aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | The Morning Report - 6/3/21![]() Meanwhile anyone and everyone who questioned not only the origins of this Chinese Communist-concoted Peking Pox but the actual seriousness of its spread as well as the two-week lockdown, now going on 65 weeks, that the Democrat Propaganda Complex blasted as "anti-science" or worse are suddenly looking like geniuses. Seriously, I ain't no Dr. Bloody Bronofski but even I said back in March 2020 that this whole thing was ridiculous. Now the media is trying to erase the record and paper over the past. We'll see how that works out for them. Actually, they're in a bit of a pickle; the lockdowns, the masks and the "vaccine passports" are a totalitarian wet dream. But now that the cat's out of the bag that all of it was totally unnecessary, how to defend Fauci and themselves while still relenting and finally ending this national nightmare. But, some are stuck on stupid. Wretched Whitmer, who was caught flying to Florida to visit her folks after admonishing the Michigan peons that they must remained masked and chained to a radiator and is facing a potential recall is now considering EXTENDING the state of emergency until July. And that means forever, or until the morale improves. These revelations are potentially a giant torpedo not only for Fauci and his disciples but for the false g-d of Big Totalitarian Socialism. We shall see how well they can spin this crap, considering people have had it up to here with this crap. The cynic/pessimist in me says some other squirrel like "another innocent black youth murdered by white supremacist cops" (sarcastic) will make this go away, although we'll still be in lockdown mode to one degree or another. The optimist in me says they took a solid hit below the waterline. It will take time but the water will rise. ALSO... Commenters mentioned late yesterday that Benjamin Netanyahu had been ousted as Israeli PM but I have not seen that anywhere as of this posting.
The NJ legislature is voting today on an extension of Murphy's COVID powers. There is a rally today against the bill Assembly Bill A-5777 in Trenton 125-145 West State Street at the State House Annex.
If you cannot get to Trenton please consider calling the following people-House Speaker Craig Coughlin 732-855-7441, Senate President Steve Sweeny-856-251-9801 and Senate Majority Leader, Loretta Weinberg and tell them to reject the Bill. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 03, 2021 05:06 AM (k39e/) 2
Someone's up early!
Posted by: Biden's Dog at June 03, 2021 05:06 AM (r7P2t) 3
Good morning
Posted by: CN at June 03, 2021 05:08 AM (ONvIw) 4
I little early. I am not complaining.
Posted by: JAS, AoSHQ addict at June 03, 2021 05:09 AM (xopIz) 5
We Jews could help ourselves a lot by stopping the idiotic support of the groups who hate us, like maybe BLM and Muslim immigration pols. When I read bullshit in Jewish periodicals about the need for more Muslim diversity or that white supremacists are the real problem, I wonder if we give a damn about our future.
Posted by: CN at June 03, 2021 05:13 AM (ONvIw) 6
Three guesses on the race of the antisemitic coach.
Posted by: CN at June 03, 2021 05:17 AM (ONvIw) 7
Bill A-5777 will do the following:
Extend Covid Emergency Powers. Give Covid Management to a State Agency which will control. Call the folks listed in post #1 and tell them to vote NO on Assembly Bill A-5777 Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 03, 2021 05:17 AM (k39e/) Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice. Asymptomatic raycist at June 03, 2021 05:19 AM (3D/fK) Posted by: Big V Caffeinated at June 03, 2021 05:19 AM (6Pqz7) 10
the Daily Caller reporter should have lived up to her name and just shouted out her questions at the press conference.
Posted by: vivi at June 03, 2021 05:22 AM (USW1s) 11
Attempted to link he Battle of Vicksburg site in Mississippi to a woman named Jennie Hodges, who pretended to be a male soldier and enlisted in the Union Army. The NPS entry on Hodges uses both feminine and masculine pronouns to describe her.
And you can bet Miss Hodges would not have described herself as transgender and would have looked at you as if you had two heads if you asked her which pronouns she went by. I guess Deborah Sampson who disguised herself as male to figh in the Revolutionary War was really a radical Transgender Rights person too./sarc Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 03, 2021 05:28 AM (k39e/) 12
Although IL is fully reopening on June 11th, Guv Pritzker signed a new covid 19 emergency declaration bill to keep the scam going.
No more fed covid bux if there is no emergency. No special fed unemployment monies. It's all about the $$. Thanks for bailing Illinois out, taxpayers. Posted by: lizabth at June 03, 2021 05:28 AM (L3Rsz) 13
Hell, even NJ has given up the ghost on this scam. I was distressed on my trip to Penn State that PA still has mask mandates going. Sad. Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 03, 2021 05:30 AM (gQEnn) 14
10 the Daily Caller reporter should have lived up to her name and just shouted out her questions at the press conference.
Posted by: vivi at June 03, 2021 05:22 AM (USW1s) What, is FOX's Peter Doocy MIA as well here? He couldn't bring himself to shout out a question either? Posted by: Darrell Harris at June 03, 2021 05:31 AM (mdjgu) 15
Good morning horde!
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 03, 2021 05:33 AM (IUd0M) 16
Corgis called.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 03, 2021 05:34 AM (IUd0M) 17
Unlike with Trump, any reporter shouting a question at the Meat Puppet will lose their access. So they watch their P's and Q's or else. Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 03, 2021 05:35 AM (gQEnn) 18
@13 It's amazing how Illinois is thriving financially (supposedly) after the scam.
Of course, Pritzker has taken credit, but really it is due to the Fed's largesse. Again, thank you! Our taxes aren't going up (so far). IL will be back in the soup before the end of the year. That's a truth as real as gravity. Posted by: lizabth at June 03, 2021 05:36 AM (L3Rsz) 19
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 03, 2021 05:06 AM (k39e/)
A most impressive FIRST post. Not posting "First", and leaving it at that, but putting in a full, info-packed post as a first. Degree of Difficulty: 10. Posted by: Darrell Harris at June 03, 2021 05:37 AM (mdjgu) 20
18. Yep. The pandemic was used to bailout the blue outcome they wouldn't get with POTUS 45.
Posted by: Winston Smith at June 03, 2021 05:38 AM (F4z95) 21
The pandemic was used to bailout the blue outcome they wouldn't get with POTUS 45.
Posted by: Winston Smith Exactly. St. Fauci brought about OUR (blue states) year of jubilee. Posted by: lizabth at June 03, 2021 05:39 AM (L3Rsz) 22
Of course, I have to note...Trump absolutely aided St. Fauci in the largesse to the Blues.
Posted by: lizabth at June 03, 2021 05:40 AM (L3Rsz) 23
Posted by: Darrell Harris at June 03, 2021 05:37 AM (mdjgu)
Thanks; I forget to note for the NJ folks that the rally is from 10-1 Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 03, 2021 05:41 AM (k39e/) 24
Played like a fiddle he was. Gave him props for doing so early on, but after the 10th 'week to flatten the curve', not so much.
Posted by: lizabth at June 03, 2021 05:42 AM (L3Rsz) 25
Just signing in; see you more fully later.
Posted by: andycanuck at June 03, 2021 05:42 AM (UHVv4) 26
In not really breaking news, we were listening to one of the Baltimore news stations on the way home yesterday. They were interviewing one of Maryland's State Senators, who basically called for a national strike, and for people NOT to return to work until wages are increased.
Work with me on this, cause I really suck at audio files, but at around the 01:03:00 mark, the hosts begin to discuss Governor Hogans decision to eliminate the $300.00 per week federal kicker, and a few minutes later, in his twisted and contorted answer, the Senator lets the cat out of the bag. They should not return to work until wages are increased. IOW, while attempting to restart the economy, and with employers desperate for employees...this son of a bitch is calling for a strike until employers increase wages. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice. Asymptomatic raycist at June 03, 2021 05:42 AM (3D/fK) 27
Posted by: JT at June 03, 2021 05:42 AM (arJlL) 28
In not really breaking news, we were listening to one of the Baltimore news stations on the way home yesterday.
Could ya hear it over the gunshots ? Posted by: JT at June 03, 2021 05:44 AM (arJlL) 29
And for the NJ folks here is a list of legislators from your districts you can also call: Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 03, 2021 05:44 AM (k39e/) 30
I could have told everyone the masks are worthless a year ago. I guess a college degree trumps common sense though.
Posted by: f'd at June 03, 2021 05:44 AM (Tnijr) 31
Good morning, JT
Posted by: lizabth at June 03, 2021 05:45 AM (L3Rsz) 32
Someone should introduce him to the maxim that the minimum wage of the universe is zero dollars and zero cents and if they keep at it, they are going to bring the entire system crashing down. Which may ultimately be the point of this whole Op. Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 03, 2021 05:45 AM (gQEnn) 33
Hiya lizabth !
Posted by: JT at June 03, 2021 05:46 AM (arJlL) 34
If you need any further evidence that our world is descending into a horror movie: Andy Ngo, the insanely brave journalist covering nay exposing Antifa was beaten to a bloody pulp -- AGAIN -- in Portland. Fleeing the howling hyenas to the refuge of the only open business he could find, the Nines Hotel, the employees refused to call 9-1-1 for him and told him to put on a mask.
Posted by: Ordinary American at June 03, 2021 05:48 AM (H8QX8) 35
Well we did... Quote: This was a scam at every level of analysis. There is no way of stopping the spread of a virus in a general population of 7.5 billion highly mobile, highly integrated and connected people. Things are locked down, except that which wasn't. Masks don't and can't do shit, disinfecting surfaces ain't doing shit either. Virus spread, that's what they do, that's all they fucking do, it's what they are programmed to do. This whole thing was devoid of any logic, reason or actual science. I'm disappointed in Trump but understand his "men and women of science," put him in a bad spot. Fauchi and Birx need to be fired out of a canon into the river for their role in this bullshit. Posted by: Thomas Bender at May 28, 2020 02:59 PM (lh1YW) Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 03, 2021 05:49 AM (gQEnn) 36
Good morning all. Thank you JJ. The Daniel Greenfield is broken.
Posted by: Muad'dib at June 03, 2021 05:49 AM (wuHiP) 37
Here is another oldie but goodie...
Quote: I said this two months ago. Viral outbreak in Wuhan. They got wet markets in Wuhan. Whats also in Wuhan? Why a level 4 Bio-Safety Lab! Must have been the wet market, must have. This also speaks to the incompetence and malevolence of our IC. Apparently, no one's got the China beat. What exactly are we getting for our 150 billion dollars? Posted by: Thomas Bender at May 04, 2020 12:22 PM (NkeJ4) Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 03, 2021 05:55 AM (gQEnn) 38
And another one...
Quote: There was a report that of the all of the deaths reported to be from China Bat Flu, roughly only 11k had both a positive RNA test for the virus and an accompanying pneumonia. Pneumonia is the real mechanism that causes death from a respiratory virus. So it proves they have been goosing the numbers by roughly 80 pct. Which is why I was calling this thing a complete scam weeks ago because it was transparent what they were doing was as far from science as you can get. Posted by: Thomas Bender at May 04, 2020 12:31 PM (NkeJ4) Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 03, 2021 05:56 AM (gQEnn) 39
"Apparently, no one's got the China beat.
What exactly are we getting for our 150 billion dollars? " With two, you get egg roll. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice. Asymptomatic raycist at June 03, 2021 05:57 AM (3D/fK) 40
Controversial health official's lack of scientific curiosity raises troubling questions."
"Too Long for Me to Read": Fauci Dismissed Expert's E-Mail About Chinese Disinformation on Chinese COVID-19 (too long or Chu Wong? - jjs) * It's weird how the public persona the individual and the media promote is so much different from the truth. He's no more a scientist than Bill Nye. Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 03, 2021 05:57 AM (iDOL8) Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 03, 2021 05:58 AM (EZebt) 42
Morning peeps from the soggy Bluegrass.
I think there are too many targets to focus on right now. My #1 target is the media. For now. Without their mouthpiece the leftists messaging is kaput. That alone is probably the most significant thing that can happen to them. For now. Later, we'll what options are available once they've shut up. The democrats have done a great deal of damage and they need to atone for that. Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 03, 2021 05:58 AM (3H9h1) 43
Too long to read. I bet the little dago garden gnome has time to read an 18 page book contract.
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at June 03, 2021 06:00 AM (I58tH) 44
And a little bit of a conversation..
Quote: "Amazon tells all 798,000 employees to halt travel, in US and internationally, over coronavirus fears" That's one hell of a last mile problem. Posted by: Miklos, talking logistics at February 28, 2020 10:09 PM (QzkSJ) Looks like the Globalist really are willing to tank the global economy to get rid of Trump. We are witnessing evil, spite and hate that beggars the imagination. Posted by: Thomas Bender at February 28, 2020 10:12 PM (rw8je) Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 03, 2021 06:00 AM (gQEnn) 45
What I read is that Bibi's protege, described as "far right" fwiw, stabbed him in the back and joined the opposition coalition and will be named PM. That needs to be voted on in parliament.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 03, 2021 06:01 AM (C2hDV) 46
My brother got the second shot a week ago. He's been feeling bad all week, but is feeling better today. I told him that he shouldn't have received the vaccine. He agrees.
I took another dose of Ivermectin yesterday. I am feeling great. Posted by: JAS, AoSHQ addict at June 03, 2021 06:01 AM (xopIz) 47
Good morning!
This is bananas, from the Liberty Justice Center: 1/ No joke. Loudoun County Public Schools, VA have set up a "bias reporting system" that gives students the power to name and shame peers for expressing viewpoints inconsistent with extreme political ideology. Our latest Posted by: Lizzy at June 03, 2021 06:01 AM (bDqIh) 48
The bottom line is that this thing was a scam and op from jump street and was sussed out as such from the very beginning right here on this blog.
Can a blog and it's commenters get a Pulitzer? Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 03, 2021 06:02 AM (gQEnn) 49
So, Fauci played his role and now he exits
Anyone heard about Rod Rosenstein, Peter Strozk, Lisa Page or any others in that cabal lately? Rod is enjoying retirement... #twoweeks Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 03, 2021 06:02 AM (EZebt) 50
JPost on Bibi
Posted by: You Really Don't Want to Know at June 03, 2021 06:05 AM (AHq56) 51
I told him that he shouldn't have received the vaccine. He agrees.
I took another dose of Ivermectin yesterday. I am feeling great. * And no worms. Did your sheet about how to take ivermectin say that you should not take it to prevent covid unless you are in a monitored trial? Full court press for some reason. You'd think doctors and pharmacies would be pretty Gung ho about finding something so cheap is also so effective. Hmm... I wonder if there's a financial motivation? Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 03, 2021 06:05 AM (iDOL8) 52
I took another dose of Ivermectin yesterday.
I am feeling great. Posted by: JAS, AoSHQ addict at June 03, 2021 06:01 AM (xopIz) As prophylactic? Are you taking the equine form? Just curious. Posted by: Ordinary American at June 03, 2021 06:05 AM (H8QX8) 53
Anyone heard about Rod Rosenstein, Peter Strozk, Lisa Page or any others in that cabal lately? Rod is enjoying retirement...
#twoweeks Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 03, 2021 06:02 AM (EZebt) I'm sure them suffering no real consequences is actually a win for us. Just like Lois Lerner getting to retire and the only "justice" was a payout by the government to the tea party groups. Posted by: Buzzion at June 03, 2021 06:05 AM (G2zl5) 54
No joke. Loudoun County Public Schools, VA have set up a "bias reporting system" that gives students the power to name and shame peers for expressing viewpoints inconsistent with extreme political ideology. Our latest
High School me would flood that reporting system. So would my friends. Within days it would have thousands of reports. Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 03, 2021 06:05 AM (C2hDV) 55
I want an entire year of my life back
Posted by: DB- just DB at June 03, 2021 06:06 AM (iTXRQ) 56
"Some things may be true even if Donald Trump has said them"
EVEN A STOPPED CLOCK IS RIGHT TWICE A DAY RAAWWK! Posted by: Propaganda Parrot at June 03, 2021 06:06 AM (Tnijr) 57
As a prophylactic. Equine paste, apple flavored.
Posted by: JAS, AoSHQ addict at June 03, 2021 06:07 AM (xopIz) 58
I think all the members of the White House Correspondents Association got their credentials off a matchbook. Here's their board. a bunch of wet smacks, pinkos, and lapdogs in the service of the globalist elitist agenda.
No wonder it's led by someone from the AP, which could not cover a story if it was literally under their nose in the ME. Posted by: vivi at June 03, 2021 06:07 AM (USW1s) 59
Hmm... I wonder if there's a financial motivation?
Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 03, 2021 06:05 AM (iDOL ![]() That's just crazy talk. Posted by: The Pharmaceutical Lobby at June 03, 2021 06:07 AM (PiwSw) 60
Good morning y'all!
Posted by: J. Bush at June 03, 2021 06:07 AM (VzbI8) 61
where Strzok attended elementary school at the American School in Tehran prior to the Iranian Revolution.
huh Posted by: DB- just DB at June 03, 2021 06:09 AM (iTXRQ) 62
57 As a prophylactic. Equine paste, apple flavored.
Posted by: JAS, AoSHQ addict at June 03, 2021 06:07 AM (xopIz) Got it, thanks. I have some on hand but haven't taken it. Posted by: Ordinary American at June 03, 2021 06:09 AM (H8QX8) 63
I'm sure the media will spin Fauci's departure as somehow a stain on Trump's tenure as president. I think a fair question to ask of Trump is why he kept Fauci around (Brix too) IF he knew COVID was a manufactured bug and not that serious.
A very big if. I assume it's possible Fauci knew exactly what COVID was as he was involved in it's creation, perhaps indirectly. He could have known and effectively briefed Trump, but that does not appear to have happened. There is a lot of grey area in this situation and PDT should help fill in the blanks or the media will spin this as a failure on his part and attribute the deaths directly to his perceived incompetency. Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 03, 2021 06:11 AM (3H9h1) 64
"The new White House science adviser wants to have a vaccine ready to fight the next pandemic in just about 100 days after recognizing a potential viral outbreak.
In his first interview after being sworn in Wednesday, Eric Lander painted a rosy near future where a renewed American emphasis on science not only better prepares the world for the next pandemic with plug-and-play vaccines, but also changes how medicine fights disease and treats patients, curbs climate change and further explores space. He even threw in a Star Trek reference." Science! Posted by: f'd at June 03, 2021 06:11 AM (Tnijr) 65
It's weird how the public persona the individual and the media promote is so much different from the truth. He's no more a scientist than Bill Nye.
Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 03, 2021 05:57 AM (iDOL ![]() This was obvious to me and surely the rest of the Horde on Day 1. But not the really smart sciency guys with the enemedia. There are health providers and then public health paper pushers whom Sarah Palin warned about and was ridiculed by the GOP cuntry clubbers. Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 06:11 AM (y7DUB) Posted by: You Really Don't Want to Know at June 03, 2021 06:12 AM (AHq56) 67
Two reasons my very smart and well educated doctor gave me for not getting the vaccine. Unusual cases of myocarditis and unusual coagulation. He also mentioned he was concerned about the long term effects of spike protein adaptations. I have no idea what he meant by the latter.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 06:13 AM (LcEaB) 68
g'mornin' again, 'rons Posted by: AltonJackson at June 03, 2021 06:13 AM (DUIap) 69
Re Ain't nobody got no time for reading no science up in here
How many thousands of people with advanced degrees work for the NIH or answer to the NIH and CDC? And he as a manager couldn't figure out how to tell one of them "read this and give me a detailed one page summary." Ladies and gentlemen, the highest paid government employee. The man responsible for the response to AIDS and the COVID-19s. Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 03, 2021 06:14 AM (iDOL8) Posted by: You Really Don't Want to Know at June 03, 2021 06:14 AM (AHq56) 71
I think a fair question to ask of Trump is why he kept Fauci around (Brix too) IF he knew COVID was a manufactured bug and not that serious.
Recall that in March, we were getting reports from Italy about high death rates. Entire newspaper editions that were only obituaries. Reports from china that the crematoriums were running overtime, truckloads of urns being delivered. The info pointed to a bad disease, it didn't matter where it came from at that time. Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 03, 2021 06:14 AM (C2hDV) 72
I remember that Star Trak episode where they beamed down to a planet and everyone got space herpes and then McCoy had to come up with an antidote within 24 hours so Kirk could bang a hot alien.
Posted by: f'd at June 03, 2021 06:15 AM (Tnijr) 73
Posted by: DB- just DB at June 03, 2021 06:16 AM (iTXRQ) 74
Because unfortunately, Trump was largely boxed in by the Op and scam, which is why he went hard on the vaccine route, he saw that as his way out of the box. Too bad the vaccine manufacturers fucked him as well. Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 03, 2021 06:16 AM (gQEnn) 75
Years ago, I had a great doctor at the VA. I check in for an appointment, and she's gone. I ask the nurse doing triage what happened, and she says the doc got a big, lucrative promotion in the VA. Then she says she (the doctor) won't last. Nurse goes on how usually the most incompetent imbecile doctors get picked for high up administration, and my doctor wasn't one of those.
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at June 03, 2021 06:17 AM (I58tH) 76
California Task Force Begins Meetings To Discuss Slavery Reparations
How many Uighurs will be left to get any of the money? Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 03, 2021 06:17 AM (IUd0M) 77
Anybody the mainstream media promotes as a hero should be suspect. They can't be trusted, have lost all objectivity and are creatures of their political masters. That Fauci helped create this virus, covered it up and then helped use it as a political tool shouldn't surprise anyone.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 06:17 AM (LcEaB) 78
>Recall that in March, we were getting reports from Italy about high death rates. Entire newspaper editions that were only obituaries.
I seem to remember seeing 'satellite photos' of 'mass burials' Posted by: DB- just DB at June 03, 2021 06:17 AM (iTXRQ) 79
Fauci wasn't interested in a cure. He wanted to be the hero of the revolution. He wanted the "Fauci NIH HQ Building" to be his legacy.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 03, 2021 06:17 AM (C2hDV) 80
>>High School me would flood that reporting system. So would my friends. Within days it would have thousands of reports.
YUP! Here's hoping there are enough sh#tposting kids to kill this program ASAP. Reminds me of Attack Watch, one of Obama's report your fellow citizens programs that was killed by that same method: Posted by: Lizzy at June 03, 2021 06:17 AM (bDqIh) 81
There is a lot of grey area in this situation and PDT should help fill in the blanks or the media will spin this as a failure on his part and attribute the deaths directly to his perceived incompetency.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 03, 2021 06:11 AM (3H9h1) They'll be doing that no matter what. It's why I roll my eyes at people that talk about wanting DeSantis in 2024 instead of Trump running again because DeSantis is more emotionally stable and not as over the top, etc. that shit doesn't matter, they'll be painting him as an even bigger "crazy bigot" than they did Trump. The media lies. Period. They'll lie about Trump's failure on Covid and they'll lie about DeSantis. Posted by: Buzzion at June 03, 2021 06:18 AM (G2zl5) 82
I think a fair question to ask of Trump is why he kept Fauci around (Brix too) IF he knew COVID was a manufactured bug and not that serious.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 03, 2021 06:11 AM (3H9h1) More than fair. Given Trump's background as a sharp executive and especially given his experiences of three years dealing with the pseudo-expert clowns, liars and careerists in DC, he should have been far more careful how that task force was empaneled. He gave indications that he believed China concocted it (why not!, it's common sense). Later he didn't have to fire Fauci, just make Scott Atlas the point man and marginalize Fauci. So many good, bright scientists and doctors out there speaking the truth to whom Trump could have given a platform and voice. Posted by: Ordinary American at June 03, 2021 06:18 AM (H8QX8) 83
Would love to see a forensic audit of Fauci's lifetime earnings. Why stay in the game into your 80s?
Posted by: iandeal at June 03, 2021 06:18 AM (vgGyZ) Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 03, 2021 06:18 AM (mht8P) 85
I'm sure them suffering no real consequences is actually a win for us. Just like Lois Lerner getting to retire and the only "justice" was a payout by the government to the tea party groups.
Posted by: Buzzion at June 03, 2021 06:05 AM (G2zl5) The Lois Lerner/True the Vote hearings were where Treytor Gowdy's, by being most concerned if Elijah Cummings' fat ass had enough cushions, priorities were confirmed. Fuck that guy in particular. Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 06:20 AM (y7DUB) 86
Dammit Joe, I'm a White House Science Adviser not a doctor!
Posted by: Eric Lander, White House Science Adviser at June 03, 2021 06:20 AM (Tnijr) 87
>Recall that in March, we were getting reports from Italy about high death rates
* Say, that was when someone accidentally mentioned that it was running rampant through the sewage system, wasn't it? Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 03, 2021 06:20 AM (iDOL8) 88
>>The new White House science adviser wants to have a vaccine ready to fight the next pandemic in just about 100 days after recognizing a potential viral outbreak.
"Vaccines today, vaccinnes tomorrow, vaccines forever!!" Posted by: Lizzy at June 03, 2021 06:21 AM (bDqIh) 89
TY JJ for all your work. I'm seldom up this time of day but you truly do a great job.
Now off to that elusive sleep. Posted by: Farmer at June 03, 2021 06:22 AM (55Qr6) 90
He wanted the "Fauci NIH HQ Building" to be his legacy. Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy ------------ It will be. I'd say that he'll get the Presidential Medal of Freedom, but he's already got one in 2008. But, then again, Joe Biden has the MOF so it's not like real accomplishment is needed. Compare to what it takes to get the Congressional Medal of Honor. "Any action worthy of the Victoria Cross is probably not worth repeating." - Sir Arthur Harris. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 03, 2021 06:22 AM (mht8P) 91
We got vaccines for what ails ya! Step right up!
Posted by: Eric Lander, White House Science Adviser at June 03, 2021 06:22 AM (Tnijr) 92
They slow walked The truth to Trump. They "suspected" at the time COVID had markers that meant it was manufactured. But the investigation was stalled to run beyond the election. He also had no idea of Fauci's involvement in the gain of function research. This was all withheld from him as part of the "investigation".
Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 06:22 AM (LcEaB) 93
We got vaccines for what ails ya! Step right up! Posted by: Eric Lander, White House Science Adviser ----------- Hey, little girl. I have some vaccine in my van. Wanna see it? Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 03, 2021 06:23 AM (mht8P) 94
still unvaccinated here
fvck 'em Posted by: DB- just DB at June 03, 2021 06:24 AM (iTXRQ) 95
>>The new White House science adviser wants to have a vaccine ready to fight the next pandemic in just about 100 days after recognizing a potential viral outbreak.
"Vaccines today, vaccinnes tomorrow, vaccines forever!!" ===== Long live Big Needle! Posted by: Lady in Black at June 03, 2021 06:24 AM (O+I8R) 96
Every notice that just when they thought they have Trump "boxed in", he isn't?
Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 06:24 AM (LcEaB) 97
Those people are despicable.
Posted by: Flyover at June 03, 2021 06:25 AM (Rbu5d) 98
They slow walked The truth to Trump. They "suspected" at the time COVID had markers that meant it was manufactured. But the investigation was stalled to run beyond the election. He also had no idea of Fauci's involvement in the gain of function research. This was all withheld from him as part of the "investigation".
Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 06:22 AM (LcEaB) Rand Paul is the only member of the "opposition party" in the Senate that seems to consider this important. Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 06:25 AM (y7DUB) 99
I wish I could believe that exposing Fauci, the CDC the MSM lies about the corona virus would finally wake people up and and start turning this country around. But it won't, at least not enough, and most will never even hear about it anyway thanks to Big Tech. The majority are happy and comfortable with the barrage of lies and propaganda we are inundated with. The truth is too painful and leads to some uncomfortable conclusions.
Posted by: Ripley at June 03, 2021 06:25 AM (MxEKc) 100
>>Would love to see a forensic audit of Fauci's lifetime earnings. Why stay in the game into your 80s?
I;m guessing it's the same reason people like McCain and Pelosi stay in office until they die: Power. Fauci is not just an NIH employe, he is a top guy in related NGOs (such as WHO) as well as the Gates Foundation. Hard to walk away from being a global VIP. Posted by: Lizzy at June 03, 2021 06:26 AM (bDqIh) 101
Had a global conference call early this morning where some people were already expressing regret at getting the vaccine. They are worried with some of this crap coming out. A lot of people will never trust vaccines again. The people who didn't get it are cheering and pretty vindicated.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 06:26 AM (LcEaB) 102
Goodbye to Fauci the queen of Corona
See you, me and Julio down by the schoolyard Posted by: Simon Sez at June 03, 2021 06:27 AM (1f/b4) 103
"Rand Paul is the only member of the "opposition party" in the Senate that seems to consider this important.
Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 06:25 AM (y7DUB)" The fact that Rand Paul and Cruz are the only ones really pursuing this is a disgrace to the Republican Party. Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 06:28 AM (LcEaB) 104
The "media's" lack of questioning to PissHocky yesterday should clue us all in to the fact that they will gently paper over this bombshell scandal. Fauci will suffer no consequences at all. None. If anything, he'll retire on a big, fat taxpayer salary and spend his days sipping pina coladas in Aruba. His laughable 80-page tome will be reinstated by Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc., with a little gentle nudging.
Posted by: Lady in Black at June 03, 2021 06:28 AM (O+I8R) 105
All roads lead to the Obama cabal. Fauci will be thrown under the bus to protect that sack of.... Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 06:29 AM (9VFzC) 106
101 Had a global conference call early this morning where some people were already expressing regret at getting the vaccine. They are worried with some of this crap coming out. A lot of people will never trust vaccines again. The people who didn't get it are cheering and pretty vindicated.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 06:26 AM (LcEaB) All I would say to them is to remember this feeling when come November-January they start making the heavy push to needing to get a booster shot. Posted by: Buzzion at June 03, 2021 06:29 AM (G2zl5) 107
The vaccines are bullshit and unnecessary for 90 pct of the population. The world reached herd immunity in June/July of last year. The world has been chicken fucking "cases" and pumping up the death numbers since the beginning of this scam. Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 03, 2021 06:30 AM (gQEnn) 108
Mornin', all! It's a little like summer here in NW MO. Finally!
Thanks for the rundown, JJ, welcome back (a little late) to OregonMuse, and enjoy what sunshine you can find, y'all. ![]() Posted by: Catherine at June 03, 2021 06:30 AM (+CqU9) 109
They'll lie about Trump's failure on Covid and they'll lie about DeSantis.
Posted by: Buzzion I get the feeling that DeSantis couldn't care less about media lies. Trump seemed flummoxed and hurt by them. Posted by: lizabth at June 03, 2021 06:31 AM (L3Rsz) 110
They've scared people and turned their worlds upside down. I don't blame some people for their reactions. I mostly blame the media for underwriting Democrats COVID human weaponization program. This is one of the worst assaults on our republic in history. We still have people walking around with masks here because they can't grasp how badly they've been duped. They don't want to hear the facts and believe the truth.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 06:31 AM (LcEaB) 111
Commenters mentioned late yesterday that Benjamin Netanyahu had been ousted as Israeli PM but I have not seen that anywhere as of this posting.
thegatewaypundit has it, and he links AJ+ @ajplus BREAKING: Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's longest-serving leader, has been ousted as Prime Minister. Rival parties say they have reached a coalition to name far-right nationalist Naftali Bennett, who supports illegal settlements and opposes Palestinian rights, to replace him. ---- Do not know how reliable that tweet is. Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 06:31 AM (9VFzC) 112
Fauci? Never heard of him. Must be a delusion of the right wing conspiracy theorists.
Posted by: Ripley at June 03, 2021 06:33 AM (MxEKc) 113
111 Just took a quick look at the Jerusalem Post. They are reporting Bennett now has full Shin Bet prime ministerial protection.
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at June 03, 2021 06:35 AM (I58tH) 114
But it won't, at least not enough, and most will never even hear about it anyway thanks to Big Tech
-- Absolutely right, Ripley. After this has percolated for a few weeks, ask around and see who knows anything about it. Nearly nobody is my guess. The "media" and Big Tech will see to it. Until those two are completely incinerated and shredded, we are doomed as a society. But the vast majority are clueless. Posted by: Lady in Black at June 03, 2021 06:35 AM (O+I8R) 115
'who supports illegal settlements and opposes Palestinian rights, to replace him. '
No biased reporting there. Posted by: f'd at June 03, 2021 06:35 AM (Tnijr) 116
The media's culpability in the COVID disaster can't be understated. Fauci, Brix, "medical professionals", etc. painted a pretty grim picture for them. Fauci in particular as he was directly involved with the manufacture of the bug, so he had a lot to lose.
But the media's bias played a pretty big part as well. They chose to run with the most damaging narrative to Trump's administration they could find regardless of the facts. In some cases as we know now they made shit up out of whole cloth and nobody debated that. That narrative did more damage to our economy and society than the bug, but I really think the media knew this to be true and ran with it anyway. Thus, the media as it stands today needs to go. Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 03, 2021 06:36 AM (3H9h1) 117
"Joe Biden putting Kamala Harris in charge of voting rights".
Fox, meet hen house. Guard it well. Posted by: irongrampa at June 03, 2021 06:36 AM (KATBx) 118
holy shitballs. JJ up and at em very early for us. you do so much on your birfday...
so, i'm behind for the rest of the day but off to the content. covfefe is ready Posted by: SturmToddler at June 03, 2021 06:37 AM (8D42x) 119
Judicial Watch Sues to Obtain Records in Fatal Shooting of Ashli Babbitt by Capitol Police Officer
What would we do without these guys. Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 06:38 AM (9VFzC) 120
Joe Biden putting Kamala Harris in charge of voting rights ------------- Kamala has no ability to do anything except be some politico's sidepiece. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 03, 2021 06:38 AM (mht8P) 121
Myocarditis and coagulation can be dangerous and hard to immediately spot. I've known people who had issues with both. The former some mistook the dyspnea for asthma and allergies. The latter ended up as strokes.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 06:38 AM (LcEaB) 122
117 You can bet Tank Abrams is going to waddle into a position with Heels Up's voting rights crew.
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at June 03, 2021 06:38 AM (I58tH) 123
Alpha Males Are the New Feminists
This one is really good. For those of you who don't read the posts. ![]() Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 03, 2021 06:39 AM (IUd0M) 124
I am reminded of this quote re St Fauci:
"The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy." ~Oscar Wilde Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at June 03, 2021 06:39 AM (hOUT3) 125
The nice thing about the China Flu Scam is it exposed lots of stupid, cowardly people.
Broke many a simpleton it did. More coffee. Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 03, 2021 06:41 AM (KR/Q/) 126
Remember, most of what we know about the Russia Op was through FOIA requests by Judicial watch and others like John Solomon. Those guys did much heavy lifting. Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 03, 2021 06:41 AM (gQEnn) 127
Had a global conference call early this morning where some people were already expressing regret at getting the vaccine. They are worried with some of this crap coming out. A lot of people will never trust vaccines again. The people who didn't get it are cheering and pretty vindicated.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 06:26 AM (LcEaB) So true. My brother is beside himself. He was worried because he travels quite a lot and did not want to infect his wife as she has some issues with her heart. Now he's kicking himself. He was awful sick after the 2nd Moderna shot. My other brothers and sisters have refused to fall for this so far and boy I'm getting a lot of blowback from my very far left in-laws. One is responsible for putting some of these laws into place where I live. And he like a cultist about getting the vaccine. Insane. My sister and I say we will hold out until they have to chain us down to give it to us and even then we will fight. But it is not over yet. The forces are strong to get you "marked" in their global database of control. Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 06:41 AM (9VFzC) 128
"But the media's bias played a pretty big part as well."
This cannot be stated enough about all of our current ills and divisions. The dishonest, biased media owns that. Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 06:43 AM (LcEaB) 129
I get the feeling that DeSantis couldn't care less about media lies.
Trump seemed flummoxed and hurt by them. Posted by: lizabth at June 03, 2021 06:31 AM (L3Rsz) How DeSantis or Trump feel about it doesn't matter. The people you want to be influenced by how much "better" DeSantis is than Trump or get influenced by Trump speaking up before the media begins spinning Fauci's failures as his are the same people that won't hear either because they get their information from the media. So I find those reasonings as unpersuasive as to why you do it. Posted by: Buzzion at June 03, 2021 06:44 AM (G2zl5) 130
As an aside, I found out this weekend while attending an outside gathering of in-laws that one of their relatives had just had a pretty bad heart attack. They were going on about how fit he was, such good shape, always exercised, etc. I dared not ask if he got the vaccine. But I betcha he did. Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 06:44 AM (9VFzC) 131
The vaccines are bullshit and unnecessary for 90 pct of the population. The world reached herd immunity in June/July of last year. The world has been chicken fucking "cases" and pumping up the death numbers since the beginning of this scam. Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 03, 2021 06:30 Can't say TB that you may not be spot on. I think your track record is better than Fauci's. Posted by: Farmer at June 03, 2021 06:46 AM (55Qr6) 132
125 The nice thing about the China Flu Scam is it exposed lots of stupid, cowardly people.
Broke many a simpleton it did. More coffee. Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 03, 2021 06:41 AM (KR/Q/) Like those residing in Colorado outhouses. Posted by: Buzzion at June 03, 2021 06:46 AM (G2zl5) 133
5 We Jews could help ourselves a lot by stopping the idiotic support of the groups who hate us, like maybe BLM and Muslim immigration pols. When I read bullshit in Jewish periodicals about the need for more Muslim diversity or that white supremacists are the real problem, I wonder if we give a damn about our future.
Posted by: CN at June 03, 2021 05:13 AM (ONvIw) - Dem be JINOs. Posted by: Biden's Dog at June 03, 2021 06:46 AM (r7P2t) 134
I do hope the media asked about Uncle Joe's choice of icecream at the news conference at the WH. Sometimes I think the average brainwashed American is more interested in that than real news. (I hope I'm wrong)
Posted by: Colin at June 03, 2021 06:47 AM (Yexkf) 135
"Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 06:41 AM (9VFzC)"
I think the population of people willing to get the vaccine has topped out. Especially as people get their lives back without having to get it. What I do see is a growing population of people who got the jab, and never will again. That's why they are trying to force kids going to college and school age children to get it. They need a bigger seed group. It is completely unnecessary for kids to get the jab. They are not at risk and parents should be pushing back. The numbers and mortality rates don't lie. Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 06:47 AM (LcEaB) 136
101 Had a global conference call early this morning where some people were already expressing regret at getting the vaccine. They are worried with some of this crap coming out. A lot of people will never trust vaccines again. The people who didn't get it are cheering and pretty vindicated.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 06:26 AM (LcEaB) This reaction from presumably LIVs tells me that the blowback from these revelations will, when fully-disseminated, make the French Revolution look like an Easter parade. I'm being hyperbolic, of course, but I'm also truly fearful of what the reaction from the general public will be later this year. Fauci is going to need round-the-clock protection - and that's just for starters. Posted by: Darrell Harris at June 03, 2021 06:47 AM (mdjgu) 137
Fraudci retires with honors galore. That's not right, because certainly the guy belongs in jail, but at least he will be gone.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 03, 2021 06:47 AM (slRSK) 138
All I would say to them is to remember this feeling when come November-January they start making the heavy push to needing to get a booster shot.
Posted by: Buzzion at June 03, 2021 06:29 AM (G2zl5) One of my favorite pro vax ads has a "nurse" asking an elderly lady "Why were you stupid enough to take the vaccine?" The response is "Well, there were so many medical professionals advocating it that they must be right, and after all, I am just an uneducated person that has learned to trust my betters since they've never failed me before!" I may not have the wording exactly right, but you get the idea. Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at June 03, 2021 06:47 AM (hOUT3) 139
Hence, the utterly repulsive "interview" by Nicole Wallace and worse, the fact that the entire White House press corps did not ask Jen Piss-Hocky Psaki a single, fucking question about the revelations in Fauci's e-mails.
++++ The press whores are just doing their jobs. They know where their bread is buttered, and what they're supposed to do. They're in the ruling class. They're Outer Party to be sure (to use Orwellian framing), but they're still of the Party nonetheless. Their behavior is neither surprising nor unexpected. It's like the scorpion and the toad. Of course the scorpion stung the toad. It had to. It was in its nature. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 06:48 AM (Jsjd7) 140
MAGA INSTITUTE PODCAST, Ep35 -- Dr Bryan Ardis On How to Protect Against the COVID Spike Protein! 27may21 listening to this now what a mess Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 06:49 AM (9VFzC) 141
Fauci is going to need round-the-clock protection - and that's just for starters.
Posted by: Darrell Harris at June 03, 2021 06:47 AM (mdjgu) I don't know. We seem pretty harmless. Posted by: Ordinary American at June 03, 2021 06:49 AM (H8QX8) 142
One can only hope that some of the sheeple, having been shown how they were manipulated into "debunking" Wuhan engineering of Covid and Fauci's manipulation might again direct attention to that shit show of illegality and fraud that disenfranchised 79 million Americans.
Posted by: Zek at June 03, 2021 06:49 AM (w/5KC) 143
As I've said from the beginning of this, the only thing that was on the level was the virus itself. Everything else has been a lie, a scam, an Op and as antithetical to reason, logic and science as can be imagined. Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 03, 2021 06:50 AM (gQEnn) 144
If our institutions dedicated to purely scientific pursuits and endeavors are infested with politics, that doesn't mean that our institutions dedicated to less rigorous things are invested with politics.
They're probably purely driven by altruism. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 06:52 AM (LvTSG) 145
141 Fauci is going to need round-the-clock protection - and that's just for starters.
Posted by: Darrell Harris at June 03, 2021 06:47 AM (mdjgu) I don't know. We seem pretty harmless. Posted by: Ordinary American at June 03, 2021 06:49 AM (H8QX ![]() Oh, he's not going to need protection from us. He'll need to get it from the LIVs who believed him. Hell hath no fury, and all that. Posted by: Darrell Harris at June 03, 2021 06:52 AM (mdjgu) 146
Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 06:53 AM (Zz0t1) 147
Fuck FauxChi
Posted by: rhennigantx at June 03, 2021 06:53 AM (yrol0) 148
Send Fauci to Gitmo and put him in front of a military tribunal for crimes against humanity.
Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 06:53 AM (Zz0t1) 149
Everything else has been a lie, a scam, an Op and as antithetical to reason, logic and science as can be imagined.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 03, 2021 06:50 AM (gQEnn) I told this to my Berkeley brother in April 2020. He dismissed it, said it was all a true concern, that no politics or power-grabs were involved, and that California would be back up and running by the end of the month. 15 days and the curve, you know. We haven't spoken since. Posted by: Ordinary American at June 03, 2021 06:53 AM (H8QX8) 150
Fow Chee's name is on the Protected rolls, and he will come to no harm
Posted by: DB- just DB at June 03, 2021 06:54 AM (iTXRQ) 151
143 @131
As I've said from the beginning of this, the only thing that was on the level was the virus itself. Everything else has been a lie, a scam, an Op and as antithetical to reason, logic and science as can be imagined. Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 03, 2021 06:50 AM (gQEnn) As far as I know there have never isolated a live virus. They just know an RNA sequence that is used to diagnose the disease. Posted by: rhennigantx at June 03, 2021 06:54 AM (yrol0) 152
The fact that Rand Paul and Cruz are the only ones really pursuing this is a disgrace to the Republican Party.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 06:28 AM (LcEaB) There's an obvious schism in the GOP which DJT unmasked: Romney/Cheney versus Paul/MTG. There's a disconnect between the RNC and the base about which the party leaders have been willfully obtuse because deferring the resolution is not a smart thing for the party or, more importantly, the country. It's up to the states to resolve this, and Rob Portman leaving is one example of this (I gave up on emailing him after he slammed the 1/6 protestors in a response) but it's moving at glacial speed. Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 06:55 AM (y7DUB) 153
The media isn't invested in the truth. They are invested in manufacturing political outcomes. That never ends well for anyone, and it shouldn't end well for them.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 06:55 AM (LcEaB) 154
Just like the Soviets back in the good 'ol days of raw communism the American leftists are going to realize they don't need "media" outlets to get their unfiltered word out to the huddled masses. I expect the useless "press pool" to be dissolved and a crack team of white house staffers will provide us with all we need to know about the inner workings of rezident retard and/or kommalamadingdong's administration.
Nothing but progress comrade! Nothing but progress. Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 03, 2021 06:55 AM (3H9h1) 155
Coach K has announced his retirement. Aside from his success on the basketball court, he'll be best remembered for his ardent defense of the Duke lacrosse team's due process rights.
Posted by: mr tmz at June 03, 2021 06:56 AM (m/Gc2) 156
If anyone wants to read what happened to Andy's his thread:
@MrAndyNgo 35 mins. Statement on May 28, 2021 Antifa assault: No journalist in America should ever face violence for doing his or her job. Yet on Friday, May 28, Antifa tried to kill me again while I was reporting on the ongoing protests and riots in Portland, Ore. for a new chapter of my... Thread: Posted by: Tami at June 03, 2021 06:57 AM (cF8AT) 157
Want to bet after they discover all kinds of nasty side-effects how it will become "Trump's vaccine"?
Posted by: Zek at June 03, 2021 06:57 AM (w/5KC) 158
Want to bet after they discover all kinds of nasty side-effects how it will become "Trump's vaccine"?
Posted by: Zek Sucker bet. Not gonna touch it. Posted by: rickb223 at June 03, 2021 06:59 AM (rmsWT) 159
... that the Democrat Propaganda Complex blasted as "anti-science" or worse are suddenly looking like geniuses.
++++ (1/2) On this point, I have to subtly disagree. This may be splitting a fine hair, though, and I acknowledge that. The amateurs have showered themselves with glory through this entire affair. Not everything the amateurs have proposed to studied has turned out to be true. To their credit, though, the armchair statisticians and armchair epidemiologists and the armchair data scientists and visualizers have been absolutely astounding in their efficacy, honesty, capability and bravery when taken as a group average. Their work - especially on massive and critical - nay, *existential* - questions like response efficacy has truly been as astounding as it is breathtaking. The work of the hoi polloi has been open, transparent, argumentative, passionate and often aggressively contentious - both within the hoi polloi's own ranks and between them and the establishment. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 06:59 AM (Jsjd7) 160
The side effect of this has been a level of transparency, clarity, auditing, and defense that we have probably never before seen at scale. They have, despite the furious noise by the press and the establishment, embodied the scientific method. They take the data. They assess it. They publish their work. They fight like demons against all comers. Some of them collapse and fail. Some refine their models and approach based on criticism. They publish *everything* and subject it to inspection. This is how it should be. This is also what the establishment scientific institutions do *not* do - and they are more aggressive than ever in not doing it. The paper from MIT that Pixy linked out to in his or her tech thread some weeks ago emphasizes this point clearly. Their data science group's up-and-comers published that screed that underscored just how sophisticated the amateurs are, and how well they do - and then concluded that the amateurs need to be destroyed because of their dangerous heterodoxy. This entire mess has thrown into stark relief the independence, talent, confidence and bravery of the armchair enthusiasts - compared to feculent dishonesty in the institutions. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:00 AM (Jsjd7) 161
Hundreds if not thousands of job openings in my area being advertised, even on billboards along the expressways. Some paying 30 dollars an hour, and many are paying very well. Lots of warehouse workers needed at Amazon and other companies. Never seen so many jobs openings, as the local media says how unemployment insurance claims are going up. And the thousands collecting unemployment insurance for another year, at least. Crazy world we live in.
Posted by: Colin at June 03, 2021 07:00 AM (Yexkf) 162
Thanks to Captain Hate for mentioning a good blog, Meaning in History, the other day. Yesterday's entry sheds even more light on Mike Pence and his handling of the WuFlu response. He appointed Olivia Troye as the lead staffer on his Coronavirus Task Force. Olivia Troye has a long history going back to GWB. She was what appears to be a rabid anti-Trumper and publicly threw her support behind Biden in 2020. She describes herself as a "John McCain Republican." Thanks, Pence. You did a bang up job. Posted by: Lady in Black at June 03, 2021 07:01 AM (O+I8R) 163
157 Want to bet after they discover all kinds of nasty side-effects how it will become "Trump's vaccine"?
Posted by: Zek at June 03, 2021 06:57 AM (w/5KC) It sort of is, I'm sorry to say. Posted by: Ordinary American at June 03, 2021 07:01 AM (H8QX8) 164
Had a global conference call early this morning where some people were already expressing regret at getting the vaccine. They are worried with some of this crap coming out. A lot of people will never trust vaccines again. The people who didn't get it are cheering and pretty vindicated.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 06:26 AM (LcEaB) That my heart surgeons didn't demand I get the vaccine made me feel confident in their expertise. It's funny how an incidental thing like that reveals so much. Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:01 AM (y7DUB) 165
151...As far as I know there have never isolated a live virus. They just know an RNA sequence that is used to diagnose the disease.
Posted by: rhennigantx at June 03, 2021 06:54 AM (yrol0) I did not know that. Very interesting. Posted by: Flyover at June 03, 2021 07:01 AM (Rbu5d) 166
The media isn't invested in the truth. They are invested in manufacturing political outcomes. That never ends well for anyone, and it shouldn't end well for them.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 06:55 AM (LcEaB) The media has been the 4th branch of govt for a LONG time and when Trump threatened them with exposure, they were roaches when the lights turned on. They're in full defensive mode and are reminding EVERYONE who's got real power. Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:02 AM (Zz0t1) 167
A small comment about Phauci and his emails -- It seems that the bulk of these new emails via FOIA come from Buzzfeed --
OOps? OOPsies? Our bad? They planned to get evidence that Trump was OMB, and instead proved that Napoleon Jr had clay feet. I think there is an old defense lawyer rule that you NEVER ask a question that you don't ALREADY know the answer to. Oops. Oopsie. Happy BD, JJS. Posted by: GnuBreed, journalizin' at June 03, 2021 07:03 AM (F0YaR) 168
The drug companies really wanted to use this crisis to force a change in the development process for vaccines. They have wanted this for decades. You can see the same push in the Anthrax Vaccine Program with DoD twenty years ago. Getting a procedural precedent in place, esp for the mRNA process, is worth billions - maybe trillions.
Posted by: Jean at June 03, 2021 07:04 AM (Xih1H) 169
There's an obvious schism in the GOP which DJT unmasked: Romney/Cheney versus Paul/...
Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 06:55 AM (y7DUB)" This is an important point. But I believe the answer is exactly what Trump is spearheading. We need to pick off people who continually either stand in the way of tangible accomplishment and principled action or takes sides against the electorate. That doesn't mean we go after everyone who has a material disagreement. But it does mean that we ensure that after the party agrees on an agenda and platform, those subverting it are replaced. These are the only types of efforts where I have started contributing my time and money. I am sick of people like Romney, Murkowski, Collins and Sasse putting their personal predilections and swamp connections above the collective goodwill. Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 07:04 AM (LcEaB) 170
167 I think there is an old defense lawyer rule that you NEVER ask a question that you don't ALREADY know the answer to.
Oops. Oopsie. Happy BD, JJS. Posted by: GnuBreed, journalizin' at June 03, 2021 07:03 AM (F0YaR) ========= I think it's just proof that we need to FOIA every bureaucrat's emails all the time. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:04 AM (LvTSG) 171
Just like the Soviets back in the good 'ol days of raw communism the American leftists are going to realize they don't need "media" outlets to get their unfiltered word out to the huddled masses. I expect the useless "press pool" to be dissolved and a crack team of white house staffers will provide us with all we need to know about the inner workings of rezident retard and/or kommalamadingdong's administration. ...
Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 03, 2021 06:55 AM (3H9h1) ++++ This has already happened. There are some black sheep in government coverage (like OANN and Newsmax), but they're irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. The "reporters" in the press briefings aren't direct state employees, but they're all part of the Party/State complex. Where they disagree or apply pressure, it is never in the context of truth vs. lies or right vs. wrong or disempowered bs. powerful. When this happens, it is only in the context of State vs. Party or vice-versa. When the State and Party disagree, we will see pressure from the Press, depending on whether the outlet in question is State-aligned (like the NYT) or Party-aligned (like the WaPo). Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:05 AM (Jsjd7) 172
"You can see the same push in the Anthrax Vaccine Program with DoD twenty years ago."
That would be the one where at the injection site on my arm, there is an ever increasingly large fatty tissue mass growing. Geee.....thanks, science. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice. Asymptomatic raycist at June 03, 2021 07:05 AM (3D/fK) 173
Re the media's spin on Covid. Once it's accepted fact that this was Chinese lab-made, and Fauci is scrubbed from the history books, the whole episode may well be re-cast as a "hysteria of the rubes." That is now the legacy spin of the Daycare abuse witch hunt of 3 decades ago. At the time, the media was pumping an " all men are sexual predators against children line" but now it is portrayed as "Christian rubes thought Satan-worship was happening at day care centers. "
Posted by: Buck Throckmorton at June 03, 2021 07:06 AM (d9Cw3) 174
Posted by: Lady in Black at June 03, 2021 07:01 AM (O+I8R)
Glad you liked it. There was so much to process about 1/6 I didn't know what to think about Pence (unlike other more prescient members of the Horde). That piece sure laid it out. Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:06 AM (y7DUB) 175
161...Never seen so many jobs openings, as the local media says how unemployment insurance claims are going up. And the thousands collecting unemployment insurance for another year, at least. Crazy world we live in.
Posted by: Colin at June 03, 2021 07:00 AM (Yexkf) Local McDonald's offering $500 signing bonus. Best pizza shop closed Tuesday (for that day) b/c they can't find staff. Local contractors can't find workers, so we're going to DIY some stuff we would rather pay for. Yep, crazy. Posted by: Flyover at June 03, 2021 07:06 AM (Rbu5d) 176
165 151...As far as I know there have never isolated a live virus. They just know an RNA sequence that is used to diagnose the disease.
Posted by: rhennigantx at June 03, 2021 06:54 AM (yrol0) I did not know that. Very interesting. Posted by: Flyover at June 03, 2021 07:01 AM (Rbu5d) I thought I heard that the only viral sample was given to the US by our helpful ChiCom friends. But that is just an un-sourced recollection... Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at June 03, 2021 07:06 AM (hOUT3) 177
Lots of warehouse workers needed at Amazon and other companies. ------------- "Come work in our sweatshop with impossible norms! Just hold it in for eight hours!" Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 03, 2021 07:07 AM (mht8P) 178
"That my heart surgeons didn't demand I get the vaccine made me feel confident in their expertise. It's funny how an incidental thing like that reveals so much.
Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:01 AM (y7DUB)" The emerging concerns about myocarditis and coagulation issues had a lot of cardiologists and stroke doctors backing off the jab for many patients. This entire idea that everyone should get the vaccine is absolutely unprecedented bullshit. That goes for people with certain conditions and groups like children who have almost zero mortality and when infected recover very quickly. Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 07:08 AM (LcEaB) 179
The media isn't invested in the truth. They are invested in manufacturing political outcomes. That never ends well for anyone, and it shouldn't end well for them. Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 06:55 AM (LcEaB) ------------ Journalist Allen Drury in Advise and Consent called their number 60 years ago. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 03, 2021 07:09 AM (mht8P) 180
Getting a procedural precedent in place, esp for the mRNA process, is worth billions - maybe trillions.
Posted by: Jean at June 03, 2021 07:04 AM (Xih1H) And with a politically approved mandate by the Establishment, sit back and think of the graft, comrade! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at June 03, 2021 07:09 AM (hOUT3) 181
Best pizza shop closed Tuesday (for that day) b/c they can't find staff. Local contractors can't find workers, so we're going to DIY some stuff we would rather pay for.
Yep, crazy. Posted by: Flyover at June 03, 2021 07:06 AM (Rbu5d) ++++ I mentioned this on some other thread on some other day, but the context of the wages is astounding. Here where I am, fast food cook wages are up to the magical $15/hour. Where I used to live, they're offering $18/hour in a lot of places. 12 years ago I got my first "real" job in what became my career of high-tech work. I was an entry-level Unix/Linux systems operator. Low-level stuff, but professional white-collar work and skilled labor in high tech. I made a lot of money doing it. My wage back then was $19.50/hour and I was astonished to get so much. It felt like I had hit the lottery. And in just 12 years, you can now get that kind of money - skilled, white-collar, high-tech money - for flipping burgers (depending on area). If that isn't dislocation, I don't know what is. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:10 AM (Jsjd7) 182
"Come work in our sweatshop with impossible norms! Just hold it in for eight hours!"
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 03, 2021 07:07 AM (mht8P) Bezos offers a choice of rainbow colored Amazon hose clamps and/or binder clips made in China to assist the warehouse workers to complete their shifts without breaks! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at June 03, 2021 07:11 AM (hOUT3) 183
Peter Daszak of the WHO is a liar who covered up his interest -- his funding of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Lab -- then claimed he has "no competing interest" when he said COVID couldn't have come from the lab.
What happens to him will tell you much about the state of science. Posted by: JM in Florida at June 03, 2021 07:11 AM (HCeRP) 184
This idea that "reporting on the government" means "repeating what the government said, or the opposite if you don't like them" is absurd. There is no reason to have a white house press corps.
You're supposed to be asking everyone *else* what is happening, to confirm or deny what the government is saying. You know, tracking people down, verifying documents.... Journalism. Not just being a fucking gossip. Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 03, 2021 07:11 AM (6FeV1) 185
Typically post early and this was discussed several weeks ago late on several ONT's.
My 19 year old nephew had a full body reaction to the second Pfizer vaccine shot. Received the shot on Sunday and in the hospital by Tuesday morning. 14 doctors and 5 days later they set him home since many of the symptoms had subsided. He still had a mass close to his heart and they brought him back in a week later to biopsy it. When they did the ultrasound prior to the biopsy it was gone as well. All symptoms, the swollen lymph nodes, the irregular heart beat and the mass were from the vaccine. He's fine now, or is he? No one really knows if there will be lasting repercussions. He received a call from the CDC last week asking him to go over his reaction. Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at June 03, 2021 07:12 AM (lHHNQ) 186
Anyone explained why fauci females have redactions? None of it should be classified. Is the government just taking out Parts they don't want people to read?
Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 03, 2021 07:13 AM (iDOL8) 187
183 Peter Daszak of the WHO is a liar who covered up his interest -- his funding of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Lab -- then claimed he has "no competing interest" when he said COVID couldn't have come from the lab.
What happens to him will tell you much about the state of science. Posted by: JM in Florida at June 03, 2021 07:11 AM (HCeRP) ========= When will us rubes shut up about gain of function so they can go back to their good work of making more virulent viruses in third world countries run by kleptocracies in substandard facilities in order to get around US law? It's for our own good. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:13 AM (LvTSG) 188
What happens to him will tell you much about the state of science.
Posted by: JM in Florida at June 03, 2021 07:11 AM (HCeRP) Science sucks the dick of whoever pays the bills, same as in town. Posted by: CN at June 03, 2021 07:13 AM (ONvIw) 189
So, you're saying that Trump should have bombed China.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:13 AM (LvTSG) 190
Emails not females sorry I'm using text-to-speech
Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 03, 2021 07:14 AM (iDOL8) 191
JJ is ways trying to minimize covid Covid killed 200 times as many as 9/11
Both happened under Republican Presidents Posted by: Proud Moderate at June 03, 2021 07:12 AM (8jLZs) Attacks funded and launched by Democrats. Fuck off. Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:14 AM (Zz0t1) Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 03, 2021 07:15 AM (6FeV1) 193
This entire idea that everyone should get the vaccine is absolutely unprecedented bullshit.
It still amazes me how friggin' binary most people think. Anything more complicated than a simple "yes / no" or "good / bad" choice simply baffles them. Thats all this is. Most of the sheep just jumping on a bullshit "yes / no" answer to a much, much more intricate question. Posted by: L.I.B. at June 03, 2021 07:16 AM (Bx21z) 194
Typically post early and this was discussed several weeks ago late on several ONT's.
My 19 year old nephew had a full body reaction to the second Pfizer vaccine shot. Received the shot on Sunday and in the hospital by Tuesday morning. 14 doctors and 5 days later they set him home since many of the symptoms had subsided. He still had a mass close to his heart and they brought him back in a week later to biopsy it. When they did the ultrasound prior to the biopsy it was gone as well. All symptoms, the swollen lymph nodes, the irregular heart beat and the mass were from the vaccine. He's fine now, or is he? No one really knows if there will be lasting repercussions. He received a call from the CDC last week asking him to go over his reaction. Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine Tracks with the Israeli study report of younger men and myocardiac reactions. Posted by: Jean at June 03, 2021 07:16 AM (Xih1H) 195
Anyone explained why fauci females have redactions? None of it should be classified. Is the government just taking out Parts they don't want people to read?
Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 03, 2021 07:13 AM (iDOL ![]() Ding, ding, ding! Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at June 03, 2021 07:16 AM (5TWvk) 196
... behind Biden in 2020. She describes herself as a "John McCain Republican." Thanks, Pence. You did a bang up job. Posted by: Lady in Black at June 03, 2021 07:01 AM (O+I8R) Fuckity. Pence is done, afa the MAGA crowd. Which is most of us. This isn't the first evidence of Pence perfidy, but oughta be the final coffin nail. Posted by: GnuBreed, journalizin' at June 03, 2021 07:17 AM (F0YaR) 197
When will us rubes shut up about gain of function so they can go back to their good work of making more virulent viruses in third world countries run by kleptocracies in substandard facilities in order to get around US law?
It's for our own good. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:13 AM (LvTSG) ++++ This kind of cynical sarcasm represents the deep, underlying systemic issues at play in our society. Fringe elements and their positions like the one reflected here underscores the dangerous absence of trust with which the unsophisticated public interprets the actions taken on their behalf by trained, objective experts in government and affiliated institutions. The attitude reflected in this example represents the real existential risk to our way of life and our industrial civilization. Anti-science, anti-government, anti-establishment rhetoric such as this is the true peril that we all face. Expert policymakers must target the airing of this kind of attitude more completely and effectively than it is. If this attitude is permitted to continue to fester, the dark ages await us. Posted by: Your Kid's Public Policy Professor at June 03, 2021 07:18 AM (Jsjd7) 198
Anyone explained why fauci females have redactions? None of it should be classified. Is the government just taking out Parts they don't want people to read?
-- Yeah, I had to laugh at that yesterday. FOIA results in, "here's your information...all blacked out." Just what, exactly, needed to be redacted in his emails? Sensitive, highly classified material? Uh-huh... Posted by: Lady in Black at June 03, 2021 07:18 AM (O+I8R) 199
Parts they don't want people to read?
Posted by: Moron Robbie is a bridge at June 03, 2021 07:13 AM (iDOL Comrade in a truly free society, not every one really need to know everything! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at June 03, 2021 07:18 AM (hOUT3) 200
We need to pick off people who continually either stand in the way of tangible accomplishment and principled action or takes sides against the electorate. That doesn't mean we go after everyone who has a material disagreement. But it does mean that we ensure that after the party agrees on an agenda and platform, those subverting it are replaced. These are the only types of efforts where I have started contributing my time and money. I am sick of people like Romney, Murkowski, Collins and Sasse putting their personal predilections and swamp connections above the collective goodwill.
Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 07:04 AM (LcEaB) The party turned to shit with Rove's "big tent" minimizing the need to adhere to the platform. This produces an ideologically incoherent gaggle of grifters who don't get a damn thing done. Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:18 AM (y7DUB) 201
Comrade in a truly free society, not every one really need to know everything!
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at June 03, 2021 07:18 AM (hOUT3) Save us from the tyranny of truth, comrade! Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 03, 2021 07:19 AM (6FeV1) Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 03, 2021 07:19 AM (EZebt) 203
197 The attitude reflected in this example represents the real existential risk to our way of life and our industrial civilization. Anti-science, anti-government, anti-establishment rhetoric such as this is the true peril that we all face. Expert policymakers must target the airing of this kind of attitude more completely and effectively than it is. If this attitude is permitted to continue to fester, the dark ages await us.
Posted by: Your Kid's Public Policy Professor at June 03, 2021 07:18 AM (Jsjd7) ======= You're good, Joe. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:19 AM (LvTSG) 204
I'd like to see a review of every waiver Falsi has authorized around safety restrictions - not just the WuhanFlu. Maybe we can get ahead of his next mistake.
Posted by: Jean at June 03, 2021 07:20 AM (Xih1H) 205
198 Anyone explained why fauci females have redactions? None of it should be classified. Is the government just taking out Parts they don't want people to read?
-- Yeah, I had to laugh at that yesterday. FOIA results in, "here's your information...all blacked out." Just what, exactly, needed to be redacted in his emails? Sensitive, highly classified material? Uh-huh... Posted by: Lady in Black at June 03, 2021 07:18 AM (O+I8R) ======== I read yesterday that it has something to do with an ongoing investigation. So, a coverup. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:20 AM (LvTSG) 206
I read yesterday that it has something to do with an ongoing investigation. So, a coverup.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:20 AM (LvTSG) - we have to interfere with justice. - why? - because it might interfere with justice. Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 03, 2021 07:21 AM (6FeV1) 207
Morning. Nice Dr. Bloody Bronofsky ref, JJ! 'E knows everything!
Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at June 03, 2021 07:21 AM (dfRN6) 208
>>And with a politically approved mandate by the Establishment, sit back and think of the graft, comrade!
My suspicion is that it's not just about the vaccine, it's about what this establishes as part of the 'new normal'/Great Reset. Forst, it's about government-mandated healthcare. It introduced the idea that the state can withhold freedoms unless you do what they say (for your own health). Second, it introduced vaccine passports, which is a big step toward a global, universal digital ID. These tech globalists envision a single ID connecting all of a citizen's data - national ID, health records, finances (e-pay), criminal records, family/ethnicity, etc.. The UK's NIH let that slip, and once caught, back-peddled. However, it looks like the EU is moving ahead with it. Posted by: Lizzy at June 03, 2021 07:22 AM (bDqIh) Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 03, 2021 07:22 AM (mht8P) Posted by: Tami at June 03, 2021 07:22 AM (cF8AT) 211
If redactions weren't made, vital intelligence sources would be compromised. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 03, 2021 07:22 AM (mht8P ======== We can't give up Valerie Plame again! Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:22 AM (LvTSG) 212
The party turned to shit with Rove's "big tent" minimizing the need to adhere to the platform.
Same party that took a hard pass on Reagan more than once - then handcuffed him with Bush ? I think the party has been shit for a long, long time. We were just too busy hating Clinton and Obama to notice. Posted by: L.I.B. at June 03, 2021 07:23 AM (Bx21z) 213
Save us from the tyranny of truth, comrade!
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 03, 2021 07:19 AM (6FeV1) "You want the truth, you can't handle the truth!" Posted by: Col. Nathan R. Jessup at June 03, 2021 07:23 AM (hOUT3) 214
nice graphic up top there, JJ, really sums it all up nicely; or so we can hope, anyway ...
& g'mornin' alla resta yous Hordelings ! Posted by: sock_rat_eez at June 03, 2021 07:23 AM (VnT7U) 215
Gotta say I've had issues with the Pauls, however Rand Paul has redeemed himself in my eyes. I don't think PDT will be allowed to win the presidency ever again and as much as I love him I don't want him to run again. We need candidates that the media haven't already ravaged beyond hope.
Want to see 2024 be Desantis and Rand Paul or Desantis and Cruz. Of course any of those three could screw up big time at a later date, it's happened so many times. Looking at you Bush the younger, Mattis, Pence, Noem and on and on ad nauseum. My hope for a pure conservative candidate has evaporated completely. Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at June 03, 2021 07:23 AM (lHHNQ) 216
The party turned to shit with Rove's "big tent" minimizing the need to adhere to the platform. This produces an ideologically incoherent gaggle of grifters who don't get a damn thing done.
Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:18 AM (y7DUB) ++++ I disagree. Not with Rove's "big tent" - he was wrong - but with the notion isn't on its face a bad idea. Trump built a mighty big tent indeed, but in a *very* different way than Rove proposed. Rove, like every other power class asshat, envisioned a "big tent" that was purchased with expanded government power and benefits to more people. His vision was no different than Lyndon Johnson's. Trump, however, took a different approach to build the "big tent." His approach was, "defend the core tenets of the country and culture and don't sweat the small stuff." Disagree on X, Y, or Z? Okay. Welcome in. So long as you agree with A, B, and C (for example, nationalism, borders, federalism), we can disagree on the rest. This isn't a long-term success plan, but a way to grow the base and vanquish the enemy. Once that happens, we can fracture into more parties and fight eachother on policy particulars. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:23 AM (Jsjd7) 217
Good morning!
Let's smile & be happy & strike fear in the hearts of killjoy leftists everywhere. Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 03, 2021 07:23 AM (u82oZ) 218
Trump America First commercial.... Posted by: Tami at June 03, 2021 07:22 AM (cF8AT) I'm disappointed that he's come out for Abbott in Texas to remain as Governor. Sorry, but I'm looking elsewhere here and it's NOT Matthew Maconnahay..... Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:24 AM (Zz0t1) 219
I know I am imagining things, but I haven't felt "good" ever since taking the vaccine two months ago, mostly stomach issues and now I have a cold, my first in five years. Just strange to me.
Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at June 03, 2021 07:24 AM (QZ/dC) 220
Thank you, JJ.
Anecdotally, no one I speak with has even heard about Ivermection or Fenofibrate for use against the COVID. Posted by: Orange Man Bad (Rheeees Be Upon Him) at June 03, 2021 07:25 AM (jV+aN) 221
I really admire Andy Ngo's courage, but I think he needs to move out of Portland.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 03, 2021 07:25 AM (k39e/) 222
Matthew McCaunaghey (sp?) is running for gov of TX?
Posted by: Lady in Black at June 03, 2021 07:26 AM (O+I8R) 223
Gotta say I've had issues with the Pauls, however Rand Paul has redeemed himself in my eyes. ...
Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at June 03, 2021 07:23 AM (lHHNQ) ++++ I am not and never have been a huge Rand Paul fan and I disagree with his positions fairly often. That said, Rand Paul has balls of solid brass, sticks up for his position, hangs his ass out over the ledge to uphold his values and principles - values and principles about which he is very clear. He's also intelligent and, obviously, courageous. Although I often disagree with the guy, I'd trade a dozen Lindsay Grahams or Mitch McConnels for one more Rand Paul. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:26 AM (Jsjd7) 224
I really admire Andy Ngo's courage, but I think he needs to move out of Portland.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 03, 2021 07:25 AM (k39e/) === He has, he returns to care for his elderly parents Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 03, 2021 07:26 AM (EZebt) 225
She claimed that the bill was 'dehumanizing' and took away her bodily autonomy."
Did she say that while wearing a mask and recovering from her "vaccine" jab? Posted by: Reuben Hick at June 03, 2021 07:26 AM (+LCoQ) 226
222 Matthew McCaunaghey (sp?) is running for gov of TX?
Posted by: Lady in Black at June 03, 2021 07:26 AM (O+I8R) ======== He's exploring the notion, it seems. Nothing official, just calls to major donors and such. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:26 AM (LvTSG) 227
I agree, Fenelon. He's going to get killed and that's not an exaggeration.
Posted by: Lady in Black at June 03, 2021 07:26 AM (O+I8R) 228
It still amazes me how friggin' binary most people think. Anything more complicated than a simple "yes / no" or "good / bad" choice simply baffles them
A not insignificant percentage of the country only give lip service to "freedom" and would prefer to be ruled. It's not unique to the country and is why the appeal of socialism will never go away. Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:27 AM (y7DUB) 229
Matthew McCaunaghey (sp?) is running for gov of TX?
Posted by: Lady in Black at June 03, 2021 07:26 AM (O+I8R) It's rumored, which he's fueling, but hasn't officially declared. He's released his "Plan for Texas" but hasn't filed. Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:27 AM (Zz0t1) Posted by: grammie winger at June 03, 2021 07:27 AM (45fpk) 231
He's exploring the notion, it seems. Nothing official, just calls to major donors and such.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:26 AM (LvTSG) If he has to be a write-in, dude is fucked. Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 03, 2021 07:27 AM (6FeV1) 232
>>He has, he returns to care for his elderly parents
Oh, that explains it. His parents need to move. Antifa really intends to kill him. Posted by: Lizzy at June 03, 2021 07:29 AM (bDqIh) 233
I agree, Fenelon. He's going to get killed and that's not an exaggeration.
Posted by: Lady in Black at June 03, 2021 07:26 AM (O+I8R) ++++ This is at least possible if not likely. But one thing to keep in mind is that he is choosing this conflict. He could quit. He could hang up his spurs and walk off into the sunset. No one is keeping him at his job. He is choosing this fight and I am glad he is. It is intensely dangerous and might very well cost him his life. He knows it. He chooses to do it anyway. He thinks the fight is worth fighting. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:29 AM (Jsjd7) 234
McCounaghey's Lincoln car commercials are like SNL parodies. I like the one where he goes ice fishing out of it.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 03, 2021 07:30 AM (EZebt) 235
It's not unique to the country and is why the appeal of socialism will never go away.
Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:27 AM (y7DUB) Owning things, worrying about work, trying to find food, and having to pay taxes keep me from being truly happy, so benevolent global socialism run by an elite is obviously the answer. Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -Your Rulers Have, and Deserve, Different Rules! - at June 03, 2021 07:30 AM (hOUT3) 236
He is choosing this fight and I am glad he is. It is intensely dangerous and might very well cost him his life. He knows it. He chooses to do it anyway. He thinks the fight is worth fighting. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:29 AM (Jsjd7) If there's still heroism in journalism and not just swallowing jism, it's that guy. Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:30 AM (Zz0t1) 237
Fauci on Morning Schmoe.....
@tomselliott 45 min Fauci refuses to go after China for destroying evidence & refusing to cooperate with investigators; says the U.S. shouldn't be "accusatory" as it will make them "pull back more" Posted by: Tami at June 03, 2021 07:30 AM (cF8AT) 238
Although I often disagree with the guy, I'd trade a dozen Lindsay Grahams or Mitch McConnels for one more Rand Paul.
Paul is very typical of the particular brand of Libertarianism that runs pretty strong in the Ohio Valley. This region currently runs Republican because the GOP is viewed as the party that will meddle the least. Posted by: L.I.B. at June 03, 2021 07:31 AM (Bx21z) 239
232 >>He has, he returns to care for his elderly parents
Oh, that explains it. His parents need to move. Antifa really intends to kill him. Posted by: Lizzy at June 03, 2021 07:29 AM (bDqIh) Or his parents... Posted by: Tami at June 03, 2021 07:31 AM (cF8AT) 240
Texans, has Abbot signed the Constitutional Carry bill, and if not, does it automatically go into effect after so many days sitting on his desk?
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at June 03, 2021 07:31 AM (I58tH) 241
Why is it so hard for Republicans to say that anyone provably involved in an assault on law enforcement or destruction of property on January 6th should be punished in accordance with the law, not illegally detained or subject to cruel and unusual conditions such as abuse and solitary confinement. Everyone else should be released.
There. Was that really that hard, cowards? Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 07:32 AM (LcEaB) 242
Of 5,000 active FBI counterintelligence cases, approximately half of them deal with China.
Sixty percent of the bureaus trade secret cases involve China. CHINA IS ASSHOE Posted by: rhennigantx at June 03, 2021 07:32 AM (yrol0) 243
Fauci refuses to go after China for destroying evidence & refusing to cooperate with investigators; says the U.S. shouldn't be "accusatory" as it will make them "pull back more" Posted by: Tami at June 03, 2021 07:30 AM (cF8AT) "Guys if you keep complaining about their destroying evidence and hiding everything then they're going to destroy evidence and hid everything!" Posted by: Buzzion at June 03, 2021 07:33 AM (G2zl5) 244
Texans, has Abbot signed the Constitutional Carry bill, and if not, does it automatically go into effect after so many days sitting on his desk?
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at June 03, 2021 07:31 AM (I58tH) It's been sitting on his desk for 2 weeks........ Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:33 AM (Zz0t1) 245
Prayer request
The church pianist/treasurer has had edema since her second shot. She is uncertain if this is a result of that or of new kidney issues. She has come through other things that might have killed her. She has an online appointment today (Can I just parenthetically say that online appts or so dumb when someone needs to be examined in person?) and she's worried. She's a dear person to many people and can use the prayers. Her first initial is "L". Thanks so much. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 03, 2021 07:34 AM (k39e/) 246
@tomselliott 45 min
Fauci refuses to go after China for destroying evidence & refusing to cooperate with investigators; says the U.S. shouldn't be "accusatory" as it will make them "pull back more" Posted by: Tami the Chinese like to negotiate with apologetic and passive; lets see them pull back from a couple of carrier battle groups and a blockade Posted by: Jean at June 03, 2021 07:34 AM (Xih1H) 247
Andy Ngo...
If the Antifa thugs will get to him and kill him it will be reported that he instigated his own death. This will be a warning to all "citizen journalists" to cease and desist reporting on Antifa/BLM and anything else that might reflect poorly on democrats. Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 03, 2021 07:34 AM (3H9h1) 248
Good morning Hordelings!
JJ -- busted link in the first section... Daniel Greenfield: "If you like your pandemic, you can keep your pandemic." Fauci's E-Mails and the Chinese Covid Cover-Up Appreciate all that you do, JJ! Posted by: Doof at June 03, 2021 07:34 AM (mZUr4) 249
This country is going to shit and all I see are beg letters from the GOPe that they are fighting. Fighting, I tell you. I haven't heard from anybody but Rand Paul and DeSantis speaking out loud. If I've missed someone, please let me know. Posted by: grammie winger at June 03, 2021 07:34 AM (45fpk) 250
I read yesterday that it has something to do with an ongoing investigation. So, a coverup.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:20 AM (LvTSG) Yes, I watched the clip of Tucker on it at the CFP and he said it typically means under criminal investigation. Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 07:35 AM (9VFzC) 251
There. Was that really that hard, cowards?
Posted by: Marcus T at June 03, 2021 07:32 AM (LcEaB) === Could open them to allegations of white supremacy. Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 03, 2021 07:35 AM (EZebt) 252
This isn't a long-term success plan, but a way to grow the base and vanquish the enemy. Once that happens, we can fracture into more parties and fight eachother on policy particulars.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:23 AM (Jsjd7) I probably didn't phrase things correctly because I don't disagree with you. At his core Trump was for returning to adherence to the Constitution from which the country has strayed badly. Some of his fixes spent way too much money, which I think he'd start to address in a second term, but with the goal of getting everyone on board for the return to basic principles. That's my guess on where he was moving. Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:35 AM (y7DUB) 253
Posted by: rickb223 at June 03, 2021 07:35 AM (x4kJD) 254
Man, that Andy Ngo thread Tami linked to in 156 ( is worth reading. Have some Pepto handy, though. It's nauseating.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:35 AM (Jsjd7) 255
240 Texans, has Abbot signed the Constitutional Carry bill, and if not, does it automatically go into effect after so many days sitting on his desk?
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at June 03, 2021 07:31 AM (I58tH) Still sitting on his desk! Posted by: rhennigantx at June 03, 2021 07:35 AM (yrol0) 256
Fenelon - will do.
Posted by: grammie winger at June 03, 2021 07:35 AM (45fpk) 257
Posted by: Tami at June 03, 2021 07:30 AM (cF8AT)
Fauci and richie-rich don't want their assets nationalized and their complicity exposed. It's always been about them and their lifestyles. Posted by: CN at June 03, 2021 07:36 AM (ONvIw) 258
Texans, has Abbot signed the Constitutional Carry bill, and if not, does it automatically go into effect after so many days sitting on his desk?
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at June 03, 2021 07:31 AM (I58tH) Still sitting on his desk! Posted by: rhennigantx 10 days. If he doesn't actively veto it, it becomes law, signed or unsigned. Posted by: rickb223 at June 03, 2021 07:36 AM (x4kJD) 259
Texans, has Abbot signed the Constitutional Carry bill, and if not, does it automatically go into effect after so many days sitting on his desk?
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at June 03, 2021 07:31 AM (I58tH) It's been sitting on his desk for 2 weeks........ For years I have been operating as if Constitutional Carry was recognized by the State. I fear that the Son of Santa Anna is going to use the legislation as barter for something else, though optimists are claiming that Wheels will make a huge ceremony out of it. Posted by: Reuben Hick at June 03, 2021 07:36 AM (+LCoQ) 260
I'm disappointed that he's come out for Abbott in Texas to remain as Governor.
Sorry, but I'm looking elsewhere here and it's NOT Matthew Maconnahay..... Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:24 AM (Zz0t1) You are never going to get a politico that you agree with 90% of the time. He's done pretty damn good overall. I have the same problem with Tate (tater) Reeves of MS -- Too much suckage, but a lot less than the rest. Put up a good primary challenger, and I'm one voting mofo. Posted by: GnuBreed, journalizin' at June 03, 2021 07:37 AM (F0YaR) 261
I'm disappointed that he's come out for Abbott in Texas to remain as Governor.
Sorry, but I'm looking elsewhere here and it's NOT Matthew Maconnahay..... Posted by: Sponge Huffines? Posted by: rickb223 at June 03, 2021 07:38 AM (x4kJD) 262
He is choosing this fight and I am glad he is. It is intensely dangerous and might very well cost him his life. He knows it. He chooses to do it anyway. He thinks the fight is worth fighting.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:29 AM (Jsjd7) He needs more body guards. I know that body guards for conservatives will most probably be jailed for life if protecting a life, but it's better than nothing. Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 07:38 AM (9VFzC) Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -Your Rulers Have, and Deserve, Different Rules! - at June 03, 2021 07:38 AM (hOUT3) 264
Huffines? Posted by: rickb223 at June 03, 2021 07:38 AM (x4kJD) Didn't he make most of his money selling cars? Yeah, no. A Car Salesman? LOL. Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:38 AM (Zz0t1) 265
I wonder how much Hunter Biden's ex-stripper baby mama is getting paid to keep quiet? Has Grandpa Joe even acknowledged his grandchild?
Posted by: redridinghood at June 03, 2021 07:39 AM (NpAcC) 266
Only in San Francisco.
The lead figure in corruption scandal former head of DPW Mo Nuru was arrested for assault yesterday when he was volunteering at the food bank, because he wanted a bag of chips in the break room and he pulled out a knife when it was not given over. Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 03, 2021 07:39 AM (EZebt) 267
I told you so eighteen months ago. "This is a virus... slightly more contagious than some and markedly less fatal."
God damn this man. Posted by: creeper at June 03, 2021 07:39 AM (XxJt1) 268
I did my weekly slog through the early morning local newscast today (I watch once a week to get the weather forecast and see what the lies or hideous malformation of the week is). One story this morning sickened me.
The tomb of Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest is in Memphis. It included a statue of the man at the grave site/monument. I use the past tense there because the statue was torn down a couple of years ago. Soon, I will have to use the past tense for the tomb. They're disinterring Forrest and moving his grave somewhere else to finish removing the monument. They plan to be done with this prior to the "Juneteenth" observance this year. Another chapter of our history being excised. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:40 AM (Jsjd7) 269
Didn't he make most of his money selling cars?
Yeah, no. A Car Salesman? LOL. Posted by: Sponge Old man Huffines is dead. No idea which this one is, but, yeah, used car salesman. Posted by: rickb223 at June 03, 2021 07:40 AM (x4kJD) 270
Friday's Jobs Report May Blow Up Biden's Presidency
Gloom Despair and Misery are the Socialists stock and trade. Posted by: rhennigantx at June 03, 2021 07:40 AM (yrol0) 271
266 Only in San Francisco.
The lead figure in corruption scandal former head of DPW Mo Nuru was arrested for assault yesterday when he was volunteering at the food bank, because he wanted a bag of chips in the break room and he pulled out a knife when it was not given over. Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 03, 2021 07:39 AM (EZebt) ========= I imagine that the volunteering wasn't that voluntary. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:40 AM (LvTSG) 272
Yeah, no. A Car Salesman? LOL.
Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:38 AM (Zz0t1) Matthew McConaughey in a Lincoln says, "ISWYDT". Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 03, 2021 07:40 AM (6FeV1) Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 07:40 AM (9VFzC) 274
This country is going to shit and all I see are beg letters from the GOPe that they are fighting. Fighting, I tell you. I haven't heard from anybody but Rand Paul and DeSantis speaking out loud. If I've missed someone, please let me know.
-- It's thoroughly disheartening seeing where the R party truly is. Their complete silence (save for Cruz) on the election theft, and their refusal to breathe one word about the illegal captivity of those Jan. 6 protesters, and the killing of an innocent and unarmed citizen, is something I will never forgive them for. Posted by: Lady in Black at June 03, 2021 07:40 AM (O+I8R) 275
Anecdotally, no one I speak with has even heard about Ivermectin or Fenofibrate for use against the COVID.
Posted by: Orange Man Bad Morning everyone. Tractor Supply has. On the shelves where the horse dewormer is located (active ingredient - Ivermectin) there are signs prominently displayed that warn it is not approved for human use. Just saying. Posted by: Tonypete at June 03, 2021 07:41 AM (Rvt88) 276
Old man Huffines is dead. No idea which this one is, but, yeah, used car salesman. Posted by: rickb223 at June 03, 2021 07:40 AM (x4kJD) I know you've seen the TV commercials, but would you vote for Clay Cooley? Not that he's running, but he's the prototypical car salesman. Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:41 AM (Zz0t1) 277
This country is going to shit and all I see are beg letters from the GOPe that they are fighting. Fighting, I tell you. ...
Posted by: grammie winger at June 03, 2021 07:34 AM (45fpk) ++++ You get beg letters? Lucky you. All I get are terse demands. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:41 AM (Jsjd7) 278
the Chinese like to negotiate with apologetic and passive; lets see them pull back from a couple of carrier battle groups and a blockade
Posted by: Jean at June 03, 2021 07:34 AM (Xih1H) Not gonna hold my breath waiting for that to happen, Comrade Jean! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -Your Rulers Have, and Deserve, Different Rules! - at June 03, 2021 07:41 AM (hOUT3) 279
He has, he returns to care for his elderly parents
Oh, that explains it. His parents need to move. Antifa really intends to kill him. Posted by: Lizzy at June 03, 2021 07:29 AM (bDqIh) Or his parents... Posted by: Tami at June 03, 2021 07:31 AM (cF8AT) Where's the GOP holding Merrick Garland's smelly feet to the fire on civil rights violations to a protected minority (Asian homo) journalist by a gaggle of white trash supremacists? They've got the ball teed up and don't do a fucking thing. Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:41 AM (y7DUB) 280
Texans, has Abbot signed the Constitutional Carry bill, and if not, does it automatically go into effect after so many days sitting on his desk?
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at June 03, 2021 07:31 AM (I58tH) Still sitting on his desk! Posted by: rhennigantx 10 days. If he doesn't actively veto it, it becomes law, signed or unsigned. Posted by: rickb223 at June 03, 2021 07:36 AM (x4kJD) Interesting. So the inverse of a "pocket veto"? A bill can become a State law without Executive signature? OK then. Posted by: Doof at June 03, 2021 07:41 AM (mZUr4) 281
So I find those reasonings as unpersuasive as to why you do it.
Posted by: Buzzion That's fine. But for me, DeSantis > Trump. Trump did much good, though, in being an outsider who unmasked the true evil and wickedness of DC and its minnions. Posted by: lizabth at June 03, 2021 07:42 AM (L3Rsz) 282
Gloom Despair and Misery are the Socialists stock and trade.
-- It's all whitey's fault. Just keep them "in charge" to make us pay for the gloom, despair and misery they inflict. Posted by: Lady in Black at June 03, 2021 07:42 AM (O+I8R) 283
265 I wonder how much Hunter Biden's ex-stripper baby mama is getting paid to keep quiet? Has Grandpa Joe even acknowledged his grandchild?
she was paid quite a bit - I think $2 mil? has been open about it. she isn't exactly an "ex-stripper" btw. Hunter had her working for him for some significant amount of time at one of his shell companies. She probably got picked up by him when she was at college in DC (GWU I think). and no, of course the elder Bidens won't acknowledge the lovely little girl. that's probably for the best. Lunden is I think married or engaged to a guy her own age, things are going well. She seems like a pretty normal, well adjusted young lady despite everything. I'm rooting for her! the Bidens are trash. I won't impugn people who happen to live in trailers by equating the Bidens with that. they are far, far lower; not worthy to shine the shoes of a trailer denizen. Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 03, 2021 07:42 AM (j9HX3) 284
Ivermectin with apple flavor is pretty tasty and compliments my morning bucket of oats.
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at June 03, 2021 07:42 AM (I58tH) 285
But Trump said drink Clorox!
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 07:42 AM (CAP2d) 286
ADP Private Payrolls Report: Companies Added 978k Jobs in May
Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 07:43 AM (9VFzC) 287
I'm betting the jobs report will be positive so they can do a Snoopy dance. We are solidly in gaslight theater territory.
Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at June 03, 2021 07:43 AM (QZ/dC) 288
You get beg letters? Lucky you. All I get are terse demands.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:41 AM (Jsjd7) Actually it's Rev who gets them. I haven't gotten them since after the Romney election. I stopped all calls and emails by threatening legal action. It seems to have worked. I get nada, zip, zero. Posted by: grammie winger at June 03, 2021 07:43 AM (45fpk) 289
I wonder if the government overreach and deceit has created an "antibody effect": the public saying next time, "Yeah, No, we have seen this movie before and we're not going along with your bullsh*t."
Posted by: JM in Florida at June 03, 2021 07:43 AM (HCeRP) 290
the Bidens are trash. I won't impugn people who happen to live in trailers by equating the Bidens with that. they are far, far lower; not worthy to shine the shoes of a trailer denizen.
Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 03, 2021 07:42 AM (j9HX3) ++++ The Bidens are a national humiliation. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:43 AM (Jsjd7) 291
Private payrolls increased by 978,000 in May vs. the 680,000 estimate.
That was the largest gain since last June as the economy was emerging from the early pandemic lockdowns. Leisure and hospitality showed the biggest gains with 440,000 new hires. Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 07:44 AM (9VFzC) 292
You get beg letters? Lucky you. All I get are terse demands.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:41 AM (Jsjd7) All they get from me is a few bags of dicks Posted by: CN at June 03, 2021 07:44 AM (ONvIw) 293
Another chapter of our history being excised.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:40 AM (Jsjd7) Without examples from the past, it is very difficult to understand the way the future might turn out, so all is going according to plan comrade! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -Your Rulers Have, and Deserve, Different Rules! - at June 03, 2021 07:44 AM (hOUT3) 294
287 I'm betting the jobs report will be positive so they can do a Snoopy dance. We are solidly in gaslight theater territory.
Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at June 03, 2021 07:43 AM (QZ/dC) It will be positive or it will at least beat their expectations. But keep an eye on the revisions for April and March. They will not be positive revisions. Posted by: Buzzion at June 03, 2021 07:45 AM (G2zl5) 295
Just realized I was wearing an old sock.
Posted by: tbodie at June 03, 2021 07:45 AM (VzbI8) 296
The Bidens are a national humiliation.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:43 AM (Jsjd7) An essential part of the plan. Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:45 AM (y7DUB) 297
I wonder if the government overreach and deceit has created an "antibody effect": the public saying next time, "Yeah, No, we have seen this movie before and we're not going along with your bullsh*t."
Posted by: JM in Florida at June 03, 2021 07:43 AM (HCeRP) ++++ They may well have. Back during the Bird Flue and Swine Flu panics, I mentioned to my dad that the kind of panic porn the press outfits were engaging in had the distinct possibility of turning in to "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" and that eventually something actually seriously dangerous would happen and people would disregard it. I suspect we may well have gotten there now. When the next one happens - right or wrong, fact or fiction - I suspect a lot of people are going to just shrug and ignore it. Welcome to zero-trust. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:46 AM (Jsjd7) 298
sorry I'm in a horrendous mood about being proven right about Fauci and the man-made, fake pandemic
because now that pieces of the truth are falling together, I can only think of the comms that led to the Idiot Blue State murder of elderly nursing home patients. and SEETHE Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 03, 2021 07:46 AM (j9HX3) 299
Private payrolls increased by 978,000 in May vs. the 680,000 estimate.
-- It doesn't hurt that some states have ended the extended unemployment covid $bonanza payouts. Posted by: Lady in Black at June 03, 2021 07:46 AM (O+I8R) 300
Throw Fauci under the bus to hide upcoming Audit outcome. Trump Won flags should be rolled out all over America. Baseball games were a good start. Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 07:47 AM (9VFzC) 301
Finally got back to sleep!
Irony and subtle threats alert: China accuses H&M, Nike, Zara and other brands of importing unsafe or poor quality children's clothes and goods!!! Posted by: andycanuck at June 03, 2021 07:47 AM (UHVv4) 302
Anytime there's a story on a *biden the spin gets so strong the earth's rotation slows a bit.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 03, 2021 07:47 AM (3H9h1) 303
Has Grandpa Joe even acknowledged his grandchild?
He's waiting for it to get a little older so he can sexually molest it. Posted by: Jewells45 at June 03, 2021 07:48 AM (nxdel) 304
Leisure and hospitality showed the biggest gains with 440,000 new hires.
Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 07:44 AM (9VFzC) So in in other words it's because Newsome took his boot off of California's neck. Posted by: Buzzion at June 03, 2021 07:48 AM (G2zl5) 305
152 There's an obvious schism in the GOP which DJT unmasked: Romney/Cheney versus Paul/MTG.
================= So true, CH. Portman, as you say, is a great example of the problem and is joined by plenty of his national fellows (both Senate and House). Viewed from the perspective of what it takes to be an effective legislator, since the deep state types probably won't permit a Republican to succeed who is MAGA, Portman's attitude may be understandable. But we aren't looking for someone to be effective within the circumscribed boundaries established by the illegal and never approved fourth branch of the administrative state and the Praetorian Guard IC; we want three branches (not four) and we want level justice. Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 03, 2021 07:48 AM (slRSK) 306
I wonder if the government overreach and deceit has created an "antibody effect":
My anecdata shows a sorting. About a third of the people around me will do whatever they're told now. About a third are deeply suspicious, dug in, and pissed. And about a third just want to go to a stadium and then get home in time to see Dancing With The Stars. Posted by: L.I.B. at June 03, 2021 07:48 AM (Bx21z) 307
"Friday's Jobs Report May Blow Up Biden's Presidency"
----------------------- No way. He's protected. Like they said about the original astronaut program (in "The Right Stuff"): that pooch is unscrewable. Posted by: JM in Florida at June 03, 2021 07:48 AM (HCeRP) 308
297 I suspect we may well have gotten there now. When the next one happens - right or wrong, fact or fiction - I suspect a lot of people are going to just shrug and ignore it.
Welcome to zero-trust. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:46 AM (Jsjd7) ========== No state to the right of Tennessee will shut down for the next pandemic until it's far too late and there are bodies in the streets. That means that if they try a fake pandemic again, blue states will be killing themselves while red states will thrive. It also means that if there's a real pandemic then red states will probably have no worse numbers than blue states for a long time because mass transit is far less prevalent in red states. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:48 AM (LvTSG) 309
sorry I'm in a horrendous mood about being proven right about Fauci and the man-made, fake pandemic
because now that pieces of the truth are falling together, I can only think of the comms that led to the Idiot Blue State murder of elderly nursing home patients. and SEETHE Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 03, 2021 07:46 AM (j9HX3) And you can't sue Big Pharma for being the unwitting guinea pig for their 'vaccines' because government said so. Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:49 AM (Zz0t1) 310
Take the ADP report with a grain of salt. That report is often way off compared to the govt report, often wildly so.
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 07:49 AM (CAP2d) 311
China accuses H&M, Nike, Zara and other brands of importing unsafe or poor quality children's clothes and goods!!!
Posted by: andycanuck at June 03, 2021 07:47 AM (UHVv4) Lawl. What's next? Bagging on Apple? Harbor Freight? Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 03, 2021 07:49 AM (6FeV1) 312
299 Private payrolls increased by 978,000 in May vs. the 680,000 estimate.
-- It doesn't hurt that some states have ended the extended unemployment covid $bonanza payouts. Posted by: Lady in Black at June 03, 2021 07:46 AM (O+I8R) ======== It'll probably all be red states making this happen with actual loses in some places like New York. This will be a victory for Biden, obviously. Like when more than half of all jobs created under Obama's administration were created in Texas. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:49 AM (LvTSG) 313
I'm not vindictive. But fitting punishment for Fauci, Cuomo, Whitmer and others who let old people sit alone for a year in assisted living centers because they weren't allowed visitors or contact from anyone, some of who died alone,would be 13 months in solitary in a Supermax.
Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at June 03, 2021 07:49 AM (QZ/dC) 314
There is one reply I have seen in the Andy Ngo thread so far that I think is entirely illustrative of the underlying problem. This guy might be Antifa or one of their sympathizers, but also might well not be. He is, however, a prime example of someone who doesn't know that the rules have changed.
@chadloder Replying to @MrAndyNgo Press should be clearly marked as such, and should not be disguised in all black, doing god-knows-what kind of dishonest stuff. Once you insert yourself and become part of the story, you're not a journalist. You're an agent provocateur. I hope you've learned a valuable lesson. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:49 AM (Jsjd7) 315
Posted by: L.I.B. at June 03, 2021 07:48 AM (Bx21z)
Purely observational, but I think about a third of the population is still wearing masks in public places like parking lots! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -Your Rulers Have, and Deserve, Different Rules! - at June 03, 2021 07:50 AM (hOUT3) 316
Like cockroaches the Bush family never goes always George P is running for TX AG.
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 07:50 AM (CAP2d) 317
"Pandemic Porn" is a multi-billion dollar business. Don't count it out. People are notoriously stupid.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 03, 2021 07:50 AM (3H9h1) 318
What Did Trump Know About Fauci and When Did He Know It?
Posted by: Futurematic: Tomorrow's headlines today at June 03, 2021 07:51 AM (5RTdG) 319
I really liked this piece about DeSantis over at the NOQreport. Watch how the corrupt media and their international spies go after him once he announces...
How Ron DeSantis Saved America From COVID Tyranny He made the case for freedom, backed by science. very good points Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 07:51 AM (9VFzC) 320
I just spent 20 minutes writing a list of Democratic perfidy throughout the history of the country, accidentally hit my mouse button while trying to review it, and lost the entire post.
Good morning fellow morons. Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at June 03, 2021 07:51 AM (ehZUS) 321
That means that if they try a fake pandemic again, blue states will be killing themselves while red states will thrive. It also means that if there's a real pandemic then red states will probably have no worse numbers than blue states for a long time because mass transit is far less prevalent in red states.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:48 AM (LvTSG) ++++ Then feds will send the army to enforce federal response directives in those areas. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:51 AM (Jsjd7) 322
Lawl. What's next? Bagging on Apple? Harbor Freight?
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 03, 2021 07:49 AM (6FeV1) And Amazon? Surely they are the epitome of poor quality shit from CHina Posted by: CN at June 03, 2021 07:51 AM (ONvIw) 323
Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at June 03, 2021 07:49 AM (QZ/dC) You misspelled Gitmo! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -Your Rulers Have, and Deserve, Different Rules! - at June 03, 2021 07:51 AM (hOUT3) 324
G. K. Chesterton: There is a thought that stops thought. That is the only thought that ought to be stopped.
Posted by: rhennigantx at June 03, 2021 07:51 AM (yrol0) 325
Hey, stupid states, Florida here, stop the COVID bullshit and get yourself a governor like DeSantis and you too can give teachers, first responders and others pay bonuses and still have 10 BILLION dollars for emergencies.
(Here comes hurricane season.) Posted by: Seems Legit at June 03, 2021 07:52 AM (o25GB) 326
321 Then feds will send the army to enforce federal response directives in those areas.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:51 AM (Jsjd7) ======== Then we finally get our shooting war. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:52 AM (LvTSG) 327
well Joe Mannix, reading that I conclude that Mr Loder is a douchebag
even if he had a point he's a dickless chode ha ha so there goes logic as society erodes Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 03, 2021 07:52 AM (j9HX3) 328
Upon receiving a bill, the governor has 10 days in which to sign the bill, veto it, or allow it to become law without a signature. If the governor vetoes the bill and the legislature is still in session, the bill is returned to the house in which it originated with an explanation of the governor's objections. A two-thirds majority in each house is required to override the veto. If the governor neither vetoes nor signs the bill within 10 days, the bill becomes a law. If a bill is sent to the governor within 10 days of final adjournment, the governor has until 20 days after final adjournment to sign the bill, veto it, or allow it to become law without a signature.
I honestly think he has 20 days. I think it was sent to him within that ten day final adjournment window. Posted by: rickb223 at June 03, 2021 07:52 AM (x4kJD) 329
316 Like cockroaches the Bush family never goes always George P is running for TX AG.
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 07:50 AM (CAP2d) Easy graft is addictive! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -Your Rulers Have, and Deserve, Different Rules! - at June 03, 2021 07:53 AM (hOUT3) 330
Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at June 03, 2021 07:49 AM (QZ/dC)
There will be no retribution. We wanted punishment for Comey and Co., we got shit on by Sessions, Rosenstein and Barr. Garland is just as shitty. Posted by: CN at June 03, 2021 07:53 AM (ONvIw) Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:54 AM (Zz0t1) Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 03, 2021 07:54 AM (3H9h1) 333
I'm not vindictive. But fitting punishment for Fauci, Cuomo, Whitmer and others who let old people sit alone for a year in assisted living centers because they weren't allowed visitors or contact from anyone, some of who died alone,would be 13 months in solitary in a Supermax.
Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at June 03, 2021 07:49 AM (QZ/dC) ++++ I passionately disagree. This might be a bit reflective of what they did, but it is not a satisfactory punishment. For these people, they need what I refer to as the "bird cage treatment." It is quite simple. They are locked in a big iron bird cage suspended above the public square. The public square itself is ringed with bins of rotten food. The people that the perpetrators have harmed are then allowed to hurl the rotten food at the perpetrator, while he or she is locked in the suspended iron birdcage. Corrections officers hose them down and feed them down twice per day (morning and evening). The minimum sentence should be one year. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:54 AM (Jsjd7) 334
From American Greatness piece by Gorka, If Trump Wins.
I have spent almost every day considering what we need to do differently if he wins and our challenge boils down to the following obstacles and true threats: A veritable deep state of bureaucrats who actually believe the will of the American electorate is irrelevant and that they get to run the country A media and Silicon Valley mafia that aids and abets not only the Democratic Party but the members of the deep state as their force-multipliers and willing propagandists A dearth of personnel who are prepared to step "into the arena" in the face of swingeing and libelous attacks by the press and the DNC. Too many RINOs who think 2016 was an aberration and that they can get back to 'business as usual' with the Democrats. An educational and media machine that hates what America stands for and what we believe in. Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 07:54 AM (9VFzC) Posted by: RedMindBlueState at June 03, 2021 07:54 AM (m+jkK) 336
(Here comes hurricane season.) Posted by: Seems Legit at June 03, 2021 07:52 AM (o25GB) And NOAA says it's going to be a BIG one. .....Like they say EVERY year, hoping. Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:55 AM (Zz0t1) 337
Like cockroaches the Bush family never goes always George P is running for TX AG.
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 07:50 AM (CAP2d) Please clap! Posted by: Jeb Cockroach! at June 03, 2021 07:55 AM (KR/Q/) 338
We all know Fauci will not spend a day in jail. Not only that he will get his full pension. And his kids will probably get a job at Burisma.
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 07:56 AM (CAP2d) 339
(Here comes hurricane season.) Posted by: Seems Legit at June 03, 2021 07:52 AM (o25GB) And NOAA says it's going to be a BIG one. .....Like they say EVERY year, hoping. Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:55 AM (Zz0t1) ======== We've just found out that the CDC and NIH are politically invested insane asylums. I'm sure the NOAA is fine, though. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:56 AM (LvTSG) 340
The people that the perpetrators have harmed are then allowed to hurl the rotten food at the perpetrator, while he or she is locked in the suspended iron birdcage. Corrections officers hose them down and feed them down twice per day (morning and evening). The minimum sentence should be one year.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:54 AM (Jsjd7) And their only meals are from what they catch........ Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:56 AM (Zz0t1) 341
And NOAA says it's going to be a BIG one. .....Like they say EVERY year, hoping.
Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 07:55 AM (Zz0t1) Burning incense and incantations for the destruction of Florida and DeSantis start every day at NOAA. Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -Your Rulers Have, and Deserve, Different Rules! - at June 03, 2021 07:56 AM (hOUT3) 342
Here's a link to Andy Ngo's thread (thanks again, Tami) via Threadreader. I find Threadreader a lot easier to deal with than Twitter threads in their natural habitat: Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:56 AM (Jsjd7) 343
I just spent 20 minutes writing a list of Democratic perfidy throughout the history of the country, accidentally hit my mouse button while trying to review it, and lost the entire post.
Good morning fellow morons. Posted by: An Observation That calls for three fingers of Irish in the morning coffee. Posted by: rickb223 at June 03, 2021 07:56 AM (x4kJD) 344
They started tossing Fauci under the bus in the last month. Could it be due to the upcoming email dump?
Posted by: squid_hunt at June 03, 2021 07:57 AM (S5OQe) 345
Just like every election is the most important election of our lifetime, every hurricane season has the potential to be the worst on record.
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 07:57 AM (CAP2d) 346
The slobbering the media did over Fauci reminds me of the slobbering they did over Avenatti.
Effing idiots. Posted by: Seems Legit at June 03, 2021 07:57 AM (o25GB) 347
we need to break the union up. we should have done it way back when. thanks a lot Lincoln you asshat.
there's just no other way. I mean off world colonies maybe if we can get there. but the USA is too big.. too bereft of honest citizens... it's going to collapse like dying sun. Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 03, 2021 07:57 AM (j9HX3) 348
As part of the green nude eel, NOAA will add strong thunderstorms to their list of named storms in an attempt to pad the numbers.
Satire? You be the judge. Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 03, 2021 07:58 AM (3H9h1) 349
That calls for three fingers of Irish in the morning coffee.
Posted by: rickb223 During those days, I just pass the coffee pot over my mug. Posted by: Tonypete at June 03, 2021 07:58 AM (Rvt88) 350
because now that pieces of the truth are falling together, I can only think of the comms that led to the Idiot Blue State murder of elderly nursing home patients.
and SEETHE Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 03, 2021 07:46 AM (j9HX3) Not just the blatant murdering of our family members but also the blocking of prophylactic's, that if taken as soon as symptoms arose, would have never ended up in the hospital, or on a respirator, or die. Makes me sick to my stomach. This is one of the purest of evil's I have witnessed in my lifetime. Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 07:58 AM (9VFzC) 351
We've just found out that the CDC and NIH are politically invested insane asylums. I'm sure the NOAA is fine, though.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:56 AM (LvTSG) But NOAA is different, they have centuries of weather observations and detailed records to support their models! /s Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -Your Rulers Have, and Deserve, Different Rules! - at June 03, 2021 07:58 AM (hOUT3) Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 03, 2021 07:58 AM (u82oZ) 353
It's too early for me to sock Jeff Spicoli's brother, Pzzpr, you DICK!!
Posted by: andycanuck at June 03, 2021 07:59 AM (UHVv4) 354
Not just the blatant murdering of our family members but also the blocking of prophylactic's, that if taken as soon as symptoms arose, would have never ended up in the hospital, or on a respirator, or die.
Makes me sick to my stomach. This is one of the purest of evil's I have witnessed in my lifetime. Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 07:58 AM (9VFzC) ----- This is exactly how I feel about this cluster. Posted by: Seems Legit at June 03, 2021 07:59 AM (o25GB) 355
351 But NOAA is different, they have centuries of weather observations and detailed records to support their models!
/s Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -Your Rulers Have, and Deserve, Different Rules! - at June 03, 2021 07:58 AM (hOUT3) ========= Their records of hurricanes that developed and never made landfall from the 1880s are really impressive. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:59 AM (LvTSG) Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 03, 2021 07:59 AM (u82oZ) 357
That calls for three fingers of Irish in the morning coffee.
Posted by: rickb223 at June 03, 2021 07:56 AM (x4kJD) ++++ Heh. I had one of those, "oh shit, I'm the offensive foreigner moments" on this topic. I was on the last leg of a brutal 22-hour flight complex on my first trip to Ireland. It was on Aer Lingus and it was about 08:00 local time. I was beat, and had to go right to work. The stewardess came through to take drink orders and I ordered an Irish Coffee. I immediately realized that this might not have been the best move. I said, "I realize that might not be appropriate. I'm sorry if I caused any offense, but I don't know if you call it the same thing." The stewardess laughed and said, "Not at all. We call it an Irish coffee." Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:59 AM (Jsjd7) 358
Makes me sick to my stomach. This is one of the purest of evil's I have witnessed in my lifetime.
you're not alone I think a lot of people are dealing with serious cogdis because they simply CANNOT conceive of what they actually know the govt did to us all it's too painful but I'm there now. wow. it's really painful. Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 03, 2021 07:59 AM (j9HX3) 359
Not just the blatant murdering of our family members but also the blocking of prophylactic's, that if taken as soon as symptoms arose, would have never ended up in the hospital, or on a respirator, or die.
Makes me sick to my stomach. This is one of the purest of evil's I have witnessed in my lifetime. Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 07:58 AM (9VFzC) There are too many stories of Dr's telling patients to go home.....wait till symptoms get worse, with NO medicine. Admitting them to the hospital, waiting to give treatment until they require a ventilator, which is KNOWN that if that's the point, they're as good as dead, BEFORE THEY START TREATMENT. Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 08:00 AM (Zz0t1) 360
That calls for three fingers of Irish in the morning coffee.
Posted by: rickb223 During those days, I just pass the coffee pot over my mug. Posted by: Tonypete *snort Posted by: rickb223 at June 03, 2021 08:00 AM (x4kJD) 361
Not just the blatant murdering of our family members but also the blocking of prophylactic's, that if taken as soon as symptoms arose, would have never ended up in the hospital, or on a respirator, or die.
Makes me sick to my stomach. This is one of the purest of evil's I have witnessed in my lifetime. Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 07:58 AM (9VFzC) Seems as if the goal was to run up the death numbers. Posted by: rhennigantx at June 03, 2021 08:00 AM (yrol0) 362
And the respirators were helping to kill patients as I recall.
Posted by: andycanuck at June 03, 2021 08:00 AM (UHVv4) 363
What about Dr. Scarf? Anything about her come out?
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 08:01 AM (CAP2d) 364
there's just no other way. I mean off world colonies maybe if we can get there. but the USA is too big.. too bereft of honest citizens... it's going to collapse like dying sun.
Four distinct cultures held together by force of arms. Not exactly a recipe for long term success. Posted by: L.I.B. at June 03, 2021 08:01 AM (Bx21z) 365
Have they asked the CDC and NIH what their vaccination rates are lately?
Posted by: Buzzion at June 03, 2021 08:01 AM (G2zl5) 366
What about Dr. Scarf? Anything about her come out?
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 08:01 AM (CAP2d) Who? - Your Media Betters Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 08:01 AM (Zz0t1) 367
362 And the respirators were helping to kill patients as I recall.
doctors know this andycanuck they KNOW they know what vents do to old people! best case it's 50/50 survival!! they KNEW and did it anyway, to protect themselves Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 03, 2021 08:01 AM (j9HX3) 368
Seems as if the goal was to run up the death numbers.
Posted by: rhennigantx at June 03, 2021 08:00 AM (yrol0) If they were going to lie and fabricate data all along, what's the point? Oh... they really *do* want you dead. Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 03, 2021 08:01 AM (6FeV1) 369
Mistakes were made, people died. But it wasn't personal, it was only business.
Posted by: Michael "Fauci" Corleone at June 03, 2021 08:02 AM (QZ/dC) 370
NaCly Dog, I am fine, except I have the funeral of a really good person to attend this gloomy day. Other than that life is good.
Hope all is well with you and your endeavors! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -Your Rulers Have, and Deserve, Different Rules! - at June 03, 2021 08:02 AM (hOUT3) 371
What is truly sickening is how the common liberal fainted if they saw someone at the beach without a mask on. You can kill grandma!!!
But when learning of the tens of thousands of old people murdered by their governors shrugged it off. Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 08:02 AM (CAP2d) 372
there's just no other way. I mean off world colonies maybe if we can get there. but the USA is too big.. too bereft of honest citizens... it's going to collapse like dying sun.
Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 03, 2021 07:57 AM (j9HX3) ++++ This isn't an American problem, it is an Everyone problem. The fastest road to progress historically has been the banishment of undesirables to the frontiers. Criminals, revolutionaries, incorrigible assholes, religious zealots, ne'er-do-wells, etc. were evicted and sent away. Once within the new frontiers, they fought it out amongst themselves and developed new societies and civilizations. Sometimes this worked extremely well (mostly in the English-speaking frontiers) and sometimes less so (much of the Spanish), but it is how we have so often made leapfrog progress. But there are no frontiers left, and no place to release the pressure and try something new with relative (if only immediate) safety to the host society. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 08:02 AM (Jsjd7) 373
So, after the court refused to serve papers to Mo Brooks due to separation of powers concerns, Eric Swalwell has hired a private investigator to serve Mo Brooks over the Jan 6 lawsuit that he helped incite the insurrection.
Posted by: redridinghood at June 03, 2021 08:02 AM (NpAcC) Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 08:03 AM (Zz0t1) 375
China Joe to meet Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle next week.
I wonder if he'll offer to give her three fingers of Irish? Let's see if he asks, "Where the fuck is Phil?!" too. Posted by: andycanuck at June 03, 2021 08:03 AM (UHVv4) 376
I think it's just proof that we need to FOIA every bureaucrat's emails all the time.
____________ LOL, like we don't see that coming! Posted by: Hilliary Clinton at June 03, 2021 08:03 AM (k4dH2) 377
There are too many stories of Dr's telling patients to go home.....wait till symptoms get worse, with NO medicine. Admitting them to the hospital, waiting to give treatment until they require a ventilator, which is KNOWN that if that's the point, they're as good as dead, BEFORE THEY START TREATMENT.
Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 08:00 AM (Zz0t1) all the while the frontline workers that were treating covid patients were taking them to protect themselves (but many in the dark because they were being told not to and shunned and shamed and lost their jobs, etc) Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 08:04 AM (9VFzC) 378
Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 08:00 AM (Zz0t1) Hippocrates weeps! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -Your Rulers Have, and Deserve, Different Rules! - at June 03, 2021 08:04 AM (hOUT3) 379
Not just the blatant murdering of our family members but also the blocking of prophylactic's, that if taken as soon as symptoms arose, would have never ended up in the hospital, or on a respirator, or die.
Makes me sick to my stomach. This is one of the purest of evil's I have witnessed in my lifetime. It truly is. I can't imagine how I would have handled if my mom had been alive during this. I probably would have ended up in jail. Posted by: Jewells45 at June 03, 2021 08:04 AM (nxdel) 380
But there are no frontiers left, and no place to release the pressure and try something new with relative (if only immediate) safety to the host society.
except there kind of are - there are large swaths of many countries that are unpopulated, there is the possibility of sea-steading - only over-reaching govts and stupid bureaucracies like the EPA prevent this Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 03, 2021 08:04 AM (j9HX3) 381
If Queenie doesn't wind up throwing plugs out at some point, I'll be sorely disappointed
Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 03, 2021 08:05 AM (6FeV1) 382
During those days, I just pass the coffee pot over my mug.
Posted by: Tonypete at June 03, 2021 07:58 AM (Rvt8 ![]() ++++ *snort* One day I stumbled into the bar with some coworkers at 11:30 at night after pulling a 16 hour day. The waiter came over to our table to take our orders and I asked for an "extremely dry martini." The waiter looked at me and asked me what I meant. I told him, "take out the bottle of vermouth. Show it to the gin. Then put the vermouth away." He laughed and said, "so you want a glass of gin?" I replied, "Yeah, in a martini glass with four olives." I was in no mood that evening to do anything other than do some constructive drinking... Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 08:05 AM (Jsjd7) 383
I would really like to see Mo Brooks whip Swallowswells ass, on the House floor.
Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at June 03, 2021 08:05 AM (QZ/dC) 384
Does Joe have an iPod full of his speeches to give the queen?
Posted by: Buzzion at June 03, 2021 08:05 AM (G2zl5) 385
Your morning smile: The Iranian oil refinery is still burning despite firefighters' best (you'd assume) efforts.
Posted by: andycanuck at June 03, 2021 08:06 AM (UHVv4) 386
Their records of hurricanes that developed and never made landfall from the 1880s are really impressive.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in a dangerous profession with a Hawksian woman at my side at June 03, 2021 07:59 AM (LvTSG) Hurricane hunters - hot air balloon style Posted by: A dude in MI at June 03, 2021 08:06 AM (/6GbT) 387
The US worked fine until the 1960s when everyone was American. Yeah there were cultural differences between someone in NYC and a farmer in Kansas. The country was huge but shared a common bond. Those two people shared roughly the same values and outlook on life. Then after the immigration act of 1965 that slowly, then all at once stopped being the case.
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 08:06 AM (CAP2d) 388
He will shake the queen's hand and then ask her when the queen is going to show up.
Posted by: runner at June 03, 2021 08:06 AM (o8Bqg) 389
except there kind of are - there are large swaths of many countries that are unpopulated, there is the possibility of sea-steading - only over-reaching govts and stupid bureaucracies like the EPA prevent this
Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 03, 2021 08:04 AM (j9HX3) ++++ The empty swathes might work, but only if they are split off and granted effective independence. That's the part I don't see happening. Something like Heinlein's "Coventry" idea might work, but I don't see anyone willing to split off a new entity. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 08:06 AM (Jsjd7) 390
Seems as if the goal was to run up the death numbers. Posted by: rhennigantx at June 03, 2021 08:00 AM (yrol0)
Makes you wonder, doesn't it? The more we know about how it will kill an unborn child, or destroy young women's reproductive systems. One of the best pieces I have read lately is this one: Vaccine Expert Warns: "We Made a Big Mistake" Read it if you haven't. People are getting poisoned and ovaries are directly affected as well. Sick. Sick. Sick. Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 08:08 AM (9VFzC) 391
383 I'd like to see Lauren Boebert kick Swallowswell's ass, and don't think she can't do it.
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin at June 03, 2021 08:08 AM (I58tH) 392
And shouldn't Joe be refusing to meet with the queen since she is the matriarch of such an awful family full of racists?
Posted by: Buzzion at June 03, 2021 08:08 AM (G2zl5) 393
374 But remember, this is YOUR shot.....
- John Legend, Medical Professional / Singer _________ Would be funny if the family of somebody who dies because of blood clots or myocarditis from the vaccine were to sue one of these rich idiot celebs who pimped the vaccine. "Auntie Deb only took the vaccine because she loves John Legend so, and trusts him completely, and he said it was totally safe, and Deb knew John Legend would never say something that wasn't true!" Posted by: TrivialPursuer at June 03, 2021 08:08 AM (k4dH2) 394
He will shake the queen's hand and then ask her when the queen is going to show up.
Posted by: runner at June 03, 2021 08:06 AM (o8Bqg) *********** He will give her an IPod with his greatest speeches on it. Posted by: redridinghood at June 03, 2021 08:08 AM (NpAcC) 395
Does Joe have an iPod full of his speeches to give the queen?
Posted by: Buzzion at June 03, 2021 08:05 AM (G2zl5) A Zune full of Neil Kinnock speeches Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 03, 2021 08:09 AM (6FeV1) 396
Something like Heinlein's "Coventry" idea might work, but I don't see anyone willing to split off a new entity.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 08:06 AM (Jsjd7) No modern government will ever allow an opportunity to exist where they might miss out on a chance to extort taxes! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -Your Rulers Have, and Deserve, Different Rules! - at June 03, 2021 08:09 AM (hOUT3) 397
Time to get back to work. Glad to see the conversation is still so informative here. And JJ's post is always the best each day. Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 08:09 AM (9VFzC) 398
363 What about Dr. Scarf? Anything about her come out?
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 08:01 AM (CAP2d) YOu mean Clinton's bagman's wife? LOL Posted by: CN at June 03, 2021 08:09 AM (ONvIw) 399
Greetings fappers and fappees. What fresh hell awaits us this day?
Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Psychos Rule! No, really. They're in charge now. at June 03, 2021 08:10 AM (HaL55) 400
I have come to the conclusion that Joe doesnt have dementia. He supposedly has had it for 2 years since the 2020 campaign got rolling. After 2 years someone with dementia gets much worse. Biden ha held steady.
I think he has always been an imbecile but as he ages it shows more. He is a really stupid old man, who says and does really stupid shit. but dementia? Doubt it. Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 08:10 AM (CAP2d) 401
It's just a chyron here and not a full report, JJ, but it explicitly states Netanyahu's opponents "reach a deal to form a new governing coalition."
Posted by: andycanuck at June 03, 2021 08:10 AM (UHVv4) 402
So May broke all records for gun sales and 2021 will beat all other years.
Posted by: MAC SOG'''' at June 03, 2021 08:10 AM (P4Pk9) 403
Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 08:08 AM (9VFzC)
IIRC, this is not the first vaccine that impacted female fertility. Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -Your Rulers Have, and Deserve, Different Rules! - at June 03, 2021 08:10 AM (hOUT3) 404
the possibility of sea-steading
There used to be a ship called "Residency of/at Sea" that was basically a cruise ship full of condos. You lived on it. It paid a port call in Monterey, CA back in the early 2000's. No idea if it's still afloat. Posted by: Martini Farmer at June 03, 2021 08:11 AM (3H9h1) 405
It's too early for me to sock Jeff Spicoli's brother, Pzzpr, you DICK!!
Posted by: andycanuck Pzzpr ? Must be Welsh..... Posted by: JT at June 03, 2021 08:11 AM (arJlL) 406
Read it if you haven't. People are getting poisoned and ovaries are directly affected as well.
Sick. Sick. Sick. Posted by: artisanal ette at June 03, 2021 08:08 AM (9VFzC) ++++ It is very hard to distinguish what is right from what is wrong, what is truth from what are lies. Are there reproductive or fertility issues with the vaccines? I have no idea. There are loads of claims in every direction. There is one thing on this topic, though, that gives me pause. A couple of days ago I pulled up the YouTube app on my smart TV to watch some videos. I don't sign in, so I get some recommendations based on play history and then the generic stuff. YouTube has a standing "COVID news of the day" section on the front page of the app. That day, the first three videos - all from different MSM networks - were on this topic. All of them looked similar from thumbnail and title. They all had attractive, youngish women in lab coats with "MD" or "PhD" after their names, assuring the viewer that there are no concerns with fertility or reproduction in regard to the vaccines. That gave me pause. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 08:11 AM (Jsjd7) 407
What fresh hell awaits us this day?
Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Psychos Rule! No, really. They're in charge now. at June 03, 2021 08:10 AM (HaL55) The day has barely started, but our over achieving betters are working on it! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -Your Rulers Have, and Deserve, Different Rules! - at June 03, 2021 08:12 AM (hOUT3) Posted by: JP Jens at June 03, 2021 08:13 AM (JPVCx) 409
but dementia? Doubt it.
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 08:10 AM (CAP2d) He's not demented. He's got Old Person Filter Failure. At a certain age, the brain just says "Screw it, let's party!", and the little voice that tells you "don't say that" just shrivels up and dies. Problem is, unfiltered Joe Biden is a profoundly stupid, racist, petty little jackwagon. Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 03, 2021 08:13 AM (6FeV1) 410
#401 And it's a new chyron, not one that was up at 6:00 a.m. or whenever I last read them at the news channel here.
Posted by: andycanuck at June 03, 2021 08:13 AM (UHVv4) 411
The Real Insurrection - a limerick
The political class drips with hypocrisy As they yell, "You're a threat to Democracy!" When what's killing the nation Is the vile manifestation Of a sclerotic and entrenched bureaucracy Posted by: Muldoon at June 03, 2021 08:13 AM (m45I2) 412
The fertility issues has been thoroughly debunked. By the same people who debunked the lab leak theory. Carry on.
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 08:13 AM (CAP2d) 413
That gave me pause.
Anytime anyone comes on strong with the hard sell, I assume they're lying. They almost always are. Government is selling this mRNA thing as hard as anything I've ever seen. Hell - some here are selling it like their lives depend on it. I'll go with whats always worked for me up to now - and assume whats being sold is a lie. Posted by: L.I.B. at June 03, 2021 08:15 AM (Bx21z) 414
Over under on when the left starts calling for Trump to be impeached for keeping Fauci on.
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 08:15 AM (CAP2d) 415
Posted by: Muldoon at June 03, 2021 08:13 AM (m45I2)
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 08:11 AM (Jsjd7)
Well, if they were wearing white coats it must be legit! I remember hearing a report that Pfizer was told to leave India because the Indian government was convinced that the Pfizer trials were impacting fertility rates! I admit this is an recollection of a radio program I heard and I do not have a source. I will try to track that down. Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -Your Rulers Have, and Deserve, Different Rules! - at June 03, 2021 08:16 AM (hOUT3) 417
PissHocky covers for the Russians:
First I would say these are private sector entities, who have a responsibility to put in place measures to protect their own cyber security. As is relates to why criminal actors are taking action against private sector entities? I don't think I'm the right one to speak to that," Psaki replied. Posted by: rhennigantx at June 03, 2021 08:16 AM (yrol0) 418
A couple of guys from spain built a platform in international waters in the 70's, became a real hot party spot. The govt tried bribing them to give it up when they got traction at the UN to become an independent country. When that didn't work, Spain blew it out of the water and moved the distance for territorial waters farther to prevent another.
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 03, 2021 08:17 AM (hgOuk) Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 08:17 AM (CAP2d) 420
The Real Insurrection - a limerick
The political class drips with hypocrisy As they yell, "You're a threat to Democracy!" When what's killing the nation Is the vile manifestation Of a sclerotic and entrenched bureaucracy Posted by: Muldoon at June 03, 2021 08:13 AM (m45I2) ++++ Damn, Muldoon. That cuts deep and quick. Absolutely brilliant work, sir. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 08:17 AM (Jsjd7) 421
Ludlum and Crichton are squabbling in the afterlife over who could have written the novel better. State actor releases test vector from virology lab, global cabal creates panic over essentially non lethal agent to seize control of world governments.
Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at June 03, 2021 08:17 AM (QZ/dC) 422
Of a sclerotic and entrenched bureaucracy
Posted by: Muldoon at June 03, 2021 08:13 AM (m45I2) 1984 is not a HOW TOO manual! Posted by: rhennigantx at June 03, 2021 08:17 AM (yrol0) 423
I'll go with whats always worked for me up to now - and assume whats being sold is a lie.
Posted by: L.I.B. at June 03, 2021 08:15 AM (Bx21z) It's the hard sell coupled with the not so veiled threats that signal "this is a scam" more than anything. "It's so easy.... all you have to do is... you don't want anything bad to happen, do you?" Classic con. Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 03, 2021 08:18 AM (6FeV1) 424
He's not demented. He's got Old Person Filter Failure.
At a certain age, the brain just says "Screw it, let's party!", and the little voice that tells you "don't say that" just shrivels up and dies. Posted by: Warai-otoko I'm living for that day. Posted by: rickb223 at June 03, 2021 08:18 AM (x4kJD) 425
but dementia? Doubt it. Walter has dementia. The only thing that makes him appear to be coherent (for the most part) would be the exotic cocktail of experimental drugs they pump into him. There's no telling what's in it and I'm pretty sure neither Pfizer nor J ampersand J sell it anywhere. Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Psychos Rule! No, really. They're in charge now. at June 03, 2021 08:20 AM (HaL55) 426
First I would say these are private sector entities, who have a responsibility to put in place measures to protect their own cyber security. As is relates to why criminal actors are taking action against private sector entities? I don't think I'm the right one to speak to that," Psaki replied.
Posted by: rhennigantx at June 03, 2021 08:16 AM (yrol0) She has all the hubris and witlessness of her former boss, Lurch. Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 08:21 AM (y7DUB) 427
Like cockroaches the Bush family never goes always George P is running for TX AG.
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 07:50 AM (CAP2d) *** You mean the little brown one... Posted by: George H W Bush at June 03, 2021 08:21 AM (flINI) 428
If you have ever cared for a dementia sufferer, they can, until the end function in short bursts and do clever things like lie to their doctors about how they are treated at home, etc. the human mind is an interesting place.
Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at June 03, 2021 08:22 AM (QZ/dC) 429
@chadloder Replying to @MrAndyNgo
Press should be clearly marked as such, and should not be disguised in all black, doing god-knows-what kind of dishonest stuff. Once you insert yourself and become part of the story, you're not a journalist. You're an agent provocateur. I hope you've learned a valuable lesson. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 07:49 AM (Jsjd7) Yeah, Andy...don't do 'dishonest stuff' while Antifa is rioting...don't ya know nuthin'?! Posted by: Tami at June 03, 2021 08:23 AM (cF8AT) 430
Ludlum and Crichton are squabbling in the afterlife over who could have written the novel better.
Surely Crichton. Ludlum's writing smelled like ass. Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 08:23 AM (y7DUB) 431
Damn, Muldoon. That cuts deep and quick. Absolutely brilliant work, sir.
Seconded, con mucho gusto. *doffs hat* That was brilliant. Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Psychos Rule! No, really. They're in charge now. at June 03, 2021 08:23 AM (HaL55) 432
I remember hearing a report that Pfizer was told to leave India because the Indian government was convinced that the Pfizer trials were impacting fertility rates! I admit this is an recollection of a radio program I heard and I do not have a source. I will try to track that down. Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -Your Rulers Have, and Deserve, Different Rules! - at June 03, 2021 08:16 AM ------ I 100% believe it without a source. Posted by: Seems Legit at June 03, 2021 08:23 AM (o25GB) 433
Acc to FOIA emails at Hoft's site, Pence knew all about hydroxychloroquine benefits too. That man is a menace.
Posted by: CN at June 03, 2021 08:23 AM (ONvIw) 434
Speaking of old people...
My wifes uncle told her that he is leaving his condo in Jackson Hole to us in his will. Ka-fucking-Ching. He has no kids of his own so he is leaving everything to the nephews and nieces. Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 08:23 AM (CAP2d) 435
I'm going to start a political party. Our first candidate for president will be a nice suit on a headless mannequin.
"Headless Mannequin 2024: he'll never lie to you!" Maybe the running mate could be a mannequin head with a jaunty cap and scarf? Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 03, 2021 08:23 AM (6FeV1) 436
I'm not sure I agree that she 'torched him'...but anyway...
@CurtisHouck @MarthaMacCallum is torching NIH Director Francis Collins over #FauciEmails. She asked about one w/the subject line "conspiracy gains momentum" re: the lab theory, but he lamented this is something he "never thought...would become a topic for Fox News" & they never dismissed it Thread: Posted by: Tami at June 03, 2021 08:24 AM (cF8AT) 437
435 I'm going to start a political party. Our first candidate for president will be a nice suit on a headless mannequin.
"Headless Mannequin 2024: he'll never lie to you!" Maybe the running mate could be a mannequin head with a jaunty cap and scarf? Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 03, 2021 08:23 AM (6FeV1) ------ TAKE MY MONEY! Posted by: Seems Legit at June 03, 2021 08:25 AM (o25GB) 438
Ben Shapiro torches and or destroys someone every 12 minutes. According to Twitchy.
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 08:26 AM (CAP2d) 439
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 08:23 AM (CAP2d)
---- Awesome news. Will you sell it or use it? Posted by: Seems Legit at June 03, 2021 08:26 AM (o25GB) Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 08:26 AM (y7DUB) 441
Most people aren't going to know about it. The lockdown skeptics certainly will; but we already hate the little rat man. Fauci worshippers will, but they'll excuse it. Everyone else will be successfully kept in the dark by the media, and the train will roll on.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 03, 2021 08:26 AM (yFG1M) 442
"we are all going to be forced to take" speak for yourself, asshole. Just because you're a pussy doesn't mean everyone else is.
Posted by: MAx Jones at June 03, 2021 08:27 AM (YSu+R) 443
Ben Shapiro torches and or destroys someone every 12 minutes. According to Twitchy.
Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 08:26 AM ( The first time they started using the word "slam" in actual real news broadcasts was the precise moment our republic died. Everything since has just been decomp and outgassing. Posted by: Warai-otoko at June 03, 2021 08:27 AM (6FeV1) 444
>>Press should be clearly marked as such, and should not be disguised in all black, doing god-knows-what kind of dishonest stuff. Once you insert yourself and become part of the story, you're not a journalist. You're an agent provocateur.
This is akin to AQ or Hamas whining that someone else isn't following the rules of engagement. They are instigating a revolution to bring down the US, and like other violent insurgent groups, do not follow any of the conventions of war. Add to it that antifa has its own members who wear Press ID while participating in the violence, and then "report" on it as if they were impartial, objective observers. Worse, like Saddam Hussein and other tyrants, they insist that any legit press in their presence agree to their terms of only positive coverage (e.g., don't show faces, don't show us committing crimes, etc.) or they will attack the journalist and destroy his/her camera. As a result, you have journalists who are antifa writing stories about antifa. Quilette exposed this over a year ago -- all of the MSM reporters whitewashing antifa who are actively involved in antifa. Posted by: Lizzy at June 03, 2021 08:27 AM (bDqIh) 445
@CurtisHouck Replying to @CurtisHouck
YIKES: NIH Director Collins insists there needs to be "an evidence-based expert-driven open investigation" on the origins of the virus, but @MarthaMacCallum shot back that many claims were shot down if they were from the right. Collins confirms, saying many were too "outrageous" ++++ Emphasis mine. This is what I am now calling the "MIT Dodge" and ties back in to my lengthy post at 159/160. The problem isn't the experts being a bunch of corrupt, incompetent midgets, the problem is competent non-expert enthusiasts looking at things independently and then having the temerity to question them. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 08:28 AM (Jsjd7) 446
Kurt Loder > Chad Loder
Posted by: Too Bad Costa Rica Sucks at June 03, 2021 08:28 AM (QZ/dC) Posted by: Tonypete at June 03, 2021 08:28 AM (Rvt88) 448
Nood art
Posted by: Bert G at June 03, 2021 08:28 AM (UcYvR) 449
102 Goodbye to Fauci the queen of Corona
See you, me and Julio down by the schoolyard Posted by: Simon Sez at June 03, 2021 06:27 AM (1f/b4) Little Tony us from Bensonhurst, which is in Brooklyn. Corona is in Queens. Posted by: Fox2! at June 03, 2021 08:28 AM (lxioR) 450
Oh look I just got a Newegg email. The new 3080TIs are now available. Email was sent out 20 minutes ago. Anyone want to guess about the availability of these brand new just released video cards?
Posted by: Buzzion at June 03, 2021 08:29 AM (axzDP) Posted by: Sponge - Saying Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 08:29 AM (Zz0t1) 452
My wifes uncle told her that he is leaving his condo in Jackson Hole to us in his will. Ka-fucking-Ching.
He has no kids of his own so he is leaving everything to the nephews and nieces. Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 08:23 AM (CAP2d) Congratulations on that gift! Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Ashli Babbitt at June 03, 2021 08:29 AM (y7DUB) 453
Keep it for sure. Ive stayed there several times over the years which is why we are getting it. The uncle knows it would be continued to be enjoyed. Plus the AirBnb money will be nice ![]() Her uncle is a really cool dude. Made a small fortune and enjoyed life to the fullest. But he is getting up there in age has some health issues and kinda knows the end is in sight. Posted by: Joe XiDen at June 03, 2021 08:30 AM (CAP2d) 454
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -Your Rulers Have, and Deserve, Different Rules! - at June 03, 2021 08:31 AM (hOUT3) 455
My wifes uncle told her that he is leaving his condo in Jackson Hole to us in his will. Ka-fucking-Ching.
Have any thoughts about your wife's uncle other than "Ka-fucking-ching?" Nice guy? Interesting life?. Funny? Was very kind when I needed it? Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 03, 2021 08:33 AM (k39e/) 456
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at June 03, 2021 08:28 AM (Jsjd7)
Peasants should not question their credentialed betters! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -Your Rulers Have, and Deserve, Different Rules! - at June 03, 2021 08:33 AM (hOUT3) 457
Ah, I see you noted some of his good qualities in 434.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 03, 2021 08:35 AM (k39e/) 458
NOTHING WILL CHANGE. These emails make no difference. It will be spun as Fauci bringing order to a chaotic Trump response and why he just needs to retire and relax now after that heroic effort. Meanwhile, we are no longer at pandemic death rates, so emergency powers make no sense in that there is no emergency. Unless a number of politicians and bureaucrats are publicly hanged, nothing will change. Oh, except for a larger accumulation of power.
Posted by: InCali at June 03, 2021 08:36 AM (ov5G+) 459
"These hefty settlements send a powerful warning to governors like Newsom. Violations of religious freedom will not be taken lightly. These two cases have cost Newsom's government more than $2 million, and they likely won't be the last."
Ummm, it's not costing his government a dime, it's costing me, a taxpayer. Posted by: InCali at June 03, 2021 08:38 AM (ov5G+) 460
433 Acc to FOIA emails at Hoft's site, Pence knew all about hydroxychloroquine benefits too. That man is a menace.
___________ Anybody with an internet connection and an ability to read knew about it. There were multiple doctors (the real kind, who actually treat patients, not the bureaucrats like Fauci or the lab rats like Dr. Bat Lady cooking up new ways to make viruses more deadly) reporting success in treating Covid patients with it, in multiple countries. That's why it was so enraging when the Dim MSM here started acting like only kooks and quacks would use HCQ. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at June 03, 2021 08:56 AM (k4dH2) 461
Anyone want to guess about the availability of these brand new just released video cards?
___________ My guess as to availability would be: un Posted by: Hilliary Clinton at June 03, 2021 08:59 AM (k4dH2) 462
On the shelves where the horse dewormer is located
(active ingredient - Ivermectin) there are signs prominently displayed that warn it is not approved for human use. Just saying. Posted by: Tonypete at June 03, 2021 07:41 AM The horse dosage form isn't FDA approved for human use because it is a veterinary product...not because it is dangerous to humans. Stores that stock veterinary Ivermectin know people are buying it for human use so they are putting up these signs to cover their asses legally. Ivermectin that is FDA approved for human use is available, but only by prescription. If your doctor won't prescribe it you have to take matters into your own hands. Literally billions of doses have been safely taken worldwide with negligible side effects. Posted by: Bigsmith at June 03, 2021 08:59 AM (G/mW5) 463
I got in an argument with a guy over the whole Covid hype early last year. I told him this was nothing more than media hysteria. I also told him I thought it was a serious situation and needed to be treated as such, because there were so many unknowns, but, everything that was going on was an overreaction.
That was March or April of last year. I almost wish I was still working so I could tell the guy, "I told you so." But, he's a jackass leftist, and, facts don't mean much to him. Posted by: Blake - semi lurker in marginal standing at June 03, 2021 09:04 AM (2SdPm) 464
I got the shots, as did my parents (Mom only got one before she passed from pneumonia -- not Covid related) and brother.
I don't know HOW to feel. I'm obese and diabetic with hypertension, so everyone was telling me to get it, if not for me, than for the elderly father I am living with and taking care of. Brother has MS, so he too was urged. Part of me still cannot believe (and I heard about the risks from the shots early on) that people would willingly do this to other if it IS all an op and always was -- then I remember Nazi Germany, and we really haven't come that far, have we? Not saying everyone advocating them (shots) is evil, some are just misinformed or just beaten down (like I was), but it's scary and eye-opening. God Bless, Horde. And no worries, not looking for any sympathy, maybe it will pass. Posted by: acethepug at June 03, 2021 09:26 AM (qPKAe) 465
Question, and it is a serious one: What have we been told about Covid that is actually true?
Sure, in the early days there was some uncertainty about some of it, but what parts of the current government/media narrative on Covid are in any way accurate or not lies? 1: It's a virus, I think we can believe that. 2 ![]() Posted by: Dr. Mongo at June 03, 2021 10:14 AM (FJoyS) 466
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