aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Incompetent Lunatic Judge Emmit Sullivan Waits Two Weeks To Ask For a Reconsideration of His Bullshit PositionToday is the day that Emmit Sullivan is required by law -- by a mandamus directive from the Court of Appeals that oversees him -- to dismiss the Flynn case. Instead of doing so, he asks for an en banc review, less than two hours before the End of Business Day deadline. He could have made this request at any time over the past two weeks. But he waited until almost the 5pm deadline. The theory that this cocksucker is just trying to stall this case out so that a Biden DOJ can revive the case is getting stronger.The judge in Michael Flynn's criminal case asked a federal appeals court Thursday to reconsider its ruling ordering him to dismiss the criminal case against the former national security advisor to President Donald Trump. Judge Emmet Sullivan's lawyer asked for a so-called en banc review of the decision of the three-judge appeals court panel, which would involve all active judges on the court to re-hear the case. The lawyer for Sullivan argued in a lengthy court filing that the order to quickly grant the Department of Justice's request to drop its prosecution of Flynn "threatens to turn ordinary judicial process upside down."You know what turns ordinary judicial process upside down? A rogue judge deciding he's now a member of the Executive branch with the power to appoint his own personal prosecutor. I don't expect the Court to grant this motion. I expect them to quickly send along another mandamus order telling him that he is in breach of the first one. There are two reasons why: First, granting an en banc review is rare. But second -- any judge on the Circuit Court, including the Obamabot who dissented in the ruling, could have asked for an en banc hearing at any time. That is, a member of the court can ask for an en banc hearing of their own volition. If there were six votes (I think that's the required number) in favor of such a motion, the en banc hearing would be scheduled. Indeed -- I think it would have already been scheduled. But it wasn't. I assume that the Obamabot judge did ask for a rehearing -- and failed to collect the required number of votes to have one. I think this cocksucker lunatic was hoping the court would act on its own to schedule an en banc rehearing, not wanting to further piss them off. Today he realized they weren't going to -- so he sent along his dilatory motion for a rehearing, less than two hours before he is directed, by law, to dismiss the case. If the court is going to have to entertain this cocksucker's shenanigans again, I think they should reopen discussion about whether it's time to reassign the Flynn case to someone with the constitutionally-required level of judicial dispassion and objectivity. Robert Barnes said the court did not do that because that truly is humiliating -- a superior court straight-up saying you lack the emotional maturity to judge a case. A ruling like that will also haunt you throughout what remains of your career, as defendants can cite a previous ruling that you were unfit to serve as a judge to disqualify you from their cases. It's time. They've given this slow-witted scumbag enough leeway. It's time to officially deem him the insane vindictive hyperemotional would-be tyrant that he is. Thanks to deplorable unperson. Update: Houstonian doesn't think it's a big deal that Sullivan filed this just before the deadline, and doesn't think it means much that the court itself did not already vote for an en banc review: 67 Not that I'm any fan of Judge Sullivan. The criticism of him trying to act as an Executive while in judicial robes is spot-on. But the filing two hours before the deadline is just lawyers being lawyers. Especially if the filing document is, as the excerpt says, "lengthy". And while judges can initiate an en banc review, the vast majority of requests for en-banc reviews come from the side disappointed in what the three-judge panel did. I wouldn't consider a last-moment request for an en banc to be particularly sinister. Just an everyday occurrence. But, as said above, Sullivan trying to appoint his own prosecutor is absolutely horrendous. Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Sullivan will prevail
Posted by: Roberts and Gorsuch to Oklahoma at July 09, 2020 04:16 PM (ONvIw) 2
But treason!
Posted by: RoyalOil at July 09, 2020 04:17 PM (+CAgs) Posted by: TexasDan at July 09, 2020 04:17 PM (2HIdp) 4
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:17 PM (LvTSG) 5
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:17 PM (LvTSG) 6
remove his stupid ass from the bench
Posted by: DanMan at July 09, 2020 04:18 PM (XTiHL) 7
This is my shocked face.... :0
Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 09, 2020 04:18 PM (pxPu3) 8
The judge is a fargin cork soaker.
Posted by: lymond at July 09, 2020 04:18 PM (Jvjtu) 9
I think they will deny the en banc hearing. This goose is cooked, and they will need their powder dry in order to engage in chicanery closer to the election.
Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at July 09, 2020 04:19 PM (svbBD) 10
This guy isn't even qualified to judge a pie eating contest at some local agricultural fair in rural eastbumfuckistan.
Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at July 09, 2020 04:19 PM (N39Ws) 11
It is safe to say this entire move by Sullivan subsequent to the DOJ dropping their case is unprecedented? Has any judge continued with a prosecution after the charging prosecutor dropped the case?
Posted by: Can't resist temptation at July 09, 2020 04:19 PM (2DOZq) 12
Delay, delay, delay...
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 09, 2020 04:19 PM (ifmtJ) 13
What an evil, vindictive piece of scum. I hope Karma pays him a visit... soon.
Posted by: redridinghood at July 09, 2020 04:19 PM (wiXsO) 14
There are two reasons why: First, granting an en banc review is rare.
But second -- any judge on the Circuit Court, including the Obamabot who dissented in the ruling, could have asked for an en banc hearing at any time. That is, a member of the court can ask for an en banc hearing of their own volition. If there were six votes (I think that's the required number) in favor of such a motion, the en banc hearing would be scheduled. Indeed -- I think it would have already been scheduled. ========= Yeah, this was my thinking. I got the sense early that Sullivan knew he wasn't getting the support from the higher court that he wanted. I guess institutionalism and power within the institution is stronger to some of these people than politics. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:19 PM (LvTSG) 15
I cannot imagine the levels of patience and fortitude it must take for Flynn to go through all this and keep his sanity.
Posted by: Dr. T at July 09, 2020 04:20 PM (QEgj7) 16
My opinion of the DOJ couldn't be lower at this point.
Posted by: attila the thrilla at July 09, 2020 04:20 PM (w7KSn) 17
If it wasn't already obvious
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 09, 2020 04:20 PM (tsZQ+) 18
The hot chick doing situps ad is welcome. The webpage it links to is garbage but....nice pic.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 09, 2020 04:20 PM (ifmtJ) 19
Sullivan has to be removed.
Posted by: TexasDan at July 09, 2020 04:20 PM (2HIdp) 20
I hope they smack him down good.
Cuz, if not, this is going to SCOTUS. Which is maybe what Sullivan wants, since SCOTUS is done for the year. what an asshole.. Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at July 09, 2020 04:20 PM (CjFDo) 21
As has been said, the Deep State will never let Flynn off of The Wheel of Pain, if Flynn is to be free it's going to have to come via a Trump pardon.
Oh and how about that Durham guy? On the case over a year and at the 11th hours he's getting the yips. Nothing but Deep State button men. Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 09, 2020 04:20 PM (pxPu3) 22
This asshole is just trying to stretch it out as long as he can. What a C&nt
Posted by: Hatari Somewhere on Ventura Highway at July 09, 2020 04:20 PM (M+Lyo) 23
The judge has a lawyer to help him do his "job"? Strikes me as odd.
What are we paying this clown, and exactly why? Posted by: klaftern at July 09, 2020 04:20 PM (RuIsu) 24
I wondered if he really was throwing in the towel, its not like a Leftist to give up so easy.
Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2020 04:21 PM (6f16T) 25
This is all to get Trump to pardon him so Biden can use it against Trump
Posted by: It's me donna at July 09, 2020 04:21 PM (Zmnko) Posted by: TexasDan at July 09, 2020 04:21 PM (2HIdp) 27
My opinion of the DOJ couldn't be lower at this point.
Posted by: attila the thrilla at July 09, 2020 04:20 PM (w7KSn) ?? It is not the DOJ, it is the Federal Court System and incompetent and political Judges no matter what the cock sucker Roberts thinks Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 09, 2020 04:21 PM (tsZQ+) Posted by: Tonypete at July 09, 2020 04:21 PM (Rvt88) 29
*Looks at betting slip...*
Did you say two hours before the deadline? Woohoo! I won the office pool!! That's TWO big beef burrito supremes I can buy today!!! Posted by: BurtTC at July 09, 2020 04:21 PM (hku12) 30
22 This asshole is just trying to stretch it out as long as he can. What a C&nt
Posted by: Hatari Somewhere on Ventura Highway at July 09, 2020 04:20 PM (M+Lyo) But enough about Sullivan being into anal self-fisting! Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 09, 2020 04:21 PM (ifmtJ) 31
Bailiff! Whack his pee pee!
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at July 09, 2020 04:21 PM (Jx5Qs) Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 09, 2020 04:21 PM (pxPu3) 33
Okay okay Gen. Flynn is guilty of something. The court will not diss the black robed Black judge.
Posted by: azalea city at July 09, 2020 04:21 PM (mL39G) Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 09, 2020 04:21 PM (mht8P) 35
The judge has a lawyer to help him do his "job"? Strikes me as odd.
What would you say that you do here? Posted by: Grump928© at July 09, 2020 04:22 PM (YJAfx) 36
Oh reassignment would be humiliating.
Bullshit. Will he lose a days pay? Nope. It would mean nothing. The three judge panel should have done it. Instead they played along. They gave his argument merit by giving him the ability to promote it in writing and in oral arguments. The decision was 2-1 so a different mix of judges could go differently. The en banc will be a different mix. A mix dominated by Democrat nominees. They can give Sullivan the ability to prosecute Flynn. Then Katie bar the door. Posted by: blaster at July 09, 2020 04:22 PM (Ieq1i) 37
>>>23 The judge has a lawyer to help him do his "job"? Strikes me as odd.
Robert Barnes said that Sullivan is known to be one of the stupidest judges on the federal bench and is entirely reliant on his very young, very inexperienced and very woke liberal clerks for "his" legal reasoning. Posted by: ace at July 09, 2020 04:22 PM (PbpT7) 38
So, what's the rule here now?
Does this filing stay the automatic dismissal of the mandamus order? Or does the full court have to issue a stay? And then, is there a rule that says how long the whole court has to act on his motion to reconsider? Posted by: RoyalOil at July 09, 2020 04:22 PM (+CAgs) 39
Huh, back-to-back posts about cocksuckers.
Posted by: fly at July 09, 2020 04:22 PM (2M/TV) 40
There's also that the longer he waits, the more costs Flynn has to endure.
Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at July 09, 2020 04:23 PM (2lndx) 41
Why do you hate The Law? Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 09, 2020 04:21 PM (mht8P) How much time do you have? Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 09, 2020 04:23 PM (ifmtJ) 42
28 Our legal system is a farce.
Rope. Lampost. You know the rest. Posted by: Tonypete at July 09, 2020 04:21 PM (Rvt8 ![]() Soap Box, Ballot Box, Jury Box, there's another one... Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at July 09, 2020 04:23 PM (PiwSw) 43
Emmett Sullivan is a low-IQ black man.
Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis at July 09, 2020 04:23 PM (sWM8x) 44
Biden's DOJ will indict Trump in #two weeks
Posted by: CN at July 09, 2020 04:23 PM (ONvIw) 45
I'm a gonna go lurke mode on this thread. anything else would be not good and stupid for me.
Posted by: BifBewalski - Sinis Est Culus at July 09, 2020 04:23 PM (VcFUs) 46
Ace's comments ought to be in red text, even though he isn't perfect.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at July 09, 2020 04:24 PM (LxTcq) 47
Jesus may not have been perfect, but dammit, he would grant Sullivan's request!
Posted by: Don Lemon at July 09, 2020 04:24 PM (z36Kd) 48
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Jury Box, there's another one...
Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes --- I wish I had your confidence that those choices would have a material impact. ![]() Posted by: Tonypete at July 09, 2020 04:24 PM (Rvt88) Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at July 09, 2020 04:24 PM (ufFY8) 50
You know who else was a terrible judge? Jesus.
Posted by: Don Lemon at July 09, 2020 04:24 PM (HmZuC) 51
>>>38 So, what's the rule here now?
Does this filing stay the automatic dismissal of the mandamus order? Or does the full court have to issue a stay? And then, is there a rule that says how long the whole court has to act on his motion to reconsider? ... I dunno. My belief is that the court must itself issue some kind of stay, for there to be a stay. that is, there is no automatic stay. They'd have to grant a stay, affirmatively. That's my guess based on general impressions. So, what happens if there is no stay by 5pm? I don't know. Posted by: ace at July 09, 2020 04:24 PM (PbpT7) 52
This is just vindictiveness...
Posted by: It's me donna at July 09, 2020 04:25 PM (Zmnko) 53
maybe Sullivan is hoping that Trump will pardon Flynn, allowing the Dems to accuse Trump of politicizing the judicial process
Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at July 09, 2020 04:25 PM (4a9Vv) Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 09, 2020 04:25 PM (mht8P) 55
Something something The law is an ass
Posted by: A dude in MI at July 09, 2020 04:25 PM (/6GbT) 56
47 Jesus may not have been perfect, but dammit, he would grant Sullivan's request!
Posted by: Don Lemon at July 09, 2020 04:24 PM (z36Kd) ... You're saying Judas had a point? Posted by: TexasDan at July 09, 2020 04:25 PM (2HIdp) 57
Pine Box?
Posted by: klaftern at July 09, 2020 04:25 PM (RuIsu) Posted by: It's me donna at July 09, 2020 04:25 PM (Zmnko) 59
maybe Sullivan is hoping that Trump will pardon Flynn, allowing the Dems to accuse Trump of politicizing the judicial process
Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at July 09, 2020 04:25 PM (4a9Vv) That's the plan. Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at July 09, 2020 04:26 PM (wCmLp) 60
Sydney Powell has to wonder what the hell has happened to her profession and the judges it spawns.
and if we had a decent congress, this idiot would be under impeachment proceedings. But, ha, that will never happen. Posted by: Jen the original at July 09, 2020 04:26 PM (5ojuH) 61
Barr Durham is running out the clock.Sullivan is running out the clock.The Deep State is running out the clock.
Posted by: WOPR - Clown World Timeline Thinks This Timeline is Insane at July 09, 2020 04:26 PM (J70i0) 62
Dude's 73 and still on the district court, which he's been on since 94.
I mean, it seems like he's failed upwards as far as he's gonna go. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:26 PM (LvTSG) 63
55: And the USSC will declare all trump pardons as unconstitutional
Posted by: CN at July 09, 2020 04:26 PM (ONvIw) 64
I want a piggy bank review. Mine doesn't rattle much when I shake it.
Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at July 09, 2020 04:26 PM (e1mEI) 65
OT - all this talk about Houston ICUs being swamped is a lie. The public hospital ICUs are ALWAYS at capacity and those are ones they are referring to.
They are not swamped with wuflu sufferers. These hospitals are also trauma ICUs. A gunshot victim with wuflu is reported as a wuflu patient in the ICU. Posted by: DanMan at July 09, 2020 04:26 PM (XTiHL) 66
Robert Barnes said that Sullivan is known to be one of the stupidest judges on the federal bench and is entirely reliant on his very young, very inexperienced and very woke liberal clerks for "his" legal reasoning.
Posted by: ace at July 09, 2020 04:22 PM (PbpT7) I hope this doesn't shock anyone. We're very possibly going to elect a President who wears a diaper so he doesn't make a messy when he goes boom boom. Posted by: BurtTC at July 09, 2020 04:26 PM (hku12) 67
Not that I'm any fan of Judge Sullivan. The criticism of him trying to act as an Executive while in judicial robes is spot-on.
But the filing two hours before the deadline is just lawyers being lawyers. Especially if the filing document is, as the excerpt says, "lengthy". And while judges can initiate an en banc review, the vast majority of requests for en-banc reviews come from the side disappointed in what the three-judge panel did. I wouldn't consider a last-moment request for an en banc to be particularly sinister. Just an everyday occurrence. But, as said above, Sullivan trying to appoint his own prosecutor is absolutely horrendous. Posted by: Houstonian at July 09, 2020 04:26 PM (EasRG) 68
They will have to wait in line, NY will indict Trump and have officers waiting for him at the exact moment he leaves the White House. I can see a scenario where Biden names James Comey FBI director, names Eric Holder AG and they get the band back together to finish off what they started. Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 09, 2020 04:26 PM (pxPu3) 69
If Trump loses, Flynn gets a last-day pardon.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 09, 2020 04:25 PM (mht8P) They'll simply declare that the pardon was somehow invalid and doesn't count. Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at July 09, 2020 04:26 PM (wCmLp) 70
Bit by bit, they truly are pushing towards a hot civil war. This type of governance will not and should not be tolerated.
Posted by: Eli Cash at July 09, 2020 04:27 PM (67sg6) 71
I am sure Judge Amy Berman Jackson can work this into her schedule if it is re-assigned.
Posted by: Dad of Six at July 09, 2020 04:27 PM (XrTBx) 72
I'm really starting to think CWII is going to be more fucking fun than mortal man should be allowed.
Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at July 09, 2020 04:27 PM (9Om/r) 73
Does Trump a nuclear option at his disposal?
I don't mean the missile kind. Like something he can do to enlist private Americans to help end the deep state that has destroyed our Government? It's so far gone. Tree of Liberty type stuff but at some executive order of the President? Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 09, 2020 04:27 PM (WvQcX) 74
I think deep state might just try to Epstein Flynn. Why wouldn't they?
Posted by: Pliney at July 09, 2020 04:28 PM (nzKWW) 75
73 Does Trump a nuclear option at his disposal?
I don't mean the missile kind. Like something he can do to enlist private Americans to help end the deep state that has destroyed our Government? It's so far gone. Tree of Liberty type stuff but at some executive order of the President? Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 09, 2020 04:27 PM (WvQcX) ======= Letters of Marque for traitors? Just an idea. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:28 PM (LvTSG) 76
a superior court straight-up saying you lack the emotional maturity to judge a case. A ruling like that will also haunt you throughout what remains of your career, as defendants can cite a previous ruling that you were unfit to serve as a judge to disqualify you from their cases.
- He doesn't care, he is getting a big enough payday from this that he won't have to work again. Posted by: Vashta Nerada at July 09, 2020 04:28 PM (kA3Cp) 77
68: Except Rod will he AG. Holder will be defacto co prez with Jarrett. The VP is irrelevant as long as Biden appears to be breathing
Posted by: CN at July 09, 2020 04:29 PM (ONvIw) 78
Ace, have you considered that all the liberal judges are in on the "delay, delay, delay" strategy.
Posted by: WisRich at July 09, 2020 04:29 PM (G0vdT) 79
Don't see any reason for Trump to get involved, Sullivan forced to give up will be sooner or later.
Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2020 04:29 PM (6f16T) 80
Sullivan claims his loss at the Appeals Court level "Threatens the orderly administration of Justice".
Sullivan is going to have to answer for that scurrilous charge, I'll bet. There are going to be some long looks in his direction. More importantly, he is now openly litigating against everyone else in this case, Flynn, the DOJ, and now the Judiciary. He may as well just be signed to his CNN show and call it a day. Posted by: Huck Follywood, hunker in the bunker at July 09, 2020 04:29 PM (NVYyb) 81
"But the filing two hours before the deadline is just lawyers being
lawyers. Especially if the filing document is, as the excerpt says, "lengthy"." I know a lawyer who will file things (e-filing system) at 11:50 pm. Posted by: Mikey NTH -The Outrage Outlet Proudly Sponsors Wokeapalooza - The Riot Festival of Summer! at July 09, 2020 04:29 PM (ElqsY) 82
Sullivan serves his masters well.
Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at July 09, 2020 04:29 PM (iZJ5K) 83
maybe Sullivan is hoping that Trump will pardon Flynn, allowing the Dems to accuse Trump of politicizing the judicial process
Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at July 09, 2020 04:25 PM (4a9Vv) That's the plan. Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at July 09, 2020 04:26 PM (wCmLp) Let's say Trump loses in November. He then pardons Flynn because this is still going on. Trump leaves office. You know what happens, the Dems start yelling that the pardon is illegal and they drag Flynn back. You know they are going to go after Trump. Posted by: WOPR - Clown World Timeline Thinks This Timeline is Insane at July 09, 2020 04:29 PM (J70i0) 84
Yep, if there were enough votes for an en banc re-hearing, they'd have already scheduled one on their own motion by now. I was kind of expecting to see one the first week, but when that passed, I just assumed the votes were not there. Not too surprising, given that the case law is pretty clear that trial judges don't have the authority to prosecute cases on their own, or to conduct investigations into the government's reasons for dismissing a prosecution. But given that this is 2020 and insanity reigns everywhere, nothing would surprise me.
Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 09, 2020 04:29 PM (k4dH2) 85
Waiting 2 hours before the deadline is a nice touch...
Posted by: It's me donna at July 09, 2020 04:29 PM (Zmnko) 86
Everything Sullivan is doing is without precedent. Never been done. The rules don't even contemplate such roguish behavior so they don't expressly forbid it. They don't allow it, either.
The appeals court instead of slapping Sullivan down and telling him to stay in his lane decided to say the argument had enough merit that we will listen to it. Now it is about to become precedent. Political judges will pursue political rivals. Civil war starts soon. Moose out front should have told you. Posted by: blaster at July 09, 2020 04:29 PM (Ieq1i) 87
Judge needs to be humiliated publicly
Posted by: Earl Turner at July 09, 2020 04:29 PM (Iq27Y) Posted by: Free Mason! And April, and Willie Too! at July 09, 2020 04:29 PM (pvqpT) 89
80 Sullivan claims his loss at the Appeals Court level "Threatens the orderly administration of Justice".
Sullivan is going to have to answer for that scurrilous charge, I'll bet. There are going to be some long looks in his direction. More importantly, he is now openly litigating against everyone else in this case, Flynn, the DOJ, and now the Judiciary. He may as well just be signed to his CNN show and call it a day. Posted by: Huck Follywood, hunker in the bunker at July 09, 2020 04:29 PM (NVYyb) ========= That doesn't sound like a charge that the superior court is likely to enjoy hearing. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:29 PM (LvTSG) 90
Standing. What is it?
Posted by: Mr. Barky at July 09, 2020 04:29 PM (hKi6n) 91
While there's merit to your theory about waiting on a sua sponte order to hear this en banc, ace, no sale. There is pressure being brought to bear on these Deep State operatives in black right now to string this out. Given these corrupt hacks all live in the Imperial City, peer pressure easily could work.
Hope that is wrong. If it isn't wrong, remember the litany, which should apply anyway: 1. Discourage all friends and particularly close family from joining the military or reupping; 2. Engage in jury nullification; and 3. Get ready. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 09, 2020 04:30 PM (puu6v) 92
87: You and what AG?
Posted by: billy plays bagpipes at July 09, 2020 04:30 PM (ONvIw) 93
damn it sucks that the FNM is dominated by scumbag globalists who hate Trump. Imagine the public outrage at the deep state and judge Sullivan if people were given the straight up facts.
Posted by: PaleRider is simply irredeemable at July 09, 2020 04:30 PM (T9Hmo) 94
Dude's 73 and still on the district court, which he's been on since 94.
I mean, it seems like he's failed upwards as far as he's gonna go. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:26 PM (LvTSG) I knew a guy who had been in the National Guard for 24 years. Never rose above E-4, and when his unit was about to be deployed, they said "yeah, now seems like a good time for you to retire." He tried to fight it. Some people can't take a hint. Posted by: BurtTC at July 09, 2020 04:30 PM (hku12) 95
Sullivan may be running out the clock - or maybe he just doesn't know what to do except he won't back down...but if people are making moves betting on Biden based on bogus polling 100 plus days out, they're making the same dumbass mistake the last administration made.
Posted by: Boswell at July 09, 2020 04:30 PM (32YRo) 96
I think you're wrong on the Obama judge ace. Requesting the en banc review would have started the process already. They probably told Sullivan to wait until the last minute to drag the process out.
Posted by: Buzzion at July 09, 2020 04:30 PM (/m9oE) 97
73 Does Trump a nuclear option at his disposal?
I don't mean the missile kind. Like something he can do to enlist private Americans to help end the deep state that has destroyed our Government? It's so far gone. Tree of Liberty type stuff but at some executive order of the President? Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 09, 2020 04:27 PM (WvQcX) Issue letters of marque. Free reign to pillage the Deep State. Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at July 09, 2020 04:31 PM (e1mEI) 98
As Jesus said, "Judge not, 'less it's an en banc review"
Posted by: Don Lemon at July 09, 2020 04:31 PM (WLHrn) 99
I wouldn't consider a last-moment request for an en banc to be particularly sinister. Just an everyday occurrence.
But, as said above, Sullivan trying to appoint his own prosecutor is absolutely horrendous. Posted by: Houstonian at July 09, 2020 04:26 PM (EasRG) You can't disassociate those two things. He obviously is trying to drag things out. Posted by: WOPR - Clown World Timeline Thinks This Timeline is Insane at July 09, 2020 04:31 PM (J70i0) 100
Racist SOB needs a bullet in his brain. We're getting closer every day.
Posted by: Archer at July 09, 2020 04:31 PM (gmo/4) 101
He's probably on Biden's short list for Scotus.
Posted by: redridinghood at July 09, 2020 04:31 PM (wiXsO) 102
>>>>Okay okay Gen. Flynn is guilty of something. The court will not diss the black robed Black judge.
Alright, alright, I'm getting the word "diss" back into the lexicon..... cool, man! Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 09, 2020 04:31 PM (jjaLl) 103
Isn't this Petition for rehearing a day late?
Posted by: RFR at July 09, 2020 04:31 PM (FuFVX) 104
WisRich - They are probably on the hope Trump doesn't win , then they become top dog with a President Deep State
Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2020 04:32 PM (6f16T) 105
ep, if there were enough votes for an en banc re-hearing, they'd have already scheduled one on their own motion by now. I was kind of expecting to see one the first week, but when that passed, I just assumed the votes were not there. Not too surprising, given that the case law is pretty clear that trial judges don't have the authority to prosecute cases on their own, or to conduct investigations into the government's reasons for dismissing a prosecution. But given that this is 2020 and insanity reigns everywhere, nothing would surprise me.
Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 09, 2020 04:29 PM (k4dH2) Concur on all points. Could this be Sullivan's final Hail Mary? I just don't know what other tricks he could have up his billowy sleeve. Posted by: LASue at July 09, 2020 04:32 PM (Ed8Zd) 106
It's a shame Flynn isn't black, or transgender
Posted by: It's me donna at July 09, 2020 04:32 PM (Zmnko) 107
I think deep state might just try to Epstein Flynn. Why wouldn't they?
Posted by: Pliney at July 09, 2020 04:28 PM --- Flynn literally has a dead mans switch. He ain't gonna go out quietly. Posted by: Mr. Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 09, 2020 04:32 PM (JUOKG) Posted by: filbert at July 09, 2020 04:32 PM (NiXyF) 109
Will theoretical Preezy Biden be actually really coin-operated?
Posted by: klaftern at July 09, 2020 04:32 PM (RuIsu) 110
101 He's probably on Biden's short list for Scotus.
Posted by: redridinghood at July 09, 2020 04:31 PM (wiXsO) ========= Being 73, I doubt it. There are plenty of 40 year olds with the same level of judicial knowledge and insight for Biden to chose from. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:32 PM (LvTSG) 111
This too is the story of Obama.
Posted by: deplorable unperson - refuse to accept the Mask of the Beast at July 09, 2020 04:32 PM (iZJ5K) 112
16 My opinion of the DOJ couldn't be lower at this point.
Posted by: attila the thrilla at July 09, 2020 04:20 PM (w7KSn) You think that, but I'll bet something happens between now and November that proves you wrong. Posted by: Bete at July 09, 2020 04:32 PM (Ojki1) 113
It's looking like no Victory Racks this week...
Posted by: DooDad at July 09, 2020 04:33 PM (SnLSx) 114
112 Yes. Barr keeps digging.
Posted by: billy plays bagpipes at July 09, 2020 04:33 PM (ONvIw) 115
>>>There are plenty of 40 year olds with the same level of judicial knowledge and insight for Biden to chose from.
Plenty of six year olds, too. Posted by: ace at July 09, 2020 04:33 PM (PbpT7) 116
Will theoretical Preezy Biden be actually really coin-operated? Posted by: klaftern President Zoltar? Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at July 09, 2020 04:34 PM (aKsyK) 117
It's all about protecting Obama
Posted by: JoeF. at July 09, 2020 04:34 PM (gtdYu) 118
I think their problem is that they can't let Flynn start talking before the election.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 09, 2020 04:34 PM (oVJmc) 119
53 maybe Sullivan is hoping that Trump will pardon Flynn, allowing the Dems to accuse Trump of politicizing the judicial process
Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at July 09, 2020 04:25 PM (4a9Vv) You win first prize. They want the guilty plea to stick and they'll do anything to make it happen. This judge is as corrupt as Alcee Hastings. Posted by: creeper at July 09, 2020 04:34 PM (XxJt1) 120
115 >>>There are plenty of 40 year olds with the same level of judicial knowledge and insight for Biden to chose from.
Plenty of six year olds, too. Posted by: ace at July 09, 2020 04:33 PM (PbpT7) ========= Will they let him smell their hair if they're on SCOTUS, though? Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:34 PM (LvTSG) 121
The Court of Appeals should issue an Order requiring Judge Sullivan to dismiss the case within 24 hours or they will recommend his removal from the bench to the Supreme Court.
What this partisan hack in black has done to Flynn and the regular course of justice is appalling and worthy of impeachment. Posted by: Czech Chick at July 09, 2020 04:34 PM (haWye) 122
I'm not sure I've ever heard... where is Flynn? He's not locked up somewhere, is he?
Posted by: BurtTC at July 09, 2020 04:34 PM (hku12) 123
Even the street urchins dancing to TikTok videos over the 5G Huawei network I installed in my quarantine beard can see that Trump has politicized federal law enforcement for the benefit of himself and his crony, Michael Flynn.
Can the full Circuit Court muster that same courage Colonel Vindman showed and for which he paid such a big price? The longer the Circuit Court takes in confronting Trump's corruption, the longer the self-admitted felon Flynn remains loose on American streets. Posted by: Jonah Goldberg at July 09, 2020 04:35 PM (f2oVT) 124
That doesn't sound like a charge that the superior court is likely to enjoy hearing.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:29 PM (LvTSG) Hmm. Will 7 dem judges be butthurt that he said 2 rep judges (including the despised Rao) were doing bad things to justice? Let's consult the Magic 8 Ball. Posted by: blaster at July 09, 2020 04:35 PM (Ieq1i) 125
117 It's all about protecting Obama
Posted by: JoeF. at July 09, 2020 04:34 PM (gtdYu) ======== Theory: It's all about protecting Holder, not Obama. I'd bet money that as AG, Holder started the entire use of FISA against Americans as far back as 2009, only bringing it to Obama's attention after Holder had already set it up. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:35 PM (LvTSG) 126
Ace predicts Sullivan loses at the en banc petition. Place your bets ladies and gemmulmen, Does he go to the Supreme Court?
I say "absolutely", if he can find a way. He will play this for as much time as he possibly can. Posted by: Huck Follywood, hunker in the bunker at July 09, 2020 04:35 PM (NVYyb) 127
I think this drag out was mostly predicted. We will see if the no en banc predictions are true or not. I think this prediction is harder though.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 09, 2020 04:36 PM (r+sAi) 128
We are deluding ourselves if we think we still live in a Constitutional Republic. We're just playing pretend until the music stops. And I fear the music will stop on November 3rd if these motherfuckers get away with what they're planning.
Posted by: LGoPs at July 09, 2020 04:36 PM (7k/uO) 129
Could this be Sullivan's final Hail Mary? I just don't know what other tricks he could have up his billowy sleeve.
_______________ I don't know what the hell he is trying to accomplish with this, other than maybe running up more legal fees for Flynn's tab. This case is a great example of "the process is the punishment." Years of this bullshit, millions of dollars in legal fees, and it's still being dragged out. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 09, 2020 04:36 PM (k4dH2) 130
He's home pending the disposition of his case, which isn't going to be disposed of anytime soon. It's bizarre to realize his first sentencing date was over two years ago. Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 09, 2020 04:36 PM (pxPu3) 131
'm not sure I've ever heard... where is Flynn? He's not locked up somewhere, is he?
There's a video of him leading his family in the "Digital Oath" so I think he must be free. Posted by: t-bird at July 09, 2020 04:36 PM (WLHrn) 132
Let's say Trump loses in November. He then pardons Flynn because this is still going on. Trump leaves office. You know what happens, the Dems start yelling that the pardon is illegal and they drag Flynn back. You know they are going to go after Trump.
Posted by: WOPR - Clown World Timeline Thinks This Timeline is Insane at July 09, 2020 04:29 PM (J70i0) ---------- Which is why I think Trump might have to issue himself a pardon before he leaves. They are not going to stop until the haul him into court and convict him on something, anything. Posted by: WisRich at July 09, 2020 04:36 PM (G0vdT) 133
I think their problem is that they can't let Flynn start talking before the election.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 09, 2020 04:34 PM (oVJmc) Trump could rectify that by pardoning him now. Fuck it. He can't do it too close to the election, so do it now. Posted by: JoeF. at July 09, 2020 04:36 PM (gtdYu) 134
It's a shame Flynn isn't black, or transgender
Posted by: It's me donna at July 09, 2020 04:32 PM (Zmnko) Zhe could be. Posted by: WOPR - Clown World Timeline Thinks This Timeline is Insane at July 09, 2020 04:36 PM (J70i0) 135
96 I think you're wrong on the Obama judge ace. Requesting the en banc review would have started the process already. They probably told Sullivan to wait until the last minute to drag the process out.
Posted by: Buzzion at July 09, 2020 04:30 PM (/m9oE) This is highly possible, and would be a way to maximize stringing it out. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 09, 2020 04:37 PM (puu6v) 136
Okay okay Gen. Flynn is guilty of something. The court will not diss the black robed Black judge.
----------------- Alright, alright, I'm getting the word "diss" back into the lexicon..... cool, man! Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 09, 2020 04:31 PM (jjaLl) See, now this is where Youtube and Twitch and Tik Tok have more class and gravitas than the federal courts system. They know that if you have a beef with someone, just do a diss track. It's how civilized people settle their differences. Posted by: BurtTC at July 09, 2020 04:37 PM (hku12) 137
Could this be Sullivan's final Hail Mary? I just don't know what other tricks he could have up his billowy sleeve.
Posted by: LASue at July 09, 2020 04:32 PM (Ed8Zd) As I said in the last thread, I'm waiting to see if they grant Sullivan a stay on all further actions until they decide if they will hear it. If so, he should get that stay by this time tomorrow. AND if he gets it, then this game is Fixed, and the 7 Dem Judges on the circuit court are in on it. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 04:37 PM (Kpl3J) 138
Which is why I think Trump might have to issue himself a pardon before he leaves. They are not going to stop until the haul him into court and convict him on something, anything.
Posted by: WisRich at July 09, 2020 04:36 PM (G0vdT) If he pardons himself, he's going to pardon Obama too. Then watch heads explode Posted by: JoeF. at July 09, 2020 04:38 PM (gtdYu) 139
It's all about protecting Holder, not Obama. I'd bet money that as AG, Holder started the entire use of FISA against Americans as far back as 2009, only bringing it to Obama's attention after Holder had already set it up. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:35 PM (LvTSG) Maybe? I just don't see Holder as someone these commie assholes would risk their necks for.... in other words, who really gives a shit about Eric Holder? Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 09, 2020 04:38 PM (jjaLl) 140
Not sure of the context on this one. Looks like a Church group is doing a public prayer circle and some asshole with an airhorn is standing right among the group blasting everyone's ears. Notice at about the 8 second mark, the airhorn asshole bumps a woman on the head with his elbow. Based on context it looks like she pushes him away, then airhorn asshole starts his thug, "Do it again and I'll kick your ass" act with her. Can someone who knows for sure tell me if an airhorn that close to people is assault or not? Posted by: bonhomme at July 09, 2020 04:38 PM (YYlyE) 141
We all knew Sullivan couldn't/wouldn't dismiss the case. Not surprised at all that he pulled this out of his ass.
Posted by: zeera My tomatoes are doing GREAT at July 09, 2020 04:38 PM (zUdXR) Posted by: Bozo Conservative....outlaw in America at July 09, 2020 04:38 PM (vcOmj) 143
Let's call it.
Judge Sullivan is a disgrace to the judiciary system. Hey, nobody is immune to grand jury requests, not even Judge Sullivan.The SCOTUS said so today. Posted by: SMOD at July 09, 2020 04:38 PM (3aI0K) 144
>>>Ace predicts Sullivan loses at the en banc petition. Place your bets ladies and gemmulmen, Does he go to the Supreme Court?
John Roberts says "REEEEEEEEEE!" Posted by: Boswell at July 09, 2020 04:38 PM (32YRo) 145
Emmet Sullivan needs the death by a thousand papercuts.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 09, 2020 04:38 PM (F2qo5) 146
People really have gone insane.
Ford CEO replies to demands from employees to stop making police vehicles- Posted by: redridinghood at July 09, 2020 04:38 PM (wiXsO) 147
This is cruel and unusual punishment for Flynn
Posted by: It's me donna at July 09, 2020 04:38 PM (Zmnko) 148
It's how civilized people settle their differences.
Posted by: BurtTC at July 09, 2020 04:37 PM (hku12) --- Worked for us kids in the 80s. Posted by: SMH at July 09, 2020 04:38 PM (RU4sa) 149
Maybe? I just don't see Holder as someone these commie assholes would risk their necks for.... in other words, who really gives a shit about Eric Holder? Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 09, 2020 04:38 PM (jjaLl) ========== Since Holder and Sullivan are apparently buddies, I'd say it's more than a 0% chance. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:38 PM (LvTSG) 150
>>>Can someone who knows for sure tell me if an airhorn that close to people is assault or not?
assault and battery, in fact Posted by: ace at July 09, 2020 04:39 PM (PbpT7) 151
135 96 I think you're wrong on the Obama judge ace. Requesting the en banc review would have started the process already. They probably told Sullivan to wait until the last minute to drag the process out.
Posted by: Buzzion at July 09, 2020 04:30 PM (/m9oE) This is highly possible, and would be a way to maximize stringing it out. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 09, 2020 04:37 PM (puu6v) My thoughts as well - if all the Dem's are in on this together, they may have just let Sullivan make the actual filing since he wanted it so bad. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 04:39 PM (Kpl3J) 152
Isn't this Petition for rehearing a day late?
-- Nah, there's a specific rule on counting, you start the day after the order. But, that doesn't matter: There's the Sullivan Rule -- Bitch, I do wat de fuck I want! Posted by: RoyalOil at July 09, 2020 04:39 PM (+CAgs) 153
Sorry. That should be ..
The DISHONORABLE Judge Sullivan is a disgrace to the judiciary system. Posted by: SMOD at July 09, 2020 04:39 PM (3aI0K) 154
As I understood the reasoning on the Appeals court; One of the Democrats (there are 7 on the court) is part of the precedent case that Sullivan refuses to acknowledge/answer to. So they are expected to NOT join in a 6 vote for a full hearing.
The OTHER 6 Demcrats will most likely not vote for similar reasoning as they don't want to piss off that other Democrat judge so it is very unlikely the thinking goes that any 6 judges will vote for a full hearing. So Mr. Pimp Moustache Sullivan is doing exactly that; trying to run out the time but even so there's too much time to go. He hasn't got many more stalling steps. I think he's just pissed at Flynn for putting him in this position (altho it's really the deep state who did it) and he's going to wring the last bit of anxiety out of Flynn before he has to let him off. PLUS. His pal Obama has given him his marching orders. There may be a last ditch thing that can be done but for whatever reason it's going to take some time OR maybe Obama just wants to have the bad news put off as long as possible. Maybe hoping for a nationwide race war? And btw no matter what happens from now on even if the Appeals court doesn't make this about him at another hearing, He's screwed and he knows it. He won't get anymore good cases. They set him aside and make his life miserable without being overt until he gets the message to resign. Who knows maybe he'll resign in protest before he has to sign the order. Would that work? Some lawyers out there say if so or not. Posted by: jakee308 at July 09, 2020 04:39 PM (5sfJ+) 155
132 ...Which is why I think Trump might have to issue himself a pardon before he leaves. They are not going to stop until the haul him into court and convict him on something, anything.
=========== Not sure you can pardon yourself. Maybe he resigns in the December before his term ends and pence pardons him. Posted by: Pliney at July 09, 2020 04:39 PM (nzKWW) 156
He's home pending the disposition of his case, which isn't going to be disposed of anytime soon.
It's bizarre to realize his first sentencing date was over two years ago. Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 09, 2020 04:36 PM (pxPu3) So then, I get why people want this over, but it's not necessarily costing him anything right now. If this is such an open and shut case of injustice, I would assume he'd prefer not to have some sort of shortcut resolution. He must want this to play out so he can be vindicated. Posted by: BurtTC at July 09, 2020 04:39 PM (hku12) 157
150 >>>Can someone who knows for sure tell me if an airhorn that close to people is assault or not?
Don't know, but trying to paint over a street "mural" that says black lives matter is a hate crime Posted by: It's me donna at July 09, 2020 04:40 PM (Zmnko) 158
If Jeff Sessions hadn't full-on sided with the Deep State, a lot of this would have been dealt with two years ago. Alabama Republican primary voters need to emphatically let Beauregard know what an utter disgrace he is this Tuesday, 7/14, in the runoff election.
Posted by: cool breeze at July 09, 2020 04:40 PM (UGKMd) 159
>>>There are plenty of 40 year olds with the same level of judicial knowledge and insight for Biden to chose from.
If his reputation is anywhere near accurate, there are plenty of pre-law students with the same level of knowledge and insight. Posted by: Citizen Cake at July 09, 2020 04:40 PM (HmZuC) 160
I think their problem is that they can't let Flynn start talking before the election.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 09, 2020 04:34 PM (oVJmc) Trump could rectify that by pardoning him now. Fuck it. He can't do it too close to the election, so do it now. Posted by: JoeF. at July 09, 2020 04:36 PM --- Trump can't pardon him now. Flynn is under a gag order imposed by the Court and has been for over 18 months. If Trump pardons him that gag order is still in effect until the Judge removes it. That is why sullivan is playing out the clock on this. Once the case against Flynn is dropped, the gag order goes away too and Flynn spills his guts. They literally have to keep this going on as long as possible to prevent Flynn from speaking. Each day this is dragged out is another day the Judge can hold Flynn in contempt of Court if he speaks out, and he is banking on that happening. Posted by: Mr. Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 09, 2020 04:40 PM (JUOKG) 161
He has to take this to the Supreme Court before he can even think of bringing it before a Hawaiian judge.
Posted by: t-bird at July 09, 2020 04:40 PM (KDCRD) 162
This is cruel and unusual punishment for Flynn
Posted by: It's me donna at July 09, 2020 04:38 PM (Zmnko) 100%!!! And against someone who has not even committed a crime, no less! Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 09, 2020 04:40 PM (jjaLl) 163
Sullivan is definitely out of options, so now its whether that one judge can find 5 others to go with him.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 09, 2020 04:40 PM (r+sAi) 164
>>>So then, I get why people want this over, but it's not necessarily costing him anything right now.
what work can he perform when he's in judicial limbo? Posted by: ace at July 09, 2020 04:40 PM (PbpT7) 165
72 I'm really starting to think CWII is going to be more fucking fun than mortal man should be allowed.
Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at July 09, 2020 04:27 PM (9Om/r) Trust me. War is never fun. Posted by: Sooner - White Blue-eyed Debil at July 09, 2020 04:41 PM (whyrU) 166
The law is an ass.
Posted by: Chris M at July 09, 2020 04:41 PM (eAZVt) 167
There are days when even Jesus doesn't know what to say to all those "WWJD?" bumper stickers.
Posted by: t-bird at July 09, 2020 04:41 PM (KDCRD) 168
Emmet Sullivan needs the death by a thousand papercuts.
================ Agree with all but the last 4 words. Posted by: LGoPs at July 09, 2020 04:42 PM (7k/uO) 169
Since Holder and Sullivan are apparently buddies, I'd say it's more than a 0% chance.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:38 PM (LvTSG) I didn't know that- so I will officially change my "Maybe" to a "Something More Likely Than Maybe"........ Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 09, 2020 04:42 PM (jjaLl) 170
Ace is quoting Robert Barnes?
Robert Barnes, lol? The same Robert Barnes that kept telling people McSally was going to beat Sinema when all the absentees were counted? The same Robert Barnes who kept up that charade even as the votes coming in were clearly in Sinema's favor? What has happened to this place? Next you'll be quoting Larry Schweikart, who was crowing about how Trump got more votes than Biden in PA and ended up getting 200,000 LESS. Posted by: HillaryClinton at July 09, 2020 04:42 PM (y37c/) 171
Not sure you can pardon yourself. Maybe he resigns in the December before his term ends and pence pardons him.
Posted by: Pliney at July 09, 2020 04:39 PM (nzKWW) ---------------- It would definitely be a constitutional issue but I remember in the height of the "Russian collusion" hysteria, Trump asserted at a rope line press engagement "the absolute right to pardon himself" Posted by: WisRich at July 09, 2020 04:43 PM (G0vdT) 172
So if Sullivan finds a way to send this to the sc they will delay until after the election. Game over.
Posted by: Pliney at July 09, 2020 04:43 PM (nzKWW) Posted by: bonhomme at July 09, 2020 04:43 PM (YYlyE) 174
165 72 I'm really starting to think CWII is going to be more fucking fun than mortal man should be allowed.
Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at July 09, 2020 04:27 PM (9Om/r) except that our side has no organization, and no leadership. the other side is already deploying its guerilla units. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 04:43 PM (Kpl3J) 175
Posted by: ace at July 09, 2020 04:39 PM (PbpT7)
ANY threatening behavior can be framed as an assault. Depends on circumstances the accuser and the defendant. Like they like to say; it depends. Posted by: jakee308 at July 09, 2020 04:43 PM (5sfJ+) 176
Each day this is dragged out is another day the Judge can hold Flynn in contempt of Court if he speaks out, and he is banking on that happening. Posted by: Mr. Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 09, 2020 04:40 PM (JUOKG) Then Trump can pardon Flynn for violating the gag order Posted by: JoeF. at July 09, 2020 04:43 PM (gtdYu) 177
117 It's all about protecting Obama
_______________ It doesn't really help Obama to let this thing drag out. The longer it goes on, the more documents Trump's DOJ finds that point the finger back at Obama. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 09, 2020 04:43 PM (k4dH2) 178
Can someone who knows for sure tell me if an airhorn that close to people is assault or not?
Posted by: bonhomme at July 09, 2020 04:38 PM (YYlyE) ... We really are headed to the burning times. Posted by: TexasDan at July 09, 2020 04:43 PM (2HIdp) 179
151 135 96 I think you're wrong on the Obama judge ace. Requesting the en banc review would have started the process already. They probably told Sullivan to wait until the last minute to drag the process out.
Posted by: Buzzion at July 09, 2020 04:30 PM (/m9oE) This is highly possible, and would be a way to maximize stringing it out. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 09, 2020 04:37 PM (puu6v) My thoughts as well - if all the Dem's are in on this together, they may have just let Sullivan make the actual filing since he wanted it so bad. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 04:39 PM (Kpl3J) Yep. I'm leaning toward what Buzzion suggested because it would allow for maximum running out the clock. We live in a corrupt, increasingly backwards police state, but even this takes the cake. Flynn either knows something and his prosecution is keeping him quiet, or they think he knows something and his prosecution is keeping him quiet. The man is a patriot but surely he realizes at this point this is not the same country he served. Go ahead and tell us, Gen. Flynn. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 09, 2020 04:43 PM (puu6v) 180
I believe that is incorrect, if Trump pardons Flynn then everything that attached to his unholy prosecution goes away including gag orders. Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 09, 2020 04:43 PM (pxPu3) 181
177 117 It's all about protecting Obama
_______________ It doesn't really help Obama to let this thing drag out. The longer it goes on, the more documents Trump's DOJ finds that point the finger back at Obama. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 09, 2020 04:43 PM (k4dH2) ========= Those are largely being found by Durham. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:44 PM (LvTSG) 182
That doesn't sound like a charge that the superior court is likely to enjoy hearing.
In years past, Institutional Pride that would have been a powerful force but now the Will of the Party is all that matters. Democrats are Marxist through and through. Posted by: Grump928© at July 09, 2020 04:44 PM (YJAfx) 183
***, but it's not necessarily costing him anything right now.
*** Posted by: BurtTC at July 09, 2020 You don't know lawyers very well, do you? Posted by: LASue at July 09, 2020 04:44 PM (Ed8Zd) 184
I'm really starting to think CWII is going to be more fucking fun than mortal man should be allowed.
Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at July 09, 2020 04:27 PM (9Om/r) Trust me. War is never fun. Posted by: Sooner - White Blue-eyed Debil at July 09, 2020 04:41 PM (whyrU) I know, let's calm down a little. Posted by: JoeF. at July 09, 2020 04:44 PM (gtdYu) 185
>>Trump can't pardon him now. Flynn is under a gag order imposed by the Court and has been for over 18 months.
Not according to his lawyer. Posted by: Frasier Crane at July 09, 2020 04:44 PM (CWMF2) 186
If the Full Circuit decides to hear this en banc, they can easily fiddle fart around on the decision until next year sometime, by which time President Biden (or President Rice) will have re-initiated the charges, so that this case is moot.
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 04:44 PM (Kpl3J) 187
174: Way ahead of us. And the corporations have sided with them.
Posted by: billy plays bagpipes at July 09, 2020 04:44 PM (ONvIw) 188
Emmit Sullivan to en banc court: "Listen, you guys. I can drag it out for two weeks but after that you're gonna have to step in."
En banc court: "Not to worry. We got you covered. We can drag this out till November and beyond." Posted by: creeper at July 09, 2020 04:44 PM (XxJt1) Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 09, 2020 04:45 PM (L6ZYH) 190
There will be an en banc review. Sullivan set this up with the Obamabot - these guys are all talking to each other as part of the Lawfare group.
The Obamabot purposely didn't request the review because they need the extra time to allow a certain thing to happen. Read on. En Banc will be granted. There are enough votes to overturn the original order in an en banc review. This will have to go to SCOTUS, which conveniently is out of session for the next 3 months. Obamabot and Sullivan and the other 'judges' on the circuit court set this up and were waiting for SCOTUS to leave session. Bank on it. I sure hope judges don't start getting lead poisoning, from old pipes or other sources. Posted by: blindside1973 at July 09, 2020 04:45 PM (SxTY3) 191
174 165 72 I'm really starting to think CWII is going to be more fucking fun than mortal man should be allowed.
Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at July 09, 2020 04:27 PM (9Om/r) except that our side has no organization, and no leadership. the other side is already deploying its guerilla units. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 04:43 PM (Kpl3J) Nobody on our side is willing to risk jail time organizing. There is something to be said for self-motivated actualization locally. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 09, 2020 04:45 PM (ifmtJ) 192
So then, I get why people want this over, but it's not necessarily costing him anything right now.
---------------- what work can he perform when he's in judicial limbo? Posted by: ace at July 09, 2020 04:40 PM (PbpT7) Does he need to work? I know there are stories of him losing his life savings and all that, but he's not destitute on the street, is he? I'm not saying it's right, just that there's not necessarily a ticking clock for him. There is for everyone else, for all the various reasons, but if Sullivan keeps playing grabass with the law, I guess Flynn can ride this out too. Posted by: BurtTC at July 09, 2020 04:45 PM (hku12) 193
175 Posted by: ace at July 09, 2020 04:39 PM (PbpT7)
ANY threatening behavior can be framed as an assault. Depends on circumstances the accuser and the defendant. Like they like to say; it depends. Posted by: jakee308 at July 09, 2020 04:43 PM (5sfJ+) Most states even have a subjective misdemeanor assault, wherein the victim perceives a threat of injury. Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 09, 2020 04:45 PM (puu6v) 194
@180 not so sure.
Pardons are for crimes. Judges are in charge of judges orders Sullivan will maintain the gag order forever no matter what. Who will tell him he can't? Posted by: blaster at July 09, 2020 04:46 PM (Ieq1i) 195
they'll grant it, it's a given
Posted by: angsterdamn at July 09, 2020 04:46 PM (c/0cj) 196
181: but I will wait til the end of November to open my pie hole
Posted by: Bullshit Durham at July 09, 2020 04:46 PM (ONvIw) 197
Spot-on, Ace !
Deep state judge playing for time, and to keep his gag order in effect. Keeping Flynn's mouth shut has been the object from the beginning. Posted by: sock_rat_eez, we are being gaslighted 24/365 at July 09, 2020 04:46 PM (0IMgo) 198
Issue letters of marque. Free reign to pillage the Deep State.
Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at July 09, 2020 04:31 PM (e1mEI) I thought that only applied to ships! Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 09, 2020 04:46 PM (WvQcX) 199
Nobody on our side is willing to risk jail time organizing.
There is something to be said for self-motivated actualization locally. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 09, 2020 04:45 PM (ifmtJ) ... There is some decent defense training going on at a lot of churches. And churches are very networked. Posted by: TexasDan at July 09, 2020 04:46 PM (2HIdp) 200
I'm really starting to think CWII is going to be more fucking fun than mortal man should be allowed.
Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at July 09, 2020 04:27 PM (9Om/r) Trust me. War is never fun. Posted by: Sooner - White Blue-eyed Debil at July 09, 2020 04:41 PM (whyrU) --- This^^^^^ Posted by: SMH at July 09, 2020 04:46 PM (RU4sa) 201
Ace is quoting Robert Barnes?
Robert Barnes, lol? The same Robert Barnes that kept telling people McSally was going to beat Sinema when all the absentees were counted? There definitely was some cheating there, so he gets a pass from me. He was on a YouTube the other day with some French lawyer talking about the Ghislaine Maxwell case. Barnes knows a lot of interesting details. Posted by: LASue at July 09, 2020 04:47 PM (Ed8Zd) 202
Flynn either knows something and his prosecution is keeping him quiet, or they think he knows something and his prosecution is keeping him quiet. The man is a patriot but surely he realizes at this point this is not the same country he served. Go ahead and tell us, Gen. Flynn.
Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at July 09, 2020 04:43 PM (puu6v) Jesus, you would think a "free" press would just be DYING to find out what Flynn has to say, and then report it Nope. These people are tight. Posted by: JoeF. at July 09, 2020 04:47 PM (gtdYu) Posted by: Generic Concern Troll at July 09, 2020 04:47 PM (pvqpT) 204
There will be an en banc review. Sullivan set this
up with the Obamabot - these guys are all talking to each other as part of the Lawfare group. The Obamabot purposely didn't request the review because they need the extra time to allow a certain thing to happen. Read on. En Banc will be granted. There are enough votes to overturn the original order in an en banc review. This will have to go to SCOTUS, which conveniently is out of session for the next 3 months. Obamabot and Sullivan and the other 'judges' on the circuit court set this up and were waiting for SCOTUS to leave session. Bank on it. I sure hope judges don't start getting lead poisoning, from old pipes or other sources. Posted by: blindside1973 at July 09, 2020 04:45 PM (SxTY3) Nahhhhhh Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at July 09, 2020 04:48 PM (nAiE/) Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Never Kneel, Free WA, Buy Ammo at July 09, 2020 04:48 PM (ifmtJ) 206
How is this not Contempt?
This Sullivan asshoe needs to be removed from the bench. When you push every deadline, set every precedent, look for every fringe to railroad a clearly innocent man while waving your ass in front of higher peers, you should be facing prosecution yourself for undermining the justice system. Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at July 09, 2020 04:48 PM (HhXSr) 207
***, but it's not necessarily costing him anything right now.
*** Posted by: BurtTC at July 09, 2020 You don't know lawyers very well, do you? Posted by: LASue at July 09, 2020 04:44 PM (Ed8Zd) I didn't really mean money. I just assume this is all Monopoly money, one way or another. Posted by: BurtTC at July 09, 2020 04:48 PM (hku12) 208
186: President Holder, defacto pres
Posted by: Bullshit Durham at July 09, 2020 04:48 PM (ONvIw) 209
Sullivan Sandbag
Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 09, 2020 04:48 PM (1g7ch) 210
I believe that is incorrect, if Trump pardons Flynn then everything that attached to his unholy prosecution goes away including gag orders. Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 09, 2020 04:43 PM --- Do you believe for one second that sullivan would not charge Flynn for contempt of court even if Trump pardoned him and Flynn started talking? You know that would happen and it would drag out for another 18 months. Posted by: Mr. Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 09, 2020 04:49 PM (JUOKG) Posted by: Lance Hardthruster at July 09, 2020 04:49 PM (d6DSt) 212
Not sure you can pardon yourself.
The pardon power is plenary but, we are well past law and constitutionalism. We are at the point our entire system was set up to prevent us arriving at: Force Majest. Posted by: Grump928© at July 09, 2020 04:49 PM (YJAfx) 213
Word on the street is that Sullivan is going to award Flynn's house to the Creek Nation.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at July 09, 2020 04:49 PM (kTF2Z) 214
Man, how can anyone, even while speculating, manage to type the words "President Biden" without spontaneously conbus
Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 09, 2020 04:49 PM (jjaLl) 215
Sullivan is untouchable. What can be done to a Federal judge other than impeachment? Nothing.
Nancy will not impeach him. So he can do anything he damn well pleases. Posted by: blaster at July 09, 2020 04:49 PM (Ieq1i) 216
#67 -
Houstonian, I agree completely with your post, but I have a different question/issue: why does Sullivan have standing to even ask for an en banc hearing? The parties to this case are Flynn and the USA, not Sullivan. He is just the trial judge. Trial judges get reversed and ordered to do things by appellate courts every day. Since when did they have a right to whine to an en banc court and ask for an en banc hearing? Other than thinking that he's God Almighty and obviously being an emotionally immature person who can't handle not getting his way, what makes him so special that he gets to appeal the reversal of his own decision by a higher court? Posted by: Leeotis at July 09, 2020 04:50 PM (zf8hw) 217
Is anything more assault and batter than being tasered
Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2020 04:50 PM (6f16T) 218
If Trump wins, Flynn goes free. If Trump loses, Flynn gets a last-day pardon. Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 09, 2020 04:25 PM (mht8P) And for the first time the Supreme Court will decree that the President's power to Pardon is not absolute, and can be over ridden by a subsequent administration. For National Security and Trump is a Poopy head reasons. Posted by: Romeo13 at July 09, 2020 04:50 PM (NgKpN) 219
May I just post the threadwinner here right now......
I know all about right and wrong, but legal and illegal in the US Justice System depends on how much you contribute. Posted by: Asscheeks of Saturn at July 09, 2020 04:50 PM (Jj+59) 220
Ford CEO replies to demands from employees to stop making police vehicles- Fine. Then lay off those employees for the loss in sales. Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 09, 2020 04:50 PM (oVJmc) 221
Jonathan (Jessica) Yaniv is going to be arrested on the charge of assault against a Rebel News employee that was caught on camera. Posted by: bonhomme at July 09, 2020 04:50 PM (YYlyE) 222
Obamabot and Sullivan and the other 'judges' on the circuit court set this up and were waiting for SCOTUS to leave session.
--- I think this might be too cynical, even if correct. Because, even if he filed it two weeks ago, by the time of the en banc review and ruling , the supreme court still would have been adjourned. Posted by: RoyalOil at July 09, 2020 04:51 PM (+CAgs) 223
Ford CEO replies to demands from employees to stop making police vehicles- Posted by: redridinghood Ford CEO: a mish-mash of mushy talk to tell his employees no, we're not doing that. Thanks for asking, and keep up the good work! Posted by: Bozo Conservative....outlaw in America at July 09, 2020 04:51 PM (vcOmj) 224
President Trump says Roger Stone's prayer for a pardon will be answered. Howie is talking to DJT now.
Posted by: azalea city at July 09, 2020 04:51 PM (mL39G) 225
201 Ace is quoting Robert Barnes?
Robert Barnes, lol? The same Robert Barnes that kept telling people McSally was going to beat Sinema when all the absentees were counted? There definitely was some cheating there, so he gets a pass from me. He was on a YouTube the other day with some French lawyer talking about the Ghislaine Maxwell case. Barnes knows a lot of interesting details. Posted by: LASue at July 09, 2020 04:47 PM (Ed8 ================================= Every day Barnes would say, despite Sinema picking up tons of votes, that the next day would be great for McSally. He's a charlatan and intentionally deceiving gullible people. And he's not the only one doing it. Posted by: HillaryClinton at July 09, 2020 04:51 PM (y37c/) 226
Does he need to work? I know there are stories of him losing his life savings and all that, but he's not destitute on the street, is he?
I'm not saying it's right, just that there's not necessarily a ticking clock for him. There is for everyone else, for all the various reasons, but if Sullivan keeps playing grabass with the law, I guess Flynn can ride this out too. Posted by: BurtTC at July 09, 2020 04:45 PM (hku12) Burt, Sydney P has estimated this case has cost Flynn $2 M . He had to sell his house to fund the initial court case defense. He has received a lot of go fund me money to continue his defense, but in the meantime, he has not been able to work to recoup his retirement, savings, or assets. He has no freedom right now in that he is under a gag order. And for three years, he has had no idea if he is going to go to jail over this. I can't imagine it being "no big deal". Posted by: Jen the original at July 09, 2020 04:51 PM (5ojuH) 227
185 >>Trump can't pardon him now. Flynn is under a gag order imposed by the Court and has been for over 18 months.
Not according to his lawyer. Posted by: Frasier Crane at July 09, 2020 04:44 PM (CWMF2) So is he still under a gag order or not, and if he is, what possible reason could there be for that order to be still in effect (besides utter and complete corruption within the judiciary)? Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at July 09, 2020 04:51 PM (eTZoJ) 228
I can't wait to see what the second half of 2020 brings us. It's all surreal.
Posted by: spypeach at July 09, 2020 04:51 PM (Up/Jb) 229
Yes, but does this rise to the level of wacky hijinks? Because that's when the shit gets serious.
Posted by: Weasel at July 09, 2020 04:51 PM (MVjcR) 230
A Civil War at this time of the country's history would be very difficult.
During the last one we had numerous ways to identify those who most likely had Southern Confederacy leanings. You could almost pick your target from a distance. Identifying them by skin color, clothes, location and up close accent. This time around it would be such a mix of those that only intimate personal knowledge of their philosophy or their actually fighting for one side or another would be proof enough. It would be very very bad. I believe it would be like the Irish Troubles more than a war. Internecine strife, murder, bombings, sniping and general impulsive mayhem. Sort of like NOW. Posted by: jakee308 at July 09, 2020 04:51 PM (5sfJ+) 231
Functionally how could a judges gag order have any effect or force once a pardon is issued? A pardon ends the case, ends the judges role, makes it null and void along with a gag order. Now these are extraordinary of limitless lawlessness and Judge Smalls may tray to make more mischief? But I would have to see some precedent for continued judicial gag orders after the issuance of a pardon. Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 09, 2020 04:52 PM (pxPu3) 232
We will grant the motion for en banc rehearing and provide counsel for Judge Sullivan the opportunity for a hearing before the full court after the August vacation period.
We will then rule that the three-judge panel acted prematurely in issuing a writ of mandamus before Judge Sullivan even ruled on the motion for dismissal. The unwillingness to trust the judgment of a black man by the three-judge panel is one of the hallmarks of systemic racism that is ingrained in every nook and cranny of American life. Judge Sullivan will then be permitted to set a court schedule as he sees fit and consider whatever evidence he desires before issuing a final ruling on the motion to dismiss at his leisure, and only after such a ruling has issued will the Circuit Court entertain appeals by the parties. Final disposition on this case is set for: The Twelfth of Never. Posted by: DC Circuit, en banc at July 09, 2020 04:52 PM (f2oVT) 233
Barr is so deep state Nadler is now suggesting his conduct is close to bribery.
Super deep state. Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2020 04:52 PM (ZLI7S) 234
When will this all end?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 09, 2020 04:52 PM (tsZQ+) 235
Trump can pardon Flynn at any time.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 09, 2020 04:21 PM (pxPu3) Even if, hypothetically, he wacks Sullivan? Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 09, 2020 04:52 PM (1g7ch) 236
Boy would I ever be embarrassed to be an attorney. I dont give a fuck your political views. you are a piece of shit. U 2 boss.
Posted by: Asscheeks of Saturn at July 09, 2020 04:52 PM (Jj+59) Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 09, 2020 04:52 PM (WvQcX) 238
233 Barr is so deep state Nadler is now suggesting his conduct is close to bribery.
Super deep state. Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2020 04:52 PM (ZLI7S) ========= Psyops, dude, to keep the right from revolting! Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:52 PM (LvTSG) 239
Hoping The Donald would pardon Stone. Interview is over. Roger Stone will sleep better tonight, wife too. Thanks Mr. President.
Posted by: azalea city at July 09, 2020 04:52 PM (mL39G) 240
>>>Every day Barnes would say, despite Sinema picking up tons of votes, that the next day would be great for McSally.
He's a charlatan and intentionally deceiving gullible people. ... oh shit someone in politics got something wrong in the context of a campaign obviously, that person must be #Cancelled and cannot be quoted ever again fucking dumb cunt NeverTrumper Posted by: ace at July 09, 2020 04:52 PM (PbpT7) 241
They literally have to keep this going on as long as possible to prevent Flynn from speaking.
perhaps Flynn could pen an article by 'Anonymous' and have it published by a friendly outlet like the NYT does all the time Posted by: DanMan at July 09, 2020 04:53 PM (XTiHL) 242
Trump should pardon Stone now.
Posted by: blaster at July 09, 2020 04:53 PM (Ieq1i) 243
Flynn can (and may have already) talk with the DOJ. I don't think a judge's gag order can stop that. I am pretty sure he could talk in a congressional hearing too. 3 branches and all that.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 09, 2020 04:53 PM (r+sAi) 244
Yeah, waiting until right before the filing deadline is just typical lawyer shit.
Requesting en banc is also typical lawyer shit. Sullivan thinking he's God? Absolutely typical judge shit. Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at July 09, 2020 04:53 PM (GbPPJ) 245
liberal bitch
Posted by: ace at July 09, 2020 04:53 PM (PbpT7) 246
83 ***, but it's not necessarily costing him anything right now.
*** Posted by: BurtTC at July 09, 2020 You don't know lawyers very well, do you? ________________ LOL, that's right. It's costing Flynn plenty. Sydney Powell has to spend time reading the judge's motion, she'll probably have to write a motion of her own, she may go on t.v. to talk about it, and if the re-hearing is granted she'll have to spend more hours on that. I know Flynn has a legal defense fund, but I don't know how much it has raised so far. He reportedly has more than $6 million still owing to Covington & Burling, his original lawyers in his fiasco. In any event, this will keep the meter running on Flynn's legal bill, which is an outrage, considering the case should have been dismissed long ago. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 09, 2020 04:53 PM (k4dH2) 247
235 Trump can pardon Flynn at any time.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 09, 2020 04:21 PM (pxPu3) Even if, hypothetically, he wacks Sullivan? Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 09, 2020 04:52 PM (1g7ch) ========= I learned from The Simpsons that every president gets 3 free murders. Did Trump already use his up? Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:53 PM (LvTSG) 248
"Ford CEO: a mish-mash of mushy talk"
Can't really blame him. He's trying to reduce the craziness, not increase it. Don't want to give the whack-jobs a new quote to rally around. Posted by: Chris M at July 09, 2020 04:53 PM (eAZVt) 249
There is some decent defense training going on at a lot of churches.
And churches are very networked. I'm pissed at my Church's (LDS) response to all this. They told us not to carry in Church because it's not inclusive and welcoming enough if we carry. Posted by: bonhomme at July 09, 2020 04:53 PM (YYlyE) 250
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 09, 2020 04:25 PM (mht8P)
And for the first time the Supreme Court will decree that the President's power to Pardon is not absolute, and can be over ridden by a subsequent administration. For National Security and Trump is a Poopy head reasons. Posted by: Romeo13 at July 09, 2020 04:50 PM (NgKpN) Yeah, it's not about the law anymore, and hasn't been for some time, obviously. It's about power. Do you have it or not? We'll see what happens in November, but yeah, we've blown way past rule of law, about 13 roadside warnings ago. Posted by: BurtTC at July 09, 2020 04:53 PM (hku12) 251
It would be very very bad.
I believe it would be like the Irish Troubles more than a war. Internecine strife, murder, bombings, sniping and general impulsive mayhem. Sort of like NOW. Posted by: jakee308 at July 09, 2020 04:51 PM --- Just like the 60s and early 70s then. Wasn't a week went by there wasn't a major bombing happened someplace in the Country. Trust me, it was way worse back then that what we have now. Posted by: Mr. Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 09, 2020 04:53 PM (JUOKG) 252
I think you give too much credit to the Obamabot for not asking for the en banc hearing. If the goal is to stretch this out as long as possible, why wouldn't the judge allow this to wait the maximum possible time?
Posted by: Andy_in_Colorado at July 09, 2020 04:54 PM (CBrao) 253
Yes, its about delay but I don't think a possible Biden election is the key here. Its just that something about the Flynn case is delaying action by the Department of Justice, for some reason. I do not understand what it is. But they delayed announcing "we're coming after you" and several major steps until the case was dropped, then it went silent and stalling started again once the judge kept it going.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at July 09, 2020 04:54 PM (KZzsI) 254
Been a bad week in the courts. I'm not feeling too optimistic about this country anymore.
Posted by: Sooner - White Blue-eyed Debil at July 09, 2020 04:54 PM (veosV) Posted by: It's me donna at July 09, 2020 04:55 PM (Zmnko) 256
When will this all end?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 09, 2020 04:52 PM (tsZQ+ when the grown ups step in and start whopping some ass. Posted by: spypeach at July 09, 2020 04:55 PM (Up/Jb) 257
Nope he shouldn't or nope he ain't gonna?
Posted by: blaster at July 09, 2020 04:55 PM (Ieq1i) 258
Okay, who got ace going the f off?
Not that I'm not enjoying it. A pissed off ace is a righteous ace. Posted by: SMH at July 09, 2020 04:55 PM (RU4sa) 259
Jesus, you would think a "free" press would just be DYING to find out what Flynn has to say, and then report it
Nope. These people are tight. Posted by: JoeF. at July 09, 2020 04:47 PM (gtdYu) Sydney has said in inteviews that she believe this was done to Flynn because he knows the entire financial benefits that occurred from Obama's Money for Mullah's schemes. And he was starting to do investigations into the different departments responsible for it which horrified the deep state. Posted by: Jen the original at July 09, 2020 04:55 PM (5ojuH) 260
Between this and the supremes decision on Ok. America it was nice knowing you. As for the rest of you good people, see you in the trenches. (If this has been previously mentioned, sorry.)
Posted by: Some rat in the swamp at July 09, 2020 04:55 PM (2ygtH) 261
258 Okay, who got ace going the f off?
Not that I'm not enjoying it. A pissed off ace is a righteous ace. Posted by: SMH at July 09, 2020 04:55 PM (RU4sa) ======== Troll. Not you. It was a troll. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:55 PM (LvTSG) 262
Saw that Ford employees want to stop making police cars.
1 how soon until employees start sabotaging cars on the line? Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2020 04:56 PM (6f16T) Posted by: SMH at July 09, 2020 04:56 PM (RU4sa) 264
I can't wait to see what the second half of 2020 brings us. It's all surreal.
Posted by: spypeach Real Old Testament wrath. 40 days of darkness. Human sacrifice. Dogs and cats, living together. Mass hysteria. Yawn. Saw the movie. Posted by: Bozo Conservative....outlaw in America at July 09, 2020 04:56 PM (vcOmj) Posted by: It's me donna at July 09, 2020 04:56 PM (Zmnko) 266
Fuck Stone and Manafort.
Posted by: Asscheeks of Saturn at July 09, 2020 04:56 PM (Jj+59) 267
264 I can't wait to see what the second half of 2020 brings us. It's all surreal.
Posted by: spypeach Real Old Testament wrath. 40 days of darkness. Human sacrifice. Dogs and cats, living together. Mass hysteria. Yawn. Saw the movie. Posted by: Bozo Conservative....outlaw in America at July 09, 2020 04:56 PM (vcOmj)264 I can't wait to see what the second half of 2020 brings us. It's all surreal. Posted by: spypeach Real Old Testament wrath. 40 days of darkness. Human sacrifice. Dogs and cats, living together. Mass hysteria. Yawn. Saw the movie. Posted by: Bozo Conservative....outlaw in America at July 09, 2020 04:56 PM (vcOmj) ========== Spoiler: It's actually going to be really boring. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:56 PM (LvTSG) 268
It would be very very bad.
I believe it would be like the Irish Troubles more than a war. Internecine strife, murder, bombings, sniping and general impulsive mayhem. Sort of like NOW. Posted by: jakee308 at July 09, 2020 04:51 PM (5sfJ+) Pretty much the only scenario I see, right up until the point that some Army Units get pulled into getting involved (which will happen if the mayhem gets bad enough) and then it becomes something like the English Civil War of the 1640's, or the Spanish Civil War of the 1930's. And the outcome will depend on who ends up in charge of most of the military, just like those did. The 1st American Civil War was really quite an anomaly, being so geographically based. It really should be called a Rebellion. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 04:56 PM (Kpl3J) 269
you are a piece of shit. U 2 boss.
Posted by: Asscheeks of Saturn at July 09, 2020 04:52 PM (Jj+59) What the hell did I do? Posted by: Bono at July 09, 2020 04:57 PM (Izzlo) 270
"Jesus, you would think a "free" press would just be DYING to find out what Flynn has to say, and then report it
Nope. These people are tight" Posted by: JoeF old hippies ... "hey man, it would be so cool, we have a chance to completely overturn all those religious tradition ... we will go down in history as the ones that did global communism right ... and we make 6 or 7 figures in the process, get invited to the hip cocktail parties, can never be fired or arrested ... dude, this is so awesome." The New War is being fought differently than the old war ... as long as the public feels their retirement riches in stocks is fine, they will not want to revolt against such tyranny. Most of America that runs things is "fully invested" in the globalist machine. Change is coming (check the fed reserve balance sheet, which may not even reveal some of the missing trillions) ... do we get to keep sovereign rights? or sovereign countries? ... in theory, even globalists might allow that, in appearance only, though. They want to keep control of the quadrillions in fake "money", and control of governments. Posted by: illiniwek at July 09, 2020 04:57 PM (Cus5s) 271
When Democrats place their assets in a position to benefit their goals, they use those assets. They ALWAYS use those assets.
For them, this is a hill to die on. All stops will be pulled. And they WILL use those assets. Such an approach is what distinguishes the Left from the Right. The Right is always concerned with optics. The Left never is because they know the optics will be blunted by favorable media coverage. Get ready for an En Banc. The Obama/Clinton appointees on that Court outnumber those placed there by the true Right. Even the Bush appointees are especially questionable. This isn't "Lawyers being Lawyers." It is a carefully orchestrated tactic. Stall, wear down the Right, then lower the hammer. Flynn is in deep shit right now, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. The rest of the Court won't sit it out, because they have been instructed that this one matters. Posted by: Orson at July 09, 2020 04:57 PM (H9UzW) 272
Sullivan is black? sounds Irish to me.
Posted by: Asscheeks of Saturn at July 09, 2020 04:57 PM (Jj+59) 273
Roger Stone is to report to prison Tuesday but the President told Howie that a pardon is coming. It would be very disheartening if Stone did go to prison when DJT has the power to prevent a gross miscarriage of justice.
Posted by: azalea city at July 09, 2020 04:57 PM (mL39G) 274
Duke Lowell, Good to see you. Been away a while. Hope all is well.
Posted by: Mrs. JTB at July 09, 2020 04:58 PM (7EjX1) 275
215, Nope, District Court judges have been sitting in prison until they were finally removed from office. Course they still get paid and get benefits but Judge Sullivan, if he commits a crime, can be prosecuted and sentenced to serve in prison for that crime.
Another District Court judge has the indignity of having all cases removed from him and no further cases assigned until he finally resigned. He was a serial sexual harassment dude. A circuit judge also abruptly retired on the West Coast for similar reasons. According to the brethren in black today, Sullivan can be investigated via executive proctology exams just like any other citizen via subpoena regarding the favorable treatment of his child. Just as Justice Robert's curious adoption of children can be investigated etc. All of their taxes, their dirty little soirees at legal publishers as emoluments, etc. All it requires is the willingness to go to the mattresses by the executive and willing subordinates. In game theory, when a branch continues to color outside of its lines of authority, then the only solution is to give it to that branch until it is sick of it. In this case, endless lawfare and investigations and warrantless surveillance leaked to the press. Posted by: whig at July 09, 2020 04:58 PM (pv2s8) Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2020 04:58 PM (ZLI7S) 277
Those are largely being found by Durham.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 04:44 PM (LvTSG) I thought earlier we heard that Durham had asked for a trademark exception from Sessions so that could sign postponement orders as "Sleepy" Durham? Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at July 09, 2020 04:58 PM (eTZoJ) 278
Since Brock had Everest on the ONT been watchijng from the beginning Everest ( 2015).
Never had the desire to go freeze my nuts off. Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2020 04:58 PM (6f16T) 279
Saw that Ford employees want to stop making police cars.
1 how soon until employees start sabotaging cars on the line? Posted by: Skip Well, I would say if it was GM, how would you know the difference? Ford's quality is more than a little better than GM's. Posted by: Bozo Conservative....outlaw in America at July 09, 2020 04:58 PM (vcOmj) 280
271But there are no Democrat judges
Posted by: Rockin Roberts at July 09, 2020 04:58 PM (ONvIw) 281
Fuck Stone and Manafort.
Posted by: Asscheeks of Saturn at July 09, 2020 04:56 PM (Jj+59) I guess you did not heat Manfort is already home? Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 09, 2020 04:58 PM (tsZQ+) 282
I'm pissed at my Church's (LDS) response to all this. They told us not to carry in Church because it's not inclusive and welcoming enough if we carry.
==== If it's concealed how will anyone ever know until it's "Go Time?" Then, they'll be grateful. Posted by: Bicentennialguy at July 09, 2020 04:59 PM (iydjf) 283
Sullivan is black? sounds Irish to me.
Posted by: Asscheeks of Saturn at July 09, 2020 04:57 PM (Jj+59) I don't know about his skin color, but his heart and soul are black. His liver though, is Irish. Posted by: BurtTC at July 09, 2020 04:59 PM (hku12) 284
Just like the 60s and early 70s then.
Wasn't a week went by there wasn't a major bombing happened someplace in the Country. Trust me, it was way worse back then that what we have now. Posted by: Mr. Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 09, 2020 04:53 PM (JUOKG) except this time we're gonna need to be the ones in the new weather underground. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 04:59 PM (Kpl3J) 285
I saw Cocksycker Lunatic open for Joe Cocker at Isle of Wight '73.
Posted by: zombie at July 09, 2020 04:59 PM (HEEq1) 286
249 There is some decent defense training going on at a lot of churches.
And churches are very networked. I'm pissed at my Church's (LDS) response to all this. They told us not to carry in Church because it's not inclusive and welcoming enough if we carry. Posted by: bonhomme at July 09, 2020 04:53 PM (YYlyE) ... Come on over to the dark side... Posted by: TexasDan at July 09, 2020 04:59 PM (2HIdp) 287
#BlackIrishMatter *hic*
Posted by: Wine Moms at July 09, 2020 05:00 PM (EgshT) 288
I don't know about his skin color, but his heart and soul are black. His liver though, is Irish. Posted by: BurtTC at July 09, 2020 04:59 PM (hku12) Of course he's black, look up his bio. Which is (seriously, not a joke) why he and Eric Holder have been extremely close friends and allies for over 20 years now. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 05:00 PM (Kpl3J) 289
>>>Trust me, it was way worse back then that what we have now.
Funny you should mention that. I once had a conversation with my grandfather about the 60's. He told me at one point, he really thought the country would split apart. I often wonder if it was similar to this before the bomb-y times of 68-72. Posted by: Citizen Cake at July 09, 2020 05:00 PM (HmZuC) 290
Mikey NTH: "I know a lawyer who will file things (e-filing system) at 11:50 pm."
Going to be a fine meeting with a client when his lawyer's network goes down at 11:49 pm for 15 minutes and his papers end up missing. Yep. A fine meeting. I hope the client is armed. Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at July 09, 2020 05:00 PM (HhXSr) 291
Indeed -- I think it would have already been scheduled.
You don't run out the clock by quickly running plays. You wait for the play clock to wind down every down. Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 09, 2020 05:01 PM (ht+WZ) 292
Sydney has said in inteviews that she believe this was done to Flynn because he knows the entire financial benefits that occurred from Obama's Money for Mullah's schemes. And he was starting to do investigations into the different departments responsible for it which horrified the deep state.
________________ There have also been reports that the CIA was spending billions of dollars "off the books" on various shit that they had no business doing, and that Flynn was going to expose that. Flynn apparently knows lots of stuff that the Deep State does not want him talking about. I really hope the guy has good security, because he needs it, and probably will need it for the rest of his life. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 09, 2020 05:01 PM (k4dH2) 293
Both of Sullivan's kids are far left wack jobs, so you know what that household is like
Posted by: Nevergiveup at July 09, 2020 05:01 PM (tsZQ+) 294
Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., on Thursday was given the authority to subpoena dozens of former members of the Obama administration who were involved in the Russia collusion investigation.
The Obama Justice Department's probe of the now-debunked collusion claim, which included illegitimate spying on the Trump campaign, led to the special counsel probe of Robert Mueller, which couldn't find sufficient evidence of collusion. Posted by: SMOD at July 09, 2020 05:02 PM (3aI0K) 295
If it's concealed how will anyone ever know until it's "Go Time?" Then, they'll be grateful.
Of course I carry. But we can't have an actual protection team with drills and such because of the mandate. Come on over to the dark side... No thanks, I don't think I'm cut out to be a Mennonite. Posted by: bonhomme at July 09, 2020 05:02 PM (YYlyE) 296
First they came for the cocksucker lunatics, but I did not protest, for I was not a cocksucker lunatic....
Posted by: zombie at July 09, 2020 05:02 PM (HEEq1) 297
It will take then 30 days to decide on enbanc, then another 60 days to hold the enbanc, then 60 days for the ruling... in Dec.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 09, 2020 05:02 PM (ht+WZ) 298
Voter roles.
Anyone think Antifa and BLM militants don't already have their hands on the voter roles? Pretty easy to identify your enemies when you've got their addresses. Posted by: blindside1973 at July 09, 2020 05:02 PM (SxTY3) 299
284 Just like the 60s and early 70s then.
Wasn't a week went by there wasn't a major bombing happened someplace in the Country. Trust me, it was way worse back then that what we have now. Posted by: Mr. Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 09, 2020 04:53 PM (JUOKG) except this time we're gonna need to be the ones in the new weather underground. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 04:59 PM (Kpl3J) ... My dad's building was across the street from the one that got bombed in Madison. First university bombing if I'm not mistaken, in an animal lab. Killed some grad students working at night. Still, isn't this different in that there seem to be more and more organized people ready to do mayhem? Posted by: TexasDan at July 09, 2020 05:02 PM (2HIdp) Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at July 09, 2020 05:03 PM (PiwSw) Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at July 09, 2020 05:03 PM (aKsyK) 302
Of course I carry. But we can't have an actual protection team with drills and such because of the mandate.
==== Ah. Ok. My apologies - you may have said that earlier; I didn't read all the comments. Posted by: Bicentennialguy at July 09, 2020 05:03 PM (iydjf) 303
Aw, c'mon guys...
Black Robes Matter Posted by: wth at July 09, 2020 05:03 PM (v0R5T) 304
My dad's building was across the street from the one that got bombed in Madison. First university bombing if I'm not mistaken, in an animal lab. Killed some grad students working at night.
Still, isn't this different in that there seem to be more and more organized people ready to do mayhem? Posted by: TexasDan at July 09, 2020 05:02 PM (2HIdp) Thanks, social media!! Posted by: LASue at July 09, 2020 05:03 PM (Ed8Zd) 305
I have self identified as illiniwek (several tribes from the area) for years, I want my portion when a judge gives "my people" half of Illinois. (you racists, using my Indian heritage for your state name).
Let my people GO ... to court, for reparations ... Posted by: illiniwek at July 09, 2020 05:03 PM (Cus5s) 306
300 "Come on over to the dark side..."
Are cookies involved? Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at July 09, 2020 05:03 PM (PiwSw) ========= Just tell them that there will be punch and pie. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 05:03 PM (LvTSG) 307
If there are six votes on the circuit court for en-banc review and they are in league with Sullivan, wouldn't they have wanted him to wait until the last minute if the entire purpose is to delay and prevent Flynn from speaking?
Posted by: salander at July 09, 2020 05:04 PM (FuyJU) 308
Trust me, it was way worse back then that what we have now.
Funny you should mention that. I once had a conversation with my grandfather about the 60's. He told me at one point, he really thought the country would split apart. I often wonder if it was similar to this before the bomb-y times of 68-72. Posted by: Citizen Cake If you are interested in history, you should find and read "Days of Rage", which documents a lot of this. Something like 6,000 (Six Thousand!) bombings between 1968 and 1976. Really bad in California and some other places. I think the FBI with local law enforcement finally snuffed it out. The FBI today is much more compromised, so.....we may be in some trouble here. Posted by: Bozo Conservative....outlaw in America at July 09, 2020 05:04 PM (vcOmj) 309
Get ready for an En Banc.
Each of them knows it's better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. (So much easier than swaying an electorate) Posted by: George Soros at July 09, 2020 05:04 PM (lIIT7) 310
"As a black conservative my voice and opinions are not usually popular, but this platform gives me an opportunity to share my beliefs with an appreciative and receptive audience." Posted by: SMH at July 09, 2020 05:04 PM (RU4sa) 311
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 04:56 PM (Kpl3J)
This one will be Urban vs. Rural. Which will get really ugly once power lines start getting targeted. Posted by: Romeo13 at July 09, 2020 05:04 PM (NgKpN) 312
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell indicated on Thursday that media figures overreacted to a recent report that Russian officials placed bounties on the lives of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.
"What I know is that our military commanders on the ground did not think that it was as serious a problem as the newspapers were reporting and television was reporting," Powell told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell. "It got kind of out of control before we really had an understanding of what had happened. I'm not sure we fully understand now." He added: "But [commander of U.S. Central Command] General [Kenneth] McKenzie ... he did not think this was of that level of importance to us. Remember, it's not the intelligence community that's going to go fight these guys, it's the guys on the ground. It's our troops. It's our commanders who are going to go deal with this kind of a threat, using intelligence that was given to them by the intelligence community. Damage done .. nothing to see here Posted by: SMOD at July 09, 2020 05:04 PM (3aI0K) 313
just an man and his horse being hanged
Posted by: rhennigantx at July 09, 2020 05:05 PM (JFO2v) 314
308, Bozo, Look up Cointelpro which is how they ended the Weathermen etc. FBI had informants everywhere along with warrantless surveillance.
Posted by: whig at July 09, 2020 05:06 PM (pv2s8) 315
Saw that Ford employees want to stop making police cars.
...... All of them, or just a couple of loud, stupid ones? Posted by: wth at July 09, 2020 05:06 PM (v0R5T) 316
Ah. Ok. My apologies - you may have said that earlier; I didn't read all the comments.
If I came across as angry or upset at you, I'm sorry. That wasn't my intent. I'm upset at the mandate. I'm not upset at you. Posted by: bonhomme at July 09, 2020 05:06 PM (YYlyE) 317
>>>Can someone who knows for sure tell me if an airhorn that close to people is assault or not?
assault and battery, in fact Posted by: ace at July 09, 2020 04:39 PM (PbpT7) Really no worse than burning out someone's retinas with a laser. Mayham - deliberately disabling someone. Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 09, 2020 05:07 PM (1g7ch) 318
274 Duke Lowell, Good to see you. Been away a while. Hope all is well.
Posted by: Mrs. JTB at July 09, 2020 04:58 PM (7EjX1) ----------------- Thanks! I've been trying mightily to keep my business afloat. Posted by: Duke Lowell at July 09, 2020 05:07 PM (kTF2Z) Posted by: Bubba the Little Lying Bitch at July 09, 2020 05:08 PM (iydjf) 320
Robinhood Has Lured Young Traders, Sometimes With Devastating Results
Its users buy and sell the riskiest financial products and do so more frequently than customers at other retail brokerage firms, but their inexperience can lead to staggering losses. A fool is born every day Posted by: SMOD at July 09, 2020 05:08 PM (3aI0K) 321
Give up yet?
Posted by: The Deep State at July 09, 2020 05:08 PM (XxJt1) 322
315 Saw that Ford employees want to stop making police cars.
...... All of them, or just a couple of loud, stupid ones? Posted by: wth at July 09, 2020 05:06 PM (v0R5T) Loud stupid Fords? So Mustangs? Posted by: Romeo13 at July 09, 2020 05:08 PM (NgKpN) 323
I once had a conversation with my grandfather about
the 60's. He told me at one point, he really thought the country would split apart. I often wonder if it was similar to this before the bomb-y times of 68-72. Posted by: Citizen Cake at July 09, 2020 05:00 PM (HmZuC) I've been thinking along those same lines... there was quite a bit of actual terrorist bombings in those years, designed to foment "revolution"...... it didn't work (right away) then, and I have a strong belief that it won't work now. Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 09, 2020 05:08 PM (jjaLl) 324
This one will be Urban vs. Rural.
Which will get really ugly once power lines start getting targeted. Posted by: Romeo13 at July 09, 2020 05:04 PM (NgKpN) On that topic - there was a really strange story in our paper this morning. Somebody has been going out on I-20 and dropping loads of caltrops on the road, a couple hundred at a time. Tire flatteners. There's nothing special about that stretch of road, no other crimes associated with the effort. It's happened more than once, in the same general area. Looks to me like someone has picked a rather remote spot to start practicing area denial. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 05:08 PM (Kpl3J) 325
'Pretty easy to identify your enemies when you've got their addresses. '
Oh, please, let them try it. I am bored to tears. Posted by: attilla isn't so bad, really at July 09, 2020 05:09 PM (w7KSn) 326
A fool is born every day
Posted by: SMOD at July 09, 2020 05:08 PM (3aI0K) a sucker every minute Posted by: rhennigantx at July 09, 2020 05:09 PM (JFO2v) 327
If I came across as angry or upset at you, I'm sorry. That wasn't my intent. I'm upset at the mandate. I'm not upset at you.
==== Not at all! I felt bad for making you repeat yourself if you already said it. No worries. Posted by: Bicentennialguy at July 09, 2020 05:09 PM (iydjf) 328
Saw that Ford employees want to stop making police cars.
1 how soon until employees start sabotaging cars on the line? Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2020 04:56 PM (6f16T) Given some of the quality they've been putting out, aren't they already? *Moms having to have Ford put in half a new engine because of line-wide issues* Posted by: Bete at July 09, 2020 05:10 PM (Ojki1) 329
If you are interested in history, you should find and read "Days of Rage", which documents a lot of this.
Something like 6,000 (Six Thousand!) bombings between 1968 and 1976. Really bad in California and some other places. I think the FBI with local law enforcement finally snuffed it out. The FBI today is much more compromised, so.....we may be in some trouble here. Posted by: Bozo Conservative....outlaw in America at July 09, 2020 05:04 PM --- At first they did nothing about the bombings because they were almost all against military targets like recruiting stations and military bases and no one really cared. When they started bombing innocent civilians the fbi and atf stepped in and started banging heads because John Q. Public started bitching. Like I said above, it was way worse back then than it is now. Posted by: Mr. Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 09, 2020 05:10 PM (JUOKG) 330
Bozo, Look up Cointelpro which is how they ended the Weathermen etc. FBI had informants everywhere along with warrantless surveillance.
Posted by: whig Yeah, the FBI was a lot more "determined" then to stop the Weathermen, the Symbionese Liberation Army, the Black Panthers, etc. And the judiciary was, in part, compromised in those days, too, which was "part" of the reason for a lot of warrantless surveillance. The Viet Nam War was very unpopular in a lot of places up through 1975, which gave the Anarchists a big ocean to swim in, and not be found (college campuses, etc, all over). But in those days, people had real landlines that were easier to access and listen in on. Posted by: Bozo Conservative....outlaw in America at July 09, 2020 05:10 PM (vcOmj) 331
Dumber, Sullivan or Lemon?
Posted by: Heart of Darkness at July 09, 2020 05:10 PM (VLqkb) 332
I've been thinking along those same lines... there was quite a bit of actual terrorist bombings in those years, designed to foment "revolution"...... it didn't work (right away) then, and I have a strong belief that it won't work now. Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 09, 2020 05:08 PM (jjaLl) ========== People rise up when they feel actual oppression. I love it when lefties use the French Revolution as a model because the people of France were dirt, dirt poor. They were run over in the streets by the aristocracy that taxed them to literal death in order to fund their lavish lifestyles. When the American people largely never have to worry about their next meal and don't really fight the elements, there's not going to be a lot of appetite for revolution. "But the Gini coefficient!" -Bladerdash Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 05:10 PM (LvTSG) 333
Uh-oh -- according to CNN, we're headed for a "wave of brain damage" due to the Chinese Lung AIDS Pandemic: Coronavirus pandemic could cause wave of brain damage, scientists warn Judging by the number of people who fall for all the bullshit hype, I'd wager that our society has ALREADY experienced wave of brain damage. Posted by: zombie at July 09, 2020 05:11 PM (HEEq1) 334
the Ford CEO should have transferred those people to the police car production line and then said "what was it you guys wanted again?"
Posted by: x at July 09, 2020 05:11 PM (nFwvY) 335
Tire flatteners. There's nothing special about that stretch of road, no other crimes associated with the effort. It's happened more than once, in the same general area.
Looks to me like someone has picked a rather remote spot to start practicing area denial. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 05:08 PM (Kpl3J) I hear they are doing that with EBT cards now. Posted by: rhennigantx at July 09, 2020 05:11 PM (JFO2v) 336
331 Dumber, Sullivan or Lemon?
Posted by: Heart of Darkness at July 09, 2020 05:10 PM (VLqkb) If Sullivan had a son, he would look and act like Don Lemon. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 05:11 PM (Kpl3J) 337
Loud stupid Fords?
So Mustangs? Posted by: Romeo13 at July 09, 2020 05:08 PM (NgKpN) ......... Ya got me. *clutches chest, falls to ground* Posted by: wth at July 09, 2020 05:11 PM (v0R5T) 338
I tried to insert a space, but it didn't "take". Feel free to delete comment # 333 it it bows the margins. Massive apologies. Posted by: zombie at July 09, 2020 05:11 PM (HEEq1) Posted by: qdpsteve at July 09, 2020 05:12 PM (L2ZTs) 340
More bad news: Your Mediterranean Goop Cruise with Gwyneth Paltrow has been cancelled.
Posted by: These fish sticks are hard as tits at July 09, 2020 05:12 PM (AgR7f) 341
339 Mmmm these sound good...
https://www.beefits... Posted by: qdpsteve Good -- someone else blew the margins too, so now I don't feel so guilty. Posted by: zombie at July 09, 2020 05:13 PM (HEEq1) 342
If you are interested in history, you should find and read "Days of Rage", which documents a lot of this. Something like 6,000 (Six Thousand!) bombings between 1968 and 1976. Really bad in California and some other places. I think the FBI with local law enforcement finally snuffed it out. The FBI today is much more compromised, so.....we may be in some trouble here. Posted by: Bozo Conservative....outlaw in America at July 09, 2020 05:04 PM (vcOmj) Read it and it made my blood boil. A lot of entitled rich kids---not all of them though. Just like today. Posted by: JoeF. at July 09, 2020 05:13 PM (gtdYu) 343
333 Uh-oh -- according to CNN, we're headed for a "wave of brain damage" due to the Chinese Lung AIDS Pandemic: Coronavirus pandemic could cause wave of brain damage, scientists warn Judging by the number of people who fall for all the bullshit hype, I'd wager that our society has ALREADY experienced wave of brain damage. Posted by: zombie at July 09, 2020 05:11 PM (HEEq1) So now all people been to FLA babies have small head zika. Posted by: rhennigantx at July 09, 2020 05:13 PM (JFO2v) 344
And this prick Sullivan will never be impeached.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 09, 2020 05:13 PM (AFSld) 345
More bad news: Your Mediterranean Goop Cruise with Gwyneth Paltrow has been cancelled.
Posted by: These fish sticks are hard as tits at July 09, 2020 05:12 PM --- Now that just sucks. I was looking forward to watching her shove rocks into her vagina. Posted by: Mr. Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 09, 2020 05:13 PM (JUOKG) 346
341 339 Mmmm these sound good...
https://www.beefits... Posted by: qdpsteve Good -- someone else blew the margins too, so now I don't feel so guilty. Posted by: zombie at July 09, 2020 05:13 PM (HEEq1) =========== You really want to feel better? Ctrl+A Ctrl+V Post Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 05:13 PM (LvTSG) 347
The Biden rally in Pennsylvania .. look at the size of that crowd! five
Posted by: SMOD at July 09, 2020 05:13 PM (3aI0K) Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 09, 2020 05:14 PM (jjaLl) 349
I would think the AWU has every worker protected
Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2020 05:14 PM (6f16T) 350
There have also been reports that the CIA was spending billions of dollars "off the books" on various shit that they had no business doing, and that Flynn was going to expose that.
________________________________ Epstein didn't kill himself. ;D Posted by: Orson at July 09, 2020 05:14 PM (H9UzW) 351
zombie, I aim to please ;-)
TJM, yikes Posted by: qdpsteve at July 09, 2020 05:14 PM (L2ZTs) 352
>>> More bad news: Your Mediterranean Goop Cruise with Gwyneth Paltrow has been cancelled.
Is there any man who hasn't experienced Paltrow's goop? Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 09, 2020 05:14 PM (AFSld) 353
Selena Zito is now positing that senior citizens are the key group that will decide the election this year.
Posted by: Bicentennialguy at July 09, 2020 05:14 PM (iydjf) 354
Good -- someone else blew the margins too, so now I don't feel so guilty.
Posted by: zombie at July 09, 2020 05:13 PM (HEEq1) *gets a second pack of smokes* Posted by: The Margins at July 09, 2020 05:14 PM (Ojki1) Posted by: Notsothoreau at July 09, 2020 05:14 PM (YynYJ) 356
344 And this prick Sullivan will never be impeached.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 09, 2020 05:13 PM (AFSld) But the Two Judges who ruled in favor of Flynn and against Sullivan will be!!! Posted by: Nancy Pelosi at July 09, 2020 05:14 PM (Kpl3J) 357
If the court is going to have to entertain this cocksucker's shenanigans again, I think they should reopen discussion about whether it's time to reassign the Flynn case to someone with the constitutionally-required level of judicial dispassion and objectivity.
++++++++++++ As if. I need better drugs. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 09, 2020 05:15 PM (hYcqw) 358
That's why we intentionally threw the House elections in 2018!
Posted by: Republic donors and their kneepad bois at July 09, 2020 05:15 PM (BRkq2) 359
I've been thinking along those same lines... there was quite a bit of actual terrorist bombings in those years, designed to foment "revolution"...... it didn't work (right away) then, and I have a strong belief that it won't work now.
Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 09, 2020 05:08 PM (jjaLl) Security is much better today--and it's harder for people to hide out on the run for years. On the other hand, there's social media , so "protests" can instantly occur. Posted by: JoeF. at July 09, 2020 05:15 PM (gtdYu) 360
SMOD live?
Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2020 05:15 PM (6f16T) 361
Sydney has said in inteviews that she believe this was done to Flynn because he knows the entire financial benefits that occurred from Obama's Money for Mullah's schemes. And he was starting to do investigations into the different departments responsible for it which horrified the deep state.
________________ There have also been reports that the CIA was spending billions of dollars "off the books" on various shit that they had no business doing, and that Flynn was going to expose that. Flynn apparently knows lots of stuff that the Deep State does not want him talking about. I really hope the guy has good security, because he needs it, and probably will need it for the rest of his life. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 09, 2020 05:01 PM (k4dH2) I believe this, but don't understand why the deep state thought just by having Flynn fired and prosecuted he wouldn't be able to share his info and suspicions with others who could investigate. I dont think the gag order was that broad. Posted by: LASue at July 09, 2020 05:15 PM (Ed8Zd) 362
Tom Servo where is this stretch of I 20 with the nails?
Posted by: azalea city at July 09, 2020 05:15 PM (mL39G) 363
Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2020 04:56 PM (6f16T)
That happened in the 70s during the riots. You can see some of what they did. Bad paint jobs and missing parts, misaligned components. Oh yeah. Whenthe ayatollahs scared the crap out of us in 79 things got better but we went into a recession anyway and didn't come out until Reagans first term. Posted by: jakee308 at July 09, 2020 05:15 PM (5sfJ+) 364
zombie, my copy of the link above didn't blow any margins.
But then again I have the HoBoTronic 9500, the most powerful PC in the world. It could blow your modem clean off... Posted by: qdpsteve at July 09, 2020 05:15 PM (L2ZTs) 365
352 >>> More bad news: Your Mediterranean Goop Cruise with Gwyneth Paltrow has been cancelled.
Is there any man who hasn't experienced Paltrow's goop? Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 09, 2020 05:14 PM (AFSld) Yes, I denied her my essence. Posted by: Gen. Buck Turgidson at July 09, 2020 05:15 PM (NgKpN) Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 09, 2020 05:16 PM (AFSld) 367
311. Urban v. Rural yes, but dont forget there will be major corporations lined up exclusively on one side of that equation.
Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at July 09, 2020 05:16 PM (svbBD) Posted by: The Margins at July 09, 2020 05:16 PM (v0R5T) 369
Selena Zito is now positing that senior citizens are the key group that will decide the election this year.
Posted by: Bicentennialguy at July 09, 2020 05:14 PM (iydjf) I hope they don't vote for the candidate who looks like them Posted by: JoeF. at July 09, 2020 05:16 PM (gtdYu) 370
365 Is there any man who hasn't experienced Paltrow's goop?
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 09, 2020 05:14 PM (AFSld) Yes, I denied her my essence. Posted by: Gen. Buck Turgidson at July 09, 2020 05:15 PM (NgKpN) ========== "That's my line." -General Jack D. Ripper Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 05:16 PM (LvTSG) 371
There are dots to be connected between Huber Durhams cosmic incompetence and this 'lunatic judge'.
When nobody is accountable , EVER, on one side of the equation then you , friends, will be victims at the leisure and whim of the ruling side--ie the side that NEVER bears any responsibility for their treason an d other felonious mischief. Durham, to me, should be charged with malfeasance. THAT would show some action since Durham is to much of an I'm-competent pussy to do his fucking day job. Posted by: Voter theater. at July 09, 2020 05:16 PM (dY2qR) 372
Feel free to delete comment # 333 it it bows the margins.
On my browser at least, long strings will break on hyphens as well as spaces. So you're ok. This time. Posted by: Bob the Bilderberg at July 09, 2020 05:17 PM (qc+VF) 373
zombie: CV19 has already caused lots of brain damage. Just look at Congress.
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 09, 2020 05:17 PM (L2ZTs) 374
On the other hand, BOOMERS are now senior citizens
Posted by: JoeF. at July 09, 2020 05:17 PM (gtdYu) 375
If I were Ford CEO, I'd cut the price on police cars every time they made a demand.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at July 09, 2020 05:17 PM (oVJmc) Posted by: Wyatt Earp at July 09, 2020 05:17 PM (AFSld) 377
353 Selena Zito is now positing that senior citizens are the key group that will decide the election this year.
Posted by: Bicentennialguy at July 09, 2020 05:14 PM (iydjf) That's true almost every election. That's the big reason I'm so worried right now - most of the over 70 crowd that I know personally are freaking the fuck out. Most think Trump is trying to kill them by letting those young people do whatever they want, when they should all be under house arrest for the next 2 years. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 05:17 PM (Kpl3J) 378
364 zombie, my copy of the link above didn't blow any margins.
But then again I have the HoBoTronic 9500, the most powerful PC in the world. It could blow your modem clean off... Posted by: qdpsteve My margins weren't blown either, by my comment nor yours. I just presume that any URL more than about 11 characters long ends up blowing someone's margins, on some tiny smartphone or something. So I apologized in advance, just in case. Posted by: zombie at July 09, 2020 05:17 PM (HEEq1) 379
353. I still think it will be suburban white female who will decide 2020.
Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at July 09, 2020 05:18 PM (svbBD) 380
A White House reporter has tested positive for the coronavirus after attending two press briefings this week.
The news follows a national surge in COVID-19 diagnoses, though new cases in Washington, DC, remain low. White House Correspondents' Association president Jonathan Karl said in an email that the journalist is asymptomatic and did not linger in press workspaces. Posted by: SMOD at July 09, 2020 05:18 PM (3aI0K) 381
I've been thinking along those same lines... there was quite a bit of actual terrorist bombings in those years, designed to foment "revolution"...... it didn't work (right away) then, and I have a strong belief that it won't work now.
Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 09, 2020 05:08 PM (jjaLl) ++++++++++ Statistically, that period was much more violent. Now, it is a bit less violent but *way* more widespread. They threw bombs, but if you disagreed with them your life continued more or less uninterrupted (unless you got hit with a bomb, of course). Now, though, that is not true. They're not throwing bombs, but they'll destroy you - *you* personally - if you don't bend the knee (sometimes literally). Disagree with them? Your job is gone. Your house is picketed. You'll be driven to the margins and personally ruined. If you keep misbehaving, they'll physically hurt you. If you retaliate, the state will destroy you on their behalf. It is less objectively violent, but it is much more widespread, personal, powerful and destructive this time around. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 09, 2020 05:18 PM (hYcqw) 382
Yes, I denied her my essence. Posted by: Gen. Buck Turgidson at July 09, 2020 05:15 PM (NgKpN) ========== "That's my line." -General Jack D. Ripper Gentlemen, you cna't fight in here, this is the War Room! Posted by: President Merkin Muffley at July 09, 2020 05:18 PM (oVJmc) 383
And the Cancel Culture continues. Some teen put a pro Trump thing on social media and there's a big move to contact Marquette University in order to get her acceptance to the school rescinded.
See Legal Insurrection. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 09, 2020 05:18 PM (oDRcK) 384
330, Umm, Cointelpro also involved bugging, not simply wiretaps, agent provocateurs, a whole bunch of quasi legal justifications for some really extra constitutional "Investigations". The Mark Felt guy named Deepthroat ended up a felon because of the crap done under his watch as assoc. director in Cointelpro
This is in part why the FISA law was created which has promptly been used as justification for similar surveillance and actions using the old FARA act. Only this is judicially approved by the brethren in black robes. In essence, the FBI has always been a secret police agency at it core with the addition of a smorgasbord of other federal laws. Imagine MI-5 and Scotland Yard had a baby. Posted by: whig at July 09, 2020 05:18 PM (pv2s8) 385
I still think it will be suburban white female who will decide 2020.
Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at July 09, 2020 05:18 PM (svbBD) So...a Karen? Posted by: JoeF. at July 09, 2020 05:18 PM (gtdYu) 386
I hope they don't vote for the candidate who looks like them
Posted by: JoeF. at July 09, 2020 05:16 PM (gtdYu) +++++++++++++ I hope they don't vote for the party that callously slaughtered them by forcing people with a disease that is very hard on the elderly - especially institutionalized elderly - into elder-care institutions. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 09, 2020 05:19 PM (hYcqw) 387
Flynn apparently knows lots of stuff that the Deep State does not want him talking about.
I don't get why it's only Flynn. Was he the ONLY one doing the research, on his own, after hours? There must have been other people he trusted. Posted by: t-bird at July 09, 2020 05:19 PM (8eSmR) 388
Look, even if by some miracle this asshat of a Judge delays this trial AND if by some bigger miracle Sleepy Joe gets elected my last act as President will be to grant Flynn a full and complete pardon as well as declassify anything with Biden's name on it.
Might even pardon Epstein's girlfriend after she coughs up the pics with Bill and a couple of naked 16 year olds polishing off his schwong. Posted by: The Donald at July 09, 2020 05:20 PM (QMwOT) 389
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing 390
I believe this, but don't understand why the deep state thought just by having Flynn fired and prosecuted he wouldn't be able to share his info and suspicions with others who could investigate. I dont think the gag order was that broad.
Posted by: LASue at July 09, 2020 05:15 PM (Ed8Zd) Warning shot. Followed by the chaser of EDKH. You give a warning shot to intimidate, out of fear the target may have a backup plan for release of info if they die of anything that even looks like it might not have been natural causes. Or some natural ones, including Arkanacied. Posted by: The Margins at July 09, 2020 05:20 PM (Ojki1) 391
Durham, to me, should be charged with malfeasance. THAT would show some action since Durham is to much of an I'm-competent pussy to do his fucking day job.
Posted by: Voter theater. at July 09, 2020 05:16 PM (dY2qR) and WHO is supposed to do the charging on that one? I mean you get to a point where we're just dogs endlessly chasing our own tails. At some point you gotta say, the legal system ain't working anymore, there will be NO relief there, and for that matter our entire form of government ain't working anymore. So take that as your starting point. It ain't gonna get fixed by peaceful means. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 05:20 PM (Kpl3J) 392
Security is much better today--and it's harder for people to hide out on the run for years.
On the other hand, there's social media , so "protests" can instantly occur. Posted by: JoeF. at July 09, 2020 05:15 PM (gtdYu) Right, good point. Hopefully the saturation of smart phones recording everything can negate some of their ability to quickly mobilize...... man, this is sounding like one of those "Civilization" type games I've seen but have never played....... Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 09, 2020 05:20 PM (jjaLl) 393
Fenelon, College Fix covered that story about the Marquette student.
Long story short: they made her jump through hoops, but finally approved her admittance. Having said that, if I were her, I'd demand my money back and apply at Hillsdale. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 09, 2020 05:20 PM (L2ZTs) 394
SSBN 656 (G): "it didn't work (right away) then, and I have a strong belief that it won't work now."
Thing is the country has changed. Demographically we're quite different. Much more of the population does not subscribe to classical American values and make it their aim NOT to assimilate. The proportion of Socialist/Communist mentality is higher and, attributable to the nation as a whole due to several factors (like cation), there's less allegiance to the nation as originally constructed. This is a very different time than even just forty years ago. America's ability to survive and resist a Cass Sunstein "nudge" is much less than we think. Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at July 09, 2020 05:21 PM (HhXSr) 395
Fen saw that on LI and Powerline John Hinderaker had a article on it couple days ago.
Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2020 05:21 PM (6f16T) 396
The dark and divisive systemically racist New York Times on Wednesday took issue with Fox News's fully peaceful Tucker Carlson over his criticisms of far-left lawmakers, accusing him of unleashing "nativist smears." The attempted lecture comes as the Times continues to employ several individuals -- from editors to fact-checkers -- who have made waves with racist utterances of their own. The Times took specific issue with Carlson's recent critiques of Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) after the conservative firebrand suggested that she and many of those within her caucus "actually hate America."
Posted by: SMOD at July 09, 2020 05:21 PM (3aI0K) 397
Here's a funny little comic book style animated short making fun of Social Justice Warrior comic characters. Posted by: bonhomme at July 09, 2020 05:21 PM (YYlyE) 398
Yes, I denied her my essence.
Posted by: Gen. Buck Turgidson at July 09, 2020 05:15 PM (NgKpN) ========== "That's my line." -General Jack D. Ripper Gentlemen, you cna't fight in here, this is the War Room! Posted by: President Merkin Muffley at July 09, 2020 05:18 PM (oVJmc) Shoot! A feller could have himself a fine time in Vegas with all this stuff. Major King Kong, USAF Posted by: Archer at July 09, 2020 05:21 PM (gmo/4) 399
LOL michael cohen has been sent back to prison for violating his home confinement sentence.
He will have to spend the next three years in prison for that violation. He was spotted and photographed dining out at an exclusive NYC restaurant with his wife and friends last weekend. Posted by: Mr. Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 09, 2020 05:22 PM (JUOKG) 400
377 353 Selena Zito is now positing that senior citizens are the key group that will decide the election this year.
Posted by: Bicentennialguy at July 09, 2020 05:14 PM (iydjf) That's true almost every election. That's the big reason I'm so worried right now - most of the over 70 crowd that I know personally are freaking the fuck out. Most think Trump is trying to kill them by letting those young people do whatever they want, when they should all be under house arrest for the next 2 years. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 05:17 PM (Kpl3J) Except in New York. Coumo killed them all. Posted by: The Donald at July 09, 2020 05:22 PM (QMwOT) 401
Shoot! A feller could have himself a fine time in Vegas with all this stuff. Major King Kong, USAF Posted by: Archer at July 09, 2020 05:21 PM (gmo/4) ========= It looks like you said Dallas. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, running from a biplane in a cornfield at July 09, 2020 05:22 PM (LvTSG) 402
Posted by: zombie at July 09, 2020 05:17 PM (HEEq1) ---------------- I see the link in your nic no longer goes to zombietime, but, instead, goes to a picture of a person who had balloons implanted in their chest.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing 403
White House Correspondents' Association president Jonathan Karl said in an email that the journalist is asymptomatic and did not linger in press workspaces.
Posted by: SMOD at July 09, 2020 05:18 PM (3aI0K) Too bad. Posted by: Bete at July 09, 2020 05:22 PM (Ojki1) 404
Sullivan...that's Irish right?
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at July 09, 2020 05:22 PM (40Lya) 405
May I just post the threadwinner here right now......
I know all about right and wrong, but legal and illegal in the US Justice System depends on how much you contribute. Posted by: Asscheeks of Saturn at July 09, 2020 04:50 PM (Jj+59) I don't know much about history... but the Roman Ambassador to Attila the Hun met a Greek in the Hun's employment. The started as a slave captured in a border raid, earned his freedom, Attila's trust, and became a top aid. The Greek had a list of grievances against Rome, including the one you cite. A lot of Romans found Atilla to be much more benign than Rome. Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 09, 2020 05:22 PM (1g7ch) 406
>>>When the American people largely never have to worry about their next meal and don't really fight the elements, there's not going to be a lot of appetite for revolution.
The overwhelming majority of folks just want to work, get paid, buy stuff, and enjoy themselves on the weekend. Thanks to capitalism, they get to do just that. Anyone who actually tampers with that in a material or physical sense is gonna have a bad time. The reason that things haven't got real nasty yet is because the left-wingers are currently content to burn their own neighborhoods down and pick low-hanging fruit like Confederate statues. If they think their success so far enables them to start heading to the burbs and farms to set off bombs, they are in for a very rude awakening. Posted by: Citizen Cake at July 09, 2020 05:23 PM (HmZuC) 407
>>I don't get why it's only Flynn. Was he the ONLY one doing the research, on his own, after hours? There must have been other people he trusted.
He not only worked in the Obama administration he did so at a very senior level and as the DIA he saw pretty much everything. That's why Obama had him set up and fired and tried to warn Trump off from hiring him. There was at least one other person he trusted, Adam Lovinger, the guy who outed Stefan Halper. He was supposed to join the NSC at the invitation of Flynn. Instead he was stripped of his security clearance and fired. Not much in the way of whistleblower protection. Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2020 05:23 PM (ZLI7S) Posted by: attilla isn't so bad, really at July 09, 2020 05:24 PM (w7KSn) 409
It is less objectively violent, but it is much more widespread, personal, powerful and destructive this time around.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 09, 2020 05:18 PM (hYcqw) Agreed 100%, that is a big difference.... but at the same time, I'm not sure their tactic of going after every individual will work in the long run.... there are a lot more of us than them. The sheer numbers are not on their side. Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 09, 2020 05:24 PM (jjaLl) 410
Posted by: zombie at July 09, 2020 05:17 PM (HEEq1) ---------------- I see the link in your nic no longer goes to zombietime, but, instead, goes to a picture of a person who had balloons implanted in their chest. Posted by: blake All my self-portraits are hosted at zombietime as well. And I'll have you know those are volleyballs, not balloons! Hrmph! Posted by: zombie at July 09, 2020 05:24 PM (HEEq1) 411
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 05:17 PM (Kpl3J)
Every over 70 person I know is(as far as they're willing to share) is irritated as hell about Burning Looting and Murder and upset about statues coming down and can't wait to vote against Joe Biden, so I expect that means "You're all going to die, Stay inside" will be blasted continuously and voting by mail advocated because Democrats really, really care/s, Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 09, 2020 05:24 PM (oDRcK) 412
398 Yes, I denied her my essence.
Posted by: Gen. Buck Turgidson at July 09, 2020 05:15 PM (NgKpN) ========== "That's my line." -General Jack D. Ripper Gentlemen, you cna't fight in here, this is the War Room! Posted by: President Merkin Muffley at July 09, 2020 05:18 PM (oVJmc) Shoot! A feller could have himself a fine time in Vegas with all this stuff. Major King Kong, USAF Posted by: Archer at July 09, 2020 05:21 PM (gmo/4) Mien Furher! I can walk! Dr. Strangelove Posted by: The Donald at July 09, 2020 05:24 PM (QMwOT) 413
That's the big reason I'm so worried right now - most of the over 70 crowd that I know personally are freaking the fuck out. Most think Trump is trying to kill them by letting those young people do whatever they want, when they should all be under house arrest for the next 2 years.
Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 05:17 PM (Kpl3J) I'm 70 and my fellow codgers are making maudlin spectacles out of themselves just like they have every other fucking day of their pampered boomer dogshit lives. Posted by: Captain Hate at July 09, 2020 05:24 PM (y7DUB) 414
I'm going to start referring to Da Judge as Hamwit Sillybrain from now on. Because I'm immature and it makes me laugh.
Posted by: Sporkatus at July 09, 2020 05:25 PM (CGB5H) 415
311 Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 04:56 PM (Kpl3J)
This one will be Urban vs. Rural. Which will get really ugly once power lines start getting targeted. Posted by: Romeo13 at July 09, 2020 05:04 PM (NgKpN) Warning: Following statement is theoretical and is not intended to be actionable. Substation transformers. Very surgical. Hard to replace. Heck, most urban electrical systems are 17.34 percent chewing gum insulation and spliced bailing wire. Tettering on the edge of failure. Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at July 09, 2020 05:25 PM (e1mEI) 416
volleyballs, not balloons! Hrmph!
Posted by: zombie at July 09, 2020 05:24 PM (HEEq1) --------- Potato, pahtahtoh
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing 417
The Greek had a list of grievances against Rome, including the one you cite. A lot of Romans found Atilla to be much more benign than Rome.
Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 09, 2020 05:22 PM (1g7ch) There's a very good case to be made that the real reason the Western Empire fell to Barbarian Control is that for all the towns and villages, swearing loyalty to the local Barbarian lord was a lot easier and less expensive than having to put up with the Bureaucratic bullshit and constant taxes under the late Roman period. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 05:25 PM (Kpl3J) 418
383 And the Cancel Culture continues. Some teen put a pro Trump thing on social media and there's a big move to contact Marquette University in order to get her acceptance to the school rescinded.
See Legal Insurrection. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 09, 2020 05:18 PM (oDRcK) Marquette is also pretty down with abortion from what I've heard. Jesuits, the new frontier in Catholicism. Though I guess if they stand for nothing it'll take the cancel mob a while to come for them. Might not please their Ultimate Boss much though. Posted by: Bete at July 09, 2020 05:26 PM (Ojki1) 419
Tom Servo sounds like you know some real selfish senior citizen shitbirds. Oh, right, they're baby boomers.
Posted by: Regular joe at July 09, 2020 05:26 PM (L9P9s) 420
I'll say this once more: Bill Barr was hired to make a deal with the deep state.
The deal is for all the major principals to get their pensions and no jail time. Trump gets exonerated publicly (there may be more to come) and is not harassed by the IC as much or any more. (that doesn't mean other branches won't do so). Durham is part of that deal. Slow walking the investigation until it doesn't matter anymore. Either Trump is elected or not. Either way the harassment slows or stops. Trump comes out and says in the interests of healing the nations government branches the investigations and possible indictments will be put on hold under seal. Everyone comes out on stage and does a happy dance. If Trump isn't elected, Joey biden and his puppeteers know that Trump knows where the body's are buried so they let him go in peace. (Southern District Of New York may or may not) We'll be too busy fighting to care at that point. Posted by: jakee308 at July 09, 2020 05:26 PM (5sfJ+) 421
Agreed 100%, that is a big difference.... but at the same time, I'm not sure their tactic of going after every individual will work in the long run.... there are a lot more of us than them. The sheer numbers are not on their side.
Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 09, 2020 05:24 PM (jjaLl) +++++++++++++ They don't need to. Random targeting is at least as valuable. They needn't go after you. You knowing that *could* - and arbitrarily *will* - makes it a game of chance where the stakes are everything you've got or, possibly, your life. They just a big chill, and they're getting it. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 09, 2020 05:26 PM (hYcqw) 422
Since Sullivan failed to meet the dismissal deadline, the Appeals Court should dismiss the case and censure Sullivan (if there is such a thing for judges).
I'm not putting any money on this happening though. Posted by: Stu Podaso at July 09, 2020 05:27 PM (pw6Tw) 423
I'm 70 and my fellow codgers are making maudlin
spectacles out of themselves just like they have every other fucking day of their pampered boomer dogshit lives. Posted by: Captain Hate at July 09, 2020 05:24 PM --- Well my pampered boomer dogshit life included 22 years Active Duty in the military with nearly 3 years in a combat zone, just sayin........ Posted by: Mr. Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 09, 2020 05:27 PM (JUOKG) 424
NOOD Jonathan Yaniv
Posted by: DR.WTF at July 09, 2020 05:27 PM (AiZBA) Posted by: JAS at July 09, 2020 05:27 PM (2BZBZ) 426
Mitt Romney
45s As a public servant, I know that my main priority is upholding the rule of law as framed in the Constitution. This I will continue to do so long as the good citizens of the beautiful state of Utah choose to elect me as their Senator. It has come to my attention that the president is seriously contemplating giving a pardon to disgraced General Michael Flynn. I would seriously caution the president against this move as it will threaten the underpinnings of the rule of law, and I would remind him that General Flynn plead guilty. We need to let the process play out and let the rule of law stand. Posted by: JoeF. at July 09, 2020 05:28 PM (gtdYu) 427
All my self-portraits are hosted at zombietime as well. And I'll have you know those are volleyballs, not balloons! Hrmph!
Posted by: zombie at July 09, 2020 05:24 PM (HEEq1) ....... Nice tan. Why do you put sunscreen on your lips? Posted by: wth at July 09, 2020 05:28 PM (v0R5T) 428
small point, but this isn't a motion. It's a petition. And he's not a party to the case in question, so it's all bullshit.
Posted by: guest myspace user at July 09, 2020 05:28 PM (rnk6i) 429
377 353 Selena Zito is now positing that senior citizens are the key group that will decide the election this year.
Posted by: Bicentennialguy at July 09, 2020 05:14 PM (iydjf) That's true almost every election. That's the big reason I'm so worried right now - most of the over 70 crowd that I know personally are freaking the fuck out. Most think Trump is trying to kill them by letting those young people do whatever they want, when they should all be under house arrest for the next 2 years. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 05:17 PM (Kpl3J) ================================= And they didn't like Trump's response to COVID. Every poll shows him doing worse with Seniors than in 16. But, I know, polls don't matter. Posted by: HillaryClinton at July 09, 2020 05:28 PM (4ImGj) 430
The caltrops are in Van Zandt county north of Tyler, TX Posted by: TxDan at July 09, 2020 05:28 PM (9ryXt) 431
Takeaway question:
Is he being paid off to be an asshole, or do they have him on tape sodomizing a 12 year old? Clearly, it's one or the other. Posted by: Cooper Wesley at July 09, 2020 05:28 PM (Q0Ghc) 432
This is a very different time than even just forty
years ago. America's ability to survive and resist a Cass Sunstein "nudge" is much less than we think. Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at July 09, 2020 05:21 PM (HhXSr) I agree with your assessment, but I still believe the heartland of our country will bend only so far before it breaks off the micro-cock of the communists fucks trying to destroy us and shoves it up their collective asses. Man, that was not very eloquent, I hope you got my point... ![]() Posted by: SSBN 656 (G) at July 09, 2020 05:29 PM (jjaLl) 433
419 Tom Servo sounds like you know some real selfish senior citizen shitbirds. Oh, right, they're baby boomers.
Posted by: Regular joe at July 09, 2020 05:26 PM (L9P9s) Yep, there's a lot of retirees in this area. On a neighborhood app this morning, one of them went into a business where one employee wasn't wearing a mask (it's recommended, not yet absolutely required in this county!!) and they and a whole bunch of me-toos were wanting to call in the State Police and have this employee arrested since the local police said they weren't interested. For sitting behind a counter without a mask on. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 05:30 PM (Kpl3J) 434
So are those people born in eastern Oklahoma citizens or not? All those people in Eastern OK don't own their houses, and are subject to tribal law.
Posted by: An Observation at July 09, 2020 05:30 PM (MwNR+) 435
Well my pampered boomer dogshit life included 22 years Active Duty in the military with nearly 3 years in a combat zone, just sayin........
Posted by: Mr. Scott (Formerly GWS) at July 09, 2020 05:27 PM (JUOKG) But are you freaking out about masks and shit, because I'm not. I've had a very good life and I'm very at peace with my mortality. And I hope you are too. Posted by: Captain Hate at July 09, 2020 05:30 PM (y7DUB) 436
430 The caltrops are in Van Zandt county north of Tyler, TX Posted by: TxDan at July 09, 2020 05:28 PM (9ryXt) yep, that's a weird place for them to end up on the road. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 05:31 PM (Kpl3J) 437
I don't believe Trump has lost Seniors. Most likely the ones you're hearing are the ones who didn't vote for him in the first place.
We have eyes that mostly work and can see what's happening and why. Remember we've seen a bunch of Presidents and Congresses and other assorted assholes. Along with riots, bombings and our elected Reps. acting like fools or commies. We know who the real deal is and who brought this country up out of a Democrat imposed recession for 8 years. And we want to see him do it again because that's where our future lies. All you buggers going to work and putting your money in Payroll taxes so I can live like a minimum wage worker. (the old minimum wage not the new) GOP are signing up in PA to beat Biden and the Democrat machine in November. This is good as he needs PA. We will deliver. And anybody want to throw "Boomer" around, just remember when your 65 you'll hear the same crap and will get pissed off and then laugh at the stupid kids. Posted by: jakee308 at July 09, 2020 05:32 PM (5sfJ+) 438
If Sullivan had a son, he would look and act like Don Lemon. Posted by: Tom Servo at July 09, 2020 05:11 PM (Kpl3J) ---- He has a son, who is a criminal sex offender. The Judge keeps using his connections to keep his rapist turd son out of jail -- as he labors to jail the innocent as instructed. Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at July 09, 2020 05:32 PM (JdiCZ) 439
So, it's after five o'clock. Now what? Did they not put any "or else!" clause in that order from two weeks ago? (and why was he given two weeks to do the one thing they asked him?)
Posted by: t-bird at July 09, 2020 05:32 PM (/2aWP) 440
the Ford CEO should have transferred those people to the police car production line and then said "what was it you guys wanted again?" Posted by: x Ford CEO Jim Hackett's response: "By taking away our Police Interceptors, we would be doing harm to their safety and making it harder for them to do their job. Again, this is why, given our insights, new capabilities and leadership, I believe these unfortunate circumstances present Ford with an even greater opportunity to not only innovate new solutions but also leverage our unique position to support the dialogue and reform needed to create safer communities for all." Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at July 09, 2020 05:34 PM (aKsyK) 441
Security is much better today--and it's harder for people to hide out on the run for years.
On the other hand, there's social media , so "protests" can instantly occur. Posted by: JoeF. at July 09, 2020 05:15 PM (gtdYu) So how hard would it be to subscribe to their newsletters and social invites? And meet them 300 yards away? Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 09, 2020 05:34 PM (1g7ch) 442
"By taking away our Police Interceptors, we would be doing harm to their safety and making it harder for them to do their job. Again, this is why, given our insights, new capabilities and leadership, I believe these unfortunate circumstances present Ford with an even greater opportunity to not only innovate new solutions but also leverage our unique position to support the dialogue and reform needed to create safer communities for all."
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at July 09, 2020 05:34 PM (aKsyK) +++++++++++++ That is a whole lot of words and double-talk to say "no." Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 09, 2020 05:35 PM (hYcqw) 443
SSBN 656 (G): "I still believe the heartland of our country will bend only so far before it breaks off the micro-cock of the communists fucks trying to destroy us and shoves it up their collective asses."
I do hope you're right and I'm wrong. But every people, every nation ends up collapsing due to "unforeseen" events. In this case, The Boiled Frog Theory of National Suicide. Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at July 09, 2020 05:35 PM (HhXSr) 444
The thing that irks me the most is that Judge Emmet Sullivan could have sentenced General Flynn at any time during the last two-something years after Flynn plead guilty. But he didn't. Sullivan is so effing political that he would deny a man the right to appeal his sentence to a higher court, and so denied Flynn due process.
Posted by: mrp at July 09, 2020 05:36 PM (Pqytn) 445
Caltrops sounds like some California transportation agency.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at July 09, 2020 05:37 PM (aKsyK) 446
The Don Lemon of judges- black, gay and stupid.
Posted by: gb at July 09, 2020 05:38 PM (9qgwW) 447
Takeaway question:
Is he being paid off to be an asshole, or do they have him on tape sodomizing a 12 year old? Clearly, it's one or the other. Posted by: Cooper Wesley at July 09, 2020 05:28 PM (Q0Ghc) In this case it is his son they have on tape. Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 09, 2020 05:38 PM (1g7ch) 448
Flynn plead guilty. But he didn't. Sullivan is so effing political that he would deny a man the right to appeal his sentence to a higher court, and so denied Flynn due process.
Posted by: mrp ========== well, jokes on Sully since Jensen keeps finding embarassing papers from the obama coup team. I mean, this would be good if liberals were capable of embarassment. Posted by: guest myspace user at July 09, 2020 05:39 PM (rnk6i) 449
For the record, I'm not black.
Posted by: IrishEi at July 09, 2020 05:42 PM (sGotD) 450
Oh, right, they're baby boomers.
You do know it was boomer votes who put Trump in office don't you? You do know the boomers were the last generation of Americans who actually fought Communists don't you? Every Boomer I know is seething - to the point of ***Types Deletes *** Posted by: An Observation at July 09, 2020 05:43 PM (MwNR+) 451
104 WisRich - They are probably on the hope Trump doesn't win , then they become top dog with a President Deep State
Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2020 04:32 PM (6f16T) That's our plan! Posted by: Bill Kristol at July 09, 2020 05:46 PM (BRkq2) 452
449 For the record, I'm not black.
Posted by: IrishEi at July 09, 2020 05:42 PM (sGotD) Ok, if we're coming clean, I'm not black either. Posted by: jwest at July 09, 2020 05:48 PM (mrrpT) 453
Trump ought to pardon everybody who is or was on Judge Sullivan docket for the last year
Posted by: SMOD at July 09, 2020 05:52 PM (FpybW) 454
453 Trump ought to pardon everybody who is or was on Judge Sullivan docket for the last year
Posted by: SMOD at J ========= I think the funnier thing is that Sullivan may get pinged by the appeals court as "no longer functional" whatever that term is ... by his actions. retired...or emeritus? Posted by: guest myspace user at July 09, 2020 05:54 PM (rnk6i) 455
I can't understand the SCOTUS tax return decision that came down. Not a figure of speech-- I honestly don't understand it in the sense of: "So he has to send tedious paperwork ["not imminently" -NBC] to House Democrats who probably already have pieces of it from both their sleeper cells and brownshirts in Treasury; what difference at this point does it make"
Supposedly it bears on the Stormy Daniels/Karen MacDougal hush monies. Wow, that's an urgent 2015 news story. I guess nothing else is going on right now? SCOTUS throws it back to lower courts. OK. Sort of "dog bites man," isn't it? I do realize Orangelord Getting Dissed is a certified DECFON 1 to dainty boys like Matt Drudge & his current intern; but practically -- and I got no insight from the NBC article on this -- what happens now that hasn't already gone on for nearly 4 years (and will, I suppose, continue 4, 5, 50 more years if Trump is re-elected, and John Roberts's cryonic mech strikes down Trump's cryonic mech's immunity)? Seems like the national level version of Wisconsin Democrats vs. Scott Walker, every day. That is just the situation now. Posted by: prognostimacator at July 09, 2020 05:58 PM (mX3Ey) 456
"Dilatory". That was worth $ all by itself.
Posted by: Marcus at July 09, 2020 06:01 PM (twG1r) 457
Lifetime appointments to the SCOTUS obviously need to go, along with re-election for any President/Senator. Reduce to 15 years for the former and re-organize the latter on a sexennial schedule. If someone says "Constitution" to that I will loff
Posted by: prognostimacator at July 09, 2020 06:02 PM (mX3Ey) 458
"Dilatory". That was worth $ all by itself. i frequently find going to the eye doctor to be a dilatory experience. Posted by: Anachronda at July 09, 2020 06:22 PM (sGtp+) 459
Late to the thread. I am not sure how many know but in two high profile cases, once involving retired judge schiedlin and the other judge garaufis, the Second Circuit removed them from the high profile cases for animosity towards the government (within the last 10 years, I wanna say while Obama was president). So judges getting pulled from cases for not playing by the judicial rulebook is not unheard of out here.
Posted by: Penfold at July 09, 2020 06:45 PM (KdWak) 460
Just coincidental Sullivan is acting bizarre. Epstein did not kill himself, and, Deep State FBI immediately bleached Pedo Island down to bedrock. The deep state has Epstein's black mail videos. The deep state is terrified of a Flynn audit. The deep state will do anything to shackle Flynn. Sullivan is acting bizarre.QED.
Posted by: FlimFlammed at July 09, 2020 06:58 PM (ZTDnL) 461
He waited until the last minute. prolong............ the pain
Posted by: projection on steroids at July 09, 2020 08:59 PM (V9NdA) 462
The process is the punishment.
Tell me about how it went at DMV too. Posted by: torabora at July 09, 2020 09:17 PM (Y274z) 463
Sorry, I disagree with the consensus that the entire circuit court will not take the case. In fact, I believe there is collusion between the Dem judges on the court and Sullivan, and that they are slow-walking the entire process. The big kerfuffle about how the court rarely grants en banc, along with the so-called reasoning that the Obama judge, Wilkins, would have requested en banc himself is a smokescreen. In fact, the goal is to keep Flynn on the hook AS LONG AS POSSIBLE, so they waited until the LAST POSSIBLE MOMENT (a couple of hours) before the deadline before ensuring that Sullivan could request en banc.
For let's be clear: There are seven DEM judges and five GOP judges on the circuit court. Furthermore, one of the GOP judges actually worked for Trump early in his presidency, at the same time Flynn was NatSec, so he would have to recuse himself from the case, making 7 Dem judges and 4 GOP judges. Now we have to wait on the deadline for the court to give their decision to hear the case en banc...WHICH THEY WILL GRANT. The will do it as LATE AS POSSIBLE, and further delay the actual hearing, possibly to August or September. And if they overturn the 3-judge ruling, then Flynn will have no choice but to take it to SCOTUS, and unfortunately, a ruling cannot happen until after the inauguration, let alone election in November. So that's what is going to! (Pun angrily intended.) Posted by: Jonah Kyle at July 09, 2020 09:26 PM (SH7Tr) 464
The Republic Party does not want Flynn to spill the beans. They have been in league with the Dems since before Day 1.
There is no opposition party. Posted by: sad at July 10, 2020 02:17 AM (BRkq2) 465
Ace going full-on Seth Bullock on Judge Sullivan...
"Get over here and account for your words, you pie-faced cocksucker" Posted by: The Two Yoots at July 10, 2020 10:20 AM (6MoD2) 466
It definitely was worse. BUT back then the public was unified in that it WAS horrible and needed to be stopped. The Far Left was just as loud and violent, but they were a pimple on the ass of the American population. Today, we have GENERATIONS of Americans who hate their country, hate white people not on their side, and want to murder/destroy the fabric of society. MILLIONS of people. It may have been worse, but no way was it scarier. We've got a serious reckoning on the way. Posted by: The Two Yoots at July 10, 2020 10:26 AM (6MoD2) 467
Wouldn't a judge insisting on a prosecution after the prosecutor formally dropped the charges pretty much HAVE to recuse himself due to bias? Especially after showing the insistence that Sullivan has?
How would an appeals court not find the trial judge in this case so far out of bounds as to invalidate any additional "trial" from this point forward? Posted by: Advo at July 10, 2020 12:46 PM (SEqlD) Processing 0.08, elapsed 0.09 seconds. |
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