aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | "America Held Hostage"Things we thought were sacrosanct, the icons of our national identity, now are scorned. We can pretend that this doesn't matter. They're just statues, after all. But they do matter. Not for the pleasure they give the rioters so much as for the pain they inflict on patriots who love America.Don't fret, though. Conservative, Inc. has an escape plan for itself and no one else. They've got their resumes on file with the Daily Beast, and they've made it plain to their future liberal employers that they are supporting Joe Biden in everything but explicit admission, so they'll be fine. The rest of you? Eh, you're deplorables. You knew what you were getting into. Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Pulled a muscle and come back to this Posted by: Harley at July 10, 2020 01:17 PM (aldSv) 2
Posted by: Hands at July 10, 2020 01:17 PM (786Ro) 3
Top 10
Posted by: iandeal at July 10, 2020 01:18 PM (bLfy6) 4
that's it, in a nutshell.
Posted by: sock_rat_eez, we are being gaslighted 24/365 at July 10, 2020 01:18 PM (0IMgo) 5
Posted by: Dad of Six at July 10, 2020 01:18 PM (vf8X5) 6
They said they'd eat us last. Good enough for gub'mint work.
Posted by: Conservative, Inc. at July 10, 2020 01:18 PM (EgshT) 7
not first
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 10, 2020 01:18 PM (LvTSG) 8
come to my door and say that. I got a lead perscription for you all.
Posted by: projection on steroids at July 10, 2020 01:19 PM (V9NdA) 9
Ah time travel.
Posted by: Someguy at July 10, 2020 01:19 PM (Zm+LZ) 10
******* NYC Cancels All Large Events Through September, Exempts Demonstrations, Religious Events ********* Late last thread Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani at July 10, 2020 01:20 PM (1Dmt5) 11
"Try to defend yourself, and you'll find yourself prosecuted."
So, a counter-offensive employing the same tactics is out? What could possibly become of us? Posted by: Cicero Kaboom! Kid, at July 10, 2020 01:20 PM (Vy7tf) 12
Time to push over all those democrat statues, including the bronze ones, in the halls of Congress.
Posted by: huerfano at July 10, 2020 01:20 PM (9dnxb) 13
Posted by: vmom 2020 at July 10, 2020 01:20 PM (TOyHQ) 14
That pain needs to reflected back at the mob. They won't learn the lesson without lots of pain
Posted by: zeera My tomatoes are doing GREAT at July 10, 2020 01:20 PM (zUdXR) 15
"Try to defend yourself, and you'll find yourself prosecuted."
So, a counter-offensive employing the same tactics is out? What could possibly become of us? Posted by: Cicero Kaboom! Kid, There are ways... Posted by: Diogenes at July 10, 2020 01:20 PM (axyOa) 16
This is not the hill to die on!
**looks over shoulder, sees no more hills remaining** Welp. Here we are. Posted by: Hands at July 10, 2020 01:20 PM (786Ro) 17
I think it's important to not call these commie trash people liberals.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 10, 2020 01:21 PM (xfb67) 18
The paid like whores members of the 'Conservative cause' will still get put to the wall once the revolution happens.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 10, 2020 01:21 PM (IoJVq) 19
Always be planning for the worst!
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -YOU are all in this together!- at July 10, 2020 01:21 PM (eTZoJ) 20
My biggest worry is that we don't even get to elections
Posted by: vmom 2020 at July 10, 2020 01:21 PM (TOyHQ) 21
Remember the "Killdozer?"
Yeah, I see more of that unless this shit gets ENDED. People will be fucking cheering it on as it rolls over BLM/Antifa on the freeway like that scene of terminators crushing skulls in Kyle Reese's nightmare. Posted by: The Two Yoots at July 10, 2020 01:22 PM (6MoD2) 22
And keep the grift going!
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -YOU are all in this together!- at July 10, 2020 01:22 PM (eTZoJ) 23
as I said the other day, the week after the Dems take back control of the gov't, grifters like Kristol will be sending out emails asking for money so they can "rebuild the Republican party on True Conservative Values"
Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at July 10, 2020 01:22 PM (4a9Vv) 24
17 I think it's important to not call these commie trash people liberals.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 10, 2020 01:21 PM (xfb67) I think it's important to put the libs feet to the fire, they are paying for this shit. Posted by: CN at July 10, 2020 01:22 PM (ONvIw) 25
I'm voting Trump. Nothing will stop that. And nothing will stop the final outcome that we will win in the end.
The Nazi's and Japs didn't understand that. The Commies didn't understand that. The BLM and Antifa don't understand that now. Posted by: Archer at July 10, 2020 01:22 PM (gmo/4) 26
****** Maxine Waters: 'Absolutely' We Will Pursue Trump's Financial Records -- Even If He Loses in November Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani at July 10, 2020 01:23 PM (1Dmt5) 27
They're just statues, after all. But they do matter.
- I don't care at all about the statues. I care very much that there is a system in place to address removing the statues or vandalism of them, and that system is being disregarded. Because of that every other voice and opinion except for the rioters is being oppressed, and the politicians are fine with that. That's the problem. Posted by: No one at July 10, 2020 01:23 PM (6WtXA) 28
I'd suggest a third party, but that will never happen, and the GOP is completely feckless, so we're royally screwed.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 10, 2020 01:23 PM (bkUtD) 29
@ZubyMusic 6h For as long as the 'silent majority' remains silent, they may as well be the minority. Real talk. Posted by: Hands at July 10, 2020 01:23 PM (786Ro) 30
Another day, another trove of documents showing how Flynn was shafted. From "Techno Fog". Trump should fire everybody in the FBI and demolish the Hoover building. Posted by: Thrawn at July 10, 2020 01:23 PM (dJmIF) 31
I pity anyone who thinks the message is this is what America gets "if they elect Trump".
This is what America gets if they *don't* elect Trump. And it's only a taste. The Democrat toothpaste is out of the tube (ugh). They're not pretending to love America. They're not pretending to love its flag. They're not pretending to love all of its people. They're not pretending to love creation, innovation and work. They're not pretending to love freedom and peaceful coexistence. And they're definitely not pretending to love Christianity. It's a weird time. Like they already believe getting themselves elected fair and square doesn't matter. Posted by: ... at July 10, 2020 01:23 PM (M7Sjc) 32
The message is: this is what you'll get, America, if you reelect Trump. Elect our guy, and the madness will stop, pronto. A Democratic president would forcefully suppress the riots without a peep from the press. But until then we're held hostage.
no deal. see you at the reckoning. Posted by: x at July 10, 2020 01:23 PM (nFwvY) 33
Defunding the police only puts poor communities at risk.
Rich people will hire private ARMED security teams to patrol their neighborhoods. And elected officials will do the same, BUT will give the bill to the taxpayer. The rest of us are SOL. Posted by: nurse ratched at July 10, 2020 01:23 PM (W2Pud) 34
The left is no better than the mafia. They are the mafia. Marxist mafia. The party of death.
Posted by: USNtakim at July 10, 2020 01:23 PM (0OmEj) 35
The reason the cucks are so weak by comparison by comparison to Ace, is that they aren't resourceful. See, if the trolls drive Ace from the web, he can always fall back on the ancient lifeways of his people, and thrive upon every part of the noble hobo. Without a flight of high-fat cheeses and an overstuffed Asness chair to accommodate his ample cheeks, Jonah will wither like a hothouse flower and blow away in the wind. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 10, 2020 01:24 PM (oJN+m) 36
If you think the Left will stop the Crazy if Trump gets thrown out, then you haven't been paying attention
Posted by: Ignoramus at July 10, 2020 01:24 PM (9TdxA) 37
The message is: this is what you'll get, America, if you reelect Trump. Elect our guy, and the madness will stop, pronto.
== will it, though? can a mob really be stopped once it's tasted blood? Posted by: vmom 2020 at July 10, 2020 01:24 PM (TOyHQ) 38
I think it's important to not call these commie trash people liberals.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe ----- I concur 1000%!!! They are leftist at best... Posted by: lin-duh en fugue! at July 10, 2020 01:24 PM (UUBmN) 39
Too bad he won't be president of the US.
Posted by: runner at July 10, 2020 01:24 PM (hD3bB) 40
21 Remember the "Killdozer?"
I do! I think I was in like third grade when that came out. But yeah, more of that for freeway protesters. But maybe something a little faster... Posted by: Grapefruit LaCroix at July 10, 2020 01:24 PM (r9abf) 41
>>>I don't care at all about the statues. I care very much that there is a system in place to address removing the statues or vandalism of them, and that system is being disregarded.
I care about the history, good or bad. I want Confederate statues standing because they are a learning tool. You eliminate all that, people forget their history, then repeat it. Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 10, 2020 01:25 PM (bkUtD) 42
Biden that is.
Posted by: runner at July 10, 2020 01:25 PM (hD3bB) 43
Trump should fire everybody in the FBI and demolish the Hoover building.
And build a yuuuuge luxurious golden Trump Tower on the land. It'd piss off Mayor Bowser even more than Mario does. Posted by: Ian S. at July 10, 2020 01:25 PM (6XLoz) Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 01:25 PM (YhzyV) 45
"a flight of cheese" I this a thing?
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 10, 2020 01:25 PM (xfb67) 46
I want to thank Alex and Brent for their discussion of 42 U.S. Code
1983, and qualified immunity in this week's podcast. That discussion has changed my thinking about the lawsuits I intend to file against the Mayor of Houston and Harris County Judge Hidalgo, for their violations of Constitutional rights during the Covid-19 pandemic, by pointing out some of what their lawyers are going to argue, and some of the cases they will cite. And no, I don't consider any of what they said as legal advice. Forewarned is forearmed. Strategically I think it is better for me to point out the possible defenses in my suit, and then eviscerate them before the defense even gets a chance to raise them. Posted by: An Observation at July 10, 2020 01:25 PM (mDh27) 47
33 Defunding the police only puts poor communities at risk.
Rich people will hire private ARMED security teams to patrol their neighborhoods. And elected officials will do the same, BUT will give the bill to the taxpayer. The rest of us are SOL. Posted by: nurse ratched at July 10, 2020 01:23 PM (W2Pud) Eventually order of a fashion gets restored by gangs. And then given enough time, you become Mexico. Posted by: Someguy at July 10, 2020 01:25 PM (Zm+LZ) 48
>>A Democratic president would forcefully suppress the riots without a peep from the press.
A Democratic president would give the national credit card to the Free Shit Army, he'd get two terms, hyperinflation, and Bob's your uncle. Posted by: Zod at July 10, 2020 01:25 PM (XzT/D) 49
If the mullahs nuked New York or Washington, would you be TRULY mad at them? I mean, a little mad, sure. But after this much rage calibration, honest answer: REALLY mad? Are you sure?
Posted by: trev006 at July 10, 2020 01:26 PM (O2y/K) 50
40 21 Remember the "Killdozer?"
I do! I think I was in like third grade when that came out. But yeah, more of that for freeway protesters. But maybe something a little faster... Posted by: Grapefruit LaCroix at July 10, 2020 01:24 PM (r9abf) "At Rachel Corrie's Pancake Breakfast, where I stole a Leftist meme..." Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 10, 2020 01:26 PM (s2VJv) 51
The Left looks like they are banking on using this mayhem to get Biden elected, and their hope is that then they can simply throw a switch and 'voila!' all the mayhem would magically stop.
Obama's election didn't stop racism, and it didn't stop America from being charged with racism either. Very much like The Sorcerer's Apprentice, I'm afraid that it's now too late to throw the switch and have this stop. If our society is indeed moving toward entropy, Biden et al. are not going to be the ones to reverse it. Posted by: Darrell Harris at July 10, 2020 01:26 PM (6xA3t) 52
Maxine Waters: 'Absolutely' We Will Pursue Trump's Financial Records -- Even If He Loses in November
Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani someone should PURSUE HER financial records. what's good for the goose..... Posted by: nurse ratched at July 10, 2020 01:26 PM (W2Pud) 53
38 I think it's important to not call these commie trash people liberals.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe ----- I concur 1000%!!! They are leftist at best... Posted by: lin-duh en fugue! at July 10, 2020 01:24 PM (UUBmN) I call them what they are: Reds. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 01:26 PM (YhzyV) 54
will it, though?
can a mob really be stopped once it's tasted blood? Posted by: vmom 2020 at July 10, 2020 01:24 PM (TOyHQ) Shhhh, bothersome questions like that can only harsh the narrative! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -YOU are all in this together!- at July 10, 2020 01:26 PM (eTZoJ) 55
This is dispiriting. I hate them.
Posted by: Chris M at July 10, 2020 01:26 PM (eAZVt) 56
St. Pancakes is still a depressed mess.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 10, 2020 01:26 PM (IoJVq) 57
>>>Defunding the police only puts poor communities at risk.
Rich people will hire private ARMED security teams to patrol their neighborhoods. I'm seeing it every day at work, and many of the people here think it's a great to idea to defund the police. Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 10, 2020 01:27 PM (bkUtD) 58
care about the history, good or bad. I want Confederate statues standing because they are a learning tool. You eliminate all that, people forget their history, then repeat it.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 10, 2020 01:25 PM (bkUtD) - Yep. I truly believe a lot of this is because people are starting to learn that all those racist white slave holders Confederate statue men are Democrats. Posted by: No one at July 10, 2020 01:27 PM (6WtXA) 59
52 Maxine Waters: 'Absolutely' We Will Pursue Trump's Financial Records -- Even If He Loses in November
Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani someone should PURSUE HER financial records. what's good for the goose..... Posted by: nurse ratched at July 10, 2020 01:26 PM (W2Pud) Investigate the financial records of ALL the CBC. You KNOW there's a lot of treasure to be found there. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 01:27 PM (YhzyV) 60
27 They're just statues, after all. But they do matter.
That's the problem. Posted by: No one at July 10, 2020 01:23 PM (6WtXA) They matter very much because the left is destroying them top show us that law is gone. Is a statue worth the life pf a precious arsonist? A statue , even my neighbor's fucking garden gnome, is worth the lives of hundreds of arsonists because ultimately this is about destroying the law, not the statue. We know this Posted by: CN at July 10, 2020 01:27 PM (ONvIw) 61
"The message is: this is what you'll get, America, if you reelect Trump. Elect our guy, and the madness will stop, pronto.."
Precisely. It is domestic terrorism, and the presence of the police and disinterest of federal law enforcement is beyond complicity. Those officers looking on and feds lurking in the background are there to arrest anyone who resists being assaulted or their property being destroyed. The local police and federal law enforcement are outright accessories as are their political employers. They richly deserve anything that happens in response. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 10, 2020 01:27 PM (puu6v) Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at July 10, 2020 01:27 PM (CD5Uk) 63
>>>Defunding the police only puts poor communities at risk.
- Someone posted that Chicago has disbanded their gang and drug enforcement division. O_o Posted by: No one at July 10, 2020 01:28 PM (6WtXA) 64
55 This is dispiriting. I hate them.
Posted by: Chris M at July 10, 2020 01:26 PM (eAZVt) me too it's a cold, sharp, implacable hate Posted by: vmom 2020 at July 10, 2020 01:28 PM (TOyHQ) 65
They are pushing for a world government with China at the head as the model. Those who are helping to bring this to fruition have assurances or assumptions that they will do just fine, and the rest of us will just get used to it.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 10, 2020 01:28 PM (dNzKv) 66
If Soros and Bloomberg are holding the switch to turn the riots OFF, it stands to reason they were the ones to flip it to ON.
Posted by: trev006 at July 10, 2020 01:28 PM (O2y/K) 67
Just gonna leave this here. We all already knew this but holy fuck WHY ARE PEOPLE SO FUCKING STUPID REGARDING THIS Posted by: thathalfrican - Clark Kent with the glasses off at July 10, 2020 01:28 PM (gYRyQ) 68
How does it feel to take a human life?
Rafal Gan-Ganowicz: "I don't know, I've only killed Communists." Posted by: The Two Yoots at July 10, 2020 01:28 PM (6MoD2) 69
49 If the mullahs nuked New York or Washington, would you be TRULY mad at them? I mean, a little mad, sure. But after this much rage calibration, honest answer: REALLY mad? Are you sure?
Posted by: trev006 at July 10, 2020 01:26 PM (O2y/K) Or SF. Or Seattle. Evacuate the Morons, then dare the mullahs to do their worst. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 01:29 PM (YhzyV) 70
If you think the Left will stop the Crazy if Trump gets thrown out, then you haven't been paying attention
Posted by: Ignoramus at July 10, 2020 01:24 PM This. A Trump loss just means they institutionalize it more. Maybe shift some resources and targets, here or there. Posted by: Hands at July 10, 2020 01:29 PM (786Ro) 71
Things we thought were sacrosanct, the icons of our national identity,
now are scorned. We can pretend that this doesn't matter. They're just statues, after all. But they do matter. Not for the pleasure they give the rioters so much as for the pain they inflict on patriots who love America. They only appear to be scorned because the MFM is pushing this crap beyond its actaul impact. These rioters are being instigated by a few hardcore communist anarchist agitators and the MFM makes it look like they are a significant part of the population and they are doing this in their efforts to "get Trump". If we had Obama still in office you would never here about this shit. Posted by: Vic at July 10, 2020 01:29 PM (mpXpK) 72
Yonhap America Northeast Editor Bill Kristol.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 10, 2020 01:29 PM (dNzKv) 73
Trump needs to counter this message of "Vote us power, America, or your country gets it" with "Even if you vote their way, they're just going to laugh and pull the trigger anyway, so might as well go down fighting."
Posted by: Boswell at July 10, 2020 01:29 PM (32YRo) Posted by: rickb223 at July 10, 2020 01:30 PM (QFqpA) 75
"The message is: this is what you'll get, America, if you reelect Trump. Elect our guy, and the madness will stop, pronto.."
A frank admission that the Democrats caused all this. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 01:30 PM (YhzyV) Posted by: Maskapalooza, Inc. at July 10, 2020 01:30 PM (EgshT) 77
Oh, and Day Two of the COVID. More runny nose and a sinus type headache. No cough, no fever. Posted by: Grump928 at July 10, 2020 12:42 PM (YJAfx) That's about where I am. Mild sore throat, ear ache, and some congestion. Day three of the antibiotics. Smash is coming down with it. Junior-ette healthy as a horse, no symptoms. My test still isn't back, and I think I've got a sinis infection, but Smash NEVER cought one of those from me. Posted by: BifBewalski - sinis est culus at July 10, 2020 01:30 PM (VcFUs) 78
If we had Obama still in office you would never here about this shit.
Like 100,000 dead from H1N1. Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at July 10, 2020 01:30 PM (CD5Uk) 79
>>Investigate the financial records of ALL the CBC. You KNOW there's a lot of treasure to be found there.
The CBC is loaded with criminals. The ENTIRETY of Congress should be Audited. Them, their Families and ANYONE they have done business with in the past. Posted by: garrett at July 10, 2020 01:30 PM (pMW2k) 80
Trump needs to counter this message of "Vote us power, America, or your country gets it" with "Even if you vote their way, they're just going to laugh and pull the trigger anyway, so might as well
Posted by: Boswell at July 10, 2020 01:29 PM (32YRo) Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 01:30 PM (YhzyV) 81
>>>I truly believe a lot of this is because people are starting to learn that all those racist white slave holders Confederate statue men are Democrats.
My point exactly. Ideals are peaceful. History are violent. Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 10, 2020 01:30 PM (bkUtD) 82
That pain needs to reflected back at the mob. They won't learn the lesson without lots of pain
Posted by: zeera My tomatoes are doing GREAT at July 10, 2020 01:20 PM (zUdXR) The fight will go on even if you killed a couple of dozen rioters every spot. Go after their leaders, go after their bankers, go after their kids. Pull down the membership lists. Then make some examples. Promise the membership that we can, in fact, do this all day. Watch it evaporate like CHAZ. Posted by: trev006 at July 10, 2020 01:31 PM (O2y/K) 83
I'm not negotiating with terrorists and I do not feel at all held hostage by the chaos in cities run by Democrats for decades.
My city is fine -- no rioting here. And for everyone who doesn't live in a "progressive" American shit hole, it's the same. Anyone who keeps voting Democrat, get what they deserve at this point. Posted by: Venus at July 10, 2020 01:31 PM (iYXhj) Posted by: vmom 2020 at July 10, 2020 01:31 PM (TOyHQ) 85
"A Democratic president would forcefully suppress the riots without a peep from the press."
------------------------------ Why would they? They are Democrat terror squads. Have we not seen what happens in places where Democrats no longer worry about being elected? The media's not going to report people being slaughtered in the streets. The whole country just becomes one big inner city except now without police. Basically we become Mexico overnight, with the bonus economy of Zimbabwe. While the media chums the water with total bullshit not relevant to anybody's life. Posted by: ... at July 10, 2020 01:31 PM (M7Sjc) 86
69 49 If the mullahs nuked New York or Washington, would you be TRULY mad at them? I mean, a little mad, sure. But after this much rage calibration, honest answer: REALLY mad? Are you sure?
Posted by: trev006 at July 10, 2020 01:26 PM (O2y/K) Or SF. Or Seattle. Evacuate the Morons, then dare the mullahs to do their worst. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 01:29 PM (YhzyV) At least treat them the same as other places where crowds walk in the streets yelling "death to America!" Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 10, 2020 01:31 PM (puu6v) 87
Posted by: garrett at July 10, 2020 01:32 PM (pMW2k) 88
and Bob's your uncle.
Posted by: Zod at July 10, 2020 01:25 PM Certainly, when it comes to standing up. Posted by: Bob "Your Uncle" Dole at July 10, 2020 01:32 PM (DMUuz) 89
The rest of us are SOL. If there's no police, who will come arrest me for killing the people attacking me? Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 10, 2020 01:32 PM (oVJmc) 90
Go after their leaders, go after their bankers, go after their kids. Pull down the membership lists. Then make some examples. Promise the membership that we can, in fact, do this all day. Watch it evaporate like CHAZ. Posted by: trev006 at July 10, 2020 01:31 PM (O2y/K) You calling me derelict? Posted by: Billy plays Bagpipes at July 10, 2020 01:32 PM (ONvIw) 91
I think it's important to not call these commie trash people liberals.
I agree. This is one of my biggest disagreements with Dennis Prager, who I love otherwise. He consistently makes a distinction between Leftists and Liberals and while he may have been right years ago, he no longer is. There is NO difference. If you call yourself a liberal and support Democrats, then you support the Mob. Plain and simple. Posted by: LGoPs at July 10, 2020 01:32 PM (7k/uO) 92
>>>Someone posted that Chicago has disbanded their gang and drug enforcement division.
Actually a smart move. There are no gangs or drugs in Chicago. Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 10, 2020 01:32 PM (bkUtD) 93
"The message is: this is what you'll get, America, if you reelect Trump. Elect our guy, and the madness will stop, pronto.."
A frank admission that the Democrats caused all this. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 01:30 PM (YhzyV) Hillary Clinton said it. Civility will not return until there is a democrat in the white house. Everyone took it as - Trump is uncivil and is causing incivility. I took it as a threat. Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 10, 2020 01:32 PM (dNzKv) 94
>>The fight will go on even if you killed a couple of dozen rioters every spot.
Then we need to kill more. Posted by: garrett at July 10, 2020 01:32 PM (pMW2k) 95
> Try to defend yourself, and you'll find yourself prosecuted.
Reminder that it makes more sense to worry about bishops than pawns. Sorting out the king is God's business, of course. Posted by: perilisk at July 10, 2020 01:32 PM (9p+wn) Posted by: The Editors of National Review at July 10, 2020 01:32 PM (PbpT7) Posted by: Grump928© at July 10, 2020 01:33 PM (YJAfx) 98
someone should PURSUE HER financial records.
what's good for the goose..... Posted by: nurse ratched at July 10, 2020 01:26 PM (W2Pud) That is waaaaaaaay outside the GOP comfort zone. Posted by: Captain Hate at July 10, 2020 01:33 PM (y7DUB) 99
The rest of us are SOL. If there's no police, who will come arrest me for killing the people attacking me? Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 10, 2020 01:32 PM (oVJmc) Oh, they will show up for THAT. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 10, 2020 01:33 PM (puu6v) 100
Try to defend yourself, and you'll find yourself prosecuted.
-------- Cops are gone. Be...... creative. Posted by: fixerupper at July 10, 2020 01:33 PM (yZPvv) Posted by: Billy plays Bagpipes at July 10, 2020 01:33 PM (ONvIw) Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 10, 2020 01:33 PM (dNzKv) 103
Rioters should have been shot on sight day one in Minneapolis, nipping this madness in the bud. And that's all I'm going to say about that.
Posted by: ShainS at July 10, 2020 01:33 PM (D5bgA) 104
They are not saying the madness will stop if we elect them. They are promising more of it.
Posted by: schizoid at July 10, 2020 01:34 PM (BXtX9) 105
>>>Defunding the police only puts poor communities at risk.
--------- Paraphrasing Thomas Sowell, 'programs' or 'visions' that the Prog/Left/Lib/Dems propose, inevitably injure those very people. The aftermath of those programs etc., are *never* evaluated. Never. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 10, 2020 01:34 PM (ELgVT) 106
"and while he may have been right years ago, he no longer is."
The word "liberal" still has a meaning, even if the left has tried to steal it. They are not liberal. Posted by: Chris M at July 10, 2020 01:34 PM (eAZVt) 107
69 49 If the mullahs nuked New York or Washington, would you be TRULY mad at them? I mean, a little mad, sure. But after this much rage calibration, honest answer: REALLY mad? Are you sure?
Posted by: trev006 at July 10, 2020 01:26 PM (O2y/K) Or SF. Or Seattle. Evacuate the Morons, then dare the mullahs to do their worst. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 01:29 PM (YhzyV) I would be mad, because it's not THEIR job to nuke those cities, it's OUR job to nuke those cities! And I would really resent them trying to horn in on our action. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 10, 2020 01:34 PM (Kpl3J) 108
This has nothing to do with the riots, I swear.
I was just wondering how bee colonies are transported. Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 10, 2020 01:34 PM (xfb67) 109
You calling me derelict?
Posted by: Billy plays Bagpipes at July 10, 2020 01:32 PM (ONvIw) Eh, this stuff takes time. You got Lore Elisabeth-Blumenthal. Just keep doing that. And send them to Guantanamo. Or better yet, to our friends in Riyadh. They'll squeeze until answers come out. Posted by: trev006 at July 10, 2020 01:34 PM (O2y/K) 110
>>The fight will go on even if you killed a couple of dozen rioters every spot.
Then we need to kill more. Our side plays by the rules. We will gripe and complain and then comply with unconstitutional lockdowns and mask orders. We just can't compete with lawlessness. Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at July 10, 2020 01:34 PM (CD5Uk) 111
If Trump loses, we'll be living on Social Credit scores within a year.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 10, 2020 01:34 PM (oVJmc) 112
I'm dying over here lol.
I was refering to the Colorado Killdozer in 2004 but others are talking about Rachel Corrie who I honestly didn't remember at all (and I had to read up on) and then someone said "St. Pancake" and I can't stop laughing now goddamn you all lol Posted by: The Two Yoots at July 10, 2020 01:34 PM (6MoD2) 113
If you think about it, this is the way you over throw America without invasion - you threaten to destroy the populace from within unless they vote you into power on their own volition, frightened that they will be rounded up if they don't - then just proceed to round them up anyway when they vote you into power.
Posted by: Boswell at July 10, 2020 01:34 PM (32YRo) 114
Rioters should have been shot on sight day one in Minneapolis, nipping this madness in the bud.
Democrats will never punish their own. Posted by: runner at July 10, 2020 01:34 PM (hD3bB) 115
Things we thought were sacrosanct, the icons of our national identity, now are scorned. We can pretend that this doesn't matter. They're just statues, after all. But they do matter. Not for the pleasure they give the rioters so much as for the pain they inflict on patriots who love America. ---- Humiliating and degrading the opposition is only a secondary, short-term benefit to the actual goal. They always think in the long-run, the Gramscian, Frankfurt School way. The real goal is to erase the past so opposition has no means of grasping the fact that they should even exist, and resultantly won't. This is about 2040, not today. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 10, 2020 01:35 PM (oJN+m) 116
Anyone who keeps voting Democrat, get what they deserve at this point.
If they stayed put, sure. But like a metastasizing cancer, they're moving into new areas. Posted by: Blanco Basura - lives again at July 10, 2020 01:35 PM (SchxB) 117
29 ZUBY:
@ZubyMusic 6h For as long as the 'silent majority' remains silent, they may as well be the minority. Real talk. Posted by: Hands at July 10, 2020 01:23 PM (786Ro) ************************************* They don't remain silent when they vote -- that's the point of the expression. Posted by: Venus at July 10, 2020 01:35 PM (iYXhj) 118
Watch it evaporate like CHAZ.
Posted by: trev006 You calling me derelict? Posted by: Billy plays Bagpipes AWOL. Posted by: rickb223 at July 10, 2020 01:35 PM (QFqpA) 119
106 "and while he may have been right years ago, he no longer is."
The word "liberal" still has a meaning, even if the left has tried to steal it. They are not liberal. Posted by: Chris M at July 10, 2020 01:34 PM (eAZVt) This is absolutely correct. These people are not liberals. They are nihilists. Posted by: Darrell Harris at July 10, 2020 01:35 PM (6xA3t) 120
Get a copy of Sowell's 'The Quest for Cosmic Justice'. Hand out copies to friends.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 10, 2020 01:35 PM (ELgVT) 121
And I would really resent them trying to horn in on our action.
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 10, 2020 01:34 PM (Kpl3J I mean, if you haven't done it by August, people get to at least call dibs. Posted by: trev006 at July 10, 2020 01:35 PM (O2y/K) 122
Hillary Clinton said it. Civility will not return until there is a democrat in the white house. Everyone took it as - Trump is uncivil and is causing incivility. I took it as a threat.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 10, 2020 01:32 PM (dNzKv) From memory, in 2018 HRC said things would remain uncivil until the Democrats grabbed at least one Chamber of Congress. I found it appalling at the time. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 10, 2020 01:35 PM (puu6v) Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 10, 2020 01:35 PM (gd9RK) Posted by: garrett at July 10, 2020 01:35 PM (pMW2k) 125
52 Maxine Waters: 'Absolutely' We Will Pursue Trump's Financial Records -- Even If He Loses in November
Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani someone should PURSUE HER financial records. what's good for the goose..... Posted by: nurse ratched at July 10, 2020 01:26 PM (W2Pud) Investigate the financial records of ALL the CBC. You KNOW there's a lot of treasure to be found there. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 01:27 PM (YhzyV) ======= Exactly. Why are we investigating the taxes of a man, billionaire or not, who refuses to take a salary as President and not demanding the tax returns of every stinking politician in DC who has become a millionaire while being nothing but a fucking politician? The world has been turned upside down. Posted by: LGoPs at July 10, 2020 01:36 PM (7k/uO) Posted by: thathalfrican - Clark Kent with the glasses off at July 10, 2020 01:36 PM (gYRyQ) 127
Anyone who keeps voting Democrat, get what they deserve at this point.
------- Which would be fine, if they were on another planet. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 10, 2020 01:36 PM (9Fwwf) 128
92 >>>Someone posted that Chicago has disbanded their gang and drug enforcement division.
Actually a smart move. There are no gangs or drugs in Chicago. Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 10, 2020 01:32 PM (bkUtD) "Our policy is working! Gang and drug arrests are way down!" Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 01:36 PM (YhzyV) Posted by: garrett at July 10, 2020 01:36 PM (pMW2k) 130
if we were able to understand the word, traitor it would make it easier to shoot them.
Posted by: humphreyrobot at July 10, 2020 01:36 PM (pB6Gt) 131
goddamn you all lol
Posted by: The Two Yoots at July 10, 2020 01:34 PM (6MoD2) Yup! Those jokes just flatten me! Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 10, 2020 01:37 PM (dLLD6) 132
I'll say one thing. For people who have promised us for years that "Demographics is Destiny" and that Republicans will lose every election from [Insert Year] on, they don't seem too sure of themselves anymore.
Posted by: ... at July 10, 2020 01:37 PM (M7Sjc) 133
Then we need to kill more.
Posted by: garrett at July 10, 2020 01:32 PM (pMW2k) Hah! I can't wait to be the soppy moderate in Thunderdome. Posted by: trev006 at July 10, 2020 01:37 PM (O2y/K) 134
The message is: this is what you'll get, America, if you reelect Trump. Elect our guy, and the madness will stop, pronto. If wishes were horses... Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 10, 2020 01:37 PM (9+9RB) 135
Maxine Waters: 'Absolutely' We Will Pursue Trump's Financial Records -- Even If He Loses in November
Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani someone should PURSUE HER financial records. what's good for the goose..... Posted by: nurse ratched at July 10, 2020 01:26 PM (W2Pud) We just want to research how family members of bank executives fared financially after the bank bailouts in 2008. Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 10, 2020 01:37 PM (dNzKv) 136
>>111 If Trump loses, we'll be living on Social Credit scores within a year. Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 10, 2020 01:34 PM (oVJmc)
Zod's score could use some rehabilitation. Time to refi myself and take out some equity to pay down social debt... Posted by: Zod at July 10, 2020 01:37 PM (XzT/D) 137
Left wing fascists .
Posted by: runner at July 10, 2020 01:37 PM (hD3bB) 138
Anyone who keeps voting Democrat, get what they deserve at this point.
The thing is, it doesn't stay contained to that district, and there's lots of collateral damage from that voting. It spills over into places and people beyond. Posted by: Hands at July 10, 2020 01:37 PM (786Ro) 139
Actually a smart move. There are no gangs or drugs in Chicago. Posted by: Wyatt Earp at Jul I wish those people in Martinez that painted over the BLM graffiti would have just went out there at night and spray painted a puto mark ( an X ) and then gangs would have been blamed. Maybe fake some gang graffiti next to it. Posted by: CaliGirl at July 10, 2020 01:37 PM (7bcfy) 140
Conservative Inc. is typically comprised of dessicated fossils up to their asses in CoC graft, or mewling anthromophoric gelatinoids longing for the hard phallus of statism but without the guts to admit it outloud.
Posted by: Citizen at July 10, 2020 01:37 PM (ldmQR) 141
58---I truly believe a lot of this is because people are starting to learn that all those racist white slave holders Confederate statue men are Democrats.
Posted by: No one at July 10, 2020 01:27 PM (6WtXA) -------------------------------------- Um, no. Some of them, like R E Lee, e.g., were Whigs. In any case, most of the statues are military commemorations and have nothing to do with political parties or ideology. Posted by: Margarita DeVille at July 10, 2020 01:37 PM (M/9m0) 142
The Greenland thing might be on.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 10, 2020 01:35 PM (gd9RK) At the rate things are going, Biden could just use it as a the world's biggest internment camp for conservatives. Posted by: Boswell at July 10, 2020 01:37 PM (32YRo) 143
There's only one way to tell a communist "NO". The only question is in which caliber.
Posted by: It's a Glandular Condition at July 10, 2020 01:37 PM (gaSe6) 144
140 Conservative Inc. is typically comprised of dessicated fossils up to their asses in CoC graft, or mewling anthromophoric gelatinoids longing for the hard phallus of statism but without the guts to admit it outloud.
----------------- But you get to wear a bowtie! Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 10, 2020 01:38 PM (xfb67) 145
The horse has left the barn on the violence electing or not electing anybody will not change the violence.
With the hope that reelection of the president will free him to take action. Trump is our best hope. (Bizaro as it sounds). 5 years ago that would have been crazy insane. Posted by: USNtakim at July 10, 2020 01:38 PM (0OmEj) 146
You're gonna need a bigger helicopter.
Posted by: Chief Brody at July 10, 2020 01:38 PM (786Ro) 147
The left's actions have a momentum that carries them away from more and more people. The whole plan was to instigate a response that they could tar Trump with for the election. It's not four dimensional chess, it's letting a child hold his breath as long as he can.
Now with all the gas lighting, selective reporting, curated news feeds and outright lies everybody sees, it's impossible to know for certain exactly what is going on. I call bullshit on anyone who claims any level of certainty. But here's the thing I am seeing for certain. Person after person that should be firmly in the Dems camp saying, "wait a second, that's wrong." Maybe the riots or the cancel culture or the BS impeachment was the red pill, and there's no rule that any or all of them vote Trump. But I see dissension in their ranks, while the Trump voters are just digging their heels in. I think we're going to be ok in November. And then then we'll need a big fat stack of warrants. Posted by: Bilwis Devourer of Low Glycemic Souls at July 10, 2020 01:38 PM (Wm5SB) 148
>>We just can't compete with lawlessness. We have not even tried. You're right of course. Maybe better to say We just don't compete with lawlessness. We can, but that means breaking the rules ourselves. Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at July 10, 2020 01:38 PM (CD5Uk) 149
Humiliating and degrading the opposition is only a secondary, short-term benefit to the actual goal.
They always think in the long-run, the Gramscian, Frankfurt School way. The real goal is to erase the past so opposition has no means of grasping the fact that they should even exist, and resultantly won't. This is about 2040, not today. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 10, 2020 01:35 PM (oJN+m) Agreed except for 2040; it will happen sooner. Let's recap the stages. 1. Demonize a people. 2. Persecute a people. 3. Erase vestiges of that people's culture and civilization. 4. Liquidate a people. We are at the third stage. It will not take another twenty years to get to stage four. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 10, 2020 01:38 PM (puu6v) 150
123 Trump is talking about acquiring icebreakers.
The Greenland thing might be on. Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 10, 2020 01:35 PM (gd9RK) Gerald Butler gets the hint. Posted by: Thrawn at July 10, 2020 01:38 PM (dJmIF) 151
I'm fed up with this bullshit. Lots of normally calm acquaintances are too.
Posted by: Dingbat at July 10, 2020 01:39 PM (1+qh/) Posted by: LGoPs at July 10, 2020 01:39 PM (7k/uO) 153
>>We can, but that means breaking the rules ourselves
The Declaration should be your guide, here. There are rules and there are Rules. Posted by: garrett at July 10, 2020 01:39 PM (pMW2k) 154
ActBlue needs a RICO prosecution.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 10, 2020 01:33 PM (dNzKv) Prosecuting the political opposition is O U T, this is not a banana republic! Posted by: Billy plays Bagpipes at July 10, 2020 01:39 PM (ONvIw) 155
29 ZUBY:
@ZubyMusic 6h For as long as the 'silent majority' remains silent, they may as well be the minority. Real talk. Posted by: Hands at July 10, 2020 01:23 PM (786Ro) ************************************* They don't remain silent when they vote -- that's the point of the expression. Posted by: Venus The left should consider the amount of ammo being purchased as a silent scream. Posted by: Jean at July 10, 2020 01:39 PM (Z/BqE) 156
Thanks, vmom.
Dr. says she'll pit me on specific covid drugs if my test comes back positive, so for now its doxycycline. I've been taking zinc, but d, c, & others for years due to my chronic sinus infections anyway. Posted by: BifBewalski - sinis est culus at July 10, 2020 01:39 PM (VcFUs) 157
The ENTIRETY of Congress should be Audited. Them, their Families and ANYONE they have done business with in the past.
Posted by: garrett at July 10, 2020 01:30 PM (pMW2k)[i/] There should be a requirement for all candidates for Congress to be audited with the results made public a month before the election Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -YOU are all in this together!- at July 10, 2020 01:40 PM (eTZoJ) 158
NEWS: The DC Circuit US Court of Appeals has stayed its decision ordering Judge Emmet Sullivan to end former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn's criminal case while the entire en banc panel of appellate judges considers the issues.
Posted by: harley at July 10, 2020 01:40 PM (2EU+/) 159
>>>I wish those people in Martinez that painted over the BLM graffiti would have just went out there at night and spray painted a puto mark ( an X ) and then gangs would have been blamed.
That's why i laugh at the BLM graffiti. You think Trump gives a rat's ass they painted a mural across from Trump Tower? All this wasted effort for something no one will even notice. Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 10, 2020 01:40 PM (bkUtD) 160
Good to see Kratos back among the Horde.
Posted by: garrett at July 10, 2020 01:40 PM (G4og5) 161
"But until then we're held hostage."
That's called *EXTORTION*. And, when it's political, and violence is involved, it's called *TERRORISM*. I'm all for bringing the GWOT home and making it the CWOT - the Citizens' War On Terror. Everyone who's taken the oath* is enlisted. (* The oath of citizenship or the oath of office or the oath of enlistment/commissioning.) Posted by: GWB at July 10, 2020 01:40 PM (mRtYs) 162
Get a copy of Sowell's 'The Quest for Cosmic Justice'. Hand out copies to friends.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 10, 2020 01:35 PM Another excellent read. Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 10, 2020 01:40 PM (ejd/p) 163
The only hostages the DEMOCRATS have are DEMOCRATS. Democrat terrorists Antifa and BLM terrorizinng Democrat businesses and citizens in Democrat run cities with Democrat Police held back from protecting Democrats and Democrat DA' s setting those Democrat terrorizers that are arrested free. The rational part of America is not going to eat the omelette that the Democrats is breaking all these eggs for.
Some will only learn from experience. Not my circus, not my monkeys. Lie down with dogs and get up with fleas. Be not deceived, God is not mocked; ye shall reap as ye sow. Insert your copybook heading here: Posted by: Minuteman at July 10, 2020 01:40 PM (ZXvAY) 164
You were probably going to vote for Biden anyway if you were stupid enough to believe that things would be peaceful once Joe Hidem got into office. Corona lockdowns may stop. The evil genie of Antifa/BLM is not going back into the bottle,
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 10, 2020 01:41 PM (oDRcK) 165
147 The left's actions have a momentum that carries them away from more and more people. The whole plan was to instigate a response that they could tar Trump with for the election. It's not four dimensional chess, it's letting a child hold his breath as long as he can.
Now with all the gas lighting, selective reporting, curated news feeds and outright lies everybody sees, it's impossible to know for certain exactly what is going on. I call bullshit on anyone who claims any level of certainty. But here's the thing I am seeing for certain. Person after person that should be firmly in the Dems camp saying, "wait a second, that's wrong." Maybe the riots or the cancel culture or the BS impeachment was the red pill, and there's no rule that any or all of them vote Trump. But I see dissension in their ranks, while the Trump voters are just digging their heels in. I think we're going to be ok in November. And then then we'll need a big fat stack of warrants. Posted by: Bilwis Devourer of Low Glycemic Souls at July 10, 2020 01:38 PM (Wm5SB) ***************************** Good comment. Posted by: Venus at July 10, 2020 01:41 PM (iYXhj) 166
Exactly. Why are we investigating the taxes of a man, billionaire or not, who refuses to take a salary as President and not demanding the tax returns of every stinking politician in DC who has become a millionaire while being nothing but a fucking politician?
----- I dont want their tax returns. I want the sealed list of Congress Critters that settled sexual harassment claims using tax payers dollars. Posted by: fixerupper at July 10, 2020 01:41 PM (yZPvv) Posted by: GWB at July 10, 2020 01:41 PM (mRtYs) 168
important phrases to remember :
"I am in fear of my life!" "No! Don't hurt me! Stop! Help!" *bang bang bang* "I want a lawyer" Posted by: vmom 2020 at July 10, 2020 01:41 PM (TOyHQ) 169
NEWS: The DC Circuit US Court of Appeals has stayed its decision
ordering Judge Emmet Sullivan to end former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn's criminal case while the entire en banc panel of appellate judges considers the issues. That's it. The Deep State has spoken. Rule of law is over. Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at July 10, 2020 01:41 PM (CD5Uk) 170
I used to get 1 to 2 sinus infections a year and then they stopped, no idea why. Didn't move and a sure as heck didn't get healthier.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 10, 2020 01:41 PM (xfb67) 171
>>There should be a requirement for all candidates for Congress to be audited with the results made public a month before the election
Flat Tax and aim the IRS at the Employees of the Federal Government. Posted by: garrett at July 10, 2020 01:41 PM (G4og5) 172
I dont want their tax returns. I want the sealed list of Congress Critters that settled sexual harassment claims using tax payers dollars.
Posted by: fixerupper at July Ding ding ding Posted by: CaliGirl at July 10, 2020 01:41 PM (7bcfy) 173
This is a base calumny. We don't mewl, we pule. And ooze.
Posted by: Mewling anthromophoric gelatinoids at July 10, 2020 01:41 PM (v16oJ) 174
Arent their companies that sell insurance that covers your legal costs if you have to defend yourself with a gun? May be time for that.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at July 10, 2020 01:41 PM (Jx5Qs) 175
Time to push over all those democrat statues, including the bronze ones, in the halls of Congress.
Posted by: huerfano at July 10, 2020 01:20 PM (9dnxb) Why not just push over the Democrats in the halls of Congress? Would have a much more dramatic effect. Posted by: GWB at July 10, 2020 01:42 PM (mRtYs) 176
Our side needs to confront these terrorists silently and undercover. When they're alone (not in packs), in their homes, when they think they're safe. Anything that can be filmed will only be used against us. Dismantle them methodically, one scumbag at a time, including da white wimmen. If you had to wonder who was going to show up at your house in the wee hours you may decide not to show yourself in a public riot.
Posted by: ChuckleHut at July 10, 2020 01:42 PM (+nHym) 177
"We just can't compete with lawlessness."
Throughout history, that's never been a matter of can't. The issue is always WON'T. Posted by: Citizen at July 10, 2020 01:42 PM (ldmQR) 178
After receiving no response from Levin, Rush or Reynolds about my question "Why isn't 18 US Code 241 not being used to preserve our free speech rights?" I went on the DOJ website to axe them.
I don't really expect a response from them either. It would appear that laws are no longer enforced by anyone anywhere. Unless you're a Trump supporter, that is. Then the hammer will come down on you with malice aforethought. #WASTF Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Who can fight the beast? Revelation 13:4 at July 10, 2020 01:42 PM (HaL55) 179
>>I dont want their tax returns. I want the sealed list of Congress Critters that settled sexual harassment claims using tax payers dollars.
ALL Records. NOTHING done in Congress should be outside the Public Record. Posted by: garrett at July 10, 2020 01:42 PM (G4og5) 180
We're going to require a Vince Flynn, Term Limits type event.
Posted by: Volkoff Industries at July 10, 2020 01:43 PM (DB16e) 181
I am in fear of my life!"
"No! Don't hurt me! Stop! Help!" *bang bang bang* "I want a lawyer" Posted by: vmom 2020 at July Loudly, because you're probably being videotaped. As soon as you see a camera I'd be screaming please stop, stop hurting me etc. Posted by: CaliGirl at July 10, 2020 01:43 PM (7bcfy) 182
That's it. The Deep State has spoken.
Rule of law is over. Someone needs to file a Pelican Brief. Posted by: Grump928© at July 10, 2020 01:43 PM (YJAfx) Posted by: The Two Yoots at July 10, 2020 01:43 PM (6MoD2) 184
58 NEWS: The DC Circuit US Court of Appeals has stayed its decision ordering Judge Emmet Sullivan to end former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn's criminal case while the entire en banc panel of appellate judges considers the issues.
Posted by: harley at July 10, 2020 01:40 PM (2EU+/) Shocker. The United States is lawless. Whatever Flynn has to say, he needs to say right now because they will string this out past November. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 10, 2020 01:43 PM (puu6v) 185
We are at the third stage. It will not take another twenty years to get to stage four. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 10, 2020 01:38 PM (puu6v) ------- Oh, for sure. Getting rid of all dissent has to happen first. That's not the goal. They always think of the children. The goal is to create the New Man, the one who fails to question authority not out of fear, but ignorance. Eventually, it always fails to materialize, but we're in for a long ride if they aren't stopped. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 10, 2020 01:43 PM (oJN+m) 186
Democrats native language is lies.
So we need to listen up when they tell us something that sounds like the truth. And the truth is they have zero intention of bringing back civility or pretending to love America as founded or its Judeo-Christian roots. Ever. They have found their hill to die on. Posted by: ... at July 10, 2020 01:43 PM (M7Sjc) 187
Why not just push over the Democrats in the halls of Congress? Would have a much more dramatic effect.
Sorta like cow tipping? I like this idea. Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Who can fight the beast? Revelation 13:4 at July 10, 2020 01:43 PM (HaL55) 188
I was refering to the Colorado Killdozer in 2004 I thought it was a reference to the 1970s TV movie. Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 10, 2020 01:43 PM (oVJmc) 189
I wish those people in Martinez that painted over the BLM graffiti would have just went out there at night and spray painted a puto mark ( an X ) and then gangs would have been blamed. Maybe fake some gang graffiti next to it. Posted by: CaliGirl If someone paints blm crsp anywhere near my house. I'm gonna go pay the latin kings to over paint it Posted by: Jean at July 10, 2020 01:44 PM (Z/BqE) 190
I (and a few others) may have something pertinent to say in the event of a Trump loss and the post election reaction from the left concerning the fate of conservatives. Posted by: irongrampa at July 10, 2020 01:44 PM (KATBx) 191
171...You mean the "rachel corrie tax?"
Posted by: The Two Yoots at July 10, 2020 01:44 PM (6MoD2) 192
>>>The DC Circuit US Court of Appeals has stayed its decision ordering Judge Emmet Sullivan to end former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn's criminal case while the entire en banc panel of appellate judges considers the issues.
So the first embarrassed Sullivan for his ridiculous ruling, and now they want to reconsider the issues? I don't believe in conspiracies, but who got to them? Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 10, 2020 01:45 PM (bkUtD) 193
We're going to require a Vince Flynn, Term Limits type event.
Posted by: Volkoff Industries at July 10, 2020 01:43 PM (DB16e) ------- I was just thinking that. Im surprised something along those lines hasnt already happened truth be told. Posted by: fixerupper at July 10, 2020 01:45 PM (yZPvv) 194
The message is: this is what you'll get, America, if you reelect Trump. Elect our guy, and the madness will stop, pronto.
No, the message is this is what you'll get no matter who is elected. Black Lives Matter and Occupy both got rolling under Obama. If Biden is elected, they will continue to use riots to pressure for and justify reparations, defunding the police, amnesty, the green new deal and the rest of the Marxist, globalist agenda. Posted by: cool breeze at July 10, 2020 01:45 PM (UGKMd) 195
I dont want their tax returns. I want the sealed list of Congress Critters that settled sexual harassment claims using tax payers dollars.
ALL Records. NOTHING done in Congress should be outside the Public Record. I still want their pharmacy records. We also deserve to know what drugs they're on. Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Who can fight the beast? Revelation 13:4 at July 10, 2020 01:45 PM (HaL55) 196
That's it. The Deep State has spoken.
Rule of law is over. Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at July 10, 2020 01:41 PM (CD5Uk) This seems to be heading to the Supreme Court sometime after the election at this rate - Trump is just going to have to pardon the man if he isn't re-elected. Posted by: Boswell at July 10, 2020 01:45 PM (32YRo) 197
151 I'm fed up with this bullshit. Lots of normally calm acquaintances are too.
Posted by: Dingbat But what do we actually do? Our enemies are the left wing HR person in your company, the Karen in your church monitoring your social media to complain to your boss, your antifa nephew. How do you have a civil war when the enemy is your next door neighbor? Posted by: MaureenTheTemp at July 10, 2020 01:45 PM (gaFth) 198
If I pledge my wife's nether bits to the communists can I live a little bit longer?
Asking for Cuckservative Inc. Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at July 10, 2020 01:45 PM (pw+jk) 199
They don't remain silent when they vote -- that's the point of the expression.
Posted by: Venus When all you have is vote by mail, it gets real silent in the post midnight. . Posted by: Diogenes at July 10, 2020 01:45 PM (axyOa) Posted by: Count de Monet at July 10, 2020 01:45 PM (q1Pj5) Posted by: Blanco Basura - lives again at July 10, 2020 01:45 PM (SchxB) 202
Our side needs to confront these terrorists silently and undercover. When they're alone (not in packs), in their homes, when they think they're safe. Anything that can be filmed will only be used against us. Dismantle them methodically, one scumbag at a time, including da white wimmen. If you had to wonder who was going to show up at your house in the wee hours you may decide not to show yourself in a public riot.
Posted by: ChuckleHut at July 10, 2020 01:42 PM (+nHym) I used to wonder how/why things got the way they became in Central and South America. But no longer. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 01:46 PM (YhzyV) 203
Donate to Trump and boycott the left
Posted by: Gonzotx at July 10, 2020 01:46 PM (eQh3B) 204
I don't believe in conspiracies, but who got to them?
The Court has a Marxist majority. They needed six votes for an enbanc hearing. They got them. Posted by: Grump928© at July 10, 2020 01:46 PM (YJAfx) 205
and portrayed the riots as peaceful protests against an illegitimate president.
--- I like how the event that sparked these "totally spontaneous" protests was something that the President has absolutely no control over... local law enforcement agencies. Posted by: Lemmiwinks at July 10, 2020 01:46 PM (h1jJh) 206
146 You're gonna need a bigger helicopter.
Posted by: Chief Brody in Reckoning America, luxury car helicopters you. Posted by: x at July 10, 2020 01:46 PM (nFwvY) 207
So the first embarrassed Sullivan for his ridiculous
ruling, and now they want to reconsider the issues? I don't believe in conspiracies, but who got to them? Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 10, 2020 01:45 PM (bkUtD) It's time to start, buddy. Posted by: ... at July 10, 2020 01:46 PM (M7Sjc) 208
Gerald Butler gets the hint. Posted by: Thrawn Looks okay, but haven't we already seen this move multiple times? Posted by: pep at July 10, 2020 01:46 PM (v16oJ) 209
Posted by: Blanco Basura - lives again at July 10, 2020 01:45 PM (SchxB)
I wasn't saying anything! Posted by: ... at July 10, 2020 01:47 PM (M7Sjc) 210
We're going to require a Vince Flynn, Term Limits type event.
Posted by: Volkoff Industries at July 10, 2020 01:43 PM (DB16e) ------- I was just thinking that. Im surprised something along those lines hasnt already happened truth be told. Posted by: fixerupper *** I'm over 29. I was thinking Mack Bolan. Posted by: Diogenes at July 10, 2020 01:47 PM (axyOa) 211
I used to think there would be large number of retired military that served w General Flynn that would be vocal (and maybe more) about the injustices. Silence, pretty much. When evil men like Weissmann have not even been inconvenienced by an angry mob, I don't think there is going to be any pushback. Has anyone ever gotten in Maxine Waters' face? Yet, she encouraged the wildlings to do that to others. There never seems to be any payback. Not even w doxxing (except from Bif, tyvm.)
Posted by: EveR at July 10, 2020 01:47 PM (ZZDMQ) 212
So even if no one is charging you with any crime, you can still be put on trial? Yep, that's not commie at all, no sir.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 10, 2020 01:48 PM (xfb67) 213
I need a link to the order issuing en banc please.
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 10, 2020 01:48 PM (GbPPJ) 214
Interesting argument. Not a big Rush follower. But, he's been saying since day one of the current administration that the purpose of the constant obstacles and challenges thrown up by the Left is to wear down the Right and just have them quit. Not that simple, but Rush is on the right path.
BUT, there's a catch. A second term for a president such as Trump is tasty. He would no longer be encumbered by the "re-election" restraints. There would be no filters to his goals. Take the Chaz/Chop situation. It was an information war scenario, not a kinetic one. Had he gone in there, it would have been used against him for all time. It was bait. But, in a second term that "re-election" restraint is gone...and so would Chaz in a matter of hours from the time someone conceived of the idea. Think of a steam roller or a speeding locomotive. have a pretty good idea how a second term for someone like Trump would go. And, those on the Left smart enough to realize that, are crapping in their shorts. They should be. Posted by: Orson at July 10, 2020 01:48 PM (m0dpG) 215
But what do we actually do? Our enemies are the left wing HR person in your company, the Karen in your church monitoring your social media to complain to your boss, your antifa nephew. How do you have a civil war when the enemy is your next door neighbor?
Posted by: MaureenTheTemp at July 10, 2020 01:45 PM (gaFth) --------- There will come a tipping point when theyve pushed enough folks into the "nothing left to lose" frame of existence. Posted by: fixerupper at July 10, 2020 01:48 PM (yZPvv) 216
I used to wonder how/why things got the way they became in Central and South America.
But no longer. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 01:46 PM (YhzyV) Good men have done nothing. But don't think me gonna stop this stuff Posted by: Billy plays Bagpipes at July 10, 2020 01:48 PM (ONvIw) 217
We are at the third stage. It will not take another twenty years to get to stage four. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 10, 2020 01:38 PM (puu6v) ------- Oh, for sure. Getting rid of all dissent has to happen first. That's not the goal. They always think of the children. The goal is to create the New Man, the one who fails to question authority not out of fear, but ignorance. Eventually, it always fails to materialize, but we're in for a long ride if they aren't stopped. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 10, 2020 01:43 PM (oJN+m) Even if the psychotic concept of New Man could materialize, these people still would not be happy. It has been said before about other horrible crimes against humanity, but listen when people tell you they want you dead because they mean it. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 10, 2020 01:48 PM (puu6v) 218
Does my butt make this pancake look big?
Posted by: Zombie Rachel Corrie at July 10, 2020 01:48 PM (EgshT) 219
>>>The Court has a Marxist majority. They needed six votes for an enbanc hearing. They got them.
Trump needs to be reelected to continue putting conservatives in the courts. The Supreme picks haven't been stellar, but his lower court picks have been good. Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 10, 2020 01:48 PM (bkUtD) 220
The talking point is: Elect Dipshit Joe and the madness stops.
Newsflash: It won't. Imagine the unhinged left with absolutely zero constraints. That's what we'll get if Dipshit Joe wins. As much as I lament the fact that our Republican representatives have done very little, without control of at least 1 legislative house and the executive, the statist tyrants will persecute every last one of us and they'll have all the powers of government to do it. Posted by: mr_bill at July 10, 2020 01:48 PM (8Sn0i) 221
It's not worse enough to get better yet.
Posted by: klaftern at July 10, 2020 01:49 PM (RuIsu) 222
But what do we actually do? Our enemies are the left wing HR person in your company, the Karen in your church monitoring your social media to complain to your boss, your antifa nephew. How do you have a civil war when the enemy is your next door neighbor?
Posted by: MaureenTheTemp at July 10, 2020 01:45 PM (gaFth) Left wing HR person? Gum up the works with complaints. Cloward-Piven works two ways. Don't feel "safe?" "Hostile environment?" Don't keep it to yourself. Social media? There's your problem right there. Shitcan socialist media. All of it. Antifa nephew? Unperson him. Next door neighbor. Bide your time. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 01:49 PM (YhzyV) 223
"Shipwreckedcrew" seems to think that this en banc review action by the DC Circuit court was triggered by one judge's request, not a majority. But I dunno, *shrugs* Posted by: Thrawn at July 10, 2020 01:49 PM (dJmIF) 224
Always going along with " the law" even when it was abject bullshit like Roe vs Wade has gotten us here.
Posted by: steevy at July 10, 2020 01:49 PM (KNsKs) 225
How do you have a civil war when the enemy is your next door neighbor?
Posted by: MaureenTheTemp at July 10, 2020 01:45 PM (gaFth) You just have to wait for your nephew to try to kill you, then you fight him and I'll send you to jail Posted by: Billy plays Bagpipes at July 10, 2020 01:49 PM (ONvIw) 226
If there's no police, who will come arrest me for killing the people attacking me? Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 10, 2020 01:32 PM (oVJmc) That's how I'm looking at it. Kill these communist thugs and drag their carcasses to the curb for the garbage trucks. Posted by: Sooner - White Blue-eyed Debil at July 10, 2020 01:49 PM (Fs5vw) Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at July 10, 2020 01:50 PM (CD5Uk) 228
haven't seen any back up of dc circuit news
might be fake Posted by: harley at July 10, 2020 01:50 PM (2EU+/) 229
Red Bank and Freehold NJ will be using drones to enforce face masks, and they will be using facial recognition technology cross-matched with license pictures to enforce.
This has got to be illegal. Posted by: IrishEi at July 10, 2020 01:50 PM (sGotD) 230
ultimately this is about destroying the law, not the statue.
Posted by: CN at July 10, 2020 01:27 PM (ONvIw) ^^THIS^^ Posted by: GWB at July 10, 2020 01:50 PM (mRtYs) 231
If someone paints blm crsp anywhere near my house. I'm gonna go pay the latin kings to over paint it
Posted by: Jean at July 10, 2020 01:44 PM (Z/BqE) Heck, save your money. Put some competing gang graffiti on it, and in fact every antifa/blm "artwork", make it look like it's the maker's tag. The gang claiming that territory will cover it up in no time flat, and start to go after any of the poor clueless brown shirts that wander in. Start a turf war. It would be hilarious to put the crips or ms13 to work on these creeps. Posted by: clutch cargo at July 10, 2020 01:50 PM (8B6Ng) 232
I'm over 29. I was thinking Mack Bolan. Posted by: Diogenes at July 10, 2020 01:47 PM (axyOa) ------- Max works too. BTW.... if you havent Flynns Mitch Rapp books.... you oughta. I think youd enjoy them immensely. Posted by: fixerupper at July 10, 2020 01:50 PM (yZPvv) 233
ALL Records.
NOTHING done in Congress should be outside the Public Record. I still want their pharmacy records. We also deserve to know what drugs they're on. Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Who can fight the beast? Revelation 13:4 at July 10, 2020 01:45 PM (HaL55) Yes. I would add that technically, this is NOT an invasion of privacy, if you are so concerned about your private records, then don't run for Congress, comrade citizen! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -YOU are all in this together!- at July 10, 2020 01:50 PM (eTZoJ) 234
Man, here I am with achy knees and a sketchy hip, and it's been 50 years since I had to shoot at someone. Oh, well, it's like riding a bicycle.
Posted by: bill in arkansas at July 10, 2020 01:50 PM (C1Lsn) 235
For anyone who doesn't believe in conspiracies - spying on Trump's campaign and setting up his colleagues involved intelligence agencies and elected officials in multiple countries, ie an international conspiracy.
It only got uncovered because they lost the election, so somehow it just looks like "news". Posted by: ... at July 10, 2020 01:50 PM (M7Sjc) 236
Hillary Clinton said it. Civility will not return until there is a democrat in the white house. Everyone took it as - Trump is uncivil and is causing incivility. I took it as a threat.
_______________ It is a threat. Left: Give us back the power of the presidency or we will continue to burn down the cities and loot and riot and kill. And the only appropriate response to this kind of threat is: Fuck you. War. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 10, 2020 01:50 PM (k4dH2) 237
They don't remain silent when they vote -- that's the point of the expression. Posted by: Venus at July 10, 2020 01:35 PM (iYXhj) ====================================== Posted by: Braenyard at July 10, 2020 01:50 PM (pr9ci) 238
Trump needs to be reelected to continue putting conservatives in the courts. The Supreme picks haven't been stellar, but his lower court picks have been good.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 10, 2020 01:48 PM (bkUtD) This is why the Reds are going all-in now. They know that if/when Trump is re-elected, he's going to continue remaking the Federal judiciary in his own image, and that the Reds will lose for at least a generation the main force that has advanced their agenda. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 01:50 PM (YhzyV) Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (CD5Uk) 240
I think it's time for Sullivan's son's case(s) to get a spotlight.
Posted by: t-bird at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (lIIT7) 241
211 I used to think there would be large number of retired military that served w General Flynn that would be vocal (and maybe more) about the injustices. Silence, pretty much. When evil men like Weissmann have not even been inconvenienced by an angry mob, I don't think there is going to be any pushback. Has anyone ever gotten in Maxine Waters' face? Yet, she encouraged the wildlings to do that to others. There never seems to be any payback. Not even w doxxing (except from Bif, tyvm.)
Posted by: EveR at July 10, 2020 01:47 PM (ZZDMQ) We have active military supporting the current domestic terrorism. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (puu6v) 242
We can, but that means breaking the rules ourselves
The Declaration should be your guide, here. There are rules and there are Rules. Posted by: garrett *** In 118 days, we may not have a choice, no matter what way the election goes. Posted by: Diogenes at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (axyOa) 243
211 I used to think there would be large number of retired military that served w General Flynn that would be vocal (and maybe more) about the injustices. Silence, pretty much. When evil men like Weissmann have not even been inconvenienced by an angry mob, I don't think there is going to be any pushback. Has anyone ever gotten in Maxine Waters' face? Yet, she encouraged the wildlings to do that to others. There never seems to be any payback. Not even w doxxing (except from Bif, tyvm.)
Posted by: EveR at July 10, 2020 01:47 PM (ZZDMQ) Great point. You'd think that these military types would be rallying to protect one of their own, especially since he was the one yelling in the wilderness while Obama was hollowing out the upper ranks of the old guard's colleagues to turn the military into yet another arm of the Democratic Party. Their silence in their defense of Flynn has been deafening. Posted by: Darrell Harris at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (6xA3t) 244
How do you have a civil war when the enemy is your next door neighbor?
Posted by: MaureenTheTemp at July 10, 2020 01:45 PM (gaFth) Remember the phrase that described our first Civil War (SWIDT) was "brother against brother". Posted by: ... at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (M7Sjc) 245
If anybody is looking to support GOYA, and you sure as hell should, here is a link to their products: Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (pw+jk) 246
Red Bank and Freehold NJ will be using drones to enforce face masks, and they will be using facial recognition technology cross-matched with license pictures to enforce.
This has got to be illegal. Posted by: IrishEi at July 10, 2020 01:50 PM (sGotD) ------- I'm sure it is and I'm sure they will claim a "national emergency" exception. Are they going to fly these drones indoors? Or can people not walk down their own street without masks? Posted by: bluebell at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (/669Q) 247
2012: ACORN/SEIU/Wade Rathke/DNC
2016: Occupy Wall Street/DNC 2020: AnitFa/BLM/DNC Anyone noticing a pattern? These shapeshifters of the Progressive movement keep realigning themselves through radical front/shell groups to install Communism/Fascism like clockwork. They have their Brownshirts in the streets and the Democrat Party at the tables. Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (HhXSr) 248
Explicit emissions I think you mean, Ace!
Posted by: andycanuck at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (TZi47) 249
One of the big leftist commentators as much as admitted this was the game: to extort votes out of people by threatening and committing chaos and violence until people submit.
It worked in Germany in the 30s, why not here? Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (KZzsI) 250
En banc has not been issued. Flynn has been given 10 days to respond to the petition requesting en banc. The order is stayed during that time. THAT IS HOW THIS WORKS. THAT IS HOW ALL OF THIS MOTHERFUCKING WORKS. Yes, I'm going to be an enormous c word about this because I'm sick of watching people run around with their hair on fire about ROUTINE FUCKING APPELLATE RULE SHIT. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (GbPPJ) 251
The left really wants the Soylent Green world and they are pulling out all the stops to get it. Wear your masks and line up for the dole peons....
Posted by: steevy at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (KNsKs) 252
>>I'm over 29. I was thinking Mack Bolan.
Posted by: Diogenes at July 10, 2020 01:47 PM (axyOa) Phoenix Force. "Crucible of Chicago!" "Mack and the team have been dropped in the bubbling urban race-cauldron of angry illiterates with spraycans, and there's no plan for extraction!..." Posted by: Zod at July 10, 2020 01:52 PM (XzT/D) 253
I want a larger than life statue of Dawit Kelete mounted atop a jaguar erected in the CHAZ/CHOP park. He's done more for freedom in Washington State than anyone since its founding.
Posted by: Minuteman at July 10, 2020 01:52 PM (ZXvAY) 254
Red Bank and Freehold NJ will be using drones to enforce face masks, and
they will be using facial recognition technology cross-matched with license pictures to enforce. Dry run for what's coming down the pike. Posted by: Notorious BFD at July 10, 2020 01:52 PM (EgshT) 255
Obama's best buddy Erdogan is turning the Hagia Sofia into a mosque.
Ataturk himself had declared it a shrine and not to be touched. I guess Turkey's cancelled their own namesake. Posted by: Ian S. at July 10, 2020 01:52 PM (ZGrMX) 256
Bernie said that when Biden is President he will implement the most liberal policies we've ever seen. Huh. Wonder whos going to guide Biden down that path? Hes a puppet for who?
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at July 10, 2020 01:52 PM (Jx5Qs) 257
In 118 days, we may not have a choice, no matter what way the election goes.
Posted by: Diogenes at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (axyOa) === Or sooner. Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at July 10, 2020 01:52 PM (pw+jk) 258
There is a legitimate effort to Recall Michigan's Whitmer.
Chad Baase is the leader It is really hard to find with key words but it is real and they have from now until Aug 30 to get the signatures. Posted by: Piratepatch from the flood zone at July 10, 2020 01:52 PM (YMD/O) 259
Red Bank and Freehold NJ will be using drones to enforce face masks, and they will be using facial recognition technology cross-matched with license pictures to enforce.
This has got to be illegal. Posted by: IrishEi at July 10, 2020 01:50 PM (sGotD) True, but it is for your own good comrade, so we are not worrying about little things like the "law"! Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar -YOU are all in this together!- at July 10, 2020 01:52 PM (eTZoJ) 260
Twitter link to doc. Next up- a petition for permission to exceed the 3900 word limit, which is a threat to free speech. Posted by: t-bird at July 10, 2020 01:52 PM (lIIT7) 261
245 If anybody is looking to support GOYA, and you sure as hell should, here is a link to their products: ------------------------------------------ I like their black beans and soursop juice. Posted by: sniffybigtoe at July 10, 2020 01:53 PM (xfb67) 262
Left: Give us back the power of the presidency or we will continue to burn down the cities and loot and riot and kill.
And the only appropriate response to this kind of threat is: Fuck you. War. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 10, 2020 01:50 PM (k4dH2) Alternatively: Saves me the Trouble. Posted by: trev006 at July 10, 2020 01:53 PM (O2y/K) 263
BTW.... if you havent Flynns Mitch Rapp books.... you oughta. I think youd enjoy them immensely. Posted by: fixerupper Got the whole set. Great reads. Posted by: Diogenes at July 10, 2020 01:53 PM (axyOa) 264
Man, here I am with achy knees and a sketchy hip, and it's been 50 years since I had to shoot at someone. Oh, well, it's like riding a bicycle.
Posted by: bill in arkansas at July 10, 2020 01:50 PM (C1Lsn) ----- Yeah .... Ive posted this before..... if we're going to do Thunderdome rules..... sooner rather than later please. Ive still got some skills and I dont want to be doing Madd Maxx when Im in my seventies. Posted by: fixerupper at July 10, 2020 01:53 PM (yZPvv) 265
>>> and it's been 50 years since I had to shoot at someone
Pfft, it's been fifty minutes for me... ![]() Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 10, 2020 01:53 PM (bkUtD) 266
The message is: this is what you'll get, America, if you reelect Trump. Elect our guy, and the madness will stop, pronto. A Democratic president would forcefully suppress the riots without a peep from the press. But until then we're held hostage.
And that is the message that will defeat Trump in November. I know we have gone through the optics of letting the blue shitholes burn to the ground and how the MFM (who, for fuck's sake, you jackhole Trump, should have their goddamn passes PERMANENTLY revoked!) will scream "DICTATOR!" if Trump dares punch back, but IMO, he needs to send in a division of regular troops or National Guard to shut this shit down now. If the military won't obey him, better to find out now. Because a metric fuckton of people will vote Democrat to stop the violence. And you can take that to the bank. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 10, 2020 01:53 PM (2JVJo) 267
If there's no police, who will come arrest me for killing the people attacking me?
The law is not there to protect us from criminals, the law is there to protect criminals from us. Posted by: An Observation at July 10, 2020 01:53 PM (mDh27) 268
It worked in Germany in the 30s, why not here?
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (KZzsI) Yep. Was it you who recommended "Travelers in the Third Reich"? If so, thanks Posted by: Billy plays Bagpipes at July 10, 2020 01:53 PM (ONvIw) 269
240 I think it's time for Sullivan's son's case(s) to get a spotlight.
Posted by: t-bird at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (lIIT7) What's his story? I missed that. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 01:53 PM (YhzyV) Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 10, 2020 01:53 PM (DMUuz) 271
En banc has not been issued. Flynn has been given 10 days to respond to the petition requesting en banc. The order is stayed during that time.
Can they respond today? I'm guessing Powell was already gaming this out. Posted by: Grump928© at July 10, 2020 01:53 PM (YJAfx) 272
There never seems to be any payback. Not even w doxxing (except from Bif, tyvm.)
Posted by: EveR at July 10, 2020 01:47 PM (ZZDMQ) You're welcome. Posted by: BifBewalski - sinis est culus at July 10, 2020 01:54 PM (VcFUs) 273
Off inept, coy sock
Posted by: CN at July 10, 2020 01:54 PM (ONvIw) 274
>>Because a metric fuckton of people will vote Democrat to stop the violence. And you can take that to the bank. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 10, 2020 01:53 PM (2JVJo)
Posted by: Zod at July 10, 2020 01:54 PM (XzT/D) 275
223 "Shipwreckedcrew" seems to think that this en banc review action by the DC Circuit court was triggered by one judge's request, not a majority. But I dunno, *shrugs* Posted by: Thrawn at July 10, 2020 01:49 PM (dJmIF) ************************* He's right -- not trying to make any predictions, but the DC circuit now how to vote on whether to grant rehearing. So rehearing is not guaranteed at this point, but this is SOP to stay the order while they consider whether to grant or not. Posted by: Venus at July 10, 2020 01:54 PM (iYXhj) 276
>>>BTW.... if you havent Flynns Mitch Rapp books.... you oughta. I think youd enjoy them immensely.
He's not the Never Trumper, right? There's another author always on Twitter who Hewitt laps up every day. Can't remember the name, but I think he's an NT. Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 10, 2020 01:54 PM (bkUtD) 277
Yes, I'm going to be an enormous c word about this because I'm sick of watching people run around with their hair on fire about ROUTINE FUCKING APPELLATE RULE SHIT.
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (GbPPJ) Somebody needs a Snickers bar. ![]() But understand and appreciate your point and knowledge. Posted by: Steve in SoCal at July 10, 2020 01:54 PM (Ozpxd) 278
Two options that are actually only one:
DJT reelected: the Left seeks vengence DJT non reelected: the Left seeks vengence The groundwork for lawlessness is already established, it can only go downhill from here. I've pretty much wrapped my mind around this fact now, and am prepping as best I can for what is likely to come. I'm not looking forward to it, but only a fool could look at what's going on and assume it's going to just go away. SO...prepare. Posted by: Citizen at July 10, 2020 01:54 PM (ldmQR) 279
45 If anybody is looking to support GOYA, and you sure as hell should, here is a link to their products: ------------------------------------------ I like their black beans and soursop juice. Posted by: sniffybigtoe at Jul I'm going to switch to Goya. I usually buy sun vista beans. Posted by: CaliGirl at July 10, 2020 01:54 PM (7bcfy) 280
BUT, there's a catch. A second term for a president such as Trump is tasty. He would no longer be encumbered by the "re-election" restraints.
As TFG put it, "I'll have more flexibility after the election". Posted by: Ian S. at July 10, 2020 01:54 PM (ZGrMX) 281
and it's been 50 years since I had to shoot at someone
Pfft, it's been fifty minutes for me... Posted by: Wyatt Earp Braggart. Posted by: rickb223 at July 10, 2020 01:54 PM (QFqpA) 282
G. Gordon Liddy is still kickin' at 89. One last special assignment, a shot at redemption . . .
Posted by: Count de Monet at July 10, 2020 01:55 PM (q1Pj5) 283
The DOJ and Flynn have to file. Who the fuck else has standing? If these cunts think they're Judge Dredd, they need to walk around with Lawgivers. Otherwise, it is the duty of every American to do them harm, or kill them if they are able!
Posted by: trev006 at July 10, 2020 01:55 PM (O2y/K) 284
*"now has to vote", not "now how to vote" (comment 275)
Posted by: Venus at July 10, 2020 01:55 PM (iYXhj) 285
Phoenix Force. "Crucible of Chicago!"
"Mack and the team have been dropped in the bubbling urban race-cauldron of angry illiterates with spraycans, and there's no plan for extraction!..." Posted by: Zod Dang! And the last of my grande non-fat two pump mocha sprays the screen. Posted by: Diogenes at July 10, 2020 01:55 PM (axyOa) 286
265 Followed by lunch at Geno's. Just another day.
Posted by: bill in arkansas at July 10, 2020 01:55 PM (C1Lsn) 287
Red Bank and Freehold NJ will be using drones to enforce face masks, and they will be using facial recognition technology cross-matched with license pictures to enforce.
Ok...but it's going to be hard to identify that guy with the pellet gun. Posted by: t-bird at July 10, 2020 01:55 PM (Gjku9) 288
Hes a puppet for who? Posted by: Cannibal Bob at July 10, 2020 01:52 PM (Jx5Qs) ------ Every ambitious Che Guevara tee shirt wearing DNC staffer and bureaucrat currently residing in the swamp. Toss in the MFM while we're at it. Posted by: fixerupper at July 10, 2020 01:55 PM (yZPvv) 289
271 En banc has not been issued. Flynn has been given 10 days to respond to the petition requesting en banc. The order is stayed during that time.
Can they respond today? I'm guessing Powell was already gaming this out. Posted by: Grump928© at July 10, 2020 01:53 PM (YJAfx) They should. From memory, there is then a period that follows for a response. Of course, that will happen the last day. Get well, man. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 10, 2020 01:55 PM (puu6v) 290
I think it's time for Sullivan's son's case(s) to get a spotlight.
Posted by: t-bird at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (lIIT7) Then somebody needs to drop the hammer on a high exposure platform. So far I've just seen some random tweets from anonymous entities that give me no confidence that I'm not being played. Posted by: Captain Hate at July 10, 2020 01:55 PM (y7DUB) 291
Because a metric fuckton of people will vote Democrat to stop the violence. And you can take that to the bank. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 10, 2020 01:53 PM (2JVJo)
Particularly women. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 01:55 PM (YhzyV) 292
Always going along with " the law" even when it was abject bullshit like Roe vs Wade has gotten us here. Posted by: steevy at July 10, 2020 01:49 PM (KNsKs You always hear someone proudly spouting off "a government that can give you anything you want can take away anything you have" whenever we're talking economics. And it's true. But the same people never think to extend that to the subject of force. A government powerful enough to keep you constantly secure can keep you constantly confined. The law is not always your friend. Yet, we've got here largely by supporting the ever-expanding ability of government to not only make law, but enforce it. Posted by: Circular Thinking at July 10, 2020 01:55 PM (eN2PK) 293
The riots are federally funded: prior assurance of guaranteed bailout money and at multiples of damage.
Posted by: Grifter heaven at July 10, 2020 01:56 PM (BRkq2) 294
This is what I predicted yesterday in the Sullivan case. If the fix was in, there was going to be a stay granted by 5 pm today.
There are now a dozen different ways the DC Circuit can fiddle fart around with this until President Biden reinstates the case. That's the plan - they will never decide, they will just have motions and hearings for another 6 months, until it's all over. This is how they plan to win. Right here, today. In our faces. And I've known this was coming from the day that the 3 judge panel decided in Flynn's favor. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 10, 2020 01:56 PM (Kpl3J) 295
From our side the game looks like the Democrats are threatening everyone with violence if they don't vote right.
Out in Normieland where nobody gets or hears much of anything true, the *real* game is a replay of 2008 ----> a psy op being waged to guilt people into voting correctly and "morally". Swing voters don't think there is any violence to be stopped with their vote. But they *are* being lead to believe they have a chance to "fix injustice" with their vote. That's the *real* game. And bet your butt Trump knows it. Posted by: ... at July 10, 2020 01:56 PM (M7Sjc) 296
Maybe the Seattle mayor had her house vandalized by Tea Partiers dressed up as Indians (like the original tea party?) ... or as BLM/Antifa "protesters".
That might be the kind of covert "false flag" ops American patriots will need to carry out ... see how it changed her mind almost instantly? Certainly there are ways to subvert their own chaos ... not sure what ways, but "getting away with it" should be possible ... wear a mask and gloves, fire from cover, umm ... idk ... but the new warfare is asymmetric ... so patriots must be wise. And boycotts or buycotts are on the table ... buy American, and what companies are not bending the knee? support them .. Posted by: illiniwek at July 10, 2020 01:56 PM (Cus5s) 297
Please help boost the signal of the legitimate recall petition for Michigan's Governor Whitmer You can't even find the web page with over target key words from either duck duck go (which uses google) or bing. Posted by: Piratepatch from the flood zone at July 10, 2020 01:57 PM (YMD/O) 298
Twitter link to doc. Next up- a petition for permission to exceed the 3900 word limit, which is a threat to free speech. Posted by: t-bird at July 10, 2020 01:52 PM (lIIT7) Literally not issuance of en banc. Like. BY THE FUCKING WORDS IN THE FUCKING ORDER. I said I'm going to be c word about this. This is an order saying that Flynn and the DOJ have 10 days to file reply brief. Sullivan IS EXPLICITLY PROHIBITED FROM FILING AN ANSWER TO THEM. Ten days to get the other side's response. IT IS FUCKING STANDARD. STAY DURING BRIEFING IS STANDARD. THERE IS NO FUCKING EN BANC ORDERED. But, hey, I just did appellate work for years and, in point of fact, trained Federal judges on a specific point of law but what do I know. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 10, 2020 01:57 PM (GbPPJ) 299
"The message is: this is what you'll get, America, if you reelect Trump. Elect our guy, and the madness will stop, pronto. A Democratic president would forcefully suppress the riots without a peep from the press. But until then we're held hostage."
Wrong. So very, very wrong. Oppression successfully initiated leads to oppression successfully concluded. There is no stop. No bridge is too far. It is foolish and dangerous to conclude that this ends in some controlled, "safe" manner. Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at July 10, 2020 01:57 PM (HhXSr) 300
The nightmare scenarios are getting closer for sure. Electing a biden or some other radical Marxist piece of shit will bring it to a head. People will not stand for the shit he would bring.
Posted by: USNtakim at July 10, 2020 01:57 PM (0OmEj) 301
Red Bank and Freehold NJ will be using drones to enforce face masks, and they will be using facial recognition technology cross-matched with license pictures to enforce.
Big floppy hat. 1980's sunglasses. Balaclava. Good luck. Posted by: rickb223 at July 10, 2020 01:57 PM (QFqpA) 302
>>"a government that can give you anything you want can take away anything you have" whenever we're talking economics. And it's true.
Also, you never hear anyone say "a government can be raped and then sold to a Thai sex-club owner." Posted by: Zod at July 10, 2020 01:57 PM (XzT/D) Posted by: SturmToddler at July 10, 2020 01:57 PM (8D42x) 304
>>>265 Followed by lunch at Geno's. Just another day.
It's raining heavy here and I'm too tired to drive to South Philly. ![]() Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 10, 2020 01:57 PM (bkUtD) 305
291 Because a metric fuckton of people will vote Democrat to stop the violence. And you can take that to the bank. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 10, 2020 01:53 PM (2JVJo)
Particularly women. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 01:55 PM (YhzyV) Yes and yes. And to those who think the end goal is simply to have them fade into the woodwork: that's not good enough for these types. You will be hunted down. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 10, 2020 01:57 PM (puu6v) 306
En banc has not been issued. Flynn has been given 10 days to respond to the petition requesting en banc. The order is stayed during that time.
Which is really what its all about, delays and keeping the hoax going as long as possible. Its very obvious that the Flynn Case is the key to this all unraveling and they will do anything whatsoever to keep the case from being dismissed, at all costs. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 10, 2020 01:57 PM (KZzsI) 307
Guys, coming into 2020 we knew the left would pull out all the stops to defeat Trump. Still, I doubt anyone predicted this level of effort.
Posted by: steevy at July 10, 2020 01:57 PM (KNsKs) 308
Please join us in remembering the life of Summer Taylor at a memorial pancake breakfast at IHOP this weekend. Everyone gets a free pinwheel for attending. Posted by: The Two Yoots at July 10, 2020 01:58 PM (6MoD2) 309
"It's not worse enough to get better yet."
There is a logic to that but we don't deal in logic at the moment. It's kinda like friction. When two sides rub up against one another it heats up and you get friction. When one side rolls over the other due to inaction you get railroad cars dead ending at large scale furnaces. Hell, if there was only a one or two Korean store owners on the roof of their business with a shotgun we could have at least said, rah,rah,rah America. Posted by: Drider at July 10, 2020 01:58 PM (R/UH9) 310
Explicit emissions I think you mean, Ace!
Posted by: andycanuck *** You mean like when, for most of us, we turned 13? Posted by: Diogenes at July 10, 2020 01:58 PM (axyOa) 311
Presumably Flynn team will respond immediately, as this is just a delay game?
Posted by: rhomboid at July 10, 2020 01:58 PM (El6T/) 312
At least treat them the same as other places where crowds walk in the streets yelling "death to America!"
Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 10, 2020 01:31 PM (puu6v) You mean send them pallets of cash in large denominations and give them nukes? Posted by: GWB at July 10, 2020 01:58 PM (mRtYs) 313
And to those who think the end goal is simply to have them fade into the woodwork: that's not good enough for these types. You will be hunted down.
That's the key here. People have to realize that voting for Biden doesn't end the violence, it just redirects it into retribution specifically targeting Trump supporters and voters. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 10, 2020 01:58 PM (KZzsI) 314
He's not the Never Trumper, right? There's another author always on Twitter who Hewitt laps up every day. Can't remember the name, but I think he's an NT.
Might be Brad Thor. His books are shit anyway. Posted by: spindrift at July 10, 2020 01:58 PM (h5TKJ) 315
304 Next time it's not raining, be sure to get it wit.
Posted by: bill in arkansas at July 10, 2020 01:58 PM (C1Lsn) 316
>>>But, hey, I just did appellate work for years and, in point of fact, trained Federal judges on a specific point of law but what do I know.
Mental note: Always make AtC happy. Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 10, 2020 01:58 PM (bkUtD) Posted by: Zod at July 10, 2020 01:58 PM (XzT/D) 318
Shorter American Spectator: The whole thing is an op.
And they are right, from virus to riots to lockdowns to masks. All an op. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 10, 2020 01:58 PM (r+sAi) 319
You mean send them pallets of cash in large denominations and give them nukes?
Posted by: GWB You misspelled "The Obama administration" Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 10, 2020 01:58 PM (KZzsI) Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 10, 2020 01:59 PM (bkUtD) 321
There WILL be something else( multiple somethings most likely) . They are going just short of war to get Trump out...for now.
Posted by: steevy at July 10, 2020 01:59 PM (KNsKs) 322
Are they going to fly these drones indoors? Or can people not walk down their own street without masks?
Posted by: bluebell at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (/669Q) ~~~~~ Murphy just mandated mask wearing outside "if social distancing is not possible." Naturally, no one knows exactly what that means. Posted by: IrishEi at July 10, 2020 01:59 PM (sGotD) 323
The site's main page is crashing, it's unreadable, do you care? Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at July 10, 2020 01:59 PM (JdiCZ) Posted by: zombie summer taylor at July 10, 2020 01:59 PM (TZi47) Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 10, 2020 01:59 PM (bkUtD) Posted by: Grump928© at July 10, 2020 01:59 PM (YJAfx) 327
Because a metric fuckton of people will vote Democrat to stop the violence. And you can take that to the bank.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing I have literally stopped dropped half my female friends because these dopes think Trump is the cause of all this, and Biden seems very calm. You can't talk any sense into them, I have quit trying. Posted by: MaureenTheTemp at July 10, 2020 01:59 PM (gaFth) Posted by: A Scold of Karens at July 10, 2020 01:59 PM (EgshT) 329
The leash, it chafes.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 10, 2020 01:59 PM (ifmtJ) 330
Main page is reading for me Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 10, 2020 02:00 PM (oJN+m) 331
Drones are only good as the guy on the ground with a Citori trap grade.
Posted by: bill in arkansas at July 10, 2020 02:00 PM (C1Lsn) 332
Guys, coming into 2020 we knew the left would pull out all the stops to defeat Trump. Still, I doubt anyone predicted this level of effort.
Posted by: steevy at July 10, 2020 01:57 PM (KNsKs) I'm sure this late 20th century software doesn't allow a raised hand emoji but I knew they wouldn't go quietly. Posted by: Captain Hate at July 10, 2020 02:00 PM (y7DUB) 333
294 This is what I predicted yesterday in the Sullivan case. If the fix was in, there was going to be a stay granted by 5 pm today.
There are now a dozen different ways the DC Circuit can fiddle fart around with this until President Biden reinstates the case. That's the plan - they will never decide, they will just have motions and hearings for another 6 months, until it's all over. This is how they plan to win. Right here, today. In our faces. And I've known this was coming from the day that the 3 judge panel decided in Flynn's favor. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 10, 2020 01:56 PM (Kpl3J) ******************** cf: Literally not issuance of en banc. Like. BY THE FUCKING WORDS IN THE FUCKING ORDER. I said I'm going to be c word about this. This is an order saying that Flynn and the DOJ have 10 days to file reply brief. Sullivan IS EXPLICITLY PROHIBITED FROM FILING AN ANSWER TO THEM. Ten days to get the other side's response. IT IS FUCKING STANDARD. STAY DURING BRIEFING IS STANDARD. THERE IS NO FUCKING EN BANC ORDERED. But, hey, I just did appellate work for years and, in point of fact, trained Federal judges on a specific point of law but what do I know. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 10, 2020 01:57 PM (GbPPJ) *************************** I'm going with Alex on this one, especially given Tom's dismal track record of being abso-fucking-lutely wrong about everything. Tom, in case you forgot, was one of the ones setting his hair on fire that the oral arguments showed the court was going to DENY Flynn's writ of mandamus. Posted by: Venus at July 10, 2020 02:00 PM (iYXhj) 334
I am getting madder every day. Wow be that person in front of me when I blow
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 10, 2020 02:00 PM (tsZQ+) 335
It worked in Germany in the 30s, why not here? Uh, the last time I checked, the Germans in the 30's didn't have 300 million guns and trillions of rounds of ammo to stop this shit. There are reasons that every attempt by Antifa to spread this to small town America has been a failure. You just haven't heard about all those face plants by the left. Posted by: An Observation at July 10, 2020 02:00 PM (mDh27) 336
What about a regular ol' first date en banc ? You know - a little hand holding - maybe a peck on the cheek at the end of the night. We got any of those on the horizon ? Posted by: Circular Thinking at July 10, 2020 02:01 PM (eN2PK) 337
311 Presumably Flynn team will respond immediately, as this is just a delay game?
Posted by: rhomboid at July 10, 2020 01:58 PM (El6T/) yes, but then they can take a month or two to "consider" it, if they want, then they can decide to schedule a vote as to whether or not to hear it en banc, and then someone can file something that they take another couple months to decide how to handle the game is never to decide, never to rule, until President Biden relieves them of the need to make a decision. It's really quite simple. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 10, 2020 02:01 PM (Kpl3J) 338
Two days ago, the management canceled The Puyallup Fair. For the first time in 120 years. Including WW's I and II. The 5th largest fair in America, the largest on the west coast. Under 40, there is virtually zero chance of death. Between 40 and 70, nearly zero. Teachers retire at 65, right? The same great thinkers that are closing The Fair are closing public schools this fall, if they can. It looks like nobody is willing to stop this nonsense. This national brainwashing has to end, or the country will end. tick tock, as Hannity says. Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 10, 2020 02:02 PM (sy5kK) Posted by: garrett at July 10, 2020 02:02 PM (7rlF0) 340
Guys, coming into 2020 we knew the left would pull out all the stops to defeat Trump. Still, I doubt anyone predicted this level of effort. Posted by: steevy at July 10, 2020 01:57 PM (KNsKs) -------- Yeah, I knew they would make big-time trouble in 2020. I didn't expect they'd go quite this far, but hey, they run the timetables around here and can choose when to call the shots, so I'm not surprised, either. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 10, 2020 02:02 PM (oJN+m) Posted by: Grump928© at July 10, 2020 02:02 PM (YJAfx) 342
Red Bank and Freehold NJ will be using drones to enforce face masks, and
they will be using facial recognition technology cross-matched with license pictures to enforce. Dry run for what's coming down the pike. Posted by: Notorious BFD at July 10, 2020 01:52 PM (EgshT) I am sorry officer, I was aiming at a pheasant when I shot down that drone. Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at July 10, 2020 02:03 PM (nAiE/) 343
Thanks, alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria... ftw
Posted by: Grifter heaven at July 10, 2020 02:03 PM (BRkq2) 344
I have literally stopped dropped half my female friends because these dopes think Trump is the cause of all this, and Biden seems very calm. You can't talk any sense into them, I have quit trying.
Posted by: MaureenTheTemp at July 10, 2020 01:59 PM (gaFth) Thank you for validating what I suspected to be the case. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 02:03 PM (YhzyV) 345
Red Bank and Freehold NJ will be using drones to enforce face masks,
and they will be using facial recognition technology cross-matched with license pictures to enforce. This has got to be illegal. Posted by: IrishEi at July 10, 2020 01:50 PM (sGotD) It's for the Greater Good! Posted by: Sandford Neighbrhood Watch Alliance at July 10, 2020 02:03 PM (q1Pj5) 346
But, hey, I just did appellate work for years and,
in point of fact, trained Federal judges on a specific point of law but what do I know. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 10, 2020 01:57 PM (GbPPJ) Well, you are a Cleveland fan, and a chick, so.... Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 10, 2020 02:03 PM (dLLD6) 347
look Flynn will get off one way or another because eventually PDT will fully pardon him. But yes it will much better for him in a civil case if the court does it
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 10, 2020 02:03 PM (tsZQ+) 348
341 Posted by: Venus at July 10, 2020 02:00 PM (iYXhj)
Fuck off. Posted by: Grump928© at July 10, 2020 02:02 PM (YJAfx) ********************* Truth hurts. Poor baby. Posted by: Venus at July 10, 2020 02:03 PM (iYXhj) 349
Biden is indeed calm. Especially when groping young girls or swimming nude in from of female Secret Service agents...
Posted by: steevy at July 10, 2020 02:04 PM (KNsKs) 350
The thing is, hostages in principle can be released when demands are met. Unless the hostage takers are lying, which in this case they are. As they see it, we're dead meat that has to be kept calm with false hope until we can be loaded onto railroad cars for transport. Oh look, that building has a water tower on top. It's just a shower, we'll be fine. Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at July 10, 2020 02:04 PM (JdiCZ) 351
I have literally stopped dropped half my female friends because these dopes think Trump is the cause of all this, and Biden seems very calm.
Yeah I'm seeing that meme go around, that Biden is showing calm leadership and Trump is acting like a flailing lunatic. Mind you Trump is calm and doing the job of leadership and Biden is hiding in the basement gibbering quietly but this is about the perception, not the reality. One thing that angered the Democrats a lot in 2016 is that they lost too much of the white woman vote, and this is part of their tactic to get it back. Uh, the last time I checked, the Germans in the 30's didn't have 300 million guns and trillions of rounds of ammo to stop this shit. A huge uprising of enraged public shooting the crap out of rioters and looters would not exactly soothe the voters this is meant to intimidate. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 10, 2020 02:04 PM (KZzsI) 352
"Might be Brad Thor. His books are shit anyway."
Posted by: spindrift at July 10, 2020 01:58 PM (h5TKJThe only good thing Brad Thor has done in the past 4 years is help a real SEAL launch his literary career. Jack Carr is the real deal. He's a work in progress with his books, but getting better. Posted by: Chuck Martel at July 10, 2020 02:04 PM (6VKyY) 353
Trump should fire everybody in the FBI and demolish the Hoover building
==== Call an all hands meeting at HQ, lock the doors, then set the building on fire. No half measures. Posted by: Vlad the impaler, whittling away like mad at July 10, 2020 02:04 PM (d6mdH) Posted by: Citizen at July 10, 2020 02:04 PM (ldmQR) 355
Biden is indeed calm. Especially when groping young girls or swimming nude in from of female Secret Service agents...
===== That's a selling point. Democrat voters love themselves some rape/pedophilia/general skeeviness. Posted by: bicentennialguy at July 10, 2020 02:05 PM (vg8iE) 356
Why would anyone think the Democrats would stop this? It's happening in areas where the Dems are already in charge and they do nothing. The Dems in WA state could give BLM everything they want right now. So why would anyone think that putting more Dems in power would make life go back to normal?
Posted by: notsothoreau at July 10, 2020 02:05 PM (JKNZq) 357
AtC seems nice.
Posted by: fly at July 10, 2020 02:05 PM (2M/TV) 358
"Uh, the last time I checked, the Germans in the 30's didn't have 300 million guns and trillions of rounds of ammo to stop this shit."
I think maybe three rioters/antifa were shot by their own hands. That is a while mess of weapons and ammo laying around. "There are reasons that every attempt by Antifa to spread this to small town America has been a failure." I have watched them waltz on through neighborhoods with armed citizens. It seems the other ones are just sitting there waiting to be picked clean when they get around to it being they are just now starting to field their oats. Posted by: Drider at July 10, 2020 02:05 PM (R/UH9) 359
Tom, in case you forgot, was one of the ones setting his hair on fire that the oral arguments showed the court was going to DENY Flynn's writ of mandamus.
Posted by: Venus at July 10, 2020 02:00 PM (iYXhj) You are a fucking liar, and I dare you to find ONE SINGLE POST where I ever said anything like that. You've always been embarrased because I remembered how you groveled and licked ass about how wonderful all of the Shutdowns were going to be. So fuck you and your whore mother, too. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 10, 2020 02:06 PM (Kpl3J) 360
Can they respond today? I'm guessing Powell was already gaming this out.
________________ Sure, they can file their response today if they have it ready today, which they probably don't. But the government also has 10 days to file a response, and they'll probably want to use all the time. Anyway, it won't matter to the scheduling of oral arguments on the en banc petition, if those are set. They won't be set until after the motions deadline, regardless of when the motions are actually filed. I'm still doubtful that the court will grant en banc review, despite their left-leaning tendencies, just because it would open a whole can of worms for them to reverse the panel and say "hey, despite what we said in Fokker Services, we think it's totes cool for trial courts to conduct their own investigations into government charging decisions." It would be an invitation for a reversal by SCOTUS, because even John "it's a tax!" Roberts doesn't want to go there. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 10, 2020 02:06 PM (k4dH2) 361
Because a metric fuckton of people will vote
Democrat to stop the violence. And you can take that to the bank. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 10, 2020 01:53 PM (2JVJo) Particularly women. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 01:55 PM (YhzyV) Just no... do you really think people are not seeing where the violence is coming from? Really??? Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at July 10, 2020 02:06 PM (nAiE/) 362
244 How do you have a civil war when the enemy is your next door neighbor?
Posted by: MaureenTheTemp at July 10, 2020 01:45 PM (gaFth) Bake a nice chocolate cream pie Take it to his house Tell him this is all you get Posted by: Braenyard at July 10, 2020 02:06 PM (pr9ci) 363
Two days ago, the management canceled The Puyallup Fair.
For the first time in 120 years. Including WW's I and II. The 5th largest fair in America, the largest on the west coast. Under 40, there is virtually zero chance of death. Between 40 and 70, nearly zero. Teachers retire at 65, right? The same great thinkers that are closing The Fair are closing public schools this fall, if they can. It looks like nobody is willing to stop this nonsense. This national brainwashing has to end, or the country will end. tick tock, as Hannity says. Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg As I said yesterday... No more doing it at a trot, No more doing it at a gallop, No more doing it real slow so your heart don't palpitate... Fools. Posted by: Diogenes at July 10, 2020 02:06 PM (axyOa) 364
Posted by: Venus at July 10, 2020 02:00 PM (iYXhj)
Tom Servo wouldn't be getting the praise he gets if he was so pretty. Posted by: Can't resist temptation at July 10, 2020 02:06 PM (2DOZq) 365
We're going to end up fighting these assholes, no matter what. Everything is the way they've made it. Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at July 10, 2020 02:06 PM (JdiCZ) 366
It is a threat.
Left: Give us back the power of the presidency or we will continue to burn down the cities and loot and riot and kill. And the only appropriate response to this kind of threat is: Fuck you. War. 1. Turnabout is fair play. 2. They started it. Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Who can fight the beast? Revelation 13:4 at July 10, 2020 02:06 PM (HaL55) 367
Brad Thor has hated Trump for ever
haven't heard much from him in years Posted by: harley at July 10, 2020 02:06 PM (2EU+/) 368
As bad as it is, it's just going to get worse. The commies are not pretending anymore. They are in our face. I don't intend to be a victim. I have the right to defend myself and my property. Let the chips fall where they may.
Posted by: Case at July 10, 2020 02:07 PM (aDSHr) Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 10, 2020 02:07 PM (dLLD6) 370
Buy ammo. In my case, buy ammo and Ben Gay.
Posted by: bill in arkansas at July 10, 2020 02:07 PM (C1Lsn) 371
Thank you for validating what I suspected to be the case.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara It's why I personally am so panicked about this election. I am donating, I am going to volunteer, I will do what I can. But the stupidity out there is an infinite abyss. These women think if Trump were just gone, everything would "go back to normal." They literally don't get what is going on. On the bright side, the average IQ of my friends has tripled. Posted by: MaureenTheTemp at July 10, 2020 02:07 PM (gaFth) 372
367 Brad Thor has hated Trump for ever
haven't heard much from him in years Posted by: harley at July 10, 2020 02:06 PM (2EU+/) Sad. A lot of people I thought were solid turned insane by Trump. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 10, 2020 02:08 PM (ifmtJ) 373
I see things are still going BOOM in Iran... Funny that
Posted by: It's me donna at July 10, 2020 02:08 PM (Zmnko) 374
The Declaration should be your guide, here.
There are rules and there are Rules. Posted by: garrett at July 10, 2020 01:39 PM (pMW2k ^^THIS^^ also. Posted by: GWB at July 10, 2020 02:08 PM (mRtYs) 375
"A Democratic president would forcefully suppress the riots"
Bullshit. We had riots almost every year under Obama. Riots are common in communist countries to distract from the failures of leadership and to point out the proper scapegoats whether they be Jews or cops or anyone else. The riots won't stop until the Left has complete control. Then BLM and Antifa will only riot when they're told to riot. The only way to stop the riots is to reelect Trump. Vote every Democrat out of office. Then line up every Democrat/Antifa/BLM/Media scumbag and shoot them all in the head. Posted by: Botched_Lobotomy at July 10, 2020 02:08 PM (lRrON) 376
The paid like whores members of the 'Conservative cause' will still get put to the wall once the revolution happens.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 10, 2020 01:21 PM (IoJVq) Maybe regardless of who wins. Posted by: OneEyedJack at July 10, 2020 02:08 PM (z79tQ) 377
Let's not fight amongst ourselves. I mean, not more than usual anyway...
Posted by: steevy at July 10, 2020 02:08 PM (KNsKs) 378
A huge uprising of enraged public shooting the crap out of rioters and
looters would not exactly soothe the voters this is meant to intimidate. We worry too much about this election. Honestly - who is going to shrug and say "Well, damn, we lost. I guess I'll line up for the ovens now. Rules are rules." ? Or go "Shit, I'd love to defend my home - but that's going to really screw the suburban white woman turnout". Nobody that was going to do any shooting in the first place, that's who. Here's the deal - the Left will eventually win, either in 2020 or 2024 or 2028 or 20-eventually. And then it's on. So are we really that emotionally invested in what's nothing more than a four year reprieve ? Posted by: Circular Thinking at July 10, 2020 02:08 PM (eN2PK) 379
>>THAT IS HOW ALL OF THIS MOTHERFUCKING WORKS. The Tits are NOT Calm. Posted by: garrett Mrs D's panty status: Wadded. Posted by: Diogenes at July 10, 2020 02:09 PM (axyOa) 380
Well, you are a Cleveland fan, and a chick, so....
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 10, 2020 02:03 PM (dLLD6) These are fair points. Also, and pity Bander who is getting screed at right now, remember, all y'all, the government in this case is ON FLYNN'S SIDE. I need chocolate. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 10, 2020 02:09 PM (GbPPJ) 381
So f#%k you and your whore mother, too.
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 10, 2020 02:06 PM (Kpl3J) Unacceptable. Disagree all you want, but this will end. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 10, 2020 02:09 PM (dLLD6) 382
Remember the "Killdozer?" Yeah, I see more of that unless this shit gets ENDED. People will be fucking cheering it on as it rolls over BLM/Antifa on the freeway like that scene of terminators crushing skulls in Kyle Reese's nightmare. Posted by: The Two Yoots at July 10, 2020 01:22 PM (6MoD2) Post of the Day, my friend. Here's your platinum membership card. Posted by: Max Power at July 10, 2020 02:09 PM (q177U) 383
My fear is that people are actually buying all this New culture stuff... If so I am waaaaay out of the loop
Posted by: It's me donna at July 10, 2020 02:09 PM (Zmnko) 384
Just no... do you really think people are not seeing where the violence is coming from? Really???
Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at July 10, 2020 02:06 PM (nAiE/) ============================= Right, it's intruding into their lives. It takes a lot more to elaborate what's wrong than to perceive it. They know, they will vote Donald J. Trump, November 3, 2020. Posted by: Braenyard at July 10, 2020 02:09 PM (pr9ci) 385
Here's the deal - the Left will eventually win, either in 2020 or 2024 or 2028 or 20-eventually. And then it's on. So are we really that emotionally invested in what's nothing more than a four year reprieve ?
Posted by: Circular Thinking at July 10, 2020 02:08 PM (eN2PK) Good way of looking at it. Posted by: Someguy at July 10, 2020 02:09 PM (Zm+LZ) 386
Just no... do you really think people are not seeing where the violence is coming from? Really???
There are at last some ignorant women who think its Trump's fault, somehow. This isn't based on logic or facts, just emotion and fear and Why Doesn't Daddy Do Something??? How many is a matter of some uncertainty. I suspect that they will be offset by minorities pissed that their homes and businesses were wiped out, and by people who see the crazy coming from the left and don't want to encourage or reward that. But we'll see. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 10, 2020 02:10 PM (KZzsI) 387
If you don't want to be seen as 'political' you have to go along with what the Deep State wants.
Posted by: t-bird at July 10, 2020 02:10 PM (8eSmR) 388
There are rules and there are Rules. -------- The written ones are there so we dont have to resort to the unwritten ones. Careful stripping away the written ones. Robespierre should be a cautionary tale. Posted by: fixerupper at July 10, 2020 02:10 PM (yZPvv) 389
Red Bank and Freehold NJ will be using drones to enforce face masks,
and they will be using facial recognition technology cross-matched with license pictures to enforce. How many people shoot skeet up there? And what would be the drone-to-ammo ratio? Posted by: BackwardsBoy - Who can fight the beast? Revelation 13:4 at July 10, 2020 02:10 PM (HaL55) 390
A huge uprising of enraged public shooting the crap out of rioters and looters would not exactly soothe the voters this is meant to intimidate. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 10, 2020 02:04 PM mayhaps it should be tried, just to see if it works or not Posted by: AltonJackson at July 10, 2020 02:10 PM (bgD6c) 391
Posted by: lizabth at July 10, 2020 02:10 PM (L3Rsz) 392
will it, though? can a mob really be stopped once it's tasted blood ====== Sure it can. See Belisarius and the Nika riots or Napoleon and his whiff of grape. It just requires a river of blood. I suggest several dozen 7.62 miniguns. Or a GAU-8 Posted by: Vlad the impaler, whittling away like mad at July 10, 2020 02:11 PM (d6mdH) 393
But the stupidity out there is an infinite abyss. These women think if Trump were just gone, everything would "go back to normal." They literally don't get what is going on.
Yep, very true. My circle of friends has diminished to...well I seriously do not have any friends right now. Posted by: Jewells45 at July 10, 2020 02:11 PM (dUJdY) 394
Just no... do you really think people are not seeing where the violence is coming from? Really???
Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at July 10, 2020 02:06 PM (nAiE/) I think people understand that the violence is coming from the left. My fear is that the violence seems distant to a lot of suburban GOP voting women - what they're more frightened of is Wuhan flu. I see this among my sister and her friends - they are hysterical about Wuhan flu and if you don't wear a mask you're a science denier. I have to admit, the Commies figured out the right way to frighten Americans and get them to give up their freedoms - via "health" and "safety." That's our Achilles heel. Posted by: Donna&&&&&V. at July 10, 2020 02:11 PM (HabA/) 395
"Buy ammo"
Ammo of the appropriate caliber is as hard to find as AR's over the past few weeks. Apparently both were looted from sporting goods stores and police stations. Posted by: Drider at July 10, 2020 02:11 PM (R/UH9) 396
372 Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo
===== Yes Trump has pulled a lot of masks off Posted by: harley at July 10, 2020 02:11 PM (2EU+/) 397
Just no... do you really think people are not seeing where the violence is coming from? Really???
Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at July 10, 2020 02:06 PM (nAiE/) They should, but will they? I can hear it now: "Can't we all just get along? Let's compromise, and only tear down half of the statues, and defund half of the police." Conflict avoidance. Sometimes conflicts cannot be avoided. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 02:11 PM (YhzyV) 398
AtC seems nice.
Posted by: fly at July 10, 2020 02:05 PM (2M/TV) ~~~~~ LOL New here? *quickly backs away from fly* Posted by: IrishEi at July 10, 2020 02:11 PM (sGotD) 399
What's this about tits?
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 10, 2020 02:11 PM (ifmtJ) 400
I need chocolate.
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 10, 2020 02:09 PM (GbPPJ) That's a fine idea. Is the federal courts process documented, or is at least some of it precedent and tradition? Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 10, 2020 02:11 PM (dLLD6) 401
Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 10, 2020 02:12 PM (KZzsI) 402
Easy there stud.
I admit to being cranky with the COVID but I am just tired of commenters who seem congenitally incapable of make a point without taking a swipe at other Morons. Posted by: Grump928© at July 10, 2020 02:12 PM (jbtTP) 403
A huge uprising of enraged public shooting the crap out of rioters and looters would not exactly soothe the voters this is meant to intimidate.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 10, 2020 02:04 PM (KZzsI) I, myself, would love to see the looters and arsonists dead. This BLM shit is to test the water: how far can we go unchecked by more than some weakling prosecutions which might never go to court. Chepe never went to trial, now did he? So until there's some sort of payback, they will keep pushing the limit. Someone earlier called them "attention seeking children". I don't buy it, but if you feel that way, you stop things fast while you can correct the problem, you don't ignore violent behavior or you get more and eventually you can't stop it by yourself. So how far do they get to push? As for Biden, he has no tools of leadership, excepting the purse strings via ActBlue, etc. And Barr won't act, so why should the DNC characters pulling Biden's strings? And "behind the scenes" doesn't count. Posted by: CN at July 10, 2020 02:12 PM (ONvIw) 404
"Here's the deal - the Left will eventually win, either in 2020 or 2024 or 2028 or 20-eventually."
Yep. Have believed and said that for years but only now have I taken it seriously in practical terms. From what I see at the two local gun ranges - packed to the rafters and empty shelves - we are not alone. Posted by: Citizen at July 10, 2020 02:12 PM (ldmQR) 405
Yep, very true. My circle of friends has diminished to...well I seriously do not have any friends right now.
Posted by: Jewells45 Honestly, if I didn't have access to Ace and the Moron Horde, I would think I am the only person who thinks like me on the planet. Posted by: MaureenTheTemp at July 10, 2020 02:13 PM (gaFth) 406
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"
Sounds maybe like Dr. Strangelove? Yes,no,maybe? Posted by: Drider at July 10, 2020 02:13 PM (R/UH9) 407
395 "Buy ammo"
Ammo of the appropriate caliber is as hard to find as AR's over the past few weeks. Apparently both were looted from sporting goods stores and police stations. Posted by: Drider at July 10, 2020 02:11 PM (R/UH9) SGAMMO J&G SALES CLASSIC FIREARMS BUDS GUN SHOP Guns and ammo are available, prices are up and supplies are down. If you need help finding some, let me know. Email is on my site. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 10, 2020 02:13 PM (ifmtJ) 408
376 The paid like whores members of the 'Conservative cause' will still get put to the wall once the revolution happens.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 10, 2020 01:21 PM (IoJVq) Is this a squad volunteer request? Posted by: Braenyard at July 10, 2020 02:13 PM (pr9ci) 409
But the stupidity out there is an infinite abyss. These women think if Trump were just gone, everything would "go back to normal." They literally don't get what is going on.
Thank you. That succinctly summarizes what I was trying to say. "Everything was fine until Trump was elected ..." Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 02:13 PM (YhzyV) 410
what they're more frightened of is Wuhan flu. I see this among my sister and her friends - they are hysterical about Wuhan flu and if you don't wear a mask you're a science denier.
The establishment has spent 4 months trying to scare the hell out of women and especially mothers. Incessant, continual, unceasing, relentless pounding. Ads everywhere, public service announcements, signs, comments in every forum, mentions in advertising, entertainment, news, in between songs, EVERYWHERE CONSTANTLY. As a result, malleable, somewhat emotionally-driven minds have been trained to live in terror of this stuff without any facts to back it up, and worse, they've been told this is SCIENCE WHICH CANNOT BE QUESTIONED Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 10, 2020 02:14 PM (KZzsI) 411
"Ammo of the appropriate caliber is as hard to find as AR's over the past few weeks.
Apparently both were looted from sporting goods stores and police stations." Hm. Were I a communist in Congress, I would use that as an excuse to push through draconian restrictions on ammo sales nationwide. I hate that I can think like they do but sometimes it comes in handy. Posted by: Citizen at July 10, 2020 02:15 PM (ldmQR) Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at July 10, 2020 02:15 PM (CD5Uk) 413
Biden is indeed calm. Especially when groping young girls or swimming nude in from of female Secret Service agents...
OT: Is he using black marbles for eyes? He loos so alien this year. Posted by: t-bird at July 10, 2020 02:15 PM (UMXod) 414
I hope you all are having the best day possible.
It makes no difference what comment I make here. What will make a difference is what I am doing to fight back against the bullshit that is happening. Powder status is changing. Posted by: Ben Had at July 10, 2020 02:15 PM (dJ11I) 415
Ok, who slapped a manatee in front of AtC?
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at July 10, 2020 02:15 PM (Jx5Qs) 416
Buy ammo. In my case, buy ammo and Ben Gay.
Posted by: bill in arkansas at July 10, 2020 02:07 PM (C1Lsn) Heh. You know what worries me ? Friggin' shoe inserts. I got high arches - and I've beat my feet to death in the army, construction, etc... So I gotta' use inserts. No biggy - I can still hike 20 miles with a pack, bike, work, etc... But I need those inserts. They're over the counter - about $60 bucks a year. I've thought about buying twenty years worth - just to be sure. How nuts is that ? Posted by: Circular Thinking at July 10, 2020 02:15 PM (eN2PK) Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 10, 2020 02:15 PM (KZzsI) 418
370 Buy ammo. In my case, buy ammo and Ben Gay.
I'm not buying .223 for $1 a round, I'd have to kick my OWN ass for that. Anyone buying now is too late. Plus, you're buying high (and not from weed). BUy high, sell low. TOO LATE. I got enough to assist me in taking someone else's shit, Negan-style. Like the CHOP warlord, or one of the rainbow clad security guard's. Posted by: The Two Yoots at July 10, 2020 02:15 PM (6MoD2) 419
Ammo of the appropriate caliber is as hard to find as AR's over the past few weeks.
Apparently both were looted from sporting goods stores and police stations. Posted by: Drider at July 10, 2020 02:11 PM (R/UH9) SGAMMO J&G SALES CLASSIC FIREARMS BUDS GUN SHOP Guns and ammo are available, prices are up and supplies are down. If you need help finding some, let me know. Email is on my site. LOOK AT ALL THAT AMMO!!!! Oh wait, i clicked the in stock button at CF and just became deflated. Trust me when I say that the ammo is dripping out in dribs and drabs. I know because I've been buying it as it pops up. Posted by: Drider at July 10, 2020 02:16 PM (R/UH9) 420
You think women are going to vote for the guy promising to get rid of the police???
Posted by: ... at July 10, 2020 02:16 PM (M7Sjc) 421
Just no... do you really think people are not seeing where the violence is coming from? Really???
Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at July 10, 2020 02:06 PM (nAiE/) Go out into the street in any city - any city - and ask a random dozen people why statues are coming down and there are riots in cities. At least half of them will blame Trump and his "racism," his "division" and his "white supremacy." Again, you can take it to the bank. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 10, 2020 02:16 PM (2JVJo) Posted by: The Two Yoots at July 10, 2020 02:16 PM (6MoD2) 423
Thank you. That succinctly summarizes what I was trying to say. "Everything was fine until Trump was elected ..." Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 02:13 PM (YhzyV) Then why was Trump elected? Posted by: CN at July 10, 2020 02:16 PM (ONvIw) 424
As I said yesterday... No more doing it at a trot, No more doing it at a gallop, No more doing it real slow so your heart don't palpitate... Fools. Posted by: Diogenes at July 10, 2020 02:06 PM (axyOa) Sorry, D, I have been away from the blog, and general news/asshattery for a few days. The nonsense has been getting to me, and I had to get away from it. Let's get that South Puget Sound MicroMe going! There are at least a few morons between the Airport and Olympia. Heck, we could even invite those morons in Seattle and northward. They drink, too. Trust me. Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 10, 2020 02:17 PM (sy5kK) 425
En banc has not been issued. Flynn has been given 10 days to respond to the petition requesting en banc. The order is stayed during that time. THAT IS HOW THIS WORKS. THAT IS HOW ALL OF THIS MOTHERFUCKING WORKS. Yes, I'm going to be an enormous c word about this because I'm sick of watching people run around with their hair on fire about ROUTINE FUCKING APPELLATE RULE SHIT. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM (GbPPJ) This would be correct. There is nothing in those two paragraphs that grants Sullivan's motion. Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at July 10, 2020 02:17 PM (nAiE/) 426
As I said yesterday... No more doing it at a trot, No more doing it at a gallop, No more doing it real slow so your heart don't palpitate... Fools. Posted by: Diogenes at July 10, 2020 02:06 PM (axyOa) Sorry, D, I have been away from the blog, and general news/asshattery for a few days. The nonsense has been getting to me, and I had to get away from it. Let's get that South Puget Sound MicroMe going! There are at least a few morons between the Airport and Olympia. Heck, we could even invite those morons in Seattle and northward. They drink, too. Trust me. Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 10, 2020 02:17 PM (sy5kK) I can bring bourbon again Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 10, 2020 02:18 PM (ifmtJ) 427
"383 My fear is that people are actually buying all this New culture stuff... If so I am waaaaay out of the loop"
My feeling is that it is a smaller segment of elites (politicians and professors) and younger people buy it (or use it). In the past the younger would have had families and that would bring real world interactions that challenge what was learned in school. But I am seeing stats about how millennials have 1/5 - 1/3 the wealth their parents had at their age, and many or most aren't married. I think this is the key problem. Posted by: goodluckduck at July 10, 2020 02:18 PM (ddLW2) 428
420 You think women are going to vote for the guy promising to get rid of the police???
Posted by: ... at July 10, 2020 02:16 PM (M7Sjc) My concern is that they might gullible enough to believe all the "kumbaya" shit, and think just hugging it out will make everything fine. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 02:18 PM (YhzyV) 429
362 244 How do you have a civil war when the enemy is your next door neighbor?
Posted by: MaureenTheTemp at July 10, 2020 01:45 PM (gaFth) Bake a nice chocolate cream pie Take it to his house Tell him this is all you get Posted by: Braenyard And then burn his phucking house down around his ears. Posted by: BifBewalski - sinis est culus at July 10, 2020 02:18 PM (VcFUs) 430
Just no... do you really think people are not seeing where the violence is coming from? Really???
Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at July 10, 2020 02:06 PM (nAiE/) Go out into the street in any city - any city - and ask a random dozen people why statues are coming down and there are riots in cities. At least half of them will blame Trump and his "racism," his "division" and his "white supremacy." Again, you can take it to the bank. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 10, 2020 02:16 PM (2JVJo) It will not be half and it is the same damn almost half that didn't vote for him in the first place. Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at July 10, 2020 02:19 PM (nAiE/) 431
You think women are going to vote for the guy promising to get rid of the police???
I don't think they are aware he has said that. The media is great at targeting, only releasing information to certain areas to make sure they get what they want out to each various group and not to others. They have done that for decades. We know this stuff because we're tied into the information stream and share it here, but most people only know what they are hand fed, because they aren't actively seeking information. That's not to say all is lost and we should now light our hair on fire. Its just that the weakened, dying legacy media still has a lot of punch. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 10, 2020 02:19 PM (KZzsI) 432
"Our side needs to confront these terrorists silently and undercover. When they're alone (not in packs), in their homes, when they think they're safe. Anything that can be filmed will only be used against us. Dismantle them methodically, one scumbag at a time, including da white wimmen. If you had to wonder who was going to show up at your house in the wee hours you may decide not to show yourself in a public riot."
Welll, I am sort of surprised that there has seemingly not emerged some sort of conservative version of Soros who would bankroll various and forceful stealth operations. There have to be plenty of vets who are seething at what is going on. Heck, many years ago the Hells Angels attacked protestors in Oakland. Sonny Barger was trying to get to Tom Hayden and cut off his finger to take back a ring Hayden had made out of a plane shot down in Vietnam. That type of statement will get the attention of soibois who love the attention and buzz they're getting now, Posted by: RM at July 10, 2020 02:19 PM (U3LtS) 433
OK, I'm gonna go buy 3 pounds Lifeboat Coffee. Pro Life coffee roaster here in Phoenix. and when I walk in he has a gun on his hip. Theres hope.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at July 10, 2020 02:19 PM (Jx5Qs) 434
>>>Nood. Are fights allowed to carry over into the nood? If not, I think I'll hang here for a bit. Posted by: fly at July 10, 2020 02:20 PM (2M/TV) 435
420 You think women are going to vote for the guy promising to get rid of the police???
Posted by: ... at July 10, 2020 02:16 PM (M7Sjc) My concern is that they might gullible enough to believe all the "kumbaya" shit, and think just hugging it out will make everything fine. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 02:18 PM (YhzyV) Speaking as a woman, we are not that gullible. Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at July 10, 2020 02:20 PM (nAiE/) Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 10, 2020 02:21 PM (ifmtJ) 437
Then why was Trump elected?
Posted by: CN at July 10, 2020 02:16 PM (ONvIw) (speaking as a liberal with duck feathers for brains): "Because all those terrible deplorables felt threatened by the approach of a nice, fair, equal society that was characterized by love and understanding." How'd I do? Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 02:21 PM (YhzyV) 438
Keep in mind that there are also a lot of people who never did the math before on where consistently voting Democrat leads. They never heard people like us trying to warn them when there was little evidence; much of it was hypothetical, based on history of which they had no interest.
NOW, it's right there in front of their eyes. Because it's getting spooky fast, they are much better able and much more willing to connect the dots of the eternal rule that Elections Have Consequences. Am I pinning my hopes on that? No, but it definitely is going to be a factor we really won't see bear fruit until the election is over. Posted by: Citizen at July 10, 2020 02:22 PM (ldmQR) 439
Speaking as a woman, we are not that gullible.
Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at July 10, 2020 02:20 PM (nAiE/) I'm sure you're not, but I'm also pretty sure that some are. So the question is what proportion ARE that gullible? Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 02:23 PM (YhzyV) 440
>>> Let's not fight amongst ourselves. I mean, not more than usual anyway...
Posted by: steevy at July 10, 2020 02:08 PM (KNsKs) YOU'RE NOT MY FIGHTING SUPERVISOR!!! Posted by: Cheryl Tunt at July 10, 2020 02:23 PM (fz0iQ) 441
I don't think that is how most people will interpret it. Most will see the lawlessness and chaos in Democrat cities as what they will be getting a whole lot more of if the Democrats win the election ergo I think this works in Trump's favor among most Americans.
Posted by: salander at July 10, 2020 02:23 PM (FuyJU) 442
My concern is that they might gullible enough to
believe all the "kumbaya" shit, and think just hugging it out will make everything fine. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 02:18 PM (YhzyV) It's a legitimate fear, but in the end women want Daddy and what's more they want a strong Daddy. Logic and reason don't come into it. Just wait. Posted by: ... at July 10, 2020 02:23 PM (M7Sjc) 443
420 You think women are going to vote for the guy promising to get rid of the police???
Posted by: ... at July 10, 2020 02:16 PM (M7Sjc) Progda will restate it into soothing phrases and continue to ignore the burning buildings and beat downs of citizens. Cuz racism is bad. And if you don't drop everything and join the chant, you are part of the problem. So yes, many women will believe Progda when saying that getting rid of the police is actually increasing their efficiency and building harmony. Oh, and FREE yellow stars! Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 10, 2020 02:24 PM (sy5kK) 444
It's a legitimate fear, but in the end women want Daddy and what's more they want a strong Daddy. Logic and reason don't come into it. Just wait.
Posted by: ... at July 10, 2020 02:23 PM (M7Sjc) But wanting Daddy is part of the problem: the ultimate Daddy is the Federal government, the stronger the better, as I'm concerned they would see it. I'd rather they wanted to be independent, and left alone, rather than being taken care of. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 02:25 PM (YhzyV) 445
If wishes were horses, beggars can't be choosers so don't look a gift horse in the mouth!
Posted by: Max Power at July 10, 2020 02:27 PM (q177U) 446
So yes, many women will believe Progda when saying that getting rid of the police is actually increasing their efficiency and building harmony.
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 10, 2020 02:24 PM (sy5kK) The Age of Aquarius. "Harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abound ..." Sound familiar? Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 10, 2020 02:30 PM (YhzyV) 447
Because a metric fuckton of people will vote Democrat to stop the
violence. And you can take that to the bank. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 10, 2020 01:53 PM (2JVJo) Yes, they absolutely will. However, those people were Democratic voters to begin with, because that is exactly the kind of personality that votes for Democrats. Posted by: An Observation at July 10, 2020 02:32 PM (mDh27) 448
It's not just women, it is anyone that still believes what Progda is telling us. That includes many people who work all day, and spend 5 minutes on AM radio at the top of the hour, or 30 minutes watching the news as they get home. Or they check their Yahoo email and see headlines from Yahoo News. Lies are emphasized, and common sense truth is ignored, or even slandered. The brainwashing is constant and severe. For four years now. Yes, some people, especially the suburban woman, will vote all ChinaCrat to "stop the violence". Because they so desperately want to turn the clock back to 2007. Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at July 10, 2020 02:32 PM (sy5kK) 449
I've said this for awhile.
With the addendum that the left is counting on America having Stockholm syndrome. Posted by: Boxer brief at July 10, 2020 02:38 PM (SqopC) 450
. Flynn has been given 10 days to
respond to the petition requesting en banc. I think that one of the things I would point out in the response, is that the Judge is not a party in the case and has no standing to appeal for en banc. Posted by: An Observation at July 10, 2020 02:38 PM (mDh27) 451
Speaking as a woman, we are not that gullible.
Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at July 10, 2020 02:20 PM (nAiE/) You're a belle and a ginger; How on earth could you be gullible? Posted by: Braenyard at July 10, 2020 02:39 PM (pr9ci) 452
******* US files superseding indictment against Ghislaine Maxwell - The Jerusalem post Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani at July 10, 2020 02:40 PM (1Dmt5) 453
******* US files superseding indictment against Ghislaine Maxwell - The Jerusalem post Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani at July 10, 2020 02:40 PM (1Dmt5) =========================== So, the DOJ can jump on Ghislaine and indict her but Barr CANNOT convene a grand jury. How does that work? Posted by: Braenyard at July 10, 2020 02:42 PM (pr9ci) 454
En banc has not been issued. Flynn has been given 10 days to respond to the petition requesting en banc. The order is stayed during that time. THAT IS HOW THIS WORKS. THAT IS HOW ALL OF THIS MOTHERFUCKING WORKS. Yes, I'm going to be an enormous c word about this because I'm sick of watching people run around with their hair on fire about ROUTINE FUCKING APPELLATE RULE SHIT. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM *sniffs* *wipes eyes* That was poetry. Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 10, 2020 02:42 PM (ejd/p) Posted by: naturalfake at July 10, 2020 02:42 PM (dLPcm) 456
Yes, I'm going to be an enormous c word about this
Carrot?[/] Cutie. She's beautiful when she smacks down ignorance. Posted by: Blanco Basura - lives again at July 10, 2020 02:44 PM (SchxB) 457
En banc has not been issued. Flynn has been given 10 days to respond to the petition requesting en banc. The order is stayed during that time. THAT IS HOW THIS WORKS. THAT IS HOW ALL OF THIS MOTHERFUCKING WORKS. Yes, I'm going to be an enormous c word about this because I'm sick of watching people run around with their hair on fire about ROUTINE FUCKING APPELLATE RULE SHIT. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 10, 2020 01:51 PM ********** Good For You ! I will send you your favorite adult Beverage through the USB port Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani at July 10, 2020 02:45 PM (1Dmt5) 458
So, the DOJ can jump on Ghislaine and indict her
but Barr CANNOT convene a grand jury. How does that work? To be fair, it did take them more than 20 years to file that indictment against her. Posted by: An Observation at July 10, 2020 02:47 PM (mDh27) 459
OT: Romee Strijd
She'll make you rigid. Carry on Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 10, 2020 02:21 PM Pretty kid, but someone needs to throw her a sammich or 3. Posted by: RedMindBlueState at July 10, 2020 02:48 PM (ejd/p) 460
To be fair, it did take them more than 20 years to file that indictment against her.
Posted by: An Observation at July 10, 2020 02:47 PM (mDh27) When did they convene the grand jury for the indictment? Posted by: Braenyard at July 10, 2020 02:51 PM (pr9ci) 461
Not to mention lockdowns/Sharia Mask Law forever if Orange Man Bad re-elected.
Posted by: Mookie at July 10, 2020 03:15 PM (3vIkC) 462
From an earlier posting : " David Brooks? EABOD."
I shudder to ask - EABOD? I know it's an acronym but can't quite puzzle it out..... Posted by: Anonymous Guy in Ca at July 10, 2020 04:15 PM (VjpIm) Processing 0.09, elapsed 0.0963 seconds. |
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Democratic Forays into Erotica New Shows On Gore's DNC/MTV Network Nicknames for Potatoes, By People Who Really Hate Potatoes Star Wars Euphemisms for Self-Abuse Signs You're at an Iraqi "Wedding Party" Signs Your Clown Has Gone Bad Signs That You, Geroge Michael, Should Probably Just Give It Up Signs of Hip-Hop Influence on John Kerry NYT Headlines Spinning Bush's Jobs Boom Things People Are More Likely to Say Than "Did You Hear What Al Franken Said Yesterday?" Signs that Paul Krugman Has Lost His Frickin' Mind All-Time Best NBA Players, According to Senator Robert Byrd Other Bad Things About the Jews, According to the Koran Signs That David Letterman Just Doesn't Care Anymore Examples of Bob Kerrey's Insufferable Racial Jackassery Signs Andy Rooney Is Going Senile Other Judgments Dick Clarke Made About Condi Rice Based on Her Appearance Collective Names for Groups of People John Kerry's Other Vietnam Super-Pets Cool Things About the XM8 Assault Rifle Media-Approved Facts About the Democrat Spy Changes to Make Christianity More "Inclusive" Secret John Kerry Senatorial Accomplishments John Edwards Campaign Excuses John Kerry Pick-Up Lines Changes Liberal Senator George Michell Will Make at Disney Torments in Dog-Hell Greatest Hitjobs
The Ace of Spades HQ Sex-for-Money Skankathon A D&D Guide to the Democratic Candidates Margaret Cho: Just Not Funny More Margaret Cho Abuse Margaret Cho: Still Not Funny Iraqi Prisoner Claims He Was Raped... By Woman Wonkette Announces "Morning Zoo" Format John Kerry's "Plan" Causes Surrender of Moqtada al-Sadr's Militia World Muslim Leaders Apologize for Nick Berg's Beheading Michael Moore Goes on Lunchtime Manhattan Death-Spree Milestone: Oliver Willis Posts 400th "Fake News Article" Referencing Britney Spears Liberal Economists Rue a "New Decade of Greed" Artificial Insouciance: Maureen Dowd's Word Processor Revolts Against Her Numbing Imbecility Intelligence Officials Eye Blogs for Tips They Done Found Us Out, Cletus: Intrepid Internet Detective Figures Out Our Master Plan Shock: Josh Marshall Almost Mentions Sarin Discovery in Iraq Leather-Clad Biker Freaks Terrorize Australian Town When Clinton Was President, Torture Was Cool What Wonkette Means When She Explains What Tina Brown Means Wonkette's Stand-Up Act Wankette HQ Gay-Rumors Du Jour Here's What's Bugging Me: Goose and Slider My Own Micah Wright Style Confession of Dishonesty Outraged "Conservatives" React to the FMA An On-Line Impression of Dennis Miller Having Sex with a Kodiak Bear The Story the Rightwing Media Refuses to Report! Our Lunch with David "Glengarry Glen Ross" Mamet The House of Love: Paul Krugman A Michael Moore Mystery (TM) The Dowd-O-Matic! Liberal Consistency and Other Myths Kepler's Laws of Liberal Media Bias John Kerry-- The Splunge! Candidate "Divisive" Politics & "Attacks on Patriotism" (very long) The Donkey ("The Raven" parody) News/Chat