preceding it - should have been enough, but weren't. Will the added serial humiliation and loss of status be enough? I don't know. I see a tiny possibility, though.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 06:41 AM (Jsjd7)

I've said it before: I double dog dare the USA to reject Trump a "second" time when he goes up against Kamala Harris. No way Trump gets denied his well-deserved first term this time.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at June 14, 2021 06:50 AM (mdjgu)

27 >>>This will continue. The humiliations. The insults. The contempt. It will
go on and on and on. And this is a good thing. The more it happens, the
more people might become appalled.

What with the press suppressing these stories, many people are (and will continue to be) unaware of the humiliations. Some of those remaining, the people who are aware, are in favor of the world treating America this way.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 14, 2021 06:50 AM (Zny85)

28 Everyone who's paying attention knew why he bought the WaPo. I'm still kind of stunned that prior to SpaceX nobody had the thought that maybe the first stage would be a lot easier/cheaper to recover if you had it actually land instead of having to fish it out of corrosive salt water.
Posted by: Ian S. at June 14, 2021 06:46 AM (6XLoz)
Oh, they knew that landing the stage would make recovery possible and possibly even feasible. The problem was that this approach was purely theoretical - and distantly so. When you read the industrial and popular press from the early 2000s when Musk was getting started with SpaceX, the stance from the world at large was, "sure, it sounds good - but it's impossible. The forces involved, the level of control required, the fuel overhead, etc. make it essentially impossible - but we'll enjoy watching him try."

Then he did it.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 06:52 AM (Jsjd7)

29 We no longer deserve our hegemonic status, and perhaps the loss of it will rouse people.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 06:46 AM (Jsjd7)

Well, not to quibble (but here i go a'quibbling), America does deserve hegemony over The Americas... Kamala Harris just does not represent America. She represents solely the insurrection that usurped the executive branch.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 06:52 AM (6FeV1)

30 Always loved Ned Beatty in "Network". Used to be that movie was very rarely shown on the boob tube because it told stupid people what the deal was with the boob tube. Turn it off and leave it off...

More coffee.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 14, 2021 06:52 AM (YxVzA)

31 I still don't believe Newsom or Cuomo are going anywhere. I'd bet they both will be governors for the rest of of time....And their replacements won't be any better. Sort of like thinking Kamala would be better than Joe.Just because you get elected to office, doesn't mean your smart, just know how to manipulate the system.

Posted by: Colin at June 14, 2021 06:52 AM (0PInM)

32 "What happens if Trump really won in November... and now everyone knows it?"

The left will double down next time.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 06:52 AM (3NK1c)

33 C&EN is not the only one, either ...

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at June 14, 2021 06:52 AM (wHoql)

34 Two Nevada counties have declared that they will protect the Constitutional rights of their citizens against any state or federal laws or actions that violate them.

Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 06:53 AM (y7DUB)

35 13 I used to get SciAm and Smithsonian magazines when i was a kid. I thought they were awesome. Then, one year, not exactly sure when, i just noticed that a disturbingly large amount of nonsense was getting put in. I'd be reading a bunch of neat stuff, and then some ghastly clanger of a non-sequitur or a baseless claim or just some good old fashioned prima facie nonsense would squelch out from between the pages.

I eventually said no mas. And that was decades ago. I can't imagine it somehow got better in the interim.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 06:40 AM

I had a similar experience with National Geographic. Suddenly, every story seemed to have an obligatory digression on global warming, no matter how completely unrelated the topic of the article. I cancelled after a few years of that.

Posted by: Moonbeam at June 14, 2021 06:53 AM (qe5CM)

36 One of the most compelling pieces of evidence of election fraud came from the census which polled who voted in the last election. Though this method usually overestimates the number of actual voters, this time it was more than 4 million below the number of counted (you notice I didn't write 'legitimate') votes. I have predicted that Trump's victory would be demonstrated after the pretender-in-chief took office. And R's will do nothing but pontificate.

Posted by: iandeal at June 14, 2021 06:53 AM (BIHou)

37 Once you realize your job is just to push propaganda, you lose the will to be good at pushing propaganda.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 06:54 AM (6FeV1)

38 "I had a similar experience with National Geographic. Suddenly, every story seemed to have an obligatory digression on global warming, no matter how completely unrelated the topic of the article. I cancelled after a few years of that."

Consumer Reports has gone off the rails with the same shit.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice. Asymptomatic raycist at June 14, 2021 06:55 AM (3D/fK)

39 Well, not to quibble (but here i go a'quibbling), America does deserve hegemony over The Americas... Kamala Harris just does not represent America. She represents solely the insurrection that usurped the executive branch.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 06:52 AM (6FeV1)
Does she? She - and the entirety of the government, from top-to-bottom in all branches - certainly doesn't reflect anything about America between then parentheses. But she certainly does represent the country and its government.

Sure, she's there by obvious and transparent fraud. And that fraud that handed her cabal the executive branch was enabled by the other two branches. This was a team effort, and they laid bare what they are to do it. Their democratic or legal legitimacy is not so important. They're there, and they're in charge. Any country that lets that happen doesn't deserve to be called a "leader" in anything.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 06:55 AM (Jsjd7)

40 Back in the 60's and 70's the holy grail of rocketry was SSTO. (Single Stage To Orbit) The entire vehicle was reusable and was designed to operate more or less like an airplane. Perhaps not exactly look like on, but you get the idea.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 14, 2021 06:56 AM (3H9h1)

41 And R's will do nothing but pontificate.
Posted by: iandeal at June 14, 2021 06:53 AM (BIHou)

Why even do that? They were in on the steal.

Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 06:56 AM (y7DUB)

42 Good morning everyone.

Thought for the day:
"Cast yourself into the arms of God and be very sure that if He wants anything of you, He will fit you for the work and give you strength."
-- St. Philip Neri

Posted by: Tonypete at June 14, 2021 06:56 AM (Rvt88)

43 ...there is no reason for the Left to object; not if they fully believe that Biden won fair and square. The audit would confirm that, no?
Yeah, and everyone aware of it also knows it somewhere deep inside. If you have a business partnership and you notice something unusual (or hell, even on general principal) and go to look at the books only to find them in your partner's office safe and he refuses to show them to you and gets agitated and angry that you had the temerity to ask, you'd know immediately that something was wrong. Either you're being stolen from, or your partner is so standoffish, untrusting and untrustworthy that the relationship shouldn't continue - either you or he will need to leave the company.

But I guess elections that determine control of the most powerful government in the world are different for some reason...

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 06:58 AM (Jsjd7)

44 I don't know. I see a tiny possibility, though.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 06:41 AM (Jsjd7)

You're right -- it must get worse. Certainly our current political representation is hopelessly unequal to awakening and reform. The question is, will the slow boiling melt us completely before a consolidated and meaningful resistance can take shape. As of now, any eruptions of resistance, even conventional if fervent expressions of frustrated patriotism, are being labeled, and increasingly will be prosecuted as, domestic extremism. The public, political space for the redress of grievances is shrinking by the day.

Posted by: Ordinary American at June 14, 2021 06:58 AM (ucUhL)

45 Rural PA county had an outside firm look at its dominion machines:
However, Wake TSI said it found five "issues of note," including that Dominion failed to meet the commonwealth's certification standards; that the election management system had Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools installed, despite the software not being part of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission's certified configuration; and that changes were made to the management system just three weeks prior to the election.

Assessors said there is "no valid reason" for the software to be installed on the system and that the presence "allows any user with access to change and manipulate the EMS databases without logging [recording] to the Database, EMS, or [operating system] logfiles."

Official response from Dominion and an "election fraud expert": Shut up. You are stupid.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 07:00 AM (3NK1c)

46 40 Back in the 60's and 70's the holy grail of rocketry was SSTO. (Single Stage To Orbit) The entire vehicle was reusable and was designed to operate more or less like an airplane. Perhaps not exactly look like on, but you get the idea.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 14, 2021 06:56 AM (3H9h1)

Look up the Rockwell Starraker.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 14, 2021 07:02 AM (s2VJv)

47 After my brother passed away, we cleaned out his house. A large dumpster was rented and his collection of National Geographic's were put in it. A lot of weight! But no one in the family wanted them, and they seemed to have no market value. But they sure have a nice government type building in DC near the White House.

Posted by: Colin at June 14, 2021 07:02 AM (0PInM)

48 Official response from Dominion and an "election fraud expert": Shut up. You are stupid.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 07:00 AM (3NK1c)

Signs point to yes.

Posted by: Dominion Magic 8 Ball Voter Game at June 14, 2021 07:02 AM (YxVzA)

49 Official response from Dominion and an "election fraud expert": Shut up. You are stupid.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 07:00 AM (3NK1c)
DB management tools on a endpoint designed only to provide transactional data to the DB is a red flag. There are two reasons I can think of as to why DB management tools might be present on that kind of an endpoint:
1) Sheer incompetence or indifference, because those tools are part of the standard package and so they get installed.
2) Malicious intent

You don't want either phenomenon in your elections system.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:02 AM (Jsjd7)

50 I would've been first but I fell down coming up the stairs - and I can't get up!

Posted by: Biden's Dog at June 14, 2021 07:03 AM (sdXdm)

51 I used to get SciAm and Smithsonian magazines when i was a kid. I thought they were awesome. Then, one year, not exactly sure when, i just noticed that a disturbingly large amount of nonsense was getting put in.

Yeah, me too - both of them and then, as Moonbeam mentioned, Nat Geo also. What a shame.

I've turned into that old man that says, "Eh, you kids! We used to have decent magazines!! When's the early bird special start?"

Posted by: Tonypete at June 14, 2021 07:03 AM (Rvt88)

52 38 "I had a similar experience with National Geographic. Suddenly, every story seemed to have an obligatory digression on global warming, no matter how completely unrelated the topic of the article. I cancelled after a few years of that."

Consumer Reports has gone off the rails with the same shit.

Yep. Leftist assholes ruin everything.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at June 14, 2021 07:03 AM (k4dH2)

53 I've turned into that old man that says, "Eh, you kids! We used to have decent magazines!! When's the early bird special start?"
Posted by: Tonypete at June 14, 2021 07:03 AM (Rvt8
Heh. Me, too - it's just that I'm in my thirties. Shit has fallen apart at an increasing rate. Exponents are a bitch because they start slow. You don't necessarily know that you're in an exponential function at the beginning because it *looks* linear.

You notice when it's already too late.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:04 AM (Jsjd7)

54 The sadzest day will be when the Sleepy, Creepy Resident of the United States keelz over, leaving us, (U.S.) with Kama-la-la-la la-la la la in charge. Pray for the Resident.

Posted by: Marooned at June 14, 2021 07:04 AM (5TnwH)

55 Re election fraud and consequence, the SEC is famous for taking companies who report on accounting irregularities and spending 3-5 years trying to punish every manager in the place for the misdeeds of the few. They have broken more than a few companies on that wheel. The state will turn a fraudulent election against us.

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at June 14, 2021 07:06 AM (oWBc3)

56 National Geographic was the gubbmints go to org for maps at the beginning of WW2.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at June 14, 2021 07:06 AM (I58tH)

57 @42

Service of G-d is predicated on freedom -- "Let My people go -- that they may serve Me."
It is this that underlies our American vision and of which it is a
part. It has been sorely tested time and again, even as it is being
tested today.

From the article "Remembering the Lubavitcher Rebbe", which I recommend.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 14, 2021 07:07 AM (Zny85)

58 The sadzest day will be when the Sleepy, Creepy Resident of the United States keelz over, leaving us, (U.S.) with Kama-la-la-la la-la la la in charge. Pray for the Resident.
Posted by: Marooned at June 14, 2021 07:04 AM (5TnwH)
I have my money on that *not* happening, not like that. They will either pressure him to resign if it becomes too untenable and embarrassing, but I also think that's not too likely.

If I take off my "business as usual" hat and put on my "aspiring dictator" hat, I'd take a different approach. Don't reject the possibility that they off him publicly once he's outlived his usefulness and pin it on "domestic extremists" to enable the next phase of the crackdown and movement to a formal tyranny without even the representative window-dressing. It would be a world-historic false flag.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:07 AM (Jsjd7)

59 Both Stinkfinger and Kumswallow had a really bad week. Even hacks like Tapper and Gerbilopoulous can't hide that.

Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 07:07 AM (y7DUB)

60 The sadzest day will be when the Sleepy, Creepy Resident of the United States keelz over, leaving us, (U.S.) with Kama-la-la-la la-la la la in charge. Pray for the Resident.
Posted by: Marooned

Even worse that it being installed will be the legions of women and soibois going "We did it! How Brave, how stunning she is!!"


Posted by: Tonypete at June 14, 2021 07:07 AM (Rvt88)

61 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Snuggle the Fabric Softener at June 14, 2021 07:08 AM (Zz0t1)

62 Morning all.

Posted by: rickb223 at June 14, 2021 07:08 AM (OCTRt)


Posted by: Snuggle the Fabric Softener at June 14, 2021 07:08 AM (Zz0t1)

64 Support for him [Trump], a racist, is support for ALL his beliefs. He's dragging a lot of bad actors (misogynist, extremists, other racists) out into the light, normalizing their actions. If you support the President, you support that.


It's neat how Democrats are all projection all the time.

Your local Democrat voters that you know personally might pretend they don't support murdering babies, speech codes, cancel culture, violence against Republicans, and believing that they are genetically superior to black people who are incapable of learning math, buying food, getting ID, etc.

But if they vote for a Democrat at the national level, they do.

Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 14, 2021 07:09 AM (ax8L7)

65 Rockwell Starraker

Yes! I remember that one. Could not for the life of me remember the name, but remembered the design. I think some toy manufacturer made something similar complete with ground vehicles, cargo, etc. Maybe a model?

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 14, 2021 07:09 AM (3H9h1)

66 Excellent article on what's really happening in the real estate market. It's infuriating and enraging that this is allowed to happen. We're calling our senator Hawley this morning and demanding action now.

Posted by: Jewells45 at June 14, 2021 07:09 AM (nxdel)

67 Why Is Austin Media Refusing to Release Description of At-Large Austin Shooter? Just Kidding. You Know Why.

Also, the suspect in custody is 14. The mayor of Austin wants people to know that increased gun availability is a bad thing.

He has no comment on a 14 yo illegally possessing one, out on the street at 1 am (in violation of curfew) or the fact that these two individuals apparently couldn't hit the broad side of a barn - assuming the story about the shooting being a beef between them is true.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 14, 2021 07:09 AM (T7iTv)

68 Assessors said there is "no valid reason" for the software to be installed on the system and that the presence "allows any user with access to change and manipulate the EMS databases without logging [recording] to the Database, EMS, or [operating system] logfiles."

Official response from Dominion and an "election fraud expert": Shut up. You are stupid.

Pretty much how they always respond.

And then nothing happens, and Dominion keeps getting the government contracts (with TX being the one exception to that rule), even though we all now know that their system sucks and their security is a joke.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at June 14, 2021 07:09 AM (k4dH2)

69 I canceled my family's NG subscription about a decade ago, due to its political slant back then. Now I'm busy avoiding buying woke Disney products for my grandchildren.

Posted by: Biden's Dog at June 14, 2021 07:09 AM (sdXdm)

70 It's amazing to me that we really have reached the point where it's Americans vs communists in our own borders and government.

Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 14, 2021 07:10 AM (ax8L7)

71 Recent jab from my progressive brother in an otherwise benign update on his family that the last four years (of Trump) were "unbearable, and required serious meditation to keep his balance.

Unbelievable, and pitiful. Of course, he left out the part about his stock portfolio and expanded wealth.

Posted by: Ordinary American at June 14, 2021 07:10 AM (ucUhL)

72 You think last summer was lit, the reaction to this would be insane.
All according to plan. I really do think that, no tongue in cheek, no tinfoil. They want chaos and disaster in the cities. Then they can get their angle on federalizing all police nationwide. The FBI and ATF and the like aren't big enough to function as a widespread boots-on-the-ground control force. They're secret police, but they need local networks of enforcers and informants to function well. They need to be able to delegate the day-to-day business to locals.

Federalizing all of the police in the name of "consistent standards" and "accountability" and "public safety" and "restoring trust" would give them that. Then they'll actually bother to crack down on the gangbangers for a while, show some real results, calm things down, and then strike from a position of strength.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:10 AM (Jsjd7)

73 What would happen next? What does the military do? How does the Supreme Court rule? And then how do the masses react? How do both the Patriot and also the Progressive citizens react? Does the military put troops and tanks on the streets, especially in Washington, D.C., to keep Biden in the White House? Does the military arrest Trump for winning? Does the Supreme Court finally "man up" and hear the case of election fraud? Does the Supreme Court rule that President Trump is actually president? Does the Supreme Court rule that Trump is President Trump, but then the military vetoes the Court's decision and keeps Biden in the White House?

This is stupid. The state legislatures certified the votes, giving their electoral votes to Biden. Like it or not, that made him the legitimate winner. That's not going to change. He's not going to suddenly be swept out of power to be replaced by Trump. The best that could happen would be outrage leading to GOP victories in '22 and rendering this admin a lame duck, before Trump defeats Harris in '24.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at June 14, 2021 07:11 AM (jOcSX)

74 So if a soldier is taken prisoner in war, will he fall back on CRT and Diversity training to enable him/her/xer to resist interrogation?

Yeah, that's the ticket!

Posted by: Comrade at June 14, 2021 07:11 AM (HCeRP)

75 That's badass to have superuser access that won't log an event.

Weird for a machine that is just supposed to perform 1+1 to have it, though.

Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 14, 2021 07:11 AM (ax8L7)

76 So, what's the Clinton body count up to now?

Posted by: Snuggle the Fabric Softener at June 14, 2021 07:11 AM (Zz0t1)

77 Don't reject the possibility that they off him publicly once he's outlived his usefulness and pin it on "domestic extremists" to enable the next phase of the crackdown and movement to a formal tyranny without even the representative window-dressing.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)

There was a time, not too long ago, where statements like this from anyone would cause me to roll my eyes and silently say, "Whatever Friend."

Not any more. Nothing, and I mean nothing is beyond our hidden rulers now. Maybe it was always this way but it was much more out of sight.

Posted by: Tonypete at June 14, 2021 07:11 AM (Rvt88)

78 Holy crap, my brain isn't paying attention this morning.

Damn sock.....

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 07:12 AM (Zz0t1)

79 >>>If I take off my "business as usual" hat and put on my "aspiring
dictator" hat, I'd take a different approach. Don't reject the
possibility that they off him publicly once he's outlived his usefulness
and pin it on "domestic extremists" to enable the next phase of the
crackdown and movement to a formal tyranny without even the
representative window-dressing. It would be a world-historic false flag.
Had not thought of that possibility. It's hard enough for me to keep up with the daily doings treasonous real-life Meat Puppet cabal, taht considering what they might do is still shocking to me. But this makes sense.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 14, 2021 07:13 AM (Zny85)

80 Recent jab from my progressive brother in an otherwise benign update on his family that the last four years (of Trump) were "unbearable, and required serious meditation to keep his balance


Any insight on poor and Middle class quality of life with gas being up $1 since Biden took office?

Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 14, 2021 07:13 AM (ax8L7)

81 74 So if a soldier is taken prisoner in war, will he fall back on CRT and Diversity training to enable him/her/xer to resist interrogation?
Posted by: Comrade at June 14, 2021 07:11 AM (HCeRP)
"Kindly don't change my pronouns, bro'!!!"

Posted by: Biden's Dog at June 14, 2021 07:13 AM (sdXdm)

82 That video of joe biden at the G7 was painful to watch. What they are doing to him is criminal elderly abuse.

Posted by: Mister Scott (formerly GWS) at June 14, 2021 07:13 AM (JUOKG)

83 But it raises the question, what happens when one or more states' audits actually prove that at a minimum major fraud occurred or if the fraud actually did indeed throw the election to Biden?


As we all know, the crazies, the BLM, the Antifa terrorists would alight city after city after city. And many of Bidumb's legitimate supporters would join in.

We know they stole the election. What would happen constitutionally should it be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt? IMO, I think the much bigger threat to our Republic is the fact that it was stolen...not how to unwind their theft. I can't think of anything more dangerous and more pressing that the theft of an American presidential election from the actual, legitimate voters. While it would be challenging to undo Biden's phony "election," there's no other way to get back any semblance of freedom of the people to choose their destiny. The stakes couldn't be more dire. Will it happen? I can't even fathom an answer, given the tentacles of the "media," Big Tech, and all the rest that are ready to fight to the death to keep their stolen power.

Posted by: Lady in Black at June 14, 2021 07:13 AM (O+I8R)

84 So if a soldier is taken prisoner in war, will he fall back on CRT and Diversity training to enable him/her/xer to resist interrogation?
Yeah, that's the ticket!
Posted by: Comrade at June 14, 2021 07:11 AM (HCeRP)

Eh, genitals are genitals. I can hook up my electrodes to anything!

Posted by: Cuban Army Torture Expert at June 14, 2021 07:13 AM (YxVzA)

85 Recent jab from my progressive brother in an otherwise benign update on his family that the last four years (of Trump) were "unbearable, and required serious meditation to keep his balance.

Unbelievable, and pitiful. Of course, he left out the part about his stock portfolio and expanded wealth.
Posted by: Ordinary American at June 14, 2021 07:10 AM (ucUhL)

What exactly was so unbearable?

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 07:14 AM (Zz0t1)

86 The media and cohort have the narrative nuclear bomb ready to go on these audits should they report the truth.

Posted by: Ordinary American at June 14, 2021 07:14 AM (ucUhL)

87 The time to fight was in the state legislatures when the electors were chosen. Republicans in GA, PA, WI, MI, and AZ all stuck their thumbs up their asses and took a lick.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 07:14 AM (3NK1c)

88 Heh. Me, too - it's just that I'm in my thirties. Shit has fallen apart at an increasing rate. Exponents are a bitch because they start slow. You don't necessarily know that you're in an exponential function at the beginning because it *looks* linear.

You notice when it's already too late.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:04 AM (Jsjd7)

Same age group, same feeling. One moment it's a bump, the next you realize it's the start of a J-shaped curve.

Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est, Post-Apocalyptic Scourge of the Seas at June 14, 2021 07:14 AM (kwZ95)

89 You're not allowed to scrutinize an election, because that would cast doubt upon the election....

Unless it was the 2000 election. Or the 2016 election. Or, oh hell, any election won by a not-Democrat.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 14, 2021 07:14 AM (T7iTv)

90 73 Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at June 14, 2021 07:11 AM (jOcSX)

Yes, as I stated, the deed is done and there is no mechanism for it to be undone, even if it is proven that the election was stolen and the states' certified the EC vote unwittingly (wink wink).

That said, it is crucially important that the truth about this comes out, even if there is no recourse to boot Biden and install Trump or whoever.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 14, 2021 07:14 AM (s2VJv)

91 71 Recent jab from my progressive brother in an otherwise benign update on his family that the last four years (of Trump) were "unbearable, and required serious MEDICATION to keep his balance.

Posted by: Biden's Dog at June 14, 2021 07:15 AM (sdXdm)

92 That video of joe biden at the G7 was painful to watch. What they are doing to him is criminal elderly abuse.
Posted by: Mister Scott (formerly GWS) at June 14, 2021 07:13 AM (JUOKG)

I hope it's torturous. He deserves everything bad that happens to him.....That man is EVIL.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 07:15 AM (Zz0t1)

93 What exactly was so unbearable?
Posted by: Sponge

The shame of living under OrangeManBad. That is pretty much the response I get from the PDJ haters.

Posted by: Tonypete at June 14, 2021 07:15 AM (Rvt88)

94 The sadzest day will be when the Sleepy, Creepy Resident of the United States keelz over, leaving us, (U.S.) with Kama-la-la-la la-la la la in charge. Pray for the Resident.

She won't be "in charge" any more than Stinkfinger is. It's all Jarrett and Rice and Vietor and those people, just like it was when Obama was banging Reggie while watching live footage of drone strikes.

Posted by: Ian S. at June 14, 2021 07:15 AM (6XLoz)

Well, I predicted 6 months ago Biden would be gone by July 4th.

Tick tock...

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 14, 2021 07:16 AM (s2VJv)

96 Not any more. Nothing, and I mean nothing is beyond our hidden rulers now. Maybe it was always this way but it was much more out of sight.


Yep. The DIA held a Chinese defector in secret because they stated that the FBI is full of Chinese agents.

It's why Trump was so hated and required pulling out all the stops to remove. They hadn't planned for adequate cheating with Hillary, and he managed to overtake the algorithms and fraud.

We were supposed to be rolling slowly along to the same destination under Hillary. Instead the federal government is discussing rolling tanks into neighborhoods of people who voted the wrong way.

Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 14, 2021 07:16 AM (ax8L7)

97 The shame of living under OrangeManBad. That is pretty much the response I get from the PDJ haters.
Posted by: Tonypete at June 14, 2021 07:15 AM (Rvt8

That's it.

Posted by: Ordinary American at June 14, 2021 07:17 AM (ucUhL)

98 Heritage (yes, I know) has a pretty good database sampling of proven election fraud. Just peruse that for a few minutes with the perspective it is only a sampling. At the same time, realize that no other OECD country permits mail-in balloting in the manner we just experience due to the massive fraud issues.

Now put all that together with the forensic audits now being conducted, look at the level of fraud versus the margin of "victory", and finally realize, with facts and truthful analysis, that the election was stolen by a massive fraud.

No majority voted for the destruction we are currently experiencing. Our election was usurped through fraud, packaged by a compliant, obsequious media, and allowed to proceed because of cowards and quislings.

Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 07:17 AM (720Le)

99 Yes, as I stated, the deed is done and there is no mechanism for it to be undone, even if it is proven that the election was stolen and the states' certified the EC vote unwittingly (wink wink).

That said, it is crucially important that the truth about this comes out, even if there is no recourse to boot Biden and install Trump or whoever.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 14, 2021 07:14 AM (s2VJv)

Agreed. The value now is that it shames legislatures into actually reforming their systems, weakens the left, and emboldens the more hard right elements of the GOP.

Personally, I think the real panic from the left over the audits is that they'll cast doubt on the AZ and GA senate elections. The Dems need to hold both of those seats and the last thing that they need is to go into '22 with voters angry over cheating.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at June 14, 2021 07:18 AM (jOcSX)

100 Not any more. Nothing, and I mean nothing is beyond our hidden rulers now. Maybe it was always this way but it was much more out of sight.

Posted by: Tonypete at June 14, 2021 07:11 AM (Rvt8

Aside from the dragons and wights, Game of Thrones was a documentary.

It's megalomaniacs, backbiters, and sexual deviants all the way down. I think it's becoming evident that, with few exceptions, it always has been.

Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est, Post-Apocalyptic Scourge of the Seas at June 14, 2021 07:18 AM (kwZ95)

101 I'm still kind of stunned that prior to SpaceX nobody had the thought that maybe the first stage would be a lot easier/cheaper to recover if you had it actually land instead of having to fish it out of corrosive salt water.
Posted by: Ian S. at June 14, 2021 06:46 AM (6XLoz)

Prior to SpaceX nobody gave a damn about cheaper.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 14, 2021 07:18 AM (T7iTv)

102 Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at June 14, 2021 07:11 AM (jOcSX)

Yes. Like it or not, as you say, this country has an Electoral College. Once state legislatures certified their electors and sent them to Washington to vote it was a certified, genuine election.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 14, 2021 07:18 AM (Zny85)

103 This is stupid. The state legislatures certified the votes, giving their electoral votes to Biden. Like it or not, that made him the legitimate winner. That's not going to change. He's not going to suddenly be swept out of power to be replaced by Trump. The best that could happen would be outrage leading to GOP victories in '22 and rendering this admin a lame duck, before Trump defeats Harris in '24.
Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at June 14, 2021 07:11 AM (jOcSX)

I got into an argument elsewhere about this. Where the outrage should be aimed is at those dogshit states where the theft happened because they caused all of this. But as far as undoing anything that ship has sailed with the complicity of the GOP.

Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 07:18 AM (y7DUB)

104 That video of joe biden at the G7 was painful to watch. What they are doing to him is criminal elderly abuse.
Posted by: Mister Scott

Fuck him. He's been a dick all his life. The worm turns.

Posted by: rickb223 at June 14, 2021 07:18 AM (OCTRt)

105 What exactly was so unbearable?


Median household income increasing by $6k or so and it happening because the government STOPPED "helping"

Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 14, 2021 07:19 AM (ax8L7)

106 This is stupid. The state legislatures certified the votes, giving their electoral votes to Biden.


Except the state legislatures were certifying based on what was supposed to be legitimate vote totals. When (if) it's discovered they'd been had and that they certified based on fraudulent data, how does it change? Would it change?

I'm with you insofar as believing nobody will undo anything, no matter how bright red and flaming the fraud turns out to be. What should happen, what must happen...won't.

Posted by: Lady in Black at June 14, 2021 07:19 AM (O+I8R)

107 The D after her name and the Ds that have been in her mouth.

Posted by: Buzzion at June 14, 2021 07:19 AM (g5Yhc)

108 Well, I predicted 6 months ago Biden would be gone by July 4th.

Tick tock...
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 14, 2021 07:16 AM (s2VJv)

Kumswala and the clown are removed and Nanzi Pelosi is installed as president.

We're even more fucked.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 07:19 AM (Zz0t1)

109 I'm still kind of stunned that prior to SpaceX nobody had the thought that maybe the first stage would be a lot easier/cheaper to recover if you had it actually land instead of having to fish it out of corrosive salt water.
Posted by: Ian S. at June 14, 2021 06:46 AM (6XLoz)

I'm sure people somewhere thought about it. The problem was how to do it.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at June 14, 2021 07:19 AM (jOcSX)

110 By the way, Pence should never show his face in public again. Coward. All he had to do was slow the roll and allow some of what is now playing out to proceed. He shouldn't take all the blame. State legislatures who allowed the fraud to be certified and are now, all These months later, finally investigating the fraud, should shoulder some.

Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 07:20 AM (720Le)

111 When/if the fraud is conclusively proven, the consequences on the GOP should be severe. They let the dems sit on their faces and take a dump.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 07:20 AM (3NK1c)

112 "It was never the business of men like Fauci to lead the way in deciding how any government -- but especially the government of the United States of America -- should govern during a health crisis."
Anthony Fauci, Prophet of Scientism

It's not all that long ago - it was in my adult lifetime - that I knew doctors (and engineers) who would emphatically deny they were scientists. The distinction between science and technology was clear.

That is now dead, apparently.

Posted by: Eeyore at June 14, 2021 07:21 AM (7X3UV)

113 Except the state legislatures were certifying based on what was supposed to be legitimate vote totals. When (if) it's discovered they'd been had and that they certified based on fraudulent data, how does it change? Would it change?

It doesn't because the votes are nice, but not necessary. The legislatures choose how to apportion EVs, and so if there are questions about any popular vote held in that state, it's the responsibility of the legislature to investigate before they certify. No take-backs afterwards.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at June 14, 2021 07:22 AM (jOcSX)

114 State legislatures who allowed the fraud to be certified and are now, all These months later, finally investigating the fraud, should shoulder some.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 07:20 AM (720Le)

Nobody had the spine to be the nail that stuck up.

Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est, Post-Apocalyptic Scourge of the Seas at June 14, 2021 07:23 AM (kwZ95)

115 When/if the fraud is conclusively proven, the consequences on the GOP should be severe.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy

Oh, they will be - On us. The GOPe will be forced on us as the only 'opposition' force against the Dems. Just like before.

Posted by: Tonypete at June 14, 2021 07:23 AM (Rvt88)

116 That video of joe biden at the G7 was painful to watch. What they are doing to him is criminal elderly abuse.
Posted by: Mister Scott


I feel zero sympathy for this nasty, foolish jackwad. He is and always has been a miserable, corrupt, arrogant jerk. He's getting what he deserves: to be laughed at on the world stage at the end of his life.

Posted by: Lady in Black at June 14, 2021 07:23 AM (O+I8R)

117 108 Go down the list for Presidential succession. You know who gets the nod after Pelosi? Pat Fucking Leahy. Then you go into the clown car cabinet, skipping Granholm as she was born Canuck.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at June 14, 2021 07:23 AM (I58tH)

118 Pence is done politically. He may have thought otherwise initially because of nonsense Luntz told him but surely reality has caught up with him.

Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 07:23 AM (y7DUB)

119 Heritage (yes, I know) has a pretty good database sampling of proven election fraud


We nibble around the edges about it, but the absolute, 100% fact of the matter is that anywhere people voted in a way that was altered outside of the required legislative procedure for changing elections and voting methods yielded illegal votes that should be purged as illegal and invalid.

I don't understand the willingness to get in the weeds over folded Chad's and suitcases. That's rhetorical, of course. I don't think the Republicans have much interest in an actual fight or success in solidifying elections.

It's a shame, too. Imagine how many black voters this could appeal to.

Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 14, 2021 07:24 AM (ax8L7)

120 Oh, they will be - On us. The GOPe will be forced on us as the only 'opposition' force against the Dems. Just like before.
Posted by: Tonypete at June 14, 2021 07:23 AM (Rvt8

We really should take a look at reviving the Reform Party. Still on the ballot in a lot of states.

Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est, Post-Apocalyptic Scourge of the Seas at June 14, 2021 07:24 AM (kwZ95)

121 That video of joe biden at the G7 was painful to watch. What they are doing to him is criminal elderly abuse.
Posted by: Mister Scott (formerly GWS) at June 14, 2021 07:13 AM (JUOKG)
Perhaps it is. I don't care, though. He deserves whatever he gets. He's been polluting American life since the drip coffee maker was introduced (Mr. Coffee introduced the drip coffee maker in 1972, Biden ran for senate the same year).

What's actually bad is what he - and the cabal behind him, via him - is doing to *us* and those who were once our allies.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:24 AM (Jsjd7)

122 Except the state legislatures were certifying based on what was supposed to be legitimate vote totals. When (if) it's discovered they'd been had and that they certified based on fraudulent data, how does it change? Would it change?

Except there was good evidence in PA, GA and MI that there was massive fraud. Those R legislatures fell for the Dems pressure campaign that democracy depends on them certifying right now! Hurry up! No time to waste! Racists!

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 07:24 AM (3NK1c)

123 "Agreed. The value now is that it shames legislatures into actually reforming their systems, weakens the left, and emboldens the more hard right elements of the GOP. "

You really think so? If past is prologue the GOP is playing yesterday's game and Democrats are onto tomorrow's subversion. I hope they put these things in place. The changes in voter laws will be effective as can be seen by Democrats demonization of them. But I wonder in they are ready for the next election, the endless days of counting, getting observers thrown out of counting centers, signature challenges and the actual process. Magic Eight Ball says, meh, I'm not so confident.

Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 07:24 AM (720Le)

124 It's not all that long ago - it was in my adult lifetime - that I knew doctors (and engineers) who would emphatically deny they were scientists. The distinction between science and technology was clear.

Over the last 50 years or so, science hasn't done a lot (in part because it's become very political) while technology has had amazing results just iterating on already-known things (because they need to make a profit). But at the same time, the public and the political class have mistaken technological progress for science. So it's kind of a branding thing.

Posted by: Ian S. at June 14, 2021 07:25 AM (6XLoz)

125 Everybody's wealth will be seized and redistributed over the next decade moving forward. This article lays out how 450 banks are have been aggregating collecting data and organizing how you spend your to money because all wealth will be seized and redistributed based on a social/climate scoring system. You will have lawyers assigned to you and your estate. 68 trillion in wealth. This began as early as 1999.
Everything is bread and circuses including R vs D and the left right paradigm to take your eyes off of The Great Reset and big finance/mega corps involved.

TAKE ACTION: Financial Takeover and Your Bank Account- BlackRock, Envestnet/Yodlee, and The Federal Reserve

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at June 14, 2021 07:26 AM (XXMYi)

"It was never the business of men like Fauci to lead the way in deciding how any government -- but especially the government of the United States of America -- should govern during a health crisis.


People in those positions inform public policy, they don't dictate it.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 14, 2021 07:26 AM (mht8P)

127 When/if the fraud is conclusively proven, the consequences on the GOP should be severe. They let the dems sit on their faces and take a dump.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 07:20 AM (3NK1c)
"Let?" They actively assisted. They got down onto the ground, provided advice on how best to align anus with mouth, and actively kept the field clear while they chowed down.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:26 AM (Jsjd7)

128 think the much bigger threat to our Republic is the fact that it was stolen...not how to unwind their theft. I can't think of anything more dangerous and more pressing that the theft of an American presidential election from the actual, legitimate voters. While it would be challenging to undo Biden's phony "election," there's no other way to get back any semblance of freedom of the people to choose their destiny. The stakes couldn't be more dire


This is an outstanding post, lady in black.

We've crossed the Rubicon.

Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 14, 2021 07:26 AM (ax8L7)

129 123 You really think so? If past is prologue the GOP is playing yesterday's game and Democrats are onto tomorrow's subversion. I hope they put these things in place. The changes in voter laws will be effective as can be seen by Democrats demonization of them. But I wonder in they are ready for the next election, the endless days of counting, getting observers thrown out of counting centers, signature challenges and the actual process. Magic Eight Ball says, meh, I'm not so confident.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 07:24 AM (720Le)


Getting observers thrown out is, I believe illegal wherever it's done. That's an enforcement question.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 07:26 AM (LvTSG)

130 108 Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 07:19 AM (Zz0t1)

I predicted he'd be 25th amendment'd if he didn't resign. Has nothing to do with the audits, wouldst that it should.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 14, 2021 07:27 AM (s2VJv)

131 Scientist: person who took a science class in HS or college.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 07:27 AM (3NK1c)

132 Happy Flag Day, everyone! Be sure to fly your flag today before it's outlawed.

Posted by: redridinghood at June 14, 2021 07:28 AM (NpAcC)

133 118 Pence is done politically. He may have thought otherwise initially because of nonsense Luntz told him but surely reality has caught up with him.
Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 07:23 AM (y7DUB)

Nelson Muntz >>Frank Luntz

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 14, 2021 07:28 AM (s2VJv)

134 Trump won.
It was stolen from him.
EVERYBODY knows this.

Good morning with thanks to JJ and everyone for keeping it worth it here!

Posted by: President Orange Man Bad (Rheees Be Upon Him) at June 14, 2021 07:29 AM (jV+aN)

135 Corporate massive buys of real estate obviously transforms the rental market. Firms such as Progressive and American Homes for rent own many homes in Florida (and elsewhere) bought up homes when the last housing bubble burst. They are corporate wolves with no connection to the neighborhoods. I had my dealings with them.

Posted by: JM in Florida at June 14, 2021 07:29 AM (HCeRP)

136 116 That video of joe biden at the G7 was painful to watch. What they are doing to him is criminal elderly abuse.
Posted by: Mister Scott
I feel zero sympathy for this nasty, foolish jackwad. He is and always has been a miserable, corrupt, arrogant jerk. He's getting what he deserves: to be laughed at on the world stage at the end of his life.
Posted by: Lady in Black at June 14, 2021 07:23 AM (O+I8R)
Joe doesn't care or know, and Dr. Jill says, "It's a wonderful life!"

Posted by: Biden's Dog at June 14, 2021 07:29 AM (sdXdm)

137 I see rezident retard being eliminated by the junta even while in office. It'll be pinned on a white insurrectionist and America's "black" woman president will be faced with the difficult decision to go after these white insurrectionists with the full force of the military.

Because there's nothing worse on the planet than a white misogynistic, insurrectionist. Which is every normal white male in the US. This is what they want.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 14, 2021 07:29 AM (3H9h1)

138 118 Pence is done politically. He may have thought otherwise initially because of nonsense Luntz told him but surely reality has caught up with him.
Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 07:23 AM (y7DUB)


"If I'm done, then explain all the great receptions I'm getting at JP Morgan, huh?"
-Mike Pence

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 07:29 AM (LvTSG)

139 It's not all that long ago - it was in my adult lifetime - that I knew doctors (and engineers) who would emphatically deny they were scientists. The distinction between science and technology was clear.

That is now dead, apparently.
Posted by: Eeyore at June 14, 2021 07:21 AM (7X3UV)
Yes. The difference between science and technology is analogous to the difference between research and development. In R&D, your researchers figure out what's technically possible. Your development group figures out how to actually put the damn idea into production - if it even can be.

The research group figures out that audio information can be stored and retrieved magnetically. The development group figures out how to actually manufactures magnetic wire - and then tape, and then discs, etc. - and the heads to pickup and record and erase, etc. The development group takes the proven concept that the researches developed and put it into actual practice. The researchers don't typically understand the requirements (beyond very broadly) of manufacturing or materials procurement or marketing.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:29 AM (Jsjd7)

140 Yeah, state legislatures lost their balls and didn't do their jobs. They became very concerned with "optics" instead of having the temerity to do their fucking jobs. It was very much "ooh we have to certify quick". Not, we have to ensure there is integrity in the vote", the latter taking longer to investigate. They bought into the Democrats Media Division narrative that investigating and ensuring integrity was somehow "political", and their fraud wasn't.

Again, I largely blame an obsequious Democrat Media Division. They should all be burned to the ground.

Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 07:29 AM (720Le)

141 I wonder if the Junta will accept Kamalalala in the end, even though she is obviously malleable (a good quality, in their eyes). The problem is, she can't do even the most basic functions of the "bucket of warm piss" office, so she will obviously be way over her head in the Presidency. And the Junta needs her to be at least minimally competent, since there are those scary moments when she will have to think on her feet.

Possible Plot Line: Harris is replaced before Meat Puppet goes. Joe Mannix's scenario of fake White Supremacists taking out someone almost applies better to our goofy Veep. Probably with horrible AR15's, so that adds to the gun confiscation momentum, making the treason a double winner from the Junta's perspective. I'm sure Vince Flynn or Tom Clancy could have drawn this up better than I, because fictional reality seems (nowadays) to often be the guide book.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 14, 2021 07:29 AM (Zny85)

142 Thought for the day:
"Cast yourself into the arms of God and be very sure that if He wants anything of you, He will fit you for the work and give you strength."
-- St. Philip Neri
Posted by: Tonypete

Nice !

Posted by: JT at June 14, 2021 07:30 AM (arJlL)

143 Getting observers thrown out is, I believe illegal wherever it's done. That's an enforcement question.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison

There's a reason they don't allow guns at polling stations.

Because half the shit they do would wind up getting them shot on the spot.

Posted by: rickb223 at June 14, 2021 07:30 AM (OCTRt)

144 hiya

Posted by: JT at June 14, 2021 07:30 AM (arJlL)

145 Is 8:30 too early for a beer? Asking for a friend...

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at June 14, 2021 07:30 AM (CcOog)

146 Musk pushed the technology beyond where the old guard was comfortable. There was never a real driver to cut costs amongst Big Aerospace with the government paying the bill. Musk had his own reasons to succeed. It's all a part of his unique big picture.

The real scary part is that this is one man's vision. If something happens to this guy, it all goes to shit.

Posted by: pawn at June 14, 2021 07:30 AM (ND961)

147 137 I see rezident retard being eliminated by the junta even while in office. It'll be pinned on a white insurrectionist and America's "black" woman president will be faced with the difficult decision to go after these white insurrectionists with the full force of the military.

Because there's nothing worse on the planet than a white misogynistic, insurrectionist. Which is every normal white male in the US. This is what they want.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 14, 2021 07:29 AM (3H9h1)


Biden's not going anywhere. The predictions of Biden's early dismissal are going to all end up as accurate as the predictions of Biden shitting himself at every debate from the early primary through the general election.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 07:30 AM (LvTSG)

148 Wait. Is it LGBTQRTYUIOP+=#% pride flag day? Or do some people still celebrate that racist colonialist oppressor flag?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 07:31 AM (3NK1c)

149 Alternate thought for the day:

"Throw yourself in the volcano, to preserve the orange soda."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 07:31 AM (LvTSG)

150 >>> Yeah, state legislatures lost their balls and didn't do their jobs.
They became very concerned with "optics" instead of having the temerity
to do their fucking jobs. It was very much "ooh we have to certify

Excuse my dumbness. Does the legislature certify the votes or is it the Secretary of State? Or does it vary by state?

Posted by: grammie winger at June 14, 2021 07:32 AM (45fpk)

151 Victor Davis Hanson: "How did such collective madness infect a once pragmatic and commonsensical America?"
Anatomy of the Woke Madness

I'm sorry, but that was VDH at his weakest. Like everyone else, his knowledge is compartmentalized. Sure, those compartments are bigger, and his knowledge within them is greater, than is true for most of us. But the fact remains. And his besetting weakness has always been a blindness to this fact. This means he accepts a kind of CW outside his area which he would never tolerate if it shows up in speaking of Greece. (His naval section on WWII is feeble and shallow.)

The simple fact is that we were never an especially "pragmatic and commonsensical" nation. We are, after all, the ones that tried to abolish alcohol.

Sometimes we make it work, e.g., the Marshall Plan. But the Peace Corps wasn't a smashing success. Certainly the "spread of democracy" we were addicted to through the 20th C didn't have a record that was spotty at best. (Remember, VDH was all in on the Iraq War.)

Posted by: Eeyore at June 14, 2021 07:32 AM (7X3UV)

152 47 After my brother passed away, we cleaned out his house. A large dumpster was rented and his collection of National Geographic's were put in it. A lot of weight! But no one in the family wanted them, and they seemed to have no market value. But they sure have a nice government type building in DC near the White House.
Posted by: Colin at June 14, 2021 07:02 AM

On my last move, I tried to find an organization that would take my collection- schools, hospitals, libraries, even a women's prison. I couldn't find any takers. I ended up giving them all to my neighbor who was a bit of a packrat.

Posted by: Moonbeam at June 14, 2021 07:32 AM (qe5CM)

153 Hiya Grammie !

Posted by: JT at June 14, 2021 07:32 AM (arJlL)

154 TAKE ACTION: Financial Takeover and Your Bank Account- BlackRock, Envestnet/Yodlee, and The Federal Reserve


There's a whole lotta human history that shows certain flashpoints where the people say no more, and a whole lotta bloody heads wind up on pikes. I think this has all the makings of just such a flashpoint.

Posted by: Lady in Black at June 14, 2021 07:32 AM (O+I8R)

155 Nice first, Moonbeam !

Posted by: JT at June 14, 2021 07:33 AM (arJlL)

156 Except there was good evidence in PA, GA and MI that there was massive fraud. Those R legislatures fell for the Dems pressure campaign that democracy depends on them certifying right now! Hurry up! No time to waste! Racists!
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 07:24 AM (3NK1c)

Pennsylvania was a particularly pathetic episode of Failure Theater with all the reported threats against the people certifying the integrity of the results. Where was any security for these people who took an oath they were supposed to adhere to and not blubber about muh family? Any followup on finding out who made those threats? Of course not.

Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 07:33 AM (y7DUB)

157 Corporate massive buys of real estate obviously transforms the rental market. Firms such as Progressive and American Homes for rent own many homes in Florida (and elsewhere) bought up homes when the last housing bubble burst. They are corporate wolves with no connection to the neighborhoods. I had my dealings with them.
Posted by: JM in Florida at June 14, 2021 07:29 AM (HCeRP)
They'r also lousy landlords. I have had two mom-and-pop local landlords (where you deal with the person or family that actually owns the property) and one big management company landlord-by-proxy. My friends have had more management outfits or corporate-owned units than I have.

When you know the actual person - or at least that it *is* an actual person - who owns your unit, you can work together. You can make agreements to make life better or less disruptive. You can meet in the middle if there's a problem. You can work out a problem because both parties have a vested interest. This isn't the case with big management outfits or corporate landlords. Those are just faceless bureaucracies that are utterly hidebound and sclerotic because they must be. As a renter, it sucks.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:34 AM (Jsjd7)

158 Possible Plot Line: Harris is replaced before Meat Puppet goes. Joe Mannix's scenario of fake White Supremacists taking out someone almost applies better to our goofy Veep. Probably with horrible AR15's, so that adds to the gun confiscation momentum, making the treason a double winner from the Junta's perspective. I'm sure Vince Flynn or Tom Clancy could have drawn this up better than I, because fictional reality seems (nowadays) to often be the guide book.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 14, 2021 07:29 AM (Zny85)

They can't replace Harris because they need her to cast tie-breaking votes. She steps down, and the GOP can refuse to vote for any replacement. Sure, you risk a Romney or Collins crossing the aisle, but they'd likely hold out demands of someone who would be unacceptable to the hard-left. This is also the problem if Biden steps down and Harris moves to the Oval Office.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at June 14, 2021 07:34 AM (jOcSX)

159 "Getting observers thrown out is, I believe illegal wherever it's done. That's an enforcement question.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 07:26 AM (LvTSG)"

It seems that most of the time Republican observers got tossed without any type of protest. Sometime they were threatened. If they wanted me to do that job, they can expect that if someone threatened to illegally remove me, they should get ready for a throat punch. Point being, they were not prepared and later went to court after the fraud was already done. They need to put things in place, and get some people with balls who say "I ain't leaving". In some places Democrats also got law enforcement to help with the removal. If LEO's get involved with that, it should be clear they get fired, lose their pensions and get used to saying "you want fries with that burger?"

Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 07:34 AM (720Le)

160 "I used to get SciAm and Smithsonian magazines when i
was a kid. I thought they were awesome. Then, one year, not exactly
sure when, i just noticed that a disturbingly large amount of nonsense
was getting put in. I'd be reading a bunch of neat stuff, and then some
ghastly clanger of a non-sequitur or a baseless claim or just some good
old fashioned prima facie nonsense would squelch out from between the

Posted by: Warai-otoko:

They used to be be challenging to read because of the in-depth, detailed information presented required focus and concentration. Now it is challenging to read because of the wokism and global warming nonsense in most of the articles is so infuriating and ridiculous. Gave them up many years ago. Just more leftist propaganda

Posted by: Ripley at June 14, 2021 07:34 AM (MxEKc)

161 "Traditional Americans can only be free if they create the conditions for their freedom." (having overthrown society at every level, the Enemy within will never allow this - jjs)
Federalism is Key to Surviving a Divided Nation
Your comment is correct. There is another problem, too. The "not caring what they do in Chicago" has come home to roost. For ages, we (and I absolutely include myself here) took too lighthearted a view of big city corruption. And now we're paying the price.

Posted by: Eeyore at June 14, 2021 07:34 AM (7X3UV)

162 Lester Holt was sure impressed with The Dolt's performance. Cronkite Lives!

Posted by: klaftern at June 14, 2021 07:35 AM (r4sI4)

163 159 In some places Democrats also got law enforcement to help with the removal. If LEO's get involved with that, it should be clear they get fired, lose their pensions and get used to saying "you want fries with that burger?"
Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 07:34 AM (720Le)


In places like Philadelphia, I think that would be hard to be a message to get across. Maybe state troopers should be placed at certain counting locations.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 07:36 AM (LvTSG)

164 Excuse my dumbness. Does the legislature certify the votes or is it the Secretary of State? Or does it vary by state?
Posted by: grammie winger at June 14, 2021 07:32 AM (45fpk)

I think the SoS certify the votes and the legislatures approve the elector slate. Either way, the legislatures could step in after the fact and halt any certification. They are constitutionally empowered to determine how electors are chosen.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at June 14, 2021 07:36 AM (jOcSX)

165 Hiya JT!

Posted by: grammie winger at June 14, 2021 07:36 AM (45fpk)

166 The majority of the middle class will soon be renters, removing that wealth building vehicle and stabilizing force that helps drive the middle class. Upward mobility will be MUCH more difficult.

This is planned. Black Rock is a big time advocate of the Great Reset.

Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 14, 2021 07:37 AM (ax8L7)

167 I had several house bought out from under me in Florida, and one in NC by these shitheads at Blackrock and one other AM. To the point I'm on the side now. I was so pissed, we just had the entire family yank all their investments in Blackrock funds.

Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 07:37 AM (720Le)

168 Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at June 14, 2021 07:36 AM (jOcSX)

Thanks Alex. We have a Republican legislature but a LaFollette as SoS. The LaFollettes practically founded the progressive movement in America.

Posted by: grammie winger at June 14, 2021 07:37 AM (45fpk)

169 Excuse my dumbness. Does the legislature certify the votes or is it the Secretary of State? Or does it vary by state?
Posted by: grammie winger at June 14, 2021 07:32 AM (45fpk)

Sos certifies the vote, but it is ultimately up to the leg to vote for the electors. The Leg also stes the rules for the election. When the sos oversteps her authority and changes the rules at the last minute, it is up to the leg to tell her to cram the results up her front hole.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 07:38 AM (3NK1c)

170 It's tough for someone who makes $80k a year to outbid someone with trillions of dollars in assets.

Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 14, 2021 07:38 AM (ax8L7)

171 "In places like Philadelphia, I think that would be hard to be a message to get across. Maybe state troopers should be placed at certain counting locations.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 07:36 AM (LvTSG)"

I would resist the illegal removal, then sue the entire department and city of they did remove or arrest me. Then I would collect my millions.

Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 07:38 AM (720Le)

172 The problem with election integrity measures passed by state legislatures is that these measures cannot address the "sue-and-settle" tactics of Perkins Coie, particularly where there is a pliable SOS. GA is the marquee example, but Democrat lawyers were involved across the map.

The GOP is terrible at the lawfare game. We'll see what the audit turns up, but if there is no evidence of Dominion vote-switching, or weighted voting, the answer lies in the flaunting of state law with the acquiescence of state / county executive pols who wanted to see the Bad Orange Man gone.

Posted by: Revenant at June 14, 2021 07:39 AM (oS38t)

173 171 I would resist the illegal removal, then sue the entire department and city of they did remove or arrest me. Then I would collect my millions.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 07:38 AM (720Le)


From the judges that have allowed this sort of thing to happen for decades?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 07:40 AM (LvTSG)

174 There's a whole lotta human history that shows certain flashpoints where the people say no more, and a whole lotta bloody heads wind up on pikes. I think this has all the makings of just such a flashpoint.

Posted by: Lady in Black

It would 30 plus years ago. Now we live in an age of Tech worship by the population of the very tech that enslaves us, watches and documents everything, and will hunt dissidents down like dogs via drones and satellites after stripping us of all our resources. 9/11 sure was convenient.

If people read that article, and they do not immediately check your bank to see if they are doing this, and make adjustments if their bank is doing this or part of the program, then I don't know what to say.

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at June 14, 2021 07:40 AM (XXMYi)

175 It's tough for someone who makes $80k a year to outbid someone with trillions of dollars in assets.
Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 14, 2021 07:38 AM (ax8L7)

Sounds like the government needs to get involved and level the playing field....

Posted by: Barney Frank, Sodomite at June 14, 2021 07:40 AM (YxVzA)

176 I've heard it said that Soros has a mission to install progressives as SoS in as many states as possible because of this kind of thing.

Posted by: grammie winger at June 14, 2021 07:40 AM (45fpk)

177 I watched that hearing in PA. It was so cringe to listen to that one Philly GOP observer who said he was thrown out of one location, went to another, got stonewalled there, so just went home and whined about it to his supervisor who called someone else and whined about it.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 07:40 AM (3NK1c)

178 The neat part is realizing that the Black Rock home purchases and forcing middle class families to become renters will be used as a tool to help convince people that communism is the solution for this form of capitalism.

Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 14, 2021 07:41 AM (ax8L7)

179 Sos certifies the vote, but it is ultimately up to the leg to vote for
the electors. The Leg also stes the rules for the election. When the sos
oversteps her authority and changes the rules at the last minute, it is
up to the leg to tell her to cram the results up her front hole.

Which is what makes Pennsylvania so infuriating. Their governor changed the election laws and the legislature did less than nothing. I have always told people that a vote for President is a statement but voting for the legislature makes a difference. This is also true when talking about state legislatures.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at June 14, 2021 07:41 AM (CcOog)

180 You will never hear election audit results for GA and AZ, and other states won't dare to audit.


Roger that! I just promised to double the lawyers in the Civil Rights Division so they can focus on voter Rights. Audits? Ha-ha-ha.

Posted by: Merrick Garland, making Holder look apolitical at June 14, 2021 07:41 AM (HCeRP)

181 It's tough for someone who makes $80k a year to outbid someone with trillions of dollars in assets.
Posted by: Moron Robbie

They also get 0% interest rates on money borrowed and will be bailed out so....

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at June 14, 2021 07:41 AM (XXMYi)

182 We've crossed the Rubicon.
Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 14, 2021 07:26 AM (ax8L7)

We should perhaps be leaning on our state parties to deal with this. We should pursue a non-nuclear Samson Option.

This threat to liberty only exists because the Federal Gov't has grown too powerful. An Article V convention could pass an amendment dissolving the government right out from under them.

It'd destroy any "our democracy" arguments they could try to make.

Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est, Post-Apocalyptic Scourge of the Seas at June 14, 2021 07:42 AM (kwZ95)

183 They can't replace Harris because they need her to cast tie-breaking votes. She steps down, and the GOP can refuse to vote for any replacement. Sure, you risk a Romney or Collins crossing the aisle, but they'd likely hold out demands of someone who would be unacceptable to the hard-left. This is also the problem if Biden steps down and Harris moves to the Oval Office.
Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at June 14, 2021 07:34 AM (jOcSX)

Oh to have your optimism would be great. But then I look at how the Senate confirms Biden's picks with only the barest of pushback and I doubt they would show any spine.

Posted by: Buzzion at June 14, 2021 07:42 AM (G2zl5)

184 They also get 0% interest rates on money borrowed and will be bailed out so....


Gosh, it's almost like a government supported system.

Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 14, 2021 07:42 AM (ax8L7)

185 Biden's not going anywhere. The predictions of Biden's early dismissal are going to all end up as accurate as the predictions of Biden shitting himself at every debate from the early primary through the general election.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 07:30 AM (LvTSG)
He's not going anywhere. Biden's a useful idiot, a controlled puppet. The Dems have put him out there to project this sweet grandfather image where they control the strings from behind the curtain.

Posted by: redridinghood at June 14, 2021 07:43 AM (NpAcC)

186 104 That video of joe biden at the G7 was painful to watch. What they are doing to him is criminal elderly abuse.

Fuck him. He's been a dick all his life. The worm turns.

* * *

Yep, Biden has always been a scumbag. He cheated his way through law school (where he still finished at the bottom of his class, even with all the cheating). Then he cheated on his first wife with a married campaign volunteer (Jill), probably causing his first wife to commit suicide. Then he and Jill spent decades blatantly lying about when they first met, to hide their adultery and complicity in the first wife's death. Then he embarked upon a decades-long campaign of selling illegal "favors" to various deep-pocket campaign contributors, while also taking a cut of his crooked brother's and later his crooked sons' crooked deals (which also involved selling Joe's influence and illegal "favors" using the power of Joe's various federal offices). Meanwhile, he and Jill raised three sleazy, drug-addled children, none of whom appear to have any morals (but how could they, given who raised them?).

And this is the sleazy low-life who was "elected" to restore honor to the WH. LOL

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at June 14, 2021 07:43 AM (k4dH2)

187 We should perhaps be leaning on our state parties to deal with this. We should pursue a non-nuclear Samson Option.

All politics is local.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at June 14, 2021 07:43 AM (CcOog)

188 Something something fundamental transformation something.

Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 14, 2021 07:45 AM (ax8L7)

189 The election fraud in 2020 makes me think about something I sort of predicted. I thought that they tried this in 2016 - see the Miami/Dade count pause and other events - but were caught unprepared for the wave that came out for Trump. I also thought they would not be unprepared in 2020. Last year, the wave was even bigger and then the Complex did surprise me by not caring that they were being obvious with what they were doing. I didn't expect them to shout, "YOLO" and then smash across the Rubicon at high speed. That was my foolishness.

That said, though, this is clearly new only in its scale and indifference to being discovered. In other words, it differs only be degree because we're in the endgame now. This makes me question every election at least since Bush 41, at every meaningful level. Did the residents of corrupt awful cities actually keep returning their corrupt masters to office? I dunno anymore. Maybe they did, or maybe the elections have been being stolen for generations. Not only do I reject 2020, I no longer have any confidence in any election that preceded it.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:45 AM (Jsjd7)

190 According the enemedia, Biden was only boring. Wow.

Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at June 14, 2021 07:45 AM (oWBc3)

191 189 Did the residents of corrupt awful cities actually keep returning their corrupt masters to office? I dunno anymore. Maybe they did, or maybe the elections have been being stolen for generations. Not only do I reject 2020, I no longer have any confidence in any election that preceded it.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:45 AM (Jsjd7)


I now believe that no office holder in a Democratic run city is there legitimately, and hasn't been in decades.

Prove me wrong.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 07:46 AM (LvTSG)

192 Who certifies the vote? I was thinking why not look in the Constitution then I remembered how quaint.

Posted by: blaster at June 14, 2021 07:47 AM (w2z2p)

193 So, we have a vacancy on our school board. One of the members had to quit because of health reasons. The vacancy will be filled by appointed, not elected, to fill out the term. Applications are open to the public. Yay or Nay?

Posted by: grammie winger at June 14, 2021 07:47 AM (45fpk)

194 by appointment

Posted by: grammie winger at June 14, 2021 07:47 AM (45fpk)

195 NBC is doing a very special segment remembering the victims of Trumps Massage Spa massacre. The son of one of the victims was half korean, half black, double the injustice!

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 07:47 AM (3NK1c)

196 About Blackrock...

Are they renting out those homes? If so, to whom? Anyone, or specific races? I think the bigger question is what is Blackrock actually doing with those properties. Keeping them off the market has a whole different set of implications.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 14, 2021 07:48 AM (3H9h1)

197 It'd destroy any "our democracy" arguments they could try to make.
Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est, Post-Apocalyptic Scourge of the Seas at June 14, 2021 07:42 AM (kwZ95)

Really, any "our democracy" argument is already dead in the water after four years of utterly insane attempts to remove Donald J. Trump from office under the falsest of pretenses.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 07:48 AM (/EuRN)

198 155 Nice first, Moonbeam !
Posted by: JT at June 14, 2021 07:33 AM


Posted by: Moonbeam at June 14, 2021 07:48 AM (qe5CM)

199 They also get 0% interest rates on money borrowed and will be bailed out so....
Posted by: Widespread Pepe at June 14, 2021 07:41 AM (XXMYi)
And circle gets the square. As I have put it before, most people don't buy houses, they buy payments. Your payment at 2% buys a much higher purchase price than it does at 5%. Your payment at 0.5% buys even more.

Outfits like Blackrock - which were given direct access to the Fed discount window after the financial crisis in 2008/2009 - get a better interest rate than you. They're also "systemically important financial institutions" (SIFIs - "too big to fail") and will get first access to bailouts. They can bid almost arbitrarily for assets.

If you get your capital essentially for free (from a carriage cost standpoint), and your risk is distributed courtesy of the bailout system, you don't much care if you overpay by outbidding others for the asset you want. The general low-interest environment breeds financialized asset inflation, but the presence of outfits with direct access to the Fed window - who are *also* implied beneficiaries of a bailout if it goes tits up - in the same market will act as a major further amplifier.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:49 AM (Jsjd7)

200 Posted by: Eeyore at June 14, 2021 07:32 AM (7X3UV)

I agree, though I think VDH has been even weaker than that.

Posted by: Ordinary American at June 14, 2021 07:49 AM (ucUhL)

201 Are they renting out those homes? If so, to whom? Anyone, or specific races? I think the bigger question is what is Blackrock actually doing with those properties. Keeping them off the market has a whole different set of implications.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 14, 2021 07:48 AM (3H9h1)
Per my understanding (which is incomplete), they are acting as a landlord. Most of the properties are being rented out.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:50 AM (Jsjd7)

202 So, we have a vacancy on our school board. One of the members had to quit because of health reasons. The vacancy will be filled by appointed, not elected, to fill out the term. Applications are open to the public. Yay or Nay?
Posted by: grammie winger at June 14, 2021 07:47 AM (45fpk)

*hands grammie an ax handle*

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at June 14, 2021 07:50 AM (8+hFn)

203 So, we have a vacancy on our school board. One of the members had to quit because of health reasons. The vacancy will be filled by appointed, not elected, to fill out the term. Applications are open to the public. Yay or Nay?
Posted by: grammie winger at June 14, 2021 07:47 AM (45fpk)

Hell yeah. It's the only way to change things or at least try to...

Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 07:50 AM (y7DUB)

204 now believe that no office holder in a Democratic run city is there legitimately, and hasn't been in decades.


I agree. Black people have probably been trying to vote their way out of their decline since the 80s, but the democrats haven't changed morally in 150 years.

Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 14, 2021 07:50 AM (ax8L7)

205 ...Not only do I reject 2020, I no longer have any confidence in any election that preceded it.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:45 AM (Jsjd7)

...I now believe that no office holder in a Democratic run city is there legitimately, and hasn't been in decades.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 07:46 AM (LvTSG)

Tell me again how stonewalling any and all scrutiny of this farce of an election "defends Our Democracy"?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 07:51 AM (/EuRN)

206 If it's definitively proved that the election iwas illegally stolen -
I would suggest the Supreme Court rule this way:
1) Immediate removal of Biden/ Harris
2) Immediate erasure/automatic repeal of every single of any policies or laws passed under Biden's lawless administration with a clawback of any monies distributed.
3) Instant removal of all Biden appointees with immediate replacement by previous Trump appointees
4) Immediate audit of votes for House Representatives and Senate seats in the iffy states with those elections overturned if fraud is found
5) ***Reset of election year by one or two years. so, that Trump gets a full 4 years plus a extra months as penalty***
6) Prison time for anyone involved with the section/treason of illegally stealing Our National Election.
In a perfect world that would happen, in our world...
eh, the Limp-Noodle Republican Party pisses their pants and goes along with the Democrat robbery.
As does Our Weakass Careerist Supreme Court.

Posted by: naturalfake at June 14, 2021 07:51 AM (dWwl8)

207 If I remember correctly, Homes for America is an organization dedicated to purchasing homes in desirable neighborhoods, and renting to federal government housing voucher recipients.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice. Asymptomatic raycist at June 14, 2021 07:51 AM (3D/fK)

208 *hands grammie an ax handle*

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at June 14, 2021 07:50 AM (8+hFn)

Do they come in pink?

Posted by: grammie winger at June 14, 2021 07:51 AM (45fpk)

209 Tell me again how stonewalling any and all scrutiny of this farce of an election "defends Our Democracy"?
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 07:51 AM (/EuRN)
It absolutely does. Think about it from *their* standpoint. When they say, "Our Democracy" they actually mean "My Empire."

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:52 AM (Jsjd7)

210 Pink it is.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at June 14, 2021 07:52 AM (8+hFn)

211 That said, though, this is clearly new only in its scale and indifference to being discovered.

And what they've learned is that their true supporters are just fine with cheating. Will to Power, baby!

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 14, 2021 07:52 AM (T7iTv)

212 Do they come in pink?
Posted by: grammie winger at June 14, 2021 07:51 AM (45fpk)
Apply liberally:

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:53 AM (Jsjd7)

213 Democrats are very worried about the forensic audit in Arizona. Why else would Garland threaten illegal and unconstitutional action against the state? Anyway, it seems Arizonans, especially the legislature are fighting back against this grotesque attempt at unconstitutional subversion. They are not about to let the corrupt Democrat feds get involved.

We call this federalism, shitheads. And it's coming to a theater near you.

Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 07:53 AM (720Le)

214 Heh...

My boss just sent out a "coming together" message from...Henry Ford. I hope no one thinks about that too much.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 07:53 AM (LvTSG)

215 It absolutely does. Think about it from *their* standpoint. When they say, "Our Democracy" they actually mean "My Empire."
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:52 AM (Jsjd7)


Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 07:54 AM (/EuRN)

216 Upthread re: Victor David Hanson

Yes, that piece in AG is feeble. I don't think there is much left for VDH to write about frankly. He has already covered virtually political topic that is relevant to what's happening. All of his writings are well thought out intellectual hit pieces that never offer paths to solutions. I admire his intellect but it really doesn't offer much to us at this point in history. Its our guts not our brains that are going to get us out of this mess.

Posted by: Ziba at June 14, 2021 07:54 AM (S1hrL)

217 214 Heh...

My boss just sent out a "coming together" message from...Henry Ford. I hope no one thinks about that too much.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 07:53 AM (LvTSG)

Is that a mass production joke?

Or an interchangeable parts joke?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 07:54 AM (/EuRN)

218 Tom Elliott

CNN's @brianstelter &
suggest conservative media are reporting on Fauci's emails & Critical Race Theory because their "attacks" on Biden aren't "sticking."

Posted by: redridinghood at June 14, 2021 07:54 AM (NpAcC)

219 Its our guts not our brains that are going to get us out of this mess.
Posted by: Ziba at June 14, 2021 07:54 AM (S1hrL)


Posted by: Ordinary American at June 14, 2021 07:55 AM (ucUhL)

220 ... My boss just sent out a "coming together" message from...Henry Ford. I hope no one thinks about that too much.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 07:53 AM (LvTSG)
Yeah. At my last company, they held an all-company meeting during the Floyd riots to talk about the steps the company would be taking to improve our DIE programs and the like. It's one of the things that made receptive to outside offers.

They ended that harangue with a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt. When I wrote my letter to the executives about how appalling they all were, I included their jaw-dropping selection of a quote from the woman who's husband re-segregated the armed forces on the eve on global war. The entire military wasn't integrated in the interwar period, but many units were. That shit ended as soon as FDR got elected.

They chose not to respond to that piece.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:56 AM (Jsjd7)

221 Should We Trust the Medical Priesthood or Their Machines?


Never mind the fact that this author takes a wide ranging detour away from his opening premise aand wanders around in the wilderness for 2/3 of the essay, in the end he fails to acknowledge the key difference between automated versus human decision-making. Automted algorithms may be very complex and inclusive of large amounts of data, but they are nature ultimately binary. IF x THEN y. This requires that a "correct" answer be programmed into the system along with the desired outcome. This, in turn leads down the path of "best practices" to "settled science" and stifles innovation and thinking outside the box. The same author who decries the 'medical priesthood' apparently adores the 'AI priesthood'. Who gets to decide what is "best practice". As for me, give me a human being.

And yes, the Dollar Store had a special on "scare quotes" this week.

Posted by: Muldoon at June 14, 2021 07:57 AM (Fc5rx)

222 Lol. Biden is an incompetent boob. He was a complete embarrassment at the G7. He was wandering around and dissembling when he spoke. He's Forest Gump's dumber brother. But yeah, the "attacks" aren't sticking or something. M'kay. Lol.

Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 07:58 AM (720Le)

223 Cannot stomach the BS coverage of the G7. Galling to say the least. Although I can't wait to see Dr. Jill and Putin have at it.

Posted by: Ziba at June 14, 2021 07:58 AM (S1hrL)

224 220 They chose not to respond to that piece.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:56 AM (Jsjd7)


My boss is kind of a brainless automaton of the machine, especially when it comes to passing along corporate approved messages. I imagine she was told to find ways to improve morale with messages of inclusiveness, and she just searched for phrases about coming together without thinking about it.

I personally love how she micromanages everything and can't delegate to save her life at the same time, though.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 07:58 AM (LvTSG)

225 My boss is kind of a brainless automaton of the machine, especially when it comes to passing along corporate approved messages. I imagine she was told to find ways to improve morale with messages of inclusiveness, and she just searched for phrases about coming together without thinking about it.

I personally love how she micromanages everything and can't delegate to save her life at the same time, though.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 07:58 AM (LvTSG)
You just described the typical megacorp (in my experience, anyway).

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:59 AM (Jsjd7)

226 Black people have probably been trying to vote their way out of their decline since the 80s, but the democrats haven't changed morally in 150 years.
Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 14, 2021 07:50 AM (ax8L7)

In the 2012 election I looked at Cleveland precinct results and saw 100% support for Gaylord in some black areas. I said no fucking way. First of all AAs took it up the wazz as bad as anyone with all the fake recoveries from 2009-12. Second believing in bloc voting like that is just indulging in ridiculous stereotypes to believe there was nobody who said "fuck my dickhole neighbors if they expect me to be a compliant tool". I even wrote to the state GOP which was a stupid waste of time.

That was the first election I truly thought wasn't being run on the up and up. I was probably late to the party.

Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 08:01 AM (y7DUB)

227 "Democrats are very worried about the forensic audit
in Arizona. Why else would Garland threaten illegal and unconstitutional
action against the state? Anyway, it seems Arizonans, especially the
legislature are fighting back against this grotesque attempt at
unconstitutional subversion. They are not about to let the corrupt
Democrat feds get involved.Posted by: Marcus T"

If Feds fail to stop the audit the Dems will get college and pro sports to boycott the state. And massive Holly wood smear campaign and boycott as well. Arizona needs to tell them, all to f**off

Posted by: Ripley at June 14, 2021 08:02 AM (MxEKc)

228 What a complete despotic shithead Boris Johnson has become. The dude got COVID and now folds on every issue like a lawn chair in a wind storm. They've lost all their liberty in the UK, and he's now on the every globalist issue like a fat kid on cake. Quite the transformation into a obsequious leftist.

Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 08:02 AM (720Le)

229 From the "Should We Trust the Medical Priesthood or Their Machines?" article:

I will say that in some respects my belief in science is not very different from the belief other people have in religion.

There's the problem. Science is about following a process--specifically, the scientific method. There's nothing to "believe" in; you either follow that process or you don't.

Anyway, given that the "medical community" as a whole (#notalldoctors) continues to deny safe and effective medical treatment to genuine COVID-19 patients until such time as they are near death, I do not trust it. This is straight-up politically-motivated malfeasance and it's killing people.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at June 14, 2021 08:03 AM (DTX3h)

230 Arizona DGAF. The only thing the feds are doing is bringing the residents together to loose them. When is states rights versus the feds, the residents largely oppose the outsiders.

Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 08:04 AM (720Le)

231 I will say that in some respects my belief in science is not very different from the belief other people have in religion

There's the problem. Science is about following a process--specifically, the scientific method. There's nothing to "believe" in; you either follow that process or you don't.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at June 14, 2021 08:03 AM (DTX3h)

People who say shit like this understand nothing about science nor religion.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 08:05 AM (/EuRN)

232 228 What a complete despotic shithead Boris Johnson has become. The dude got COVID and now folds on every issue like a lawn chair in a wind storm. They've lost all their liberty in the UK, and he's now on the every globalist issue like a fat kid on cake. Quite the transformation into a obsequious leftist.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 0

Isn't the UK locked down again?

Posted by: Buzzion at June 14, 2021 08:05 AM (G2zl5)

233 The AZ audit (assuming it finds massive irregularities / fraud) will be a catalyst for other state audits. There have been a number of state legislative delegations to AZ to observe the audit (including GA and PA).

The Biden admin could be looking at a dozen other state audits, and who know what it will find?

Of course, trying to shut down the audit -- if such were even legally possible -- isn't a good outcome either as the optics are abysmal and the consequences perhaps worse.

Posted by: Revenant at June 14, 2021 08:05 AM (oS38t)

234 It wasn't COVID that got BoJo. He is thinking with his short arm.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 08:06 AM (3NK1c)

235 "Scientific" "American" has been a communist propaganda outlet since the '70s.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at June 14, 2021 08:07 AM (XGAZE)

236 Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)

And good luck living in a home outfitted with smart tech as a dissident. They will be able to control everything you do and say by threats of kicking you out on the street. You will have zero choice but to go along with the social/climate agenda. Own a gun, not if you are renting from BlackRock or another Hedgie owned home. Want to eat beef, not if you want to continue to live there. Don't want to take your vaccines or meds, same thing. Say something wrong, same thing. Hell, think wrong think, same thing.
Now do that with your wealth tied up in banking institutions.
Now do that when Boomers begin to die off.
They own us.

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at June 14, 2021 08:07 AM (n6Lwm)

237 This, in turn leads down the path of "best practices" to "settled science" and stifles innovation and thinking outside the box. The same author who decries the 'medical priesthood' apparently adores the 'AI priesthood'. Who gets to decide what is "best practice". As for me, give me a human being.

Yeah, "best practices" (I got me some bargain scare quotes too!) is an invention by the insurance companies originally to try to get rid of all that "statistical messiness of medicine" and go with one or two approved treatments.

The government picked up on it cuz it's easy for stupid people to understand if you think that repairing human beings is like repairing a car.

Less than capable diagnosticians among the docs like it because it gives them an officially approved treatment that helps protect them from lawsuits should things go sideways.

Any shmoe can give you a flu shot, hence the rise of the physicians assistant, but a real doc needs to be able to spot the rare zebra among the usual heard of horses if he's a good doc.

Posted by: naturalfake at June 14, 2021 08:07 AM (dWwl8)

238 Barnes says there isn't one fucking thing Garland can do to impact the audits. The only ability he has to meddle in any state elections is to enforce the voting rights act which the audit isn't violating.

Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 08:08 AM (y7DUB)

239 The Dems are trying to stop the audit in AZ because they already know what it will find.

Posted by: blaster at June 14, 2021 08:08 AM (w2z2p)

240 @238 never underestimate the lengths tyrants will go to.

The AG can arrest all the people involved and set the building on fire and the ln after the fact just go whoopsie and the people in charge will get promoted.

Posted by: blaster at June 14, 2021 08:10 AM (w2z2p)

241 The only ability he has to meddle in any state elections is to enforce the voting rights act which the audit isn't violating.
Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 08:08 AM (y7DUB)

"Hey, you got your emanations in my penumbra!

"Hey, you got your penumbra in my emanations!"

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 08:10 AM (/EuRN)

242 The G7 is a joke. Period.

Posted by: Ziba at June 14, 2021 08:11 AM (S1hrL)

243 1) Immediate removal of Biden/ Harris

Where does SCOTUS get that authority?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 08:11 AM (3NK1c)

244 > If Feds fail to stop the audit the Dems will get college and pro sports to boycott the state.

Literally no one gives a shit about the ultra-woke "sports" industry any more.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at June 14, 2021 08:11 AM (XGAZE)

245 What a complete despotic shithead Boris Johnson has
become. The dude got COVID and now folds on every issue like a lawn
chair in a wind storm. They've lost all their liberty in the UK, and
he's now on the every globalist issue like a fat kid on cake. Quite the
transformation into a obsequious leftist.

Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 08:02 AM (720Le)

I checked out his book on Churchill from the library a while back. I take no pride in this, but I didn't read it. Johnson went so Left so quickly, I simply did not care what he had to say on Churchill, or any other subject.
I do give the Tories this much. Somehow they have found a way to dominate politics in their country. The Repubs could not do that even if they were run only by MAGAs or Cheney types. For some reason, the Conservatives over there have found a way to win and keep winning. No doubt part if it is they are a bunch of Leftists on Global warming, healthcare, gun rights, etc. Wait a second, why do they matter again? Oh yeah, even so, the left there is way, way worse.

Posted by: Quint at June 14, 2021 08:12 AM (gJfTA)

246 Yeah, "best practices" (I got me some bargain scare quotes too!) is an invention by the insurance companies originally to try to get rid of all that "statistical messiness of medicine" and go with one or two approved treatments.


I'm still interested in hearing someone explain how giving little kids off-label medication because Mommy knows little Timmy is really a girl inside is fine, but proven and perfectly safe Ivermectin to potentially help slow or stop an unknown virus is evil.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Who would have imagined that Karmella stutters like Slipfoot, too? at June 14, 2021 08:12 AM (S9l8l)

247 242 The G7 is a joke. Period.
Posted by: Ziba at June 14, 2021 08:11 AM (S1hrL)

Europeans love it when the American president agrees with them that all the problems in the world are the fault of America.

Posted by: Buzzion at June 14, 2021 08:12 AM (g5Yhc)

248 247 242 The G7 is a joke. Period.
Posted by: Ziba at June 14, 2021 08:11 AM (S1hrL)

Europeans love it when the American president agrees with them that all the problems in the world are the fault of America.
Posted by: Buzzion at June 14, 2021 08:12 AM (g5Yhc)


Well, as long as America pays for that hubris by giving them all money.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 08:13 AM (LvTSG)

249 Saturday afternoon I was at an interstate rest stop. Packed as hell. Nobody wearing masks. Except 3 people. I saw them get into their car, their plates were...of course... California. Lol.

Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 14, 2021 08:13 AM (XwlQP)

250 The only ability he has to meddle in any state elections is to enforce the voting rights act which the audit isn't violating.

It is if he says it is, and a judge backs him up. Oh, you can appeal, the appeals court will hear your case in a couple of years.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 08:13 AM (3NK1c)

251 1) Immediate removal of Biden/ Harris

Where does SCOTUS get that authority?
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 08:11 AM (3NK1c)


Their opportunity was prior to the election.

They decided they didn't want their summer home burned down, so instead they allowed it to happen to the republic.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Who would have imagined that Karmella stutters like Slipfoot, too? at June 14, 2021 08:14 AM (S9l8l)

252 Biden is still confused about when Freddie Mercury got a sex change, and how come he looks so old now.

"Great tunes, Freddie! I remember when Hunter and DOCTOR Jill always used to start snickering when that 'Tie Your Mother Down' one would come on the radio. I never quite understood why that was funny."

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at June 14, 2021 08:14 AM (XGAZE)

253 The Constitution is just an instruction manual. It isn't magic. If you're putting a flat-pack desk from IKEA together, and the first thing you do is throw out the bag of parts and snap one of the sticks of wood over your knee, you're never going to have a very nice table. You might get something that almost looks like a table. But it won't be a table.

"What does the Constitution say about what we should do about this sham election?"

What does the IKEA instruction cartoon guy say about where to put your busted up table leg?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 08:14 AM (/EuRN)

254 Interesting moment this weekend.

Dolley and I were watching Coupling on HULU, as is our custom at this point, and we were getting LinkedIn ads about a transgendered woman applying for a job and prepping for an interview.

Dolley, soft-progressive and consumer of media that feeds her the narrative, looked up and said, "Oh, it's an ugly man."

I'm not sure how well the transgendered media push is actually working.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 08:14 AM (LvTSG)

255 People who say shit like this understand nothing about science nor religion.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 08:05 AM (/EuRN)

I am missing something here. I agree, you do not "believe" in science. That some equate science to religion is troubling. How did this ever become a thing?

Posted by: Quint at June 14, 2021 08:15 AM (gJfTA)

256 The President of the United States was a laughing stock at the G7. The fawning media, of course, is pretending to not notice.

Posted by: Northernlurker, surgite at June 14, 2021 08:15 AM (cSyAR)

257 Greetings fappers and fappees. What fresh hell awaits us this day?

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Psychos Rule! No, really. They're in charge now. at June 14, 2021 08:15 AM (HaL55)

258 1) Immediate removal of Biden/ Harris

Where does SCOTUS get that authority?
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 08:11 AM (3NK1c)

Where do the Democrats get the authority(if it happened) to plot a coup and execute that coup and change the course of the country without the legitimate consent of the people?

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

Posted by: naturalfake at June 14, 2021 08:16 AM (dWwl8)

259 How much is the 1/2 a billion vaccines being given out going to cost America? Why are we footing that bill? CHYNA released the virus, America has already paid for the vaccines 10 fold, I'm sure.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 08:16 AM (Zz0t1)

260 249 Saturday afternoon I was at an interstate rest stop. Packed as hell. Nobody wearing masks. Except 3 people. I saw them get into their car, their plates were...of course... California. Lol.
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 14, 2021 08:13 AM

I usually hit a rest stop on the way down to the beach (NC). The remaining maskers are from NY and NJ. Funny to see them giving the stink-eye to the liberated natives.

Posted by: Moonbeam at June 14, 2021 08:16 AM (qe5CM)

261 254

Was he/she/it interviewing with the CIA?

Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 14, 2021 08:16 AM (XwlQP)

262 I will say that in some respects my belief in science is not very different from the belief other people have in religion


That's 100% true, and sums up the entire problem. It's basic 7th grade stuff. If your hypothesis fails, you reject the hypothesis and start over. People who believe in science as a process leading to knowledge WANT scrutiny and argument, because it tests the hypothesis.

You can maintain belief in a failed hypothesis all you want, but that's no longer science.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Who would have imagined that Karmella stutters like Slipfoot, too? at June 14, 2021 08:16 AM (S9l8l)

263 And good luck living in a home outfitted with smart tech as a dissident. They will be able to control everything you do and say by threats of kicking you out on the street. ...
Posted by: Widespread Pepe at June 14, 2021 08:07 AM (n6Lwm)
The now-typical method of "smart home" stuff terrifies the living piss out of me and I will never have it in my home. I'm going to have to firmly tell the HVAC outfit that. My central A/C is pushing thirty years old and it's only a matter of time. If I get the rest of the summer out of it, I will be surprised. The next thing that goes wrong with it will be the last thing that goes wrong with it.

I got (and paid for) several quotes during home inspection last year when I bought the place. Every single outfit includes in their quote all kinds of whiz-bang automation from the basics ("smart" thermostat) to really complicated whole-home automation setups at a modest cost premium (they're already there and already doing major work, so it doesn't cost too much more to just do it all at once). I am prepared for a *very* hard sell when I tell them "no sale" on the smart shit.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 08:17 AM (Jsjd7)

264 I'm not sure how well the transgendered media push is actually working.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 08:14 AM (LvTSG)

I am not sure that the point is in the end I am very aware that every month is a something something month. This year particularly, every month is some cause and that cause has to be discussed constantly and in every possible situation. I am kind of excited to see what next month will be. I haven't looked and I expect something fabulous.

Posted by: Quint at June 14, 2021 08:18 AM (gJfTA)

265 In 20 years the NPCs will conceed to know what we knew in January. Aggrevating.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at June 14, 2021 08:18 AM (8xrJ9)

266 The Clinton's strike again? Apparent suicide of the reporter who covered the grandparents tarmac chat.

I still don't know why the death of journalist/author Joseph Rago who won the Pulitzer for his expose of Obamacare never got any attention. He died the night before he was to meet with a Russian official to cover the HC-Abbot Lab-Russia story. He apparently died of a very rare health condition no one knew he had.

Posted by: Ziba at June 14, 2021 08:18 AM (S1hrL)

267 How much is the 1/2 a billion vaccines being given out going to cost America? Why are we footing that bill? CHYNA released the virus, America has already paid for the vaccines 10 fold, I'm sure.
Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 08:16 AM (Zz0t1)
1. A lot.
2. Because America always foots the bill, no matter what.
3. China will never be held accountable for anything, because China is in charge.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 08:18 AM (Jsjd7)

268 The President of the United States was a laughing stock at the G7. The fawning media, of course, is pretending to not notice.
Posted by: Northernlurker, surgite at June 14, 2021 08:15 AM (cSyAR)

Anyone paying attention to anything the media does or says at this point is a fool.

Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 14, 2021 08:19 AM (Zz0t1)

269 Dolley, soft-progressive and consumer of media that feeds her the narrative, looked up and said, "Oh, it's an ugly man."

I'm not sure how well the transgendered media push is actually working.


I've seen a few pop up in commercials. Target especially. It's comical how quickly they appear and disappear on the screen in order to limit the time people are able to look at the man.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Who would have imagined that Karmella stutters like Slipfoot, too? at June 14, 2021 08:19 AM (S9l8l)

270 'I'm going to get in trouble with my staff': Biden says he isn't allowed to answer any more questions amid criticism his 'handlers' are stopping him talking to journalists

der, everyone knows he is marginally in charge

Posted by: will choose a nic later at June 14, 2021 08:20 AM (bTQ72)

271 How many cities are going to burn Friday and Saturday to "celebrate" Juneteenth?

Posted by: Buzzion at June 14, 2021 08:20 AM (g5Yhc)

272 201 Are they renting out those homes? If so, to whom? Anyone, or specific races? I think the bigger question is what is Blackrock actually doing with those properties. Keeping them off the market has a whole different set of implications.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 14, 2021 07:48 AM (3H9h1)
Per my understanding (which is incomplete), they are acting as a landlord. Most of the properties are being rented out.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 07:50 AM (Jsjd7)

I don't think that BlackRock will keep these homes off he market - they're in it to make money, after all. BlackRock, like many other Wall Street entities, has succumbed to the wokeness phenomenon. They remember 2008, and they don't want to be Occupyed again, so they'll get in front of it.

The implication for the average person, however, is not good. The Feds have a tough time dictating opening up the suburbs to local legislatures, due to constitutional constraints. They will have an easier time dictating terms to SIFIs that own the suburbs, however.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at June 14, 2021 08:20 AM (mdjgu)

273 "Posted by: Quint at June 14, 2021 08:12 AM (gJfTA)"

Johnson has given the people nowhere to go. They won't go to The other party- they're even worse. The Tories and Johnson have mostly abandoned them and any resemblance of Liberty. They have completely folded on the COVID despotism. They need a force within the Tories to break out and take back that party on behalf of the people. Johnson is a weak wanker and a coward. His most prolific defense is of his own self preservation. COVID has cowed him into being a weak ineffectual caitiff.

Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 08:20 AM (720Le)

274 > If your hypothesis fails, you reject the hypothesis and start over.

You have to be careful about what "failure" means, though.

When Galileo attempted to measure the speed of light, he was careful to say "It's either infinite OR it's too fast for my equipment to measure" (the latter turned out to be the truth, of course).

Lots of "science" just assumes a result, without paying proper attention to the possible limitations of the measuring technique.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at June 14, 2021 08:21 AM (XGAZE)

275 how much is the 1/2 a billion vaccines being given out going to cost America? Why are we footing that bill? CHYNA released the virus, America has already paid for the vaccines 10 fold, I'm sure.


Another moron pointed it out, but remember when Trump was fought tooth and nail for $4 billion to build a wall?

Four billion. Not even a rounding error these days, and probably a small fraction of vaccine buy that we'll send to places that won't administer them properly and/or where the vaccines will spoil in transit.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Who would have imagined that Karmella stutters like Slipfoot, too? at June 14, 2021 08:21 AM (S9l8l)

276 271 How many cities are going to burn Friday and Saturday to "celebrate" Juneteenth?
Posted by: Buzzion at June 14, 2021 08:20 AM (g5Yhc)

Hopefully Atlanta, just for the sheer irony of it.

(no offense, Atlanteans.)

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 08:21 AM (/EuRN)

277 If your hypothesis is proven wrong, it threatens next year's grant funding.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 08:21 AM (3NK1c)

278 Politicians, HR managers, college administrators, media people-- our lowest life forms.

Posted by: Ordinary American at June 14, 2021 08:21 AM (ucUhL)

279 277 If your hypothesis is proven wrong, it threatens next year's grant funding.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 08:21 AM (3NK1c)


"I hypothesize that global warming is not an existential crisis."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 08:21 AM (LvTSG)

280 256 The President of the United States was a laughing stock at the G7. The fawning media, of course, is pretending to not notice.
Posted by: Northernlurker, surgite at June 14, 2021 08:15 AM

I watched the clip of Biden introducing the President of South Africa right after Boris Johnson did. The most telling part of the clip to me was when Johnson waved Biden off when he started talking again. The gesture clearly had a "shut up, old man, we're tired of your gibberish" vibe to it.

Posted by: Moonbeam at June 14, 2021 08:21 AM (qe5CM)

281 They've lost all their liberty in the UK, and
he's now on the every globalist issue like a fat kid on cake. Quite the
transformation into a obsequious leftist.
He's an admitted alcoholic, and that admission was recently. IIRC, he's also divorced or divorcing. Those 2 factors lead me to believe there is a shit-ton of embarrassing film/audio/incidents which have left him compromised to the global overlords.
Just like every other schlub in government.

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at June 14, 2021 08:22 AM (7Fj9P)

282 I think it is imperative that the CEO of Linked in quit and allow a transgendered POC to replace him.

Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 14, 2021 08:22 AM (XwlQP)

283 The implication for the average person, however, is not good. The Feds have a tough time dictating opening up the suburbs to local legislatures, due to constitutional constraints. They will have an easier time dictating terms to SIFIs that own the suburbs, however.
Posted by: Darrell Harris at June 14, 2021 08:20 AM (mdjgu)
That's an angle I hadn't considered. I doubt very much that's the *reason* for the SIFIs buying up suburbs, but it may well be an outcome.

Interesting thing to noodle over. It will very much depend on the demographics of contiguous (or nearly contiguous) property portfolios. I'll bet a lot of them are ripe for a subsidy to achieve policy objectives that would never pass through traditional process.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 08:22 AM (Jsjd7)

284 I'm not sure how well the transgendered media push is actually working.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 08:14 AM (LvTSG)

About as well as the "obese is beautiful" push.

When the lively and delightful Mrs naturalfake says to me as we're walking down the mall, and pass another fat model poster, "I'm so tired of seeing fat ugly women in advertising. It makes me not want to buy anything they're selling."

And she's about as conservative as Dollie is.

Posted by: naturalfake at June 14, 2021 08:22 AM (dWwl8)

285 nice job joe

Joe Biden's royal protocol breach: US President broke rules by revealing Queen asked him about Putin and Xi Jinping and by not taking off his sunglasses when he met monarch

Posted by: will choose a nic later at June 14, 2021 08:22 AM (bTQ72)

286 276 271 How many cities are going to burn Friday and Saturday to "celebrate" Juneteenth?
Posted by: Buzzion at June 14, 2021 08:20 AM (g5Yhc)

Hopefully Atlanta, just for the sheer irony of it.

(no offense, Atlanteans.)
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 08:21 AM (/EuRN)

I've safely evac'd. Burn away!

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is Already Dead at June 14, 2021 08:22 AM (z5Vrg)


Fulton County, GA now admits that 385 out of an estimated 1565 chain of custody ballot forms are "missing."

"A Fulton Country election official told The Georgia Star News on Wednesday that 'a few forms are missing' and that 'some procedural paperwork may have been misplaced.'"

Posted by: Revenant at June 14, 2021 08:23 AM (oS38t)

288 Not sure if Boris is divorced, doubt it. But he just got married last week to his long time GF.

Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 14, 2021 08:23 AM (XwlQP)

Happy Flag Day!

Happy birthday to PIEOTUS Trump!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 14, 2021 08:23 AM (s2VJv)

290 284 About as well as the "obese is beautiful" push.

When the lively and delightful Mrs naturalfake says to me as we're walking down the mall, and pass another fat model poster, "I'm so tired of seeing fat ugly women in advertising. It makes me not want to buy anything they're selling."

And she's about as conservative as Dollie is.
Posted by: naturalfake at June 14, 2021 08:22 AM (dWwl


We've lost the cultural institutions. We have not lost the culture.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 08:23 AM (LvTSG)

291 287

Fulton County, GA now admits that 385 out of an estimated 1565 chain of custody ballot forms are "missing."

"A Fulton Country election official told The Georgia Star News on Wednesday that 'a few forms are missing' and that 'some procedural paperwork may have been misplaced.'"
Posted by: Revenant at June 14, 2021 08:23 AM (oS38t)


I'm sure it's fine.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 08:23 AM (LvTSG)

292 Read some of the global newspapers on the G7. They didn't exactly come out as complementary on Biden. They did the job our media won't do. They spoke the truth. Notice the media tried not to cover any of the live remarks. It's where Biden was most embarrassing and they couldn't cover it up. The taped sessions where Stairmaster Fail rambled and dissembled were only played by a few networks.

Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 08:24 AM (720Le)

293 You have to be careful about what "failure" means, though.

When Galileo attempted to measure the speed of light, he was careful to say "It's either infinite OR it's too fast for my equipment to measure" (the latter turned out to be the truth, of course).


Sure, and I'm not saying you can't incorporate what you learned into your NEXT hypothesis (his "co"-hypothesis being it was too fast), but the original one has to be rejected.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Who would have imagined that Karmella stutters like Slipfoot, too? at June 14, 2021 08:24 AM (S9l8l)

294 Lots of "science" just assumes a result, without paying proper attention to the possible limitations of the measuring technique.
Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at June 14, 2021 08:21 AM (XGAZE)
Or the consequences of improved resolution. Like when some undergrad tested his question (not even a fully-formed hypothesis) about whether the growing hole in the ozone layer was actually growing, or not. He measured it using old equipment, then slightly newer, etc. He was able to produce the same chart as the historical chart in the space of a few months. The hole wasn't actually growing, our ability to detect its extent was improving.

Then later work showed that it grows and contracts on its own fairly frequently.

Instrumentation - and therefore resolution - makes everything subject to change.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 08:24 AM (Jsjd7)

295 The Constitution is not a suicide pact.
Posted by: naturalfake

That's MY line.

Posted by: rickb223 at June 14, 2021 08:25 AM (OCTRt)

296 I live in a state that already has a holiday to commemorate the TRUE end of slavery in the United States.

That day was Alaska Day, October 18, 1867, the day Alaska officially changed hands from Russia to the United States, and the date when slavery TRULY came to an end on what is now U.S. soil. The Tlingit Indians had many thousands of slaves (they used to run slave raiding missions as far south as California), and those slaves were freed when the United States took possession.

That was more than two years after "Juneteenth".

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at June 14, 2021 08:25 AM (XGAZE)

297 I am landlord and my newest tenants for a property of mine specifically said they did not want to rent from a big corporation.

Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 14, 2021 08:25 AM (XwlQP)

298 ... Fulton County, GA now admits that 385 out of an estimated 1565 chain of custody ballot forms are "missing." ...
Posted by: Revenant at June 14, 2021 08:23 AM (oS38t)
That's only a real problem (as opposed to a process exception that needs to be addressed) if the people running things are untrustworthy.

As we know, that is decidedly *not* the case. They're moral paragons who are above reproach, and you must never question that, you you wrecker.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 08:25 AM (Jsjd7)

299 Joe Biden's royal protocol breach: US President broke rules by revealing Queen asked him about Putin and Xi Jinping and by not taking off his sunglasses when he met monarch

He is the president of the US, so fuck royal protocols. That being said, I think he wears sunglasses all of the time because they have him pumped full of stimulants that dilate his eyes and make him light sensitive. The press covers this by playing ip the cool aviator glasses trope.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 08:26 AM (3NK1c)

300 If your hypothesis is proven wrong, it threatens next year's grant funding.


Ah, this is a man learned in Science.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Who would have imagined that Karmella stutters like Slipfoot, too? at June 14, 2021 08:26 AM (S9l8l)

301 I am landlord and my newest tenants for a property of mine specifically said they did not want to rent from a big corporation.
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 14, 2021 08:25 AM (XwlQP)
That was a major factor in my last rental exercise. I shopped landlords first, then apartments. I only looked at units being rented out by individual people or families who managed the property themselves.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 08:27 AM (Jsjd7)

302 That was more than two years after "Juneteenth".

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at June 14, 2021 08:25 AM (XGAZE)

Eh, who cares about a bunch of blubber-chewers anyway.

They ain't even good at baseball.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 08:27 AM (/EuRN)

303 Science means as much as the word racist or conservative. It can mean whatever you want it to mean to advance an agenda.

Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 14, 2021 08:27 AM (XwlQP)

304 Not sure if Boris is divorced, doubt it. But he just got married last week to his long time GF.
Posted by: Joe XiDen

Hopefully he got divorced before he married his gf.

Posted by: rickb223 at June 14, 2021 08:28 AM (OCTRt)

305 273 "Posted by: Quint at June 14, 2021 08:12 AM (gJfTA)"

Johnson has given the people nowhere to go. They won't go to The other party- they're even worse. The Tories and Johnson have mostly abandoned them and any resemblance of Liberty. They have completely folded on the COVID despotism. They need a force within the Tories to break out and take back that party on behalf of the people. Johnson is a weak wanker and a coward. His most prolific defense is of his own self preservation. COVID has cowed him into being a weak ineffectual caitiff.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 08:20 AM

And to think, not so long ago, he was the solution to Theresa May.

Posted by: Moonbeam at June 14, 2021 08:28 AM (qe5CM)

306 Biden takes off sunglasses.

Queenie say, "GAAH!!! Put them back on!"

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 08:28 AM (/EuRN)

307 Fulton County, GA now admits that 385 out of an estimated 1565 chain of custody ballot forms are "missing." ...
Posted by: Revenant at June 14, 2021 08:23 AM (oS38t)

It is racist to suggest there is a problem with this. Besides, not enough to change the outcome of the election, and unprecedented times and whatnot.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 14, 2021 08:28 AM (3NK1c)

308 I am landlord and my newest tenants for a property of mine specifically said they did not want to rent from a big corporation.


It won't take long before they own half of the houses, and then more and more. Mom and dad pass away, kids can't pay the taxes, sell the house, poof it's owned by a corporation.

Or kids sell their house to pay for the nicer one that their parents owned, and guess who buys the one they sell?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Who would have imagined that Karmella stutters like Slipfoot, too? at June 14, 2021 08:28 AM (S9l8l)

309 In the 2012 election I looked at Cleveland precinct results and saw 100% support for Gaylord in some black areas
I did a similiar analysis in 2000. In precinct after precinct in the big blue cities Gore got 100% of the vote.

There were a handful of ones for Bush in the whole country, but basically no matter how Republican an area was there were always a few votes for Gore or a third party guy...and 100% block voting is the norm for Dems.

Which if you believe that well...Russians might be about to hack your sneakers and COVID is floating around your front door waiting for you to walk out without a mask.

Posted by: 18-1 at June 14, 2021 08:29 AM (DpkTQ)

310 They blinded us with "science," and it worked.

Posted by: Ziba at June 14, 2021 08:29 AM (S1hrL)

311 301

Yeah I advertise my properties like that, if you will be dealing with me personally not a management company or an 800 number when something is needed. And there is value in that, I can charge a bit more and get better quality people too who cares about those things.

Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 14, 2021 08:29 AM (XwlQP)

312 NPR Attacks Tom Hanks for "Playing Righteous White Men"

Hanks is a leftIst wackadoodle. He's jyst smart enough to keep silent. But now he's stopped applauding too soon.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks aka Hangdog Barkston at June 14, 2021 08:30 AM (d9FiS)

313 I'm in the "who cares about royalty" camp, but I'm fine with basic decency. Don't bow to the queen but take off your sunglasses.

Heck, I take mine off when I'm getting a Happy Meal from an illegal alien in the drive-thru. Just be a decent, respectful human being.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Who would have imagined that Karmella stutters like Slipfoot, too? at June 14, 2021 08:30 AM (S9l8l)

314 Yeah I advertise my properties like that, if you will be dealing with me personally not a management company or an 800 number when something is needed. And there is value in that, I can charge a bit more and get better quality people too who cares about those things.
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 14, 2021 08:29 AM (XwlQP)
Do you find it easy to fill your units? That kind of ad line would stand out to me and I'd be more eager to tour your property and meet you. It doesn't always work - sometimes a landlord would give me a bad vibe and I wouldn't want to live with him, but that was pretty rare though it did happen sometimes. There's no magic bullet that makes renting easy, but you can stack the deck in your favor.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 08:31 AM (Jsjd7)

315 313 I'm in the "who cares about royalty" camp, but I'm fine with basic decency. Don't bow to the queen but take off your sunglasses.

Heck, I take mine off when I'm getting a Happy Meal from an illegal alien in the drive-thru. Just be a decent, respectful human being.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Who would have imagined that Karmella stutters like Slipfoot, too? at June 14, 2021 08:30 AM (S9l8l)


You're in a foreign country meeting a foreign leader. They have protocols. You follow them. If the protocols are such that you can't meet them for moral reasons (Joe wearing sunglasses isn't a moral cause, by the way), then you don't meet.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 08:31 AM (LvTSG)

316 I've got a theory that the real impetus behind the "free rent" thing was to drive as many small landlords under as possible, leaving their properties to be snapped up by big corps or the Feds.

The big corps are gonna be pissed when the Communists expropriate them in turn. 'Cuz free housing is a RIGHT, you guys!

I'll be laughing my ass off when that occurs.

Joe XiDen: I recommend that you get out of the landlord bidness as soon as you can. It's not going anywhere good.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at June 14, 2021 08:31 AM (XGAZE)

317 Heck, I take mine off when I'm getting a Happy Meal from an illegal alien in the drive-thru. Just be a decent, respectful human being.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Who would have imagined that Karmella stutters like Slipfoot, too? at June 14, 2021 08:30 AM (S9l8l)
And turn down the stereo. I have no idea how people at drive-thrus manage to take orders when the stereo in the car is on.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 08:32 AM (Jsjd7)

318 If your hypothesis is proven wrong, it threatens next year's grant funding.


There's more money in the long haul to be made by offering the ongoing hope and promise of a cure than there is in actually delivering a cure.

Posted by: Muldoon at June 14, 2021 08:32 AM (Fc5rx)

319 You're in a foreign country meeting a foreign leader. They have protocols. You follow them. If the protocols are such that you can't meet them for moral reasons (Joe wearing sunglasses isn't a moral cause, by the way), then you don't meet.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 14, 2021 08:31 AM (LvTSG)
Or you make that known in advance and ensure the other party understands it. It will usually be fine. But don't throw curveballs during diplomatic confabs.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 08:32 AM (Jsjd7)

320 Fwiw I always take sunglasses off when I'm crossing the border so people can see my eyes.

Posted by: Northernlurker, surgite at June 14, 2021 08:32 AM (cSyAR)


Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 08:34 AM (Jsjd7)

322 Are they renting out those homes? If so, to whom? Anyone, or specific races? I think the bigger question is what is Blackrock actually doing with those properties. Keeping them off the market has a whole different set of implications.
Posted by: Martini Farmer

It's about total control of everything. We have been importing sub 85IQ 3rd worlders for decades along with a replacement class of high IQ Indians and Asians which have a caste system as part of their culture at home.
Dovetail that with the move to relocate and force assimilation of Ignants from the hood, who love technology.
You see the long game being played out here and in Europe? They don't have to rent "now". They can fill them up with replacements or docile Whites.
BlackRock and other Hedgies are implementing social/climate agendas right now among their assets which they hold. And those assets, which are more than homes are complying. They released a letter a couple of weeks ago.
7.8 trillion in assets. It was founded in 1988.
Add Vanguard in the mix along with others.
Really makes you think, or it should about the long game being played the entire time for decades.

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at June 14, 2021 08:34 AM (2xKeI)

323 What would happen to dentists if we really stopped tooth decay?

Yeah, there are orthodontists and such, but the bread and butter of dentistry is fixing rotten teeth.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at June 14, 2021 08:35 AM (XGAZE)

324 There are literal teams of people whose only job is to ensure that protocol is followed in these bullshit confabs.

If protocol isn't followed, it's because you're making a statement (Trump waking in front of the queen) or you're a mush headed imbecile (Biden.... in general) or you're physically ill (bush tossing his cookies in the lap of that Japanese dude).

Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 14, 2021 08:36 AM (/EuRN)

325 A friend is a fifth generation Colorado rancher and tells me there is an interesting law proposed in the state to outlaw slaughtering a cow before its fifth year. Some people hate meat with a passion.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 14, 2021 08:36 AM (Zny85)

326 Not only do they buy up the houses on the market, they buy up the available real estate tracts and build sprawling rental developments. My town is filled with these.

Posted by: Ziba at June 14, 2021 08:36 AM (S1hrL)

327 The big corps are gonna be pissed when the Communists expropriate them in turn. 'Cuz free housing is a RIGHT, you guys!

I'll be laughing my ass off when that occurs.

Joe XiDen: I recommend that you get out of the landlord bidness as soon as you can. It's not going anywhere good.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia

Commies gotta commie. It's what they do. No different than nationalizing oil refineries.

Oh, and thanks to all you asshoes that bought all the scare quotes and left us nothing but ampersands. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

Posted by: rickb223 at June 14, 2021 08:37 AM (OCTRt)

328 314

I own single family homes so there is a different dynamic than apartments. I have been doing this for 10 years and I have never had a house sit empty for more than a few weeks. And those few weeks were on purpose to clean, do minor renovations in between tenants.

I keep the houses in great shape, whenever anything breaks I fix it ASAP, etc. on the other hand I have very strict criteria like excellent credit. That is non negotiable for me.

Another thing that independent LLs like me can provide is some flexibility with income. I live in a town where lotsa blue state refugees are moving to. And when they move there they sometimes have no job lined up. But they just sold their house for $1.7M and have $1M in the bank from that sale. For Big Corp, Inc where they have a strict formula of income requirement, they would be out of luck. For me that $1M in the bank in lieu of income is fine. Or if they pre pay rent I will give a slight discount, things like that.

Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 14, 2021 08:38 AM (XwlQP)

329 Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 14, 2021 08:29 AM (XwlQP)

They will wait until to die. Good luck passing on those properties to your heirs without strings attached at the very least if not taxed to the point they will have to be sold.
And the quicker you die, the better btw... in their eyes.

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at June 14, 2021 08:38 AM (2xKeI)

330 What would happen to dentists if we really stopped tooth decay?

That fifth dentist would finally get on board?

(Four outta five)

Posted by: rickb223 at June 14, 2021 08:39 AM (OCTRt)

331 The only good thing to come out of G7 is that everyone else gets to see what we are dealing with in terms of The Bidet.

Posted by: Ziba at June 14, 2021 08:39 AM (S1hrL)

332 COVID has cowed him into being a weak ineffectual caitiff.

Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 08:20 AM (720Le)

a major caitiff now doubt.

Posted by: Quint at June 14, 2021 08:40 AM (gJfTA)

333 Heh. I always thought if I were a dentist d be like yeah sure eat all the candy you want kids, YOLO!!

Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 14, 2021 08:41 AM (XwlQP)

334 My kids are too lazy to be al landlord lol. They wouldnt want to inherit properties.

Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 14, 2021 08:42 AM (XwlQP)

335 Read some of the global newspapers on the G7. They didn't exactly come out as complementary on Biden. They did the job our media won't do. They spoke the truth. Notice the media tried not to cover any of the live remarks. It's where Biden was most embarrassing and they couldn't cover it up. The taped sessions where Stairmaster Fail rambled and dissembled were only played by a few networks.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 14, 2021 08:24 AM (720Le)

I saw some coverage in passing and what struck me is how incredibly slow Biden was walking/shuffling. I don't remember him walking that way during the run up to the election. Just seemed like a marked decline from not that long ago.

Posted by: Mainah at June 14, 2021 08:43 AM (sHdEv)

336 Another thing about driving up real estate properties by 20% to 50% or more means that property taxes will increase. Local landlords pass property taxes on to their tenants. Tenants are already stretched thin. Do you really believe tenets could afford a 30% increase in rent or more because of property taxes passed into them?

Posted by: Widespread Pepe at June 14, 2021 08:43 AM (2xKeI)

337 As long as there are kids, there will be tooth decay unless you are the kind of parent that puts their kid down on the bed to floss their teeth as a dentist of ours actually recommended. Oh and you can also use the dental floss to tie them down if necessary.

Posted by: Ziba at June 14, 2021 08:44 AM (S1hrL)

338 While it would be challenging to undo Biden's phony "election," there's no other way to get back any semblance of freedom of the people to choose their destiny. The stakes couldn't be more dire. Will it happen? I can't even fathom an answer, given the tentacles of the "media," Big Tech, and all the rest that are ready to fight to the death to keep their stolen power.
Posted by: Lady in Black at June 14, 2021 07:13 AM (O+I8R)

Once theft is verified, it needs to be overturned, and the thieves removed. If BLM goes crazy again, it goes crazy again, but allowing theft to succeed just guarantees more theft. Once can be as brazen as one likes if no consequences occur (ex. Comey, Brennan and all the others that were going to be ruined...they just made money instead)

Posted by: CN at June 14, 2021 08:46 AM (ONvIw)

339 For me that $1M in the bank in lieu of income is fine. Or if they pre pay rent I will give a slight discount, things like that.
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 14, 2021 08:38 AM (XwlQP)
I parlayed that to mutual benefit on my last rental. It was lease renewal time and I got a rent increase of 10% in the new lease. I went back to the landlord and said, "make it 5% and I'll sign for two years, prepay the first year and lump-sum the second year on the first day of the second year." She agreed, so that's what we did. I got cheaper rent, she got large amounts (for me, anyway) of working capital, and the effective return for me was wildly better than the interest I could have earned on that money.

And that would never have happened with a corporate landlord.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 14, 2021 08:49 AM (Jsjd7)


Posted by: George W. Bush at June 14, 2021 08:56 AM (q33Dd)

341 I suspect some of the corporate real estate purchases are meant to be sold to the federal government in order to put in "projects" and share the blue city non-working poor. In my SIL's old neighborhood, there is a cluster of about 5-6 properties which were purchased and sit empty. This is in an area of LI that is affluent with good schools. DiBlasio would like nothing better than a federal purchase and eminent domain for housing for urban poor. Biden and Obama want to redistribute poverty and criminals. Bank on it

Posted by: CN at June 14, 2021 08:56 AM (ONvIw)

342 Zero interest rate for this plebeian makes for a different financial plan.

Posted by: klaftern at June 14, 2021 09:06 AM (r4sI4)

343 267 How much is the 1/2 a billion vaccines being given out going to cost America? Why are we footing that bill? CHYNA released the virus, America has already paid for the vaccines 10 fold, I'm sure.

Maybe TPTB figured that Americans should pay for the vaccines for foreigners since we paid the Chinese bat scientists to come up with the "gain of function" shit that started this virus (plus the SARS virus too, according to recent articles).

So thank Dr. Fauci, a/k/a "Science Itself!"

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at June 14, 2021 09:30 AM (k4dH2)

344 "MikeyNTH quoted something in the last thread, "Fen's Law," which states that "The left believes none of the things they lecture the rest of us about." - Ace, Jan 2013

Posted by: Hoy's Paid Turkish Provocateur at June 14, 2021 10:44 AM (83lwH)

345 sry wrong thread lol

Posted by: Hoyt's Paid Turkish Provocateur at June 14, 2021 10:44 AM (83lwH)

Once theft is verified, it needs to be overturned, and the thieves removed. If BLM goes crazy again, it goes crazy again, but allowing theft to succeed just guarantees more theft. Once can be as brazen as one likes if no consequences occur (ex. Comey, Brennan and all the others that were going to be ruined...they just made money instead)

Sorry, but no. It will not be overturned, and the thieves will not be removed and punished. They will continue to get away with it because they have the military, judicial, local law enforcement and the MSM.

And China. Don't forget. China and the NWO is on their side. We are slaves, and are simply too busy to mount any resistance outside of what happened in Jan. All we do now is simply complain and do what we are told.

Posted by: vyx at June 14, 2021 10:56 AM (tjZg/)

347 Veep Throat

Posted by: jsg at June 14, 2021 11:21 AM (wjgYr)

348 346 ...All we do now is simply complain and do what we are told.
Posted by: vyx at June 14, 2021 10:56 AM (tjZg/)

You think we're even allowed to complain?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at June 14, 2021 11:23 AM (s2VJv)

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