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EMT 6/6/20: A Small Rant edition

Look, I'm not even going to pretend:

I am enjoying the hell out of all this blue on blue shitstorm. This is a fiasco entirely of their own making, and it couldn't happen to a finer collection of race-baiters, intersectional virtue-signallers and tin-pot despots than you could ever imagine.

Fuck them and their cities.

If you are unfortunate enough to be a conservative stuck in that mess, well, it's not like you didn't have enough warning and opportunity to relocate. So I feel for you, but I'm honestly not losing any sleep over you.

And if you are a cop with your hands tied or even thrown under the BLM bus by the liberal overlords whose campaigns you funded with all your union dues, fuck you too. You LEOs bear a big part of the blame. You could have chosen against playing GI Joe and instead kept being community members. But no, that wasn't cool enough for you was it. No, you had to gear up and commence to no-knocking and killing dogs and killing actual innocent people, and especially and ESPECIALLY: circling the wagons for the very worst of you.

To all the apologists: Whatevs. You've lived a charmed life untouched by the asshole cop with a chip on his shoulder completely out of proportion to his skill, intelligence, experience or moral rectitude.

Let me share a snapshot of me and my experiences.

I've never committed nor been charged with a crime, but I've had more bad experiences with cops than good, across several states & communities, from the county Sherriff's deputy up to the State Police.

My first speeding ticket ever came a week after getting my DL, and it was for going 5 mph over down a 6% grade.

My second speeding ticket a year later was from a cop who closed on me like a bat out of hell on a moonless night, tailgated me for 5 miles with his high-beams on, refused to pass when I slowed down through two passing zones, then lit up the blues when I tried to put some distance between us. His exact words: "I gave you enough rope to hang yourself har har."

I've had my car broken into by the cops for being parked in an ungated municipal parking lot 30 minutes past close. I've had a sidearm drawn on me for expired tags by 3 days, my hands on the wheel and before a single word was exchanged. I've had a cop park across 3 parking spaces so close to my business entrance my employees couldn't unload stock for 20 minutes, and then try to intimidate me when I politely asked him to move.

Just last year I was robbed of several tens of thousands of dollars and caught the perps dead to rights on film along with 2 eyewitnesses on the scene, and I had to drag the local P.D. kicking and fucking screaming to an arrest.

I was literally told "I just don't know if there is enough evidence there to make it stick." I had to go up 4 levels of the chain of command over 2 and a half months for the "detective" to interview the witnesses; he lied about calling and leaving multiple messages for them. He left only one message and the call was returned within 5 minutes, and he refused to answer his phone and lied nonstop about not receiving any voice mails from the witness or from me. And lied, finally, when he assured me he would let me know when the perps were released on bail.

Don't get me wrong. I've had some good experiences. But for an average looking white feller that doesn't draw attention, that isn't an asshole (in public), who is always respectful to any officer, whose last speeding ticket was decades ago, that doesn't break laws and that doesn't even have any friends with rap sheets... you would think he would be able to easily say he's had good experiences with Johnny Law on balance, rather it being so decidedly the reverse.

We created and gave our justice system the authority to prosecute crimes. We did this because we rightly determined that an impartial arbiter was a more likely to provide a fair outcome than finding a rope and a tree. Make no mistake: this is at its core a social contract, and if the justice system willfully reneges on their end of the bargain, the rope and the tree comes back into play.

So seriously: Get Right, or get the fuck bent. And until you decide, you can go ahead and cry me a fucking river. Maybe then you can at least catch yourselves a nicely up-armored boat out of whatever cesspool you've helped pollute.

And finally: You'll excuse me if I enjoy just a bit of schadenfreude that you don't feel like you are getting the respect and support you think you are due. For what it's worth: we the public in no small part and across ideological lines feel pretty much the same way.

Posted by: krakatoa at 06:00 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Good morning horde

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 06:01 AM (6f16T)

2 Righteous rant !

G'mornin' Horde !

Posted by: sock_rat_eez, we are being gaslighted 24/365 at June 06, 2020 06:01 AM (0IMgo)

g'mornin' again, 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at June 06, 2020 06:02 AM (j6SX9)

4 hiya

Posted by: JT at June 06, 2020 06:03 AM (arJlL)

5 Nice rant Krak, trying hard not to enjoy the show in the cities,

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 06:04 AM (6f16T)

6 Wow, Krakatoa speaks. I like it and agree except I live in the state with Detroit. It has never been the same since the 67 riots. They are a drain on our state and that is no good.

Posted by: clutch at June 06, 2020 06:05 AM (9UmRs)

7 We created and gave our justice system the authority to prosecute crimes. We did this because we rightly determined that an impartial arbiter was a more likely to provide a fair outcome than finding a rope and a tree.

Yeah boy, we sure hate the cops and the cops are bad.
We need some new laws to prevent.....
Who will enforce those laws?

The cops

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 06:05 AM (vd8XM)

8 Wow! We are through the looking glass.

An on-point and righteous krakatoa rant. He's typed more here than in his entire history as the EMT CoB.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:06 AM (u82oZ)

9 I saw this coming in 2007. Took to 2011 to convince my wife to move from Occupied Northern Virginia to rural Kansas.

Commies and totalitarians are so predictable.

The bad news is they unlearned and unreasoning Left have infiltrated education and government. Even here.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:08 AM (u82oZ)

10 Good rant, Krak.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at June 06, 2020 06:08 AM (Dc2NZ)

11 I'm watching "Interstellar" again.

"It's like we've forgotten who we are. Explorers, pioneers, not caretakers. "

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at June 06, 2020 06:10 AM (Dc2NZ)

12 The police are agents of the state and not the people and are there to enforce the states laws.

As the state views the people so to shall their enforcers.

But having said that, we do need policing, and by and large, cops do an adequate job of policing.

Could they be better?


But that would require a better political class.

As they say, shit roles down hill.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 06, 2020 06:10 AM (t3ssW)

13 Vic

Thank you for the links and the news. Your efforts are much appreciated.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:12 AM (u82oZ)

14 Here in PA there was a State Police scandal during Ed Rendell's term. The cops were arresting young women on a pretext then forcing sex on them.

Posted by: kallisto at June 06, 2020 06:14 AM (RL/ur)

15 C'mon Krak. Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.

Posted by: JAS at June 06, 2020 06:15 AM (2BZBZ)

16 Thanks for the newz Vic.

On the "Big Blue mayors and other slugs try to explain away why forced shutdowns and lock downs applied to the average citizen while it doesn't apply to criminal rioters. It doesn't fly."

We went to the cemetery yesterday to get flowers on my mom and dad's grave. As we drove in there was a sign that said something about no more than 10 people at a gravesite.

Meanwhile, 5 miles away there was a protest going on with a couple of hundred (supposedly) people that were standing shoulder to shoulder, kneeling on the intersection, laying on the intersection
But that's okay

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 06:15 AM (vd8XM)

17 Not supposedly people.
Supposedly a couple of hundred

I have my doubts about either though

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 06:17 AM (vd8XM)

18 I am up at the krak of dawn and boy am I thankful!
Because now I can calm my worries about just what the CEO of Dollar Shave Club thinks about racism...

"centuries of injustice..." (!!!)

There's been no shortage of voices in the chorus. After a week of important and raw conversations and reflection here at DSC, we want to add ours.

First, we unequivocally, loudly and vehemently condemn all forms of racist thought and action, from the deliberate and reprehensible to the unconscious but insidious. To us, there is no distinction.

Second, we are horrified and enraged by the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery as well as by the race-driven deaths of countless other black men & women in the United States. And while we are heartened by the scenes of people voicing protest and by the flood of public messages from both individuals and organizations we are equally disheartened that it takes a string of tragedies, on the heels of centuries of injustice, to spur appropriate action on racism in America. We believe what matters is what we do when events like these are not front and center.

Third, we recognize that our record is not perfect. We recognize that choices we make every day in our operations - where and with whom we choose to advertise, who we choose as suppliers or vendors, among others - matter. They are each an opportunity to demonstrate our values, and we haven't always gotten it right. That changes now.

DSC understands its responsibility to take action, and we will be part of the change. The everyday change. The change that no doubt will take time, but that will begin immediately and continue relentlessly.

Here's where we're starting:

--- We will be conducting an audit of our relationships with suppliers, vendors and media & advertising partners to ensure that we are not doing business with anyone who falls on the wrong side of this issue.

--- We believe in a diverse workforce and will ensure we are all equipped with appropriate strategies to combat racism of any kind in our workplace and beyond. These have always been core values, but we will redouble our efforts - from hiring practices to team training and education to pay equality.

--- Action matters and conversation matters, but financial support matters too. Alongside each of our Unilever sister brands, DSC will contribute $100,000 to Black Lives Matter. Additionally, for every dollar that our employees collectively donate to this cause, DSC's leadership team will personally match those dollars, up to $25,000.

Until then, we stand in solidarity with those impacted by systemic racism and violence, and those fighting against it. We hear you, we see you, we are with you.

Michael Dubin, CEO

Annnd, bye-bye, Dollar Shave Club. Those who support Black Lives Matter shall not be getting my business.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 06:17 AM (Do5/p)

19 Also I learned from a PA statie that there was a significant Masonic presence in the ranks. They honor their oath to the Order above any oath they took as a policeman.

Posted by: kallisto at June 06, 2020 06:17 AM (RL/ur)

20 I think thats the most I ever saw Krak write. I was once held up at shot gun point by a landlord and his friend, they chased us out and took everything of value for back rent. We tried to pay the rent but couldn't find them, and when we called the cops they were of no help. Because we were stinking hippys. Had to hire a lawyer and pay him and the back rent to get my stuff back. I decided that at 18 I was on a bad path in life, cut all my hair off and joined the Army and never looked back.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 06:17 AM (ie76E)

21 This St Floyd Crap is reminding of a scene in Life of Brian, as the new followers of Brian are running behind him...

Look, you've got it all wrong! You don't need to follow me. You don't need to follow anybody! You've got to think for yourselves! You're all individuals!

[in unison] Yes! We're all individuals!

You're all different!

[in unison] Yes, we are all different!

Man in crowd:
I'm not...


Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 06:19 AM (vd8XM)

22 I will add to the Walt Williams article by saying that the "poor" in this country do not lack the essentials, they are envious of those with more.

Posted by: clutch at June 06, 2020 06:19 AM (9UmRs)

23 clutch

A society based on envy does not work well.
A society based on greed seems to work OK.

We have plenty of data on this.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:21 AM (u82oZ)

24 Posted by: kallisto at June 06, 2020 06:14 AM (RL/ur)

We're the cops convicted?

Posted by: clutch at June 06, 2020 06:21 AM (9UmRs)

25 I will add to the Walt Williams article by saying that the "poor" in this country do not lack the essentials, they are envious of those with more.
Posted by: clutch

It would be best if we were all payed the same.

Except for me

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 06:21 AM (vd8XM)

26 This has probably been shared already, but for those who haven't seen it, here's what happens when a dad and little girl try to leave Houston's Childrens Hospital amidst the mob of peaceful protesters. Happy some of the protesters tried to help the two. Poor kid, so scared.

Posted by: lizabth at June 06, 2020 06:22 AM (L3Rsz)

27 Alton Jackson

Thanks for the info. For some reason I thought you were near the WI-MI border.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:23 AM (u82oZ)

28 Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 06:17 AM (Do5/p)

What a surprise, Burn, Loot, Murder is a shakedown group. Jesse Jackassin' is proud.

Posted by: clutch at June 06, 2020 06:24 AM (9UmRs)


@27 - You've been around more than long enough to know better than to do that.

Posted by: TeeJ at June 06, 2020 06:25 AM (PNCUr)

30 clutch

Our COC-e overlords are funding our demise.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:25 AM (u82oZ)

31 29

C'mon Krak. Don't hold back.

Posted by: JAS at June 06, 2020 06:15 AM

I read this to the tune of "Yakety yak (Don't talk back)"

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 06:25 AM (Do5/p)

32 Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:21 AM (u82oZ)

Well said.

Posted by: clutch at June 06, 2020 06:26 AM (9UmRs)

33 TeeJ

Good to see you. Have you been fishing?

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:26 AM (u82oZ)

34 Not asking you to lose sleep over me krak. That's how we roll. This is my home (Ca.) I'm not giving up one square inch of this beautiful land.

Posted by: george at June 06, 2020 06:26 AM (xfmio)

35 On couple days had not much to do finally made a graph of Pennsylvania deaths associated with Covid-19. If you could see it its obvious they fk with the numbers.
In last 6 weeks evey week is same if slowly less than the previous.
Sunday is average, Monday is the least, Tuesday a little more, Wednesday is big increase, Thursday is off the chart, Friday back to less than Wednesday and Saturday is lesser than Friday.
6 weeks every week is the same.
Wisconsin was a good pick in for my log as they have no more than 13 a day as a high, single digits as low but no spikes as the big states do.

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 06:26 AM (6f16T)

36 Because of a family member's situation we had numerous encounters with State Police. We lived in a town that didn't fund its own force. They were decent in the 1980s but starting around the late 1990s a shift in their attitude and comportment occurred. I remember one guy, he was an angel. He didn't really fit in with the new breed, I wonder what happened to him?

Posted by: kallisto at June 06, 2020 06:28 AM (RL/ur)

37 Hey honey, what channel is the riot on?

Great guest on Tucker last night.
'Suburban white kids coming into the city and destroying black businesses for Black Lives Matter.

Posted by: Redenzo at June 06, 2020 06:28 AM (E7vND)

38 Good morning!

Let's smile and be happy & strike fear in the hearts of killjoy leftists everywhere.

A reprise for the dayearly-morning walkers here.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:28 AM (u82oZ)

39 Jessee Jacksons son went to prison for graft, to bad he has never been convicted of such, being a reverend and all.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 06:28 AM (ie76E)

40 Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:25 AM (u82oZ)

Which company names does COC represent? I work for a large company, same as Clyde Shelton and I do not think we are a member.

Posted by: clutch at June 06, 2020 06:28 AM (9UmRs)

41 In last 6 weeks evey week is same if slowly less than the previous.
Sunday is average, Monday is the least, Tuesday a little more, Wednesday is big increase, Thursday is off the chart, Friday back to less than Wednesday and Saturday is lesser than Friday.
6 weeks every week is the same.

Illinois is the same. Do they hold the death reports from the weekends until Wednesday?

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 06:29 AM (vd8XM)

42 Too many many rules, laws, and regulations. Every day the average person can break several laws not really understanding how that happened. The beloved illegal alien breaks hundreds of laws over the course of their invasion and are praised as model citizen. In many poor communities 911 is on speed dial, many times to settle simple family matters (someone ate all my chicken) or act as parents for children that literally are un-parented.

Getting rid of the police that sit under overpasses to write tickets, setup to catch 5 miles over in a school zone, and kick in door to catch someone smoking a joint would make cities a better and safer place assuming the those police are redirected to find and arrest criminals. (Good luck getting the black robbed pussies to do something with them)

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 06:30 AM (JFO2v)

43 "Fuck them and their cities."

I just noticed I got blocked by the "Rubin Report" on Twitter after they Twitted about the taxes in LA and the "defund the Police" movement. I Tweeted I had no sympathy for them, move and quit asking your supporters to help fund them by paying you. Guys like Rubin and Shapiro stay in these leftist shitholes because they like the weather, screw them.

Posted by: lowandslow at June 06, 2020 06:30 AM (4thlk)

When I've gone to Confession, I have never been listened to with anything but mercy for my remorse. And I know that when the priest says, "Deinde, ego te absolvo a peccatis tuis in nomine Patris, et Filii, + et Spiritus Sancti" I am totally cleansed of the stain of sin on my soul.

None of that applies in the Church of the Left. You're never absolved. You'll always be guilty. Because of circumstances over which you have no say (your ethnicity, the actions of others with your ethnicity) you are eternally damned. You may grovel but even living blamelessly afterwards is no defense.

No thank you. I will never bend my knee before that altar.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 06, 2020 06:30 AM (mht8P)

45 24

I'm watching "Interstellar" again.

"It's like we've forgotten who we are. Explorers, pioneers, not caretakers."

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at June 06, 2020 06:10 AM

Great movie! Other than the insufferable teacher in the beginning and Matt Damon! towards the end. But at least Damon gets his comeuppance.

Really enjoyed the father teaching his daughter all about science and needing to prove a theory with evidence.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 06:31 AM (Do5/p)

46 Bravo! Now how to slide this onto the NYT op ed page.

Posted by: m at June 06, 2020 06:31 AM (zcb42)

47 breaking

Trump orders build down of troops in Germany.
Its past due.

Posted by: Vic at June 06, 2020 06:31 AM (mpXpK)

48 clutch

Good point. It was shorthand for the Woke Big Industries. Here in Kansas there is a lot of pressure from COC-e and the Farm Bureau to be on AG Dept. welfare.

We lost two great candidates for trying to serve citizens, not larger corporations.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:31 AM (u82oZ)

49 38. Yes. Rendell instituted an Honor of the Force program. It was a Thing for a while.

Posted by: kallisto at June 06, 2020 06:31 AM (RL/ur)

50 I can't say I have any joy in the blue places in flames - you may enjoy the show, but you will also be made to buy a ticket and pay for the spectacle retroactively.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at June 06, 2020 06:32 AM (xceTB)

51 Vic

Now watch the complete withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:32 AM (u82oZ)

52 No curiosity from the MFM about BLM and who runs the organization. Now
that so many companies are giving them big bucks, (hoping to eaten last)
where is it going. I'm sure they are the purest of organizations, no
dipping of some fingers into the honey pot. Yeah, and I've got a cheap
condo to sell you in Manhattan.

Posted by: Colin at June 06, 2020 06:33 AM (gfP64)

53 Typo alert, in case this makes the BigTime:

an impartial arbiter was *a* more likely to provide


an impartial arbiter was more likely to provide

Posted by: m at June 06, 2020 06:33 AM (zcb42)

54 65

Now watch the complete withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:32 AM (u82oZ)

I hope so

Posted by: Vic at June 06, 2020 06:33 AM (mpXpK)

55 McDs will never see a penny from my pocket with their BLM bullshit!

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 06:33 AM (JFO2v)


Hi NaCly,

Not for goin' on a couple weeks.
Crappie spawn done.
Should probably be checking to see if the bluegill are on their beds but since the state ruined my favorite little bluegill lake by stocking wipers in it...

I really miss the music.
Still three weeks till next gig.
Hopefully we'll practice this week.

And now I'm outta here.
Love each other fellow babies

Posted by: TeeJ at June 06, 2020 06:35 AM (PNCUr)

57 Heart of Darkness, that is my point above. My job is not portable and we've been paying for Detroit since 67. You never get rid of the Dane and all that.

Posted by: clutch at June 06, 2020 06:36 AM (9UmRs)

58 I think some of the numbers in Covid-19 are reviewing recorders to see what can be counted. Example
Week 1 Mon - +37, Thur +479, week 2 Mon +4, Wed +554,
week 3 Mon +19, Thursday +275

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 06:36 AM (6f16T)

59 Hadrian the Seventh

Good point. The Left is racist. Skin colour is more important than good deeds in life.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:36 AM (u82oZ)

60 54

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:25 AM

Which company names does COC represent? I work for a large company, same as Clyde Shelton and I do not think we are a member.

Posted by: clutch at June 06, 2020 06:28 AM

Yeah, so far my company's CEO has only talked about how we all need to take action to fight racism and such. That's bad enough. I hope he doesn't also add in any donations to Black Lives Matter or other racial shake down groups like a lot of other companies are doing.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 06:36 AM (Do5/p)

61 Many companies are kowtowing to the church of BLM, I am sure its the public kneeling down.

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 06:38 AM (6f16T)

62 I've always been amazed that cops (or maybe courts) seemed to think "I was afraid for my life" to be an excuse for killing completely innocent civilians, like that guy that got shot a few years ago while trying to buy an air rifle at Walmart. (That one was helped along by a meddling, unhinged citizen who called it in, but still...). I'm sorry, but if an innocent person is dead, I don't really care how you felt about it beforehand.

Cops want to be honored. That's fine. How you earn that honor is to shoulder the risk of presumption of innocence - to risk not going home, so that citizens will. It's not for everyone, but that's how you actually earn the honor.

Mostly I blame the criminalization of everything though. Politicians always seem to forget that every enforcement action has the potential to escalate to the use of deadly force, or killing someone by accident with rough handling that is usually nonlethal (I'm thinking of Eric Gardner). If it's not worthwhile for people to die for your law, you shouldn't make the law, because that's what happens when actual enforcement happens, even if everyone involved has innocent motives.

Posted by: Xiao at June 06, 2020 06:38 AM (Sg3Rl)

63 It's raining, boy do we need it. The cedar tree out front is half dead.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 06:38 AM (ie76E)

64 I needed help from the police last winter. A really nice female cop answered the call, she was also angelic. I know about the bad side of policing, but unless we all go Charlie Bronson the only option is to weed out the bad ones and reform the existing structure.

Posted by: kallisto at June 06, 2020 06:39 AM (RL/ur)

65 Krak, 100% in agreement. I suspect a lot of Rs and Ds would agree with your post.

I spend part of my time in Thailand. Generally Thailand is not better than the USA. There are some problems here. But about this topic, police in Thailand are at 10% or 1% the level as in the USA, but somehow the society stays on a good track.

There is honor in this culture, people respect each other. And I think more importantly, you do not have any groups thinking they are entitled to act out because of years of listening to Al Sharpton/Jesse/AOC etc.

Posted by: MikeM at June 06, 2020 06:39 AM (Ns5Qc)

66 MSNBC announced on Friday that it has hired former FBI lawyer Lisa Page as an NBC News and MSNBC national security and legal analyst.

Bet they will be lining up for those sweet toothy blowjobs!

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 06:40 AM (JFO2v)

67 55

In last 6 weeks every week is same if slowly less than the previous.

Sunday is average, Monday is the least, Tuesday a little more, Wednesday is big increase, Thursday is off the chart, Friday back to less than Wednesday and Saturday is lesser than Friday.

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 06:29 AM

Kramer: What's today?

Newman: It's Thursday.

Kramer: Really? Feels like Tuesday.

Newman: Tuesday has no feel. Monday has a feel, Friday has a feel, Sunday has a feel...

Kramer: I feel Tuesday and Wednesday...

Jerry: All right, shut up the both of you!

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 06:40 AM (Do5/p)

68 My Man, I thought I was alone in my hatred of LEO. And don't forget judges and prosecutors. People who never have met these rodents are the ones who say, I don't do anything wrong, I don't care if the Feds spy on me.

Posted by: Jake from State Farm at June 06, 2020 06:41 AM (Jj+59)

69 Even DeBrunos in Philadelphia did the kneeling down, heard on radio many places would comp police for a coffee or breakfast roll but have publicly apologized for doing that.

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 06:42 AM (6f16T)

70 If it's not worthwhile for people to die for your law, you shouldn't make the law, because that's what happens when actual enforcement happens, even if everyone involved has innocent motives.
Posted by: Xiao at June 06, 2020 06:38 AM (Sg3Rl)

Every law imparts the idea the state will kill you to enforce it!

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 06:42 AM (JFO2v)

71 Jerry: All right, shut up the both of you!
Posted by: Clyde Shelton


If I look at the total deaths in illinois since the beginning of this. I see the curve going down. Which was why we were shut down. I don't know how much more Prick-zter needs them to go down.
Like his bedsprings when he flops into bed?

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 06:43 AM (vd8XM)

72 I'm starting to see articles from schools and the like about "remembering these deaths driven by racialism".

The weirdest part is that it's exactly opposite from data.

Like chique pointed out a couple of days ago, that is the white supremacist. Blacks can't even kill each other or other races competently. Only white people are good at it, and black lives only matter if a white person lends his expertise.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Shouldn't we say cops are mostly peaceful? at June 06, 2020 06:43 AM (pgq4m)

73 Can say my opinion of personal experience with police isn't bad or good.

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 06:44 AM (6f16T)

74 Xiao, yes there are bad laws, but civil society is constructed on common understanding and acceptance or like morals and values. The politicians have/are destroying our society by failing to enforce assimilation to a standard. Our society is unique (was?) in that our common standards are based on certain rights and importantly attributes and responsibilities flowing from a Creator.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at June 06, 2020 06:44 AM (xceTB)

75 Posted by: TeeJ at June 06, 2020 06:35 AM (PNCUr)

How do wipers ruin bluegill fishing? Do they eat'em?

Posted by: clutch at June 06, 2020 06:45 AM (9UmRs)

76 Dollar Shave Club subscription cancelled. And they were nice enough to have an "Other" option and allow comments for "Why are you leaving us?"

I told them "I do not do business with companies who support the radical Marxist and Black supremacy group Black Lives Matter."

Hope they enjoyed that. CEO e-mail sent out at 3:47am EDT, my cancelled subscription less than 3 hours later.

I hope they go bankrupt.

I may have given them a pass if they just sent out the usual tripe e-mails about racism and violence and injustice everyone else is sending out. Maybe. But explicit support in word and money for Black Lives Matter? Easy choice to shitcan them.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 06:46 AM (Do5/p)

77 one word GITMO

Lyuyou Liao, 27, was sentenced Friday to 12 months in prison after pleading guilty to illegally entering the Naval Air Station Key West on Dec. 26, 2019 and taking photos and video footage of the Truman Annex portion of the military installation, the U.S. Attorney's Office of the South District of Florida said in a news release.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 06:46 AM (JFO2v)

78 Willowed from ONT:
No curiosity from the MFM about BLM and who runs the organization. Now that so many companies are giving them big bucks, (hoping to eaten last) where is it going. I'm sure they are the purest of organizations, no dipping of some fingers into the honey pot. Yeah, and I've got a cheap condo to sell you in Manhattan.
Posted by: Colin at June 06, 2020 06:31 AM (gfP64)

Good question, who is the head of BLM? And all these corporations that are scrambling to give them donations, isn't this virtue signaling?

Posted by: My life is insanity at June 06, 2020 06:46 AM (Z/jzm)

79 I am sure they are the purest of organizations, no
dipping of some fingers into the honey pot.
Posted by: Colin at June 06, 2020 06:33 AM

Colin, you can bet there is lots of that - BLM was started by lesbians.

Posted by: SnailRacer at June 06, 2020 06:47 AM (JFXBB)

80 Morning Mouth Breathers

I see Drew Brees is learning the hard way that no matter what, it's never enough. He thought his one apology would fix everything. Hahaha. Wrong!

Negotiate with the mob? Good plan.

Posted by: weirdflunky at June 06, 2020 06:47 AM (cknjq)

81 Stats from Heyjackass on killings and assailants in Chicago 2015 Black was the victim 401 times, the assailant (I'm assuming based on an arrest) 94

Race of Victim/Assailant
Race Victim Assailant
Black 401 94
Hispanic 81 20
White/Other 20 10
Police - 9
Unknown 4

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 06:47 AM (vd8XM)

82 Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 06:36 AM (Do5/p)

Yep, we work for the same company.

Posted by: clutch at June 06, 2020 06:47 AM (9UmRs)

83 Saw a article this morning from a Leftist publication they list 9 black men killed by police in 2019( I think ) as supposedly "unarmed" but on Larry Elder heard that is dubious as some of those were in dangerous confrontations and questionable if unarmed.

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 06:48 AM (6f16T)

84 I may have given them a pass if they just sent out the usual tripe e-mails about racism and violence and injustice everyone else is sending out. Maybe. But explicit support in word and money for Black Lives Matter? Easy choice to shitcan them.
Posted by: Clyde Shelton

I had gotten an email mid week from AirBnB with similar crap.

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 06:49 AM (vd8XM)

85 Getting back to an honor culture will solve a hell of a lot of problems.

Viva frei livestream:

He talks about Flynn and other topics with Robert Barnes

Posted by: BourbonChicken at June 06, 2020 06:49 AM (LxTcq)

86 krakatoa if you're still here was the theft ever investigated? Sounds like the perps caught on tape may have been connected to a town commissioner or the like.

Posted by: kallisto at June 06, 2020 06:50 AM (RL/ur)

87 "And all these corporations that are scrambling to give them donations, isn't this virtue signaling?"

No it's just paying protection fees. The previous gangs that did this would be impressed how open they are about it.

Posted by: lowandslow at June 06, 2020 06:50 AM (4thlk)

88 I only started with DSC after gillette did their stupid man-hating campaign. Now what? Harry's?

Posted by: WTP at June 06, 2020 06:50 AM (HA2LH)

89 Saw a article this morning from a Leftist publication they list 9 black men killed by police in 2019( I think ) as supposedly "unarmed" but on Larry Elder heard that is dubious as some of those were in dangerous confrontations and questionable if unarmed.


Yeah, unarmed after the confrontation ends and the plastic gun is found to be a plastic gun.

Screw you if you want me to pretend a dude in a dress is a woman but a black man telling me that robbing a convenience store with an airsoft gun is unarmed.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Shouldn't we say cops are mostly peaceful? at June 06, 2020 06:51 AM (pgq4m)

90 In the DeBruno case a phone caller who said he was stopping as a customer that he doubted those BLM people who were getting kowtowed to were customers if looting tennis shoes and cell phones.

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 06:51 AM (6f16T)

91 WTP

Disposable blades. 12 for $2 at Wally World.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:51 AM (u82oZ)

92 Hadrian, did you receive a snail mail yesterday?

Posted by: Ben Had at June 06, 2020 06:52 AM (JinpT)

93 >>Can say my opinion of personal experience with police isn't bad or good.
Posted by: Skip

I've had good and bad. Like pretty much every walk of life.

Decide what matters and fight it (take a stand) or move on, but one needs to realize there are consequences to every action. I don't think the majority of the people joining this 'movement' are thinking ahead to the consequences.

Posted by: My life is insanity at June 06, 2020 06:52 AM (Z/jzm)

94 Ben Had

♪ ♫ Good morning! ♫. ♬

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:53 AM (u82oZ)

95 OK, it's been two weekends since the lake parties and shit took place.

Been a week since the protests started.

If they are going to happen....spikes in Covid should be beginning already.

Any piles of dead homeless under the urban overpasses found?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 06:53 AM (3D/fK)

96 kallisto I tried to get Krak to post, he said he sock puppets often but say a straight up comment is very rare.

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 06:53 AM (6f16T)

97 NaCly, a glorious Good Morning to you, dear one.

Posted by: Ben Had at June 06, 2020 06:54 AM (JinpT)

98 Anyway I'm praying for the safety of all Law Enforcement who are confronting these mobs, especially at the White House.

Posted by: kallisto at June 06, 2020 06:54 AM (RL/ur)

Hadrian, did you receive a snail mail yesterday?
Posted by: Ben Had at June 06, 2020 06:52 AM (JinpT)

Yes I did! And thank you again to you and Jewells! It's too lovely for a poor nobody like me. I'll be taking it to church tomorrow to be blessed.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 06, 2020 06:54 AM (mht8P)

100 Good morning, Ben Had, Salty Dog, Clutch, Alton J, Hadrian, and every one else!

Posted by: SnailRacer at June 06, 2020 06:54 AM (JFXBB)

101 BLM

DeRay McKesson lives in a house owned by a board member of George Soros Open Foundation, and the BLM leader takes home a salary of $165,000 paid for by Baltimore schools district taxpayers.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 06:54 AM (JFO2v)

102 "Now what? Harry's?"

I left Harry's several years ago for their SJW stance.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 06:55 AM (3D/fK)

103 Ben Had

When do you need my shuttle services?

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:55 AM (u82oZ)

104 Any piles of dead homeless under the urban overpasses found?
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice

Those weren't, curiously, found during the first outbreak of ChiCom Virus. Funny how nobody researched this.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at June 06, 2020 06:55 AM (MVR7y)

105 Googled Dollar shave club BLM, not seeing anything about this. Went to the DSC website and looks normal there. What's the source for this story?

Posted by: WTP at June 06, 2020 06:55 AM (HA2LH)

106 And....

G'morning, Salty.

Everyone else, too.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 06:55 AM (3D/fK)

107 {{{...SnailRacer...}}}

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:56 AM (u82oZ)

108 110 Skip ok.

Posted by: kallisto at June 06, 2020 06:56 AM (RL/ur)

109 don't think the majority of the people joining this 'movement' are thinking ahead to the consequences.


Yep. From what I can tell they're demanding police assume all blacks are on fatal levels of drugs and that physical engagement is no longer on the table, so go straight to the guns.

Oh, and also no more law enforcement presence in their communities.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Shouldn't we say cops are mostly peaceful? at June 06, 2020 06:56 AM (pgq4m)

110 Gillette/Unilever bought DSC in 2016 for $1 billion

Posted by: weirdflunky at June 06, 2020 06:57 AM (cknjq)

111 Village Idiot's Apprentice

Top o ta mornin to ya, gov'nor.

I appreciated the good report of protests in your small town. Someone had the right decision on optics. Hope that is still going on.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:57 AM (u82oZ)

112 85

If I look at the total deaths in illinois since the beginning of this. I see the curve going down. Which was why we were shut down. I don't know how much more Prick-zter needs them to go down.

Like his bedsprings when he flops into bed?

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 06:43 AM

I don't get the lockdown orders in IL. The ones in WI, MI and PA make sense. Because those are messages to the citizens of those states of "You better vote out OrangeManBad in November or we will continue to make your lives miserable".

But IL is guaranteed to vote Democrat. So makes no sense to have such a ridiculous lockdown, except other than to be on a power trip. Probably knows the IL voters' history with voting Democrat and realizes that he can do whatever he wants for as long as he wants and will face zero consequences from voters.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 06:57 AM (Do5/p)

113 NaCly, Looking like Thursday the 22nd.

There will be much coordinating.

Posted by: Ben Had at June 06, 2020 06:58 AM (JinpT)

114 I haven't actually shaved in years, I just use my WAHL clippers every week with no tip and thats close enough for me

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 06:59 AM (ie76E)

115 BLM

The Democracy Alliance was created in 2005 by a handful of major donors, including billionaire financier George Soros and Taco Bell heir Rob McKay to build a permanent infrastructure to advance liberal ideas and causes. Donors are required to donate at least $200,000 a year to recommended groups, and their combined donations to those groups now total more than $500 million.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 06:59 AM (JFO2v)

116 Clyde Shelton

A surgical hacking of voter rolls may be in order.

I'd laugh and laugh if IL turned Rep, which it could, if there were fair elections.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 06:59 AM (u82oZ)

117 SnailRacer, Good Morning! Hugs to both of you.

Posted by: Ben Had at June 06, 2020 07:00 AM (JinpT)

118 Ben Had

Thank you. I have to look carefully at the end date, as well.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 07:00 AM (u82oZ)

119 I need a cigarette after reading that rant.

Ahh. *blows smoke ring*

Looks like we're about to have that 'national conversation' so frequently bandied about, but never executed on this topic.

Incidentally, the militarization of the police began in earnest around 1981, when Congress passed the Military Cooperation with Law Enforcement Act, giving police access to military intelligence, infrastructure, and weaponry in the fight against drugs. Ronald Reagan declared The War On Drugs, drugs being a threat to national security.

In 1980, there were 3,000 SWAT raids in the US. By 2015, that number had increased to 80,000. No-knock raids also increased by leaps and bounds.

Looks like that is another War we lost.

Posted by: GnuBreed at June 06, 2020 07:00 AM (Z4rgH)

120 My last shitty cop interaction was "driving while Colorado," eastbound I-70 metro Columbus area, mid-day, asshole goes headache lights on me after my black pickup passes a semi and I signal and lane change back.

I ask why and he says I hadn't allowed enough space, I say oh really, then he wants to get chatty, asking me shit like where I'm going, what's on board. I say tools and going to see Mom and let's finish up here, you want to show me the movie of me moving right too soon?

I know what's up. Colorado plates, pickup truck with cap, thousand miles east of a weed state. Guy's looking for a reason to go all search on me.

Asshole. Finally gives up and says be careful. Fuck him.

Posted by: Les Kinetic at June 06, 2020 07:01 AM (+fPHo)

121 NaCly, I can do return duty.

Posted by: Ben Had at June 06, 2020 07:01 AM (JinpT)

122 For COVID statistics, have a look at the ethical skeptic on twitter. He/she/whoever had 0.26% ifr way back and continues to expose the grift.

Posted by: InCali at June 06, 2020 07:02 AM (9AFWN)

123 Yeah. Pretty much what Krak said.

For me,
Wrong haircut + wrong car = pulled over every time

But really,
Wrong car = pulled over every time

It's the power-trippers (the problem) I think.
Sad thing is, it's very close to same type you want to come in a crunch. So it's a tough nut to crack.

I'd like to think I could tell the good from the bad, but I'm just a guy who assumes I'm getting pulled over if I see a cop anywhere behind me. Call it ptsd whatever idc.

Posted by: No good deed at June 06, 2020 07:02 AM (Ldr3U)

124 >>Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 06:59 AM (JFO2v)

Thanks, rhennigantx.

My money donations will stay with local charities that I know personally.

Posted by: My life is insanity at June 06, 2020 07:03 AM (Z/jzm)

125 119

Googled Dollar shave club BLM, not seeing anything about this. Went to the DSC website and looks normal there. What's the source for this story?

Posted by: WTP at June 06, 2020 06:55 AM

E-mail sent out to subscribers to the service by the CEO overnight.

I posted it up at comment #32.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 07:03 AM (Do5/p)

126 "Hope that is still going on."

So far it is.

The city of Charleston proper, on the peninsula is under curfew each night of this weekend for protests.

But even that is taking on a more peaceful trend.

And I think nationally, folk are understanding that the left has tried to make 'protest' and riot' into synonyms, which of course they are not.

And the more peaceful protests there are, the more it forces people to realize that 'protests' do not mean murdering folk, and destroying their businesses in response to an injustice, real or perceived.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:03 AM (3D/fK)

127 GnuBreed

War on Poverty was won, but the winners were the corrupt and the petty officials in welfare offices. We have richer poor people than anywhere else on the planet.

War on Drugs was lost.

War on Fat. Lost. Ask me how I know.

War on Marriage. Won. Marriage is now a rare luxury item.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 07:04 AM (u82oZ)

128 Ben, Cannot wait to see everyone again later in the year. Are you shepherding yet? Love to you, and to Farmer Bob and his lovely cowgirl please, when you see them.

Posted by: SnailRacer at June 06, 2020 07:04 AM (JFXBB)

129 I was stopped the other day and it was no sweat.

I had loose hay that was covering my back plate.

Cop and I talked about hay and horses. No ticket, no warning and he cleaned the hay off my bumper.

Posted by: Ben Had at June 06, 2020 07:04 AM (JinpT)

War on Poverty was won, but the winners were the corrupt and the petty officials in welfare offices. We have richer poor people than anywhere else on the planet.

1963 Poverty Rate: 15%

2020 Poverty Rate: 15%

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 06, 2020 07:05 AM (mht8P)

131 Ben Had

I'll email you later today. Thanks!

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 07:05 AM (u82oZ)

132 For COVID statistics, have a look at the ethical skeptic on twitter. He/she/whoever had 0.26% ifr way back and continues to expose the grift.
Posted by: InCali

Yup, that cruise ship told us a lot of what we needed to know. A bunch of people together for weeks: 8 deaths/3711 people on board = 0.2%.

Posted by: MikeM at June 06, 2020 07:06 AM (Ns5Qc)

133 BRAVO!

Posted by: Jaimo at June 06, 2020 07:06 AM (EVJ0V)

The absolute worst law enforcement I've run across was NIS (now NCIS).
Completely ignorant of reality and how the Navy works.
I'd say MAA's (basically shore patrol as a fulltime job) are barely a notch above, but the one I dealt with, was....well, when he left and two other guys showed up to actually help, the conversation went:

"What is that guy's problem?"

*eyeroll* "That's PO1 'Doe'. He doesn't even know what his problem is."

Over 40 years later, I remember that guy's name. Helluva impression.

Posted by: Gooshy at June 06, 2020 07:07 AM (DCVgi)

135 And Krak shoots down the "just be polite" bullshit the police apologists always spew. Nice.

Posted by: Cause and Effect at June 06, 2020 07:07 AM (QF1yA)

136 Chores await.

Have a blessed Saturday, everyone.

It looks bad, but the Left overshot their hand again. We are winning, and more people own tools to protect themselves. That alone makes them more independent.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 06, 2020 07:07 AM (u82oZ)

137 I'm a DSC member. I didn't receive any such email (yet?). And yes, checked the spam filter.

Posted by: WTP at June 06, 2020 07:07 AM (HA2LH)

138 In 1980, there were 3,000 SWAT raids in the US. By 2015, that number had increased to 80,000. No-knock raids also increased by leaps and bounds.

Looks like that is another War we lost.
Posted by: GnuBreed at June 06, 2020 07:00 AM (Z4rgH)


War on Poverty
Poverty won

War on Drugs
Drugs won

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 07:07 AM (JFO2v)

139 The cops here have a bad reputation, There are daily adds on TV recruting but they can't get people to join up. I think they have gone the whole lockdown without shooting an unarmed homeless guy though, progress.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 07:08 AM (ie76E)

140 124

Gillette/Unilever bought DSC in 2016 for $1 billion

Posted by: weirdflunky at June 06, 2020 06:57 AM

Quick Google-fu shows that Gillette and Unilever are competitors, not the same company.

Jul 20, 2016 - Unilever to buy Dollar Shave Club for $1 billion in challenge to P&G's Gillette. ... which has responded with its own Gillette Shave Club and last year ...

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 07:08 AM (Do5/p)

141 "Yup, that cruise ship told us a lot of what we needed to know. A bunch of people together for weeks: 8 deaths/3711 people on board = 0.2%."

USS Theodore Roosevelt has a crew of over 5,000 including embarked air wings.

To the best of my knowledge, something like 40% of the crew tested positive..

And one death, that I know of.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:09 AM (3D/fK)

142 Gillette/Unilever bought DSC in 2016 for $1 billion

Posted by: weirdflunky at June 06, 2020 06:57 AM

Quick Google-fu shows that Gillette and Unilever are competitors, not the same company.

Jul 20, 2016 - Unilever to buy Dollar Shave Club for $1 billion in challenge to P&G's Gillette. ... which has responded with its own Gillette Shave Club and last year ...

See, it's crap like this that really annoys me. Don't you people check sources? You're as bad as the left, some of you. Are you not aware that the left runs false-flag type BS to sucker you in?

Posted by: WTP at June 06, 2020 07:10 AM (HA2LH)

143 Be safe, Salty.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:10 AM (3D/fK)

144 1963 Poverty Rate: 15%

2020 Poverty Rate: 15%
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 06, 2020 07:05 AM (mht8P)

If you do and IQ curve you will find that about 10% of the people really cannot function in a modern society. If you have a high school education, married, and have children you have about a 1% chance of being poor.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 07:10 AM (JFO2v)

145 My experience with cops is pretty mixed. At my former employer, all the ones who came to serve warrants or pick up criminals or contraband were fine.

Off the job, another matter. In the 90s, no issue, but they are increasingly authoritarian and unpleasant to deal with on a personal level. I'm a 62yo ette, and when pulled over for their error, they asked to see my license, and when I reached for my handbag, he pulled his gun..I mean WTF. Where do most women keep it, on the dashboard?

Posted by: CN at June 06, 2020 07:10 AM (ONvIw)

146 I haven't actually shaved in years, I just use my WAHL clippers every week with no tip and thats close enough for me

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 06:59 AM (ie76E)

That's my standard method too, when I'm not rocking a beard (which still needs a weekly trimming).

Posted by: GnuBreed at June 06, 2020 07:11 AM (Z4rgH)

147 WTP, you might want to check out Unilever's website before you blow an o-ring.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at June 06, 2020 07:12 AM (xceTB)

148 D.C. black mayor lady already renamed one of the streets and a plaza black lives matter.

We always enjoyed visiting there, but never again.

Posted by: Les Kinetic at June 06, 2020 07:12 AM (+fPHo)

149 Woke-est of the woke, foreign enterprise.

Posted by: Heart of Darkness at June 06, 2020 07:12 AM (xceTB)

150 Word

Posted by: Kentucky kid at June 06, 2020 07:13 AM (7H+yA)

151 Had a conversation with a squirelly guy yesterday. Furniture maker and he does beautiful work. But keep in mind squirelly. His employer enticed him to move here from another state. He said he had to since that state was so violent and he lived close to the KKK. Lynching tree behind his house, didn't ask current or historically used for that purpose. Asked him where and I named where I thought he moved from since I'm native to that state. He wouldn't answer.
It's pretty common knowledge that the KKK has fallen on hard times, approx. 3000 nationwide and the chapters come and go quickly. And lynchings are a thing of the past although some deaths without a rope involved are probably counted as a lynching, say being dragged behind a truck.
My point, there's a whole lot of disinformation spread and believed in this country. It's lies but believed and those beliefs lead to beating and death for those that do not believe. Obligatory rant inserted: and the msm promotes this crap nonstop.

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at June 06, 2020 07:13 AM (JVgnl)

152 We need to put the police on vacation - or furlough, take your pick - for the next few months so that average American citizens can do the job that the police won't do.

Posted by: LGoPs at June 06, 2020 07:13 AM (7k/uO)

153 Our little Walmart still has 'Reserved for our Law Enforcement friends' signs on two parking spaces.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:13 AM (3D/fK)

154 144
War on Poverty was won, but the winners were the corrupt and the petty officials in welfare offices. We have richer poor people than anywhere else on the planet.

1963 Poverty Rate: 15%

2020 Poverty Rate: 15%


We HAVE to have that. It's job creation. Social workers, parole officers, welfare offices, etc. Billions of dollars a year in administrative costs and departments in colleges rely on never improving the problem.

It's disgusting.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Shouldn't we say cops are mostly peaceful? at June 06, 2020 07:13 AM (pgq4m)

155 Skip - my buddy knows DiBruno owner. That guy is so rich he could shut it all down and go have fun for the rest of his life. Also wealthy enough and connected enough to take a stand. But no, it sounds like he's forgotten his 9th Street roots.

Posted by: kallisto at June 06, 2020 07:13 AM (RL/ur)

156 Morning all, going to be an interesting day
could get stormy here, forecast calls for possible severe thunderloudenboomers
Hope it doesn't get sporty in DC
Think I'll dig out the Band Of Brothers DVDs and binge
as you were

Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight

Posted by: DB- just DB. at June 06, 2020 07:13 AM (iTXRQ)

157 CN, when I was stopped, I waited until the officer walked up and told him my ins card was in the glove comp and my DL was in the console , no problem at all.

Posted by: Ben Had at June 06, 2020 07:14 AM (JinpT)

158 Just finished putting ribs on the Grill and making Jalapeno Poppers. Had drive through Graduation yesterday and party today. Later all.

Posted by: Picric at June 06, 2020 07:14 AM (nonGu)

159 Should probably be checking to see if the bluegill are on their beds but since the state ruined my favorite little bluegill lake by stocking wipers in it...

Ok, I have a question......

WTF is a wiper ?

Posted by: JT at June 06, 2020 07:14 AM (arJlL)

160 "It's like we've forgotten who we are. Explorers, pioneers, not caretakers. "
Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes

I'm gonna go explore some yard sales.....

Posted by: JT at June 06, 2020 07:15 AM (arJlL)

161 Jul 20, 2016 - Unilever to buy Dollar Shave Club for $1 billion in challenge to P&G's Gillette. ... which has responded with its own Gillette Shave Club and last year ...
Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 07:08 AM (Do5/p)

Yes. My bad. I misread the article. I remembered DSC being bought out but could.t remember who.

After I cut the grass this morning, I'll do the right thing and commit ritual suicide for the error.

Posted by: weirdflunky at June 06, 2020 07:15 AM (cknjq)

162 Is a wiper a hybred striper bass?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 07:16 AM (ie76E)

163 WTF is a wiper ?
Posted by: JT

I looked it up...

A hybrid striped bass, also known as a wiper or whiterock bass, is a hybrid between the striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and the white bass (M. chrysops). It can be distinguished from the striped bass by broken rather than solid horizontal stripes on the body.

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 07:16 AM (vd8XM)

164 "Hope they enjoyed that. CEO e-mail sent out at 3:47am EDT, my cancelled subscription less than 3 hours later. "

I canceled my favorite magazine with and email telling why and got an email back:

"We contributed to the SPLC because we felt something needed to be done to keep everyone safe. We're sorry you have to leave because of that."

Posted by: freaked at June 06, 2020 07:16 AM (a1hgu)

165 "although some deaths without a rope involved are probably counted as a lynching, say being dragged behind a truck. "

Lynching is an extrajudicial murder/execution of an individual, not limited to death by hanging.

So like when a retired black Police Officer is gunned down by rioters in front of his own business for the crime of stopping protesters from destroying his business.....

Yep....that's a lynching.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:17 AM (3D/fK)

166 Dammit my cop rant was listed because my home IP is banned. Fukit

Posted by: freaked at June 06, 2020 07:17 AM (a1hgu)

167 92

Good question, who is the head of BLM? And all these corporations that are scrambling to give them donations, isn't this virtue signaling?

Posted by: My life is insanity at June 06, 2020 06:46 AM

Discover the Networks:

This should probably be sent in reply to every business e-mail to its customers pledging their support for Black Lives Matter. Need to show them exactly what they are supporting and we are ending our business with their companies over that support.

Founded by Marxist revolutionaries in 2013, Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a movement that depicts the United States as a nation awash in racism, sexism, and homophobia. Demonstrators at BLM events have been known to:

--- smear white police as trigger-happy bigots who are intent upon killing innocent, unarmed black males;
--- taunt, and direct obscenities at, uniformed police officers who are on duty;
--- throw rocks at police and threaten to kill them;
--- and celebrate in the streets when a police officer is killed.

Some examples of BLM's racist and incendiary rhetoric:

--- At a December 2014 BLM rally in New York City, marchers chanted in unison: "What do we want?
Dead cops. When do we want it? Now."
--- At a BLM march in August 2015, protesters chanted: "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon." ("Pigs" was a reference to police officers, and "blanket" was a reference to body bags.)
--- On a BLM-affiliated radio program the following month, the hosts laughed at the recent assassination of a white Texas deputy; boasted that blacks were like lions who could prevail in a "race war" against whites; happily predicted that "we will witness more executions and killing of white people and cops than we ever have before"; and declared that "It's open season on killing white people and crackas."
--- In November 2015, a group of approximately 150 BLM protesters shouting "Black Lives Matter," stormed Dartmouth University's library, screaming, "Fu** you, you filthy white fu**s!," "Fu** you and your comfort!," and "Fu** you, you racist sh**!"
--- In July 2016, a BLM activist speaking to a CNN reporter shouted: "The less white babies on this planet, the less of you [white adults] we got! I hope they kill all the white babies! Kill 'em all right now! Kill 'em! Kill your grandkids! Kill yourself! Coffin, bitch! Go lay in a coffin! Kill yourself!"
--- At all BLM events, demonstrators invoke the words that the Marxist revolutionary, former Black Panther, convicted cop-killer, and longtime fugitive Assata Shakur once wrote in a letter titled "To My People": "It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains." (The fourth line was drawn from the Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.) In Shakur's original letter, she described herself as a "Black revolutionary" who had "declared war on the rich who prosper on our poverty, the politicians who lie to us with smiling faces, and all the mindless, heart-less robots [police] who protect them and their property."

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 07:17 AM (Do5/p)

168 >>"We contributed to the SPLC because we felt something needed to be done to keep everyone safe. We're sorry you have to leave because of that."
Posted by: freaked at June 06, 2020 07:16 AM (a1hgu)

Whoa! Way to make sure you'll never return!

Posted by: My life is insanity at June 06, 2020 07:17 AM (Z/jzm)

169 "We contributed to the SPLC because we felt something needed to be done to keep everyone safe.

Should have replied, next time you feel that way send the money to me.
Then I know that I'm safer

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 07:18 AM (vd8XM)

170 For a new blade source, is not political.
Been buying on line from them for 4 years now. Based in Los Angeles.

Great choices, great prices. Low price 6 blade , really low price 3 blade, and the handle fits any of their blades. And the blades last.

They're a Korean company.

Only political Koreans I'm aware of are of the Rooftop variety.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at June 06, 2020 07:18 AM (sy5kK)

171 I've lived in good neighborhoods and bad neighborhoods. About 10 years ago I lived in a bad neighborhood. It wasn't like the ghetto, but there was a lot of drugs and lawlessness, a neighbor of mine had a bullet put through his son's window because a g********* thought it was a rival drug dealer's house. My neighbors and I constantly call the police about the real drug dealer in the neighborhood, and they did nothing about it. Eventually we stopped trying, and I grew used to watching drug dealers sell out of their car while I was walking my dog.

like I said, I don't want to oversell how bad of a neighborhood it was, but it wasn't great. The point I wanted to make is every experience I had with a cop in that neighborhood was bad. At one time, there was an accident in an intersection. I followed a string of cars along into a drugstore parking lot to get around it. A cop turned on his lights and pulled me over and told me I couldn't cut through private property to avoid a red light. I asked him what I should do instead, and he just repeated his statement. I should also mention he said so in an extremely aggressive and hostile manner. There are other experiences I had as well, most of which had to do with a cop looking like he was going to pull a gun on me at any time. I should mention that I'm a middle-aged white dude who is about his harmless as you can imagine. What the cop was threatened by I have no idea, but he certainly seemed threatened.

So about seven or eight years ago I moved to a different neighborhood. This one is what you would describe as an upper middle class. if anyone is familiar with Philadelphia, it's on the main line. At any rate, my first experience was a cop there is when I nervously asked one the directions to a park I was trying to find. Cop couldn't have been nicer or more helpful, even offered to drive to the place so I could find it. All my experiences with the police in this neighborhood have been positive, every single one.

So when I read about how black men and women think that the cops are out to get them, I reflect upon this. How much worse would my experience have been if I lived in an even poorer neighborhood? How much better if I lived in even more affluent one? It seems clear to me based on my limited experience that police officers are nice to you if you're rich and hostile towards you if you're poor, at least if you live in a rich neighborhood or a poor neighborhood.

I'm sure there are reasons for this. I have known a number of cops in my day, and all it takes is a few stories of a buddy or colleague of theirs getting ambushed during a routine traffic stop for them to get extremely suspicious and paranoid while going about their everyday jobs. And that sort of thing is far more likely to happen where people have guns and drugs and arrest warrants then upper management jobs.

My point, I don't consider this a race problem. I think that the best solution to the so-called race problem is improving neighborhoods and installing upper middle-class values into those who live in them. Whole families, education, investing in the next generation at the expense of your own, these are all ideas which have been proven to work in America over and over and over again. If you can improve neighborhoods, police work becomes easier and tensions between police and communities lesson.

Posted by: Dan in philly at June 06, 2020 07:18 AM (PHmRk)

172 Oh also clay travis - the guy who said boobs on tv - has been flogging the COVID grift. He had a column today at outkick the coverage dedicated to doctors who had a different opinion to the conventional wisdom.

Posted by: InCali at June 06, 2020 07:18 AM (9AFWN)

173 oh went back and got it back:

mornin yall. My business was located right next door to a county Sheriff's precinct office for about 5 years. Oh the stories I could tell of people coming and going there. Sometimes people would come in asking if the office was open because no one was there and then would tell me their stories of woe involving the Sheriff's department. One thing that really pissed people off is they could not file a report there, they had to go downtown, so you would see people walking and driving away with a pissed off look on their face all the time. I always wondered how many just said fuckit and never went downtown.

The officers I encountered there were typically overweight, buzz cut, and dumb as a rock. I went over there one Monday and asked the main guy there how many people were arrested on Sunday in the illegal "parade' of 100s of local denizens on motorcycles, dirt bikes, atvs , and cars that went right by the front door and thru the neighborhoods and he told me he knew nothing about it, but would look into it and get back to me. That never happened, just like when my MIL's house was ransacked when she was in the hospital, and when all the wiring was stripped from the new house she was building. I've never had any satisfaction in any dealings with the cops.

Local criminals are pampered though, and are usually back on the streets in no time, only to commit more crimes. It's pretty hopeless.

I was stopped by a big fat county cop for passing a car in a passing zone and ticketed. I was so pissed I went to court and when I got up to the judge, the judge said "I don't remember a passing zone there" and looked at the cop and smiled. I had to pay the fine, and on the way home went the same route and again observed the broken line in the middle of the road where I was previously stopped. I vowed then that if I ever saw one of those guys in trouble I would just keep on going. BTW that judge is now gone because of a corruption charge, but as far as I know he suffered no other consequences. Typical.

Posted by: freaked at June 06, 2020 07:20 AM (a1hgu)

174 We HAVE to have that. It's job creation. Social workers, parole officers, welfare offices, etc. Billions of dollars a year in administrative costs and departments in colleges rely on never improving the problem.

It's disgusting.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Shouldn't we say cops are mostly peaceful? at June 06, 2020 07:13 AM (pgq4m)

about $23 Trillion burned through since 1963. About the same as our debt!

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 07:20 AM (JFO2v)

175 I still want to know why BLM hasn't been declared a terrorist group, especially after what they did in Texas?And what has happened to any of Antifas supporters now that Antifa is a terror group?

Posted by: Iblis at June 06, 2020 07:21 AM (1mpw4)

176 175

Yes. My bad. I misread the article. I remembered DSC being bought out but could.t remember who.

After I cut the grass this morning, I'll do the right thing and commit ritual suicide for the error.

Posted by: weirdflunky at June 06, 2020 07:15 AM


I only looked it up, because I was about to reply back to your comment that that makes sense for DSC to have gone full-retard-SJW, since they were now owned by Gillette. But wanted some more details before I replied and then found that.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 07:21 AM (Do5/p)

177 At all BLM events, demonstrators invoke the words that the Marxist revolutionary, former Black Panther, convicted cop-killer, and longtime fugitive Assata Shakur once wrote in a letter titled "To My People": "It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains." (The fourth line was drawn from the Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.) In Shakur's original letter, she described herself as a "Black revolutionary" who had "declared war on the rich who prosper on our poverty, the politicians who lie to us with smiling faces, and all the mindless, heart-less robots [police] who protect them and their property."
Posted by: Clyde Shelton

Good thing we shutdown the Boy Scouts because they didn't like the gays though

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 07:21 AM (vd8XM)

178 > 2020 Poverty Rate: 15%

Yeah, the "poverty level" more or less defined to be the poorest x%, so (barring the imaginary full communism) there are always going to be people "in poverty" no matter how rich everyone gets.

The typical "poor person" in the United States has a home, plenty to eat, a car, internet service, and many other things that would put a person in the "well-off" category in other countries

Oh, and in case anyone cares: Joey Plugs has clinched the Communist Party nomination.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia (kneels to no one on this Earth) at June 06, 2020 07:22 AM (hKLpI)

179 Great post, krakatoa. I too have had some unsatisfying experiences with local cops -- not nearly as many, or as serious, as yours, though.

And I can understand why some might take a little glee in watching black rioters and white man-babies (cosplaying as anarchists) tear up the same urban shit-hole that spawned them.

Alas, I cannot share in this schadenfreude, for one simple reason:

Think of the bars, man. THINK OF THE BARS.

There are Tiki bars I've never been to, being torn up right now. I've never been to Porco's Lounge in Cleveland, even though it's only 3 hours away. Why did I put this off?

And then there are all the great Tiki bars I have been to, that I'm worried about -- Lost Lake in Chicago, Latitude 29 in NOLA.

Shit -- I don't know if I can ever wear a Tiki shirt in a big city again, without being called "Proud Boy" and having to fight someone. And it's not like I carry concealed when I'm bar-hopping.

This shit is serious, krakatoa.

Posted by: Pastafarian at June 06, 2020 07:22 AM (sgHEm)

180 I've never had a really bad experience with a street cop. I've met some asshole cops, just like other assholes in business or industry. I think for the most part they're just like everyone else with the exception that their job brings them into contact with the scum of the population and that has a tendency over time to wear on them. I notice too that the worst cop behavior seems to be in big cities and states where bad behavior by the citizenry and the cops is tolerated or even encouraged at the local and state gummint level.

I'll go out on a limb and say that when police forces dissolve, thugs are going to learn that cops were there to protect them against citizens, not citizens from thugs. And in those areas, it's gonna look like Mogadishu or Baghdad in relatively short order.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 06, 2020 07:22 AM (NZbXf)

181 I've had very good experiences with cops and pretty bad ones. County Sheriffs tend to be the most professional. State Troopers the least but in both cases there are exceptions.

Local police vary wildly but if you are a local you tend to get the benefit of the doubt.

I will make one note. My experience with law enforcement while overseas is much worse then anything that happened in the States.

Posted by: Big V Caffeinated at June 06, 2020 07:23 AM (eMtQa)

Our little Walmart still has 'Reserved for our Law Enforcement friends' signs on two parking spaces.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice

Heh. reminded me of the shift change scene in the PD parking lot in "The Choir Boys", where EVERYBODY backed out of their space at the same time...

Posted by: Gooshy at June 06, 2020 07:23 AM (DCVgi)

183 I don't know about local LE but I'd like it if the FBI started requiring the use of German accents for all their agents. Just to make them sound more authentic.

Posted by: LGoPs at June 06, 2020 07:24 AM (7k/uO)

184 Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 07:17 AM (Do5/p)

Thanks for the information, Clyde. I'll be using this in conversations with some people to try to get them back from the ignorant side.

I'm finding that referencable facts seem to work sometimes.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at June 06, 2020 07:24 AM (sy5kK)

185 I had a friend that was approached by the KKK when I was at Ft Hood in the mid 80's, another that was recruited by the Masons, and another who was a swinger and recruiting too.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 07:25 AM (ie76E)

186 Wait, stop! Weirdflunky - can I have your stuff??

Posted by: kallisto at June 06, 2020 07:25 AM (RL/ur)

187 cops were there to protect them against citizens, not citizens from thugs.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 06, 2020 07:22 AM (NZbXf

you sir are correct

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 07:26 AM (JFO2v)

188 @133 The War on Drugs was declared on June 16, 1971 by Richard M Nixon.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at June 06, 2020 07:26 AM (8IOEj)

189 " I think for the most part they're just like everyone else with the exception that their job brings them into contact with the scum of the population and that has a tendency over time to wear on them."

I'm sure that has a major impact on their attitude, but think a lot of them get into it for the power trip.

Posted by: freaked at June 06, 2020 07:26 AM (a1hgu)

190 sure makes me think of the richness of thought in this here blog
in a most positive way, of course

when financial mistakes 'happen', when i personally addressed the 'lack' of entry, originally was met with 'wha? show me'.
i sent you an email which is the explanation...

for today (maybe a white thing) does anyone here not understand how the following would scream datestamp? do we need hints further? no

Posted by: micky at June 06, 2020 07:27 AM (3byMq)

191 The typical "poor person" in the United States has a home, plenty to eat, a car, internet service, and many other things that would put a person in the "well-off" category in other countries

But the TV commercials are telling 5 out of 6 kids go to bed hungry!!
And the new coconut water on the market tells me that 1 out of 2 kids are dehydrated!!!


Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 07:27 AM (vd8XM)

192 From the Black Lives Matter website:
Herstory In 2013, three radical Black organizers, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi, created a Black-centered political will and movement building project called BlackLivesMatter. It was in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin murderer, George Zimmerman.

Posted by: SnailRacer at June 06, 2020 07:27 AM (JFXBB)

193 First was when I was 18 and got pulled over. Had a 6-pack of Heineken in the back that I was taking to a graduation party later that night. Having unopened alcohol in your car is not illegal. Otherwise, how could you ever get it home from the store. Cop pulled me over for driving through a yellow light, hauled my passenger and I out, frisked us, found a tiny bag, maybe a gram of weed on my buddy.

Cop confiscated the beer and the weed, and let us go with a "Good beer and good weed...going to be a fun time at my place tonight."

Worst was when I was arrested and jailed overnight in a case of mistaken identity while visiting my sister at college in Michigan. They refused to even tell me what I was being charged with, which is certainly illegal. Cost me a grand in attorney's fees to get the whole thing dropped. My lawyer said they knew within an hour after arresting me they had the wrong guy but the Blue Wall closed in and I had to fight and pay to get the whole thing dropped.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at June 06, 2020 07:28 AM (FtO5h)

194 Anytime someone does a job I would never dream of doing

I cut them a little slack

even if it consists of some minor inconvenience to myself

I don't immerse myself in petty disputes that are quickly forgotten

because I don't want them to stop doing that job

because then I would have to do that job or some part of that job

but that's just me, go ahead if it floats your boat

Posted by: REDACTED at June 06, 2020 07:29 AM (JgrP5)

195 Even Jack Webb level copaganda can't sugar coat the turd of police brutality, but cancelling all city PDs and going full state-sponsored anarchy? Still not sure these decision makers aren't Trump reelection secret operatives.

Posted by: Incredulous Hulk at June 06, 2020 07:29 AM (zp+b/)

196 Wait, stop! Weirdflunky - can I have your stuff??
Posted by: kallisto at June 06, 2020 07:25 AM (RL/ur)


I told the weirdwife and she started sharpening all the knives. Odd.

Posted by: weirdflunky at June 06, 2020 07:29 AM (cknjq)

197 179 Lynching is an extrajudicial murder/execution of an individual, not limited to death by hanging.

So like when a retired black Police Officer is gunned down by rioters in front of his own business for the crime of stopping protesters from destroying his business.....

Yep....that's a lynching.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:17 AM (3D/fK)

his friend's business

Posted by: m at June 06, 2020 07:29 AM (zcb42)

198 Now I know why so many of the BLM protestors are white young women.
Don't blacks go to those "meetings"?? Yesterday looking at the crowd in front of the court house, it was mostly all white.

Posted by: Colin at June 06, 2020 07:30 AM (gfP64)

199 151

I'm a DSC member. I didn't receive any such email (yet?). And yes, checked the spam filter.

Posted by: WTP at June 06, 2020 07:07 AM

I received it in my inbox at 3:49am EDT.

"A message from our CEO".

Sent to this list:

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 07:31 AM (Do5/p)

200 I was watching a PBS special on the Women of Country Music 2 days ago, It was good except for Fatnona Judd. She couldn't get two words out without saying the word Herstory.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 07:31 AM (ie76E)

201 Black Lives Matter was created based on a BS story developed, refined and deployed as a defense for Saint Skittles by Benjamin Crump, and hyped by the media.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 06, 2020 07:31 AM (NZbXf)

202 "his friend's business"

Thank you for the correction.

But, I believe the main point still stands.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:31 AM (3D/fK)

203 Now I know why so many of the BLM protestors are white young women.
Don't blacks go to those "meetings"?? Yesterday looking at the crowd in front of the court house, it was mostly all white.
Posted by: Colin

So many are lacking religion, they must have something to bow down to

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 07:31 AM (vd8XM)

204 Blue cities collapsing, suffocating, starving all sounds all schadenfruede-ishly wonderful, to inflict petty revenge on the petty tyrants who live to terrorize our unguarded moments seems just and fair.

Power, friends, loves a vacuum. Abolish, diminish, destroy the structures that allow civil society to function at great risk. Oh, and polish up your Farsi and/or Chinese.

Posted by: ErikInTexas at June 06, 2020 07:32 AM (FM+2k)

205 Good thing we shutdown the Boy Scouts because they didn't like the gays though

Posted by: Bruce

Damn son, I'd like to know where you are getting your information.

Robert Gates and Rex Tillerson, BSA, would like a word. "Two deep."

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at June 06, 2020 07:32 AM (8IOEj)

206 @133 The War on Drugs was declared on June 16, 1971 by Richard M Nixon.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at June 06, 2020 07:26 AM (8IOEj)

Okay, the wiki on SWAT wasn't clear on that. RR did declare it to be a national security issue.

Posted by: GnuBreed at June 06, 2020 07:33 AM (Z4rgH)

207 Again, this talk about getting rid of/defunding police does not mean what we take it to mean.

It means replacing them with 'Community Patrols' or whatever euphemism they come up with, a force of 'social justice' cops that will police the jurisdiction in line with the philosophies of the Hard Left.

Don't fall for the 'there will be no police' idea. They aren't that stupid, and they'd never let a chance for that power get away from them.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at June 06, 2020 07:33 AM (oVJmc)

208 202 @133 The War on Drugs was declared on June 16, 1971 by Richard M Nixon.
Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at June 06, 2020 07:26 AM (8IOEj)

On December 21, 1970, Elvis Presley paid a visit to President Richard M. Nixon at the White House in Washington, D.C. The meeting was initiated by Presley, who wrote Nixon a six-page letter requesting a visit with the President and suggesting that he be made a "Federal Agent-at-Large" in the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 07:33 AM (JFO2v)

209 Nothing has happened to the antifa people. For whatever reason, once again, Barr won't proceed with anything other than empty threats. His praise of Wray at the presser made me ill, and really made me think that he has no intention of doing shit about anything. He's a big fat kabuki actor.

Posted by: CN at June 06, 2020 07:34 AM (ONvIw)

210 Is this the Ace of Spades dirty cop edition?

Posted by: Kurtz at June 06, 2020 07:34 AM (h+6I8)

211 So Trump can run for re-election on the 'If you like your Police, you can keep your Police' platform?

And Biden's counter will be.....?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:34 AM (3D/fK)

212 Robert Gates and Rex Tillerson, BSA, would like a word

They're gay Boy Scouts?


Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 07:35 AM (vd8XM)

213 Action matters and conversation matters, but financial support matters too. Alongside each of our Unilever sister brands, DSC will contribute $100,000 to Black Lives Matter.

So Unilever BOD has ordered all of the subsidiaries to pour money into a racist terror organization that has a track record of looting, arson and cop killing - for political change, of course.

Fighting racism by being even more racist.

I have one question for Unilever:

Black Lives Matter claims to use the money for "fighting racism". What sort of audit process do you have internally that follows through and validates that certain metrics and objectives are maintained by BLM?

IOW, handing money over to an organization that hasn't presented a business plan other than subsidizing riots, cop killings, propaganda campaigns, political corruption and lavish lifestyles of ne're do well Anti-American Communists. If any other group came up with a similar plan for your charity (such as Hamas, ISIS or the PLA), would you also blindly give it to them and then spend marketing dollars proclaiming your affiliation with their targets and objectives?

Or is this decision made purely on race?

Posted by: 🐧 at June 06, 2020 07:35 AM (qibYB)

214 It means replacing them with 'Community Patrols' or whatever euphemism they come up with, a force of 'social justice' cops that will police the jurisdiction in line with the philosophies of the Hard Left.

Roving gangs of enforcers. With a BLM/SJW agenda. Perfect.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 06, 2020 07:36 AM (NZbXf)

215 216 "his friend's business"

Thank you for the correction.

But, I believe the main point still stands.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:31 AM (3D/fK)

Absolutely, your point still stands. Now errorfree!

Posted by: m at June 06, 2020 07:36 AM (zcb42)

216 183

"We contributed to the SPLC because we felt something needed to be done to keep everyone safe.

Should have replied, next time you feel that way send the money to me. Then I know that I'm safer.

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 07:18 AM


"Then you should have contributed to the NRA. We're all kept safe when we're all armed."

Heh. Bet they would have loved that reply.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 07:36 AM (Do5/p)

217 All those shiny new skyscrapers the cities have. I guess big business just loves being where the action is. Not being a city person, I guess I just don't understand cities.

Posted by: Colin at June 06, 2020 07:37 AM (gfP64)

218 Much of this corporate crawling and funding is to help defeat Trump in November and get him away from access to the Chinese slave labor market.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at June 06, 2020 07:37 AM (oVJmc)

219 "Robert Gates and Rex Tillerson, BSA, would like a word. "Two deep." "

When the local council voted on letting gay leaders into the BSA, I voiced my opposition to the President of the local council and was called a homophobe. Now registrations are down 50% and my boy's ex-troop is all but shut down. I'd like to see him again and ask how that gay leader thing worked out.

Posted by: freaked at June 06, 2020 07:37 AM (a1hgu)

220 "Now errorfree!"

*Golf Clap*

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:37 AM (3D/fK)

221 In 2019 police officers fatally shot 1,004 people, most of whom were armed or otherwise dangerous. African-Americans were about a quarter of those killed by cops last year (235), a ratio that has remained stable since 2015. That share of black victims is less than what the black crime rate would predict, since police shootings are a function of how often officers encounter armed and violent suspects.

In 2018, the latest year for which such data have been published, African-Americans made up 53% of known homicide offenders in the U.S. and commit about 60% of robberies, though they are 13% of the population.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 07:38 AM (JFO2v)

222 197 I don't know about local LE but I'd like it if the FBI started requiring the use of German accents for all their agents. Just to make them sound more authentic.

Posted by: LGoPs at June 06, 2020 07:24 AM (7k/uO)


Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:38 AM (H8QX8)

223 I'd bet Stalin had some pretty brutal police he supported. KBG anyone. Being on the left, doesn't mean all rainbows and unicorns.

Posted by: Colin at June 06, 2020 07:39 AM (gfP64)

224 184

For a new blade source, is not political.
Been buying on line from them for 4 years now. Based in Los Angeles.

Great choices, great prices. Low price 6 blade , really low price 3 blade, and the handle fits any of their blades. And the blades last.

They're a Korean company.

Only political Koreans I'm aware of are of the Rooftop variety.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at June 06, 2020 07:18 AM

Thanks for the heads-up on Darco. Just had a recent shipment of blade refills from DSC, so won't need any for a while. Especially since I am shaving less the past 12 weeks of lockdown and work-from-home. But, when I do, I'll look into Darco.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 07:39 AM (Do5/p)

225 The problem with eliminating the police is the same as with single payer health insurance.

if things don't go so well in utopia, the insurance companies and the police will not just magically reappear overnight

in fact, they may never return

then you will know real suffering

Posted by: REDACTED at June 06, 2020 07:40 AM (JgrP5)

226 Not to denigrate the bible, and the historical sufferings of Jews throughout history.

But I swear that all this public posturing by companies, the Black Lives Matter signs on suburban lawns and cap like that is taking on a 'Blood of the lamb on the door frame, prior to the angel of death' feel to it.

And I find no humor in that comparison.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:40 AM (3D/fK)

227 Good morning hordelings. I've only had one experience with the police, back in the mid-70s. Violent crime. They were very helpful, very nice. Rev got a speeding ticket in his 67 Dodge Charger once.

Posted by: grammie winger at June 06, 2020 07:40 AM (lwiT4)

228 Roving gangs of enforcers. With a BLM/SJW agenda. Perfect.
Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 06, 2020 07:36 AM (NZbXf)

Straight out of Kurt Schlichter's People's Republic books. Schlichter flat-out called it.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at June 06, 2020 07:41 AM (FtO5h)

229 237 I'd bet Stalin had some pretty brutal police he supported. KBG anyone. Being on the left, doesn't mean all rainbows and unicorns.
Posted by: Colin at June 06, 2020 07:39 AM (gfP64)

"The issue is never the issue." Saul Alinksy.

This isn't about cops or poor victimized blacks. The Left loves their enslaved victimized blacks. It's about power. The Left will unleash a de facto police power on citizenry like nothing ever seen.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:42 AM (H8QX8)

230 185

My point, I don't consider this a race problem. I think that the best solution to the so-called race problem is improving neighborhoods and installing upper middle-class values into those who live in them. Whole families, education, investing in the next generation at the expense of your own, these are all ideas which have been proven to work in America over and over and over again. If you can improve neighborhoods, police work becomes easier and tensions between police and communities lesson.

Posted by: Dan in philly at June 06, 2020 07:18 AM

Well said.

That is one of my biggest frustrations in all of this. Lack of discussion of the root problems: education, community, family, morals and values, etc.

The majority of problems in the country are cultural moreso than racial.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 07:42 AM (Do5/p)

231 Minneapolis City Council members aim to 'dismantle' police department, 'rethink' public safety


Yes, do this!!! I want them to have no police force. Then, I want every citizen in that shitty city to feel the true effects of their equally shitty voting decisions. I want that sooo bad.

Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at June 06, 2020 07:42 AM (O+I8R)

232 Mornin', grammie. Looks like another gorgeous day around these parts!

Posted by: My life is insanity at June 06, 2020 07:42 AM (Z/jzm)

233 15 MSNBC has proved they are nothing more than Democrat stooges by hiring crooked Lisa Page of the famous collusion crap classified data leaker to 'get Trump'.


The blowjobs are epic!

Posted by: MSNBC at June 06, 2020 07:42 AM (ILhzi)

234 Roving gangs of enforcers. With a BLM/SJW agenda. Perfect.
Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 06, 2020 07:36 AM (NZbXf)

Straight out of Kurt Schlichter's People's Republic books. Schlichter flat-out called it.
Posted by: Guy Smiley

But don't call them Brown Shirts. Because they were Nazis and Nazis are bad

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 07:42 AM (vd8XM)

235 It means replacing them with 'Community Patrols' or whatever euphemism they come up with, a force of 'social justice' cops that will police the jurisdiction in line with the philosophies of the Hard Left.

Basically, Karen gets a gun and her law book is whatever the Mob decrees as holy or profane that week.

Posted by: 🐧 at June 06, 2020 07:43 AM (qibYB)

236 So many are lacking religion, they must have something to bow down to

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 07:31 AM (vd8XM)

You gotta serve somebody. It may be the devil. It may be the Lord. But you gotta serve somebody.

Posted by: grammie winger at June 06, 2020 07:43 AM (lwiT4)

237 Mornin', grammie. Looks like another gorgeous day around these parts!

Posted by: My life is insanity at June 06, 2020 07:42 AM (Z/jzm)

It sure does!

Posted by: grammie winger at June 06, 2020 07:44 AM (lwiT4)

238 My all-time favorite line in a movie is from "Southern Comfort" (1971). An old 'Cajun in the boondocks has been unlawfully detained and abused by rogue National Guardsmen. When he gains the upper hand he says in a heavy accent: "We live here; don't f*ck wit us!"

Posted by: fenderbender at June 06, 2020 07:44 AM (r72iY)

239 Mornin', grammie. Looks like another gorgeous day around these parts!
Posted by: My life is insanity

And we're all invited to Mlii's for rhubarb pie!!

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 07:44 AM (vd8XM)

240 They're gay Boy Scouts?

Posted by: Bruce

Yes, Bruce, that is exactly what they are. God damn it.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at June 06, 2020 07:44 AM (8IOEj)

241 Alongside each of our Unilever sister brands, DSC will contribute $100,000 to Black Lives Matter.

Just got my e-mail from these fuckers. I'm going to grow a beard. Fuck them.

Posted by: LGoPs at June 06, 2020 07:44 AM (7k/uO)

242 232 Much of this corporate crawling and funding is to help defeat Trump in November and get him away from access to the Chinese slave labor market.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at June 06, 2020 07:37 AM (oVJmc)

Yep, richie rich needs more billions.

Posted by: CN at June 06, 2020 07:45 AM (ONvIw)

243 Oh, geez, better up the pie count!

Posted by: My life is insanity at June 06, 2020 07:45 AM (Z/jzm)

244 I still like the idea of Karens shaving their heads to renounce racism.

Maybe next they should tattoo their scalps blue, or some other mental distress color.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:45 AM (3D/fK)

245 There is no human condition so horrible that the arrival of a police officer cannot make it worse.
-Irish Proverb

It depends on the individual cop's attitude and training.

Posted by: waepnedmann at June 06, 2020 07:45 AM (2y0aR)

246 Oh, geez, better up the pie count!
Posted by: My life is insanity

We gotta get a bigger rhubarb!!

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 07:45 AM (vd8XM)

247 32 Annnd, bye-bye, Dollar Shave Club. Those who support Black Lives Matter shall not be getting my business.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 06:17 AM (Do5/p)

At this point, it'd be helpful to compile a list of companies who *don't* support terrorism and insurrection.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at June 06, 2020 07:45 AM (DTX3h)

248 257 Oh, geez, better up the pie count!
Posted by: My life is insanity at June 06, 2020 07:45 AM (Z/jzm)

First I've heard of it. Get bakin'!

Posted by: m at June 06, 2020 07:45 AM (zcb42)

249 Fuck them and their cities.

God bless you, too.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 06, 2020 07:46 AM (+eVzC)

250 That is one of my biggest frustrations in all of this. Lack of discussion of the root problems: education, community, family, morals and values, etc.

Which the legislated answer will be to fund more discussion groups that talk and talk and talk - usually at five star resorts around the globe, and their recommendations are always the same.

Give us more money and power.

I'll pass on these "discussions".

Posted by: 🐧 at June 06, 2020 07:46 AM (qibYB)

251 My last word on this subject - Antifa's mission is to abolish police so I have to support LE.

Posted by: kallisto at June 06, 2020 07:46 AM (RL/ur)

252 Of rhubarb, I've got plenty. Can't kill that stuff (not that I would. It freezes well)

Posted by: My life is insanity at June 06, 2020 07:47 AM (Z/jzm)

253 My point, I don't consider this a race problem. I think that the best solution to the so-called race problem is improving neighborhoods and installing upper middle-class values into those who live in them. Whole families, education, investing in the next generation at the expense of your own, these are all ideas which have been proven to work in America over and over and over again.


Well said. You know it. I know it. It's quite a simple formula. A successful formula where race plays no part. And that is why it is strictly forbidden to say such things. They've chosen to tie anchors to themselves, when the answer is right at their fingertips and could be had by all.

Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at June 06, 2020 07:47 AM (O+I8R)

254 32 Annnd, bye-bye, Dollar Shave Club. Those who support Black Lives Matter shall not be getting my business.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 06:17 AM (Do5/p)

I would like to get rid of Amazon. I use them too much for business.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:47 AM (H8QX8)

255 Give us more money and power.

I'll pass on these "discussions".

My sister has said the we need more bipartisan laws.

I told her no, because with those laws everyone gets screwed

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 07:47 AM (vd8XM)

256 So far I've gotten BLM emails from Uber, Advia Credit Union, Chase Bank and Citi Bank. The gist of my responses has been, I don't need a social worker or a priest. Just process my payments.

Posted by: grammie winger at June 06, 2020 07:47 AM (lwiT4)

257 Mayor of D.C. spends city money to paint "Black Lives Matter" in huge yellow letters on road leading to the WH, because that was a good of city funds/s.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 06, 2020 07:48 AM (+eVzC)

258 Finally, a boycott that I can support.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:48 AM (3D/fK)

259 By the way, anyone seen or heard from Newt Gingrich lately?

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:48 AM (H8QX8)

260 About 1% of the population are anti-social, with some combination of lack of empathy, brazen dishonesty, thrill seeking, superficial charm, extreme narcissism and desire for control over others. Psychopaths s are drawn to policing because there are so many opportunities to feel power over other people. Screening for psychos needs to be a top priority from youth, to weed them out as much as possible. Regardless, that still leaves 98% that are decent people.

Posted by: Ted Torgerson at June 06, 2020 07:48 AM (/aiGx)

261 Of rhubarb, I've got plenty. Can't kill that stuff (not that I would. It freezes well)
Posted by: My life is insanity

I can't get the stuff to grow.
We don't eat a lot of it, I need pie like a set of antlers, but as with fresh fruit, when it's in season, yum

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 07:49 AM (vd8XM)

262 None of this will end until people at every level, especially the highest levels are exposed as the lying, manipulative snakes they are and then held accountable.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at June 06, 2020 07:49 AM (NZbXf)

263 Cops in Arkansas are generally a lot more pleasant than in my home state of Ohio, and PA, where I lived for many tears. I've heard numerous people say "Aren't our state troopers nice" and the only contact I've had with them (fingerprinting changing PA CCW to AR CHCL) proved that. Small town cops seem to get a few hot heads. We had one here, new hire, older guy with previous experience. The department got rid of him. This jerk was running radar outside the city limits, and really liked showing authority. Retired railroad cop.

Posted by: bill in arkansas at June 06, 2020 07:49 AM (C1Lsn)

My point, I don't consider this a race problem. I think that the best solution to the so-called race problem is improving neighborhoods and installing upper middle-class values into those who live in them.


"Hahaha. I like this guy."

- Lyndon B. Johnson

Posted by: Moron Robbie - End the systemic racism of affirmative action. at June 06, 2020 07:50 AM (w33vD)

265 Time to wake the boss and get the day going.

Stay safe all..

Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 07:51 AM (vd8XM)

266 Rhubarb pie isn't bad if you put like a pound of strawberries in it.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 07:51 AM (ie76E)

267 >>We don't eat a lot of it, I need pie like a set of antlers, but as with fresh fruit, when it's in season, yum
Posted by: Bruce

Definitely! I make an easy refrigerator rhubarb jam, too. Also not needed, but oh so good. Those little things in life that get you through the day...

Posted by: My life is insanity at June 06, 2020 07:52 AM (Z/jzm)

268 For a new blade source, is not political.

Been buying on line from them for 4 years now. Based in Los Angeles.

Great choices, great prices. Low price 6 blade , really low price 3
blade, and the handle fits any of their blades. And the blades last.

They're a Korean company.

Only political Koreans I'm aware of are of the Rooftop variety.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at June 06, 2020 07:18 AM

I went to their site but don't see any reference to razor blades. Am I missing something?

Posted by: LGoPs at June 06, 2020 07:52 AM (7k/uO)

269 I have to say, despite all the various shitshows of late, last night raised my spirits higher than they've been in weeks if not months. We have no rioting here in Fort Collins, CO and the reopening is FINALLY looking like reopening. Old Town has sprung back to life, and sitting with some friends having an icy cold beer at a patio bar on a 95 degree evening felt SO good!

Seems weird to have all the tables spaced 6 feet apart, and you still have to go through the ridiculous theater of putting on a mask while you walk in, only to immediately take it off. Guy at the door said with a shiteatin' grin: "Whether you're sitting inside or outside, masks are recommended but not required." Exactly zero patrons were wearing them. But you have to walk in with one on. Because SCIENCE!

The city is definitely emptier with CSU closed, but it was so nice to see something approaching actual crowds. Almst nobody on the streets wearing masks. Maybe one in thirty. And social distancing? Get outta town! None of that going on. No live music spilling from the bars and clubs though, which needs to be addressed. Bring back concerts!

And it's so nice to see peoples faces again. I made up a rap on the spot after a few beers: "Let me see your faces - good gracious - you're beautiful the way that God made yas!"

People were cheering from other tables LOL. It was a fantastic evening. We're comin' back.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at June 06, 2020 07:52 AM (FtO5h)

270 280 And don't forget to leave out the rhubarb.

Posted by: bill in arkansas at June 06, 2020 07:52 AM (C1Lsn)

271 The Left is retreating to Deep Blue Enclaves. Recall the map of the 2016 Election showing results by county -- Hillary's Archipelago.

Trump was threatening to erode Leftist support among black men, and he still is, so they've gone all in on mobilizing their turnout. And younger white Hipsters. This won't help them in the suburbs, and will alienate Hispanics who will stay home.

It will help the Left to continue to dominate our major cities, many of which have had huge looming fiscal problems, now worsened by the Virus Shutdown.

Posted by: Ignoramus at June 06, 2020 07:52 AM (9TdxA)

Minneapolis City Council members aim to 'dismantle' police department, 'rethink' public safety


2/3rds of Minneapolis' minorities are functionally illiterate.

But let's dismantle the police department.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - End the systemic racism of affirmative action. at June 06, 2020 07:53 AM (w33vD)

273 Since I moved back to my hometown, all interactions with cops have been fine. We've been blessed with a series of good sheriffs since the 80s, and it makes a huge difference. Back when there were all those stories of dog-shooting, our sheriff held seminars at every local PD about how to deal with dogs, and then wrapped them up with: "You've officially been trained in this now. If you freak out and shoot Fido, you're out of a job." It worked. We didn't have that problem here. People are generally happy with our cops.

Posted by: PlainJane at June 06, 2020 07:53 AM (t7MtM)

274 Another Saturday up fairly early. Looking forward to garden work.

Posted by: Katja at June 06, 2020 07:53 AM (GDvjU)

275 280 Rhubarb pie isn't bad if you put like a pound of strawberries in it.
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 07:51 AM (ie76E)

I love it, even without strawberries. I even eat it raw if it's firm enough. Bliss

Posted by: CN at June 06, 2020 07:53 AM (ONvIw)

But the TV commercials are telling 5 out of 6 kids go to bed hungry!!

All teenage boys go to bed hungry. And wake up hungry. And go through the day hungry.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 06, 2020 07:53 AM (mht8P)

277 I went to their site but don't see any reference to razor blades. Am I missing something?
Posted by: LGoPs at June 06, 2020 07:52 AM (7k/uO)

Looks like they switched to selling through Amazon at the end of Aug last year

Posted by: weirdflunky at June 06, 2020 07:53 AM (cknjq)

278 You too, Bruce.

I hear mom moving about upstairs, time to start breakfast fixings.

Enjoy your day, all

Posted by: My life is insanity at June 06, 2020 07:54 AM (Z/jzm)

279 282 For a new blade source, is not political.
. . . .

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at June 06, 2020 07:18 AM

I went to their site but don't see any reference to razor blades. Am I missing something?
Posted by: LGoPs

Try :

Posted by: Tonypete at June 06, 2020 07:54 AM (Y4EXg)

280 Somebody smarter than I once opined "Bipartisan just means that some especially egregious fv&@$ry has been perpetrated against the American people."

Posted by: Common Tater at June 06, 2020 07:54 AM (B6WO/)

281 @124
Gillette/Unilever bought DSC in 2016 for $1 billion

Dollar Shave is a Unilever property. Gillette is owned by Procter and Gamble. They are competitors, althugh both have SJW issues.

We get awfully awfully confused when the boycotting starts.
It is probably pretty important to have correct company information.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at June 06, 2020 07:55 AM (8IOEj)

282 These are the same people who say, But why did Flynn plead guilty if he didn't do anything wrong?

Posted by: Jake from State Farm at June 06, 2020 07:55 AM (Jj+59)

283 Dan Smoot. Had an email from him the other day. Actually I'm sure it was from his organization looking for money. Never opened it.

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at June 06, 2020 07:55 AM (JVgnl)

284 Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 06:17 AM

That looks like what I got from Uber this morning, verbatim, though I stopped reading at "countless" and marked it as junk. Nothing signals serious, thoughtfully considered conviction like a cut-and-paste manifesto.

Posted by: SloPitch Whiffer at June 06, 2020 07:55 AM (p7r9F)

And I find no humor in that comparison.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice

I found it apt, myself. And I doubt you offended anybody.

Posted by: Gooshy at June 06, 2020 07:56 AM (DCVgi)

286 " Screening for psychos needs to be a top priority from youth, to weed them out as much as possible. Regardless, that still leaves 98% that are decent people."

Local B'More talk show host had a segment yesterday based on a copy of two of Baltimore Counties Police exams from two years age that she had received.

Now mind you, Baltimore County has successfully been sued for racial discrimination on hiring practiced based upon discrimination against blacks by using a biased exam process.

And exactly what was the exam focusing on?

Reading comprehension
Writing ability
Memory retention

Sort of the stuff that one might expect an Officer to be able to perform.

And in the most recent graduating class from the academy, 18 of 50 graduated failed to meet the minimum grade on the topic of Constitutional Rights.

Now granted, the last profession interaction that I had with an Officer was probably more than 20 years ago, so my experiences then are not really applicable to the Officers of today.

But it seems we have possibly dumbed down our hiring practices just a little bit too far, in order to ensure that everyone has fair access to a Police retirement.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:56 AM (3D/fK)

287 "222 202 @133 The War on Drugs was declared on June 16, 1971 by Richard M Nixon.
Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at June 06, 2020 07:26 AM (8IOEj)

On December 21, 1970, Elvis Presley paid a visit to President Richard M. Nixon at the White House in Washington, D.C. The meeting was initiated by Presley, who wrote Nixon a six-page letter requesting a visit with the President and suggesting that he be made a "Federal Agent-at-Large" in the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 07:33 AM (JFO2v) "

When he visited the President, Elvis presented Nixon with an engraved 1911 pistol, if I remember correctly.

different times or what, amirite ?

Posted by: sock_rat_eez, we are being gaslighted 24/365 at June 06, 2020 07:56 AM (0IMgo)

288 I've been using Dorco for quite some time and would also recommend. And yeah, I think they moved to selling only through Amazon recently.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - End the systemic racism of affirmative action. at June 06, 2020 07:57 AM (w33vD)

289 There is very little justice in the American Legal System.

Posted by: Jake from State Farm at June 06, 2020 07:57 AM (Jj+59)

290 290 I worked with a guy, and he and his wife were blessed with 5 sons, each a year apart, at the time ages 13-17. My ex ran into the missus at the grocery with her three shopping carts. She described breakfast as a pack of wolves wiping out a large box of cereal while the other stuff was being fixed.

Posted by: bill in arkansas at June 06, 2020 07:57 AM (C1Lsn)

291 "I have to say, despite all the various shitshows of late, last night raised my spirits higher than they've been in weeks if not months. We have no rioting here in Fort Collins, CO and the reopening is FINALLY looking like reopening. Old Town has sprung back to life, and sitting with some friends having an icy cold beer at a patio bar on a 95 degree evening felt SO good!"

I see the same thing happening in Springfield IL this week. There have been several Floyd protest marches but no rioting whatsoever and no destruction other than some scattered attempts at window breaking and graffiti tagging on Sunday night. The restaurants opened up for outdoor service last weekend and people are flocking to that. There was definitely some tension in the air Sunday and Monday due to rumors that Antifa or similar groups were headed our way from Champaign (which did have some serious looting on Sunday), but those did not pan out. Traffic on the streets is definitely up and more people are going back to work.

Posted by: Secret Square at June 06, 2020 07:57 AM (9WuX0)

292 252 My all-time favorite line in a movie is from "Southern Comfort" (1971). An old 'Cajun in the boondocks has been unlawfully detained and abused by rogue National Guardsmen. When he gains the upper hand he says in a heavy accent: "We live here; don't f*ck wit us!"
Posted by: fenderbender

Southern Comfort came out in 1981. Great movie. Powers Boothe, Keith Carradine, Fred Ward.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at June 06, 2020 07:58 AM (MVR7y)

293 There was some old battle ax on the radio from Minnesoootaaa the other day crying about how horrible the left is and that she now realizes she is in big trouble and should have never voted democrat all these years.

Bed made, now you have to sleep in it. Don't mind the maggots.....

More coffee.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 06, 2020 07:58 AM (Z+IKu)

294 By the way, anyone seen or heard from Newt Gingrich lately?
Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:48 AM (H8QX

Saw him on Fox about two weeks ago. He is in Italy with his Ambassador wife.

Posted by: IrishEi at June 06, 2020 07:58 AM (sGotD)

295 We get awfully awfully confused when the boycotting starts.
It is probably pretty important to have correct company information.

A month ago I was asking myself why would I ever buy anything from China again.

Well, here is the reason.

Posted by: 🐧 at June 06, 2020 07:59 AM (qibYB)

296 221

Again, this talk about getting rid of/defunding police does not mean what we take it to mean.

It means replacing them with 'Community Patrols' or whatever euphemism they come up with, a force of 'social justice' cops that will police the jurisdiction in line with the philosophies of the Hard Left.

Don't fall for the 'there will be no police' idea. They aren't that stupid, and they'd never let a chance for that power get away from them.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at June 06, 2020 07:33 AM

"Around here, we govern ourselves."

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 07:59 AM (Do5/p)

297 Rhubarb is wrong

Posted by: DB- just DB. at June 06, 2020 07:59 AM (iTXRQ)

298 When he gains the upper hand he says in a heavy accent: "We live here; don't f*ck wit us!"


People joke about it in the sticks (and there are still places that it holds true), but IIRC a bunch of Antifa are missing from their fun times rioting in Chicago.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - End the systemic racism of affirmative action. at June 06, 2020 08:00 AM (w33vD)

299 When I visit my daughter and grandkids in Canton Ohio every year, They always have rhubarb growing in the yard. Of course nobody bakes, so it's groundhog food.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 08:00 AM (ie76E)

300 Southern Comfort also had a killer soundtrack by Ry Cooder.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at June 06, 2020 08:00 AM (MVR7y)

301 Posted by: Secret Square at June 06, 2020 07:57 AM (9WuX0)

Glad the Panitfa thing was just a rumor. It does feel so great to see the way America and Americans can spring back to life like this. CO strong! And IL strong!

Posted by: Guy Smiley at June 06, 2020 08:00 AM (FtO5h)

302 Sock rat eez

Stop blowing the margins.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at June 06, 2020 08:01 AM (dLLD6)

303 Here's the basic email I sent to several companies. This one went to Cole Haan. I received a response that one of their corporate people would be contacting me. I won't hold my breathe.

To the CEO of Cole Haan:

Like all of your email subscribers, I received the below news blast from Cole Haan and felt compelled to express my thoughts and reply to you as a result. I am deeply troubled by this on a number of levels you should know about. The entire country was appalled at what happened in Minneapolis. With near unison, we all feel that the police officer involved should face the consequences of his actions. On that point, we're unified. Where I am most troubled is by the fact that, by releasing this news blast, and committing part of your profits as stipulated below, you are reinforcing the unproven belief that this was a racially motivated incident. Nothing indicates this, yet you further stoke that extremely dangerous notion without proof. Moreover, the federal government's own statistics do not support a theory of racial animus in incidents involving police officers with whites versus blacks. It appears to me that fact means little to you. It's very offensive to me that you take this position, with apparently little thought to your customers or any other viewpoint. I'm able to look at statistics. I'm able to, so far, ascertain there's no proof this was a targeted assault against a person of color. If that were the case, I would be the first in line to say so. Why are you unwilling to step aside from flared tempers and emotions and think logically about that? Where is your "stand in solidarity" message for the thousands of small business owners and others who have had their establishments burned to the ground and looted? Instead, you chose to look the other way and bellow out the mindless racial aspect in this entire tragedy? You don't seem to care about those people who have been harmed by the insane rioting and looting that has engulfed city after city. You don't seem to care about the police officers who have already been stabbed and targeted in retaliation. My family member is part of our federal police force. Because companies like yours meddle in political affairs you really have no business in, your message helps put my family member in danger, fueling mindless outrage that has no justification. I have shopped at Cole Haan for many years. In truth, they are my favorite shoes and boots. I own multiple pairs and have given them as gifts. I know you won't miss one customer, and likely don't care what my viewpoint is. Regardless, my point isn't to hurt you financially. But you've made yourself heard. You've made your position clear. You've hitched your wagon to unsubstantiated and unjustified madness and therefore, I will shop elsewhere in the future. I truly wish you would've stuck with what you do best: sell footwear. Thanks for your time.

Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at June 06, 2020 08:01 AM (O+I8R)

304 Texas takes about 30 days to double

05/06/2020 34,422
06/05/2020 71,613

Not really a pandemic!

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 08:03 AM (JFO2v)

305 Words found scrawled on the walls of a womens concentration camp after WWII. "I believe in the sun even when it's not shining".....Other words too. It's been set to music by a number of people. I like this one. Words included:

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 06, 2020 08:03 AM (+eVzC)

306 I forgot to mention that while meeting another Moron in real life yesterday, I had an opportunity to look on the drug store shelf for hand sanitizer.

Now mind you, we have not seen the stuff available to buy since March.

And lo and behold.......a half FULL of choices of the stuff. Quart pump bottles no less.

And no purchase limit.

Yeh baby.....America is coming back!!!!!!

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 08:03 AM (3D/fK)

307 Vic...your links are okay in a typical krakatoa morning thread, but hold off when he writes something serious like today.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at June 06, 2020 08:03 AM (dLLD6)

308 My old Italian granny always made "strawberry and rhubarb" pie, using wild strawberry and rhubarb. It always tasted a little "off" and a bit too bitter even for rhubarb. My mom once told me "well, the old Italians call it rhubarb but it isn't really. She grows it in her garden."

It took many years before I put that mystery together: The "rhubarb" was actually knotweed, a common weed in the east, native to Asia, that is indeed closely related to rhubarb. I always wished she would have left it our entirely and just made strawberry pie.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at June 06, 2020 08:04 AM (FtO5h)

309 Stop blowing owing the margins.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at June 06, 2020 08:01 AM (dLLD6)

nope its just ice cream!

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 08:04 AM (JFO2v)

310 a half SHELF FULL of choices

F'n auto-cucumber.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 08:04 AM (3D/fK)

311 Anybody see the Dingleberry moon last night?

Posted by: Barky McDogeaterface at June 06, 2020 08:04 AM (a1hgu)

Southern Comfort is streaming free somewhere on Roku; most likely Roku itself or Crackle, Tubi, or Movieland TV.

Oh, Movieland also has They Live showing. Hasn't aged a bit.

Posted by: Gooshy at June 06, 2020 08:05 AM (DCVgi)

313 Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at June 06, 2020 08:01 AM (O+I8R)

I think cole hahn is Nike!

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 08:05 AM (JFO2v)

314 " ...
I would like to get rid of Amazon. I use them too much for business.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 07:47 AM (H8QX "

Same here ... but tbh, even if I drove to Madison or Milwaukee or LaCrosse I couldn't find half of the stuff that I buy from Bezos.
Not happy about this, but it is what it is.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez, we are being gaslighted 24/365 at June 06, 2020 08:05 AM (0IMgo)

315 I truly wish you would've stuck with what you do best: sell footwear. Thanks for your time.

Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at June 06, 2020 08:01 AM (O+I8R)

Nailed it. Do your job. We don't need your social workers or your life advice. And oh by the way, what you're doing is paying protection money.

Posted by: grammie winger at June 06, 2020 08:05 AM (lwiT4)

316 Roberts swing vote to uphold disparate treatment of churches in the CA Virus Shutdown was craven. I put it to Roberts foolish attempt to make SCOTUS look like it's above politics, the Constitution be damned.

Worse still now that the Virus Shutdown has been exposed as bureaucratic totalitarian overkill as the distancing rules get thrown out for mass protests, but enforced for masses.

Despite SCOTUS decorum, I picture frat boy justice Kavanaugh muttering *blowjob* a la Animal House whilst looking directly at Dean Wormer Roberts at SCOTUS weekly meetings.

Posted by: Ignoramus at June 06, 2020 08:05 AM (9TdxA)

317 Hand sanitizer just destroys your immune system, wash your hands with soap and water, eat dirt and slap hot iron to any wound.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 08:06 AM (ie76E)

318 Morning...
This is from yesterday for those that may have missed me. Very large crowd for a small town!


President Trump arrives in Guilford, Maine! #MAGA2020

Posted by: Tami at June 06, 2020 08:06 AM (cF8AT)

319 312: They Live! was robbed of an Oscar. Rowdy Roddy Piper was awesome!

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at June 06, 2020 08:06 AM (MVR7y)

320 299: I can't grow a decent supply because of the critters. But fortunately it's cheap enough.

Posted by: CN at June 06, 2020 08:07 AM (ONvIw)

321 "Never confess your sins to a religion that doesn't offer absolution."

Posted by: Common Tater at June 06, 2020 08:08 AM (B6WO/)

322 Saw a article this morning from a Leftist
publication they list 9 black men killed by police in 2019( I think ) as
supposedly "unarmed" but on Larry Elder heard that is dubious as some
of those were in dangerous confrontations and questionable if unarmed.

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 06:48 AM (6f16T)
TuCa covered this the other night. In 2019 10 unarmed blacks were killed by cops. As I recall, 6 or 7 of the cops were no-billed because the shootings were justified (bascially, the blacks were attacking them with the intent of doing bodily harm). The other cops were charged with murder.
On the other hand, 57 cops were killed in the line of duty last year. A nontrivial difference. However, that does not excuse the boorish behavior related by other posters here. I've had my share of experiences with shithead cops in my life. But my father was a cop for 30 years, on the street. And he said its like any other job, you get good ones and bad ones.Also, TuCa said that something like (if I get this wrong, blame an old man's flaky memory) 7000 blacks were shot and killed last year. And who the hell shot all those people? Other blacks for the most part. Funny how that never gets talked about....

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - Source of all SMODs at June 06, 2020 08:08 AM (p0pYQ)

323 "Never confess your sins to a religion that doesn't offer absolution."

Posted by: Common Tater at June 06, 2020 08:08 AM (B6WO/)

Not only is there no forgiveness, - they keep upping the commandments.

Posted by: grammie winger at June 06, 2020 08:09 AM (lwiT4)

324 321 "Never confess your sins to a religion that doesn't offer absolution."
Posted by: Common Tater at June 06, 2020 08:08 AM (B6WO/)

Brees is on apology number 27

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 08:09 AM (JFO2v)

325 > When he gains the upper hand he says in a heavy accent: "We live here; don't f*ck wit us!"

It's been a long time since I saw it, but I remember it more like (bad attempt at Cajun accent, sorry) "We live out in heah and don' noboddeh fock wid os."

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia (kneels to no one on this Earth) at June 06, 2020 08:09 AM (hKLpI)

326 Second, we are horrified and enraged by the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery as well as by the race-driven deaths of countless other black men & women in the United States.

There isn't any evidence that any of those deaths were "race driven."

The cop who knelt on Floyd's neck had a history of excessive force complaints. He was just a heavy-handed cop, but there is no evidence he was any more of a jerk to blacks than to anybody else.

The Arbery guy was a thief and had been spotted going into houses in that area. The guys who were trying to protect the neighborhood saw him going into a house, called cops, and then followed him to keep an eye on him. Arbery saw them following him, and instead of moving away from them, he confronted them and grabbed the gun of one of them, and that's how he got shot. There is no evidence that it was racially-motivated.

Taylor was at home when plain-clothed narcotics cops entered her apartment and her boyfriend, thinking it was a home invasion, shot at the cops. The cops returned fire and killed Taylor. They were just shooting in the general direction of the boyfriend who was shooting at them. This was just shitty police practice. There is no evidence it was racially motivated.

This crap of claiming that every death of a black person is "racially motivated" so long as a white person is involved is bullshit. Blacks kill whites in far greater numbers than white kill blacks, yet we don't have anybody out protesting, or companies relentlessly virtue-signalling, about those deaths. Most of those deaths aren't racially-motivated either, and the ones that are never get any attention, because they don't fit the narrative.

Just really sick of the lying and posturing and holier-than-thou preening. Want to protest cops using excessive force or behaving stupidly? Great, there is plenty to criticize there. But don't make it about race when it isn't.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at June 06, 2020 08:09 AM (k4dH2)

327 Not only is there no forgiveness, - they keep upping the commandments.
Posted by: grammie winger at June 06, 2020 08:09 AM (lwiT4

And love to dish out punishments

Posted by: CN at June 06, 2020 08:10 AM (ONvIw)

328 They're gay Boy Scouts?

Gone from the "Boy Scouts" to "Scouting Boys."

Posted by: 🐧 at June 06, 2020 08:10 AM (qibYB)

329 Out cleaning up the piles of sticks all over so someday if the rain stops will need to drive the tractor around. After seeing the tree carnage all over so glad I had nothing like that. But as I said earlier it wasn't a tornado that carves a path, it was very random what was blown over.

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 08:10 AM (6f16T)

330 Private companies dedicating percentage of profits to the right "causes", cities redirecting money from metro LEO into the right "causes, Congress undoubtedly preparing enormous giveaway to the right "causes"...this entire thing has been a shakedown. "Community organizing" on a national level. The money won't go to improving life in urban poor communities though. It'll end up enriching certain "leaders" and maybe funding further agitation.

Posted by: occam's brassiere at June 06, 2020 08:12 AM (ja/kn)

331 This story boiled my blood last night. I live not too far from Powdersville. This is an old cemetery. Just take a look at the tombstones. Not only did Black Lives Matter spray paint graffiti all over them, they knocked down several markers. I'm sure many are irreparable because of their age. Simply disgusting.

Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at June 06, 2020 08:13 AM (O+I8R)

332 TuCa covered this the other night. In 2019 10 unarmed blacks were killed by cops. As I recall, 6 or 7 of the cops were no-billed because the shootings were justified (bascially, the blacks were attacking them with the intent of doing bodily harm). The other cops were charged with murder.


Now all we need is perspective. How many hundreds of millions of interactions with police do blacks have every day?

Not stops, but all interactions. Driving behind cars driven by black people, standing in line with black people in grocery stores, etc. Each one is its own instance.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - End the systemic racism of affirmative action. at June 06, 2020 08:13 AM (w33vD)

333 Race war whooping is the Democrats arsenal, the 1619 bulkshit is all you need as proof.

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 08:13 AM (6f16T)

334 Just wrote to Dollar Shave Club telling them I'd no longer buy their products.

I don't recognize my country anymore.

Posted by: LGoPs at June 06, 2020 08:15 AM (7k/uO)

335 235

In 2019 police officers fatally shot 1,004 people, most of whom were armed or otherwise dangerous. African-Americans were about a quarter of those killed by cops last year (235), a ratio that has remained stable since 2015. That share of black victims is less than what the black crime rate would predict, since police shootings are a function of how often officers encounter armed and violent suspects.

In 2018, the latest year for which such data have been published, African-Americans made up 53% of known homicide offenders in the U.S. and commit about 60% of robberies, though they are 13% of the population.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 07:38 AM

Facts and statistics are racist and white supremacy.

In all seriousness though, I think that is actually what too many people think who are a part of or support Black Lives Matter.

We can show them all the facts and stats we want, they will reject them out of hand.

You cannot reason someone out of something they did not first reason themselves into.

Black Lives Matter members and supporters are basically the Melvin Udall definition of a woman: think of a man and take away reason and accountability.

Or, they're like immature children. Don't get their way, they throw a temper tantrum. But instead of knocking things off the toy section of the store and laying on the ground throwing a hissy fit, they loot, riot, vandalize and commit arson.

They lack reason and are not being held accountable. America is now acting like the bad parent giving in to her child exhibiting bad behavior. Which only encourages that behavior to continue.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 08:15 AM (Do5/p)

336 Now all we need is perspective. How many hundreds of millions of interactions with police do blacks have every day?

Not stops, but all interactions. Driving behind cars driven by black people, standing in line with black people in grocery stores, etc. Each one is its own instance.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - End the systemic racism of affirmative action. at June 06, 2020 08:13 AM (w33vD)

about 340 million per year

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 08:15 AM (JFO2v)

337 The money won't go to improving life in urban poor communities though.
It'll end up enriching certain "leaders" and maybe funding further

"...and every cause becomes a racket." Though this one began as pretty much a racket already.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at June 06, 2020 08:15 AM (oVJmc)

338 about 340 million per year
Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 08:15 AM (JFO2v)

way way way too many

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 08:16 AM (JFO2v)

339 I'm supposed to go back to Iowa for a Small Claims Court case on July 9. Wednesday I received a notice that the judge had set the case for video hearing instead of in-person. I couldn't understand why he would do that, since COVID cases are declining.

This morning I found out why. On Monday a 22 year old woman was killed in Davenport, thirty-five miles away, as she was leaving a protest that turned violent. Hers was the second death in a week.

I'm thrilled that I won't have to make the drive but stunned at what's happening in farm country. Iowa? IOWA?!?

Posted by: creeper at June 06, 2020 08:16 AM (XxJt1)

340 Trump orders build down of troops in Germany.

Suck it, EU!

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at June 06, 2020 08:17 AM (Dc2NZ)

341 337 The money won't go to improving life in urban poor communities though.
It'll end up enriching certain "leaders" and maybe funding further

"...and every cause becomes a racket." Though this one began as pretty much a racket already.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at June 06, 2020 08:15 AM (oVJmc)

Look at the Trillion for shovel ready jobs!! Just like sands thru the hourglass it slipped away.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 08:17 AM (JFO2v)

342 55 McDs will never see a penny from my pocket with their BLM bullshit!
Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 06:33 AM (JFO2v)

Aw, crap. I really like their coffee and we get the Big Breakfast when we travel.

Also, Bing had a 'statement'

Adds them to list...

Posted by: Sal at June 06, 2020 08:18 AM (bo8pf)

343 Yesterday I unsubscribed to BookBub after they sent me an e-mail filled with book recommendations to help me with my racism problem.

Posted by: creeper at June 06, 2020 08:19 AM (XxJt1)

In 2018, the latest year for which such data have been published,
African-Americans made up 53% of known homicide offenders in the U.S.
and commit about 60% of robberies, though they are 13% of the

Which accounts for much of the behavior of police when dealing with them.

How do you think Black America would be viewed if the crime fell 50% overnight?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at June 06, 2020 08:19 AM (oVJmc)

345 And I also got that same idiotic email from Dollar Shave Club this morning and cancelled my account, giving them a piece of my mind in the process, for all the good it will do...

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - Source of all SMODs at June 06, 2020 08:19 AM (p0pYQ)

346 Good morning.

Yes. What Krak said up top.

Posted by: BifBewalski - sinis est culus at June 06, 2020 08:20 AM (VcFUs)

347 There is no reason to have troops stationed in Germany or Korea,bring them home. And I say this as a Vet who has been there.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 08:20 AM (ie76E)

348 Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at June 06, 2020 08:01 AM (O+I8R)

That beautifully stated what so many of us feel.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at June 06, 2020 08:20 AM (Dc2NZ)

349 Having no refrigeration been buying lunch, McD's was the closest yesterday, 1st time went to one in forever, probably wouldn't have otherwise.

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 08:20 AM (6f16T)

350 236

You gotta serve somebody. It may be the devil. It may be the Lord. But you gotta serve somebody.

Posted by: grammie winger at June 06, 2020 07:43 AM

"Head like a hole.
Black as your soul.
I'd rather die than give you control.

Bow down before the one you serve.
You're going to get what you deserve."

This probably applies to our current situation in the country.

People are going to get what they deserve based on whom they choose to serve.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 08:21 AM (Do5/p)

351 Twenty-six years on the job in the worst neighborhoods in the city. Zero use of force complaints, zero corruption complaints.

Have a great day, Horde.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at June 06, 2020 08:22 AM (VWp7G)

352 Sun is out finally, probably won't be for long

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 08:22 AM (6f16T)

353 We have a chain here called Lotta Burger, ya it's a ripoff. But they have good food.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 08:23 AM (ie76E)

OH - The mayor of Columbus put out a press release that said Columbus
Division of Police had a racism problem and he was determined to flush
it out with Police Chief Thomas Quinlan.

Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther's May 29 press release,
which was posted on the city website and emailed to every city
employee, including to each police officer, said he was angry about the
injustices of racism that persist across the nation.

Quite the little hissy fit. Let's see how well the little SJW does if they all walk off the job

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 06, 2020 08:24 AM (SfAOp)

355 As long as we're sharing police stories, let me tell you how they interact with Big Banks to fuck the little guy...

A person in Massachusetts went onto my website and ordered a few thousand dollars of product, paid for it with a credit card and had me next day air the shipment.

Within a week, I get a notification from the credit card processor that the person who owns the card didn't authorize the charge, even though the shipment went to and was signed for by the owner of the card.

I produced the order, proof of shipping and receipt and all other details to the processor, but they don't give a shit and just deducted the amount from my bank.

When I called the police in the town where the shipment went, they basically said "fuck you, you're not a citizen here, so why would we care if one of our residents stole from you?" They said to call my local police.

I called the local police and they basically said "fuck you, we don't have any authority out of state, so there's no reason for us to waste any time on this".

Sure, I could hire a lawyer and sue, but that would cost far more than I lost.

Next time, I'm going to organize a protest and loot enough to cover my losses.

Posted by: jwest at June 06, 2020 08:24 AM (mrrpT)

356 Social distancing as practiced by Frau Whitmer:

Just one more reason for loss of trust in government.

Posted by: FloridaMan at June 06, 2020 08:24 AM (Iex1l)

357 Wyatt Earp - I appreciate what you do, and I hope you continue to remain safe out there.

Posted by: grammie winger at June 06, 2020 08:24 AM (lwiT4)

358 So McD's is all in on the SJW scam

Did Burger King cave yet

Posted by: DB- just DB. at June 06, 2020 08:25 AM (iTXRQ)

359 In 2018, the latest year for which such data have been published,

African-Americans made up 53% of known homicide offenders in the U.S.

and commit about 60% of robberies, though they are 13% of the


And remember that the 13% is half women - who don't generally commit violent crime - so we're down to 6%. And the 6% includes infants and octogenarians so we're really talking about roughly 2% of the population who commit over half the violent crime in America. But I'm racist for pointing that out because Math or something.

Posted by: LGoPs at June 06, 2020 08:25 AM (7k/uO)

DSC understands its responsibility to take action, and we will be
part of the change. The everyday change. The change that no doubt
will take time, but that will begin immediately and continue

Here's where we're starting:

--- We will be conducting an audit of our relationships with
suppliers, vendors and media advertising partners to ensure that
we are not doing business with anyone who falls on the wrong side of
this issue.

"The wrong side of the issue" Right on comrades. Power to the peoples

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 06, 2020 08:26 AM (SfAOp)

361 yo baby!!

#9-Chase Elliott will start from the pole for the Folds of Honor QuikTrip 500 NASCAR Cup Series race at Atlanta Motor Speedway.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 08:26 AM (JFO2v)

362 Did Burger King cave yet
Posted by: DB- just DB. at June 06, 2020 08:25 AM (iTXRQ)

the King does not kneel, he forces others to!

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 08:26 AM (JFO2v)

363 Many radio and bloggers this week have commented with the riots having blown the cover off social distancing can we end this crap?

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 08:27 AM (6f16T)

364 I haven't been to a McDonalds or Burger King in years. If we want a good burger, we either go to the hamburger stand down the block, or Culvers.

Posted by: grammie winger at June 06, 2020 08:27 AM (lwiT4)

365 @359...those numbers likely to go up in near future, thanks to recent glorification of violence with no consequences.

Posted by: occam's brassiere at June 06, 2020 08:27 AM (ja/kn)

366 If there is one fortunate fall out from the last few years, conservatives who were suckers for the police, for the military and for intelligence agencies have discovered what evil motherfuckers infest all of these groups to varying degrees. The same week hearings exposed the FBI, DOJ and IC as little more than the mentally retarded versions of the KGB, military brass past and present acted in ways that would put a South American junta to shame.

It is time to rein in every goddamned one of these groups and castrate them. Of course, that would require a functional opposition party and ours sucks balls, too.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at June 06, 2020 08:27 AM (puu6v)

367 Good morning! Nice rant.
The world has gone nuts.

Posted by: Lizzy at June 06, 2020 08:28 AM (bDqIh)


The NFL is going to be one giant SJW shit show this year. I haven't watched a game in years and sincerely hope that their viewership and attendance collapses. And no cops should provide security for any NFL games. If they want security let them hire private firms.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 06, 2020 08:28 AM (SfAOp)

369 So while I do nor support the argument...if members of an identifiable group can state that they have a fear of Police Officers not only based upon their individual negative experiences in the past with them, but based upon familial experiences in the past, and even from news reports on non-related members of the group experiencing negative and hostile outcomes with the Police, and that this fear is both understandable and reasonable..

It would seem that a member of another ethnic group who might hold a distrust of the first identifiable group based on either personal experience, familial past experience, or even news coverage of violence against their group would be both reasonable and understandable.

Either everybody gets to be predjudiced for whatever the reason...


Nobody does.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 08:28 AM (3D/fK)

370 Is DC still on to be invaded today?

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 08:28 AM (6f16T)

371 268

I went to their site but don't see any reference to razor blades. Am I missing something?

Posted by: LGoPs at June 06, 2020 07:52 AM

Just did the same thing. Then typed in "Darco blades" and Dorco blades showed up. That's probably it.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 08:28 AM (Do5/p)

372 Twenty-six years on the job in the worst neighborhoods in the city. Zero use of force complaints, zero corruption complaints.

Have a great day, Horde.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at June 06, 2020 08:22 AM (VWp7G)

Doing it right. Huzzah!

Posted by: Count de Monet at June 06, 2020 08:29 AM (q1Pj5)

373 I quit all the big name razors years ago and went old fashioned safety. A nice chromed steel handle costs about the same as a new 23-bladed absurdity. A decent shaving brush the same. The sleeve of packet of 150 blades from some English manufacturer (a retail pack for convenient by-the-register blades, 5 at 20 cents) cost me less than a two months refill. The shave quality is better.

A few months later I got a travel brush, slides inot a nice little sleeve for packing.

I haven't bought anything other than a new shaving brush, an indulgence, for three years. My blades look to last 4-5 more years.

I have no idea how Big Shaving convinced us all to buy worse product that costs more to do a worse job.

Posted by: Old Toby at June 06, 2020 08:29 AM (nnyBV)

374 347 There is no reason to have troops stationed in Germany or Korea,bring them home. And I say this as a Vet who has been there.
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 08:20 AM (ie76E)

Seconded. Pax Americana is past.

Posted by: ErikInTexas at June 06, 2020 08:29 AM (FM+2k)

375 Morning, 'rons and 'ettes.

Made it down to the lake yesterday. Got a large dose of vitamin D and am hurting today. Today I will lather up with the sunscreen.

Posted by: olddog in mo, uckfay ancercay at June 06, 2020 08:29 AM (kd4rP)

376 >>Wyatt Earp - I appreciate what you do, and I hope you continue to remain safe out there.

Me, too!

Posted by: Lizzy at June 06, 2020 08:30 AM (bDqIh)

377 Indycar starts this weekend. Saturday night at Texas Speedway.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at June 06, 2020 08:30 AM (MVR7y)

378 The Michigan Supreme Court rules unanimously in favor of Shiawassee County barber Karl Manke.

one small step for barbers

one big old fuck you to Karens

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 08:30 AM (JFO2v)

379 I do get a Big Mac Attack now and then and have to go get a few, and some McD fries. I like the sausage McMuffins with egg too, if I have to pick up breakfast on the run. I do prefer using the kiosk, as I always get the right order when I do. Can't say that when ordering at the counter.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at June 06, 2020 08:30 AM (FtO5h)

380 I only, and I mean only. Get a flame broiled burger. There is no substitute, we have an old style drive in close by who does good. And a chocolate shake delivered when the meal is finished is a must.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 08:31 AM (ie76E)

381 Lived at 46th and Locust for three years. Only white kids on the block when school let out. Watched a lot of cops act very roughly.

Posted by: Asscheeks of Saturn at June 06, 2020 08:31 AM (Jj+59)

382 Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 08:28 AM (Do5/p)


Posted by: LGoPs at June 06, 2020 08:31 AM (7k/uO)

383 22 I will add to the Walt Williams article by saying that the "poor" in this country do not lack the essentials, they are envious of those with more

I wish I had said that.

Posted by: firefirefire at June 06, 2020 08:31 AM (Seb55)

And remember that the 13% is half women - who don't generally commit
violent crime - so we're down to 6%. And the 6% includes infants and
octogenarians so we're really talking about roughly 2% of the population
who commit over half the violent crime in America. But I'm racist for
pointing that out because Math or something.

And, of that 2%, many are already in jail, and, most importantly, there are black men who simply aren't criminals. So the number is even smaller than that.
But the ones that are violent criminals are very profligate.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at June 06, 2020 08:32 AM (oVJmc)

385 Krak:

"So I feel for you, but I'm honestly not losing any sleep over you."

I hope you realize that it isn't as easy as a snap of the fingers and off we are to Idaho or Texas with good jobs and surrounded by family and friends.

Sure, I would love to move out of the NYC metro area.

What do you suggest my wife and I do with our aging parents, who need our help, uproot them from their family and friend networks, from the places they have lived for most of their lives?

Or from jobs many of us have taken entire careers to create, that are not easily moved to Red America?

There's a smugness among some in comfortably conservative areas that at times can be every bit as infuriating as the contempt inherent in people who talk about the "flyover states.."

As one of our commenters often says about the Seattle area...."I grew up here...I'm not leaving."

That's a fine attitude to have. As much as many of us would prefer to live in one of the sane parts of the country, maybe we should fight for what we have and not give in to the mob.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at June 06, 2020 08:32 AM (dLLD6)

386 Stay safe, Wyatt.

And thank you for being there.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 08:32 AM (3D/fK)

387 I'm racist, just can't watch F1. need a dirt track.

Posted by: Asscheeks of Saturn at June 06, 2020 08:32 AM (Jj+59)

388 Hmm, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to let white Democrats burn down the businesses and homes of black Democrats.

Maybe some blacks are finally waking up to what they get for voting Democrat.


Posted by: Botched_Lobotomy at June 06, 2020 08:32 AM (lRrON)

389 > I'm thrilled that I won't have to make the drive but stunned at what's happening in farm country. Iowa? IOWA?!?

Davenport (and the Quad Cities in general) has always had a vaguely Deliverance vibe, on the occasions I've been in that area. A lot of mutant looking people running around.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia (kneels to no one on this Earth) at June 06, 2020 08:32 AM (hKLpI)

390 284

That looks like what I got from Uber this morning, verbatim, though I stopped reading at "countless" and marked it as junk. Nothing signals serious, thoughtfully considered conviction like a cut-and-paste manifesto.

Posted by: SloPitch Whiffer at June 06, 2020 07:55 AM

That's a good point. It would be interesting to find out if Black Lives Matter has sent companies a form letter for them to send out to their employees. With the explicit message that if the companies do not comply, they will be exposed through media and social media.

Which is why these e-mails and statements all end up having all the same keywords and messages and references to the same 3 people.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 08:33 AM (Do5/p)

391 The Michigan Supreme Court rules unanimously in favor of Shiawassee County barber Karl Manke.

How can you allow groups of protesters and rioters, and not allow a man to cut hair. It would seem logical. but none of this is logical. Good for Mr. Manke.

Posted by: grammie winger at June 06, 2020 08:33 AM (lwiT4)

392 I quit all the big name razors years ago and went old fashioned safety. A nice chromed steel handle costs about the same as a new 23-bladed absurdity. A decent shaving brush the same. The sleeve of packet of 150 blades from some English manufacturer (a retail pack for convenient by-the-register blades, 5 at 20 cents) cost me less than a two months refill. The shave quality is better.

A few months later I got a travel brush, slides inot a nice little sleeve for packing.
. . .

I have no idea how Big Shaving convinced us all to buy worse product that costs more to do a worse job.
Posted by: Old Toby at June 06, 2020


Seconded and thirded. I started with the old-fashioned shaving method when I forgot my electric at home when I bugged out for a hurricane in 2012, and found some disposable razors from Target and a can of Barbasol gave me a much better shave. Now I have several vintage safety razors, modern non-Gillette blades, some soaps and creams, and I look forward to shaving!

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at June 06, 2020 08:33 AM (rpbg1)

393 It is very weird to see so many people accept and endorse these riots. Few are even aware of what the disputes are about, if any. Its all sort of vague kind of civic participation to many.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, live from Pandemia at June 06, 2020 08:33 AM (NVYyb)

394 377 Indycar starts this weekend. Saturday night at Texas Speedway.
Posted by: Puddleglum at work at June 06, 2020 08:30 AM (MVR7y)

usually a pretty good race. I was there when Schector went almost thru fence.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 08:34 AM (JFO2v)

395 > Davenport (and the Quad Cities in general) has always had a vaguely Deliverance vibe, on the occasions I've been in that area.

Not at all the same as other small and medium-sized towns in Iowa.

Maybe it's the proximity to the Mississippi. Most towns on that river are shitholes, no matter what state they're in.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia (kneels to no one on this Earth) at June 06, 2020 08:34 AM (hKLpI)

396 about 340 million per year

Posted by: rhennigantx


I'm guessing that is a known and existing stat, because I can't imagine someone estimated the unknowns.

And if 340M is the known number, total police interactions that aren't part of actual police work (again, standing in line as thugs walk through store but not engaging with them) must be in the billions every year.

But three people got shot.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Shouldn't we say cops are mostly peaceful? at June 06, 2020 08:34 AM (pgq4m)

397 >I quit all the big name razors years ago and went old fashioned safety.

hear hear
Got a Parker 99R and some Feather blades
Proraso makes a nice shaving soap
genuine badger shaving brush and you're good to go

Posted by: DB- just DB. at June 06, 2020 08:34 AM (iTXRQ)

398 385: Well put, CBD. I was trying to figure out how to respond to that particular quote and decided not too. Glad you did.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at June 06, 2020 08:34 AM (MVR7y)

399 #388 needs to use a URL shorter.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 08:35 AM (3D/fK)

400 I forgot. This is D-Day.

Posted by: grammie winger at June 06, 2020 08:35 AM (lwiT4)

401 Is DC still on to be invaded today?


Yes. I mentioned last night that my brother is a US Marshall (sorry to sound like a broken record). He's been sent to DC and is there now for "the big event." He texted me a pic last night of a few hundred other US Marshalls being briefed at what looked like the steps of the Capital. They looked bad to the bone, too.

Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at June 06, 2020 08:35 AM (O+I8R)

402 If you are unfortunate enough to be a conservative stuck in that mess, well, it's not like you didn't have enough warning and opportunity to relocate.

Bailed out of Houston last July. My neighbor sold my house on Zillow, closed on Jan 31, 2020. Got my full asking price and stuck the money in the bank. The next Monday I had rotator cuff surgery and they closed off elective surgery 5 weeks later.

Watched my portfolio sink 20% but the cash remains untouched.It's nice to be blessed out here in the country.

Posted by: DanMan at June 06, 2020 08:35 AM (kFOoV)

403 Just saw the rant. That's gonna' leave a mark. . .

Posted by: FIIGMO at June 06, 2020 08:35 AM (Qf08A)

404 Margins seem blown a bit
Went to straight single blade razor, worst part is this mask wearing crap is actually shaving ever 2-3 days, once a week was the old normal.

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 08:35 AM (6f16T)

405 I have always had to behave on bended knee to police. When you do not, a certain portion of them use their power to make your life miserable. Perhaps this is hard for certain of my brothers. Perhaps it is the uninvolved arbitrators that need to get a new attitude across the board. Perhaps, being white, I do not attract the attention as much as others.
Lets go back the the rope and the tree, try it for a couple of months.

Posted by: projection on steroids at June 06, 2020 08:36 AM (0hOKG)

406 Davenport (and the Quad Cities in general) has
always had a vaguely Deliverance vibe, on the occasions I've been in
that area. A lot of mutant looking people running around.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia (kneels to no one on this Earth) at June 06, 2020 08:32 AM (hKLpI)
Twenty years ago I attended a protest on the same corner where this lady was killed. It was completely peaceful. No more.

Posted by: creeper at June 06, 2020 08:36 AM (XxJt1)

407 393 It is very weird to see so many people accept and endorse these riots. Few are even aware of what the disputes are about, if any. Its all sort of vague kind of civic participation to many.
Posted by: Huck Follywood, live from Pandemia at June 06, 2020 08:33 AM (NVYyb)

It's the ultimate virtue-signaling mega-narrative now serving as a unifying religion.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 08:36 AM (H8QX8)

408 Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at June 06, 2020 08:32 AM (dLLD6)

It's very easy to yell "Conservatives in blue cities/states get out now!" and I'm seeing that more and more (one article posted at Insty as we speak.) Yet not at all so easy in reality for many folks, for al the reasons you outlined.

I am blessed in that I've worked from home for years and can live anywhere in the US, but most people do not have that opportunity. Once I got this job, I was able to leave NY but work realities alone mean many people cannot do what I was able to do. It just burns me when I hear "Just get out" because I know how unrealistic that was before I lucked out and got a rare chance.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at June 06, 2020 08:36 AM (FtO5h)

409 CBD - Come to PENNA! We need fellow travelers here. Bucks Co. is a doable commute!

Posted by: kallisto at June 06, 2020 08:36 AM (7Am4g)

410 Now all we need is perspective. How many hundreds of millions of interactions with police do blacks have every day?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - End the systemic racism of affirmative action. at June 06, 2020 08:13 AM (w33vD)

I understand that Tucker shows stats that give a better perspective. Just the same, it shows there is some continuing low-level problem when Sen. Tim Scott says he was stopped seven times for driving a new car in the wrong neighborhood.

Posted by: FloridaMan at June 06, 2020 08:37 AM (Iex1l)

411 303

Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at June 06, 2020 08:01 AM

Well said, Lady in Black. Very well said.

I think it is on all of us to start replying to these e-mails with something similar, instead of just ignoring and marking as spam and moving on. (Like I have mostly done so far).

These companies need to understand exactly with whom they getting into bed. And the consequences of those actions.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 08:37 AM (Do5/p)

412 >>'Suburban white kids coming into the city and destroying black businesses for Black Lives Matter.

I got out of the habit of reading James Lileks, but he is so good at nailing things like that - see his bleat from a few days ago:

Posted by: Lizzy at June 06, 2020 08:38 AM (bDqIh)

413 Grammie I never forget key military history dates. Was sad The Longest Day wasn't on. Started reading Cross Channel Attack on my e-book the other day but power level shut that off fast.

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 08:38 AM (6f16T)

414 I only started with DSC after gillette did their stupid man-hating campaign. Now what? Harry's?

Safety razor. Blades are around 10 cents per.

Posted by: Laughing in Texas at June 06, 2020 08:38 AM (ExV1e)

415 I left my home in California, never thought I would. But there you go. I was in the position of retirement so that played into it, and family. Oddly enough, ABQ is the largest city I have ever lived in, my sister has been gone from cali too long. She is always warning me about the violence here.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 08:38 AM (ie76E)

416 if members of an identifiable group can state that they have a fear of police officers black people not only based upon their individual negative experiences in the past with them, but based upon familial experiences in the past


Ha. Neat.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Shouldn't we say cops are mostly peaceful? at June 06, 2020 08:38 AM (pgq4m)

417 The primary problem police face is perspective distortion. Because police deal up close and personally with criminals on a regular basis they are blinded by that up close and personal contact with crime. Police tend to see the general populace as composed of perps, and victims - because that is what they deal with. They simply fail to see that the vast majority of people are neither of those two, because those kind of people are invisible to them - being outside of their normal experience.
Thus when you do deal with a police officer - he assigns you to one of the two categories his experience tells him you belong in: if you are not a victim of a crime - you must be a criminal - and he treats you accordingly. You, of course - not being a criminal - are outraged at being treated like one. Of course your outrage, at this injustice, adds to the police officers confirmation bias that you are a criminal, and you get the RESPECT MAH ATHORITAH response from the officer who is now convinced he has a disrespectful scum bag on his hands.
On the other hand, actual crime victims are a pain in the ass for the police, because they can't do anything about your victim status. So they naturally don't want to deal with you. In addition they are going to be looking at the actual victims suspiciously. Because victims are involved in a crime - they think subconsciously that the victim is part of the problem.

Other than making officers aware of how distorted their view of the world is, the only suggestion I have for the police is to develop friends and social contacts in the real world out side of their jobs.


Posted by: An Observation at June 06, 2020 08:38 AM (r8gGP)

418 I am for common sense margin control

Posted by: Huck Follywood, live from Pandemia at June 06, 2020 08:39 AM (NVYyb)

419 I live in Wisconsin which is literally half blue, half red. I live in a red part. Depending on the R or D governor we have, it's pretty livable either way because we usually have an R legislature or a favorable SC. And it's pretty here. If we could just get rid of the 6-month frozen tundra.....

Posted by: grammie winger at June 06, 2020 08:39 AM (lwiT4)

420 Urban police union fund dimocrats about 99% of the time in major US cities. And urban police union protect their bad cops about 99% of the time.


Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 08:40 AM (JFO2v)

421 kallisto. Did you get the T-storm damage Wednesday? Was working in Chester and here and both were hit bad.

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 08:40 AM (6f16T)

422 ...That's a fine attitude to have. As much as many of
us would prefer to live in one of the sane parts of the country, maybe
we should fight for what we have and not give in to the mob.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at June 06, 2020 08:32 AM (dLLD6)

Couldn't agree with you more CBD. The wife and I moved to one of those sane western states but I have family in the infested blue areas and stress over their safety. Am working on plans to to rescue them if collapse comes but realize that will be difficult if not impossible.

Posted by: LGoPs at June 06, 2020 08:40 AM (7k/uO)

423 "Ha. Neat." get it.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 08:40 AM (3D/fK)

424 Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at June 06, 2020 08:32 AM (dLLD6)


Posted by: FenelonSpoke at June 06, 2020 08:41 AM (+eVzC)

425 >>Yes. I mentioned last night that my brother is a US Marshall (sorry to sound like a broken record). He's been sent to DC and is there now for "the big event." He texted me a pic last night of a few hundred other US Marshalls being briefed at what looked like the steps of the Capital. They looked bad to the bone, too.

Prayers for your brother's safety.
Like many, I am worried something big is planned. The DC mayor demanding national guard leave, Esper disarming them while 1 million (?) are alleged to be arriving for 'protest' is a bad mix.

Posted by: Lizzy at June 06, 2020 08:41 AM (bDqIh)

426 The owner of the blog and one of the cobs lives in NYC.

People have reasons for living where they do. Jobs and family, for instance. I know someone who is stuck in the LA area. California dreamin' stopped being fun for her years ago but her husband is from So. Ca, is an only child and has a mother with all sorts of health problems. Can't take her with them and can't abandon her. Conservatives are supposed to be the ones with family values, are they not?

Posted by: Donna&&&&&&&V at June 06, 2020 08:41 AM (HabA/)

427 Yeah as a white man I could list the good and bad experiences with law enforcement. Some of which I deserved, some of which was officers just showing their ass and/or being unprofessional.
That being said our boys in blue are doing a stand up job.

Which brings us to the Floyd murder. I cannot for the life of me watch that video and come to some other conclusion and to add to that it became clear, IMHO when a day or so later black owners were armed and protecting their store as well as running off looters. A s happened they waved down cops who instantly came to the store and started to arrest the owners....Just BAM... Black....Arrest and they weren't not even listening to the witnesses around them.
It was then and there where I for once could understand what the BLM people were saying. As a white guy who had his own experiences to go on that were both my fault at times and not at others. I these officers just roll in and make BS detainments/arrests for no other reason other than skin color that I could see.

Sorry for the long post here but I want to end it by saying that I loath the BLM movement. It's absolutely divisive, completely hypocritical and a cover, meaning to be or not, for antifa scum bags.

The last thing is that, IMHO, we bring so much of this nonsense on ourselves by refusing to frog march politicians breaking the law with impunity. It all starts there if we want to end this merry go round. Simply arrest and indict politicians who break the law and watch all of the other stuff down the line get the message.

Posted by: Drider at June 06, 2020 08:42 AM (R/UH9)

But three people got shot.

I'd like to see the list of non-black death-by-cop for the same time frame. That would probably be a very illuminating chart.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at June 06, 2020 08:42 AM (oVJmc)

429 CNN - Miscalculation error makes the jobless rate look better than it is.

From the network that any good news for Trump can be spun into bad

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 08:42 AM (6f16T)

430 1 million (?) are alleged to be arriving for 'protest' is a bad mix.

No. There will not be '1 million' protesters & insurrectionists here today. There will be a lot but not a million. DC ain't that big.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at June 06, 2020 08:43 AM (MVR7y)

431 understand that Tucker shows stats that give a better perspective. Just the same, it shows there is some continuing low-level problem when Sen. Tim Scott says he was stopped seven times for driving a new car in the wrong neighborhood.


Oh, absolutely.

Same as uniform sentencing incarcerating record numbers of black males because someone thought a white dude was getting off easy and that meant injustice, these same people in the 80s didn't think for one minute what their demands for law enforcement to "fix" their communities would entail.

And here they are insisting cops assume all blacks are on overdose levels of meth and fentanyl, or that they don't police their neighborhoods at all.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Shouldn't we say cops are mostly peaceful? at June 06, 2020 08:43 AM (pgq4m)

432 Krak,

Did you ever research the family trees of the perps and your detective?

Posted by: rd at June 06, 2020 08:43 AM (+0uDE)

433 So in DC, even with the NG gone, that still leaves them with US Marshal Service, Metropolitan Police, US Capitol Police, and US Park Police

hope that's enough

Posted by: DB- just DB. at June 06, 2020 08:44 AM (iTXRQ)

434 As much as I detest Don Henley and all things Eagles, prophetic and relevant:

There is no more new frontier,
We have got to make it here.

Stop importing ignorance, violence and division. We've got enough already. Launching men into space while watching our cities burn. This shitstorm of ignorance, groveling and reinforcement of failure is disgusting.

Posted by: ErikInTexas at June 06, 2020 08:45 AM (FM+2k)

435 And remember that the 13% is half women - who don't
generally commit violent crime - so we're down to 6%. And the 6%
includes infants and octogenarians so we're really talking about roughly
2% of the population who commit over half the violent crime in America.
But I'm racist for pointing that out because Math or something.

Posted by: LGoPs at June 06, 2020 08:25 AM (7k/uO)
You pretty well nailed it. I watch all the cops shows and have for some time now (COPS, Live PD and the like, all of which have been taken off the air now), I guess as a sort of homage to my father, who was a street cop for 30 years.And these are all shows where the camera guys just follow the cops around on whatever calls they get. It's not "staged", its just typical police work. And yes, the sad fact is most of the malefactors the cops deal with, a simple majority, are black. And its almost always drugs, guns (stolen), robbery, assault, gang shootings and the like. Latinos come in second, with the hardened white criminals coming in a strong third.
And oh yes, I've noticed cops are real quick to draw their guns nowadays (30 years on the street and you could count on the fingers of one hand the number of times my father ever had to draw his gun; things have changed, and for the worse). But I've also seen the videos, body and dash cameras, where largely black or Hispanics, pulled over for some minor traffic infraction, have jumped out and started banging away at the cops with their usually stolen guns. And as mentioned before, 57 cops were killed last year in the line of duty, so I can understand them being a bit froggy.Something else is that I've seen that knee trick countless times on these shows, but never on the suspect's neck. It was always on their back, to restrain them because they were fighting. And I guarantee you that is what happened with St George Floyd. They tried to put him in the patrol car and he started fighting, which is how he ended up on the ground. You could see in the first video that Floyd was mouthing off nonstop after he'd been pulled from his car and cuffed.
So he starts fighting, the cops put him on the ground, but then that one cop screws up and puts his knee on Floyd's neck instead of his back, which would not have harmed him, and then they could have gotten him immobilized and put him in the patrol car, matter closed. Don't know what that idiot cop was thinking, but he is now getting what he deserves, a murder charge.
But that is not enough for the Antifa/BLM jerkoffs. They want whitey's blood for for one cop's stupid decision (and the other cops for not stopping the first one). A pity the authorities and their cops are letting these thugs get away with all this looting and burning. One in no way justifies the other.

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - Source of all SMODs at June 06, 2020 08:45 AM (p0pYQ)

436 421 - Skip, no thank God.

Posted by: kallisto at June 06, 2020 08:46 AM (7Am4g)

437 Maybe some blacks are finally waking up to what they get for voting Democrat.

Trump WILL 'go there.' He WILL point it out. He WILL gore the sacred cow.

Far from this being the way to get the black vote back on the plantation, Trump will stand right up and say that he was right in 2016 when he pointed out what failures Democrats have been for black America and everything that has gone on since proves HE is the better choice.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at June 06, 2020 08:46 AM (oVJmc)

438 "We will not tolerate [officers] who cross the line... While I believe
most of CPD has done their job well, unfortunately, we have seen some
that have not. We will not tolerate excessive force," Lightfoot said.

She doesn't want any force and from what I'm hearing they are releasing the rioters as fast as they catch them. So what's the point? It won't stop until it is stopped and Jabba and Dykefoot refuse to put an end to it

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 06, 2020 08:46 AM (SfAOp)

439 The last thing is that, IMHO, we bring so much of this nonsense on ourselves by refusing to frog march politicians breaking the law with impunity.
Posted by: Drider at June 06, 2020 08:42 AM (R/UH9)

The tacit approval by politicians leaves no other conclusion than the politicians want to "stir the pot", to encourage unrest and destruction (at least not discourage it). So why? To take power -- By Any Means Necessary.

Posted by: FloridaMan at June 06, 2020 08:47 AM (Iex1l)

440 There will not be '1 million' protesters & insurrectionists here today. There will be a lot but not a million. DC ain't that big.


A question. An honest question that needs an answer. What do they want? What's the end game? Why are they "protesting?" What are they proposing? What's a local PD got to do with Washington, DC?

Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at June 06, 2020 08:47 AM (O+I8R)

441 Posted by: rd at June 06, 2020 08:43 AM (+0uDE)

Interesting approach. But you can spend a lot of unproductive time doing the job of the justice system while also trying to run your own life too. It it would be preferable to count on cops and courts.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, live from Pandemia at June 06, 2020 08:48 AM (NVYyb)

442 I am sorry that the world is shifting and that the left has brought so much misery to so many. As soon as kid gets job in red state we're gone from NJ.

That being said, I really don't understand the need for conservative people to migrate into the cities, it's a prescription for indoctrination. A friend's kid was an officer in college republicans, was very conservative, from a conservative family...took a job in NYC and now calls us all fascists. He was my no.1 holiday disinvite, btw. He's a CPA who could have moved elsewhere, took a big slash in lifestyle to rent a little apt in Manhattan. I will never understand.

Posted by: CN at June 06, 2020 08:48 AM (ONvIw)

443 --- Action matters and conversation matters, but financial support matters too. Alongside each of our Unilever sister brands, DSC will contribute $100,000 to Black Lives Matter. Additionally, for every dollar that our employees collectively donate to this cause, DSC's leadership team will personally match those dollars, up to $25,000.


I thought I read that BLM wasn't really an organization. This was back when someone was trying to sue them. Or maybe that has changed.

Posted by: sillyme at June 06, 2020 08:49 AM (GTgMm)

444 A question. An honest question that needs an answer. What do they want? What's the end game? Why are they "protesting?" What are they proposing? What's a local PD got to do with Washington, DC?
Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at June 06, 2020 08:47 AM (O+I8R)

They want to get rid of Trump/Pence. It's in all their literature.

Posted by: CN at June 06, 2020 08:50 AM (ONvIw)

445 287 "222 202 @133 The War on Drugs was declared on June 16, 1971 by Richard M Nixon.
Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at June 06, 2020 07:26 AM (8IOEj)

On December 21, 1970, Elvis Presley paid a visit to President Richard M. Nixon at the White House in Washington, D.C. The meeting was initiated by Presley, who wrote Nixon a six-page letter requesting a visit with the President and suggesting that he be made a "Federal Agent-at-Large" in the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 07:33 AM (JFO2v) "

When he visited the President, Elvis presented Nixon with an engraved 1911 pistol, if I remember correctly.

different times or what, amirite ?
Posted by: sock_rat_eez, we are being gaslighted 24/365 at June 06, 2020 07:56 AM (


Didn't Elvis die of a drug overdose?

Posted by: rd at June 06, 2020 08:50 AM (+0uDE)

446 433. And Secret Service and Bureau of Prisons riot squad.

Posted by: kallisto at June 06, 2020 08:50 AM (7Am4g)

447 >A question. An honest question that needs an answer. What do they want?

Unrivaled political power

Posted by: DB- just DB. at June 06, 2020 08:50 AM (iTXRQ)

448 There will always be a subset of cops who shouldn't be cops.

This is unavoidable.

Unless we stop limiting our recruiting for new officers to the human gene pool.

How we as a society, and as Law Enforcement organizations deal with them is the key.

But in a world where I must chose between Law Enforcement or No Law enforcement......I stand with those who chose to serve honorably.

And thank them for it.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 08:50 AM (3D/fK)

449 at the BEE

Husband To Boycott Household Chores Until Racism Is Defeated

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 08:50 AM (JFO2v)

450 Who was that who sang Lawyers, Guns and money?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 08:50 AM (ie76E)

451 What do they want? Money.

Posted by: occam's brassiere at June 06, 2020 08:51 AM (ja/kn)

452 Didn't Elvis die of a drug overdose?
Posted by: rd at June 06, 2020 08:50 AM (+0uDE)

heart failure caused by drug abuse

Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 08:51 AM (JFO2v)

453 450 Warren Zevon

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 08:51 AM (6f16T)

454 450 Who was that who sang Lawyers, Guns and money?
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 08:50 AM (ie76E)

the shit has hit the fan


Posted by: rhennigantx dont californicate my TEXAS at June 06, 2020 08:52 AM (JFO2v)

455 kallisto yes, forgot about Secret Service
even with Big Guy out of town, they still have a tough job today

Posted by: DB- just DB. at June 06, 2020 08:52 AM (iTXRQ)

456 448: There is a subset of any profession that should not be there. Docs who should be nowhere near patients, lawyers and pols who are utterly crooked, teachers who taunt kids.

Police are no different.

Posted by: CN at June 06, 2020 08:52 AM (ONvIw)

457 OK krak it is hard to disagree.

I have also been a natural supporter of law enforcement, and when I was in government had a close and successful relatipnship with the SFPD. It lasted even after I left.

But in that 15 years, I have moved much cliser to your point of view. I just want to avoid piling on during an insurrection and coup attempt.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 06, 2020 08:52 AM (EZebt)

458 heart failure caused by drug abuse Covid-19.

* Suggested edit

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 08:53 AM (3D/fK)

459 When I was young, all the men on my Mom's side were police officers or sheriff's deputies. That was long ago and all my relatives who were cops--and the family friends who were cops and attended my relatives funerals--are dead.
I haven't had the bad experiences of many; but I haven't been close to any police officers, either.
One local Sergeant had a train store (as in toy trains, HO Scale, wtc.). As we were, I thought, kidding ea h other, he "joked" about making sure I was treated like a King... Rodney King... if I were ever pulled over... this was in 1992...
What has happened to so many people incarcerated for "lying to the police" when they made a memory slip, disagreed with another witness who lied, or were railroaded like General Flynn (who I don't remember actually liking), has ld me to believe I should never speak to the police.

Posted by: setnaffa at June 06, 2020 08:53 AM (c4NCi)

460 Watching cops defend rioters over property owners and uninvolved citizens is the scariest part of all this. Yesterday, for example, the cops arrested a guy in Maryland for assault when he grabbed riot promotional flyers from a teenagers hands.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, live from Pandemia at June 06, 2020 08:53 AM (NVYyb)

461 >>What do they want?

To destroy America and western civilization (i.e. Marxism)???

From the beginning, #BLMs goals have been broad and vague. I assume that's by design so that whatever is done is never enough.

The new talking point of "400 years of abuse" has become so popular (thanks, NYT 1819 Project!) kinda gives the game away, too. America was "founded on slavery and genocide" and they are marching to end "400 years" of mistreatment. That's not going to be settle with a check or a change in police policy.

Posted by: Lizzy at June 06, 2020 08:54 AM (bDqIh)

462 Morning all

The lawlessness of some/many in the Black Community is out of control.

If you support this, you are an anarchist and my enemy

Fuck the nfl
Fuck brees

Posted by: Nevergiveup at June 06, 2020 08:54 AM (85Gof)

463 440: ignore the protesters, they are pawns. DC government is a paper tiger and has no real power. WashDC is a Federal District. The Feds call the shots. The end game is power. Always Power. A 'Fundamental Transformation' if you will.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at June 06, 2020 08:55 AM (MVR7y)

464 After all the violence, riots, arson, looting, deaths and butt stuff, nothing will change.


Because Big Grievance needs the money. It's all BS.

More coffee.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at June 06, 2020 08:55 AM (Z+IKu)

465 460 Watching cops defend rioters over property owners and uninvolved citizens is the scariest part of all this. Yesterday, for example, the cops arrested a guy in Maryland for assault when he grabbed riot promotional flyers from a teenagers hands.
Posted by: Huck Follywood, live from Pandemia at June 06, 2020 08:53 AM (NVYyb)

But let the rioters beat the shit out of business owners and targets of rioters. No better than kapos

Posted by: CN at June 06, 2020 08:55 AM (ONvIw)

466 Like others, I think envy is a driving force behind a lot of leftist crap. Anyone born in America won the historical lottery. But instead of recognizing and being grateful for their blessings, they're too busy being pissed off that someone else was, from their perspective, even more blessed. I see this attitude a lot in the disabled community. This has got to be the best time and place in all of human history to be disabled. And yet, constant whining.

There's a bit in a book by Marie Corelli: (the he who shows compassion is Satan, incidentally)

There was a vibration of compassionate kindness in his voice which at once moved me to an acute sense of self-pity, the worst enervator of moral force that exists. I sighed heavily.

"Truly I have suffered" - I said - "More than most men!"

Posted by: Mrs. Peel at June 06, 2020 08:56 AM (rWZ8Y)

467 (Reuters) - The U.S. unemployment rate dropped unexpectedly in May, but
not all workers benefited equally as joblessness among African Americans
and Asians rose, signaling some minorities face a longer recovery as
the economy slowly rebounds from the coronavirus shutdowns.

Everything is racist comrades. Even improving employment numbers

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 06, 2020 08:56 AM (SfAOp)

468 Only good news is the mayor of Buffalo NY basically is clearing the cops who he suspended the other day for giving a professional agitator what he deserved

Posted by: Nevergiveup at June 06, 2020 08:56 AM (85Gof)

469 I'm a retired Glazier, I could probably make a pretty penny fixing broken windows now.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at June 06, 2020 08:57 AM (ie76E)

470 Because Big Grievance needs the money. It's all BS.

We should get together and figure out a racket whereby we could get a lot of money. 'Big Nice People That Take Care of Their Yard' or something. You think there could be money in that?

Posted by: grammie winger at June 06, 2020 08:57 AM (lwiT4)

471 Looks like a thousand California surfers had a solidarity event with a racial theme.

Posted by: Skip at June 06, 2020 08:57 AM (6f16T)

472 I am convinced these riots are due to one thing- two months of unemployed incarceration at home for young people.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, live from Pandemia at June 06, 2020 08:58 AM (NVYyb)

473 Posted by: Lizzy at June 06, 2020 08:54 AM (bDqIh)

The antifa aim is exactly that: destroy America, and let freedom (anarchy combined with free shit) reign.

Posted by: CN at June 06, 2020 08:58 AM (ONvIw)


The Left has learned it can shut down most businesses, lock most Americans in their homes, and put most Americans, including the police, on their knees in deference to The Big Lie.

Posted by: Systemic Soothsayer at June 06, 2020 08:58 AM (qg2ac)

475 The end game is power. Always Power. A 'Fundamental Transformation' if you will.
Posted by: Puddleglum at work at June 06, 2020 08:55 AM (MVR7y)

Power, baby, power. That's what it's all about.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 08:58 AM (H8QX8)

476 I'm not in a blue city, but I'm definitely in the rural suburbs of a deep deep blue city - that ironically only has black people living here from ... Africa. That's right - Portland Maine only has imported Somalians, Ethiopians and Sudanese living here. Last summer they flooded our town full of them - a ~50k population got over 1100 "asylum seekers". Lucky them.

This place is beyond woke with progressive children who think they know everything about the world.
My wife usually goes into the city to go grocery shopping on Saturday mornings. Not today - she's headed to Scarborough instead (if you watched PDT's excellent speech yesterday from Maine, you saw a box behind his right shoulder that was destined for the testing facility in Scarborough!).

So beyond the effect of these cities torching themselves - they're keeping those of us in the 'burbs from contributing to their economy.

Posted by: Defenestratus at June 06, 2020 08:59 AM (9V81o)

I forgot to add "shut down churches."

Posted by: Systemic Soothsayer at June 06, 2020 08:59 AM (qg2ac)

478 I am convinced these riots are due to one thing- two months of unemployed incarceration at home for young people.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, live from Pandemia at June 06, 2020 08:58 AM (NVYyb)

Take a look at the rioters and looters. I doubt many have ever been employed

Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 06, 2020 08:59 AM (SfAOp)

479 The fuckin police let these scum shut down one of the major highways here in Bergen County NJ.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at June 06, 2020 08:59 AM (85Gof)

480 472 I am convinced these riots are due to one thing- two months of unemployed incarceration at home for young people.

The correlation is clear as day to me, but there's been some odd conservative push-back against this concept that I cannot for the life of me figure out.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at June 06, 2020 09:00 AM (FtO5h)

481 CNN - Miscalculation error makes the jobless rate look better than it is.

Another CNN feint.

The *REAL* shocker in yesterday's numbers was in REAL job growth Vs. the projections.

If the Doomsellers hadn't gone so overboard, the numbers still would have been good but not so AMAZINGLY good.

CNN is just trying to focus on tiny details to obscure the big picture.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at June 06, 2020 09:00 AM (oVJmc)

482 Three protesters are in jail Thursday after being arrested for trying to set police cars on fire with Molotov cocktails.

They were denied bond in court Friday.

Police say the vandals tracked those officers down at their homes and tried to torch their cars. Both fires were put out quickly, leaving minor damage to the vehicles.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at June 06, 2020 09:00 AM (85Gof)

483 So in DC, even with the NG gone, that still leaves them with US Marshal Service, Metropolitan Police, US Capitol Police, and US Park Police

hope that's enough
Posted by: DB- just DB. at June 06, 2020 08:44 AM (iTXRQ)

And the Arlington County board ordered the PD out of DC the other night. Now they want to have a "discussion" with the police chief about possibly ending mutual aid agreements with Feds.

Posted by: Mainah at June 06, 2020 09:01 AM (kA2o0)

484 >>Only good news is the mayor of Buffalo NY basically is clearing the cops who he suspended the other day for giving a professional agitator what he deserved

Interesting that in all the reports I saw about the Buffalo police they failed to include that two officers had been plowed down by a car Monday night and critically injured. Can understand being pissed at the selective outrage over a (professional) protester's injury but not their fellow police officers' injuries from an earlier attack.

Posted by: Lizzy at June 06, 2020 09:01 AM (bDqIh)

485 Three protesters are in jail Thursday after being arrested for trying to set police cars on fire with Molotov cocktails.

To me, once you've crossed that line, you are no longer a 'protestor.'

Posted by: grammie winger at June 06, 2020 09:01 AM (lwiT4)

486 "I am convinced these riots are due to one thing- two months of unemployed incarceration at home for young people."

You misspelled , Seen by the Left as an opportunity to prevent Trumps' re-election and drive a rift between the American people.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 09:01 AM (3D/fK)

487 Take a look at the rioters and looters. I doubt many have ever been employed
Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 06, 2020 08:59 AM (SfAOp)

I have looked at them. Lot of pasty whities who definitely have jobs. Professors, attorneys, teachers, doctors among those being arrested. Some of them may not be employed but many of then are.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at June 06, 2020 09:02 AM (FtO5h)

488 Confronting rioters may not be the best policy. Stalking and hunting may be more discreet, and discretion is required when the cops and prosecutors are on their side. Also, only go after the leaders.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, live from Pandemia at June 06, 2020 09:03 AM (NVYyb)


Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at June 06, 2020 09:03 AM (O+I8R)

490 NOOD

Posted by: Skip, the guy who says NOOD at June 06, 2020 09:03 AM (6f16T)

491 "Police say the vandals tracked those officers down at their homes and tried to torch their cars. Both fires were put out quickly, leaving minor damage to the vehicles. "

Explains why my neighbor moved the family car out of the garage to make room for his squad car when he is off duty.

And yes, other local officers have already had their units vandalized at their homes in the area.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 06, 2020 09:04 AM (3D/fK)

492 The path to tyranny is paved with the stones of chaos

Posted by: REDACTED at June 06, 2020 09:05 AM (JgrP5)

493 >>And the Arlington County board ordered the PD out of DC the other night. Now they want to have a "discussion" with the police chief about possibly ending mutual aid agreements with Feds.

Apparently none of them remember 9/11 or the beltway snipers? Or does the radical progressive element that has moved into VA local government (with ties to CAIR, etc.) see this as a great opportunity to weaken the DC area's ability to prevent terrorism?

Posted by: Lizzy at June 06, 2020 09:05 AM (bDqIh)

494 484: Which goes to show you, if the police quit the pols will cave. It's the pols who have created the chaos and mutual distrust.

Posted by: CN at June 06, 2020 09:06 AM (ONvIw)

495 Fuck you too

Posted by: WHY NOT at June 06, 2020 09:06 AM (OgsGE)

496 So, Krak, let's see: the cops are corrupt, so to hell with them; better off with out 'em. The soldiers have all sold out; to hell with them too.

So who is going to pull your bacon out of the fire? The Bubbas with their pea shooters? Trump? Give me a break.

I got news for you: what you see in Blue cities is coming for you too. Conservatives will not fight; they may run for a while, but they won't fight because they have they have too much to lose. They talk a good game, but they stay inside where it is safe...for now.

So vent your spleen against those of us who have the misfortune of bearing the tide early, but this is the future of the country. We've already lost; you just can't admit it.

The Left is coming and you can't stop them.

Posted by: Jeffrey T Powell at June 06, 2020 09:08 AM (msRm8)

497 I believe Federal Bureau of Prisons also has pretty hardcore riot police on duty in DC.

The left wants to be able to wave a bloody shirt. Ideally, they want footage of photogenic dead kids on the WH lawn. I think Esper's decision was the right one. Having Trump out of town also makes sense to me.

I can also second the recommendation for Dorco -- been using them for years. They used to be the OEM for a lot of the "independent" razor companies. Not sure if they still are.

Posted by: Seldom at June 06, 2020 09:09 AM (6BouP)

498 put most Americans, including the police, on their knees in deference to The Big Lie.

Posted by: Systemic Soothsayer at June 06, 2020 08:58 AM (qg2ac)

Most Americans are not on their knees.

Posted by: Donna&&&&&&&V at June 06, 2020 09:10 AM (HabA/)

499 She doesn't want any force and from what I'm hearing they are releasing the rioters as fast as they catch them. So what's the point? It won't stop until it is stopped and Jabba and Dykefoot refuse to put an end to it
Posted by: TheQuietMan at June 06, 2020 08:46 AM (SfAOp)


The AMAZINGLY stupid part of this rioting and attempted Insurrection is that the Democrats had a model of how to solve this, and they could point to a Democrat Governor for the answer.

Minneapolis and Saint Paul were a complete total shitshow Wednesday Thursday and Friday. Finally Saturday morning Walz called up the entire Minnesota National Guard, all 13,000. By Sunday morning, they had their answer,

After Sunday night, they had confirmed it. No dead protesters, no broken heads, no looting, almost no arson.

The protests went on, but they were PEACEFUL.

Cuomo, Newsom, Jabba, Evers, Northam all could have said I am going to call up our National Guard to stabilize our cities. They could have stopped billions of dollars in looting and arson. Like Minnesota, it would have STOPPED the violence.

Also, they would have had a great replacement for senile old Joe Biden. "Governor Tim Walz, the Democrat that stopped the violence tearing our cities apart." Democrat, teacher, veteran, from southern Minnesota Farm Country. Reminds everyone of the old Democrats like Hubert Humphrey, Walter Mondale, and George McGovern, but just as radical as Nancy and Barack.

Thank God the Democrats are fools.

Posted by: rd at June 06, 2020 09:10 AM (+0uDE)

500 (Reuters) - The U.S. unemployment rate dropped unexpectedly in May, but

not all workers benefited equally as joblessness among African Americans

and Asians rose, signaling some minorities face a longer recovery as

the economy slowly rebounds from the coronavirus shutdowns.

Not racism-- LOCATION.
Big cities and leftist enclaves remain shut down.

Five seconds of consideration and Reuters smear job becomes obvious.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at June 06, 2020 09:12 AM (oVJmc)

501 That being said, I really don't understand the need for conservative people to migrate into the cities, it's a prescription for indoctrination.
Posted by: CN at June 06, 2020 08:48 AM (ONvIw)

A friend near retirement age moved from bucolic, suburban Maryland to Philadelphia last year. He said he was done with big cities (before the riots) so he will move again to the suburbs. And he grew up in Chicago.

Posted by: FloridaMan at June 06, 2020 09:13 AM (Iex1l)

502 18
Annnd, bye-bye, Dollar Shave Club. Those who support Black Lives Matter shall not be getting my business.
Posted by: Clyde Shelton at June 06, 2020 06:17 AM (Do5/p)

I've said buh-bye to so many businesses during these social fiascos, and not just during the plandemic and insurrection. Remember when the Procter and Gamble bint said she was never going to promote a white man? Goodbye Dawn soap. It's really the only thing I miss from all the things we stopped using.

Don't miss tv, movies, or talkradio at all. Stopped those long ago.

Posted by: Flyover at June 06, 2020 09:14 AM (Rbu5d)

503 Illinois is the same. Do they hold the death reports from the weekends until Wednesday?
Posted by: Bruce at June 06, 2020 06:29 AM (vd8XM)

In Indiana, they report "new cases" but they are REPORTED new cases over a number of weeks. So this weeks "new" numbers can be over three or four weeks.

When husband and I looked at the numbers six weeks ago and saw that, we looked at each other and said: SCAM.

Posted by: Flyover at June 06, 2020 09:20 AM (Rbu5d)

504 has ld me to believe I should never speak to the police.
Posted by: setnaffa at June 06, 2020 08:53 AM (c4NCi)

Your experience is right on target. All you want to say is "I want a lawyer. " Period. Full stop.

A great video on YouTube is "Don't talk to Police". Also, the book "You have the right to remain innocent" is a real eye-opener

Posted by: FloridaMan at June 06, 2020 09:21 AM (Iex1l)

505 Whatever.

Posted by: willow at June 06, 2020 09:23 AM (XD3iy)

506 I guess this is a helpful enjoy life without cops screed.

Posted by: willow at June 06, 2020 09:25 AM (XD3iy)

507 As a person living in a Blue state I think Red staters should be smug. They live in states with people who have functioning brains. We live in states where the majority of people are morons (not the good kind!). As a corrupt piece of shit once said, elections have consequences.

Sure moving is traumatic. So is getting your house burned down or getting beat up or murdered by a pack of wild Democrats. This is our reality now. We have to make decisions based on reality.

I'm staying because my job isn't easily transferrable. I have to work in all 5 NYC boroughs so the risk of personal harm is a known possibility. I'll pick up and leave as soon as I believe the risks outweigh the benefits. In the meantime I don't expect sympathy from anyone if I wind up having to deal with negative consequences from my own personal decision to stay in this lawless shithole.

Posted by: Botched_Lobotomy at June 06, 2020 09:25 AM (lRrON)

508 We HAVE to have that. It's job creation. Social workers, parole officers, welfare offices, etc. Billions of dollars a year in administrative costs and departments in colleges rely on never improving the problem.

It's disgusting.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Shouldn't we say cops are mostly peaceful? at June 06, 2020 07:13 AM (pgq4m)

The "War on Poverty" is a full employment program for alumnae of The Seven Sisters.

Posted by: Fox 2! at June 06, 2020 09:31 AM (koG+n)

509 Every cop should have a bodycam he can't turn off.

They have waaaay to much power over their fellow citizens to be trusted unsupervised when supervision is so easy.
And half the problem is an insane lack of professionalism from folks who brag about being professional 24/7. Until they come across an example of their bad behavior, then it's "stressful job dealing with criminals, give us a break."

Posted by: JB at June 06, 2020 09:39 AM (TO8Xm)

510 They're all just in it so they can be double dipping union thugs. Someone getting justice for a crime committed against them may accidentally happen, but it's not the purpose. The purpose is to bleed the taxpayer dry in one city, get your pension, then move to a small town and try to get a 3/4 pension.

I grew up in a small town in upstate NY and none of the cops were actually from my small town. They'd all come in in their layer years to get that sweet pension.

They don't really care one way or another. They just wanna slide on by and and get that nice fat retirement while real people work and don't get rich and fat off the backs of the taxpayer.

It's not that they're a roving band of highly committed white supremacists with a laser-focused mission. They're just lazy and can't be bothered and really don't wanna get stabbed by a crackhead.

Posted by: Rorschach at June 06, 2020 10:02 AM (gqvXZ)

511 Krak. Are you stupid or something? How can you have that much bad luck with cops unless you're a dum-dum. Who stole your loot? Calm down fuckface.

Posted by: Citation X Driver at June 06, 2020 10:08 AM (+G2jw)

512 krakatoa, you ever given the slightest thought that your negative experiences can be attributed to meeting a cop having a shitty day, or one just having dealt with a terrible scene, or maybe, hear me out now, you being a dick?

Posted by: UGAdawg at June 06, 2020 10:22 AM (tRd71)

513 468 Only good news is the mayor of Buffalo NY basically is clearing the cops who he suspended the other day for giving a professional agitator what he deserved

Yay! I hadn't seen that yet.

Posted by: m at June 06, 2020 10:24 AM (Bcbbp)

514 There's a coffee nood.

Posted by: m at June 06, 2020 10:24 AM (Bcbbp)

515 I appreciate the sentiment of the post but we are all Americans and none should be abandoned to the whims of the left wing ideologues. Yes, some conservatives have chosen to stay in the heart of left wing country. Many of them just keep quiet and stay out of the way -thereby ceding authority to the left wing mob. But they are still Americans and have the same rights as anyone in my predominantly conservative area. Of course, they need to start fighting back to reclaim their cities from this lunacy too but that is another topic of discussion. Why is there often not a single person running against these democrats in the general election? Is there no one in that entire area even willing to espouse a conservative view knowing that it will be a loss now but maybe help move the needle in the other direction later. (It may also force the local media to report on some of the scandals that happen there on a regular basis). I feel very strongly that the poor, especially the working poor, in high crime, predominantly liberal areas are entitled to our protection even if they are not freedom loving conservatives. The same is true of the conservatives lurking among them.

Posted by: Festus at June 06, 2020 10:28 AM (2qTXd)

516 "I've never committed nor been charged with a crime, but I've had more bad experiences with cops than good, across several states & communities, from the county Sherriff's deputy up to the State Police. "

Exactly. Tired of being told how noble and heroic and wonderful cops are and how I should feel honored that they will stop me and harass me in my own neighborhood at my own expense.

Posted by: squid_hunt at June 06, 2020 10:41 AM (Ectld)

517 None of that applies in the Church of the Left. You're never absolved. You'll always be guilty.


Posted by: Piratepatch from the flood zone at June 06, 2020 10:42 AM (dCpPd)

518 515 I appreciate the sentiment of the post but we are all Americans and none should be abandoned to the whims of the left wing ideologues."

I disagree - we're not all Americans anymore. Those savages rioting up there are not my countrymen, and I don't care about their cities any more than I care about Mogadishu. I feel sorry for the good people still there, just like I feel sorry for all the good people who were in Dresden, Berlin, and Hiroshima. Any good people there should realize they're getting the same warning Lot recieved - get out now, or you're dead.

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 06, 2020 10:45 AM (V2Yro)

519 The Left is coming and you can't stop them.
Posted by: Jeffrey T Powell at June 06, 2020 09:08 AM (msRm

just give us a try, asshole.

Posted by: Tom Servo at June 06, 2020 10:48 AM (V2Yro)

520 Best comment ever! I'm another middle-aged, law abiding, white man tired of the cops and their entitlement beliefs.

Posted by: Hedley Lamarr at June 06, 2020 10:58 AM (tDAwn)

521 Sorry, I can't enjoy any sense of delight at blue on blue catfights. We are in a fucking WAR and THEY ARE WINNING. We had a great jobs outlook, but now the riots have added campaign to their battle plans: ELIMINATE police forces, which will allow the riots to continue unabated. And make no mistake, once the forest is burned, they look to the meadows of suburbia.

If you are in a blue state in the suburbs, YOU ARE NEXT. The governors are all working on making sure that your city and county police and sheriff departments are neutralized, at least against rioters, though they WILL encourage citing and jailing people NOT rioting who engage in social non-BLM gatherings. And then just before the election, get ready for another round of riots.

Posted by: Jonah Kyle at June 06, 2020 11:20 AM (SH7Tr)

522 Great post, Krak. Right there with ya. 9 out of 10 interactions with cops have been bad for me. I was robbed 3 times, cops sprung into action by writing a report. Laughed at the idea of taking fingerprints or investigating. Hahahah, there is too much crime, they say, we don't have resources, etc etc. But I'm looking at my tax bill and fuck! WHAT are YOU spending all these tax dollars on? OH, I see, fancy toys and armoured vehicles brought back from Iraq. Problem is society forces different races and ethnicities and fucking IDEOLOGIES (some of which call for the deaths of others) to live together, feral people with no desire to work but plenty of desire to destroy. So yeah. I fucking sold everything, packed up and moved out!

Nobody is saying go 1000 miles off to some imagined wonderland. But a 20 or 30 minute drive out of urban center and you can find very nice and safe communities. The cities (and the mayors and cops who "run" them) are just machines for white misery and genocide.

Posted by: ThatGuyKindaHasAPoint at June 06, 2020 11:20 AM (TyAPH)

523 At 16 with a new DL I got pulled over after driving my friend home in Mom's car he live half a mile away the cop stopped me and no one ever told me what to do in such a situation so I got out and the Cop pulled a SW Model 10 and shoved it in my face, all 110 lb 5'5 of my 16 year old body.He said, get your A$$ back in your G@##@*@@ car or Ill shoot your a$$.I was maybe 150 yards from my house.He check my License and told me to get my A$$ home.

Posted by: obsidian at June 06, 2020 11:28 AM (7+yqP)

524 90 percent of my interactions with cops are of the, " sugar, your tail light's out" variety. But when i first started driving twenty odd years back, i met a bad one. i didnt notice him signal to get over. For this I was pulled over, dragged from my car, bruised and cursed at, and hauled downtown. I hyperventilated and vomited in his car, which seemed ti cool his ire. At least he stopped calling me a dumb c word and and started asking, you really didnt see me?" My purse was left in an open car on the side of the highway in the middle of the night. Downtown, he handed me off and went away grumbling to clean his car. desk guy looked at the papers and called my mom, who had to pay a fine fir a bent wheel rim equipment mwlfunction that my car never had, in order to take me back to my car and purse. Which, thankfully, were unmolested in the parking lot of a closed Wendy's. Years later ai went to wirk for Louisville metro 911, and discovered there are no records of the entire encounter. Nothing. They disappeared it, likely to hide a false arrest. wonder who pocketed mom's money. I was young, blonde, white, and female. i had broken no laws. Didn' protect me from a crazy cop with an anger management problem.

Posted by: Missi Lotze at June 06, 2020 11:56 AM (CR3FM)

525 Sounds like there are bunch of sociopaths posting here about their fantasies with cops.

Posted by: I am not corey Booker at June 06, 2020 01:40 PM (Ju2mK)

526 You need to take some time off, dude. Your rant isn't helpful at all.

Posted by: Bea Arthur's Dick at June 06, 2020 01:51 PM (jWe5r)

527 It means replacing them with 'Community Patrols' or whatever euphemism they come up with, a force of 'social justice' cops that will police the jurisdiction in line with the philosophies of the Hard Left.

Wonder what's taking that 'fundamental transformation' so long...

Posted by: Bat Fever at June 06, 2020 02:33 PM (wKKMg)

528 Yeah, I always have a few flashbacks when Trump salutes the "brave blue."

In San Diego in the early '70s, I got stopped everyday on the street for three years for having modestly long hair.

I was working for the post office at the time and had to really play that up early because I had friends they "found weed" on when they absolutely hadn't been carrying weed.

Posted by: TH at June 06, 2020 06:06 PM (oYrxP)

529 That's a great rant!

Posted by: Firecapt at June 06, 2020 07:10 PM (cuHcm)

530 IMAO, Yes, you should ABSOLUTELY seriously consider uprooting everyone. I stayed for EXACTLY same reasons and in hindsight everyone would have been better off if we had relocated to south Carolina, because the specific issues were never corrected and the downward arc of the community accelerated. I thank God my kin had the resolve and left BEFORE
The bolshevik revolution began.

Posted by: Rusty shacklefjord at June 06, 2020 08:17 PM (ctmQL)

531 I concur on all points.

Posted by: 370H55V at June 07, 2020 10:06 AM (lXw+T)

532 What's not to love? White people being beaten to the death for the color of the skin. What could be more conservative?

Posted by: mGrant at June 08, 2020 12:32 PM (r5iyh)

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The Story the Rightwing Media Refuses to Report!
Our Lunch with David "Glengarry Glen Ross" Mamet
The House of Love: Paul Krugman
A Michael Moore Mystery (TM)
The Dowd-O-Matic!
Liberal Consistency and Other Myths
Kepler's Laws of Liberal Media Bias
John Kerry-- The Splunge! Candidate
"Divisive" Politics & "Attacks on Patriotism" (very long)
The Donkey ("The Raven" parody)