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Mid-Morning Art Thread

Caravaggio David Goliath.jpg

David And Goliath
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

He makes you work at seeing his art. That should irritate the f&%k out of me, but it doesn't. It just makes me wonder why God painted through Caravaggio.

Posted by: CBD at 09:30 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Rub some dirt on it.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 09:30 AM (3EWns)

2 1st

Posted by: Skip's Phone at November 23, 2021 09:30 AM (tdjF4)

3 hiya

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 09:31 AM (arJlL)

4 G D knew that David was to become King. Was this a test of David to see if he had the faith?

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 23, 2021 09:31 AM (yrol0)

5 Is it mentioned anywhere how big Goliath was?

Posted by: BignJames at November 23, 2021 09:31 AM (AwYPR)

6 Goliath had a big head.

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 09:32 AM (arJlL)

7 The first antifada.

Posted by: fluffy at November 23, 2021 09:32 AM (DMtdj)

8 Yeah, CBD -- disjointed, like something cubist.

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at November 23, 2021 09:32 AM (H5elZ)

9 Davey and Golith was my favorite claymation when I was a little kid, this looks nothing like it.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at November 23, 2021 09:32 AM (IIAOb)

10 We need common sense slingshot control!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at November 23, 2021 09:32 AM (FVME7)

11 David was ripped.

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 09:32 AM (60gBr)

12 Knew about the sling, but not about the beheading.

Posted by: Humboldt County Growers Consortium at November 23, 2021 09:33 AM (w9Wax)

13 >>> Is it mentioned anywhere how big Goliath was?

Tis. Seven cubits (or was it six?) and a span.

Posted by: fluffy at November 23, 2021 09:33 AM (DMtdj)

14 Good morning, would not hang, I don't really like this one.

Posted by: Debby Doberman Schultz at November 23, 2021 09:33 AM (a4EWo)

15 Now that's how you get ahead in life.

Posted by: f'd at November 23, 2021 09:33 AM (Tnijr)

16 Goliath came at him with a skateboard.

Posted by: t-bird at November 23, 2021 09:33 AM (pbStR)

17 Goliath shoulda worn his helmet.

Posted by: Big V Caffeinated at November 23, 2021 09:33 AM (Adlwz)

18 At Villanova University had a hand in hanging a massive painting of David presentation to King Saul Goliath's sword and armor.
Wish I could put up a link to the painting. If anyone could it's at Falvey Library at Villanova

Posted by: Skip's Phone at November 23, 2021 09:33 AM (tdjF4)

19 But did Goliath cross state lines?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 23, 2021 09:34 AM (VxC1e)

20 The name Goliath died that day. Never hear anyone else named that afterwards. The Karen of the times.

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 09:34 AM (60gBr)

21 Is it mentioned anywhere how big Goliath was?

Posted by: BignJames at November 23, 2021 09:31 AM (AwYPR)

Yup. In Samuel! Six cubits and one span. But I don't remember what that equals...

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 23, 2021 09:34 AM (Q9lwr)

22 The painting mentioned the sword is huge

Posted by: Skip's Phone at November 23, 2021 09:34 AM (tdjF4)

23 Breaking: The local DA has just charged David with murder.

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 09:35 AM (60gBr)

24 I like Caravaggio - in this painting, I like how he takes the focus off David by placing his face in shadow, and places all of the focus on the ugly, bloodied head of Goliath. No one else ever approached the story this way (that I know of)

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021 09:35 AM (evAgx)

25 Tis. Seven cubits (or was it six?) and a span.
Posted by: fluffy at November 23, 2021 09:33 AM (DMtdj)

A cubit was about 14", and a span about 6"? Maybe?

So 104" = 8' 8"?

Not implausible.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 23, 2021 09:35 AM (6FeV1)

26 Is it mentioned anywhere how big Goliath was?

Look at his fist. It's bigger than David's thigh!

Posted by: t-bird at November 23, 2021 09:35 AM (pbStR)

27 "Never hear anyone else named that afterwards"


Posted by: the Goliath Grouper at November 23, 2021 09:35 AM (Tnijr)

28 That Goliath guy must have had a Rachel Maddow-type long neck! Yikes!

Posted by: Gref at November 23, 2021 09:35 AM (AMIL/)

29 Often thought to send the link to CBD

Posted by: Skip's Phone at November 23, 2021 09:35 AM (tdjF4)

30 Goliath had a big head.

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 09:32 AM (arJlL)

Oh, that Philistine man; big damn head.

Posted by: Billy Fish at November 23, 2021 09:35 AM (gmo/4)

31 McGarrotte, Elah Valley 5-0

Posted by: Humboldt County Growers Consortium at November 23, 2021 09:36 AM (w9Wax)

32 This one is so obvious, a non art critic can see it! President Biden, portrayed here as David, has slain the evil Trump maladministration, portrayed here as Goliath. Now goodness, prosperity, and norms will reign in all the land!!!

Posted by: The Art Critic at November 23, 2021 09:36 AM (7bRMQ)

33 David's garb isn't realistic. Nobody goes in to combat wrapped in a sheet.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at November 23, 2021 09:36 AM (o2MD2)

34 Dark!

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 09:36 AM (txdEq)

35 Hot Coffee!!!...i'll take "lose your head" for $500 Alex

Posted by: qmark at November 23, 2021 09:36 AM (nGOuT)

36 Goliath looks decapitated. Never knew a slingshot could do so much damage.

Posted by: redridinghood at November 23, 2021 09:36 AM (NpAcC)

37 In the dead sea scrolls, Goliath is said to be 6 and a half feet tall.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at November 23, 2021 09:37 AM (Y5qcH)

38 Goliath is making a white spremist symbol.

Posted by: the Goliath Grouper at November 23, 2021 09:37 AM (Tnijr)

39 Can not hang.

Posted by: Zombie Goliath at November 23, 2021 09:37 AM (4fSQf)

40 I am sure Goliath didn't wake up that day thinking it would be his last and that some shepherd was going to separate his head from his body.

To me, Goliath symbolizes the arrogance of Earthly power and its demise in the face of faith.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 23, 2021 09:37 AM (LQjWA)

41 A cubit is from the elbow to the middle finger. On me that is 19" nine and a half feet plus a "span," whatever that is.

Yeah...Goliath was a big dude.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 23, 2021 09:37 AM (Q9lwr)

42 David's garb isn't realistic. Nobody goes in to combat wrapped in a sheet.
Posted by: Xipe Totec at November 23, 2021 09:36 AM (o2MD2)

Looks like breeches and a slinger's half shirt to me....

Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 23, 2021 09:37 AM (6FeV1)

43 "The name Goliath died that day."

Goliath had a brother referred to as Goliath in Chronicles.

Interestingly, the hill where Christ's cross was placed was called Golgotha and a lot of people speculate that's where David buried Goliath of Gath's head.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 09:37 AM (B0mGw)

44 36 Goliath looks decapitated. Never knew a slingshot could do so much damage.
Posted by: redridinghood at November 23, 2021 09:36 AM (NpAcC)

David cut off his head with Goliath's own sword after he knocked him out.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at November 23, 2021 09:38 AM (Y5qcH)

45 Beheaded?

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at November 23, 2021 09:38 AM (4I/2K)

46 To me, Goliath symbolizes the arrogance of Earthly power and its demise in the face of faith.


He believed in climate change?

Posted by: SH (Overturn Roe) at November 23, 2021 09:38 AM (sX1BW)

Why is that kid strangling Peter Jackson to death?

I mean, "The Hobbit" sucked, but...yeeesh!

Posted by: naturalfake at November 23, 2021 09:38 AM (5NkmN)

48 yeah, the guy's got talent but talent aint nearly enough

you need conections to make it in art world Mikey

Posted by: HUNTER at November 23, 2021 09:38 AM (us2H3)

49 "Beheaded?"

With his own sword.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 09:38 AM (B0mGw)

50 Nobody names their kid Goliath anymore.

Posted by: redridinghood at November 23, 2021 09:39 AM (NpAcC)

51 A head of the times

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at November 23, 2021 09:39 AM (tPUfk)

52 The relationship twixt the Israelites and the Philistines always intrigued me. One year they are at war, the next year partners, the next year back at war.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at November 23, 2021 09:39 AM (o2MD2)

53 33 David's garb isn't realistic. Nobody goes in to combat wrapped in a sheet.
Posted by: Xipe Totec at November 23, 2021 09:36 AM (o2MD2)

He takes off the clothes and amour of Kings Sauls and goes to battle as a Shepard. My guess is it mean your work with what you have and have faith in G D to supply the rest.

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 23, 2021 09:39 AM (yrol0)

54 David had no right to use deadly force against peaceable protestor Goliath. This was murder.

Posted by: Thomas Binger and Fatlock at November 23, 2021 09:39 AM (J6igU)

55 Goliath had a big head.

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 09:32 AM (arJlL)

Oh, that Philistine man; big damn head.
Posted by: Billy Fish at November 23, 2021 09:35 AM (gmo/4)


Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at November 23, 2021 09:39 AM (4I/2K)

56 We remember David as the little guy who used a sling to take down a giant. But I like tho think of him as King of Trash Talking:

This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.

Posted by: blaster at November 23, 2021 09:39 AM (mbFEM)

57 I'm guessing the v-shaped mark on Goliath's head is where the stone hit him.

Posted by: dantesed at November 23, 2021 09:39 AM (88xKn)

58 It wasn't a slingshot; it was a sling, where ya load it, swing it around your head and let fly.

Requires practice.

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 09:39 AM (arJlL)

59 Nobody names their kid Goliath anymore.
Posted by: redridinghood at November 23, 2021 09:39 AM (NpAcC)

Golly would be a fun nickname.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 23, 2021 09:39 AM (6FeV1)

60 David was clearly trying to get ahead.

Love this work - would definitely hang.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 23, 2021 09:39 AM (jZSOU)

61 In a time long before shaving cream, safety and even straight razors, did men shave with oil and specially sharpened knives? It must have been awkward and painful -- probably why many men opted for beards. Goliath is heavily bearded, but David is clean-shaven. Is this supposed to emphasize his youth, and to highlight the remarkable fact that he defeated the huge Philistine when he was hardly old enough to shave?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 09:39 AM (txdEq)

62 Six cubits and a span can be any where from 8 foot to ten foot depending on who's source you read. In either case Goliath was a big dude.

Posted by: Big V Caffeinated at November 23, 2021 09:40 AM (Adlwz)

63 32 This one is so obvious, a non art critic can see it! President Biden, portrayed here as David, has slain the evil Trump maladministration, portrayed here as Goliath. Now goodness, prosperity, and norms will reign in all the land!!!

Posted by: The Art Critic at November 23, 2021 09:36 AM (7bRMQ)


Goliath's head here represents the voting and electoral system and processes -- severed from the body politic.

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at November 23, 2021 09:40 AM (4fSQf)

64 Down goes Goliath! Down goes Goliath! Down goes Goliath!

Posted by: First Jewish ringside announcer at November 23, 2021 09:40 AM (TQz7v)

The Comeuppance - a limerick

Goliath was tall. And big-boned.
Muscular, ripped and well-toned
'Til Davey came along
With a simple leather thong
Singing, "Everybody must get stoned!"

Posted by: Muldoon at November 23, 2021 09:40 AM (m45I2)

66 52

So basically Europe for 1500 years.

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 09:40 AM (60gBr)

67 It's interesting how David's face is in shadow but Goliath's face is highlighted. Caravaggio really wants you to look the giant in the face and see his wound. While this seems like a quiet piece, the part of the story with the least drama, there's still violence and gore.

Posted by: Kris at November 23, 2021 09:40 AM (OyyDO)

68 I'm disappointed. Normally his art looks like an artsy Coke commercial, with muted colors except for a single bright red streak somewhere. This? That little dot on Goliath's head ain't no dramatic splash of color!

Posted by: Grimmy at November 23, 2021 09:40 AM (JCZqz)

69 37 In the dead sea scrolls, Goliath is said to be 6 and a half feet tall.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at November 23, 2021 09:37 AM (Y5qcH)

and in a day when most men were barely over 5' tall, he truly would have been a Giant. In more recent history, Edward 1 was said to have been a head taller than anyone else in England at the time, and an examination of his skeletal remains shows that he was probably around 6' tall.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021 09:40 AM (evAgx)

70 64 Down goes Goliath! Down goes Goliath! Down goes Goliath!
Posted by: First Jewish ringside announcer at November 23, 2021 09:40 AM (TQz7v)


Goliath is out?! Goliath is out?!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 09:40 AM (3EWns)

71 "We remember David as the little guy who used a sling to take down a giant. But I like tho think of him as King of Trash Talking:"

Love that part of the story. David punched a lion in the face to get a lamb back.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 09:40 AM (B0mGw)

72 Signed up for a subscription to Sling.

Not getting any reception.

Posted by: Goliath's Man Cave at November 23, 2021 09:41 AM (w9Wax)

73 37 In the dead sea scrolls, Goliath is said to be 6 and a half feet tall.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at November 23, 2021 09:37 AM (Y5qcH)

What's that in cubits?

Posted by: Gref at November 23, 2021 09:41 AM (AMIL/)

74 Lets see a cubit...I used to know what a cubit was.

Posted by: Biden's Dog at November 23, 2021 09:41 AM (iBUlF)

75 Gee Day-vee

Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 23, 2021 09:42 AM (Bmy3R)

76 Down goes Goliath! Down goes Goliath! Down goes Goliath!
Posted by: First Jewish ringside announcer at November 23, 2021 09:40 AM (TQz7v)


Goliath is out?! Goliath is out?!
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 09:40 AM (3EWns)

The giants apparently *didn't* win the pennant...

Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 23, 2021 09:42 AM (6FeV1)

77 "It wasn't a slingshot; it was a sling, where ya load it, swing it around your head and let fly."

You can use yer underware for that if you wear the right kind.

Posted by: the Goliath Groper at November 23, 2021 09:42 AM (Tnijr)

78 41 A cubit is from the elbow to the middle finger. On me that is 19" nine and a half feet plus a "span," whatever that is.

Yeah...Goliath was a big dude.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 23, 2021 09:37 AM (Q9lwr)

A span is the width of a flattened hand at its widest point. For me, that's about 3 1/2 to 3/4 inches.

Posted by: Kris at November 23, 2021 09:42 AM (OyyDO)

79 Goliath's face bears a striking resemblance to Randall Tex Cobb.

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at November 23, 2021 09:42 AM (4I/2K)

80 and in a day when most men were barely over 5' tall, he truly would have been a Giant. In more recent history, Edward 1 was said to have been a head taller than anyone else in England at the time, and an examination of his skeletal remains shows that he was probably around 6' tall.

Posted by: Tom Servo


The other day I was wondering what humans will top out at? Will 6' 5" be average 200 years from now?

Posted by: SH (Overturn Roe) at November 23, 2021 09:42 AM (sX1BW)

81 Beautiful rendering. He captured the youth of David so well as well as the relative scale of the two combatants without showing them standing. You really get that sense of an unexpected victor.

Also makes you think about how gruesome and personal warfare was for a long part of human history.

Posted by: red speck at November 23, 2021 09:42 AM (gS3OW)

82 If David hadn't been there, none of this would have happened.

Posted by: Elah Valley District Attorney's Office at November 23, 2021 09:42 AM (w9Wax)

83 Therefore David ran, and stood upon the Philistine, and took his sword, and drew it out of the sheath thereof, and slew him, and cut off his head therewith. And when the Philistines saw their champion was dead, they fled.

Posted by: blaster at November 23, 2021 09:42 AM (mbFEM)

84 74 Lets see a cubit...I used to know what a cubit was.
Posted by: Biden's Dog at November 23, 2021 09:41 AM (iBUlF)

3/4ths of a tetrahedronit

Posted by: Roy at November 23, 2021 09:42 AM (TQz7v)

85 David was under 17 and it was a modified assault sling.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 23, 2021 09:42 AM (LQjWA)

86 85 David was under 17 and it was a modified assault sling.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 23, 2021 09:42 AM (LQjWA)


I say we riot.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 09:43 AM (3EWns)

87 How many STONE did Goliath weigh?

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 09:43 AM (60gBr)

88 David cRoSsEd StAtE LiNes!!!! REEEE!

Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 23, 2021 09:43 AM (Bmy3R)

89 Cutting off a head with a neck that size with a sword is damn near unbelievable.

Posted by: Muad'dib at November 23, 2021 09:43 AM (sjdRT)

90 David's knee is on Goliath's back! Reeeeeee!!!!!!

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at November 23, 2021 09:43 AM (SchxB)

91 Interestingly, the hill where Christ's cross was placed was called Golgotha and a lot of people speculate that's where David buried Goliath of Gath's head.
Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021

Wasn't the hill also called "Calvary," for its likeness to a bald human head or skull? "Calvarium" = "skull," specifically the upper domelike portion; and "calvo" today in Spanish = "bald."

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 09:43 AM (txdEq)

92 Goliath's face bears a striking resemblance to Randall Tex Cobb.


The Packer receiver? His nickname is Tex?

Posted by: SH (Overturn Roe) at November 23, 2021 09:43 AM (sX1BW)

93 62 Six cubits and a span can be any where from 8 foot to ten foot depending on who's source you read. In either case Goliath was a big dude.
Posted by: Big V Caffeinated at November 23, 2021 09:40 AM (Adlwz)


Just an ordinary sized Sasquatch, albeit one that was
follically challenged.

Posted by: Sasquatch, the Original Trans-Wookie at November 23, 2021 09:44 AM (AE56J)

94 6 Goliath had a big head.
Posted by: JT

I was waiting for someone to chime in with "and an enormous schwansthuka " but I guess you guys are still reeling from the melodius voices of JJ and CBD.

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 09:44 AM (arJlL)

95 A cubit is the measure from your elbow to the tips of your fingers so maybe 18 inches (or, as the Europeans say "something something centimeters") and a span is the width of your hand so maybe 4 inches (or, as the Europeans say "something something centimeters"). So seven cubits and a span is about 130 inches or 10 feet 10 inches (or, as the Europeans say "something something meters").

Posted by: Cliff Clavin at November 23, 2021 09:44 AM (FVME7)

96 David chose a SINGLE POINT SLING.

Which is, you know, pretty deadly.

Posted by: blaster at November 23, 2021 09:44 AM (mbFEM)

97 Dead sea scrolls state Goliath's was equal to our measurement of 6' 9".

Posted by: Archer at November 23, 2021 09:44 AM (gmo/4)

98 " David was under 17 and it was a modified assault sling."

Not to mention the State Lines!

Posted by: the Goliath Groper at November 23, 2021 09:44 AM (Tnijr)

99 David was under 17 and it was a modified assault sling.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 23, 2021 09:42 AM (LQjWA)

He crossed state lines!

Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 23, 2021 09:44 AM (6FeV1)

100 74 Lets see a cubit...I used to know what a cubit was.
Posted by: Biden's Dog at November 23, 2021 09:41 AM (iBUlF)

it was the distance from your elbow to your fingertip; how long that was depended on who was doing the measuring.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021 09:45 AM (evAgx)

101 "that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel."

Amen. May it be so.

Posted by: grammie winger at November 23, 2021 09:45 AM (45fpk)

102 Big Goliath found out where it's at. And it's not hustlin' people strange to you. Even if you do got a two-piece custom-made pool cue.

Posted by: 496 at November 23, 2021 09:45 AM (VJsqe)

103 Goliath's head here represents the voting and electoral system and processes -- severed from the body politic.

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at November 23, 2021 09:40 AM (4fSQf)

Of course! Only Ivy League people should be able to vote anyway. Trumpers should have no say at all! Perhaps some kind of mark should be on them so the better sort can keep unpolluted by contact with them!!!!

Posted by: The Art Critic at November 23, 2021 09:45 AM (7bRMQ)

104 David used a hollow point sling.

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 09:45 AM (60gBr)

105 21 Is it mentioned anywhere how big Goliath was?

Yup. In Samuel! Six cubits and one span. But I don't remember what that equals...

I go straight to Bill Cosby... "R-i-i-g-h-h-t. What's a 'cubit'?"

Posted by: red speck at November 23, 2021 09:45 AM (gS3OW)

106 6'9" would make Goliath a power forward.

Posted by: SFGoth at November 23, 2021 09:45 AM (KAi1n)

107 From the Replacing Kamala article:

"Jill Biden also knew that Harris had intimately attached herself to the radical wing of the Democrat Party and that this could have swung the decision against her husband, particularly if her husband's past became a major issue."

Who writes this shit? Why are we pretending like the Bidens aren't equally yoked to the" radical wing" of the Democrat Party? I swear we *still* have the other side writing our editorials. They must really think we're retards. More fool you if you believe any of this House of Cards palace intrigue "insider" crap.

Posted by: ... at November 23, 2021 09:45 AM (BhqmB)

108 David was a giantphobic who crossed state lines and shouldn't have been there and had an illegal slingshot.

The Ancient MFM

Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 23, 2021 09:45 AM (Bmy3R)

109 "Let's Go, David! Let's Go, David!"
( -- unironic chant of the Israelites when they saw Goliath fall)

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 09:45 AM (txdEq)

110 I've never been comfortable that the cubit is a unit of length and not volume.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at November 23, 2021 09:45 AM (Y5qcH)

111 Golgotha means "place of the skull" in Aramaic, right?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 23, 2021 09:45 AM (6FeV1)

112 Who would win in a fight?

Ajax or Goliath?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 09:46 AM (3EWns)

113 Cutting off a head with a neck that size with a sword is damn near unbelievable.
Posted by: Muad'dib at November 23, 2021 09:43 AM (sjdRT)

Tough job for a sawzall even.

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at November 23, 2021 09:46 AM (4I/2K)

114 I wouldn't hang this or the painting of St. John the Baptist's head on a platter. Creepy.

Posted by: redridinghood at November 23, 2021 09:46 AM (NpAcC)

115 No one needs five smooth stones for their sling!

Posted by: Archer at November 23, 2021 09:46 AM (gmo/4)

116 Sigh.
I just got to the comments of the MR...
Oh, well.

Posted by: Flyover. at November 23, 2021 09:46 AM (Rbu5d)

117 Ajax would clean up.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 23, 2021 09:47 AM (Bmy3R)

118 Essentially, Goliath was the Undertaker.

Posted by: Sasquatch, the Original Trans-Wookie at November 23, 2021 09:47 AM (AE56J)

119 Wasn't the hill also called "Calvary," for its likeness to a bald human head or skull? "Calvarium" = "skull," specifically the upper domelike portion; and "calvo" today in Spanish = "bald."
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius

I thought it was where John Wayne wore a yellow ribbon.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at November 23, 2021 09:47 AM (FVME7)

120 There are tales in many societies of old races of giants. Maybe Goliath was a mercenary.

Posted by: f'd at November 23, 2021 09:47 AM (Tnijr)

121 What's a "cubit"??

Is this the guys from work??

Posted by: Noah at November 23, 2021 09:47 AM (UHVv4)

122 A cubit is anywhere from 18-20 inches.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 09:47 AM (B0mGw)

123 Epic rap battles of history!





Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 09:47 AM (3EWns)

124 KumHola cannot be replaced. You cannot fire the VP like you can fire a Cabinet member. Worst that can happen is she is not nominated in 2024. But until then she isnt going anywhere.

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 09:47 AM (60gBr)

125 There were no police calls or reports or APBs for Brooks.

Another MSM lie!

He was NOT running from police.

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 23, 2021 09:47 AM (yrol0)

126 Big Goliath found out where it's at. And it's not hustlin' people strange to you. Even if you do got a two-piece custom-made pool cue.
Posted by: 496 at November 23, 2021

"Ya don't tug on the Philistine's cape,
Ya don't spit into the wind,
Ya don't yank the toga offa Julius Caesar
And ya don't mess around with David!"

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 09:47 AM (txdEq)

127 >111 Golgotha means "place of the skull" in Aramaic, right?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 23, 2021 09:45 AM (6FeV1)

I thought it meant glory hole in Aramaic. But I may be misremembering.....

Posted by: Muad'dib at November 23, 2021 09:47 AM (sjdRT)

128 95 A cubit is the measure from your elbow to the tips of your fingers so maybe 18 inches (or, as the Europeans say "something something centimeters") and a span is the width of your hand so maybe 4 inches (or, as the Europeans say "something something centimeters"). So seven cubits and a span is about 130 inches or 10 feet 10 inches (or, as the Europeans say "something something meters").

Posted by: Cliff Clavin at November 23, 2021 09:44 AM (FVME7)

But if men 3000 years ago were only 5/6th's of today's non soy men, what's that work out to? The math not allowed here must be correct!!!!

Posted by: Gref at November 23, 2021 09:48 AM (AMIL/)

129 From elbow to index fingertip.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 23, 2021 09:48 AM (UHVv4)

130 "There are tales in many societies of old races of giants."

It's a fascinating study to track giants through the Bible. The Hebrews targeted and took them out as they moved through Canaan. It was a concerted effort.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 09:48 AM (B0mGw)

131 Would hang or pike.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at November 23, 2021 09:48 AM (tPUfk)

132 124 KumHola cannot be replaced. You cannot fire the VP like you can fire a Cabinet member. Worst that can happen is she is not nominated in 2024. But until then she isnt going anywhere.
Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 09:47 AM (60gBr)

I'm moderately sure that the founders intended the VP to be a separate elected position. Not the package deal we get now.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at November 23, 2021 09:48 AM (Y5qcH)

133 @ElectionWiz 6m

Waukesha Christmas parade attack: Ring camera captures the moment Darrell Brooks is arrested.

Posted by: Tami at November 23, 2021 09:48 AM (cF8AT)

134 124 KumHola cannot be replaced. You cannot fire the VP like you can fire a Cabinet member. Worst that can happen is she is not nominated in 2024. But until then she isnt going anywhere.
Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 09:47 AM (60gBr)


Unless they entice her out.

It'd be really funny if Biden's assurances that he's running in 2024 were solely about keeping Kamala away from the nomination, and she ended up winning the nomination anyway turning her time in the general election into a purge of the Democrat Party for those who wronged her.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 09:48 AM (3EWns)

135 Look Im not saying we need to ban all slingshots. But surely everyone can agree we need some sort of common sense sling control. For the children.

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 09:49 AM (60gBr)

136 Goliath the philistine. Philistine a word for invader. And the word the Roman's decided on using to change the name of the region away from Judaea. And this the Palestinians.

Epimetheus is a decent channel that does videos on ancient peoples. Here's his video on the philistines.

Posted by: Buzzion at November 23, 2021 09:49 AM (G2zl5)

137 Good grief, I'm seeing math on the art thread.

Posted by: dantesed at November 23, 2021 09:49 AM (88xKn)

138 "I wouldn't hang this or the painting of St. John the Baptist's head on a platter. Creepy."

Would definitely hang. David and Goliath represents my Lord's victory over the devil.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 09:49 AM (B0mGw)

139 Just watched Caravaggio episode of The Power of Art yesterday. Sounds like Caravaggio would have been diagnosed as bi-polar or some other mental illness if he had been a modern person. Seems like he put himself in most, maybe all, of his biblical paintings as well.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at November 23, 2021 09:49 AM (MXdMt)

140 Cutting off a head with a neck that size with a sword is damn near unbelievable.
Posted by: Muad'dib at November 23, 2021 09:43 AM (sjdRT)

I worked in the surgery department for a university (admin side). A coworker was the lady who would go and harvest heads off of cadavers and bring them back for 'use' by the neurosurgery group. Every now and then she'd walk by with a bucket (maybe a tad smaller than a bowling-ball ) and she'd wave it at me and say "Guess what's in it!"

God bless her - I couldn't have done it.

Posted by: 496 at November 23, 2021 09:49 AM (VJsqe)

141 Who would win in a fight?

Ajax or Goliath?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 09:46 AM (3EWns)

Ajax killed himself cause he lost a bet. Goliath died against a kid. Tough call.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 23, 2021 09:49 AM (6FeV1)

142 130 "There are tales in many societies of old races of giants."

It's a fascinating study to track giants through the Bible. The Hebrews targeted and took them out as they moved through Canaan. It was a concerted effort.
Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 09:48 AM (B0mGw)

Wasnt one of the needs (not the right word) of the Flood was to wipe out giants and cross bred humans.

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 23, 2021 09:50 AM (yrol0)

143 141 Who would win in a fight?

Ajax or Goliath?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 09:46 AM (3EWns)

Ajax killed himself cause he lost a bet. Goliath died against a kid. Tough call.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 23, 2021 09:49 AM (6FeV1)


So, you're saying that it would be fight between two giant pussies?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 09:50 AM (3EWns)

144 111 Golgotha means "place of the skull" in Aramaic, right?
Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 23, 2021 09:45 AM (6FeV1)

Yes. The other thought is that it was named that because, from the side, the natural indentions in the rocky hill make it look like a skull. The site traditionally identified as Golgotha on the outskirts of old Jerusalem does indeed look somewhat like a skull.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021 09:50 AM (evAgx)

145 Goliath's face bears a striking resemblance to Randall Tex Cobb.


The Packer receiver? His nickname is Tex?
Posted by: SH (Overturn Roe) at November 23, 2021 09:43 AM (sX1BW)

Youngsters these days. *sigh*

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at November 23, 2021 09:50 AM (4I/2K)

146 It's a little hard to see what's happening in the painting. I think Goliath's head has already been removed but I can't quite tell.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, the Phillips screwdriver of the gods at November 23, 2021 09:50 AM (cSyAR)

147 127 >111 Golgotha means "place of the skull" in Aramaic, right?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 23, 2021 09:45 AM (6FeV1)

I thought it meant glory hole in Aramaic. But I may be misremembering.....
Posted by: Muad'dib at November 23, 2021 09:47 AM (sjdRT)


A difference without a distinction with Kamala

Posted by: Willie Brown at November 23, 2021 09:50 AM (AE56J)

148 >God bless her - I couldn't have done it.

Posted by: 496 at November 23, 2021 09:49 AM (VJsqe)

I have taken heads off of deer and bear. Its a freaking project.

Posted by: Muad'dib at November 23, 2021 09:51 AM (sjdRT)

149 Cutting off a head with a neck that size with a sword is damn near unbelievable.

Just lifting Goliath's sword is unbelievable. I think you'd use it as a saw.

Posted by: t-bird at November 23, 2021 09:51 AM (DMQdU)

150 Just lifting Goliath's sword is unbelievable. I think you'd use it as a saw.
Posted by: t-bird at November 23, 2021 09:51 AM (DMQdU)

Mini Mac 10

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 23, 2021 09:51 AM (yrol0)

151 123 Begin!

I used to be a stickup giant
Rolled into the joint and made the Hebews compliant
I used ta roll up, this is a hold up
Nobody heckle, ain't nothin' move but the shekels

But then I felt the burn, David's righteous. Came up to me and said maybe I might jus'

Hit you up the head with my .44 shot, single-pellet action less see what you got...He took me down I hit the groun' and I'm dead in full.

Posted by: Heavy G at November 23, 2021 09:51 AM (Bmy3R)

152 It's interesting how David's face is in shadow but Goliath's face is highlighted. Caravaggio really wants you to look the giant in the face and see his wound. While this seems like a quiet piece, the part of the story with the least drama, there's still violence and gore.
Posted by: Kris at November 23, 2021 09:40 AM (OyyDO)


The key light is on David's shoulder, his throwing arm. Light from the Almighty, for sure - while all the rest is in shadowy, earthy tones. No mistaking this was accomplished by the power of G-d!

Posted by: Geckoproof at November 23, 2021 09:52 AM (chyCa)

153 All this cubits talk.

What's the old saying? "Measure twice, cut once"?

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at November 23, 2021 09:52 AM (dfRN6)

154 The first 4 or 5 elections the VP was the runner up. The an amendment - not sure the number - changed it to the current package deal. So yeah the founders did intend it to be separate elections and the change was made legit like using the amendment process.

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 09:52 AM (60gBr)

155 Who would win in a fight?

Ajax or Goliath?

Ajax. He was stronger than dirt!

Posted by: naturalfake at November 23, 2021 09:52 AM (5NkmN)

156 Good grief, I'm seeing math on the art thread.
Posted by: dantesed

They've crossed the streams !

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 09:52 AM (arJlL)

157 Goliath's face bears a striking resemblance to Randall Tex Cobb.

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at November 23, 2021 09:42 AM (4I/2K)

Boy, using that Semitic rock throwing mumbo-jumbo is gonna real expensive....

Posted by: Sailor at November 23, 2021 09:52 AM (52eOZ)

158 I'm moderately sure that the founders intended the VP to be a separate elected position. Not the package deal we get now.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at November 23, 2021

In the early days of the Republic, Washington and Adams and so forth, the one who got the most votes in the national election became president, and the runner-up became VP. Which meant that they were of different parties, or at least political convictions.

Imagine if Reagan had had Carter or Mondale as VP.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 09:52 AM (txdEq)

159 154 The first 4 or 5 elections the VP was the runner up. The an amendment - not sure the number - changed it to the current package deal. So yeah the founders did intend it to be separate elections and the change was made legit like using the amendment process.
Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 09:52 AM (60gBr)


Why go through all that when an EO upheld by SCOTUS was enough?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 09:53 AM (3EWns)

160 The Never Trumpers at the Cuckshed have been running articles saying that the dems should nominate John Fetterman for President in 2024.

that is so deliciously wrong in so many ways that I cannot even count them - but it makes me smile a great deal.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021 09:53 AM (evAgx)

161 Quote Tweet: Jeffrey Toobin @JeffreyToobin
I wonder what the verdict would be in the #RittenhouseTrial if the defendant were a Black seventeen year old from another state who killed two people with an illegal assault weapon?

Rosie Memos @almostjingo
I wonder if a black guy jerking off during a work zoom would get his job back?

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 23, 2021 09:53 AM (UHVv4)

162 Catholic University Celebrates Painting of George Floyd as Jesus Christ, Releases Report on Racism

Posted by: Tami at November 23, 2021 09:54 AM (cF8AT)

163 The lighting is really interesting here. I like how most of the hero is in shadow except for his arms. I like how David's hands and Goliath's hand are similar, especially David's left hand. It is clasped the same and is a mirror image of Goliath's. David's highlighted form leads from the giant's dead hand, up, over, and down to the boy's alive and active hand. The tight cropping, tighter composition, and highlighted shapes seem to ask us to focus on those hands, and their proximity to the head.

This is a really interesting painting.

Posted by: Kris at November 23, 2021 09:54 AM (OyyDO)

164 160 The Never Trumpers at the Cuckshed have been running articles saying that the dems should nominate John Fetterman for President in 2024.

that is so deliciously wrong in so many ways that I cannot even count them - but it makes me smile a great deal.
Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021 09:53 AM (evAgx)


"Who?" vs. Trump.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 09:54 AM (3EWns)

165 Before the double tap...there was the triple tap.

I did that.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at November 23, 2021 09:54 AM (tPUfk)

Ajax killed himself cause he lost a bet. Goliath died against a kid. Tough call.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 23, 2021

So, you're saying that it would be fight between two giant pussies?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021

At least Ajax was stronger than dirt.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 09:54 AM (txdEq)

Murky. Must have been the Dark Ages.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 23, 2021 09:54 AM (/U27+)

168 I have taken heads off of deer and bear. Its a freaking project.
Posted by: Muad'dib at November 23, 2021 09:51 AM (sjdRT)

Tree pruning shears make head and leg removal easy, also works fast for splitting chest and pelvis.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at November 23, 2021 09:54 AM (o2MD2)

169 154 The first 4 or 5 elections the VP was the runner up. The an amendment - not sure the number - changed it to the current package deal. So yeah the founders did intend it to be separate elections and the change was made legit like using the amendment process.
Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 09:52 AM (60gBr)

They realized that putting the Loser of the election one bullet away from being the Winner really wasn't a very good idea.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021 09:55 AM (evAgx)

170 Egg McMuffin too busy to "run" again?

Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 23, 2021 09:55 AM (Bmy3R)

171 "Wasnt one of the needs (not the right word) of the Flood was to wipe out giants and cross bred humans."

I don't think it's said outright, but I've heard a lot of theorizing on the subject, so I could be confused. I don't know that the Bible explains where the post-flood giants come from.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 09:55 AM (B0mGw)

172 Now why don't you just drop them pants...


Take 'em right off...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at November 23, 2021 09:55 AM (8m1jA)

173 I believe the Dead Sea Scrolls reveal that Goliath had 12 talents of fentanyl in his ass and would have perished no matter what.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at November 23, 2021 09:55 AM (QU5/8)

174 "Who?" vs. Trump.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s

The guy on first ?

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 09:55 AM (arJlL)

175 I wonder how many white people would be arrested looting for an entire summer.

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 09:56 AM (60gBr)

176 Get Goliath a Thompson gun and call him Roland.

Posted by: 496 at November 23, 2021 09:56 AM (VJsqe)

177 174 "Who?" vs. Trump.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s

The guy on first ?
Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 09:55 AM (arJlL)


I prefer the guy playing short stop.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 09:56 AM (3EWns)

178 The running mate system evolved gradually, but the idea really gained steam, after the disastrous relationship between Jackson/Calhoun.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 23, 2021 09:56 AM (Zhwz2)

179 162 Catholic University Celebrates Painting of George Floyd as Jesus Christ, Releases Report on Racism
Posted by: Tami at November 23, 2021 09:54 AM (cF8AT)

I'll bet they'd love it if I took a little statue of George Floyd and put it in a bucket of warm piss. That's Art, right?

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021 09:57 AM (evAgx)

180 6'9" would make Goliath a power forward.
Posted by: SFGoth at November 23, 2021 09:45 AM (KAi1n)

Yeah, but he's only 6'5" without the afro...

Posted by: Doof at November 23, 2021 09:57 AM (mZUr4)

181 The left is reeee'ing about MSNBC being punished for trying to dox jurors while TuCa had an interview with Rittenhouse.

Um, apples and oranges? I don't get this fauxtrage at all. Acosta has xis panties in a wad, among many others.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 23, 2021 09:57 AM (Bmy3R)

182 There are tales in many societies of old races of giants. Maybe Goliath was a mercenary.
Posted by: f'd

Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days . . .

My guess, the ancients came across some dinosaur bones and thought they were the remains of a race of giants.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at November 23, 2021 09:57 AM (FVME7)

183 169 154 The first 4 or 5 elections the VP was the runner up. The an amendment - not sure the number - changed it to the current package deal. So yeah the founders did intend it to be separate elections and the change was made legit like using the amendment process.
Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 09:52 AM (60gBr)

They realized that putting the Loser of the election one bullet away from being the Winner really wasn't a very good idea.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021 09:55 AM (evAgx)

The good old days ended too soon *hic*

Posted by: Hilary!!! at November 23, 2021 09:57 AM (AMIL/)

184 Boy, using that Semitic rock throwing mumbo-jumbo is gonna real expensive....
Posted by: Sailor at November 23, 2021 09:52 AM (52eOZ)

Also Sailor: Shepherd Boy, you just bought the whole can of whup-ass!

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at November 23, 2021 09:57 AM (4I/2K)

185 I say we riot.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 09:43 AM (3EWns)
Philistine Lives Matter!

Posted by: Biden's Dog at November 23, 2021 09:58 AM (iBUlF)

186 I like the young look of David's face.

Posted by: grammie winger at November 23, 2021 09:58 AM (45fpk)

John Fetterman? Who he?

Did white smoke appear over The Cuckshed to announce the Great Cuck Hope?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 23, 2021 09:58 AM (/U27+)

188 The key light is on David's shoulder, his throwing arm.

Posted by: Geckoproof at November 23, 2021 09:52 AM (chyCa)

David was really a lefty. His mom made him throw right-handed, 'cause he did too much damage w/his left.

Posted by: BignJames at November 23, 2021 09:58 AM (AwYPR)

189 139 Just watched Caravaggio episode of The Power of Art yesterday. Sounds like Caravaggio would have been diagnosed as bi-polar or some other mental illness if he had been a modern person. Seems like he put himself in most, maybe all, of his biblical paintings as well.
Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at November 23, 2021 09:49 AM (MXdMt)

The David episode is my favorite, but the whole series is excellent.

Posted by: Kris at November 23, 2021 09:58 AM (OyyDO)

190 "John Fetterman" sounds like the arrogant jock bad guy in an 80s teen movie.


Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 23, 2021 09:59 AM (Bmy3R)

191 The 12th Amendment split the offices into separate votes - it didn't mandate they be "running mates." That came about gradually. That system became standard later. From the 1830s to the 1860s.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 23, 2021 09:59 AM (Zhwz2)

192 Elbow to tip of the index finger.

So, are we talking Herve Villachaize cubits or Dikembe Mutumbo cubits?

Posted by: Muldoon at November 23, 2021 09:59 AM (m45I2)

193 "John Fetterman" sounds like the arrogant jock bad guy in an 80s teen movie."

Why don't you make like a tree...and get out of here?

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 09:59 AM (B0mGw)

194 Sounds like Caravaggio would have been diagnosed as bi-polar or some other mental illness if he had been a modern person.

Sometimes great art comes out of great pain.

Posted by: grammie winger at November 23, 2021 09:59 AM (45fpk)

They realized that putting the Loser of the election one bullet away from being the Winner really wasn't a very good idea.
Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021

That, and that the loser could have been the incumbent president. So you'd have the president most of the voters didn't like becoming VP, still being around, and as you say, only a heartbeat away from the top slot. Remember, too, that at that point having just 2 terms was only a tradition started by Washington. A proto-FDR in the early 1830s could have run for a third term, lost, become VP, and then if the victor died in office, the VP could be president again.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 10:00 AM (txdEq)

196 Elbow to tip of the index finger.

I am so triggered right now. You people are animals.

Posted by: Michelle Feelds at November 23, 2021 10:00 AM (Bmy3R)

197 Slinging techniques -- only 1:15 minutes.

There are plenty of >8-minute ones including Roman lead shot versus ballistic-gel dummies too. It will keeeel.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 23, 2021 10:00 AM (UHVv4)

198 Catholic University Celebrates Painting of George Floyd as Jesus Christ, Releases Report on Racism
Posted by: Tami

Clear a path to the bathroom! I gotta hurl!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at November 23, 2021 10:00 AM (FVME7)

199 In the hbo series about Adams it portrayed him as being really bummed when he realized being VP meant nothing. He had grand visions of some kind of fo presidency with Washington. But GW was like nah bruh I got this, you hang out in the senate and break ties and shit.

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 10:00 AM (60gBr)

200 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 23, 2021 10:00 AM (Zz0t1)

201 I see Germany is considering forcibly jabbing their whole population.

As one of the health NAZIs puts it, "Without compulsory vaccinations, we obviously won't achieve the vaccination rate we need to get to."


These people need to face the same justice their ancestors did in Nuremberg.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021 10:00 AM (ESjRY)

202 I figured Goliath was bigger than that.

Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 23, 2021 10:01 AM (Zz0t1)

203 Another tragic COVID death.

Posted by: Anthony Fauci at November 23, 2021 10:01 AM (LQjWA)

204 195 That, and that the loser could have been the incumbent president. So you'd have the president most of the voters didn't like becoming VP, still being around, and as you say, only a heartbeat away from the top slot. Remember, too, that at that point having just 2 terms was only a tradition started by Washington. A proto-FDR in the early 1830s could have run for a third term, lost, become VP, and then if the victor died in office, the VP could be president again.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 10:00 AM (txdEq)


Jefferson actively working against Adams as his VP in the first post-Washington presidency made the whole thing evidently broken from the beginning.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 10:01 AM (3EWns)

205 Speaking of the Philistines, somebody in the Horde mentioned 1177 B.C., The Year Civilization Collapsed by Eric Cline, so I bought and read it. I've been meaning to say thank you, because I really enjoyed it.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at November 23, 2021 10:01 AM (dfRN6)

206 The site traditionally identified as Golgotha on the outskirts of old Jerusalem does indeed look somewhat like a skull.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021 09:50 AM (evAgx)

Yes. I was surprised by how much so, at least if the light is right.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at November 23, 2021 10:01 AM (MXdMt)

207 Okay, I don't pretend to be well informed but who is John Fetterman?

Posted by: N.L. Urker, the Phillips screwdriver of the gods at November 23, 2021 10:01 AM (cSyAR)

John Fetterman? Who he?

Rick Wilson's regular pizza delivery boy.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at November 23, 2021 10:01 AM (52eOZ)

209 Is John Fetterman actually an ogre? Every time I see a picture of him he doesn't quite look human.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021 10:01 AM (ESjRY)

210 199 In the hbo series about Adams it portrayed him as being really bummed when he realized being VP meant nothing. He had grand visions of some kind of fo presidency with Washington. But GW was like nah bruh I got this, you hang out in the senate and break ties and shit.
Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 10:00 AM (60gBr)


I really like that series. Haven't watched it in forever. Dolley bought it for me years ago.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 10:01 AM (3EWns)

211 @NewsPolitics

SOURCE: There is serious talk all the way up the chain at Comcast about Joy Reid's future at MSNBC.


Wonder if this is why-

"The ReidOut" is on pace for its least-watched quarter ever among both total viewers & the key demographic of adults age 25-54. In Sept, "The ReidOut" is down a staggering 56% among total viewers since January & shed 71% of its demo viewers in same period

Posted by: Tami at November 23, 2021 10:02 AM (cF8AT)

212 187
John Fetterman? Who he?

Did white smoke appear over The Cuckshed to announce the Great Cuck Hope?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 23, 2021 09:58 AM (/U27+)

Fetterman was an officer whose bad lessons were learned by some later officer named Custer.

Posted by: Hilary!!! at November 23, 2021 10:02 AM (AMIL/)

213 oooghhh off Hillary sock

Posted by: Gref at November 23, 2021 10:02 AM (AMIL/)

214 it was the distance from your elbow to your fingertip; how long that was depended on who was doing the measuring.
Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021 09:45 AM (evAgx)
I was referencing a Cosby Noah skit line. I already know what an "ammah" is.

Posted by: Biden's Dog at November 23, 2021 10:02 AM (iBUlF)

215 211 "The ReidOut" is on pace for its least-watched quarter ever among both total viewers & the key demographic of adults age 25-54. In Sept, "The ReidOut" is down a staggering 56% among total viewers since January & shed 71% of its demo viewers in same period
Posted by: Tami at November 23, 2021 10:02 AM (cF8AT)


Letting her go for any reason other than an anchor spot on NBC nightly news is racism.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 10:03 AM (3EWns)

216 I prefer the guy playing short stop.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s

(I won't tell anyone....)

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 10:03 AM (arJlL)

217 Something I learned late about the David and Goliath story is why David had five stones. People will say well if he really was trusting in God, he would have only taken one stone. If you read further in (from memory so maybe not quite right) Chronicles when David was on the hideout from Saul, he and his men encounter (and kill) Goliath's kinsmen who were also giants. There were four of them. Presumably, they were there when David faced Goliath and he was ready for them.

Posted by: Oddbob at November 23, 2021 10:03 AM (nfrXX)

Posted by: Phyllis Stein at November 23, 2021 10:03 AM (LQjWA)

As one of the health NAZIs puts it, "Without compulsory vaccinations, we obviously won't achieve the vaccination rate we need to get to."

The vaccine hurts more than it helps. AND you still have a greater than zero risk of death, only by the VAXX as much or more than Covid.

Take your vaccine and shove it up your ass. You come at me with it, I will consider it an attempt on my life and will respond accordingly.

Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 23, 2021 10:03 AM (Zz0t1)

220 I see Germany is considering forcibly jabbing their whole population.

As one of the health NAZIs puts it, "Without compulsory vaccinations, we obviously won't achieve the vaccination rate we need to get to."


These people need to face the same justice their ancestors did in Nuremberg.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021 10:00 AM

Ach, zie old vays, how wunderbar!

Posted by: Archer at November 23, 2021 10:03 AM (gmo/4)

221 The Ancient Ones were wise to use elbow to middle finger as the cubit and not taint to tip.

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at November 23, 2021 10:03 AM (4I/2K)

222 My memory is that Charlemagne was considered VERY tall at 6 ft...I imagine Goliath's status as a giant might be less then what we moderns would imagine.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021 10:03 AM (ESjRY)

223 My guess, the ancients came across some dinosaur bones and thought they were the remains of a race of giants.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at November 23, 2021 09:57 AM (FVME7)

I've heard speculation that the widespread tales of Dragons and Griffins came from the ancients running across some protoceratops bones, which are easily found on the surface in the Gobi desert. They were puzzling out, what could have a skull 6 feet long, and yet still have a huge beak like a bird?

Also, when men discovered a Mammoth Skull, it has a huge hole in the middle which was actually where the Trunk connected. But it looks exactly like the skull of a Giant with One Eye. (Cyclops)

So, the ancients didn't completely make those stories up. They were trying to explain some really weird stuff they had found.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021 10:04 AM (evAgx)

224 I'll bet they'd love it if I took a little statue of George Floyd and put it in a bucket of warm piss.


Pointing a pistol at the Virgin Mary's pregnant stomach.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at November 23, 2021 10:04 AM (7F9te)

225 In the hbo series about Adams it portrayed him as being really bummed when he realized being VP meant nothing. . . .
Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021

I really like that series. Haven't watched it in forever. Dolley bought it for me years ago.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021

The one with Laura Linney as Abigail? It was fascinating during the run-up to the Revolution and during the war. But then, to me, it lost steam afterward; dunno why.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 10:04 AM (txdEq)

226 6'9" would make Goliath a power forward.


For some reason I envision him with knee-high socks and the 70's style shorty short b-ball shorts.

Posted by: Muldoon at November 23, 2021 10:04 AM (m45I2)

227 Goliath was about to turn his life around. He just enrolled in community college.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 23, 2021 10:04 AM (Pw26M)

228 Catholic University Celebrates Painting of George Floyd as Jesus Christ, Releases Report on Racism

My favorite part of the Gospels is when Jesus threatens a pregnant lady with a gun.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at November 23, 2021 10:04 AM (QU5/8)

229 Someone on ZH pointed out Austria, another country considering forcibly jabbing everyone bought enough jabs to give everyone a "booster" every 6 months for the next 4 years.

But...just get the jab. And then the next one and the next one and the next one...

Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021 10:05 AM (ESjRY)

230 Toobeen how did the black kid who shot up the school a month ago fair out?

Posted by: Skip's Phone at November 23, 2021 10:05 AM (tdjF4)

231 " If you read further in Chronicles when David was on the hideout from Saul, he and his men encounter Goliath's kinsmen who were also giants. There were four of them. Presumably, they were there when David faced Goliath and he was ready for them."

That's interesting. I've not heard that one before.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 10:05 AM (B0mGw)

232 In 12th grade AP bio 2, i refused to dissect a cat brain. I'm squeamish and the idea revolted me. Oddly, blood doesn't bother me; internal organs do. And i wanted to be a doctor at one point. I coulda been a consultant! (Actually, radiology would've been cool and i'd've been fine with that from a visceral (NPI) standpoint.)

Posted by: SFGoth at November 23, 2021 10:06 AM (KAi1n)

233 Catholic University Celebrates Painting of George Floyd as Jesus Christ, Releases Report on Racism
Posted by: Tami

As a youth in a Catholic school, I was taught something about "Thou shall not worship false gods" I think..........

The Church has gone the wrong direction and I don't think God is happy about it.

Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 23, 2021 10:06 AM (Zz0t1)

234 SOURCE: There is serious talk all the way up the chain at Comcast about Joy Reid's future at MSNBC.


Posted by: Tami at November 23, 2021 10:02 AM (cF8AT)


Posted by: BignJames at November 23, 2021 10:06 AM (AwYPR)

235 Joy Teid is a Yale alum. And also thought the site 538 referred to the number of votes in FL in 2000, not knowing 538 is the number of electoral votes. But she is like totes smarter than you dumb deprolables.

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 10:06 AM (60gBr)

236 I've got it. John Fetterman is the guy who played Tom Selleck's boss in Magnum PI.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, the Phillips screwdriver of the gods at November 23, 2021 10:06 AM (cSyAR)

237 The Ancient Ones were wise to use elbow to middle finger as the cubit and not taint to tip.
Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at November 23, 2021 10:03 AM

Come now. There is, how you say, a Paolo in every age.

Posted by: Paolo at November 23, 2021 10:06 AM (a3Q+t)

238 We are talking about John Fetterman the Dem Ogre running for Senate in PA right?

Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021 10:07 AM (ESjRY)

239 Goliath is a good dog.

Posted by: Sally and David at November 23, 2021 10:07 AM (LQjWA)

240 Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio
With a name like that, no wonder Pope Leo X couldn't stand him and patronized another guy instead, with the simple Italian designer house name of Raphael.

Posted by: Biden's Dog at November 23, 2021 10:07 AM (iBUlF)

241 Catholic University Celebrates Painting of George Floyd as Jesus Christ, Releases Report on Racism

That seems blasphemous.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, the Phillips screwdriver of the gods at November 23, 2021 10:07 AM (cSyAR)

242 Catholic University Celebrates Painting of George Floyd as Jesus Christ, Releases Report on Racism

Jesus Christ was a certified junky
What you know from the Bible is funky
Say the progtards quite plain
Heretic or insane?
When they die, are they Satan's ass monkey?

Posted by: naturalfake at November 23, 2021 10:08 AM (5NkmN)

243 18 At Villanova University had a hand in hanging a massive painting of David presentation to King Saul Goliath's sword and armor.
Wish I could put up a link to the painting. If anyone could it's at Falvey Library at Villanova

Posted by: Skip's Phone at November 23, 2021 09:33 AM (tdjF4)


Is this it, Skip: "The Triump of David" (artist unknown, thought to be from Pietro da Cortona's circle.
[News on its retoration:]

[Link to image during retoration (can't find a final/current image online for some reason:

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at November 23, 2021 10:08 AM (4fSQf)

244 John Karl Fetterman is an American politician serving as the 34th Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania since 2019. A member of the Democratic Party, he previously served as Mayor of Braddock from 2005 to 2019. Fetterman was a candidate in the United States Senate election in Pennsylvania for 2016 and is running again in 2022.

He sounds unstoppable!

P.S. The Fetterman Massacre.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at November 23, 2021 10:08 AM (FVME7)

245 Wasnt there a news guy named John Fetter
An back in the before times?

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 10:08 AM (60gBr)

246 NFL player JJ Watt will cover the funeral costs for the victims of the Waukesha Christmas Parade.

Posted by: grammie winger at November 23, 2021 10:09 AM (45fpk)

247 "SOURCE: There is serious talk all the way up the chain at Comcast about Joy Reid's future at MSNBC."

"Chain" and black woman used in same sentence. Who's going down for this one?

Posted by: SFGoth at November 23, 2021 10:09 AM (KAi1n)


If the painting was cleaned of centuries of grime you would discover it's actually a Disney On Ice production of The Wonder Years...

Posted by: Hans Brix at November 23, 2021 10:09 AM (uYVgb)

249 Catholic University Celebrates Painting of George Floyd as Jesus Christ, Releases Report on Racism

The Great Jewish Revolt happened when the Romans demanded that the Jews put an idol of one of their pagan gods in the Temple. They died in mass trying to keep the Temple pure.

And here we have a Catholic university celebrating a pagan idol without any government even demanding it.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021 10:09 AM (ESjRY)

250 Joy Reid talk: shit, KR is going to sue us further into oblivion (Comcast executive)

That's all what this means. "Hey, we fired her. See, we're thinking the same way you are. Please don't sue us. "

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at November 23, 2021 10:09 AM (ZxV1A)

251 205 Speaking of the Philistines, somebody in the Horde mentioned 1177 B.C., The Year Civilization Collapsed by Eric Cline, so I bought and read it. I've been meaning to say thank you, because I really enjoyed it.
Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at November 23, 2021 10:01 AM (dfRN6)

The YouTube video of his lecture on it is pretty good too. He's got a good conversational style which is a nice way to get people interested in actually learning about this shit.

Posted by: Buzzion at November 23, 2021 10:09 AM (G2zl5)

I remember some old 70s PSA commercial with David talking about libraries (at least I think it was libraries). Mid-way through his short little speech, he loads his sling, starts whirling, and let's loose to off-screen. You hear a grunt, and a body fall. David delivers a final punch line.

I need to do a yootoob search...

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at November 23, 2021 10:09 AM (52eOZ)

253 244 John Karl Fetterman is an American politician serving as the 34th Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania since 2019. A member of the Democratic Party, he previously served as Mayor of Braddock from 2005 to 2019. Fetterman was a candidate in the United States Senate election in Pennsylvania for 2016 and is running again in 2022.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at November 23, 2021 10:08 AM (FVME7)


This is who NT is floating as the savior of the Democrat Party? A white guy who hasn't won a statewide race in PA?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 10:10 AM (3EWns)

John Karl Fetterman is an American politician serving as the 34th Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania since 2019.


Lieutenant Governor? Well, makes him more qualified than Mayor Pete.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 23, 2021 10:10 AM (/U27+)

255 "Catholic University Celebrates Painting of George Floyd as Jesus Christ, Releases Report on Racism"

The Patron Saint of Hooping.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 23, 2021 10:10 AM (LQjWA)

256 "NFL player JJ Watt will cover the funeral costs for the victims of the Waukesha Christmas Parade."


Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 10:11 AM (B0mGw)

257 250 Joy Reid talk: shit, KR is going to sue us further into oblivion (Comcast executive)

That's all what this means. "Hey, we fired her. See, we're thinking the same way you are. Please don't sue us. "
Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at November 23, 2021 10:09 AM (ZxV1A)


"No, we want you to make her the star of your primetime lineup from 8-10 every weekday."
-True punishment

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 10:11 AM (3EWns)

258 Lieutenant Governor? Well, makes him more qualified than Mayor Pete.

I have more political DNA in my rectum then he has in his whole body!

Posted by: Pete Bootyjizz at November 23, 2021 10:11 AM (ESjRY)

259 With a name like that, no wonder Pope Leo X couldn't stand him and patronized another guy instead, with the simple Italian designer house name of Raphael.
Posted by: Biden's Dog at November 23, 2021 10:07 AM (iBUlF)

To be fair, he was a bit of an odd, asshole bird. Insanely talented though.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 23, 2021 10:11 AM (csEWM)

260 A neverTrumper endorsement pretty much dooms Fetterman.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, the Phillips screwdriver of the gods at November 23, 2021 10:11 AM (cSyAR)

261 Meanwhile at NYT, news you can use:

"Your Mom Is Destined to Annoy You"

Posted by: gp's Dark Energy Acceleration at November 23, 2021 10:12 AM (qpX6U)

NFL player JJ Watt will cover the funeral costs for the victims of the Waukesha Christmas Parade.
Posted by: grammie winger at November 23, 2021 10:09 AM (45fpk)


A Wisconsin boy. Really, a class act.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 23, 2021 10:12 AM (/U27+)

263 260 A neverTrumper endorsement pretty much dooms Fetterman.
Posted by: N.L. Urker, the Phillips screwdriver of the gods at November 23, 2021 10:11 AM (cSyAR)

Kind of what I was thinking. Before, he was just a loser. Now he's going to be a nationally known loser.

Posted by: 496 at November 23, 2021 10:12 AM (VJsqe)

264 Good thing for David that Goliath wasn't wearing a mask.

Posted by: Furious George at November 23, 2021 10:12 AM (9vQJW)

265 Did you say political rectums? Mmmm.
- Shep

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 10:12 AM (60gBr)

266 Nancy Pelosi has purchased an 11,000 square feet $25 million mansion on the ocean in Florida.

1) so much for worrying about ocean rising
2) yeah, those taxes in SanFran are high
3) DeSantos must be doing something right

Posted by: SMOD at November 23, 2021 10:13 AM (RHGPo)

267 There were giants in the past. Referenced even by Abe Lincoln. Rumors of a Kandahar Giant that was slain in the last decade and flown away by our military to an undisclosed location...

Posted by: Smile, Wink, & a Nod at November 23, 2021 10:13 AM (lNHpT)

268 Toobeen how did the black kid who shot up the school a month ago fair out?
Posted by: Skip's Phone

Simpkins? In Texas? Out of jail in less than 24 hours. $75,000 bail. Mass school shooter.

Remember, mass shooting event is four or more. He accomplished that and in a school.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 23, 2021 10:13 AM (OCTRt)

269 Fetterman is a massive stupid ogre

why on earth would anyone think of him as a viable political ANYTHING?!?!

is it because the Addams Family is a semi-popular movie? He's like a fat Lurch

Posted by: BlackOrchid at November 23, 2021 10:13 AM (j9HX3)

270 ""Chain" and black woman used in same sentence. Who's going down for this one?"

Chain, black woman and "going down" in the same sentence?

Who's facing the lash over this one?

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 23, 2021 10:13 AM (LQjWA)

271 After the junta weakens the opposition...they'll go after the media.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at November 23, 2021 10:13 AM (tPUfk)

272 "NFL player JJ Watt will cover the funeral costs for the victims of the Waukesha Christmas Parade."
Posted by: grammie winger at November 23, 2021 10:09 AM (45fpk)

Unpopular opinion. That seems tacky and self-serving and more than a little patronizing.

Posted by: lowandslow at November 23, 2021 10:13 AM (4thlk)

273 "If the painting was cleaned of centuries of grime you would discover it's actually a Disney On Ice production of The Wonder Years..."

LOL. Needed a chuckle this morning.

Posted by: Tuna at November 23, 2021 10:13 AM (gLRfa)

274 Ajax or Dawn ?

Posted by: HUNTER at November 23, 2021 10:14 AM (us2H3)

A neverTrumper endorsement pretty much dooms Fetterman.


So, Fetterman is a pedophile.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 23, 2021 10:14 AM (/U27+)

276 Good thing for David that Goliath wasn't wearing a mask.

I was amused to see that with the LeBron fight, well, he sucker punched/elbowed the guy, that all the athletes were maskless and all the people working at the game were masked up.

Good thing COVID knows not to infect the talent unlike those dirty, dirty working people.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021 10:14 AM (ESjRY)

277 "SOURCE: There is serious talk all the way up the chain at Comcast about Joy Reid's future at MSNBC."

The source is no doubt Joy Reid. She wants to get this meme going: "It is racism straight-up if white network executives cancel a black female's show!"

Posted by: Gref at November 23, 2021 10:14 AM (AMIL/)

278 Fetterman is running for Toomey (SPIT) senate seat

our viable R candidate (Parnell) just got knocked out by a nasty ex wife and a nasty stupid judge ruling against him on custody of his children

so the way has been cleared for Demon-Spawn Fatty Lurch to become our second D senator


Posted by: BlackOrchid at November 23, 2021 10:14 AM (j9HX3)

279 Nancy Pelosi has purchased an 11,000 square feet $25 million mansion on the ocean in Florida.

1) so much for worrying about ocean rising
2) yeah, those taxes in SanFran are high
3) DeSantos must be doing something right
Posted by: SMOD at November 23, 2021 10:13 AM (RHGPo)

An undersea lair? How Bond Villainy-ish

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at November 23, 2021 10:15 AM (4I/2K)

280 Unpopular opinion. That seems tacky and self-serving and more than a little patronizing.

Posted by: lowandslow at November 23, 2021 10:13 AM (4thlk)

Really? Self-serving never crossed my mind. I think it's kind.

Posted by: grammie winger at November 23, 2021 10:15 AM (45fpk)

281 Nancy Pelosi has purchased an 11,000 square feet $25 million mansion on the ocean in Florida.

1) so much for worrying about ocean rising
2) yeah, those taxes in SanFran are high
3) DeSantos must be doing something right
Posted by: SMOD at November 23, 2021 10:13 AM (RHGPo)

Just imagine the size of the ice cream freezer she can get!!!

Posted by: Doof at November 23, 2021 10:15 AM (mZUr4)

282 My favorite part of the Gospels is when Jesus threatens a pregnant lady with a gun.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at November 23, 2021 10:04 AM (QU5/


"They that are without sin among you, Imma bust a cap in yo' asses."

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at November 23, 2021 10:15 AM (4fSQf)

283 "Nancy Pelosi has purchased an 11,000 square feet $25 million mansion on the ocean in Florida."

4) So much for the idea that you can move away from, or secede from, crazy lefties.

Posted by: gp's Dark Energy Acceleration at November 23, 2021 10:15 AM (qpX6U)

284 So, Fetterman is a pedophile.

he probably eats children

Posted by: BlackOrchid at November 23, 2021 10:15 AM (j9HX3)

285 267 There were giants in the past. Referenced even by Abe Lincoln. Rumors of a Kandahar Giant that was slain in the last decade and flown away by our military to an undisclosed location...
Posted by: Smile, Wink, & a Nod at November 23, 2021 10:13 AM (lNHpT)

Seems like I saw a story on the tallest man in history (recorded.) Has like two different congenital defects and died in his 20s. Was in constant pain.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 23, 2021 10:15 AM (csEWM)

286 Fetterman is a massive stupid ogre

I've asked this before...but is there something medically wrong with the guy?

He looks like the henchman in a fantasy movie that's half human, half something else.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021 10:15 AM (ESjRY)

287 To East Asians the Dutch must seem like Giants

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at November 23, 2021 10:16 AM (IIAOb)

288 I've asked this before...but is there something medically wrong with the guy?

I don't think he's fully human, no

he probably got dredged up from the bottom of the ocean or something

Posted by: BlackOrchid at November 23, 2021 10:16 AM (j9HX3)

289 "An undersea lair? How Bond Villainy-ish"

I predict there will be a pool full of sharks

Posted by: Tuna at November 23, 2021 10:16 AM (gLRfa)

290 To East Asians the Dutch must seem like Giants

Oh that's not our only special feature Mr Powers.

Posted by: Goldmember at November 23, 2021 10:16 AM (ESjRY)

291 Cutting someones head off involves quite a bit more blood. Caravaggio was a pussy.

Posted by: Balrog of Morgoth at November 23, 2021 10:17 AM (CmUx+)

292 Haha. Yep this is how you know all the talk of rising seas is 100% bullshit. Obama and Pelosi are buying homes on the ocean for 8 figures. All you need to know about how they really feel about the matter.

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 10:17 AM (60gBr)

293 289 "An undersea lair? How Bond Villainy-ish"

I predict there will be a pool full of sharks
Posted by: Tuna at November 23, 2021 10:16 AM (gLRfa)


*waiting impatiently*
-head mounted laser manufacturers

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 10:17 AM (3EWns)

294 267 There were giants in the past.

Why yes, there were.

Posted by: Andre at November 23, 2021 10:17 AM (AMIL/)

295 Robert Wadlow. Foot got infected and didn't realize until too late.

Posted by: SFGoth at November 23, 2021 10:17 AM (KAi1n)

296 Waitaminute. There's a Never Trumper at a high level of PA government?


Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 23, 2021 10:17 AM (Bmy3R)

Seems like I saw a story on the tallest man in history (recorded.) Has like two different congenital defects and died in his 20s. Was in constant pain.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 23, 2021 10:15 AM (csEWM)


Robert Wadlow. 8 feet, 11 inches. Died at 22.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 23, 2021 10:17 AM (/U27+)

298 58 It wasn't a slingshot; it was a sling, where ya load it, swing it around your head and let fly.

Requires practice.
Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 09:39 AM (arJlL)

A a shepherd would have lots of practice with a sling. Gives you entertainment during your watch, and a ranged weapon against wolves and other predators.

Posted by: Fox2! at November 23, 2021 10:17 AM (qyH+l)

299 "Nancy Pelosi has purchased an 11,000 square feet $25 million mansion on the ocean in Florida."

If I was DeathSantis I think I'd start doing all my press conferences outside of her mansion.

Global warming? Hey look what Nancy just bought!

COVID in Florida? Hey look what Nancy just bought!

Posted by: Goldmember at November 23, 2021 10:18 AM (ESjRY)

300 "Unpopular opinion. That seems tacky and self-serving and more than a little patronizing."

They put George Floyd in a royal coach and lionized him. I appreciate the gesture from this guy and I can't make the connection to self-serving or patronizing. This is the sort of behavior we want from famous people. I'm tired of us just having to take it and slink away in shame. We should stand up for the victims of black racial terrorism.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 10:18 AM (B0mGw)

301 36 Goliath looks decapitated. Never knew a slingshot could do so much damage.
Posted by: redridinghood at November 23, 2021 09:36 AM (NpAcC)


You have to aim just right.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 23, 2021 10:18 AM (VxC1e)

302 So, this Fetterman, he assisted in The Steal and now is being rewarded. Not that he would win, or even try to. Rewarded with grift a la McMuffin.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 23, 2021 10:18 AM (Bmy3R)

303 296 Waitaminute. There's a Never Trumper at a high level of PA government?

no he's a Dem. VERY MUCH A LEFTIST. he's like a Goth. an Uber Goth who may have eaten a bunch of smaller goths

I have no idea why the NT thing is happening b/c he is running for Senator here now (and will, sadly, probably win due to shenanigans that forced Parnell to quit the race)

Posted by: BlackOrchid at November 23, 2021 10:19 AM (j9HX3)

304 To East Asians the Dutch must seem like Giants
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at November 23, 2021 10:16 AM

Especially when they're working the pole in those high-heeled stripper sabots.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at November 23, 2021 10:19 AM (a3Q+t)

305 "Really? Self-serving never crossed my mind. I think it's kind."
Posted by: grammie winger at November 23, 2021 10:15 AM (45fpk)

Personally I'd be insulted by some rich guy assuming I can't afford to bury my loved ones. And self-serving by announcing you're doing it without talking to them first.

Posted by: lowandslow at November 23, 2021 10:19 AM (4thlk)

306 I am no fan of the sport balls but I think that JJ Watts is doing a nice thing.

Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 10:19 AM (60gBr)

307 It wasn't a slingshot; it was a sling, where ya load it, swing it around your head and let fly.

Could be effective too. One of the great successes of Athens in the Peloponnesian war was when a group of their light troops (slingers/javelins throwers) forced a Spartan heavy infantry unit to surrender since they just could not catch up with them.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021 10:19 AM (ESjRY)

308 Posted by: BlackOrchid at November 23, 2021 10:19 AM (j9HX3)

Oh. I thought The Cuckshed only nominated fake Repubs. So, they just go flat-out Dems now.

That's actually a bit more honest on their part.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 23, 2021 10:20 AM (Bmy3R)

309 David was really a lefty. His mom made him throw right-handed, 'cause he did too much damage w/his left.

Posted by: BignJames at November 23, 2021 09:58 AM

I'm going to duel him left-handed. Well, is only way I can be satisfied. If I use my right... over too quickly.

Posted by: Inigo Montoya at November 23, 2021 10:20 AM (Do5/p)

310 301 36 Goliath looks decapitated. Never knew a slingshot could do so much damage.
Posted by: redridinghood at November 23, 2021 09:36 AM (NpAcC)
You have to aim just right.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 23, 2021 10:18 AM (VxC1e)

The biblical account is clear that the rock simply knocked Goliath unconscious, whereupon David seized Goliath's own sword and cut his head off with it.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021 10:20 AM (evAgx)

311 The biblical account is clear that the rock simply knocked Goliath unconscious, whereupon David seized Goliath's own sword and cut his head off with it.


Posted by: Some Modern AMerican JAG at November 23, 2021 10:21 AM (ESjRY)

312 Oh. I thought The Cuckshed only nominated fake Repubs. So, they just go flat-out Dems now.

That's actually a bit more honest on their part.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at November 23, 2021 10:20 AM (Bmy3R)

Thanks to Trump, their pool of fake conservatives is dwindling, so they have to go Dem.

Posted by: OrangeEnt at November 23, 2021 10:21 AM (7bRMQ)

313 "Personally I'd be insulted by some rich guy assuming I can't afford to bury my loved ones. And self-serving by announcing you're doing it without talking to them first."

When I've been in the middle of grief, personal insults never really crossed my mind. Any act of kindness is overwhelming.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 10:21 AM (B0mGw)

Oh. I thought The Cuckshed only nominated fake Repubs. So, they just go flat-out Dems now.


Bernie said no thanks, he had all the houses he needed.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 23, 2021 10:21 AM (/U27+)

315 312 Thanks to Trump, their pool of fake conservatives is dwindling, so they have to go Dem.
Posted by: OrangeEnt at November 23, 2021 10:21 AM (7bRMQ)


But the party is hopelessly cucked at the same time, apparently.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 10:22 AM (3EWns)

316 Nancy Pelosi has purchased an 11,000 square feet $25 million mansion on the ocean in Florida.

Nanzi is leaving the utopia of California, San Francisco no less! for the barbarism of Florida?!!!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at November 23, 2021 10:22 AM (FVME7)

317 231 Jackson expanded the story in his screen play he is working on

Posted by: Skip's Phone at November 23, 2021 10:22 AM (tdjF4)

318 Being able to knock out some poor lumbering giant with a rock is no basis for a system of government.

Posted by: Dennis the Peasant at November 23, 2021 10:22 AM (VxC1e)

319 Now pinch-hitting for the Kandahar Giants, Mohammad Moto... oto... oto.. to... oo... ooo

Posted by: p.a. system at November 23, 2021 10:22 AM (UHVv4)

320 316 Nancy Pelosi has purchased an 11,000 square feet $25 million mansion on the ocean in Florida.

Nanzi is leaving the utopia of California, San Francisco no less! for the barbarism of Florida?!!!
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at November 23, 2021 10:22 AM (FVME7)


Does anyone remember the kerfuffle when it was rumored the Rick Perry was buying a house in California?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 10:22 AM (3EWns)

321 Funny that I recognized that as a Caravaggio without even seeing the title.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Crossing state lines like a Boss at November 23, 2021 10:22 AM (x8Wzq)

322 "Being able to knock out some poor lumbering giant with a rock is no basis for a system of government."

Necessary, but not sufficient.

Posted by: gp's Dark Energy Acceleration at November 23, 2021 10:23 AM (qpX6U)

323 Thanks to Trump, their pool of fake conservatives is dwindling, so they have to go Dem.

Our Appeal is Becoming More Selective

Posted by: The NeverTrumpers at November 23, 2021 10:23 AM (ESjRY)

324 Killed with sling.
Beheaded with slingblade.
Drank a slingshot afterwards.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at November 23, 2021 10:23 AM (tPUfk)

325 But the party is hopelessly cucked at the same time, apparently.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 10:22 AM (3EWns)

The old time Lindsays are safe, but when a seat comes open, they are having a harder time finding a fake con.

Posted by: OrangeEnt at November 23, 2021 10:23 AM (7bRMQ)

326 "Field Dressing Your Opponent After Battle", or "Finish Him!!"

Posted by: Sharkman at November 23, 2021 10:23 AM (vPEji)

327 no he's a Dem. VERY MUCH A LEFTIST. he's like a Goth. an Uber Goth who may have eaten a bunch of smaller goths

Posted by: BlackOrchid at November 23, 2021 10:19 AM (j9HX3)

Alaric and Theodoric would be so proud these days.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 23, 2021 10:23 AM (csEWM)

328 316 Nancy Pelosi has purchased an 11,000 square feet $25 million mansion on the ocean in Florida.

Nanzi is leaving the utopia of California, San Francisco no less! for the barbarism of Florida?!!!
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at November 23, 2021 10:22 AM (FVME7)

I guess she is gonna call in Bhussein to stop the rising seas.

Posted by: rhennigantx at November 23, 2021 10:24 AM (yrol0)

329 "Being able to knock out some poor lumbering giant with a rock is no basis for a system of government."

That's what Saul said.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 10:24 AM (B0mGw)

330 Cutting someones head off involves quite a bit more blood. Caravaggio was a pussy.

Don't you watch the various CSI and forensic shows? If someone is already dead, there is no blood flow.

Posted by: mustbequantum at November 23, 2021 10:24 AM (MIKMs)

331 Can't wait for a future Florida Woman incident report.

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at November 23, 2021 10:24 AM (4I/2K)

332 The biblical account is clear that the rock simply knocked Goliath unconscious, whereupon David seized Goliath's own sword and cut his head off with it.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021 10:20 AM (evAgx)


Today, David would be prosecuted for: (1) failing in his "duty to retreat" and not stand his ground; and (2) having simply not taken a beating and allowed himself to be murdered.

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at November 23, 2021 10:24 AM (4fSQf)

333 > Nancy Pelosi has purchased an 11,000 square feet $25 million mansion on the ocean in Florida.

If I were the governor of Florida I'd make life a living hell for anyone who resided in that place at any time. And I'd go to extreme lengths to tax the living shit out of the owners.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at November 23, 2021 10:25 AM (BFigT)

334 Can't wait for a future Florida Woman incident report.

90 year old woman arrested for drunk driving a mobility scooter on her way to get a tub of fancy ice cream?

Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021 10:25 AM (ESjRY)

335 Yep this is how you know all the talk of rising seas is 100% bullshit. Obama and Pelosi are buying homes on the ocean for 8 figures. All you need to know about how they really feel about the matter.
Canada's media enviro god, David Suzuki, and Australia's version, Tim Flannery, both have beachfront mansions too.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 23, 2021 10:25 AM (UHVv4)

336 Davey and Golith was my favorite claymation when I was a little kid, this looks nothing like it.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby

Second favorite after Gumby and Pokey for me. That was the Goode Olde Dayes.

Posted by: Sharkman at November 23, 2021 10:25 AM (vPEji)

337 To East Asians the Dutch must seem like Giants
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby

Wooden shoes add four inches.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at November 23, 2021 10:25 AM (FVME7)

338 Personally I'd be insulted by some rich guy assuming I can't afford to bury my loved ones.

I'm the opposite. I'll be insulted if the rich don't offer to bury my dead. A KISS coffin ain't cheap. So when my mom buys the farm, first then I'm doing is e-mailing Zuckerberg. "Look, you lanky, weird looking motherfucker, you gonna bury my mom, or what?"

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at November 23, 2021 10:25 AM (QU5/8)

339 The biblical account is clear that the rock simply knocked Goliath unconscious, whereupon David seized Goliath's own sword and cut his head off with it.

Posted by: Some Modern AMerican JAG at November 23, 2021

The list of actions that could be called war crimes was a lot shorter then. Leftists probably consider putting a sleeping soldier's hand into warm water so he pisses himself to be a war crime.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 10:25 AM (txdEq)

340 Looks like he's sawing the head off with a string. Was the Popeil pocket wire saw around then?

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at November 23, 2021 10:25 AM (VwHCD)

341 332 Today, David would be prosecuted for: (1) failing in his "duty to retreat" and not stand his ground; and (2) having simply not taken a beating and allowed himself to be murdered.
Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at November 23, 2021 10:24 AM (4fSQf)


Battlefield in a time of war.

He'd be prosecuted for violating the ROE that says he had to get swung at twice within three feet of his head before he could fire.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 10:25 AM (3EWns)

342 301 36 Goliath looks decapitated. Never knew a slingshot could do so much damage.
Posted by: redridinghood at November 23, 2021 09:36 AM (NpAcC)
You have to aim just right.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 23, 2021 10:18 AM (VxC1e)

Weasel the Slinger would have nailed that tiny target point, easy-peasy, from a mile away!

Posted by: Gref at November 23, 2021 10:25 AM (AMIL/)

343 The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Posted by: David at November 23, 2021 10:26 AM (4I/2K)

344 Pelosi moving to FL is reminding me of the recent meme:

a)"You don't fit in here"
b)"Ok, we will make our own place"
a)"Why are you excluding us?"
b)"Oh no"

Posted by: 496 at November 23, 2021 10:26 AM (VJsqe)

345 If i'm remembering correctly, a more mundane subtext of the David and Goliath story was the dishonor in using a sling in a personal-combat-by-champions situation.... a bit like Indiana Jones shooting the sword swinging dervish dude. Essentially telling the military powers of the region, "Hebrews don't eff about." And I don't think any battles involving Hebrews were every again settled by single combat...

Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 23, 2021 10:26 AM (6FeV1)

346 321 Funny that I recognized that as a Caravaggio without even seeing the title.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, Crossing state lines like a Boss at November 23, 2021 10:22 AM (x8Wzq)

He had a very specific style. The Chiaroscuro (use of light and dark), anatomy and how he posed his figures is all pretty unique. Heck, even his subject.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 23, 2021 10:26 AM (csEWM)

347 I can imagine that acromegaly (excessive growth hormone ala Andre the Giant) was common enough in any population, to produce the occasional giant.

But could Goliath drink 108 twelve-ounce beers in one sitting?

Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks at November 23, 2021 10:26 AM (w9Wax)

348 I thought viruses mutated. So you get a vax shot, is the booster different than the initial?

Posted by: A dude in MI at November 23, 2021 10:26 AM (/6GbT)

349 Nancy Pelosi has purchased an 11,000 square feet $25 million mansion on the ocean in Florida.

Wait. Rising sea levels from global warming will flood that land by like, next Thursday.

How dare you!

Posted by: Theta Grunberg at November 23, 2021 10:27 AM (LQjWA)

Look at the list of tallest people, both men and women, and it's sad to see most died in their 20s. Apparently human physiology can only take so much strain.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 23, 2021 10:27 AM (/U27+)

351 In 2017 Roman sling stones were studied in Scotland. One ounce, top speed 100mph.

Posted by: gp's Dark Energy Acceleration at November 23, 2021 10:27 AM (qpX6U)

352 Davey and Golith was my favorite claymation when I was a little kid, this looks nothing like it.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby

Second favorite after Gumby and Pokey for me. That was the Goode Olde Dayes.

Posted by: Sharkman at November 23, 2021 10:25 AM (vPEji)

Damn, all of a sudden I feel old.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at November 23, 2021 10:27 AM (VwHCD)

353 Can't wait for a future Florida Woman incident report.

90 year old woman arrested for drunk driving a mobility scooter on her way to get a tub of fancy ice cream?

Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021 10:25 AM (ESjRY)

C'mon know she's got "people" for that kind of thing.

Posted by: BignJames at November 23, 2021 10:27 AM (AwYPR)

354 Second favorite after Gumby and Pokey for me. That was the Goode Olde Dayes.

Posted by: Sharkman at November 23, 2021 10:25 AM (vPEji)

Yeah, they were fun, but you know I'll never be back.

Posted by: The Goode Olde Dayes at November 23, 2021 10:27 AM (7bRMQ)

355 But could Goliath drink 108 twelve-ounce beers in one sitting?
Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks at November 23, 2021 10:26 AM (w9Wax)


And he could eat 50 eggs.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 23, 2021 10:27 AM (VxC1e)

356 Today, David would be prosecuted for: (1) failing in his "duty to retreat" and not stand his ground; and (2) having simply not taken a beating and allowed himself to be murdered.
Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at November 23, 2021 10:24 AM (4fSQf)

Single combat kind of takes that shit and throws it overboard.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 23, 2021 10:27 AM (csEWM)

357 I am no fan of the sport balls but I think that JJ Watts is doing a nice thing.
Posted by: JoeXiDen - Lessko Brandon at November 23, 2021 10:19 AM (60gBr)

Yeah, it's nice and a wonderful thing to do. But why does everyone have to make it public on social media and bring attention to yourself. I always thought that your are to supposed to do a good deed without making yourself important. Just my point of view.

Posted by: dantesed at November 23, 2021 10:28 AM (88xKn)

358 Rev was in the funeral-giving ministry for many years. He said the average funeral can cost $6000-$10,000 depending on choices made. That's a lot to cough up for many people. I know the funeral home he worked with had to eat the costs on occasion.

Posted by: grammie winger at November 23, 2021 10:28 AM (45fpk)

359 ''Nancy Pelosi has purchased an 11,000 square feet $25 million mansion on the ocean in Florida.''

Destroying a country pays well it seems.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at November 23, 2021 10:28 AM (VwHCD)

360 And I don't think any battles involving Hebrews were every again settled by single combat...

It was an early Greek thing I believe. Better to have a couple of champions die to decide whatever issue they are fighting about then to have hundreds die and an extended, damaging war between neighboring city states.

And the Greek city states always found something to fight about.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021 10:28 AM (ESjRY)

361 CBD, this might be of interest for a future painting thread.

Rembrandt's painting "Bathsheba" is so realistic and precise that it may show that the model had breast cancer.
Here's a quote from a recent (non-English) article:
"Of note is the breasts of the woman depicted on this statue. Swelling is observed in the indentation and armpits outside the left breast. It has been pointed out that this may be a depressed lesion caused by breast cancer and axillary lymph node swelling"

Elsewhere the redness of that area as opposed to other areas of the painting is red, which may indicate inflammation associated with cancer in the lymph nodes.

There's argument over this:

With some saying the painting depicts lactation mastitis.
In any event, advantage Rembrandt for being both artistic and realistically precise.

Posted by: naturalfake at November 23, 2021 10:28 AM (5NkmN)

362 TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s

Didn't the Duke shoot Fetterman in one of his movies ?

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 10:29 AM (arJlL)

363 Where in Florida did Pelosi buy the house? I need to know whether to send my friend a condolence card.

Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:29 AM (wyw4S)

364 The biblical account is clear that the rock simply knocked Goliath unconscious, whereupon David seized Goliath's own sword and cut his head off with it.
Posted by: Tom Servo

Doesn't sound like self defense to me!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at November 23, 2021 10:29 AM (FVME7)

365 Yup. In Samuel! Six cubits and one span. But I don't remember what that equals...

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

A cubit is the distance from fingertip to elbow, I believe. And a span I assume is tip of thumb to tip of pinky on splayed hand. So maybe 12 foot 5 inches tall?

Posted by: Sharkman at November 23, 2021 10:29 AM (vPEji)

366 Today, David would be prosecuted for: (1) failing in his "duty to retreat" and not stand his ground; and (2) having simply not taken a beating and allowed himself to be murdered.

Don't forget the crime of Jewish aggression.

Posted by: Rashida Tlaib at November 23, 2021 10:29 AM (LQjWA)

367 Battlefield in a time of war.

He'd be prosecuted for violating the ROE that says he had to get swung at twice within three feet of his head before he could fire.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 10:25 AM (3EWns)


Indeed ... not to mention the requisite phone call to a Pentagon lawyer for final approval to take the shot.

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at November 23, 2021 10:29 AM (4fSQf)

368 360 It was an early Greek thing I believe. Better to have a couple of champions die to decide whatever issue they are fighting about then to have hundreds die and an extended, damaging war between neighboring city states.

And the Greek city states always found something to fight about.
Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021 10:28 AM (ESjRY)


The beginning to Troy, though...Nice.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 10:29 AM (3EWns)

369 Where in Florida did Pelosi buy the house?


Posted by: gp's Dark Energy Acceleration at November 23, 2021 10:29 AM (qpX6U)

370 Nancy in FL. State income tax.

Remember, she was not on the Tax the Billionaire Train."

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at November 23, 2021 10:30 AM (ZxV1A)

371 Look at the list of tallest people, both men and women, and it's sad to see most died in their 20s. Apparently human physiology can only take so much strain.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 23, 2021

If we had a going colony on the Moon, children born there in 1/6 Earth gravity might well grow fairly tall by dirtside standards.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 10:30 AM (txdEq)

372 Having a stressful morning

Posted by: vmom - link to Red's fundraiser at November 23, 2021 10:30 AM (YZG/i)

373 351 In 2017 Roman sling stones were studied in Scotland. One ounce, top speed 100mph.
Posted by: gp's Dark Energy Acceleration at November 23, 2021 10:27 AM (qpX6U)

Romans (at least) also used lead shot.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 23, 2021 10:30 AM (csEWM)

374 Goliath looks decapitated. Never knew a slingshot could do so much damage.

Posted by: redridinghood at November 23, 2021 09:36 AM

Interesting. So David was a Grimm. Or Decapitare.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at November 23, 2021 10:30 AM (Do5/p)

375 In 2017 Roman sling stones were studied in Scotland. One ounce, top speed 100mph.

In most movies about medieval/ancient war the armor and shields do nothing.

In reality you were at a real disadvantage without them.

A sling stone on your shield is a nice wake up call. A sling stone on your bare head and you aren't waking up again.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021 10:30 AM (ESjRY)

376 Rev was in the funeral-giving ministry for many years. He said the average funeral can cost $6000-$10,000 depending on choices made. That's a lot to cough up for many people. I know the funeral home he worked with had to eat the costs on occasion.

Posted by: grammie winger at November 23, 2021 10:28 AM (45fpk)

Body donation and free cremation don't cost anything.

Posted by: The Goode Olde Dayes at November 23, 2021 10:31 AM (7bRMQ)

David said to the multitudes, "No, no, not yet. Not until me and Goliath get the rules straightened out." Thus, the reference to "stones".

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 23, 2021 10:31 AM (/U27+)

378 Davey and Golith was my favorite claymation when I was a little kid, this looks nothing like it.

You must be younger than I am. Flannelgraph was the religious teaching wave of the future when I was a youngster.

Posted by: mustbequantum at November 23, 2021 10:31 AM (MIKMs)

379 David laid that giant almost as flat as Rachel Corrie. Almost.

Posted by: 496 at November 23, 2021 10:31 AM (VJsqe)

380 Just got back from household chores, so this may have already been mentioned.

Is it just me, or is there more evidence to suggest that Darrell Brooks Jr intentionally sought out and struck those folk in the parade than there is to suggest that Kyle Rittenhouse intentionally and with forethought decided to hunt down and shoot those three White-People of Color?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice. Asymptomatic raycist at November 23, 2021 10:31 AM (3D/fK)

381 "An undersea lair? How Bond Villainy-ish"

Related, why do futurists think living underwater (or in outer space ) is some sort of solution to earths problems, pleasant or even feasible? It us even less likely and useful than high speed rail. And more expensive. It would be like evolving backward.

On the other hand, I don't want to discourage the people that would like to live like that from going. They are probably mostly liberals.

Posted by: Ripley at November 23, 2021 10:32 AM (MxEKc)

382 Having a stressful morning
Posted by: vmom - link to Red's fundraiser

You have mail !

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 10:32 AM (arJlL)

383 In 2017 Roman sling stones were studied in Scotland. One ounce, top speed 100mph.
I was looking for video of that when I found #197 that I used instead for convenience.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 23, 2021 10:32 AM (UHVv4)

384 They have world championships for sling stone competitions. Competitors are amazingly accurate.

Posted by: Just a side note at November 23, 2021 10:32 AM (shMPn)


Nikky's Funeral Home of Cold Comfort has never had a problem turning a profit...

Posted by: Nicky Necro at November 23, 2021 10:33 AM (uYVgb)

386 And the Greek city states always found something to fight about.
Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021

The beginning to Troy, though...Nice.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021

Helen must have been pretty damn hot to instigate all that. It always made me wonder, if the gods gave her to Paris, it was clearly their will, right? Why did the human warriors not say, "Well, the gods have willed it, and that's all there is to it. Helen will have to learn to be a good wife over there in that weird Troy hellhole. Who wants to arm wrestle?"

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 10:33 AM (txdEq)

387 Quote Tweet: Jeffrey Toobin @JeffreyToobin
I wonder what the verdict would be in the #RittenhouseTrial if the defendant were a Black seventeen year old from another state who killed two people with an illegal assault weapon?

Rosie Memos @almostjingo
I wonder if a black guy jerking off during a work zoom would get his job back?
*Chef's Kiss*

Posted by: um'hmmm at November 23, 2021 10:33 AM (J4Phd)

388 I'm going to start a clock store and call it "Tock is Cheap"

Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 23, 2021 10:33 AM (6FeV1)

389 They have world championships for sling stone competitions. Competitors are amazingly accurate.
Posted by: Just a side note at November 23, 2021 10:32 AM (shMPn)

Girls can do it too!

Posted by: Ayla, Clan of the Cave Bear at November 23, 2021 10:33 AM (4I/2K)

390 I suddenly remembered the scene in "Wholly Moses", where Dudley Moore goes up against Goliath with the sling. He hits him in the balls, pisses him off, and he tramples the village. lol

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at November 23, 2021 10:34 AM (VwHCD)

391 David said to the multitudes, "No, no, not yet. Not until me and Goliath get the rules straightened out." Thus, the reference to "stones".

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 23, 2021 10:31 AM (/U27+)

1 2 3 Go!

Posted by: Sundance at November 23, 2021 10:34 AM (7bRMQ)

392 Where in Florida did Pelosi buy the house?

Posted by: gp's Dark Energy Acceleration at November 23, 2021 10:29 AM (qpX6U)

Whew. Thank you. Although maybe I should send one anyway. I know it's a big state but maybe not big enough.

Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:34 AM (wyw4S)

393 Related, why do futurists think living underwater (or in outer space ) is some sort of solution to earths problems, pleasant or even feasible? It us even less likely and useful than high speed rail. And more expensive. It would be like evolving backward.

On the other hand, I don't want to discourage the people that would like to live like that from going. They are probably mostly liberals.

Posted by: Ripley at November 23, 2021 10:32 AM (MxEKc)

They have played too much of the original Bioshock. In the original game, Ryan chose it for it's access to resources (both power and food) and BECAUSE it was remote as hell and could be kept away from prying eyes. Plus, art deco vistas underwater. It is striking. Until everything goes to hell.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 23, 2021 10:35 AM (csEWM)

394 The other day I thought Robert Barnes was the first attorney on the KR case, last night I watched Tucker and found out it was Lin Wood and some guy named Pierce.

Posted by: kallisto at November 23, 2021 10:35 AM (DJFLF)

395 Skillfully painted. Lovely colors. Beautifully inspired. Would not hang.

Posted by: G. Gnome will not comply at November 23, 2021 10:36 AM (OQcPl)

396 Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice. Asymptomatic raycist at November 23, 2021 10:31 AM (3D/fK)

It's not just you

Posted by: It's me donna at November 23, 2021 10:36 AM (87qwM)

397 388 I'm going to start a clock store and call it "Tock is Cheap"
Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 23, 2021 10:33 AM (6FeV1)


Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 23, 2021 10:36 AM (csEWM)

398 I suddenly remembered the scene in "Wholly Moses", where Dudley Moore goes up against Goliath with the sling. He hits him in the balls, pisses him off, and he tramples the village. lol
Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at November 23, 2021 10:34 AM (VwHCD)

LOL. Didn't his wife start shacking up with Goliath? I haven't seen it in forever.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 23, 2021 10:36 AM (Ez6QX)

399 Davey and Golith was my favorite claymation when I was a little kid, this looks nothing like it.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at November 23, 2021 09:32 AM

Same here. I remember watching that in Catholic grammar school. Can't remember when, but have to think it was 1st or 2nd grade. Which for me would have been... 1983-1984 or so.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at November 23, 2021 10:36 AM (Do5/p)

400 I'm going to start a clock store and call it "Tock is Cheap"

Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 23, 2021 10:33 AM (6FeV1)

That ticks me off! That was my plan!!!

Posted by: Clock King at November 23, 2021 10:37 AM (7bRMQ)

401 Can't remember when, but have to think it was 1st or 2nd grade. Which for me would have been... 1983-1984 or so.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at November 23, 2021 10:36 AM (Do5/p)

So, you didn't vote for Reagan?

Posted by: grammie winger at November 23, 2021 10:37 AM (45fpk)


If given the opportunity I would move to outer space or an undersea colony.

As best as I can tell, the odds are infinitely higher of being attacked by some sort of Lovecraftian Horror or Elder Race, leading to delicious anticipation.

Posted by: Dick Hitzwater at November 23, 2021 10:37 AM (uYVgb)

403 I've visualized the lethality of slings by thinking about Nolan Ryan holding a hand sized rock and aiming it at my head from about 30 yards away.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021 10:37 AM (trdmm)

404 The mythological side of the Trojan war is basically Zeus kicking the can to a mortal, Paris, because he knows it is a trap.

The real world scenario - Priam was probably a Greek adventurer who conquered Troy, and was looking to get a claim on the important city of Sparta by stealing Helen and having her marry one of his kids.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021 10:37 AM (ESjRY)

405 Goliath had a big head.
Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 09:32 AM (arJlL)

He must have a massive schwannstucker.

Posted by: Inga - at November 23, 2021 10:38 AM (IJES/)

406 400 I'm going to start a clock store and call it "Tock is Cheap"

Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 23, 2021 10:33 AM (6FeV1)

That ticks me off! That was my plan!!!
Posted by: Clock King at November 23, 2021 10:37 AM (7bRMQ)

Have a Flav O Flav clock medallion and have banners on ace...

Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 23, 2021 10:38 AM (csEWM)

407 I wonder what the verdict would be in the #RittenhouseTrial if the defendant were a Black seventeen year old from another state who killed two people with an illegal assault weapon?

Toobin knows the answer to that question.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, the Phillips screwdriver of the gods at November 23, 2021 10:38 AM (cSyAR)

408 "It is striking. Until everything goes to hell.

Posted by: Aetius451AD"

It is hard enough keeping up with roof leaks above ground. Imagine the problems a couple hundred feet down.

Posted by: Ripley at November 23, 2021 10:38 AM (MxEKc)

409 Off Mel Brooks Sock

Posted by: BifBewalski @ (IJES/) - at November 23, 2021 10:38 AM (IJES/)

410 "why do futurists think living underwater is some sort of solution to earths problems, pleasant or even feasible?"

Living under water solves two problems: 1. Rising sea levels. 2. A hole in the ozone causing increased radiation. Personally, I think the option should be on the table from an engineering standpoint, but it's basically just more fantastic hyperventilating.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 10:38 AM (B0mGw)

411 Anybody else started their thanksgiving prep yet? I spent the morning ironing tablecloths, duvet covers, and pillow cases and now I've got sweet potatoes in the oven and cranberry chutney on the stove. I love the smells of Thanksgiving.

Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:38 AM (wyw4S)

412 Illegal assault weapon ? Psychopath Toobin should stick to masturbation Porn.

Posted by: Just a side note at November 23, 2021 10:38 AM (shMPn)

413 Same here. I remember watching that in Catholic grammar school. Can't remember when, but have to think it was 1st or 2nd grade. Which for me would have been... 1983-1984 or so.
Posted by: Clyde Shelton at November 23, 2021

I think I used to see it listed in TV Guide back then: "DAVEY AND GOLIATH -- Children." Along with stuff like Nickelodeon's "You Can't Do That on Television" (Christine McGlade -- mmm!) and something called "Big Comfy Couch."

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 10:39 AM (txdEq)

414 Goliath had a big head.
Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 09:32 AM (arJlL)

He must have a massive schwannstucker.
Posted by: Inga -

Inga saves the day !


Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 10:39 AM (arJlL)

415 350
Look at the list of tallest people, both men and women, and it's sad to see most died in their 20s. Apparently human physiology can only take so much strain.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 23, 2021 10:27 AM (/U27+)

Andre the Giant was in a lot of pain in the last few years of his life. Even at the big event of Wrestlemania 3 he was in pain. I think if you watch the match he's almost always got a hand on the ropes to help hold himself up. The surgery to stop him from growing was available but risky and he didn't get it. He died at 46. The Big Show got the surgery since it was much less risky then and he still pretty active at 49.

Posted by: Buzzion at November 23, 2021 10:39 AM (G2zl5)

416 Anybody else started their thanksgiving prep yet? I spent the morning ironing tablecloths, duvet covers, and pillow cases and now I've got sweet potatoes in the oven and cranberry chutney on the stove. I love the smells of Thanksgiving.

Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:38 AM (wyw4S)

You iron?

Posted by: grammie winger at November 23, 2021 10:39 AM (45fpk)

417 Anybody else started their thanksgiving prep yet? I spent the morning ironing tablecloths, duvet covers, and pillow cases and now I've got sweet potatoes in the oven and cranberry chutney on the stove. I love the smells of Thanksgiving.
Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:38 AM (wyw4S)

Procrastination pays off right now.

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at November 23, 2021 10:40 AM (4I/2K)

418 Hiya bluebell !

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 10:40 AM (arJlL)

419 Interesting thread about the joys of living in San Francisco.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at November 23, 2021 10:40 AM (FVME7)

420 >>Rosie Memos @almostjingo
I wonder if a black guy jerking off during a work zoom would get his job back?


Posted by: garrett at November 23, 2021 10:40 AM (4/+ky)


By " ironing " she means stropping her shives on the linen...

Posted by: Dick Hitzwater at November 23, 2021 10:40 AM (uYVgb)

422 LOL... So now Biden's handlers blast elevator music when they don't want joe to botch answering questions while he's being dragged out.

Posted by: It's me donna at November 23, 2021 10:40 AM (87qwM)

423 It is hard enough keeping up with roof leaks above ground. Imagine the problems a couple hundred feet down.
Posted by: Ripley at November 23, 2021 10:38 AM (MxEKc)

The funny thing is, the game even points that out. Ryan's main engineer and handman has an audio log where he is talking about all the leaks he is having to fix. Money quote is: 'either you build this thing like a bathtub, or it's going to turn into a sewer.' But Ryan said oh no, no domes, it will not be a bathtub...

Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 23, 2021 10:40 AM (csEWM)

424 Same here. I remember watching that in Catholic grammar school. Can't remember when, but have to think it was 1st or 2nd grade. Which for me would have been... 1983-1984 or so.
Posted by: Clyde Shelton at November 23, 2021 10:36 AM (Do5/p)

I watched it when I was a kid (I'm a few years older than you) but I think it originally came out in the 60's.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 23, 2021 10:41 AM (Ez6QX)

425 You have mail !
Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 10:32 AM (arJlL)


Posted by: vmom - link to Red's fundraiser at November 23, 2021 10:41 AM (YZG/i)

426 LOL. Didn't his wife start shacking up with Goliath? I haven't seen it in forever.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 23, 2021 10:36 AM (Ez6QX)

Yup, lol. I forgot about that. He goes and visits and his underwear is on the line and its the size of a table cloth. lol

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at November 23, 2021 10:41 AM (VwHCD)

427 "Andre the Giant was in a lot of pain in the last few years of his life."

Reading "As You Wish" you get an amazing and sweet view of Andre the Giant. One time he got so drunk he passed out in a hotel lobby. They tried to move him and finally just put up ropes around him until he finally woke up and stumbled out.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 10:41 AM (B0mGw)

428 407 I wonder what the verdict would be in the #RittenhouseTrial if the defendant were a Black seventeen year old from another state who killed two people with an illegal assault weapon?

Toobin knows the answer to that question.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, the Phillips screwdriver of the gods at November 23, 2021 10:38 AM (cSyAR)


Verdict? Are you kidding me, there wouldn't have even been a trial ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at November 23, 2021 10:41 AM (4fSQf)

429 I do, grammie. What can I say. I like tablecloths and cloth napkins, and most require ironing. I don't have to iron many clothes in the winter but I iron linen and cotton all summer long. I actually like it.

Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:41 AM (wyw4S)

430 I've visualized the lethality of slings by thinking about Nolan Ryan holding a hand sized rock and aiming it at my head from about 30 yards away.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021 10:37 AM (trdmm)

Into or out of the shade....killer.

Posted by: BignJames at November 23, 2021 10:41 AM (AwYPR)

431 Follow on to yesterday's spectacular Muldoon guest post:

Dr. Mary Bowden is one of the Brave Doctors.

Here she describes how a major medical institution sicced the internet mob on her and are trying to get her license pulled, all for the simple offense of treating COVIDe patients in a manner that keeps them out of hospital:

Posted by: kallisto at November 23, 2021 10:41 AM (DJFLF)

432 417 Anybody else started their thanksgiving prep yet? I spent the morning ironing tablecloths, duvet covers, and pillow cases and now I've got sweet potatoes in the oven and cranberry chutney on the stove. I love the smells of Thanksgiving.
Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:38 AM (wyw4S)

Starting today

Posted by: It's me donna at November 23, 2021 10:41 AM (87qwM)

433 414 Goliath had a big head.
Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 09:32 AM (arJlL)

He must have a massive schwannstucker.
Posted by: Inga -

Inga saves the day !

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 10:39 AM (arJlL)

I could not believe that hadn't been posted after nearly 400 comments, too.

Posted by: BifBewalski @ (IJES/) - at November 23, 2021 10:41 AM (IJES/)

434 I see the headline for a post later today just came out:

Waukesha PD says that NO ONE was chasing Brooks at the time he drove through the parade.

so that story was all fake news.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021 10:41 AM (trdmm)

435 Anybody else started their thanksgiving prep yet? I spent the morning ironing tablecloths, duvet covers, and pillow cases and now I've got sweet potatoes in the oven and cranberry chutney on the stove. I love the smells of Thanksgiving.

Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:38 AM (wyw4S)

Heh. My Thanksgiving prep is to hit Total Wine for supplies and gas up the car to go to my brother's place.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at November 23, 2021 10:41 AM (dfRN6)

436 Anybody else started their thanksgiving prep yet? I spent the morning ironing tablecloths, duvet covers, and pillow cases and now I've got sweet potatoes in the oven and cranberry chutney on the stove. I love the smells of Thanksgiving.

Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:38 AM (wyw4S)

Small family, so will bake tomorrow, just leave turkey and sides. But I will drag out the Christmas displays and get them put together for Friday!

Posted by: OrangeEnt at November 23, 2021 10:42 AM (7bRMQ)

437 -
Goliath had a big head.
Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 09:32 AM (arJlL)

He must have a massive schwannstucker.
Posted by: Inga -

He was very popular.

Posted by: Igor at November 23, 2021 10:42 AM (8rX4S)

438 422 LOL... So now Biden's handlers blast elevator music when they don't want joe to botch answering questions while he's being dragged out.
Posted by: It's me donna at November 23, 2021 10:40 AM (87qwM)

They may as well have that comically large hook (barber pole, of course.)

Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 23, 2021 10:42 AM (csEWM)

439 A cubit is a small, spiky mammal, about this big [holds index finger and thumb about a smidge apart]. They are sometimes employed as cooks on prison ships.

Posted by: QBert at November 23, 2021 10:42 AM (zHiKL)

440 "Waukesha PD says that NO ONE was chasing Brooks at the time he drove through the parade."

Guy deserves the chair.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 10:42 AM (B0mGw)

441 Wakes up
Looks around
Dang. I bet ol goliath was beside s himself.
Goes looking for coffee.

Posted by: Diogenes at November 23, 2021 10:42 AM (axyOa)

442 Nanzi knows California is already under Communism so another couple votes is useless, might as well go to a red state and work on turning it Blue

Posted by: Skip's Phone at November 23, 2021 10:42 AM (tdjF4)

443 Heh. My Thanksgiving prep is to hit Total Wine for supplies and gas up the car to go to my brother's place.
Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at November 23, 2021 10:41 AM (dfRN6)

That's okay - get 'er done!

Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:42 AM (wyw4S)

444 During the aftermath of the Trayvon Martin trial they tried to ask the same hypothetical. Of course they also ignored an almost exact case in western NY where the race of the actors were reversed and the black shooter of an unarmed white teen was acquitted. What's not surprising it's almost impossible to find that case on Google now.

Posted by: Just a side note at November 23, 2021 10:43 AM (shMPn)

Hah, hah. Brandon's SPR release has backfired. Oil prices surged a bit. See the top of ZH.

The market is laughing at Brandon's little pissing out of some oil.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 23, 2021 10:43 AM (Mzdiz)

446 Living under water solves two problems: 1. Rising sea levels. 2. A hole in the ozone causing increased radiation. Personally, I think the option should be on the table from an engineering standpoint, but it's basically just more fantastic hyperventilating.
Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021

SF writers, well, many of them, assumed our technology development and our civilized society would continue onward and upward, thus we'd be able to solve the tech and social problems. And it would provide enormous living space for humanity: We only use the top of the ocean. What if we could use the entire surface of the continental shelves?

Plus, you know, easily harvested food. Though we might get tired of meals of fish, seaweed, and krill.

"Mudd's Women" on the original Trek refers to a pelagic planet, sea ranchers.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 10:43 AM (txdEq)

447 I actually like it.

Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:41 AM (wyw4S)

Here I was, feeling all mostly adequate and such, and then....

Posted by: grammie winger at November 23, 2021 10:43 AM (45fpk)

448 Andy Ngo
Leftists on Twitter lashed out & were furious after I reported out that the suspect in the #Waukesha, Wis. Christmas parade massacre is a black man & registered child sex offender who espoused leftist views on race, BLM & Trump.

There's a lot of that going around lately.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at November 23, 2021 10:43 AM (FVME7)

449 Bluebell is faithful to the AoSHQ Style Guide.

* Rule 18.1a: Slap a hot iron on it

Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks at November 23, 2021 10:43 AM (w9Wax)

450 Grammie, I'm a weirdo and everyone here knows it.

I wish I could paint like you can.

Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:44 AM (wyw4S)

451 and something called "Big Comfy Couch."

My daughter absolutely loved that show and when she was, I guess, two or three, we waited in line at the Houston Galleria for hours to meet the actress. When we finally got to the front of the line, my daughter freaked out and wouldn't go near her. I was so pissed...

Posted by: Oddbob at November 23, 2021 10:44 AM (nfrXX)

452 The Rittenhouse affair shows if you take, or shoot, any three liberals at least one of them will be a pedo.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021 10:44 AM (ESjRY)

453 Sometimes the Lincoln Project doesn't go as planned.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at November 23, 2021 10:44 AM (BPuaD)

454 440 "Waukesha PD says that NO ONE was chasing Brooks at the time he drove through the parade."

Guy deserves the chair.
Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 10:42 AM (B0mGw)

I guess we know the answer to Toobin's question. Guy is still alive.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 23, 2021 10:44 AM (csEWM)

455 I always imagined Goliath looked like Andre the Giant.

Posted by: Just a side note at November 23, 2021 10:45 AM (shMPn)

456 "SF writers, well, many of them, assumed our technology development and our civilized society would continue onward and upward, thus we'd be able to solve the tech and social problems. "

I think this sort of innovative thinking is good. We should be using our imaginations to solve hypothetical problems before they occur. It's a big part of the reason why I like Sci-Fi in the first place. But you have to bring it back to practicalities and no one is building under water until they have to do so.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 10:45 AM (B0mGw)

457 452 The Rittenhouse affair shows if you take, or shoot, any three liberals at least one of them will be a pedo.
Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021 10:44 AM (ESjRY)

Pedo, a wife beater and a wannabe commie revolutionary.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 23, 2021 10:45 AM (csEWM)

458 the youtube I posted above is 23 minutes long.

here's the tl;dr version.

Dr Bowden is the doc that prescribed IVM at the request of a woman whose husband was hospitalized in Fort Worth...this is the case that required a court order to have the drug administered. The hospital appealed the court order, meantime the man is languishing on a vent. As of this writing I don't know the outcome.

Dr. Bowden as treated hundreds of the Covide patients, without having to send one of them to hospital. She credits her "early and aggressive" treatment. What does she get for being a Frontline Hero? Slander, defamation, risk of having a stellar career ended.

She is the poster girl for the motto: "First, do no harm."

Posted by: kallisto at November 23, 2021 10:45 AM (DJFLF)

459 In 2017 Roman sling stones were studied in Scotland. One ounce, top speed 100mph.
Posted by: gp's Dark Energy Acceleration

That was before restrictor plates - damn rules!!

Posted by: Tonypete at November 23, 2021 10:45 AM (jZSOU)

460 I'd just like to point out that I knew Bluebell before she was famous.

Posted by: garrett at November 23, 2021 10:45 AM (4/+ky)

461 Anybody else started their thanksgiving prep yet? I spent the morning ironing tablecloths, duvet covers, and pillow cases and now I've got sweet potatoes in the oven and cranberry chutney on the stove. I love the smells of Thanksgiving.

Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021

What I make best for dinner is reservations. We're going out to a moderately upscale restaurant in the 'burbs. Tonight I'll hit Dollar Tree for a few snack and household essentials, and tomorrow, when I leave at noon, I'll gas up the car. Prep: done.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 10:45 AM (txdEq)

462 Thanks!
Posted by: vmom - link to Red's fundraiser

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 10:46 AM (arJlL)

463 and something called "Big Comfy Couch.
My daughter absolutely loved that show
The host from Big Comfy Couch was sort of dirty hot.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 10:46 AM (B0mGw)

464 Is JJ Watt from Waukesha? It's possible he / his family knew the victims / injured and it's personal.

All life is played out on the internet now. From gofundme to prayers to personal triumphs and failures to arranging riots and flash mobs destroying businesses.

I won't find fault in his kind gesture. I doubt it will further endear him or benefit him in any meaningful way, to people that are not his fans.

Posted by: old chick at November 23, 2021 10:46 AM (sOete)

465 Waukesha PD says that NO ONE was chasing Brooks at the time he drove through the parade.

so that story was all fake news.
Posted by: Tom Servo

I believe every MSM outlet ran with that.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at November 23, 2021 10:46 AM (FVME7)

466 Rex Goliath was a great big chicken.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 23, 2021 10:46 AM (6FeV1)

467 I'd just like to point out that I knew Bluebell before she was famous.
Posted by: garrett

Pre-shiv ?

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 10:47 AM (arJlL)

468 If we had a going colony on the Moon, children born there in 1/6 Earth gravity might well grow fairly tall by dirtside standards.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius

And they will not be able to *come home again* ever due to frail bone structure and 1/6th the muscle mass needed to survive in Earth's gravity.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at November 23, 2021 10:47 AM (mMQZc)

469 436 Anybody else started their thanksgiving prep yet? I spent the morning ironing tablecloths, duvet covers, and pillow cases and now I've got sweet potatoes in the oven and cranberry chutney on the stove. I love the smells of Thanksgiving.

Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:38 AM (wyw4S)


I'm picking up the ham today, making the cornbread and biscuits for the dressing, and ironing the tablecloth.

I'm going to place electric Scat Mats on the table to discourage the two kittehs from getting on it.

Tomorrow I'll make the dressing and refrigerate it, and make the pies.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 23, 2021 10:47 AM (ptqGC)

470 By just rights King Saul, who was the biggest man in in Israel, should have been the one accepting Goliath's challenge.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, the Phillips screwdriver of the gods at November 23, 2021 10:47 AM (cSyAR)

471 I believe every MSM outlet ran with that.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at November 23, 2021 10:46 AM (FVME7)

24 hour rule. In a way, they were probably shocked and looking for some (to them) reasonable explanation.

Not saying in any way it excuses them.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 23, 2021 10:48 AM (csEWM)

472 Is JJ Watt from Waukesha? It's possible he / his family knew the victims / injured and it's personal.

Yes, he is from Waukesha.

Posted by: grammie winger at November 23, 2021 10:48 AM (45fpk)

473 I always imagined Goliath looked like Andre the Giant.

Posted by: Just a side note at November 23, 2021 10:45 AM (shMPn)

Actually he was very svelte. Always took care of his hair and nails. Was a little effeminate, but he was too big to tease.

Posted by: Goliath's Valet at November 23, 2021 10:48 AM (7bRMQ)

474 The Rittenhouse affair shows if you take, or shoot, any three liberals at least one of them will be a pedo.
Posted by: 18-1 at November 23, 2021 10:44 AM (ESjRY)

Seems that the ratio is even higher for serial killers. I believe over a 1/3 of them are pedo / homosexual. I bet 9/10 would identify as liberal too.

Posted by: Just a side note at November 23, 2021 10:48 AM (shMPn)

475 And now I am reminiscing about Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp and HR Pufnstuf and Speed Racer and a bunch of other cool shows I watched as a young lad.


Posted by: Sharkman at November 23, 2021 10:48 AM (vPEji)

476 466 Rex Goliath was a great big chicken.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 23, 2021 10:46 AM (6FeV1)

and just like Jeremiah the Bullfrog, he always had mighty fine Wine.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021 10:49 AM (trdmm)

477 Anybody else started their thanksgiving prep yet? I spent the morning ironing tablecloths, duvet covers, and pillow cases and now I've got sweet potatoes in the oven and cranberry chutney on the stove. I love the smells of Thanksgiving.

Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:38 AM (wyw4S)

I should make a run to the class vi store to support my planned drunken state on my own comfy couch.

Posted by: BifBewalski @ (IJES/) - at November 23, 2021 10:49 AM (IJES/)

478 'Anybody want a peanut?'

Posted by: garrett at November 23, 2021 10:49 AM (4/+ky)

479 Grammie, I'm a weirdo and everyone here knows it.

I wish I could paint like you can.
Posted by: bluebell

I never knew that Grammie painted !

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 10:49 AM (arJlL)

480 Most people think a bean flip is a sling shot. It ain't. In the practiced hand, a sling is deadly. The Romans used slingers and even had cast lead projectiles for them. Deadly at 100 meters.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at November 23, 2021 10:50 AM (o2MD2)

481 >> And now I am reminiscing about Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp and HR Pufnstuf and Speed Racer and a bunch of other cool shows I watched as a young lad.

The Great Space Coaster, FTW!

Posted by: garrett at November 23, 2021 10:50 AM (4/+ky)

482 Kallisto, I saw that video this morning. Impressive doctor. She's brave to speak out, and I'm glad she did.

Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:50 AM (wyw4S)

483 The host from Big Comfy Couch was sort of dirty hot.
Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 10:46 AM (B0mGw)

She and the original Steve from Blues Clues ...

had a thing going on
They both knew that it was wrong
But it was much too strong
To let it go now

Posted by: Count de Monet, Unvaccinated Meatbag at November 23, 2021 10:50 AM (4I/2K)

484 yes I am already preparing for Thanksgiving! even to I am not hosting, I have college kids coming home so spiffing up guest room (for guest) and kid room (cat had sort of taken over). and other cleaning. shopped yesterday which was good b/c you can already see the stores are INSANE today!

I'm only making three things for Thursday so I will start them tomorrow.

Posted by: BlackOrchid at November 23, 2021 10:50 AM (j9HX3)

485 475 And now I am reminiscing about Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp and HR Pufnstuf and Speed Racer and a bunch of other cool shows I watched as a young lad.

Posted by: Sharkman at November 23, 2021 10:48 AM (vPEji)

The Hitler Channel ran a show about the Star Trek cartoon from the early 70's last evening. I was surprised how much I remembered.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at November 23, 2021 10:50 AM (dfRN6)

486 I believe every MSM outlet ran with that.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at November 23, 2021 10:46 AM (FVME7)


raimondo was on here peddling that bullshit yesterday and tried to use some demented analog to the Rittenhouse defense.

Shocker ... commies have been fluffing for mass murders for more than a century now.

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at November 23, 2021 10:51 AM (4fSQf)

487 IMDb says Big Comfy Couch was on between 1992 and 2007, so I guess I must have seen the TV Guide listing in the '90s, not the '80s.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 10:51 AM (txdEq)

488 I never knew that Grammie painted !

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 10:49 AM (arJlL)

Used to. Then my eyes went dim and my hands got the shakes. Uff da. It was fun while it lasted!

Posted by: grammie winger at November 23, 2021 10:51 AM (45fpk)

489 Anybody else started their thanksgiving prep yet?

Posted by: bluebell

Oh yeah - started baking this morning to get ahead of it. I planned on starting yesterday but a new baby boy decided it was time RIGHT NOW!! and I got sucked into getting niece to the hospital and settled in to deliver.

The little stinker is adorable.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 23, 2021 10:51 AM (jZSOU)

490 Ultimate Christmas movie is "Die Hard". Ultimate Thanksgiving movie is "Planes, Trains & Automobiles".

"Those aren't pillows!"

Fight me.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at November 23, 2021 10:51 AM (Do5/p)

491 #448 Screwing a 16YO but bitch set him up.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 23, 2021 10:51 AM (UHVv4)

492 The Great Space Coaster, FTW!

I watched that every day before school!

I got my morning news from Gary Gnu lol

Posted by: BlackOrchid at November 23, 2021 10:51 AM (j9HX3)

493 482 Kallisto, I saw that video this morning. Impressive doctor. She's brave to speak out, and I'm glad she did.

Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:50 AM (wyw4S)

Can you imagine we live in a time when monumental courage is required for a Doctor to report their own clinical findings...that remarkably improve patient outcomes...and get shamed and punished for it?

Posted by: kallisto at November 23, 2021 10:51 AM (DJFLF)

494 446 Plus, you know, easily harvested food. Though we might get tired of meals of fish, seaweed, and krill.

no problem! we can make that seaweed taste like beef!

Posted by: Beyond! at November 23, 2021 10:52 AM (v3pYe)

495 The Hitler Channel ran a show about the Star Trek cartoon from the early 70's last evening. I was surprised how much I remembered.
Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at November 23, 2021

The animated Trek had a number of good episodes, including one where Spock visits the Vulcan of his childhood (to save his 6-year-old self), and another written by Larry Niven employing his kzinti from the Known Space stories.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 10:52 AM (txdEq)

496 Tonypete, congrats on the new family member! Something for which to be truly thankful this year.

Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:52 AM (wyw4S)

497 And they will not be able to *come home again* ever due to frail bone structure and 1/6th the muscle mass needed to survive in Earth's gravity.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron

This is a recurring theme in The Expanse series. Moon and Mars raised folk have a very difficult time on Earth because of Earth's gravity. People born and raised in the Belt and Outer Planets can never go to Earth and even have trouble on Mars and the moon. It's an interesting detail in a very good series.

Posted by: Sharkman at November 23, 2021 10:53 AM (vPEji)

498 >>I watched that every day before school!

We were only up to see it on snowy mornings that we were hoping would lead to a cancelation / delay in school.

Aired at like 5 am in NY.

Posted by: garrett at November 23, 2021 10:53 AM (4/+ky)

499 Same here. I remember watching that in Catholic grammar school. Can't remember when, but have to think it was 1st or 2nd grade. Which for me would have been... 1983-1984 or so.
Posted by: Clyde Shelton at November 23, 2021 10:36 AM (Do5/p

They were on Sunday morning TV in the 60s. IIRC, Davy & Goliath were produced by a branch of the Lutherans.

Posted by: Fox2! at November 23, 2021 10:53 AM (qyH+l)

500 re: Thanksgiving prep -

step one: Decide what to wear

step two: Drive to cousin's house on Thursday

I will cook nothing, and I will like it

Posted by: kallisto at November 23, 2021 10:53 AM (DJFLF)

501 491 #448 Screwing pimping out a 16YO but bitch set him up.


Posted by: Kulak Anachronda, behind the Newsom curtain at November 23, 2021 10:53 AM (sGtp+)

502 Can you imagine we live in a time when monumental courage is required for a Doctor to report their own clinical findings...that remarkably improve patient outcomes...and get shamed and punished for it?
Posted by: kallisto at November 23, 2021 10:51 AM (DJFLF)

And she found out her hospital privileges were cancelled via social media. Insane.

Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:53 AM (wyw4S)

503 480 Most people think a bean flip is a sling shot. It ain't. In the practiced hand, a sling is deadly. The Romans used slingers and even had cast lead projectiles for them. Deadly at 100 meters.
Posted by: Xipe Totec at November 23, 2021 10:50 AM (o2MD2)

This is why you always want to have at least one cavalry unit in your armies so when you decide to fight you loop them around wide and have them charge through the slingers where that can cause lots of damage. Anyone playing Rome: Total War knows this.

Posted by: Buzzion at November 23, 2021 10:54 AM (cFsny)

504 Ultimate Christmas movie is "Die Hard". Ultimate Thanksgiving movie is "Planes, Trains & Automobiles".

Posted by: Clyde Shelton

Candy's reveal to Martin on the train platform towards the end just tears my guts out everytime.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 23, 2021 10:54 AM (jZSOU)

505 It's an interesting detail in a very good series.
Posted by: Sharkman at November 23, 2021 10:53 AM (vPEji)

That last season kind of went to hell. Did like the first few.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 23, 2021 10:54 AM (csEWM)

506 Andre was 7'4. Manute Bol was 7'7. Difference being that Andre had 320 pounds on Manute, who was essentially 2-dimensional (blocking and rebounding, lol) though he did hit the occasional 3 pointer. Both died in their 40's.

Posted by: SFGoth at November 23, 2021 10:54 AM (KAi1n)

507 Used to. Then my eyes went dim and my hands got the shakes. Uff da. It was fun while it lasted!
Posted by: grammie winger

God bless ya Grammie !

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 10:54 AM (arJlL)

508 Anybody else started their thanksgiving prep yet?

Posted by: bluebell

Made my brine this am and dunked the Turkey.

Never brined a Turkey before so this is highly experimental

Posted by: blaster at November 23, 2021 10:54 AM (mbFEM)

509 Back atcha, JT!

Posted by: grammie winger at November 23, 2021 10:55 AM (45fpk)

510 The lighting is really interesting here.

I wish they'd lay off that final coat of black paint.

Posted by: t-bird at November 23, 2021 10:55 AM (vOGqy)

511 No talking about food in the morning!

It triggers us intermittent fasters -- which reminds me, I've been meaning to have a talk with GorillaPundit about that ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at November 23, 2021 10:55 AM (4fSQf)

512 445
Hah, hah. Brandon's SPR release has backfired. Oil prices surged a bit. See the top of ZH.

The market is laughing at Brandon's little pissing out of some oil.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 23, 2021 10:43 AM (Mzdiz)

Oil up 1.5% today. Nice going Joe. Markets see it for what it is: a totally inadequate short term band aid to a long term problem.

Drill baby Drill.

Posted by: WisRich at November 23, 2021 10:55 AM (G0vdT)

513 If we had a going colony on the Moon, children born there in 1/6 Earth gravity might well grow fairly tall by dirtside standards.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius

And they will not be able to *come home again* ever due to frail bone structure and 1/6th the muscle mass needed to survive in Earth's gravity.
Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at November 23, 2021

Right -- unless they work out in a centrifuge every single day to approximate Terran gravity. Sounds like hard work.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 10:55 AM (txdEq)

514 And she found out her hospital privileges were cancelled via social media. Insane.

Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:53 AM (wyw4S)

Oh yeah...just remembered that little tidbit. Nice morsel for her attorney to chew on.

Just proves that Houston Methodist's motive was nothing to do with public health, but rather to damage Dr. Bowden.

Posted by: kallisto at November 23, 2021 10:55 AM (DJFLF)

515 Tonypete, congrats on the new family member! Something for which to be truly thankful this year.
Posted by: bluebell

Seconded !

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 10:55 AM (arJlL)

516 Have to go back to the ophthalmologist on Monday to have my retina checked again. He thinks it may be trying to detach. So I hope I get through Thanksgiving without an emergency. Ugh.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 23, 2021 10:56 AM (ptqGC)

517 Back atcha, JT!
Posted by: grammie winger

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 10:56 AM (arJlL)

518 473 Actually he was very svelte. Always took care of his hair and nails. Was a little effeminate, but he was too big to tease.

in fact, he was transdwarf

Posted by: Kulak Anachronda, behind the Newsom curtain at November 23, 2021 10:56 AM (oY6Yp)

519 This is why you always want to have at least one cavalry unit in your armies so when you decide to fight you loop them around wide and have them charge through the slingers where that can cause lots of damage. Anyone playing Rome: Total War knows this.

Now you tell me. Also, what is a Rome?

Posted by: Brasidas of Sparta at November 23, 2021 10:56 AM (ESjRY)

520 Ugh indeed, Jane. Hoping for the best.

Posted by: bluebell at November 23, 2021 10:56 AM (wyw4S)

521 Congrats Tonypete!

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 23, 2021 10:57 AM (ptqGC)

522 I see where Dodge is going to quit production of the Challenger and Charger in 2024 and replace them with EV's. Not specifically an electric Challenger or Charger, but something similar... perhaps combine them into one offering.

Talk about cutting your own throat. Chevy will have the 'Vette for a while longer before they succumb to the green pressure and Ford has already folded.


Posted by: Martini Farmer at November 23, 2021 10:57 AM (BFigT)

523 >>Hah, hah. Brandon's SPR release has backfired. Oil prices surged a bit. See the top of ZH.

Do they not realize that they will have to purchase oil to replace the oil released from the SOR?

It's not like Oil is traded on a futures basis, or anything.

Posted by: garrett at November 23, 2021 10:57 AM (4/+ky)

524 Candy's reveal to Martin on the train platform towards the end just tears my guts out everytime.
Posted by: Tonypete at November 23, 2021 10:54 AM (jZSOU)

Me too. One of my favorite movies.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Crossing state lines like a Boss at November 23, 2021 10:57 AM (x8Wzq)

525 The animated Trek had a number of good episodes, including one where Spock visits the Vulcan of his childhood (to save his 6-year-old self), and another written by Larry Niven employing his kzinti from the Known Space stories.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 10:52 AM (txdEq)

Yes, Niven was interviewed for the show. Also Walter Koneg. They didn't have room in the budget to include Chekov, but they let Koneg write an episode.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at November 23, 2021 10:57 AM (dfRN6)

526 Thanks bluebell.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 23, 2021 10:57 AM (ptqGC)

527 Jane - oh no! Don't over-do! I hope your eye doctor visit yields great results.

Posted by: grammie winger at November 23, 2021 10:57 AM (45fpk)

528 503 This is why you always want to have at least one cavalry unit in your armies so when you decide to fight you loop them around wide and have them charge through the slingers where that can cause lots of damage. Anyone playing Rome: Total War knows this.
Posted by: Buzzion at November 23, 2021 10:54 AM (cFsny)


Medieval II: Total War was my jam.

I miss my personal PC...

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, holy crap, John Ford made a lot of movies in the 1930s at November 23, 2021 10:57 AM (3EWns)

529 The benefit of having never married, living alone for past 22 years and family not getting together to celebrate any holidays in about 15 years since all the grandparents passed away... is that I never have to prep for Thanksgiving (or any holiday). My Thanksgivings for the past 15 years have basically been the same as the scene in "American Gangster", where Detective Richie Roberts is alone in his apartment making a sandwich. Only for me, it's a frozen thin crust pizza.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at November 23, 2021 10:57 AM (Do5/p)

530 OK, I'm now totally convinced of Lin Wood's sleaziness. There's a fight going over Kyle's $2 million in bail money, which was raised from contributions to Kyle and which now is to be returned to him by the State. Kyle and his family are saying the money was raised for him, therefore it should go to him. But Lin Wood is saying no, he's the one who organized it so HE should get all of that money, not Kyle.

What a scumbag. Another who only pretended to be on our side so that he could scam us all for a buck.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 23, 2021 10:58 AM (trdmm)

531 Oh yeah - started baking this morning to get ahead of it. I planned on starting yesterday but a new baby boy decided it was time RIGHT NOW!! and I got sucked into getting niece to the hospital and settled in to deliver.

The little stinker is adorable.
Posted by: Tonypete at November 23, 2021 10:51 AM (jZSOU)

Hey, congratulations!

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 23, 2021 10:58 AM (Ez6QX)

532 Methodist claimed Bowden was spreading dangerous and false information about Covid on social media. The CEO of Methodist is on my non existent list.

Posted by: Just a side note at November 23, 2021 10:58 AM (shMPn)

533 490 Ultimate Christmas movie is "Die Hard". Ultimate Thanksgiving movie is "Planes, Trains & Automobiles" "Addams Family Values".


Posted by: Eat Me! at November 23, 2021 10:58 AM (sGtp+)

534 Most people think a bean flip is a sling shot. It ain't. In the practiced hand, a sling is deadly. The Romans used slingers and even had cast lead projectiles for them. Deadly at 100 meters.
Posted by: Xipe Totec at November 23, 2021

The best slingers were reputed to be from the Balearic Islands, off the west coast of Italy. The human arm using a sling can fling a projectile at pretty respectable speeds, and if the projectile is lead, the resulting impact can be devastating.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 10:59 AM (txdEq)

535 In the opening battle in the movie "Risen" the Romans are assaulting uphill against a bunch of Jewish zealots and the zealots are armed with slings that they use to very deadly effect. Of course the Romans eventually won because they had shields, testudo formation, and the gladius and pilum and they were just as proficient using those as the Jewish slingers. Great set piece in a pretty good movie.

Posted by: Sharkman at November 23, 2021 10:59 AM (vPEji)

536 NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- Malcolm X's daughter, Malikah Shabazz, was found dead in her Brooklyn apartment on Monday.

Police said Shabazz's daughter found her unconscious in her Midwood living room on East 28th Street just before 5 p.m.

Police said Shabazz's death is not suspicious at this time.

It came just days after the two men convicted of killing Malcolm X were exonerated. [I wonder if she had had a Covid shot recently too but let's not speculate about that!]

Shabazz was one of six of Malcolm X's children. She was 56.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 23, 2021 10:59 AM (UHVv4)

537 Talk about cutting your own throat. Chevy will have the 'Vette for a while longer before they succumb to the green pressure and Ford has already folded.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at November 23, 2021 10:57
AM (BFigT)

But muh 0-60 will be LIT!

Posted by: A dude in MI at November 23, 2021 10:59 AM (/6GbT)

538 This is a recurring theme in The Expanse series. Moon and Mars raised folk have a very difficult time on Earth because of Earth's gravity. People born and raised in the Belt and Outer Planets can never go to Earth and even have trouble on Mars and the moon. It's an interesting detail in a very good series.

Posted by: Sharkman at November 23, 2021 10:53 AM (vPEji)


Agreed. Love how they get the simulated gravity and realistic space combat right as well.

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at November 23, 2021 10:59 AM (4fSQf)

539 Only for me, it's a frozen thin crust pizza.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at November 23, 2021 10:57 AM (Do5/p)

You should treat yourself to a nice hot thick-crust, delivered.

Posted by: grammie winger at November 23, 2021 10:59 AM (45fpk)

540 I see where Dodge is going to quit production of the Challenger and Charger in 2024 and replace them with EV's.

HO scale? I'm sure our old slot car tracks are around here somewhere.

Posted by: t-bird at November 23, 2021 10:59 AM (l0Lgi)

541 Maryland State Rep Andy Harris is facing difficulty renewing his medical license, after someone filed a complaint for his prescribing Ivermectin to a patient.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice. Asymptomatic raycist at November 23, 2021 11:00 AM (3D/fK)

542 Candy's reveal to Martin on the train platform towards the end just tears my guts out everytime.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 23, 2021 10:54 AM

Same here. And the final look on his face of genuine joy and appreciation of seeing the love between Martin and his wife. Always gets me.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at November 23, 2021 11:00 AM (Do5/p)

543 Everyone talks about taking Goliath down with the slingshot. Nobody talks about the beheading.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 23, 2021 11:00 AM (Pw26M)

544 Only for me, it's a frozen thin crust pizza.
Posted by: Clyde Shelton

Clyde - should you ever be in the area, you are more than welcome to stop in. No kidding.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 23, 2021 11:01 AM (jZSOU)

545 >>Everyone talks about taking Goliath down with the slingshot. Nobody talks about the beheading.

...or, the Circumcision.

Posted by: garrett at November 23, 2021 11:01 AM (4/+ky)

546 The animated Trek had a number of good episodes, including one where Spock visits the Vulcan of his childhood (to save his 6-year-old self), and another written by Larry Niven employing his kzinti from the Known Space stories.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021
Yes, Niven was interviewed for the show. Also Walter Koneg. They didn't have room in the budget to include Chekov, but they let Koneg write an episode.
Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at November 23, 2021

Both the eps I mention were astonishingly good. Roddenberry himself even agreed to let the one about Spock's time travel to Vulcan be considered canon for the series. Not the kzinti, though, which is a shame.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 11:01 AM (txdEq)

547 522 I see where Dodge is going to quit production of the Challenger and Charger in 2024 and replace them with EV's. Not specifically an electric Challenger or Charger, but something similar... perhaps combine them into one offering.

Talk about cutting your own throat. Chevy will have the 'Vette for a while longer before they succumb to the green pressure and Ford has already folded.


Posted by: Martini Farmer at November 23, 2021 10:57 AM (BFigT)

Where do these idiots think we will get the juice for all these EVs?

Oh and love Caravaggio.

Posted by: Javems at November 23, 2021 11:02 AM (AmoqO)

548 "Waukesha PD says that NO ONE was chasing Brooks at the time he drove through the parade."

Guy deserves the chair.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 10:42 AM (B0mGw)

Vat of acid, followed by chipper.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at November 23, 2021 11:02 AM (VwHCD)

549 I see where Dodge is going to quit production of the Challenger and Charger in 2024 and replace them with EV's. Not specifically an electric Challenger or Charger, but something similar... perhaps combine them into one offering.


I've seen a couple of those new "Mustang" SUVs around here lately ... UGH. Down-twinkles ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at November 23, 2021 11:02 AM (4fSQf)

550 467 I'd just like to point out that I knew Bluebell before she was famous.
Posted by: garrett

Pre-shiv ?

shiv curious

Posted by: Kulak Anachronda, behind the Newsom curtain at November 23, 2021 11:03 AM (oY6Yp)

551 >>Where do these idiots think we will get the juice for all these EVs?

Or, the Customers to buy them?

Sounds like a lot of former EV owners abandon EVs for more practical vehicles.

Posted by: garrett at November 23, 2021 11:03 AM (4/+ky)

552 Funky monkey is up

Posted by: A dude in MI at November 23, 2021 11:03 AM (/6GbT)

553 "Never brined a Turkey before so this is highly experimental"

Hardest part is holding their head under the brine till they stop struggling.

After that, easy-peasy

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice. Asymptomatic raycist at November 23, 2021 11:03 AM (3D/fK)

554 "I see where Dodge is going to quit production of the Challenger and Charger in 2024 and replace them with EV's. Not specifically an electric Challenger or Charger"

First menthol cigarettes. Now they taking my Charger.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 11:03 AM (B0mGw)

555 Noodus simianus minor

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at November 23, 2021 11:03 AM (txdEq)

556 The benefit of having never married, living alone for past 22 years and family not getting together to celebrate any holidays in about 15 years since all the grandparents passed away... is that I never have to prep for Thanksgiving (or any holiday). My Thanksgivings for the past 15 years have basically been the same as the scene in "American Gangster", where Detective Richie Roberts is alone in his apartment making a sandwich. Only for me, it's a frozen thin crust pizza.
Posted by: Clyde Shelton

This year, why not go out and shoot a chicken ?

Posted by: JT at November 23, 2021 11:03 AM (arJlL)

557 Texas and Florida should create there own MD licensing department separate from the current Commie licensing organizations.

Posted by: Just a side note at November 23, 2021 11:04 AM (shMPn)

558 "Vat of acid, followed by chipper."

So pretty much the ending to Gremlins?

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 23, 2021 11:04 AM (B0mGw)

Where do these idiots think we will get the juice for all these EVs?


Elong Musk is going to build a solar array around Mars and beam the electricity back to Earth!

Posted by: ShainS -- Let's Poop Brandon! (Non Compos Anus) at November 23, 2021 11:04 AM (4fSQf)

560 Posted by: Clyde Shelton at November 23, 2021 10:57 AM (Do5/p)

you're invited to my cousin's house if you feel like socializing with a bunch of Italians of questionable character and unpredictable mood

Posted by: kallisto at November 23, 2021 11:04 AM (DJFLF)

561 -
Actually he was very svelte. Always took care of his hair and nails. Was a little effeminate, but he was too big to tease.------------
(Big John big John)
He arrived every morning at the beauty shop
In his pink sports car with his chartreuse top
Kinda narrow at the shoulder and wide in the rear
Everybody knew there was somethin' kinda queer about John
(Big John Big John) Big Sweet John
Somebody said he came from out in LA
Where he got in some trouble and he had to run away
A smashin' blow from his mighty purse
Put a California feller in the back of a hearse
(Big John Big John) Big Sweet John

Posted by: Ben Colder at November 23, 2021 11:04 AM (8rX4S)

562 Talk about cutting your own throat. Chevy will have the 'Vette for a while longer before they succumb to the green pressure and Ford has already folded.


Posted by: Martini Farmer at November 23, 2021 10:57

Auto companies have no choice. Government regulations kick-in in 2025. Massive fines for not meeting the CAFE regulations put in place by the likes of known genius engineers like AOC, Nancy Pelosi and likely tens of other lawyers in Congress who probably know absolutely nothing about vehicle design or powertrain design.

This is what happens when no one in a position of influence bothers to stand up to the insanity of the "climate change" cult.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at November 23, 2021 11:04 AM (Do5/p)

563 I always tried to set goals for myself in the total war games. Either Medieval I or II, I resolved to one game meet the mongols head on when they arrived. Spent all game building a huge empire. Had a massive army with every special unit I could think of. Holy Orders, the works. They happened to be sitting in one of the provinces the death stacks started in. LOOOOOONG battle. The secret to big huge combat in that game is getting an early roll going so the enemy gets a penalty because other units have been routed.

Still. All of my guys were tattered as hell. Had units with just four or five guys (with huge experience bonuses) left. They were shattering these fresh units the mongols were bringing in as soon as they engaged. Bodies everywhere. Felt pretty good about myself when the battle finally ended.

Then there were still two other deathstacks in other provinces to deal with.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at November 23, 2021 11:05 AM (csEWM)

564 Shabazz was one of six of Malcolm X's children. She was 56.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 23, 2021 10:59 AM (UHVv4)

So, she never knew her she can could still tell stories about Kamala and kwanza..."fweedom".

Posted by: BignJames at November 23, 2021 11:05 AM (AwYPR)

565 That last season kind of went to hell. Did like the first few.

Posted by: Aetius451AD

Last season followed the books pretty closely and the 6th and final season starts in early December. Even though there are 9 books, the last of which finally comes out next year. There is a 30 year time gap between books 6 and 7 and I guess the series producers didn't feel like trying to do old people makeup on everyone to keep the series going past that gap.

Posted by: Sharkman at November 23, 2021 11:06 AM (vPEji)

566 Posted by: Ben Colder at November 23, 2021 11:04 AM (8rX4S)

So you knew him too!

Posted by: Goliath's Valet at November 23, 2021 11:08 AM (7bRMQ)

567 Rex Goliath was a great big chicken.

Posted by: Warai-otoko

Anonymous Rex* was a private dick who happened to be a velociraptor hiding his true identity under a rubber human suit.

*also a hilarious novel by Eric Garcia.

Posted by: Sharkman at November 23, 2021 11:09 AM (vPEji)

568 Cain slew Abel with a rock, David stopped Goliath with a small stone...the technological projects to propel projectile with increased ease, velocity and accuracy has continued ever since...
An AR is merely a mechanical sling, pushing a standardized pebble to a particular chosen point, more precisely, with less inherent risk to both the slinger, and anyone but the recipient. The size of the Dogs in the Fight matter not.
While Sam Colt gets the credit most often, it was David's sling that made "All men Equal"
Samuel Colts modernization merely made All Men....
more polite.

Posted by: Birddog at November 23, 2021 02:22 PM (uAI4S)

569 Speaking of Challengers, Waukesha parade driver/killer, who was chased by who?
In Charlottesville..., yeah THAT Charlottesville incident. Kid was driving a Challenger when he hit the crowd, blocking the street...HE was being AK/AR armed Antifas that bragged about it online(They crossed state lines to be there).
While the press has totally ignored it, the "Redneck Revolt/John Brown gun Club/Armed Socialist Militia", after being sued by the City of Charlottesville, has signed a consent decree to NEVER come to that town again. Dwayne Dixon, a UNC Chapel Hill professor was the organizer/instigator.

Posted by: Birddog at November 23, 2021 02:56 PM (uAI4S)

570 RE: Human size...Goliath was a Giant.
Imagine waaaaaay someday in the future, the skeletons of Shaq and Danny Devito(or Reich, Bloomburg, Stephanopolous, Nadler) are found in the same place... NO ONE would assume they were even the same Species.

Posted by: Birddog at November 23, 2021 02:59 PM (uAI4S)

571 As Jonathan could have told you, David gave good head.

Posted by: Bilwick at November 23, 2021 03:26 PM (Er6Pa)

572 Luckly he knows CPR

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at November 23, 2021 06:18 PM (wGqjj)

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