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Sundown Joe "Answers Citizens' Questions" By Obviously Reading the Answers His Staffers Are Putting On His Teleprompter

"Move it up here," he sighs exhaustedly, instructing his puppeteers to scroll the teleprompter script.

He's waiting for them to write his answer for him.

Don't miss this one.

Amazing vid. Can't wait to see it on TV, in a campaign commercial.

Obviously our "journalists" will not make any mention of it, except possibly to denounce the "right-wing conspiracy theory" that Biden is in steep cognitive decline.

Cognitive free-fall, in fact.

He also babbled incoherently at today's news propaganda conference.

He used to be able to read his teleprompter, at least. Increasingly, the ability to read is leaking out of his hole-riddled, rotten brain.

Now he's losing things, and blaming his staff.

He also coughed a lot:

That's not alarming at all.

With all the votes already cast-- what happens if (when) this guy dies or has to medically evacuate the race? What's the rule on that?

Posted by: Ace at 02:46 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 "I hope the press digs into this"


Posted by: Tom Servo at September 09, 2020 02:46 PM (Kpl3J)

2 Whia

Posted by: ... at September 09, 2020 02:47 PM (l+lsS)

3 he even reads the STOP
and other instructions

he's such a dope

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 09, 2020 02:47 PM (rjE57)

4 Top Ten? Read the content.

Posted by: FrozenTech at September 09, 2020 02:47 PM (LGM1R)

5 How long can they carry this meat puppet?

Posted by: steevy at September 09, 2020 02:48 PM (HwiWi)

6 not first

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, shouting Lawrence! into the desert at September 09, 2020 02:48 PM (LvTSG)

7 Was talking with dad last night, and he thinks that if they try to replace Biden it will be ugly. Biden will refuse to go.

I still worry that we'll end up with a situation where "everyone knows" that Kamala is going to be president shortly after a Biden win, but because Biden is still at the top of the ticket she's protected from any focus of Trump's attacks.

Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at September 09, 2020 02:48 PM (SgjGX)

8 Trump always knows where his staff is

Posted by: ... at September 09, 2020 02:48 PM (l+lsS)


This is as close to a puppet then we have ever seen. More than Obama, even.

The pulling of Biden's strings. The hand up his backside.

This is it in living color, folks.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 09, 2020 02:48 PM (rjE57)

10 Cognitive Free Zone.

Posted by: klaftern at September 09, 2020 02:48 PM (RuIsu)

11 *sniffles* Truly inspiring. Makes me long for the eloquence of W.

Posted by: lorien1973 at September 09, 2020 02:48 PM (SpKeo)

12 "This is Joe Biden now?"
-Independent who's been ignoring politics for a year

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, shouting Lawrence! into the desert at September 09, 2020 02:49 PM (LvTSG)

13 As long as is necessary Steevy. They've hitched that wagon, their last chance to get off was the convention. Now its win and Article 25, or go home.

Posted by: FrozenTech at September 09, 2020 02:49 PM (LGM1R)

14 Sorry Ace, the media is too busy taking the President's "downplaying the virus" quote completely out of context to dig into Weekend at Biden's......still have yet to see ONE major news outlet include "because I don't want to create a panic" for the sake of context in the president's quote.

Posted by: Defund NeverTrump at September 09, 2020 02:49 PM (0jZvB)

15 I actually feel sorry for the man.
Why are they putting him through this?

Posted by: attila the increasingly unreasonable at September 09, 2020 02:49 PM (w7KSn)

16 The Democrats aren't sending their best.

Or maybe they are.

Posted by: ... at September 09, 2020 02:49 PM (l+lsS)

17 15 Why are they putting him through this?

Power. Raw, unadulturated power.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at September 09, 2020 02:50 PM (jbF6h)

18 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at September 09, 2020 02:50 PM (Zz0t1)

19 16 The Democrats aren't sending their best.

Or maybe they are.
Posted by: ... at September 09, 2020 02:49 PM (l+lsS)


Have you already forgotten the 2020 Democratic Primary for president?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, shouting Lawrence! into the desert at September 09, 2020 02:50 PM (LvTSG)

20 And fuck you San Diego!

Posted by: Mikey NTH -Convention Specials! Scalp Weasel Grooming Products 25% at The Outrage Outlet! at September 09, 2020 02:50 PM (v3nfR)

21 Does Biden have bushy eyebrows and ear hair?

Posted by: Northernlurker, don't pay me no mind at September 09, 2020 02:50 PM (lgiXo)

22 Joe Biden, who's done more as a politician to send American jobs overseas, especially to China, stands behind a podium that says "Buy American."

What a piece of shit.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at September 09, 2020 02:51 PM (Zz0t1)

23 Pounce! Seize!

Posted by: Republicans at September 09, 2020 02:51 PM (gtNWf)

24 Does Biden have bushy eyebrows and ear hair?

Depends on which version of the Deepfake they've loaded today.

Posted by: lorien1973 at September 09, 2020 02:51 PM (SpKeo)


Any suggestion of Biden having brain issues is just Russian disinformation.

-- Your pals at DHS.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at September 09, 2020 02:51 PM (Un9AW)

26 Yikes, "Weekend at Joey's"-level bad.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 09, 2020 02:51 PM (bDqIh)

27 With all the votes already cast-- what happens if (when) this guy dies or has to medically evacuate the race? What's the rule on that?

Pelosi becomes president ! /

Posted by: Hatari Somewhere on Ventura Highway at September 09, 2020 02:52 PM (M+Lyo)

28 They are frantically working on teleprompter contact lenses.

Posted by: portlandon at September 09, 2020 02:52 PM (+oR7L)

29 Sorry. Biden looks like shit. He's dying right before our eyes.

At least his brain is.

They're cruel for doing this to him, but his evil, piece of shit ass deserves EVERY MINUTE of it.

Enjoy Hell, Dr. Biden!!! You're evil too.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at September 09, 2020 02:52 PM (Zz0t1)

30 Where is my staff?

Posted by: Joe Moses Biden at September 09, 2020 02:52 PM (r+sAi)

31 >> actually feel sorry for the man.
Why are they putting him through this?

Because he, Hunter and his brother monetized the f#ck out of his vice presidency, and the only way to escape prosecution is getting elected.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 09, 2020 02:52 PM (bDqIh)

32 I actually feel sorry for the man.
Why are they putting him through this?
Posted by: attila the increasingly unreasonable at September 09, 2020 02:49 PM (w7KSn)

I've believed from the get go that his brainless whore wife thinks this will protect the past grift.

Posted by: Captain Hate at September 09, 2020 02:53 PM (y7DUB)

33 Any suggestion of Biden having brain issues is just Russian disinformation.

All those videos showing him crumbling were produced by the Russians I guess.

How was he to know they were with the Russians too?

Posted by: Northernlurker, don't pay me no mind at September 09, 2020 02:53 PM (lgiXo)

34 I certainly hope that his staff doesn't accidentally hand him the lunch order instead of his prepared 'responses' to questions.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at September 09, 2020 02:53 PM (kA3Cp)

35 Trump always knows where his staff is
Posted by: ... at September 09, 2020 02:48 PM (l+lsS)

And can remember back to when it was in supermodels throughout his life.

That must be fun.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at September 09, 2020 02:53 PM (Zz0t1)

36 I seem to recall Biden calling a Michigan UAW member a liar, because the guy called Biden on his anti-2A agenda. That doesn't play well in Michigan.

Posted by: Old Dude at September 09, 2020 02:53 PM (LGXGf)

I'll give biden this much credit: he has more visibility & has done more public events than...John James

Posted by: AltonJackson (Click here for the MiMoMe!!!) at September 09, 2020 02:54 PM (ueyHg)

38 And once again, he takes no questions. This campaign is a joke.

The media doesn't realize it but they are killing themselves.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 09, 2020 02:54 PM (ZLI7S)

39 Heh. Seriously. How far can they push the limits of patheticness? This is like some Steve Martin skit.

Posted by: Xipe Totec-MAGAfauna at September 09, 2020 02:54 PM (o2MD2)

40 To be on the safe side, never be around Joe Biden when he's trying to make a Molotov cocktail.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at September 09, 2020 02:54 PM (+y/Ru)

41 I don't feel sorry for him. He is a vile human being.

Posted by: steevy at September 09, 2020 02:54 PM (HwiWi)

42 There will be no debates.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at September 09, 2020 02:54 PM (yQpMk)

43 "But for him to be able to follow Teleprompter instructions, he must be mentally acute! By pointing out that he has to read his answers, you're only proving that he DOESN'T have dementia!"

Posted by: zombie at September 09, 2020 02:54 PM (HEEq1)

44 So doesn't one of the Amendments say that if the President elect croaks the VicePresident Elect becomes the President Elect? I vaguely recall that. So if Biden dies, it'll be Harris.

Not sure if we can elect a dead person though. If he dies before the election?

What I wonder is: Could they just announce that they are swapping the ticket and Harris is on top and Biden the VP? Let harris take on Trump and Biden handle only one debate against Pence? All they would have to do is say that they will instruct their Electors to vote Harris for President and Biden for VP and it's all legal, isn't it?

Posted by: Vance at September 09, 2020 02:54 PM (GdebO)

The media doesn't realize it but they are killing themselves.
Posted by: JackStraw at September 09, 2020 02:54 PM (ZLI7S)

They don't care.

They know that if they just keep doing what they're doing, you'll capitulate and ask them for their autograph.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at September 09, 2020 02:55 PM (Zz0t1)

46 If Sundown Joe can't even answer a question written by his own campaign staff and fed to him like his afternoon tapioca, how the hell is he going to get through a debate?

There won't be debates. I never thought that until this moment, but Biden nearly falls asleep just waiting for the words to come up on the screen and there is no way Biden can go head-to-head with PDJT.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at September 09, 2020 02:55 PM (gtNWf)

47 steevy

Agree. Cosmic Karma is a bitch.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at September 09, 2020 02:55 PM (hyuyC)

48 Where is my staff?

Posted by: Joe Little Finger Biden at September 09, 2020 02:55 PM (r+sAi)

49 I certainly hope that his staff doesn't accidentally hand him the lunch order instead of his prepared 'responses' to questions.
Posted by: Vashta Nerada at September 09, 2020 02:53 PM (kA3Cp)

That would be a shame.

Posted by: Jordan61 at September 09, 2020 02:55 PM (dvbwj)


He needs to go to the ED and get another workup, maybe a couple of Banana Bags, dude is visibly ill.

Posted by: Victory Mish 2020 at September 09, 2020 02:55 PM (Iw9bs)

51 This guy sounds like his lungs are filling up.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at September 09, 2020 02:55 PM (kA3Cp)

52 Elder abuse.

Somebody should file a complaint against the campaign/family (which are pretty much the same entity) for abusing this senile old fart in this manner.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at September 09, 2020 02:56 PM (k4dH2)

53 That clip with him sighing exhaustedly tells me he knows he's done. He's to tired and disoriented to pretend anymore.

I feel sorry for h......Nahhhhhh. He's earned my contempt.

Posted by: pep at September 09, 2020 02:56 PM (v16oJ)

54 I know I know, but if we had any real press at all this guy would be polling zero. No sane person could possibly vote for this - he's like an SNL skit, but funny.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at September 09, 2020 02:56 PM (nFRLh)

55 38 And once again, he takes no questions. This campaign is a joke.

The media doesn't realize it but they are killing themselves.
Posted by: JackStraw at September 09, 2020 02:54 PM (ZLI7S)


But the PA poll!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, shouting Lawrence! into the desert at September 09, 2020 02:56 PM (LvTSG)

56 42 There will be no debates.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at September 09, 2020 02:54 PM (yQpMk)

You are looking at exactly how the debates will be done. At least by Biden's side.

Posted by: Xipe Totec-MAGAfauna at September 09, 2020 02:56 PM (o2MD2)

57 The great 2020 American decline, shown live as it happens. Trump best get the lawfare dudes locked and loaded because he'll need them in every contested state, all 57 of them.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 09, 2020 02:56 PM (3H9h1)

58 Peter Schweizer's documentary on Biden family corruption, "Riding the Dragon," is available for viewing free:

In 2016 Trump met w/Schweizer and then included a lot of "Clinton Cash" corruption bits in his rallies. I hope he's going to do the same this time around.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 09, 2020 02:56 PM (bDqIh)

59 I said I "almost" feel sorry for him...

Posted by: attila the increasingly unreasonable at September 09, 2020 02:56 PM (w7KSn)

60 But there are millions of people in the U.S. who have no idea that Biden has cognitive problems because the media is covering it up.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 09, 2020 02:56 PM (WkPC9)

61 Vance

Bernie Bros will go more spastic if Harris is moved ahead of him.

And the Constitution says nothing on this. It is even silent on political parties.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at September 09, 2020 02:56 PM (hyuyC)

62 OT:
Kate Bush was a hot piece of ass back in the day.
Great voice too.
Weird songs sometimes, though. Babooshka? Really?

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at September 09, 2020 02:56 PM (d1uFV)

63 All they would have to do is say that they will instruct their Electors to vote Harris for President and Biden for VP and it's all legal, isn't it?
Posted by: Vance


That is about the only way for them to get even less votes.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at September 09, 2020 02:57 PM (kA3Cp)

64 He's a tired old confused man, this is elder abuse.

Like the king that got old and senior that nobody could be rid of.

Posted by: USNtakim at September 09, 2020 02:57 PM (0OmEj)

65 He was going to tell a story about his schedule, which he USUALLY keeps in his pocket. But, this ONE TIME when he needed it, he gave it to his staff.

He was trying to prove to you he's not lying about having a schedule in his pocket, and couldn't.

Lying. Sack. Of. Shit.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at September 09, 2020 02:57 PM (Zz0t1)

66 M-O-O-N. That spells racist.

Posted by: Broken Brain Biden at September 09, 2020 02:57 PM (+y/Ru)

67 And once again, he takes no questions. This campaign is a joke.


He doesn't have to, he's winning all the polls!

Posted by: DNC MEDIA COMPLEX at September 09, 2020 02:57 PM (+5yHl)

68 With all the votes already cast-- what happens if (when) this guy dies or has to medically evacuate the race? What's the rule on that?


The dems claim Trump cant be president because they didn't get a chance to get a candidate to oppose him. According to their secret rules that means Oprah gets to be president.

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at September 09, 2020 02:57 PM (h1jJh)

69 If there is a debate at all, I suggest this for Trump's strategy.

"Joe, old buddy, who'd have ever guessed we'd be the final two? So how do you plan to do things differently than President Bush if you win the nomination?"

If Joe has mentally regressed 2008 or before, Trump he might think he's in 2004 or so and Trump is still a Democrat.

Posted by: Cato, Dread Pirate in Training at September 09, 2020 02:57 PM (eOAL6)

70 There will be no de... aw, Grump928(C) and Huck Follywood beat me to it.

Horde mind and all...

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, now with 12% more lived experience at September 09, 2020 02:57 PM (PiwSw)

71 Inspirational. I've got the Joementum.
Time for my nap. *zzzzzz*

Posted by: wth at September 09, 2020 02:57 PM (v0R5T)

72 Pathetic. Every time I see one of these incidents I think "they can't let this go on any longer, can they?"

And they do. And otherwise "normal" people continue to say they want Joe Biden to be President.

I would almost respect someone saying "I don't want Trump to be President anymore, regardless of what Biden's condition is," or "I actually want Kamala Harris to be President, if not in name, then in all other aspects."

But this is despicable.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 09, 2020 02:57 PM (hku12)

73 Kate Bush was a hot piece of ass back in the day.
Great voice too.
Weird songs sometimes, though. Babooshka? Really?
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at September 09, 2020 02:56 PM (d1uFV)

I really like Lionheart.

Posted by: Northernlurker, don't pay me no mind at September 09, 2020 02:57 PM (lgiXo)

74 Just checked the Texas COVID dashboard, no spike in numbers yet from this weekend, cases and fatalities still dropping dramatically. Now they've declined 85% since the peak in mid July.
(10,500 new cases per day on July 15; 1400 new cases reported yesterday, Texas only numbers)

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 09, 2020 02:58 PM (Kpl3J)

75 what happens if (when) this guy dies or has to medically evacuate the race? What's the rule on that?

Posted by: Ace at 02:46 PM

Kamala, the cum dumpster, becomes first. She then nominates a vp that is approved by both the house and the senate.

This is how we get Hillary.

Then the cum dumpster suicides herself and we get Hillary as presnit.

I need to wash my hands after typing that. I feel dirty.

Posted by: BifBewalski 🂡 Moron at September 09, 2020 02:58 PM (VcFUs)

*Collaborative smile* "And I'd like to know, what will your adminsitration do to help give them that chance?"

*sits back and waits comfortably for pre-known answer*

*waits a second longer while teleprompter refreshes*

You'd think these "citizens" would have more self-respect.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at September 09, 2020 02:58 PM (G51Gf)

77 I really like Lionheart.
Posted by: Northernlurker, don't pay me no mind at September 09, 2020 02:57 PM (lgiXo)

The Kick Inside.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, now with 12% more lived experience at September 09, 2020 02:58 PM (PiwSw)

78 Trump may as well debate Karmella.

Posted by: Roland THTG at September 09, 2020 02:58 PM (88+cf)

79 >>They don't care.

>>They know that if they just keep doing what they're doing, you'll capitulate and ask them for their autograph.

No, I won't. Maybe you will.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 09, 2020 02:58 PM (ZLI7S)

80 There will be no debates.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at September 09, 2020 02:54 PM (yQpMk)

Absolutely not.

Trump needs to constantly point it out. By asking when is Joe backing out?

Posted by: LOL at September 09, 2020 02:58 PM (+5yHl)

81 15 I actually feel sorry for the man.
Why are they putting him through this?
Posted by: attila the increasingly unreasonable

he's been a shitheel for 50+ years. he's earned this.

Posted by: x at September 09, 2020 02:59 PM (nFwvY)

82 It would be funny if some bernie bro on the campaign changed the teleprompter to say "Go Fuck Yourself San Diego"

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at September 09, 2020 02:59 PM (r+sAi)

83 There's nothing to worry about if he should die before the election.

This country and it's elections aren't predicated on a two party system.

Trump could be the only person running. There's a ballot and his name is on it. You can either vote for him or not vote at all if he's running unopposed.

Of course he's not unopposed. There's the Green Party, Constitution Party, Socialist Party, Kanye West's Birthday Party, etc.

If Joe dies, the dems might try and convene an emergency session of the DNC to elect a new candidate but I don't know how that works. either way it doesn't mean anything changes with regards to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November

Posted by: Matthew Martin at September 09, 2020 02:59 PM (ZR7kf)

84 Jezus H Fuck, what if the Rushins hack Biden's teleprompter and start World War III?!!!!

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at September 09, 2020 02:59 PM (h1jJh)

85 The media doesn't realize it but they are killing themselves.
Posted by: JackStraw at September 09, 2020 02:54 PM (ZLI7S)

They make retarded monkeys look like Mensas.

Posted by: Captain Hate at September 09, 2020 02:59 PM (y7DUB)

86 Sometimes I use bad language when my computer is slow.
Has Joe cussed at his teleprompter?

Posted by: Northernlurker, don't pay me no mind at September 09, 2020 02:59 PM (lgiXo)

87 I don't feel the least bit sorry for this parasitic, abusive grifter. His public humiliation and demise is befitting. Take a big bite of karma, asshat.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at September 09, 2020 02:59 PM (s+l/S)

88 Can't the man swim naked in his own gosh darn pool without some Karen complaining?

Posted by: East Bay Jay at September 09, 2020 02:59 PM (DePyg)

89 Somebody should file a complaint against the campaign/family (which are pretty much the same entity) for abusing this senile old fart in this manner.
Posted by: TrivialPursuer at September 09, 2020


Of those who have standing to do that, which ones would be inclined to actually do it? Jill and Hunter are his family, and they're behind the whole project. Who else could have standing?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 09, 2020 03:00 PM (Ejm1K)

90 Media commies need to be the first up against the wall.

Posted by: Abiss at September 09, 2020 03:00 PM (Y8DtA)

91 Stan Lee being forced by his daughter to go sign autographs, him I felt sorry for.

Posted by: steevy at September 09, 2020 03:00 PM (HwiWi)

92 The Bernie Bros would go ballistic, but realistically they know that we are choosing between Biden and Harris in some order. Putting Bernie on there at this date is pointless.

The 20th Amendment essentially says "Screw it, let Congress decide" if the President Elect and VP elect are dead or disqualified. So if Biden wins but is mentally out of there... It's the new Congress, too, not necessarily Nancy's House.

Posted by: Vance at September 09, 2020 03:00 PM (GdebO)

93 If there is a debate at all, I suggest this for Trump's strategy.

"Joe, old buddy, who'd have ever guessed we'd be the final two? So how do you plan to do things differently than President Bush if you win the nomination?"

If Joe has mentally regressed 2008 or before, Trump he might think he's in 2004 or so and Trump is still a Democrat.
Posted by: Cato, Dread Pirate in Training at September 09, 2020 02:57 PM (eOAL6)

Whatever he does, make Biden go off script. Trump doesn't have to be a prick about it (if he can help it), he just has to speak to Joe directly, and get Joe talking.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 09, 2020 03:00 PM (hku12)

94 Sad

Posted by: A lotta nerve at September 09, 2020 03:00 PM (JdcHc)

95 Then the cum dumpster suicides herself and we get Hillary as presnit.

Posted by: BifBewalski AOS Moron

Yikes! SMOD, you are our only hope.

Oh, wait. There is another.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at September 09, 2020 03:00 PM (hyuyC)

96 This is no different than when we covered for FDR's polio and radical left wing policies, er, mistress, er, the polio. Definitely just the polio. Those other things are, um, orange man bad!

Posted by: Your Media Betters at September 09, 2020 03:00 PM (OYsdM)

97 It's right there next to your old man balls, Joe.

Posted by: wth at September 09, 2020 03:00 PM (v0R5T)

98 Not that the R's are any great shakes, but there is *no* excuse for anyone to have a D after their name at this point aside from pure malice.

Posted by: ... at September 09, 2020 03:00 PM (l+lsS)

99 Jeebus he sounds tired and old.

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at September 09, 2020 03:00 PM (3o0we)

100 15 I actually feel sorry for the man.
Why are they putting him through this?
Posted by: attila the increasingly unreasonable at September 09, 2020 02:49 PM (w7KSn)

DNC needed Bernie out of the way, and Plugs was the "safest" choice. They didn't think any further ahead. That simple, IMO.

Posted by: Dark Helmet at September 09, 2020 03:00 PM (Oka5v)

101 49 I certainly hope that his staff doesn't accidentally hand him the lunch order instead of his prepared 'responses' to questions.

Would be funny if somebody hacked his teleprompter and put in an answer that said something like: "And that's why I'm urging folks to vote for Donald Trump. Because I'm obviously senile, and Kamala is a hateful bitch and nobody wants that hypocrite to be president. An Indian anchor baby like her should be working in a 7-11!"

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at September 09, 2020 03:00 PM (k4dH2)

102 I knew about the video back when it was new news, but this is the first time I watched. Yeah, it's stunning. Biden was barely able to read, or even breathe normally. And the questioner is so obviously prepped.

Posted by: gp's Lived Experience: Doesn't GAF Anymore at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM (qpX6U)

103 His teleprompter should be hacked with, say, the McDonald's menu.

Posted by: Northernlurker, don't pay me no mind at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM (lgiXo)

104 41. Yes.

Posted by: CN at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM (ONvIw)

105 msm is having multiple orgasms about woodward's bullshit book. I hate those fucks with a passion

And was listening to sundown....i think he had 3 people there clapping.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM (+Sw2N)

The Kick Inside.
Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, now with 12% more lived experience at September 09, 2020 02:58 PM (PiwSw)

Sometimes you kick.

Sometimes you get kicked.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM (Zz0t1)

107 IS RBG alive???

I will be announcing a list of future potential Supreme Court Justices at 3:30 P.M. Eastern from the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House


Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM (dKiJG)

108 103 His teleprompter should be hacked with, say, the McDonald's menu.
Posted by: Northernlurker, don't pay me no mind at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM (lgiXo)

Lyrics to "Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, now with 12% more lived experience at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM (PiwSw)

109 I'm, no seriously, what happens to those votes already cast if I can't make it?

Asking for a...well, "friend" isn't the right word

Posted by: Biden at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM (MpRd8)

110 He carries a schedule in his pocket,
Newt carried the Constitution in his.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM (xcd1u)

111 What I wonder is: Could they just announce that they are swapping the ticket and Harris is on top and Biden the VP? Let harris take on Trump and Biden handle only one debate against Pence? All they would have to do is say that they will instruct their Electors to vote Harris for President and Biden for VP and it's all legal, isn't it?
Posted by: Vance at September 09, 2020 02:54 PM (GdebO)

IF Harris was giving big speeches, had cheering crowds, and was the Face of the Campaign, they could probably get away with this. That's the kind of VP nominee they desperately needed at a time like this. But where is she? Biden sinks into his sea of dementia a little bit more each day, and Kamala is hiding out even more than he is. It's bizarre.

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 09, 2020 03:02 PM (Kpl3J)

112 Yikes! SMOD, you are our only hope.

Oh, wait. There is another.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at September 09, 2020 03:00 PM (hyuyC)

Why yes. There is me.

Posted by: SCOD aka Sweet Comet of Death at September 09, 2020 03:02 PM (OYsdM)

113 When did the breathing problems start? I noticed this on his labor day sit 20' around the tablethon.

He's gasping for air a lot. Is it the stimulants? Stimulants effecting blood pressure?

He's getting worse every single day. Couldn't happen to a better chode.

Posted by: clutch cargo at September 09, 2020 03:02 PM (8B6Ng)

I will be announcing a list of future potential Supreme Court Justices at 3:30 P.M. Eastern from the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at September 09, 2020 03:02 PM (dKiJG)

115 Lyrics to "Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones Otis Redding

Posted by: Scooby Doo at September 09, 2020 03:02 PM (xfb67)

116 Putting Kamala at the top of the ticket won't be a strong move either. Remember that she had to drop out, because only her mother wanted her, and she was on the fence.

Posted by: pep at September 09, 2020 03:02 PM (v16oJ)

117 108 103 His teleprompter should be hacked with, say, the McDonald's menu.
Posted by: Northernlurker, don't pay me no mind at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM (lgiXo)

Lyrics to "Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones
Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, now with 12% more lived experience at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM (PiwSw)

You made me laugh.

Posted by: Northernlurker, don't pay me no mind at September 09, 2020 03:02 PM (lgiXo)

118 60 But there are millions of people in the U.S. who have no idea that Biden has cognitive problems because the media is covering it up.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 09, 2020 02:56 PM (WkPC9)
They won't even mention his age. Ever.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at September 09, 2020 03:02 PM (M/9m0)

119 I still believe DOCTOR Jill Biden is running this shit show. She's the one who really wants Sloe Joe in the White House so SHE can be in the White House. If his own wife won't put a stop to this abuse then she's in on it.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 09, 2020 03:02 PM (3H9h1)

120 100 15 I actually feel sorry for the man.
Why are they putting him through this?
Posted by: attila the increasingly unreasonable at September 09, 2020 02:49 PM (w7KSn)

DNC needed Bernie out of the way, and Plugs was the "safest" choice. They didn't think any further ahead. That simple, IMO.
Posted by: Dark Helmet at September 09, 2020 03:00 PM (Oka5v)



They tried desperately to get Kamala, then Beto, then Buttigieg, and then Bloomberg to be their savior, but they all crashed.

Biden was their last choice to stop Bernie.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, shouting Lawrence! into the desert at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (LvTSG)

121 If DJT wins in a landslide, I hope that piece of shit, Tom Perez, is used as a Arkcancide target designated fall guy.

Posted by: Captain Hate at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (y7DUB)

122 Dark Helmet

The Dems have weak candidates, a weak bench, they are weak thinkers, but they have an indoctrinated cult and corrupt people on their side.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (hyuyC)


Lyrics to "Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones
Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, now with 12% more lived experience at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM (PiwSw)

Every rose has it's thorn.
Just like every night has it's dawn.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (Zz0t1)

124 108 103 His teleprompter should be hacked with, say, the McDonald's menu.
Posted by: Northernlurker, don't pay me no mind at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM (lgiXo)

Lyrics to "Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones
Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, now with 12% more lived experience at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM (PiwSw)

Brown Sugar.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (NWiLs)

125 Debate: Pudding vs. Tapioca for Joe.

Posted by: klaftern at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (RuIsu)

126 His teleprompter should be hacked with, say, the McDonald's menu.

WAP, by Cardi B.

Posted by: pep at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (v16oJ)

127 This is elder abuse.

No, not making Slo Joe campaign or speak but rather, making me to listen to him.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (Rvt88)

128 Of course he's not unopposed. There's the Green Party, Constitution Party, Socialist Party, Kanye West's Birthday Party, etc.

If Joe dies, the dems might try and convene an emergency session of the DNC to elect a new candidate but I don't know how that works. either way it doesn't mean anything changes with regards to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November
Posted by: Matthew Martin at September 09, 2020 02:59 PM (ZR7kf)

If I'm the DNC I kill off Joe and nominate Kanye to take his place.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (hku12)

129 Why do we care about MSM questions anyway?

All they ask is why aren't you madder at the Orange guy?

Posted by: LOL at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (+5yHl)

130 105 msm is having multiple orgasms about woodward's bullshit book. I hate those fucks with a passion

And was listening to sundown....i think he had 3 people there clapping.
Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM (+Sw2N)

Woodward's book was written by a member of the MSM, For the MSM, and will only be Read by the MSM. That's why they love it so - and also why it means nothing. It's a Chick Tract for Leftists.

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (Kpl3J)

131 I notice the twitterbots defending Joe and calling trump old because of:

1. Biden can do stairs
2. Biden can ride bike
3. trump stumbled that one time

So, Biden may not be able to talk but they're still letting him ride his bike around?

Posted by: guest myspace user at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (Q8s1t)

132 Joe Rogan said it well:

Electing Joe Biden is like having a flashlight with almost dead batteries and going for a long walk in the woods

Posted by: McCool at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (ubMg5)

133 He sounds like he's at death's door.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (zrukV)


Ari F. has been a champion.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 09, 2020 03:04 PM (rjE57)

135 Unfortunately for them Kamala needs to be hidden almost as much as he does...

Posted by: steevy at September 09, 2020 03:04 PM (HwiWi)

136 -
The media doesn't realize it but they are killing themselves.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 09, 2020 02:54 PM (ZLI7S)

They make retarded monkeys look like Mensas.

Posted by: Captain Hate at September 09, 2020 02:59 PM


I'll have you know, my retarded monkey was in Mensa. He thought those guys were weird.

Posted by: Joe Exotic at September 09, 2020 03:04 PM (pMGkg)

137 128 Of course he's not unopposed. There's the Green Party, Constitution Party, Socialist Party, Kanye West's Birthday Party, etc.

If Joe dies, the dems might try and convene an emergency session of the DNC to elect a new candidate but I don't know how that works. either way it doesn't mean anything changes with regards to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November
Posted by: Matthew Martin at September 09, 2020 02:59 PM (ZR7kf)


Ballots are printed and sent.

Can't change those after a certain point.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, shouting Lawrence! into the desert at September 09, 2020 03:04 PM (LvTSG)

138 You can tell when he's been given "juice" he can talk, sort of, for more than 5 minutes

Posted by: It's me donna at September 09, 2020 03:04 PM (nuGmk)

139 Jeebus he sounds tired and old.
Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at September 09, 2020 03:00 PM (3o0we)

That video that was posted here a couple of weeks ago showing him now compared to five years ago should be enough to stop ANYONE from voting for him.

Posted by: Jordan61 at September 09, 2020 03:04 PM (dvbwj)

140 you just knew it was coming.

According to local TV station, KING5,

wildfire smoke increases your risk of COVID19.

just killmenow.

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 09, 2020 03:04 PM (W2Pud)

141 I've got the Joementum Joementia.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at September 09, 2020 03:04 PM (+y/Ru)

142 Rogan forgot, woods filled with wolves.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at September 09, 2020 03:04 PM (nFRLh)

143 132 Joe Rogan said it well:

Electing Joe Biden is like having a flashlight with almost dead batteries and going for a long walk in the woods
Posted by: McCool at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (ubMg5)


Rogan saying that to millions of people is huge.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, shouting Lawrence! into the desert at September 09, 2020 03:04 PM (LvTSG)

Joe Biden: Look fat, where's my know...the thing

Posted by: TheQuietMan at September 09, 2020 03:04 PM (mpeBU)

145 How can anyone but a brain dead sub 70 IQ democrat vote for this mentally ill man?

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at September 09, 2020 03:05 PM (pw+jk)

146 Is Joe Biden - a man who's been personally enriching himself and his family with outright graft and payoffs from Red China and smoothing the road for continued state-sponsored economic warfare from the same - *really* standing at a lectern behind a "Buy American" banner? Seriously?

The balls on that guy.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 09, 2020 03:05 PM (Q8c/L)

147 Kate Bush was a hot piece of ass back in the day.
Great voice too.
Weird songs sometimes, though. Babooshka? Really?
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at September 09, 2020 02:56 PM (d1uFV)

I really like Lionheart.
Posted by: Northernlurker, don't pay me no mind at September 09, 2020 02:57 PM (lgiXo)

Thought Lionheart was weakest of her early output - for me The Dreaming and Hounds of Love, after her debut. But yeah - she did weird.

Posted by: clutch cargo at September 09, 2020 03:05 PM (8B6Ng)

148 127 This is elder abuse."

What makes that a weak argument is that if ever an Elder deserved to be Abused, Joe's the one.

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 09, 2020 03:05 PM (Kpl3J)

149 He makes RBG look like Jack LaLanne.

Posted by: wth at September 09, 2020 03:05 PM (v0R5T)

His teleprompter should be hacked with, say, the McDonald's menu.

Posted by: Northernlurker, don't pay me no mind at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM

Lyrics to "Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, now with 12% more lived experience at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM

Brown Sugar.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM

lyrics to the chorus of David Allen Coe's If That Ain't Country

Posted by: AltonJackson (Click here for the MiMoMe!!!) at September 09, 2020 03:05 PM (ueyHg)

151 just you watch, this is all an act. About a week or ten days before the election, Biden will start giving speeches twice a day without a teleprompter and will sound almost Lincolnesque. It's all part of the plan, and you guys aren't smart enough to realize it.

Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at September 09, 2020 03:05 PM (4a9Vv)

152 The 20th Amendment essentially says "Screw it, let Congress decide" if the President Elect and VP elect are dead or disqualified. So if Biden wins but is mentally out of there... It's the new Congress, too, not necessarily Nancy's House.
Posted by: Vance at September 09, 2020 03:00 PM

Section 3 of the 20th amendment reads, in part: "If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President."

I'm not a highly-trained constitutional expert, but that looks to me like Kamala would then be inaugurated as POTUS on January 20th.

On that grim note, I think it's time for some day drinking.

Posted by: Mostly Peaceful Grognard at September 09, 2020 03:05 PM (b3x5S)

153 They tried desperately to get Kamala, then Beto, then Buttigieg, and then Bloomberg to be their savior, but they all crashed.

Biden was their last choice to stop Bernie.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, shouting Lawrence! into the desert at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (LvTSG)

They keep trying to build up Kamala into their next great leader, but she's so awful that she was sunk early in the primary by Tulsi Gabbard. They would have been much better off picking some governor of Congresscritter most people have never heard of, and presenting them as 'Generic Democrat'.

Trying to boost Harris was a massive unforced error.

Posted by: Cato, Dread Pirate in Training at September 09, 2020 03:05 PM (eOAL6)

154 62 OT:
Kate Bush was a hot piece of ass back in the day.
Great voice too.
Weird songs sometimes, though. Babooshka? Really?
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards

how many women were actually singer songwriters? Kate Bush is a unique talent. none of her songs fit a mold.

definitely hot.

Posted by: x at September 09, 2020 03:06 PM (nFwvY)

When did the breathing problems start?***
Could be many things but I'm wondering about congestive heart failure. Earlier picks of bruising on hands around vein area brought back memories of my father and his need for heparin as CHF progressed.

Posted by: Old Dude at September 09, 2020 03:06 PM (LGXGf)

156 That video that was posted here a couple of weeks ago showing him now compared to five years ago should be enough to stop ANYONE from voting for him.
Posted by: Jordan61 at September 09, 2020 03:04 PM (dvbwj)

Four years ago, sorry. During Hillary's campaign.

Posted by: Jordan61 at September 09, 2020 03:06 PM (dvbwj)

157 133 He sounds like he's at death's door.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (zrukV)

It's time to call the family in to the bedside. Hunter can lead them in singing Amazing Grace, or maybe Will the Circle Be Unbroken.

Posted by: Northernlurker, don't pay me no mind at September 09, 2020 03:06 PM (lgiXo)

158 IS RBG alive???


Doubt it. She hasn't been seen in about a year and she looked like the crypt keeper then...

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at September 09, 2020 03:06 PM (h1jJh)

159 "With all the votes already cast-- what happens if (when) this guy dies or has to medically evacuate the race? What's the rule on that"

I think the rule is, voters vote, electors are selected, then the electors vote and the President is then elected.

Posted by: SkylerKat at September 09, 2020 03:06 PM (SXIn9)

160 @dubkesam

"Democrats are trying to keep President Trump from speaking to voters because they know the enthusiasm behind his re-election campaign cannot be matched by Joe Biden... President Trump will be traveling to Nevada on the dates planned." -

Posted by: JackStraw at September 09, 2020 03:06 PM (ZLI7S)

161 Whatever he does, make Biden go off script. Trump doesn't have to be a prick about it (if he can help it), he just has to speak to Joe directly, and get Joe talking.
Posted by: BurtTC at September 09, 2020 03:00 PM (hku12)

Said it yesterday: I think the best way to get him off script in a theoretical debate is to exclusively address him as Mr. Biden. He'll eventually snap at not being called VP Biden.

Posted by: Dark Helmet at September 09, 2020 03:06 PM (Oka5v)

162 DNC needed Bernie out of the way, and Plugs was the "safest" choice. They didn't think any further ahead. That simple, IMO.
Posted by: Dark Helmet at September 09, 2020 03:00 PM (Oka5v)



They tried desperately to get Kamala, then Beto, then Buttigieg, and then Bloomberg to be their savior, but they all crashed.

Biden was their last choice to stop Bernie.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, shouting Lawrence! into the desert at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (LvTSG)

Spot on.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 09, 2020 03:06 PM (zrukV)

163 145 How can anyone but a brain dead sub 70 IQ democrat vote for this mentally ill man?
Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at September 09, 2020 03:05 PM (pw+jk)

Well, you did just describe the average resident of every big city in America.

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 09, 2020 03:06 PM (Kpl3J)

164 President Melakon

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 09, 2020 03:06 PM (63Dwl)

165 Some people wear masks. Some do not.

I don't think you should shame people online for not wearing masks.

Likewise, I don't think you should shame them online for wearing a mask. You should instead mock them relentlessly in person, especially if they are a close friend that values your opinion. Make up derogatory nicknames to make fun of them being a sheep, a compliant serf, a fool, and other things that you think may most affect there sense of pride and self worth.

If you can get numerous friends to mock them for wearing a mask with you for a protruded period time, even better. If it is on multiple occasions to where they become extremely self conscious, better still.

Then after the election when the farce is over, mock them for the next 20 years as the fucktard that wore the fucking mask until they hate seeing you and you are no longer friends.

Then kick their dog, bang their wife and leave snail trails on their pillow by wiping your penis off on the pillow case. Stop by and bang their wife often enough that their kids start saying "Hey dad, Uncle Bitter was by again today helping mom clean the closet for a few hours".
Posted by: Bitter Clinger


Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at September 09, 2020 03:06 PM (+MpRO)

166 Why are they putting him through this?

He got his reward for almost 50 years. Now he must pay the fee.

Posted by: Satan at September 09, 2020 03:06 PM (pFUXv)

I still believe DOCTOR Jill Biden is running this shit show. She's the one who really wants Sloe Joe in the White House so SHE can be in the White House. If his own wife won't put a stop to this abuse then she's in on it.
Posted by: Martini Farmer


She certainly doesn't want him on HER hands. Get him into the presidency and fob him off on staff.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at September 09, 2020 03:06 PM (G51Gf)

168 Lyrics to "Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, now with 12% more lived experience at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM

Brown Sugar.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM

Some Girls.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at September 09, 2020 03:06 PM (mpeBU)

169 With all the votes already cast-- what happens if (when) this guy dies or has to medically evacuate the race? What's the rule on that?


Chief Justice, Executive, and Legislator Benedict Roberts sides with the other four commie traitors, voting 5-4 to cancel the election and simply award the new office of PINO (President In Name Only) to Hillary Clinton -- from whom it was stolen four years ago -- declaring it both a tax on Putin and the least costly way to surrender mostly peacefully to their Chinese Communist Party masters.

Posted by: ShainS at September 09, 2020 03:06 PM (RJ0BQ)

170 Democrats have completely broken the social contract. They are attacking society at every level- and trying to destroy it. They've shown they can't be trusted on any issues. Biden has taken more positions than Stormy Daniels at a porn marathon. You can't believe a word they say, and what they believe in is an anathema to most air breathing Americans.

Posted by: Marcus T at September 09, 2020 03:07 PM (VpIIl)

171 Chris Ledoux - "Hair-trigger Colt .44"

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 09, 2020 03:07 PM (Q8c/L)

172 153 They tried desperately to get Kamala, then Beto, then Buttigieg, and then Bloomberg to be their savior, but they all crashed.

Biden was their last choice to stop Bernie.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, shouting Lawrence! into the desert at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (LvTSG)

They keep trying to build up Kamala into their next great leader, but she's so awful that she was sunk early in the primary by Tulsi Gabbard. They would have been much better off picking some governor of Congresscritter most people have never heard of, and presenting them as 'Generic Democrat'.

Trying to boost Harris was a massive unforced error.
Posted by: Cato, Dread Pirate in Training at September 09, 2020 03:05 PM (eOAL6)


The governor of New Mexico is a woman and latina. It's also a swing state.

She would have been kinda perfect, but she wasn't that black and didn't have access to tech money.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, shouting Lawrence! into the desert at September 09, 2020 03:07 PM (LvTSG)

173 Punchy should look on the bright side - even if he dies before Nov 3rd, he'll still get to vote for Harris.....

Posted by: Boswell at September 09, 2020 03:07 PM (w2LAm)

174 140 you just knew it was coming.

According to local TV station, KING5,

wildfire smoke increases your risk of COVID19.

Most people wear masks when the air quality from the smoke is bad.. They even have a warning to do so, so they're saying wearing masks increases your risk for China flu?

Posted by: It's me donna at September 09, 2020 03:07 PM (nuGmk)

175 Screwing with the teleprompter is always a way to get laughs in movies. Its been done on news programs where the reporter starts babbling nonsense. He is reading and someone has added stuff which makes no sense.

Posted by: Colin at September 09, 2020 03:07 PM (lLBOr)

176 Maybe Joe will be diagnosed with the COVID right before the debate and blame is on Trump.

He will NOT be at the debates.

No way.

Posted by: Czech Chick at September 09, 2020 03:07 PM (haWye)

177 It's time to call the family in to the bedside. Hunter can lead them in singing Amazing Grace, or maybe Will the Circle Be Unbroken.
Posted by: Northernlurker,

Would that be a booty call?

Posted by: rickb223 at September 09, 2020 03:07 PM (ctGui)

178 "Move it up here."

That's the last thing he said to me, although he may have been talking to himself.

Posted by: Tara Reade at September 09, 2020 03:07 PM (kfcYC)

179 it would be interesting if Joe stroked out DURING a debate with PDT.

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 09, 2020 03:07 PM (W2Pud)

180 127 This is elder abuse.

No, not making Slo Joe campaign or speak but rather, making me to listen to him.
Posted by: Tonypete at September 09, 2020


(I'm here)

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at September 09, 2020 03:07 PM (sd8p8)

181 RBG is a justice based on pure technicality. She hasn't done ANY jurisprudence in about 10 years. She is just a place holder.

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at September 09, 2020 03:07 PM (h1jJh)

182 I wonder if his handlers have a crew on standby, with hoses, for the explosive diarrhea that is sure to happen before a crowd of dozens?

Posted by: bill in arkansas at September 09, 2020 03:07 PM (C1Lsn)

183 How can anyone but a brain dead sub 70 IQ democrat vote for this mentally ill man?
Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at September 09, 2020 03:05 PM (pw+jk)

Some on the left do some pretty amazing mental calisthenics to justify it - or project elsewhere. Sadly, they'll never snap out of it.

They could have a camera on Joe as he's swarming with flies and ants, eyes long missing and they'd say he's just got a stammer.

Posted by: clutch cargo at September 09, 2020 03:07 PM (8B6Ng)

184 Biden wanted this moment his whole life...a man of honesty and honor would have looked himself in the mirror long before this and known they were not up for this job.

Biden is neither. He wanted what he felt was his living a personal hell he doesn't even realize I'm betting...he's simply a vessel for others whose thirst for power is as strong as his was, only they're no physically and mentally rotting away in real time.

Posted by: H Badger at September 09, 2020 03:07 PM (n/0Nw)

185 He carries a schedule in his pocket,

1. Socks
2. Shoes

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at September 09, 2020 03:08 PM (+y/Ru)

186 I want Joey the Paste to literally shit his pants on stage. So there is a brown river running out of one his pant legs and a huge brown stain on his ass.

I know it happens al the time but it is never shown.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at September 09, 2020 03:08 PM (pw+jk)

187 They keep trying to build up Kamala into their next great leader, but she's so awful that she was sunk early in the primary by Tulsi Gabbard. They would have been much better off picking some governor of Congresscritter most people have never heard of, and presenting them as 'Generic Democrat'.

Trying to boost Harris was a massive unforced error.
Posted by: Cato, Dread Pirate in Training at September 09, 2020 03:05 PM (eOAL6)

Tank Abrams would seriously have been a much stronger pick for them than Kamala. And they'd have had the advantage of running a sitting Governor.

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 09, 2020 03:08 PM (Kpl3J)

188 120---Biden was their last choice to stop Bernie.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, shouting Lawrence! into the desert at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (LvTSG)
But the only reason they wanted to stop Bernie is because they knew he could never win a general election.
He had already been firmly cast as the Extremist in their narrative of a "moderate" party. They couldn't rebound from that.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at September 09, 2020 03:08 PM (M/9m0)

189 I still believe DOCTOR Jill Biden is running this shit show. She's the one who really wants Sloe Joe in the White House so SHE can be in the White House. If his own wife won't put a stop to this abuse then she's in on it.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 09, 2020 03:02 PM (3H9h1)

I think it's kinda like being a North Korea watcher.

None of us really knows what's going on in there. Whoever is controlling things behind the scenes, it's probably not somebody we can see.

So when Kim looks like he might be dead, everyone thinks his sister is going to take over, because she's the only person anyone can see, but more likely than not there's a political operative who has their hand up the arse of the figurehead, and that person will move things when the time comes.

But as outsiders, he/she is invisible to us, so we only think the ones we see are really in charge.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 09, 2020 03:08 PM (hku12)

190 Rogan rolled out his first Austin based podcast yesterday with Adam Curry.

Posted by: x at September 09, 2020 03:08 PM (nFwvY)

191 Trump is going to NV on dates planned. How does he do that if Governor said "No"?.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 09, 2020 03:08 PM (WkPC9)

192 The question has been asked by a number of morons about what happens of Biden dies or withdraws after the convention but before the election. The answers are here:

In a nutshell, it does NOT automatically go to Kamala. The DNC leadership of 400+ people decides.

Posted by: Muad'dib at September 09, 2020 03:08 PM (sjdRT)

193 Joe's campaign is a warmup for his extended tour of the nether regions.

Posted by: Xipe Totec-MAGAfauna at September 09, 2020 03:08 PM (o2MD2)

194 Joe, if you were a vegetable, what kind of vegetable would you be?

Posted by: wth - if I was debate moderator at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (v0R5T)

195 Trying to boost Harris was a massive unforced error.
Posted by: Cato, Dread Pirate in Training at September 09, 2020 03:05 PM (eOAL6)

You'd think they'd have looked at her, and said, "No dice." IIRC she barely won the AG spot in CA. She just has an inverse Midas touch with people. How could they miss that?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (zrukV)

196 Remember when Democrats made dementia a huge issue in 1984 and in 2008?

Posted by: ... at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (l+lsS)

Some Girls.
Posted by: TheQuietMan at September 09, 2020 03:06 PM (mpeBU)

The theme song from Gilligan's Island.

Posted by: Northernlurker, don't pay me no mind at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (lgiXo)

198 I've believed from the get go that his brainless whore wife thinks this will protect the past grift.

They originally wanted to run Hunter but, during his initial interviews with sympathetic media, he kept doing lines of coke and banging strippers.

Posted by: Laughing in Texas at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (pFUXv)



Posted by: vmom 2020 sipping Amontillado at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (EGSGm)

200 I always liked Ari Fletcher. Began to dislike W Bush his second term...then more during the idiot magic negro days.
Glad Ari is speaking some truth.
Ole Joe looks rather breathless and exhausted. Not seeing him drag himself to November so far. I shudder to think who they will choose to replace him.

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Aging supermodel, Wuhan fighter at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (SK2xO)

201 >>Trump is going to NV on dates planned. How does he do that if Governor said "No"?.

I'm led to believe he owns his own hotel in Vegas.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (ZLI7S)

202 186 I want Joey the Paste to literally shit his pants on stage. So there is a brown river running out of one his pant legs and a huge brown stain on his ass.

Play the brown note

Posted by: It's me donna at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (nuGmk)

203 Chris Ledoux - "Hair-trigger Colt .44"
Posted by: Joe Mannix

Look up $5 Fine for Whining and Off To The Rodeo.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (ctGui)

204 194 Joe, if you were a vegetable, what kind of vegetable would you be?
Posted by: wth - if I was debate moderator at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (v0R5T)

An unelectable vegetable.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (zrukV)

205 Drug tests for all!!!!!!

Posted by: The Charlie Daniels of the Torque Wrench at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (p4eFU)

206 Ohhhh.
Are we going to have a standoff in NV?

Posted by: LOL at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (+5yHl)

207 188 120---Biden was their last choice to stop Bernie.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, shouting Lawrence! into the desert at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM (LvTSG)
But the only reason they wanted to stop Bernie is because they knew he could never win a general election.
He had already been firmly cast as the Extremist in their narrative of a "moderate" party. They couldn't rebound from that.
Posted by: Margarita DeVille at September 09, 2020 03:08 PM (M/9m0)


I think that, at that point, they had already written off winning the general election. The economy was simply too strong.

If Bernie won the nomination then the activist left gets control of the Democratic Party's apparatus, the DNC. The Establishment suddenly has to fight the activist left from a far less advantageous position.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, shouting Lawrence! into the desert at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (LvTSG)

208 Can't make heads or tails on what he is attempting to say in either clip. In the first one, he is so out of breath it is as if he just ran around the block 5 times.
Anyone who is voting for Biden is voting solely for the party.

Posted by: washrivergal at September 09, 2020 03:10 PM (66BnU)

209 You'd think they'd have looked at her, and said, "No dice." IIRC she barely won the AG spot in CA. She just has an inverse Midas touch with people. How could they miss that?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (zrukV)

Because it's about pure power and she's their little puppet fuck toy.

Posted by: ... at September 09, 2020 03:10 PM (l+lsS)

210 Most people wear masks when the air quality from the smoke is bad.. They even have a warning to do so, so they're saying wearing masks increases your risk for China flu?
Posted by: It's me donna

nope. they said that cloth masks don't protect against the particulates in the air from forest fires that cause inflammation to the lungs. and the inflammation causes a person to be more susceptible to COVID.

they're just making this shit up as they go.

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 09, 2020 03:10 PM (W2Pud)

211 190 Rogan rolled out his first Austin based podcast yesterday with Adam Curry.
Posted by: x at September 09, 2020 03:08 PM (nFwvY)

Holy shit he got old.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at September 09, 2020 03:10 PM (NWiLs)

212 He carries a schedule in his pocket,

1. Socks
2. Shoes
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at September 09, 2020 03:08 PM (+y/Ru)

Or C. Some low level staffer's cooch.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 09, 2020 03:10 PM (hku12)

213 Joe, if you were a vegetable, what kind of vegetable would you be?
Posted by: wth - if I was debate moderator at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (v0R5T)

An unelectable vegetable.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (zrukV)

In other words, a cauliflower.

Posted by: bluebell at September 09, 2020 03:10 PM (/669Q)

214 Come on maaan. Move it up here ya soap-eating pony face.

Posted by: Jane D'Doh at September 09, 2020 03:10 PM (ptqGC)

215 Screwing with the teleprompter is always a way to get laughs in movies. Its been done on news programs where the reporter starts babbling nonsense. He is reading and someone has added stuff which makes no sense.
Posted by: Colin at September 09, 2020 03:07 PM (lLBOr)
If you've ever read a prompter, it is really easy to fall for someone screwing with your text. It's weird. You sort of fall into the zone and as you're reciting from the prompter, it's easy to basically disengage your brain. The words go from your eyes to your mouth or or less directly. Certain things stand out and shake you from the semi-reverie (swear words, for example, never worked on me - they woke me up) but if the person doing the trolling is fairly careful, you can make most people say nearly anything that's scrolling by on the prompter.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 09, 2020 03:10 PM (Q8c/L)

216 "That's not alarming at all.

With all the votes already cast-- what happens if (when) this guy dies or has to medically evacuate the race? What's the rule on that?"

"Why, the Constitution says Hillary Clinton becomes President!!" -- Dread Justice Roberts

Posted by: Sharkman at September 09, 2020 03:10 PM (BM2fS)


"Ho Lee Fook, Sum Ting Wong, Wei Tu Lo."

- - A SF TV station teleprompter

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 09, 2020 03:11 PM (s2VJv)

218 Trump is going to NV on dates planned. How does he do that if Governor said "No"?.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke

The governor said "no".


Now you get to see who is the 800 lb gorilla.

The President or a state governor.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 09, 2020 03:11 PM (ctGui)

219 The media doesn't realize it but they are killing themselves.

Everyone is killing themselves. Sportsball has already done it. Today the Oscars announced that no film will be eligible for Best Picture if it doesn't have enough diversity.

That includes last year's best picture because the whole cast was Korean.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 09, 2020 03:11 PM (q2K0j)

220 Right now, Joe's people are calling Hunter asking for a shipment of some "energy powder" for Pops.

Posted by: Jane D'Doh at September 09, 2020 03:11 PM (ptqGC)

221 His teleprompter should be hacked with, say, the McDonald's menu.



all beef...

Patty's special sauce...

Let us, pick all...


Open sesame...

You know. The Th___1

Posted by: Muldoon at September 09, 2020 03:11 PM (Fc5rx)

222 >In other words, a cauliflower.

Posted by: bluebell at September 09, 2020 03:10 PM (/669Q)

A little cheese sauce will fix that right up.

Posted by: Muad'dib at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (sjdRT)

223 The soros/dem/commies will need to save that teleprompter for the possiblity of a pResident bribem assuming room temp, a pResident kamala going to her ancestors, and nanzipellosy becoming pResident.

Posted by: Eromero at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (XhWtx)

224 Wildfire's gonna kill ya. Smoke's gonna kill ya. COVID's gonna kill ya. Might as well jump in front of a freight train and cut to the chase, the way they're talking.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (NWiLs)

225 I always liked Ari Fletcher. Began to dislike W Bush his second term...then more during the idiot magic negro days.
Glad Ari is speaking some truth.
Ole Joe looks rather breathless and exhausted. Not seeing him drag himself to November so far. I shudder to think who they will choose to replace him.
Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Aging supermodel, Wuhan fighter at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (SK2xO)

I met Ari Fleisher at a Yankee Game in the Old Yankee Stadium and we talked about being Jewish Conservatives and dealing with our left wing "friends" and family

Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (+Sw2N)

226 Look, who is actually in favor of Joe Biden for president? The guy never won a primary in what, 4 tries, until this year.

No, the only reason to vote for Joe Biden is "He's not Trump." And Biden's mental collapse is actually a good thing from the Democrat party point of view: no one believes that Biden will be at the helm, making mistakes. It's all Deep State and "We'll be governed by Experts making the right decisions," versus "Trump who shoots from the hip and screws up!"

It'll be set forth as "Biden is the campaign of experts running things. Vote Biden Harris, as they won't get in the way of your betters telling you what to do."

You want experts? Biden/Harris. You want leadership? Vote Trump/Pence.

Posted by: Vance at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (GdebO)

227 Today was wondering how fast could a question be asked and someone else give the answer typed out so Basement Joe could read it. That clip of a few days ago had a 15 second delay.

Posted by: Skip at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (OjZpE)

228 "You don't have to do this, Joe."
- Barky O'Dogeater

Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (+MpRO)

229 The Thing

Posted by: Muldoon at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (Fc5rx)

230 184 Biden wanted this moment his whole life...a man of honesty and honor would have looked himself in the mirror long before this and known they were not up for this job.

Biden is neither. He wanted what he felt was his living a personal hell he doesn't even realize I'm betting...he's simply a vessel for others whose thirst for power is as strong as his was, only they're no physically and mentally rotting away in real time.
Posted by: H Badger at September 09, 2020 03:07 PM (n/0Nw)

It's almost enough to make one believe in Karma or divine wrath. He's got everything he ever wanted in sight, but no longer has the capability to grasp it, use it, or enjoy it.

As the light in his eyes dims, he will see his lifelong dream slip away one last time... and his surviving son lead away in irons.

Posted by: Cato, Dread Pirate in Training at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (eOAL6)

231 Clyde posted this in the last thread about Trump withdrawing the troops, but it was Willow'd:
"Some people don't like to come home. Some people like to continue to spend money," said Trump. "One cold-hearted globalist betrayal after another. That's what it was."

"One cold-hearted globalist betrayal after another..." That is so simply and beautifully out. Almost as good as his "the false song of globalism" line.

Media trying to imply he doesn't care? Meanwhile that is one big love letter to the troops. The warmongering military bureaucrats can go hang.

Posted by: LizLem at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (Rbfr/)

232 Biden's a movement candidate. If he shows movement, he's the candidate.

Posted by: ... at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (l+lsS)

233 Wildfire's gonna kill ya. Smoke's gonna kill ya. COVID's gonna kill ya. Might as well jump in front of a freight train and cut to the chase, the way they're talking.
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (NWiLs)
No one gets out of life alive...

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (Q8c/L)

234 219 The media doesn't realize it but they are killing themselves.

Everyone is killing themselves. Sportsball has already done it. Today the Oscars announced that no film will be eligible for Best Picture if it doesn't have enough diversity.

That includes last year's best picture because the whole cast was Korean.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 09, 2020 03:11 PM (q2K0j)


All minority is fine according to the rules.

It just can't be all white.

All black = diverse.
All white = not diverse.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, shouting Lawrence! into the desert at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (LvTSG)

235 221 Posted by: Muldoon at September 09, 2020 03:11 PM (Fc5rx)

(talk into the clown's mouth)

"So, Hillary, open wide!"

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (s2VJv)

236 Screwing with the teleprompter is always a way to get laughs in movies. Its been done on news programs where the reporter starts babbling nonsense. He is reading and someone has added stuff which makes no sense.
Posted by: Colin at September 09, 2020 03:07 PM

"Resist we much...."

- Al Sharpton reading the teleprompter.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (ejd/p)

237 Posted by: ... at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (l+lsS)

Bowel movement?

Posted by: lorien1973 at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (SpKeo)

238 They make retarded monkeys look like Mensas.

Posted by: Captain Hate at September 09, 2020 02:59 PM


I'll have you know, my retarded monkey was in Mensa. He thought those guys were weird.
Posted by: Joe Exotic at September 09, 2020


If my late cat Marie-Antoinette could have talked, she'd have qualified for Mensa before these Dems would.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 09, 2020 03:13 PM (Ejm1K)

239 DOCTOR Jill really, really wants to be FLOTUS.

Posted by: Jane D'Doh at September 09, 2020 03:13 PM (ptqGC)

You come on like a dream, peaches and cream
Lips like strawberry wine
You're sixteen, you're beautiful and you're mine
You're all ribbons and curls, ooh, what a girl
Eyes that sparkle and shine
You're sixteen, you're beautiful and you're mine

Posted by: Joe Biden at September 09, 2020 03:13 PM (yQpMk)

241 Biden's a movement candidate. If he shows movement, he's the candidate.
Posted by: ... at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (l+lsS)
Biden's a movement candidate.
A bowel movement candidate.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 09, 2020 03:13 PM (Q8c/L)

242 A little cheese sauce will fix that right up.
Posted by: Muad'dib at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (sjdRT)

To go with the goose for dinner?

Posted by: bluebell at September 09, 2020 03:13 PM (/669Q)

243 Biden croaking before election day would be very 2020. Good luck selling Kamala as a "return to normalcy".

Posted by: Rusty Nail at September 09, 2020 03:13 PM (I99aF)

244 nope. they said that cloth masks don't protect against the particulates in the air from forest fires that cause inflammation to the lungs. and the inflammation causes a person to be more susceptible to COVID.

they're just making this shit up as they go.
Posted by: nurse ratched

If it doesn't protect against smoke particulates, it cannot protect against a virus.


Posted by: rickb223 at September 09, 2020 03:13 PM (ctGui)

245 What's the rule on that?
Whatever we say it is.

Posted by: Hawaiin Judges at September 09, 2020 03:13 PM (r+sAi)

246 225 I always liked Ari Fletcher. Began to dislike W Bush his second term...then more during the idiot magic negro days.
Glad Ari is speaking some truth.
Ole Joe looks rather breathless and exhausted. Not seeing him drag himself to November so far. I shudder to think who they will choose to replace him.
Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Aging supermodel, Wuhan fighter at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (SK2xO)

I met Ari Fleisher at a Yankee Game in the Old Yankee Stadium and we talked about being Jewish Conservatives and dealing with our left wing "friends" and family
Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (+Sw2N)

Did the SOB bad mouth me?!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 09, 2020 03:13 PM (s2VJv)

247 I think that, at that point, they had already written off winning the general election. The economy was simply too strong.

If Bernie won the nomination then the activist left gets control of the Democratic Party's apparatus, the DNC. The Establishment suddenly has to fight the activist left from a far less advantageous position.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, shouting Lawrence! into the desert at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (LvTSG)

I really am coming to believe the DNC is aware they're going to lose this fight. It's like a boxer who has 9 of 12 rounds already in, and the champ has been knocking the snot out of him. His corner knows he's trailing so far behind in rounds that the only way he could possibly win now is a knockout.

And you know what, in the ring stranger things have happened. So you keep sending your punch drunk fighter out there, let him swing wildly and who knows, maybe he lands a lucky one on the kisser and we go home carrying the belt and the title.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 09, 2020 03:13 PM (hku12)

248 Anybody who is voting for Biden should punch themselves in the face so they can sound just like him.

Posted by: Marcus T at September 09, 2020 03:13 PM (VpIIl)

249 >> Trump is going to NV on dates planned. How does he do that if Governor said "No"?.

Lotsa federal land in Nevada...

Posted by: McCool at September 09, 2020 03:13 PM (ubMg5)

250 So how the fuck did this turnip raise almost 50 percent more dough than Trump last month.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at September 09, 2020 03:14 PM (OLdUK)

251 He carries his schedule in his pocket but needs his staff to get it?


Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (don't forget that Epstein didn't off hisself) at September 09, 2020 03:14 PM (9hauA)

252 Lyrics to "Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, now with 12% more lived experience at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM

Brown Sugar.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at September 09, 2020 03:03 PM

Some Girls.
Posted by: TheQuietMan at September 09, 2020 03:06 PM (mpeBU)


Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at September 09, 2020 03:14 PM (Zz0t1)

253 Trump owns a tower just off the strip in Vegas...Its not a hotel or casino but a condo tower with his name down the side like his other buildings. A convient place to hold a rally, as its just far enough off the strip to attract a lot of people.

Posted by: Colin at September 09, 2020 03:14 PM (lLBOr)

254 Izzy Mandelbaum would have kicked Biden's ass.

Posted by: steevy at September 09, 2020 03:14 PM (HwiWi)



Hillary had "the cough."

Now Biden?

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 09, 2020 03:14 PM (rjE57)

I met Ari Fleisher at a Yankee Game in the Old Yankee Stadium and we talked about being Jewish Conservatives and dealing with our left wing "friends" and family
Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (+Sw2N)

Did the SOB bad mouth me?!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 09, 2020 03:13 PM (s2VJv)

He wished you a happy birthday.

Posted by: Northernlurker, don't pay me no mind at September 09, 2020 03:14 PM (lgiXo)

257 Trump is going to NV on dates planned. How does he do that if Governor said "No"?.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke

Trump is president. The other guy is the Governor of Nevada. It's a Bambi v. Godzilla thing.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at September 09, 2020 03:14 PM (+y/Ru)

258 250 So how the fuck did this turnip raise almost 50 percent more dough than Trump last month.

China disguised as Silicon Valleyer's

Posted by: It's me donna at September 09, 2020 03:14 PM (nuGmk)

259 In a nutshell, it does NOT automatically go to Kamala. The DNC leadership of 400+ people decides.

So then they have 2 choices:
1) Give it to Bernie and watch the party go down in flames
2) Don't give it to Bernie and watch the party go down in flames.

Posted by: pep at September 09, 2020 03:14 PM (v16oJ)

260 You'd think they'd have looked at her, and said, "No dice." IIRC she barely won the AG spot in CA. She just has an inverse Midas touch with people. How could they miss that?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (zrukV)

Ideological tunnel vision?

Posted by: Cato, Dread Pirate in Training at September 09, 2020 03:14 PM (eOAL6)

261 you know, I would think that if Biden wins but is out before the members of the Electoral College meet, the Biden electors could vote for Harris or someone else.

Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at September 09, 2020 03:15 PM (4a9Vv)

262 Everybody gets dead.

Posted by: Hondo at September 09, 2020 03:15 PM (nFRLh)

263 Funny.

Hillary had "the cough."

Now Biden

They took the same drug?

Posted by: It's me donna at September 09, 2020 03:15 PM (nuGmk)

264 In that Ari Fleischer clip, Biden looks and sounds seriously ill, not just mentally dull. I have serious doubts he's going to make it to November. How could reasonable people allow him to be a meat puppet? Of course, our fears are that they are NOT reasonable, but I don't really seeing that fear confirmed so clearly -- knowing that our opponents really are that evil in their pursuit of power.

Posted by: red speck at September 09, 2020 03:15 PM (gS3OW)

265 With all the votes already cast-- what happens if (when) this guy dies or has to medically evacuate the race? What's the rule on that?

Posted by: Ace at 02:46 PM

What rule? There are no rules, merely suggestions.
The media will help the party to get whatever it is they want. If the party changes its mind, so will the media.
Like with rioting.
And masks

Posted by: OneEyedJack at September 09, 2020 03:15 PM (z79tQ)

266 You know who raised and spent way more than Trump? Hillary.

Posted by: steevy at September 09, 2020 03:15 PM (HwiWi)

267 It occurs to me that a reverse snorkel - mask with the inlet oriented down, would help people affected by fire air quality since smoke rises

Posted by: vmom 2020 sipping Amontillado at September 09, 2020 03:16 PM (EGSGm)

268 Joe, if you were a vegetable, what kind of vegetable would you be?
Posted by: wth - if I was debate moderator at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (v0R5T)

C'mon man. Do I ask you if you were a spatula, what sort of toaster would I be? You wanna do some pushups right here on the, you know, the thing?

I'm tired of you dandy types assuming every time some cotton picking litter tray has the bends, I can't hear you! So just watch it big guy. I'm on top of this.

Posted by: President Joe at September 09, 2020 03:16 PM (8B6Ng)

269 Biden has a cough? Remember people fussing every time Trump seemed to have a bit of the sniffles?

Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at September 09, 2020 03:16 PM (4a9Vv)

270 Joe, if you were a vegetable, what kind of vegetable would you be?
Posted by: wth - if I was debate moderator at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (v0R5T)

An unelectable vegetable.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at September 09, 2020


A presentable vegetable.

Posted by: Supertramp at September 09, 2020 03:16 PM (Ejm1K)

271 how the fuck did this turnip raise almost 50 percent more dough than Trump last month.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at September 09, 2020 03:14 PM (OLdUK)

Yoo hoo?

Posted by: Hollywood and Big Tech at September 09, 2020 03:16 PM (+5yHl)

272 Brutal

Posted by: Huck Follywood at September 09, 2020 03:16 PM (gtNWf)

273 May the sins of Joe Biden weigh mightily on his tattered filthy soul

May he live a long life.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at September 09, 2020 03:16 PM (OLdUK)

274 So how the fuck did this turnip raise almost 50 percent more dough than Trump last month.
Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at September 09, 2020 03:14 PM (OLdUK)

DNC gets a cut of every donation through voteblue (?) and BLM, etc. use this portal - so they get a ton of effort free donations.

Posted by: lorien1973 at September 09, 2020 03:16 PM (SpKeo)

275 You know who raised and spent way more than Trump? Hillary.
Posted by: steevy at September 09, 2020 03:15 PM (HwiWi)

Trump has already spent a billion.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at September 09, 2020 03:16 PM (Zz0t1)

276 Look on DJT Jr's feed at the vet who confronted Biden on voting for the wars. They finally pulled Biden away from the man.

Real respect right their, Sundown Joe, you dickhead.

Posted by: Marcus T at September 09, 2020 03:16 PM (VpIIl)

277 In a nutshell, it does NOT automatically go to Kamala. The DNC leadership of 400+ people decides.

So then they have 2 choices:
1) Give it to Bernie and watch the party go down in flames
2) Don't give it to Bernie and watch the party go down in flames.

Posted by: pep

Whoo-hoo! So many choices!

Posted by: rickb223 at September 09, 2020 03:16 PM (ctGui)

278 To start his heart?

Whoa, fat...
Kickstart my heart, give it a start
Whoa, fat...

Whoa, fat
Kickstart my heart, hope it never stops
Ooh, yeah
Baby, yeah

Posted by: Motley Joe Biden at September 09, 2020 03:16 PM (Do5/p)

279 So then they have 2 choices:
1) Give it to Bernie and watch the party go down in flames
2) Don't give it to Bernie and watch the party go down in flames.
3) Give it to Cuomo and watch party go down in flames
4) Give it to Newsom and watch the party go down in flames

Bernie is their best bet. Smaller flames.

Posted by: Puddin Head at September 09, 2020 03:17 PM (0agRW)

280 The people who will vote for this root vegetable hate Trump more than they care about this country.

And that would be my only sibling and all of my husband's sibs and their spawn.

Posted by: Jane D'Doh at September 09, 2020 03:17 PM (ptqGC)

281 Bloomberg spent a billion dollars just for a nomination.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist at September 09, 2020 03:17 PM (j3jZX)

282 Trump is going to NV on dates planned. How does he do that if Governor said "No"?.

Lotsa federal land in Nevada...

Posted by: McCool

Pretty sure the President of the United States can go pretty much wherever he wants to go, short of someone's bedroom, and nobody can stop him.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 09, 2020 03:17 PM (BM2fS)

283 Hey, Joe... See that Ford truck behind you? Not only is it the kind of vehicle that you and your ilk want wiped from the market, but it's built by the one American auto manufacturer that refused to take your bailout money.

Posted by: red speck at September 09, 2020 03:17 PM (gS3OW)

284 >>Trump owns a tower just off the strip in Vegas...Its not a hotel or casino but a condo tower with his name down the side like his other buildings. A convient place to hold a rally, as its just far enough off the strip to attract a lot of people.

They seem to think they are a hotel.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 09, 2020 03:17 PM (ZLI7S)

285 >>> DNC gets a cut of every donation through voteblue (?) and BLM, etc. use this portal - so they get a ton of effort free donations.

antifa dot com also takes you to campaign website

all roads lead to Dems

Posted by: McCool at September 09, 2020 03:17 PM (ubMg5)

286 lol. They are going to "revive" the Golden Girls sitcom and make all the replacements black people.

Posted by: Marcus T at September 09, 2020 03:18 PM (VpIIl)

287 That schedule you carry around in your pocket is what most people call a "blank sheet of paper," bitch.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis at September 09, 2020 03:18 PM (sWM8x)

288 His teleprompter should be hacked with, say, the McDonald's menu.



all beef...

Patty's special sauce...

Let us, pick all...


Open sesame...

You know. The Th___1
Posted by: Muldoon at September 09, 2020 03:11 PM (Fc5rx)

Patty's special sauce... didn't she used to work for me, sometime in the 80s? Tasted so good... Open sesame I said to her. And she did.

Posted by: Alzheimer Joe at September 09, 2020 03:18 PM (hku12)

289 short of someone's bedroom, and nobody can stop him.

What? - Clinton

Posted by: lorien1973 at September 09, 2020 03:18 PM (SpKeo)

290 283 Hey, Joe... See that Ford truck behind you? Not only is it the kind of vehicle that you and your ilk want wiped from the market, but it's built by the one American auto manufacturer that refused to take your bailout money.

Posted by: red speck at September 09, 2020 03:17 PM (gS3OW)

Mostly in Mexico...

Posted by: Scooby Doo at September 09, 2020 03:18 PM (xfb67)

291 Maybe Jill fancies herself as Mrs Roosevelt or Wilson. It could work with today's media.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at September 09, 2020 03:18 PM (nFRLh)

292 190
Rogan rolled out his first Austin based podcast yesterday with Adam Curry.

Posted by: x at September 09, 2020 03:08 PM (nFwvY)


I haven't listened to "No Agenda" in years, and then it was mostly to hear Dvorak. Haven't paid much attention to Curry since the Headbanger's Ball days. What's his take on the state of the world today?

Posted by: Pennsyltucky at September 09, 2020 03:18 PM (+3rQF)

293 Izzy Mandelbaum would have kicked Biden's ass.
Posted by: steevy at September 09, 2020


Right now, Lou Costello could kick Biden's ass.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 09, 2020 03:18 PM (Ejm1K)

294 Lib replies on Twitter :

The video has been slowed down! (No link to "untouched" video.)

It's just his childhood stutter! (Reply was - he's been in the public eye for 47 years and there was no stutter.)

The stutter thing is so incredibly dumb. It's not like Biden is some obscure person we have never heard speak in the past.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (don't forget that Epstein didn't off hisself) at September 09, 2020 03:18 PM (9hauA)

295 284 >>Trump owns a tower just off the strip in Vegas...Its not a hotel or casino but a condo tower with his name down the side like his other buildings. A convient place to hold a rally, as its just far enough off the strip to attract a lot of people.

They seem to think they are a hotel.
Posted by: JackStraw at September 09, 2020 03:17 PM (ZLI7S)


And my uncle thinks he's Saint Jerome.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, shouting Lawrence! into the desert at September 09, 2020 03:18 PM (LvTSG)

296 No one gets out of life alive...
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 09, 2020 03:12 PM (Q8c/L)

Undefeated! (Flexes). Just don't bring up that one guy, that was.... different

Posted by: Death at September 09, 2020 03:18 PM (/6GbT)

297 282. Yea, Trump can still do them, no doubt. Sisolaks only recourse would be to station officers right outside, and ticket people leaving.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at September 09, 2020 03:18 PM (JRaU+)

298 While Biden tries to put two words together how many states did Trump visit today to campaign, 20?

Posted by: Two Weeks From Catching Up With Trump at September 09, 2020 03:18 PM (+dsLj)

299 In that Ari Fleischer clip, Biden looks and sounds seriously ill, not just mentally dull. I have serious doubts he's going to make it to November. How could reasonable people allow him to be a meat puppet? Of course, our fears are that they are NOT reasonable, but I don't really seeing that fear confirmed so clearly -- knowing that our opponents really are that evil in their pursuit of power.
Posted by: red speck at September 09, 2020 03:15 PM (gS3OW)

People here may be right about him staying in to protect his own butt from prosecution.

But also remember this guy is a thug, a bully and arrogant as all get out. Does that remind of you someone? McCain. Remember McCain wouldn't stop being the jack@$$ that he was until the very end, in his friggin death bed for heaven's sake. He was attacking Trump until his last breath.

Sick people.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 09, 2020 03:18 PM (rjE57)


Hillary had "the cough."

Now Biden

They took the same drug?

Posted by: It's me donna at September 09, 2020 03:15 PM

congestive heart failure?

Posted by: AltonJackson (Click here for the MiMoMe!!!) at September 09, 2020 03:18 PM (ueyHg)

301 >> Trump is going to NV on dates planned. How does he do that if Governor said "No"?.

the governor has no authority to stop any citizen from entering Nevada. He also has no authority to stop a Presidential campaign rally. He can go stick his head up his ass.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at September 09, 2020 03:19 PM (gtNWf)

302 Brutal
Posted by: Huck Follywood at September 09, 2020 03:16 PM (gtNWf)

THIS, is brutal.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at September 09, 2020 03:19 PM (Zz0t1)

303 So how the fuck did this turnip raise almost 50 percent more dough than Trump last month.
Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at September 09, 2020 03:14 PM (OLdUK)
A bad, confusing year so far. This is my honest guess. Biden is a bad candidate in a year where the DNC has been lurching from one fuckup to another, and I suspect that a lot of folks who are big money movers for the DNC were waiting until the ink was dry on the nomination before opening the sluice gates.

September is not going to be so good, I don't think. There isn't a year's worth of cash on the sidelines waiting for a decision anymore.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 09, 2020 03:19 PM (Q8c/L)

304 286 lol. They are going to "revive" the Golden Girls sitcom and make all the replacements black people.
Do we get to watch them die on a ventilator? Is that the plan?

Posted by: Puddin Head at September 09, 2020 03:19 PM (0agRW)

305 Now I know why Obama didn't want Joe to do this.

Posted by: Marcus T at September 09, 2020 03:19 PM (VpIIl)

306 DOCTOR Jill really, really wants to be FLOTUS.

I think she wants to be POTUS, and it would be much like Harding's (?)wife took over for him when he got ill.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 09, 2020 03:19 PM (WkPC9)

307 lol. They are going to "revive" the Golden Girls sitcom and make all the replacements black people.
Posted by: Marcus T at September 09, 2020 03:18 PM (VpIIl)

They need to just stop.

They keep giving "marginalized communities" their sloppy seconds.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (don't forget that Epstein didn't off hisself) at September 09, 2020 03:19 PM (9hauA)

308 Pretty sure the President of the United States can go pretty much wherever he wants to go, short of someone's bedroom, and nobody can stop him.


As another moron better than me pointed out, states don't have jurisdiction over airports, which is why he's been having his rallies there. It's working out even better than expected and gives the finger to the fascist govs while he campaigns freely in their blue states.

Posted by: Two Weeks From Catching Up With Trump at September 09, 2020 03:20 PM (+dsLj)

309 124 108 103 His teleprompter should be hacked with, say, the McDonald's menu.
Posted by: Northernlurker, don't pay me no mind at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM (lgiXo)

Lyrics to "Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones
Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, now with 12% more lived experience at September 09, 2020 03:01 PM (PiwSw)

Brown Sugar.
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo

I'm thinking Nirvana's "Smells like Teen Spirit" Maybe "Driver Seat" by Sniff 'n the Tears.

Posted by: Dirks Strewn DA1977 at September 09, 2020 03:20 PM (kfcYC)

310 303 So how the fuck did this turnip raise almost 50 percent more dough than Trump last month.
Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at September 09, 2020 03:14 PM (OLdUK)
A bad, confusing year so far. This is my honest guess. Biden is a bad candidate in a year where the DNC has been lurching from one fuckup to another, and I suspect that a lot of folks who are big money movers for the DNC were waiting until the ink was dry on the nomination before opening the sluice gates.

September is not going to be so good, I don't think. There isn't a year's worth of cash on the sidelines waiting for a decision anymore.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 09, 2020 03:19 PM (Q8c/L)


Also, tech money reward for choosing Kamala.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, shouting Lawrence! into the desert at September 09, 2020 03:20 PM (LvTSG)

311 Does Biden still ride Amtrak? Someone ask that question.

Or, what does he think of the agreement between Kosovo and Serbia...since the media has ignored this.

Ask if he thinks Guam will tip over.

My questions are endless.

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Aging supermodel, Wuhan fighter at September 09, 2020 03:20 PM (SK2xO)

312 304 286 lol. They are going to "revive" the Golden Girls sitcom and make all the replacements black people.

The Ebony Girls

Posted by: It's me donna at September 09, 2020 03:20 PM (nuGmk)

313 It has to be possible to hack Basement Joe's teleprompter

Posted by: Skip at September 09, 2020 03:20 PM (OjZpE)

314 They seem to think they are a hotel.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 09, 2020 03:17 PM (ZLI7S)

The building is actually a hotel also. I have visited the building and I believe it has lots of condos also. No casino, but in a good location to visit all the strip casinos.

Posted by: Colin at September 09, 2020 03:20 PM (lLBOr)

315 New Golden Girls? Michelle as Bea Arthur is a lock.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at September 09, 2020 03:20 PM (nFRLh)

316 307 lol. They are going to "revive" the Golden Girls sitcom and make all the replacements black people.
Posted by: Marcus T at September 09, 2020 03:18 PM (VpIIl)

So shouldn't that be the Blackened Girls?

or just go with Old Ho's.

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 09, 2020 03:20 PM (Kpl3J)


What Trump really needs to do is ring up Beau and tell Biden that he needs to suck it up about the poor dead bastard. About the only thing Biden is semi-lucid about is protecting his son's memory, but then all he does is get pugilistic. Trump's sons take more shit on a daily basis on Twatter than anything anyone ever said about fucking deceased mouthbreather Beau.

And reading the hit piece on Biden in Natl Review makes me wornder if they realize their leftward grift is failing and will die with Biden's loss. Talking trash about "Dr." Jill and her whorish ways in the 1970s in seducing the "grieving" Biden was fucking brutal.

Posted by: imp at September 09, 2020 03:20 PM (SFOr6)

They tried desperately to get Kamala, then Beto, then Buttigieg, and then Bloomberg to be their savior, but they all crashed.

Biden was their last choice to stop Bernie.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison


haha and the Dems were calling that kiddie gang "the killer bees" -- Bookier, Bernie, Beto, Buttigieg, Biden -- KILLAHS.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at September 09, 2020 03:20 PM (G51Gf)

319 Canada is sending people to concentration camps just for being 'uncooperative' in the silly covid testing. If the officials pushing this there aren't killed for it, I expect someone will try it here.

Posted by: Methos at September 09, 2020 03:21 PM (kOpft)

320 Funny.

Hillary had "the cough."

Now Biden

Next thing you know, he'll spit something nasty and disgusting into a glass of water and keep drinking it.

Posted by: bicentennialguy at September 09, 2020 03:21 PM (vg8iE)

321 THIS, is brutal.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe!

For the first 30 seconds I thought I was listening to the Sean Hannity Show.

Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at September 09, 2020 03:21 PM (+MpRO)

322 >>> IS RBG alive???

Supposedly there are pics of her officiating a wedding recently. Wearing no mask.

Meanwhile, there are pics of signs posted by some doo gooder Karens in her neighborhood, that say something like "RBG lives 5 miles from here. If you won't wear a mask for me, wear one for RBG", or something like that.

If she doesn't care about her own health, enough to wear one, why should some average joe neighbor she's never met?

Posted by: LizLem at September 09, 2020 03:21 PM (Rbfr/)

323 And right on cue here comes another whistleblower complaint from the bug eyed freak Schiff.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 09, 2020 03:21 PM (ZLI7S)

324 "They need to just stop.

They keep giving "marginalized communities" their sloppy seconds.
Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (don't forget that Epstein didn't off hisself) at September 09, 2020 03:19 PM (9hauA)"

I don't get it. Why not just make a new show. Are they that bereft of ideas they can't come up with a new sitcom?

Posted by: Marcus T at September 09, 2020 03:21 PM (VpIIl)

325 So how the fuck did this turnip raise almost 50 percent more dough than Trump last month.
Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at September 09, 2020 03:14 PM (OLdUK)


The name of the donation site for Biden's campaign is called ActBlue.

The name of the donation site for BLM is called ActBlue.

Do the math.

Posted by: Two Weeks From Catching Up With Trump at September 09, 2020 03:22 PM (+dsLj)


lyrics to the chorus of David Allen Coe's If That Ain't Country
Posted by: AltonJackson (Click here for the MiMoMe!!!)

I'm thinking of a different DAC song.

Posted by: imp at September 09, 2020 03:22 PM (SFOr6)

327 320 Funny.

Hillary had "the cough."

Now Biden

I take blood pressure pills, and the first one they tried on me gave me a similar cough....

Posted by: It's me donna at September 09, 2020 03:22 PM (nuGmk)

328 >>So how the fuck did this turnip raise almost 50 percent more dough than Trump last month.

Pretty sure it was via ShareBlue donation switch -- they were designated/linked to by all sorts of sites/social media for BLM donations, which they then moved to Democrat candidate donations, primarily Joe.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 09, 2020 03:22 PM (bDqIh)

329 Still a strong rumor that RBG is terminal and at least one additional justice will retire after the election.

Posted by: Marcus T at September 09, 2020 03:23 PM (VpIIl)

330 How did he outraise Trump?
Remember all that BLM money actually flows to the DNC via ActBlue.

Posted by: attila the increasingly unreasonable at September 09, 2020 03:23 PM (w7KSn)

331 states don't have jurisdiction over airports, which is why he's been having his rallies there.

Dan Bongino, former SS agent, suggested this a few weeks ago
said logistics are simple, dont need motorcades or coordination with locals.
Fly in, do rally, fly out to another stop

Posted by: McCool at September 09, 2020 03:23 PM (ubMg5)

332 As another moron better than me pointed out, states don't have
jurisdiction over airports, which is why he's been having his rallies
there. It's working out even better than expected and gives the finger
to the fascist govs while he campaigns freely in their blue states.
And he gets to keep Air Force One in the background every time.

Posted by: Methos at September 09, 2020 03:23 PM (kOpft)

333 Today the Oscars announced that no film will be eligible for Best Picture if it doesn't have enough diversity.

That includes last year's best picture because the whole cast was Korean.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 09, 2020 03:11 PM (q2K0j)

Maybe they could remake Roots and throw in a couple Samoans.

Posted by: wth at September 09, 2020 03:23 PM (v0R5T)

334 I can't worry or try to predict what the American electorate will do anymore or how the Dems will attempt to steal the election. It's beyond my control . I can only prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Unfortunately this is all happening at the worst point in my life . The Perfect Storm of suck. Oh well such is life.

Posted by: Weaning is hard at September 09, 2020 03:23 PM (8eVay)

335 @309
Being a redneck, I'd prefer the hack of teleprompter with Lynyrd Skynyrd's "That Smell"

Sing it, baby!

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Aging supermodel, Wuhan fighter at September 09, 2020 03:23 PM (SK2xO)

336 So how the fuck did this turnip raise almost 50 percent more dough than Trump last month.
Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at September 09, 2020 03:14 PM (OLdUK)

DNC gets a cut of every donation through voteblue (?) and BLM, etc. use this portal - so they get a ton of effort free donations.
Posted by: lorien1973 at September 09, 2020 03:16 PM (SpKeo)
Also, the Dem party is the party of the ultra rich.

Posted by: redridinghood at September 09, 2020 03:24 PM (+YYKs)

337 His teleprompter should be hacked with, say, the McDonald's menu.

Trump says Nazis are fine people and dead American soldiers are suckers and losers. I say two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onion on a sesame seed bun!

Posted by: Broken Brain Biden at September 09, 2020 03:24 PM (+y/Ru)

338 322

Meanwhile, there are pics of signs posted by some doo gooder Karens in her neighborhood, that say something like "RBG lives 5 miles from here. If you won't wear a mask for me, wear one for RBG", or something like that.

Posted by: LizLem at September 09, 2020 03:21 PM

So those Karens have increased the mask-wearing requirement to anything within 6' to anything within 5 miles?!

Posted by: Motley Joe Biden at September 09, 2020 03:24 PM (Do5/p)

339 323 And right on cue here comes another whistleblower complaint from the bug eyed freak Schiff.

Can't do it... Too close to the election... Riiiiight

Posted by: It's me donna at September 09, 2020 03:24 PM (nuGmk)

340 OT: Room 222 sucked ass.

Posted by: x at September 09, 2020 03:24 PM (nFwvY)

341 They originally wanted to run Hunter but, during his initial interviews with sympathetic media, he kept doing lines of coke and banging strippers.
Posted by: Laughing in Texas at September 09, 2020 03:09 PM (pFUXv)

That's because I want to fit in here.

Posted by: Hunter Biden, moron in training at September 09, 2020 03:24 PM (OYsdM)

342 "Trump is going to NV on dates planned. How does he do that if Governor said "No"?"

Well, Bobblehead Tony Evers asked Trump not to come to Kenosha, but he came anyway, so there's precedent.

Posted by: Annalucia at September 09, 2020 03:24 PM (S6ArX)

343 329 Still a strong rumor that RBG is terminal and at least one additional justice will retire after the election.
Posted by: Marcus T at September 09, 2020 03:23 PM (VpIIl)


Weird that the left isn't trumpeting this.

Seems like good fodder to excite their base about getting rid of Trump.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, shouting Lawrence! into the desert at September 09, 2020 03:24 PM (LvTSG)

344 329 Still a strong rumor that RBG is terminal and at least one additional justice will retire after the election.
Posted by: Marcus T at September 09, 2020 03:23 PM (VpIIl)

She's had 4 different cancers her terminal condition is a constant.

Posted by: blaster at September 09, 2020 03:24 PM (ZfRYq)

345 he's just a totem. the real power would be Kamala and the Dem leadership behind the scenes.

Posted by: chesty mccheese at September 09, 2020 03:25 PM (HVMmF)

346 It was a Fraudian slip.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at September 09, 2020 03:25 PM (E+OcO)

347 John Kerry is still windsurfing - amiright?

Posted by: Puddin Head at September 09, 2020 03:25 PM (0agRW)

348 Bold Prediction for this cycle's October surprise:

Dems are so desperate they will roll out the first ever, over-the-top Deep Fake video of Trump saying some really nasty/racist/sexist things about babies/vets/PODS.

It will drop Monday, Oct 26.

Posted by: Tonic Dog at September 09, 2020 03:26 PM (UYvk0)

349 Unfortunately this is all happening at the worst point in my life

Weaning is hard at September 09, 2020 03:23 PM (8eVay)

Why is this the worst point in your life, or you'd rather not say?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 09, 2020 03:26 PM (WkPC9)

Next thing you know, he'll spit something nasty and disgusting into a glass of water and keep drinking it.
Posted by: bicentennialguy at September 09, 2020 03:21 PM (vg8iE)

It'll be his teeth.

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 09, 2020 03:26 PM (Kpl3J)

351 Biden afaik is getting Kamala tech money and BLM extortion money

Posted by: vmom 2020 sipping Amontillado at September 09, 2020 03:26 PM (EGSGm)

352 Today the Oscars announced that no film will be eligible for Best Picture if it doesn't have enough diversity.

That includes last year's best picture because the whole cast was Korean.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 09, 2020 03:11 PM (q2K0j)

Include a couple of Australian aborigines in your Viking movie and you're all set.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (don't forget that Epstein didn't off hisself) at September 09, 2020 03:26 PM (9hauA)

353 This really is weekend and Bernie's

Posted by: mikethemoose at September 09, 2020 03:26 PM (Y6UV7)

354 Maybe Jill fancies herself as Mrs Roosevelt or Wilson. It could work with today's media.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness

Someone's gonna have to light her face on fire and then put it out with an ice pick for her to fit into the Mrs. Roosevelt/Wilson role properly.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 09, 2020 03:27 PM (BM2fS)

355 345 he's just a totem. the real power would be Kamala and the Dem leadership behind the scenes.
Posted by: chesty mccheese at September 09, 2020 03:25 PM (HVMmF)

I don't think so. Kamala is, ahem, a token in this campaign. They are keeping her off the field, too. It's all a bunch of CNN and Vox staffers held together with baling wire and Clinton goo.

Posted by: blaster at September 09, 2020 03:27 PM (ZfRYq)

I really don't believe this decrepit husk of a man will debate, but I hope he does. It'll be devastating. No matter how they try to help him, he'll be destroyed in front of all of us, for our viewing entertainment.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 09, 2020 03:27 PM (Fwug1)

357 >>Can't do it... Too close to the election... Riiiiight

Schiff is in Congress. He can do whatever he wants.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 09, 2020 03:27 PM (ZLI7S)

I still say we should update the Style Book so that every reference to RBG reads as "The late Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Baden Ginsberg"

Posted by: AltonJackson (Click here for the MiMoMe!!!) at September 09, 2020 03:27 PM (ueyHg)

359 Cardi B as Rue McClanahan
Tyler Perry as Estelle Getty
Laverne Cox as Betty White

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at September 09, 2020 03:27 PM (nFRLh)

360 Hillary had "the cough."

Now Biden?
Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 09, 2020 03:14 PM (rjE57)
It's from the "energy drugs".

Posted by: ... at September 09, 2020 03:27 PM (l+lsS)

361 350 Unfortunately this is all happening at the worst point in my life

Weaning is hard at September 09, 2020 03:23 PM (8eVay)

Why is this the worst point in your life, or you'd rather not say?
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 09, 2020 03:26 PM (WkPC9)

It could be worse. It could be raining.

Posted by: I-gor at September 09, 2020 03:27 PM (Kpl3J)

362 What the hell is that flag behind the girl reading her question?

Posted by: Daniel Simpson Day at September 09, 2020 03:27 PM (SoPmE)

363 "I hope the press digs into this"

Posted by: Tom Servo at September 09, 2020 02:46 PM (Kpl3J)

Nice plea Ari. The press isn't going to do a single thing that might open some more sunlight on the Democrats. Why in the hell do you think Trump says things such as " Did you enjoy your convention?" speaking to the press right after the DNC puppet show.

Posted by: Jen the original at September 09, 2020 03:28 PM (+5aTf)

Schiff is in Congress. He can do whatever he wants.

What is it this time

Posted by: It's me donna at September 09, 2020 03:28 PM (nuGmk)

365 360 Cardi B as Rue McClanahan
Tyler Perry as Estelle Getty
Laverne Cox as Betty White

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at September 09, 2020 03:27 PM (nFRLh)

Call it Dry Ass Pussy!

Posted by: Scooby Doo at September 09, 2020 03:28 PM (xfb67)

366 Posted by: Tonic Dog at September 09, 2020 03:26 PM (UYvk0)

Since some scientists at MIT (?) were able to fake a video of Nixon talking about the death of the Apollo astronauts, I don't see why someone couldn't do a deep fake of Trump saying something which he hadn't.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 09, 2020 03:28 PM (WkPC9)

367 Today the Oscars announced that no film will be eligible for Best Picture if it doesn't have enough diversity.


What happens if somebody does a film based in Japan?

Posted by: Two Weeks From Catching Up With Trump at September 09, 2020 03:28 PM (+dsLj)

I don't get it. Why not just make a new show. Are they that bereft of ideas they can't come up with a new sitcom?
Posted by: Marcus T at September 09, 2020 03:21 PM (VpIIl)

they are intellectually and creatively bankrupt, yes

but I'm starting to think they want to saturate the airwaves, tv, and web as quickly as possible with their pc bs. This is one way to do it. No thought involved, just casting. The scripts are so stupid and written by 5 year olds. This would fit the theory.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 09, 2020 03:28 PM (rjE57)

369 I don't get it. Why not just make a new show. Are they that bereft of ideas they can't come up with a new sitcom?
Posted by: Marcus T at September 09, 2020 03:21 PM (VpIIl)

They have to go back and "fix" the racist original one. That's more important than having new ideas.

Posted by: Jordan61 at September 09, 2020 03:28 PM (Ez6QX)

370 So those Karens have increased the mask-wearing requirement to anything within 6' to anything within 5 miles?!

You can't give them an inch. The masks, ALL the masks need to GO.

Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at September 09, 2020 03:28 PM (+MpRO)

371 OT: Room 222 sucked ass.

Do not sully the memories of my Karen Valentine.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 09, 2020 03:28 PM (q2K0j)

372 OT: Room 222 sucked ass.

Posted by: x

True, but Karen Valentine?


Posted by: Sharkman at September 09, 2020 03:29 PM (BM2fS)

373 337

His teleprompter should be hacked with, say, the McDonald's menu.

Trump says Nazis are fine people and dead American soldiers are suckers and losers. I say two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onion on a sesame seed bun!

Posted by: Broken Brain Biden at September 09, 2020 03:24 PM

Would be hilarious if someone had him going like Evan Baxter in Bruce Almighty.

Evan Baxter: [laughs like hyena, drinks, and clears throat] Oh, there we go. Sorry about that. In other news the Prime Minister of Sweden visited Washington today and my tiny little nipples went to France.

Evan Baxter: The White House reception committee greeted the Prime Ribroast Minister and... I do the cha-cha like a sissy girl. I lik-a do da cha-cha. I'm sorry we seem to be having some technical difficulties. In other news

[breaks wind]

Evan Baxter: Ohhhh. My apologies. Bulla blah, bulla blabity bulla bla

[rapid unitelligible gibberish]

Evan Baxter: Blabity blab bulla blah

[explosive gibberish]

Evan Baxter: [continues for 35 seconds]

[vaguely Chinese]

Evan Baxter: Kaa kaa poo poo. PEE PEE

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at September 09, 2020 03:29 PM (Do5/p)

374 This elder abuse must stop.
Can he outlast William Henry Harrison?

Posted by: Little Boomer at September 09, 2020 03:29 PM (PNCY7)

375 Hey, Joe... See that Ford truck behind you? Not only is it the kind of vehicle that you and your ilk want wiped from the market, but it's built by the one American auto manufacturer that refused to take your bailout money.
Posted by: red speck at September 09, 2020 03:17 PM (gS3OW)


Posted by: clutch at September 09, 2020 03:29 PM (9UmRs)

True, but Karen Valentine?


She was a local girl...

Posted by: It's me donna at September 09, 2020 03:29 PM (nuGmk)

377 344 329 Still a strong rumor that RBG is terminal and at least one additional justice will retire after the election.
Posted by: Marcus T at September 09, 2020 03:23 PM (VpIIl)

She's had 4 different cancers her terminal condition is a constant.
Posted by: blaster at September 09, 2020 03:24 PM (ZfRYq)

She's only on number 7 of her 9 lives.

Posted by: WisRich at September 09, 2020 03:29 PM (G0vdT)

378 OT: Sometimes you step on a step that isn't there -- you anticipate a battle that doesn't happen.

I was scheduled to see my doctor this afternoon about a medical exemption from masks letter. For some reason, my vivid imagination pictured him giving me a hard time about it, not to mention having to traipse over there in late afternoon heat.

Well. His assistant called me to ask if we could consult on the phone, and when I said yes, he rang me up. Upshot: no problem with the letter, which he will mail to me. And I don't have to trudge to his office.

Imagination: 0, Reality: 1.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 09, 2020 03:29 PM (Ejm1K)

379 I'd hack his teleprompter with "The Aristocrats."

Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 09, 2020 03:29 PM (ptqGC)

380 >>What is it this time

Supposedly Trump's DHS minimized Russia interference in the election and played up Chinese interference to help Trump.

Just more garbage for the media to jerk off over.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 09, 2020 03:29 PM (ZLI7S)

381 Today the Oscars announced that no film will be eligible for Best Picture if it doesn't have enough diversity.

That includes last year's best picture because the whole cast was Korean.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 09, 2020 03:11 PM (q2K0j)

Include a couple of Australian aborigines in your Viking movie and you're all set.
Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (don't forget that Epstein didn't off hisself) at September 09, 2020 03:26 PM (9hauA)

Say, how's about another adaptation of Little Women?

Have Jo be lesbian.

Posted by: Alzheimer Joe at September 09, 2020 03:30 PM (hku12)

382 What happens if somebody does a film based in Japan?

Posted by: Two Weeks From Catching Up With Trump

Hilarity will ensue, especially considering that the Japanese are about the most racist people who ever lived on Earth.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 09, 2020 03:30 PM (BM2fS)


It's hilarious, Macaannenny has to deal with blonde scrunts giving her grief about out of context quotes that Trump may have said, and Joe is out there leaking brain fluid all over Michigan and they don't cover it.


Posted by: Rev. Dr. E Buzz Miller, Lesbian at September 09, 2020 03:30 PM (lg/F7)

384 I smell Gelfling!

Posted by: Ruth Bader Ginsburg at September 09, 2020 03:30 PM (yQpMk)

Supposedly Trump's DHS minimized Russia interference in the election and played up Chinese interference to help Trump.

Bunch of BS

Posted by: It's me donna at September 09, 2020 03:30 PM (nuGmk)

386 >>> Maybe they could remake Roots and throw in a couple Samoans. Posted by: wth at September 09, 2020 03:23 PM (v0R5T)

Someone could make a story about a Barbary pirate capturing white European girls to sell into slavery... it ticks the diversity boxes...

...and then will promptly be banned and memory holed.

Posted by: LizLem at September 09, 2020 03:30 PM (Rbfr/)

387 That includes last year's best picture because the whole cast was Korean.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 09, 2020 03:11 PM (q2K0j)
Oh, I am sure they can work their way around something trivial like that. It was a foreign movie. Foreign == Not American. Not American == Better than American.

They'll find a way.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 09, 2020 03:30 PM (Q8c/L)

388 Posted by: Alzheimer Joe at September 09, 2020 03:30 PM (hku12)

Oops! What year is this?

Posted by: BurtTC at September 09, 2020 03:30 PM (hku12)

389 What happens if somebody does a film based in Japan?
Posted by: Two Weeks From Catching Up With Trump at September 09, 2020 03:28 PM (+dsLj)

I think diversity just means having "POCs", so 100% Japanese is probably ok. Although Asians are white-adjacent, according to some of their rules....

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (don't forget that Epstein didn't off hisself) at September 09, 2020 03:30 PM (9hauA)

390 RBG lives 5 miles from here. If you won't wear a mask for me, wear one for RBG"


5 miles??!!!

That had to be one magic loogie!

Posted by: Muldoon at September 09, 2020 03:31 PM (Fc5rx)

391 You can't give them an inch. The masks, ALL the masks need to GO.


Exactly this. One day it's "wear a mask," the next is "You're going to be quarantined in an undisclosed location for two weeks just to show we're in charge."

Posted by: Methos at September 09, 2020 03:31 PM (kOpft)

392 lol. They are going to "revive" the Golden Girls sitcom and make all the replacements black people.

The Ebony Girls
Posted by: It's me donna at September 09, 2020 03:20 PM

The Golden Brown Girls. It's a comedic cooking show.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 09, 2020 03:31 PM (ejd/p)

393 So now Biden's slogan is Buy American. Pretty rich coming from a guy that did nothing to stop China from owning our ass.

Posted by: redridinghood at September 09, 2020 03:31 PM (+YYKs)

394 What happens if somebody does a film based in Japan?
Posted by: Two Weeks From Catching Up With Trump at September 09, 2020 03:28 PM (+dsLj)

Well that's 100% diverse, of course.

Posted by: Vanya at September 09, 2020 03:31 PM (BAsqb)

395 Schiff is in Congress. He can do whatever he wants.

What is it this time
Posted by: It's me donna at September 09, 2020 03:28 PM (nuGmk)

Surprise, it's the stupidest one yet. Says that Trump directed his people do downplay the Huge and Constant Threat from White Supremacists, and instead forced them to pretend that it was Left Wing Activists who were responsible for all of the violence. An Outrage, I tell you! An Outrage!

Posted by: I-gor at September 09, 2020 03:32 PM (Kpl3J)

396 > IS RBG alive???

Supposedly there are pics of her officiating a wedding recently. Wearing no mask.
Those Pics are Photoshopped & badly Photoshopped at that

Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani at September 09, 2020 03:32 PM (1Dmt5)

397 Remake Tora Tora Tora with Russians as the Japanese.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at September 09, 2020 03:32 PM (kA3Cp)

398 That includes last year's best picture because the whole cast was Korean.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 09, 2020 03:11 PM (q2K0j)
Oh, I am sure they can work their way around something trivial like that. It was a foreign movie. Foreign == Not American. Not American == Better than American.

They'll find a way.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 09, 2020 03:30 PM (Q8c/L)

Parasite was way overrated.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 09, 2020 03:32 PM (hku12)

399 The media needs to die already.

Cover of Elle Magazine this week: "Cardi B's Exclusive Interview With Joe Biden"

and another glamor cover with Mooch: "Michelle Obama--the 'Becoming' Phenomenom"

Posted by: Jane D'oh at September 09, 2020 03:32 PM (ptqGC)

400 I hope the ruling on that is tough shit.

Posted by: Denny Crane! at September 09, 2020 03:32 PM (1eJby)

401 There is nothing Joe Biden can think do or say that makes Kamala Harris look like a good choice for voting for him.

Posted by: 80's music fan at September 09, 2020 03:32 PM (glGDV)

402 44 you're assuming Harris is at bottom any smarter than Biden. Hell, even California judges caught her out. DEMOCRAT Californian judges.

Posted by: Richard McEnroe at September 09, 2020 03:32 PM (ABuva)

403 Kansas State University wanted me to wear a mask 11 miles from any of their property.

A great University becoming a power-hungry un-reason place is a sad thing.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at September 09, 2020 03:32 PM (hyuyC)

404 Urban yoots out wilding.

This whole thing started because the couple intervened when the yoots were pulling an old woman's hair.

Posted by: bonhomme at September 09, 2020 03:32 PM (sG4Hj)

405 I'm thinking Nirvana's "Smells like Teen Spirit"

Posted by: Dirks Strewn DA1977 at September 09, 2020 03:20 PM (kfcYC)

lol, you wouldn't be able to tell if it were Teen Spirit or the just Biden speaking

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 09, 2020 03:33 PM (rjE57)

406 Remake Roots with an all white slave cast.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at September 09, 2020 03:33 PM (kA3Cp)

407 I take it the troll is being trollbusted.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 09, 2020 03:33 PM (hku12)

408 If there's a debate I would love to see Biden have a total brain break, with Trump immediately going over to him and saying with concern, "Joe what is it? It's okay, Joe. WE NEED A DOCTOR OVER HERE!" Compassionate Trump.

It would be glorious.

Posted by: JuJuBee at September 09, 2020 03:33 PM (mNhhD)

409 217

"Ho Lee Fook, Sum Ting Wong, Wei Tu Lo."

- - A SF TV station teleprompter
Posted by: J.J. Sefton

Wasn't I mentioned?

Posted by: Bang Ding Au at September 09, 2020 03:33 PM (kfcYC)

410 Sharkman,
answered your email

Posted by: nurse ratched at September 09, 2020 03:33 PM (W2Pud)


They could remake Godzilla and instead of it being Godzilla it could be a two hundred foot tall white guy named Bill.

Or how about turning all the big aliens into the Founding Fathers?

You could remake the original Alien and instead of the Alien, make it some random white guy or maybe Enrico Fermi, or Ron Popeil.


Posted by: Rev. Dr. E Buzz Miller, Lesbian at September 09, 2020 03:33 PM (lg/F7)

412 They should make an all black Gilligan's Island. It'd be pretty much the same except instead of being able to make an atom bomb out of a coconut, the Professor would spend all his time screaming about white privilege, critical race theory, and intersectionality.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at September 09, 2020 03:33 PM (+y/Ru)

lol. They are going to "revive" the Golden Girls sitcom and make all the replacements black people.
Posted by: Marcus T

The New Odd Couple

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 09, 2020 03:33 PM (63Dwl)

414 She's only on number 7 of her 9 lives.
Posted by: WisRich

Drive a stake through her heart (if you can locate it). It's the only way.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 09, 2020 03:33 PM (Rvt88)

415 Kansas State University wanted me to wear a mask 11 miles from any of their property.


I didn't realize that universities had territorial waters.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at September 09, 2020 03:33 PM (kA3Cp)

416 Also OT: I watched the first episode of Laugh-In on the Decades Channel last night. Jo Ann Worley: still funny. Judy Carne and Barbara Feldon: hot. Ruth Buzzi: talented as hell.

Unfortunately Decades cut the show to hell and gone. The preview said Flip Wilson was a a guest, but he was cut out completely, along with Leo G. Carroll doing a famous reference to The Man From U.N.C.L.E.. I ran the "party scene" from the episode on YouTube, and they were in it.


Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at September 09, 2020 03:33 PM (Ejm1K)

417 Could Harris suck-start Insomniac to vote Dem?

Nyah. He has standards.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at September 09, 2020 03:34 PM (hyuyC)

418 Remake Roots with an all white slave cast.
Posted by: Vashta Nerada at September 09, 2020 03:33 PM (kA3Cp)

The Ten Commandments?

Posted by: Weaning is hard at September 09, 2020 03:34 PM (8eVay)

419 Supposedly Trump's DHS minimized Russia interference in the election and played up Chinese interference to help Trump.

Wasn't there some leak yesterday that DHS was going to issue a report about Russian interference and that the greatest domestic threat is white supremacists?

Posted by: TheQuietMan at September 09, 2020 03:34 PM (Un9AW)

420 Still a strong rumor that RBG is terminal and at least one additional justice will retire after the election.
Posted by: Marcus T at September 09, 2020 03:23 PM (VpIIl)

RBG is terminal. She has cancer that is resulting in tumors that are repeatedly being removed, and has had a second stent placed in her bile duct. She is in her upper 80's. She will NOT resign until she is either comatose, or in a body bag. She won't. If she has to sit in a wheelchair like Ted Kennedy did in the Senate, or like Robert Byrd who was not only in a wheelchair , but completely unable to read, speak or sign bills( but was brought into the chamber anyway while an aide pretended to hold his fingers and pen and help him sign) she will do so. And Roberts will allow it out of "respect" for her years on the court.

Posted by: Jen the original at September 09, 2020 03:34 PM (+5aTf)

421 I was thinking about going to the Trump Rally in Reno. My buddy is in the Air National Guard there and they are located at Reno-Tahoe International so maybe he can give me the lowdown.

Posted by: JROD at September 09, 2020 03:34 PM (0jZnq)

"What makes his wild claims and hopes...he now hopes we don't notice what he said.--or won't remember. And when he does follow through...or doesn't do...when follow through, the exact opposite."

"To catch my train of thought as Acela pulls out of the station. Pizza crust -- thin and crusty or the kind that doesn't follow through. Beau used to say I was whacked, but I put him in his place with Hunter's trail of bastards, as I called them. Like I see them! Any of 'em in Arkansas, you ask. Nope, nope, nopey nope! That's Billy J's turf, man! I'm a lover, naught a fighter! Guy's a playa - me, I'm more of a light touch guy myself. "Second knuckle or she'll chuckle", I always say.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at September 09, 2020 03:34 PM (pNxlR)

423 Dice

This decrepit hulk of a man WILL debate.

I'm concerned that expectations have been "talked down" so low, he may come off better than the LIVs expected he would.

I've always thought Biden was Trump's most formidable opponent, dementia notwithstanding, & I still do.

His moderate persona endures, I think, especially among the elderly.

Posted by: mnw at September 09, 2020 03:34 PM (Cssks)

424 >Nyah. He has standards.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at September 09, 2020 03:34 PM (hyuyC)

Objection! Assumes facts not in evidence.

Posted by: Muad'dib at September 09, 2020 03:35 PM (sjdRT)

425 Bob Woodward writes a book that states Trump knew how deadly the Wuhan virus was, but deliberately downplayed it.

Last I heard, 10,000 died from Covid. EVERYONE else that died had other conditions.

Now, the numbers are tragic, but, they're LYING about the severity.

Several of the others died because the infected were SENT INTO NURSING HOMES, and weren't sent there by Trump.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at September 09, 2020 03:35 PM (Zz0t1)

426 No, folks on Twitter say he's a hundred times better than Trump. Why this is just like that binder of info Kayleigh uses at press conferences.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at September 09, 2020 03:35 PM (YynYJ)

427 Supposedly Trump's DHS minimized Russia interference in the election and played up Chinese interference to help Trump.

To help Trump, or maybe even the dolts in our intelligence community can figure out that the country that launched a half-assed biological attack, followed up by a really quite serious campaign of psychological warfare is the real threat they should be paying attention to.

Posted by: Methos at September 09, 2020 03:35 PM (kOpft)

428 A COVID virus is out and travels the 5 miles to RBG's house before the truth gets its shoes on.

/zombie Mark Twain

Posted by: Muldoon at September 09, 2020 03:35 PM (Fc5rx)

429 382 Morgan Freeman's career magically saved. Mind you, working him into the remake of "Downfall" will be tricky...

Posted by: Richard McEnroe at September 09, 2020 03:35 PM (ABuva)


I would love it if Don had a ventriloquists dummy behind his podium and when Joe is having difficulties finishing his sentences, he reaches behind and brings it out.

"Here Joe, here let me do that for you. You can take a break, you need a nap Joe? You tired? Let me finish the debate here, with Joe Jr. I'll call him Joe Jr., he has more brains than the Fake News. "

Posted by: Rev. Dr. E Buzz Miller, Lesbian at September 09, 2020 03:36 PM (lg/F7)

431 And Biden is still on his way to the White House, with the election a mere formality.

Posted by: No at September 09, 2020 03:36 PM (sCzb9)

432 382 Morgan Freeman's career magically saved. Mind you, working him into the remake of "Downfall" will be tricky...
Posted by: Richard McEnroe at September 09, 2020 03:35 PM (ABuva)

Clinton... Will come.

Wait, that came out wrong.

Shit, so did that!

Posted by: Vanya at September 09, 2020 03:36 PM (BAsqb)

433 That includes last year's best picture because the whole cast was Korean.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 09, 2020 03:11 PM (q2K0j)

I bet the catering stank.

Posted by: wth at September 09, 2020 03:36 PM (v0R5T)

434 Surprise, it's the stupidest one yet. Says that Trump directed his people do downplay the Huge and Constant Threat from White Supremacists, and instead forced them to pretend that it was Left Wing Activists who were responsible for all of the violence. An Outrage, I tell you! An Outrage!
Posted by: I-gor at September 09, 2020 03:32 PM (Kpl3J)
Sure, of course. I mean, the Klan does exist. It exists in nearly half of the states in this union. It's membership is somewhere in the neighborhood of 10,000 people. Almost twice that number are suspected to be affiliated with or members of the Aryan Brotherhood.

Two of the premiere white supremacist groups would fill a couple of tiers of seats at your average NFL stadium, and their combined population - as compared to the 340 million population - rounds comfortably to zero.

But yeah. The white supremacist fringes are the real problem facing this country. It is definitely our biggest problem.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 09, 2020 03:36 PM (Q8c/L)

435 You mean the DHS might want to focus more on the country dumping millions of dollars on the vice president's son rather than the country that spent less than $20,000 on Facebook ads? What a shock!

Posted by: Buzzion at September 09, 2020 03:36 PM (WsAWg)

436 Maximo Alvarez just dropped a truth hammer on Bill Hemmer

I do not use the word socialism, it is the word communists use to hide their ideas.

Posted by: SturmToddler at September 09, 2020 03:37 PM (8D42x)

437 lol. They are going to "revive" the Golden Girls sitcom and make all the replacements black people.

Bea Arthur's Dick hardest hit

Posted by: x at September 09, 2020 03:37 PM (nFwvY)

438 Morgan Freeman's career magically saved. Mind you, working him into the remake of "Downfall" will be tricky...
Posted by: Richard McEnroe at September 09, 2020 03:35 PM

Just cast him as Steiner. Forever off camera.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 09, 2020 03:37 PM (ejd/p)

439 420 Could Harris suck-start Insomniac to vote Dem?

Nyah. He has standards.
Posted by: NaCly Dog at September 09, 2020 03:34 PM (hyuyC)

She is pro level, I wouldnt underestimate her talents. Willie Brown approved, I would imagine he is something of a connoisseur of pros. Just sayin.

Posted by: PUE 206 at September 09, 2020 03:37 PM (D/SYi)

440 Karen Valentine is 73 years old.

And I'm slip-slipping away....

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis at September 09, 2020 03:37 PM (sWM8x)

441 But yeah. The white supremacist fringes are the real problem facing this country. It is definitely our biggest problem.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at September 09, 2020 03:36 PM (Q8c/L)

And they're clearly the ones out rioting because black men are getting shot by police!

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at September 09, 2020 03:38 PM (xfb67)

442 437 You mean the DHS might want to focus more on the country dumping millions of dollars on the vice president's son rather than the country that spent less than $20,000 on Facebook ads? What a shock!

This is bordering on the ridiculous

Posted by: It's me donna at September 09, 2020 03:38 PM (nuGmk)

443 What about ME?

Posted by: Won Hung Lo at September 09, 2020 03:38 PM (Cssks)

444 >>> > IS RBG alive??? Supposedly there are pics of her officiating a wedding recently. Wearing no mask.
Those Pics are Photoshopped & badly Photoshopped at that
Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani at September 09, 2020 03:32 PM (1Dmt5)

Good to know it's a fake.

The "Wear a mask for RBG" signs, however, are very real. And it wasn't a few neighborhood Karens apparently, it was a whole neighborhoood organization that made them. Yikes.

Posted by: LizLem at September 09, 2020 03:38 PM (Rbfr/)

445 re: Trump hotel/condos... I stayed their 10+ years ago. They were built to be condos but the Vegas real estate market had cratered, so they turned it into a hotel. That Trump hotel was a beautiful place. We stayed in a mini suite and it was lovely. Valet parking only, no casino at the time. No idea if it has changed. My MIL (who lived in Vegas) died two years ago, and we will not be returning.

Posted by: Ann at September 09, 2020 03:38 PM (NDO5Q)

446 That had to be one magic loogie!

Back ... and to the left, back ... and to the left..

Posted by: Grump928(C) at September 09, 2020 03:39 PM (yQpMk)

447 And the award for Best Actor goes to: Samuel Jackson as George Washington.

Posted by: wth at September 09, 2020 03:39 PM (v0R5T)

448 Everyone's favorite Cuck is on Michael Medved, another cuck!

Jonah Goldberg giving his most astute analysis of Trump agreeing to do the book interview with Woodward.
Apparently Woodward did 18 hours worth of taped interviews with Trump.

Who the fuck thought that was a good idea for the President to sit with that dung beetle?

Posted by: Jack Burton, who said, at September 09, 2020 03:39 PM (1+Jvs)

449 Schindler's List would have lacked diversity, no? Do Jews count as 'diverse' in Grievance Bingo?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at September 09, 2020 03:39 PM (oVJmc)

450 re 408: Fauci on Fox already contradicted at least some of what Woodward claimed. Twitchy covers some of it.

Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at September 09, 2020 03:39 PM (4a9Vv)

451 Bea Arthur.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at September 09, 2020 03:39 PM (Zz0t1)

452 Bing torricelli Lautenberg.
Bill Clinton has already hot swapped a felon out of the way once. Camels,tents,noses,needle eyes, etc

Posted by: DaveA at September 09, 2020 03:40 PM (FhXTo)

453 Posted by: Won Hung Lo at September 09, 2020 03:38 PM (Cssks)

Posted by: Do they wobble to and fro at September 09, 2020 03:40 PM (D/SYi)

454 This is bordering on the ridiculous
Posted by: It's me donna at September 09, 2020 03:38 PM (nuGmk)

It's border has been breached by 40 million idiots long ago.

Posted by: Weaning is hard at September 09, 2020 03:40 PM (8eVay)

455 Yes; Bobby Bucky. This new books will absolutely sink Trump, just like the other seven ones before it have done because everyone who will vote for Trump is reading the books and will change their mind. Yep! yep! Yep!.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 09, 2020 03:40 PM (WkPC9)

456 Guess we'll see on September 29th.

Posted by: squid_hunt at September 09, 2020 03:40 PM (B0mGw)

457 @OuttaHereBruh
Replying to
I just started door dashing today, as an experiment I put on my KAG hat for any house that had a USA flag on the property. I made $389 in 5 hours
The silent majority is VERY real!
smart !!!

Posted by: vmom 2020 sipping Amontillado at September 09, 2020 03:40 PM (EGSGm)

458 Fauci on Fox already contradicted at least some of what Woodward claimed. Twitchy covers some of it.

Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at September 09, 2020 03:39 PM (4a9Vv)

The MFM will completely ignore that.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at September 09, 2020 03:40 PM (Un9AW)

459 >>> Was talking with dad last night, and he thinks that if they try to replace Biden it will be ugly. Biden will refuse to go.

Oh it's way too late for that. He's been nominated by floor vote of the DNC. Replacing him now would require his overt withdrawal or his death.

Posted by: mikethemoose at September 09, 2020 03:40 PM (Y6UV7)

460 The "Wear a mask for RBG" signs, however, are very real. And it wasn't a few neighborhood Karens apparently, it was a whole neighborhoood organization that made them. Yikes.
Posted by: LizLem at September 09, 2020 03:38 PM (Rbfr/)

Excuse me, I'm going to go do some lines of cayenne pepper and then go to this place without a mask.

Posted by: Vanya at September 09, 2020 03:41 PM (BAsqb)

461 Guess we'll see on September 29th.

Joe will wear a mask, and his voice might sound different..

Posted by: Grump928(C) at September 09, 2020 03:41 PM (yQpMk)

462 Dice

This decrepit hulk of a man WILL debate.

I'm concerned that expectations have been "talked down" so low, he may come off better than the LIVs expected he would.

I've always thought Biden was Trump's most formidable opponent, dementia notwithstanding, & I still do.

His moderate persona endures, I think, especially among the elderly.
Posted by: mnw at September 09, 2020 03:34 PM (Cssks)

I have this same concern. His commercials ,(yes I understand about dubbing , etc.) show someone able to forcefully speak. I'm sure it took more than one take, but just like we were shocked at his performance with Paul Ryan, I"m kind of surprised when I see one of those. They are the opposite of what the Republicans keep saying about Joe.

Posted by: Jen the original at September 09, 2020 03:41 PM (+5aTf)

463 And the award for Best Actor goes to: Samuel Jackson as George Washington.
Posted by: wth at September 09, 2020 03:39 PM (v0R5T)

Narrowly beat out Tyler Perry for Tyler Perry's Fat Albert, and Will Smith in The Robin Williams Story.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 09, 2020 03:41 PM (hku12)

464 Ari Fleischer
Update - it's everything we should expect from the media these days: FOX covered this. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC did not. Neither did the NYT, WP or USA Today. So for the MSM, i guess it's ok for a POTUS candidate to have pre-loaded Qs&As in a telepromter. Unbelievable.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 09, 2020 03:42 PM (rjE57)

465 None of this matters if the media doesn't get on it. They are the Praetorian Guard and they decide what the American sheeple think and vote for.

Half the American people are trained circus animals waiting for their media ringmasters to throw them a treat.

Posted by: LGoPs at September 09, 2020 03:42 PM (OcRm7)

466 Headline I just saw:

"Ohio passes 1 million in absentee ballot requests"

Posted by: bicentennialguy at September 09, 2020 03:43 PM (vg8iE)

467 Yeah the press is gonna dig real hard to find out how their pre-printed questions handed out by the campaign are being handed to Biden on a teleprompter for him to read off the answer to. Any minute now

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 09, 2020 03:43 PM (KZzsI)

468 NOOD.

Sciencey type shit.

Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at September 09, 2020 03:43 PM (Zz0t1)

469 Cardi B should be arrested for unbecoming a human.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 09, 2020 03:43 PM (xcd1u)

470 452 Schindler's List would have lacked diversity, no? Do Jews count as 'diverse' in Grievance Bingo?
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at September 09, 2020 03:39 PM (oVJmc)

You fail to understand racist roulette.

Posted by: Do they wobble to and fro at September 09, 2020 03:43 PM (D/SYi)

"Ohio passes 1 million in absentee ballot requests"

Absentee isn't too bad.. It's the vote by mail sent to everyone that's bad

Posted by: It's me donna at September 09, 2020 03:44 PM (nuGmk)

472 Who the fuck thought that was a good idea for the President to sit with that dung beetle?
Posted by: Jack Burton, who said, at September 09, 2020 03:39 PM (1+Jvs)

I am guessing Trump himself.

I always say about Trump he is never random. He can be wrong, but he is not random.

Attacks on Trump are going to come. I take it that he uses them as an opportunity to respond in kind. With extra helpings.

Posted by: blaster at September 09, 2020 03:44 PM (ZfRYq)

473 Sharkman,

answered your email

Posted by: nurse ratched

Thank you, Madam.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 09, 2020 03:44 PM (BM2fS)

474 Posted by: Jen the original at September 09, 2020 03:41 PM (+5aTf)

In his debate with Ryan he was a cackling insane person. I don't know what debate people who thought he did well were watching.

Posted by: Weaning is hard at September 09, 2020 03:44 PM (8eVay)


Member when the progs got all hissy and pissy when they spotted a DEVICE under GW's suit jacket? THEY HAD HIM.

But here's Joe now, with a goddamned earpiece and teleprompter and they're not hiding it at all.

Posted by: Rev. Dr. E Buzz Miller, Lesbian at September 09, 2020 03:44 PM (lg/F7)


Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at September 09, 2020 03:45 PM (H5knJ)

477 Trump: we need to handle information carefully so that we do not cause panic.

Woodward: Trump withheld information IN ORDER TO KILL PEOPLE

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 09, 2020 03:45 PM (KZzsI)

478 I have this same concern. His commercials ,(yes I understand about dubbing , etc.) show someone able to forcefully speak. I'm sure it took more than one take, but just like we were shocked at his performance with Paul Ryan, I"m kind of surprised when I see one of those. They are the opposite of what the Republicans keep saying about Joe.

I have the same concern. I don't think Slow Joe is going to come out and start talking about the 80s as if it's present day.

If we overplay the idea that Joe is so far gone he's going to be singing nursery rhymes and babbling about strawberries, it's going to bite us.

Posted by: bonhomme at September 09, 2020 03:45 PM (sG4Hj)

479 @464 Grump

Just don't count his liver spots. They're prone to change.

Posted by: squid_hunt at September 09, 2020 03:46 PM (B0mGw)

480 Several of the others died because the infected were SENT INTO NURSING HOMES, and weren't sent there by Trump.
Posted by: Sponge - China is Asshoe! at September 09, 2020 03:35 PM (Zz0t1)

This is what I don't understand (ok, I do, we're not talking about people who deal in logic).

Trump is personally responsible for every single COVID death. But Governors like Cuomo did a great job and bear no blame.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (don't forget that Epstein didn't off hisself) at September 09, 2020 03:46 PM (9hauA)

481 "Move it up here," he sighs exhaustedly, instructing his puppeteers to scroll the teleprompter script.

He's waiting for them to write his answer for him.

Probably so. Or, it could be that they can only show Joe one syllable at a time on his prompter, because Joe can't identify letters smaller than those on the top line of the eye test.

Posted by: Gref at September 09, 2020 03:46 PM (AMIL/)

482 In his debate with Ryan he was a cackling insane person. I don't know what debate people who thought he did well were watching.
Posted by: Weaning is hard at September 09, 2020 03:44 PM (8eVay)

I completely agree. Biden made an ass of himself.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Queen of Greenland (don't forget that Epstein didn't off hisself) at September 09, 2020 03:47 PM (9hauA)

483 They are going to "revive" the Golden Girls sitcom and make all the replacements black people.

A show about four old black women sharing a house as roommates and bitching about how much they hate Trump and wish they had universal health care to pay for their hip replacements?

Yeah, that'll really draw in the viewers.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at September 09, 2020 03:47 PM (k4dH2)

And the award for Best Actor goes to: Samuel Jackson as George Washington.
Posted by: wth at September 09, 2020 03:39 PM

Yaphet Kotto as Benjamin Franklin

Posted by: AltonJackson (Click here for the MiMoMe!!!) at September 09, 2020 03:48 PM (ueyHg)

"That's Not Joe Biden - That's a Shell of His Former Self" - Former Biden Stenographer Rips Shockingly Senile Joe Biden (VIDEO)

Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani at September 09, 2020 03:48 PM (1Dmt5)


Click on the link, then on the link to Trump Vegas.

I would remind you all that prior to her father selecting her husband as a WH advisor, which then Jamie Gorelick advised that Ivanka should resign from Trump International to avoid future accusations of emoluments (yes that is why she is named as an advisor also, ) Ivanka was a VP in charge of hotel acquisitions, design and operations. Much of the design of the later hotels was hers.

Posted by: Jen the original at September 09, 2020 03:49 PM (+5aTf)

Biden Gets Confused Again Reading the Teleprompter as He Attacks President Trump in Michigan Speech (VIDEO)

Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani at September 09, 2020 03:51 PM (1Dmt5)

488 Wow

Cruz, Cotton & Hawley on SCOTUS list

Posted by: IrishEi at September 09, 2020 03:51 PM (sGotD)

489 Trump just named Tom Cotton and Ted Cruz as judicial candidates.

I'm not dreaming, am I?

Posted by: Dianna at September 09, 2020 03:53 PM (h8nNr)


"Cruz, Cotton & Hawley on SCOTUS list"


Posted by: Rev. Dr. E Buzz Miller, Lesbian at September 09, 2020 03:55 PM (lg/F7)

491 90 Media commies need to be the first up against the wall

Why waste money on bullets? Rope is reusable.

Posted by: Vlad the Impaler, whittling away like mad at September 09, 2020 04:03 PM (d6mdH)

492 Soooo when does Michelle O step in even though she "hates politics"?

Posted by: Pj at September 09, 2020 04:07 PM (qlTN9)

493 The dems don't care how bad Joe or Carmalala are. They're out for the destruction of the electoral process. It's the only explanation for letting this go on.

Posted by: Justsayin' at September 09, 2020 04:19 PM (8VBOr)

494 Dead citizens aren't able to vote, but dead Missourians at able to be voted into office and replaced by their wives.

Posted by: Downcast at September 09, 2020 04:20 PM (dHwBG)

495 No Ari. We have 'press' to elect Democrats.
It's in that Constitution thingy...isn't it??

Posted by: Voter theater. at September 09, 2020 04:35 PM (xXx5y)

496 My oldest said she would vote for a stump before she'd vote for Trump...guess she's getting her wish. Camel La will be sworn in by end of January 2021 if we don't get out there and vote!

Posted by: Dale Sigler at September 09, 2020 04:35 PM (P8upX)

497 Pure evil right before our eyes...

Posted by: Aud at September 09, 2020 04:39 PM (uBywd)

498 With all the votes already cast-- what happens if (when) this guy dies or has to medically evacuate the race? What's the rule on that?


This is actually simple to answer... nothing changes. Nobody is actually voting for Joe Biden (or Donald Trump), they are voting for a slate of electors. Those electors are pledged to vote for a specific candidate, but in most cases, are free to vote for anyone they choose to. (Some states have "faithless elector" laws, but I've never seen one enforced.)

Posted by: can of spam at September 09, 2020 04:54 PM (i7Gob)

499 The wife thinks the Dems best play is to assassinate Biden.

Posted by: Fenrisulven at September 09, 2020 08:21 PM (TNHVJ)

500 "Those electors are pledged to vote for a specific candidate, but in most cases, are free to vote for anyone they choose to."

If Soros is buying Secretaries of State, it follows that he is buying Electors. I'm concerned that we haven't heard any Elector whistleblow that "someone" reached out to them with a bribe, because if A then B, if not B then we're F 'ed

Posted by: Fenrisulven at September 09, 2020 08:24 PM (TNHVJ)

501 "With all the votes already cast-- what happens if (when) this guy dies or has to medically evacuate the race? What's the rule on that?"

Since we are actually voting for presidential electors and not directly for "Biden" or "Trump", the electors in each state are those of the winning party in that state. So if Biden wins California and croaks before the Electoral College meets mid-December, then his votes would go to whoever the Dems name (most likely Kamala Harris). If he doesn't win an Electoral College majority then the matter is irrelevant. If he does, then a free-for-all would result among the Dems.

Now, if he were to croak AFTER the Electoral College balloting, then his votes would be counted upon the opening of Congress and a vacancy in the position would be declared. What happens then isn't clear. Anyone else know?

Posted by: 370H55V at September 09, 2020 09:06 PM (fslDK)

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