aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Black Portland Cop: Yeah I Guess It's a Little Weird Standing With Majority-Minority Police Officers and Being Attacked in Racialized Terms by Majority-White Antifa MembersOf course all the best "anti-racists" are quick with the racist taunts. Video below. John Sexton has more. #WokeWhiteWhores are again a major problem, making it all about their shit and their daddy issues and their coked-up whore issues.Asked for an example, Jackson said people of color will frequently come up to speak to him during protest to ask him what he thinks about the death of George Floyd or some other issue. But inevitably when he tries to engage with these people, "someone white comes up 'F the police. Don't talk to him.'" Jackson said that after a while he could see it coming. When a young African-American girl came up to him at a recent protest to ask why he wouldn't speak to the protesters he said he started to explain that every time he tried to do so a white protester would cut him off. Jackson said, "right when I said that this white girl pops right in front of her." The girl was amazed and said, "He just said that was going to happen." Jackson said to the girl, "I told you." Jackson then said to the white girl who had interrupted, "I've been called the N-word. She's been called the N-word. Why are you talking to me this way? Why do you feel that she can't speak for herself to me? Why is it that you feel you need to speak for her when we're having a conversation?" The white girl replied, "Someone told me to do it."One taunt he mentions is that these #WokeWhiteWhores are fond of telling him, and other black cops, that they have the "biggest noses" they've ever seen. So yeah, #WokeWhiteWhores and BLM trust fund bitches are "mostly anti-racist" in the same way their "protests" are "mostly peaceful."
Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:06 PM (G51Gf) Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:06 PM (G51Gf) 3
It's a fusion of Kafka and 1984. I need to start writing that dystopian novel I've been thinking about.
Posted by: iandeal at July 16, 2020 06:07 PM (2Aymc) 4
Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani at July 16, 2020 06:07 PM (1Dmt5) 5
Not the right kind of black.
Posted by: Laughing in Texas at July 16, 2020 06:08 PM (ExV1e) 6
>>One taunt he mentions is that these #WokeWhiteWhores are fond of telling him, and other black cops, that they have the "biggest noses" they've ever seen.
WTF Posted by: Lizzy at July 16, 2020 06:08 PM (bDqIh) 7
hey I posted that in the previous thread
Posted by: vmom 2020 's tale of teigen twitterazism at July 16, 2020 06:08 PM (TOyHQ) 8
If you're looking for a police officer who knows how to do the job and serve the public, this is your guy. Totally and absolutely.
He's right, by the way. I'm Philly black BLM clowns stick to looting and occasional taunting. Most of the violence and really vile stuff comes from whites - male and female. Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 16, 2020 06:10 PM (bkUtD) 9
Because BLM isn't about 'black lives' at all. It's about the complete and utter destruction of the best societal system ever developed by mankind. In toto.
The police are part of the system, ergo, they've got to be destroyed. And they're getting their way in more places than I'm comfortable with. Listen to Weasel's advice. Posted by: Washington Nearsider, Ridiculous Bullshit at July 16, 2020 06:10 PM (tpneH) 10
>>>7 hey I posted that in the previous thread
well i guess I stole it ![]() I did steal it. I should have credited but I looked it up a while ago and forgot who had posted it. Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:10 PM (PbpT7) 11
ya know what they say
about men with big schnozzles Posted by: vmom 2020 's tale of teigen twitterazism at July 16, 2020 06:10 PM (TOyHQ) 12
>>>It's my understanding that these Democrats don't think black people are able to understand these issues, form the proper opinion regarding them, or articulate their beliefs concerning the things that are happening to them.
See also: It's too difficult for blacks to get voter ID. /eyeroll Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 16, 2020 06:11 PM (bkUtD) 13
I did steal it. I should have credited but I looked it up a while ago and forgot who had posted it.
Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:10 PM (PbpT7) Tief! Tief! Posted by: vmom 2020 's tale of teigen twitterazism at July 16, 2020 06:11 PM (TOyHQ) 14
One taunt he mentions is that these #WokeWhiteWhores are fond of telling him, and other black cops, that they have the "biggest noses" they've ever seen.
Ummmm. Yeah, there's a couple of ways to take that and neither of them are good. What is *wrong* with people? Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 06:11 PM (GbPPJ) 15
Interesting times
Posted by: logprof at July 16, 2020 06:12 PM (oZuI0) 16
ya know what they say
about men with big schnozzles Posted by: vmom 2020 's They end up being the soundtrack lead to bad Dan Ackroyd films? Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 16, 2020 06:12 PM (ysmsf) 17
He's right, by the way. I'm Philly black BLM clowns stick to looting and occasional taunting. Most of the violence and really vile stuff comes from whites - male and female.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 16, 2020 06:10 PM (bkUtD) I've noticed the vilest BLM segment is white female. They actually seem to be mentally ill. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 16, 2020 06:12 PM (puu6v) 18
Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.
Posted by: Darth Randall at July 16, 2020 06:12 PM (iWCRg) 19
I did steal it. I should have credited but I looked it up a while ago and forgot who had posted it. Posted by: ace ===== yerr good, I saw it on twitter before vmom posted it so you have an out. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:12 PM (G51Gf) 20
>>>What is *wrong* with people?
Honestly? They were told they were special all their lives. They had helicopter parents who never showed them there are consequences to their actions, and everyone gets a trophy. I know you know that, but I wanted to post it for the trolls. Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 16, 2020 06:13 PM (bkUtD) 21
Big nose??
Posted by: Little Red Ridinghood at July 16, 2020 06:13 PM (l3+k2) 22
>>>I've noticed the vilest BLM segment is white female. They actually seem to be mentally ill.
oh there's no "seems" about it! WokeWhiteWhores are fucking seriously mentally ill. Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:13 PM (PbpT7) 23
>>> ya know what they say
about men with big schnozzles Posted by: vmom 2020 's tale of teigen twitterazism at July 16, 2020 06:10 PM (TOyHQ) It's twue, it's twue! Posted by: Lily Von Stup at July 16, 2020 06:13 PM (7TV9X) 24
That insult about the nose size is odd. It reminds me of some of the old anti-semitic illustrations that would show Jews with prominent noses. Given how many of the antifa and BLM types also hate Jews, it makes me wonder if there's a connection.
Posted by: junior at July 16, 2020 06:13 PM (lLSTT) 25
Posted by: Max Power at July 16, 2020 06:13 PM (q177U) 26
>>See also: It's too difficult for blacks to get voter ID. /eyeroll
This is the best illustration of that stupid activist spin: Posted by: Lizzy at July 16, 2020 06:13 PM (bDqIh) 27
And liberal women wonder why decent men don't want to date or marry them.
Posted by: shibumi, living in Clown World at July 16, 2020 06:13 PM (ZCiJZ) 28
Steele provided all of the sources for his material. The FBI then interviewed the sources themselves. This one in particular refuted everything attributed to him in the "dossier". When the FBI used steeles intel in the FISA warrant, they noted that they interviewed the source themselves and found him to be honest and forthcoming. Left out the part about him refuting the intel the FISA was based on. This is interview is what Graham wants to release.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 16, 2020 06:13 PM (dNzKv) 29
>>>I've noticed the vilest BLM segment is white female. They actually seem to be mentally ill.
They have the foulest mouths. By far. Drug dealers don't throw out the words these bitches toss out every other second. Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 16, 2020 06:14 PM (bkUtD) 30
Should I have sympathy for people who allowed this cancer to fester in their city instead of doing something about know, like maintaining order?
Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 16, 2020 06:14 PM (ejsiI) 31
Insult black officers for having big noses? You might as well say they have small police hats. Even anti-Semites would go "dafuq?!" at these crazy broads.
Posted by: trev006 at July 16, 2020 06:14 PM (HPIKg) 32
BTW, the head of Homeland Security just arrived in Portland. Homeland Security also put out a document today detailing all the attacks and vandalism done to Federal buildings in Portland.
Purely coincidentally, early this morning the Portland cops cleared the two parks that Antifa was using as staging areas is front of the Federal courthouse, and fenced them off (including the sidewalks). The mayor and the head of DHS are apparently going to tour the area around the courthouse tomorrow. I'm sure full, frank, and formal discussions will follow. It might get real sporty in downtown Portland tonight, with the head of DHS in town. Posted by: The ARC of History! at July 16, 2020 06:14 PM (I2/tG) 33
What is *wrong* with people?
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 06:11 PM (GbPPJ) --There's nothing wrong with the world that total destruction wouldn't cure. Posted by: logprof at July 16, 2020 06:14 PM (oZuI0) 34
I am growing weary of waiting for thinking people to get red-pilled.
Posted by: Joe Mama at July 16, 2020 06:14 PM (uJfLv) 35
They had helicopter parents who never showed them there are consequences to their actions, and everyone gets a trophy.
I know you know that, but I wanted to post it for the trolls. Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 16, 2020 06:13 PM (bkUtD) Bingo. The participation trophy era corresponds almost exactly with the 'ban' on spanking children. That led to an entire generation never suffering anything worse than time out AND always 'winning.' How did we expect them to turn out given those conditions? Posted by: Washington Nearsider, Ridiculous Bullshit at July 16, 2020 06:14 PM (tpneH) 36
>>>And liberal women wonder why decent men don't want to date or marry them.
My oldest is 19, and he wants nothing to do with women as far as dating goes. "Dad, they're literally all crazy. I don't have time for that." Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 16, 2020 06:15 PM (bkUtD) 37
A message to the Black cops. Beat their asses!
Something their parents should have done. Posted by: Case at July 16, 2020 06:15 PM (A+87M) 38
We had to KKK the village in order to save it.
Posted by: white woke blm at July 16, 2020 06:15 PM (l6b3d) 39
>>>26 That insult about the nose size is odd. It reminds me of some of the old anti-semitic illustrations that would show Jews with prominent noses.
blacks do have broader noses than whites. It is a strange insult, because you never hear that taunt directed at blacks. I guess that proves just how "anti-racist" antifa bitches are, in that they don't rely on old crude racial put-downs, but take the time to craft new, exciting racial put-downs. It's also proof this guy is telling the truth, because you wouldn't make that up. You'd go with something easy and obvious like "They hung nooses on my ears." Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:15 PM (PbpT7) 40
It raises the question of whether young white females are disproportionately mentally ill or these BLM protests attract mentally ill young white females. It could be both, of course. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 16, 2020 06:15 PM (puu6v) 41
OT: fuck Jay Inslee in particular. We are now limited to gathering with no more than five people outside our households per week.
Posted by: Jordan61 at July 16, 2020 06:15 PM (Ez6QX) 42
And wine moms think the violence and destruction is ending after Biden gets elected. No, that's when the main course is served. Idiots. Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 16, 2020 06:15 PM (sy5kK) 43
9 It's my understanding that these Democrats don't think black people are able to understand these issues, form the proper opinion regarding them, or articulate their beliefs concerning the things that are happening to them.
Posted by: No one at July 16, 2020 06:10 PM (ReBOu) So basically Democrats being Democrats and thinking that Blacks can't survive without them, and which they have believed since the party's founding. But they aren't racist cause they are doing it for the Black persons benefit since they can't do it themselves. Yep, not bigotry of low expectations here. Posted by: Bete at July 16, 2020 06:15 PM (Ojki1) 44
Black cop does not seem to understand that he is a fascist and a racist. And a nazi. This is why antifa is against him.
Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 16, 2020 06:16 PM (1g7ch) 45
>>>Bingo. The participation trophy era corresponds almost exactly with the 'ban' on spanking children. That led to an entire generation never suffering anything worse than time out AND always 'winning.'
Yep. My son played soccer throughout grade school. They made the finals, and lost, and they received a trophy. He turns to me and said, "What the hell is this? we lost!" Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 16, 2020 06:16 PM (bkUtD) Posted by: zombie at July 16, 2020 06:16 PM (HEEq1) 47
>>> Dad, they're literally all crazy. I don't have time for that."
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 16, 2020 06:15 PM (bkUtD) My 19 year old said the same thing when he was in HS when his mom inquired as to why he didn't have a steady girlfriend. Posted by: Lily Von Stup at July 16, 2020 06:16 PM (7TV9X) 48
The moment the white witch interrupted the cop's conversation, he should've gone the full Blazing Saddles.
Gun to his own head, tellin' her to back off or da ni**er gets it! Pity is, that bint would have a 0.00% chance of grokking that societal reference, and so the comedy would be wasted on her useless self. But it'd have made great video, violated at least two of the Four Rules, and got him fired in an instant. Mostly though, Great Video. Jim Sunk New Dawn Galveston, TX Posted by: Jim at July 16, 2020 06:17 PM (QzJWU) 49
>>>It raises the question of whether young white females are disproportionately mentally ill or these BLM protests attract mentally ill young white females
our "educators" and media have made all the younger generations mentally ill but they've REALLY made females mentally sick. We will be paying, as a nation, for decades for these brain-damaged young whorelettes. Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:17 PM (PbpT7) 50
I honestly believe the big urban centers will never fully recover from this crap. All the big $$ condos and upscale coffee shops/bistros that they support will not, to my way of thinking, be quite so attractive as they once were. Downtown commercial real-estate - dead as Neidermeyer.
But, no skin off my fore, I'm a farm kid at heart. Posted by: Tonypete at July 16, 2020 06:17 PM (Rvt88) 51
OT: fuck Jay Inslee in particular. We are now limited to gathering with no more than five people outside our households per week.
Posted by: Jordan61 at July 16, 2020 06:15 PM (Ez6QX) Wow. Does every person you might come across in a store count as one? Posted by: AF at July 16, 2020 06:17 PM (RsPQq) 52
I've noticed the vilest BLM segment is white female. They actually seem to be mentally ill.
Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat I think the word you're looking for is "hysterical". Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at July 16, 2020 06:17 PM (+y/Ru) 53
Those antifa AH's should have all been jailed a long time ago and not let out until they are old and grey. But the local governments out there are supporting them. When they are arested they are back on the streets in less time it take for the police Sargent to fill out the paperwork.
Posted by: Vic at July 16, 2020 06:17 PM (mpXpK) 54
36 I am growing weary of waiting for thinking people to get red-pilled.
Posted by: Joe Mama at July 16, 2020 06:14 PM (uJfLv) --I mentioned Juan Williams. He's fucked, and we're fucked. Posted by: logprof at July 16, 2020 06:17 PM (oZuI0) 55
We are now limited to gathering with no more than five people outside our households per week.
Unless you are participating in a left-wing demonstration, of course. Posted by: The ARC of History! at July 16, 2020 06:17 PM (I2/tG) 56
For the record, I may have a foul mouth and be so white I'm blue, but I'm not a woke bitch. Nor do I have a trust fund. Dammit.
That insult about the nose size is odd. It reminds me of some of the old anti-semitic illustrations that would show Jews with prominent noses. Given how many of the antifa and BLM types also hate Jews, it makes me wonder if there's a connection. Posted by: junior at July 16, 2020 06:13 PM (lLSTT) It's either an anti Jewish slur or about dick size and, well, saying hey you have a huge dick isn't really an insult. Is Outkick a news site from the Outkick the Coverage guy? Huh. Good for him. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 06:17 PM (GbPPJ) 57
>>>My 19 year old said the same thing when he was in HS when his mom inquired as to why he didn't have a steady girlfriend.
Every time I mention it, he says the same thing. They're all crazy. Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 16, 2020 06:17 PM (bkUtD) Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 16, 2020 06:17 PM (u82oZ) 59
Off stup-ed sock.
Posted by: Behind the dish at July 16, 2020 06:17 PM (7TV9X) 60
The string pullers choose the young and the stupid who won't ask awkward questions or know what to answer them. These Antifa acolytes may be keen but they are not sharp.
Posted by: Decaf at July 16, 2020 06:18 PM (4D+FL) 61
Tonto Goldstein, but my friends call me Bubba.
Posted by: Just the Punchline at July 16, 2020 06:18 PM (yQpMk) 62
They're gonna love me!
Posted by: pinnochio at July 16, 2020 06:18 PM (SWbVS) 63
I don't know how a civilization can survive an entire generation of lunatics.
Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:18 PM (PbpT7) 64
It raises the question of whether young white females are disproportionately mentally ill or these BLM protests attract mentally ill young white females. It could be both, of course.
Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 16, 2020 06:15 PM Embrace the healing power of "and". Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 16, 2020 06:18 PM (rBtIz) 65
Its why I laugh when I see these little white a-hole college communists get their butt beat. It doesn't happen enough.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 16, 2020 06:19 PM (r+sAi) 66
I don't know how a civilization can survive an entire generation of lunatics.
Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:18 PM (PbpT7) Which is PRECISELY why Reagan said that freedom is never more than one generation from extinction. Because that's all it takes - one generation. Posted by: Washington Nearsider, Ridiculous Bullshit at July 16, 2020 06:19 PM (tpneH) 67
I hope all this red pilling translates into anti-Dem votes otherwise it is all for nothing. Should Dems even retain the House it will be chaos into infinity.
Posted by: Decaf at July 16, 2020 06:19 PM (4D+FL) 68
>>>68 Its why I laugh when I see these little white a-hole college communists get their butt beat. It doesn't happen enough.
as Dave Reaboi says, "This won't stop until they feel PHYSICALLY INTIMIDATED." Everyone should start doing his or her part to make that happen. Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:19 PM (PbpT7) 69
dang his nose ain't that big. Now Ryan Howard on the Phillies, that dude had a beezer on him. He looked like someone who stuck his nose into a hornet's nest.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 06:20 PM (KZzsI) 70
We will be paying, as a nation, for decades for these brain-damaged young whorelettes.
$20. Same as in town. Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 16, 2020 06:20 PM (yQpMk) 71
They had a simple refrain : Go to college, get a degree, get a high paying job.
HS counselors started pushing it. At least take a few classes at JuCo. The Feds turned on the student loan taps Employers started requiring a degree for entry level work. We bought it. Now we have indoctrinated fools in every corner. Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 16, 2020 06:20 PM (dNzKv) 72
>>One taunt he mentions is that these #WokeWhiteWhores are fond of telling him, and other black cops, that they have the "biggest noses" they've ever seen. WTF Posted by: Lizzy ====== You want to see how up-side-down this woke shyt gets? Watch all of it. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:20 PM (G51Gf) Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at July 16, 2020 06:20 PM (RkalO) 74
They have the foulest mouths. By far. Drug dealers don't throw out the words these bitches toss out every other second.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 16, 2020 06:14 PM (bkUtD) I've heard them and seen their contorted, outraged faces. The look is exactly the same as the one on Chinese students during the Cultural Revolution. If you recall, after Tucker Carlson's house was terrorized he said in an interview the ones he found scariest were young whites. He didn't go into gender but a good guess is he meant female. It's the case here. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 16, 2020 06:20 PM (puu6v) 75
I am growing weary of waiting for thinking people to get red-pilled.
Posted by: Joe Mama at July 16, 2020 06:14 PM (uJfLv) Some need to be lead drilled. Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at July 16, 2020 06:20 PM (9Om/r) 76
The Portland police stand around like a bunch of pussies and wonder why these pricks dick with them.
Posted by: Regular joe at July 16, 2020 06:20 PM (L9P9s) 77
And liberal women wonder why decent men don't want to date or marry them.
== KTY never had a bf in hs, after 4 months in college is going steady with a nice Asian boy. His parents must be so relieved. Posted by: vmom 2020 's tale of teigen twitterazism at July 16, 2020 06:20 PM (TOyHQ) 78
I feel sorry for the young men. they have no idea that women used to be hot and fun.
Posted by: x at July 16, 2020 06:21 PM (nFwvY) 79
Because many of the "woke" White Kids in Antifa/Black Lives Matter are racist no matter their slogans. If you think someone who is Black shouldn't be able to speak to a Black Policeman it's not just about hating policeman. It's about ordering the behavior of a group of people you consider inferior.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 16, 2020 06:21 PM (oDRcK) 80
>>>77 They have the foulest mouths. By far. Drug dealers don't throw out the words these bitches toss out every other second.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp i've really cut down on cursing precisely because so many woke white whores are making cursing sound like a feminine vice. Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:21 PM (PbpT7) 81
66 I don't know how a civilization can survive an entire generation of lunatics.
Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:18 PM (PbpT7) Simple. It can't. Best to be dusting off that Plan B and at least consider city living, especially in Blue cities, is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 16, 2020 06:21 PM (sy5kK) 82
>>>Every time I mention it, he says the same thing. They're all crazy.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 16, 2020 06:17 PM (bkUtD) Heh, even my 18 yo daughter has figured it out, and preferred to hang out with (nerdy) guys. No time for the crazy drama. Posted by: Behind the dish at July 16, 2020 06:21 PM (7TV9X) 83
I don't know how a civilization can survive an entire generation of lunatics.
The only hope is that they finally grow up but I fear the only thing that can force them to grow up is a very severe trauma, or shock to their system which forces them to reexamine their worldview (there is probably a German word for this). But to make them ALL face that requires a global horror that traumatizes them all. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 06:22 PM (KZzsI) 84
Been a few videos of black police officers getting berated by young white girls.
Posted by: Skip at July 16, 2020 06:22 PM (6f16T) 85
>>It raises the question of whether young white females are disproportionately mentally ill or these BLM protests attract mentally ill young white females. It could be both, of course.
I am starting to think that some of it is brainwashing via social media in tandem with the media/news targeted at kids. Not kidding (so maybe I shall now put on a tin foil hat and sit in the corner). Posted by: Lizzy at July 16, 2020 06:22 PM (bDqIh) 86
jimmy durante had a big nose
Posted by: angsterdamn at July 16, 2020 06:22 PM (/Rqse) 87
66 I don't know how a civilization can survive an entire generation of lunatics.
Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:18 PM (PbpT7) It looks like it won't. Propagandized education and social media were a toxic mix. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 16, 2020 06:22 PM (puu6v) Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:22 PM (PbpT7) Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 16, 2020 06:22 PM (3H9h1) 90
I honestly believe the big urban centers will never fully recover from this crap.
The problem is that you absolutely don't want to be in a deep blue city, which is governed by insane left-wing officials, elected by an insane left-wing electorate. The consequences of living in a deep blue city are getting much worse very rapidly, thanks to the politics. When I bought a house several years ago, I deliberately bought one outside of Portland and outside the county Portland is in. It was a conscious choice, but I didn't realize how critical that decision would be, now that Portland is in the process of dismantling its police force, and as shootings in Portland have increased 400%. Posted by: The ARC of History! at July 16, 2020 06:22 PM (I2/tG) 91
They have the foulest mouths. By far. Drug dealers don't throw out the words these bitches toss out every other second.
Yeah they all are Susan Silverman from the beginning of Way of the Gun, but nobody will step up and give her what she needs. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 06:22 PM (KZzsI) 92
"Hey, where the #WokeWhiteWomen at?"
Posted by: ShainS at July 16, 2020 06:23 PM (EDJH7) 93
88 >>It raises the question of whether young white females are disproportionately mentally ill or these BLM protests attract mentally ill young white females. It could be both, of course.
I am starting to think that some of it is brainwashing via social media in tandem with the media/news targeted at kids. Not kidding (so maybe I shall now put on a tin foil hat and sit in the corner). Posted by: Lizzy at July 16, 2020 06:22 PM (bDqIh) You are onto something. Make that "social media" (pop culture plays a role, too) and I agree absolutely. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 16, 2020 06:23 PM (puu6v) 94
I've heard them and seen their contorted, outraged faces. The look is exactly the same as the one on Chinese students during the Cultural Revolution. If you recall, after Tucker Carlson's house was terrorized he said in an interview the ones he found scariest were young whites. He didn't go into gender but a good guess is he meant female. It's the case here.
Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 16, 2020 06:20 PM (puu6v) Why? We've taught them that they can be the biggest bitches in the world, and no one will smack them upside the head. I know he got reamed for it, but Sean Connery was absolutely correct. There IS a time to hit a Woman. When she just won't shut the Fuck Up or Leave you alone. And for the 'violence never solves anything' school. Sorry, History disagrees. Posted by: Romeo13 at July 16, 2020 06:23 PM (NgKpN) 95
One taunt he mentions is that these #WokeWhiteWhores are fond of telling him, and other black cops, that they have the "biggest noses" they've ever seen.
The bigger the nose, the bigger the hose. Posted by: Rob Crawford at July 16, 2020 06:23 PM (naEeR) 96
etymology of racism (etymology online)
by 1928, in common use from 1935, originally in a European context; see racist. Applied to American social systems from late 1930s. This meaning of Nationalism in no sense implies any consent to the doctrine of Racism, which holds that unity of racial origin is the main principle of unity for civil society and that the members of each ethnical branch should properly aim at grouping themselves together into so many national States. Although it is desirable that strongly-felt national aspirations, which often depend on community of race, should be satisfied, as far as this may be compatible with justice, Racism or the Principle of Racial Self determination, as it has been called in recent years is a materialistic illusion contrary to natural law and destructive of civilisation. [James Strachey Barnes, "The Universal Aspects of Fascism," London, 1928] (It's almost as if it's a nonsense word invented out of thin air by Marxists and International Commies or something) Posted by: Yes at July 16, 2020 06:23 PM (qDvYG) 97
I recomend Jamaican women.
Posted by: Jamaica NYC at July 16, 2020 06:24 PM (4vNgL) 98
I wasn't aware of this "black cops and big noses" routine... WTF is that about? What are these whackjobs getting at? Are black cops like Jews now? Or, alternatively, are they like Pinocchio, and lying about their actual race? I'm genuinely mystified on this one. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 16, 2020 06:24 PM (oJN+m) 99
Normal people don't pepper their talk with insults. Wretched, antisocial people are trying to make their bizarre behavior "the new normal."
I was thinking of this yesterday. I was in Meijer (the original big-box store that Walmart imitates badly - fight me!). An older black woman with a walking cast came toward me and said, "Mumble-mumble crackers." I told her I couldn't hear her through her masked. She repeated her question if I knew where the crackers were since the store moved everything. It occurred to me afterward that if I was a young idiot, I might have thought she was calling me a cracker. But I'm an old moron, so I grew up when people do not talk like that unless they're crazy or blitzed. Posted by: NaughtyPine at July 16, 2020 06:24 PM (/+bwe) 100
I've been unbanned from home. Hooray!
I've been watching Portlandia on Pluto. The character are horrid and spot on. I can't look away. Posted by: freaked, back in gray at July 16, 2020 06:24 PM (Tnijr) 101
Wish I could buy this guy a beer.
Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at July 16, 2020 06:24 PM (RkalO) 102
These mentally insane people are like the visible part of the iceberg. Plenty of kids are doing OK. They are not as visible. Bit even well-raised kids are doing this now. Like my niece. It's a group solidarity function. Until 5 ex-business workers with an AR-15 and 5 mags each show up at a BLM riot. Then all the rioting ends. Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 16, 2020 06:25 PM (u82oZ) 103
The blacks needed to tell the white libs to fuck off on day 1. Followed up with beatings.
Posted by: Captain Hate at July 16, 2020 06:25 PM (yAxaq) 104
I try not to despair but it is dark and getting more so. The only sign of daylight is that people will look how all of this affects them and hopefully act accordingly.
Posted by: Decaf at July 16, 2020 06:25 PM (4D+FL) 105
The Smithsonian took their chart down? That's too bad, I wanted it out there so everyone can see the lunacy that the leftist 'intelligentsia' are engaged in and what poisoned public discourse is being used to set public policy today.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 16, 2020 06:25 PM (oVJmc) 106
i wouldn't say he's based when he goes on about things like 'my people'
until everyone gets past this my people, your people BS, this will continue but maybe his eyes are open a smidge. a little bit at first, and then all at once. Posted by: Retard Strength Trumps Smart Power at July 16, 2020 06:25 PM (RKQ/v) 107
I don't know how a civilization can survive an entire generation of lunatics. Posted by: ace ======= ace, we'll have to see if they turn out to be textbook bullies -- i.e., fierce as hell until someone mans up and beats them ONCE. That's all it takes, and they transform into quivering mounds of jelly. In other words, it's on us. We have to just wheel around and hit them square on the nose. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:25 PM (G51Gf) 108
I have four sons. When they started dating, I urged them to attend Pro-Life rallys to meet decent, normal, compassionate young women who are interested in long term, loving relationships.
The two that have taken that advice are in blissfully happy relationships. Posted by: Tonypete at July 16, 2020 06:25 PM (Rvt88) 109
>>> I am starting to think that some of it is brainwashing via social media in tandem with the media/news targeted at kids. Not kidding (so maybe I shall now put on a tin foil hat and sit in the corner).
Posted by: Lizzy at July 16, 2020 06:22 PM (bDqIh) No, having just survived my daughters HS years, I think your dead on. Not to mention that with instant communication, girls were backstabbing like it was going out of style. I don't know how many times we had to tell her to get off the social media and stop looking at what people are posting. Posted by: Behind the dish at July 16, 2020 06:25 PM (7TV9X) 110
i've really cut down on cursing precisely because so many woke white whores are making cursing sound like a feminine vice.
Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:21 PM (PbpT7) They believe they can make up for a lack of coherence, by volume. Posted by: Romeo13 at July 16, 2020 06:25 PM (NgKpN) 111
The Portland police stand around like a bunch of pussies and wonder why these pricks dick with them.
They have no backup. The mayor won't back them up, and the DA will dismiss any charge against a rioter less than attempted murder. Felony assault? - dismiss. Andy Ngo has noted that we are now getting people arrested multiple times at demonstrations recently in Portland. Why not, when there are no consequences? Posted by: The ARC of History! at July 16, 2020 06:26 PM (I2/tG) 112
I got Portland in the office pool, as the first city to fall completely to the mob.
Others thought they won with Seattle Chop, but I was like, nah, Portland says "hold my beer." Posted by: BurtTC at July 16, 2020 06:26 PM (hku12) 113
>>>ace, we'll have to see if they turn out to be textbook bullies -- i.e., fierce as hell until someone mans up and beats them ONCE
it won't be once wink Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:26 PM (PbpT7) 114
I am stating the obvious, but man these antifa are some sick people.
Posted by: DC at July 16, 2020 06:26 PM (onMzM) 115
i wouldn't say he's based when he goes on about things like 'my people' until everyone gets past this my people, your people BS, this will continue but maybe his eyes are open a smidge. a little bit at first, and then all at once. Posted by: Retard Strength Trumps Smart Power ======= Noticed that. He also carries on "You don't know from racism" presumably because of his own suffering. But maybe at least he knows his self-styled allies are NOT. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:26 PM (G51Gf) 116
i've really cut down on cursing precisely because so many woke white whores are making cursing sound like a feminine vice.
Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:21 PM (PbpT7) They believe they can make up for a lack of coherence, by volume. Posted by: Romeo13 at July 16, 2020 06:25 PM (NgKpN) I'm feeling judged here. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 06:26 PM (GbPPJ) 117
ace, we'll have to see if they turn out to be textbook bullies -- i.e., fierce as hell until someone mans up and beats them ONCE. That's all it takes, and they transform into quivering mounds of jelly. In other words, it's on us. We have to just wheel around and hit them square on the nose.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:25 PM (G51Gf) Note, all this is happening in BLUE cities. Not RED cities. Posted by: Romeo13 at July 16, 2020 06:26 PM (NgKpN) 118
>>> I have four sons. When they started dating, I urged them to attend Pro-Life rallys to meet decent, normal, compassionate young women who are interested in long term, loving relationships.
The two that have taken that advice are in blissfully happy relationships. Posted by: Tonypete at July 16, 2020 06:25 PM (Rvt8 ![]() Sounds like solid advice. I still have time to use it on my youngest. Posted by: Behind the dish at July 16, 2020 06:27 PM (7TV9X) 119
Posted by: NaughtyPine at July 16, 2020 06:24 PM (/+bwe)
That is a funny story; Glad it turned out o.k. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 16, 2020 06:27 PM (oDRcK) 120
38 >>>And liberal women wonder why decent men don't want to date or marry them.
My oldest is 19, and he wants nothing to do with women as far as dating goes. "Dad, they're literally all crazy. I don't have time for that." Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 16, 2020 06:15 PM (bkUtD) The other day I was telling my husband how lucky he was that he got a real conservative... and to think that we met at a PR agency in NYC- two strong Christian conservatives under the cover of darkness. Ha! Posted by: Roxanne, Roxanne at July 16, 2020 06:27 PM (xU7mE) Posted by: Brian Cohen at July 16, 2020 06:27 PM (Ojki1) 122
until everyone gets past this my people, your people BS, this will continue
Yeah the whole "looks like me" "my people" thing... that's corrosive and destructive. That has to be moved beyond for there to be any hope for the future. Your people are fellow Americans, fellow Oregonians. Their melanin content and ethnic background doesn't make them your people. Their culture and identity does. I come from Scottish, German, English, Danish and a whole mix of other backgrounds, including probably some Sioux. None of those groups are my people. My people are Americans, or just plain humans. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 06:27 PM (KZzsI) 123
Year Zero pogrom and famine can't come soon enough for these protestors
I hope they get it good and hard while the rest of us laugh. Posted by: Anna Puma at July 16, 2020 06:27 PM (c44Ut) 124
The Washington Post@washingtonpost
Analysis: Spring gun-buying binge, fueled by social upheaval, leads to spike in violent crime, new research shows - Yeah, it's Trump and his assault rifle buying racist supporters, not the mostly peaceful protesters and the released criminals. Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at July 16, 2020 06:27 PM (+y/Ru) 125
They believe they can make up for a lack of coherence, by volume.
Posted by: Romeo13 at July 16, 2020 06:25 PM (NgKpN) I'm feeling judged here. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 06:26 PM (GbPPJ) Why? I don't hear you YELLINGGGGGGG!!!! Posted by: Romeo13 at July 16, 2020 06:27 PM (NgKpN) 126
>>>i've really cut down on cursing precisely because so many woke white whores are making cursing sound like a feminine vice.
I swear a lot at work - because stress - but otherwise I rarely do in public. Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 16, 2020 06:27 PM (bkUtD) Posted by: Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet has Your Spirit Of '76 Masks!! at July 16, 2020 06:28 PM (bM8Lc) Posted by: Dave at July 16, 2020 06:28 PM (KWYbg) 129
A nearby rural house, outside Manhattan, Kansas, is for sale. What speed Internet do you need? Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 16, 2020 06:28 PM (u82oZ) 130
Trauma tends to produce...less then wonderful results. Posted by: Brian Cohen at July 16, 2020 06:27 PM (Ojki1) ------ Yeah, I wasn't born with a big nose but I sure have one now. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 16, 2020 06:28 PM (oJN+m) 131
The Woke White Whores are the biggest problem in cities like Portland maybe, but here in Atlanta the violent gangbangers are the ones moving into the void now that this thumbless bitch mayor has cut the PD off at the knees. Downtown is going to look like Sarejevo by fall.
Posted by: UGAdawg at July 16, 2020 06:28 PM (tRd71) 132
I honestly believe the big urban centers will never fully recover from this crap. All the big $$ condos and upscale coffee shops/bistros that they support will not, to my way of thinking, be quite so attractive as they once were. Downtown commercial real-estate - dead as Neidermeyer. But, no skin off my fore, I'm a farm kid at heart. Posted by: Tonypete at July 16, 2020 06:17 PM (Rvt8 ![]() ++++ I recall seeing commercials inviting people to visit, open a business, live in these great city centers. Many mayors are now ceding real estate, police patrol, etc. to the berserkers with no hope of seeing a tax dime out of it - leaving graffiti, broken statues, and eye-sore empty bombshell store-fronts. I am at a total loss as to the strategy of this concept. Posted by: washrivergal at July 16, 2020 06:28 PM (UAOfD) 133
I keep saying this ain't a race war. This is anti American Marxists vs American Patriots.
Posted by: Can't resist temptation at July 16, 2020 06:28 PM (2DOZq) 134
Ummmm. Yeah, there's a couple of ways to take that and neither of them are good.
What is *wrong* with people? Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 06:11 PM (GbPPJ) Social positioning and sexual frustration? Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at July 16, 2020 06:28 PM (SgjGX) 135
it won't be once wink Posted by: ace ===== Heheheh. But it's true, they'll learn they can't mess with Nose-Puncher A, then move on to Potential Victim B and see what they can get away with. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:28 PM (G51Gf) 136
Cop needs to get out of Portland
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 16, 2020 06:28 PM (ifmtJ) 137
osted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 06:26 PM (GbPPJ)
If you've been incoherent on here, AtC it must have been the alternate universe AtC. You've shouted and used some colorful expressions-which is understandable given the topics-but incoherent-never. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 16, 2020 06:29 PM (oDRcK) 138
In their zeal to cut the Seattle PD by half the chief pointed out that they'd have to layoff or terminate many POC officers.
The city council member pushing this hardest said, "No, we can just cut white officers outside of seniority". Obviously, this idiot has never encountered a union contract or civil service process. With the city council all set to pass a veto proof tax increase on businesses with a $7 million gross revenue for any employee making over $150k, I see lots of vacancies coming in the Seattle business district. Lots of HQ's leaving. Also, see property taxes skyrocketing. So glad I escaped. Posted by: Winston, dreg of society at July 16, 2020 06:29 PM (d9Irc) 139
Please, please,please let me have one encounter with one of these mouthy, white bitches.
I will bitch slap her until she pisses herself and I will bitch slap her some more. Posted by: Ben Had at July 16, 2020 06:29 PM (nudZs) 140
Been a few videos of black police officers getting berated by young white girls.
Posted by: Skip at July 16, 2020 06:22 PM (6f16T) Girls have been raised to believe they live inside a force field. And white knights - this is your fault. You made this. When folks line up to defend a chic holding the door shut to the lobby of an apartment building - and demanding ID from another resident - what you have now is the logical end result. Posted by: Unbelievable at July 16, 2020 06:29 PM (AuISE) 141
We have to just wheel around and hit them square on the nose.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:25 PM (G51Gf) You're correct about the prescription; however, keep in mind that the INSTANT someone does, the full power of law enforcement is brought to bear against them (ie. St. Louis). They can riot, burn, rape, and pillage with impunity, but the moment someone attempts to stop same, they are destroyed. Posted by: Washington Nearsider, Ridiculous Bullshit at July 16, 2020 06:29 PM (tpneH) 142
I'm feeling judged here.
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 06:26 PM (GbPPJ) In fairness, don't you pitch up where only dogs and bats can hear? No harm no foul I say. Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 16, 2020 06:29 PM (yQpMk) 143
It's a fusion of Kafka and 1984. I need to start writing that dystopian novel I've been thinking about.
Posted by: iandeal at July 16, 2020 06:07 PM (2Aymc) Unless you're bugfuck nuts, you can't. Reality has outstripped fantasy and your story will read like a news item. From last week. Posted by: OneEyedJack at July 16, 2020 06:30 PM (z79tQ) 144
>>>Heh, even my 18 yo daughter has figured it out, and preferred to hang out with (nerdy) guys. No time for the crazy drama.
A girl he grew up with comes over our house occasionally to hang with the guys. My son is an athlete, but his core group of friends could be called nerds. She needs to get away from the drama, too. Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 16, 2020 06:30 PM (bkUtD) 145
This nose shaming must end!
Posted by: Case at July 16, 2020 06:30 PM (A+87M) 146
I keep saying this ain't a race war. This is anti American Marxists vs American Patriots.
Posted by: Can't resist temptation at July 16, 2020 06:28 PM (2DOZq) And the battleground isn't really in the streets. These dipshits are not the main battle line. That will be found in newsrooms, in legislatures, and in executive offices, both governmental and corporate. Posted by: BurtTC at July 16, 2020 06:31 PM (hku12) 147
I don't know how a civilization can survive an entire generation of lunatics.
It's not the entire generation. Other kids are getting jobs, getting married, leading normal lives. That's not news, and it's especially not Resistance Theater. This entire "movement" could fit into a single stadium with plenty of spare seats. Posted by: Rob Crawford at July 16, 2020 06:31 PM (naEeR) 148
I think the Blue mayors, governors and prosecutors realize what abject pussies, to borrow a Lincoln Project term, these young white woke whores are. It's why they keep them from being arrested or policed in general. I've seen them around here bitch, moan and whine when forced to stop or put in jail. This is after they sometimes have assaulted cops or close to it.
Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 16, 2020 06:31 PM (puu6v) 149
I swear a lot at work - because stress - but otherwise I rarely do in public.
That used to be the pattern. But now, people walk down the street yelling the worst filth imaginable, stuff you'd only hear military using when drunk in the past. My brother had to fire people because they would NOT stop swearing loudly in the kitchen, which people can easily hear outside it. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 06:31 PM (KZzsI) 150
it won't be once
wink Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:26 PM (PbpT7) I swear a lot of these women want to be hit, because it means that a man is paying attention to them, and because it gets them sympathy. Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at July 16, 2020 06:31 PM (SgjGX) 151
I'm feeling judged here.
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 06:26 PM (GbPPJ) But not convicted. Posted by: Can't resist temptation at July 16, 2020 06:31 PM (2DOZq) 152
OT, the Mary Trump interview is deluded shyt and will be all the rage for weeks. She's heard him say the n-word, she asserts (doesn't say when/where/what he actually said), she's heard him saying anti-semitic things, and then she goes off on politics. Seems like there's very little she shares as a family insider and mostly political hot air. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:32 PM (G51Gf) 153
Particularly white American women.
Euro white women, well, mediterranean types are ok. Northerners are cold. Latinas tho. And/or Caribbean women. mmmm. now you're talking. Posted by: Dave at July 16, 2020 06:32 PM (KWYbg) 154
I swear a lot of these women want to be hit, because it means that a man is paying attention to them, and because it gets them sympathy.
also scars. Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 16, 2020 06:32 PM (yQpMk) 155
I swear a lot at work - because stress - but otherwise I rarely do in public.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 16, 2020 06:27 PM (bkUtD) I am a cheerful purveyor of profanity. I do *not* swear in public. That's just rude. I mean, sure, there are times I slip up but I make a concerted effort not to do so. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 06:32 PM (GbPPJ) Posted by: Laughing in Texas at July 16, 2020 06:32 PM (ExV1e) 157
>>> Heheheh. But it's true, they'll learn they can't mess with Nose-Puncher A, then move on to Potential Victim B and see what they can get away with.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:28 PM (G51Gf) I've been telling my 18 year old daughter since she was 5 that if any girls gave her crap, she was to punch them square in the nose. I wonder if she ever shared that with the teachers when she was in catholic elementary school. Posted by: Behind the dish at July 16, 2020 06:32 PM (7TV9X) 158
152 I don't know how a civilization can survive an entire generation of lunatics.
It's not the entire generation. Other kids are getting jobs, getting married, leading normal lives. That's not news, and it's especially not Resistance Theater. This entire "movement" could fit into a single stadium with plenty of spare seats. Posted by: Rob Crawford at July 16, 2020 06:31 PM (naEeR) Not universally true, but most are upper middle class. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 16, 2020 06:32 PM (puu6v) 159
"One taunt he mentions is that these #WokeWhiteWhores are fond of telling
him, and other black cops, that they have the "biggest noses" they've ever seen." FVCK THAT! Straight up cultural appropriation. We Jews have the biggest noses! Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 16, 2020 06:32 PM (dLLD6) 160
The consequences of living in a deep blue city are getting much worse very rapidly, thanks to the politics.
For example, Berkeley, which is now going to have unarmed city workers doing traffic stops. That will last until the first unarmed city worker is blown away, of course. Doing that is illegal under California state law. A traffic stop is a classic exercise of police powers - you are detaining someone temporarily while you investigate them to make sure they don't have outstanding warrants, etc. People who aren't sworn police officers aren't allowed to do that, not that it will stop Berkeley. Posted by: The ARC of History! at July 16, 2020 06:33 PM (I2/tG) 161
Pass the fucking potatoes, Ma.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 16, 2020 06:33 PM (yQpMk) Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 16, 2020 06:33 PM (bkUtD) 163
Andy Ngo has noted that we are now getting people arrested multiple times at demonstrations recently in Portland. Why not, when there are no consequences? Posted by: The ARC of History! at July 16, 2020 06:26 PM (I2/tG) I'm sure that Ted Wheeler, the mayor knows. But he isn't telling. Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 16, 2020 06:33 PM (sy5kK) 164
Ben Had
♪ ♫ Good afternoon! ♫ ♬ Never mind, Texas Rangers. We are sending Ben Had to the riot. Stand aside, Rangers. Watch and learn. Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 16, 2020 06:33 PM (u82oZ) 165
The Washington Post@washingtonpost
Analysis: Spring gun-buying binge, fueled by social upheaval, leads to spike in violent crime, new research shows that analysis immediately made me want to buy more guns and ammo. thanks Bezo! Posted by: x at July 16, 2020 06:33 PM (nFwvY) 166
MiL just called wife from the home and is having the exact same conversation she's had with her dozens of times.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 16, 2020 06:34 PM (oVJmc) 167
Girls have been raised to believe they live inside a force field. And white knights - this is your fault. You made this.
Well, it was a contract. Gentlemen protect ladies, ladies act like ladies so they are worthy of protection. But women dropped the ball. They wanted it all, they want to be trashy and awful and YOU GO GIRRRLLL!!! while still being protected and provided for. They want to sleep around on their men while their men stay loyal and keep paying the bills. They want to be as childish as they can possibly be, giggle about adulting and drinking wine and how tiring children are, but men have to be mature and strong and gentle and fierce and sensitive and provide and not be overbearing and on and on. It was supposed to go both ways: gentlemen and ladies. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 06:34 PM (KZzsI) 168
ace, we'll have to see if they turn out to be textbook bullies -- i.e., fierce as hell until someone mans up and beats them ONCE. That's all it takes, and they transform into quivering mounds of jelly. In other words, it's on us. We have to just wheel around and hit them square on the nose.
Did you see the video of one of the "protesters" opening the door to a federal officer's personal car? Protester ended up hitting the ground so hard he splashed, the rest of the mob started backing away FAST, and half them started whining about "he didn't do anything". One of them got so scared he dropped his phone and didn't come back for it. Posted by: Rob Crawford at July 16, 2020 06:34 PM (naEeR) Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 16, 2020 06:34 PM (u82oZ) 170
Why is it that you feel you need to speak for her when we're having a conversation?" The white girl replied, "Someone told me to do it."
What we have here is the crux of the biscuit. Either you live from what you know is right deep in your heart or you take orders from others, be it in person or electronically. One of those is a real person, the other only resembles one. Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Who can fight the beast? Revelation 13:4 at July 16, 2020 06:35 PM (HaL55) 171
Baltimore was also a city where white flight was blamed for the drop in revenue.
I did see where the mayor of Portland has denounced the feds for bringing violence the the streets. Also, he wants the feds to leave, stay inside the courthouse and, clean up the graffiti before you go. I need some AtC level profanity to describe that clown. Posted by: Winston, dreg of society at July 16, 2020 06:35 PM (d9Irc) 172
Analysis: Spring gun-buying binge, fueled by social upheaval, leads to spike in violent crime, new research shows.
Cool. Now break down the violent crime by sidearms and rifles. You know. To prove the point. Posted by: Washington Nearsider, Ridiculous Bullshit at July 16, 2020 06:35 PM (tpneH) 173
Whatever happened to the black cop who laid out the black lady who swung and hit his partner at least three times ? Last I heard he had been suspended.
Posted by: Can't resist temptation at July 16, 2020 06:35 PM (2DOZq) 174
I have a bad habit of mumbling under my breath at people in public. I've found with a mask, I can outright cuss them out and they have no idea.
I still hate wearing one, if I have to. But being able to totally cuss out the idiot in front of me, who can't seem to decide between the "country style baked beans" and the "traditional style baked beans" is priceless. Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 16, 2020 06:35 PM (3H9h1) 175
You can see it coming months away, all the election attacks to lower turnout.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 16, 2020 06:36 PM (r+sAi) 176
I've noticed the vilest BLM segment is white female. They actually seem to be mentally ill. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat I think the word you're looking for is "hysterical".Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at July 16, 2020 06:17 PM (+y/Ru) There's a cure for that. Posted by: Javems at July 16, 2020 06:36 PM (+N0R/) 177
I swear a lot of these women want to be hit, because it means that a man is paying attention to them, and because it gets them sympathy.
And it confirms all the awful things they have been taught about men and they can all get together and complain about how awful men are and how good they all are. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 06:36 PM (KZzsI) Posted by: Zombie Karl Malden at July 16, 2020 06:36 PM (+y/Ru) Posted by: the chicken at July 16, 2020 06:36 PM (sGtp+) 180
And for the 'violence never solves anything' school. Sorry, History disagrees.
Posted by: Romeo13 at July 16, 2020 06:23 PM * nod * Posted by: Carthagians & Trojans at July 16, 2020 06:36 PM (DMUuz) 181
I'm guessing "big nose" is the "nicer" racist way of comparing a Black Policeman to some kind of simian.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 16, 2020 06:36 PM (oDRcK) 182
Committing crimes with no penalty gets you more crimes.
A bank arsonist was let go without being booked. Posted by: Skip at July 16, 2020 06:36 PM (6f16T) 183
>>>> I swear a lot of these women want to be hit, because it means that a man is paying attention to them, and because it gets them sympathy.
That'sBait.png Posted by: Yes at July 16, 2020 06:36 PM (qDvYG) 184
foulmouthed young woke white women are basically just Karen nextgen
Posted by: vmom 2020 's tale of teigen twitterazism at July 16, 2020 06:37 PM (TOyHQ) 185
Consider also, the types of female entertainers these chicks have been exposed to. Brie Larson, Katy Perry, Beyonce, etc. Not exactly bastions of manners.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 16, 2020 06:37 PM (bkUtD) 186
Remember all the cry chicks after hillary lost? same people.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 16, 2020 06:37 PM (r+sAi) 187
You're correct about the prescription; however, keep in mind that the INSTANT someone does, the full power of law enforcement is brought to bear against them (ie. St. Louis). They can riot, burn, rape, and pillage with impunity, but the moment someone attempts to stop same, they are destroyed. Posted by: Washington Nearsider, Ridiculous Bullshit ======== Well, *some* of what I'm saying is metaphorical. Like that woke bitch who tweeted about killing white people or whatever it was and Deloitte & Touche rescinded their job offer. That was a severe punch in her nose. I bet she thinks twice before she talks like that again. For the rest of it, what I'm basically saying is we have to reverse the behavior (ours) that you describe -- releasing the thugs and putting ourselves through sensitivity training. That's why I say that in the end, it's up to us. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:38 PM (G51Gf) 188
Analysis: Spring gun-buying binge, fueled by social upheaval, leads to spike in violent crime, new research shows.
Cool. Now break down the violent crime by sidearms and rifles. You know. To prove the point. Posted by: Washington Nearsider, Ridiculous Bullshit at July 16, 2020 06:35 PM (tpneH) It gets better. The study itself says that causality cannot be determined. I mean, go them for getting money for doing it, I guess. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 06:38 PM (GbPPJ) 189
I'm guessing "big nose" is the "nicer" racist way of comparing a Black Policeman to some kind of simian.
I think they are told to do that by people hoping they get footage of big mean cops beating on little girls. They want their Kent State moment so badly you can almost see them dressing up people as cops to get it to happen. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 06:38 PM (KZzsI) 190
>>> Did you see the video of one of the "protesters" opening the door to a federal officer's personal car? Protester ended up hitting the ground so hard he splashed, the rest of the mob started backing away FAST, and half them started whining about "he didn't do anything".
One of them got so scared he dropped his phone and didn't come back for it. Posted by: Rob Crawford at July 16, 2020 06:34 PM (naEeR) Fed officer? I was wondering why he was wearing a vest. Posted by: Behind the dish at July 16, 2020 06:38 PM (7TV9X) 191
Hi Ya NaCly, I know that sounds like internet bravado but I can pay my own bail and since I'm my own boss I can't be fired. Also I'm good at OPSEC and would never be guilty of a front on confrontation.
Posted by: Ben Had at July 16, 2020 06:38 PM (nudZs) 192
Counter Analysis : Everything in that analysis is bullshit.
Posted by: Can't resist temptation at July 16, 2020 06:38 PM (2DOZq) 193
Make Spanking Great Again
Posted by: Yes at July 16, 2020 06:38 PM (qDvYG) 194
Cop needs to get out of Portland
Apparently the sheriff's department in my suburban Portland county does lots of lateral hires from Portland. Portland police are always hiring, you put in a few years, and then you get a job with a different department. Apparently the rep is that you can do actual policing in a suburban sheriff's department, which is increasingly impossible in Portland. Posted by: The ARC of History! at July 16, 2020 06:38 PM (I2/tG) 195
Drove half an hour down to Lake Jackson for a part I could have driven 15 minutes to get in Houston because I refuse to set foot in Harris County. I don't even want to drive through it. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 16, 2020 06:39 PM (mht8P) 196
These are girls who were put in a "I break all the rules" and "throw rocks at boys" tee shirts before they could walk. They've been told they are better than everyone else since they could understand language. Of course they grow up spoiled little monsters. Spankings might help, but what they really need is a painful dose of reality that no human can provide unless you kidnap them and throw them into the wilderness somewhere.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 06:39 PM (KZzsI) 197
Never realized just what a mincing little drama queen Mike DeWine is. My G-d, a fvcking Governor posting Panic Porn like Karen from the block.
Our leaders are a disgrace. (Just reading some of DeWine's Diary entries - er - Tweets - at Jordan Schachtel's feed.) Posted by: Guy Smiley at July 16, 2020 06:39 PM (FtO5h) 198
Girls have been raised to believe they live inside a force field. And white knights - this is your fault. You made this.
Posted by: Unbelievable at July 16, 2020 06:29 PM (AuISE) Yep. My brother's ex did this once. She got inflamed and got up in the face of a guy much bigger then her, and when my brother tried to move her away the ex's brother (ex-military) grabbed him and threatened him not to touch his sister. I'm not saying women should be hit, but if the social constraints of behavior are off, they should be off equally. But you know if the guy she got in the face of had responded in any way, he'd have been arrested. Course I think he was a comic and had done a set she didn't like, so she may very well be part of his current set. Posted by: Bete at July 16, 2020 06:40 PM (Ojki1) Posted by: Rob Crawford at July 16, 2020 06:40 PM (naEeR) 200
Black cops are obvious;y very low on thwe progressive stack. Even lower than white males.
Posted by: Ripley at July 16, 2020 06:40 PM (sGobE) 201
Ben Had
I have a great deal of faith in you. Immense. Please let me know if I even approach your bad side. I would consider that life extending for me. Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 16, 2020 06:40 PM (u82oZ) 202
The study itself says that causality cannot be determined. I mean, go them for getting money for doing it, I guess.
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 06:38 PM (GbPPJ) Ah, see, you've missed one other key point which is relevant. It doesn't MATTER what the data causally demonstrate. It matters what they FEEL it can be used to demonstrate-ish. And then they'll headline it and carry on as usual. Posted by: Washington Nearsider, Ridiculous Bullshit at July 16, 2020 06:40 PM (tpneH) Posted by: Hairyback Guy at July 16, 2020 06:40 PM (Z+IKu) 204
Posted by: Ben Had at July 16, 2020 06:38 PM (nudZs)M
And you can take on razor wielding punks if necessary. Posted by: Can't resist temptation at July 16, 2020 06:40 PM (2DOZq) Posted by: Guy Smiley at July 16, 2020 06:41 PM (FtO5h) 206
Why is it that you feel you need to speak for her when we're having a conversation?" The white girl replied, "Someone told me to do it."
She was just following orders. Posted by: Rob Crawford at July 16, 2020 06:41 PM (naEeR) 207
Not cursing is very difficult for me. I believe that many years ago as a teen I started thinking in curses. The F word is pretty much an unvoiced mantra in my mind now through out the day. That started as a teenager when I wasn't supposed to cuss out loud so I just started cussing in my mind. A real hard habit to break, especially when driving.
You remember that Clint Eastwood movie where his character has to think in Russian to fly a stolen jet? Well if there's ever a jet that's flown by cussing I am your man. Posted by: banana Dream at July 16, 2020 06:41 PM (l6b3d) 208
Christopher Taylor,
OH how I love when you paint all women with the same brush! You must know all the women in the world! Posted by: four seasons at July 16, 2020 06:41 PM (PisyI) 209
191 foulmouthed young woke white women are basically just Karen nextgen
Posted by: vmom 2020 's tale of teigen twitterazism at July 16, 2020 06:37 PM (TOyHQ) It's a recipe for a well-deserved extinction. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 16, 2020 06:41 PM (puu6v) 210
Rob Crawford -
Been meaning to post this for days. Now reposting. I am sorry that I was dick to you on the ONT the other night. I was wrong, and I apologize. Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at July 16, 2020 06:41 PM (RkalO) 211
88- I am starting to think that some of it is brainwashing via social media in tandem with the media/news targeted at kids. Not kidding (so maybe I shall now put on a tin foil hat and sit in the corner).
Posted by: Lizzy at July 16, 2020 06:22 PM Perfect example, but on another topic du jour, is that Burger King commercial. It is clearly targeting children for indoctrination. Posted by: Moonbeam at July 16, 2020 06:41 PM (qe5CM) 212
204 Never realized just what a mincing little drama queen Mike DeWine is. My G-d, a fvcking Governor posting Panic Porn like Karen from the block.
Posted by: Guy Smiley --- What a sniveling disgrace. Posted by: Tonypete at July 16, 2020 06:41 PM (Rvt88) 213
Analysis: Spring gun-buying binge, fueled by social upheaval, leads to spike in violent crime, new research shows.
It's the guns, not the social upheaval? Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 16, 2020 06:41 PM (oVJmc) 214
>>> Heheheh. But it's true, they'll learn they can't mess with Nose-Puncher A, then move on to Potential Victim B and see what they can get away with. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:28 PM (G51Gf) I've been telling my 18 year old daughter since she was 5 that if any girls gave her crap, she was to punch them square in the nose. I wonder if she ever shared that with the teachers when she was in catholic elementary school. Posted by: Behind the dish at July 16, 2020 06:32 PM (7TV9X) Can't punch too hard though. A simple pop with the palm of the hand is most effective. Posted by: Javems at July 16, 2020 06:41 PM (+N0R/) 215
Never realized just what a mincing little drama queen Mike DeWine is. My G-d, a fvcking Governor posting Panic Porn like Karen from the block. Sumbidge cost me a job offer, I'm convinced. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 16, 2020 06:41 PM (mht8P) 216
Did you see the video of one of the "protesters" opening the door to a federal officer's personal car? Protester ended up hitting the ground so hard he splashed, the rest of the mob started backing away FAST, and half them started whining about "he didn't do anything". One of them got so scared he dropped his phone and didn't come back for it. Posted by: Rob Crawford ========= Seen a few of those. It's like magic. Works every time. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:41 PM (G51Gf) 217
This entire "movement" could fit into a single stadium with plenty of spare seats.
They're amplified. Made to seem as though there are a lot more of them than there really are. It's a classic Alinsky tactic. PROGDA knows this and eagerly plays along. "Disguise your numbers." Peer pressure, even when it doesn't really exist, works well. This also helps to 'splain the mushy political middle who have no idea who to vote for until they see a mob voting for someone. Then they join up, thinking that they're all kewl and shit. Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Who can fight the beast? Revelation 13:4 at July 16, 2020 06:42 PM (HaL55) 218
Posted by: Ben Had at July 16, 2020 06:38 PM (nudZs)
===== And you can take on razor wielding punks if necessary. Posted by: Can't resist temptation at July 16, 2020 06:40 PM bluebell's masterclass seminars are quite instructive. Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 16, 2020 06:43 PM (DMUuz) 219
I'm feeling judged here.
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 06:26 PM Fuck that, Empress. Come sit by me, and fuck those people, in particular. Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 16, 2020 06:43 PM (rBtIz) 220
Well after taking the navy Diversity traiing this AM, I am aware how my White privilage makes me a bad person and i will devoted the rest of rotten life to helping non jews and non whites.
And if you believe that I got this great deal on a bridge in broooklyn Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 06:43 PM (85Gof) 221
What a sniveling disgrace.
Posted by: Tonypete at July 16, 2020 06:41 PM (Rvt8 ![]() Beneath contempt. Jeez, I want to bleach my brain after reading xer teary, estrogen-fuelled panic porn. Posted by: Guy Smiley at July 16, 2020 06:43 PM (FtO5h) 222
>>>224 This entire "movement" could fit into a single stadium with plenty of spare seats.
I don't believe that. 1% of the population cannot put terror into the hearts of the other 99%. It's a lot more than 1%. More like 40%. Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:43 PM (PbpT7) 223
Ah, see, you've missed one other key point which is relevant. It doesn't MATTER what the data causally demonstrate. It matters what they FEEL it can be used to demonstrate-ish.
And then they'll headline it and carry on as usual. Posted by: Washington Nearsider, Ridiculous Bullshit at July 16, 2020 06:40 PM (tpneH) I feel like I deserve to get in on that graft. Stupid having morals. I blame my parents. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 06:43 PM (GbPPJ) 224
I'm not saying women should be hit, but if the social constraints of behavior are off, they should be off equally. A gentleman always removes his hat before hitting a woman. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 16, 2020 06:43 PM (mht8P) 225
FVCK THAT! Straight up cultural appropriation. We Jews have the biggest noses! Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 16, 2020 06:32 PM (dLLD6) That Mothership dude probably blames you for stealing those as well. Posted by: Bete at July 16, 2020 06:43 PM (Ojki1) 226
>> I have four sons. When they started dating, I urged them to attend Pro-Life rallys to meet decent, normal, compassionate young women who are interested in long term, loving relationships.
Good advice! I will steal that. I have told my son not to date a feminist. They hate men. It's that simple. Posted by: Lizzy at July 16, 2020 06:43 PM (bDqIh) 227
Hadrian the Seventh
So sorry you did not get that job in Columbus. You would excel at that. My letter (still writing it!) has something interesting along your line. Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 16, 2020 06:44 PM (u82oZ) 228
These are girls who were put in a "I break all the rules" and "throw rocks at boys" tee shirts before they could walk. They've been told they are better than everyone else since they could understand language. Of course they grow up spoiled little monsters. Spankings might help, but what they really need is a painful dose of reality that no human can provide unless you kidnap them and throw them into the wilderness somewhere. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 06:39 PM (KZzsI) Nothing an uppercut with a man fist wouldn't cure. Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at July 16, 2020 06:44 PM (9Om/r) 229
OH how I love when you paint all women with the same brush!
Someone more familiar with how to follow a topic would realize that we're all discussing these obnoxious leftist women. And I got tired of putting disclaimers on everything to avoid the outrage and knee-jerk brigade years ago. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 06:44 PM (KZzsI) Posted by: Rob Crawford at July 16, 2020 06:44 PM (naEeR) 231
>>>They hate men. It's that simple.
they're also, literally, mentally unwell. They are crazy and they are self-medicating with a cultish ideology. Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:44 PM (PbpT7) Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 16, 2020 06:44 PM (r+sAi) 233
Fuck that, Empress. Come sit by me, and fuck those people, in particular.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 16, 2020 06:43 PM (rBtIz) *settles in* Lemon bar? *offers plate* Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 06:45 PM (GbPPJ) 234
Bingo. The participation trophy era corresponds
almost exactly with the 'ban' on spanking children. That led to an entire generation never suffering anything worse than time out AND always 'winning.' How did we expect them to turn out given those conditions? Posted by: Washington Nearsider, Ridiculous Bullshit at July 16, 2020 06:14 PM (tpneH) THIS! The little snowflakes have been coddled their whole lives. They have no clue how to behave because they have always been given their own way and just have to throw a fit to get it Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 16, 2020 06:45 PM (zK8Rc) 235
>>>238 OH how I love when you paint all women with the same brush!
I use different brushes to paint women. Posted by: Auric Goldfinger at July 16, 2020 06:45 PM (PbpT7) 236
It's not the entire generation. Other kids are getting jobs, getting married, leading normal lives. That's not news, and it's especially not Resistance Theater. This entire "movement" could fit into a single stadium with plenty of spare seats. Posted by: Rob Crawford at July 16, 2020 06:31 PM (naEeR) Not universally true, but most are upper middle class. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat ======= Then again, you seen one of our morning links today? From American Thinker, "Live as a conservative, vote as a leftist." Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:45 PM (G51Gf) 237
All the poeple who do leave blue states now already got counted for the 2020 census, so their former states won't lose any representation for a decade.
Fvcked every which way we turn. Posted by: Guy Smiley at July 16, 2020 06:45 PM (FtO5h) 238
I don't believe that. 1% of the population cannot put terror into the hearts of the other 99%.
It's a lot more than 1%. More like 40%. Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:43 PM (PbpT7) Nah...I'd put the violent demonstarotrs at maybe 5%, chicken shit coward cheer leaders at 10%, and 15% so stupid they would eat their own shit. LOL Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 06:45 PM (85Gof) Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at July 16, 2020 06:46 PM (+y/Ru) 240
Stupid having morals. I blame my parents.
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 06:43 PM (GbPPJ) Yeah, but they also gave you those great cans, so... Posted by: Washington Nearsider, Ridiculous Bullshit at July 16, 2020 06:46 PM (tpneH) 241
So sorry you did not get that job in Columbus. You would excel at that. Never got turned down. Everything is on hold there. But I'm not optimistic. And, yes, I'd be good at it. Thanks for saying so. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 16, 2020 06:46 PM (mht8P) 242
Your nose is going to be three foot wide across your face by the time I've finished with you!
Posted by: that guy in Life of Brian at July 16, 2020 06:46 PM (ykYG2) 243
It's all a misunderstanding of the first part of "antiracism" or "antifascist". It's not used in the sense of "against", but, as in "antipasto", it means "the first course."
Posted by: Eeyore at July 16, 2020 06:46 PM (LMs+g) 244
Posted by: banana Dream at July 16, 2020 06:41 PM (l6b3d)
I curse way way too much but I shut it off without having to think about in front of my mother. Conditioning is weird. Posted by: Can't resist temptation at July 16, 2020 06:46 PM (2DOZq) 245
Analysis: Spring gun-buying binge, fueled by social upheaval, leads to spike in violent crime, new research shows.
People concerned about social upheaval buy guns to commit violent crimes. Doesn't play. Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 16, 2020 06:46 PM (oVJmc) 246
>>>252 It's all a misunderstanding of the first part of "antiracism" or "antifascist". It's not used in the sense of "against", but, as in "antipasto", it means "the first course."
haha Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:47 PM (PbpT7) 247
I don't believe that. 1% of the population cannot put terror into the hearts of the other 99%.
It's a lot more than 1%. More like 40%. Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:43 PM (PbpT7) It's probably much more than one percent but it doesn't take but about 20 percent or so, from what I've read, to have a successful revolution. It's probably considerably less for a terror campaign like this one. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 16, 2020 06:47 PM (puu6v) 248
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 06:43 PM (85Gof)
Well, I assume that you kept your mouth shut and so weren't reported to your higher ups, which was probably the smartest thing to do. I think "Legal Insurrection" has some story of some White professor who fell asleep during the indoctrination lectures..ummm-diversity training and now there's a move by students to get her fired. She said she wasn't falling asleep. She was looking down at her notes while on Zoom, but of course the lunatics want to fire her-and she's probably as "woke" as they are. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 16, 2020 06:47 PM (oDRcK) 249
I don't believe that. 1% of the population cannot put terror into the hearts of the other 99%.
They don't have to. All they have to do is rely on people's extreme dislike of violence and fear of prison, and the media's desire and ability to act as a megaphone. Look, I get that you're in the belly of the beast and I feel for you. But 20 miles away people aren't doing this crap. Nobody is painting huge slogans on the streets of Albany or Utica. There aren't mobs of retarded kids and paid activists tearing up the downtown of Glen Falls. Almost NONE of America is getting this full retard treatment, its in super blue leftist pockets and getting wall to wall coverage of extremely isolated areas. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 06:47 PM (KZzsI) 250
It's all a misunderstanding of the first part of "antiracism" or "antifascist". It's not used in the sense of "against", but, as in "antipasto", it means "the first course." Posted by: Eeyore at July 16, 2020 06:46 PM (LMs+g) antefascist Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 16, 2020 06:47 PM (ufFY8) Posted by: BurtTC at July 16, 2020 06:48 PM (hku12) 252
Can't resist, Yeah, having been there once made a big impression on my attitude about things.
Posted by: Ben Had at July 16, 2020 06:48 PM (nudZs) 253
>>Perfect example, but on another topic du jour, is that Burger King commercial. It is clearly targeting children for indoctrination.
Teen Vogue. Sneaky name makes you think it's just like Vogue fashion magazine, but it's really more like an Antifa newsletter. Then there's the teen tv show about 3 Teen Vogue editors on Freeform, that also normalizes activism and the worst of today's culture. How much teen-targeted media does the same thing? Posted by: Lizzy at July 16, 2020 06:48 PM (bDqIh) 254
I remember when all the hippie marxist crowd would yell "Free Tibet!".
Yeah that kind of vanished as the Chinese money started flooding in Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 06:48 PM (KZzsI) 255
>>>>>>20 Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.
Posted by: Darth Randall at July 16, 2020 06:12 PM (iWCRg) I am hoping for the fast restoration of Celilo falls. (You gotta know through Gorge to get the joke) Posted by: Kindltot at July 16, 2020 06:49 PM (jMgKr) 256
Almost NONE of America is getting this full retard treatment, its in super blue leftist pockets and getting wall to wall coverage of extremely isolated areas.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 06:47 PM (KZzsI) Which, honestly, is a problem if we're depending on Americans getting tired of the riots to keep Trump in office. If they're not seeing it, they don't see a problem. Posted by: Washington Nearsider, Ridiculous Bullshit at July 16, 2020 06:49 PM (tpneH) 257
I don't believe that. 1% of the population cannot put terror into the hearts of the other 99%. It's a lot more than 1%. More like 40%. Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:43 PM (PbpT7) Nah...I'd put the violent demonstarotrs at maybe 5%, chicken shit coward cheer leaders at 10%, and 15% so stupid they would eat their own shit. LOL Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 06:45 PM (85Gof) +++++Don't forget to include the ones who are getting paid to riot. Posted by: washrivergal at July 16, 2020 06:49 PM (UAOfD) 258
Trump poisoned my cat
It stops when we stand up and say Stop. Or Else. All Ready on the Firing Line? I see real intensity in range time practice. People out here are getting ready. And the deer harvested are a bonus. Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 16, 2020 06:49 PM (u82oZ) 259
>>>Perfect example, but on another topic du jour, is that Burger King commercial. It is clearly targeting children for indoctrination.
saw that the other day- couldn't believe what I was seeing Posted by: DB- just DB. Proud Free-facer! at July 16, 2020 06:49 PM (iTXRQ) 260
I have told my son not to date a feminist.
They hate men. It's that simple. Posted by: Lizzy at July 16, 2020 06:43 PM (bDqIh) I'm more blunt with my boy. Never date a girl going to college. Yes - he'll miss a few good ones. Who gives a shit. Plenty of other good ones - not in college. Posted by: Unbelievable at July 16, 2020 06:49 PM (AuISE) 261
Nobody is painting huge slogans on the streets of Albany or Utica. There aren't mobs of retarded kids and paid activists tearing up the downtown of Glen Falls. The huge statue of Stephen F. Austin next to TX-288 in Angleton is both standing and undefiled. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 16, 2020 06:50 PM (mht8P) Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 16, 2020 06:50 PM (puu6v) 263
Columbus city council want to screen police officers for belonging to "hate groups" using information from SPLC. So that will take care of all conservatives, Christians, white men... Posted by: AF at July 16, 2020 06:50 PM (RsPQq) 264
Shutting down any dialogue allows their foot troops to be able to completely dehumanize the opposition. I mentioned this to a story runner relayed last night about rules that some group or other put out to deal with Trump supporters.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at July 16, 2020 06:50 PM (cI3Q7) 265
cleanup 268
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 16, 2020 06:50 PM (oVJmc) 266
Well, I assume that you kept your mouth shut and so weren't reported to your higher ups, which was probably the smartest thing to do.
I think "Legal Insurrection" has some story of some White professor who fell asleep during the indoctrination lectures..ummm-diversity training and now there's a move by students to get her fired. She said she wasn't falling asleep. She was looking down at her notes while on Zoom, but of course the lunatics want to fire her-and she's probably as "woke" as they are. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 16, 2020 06:47 PM (oDRcK) Well only audio conference call. But I did not say a word. And nobody outranked on the call. But I did have smoke coming out of my ears and eyes Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 06:50 PM (85Gof) 267
OH how I love when you paint all women with the same brush! You must know all the women in the world! Posted by: four seasons ======= there is undeniably an anti-female vibe here at times, and I'm *not* sure everyone is reading or intending these rants as "lefties who have jacked legitimate civil rights causes." Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:50 PM (G51Gf) 268
I had some hooligans ride their bicycles past my house and one of them said they were going to get "black tar heroin". I like that they take initiative like that. Some just sit at home.
Posted by: Menack at July 16, 2020 06:51 PM (buTO7) 269
>>they're also, literally, mentally unwell. They are crazy and they are self-medicating with a cultish ideology.
YES Posted by: Lizzy at July 16, 2020 06:51 PM (bDqIh) 270
*munches popcorn*
Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at July 16, 2020 06:51 PM (RkalO) 271
"Someone told me to do it." Who? Is the government infiltrating these organizations and cultivating informants, or are all the relevant agencies too riddled with woke Marxists to maintain operational security, or to even have the will to try? Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at July 16, 2020 06:51 PM (ZGsNw) 272
My wife thinks the whole Woke White Women phenom is more a result of the indoctrination they've been under for the last 20 - 30 years. "You Go Girl" means something totally different today.
She has 2 daughters, one 30-ish, the other one 29. Neither are "woke" in this regard. It's been a struggle to keep them focused on jobs, family, etc. But we try. There's going to be a major slap down coming. It will not be pretty, but neither are the Woke White Women. Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 16, 2020 06:51 PM (3H9h1) 273
But I did have smoke coming out of my ears and eyes
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 06:50 PM (85Gof) Go get a drink-preferably with someone else paying for it-for hazardous pay duty. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 16, 2020 06:52 PM (oDRcK) 274
Almost NONE of America is getting this full retard
treatment, its in super blue leftist pockets and getting wall to wall coverage of extremely isolated areas. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 06:47 PM (KZzsI) Exactly. The most 'protest' we had in my area of about 33k people (urban area of maybe 110k of West Michigan was a crowd of maybe 200 people max lined up along one side of a busy street on a beautiful Saturday morning. We ignored them as we drove past. That was it. Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 16, 2020 06:52 PM (ufFY8) 275
I'm more blunt with my boy. Never date a girl going to college. "Men prefer debt-free virgins without tattoos." A truth that drives feminoids crazy. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 16, 2020 06:52 PM (mht8P) Posted by: four seasons at July 16, 2020 06:52 PM (PisyI) 277
Hadrian, what job were you looking at?
Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at July 16, 2020 06:52 PM (SgjGX) 278
265 Trump poisoned my cat
It stops when we stand up and say Stop. Or Else. All Ready on the Firing Line? I see real intensity in range time practice. People out here are getting ready. And the deer harvested are a bonus. Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 16, 2020 06:49 PM (u82oZ) It is going that way. Of note, the local FOP has announced it is a waste of time and resources to arrest those not wearing masks when there are "more urgent concerns." Also, I've noticed bystanders becoming more willing to not just stand there and take the beating. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 16, 2020 06:52 PM (puu6v) 279
What's up with that - GFY. Makes you understand this place is over target.
Posted by: Heart of Darkness at July 16, 2020 06:53 PM (nFRLh) 280
It has always been thus, sadly.
Eddie Murphy explains: "The Porsche jerks whenever it speeds up or slows down. HAMMOND Jesus Christ, look at all the dust on my car...why in the hell don't he take it to a car wash? CATES Didn't know you darker people went in for foreign jobs. HAMMOND I had no choice. Some white asshole bought the last piece of shit sky-blue Cadillac.' Posted by: Sharkman at July 16, 2020 06:53 PM (BM2fS) 281
>>> 240 >>>They hate men. It's that simple.
they're also, literally, mentally unwell. They are crazy and they are self-medicating with a cultish ideology. Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:44 PM In modern pampered society of the West no one is really capable of hating someone else to the degree leftists act out. It's not like we've had warlords hunt down all our family and murder them in front of us one by one. This is drama, and it springs from their own self-hatred. Posted by: banana Dream at July 16, 2020 06:53 PM (l6b3d) 282
228 Well after taking the navy Diversity traiing this AM, I am aware how my White privilage makes me a bad person and i will devoted the rest of rotten life to helping non jews and non whites.
And if you believe that I got this great deal on a bridge in broooklyn Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 06:43 PM (85Gof) At least you didn't waste time on stuff of no consequence, like practicing how to put out fires on ships or anything. Posted by: Bete at July 16, 2020 06:53 PM (Ojki1) 283
There's going to be a major slap down coming.
You have to punch, punch, punch your way through it. Posted by: J.Biden - You Know, The Thing at July 16, 2020 06:53 PM (RkalO) 284
Adolf above does not know what he did? Kinda like the time he decided to fight Russia in the winter on 2 fronts
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 06:53 PM (85Gof) 285
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at July 16, 2020 06:50 PM (cI3Q7)
Oh, yes-that's it. Intended to dehumanize the opposition. The "deplorables" comment will be rather mild compared to what happens during this happy, fun election season. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 16, 2020 06:53 PM (oDRcK) Posted by: China at July 16, 2020 06:53 PM (oJN+m) 287
If they're not seeing it, they don't see a problem.
They see it all day long on TV, its bombarding us. They just aren't feeling it where they live. there is undeniably an anti-female vibe here at times, and I'm *not* sure everyone is reading or intending these rants as "lefties who have jacked legitimate civil rights causes." Its funny, we can bash soiboy idiots and modern male culture all day long and no guy starts to complain that people are being mean to men. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 06:53 PM (KZzsI) 288
It's a lot more than 1%. More like 40%.
No where near that. How big do you think BLM and Antifa really are? Here's a sense of scale: there are 50,000,000 Twitter users in the US. Out of 328,000,000 -- so 16% or so of the US is on Twitter. How many people on Twitter are actually part of the Twitter mobs that get people deplatformed? How many people just use it for family and friends, or professional stuff? Even if 20% of Twitter users are in this garbage, that amounts to about 3% of the country. Taking your 40%, that's 6% of the country. The press (and Twitter) are in the job of amplifying lies and fringe nonsense until it's inescapable. "Misleading Vividness is a fallacy in which a very small number of particularly dramatic events are taken to outweigh a significant amount of statistical evidence." This shit gets me down, too. But then I think of the young people I know, who are more focused on passing their classes than on any of this garbage. Posted by: Rob Crawford at July 16, 2020 06:53 PM (naEeR) 289
At least you didn't waste time on stuff of no consequence, like practicing how to put out fires on ships or anything. Posted by: Bete at July 16, 2020 06:53 PM (Ojki1) yup heaven forbid Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 06:54 PM (85Gof) 290
I wonder if I should open up a non-bar bar in my back yard where anybody that wants to be my friend can come, listen to music, and contribute a recommended donation for a drink. I would even mix the drinks, cause they're my friend and I am a good host.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 16, 2020 06:54 PM (r+sAi) 291
Never realized just what a mincing little drama queen Mike DeWine is. My
G-d, a fvcking Governor posting Panic Porn like Karen from the block. That pretty much describes the little shit. I'm sure it will never be read but I sent him an email basically telling him to stop the fear-mongering and grow the fuck up. Posted by: Notorious BFD at July 16, 2020 06:54 PM (EgshT) 292
74 They had a simple refrain : Go to college, get a degree, get a high paying job.
HS counselors started pushing it. At least take a few classes at JuCo. The Feds turned on the student loan taps Employers started requiring a degree for entry level work. We bought it. Now we have indoctrinated fools in every corner. Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 16, 2020 06:20 PM (dNzKv) It's worth remembering that the teachers, all being college educated, have no other perspectives to fall back best. At worst, they look at people who don't go to college and yet make a perfectly decent living with sneering condescension. Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 16, 2020 06:54 PM (ejsiI) 293
Perfect example, but on another topic du jour, is that Burger King commercial. It is clearly targeting children for indoctrination.
saw that the other day- couldn't believe what I was seeing Posted by: DB- just DB. Proud Free-facer! at July 16, 2020 06:49 PM (iTXRQ) What was it? Posted by: Ha at July 16, 2020 06:55 PM (EiNjl) 294
Hadrian, what job were you looking at? Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile A position as an Application Specialist with a division of the American Chemical Society (you know which one). I had four interviews, then... nothing. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 16, 2020 06:55 PM (mht8P) 295
They are crazy and they are self-medicating with a cultish ideology.
Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 06:44 PM Half of them are also on prescription meds and therapy as well. The obsession of upper middle class white women with therapy is hilarious. It's not working, darling. Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at July 16, 2020 06:55 PM (SgjGX) 296
Never realized just what a mincing little drama queen Mike DeWine is. My G-d, a fvcking Governor posting Panic Porn like Karen from the block.
Our leaders are a disgrace. -- DeWine is cruising straight to mail-in voting for November, isn't he? No worries. It's only Ohio. One of the crucial states. Posted by: Lady in Black at July 16, 2020 06:55 PM (O+I8R) 297
Any news on the Redskins' big sin and news coming out?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 06:55 PM (85Gof) 298
gruntle phoopog bindorp gleex
Posted by: what's up with that? at July 16, 2020 06:55 PM (ykYG2) 299
'It's a lot more than 1%. More like 40%'
Not out here. We've had no riots, a couple of small demonstrations, and the only black people getting killed are doing it to each other. It's a city thing. Posted by: freaked, back in gray at July 16, 2020 06:55 PM (Tnijr) 300
there is undeniably an anti-female vibe here at times, and I'm *not* sure everyone is reading or intending these rants as "lefties who have jacked legitimate civil rights causes."
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:50 PM (G51Gf) Calm down ![]() Posted by: Can't resist temptation at July 16, 2020 06:56 PM (2DOZq) 301
I don't think there's a big enough pool over the Falls to cure Portland. Damn global warming. A good old Ice Age Flood would do the trick. Posted by: Winston, dreg of society at July 16, 2020 06:56 PM (d9Irc) 302
"Someone told me to do it."
Who? Is the government infiltrating these organizations and cultivating informants, or are all the relevant agencies too riddled with woke Marxists to maintain operational security, or to even have the will to try? Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at July 16, 2020 06:51 PM (ZGsNw) I'm sure the antifa organizers are calling the shots. They know who the moneymen are, I just don't see how they can't put a stop to it. Why are they waiting or do they plan on just skipping that. Posted by: CN at July 16, 2020 06:56 PM (ONvIw) 303
266 cleanup 268
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 16, 2020 06:50 PM (oVJmc) Dear Lord, I do love this place. Comments so bad, they have to be cleaned up BEFORE they are posted. (And yes, I know what happened here, it still tickles me when I see it.) Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at July 16, 2020 06:56 PM (cI3Q7) 304
Almost NONE of America is getting this full retard treatment, its in super blue leftist pockets and getting wall to wall coverage of extremely isolated areas.
This. Posted by: Rob Crawford at July 16, 2020 06:56 PM (naEeR) 305
The 3% phenomena - I will take my chances against their 3%.
Posted by: Heart of Darkness at July 16, 2020 06:56 PM (nFRLh) 306
ot out here. We've had no riots, a couple of small demonstrations, and the only black people getting killed are doing it to each other. It's a city thing.
Posted by: freaked, back in gray at July 16, 2020 06:55 PM (Tnijr) A few of those punks closed RT4 here in bergen county nj about a month ago for a n hour. Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 06:56 PM (85Gof) 307
They have the foulest mouths. By far. Drug dealers don't throw out the words these bitches toss out every other second.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 16, 2020 06:14 PM (bkUtD) Shiiiiiiiiiiiit. Wait til those fuckin' bitches get a load of me. Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33's Mom at July 16, 2020 06:56 PM (ejsiI) 308
Half of them are also on prescription meds and therapy as well.
Sure, they started being fed downers in school because they were acting like children their age. Boys get it worse, of course, because lazy public school teachers cannot stand having to deal with energetic boys, but they spread the candy around to everyone. DeWine is cruising straight to mail-in voting for November, isn't he? No worries. It's only Ohio. One of the crucial states. Again, most states already have mail voting. What the left is trying to push for -- and this is key -- is to get rid of security measures like signatures on ballots Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 06:57 PM (KZzsI) 309
A few of those punks closed RT4 here in bergen county nj about a month ago for a n hour.
They should be pin-wheeled. Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 16, 2020 06:57 PM (yQpMk) 310
freaked, back in gray
some perspective. Kansas is considered very rural. Only 20% of the state is. The Other 80% is urban / close suburban. Density of people matters. Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 16, 2020 06:57 PM (u82oZ) 311
Its funny, we can bash soiboy idiots and modern male culture all day long and no guy starts to complain that people are being mean to men.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor This right here is what out Male white privilege gets us. Posted by: BifBewalski at July 16, 2020 06:57 PM (VcFUs) 312
*bellies up to Guy Mohawks bar*
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at July 16, 2020 06:57 PM (GsUZE) 313
The latest Rasmussen poll (of likely voters) shows Trump collecting a whopping 31% of black votes.
He only got 6% of that demographic in 2016. Somehow I doubt our resident poll trolls will be flogging this one. Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia (kneels to no one on this Earth) at July 16, 2020 06:58 PM (unn44) 314
Its funny, we can bash soiboy idiots and modern male culture all day
long and no guy starts to complain that people are being mean to men. Oh shit. Now you've done it. Posted by: J.Biden - You Know, The Thing at July 16, 2020 06:59 PM (RkalO) 315
Here's a study from the Bee that I agree with.
Study Finds Connection Between Wearing A Mask And Being A Big Sissy Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at July 16, 2020 06:59 PM (+y/Ru) 316
..."Why is it that you feel you need to speak for her when we're having a conversation?" The white girl replied, "Someone told me to do it."
Gee, almost as if they've been to some sort of, oh I dunno what's the word, TRAINING or something. The sort of training that receives, er, funding. From somebody. I wonder who? I wonder if anyone's going to look into it. Besides the occasional overhyped James O'Keefe "undercover" video, that is. Posted by: Hands at July 16, 2020 06:59 PM (786Ro) Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 16, 2020 06:59 PM (u82oZ) 318
I think "Legal Insurrection" has some story of some
White professor who fell asleep during the indoctrination lectures..ummm-diversity training and now there's a move by students to get her fired. She said she wasn't falling asleep. She was looking down at her notes while on Zoom, but of course the lunatics want to fire her-and she's probably as "woke" as they are. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 16, 2020 06:47 PM (oDRcK) Welcome to the Maoist Cultural Revolution comrades. Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 16, 2020 06:59 PM (SZ6s/) 319
get /off me Joe, my hair stinks
Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at July 16, 2020 06:59 PM (RkalO) 320
NGU how did you ever stay awake?
Posted by: Skip at July 16, 2020 06:59 PM (6f16T) 321
Bif, well said.
Posted by: Ben Had at July 16, 2020 06:59 PM (nudZs) 322
The latest Rasmussen poll (of likely voters) shows Trump collecting a whopping 31% of black votes.
-- Whoa... Posted by: Lady in Black at July 16, 2020 07:00 PM (O+I8R) 323
No where near that. How big do you think BLM and Antifa really are?
Boots on the ground ? No more than 3%. People cheering from home ? Maybe not 40% - but more than 25%. This problem ain't going away on its own. Posted by: Unbelievable at July 16, 2020 07:00 PM (AuISE) 324
Well after taking the navy Diversity traiing this AM, I am aware how my White privilage makes me a bad person and i will devoted the rest of rotten life to helping non jews and non whites. And if you believe that I got this great deal on a bridge in broooklyn Posted by: Nevergiveup ======= sickening. The case of a lurkette I've been pushing here all happened basically because she opposed yet another USELESS diversity training course -- the white supremacist art college she was fired from already required teachers and staff to take HOURS of that infantilizing shyt, and pointed out it was obviously useless if they were still steeped in racism, and asked why an additional one would fix the college? FIRED. can't resist reposting the link Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 07:00 PM (G51Gf) 325
Vmom, I tagged you in a twatter post. Couldn't help my response.
Posted by: BifBewalski at July 16, 2020 07:00 PM (VcFUs) 326
I think "Legal Insurrection" has some story of some White professor who fell asleep during the indoctrination lectures..ummm-diversity training and now there's a move by students to get her fired. She said she wasn't falling asleep. She was looking down at her notes while on Zoom, but of course the lunatics want to fire her-and she's probably as "woke" as they are.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 16, 2020 06:47 PM (oDRcK Whatever happened to expulsions. Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at July 16, 2020 07:00 PM (lgiXo) Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 16, 2020 07:00 PM (yQpMk) 328
I think Antifa white girls are ranked by their hair color.
Posted by: Can't resist temptation at July 16, 2020 07:00 PM (2DOZq) 329
still waiting on an explanation. everything i posted was true.
Posted by: what's up with that at July 16, 2020 06:59 PM (GJNDp) You aren't entitled to an explanation. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 16, 2020 07:01 PM (dLLD6) 330
The latest Rasmussen poll (of likely voters) shows Trump collecting a whopping 31% of black votes.
I trust polls even less than I do a dark alley in East St Louis, but the people who are in charge of the DNC do. And I am certain they've been seeing this kind of data for months, which I believe is why we're seeing this crap right now. They honestly seem to think that putting people out of prison, painting huge slogans, and rioting to destroy businesses and lives will flip the black vote back to them. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 07:01 PM (KZzsI) 331
And nose rings
Posted by: Can't resist temptation at July 16, 2020 07:01 PM (2DOZq) 332
197 >>> Did you see the video of one of the "protesters" opening the door to a federal officer's personal car? Protester ended up hitting the ground so hard he splashed, the rest of the mob started backing away FAST, and half them started whining about "he didn't do anything".
One of them got so scared he dropped his phone and didn't come back for it. Posted by: Rob Crawford at July 16, 2020 06:34 PM (naEeR) Fed officer? I was wondering why he was wearing a vest. Posted by: Behind the dish at July 16, 2020 06:38 PM I immediately thought he was law enforcement when I saw the video, initially because of the bullet-proof vest. Also, because he did not leave after the confrontation, it appeared that he was on a stake-out (probably of the crowd). I have been wondering how many of the people in these crowds are undercover officers. When I lived in DC, they were everywhere. You could kind of tell. Posted by: Moonbeam at July 16, 2020 07:01 PM (qe5CM) 333
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:50 PM (G51Gf)
Calm down Posted by: Can't resist temptation at July 16, 2020 06:56 PM (2DOZq) Don't get hysterical. *runs from the room* Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 16, 2020 07:01 PM (ufFY8) 334
Hey everybody.
At another site, I just saw the classic Charlie Atlas ad. Somebody should show it to Mitch and Lindsey someday... Posted by: qdpsteve at July 16, 2020 07:01 PM (L2ZTs) 335
NGU how did you ever stay awake?
Posted by: Skip at July 16, 2020 06:59 PM (6f16T) Well it was at 8AM, 2 Large Cappuccinos, and I was fuming Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 07:01 PM (85Gof) 336
>>Cop needs to get out of Portland
IIRC, Andy Ngo has tweeted about the more radical members of the city council attempts to get rid of the police -- starting last year, before the George Floyd stuff. Posted by: Lizzy at July 16, 2020 07:01 PM (bDqIh) 337
Since we are talking about relationships and modern women, etc. Here's my problem, which I had with both of my ex-wives:
Women today think that the only thing that's important is always being "happy", which is an impossibility as anyone sane can tell you, especially when you are married to someone and therefore live with them. Both of my ex-wives decided that, because they weren't "happy" every minute of our relationship, then they just had to go looking for "happiness" somewhere else, which of course they didn't find, but they did destroy our marriages. Marriage properly understood has very little to do with "happiness". It has to do with making a choice to work with someone you love in the very difficult job of being together, establishing a safe place to live, being financially secure, making intelligent decisions, and having and raising children together. For whatever reason, both of my ex's also had the weird mental condition of taking whatever emotion they were having at the moment and extrapolating that out until the end of time, and making decisions that way. Financially strapped because of the 2008 real estate market crash? WE'RE DOOMED FOREVER!!! Bored at home with three little kids and some musclebound jackass at work is paying attention to you and making you feel young again? OOOHHH, I FEEL YOUNG AGAIN AND BETTER CHEAT BECAUSE THIS FEELING WILL LAST FOREVER!!! A hardworking, rational human being who likes stability, honesty and raising kids doesn't seem to be what modern women are looking for. They're looking for the "happy" feeling that seems like it will last forever but which goes away, but only after they've destroyed the best relationship with the best person they'll ever meet. Anyway, YMMV. Posted by: Sharkman at July 16, 2020 07:01 PM (BM2fS) 338
One of the many gifts of Christianity is redemption. You can make yourself better. Cancel culture is without redemption, and chastises for any sin, no matter how old. Or what you have done since then. Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 16, 2020 07:02 PM (u82oZ) 339
I see Adolf is still waiting for Steiner
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 07:02 PM (85Gof) 340
324 The latest Rasmussen poll (of likely voters) shows Trump collecting a whopping 31% of black votes.
-- Whoa... Posted by: Lady in Black at July 16, 2020 07:00 PM (O+I8R) --------------- OK, now I get why the Democrats/Progda have gone all burn it down mode. They read polls, too. Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 16, 2020 07:02 PM (sy5kK) 341
Did you see the video of one of the "protesters" opening the door to a federal officer's personal car? Protester ended up hitting the ground so hard he splashed, the rest of the mob started backing away FAST, and half them started whining about "he didn't do anything". One of them got so scared he dropped his phone and didn't come back for it. Posted by: Rob Crawford ========= Seen a few of those. It's like magic. Works every time. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:41 PM (G51Gf) The most effective way to stop a riot is to issue "SHOOT TO KILL" orders. Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 16, 2020 07:02 PM (ejsiI) 342
You aren't entitled to an explanation.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 16, 2020 07:01 PM (dLLD6) I still get lemon bars tho right? Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:02 PM (GbPPJ) 343
>Any news on the Redskins' big sin and news coming out?
Posted by: Nevergiveup it would seem Snyder and Co have been taking liberties LIBERTIES story well-timed to pressure team into name change Posted by: DB- just DB. Proud Free-facer! at July 16, 2020 07:03 PM (iTXRQ) Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 16, 2020 07:03 PM (yQpMk) 345
A hardworking, rational human being who likes stability, honesty and
raising kids doesn't seem to be what modern women are looking for. They're looking for the "happy" feeling that seems like it will last forever but which goes away, but only after they've destroyed the best relationship with the best person they'll ever meet. *beer bottle clink* Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at July 16, 2020 07:03 PM (RkalO) 346
Have any black people had their lives improved, in any way, by BLM?
Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at July 16, 2020 07:03 PM (lgiXo) 347
No where near that. How big do you think BLM and Antifa really are? Boots on the ground ? No more than 3%. People cheering from home ? Maybe not 40% - but more than 25%. This problem ain't going away on its own. Posted by: Unbelievable ======= The trouble is comfy white liberals in their suburbs who support this shyt with their votes. As Christopher Taylor said, they never see it up close (except for the NIMBY McCloskeys) and they don't make a connection between their votes and events. They also don't take these haters at their word when they announce their intention to destroy whites and American society. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 07:03 PM (G51Gf) 348
Whatever happened to expulsions.
That was back when college students weren't assumed to be in charge, and what's more wiser and better than their professors. College students these days go into the place assuming they'll school everybody, not to learn or be under any authority. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 07:03 PM (KZzsI) 349
Someone told me to do it."
Who? Is the government infiltrating these organizations and cultivating informants, or are all the relevant agencies too riddled with woke Marxists to maintain operational security, or to even have the will to try? Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at July 16, 2020 06:51 PM (ZGsNw) I'm sure the antifa organizers are calling the shots. They know who the moneymen are, I just don't see how they can't put a stop to it. Why are they waiting or do they plan on just skipping that. Posted by: CN at July 16, 2020 06:56 PM Barr and Durham are methodical, you see. Have to get all the ducks in a row for an airtight - airtight, I tells ya - case. Then, at just the right moment, they strike.... a sternly worded letter announcing that they're going to do an investigation that will be ready in 18 months or so, and then maybe maybe some hotshots on twitter can tell us the Plan -- tick tock -- is about to fall into place. /rant Posted by: Hands at July 16, 2020 07:04 PM (786Ro) 350
The latest Rasmussen poll (of likely voters) shows Trump collecting a whopping 31% of black votes.
********* Yeah but Trump had 41% support from black voters before. Early night folks. Posted by: Two Weeks From Plugging Into The Matrix to Get Away From This Reality Shit at July 16, 2020 07:04 PM (+dsLj) Posted by: Notorious BFD at July 16, 2020 07:04 PM (EgshT) 352
Classrooms didn't help. When my son was in jr. high, his fresh out of college, woke, female teachers treated the boys as second class citizens. It was subtle. Essentially they wanted the boys to act more like girls. I have no evidence, but I have to think that his female classmates had to pick up the treatment the boys received. Having previously taught at that school it drove me nuts.
Posted by: Behind the dish at July 16, 2020 07:04 PM (7TV9X) 353
The latest Rasmussen poll (of likely voters) shows Trump collecting a whopping 31% of black votes.
-- Whoa... Posted by: Lady in Black at July 16, 2020 07:00 PM (O+I8R) My contention all along about the George Kirby riots was the left was in a panic over the level of black support for Trump and they were looking for any incident to spark riots to try to paint Trump as Super Racist!!! Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 16, 2020 07:04 PM (SZ6s/) 354
I still get lemon bars tho right?
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:02 PM (GbPPJ) I'll even dust them with powdered sugar if you promise not to curse when it gets all over everything! Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 16, 2020 07:04 PM (dLLD6) 355
IIRC, Andy Ngo has tweeted about the more radical members of the city council attempts to get rid of the police -- starting last year, before the George Floyd stuff.
Posted by: Lizzy at July 16, 2020 07:01 PM (bDqIh) I wonder where the city council gets their ideas and their slush. Posted by: CN at July 16, 2020 07:04 PM (ONvIw) 356
Welcome to the Maoist Cultural Revolution comrades.
Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 16, 2020 06:59 PM (SZ6s/) SWEEP AWAY THE MONSTERS AND DEMONS!!! Posted by: Communist Party of China, June 1966 at July 16, 2020 07:05 PM (ejsiI) 357
>>>Not out here. We've had no riots, a couple of small demonstrations, and the only black people getting killed are doing it to each other. It's a city thing.
I didn't mean to imply that 40% of the population was antifa, though I can see why people took it that way. I meant 40% of the population is broadly supportive of an antifa-like agenda. Sort of how a high percentage of muslims are broadly supportive of terrorism as a tactic, but not willing to actually do terrorism themselves. Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 07:05 PM (PbpT7) 358
"It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies, and nosers-out of unorthodoxy." --- Orwell, 1984 (What we are seeing w/ female activism is not something entirely new to the Left.) Posted by: Margarita DeVille at July 16, 2020 07:05 PM (M/9m0) 359
>Have any black people had their lives improved, in any way, by BLM?
Hell no, and I'm not even black Posted by: DB- just DB. Proud Free-facer! at July 16, 2020 07:05 PM (iTXRQ) 360
IIRC, Andy Ngo has tweeted about the more radical members of the city council attempts to get rid of the police -- starting last year, before the George Floyd stuff.
In Chicago it's been going on for years. ISTR the city has been negotiating a new contract with the police union for something like 4 years, in part because the city wants to allow for anonymous complaints against officers, and the union keeps insisting on the right to confront accusers. Apparently they keep pointing to some Constitution or something. Posted by: Rob Crawford at July 16, 2020 07:05 PM (naEeR) 361
341 I see Adolf is still waiting for Steiner
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 07:02 PM (85Gof) Ooh, tv sitcom concept: Steiner & Godot Posted by: vmom 2020 's tale of teigen twitterazism at July 16, 2020 07:05 PM (TOyHQ) 362
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 07:00 PM (G51Gf
There was also the story of a woman-The Dean-at a nursing school in Boston-who was fired for saying "All LIves Matter" Some wokester student said she was insensitive to Blacks. There is nurse in my congregation and I told her this story and asked "Isn't it important that all lives matter to nurses?" and she said "Yes" and was appalled that the Dean was fired. Of course, nobody here knows what will happen in November, but I think this is really turning some people off who might otherwise vote for Joe Biden because the fallout is now hitting them.. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 16, 2020 07:05 PM (oDRcK) 363
One of the many gifts of Christianity is redemption. You can make yourself better.
Cancel culture is without redemption, and chastises for any sin, no matter how old. Or what you have done since then. Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 16, 2020 07:02 PM (u82oZ) I was talking to Bander last night and mentioned that one of the indications of a cult is that there is no path to redemption. Now, that's not every cult, but if the religion has no means of redemption, yeah, that's a pretty good sign that not only is it a cult but it's probably got the word death before cult. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:05 PM (GbPPJ) 364
So, if the Jews really do control everything as our troll contends, here's my view:
Good for them. They created a very stable structure for their people that has lasted over 5000 years, they are generally pretty peaceful, sometimes to the point of fault, and they work hard and produce more science, wisdom, value, literature, etc. per capita than any other group who has ever graced this planet. I'm willing to grant them unilateral control over their alleged weather machine, due to the above. Who would the troll rather give that control to? The ChiComs? The Germans? The FRENCH?!!!??! Posted by: Sharkman at July 16, 2020 07:06 PM (BM2fS) 365
As I have pointed out before. BLM seems to be a white run organization.Some black mixed in with a shit load of young white girls...Somehow the MSM ignores all this, but not surprised.
Posted by: Colin at July 16, 2020 07:06 PM (bMOPR) 366
A hardworking, rational human being who likes stability, honesty and raising kids doesn't seem to be what modern women are looking for.
Oh, I think it varies. I think there are great young women out there, but they either get nabbed really fast because they are more precious than spun gold, or they are isolated in areas most men don't get to. The pro-life rally thing is a good approach. Go where the good women are, and that's almost never going to be the usual places people go to find someone. They aren't on Tinder, they aren't in the bars, they aren't in clubs. They're on farms and in churches, etc. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 07:06 PM (KZzsI) 367
'A few of those punks closed RT4 here in bergen county nj about a month ago for a n hour.'
Is that a urban area? Nothing like that has happened around here. They are trying to move a Confederate statue downtown, but no mobs have showed up to tear it down. I think the leftys around here are to lazy for that foolishness. Posted by: freaked, back in gray at July 16, 2020 07:06 PM (Tnijr) 368
I'll even dust them with powdered sugar if you promise not to curse when it gets all over everything!
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 16, 2020 07:04 PM (dLLD6) Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:07 PM (GbPPJ) 369
A hardworking, rational human being who likes stability, honesty and raising kids doesn't seem to be what modern women are looking for. They're looking for the "happy" feeling that seems like it will last forever but which goes away, but only after they've destroyed the best relationship with the best person they'll ever meet.
Seen this in my own relationships and my brothers'. It's as if they had no concept that keeping a long-term relationship going takes work. Posted by: Rob Crawford at July 16, 2020 07:07 PM (naEeR) Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 16, 2020 07:07 PM (yQpMk) 371
>>>>This entire "movement" could fit into a single stadium with plenty of spare seats.
Posted by: Rob Crawford at July 16, 2020 06:31 PM (naEeR) Rob, it is bad luck to discuss revolutionary movements and stadiums together. It is the reason a lot of South American capitals got new soccer stadiums in the 70s. Posted by: Kindltot at July 16, 2020 07:07 PM (jMgKr) 372
>>>Some black mixed in with a shit load of young white girls...Somehow the MSM ignores all this, but not surprised.
The MSM itself is controlled by wealthy white leftwing whores. They see Upper Class Leftwing Women in Control as the natural state of things. Posted by: ace at July 16, 2020 07:07 PM (PbpT7) 373
David Venereal--you really should put some ointment on it.
Posted by: Ladyl--now mask-free! at July 16, 2020 07:07 PM (TdMsT) 374
>>> "It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies, and nosers-out of unorthodoxy." --- Orwell, 1984
===== In other words, my son's jr. high teachers. Explains a lot. Posted by: Behind the dish at July 16, 2020 07:07 PM (7TV9X) 375
I got Portland in the office pool, as the first city to fall completely to the mob.
Others thought they won with Seattle Chop, but I was like, nah, Portland says "hold my beer." Posted by: BurtTC at July 16, 2020 06:26 PM (hku12) ........ San Francisco says: "Hold my TP." Posted by: wth at July 16, 2020 07:08 PM (v0R5T) 376
Hey troll, how does your mother's dick taste? I bet it tastes like rainbows.
Posted by: Two Weeks From Plugging Into The Matrix to Get Away From This Reality Shit at July 16, 2020 07:08 PM (+dsLj) 377
Is that a urban area? Nothing like that has happened
around here. Posted by: freaked, back in gray at July 16, 2020 07:06 PM (Tnijr) Dense suburbs with lots of retail. Rte. 4 is a main road running to the George Washington Bridge...NYC and New England Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 16, 2020 07:08 PM (dLLD6) 378
>>I'm *not* sure everyone is reading or intending these rants as "lefties who have jacked legitimate civil rights causes."
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:50 PM (G51Gf) I'm not either. I have three daughters in the targeted age-group. They're not harridans, and neither are any of their friends. It's a big country out there. Posted by: Caliban at July 16, 2020 07:08 PM (QE8X6) 379
I'll even dust them with powdered sugar if you promise not to curse when it gets all over everything!
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 16, 2020 07:04 PM (dLLD6) Couldn't help but notice CBD has that clear plastic sheeting all over his furniture when I first walked in... ;-) Posted by: qdpsteve at July 16, 2020 07:08 PM (L2ZTs) 380
Barr and Durham are methodical, you see. Have to get all the ducks in a row for an airtight - airtight, I tells ya - case. Then, at just the right moment, they strike.... a sternly worded letter announcing that they're going to do an investigation that will be ready in 18 months or so, and then maybe maybe some hotshots on twitter can tell us the Plan -- tick tock -- is about to fall into place.
/rant Posted by: Hands at July 16, 2020 07:04 PM (786Ro) It's getting old. I'm sure they absolutely know who's funding this. The one group in DC makes no secret of their involvement in the defund the cops stuff. Breitbart and Capitol Resources both did exposes on these groups, and while "speech" is legal, now that we've made it to arson, something ought to have crossed the line. Posted by: CN at July 16, 2020 07:08 PM (ONvIw) 381
I see Adolf is still waiting for Steiner
Posted by: Nevergiveup Mein Führer! The Karenwaffe are here...and here. They are attempting to link up with von Becky Posted by: Feldwebel Miklos at July 16, 2020 07:09 PM (QzkSJ) 382
Venable's a fag name. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 16, 2020 07:09 PM (oJN+m) 383
Behind the dish, true until 20ish teacher finds one of the boy's she wants to screw.
Posted by: Ben Had at July 16, 2020 07:09 PM (nudZs) 384
320 NGU how did you ever stay awake?
Posted by: Skip at July 16, 2020 06:59 PM (6f16T) I'm guessing adrenaline fueled rage. And coffee. Probably more of one than the other. Posted by: Bete at July 16, 2020 07:09 PM (Ojki1) Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Who can fight the beast? Revelation 13:4 at July 16, 2020 07:09 PM (HaL55) 386
One of the many gifts of Christianity is redemption. You can make yourself better.
Cancel culture is without redemption, and chastises for any sin, no matter how old. Or what you have done since then. Posted by: NaCly Dog This^ In Hillary's "deplorables" talk, the word "deplorables" was annoying and mockable. But her use of the word "irredeemable" was more significant. If you believe someone's irredeemable, you're saying they're so bad you don't even try to save them, you send them to hell. Posted by: Hands at July 16, 2020 07:09 PM (786Ro) 387
The trouble is comfy white liberals in their suburbs who support this shyt with their votes. As Christopher Taylor said, they never see it up close (except for the NIMBY McCloskeys) and they don't make a connection between their votes and events. They also don't take these haters at their word when they announce their intention to destroy whites and American society. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 07:03 PM (G51Gf) Naperville IL (almost 80% white) had riots tear up their downtown and the next day the Karens and Karens in training were putting up BLM signs on the smashed out store fronts and marching through the downtown to show their support for the rioters... I mean peaceful protesters. Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 16, 2020 07:09 PM (SZ6s/) 388
Tis ancient. The Nika Riots. In Constantinople. Killing the rioters extended the time of the Eastern Roman Empire. Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 16, 2020 07:09 PM (u82oZ) 389
Have any black people had their lives improved, in any way, by BLM? Posted by: Brother Northernlurker ======== Just the ones working for it. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 07:09 PM (G51Gf) 390
I still get lemon bars tho right?
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:02 PM Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 16, 2020 07:04 PM If you come to the TxMoMe, I'll see you get one of my wife's, made with Meyer Lemons on top of a shortbread base, dusted with powdered sugar. One on two recipes she refuses to share. Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 16, 2020 07:09 PM (DMUuz) 391
So, if the Jews really do control everything as our troll contends, here's my view:
Good for them. Yeah that's my take. We could certainly do worse than having Jews in charge, heh. When my son was in jr. high, his fresh out of college, woke, female teachers treated the boys as second class citizens. The biggest, most outrageous crock of crap I ever heard in my life was in the 90's when this push showed up claiming girls were being ignored in schools, passed over, never called on to answer a question. Now, I know this is just my life but the EXACT OPPOSITE WAS ALWAYS TRUE IN SCHOOL. Girls always had the answers, always were the ones who the teacher could call on, always were the ones volunteering for crap. It was the most blatant lie I'd ever seen, and everyone who had ever been to school knew it was crap. But for some demented reason, it caught on and was believed. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 07:10 PM (KZzsI) 392
Does David Venereal have a newsletter?
Posted by: Sandra Flook at July 16, 2020 07:10 PM (EgshT) 393
I'm waiting until tomorrow for a couple of Steiners.
Been drinking a lot lately. Posted by: wth at July 16, 2020 07:10 PM (v0R5T) 394
*covers Horde's eyes*
MOTHERFUCKING MOTHERFUCKER MOTHERFUCK The underwire in my favorite bra just decided to fly and be free and stabbed me in the arm pit. FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK MMMMMMEEEEEEE Ahem. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:10 PM (GbPPJ) 395
That was from memory. Here is from Wiki: Nika revolt or Nika sedition took place against Emperor Justinian I in Constantinople over the course of a week in 532 AD. They were the most violent riots in the city's history, with nearly half of Constantinople being burned or destroyed and tens of thousands of people killed. Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 16, 2020 07:10 PM (u82oZ) 396
The trouble is comfy white liberals in their suburbs who support this shyt with their votes.
I live within 45 minutes of a medium sized city. Its starting - "protests" are hitting the burbs. This will never make the news. And I will not lift a finger to stop it. They have to feel that pain. Pain is a required part of change. Posted by: Unbelievable at July 16, 2020 07:10 PM (AuISE) 397
Venable's a fag name.
************* True story, I always wondered about British complete obsession with gays, like "ay can you pass me a fag" "or I could use a fag right now" or "here's a fag for you" then I finally learned they were referring to cigarettes. ![]() Posted by: Two Weeks From Plugging Into The Matrix to Get Away From This Reality Shit at July 16, 2020 07:11 PM (+dsLj) 398
The underwire in my favorite bra just decided to fly and be free and stabbed me in the arm pit. FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK MMMMMMEEEEEEE Ahem. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:10 PM (GbPPJ) Never ever buy underwire bras!!! Posted by: Ladyl--now mask-free! at July 16, 2020 07:11 PM (TdMsT) 399
Posted by: DavidVenable at July 16, 2020 07:06 PM (blPsD)
You convinced me yesterday, O Venable One. You convinced everyone else too. We all believe in our heart of hearts it's useless to vote. Yet here you are back again? What dedication to duty!! Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 16, 2020 07:11 PM (oDRcK) 400
Still lots of American flags, no riots and very few wearing face diapers unless going in a store that forces them to here in Fort Collins, CO. Still disappointed in the number who submit to the filthy face petri dish just to shop in King Soopers and the like. Then again, I went to Wal-Mart last week and only maybe half were wearing the Mark of Satan on their mugs. And I recently stopped at a 7-11 where the casher had hers chinstrapped and the manager and stock clerk weren't wearing them at all.
No matter what Gov. Polesmoker does or does not do, we're just seeming to go our own way here. Go to Old Town FoCo on a Saturday night and it's like a time warp back to February other than having to pull s shirt over your nose or pull out a face diaper just while walking into a bar or restaurant. Only thing missing is the live music. Of course, CSU is still closed, so we have far, far fewer outside troublemakers around for now. Posted by: Guy Smiley at July 16, 2020 07:11 PM (FtO5h) Posted by: Denethor at July 16, 2020 07:11 PM (cI3Q7) 402
It's worth remembering that the teachers, all being college educated, have no other perspectives to fall back best. At worst, they look at people who don't go to college and yet make a perfectly decent living with sneering condescension.
Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 16, 2020 06:54 PM NOPE. I work in a district (and hope I still do for years to come) which has consistently celebrated our college-bound, trade school-bound, and military-enlisted graduates. We were thrilled when one of our students placed at the top of the state for welding and got a high-paying job immediately (and his parents were over the moon). College is where you're more likely to find teachers who think everyone should be college-educated, but even then, it depends on the college. And how many generations of credentialed people are the teachers' families. Posted by: NaughtyPine at July 16, 2020 07:11 PM (/+bwe) 403
"Dense suburbs with lots of retail. Rte. 4 is a main road running to the George Washington Bridge...NYC and New England"
Well that's what I meant by "city". Closest city we have here has 150k people. You have to go 100 miles North to Atlanta to see anything like that. Posted by: freaked, back in gray at July 16, 2020 07:12 PM (Tnijr) 404
395 *covers Horde's eyes*
MOTHERFUCKING MOTHERFUCKER MOTHERFUCK The underwire in my favorite bra just decided to fly and be free and stabbed me in the arm pit. FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK MMMMMMEEEEEEE Ahem. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:10 PM (GbPPJ) A wiser woman might've covered the Horde's ears. Also, the description was less sexy than we imagine bra-explosions to be. Posted by: Someguy at July 16, 2020 07:12 PM (Zm+LZ) 405
Posted by: klaftern at July 16, 2020 07:12 PM (RuIsu) 406
Naperville IL (almost 80% white) had riots tear up their downtown and the next day the Karens and Karens in training were putting up BLM signs on the smashed out store fronts and marching through the downtown to show their support for the rioters... I mean peaceful protesters. Posted by: TheQuietMan ======= Of course. They stopped off at the local Starbucks for a sugar-free vanilla latte, drove downtown in their Mercedes SUVs, and got to work. When their good work was done, they drove home and poured out a Chardonnay. Trying to turn a profit in a looted store with all the windows smashed isn't their problem. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 07:12 PM (G51Gf) 407
Oh for those who did not catch what I have said appears all "Diversity Officers" in The Navy are Black and most are also women. No white men need apply
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 07:12 PM (85Gof) 408
*covers Horde's eyes*
MOTHERFUCKING MOTHERFUCKER MOTHERFUCK The underwire in my favorite bra just decided to fly and be free and stabbed me in the arm pit. FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK MMMMMMEEEEEEE Ahem. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:10 PM (GbPPJ) ........ There you have it folks, boobs and hysteria. Posted by: wth at July 16, 2020 07:12 PM (v0R5T) 409
Plus an armored Zorg Ball.
Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Who can fight the beast? Revelation 13:4 at July 16, 2020 07:09 PM (HaL55) Sounds like she needs an armored zorg bra. Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at July 16, 2020 07:12 PM (cI3Q7) 410
>>> Behind the dish, true until 20ish teacher finds one of the boy's she wants to screw.
Posted by: Ben Had at July 16, 2020 07:09 PM (nudZs) Oh, no doubt about that. As a former teacher, the stories I could tell. Not about me, mind you. Posted by: Behind the dish at July 16, 2020 07:13 PM (7TV9X) 411
>>'m not either. I have three daughters in the targeted age-group. They're not harridans, and neither are any of their friends. It's a big country out there.
Apologies if any of my comments appeared to apply to all young women today. More a concern about how this current crop of uber-woke activist young women come to be screeching at cops about their large noses. Posted by: Lizzy at July 16, 2020 07:13 PM (bDqIh) 412
As I have pointed out before. BLM seems to be a white run organization.Some black mixed in with a shit load of young white girls...Somehow the MSM ignores all this, but not surprised.
The Burn Loot and Murder terrorist organization was founded and is run by 3 WOC. Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Who can fight the beast? Revelation 13:4 at July 16, 2020 07:13 PM (HaL55) 413
Naperville? wow
Posted by: klaftern at July 16, 2020 07:13 PM (RuIsu) 414
I still get lemon bars tho right? Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:02 PM (GbPPJ) And all the Cleveland Indian's merch you can get before they change the name. Except mine. Posted by: Bete at July 16, 2020 07:13 PM (Ojki1) 415
The West has failed! Hope is Lost! *sets self on fire* Posted by: Denethor ========== It's never more than one generation away. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 07:13 PM (G51Gf) 416
It is the reason a lot of South American capitals got new soccer stadiums in the 70s.
Posted by: Kindltot at July 16, 2020 07:07 PM (jMgKr) my history of that era is lacking what happened? Posted by: vmom 2020 's tale of teigen twitterazism at July 16, 2020 07:13 PM (TOyHQ) 417
Antefascist? yeah, see, if lady antebellum were smart, they'd have rebranded themselves as "lady antibellum" and said "it was a typo; we've always been against war". Posted by: Anachronda at July 16, 2020 07:13 PM (sGtp+) 418
Never ever buy underwire bras!!! Posted by: Ladyl--now mask-free! at July 16, 2020 07:11 PM (TdMsT) Yeah. I must absolutely buy underwire bras. The Rack contains too much volume to not. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:14 PM (GbPPJ) 419
alexthechick - Boobs
Time to check on my wife. I'm avoiding the rush as the 'rons want to kiss and make it better. Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 16, 2020 07:14 PM (u82oZ) 420
A lot of non Democrat identifiers, actually identify as Americans before the R word.
Posted by: Heart of Darkness at July 16, 2020 07:14 PM (nFRLh) 421
>As I have pointed out before. BLM seems to be a white run organization.
and I'm sure someone at DNC has someone at BLM's phone number Posted by: DB- just DB. Proud Free-facer! at July 16, 2020 07:14 PM (iTXRQ) 422
Yeah. I must absolutely buy underwire bras. The Rack contains too much volume to not. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:14 PM (GbPPJ) High impact sports bra? Posted by: Ladyl--now mask-free! at July 16, 2020 07:14 PM (TdMsT) 423
I come for ace's movie reviews but stay for the underwire boobie stabbing.
Posted by: Two Weeks From Plugging Into The Matrix to Get Away From This Reality Shit at July 16, 2020 07:14 PM (+dsLj) 424
268- there is undeniably an anti-female vibe here at times, and I'm *not* sure everyone is reading or intending these rants as "lefties who have jacked legitimate civil rights causes."
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:50 PM A funny thought on that. There are posters here that I could have sworn were men who turned out to be women and vice versa. I mean that in the biological sense of course! I think that some of the harshest comments could be coming from 'ettes. Posted by: Moonbeam at July 16, 2020 07:15 PM (qe5CM) 425
Venable's a fag name. ************* True story, I always wondered about British complete obsession with gays, like "ay can you pass me a fag" "or I could use a fag right now" or "here's a fag for you" then I finally learned they were referring to cigarettes. Posted by: Two Weeks From Plugging Into The Matrix to Get Away From This Reality Shit at July 16, 2020 07:11 PM (+dsLj) ------- Yeah it does sound like some kinda limey public schoolboy name... "Aye wot, Davy was sent here after he was caught by the governess in an unnatural assignation with one of the Lord's beasts. He's a Venable, you know, so it's no surprise!" Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 16, 2020 07:15 PM (oJN+m) 426
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:10 PM (GbPPJ) I think your underwire bras need to be put on continuing medication and given serious therapy and removed from the home. This is the second time-at least- they've tried to stab you. This happened to me once and I gave it the old heave ho. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 16, 2020 07:15 PM (oDRcK) 427
Oh for those who did not catch what I have said appears all "Diversity Officers" in The Navy are Black and most are also women. No white men need apply Posted by: Nevergiveup ======= No surprise there. By the way, don't we have a DoD with oversight on this shyt? Bueller? This thing on? Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 07:15 PM (G51Gf) 428
>The underwire in my favorite bra just decided to fly and be free and stabbed me in the arm pit.
To be fair, it had a mighty task, so I can't fault it too much for failing. Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at July 16, 2020 07:15 PM (L106N) 429
408 Oh for those who did not catch what I have said appears all "Diversity Officers" in The Navy are Black and most are also women. No white men need apply
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 07:12 PM (85Gof) In the eyes of the woke, white men need the training, should be lectured to by "victims". Hospitals get this too, as do universities. Before my husband retired, they hired a trifecta diversity officer black, female, lesbian Posted by: CN at July 16, 2020 07:15 PM (ONvIw) 430
Alex sounds like Mrs HOD, bragger and complainer about the....things, you know.
Posted by: Heart of Darkness at July 16, 2020 07:16 PM (nFRLh) 431
Funny that a bra commercial just came on that feature wireless support . The way a bra should be was their tag line IIRC.
Posted by: Can't resist temptation at July 16, 2020 07:16 PM (2DOZq) 432
It was the most blatant lie I'd ever seen, and everyone who had ever been to school knew it was crap. But for some demented reason, it caught on and was believed.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 07:10 PM (KZzsI) Because girls are oppressed victims. So the Left will tell you. It's sort of like the obsessive devotion out there with "not enough girls are entering STEM fields". Posted by: Communist Party of China, June 1966 at July 16, 2020 07:16 PM (ejsiI) 433
Nika revolt or Nika sedition took place against Emperor Justinian I in Constantinople over the course of a week in 532 AD. They were the most violent riots in the city's history, with nearly half of Constantinople being burned or destroyed and tens of thousands of people killed.
Yep. After (apparently) the Empress put some backbone in the Emperor, he put out the word that everyone interested in discussing his future as emperor should meet in the Hippodrome (chariot racing track) the next day at noon. At noon the doors to the Hippodrome were closed, barred, soldiers came in through the back door from the palace, and slaughtered everyone there. Posted by: Rob Crawford at July 16, 2020 07:16 PM (naEeR) 434
Yeah. I must absolutely buy underwire bras. The Rack contains too much volume to not.
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:14 PM (GbPPJ) Having seen the glorious Victory Tits pic, I agree. The Better Half has the same size and need for underwires. Posted by: Guy Smiley at July 16, 2020 07:16 PM (FtO5h) 435
This is known. We should be smarter than that. Individuals matter in the US. Not tribal associations. I saw it as an overreaction to the race riots in the 70s on CVAs. Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 16, 2020 07:16 PM (u82oZ) 436
Here's a stupid question:
If you have wires embedded in your underwear aren't you asking for serious damage to your sensitive parts? Posted by: wth at July 16, 2020 07:16 PM (v0R5T) 437
So apparently the redskins' story has broken. 15 women accuse them of acting like frat boys. But of course all the rape and other felonies by the players ( mostly of the blm type) are totes OK?
A big nothing burger. when they jail all the pro athletes who act like frat boys, get back to me Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 07:16 PM (85Gof) 438
High impact sports bra?
Posted by: Ladyl--now mask-free! at July 16, 2020 07:14 PM (TdMsT) That's what I wear to sleep. Stupid boobs. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:16 PM (GbPPJ) 439
"Naperville IL (almost 80% white) had riots tear up their downtown "
That's interesting because Macon, Ga has the same population (150k), is 70% black, yet none of that kind of thing has happened. Any protests have been truly peaceful. What is going on? Posted by: freaked, back in gray at July 16, 2020 07:17 PM (Tnijr) 440
To be fair, it had a mighty task, so I can't fault it too much for failing.
Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at July 16, 2020 07:15 PM (L106N) It strove valiantly upon the field against the vast forces arrayed against it. In the end, it fought till the final breath. More than that, no man can ask. Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at July 16, 2020 07:17 PM (cI3Q7) 441
It's sort of like the obsessive devotion out there with "not enough girls are entering STEM fields". Posted by: Communist Party of China, June 1966 at July 16, 2020 07:16 PM (ejsiI) Most girls steer clear of engineering and sciences. This hasn't changed much since I was in school. Posted by: CN at July 16, 2020 07:17 PM (ONvIw) Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 16, 2020 07:17 PM (yQpMk) 443
Yeah. I must absolutely buy underwire bras. The Rack contains too much volume to not.
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:14 PM Have you considered titanium or carbon fiber underwires? Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 16, 2020 07:17 PM (DMUuz) 444
398 Never ever buy underwire bras!!!
Posted by: Ladyl--now mask-free! at July 16, 2020 07:11 PM (TdMsT) No underwire bras EVER!!! Posted by: zombie Joan Crawford at July 16, 2020 07:17 PM (DTX3h) 445
>>> - there is undeniably an anti-female vibe here at times, and I'm *not* sure everyone is reading or intending these rants as "lefties who have jacked legitimate civil rights causes."
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 06:50 PM Anti-female vibe? I'm not sure what you're talking about. Most women make perfectly good sammiches. I keed, I keed. Please don't my wife I said that! Posted by: Behind the dish at July 16, 2020 07:18 PM (7TV9X) 446
"not enough girls are entering STEM fields". An obsessive refrain in Chemical & Engineering News. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 16, 2020 07:18 PM (mht8P) 447
408 Oh for those who did not catch what I have said appears all "Diversity Officers" in The Navy are Black and most are also women. No white men need apply
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 07:12 PM (85Gof) We once had to suffer through sexual harrassment training from a humorless female, who was observed the whole time by an angry-looking black "diversity officer," checking us all out to see how compliant we were. Poor fellow was frog-marched out of the company 6 months later on a harrassment charge. Posted by: Caliban at July 16, 2020 07:18 PM (QE8X6) 448
That's what I wear to sleep. Stupid boobs. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:16 PM (GbPPJ) Dang girl! Sounds like you are truly blessed! Posted by: Ladyl--now mask-free! at July 16, 2020 07:18 PM (TdMsT) 449
Ahem. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:10 PM (GbPPJ) ........ You are about to have more morons beating down your door than Roger Stone had FBI agents Posted by: josephistan at July 16, 2020 07:18 PM (Izzlo) 450
The Rack contains too much volume to not.
Meebe check the tag to see if sold by weight and not volume? Posted by: Bosk at July 16, 2020 07:18 PM (SWbVS) 451
Emily Applegate, who worked as a marketing coordinator before leaving in 2015, was the only woman who spoke to the newspaper on the record about her experience working for the organization. The allegations, which reportedly ran from 2006 to 2019, would fall under unwelcome overtures or comments of a sexual nature, and exhortations to wear revealing clothing and flirt with clients to close sales deals.
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 07:18 PM (85Gof) 452
Naperville? wow
Posted by: klaftern at July 16, 2020 07:13 PM (RuIsu) Yes, it was in early June. The "Republican" mayor took a knee to the mob that day and at night they smashed up the downtown and looted it. The woke were out the next day marching in support. DuPage Country has gone from solid Republican to leans Dim. I think a lot of people fleeing Chicago and Crook County moved out there and took their voting with them. Hence Sean Casten and Lauren Underwood getting elected in 2018. Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 16, 2020 07:19 PM (SZ6s/) 453
Stupid boobs.
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:16 PM (GbPPJ) ------ I do not understand those words in that order. Posted by: Captain Obvious, of the sloop John B. at July 16, 2020 07:19 PM (HMkL9) 454
293 Perfect example, but on another topic du jour, is that Burger King commercial. It is clearly targeting children for indoctrination.
saw that the other day- couldn't believe what I was seeing Posted by: DB- just DB. Proud Free-facer! at July 16, 2020 06:49 PM (iTXRQ) What was it? Posted by: Ha at July 16, 2020 06:55 PM The cow farting commercial. Posted by: Moonbeam at July 16, 2020 07:19 PM (qe5CM) Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 07:19 PM (G51Gf) 456
Shiiiiiiiiiiiit. Wait til those fuckin' bitches get a load of me.
Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33's Mom at July 16, 2020 06:56 PM (ejsiI) --- They don't know shit. Posted by: SMH's mom and dad at July 16, 2020 07:19 PM (RU4sa) 457
The allegations, which reportedly ran from 2006 to 2019, would fall under unwelcome overtures or comments of a sexual nature, and exhortations to wear revealing clothing and flirt with clients to close sales deals.
This sounds like pharma sales. Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 16, 2020 07:19 PM (yQpMk) 458
Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats have ever had anything like a 40-50% share in the history of the Gallup poll.
Lying poll troll is lying. Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia (kneels to no one on this Earth) at July 16, 2020 07:20 PM (unn44) 459
Most girls steer clear of engineering and sciences. This hasn't changed much since I was in school.
They also avoid engineers and scientists. Back in college one year, they decided to schedule a teaching school class on the floor occupied by the electrical engineers. It truly was as if strange, never-before-seen creatures had appeared. Which wasn't really fair, because we had women in the program. Posted by: Rob Crawford at July 16, 2020 07:20 PM (naEeR) 460
None of the 15 women accused Snyder or former team president Bruce Allen of inappropriate behavior, according to the newspaper.
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 07:20 PM (85Gof) 461
Here's a stupid question:
If you have wires embedded in your underwear aren't you asking for serious damage to your sensitive parts? Posted by: wth at July 16, 2020 07:16 PM (v0R5T) In the event of failure, yes. However, the architectural support is worth the risk. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:20 PM (GbPPJ) 462
We need research! To the material labs. Let's see. Lightweight. Strong. Does not hurt the back or shoulders. Allows bouncing. Breathable. With enough lace for frilly fem feelings. Able to easily be unfastened by an awestruck teenager. NO WIRES! Any other requirements? Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 16, 2020 07:20 PM (u82oZ) 463
This sounds like pharma sales.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 16, 2020 07:19 PM (yQpMk) My father used to lecture for big Pharma about antibiotics. I would meet him occasionally and was usually smitten by the smoke-show reps. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 16, 2020 07:21 PM (dLLD6) 464
There are smart boobs out there? Now I'm vaguely frightened
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 07:21 PM (KZzsI) 465
> At noon the doors to the Hippodrome were closed, barred, soldiers came in through the back door from the palace, and slaughtered everyone there.
Jerry Pournelle did a science fictional update of that scenario in his Falkenberg's Legion series of stories. Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia (kneels to no one on this Earth) at July 16, 2020 07:21 PM (unn44) 466
So when the underwire went free did your boobs suddenly go all wobbly and wiggly?
Asking for friend. Posted by: wth at July 16, 2020 07:21 PM (v0R5T) 467
I work in a district (and hope I still do for years to come) which has consistently celebrated our college-bound, trade school-bound, and military-enlisted graduates. We were thrilled when one of our students placed at the top of the state for welding and got a high-paying job immediately (and his parents were over the moon). College is where you're more likely to find teachers who think everyone should be college-educated, but even then, it depends on the college. And how many generations of credentialed people are the teachers' families. Posted by: NaughtyPine at July 16, 2020 07:11 PM (/+bwe) Well, that's refreshing. But that's where YOU are. From what I saw in my 12-year prison sentence, you either go to college or you get treated with sneering scorn. Hell, the one guidance counselor that I thought was one step above worthless in HS was just as condescending as possible to those of us looking to get information on transferring our HS transcripts to the local community college. (She was a much better teacher than she was a guidance counselor.) Posted by: Communist Party of China, June 1966 at July 16, 2020 07:21 PM (ejsiI) 468
Shitstorm is coming, don't matter if Trump wins or not.
We're just getting the feeder bands at the moment. Posted by: SMH at July 16, 2020 07:21 PM (RU4sa) 469
comments of a sexual nature, and exhortations to wear revealing clothing and flirt with clients to close sales deals.
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 07:18 PM (85Gof Selling those luxury boxes. I do remember though about 7 or 8 years ago the Redskins Cheerleaders accused management of forcing them to essentially be escorts . Posted by: Can't resist temptation at July 16, 2020 07:21 PM (2DOZq) 470
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at July 16, 2020 07:21 PM (cI3Q7) 471
Strong. Does not hurt the back or shoulders. Allows bouncing. Breathable. With enough lace for frilly fem feelings. Able to easily be unfastened by an awestruck teenager. NO WIRES! Any other requirements? Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 16, 2020 07:20 PM (u82oZ) ------ So, like Kevlar and Velcro? Posted by: Captain Obvious, of the sloop John B. at July 16, 2020 07:22 PM (UAMe5) 472
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 07:19 PM (G51Gf) It's amazing isn't how quickly prosecutors going after Flynn, Stone, and Manafort could get their shit together? Not out DOJ. They find a never ending stream of ts to cross. Posted by: CN at July 16, 2020 07:22 PM (ONvIw) 473
Posted by: SMH's mom and dad at July 16, 2020 07:19 PM (RU4sa) Okay, now I'm confused. Now, not only do we have SMH and smh (jr), but we also have SMH's folks here too? Posted by: Behind the dish at July 16, 2020 07:22 PM (7TV9X) 474
And most of the women who don't steer clear of STEM have been involved with it since before they were teenagers. Posted by: junior at July 16, 2020 07:22 PM (lLSTT) 475
Jerry Pournelle did a science fictional update of that scenario in his Falkenberg's Legion series of stories.
And David Drake used it in his Hammer's Slammers stories. Posted by: Rob Crawford at July 16, 2020 07:23 PM (naEeR) 476
That's interesting because Macon, Ga has the same
population (150k), is 70% black, yet none of that kind of thing has happened. Any protests have been truly peaceful. What is going on? Posted by: freaked, back in gray at July 16, 2020 07:17 PM (Tnijr) I don't think it was any locals. The day before neighboring Aurora IL got hit after the diversity hire police chief was out hugging the "protesters". I think the "peaceful protesters" saw what an easy mark they were. Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 16, 2020 07:23 PM (SZ6s/) 477
Able to easily be unfastened by an awestruck teenager.
It was like doing a Rubik's Cube and untying a Gordian Knot, in the dark, with one arm tied behind your back. Posted by: Guy Smiley at July 16, 2020 07:23 PM (FtO5h) Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 16, 2020 07:23 PM (mht8P) 479
Poor fellow was frog-marched out of the company 6 months later on a harrassment charge. Posted by: Caliban ======= Heh, poor fellow. Usually race trumps gender (cf 2008, hillary vs barry) but there are those outliers. Posted by: Blonde Morticia at July 16, 2020 07:23 PM (G51Gf) 480
A good brassiere is, in fact, an engineering marvel, and should be respected, and inspected, as such.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 16, 2020 07:23 PM (DMUuz) 481
I would meet him occasionally and was usually smitten by the smoke-show reps./i]
I have never seen one that wasn't. Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 16, 2020 07:23 PM (yQpMk) 482
>>I think that some of the harshest comments could be coming from 'ettes.
FWIW, there are times when a woman or women behave in such a way that make one embarrassed to be a woman, such as "mattress girl" or the ones who consider the office thermostat setting being too low a misogynist work environment. Things like that inspire what may be considered "anti-woman" comments, but it's more like "come on, you are setting us all back with this craziness!" Posted by: Lizzy at July 16, 2020 07:23 PM (bDqIh) 483
464 There are smart boobs out there? Now I'm vaguely frightened
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 07:21 PM (KZzsI) And intrigued? Posted by: Someguy at July 16, 2020 07:24 PM (Zm+LZ) 484
475 Wow, Gallup did their monthly Party ID poll and found Dems now hold an 11 point lead over the GOP.
In May, it was 47-44 D+3 In June, it was 50-39 D+11 Looks like that NBC/Wall St Journal had the accurate D+11 partisan split exactly right. Posted by: DavidVenable at July 16, 2020 07:22 PM (blPsD) ================================= That explains so much of what's going on, to be honest. Rush is right, there's a cultural revolution going on. Posted by: FrogandToad at July 16, 2020 07:24 PM (N63e/) 485
The latest Rasmussen poll (of likely voters) shows Trump collecting a whopping 31% of black votes.
Juggling the numbers, that would be stealing about 8% of Dem votes right there. Another question would be how many other black voters are on the fence and might not wind up voting at all. Turnout models could really be flipped on their ear. If you can believe polls, of course. Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 16, 2020 07:24 PM (oVJmc) 486
"I was attacked by my bra!' Sounds like a "True Detective" story.
Posted by: Javems at July 16, 2020 07:25 PM (+N0R/) 487
Nood btw
Posted by: Behind the dish at July 16, 2020 07:25 PM (7TV9X) 488
Yeah. I must absolutely buy underwire bras. The Rack contains too much volume to not.
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:14 PM (GbPPJ) I think the Horde has been totally hanging out with each other so long that we've all become like old married folks, complaining to each other about our boobs or our hemorrhoids or our bunions and such...its kind of odd, isn't it? I hope we never all get divorced, who would the Horde complain to then - who would listen? By the way, my feet are killing me - Boswell spawn is playing in the Met NY Women's Open next week and I had caddy on a practice round the other day, up and down hills - I need a feet rub...just saying. Posted by: Boswell at July 16, 2020 07:25 PM (32YRo) 489
Damn sock...
Most girls steer clear of engineering and sciences. This hasn't changed much since I was in school. Posted by: CN at July 16, 2020 07:17 PM (ONvIw) Yep. And this has been HORRIBLE. There are PSAs talking about how horrible that is, and even Boeing, on their FB page, says it's horrible and "let's change that". The local weather girls that we used to have wore purple on March 14th to highlight the problem of there being too few girls interested in math or science. Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 16, 2020 07:26 PM (ejsiI) 490
Stupid boobs.
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 16, 2020 07:16 PM (GbPPJ) ....... To be fair to the boobs, I like them stupid. The smart ones would probably start complaining and yell at me to go away. Posted by: wth at July 16, 2020 07:26 PM (v0R5T) 491
348 Whatever happened to expulsions.
That was back when college students weren't assumed to be in charge, and what's more wiser and better than their professors. College students these days go into the place assuming they'll school everybody, not to learn or be under any authority. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 16, 2020 07:03 PM Reminds me of those Yale students who ran the Christakes couple off campus. The prominent female in the video of that encounter was positively apoplectic. Over Halloween costumes! Posted by: Moonbeam at July 16, 2020 07:27 PM (qe5CM) Posted by: One of the quiet ones at July 16, 2020 07:27 PM (eG2J2) 493
Hell, the one guidance counselor that I thought was one step above worthless in HS was just as condescending as possible to those of us looking to get information on transferring our HS transcripts to the local community college. (She was a much better teacher than she was a guidance counselor.)
Posted by: Communist Party of China, June 1966 at July 16, 2020 07:21 PM Did she live where she taught? Because the worthless, condescending teachers in my district commuted from suburbs, and they thought our county in general and our community in particular was populated by white trash. Posted by: NaughtyPine at July 16, 2020 07:28 PM (/+bwe) 494
Yep. And this has been HORRIBLE. There are PSAs talking about how horrible that is, and even Boeing, on their FB page, says it's horrible and "let's change that".
The local weather girls that we used to have wore purple on March 14th to highlight the problem of there being too few girls interested in math or science. Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at July 16, 2020 07:26 PM (ejsiI) It's a simple matter of choice. They are not denied classes in math and sciences, they just go to college and choose marketing or sociology or social work. Posted by: CN at July 16, 2020 07:28 PM (ONvIw) 495
--There's nothing wrong with the world that total destruction wouldn't cure.
Posted by: logprof at July 16, 2020 06:14 PM (oZuI0) Funny you should mention that... Posted by: The Apostle that Jesus Loved at July 16, 2020 07:29 PM (sntX8) 496
ATC The pain of the stabbing is bad enough, but it's nothing compared to the pain of shelling out $70-plus for another, amirite?
Posted by: April, Freedom Now! at July 16, 2020 07:29 PM (OX9vb) 497
Another Missoula flood. That's what created the Gorge.
Posted by: notsothoreau at July 16, 2020 07:34 PM (JKNZq) 498
407 Oh for those who did not catch what I have said appears all "Diversity Officers" in The Navy are Black and most are also women. No white men need apply
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 16, 2020 07:12 PM (85Gof) NGU, In my last Patriot Battery, I had an e6 that liked to pray five times a day. He complained that I was raysisssss because I wouldn't let him sleep during a maintenance problem that deadlined the unit. I pointed at the white female e4 that was on her 3rd day of working another less pressing problem and told him to get off his race baiting worthless ass and go fix my radar. He asked why. I swear I gawd damned near lost my motherphucking mind. The next thing I remember is him beating feet for the radar and both of my e7s holding me down. It was all due to a simple power supply that I saw was the problem in the first 15 minutes of of the damned thing being broke. I had the part in the parts van waiting on his worthless ass to identify and remove replace to fix the radar. Since we were trai ing a different mission than what that portion of the radar covered, I used it as an object lesson. The junior enlisted learned that i do NOT play favorites and everyone that starts a problem stays in it until its fixed. I got that piece of shit busted to e4 and run out of the Army after that. Posted by: BifBewalski at July 16, 2020 07:38 PM (VcFUs) 499
120- hey Roxanne Roxanne...which NYC PR firm? I was in that world for 20 years!
Posted by: vivi at July 16, 2020 07:40 PM (11H2y) 500
The Gallup poll cited above includes leaners--actual Dems are at 32 pct and Rep. 26. The figures from late may early June was 31 pct Dem and Rep. 25.
The reporters are forcing leaners which are not really sampled as such into Rep. or Dem. which is unsound--from time to time you get random bounces due to sampling, especially in the summer due to non-response bias. BTW, Gallup are the guys that ended their presidential polls after 2012 due to their poor performance in that race. Gallup by that time had not been the most accurate poll for some time. The main advantage to Gallup is that they have been asking the same questions for a long time so useful for trends but not accuracy per se. Posted by: whig at July 16, 2020 07:44 PM (pv2s8) 501
This is what we get from surrendering to the sufferage movement a hundred years ago. Big big mistake.
Posted by: Sooner - White Blue-eyed Debil at July 16, 2020 07:56 PM (sFKo2) 502
My company is looking for a consultant to set up a diversity session or anti-racist session or something like that. I'm looking for a cheat sheet of responses I can taqyya. I have no idea what to expect or how to prepare for this. Any hints, suggestions would be awesome.
Posted by: vivi at July 16, 2020 08:10 PM (11H2y) 503
108 I have four sons. When they started dating, I urged them to attend Pro-Life rallys to meet decent, normal, compassionate young women who are interested in long term, loving relationships.
The two that have taken that advice are in blissfully happy relationships. Posted by: Tonypete at July 16, 2020 06:25 PM (Rvt8 ![]() It also ensures, with the Grace of God and the intercession of St. Gerard Majella, that you will have grandchildren. Posted by: Fox2! at July 16, 2020 08:10 PM (IKya9) 504
Most on Twitter screaming for the police to be defunded tend to be well off white people who know full well their towns will still have a police presence, while subjecting poor minorities to war zones.
The white savior complex on the left always comes with a big dose of pain for the minorities they pretend to be helping. Posted by: Rbastid at July 16, 2020 08:21 PM (r0SEX) 505
OH how I love when you paint all women with the same brush!
Someone more familiar with how to follow a topic would realize that we're all discussing these obnoxious leftist women. And I got tired of putting disclaimers on everything to avoid the outrage and knee-jerk brigade years ago. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor Ooooh, careful there, little Christopher -- you're letting your incel rage show. And trust me, sweets: I'm COMPLETELY able to follow a topic. Posted by: Eleanor, What the Cat Dragged In at July 16, 2020 08:44 PM (QU+qf) 506
Isn't Seattle's police chief a black chick?
So was Atlanta's - Erika Shields. Posted by: deplorable unperson ------- Boxes checked: [X] Democrat [X] Female [X] AA [X] Lesbian Well qualified Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 16, 2020 08:58 PM (AytXr) 507
Novem-3 is turning out to be far more virulent than other recent variants.
Posted by: techsan at July 16, 2020 11:24 PM (lYvbB) 508
The antifa organizers are making a calculated play, one that does not usually pay off. They push white women to the front to taunt, tease, torment and torture black officers with the crudest insults. They are hoping and praying for an overreaction that will be played on a constant loop on Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc. It never seems to happen.
Posted by: Nikola's Notion at July 17, 2020 10:57 AM (Z+Fif) Processing 0.09, elapsed 0.0995 seconds. |
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