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Gallup: 56% of Americans Say They Are Better Off Today Than They Were Four Years Ago

Donald J. Trump

The Gallup Poll has just come out with the incredible finding that 56% of you say that you are better off today, during a pandemic, than you were four years ago (OBiden). Highest number on record! Pretty amazing!

Ronald Reagan won a landslide reelection in 1984. His opponent Walter Mondale asked the public if they were better off than they were four years ago. The public answered "Hell yes" and delivered 49 states plus the District of Columbia to Reagan.

And now 56% of the public say they're better off than they were four years ago.

Four years ago -- under Trump's opponent, Joe Biden.

And note that Walter Mondale was the VP to a president who delivered a horrible economy, only to see that economy revived by a Republican successor.

But now the voters want to return to a period when they were doing more poorly?

They're going to do the equivalent of turning the country over to Jimmy Carter's vice president after four successful years?

Just before the debate, Gallup had Trump gaining four points of approval, and likewise losing four points of disapproval, to get to his highest recent approval rate, 46% to 52%.

I think most would say the debate and covid diagnosis were powerful one-two punch that dropped Trump's support since then.

That's my guess. But I'm not 100% sure of that.

I was observing some politicos I know. They're having a hard time squaring the current polling with what they know anecdotally.

They all note this: Of all the people they know -- including RINOs and squishes and NeverTrumpers who voted against Trump in 2016 -- many of the NeverTrumpers are now reluctant Trump voters, and many of 2016's reluctant Trump voters are now enthusiastic Trump voters.

On the other hand, they don't know anyone who has moved from voting for Trump in 2016 to voting for Biden.

One friend tells me that the suburban well-to-do Wine Moms and Squish Sisters he knows are now fully on the MAGA train.

Everyone they know who's moved on The Trump Question (and Trump seems to be the only issue in 2020) has moved in favor of Trump.

They also note that the "Shy Trumper" effect -- where Trump supporters won't admit to pollsters they still support Trump -- is still strong, based on their own experience.

One relates that he did not tell his own children that he voted for Trump, due to social pressure and the idea that he didn't want to "normalize" Trump's bad behavior to his children.

If you can't tell your own kids you voted for Trump, you're not going to tell a pollster.

And this person works in conservative politics, too!

If even people in the conservative movement can't admit they're Trump supporters -- well good luck getting Wendy Wine Mom to admit that on the phone.

A friend of mine was a hardcore NeverTrumper in 2016 but now is a crawl-over-broken-glass Trump Voter. No, he doesn't really like Trump, but unlike Jonah Goldberg and Steve Schmidt, he recognizes the profound threat the left poses to what is left of America.

He has kept in touch with his NeverTrump pals. Media types. The types who annoy you on Twitter.

And while he won't Name Names, he tells me that many of the NeverTrumpers I hate are now "red pilled" Trump voters.

They just won't admit it publicly.

There are people who you all know that I know are voting Trump that would legit shock you. These people have moved to [supporting Trump] in this scenario. And then there's plenty of people like me who didn't vote for Trump and are now enthusiastically doing it this time around. I too worry about being in a bubble, but this story is repeated constantly by everyone. I literally have not heard a single 2016 Trump supporter say they're flipping this year.

Huh, who knows, maybe Jonah Goldberg is one of his Secret Trumper twitter pals. (Pure speculation-- he won't tell me any names. Not that I'd really care. These people are dead to me either way.)

Another friend points out that super-annoying NeverTrump liberal Republican Bethany Mandel ("wife" of ultrac#ck Seth Mandel) is similarly saying on Twitter something like, "Every NeverTrumper I know is quietly voting for him this time."

So yeah: Political types whose job it is to state their political opinions and voting intention are still so cowed by anti-Trump peer pressure that they're lying to their audiences (and editors and publishers) with anti-Trump sounding magazine copy while actually getting ready to pull the lever for Trump.

That makes me think that the Shy Trump Voter effect is very real.

Another point made: If there were a lot of Trump defectors, the media would be profiling them and lionizing them and promoting them 24-7.

But I haven't seen a single story about Trump 2016-Biden 2020 defectors.

The media hasn't found any -- despite the fact that by announcing that you're now a full-on Democrat Liberal, you gain employment opportunities and social prestige.

So if the media can't find any of these people... do they even exist?

One more point, from Vashta Nerada:

Biden is so far ahead, he is campaigning in states Clinton won in 2016.
Posted by: Vashta Nerada

What's the story among the people you know? Do you know any Trump-to-Biden flippers?

How many NeverTrump to Reluctant Trump Voters do you know? How many Reluctant Trump Voters to Enthusiastic Trump Voters do you know?

Posted by: Ace at 04:10 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 44% of Americans are wrong.

Posted by: Laughing in Texas at October 09, 2020 04:10 PM (ExV1e)

2 #1 with an effing bullet!

Posted by: Old Dude at October 09, 2020 04:10 PM (LGXGf)

3 Corgis called.

Posted by: Laughing in Texas at October 09, 2020 04:11 PM (ExV1e)

4 So let's elect Biden!

Posted by: It's me donna at October 09, 2020 04:11 PM (Zmnko)

5 The polls are ridiculous.

Posted by: Seems Legit at October 09, 2020 04:12 PM (jUVms)

6 Oi!

Posted by: Darth Randall at October 09, 2020 04:12 PM (iWCRg)

By the way, Reagan missed a 50-state landslide by 3,000 votes.

Mondale's home state of... Minnesota.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 09, 2020 04:13 PM (s2VJv)

8 So if the media can't find any of these people... do they even exist?

Tough one.

Posted by: white supremacists at October 09, 2020 04:13 PM (3P/5p)

9 If this is true it would actually surprise me.

I mean yeah most peole are but with the Wuhan Flu overreaction I'm surprised people would say it.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:13 PM (KZzsI)

10 No need for 25th amendment crap if Knuckles Biden is 15 points up.

Posted by: Beauchamp Brogan at October 09, 2020 04:13 PM (WiRLm)

11 I had figured the Covid diagnosis as hurting more than it helped, but he did overcome it rather quickly. I'm optimistic about his chances.

Posted by: Someguy at October 09, 2020 04:13 PM (Zm+LZ)

12 But, muh existential species extinction pandemic event!

Posted by: Curly Shuffle at October 09, 2020 04:13 PM (ch6++)

13 And while he won't Name Names, he tells me that many of the NeverTrumpers I hate are now "red pilled" Trump voters.

They just won't admit it publicly.


It would be bad for business.

Posted by: Bete at October 09, 2020 04:14 PM (Ojki1)

14 What's the story among the people you know? Do you know any Trump-to-Biden flippers?

I do. May they all rest in peace.

Posted by: pep at October 09, 2020 04:14 PM (v16oJ)

15 My anecdotes....

The people I know that hated Trump in 2016 hate him more in 2020. They voted for Hillary, they will vote for Biden.

A bunch of the LIVs though have gotten red pilled to various extents and have either stopped talking about politics at all or are on the Trump train. And the people not talking...well I don't see them joining the lefties bitching about Trump specifically...

Posted by: 18-1 at October 09, 2020 04:14 PM (qlFIA)

16 rush had this on today with Trump.

Posted by: Mr. Scott (Formerly GWS) at October 09, 2020 04:14 PM (JUOKG)

17 The left losing their shit about the F bomb and Iran.
"unhinged", "genocidal screed", "rambling for two hours"

Posted by: JROD at October 09, 2020 04:14 PM (0jZnq)

18 >>> 1 44% of Americans are wrong.
Posted by: Laughing in Texas at October 09, 2020 04:10 PM (ExV1e)

44% of the people who reside in United States territory are not Americans.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at October 09, 2020 04:14 PM (uTE8d)

19 My Governor is an idiot.

Posted by: Washington State at October 09, 2020 04:14 PM (WiRLm)

20 But the Covids! We're all gonna die! Biden is our only hope!


Posted by: Darth Randall at October 09, 2020 04:14 PM (iWCRg)

Ace: Anti-Trump peer pressure could also be filthy Omidyar lucre.

To keep the spice flowing, they keep their gobs shut.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 09, 2020 04:14 PM (s2VJv)

22 I for one am not better off - constant fear of Antifa is giving me stress and high blood pressure.

Damn the cost of ammo is stressful.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at October 09, 2020 04:14 PM (/Dgcm)

23 >>.14 What's the story among the people you know? Do you know any Trump-to-Biden flippers?

I do. May they all rest in peace.
Posted by: pep


Posted by: ace, cashing his Arby's check and gettin' paid in gyros at October 09, 2020 04:15 PM (PbpT7)

24 I just found out yesterday who is running against John Cornyn. It's some woman. Democrats are not feeling very confident in their turn Texas blue movement.

Posted by: huerfano at October 09, 2020 04:15 PM (4yhdb)

25 I predict Trump post- VP debate numbers will go up a few points.

Pence was reassuring and Harris was scary.

Posted by: JoeF. at October 09, 2020 04:15 PM (HrMC1)

26 But, but, but - he said 'P*ssy'!!


Posted by: Tonypete at October 09, 2020 04:15 PM (Rvt88)

27 -

No need for 25th amendment crap if Knuckles Biden is 15 points up.

Posted by: Beauchamp Brogan at October 09, 2020 04:13 PM


Hold on, let's hear them out.

Posted by: Kamala at October 09, 2020 04:15 PM (SchQD)

28 The left losing their shit about the F bomb and Iran.
"unhinged", "genocidal screed", "rambling for two hours"
Posted by: JROD

Where's my fainting couch?

Posted by: St. Hillary of Clinton at October 09, 2020 04:15 PM (+y/Ru)

29 I believe the argument that the pollsters are making is that there is a cohort of white voters that went Trump in 2016 that will now vote for Biden in 2020 over Wuhan Flu.

I....have a hard time believing that. If Trump is getting twice the minority support, or more that the Republicans normally get, he is winning this election easily.

Posted by: 18-1 at October 09, 2020 04:15 PM (qlFIA)

I take nothing for granted.
The left is betting the farm and will do anything to "win".
I'm voting in person.

Posted by: YIKES! at October 09, 2020 04:15 PM (t6XCL)

31 I'm nervous to look at anecdotes like this as any kind of indication of what's going to happen.

I certainly know many 2016 Clinton supporters who are voting for Biden. Mostly as a "FUCK TRUMP" kind of vote.

All the Trumpers I know are still voting for him, and my handful of Johnson weirdo friends are also voting for Trump.

But, to be fair -- I don't really talk politics a lot in the real world, so I'm probably not the best gauge of this.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 09, 2020 04:15 PM (cnTJD)

32 Gallup: 56% of Americans Say They Are Better Off Today Than They Were Four Years Ago

I guess 56% hasn't been to the grocery store or a restaurant lately.

Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at October 09, 2020 04:16 PM (3P/5p)

33 12 But, muh existential species extinction pandemic event!
Posted by: Curly Shuffle at October 09, 2020 04:13 PM (ch6++)

He wants everyone to die!!! How horrible!!

Posted by: Leftist who want to decrease the Global population at October 09, 2020 04:16 PM (Ojki1)

34 Damn ace! I've been saying this for days. C'mon man, the thing, a reach a- you know the deal!

Posted by: Farmer Bob at October 09, 2020 04:16 PM (MJRLT)

35 I saw Trump enthusiasm in southern CA while visiting. Signs, stickers, people on freeway overpasses with signs, trucks with huge flags. I don't expect Trump to win CA but there are a lot of serious supporters there.

Posted by: Seems Legit at October 09, 2020 04:16 PM (jUVms)

36 Phony Cuck-mania has bitten the dust.

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 04:16 PM (Eicbe)

37 Trump is going to crush his enemies and hear the lamentations of their womyn.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at October 09, 2020 04:16 PM (4NtsG)

38 The left losing their shit about the F bomb and Iran.

"unhinged", "genocidal screed", "rambling for two hours"

Posted by: JROD


Funny point to make to them. Iran is populated by Aryans.

So ask them if they support the Aryan Nation over Trump....

Posted by: 18-1 at October 09, 2020 04:16 PM (qlFIA)

39 Hannity is such a loser. He's on now and saying that Scully had always been nice to him and that he's never seen Scully act biased on C-SPAN. Okay, never mind his time as intern with Biden, never mind his "No, Never" never-Trump tweets, never mind his tweet to Scaramucci.
If a reporter shows the slightest "taint" of supporting conservatives, the left would drive that reporter from a job and pound him/her into the ground.
But "our guys" defend Scaramucci.
At the least, Hannity should say "Wow, Scully's behavior is suspect, and this has really changed my impression of him as a nice guy." At the least!

Posted by: Carly at October 09, 2020 04:16 PM (afSZF)

40 What's the story among the people you know? Do you know any Trump-to-Biden flippers?

I know of one or two for sure.

Posted by: Tonypete at October 09, 2020 04:16 PM (Rvt88)

41 Ace: Anti-Trump peer pressure could also be filthy Omidyar lucre.

To keep the spice flowing, they keep their gobs shut.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton

Don't the anti-Trump grifters have a strong incentive to see Trump stay in office?

Posted by: Miklosian Idle Thoughts at October 09, 2020 04:16 PM (QzkSJ)

42 I don't know any people.

Posted by: Serious Cat at October 09, 2020 04:16 PM (700n7)

43 How bad is it?

CNN has pajamas and hot cocoa for their readers "why this [better off] doesn't mean what Trump thinks it means"

Posted by: RoyalOil at October 09, 2020 04:17 PM (aO8Gd)

44 No move to Biden from Anyone I know. A few going Trump this round that were Clinton in 16. My experience is that most people are frozen into their voting patterns. Until they are not. That is my story. A Democrat until 2000.

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 04:17 PM (bCLt0)

45 I'm making a little bit less money, but I'm much better of in terms of quality of life. Once the COVID bullshit is over (Nov 4th) I expect the money situation to start improving as well.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - lives again at October 09, 2020 04:17 PM (SchxB)

46 24 I just found out yesterday who is running against John Cornyn. It's some woman. Democrats are not feeling very confident in their turn Texas blue movement.
Posted by: huerfano

a fat tattooed woman

Posted by: x at October 09, 2020 04:17 PM (nFwvY)

47 I know some enthusiastic 2016 Trump voters that are still enthusiastic if not more. I know some unenthusiastic Trump voters that still are Trump voters even if they are still unenthusiastic( his Tweets!)

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:17 PM (HwiWi)

48 I wrote in Cruz in 2016, was secretly joyful on election night (behind enemy lines at the CDC), and am an enthusiastic Trump voter this year. Two Trump signs on the property, an official KAG sign on the front and a 4x12 VistaPrint TRUMP banner on the back hill overlooking a busy county road.

Posted by: motionview at October 09, 2020 04:17 PM (pYQR/)

49 Political polls mean nothing, this has a chance of being more accurate

Posted by: Skip at October 09, 2020 04:17 PM (OjZpE)

50 Mondale? I thought it was Reagan who asked if you were better off than four years ago.

Right after he said, well do you feel lucky, punk?

Posted by: Bandersnatch at October 09, 2020 04:17 PM (q2K0j)

51 A bunch of the LIVs though have gotten red pilled to various extents and have either stopped talking about politics at all or are on the Trump train. And the people not talking...well I don't see them joining the lefties bitching about Trump specifically...

Posted by: 18-1 at October 09, 2020 04:14 PM (qlFIA)

Yeah, I've also seen an alarming number of my mostly libertarian type / non political friends go scarily alt-light / alt-right in the last few years.

So... voting for Trump, but, er... eek.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 09, 2020 04:17 PM (cnTJD)

52 All the Trumpers I know are still voting for him, and my handful of Johnson weirdo friends are also voting for Trump.


Al Leppo had some national prominence before 2016. I don't know where the hell the current LP candidate came from...

Posted by: 18-1 at October 09, 2020 04:17 PM (qlFIA)

53 19 My Governor is an idiot.
Posted by: Washington State a

no shit.
TDS is strong as it ever was here. even stronger. I will be happy to wear a mask all fucking day on Nov4 if it's called for PDT. It will conceal the shit eating grin I will have......

Posted by: nurse ratched at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (W2Pud)

54 Now I have PTSD because the president used a vulgarity!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (+y/Ru)

55 All I know is that every day brings more junk mail asking me to vote by mail. It is sent by GOP and RNC. It makes no sense. For all the reports of disposed ballots, why don't they just say Here, turn your vote over to the USPS, we won't mind losing your vote.

I would prefer they put their money and effort into getting people to the polls. Their money, because they are not getting MY money.

Sorry, but it's my nature to bitch about at least one thing per day and today you are on the receiving end of it.

Posted by: Delurk Ergo Sum at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (YwPJG)

56 41 Ace: Anti-Trump peer pressure could also be filthy Omidyar lucre.

To keep the spice flowing, they keep their gobs shut.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton

Don't the anti-Trump grifters have a strong incentive to see Trump stay in office?
Posted by: Miklosian Idle Thoughts at October 09, 2020 04:16 PM (QzkSJ)

THIS. If he goes, they are rendered the first to go to the gulag.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (s2VJv)

57 My of us know not to display Trump signs or bumperstickers due to vandalism. A red hat invites violence even it's a Cardinals hat.

Posted by: The Silent Majority at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (WiRLm)

58 Lady YD went from REEE I HATE TRUMP!!!! in 2016, to reluctantly considering voting for him late last year, to pondering aloud whether it might be best to just to make him President For Life, to keep us safe from the lunatics he and we are all up against.

Not one word of this is my usual humorous exaggeration. That's how it went down.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (eXmcp)

59 I don't see a cause for celebration here. The reality is that 100% of Americans are better off than they were four years ago.

The problem is that only 56% recognize it.

Posted by: creeper at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (XxJt1)

60 I don't know any people.
Posted by: Serious Cat at October 09, 2020 04:16 PM (700n7)
Does anybody really know anybody?

Posted by: Nobody at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (Eicbe)

Agree, Ace.

56% better off now rating is the highest ever answer for that question.

The chart I saw yesterday didn't have a single election even above 50%.

This is evidence that polls can pick up to show us the "Biden is up" are simply b*llsh**.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (sy5kK)

62 There is a subset of people--don't know how large it is--who think Trump is a nasty POS with low class, but will quietly vote for him because he's very competent and because they know Biden won't last--and kamala gives them the creeps.

Posted by: JoeF. at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (HrMC1)

63 I really think this result is the most accurate indicator of how the election will go that we have seen to date.

The rest of the polls are crap.

If the election were today, Trump wins.

I know a lot of people don't remember the 1980 debate, but this was Reagan's closing argument, and it destroyed Carter.

I honestly do not see how Biden can win against a number like this, even with massive fraud.

Posted by: Dave in Fla at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (5p7BC)

64 Anecdotal I know, but my Uber-liberal daughter in law, was going to vote for Kanye cause even she couldn't vote for Biden. If he's not on the ticket she will leave the president vote blank.

Posted by: Chillin the most at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (lonOK)

65 I'm getting sick of this already, to be honest. I wish I could go to sleep and wake up on Nov 4.

Posted by: Mark1971 at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (xPl2J)

66 My wife is apolitical. She did not vote in2016. The lockdowns pissed her off so badly she is now actively campaigning for Donald Trump.

Posted by: Innagaddadavida at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (xIIrB)

67 What's the story among the people you know? Do you know any Trump-to-Biden flippers?

I know of several people who go on social media and claim to be, but I'm skeptical to say the least. I know personally of ones who went from Hillary to Trump.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:19 PM (KZzsI)

68 >>>50 Mondale? I thought it was Reagan who asked if you were better off than four years ago.

that's what I wrote at first, but then I rememberd: No, it was Mondale asking that, wanting the public to say "No."

Quite a self-own.

Posted by: ace, cashing his Arby's check and gettin' paid in gyros at October 09, 2020 04:19 PM (PbpT7)

69 My Ex was a Never Trumper in 2016. Now he is voting Bigly
For Trump.

My Wine Mom friends and I went to the TruNo Rally in Minden a few weeks ago.

My 18 year old and 24 year old sons are voting for Trump.

Posted by: Czech Chick at October 09, 2020 04:19 PM (haWye)

70 30
I take nothing for granted.
The left is betting the farm and will do anything to "win".
I'm voting in person.
Posted by: YIKES! at October 09, 2020 04:15 PM (t6XCL)

Same. And by early voting because I don't trust Evers not to shut the state down on Nov. 3rd.

Posted by: Leftist who want to decrease the Global population at October 09, 2020 04:19 PM (Ojki1)

71 Unfortunately I'm in that 44%. Of course I blame the Left and NeverTrumpers for trying to destroy the country.

Posted by: Weaning is hard at October 09, 2020 04:19 PM (2DOZq)

72 Throwing this out, share if you want, don't share if you don't want
Trump is the smartest politician since Bill, and Bill was the best since Reagan. Never expected to see another one in my lifetime that wasn't controlled by management.

Posted by: sharksauce at October 09, 2020 04:19 PM (DFZnL)

73 Why would anyone of the reported 56% willingly take on a big tax increase, Obamacare on steroids, and a return to energy dependency?

Posted by: Old Dude at October 09, 2020 04:20 PM (LGXGf)

74 >>>65 I'm getting sick of this already, to be honest. I wish I could go to sleep and wake up on Nov 4.

me too. I'm really tired and stressed. The debate really upset me. I wanted to take two weeks off.

Posted by: ace, cashing his Arby's check and gettin' paid in gyros at October 09, 2020 04:20 PM (PbpT7)


I was just reading over at the epoch times that the models that predicted Trump's previous win shows 2 models a Trump win, and 1 a Biden win, but with a question mark.

Hillary Clinton headed into Election Day in 2016 with a lead in the polls so significant that even the establishment media outlets viewed the Democratic presidential nominee's victory as all but certain.

At the same time, a number of predictive models, three of which were highlighted by The Epoch Times before the election, against all odds forecasted a victory for the Republican nominee, Donald Trump.

Ahead of the 2020 election, two models again point to a Trump victory, despite the polls, while another is forecasting, with a significant question mark, a narrow victory for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at October 09, 2020 04:20 PM (rjE57)

76 I wonder if the off-polling data is more accurate or less likely to be manipulated?

I mean stuff like this and "who do you think will win" type of polls? They aren't the ones that get hyped and its pretty unlikely the Democrats are commissioning that kind.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:20 PM (KZzsI)

77 68 Quite a self-own.
Posted by: ace, cashing his Arby's check and gettin' paid in gyros at October 09, 2020 04:19 PM (PbpT7)

Massive self-dick-punch. As lawyers know, never ask a question you do not know the answer for beforehand.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 09, 2020 04:20 PM (s2VJv)

78 Willowed:


Since we are talking about The Hag Queen's 33K e-mails, that's the link to Erik Prince's interview with Breitbart that aired on 11/4/2016.

He talks about how what was found on Weiner's laptop computer was so disturbing and disgusting, and implicated the Clintons, that NYPD was going to release the information if the FBI didn't do it themselves.

So Loretta Lynch stepped up and threatened to reopen the Eric Garner case and persecute some more NYPD guys if the NYPD didn't STFU about the laptop.

So the NYPD shut up about it.

Later, the FBI tried to frame Erik Prince as part of the Russia Collusion mess, but it didn't take.

Posted by: Sharkman at October 09, 2020 04:20 PM (BM2fS)

79 -and kamala gives them the creeps.

I'd like to see Trump his Kamala more over her role as Weinstein's protestor and enabler.

Feminists don't care if other women getting raped is the price of liberal policies (they explicitly said so about Bill Clinton), but there are a lot of LIVs who might care.

Posted by: 18-1 at October 09, 2020 04:20 PM (qlFIA)

80 My 18 year old and 24 year old sons are voting for Trump.
Posted by: Czech Chick

A fine testament to your Mom skills!

Good for them.

Posted by: Tonypete at October 09, 2020 04:20 PM (Rvt88)

81 Mondale isthe only politician to lose all 50 states in national elections. He lost 49 as a presidential candidate, and lost the last one, Minnesota, as a senatorial candidate

Posted by: Bill Hedrick at October 09, 2020 04:20 PM (WHmC/)

82 I know Trump voters who aren't voting for him again in 2020 but none of them have moved to Biden.

Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at October 09, 2020 04:20 PM (FCQR/)

83 36>> "Phony Cuck-mania has bitten the dust."

Well done.

Posted by: mr tmz at October 09, 2020 04:20 PM (m/Gc2)

84 The guy behind me in line to get into a Trump rally a couple for years ago said he voted for Hillary. He was weird so I avoided talking to him as much as possible after that.

Posted by: f'd at October 09, 2020 04:21 PM (+y8uL)

85 I don't know anyone voting for Biden. I saw some Biden Harris signs on a few lawns the other day, but I think the real meaning there is "Don't burn my house, I'm one of the good ones>"

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at October 09, 2020 04:21 PM (E+OcO)

86 Well, Fritz Mondale WAS a hapless fool, so

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 04:21 PM (bCLt0)

87 Trumpnado.

Posted by: wth at October 09, 2020 04:21 PM (v0R5T)

88 Mondale too was VP to a president that was sucking the mullahs dicks

Posted by: x at October 09, 2020 04:21 PM (nFwvY)

89 me too. I'm really tired and stressed. The debate really upset me. I wanted to take two weeks off.
Posted by: ace, cashing his Arby's check and gettin' paid in gyros at October 09, 2020 04:20 PM (PbpT7)

Why did it upset you?

I found it mildly aggravating, but that's about what I expected from a Trump / Biden debate hosted by Chris Wallace.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 09, 2020 04:21 PM (cnTJD)

12 Year-Old Girl answers phone: "Dad, it's some lady says she's a pollster!"

Dad: "I'm busy cleaning my gun, you take it!"

12 YO girl talking to pollster: "Oh yeah, I LOVE Joe Biden........!!"

Posted by: Uncle Rick at October 09, 2020 04:21 PM (48/MM)

91 11 I had figured the Covid diagnosis as hurting more than it helped, but he did overcome it rather quickly. I'm optimistic about his chances.

Posted by: Someguy at October 09, 2020 04:13 PM (Zm+LZ)

I reckon once he's doing public appearances at length people will subconsciously take that in and it will reduce their fear of the 'rona. I mean, how many people view themselves as less healthy than Donald Trump? So.. there's gotta be a thought that goes off in people's minds that's like "If that mutherfucker can get over it just, why should I be worried?"

Posted by: Serious Cat at October 09, 2020 04:21 PM (700n7)

92 Right off the top of my head: The lovely and long-suffering Mrs Zettai, for one...

Posted by: Zettai at October 09, 2020 04:21 PM (cj33B)

93 Now I have PTSD because the president used a vulgarity!
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (+y/Ru)
You should go back to watching Cuties.

Posted by: Nobody at October 09, 2020 04:21 PM (Eicbe)

94 In answer to your question, yes those people exist. Here is the mini-rant I made about it:

If you're in the TL;DR camp, here's the short version: "I like the things Trump has done and things are better, but he's a dick so I'm voting for the respectable Biden."

Y'all think I'm kidding, but these f*cktards exist. Hopefully not enough of them.

Posted by: physics geek at October 09, 2020 04:21 PM (huQJB)

95 But we can't relax. We have to stay vigilant and stay the course.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at October 09, 2020 04:21 PM (E+OcO)

96 I am a SEVERE CONSERVATIVE. I voted for Drumpf in 2016 but I'll be voting for myself in 2020!

Posted by: Mittens Romneycare at October 09, 2020 04:22 PM (qlFIA)

97 58 Lady YD went from REEE I HATE TRUMP!!!! in 2016, to reluctantly considering voting for him late last year, to pondering aloud whether it might be best to just to make him President For Life, to keep us safe from the lunatics he and we are all up against.

Not one word of this is my usual humorous exaggeration. That's how it went down.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (eXmcp)


My story is similar.

My wife is now promoting/defending Trump.

And teaching a high school government class.

And taking that government class to a range to shoot AR-15's.

I don't think she knows I'm most excited about her actually shooting one for the first time.

Posted by: TexasDan at October 09, 2020 04:22 PM (yL25O)

98 cmon ace you get paid in Arby's and pick the gyro over the far superior Beef n Cheddar??

Especially for the keto bruh, for the keto!!

Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at October 09, 2020 04:22 PM (FCQR/)

99 My 19 year old daughter is casting her very first vote for Trump. I am so jealous. My very first vote was for Bob Dole.

Posted by: Jmel at October 09, 2020 04:22 PM (uDrtR)

100 Do you know any Trump-to-Biden flippers?

You really need to get out of your white nationalist bubble, Ace.

I sometimes highlight these people in my Twitter feed. Like Mitch Cumstein, for example.

By the way, in your post below: "People like Jonah Goldberg." Thank you, Ace that was big of you to acknowledge that.

Maybe some day when you turn away from the dark side of the Force like Anakin Skywalker did at the end of his life and once again return to principles and norms and integrity, people will like you, too.

Posted by: Jonah Goldberg at October 09, 2020 04:22 PM (coHxL)

101 Man, I knew as soon as Trump was elected 2020 was going to be a Hell year. " At least it's not for 4 years..." well it had to arrive

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:22 PM (HwiWi)

102 This ridiculous take on Bill Clinton that he was some kind of political phenom is completely disconnected from reality. We can go into as much details as anyone can stand, but FFS, this is as fact-free and dumb as another near-universally distorted historical event that I won't even raise because it's now the default non-wisdom.

Posted by: rhomboid at October 09, 2020 04:22 PM (OTzUX)

103 me too. I'm really tired and stressed. The debate really upset me. I wanted to take two weeks off.
Posted by: ace,

the debate freaked me the hell out, ace.

Posted by: nurse ratched at October 09, 2020 04:22 PM (W2Pud)

104 > But I haven't seen a single story about Trump 2016-Biden 2020 defectors.


That's a good point that doesn't get highlighted as much as it should, even in the conservative press and media outlets.

I suspect the likes of Jeff Flake and Cindy McCain either left their presidential pick on their 2016 ballot blank or voted for Gary Johnson, since he was a Republican before Trump became one.

And he was more in line with them.

Posted by: Curly Shuffle at October 09, 2020 04:22 PM (ch6++)

105 I talk to a lot of people in Washington and I am hearing the same thing. There is absolutely no way they can vote for the far left wing agenda the Democrats are pushing. People can talk all they want about personalities, but in the end you vote your own self interest- unless you are so far in the bag for Democrats you would vote for your own destruction.

Not a lot of people are willing to be that cultish.

I was shocked when I talked to one couple this morning. He is a hard line Trump supporter. His wife voted for Hillary last time. She is now also voting for Trump. She said to me, and I quote, "Biden is a horse on his last ride to the glue factory. He's getting there on a train that's on fire and people are jumping out the windows. Do you really think I am gonna get on that moving disaster?"

Posted by: Marcus T at October 09, 2020 04:22 PM (VpIIl)

106 We have to elect Biden to find out his ideas.

Posted by: Roland THTG at October 09, 2020 04:22 PM (cJEnq)

107 I know a few Trump voters that are flipping for Biden. One died in a car accident in 2018, another of age related problems in 2019. Both are now 100% Biden voters.

Posted by: MrScience_ at October 09, 2020 04:22 PM (ZbJii)

108 I found out a few months ago that several of my female cousins were Trump supporters, the ones who I suspect aren't, one is gay and the other is 24, an idiot.

Posted by: Dr Spank at October 09, 2020 04:23 PM (efgRV)

109 I am in CA (looking to get out), I have friends (younger than I) who will tell me they are voting for DJT but don't tell anyone, because they don't want to get fired, doxed, beat up, maimed, etc.
They are living like Jews in Spain under the Inquisition.
I don't care, I'm retired. Most days I am bored. I love a good rumble and I've had my share. Bring it.

Posted by: Attila remembers at October 09, 2020 04:23 PM (w7KSn)

110 54 Now I have PTSD because the president used a vulgarity!
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (+y/Ru)

Might want to not click the link to the AtC podcast.

Posted by: Bete at October 09, 2020 04:23 PM (Ojki1)

111 Is Schmidt vs. Goldberg the main event at Cuck-a-mania 2020? Whatcha gonna do, brotherrrrr

Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at October 09, 2020 04:23 PM (FCQR/)

112 >>Another friend points out that super-annoying NeverTrump liberal Republican Bethany Mandel ("wife" of ultrac#ck Seth Mandel) is similarly saying on Twitter something like, "Every NeverTrumper I know is quietly voting for him this time."


Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at October 09, 2020 04:23 PM (bDqIh)

113 57 My of us know not to display Trump signs or bumperstickers due to vandalism. A red hat invites violence even it's a Cardinals hat.
Posted by: The Silent Majority at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (WiRLm)

This. We live in NoVA, and our neighborhood only has Biden signs - but not as many as there were hillary signs in 2016. I'm guessing that like us, those who favor Trump don't want to bring trouble to their door and put nothing out.

Posted by: Moki at October 09, 2020 04:23 PM (+X9Vs)

114 high probability that Abby Shapiro's more feminine sibling is also a Trump yes.

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at October 09, 2020 04:23 PM (ykYG2)

115 Unless they're afraid to admit otherwise, my husband's entire family are on Team Drooling Idiot.

And my crazy sister is a "proud socialist" so I'm pretty sure she'd vote for Stalin if he was running. Especially if I'd be send to the camps.

Posted by: Jane D'Oh at October 09, 2020 04:23 PM (ptqGC)

116 Trump to Biden flippers: zero

Stay at home nonvoters to broken glass Trump voters: One. Me.

Posted by: Cheerful Reprobate at October 09, 2020 04:24 PM (FlnFg)

117 physics geek:

But were they 2016 Trump supporters?

Sounds like the kind of Propriety Police People who would have voted for McMullin or Hillary in 2016.

Posted by: ace, cashing his Arby's check and gettin' paid in gyros at October 09, 2020 04:24 PM (PbpT7)

118 Hard to say. The only people I've heard or read discussing politics in real life are my lefty Bernie Bro writing group colleague who hates Trump unabashedly, and the econ professor in my office who chats with my Republican boss and says things like, "In America, no Democrat politician who leans far left can get elected." (This is the same faculty member whom I once overheard say, "Now, with Warren -- there's some substance there.") I get up and go for coffee whenever they start talking about this stuff, so my head won't explode.

With everybody else, I'm concerned with the mask nonsense.

But I haven't seen many Biden/Harris signs on lawns or bumper stickers on cars, compared to the raft of "I'm With HER" signs I saw in 2016. Trump people willing to say so on their vehicles are people who drive work trucks and take no crap from anybody, I think. You vandalize a truck belonging to some 6'3" guy with giant forearms from working in the oil fields, and you risk your neck if he catches you.

I'm making sure to tell people who complain with me about the mask theatre to vote Trump. "You vote Biden, he'll have you wearing this stupid thing the rest of your life."

And they nod.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at October 09, 2020 04:24 PM (rpbg1)

119 My vote doesn't matter in Washington state, so I wrote in a name in 2016.

I don't care if my vote doesn't matter. Trump in 2020.

Posted by: Bea Arthur's Dick at October 09, 2020 04:24 PM (jWe5r)

120 Nobody has abandoned Trump. People have walkedaway from the dems. Minority populations have seen increased support for Trump. The strong point for the left is educated women. (Not all my daughter the nursing student is a broken glass trump voter) her peers all are saying they couldn't possibly vote trump although I think there are shy Trump people there too. It all comes down to fraud in the end. If and only if its within 1 or 2 %.

Posted by: USNtakim at October 09, 2020 04:24 PM (0OmEj)

121 Now I have PTSD because the president used a vulgarity!
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (+y/Ru)
President Trump Symdrome of Derangement.

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 04:24 PM (Eicbe)

122 111 Is Schmidt vs. Goldberg the main event at Cuck-a-mania 2020? Whatcha gonna do, brotherrrrr
Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist,

please tell m there will metal chairs or a ladder match. I want to see that.

Posted by: Moki at October 09, 2020 04:24 PM (+X9Vs)

123 The one potentially positive thing about Trump being down so far in the polls is that Dems will be even more crushed if he wins.

Posted by: Mark1971 at October 09, 2020 04:24 PM (xPl2J)

124 They knew the polls were fake in 2016. That's why they had to create all the Russia bullshit.

Posted by: demoncrat at October 09, 2020 04:24 PM (iqlWg)

125 wait I was listening to Rush here and didn't hear the curse? I guess it was on delay on the radio or something

Posted by: BlackOrchid_j9HX3 at October 09, 2020 04:24 PM (j9HX3)

126 It's still possible for Trump to win, but I still think he'll need some sort of "moment" to crystalize is support amongst the marginally engaged voters. All those people have been hearing for the past year from the MSM is "Trump is bad" and all Trump has been telling them is "They're bad, I am great." Marginally engaged voters still need an OBVIOUS reason not to like Biden, or alternatively support Trump that manages to get through the MSM filter somehow. But Biden is hiding. And Trump is just railing against how unfair the MSM/Deep State has been to him, so ... not sure that'll be enough.

Posted by: Grifty McGrift at October 09, 2020 04:24 PM (dYe5S)

127 zerohedge

Poll Which Correctly Called 2016 Election Sees Another "Shocking" Outcome In November

In the following Election Review from Camelot Portfolios, we look at what some of the polling firms that called 2016 correctly are seeing today. "Shocking", their polling suggests that President Trump will be re-elected, either narrowly or by a large margin. Therefore, as Camelot notes, "capital allocators today cannot easily assume next month's results."

It's very possible that Trump will win Florida, North Carolina and Arizona. If so, a win in Pennsylvania or Michigan will likely put him over the top in the electoral college. And speaking of "shocking", Camelot notes that as far as the Senate and House are concerned, it also appears that Republicans will keep control of the Senate, especially if Trump has a strong night. On the other hand, the House is highly likely to remain in Democratic control.


don't trust the polls


AZ might be a tough one

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at October 09, 2020 04:24 PM (rjE57)

128 What do I know anecdotally?

Back in 2000 if you said you voted for W people would scoff.

In 2008/12 if you said you voted for McLame or Mittens, they'd shake their head.

In 2016 if you said you voted for Trump, you will be yelled at or attacked.

In 2020 if you said you're voting for Trump, you will be attacked, maimed, and possibly killed.

Posted by: clutch cargo at October 09, 2020 04:24 PM (8B6Ng)

129 Yeah, I'm thinking when you're spending money in resources in states the Democrats won last time, it doesn't pass the sniff test. By the way- what's Biden path to electoral victory and what are the pitfalls?

Posted by: Marcus T at October 09, 2020 04:24 PM (VpIIl)

130 My hopefulness stems from a belief that most Americans are able to see with their own two eyes, what a fustercluck the Democrats are, and even if that doesn't always translate into love of Trump, they know better than to let the Democrats run things now.

So regardless of poll data, I'm relying on us to get this done.

If we can't or won't, well, that just means I'm a foreigner in my own country, and will act accordingly.

Posted by: BurtTC at October 09, 2020 04:25 PM (hku12)

131 As lawyers know, never ask a question you do not know the answer for beforehand.

That's just it, he thought he knew. The bubble isn't a new thing.

"nobody I know voted for Nixon!"

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:25 PM (KZzsI)

132 102 This ridiculous take on Bill Clinton that he was some kind of political phenom is completely disconnected from reality. We can go into as much details as anyone can stand, but FFS, this is as fact-free and dumb as another near-universally distorted historical event that I won't even raise because it's now the default non-wisdom.
Posted by: rhomboid at October 09, 2020 04:22 PM (OTzUX)

Yeah. I voted for him. Twice. My economic life was great, and I connected it to him. His bullshit with Lewinsky is what turned me.

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 04:25 PM (bCLt0)

133 Wait.... if you are a vocal Nevertrump twitter addict who is imploring people that you are a conservative but the trucons all need to vote for the rapist because muh norms, but are actually going to vote for trump yourself, but can't admit that publicly because it would damage your lucrative nevertrump brand, you can fuck right off in the most expeditious way.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 09, 2020 04:25 PM (dNzKv)

134 the debate freaked me the hell out, ace.
Posted by: nurse ratched at October 09, 2020 04:22 PM (W2Pud)

nurse, I was on vaca for the debate and while I watched it, did not read any news about it.

Why did it freak you (and apparently ace) out?

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 09, 2020 04:25 PM (cnTJD)

135 A red hat invites violence even it's a Cardinals hat.
Posted by: The Silent Majority at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM (WiRLm)

I'd say that Cardinals fans have it coming in the fun loving fan rivalry way, but Baseball has pushed me out of fandom.

Ah well.

Posted by: Bete at October 09, 2020 04:25 PM (Ojki1)

136 Well I know the main event is a falls count anywhere Fuck-My-Wife match for the World Cucking Entertainment Heavy heavy heavyyyyweight championship

Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at October 09, 2020 04:25 PM (FCQR/)

137 40 What's the story among the people you know? Do you know any Trump-to-Biden flippers?

I know of one or two for sure.
Posted by: Tonypete

I'm an idiot. I read the question backwards. I know a few Biden to Trump flippers. Sorry.

Posted by: Tonypete at October 09, 2020 04:25 PM (Rvt88)

138 I've been trying not to get too optimistic about Walk Away. Because I think I remember that growing in 2018. And I think I remember being hopeful about that then.

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 04:26 PM (Eicbe)

139 It is absolutely critical for the future of the country for the house to be out of Democrat control.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:26 PM (KZzsI)

140 I know a never voted anything but Dem couple and a single lady that all are voting TRUMP this year.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 09, 2020 04:26 PM (2TTOn)

141 Ultimate fantasy presidential campaign...
Trump vs Obama. No way Trump would let him get away with any bullshit.

Posted by: Jmel at October 09, 2020 04:26 PM (uDrtR)

142 Trump gets shit done. This is not business as usual in DC. People must see that, right? He actually gets shit done.

Posted by: Seems Legit at October 09, 2020 04:26 PM (jUVms)

143 The left losing their shit about the F bomb and Iran.

"unhinged", "genocidal screed", "rambling for two hours"

Posted by: JROD

They only ever pretend that their pair of 8s are four of a kind. Tiresome losers.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at October 09, 2020 04:26 PM (LxTcq)

144 115 Unless they're afraid to admit otherwise, my husband's entire family are on Team Drooling Idiot.

And my crazy sister is a "proud socialist" so I'm pretty sure she'd vote for Stalin if he was running. Especially if I'd be send to the camps.
Posted by: Jane D'Oh at October 09, 2020 04:23 PM (ptqGC)

God love you, Jane. You are a patient saint with your family. How's your ankle doing??

Posted by: Moki at October 09, 2020 04:26 PM (+X9Vs)

145 Got well below 50% of the vote in both elections.

Posted by: Weaning is hard at October 09, 2020 04:26 PM (2DOZq)

146 In Texas we have a few twitchers but no flippers except for bubble cities.

Posted by: humphreyrobot at October 09, 2020 04:26 PM (pB6Gt)

147 Some of you Nancy's need to nut up. The 3 Fs are the joy of life. Don knows this.

Posted by: Farmer Bob at October 09, 2020 04:26 PM (MJRLT)

148 Clinton was young by presidential standards, a 60s child and a smooth talker.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 09, 2020 04:26 PM (dNzKv)

149 I usually dont listen or take in mainstream media any more except checking Drudge to see what they are pushing, but had to drive in to work today so put on the big "centrist" news radio station in PHX. It's a 45 min drive. Every single story and comment from the "reporters" referenced covid. Nonstop. Amazing they can be so fixated on a disease that has a 99 and change recovery rate, isn't it?

Posted by: Azjaeger at October 09, 2020 04:26 PM (SC/sJ)

150 20
But the Covids! We're all gonna die! Biden is our only hope!


Posted by: Darth Randall at October 09, 2020 04:14 PM (iWCRg)

Imma gonna gitcha and Biden is gonna lock you down!

Posted by: Covid 19 at October 09, 2020 04:26 PM (bFRyf)

151 Never comment on what I hear reported here, too invidious. But a few are mentioning examples of the incredibly mindless irresponsible approach of some voters.

Meanwhile, ace, I haven't looked into it, but I think it's a fairly recent thing in presidential cycle surveys - "who do you think is going to win?" - I mean it doesn't go back nearly as far as "right track/wrong track", or approval/disapproval.

But I think in these distinctive circumstances (the incredible mob mentality atmosphere you mention, that compels most to stay not just silent but secretive), it may serve as a sort of workaround for fearful/shy survey respondents.

You can easily say "Trump will win", much more so than that you are voting for him. It takes the respondent to an onlooker's viewpoint, not a voter's viewpoint. Much less intimidating.

And Trump is winning that one, has been all along, bigly.

Posted by: rhomboid at October 09, 2020 04:27 PM (OTzUX)

152 I was watching hundreds of Orthodox and Hasidim who usually do a pretty good job of delivering Democrats most of New York's public offices- celebrating with MAGA hats on yesterday.

That can't be a good sign.

Posted by: Marcus T at October 09, 2020 04:27 PM (VpIIl)

153 -

This ridiculous take on Bill Clinton that he was some kind of political
phenom is completely disconnected from reality. We can go into as much
details as anyone can stand, but FFS, this is as fact-free and dumb as
another near-universally distorted historical event that I won't even
raise because it's now the default non-wisdom.

Posted by: rhomboid at October 09, 2020 04:22 PM


Bill was a poon hound who turned those lying skills over onto the voters. That's about it.

Posted by: irright at October 09, 2020 04:27 PM (SchQD)

154 I'm a 2016 non-Trump voters (I voted Libertarian - I had zero trust in Trump) and now I am an enthusiastic Trump supporter. A good friend of mine is a life-long Democrat and she is now fully behind Trump (her biggest issue is Biden/Harris support of the rioters and the defund the police movement - is it a surprise that law and order would be important?). I have not met a single person who is enthusiastic FOR Biden/Harris - I do know a few people who are enthusiastically Never-Trumpers. But I do keep quiet about Trump - and I believe there are millions who are quietly supporting Trump.

Noor Bin Ladin said this yesterday, "Being pro-Trump has caused me more grief than being Osama bin Laden's neice." I saw it at - worth reading what she said.

Posted by: thewallsareclosingin at October 09, 2020 04:27 PM (tUaiS)

155 Do you know any Trump-to-Biden flippers?

Yeah, me. It was Joe's Corn Pop story what did it.

Posted by: wth at October 09, 2020 04:27 PM (v0R5T)

156 Again, because I can't highlight this poll result too much...

Q Are you comfortable with your relatives, friends, and coworkers knowing how you vote?

Trump voters: Yes = 22%

Biden voters: Yes = 87%

Posted by: Dave in Fla at October 09, 2020 04:27 PM (5p7BC)

157 I know a few Trump voters that are flipping for Biden. One died in a car accident in 2018, another of age related problems in 2019. Both are now 100% Biden voters.
Posted by: MrScience_ at October 09, 2020 04:22 PM (ZbJii)


Posted by: JoeF. at October 09, 2020 04:27 PM (HrMC1)

158 But were they 2016 Trump supporters?

Sounds like the kind of Propriety Police People who would have voted for McMullin or Hillary in 2016.

Posted by: ace, cashing his Arby's check and gettin' paid in gyros at October 09, 2020 04:24 PM (PbpT7)

That is a fair question, the answer to which I do not know. Absent the government enforced Covid lockdown, Trump would be cruising to 350+ EVs, but now? Signs are mixed.

Posted by: physics geek at October 09, 2020 04:27 PM (huQJB)

159 I've been trying not to get too optimistic about Walk Away.

Yeah I think its real, I just don't think its significant enough numbers to have an impact. But time will tell, this is in God's hands, not under the control of our fears or anxiety.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:27 PM (KZzsI)

160 Got well below 50% of the vote in both elections.
Posted by: Weaning is hard at October 09, 2020 04:26 PM (2DOZq)

That was regard to rhomboid's post on Clinton.

Posted by: Weaning is hard at October 09, 2020 04:27 PM (2DOZq)

161 99
My 19 year old daughter is casting her very first vote for Trump. I am so jealous. My very first vote was for Bob Dole.

Bob Dole appreciates that.
-Bob Dole

Posted by: Bob Dole at October 09, 2020 04:27 PM (v16oJ)

162 So Loretta Lynch stepped up and threatened to reopen the Eric Garner case and persecute some more NYPD guys if the NYPD didn't STFU about the laptop.

So the NYPD shut up about it.

Later, the FBI tried to frame Erik Prince as part of the Russia Collusion mess, but it didn't take.
Posted by: Sharkman at October 09, 2020 04:20 PM (BM2fS)

That's the deep state.

Everybody's got dirt on each other to keep everyone quite. Trump came in clean as a whistle so they had to invent dirt.

Posted by: WisRich at October 09, 2020 04:27 PM (G0vdT)

163 Clinton had enough "awww shucks" southern charm to hide the evil Maoist he was.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 09, 2020 04:27 PM (dNzKv)

164 >>high probability that Abby Shapiro's more feminine sibling is also a Trump yes.

But I thought it was not a binary decision. . .

Posted by: Lizzy at October 09, 2020 04:27 PM (bDqIh)

165 Also anecdotal, my son is a millwright and at least 90% of his brother millwright she are for Trump. They are all union, so brothers. My daughters are all Trumpers. Fiercely so.

Posted by: Chillin the most at October 09, 2020 04:27 PM (lonOK)

166 I thought it was Reagan who asked if you are better off than 4 years ago in the 1980 race?

Posted by: MAGA (I got rabies for Trump) at October 09, 2020 04:27 PM (eMEkg)

167 I was watching hundreds of Orthodox and Hasidim who usually do a pretty
good job of delivering Democrats most of New York's public offices-
celebrating with MAGA hats on yesterday.


Trump is literally the worst Hitler ever.

Posted by: 18-1 at October 09, 2020 04:28 PM (qlFIA)

168 I'm one of those reluctant 2016 Trump voters who will vote enthusiastically for him this time. His foreign policy instincts have been spot on (and much better than mine), and his domestic policy, especially on deregulation has been great.

I also don't know of anyone who says they voted for him in 16 but won't in 20.

But right now I truly am pessimistic as hell. (Cue up the concern troll shit now please.)

Just got back from seeing extended family in swing state. They all hate Trump and are all being childish about it. They hate him because he embarrasses them. True, they hated him in 16 too, but at least then they could have had a more justified claim that he would be a disaster regarding policy since we didn't know. Now they can't point to anything he's done that's bad and admit it that he's done some very good stuff (like not getting us into new wars), but they still can't get over how he makes them feel. So they will all pull the lever for an increasingly Marxist democratic party.

I always ask the same question: Other than the tweets, what is it about Trump that is so bad? And they can't answer. He just drives them nuts.

Mostly this is on them. But it is also on Trump. He should be up by 50 points.

Posted by: Chris not rock at October 09, 2020 04:28 PM (vPQQc)

169 There are people who you all know ...
And Trump's building a stairway to Heeeeeaven!

Posted by: andycanuck at October 09, 2020 04:28 PM (an7Mv)

170 "Do you know any Trump-to-Biden flippers?"

eee eee ee ee eee

Posted by: Flipper in a MAGA hat at October 09, 2020 04:28 PM (+y8uL)

171 I was talking to my now full-lib daughter last night. She said Trump is mean. I told her that I would almost never describe anybody this way, but I've watched Biden on CSPAN over decades. He's a smiling smarmy snake.

If you want to vote for the better human being, and you think that's Biden, then I'm sorry.

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 04:28 PM (Eicbe)

172 Are you comfortable with your relatives, friends, and coworkers knowing how you vote?

See this is the kind of cultural pulse, tangential poll I wonder isn't more useful than the straight up "who will you vote for" kind of poll. I dunno.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:28 PM (KZzsI)

173 The theory is that Trump's support is collapsing among college educated white females. We shall see.

Hey, suburban wine moms - if you vote for Biden, enjoy the Section 8 housing in your suburb, and the $5/gallon gas taxes.

You deserve it.

I live in a state that has banned single-family zoning - people can tear down existing houses, and build four-flats on either side of you, and there is not a damn thing you can do about it. The D's full intend to implement that nationally, and much more.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 09, 2020 04:28 PM (I2/tG)

174 My wife's family who are of Colombian descent and lifelong Democrats and Hilary voters are voting for Trump. This is not bullshit.

Posted by: SamIam at October 09, 2020 04:28 PM (oasF3)

175 Be kind of funny if all these people are hiding from family and friends that they are voting for Trump and it turns out they all voted for Trump...

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:29 PM (HwiWi)

176 but I've watched Biden on CSPAN over decades. He's a smiling smarmy snake.


Also, he gropes children.

Though, the Netflix guys would approve I suppose.

Posted by: 18-1 at October 09, 2020 04:29 PM (qlFIA)

177 By the way, most people are absolutely sick of the mask and other COVID shenanigans. Biden talking about lockdowns and COVID forever isn't helping his cause. That's another thing where people say in public- "that's sounds reasonable", then when they get to the voting booth, "fuck that, I'm pulling the lever for Trump".

Posted by: Marcus T at October 09, 2020 04:29 PM (VpIIl)

178 I voted Libertarian in 2016... Partly because I live in the People's Republic of Illinois, so my cote didn't matter and I wanted the Libertarians to make a good showing. Also, I didn't personally like Trump and I wasn't sure would follow through with his professed newly found conservatism.
It turns out, I like his policies. I still wish he would stay focused a little better, but the Dems and their media allies will destroy what's left of our governing system if we let them. I will DEFINITELY be voting for Trump.

I will not be telling any of my family or friends that I am doing this, with the exception of a few die-hard Trump Supporters because everyone on the left is so completely unhinged and I don't want to deal with the fallout. I don't answer calls from pollsters, but if I did, I wouldn't tell them either.

Posted by: SeeBS at October 09, 2020 04:29 PM (5+crS)

179 Clinton was young by presidential standards, a 60s child and a smooth talker.>>>
He pegged my bullschiff meter from jump street. I never understood the appeal.

Posted by: Old Dude at October 09, 2020 04:29 PM (LGXGf)

180 I was watching hundreds of Orthodox and Hasidim who usually do a pretty
good job of delivering Democrats most of New York's public offices-
celebrating with MAGA hats on yesterday.
What? No MAGA yamulkes?

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 04:29 PM (Eicbe)

181 >>>Why did it freak you (and apparently ace) out?

well, for one, I was very worried about it beforehand so I was already an overly-tightened guitar string.

Then there was the absurd bias.

Then Trump kept failing to make big important points, and even when he seemed to be getting to one, Chris Wallace said we had to move on to talk about a Democrat issue.

and then there was just the rudeness and conflict of it. It was a tough thing to watch.

I didn't blame trump for the cringe of it all -- but I'm a trump partisan. I literally think the country is over and will become a repressive communist shithole if he loses.

but I did think that anyone who was not as dedicated a trump partisan as I am would blame him for the debate, and that made me very, very worried.

i've been depressed since then, resigning myself to the End of America, wondering when they'll be coming for us

Posted by: ace, cashing his Arby's check and gettin' paid in gyros at October 09, 2020 04:29 PM (PbpT7)

182 I was watching hundreds of Orthodox and Hasidim who usually do a pretty good job of delivering Democrats most of New York's public offices celebrating with MAGA hats on yesterday.

Yeah I think really traditional, Israel-loving, Torah kind of Jews like Trump a lot. And generally speaking, Jews are more chill about being rough around the edges than Christians.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:29 PM (KZzsI)

183 Californians who aren't being transferred here are now buying bug out homes in Texas.

Posted by: x at October 09, 2020 04:30 PM (nFwvY)

184 Everyone I know who voted Trump in 2016 is voting Trump again in 2020, with even more urgency than before, due to the riots and horror-show politics of the left.

But then, I'm sitting here at work with three gin-and-tonics under my necktie at 4:30 in the afternoon, so my insight on politics might be a little impaired.

Posted by: Don Birnum, knocking 'em back at Nat's Bar at October 09, 2020 04:30 PM (4PGGt)

185 173 The theory is that Trump's support is collapsing among college educated white females. We shall see.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 09, 2020 04:28 PM (I2/tG)

Not this one.

Posted by: Jordan61 at October 09, 2020 04:30 PM (Ez6QX)

186 My only concern is fraud, especially with the mail-in crap going on right now. Otherwise it would be an early night for Trump.

Posted by: Liberty at October 09, 2020 04:30 PM (TORYG)

187 I don't think I was the major influence in the lovely and long-suffering Mrs Zettai's conversion... Since the 2016 election, she's had to manage the affairs of both her aged parents, (whom she literally worships) discovering they both are, much to her surprise, life-long registered Republicans!

Posted by: Zettai at October 09, 2020 04:30 PM (cj33B)

188 Tell me that is an ace sock.

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 04:30 PM (bCLt0)

189 Anecdotes:

1) This past weekend there was a Trumptilla (boat parade) in PUGET SOUND. PUGET SOUND!!!! (I was in it, it was awesome, only got flipped off twice, got a few thumbs down but you would have been shocked how many people waived, took pictures, and had Trump flags (!).

2) Same day, a Trump car/truck parade from Olympia to Seattle. It's on YouTube.

3) Have a friend who works in tech in Seattle. Libertarian dude, gun owner, voted for Gary Johnson. After the CHAZ/CHOP fiasco, the riots (they still go one) he's had literally dozens of fellow tech workers asking for gun buying advice. EACH ONE NOW VOTING TRUMP, AND VOTING R ALL THE WAY UP AND DOWN THE TICKET. People are sick of this shit.

I just don't see a Biden win. I think there is a massive groundswell against blue state incumbents. I don't have hope that WA will flip red, but what we are seeing here, in W WA, is unprecedented. Think of it what you will....

Posted by: exliberal at October 09, 2020 04:30 PM (pd+Xc)

190 nurse, I was on vaca for the debate and while I watched it, did not read any news about it.

Why did it freak you (and apparently ace) out?
Posted by: Harry Paratestes

PDT wasn't performing for me that night. He was getting down and dirty and being the NY Dick he needs to be to get to some voters.

I wanted him to be cool and collected and DESTROY biden on facts and numbers. And to get in his head quietly, not so loud and bombastic. But, I don't know shit about NY or the Apprentice or, really anything political. I was in tears.

Posted by: nurse ratched at October 09, 2020 04:31 PM (W2Pud)

191 i've been depressed since then, resigning myself to the End of America, wondering when they'll be coming for us

The future of my career rests entirely on Trump winning. If Biden wins, guys like me will get cut off from online banking an publishing entirely and have no career or future.

There are a lot of us out there.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:31 PM (KZzsI)

192 My first vote for president was for Clinton in 1992. Still not the worst vote I ever made because I voted for Romney in 2012.

Posted by: Mark1971 at October 09, 2020 04:31 PM (xPl2J)

193 I like how rush explicitly said who his sponsors were hand how understanding they were to have their spots cancelled for Teump

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 09, 2020 04:31 PM (dNzKv)

194 My daughter is casting her first vote for Trump.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 09, 2020 04:31 PM (GwDkv)

195 My wife is apolitical. She did not vote in2016. The lockdowns pissed her off so badly she is now actively campaigning for Donald Trump.

Posted by: Innagaddadavida at October 09, 2020 04:18 PM

Mrs D has generally been conservative with a few exceptions. This year her hair is on fire and I am hard pressed to keep up. Everyone knows she is a Trump supporter.
One more reason I taught her how to shoot.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 09, 2020 04:31 PM (axyOa)

196 108
I found out a few months ago that several of my female cousins were
Trump supporters, the ones who I suspect aren't, one is gay and the
other is 24, an idiot.

It wouldn't surprise me if a significant chunk of gay voters -not a majority, but still significant - voted for Trump, although I doubt they'd own up to it for fear of ostracism. I call it the Grenell effect.

Posted by: pep at October 09, 2020 04:31 PM (v16oJ)

197 AZ might be a tough one

Early voting in AZ started today.

Big turnout.

Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at October 09, 2020 04:31 PM (k4dH2)

198 >>>173 The theory is that Trump's support is collapsing among college educated white females. We shall see.

yes. but he lost most of the Wine Moms who could be lost years ago.

The thing that really bothers me, the new thing, is him supposedly losing seniors. I think he carried seniors something like 56 percent to 44 percent, now he's like down to 46 percent.

that's a problem.

Posted by: ace, cashing his Arby's check and gettin' paid in gyros at October 09, 2020 04:31 PM (PbpT7)

199 What's Biden's path to electoral victory?


Posted by: Case at October 09, 2020 04:31 PM (k1ip1)

200 i've been depressed since then, resigning myself to the End of America, wondering when they'll be coming for us
Posted by: ace

you've been gaslighted. Trump will win. they will lose.

Posted by: x at October 09, 2020 04:31 PM (nFwvY)

201 In 2016, Trump wasn't in my top 1,000 picks for the GOP presidential nominee. I didn't like his personality and distrusted him for his years as a Democrat. Still, I very, very reluctantly voted for him because Hillary was Hillary. I even encouraged family members and friends to do so, saying they could always impeach the SOB if he messed up. I'm in Michigan, so maybe my efforts helped him to carry the state.
It's now 2020, and I will crawl over glass atop burning coals to vote for The Donald. He's proven his value to the American people over and over during the past 4 years. However, TDS has gotten so virulent that only my closest friends know how I feel. While I can't promote Trump, I do the next best thing by outlining the damage a Biden presidency would do to our great country and its people.
Lord help us all if Harris/Biden/Harris wins the election.

Posted by: Outside Adjitator at October 09, 2020 04:32 PM (NvFiZ)

202 >>Noor Bin Ladin said this yesterday, "Being pro-Trump has caused me more grief than being Osama bin Laden's neice." I saw it at - worth reading what she said.


Ken Bone, the guy from a 2016 townhall that went viral for some odd reason, announced in twitter that he was voting for Jo Jorgensen, and included this:


All morning the Trump supporters have been nice to me even though I don't like Trump. The Biden camp has been shitting all over me because I don't like Biden. Do these people really not see how much this behavior pushes bystanders toward the right?

Posted by: Lizzy at October 09, 2020 04:32 PM (bDqIh)

203 The theory is that Trump's support is collapsing among college educated white females. We shall see.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 09, 2020 04:28 PM (I2/tG)

Not if they see Kamala.
It's no secret that women hate other women, especially those in power.
Kamala checks every box when it comes what they hate in other women.

Posted by: JoeF. at October 09, 2020 04:32 PM (HrMC1)

204 I think a better metric is the poll (can't remember which one it was now) that asks the question,

"Putting aside how you will vote, who do you think will win?" Trump answer was something like 54%.

I think that might be the 'shy' Trump voter answer.

It's almost a better question than "who are you voting for?"

Posted by: Tami at October 09, 2020 04:32 PM (cF8AT)

205 You may want that Rip Van Winkle nap to last until Nov 10 when all the fraud votes are counted to see if they found enough mail in votes to beat the actual votes.

Posted by: Skip at October 09, 2020 04:32 PM (OjZpE)

206 I don't talk to polls: the only reason they want to hear from me is so they can lie to get my support. I'd rather know what the candidates really want to do.
I voted *against* Hillary last time. I still wouldn't want to have him over for dinner, but I'll vote for him again, because he does the job. Exploding lefty heads is just a bonus.

Posted by: MBurris at October 09, 2020 04:32 PM (VADKV)

207 >>>193 I like how rush explicitly said who his sponsors were hand how understanding they were to have their spots cancelled for Teump
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy

seems interesting but many glitches here -- can you rewrite?

Posted by: ace, cashing his Arby's check and gettin' paid in gyros at October 09, 2020 04:32 PM (PbpT7)


Posted by: Braenyard at October 09, 2020 04:32 PM (uCoHM)

209 GHW Bush was at near 75% in-party approval when he lost.

Carter was at near 50% in-party when he lost.

Yet, Trump sits at 95%+.

Zero stories this year about how historic-- only twice in 40 years-- it is that the incumbent is losing.
2018 was non-stop gleeful reminders that Presidents always lose midterm House seats.

Come on, media! You're watching history here-- write the first draft on how Trump was so hated he lost against all historical trends!

If you believe the polls, Trump and Biden should be campaigning in Arkansas and Texas.

But Biden is in Nevada; "vote early Nevada" that doesn't start until next Saturday.

Posted by: RoyalOil at October 09, 2020 04:32 PM (aO8Gd)

210 He pegged my bullschiff meter from jump street. I never understood the appeal.

Guys like him either charm people or turn them off. Some seem to fall for every line and some seem to see through them instantly. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground at all.

He was transparently full of lies and sleaze to me, but a lot though the was just wonderful and charming, and to this day still do. His pattern and line of bullcrap still works, and probably always will.

Its how guys get laid.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:33 PM (KZzsI)

211 I do not know anybody who would vote for Biden.
However, first time around in the primary, my wife was total Cruz. She has been amazed at how moral and patriotic the vulgarian has been. And he moved the embassy to Jerusalem. She has become an enthusiastic Trump supporter. Enthusiasm is up in the household, which is nice.

Posted by: Delurk Ergo Sum at October 09, 2020 04:33 PM (YwPJG)

212 In 2016, Trump wasn't in my top 1,000 picks for the GOP
presidential nominee. I didn't like his personality and distrusted him
for his years as a Democrat. Still, I very, very reluctantly voted for
him because Hillary was Hillary. I even encouraged family members and
friends to do so, saying they could always impeach the SOB if he messed
up. I'm in Michigan, so maybe my efforts helped him to carry the state.
now 2020, and I will crawl over glass atop burning coals to vote for
The Donald. He's proven his value to the American people over and over
during the past 4 years. However, TDS has gotten so virulent that only
my closest friends know how I feel. While I can't promote Trump, I do
the next best thing by outlining the damage a Biden presidency would do
to our great country and its people.

Posted by: Outside Adjitator at October 09, 2020 04:33 PM (NvFiZ)

213 New Gallup Poll says 100% of Americans say that Hillary Rodham Clinton is fatter and drunker today than she was 4 years ago.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at October 09, 2020 04:33 PM (Z+IKu)

214 my 70 year old mother-in-law voted clinton last time and is voting for trump. she has a friend the same age who after watching biden in the debate lamented that she was the last democrat hold out in her family. but biden sealed the deal, no way she could vote for him. He was so addled and feeble in that debate she had to walk away from the dems.

Posted by: Iron-Wombat at October 09, 2020 04:33 PM (BRnXm)

215 i've been depressed since then, resigning myself to the End of America, wondering when they'll be coming for us
I marked the end June 2015. I'm grateful for what seems to be reprieve.

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 04:33 PM (Eicbe)

216 Good news.

Yelp has added a "racist" tag you can use to hurt business owners who support Trump.

You can also use it against any business that refuses to put BLM crap on their doors or windows.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 09, 2020 04:33 PM (ptqGC)

217 Are you comfortable with your relatives, friends, and coworkers knowing how you vote?

Oh hell yes. Very comfortable.
And if anyone bitches about it, I laugh at them.
If they don't like it, eff 'em.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 09, 2020 04:33 PM (axyOa)

218 I kinda feel the same about Trump's chances now as I did in 2016 and he won, so we'll see.

Posted by: Dr Spank at October 09, 2020 04:33 PM (efgRV)

219 If Trump does not get the senior vote it is because Operation Terrify the Geezers worked. And it has worked on some to be sure. Either scared to vote at all or thinking Biden will save them

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:33 PM (HwiWi)

220 Im voting for Dukakis

Immediately gets killed by jet engine

Posted by: Donnie Darko at October 09, 2020 04:34 PM (a9nW3)

221 The theory is that Trump's support is collapsing among college educated white females.

I question how much support he had in that unstable, generally leftist cadre to begin with

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:34 PM (KZzsI)

222 i've been depressed since then, resigning myself to the End of America, wondering when they'll be coming for us

Maybe this will cheer you up.

I've long believed that America is unique in being an idea. We're not about race, blood, or soil, you're American as long as you believe in the ideas that created America.

Except people don't anymore. The gyre is widening or something. The idea needs the audience to clap for Tinkerbelle but no one is clapping and Tinkerbelle is dead.

240 years was a good run.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at October 09, 2020 04:34 PM (q2K0j)

223 That makes me think that the Shy Trump Voter effect is very real.

BLM is the polling firm. Choose wisely.

Posted by: t-bird at October 09, 2020 04:34 PM (KDCRD)

224 My wife, as non-political as you could get until about SEP 2016, is a Trump junkie. She's now in the "crawl over broken glass to vote for him" category. Never in a million years would have guessed that would happen.

She's sees what's coming, and sees what's at stake.

You may not like Trump, that's certainly your prerogative.

But if you don't realize that he's the only thing standing between you and a country run by Antifa/BLM/AOC then you're drool-monkey level stupid.

Posted by: Doctor.Boom at October 09, 2020 04:34 PM (NYS7S)

225 I didn't vote in 2016, because I lived in Washington and I figured my vote wouldn't count. Neither did my ex-wife and her family, and my older kids were too young to vote that year.

This year I'm voting Trump, my ex-wife is voting Trump, as is her Mom who got her US citizenship in 2017, and both of my older Kids are now old enough to vote and are voting Trump.

So, that's 5 more votes for Trump than 2016 just from my relations.

Posted by: Sharkman at October 09, 2020 04:34 PM (BM2fS)

226 "Californians who aren't being transferred here are now buying bug out homes in Texas."

Will they be sitting vacant, or will they rent them till the time they bug out?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at October 09, 2020 04:34 PM (3D/fK)

227 But I haven't seen a single story about Trump 2016-Biden 2020 defectors.

I know one, but he is a hysterical drama queen who basically flops frequently.

He was one of the first people I ever knew on the Trump train as well.

Gay guy who was married to the same woman twice.

So, issues.

Posted by: Bete at October 09, 2020 04:34 PM (Ojki1)

228 152 I was watching hundreds of Orthodox and Hasidim who usually do a pretty good job of delivering Democrats most of New York's public offices- celebrating with MAGA hats on yesterday.

That can't be a good sign.

that's why they're being punished

Posted by: BlackOrchid_j9HX3 at October 09, 2020 04:35 PM (j9HX3)

229 221 The theory is that Trump's support is collapsing among college educated white females.

I question how much support he had in that unstable, generally leftist cadre to begin with
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:34 PM (KZzsI)

Agree. A truly flaky, feckless demographic. Media Driven to the nth degree.

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 04:35 PM (bCLt0)

230 221 The theory is that Trump's support is collapsing among college educated white females.

I question how much support he had in that unstable, generally leftist cadre to begin with

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:34 PM (KZzsI)

Are those the ones screaming in their cars?

Posted by: Tami at October 09, 2020 04:35 PM (cF8AT)

231 What? No MAGA yamulkes?
Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 04:29 PM (Eicbe)

click zombies nic. Oh wait, I thought you said yabbos.

Posted by: wth at October 09, 2020 04:35 PM (v0R5T)

232 214 my 70 year old mother-in-law voted clinton last time and is voting for trump. she has a friend the same age who after watching biden in the debate lamented that she was the last democrat hold out in her family. but biden sealed the deal, no way she could vote for him. He was so addled and feeble in that debate she had to walk away from the dems.

Posted by: Iron-Wombat at October 09, 2020 04:33 PM (BRnXm)

Interesting, the exact same thing happened with one of my mom's friends.

Posted by: Jordan61 at October 09, 2020 04:35 PM (Ez6QX)

233 A friend of mine was a hardcore NeverTrumper in 2016 but now is a crawl-over-broken-glass Trump Voter. No, he doesn't really like Trump, but unlike Jonah Goldberg and Steve Schmidt, he recognizes the profound threat the left poses to what is left of America.

I know there are at least a couple here that didn't vote for Trump that have moved towards voting for him.

BCochran being one. African chick is the only one I can think of that actually left the site because of Trump but has come back and now supports him. It does seem like all the others though that left in a funk at least haven't come back, and some seem to have gone even crazier. But I can't think of anyone here that voted for Trump in 2016 has left saying they won't be voting for him this year.

Posted by: buzzion at October 09, 2020 04:35 PM (vMCab)

234 I mean think about what the elderly watch. And remember they are mostly locked down in terror. Nothing but news channels horror stories( including Fox News) and endless " stay safe" ads

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:35 PM (HwiWi)

235 Poll Which Correctly Called 2016 Election Sees Another "Shocking" Outcome In November

In the following Election Review from Camelot Portfolios, we look at what some of the polling firms that called 2016 correctly are seeing today. "Shocking", their polling suggests that President Trump will be re-elected, either narrowly or by a large margin. Therefore, as Camelot notes, "capital allocators today cannot easily assume next month's results."
Nice to know that Zerohedge finally caught up to what I posted 3 days ago *eye roll*

Posted by: Dave in Fla at October 09, 2020 04:35 PM (5p7BC)

236 both of my boys will be on the Trump train.

Posted by: nurse ratched at October 09, 2020 04:36 PM (W2Pud)

237 Ace,

We know DC business is all anti-Trump - a national business organization is trying to get state organizations to petition the Labor Department to back off the diversity training guidelines just so they don't have to deal with retraining all their employees - and they are very vague about critical race theory. All of DC is against Trump. And us.

Posted by: JEM1 at October 09, 2020 04:36 PM (ddq80)

238 I know ONE Trump16/Biden20 voter. Only reason she voted Trump was truly HATED HRC

I know 7 people in my office who are public NT but are voting DJT because of results.

Posted by: Kitsapbass at October 09, 2020 04:36 PM (l014b)

239 You can also use it against any business that refuses to put BLM crap on their doors or windows.
Posted by: Jane D'oh

always look for the no BLM label

Posted by: x at October 09, 2020 04:36 PM (nFwvY)

240 Of course Flipper is a Trump voter cuz dolphins are rapists omgg!1!! #MeTwoo

Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at October 09, 2020 04:36 PM (FCQR/)

241 Gallup: 56% of Americans Say They Are Better Off Today Than They Were Four Years Ago

I guess 56% hasn't been to the grocery store or a restaurant lately.
Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at October 09, 2020 04:16 PM (3P/5p)


Some people understand that this isn't Trump.

Posted by: Laughing in Texas at October 09, 2020 04:36 PM (ExV1e)

242 not only can the media not find any Trump to Biden converts, they can't even fake some up

which everyone knows they would do in a heartbeat

Posted by: Retard Strength Trumps Smart Power at October 09, 2020 04:36 PM (uS2EJ)

243 It's no secret that women hate other women, especially those in power.
Kamala checks every box when it comes what they hate in other women.
Posted by: JoeF. at October 09, 2020 04:32 PM (HrMC1)

Bierce's definition of a misogynist: A man who hates women almost as much as women hate other women.

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 04:36 PM (Eicbe)

244 My grandfather voted for Trump in 2016, but is voting for Biden this year.

Never would have happened if he were still alive.

Posted by: Matt at October 09, 2020 04:36 PM (MUp5h)

245 If the latest round of polls are correct, there's a lot of people saying "I supported Tump, but then he caught Chinacooties so now I'm going with the communist mob".

Posted by: The King of Headbutting at October 09, 2020 04:36 PM (qltEd)

246 Yelp has added a "racist" tag you can use to hurt business owners who support Trump.

Yelp, like LinkedIn they overestimate their solidity and command of the market. People can bail on Yelp without even noticing its gone, its not ubiquitous or strong enough to drive away customers unharmed.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:36 PM (KZzsI)

247 The theory is that Trump's support is collapsing among college educated white females.

I question how much support he had in that unstable, generally leftist cadre to begin with
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:34 PM (KZzsI)

So college-educated white females abandoned "Historic First" St. Hillary for Donnie "Grab 'em by the..." but now Trump is just a bridge too far?

Posted by: Doctor.Boom at October 09, 2020 04:36 PM (NYS7S)

248 Don't know if this has been mentioned already, but it seems Scully has a history of getting his twatter account "hacked" after making regrettable tweets.
From Zero Hedge:

Posted by: Kwai Chang Mandelblit at October 09, 2020 04:36 PM (o+znz)

249 There is a very active Democrat Op to try and depress Trump voters so they won't come out. They want you to believe a Biden win is inevitable, so you won't vote and your will lose enthusiasm.

This is one of the oldest voter suppression tricks in the books. The media has helped them make it more effective.

By the way, this should look familiar. It's what they did with Hillary in 2016, but it's on steroids this time.

I always say, don't give up the fight until you are not breathing. If I go, I am going standing up, not lying down.

Posted by: Marcus T at October 09, 2020 04:37 PM (VpIIl)

i've been depressed since then, resigning myself to the End of America, wondering when they'll be coming for us[/i or]

Welcome, brother!
I think a Trump re-election buys us a few more years to prep. The government, the corporations, the media and all the institutions are completely owned and saturated with extreme SJW leftism.

We are their mortal enemies with whom they can not co-exist, despite their shitty bumperstickers.

You can flee the cities, sure but the governmental power structure remains their. County commissioners don't get to invoke "emergency powers".

Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at October 09, 2020 04:37 PM (3P/5p)

251 buzzion I never left but I was extremely Nevertrump until like a month before the election and even then voted holding my nose. I've completely been won over by the past 4 years.

Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at October 09, 2020 04:37 PM (FCQR/)

252 In 2016, I was a anyone=but=-Hillary voter, rather than a Trump supporter. Now we have 2 huge trump flags, participated in a Trump boat parade, and have donated as much as possible and encouraged our friends to do so too.

My one vote is still just one vote, but it will a yugely enthusiastic vote this time!

Posted by: LASue at October 09, 2020 04:37 PM (2V6Ll)

253 and then there was just the rudeness and conflict of it. It was a tough thing to watch.

I didn't blame trump for the cringe of it all -- but I'm a trump partisan. I literally think the country is over and will become a repressive communist shithole if he loses.

but I did think that anyone who was not as dedicated a trump partisan as I am would blame him for the debate, and that made me very, very worried.

i've been depressed since then, resigning myself to the End of America, wondering when they'll be coming for us
Posted by: ace, cashing his Arby's check and gettin' paid in gyros at October 09, 2020 04:29 PM (PbpT7)

Yeah, I can see that. But I don't that the debate swayed anyone. The left already things Trump's a crazy madman, and the right already knows that the media is horribly biased, and I really dont buy the idea that there is a huge number of dumb dumbs wandering around out there, registered and ready to vote, but with no idea who they are going to vote for, just waiting to make up their mind until they see a civil debate amongst high browed candidates speaking the truth about hard issues.

As for America being over -- oh yeah, totally agree. We're fucked. Nothing around us makes sense -- not the economy, the stock market, the pandemic, the masks, the riots, the complete unhingedness of half our population.

But, yeah -- we'll have to see how that plays out. I think that's more of a medium- to long- term problem.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 09, 2020 04:37 PM (cnTJD)

254 99 My 19 year old daughter is casting her very first vote for Trump. I am so jealous. My very first vote was for Bob Dole.
Posted by: Jmel at October 09, 2020 04:22 PM (uDrtR)


Bob Dole didn't even vote for Bob Dole! And Bob Dole should know!

Posted by: Bob Dole at October 09, 2020 04:37 PM (CAJOC)

255 I've got one conservative friend who wrote in Ted Cruz in 2016 because she felt Trump was a buffoon. She is now campaigning for Trump and was annoyed that I wouldn't put a Trump bumper sticker on my new car (I live in Jersey fer cryin' out loud.)

Other than that, the rest of the libs I know are sticking with Biden, and the real Americans I know are sticking with Trump.

Posted by: IrishEi at October 09, 2020 04:37 PM (sGotD)

256 *remains in their hands

Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at October 09, 2020 04:37 PM (3P/5p)

257 Some people understand that this isn't Trump.
Posted by: Laughing in Texas at October 09, 2020 04:36 PM (ExV1e)
Why would people who are paying attention think that Mr. I-hope-to-be-open-by-Easter is to blame for the continuous shut down?

Trump also made it very clear that there were other costs in shutting down, and you had to balance the risk of Covid with those costs.

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 04:38 PM (Eicbe)

258 Damn, was the Intervention Season this early in 2016??

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 04:38 PM (bCLt0)

259 217
Are you comfortable with your relatives, friends, and coworkers knowing how you vote?

Very. If they know me they already know how I'll vote without having to ask me. If they don't agree they stay away. I do enjoy teasing college kids though.

Posted by: dartist at October 09, 2020 04:38 PM (+ya+t)

260 226 "Californians who aren't being transferred here are now buying bug out homes in Texas."

Will they be sitting vacant, or will they rent them till the time they bug out?
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice


Posted by: x at October 09, 2020 04:38 PM (nFwvY)

261 I'd kind of like Hillary to do one last, solid faceplant before disappearing forever.

Posted by: Northernlurker, still lurking after all these years at October 09, 2020 04:38 PM (lgiXo)

262 They also note that the "Shy Trumper" effect -- where Trump supporters won't admit to pollsters they still support Trump -- is still strong, based on their own experience.

Millions of people work in government and corporate bureaucracies where you can put up a BLM or Angela Davis poster in your cubicle, and that is perfectly acceptable.

Put up a MAGA or a Back The Blue poster, and the Leftists in HR will crush you.

I think that a big source of covert support for Trump is the mandatory racial struggle sessions that people in large bureaucracies have to attend, where they are told that the only reason why they've accomplished anything in their lives is due to their skin color, and are sometimes required to publicly announce how racist they are.

I knew quite a few people who worked in a large bureaucracy, and they hated - hated - the required "diversity training" with the heat of a thousand suns.

Want less of that? Vote for Trump.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 09, 2020 04:38 PM (I2/tG)

263 There was one local idiot here who put up a BLM yard sign. It was run over so many times he had to nail it to a tree. I suspect that has a shelf life too.

Posted by: Marcus T at October 09, 2020 04:38 PM (VpIIl)

264 I fit in the "Reluctant Trump to Enthusiastic Trump" category myself. I spent most of the 2016 primary season torn between Trump and Cruz (and hating the feud between them).

I voted for Cruz in the primary. I voted for Trump in the general, because no amount of mental contortionism could make the deeds of the Butcher of Benghazi somehow more palatable than the mere words of Donald J. Trump.

I resigned myself to "it'll probably be 4 years of self-promotion and ugly compromises given the used car salesman treatment". I have never been more happy to be wrong.

No politician in my memory has made an attempt to deliver on as many of his promises as Trump. He hasn't always succeeded, but it's been a breath of fresh air.

Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est, Post-Apocalyptic Scourge of the Seas at October 09, 2020 04:38 PM (O4K4J)

265 My first vote was for *cringes* Mondale. I was terrified Reagan would kill us all in nuclear war. Hey, I was young.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:38 PM (KZzsI)

266 217 Are you comfortable with your relatives, friends, and coworkers knowing how you vote?

Oh hell yes. Very comfortable.
And if anyone bitches about it, I laugh at them.
If they don't like it, eff 'em.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 09, 2020 04:33 PM (axyOa)

^ This.

Posted by: Jordan61 at October 09, 2020 04:38 PM (Ez6QX)

267 And, I hasten to add, our soldier/scholar Eldest Spawn will be voting for PDT this year! He's quite excited as this is his first real election after becoming eligible just last year...

Posted by: Zettai at October 09, 2020 04:39 PM (cj33B)

268 Count me as a:

- Didnt vote for him (or Clinton) last time but would crawl over broken glass to so this time
- not telling my kids I am voting for him (not right away at least)
- wouldnt tell a pollster jack squat

Posted by: hoss at October 09, 2020 04:39 PM (APkL/)

269 I thought it was Reagan who asked if you are better off than 4 years ago in the 1980 race?
Posted by: MAGA (I got rabies for Trump) at October 09, 2020


I recall Reagan saying it in the 1984 race.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at October 09, 2020 04:39 PM (rpbg1)

270 265 My first vote was for *cringes* Mondale. I was terrified Reagan would kill us all in nuclear war. Hey, I was young.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:38 PM (KZzsI)

Heh. I sat that one out.

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 04:39 PM (bCLt0)

271 i've been depressed since then, resigning myself to the End of America, wondering when they'll be coming for us

Hey, it ever there was a time to stand up and be counted, it's now.
Be Loud and be Proud!
I'm not a Republican, I'm a Conservative American.
Now is the time to push back. Now is the time to give a Shout Out to America.
Now is the time to stand tall.
Do not waver.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 09, 2020 04:39 PM (axyOa)

272 Q Are you comfortable with your relatives, friends, and coworkers knowing how you vote?

Trump voters: Yes = 22%

Biden voters: Yes = 87%
Posted by: Dave in Fla

I saw you post those numbers this morning, and honestly they are incredible. It means 4 out of 5 Trump voters don't want anyone to know how they are voting. I don't remember people hiding their support for any other candidate the way they have to for Trump. Not that you can blame them, who wants to be fired or worse. But those are honestly astonishing numbers.

Posted by: MaureenTheTemp at October 09, 2020 04:40 PM (GZ/yK)

273 I think the 25th Amendment announcement might just be a huge Own Goal for Nancy. It isn't playing out nearly the way she thought it would.

Posted by: Tom Servo at October 09, 2020 04:40 PM (Kpl3J)

274 Bob Dole didn't even vote for Bob Dole! And Bob Dole should know!
Posted by: Bob Dole at October 09, 2020 04:37 PM (CAJOC)


Impotence effects voting as well, apparently.

Posted by: TexasDan at October 09, 2020 04:40 PM (yL25O)

275 I know 5 people voting for President Trump this time who did not vote at all last time.

Posted by: It'sHuge! at October 09, 2020 04:40 PM (DYcwZ)

276 This is good also, about the polling companies that actually got the last POTUS election correct, they all say Trump will be reelected:

Posted by: Kwai Chang Mandelblit at October 09, 2020 04:40 PM (o+znz)

277 Will Pelosi quit if Trump wins ?

She is a fucking nut

Posted by: Hatari Somewhere on Ventura Highway at October 09, 2020 04:40 PM (iWIqo)

278 244 My grandfather voted for Trump in 2016, but is voting for Biden this year.

Never would have happened if he were still alive.
Posted by: Matt at October 09, 2020 04:36 PM (MUp5h)


Posted by: Jordan61 at October 09, 2020 04:40 PM (Ez6QX)

279 currently nagging KTE to update her voter reg so she can vote here

Posted by: vmom 2020 - Grow Up and Vote for Trump by Eddie Scarry at October 09, 2020 04:40 PM (nUhF0)

280 I think the basic dynamic ace outlined - logical and anecdotally supported drift of non-Trump '16 voters towards him this time - is accurate and certainly a factor.

But not the only one, obviously.

And it's all a reminder of how semi-ruined the country is, because it has no information system (there's nothing resembling an actual press), and a degraded electorate (elderly who actually follow/believe the increasingly ludicrous MSM alternative universe, and dumbed-down younger people, victims of a cultural and institutional decline of which they are now a chicken coming home to roost).

Posted by: rhomboid at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (OTzUX)

281 I won't be happy until Hillary s in a stock in Times Square with people throwing rotten vegetables at her and Joe Biden is running around in circles in a jester suit constantly strumming his dribbling lips and saying he's Mary Queen of Scots

Posted by: Marcus T at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (VpIIl)

282 What about unionized workers? Would they admit voting for Trump?

Trump has been going after China and unfair trade deals. I have to imagine a lot of unionized people are voting Trump...

I'm just wondering. I'm not seeing any Trump ads on Detroit television. Between Whitmer, the violence, and everything else, I'd easily believe Trump's polls are telling him Michigan is a lock. But I know crap.

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (v2c9/)

283 On November 8, 2016, Gallup had Clinton with 52% unfavorable.

Biden is currently at 46%.

This time 4 years ago, Pussy Tape was still 50-point blaring font on every newspaper and broadcast.

Yet, all the polls assume a greater shift toward Biden by white women ... because Biden is significantly more popular than Hillary... by 6 points.

Posted by: RoyalOil at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (aO8Gd)

284 Maybe Trump is losing support of some college educated white females, with respect to the ones who have kids I'm not so sure about trump losing them.

Posted by: Dr Spank at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (efgRV)

285 Bob Dole didn't even vote for Bob Dole! And Bob Dole should know!
Posted by: Bob Dole at October 09, 2020 04:37 PM (CAJOC)


Impotence effects voting as well, apparently.
Posted by: TexasDan at October 09, 2020 04:40 PM (yL25O)

Depends ?

Posted by: Hatari Somewhere on Ventura Highway at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (iWIqo)

286 265 My first vote was for *cringes* Mondale. I was terrified Reagan would kill us all in nuclear war. Hey, I was young.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:38 PM (KZzsI)


You could have gone Anderson though.

Posted by: TexasDan at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (yL25O)

287 If I have already studied coding, what happens next?

Posted by: humphreyrobot at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (pB6Gt)

288 251 buzzion I never left but I was extremely Nevertrump until like a month before the election and even then voted holding my nose. I've completely been won over by the past 4 years.
Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at October 09, 2020 04:37 PM (FCQR/)

But you did vote for him. I don't see AmishDude or Chemjeff or Y-not or DrewM saying they did that. And they sure haven't returned declaring support for Trump.

Posted by: buzzion at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (vMCab)

289 I think we are going to see historic numbers this year. Like on the order of 500 million votes cast.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (dNzKv)

290 Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 09, 2020 04:38 PM (I2/tG)

I work for a small company, but my boss is super woke, so the rest of us don't talk politics at all.

But I kinddd of suspect at least one or two of them are on the same page as me politically. It's all in like knowing glances and subtle things ("oh, my husband wanted to live somewhere where he could easily go to a gun range. It's one of his hobbies..." like feeling me out).

Hard to know.

But yeah, we're all super quiet because the boss is so over the top loud about it.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (cnTJD)

291 The theory is that Trump's support is collapsing among college educated white females.>>>Same cohort that cheerfully trades liberties for perceived safety. So, they're going for the antifa and blm backed candidate. Something just doesn't pass the smell test here.

Posted by: Old Dude at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (LGXGf)

292 I would say I went from Skeptical-Trump to Enthusiastic-Trump.

Nothing short of the Second Coming is going to keep me from voting for a perpetuation of the republic.

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (Eicbe)

293 Never fear. Just remember the moron codeword so we can recognize each other in the camps...

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (HwiWi)

294 270 265 My first vote was for *cringes* Mondale. I was terrified Reagan would kill us all in nuclear war. Hey, I was young.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:38 PM (KZzsI)

That was my 2nd election, and I voted Reagan, of course.
Seems I was born conservative, just on the wrong side of the tracks

Posted by: Kwai Chang Mandelblit at October 09, 2020 04:42 PM (o+znz)

295 If you already know how to code, you just #learntoload

Your guns

Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at October 09, 2020 04:42 PM (FCQR/)

296 We just found an entire cargo container full of ballots down by the docks! Hurry! Count them all! No time to verify!

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 09, 2020 04:42 PM (dNzKv)

297 The theory is that Trump's support is collapsing among college educated white females. We shall see.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 09, 2020 04:28 PM (I2/tG)

Not this one.
Posted by: Jordan61 at October 09, 2020 04:30 PM (Ez6QX)

Nor me, or any of my former book club/now Trump club friends. 13-15 highly educated California-based white women.

Posted by: LASue at October 09, 2020 04:42 PM (2V6Ll)

298 "I'm so much better off, that Imna intend to vote for the guy that says he'll shut us down again, completely, because science".

Says no fvckingbody ever.

Posted by: BluesFish at October 09, 2020 04:42 PM (WQZ1O)

299 There are no Trump 2016 voters switching to Biden this time. First of all, the reasons mentioned. We would be seeing non-stop profiles in courage. But also...why would anyone switch? Trump is the first President in forever who has actually done what he said he would do. He didn't hide it, or refuse to answer questions because it would make headlines. He said what he would do, the left ridiculed him for it, then he won, then he did it. If you voted for Trump, you knew what he would do, and then he did it. Why switch?
The only explanation I could think is if you buy into the liberal narrative that Trump failed on coronavirus. But if you buy into that ignorant idiocy, you probably would not have voted for Trump in 2016 either.

Democrat hopes can only be pinned on the hoping that voters that stayed home in 2016 because they hated Hillary, will now come out for Biden because they don't hate him as much. Not sure that is enough. It sure isn't enough for a double digit win.

Posted by: Matt at October 09, 2020 04:42 PM (MUp5h)

300 295 Never fear. Just remember the moron codeword so we can recognize each other in the camps...
Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (HwiWi)

Is it "codeword"?

Posted by: Kwai Chang Mandelblit at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (o+znz)

301 My first vote was for Dinkins over Giuliani in the NYC mayors race. I hated Giuliani LOL

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (HwiWi)

302 Bob Dole just called out the debate commission on Twitter.

Posted by: Mark1971 at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (xPl2J)

303 More tea leaf material. Of course there haven't been rallies, or many, for a bit. But this cycle, and I believe in the rallies going back for years now, the Trump team has found some pretty instructive and interesting %s among those applying for tickets.

The %s of Democrats, of previously non-voting/now engaged likely voters, of intermittent voters - staggering.

Of course that was a big part of Trump's 2016 story. He brought new/lapsed voters into the process. One reason the polling could not forecast accurately.

Posted by: rhomboid at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (OTzUX)

304 Yay! My Dire Straits album box set is out for delivery today from Amazon. :-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (L2ZTs)

305 My concern ( yes concern) is that the weak willed cowardly LIV who would otherwise lean Trump will vote for Biden under the theory all this chaos and riots will go away.

Essentially giving up and kicking the can down the road.

Posted by: Weaning is hard at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (2DOZq)

306 270 265 My first vote was for *cringes* Mondale. I was terrified Reagan would kill us all in nuclear war. Hey, I was young.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:38 PM (KZzsI)

Heh. I sat that one out.
Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 04:39 PM (bCLt0)

The very first vote on the very first ballot that I was ever able to cast (that'll tell you my age) was for Ronald Reagan, in 1980. I even got to go to an airport campaign appearance in that spring, towards the end of the primaries, so I could always say that I saw him in person at least one time. and in 1984, my car was covered with Reagan stickers.

Posted by: Tom Servo at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (Kpl3J)

307 Why bother showing your support for Trump when all people do is attack you? Last time, it was fun watching the dog nail all the idiots trying to steal my Trump signs, but really even the dog got bored after awhile.

BTW, this is why Democrats want to harvest votes and do all they can to eliminate the secrecy of your ballot. Secret ballots mean people vote honestly and without intimidation.

Posted by: Marcus T at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (VpIIl)

308 I know a reluctant '16 Trump voter going Biden!

A troll at Insty's last night called "Dustin" who commented, "Trump didn't get rid of obamacare or build a wall or cut spending, his three main promises" while saying elsewhere (I think over the economy) that he wants W back.

I linked the U6 unemployment rate charts for unemployment by race showing that everyone was better off or equal in Sept. 2020 than for a full seven years of 0bama's eight (like black unemployment is 12% now and was higher, much higher for those JEF years) and he said that shows how crap Trump's Wuhan economy is (that Trump caused) etc.

Posted by: andycanuck at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (an7Mv)

309 302 295 Never fear. Just remember the moron codeword so we can recognize each other in the camps...
Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (HwiWi)

Is it "codeword"?
Posted by: Kwai Chang Mandelblit at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (o+znz)

Too obvious. It's Codeword.

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (bCLt0)

310 265 My first vote was for *cringes* Mondale. I was terrified Reagan would kill us all in nuclear war. Hey, I was young.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:38 PM (KZzsI)

Grade 8 in Southern, Ontario.
I remember us talking about that at recess.

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (v2c9/)

311 302 295 Never fear. Just remember the moron codeword so we can recognize each other in the camps...
Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (HwiWi)

Is it "codeword"?
Posted by: Kwai Chang Mandelblit at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (o+znz)

No, no, it's "NOOD Hillary Clinton."

Anyone who laughs is one of us. Anyone who recoils in horror is to be treated with suspicion.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (cnTJD)

312 Really it's in the best interests of the NT columnists to vote Trump. Otherwise their business model fails if Trump is longer president. They are no longer useful to the left.

Posted by: InCali at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (9AFWN)

313 My first vote was for *cringes* Mondale. I was terrified Reagan would kill us all in nuclear war. Hey, I was young.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:38 PM (KZzsI)

That's why I was there!

Posted by: John Anderson at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (2V6Ll)

314 Never fear. Just remember the moron codeword so we can recognize each other in the camps...
Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (HwiWi)

Is it "codeword"?
Posted by: Kwai Chang Mandelblit at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (o+znz)
Carrot chili

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (Eicbe)

315 If Trump is going to win, it'd be nice for him to grab a polling lead in the last week or so, just because it'll give all the progs and libs time to get a head start on their stages of grief. You know, don't surprise them so bad this time.

Posted by: Grifty McGrift at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (dYe5S)

316 The British and Australian polls all got the last elections wrong too. And get this, they were wrong in favor of the globalist leftist cabal!!!!

Posted by: ... at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (zygej)

317 300 "I'm so much better off, that Imna intend to vote for the guy that says he'll shut us down again, completely, because science".

Says no fvckingbody ever.
Posted by: BluesFish at October 09, 2020 04:42 PM (WQZ1O)


Exactly. And those of us who have been hurt by a shutdown do not want any more of that bullshit.

Posted by: Seems Legit at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (jUVms)

Yelp has added a "racist" tag you can use to hurt business owners who support Trump.

You can also use it against any business that refuses to put BLM crap on their doors or windows.
Posted by: Jane D'oh

Tag ALL businesses as racist.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (63Dwl)

319 288 If I have already studied coding, what happens next?
Posted by: humphreyrobot at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (pB6Gt)


You fulfill your purpose. Pass the butter.

Posted by: No One of Consequence at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (CAJOC)

320 Christopher R Taylor, nice to know I wasn't the only one with that irrational fear. :-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (L2ZTs)

321 There is a very active Democrat Op to try and depress Trump voters so they won't come out. They want you to believe a Biden win is inevitable, so you won't vote and your will lose enthusiasm.

It's what Obama did - twice. All of Obama's negative advertising against the Republican candidate was just intended to keep white working-class people from voting. Given that the alternatives were McCain and Romney, that wasn't too difficult.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (I2/tG)

322 Hillary was the default choice in 16. If you were undecided, you CHOSE to vote for trump. None of those people is going to choose the rapist now.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (dNzKv)

323 You could have gone Anderson though.

...I may have, its a a bit hazy at this point. Until Bush the younger I tended to vote third party.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (KZzsI)

But you did vote for him. I don't see AmishDude or Chemjeff or Y-not or DrewM saying they did that. And they sure haven't returned declaring support for Trump.
Posted by: buzzion at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (vMCab)

What did they want in a candidate? That is what I don't understand. As conservatives, we want small government, fewer restrictions on our choices to live our lives, and opportunities for citizens to make a decent living. Hillary wasn't offering that, so who did they think was going to bring it to them?

Posted by: Moki at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (+X9Vs)

325 Bob Dole:

The Commission on Presidential Debates is supposedly bipartisan w/ an equal number of Rs and Ds. I know all of the Republicans and most are friends of mine. I am concerned that none of them support @realDonaldTrump. A biased Debate Commission is unfair.

Posted by: Mark1971 at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (xPl2J)

326 Never fear. Just remember the moron codeword so we can recognize each other in the camps...

Then we can Google our way out of camp.

Posted by: humphreyrobot at October 09, 2020 04:45 PM (pB6Gt)

327 How did that 25th amendment thing turn out today?

[ ] Lead balloon
[ ] Fart in church

Posted by: HB at October 09, 2020 04:45 PM (nzKWW)

328 Anyone who knows me knows I support Trump. They can like it or not. I don't care. I am who I am. I make no bones about it.

Posted by: Case at October 09, 2020 04:45 PM (k1ip1)

329 My barber *might* be a Trump-to-Biden flipper. I think. I'm not really sure.

I know that he bought into the MUH RUSSIA! crap early on, and due to some health concerns he's gotten very freaked out about the Kung Flu.

But whereas in 2016 I knew quite a few people in my hometown that I was pretty sure would not vote for Trump--hell, I could just barely bring myself to vote for him--this time around I only know a handful who I don't think will vote for him.

I think I only know one or two who absolutely won't.

Posted by: Dr. T at October 09, 2020 04:45 PM (A1UwY)

330 Q Are you comfortable with your relatives, friends, and coworkers knowing how you vote?


99.9% of my relatives will be voting Trump and they all know how I'm voting. Most friends know too. I don't discuss politics much with the few lefty friends I do have. What's the point?

Daughter was very conservative in HS and most of college. Law school seemed to have done her in. She's gone SJW the last few years. NO ONE brings up politics around her! The only person she will discuss politics with is my husband...and he does it in a calm way but doesn't always hold back. I'm actually surprised she calls him to discuss things. I do know that she doesn't like Biden at all....I think she won't vote which is just fine with me.

Posted by: Tami at October 09, 2020 04:45 PM (cF8AT)

331 Anyone remember the 2012 Democrat Convention? I don't remember much, other than the speakers loved - loved - Obama and the in person audience reaction was the same - love of all things Obama.

Remember the 2012 Republican Convention? It was a salute to ideas and slogans that we all agree with - You Did Build That! - but no one gave two shits about Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan.

Fast forward to 2020 and the two parties are reversed. People like Mrs. Dorn, the Muellers, the Cuban business owner in Miami, they love Trump. They might not respect everything about him, but they love what he does for them, what he means for them.

Meanwhile Biden is running on a return to nice things with Covid-19 as his running mate. Can anyone remember a single speaker at their convention?

That's why you don't know a single Trump to Biden voter. The Trump connection is visceral, just like it was with Obama. And the Dems are trying to beat visceral with alleged competence.

How'd that work out for everyone in 2012?

Posted by: Stephen at October 09, 2020 04:45 PM (pDXqw)

332 I hope Trump doesn't lose Maryland or California, like last time.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at October 09, 2020 04:45 PM (3D/fK)

333 216 Good news.

Yelp has added a "racist" tag you can use to hurt business owners who support Trump.

You can also use it against any business that refuses to put BLM crap on their doors or windows.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 09, 2020 04:33 PM (ptqGC)

Yeah, this won't backfire, as a lot of Chinese places get labeled racist.

Posted by: buzzion at October 09, 2020 04:45 PM (vMCab)

334 i've been depressed since then, resigning myself to the End of America, wondering when they'll be coming for us

The message of sixteen years (?) of AoS should be what? The media is lying to you.

Posted by: t-bird at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (WLHrn)

335 323 Christopher R Taylor, nice to know I wasn't the only one with that irrational fear. :-)
Posted by: qdpsteve at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (L2ZTs)

But you get nervous around opossums too, right?

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (bCLt0)

336 You could have gone Anderson though.
But once you do, you never go back.

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (Eicbe)

337 Remember how every election the pundits like Cap'n Kristol would tell you to hold your nose and vote Republican because of Supreme Court nominations? Weird how that doesn't matter anymore.

Posted by: ryukyu at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (vKhgw)

338 Lady YD went from REEE I HATE TRUMP!!!! in 2016, to reluctantly considering voting for him late last year, to pondering aloud whether it might be best to just to make him President For Life, to keep us safe from the lunatics he and we are all up against.


That's awesome. Let's home she's one of 10s of 10000s with similar metamorphosis.

Posted by: Lady in Black at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (O+I8R)

339 "i've been depressed since then, resigning myself to the End of America, wondering when they'll be coming for us"

Turn in your man card.

Seriously, I've been in tight spots with dudes who almost completely fell apart. But once they collected themselves they were true warriors. Never quit.

Posted by: Marcus T at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (VpIIl)

340 >>>But you did vote for him. I don't see AmishDude or Chemjeff or Y-not or DrewM saying they did that.

i miss y-not, and jmflynny

Posted by: ace, cashing his Arby's check and gettin' paid in gyros at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (PbpT7)

341 In case you ever thought that the harridans on The View were anything other than what they are, I give you Norm MacDonald as a guest, during the first Bush 43 campaign:

They've been in the tank for a *very* long time.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (hYcqw)

342 physics geek:

But were they 2016 Trump supporters?

Sounds like the kind of Propriety Police People who would have voted for McMullin or Hillary in 2016.

I know quite a few of these. A whole branch of my extended family were McMullin voters. *eyeroll*

Posted by: cricket at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (vaHN3)

343 All of the reluctant-in-16 Trump voters I personally know are now either enthusiastic Trump voters, or moving in that direction. I also know a few Clinton voters who are now in the Trump camp, almost entirely because of the riots. The riots, and the Democrats' excuse-making for them, DO NOT play well with moderate Democrats -- i.e., the sort of Democrats who have real jobs in the real economy, or own their own businesses.

I don't know a single person excited about Biden, though I know a handful who are excited about Kamala Harris. They're basically hoping Biden will get elected and quickly drop dead and then Kamala can turn all of America into San Francisco.

I do live in a fairly conservative area, though, so I'm not sure how representative that is.

Posted by: Ex-liberal at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (R1mDg)

344 My first presidential vote was GHW against Bubba. I was so bummed a D won for the first time since Carter

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (HwiWi)

345 It's not a matter of "literally no one" because there's always someone, and even in this election it's very easy to imagine a scenario where someone votes Biden who voted for Trump last time, because they're tired and defeated and just want the leftist hysteria to stop. It's a poor reason to vote away your rights, but people can be dumb sometimes.

But I do think that kind of voter is such a small % it might as well be a "statistical no one."

There simply are not enough people willing to vote FOR Biden. You might find a lot of people willing to sit at home and simply not vote for Trump, but I would argue there are just as many who are prepared to sit at home and not vote for Biden, either.

Biden is the challenger. In order to win he has to either convince a lot of 2016 Trump voters to flip or convince a lot of 2016 nonvoters to join him.

The only issue where Trump is weak is covid. Good luck getting Trump voters to flip on that, however. The advantage of the incumbency is the "are you better off" question, and literally everyone concedes covid is a global thing, not an American, or a GOP, or a Trump thing. So on the big picture, four year window, asking "am I better off," Biden has to convince a lot of Trump voters that the country is worse overall than it was four years ago. I don't see that argument sticking at all.

Which means he has to convince non-voters to register to vote for him.

Hmm...does anyone see Joe inspiring that level of support? Which party is having record voter registrations? Are all these non-voters registering as Republicans just to vote for the democrat candidate?

I reject the premise that says "Trump can still win, if..."

No. I will be cautious enough to say "Trump can still lose, if..." but that's it. Right now, he's leading, imo.

Posted by: Matthew Martin at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (ZR7kf)

346 Is it "codeword"?
Posted by: Kwai Chang Mandelblit at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (o+znz)
I thought it was "kaboom" but I missed the last meeting.

Posted by: jhawk90 at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (/ZYFC)

347 I donated to the Trump campaign and now get a truck load of emails each day asking for cash, and I also get multiple texts a day from Trump, McSally, Newt, Trump Jr etc. It's annoying, anyone else having this issue?

Posted by: Dr Spank at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (efgRV)

348 I was not a Never-Trumper, but I was a "sit this one out" guy in 2016, due to butthurt over Cruz not getting the nod.

I am a walk barefoot over flaming hot broken glass to get to the polling place to cast my ballot for Trump voter this time. I'm going to drag my wife to the polls to do the same.

Posted by: thirteen28 at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (DafrQ)

349 Meanwhile Biden is running on a return to nice things with Covid-19 as his running mate. Can anyone remember a single speaker at their convention?

I remember that black dancer in the bat costume in the cringy tribute to elderly hippies, that's about it.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:47 PM (KZzsI)

350 Secret ballots mean people vote honestly and without intimidation.

It's why the D's are trying to get rid of the secret ballot in union representation campaigns.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 09, 2020 04:47 PM (I2/tG)

351 316 Never fear. Just remember the moron codeword so we can recognize each other in the camps...
Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (HwiWi)

Is it "codeword"?
Posted by: Kwai Chang Mandelblit at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (o+znz)
Carrot chili
Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (Eicbe)



Posted by: No One of Consequence at October 09, 2020 04:47 PM (CAJOC)

352 me too. I'm really tired and stressed. The debate really upset me. I wanted to take two weeks off.
Posted by: ace, cashing his Arby's check and gettin' paid in gyros at October 09, 2020 04:20 PM (PbpT7)

Yeah. That night after the debate I wrote ace must be really morose. Don't be.

Posted by: ... at October 09, 2020 04:47 PM (zygej)

353 269 I thought it was Reagan who asked if you are better off than 4 years ago in the 1980 race?
Posted by: MAGA (I got rabies for Trump) at October 09, 2020
I recall Reagan saying it in the 1984 race.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at October 09, 2020 04:39 PM (rpbg1)

He first brought it up against Carter in 1980, and the country was in shitty shape, everyone agreed the answer was NO!!!! And then he brought it up again in 1984, after he had engineered a huge economic boom.

Posted by: Tom Servo at October 09, 2020 04:47 PM (Kpl3J)

354 Mathematically, there are only five ways Biden can win.

1. Flip 2016 Trump voters
2. Higher turnout among core Dem constituencies than Hillary
3. Lower turnout among core GOP constituencies than 2016
4. Flip 2016 third party voters
5. Voter fraud

Democrats understand this, and they understand that none of the first four are happening. That leaves #5

Posted by: where's the whiskey at October 09, 2020 04:47 PM (sS+kn)

Just changed my voter registration to Democrat. Recommend any other CO Republicans to do the same - the fraud machine here is worse than most states, and they've already been busted marking and color-coding ballot envelopes, etc. Probably wouldn't hurt if you're registered Independent/Libertarian/Green, etc., for that matter.

You have til the end of today, I believe, if you're so inclined.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at October 09, 2020 04:47 PM (eXmcp)

356 Bob Dole:

The Commission on Presidential Debates is supposedly bipartisan w/ an equal number of Rs and Ds. I know all of the Republicans and most are friends of mine. I am concerned that none of them support @realDonaldTrump. A biased Debate Commission is unfair.
Posted by: Mark1971 at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (xPl2J)

Fake news. Bob Dole doesn't speak in the first person.

Posted by: Dr. T at October 09, 2020 04:47 PM (A1UwY)

357 >>The theory is that Trump's support is collapsing among college educated white females.

Eh, think a lot of them have seen how much they are hated by the Democrats.

The real wildcard is the one-two punch of COVID lockdowns making everyone a little (or a lot) nutty + 4+ months of violent riots/EVERYTHING becoming about race w/whites being the bad guys. BLM and antifa have made a point of telling us no one is safe from the mob, no American history/tradition is safe from erasure.

Sure, you can virtue signal on social media about lifting up the voices of POC blah blah blah, but in the privacy of your polling place. . .?

Who knows.

Posted by: Lizzy at October 09, 2020 04:47 PM (bDqIh)

358 That's why you don't know a single Trump to Biden voter.

That's just not true. We have their death certificates right here! *riffles stacks of paper*

Posted by: The Biden Campaign at October 09, 2020 04:47 PM (WLHrn)

359 Democrat hopes can only be pinned on the hoping that voters that stayed home in 2016 because they hated Hillary, will now come out for Biden because they don't hate him as much. Not sure that is enough. It sure isn't enough for a double digit win.
Posted by: Matt at October 09, 2020 04:42 PM (MUp5h)

Posted by: L at October 09, 2020 04:47 PM (2V6Ll)

360 Yeah. That night after the debate I wrote ace must be really morose. Don't be.
Posted by: ... at October 09, 2020 04:47 PM (zygej)

it was a fucking shitty "debate" but it won't mean much in the overall picture.

Posted by: Tom Servo at October 09, 2020 04:48 PM (Kpl3J)

361 tubal, yes. :-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at October 09, 2020 04:48 PM (L2ZTs)

362 I had the Reagan Bush local campaign HQ sponsor my college flag football team. Got cool Reagan Bush t-shirts and other swag.

Posted by: Weaning is hard at October 09, 2020 04:48 PM (2DOZq)

363 Here in NoVA, there are virtually no Trump signs and a few Biden signs in the high end suburbs. I attribute that to the fact that if you have a Trump sign in your yard or a Trump sticker on your car, you are going to get vandalized, 100% chance. Also, you cannot possibly drive into DC with a Trump sticker on your car. My son has a beat to shit Honda Civic that is on it's last legs and I'm half tempted to tell him to put a Trump bumper sticker on it and park in in downtown DC, cuz the insurance payoff is gonna be way more than it'll cost to fix it.

Posted by: Open Channel D at October 09, 2020 04:48 PM (gcQt5)

364 If I tell you 1000 times your side is losing in a landslide, when I steal the election from you, you'll be less likely to call me on it.

Because of course everyone knew Trump was going to lose, and look, he did!

Posted by: AndyTheSquirrel at October 09, 2020 04:48 PM (5f35b)

Meanwhile Biden is running on a return to nice things with Covid-19 as his running mate. Can anyone remember a single speaker at their convention?

There's something happening here. What it is is most assuredly queer.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at October 09, 2020 04:48 PM (63Dwl)

366 I was a reluctant Trump vote in 2016. Broken-glass voter this time.

My wife, who is a Suburban Wine Mom (sorta), did not cast a vote for either candidate in 2016, and is a somewhat-enthusiastic Trump voter this time.

Posted by: ballistic at October 09, 2020 04:48 PM (oXNqT)

367 Hey, it ever there was a time to stand up and be counted, it's now.
Be Loud and be Proud!
I'm not a Republican, I'm a Conservative American.
Now is the time to push back. Now is the time to give a Shout Out to America.
Now is the time to stand tall.
Do not waver.
Posted by: Diogenes at October 09, 2020 04:39 PM (axyOa)

No other labels matter.

We are Americans.

The other side are anti-American.

We want to repair, refurbish, and reinvigorate this country.

They want to tear it down and turn it into a third-rate, Brazil-corrupt pastiche of Germany, France, and the Low Countries.

American is the only label that matters.

It is the only one that will endure.

Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est, Post-Apocalyptic Scourge of the Seas at October 09, 2020 04:48 PM (O4K4J)

I donated to the Trump campaign and now get a truck load of emails each
day asking for cash, and I also get multiple texts a day from Trump,
McSally, Newt, Trump Jr etc. It's annoying, anyone else having this

Posted by: Dr Spank at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (efgRV)

Same here.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 09, 2020 04:48 PM (ptqGC)

369 I know 2 guys who never voted that are going Trump. One my 60 year old brother and a 40 year old guy I've known since he was a kid. I wonder how many more of them are out there.

Posted by: dartist at October 09, 2020 04:48 PM (+ya+t)

370 Any other indicators?

*** Michelle performing that online crying jag calling Trump a straight up racist=internal DNC polls that indicate uncomfortably higher Trump support among blacks?
***New gun and ammo sales (what ammo? You got ammo?) off the charts among black folks, women, and suburbanites=law and order needed? probably most of them Trump
***Mmmmm. Lots of American flags out...wonder what that's about? I know what it means in my neighborhood.

None of my Trump-voting friends or family have switched over.

I know some folks who were Hillary supporters who are either not voting at all, or voting Libertarian.

OK, so the scary polls to suppress and demoralize Trump support will continue until election night. But I fear we ain't seen nothing yet. More insanity, fake stories, hoaxes, and media malfeasance to come...

Posted by: ProfShade at Our Glass Lake at October 09, 2020 04:48 PM (BdDfF)

371 Democrat hopes can only be pinned on the hoping that voters that stayed home in 2016 because they hated Hillary, will now come out for Biden because they don't hate him as much. Not sure that is enough. It sure isn't enough for a double digit win.
Posted by: Matt at October 09, 2020 04:42 PM (MUp5h)

Exactly. I expect Harris to be bunkered in the hopes everyone will forget how horrible she is.

Posted by: LASue at October 09, 2020 04:48 PM (2V6Ll)

372 I think there are more than a few people who, like me, voted write in or didn't vote for the president in 2016 because for crying out loud, Hillary vs a NY reality show host? Just put a bullet in my face.

But this time, its different. We've seen what Trump will do and is in action.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:48 PM (KZzsI)

373 Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at October 09, 2020 04:47 PM (eXmcp)

smart move

Posted by: vmom 2020 - Grow Up and Vote for Trump by Eddie Scarry at October 09, 2020 04:49 PM (nUhF0)

374 Yay! My Dire Straits album box set is out for delivery today from Amazon. :-)
Posted by: qdpsteve at October 09, 2020


I'm waiting for two vintage Gillette razors. I have one like it already, but I want a backup. The other is a nearly-new travel kit. Maybe I'll be able to take a road trip sometime this winter.


Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at October 09, 2020 04:49 PM (rpbg1)

375 Missed the last thread.

They say the fuckin smog is the fuckin reason you have such beautiful fuckin sunsets.

Posted by: Desultory joe at October 09, 2020 04:49 PM (L9P9s)

376 How did that 25th amendment thing turn out today?

Joe Biden had better choose his Cabinet very, very carefully.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 09, 2020 04:49 PM (I2/tG)

377 I was a butthurt Cruzlim 4 years ago that didn't vote for Trump because I didn't want to have anything to do with a 10 point loss that I strenuously argued against. Whoops! I also though, reasonably, that he was a Manhattan liberal who was going to break every promise and might bring about nuclear ragnarok over something stupid. Needless to say I'm voting Trump.

My friend was a center-left, formerly center-right guy, who voted for Bush and Obama. His brother was a basic Obamoid millennial soyface. Both are now so red-pilled that elaborating would be a violation of Ace's rules. His politically shy wife is harder to read but she certainly hasn't moved *left*. She definitely didn't vote for Trump in 2016 and may have voted for Hillary, this time around it's hard to say.

Several aunts were Trump-curious in 2016 and are now Trump Enthusiasts. I don't know if they all voted last time. My nuclear family remains hard Hillary-Biden. All of the above is in PA.

Posted by: Funkotron at October 09, 2020 04:49 PM (nNv6v)

378 311 302 295 Never fear. Just remember the moron codeword so we can recognize each other in the camps...
Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (HwiWi)

Is it "codeword"?
Posted by: Kwai Chang Mandelblit at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (o+znz)

Too obvious. It's Codeword.
Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (bCLt0)

Megamind is pretty great.

"Minion, you were right. I was...less right".

Posted by: TexasDan at October 09, 2020 04:49 PM (yL25O)

379 "The theory is that Trump's support is collapsing among college educated white females."

I've got an idea.

Posted by: Michael Keynon, The Illinois Enema Bandit at October 09, 2020 04:49 PM (+y8uL)

380 166 I thought it was Reagan who asked if you are better off than 4 years ago in the 1980 race?
Posted by: MAGA (I got rabies for Trump) at October 09, 2020 04:27 PM (eMEkg)


I think that was '84. Mondale's shtick was "Where's the beef?"

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at October 09, 2020 04:49 PM (dfRN6)

381 >>> Yeah. That night after the debate I wrote ace must be really morose. Don't be.

I bailed after an hour, after Chris Wallace's tenth "We can't talk about what you want to talk about, Mr. President, because now we have to talk about what we Democrats want to talk about" interruption.

Posted by: ace, cashing his Arby's check and gettin' paid in gyros at October 09, 2020 04:50 PM (PbpT7)

382 Someone throw the idiot a herring.

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 04:50 PM (bCLt0)

383 The theory is that Trump's support is collapsing among college educated white females. We shall see.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 09, 2020 04:28 PM (I2/tG)

Not if they see Kamala.
It's no secret that women hate other women, especially those in power.
Kamala checks every box when it comes what they hate in other women.
Posted by: JoeF. at October 09, 2020 04:32 PM (HrMC1)

I might be a bad driver cause I get pulled over a lot, but I rarely get a ticket. The absolute worst person to get pulled over by is a black female police officer. I haven't encountered many, but each black policewoman I've encountered seems to have a huge chip on her shoulder.

Posted by: Chillin the most at October 09, 2020 04:50 PM (lonOK)

384 -
I am a walk barefoot over flaming hot broken glass
to get to the polling place to cast my ballot for Trump voter this time.
I'm going to drag my wife to the polls to do the same.

Posted by: thirteen28 at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM


You oughta at least let her wear shoes.

Posted by: irright at October 09, 2020 04:50 PM (SchQD)

385 343 >>>But you did vote for him. I don't see AmishDude or Chemjeff or Y-not or DrewM saying they did that.

i miss y-not, and jmflynny
Posted by: ace, cashing his Arby's check and gettin' paid in gyros at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (PbpT7)

I do miss NDH(jmflynny), she's on twitter but no clue if she's still still against Trump. Lost all respect for Y-Not and even found the threads she wrote that made me lose that respect.

Posted by: buzzion at October 09, 2020 04:50 PM (vMCab)

386 330 How did that 25th amendment thing turn out today?

[ ] Lead balloon
[ ] Fart in church
Posted by: HB at October 09, 2020 04:45 PM (nzKWW)

[X] Step on your own land mine moment - as everyone realized "Hey, you're really talking about Joe Biden, aren't you?"

Posted by: Tom Servo at October 09, 2020 04:50 PM (Kpl3J)

387 The message of sixteen years (?) of AoS should be what? The media is lying to you.
Posted by: t-bird at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (WLHrn)

It has to be longer than 16 years, right?

I've been here on and off since ... 2008? Maybe? 2007? and I don't feel like it was a brand new blog back then.

Or maybe it was.

Jesus, I'm getting old.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 09, 2020 04:50 PM (cnTJD)

388 The very first vote on the very first ballot that I was ever able to cast (that'll tell you my age) was for Ronald Reagan, in 1980. I even got to go to an airport campaign appearance in that spring, towards the end of the primaries, so I could always say that I saw him in person at least one time. and in 1984, my car was covered with Reagan stickers.
Posted by: Tom Servo at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (Kpl3J)

Awesome. I was a freshman in college the 1st time I voted for Reagan. I met him at a campaign stop in Dayton. The event was surprisingly sparse, and it was easy to interact with Ronnie. He was great.

Posted by: Kwai Chang Mandelblit at October 09, 2020 04:50 PM (o+znz)

389 One thing to keep in mind about the "no Trump 2016 voter goes for Biden in 2020" thing is this: It is often claimed that some people in the Midwest that voted for Obama in 2012 voted Trump in 2016 and that's why Trump won. Not sure I'd expect full rationality from people that can make such a switch. "I always vote for the tallest candidate."

Posted by: Grifty McGrift at October 09, 2020 04:50 PM (dYe5S)

390 Nanzi admitted her 25th Amendment gambit is not against President Trump, it's for future President Sundowner to get rid of him asap and have Comrade Harris in waiting take over.

Posted by: Skip at October 09, 2020 04:51 PM (OjZpE)

391 Kamala is the Idiocracy candidate. Anyone who thinks she is an answer to any (non sexual) question should be shunned.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at October 09, 2020 04:51 PM (4NtsG)

392 I think Pence should be out and in front a lot more than he is. Not that Trump is a problem but Pence is soothing and solid and traditional and elderly people probably find him a hell of lot more comforting than crazy balls-out Trump.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:51 PM (KZzsI)

393 Always keep this in mind:

A winning campaign does not choose as a running mate who was unable to win a single delegate in the primaries.

My theory is that the Dem insiders know this one is toast, and are giving Plugs a honorary sendoff (like the coach putting the retarded kid in when there are two minutes left on the clock and the score isn't even close) while, at the same time, shivving the obnoxious Cumlapper so she never troubles them again.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at October 09, 2020 04:51 PM (VikfB)

394 Also, you cannot possibly drive into DC with a Trump sticker on your car.

I think that's why Trump flags are popular - you have the option of not displaying them in enemy territory.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 09, 2020 04:51 PM (I2/tG)

395 Well I've personally red-pilled a hardcore Hillary supporter and several black Obama voters here in the Peoples Republic of Chicago. So there's that.

I'm not gonna go so far as to say Illinois is in play, but I suspect the media won't be calling Illinois for Biden the minute the polls close like they did for Hillary four years ago.

Posted by: Swanzinator, Master of the Red Pill at October 09, 2020 04:51 PM (KhImm)

396 ***Mmmmm. Lots of American flags out...wonder what that's about? I know what it means in my neighborhood.


That part right there.

Drive out of the cities and look at homes. It's incredible.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - fight like you're the third monkey in line for the ark at October 09, 2020 04:51 PM (xVQEQ)

397 I donated to the Trump campaign and now get a truck load of emails each
day asking for cash, and I also get multiple texts a day from Trump,
McSally, Newt, Trump Jr etc. It's annoying, anyone else having this

Posted by: Dr Spank at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (efgRV)

Same here.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 09, 2020 04:48 PM (ptqGC)

Yep. If they had a "pay to stop these emails" campaign, they would raise bazillions!

Posted by: LASue at October 09, 2020 04:51 PM (2V6Ll)

398 I do miss NDH(jmflynny), she's on twitter but no clue if she's still still against Trump. Lost all respect for Y-Not and even found the threads she wrote that made me lose that respect.
Posted by: buzzion at October 09, 2020 04:50 PM (vMCab)

Chemjeff been gone for a while; I was real disapointed in DrewM (he did decision desk, right?) He just shit on all of us. and then going back there was dick-in-his-mouth Gabe Malor.

Posted by: Tom Servo at October 09, 2020 04:51 PM (Kpl3J)

399 Meanwhile Biden is running on a return to nice things>>>
Oh yeah, like having our military constantly being deployed in some shit hole area of the world. Getting a bit wistful here. Geez, how can anyone be so damn stupid.

Posted by: Old Dude at October 09, 2020 04:52 PM (LGXGf)

400 Not that you can blame them, who wants to be fired or worse. But those are honestly astonishing numbers.
Posted by: MaureenTheTemp
There are people who have literally been fired for openly saying they support Trump.

This is a real factor, and the pollsters, MSM, and Dems are whistling past the graveyard when they ignore it.

Cancel culture is not sitting well, and I have some concrete examples of it with very large sample sizes to prove it.

Posted by: Dave in Fla at October 09, 2020 04:52 PM (5p7BC)


But all the "Influencers" are telling me nobody supports President Trump...unless they are racists.

btw, the first heads on the pikes will be the "Influencers."

Posted by: Soothsayer at October 09, 2020 04:52 PM (oelf+)

402 Sundowner you better take care
If I find you've been creepin' round my back stairs

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 04:52 PM (bCLt0)

403 I think that was '84. Mondale's shtick was "Where's the beef?"
Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at October 09, 2020 04:49 PM (dfRN6)
Mondale said that to Gary Hart, who still held the lead until he pulled out because of Monkey Business.

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 04:52 PM (Eicbe)

404 I think I've mentioned my mom as a good example of this.

She can't stand Trump on a personal level, and I'm 99% sure she didn't vote for him in 2016. This time--I'm not 99% sure she'll vote for him, but it's close. She's said before that she thinks Biden is a nicer guy personally, but he's too weak to be a good leader, and she thinks Trump has been a good leader.

Writ large, I just don't see how Biden overcomes that kind of movement toward Trump.

Posted by: Dr. T at October 09, 2020 04:53 PM (A1UwY)

405 Joe Biden had better choose his Cabinet very, very carefully.

I doubt Joe Biden picks which flavor of tapioca he's having for lunch

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:53 PM (KZzsI)

406 -
I donated to the Trump campaign and now get a truck load of emails each

day asking for cash, and I also get multiple texts a day from Trump,

McSally, Newt, Trump Jr etc. It's annoying, anyone else having this


Posted by: Dr Spank at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM


I think the last time I donated money was to the Cruz campaign, and I get those exact same emails/txts. It's simply the way things work.

Posted by: irright at October 09, 2020 04:53 PM (SchQD)

407 I have a hard time believing the American people would elect a senile, corrupt, pervert as president.

Posted by: Northernlurker, still lurking after all these years at October 09, 2020 04:53 PM (lgiXo)

408 Sundowner you better take care
If I find you've been creepin' round my back stairs
Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 04:52 PM (bCLt0)
Cobra cobra cobra!

Posted by: Secret Serivce at October 09, 2020 04:53 PM (Eicbe)

409 Never fear. Just remember the moron codeword so we can recognize each other in the camps...
Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (HwiWi)

Is it "codeword"?
Posted by: Kwai Chang Mandelblit at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (o+znz)
Carrot chili
Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (Eicbe)



Posted by: No One of Consequence at October 09, 2020 04:47 PM


I can just see Ace writing and deleting like crazy.

We really need to work on our OPSEC!

Personally I like Victory Tits!

Posted by: Diogenes at October 09, 2020 04:53 PM (axyOa)

410 me too. I'm really tired and stressed. The debate really upset me. I wanted to take two weeks off.
Posted by: ace, cashing his Arby's check and gettin' paid in gyros at October 09, 2020 04:20 PM (PbpT7)

Yeah. That sucks. That night after the debate I wrote "ace must be really morose".

The debate sucked. Trump did fine. It will all work out.

Posted by: ... at October 09, 2020 04:53 PM (uEbPt)

411 Will the US end? Who knows. It will definitely end if we resign ourselves to that.

Trump gave everyone a blueprint. It starts with the country is worth fighting for- so start fucking fighting. This is the beginning.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 09, 2020 04:53 PM (GwDkv)

412 I wonder if Slo realizes they are remaking Throw Mama From The Train with him as Mama?

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at October 09, 2020 04:53 PM (4NtsG)

413 Several aunts were Trump-curious in 2016 and are now Trump Enthusiasts. I don't know if they all voted last time. My nuclear family remains hard Hillary-Biden. All of the above is in PA.
Posted by: Funkotron at October 09, 2020 04:49 PM (nNv6v)

"Trump-curious." I like that.

Posted by: Jordan61 at October 09, 2020 04:53 PM (Ez6QX)

414 I saw jessu open for Husker Du in '87 at the Civic Arena.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at October 09, 2020 04:53 PM (7QVeK)

415 i've been depressed since then, resigning myself to the End of America, wondering when they'll be coming for us
Posted by: ace, cas

you're right

that is why poll watching and gotv is important

this is not a normal election
these are not normal election times

the left have gone completely insane, showed their cards this time so it's all or nothing

violence is coming no matter what

people are uneducated about America, lazy and spoiled rotten

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at October 09, 2020 04:53 PM (rjE57)

416 414 I was only 2 of those 3 things!

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:53 PM (HwiWi)

417 I like the text I got from Don, Jr. today that told me how disappointed in me his dad was because he hadn't heard from me in a while.

Jeebus. Just. Stop.

I love Trump, but his campaign fundraisers are driving me nuts.

Still. Over broken glass.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 09, 2020 04:54 PM (ptqGC)

418 Mondale said that to Gary Hart, who still held the lead until he pulled out because of Monkey Business.

Gary Hart was a much better candidate than Mondale, he would have lost but not by as catastrophic a margin.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:54 PM (KZzsI)

419 Only sticker I have on the car is a Babylon Bee, Bee.

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 04:54 PM (bCLt0)

420 I have been perplexed by the polls that show Biden leading by 9 to 16 percentage points. They just don't square with what I have been observing for the last four years.

I looked up all the two person races since 1972 (Nixon - McGovern). That one and Reagan - Mondale are the closest examples with that spread.

In both cases the winner was the incumbent, just like President Trump. Also, like Trump, both were unapologetically pro America in spite of their actual or perceived political sins. And both smoked their flaccid opponents that for told the proto man bun assholes that surround us these days.

As for President Trump, I have been watching his support however I can for the last four years with the rallies being something to behold. I know the rally part well by attending one; mother of God, his supporters would crawl over hot coals to vote for him. Me too.

For Biden to be up by 16% the split would be Biden about 58% and Trump 42%. Big Silence. Bigger snort laugh.

In 2016 Trump got around 48%.

I say a lot of these polls are pure bullshit designed to suppress people from turning out to vote for Trump. His support is crazy solid, no way he has lost 12% to 15% of them since 2016.

Another thing I don't think these polls get is the election is about the Electoral College while the polls measure the popular vote. Who gives a rat's ass if HRC got like 62% of California's vote in 2016. The real measure is all she needed to do is beat him by his support by 1 vote. In effect, these polls are distorting the chances of Biden winning because of this.

These polls smell rotten though I can't quantify why. Biden may win but it will be shy of the sum of his shriveled dick and brain or the magical votes that show up days and days after November 3rd, 2020.

Posted by: Anti Marx - Pro Lennon at October 09, 2020 04:54 PM (FBV2m)

421 Well I've personally red-pilled a hardcore Hillary supporter and several black Obama voters here in the Peoples Republic of Chicago. So there's that.

Posted by: Swanzinator, Master of the Red Pill at October 09, 2020 04:51 PM (KhImm)
Your country thanks you, sir.

Posted by: Secret Serivce at October 09, 2020 04:54 PM (Eicbe)

Four years ago I had been laid off from a job months earlier. I got a job at the end of that year and still have it.

Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at October 09, 2020 04:54 PM (jley0)

423 Good news.

Yelp has added a "racist" tag you can use to hurt business owners who support Trump.

You can also use it against any business that refuses to put BLM crap on their doors or windows.

I can actually hear the lawyers salivating.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - lives again at October 09, 2020 04:54 PM (SchxB)

424 Holy shit, Whitlock eviscerated LeBron James today.

Posted by: logprof, happily unembarreled at October 09, 2020 04:55 PM (oZuI0)

425 ***Mmmmm. Lots of American flags out...wonder what that's about? I know what it means in my neighborhood.


That part right there.

Drive out of the cities and look at homes. It's incredible.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - fight like you're the third monkey in line for the ark at October 09, 2020 04:51 PM (xVQEQ)

Biden's handlers are making a concerted effort to co-opt the US flag look (despite how racist the flag is?)= this past week I saw two trucks flying both an American flag and a Biden flag!!!

The first time I saw it it was so incongruous that I laughed.

I figured the truck owner was being paid by the hour...

Posted by: LASue at October 09, 2020 04:55 PM (2V6Ll)

426 373
I donated to the Trump campaign and now get a truck load of emails each
day asking for cash, and I also get multiple texts a day from Trump,
McSally, Newt, Trump Jr etc. It's annoying, anyone else having this

Posted by: Dr Spank at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (efgRV)

Same here.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 09, 2020 04:48 PM (ptqGC)

Hell yes. It's terrible.

Although I did respond when they wanted money for Collins.

My response was essentailly "Collins can go hang. She's less useful to us than a wet fart on a first date."

Posted by: TexasDan at October 09, 2020 04:55 PM (yL25O)

427 Gregg Jarrett @GreggJarrett Oct 3

BOMBSHELL: Clinton Allegedly Approved Russiagate Falsehood As Distraction From Email Scandal

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Oct 6
A Disgraceful Con Artist! Charges anyone?

Posted by: Braenyard at October 09, 2020 04:55 PM (uCoHM)

Nanzi admitted her 25th Amendment gambit is not against President Trump, it's for future President Sundowner to get rid of him asap and have Comrade Harris in waiting take over.

Posted by: Skip

I like this.
I like it because it's surely to catch "Dr" Jill's attention and give her cause to pause. On the other hand, "Dr" Jill is probably already totally sold out and just waiting for her payday and never looking back at that old fossil she's chained to.

Posted by: Soothsayer at October 09, 2020 04:55 PM (oelf+)

429 Dr T, you might want to mention Joe's habits around the ladies to your mom. "Handsy" doesn't begin to cover it.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at October 09, 2020 04:55 PM (4NtsG)

430 Posted by: Fuckers at October 09, 2020 04:54 PM (098J/)

Here's a cookie. Now go away.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 09, 2020 04:55 PM (ptqGC)

431 I have a simple philosophy. Vote for Trump or I will monkey stomp you.

It's an easy choice.

Posted by: Hesco Gypsy, staring from 457 meters at October 09, 2020 04:55 PM (S4MNs)

432 416 Never fear. Just remember the moron codeword so we can recognize each other in the camps...
Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (HwiWi)

Is it "codeword"?
Posted by: Kwai Chang Mandelblit at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (o+znz)
Carrot chili
Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (Eicbe)



Posted by: No One of Consequence at October 09, 2020 04:47 PM


I can just see Ace writing and deleting like crazy.

We really need to work on our OPSEC!

Personally I like Victory Tits!
Posted by: Diogenes at October 09, 2020 04:53 PM (axyOa)


Ewok, when the shelves fell.

Posted by: No One of Consequence at October 09, 2020 04:55 PM (CAJOC)

433 I thought it was "swordfish"???

Posted by: andycanuck at October 09, 2020 04:55 PM (an7Mv)

434 Yeah I think Biden might have taken a brief lead when Trump went to the hospital but I think that's gone now. The polls are unquestionably wrong its just a matter of by how much.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:55 PM (KZzsI)

435 violence is coming no matter what


Sadly, and unless Trump can semi-Pinochet some folks to Gitmo to get things under control, this is probably true.

Who would've ever thought McCarthy was that far ahead of the game?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - fight like you're the third monkey in line for the ark at October 09, 2020 04:56 PM (xVQEQ)

436 Biden is so far ahead, he is campaigning in states Clinton won in 2016.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada


I think I heard Rush today say that the Trump campaign is actually pulling money and ads out of some swing States?

If true, this tells me that their internal polling has him crushing it in those places ...

Posted by: ShainS at October 09, 2020 04:56 PM (t47Zb)

437 I'm not gonna go so far as to say Illinois is in play, but I suspect the media won't be calling Illinois for Biden the minute the polls close like they did for Hillary four years ago.
Posted by: Swanzinator, Master of the Red Pill at October 09, 2020 04:51 PM (KhImm)

I hold out no hope for Illinois.

The Chicago thugs will run the printing presses day and night if they have to to give Biden a comfortable margin.

Posted by: Dr. T at October 09, 2020 04:56 PM (A1UwY)

438 I would like to apologize for the abysmal quality of today's troll.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 09, 2020 04:56 PM (xT2tT)

439 My response was essentailly "Collins can go hang. She's less useful to us than a wet fart on a first date."
Posted by: TexasDan at October 09, 2020 04:55 PM (yL25O)



Posted by: J. Nadler at October 09, 2020 04:56 PM (CAJOC)

440 Chemjeff been gone for a while; I was real disapointed in DrewM (he did decision desk, right?) He just shit on all of us. and then going back there was dick-in-his-mouth Gabe Malor.
Posted by: Tom Servo at October 09, 2020 04:51 PM (Kpl3J)

Chemjeff was a shithead to irongrampa on the comments of a post at The Federalist and now apparently annoys the losers at Reason. Con-Art Critic(CAC) did the Decision Desk not DrewM. But Trump was basically everything that DrewM had spent years acting like he wanted whenever he complained about politicians and then he proved what a lie that was.

Posted by: buzzion at October 09, 2020 04:57 PM (vMCab)

441 343 >>>But you did vote for him. I don't see AmishDude or Chemjeff or Y-not or DrewM saying they did that.

i miss y-not, and jmflynny

Posted by: ace, cashing his Arby's check and gettin' paid in gyros at October 09, 2020 04:46 PM (PbpT7)

Y-not is one person I do.not.miss.

Posted by: Tami at October 09, 2020 04:57 PM (cF8AT)

442 431 Good news.

Yelp has added a "racist" tag you can use to hurt business owners who support Trump.

You can also use it against any business that refuses to put BLM crap on their doors or windows.

I can actually hear the lawyers salivating.
Posted by: Blanco Basura - lives again at October 09, 2020 04:54 PM (SchxB)

the answer to that is for everyone on our side to use dozens of fake accounts to spam yelp with "Racist" tags on every business that DOES put BLM stickers up. Once Yelp is overwhelmed with bullshit they'll back off.

Posted by: Tom Servo at October 09, 2020 04:57 PM (Kpl3J)

Early voting in AZ started today.

Big turnout.

Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Poll this morning had Trump up 4

Posted by: RoyalOil at October 09, 2020 04:57 PM (aO8Gd)

444 >>Not if they see Kamala.
It's no secret that women hate other women, especially those in power.
Kamala checks every box when it comes what they hate in other women.

I don't hate other women, but . . . Kamal is an uber-b#tch. Even her fans love her because she's such an b#tch. That voice, that arrogant attitude, and the facial expressions are the worst. She reminds me of a few VERY unpleasant women I've had to work with.

In a normal year, Kamala would not matter. However, we all know that she will be POTUS if Biden is elected, and she will get MSM adoration and cover for misdeeds like Obama, but on steroids, as Historic First Woman president. Just watch the post debate commentary. *blech*

Posted by: Lizzy at October 09, 2020 04:57 PM (bDqIh)

445 it was Reagan that asked the question, maybe in both 80 and 84, because you certainly were not better off in 80 and you certainly were better off in 84. Mondale used the Beto-like "hell yes I'm going to raise your taxes" line. John Anderson was the neverTrumper of 1980.

Posted by: x at October 09, 2020 04:57 PM (nFwvY)

446 trafalgar is a gop pollster who nailed the vote in wi pa and wi in 2016 when everyone else was high. He said this week the shy trump voter effect was 3 to 7 points varying by state in 16. He said he expects that much or more this year. These guys were right last time, so I think he may be onto something. The polls just do not line up with enthusiasm being on trump's side generally, as well as new GOP voter registrations outpacing dems in key states.

Posted by: donald trump's haircut at October 09, 2020 04:57 PM (fs7Ew)

447 If true, this tells me that their internal polling has him crushing it in those places

Or losing so badly that he's given up, which doesn't sound like Trump.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:57 PM (KZzsI)

448 Story at NY Post:

"Priest arrested for having threesome with corset-wearing dominatrices on church altar"

Posted by: qdpsteve at October 09, 2020 04:57 PM (L2ZTs)

449 I've been saving up bottles in case there's insufficient broken glass when I arrive.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - fight like you're the third monkey in line for the ark at October 09, 2020 04:57 PM (xVQEQ)

450 They don't like Mavericks, cowboys, astronauts, seal team guys.

Posted by: humphreyrobot at October 09, 2020 04:57 PM (pB6Gt)

451 440

Ewok, when the shelves fell.
Posted by: No One of Consequence at October 09, 2020 04:55 PM (CAJOC)

When the Shelves,
Come Tumblin' Down
When the Shelves
Come tumblin' tumblin' tumblin' tumblin' Doooown

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 04:57 PM (bCLt0)

452 500 - Internal Hamster Error

Posted by: Ace of Spades Headquarters at October 09, 2020 04:57 PM (Eicbe)

453 438 I would like to apologize for the abysmal quality of today's troll.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 09, 2020 04:56 PM (xT2tT)


Has the person responsible been sacked?

Posted by: No One of Consequence at October 09, 2020 04:57 PM (CAJOC)

454 Nanzi admitted her 25th Amendment gambit is not against President Trump, it's for future President Sundowner to get rid of him asap and have Comrade Harris in waiting take over.

Posted by: Skip

Pelozi's Politburo.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 09, 2020 04:58 PM (axyOa)

455 Never fear. Just remember the moron codeword so we can recognize each other in the camps...
Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020


It would have to be . . .

"Carrots in chili"

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at October 09, 2020 04:58 PM (rpbg1)

I would like to apologize for the abysmal quality of today's troll.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 09, 2020 04:56 PM (xT2tT)


I'm guessing this CHUD gets paid by the post, from what he does. But eventually David Brock's gonna find out he's just padding his numbers with nonsense entries and shitcan him.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at October 09, 2020 04:58 PM (eXmcp)

457 If you see a house without a campaign banner in their yard, but they're flying the American flag, you can almost guarantee that's a shy tory.

Posted by: Matthew Martin at October 09, 2020 04:58 PM (ZR7kf)

458 435 violence is coming no matter what."

Violence we can handle.

Giving up without a fight is my nightmare.

Posted by: Tom Servo at October 09, 2020 04:58 PM (Kpl3J)

459 Paul Sperry@paulsperry Oct 5
DEVELOPING: Threats from the FBI and CIA of "graymail" or the threat of revealing state secrets if cases go to trial, has also been hamstringing the Durham investigation, sources say

Donald J. Trump Retweeted @Lisa_Matassa

Can't believe these con men are not yet being PROSECUTED. Pathetic!

Posted by: Braenyard at October 09, 2020 04:59 PM (uCoHM)

460 CBD, SorosTrolls(TM) doesn't build the trolls like they used to, do they? ;-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at October 09, 2020 04:59 PM (L2ZTs)

461 I know the left likes to think trump "lost" the first debate and a lot of conservatives worry he lost it too...but really how?

Biden couldn't commit to anything. Trump may be rude but that's trump and Biden came out with about 20 prescripted insults that his donor base paid for him to say.

very rude and couldn't answer basic policy questions.

at least pence serves as a debate exclamation point for who "won".

Posted by: official redcheckmark at October 09, 2020 04:59 PM (4RcDR)

462 I would like to apologize for the abysmal quality of today's troll.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo


We really need to farm it out as a place of honor. Someone who wins the most posts or most nicknames for the week gets to take troll duty until the next week.

At least then they'd have a decent grasp of the topics.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - fight like you're the third monkey in line for the ark at October 09, 2020 04:59 PM (xVQEQ)

463 I have never voted for a Democrat for President of the US. And I especially would never vote for Hillary. I can't stand her.

Posted by: Case at October 09, 2020 04:59 PM (k1ip1)

464 FWIW Denver Post has an editorial calling Hickenlooper the "worst" statewide candidate either party has put up in modern time in CO.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at October 09, 2020 04:59 PM (JRaU+)

465 I told everyone this morning about a number of people on Nextdoor from Illinois who were all welcoming another newbie to my island.

One of them actually cackled that she hoped they and their fellow transplants could finally turn GA blue.

I nearly rage-stroked.

I did see one woman from CA tell someone to stop voting Dem, because they had destroyed CA and that was why she moved to GA.

The political posts usually get disappeared pretty quickly.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 09, 2020 04:59 PM (ptqGC)

466 The older ones I know, men and women, don't care that their life improved under PDT bc they are Party First Democrats. The Wine-Mom aged women are just insanely consumed w hate for PDT. They hate him so much, even his providing his supporters pizza at Walter Reed, should have gotten him arrested for obstructing traffic, in their opinion. The folks voting for PDT love him. Not seeing any lukewarm folks in The Donald's column.

Posted by: EveR at October 09, 2020 04:59 PM (R0z7P)

467 Dr T, you might want to mention Joe's habits around the ladies to your mom. "Handsy" doesn't begin to cover it.
Posted by: Heart of Darkness at October 09, 2020 04:55 PM (4NtsG)

We don't talk politics that much. She's not a full-on "Suburban Wine Mom" type, but she's close (not that I love her any less, you understand). Me trying to push her on political stuff would likely be counterproductive.

Still, I may mention it if it comes up.

Posted by: Dr. T at October 09, 2020 04:59 PM (A1UwY)

468 Codeword: Cloggenstein

Posted by: x at October 09, 2020 04:59 PM (nFwvY)

469 Priest arrested for having threesome with corset-wearing dominatrices on church altar

Well you know what they say, he's going to have great stories to tell when he gets old.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 04:59 PM (KZzsI)

470 I'm not concerned about actual voting. I'm concerned about the fraud that will be deployed against trump It doesn't matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes. My fear is that the results have already been determined.

Posted by: DrC at October 09, 2020 05:00 PM (llGBY)

471 I believe the last Dem I voted for for Prezzy was Dukakis. :-P

Posted by: qdpsteve at October 09, 2020 05:00 PM (L2ZTs)

472 Trump having a rally in Florida Monday. I didn't catch exactly where though.

Posted by: Tami at October 09, 2020 05:00 PM (cF8AT)

473 me too. I'm really tired and stressed. The debate really upset me. I wanted to take two weeks off.
Posted by: ace, cashing his Arby's check and gettin' paid in gyros at October 09, 2020 04:20 PM (PbpT7)

Yeah. That sucks. That night after the debate I wrote "ace must be really morose".

The debate sucked. Trump did fine. It will all work out.
Posted by: ... at October 09, 2020 04:53 PM (uEbPt)

The constant attacks are exhausting. Absolutely. when I get down I try to remember how Trump fights back and doesn't seem to get discouraged.

This fight is bigger than all of us (certainly the stakes are higher than anything I've been involved in) and we're blessed to be a part of it.

Donate, Pray, Vote.

Posted by: LASue at October 09, 2020 05:00 PM (2V6Ll)

474 Another thing I'd like to point out about the polls...

Compare the political climate today to the political climate of four years ago. Does it seem more socially acceptable to be a Trump supporter today, or less acceptable?

It certainly seems less acceptable to me. After all, nobody really thought Trump would win in 2016. Now that he has won, the Left is pulling out all the stops to try to silence his supporters and keep him from winning again.

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at October 09, 2020 05:00 PM (H3MF8)

"Carrots in chili"

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at October 09, 2020 04:58 PM (rpbg1)


Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at October 09, 2020 05:00 PM (cfSRQ)

476 416 Never fear. Just remember the moron codeword so we can recognize each other in the camps...

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (HwiWi)


I'm partial to "Flaming Clown Boners."

Posted by: ShainS at October 09, 2020 05:00 PM (t47Zb)

477 "Priest arrested for having threesome with corset-wearing dominatrices on church altar


Damn Germans.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - fight like you're the third monkey in line for the ark at October 09, 2020 05:00 PM (xVQEQ)

478 Any other indicators?

Lots of kids here with American flags flying from their trucks. But also Trump 2020 flags. I can't recall ever seeing something like that. I'm out in purple country. Lots of Philly suburban types escaping and bringing their bad decisions with them.

Posted by: t-bird at October 09, 2020 05:00 PM (KfC1e)

479 -

Never fear. Just remember the moron codeword so we can recognize each other in the camps...

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM


I keep crumpled lid from a pudding snack pack as a "challenge coin".

Posted by: irright at October 09, 2020 05:01 PM (SchQD)

480 I know the left likes to think trump "lost" the first debate and a lot of conservatives worry he lost it too...but really how?

Nobody won that debate, it was a disaster we are better off forgetting. Wallace shouldn't be allowed to host a kid's puppet show

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 05:01 PM (KZzsI)

481 Never fear. Just remember the moron codeword so we can recognize each other in the camps...
Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020


"Noodus simianus major"

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at October 09, 2020 05:01 PM (rpbg1)

482 FWIW Denver Post has an editorial calling Hickenlooper the "worst" statewide candidate either party has put up in modern time in CO.
Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at October 09, 2020 04:59 PM (JRaU+)
I reckon he's still gonna win.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at October 09, 2020 05:01 PM (hYcqw)


Diogenes - Constitutional Patriot, here.
Conservative works if you're speaking of conserving what President Trump has begun.

American, always and forever.

Posted by: TeeJ at October 09, 2020 05:01 PM (dmWPe)

484 448 Story at NY Post:

"Priest arrested for having threesome with corset-wearing dominatrices on church altar"
Posted by: qdpsteve at October 09, 2020 04:57 PM (L2ZTs)


Was that wrong? Should I have not done that? I tell you I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon, you know, cause I've worked in a lot of churches and I tell you people do that all the time.

Posted by: Father Costanza at October 09, 2020 05:01 PM (CAJOC)

485 Haven't always voted Republican, but never voted Democrat for Pres.

And I was even open to voting for Obama. I like social progress. Something about children chanting his name and 0 regard the press paid to it really quashed that.

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 05:01 PM (Eicbe)

486 Never fear. Just remember the moron codeword so we can recognize each other in the camps...
Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020


"Flaming skull-worthy"

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at October 09, 2020 05:01 PM (rpbg1)

487 Dr T, you might want to mention Joe's habits around the ladies to your mom. "Handsy" doesn't begin to cover it.


Show her the clip where he feels up and pinches the little girls chest at a public event.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - fight like you're the third monkey in line for the ark at October 09, 2020 05:01 PM (xVQEQ)

488 Nobody won that debate, it was a disaster we are better off forgetting. Wallace shouldn't be allowed to host a kid's puppet show
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 05:01 PM (KZzsI)

I agree, Wallace turned it into a fiasco.

Posted by: Tom Servo at October 09, 2020 05:01 PM (Kpl3J)

489 This is why I think Biden and Harris were picked as the two no one in the Democrat party cared if they lost. They know Biden's not in shape for a full term, and that Harris couldn't even draw primary votes -- but they have to run SOMEONE, and why damage candidates that might have a chance at winning?

Look at what they're doing, and most of it's about energizing their base, not convincing the undecided.

Posted by: Rob Crawford at October 09, 2020 05:01 PM (naEeR)

490 Is there still a Trump rally tomorrow?

Posted by: Hesco Gypsy, staring from 457 meters at October 09, 2020 05:02 PM (pfB/i)

491 "The french toast with syrup is on the decorative shelves"

"I hear the smart military blog has many lace wigs"

Posted by: MoronCodePhrases at October 09, 2020 05:02 PM (GZ/yK)

492 Then Trump kept failing to make big important points, and even when he seemed to be getting to one, Chris Wallace said we had to move on to talk about a Democrat issue.


right, trump supporters were upset that trump didn't give "perfect" answers in his two minute allotments.

You forget the gems he did give, like "super predator joe" was a perfect prepackaged attack.

biden couldn't even answer court packing and THAT WAS THE FIRST topic. bad impression.

but who knows, maybe I am too enthused.

Posted by: official redcheckmark at October 09, 2020 05:02 PM (4RcDR)

493 >>>Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 09, 2020 04:59 PM (ptqGC)

On the bright side, maybe once the Democrats make their coup attempt and Trump becomes God-Emperor, those people can all be deported.

Posted by: Dr. T at October 09, 2020 05:02 PM (A1UwY)

494 I've been here a very, very long time. From near the beginning. I remember how sure everybody was that Romney was going to win. ESPECIALLY ME. Who the hell could possibly vote for Obama after his record?

Not just that, but it was IN THE BAG.

Wishcasting is a real thing.

Posted by: Chris not rock at October 09, 2020 05:02 PM (vPQQc)

495 violence is coming no matter what."

Violence we can handle.

Giving up without a fight is my nightmare.

Posted by: Tom Servo at October 09, 2020 04:58 PM


I fully expect to see the violence begin to escalate in the week before the election. The big difference now, as this election is for all the marbles, we can push back. More so for those in the urban centers vice suburbia/rural areas.

Been saying for awhile now. Get organized. Know your neighbors and your team.
Stay ready.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 09, 2020 05:03 PM (axyOa)

496 Rush also thinks after the 25th Amendment coop the powers that be think they will run Heels up Harris and take over with her as a puppet, I think that bitch will fk anyone to get in charge.

Posted by: Skip at October 09, 2020 05:03 PM (OjZpE)

497 My wife and my fall into the group that went from ReluctantTrump-16 to fuck-yeah-we're- crawling-5-miles-over-broke-glass-

Teen boy is bummed he isn't old enough to vote for Trump.

Posted by: The shooting times are approaching at October 09, 2020 05:03 PM (t1zLB)

498 Early voting in AZ started today.

Big turnout.

Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.


Poll this morning had Trump up 4

Posted by: RoyalOil at October 09, 2020 04:57 PM (aO8Gd)

The Widow McCain and her spawn hardest hit.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 09, 2020 05:03 PM (ptqGC)

499 @realDonaldTrump Oct 6

All Russia Hoax Scandal information was Declassified by me long ago.

Unfortunately for our Country, people have acted very slowly, especially since it is perhaps

the biggest political crime in the history of our Country.


Posted by: Braenyard at October 09, 2020 05:03 PM (uCoHM)

500 Yep, count me as one. I didn't vote in 2016 for several reasons.
1 Dem Gov pardoned a bunch of criminals in State prison to get more Dem voters
2 Thought Trump was a GW Bush squish that would promise big then not deliver (On this I admit I was wrong)
3 As a protest against SCOAMF massive voter fraud in 2012
and a few more reasons, I was dumb enough to believe the MSM declaration that HRC would win. I thought they were exaggerating her poll numbers but I didn't think they were as far off as they turned out.
Laughed my ass off on election night 2016, the best election night of my life, just to watch corrupt old Hillary fail so spectacularly.
This year, I am one of those broken glass Trump voters that Ace mentioned, nothing's gonna stop me. Trump 2024!

Posted by: Killer Cuomo at October 09, 2020 05:03 PM (rQ/Vt)

Biden couldn't commit to anything. Trump may be rude but that's trump and Biden came out with about 20 prescripted insults that his donor base paid for him to say.


Trump may have LOUDLY interrupted Biden, but Biden was making faces, shaking his head, snickering, sniggling, smirking and calling Trump names while Trump was speaking.

Also, Wallace's debate format did not allow for rebuttals, so after Biden ran through all his lies, the only way for Trump to get a word in edgewise was to interrupt.

Posted by: JoeF. at October 09, 2020 05:03 PM (HrMC1)

502 Steve Scully's twitter acct. is gone...

Posted by: Tami at October 09, 2020 05:03 PM (cF8AT)

503 As for America being over -- oh yeah, totally agree. We're fucked. Nothing around us makes sense -- not the economy, the stock market, the pandemic, the masks, the riots, the complete unhingedness of half our population.

But, yeah -- we'll have to see how that plays out. I think that's more of a medium- to long- term problem.
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 09, 2020 04:37 PM (cnTJD)

Plus, virtually every business, media outlet, entertainment industry, education institute, etc are against us. So yeah. WASTF.

Posted by: Jordan61 at October 09, 2020 05:04 PM (Ez6QX)

504 471 I believe the last Dem I voted for for Prezzy was Dukakis. :-P

Posted by: qdpsteve at October 09, 2020 05:00 PM (L2ZTs)


Romney, for me. ;-)

Posted by: ShainS at October 09, 2020 05:04 PM (t47Zb)

505 I predicted the Trump Biden debate would be a train wreck for both sides. Both men like to wing it.

Posted by: Weaning is hard at October 09, 2020 05:04 PM (2DOZq)

506 Keith Olbermann bleats

"Terrorist Trump must be defeated.... and his enablers, and his supporters... and the Mike Lees, and the William Barrs... and the Kyle Rittenhouses and the Amy Coney Barretts must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society"

I guess he's trying out for the Goebbels job in a Biden administration?

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 05:04 PM (KZzsI)

507 Even if I were a flaming socialist , I'd have to hate the leftist leaders for being terrible people.

Posted by: humphreyrobot at October 09, 2020 05:04 PM (pB6Gt)

508 "This is why I think Biden and Harris were picked as the two no one in the Democrat party cared if they lost."

Yep. They are sacrificial, with the added bonus of deflecting attention from Obama / Clinton.

Posted by: f'd at October 09, 2020 05:04 PM (+y8uL)

509 I wonder why....

Report: Nike to Cut 7-10% of Workforce Due to 'Reorganization'

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 09, 2020 05:04 PM (QPbAP)

510 Nobody won that debate, it was a disaster we are better off forgetting. Wallace shouldn't be allowed to host a kid's puppet show

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 05:01 PM (KZzsI)
I can't imagine anybody wanting Wallace to "moderate" another debate.

But that is quite my take as well.

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 05:04 PM (Eicbe)

511 490 Pennsylvania I thought, is he allowed to roam the country by the doctors I wonder?

Posted by: Skip at October 09, 2020 05:04 PM (OjZpE)

512 I heard that Trump is pulling ads in Iowa and Ohio because it's no longer close.

Think about that: Ohio is non-competitive for Dems.

Biden is trying to hold Nevada and Minnesota, and his path now involves carrying Wisconsin Riot Central, Pennsylvania Ban Fracking and Michigan Under Lockdown.

Tough sledding, I'd say.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at October 09, 2020 05:04 PM (cfSRQ)

513 Codeword: Ketchup

Posted by: wth at October 09, 2020 05:04 PM (v0R5T)

514 438 I would like to apologize for the abysmal quality of today's troll.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 09, 2020 04:56 PM (xT2tT)

--In medieval times, there was the village idiot, the village drunk, and the village atheist.

I thought raimondo was our village troll.

Posted by: logprof, happily unembarreled at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (oZuI0)

515 I was a reluctant Trump.voter in 2016. I voted for Not Hillary. But this year I've donated more money, more times to R campaigns than any other election cycle and will be the first person in line Tuesday morning.

Posted by: Apostate at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (fPDVQ)

516 Know your neighbors and your team.
Stay ready.
Posted by: Diogenes at October 09, 2020 05:03 PM (axyOa)


My neighbors are al lefties. I'm fucked, lol.

Posted by: Asshoes at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (22mNy)

517 I wanted him to be cool and collected and DESTROY biden on facts and numbers. And to get in his head quietly, not so loud and bombastic. But, I don't know shit about NY or the Apprentice or, really anything political. I was in tears.
Posted by: nurse ratched at October 09, 2020 04:31 PM (W2Pud)

You have to take the good with the bad. I WISH Trump could pull off a combination Trump/Pence persona. I wish he was more in command of specific facts and details. I wish he could be an Ahole when needed and a calm, factual and collected sage when that was required.

There are the self enforced errors like the McCain POW dig. Yeah, McShitstain was a POS whose best days were behind him when he stepped off the plane in 73 and who screwed the county over most of his time in office. But Trump has a petty streak, some insecurities and braggadocio and no filter and it gives the other side ammunition and hurts LIV sensibilities.

But... I have been waiting for "a Trump" since 1995. I was amazed one actually managed to get on the stage. For me there was never a down side with Trump, because there was and is no real option to blunt the collectivist, globalist, socialist tide. You fight with the general you have, warts and all. He is a miracle, actually.

My wife didn't like the tone. But, she did notices that the moderator was totally biased and that Biden wa a bag of skin.

Posted by: Keith at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (jdGlx)

518 321 can i say fuck?
Posted by: Fuckers at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (098J/)

Do you have a mouth?

Posted by: Kwai Chang Mandelblit at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (o+znz)

519 Pussy Tape

Does that stuff work?

Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (3P/5p)

520 Trump did good in the debate by preventing a Biden win. Biden had prepared mini-speeches to make and the media had been tipped off to champion those as the "big moment" Biden won the night. But by sniffing those moments out, Trump was able to barge in and wreck Biden's flow. This is especially apparent when during Bidens answer about his dead son's military grave and Trump all of a sudden interrupted and bullshitted about not knowing who Beau Biden was and kept asking about Hunters payments from Russian billionaires.

Posted by: Serious Cat at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (700n7)

521 I predicted the Trump Biden debate would be a train wreck for both sides. Both men like to wing it.

Posted by: Weaning is hard at October 09, 2020 05:04 PM (2DOZq)
Joe likes to fling it.

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (Eicbe)

522 We could have lots of codewords, they would all be recognizable.

Posted by: wth at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (v0R5T)

523 Olbermann will hopefully eat a shotgun on election ight....

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (HwiWi)

524 Codeword: ValuRite.

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (bCLt0)

525 I have a bleg of an urgent request.

I need to talk to any Horde member that is in the Ft Collins/ Loveland area.

Me email is in the left sidebar

Posted by: Ben Had at October 09, 2020 05:06 PM (2TTOn)

526 I guess he's trying out for the Goebbels job in a Biden administration?

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 05:04 PM (KZzsI)


Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at October 09, 2020 05:06 PM (cfSRQ)

527 AZ voter. While I didn't vote for Trump last time (it was more apathy than anything else), I was pleased to hear that he won. I remember the left losing their shit and rioting. I was traveling through Scotland for work. I stopped at a pub for lunch that had news from the US on. The pub owner (who confessed to being a Remainer) came out and expressed his disbelief that the left were destroying property.

This time, I'm voting early. My wife, who has never voted and hates politics is voting early. She made our kids get registered to vote and will drag them to the polls to vote. It's not much in the scheme of things, but it's +5 in AZ.

Posted by: Dr.Eviler at October 09, 2020 05:06 PM (hSCIQ)

528 Everyone should lird their goins for the next three weeks. The media are definitely going to pull out all stops trying to discourage Trump voters. I fully expect at least 10 good size October surprises and an avalanche of gawdawful polls. This is going to be beyond belief, even after everything we have already seen.

Posted by: irright at October 09, 2020 05:06 PM (SchQD)

529 I've been here a very, very long time. From near the beginning. I remember how sure everybody was that Romney was going to win. ESPECIALLY ME. Who the hell could possibly vote for Obama after his record?

Not just that, but it was IN THE BAG.

Wishcasting is a real thing.
Posted by: Chris not rock at October 09, 2020 05:02 PM (vPQQc)

Yes, but like Obama that year, Trump is the incumbent.

Posted by: JoeF. at October 09, 2020 05:06 PM (HrMC1)

530 524
Codeword: ValuRite.

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (bCLt0)

Countersign: Kaboom.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at October 09, 2020 05:06 PM (cfSRQ)

531 As far as, flags equal Trump supporters: that may be true in locations where a Trump sign is dangerous, but where I live in FL it's just another virtue signal from the Panhandle for Biden crowd. That's especially true for the new voters from the North.

Posted by: EveR at October 09, 2020 05:06 PM (R0z7P)

532 The thing that really bothers me, the new thing, is him supposedly losing seniors. I think he carried seniors something like 56 percent to 44 percent, now he's like down to 46 percent.


i mean this is bad, but it just shows you that the biden riots worked. seniors love the biden voter knock out game.

I think the polls are skewed because the last 3 elections were with democrat super stars, not the DNC version of bob dole. So, dnc enthusiasm may look like 2000/2004

also, I don't think the libertarian party is going to get 4.5 million votes this time. I think trump gets a LOT of those votes.

Posted by: official redcheckmark at October 09, 2020 05:06 PM (4RcDR)

533 Pussy Tape

Does that stuff work?
Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (3P/5p)
That old stuff never works!

Posted by: Phil Swift at October 09, 2020 05:06 PM (Eicbe)

534 Code Word: Maple Syrup

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at October 09, 2020 05:06 PM (hYcqw)

535 Keith Olbermann is out of the asylum?

Posted by: Seems legit at October 09, 2020 05:06 PM (jUVms)

536 #57: "M[an]y of us know not to display Trump signs or bumperstickers due to
vandalism. A red hat invites violence even it's a Cardinals hat."

Am I the only one who thought 'The Silent Majority' was talking about the red hats that members of the Catholic College of Cardinals wear? I imagine DeBlasio and Cuomo, for two, would be just as glad to arrest that kind of Cardinal as they are to arrest Orthodox Jews.

Posted by: Dr. Weevil at October 09, 2020 05:07 PM (8WFJq)

537 Find a new circle of friends. These sound like a bunch of soy aficionados.

"normalize Trumps bad behavior" Good grief.

Posted by: nip at October 09, 2020 05:07 PM (cpS4u)

538 Code Word: Maple Syrup
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at October 09, 2020 05:06 PM (hYcqw)
On Kaboom.

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 05:07 PM (Eicbe)

539 I have one. wife. voted trump, hates him now, hates biden. will not vote.

Posted by: KCJeff at October 09, 2020 05:07 PM (ZpEgy)

540 On the bright side, maybe once the Democrats make their coup attempt and
Trump becomes God-Emperor, those people can all be deported.>>>
I want heads on pikes. Lots and lots of them.

Posted by: Old Dude at October 09, 2020 05:07 PM (LGXGf)

541 My neighbors are al lefties. I'm fucked, lol.

Posted by: Asshoes at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM

Dude! Look at the upside. A target rich environment.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 09, 2020 05:07 PM (axyOa)

542 >>"Priest arrested for having threesome with corset-wearing dominatrices on church altar"

Were either of them women? Above age of consent?

Now that would be shocking. . .

Posted by: Lizzy at October 09, 2020 05:07 PM (bDqIh)

543 Last time I was voting against Hilary enthusiastically.

This time I am voting for Trump like my life depends on it.

Posted by: Big V Caffeinated at October 09, 2020 05:07 PM (6Pqz7)

544 This is especially apparent when during Bidens answer about his dead son's military grave and Trump all of a sudden interrupted and bullshitted about not knowing who Beau Biden was and kept asking about Hunters payments from Russian billionaires.
Posted by: Serious Cat at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (700n7)

That was a brilliant move on Trump's part.

Posted by: JoeF. at October 09, 2020 05:07 PM (HrMC1)

Trump did good in the debate by preventing a Biden win. Biden had
prepared mini-speeches to make and the media had been tipped off to
champion those as the "big moment" Biden won the night. But by sniffing
those moments out, Trump was able to barge in and wreck Biden's flow.
This is especially apparent when during Bidens answer about his dead
son's military grave and Trump all of a sudden interrupted and
bullshitted about not knowing who Beau Biden was and kept asking about
Hunters payments from Russian billionaires.

Posted by: Serious Cat at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (700n7)

Didn't watch, but that sounds like the equivalent of drawing the pass interference penalty to prevent a touchdown.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at October 09, 2020 05:07 PM (cfSRQ)

546 I thought the code word was kaboom.

Posted by: f'd at October 09, 2020 05:07 PM (+y8uL)

547 I'm listening to Trump on Limbaugh. I'm so enjoying this.

Posted by: Bicentennialguy at October 09, 2020 05:08 PM (iydjf)

548 My reserve over "lock her up" is that it's a bad idea to start imprisoning opposition politicians because it can easily slide into doing so simply on the basis of policy differences -- or imaginary crimes like "collusion".

But Olberman seems to have thrown in with the idea whole-hog, down to criminalizing disagreeing with him and defending yourself against a pack of sex offenders.

Posted by: Rob Crawford at October 09, 2020 05:08 PM (naEeR)

549 I'm in Las Vegas and I see pretty much only Trump stuff - flags, bumper stickers, etc. Not much in the way of yard signs though because of the obvious risk. I see absolutely nothing in the way of Biden bumper stickers. Even the Bernie Bro up the street doesn't have a Biden bumper sticker. People I know and talk to - totally NOT political to even leaning leftward are terrified of what is going on with the riots and outright absurdity of it all. I do not believe the polls that have Biden ahead. I just pray that the margin of victory is beyond the margin of cheating. Well, no I pray Trump squashes Biden like bug but failing that - beyond the margin of cheating.

Posted by: I Have Questions at October 09, 2020 05:08 PM (+v+zN)

550 522 We could have lots of codewords, they would all be recognizable.
Posted by: wth at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (v0R5T)


Posted by: logprof, happily unembarreled at October 09, 2020 05:08 PM (oZuI0)

551 Keith Olbermann is out of the asylum?

ESPN had him restrained for a while, as part of his being re-hired but apparently he could not restrain himself.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 05:08 PM (KZzsI)

552 Pussy Tape

Does that stuff work?

Never caught one that I've seen.

Posted by: Rob Crawford at October 09, 2020 05:09 PM (naEeR)

553 Posted by: KCJeff at October 09, 2020 05:07 PM (ZpEgy)

Maybe you can call in a favor and ask her to vote for Trump.

Posted by: Weaning is hard at October 09, 2020 05:09 PM (2DOZq)

554 Nanzi admitted her 25th Amendment gambit is not against President Trump, it's for future President Sundowner to get rid of him asap and have Comrade Harris in waiting take over.
Posted by: Skip
Which is weird. Why do it now? Do they think a wink and nudge that Kamala will really be president helps?

It sure isn't because Biden is cruising to a landslide, because he isn't. He is slightly ahead at best.

Posted by: Dave in Fla at October 09, 2020 05:09 PM (5p7BC)

555 Btw, it's very likely Biden is peaking too soon.

Posted by: Serious Cat at October 09, 2020 05:09 PM (700n7)

556 I reckon he's still gonna win.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at October 09, 2020 05:01 PM (hYcqw)


He truly is a horrible candidate. Remember, if it weren't for that gaping dickhole Dan Maes, we would have been the first governor in modern times to lose a re-election bid.

That said, Cory Gardner's no peach either, and we have ten billion new Democrats from California since he was elected. I'm saying 9:1 Hickenlooper wins it.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at October 09, 2020 05:09 PM (eXmcp)

557 I know precisely one Trump-to-Biden voter. Or rather, I knew one, because he changed his mind and is now voting for Trump again. Get this:

He's an old retired federal employee/union member who lives near here. Lifelong Democrat from an FDR Democrat family, and believes anything the networks or newspapers tell him. Always has. Frankly, nobody likes him anyway, but he's one of those people who feels the need to join any conversation he sees, even at a distance, so that he can impart his Honest Union Proud Wisdom to all the unwashed proles.

Anyway, he always votes straight Democrat, except for four times he voted for a Republican for president. 2008 and 2012, because, in his words, "I'm not voting for some <n-word>," and 1984 (Ferraro VP) and 2016, because, in his words, "I'm not voting for a woman in the White House, no way in Hell." So, this year, he was a Biden man right up until Kameltoe got the VP nod. His response? You guessed it. "I would have voted for him if he hadn't picked that <n-word> woman." He'll still vote straight D for every other contest, race and sex notwithstanding, just not the main event.

Ladies and gentleman, I give you the tolerant and harmonious backbone of the Democratic Party.

Posted by: Pennsyltucky at October 09, 2020 05:09 PM (+3rQF)

558 A true Hordean would know all of the above code words...

Posted by: Zettai at October 09, 2020 05:09 PM (cj33B)

559 551 He quit ESPN so he could go full psycho...

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 05:09 PM (HwiWi)


This time I am voting for Trump like my life depends on it.
Posted by: Big V Caffeinated at October 09, 2020 05:07 PM (6Pqz7)

The alternative is to vote for Biden, the candidate who depends on Depends.

Posted by: JoeF. at October 09, 2020 05:09 PM (HrMC1)

561 eard that Trump is pulling ads in Iowa and Ohio because it's no longer close.

Think about that: Ohio is non-competitive for Dems.

Biden is trying to hold Nevada and Minnesota, and his path now involves carrying Wisconsin Riot Central, Pennsylvania Ban Fracking and Michigan Under Lockdown.

Tough sledding, I'd say.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at Octob


wait, so who is pulling ads where for what reason?

Posted by: official redcheckmark at October 09, 2020 05:09 PM (4RcDR)

562 Kcjeff, why is she changing her vote? Is she crazy or dumb?

Posted by: Seems legit at October 09, 2020 05:09 PM (jUVms)

563 we will know early if this is a scam

whoever wins FL will win the election

Posted by: REDACTED at October 09, 2020 05:09 PM (/Iqk8)

564 As far as neighbors,

Mine won't learn the language of the country they live in.

Pretty sure if I lived in Brazil I would learn Portuguese. Maybe it's just me.

When the burning times hit, many a chihuahua will be dealt with.

Posted by: nip at October 09, 2020 05:09 PM (cpS4u)

565 "Twatwaffle" is a good one because I've never heard it elsewhere. It could get your faced punched though so you have to be careful.

Posted by: f'd at October 09, 2020 05:10 PM (+y8uL)

566 SG Ammo has 9mm and 5.56

Posted by: TexasDan at October 09, 2020 05:10 PM (yL25O)

567 code word

Posted by: nurse ratched at October 09, 2020 05:10 PM (W2Pud)

568 Wow, I am better than commenter.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at October 09, 2020 05:10 PM (kA3Cp)

569 Me email is in the left sidebar
Posted by: Ben Had at October 09, 2020 05:06 PM (2TTOn)
I'm not *that* close, but I am within a decent drive. I mailed you.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at October 09, 2020 05:10 PM (hYcqw)

570 American, always and forever.

Posted by: TeeJ at October 09, 2020 05:01 PM

America will persevere as long as there are those willing to see it through.
The map may ultimately change but so what? That is just geography. The concept of a Constitutional Republic where men and women are free to pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness will not die.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 09, 2020 05:10 PM (axyOa)

571 Semprini

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 05:10 PM (Eicbe)

Why should President Trump and his supporters give a shit about winning a rigged, fake debate??

The first (and probably last) debate wasn't a real debate. It was set up as a buzzsaw for the president to walk in.

Posted by: Soothsayer at October 09, 2020 05:10 PM (oelf+)

573 Ladies and gentleman, I give you the tolerant and harmonious backbone of the Democratic Party.
Posted by: Pennsyltucky at October 09, 2020 05:09 PM (+3rQF)

He sounds nice.

Posted by: Jordan61 at October 09, 2020 05:10 PM (Ez6QX)

574 Anyway, he always votes straight Democrat, except for four times he voted for a Republican for president. 2008 and 2012, because, in his words, "I'm not voting for some ," and 1984 (Ferraro VP) and 2016, because, in his words, "I'm not voting for a woman in the White House, no way in Hell." So, this year, he was a Biden man right up until Kameltoe got the VP nod. His response? You guessed it. "I would have voted for him if he hadn't picked that woman." He'll still vote straight D for every other contest, race and sex notwithstanding, just not the main event.

Ladies and gentleman, I give you the tolerant and harmonious backbone of the Democratic Party.

Sounds like my second cousin's husband.

Posted by: Bicentennialguy at October 09, 2020 05:11 PM (iydjf)

575 If you say garret to someone and they burst out laughing, you know.

Posted by: Someguy at October 09, 2020 05:11 PM (Zm+LZ)

576 We could have lots of codewords, they would all be recognizable.

Posted by: wth at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (v0R5T)

What you do is have challenges and countersigns.

So if someone walks up to and says "chili" you say: "carrots."

Crossbow -> Longbow
Value -> riteBreakfast -> Kaboom

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at October 09, 2020 05:11 PM (cfSRQ)

577 Pennsyltucky, sounds like a man with severe long-standing untreated mental issues.

Posted by: qdpsteve at October 09, 2020 05:11 PM (L2ZTs)

578 571 Semprini

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 05:10 PM (Eicbe)


Posted by: Soulless Venture Capitalists at October 09, 2020 05:11 PM (oVJmc)

579 558 A true Hordean would know all of the above code words...
Posted by: Zettai at October 09, 2020 05:09 PM (cj33B)

--Moose out front . . .

Posted by: logprof, happily unembarreled at October 09, 2020 05:11 PM (oZuI0)

580 568 Wow, I am better than commenter.
Posted by: Vashta Nerada at October 09, 2020 05:10 PM (kA3Cp)

the big head will blow the margins

Posted by: REDACTED at October 09, 2020 05:11 PM (/Iqk8)

581 Y-not is one person I do.not.miss.
Posted by: Tami at October 09, 2020 04:57 PM (cF8AT)

Yup, which I consider unfortunate.

Posted by: buzzion at October 09, 2020 05:11 PM (vMCab)

582 I personally know one who was an Obama voter and not too big on Trump last time around who is now fully on board.

Posted by: Ghost of Lee Atwater at October 09, 2020 05:11 PM (nu45M)

583 566 SG Ammo has 9mm and 5.56
Posted by: TexasDan at October 09, 2020 05:10 PM (yL25O)

Imhad to buy .223 today. Plenty,of.45 available, though.

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 05:12 PM (bCLt0)

584 If true, this tells me that their internal polling has him crushing it in those places ...
Posted by: ShainS

I don't think we're that lucky. More likely it shows a lead that could hold up without ads. No amount of enthusiasm can paper over the fact that Pascale and his buddies blew an incredible amount of money on nothing. They have to spend the remaining money carefully. There's no scenario in which Trump wins a state on the PA-MN belt but loses Iowa, so the ad money is better spent on the blue wall.

But also just because they're pulling ads doesn't mean they're pulling turnout ops, and turnout ops are what crushed the midwest the last time.

Posted by: Funkotron at October 09, 2020 05:12 PM (nNv6v)

585 I don't know any Trump to Biden voter.

I do know people who are so stressed out and freaked out about Wuhan and riots that they are ready and willing to blame Trump for it.

But I doubt they were ever Trump voters.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at October 09, 2020 05:12 PM (d1uFV)

586 He's an old retired federal employee/union member who lives near here.

It must be the feral employee part that warped him, because my dad was a Teamster and we buried him with his MAGA hat.

Posted by: Rob Crawford at October 09, 2020 05:12 PM (naEeR)

587 The thing about Trump pulling ads in Iowa and Ohio and Biden not really contesting those tells you something about polls. The public ones say they are close with Biden leading in some. But both campaigns are acting like they are already in the Trump column. What does this tell you about the accuracy of polls in other states?

Posted by: Mark1971 at October 09, 2020 05:12 PM (xPl2J)

588 565 "Twatwaffle" is a good one because I've never heard it elsewhere. It could get your faced punched though so you have to be careful.
Posted by: f'd at October 09, 2020 05:10 PM (+y8uL)

I don't know if my son's coworkers are secret Horde members or what, but apparently that's what they call someone they work with. Or "waffle" for short.

Posted by: Jordan61 at October 09, 2020 05:12 PM (Ez6QX)

589 He just called Pelosi a nut job.

Posted by: Bicentennialguy at October 09, 2020 05:12 PM (iydjf)

590 Codeword: MUMR.

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 05:12 PM (bCLt0)

591 Appaloosa?

Posted by: irright at October 09, 2020 05:13 PM (SchQD)

592 Violence we can handle.

Giving up without a fight is my nightmare.

Posted by: Tom Servo at October 09, 2020 04:58 PM



I joined my county's Oath Keepers chapter two months ago for this very reason (and I highly recommend you do the same if one exists -- they're all about disaster preparedness and NOT a militia). From my cold, dead hands ... and if I survive and it gets too intolerable, I'll vote with my feet (regroup with patriots somewhere like Texas or become an ex-pat) just like when I left California.

Posted by: ShainS at October 09, 2020 05:13 PM (t47Zb)

593 That makes me think that the Shy Trump Voter effect is very real.

It absolutely is real. I've had any number of acquaintances here in Cali rip on Trump, and I don't say a word. But all of my friends and baseball buddies are on MAGA train, big time.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at October 09, 2020 05:13 PM (dYZo0)

594 @stillgray

Disgraced former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann, now well beyond "unhinged" and full-on insane, is calling for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, Mike Pence, Sean Hannity, and Bill Barr to be prosecuted, convicted, and imprisoned for the rest of their lives.

Posted by: Tami at October 09, 2020 05:13 PM (cF8AT)

595 I read the comments and then watched the first debate and my impression was wallace wasn't that bad. trump was good but couldn't cram everything I wanted into each answer. Biden had the exact prescripted attack lines I knew he would use but biden forgot which son was being paid off by china, couldn't answer court packing, didn't even know what it meant to defund the police or what police supported him.

Posted by: official redcheckmark at October 09, 2020 05:13 PM (4RcDR)

596 539 I have one. wife. voted trump, hates him now, hates biden. will not vote.
Posted by: KCJeff at October 09, 2020 05:07 PM (ZpEgy)


Are we married to the same woman?

Posted by: Asshoes at October 09, 2020 05:13 PM (22mNy)

597 There are the self enforced errors like the McCain POW dig. Yeah, McShitstain was a POS whose best days were behind him when he stepped off the plane in 73 and who screwed the county over most of his time in office. But Trump has a petty streak, some insecurities and braggadocio and no filter and it gives the other side ammunition and hurts LIV sensibilities.

Posted by: Keith at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (jdGlx)

Honestly, that is what first got me interested in Trump.

It was exhilarating to see a politician say something so ... un political.

I laughed out loud.

Which is why I was always cool with the Trumpers on here (I was Rand Paul, then Ted Cruz)... because I understood why they liked him.

But that was a dark time at the 'hq. Lots of hate going on on here during the 16 primaries.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 09, 2020 05:13 PM (cnTJD)

598 If they didn't lose their business during Corona shutdown they may be better off, but hopefully if they haven't committed suicide or drugged or drunk themselves to death and aren't a Communist/Socialist they will blame the shutdowns on Democrat Governors and decide to go full throttle against any Democrats.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at October 09, 2020 05:13 PM (WkPC9)

599 I think he carried seniors something like 56 percent to 44 percent, now he's like down to 46 percent.

Age - Trump's National Job Approval
65 years & over = 58%
45-64 years = 65%
30-44 years = 44%
18-29 years = 36%

Posted by: Dave in Fla at October 09, 2020 05:13 PM (5p7BC)

600 Count me as a 2016 "NeverTrumper" who did not vote for Trump or Clinton but who now will crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump in 2020. I've been having the same thought. Who the hell was a Trump supporter in 2016 that's now not voting for Trump or, even more absurd, voting for Biden?? Yet, I'm sure there are quite a few people who didn't vote for Trump in 2016 but are now voting for Trump. I know they exist because I'm one of them. (Unfortunately, there's probably going to be fare more fraud this time around to off-set some of these gains.)

With Marxists burning the country down and ready to execute their political opponents on sight, I really don't give a @#&$! whether Trump is "rude" or "obnoxious" or a "bully."

Posted by: Chris-NY at October 09, 2020 05:13 PM (4/QY2)

601 Trump did good in the debate by preventing a Biden win. Biden had
prepared mini-speeches to make and the media had been tipped off to
champion those as the "big moment" Biden won the night. But by sniffing
those moments out, Trump was able to barge in and wreck Biden's flow.
This is especially apparent when during Bidens answer about his dead
son's military grave and Trump all of a sudden interrupted and
bullshitted about not knowing who Beau Biden was and kept asking about
Hunters payments from Russian billionaires.

Posted by: Serious Cat at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (700n7)


I had to turn off the debate because I hated it, but I will say this: if all you had to go by was the way Biden acted with Ryan, then Trump was right to pick a tactic that would prevent Biden getting the upper hand like that.

I kinda think Trump thought he could get Biden to fall apart mentally by harassing him. I think if there were to be another debate we might see something different out of Trump but it's all moot now.

Posted by: TexasDan at October 09, 2020 05:13 PM (yL25O)

602 >>>Don't the anti-Trump grifters have a strong incentive to see Trump stay in office?
Posted by: Miklosian Idle Thoughts at October 09, 2020 04:16 PM (QzkSJ)

Oh my....this literally NEVER occurred to me. So obvious it's actually brilliant.

Posted by: Max Power at October 09, 2020 05:13 PM (q177U)

603 What exactly does fascist-bathtub-boy want Coney Barrett tried for?

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 05:13 PM (Eicbe)

604 539 I have one. wife. voted trump, hates him now, hates biden. will not vote.
Posted by: KCJeff at October 09, 2020 05:07 PM (ZpEgy)

Just curious. What does she hate about Trump that wasn't evident in 2016?

Posted by: 29Victor at October 09, 2020 05:13 PM (BJKQV)

605 Mother is voting for Trump. Mom is 96.

Posted by: navybrat, at large at October 09, 2020 05:14 PM (w7KSn)

606 Speaking of neighbors, a gang of Mexicans has been next door all week, sounds like a soccer riot with hammers and skill saws.

Posted by: wth at October 09, 2020 05:14 PM (v0R5T)

607 who is pulling what ads?

Posted by: official redcheckmark at October 09, 2020 05:14 PM (4RcDR)

608 Codeword: Ketchup
Posted by: wth at October 09, 2020 05:04 PM

Better yet
Then the return sign

On your hotdog

Posted by: Skip at October 09, 2020 05:14 PM (OjZpE)

609 590 Codeword: MUMR.

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 05:12 PM (bCLt0)




Posted by: ShainS at October 09, 2020 05:15 PM (t47Zb)

610 596 539 I have one. wife. voted trump, hates him now, hates biden. will not vote.
Posted by: KCJeff at October 09, 2020 05:07 PM (ZpEgy)

you're doing it wrong

Posted by: REDACTED at October 09, 2020 05:15 PM (/Iqk8)

611 So WE can all see the idea of the Donks getting rid of Slow Joe and installing Harris because we're all junkies. How many LIV's are likely to pick up on this?

If sufficient numbers, I should think the VP debate would have a greater impact than normal.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at October 09, 2020 05:15 PM (dfRN6)

612 Oh my....this literally NEVER occurred to me. So obvious it's actually brilliant.
Posted by: Max Power at October 09, 2020 05:13 PM (q177U)

Wasn't the NYT ready to go out of business before Trump got elected? Trump has been a bonanza for them too.

Posted by: 29Victor at October 09, 2020 05:15 PM (BJKQV)

613 @440

Ain't that the truth about DrewM. I know people like him in my personal life, they agree with every policy position Trump has taken in the last 4 years, but since he's a big meanie poopie head who hurt some people's feelings, they took their ball and went home.

Good fucking riddance to those losers.

Posted by: thirteen28 at October 09, 2020 05:15 PM (DafrQ)

614 I joined my county's Oath Keepers chapter two months ago for this very reason (and I highly recommend you do the same if one exists -- they're all about disaster preparedness and NOT a militia). From my cold, dead hands ... and if I survive and it gets too intolerable, I'll vote with my feet (regroup with patriots somewhere like Texas or become an ex-pat) just like when I left California.
Posted by: ShainS at October 09, 2020 05:13 PM (t47Zb)

Just a word of advice: be careful. The FBI is clearly infiltrating "right wing extremist" groups (see: dudes arrested in Michigan) and may be the ones planting ever increasing "action-oriented" ideas then rounding people up who don't explicitly say they're not on board with that.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 09, 2020 05:15 PM (cnTJD)

What you do is have challenges and countersigns.

So if someone walks up to and says "chili" you say: "carrots."

Crossbow -> Longbow
Value -> riteBreakfast -> Kaboom

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at October 09, 2020 05:11 PM

I'm thinking Ginger -> MaryAnn is too obvious.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 09, 2020 05:15 PM (axyOa)

616 Speaking of neighbors, a gang of Mexicans has been next door all week, sounds like a soccer riot with hammers and skill saws.

Posted by: wth at October 09, 2020 05:14 PM (v0R5T)

It's the weekend now. Expect mariachi music and howls of drunkenness.

Posted by: Mark1971 at October 09, 2020 05:15 PM (xPl2J)

617 Militias, eh? Know of any who are looking for garrison duty types?? Maybe cooks, or clerk typists.

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 05:15 PM (bCLt0)

618 Better yet
Then the return sign

On your hotdog

"Maple syrup"
"French toast"

Posted by: Rob Crawford at October 09, 2020 05:15 PM (naEeR)

619 TeeJ

Sent you email on me picking up your stuff.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at October 09, 2020 05:15 PM (u82oZ)

620 What happened with Y-not?

Posted by: logprof, happily unembarreled at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (oZuI0)

Posted by: ShainS at October 09, 2020 05:15 PM (t47Zb)

Do dabba yabba?

Posted by: 29Victor at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (BJKQV)

622 So if there are shy white Trump voters, what could possibly be going on in minority communities?

Posted by: kraki at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (TNa9O)

623 The Shy Trump Voter thing is real, but like the Walk Away thing, its a question of how many it represents. My gut says its big, but its been wrong before. My gut told me there's no way this country elects an outright communist who promises to raise taxes with the middle name Hussein, 7 years after 9/11.

I was wrong. We are that screwed.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (KZzsI)

624 I realize lots of ppl hate their squish Senators, but please vote for them anyway. Don't give Schumer a win. Even the squishes (except Romney), came through during Impeachment, in a tough election year.

Posted by: EveR at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (R0z7P)


Someone mentioned "crossbow" as the code word.

I never understood the whole longbow vs crossbow thing.

Anyone who knows what putting arrows downrange is all about, with multiple targets is gonna go with a compound bow.

Posted by: TeeJ at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (dmWPe)

626 "Giving up without a fight is my nightmare." RMFT Servo

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (4NtsG)

627 Pelosi is a nut job, really. I like that He says what we're all thinking.

Posted by: Seems legit at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (jUVms)

628 LMAO @ Olbermann signaling for a gig somewhere, anywhere.

Posted by: Balrog of Morgoth at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (CLteG)

629 I live in a quiet middle class neighborhood -- nice homes but nothing extravagant and it's maybe 15 yards between homes. My neighbors across the street are a nice older couple (65+) who moved to TN from Chicago.

Two days ago they put up a large Biden-Harris sign in their front yard. No one else in our neighborhood had any presidential candidate signs up... just the usual local races signs.

Today I counted NINE Trump-Pence 2020 signs that just went up and someone, who puts up Halloween decorations WAAAAAY to early, had a foam tombstone that said "RIP Biden-Harris 2020 Campaign".

So... yeah.

Posted by: Nevyan at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (a7HML)

I don't interpret "removed from society" as put in prison, especially when said by a rabid leftist.

"Removed from society" includes EXECUTION when said by scum such as Olbermann.

Posted by: Soothsayer at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (oelf+)


Just a word of advice: be careful. The FBI is clearly infiltrating "right wing extremist" groups (see: dudes arrested in Michigan) and may be the ones planting ever increasing "action-oriented" ideas then rounding people up who don't explicitly say they're not on board with that.
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 09, 2020 05:15 PM (cnTJD)

Hardcore anarchists that hate Trump aren't exactly rightwing.

Posted by: buzzion at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (vMCab)

632 I know one right winger that now says he won't vote PDT because he didn't lock down the US and make people wear masks. The back story is that he is super immune compromised. Well, that's sad but damn glad PDT didn't kill the economy even more. I think he'll come around by election day.

OT: remember, its not just POTUS. We need real R's from the White House down to dog catcher.

Posted by: dingbat at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (9fkr3)

That said, Cory Gardner's no peach either, and we have ten billion new Democrats from California since he was elected. I'm saying 9:1 Hickenlooper wins it.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at October 09, 2020 05:09 PM (eXmcp)

I really don't want to see that putrid a$$hole for the next six years.

Posted by: Infidel at werk at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (/oG9s)

634 The Black Panthers used, to say, the FBI infiltrators were always easiest to spot because they'd suggest doing the craziest shit.

Posted by: qdpsteve at October 09, 2020 05:17 PM (L2ZTs)

635 622 So if there are shy white Trump voters, what could possibly be going on in minority communities?
Posted by: kraki at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (TNa9O)

I would go with catatonic.

Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 05:17 PM (bCLt0)

636 Here's something that won't change the election but may have an effect--
California republicans have no voice so many of them have given up voting. Trump fires people up enough that many I've talked to are going to vote just to show support for the popular vote.

Posted by: LASue at October 09, 2020 05:17 PM (2V6Ll)


Posted by: Apostate at October 09, 2020 05:17 PM (fPDVQ)

638 581 Y-not is one person I do.not.miss.

Posted by: Tami at October 09, 2020 04:57 PM (cF8AT)

Yup, which I consider unfortunate.

Posted by: buzzion at October 09, 2020 05:11 PM (vMCab)

I'm not sure how to read this.

Posted by: Tami at October 09, 2020 05:17 PM (cF8AT)

639 LMAO @ Olbermann signaling for a gig somewhere, anywhere.
Posted by: Balrog of Morgoth at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (CLteG)
He's after the Goebbels gig.

Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 05:17 PM (Eicbe)

640 wait, so who is pulling ads where for what reason?

Posted by: official redcheckmark at October 09, 2020 05:09 PM (4RcDR)

Trump is so far ahead in Iowa and Ohio that he's cutting back on ads there.

Meanwhile, Biden is still trying to defend states Hillary won, like Minnesota and Nevada.

Another tidbit: Colleges serve as huge reservoirs of Democrat voters. Dems do voter registration drives and I know that MSU actually had precincts in the residence halls. A bunch of students ignored it, but all that peer pressure and organization would bring thousands of Dem votes.

With colleges going online, students are at home, not being herded into registration and pressured into voting.

People who follow this are pointing out that the usual fall surge in young people getting registered did not happen this year. The Dems' COVID gambit actually crushed a major source of voting power.

Something to think about when looking at polling models.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at October 09, 2020 05:17 PM (cfSRQ)

641 But that was a dark time at the 'hq. Lots of hate going on on here during the 16 primaries.

Yeah it was rough, I spent much less time on here and much more lying on the couch watching baseball. My health was at a pretty low point at the time as well, I didn't feel like doing much else.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 05:18 PM (KZzsI)

642 Sooth, the good news is, there's only three things in this entire world that Olbermann is in charge of:

- his mouth
- his Twitter account
- which pair of his dead mama's panties he's wearing in the basement tonight

Posted by: qdpsteve at October 09, 2020 05:18 PM (L2ZTs)

643 the crazies on the left are writing in Bernie on their mail in ballots. so...

Posted by: official redcheckmark at October 09, 2020 05:18 PM (4RcDR)

644 Went into town this afternoon. Took the "back roads" to see the leaves in color. Not a single Harris/Biden sign anywhere. Plenty of TRUMP 2020 tho'.

If the weather is not sucky tomorrow we're going to take a drive down towards Rough River and sightsee. In 2016 didn't see but a handful of Clinton signs and plenty of TRUMP signs on that route.

But... we're in KY and have to deal with Louisville and Lexington. Blue bastions of hate.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at October 09, 2020 05:18 PM (3H9h1)

645 I was reluctant Trump voter in 2016 and am an enthusiastic Trump voter this time. My wife of 24 years has never voted before and is voting for Trump and bringing our 18 year old to the polls.
Having said that, Trump's support skews old so he loses at least a million net votes from people having left the voting pool since 2016 and 18-22 year olds entering the voting pool this year.

Posted by: Ted Torgerson at October 09, 2020 05:18 PM (vN+oL)

646 There is already talk of Gardner running against Bennett in 2022.

Posted by: Mark1971 at October 09, 2020 05:18 PM (xPl2J)


The only thing funnier than Weird Al Yankovic doing a Flintstones parody of that dumb Red Hot Chili Peppers song is the RHCP getting very publicly butthurt over it.

Posted by: Soothsayer at October 09, 2020 05:18 PM (oelf+)

648 Hardcore anarchists that hate Trump aren't exactly rightwing.
Posted by: buzzion at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (vMCab)

They use a very loose definition.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 09, 2020 05:18 PM (cnTJD)

649 and someone, who puts up Halloween decorations WAAAAAY to early, had a foam tombstone that said "RIP Biden-Harris 2020 Campaign".

So... yeah.
Posted by: Nevyan at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (a7HML)


Wouldn't be surprised is someone calls the po-po on that guy as it's a threat or some shit.

Posted by: Asshoes at October 09, 2020 05:18 PM (22mNy)

650 I was a reluctant Trump voter in 2016. I figured he wasn't much different than Hillary, and besides where I live it doesn't really matter. But now, even being in a state where it probably doesn't matter, I'm going to vote for Trump no matter what. Who knows, maybe it will count in the electoral college.

Posted by: InCali at October 09, 2020 05:18 PM (9AFWN)

651 Tag Yelp as racist.

Posted by: Introverted Elephocentric Hypochondriac at October 09, 2020 05:18 PM (rw/ga)

652 232 214 my 70 year old mother-in-law voted clinton last time and is voting for trump. she has a friend the same age who after watching biden in the debate lamented that she was the last democrat hold out in her family. but biden sealed the deal, no way she could vote for him. He was so addled and feeble in that debate she had to walk away from the dems.

Posted by: Iron-Wombat at October 09, 2020 04:33 PM (BRnXm)

Interesting, the exact same thing happened with one of my mom's friends.
Posted by: Jordan61 at October 09, 2020 04:35 PM (Ez6QX)

Likewise with one of my daughters --- the one who likes to do goofy things every once and a while to prove she's "independent."

She actually believed the "good ol' Joe," narrative, that Biden was "nice." And she's sick of the constant political bickering. So she was definitely leaning Biden.

The debate changed her mind. She saw how nasty (and brain-addled) Biden was and how Wallace was nasty too.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at October 09, 2020 05:18 PM (M/9m0)

653 641 But that was a dark time at the 'hq. Lots of hate going on on here during the 16 primaries.

Yeah it was rough, I spent much less time on here and much more lying on the couch watching baseball. My health was at a pretty low point at the time as well, I didn't feel like doing much else.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 05:18 PM (KZzsI)


Posted by: tubal at October 09, 2020 05:18 PM (bCLt0)

654 4 years ago, you could show support for Trump--haha, throw your vote away loser, Hillary is guaranteed to win.

Now it's: voting for Trump makes you a Nazi! I'll fucking kill you Nazi!

Posted by: RoyalOil at October 09, 2020 05:19 PM (aO8Gd)

655 wait, so who is pulling ads where for what reason?
Posted by: official redcheckmark
No one is really sure, but the most official sounding news is that Trump is pulling ads from Iowa and Ohio. The speculation is that those are solidly in his column and no need to spend money on ads there.

Posted by: Dave in Fla at October 09, 2020 05:19 PM (5p7BC)

656 I live in a quiet middle class neighborhood -- nice homes but nothing extravagant and it's maybe 15 yards between homes. My neighbors across the street are a nice older couple (65+) who moved to TN from Chicago.

Two days ago they put up a large Biden-Harris sign in their front yard. No one else in our neighborhood had any presidential candidate signs up... just the usual local races signs.

Today I counted NINE Trump-Pence 2020 signs that just went up and someone, who puts up Halloween decorations WAAAAAY to early, had a foam tombstone that said "RIP Biden-Harris 2020 Campaign".

So... yeah.
Posted by: Nevyan at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (a7HML)


Posted by: LASue at October 09, 2020 05:19 PM (2V6Ll)

657 But the college age kids are being pressured to register and vote. Everywhere, Youtube, Twitch, the App store on Apple devices, Amazon Prime etc etc

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 05:19 PM (HwiWi)

658 Not to argue anyone's beliefs but you can't lean right and support a mask mandate - it doesn't work that way, sorry.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at October 09, 2020 05:19 PM (4NtsG)

659 646 There is already talk of Gardner running against Bennett in 2022.
Posted by: Mark1971 at October 09, 2020 05:18 PM (xPl2J)

as a democrat ??

Posted by: REDACTED at October 09, 2020 05:19 PM (/Iqk8)

660 Trump is so far ahead in Iowa and Ohio that he's cutting back on ads there.

Meanwhile, Biden is still trying to defend states Hillary won, like Minnesota and Nevada.


and we're sure it's not the opposite reason?

that's good then.

I still want trump to do a big super happy fun rally in Orange County. We need those votes in congress. and to give the left a big fuck you

Posted by: official redcheckmark at October 09, 2020 05:19 PM (4RcDR)


Posted by: wth at October 09, 2020 05:19 PM (v0R5T)

662 Wife's best friend is a twice-divorced career focused executive. Earns 100k+/yr. Was moderately lib. Voted Hillary in 2016.

Now is politically somewhere to the right of Pinochet. Rabidly pro-Trump. The past 6 months red-pilled her hard.

That's my personal anecdote.

Posted by: old5.0 at October 09, 2020 05:19 PM (h7B6F)

663 638 581 Y-not is one person I do.not.miss.

Posted by: Tami at October 09, 2020 04:57 PM (cF8AT)

Yup, which I consider unfortunate.

Posted by: buzzion at October 09, 2020 05:11 PM (vMCab)

I'm not sure how to read this.
Posted by: Tami at October 09, 2020 05:17 PM (cF8AT)

I liked her comments. But since she went way off the deep end I don't miss her at all. So its unfortunate she went down that path.

Posted by: buzzion at October 09, 2020 05:19 PM (vMCab)

664 Expect mariachi music
Posted by: Mark1971 at October 09, 2020 05:15 PM

If you don't work around them you have no idea.
It's the same song all fkin day

A older guy who spoke good English told me its drinking music

Posted by: Skip at October 09, 2020 05:19 PM (OjZpE)

Yeah, if the corrupt and inept FBI are "infiltrating" "right wing" extremist groups, they aren't doing a good job because they keep ending "infiltrating" left-wing Democrat groups.

Posted by: Soothsayer at October 09, 2020 05:20 PM (oelf+)

666 People who follow this are pointing out that the usual fall surge in young people getting registered did not happen this year. The Dems' COVID gambit actually crushed a major source of voting power.

The left hurt its self tremendously with this shutdown thing. It is a help in the short term but will it be enough? I doubt it. And the cost will haunt them for decades. Even if they win I suspect the victory will be Pyrrhic.

Theaters are closing down never to reopen. The movie and entertainment industry has taken huge losses. The colleges and universities and schools are losing control over their students.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 05:20 PM (KZzsI)

667 But that was a dark time at the 'hq. Lots of hate going on on here during the 16 primaries.
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 09, 2020 05:13 PM (cnTJD)

I remember. I had to walk away for a while when Ace went through that Debbie downer phase.

I had a flirtation with Cruz, but didn't fully trust him to be anti establishment at the time. Pulled the handle for trump in the primary and didn't look back.

A lot were worried that Trump was a lib in disguise. My though was, so what? America will become the USA of France under Jeb or Hillary. If Trump turned out to be a disappoint, well I would have been disappointed but at least we gave it a shot.

Fortunately he turned out to be the greatest president since Reagan, maybe greater.

Posted by: Keith at October 09, 2020 05:20 PM (jdGlx)

668 The Shy Trump Voter thing is real, but like the Walk
Away thing, its a question of how many it represents. My gut says its
big, but its been wrong before. My gut told me there's no way this
country elects an outright communist who promises to raise taxes with
the middle name Hussein, 7 years after 9/11.

I was wrong. We are that screwed.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (KZzsI)

McCain actually shut down his campaign.

When he picked Palin he actually surged into the lead, so naturally he fucked that up by suspending his campaign, racing to Washington and dramatically failing to do anything.

That's why Obama won the first time.

Then Mitt did the gentlemanly thing and surrendered.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at October 09, 2020 05:20 PM (cfSRQ)

669 Quality idea - write in Bernie! Spread the word.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at October 09, 2020 05:21 PM (4NtsG)

670 Two days ago they put up a large Biden-Harris sign in their front yard. No one else in our neighborhood had any presidential candidate signs up... just the usual local races signs.

Today I counted NINE Trump-Pence 2020 signs that just went up and someone, who puts up Halloween decorations WAAAAAY to early, had a foam tombstone that said "RIP Biden-Harris 2020 Campaign".

Posted by: Nevyan at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM (a7HML)

People should've put "Yankee Go Home" signs in their yards instead.

Posted by: Ghost of Lee Atwater at October 09, 2020 05:21 PM (nu45M)

671 So...I think we need a post on who is dropping ads where and where the campaigns are focusing on.

I don't like to hear that trump is not spending $ in Ohio UNLESS THERE IS CLEAR evidence that's Ohio is in the bag.

but if Biden is busy spending money in say...Maryland...then that's a sign.

Posted by: official redcheckmark at October 09, 2020 05:21 PM (4RcDR)

672 Wow, no wonder they're keeping Joe tucked away. He's saying crap like this after everything else? His handlers must be chain smoking, caffeine addicted alcoholics. (30 sec clip)

Posted by: clutch cargo at October 09, 2020 05:21 PM (8B6Ng)

673 In 2016 I had the NRA's Save Freedom. Stop Hillary sticker on my truck and voted for Trump. This year it's a Trump 2020 Keep America Great.

Posted by: Cosda at October 09, 2020 05:21 PM (KCAS7)

674 If you don't work around them you have no idea.
It's the same song all fkin day

They are actually different songs, but like bad country its awfully hard to tell. There is some really damned good Mariachi music and I like it in small doses but most of it is regrettable and virtually identical.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 05:22 PM (KZzsI)

675 657 But the college age kids are being pressured to register and vote. Everywhere, Youtube, Twitch, the App store on Apple devices, Amazon Prime etc etc
Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 05:19 PM (HwiWi)

Fucking Uber made me agree that black lives matter to use their app a few months (weeks? I dont know, pandemic time is weird time) ago, and said "DELETE OUR APP if you don't agree," and recently they've been reminding me to vote every time I use Uber.

Pretty much every app I use has been doing this kind of shit (not as extreme as uber though)

Like what the fuck?

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 09, 2020 05:22 PM (cnTJD)

676 wait, so who is pulling ads where for what reason?
Posted by: official redcheckmark
No one is really sure, but the most official sounding news is that Trump is pulling ads from Iowa and Ohio. The speculation is that those are solidly in his column and no need to spend money on ads there.
Posted by: Dave in Fla at October 09, 2020 05:19 PM (5p7BC)

Based on just a few talks with a campaign manager in Texas, I don't think it works that way.

Ad buys are made and paid for. Maybe a campaign doesn't make the same buy from week to week but usually the buys are made in advance. I don't know how they could be "pulled" because they have to be paid for anyway.

Posted by: LASue at October 09, 2020 05:22 PM (2V6Ll)

677 Remember Romney absolutely wiped the floor with Obama in their first debate. We can't have that! He dutifully did everything in his power to lose graciously from that point on....

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 05:22 PM (HwiWi)

678 I really should Bogart a Biden Harris sign and change it to Sundowner and the A as a V with high heels and panties at the knees

Posted by: Skip at October 09, 2020 05:22 PM (OjZpE)

679 with colleges going online, it's a lot harder for students to vote twice

Posted by: x at October 09, 2020 05:22 PM (nFwvY)

680 678 Oh then put it back where I found it

Posted by: Skip at October 09, 2020 05:22 PM (OjZpE)

681 McCain actually shut down his campaign.

Wasn't his campaign manager Steve Schmidt?

Posted by: Rob Crawford at October 09, 2020 05:22 PM (naEeR)

682 Ahhh. Going through my annual "how to work in an office without dying" health-and-safety training.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at October 09, 2020 05:22 PM (hYcqw)

683 I have a relative who is voting for President Trump for the first time. Says he still doesn't like him, but that Trump kept his promises and thus earned his vote.

Posted by: NancyB at October 09, 2020 05:23 PM (wv7Qz)

684 677 Remember Romney absolutely wiped the floor with Obama in their first debate. We can't have that! He dutifully did everything in his power to lose graciously from that point on....
Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 05:22 PM (HwiWi)

Obama wasn't the first ass Mutt licked

nor the last

Posted by: REDACTED at October 09, 2020 05:23 PM (/Iqk8)

685 Politico had a big long article on how Republicans in Phoenix are voting Biden. The MSM stories are out there.

Posted by: Asshoes at October 09, 2020 05:23 PM (22mNy)

686 Disgraced former MSNBC host and Laura Ingraham's former sweaty love-puppet Keith Olbermann


Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at October 09, 2020 05:23 PM (3P/5p)

687 675 Yep, OrangeManBad must be stopped.

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 05:23 PM (HwiWi)

688 I liked her comments. But since she went way off the deep end I don't miss her at all. So its unfortunate she went down that path.
Posted by: buzzion at October 09, 2020 05:19 PM (vMCab)

--What happened?

Posted by: logprof, happily unembarreled at October 09, 2020 05:23 PM (oZuI0)

689 If you don't work around them you have no idea.
It's the same song all fkin day

Grab a cab in DC and drink in the driver's chang dang ding crap from Pakistan.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 09, 2020 05:23 PM (axyOa)

690 Keith Olberman says Trump, his supporters, Mike Lee, William Barr, Mike Pence, ACB, Sean Hannity, Rudy Giuliani, Kyle Rittenhouse, need to be prosecuted, convicted, and "removed from our society".

Looks like the original source is Olberman's NBC Countdown with Keith Olberman.

Posted by: bonhomme at October 09, 2020 05:23 PM (sG4Hj)


Biden held a quiet rally in a cemetery, today.
Biden said to the crowd, "If you can't decide who to vote for this election, me or President Trump, you ain't dead!"

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at October 09, 2020 05:24 PM (oelf+)

692 When he picked Palin he actually surged into the lead, so naturally he fucked that up by suspending his campaign, racing to Washington and dramatically failing to do anything.

If McCain had gone to Washington and led the fight to stop TARP and prevent a gigantic handout to mega corporations he would have won, I am certain of it. He would have been lauded as a great American who fought for the people instead of vested corporate interests.

Instead he rushed to Washington to... vote like everyone else.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 05:24 PM (KZzsI)

693 Yeah, if the corrupt and inept FBI are "infiltrating" "right wing" extremist groups, they aren't doing a good job because they keep ending "infiltrating" left-wing Democrat groups.
Posted by: Soothsayer at October 09, 2020 05:20 PM (oelf+)

I think it's just that *most* "right wing" "extremist" groups are not as, shall we say, "action oriented" as their left wing counterparts.

So the FBI avoids antifa, but goes to other similar groups. But I guarantee those groups are labeled as "right wing" and "anti government" and "white supremacist" and whatnot in all of the stats.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 09, 2020 05:24 PM (cnTJD)

694 -

LMAO @ Olbermann signaling for a gig somewhere, anywhere.

Posted by: Balrog of Morgoth at October 09, 2020 05:16 PM


Bathwater getting cold.

Posted by: irright at October 09, 2020 05:24 PM (SchQD)

But the college age kids are being pressured to register and vote.
Everywhere, Youtube, Twitch, the App store on Apple devices, Amazon
Prime etc etc

Yeah, but Trump hasn't sent any of those kids 18 to 22 years old overseas to fight in a new war. You might be surprised how many of those kids pull the lever for Trump.

Posted by: Killer Cuomo at October 09, 2020 05:24 PM (rQ/Vt)

696 The Laura Ingraham/Keith Olbermann tryst was the genesis of the 80's hit "Is she really going out with him." Truth.

Posted by: Joe Isuzu at October 09, 2020 05:25 PM (4NtsG)

697 Navybrat

Your mom is more alert at 96 than a lot of 30 and 40 year olds. Bless her.

Posted by: Case at October 09, 2020 05:25 PM (k1ip1)

698 I'm so worried about this election that I am prepping & training for extended civil unrest and going out to door-knock for Darryl F'in Issa this weekend.

Posted by: motionview at October 09, 2020 05:25 PM (pYQR/)

699 Just remember everything, news story, poll, interview, everything from now until 11/3 from the media is designed to depress Trump voter support and turnout.

As for me, I've turned 4 Donkey votes to Trump votes mostly because they are sane and know Joey the Pedo has severe dementia. Also being in Cali, they are pissed at Grewsome's edicts and lockdowns.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at October 09, 2020 05:25 PM (pw+jk)

700 I'm getting the feeling that the tits aren't calm

Posted by: REDACTED at October 09, 2020 05:25 PM (/Iqk8)

701 One friend tells me that the suburban well-to-do Wine Moms and Squish Sisters he knows are now fully on the MAGA train.

And yet all that's going around today is that Sources Say show internal polling saying that suburban moms hate Trump and want him gone.

I don't think anyone knows. I'm sure not going to pretend that I know.

Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at October 09, 2020 05:25 PM (GbPPJ)

702 Wait what? Ingraham and BathTub boy were a thing?

Is that weirder than Ann Coulter / Bill Maher?

Posted by: Asshoes at October 09, 2020 05:25 PM (22mNy)

703 If Trump wins and the R's sweep, it will generate a show of boobies like the world has never seen. Boobs will once again make their divine presence known. Even in Iran. It will be a global boobpocalypse.

That is why I would crawl over a mile of dead body landfill in Guatemala to vote Trump for President.

Posted by: Balrog of Morgoth at October 09, 2020 05:25 PM (CLteG)

704 Looks like the original source is Olberman's NBC Countdown with Keith Olberman.

Yeah, I expect him to be fired soon. Again.

He's counting on a Biden win and being swept into importance with his own show again.

As for Y-Not, I liked her but she got more than a little strident when talking about Trump. She got vicious, cruel, insanely angry, and personal. It was like arguing with a woman on her period about how often she should wash the dishes; I swear she'd have physically attacked people if she could.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 05:26 PM (KZzsI)

705 "McCain actually shut down his campaign.

When he picked Palin he actually surged into the lead, so naturally he fucked that up by suspending his campaign, racing to Washington and dramatically failing to do anything."

McCain was actually telling supporters at his rallies what a great President Obama was going to be.

The Left still called him a racist.

Posted by: Paul at October 09, 2020 05:26 PM (PMxE5)

706 I didn't vote Trump in 2016 but I will happily vote for him 2020 because actions really do count and I learned to ignore all the irritating stupid crap Trump says and tweets. I have a Republican brother who hangs on Trump's every word and discounts all the great stuff Trump has accomplished. He just cannot allow himself to get over Trump making fun of that reporter, Serge Kovaleski, who has arthrogryposis, a congenital condition affecting the joints. My brother's wife has epilepsy and he will never forgive Trump for mocking the disabled. But he says he isn't voting for Biden either. He cannot vote the socialist ticket. So there you have it.

Posted by: Monica at October 09, 2020 05:26 PM (QQXQA)

707 688 I liked her comments. But since she went way off the deep end I don't miss her at all. So its unfortunate she went down that path.
Posted by: buzzion at October 09, 2020 05:19 PM (vMCab)

--What happened?
Posted by: logprof, happily unembarreled at October 09, 2020 05:23 PM (oZuI0)

She was NeverTrump to the point of posting all about the Libertarian candidate in the sidebar.

Posted by: buzzion at October 09, 2020 05:26 PM (vMCab)

708 Queef OlberDouche needs to slip in his bathtub and hit his head.

Calling for people to be convicted and "removed" from society for their political views?

Fuck you, buddy. You're on The List now.

Posted by: Sharkman at October 09, 2020 05:26 PM (BM2fS)

709 No one is really sure, but the most official
sounding news is that Trump is pulling ads from Iowa and Ohio. The
speculation is that those are solidly in his column and no need to spend
money on ads there.

Posted by: Dave in Fla at October 09, 2020 05:19 PM (5p7BC)

Ohio wasn't even close in 2016, and its even farther right now. I figure the same is true with Iowa.

Trump is moving into enemy territory, Biden frantically trying to defend what he has left. That's what his campaign stops say.

It's a lot like Kerry hammering Ohio and Florida nonstop. Biden wants to hit MI PA WI but has to keep falling back to cover NV and MN.

Is he even contesting NC?

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at October 09, 2020 05:26 PM (cfSRQ)

710 I liked her comments. But since she went way off the deep end I don't miss her at all. So its unfortunate she went down that path.

Posted by: buzzion at October 09, 2020 05:19 PM (vMCab)

Meh. I found her quite full of herself.

Posted by: Tami at October 09, 2020 05:26 PM (cF8AT)

711 I would be hesitant about relying on too much anecdotal election information for two reasons: one, we want it to be true which fucks with your critical thinking. And two, I remember in 2012 when everyone here was talking about Cascade Preference and Enthusiasm Gaps in the days before the election and Romney got curbstomped.

Posted by: The Shadow Knowz at October 09, 2020 05:26 PM (xQJTG)

712 -

Politico had a big long article on how Republicans in Phoenix are voting Biden. The MSM stories are out there.

Posted by: Asshoes at October 09, 2020 05:23 PM


These bs stories will continue 24/7 until the election. Obvious propaganda.

Posted by: irright at October 09, 2020 05:26 PM (SchQD)

713 McCain was actually telling supporters at his rallies what a great President Obama was going to be.

The Left still called him a racist.

Posted by: Paul at October 09, 2020 05:26 PM (PMxE5)

McCain lost *Indiana*

Think about that.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at October 09, 2020 05:26 PM (cfSRQ)

714 Colleges closed will sure dampen Penn State in Centre County as a Democrat stronghold

Posted by: Skip at October 09, 2020 05:26 PM (OjZpE)

715 4 years ago was " We had a great lineup of candidates and we chose the only one Hillary can beat!" Until after he won than it became " Hillary was the only candidate Trump could have beaten"

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 05:27 PM (HwiWi)

716 McCain was Mondale in a flight suit.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at October 09, 2020 05:27 PM (cfSRQ)

717 McCain was a stalking horse who had no interest in beating Obama. The hockey mom was gonna drag him across the finish line until he quit the campaign and Palin was fragged by her own team.

Posted by: Fortcoins at October 09, 2020 05:27 PM (nV60k)

718 As for me, I've turned 4 Donkey votes to Trump votes mostly because they are sane and know Joey the Pedo has severe dementia. Also being in Cali, they are pissed at Grewsome's edicts and lockdowns.
Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at October 09, 2020 05:25 PM (pw+jk)

What I'm most curious about is my Joe Rogan Bro friends and how they end up voting.

It's really fascinating to me. I don't know if we'll end up seeing a national "Joe Rogan effect," but... Joe's "I'm a left winger who endorsed Bernie in the primaries but can't vote for Biden because hes mentally incapable of being president" schtick could really have some effect in the men in their 20's and 30's cohort.

Or not. Unknown.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 09, 2020 05:27 PM (cnTJD)

719 You're on our list now, Benes!!!

Posted by: Broseidon - Now A Scientist, Too at October 09, 2020 05:27 PM (FCQR/)

720 "During inclement weather, pay special attention to walking surfaces exposed to rain and snow."

This safety training is full of such valuable nuggets that most people who survive to adulthood certainly need to be told by the major corporation that employs them.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at October 09, 2020 05:27 PM (hYcqw)

721 "Your mom is more alert at 96 than a lot of 30 and 40 year olds. Bless her."

She can recite Bible verses from memory, regularly beats me at poker. She isn't on any meds, not a one.
She doing better than Biden, mentally.

Posted by: navybrat, at large at October 09, 2020 05:28 PM (w7KSn)

722 I would be hesitant about relying on too much
anecdotal election information for two reasons: one, we want it to be
true which fucks with your critical thinking. And two, I remember in
2012 when everyone here was talking about Cascade Preference and
Enthusiasm Gaps in the days before the election and Romney got

Posted by: The Shadow Knowz at October 09, 2020 05:26 PM (xQJTG)

When Romney knelt before Crowley, I knew he was a goner.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at October 09, 2020 05:28 PM (cfSRQ)

723 McCain actually shut down his campaign.

Wasn't his campaign manager Steve Schmidt?

Posted by: Rob Crawford


And therein you discovery why Steve Schmidt is doing what he's doing today.

Posted by: Sharkman at October 09, 2020 05:28 PM (BM2fS)

724 Romney and Ryan were also stalking horses for Barry. Even Pierre Delecto's son said he had no interest in the job.

Posted by: Fortcoins at October 09, 2020 05:28 PM (nV60k)

725 Something really odd about these recent polls. Wondering if they're vastly oversampling Dems again.

Posted by: JPV at October 09, 2020 05:28 PM (T6elx)

726 719 You named names

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 05:28 PM (HwiWi)

727 Grampa is so far ahead that he and I have time for a Cuties marathon.

Posted by: Arkansas Biden Baby at October 09, 2020 05:28 PM (EgshT)

728 Here's what few people talk about because few people want to admit it. There is a small % of people, maybe 5-8% I think, who flip a coin every election. Or they vote based on what the latest FB post they saw or whatever. These people are unpredictable as fuck and depending on what day of the week it is, will vote for Biden or Trump. And all the polling in the wold can't account for it.

And how the vote will determine who wins, which makes all the billions of dollars spent on campaigns, polls and endless debating kinda moot.

Posted by: Asshoes at October 09, 2020 05:28 PM (22mNy)

729 If Trump wins and the R's sweep, it will generate a show of boobies like the world has never seen. Boobs will once again make their divine presence known. Even in Iran. It will be a global boobpocalypse.

That is why I would crawl over a mile of dead body landfill in Guatemala to vote Trump for President.
Posted by: Balrog of Morgoth at October 09, 2020 05:25 PM (CLteG)

If Trump wins a landslide on Election Night, I have promised hand bra Victory Tits.

Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at October 09, 2020 05:29 PM (GbPPJ)

730 657 But the college age kids are being pressured to register and vote. Everywhere, Youtube, Twitch, the App store on Apple devices, Amazon Prime etc etc
Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 05:19 PM (HwiWi)

I have seen ads EVERYWHERE for some documentary called All In: The Fight for Democracy. The fact that Tank Abrams is in it tells me all I need to know about it.

Posted by: Jordan61 at October 09, 2020 05:29 PM (Ez6QX)

731 Didn't Laura Ingraham also bang George Conway?

Posted by: Mark1971 at October 09, 2020 05:29 PM (xPl2J)

732 I can't speak for anyone else but I was a NeverTrump Who Can Safely Vote For Egg McMuffin (And Suffer Eternal Shame) Because I Live In A Red State voter who is now a Would Crawl Across Molten Broken Glass Trump voter.

Posted by: Dodd at October 09, 2020 05:29 PM (wfqal)

733 I didn't vote Trump in 2016 but I will happily vote for him 2020 because actions really do count and I learned to ignore all the irritating stupid crap Trump says and tweets

*toasts Monica with Lime LaCroix*

I think we're not alone in this

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 05:29 PM (KZzsI)

734 711 I would be hesitant about relying on too much anecdotal election information for two reasons: one, we want it to be true which fucks with your critical thinking. And two, I remember in 2012 when everyone here was talking about Cascade Preference and Enthusiasm Gaps in the days before the election and Romney got curbstomped.
Posted by: The Shadow Knowz at October 09, 2020 05:26 PM (xQJTG)

Yep. The easiest person to lie to is yourself.

Posted by: Chris not rock at October 09, 2020 05:29 PM (vPQQc)

735 710 Tami

Tami, you are very astute, IMO.

Posted by: EveR at October 09, 2020 05:29 PM (R0z7P)

736 If Trump wins a landslide on Election Night, I have promised hand bra Victory Tits.
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at October 09, 2020 05:29 PM (GbPPJ)
Ah, so a bet that will never be collected. No one is going to win on election night, big or otherwise. Sad.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at October 09, 2020 05:30 PM (hYcqw)

Is it only me or does Wretched Witmer look like a complete psycho every time I see her on the TV? I think I saw her boiling a bunny in a movie in the 80's.

Posted by: Killer Cuomo at October 09, 2020 05:30 PM (rQ/Vt)

738 I have the popcorn and pudding cups at hand. Only massive and unchecked fraud beats Trump.

Posted by: Fortcoins at October 09, 2020 05:30 PM (nV60k)

Wait what? Ingraham and BathTub boy were a thing?

Is that weirder than Ann Coulter / Bill Maher?
Posted by: Asshoes

Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at October 09, 2020 05:30 PM (63Dwl)

740 4 years ago was " We had a great lineup of candidates and we chose the only one Hillary can beat!" Until after he won than it became " Hillary was the only candidate Trump could have beaten"


4 years ago there were people on this very blog that said Trump was a dark horse for Hillary and was going to throw the presidency to her.... any day now, almost there, waiting for the right moment, soon, almost there...

Posted by: fixerupper at October 09, 2020 05:30 PM (nw6Hr)

741 As for Y-Not, I liked her but she got more than a little strident when talking about Trump. She got vicious, cruel, insanely angry, and personal. It was like arguing with a woman on her period about how often she should wash the dishes; I swear she'd have physically attacked people if she could.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 05:26 PM (KZzsI)

Yep, like I said I recently found the posts that made me lose all respect for her.

First she had posted this thread and had to be petty about Trump.

When someone criticized her she declared you must stay on topic and posted the following post beneath it.

So like I said, don't miss her at all.

Posted by: buzzion at October 09, 2020 05:30 PM (vMCab)


Noodie kazoo.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at October 09, 2020 05:30 PM (oelf+)

743 Colleges closed will sure dampen Penn State in Centre County as a Democrat stronghold

Posted by: Skip at October 09, 2020 05:26 PM (OjZpE)

It's more than that, though. Think about all the smaller schools that add a nice few thousand solid, locked-in Dem votes.

A lot of those people didn't even register. They do on campus because they bring the forms to them and shove them in their hands.

Then on Election Day they can vote right on campus! It's a big deal, huge turnout effort.

Now that's gone.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at October 09, 2020 05:30 PM (cfSRQ)

744 The Coup basically succeeded in pushing the House to Nancy, imo. Sure it is common for the party opposite the prez to win more seats in that second year period ... But Mueller and Trump/Russia lie was still held as absolute Truth ...

The Coup is ongoing, but there have at least been some revelations about the lies and corruption. And the left has gone loony left with AOC and now Socialist Bernie again being pushed aside by another corrupt old white mobster. (but now with more dementia and hair sniffing)

If the left wasn't running a massive PsyOp on multiple fronts to drive people insane .... Trump would win in a landslide. But the 14-18 year olds of 2016 can vote now (18, right?) and they are largely brainwashed ... and the masses .... there should be a sane silent majority. we shall see.

Posted by: illiniwek at October 09, 2020 05:31 PM (Cus5s)

745 There is a small % of people, maybe 5-8% I think, who flip a coin every election. Or they vote based on what the latest FB post they saw or whatever.

I think its more 1-3% but yeah I think there's a fair number who have no idea who they will vote for until they finally sit down to vote and the last influence is the one they go by.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 05:31 PM (KZzsI)

746 Oh! In the "electrical safety" section, there's this gem:
"Be sure to turn off equipment before unplugging it from the outlet and to pull gently from the plug, not the cord."

Do I work for a major company, or am I test screening the world's most boring episode of Sesame Street?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at October 09, 2020 05:31 PM (hYcqw)

747 In Silicon Valley I have still not seen a single Biden bumper sticker. Or yard sign. Heck, even at the intersections that are plastered with political signs, no Biden.

Now, either they're not making/selling the things, or something else is going on. The lack of Trump signs means nothing, most folks don't want to be vandalized, and a big banner at an intersection would last about 10 minutes.

I think that the only reason people are going to be motivated to vote is their hatred of Trump. And, it's awfully hard for people with functioning brains (granted, not many) to look around at the economic boom that's been taking place in the valley all the way up until the shutdown and think how bad they've had it. This place was in full swing like I've never seen until March 16, 2020.

And for the poor people who've lost their jobs and/or businesses, it's obvious who is to blame for that. For the young people that used to socialize in bars and restaurants, they know it's not Trump that closed it all down.

I honestly think that CA could be in play if it weren't for the ballot harvesting and illegals. A lot of people that hate Trump might still just sit things out. And I think a lot of the Hispanic community doesn't want a scold president. Harris just isn't loved here.

Posted by: clutch cargo at October 09, 2020 05:31 PM (8B6Ng)

748 Re: college

Would love to see break down of the number of college kids who attend school out of state and then broken down by how that related to red, blue and purple states. Like do a ton of Californians go to college in Arizona for instance? If they do and now they're home in CA then that helps us. If it's the other way around, it hurts us.

Posted by: Asshoes at October 09, 2020 05:31 PM (22mNy)

749 NOOD y'all.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at October 09, 2020 05:32 PM (3H9h1)

750 677 Remember Romney absolutely wiped the floor with Obama in their first debate. We can't have that! He dutifully did everything in his power to lose graciously from that point on....
Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 05:22 PM (HwiWi)
Jim Lehrer, an old-fashioned liberal, asked sensible questions and allowed each candidate to answer. He tried to make himself invisible. On an even playing field like that, just about any GOP, even a POS like Romney, will do well because their views are saner than the Dem ones.

Candy Crowley? LOL.

That was the BIG difference. Well that and the fact that Romney was incapable of defending himself against the set up and the obvious collusion between Obama and the cow.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at October 09, 2020 05:32 PM (M/9m0)

751 I saw Cascade Preference and
Enthusiasm Gaps open for Captain and Tenille who opened for Tony Orlando and Dawn at the Rialto in 04.

Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at October 09, 2020 05:32 PM (3P/5p)

752 4 years ago there were people on this very blog that said Trump was a dark horse for Hillary and was going to throw the presidency to her

Hell there were people still saying that his first year. Then it became impossible to ignore that he was nothing like they (or I) feared. I thought at best he'd be a Bill Clinton type.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 09, 2020 05:32 PM (KZzsI)

753 Is he even contesting NC?
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd
This is the item that has been puzzling me. I don't see either campaign doing anything in NC. And it is one state that is probably a must win for Trump.

Trump will be in Florida this weekend, but I've heard nothing on the schedule for NC.

I wonder if the the Cunningham debacle has taken NC off the map for Biden?

Posted by: Dave in Fla at October 09, 2020 05:32 PM (5p7BC)

754 Is it only me or does Wretched Witmer look like a complete psycho every time I see her on the TV? I think I saw her boiling a bunny in a movie in the 80's.
Posted by: Killer Cuomo at October 09, 2020 05:30 PM (rQ/Vt)

--The first plastic fuck-doll ever to be elected governor in the USA.

Posted by: logprof, happily unembarreled at October 09, 2020 05:33 PM (oZuI0)

755 730 Yes All In is their slogan. It even has a Twitch emote for the gamer/stoners

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 05:33 PM (HwiWi)

756 Yo!

Posted by: Yo! at October 09, 2020 05:33 PM (GIeIM)

757 She can recite Bible verses from memory, regularly beats me at poker. She isn't on any meds, not a one.


Wow, good for her! I thought my dad was doing pretty well with no meds at 85...but 96, that's really terrific.

Posted by: Lady in Black at October 09, 2020 05:34 PM (FAAxO)

758 735 710 Tami

Tami, you are very astute, IMO.

Posted by: EveR at October 09, 2020 05:29 PM (R0z7P)

Why TY Ever! As are you!

Posted by: Tami at October 09, 2020 05:34 PM (cF8AT)

759 And two, I remember in 2012 when everyone here was talking about Cascade Preference and Enthusiasm Gaps in the days before the election and Romney got curbstomped.


romney election I was the guy saying preference cascade, etc etc...while ignoring the conservatives who were complaining that Mitt wasn't one of us and he wasn't really getting the base motivated.

yeah, romney turned out to be a Dole or Kerry. Not the kind of candidate that breaks the incumbent's lock. Biden is a Kemp/Dole/Kerry who can't even campaign

Posted by: official redcheckmark at October 09, 2020 05:34 PM (4RcDR)

760 Hey!

I do doinked Wendy wine mom!

Good times

Posted by: Yo! at October 09, 2020 05:34 PM (GIeIM)

761 A lot of Biden supporters I know have cut the cable cord, and use digital antennas - so they are mostly getting their local MSM affiliates. They read WaPo and NYT. They're not stupid people and believe they are well informed. And they're too busy making a living to dog into alternative internet sources like PJ Media, AOS, Etc.

Posted by: liz953 at October 09, 2020 05:35 PM (jGOHJ)

762 -

I would be hesitant about relying on too much anecdotal election
information for two reasons: one, we want it to be true which fucks with
your critical thinking. And two, I remember in 2012 when everyone here
was talking about Cascade Preference and Enthusiasm Gaps in the days
before the election and Romney got curbstomped.

Posted by: The Shadow Knowz at October 09, 2020 05:26 PM


The only reason to be hesitant to reject the left's propaganda, is if it would lead to complacency and repubs not voting because Trump will have an easy win. NOBODY is gonna stay home because of that this year. The thing we must fight is repubs getting discouraged. . I do not give a SHIT if after the election someone can tell me I was wrong about this. In that event, not much will matter, anymore.

Posted by: irright at October 09, 2020 05:35 PM (SchQD)

763 And yet all that's going around today is that Sources Say show internal polling saying that suburban moms hate Trump and want him gone.

Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at October 09, 2020 05:25 PM (GbPPJ)

After following this stuff for years I realized that when a campaign talks about "internal polls are good/bad for X" it means the opposite. Heck, we heard earlier today that a source said that internal polls showed Biden taking the lead in Georgia, to which my teenage son asked, "If that's true, then why are neither he nor Trump campaigning there?" If a teenager can figure this out then why can't adults?

Posted by: Ghost of Lee Atwater at October 09, 2020 05:35 PM (nu45M)

764 I'm a reluctant to enthusiastic Trump voter. I personally know two people who voted for Hillary who are voting for Trump. I also have a friend who has never voted in his life who just registered so that he could vote for Trump.

Posted by: An Observation at October 09, 2020 05:35 PM (RJg/G)

765 Kcjeff, why is she changing her vote? Is she crazy or dumb?
Posted by: Seems legit at October 09, 2020 05:09 PM (jUVms)

wuhan flu scares the shit out of her, watched the daily briefings, thought the lockdowns should be more severe and that trum is arrogant and didn't take it serious enough. so fear and propaganda.

Posted by: KCJeff at October 09, 2020 05:36 PM (ZpEgy)

766 737
Is it only me or does Wretched Witmer look like a complete psycho every time I see her on the TV? I think I saw her boiling a bunny in a movie in the 80's.

Posted by: Killer Cuomo at October 09, 2020 05:30 PM (rQ/Vt)

I agree she looks like a complete psycho, now. When she gave the Dem's SOTU response way back in February, it was the first time I'd seen her. She looked sane to me. Maybe she was acting in February, or maybe the stress of a huge crisis has fried her brain.

Posted by: Gref at October 09, 2020 05:37 PM (AMIL/)

767 I can post a pic of Wendy wine moms awesome bewbs

Posted by: Yo! at October 09, 2020 05:38 PM (GIeIM)

768 all the propaganda blaming Trump for covid aside, I think the isolation and shut downs may hurt Dems more. Their GOTV is harmed more since Dems are more afraid of the virus (?) ... and they may need the group pressure more the stable minded conservatives do.

What if in isolation people are released from the constant peer pressure, and they seek out alternative news? idk ... seems possible the isolation freed some minds from group tyranny, which is partly administered by teachers.

Posted by: illiniwek at October 09, 2020 05:41 PM (Cus5s)

769 ---
When Romney knelt before Crowley, I knew he was a goner.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at October 09, 2020 05:28 PM (cfSRQ)

My heart sank but still, election night, could not believe people voted that communist destroyer back into office.

Posted by: Braenyard at October 09, 2020 05:41 PM (uCoHM)

770 There are at least double the shy trump voters.

2016 shy trump voter was due to personal and professional ebarrassment"

2020 shy trump voter is due to personal and professional safety.

Posted by: Bif at October 09, 2020 05:42 PM (jv4wp)

771 So like I said, don't miss her at all.

Posted by: buzzion at October 09, 2020 05:30 PM (vMCab)

Wow! Somehow I missed those threads...or maybe I skipped them intentionally because they were put up by her.

And I got a wee bit sad reading them when I came to a rickl comment. ;(

Posted by: Tami at October 09, 2020 05:47 PM (cF8AT)

772 There are Daywalkers complaining in the new Thread that noone nooded, so as a HSA, nood.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 09, 2020 05:50 PM (DMUuz)

773 Probably not the first, but Imma go ahead and call it: Trump wins so decisively on election night that no amount of Soros-Secretary-of-State tampering and mail-in confusion and whatever other cheap-ass tricks the donks have cooked up will be enough to make it even close. We will definitely know who the winner is on election night and it will be Trump.
The only variable is whether Trump supporters will work to make it happen. They have no reason to be discouraged, but every reason to be cocky. Somehow cockiness doesn't seem likely given the stakes.
Also we keep the Senate and win the House. No idea about Governors or state legislatures.

Posted by: Jack Squat Bupkis at October 09, 2020 05:50 PM (0V/8D)

774 I wrote in Ted Cruz in 2016, what the ever living fuck was I thinking? My wife, a life long Dem, wrote in Marco Rubio, she hates Trump but hated Hillary more.

We're both voting Trump now, of course, so he picks up two useless votes in NY - but at least I get to cancel out Cuomo's vote and she gets to cancel out DeBlasio's - so there's that.

Posted by: Boswell at October 09, 2020 05:59 PM (w2LAm)

775 316 Never fear. Just remember the moron codeword so we can recognize each other in the camps...
Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM (HwiWi)

Is it codeword?
Posted by: Kwai Chang Mandelblit at October 09, 2020 04:43 PM (oznz)
Carrot chili
Posted by: Axeman at October 09, 2020 04:44 PM (Eicbe)


Posted by: No One of Consequence at October 09, 2020 04:47 PM (CAJOC)


Lace wigs?

Posted by: EyeTest at October 09, 2020 06:02 PM (FkbB3)

776 I'm convinced that the polls are what they are to protect Wall Street.

They want an orderly pricing in the markets rather than a mad-dash to the doors.


The panic positions are when they stack a position in a particular market a few days before some "news" comes out that moves that market.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat until the rubes have been cleaned out.

Posted by: 🐧 at October 09, 2020 06:05 PM (C+evo)

777 About NC:

That's an interesting one. It was a Trump win, but was pegged as a state Biden would target.

A lot was done there in August and September but toward the end of the month everything sort of went quiet. I think it's just pulled out of reach much the way Pennsylvania did for Romney in '12. He targeted it, pushed hard, but by mid-October had basically conceded that he wasn't winning the state. I think that's what happened in NC for Biden.

Biden's splitting his time pushing the must-must-win Trump states like MI, PA, and WI, while also trying to hold on to Clinton states like NV and MN. That is not the mark of a candidate blowing things out of the water.

But who knows, maybe both of their internal polling is showing a dozen razor thin states and they're both trying to find their winning coalition. I don't think so, though.

Posted by: Matthew Martin at October 09, 2020 06:12 PM (ojwvu)

778 This post is one of those "my boner's boner got a boner that created 4 more boners" posts

Posted by: kthorton at October 09, 2020 06:13 PM (BOa7j)

779 I know at least one person who didn't vote for Trump last time but will vote for him enthusiastically this time: Me.

I also know someone who won't reveal that fact to friends, family, or pollsters: Also me.

Now to be completely honest, I've been a Republican for almost my entire adult life. And the partisan vote for ObamaCare in 2010 ensured I would never vote for a Democrat again. But in 2016 I voted for the libertarian (whose name I have forgotten because he was forgettable) mainly as a protest vote. I thought Trump was a phony Republican, more RINO than Romney even, and his priorities were all wrong. I'm not an immigration hawk so the "build a wall, deport 'em all" rhetoric didn't really do anything for me. I was more concerned about how the US had the highest business tax rates in the world, about excessive regulation, and about runaway government spending. I was concerned about due process for college kids. Had I trusted him on any of those subjects, I'd have ignored the Access Hollywood tape, but since I didn't trust him it was just another nail in the coffin.

Since then, he cut our business tax rate and made massive cuts to the regulatory state, and the employment and wage gains speak for themselves. His resistance to China and free trade now seems prescient given the exposure of their exportation of authoritarianism. And Betsy DeVos has done exactly what I wanted in regards to restoring due process so that college kids can defend themselves from phony accusations. So he's either done the things I've been begging other Republicans to do for decades (on taxes, regulation, and due process), or he's managed to convince me to change my own policy preferences (on trade and immigration). I do wish he was better on spending, but just this week he walked away from stimulus negotiations instead of caving to the Dems, and that's not nothing.

Honestly, after 2012 I was pretty dispirited. I didn't think there was any hope for this country. I certainly didn't expect Trump would be the one to turn things around. But in the course of four years, he's given me a sliver of hope again, and I will absolutely vote for that.

But I won't tell anybody that. Not with my real name attached. It's too dangerous in these times, too much hassle to defend yourself against left-wing crybullies. So I keep silent, and strike at the voting booth. Like a ninja.

Posted by: Caiwyn at October 09, 2020 06:14 PM (VFCQN)

780 676 Based on just a few talks with a campaign manager in Texas, I don't think it works that way.

Ad buys are made and paid for. Maybe a campaign doesn't make the same buy from week to week but usually the buys are made in advance. I don't know how they could be "pulled" because they have to be paid for anyway.


I think the phrase "pulling ads" is just a misnomer by the laymen. It's more like he's not buying any more ads for those areas. He's relying solely on his GOTV work to finish things.

Posted by: Matthew Martin at October 09, 2020 06:15 PM (ojwvu)

781 I was a reluctant Trump voter in 2016.

Having lived through the Clinton years in the 90s (my pre-teen and early teenage years), I was raised on Rush and Newt, and grew up with good clean disdain for Hillary.

It was easy to vote against her, but I wasn't about to tell people I was voting for that orange boob. I basically decided that Trump would be a terrible President, that the liberals in congress who schmooze him, get in his ear, and convince him to do everything they wanted.

I was not happy about it, but I decided I would rather enjoy one night of Hillary crying than four years of her cackling.

Four years later, I will crawl over broken glass and there's not a democrat or republican who could run that would enthuse me as much as Trump. He's not perfect, but he's good enough as a conservative and, added to that, he punches back and isn't afraid to point at the liberals and say "these guys are idiots, we all know it, I'm just willing to say it."

Trump is the closest I'll get to my childhood hero Rush Limbaugh winning the White House.

Four more years for life, baby.

Posted by: Matthew Martin at October 09, 2020 06:19 PM (ojwvu)

782 I don't know anybody who voted for Trump in 2016 that is voting for Biden. I send a daily email to a list of dozens of people. Not one has asked to be dropped from the list nor has anybody responded negatively to my pro-Trump, nationalist slant.

Posted by: Lawrence L at October 09, 2020 06:21 PM (Uu7xZ)

783 If Trump were on course to win bigly, what do you think the leftist media and pollsters would be telling us right now? "Biden up by 28 points WOW!"

Posted by: Brisco_County_Sr at October 09, 2020 06:23 PM (DBPIP)

784 How many Reluctant Trump Voters to Enthusiastic Trump Voters do you know?

This guy (two thumbs pointing to self).

Plus, where I lived in 2016 (Olympia, WA) is super liberal (home to Evergreen State college and insane asylum). It was wall to wall Hillary lawn signs but this year I counted only 5 Biden/Harridian signs and they were mostly paired with BLM signs. In the city limits I haven't seen any Trump signs but a lots of (R) signs who is running against Jay Insane (D). I figure one isn't voting for a Republican Gov and Hidin' Biden. Puting up a Trump lawn sign there will get your house burned down. The downtown area is all boarded up from peaceful protesters breaking windows and stealing stuff and homeless drug addicts are everywhere. A real shithole. I moved away in July and where I live now is 10 foot high Trump signs and flags.

Posted by: Mr. Feverhead at October 09, 2020 06:32 PM (Yky25)

785 Make that Culp (R) signs

Posted by: Mr. Feverhead at October 09, 2020 06:34 PM (Yky25)

786 597 There are the self enforced errors like the McCain POW dig. Yeah, McShitstain was a POS whose best days were behind him when he stepped off the plane in 73 and who screwed the county over most of his time in office. But Trump has a petty streak, some insecurities and braggadocio and no filter and it gives the other side ammunition and hurts LIV sensibilities.

Posted by: Keith at October 09, 2020 05:05 PM (jdGlx)

Honestly, that is what first got me interested in Trump.

It was exhilarating to see a politician say something so ... un political.

I laughed out loud.

Which is why I was always cool with the Trumpers on here (I was Rand Paul, then Ted Cruz)... because I understood why they liked him.

But that was a dark time at the 'hq. Lots of hate going on on here during the 16 primaries.
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 09, 2020 05:13 PM (cnTJD)

You know what? It was actually when Trump told that loathsome choad to go suck a fat one that I became a Trump supporter.

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at October 09, 2020 06:36 PM (H3MF8)

787 I saw Trump enthusiasm in southern CA while visiting. Signs, stickers, people on freeway overpasses with signs, trucks with huge flags. I don't expect Trump to win CA but there are a lot of serious supporters there.
Posted by: Seems Legit at October 09, 2020 04:16 PM (jUVms)

I am living in Southern CA. I have seen exactly zero Biden bumper stickers on car when commuting 6 days a week. Saw a Bernie 2020 the other day.

Posted by: Oldcat at October 09, 2020 06:40 PM (eoQWY)

788 I am living in Southern CA. I have seen exactly zero Biden bumper stickers on car when commuting 6 days a week. Saw a Bernie 2020 the other day.
Posted by: Oldcat at October 09, 2020 06:40 PM (eoQWY)

I have yet to see a Biden sticker anywhere. Do they even make them?

Posted by: Mr. Feverhead at October 09, 2020 06:44 PM (Yky25)

789 And yet all that's going around today is that Sources Say show internal polling saying that suburban moms hate Trump and want him gone.

Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at October 09, 2020 05:25 PM (GbPPJ)

After following this stuff for years I realized that when a campaign talks about "internal polls are good/bad for X" it means the opposite. Heck, we heard earlier today that a source said that internal polls showed Biden taking the lead in Georgia, to which my teenage son asked, "If that's true, then why are neither he nor Trump campaigning there?" If a teenager can figure this out then why can't adults?
Posted by: Ghost of Lee Atwater at October 09, 2020 05:35 PM (nu45M)

What I have seen as what makes "suburban moms" vote for generation has been the status quo. Talk of big changes turn them off, but after they get changed they support the new status quo. They may have backed off trump some in 2016, but him being in there and the Dems fomenting riots and speaking of turning over the forms of government will turn them off bigly.

Posted by: Oldcat at October 09, 2020 06:45 PM (eoQWY)

790 I think it's also quite telling that recent polls have shown that 2/3 of Americans are afraid to talk about their political views.

Is anyone who plans to vote for Biden afraid to say so?

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at October 09, 2020 06:49 PM (H3MF8)

791 The only anecdote I can provide:
I live in one of the bluest neighborhoods in Portland. Senator Ron wyden lives down the street. Voted 80% obama. When Hillary ran every lawn had a Hillary sign. There's 1000 homes here. This year I see about 15 biden signs.

Posted by: Shooter McLovin at October 09, 2020 06:53 PM (TVTAT)

792 My own story:

Trump was the last guy I would have voted for in the 2016 primary. Well, maybe Kasich was, but I was not a Trump fan. However, when Trump got the nomination, it was a no-brainer. The alternative was Hillary, but really any Democrat would have been a disaster. So, I voted for Trump even though I have some issues with him.

I still have some issues with Trump. I am way more conservative than he is. Still, I am a crawl-over-broken-glass voter for Trump this year. Dems have become batshit crazy and are destroying the country. Put them in the White House, Senate, and the House, and they will certainly succeed in their destructive actions. We won't have a country any more.

Posted by: RalphF at October 09, 2020 07:45 PM (5FiEy)

793 I keep hoping these polls are a good enough indicator of people's feelings to counter the many different ways Dems will try to stuff ballot boxes this season.

As to people voting for Trump that may be reluctant or won you would expect, had a tenant in my building, mid 30s and from Columbia, who hinted that he was a Trump leaner and also thinks the whole mask issue is a fraud that will end right after the election. Just anecdotally that's 4 people i know, all minorities (2 Hispanic and 2 Moroccan) who have either directly come out and said they're Trump supporters or hinted at it. My hope is there are 30,000,000x more who feel the same way but won't say it.

Posted by: Rbastid at October 09, 2020 08:11 PM (hOX2Q)

794 A Facebook memory from 2016 showed up today... We were discussing politics, Trump was referred to as "an intellectual lightweight and a moral midget." Every Single One of the 8 people who "liked" that comment in 2016 are now hard-core voting for him.

Posted by: FbL at October 09, 2020 08:16 PM (06Zuk)

795 Could there be "shy Biden" voters out there? They wouldn't be afraid to say they're voting for Biden, but they might be ashamed to say they are voting for that senile old fool. Even an insane Democrat could still be ashamed of that. I would be.

Posted by: RalphF at October 09, 2020 08:19 PM (5FiEy)

796 Ace, this has probably already been brought up, but -- I think it's the Demoniacs' plan to keep the polls heavily skewed in favor of Senile Joe right through the election this time: so they'll have an excuse to draaaaag the results and the counting and recounting out from here to eternity. Looking for bogus ballots for as long as it takes, friends.
There will be no "tightening of the polls" this year -- mark my words. They're All In on stealing the Presidency, by any means necessary.

Posted by: Beverly at October 09, 2020 08:22 PM (UXz2o)

Never fear. Just remember the moron codeword so we can recognize each other in the camps...

Posted by: steevy at October 09, 2020 04:41 PM

I'll be in my bunk

Posted by: The shooting times are approaching at October 09, 2020 08:26 PM (t1zLB)

798 I was a reluctant Trump voter in '16, I actually stood in the voting booth for about 30 seconds, to choose between Trump or the Libertarian. (I live in KS, a reliably red state. If I don't like a candidate - i.e. Romney 2012 - I vote Libertarian, knowing it won't affect the outcome.)
This time you could call me a 'crawl over broken glass' Trump supporter.

Posted by: Ricky D at October 09, 2020 08:28 PM (H0aft)

799 I was a 2016 primaries hard core NT. I mean obnoxious. I went to extremely reluctant, last-minute, staring at the ballot Trump voter for the presidency. Today I am crawl over broken glass Trump voter.

What I don't get is if the Ds really believe they are leading by double-digits nationwide, why aren't they acting like it. Why did they need the always obnoxious Michelle Obama to come out with her mendacious scold video this week that told us all how stupid we are to even suggest that the "protests" were violent?

Posted by: Nerina Bellinger at October 09, 2020 08:43 PM (3sHsl)

800 i live in NC so i will chime in on that fwiw. people are flippin pissed at the governors lockdown bullshit. openly being mocked and ignored, so that cant be doing dems any favors. trump signs outnumber biden something like 100 to 1.

Posted by: cmotvrwc at October 09, 2020 09:45 PM (1d03D)

801 OK I want to let the horde, who may not be as young as certain people in my life, the skinny on the 'rona.

The coyote pup personally knows more than 180 college students who have tested positive for COVID since the start of the semester. These are friends from high school, members of her sorority, business school acquaintances and classmates.

Not a single one of these kids was sick. About 20 of them reported losing sense of taste and smell .... and their reaction was to do stupid things like a Wasabi and ghost pepper challenge and put it on Instagram.

Four - precisely four - felt kind of crappy for a day. One said she felt like she does during spring allergy season - wiped out and achy.

One high school chum "self isolated" by going backpacking for 2 weeks, since her college gives kids who test positive a 2 week pass for classes (they don't have to do anything they are completely excused from all class participation and homework). Pretty sick, huh?


These age group's parents have realized that a lot of the early covid disaster was due to really crappy initial treatment (throwing everybody on a vent), what appears to have been a more virulent strain early on, and it hitting people who were already sick AND old. I think they've put 2 and 2 together and realize the shutdown, the media death count - all of it was fear porn.

If all Biden has is fear porn, he is going to lose the people who've realized this is not as bad as the media claimed.

Posted by: the other coyote at October 09, 2020 10:01 PM (d1P1b)

802 "How many NeverTrump to Reluctant Trump Voters do you know? How many Reluctant Trump Voters to Enthusiastic Trump Voters do you know?"
I myself was a NeverTrumper in 2016 (I wrote in my own name because I wasn't giving a vote to that cretin Johnston or that fraud McMullin). This year I am an enthusiastic Trump voter. I have at least two other right-of-center friends who are in the same position, and one of them persuaded his moderate-liberal wife to abstain from voting for Biden.
I know one unrepentant NeverTrumper friend, a cowardly squish who was only ever nominally "conservative," though I can't tell if he'll vote for Biden or Jorgenson this year.

Posted by: Robert Hobart at October 09, 2020 10:40 PM (IY1F+)

803 I know a few 2016 Bernie Bros who were reluctant Trump voters in 2016 and are now enthusiastic Trump voters. Wife and I were always conservative but unenthusiastic about Trump in 2016. We're also now enthusiastic Trump supporters. I know no one who went from Trump to Biden.

Posted by: Earl_Lemongrab at October 09, 2020 11:14 PM (HlSHW)

804 I know of one person who voted for Trump last time, and already voted for Biden. I think this is because mainly this person listens to one of their hard-leftist friends, not realizing the real threat that the left supports. That and the supposed way Trump handled Covid "wrong", point out the "200,000" that died. It would be a lot more if Trump hadn't done what he did, but there's no reasoning. If Biden ends up winning, and the reality the massive tax increases we'll all have to endure set in, that'll be the end of voting Democrat for that person.... but it's going to come at a very high cost.

Posted by: dean at October 10, 2020 12:49 AM (NCbut)

805 Another thing I forogt: This person voted against Hillary (and still would). I tried to point out that Biden won't last long and we could end up with Harris, but that didn't change anything. A Harris presidency would be a nightmare.

Here's hoping Trump and Mitch make it through the election victorious. If they don't, it's packed courts, and the end of the right being in power for a very, very long time. ...Also probably means I would never be able to retire.

Posted by: dean at October 10, 2020 12:52 AM (NCbut)

806 Polite society.

one word...Respect!?

Posted by: Guns at October 10, 2020 12:57 AM (aOXFH)

807 constantly i used to read smaller articles or reviews that
as well clear their motive, and that is also happening with
this post which I am reading at this time.

Posted by: Apk Joker123 at October 13, 2020 07:35 PM (u19mt)

808 Today, I went to the beach with my children. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said
"You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear." She placed
the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside
and it pinched her ear. She never wants
to go back! LoL I know this is totally off topic but I had to tell

Posted by: Joker123 at October 22, 2020 10:36 AM (7JbH1)

809 I know this website presents quality based articles and additional material, is there
any other web page which provides these kinds of stuff in quality?

Posted by: at October 30, 2020 10:28 PM (8fd6M)

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