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Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (11/3/21)

11 3 21 0nt (1).jpg


The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

‘No one wants to be sitting in this chair,’Unidentified potential juror Kyle Rittenhouse trial.

Bull Shit!

Quote II

"There’s something happening out here, it could be just anti-incumbent, I think that’s a part of it. But I think that there’s something else that's happening. I think the Democrats are coming across in ways that we don’t recognize, that are annoying and offensive and seem out of touch in ways that I don’t think show up in our feeds when we're looking at our kind of echo chamber. And I think that this is a message here." Van Jones

Quote III

"Throughout this deployment our focus has been on integrating game-changing capabilities from across the commando force to deliver disproportionate effect in the face of a free-thinking peer adversary," Lt. Col. Andy Dow

Quote IV

“I believe the COVID vaccine is a greater threat to soldiers’ health and military readiness than the virus itself,” U.S. Army aerospace physician Lt. Col. Theresa Long


Almost New Jersey. We expect you to do better next time.

Democrat Phil Murphy narrowly won reelection as governor of New Jersey, the Associate Press said Wednesday evening.

The unofficial results , with an estimated 90 percent of votes being reported, showed Murphy with 50.02% support and 1,210,997 votes, while his Republican challenger, Jack Ciattarelli, had 49.23% support and 1,191,703 votes.


Congrats Virginia!

Isophorone Blog)


The SCOTUS has been actively avoiding gun cases. Is there hope on the horizon for moar freedom in New York?

WASHINGTON, Nov 3 (Reuters) - Conservative U.S. Supreme Court justices on Wednesday appeared ready to shoot down New York state's limits on carrying concealed handguns in public in a major gun rights case that could imperil various firearms restrictions nationally.

While appearing united in their skepticism about the constitutionality of the state's law, some of the conservative justices expressed concern about how a ruling invalidating it might affect prohibitions on guns in sensitive places such as schools, sports stadiums and crowded public gatherings.

The court heard about two hours of arguments in an appeal by two gun owners and the New York affiliate of the National Rifle Association, an influential gun rights group closely aligned with Republicans, of a lower court ruling throwing out their challenge to the state's law, enacted in 1913.


Too soon? Rockers die at ABBA concert.

CONCERT TRAGEDY Two killed at Abba tribute gig after man falls seven floors killing concert-goer below

TWO people have died and another has been injured after an elderly man fell seven floors at an Abba tribute concert.

The man, who was in his 80s, fatally wounded another after landing in the open foyer on the ground floor just 30 minutes before the gig was due to start at the Uppsala Konsert & Kongress, Stockholm, Sweden.

Lighten up. It's been a long day.

I said, "It's been a long day." I didn't say it was a bad day.

A fellow was fishing with two friends in Brasilandia de Minas, Brazil when a swarm of bees arrived. They jumped into the lake to escape but the first man never made it to shore. Yep, piranhas. From

The fire department was called and an officer was about to dive into the lake when he was informed it was filled with piranhas.


Wow! I'm stunned. GOP Senate shows fortitude. Something unusual.

Senate Republicans will formally nullify Biden’s vaccine mandate – report

Resistance to President Joe Biden’s employer vaccine mandate is growing as the administration puts the finishing touches on the order that threatens workers with the loss of their livelihoods if they decline to be jabbed.

It is expected that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the agency that will be tasked with enforcing Biden’s dictatorial edict, will soon make the formal announcement, increasing pressure on Americans who are already being battered by inflation and shortages just before the holiday season to submit or be fired.


Shouldn't the funeral director directed the body to a institute of higher learning?

Family of man dissected at autopsy event says they didn’t give consent

The family of David Saunders, who was dissected in front of a live audience in Portland, says they didn’t know his body would be used that way.


Well ladies, you can't have it both ways. For years you have abused men. And the good ones said "F*ck it", I don't need a college education.

A lack of male university students has caused what has been dubbed ‘Golden Penis Syndrome’ in men who develop inflated egos due to the amount of interest their female peers show in them.

The term, coined by students at Sarah Lawrence College in New York and later popularized by American journalist Jon Birger, applies to heterosexual men on predominantly female college campuses.

Nearly 60% of college students in the US are women, while 40% are men, according to the National Student Clearinghouse.

As studies have shown, college-educated women are more likely to date similarly educated partners. With such skewed numbers, college-educated men have become a hot commodity, allowing such men to become arrogant, thinking a steady supply of women will always be available to them.


Heroin addicts are chanting, "Let's Go Brandon!"

A viral story published by Vice News exposed a new problem faced by those who are unfortunately addicted to heroin: Their drug of choice is being replaced with Chinese fentanyl, and it started in September.
In a piece of impressive length featuring interviews with an equally impressive number of heroin addicts and experts, Vice News broke the news that there is apparently a nationwide heroin shortage. It does not appear to be caused by Joe Biden’s supply chain shortage, however.


The ONT Musical Interlude

Born on this day: 3 Nov 1954
English singer and musician Stuart Goddard, (Adam Ant), who had the 1981 UK No.1 single 'Stand And Deliver' with Adam and the Ants. He scored 10 UK top ten hits from 1980 to 1983, including three UK No.1 singles. He has also worked as an actor, appearing in over two dozen films and television episodes from 1985 to 2003. via


Born on this day: 3 Nov 1933
English composer and conductor John Barry. He composed the scores for 11 of the James Bond films between 1963 and 1987. He wrote the Grammy- and Academy Award-winning scores to the films Dances with Wolves and Out of Africa, as well as the theme for the British television cult series The Persuaders! Barry died of a heart attack on 31st January 2011 aged 77. via


Quite the challenge. Quite the Genius Award Winner.

Student could face ten years for TikTok Challenge

COVINGTON, LA – An 18-year-old high school student is facing felony charges for punching a teacher, not just any teacher, but one that is disabled. The police believe the attack was due to a TikTok Challenge.

Most people have heard of TikTok Challenges, wherein someone does something for laughs or otherwise, and then many, many other people do the same thing.

Most of the challenges are not harmful, but there are some that are, like the Tide Pod Challenge.


Good news on the fight against Alzheimer's Disease. Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.

A study has managed to reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in mice by administering drugs currently used to treat hypertension and inflammation in humans.

In this study, scientists at IRB Barcelona led by Dr. Aloy have characterized three stages of Alzheimer’s disease, namely initial, intermediate, and advanced.

For each of these stages, they have analyzed the behavior of the animals, studied the effects on the brain (specifically the hippocampus at the tissue level), and performed a molecular analysis to measure gene expression and protein levels.


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Practical Moron Accessories.

11 3 21 br0ught (1).jpg

Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire and AceCorp, LLC. Content is optional so is lingerie.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:55 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 It's a trap.

Posted by: Pastor Charles the Simple at November 03, 2021 08:56 PM (HuH1F)

2 Looks like Browntown.

Posted by: OrangeEnt at November 03, 2021 08:56 PM (7bRMQ)

3 Beautiful pic MisHum!

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 08:56 PM (mD/uy)

4 Hmmm.

Posted by: Pastor Charles the Simple at November 03, 2021 08:56 PM (HuH1F)


Top 10?

Posted by: Zettai at November 03, 2021 08:57 PM (HyrXW)

6 Good evening.

Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 08:57 PM (QHqf9)

7 I like that umbrella flask but that would be admitting you're a drunk.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 08:57 PM (4NtyV)

8 A study has managed to reverse the symptoms of Alzheimers disease in mice by administering drugs currently used to treat hypertension and inflammation in humans.


They are going to feed people rodent medicines?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 08:58 PM (4NtyV)

9 >
7 I like that umbrella flask but that would be admitting you're a drunk.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 08:57 PM (4NtyV)

Naw. This is Wisconsin. It's medicinal.

Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 08:58 PM (QHqf9)


It ain't over in Joisey...

Posted by: Zettai at November 03, 2021 08:59 PM (HyrXW)

11 And the horses are out of the gate....

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 08:59 PM (cZY+h)

12 Winter is coming!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at November 03, 2021 08:59 PM (hOUT3)

13 20?

Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:00 PM (/+B8L)

14 ONT pic is giving me Jack London vibes.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at November 03, 2021 09:00 PM (Dc2NZ)

15 9 >
7 I like that umbrella flask but that would be admitting you're a drunk.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 08:57 PM (4NtyV)

Naw. This is Wisconsin. It's medicinal.
Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 08:58 PM (QHqf9)

Ya der eh.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 03, 2021 09:00 PM (aA3+G)

16 They are going to feed people rodent medicines?
Posted by: Moron Robbie

Already are. See also - Coumadin.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 09:00 PM (mD/uy)

17 Naw. This is Wisconsin. It's medicinal.


Ha. I'm friends with a guy from that state, and I understand what you're saying. He is the beer-drinkingest guy I know. Like I drink sweet tea. And the furtherest thing from an alcoholic I can imagine.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 09:00 PM (4NtyV)

18 14 ONT pic is giving me Jack London vibes.
Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at November 03, 2021 09:00 PM (Dc2NZ)

I didn't know he was into vibrators.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 03, 2021 09:00 PM (aA3+G)

19 Evening Horde!

Posted by: Iris at November 03, 2021 09:01 PM (6lKe4)

20 Mis Hum verstehe mich

Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:01 PM (QHqf9)

21 ONT pic is giving me Jack London vibes.
Posted by: All Hail Eris

His short story, To Build a Fire, has always stuck with me.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 09:01 PM (mD/uy)

22 A little early.
Hey y'all, was yesterday a gift from above or what!!! Braves took the Series and Younkin took Virginia.
What a wonderful day!

Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:01 PM (/+B8L)

23 Thanks for the swell ONT, Mis Hum!

That little cabin looks snug and warm against the snow.

LTC Long is correct... the so-called vaccine is worst than the Covid virus.

Posted by: Legally Sufficient, Believing in America at November 03, 2021 09:02 PM (rwusL)

24 Good evening everyone

Thanks for the ONT MisHum

Thanks for the encouragement on the last thread Tonypete.

Posted by: AmericanKestrel at November 03, 2021 09:02 PM (IDhUW)

25 They are going to feed people rodent medicines?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 08:58 PM (4NtyV)

Specifically, de-wormer.

Posted by: OrangeEnt at November 03, 2021 09:02 PM (7bRMQ)

26 "Throughout this deployment our focus has been on integrating game-changing capabilities from across the commando force to deliver disproportionate effect in the face of a free-thinking peer adversary," Lt. Col. Andy Dow

But did he synergize a paradigm shift using Lean Six Sigma?

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at November 03, 2021 09:02 PM (Dc2NZ)

27 Beautiful picture but it makes me feel cold. I hate winter.

Posted by: Jewells45 deplorablethug#FJB at November 03, 2021 09:02 PM (nxdel)

28 Van Jones: "...I think the Democrats are coming across in ways that we don't recognize, that are annoying and offensive and seem out of touch in ways that I don't think show up in our feeds when we're looking at our kind of echo chamber."

You didn't notice yourselves calling everyone who disagreed with you Nazis and racists and bigots and homophobes?

Yeah, I'm calling bullsh*t on your epiphany.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at November 03, 2021 09:03 PM (aXxgO)

29 18 14 ONT pic is giving me Jack London vibes.
Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at November 03, 2021 09:00 PM (Dc2NZ)

I didn't know he was into vibrators.
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 03, 2021 09:00 PM (aA3+G)

Try the White Fang!

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at November 03, 2021 09:03 PM (Dc2NZ)

30 Thanks for the encouragement on the last thread Tonypete.
Posted by: AmericanKestrel

Please consider it. A MoMe is a delightful gathering and one can participate as much, or as little as desired. There truly is something for everyone.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 09:03 PM (mD/uy)

31 27 Beautiful picture but it makes me feel cold. I hate winter.
Posted by: Jewells45 deplorablethug#FJB at November 03, 2021 09:02 PM (nxdel)

Ice fishing.
Cross country skiing
Downhill skiing
Locking yourself in your studio with tunes and your artsy projects.
Homemade soups.

Winter's ok.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 03, 2021 09:04 PM (aA3+G)

32 " allowing such men to become arrogant, thinking a steady supply of women will always be available to them."



Some logic and "assembly" required.

Posted by: Miklos from the Austrian School of Interpersonal Economics at November 03, 2021 09:04 PM (QzkSJ)

33 >
Ha. I'm friends with a guy from that state, and I understand what you're saying. He is the beer-drinkingest guy I know. Like I drink sweet tea. And the furtherest thing from an alcoholic I can imagine.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 09:00 PM (4NtyV)

Come up here. We'll shake dice for shots with the bartenders.

Oh, you said sweet tea. Ummmm. I mean, that's fine too.

Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:04 PM (QHqf9)

34 Something fascinating is happening with the BBB/Reconciliation Bill. (the Big One) For weeks, House Democrats have been trying to negotiate a compromise with Manchin that could past in the Senate. But over the last 72 hours, that has changed, and Pelosi has started putting back in almost every piece of the Left's wish list, and all negotiations with Manchin have stopped.

It's very clear what's happened - both sides have abandoned the idea of a compromise bill. The House is going to pass a big Left Wing Wish List bill, and then it will be killed in the Senate - no chance for it to pass. (just like the voting "rights" bill, which died today)

I think this is a WONDERFUL turn of events!

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 03, 2021 09:05 PM (evAgx)

35 So, "conservative" SC justices think a law is unconstitutional, but will probably keep it because it might cause problems in other areas. Is that about it?

Posted by: Sgt Friday at November 03, 2021 09:05 PM (7bRMQ)

36 Any rye whiskey fans here?

I had a bottle of Koval, from a small Chicago distillery, and it was outstanding. It was a gift and I cannot buy it locally.

What is close in taste and widely available?

Posted by: Mr Gaga at November 03, 2021 09:05 PM (4ZE6o)

37 27 Beautiful picture but it makes me feel cold. I hate winter.
Posted by: Jewells45 deplorablethug#FJB at November 03, 2021 09:02 PM (nxdel)

This is one of the reasons why I live in the South.
The weather, and the food here is the best you ever put in your mouth.

Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:05 PM (/+B8L)

38 There's something happening out here

What it is ain't exactly clear.
There's a man with a ballot over there
Tellin' me I've got to beware.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 09:06 PM (cZY+h)


I hope someday the Supreme Court addresses the burdensome and unconſtitional barriers to simply acquiring a legal handgun in Newyorkistan...

Posted by: Zettai at November 03, 2021 09:06 PM (HyrXW)

40 Locking yourself in your studio with tunes and your artsy projects.
Homemade soups.

Those I can do.. the others..not so much.

Posted by: Jewells45 deplorablethug#FJB at November 03, 2021 09:06 PM (nxdel)

41 Has the Democrat won New Jersey yet?

Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:06 PM (/+B8L)

42 >
This is one of the reasons why I live in the South.
The weather, and the food here is the best you ever put in your mouth.
Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:05 P

You put the weather in your mouth?

Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:06 PM (QHqf9)

43 Yet another DoD employee sought me out today to commiserate about the complete lack of leadership concerning this Covid crapola. I am the lightening rod now, having spoken out publicly about how poorly we are being treated by those who are in positions of "power." We decided that, aside from being told maybe I should go find work elsewhere, and being told that "I'm Catholic and nobody told me not to get the vaccine," the really stupidest part was leadership saying that they would support the workforce either way, meaning either getting the shot or "finding work elsewhere." Some damned support.

If the brass were to grow a spine, we wouldn't recognize them any more.

Deadline is still 22 Nov.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at November 03, 2021 09:07 PM (qvjMx)

44 14 ONT pic is giving me Jack London vibes.
Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at November 03, 2021 09:00 PM (Dc2NZ)

Robert Service

Posted by: Zombie Sam Magee at November 03, 2021 09:07 PM (BgMrQ)

45 You put the weather in your mouth?
Posted by: Muad'dib

Just white lightning.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 09:07 PM (mD/uy)

46 Good evening morons and muchas gracias

I like New Jersey. There, I said it.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at November 03, 2021 09:07 PM (EZebt)

47 The stakeholders can't fall off the floor.

Posted by: artemis at November 03, 2021 09:07 PM (AwPyG)

48 Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:06 PM (QHqf9)

Silly rabbit.

Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:07 PM (/+B8L)

49 Yay ONT

Posted by: vmom - link to Red's fundraiser at November 03, 2021 09:08 PM (YZG/i)

50 But did he synergize a paradigm shift using Lean Six Sigma?
Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at November 03, 2021 09:02 PM (Dc2NZ)

Well done Eris, but did he also support the mission with adequate intersectional cultural diversity?

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at November 03, 2021 09:08 PM (hOUT3)

51 Watched Moonraker a few months back...John Barry's score seems so prefect and out of place at the same time for a Bond movie.

Posted by: redchief at November 03, 2021 09:08 PM (Kab4E)

52 You put the weather in your mouth?

Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:06 PM (QHqf9)

I never eat December snowflakes, I wait until January.

Posted by: Lucy V Pelt at November 03, 2021 09:08 PM (7bRMQ)

53 U.S. Army aerospace physician Lt. Col. Theresa Long must be looking forward to retirement.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 09:09 PM (cZY+h)

54 >
45 You put the weather in your mouth?
Posted by: Muad'dib

Just white lightning.
Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021

I have peeps in WV. White lightning has tickled my gums. I recommend it.

Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:09 PM (QHqf9)

55 In London's story, the spit made a crack sound as it froze in the air before hitting ground.

70 below.

Posted by: Mr Gaga at November 03, 2021 09:09 PM (4ZE6o)

56 Has the Democrat won New Jersey yet?
Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:06 PM (/+B8L)

Only a matter of time...

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at November 03, 2021 09:09 PM (hOUT3)

57 MisHum, when you do all those winter activities, do you ever feel like arthritis in settling in? Every time it gets cold and rainy, Mr. H's knee aches.

Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:10 PM (/+B8L)

58 This is one of the reasons why I live in the South.
The weather, and the food here is the best you ever put in your mouth.
Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:05 P

You put the weather in your mouth?
Every season has its specialty.

Posted by: AmericanKestrel at November 03, 2021 09:10 PM (IDhUW)

59 U.S. Army aerospace physician Lt. Col. Theresa Long must be looking forward to retirement.
Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 09:09 PM (cZY+h)

Hope she has her time in!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at November 03, 2021 09:10 PM (hOUT3)

60 Thirst!

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at November 03, 2021 09:10 PM (6khLc)

61 Sucks to fall to your death at an ABBA concert, especially when it's just a cover band and not the real thing. The guy was in his 80s, so he probably saw the real thing when he was a kid.

Posted by: Roy at November 03, 2021 09:11 PM (Ti+Tv)

62 The Royal Marines went from controlling 20% of the battle area to more than 65% before half time.

There's no equity in that.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 09:11 PM (cZY+h)

63 Bumbershoot to bumbersnoot.

Posted by: Diogenes at November 03, 2021 09:11 PM (axyOa)

64 I have peeps in WV. White lightning has tickled my gums. I recommend it.
Posted by: Muad'dib

The source I use in mumble mumble makes a blackberry 'shine that is so smooth it's dangerous. Oh my.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 09:11 PM (mD/uy)

65 Top pic looks familiar.

Posted by: davidt at November 03, 2021 09:11 PM (FkR2T)

66 good evening horde

Posted by: wing at November 03, 2021 09:11 PM (PlW9M)

67 40 Locking yourself in your studio with tunes and your artsy projects.
Homemade soups.

Those I can do.. the others..not so much.
Posted by: Jewells45 deplorablethug#FJB at November 03, 2021 09:06 PM (nxdel)

snowshoeing isn't difficult
If I can do it anyone not in a wheel chair can do it.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 03, 2021 09:11 PM (aA3+G)

68 Damn. I got out of the army in the nick of time.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 03, 2021 09:11 PM (0ryfU)

69 annoying and offensive and seem out of touch in ways that I don’t think show up in our feeds when we're looking at our kind of echo chamber. And I think that this is a message here." Van Jones

Is this some bizarre alternate universe in which bolshevik (sic) Van Jones is a rational voice?

Posted by: Miklos, official political scientist and historian (enough degrees to shingle a doghouse) at November 03, 2021 09:11 PM (QzkSJ)

70 Apparently Texas is suffering from a liquor shortage? Second week in a row that it has been mentioned on the YT channel I peruse. So any of you MoMe attendees want to enlighten me or perhaps fess up to the level of shenanigans that transpired?

Posted by: Sock Monkey * In omnia paratus at November 03, 2021 09:11 PM (tH9Bt)

71 ONT pic is giving me Jack London vibes.
Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at November 03, 2021 09:00 PM (Dc2NZ)

One morning in the deep of Winter the neighbor's dog was barking its head off, and I was thinking fondly of the story "To Build a Fire"

Posted by: Kindltot at November 03, 2021 09:11 PM (KbLYZ)

72 Hearing all of these MDs push the vaccine for kids these last few days sickens me to my core.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 03, 2021 09:12 PM (0ryfU)

73 70 Apparently Texas is suffering from a liquor shortage?


It was the TXMOME drank it all

Posted by: vmom - link to Red's fundraiser at November 03, 2021 09:12 PM (YZG/i)

74 70 Apparently Texas is suffering from a liquor shortage? Second week in a row that it has been mentioned on the YT channel I peruse. So any of you MoMe attendees want to enlighten me or perhaps fess up to the level of shenanigans that transpired?
Posted by: Sock Monkey * In omnia paratus at November 03, 2021 09:11 PM (tH9Bt)

Containers of ValuRite are sitting in LA harbor.

Posted by: Roy at November 03, 2021 09:12 PM (Ti+Tv)

75 I have peeps in WV. White lightning has tickled my gums. I recommend it.
Posted by: Muad'dib

Bet you don't call them "peeps" tp their faces.

Posted by: Miklos, grandson of Carolina moonshiner at November 03, 2021 09:12 PM (QzkSJ)

76 57 MisHum, when you do all those winter activities, do you ever feel like arthritis in settling in? Every time it gets cold and rainy, Mr. H's knee aches.
Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:10 PM (/+B8L)

Yes, i feel some aches and pains. But I have had aches and pains in the south as well.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 03, 2021 09:12 PM (aA3+G)

77 I like that umbrella flask but that would be admitting you're a drunk.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 08:57 PM (4NtyV)

Not in Seattle.

Posted by: Diogenes at November 03, 2021 09:12 PM (axyOa)

78 >48 Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:06 PM (QHqf9)

Silly rabbit.

Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:07 PM (/+B8L)

I'm just saying that putting the weather up here at 45N in your mouth is a really bad idea. Stuff sticks. It's bad.

Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:12 PM (QHqf9)

79 Is this some bizarre alternate universe in which bolshevik (sic) Van Jones is a rational voice?
Posted by: Miklos, official political scientist and historian (enough degrees to shingle a doghouse) at November 03, 2021 09:11 PM (QzkSJ)

He does this every once in a while.

He's a lefty, but he's cunning...therefore #dangerous

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at November 03, 2021 09:12 PM (BgMrQ)

80 I jest, but there were always Lean Six Sigma classes for the upper echelon and to this day I have no clew what this shit is about. I only got TQM training (this was back in the day when agencies were told to run themselves on the corporate model, like we made widgets or sprockets).

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at November 03, 2021 09:12 PM (Dc2NZ)

81 Bees...parahnas...
Yeah, I guess I'd go with bees. Unless, of course, I could swim really fast.

Posted by: COMountainMarie at November 03, 2021 09:12 PM (5YdO/)

82 snowshoeing isn't difficult
If I can do it anyone not in a wheel chair can do it.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 03, 2021 09:11 PM (aA3+G)

I would do it, but I can never find tennis rackets my size....

Posted by: OrangeEnt at November 03, 2021 09:12 PM (7bRMQ)

83 Winter's ok.
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian

And snow shoveling is an enforced workout for your Gainzzz.

Posted by: mikeski at November 03, 2021 09:13 PM (P1f+c)

84 61 Sucks to fall to your death at an ABBA concert, especially when it's just a cover band and not the real thing. The guy was in his 80s, so he probably saw the real thing when he was a kid.
Posted by: Roy at November 03, 2021 09:11 PM (Ti+Tv)

Sigh. still waiting to hear ABBA on the ONT.

Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:13 PM (/+B8L)

85 Is Brazil the new Australia? Yikes! Out of the stingers and into the teeth.

Posted by: AmericanKestrel at November 03, 2021 09:13 PM (IDhUW)

86 Funny, I just The Black Hole soundtrack yesterday and today is John Barry's birthday.

Posted by: Darth Randall at November 03, 2021 09:13 PM (3TihK)

87 Is this some bizarre alternate universe in which bolshevik (sic) Van Jones is a rational voice?
Posted by: Miklos,

Even mentally unstable people have an occasional lucid thought process. Ask me how I know.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * In omnia paratus at November 03, 2021 09:13 PM (tH9Bt)

88 People dying at an ABBA concert surely has to be a sign of the End Times.

Posted by: Sasquatch, the Original Trans-Wookie at November 03, 2021 09:13 PM (xxG/v)

89 One morning in the deep of Winter the neighbor's dog was barking its head off, and I was thinking fondly of the story "To Build a Fire"
Posted by: Kindltot at November 03, 2021 09:11 PM (KbLYZ)

I would be flashing on "The Thing".

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at November 03, 2021 09:13 PM (Dc2NZ)

90 86 Funny, I just The Black Hole soundtrack yesterday and today is John Barry's birthday.

Posted by: Darth Randall at November 03, 2021 09:13 PM (3TihK)

I have not seen The Black Hole since the original release. Makes me wonder how it holds up.

Posted by: redchief at November 03, 2021 09:14 PM (Kab4E)

91 Apparently Texas is suffering from a liquor shortage?


It was the TXMOME drank it all
Posted by: vmom - link to Red's fundraiser

Apparently the Texas Salt Domes are unsuitable for the Strategic Valu-Rite Reserve

Posted by: Miklos, drinking more tactically that strategically at November 03, 2021 09:14 PM (QzkSJ)

92 I'm just saying that putting the weather up here at 45N in your mouth is a really bad idea. Stuff sticks. It's bad.
Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:12 PM (QHqf9)

I used a comma. They're important. Sometimes they save lives.

Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:14 PM (/+B8L)

93 Hearing all of these MDs push the vaccine for kids these last few days sickens me to my core.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 03, 2021 09:12 PM (0ryfU)

Forget my original "Do No Harm!" recommendation , there's serious money to be made by having lots of really sick people with drug company kickbacks to prescribing doctors!

Posted by: Hippocrates at November 03, 2021 09:14 PM (hOUT3)

94 >Family of man dissected at autopsy event says they didn't give consent

Between this kind of bullshit and the way that some hospitals are now denying transplants for not submitting to the clot shot, I'm glad to report that I am no longer an organ donor and would never, ever consent to give my body to "science".

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 09:14 PM (cSs/W)

95 85 Is Brazil the new Australia? Yikes! Out of the stingers and into the teeth.
Posted by: AmericanKestrel at November 03, 2021 09:13 PM (IDhUW)

Candiru...up the wazoo

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at November 03, 2021 09:14 PM (BgMrQ)


You don't even have to read the story.

You just know. And you're always right.

Posted by: Just Sayin at November 03, 2021 09:15 PM (HtfBr)

97 Relevant to My Interests ONT Compliance Pics

*scroll down

Posted by: kbdabear at November 03, 2021 09:15 PM (qAR6u)

98 The SCOTUS has been actively avoiding gun cases. Is there hope on the horizon for moar freedom in New York?

Roberts will screw it up.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 09:15 PM (cZY+h)

99 I'm not drunk, I'm just drinkin'

Posted by: started at 10am at November 03, 2021 09:15 PM (3aQHd)

100 Roberts will screw it up.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 09:15 PM (cZY+h)

Indeed. Feature, not a bug.

Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:16 PM (/+B8L)

101 A lack of male university students has caused what has been dubbed "Golden Penis Syndrome" in men who develop inflated egos due to the amount of interest their female peers show in them.

Utterly predictable. When campuses were 60% male/40% female, any woman who wanted a boyfriend could get one, and males had to treat women respectfully.

At 60% female/40% male, a lot of women who want a boyfriend can't get one, and the incentives for males to behave badly are much higher. Explains all the sexual assault claims on college campuses - almost all the ones I've read about are women filing charges after their boyfriend dumped them.

I've also heard that a lot of colleges are now practicing a form of affirmative action for men - the schools' belief is that if the campus is more than 60% female, a lot of women won't want to attend, so they have to make special efforts to get men to enroll.

Posted by: Golden Penis Syndrome! at November 03, 2021 09:16 PM (I2/tG)

102 Genius Award winner looks like a larval Stacy Abrams. Needs to go to Old Sparky.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 03, 2021 09:16 PM (P3gRi)

103 Winter is...

Walking in crunchy snow that sparkles like diamonds

Homemade stew and soups

Quiet pursuits while sitting next to a fireplace.

Posted by: Legally Sufficient, Believing in America at November 03, 2021 09:16 PM (rwusL)

104 I have peeps in WV. White lightning has tickled my gums. I recommend it.
Posted by: Muad'dib

Bet you don't call them "peeps" tp their faces.
Posted by: Miklos, grandson of Carolina moonshiner at November 03, 2021 09:12 PM (QzkSJ)

Yeah. Bad move up in da holla.

Posted by: Diogenes at November 03, 2021 09:17 PM (axyOa)

105 >>>I think the Democrats are coming across in ways that we don't recognize, that are annoying and offensive and seem out of touch in ways that I don't think show up in our feeds when we're looking at our kind of echo chamber.

After years of censoring and criminalizing political dissent? You come up with that all on your own, Einstein? Or you have crack squad of monkeys working around the clock on this?

Posted by: flounder at November 03, 2021 09:17 PM (KnJdm)

A lack of male university students has caused what has been dubbed 'Golden Penis Syndrome' in men who develop inflated egos due to the amount of interest their female peers show in them.


Harpies drive males off campus. Then sneer at the ones remaining.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 03, 2021 09:17 PM (/U27+)

107 >
I used a comma. They're important. Sometimes they save lives.
Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:14 PM (/+B8L)

I can engrave that as your epitaph on anything you wish.

Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:17 PM (QHqf9)

108 Candiru...up the wazoo
Posted by: browndog Official Mascot

Our People frighten away the candiru by sounding kazoos, and, in bad seasons, vuvuzelas.

Posted by: Respected Tribal Elder Miklos at November 03, 2021 09:18 PM (QzkSJ)

109 Roberts will screw it up.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 09:15 PM (cZY+h)

Yes! With ACB and Kav as insurance, we are about to see Constitutional Injustice on a massive scale!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at November 03, 2021 09:18 PM (hOUT3)

110 An 18-year-old high school student is facing felony charges for punching a teacher, not just any teacher, but one that is disabled. The police believe the attack was due to a TikTok Challenge.

His parents must be so proud. Sadly, he probably won't get prison time.

Posted by: nerdygirl at November 03, 2021 09:18 PM (+lVUW)

111 It was the TXMOME drank it all

I mean you should have seen the booze table. was crazy.

Posted by: Jewells45 deplorablethug#FJB at November 03, 2021 09:18 PM (nxdel)

112 The man, who was in his 80s, fatally wounded another after landing in the open foyer on the ground floor just 30 minutes before the gig was due to start at the Uppsala Konsert & Kongress, Stockholm, Sweden.

Take A Glance On Me ?

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at November 03, 2021 09:18 PM (7F9te)

113 Family of man dissected at autopsy event says they didn't give consent


I'm guessing it wasn't COVID related because it's my understanding that no one is doing those for some weird reason.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 09:18 PM (4NtyV)

114 I can engrave that as your epitaph on anything you wish.
Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:17 PM (QHqf9)

That sounds almost as good on a headstone as "I told you I was sick."

Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:19 PM (/+B8L)

115 ((HUGS)) Tcn

They have changed the template but saferfederal website has the links to the covid crap including the exemption template. I'm sure DoD follows that template. Redonkulous of them not to give you the URL and their form if they weren't following that one exactly.

My work accepted my request. I threw some chapter and verse quotes from the bible at them as to why *my* religious beliefs say the abortion testing and development is wrong and also why I'm opposed to the gub'mint dictating my medical choices 'my body is a temple of the holy spirit' from 1st Cor. and 'no one can serve two masters' from Matthew.

But they were already good with me working from home (the vaccinated proles may be asked to return early next year.)

Posted by: PaleRider, hanging on at November 03, 2021 09:19 PM (3cGpq)

116 >

Bet you don't call them "peeps" tp their faces.
Posted by: Miklos, grandson of Carolina moonshiner at November 03, 2021 09:12 PM (QzkSJ)

Yeah. Bad move up in da holla.
Posted by: Diogenes at November 03, 2021 09:17 PM (axyOa)

We go fishing together in Canada. What I call them in person is classified

Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:19 PM (QHqf9)

117 The Paolo majored in Golden Penis Syndrome.

Posted by: The Paolo at November 03, 2021 09:19 PM (FkR2T)

I can assure you, when I was in college none of my female peers showed any interest whatsoever in me.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 03, 2021 09:19 PM (/U27+)

119 What I wanna know is, did they cancel the ABBA cover band show?
If they did, that is bogus.
The show must go on.

Posted by: started at 10am at November 03, 2021 09:19 PM (3aQHd)

120 I can engrave that as your epitaph on anything you wish.
Posted by: Muad'dib

All Buddhist epitaphs end in ellipsis

Posted by: Miklos, who actually had a Dalai Lama encounter twice at November 03, 2021 09:20 PM (QzkSJ)

121 You've got to be fucking kidding me.

"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized the SalivaDirect PCR COVID-19 test created by the Yale School of Public Health for use with pooled saliva samples.

Pooled testing allows labs to combine saliva samples from multiple individuals into a single tube and process the batch as a single test."

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 03, 2021 09:22 PM (oHeld)

122 Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Practical Moron Accessories.

Clever and college sports venues do not allow umbrellas, AFAIK. However it would be wonderful for getting booze into high school stadiums and gyms, movie theaters, offices, stores, buses, trains, and more!

Posted by: Gref at November 03, 2021 09:22 PM (AMIL/)

123 TCN, no one wants to be a leader in an agency leadership role. they just need to spout the drivel they are given and follow what they have been told, and understand that any deviation means no promotion and maybe no pension.

And don't get me started on directives coming down from upper level managers who's understanding of the law is what the lawyers who can't make it in the real world told them, and who have absolutely no understanding of the impact it has on people who actually have to implement them.

Posted by: Kindltot at November 03, 2021 09:22 PM (KbLYZ)

124 28 Van Jones: "...I think the Democrats are coming across in ways that we don't recognize, that are annoying and offensive and seem out of touch in ways that I don't think show up in our feeds when we're looking at our kind of echo chamber."

You didn't notice yourselves calling everyone who disagreed with you Nazis and racists and bigots and homophobes?

Yeah, I'm calling bullsh*t on your epiphany.
Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at November 03, 2021 09:03 PM (aXxgO)

Don't worry. In two weeks they'll be right back to calling us racists, homophobes, and Nazis. They can't help themselves.

Posted by: nerdygirl at November 03, 2021 09:22 PM (+lVUW)

125 >
120 I can engrave that as your epitaph on anything you wish.
Posted by: Muad'dib

All Buddhist epitaphs end in ellipsis
Posted by: Miklos, who actually had a Dalai Lama encounter twice at November 03, 2021 09:20 PM (QzkSJ)

ALH is a Buddhist? I had no idea. No worries. I keep spare ellipses on all the lasers.

Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:22 PM (QHqf9)

126 In West Virginia it's "kin."

I got kin up in the holler that do shine.

It's never, never ever "peeps."

Posted by: Martini Farmer at November 03, 2021 09:22 PM (BFigT)

127 >>> Quiet pursuits while sitting next to a fireplace


Posted by: Bear Skin Rug at November 03, 2021 09:23 PM (aA3+G)

128 Hearing all of these MDs push the vaccine for kids these last few days sickens me to my core.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 03, 2021 09:12 PM (0ryfU)
Had a dental appointment today, and at the end of the session, the dentist and hygienist and I got to talking about the case of Whu FLu I contracted back in Jan 2020.
I mentioned that I had been suffering from symptoms of Long Covid, and that in desperation I used the FLCCC protocol in hopes that it would help me (it did, it's a miracle).
Anyway, neither of these two folks had heard of Ivermectin, hadn't heard of the FDA and CDC putting the kibosh on it.
The dentist went back to his office and actually looked up FLCCC, and said that he would be reading the material tonight.
Even though they made me jump through hoops (mask, questionnaire, special rinse prior to starting the cleaning), they were open to hearing about alternatives to the Clot Shot.
Amazing that the weren't aware of Ivermectin and it's uses, but even more amazing that they were willing to discuss alternative therapies without prejudice or recrimination.

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at November 03, 2021 09:23 PM (BgMrQ)

129 Pooled testing allows labs to combine saliva samples from multiple individuals into a single tube and process the batch as a single test."
Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 03, 2021 09:22 PM (oHeld)

Um, what?

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 03, 2021 09:23 PM (h02fy)

130 Satellite dish on that cabin up top. Roughing it.

Posted by: davidt at November 03, 2021 09:25 PM (FkR2T)

131 >>> Quiet pursuits while sitting next to a fireplace

Posted by: Bear Skin Rug at November 03, 2021 09:23 PM (aA3+G)
* * * *


Posted by: Legally Sufficient, Believing in America at November 03, 2021 09:25 PM (rwusL)

132 >>> 129 Pooled testing allows labs to combine saliva samples from multiple individuals into a single tube and process the batch as a single test."
Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 03, 2021 09:22 PM (oHeld)

Um, what?
Posted by: Jordan61 at November 03, 2021 09:23 PM (h02fy)

Nothing. We're not collecting DNA or anything like that.

Posted by: Great Resetters at November 03, 2021 09:25 PM (ACi07)

133 106
A lack of male university students has caused what has been dubbed 'Golden Penis Syndrome' in men who develop inflated egos due to the amount of interest their female peers show in them.

Harpies drive males off campus. Then sneer at the ones remaining.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 03, 2021 09:17 PM (/U27+)

Sneer right back, and they will be lined up at your dorm room door.

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 03, 2021 09:25 PM (oHd/0)

134 I only got TQM training (this was back in the day when agencies were told to run themselves on the corporate model, like we made widgets or sprockets).
Posted by: All Hail Eris

It seemed like every 18 months or so we all were dragged back into a 'conversation starter' session to re-work the mission statement.

What a monumental waste of time.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 09:25 PM (mD/uy)

135 A lack of male university students has caused what has been dubbed "Golden Penis Syndrome" in men who develop inflated egos due to the amount of interest their female peers show in them.

Men marry down and across in status hierarchies, women marry up and across. That is what people do.
You want a high status guy? Be lower status, or at least pretend. A lot of men will marry down just not to deal with Woke-Princess and won't lose a moment of sleep over it.

Posted by: Kindltot at November 03, 2021 09:25 PM (KbLYZ)

136 All Buddhist epitaphs end in ellipsis

Posted by: Miklos, who actually had a Dalai Lama encounter twice at November 03, 2021 09:20 PM

This must mean I've certainly achieved nirvana by now...

Posted by: Zettai at November 03, 2021 09:25 PM (HyrXW)

137 The Liar Schiff is on CNN lying right now.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at November 03, 2021 09:26 PM (EZebt)

138 My sympathy for college sluts fighting over dick approaches zero.

I want to be on the jury for Mr. Rittenhouse. Kid is a hero and deserves the support of his society. Jury nullification is an important part of a free state.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 03, 2021 09:26 PM (7MBHe)

139 In two weeks they'll be right back to calling us racists, homophobes, and Nazis. They can't help themselves.
Posted by: nerdygirl at November 03, 2021 09:22 PM (+lVUW)

Ace said this earlier today. He said they do this because it's all they've got. It's not like AOC is going to publish a Power Point and convince anyone to support her economic policies. All they can do is bully and coerce with their cancel culture.

Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:26 PM (/+B8L)

140 His parents must be so proud. Sadly, he probably won't get prison time.
Posted by: nerdygirl

It was an screeching fat melonotic k*nt...

Posted by: Just Sayin at November 03, 2021 09:26 PM (HtfBr)

141 His parents must be so proud. Sadly, he probably won't get prison time.
Posted by: nerdygirl

It was an screeching fat melonotic k*nt... At least I think it has a vagina.

Posted by: Just Sayin at November 03, 2021 09:26 PM (HtfBr)

142 Golden Penis Syndrome, which normal, well adjusted educated people recognize as the law of supply and demand in action. But it's a crime against humanity because it affects women. LOLGF. Dummies.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at November 03, 2021 09:26 PM (QU5/8)

143 I call you guys my peeps, when I'm talking about you to the family.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 03, 2021 09:26 PM (h02fy)

144 >Hearing all of these MDs push the vaccine for kids these last few days sickens me to my core.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 03, 2021 09:12 PM (0ryfU)

How sick is a society that would push massive, potentially permanently life-changing risk on their kids for absolutely no benefit to the kids themselves, but merely to make neurotic adults feel slightly less threatened from a virus with flu-like mortality?

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 09:26 PM (cSs/W)

145 Snowshoeing. Ice fishing. Cross country skiing
Downhill skiing. Sledding/tobogganing
Locking yourself in your studio with tunes and your artsy projects.
Homemade soups.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian

I look at that list and see:
Freezing your ass off. 5 different ways! Then Cabin Fever!! Finally, comfort food.

I can do comfort food in warm weather.

Posted by: tbodie at November 03, 2021 09:27 PM (mE8HP)

146 His parents must be so proud. Sadly, he probably won't get prison time.
Posted by: nerdygirl at November 03, 2021 09:18 PM (+lVUW)

You didn't read the link, did you?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 03, 2021 09:27 PM (P3gRi)

147 Pooled testing allows labs to combine saliva samples from multiple individuals into a single tube and process the batch as a single test."
Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 03, 2021 09:22 PM (oHeld)

Um, what?
Posted by: Jordan61 at November 03, 2021 09:23 PM (h02fy)

Sort of like "You are all guilty, off to the camps with the lot of you!"

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at November 03, 2021 09:27 PM (hOUT3)

148 Don't worry. In two weeks they'll be right back to calling us racists, homophobes, and Nazis. They can't help themselves.
Posted by: nerdygirl at November 03, 2021 09:22 PM (+lVUW)

When all you have is a hammer . . . .

Posted by: flounder at November 03, 2021 09:27 PM (KnJdm)

149 >Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at November 03, 2021 09:07 PM (qvjMx)

That's true leadership you've demonstrated. Hold the line!

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 09:27 PM (cSs/W)

150 >
143 I call you guys my peeps, when I'm talking about you to the family.
Posted by: Jordan61 at November 03, 2021 09:26 PM (h02fy)

See! See!

Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:27 PM (QHqf9)

151 ONT pic is giving me Jack London vibes.
Posted by: All Hail Eris,

It's telling me to get off my rear and put the plow on the Mule.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * In omnia paratus at November 03, 2021 09:28 PM (tH9Bt)

152 Pooled testing allows labs to combine saliva samples from multiple individuals into a single tube and process the batch as a single test."
Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 03, 2021 09:22 PM (oHeld)

Um, what?
Posted by: Jordan61

Guilt by Association

Collective Guilt

Posted by: Miklosian Instant Analysis at November 03, 2021 09:28 PM (QzkSJ)

153 How sick is a society that would push massive, potentially permanently life-changing risk on their kids for absolutely no benefit to the kids themselves, but merely to make neurotic adults feel slightly less threatened from a virus with flu-like mortality?
Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 09:26 PM (cSs/W)

Do not forget the graft that must flow...

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at November 03, 2021 09:28 PM (hOUT3)

154 Pooled testing allows labs to combine saliva samples from multiple individuals into a single tube and process the batch as a single test."
Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 03, 2021 09:22 PM (oHeld)

So. Drool testing?

Posted by: Diogenes at November 03, 2021 09:28 PM (axyOa)

155 The man, who was in his 80s, fatally wounded another after landing in the open foyer on the ground floor just 30 minutes before the gig was due to start at the Uppsala Konsert & Kongress, Stockholm, Sweden.

Take A Glance On Me ?
Posted by: Bitter Clinger at November 03, 2021 09:18 PM (7F9te)

His name was Fernando.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at November 03, 2021 09:28 PM (c5jTU)

156 Also, the FBI allegedly lost the HD airel footage of the Rittenhouse incident.

That filthy corrupt agency needs to be burned to the ground and the earth salted.

Figuratively of course.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 03, 2021 09:28 PM (oHeld)

157 So. Drool testing?
Posted by: Diogenes at November 03, 2021 09:28 PM (axyOa)

They can have my pillow when they pry it from my cold dead face...

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at November 03, 2021 09:29 PM (BgMrQ)

158 I don't understand Van Jones comments.

He's a Communist sympathizer and the Democrat party is becoming more Communist every day.

I thought you were smarter than that, Van.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at November 03, 2021 09:29 PM (sy5kK)

159 I had a pair of binoculars in college where one side was a flask. They were very clever in that you could see through both eyepieces. I think it had a prism to split the view from one objective to both eyepieces.

Someone stole it from me.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at November 03, 2021 09:29 PM (h9tOc)

Clever and college sports venues do not allow umbrellas, AFAIK. However it would be wonderful for getting booze into high school stadiums and gyms, movie theaters, offices, stores, buses, trains, and more!
Posted by: Gref at November 03, 2021 09:22 PM (AMIL/)

Wear a Camelback under your clothes, and either wear it strapped to your calf and claim it is a catheter and bag, or wear it on a harness under your shirt and claim it is a bra. (Works best for guys for some reason)

Posted by: Kindltot at November 03, 2021 09:29 PM (KbLYZ)

161 This must mean I've certainly achieved nirvana by now...

Posted by: Zettai


Smells like Teen Zettai Spirit

Posted by: Miklos, lighting one up at November 03, 2021 09:29 PM (QzkSJ)

162 I call you guys my peeps, when I'm talking about you to the family.
Posted by: Jordan61

I would have guessed we were your bacon addicts.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 09:29 PM (mD/uy)

163 If there's Golden Penis Syndrome, then is there also Golden Pussy Syndrome?

Posted by: davidt at November 03, 2021 09:30 PM (FkR2T)

164 i know what happened out at 29 Stumps: the boot necks cheated and based their tactics and strategy on white supremacy, instead of CRT as called for in the OPORD and the jarheads were triggered by such insensitivity...

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at November 03, 2021 09:30 PM (6khLc)

165 Van Jones in a rare moment of introspection. Will wonders ever cease?

Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:30 PM (/+B8L)

166 Sneer right back, and they will be lined up at your dorm room door.

Just be a handsome, arrogant, jerk, and you'll have to beat them off with a stick.

Posted by: Golden Penis Syndrome! at November 03, 2021 09:30 PM (I2/tG)

167 I call you guys my peeps, when I'm talking about you to the family.
Posted by: Jordan61 at November 03,
That's funny, so do I.

Posted by: AmericanKestrel at November 03, 2021 09:30 PM (IDhUW)

168 then is there also Golden Pussy Syndrome?
Posted by: davidt

That's called 'LIFE'

Posted by: Toxteth O'Grady at November 03, 2021 09:30 PM (K7/OQ)

169 then is there also Golden Pussy Syndrome?
Posted by: davidt at November 03, 2021 09:30 PM (FkR2T)


Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at November 03, 2021 09:30 PM (BgMrQ)

170 ->
Smells like Teen Zettai Spirit
Posted by: Miklos, lighting one up at November 03, 2021 09:29 PM (QzkSJ)

I have Febreeze

Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:31 PM (QHqf9)

171 " is there also Golden Pussy Syndrome?"

Every woman thinks she has the golden pussy from my experience.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 03, 2021 09:31 PM (7MBHe)

172 Also, the FBI allegedly lost the HD airel footage of the Rittenhouse incident.

Yet another one of those "Who Watches The Watchmen"

Who goes down for felony willful destruction of evidence?

Posted by: Reuben Hick at November 03, 2021 09:31 PM (+LCoQ)

173 I want to be on the jury for Mr. Rittenhouse. Kid is a hero and deserves the support of his society. Jury nullification is an important part of a free state.
Posted by: squid_hunt at November 03, 2021 09:26 PM (7MBHe)
* * * *
Kyle is indeed a hero, and a helluva gunman. He deserves to be fully exonerated, but I will settle for jury nullification. I would also love-love-love to see the FIBs held to account for their double-dealing and evidence-misplacing and delaying behavior. That judge seems like he might just be up to throwing the book at them.

Posted by: Legally Sufficient, Believing in America at November 03, 2021 09:31 PM (rwusL)

174 Um, what?
Posted by: Jordan61 at November 03, 2021 09:23 PM (h02fy)

Nothing. We're not collecting DNA or anything like that.
Posted by: Great Resetters at November 03, 2021 09:25 PM (ACi07)

If I am pooling DNA with someone, it is going to be Kate Upton, IYKWIM.

Posted by: flounder at November 03, 2021 09:31 PM (KnJdm)

175 If there's Golden Penis Syndrome, then is there also Golden Pussy Syndrome?

Hell, yeah!

Posted by: Any Female Enrolled At Caltech! at November 03, 2021 09:31 PM (I2/tG)

176 I have Febreeze
Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:31 PM (QHqf9)

I recommend "Gee Your Hair Smells Wonderful"

Posted by: Lets Go Brandon at November 03, 2021 09:32 PM (BgMrQ)

177 Who goes down for felony willful destruction of evidence?
Posted by: Reuben Hick at November 03, 2021 09:31 PM (+LCoQ)

It is too early to be posting jokes on the ONT!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at November 03, 2021 09:32 PM (hOUT3)

178 Wear a Camelback under your clothes, and either wear it strapped to your calf and claim it is a catheter and bag, or wear it on a harness under your shirt and claim it is a bra. (Works best for guys for some reason)
Posted by: Kindltot at November 03, 2021 09:29 PM (KbLYZ)

They make a bra you can put wine in, called the Wine Rack.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 03, 2021 09:32 PM (h02fy)

179 "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized the SalivaDirect PCR COVID-19 test created by the Yale School of Public Health for use with pooled saliva samples.

Pooled testing allows labs to combine saliva samples from multiple individuals into a single tube and process the batch as a single test."



Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 09:32 PM (4NtyV)

180 So. Drool testing?
Posted by: Diogenes

Old news

Posted by: Jen Pisshockey at November 03, 2021 09:32 PM (QzkSJ)

181 If there's Golden Penis Syndrome, then is there also Golden Pussy Syndrome?

Madonna makes her living with hers.

Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:32 PM (/+B8L)

182 May be back later.

Enjoy the evening.

Posted by: AmericanKestrel at November 03, 2021 09:32 PM (IDhUW)

183 Too soon? Rockers die at ABBA concert.

I told everyone that Abba sucks, butt Noooooo, I'm the weirdo...

Posted by: weft cut-loop at November 03, 2021 09:32 PM (1t5dY)

184 >Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at November 03, 2021 09:26 PM (QU5/

Women over-represented in higher ed: women hardest hit.

So typical.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 09:33 PM (cSs/W)

185 Piranha? Luckily it wasn't candiru nyah

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 03, 2021 09:33 PM (mugJX)

186 Just be a handsome, arrogant, jerk, and you'll have to beat them off with a stick.
Posted by: Golden Penis Syndrome! at November 03, 2021 09:30 PM (I2/tG)

I wouldn't recommend it, splinters and all.

Posted by: flounder at November 03, 2021 09:33 PM (KnJdm)

187 I think this is a WONDERFUL turn of events!
Posted by: Tom Servo at November 03, 2021 09:05 PM (evAgx)
I could tell from Pelosi's body language today that she thinks All is Lost.


Posted by: San Franpsycho at November 03, 2021 09:33 PM (EZebt)

188 151 ONT pic is giving me Jack London vibes.
Posted by: All Hail Eris,

It's telling me to get off my rear and put the plow on the Mule.
Posted by: Sock Monkey * In omnia paratus at November 03, 2021

I put my plow on in October
Kept the snow away

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 03, 2021 09:33 PM (aA3+G)

189 If there's Golden Penis Syndrome, then is there also Golden Pussy Syndrome?
Posted by: davidt

It has been called "The Power of the P" forever.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 09:33 PM (mD/uy)

190 Isn't it funny how the Chinese can track every re-tweet on the internet, every one of their billion citizens social credit, their movements and comments, but somehow they just can't stop that pesky Fentanyl from getting to America?

If I didn't know better, I'd say they purposely allow it to leave their country for sale on the black market to kill generations of Americans.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at November 03, 2021 09:33 PM (7F9te)

191 181 If there's Golden Penis Syndrome, then is there also Golden Pussy Syndrome?

Madonna makes her living with hers.
Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:32 PM (/+B8L)

That old catchers mitt....woof

Posted by: Louie Spicolli at November 03, 2021 09:33 PM (BgMrQ)


"ABBAvid kills elderly open air enthusiast, film at 11!"

Posted by: Toxteth O'Grady at November 03, 2021 09:33 PM (K7/OQ)

193 163 If there's Golden Penis Syndrome, then is there also Golden Pussy Syndrome?
Posted by: davidt at November 03, 2021 09:30 PM (FkR2T)

Yeah, it shows up on just about every military base there is.

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 03, 2021 09:34 PM (oHd/0)

194 They make a bra you can put wine in, called the Wine Rack.
Posted by: Jordan61 at November 03, 2021 09:32 PM (h02fy)

I wear a 44 suit, do they make it that size?

Posted by: Kindltot at November 03, 2021 09:34 PM (KbLYZ)

195 Hadrian the Seventh: "I can assure you, when I was in college none of my female peers showed any interest whatsoever in me."

You and your Golden Penis need to return to campus for more post-grad studies. Leave the spats and tophat home though.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at November 03, 2021 09:34 PM (aXxgO)

196 >
I put my plow on in October
Kept the snow away
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 03, 2021 09:33 PM (aA3+G)

Appreciate it. I still need to put mine on

Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:35 PM (QHqf9)

197 Thought ABBA's next album suddenly went on hiatus

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 03, 2021 09:35 PM (mugJX)

198 "I could tell from Pelosi's body language today that she thinks All is Lost. "

Thanks. You just reminded me to go watch that video.

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 03, 2021 09:35 PM (7MBHe)

199 This disease is caused by the abnormal accumulation of certain proteins, and we have seen that, in some cases, this is not caused by overproduction but by an error in their removal...
drugs already on the market with the capacity to reverse the effects at the cellular level. ...

Hey, that's a cheap shot.
He doesn't say what drugs.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 09:35 PM (cZY+h)

200 195 Hadrian the Seventh: "I can assure you, when I was in college none of my female peers showed any interest whatsoever in me."

You and your Golden Penis need to return to campus for more post-grad studies. Leave the spats and tophat home though.
Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at November 03, 2021 09:34 PM (aXxgO)

Bring puppies if available...

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at November 03, 2021 09:35 PM (BgMrQ)

201 Yes! With ACB and Kav as insurance, we are about to see Constitutional Injustice on a massive scale!
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at November 03, 2021 09:18 PM (hOUT3)

DC's Injustice League.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at November 03, 2021 09:35 PM (h9tOc)

202 They make a bra you can put wine in, called the Wine Rack.
Posted by: Jordan61

I could indentify with that

but brandy

Posted by: Miklos, trans for tactical drinking purposes at November 03, 2021 09:35 PM (QzkSJ)

203 They make a bra you can put wine in, called the Wine Rack.
Posted by: Jordan61

The former Mrs. Rat would have been only to carry A cup full.

Posted by: Some Rat at November 03, 2021 09:35 PM (r1z5A)

Don't worry. In two weeks they'll be right back to calling us racists, homophobes, and Nazis. They can't help themselves.
Posted by: nerdygirl at November 03, 2021 09:22 PM (+lVUW)

The New York Times started this evening.

A headline on their RSS Feed: "Republicans Pounce on Schools as a Wedge Issue to Unite the Party"

Lead graf: "Rallying around what it calls 'parental rights,' the party is pushing to build on its victories this week by stoking white resentment and tapping into broader anger at the education system."

(So, the Progs claim illegal aliens have many Constitutional Rights rights in America, but say American parents of school-age children do not have rights regarding those children ? That's a winning message, no doubt about it.)

Posted by: Gref at November 03, 2021 09:36 PM (AMIL/)

205 >Do not forget the graft that must flow...
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at November 03, 2021 09:28 PM (hOUT3)

True, but it couldn't if we didn't tolerate this horse shit.

Look at how the Biden Regime pre-ordered a shit-tonne of Clot Shot for Tots before it was even "approved". Totally not a fait accompli. I'm sure the strictest Science was used. Not like they would say something like "we have to put it out there to see if it works".

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 09:36 PM (cSs/W)

206 Posted by: Legally Sufficient, Believing in America at November 03, 2021 09:31 PM (rwu

Yeah and I want a baby unicorn

FBI is worse than the fucking Stasi

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 03, 2021 09:36 PM (aA3+G)

207 Winter is...

Scraping the windshield, shoveling the driveway, idiots driving too fast for conditions and smashing into your vehicle, running the dog in a blizzard because she's from a sprint dog kennel, and freezing your parts off.

Don't kid yourself. By February, winter is all of that and more.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at November 03, 2021 09:36 PM (qvjMx)

208 I still don't trust this fucker:

@JDVance1 1h

And while we're on the topic, let me add my voice to the pro
@realchrisrufo chorus. A great guy who transformed the debate over the last couple of years. A testament against defeatism!

Posted by: weft cut-loop at November 03, 2021 09:36 PM (1t5dY)

209 Jack London vibes?

Eris adopting a wolf for a 'pet' maybe?

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 03, 2021 09:36 PM (mugJX)

210 >
The former Mrs. Rat would have been only to carry A cup full.
Posted by: Some Rat at November 03, 2021 09:3

Trade up, eh.

Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:36 PM (QHqf9)

211 165 Van Jones in a rare moment of introspection. Will wonders ever cease?

Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:30 PM (/+B8L)

I don't think he's saying they need to change their messaging or their focus. I think he's saying that they need to be more diligent about hiding their true intentions. The 2020 debacle emboldened many on the communist Left to start saying the quiet parts out loud. I think he just wants to make them quiet again.

Posted by: Pennsyltucky at November 03, 2021 09:36 PM (lNHqD)

212 146 His parents must be so proud. Sadly, he probably won't get prison time.
Posted by: nerdygirl at November 03, 2021 09:18 PM (+lVUW)

You didn't read the link, did you?
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 03, 2021 09:27 PM (P3gRi)

Nope. Going there now. BRB

Posted by: nerdygirl at November 03, 2021 09:36 PM (+lVUW)

213 Hey, that's a cheap shot.
He doesn't say what drugs.
Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 09:35 PM (cZY+h)

I'm assuming most NSAIDS would work. The other is too variable to go with a blanket assumption.

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at November 03, 2021 09:37 PM (BgMrQ)

214 @192

>>ABBAvid kills elderly open air enthusiast, film at 11!"

I don't care if they play ABBA at the lemon party* I'm not going.

* Do not do a search for lemon party, trust me.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 03, 2021 09:37 PM (oHeld)

215 I think this is a WONDERFUL turn of events!
Posted by: Tom Servo at November 03, 2021 09:05 PM (evAgx)
Will the House progressive caucus stick to its guns and refuse to vote for the "Bipartisan" infrastructure bill until the "social infrastructure" bill passes the Senate?

Probably not. But those commies all come from deep blue districts. Why not tank the whole thing, let the Dems lose the House in 2022 and then take over the leadership once Pelosi and her gaggle of ghouls retire?

Posted by: Revenant at November 03, 2021 09:37 PM (ydlAE)

216 >Van Jones in a rare moment of introspection. Will wonders ever cease?
Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:30 PM (/+B8L)

Actually, he's demonstrated a history of not huffing his own farts. That makes him far more dangerous than the typical prog.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 09:37 PM (cSs/W)

217 Golden Pussy is the tentative title for the next Bond movie...

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 03, 2021 09:37 PM (mugJX)

218 DC's Injustice League.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at November 03, 2021 09:35 PM (h9tOc)

Talk about a perfect set up line....

It's good to be you Grump

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at November 03, 2021 09:38 PM (BgMrQ)

219 Scraping the windshield, shoveling the driveway, idiots driving too fast for conditions and smashing into your vehicle, running the dog in a blizzard because she's from a sprint dog kennel, and freezing your parts off.
Posted by: tcn in AK,

Can't you just put a silicon mat on your windshield and avoid the whole mess?

Posted by: weft cut-loop at November 03, 2021 09:38 PM (1t5dY)

220 I could tell from Pelosi's body language today that she thinks All is Lost.


Posted by: San Franpsycho

I saw that. She's pissed. It was a thing of beauty.

Posted by: Infidel at November 03, 2021 09:38 PM (QC3yT)

221 I still don't trust this fucker:

@JDVance1 1h
Posted by: weft cut-loop

I want to, but I don't either. Every one of his campaign emails are exactly like every other eGOP. He says the right things but I've been burned too many times.

See - DeWine, Katshit, Pat Tiberi, and on and on.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 09:38 PM (mD/uy)

222 207 Winter is...

Scraping the windshield, shoveling the driveway, idiots driving too fast for conditions and smashing into your vehicle, running the dog in a blizzard because she's from a sprint dog kennel, and freezing your parts off.

Don't kid yourself. By February, winter is all of that and more.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at November 03, 2021 09:36 PM (qvjMx)

By February, around here at least, it usually changes from "idiots driving too fast for conditions" to "idiots slowing way down and getting stuck when putting the wood to it a little bit would have gotten them through."

Posted by: Pennsyltucky at November 03, 2021 09:38 PM (lNHqD)

223 "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized the SalivaDirect PCR COVID-19 test created by the Yale School of Public Health for use with pooled saliva samples.

Pooled testing allows labs to combine saliva samples from multiple individuals into a single tube and process the batch as a single test."

Of what possible use would this be? Ever.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at November 03, 2021 09:39 PM (qvjMx)

224 Two Congress people denied entrance to DC gitmo...How?

Posted by: Some Rat at November 03, 2021 09:39 PM (r1z5A)

225 "Do not do a search for lemon party, trust me."

Hahahaha. That joke is 20 years old. Is the site still active?

Posted by: squid_hunt at November 03, 2021 09:39 PM (7MBHe)

226 ALH: "Madonna makes her living with hers."

Golden? Nah. It's Pyrite Over Rust and it echoes idiocy.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at November 03, 2021 09:39 PM (aXxgO)

227 Can't you just put a silicon mat on your windshield and avoid the whole mess?
Posted by: weft cut-loop

I just park the vehicles in the garage.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 09:39 PM (mD/uy)

228 Bill Maher has tried to warn Democrats to tone it down. Good thing they're so tone deaf.

Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:40 PM (/+B8L)

229 Pooled testing allows labs to combine saliva samples from multiple individuals into a single tube and process the batch as a single test."
Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 03, 2021 09:22 PM (oHeld)

Um, what?
Posted by: Jordan61 at November 03, 2021 09:23 PM (h02fy)

I can see that being done, for reason of economy, especially when actual, verifiable positive tests are few and far between.

Say each test costs $40 to run. You get 10 samples in. Doing them individually costs $400. If they are all negative, you have just blown 400 bucks.

Blend samples of the ten together, run one test. If it comes back negative, you are done. Nobody has the Coof. You have just saved $360. If the "bulk" sample comes back positive, make two groups of five, and test each. One comes back negative; there's five folks who don't have the Coof. You've spent $40 at this point.Then you individually test the five from the second group. That costs $200. You have just found your positive cases for $240, instead of $400.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 03, 2021 09:40 PM (P3gRi)

230 Pooled saliva?

So how will they know who has the crud?

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 03, 2021 09:40 PM (mugJX)

231 Can't you just put a silicon mat on your windshield and avoid the whole mess?
Posted by: weft cut-loop at November 03, 2021 09:38 PM (1t5dY)

You ever try to lift one of those after a particularly good hoar frost?

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at November 03, 2021 09:40 PM (qvjMx)

232 I told everyone that Abba sucks, butt Noooooo, I'm the weirdo...

Well, yeah, but it's got nothing to do with your justifiable hatred of Abba.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at November 03, 2021 09:40 PM (SchxB)

233 FBI is worse than the fucking Stasi
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 03, 2021 09:36 PM (aA3+G)

Best part is that everyone of these Deep State sanctioned criminals are basically impossible to fire, get automatic promotions if they don't speak up, and get to retire with a sweet taxpayer funded pension denied to the plebes!

Posted by: A McCarthy at November 03, 2021 09:40 PM (hOUT3)

234 I wear a 44 suit, do they make it that size?
Posted by: Kindltot at November 03, 2021 09:34 PM (KbLYZ)

Probably not. They look like sports bras, and come in medium and large. Maybe you could talk your lovely wife into wearing one and sharing!

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 03, 2021 09:40 PM (h02fy)

235 Hello

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at November 03, 2021 09:40 PM (OU+8W)

236 Blend samples of the ten together, run one test. If it comes back negative, you are done. Nobody has the Coof. You have just saved $360. If the "bulk" sample comes back positive, make two groups of five, and test each. One comes back negative; there's five folks who don't have the Coof. You've spent $40 at this point.Then you individually test the five from the second group. That costs $200. You have just found your positive cases for $240, instead of $400.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 03, 2021 09:40 PM (P3gRi)

You beat me to it.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at November 03, 2021 09:40 PM (c5jTU)

237 I like hot summers and snowy winters. It's the idiot in me.

Posted by: Some Rat at November 03, 2021 09:40 PM (r1z5A)

238 You ever try to lift one of those after a particularly good hoar frost?
Posted by: tcn in AK

I've never tried to lift a whore... wait, whut?

Posted by: weft cut-loop at November 03, 2021 09:41 PM (1t5dY)

239 Masking over Christmas holidays, when the kids are home from school, is really the best preventative for becoming infected with GPS. And of course staying in your dorm between classes for 4 years.

Posted by: Tony F. at November 03, 2021 09:41 PM (Spr0s)

240 Winter is space management. We normally get 4 feet of snow a year. It's challenging. A few years ago we got 9 feet. It was a real space management problem.

Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:41 PM (QHqf9)

241 I can see that being done, for reason of economy, especially when actual, verifiable positive tests are few and far between.


Or we could just ask people to stay home if they're sick.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 09:41 PM (4NtyV)

242 I put my plow on in October
Kept the snow away
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian

Oh I have been to Wisconsin State Fair
And left my necktie God knows where,
And carried half-way home, or near,
Pints and quarts of Heileman's Old Style beer.

Posted by: A.E. Miklos-Housman at November 03, 2021 09:41 PM (QzkSJ)

243 Greetings:

Quote III reminded me of my universal mission statement from my printing days.

"We provide quality goods and services, on a timely basis, at prices that our customers perceive as a value."

Posted by: 11B40 at November 03, 2021 09:41 PM (uuklp)

244 Revenant: "...let the Dems lose the House in 2022 and then take over the leadership once Pelosi and her gaggle of ghouls retire?"

They aren't retiring. Office is what keeps them out of prison.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Ashli Babbitt at November 03, 2021 09:41 PM (aXxgO)

245 There's so much job creation in this pretend nothing.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 09:41 PM (4NtyV)

246 Pooled testing allows labs to combine saliva samples from multiple individuals into a single tube and process the batch as a single test."

Of what possible use would this be? Ever.
Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at November 03, 2021 09:39 PM (qvjMx)

Well, let's say that 98 of 100 tests are negative. You run them in batches of 10... suddenly you know that 80 don't have the Vids... at most your will then have to do single tests the remaining 20.... thus doing 28 tests vice 100 tests for the same 2 positive results.

Numbers game.

They make it up via volume... as the old joke goes.

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 03, 2021 09:41 PM (oHd/0)

247 )
I think this is a WONDERFUL turn of events!

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 03, 2021 09:05 PM (evAgx)

Yeah. And yesterday's vote tally's all 'round the USA is dark foreshadowing for the communist agenda.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 09:42 PM (cZY+h)

248 If you want to see the really terrifying version of Covid 19, find the Japanese movie "Virus." You can find the full 2.5 hour version in various archives.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at November 03, 2021 09:42 PM (OU+8W)

249 Been coofed, not taking any shot, could not give one rats ass about wearing a mask. We're done with it. Until I canned. Until then.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at November 03, 2021 09:42 PM (qvjMx)

250 I saw that. She's pissed. It was a thing of beauty.

She's afraid that moderate Democratic House members will remember how many moderate Democratic House members lost their jobs after ObamaCare was passed, and will be less than inclined to vote for President Brandon's slush fund bills.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 03, 2021 09:42 PM (I2/tG)

251 Went to the link on the 18 year old who assaulted a disabled teacher. Not only a female, but saw her photo and frankly she looks like she isn't exactly medical school material. I don't think a TicTok challenge is the problem here.

Posted by: nerdygirl at November 03, 2021 09:42 PM (+lVUW)

252 The Royal Marines went from controlling 20% of the battle area to more than 65% before half time.

You gotta put a hat on a hat.

Posted by: John Madden at November 03, 2021 09:42 PM (h9tOc)

253 In case people didn't see it on the last thread, this was posted earlier today by another moron. Italy's official numbers:

"...according to the statistical sample of medical records collected by the institute, only 2.9% of the deaths registered since the end of February 2020 would be due to Covid 19. So of the 130,468 deaths registered by official statistics at the time of preparation of the new report only 3,783 would be due to the power of the virus itself."

Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 09:43 PM (4NtyV)

254 224 Two Congress people denied entrance to DC gitmo...How?
Posted by: Some Rat at November 03, 2021 09:39 PM (r1z5A)

I asked the same question earlier today. No one offered up any type of explanation. Here's to hoping you get an answer tonight.

Inquiring minds want to know...

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at November 03, 2021 09:43 PM (BgMrQ)

255 Two Congress people denied entrance to DC gitmo...How?

This has happened multiple times and I ask myself the same damn question.

Posted by: Jewells45 deplorablethug#FJB at November 03, 2021 09:43 PM (nxdel)

256 You gotta put a hat on a hat.


What if I'm wearing a hat?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 09:44 PM (4NtyV)

257 135 A lack of male university students has caused what has been dubbed "Golden Penis Syndrome" in men who develop inflated egos due to the amount of interest their female peers show in them.

Men marry down and across in status hierarchies, women marry up and across. That is what people do.
You want a high status guy? Be lower status, or at least pretend. A lot of men will marry down just not to deal with Woke-Princess and won't lose a moment of sleep over it.

Posted by: Kindltot at November 03, 2021 09:25 PM (KbLYZ)

I wish that books such as The Rational Male had been around in my early 20's rather then mid 40's. Life would have been so much more productive.

Posted by: redchief at November 03, 2021 09:44 PM (Kab4E)

Oh I have been to Wisconsin State Fair
And left my necktie God knows where,
And carried half-way home, or near,
Pints and quarts of Heileman's Old Style beer.

Burma Shave!

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at November 03, 2021 09:44 PM (h9tOc)

259 I like hot summers and snowy winters. It's the idiot in me.
Posted by: Some Rat at November 03, 2021 09:40 PM (r1z5A)

Come east, young man.

Posted by: flounder at November 03, 2021 09:45 PM (KnJdm)

A study has managed to reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in mice
They should get Porridgehead and do a Flowers for Algernon kinda thing. See if it makes him smarter.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 03, 2021 09:45 PM (/KPLX)

261 Husband still talks about Wyoming for some reason...wants to be near mountains. We've never even been there. Plus, I'm 29 and things are starting hurt when it gets cold or damp.

Posted by: lin-duh, duh, duh!! at November 03, 2021 09:45 PM (UUBmN)

262 Yeah. And yesterday's vote tally's all 'round the USA is dark foreshadowing for the communist agenda.

Posted by: Braenyard

Then comes the dark foreshadowing music.

And then Flying Monkeys

Posted by: The Wizard of Miklos-Oz at November 03, 2021 09:46 PM (QzkSJ)

263 Hello
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at November 03, 2021 09:40 PM (OU+8W)
* * * *
Good evening!

Posted by: Legally Sufficient, Believing in America at November 03, 2021 09:46 PM (rwusL)

264 I remain unconvinced that yesterday's Virginia result is any kind of tide-turning.

These people are experts at moving forward under darkness. I know nothing about Youngkin other than he's a "Republican" and Terry McAwful is horrid.

I think this was an experiment by the DNC. "Let's see what an actual election would be like...besides, no one like Terry McAwful." (Later that day) "Oops."

Sorry to be Captain Bringdown, but my cynicism remains untarnished.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at November 03, 2021 09:46 PM (OU+8W)

265 A study has managed to reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in mice

How many years until it's available for humans?

Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:46 PM (/+B8L)


That little (used metaphorically) bitch's neurosyphilis probably came from half of her mother's boyfriends bungholing her...

Posted by: Just Sayin at November 03, 2021 09:46 PM (HtfBr)

267 261 Husband still talks about Wyoming for some reason...wants to be near mountains. We've never even been there. Plus, I'm 29 and things are starting hurt when it gets cold or damp.

Posted by: lin-duh, duh, duh!! at November 03, 2021 09:45 PM (UUBmN)

Arthritis in my hands...another reason I choose Texas over Idaho.

Posted by: redchief at November 03, 2021 09:46 PM (Kab4E)

268 @223

>>Of what possible use would this be? Ever.

The theory behind it is to save on testing and make testing a large pool of people fast and efficient.

You mix all the samples together, test if it comes back negative you clear the entire group, if it comes back positive, you do further testing.

If I didn't already know everything about the plandemic was a scam and op I might be open to this sort of process but it's all bullshit.

So, there it is.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 03, 2021 09:47 PM (oHeld)

269 255 Two Congress people denied entrance to DC gitmo...How?

This has happened multiple times and I ask myself the same damn question.
Posted by: Jewells45 deplorablethug#FJB at November 03, 2021 09:43 PM (nxdel)

It's got a "Seven Days in May" vibe to it...

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at November 03, 2021 09:47 PM (BgMrQ)

270 Greetings, Legally sufficient. Hope your week is going well.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at November 03, 2021 09:47 PM (OU+8W)

271 Wyoming is windy as hell.
Semis get toppled over by the dozens.
Beautiful state otherwise.
All the midwest is great once you understand that the weather tries really hard to kill you dead for 3 or 4 months out of the year.
Maybe 5.

Posted by: started at 10am at November 03, 2021 09:48 PM (3aQHd)

272 =====
They should get Porridgehead and do a Flowers for Algernon kinda thing. See if it makes him smarter.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 03, 2021 09:45 PM (/KPLX)

Maybe they are putting him in a hyperbaric chamber when he's in seclusion.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 09:48 PM (cZY+h)

273 264 I remain unconvinced that yesterday's Virginia result is any kind of tide-turning.


It isn't a tide-turning because America didn't elect Biden in the first place.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at November 03, 2021 09:48 PM (7F9te)

274 MisHum,
I do believe you are a secret photographer amongst other things...

Posted by: lin-duh at November 03, 2021 09:48 PM (UUBmN)

275 Absolutely NOTHING says soiboi like wearing bird dog pants. They should come with a zipper on the side.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at November 03, 2021 09:48 PM (eJn7u)

276 Come east, young man.
Posted by: flounder

I'm trying flounder, I'm trying...

Posted by: Some Rat at November 03, 2021 09:48 PM (r1z5A)

277 It seemed like every 18 months or so we all were dragged back into a 'conversation starter' session to re-work the mission statement.

What a monumental waste of time.
Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 09:25 PM (mD/uy)

I've mentioned here before that every time we had to do the mission statement tango I would use the Dilbert Mission Statement generator. I'd run it a couple times and submit them or act like I just came up with them if I was with a group.

Posted by: Beartooth at November 03, 2021 09:49 PM (d8xPm)

278 Two Congress people denied entrance to DC gitmo...How?

This has happened multiple times and I ask myself the same damn question.
Posted by: Jewells45 deplorablethug#FJB

I can easily see this happening.

"Do you know who I am?" even with valid Congressional ID, will not gain you access to a military installation. There is a process for VIPs, well - any civilian really, to be authorized for admittance.

Who knows what, if any, protocols were followed, or not.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 09:50 PM (mD/uy)

279 What happened to JJ? All I heard was something like "Goddam Twitter and Jack can go fuck themselves" or somesuch.

Posted by: Rhubarb Ranch at November 03, 2021 09:50 PM (gV9uv)

280 If I didn't already know everything about the plandemic was a scam and op I might be open to this sort of process but it's all bullshit.

So, there it is.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 03, 2021 09:47 PM (oHeld)

In principle, if the testing were being done by honest institutions, it would permit the routine use of more accurate, but more expensive tests, and higher-quality data would result.

Note the caveat.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 03, 2021 09:50 PM (P3gRi)

Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 03, 2021 09:42 PM (I2/tG)


The whole "party line vote in the middle of the night" thing indicates they knew ObamaCare would cost a lot of them come election time, and they did it anyway.

I expect that when the Machine decides a bill is critical to future power like that, they make comfortable arrangements for the vulnerable ones, and if they get pushback, then the Epstein Island photos come out, or they start getting photos of the Seth Rich crime scene in the mail.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 03, 2021 09:50 PM (/KPLX)

282 I know it's winter when I put my studded M/S tires on my 2500 HD

and it's spring when I take them off

I don't leave my plow on all the time cause the fucker weighs 950 lbs.

just takes a minute to mount

hey, thats why they call that, aint it ?

Posted by: REDACTED at November 03, 2021 09:51 PM (us2H3)

283 Arthritis in my hands...another reason I choose Texas over Idaho.
Posted by: redchief at November 03, 2021 09:46 PM (Kab4E)

They've got generic Voltaren on the shelves for about seven bucks.

User tip: after it appears dry put a couple of drops of water on your hands and rub it in again.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 09:51 PM (cZY+h)

284 Sorry to be Captain Bringdown, but my cynicism remains untarnished.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at November 03, 2021 09:46 PM (OU+8W)

I feel the same way, BC, although of course I am happy for the VA Morons.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 03, 2021 09:51 PM (h02fy)

285 Greetings, Legally sufficient. Hope your week is going well.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at November 03, 2021 09:47 PM (OU+8W)
* * * *
So far, so good. I trust your week is proceeding nicely.

Posted by: Legally Sufficient, Believing in America at November 03, 2021 09:52 PM (rwusL)

286 Apropos of nothing, I bought one of these padded range cases a few days ago and it came today. I can recommend it at this price.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at November 03, 2021 09:52 PM (h9tOc)

287 Simple and effective mission statement if followed closely prevents fuck ups;

Yer welcome.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at November 03, 2021 09:52 PM (eJn7u)

288 Casa REDACTED will look like the top pic very soon

aout 10 years ago, we got 4 feet on Halloween

Posted by: REDACTED at November 03, 2021 09:52 PM (us2H3)

289 I expect that when the Machine decides a bill is critical to future power like that, they make comfortable arrangements for the vulnerable ones, and if they get pushback, then the Epstein Island photos come out, or they start getting photos of the Seth Rich crime scene in the mail.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 03, 2021 09:50 PM (/KPLX)

Most of DC is compromised. Ok, vast majority.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at November 03, 2021 09:52 PM (c5jTU)

290 Husband still talks about Wyoming for some reason...wants to be near mountains. We've never even been there. Plus, I'm 29 and things are starting hurt when it gets cold or damp.

Posted by: lin-duh, duh, duh!!

Drove through Wyoming to Denver one early spring in the early eighties. Beautiful. Spring flowers , green grass budding on the prairie. Return trip made it to Rawlins before they closed the gate on the Interstate because of the blizzard. Had to follow a semi the last ten miles or so because we couldn't see the markers on the edge of the highway. Eight to ten foot drifts when the snow and wind finally subsided two days later.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * In omnia paratus at November 03, 2021 09:53 PM (tH9Bt)

291 @280

>>Note the caveat.

Yeah, the value and integrity of the medical and scientific community is approaching Whale Shit.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 03, 2021 09:53 PM (oHeld)

292 Arthritis in my hands...another reason I choose Texas over Idaho.
Posted by: redchief at November 03, 2021 09:46 PM (Kab4E)

I have been taking Boron. The good news is that my finger joints don't ache before the weather changes, but the down side is that my ability to predict the weather has degraded.

Posted by: Kindltot at November 03, 2021 09:53 PM (KbLYZ)

293 Who knows what, if any, protocols were followed, or not.
Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 09:50 PM (mD/uy)

We stink too much to go into the halls of Congress but it pulls them up short when they are made to follow protocol.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 09:53 PM (cZY+h)

294 274 MisHum,
I do believe you are a secret photographer amongst other things...
Posted by: lin-duh at November 03, 2021 09:48 PM (UUBmN)

I did a lot before the age of digital

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 03, 2021 09:54 PM (aA3+G)

295 I expect that when the Machine decides a bill is critical to future power like that, they make comfortable arrangements for the vulnerable ones,

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice

As long as the ratchet goes only one way...

"Two Steps Forward, One step Back" regardless

*yes Miklos is a Leninist of a Sort*

Posted by: Miklos, who had a Mandatory Exam in Marxism-Leninism at November 03, 2021 09:54 PM (QzkSJ)

296 219 Scraping the windshield, shoveling the driveway, idiots driving too fast for conditions and smashing into your vehicle, running the dog in a blizzard because she's from a sprint dog kennel, and freezing your parts off.
Posted by: tcn in AK,

Can't you just put a silicon mat on your windshield and avoid the whole mess?
Posted by: weft cut-loop at November 03, 2021 09:38 PM (1t5dY)

I tried something like that years ago and it didn't work well. My solution: Retire so you don't have to go out unless you want to. Keep stocked up on food and tp, so you don't have to go out unless you want to. Have remote start on your car so you can start it from inside the house and wait till it is all warmed up. Pay someone to plow your driveway.

Posted by: nerdygirl at November 03, 2021 09:55 PM (+lVUW)

297 284 Sorry to be Captain Bringdown, but my cynicism remains untarnished.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at November 03, 2021 09:46 PM (OU+8W)

I feel the same way, BC, although of course I am happy for the VA Morons.
Posted by: Jordan61 at November 03, 2021 09:51 PM (h02fy)

You both are sanctioned to Chinese Ping Pong Paddle torture until you see the brighter light.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 09:55 PM (cZY+h)

298 What happened to JJ? All I heard was something like "Goddam Twitter and Jack can go fuck themselves" or somesuch.
Posted by: Rhubarb Ranch at November 03, 2021 09:50 PM (gV9uv)
* * * *
The sidebar said something about technical difficulties. I don't Twitter so I really have no idea what may have happened.

Posted by: Legally Sufficient, Believing in America at November 03, 2021 09:55 PM (rwusL)

299 We stink too much to go into the halls of Congress but it pulls them up short when they are made to follow protocol.
Posted by: Braenyard

"These Hallowed Halls. . . "
"The Greatest Deliberative Body in the World. . . "

Please with the self-flattery. F*cking asshoes, the lot of them.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 09:55 PM (mD/uy)

300 @287


A thoroughly written and researched scope of work or RFP helps immensely.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 03, 2021 09:55 PM (oHeld)

301 They make huge bracelets that are also flasks. But they're not hiding anything. I mean they're big thick rings with a "jewel" that is a cap.

My wife can't drink milk because of allergies. And when we go to get coffee at most non-froofroo places like diners they're not gonna have any of that fancy almond or coconut or oat milk substitute. So I bought her a flask so she can bring almond milk with her and I was thoughtful enough to have one engraved with:

Totally not a flask filled with booze

Posted by: banana Dream at November 03, 2021 09:56 PM (Bpwyi)

302 I did a lot before the age of digital
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 03, 2021 09:54 PM (aA3+G)

Those daguerreotypes were really something weren't they!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at November 03, 2021 09:56 PM (hOUT3)

303 >Simple and effective mission statement if followed closely prevents fuck ups;
Posted by: Xipe Totec at November 03, 2021 09:52 PM (eJn7u)

I'm partial to the Shepard's Prayer version of that.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 09:56 PM (cSs/W)

304 34 Tom Servo

If Pelosi adds back all the heinous pork that has been cut, doesn't that put her less Communist members at risk, though? Am I assuming something that doesn't exist: empathy for D Congressmen facing tough elections in 2022?

Posted by: EveR at November 03, 2021 09:56 PM (MUpk6)

305 My solution: Retire so you don't have to go out unless you want to. Keep stocked up on food and tp, so you don't have to go out unless you want to. Have remote start on your car so you can start it from inside the house and wait till it is all warmed up. Pay someone to plow your driveway.
Posted by: nerdygirl

Newsletter details if you please!

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 09:56 PM (mD/uy)

306 does one really need an axiom aout repeating history to know damn well that slavery is wrong ?

Posted by: REDACTED at November 03, 2021 09:56 PM (us2H3)

307 Alan Parsons Project, Pyramid. On LP. Got me a great copy. I have a great turntable with adequate speakers. Works for me.

Posted by: Pug Mahon at November 03, 2021 09:56 PM (x8Wzq)

308 You both are sanctioned to Chinese Ping Pong Paddle torture until you see the brighter light.
Posted by: Braenyard


Posted by: Sexy Secretary Bootygig at November 03, 2021 09:57 PM (QzkSJ)

309 about *

Posted by: REDACTED at November 03, 2021 09:57 PM (us2H3)

310 Re Alzheimer cure - I hope they find a way to reverse or slow down Parkinson's too.

Posted by: IC - #FJB at November 03, 2021 09:57 PM (hV9ir)

311 Go over to Legal Insurrection to see Andrew Branca's take on Kyle's trial.

The ADA trying to get Kyle hanged is rotten to the core.

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 03, 2021 09:57 PM (mugJX)

312 If Covid was being managed by honest institutions, it would have been over almost as soon as it started.

Posted by: CppThis at November 03, 2021 09:58 PM (UewuT)

313 I have been taking Boron.
Posted by: Kindltot at November 03, 2021 09:53 PM (KbLYZ)

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 09:58 PM (cSs/W)

314 does one really need an axiom aout repeating history to know damn well that slavery is wrong ?
Posted by: REDACTED at November 03, 2021 09:56 PM (us2H3)

Wrong has nothing to do with it, it is the current ability to BLAME that makes it so attractive!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Lie back and think of the sweet graft! ~ at November 03, 2021 09:58 PM (hOUT3)

315 If Covid was being managed by honest institutions, it would have been over almost as soon as it started.
Posted by: CppThis

Literally - #twoweeks.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 09:58 PM (mD/uy)

316 I'm partial to the Shepard's Prayer version of that.
Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 09:56 PM (cSs/W)

Yeah, thought I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil, for I am the baddest motherfucker in the valley.

Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at November 03, 2021 09:58 PM (qvjMx)

317 250 I saw that. She's pissed. It was a thing of beauty.

She's afraid that moderate Democratic House members will remember how many moderate Democratic House members lost their jobs after ObamaCare was passed, and will be less than inclined to vote for President Brandon's slush fund bills.
Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 03, 2021 09:42 PM (I2/tG)

It's a tough sell - in order to pass it *just in the house*, she's got to convince the moderates to fall on their swords and go on record with a far left wing vote, even though they all know it's going to die in the Senate. She's a general sending her soldiers out to die for a hill that means absolutely nothing.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 03, 2021 09:59 PM (evAgx)

318 Back in my drinkin' days, a good rye was quite tasty. Always liked Canadian and soda, but then i found good American rye which i added to peppermint tea (wry & pepperminty).

Posted by: SFGoth at November 03, 2021 09:59 PM (KAi1n)

319 My solution: Retire so you don't have to go out unless you want to. Keep stocked up on food and tp, so you don't have to go out unless you want to. Have remote start on your car so you can start it from inside the house and wait till it is all warmed up. Pay someone to plow your driveway.

You talking snow storm or covid?

Posted by: Some Rat at November 03, 2021 09:59 PM (r1z5A)

320 If Covid was being managed by honest institutions, it would have been over almost as soon as it started.
Posted by: CppThis

If WuFlu hadn't been created by dishonest institutions...

Posted by: Miklos on point at November 03, 2021 09:59 PM (QzkSJ)

Ya know, I remember back in the '90s, some conservatives were pushing for "Flowers for Algernon" to be banned from schools because of the parts discussing sexuality. I thought that was ridiculous at the time (and still do), but look how different things are now. The schools stock gay pornos with pictures of dudes sucking each other off and everything, the whole magilla, and parents who object are treated like common criminals for their audacity.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 03, 2021 10:00 PM (/KPLX)

322 @285 - well, who knows. All I know right now is that I'm drinking too much and don't have any cats. Sounds like a premise for an action movie, really.....

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at November 03, 2021 10:00 PM (OU+8W)

323 Bill Maher has tried to warn Democrats to tone it down. Good thing they're so tone deaf.
Posted by: ALH at November 03, 2021 09:40 PM (/+B8L)

He pisses me off more than most liberals because he knows they're hypocrites and that their ultra liberal policies are ridiculous, but he still supports them. He's so rich that the crap he votes for won't harm him. Communities like mine are seeing an increase in crime. Rich liberals in the entertainment industry don't care because their wealth shelters them from reality.

Posted by: nerdygirl at November 03, 2021 10:00 PM (+lVUW)

324 Hey everybody! Hey ONT! Thanks MisHum!

MisHum, good content tonight. I especially like your comment, "for years you have abused men." I didn't know we were on the same page re how feminism has become rampant misandry.

Also I love the Adam Ant song Goody Two Shoes, especially the funny little drum bang at the very end of it.

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 03, 2021 10:01 PM (L2ZTs)

325 If Covid was being managed by honest institutions, it would have been over almost as soon as it started.
Posted by: CppThis at November 03, 2021 09:58 PM (UewuT)

It would have been H1N1v2.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at November 03, 2021 10:02 PM (h9tOc)

326 Magna Carta Cartel, Sleepy Eye June

Tobias Forge's band prior to Ghost

Posted by: BourbonChicken at November 03, 2021 10:02 PM (ybIRR)

327 I saw that. She's pissed. It was a thing of beauty.


the current and soon to be former Leader of The VA House of Delegates was on MSLSD a lot last night.

Would be amused to see if she has been in front of a camera and microphone today.

Posted by: Schadenfreudemiklos at November 03, 2021 10:02 PM (QzkSJ)

328 I have been taking Boron. The good news is that my finger joints don't ache before the weather changes, but the down side is that my ability to predict the weather has degraded.

Posted by: Kindltot at November 03, 2021 09:53 PM (KbLYZ)

The daily multi I take has 150mcg of Boron in it. How much are you taking?

Posted by: redchief at November 03, 2021 10:02 PM (Kab4E)

329 Good Lord that "golden penis" thing is stupid. You want Chad and Tyrone to not have outsized egos because they think there will always be women available? Stop fucking them. Simple.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw at November 03, 2021 10:03 PM (II3Gr)

330 Winter is space management. We normally get 4 feet of snow a year. It's challenging. A few years ago we got 9 feet. It was a real space management problem.
Posted by: Muad'dib

First winter I lived here we got 158 inches of cumulative snowfall. Old guy down the road measured and recorded every snow day and turned it in to the local paper at the end of the month. I wondered what I had gotten myself into.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * In omnia paratus at November 03, 2021 10:03 PM (tH9Bt)

331 He pisses me off more than most liberals because he knows they're hypocrites and that their ultra liberal policies are ridiculous, but he still supports them. He's so rich that the crap he votes for won't harm him. Communities like mine are seeing an increase in crime. Rich liberals in the entertainment industry don't care because their wealth shelters them from reality.
Posted by: nerdygirl


Posted by: Some Rat at November 03, 2021 10:03 PM (r1z5A)

332 305 My solution: Retire so you don't have to go out unless you want to. Keep stocked up on food and tp, so you don't have to go out unless you want to. Have remote start on your car so you can start it from inside the house and wait till it is all warmed up. Pay someone to plow your driveway.
Posted by: nerdygirl

#1 that would be a lot of food

#2 they have a new fangled invention called a garage

#3 you will spend a lot of time in the spring putting back all the sod that a paid plow guy will dig up with their plow. Yhey don't give a shit about your yard. Kinda like Hud and Alma's garden

#4 I forgot what #4 is

Posted by: REDACTED at November 03, 2021 10:03 PM (us2H3)

333 Also I love the Adam Ant song Goody Two Shoes, especially the funny little drum bang at the very end of it.
Posted by: qdpsteve

I would support a teachers' union that used that video.

Posted by: Miklos recalls the miniskirt young teacherladies at November 03, 2021 10:03 PM (QzkSJ)

334 Yeah, thought I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil, for I am the baddest motherfucker in the valley.
Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at November 03, 2021 09:58 PM (qvjMx)

As Saul's men are singing
getthemotherfucker, getthemotherfucker, getthemotherfucker, yea

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 10:04 PM (cZY+h)

335 Good evening y'all!

Gutfeld is on

Posted by: westminsterbooshow at November 03, 2021 10:04 PM (/UQ/R)

336 And stop bitching about there not being any "good men" around. You won't give them the time of day, then whine when the bad boys pump and dump your stupid asses. Tough shit.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw at November 03, 2021 10:04 PM (II3Gr)

337 It's great that Bill Maher appears to be discovering the ill effects of rampant collectivism, but the fact that for basically my whole adult life he's been one of the primary spokesmen for the smug pseudo-intellectual liberal faction that birthed the monster that's now consuming everything--including them--is not lost on me.

Posted by: CppThis at November 03, 2021 10:04 PM (UewuT)

338 nerdygirl, exactamundo!!

One of the biggest libs I know lives in a gated community deep in the hills of Lake Forest. She's NEVER going to have to deal with any of the fallout of her bullshit politics.

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 03, 2021 10:04 PM (L2ZTs)

339 330 Winter is space management. We normally get 4 feet of snow a year. It's challenging. A few years ago we got 9 feet. It was a real space management problem.
Posted by: Muad'dib

First winter I lived here we got 158 inches of cumulative snowfall. Old guy down the road measured and recorded every snow day and turned it in to the local paper at the end of the month. I wondered what I had gotten myself into.
Posted by: Sock Monkey * In omnia paratus at November 03, 2021 10:03 PM (

I use to live close to Maud
Moved to Lake Superior snow belt
Took awhile to get use to winter here

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 03, 2021 10:04 PM (aA3+G)

340 Insom, you sound like Paul Elam!

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 03, 2021 10:05 PM (L2ZTs)

341 Re: Wyoming Winter.

I was on a survey job doing measurements for a fiber optic route along the Union Pacific RR across Wyoming one Winter. Nothing but freezing cold, wind, impassable snow drifts, wind, ravines choked with dead antelope or mule deer buried alive by snow. Did I mention wind?

One thing I did learn was that the rails do sing. The sound of the metal wheels on the steel rails is beautiful. The whole bed of rails bounces one to feet as the train rushes past. Watching a train coming at you in the distance throwing snow on either side of the engine is another majestic site.

Posted by: Beartooth at November 03, 2021 10:05 PM (d8xPm)

342 >Yeah, thought I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil, for I am the baddest motherfucker in the valley.
Posted by: tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief at November 03, 2021 09:58 PM (qvjMx)

Haha, I should have been clearer that I meant astronaut Alan Shepard's prayer:
"Dear Lord, please don't let me fuck up"

Although the Biblical prayer is also very hard to beat.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 10:06 PM (cSs/W)

343 Simple.
Posted by: Insomniac

Insom should pull a Cameron Crowe (Fast Times) and attend a local college.

Posted by: Miklos, greetings fellow Collegians, how do you do? at November 03, 2021 10:06 PM (QzkSJ)

344 MisHum, did the weather there look like this?

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 03, 2021 10:06 PM (L2ZTs)

345 Insomniac,
How's that scarf working for you??

Posted by: lin-duh at November 03, 2021 10:06 PM (UUBmN)

346 @285 - well, who knows. All I know right now is that I'm drinking too much and don't have any cats. Sounds like a premise for an action movie, really.....
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at November 03, 2021 10:00 PM (OU+8W)
* * * *
You need a strategy for increasing the number of resident kitties before the end of the month or year. Set a schedule to scope out the shelters or wherever you plan to acquire your next pet and stick with it. Get the food lined up when it is appropriate to do so. Then enjoy your new pet(s)! Life will be gooder!

Posted by: Legally Sufficient, Believing in America at November 03, 2021 10:07 PM (rwusL)

347 336 And stop bitching about there not being any "good men" around. You won't give them the time of day, then whine when the bad boys pump and dump your stupid asses. Tough shit.
Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw at November 03, 2021 10:04 PM (II3Gr)

Aaron Clarey has a couple of great video rants on that subject. Basically boils down to "You ladies could have chosen Jim the oil rig worker who makes $80k/year in a cheap part of the country and no debt, but instead you chose Trevor the social-justice major with no job and a six figure college loan. Enjoy Trevor's baggage, because you did it to yourselves."

Posted by: CppThis at November 03, 2021 10:07 PM (UewuT)

348 My boss made some kind of over-the-top joke along the lines of "well now you can tell everyone what a great boss you have" and I made a slow-blink. I didn't mean to.

I'm on to greener pastures in 2 weeks so there's that.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at November 03, 2021 10:07 PM (ybIRR)

349 #4 I forgot what #4 is
Posted by: REDACTED at November 03, 2021 10:03 PM (us2H3)

It happens.

Posted by: Rick Perry at November 03, 2021 10:08 PM (Ojki1)

350 I did a lot before the age of digital
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at November 03, 2021 09:54 PM (aA3+G)

Here is an idea: Hybrid Photography. You use the film of your choice in the roll film camera of your choice. Say it's 35 mm, which I expect would be the most used. So you shoot off a roll of Ektachrome, pop it into a little tabletop machine the size of a microwave oven, along with a cartridge that contains all the necessary chemicals for the Ektachrome process. The machine, which is fully automated, develops and fixes the film, dries it, and scans each frame at high resolution, displays the image on a screen, and stores each scan on a large solid-state drive. You could network the machine to a computer, photo-quality printer, or just display a slide show on a big-screen TV. The film could rolled into another cassette for archival purposes, or cut and put into slide mounts, or sent to a pro photo lab to have quality eleargements made.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 03, 2021 10:08 PM (P3gRi)

351 Insom, you sound like Paul Elam!
Posted by: qdpsteve

*squinches up eye*

Posted by: Jack Elam at November 03, 2021 10:08 PM (QzkSJ)

352 Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark, depression, excessive misery
If it werent for bad luck Id have no luck at all

After I count down, three rounds in hell
Ill be in good company

Posted by: The Maskless and Unvaxed Ranger at November 03, 2021 10:08 PM (hQVBP)

353 Communities like mine are seeing an increase in crime. Rich liberals in the entertainment industry don't care because their wealth shelters them from reality.
Posted by: nerdygirl at November 03, 2021 10:00 PM (+lVUW)

California's destiny is a land oligarchs and those who serve them. It will be like China only good weather.

Get out while you can. - You can be a hermit somewhere else.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 10:09 PM (cZY+h)

354 339 330 Winter is space management. We normally get 4 feet of snow a year. It's challenging. A few years ago we got 9 feet. It was a real space management problem.
Posted by: Muad'dib

not when you have 40 acres and a nice steep edge of a creek

Posted by: REDACTED at November 03, 2021 10:09 PM (us2H3)

355 Mentioned upthread.
Just came from Ft Lewis and the class VI store.
Surprisingly number of shortages. Damn dems.

Posted by: Diogenes at November 03, 2021 10:10 PM (axyOa)

356 I was going to stick around and comment after I got caught up on the conversation, but I think I used up all my posting for the month last night.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 03, 2021 10:10 PM (Y+l9t)

357 A study has managed to reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in mice


All I know is that if mice have ever eaten anything then people are no longer allowed to consume it.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 10:10 PM (4NtyV)

358 Here's one of my favorite AP Project songs just for you Pug.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * In omnia paratus at November 03, 2021 10:11 PM (tH9Bt)

359 Insomniac,
How's that scarf working for you??
Posted by: lin-duh



Posted by: Miklos the Stickler at November 03, 2021 10:11 PM (QzkSJ)

360 349 #4 I forgot what #4 is
Posted by: REDACTED at November 03, 2021 10:03 PM (us2H3)

It happens.
Posted by: Rick Perry at November 03, 2021 10:08 PM (Ojki1)

boy, did not see that one coming

Posted by: REDACTED at November 03, 2021 10:11 PM (us2H3)

361 I think I used up all my posting for the month last night.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice)

Hey! How'd you get out of the barrel? The escape committee wants to know.

Posted by: Some Rat at November 03, 2021 10:12 PM (r1z5A)

I wonder what happened with JJ. I listened for quite a while, but I eventually had to drop it - the other guests were just going on and on about COVID and after an hour of that I gave up. I know a lot of Morons find that story interesting, but I checked out on that one about a year and a half ago, because I find it So. Damned. Boring.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 03, 2021 10:12 PM (/KPLX)

363 Ben Had, if you're here, i made it to Corsicana after 8pm. Nasty weather, and idiots that don't know how to get out of the passing lane (doing 68 in a 75 no less). Gps took me down tollway 49 near Tyler. No troll booths. Any natives know how I'm gonna get billed.

What's my dang hash here?

Posted by: BifBewalski on the road @ (?????) - at November 03, 2021 10:12 PM (6h8E0)

364 Read this funny on IG earlier:
A group of Karens is called a homeowners association.

Posted by: keena at November 03, 2021 10:12 PM (RiTnx)

365 Some Rat:
for the escape sequence, see "Shawshank Redemption."

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 03, 2021 10:13 PM (L2ZTs)

366 but instead you chose Trevor the social-justice major with no job and a six figure college loan. Enjoy Trevor's baggage, because you did it to yourselves."

The impression I get is that it mostly goes the other way - that interested males flee when they find out about the $200,000 in debt you acquired getting that master's in sociology.

Two-thirds of student debt is held by women - nearly a trillion dollars. Men are less inclined to acquire a six-figure debt for a largely useless degree.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 03, 2021 10:13 PM (I2/tG)

367 Sarah Hoyt had to move from Colorado!

The altitude was killing her. I was so privileged to meet her in 2019!

Go fuck me page set up for her at


Posted by: westminsterbooshow at November 03, 2021 10:13 PM (/UQ/R)

368 "Do you know who I am?" even with valid Congressional ID, will not gain you access to a military installation. There is a process for VIPs, well - any civilian really, to be authorized for admittance.


It's my understanding all the guards are foreigners who have no connection to America, so they probably haven't the slightest idea who any representatives are. Nor can vote.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 10:14 PM (4NtyV)

369 358 Here's one of my favorite AP Project songs just for you Pug.
Posted by: Sock Monkey * In omnia paratus at November 03, 2021 10:11 PM (tH9Bt)

oh that's a good one, one of AP's best!

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 03, 2021 10:14 PM (evAgx)

370 What's my dang hash here?
Posted by: BifBewalski on the road @ (?????) - at November 03, 2021 10:12 PM (6h8E0)

Something to do with hate, apparently.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 03, 2021 10:14 PM (h02fy)

371 Husband still talks about Wyoming for some reason...wants to be near mountains. We've never even been there. Plus, I'm 29 and things are starting hurt when it gets cold or damp.

Sheridan , WY. Not nearly as infected like Jackson. Gorgeous and a neat downtown.

Posted by: free tibet at November 03, 2021 10:15 PM (eRc8h)

372 Gps took me down tollway 49 near Tyler. No troll booths. Any natives know how I'm gonna get billed.

What's my dang hash here?
Posted by: BifBewalski on the road @ (?????)
Shouldn't cost more than $200-$300....

Posted by: lin-duh at November 03, 2021 10:15 PM (UUBmN)

373 I wasn't in the barrel! I have never been in the barrel. I think it was Helena Handbasket and I don't know how a good person like Helena could ahve done anything that landed her in the barrel.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 03, 2021 10:15 PM (Y+l9t)

374 4 I forgot what #4 is
Posted by: REDACTED

Shoveling roofs.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * In omnia paratus at November 03, 2021 10:15 PM (tH9Bt)

375 It's my understanding all the guards are foreigners who have no connection to America, so they probably haven't the slightest idea who any representatives are. Nor can legally vote.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 10:14 PM (4NtyV)

FTFY, cause I'll bet they did yesterday.

Posted by: Bete at November 03, 2021 10:16 PM (Ojki1)

The daily multi I take has 150mcg of Boron in it. How much are you taking?
Posted by: redchief at November 03, 2021 10:02 PM (Kab4E)

240 mg Calcium Fructoborate a day which gives 6 mg boron
This is the amount that was used in a study of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis (per

Posted by: Kindltot at November 03, 2021 10:16 PM (KbLYZ)

377 The Royal Marines "dominated" the US in the five-day simulation, it said, with US forces asking for a "reset" less than halfway through.


"The US transgender forces needed to reset their synchronized menstrual cycles. I couldn't be prouder if I was a transgender mother myself!" -- Gen. Milley Vanilli

Posted by: ShainS -- State-Stamped Sluggish Schizophrenic at November 03, 2021 10:16 PM (cUUIs)

378 Gps took me down tollway 49 near Tyler. No troll booths. Any natives know how I'm gonna get billed.

What's my dang hash here?
Posted by: BifBewalski on the road @ (?????) - at November 03, 2021 10:12 PM (6h8E0)

they have cameras that take pictures of your license plate, they'll send a bill in the mail. (texas residents can buy a Texas Toll Tag that goes on the windshield that takes care of it)

nice hash!

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 03, 2021 10:16 PM (evAgx)

Actually, that's not quite true. I keep a close eye on the "government excess" part of the COVID story, because we all kind of have to keep abreast of it as a survival strategy.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 03, 2021 10:16 PM (/KPLX)

380 FTFY, cause I'll bet they did yesterday.


Good point.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 10:16 PM (4NtyV)

381 I wasn't in the barrel! I have never been in the barrel. I think it was Helena Handbasket and I don't know how a good person like Helena could ahve done anything that landed her in the barrel.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 03, 2021 10:15 PM (Y+l9t)

I've been there a few times. I'm not good at closing my italics.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 03, 2021 10:17 PM (h02fy)

382 foreigners who have no connection to America, so they probably haven't the slightest idea who any representatives are. Nor can vote.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 10:14 PM (4NtyV)

I love the sense of subtle humor on display here!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) - Lie back and think of that sweet graft! ~ at November 03, 2021 10:17 PM (hOUT3)

383 It's my understanding all the guards are foreigners who have no connection to America, so they probably haven't the slightest idea who any representatives are. Nor can vote.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 10:14 PM (4NtyV)


Posted by: Tom Servo at November 03, 2021 10:18 PM (evAgx)

384 South central Montana today- 60 and golf. Tomorrow 70 and golf.

Posted by: free tibet at November 03, 2021 10:18 PM (eRc8h)

385 I wasn't in the barrel! I have never been in the barrel. I think it was Helena Handbasket and I don't know how a good person like Helena could ahve done anything that landed her in the barrel.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice)

Oh, I think whoever it was, it was due to exuberant bolding.

Posted by: Some Rat at November 03, 2021 10:18 PM (r1z5A)

386 Jordan, caught a glimpse and I think she was too BOLD.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 03, 2021 10:18 PM (Y+l9t)

387 Two-thirds of student debt is held by women - nearly a trillion dollars. Men are less inclined to acquire a six-figure debt for a largely useless degree.

This is blamed on sexism, of course. Women, you see have to have "more education" to make as much as men. They are also more likely to go to for-profit colleges.

Of course, a lot of that is that men are more likely to take tough jobs like electrical lineman, water treatment plant technician, or being the guy unloading the trucks at the chain supermarket in the middle of the night. Might explain part of the alleged wage gap.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 03, 2021 10:18 PM (I2/tG)

388 Six hatefull enlisted? Oh hell yeah, i like this one!

Weasel, did you cut diagonally southwest at the Tyler exits on I-20? Nice four lanes most of the way to Waco. Too bad it was dark and rainy, bet that was a nice drive. At least i'll be doing this portion of the run early Saturday morning.

Tomorrow is health and welfare check ups on Mom & Dad. Dad got relocated against his will down to Mom's place last month. According to Mom, he's scatter brained. I think he's just tired of her shit after being married to her since '45.

At least i can distract him with some scout___ around the ranch for the cougar (cat, you asshoes. Get yer mind out of the gutter) that has been stalking Mom. When i first spotted his sign, i noticed a 4" front paw print. Maybe i'll get a shot at him. Maybe not.

Posted by: BifBewalski on the road @ (6h8E0) - at November 03, 2021 10:18 PM (6h8E0)

389 The impression I get is that it mostly goes the other way - that interested males flee when they find out about the $200,000 in debt you acquired getting that master's in sociology.
Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 03, 2021 10:13 PM (I2/tG)

Fair point on the debt--though it does cut both ways--but his larger issue was that women have conflated college degrees with social class and are unwilling to consider "marrying down" to a blue collar guy so they settle for Trevor while fantasizing about the 50 Shades Of Gray guy.

Posted by: CppThis at November 03, 2021 10:19 PM (UewuT)

390 I don't know how a good person like Helena could ahve done anything that landed her in the barrel.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 03, 2021 10:15 PM (Y+l9t)

She didn't keep her tabs closed.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 10:20 PM (cZY+h)

391 Also I love the Adam Ant song Goody Two Shoes, especially the funny little drum bang at the very end of it.
Posted by: qdpsteve

Caroline Munro - yum!

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 10:21 PM (mD/uy)

392 Fair point on the debt--though it does cut both ways--but his larger issue was that women have conflated college degrees with social class and are unwilling to consider "marrying down" to a blue collar guy so they settle for Trevor while fantasizing about the 50 Shades Of Gray guy.
Posted by: CppThis at November 03, 2021 10:19 PM (UewuT)

So the cat population in the US is in for a massive boom period.

Posted by: Bete at November 03, 2021 10:22 PM (Ojki1)

393 Tony, did she appear in the music video?

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 03, 2021 10:22 PM (L2ZTs)

394 ----
Shouldn't cost more than $200-$300....
Posted by: lin-duh at November 03, 2021 10:15 PM (UUBmN)
they have cameras that take pictures of your license plate, they'll send a bill in the mail. (texas residents can buy a Texas Toll Tag that goes on the windshield that takes care of it)

nice hash!
Posted by: Tom Servo at November 03, 2021 10:16 PM (evAgx)

Lin-duh, i so hope yer kidding. I saw a camera flash, was speed___ just a wee bit. 'bama doesnt require a front plate, so crossing my fingers i dont get a speeding ticket and a state inspection sticker, plus missing front plat ticket with lin-duh's jinx on the troll toll.

Posted by: BifBewalski on the road @ (6h8E0) - at November 03, 2021 10:23 PM (6h8E0)

395 South central Montana today- 60 and golf. Tomorrow 70 and golf.
Posted by: free tibet at November 03, 2021 10:18 PM (eRc8h)

That reminds me, hubs broke 90 today for the first time ever. He was very excited.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 03, 2021 10:23 PM (h02fy)

396 Arf!

Posted by: Sandy at November 03, 2021 10:24 PM (VxC1e)

397 Maybe i'll get a shot at him. Maybe not.
Posted by: BifBewalski on the road

Wounded rabbit call.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * In omnia paratus at November 03, 2021 10:25 PM (tH9Bt)

398 That reminds me, hubs broke 90 today for the first time ever. He was very excited.
Posted by: Jordan61

He looks way younger than that.

Posted by: Some Rat at November 03, 2021 10:25 PM (r1z5A)

399 Also Tonypete, I looked up ELO's violinist, Chereene Allen, yesterday.

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 03, 2021 10:25 PM (L2ZTs)

400 Thanks Tibet. I'll research Sheridan

Posted by: lin-duh at November 03, 2021 10:25 PM (UUBmN)

401 Arf!
Posted by: Sandy

Good Sandy.

Posted by: Mama Warbucks Liz Cheney at November 03, 2021 10:25 PM (QzkSJ)

402 Go fuck me page set up for her at

Posted by: westminsterbooshow

Whether a slip or not, I snorted, WDS.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 10:26 PM (mD/uy)

Wounded rabbit call.
Posted by: Sock Monkey * In omnia paratus at November 03, 2021 10:25 PM (tH9Bt)

Would one of Mom's nasty ass chihuahuas suffice? Kidding. Horrible little ankle biters, but they are what alert the brute squad dog (Morris, Great Pyrenees) and he makes every step Mom does.

Posted by: BifBewalski on the road @ (6h8E0) - at November 03, 2021 10:28 PM (6h8E0)

404 Ha. From the comment section at an article about how the majority of Vermonters COVID deaths are vaccinated:

It's a vaccine to prevent
It's a vaccine to prevent some
It's a vaccine to lessen symptoms
Don't worry, breakthrough cases are expected
Get the booster
Get the booster Get the booster

Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 10:28 PM (4NtyV)

405 Tony, did she appear in the music video?
Posted by: qdpsteve

Yep - she played the reluctant reporterette.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 10:28 PM (mD/uy)

406 Everyone is talking about Rittenhouse, but will no one think of the poor dumpster fire?

Posted by: BourbonChicken at November 03, 2021 10:29 PM (ybIRR)

407 Everyone is talking about Rittenhouse, but will no one think of the poor dumpster fire?


He got shot in the head at the start, right?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 10:29 PM (4NtyV)

408 When the levee breaks, mama you got to move.

Posted by: Robert Plant at November 03, 2021 10:30 PM (VxC1e)

409 BifBewalski on the road @ (?????) - at November 03, 2021 10:12 PM (6h8E0)

Old Biff Bewalski had a farm


Posted by: Miklos, working from memory at November 03, 2021 10:30 PM (QzkSJ)

410 Bif,
Yes, I was joking. There is a bit of a surcharge if you don't have a toll tag but it shouldn't too much.

Posted by: lin-duh at November 03, 2021 10:30 PM (UUBmN)

411 I think young single women in college only have that social setting to meet eligible men. There are not a lot of opportunity to meet a plumber's apprentice or a master electrician when you are in college. After college, there again are not a lot of social settings other than bars to meet people or work. If you are religious there might be a social setting.
Fantasizing about meeting that perfect handsome rich guy is no different than some of you drooling over the latest well endowed film star as evidenced by the comments over the Who Dis female.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 03, 2021 10:30 PM (Y+l9t)

412 It's a vaccine to prevent
It's a vaccine to prevent some
It's a vaccine to lessen symptoms
Don't worry, breakthrough cases are expected
Get the booster
Get the booster Get the booster
Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see

You rubes just don't understand how science works.

Posted by: The CDC at November 03, 2021 10:30 PM (r1z5A)

413 Fantasizing about meeting that perfect handsome rich guy is no different than some of you drooling over the latest well endowed film star as evidenced by the comments over the Who Dis female.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 03, 2021 10:30 PM (Y+l9t)


To be fair, most of those Who Dis chicks are mostly, you know,


Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 03, 2021 10:32 PM (VxC1e)

414 Old Biff Bewalski had a farm

Posted by: Miklos, working from memory at November 03, 2021 10:30 PM (QzkSJ)

Dang, i wish i had thought of that. How's it going Miklos?

Posted by: BifBewalski on the road @ (6h8E0) - at November 03, 2021 10:32 PM (6h8E0)

415 You rubes just don't understand how science works.
Posted by: The CDC


Posted by: Miklos, ed. (not a real Ed) at November 03, 2021 10:32 PM (QzkSJ)

416 That perfect handsome rich guy only appears in Romance novels so not much different.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 03, 2021 10:33 PM (Y+l9t)

417 Fantasizing about meeting that perfect handsome rich guy is no different than some of you drooling over the latest well endowed film star as evidenced by the comments over the Who Dis female.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice)

Female friend on college boyfriends: "It's all about the upgrade."

Posted by: Some Rat at November 03, 2021 10:34 PM (r1z5A)

418 Yes, I was joking. There is a bit of a surcharge if you don't have a toll tag but it shouldn't too much.
Posted by: lin-duh at November 03, 2021 10:30 PM (UUBmN)

I'll live. Should have reviewd the route more closely anyway. This way, i can suffer the learning experience monetarily...just like non-judicial ucmj punishment.

Posted by: BifBewalski on the road @ (6h8E0) - at November 03, 2021 10:34 PM (6h8E0)

419 414 Old Biff Bewalski had a farm

Posted by: Miklos, working from memory at November 03, 2021 10:30 PM (QzkSJ)

h8'ers gonna h8.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 03, 2021 10:35 PM (evAgx)

420 When a single woman looks for a man at church she finds that they're like parking spaces: all of the good ones are either taken or handicapped.

Posted by: David Murrow's book at November 03, 2021 10:35 PM (jYQlA)

421 Dang, i wish i had thought of that. How's it going Miklos?
Posted by: BifBewalski

Cool enough to hang out by the fire and cook goulash in a big pot over that fire.

Alcohol is typically involved, 'cause Tradition.

Posted by: Miklos, Betanított szakács at November 03, 2021 10:35 PM (QzkSJ)

422 Fantasizing about meeting that perfect handsome rich guy is no different than some of you drooling over the latest well endowed film star as evidenced by the comments over the Who Dis female.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 03, 2021 10:30 PM (Y+l9t)

Unless you set that as your goal and pass on anyone who doesn't meet that.

This especially doesn't work if you are not a drop dead gorgeous type looking for Brad Pitt. Also applies to guys who think they are a step below Brad Pitt and aim for someone who will meet all their "conditions", missing the fact that they are at best a Danny Divito sans the money.

Posted by: Bete at November 03, 2021 10:35 PM (Ojki1)

423 Female friend on college boyfriends: "It's all about the upgrade."

Posted by: Some Rat

Hmmm. I must of missed that class because I was just looking for sex, drugs and rock and roll.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 03, 2021 10:35 PM (Y+l9t)

424 Doric, Ionic or Corinthian. You be the judge.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 03, 2021 10:36 PM (VxC1e)

425 I'm out, y'all have fun.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 10:36 PM (4NtyV)

426 To be fair, most of those Who Dis chicks are mostly, you know,


That's what I love about 'em. All the sex, none of the talky talk.

Posted by: necrophiliac at November 03, 2021 10:37 PM (QU5/8)

427 All right. I need some sleep, update all y'all tomorrow evening on the daily soap drama that is my parents. Maybe a photo of some large cat sign (promise, no scat) if i see any.

Posted by: BifBewalski on the road @ (6h8E0) - at November 03, 2021 10:37 PM (6h8E0)

428 Tony, did she appear in the music video?
Posted by: qdpsteve

Yep - she played the reluctant reporterette.
Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 10:28 PM (mD/uy)

Adam Ant was pretty easy on the eyes back then. Nowadays he looks like whats-his-face, who played Al Swearengen.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 03, 2021 10:37 PM (h02fy)

429 Hmmm. I must of missed that class because I was just looking for sex, drugs and rock and roll.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice)

Heh! Any woman who looks for those things, finds them.

Posted by: Some Rat at November 03, 2021 10:38 PM (r1z5A)

430 Doric, Ionic or Corinthian. You be the judge.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 03, 2021 10:36 PM (VxC1e)

I will . . . take one from column A, and two from column B. Is there a desert menu?

Posted by: Kindltot at November 03, 2021 10:38 PM (KbLYZ)

431 Great Pyrenees) and he makes every step Mom does.
Posted by: BifBewalski

She's in good hands (paws?) then. When old Marcus Barkus Rufus Dufus O'Malley finally toters off this mortal coil , our next dog is likely a GP. Mrs. Sock carries when she's wandering the property but the grandkids don't. Not yet anyway.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * In omnia paratus at November 03, 2021 10:39 PM (tH9Bt)

432 424 Doric, Ionic or Corinthian. You be the judge.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 03, 2021 10:36 PM (VxC1e)

That cut-rate Ionic leather seriously sucks.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at November 03, 2021 10:39 PM (gbfHZ)

433 Heh! Any woman who looks for those things, finds them.

Posted by: Some Rat


Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 03, 2021 10:39 PM (Y+l9t)

434 Was Sarah Hoyt the one made that observation, some thing like being in the weird place where things are too broken to fix, but not bad enough for a revolt yet?

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 03, 2021 10:39 PM (/KPLX)

435 That perfect handsome rich guy only appears in Romance novels so not much different.
Posted by: sharon

Have I explained the tragic story of my disposessed Royal Family? We gave the money to the Orphans. And orphan kittens. Including most of the Crown Jewels. Most.

Posted by: Crown Prince Miklos of Miklostania at November 03, 2021 10:40 PM (QzkSJ)

436 When a single woman looks for a man at church she finds that they're like parking spaces: all of the good ones are either taken or handicapped.
Posted by: David Murrow's book

And most are far enough out, you need to use the shuttle to find them.

Posted by: Some Rat at November 03, 2021 10:40 PM (r1z5A)

437 Given the drift of modern churches, I'm somewhat skeptical of church being a terrific place to find a mate. BIL met his ex-wife at church. She was crazier than a shithouse rat. Hence, the ex- status.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at November 03, 2021 10:40 PM (QU5/8)

438 Have I explained the tragic story of my disposessed Royal Family? We gave the money to the Orphans. And orphan kittens. Including most of the Crown Jewels. Most.
Posted by: Crown Prince Miklos of Miklostania at November 03, 2021 10:40 PM (QzkSJ)


Dick move, man.

Posted by: The Hapsburgs at November 03, 2021 10:41 PM (VxC1e)

439 Hmmm. I must of missed that class because I was just looking for sex, drugs and rock and roll.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice)

Heh! Any woman who looks for those things, finds them.
Posted by: Some Rat

Usually the same evening. We did have fun, didn't we?

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 10:41 PM (mD/uy)

440 That's what I love about 'em. All the sex, none of the talky talk.
Posted by: necrophiliac

"A little less conversation..."

Posted by: zombie Elvis at November 03, 2021 10:41 PM (QzkSJ)

441 I heard a report that said 25% were going to get kids vaxxed as soon as available..hooray for test groups!

Posted by: a dude in MI at November 03, 2021 10:41 PM (+I6Y/)

442 Fantasizing about meeting that perfect handsome rich guy is no different than some of you drooling over the latest well endowed film star as evidenced by the comments over the Who Dis female.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 03, 2021 10:30 PM (Y+l9t)


To be fair, most of those Who Dis chicks are mostly, you know,


AoSHQ - Come for the rants, stay for the necrophilia.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at November 03, 2021 10:42 PM (SchxB)

443 anybody here use a pellet stove for heating? good idea as a alternative to gas - or not much in savings

Posted by: a dude in MI at November 03, 2021 10:43 PM (+I6Y/)

444 Given the drift of modern churches, I'm somewhat skeptical of church being a terrific place to find a mate. BIL met his ex-wife at church. She was crazier than a shithouse rat. Hence, the ex- status.
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls

I urged all my sons to seek women at pro-life meetings and marches. Two of them struck gold - wonderful, marriage minded gals.

Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 10:43 PM (mD/uy)

Re vaccinating kids: I was just reading a piece trying to figure out the NNTV, the number needed to vaccinate (the equivalent of NNT for vaccines), for children in the 5 - 11 age group.

Pfizer's so-called clinical trial for children tells you nothing, because there was not one single severe case of Covid in either the treatment or placebo group. That shows you how small the risk is. A little over 2000 kids total and not one single.

Anyway, the NNTV for children appears to be, wait for it, about 631K. That is, you need to vaccinate 630 thousand children to prevent one death.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 03, 2021 10:43 PM (Mzdiz)

446 Today I made 16 quarts of sauerkraut that will be ripe in a week or two, and will fulfill my sauerkraut needs for about 9 months.
I used the hearts and what did not fit into the quart jars for making a pork roast. Which was very good.

Posted by: Kindltot at November 03, 2021 10:43 PM (KbLYZ)

447 434 Was Sarah Hoyt the one made that observation, some thing like being in the weird place where things are too broken to fix, but not bad enough for a revolt yet?
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 03, 2021 10:39 PM (/KPLX)

that reminds me of the saying that Things are Hopeless, but not Serious.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 03, 2021 10:43 PM (evAgx)

448 If I didn't know better, I'd say they purposely allow it to leave their country for sale on the black market to kill generations of Americans.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger at November 03, 2021 09:33 PM

So they will be killing our druggie and homeless population?

Posted by: Chuck C at November 03, 2021 10:43 PM (EughT)

449 Usually the same evening. We did have fun, didn't we?

Posted by: Tonypete

Yes.That evening turned into 44 very satisfying years.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 03, 2021 10:43 PM (Y+l9t)

450 Ian McShane is Swearingen. Great voice.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at November 03, 2021 10:43 PM (ybIRR)

451 Dick move, man.
Posted by: The Hapsburgs

Get a fuckin' normal chin, dudes. You guys had, what, how many generations to inbreed that?

Posted by: Prince Miklos Mountbattenberg at November 03, 2021 10:44 PM (QzkSJ)

452 That reminds me, hubs broke 90 today for the first time ever. He was very excited.
Posted by: Jordan61 at November 03, 2021 10:23 PM (h02fy)

***golf clap***

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at November 03, 2021 10:44 PM (BgMrQ)

453 I heard a report that said 25% were going to get kids vaxxed as soon as available..hooray for test groups!
Posted by: a dude in MI

That 25% should make up an immediate 25% of a population decline.

Posted by: Some Rat at November 03, 2021 10:44 PM (r1z5A)

454 413 To be fair, most of those Who Dis chicks are mostly, you know,


Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 03, 2021 10:32 PM (VxC1e)

So you're saying there's a chance?

Posted by: Pennsyltucky at November 03, 2021 10:45 PM (lNHqD)

455 More on New Jersey's Edward Durr's campaign expenditures:

Of that $153, $67 was spent at Dunkin' Donuts.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 03, 2021 10:46 PM (I2/tG)

456 437 Given the drift of modern churches, I'm somewhat skeptical of church being a terrific place to find a mate. BIL met his ex-wife at church. She was crazier than a shithouse rat. Hence, the ex- status.
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at November 03, 2021 10:40 PM (QU5/

Meeting is one thing. Failing to do an appropriate job of discovery during the dating phase is then (mostly) on that individual. I know a few people who decided to ignore things during the dating phase, and then found out things they overlooked weren't going to go away, and in fact tended to get worse.

Crazy tends to not hide well if you take the blinders off. Don't go looking for faults as we all have them, but ignoring the tire fire in you face is a recipe for disaster.

Posted by: Bete at November 03, 2021 10:46 PM (Ojki1)

457 Was Sarah Hoyt the one made that observation...
Posted by: Tom Servo at November 03, 2021 10:43 PM

I know I will regret this, but whatever happened to the poster "Hoyt's Provocateur" or whatever it was.

Posted by: Chuck C at November 03, 2021 10:46 PM (EughT)

458 I had a client with a pellet stove for heating his house. The entire basement was full of bags of pellets. They took up a lot of space.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 03, 2021 10:46 PM (Y+l9t)

459 no different than some of you drooling over the latest well endowed film star as evidenced by the comments over the Who Dis female.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice)

Is the Mary Ann/Ginger debate included in that assessment?

Posted by: Sock Monkey * In omnia paratus at November 03, 2021 10:46 PM (tH9Bt)

460 "Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are."

Posted by: David Murrow's book at November 03, 2021 10:46 PM (jYQlA)

461 That is, you need to vaccinate 630 thousand children to prevent one death.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 03, 2021 10:43 PM (Mzdiz)

Comrade, if it saves one life...

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) - Lie back and think of that sweet graft! ~ at November 03, 2021 10:46 PM (hOUT3)

462 Yes.That evening turned into 44 very satisfying years.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice)

Sniff** I love a happy ending! (smiley face icon here)

Posted by: Some Rat at November 03, 2021 10:47 PM (r1z5A)

463 >>>that reminds me of the saying that Things are Hopeless, but not Serious.

Great Adam Ant song.

Posted by: Dr. Varno at November 03, 2021 10:48 PM (vuisn)

464 457 Fen (Hoyt's Turkish Provocateur) posted something about needing to have his history scrubbed here then faded.

Read into it what you will.

Posted by: whig at November 03, 2021 10:49 PM (9hXN1)

465 Oops. That quote is NOT from Murrow.

Posted by: Saint Augustine at November 03, 2021 10:49 PM (jYQlA)

466 That evening turned into 44 very satisfying years.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice)


Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 10:49 PM (mD/uy)

467 ***golf clap***
Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team

So that's funny to you

Posted by: Association of Professional Golfers' Hoes at November 03, 2021 10:49 PM (QzkSJ)

468 More on New Jersey's Edward Durr's campaign expenditures:

Of that $153, $67 was spent at Dunkin' Donuts.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 03, 2021 10:46 PM (I2/tG)

That dude rocks. Pulls away on a harley at the end of his commercial. 'merica.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at November 03, 2021 10:50 PM (VwHCD)

469 461 That is, you need to vaccinate 630 thousand children to prevent one death.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 03, 2021 10:43 PM (Mzdiz)

Comrade, if it saves one life...
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) - Lie back and think of that sweet graft! ~ at November 03, 2021 10:46 PM (hOUT3)

Except of course if there is horse paste involved. Then it just needs to be shut right down regardless of numbers that it may save.

Posted by: Bete at November 03, 2021 10:50 PM (Ojki1)

470 Hmmm. I must of missed that class because I was just looking for sex, drugs and rock and roll.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice)

As long as there's, you know, sex and drugs, I can do without the rock and roll.

Posted by: Mick Shrimpton at November 03, 2021 10:50 PM (EughT)


Just punched up the local npr station for some tunes and there is Alec Baldwin.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 03, 2021 10:51 PM (63Dwl)

472 More on New Jersey's Edward Durr's campaign expenditures:

Of that $153, $67 was spent at Dunkin' Donuts.
Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 03, 2021 10:46 PM (I2/tG)

So, he focused on the basics, offered interested people a donut or two, spent his own money on the campaign so he was beholden to no one, and had a message.
Comrades, I tell you people like this are a threat to established order and must be stopped.

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) - Lie back and think of that sweet graft! ~ at November 03, 2021 10:51 PM (hOUT3)

473 Lin-duh, i so hope yer kidding. I saw a camera flash, was speed___ just a wee bit. 'bama doesnt require a front plate, so crossing my fingers i dont get a speeding ticket and a state inspection sticker, plus missing front plat ticket with lin-duh's jinx on the troll toll.

Posted by: BifBewalski on the road @ (6h8E0) - at November 03, 2021 10:23 PM (6h8E0)

Not having a front plate on my jeep got me out of multiple speeding tickets in CA. Apparently, when it comes to the CHP meeting there quota, it was based on interactions (so I was told). A fix-it for the front plate counted equally as a speeding ticket.

Posted by: redchief at November 03, 2021 10:51 PM (Kab4E)

474 Oops. That quote is NOT from Murrow.
Posted by: Saint Augustine

None of them are.

Rest easy, my son.

Posted by: St. Miklos, who could easily live in St. Augustine with redneck/beach vibe at November 03, 2021 10:51 PM (QzkSJ)

475 455 More on New Jersey's Edward Durr's campaign expenditures:

Of that $153, $67 was spent at Dunkin' Donuts.
Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 03, 2021 10:46 PM (I2/tG)

So, he is going to face charges of illegal campaign spending then.

Posted by: Bete at November 03, 2021 10:51 PM (Ojki1)

476 Exciting publishing news, Morons!

NEW: @TheAtlantic adds 9 writers to new newsletter platform, including @JordanMCalhoun @cwarzel @DavidAFrench @nicolesjchung @MollyJongFast @RadioFreeTom @imaniperry @Yair_Rosenberg @XochitltheG

Can't you feel the excitement?

I guess Steve Jobs' widow wants to piss away more money on The Atlantic.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 03, 2021 10:52 PM (I2/tG)

477 So, he is going to face charges of illegal campaign spending then.

Of course - it's New Jersey, and he just humiliated one of the most politically powerful people in the state.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 03, 2021 10:53 PM (I2/tG)

What about NNTVs for adults. We've got hard data to calculate that on. Note you can calculate NNTVs based on infection, symptomatic infection, severe cases, and deaths, with increasing values for each.

The NNTV for symptomatic cases for adults is about 256.

Now, how about deaths. Well, some Kraut researchers did an analysis of Israeli data and concluded the NNTV there is about 16K. The 95% confidence interval is 9K - 100K.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 03, 2021 10:53 PM (Mzdiz)

479 Just punched up the local npr station for some tunes and there is Alec Baldwin.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.

Was he singing "Ballad Of A Well-Known Gun"?

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 03, 2021 10:54 PM (L2ZTs)

480 >Anyway, the NNTV for children appears to be, wait for it, about 631K. That is, you need to vaccinate 630 thousand children to prevent one death.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 03, 2021 10:43 PM (Mzdiz)

And only for the low, low price of around 100 cases of myocarditis! At least according to Pfizer's data, which I'm sure is completely on the up-and-up.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 10:54 PM (cSs/W)

481 Of that $153, $67 was spent at Dunkin' Donuts.
Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 03, 2021 10:46 PM (I2/tG)

So, he focused on the basics, offered interested people a donut or two, spent his own money on the campaign so he was beholden to no one, and had a message.
Comrades, I tell you people like this are a threat to established order and must be stopped.
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3)

His campaign did get about 10k in contributions, which were not spent. Campaigns normally end in the red, with debts to be "forgiven" or repaid from the proceeds of Services Due.

This guy ran a budget surplus even before being elected-like Real Life People!

Posted by: Mikos, auditing this ONT class at November 03, 2021 10:55 PM (QzkSJ)

482 >Was Sarah Hoyt the one made that observation, some thing like being in the weird place where things are too broken to fix, but not bad enough for a revolt yet?
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 03, 2021 10:39 PM (/KPLX)

Claire Wolfe. And that's a very old saying (in Interweb terms). I think it goes back to the 90s.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 10:55 PM (cSs/W)

483 I know I will regret this, but whatever happened to the poster "Hoyt's Provocateur" or whatever it was.
Posted by: Chuck C at November 03, 2021 10:46 PM (EughT)

ISTR him coming on here and saying something about being blackmailed, and that he was going dark.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 03, 2021 10:55 PM (h02fy)

484 One for the Foodies ...

Ado Campeol, the Italian man known as the "father of tiramisu," has died.

Posted by: Adriane the Helpful Critic ... at November 03, 2021 10:55 PM (okV1R)

485 The vaccine is not a vaccine really. More and more I think this as more comes out and they keep pushing it harder even as more harden resistance. It has something to do with population control which is an obsession with the "elite"
And it is confounding as to why the "elite" have been trying so hard to make people miserable and offend as many groups as possible since they stole political control from Trump. It makes no historical sense. Pandering to the angry minority and tranny tiny percentage at the expense of everyone else?

Posted by: Azjaeger at November 03, 2021 10:56 PM (3/XaG)

486 >I know I will regret this, but whatever happened to the poster "Hoyt's Provocateur" or whatever it was.
Posted by: Chuck C at November 03, 2021 10:46 PM (EughT)

Last I saw of him, he said he'd been hacked by the Rooshins or something, and that they were going to release kompromat in the form of sex videos or something, so his handle needed to be banned for his own sake. You know, the usual.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 10:57 PM (cSs/W)

487 I can engrave that as your epitaph on anything you wish.
Posted by: Muad'dib at November 03, 2021 09:17 PM (QHqf9)

I was able to use a similar line, "We'll be sure to engrave that on your headstone," to all three of my children and one of my grandchildren (so far). New drivers all, each protesting when I told them to slow down and look both ways before entering an intersection that "I've got the right of way!"

By actual count, that one thing has saved me from death or serious injury seven times in my 29 years, all from asshoes running red lights or stop signs at 40-50 mph.

Posted by: Fou Troll at November 03, 2021 10:58 PM (HLwmB)

488 Pretty sure the heroin addict story is just a way to link lets go Brandon by association. Unless the corporate owmed media is playing straight this time.

Posted by: 3 angry Irish inches at November 03, 2021 10:58 PM (H2Hko)

489 Just punched up the local npr station for some tunes and there is Alec Baldwin.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.

Was he singing "Ballad Of A Well-Known Gun"?
Posted by: qdpsteve

"I shot the cinematographer

But I did not shoot her deputy"

Ok, the other guy, but director

Posted by: Miklos, unpaid PR flack at November 03, 2021 10:59 PM (QzkSJ)

490 Posted by: Azjaeger at November 03, 2021 10:56 PM (3/XaG)

My Theory? They KNOW this crap has consequences. They KNOW it messes with the immune system enough that you may die of something else.

So they KNOW there will be a HUGE Tort sometime for this... as they have flat out lied about it... and lying will kill their legal immunity.

Thus, they need to get everyone to get the vaccine, so there is not a large control group of the UN Vaxxed. Then they can play the stats off as something else... like they did with Gulf War Syndrome.

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 03, 2021 10:59 PM (oHd/0)

491 >I guess Steve Jobs' widow wants to piss away more money on The Atlantic.
Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 03, 2021 10:52 PM (I2/tG)

Isn't it amazing how these sub-mediocrities keep failing upward?

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 10:59 PM (cSs/W)

492 best epitaph:


Posted by: Tom Servo at November 03, 2021 11:00 PM (evAgx)

493 And it is confounding as to why the "elite" have been trying so hard to make people miserable and offend as many groups as possible since they stole political control from Trump. It makes no historical sense.
Posted by: Azjaeger at November 03, 2021 10:56 PM (3/XaG)

*shifty eyes*

*Hides head behind back*

Posted by: Zombie Louis XVI at November 03, 2021 11:00 PM (Ojki1)

494 You know, the usual.

Lol. This place.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at November 03, 2021 11:00 PM (QU5/8)

495 >>>like being in the weird place where things are too broken to fix, but not bad enough for a revolt yet?

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice

You talking about my house?

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 11:00 PM (cZY+h)

496 Was Sarah Hoyt the one made that observation, some thing like being in the weird place where things are too broken to fix, but not bad enough for a revolt yet?
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice

Lenin-"Worse is Better"

Posted by: Miklos, quoting quite verbatimly at November 03, 2021 11:00 PM (QzkSJ)

497 Winter's ok.
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian

No bee swarms. No piranhas. I agree.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at November 03, 2021 11:01 PM (OssQ4)

498 You talking about my house?
Posted by: Braenyard

In the middle of the street?

Posted by: Miklos, with a kind of Madness at November 03, 2021 11:01 PM (QzkSJ)

499 Of that $153, $67 was spent at Dunkin' Donuts.
Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 03, 2021 10:46 PM (I2/tG)

So, he is going to face charges of illegal campaign spending then.
Posted by: Bete at November 03, 2021 10:51 PM (Ojki1)

He was going after the Cop Vote?

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 03, 2021 11:01 PM (oHd/0)

500 With 2 cats in the yard ...

Posted by: Adriane the Helpful Critic ... at November 03, 2021 11:01 PM (okV1R)

501 The incumbent Mayor of Buffalo, who just beat the radical socialist who won the Democratic primary in a write-in campaign in the general election, handed out thousands of ink stamps with his name on them, so voters wouldn't screw up writing his name in by hand.


Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 03, 2021 11:01 PM (I2/tG)

502 Kevin Williamson has to be looking at French's new gig wondering whose dick he has to suck.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at November 03, 2021 11:01 PM (QU5/8)

503 Last I saw of him, he said he'd been hacked by the Rooshins or something, and that they were going to release kompromat in the form of sex videos or something, so his handle needed to be banned for his own sake. You know, the usual.
Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 10:57 PM (cSs/W)

anytime someone uses that as an excuse I can only thing "Oh don't you wish!!!"

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 03, 2021 11:01 PM (evAgx)

504 Last I saw of him, he said he'd been hacked by the Rooshins or something, and that they were going to release kompromat in the form of sex videos or something, so his handle needed to be banned for his own sake. You know, the usual.
Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 10:57 PM

I hate it when that happens.

Posted by: Chuck C at November 03, 2021 11:02 PM (EughT)

505 Winter's ok.
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian

No bee swarms. No piranhas. I agree.
Posted by: Taqiyyologist

Climatically adapted gators.

Baby gators brought back from vacations. Over decades.

Don't ask, because they won't tell.

Posted by: Miklos, with a Word of Warning at November 03, 2021 11:03 PM (QzkSJ)

506 Isn't it amazing how these sub-mediocrities keep failing upward?

Without left-wing billionaires, our whole business model would collapse?

Posted by: Never Trumpers! at November 03, 2021 11:03 PM (I2/tG)

507 In the middle of the street?
Posted by: Miklos, with a kind of Madness at November 03, 2021 11:01 PM (QzkSJ)

That's the one.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 11:03 PM (cZY+h)

508 What were Rockers doing at an ABBA concert?

Posted by: Just a side note at November 03, 2021 11:03 PM (2DOZq)

509 I've done it again. Should have gone to bed an hour ago.
Good Night all.
Sweet Dreams.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 03, 2021 11:04 PM (Y+l9t)

510 The incumbent Mayor of Buffalo, who just beat the radical socialist who won the Democratic primary in a write-in campaign in the general election, handed out thousands of ink stamps with his name on them, so voters wouldn't screw up writing his name in by hand.

Posted by: The ARC

Traditionally, such voters are only required to mark an "X".

Posted by: Legally valid, if questionable Miklos at November 03, 2021 11:05 PM (QzkSJ)

511 Of that $153, $67 was spent at Dunkin' Donuts.
Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 03, 2021 10:46 PM (I2/tG)

So, he is going to face charges of illegal campaign spending then.
Posted by: Bete at November 03, 2021 10:51 PM (Ojki1)

Might be too soon.... but 80 year old Rocker goes to ABBA concert... hears their song... then JUMPS?

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 03, 2021 11:06 PM (oHd/0)

That's the one my father used all the time when I was a kid learning how to drive, "Here lies Publius, he had the right of way."

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 03, 2021 11:06 PM (Mzdiz)

513 Two killed at Abba tribute gig after man falls seven floors killing concert-goer below
TWO people have died and another has been injured after an elderly man fell seven floors at an Abba tribute concert.

Blinded by the super trooper.

Posted by: Diogenes at November 03, 2021 11:06 PM (axyOa)

514 508 What were Rockers doing at an ABBA concert?
Posted by: Just a side note at November 03, 2021 11:03 PM (2DOZq)

Who else would book me after my Facebook posts?

Posted by: Marty Jannety at November 03, 2021 11:06 PM (Ojki1)

515 Baby gators brought back from vacations. Over decades.

Don't ask, because they won't tell.
Posted by: Miklos

Gators are back in our lake again. Dad saw a four-foot one a couple of days ago, a baby really. They were gone for at least the last five years.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at November 03, 2021 11:07 PM (OssQ4)

DeForest Kelley joked that he greatest fear was his epitaph would read, "He's dead, Jim."

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 03, 2021 11:08 PM (Mzdiz)

517 >"Here lies Publius, he had the right of way."
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 03, 2021 11:06 PM (Mzdiz)

Since my youngins will be reaching driving age in the near future, I'm totally stealing that.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 11:08 PM (cSs/W)

518 Might be too soon.... but 80 year old Rocker goes to ABBA concert... hears their song... then JUMPS?
Posted by: Romeo13

David Lee Roth?

Posted by: Miklos sez prolly at November 03, 2021 11:09 PM (QzkSJ)

519 I just listened to the Supreme Court oral arguments today. My guess 6\3 or 5\4 hold that new yorks permiting laws are unconstitutional. Find that there is an individual right to bear arms outside your home. Then give latitude for sensitive spaces. To regulate permited carry. Even Roberts seems good.

Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at November 03, 2021 11:09 PM (0OmEj)

520 513 Two killed at Abba tribute gig after man falls seven floors killing concert-goer below
TWO people have died and another has been injured after an elderly man fell seven floors at an Abba tribute concert.

Blinded by the super trooper.
Posted by: Diogenes at November 03, 2021 11:06 PM (axyOa)

The way old friends do.

Posted by: Dr. Varno at November 03, 2021 11:09 PM (vuisn)

521 36 Any rye whiskey fans here?

I had a bottle of Koval, from a small Chicago distillery, and it was outstanding. It was a gift and I cannot buy it locally.

What is close in taste and widely available?
Posted by: Mr Gaga at November 03, 2021 09:05 PM (4ZE6o)

I'm not an aficionado, so grain of salt: I like Bulleit Rye for my old-fashioneds. It's not expensive, so...

Posted by: Bonnie Blue - the anti-DOTE at November 03, 2021 11:09 PM (hlxe7)

522 Good evening, morons!

Just had dinner with son #1.

How are things going l?

Posted by: nurse ratched at November 03, 2021 11:10 PM (U2p+3)

523 This is a story of John O'Day
Who died maintaining his right of way
He was right, dead right, as he sailed along
But he's just as dead as if he were wrong.

Posted by: a dude in MI at November 03, 2021 11:10 PM (+I6Y/)

524 "Here lies Publius, he had the right of way."
Posted by: publius,

The mailbox is Worthy of Respect

Posted by: as Miklos was informed, as to the why and the how at November 03, 2021 11:10 PM (QzkSJ)

525 >> Two killed at Abba tribute gig

Mama mia! It was their Waterloo.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 03, 2021 11:10 PM (Mzdiz)

526 516
DeForest Kelley joked that he greatest fear was his epitaph would read, "He's dead, Jim."
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion


Posted by: nurse ratched at November 03, 2021 11:11 PM (U2p+3)

527 I see Aaron Rodger has da Covid and LIED ABOUT VAX STATUS!!!!! Good chance he got it from his team

Posted by: a dude in MI at November 03, 2021 11:12 PM (+I6Y/)

528 Lenin-"Worse is Better"
Posted by: Miklos, quoting quite verbatimly at November 03, 2021 11:00 PM (QzkSJ)

I suppose it's the same concept, yeah.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 03, 2021 11:12 PM (/KPLX)

529 You can go your own way.

Posted by: Boss Moss at November 03, 2021 11:13 PM (AtfPU)

530 Gators are back in our lake again. Dad saw a four-foot one a couple of days ago, a baby really. They were gone for at least the last five years.
Posted by: Taqiyyologist,

There was one in the lake at Poinsett State Park. Where people canoe, kayak, fish, swim.

Took it out last May. 16'1"

Posted by: as Miklos was informed, because he asked before swimming at November 03, 2021 11:13 PM (QzkSJ)

531 I suppose it's the same concept, yeah.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice


Posted by: Marx-Lenin-Miklosist at November 03, 2021 11:15 PM (QzkSJ)

532 A few years back, some lady jumped off whatever stadium the Raiders played in that year after a game, and another guy saw it, bolted down the sidewalk, and freakin' caught her. Both were horribly injured but survived intact. If I were their front office I'd have drafted him out of the hospital.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 03, 2021 11:15 PM (/KPLX)

533 I've never listened to Pyramid. I know the two before it. Eve is ok (love lucifer) and i really like APP's early-mid 80's stuff.

Posted by: SFGoth at November 03, 2021 11:16 PM (KAi1n)

534 529 You can go your own way.
Posted by: Boss Moss at November 03, 2021 11:13 PM (AtfPU)

Not on my roads, you scumbum.

Posted by: Buford T Justice at November 03, 2021 11:16 PM (Ojki1)

535 I wonder how old a 16 foot gator is.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at November 03, 2021 11:17 PM (OssQ4)

536 Are gators like bears and cougars where it takes talent and stupidity to get eaten.? I would argue sharks and piranhas too.

Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at November 03, 2021 11:17 PM (0OmEj)

537 I've never listened to Pyramid. I know the two before it. Eve is ok (love lucifer) and i really like APP's early-mid 80's stuff.
Posted by: SFGoth

Start at the top

Posted by: Miklos, whose razor blades are sharped in the Great Pyramid at November 03, 2021 11:17 PM (QzkSJ)

538 No gators in the Willamette. We have giant goldfish

Posted by: Kindltot at November 03, 2021 11:19 PM (KbLYZ)

539 I wonder how old a 16 foot gator is.
Posted by: Taqiyyologist,

About 5 1/2 or six years in that case. Had been in the lake since a two-foot gator tadpole.

Lots of fish in that lake.

Posted by: Miklos, as reliably informed at November 03, 2021 11:20 PM (QzkSJ)

540 There is a gator farm in CO. Two spring.

Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at November 03, 2021 11:20 PM (0OmEj)

Eurovision '74, where the ABBA magic started:

Nearly 50 years ago. Man, I'm getting old.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 03, 2021 11:20 PM (Mzdiz)

I've never listened to Pyramid. I know the two before it. Eve is ok (love lucifer) and i really like APP's early-mid 80's stuff.
Posted by: SFGoth

Start at the top
Posted by: Miklos, whose razor blades are sharped in the Great Pyramid

You'll put your eye out!

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 03, 2021 11:22 PM (63Dwl)

543 Nearly 50 years ago. Man, I'm getting old.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion

I remember

Posted by: Fernando at November 03, 2021 11:22 PM (QzkSJ)

544 I've never listened to Pyramid. I know the two before it. Eve is ok (love lucifer) and i really like APP's early-mid 80's stuff.
Posted by: SFGoth

Start at the top
Posted by: Miklos, whose razor blades are sharped in the Great Pyramid

Totally unrelated, may we interest you in becoming a sales person and improving your life?

Posted by: Amway at November 03, 2021 11:24 PM (Ojki1)

545 You'll put your eye out!
Posted by: Bertram Cabot

The Ancient Egyptians had BB guns. The proof is in a secret part of the Staatsbibliothek in Berlin, sealed since 1945.

Posted by: Miklos, angling to be a guest on Coast-to-Coast or Ancient Aliens at November 03, 2021 11:26 PM (QzkSJ)

546 Mr. Ant looks a lot like Mr. Depp.

Posted by: klaftern at November 03, 2021 11:26 PM (taPSh)

547 A friend of mine was murdered not too long ago. I was thinking about her as I was at her old AO and visiting some of our old haunts. As I had an adult beverage or two, I was talking to a young lady about my friend and her friends that I used to know around these parts. Lo and behold, she whipped out her phone and had a picture from 2007 of herself, my friend and another lady I used to know drinking and having a great time one evening.

When she showed me the picture, my knees almost buckled like I was hit with a left hook or something.

I asked her to send her picture and any others to my deceased friend's family and we proceeded to swap stories of friends we have known and lost that we both knew.

Technology is a wonderful and painful thing some times.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at November 03, 2021 11:26 PM (R/m4+)

548 *7 I like that umbrella flask but that would be admitting you're a drunk.
Posted by: Moron Robbie -*

Well, what does it say about me that I would insist on the umbrella flask having a glass lining?

What that plastic would do to good liquor is criminal!

Posted by: GrandeMe at November 03, 2021 11:27 PM (ytutJ)

549 All these ABBA allusions are cracking me up, since the wifey is an ABBA fan, and I've been subjected to it all...

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 11:27 PM (cSs/W)

550 Totally unrelated, may we interest you in becoming a sales person and improving your life?
Posted by: Amway

*assesses physical self*

Yeah, I can do multi-level.

Posted by: Miklosian Motivational Sales Presentations LLC (Panama) at November 03, 2021 11:28 PM (QzkSJ)

551 Ahhh direct marketers. I'll sale you some bitchin scented candles or my i interest you in some kitchenware?

Posted by: Scency the pamperd chef! at November 03, 2021 11:28 PM (0OmEj)

552 >> since the wifey is an ABBA fan,

So you took a chance on her and it paid off.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 03, 2021 11:30 PM (Mzdiz)

553 Now that Abba's so much older, the songs aren't the same:

Dancing Queen
broke her hip,
now she's just limping...


It was Seniors Night at Disneyland
I pooped my pants

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 03, 2021 11:30 PM (L2ZTs)

554 >I see Aaron Rodger has da Covid and LIED ABOUT VAX STATUS!!!!! Good chance he got it from his team
Posted by: a dude in MI at November 03, 2021 11:12 PM (+I6Y/)

I'm reading that he stated he was "immunized", just never said it was with the clot shot. I love it.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 11:30 PM (cSs/W)

555 Nearly 50 years ago. Man, I'm getting old.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 03, 2021 11:20 PM (Mzdiz)

What is the first historical thing you remember?

For me it is the bicentennial.

Posted by: TC at November 03, 2021 11:31 PM (A5DhW)

556 Musk has discovered that Vikings preceded us to the moon.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 11:31 PM (cZY+h)

557 >So you took a chance on her and it paid off.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 03, 2021 11:30 PM (Mzdiz)

Indeed! However, I drew the line at watching that Mamma Mia crap...

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 11:31 PM (cSs/W)

558 Mr. Ant looks a lot like Mr. Depp.
Posted by: klaftern at November 03, 2021 11:26 PM (taPSh)

Ant was the original Jack Sparrow

Posted by: a dude in MI at November 03, 2021 11:32 PM (+I6Y/)

559 >What is the first historical thing you remember?

Posted by: TC at November 03, 2021 11:31 PM (A5DhW)

Mt St Helens eruption. Pretty big deal for a little kid living in Oregon.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 11:32 PM (cSs/W)

560 Of that $153, $67 was spent at Dunkin' Donuts.
Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 03, 2021 10:46 PM (I2/tG)


It's nice that he Raised that much. Sounds to me like he was into Old Fashioned campaigning. He didn't Fritter his money away like a lot if them do.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 03, 2021 11:33 PM (VxC1e)

561 USNtakim deplorable still, from your lips.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 11:33 PM (cZY+h)

562 Indeed! However, I drew the line at watching that Mamma Mia crap...
Posted by: Dworkin Barimen

Try GLEE! instead

*wink wink*

Posted by: Lindsey Graham, feeling murderously HOT at November 03, 2021 11:33 PM (QzkSJ)

563 >Musk has discovered that Vikings preceded us to the moon.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 03, 2021 11:31 PM (cZY+h)

There's an "Iron Dragon" sci-fi book series based on this concept. The author is pretty based, or at least he used to be back when I followed him on Twatter, in the Before Times...before I shitcanned that place.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen - anarcho-tyranny? you're soaking in it! at November 03, 2021 11:34 PM (cSs/W)

564 Born in 68.... I remember watching moon landings on TV. barely.

Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at November 03, 2021 11:34 PM (0OmEj)


Moon Vikings are the WORST. Leaving trash around, stealin stuff, burning monasteries and they won't quit rapin the livestock...

Posted by: Toxteth O'Grady at November 03, 2021 11:34 PM (K7/OQ)

566 Bruce Spring-dork-stein want to sell his catalog for $450mm?

C'mon man, Bob Dylan only got $300mm.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 03, 2021 11:35 PM (Bwqq4)

567 564 Born in 68.... I remember watching moon landings on TV. barely.
Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at November 03, 2021 11:34 PM (0OmEj)


Pssst. That wasn't really the moon.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 03, 2021 11:36 PM (VxC1e)

568 Only 71.

Posted by: Boss Moss at November 03, 2021 11:36 PM (AtfPU)

569 566 Bruce Spring-dork-stein want to sell his catalog for $450mm?

C'mon man, Bob Dylan only got $300mm.
Posted by: Meremortal at November 03, 2021 11:35 PM (Bwqq4)

Yeah, but Dylan doesn't have that Christmas song I CAN NOT STAND

Posted by: a dude in MI at November 03, 2021 11:36 PM (+I6Y/)

570 Born in 68.... I remember watching moon landings on TV. barely.

Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at November 03, 2021 11:34 PM (0OmEj)


Posted by: TC at November 03, 2021 11:37 PM (A5DhW)

571 >> What is the first historical thing you remember?

You know it probably was the bicentennial. I have vague memories of snippets before that. Watergate hearings, and maybe some Vietnam footage on TV.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 03, 2021 11:38 PM (Mzdiz)

572 566 Bruce Spring-dork-stein want to sell his catalog for $450mm?

C'mon man, Bob Dylan only got $300mm.
Posted by: Meremortal at November 03, 2021 11:35 PM (Bwqq4)



Got any Elephant Man bones?

Posted by: Zombie Michael Jackson at November 03, 2021 11:38 PM (VxC1e)

573 Watched moon landings on TV. I thought they were audio.

Posted by: Boss Moss at November 03, 2021 11:38 PM (AtfPU)

574 "Yeah, but Dylan doesn't have that Christmas song I CAN NOT STAND"

Oh yeah, that one where Van Zandt always looks like he wants to sink through the floor.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 03, 2021 11:39 PM (Bwqq4)

575 Only 71.
Posted by: Boss Moss

Posted by: Miklos has always enjoyed Root Boy Slim at November 03, 2021 11:39 PM (QzkSJ)

576 Destruction of the Berlin Wall, for me.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 03, 2021 11:39 PM (/KPLX)

577 anybody here use a pellet stove for heating? good idea as a alternative to gas - or not much in savings
Posted by: a dude in MI

We use pellet stove as primary heat source. Gas not piped in at our house, so can't say about savings.

Pellets are $4-$5 per bag here, and we'll use about 1.5 bags per day in coldest weather to heat half the ~1500 sq ft house. Must use space heaters (2 for us) to supplement in areas far from stove.

Personally? Would rather have the GFA furnace with ductwork to all rooms and a set-and-forget thermostat!

Posted by: JQ at November 03, 2021 11:39 PM (dB4Iz)

578 My first political memories were vague notions of Nixon and the election of Carter.

Posted by: TC at November 03, 2021 11:40 PM (A5DhW)

579 Yup. Green shag carpet and black n white tv. Huge family gathering. Anyhow that is the first history I can remember seeing live. Could not tell you much more than just a flash picture.

Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at November 03, 2021 11:41 PM (0OmEj)

580 First historical memory....hmmmm.


Posted by: Meremortal at November 03, 2021 11:41 PM (Bwqq4)

581 I'll never forget FDR coming on the flat screen with his fireside chats.

Posted by: Joe Biden's Last Remaining Synapse at November 03, 2021 11:41 PM (VxC1e)

582 Hairyback Guy, thats a great, and sad, story.
This is indeed a small world.

Posted by: Diogenes at November 03, 2021 11:41 PM (axyOa)

583 I emember watching the Monkeys TV show.

Posted by: Boss Moss at November 03, 2021 11:43 PM (AtfPU)

584 Pssst. That wasn't really the moon.

Wasn't supposed to be. Kubrick insisted on filming on location to get the look of the astronauts right. Totally blew out NASA's budget.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at November 03, 2021 11:43 PM (SchxB)

585 My first political memories were vague notions of Nixon and the election of Carter.
Posted by: TC

My first and last political contribution was 25 cents for a Nixon button when old enough to count to 25.

Posted by: Miklos has always never trusted politicians, especially with freedom or money at November 03, 2021 11:44 PM (QzkSJ)

586 583 I emember watching the Monkeys TV show.
Posted by: Boss Moss at November 03, 2021 11:43 PM (AtfPU)


Which Monkee was your fave?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 03, 2021 11:45 PM (VxC1e)


Posted by: Bruce Springsteen at November 03, 2021 11:45 PM (L2ZTs)

I'll never forget FDR coming on the flat screen with his fireside chats.
Posted by: Joe Biden's Last Remaining Synapse

Do you remember how he grooved and gyrated to the mad tunes cats were laying out for him through his earbuds, FJB?

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at November 03, 2021 11:45 PM (pNxlR)

As a young kid, I was crazy about Apollo. I can remember vaguely watching the Apollo 17 launch actually. IIRC, it was delayed until way late, an my mother woke me up to see it. I was fussy, but I can conjure a mental image of seeing that Saturn V blasting off.

Looking up the history, Apollo 17 was the first night launch (the last mission was the first night launch), and there was some glitch in some hardware that caused an automatic countdown shut off at the T -30 s mark.

That caused a 2 hr 40 minute delay, and it finally lifted off at 12:33 am.

Yep, I remember seeing that.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 03, 2021 11:45 PM (Mzdiz)

590 Sputnick.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 03, 2021 11:41 PM (Bwqq4)

Wow you're old. Born in 58?

Posted by: TC at November 03, 2021 11:46 PM (A5DhW)

591 I think the first major event I remember is the bicentennial as well. I would have been 9.

I wish memories came with metadata so I could see which one is the earliest one.

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 03, 2021 11:46 PM (L2ZTs)

Bruce Springsteen

You still suck, Old McSpringsteen!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at November 03, 2021 11:46 PM (pNxlR)

593 Don't know I cared about politics until I saw All the Presidents Men

Posted by: Skip at November 03, 2021 11:46 PM (2JoB8)

594 First historical memory....hmmmm.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 03, 2021 11:41 PM (Bwqq4)

Ditto. Although i remember seeing my parents all concerned about something before that but no idea what it was or it was historical.

Posted by: Diogenes at November 03, 2021 11:47 PM (axyOa)

595 Yup. Green shag carpet and black n white tv. Huge family gathering. Anyhow that is the first history I can remember seeing live. Could not tell you much more than just a flash picture.
Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at November 03, 2021 11:41 PM (0OmEj)

I remember the wall came down, and it was a big deal to my parents, then I was in day care the next day, and all the day care ladies were gossiping about it in the stairwell, so I knew it was Big News Everyone Cared About.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 03, 2021 11:47 PM (/KPLX)

596 Looking up the history, Apollo 17 was the first night launch (the last mission was the first night launch), and there was some glitch in some hardware that caused an automatic countdown shut off at the T -30 s mark.


It was the AE-35 unit. Those damn things were touchy as hell.

Posted by: HAL 9000 at November 03, 2021 11:47 PM (VxC1e)

597 Some moon launch on a b/w TV.

Cronkite in front of a Vietnam map.

Posted by: Dr. Varno at November 03, 2021 11:47 PM (vuisn)

598 Personally? Would rather have the GFA furnace with ductwork to all rooms and a set-and-forget thermostat!
Posted by: JQ at November 03, 2021 11:39 PM (dB4Iz)

No ductwork in house, currently have boiler hydronic and a 12kbtu gas insert. looking to replace insert but not sure if gas or pellet- i guess pellet has a tax credit right now(26% of cost)

Posted by: a dude in MI at November 03, 2021 11:47 PM (+I6Y/)

Oh yes, I remember during that Apollo 17 launch, right at the liftoff moment, Commander Gene Cernan shouted "Let's go, Brandon!"

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 03, 2021 11:47 PM (Mzdiz)

What is the first historical thing you remember?

The 1960 presidential election.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 03, 2021 11:47 PM (63Dwl)

Cuban Missile Crisis, followed by JFK's assassination

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at November 03, 2021 11:48 PM (pNxlR)

602 Bruce Springsteen came and went (mostly) before I'd even heard the name. Of the songs that I've heard, there's not one I'd pay 45 cents for.

It was kind of funny. I went to work for VF Corp., and they'd signed him to flog their jeans, so several of the distaff co-workers had big Springsteen VF promo posters up in their offices.

I look at one and said to myself "Well, who the hell is that?"

Posted by: Fou Troll at November 03, 2021 11:48 PM (HLwmB)

603 Posted by: Bruce Springsteen

Many years ago, on a rare visit to NJ, a friend drove me by Springsteen's Childhood Home in Freehold.


Really good pizza down the road though.

Posted by: Miklos will never forget his first car, good pizza, or that first girl, whatsername at November 03, 2021 11:48 PM (QzkSJ)

604 I don't believe they went to the moon.

Posted by: Boss Moss at November 03, 2021 11:49 PM (AtfPU)

605 What is the first historical thing you remember?


Caesar crossing the Rubicon.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 03, 2021 11:49 PM (VxC1e)

Posted by: Bruce Springsteen at November 03, 2021 11:45 PM (L2ZTs)


Posted by: a dude in MI at November 03, 2021 11:49 PM (+I6Y/)

607 Wow you're old. Born in 58?
Posted by: TC at November 03, 2021 11:46 PM (A5DhW)

Born in '49 but nothing that earthshaking happened until Sputnick.

Did the Vanguard blow up on the launch pad before or after Sputnick because I remember that.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 03, 2021 11:50 PM (Bwqq4)

608 Caesar crossing the Rubicon.
Posted by: Cicero

Vic says you showed up AFTER

Posted by: Miklos, with a sip of the Brown at November 03, 2021 11:50 PM (QzkSJ)

609 The Berlin wall fell... I was enlisted. Too busy to see or hear about it much. A school..... Up to my ass learning Boolean algebra.

Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at November 03, 2021 11:51 PM (0OmEj)

610 What are your memories of songs with your mom in the car?

Horse with no name is one of mine.

Posted by: TC at November 03, 2021 11:51 PM (A5DhW)

611 Clovis I uniting the Franks had all the neighbors talking.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 03, 2021 11:52 PM (VxC1e)

612 Those Planet of the Apes movies really sucked.

Posted by: Boss Moss at November 03, 2021 11:52 PM (AtfPU)

613 Sputnik and the beginning of the space race, then Alan Shepard's first American in space flight.

Posted by: Fou Troll at November 03, 2021 11:52 PM (HLwmB)

614 The Capricorn One disaster.

Posted by: Dr. Varno at November 03, 2021 11:53 PM (vuisn)

My God, I can remember a snippet of Apollo 13, which was in 1970. I was really fascinated with the space program, and that explains why those memories are so engrained, I'm sure.

I can remember being at my grandmother's house, jus down the road (which burned down in the '90s), and watching TV when the explosion occurred and there was serious concern if they were going to make it.

Just one mental image, a snippet.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 03, 2021 11:53 PM (Mzdiz)

616 Hitler launching Operation Barberosa and getting on the radio shouting "Lass uns gehen Brandon!"

Posted by: Diogenes at November 03, 2021 11:53 PM (axyOa)

617 Caesar crossing the Rubicon. Posted by: Cicero
Vic says you showed up AFTER Posted by: Miklos, with a sip of the Brown at November 03, 2021 11:50 PM (QzkSJ)

Miklos, you beat me to it. But I might add . . . .

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 03, 2021 11:53 PM (BMmaB)

I remember the wall came down, and it was a big deal to my parents

Of all the things that I could have imagined happening in the first fifteen years of my life, the Berlin Wall disappearing was never going to be one of them. And yet it did.

I am close to having lived for as long after that event as I lived prior to it. A strange milepost, to be sure.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at November 03, 2021 11:54 PM (pNxlR)

I was just 3 years old then. But damned, thinking about it, and I pulled that little snippet. I've recalled it before. What I'm probably actually remembering is a memory of the memory.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 03, 2021 11:54 PM (Mzdiz)

620 What is the first historical thing you remember?

Regan being shot.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at November 03, 2021 11:54 PM (DTX3h)

621 I remember watching the news about the battle of Khe Sanh and the Apollo 8 trip around the moon as early historical awareness.

Posted by: Beartooth at November 03, 2021 11:54 PM (d8xPm)

622 First songs I can remember hearing on the radio:

- CCR, Proud Mary
- Chicago, Saturday In The Park
- Sergio Mendes, Fool On The Hill (this one is probably the oldest)
- Petula Clark, Downtown and Don't Sleep On The Subway

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 03, 2021 11:55 PM (L2ZTs)

623 My God, I can remember a snippet of Apollo 13

Huston...we have a problem...

Posted by: Understatement at November 03, 2021 11:55 PM (1fg6a)

624 Posted by: Diogenes at November 03, 2021 11:53 PM (axyOa)


Posted by: TC at November 03, 2021 11:56 PM (A5DhW)

625 Buddy Holley and the Big Bopper auguring in.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 03, 2021 11:56 PM (VxC1e)

The Capricorn One disaster.
Posted by: Dr. Varno

I tried watching it with Mrs. Krebs about a year ago. We stuck it out for about an hour -- gawd, that was an awful movie -- and then we moved on to something, anything, better.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at November 03, 2021 11:57 PM (pNxlR)

627 "What are your memories of songs with your mom in the car?"

I have a weird memory of a family car trip from Texas to Boston to visit grandparents. And a song played on the radio about a town where "the streets were lined with bricks, of Acapulco Gold".

And I had no idea what Acapulco Gold was for a good 10-12 more years. But it stuck in my head. That would have been about '55-'57 probably.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 03, 2021 11:57 PM (Bwqq4)


First song ..... I had no idea what was happening!

Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at November 03, 2021 11:58 PM (0OmEj)

629 You finally did it. You maniacs! You pooped my pants!

Posted by: Joe Biden at November 03, 2021 11:58 PM (J1rGb)

630 If they went to the Moon, you know they had to go at night.

Posted by: klaftern at November 03, 2021 11:58 PM (taPSh)

631 We lived right down the street from the high school and my aunt, who was my Mom's younger sister and still in school, used to come to our house to watch Bandstand after school. Wikipedia says that it moved to weekends in September 1963.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 03, 2021 11:59 PM (BMmaB)

Cleopatra snogging anything with a pulse. People were pissed!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at November 03, 2021 11:59 PM (pNxlR)

633 What is the first historical thing you remember?

Historical, for me, seeing President Eisenhower, in person.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, still 29 at November 04, 2021 12:00 AM (jacU8)

634 Nope that song came out in '67 so that's a confused memory. I learned what Acapulco Gold was in about '68. Back when a joint could get you 5 years in the Big House.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 04, 2021 12:00 AM (Bwqq4)

635 And I had no idea what Acapulco Gold was for a good 10-12 more years. But it stuck in my head. That would have been about '55-'57 probably. Posted by: Meremortal at November 03, 2021 11:57 PM (Bwqq4)

Bad ass weed.

Posted by: Cheech and Chong at November 04, 2021 12:00 AM (BMmaB)

636 looking to replace insert but not sure if gas or pellet- i guess pellet has a tax credit right now(26% of cost)
Posted by: a dude in MI at November 03, 2021 11:47 PM

Gas would be cleaner and less effort, imo. Easier to control temp.

Burning pellets creates ash-- not as much as wood, for sure-- but you'll still need to shut down periodically for clean up/maintenance.

Unless you want to make trip after trip to purchase the bags, you'll need to buy by the ton (pallet of 50 bags) and store them *somewhere* dry. Pack n stack, lol!

Good luck, whichever way you go!

Posted by: JQ at November 04, 2021 12:01 AM (dB4Iz)

637 When the Berlin Wall came down (actually, it was climbed over and holes were knocked in it) I was pretty close by.

My mission was to exchange as many USD for Ostmarks on the black market rate as possible. From Budapest we knew what was happening, and, without any apology, we tried to cash in.

Posted by: Miklos, eye and especially ear witness at November 04, 2021 12:01 AM (QzkSJ)

638 By current standards, I suppose the great flu epidemic in '55-'56 was historical. About as deadly as covid, somewhat less, mostly kids and elderly. Nothing closed, nothing shut down. Polio going on at the same time, along the the A-bomb scare (Build your fallout shelter now!). No one even remembers that epidemic or the similar one in '67-'68 unless a friend or relative died.

Posted by: Fou Troll at November 04, 2021 12:02 AM (HLwmB)

639 Huston...we have a problem...
Posted by: Understatement


Ugh . 'Houston'

Posted by: Mike Hammer, still 29 at November 04, 2021 12:03 AM (jacU8)

640 Howdy!

Posted by: Doof at November 04, 2021 12:03 AM (mZUr4)

641 My mission was to exchange as many USD for Ostmarks on the black market rate as possible. From Budapest we knew what was happening, and, without any apology, we tried to cash in.
Posted by: Miklos, eye and especially ear witness at November 04, 2021 12:01 AM (QzkSJ)

I was at Augsburg.

Posted by: Diogenes at November 04, 2021 12:03 AM (axyOa)

642 First grade we watched a moon shot. Must have been Apollo 13. Friday April 13, 1971. I remember watching the Watergate hearings with my dad. He was a Nixon man.

Posted by: Ted Torgerson at November 04, 2021 12:03 AM (Spr0s)

643 I'm a westlaw guy. Former law firm had a lexis/nexxus rep come into persuade us how much better it is (it's not). Really did not want to be at the presentation (but free lunch, and i'm jewish). For some reason ($?) i think the boss wanted to switch legal search engines. During presentation, rep asks if we have any questions. Yeah. "Can you tell me about your search boolean algebra?" Oh look, a squirrel. We didn't switch.

Posted by: SFGoth at November 04, 2021 12:04 AM (KAi1n)

644 An ABBA world tour will generate more fatalities and casualties than a COVID pandemic.

Mark your calendar, it's about to get chippy up in here!

Posted by: Dr. Bone at November 04, 2021 12:04 AM (+xGNi)

645 Meremortal!

For some unknown first historical memory is LBJ dying of a heart attack

USN.......the gator farm outside of Alamosa

Posted by: westminsterdogshow at November 04, 2021 12:05 AM (/UQ/R)

646 I never bought the great circles navigation thing either.

Posted by: Boss Moss at November 04, 2021 12:05 AM (AtfPU)

647 I've been trying to get hubs settled into bed for the last hour and a half, he seems agitated tonight, I give up, just gathered pillows and blankets, we are going to camp out on the couch. Good night, Horde.

Posted by: Debby Doberman Schultz at November 04, 2021 12:06 AM (a4EWo)

648 I would say Mt St Helens and the launch of MTV

Posted by: a dude in MI at November 04, 2021 12:08 AM (+I6Y/)

649 {{{DDS}}}

Take care darling!

Posted by: westminsterdogshow at November 04, 2021 12:08 AM (/UQ/R)

650 I remember my parents discussing the riots when MLK was shot, so 68. Also remember the moon landing.

Until this very day, I did not know ABBA did the song "Let The Bodies Hit The Floor".

Posted by: Azjaeger at November 04, 2021 12:08 AM (3/XaG)

651 I hate scandies.

Posted by: Boss Moss at November 04, 2021 12:10 AM (AtfPU)

652 Until this very day, I did not know ABBA did the song "Let The Bodies Hit The Floor".
Posted by: Azjaeger at November 04, 2021 12:08 AM (3/XaG)

Did they originally do this one too?

Posted by: Doof at November 04, 2021 12:11 AM (mZUr4)

653 I think ABBA also did Free Fallin'.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 04, 2021 12:11 AM (/KPLX)

654 ABBA's body count is getting serious. Catching up with CB DeMille.

Posted by: klaftern at November 04, 2021 12:12 AM (taPSh)

655 A government that outlaws the ingestion of any plant that is processed solely by clipping and drying is a government that violates the United States Constitution as conceived by the wisest men ever assembled.

Posted by: SFGoth at November 04, 2021 12:12 AM (KAi1n)

656 are you all? We certainly missed you at the Morondezvous!

Posted by: westminsterdogshow at November 04, 2021 12:13 AM (/UQ/R)

657 Posted by: westminsterdogshow at November 04, 2021 12:05 AM (/UQ/R)

Hello, Dear One.

That's a heavy duty one. Everything was so different then. The respect for a President, no matter the party, was tremendous.

For some reason I remember LBJ getting in trouble for picking his Beagles up by the ears. And in Texas we all loved Ladybird and her flower campaign which still brightens the highway roadsides with bluebonnets and more.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 04, 2021 12:13 AM (Bwqq4)

658 I was at Augsburg.
Posted by: Diogenes

Home of fine steel in centuries past, and in a way, the postal system.

Posted by: Miklos, vaguely recalling at November 04, 2021 12:13 AM (QzkSJ)

659 Uh Huh. "Coined" phrase.

This is written by a female so given the subject matter and the state of journalism we can expect at least half of this to be made up and the other half lies.

What's happened is the guys who do make it into college (deciding to go, being qualified and then getting in all are separate trials) are probably just a bit hipper than the average jock or nerd that gets into college and somehow finds their attractive to the girls. So they go overboard but I'd bet most of them cast a jaundiced eye at the sudden popularity and decide to be choosy since they have choices and this gal was on the wrong end of one.

"golden penis"? Can anyone really believe that a bunch of college girls made that up? I can't. Maybe as a goof during a slumber party . . .

Posted by: jakee308 at November 04, 2021 12:15 AM (xyCFt)

660 Really did not want to be at the presentation (but free lunch, and i'm jewish).

Somehow company or paid lunches are better than the dinners I have paid for in the same restaurants.

Posted by: Miklos, thinking Christians are all part of the House of David and Abraham at November 04, 2021 12:17 AM (QzkSJ)

661 Yup. Green shag carpet and black n white tv. Huge family gathering. Anyhow that is the first history I can remember seeing live. Could not tell you much more than just a flash picture.
Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still

Needs some fake wood paneling and glitter in the popcorn ceiling and a wood stove in the corner to be complete.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at November 04, 2021 12:17 AM (1t5dY)

662 are you all? We certainly missed you at the Morondezvous!
Posted by: westminsterdogshow at November 04, 2021 12:13 AM (/UQ/R)

Doing good, WDS!! And yeah, I'm pissed I missed it.

Lady YD's ex threw one of his faggy little hissy fits about some stupid thing that evening and blew up our plan for the kids. Seriously lame. Sorry we didn't make it. I really wanted you to meet V, in particular

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 04, 2021 12:17 AM (/KPLX)

663 I find it fascinating that nowhere in the article or the links (one is unreachable) do they name those drugs.

Things that make you go hmmmm.

Posted by: jakee308 at November 04, 2021 12:18 AM (xyCFt)

664 your email still the same? If so, I will touch base with you tomorrow.

Posted by: westminsterdogshow at November 04, 2021 12:18 AM (/UQ/R)

665 Home of fine steel in centuries past, and in a way, the postal system.
Posted by: Miklos, vaguely recalling at November 04, 2021 12:13 AM (QzkSJ)

I actually got to Budapest in the late 90's. Spent the day with the former head of the Hungarian Air Force. Interesting guy.

Posted by: Diogenes at November 04, 2021 12:18 AM (axyOa)

666 WDS it is, go for it.

Posted by: Meremortal at November 04, 2021 12:20 AM (Bwqq4)

667 First "historic thing" memory:

The Kent State shooting.

Posted by: JQ at November 04, 2021 12:21 AM (dB4Iz)

668 Pooled testing allows labs to combine saliva samples from multiple individuals into a single tube and process the batch as a single test."
Posted by: Thomas Bender

It's like an orgy, but different.

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at November 04, 2021 12:21 AM (THrK8)

669 Memories of songs with mom in the car:
My sister and i had just gotten pixie haircuts. We were sharing a bag of Fritos. I'm in the middle between mom and sis. The Stones' I Can't Get No Satisfaction comes on the radio. Sis and I singing away. No idea what we're singing about.

Posted by: JuJuBee at November 04, 2021 12:22 AM (mNhhD)

670 I actually got to Budapest in the late 90's. Spent the day with the former head of the Hungarian Air Force. Interesting guy.
Posted by: Diogenes

I'm sure!

The manager of the Hyatt hotel bar and grill in the early 90s was a former Hungarian Air Force Pilot.

"The MIG-15. How can I explain. Like Volkswagen Bug, on top of very powerful rocket."

Posted by: Miklos, those were happy days at November 04, 2021 12:22 AM (QzkSJ)

671 YD.......we all kept waiting for a stroller

Posted by: westminsterdogshow at November 04, 2021 12:22 AM (/UQ/R)

672 This first historic memory thing is obviously a trap to reveal our age, and I'm not falling for it.

Which means you'll never get that first-hand account of the landing at Peleliu.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 04, 2021 12:23 AM (OTzUX)

673 655 A government that outlaws the ingestion of any plant that is processed solely by clipping and drying is a government that violates the United States Constitution as conceived by the wisest men ever assembled.
Posted by: SFGoth at November 04, 2021 12:12 AM (KAi1n)

A sentiment from one of our founders:
"mind your business" _B. Franklin
I think most of them shared that sentiment.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 04, 2021 12:23 AM (cZY+h)

674 Pooled testing allows labs to combine saliva samples from multiple individuals into a single tube and process the batch as a single test."
Posted by: Thomas Bender

It's like an orgy, but different.
Posted by: Drink Like Vikings

Less fun

Sounds like No Fun

Posted by: Miklos, whose hot tub was surgically removed at November 04, 2021 12:23 AM (QzkSJ)


Speaking of the Monkees, the mother of Michael Nesmith invented White Out, and founded the Liquid Paper corporation.

That company became a multiple dollar concern. It also became infamous although relatively unknown due to cover up because it's original solvent used in the liquid paper product, magic markers, and the original highlighter was also used by the CIA as a delivery solvent for drugs in the MKUltra and follow-on programs...

Posted by: Toxteth O'Grady at November 04, 2021 12:26 AM (gBPEd)

676 A government that outlaws the ingestion of any plant that is processed solely by clipping and drying is a government that violates the United States Constitution as conceived by the wisest men ever assembled.
Posted by: SFGoth

PLS contact ASAP RE: peyote and/or Mushroom Ranch concept.


Posted by: Crazy Miklos' Tzampotli Family Fun Park and Sustainable Agricultural Entrepreneurialisms LLC at November 04, 2021 12:26 AM (QzkSJ)

677 First historical event I paid attention to was the Cuban Missile Crisis mainly because I was a scared PFC just into my USAEUR tour.

Out in the boonies with a nuclear tipped missile, standing guard weapons hot. If the balloon had gone up, we were dead meat. Ivan knew where we were so our life span was figured at 2 launches.

Posted by: irongrampa at November 04, 2021 12:27 AM (KATBx)

Get the booster Get the booster
Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 03, 2021 10:28 PM (4NtyV)

Hah, indeed. Just came from the bar. ESPN was on a TV there. Apparently Aaron Rodgers is off the roster for the Packers because of the Covids. Evidently he claimed to be "immunized" but did not claim to be "vaccinated". By so doing, he has now caused the Packers, and ESPN to admit that the "vaccine" does not immunize. Mischief is important. We need more of this.

And during the preceding roundball game, Gurgle ran an ad for their new Pixel phone, and bragged about it being to remove extraneous subjects from your photos. Showed some dweeb doing skateboard stunts in front of a fountain, while other dweebs looked on. But the magic Pixel phone can remove onlooker dweebs, while leaving stunt dweeb! I immediately thought of the famous photo of Stalin with the vanishing Commissar.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 04, 2021 12:28 AM (P3gRi)

679 What's also interesting sometimes is to remember childhood things and date them later. I remembered riding on a city bus and seeing a weird picture ad of a lion head with legs. As a kid, no clue. Decades later, I realized that was Santana's first album. I also just remembered being allowed to "stay up" to watch the Batman show on TV, so I guess earliest is actually 66.

Posted by: Azjaeger at November 04, 2021 12:31 AM (3/XaG)

680 Hi Kids!

I'm Joey B., the Booster Rooster!

*needs ppl with graphics skills*

Posted by: Crazy Miklos' vague creative thinkings at November 04, 2021 12:31 AM (QzkSJ)

"golden penis"? Can anyone really believe that a bunch of college girls made that up? I can't. Maybe as a goof during a slumber party . . .

Someone dredged up Austen Powers' "Goldmember", obviously.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at November 04, 2021 12:32 AM (pNxlR)

682 Wow you're old. Born in 58?
Posted by: TC

Go away kid, ya bother me.

JFK assassination.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * In omnia paratus at November 04, 2021 12:33 AM (yacZ7)

683 Posted by: irongrampa at November 04, 2021 12:27 AM (KATBx)


Posted by: Meremortal at November 04, 2021 12:33 AM (Bwqq4)

684 Gurgle ran an ad for their new Pixel phone, and bragged about it being to remove extraneous subjects from your photos. I immediately thought of the famous photo of Stalin with the vanishing Commissar.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

Removed for some, but retained by us.

The Commissar will return if needed.

Posted by: Comrade Yezhov Googlevski at November 04, 2021 12:35 AM (QzkSJ)

685 SF Goth on the war path so we eventually need the peace pipe...

I guess you are worried that the Younglin win means the pendulum is swinging back?

Or is this about the cops who ran a rico pot criminal enterprise getting rico heat?

If it is any solace, I say legalize everything up to and including dran-o.

Posted by: Sven at November 04, 2021 12:35 AM (Lzpvj)

686 Kevin Williamson has to be looking at French's new gig wondering whose dick he has to suck.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls

That's the beauty of a rest stop glory hole. No need to worry 'bout 'oos blowin 'oo.

Posted by: Rick "Knob" Wilson at November 04, 2021 12:36 AM (THrK8)

687 By the way magnifying the is hardly "just cutting and drying the lawn clippings"

Posted by: Sven at November 04, 2021 12:37 AM (Lzpvj)

688 I'm Joey B., the Booster Rooster!

Hey, dammit!

Posted by: Woodsy Owl, with floppy clown feet at November 04, 2021 12:38 AM (SwCv8)

689 What's also interesting sometimes is to remember childhood things and date them later.

I remember being allowed to stay up late and watch The Wild Wild West with my parents. I didn't understand the show, lol, but it was neat to stay up so late!

Posted by: JQ at November 04, 2021 12:38 AM (dB4Iz)

690 I pooped today!

Posted by: Joey "Rocky Road Trousers" Biden at November 04, 2021 12:39 AM (THrK8)

691 651 boss moss,

Not more than they hate themselves

Posted by: Sven at November 04, 2021 12:39 AM (Lzpvj)

692 Ivan knew where we were so our life span was figured at 2 launches.
Posted by: irongrampa

I Good Guy I worked with was a Capt. in an armored cav unit right up close and personal in the Fulda gap.


"80% casualties within 45 minutes, but the worst 45 minutes beyond those poor bastards' expectations."

Posted by: Miklos Salutes at November 04, 2021 12:39 AM (QzkSJ)

693 Magnifying the t h c that is, was it George Harrisson who grew hemp and had a sign on his barn showing how much you had to smoke to get high the size of two barn doors?

Posted by: Sven at November 04, 2021 12:41 AM (Lzpvj)

694 Fulda 83 and Fulda 86 were gonna be different fights I think post 87 we'd have spoken em

Posted by: Sven at November 04, 2021 12:42 AM (Lzpvj)

695 I pooped today!
Posted by: Joey "Rocky Road Trousers" Biden

Our People will call your People

Posted by: Ben and Jerry at November 04, 2021 12:43 AM (QzkSJ)

696 I immediately thought of the famous photo of Stalin with the vanishing Commissar.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

See: Churchill's cigar

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 04, 2021 12:43 AM (oBAbT)

697 626 Krebs v carnot,

OJ as the noble hero and sam waterston as a sane guy....

The 70s

Posted by: Sven at November 04, 2021 12:45 AM (Lzpvj)

698 Does anyone know what cigar Churchill smoked?

Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at November 04, 2021 12:45 AM (0OmEj)

699 I pooped today!
Posted by: Joey "Rocky Road Trousers" Biden

Our People will call your People

Posted by: Ben and Jerry

Cornpop Crunch!

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at November 04, 2021 12:46 AM (THrK8)

700 Late Spring of 1973, we've been in our apartment in Annandale, Va a few months after moving from Thailand. I'm still 5 and get home from whatever school I go to. Mother and paternal grandmother are home. (Thankfully, for both parents, both of their mothers-in-law were great to them.) I want to talk to Mom and "Gramma Alice". "Shhh, the hearings are on", my mother says. I had no idea WTF "hearings" were but I watched for a moment and then went to play with toys or whatever. I also remember watching news footage of the fall of Saigon, delivered by Uncle Walter. My father was a Cronkite man and we were a CBS household. I also remember wondering WhyTF the US and Soviet Union were having salt talks.

Posted by: SFGoth at November 04, 2021 12:46 AM (KAi1n)

701 Good night everyone!

Got a meeting with the 21 year old junior ceo tomorrow. Can't wait

Posted by: westminsterdogshow at November 04, 2021 12:47 AM (/UQ/R)

702 Post 87 we'd have smoked them

Phone is auto cucumbering me I must have had a nightmare...barely realized I was awake

Posted by: Sven at November 04, 2021 12:47 AM (Lzpvj)

703 See: Churchill's cigar
Posted by: Mike Hammer

But that wasn't done by communists

Oh wait

Posted by: Miklos, rethinking at November 04, 2021 12:47 AM (QzkSJ)

Ivan blinked during the missile crisis AND the Brandenburg Gate standoff. I honestly think we could have taken him out.

Posted by: irongrampa at November 04, 2021 12:48 AM (KATBx)

705 Man sleep posting an ONT, hello 2011

Posted by: Sven at November 04, 2021 12:48 AM (Lzpvj)

706 704 irongrampa,

I agree, I think they did not trust their strategic arsenals

Posted by: Sven at November 04, 2021 12:49 AM (Lzpvj)

707 Does anyone know what cigar Churchill smoked?
Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still

Dear Boy

One prioritises

Posted by: Winston Miklos Churchill at November 04, 2021 12:51 AM (QzkSJ)

708 I recall the Hungarian revolution, and Sputnik, very clearly...but then , I recall Sherman burning Atlanta also.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, still 29 at November 04, 2021 12:52 AM (OFJlJ)

709 We were never in any danger of losing a conventional war to the Soviets, certainly not in Europe. You think for a moment that guys who were treated like shit by their own oppressive system, told how bad off the West was, and were prevented from visiting wouldn't have bailed, en masse, once they tasted McDonalds and heard MTV? Yeah, right.

Posted by: SFGoth at November 04, 2021 12:53 AM (KAi1n)

710 Churchill smoked at least part of one La Corona. Sold at auction.

Posted by: klaftern at November 04, 2021 12:54 AM (taPSh)

711 Cubans. And others depending on his budget. Before the communist Revolution.

Today cuban cigars are not as good as central American cigars. The ban cost us Americans nothing but created new and better cigar makers. Oddly enough any cuban cigar i may have smoked was probably fake and just as good as the real thing.

Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at November 04, 2021 12:54 AM (0OmEj)

712 Real question is what was the name for the vitola (size/shape of cigar) that Churchill smoked *before* its famous association with him caused it to be re-named in his honor?

I should know, have never looked it up.

There are claims he smoked (or chewed) 10 cigars a day.

Along with his alcohol consumption, imagine the scolding he'd get from his doctor today.

But he seems to have been fairly accomplished despite all this.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 04, 2021 12:54 AM (OTzUX)

713 709 SF Goth,

Atoms and war economics meant in a long fight ivan was doomed

Posted by: Sven at November 04, 2021 12:55 AM (Lzpvj)

714 Sputnik and then overheard discussions about the pope and Kennedy. I actually don't remember his election. I was puzzled by the arguments because at the time I didn't know who or what the pope was.

Posted by: Lirio100 at November 04, 2021 12:56 AM (uFOGo)

715 I recall the Hungarian revolution, and Sputnik, very clearly...but then , I recall Sherman burning Atlanta also.
Posted by: Mike Hammer

I don't remember Budapest 1956, but I sure grew up looking at the shrapnel and bullet pockmarks.

It was usually easy to distinguish the WWII mementoes from the 1956 ones.

Posted by: Miklos thinks it has been made nice in most places at November 04, 2021 12:56 AM (QzkSJ)

716 Jules insisted I thank everyone here who offered condolences last night regarding her father's death.

She doesn't post here but lives this site vicariously thru me. Big thanks and love from J.

Posted by: Farmer at November 04, 2021 12:56 AM (55Qr6)

717 Just got a nice sampler variety pack delivered today. Various brands and styles. Including a few churchills.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 04, 2021 12:57 AM (OTzUX)

718 Churchill v. Dr. Phil cage match.

Posted by: klaftern at November 04, 2021 12:57 AM (taPSh)

719 716 farmer,

Condolences, I am in the field and gone a lot.

Losing parents is a hard thing.

Posted by: Sven at November 04, 2021 12:58 AM (Lzpvj)

720 Today cuban cigars are not as good as central American cigars. The ban cost us Americans nothing but created new and better cigar makers. Oddly enough any cuban cigar i may have smoked was probably fake and just as good as the real thing.
Posted by: USNtakim deplorable

Cuban cigars are cheap in Cuba. Not just because what you might think.

The workers are effectively allowed to steal cigars for private sale (but not to Cubans, no money or ration coupon for that).

Posted by: Miklos, who inherited about 2100 cigars at November 04, 2021 12:59 AM (QzkSJ)

721 I guess you are worried that the Younglin win means the pendulum is swinging back?
Or is this about the cops who ran a rico pot criminal enterprise getting rico heat?
If it is any solace, I say legalize everything up to and including dran-o.
Posted by: Sven

No, just that every once in awhile I like to burnish my small-government/government-is-best-that-bothers-me-least attitude.

Posted by: SFGoth at November 04, 2021 12:59 AM (KAi1n)

722 718 Churchill v. Dr. Phil cage match.
Posted by: klaftern

Churchill would bum rush him, deliver a Superbowl kickoff to his nuts, wait for him to collapse, flick some ash on him, and saunter off and chug a magnum of champers...

Posted by: Toxteth O'Grady at November 04, 2021 01:00 AM (K7/OQ)

723 First memory is the fall of Saigon then Phnom Penh...

I was 2-3 years old

Posted by: Sven at November 04, 2021 01:01 AM (Lzpvj)

724 Atoms and war economics meant in a long fight ivan was doomed
Posted by: Sven

That is the gist of V.D. Hanson's "The Second World Wars"

Posted by: Miklos, who reads at or above Grade Level at November 04, 2021 01:01 AM (QzkSJ)

725 You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.
_Winston Churchill

Posted by: Braenyard at November 04, 2021 01:01 AM (cZY+h)

726 the seegars at the TxMoMe were hand rolled by a Cuban refugee and/or his son... using Central American Leaf, which i heard was originally grown from seeds smuggled out of Cuba, back in the day.

same latitude, pretty much the same weather, and the people doing the growing, etc, not only make money doing it, they get to keep it, so hell yes it's superior to whatever is coming off that island.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at November 04, 2021 01:02 AM (6khLc)

727 I was 2-3 years old
Posted by: Sven

And that little girl was you?

Posted by: Future Preznit Kammy at November 04, 2021 01:02 AM (QzkSJ)

728 721 SF Goth,

That ship has sailed

Posted by: Sven at November 04, 2021 01:02 AM (Lzpvj)

729 The Golden Penis Syndrome is how both Ace and I get the co-eds all lathered up for coital bliss. The trick is getting the appropriate identification and access to these campus hotties without setting off a red flag with the authorities.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at November 04, 2021 01:03 AM (+xGNi)

730 Churchill would bum rush him, deliver a Superbowl kickoff to his nuts, wait for him to collapse, flick some ash on him, and saunter off and chug a magnum of champers...
Posted by: Toxteth O'Grady

W. Churchill was a cavalryman, and participated in the last pistol and sabre charge of Her Majesty's Cavalry

Posted by: Miklos recalls-"There is no thing more exhilarating..." at November 04, 2021 01:04 AM (QzkSJ)

731 Is it really asking too much for Rocky Road Ruprecht to just stroke out already, and take Sloppy Choppers with him?

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at November 04, 2021 01:05 AM (THrK8)

732 USNtakim just in the early stages of exploring the cigar thing, the impression is that the embargo has created major industries in the DR, Nicaragua, Honduras, even Ecuador and Mexico, and given that in Brazil a boost. From the fields to the factories, seems like it must have had a lot of economic impact.

Also seems like it's a golden age for cigars, the variety of tobaccos and blends has created an astonishing breadth and quality, with new blending artists emerging all the time.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 04, 2021 01:05 AM (OTzUX)

733 Atoms and war economics meant in a long fight ivan was doomed
Posted by: Sven

By Reagan's time, the Soviet Union was doomed in a short fight. As soon as he could, Ivan would be trading his AK-47 for a McDonald's gappy meal. Ronald McDonald would've been taking more surrenders than Patton did in all of WW2.

Golden Arches > Kremlin Spires.

Posted by: SFGoth at November 04, 2021 01:06 AM (KAi1n)

734 727 kammy,

My first memory was aged 2-3 and the fight that led to my parents splitting...

I watched the news a lot until about 2002.

Dad says when PBS played "vietnam the 10000 day war" I recognized the footage and impersonated Cronkite I dunno

Posted by: Sven at November 04, 2021 01:06 AM (Lzpvj)

735 First! memories? JFK assassination, and seeing a steam locomotive towing a freight train, somewhere here in Lost Angels.

also, being allowed to watch the Mickey Mouse Club, but not the show that came after it... even at that early age, Mommy Dearest severely limited my TV watching, which may be why i never got into the habit of turning on the idiot box.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at November 04, 2021 01:07 AM (6khLc)

736 Oh brudder.

On local news here in SoCal tonight: the city of West Hollywood is voting whether to adopt the highest minimum wage in the entire USA. $17.64 pet hour.

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 04, 2021 01:08 AM (L2ZTs)

737 That ship has sailed
Posted by: Sven

Getting stoned on the Lido deck right outside the soft serve machine and the goat cheese pizza maker is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

Posted by: SFGoth at November 04, 2021 01:08 AM (KAi1n)

738 redc the number of "Cuban seed" tobaccos used, grown all over, is bewildering. And already I've stumbled across (reading, not smoking) hybrids they've created for specific qualities. It's really pretty interesting. So many parallels with wine-making - "terroir", the tobacco, the blending, the aging.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 04, 2021 01:08 AM (OTzUX)

739 W. Churchill was a cavalryman, and participated in the last pistol and sabre charge of Her Majesty's Cavalry
Posted by: Miklos recalls-"There is no thing more exhilarating..." at November 04, 2021 01:04 AM (QzkSJ)

Fun fact: The British Navy and Air Force are "Royal", and the reigning monarch is the titular head of each. But the Army is the "English Army" and the monarch is not the boss of it. There is a "Queen's Own" Regiment, though.

This was a deliberate choice, to remove any pretext for the Monarch to use the Army against the people.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 04, 2021 01:10 AM (P3gRi)

740 Right today, Ivan is perfectly capable short term of creating major heartburn before you settle him down.

Long term, not so much.

Posted by: irongrampa at November 04, 2021 01:10 AM (KATBx)

741 It has been called "The Power of the P" forever.
Posted by: Tonypete at November 03, 2021 09:33 PM (mD/uy)

Ahh. The most power tool known to man...the vaginal wrench.
Archimedes and his lever to move the world? Pfft.

Posted by: waepnedmann at November 04, 2021 01:10 AM (xJyPS)

742 By Reagan's time, the Soviet Union was doomed in a short fight. As soon as he could, Ivan would be trading his AK-47 for a McDonald's gappy meal. Ronald McDonald would've been taking more surrenders than Patton did in all of WW2.

Golden Arches > Kremlin Spires.
Posted by: SFGoth

Pizza Hut (as part, then, of PepsiCo) opened two locations in Moscow in the late 80s. One for Soviet rubles, one for hard (foreign) currency. Huge losses on both. One empty, one always full.

Such a disaster that even the Harvard Business Review published a study.

Posted by: Miklos recalls negotiating with PepsiCo at November 04, 2021 01:10 AM (QzkSJ)

743 Goodnight all, thanks for the fun chat tonight.

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 04, 2021 01:11 AM (L2ZTs)

744 Yup. Join an online club. Let them send you new cigars. I'm learning still. My go too brand Perdomo. Never had a bad one yet. I prefer a darker wrapper over the broadleaf. More flavor not always as strong. Depends. Bad habit. But with a good bourbon! Man.

Moderate cigar smokers are not at much health risk.

Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at November 04, 2021 01:12 AM (0OmEj)

745 This was a deliberate choice, to remove any pretext for the Monarch to use the Army against the people.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

So carpet bomb them, hit them with offshore naval gunfire, and then send in the Royal Marines. But no army. Gotcha.

Posted by: SFGoth at November 04, 2021 01:12 AM (KAi1n)


The only cigars worth smoking are hand rolled on the inner thighs of latina 18 y/o girls, lubricated with tears and vaginal juices but mostly vaginal juices, and gently dusted with crunchy frog.

Posted by: Toxteth O'Grady at November 04, 2021 01:12 AM (K7/OQ)

747 There is a "Queen's Own" Regiment, though.

Don't go giving Lindsey Graham any ideas

Posted by: Miklos, disagreeable actual constituent at November 04, 2021 01:13 AM (QzkSJ)

748 Don't go giving Lindsey Graham any ideas
Posted by: Miklos, disagreeable actual constituent at November 04, 2021 01:13 AM (QzkSJ)


Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 04, 2021 01:15 AM (P3gRi)

749 Hell, even Boris Yeltsin was beside himself with grief when he realized how fvcking fabulous the American, smack-dab middle class lived (like tsars), better than *anyone* in the USSR, including Gorby. No way we could've invaded Russia and won, but there's no way they could've invaded the West and not essentially dissolved. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is easily digestible on an empty stomach.

Posted by: SFGoth at November 04, 2021 01:16 AM (KAi1n)

750 Tis time. Goodnite, good people. Be safe and sleep well.

Posted by: irongrampa at November 04, 2021 01:16 AM (KATBx)

751 So carpet bomb them, hit them with offshore naval gunfire, and then send in the Royal Marines. But no army. Gotcha.
Posted by: SFGoth

Washington D.C., 1814

Captured and partially burned

Get yer bloody asses back here and FINISH THE JOB

Posted by: Miklos sincerely requests at November 04, 2021 01:16 AM (QzkSJ)

D.C. = District of Criminality

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 04, 2021 01:17 AM (Mzdiz)

753 Evening.

Today I learned that somewhere in New Jersey is a man named Durr.

And that man just got elected to the state Senate.

Senator Durr.

Fucking wild, maaaan!

Posted by: Robert at November 04, 2021 01:17 AM (P6yI5)

Okay, I'm gonna throw up. Brought to you by Pfizer:

That's an ad about vaccinating kids -- you'll be a superhero! And save the world!

That is pure evil right there.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 04, 2021 01:19 AM (Mzdiz)

755 Hell, even Boris Yeltsin was beside himself with grief when he realized how fvcking fabulous the American, smack-dab middle class lived (like tsars), better than *anyone* in the USSR, including Gorby. No way we could've invaded Russia and won, but there's no way they could've invaded the West and not essentially dissolved. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is easily digestible on an empty stomach.
Posted by: SFGoth at November 04, 2021 01:16 AM (KAi1n)

Kind of ironic, when you think about it, that the Soviets prided themselves on atheist materialism, but got beaten six ways from Sunday on the material wealth deal by the at least nominally Christian USA.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 04, 2021 01:19 AM (P3gRi)

756 USN, have yet to burn a Perdomo, but early days - and I've got one or two on my "to try" list already. As with gun stores, I feel an obligation to throw them some business - as they're persecuted entities in this idiotic state/country - so I am making an effort to research and then try singles from my favorite local (owner also swims at the same pool as I do). Plus, it's a great place, with a dangerous crowd (amazing how such a "diverse" clientele seems remarkably white supremacist, insurrectionist, and extremist).

As I develop favorites I'll stalk sales online, as the savings would be quite substantial. If you know what you want, pretty amazing how inexpensively you can get them.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 04, 2021 01:20 AM (OTzUX)

757 That is pure evil right there.
Posted by: publius

Evil is in the world.

Now let us return to the topic of lease of a half-acre of decent agricultural land.

Assuming there will be enough time to plant, cultivate, and bring in a good garden crop.

Posted by: Miklos, actual farmer's grand-former-baby at November 04, 2021 01:22 AM (QzkSJ)

758 My favorite Canadian unit name is (was? afraid to find out) Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry.

Just a glorious name from a bygone era.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 04, 2021 01:22 AM (OTzUX)

759 Okay, I'm gonna throw up. Brought to you by Pfizer:

That's an ad about vaccinating kids -- you'll be a superhero! And save the world!

That is pure evil right there.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 04, 2021 01:19 AM (Mzdiz)

Someone needs to do a p'shop parody: Jim Jones, wearing a Pfizer cap and jacket, handing out cups of Pfizerade (cooler with "Flavor" scratched out, and "Pfizer" scrawled in). "Here kid, drink this. It will make you super."

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 04, 2021 01:24 AM (P3gRi)

760 Posted by: qdpsteve at November 04, 2021 01:08 AM (L2ZTs)
2 predictions:
1. it will pass.
2. businesses will either close/relocate/shed staff like cat hair, so everyone loses.

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at November 04, 2021 01:25 AM (6khLc)

761 Kind of ironic, when you think about it, that the Soviets prided themselves on atheist materialism, but got beaten six ways from Sunday on the material wealth deal by the at least nominally Christian USA.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

Krushchev's son defected to the US and became a historian and professor. His account of his father's reciprocal visit to the US (after VP Nixon went to the USSR) tells all.

Nikolai's responses then are almost verbatim of what the Bitem flacks are saying now.

Posted by: Miklos, who can provide quotes at November 04, 2021 01:26 AM (QzkSJ)

762 My favorite Canadian unit name is (was? afraid to find out) Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry.

Just a glorious name from a bygone era.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 04, 2021 01:22 AM (OTzUX)

Still an active-duty Regiment.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 04, 2021 01:27 AM (P3gRi)

763 Red, yup

Posted by: qdpsteve at November 04, 2021 01:29 AM (L2ZTs)

764 Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din

Further to your previous gulyas-related request-

*full recipe is not complicated, but clearly written under the For Our Own Good Pixy Rules would not be Simple or Clear*

Posted by: Miklos, willing to email and share at November 04, 2021 01:31 AM (QzkSJ)

765 My first political memory...

Mom took me to some afternoon reception thing upstairs at some motel in Rockford IL for Nixon volunteers after he lost in 1960. I've mentioned in '64 my Dad put a AuH2o sign out for Goldwater in a very Dem neighborhood.

Yeah, I guess I'm f@#$ing old. Go figure. When we md 40 yrs ago this past June we had 4 grandmothers and 4 parents living. Now my Dad is the last one standing.

Posted by: Farmer at November 04, 2021 01:36 AM (55Qr6)

766 Past 11:30 here. I am going to go to bed. Night, Horde.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 04, 2021 01:37 AM (P3gRi)

This guy, an actual superhero, gives me some ideas:

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 04, 2021 01:38 AM (Mzdiz)

768 This guy, an actual superhero, gives me some ideas:

"The video shows the person severing and removing cables from satellites"

I admit to having been completely wrong my whole life about what satellites are and how they work.

Posted by: Miklos, willing to re-learn from Professional Journalists at November 04, 2021 01:43 AM (QzkSJ)

769 Past 11:30 here. I am going to go to bed. Night, Horde.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

This man has the right idea.

As usual.

Posted by: Miklos, gravitationally re-orienting in a Feng Shee-it way at November 04, 2021 01:50 AM (QzkSJ)

770 "This guy, an actual superhero, gives me some ideas:"
-Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 04, 2021 01:38 AM (Mzdiz)

He's got my vote.

Posted by: Slapweasel (Ckg4U) at November 04, 2021 02:01 AM (Ckg4U)

link goes to a cooking pot, and it isn't in stock.

no recipe

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at November 04, 2021 02:08 AM (6khLc)

772 Mornin'
(sips coffee)

Posted by: Puddleglum at November 04, 2021 02:11 AM (QFVV9)

773 What is the first historical thing you remember?

The Watergate hearings. I was mad because they kept pre-empting Capt. Kangaroo to show them.

Posted by: Puddleglum at November 04, 2021 02:18 AM (QFVV9)

774 shit! i was gonna go to bed an hour ago...

damn the Intarwebz and it's rabbit holes!

hasta, y'all!

Posted by: redc1c4 *OTUS Zhou Bai-Din Cheated & we all know it at November 04, 2021 02:35 AM (6khLc)

775 hiya

Posted by: JT at November 04, 2021 02:42 AM (arJlL)

776 770 "This guy, an actual superhero, gives me some ideas:"
-Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at November 04, 2021 01:38 AM (Mzdiz)

He's got my vote.
Posted by: Slapweasel (Ckg4U) at November 04, 2021 02:01 AM (Ckg4U)

Good Evening, London

Posted by: V at November 04, 2021 02:57 AM (+I6Y/)

777 I was mad because they kept pre-empting Capt. Kangaroo to show them.
Posted by: Puddleglum

Fvck Dick Nixon

Posted by: SFGoth at November 04, 2021 02:57 AM (KAi1n)

778 Mornin', all

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at November 04, 2021 02:59 AM (DhFiC)

779 Hiya MLiiGRAM !

Posted by: JT at November 04, 2021 03:01 AM (arJlL)

780 I don't want to but have to get moving

Posted by: Skip at November 04, 2021 03:08 AM (2JoB8)

781 Any minute now

Posted by: Skip at November 04, 2021 03:12 AM (2JoB8)

782 Hey JT !

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at November 04, 2021 03:14 AM (DhFiC)

783 Any minute now
Posted by: Skip

Its ALMOST the weekend !

Posted by: JT at November 04, 2021 03:17 AM (arJlL)

784 Coffee is ready.

Have time to make some bacon and eggs. Maybe an egg sandwich

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at November 04, 2021 03:18 AM (DhFiC)

785 Hey JT !
Posted by: My Life is Insanity

Posted by: JT at November 04, 2021 03:18 AM (arJlL)

786 Coffee is on, it will be some minutes

Posted by: Skip at November 04, 2021 03:20 AM (2JoB8)

787 I have some ham cubes left over to fry with scrambled eggs

Posted by: Skip at November 04, 2021 03:21 AM (2JoB8)

788 I bet Alec Baldwin wishes he had gone into politics, rather than murder.

Posted by: JT at November 04, 2021 03:27 AM (arJlL)

789 Looks like Alec Baldwin killed this thread, too !

Posted by: JT at November 04, 2021 03:36 AM (arJlL)

790 Pixy's up !

Posted by: JT at November 04, 2021 03:37 AM (arJlL)

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