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Media Continues Corporate/Chinese Propaganda Push

The Daily Beast screeches that Peter Navarro is, get this, trying to get America to rebuild its now-nonexistent medicine/medical technology base.

Tucker Carlson just had an author on talking about this -- Rosmary Gibson, author of China RX.

America no longer can even make aspirin. Thousands of the base medicines which all other medicines are made from are made entirely in China -- none in the US.

The author also pointed out that the reason that we can't make ventilators is that we are entirely dependent on China for the circuit boards that control the ventilators, and China just stopped exporting those to the US.

She didn't say that was for a nefarious purpose -- I assume it's because China needs all those ventilator control boards for its own people. (Hey, they totally stopped the coronavirus, though...)

I can't find her appearance on Tucker, but here's Rosmary Gibson, author of China RX, giving testimony to the Senate that 90% of the "core chemicals" used to make all medicines are made in China, and that there are only two Western companies which even make generic medicines any more.

Here's a Tucker video essay from last month in which he highlighted America's suicidal drive to be wholly dependent on China for manufacture of our most basic and critical things -- driven by a media that is corrupted by Chinese money.

China is no longer simply an economic rival of the United States; it's becoming a dangerous enemy. But instead of protecting us from this threat, an existential one, our leadership class collaborates with the other side.

Why do they do that? Simple. They're getting rich from it. This only became clear to many people a few months ago when the most American of all sports, professional basketball -- a game literally invented in a gym in Springfield, Mass. -- ripped off the mask and showed the world who really controls the league.


So how about Michael Bloomberg? He's running for president. Maybe more than anyone in America, Bloomberg represents the beliefs and values of our current aristocracy, which is by far the worst in American history -- the stupidest and the most greedy.

Not surprisingly, Bloomberg has both kowtowed to the Chinese and gotten rich from the Chinese. He's not embarrassed by it.

Bloomberg once explained that actually, China's unelected leader isn't really a dictator.

Michael Bloomberg, 2020 presidential candidate: The Communist Party wants to stay in power in China, and they listen to the public. When the public says I can't breathe the air -- Xi Jinping is not a dictator -- he has to satisfy his constituents, so he's not going to survive.

Margaret Hoover, host of PBS' "Firing Line": He is not a dictator?

Bloomberg: No, he has -- he has a constituency to answer to.

So the Chinese dictator is not a dictator. It makes you wonder how Michael Bloomberg would govern as president or maybe it explains how he'd govern as president.

But Bloomberg's personal admiration for the bloodthirsty fossil in charge of the world's largest communist country isn't the only reason he likes China. There's big money at stake, of course -- that's always what it's about.

Bloomberg's company has enormous investments in the country and that has influenced how Bloomberg News reports on China. In 2013, for example, Bloomberg News was accused of killing stories that would have revealed corruption by family members of the Chinese dictator -- and yes, he is a dictator.

Ben Richardson, Bloomberg Asia editor, later said he'd been told directly by leaders at his company that covering the Chinese Politburo was off-limits. That's like telling a Washington bureau chief you can't cover Congress because you might insult them. That's Michael Bloomberg's position.

Just on Tuesday, former Bloomberg reporter Leta Hong Fincher wrote in "The Intercept," about how Bloomberg's lawyers threatened to destroy her life if she wouldn't sign a nondisclosure agreement about the company's censorship practices. But don't take their word for it.

A few years ago, Bloomberg openly admitted that he let China censor his company's news. He actually said that on television.

Andrew Ross Sorkin, CNBC "Squawk Box" co-anchor: Over the past year, there's been questions about the journalism going on in China and whether the company in its effort to grow has muzzled.

Bloomberg: In China, they have rules about what you can publish. We follow those rules. If you don't follow rules, you're out of the country.

We write the stories that we think are interesting, and we distribute them where they are allowed to be distributed.

"Where they're allowed to be distributed."

The scariest part is that as China has grown more powerful, America has grown more dependent on it. Outsourcing our manufacturing power brought American companies big short-term profits. Head to Florida, and you'll see the houses they've built with those profits. But in the long run, that decision made this country dangerously dependent on a nation that seeks to displace us on the world stage.

Remember, the Chinese state media -- where every story is approved by Communist Party functionaries -- threatened that China might withhold vital medicines from the US and "plunge us into the mighty sea of coronavirus."

And CATO, the Koch Foundation, AEI, and the various "conservatives" who are (quietly) funded by these groups say: Nah, it'll be fine.

Coming soon:

The Corner

The Conservative Case for Plunging America Into the Mighty Sea of Coronavirus

by Ramesh Ponuru
AEI "Fellow" and Bloomberg contributor

Despite the bleatings from the CATO institute and other people paid by the China Lobby to lobby for China, it sure would be terrific if the US could make at least some absolutely-critical, absolutely-vital things, wouldn't it?

Nah, says CATO. Nah, says AEI.

Nah says the corporate neoliberal tool The Daily Beast -- Orange Man Bad!!!

White House trade adviser Peter Navarro has seized [SEIZED!!!] on negotiations over how to handle the economic fallout of the coronavirus to push President Trump to use the crisis to bolster his "Buy American" agenda--starting with domestic production of key medical goods and equipment.

His role, as described to The Daily Beast by several officials, has been aggressive enough to prompt serious pushback from other senior Trump officials, who are worried that Trump will be won over by the Buy American pitch, which will, in turn, have damaging consequences during the nation’s worst public-health and economic crises in years.

The order being pushed by Navarro, a draft of which was obtained by The Daily Beast, lays out a slew of policies that would ultimately curb the importing of foreign goods and create conditions that would allow for the increased production of American medicines, raw materials, and vaccines. The order is similar in language and tone to Trump's April 2017 executive order "Buy American Hire American."

Oh no! America might start making its own critical medicines again! America might be encouraged to have some domestic capability of manufacturing aspirin!

What madness is this?

Meanwhile, NBC jumps on the "ha ha, guilao, now China is correctly racially profiling YOU!" propaganda narrative.

Gee, it's so weird -- it's almost as if several ostensibly "independent" media companies were all fed the exact same story by the exact same interested party with the exact same agenda in planting it in the American press.

Weird how that keeps happening! It's almost as if there's some fusion of a lazy, leftwing media and extremely rich interests who want to plant manufactured stories in the press!

America's Corporate/Political/Media/Government Worker class:

Posted by: Ace at 03:28 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 And THIS is why Tariffs are a necessary national polcy.

Posted by: Tom Servo at March 20, 2020 03:28 PM (V2Yro)

2 First? No way. Not my day.

Posted by: lizabth at March 20, 2020 03:28 PM (L3Rsz)

3 Tariffs serve to boost the price of foreign imports up to the point that domestic manufacturing is still viable. It blocks dumping of goods at low ball prices, which the Chinese have been doing to capture our markets.

Posted by: Tom Servo at March 20, 2020 03:29 PM (V2Yro)


It'll be pretty hard to get new US factories built and running in a matter of weeks, especially when we are not allowed to leave our houses under penalty of criminal law.

Posted by: imp at March 20, 2020 03:30 PM (SFOr6)

5 Yes...Tariffs definitely helped my hubby's workplace over these recent times. Made a big difference, actually. They were hugely busy for a small manufacturer. Now we sit out Piggy Pritzker's shelter-in-place and see what happens after.

Posted by: lizabth at March 20, 2020 03:31 PM (L3Rsz)

6 Surely our tech people here can take the existing ventilator circuit boards and devise a way to manufacture them here in our existing factories? Or do the boards require materials that we've also allowed the Chinese to have complete control over?

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at March 20, 2020 03:31 PM (k4dH2)

7 Seen on the internet:
A neighbor with business contacts in China. While on the phone with
them she asked how many people had actually died in Wuhan. After some
hesitation, the Chinese counterpart said "over 20,000." The numbers
from China are BS.

Posted by: SMOD at March 20, 2020 03:31 PM (3aI0K)

8 Actions have out to the chicoms because it is cheap was stupid and da chickens have come home to roost

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 20, 2020 03:32 PM (85Gof)

9 welp I guess we needed to learn this particular lesson the HARD way

Posted by: THE_BlackOrchid_STATE! at March 20, 2020 03:32 PM (j9HX3)

10 As I said previously, Bloomberg "News" should best be viewed as Air China, along with the likes of WSJ and other mouthpieces and apparatchiks for the communist regime.

They are traitors in our midst.

And should be treated as such.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at March 20, 2020 03:33 PM (FVrDO)

11 I am tired of all this trash-talk about the American medical system.

We have OBAMACARE, dammit. All our problems were solved the day Obamacare passed.

Posted by: Chris W at March 20, 2020 03:33 PM (4GUBG)

12 Tariffs serve to boost the price of foreign imports up to the point that domestic manufacturing is still viable. It blocks dumping of goods at low ball prices, which the Chinese have been doing to capture our markets.
Posted by: Tom Servo at March 20, 2020 03:29 PM (V2Yro)

Applies to oil, too. Apply anti-dumping duties to overseas oil as required to bring it up to a floor price of $40 per barrel (or another figure, as required). Keep U.S. drillers working. Make the tariff wall continent-wide if Canada and Mexico agree to play ball.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at March 20, 2020 03:33 PM (miJU3)

Bad Political Policy in terms of Foreigners is the cause of 99% our worst problems here.

Posted by: Soothsayer, now with a gentle glide applicator tip at March 20, 2020 03:33 PM (EvZQi)

14 Oof..and it IS hard. But for all of our kids and grands, if it makes things better for them down the road, it's a pain worth bearing.

Posted by: lizabth at March 20, 2020 03:33 PM (L3Rsz)

15 This is no way to build Herd Immunity.

Posted by: garrett at March 20, 2020 03:34 PM (bKjAM)

16 From a good friend of mine in private email - he describes what's happening far better than I ever could. I think he has hit the nail on its head:

"Unknown. I keep having to remind myself that this situation is utter unprecedented, on *several* levels, and that means the outcome cannot be discerned by merely gazing into the past and looking for examples. This shit is new.

We've never had an economic shutdown before. Ever. We've had slowdowns, we've had recessions, we've had depressions, but at zero points in the history of the modern economy has the whole thing TURNED OFF. In my lingo, we're not closing some applications and being done with it, we are turning off power entirely, unplugging the whole damn computer, plugging it back on, and PRAYING that it still boots up. Most of the time when we do that with computers, it works. But not always.

You might say this isn't a shutdown, but it really really is. It's like someone yanked the power cord out. All the non-grocery public-facing everythings are closed, and they're not closed for a day or two. And it's not just here, it's everywhere. Factories may continue to run, but they're going to be producing respirators and masks and chemicals, not cars and TVs, and they'll do so in a way that requires fewer humans. We're already seeing rent freezes. Unemployment is already looking STAGGERING. Money is going to stop moving along 50-60% of the pathways almost immediately, and that'll ripple through the rest in weeks.

But what keeps running through my head is how the economy is and is not like a computer. The economy runs almost entirely on math, computers don't need the 'almost'. The economy is process-oriented, like a computer - It 'does' fairly discrete things. But, and this is where it gets odd, computers don't start little and grow up big. They don't grow new parts. They don't expand and contract in the same way economies do, speeding up and slowing down at semi-random intervals. They don't shift, and change, and mutate. But economies do all of those things.

Economies, I propose, are less like computers, and more like biology. They work like animals.

'Turning off' is the wrong metaphor, therefore. The economy is about to die. We're hoping we can bring it back to life. That's a much harder task than turning a computer back on, and just like biology, the dead economy will start to rot. Businesses will shutter permanently. Actual literal things, sitting unused in offices for weeks or months, will literally decay.

It might work fine. We put it on life-support, try to keep it there, and hope everything still works when we start the blood pumping again, but oh man oh man."

Posted by: Tom Servo at March 20, 2020 03:34 PM (V2Yro)

17 Not a fan of general tariffs but strategic tariffs are entirely reasonable. I suppose one of the key arguments is what are the strategic industries which must be protected.

I'd say the ability to defend the country, feed the people, and deal with medical issues certainly fall into that category.

Posted by: Laughing in Texas at March 20, 2020 03:34 PM (ExV1e)

18 Would tort reform be too much to wish for as a fallout from all this bs?

A man has his dreams.

Posted by: Tonypete at March 20, 2020 03:34 PM (Y4EXg)

19 What are the chances the Chinese ventilator control circuit boards were copied from US boards in the first place?

Posted by: davidt at March 20, 2020 03:34 PM (l3+k2)

20 They should pull the plug on all the programmed trading... f^cking computers are screwing us.

Posted by: Pliney at March 20, 2020 03:35 PM (nzKWW)

21 BTW, a failed Islamic attack today at Barcelona's airport. No motive known!

Posted by: andycanuck at March 20, 2020 03:35 PM (TQ/zJ)

22 Using tariffs to "protect" American industries masks the real problem: the massive regulatory burden that makes going overseas easier than just paying more money here.

As long as companies can spin up new plants and new processes faster overseas, tariffs will just have to be raised higher and higher to overcome that advantage.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at March 20, 2020 03:35 PM (2lndx)

23 This is why the profit motive is not an unalloyed good.

Community conviction is more important, but realizing that private assets empower a greater diversity of contributions and causes than the top-down structure of the government is an important part of a community-based view of Free Markets.

Posted by: Axeman at March 20, 2020 03:35 PM (Eicbe)

24 But it's free trade* ace! Why do you hate free trade!*

*free trade apparently meaning all our shit gets made by China and we are forbidden from selling any of the remaining stuff we do manufacture here to them.

Posted by: Buzzion at March 20, 2020 03:36 PM (G2zl5)

25 BTW, a failed Islamic attack today at Barcelona's airport. No motive known!
Posted by: andycanuck at March 20, 2020 03:35 PM (TQ/zJ)
Not even snack bars?

Posted by: Axeman at March 20, 2020 03:36 PM (Eicbe)

26 Now we sit out Piggy Pritzker's shelter-in-place and see what happens after.

Posted by: lizabth at March 20, 2020 03:31 PM (L3Rsz)

We're just over the border in Wisconsin, but Rev works in Illinois. What exactly does 'shelter in place' entail? No one can go anywhere except for food and medicine?

Posted by: grammie winger at March 20, 2020 03:36 PM (lwiT4)

27 Surely our tech people here can take the existing ventilator circuit boards and devise a way to manufacture them here in our existing factories? Or do the boards require materials that we've also allowed the Chinese to have complete control over?
Posted by: TrivialPursuer at March 20, 2020 03:31 PM (k4dH2)

I'm sure older generations of ventilators needed no circuit boards, just as older appliances got along fine without them.

Build simple, dumb stuff that works, if there is a shortage.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at March 20, 2020 03:36 PM (miJU3)

28 8 Actions have out to the chicoms because it is cheap was stupid and da chickens have come home to roost
Posted by: Nevergiveup


But more H1(b)s are totes good for the American IT sector!!

(do I even have to /sark?)

Posted by: Tonypete at March 20, 2020 03:36 PM (Y4EXg)

29 Bloomberg: In China, they have rules about what you can publish. We
follow those rules. If you don't follow rules, you're out of the country.


"Here, hold our snake wine." -- Google

Posted by: ShainS at March 20, 2020 03:37 PM (FkV9V)

30 hiya

Posted by: JT at March 20, 2020 03:37 PM (arJlL)

31 >>What are the chances the Chinese ventilator control circuit boards were copied from US boards in the first place?


China does not invent anything but diseases, apparently.

Posted by: garrett at March 20, 2020 03:37 PM (bKjAM)

32 "Shelter," in place. Interesting choice of words.

Posted by: davidt at March 20, 2020 03:37 PM (l3+k2)

33 This is why the profit motive is not an unalloyed good.

Community conviction is more important, but realizing that private assets empower a greater diversity of contributions and causes than the top-down structure of the government is an important part of a community-based view of Free Markets.
Posted by: Axeman at March

nothing is an unalloyed good

Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 03:38 PM (HALdu)

34 China does not invent anything but diseases, apparently.

Posted by: garrett at March 20, 2020 03:37 PM (bKjAM)
And dim sum.

Posted by: Axeman at March 20, 2020 03:38 PM (Eicbe)

35 >>>16 Turning off' is the wrong metaphor, therefore. The economy is about to die. We're hoping we can bring it back to life. Posted by: Tom Servo at March 20, 2020 03:34 PM

Dr. Chandra, will I dream?

Posted by: banana Dream at March 20, 2020 03:38 PM (l6b3d)

36 There is no other person better set up to be President in this situation than Donald Trump. Almost like it was meant to be.

Posted by: josephistan at March 20, 2020 03:38 PM (Izzlo)

37 There are several Domestic Board Makers / Printers.

Not a ton of them...but there are some and boards are pretty simple to manufacture if you have the tooling and materials.

Posted by: garrett at March 20, 2020 03:38 PM (bKjAM)

38 Back Again..

Posted by: FrodoB,
Kung Flu Fighting at March 20, 2020 03:38 PM (gmSu9)

39 And isn't it interesting how we've not seen or heard from most of the globalist CEOs who got rich off of exporting our industries and jobs?

Well, we did hear from Bloomberg, who really wants to help out by pitching in $40 million! Oh wait, he's spending it in Africa, one continent I've not heard anything about re: Wuhan flu. Great, thanks, that's, uh, well, it's your money so spend it how you like. HOWEVER, I will remember how you responded in this crisis. Not well.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 20, 2020 03:38 PM (bDqIh)

40 America no longer can even make aspirin.

Not to worry, my dudes and 'ettes! If China denies us our aspirin, we can just go chew on the bark of a Black Willow tree.

The old ways are the best.

Posted by: kallisto at March 20, 2020 03:39 PM (kgQKM)

41 It's pretty much a copy of the other Leftist's guvs order. Only essential workers may work. You can go out and shop. You can go out and hike, but keep your distance!

Posted by: lizabth at March 20, 2020 03:39 PM (L3Rsz)

42 and create conditions that would allow for the increased production of American medicines

That would be regulations and lawsuits and taxation. Couldn't have happened to a finer group of folks.

Posted by: t-bird at March 20, 2020 03:39 PM (IMdOQ)

43 If we are interdependent then we will never go to war.

Posted by: Imagine there's no cortex at March 20, 2020 03:39 PM (aKsyK)

44 There is no other person better set up to be President in this situation than Donald Trump. Almost like it was meant to be.


It's weird to ponder what the media and Democrats have accidentally done.

Posted by: Moron Robbie has the Kung Flu Glib at March 20, 2020 03:39 PM (41rs/)

45 Read the content. Took time.

Are we still a China vassal?

Posted by: Joe Mama at March 20, 2020 03:39 PM (iQmdl)

46 I'll say what I said on the podcast - I sure hope all these people pushing ChiCom propaganda are getting paid because at least whores are honest about it.

It never once occurred to me to wonder if America could make it's own basic medicine because it is INSANE from a national security stand point to put in place practices and procedures that do not protect the actual health of Americans.

But then again, American citizens aren't who has been served by Congress for decades, now, are they?

Please, God, do not let this take down Trump. Right now he is the only one who seems to care about America and her citizens above all else. And that terrifies me.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at March 20, 2020 03:39 PM (GbPPJ)

47 NBC's @KeirSimmons says that China "helped" the world by "delaying" the spread of coronavirus and that it is now "worrying that they may get re-infected...from the rest of the world"

Guess we'll see if the "re-infection" or immune theory wins.

Win/win IMHO

Posted by: Steve in SoCal at March 20, 2020 03:39 PM (Ozpxd)

48 I'm pretty sure that the original free market proponents didn't mean free as in free slave labor producing the products.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at March 20, 2020 03:40 PM (YslsA)

49 I've come to HATE that word 'shelter'.

Posted by: lizabth at March 20, 2020 03:40 PM (L3Rsz)

50 Another reason we can't manufacture circuit boards on a large scale is environmental regulations. We have basically outsourced the pollution from the process to places that don't give a crap about dioxins and other hazards. Which is not to say that we shouldn't care either but we should be looking for viable solutions other than offshoring production.

Posted by: Bob the Bilderberg at March 20, 2020 03:40 PM (qc+VF)

51 America no longer can even make aspirin. Thousands of the base medicines which all other medicines are made from are made entirely in China -- none in the US.

Partly because Americans are now notoriously chemophobic. I've had liberals screech to me about "benzene in dashboards! RUN!!"

That's because some idiot somewhere saw that the plasticizer in dashboards is di-n-butyl benzene-1,4-dicarboxylate and lost his shit, not realizing that a benzene derivative is not the same thing as benzene. They should've named it di-n-butyl terephthalic acid and many pairs of underwear would have been spared.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 03:40 PM (rmY2H)


Weird how that keeps happening! It's almost as if there's some fusion of a lazy, leftwing media and extremely rich interests who want to plant manufactured stories in the press!



Posted by: ShainS at March 20, 2020 03:40 PM (FkV9V)

53 nothing is an unalloyed good
Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 03:38 PM (HALdu)
Right, not even "free markets", which is why I've been off the laissez-faire wagon for decades.

And I prefer "free markets" to "capitalism" which is a word Marx made up for what he saw was a false attachment to private property.

Property is theft, Marx said--forgetting that the only thing you can steal is what is proper to someone else.

Posted by: Axeman at March 20, 2020 03:40 PM (Eicbe)

54 It's pretty much a copy of the other Leftist's guvs
order. Only essential workers may work. You can go out and shop. You can
go out and hike, but keep your distance!

Posted by: lizabth at March 20, 2020 03:39 PM (L3Rsz)

Rev had to put a lady in the ground today. I imagine that could be called essential.

Posted by: grammie winger at March 20, 2020 03:40 PM (lwiT4)

55 >>Bloomberg: In China, they have rules about what you can publish. We follow those rules. If you don't follow rules, you're out of the country.

-- CNN in Iraq during 1st Gulf war

Posted by: Lizzy at March 20, 2020 03:40 PM (bDqIh)

56 It's also fascinating to consider how Trump is the opposite of Black Jesus Shit Midas.

People look at something and hahaha mistake, and Trump comes out ahead.

Posted by: Moron Robbie has the Kung Flu Glib at March 20, 2020 03:41 PM (41rs/)

Yes, let's remember all the cocksuckers who like to throw around the slur isolationist every time someone says our trade policy sucks.

Posted by: Soothsayer, now with a gentle glide applicator tip at March 20, 2020 03:41 PM (EvZQi)

58 Please, God, do not let this take down Trump. Right now he is the only one who seems to care about America and her citizens above all else. And that terrifies me.
Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at March 20, 2020 03:39 PM (GbPPJ)

A poll has him at 55% approval re: handling of this crisis. ABC good morning or whatever that hideous show is.

Posted by: kallisto at March 20, 2020 03:41 PM (kgQKM)

59 When we (U.S.) come out of this, and we will, being dependent on other countries for our essentials needs to be stopped. JJ Sefton woke me up to this. It is bullshit that endangers our entire country to depend on others for manufacturing that we can handle ourselves. All for a few bucks saved............

Hopefully, our countries defenses are not involved in this insanity, but it's more than likely so.

Buy American.
And it's the Chinese flu. Time to drop the PC bullcrap too,

Posted by: boynsea at March 20, 2020 03:41 PM (sshap)

60 And isn't it interesting how we've not seen or heard from most of the globalist CEOs who got rich off of exporting our industries and jobs?

Do you know how many of them have resigned recently?

Posted by: t-bird at March 20, 2020 03:41 PM (IMdOQ)

61 "push President Trump to use the crisis to bolster his 'Buy American' agenda--starting with domestic production of key medical goods and equipment."

Who would think this is a bad thing?

Posted by: Chris M at March 20, 2020 03:41 PM (eAZVt)

62 I would have thought that blue cities would have rounded up the homeless and put them in camps by now,you know just as a beta test for what they plan for us when they take full power

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at March 20, 2020 03:41 PM (8JqLB)

63 I can't count the number of masks ripped off. Pile must be a mile high by now.

Posted by: JuJuBee at March 20, 2020 03:41 PM (COzlW)

64 I've come to HATE that word 'shelter'.
Posted by: lizabth at March 20, 2020 03:40 PM (L3Rsz)

Posted by: Mick Jagger at March 20, 2020 03:41 PM (Eicbe)

65 China delenda est

Posted by: Methos at March 20, 2020 03:41 PM (kOpft)

66 49 I've come to HATE that word 'shelter'.
Posted by: lizabth at March 20, 2020 03:40 PM (L3Rsz)

I'm gonna fade away...

Posted by: Mick Jagger at March 20, 2020 03:41 PM (Izzlo)

67 I'm thinking that with suitable programming an Arduino or Raspberry Pi could control a ventilator, no problem.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez, we are being gaslighted 24/365 at March 20, 2020 03:42 PM (zlgJP)

68 That's an interesting point, Grammy. I wonder what Pritz would say about that.

I am hoping somehow my hubby's work gets declared 'essential', but I doubt it.

Posted by: lizabth at March 20, 2020 03:42 PM (L3Rsz)

69 Another Public Safety Alert, just to make sure we jump out of our socks.

Continue to stay indoors, except "essential activities"! Remain 6ft apart when conducting your "essential activities"

Why are they putting essential activities in quotes? Is this a wink-wink Dr. Evil kind of quotes?

Posted by: clutch cargo at March 20, 2020 03:42 PM (8B6Ng)


Not a ton of them...but there are some and boards are pretty simple to manufacture if you have the tooling and materials.
Posted by: garrett

Capacitors, on-board chips, small items like fans or diodes, all of those need to be used in making the boards, and all of those components are made . . . guess where! It's not like we can magically create all of the components from scratch in any reasonable amount of time. Building a fab alone would take months, physically, without even considering the zoning and other permits and sign-offs.

Posted by: imp at March 20, 2020 03:42 PM (SFOr6)

Notes on sidebar:

One American saved for every Jew lost in the Holocaust.
I sure am glad we picked Israel as a friend rather than Iran.
Posted by: Methos at March 20, 2020 03:02 PM (kOpft)


6 million is a notable number, and not because of that -- Israel's population is around 8 million, and projections suggest an outside possibility of 80% infection rates.

I'll bet Israel produced the necessary, and the crisis hasn't yet materialized, they have capacity to meet it if it does, and are now offering the excess to homeboy, if he needs it.

That's the difference between an actual friend and some phony-ass "ally."

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at March 20, 2020 03:43 PM (II2Y0)

72 I am going to have to look up the hated word and Jagger.

Posted by: lizabth at March 20, 2020 03:43 PM (L3Rsz)

73 We have basically outsourced the pollution from the process to places that don't give a crap about dioxins and other hazards


Yep. There are literally mountains of circuit boards and electronics built up around Chinese villages.

You know. The places where they produce our medicines.

Wait, what?

Posted by: Moron Robbie has the Kung Flu Glib at March 20, 2020 03:43 PM (41rs/)

74 And lets not forget how much Joe Biden is in the pee-pee whore bed with the f'ing chi-coms. He banked at least a few million dollars there too.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 20, 2020 03:43 PM (r+sAi)

75 There is no other person better set up to be President in this situation than Donald Trump. Almost like it was meant to be.
It's weird to ponder what the media and Democrats have accidentally done.
Posted by: Moron Robbie has the Kung Flu Glib at March 20, 2020 03:39 PM (41rs/)

This, on both counts.

It's much like 9/11; imagine we'd had Gore as President. /shudder

Now imagine we had Hillarhoid as President now. /shudder^2

As for the Democrats and the media, this is kind of like a Greek tragedy. They've been brought down by their own hubris.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 03:43 PM (rmY2H)

76 China helped the world by eating only the tiniest tres petits tres mignons little bats.

They were not *as* infected, you see.

Posted by: kallisto at March 20, 2020 03:43 PM (kgQKM)

Everything Trump said about getting business away from China was right.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 20, 2020 03:43 PM (Gs3UF)

78 Surely our tech people here can take the existing ventilator circuit boards and devise a way to manufacture them here in our existing factories? Or do the boards require materials that we've also allowed the Chinese to have complete control over?

My understanding is that it's expensive to manufacture printed circuit boards in the US due to Democrat environmental regulations.

Posted by: Ian S. at March 20, 2020 03:43 PM (6XLoz)

79 I am going to have to look up the hated word and Jagger.
Posted by: lizabth at March 20, 2020 03:43 PM (L3Rsz)
War, children, it's just a shot away

Posted by: Mick Jagger at March 20, 2020 03:43 PM (Eicbe)

80 Willowed:

What was the big news in China last fall? Massive Hong Kong protests. How do you shut down protests without looking like the bad guy? You convince the protesters to stay home. How do you do that? Well, a dangerous outbreak would do the trick since you can not only convince people to stay home, you also have the excuse of issuing quarantine orders. Release the bug in a wet market hundreds of miles away, give it enough time to travel, shut down anyone who happens to notice before it's had enough time to spread, then when it does you mobilize the military in a massive and public show of force to scare everyone, and then release fudged data to say whatever you want it to say. Voila, no more protests. A western overreaction that wrecks their economies is the cherry on top. And only a handful of people would ever have to know.

Posted by: Ghost of Lee Atwater at March 20, 2020 03:43 PM (sknAl)

81 Here's the "official" word in Santa Clara Co. for those interested:

Posted by: clutch cargo at March 20, 2020 03:44 PM (8B6Ng)

82 nothing is an unalloyed good
Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 03:38 PM (HALdu)
Right, not even "free markets", which is why I've been off the laissez-faire wagon for decades.

And I prefer "free markets" to "capitalism" which is a word Marx made up for what he saw was a false attachment to private property.

Property is theft, Marx said--forgetting that the only thing you can steal is what is proper to someone else.
Posted by: Axeman at March

The issue with china is that we were stupid, we gave them waivers for the stealing and cheating when whe should have hammered them from the first time they did it.

Free trade is great when everybody is trading free.

Tariffs are fine, until everybody uses them to restrict you from their markets.

As is now, I am for hammering the cocksucking chicom bastards back into rice paddies and bikes. Then we discuss going forward with trade.

Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 03:44 PM (HALdu)

83 "Surely our tech people here can take the existing ventilator circuit boards and devise a way to manufacture them here in our existing factories?"

We actually had a circuit board manufacturer in our little suburb. It closed about 15 years ago, and I'm sure the technology has advanced since then.

Posted by: Chris M at March 20, 2020 03:44 PM (eAZVt)

84 >>> The author also pointed out that the reason that we can't make
ventilators is that we are entirely dependent on China for the circuit
boards that control the ventilators, and China just stopped exporting those to the US.

Dude in Italy 3D printed ventilator valves (presumably disposable) for the a faction of the cost of OEM ones, after a shortage and inability to fill needs, and the original OEM was threatening patent infringement suits.

I suspect these circuit boards could be functionally made out of a Raspberry Pi and some quick programming, given the necessary design requirements. You'd need to spec the inputs (flows and pressures) and outputs (valve positions) etc.

Release the specs onto the makers' community, offer blanket patent infringement immunity, and a bounty, and promise of expedited FDA approval, and I would expect you could have some working prototypes within a week,

Of course, the Raspberry Pis also come from China.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at March 20, 2020 03:44 PM (1CjJc)

85 >>Capacitors, on-board chips, small items like fans or diodes, all of those need to be used in making the boards, and all of those components are made . . . guess where! It's not like we can magically create all of the components from scratch in any reasonable amount of time. Building a fab alone would take months, physically, without even considering the zoning and other permits and sign-offs.

Absolutely. But we do have a shit ton on hand and we also have millions more that can be robbed from other boards.

There's an entire cottage industry of recycling these components.

Posted by: garrett at March 20, 2020 03:44 PM (bKjAM)

86 That's because some idiot somewhere saw that the plasticizer in dashboards is di-n-butyl benzene-1,4-dicarboxylate and lost his shit, not realizing that a benzene derivative is not the same thing as benzene. They should've named it di-n-butyl terephthalic acid and many pairs of underwear would have been spared.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara


Yeah, that Dihydrogen Monoxide will also mess you up!

Posted by: Tonypete at March 20, 2020 03:44 PM (Y4EXg)

87 China is no longer simply an economic rival of the United States; it's becoming a dangerous enemy. But instead of protecting us from this threat, an existential one, our leadership class collaborates with the other side.

Wrong tense. It *has become* a dangerous enemy. Probably about ca 2005, if not ca 2000.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 20, 2020 03:44 PM (hYcqw)

88 43 If we are interdependent then we will never go to war.

That was the theory, but the theorists failed to comprehend that there is more than one way to wage "war" on an enemy.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at March 20, 2020 03:44 PM (k4dH2)

89 Bloomberg: In China, they have rules about what you can publish. We
follow those rules. If you don't follow rules, you're out of the

We write the stories that we think are interesting, and we distribute them where they are allowed to be distributed.

Even without this, Bloomberg "News" is further to the left of CNBC. It is nothing but left wing propaganda 24/7.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 20, 2020 03:44 PM (Gs3UF)

90 Capacitors, on-board chips, small items like fans or diodes, all of those need to be used in making the boards, and all of those components are made . . . guess where! It's not like we can magically create all of the components from scratch in any reasonable amount of time. Building a fab alone would take months, physically, without even considering the zoning and other permits and sign-offs.

Posted by: imp at March 20, 2020 03:42 PM (SFOr6)

The good news: IIRC a lot of those components are made in ... Taiwan.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 03:44 PM (rmY2H)

91 Tom Servo, the German economy died in 1945

Posted by: Kindltot at March 20, 2020 03:45 PM (bMMCK)

92 Now imagine we had Hillarhoid as President now. /shudder^2

As for the Democrats and the media, this is kind of like a Greek tragedy. They've been brought down by their own hubris.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 03:43 PM (rmY2H)
Honest question - she'd be appeasing now right? Or would we have not got to this point b/c of prior engagements on the world stage?

Posted by: jhawk90 at March 20, 2020 03:45 PM (/ZYFC)

93 Grammie, in Italy a man was forced to stay in his apartment with his deceased sister who died of Wuhan flu there at home, for 36 hours.

Posted by: JuJuBee at March 20, 2020 03:45 PM (COzlW)

94 Yeah, that Dihydrogen Monoxide will also mess you up!
Posted by: Tonypete at March 20, 2020 03:44 PM (Y4EXg)
Kills more people a year than any virus.

Posted by: Axeman at March 20, 2020 03:45 PM (Eicbe)

95 ace, outstanding.

One quibble - the movement of manufacturing to China is driven by cost, bottom-line considerations, profit - not the press. Not aware of any frivolous investment in production in China just to be "cool".

The press is responsible for this jaw-dropping propaganda effort on behalf of a vile totalitarian regime, but that's different.

The poisoning of the (already collapsed and unserious) press, and so many Beltway institutions and individuals, by Chinese $ is the real story, and it's kind of amazing.

Posted by: rhomboid at March 20, 2020 03:46 PM (El6T/)

96 >>The order being pushed by Navarro, a draft of which was obtained by The Daily Beast, lays out a slew of policies that would ultimately curb the importing of foreign goods and create conditions that would allow for the increased production of American medicines, raw materials, and vaccines. The order is similar in language and tone to Trump's April 2017 executive order "Buy American Hire American."

Wow, that would be. . . fine.
Why all the drama in the preceding paragraphs, as if Trump were nationalizing these industries and cancelling all trade agreements?

Also: since when is printing stories anbout petty disagreements within an administration "news." really, all this indicates is someone's ideas lost to Navarro's, so he/she ran to a friendly at the Daily beast to tattle.

Grow the f#@$ up.

(wait for it)

Be better.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 20, 2020 03:46 PM (bDqIh)

97 Of course, the Raspberry Pis also come from China.

The maker community exists solely because of China. Raspberry Pis at the lower-skill end up to full-custom PCBs pre-assembled for you in quantities from 1 to 10,000 at the high end.

Posted by: Ian S. at March 20, 2020 03:46 PM (6XLoz)

98 Why are they putting essential activities in quotes?

It used to be a way to emphasize something, before we had easy access to bolding and underlining.

Posted by: t-bird at March 20, 2020 03:46 PM (CDGwz)

99 China is no longer simply an economic rival of the United States; it's becoming a dangerous enemy. But instead of protecting us from this threat, an existential one, our leadership class collaborates with the other side.

Wrong tense. It *has become* a dangerous enemy. Probably about ca 2005, if not ca 2000.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March

It was their intent to be so from the outset, now they have some ability.

Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 03:46 PM (HALdu)

100 Just when you thought that you've read the stupidest thing you could, over at Insty there is an article from Vice about how trans people are having their surgeries cancelled due to COVID-19 and how they are being treated like 'non-essential' people and how it is effecting their lives, blah, blah. Yes, let's all focus on this during a pandemic.


Posted by: Cheri at March 20, 2020 03:46 PM (oiNtH)

101 Yeah, that Dihydrogen Monoxide will also mess you up!
Posted by: Tonypete at March 20, 2020 03:44 PM

Seriously. There's a 100% mortality rate for people exposed to that stuff!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at March 20, 2020 03:46 PM (ejd/p)

102 The German economy had a U.S. / Marshall Plan to revive/ reinvent it... we are not so lucky.

Posted by: Pliney at March 20, 2020 03:46 PM (nzKWW)

103 Why are they putting essential activities in quotes?
Cause, baristas.

Posted by: Axeman at March 20, 2020 03:47 PM (Eicbe)

104 Word being spread about the Illinois lock-down. Rev says stores are stripped bare in his little part of town. Way to increase panic, Pritzger.

Posted by: grammie winger at March 20, 2020 03:47 PM (lwiT4)

105 You can make aspirin at a bench we made it and acetaminophen in organic chem. The problem I suspect is the FDA regs and the lawyers.

Posted by: Kindltot at March 20, 2020 03:47 PM (bMMCK)

106 In fairness, the chicom did not make detroit what it is and it was not the globalist greedy ceos either.

Thanks uaw

Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 03:48 PM (HALdu)

107 Grammie, in Italy a man was forced to stay in his
apartment with his deceased sister who died of Wuhan flu there at home,
for 36 hours.

Posted by: JuJuBee at March 20, 2020 03:45 PM (COzlW)

Oh my gosh that's horrible!

Posted by: grammie winger at March 20, 2020 03:48 PM (lwiT4)

108 "Bloomberg: In China, they have rules about what you can publish. We follow those rules. If you don't follow rules, you're out of the country."

Ah, yes. The intrepid CNN Model of Reportage. Nothing better than that.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at March 20, 2020 03:48 PM (6eEQ+)

109 Now imagine we had Hillarhoid as President now


I'm a broken record, but this would not be a news story. Not a problem whatsoever, just a bad cold that has unfortunately killed some old people.

Interestingly, the stock market would probably be almost identical because it never would have gone up.

Posted by: Moron Robbie has the Kung Flu Glib at March 20, 2020 03:48 PM (41rs/)

110 I find it amazing that none of the Progressives in our government will even dare to mention that we have enemies. Their attitude is "the rest of the world loves us" and would never do anything to harm us. Pelousi's Dentures are particularly bad about denying reality, as are Shuck Fumer's Nose Glasses.

Then there's the FANG/Big Sister globalist digital stalking/mind-control companies that are more than happy to abide by the ChiCom's censorship, but refuse to even recognize our rights to free speech and association. They ban conservative speech, but not ChiCom propaganda.

I hope that a lot of this backwards bullshit gets fixed, and soon. The people who wish us harm need to start getting treated like the enemies they are.


Posted by: BackwardsBoy - #CancelChina at March 20, 2020 03:48 PM (HaL55)

111 43 If we are interdependent then we will never go to war.

That's rubbish. We went to war with Germany in WWI, when we were heavily dependent on the German chemical industry.

Bayer aspirin here, for example, was expropriated from Bayer in Germany. Britain was dependent on Germany for acetone (for producing, e.g,. gun cotton) until Chaim Weizmann developed a process for making it in Britain.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 03:48 PM (rmY2H)

112 This was sooo unpredictable! Who coulda seen this coming??!!?

My other beef about Chinese drugs.. Who is certifying that these drugs meet specs?

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at March 20, 2020 03:48 PM (CjFDo)

113 If we are interdependent then we will never go to war.
Posted by: Imagine there's no cortex at March 20, 2020 03:39 PM (aKsyK)
Well, less likely to do so. And only for certain values of "war."

But we're not talking about interdependence. Sure, that's what the talking heads and wonks talk about, but it isn't the reality. The reality is that we're talking about *dependence.* Carefully crafted dependence.

The Chinese saw what the Japanese did with radios and television sets - copying Western designs, manufacturing them more cheaply, wedging into the market, then ramping up and dumping onto the world market at a loss in order to corner the market, then raising prices after destroying the other manufacturers.

But then they apparently asked themselves, "why do that with televisions when you can do that with really important stuff like medical equipment, drugs and the base components that go into nearly everything?"

You can piss off an opponent by stealing an industry. You can kill an opponent by stealing the inputs.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 20, 2020 03:48 PM (hYcqw)

114 A lot of circuit board production went over to Asia because it **was** very labor intensive. (hand placed components, hand soldered)

But as you would expect, it quickly became automated with very high value added capital equipment all made in Asia since that was where their market was. So by outsourcing the low skill work, we eventually also outsourced the high skill mechatronic equipment that replaced the low skill work.

I saw this happen.

Now of course we can not do any of that work since it often deals with toxic chemicals and while the worker safety issues are not insurmountable, it just costs too much to do in the US due to overregulation.

The same is true in farming, where Japan and Europe make a lot of equipment which we don't need in the US because we have Mexicans to pick our crops, but slowly even they are being replaced by imported equipment.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at March 20, 2020 03:48 PM (LWu6U)

115 I love raspberry pie.

Posted by: davidt at March 20, 2020 03:48 PM (l3+k2)

116 Xi isn't a dictator. Dictators step down.

Xi is a tyrant.

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at March 20, 2020 03:48 PM (ykYG2)

117 97
Of course, the Raspberry Pis also come from China.

The maker community exists solely because of China. Raspberry Pis
at the lower-skill end up to full-custom PCBs pre-assembled for you in
quantities from 1 to 10,000 at the high end.

Posted by: Ian S. at March 20, 2020 03:46 PM (6XLoz)

Right. But how many do we already have here, in existing stocks in warehouses? A couple hundred thousand? A million? Heck, I'd send in my two if needed and something like this was pushed out onto the maker community.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at March 20, 2020 03:48 PM (1CjJc)

118 NYS rules that liquor stores are essential businesses.

Andy's not totally crazy

Posted by: Ignoramus at March 20, 2020 03:49 PM (9TdxA)

119 One of the big reasons that industry has gone overseas is to get away from the environmental controls.

Manufacturing printed circuit boards is a process that involves a lot of chemicals.

So it's not just cheaper labor costs.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 20, 2020 03:49 PM (oVJmc)

120 Seriously. There's a 100% mortality rate for people exposed to that stuff!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at March 20, 2020 03:46 PM (ejd/p)
Same thing with oxygen.

Posted by: Axeman at March 20, 2020 03:49 PM (Eicbe)

121 I find it amazing that none of the Progressives in our government will even dare to mention that we have enemies. Their attitude is "the rest of the world loves us" and would never do anything to harm us.

Not when we have a Republican in the WH. Then we need to elect a leftist to "restore our standing in the world."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 03:49 PM (rmY2H)

122 The good news: IIRC a lot of those components are made in ... Taiwan.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 03:44 PM (rmY2H)

Which is worthless when China invades Taiwan and we do nothing because China simply cuts off our supplies of critical goods. Anything critical, we need some base level of production, say 33%.

Posted by: WOPR at March 20, 2020 03:49 PM (P9jAc)



Posted by: Soothsayer, now with a gentle glide applicator tip at March 20, 2020 03:49 PM (EvZQi)

124 [We're past 100 comments, so...]

Any AR-15 experts around?

I want to pick up a complete upper for my plain-Jane Bushmaster 1990s A2....

How is Anderson Manufacturing stuff?

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 20, 2020 03:50 PM (dLLD6)

125 My other beef about Chinese drugs.. Who is certifying that these drugs meet specs?

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry

Me too. They haven't been so swift when it came to baby formula or dog food in the past.

Posted by: Cheri at March 20, 2020 03:50 PM (oiNtH)

126 Kung Flu Hustle

Posted by: goodluckduck at March 20, 2020 03:50 PM (V8zw+)

127 I'll wait to see what the Oracle known as Kevin "learn to code" Williamson has to say about subjecting all of America's manufacturing to China.

Posted by: Inogame at March 20, 2020 03:51 PM (+2xjH)

128 ChiComs have passed the Soviets and are inching closer to the Nazis as the most vile group in history

Posted by: Ignoramus at March 20, 2020 03:51 PM (9TdxA)

129 The Media are the worst people on the planet, they cannot die in a horrible disease-fire soon enough.

And take the Democrats with you, please.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at March 20, 2020 03:51 PM (E+OcO)

130 Margaret Hoover, host of PBS' "Firing Line": He is not a dictator?

Bloomberg: No, he has -- he has a constituency to answer to.

I have received an advance copy of the next Chinese election ballot, shown below:

1. [ ] Chairman Xi
2. [ ] firing squad

Please vote for one and only one selection. Voting is mandatory for all citizens, and failure to mark a box will be counted as Choice Number 2.

Please note that if you chose #2, your family will be billed for the bullets.

Thank you for your participation.

Posted by: GnuBreed at March 20, 2020 03:51 PM (Jdw1U)

131 The problem I suspect is the FDA regs and the lawyers.

In an emergency, which this certainly is, all those laws and regulations can be temporarily waived.

That should not be the issue now.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at March 20, 2020 03:51 PM (k4dH2)

132 Bayer aspirin here, for example, was expropriated from Bayer in Germany. Britain was dependent on Germany for acetone (for producing, e.g,. gun cotton) until Chaim Weizmann developed a process for making it in Britain.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara


Weren't there some products/intellectual properties that we and the Brits paid license fees to the (German) owners during both WWI and WWII?

Posted by: Tonypete at March 20, 2020 03:52 PM (Y4EXg)

133 All of a sudden, has an article up reporting that the majority of people who get the virus will only have mild symptoms.

A CNN article that does not whip up hysteria? Why would that be posted? Is CNN trying to cover its ass?

Posted by: mercenary13 at March 20, 2020 03:52 PM (r1mci)

134 The same is true in farming, where Japan and Europe make a lot of equipment which we don't need in the US because we have Mexicans to pick our crops, but slowly even they are being replaced by imported equipment.
Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at March 20, 2020 03:48 PM (LWu6U)

Years ago, UC Davis was working on machines to pick various crops as many leftists were howling about Mexicans having to do "stoop labor." Then the leftists were howling about building machines to do the Mexicans out of work.

There's really no pleasing some people.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 03:52 PM (rmY2H)

135 Much of the ventilator thing is because of lawsuits in the 70s and 80s.

Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 03:52 PM (HALdu)


My dad used to provide plating chemicals for the circuit board industry (when we had one) in the 1980s. A lot of nasty stuff indeed. Getting a running plant not only would take a long time, keeping it running in the inevitable event of a spill or even minor accident would prove impossible here. In the PRC, they just send the janitor with a mop and flush the rinse water down the drain.

Posted by: imp at March 20, 2020 03:52 PM (SFOr6)

137 Grammie, in Italy a man was forced to stay in his apartment with his deceased sister who died of Wuhan flu there at home, for 36 hours.
Posted by: JuJuBee

I bet he kicked her ass in checkers !

Posted by: JT at March 20, 2020 03:52 PM (arJlL)

138 I wonder why they aren't dusting off the simpler, pre-computer designs for ventilators/respirators?

They worked fine for our parents and grandparents, and I assume they are easier to manufacture.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 20, 2020 03:52 PM (dLLD6)

139 A friend still mired in the Beltway (though like me and others, continuously astonished at the degradation of so much there) had the notion mentioned by others above: the VirusCrisis leadership of Trump, with what is likely to be a good outcome, will have an effect (on some anyway) similar to the post-9/11 murmurs (heard those directly, from the horses' mouths), even from Dems, "thank god Gore's not president".

That - which may be a minor phenomenon - on top of what will likely be a sharply rebounding economy, and a continued weird lost wandering of the Dems in their own political make-believe world - should mean no change on Trump's prospects ... which have been very solid for some time.

Posted by: rhomboid at March 20, 2020 03:52 PM (El6T/)

140 Yeah, that Dihydrogen Monoxide will also mess you up!
Posted by: Tonypete at March 20, 2020 03:44 PM (Y4EXg)
Kills more people a year than any virus.

Everyone who drinks it DIES!!

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - #CancelChina at March 20, 2020 03:52 PM (HaL55)

141 The Media are the worst people on the planet, they cannot die in a horrible disease-fire soon enough.

And take the Democrats with you, please.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at March 20, 2020 03:51 PM (E+OcO)
Same thing: Demedia.

Posted by: Axeman at March 20, 2020 03:53 PM (Eicbe)

142 pahound, congrats on getting unbanned. (Never really understood how/why your posts got killed last week.)

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at March 20, 2020 03:53 PM (ykYG2)

143 Rotate the chair of a bloated mainstream newsreader and you will find a Chicom brain slug attached to the back of their head.

Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at March 20, 2020 03:53 PM (e1mEI)

144 >>My dad used to provide plating chemicals for the circuit board industry (when we had one) in the 1980s. A lot of nasty stuff indeed.

Yep - EPA sent these industries overseas.

Posted by: garrett at March 20, 2020 03:53 PM (bKjAM)

145 Weren't there some products/intellectual properties that we and the Brits paid license fees to the (German) owners during both WWI and WWII?
Posted by: Tonypete at March 20, 2020 03:52 PM (Y4EXg)

I don't know, but I don't believe so. I think they were pretty much just expropriated. I doubt that either we or the Brits would have paid the Germans a penny during either war.

Another industry dominated by the German chemical establishment was dye manufacture.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 03:53 PM (rmY2H)

There are several Domestic Board Makers / Printers.

Not a ton of them...but there are some and boards are pretty simple to manufacture if you have the tooling and materials.
Posted by: garrett at March 20, 2020 03:38 PM (bKjAM)

Probably more than one would think. The equipment needed to make circuit boards isn't prohibitively sophisticated. CNC board routers and such. There are lots of smaller companies that can manufacture boards, and populate them with components.

The tough part is designing them in the first place. I'm assuming that the ventilator manufacturers have the CAD/EAGLE files on hand, it's just a matter of forwarding them on to the manufacturers.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at March 20, 2020 03:54 PM (EGyGV)

147 My other beef about Chinese drugs.. Who is certifying that these drugs meet specs?

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry

the recent recalls of contaminated by carcinogens high blood meds was discovered by an independent testing lab, not by the US govt

Posted by: vmom 2020 at March 20, 2020 03:54 PM (G546f)

148 Funny, just 2 weeks ago, tech who came to replace a light in the fridge said there was a company that produces small runs of boards here in the US, to order, for some of the products he services. We were talking about an oven I had that "died" only because the board died, and the local scrounger said it was just 2-3 years *too* old for him to find a replacement somewhere in the US (this guy has a national network for such parts, amazing).

Posted by: rhomboid at March 20, 2020 03:54 PM (El6T/)

149 One thing is for sure. I am not going to watch Piggy Pritzker seal our doom. I guess this means Mayor Lightfoot's common sense approach of making the sick stay home, is no longer the rule for Chicago, even though it was just announced yesterday.

Posted by: lizabth at March 20, 2020 03:54 PM (L3Rsz)

NBC's @KeirSimmons

Time to start drawing up a "Yuan Payola" list. This guy can claim "first!"

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at March 20, 2020 03:54 PM (pNxlR)

151 >Not when we have a Republican in the WH. Then we need to elect a leftist to "restore our standing in the world."
Posted by: Deplorable Jay

don't forget 'take our country back'

people keep taking our country every 4 years

Posted by: DB- just DB. at March 20, 2020 03:54 PM (iTXRQ)

152 But, we do still have a ton of plating facilities. Just not in States like Ca. because you had to be grandfathered in.

Posted by: garrett at March 20, 2020 03:54 PM (bKjAM)

153 91 Tom Servo, the German economy died in 1945

Posted by: Kindltot at March 20, 2020 03:45 PM (bMMCK)

Not so - the German Economy, already deeply wounded from the hyperinflation of the 1920's, caused by the Treaty ending the Great War, died in May of 1931, when the CreditAnstalt of Austira collapsed, triggering the collapse of the entire European banking system. That directly led to the rise of Hitler a couple years later, and that led to everything that followed.

The events of 1945 were just the last in a long line of dominoes that had been falling for 20 years.

Posted by: Tom Servo at March 20, 2020 03:54 PM (V2Yro)

154 Slightly O/T, but notice that the people who are OK with most of our prescription drugs coming from China are also OK with fentanyl coming across our border illegally. They'll claim to be concerned about the opioid epidemic killing something like 70k Americans a year, but don't you dare close our borders or restrict China from also taking over our prescription medicine industry.

We have Chinese drug issues in several areas. IYKWIM.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 20, 2020 03:55 PM (bDqIh)

155 re my comment 114 above.

This was also why the original NAFTA made some sense. Without the low skill labor pool to take over segments that can only be done with low skill work - like assembly, circuit board stuffing, etc. all that stuff would (has done) go to Asia. And by losing the low skill work we next lose the capital equipment, then the design.... until finally we lose the very high value added brands.

We still buy Apple, but how long on that trajectory before we start buying Huawei? China's goal all along was to climb up the value added ladder until they controlled the brands. And China was willing to do it by coordinated war (by other means) against the West.

Apple et al. looked at this reality and decided to chose the strong horse. Our gov. looked at this and decided they could make some cash on the side and F**k the public who didn't go to an ivy league school. Hey, at least they can buy cheap phones and get cheap labor to cut their lawns

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at March 20, 2020 03:55 PM (LWu6U)

156 don't forget 'take our country back'

people keep taking our country every 4 years
Posted by: DB- just DB. at March 20, 2020 03:54 PM (iTXRQ)
No. We'll stop you.

Posted by: Petrov Strzok at March 20, 2020 03:55 PM (Eicbe)

157 I think Remington or Winchester paid royalties/penalties to the Germans for rifle design after WWI. Something like that. Amazing story. Obviously, different world.

Posted by: rhomboid at March 20, 2020 03:55 PM (El6T/)

158 NAFTA was supposed to turn Mexico into our own dirt-poor labor camp. New renaissance, they said.

Then China came a knocking, looking for a flood of money to prop up their corrupt, failing communist paradise, and we had a ruling class that was more than happy to jump on board. 'This will moderate them,' they assured us.

Wrong again, douchebags.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 20, 2020 03:55 PM (oVJmc)


Explain this to me...

China Virus Cases:

Spain ... ~20,000 ... deaths (1,043)

Germany ... ~20,000 ... deaths (53)

What's going on there? Is Germany not counting cause of death where people had and pre-existing condition?

Posted by: Serious Cat at March 20, 2020 03:55 PM (zqs/f)

160 My other beef about Chinese drugs.. Who is certifying that these drugs meet specs?

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry

There have been a number of recalls of drugs with cancer causing impurities in recent times. A few months back, it was generic diovan. I know of this one personally, as I take it.

Posted by: GnuBreed at March 20, 2020 03:56 PM (Jdw1U)

161 I wonder why they aren't dusting off the simpler, pre-computer designs for ventilators/respirators?

They worked fine for our parents and grandparents, and I assume they are easier to manufacture.

Those are probably on paper blueprints. Hope that the companies still have those in some form (either hard copy on the aforementioned paper or digitally) and can start calling machine shops to make the parts.

Of course, if they didn't have the old prints, we could just get them from the ChiComs, since they stole that technology from us years ago, just like they've stolen everything else of our they've ever made.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - #CancelChina at March 20, 2020 03:56 PM (HaL55)


The problem I suspect is the FDA regs and the lawyers.

In an emergency, which this certainly is, all those laws and regulations can be temporarily waived.

That should not be the issue now.
Posted by: TrivialPursuer

Really? You think that is possible? Under what law?

There's nothing that can "waive" CRCLA, RCRA, NEPA, or a host of other environmental laws at the federal level. Nor is there anything that says state governments can "waive" state statutes, either. New laws would need to be written, which also takes a great deal of time.

We do not have a dictatorial system (in even the positive, old Roman sense), and there's no existing "superlaw" that suspends the rest of the US Code or state statutes because of an "emergency."

Posted by: imp at March 20, 2020 03:57 PM (SFOr6)

163 A friend still mired in the Beltway (though like me and others, continuously astonished at the degradation of so much there) had the notion mentioned by others above: the VirusCrisis leadership of Trump, with what is likely to be a good outcome, will have an effect (on some anyway) similar to the post-9/11 murmurs (heard those directly, from the horses' mouths), even from Dems, "thank God Gore's not president".

Makes you wonder why they vote for Democrats thereafter.

I have a neighbor who agrees wholeheartedly with my rants views about California state government, taxes, regulations, idiotic legislation (banning straws, etc.), the vagrancy problem, etc. but then says she votes Democrat. WTF? Where does she think our problems come from?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 03:57 PM (rmY2H)

164 >>We were talking about an oven I had that "died" only because the board died, and the local scrounger said it was just 2-3 years *too* old for him to find a replacement somewhere in the US

But, I bet there is someone close enough to hit with a rock that can repair / replace it for you if they desired to do so.

A lot of the shit I repair / restore requires board work. Sometimes you can find the right board. Others, you can repair the components / traces on the failing board...other times, you have to make an ersatz board from an unrelated one.

It's not nearly as hard as some would lead you to believe, just massively inconvenient when compared to ordering a replacement unit.

Posted by: garrett at March 20, 2020 03:57 PM (bKjAM)

Bloomberg: No, he has -- he has a constituency to answer to.

Right, his fellow corruptocrats in the Politburo.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at March 20, 2020 03:57 PM (pNxlR)

166 Weren't there some products/intellectual properties that we and the Brits paid license fees to the (German) owners during both WWI and WWII?

I would have to check (i.e. I may be pulling this out of my ass) but I seem to recall reading somewhere that the US paid license fees to Mauser for the M1903 that we used to fight Germany in WWI.

Posted by: Bob the Bilderberg at March 20, 2020 03:58 PM (qc+VF)

Spain ... ~20,000 ... deaths (1,043)

Germany ... ~20,000 ... deaths (53)

What is the quality/availabilty difference between Spanish and German medical care?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 20, 2020 03:58 PM (oVJmc)

168 There's nothing that can "waive" CRCLA, RCRA, NEPA, or a host of other environmental laws at the federal level. Nor is there anything that says state governments can "waive" state statutes, either. New laws would need to be written, which also takes a great deal of time.

No need for legislation; they can just say that they will not enforce those regulations in the interim.

The last thing we need is formal legislation. An informal understanding - which can be revoked easily later - is vastly preferable.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 03:59 PM (rmY2H)

169 Posted by: imp at March 20, 2020 03:57 PM (SFOr6)

Defense Production Act

Posted by: Kilroy wasn't here at March 20, 2020 03:59 PM (5IbVn)

170 Trump praised Newsome and Cuomo. Did he say anything about Wolf-in-Sheep's Clothing?

Posted by: kallisto at March 20, 2020 03:59 PM (kgQKM)


Anyone else think these WH daily pressers are big germ-fests?

If I were the president, I'd set up that press conference in a bigger room so the whole Wuhan Flu Team can sit apart at a Table with their own microphones, and talk to the Fake News outside.

Posted by: Soothsayer, now with a gentle glide applicator tip at March 20, 2020 03:59 PM (EvZQi)

172 Gee, it's so weird -- it's almost as if several ostensibly "independent" media companies were all fed the exact same story by the exact same interested party with the exact same agenda in planting it in the American press.
I figure they probably paid private propaganda--that is, Fusion GPS, a lot.

Posted by: Axeman at March 20, 2020 03:59 PM (Eicbe)

173 "His role, as described to The Daily Beast by several officials, has been aggressive enough to prompt serious pushback from other senior Trump officials, who are worried that Trump will be won over by the Buy American pitch, which will, in turn, have damaging consequences during the nation's worst public-health and economic crises in years."

Wait. So we shouldn't inoculate ourselves against an enemy that wishes us harm?

And, by the way, this "crisis" is an acute event which will run its course in short order. What we're talking about now is the next step which is policy positions that will be implemented over years and decades. How is a policy of "Made in America/Buy American" against the interest of Americans?

Yeah, that's rhetorical. These "other senior Trump officials" need to be gone.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at March 20, 2020 03:59 PM (6eEQ+)

174 167

Spain ... ~20,000 ... deaths (1,043)

Germany ... ~20,000 ... deaths (53)

What is the quality/availabilty difference between Spanish and German medical care?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 20, 2020 03:58 PM (oVJmc)

And age differences of the population.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at March 20, 2020 03:59 PM (1CjJc)

175 Defense Production Act
Posted by: Kilroy wasn't here at March 20, 2020 03:59 PM (5IbVn)
Lions need that.

Posted by: Axeman at March 20, 2020 04:00 PM (Eicbe)

176 China helped the world by eating only the tiniest tres petits tres mignons little bats.

But if we took out the bones, it wouldn't be crunchy!

Posted by: andycanuck at March 20, 2020 04:00 PM (TQ/zJ)

177 down almost 1000... fuck the media scare mongers!

Posted by: Pliney at March 20, 2020 04:00 PM (nzKWW)

178 Well, the "unmasking" was needed but as many of us are wont to say, we ain't gonna vote our way outta this.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at March 20, 2020 04:00 PM (EgshT)

179 I would have to check (i.e. I may be pulling this out of my ass) but I seem to recall reading somewhere that the US paid license fees to Mauser for the M1903 that we used to fight Germany in WWI.
Posted by: Bob the Bilderberg at March 20, 2020 03:58 PM (qc+VF)

License fees before the war, or during the war?

"Before" makes perfect sense.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 04:00 PM (rmY2H)

180 Getting a running plant not only would take a long time

This has been the Dems' refinery argument for the last forty years. So what, get started!

Posted by: t-bird at March 20, 2020 04:00 PM (1+J19)

181 Ace mentioned Rosemary Gibson in his post, appearing on Tucker last night. Here is the appearance transcript, should you want to read it.

The country doesn't just make many of the world's drugs. For the
drugs they don't make, they often make the relevant ingredients. Just
how profound is China's dominance of this sector? Well, we found the
definitive expert on that question.
Rosemary Gibson is a Senior
Adviser at the Hasting Institute and the author of the book "China RX:
Exposing the Risks of America's Dependence on China for Medicine." She
joins us tonight.
Thanks so much Rosemary Gibson for coming on. So
we've been focused a lot on antibiotics. China makes 97 percent of the
ones that we use, but broaden it out a little bit for us. Just how
dependent are we for medicine on China?
ADVISER, HASTING INSTITUTE: Tucker, China makes thousands of the
ingredients for our generic drugs, even the medicines to care for people
who are hospitalized with coronavirus, 90 percent of those ingredients
come from China.
We're talking about basic medicines to take care
of people who have infections, who have to be on ventilators. And by the
way, Tucker, the story about ventilators. Here's why we have a shortage
of ventilators in the United States. China stopped shipping the circuit
boards to make them.
So we have to bring our production back home of medicines and all of our medical supplies.
was at a hospital a couple of weeks ago, talking about antibiotics, and
they said there are some antibiotics they just can't get, and others
they're rationing.
We are rationing antibiotics in the United
States of America, because we have lost our industrial base and we lost
our industrial base because China cheated. And American companies have
to compete with the Chinese government, not Chinese companies, because
those companies are subsidized by their government. How can American
companies win against that?
CARLSON: It all happened so fast. It seems like just the other day that most of our pharmaceuticals were made in New Jersey.
Well, there's been a land slide, Tucker, and it began right after we
opened up free trade with China. And I document this in "China RX." It
was absolutely fascinating.
Once we opened up free trade, that's
when we lost our last aspirin plant in 2002. So we can't make aspirin in
the United States. That's when we lost our last penicillin plant which
closed in 2004. At the same time, we lost our ability to make vitamin C.
are basic things we need for life. This is about survivability. So we
have to bring that manufacturing back home to this country.
CARLSON: Well, you just put a fine point on it. Rosemary, thank you for that. I appreciate your coming on.
GIBSON: Thank you, Tucker.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, hunker in the bunker at March 20, 2020 04:00 PM (NVYyb)

182 Who else is looking forward to the live executions of the enemedia? "Must See TV!" at its finest

Posted by: Boomer Redneque hears small arms fire off in the distance at March 20, 2020 04:01 PM (KXHve)

183 In minutes, Fatass Pritzker is going to come out and try to emulate his fellow diktators in Cali and NY and order his own state shutdown. Unless he chokes on a donut first.

Posted by: Roy at March 20, 2020 04:01 PM (ABjxW)

184 Has anybody (who's not me) compiled a list of the problem products that the ChiComs have sent us? I seem to recall drywall and dog food and that's just been in the past decade. There may be more.

Anyone? Bueller?

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - #CancelChina at March 20, 2020 04:01 PM (HaL55)

185 want to pick up a complete upper for my plain-Jane Bushmaster 1990s A2....

How is Anderson Manufacturing stuff?


Since no one has specifically answered (forgive me if I missed it), I won't either. I will tell you what I know if it helps, though. Plus guns thread now.

Very much not an expert, but I've got a couple of factory spendy Rock Rivers and a couple of cheapo Palmetto State uppers on home built beaters, and the PSA uppers seem nearly as good in fit and finish. Mercedes vs Honda if that makes sense.

Sorry I can't contribute re: Anderson

Posted by: Moron Robbie has the Kung Flu Glib at March 20, 2020 04:01 PM (41rs/)

186 No need for legislation; they can just say that they will not enforce those regulations in the interim.

Yeah, Obama pioneered the whole "we won't enforce laws we don't like" thing, Trump oughta get up on that.

Posted by: Ian S. at March 20, 2020 04:01 PM (ZGrMX)

187 we ain't gonna vote our way outta this.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at March

then how do we get out of this?

Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 04:01 PM (HALdu)

Can someone tell me why the Federal govt and the states need to "bid" on supplies?

Who are these cocksucker Suppliers holding an auction on necessities?

Posted by: Soothsayer, now with a gentle glide applicator tip at March 20, 2020 04:01 PM (EvZQi)

189 Where does she think our problems come from?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 03:57 PM (rmY2H)

I wish you would ask her that and report back to us.

Posted by: bluebell at March 20, 2020 04:01 PM (/669Q)

190 Posted by: Boomer Redneque hears small arms fire off in the distance at March 20, 2020 04:01 PM (KXHve

Nice of the FBI to visit here.

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at March 20, 2020 04:01 PM (ykYG2)

191 Actually Tom there wasn't anything the least bit ordained about Germany's economic course (or, of course, geopolitical course) after 1931. The Nazis were anti-devaluation, which was not a bizarre or extreme position on that matter. Just about everyone was very indulgent with the Germans on reparations/balance of payments by that point - a non-Hitler regime in Berlin might well have gotten through the 30s, financially.

Schacht's gamesmanship and the drive for autarky and rearmament drove everything after 1932. With major stumbles as late as 1938 (Wehrmacht rearmament temporarily shut down due to it).

Posted by: rhomboid at March 20, 2020 04:01 PM (El6T/)

192 It'll be pretty hard to get new US factories built and running in a matter of weeks, especially when we are not allowed to leave our houses under penalty of criminal law.
Posted by: imp at March 20, 2020 03:30 PM (SFOr6)


How do you get the permits and approvals of the local planning and zoning committees, when they are all hiding at home?

If you cannot even legally build a phone booth, how can you develop a manufacturing or pharmaceutical plant?

A never fear, the NIMBYISTS will protest, drag their feet, and sue every step of the way.

Posted by: rd at March 20, 2020 04:01 PM (+0uDE)

193 Dining advice... don't order the battered fish in China!

Posted by: andycanuck at March 20, 2020 04:02 PM (TQ/zJ)

194 Unless there are massive stock purchases by the Fed soon - and I think there may be, as it continues to drop - I now think we're headed south of 10K. There's no value to anything as our economy dies.

Posted by: Tom Servo at March 20, 2020 04:02 PM (V2Yro)

195 A good outcome of this hysteria will be no dependence on China for necessary goods.

Or better said; No dependence on China.

The thought of eating food much less taking medicine made in China creates a retching sensation in my throat.

Posted by: Braenyard at March 20, 2020 04:02 PM (oUnSf)

196 Has anybody (who's not me) compiled a list of the problem products that the ChiComs have sent us? I seem to recall drywall and dog food and that's just been in the past decade. There may be more.

Anyone? Bueller?
Posted by: BackwardsBoy - #CancelChina at March 20, 2020 04:01 PM (HaL55)
Steel structural shapes for the new Bay Bridge that didn't line up, and many that got sent back for failing stateside QA testing.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 20, 2020 04:02 PM (hYcqw)

197 Sorry I can't contribute re: Anderson

Posted by: Moron Robbie has the Kung Flu Glib at March 20, 2020 04:01 PM (41rs/)

No...that helps! I was looking at Palmetto also, but they are sold out of what I want, and pretty much everything else.


Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 20, 2020 04:02 PM (dLLD6)

198 someone tell me why the Federal govt and the states need to "bid" on supplies?

Who are these cocksucker Suppliers holding an auction on necessities?

Posted by: Soothsayer, now with a gentle glide applicator tip at March

were you wanting them to expropriate them?

the bid means they solicit bids.

Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 04:03 PM (HALdu)

Also, I've said it many times, but it bears repetition:

COVID-19 will not kill your baby. I have a baby, so I looked into it - it won't kill your baby.

It won't kill you, if you're a parent. I'm parenting-age, so I looked into it - I'm not gonna die.

It won't kill kids, either. I have two school-age kids, so I looked into it - they're gonna be fine, too.

It CAN be a killer of the elderly. I have elderly parents, so I looked into it - gonna be fine as long as they see to themselves properly, which is a practice they've been in for so long that my dad has forges, bullet-presses, and pressure cookers bolted onto half the surfaces in his home.

They'll be fine.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at March 20, 2020 04:03 PM (II2Y0)

200 are we still on the exponential rise of the new cases curve? no drug treatment working? nothing?

Posted by: IC at March 20, 2020 04:03 PM (sYDum)

201 Time to fire up the basement laboratory and make some aspirin. First compound most undergraduates make in organic chemistry. Most difficult part will be scoring some of the starting materials without bringing notice by the feds.

Posted by: KungPow at March 20, 2020 04:03 PM (DcPfA)

202 then how do we get out of this?

The Million Dollar Question. I wish I knew the answer.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at March 20, 2020 04:03 PM (EgshT)


The Sefton Case for Charging the Chamber of Commerce for Treason and Dissolving It. In Molten Bat Feces.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 20, 2020 04:03 PM (pS94+)

204 Trucks are on the road, goods and services are being delivered. That will continue until we drop dead.

That is who we are.

Posted by: Braenyard at March 20, 2020 04:03 PM (oUnSf)

205 Spain ... ~20,000 ... deaths (1,043)

Germany ... ~20,000 ... deaths (53)

there is a genetic component to the severity of this bug

Posted by: THE_BlackOrchid_STATE! at March 20, 2020 04:03 PM (j9HX3)

206 we ain't gonna vote our way outta this.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at March

then how do we get out of this?
Posted by: not so

Pew pew pew

Posted by: rickb223 at March 20, 2020 04:04 PM (sLVyZ)

207 Aldi's in Quincy IL had everything today (except paper aisle looked kinda empty) ... but they had limits of six on most things, and two on some things (milk, hamburger).

Farm and Home had a nice Purell dispenser, just put hand under it and it dispenses a glob, no pump to touch. I used it on the way in and on the way out. (gotta touch the pen to sign the credit card thang)

Posted by: illiniwek at March 20, 2020 04:04 PM (Cus5s)

208 First I think they're just stupid and ignorant. Then I realize that they first belittled and condescended on Romney for saying Russia is a threat, followed by accusing Trump of being an asset of our (now) greatest threats Russia and Putin. Then they attack Trump and the fracking industry which is exactly what eliminated any reliance we had on Russia for essential commodities needed to run our economy.

Conclusion: they are evil. Calling them stupid and ignorant is too kind.

Posted by: steve walsh at March 20, 2020 04:04 PM (PFf0g)

209 >>My other beef about Chinese drugs.. Who is certifying that these drugs meet specs?

FDA has a couple offices over there and I am sure the whores brought in for entertainment assure them that the drugs are safe and the production lines clean.

Oh yeah, FDA has to give notice before inspections in China, and the inspectors have to be approved by CCP to get visa. (several have been kicked out.)

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at March 20, 2020 04:04 PM (LWu6U)

Spain ... ~20,000 ... deaths (1,043)

Germany ... ~20,000 ... deaths (53)

What is the quality/availabilty difference between Spanish and German medical care?
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 20, 2020 03:58 PM (oVJmc)

Germany is keeping numbers down by listing the cause of death by the Comorbidity of the patient who dies. At least this is what folks speculate Germany is doing since each country does its own thing.

Posted by: it begins... at March 20, 2020 04:04 PM (MRjKr)

211 down almost 1000... fuck the media scare mongers!
What I don't understand is that gold (not to mention silver!) is taking a shit-kicking too after pushing, what?, $1,800/oz last month. Are major corporations selling gold to get cash to buy crashing stocks for after any recovery??

Posted by: andycanuck at March 20, 2020 04:04 PM (TQ/zJ)

212 200 are we still on the exponential rise of the new cases curve? no drug treatment working? nothing?

new cases are rising, but that's going to happen because we're only now rolling out testing on a grand scale

morbidity is decreasing

drug treatments ARE working

still the vast majority of cases are very mild

Posted by: THE_BlackOrchid_STATE! at March 20, 2020 04:05 PM (j9HX3)

213 202 then how do we get out of this?

The Million Dollar Question. I wish I knew the answer.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at March 20, 2020 04:03 PM (EgshT)

Like what we did just before and after Pearl Harbor. Suspend the entire bureaucracy, union regs and build factories. Repatriate our entire manufacturing sector as soon as is possible.

We did it before and we MUST do it again..

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 20, 2020 04:05 PM (pS94+)

214 then how do we get out of this?

The Million Dollar Question. I wish I knew the answer.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at March

then you do not know that we do not vote our way out of this.

Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 04:05 PM (HALdu)

215 Yeah, that's rhetorical. These "other senior Trump officials" need to be gone.
Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at March 20, 2020 03:59 PM (6eEQ+)

With respect, I disagree. It's important to have some contrarians around because sometimes you're wrong, and it's important to hear contrary points of view so you don't believe your own bullshit.

Now if the contrarians are obnoxious, or disloyal, another story. But someone respectfully arguing a different viewpoint (even if he doesn't believe it, but just wants to air another view) is worth his weight in gold dust. Having everyone sing from the same hymnal is a recipe for getting blindsided.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 04:05 PM (rmY2H)

216 211 down almost 1000... fuck the media scare mongers!
What I don't understand is that gold (not to mention silver!) is taking a shit-kicking too after pushing, what?, $1,800/oz last month. Are major corporations selling gold to get cash to buy crashing stocks for after any recovery??
Posted by: andycanuck at March 20, 2020 04:04 PM (TQ/zJ)

We need some good news over the weekend.

Posted by: IC at March 20, 2020 04:05 PM (sYDum)

217 And American companies have
to compete with the Chinese government, not Chinese companies, because
those companies are subsidized by their government. How can American
companies win against that?

This is what NAFTA was all about. Once the ChiComs saw we were giving away our manufacturing base, they saw a golden opportunity. And took it.

But did anyone know that at the time? Or ever? I don't recall PROGDA mentioning anything about that.

Our slimy progressive Deep State Swamp sold us out.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - #CancelChina at March 20, 2020 04:05 PM (HaL55)


We get out of this by saying No More to bad political policy.

We get out of this by taking the gloves off with this fake tolerant PC bullshit.

We get out of this by saying Fuck You to the Left, the Fake News, and the Cucks.

Posted by: Soothsayer, now with a gentle glide applicator tip at March 20, 2020 04:06 PM (EvZQi)

219 we ain't gonna vote our way outta this.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at March

then how do we get out of this?
Posted by: not so

Pew pew pew
Posted by: rickb223 at March

yeah that is not going to work

Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 04:06 PM (HALdu)

220 We will do it again.

Posted by: Braenyard at March 20, 2020 04:06 PM (oUnSf)

221 217 And American companies have
to compete with the Chinese government, not Chinese companies, because
those companies are subsidized by their government. How can American
companies win against that?

This is what NAFTA was all about. Once the ChiComs saw we were giving away our manufacturing base, they saw a golden opportunity. And took it.

But did anyone know that at the time? Or ever? I don't recall PROGDA mentioning anything about that.

Our slimy progressive Deep State Swamp sold us out.
Posted by: BackwardsBoy - #CancelChina at March 20, 2020 04:05 PM (HaL55

Remember Bill Clinton gave them Most Favored Nation trading status. Along with our nuclear missile technology.

He deserves to be hanged.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 20, 2020 04:06 PM (pS94+)


About the government checks. No one with a government job should get one. Those leeches won't be affected by this.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 20, 2020 04:06 PM (Gs3UF)

223 There's no value to anything as our economy dies.

Corona is the shiny object that is taking the low information American's eye off of that ball.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at March 20, 2020 04:06 PM (EgshT)

224 My other beef about Chinese drugs.. Who is certifying that these drugs meet specs?

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry

If you read the fine print on the aspirin container, the 97% inert filler is recycled Fukushima drywall.

Recycling, is there anything it can't do?

Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at March 20, 2020 04:07 PM (e1mEI)

225 We get out of this by saying No More to bad political policy.

We get out of this by taking the gloves off with this fake tolerant PC bullshit.

We get out of this by saying Fuck You to the Left, the Fake News, and the Cucks.

Posted by: Soothsayer, now with a gentle glide applicator tip at March

sure, but he was saying that voting was not going to be the way

Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 04:07 PM (HALdu)

226 205 Spain ... ~20,000 ... deaths (1,043)

Germany ... ~20,000 ... deaths (53)

there is a genetic component to the severity of this bug

Posted by: THE_BlackOrchid_STATE! at March 20, 2020 04:03 PM (j9HX3)

It's cultural. The fastidious culture is the culture of less transmission.

Posted by: Braenyard at March 20, 2020 04:07 PM (oUnSf)

227 Yeh. I've long been convinced that Bloomberg's sole motivation for running for president and now backing Biden is to protect China from another term of Trump.

Posted by: 29Victor at March 20, 2020 04:07 PM (BJKQV)

228 >>>>>>Time to start drawing up a "Yuan Payola" list. This guy can claim "first!"
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at March 20, 2020 03:54 PM (pNxlR)

The treasury has this information. For some reason they collect data on foreign payments and banking transfers.

No idea why because thy never seem to do anything with it

Posted by: Kindltot at March 20, 2020 04:07 PM (bMMCK)

229 Not sure of course, but "notwithstanding any other provision of law" clauses may well exist that would give a president or governor some powerful waiver power. This is certainly the case with a lot of federal legislation and programs I'm familiar with (but those mostly concern defense and operations outside the US).

Defense Production Act is a pretty big bulldozer in that regard.

Posted by: rhomboid at March 20, 2020 04:07 PM (El6T/)

Spain ... ~20,000 ... deaths (1,043)

Germany ... ~20,000 ... deaths (53)

What is the quality/availabilty difference between Spanish and German medical care?
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 20, 2020 03:58 PM


Ask me Manana.

Posted by: rd at March 20, 2020 04:08 PM (+0uDE)


At a bro's place.

He has a thing on thag is on Stefan Molyneux's utube channel.
Dr Paul Cottrell is saying there is no way this is not an engineered virus.
Is explaining what has been grabbed from this and that and how they were spliced together.

Posted by: teej at March 20, 2020 04:08 PM (PXKj8)

232 down almost 1000... fuck the media scare mongers!
What I don't understand is that gold (not to mention silver!) is taking a shit-kicking too after pushing, what?, $1,800/oz last month. Are major corporations selling gold to get cash to buy crashing stocks for after any recovery??
Posted by: andycanuck at March 20, 2020 04:04 PM (TQ/zJ)
It's a panic. Anyone with assets and debt with a debt payment due is selling assets. Anyone old with retirement assets who are in mandatory draw-down (my folks fall into this group) are selling assets.

Lots of selling plus a panic plus absolute uncertainty (when will restrictions be relaxed? what will the death toll be? how dependent is this asset or company on an increasingly hostile China? what proportion of this company's output goes to places that are being hammered? how long before people start traveling again?) means few buyers, which means to clear the market the price is going to go down.

The market is trying to figure out how to value things and so far the answer seems to be "lower than it is now." I suspect this continues until we get some answers to some of the unknowns and until the algos stabilize.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 20, 2020 04:08 PM (hYcqw)

233 Remember Bill Clinton gave them Most Favored Nation trading status. Along with our nuclear missile technology.

He deserves to be hanged.

Next to his crooked wife, who signed off on giving the ChiComs most of our uranium too.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at March 20, 2020 04:08 PM (k4dH2)


There's a scene in Mississppi Burning when Sam Jackson has enough of the bullshit and just says what he thinks. He says, "Yes the Chinese are to blame, and I hope they burn in hell!"

Posted by: Soothsayer, now with a gentle glide applicator tip at March 20, 2020 04:08 PM (EvZQi)

235 What is the quality/availabilty difference between Spanish and German medical care?
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 20, 2020 03:58 PM (oVJmc)

Germany is keeping numbers down by listing the cause of death by the Comorbidity of the patient who dies. At least this is what folks speculate Germany is doing since each country does its own thing.
Posted by: it begins... at March 20, 2020 04:04 PM (MRjKr)

Yep. Comparing absolute mortality figures and drawing inferences from them is a waste of time, because there are so many potentially confounding factors. For example, the extent and nature of travel to/from the country, how long the virus has been in-country,the quality and availability of medical care, reporting protocols, government interferences, etc. to name a few.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 04:08 PM (rmY2H)

236 We continue to vote our way out of it. Geez...

Posted by: t-bird at March 20, 2020 04:08 PM (CDGwz)

237 Not only transmission but all things culturally related to wellness. The Italians are doing triage and allowing some people to go untreated.

Posted by: Braenyard at March 20, 2020 04:09 PM (oUnSf)

238 then you do not know that we do not vote our way out of this

Heh, whatevs.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at March 20, 2020 04:09 PM (EgshT)

239 there is a genetic component to the severity of this bug

I was thinking that too. The Italian american family in NJ who lost 4 and 4 more are in the hospital.....

My husband is all italian and my kids 1/2.

All of them have been sicker than I've ever been, of course my redneck ancestors walked to Oregon and the walked most if the way back. (Which is my body conserves every calorie, lol)

However, I'm also sure th he German care is FAR superior and the german hygiene is FAR superior to that of the Italians.

Posted by: dagny at March 20, 2020 04:09 PM (nRWPy)

227 Yeh. I've long been convinced that Bloomberg's sole motivation for running for president and now backing Biden is to protect China from another term of Trump.

Yi is the organ grinder and Mini-Mike is the monkey.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at March 20, 2020 04:09 PM (pNxlR)

241 then you do not know that we do not vote our way out of this

Heh, whatevs.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at March

dude, if you want to agitate for violence own it

Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 04:09 PM (HALdu)

By the way, incentivizing the building of factories here with an 8-year zero tax holiday while punishing anyone who remains or moves is also key.

Imagine the jobs that will be created much like what happened when we started cranking out arms and materiel for real in 42, 43 and 44?

The Dow would hit 40,000 with full employment, energy independence and young and old alike being retrained. Not to code either, but how to weld and wield a fucking hammer.

This is where I'd much rather see "stimulus" money allocated.

WAR. For real.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 20, 2020 04:09 PM (pS94+)

Damn. Almost fell out of a second story window today on a jobsite.

Remember that more than germs will kill you. Pay attention to the other stuff too.

Posted by: fixerupper at March 20, 2020 04:10 PM (nw6Hr)

244 >>> 201 Time to fire up the basement laboratory and make some aspirin. First compound most undergraduates make in organic chemistry. Posted by: KungPow at March 20, 2020 04:03

I hated organic chem. class. More than most chemistry which I also hated. In that lab my teacher joked I made Tylenol. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - you get an F.

Posted by: banana Dream at March 20, 2020 04:10 PM (l6b3d)

And no more leftist activist judges.
Their rulings no longer mean anything.

Posted by: Soothsayer, now with a gentle glide applicator tip at March 20, 2020 04:10 PM (EvZQi)

246 >>What is the quality/availabilty difference between Spanish and German medical care?

The Poop Shelf.

Posted by: garrett at March 20, 2020 04:10 PM (bKjAM)

247 "Or better said; No dependence on China."

or better ... "you been here (in our markets) long time ... you go home now"

Posted by: illiniwek at March 20, 2020 04:10 PM (Cus5s)

248 Most difficult part will be scoring some of the starting materials without bringing notice by the feds.
Posted by: KungPow at March 20, 2020 04:03 PM (DcPfA)

Yeah, it's gonna look suspicious if a bunch of willow trees suddenly lose their bark.

Posted by: Emmie at March 20, 2020 04:10 PM (ouBhA)

249 What is the quality/availabilty difference between Spanish and German medical care?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 20, 2020 03:58 PM (oVJmc)

Anthony Fauci was on JAMA wondering yesterday if their high blood pressure medication is a factor. something like 60% of the deaths in Italy had hypertension, and he assumes it was well controlled (how else would they know the patient had it unless it was in their records.) and that is surprising. And there is a link between some common medication and increases in ACE2 receptors .... (not really sure, I listened yest. while working.)

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at March 20, 2020 04:10 PM (LWu6U)

250 Oh man, that Trump!

"I'd say you're a terrible reporter. ... Why don't you try reporting instead of sensationalizing? ... I can it Con-cast "

Posted by: RoyalOil, Vicroy Canadian Territories at March 20, 2020 04:10 PM (vPKfA)

251 Jesus these people on those community pages are insufferable. Someone just posted she saw a bunch of national guard, tanks etc at the stadium. Anyone know whats happening??? she breathlessy posts whilst running around with her hair on fire. Hey bitch.. they're coming for YOU! Better hide!

Posted by: Jewells45 at March 20, 2020 04:10 PM (dUJdY)

252 I like the hypothesis that RBG finally passed and the feds decided this was the easiest way to handle it until after the election.

Posted by: Moron Robbie has the Kung Flu Glib at March 20, 2020 04:11 PM (41rs/)

253 WAR. For real.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 20, 2020 04:09 PM (pS94+)

J.J. for minister of economic fucking of China.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at March 20, 2020 04:11 PM (1CjJc)

254 What is the quality/availabilty difference between Spanish and German medical care?

the same as it is for autos

Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 04:11 PM (HALdu)

255 dude, if you want to agitate for violence own it

I in no way did any such thing.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at March 20, 2020 04:11 PM (EgshT)

ChiComs have passed the Soviets and are inching closer to the Nazis as the most vile group in history
Posted by: Ignoramus at March 20, 2020 03:51 PM (9TdxA)

The ChiComs have been worse than both for decades. Even the best estimates for the ChiCom butcher's bill is at least 3 times the Soviets, at around 60M. The real number is likely closer to 90M.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at March 20, 2020 04:11 PM (EGyGV)

257 251 Jesus these people on those community pages are insufferable. Someone just posted she saw a bunch of national guard, tanks etc at the stadium. Anyone know whats happening??? she breathlessy posts whilst running around with her hair on fire. Hey bitch.. they're coming for YOU! Better hide!
Posted by: Jewells45 at March 20, 2020 04:10 PM (dUJdY)

"They're eating the Charmin in the Superdome!!!!"

- - Sheppy

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 20, 2020 04:11 PM (pS94+)

258 #232 I didn't think of older folks or those in shutdown businesses liquidating to keep solvent and not to buy tanking stocks, Joe. Good idea.

Posted by: andycanuck at March 20, 2020 04:12 PM (TQ/zJ)

Oh man, that Trump!

"I'd say you're a terrible reporter. ... Why don't you try reporting instead of sensationalizing? ... I can it Con-cast "
Posted by: RoyalOil, Vicroy Canadian Territories


I keep missing these things. Is he doing the press conferences at a regular time every day? I'll be sure to tune in.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at March 20, 2020 04:12 PM (G51Gf)

260 We didn't just give our manufacturing to the ChiComs.

Politicians and CEOs sold it to them.

Posted by: davidt at March 20, 2020 04:12 PM (l3+k2)

261 Spain ... ~20,000 ... deaths (1,043)

Germany ... ~20,000 ... deaths (53)

There is a reason you never hear the phrase "Spanish Efficiency."

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 20, 2020 04:12 PM (oVJmc)

262 License fees before the war, or during the war?

"Before" makes perfect sense.

Hence my weasely disclaimer. A trip to Wikipedia yields a footnote to

In particular, see the last paragraph under "Lessons Learned."

Posted by: Bob the Bilderberg at March 20, 2020 04:12 PM (qc+VF)

263 Well, now the plant manager of hubby's work says business as usual.

John Deere also is staying open. I guess maybe manufacturers of important parts are being deemed essential? Will see if that sticks.

Hubby got a bonus today, too, because they've been so busy.

Posted by: lizabth at March 20, 2020 04:12 PM (L3Rsz)

However, I'm also sure th he German care is FAR superior and the german hygiene is FAR superior to that of the Italians.
Posted by: dagny at March 20, 2020 04:09 PM (nRWPy)


Italians have entended nuclear families under one roof.

Pretty sure the Germans didnt have a "Hug a China Man to Prove Youre Not Racist" program like the Italians did either.

Posted by: fixerupper at March 20, 2020 04:12 PM (nw6Hr)

265 Yo!

Posted by: Yo! at March 20, 2020 04:12 PM (uZuKb)

266 dude, if you want to agitate for violence own it

I in no way did any such thing.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at March


Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 04:12 PM (HALdu)

267 >>What is the quality/availabilty difference between Spanish and German medical care?

Everything probably. Southern European countries are to germany as Mexico is to US.

Posted by: dagny at March 20, 2020 04:12 PM (nRWPy)


Jabba the Pritzker says Illinois will have tens of thousands of deaths if we don't close the state down.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 20, 2020 04:13 PM (Gs3UF)

269 Anthony Fauci was on JAMA wondering yesterday if their high blood pressure medication is a factor. something like 60% of the deaths in Italy had hypertension

oh that IS interesting!

yes ok! certain medications can make this worse. huh!

Posted by: THE_BlackOrchid_STATE! at March 20, 2020 04:13 PM (j9HX3)

270 It's cultural. The fastidious culture is the culture of less transmission.
Posted by: Braenyard at March 20, 2020 04:07 PM (oUnSf)

Look up the incidence (i.e., per capita rate) in Switzerland, which makes Germany look like India.

It's 3X higher today on a per capita basis.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 04:13 PM (rmY2H)

271 >>Damn. Almost fell out of a second story window today on a jobsite.

Gravity is a cruel mistress.
I went off a roof on a windy day, once. We were laying down sheathing and I got blown right off the edge while carrying a sheet of plywood.

Landed in the landscaping bushes. Got yelled at, too. Boss did ask if anything was broken, first. But then yelled at me for laying down on the job.

Posted by: garrett at March 20, 2020 04:13 PM (bKjAM)

272 Hubby got a bonus today, too, because they've been so busy.
Posted by: lizabth at March 20, 2020 04:12 PM (L3Rsz)

Some good news amidst all the disaster!

Posted by: IC at March 20, 2020 04:13 PM (sYDum)

273 WAR. For real.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 20, 2020 04:09 PM (pS94+)

J.J. for minister of economic fucking of China.
Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at March 20, 2020 04:11 PM (1CjJc)

runner for Assistant Minister. thought i do think many bastards here just sold out.

Posted by: runner at March 20, 2020 04:13 PM (zr5Kq)

Posted by: not so

None of us are in the mood for your internet cockscukery.

Posted by: Soothsayer, now with a gentle glide applicator tip at March 20, 2020 04:13 PM (EvZQi)

275 Somewhere Hillary is cackling.

Posted by: JoeF. at March 20, 2020 04:13 PM (CqE5x)


What I don't understand is that gold (not to mention silver!) is taking a shit-kicking too after pushing, what?, $1,800/oz last month. Are major corporations selling gold to get cash to buy crashing stocks for after any recovery??
Posted by: andycanuck at March 20, 2020 04:04 PM (TQ/zJ)

Putin needs to make payroll. If he cannot sell oil, the other commodity he can sell is Gold.

It doesn't help that the industrial uses of precious metals are lower with the big downturn.

Posted by: rd at March 20, 2020 04:13 PM (+0uDE)

277 268

Jabba the Pritzker says Illinois will have tens of thousands of deaths if we don't close the state down.
Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 20, 2020 04:13 PM (Gs3UF)

Reaper Status: Not feared anyway.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 20, 2020 04:13 PM (pS94+)

278 Italians have entended nuclear families under one roof.

Pretty sure the Germans didnt have a "Hug a China Man to Prove Youre Not Racist" program like the Italians did either.
Posted by: fixerupper at March

Italy is broke and has whored itself to the chicom.

Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 04:13 PM (HALdu)

279 We did it before and we MUST do it again..
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 20, 2020 04:05 PM (pS94+)
Well, in fairness, in WWII we *had* the industrial base. To get it back will not be easy and it will take time. And it will require some seriously unpopular moves to do it. I think something like a ratcheting tariff on all Chinese goods, starting at 25% and rising over a period of 7-10 years to 200% will do it. Things that are truly, absolutely, hugely more valuable to do in China will remain so. Everything else comes home or goes elsewhere. A lot will go elsewhere, and so constant vigilance will be required to make sure we don't have any single points of failure, either within a single country or a major bloc.

China also needs to be politically marginalized, and the US needs to be prepared to walk if it isn't. China needs to be removed from the WTO. If they aren't, we leave the WTO and set up as many bilateral trade agreements as we need to. China needs to lose its permanent seat on the UN security council. If that doesn't happen, we need to leave the UN.

To fix this will require playing hardball for a decade or more, at very high risk and at great expense and likely impacts to our standard of living. I don't think the last of these will be extreme, but they will be there. I think it is worth it to do this, but it is going to take constant vigilance and a lot of risk to get there.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 20, 2020 04:13 PM (hYcqw)


Defense Production Act
Posted by: Kilroy wasn't here

Shit, fucking Pixy.

I had a big thing about the Defense production act, after looking at a few sections.

In a nutshell 50 USC 4533 gives a lot of commandeering power to the president, but it doesn't void or waive CFRs or statutes about toxic materials or hazardous chemical use.

There's really nothing that says a president can "waive" compliance with a lot of the regulatory burden on business, particularly since the law was written before there were any such federal burdens.

I mean yeah, Trump could try to open a federal circuit board facility, but do you think the press and Hawaii judges would just give him a pass on doin so?

Posted by: imp at March 20, 2020 04:13 PM (SFOr6)

281 This is where I'd much rather see "stimulus" money allocated.



Posted by: Moron Robbie has the Kung Flu Glib at March 20, 2020 04:14 PM (41rs/)

282 Jabba the Pritzker says Illinois will have tens of thousands of deaths if we don't close the state down.

That is quite a threat. Is he willing to back that up?

Posted by: t-bird at March 20, 2020 04:14 PM (CDGwz)

283 Quit while you're behind, concern troll.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at March 20, 2020 04:14 PM (EgshT)

284 Pretty sure the Germans didnt have a "Hug a China Man to Prove Youre Not Racist" program

I doubt germans are big huggers.

Posted by: dagny at March 20, 2020 04:14 PM (nRWPy)

285 Deplorable Jay Guevara: "...Having everyone sing from the same hymnal is a recipe for getting blindsided."

If I thought I could trust these people, I'd be right there with you. Problem is the nation has been hijacked to a dangerous degree by transnationalists and globalists who have been compromising America for their own benefit for, now, decades. And this isn't just the White House. This goes to Congress and the Chamber of Commerce.

So these voices from another point of view have been saboteurs, not advisers. In theory, I'm with you; in current practice, I'm just not. I've seen too much corruption and, to be generous, error on the part of these advisers to trade/labor policy.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at March 20, 2020 04:14 PM (6eEQ+)

286 I strongly recommend folks read the Accidental Superpower by Peter Zeihan, and then the follow up Absent Superpower. It gives a pretty good primer for all of this. I don't think anyone saw us actively trying to kill our own economy, but if we should fail at that (and we will) China is fucked.

It knows its fucked. Its trying to do anything it can to stave off what's coming.

If we can avoid chopping off our own limbs, we'll get through this.

They won't. And its not because of the virus. That's this the current excuse. Globalism is dying and American willingness to prop up the system we used to destroy the USSR is flat gone, and the current attempt to prop it up is probably going to kill it.

If they don't do something *right now* to put Americans on the back foot and let them assert some dominance in the world, they're probably less then ten years from civil war and god knows what.

Seriously, go read the books. They're good.

Posted by: FrozenTech at March 20, 2020 04:14 PM (LGM1R)

287 268 Jabba the Pritzker says Illinois will have tens of thousands of deaths
Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 20, 2020 04:13 PM (Gs3UF)

And that's just Chicago drive-bys.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 04:14 PM (rmY2H)

288 And CATO, the Koch Foundation, AEI, and the various "conservatives" who are (quietly) funded by these groups say: Nah, it'll be fine.

I read that in the voice of The Critical Drinker.

Posted by: Clyde Shelton, a law abiding citizen at March 20, 2020 04:14 PM (Do5/p)

289 STFU.
None of us are in the mood for your internet cockscukery.
Posted by: Soothsayer, now with a gentle glide applicator tip at March

heh, if you are not up to playing at the hq try going down to the y.

Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 04:14 PM (HALdu)

When this passes, Trump is going to put China back on their commie knees

Posted by: Yo! at March 20, 2020 04:14 PM (uZuKb)

And kick the friggin' Chinese out of our universities and research labs.

That has got to end immediately.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 20, 2020 04:14 PM (pS94+)

292 Zombie General "Buck" Turgidson weighs in:

"We cannot allow our enemies to create a strategic aspirin gap!!"

Scramble the BUFFs!

Posted by: Sharkman at March 20, 2020 04:14 PM (r/92q)

293 Had enough of this shit. Hang in there, folks.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at March 20, 2020 04:15 PM (EgshT)

294 242 Joe Mannix,
The drop in oil prices is putting pressure on Russia to sell some of its massive gold stock and silver follows gold. Russia is basically a commodity selling operation now and a rentier state.

In addition, gold is a store of wealth, it is only valuable to buy things--things like food. It is not considered an investment but a hedge for uncertainty. So less than useful when things like n95 masks are needed.

Posted by: whig at March 20, 2020 04:15 PM (EUDB2)

295 Trucks are on the road, goods and services are being delivered. That will continue until we drop dead.

That is who we are.
Posted by: Braenyard at March 20, 2020 04:03 PM (oUnSf)

But what about after we drop dead then rise again as mixed up zombies ?

Posted by: Adriane the Practical Critic ... at March 20, 2020 04:15 PM (LPnfS)

296 Jabba the Pritzker says Illinois will have tens of thousands of deaths if we don't close the state down.

Harder for gangbangers to shoot each other if they're stuck at home.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - hiding out in the secret mountain lair at March 20, 2020 04:15 PM (SchxB)

297 I doubt germans are big huggers.

my family is not very huggish either - I now have good reason to eschew hugs forever which is nice

but not all italians are physically demonstrative - many are quite reserved.

I don't know about Spanish people

Posted by: THE_BlackOrchid_STATE! at March 20, 2020 04:15 PM (j9HX3)

298 >>>However, I'm also sure th he German care is FAR superior and the german hygiene is FAR superior to that of the Italians.

Posted by: dagny at March 20, 2020 04:09 PM (nRWPy)

Also the amount of exposure.
Italy is number one trader with silk road and China has set up factories in northern Italy. And flying in and out by the thousands.

A lot of rubbing shoulders.

Posted by: Braenyard at March 20, 2020 04:15 PM (oUnSf)

299 290
When this passes, Trump is going to put China back on their commie knees
Posted by: Yo! at March 20, 2020 04:14 PM (uZuKb)

THIS. I think he is not going to take having all the gains of the last three years just erased like a quart of lo mein through a goose.

He is going to have his revenge.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 20, 2020 04:16 PM (pS94+)

300 I am all for manufacturing in the US. HOWEVER, a US based manufacturer will have to satisfy OSHA, the FDA, the EPA, unions and state bureaucracies. Prices WILL be higher.

Posted by: JB1000 at March 20, 2020 04:16 PM (Kf5r9)

301 Quit while you're behind, concern troll.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at March

everybody gets to read what you wrote. you know what you said.

be a man, own your words.

Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 04:16 PM (HALdu)

Really, if those low-wage employees at the supermarkets and gas stations stop showing up for work, (and they can), our lives will go from bad to much, much worse.

Thank Christ those people are still working.

Posted by: Soothsayer, now with a gentle glide applicator tip at March 20, 2020 04:16 PM (EvZQi)

303 Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at March 20, 2020 04:10 PM (LWu6U)

I have been hoping for several.weeks that they would tell us what bp meds the serious cases are/were on

ACE inhibitors (ex lisinopril) and ARBs (ex losartan) affect the ACE2 thingummy
they are also the 2 most commonly rxd type of bp pills

Posted by: vmom 2020 at March 20, 2020 04:16 PM (G546f)

304 So... China good. Russia bad. Islam good. Western Civilization bad.

Does that sum it up?

Posted by: shibumi at March 20, 2020 04:17 PM (ZCiJZ)

305 Quit while you're behind, concern troll.

It's y5, a regular.

Posted by: t-bird at March 20, 2020 04:17 PM (CDGwz)

306 I basically think we're at the point where no one knows what to do because they're afraid of being wrong and making the crisis worse. I mean the medical community is not letting up with their dire predictions, but that's what they do--they're not going to come out and say that most of us won't die, or that thousands of us had it already months back. They're always going to give the worst prognosis available---this way they're covered.

Posted by: JoeF. at March 20, 2020 04:17 PM (CqE5x)

307 267 >>What is the quality/availabilty difference between Spanish and German medical care?

Everything probably. Southern European countries are to germany as Mexico is to US.
Posted by: dagny at March 20, 2020 04:12 PM (nRWPy)

Fun fact: The US has an incidence today of 55 cases/million population. Mexico has one 1 case/million.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 04:17 PM (rmY2H)

308 Defense Production Act is a pretty big bulldozer in that regard.

And if there is not sufficient authority in that then congress can damn well pass a law that gives Trump the temporary authority to waive whatever federal laws and/or regulations are necessary to get production underway to address this crisis. And federal laws have supremacy over state laws, so those won't be a problem, even if some state objects, which would be a stupid thing to do at this point.

Laws are man-made obstacles, and they can be removed. All it takes is the willingness to do it.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at March 20, 2020 04:17 PM (k4dH2)

309 Never forget: It was Bill Clinton who pressed for permanent Most Favored Nation status for China.

No longer would they have to be subject to regular review of their trade practices to avoid tariffs.

And it was the GOP who controlled the House that rolled over for it.

THAT'S how long the GOPe has been actively working against working Americans

Posted by: RoyalOil, Vicroy Canadian Territories at March 20, 2020 04:17 PM (vPKfA)

310 A CNN article that does not whip up hysteria? Why would that be posted? Is CNN trying to cover its ass?
Of course they are. The people who work there, who aren't insane, are deeply worried about getting sued out of business after this is all over. There is no first amendment right to yell "fire" in a crowded building - it is a criminal act to start a panic and you are liable for the consequences of that act.
There are obviously people at each media company who aren't insane - recording video and broadcasting are very involved difficult technical jobs.

Posted by: An Observation at March 20, 2020 04:17 PM (2ad6r)

311 THIS. I think he is not going to take having all the gains of the last three years just erased like a quart of lo mein through a goose.

He is going to have his revenge.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton


We cannot spare this man - he fights!

Remember him in your prayers.

Posted by: Tonypete at March 20, 2020 04:17 PM (Y4EXg)

312 All the leaves will shudder on the Day of the Rake.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at March 20, 2020 04:17 PM (cCrQI)

313 trump was right on tariffs and hje is right on this shit. The MFM is the enemy of all Americans.

Posted by: Vic at March 20, 2020 04:17 PM (mpXpK)

314 300 I am all for manufacturing in the US. HOWEVER, a US based manufacturer will have to satisfy OSHA, the FDA, the EPA, unions and state bureaucracies. Prices WILL be higher.
Posted by: JB1000 at March 20, 2020 04:16 PM (Kf5r9)

Did you read my earlier comment. We are now on a wartime footing. Trump should suspend the entire bureaucracy and give like an 8-year tax holiday to any company that builds a plant here on US soil.

Of course the suspension would be temproray. Just like the 1917 World War 1 income tax. Heh.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 20, 2020 04:18 PM (pS94+)

315 I doubt germans are big huggers.
Posted by: dagny at March 20, 2020 04:14 PM (nRWPy)

i dunno. Some of those Oktoberfest frauleins have some ... large tracts of land ...

Posted by: Adriane the Practical Critic ... at March 20, 2020 04:18 PM (LPnfS)

316 Nobody wants to kill us. They want to jack you in until your voltage output drops.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at March 20, 2020 04:18 PM (U/QDb)

Jabba the Pritzker says Illinois will have tens of thousands of deaths if we don't close the state down.

Some newsie needs to put together a table of pols who have taken the most drastic measures and see if there is a trend by party.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 20, 2020 04:18 PM (oVJmc)

318 Speed the Day of the Rake!

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at March 20, 2020 04:18 PM (NMPkT)

319 I am all for manufacturing in the US. HOWEVER, a US based manufacturer will have to satisfy OSHA, the FDA, the EPA, unions and state bureaucracies.

UNLESS...a mighty change takes place. Much like the mighty change that is taking place.

Posted by: t-bird at March 20, 2020 04:18 PM (CDGwz)

320 It's the regs that make US production ssd o much more expensive.

Posted by: dagny at March 20, 2020 04:18 PM (nRWPy)

321 280 imp,
Hack in blacks are past their sold by date--see Ohio with its governor Taft telling them to stick it. They rely on moral suasion to enforce their rulings and the day of the free roving blocks to border control etc. via judges are done.

It helps that you have a bunch of self interested old people with medical conditions on the Supreme Court that might just be affected by the old open borders paradigm.

Hawaiian judges and their injunctions are on their way out as are refugee groups, etc.

Read up on Ex Parte Merryman and get back to me.

Posted by: whig at March 20, 2020 04:19 PM (EUDB2)

322 Idiots. Aspirin. Find willow tree, chew bark.

Posted by: mer at March 20, 2020 04:19 PM (or4l7)

323 And kick the friggin' Chinese out of our universities and research labs.

That has got to end immediately.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 20, 2020 04:14 PM (pS94+)
Fun fact: there are a fair number of Chinese nationals employed as researchers at our national laboratories - Los Alamos, Oak Ridge, Lawrence-Livermore, etc.

The highest-end, toppest-of-top-secret research done in the world. They all need to be carefully evicted. China is an enemy and her nationals should not be allowed to step foot in a national laboratory.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 20, 2020 04:19 PM (hYcqw)

324 Big topic but JJ there was not a wholesale suspension of the status quo WRT unions, etc. when we became the WWII juggernaut. In fact there were some big problems and close calls, inter alia with aircraft engine production plants in OH and MI, at key points.

Defense Production Act is basically a result of that and other experiences, it's about prioritizing/controlling key activities for national purposes. Probably has all the "commandeering" power needed for this situation, if any of it ends up being needed.

Posted by: rhomboid at March 20, 2020 04:19 PM (El6T/)

325 I need a volunteer. Please go to Youtube and let me know if it is GB domain ? thank you kindly.

Posted by: runner at March 20, 2020 04:19 PM (zr5Kq)

326 NJ AG encourages companies to pursue workplace harassment charges for employees who use 'China virus'

but we have our Constitution !!!

Posted by: McCool at March 20, 2020 04:19 PM (KvRqW)

327 Gravity is a cruel mistress.
I went off a roof on a windy day, once. We were laying down sheathing and I got blown right off the edge while carrying a sheet of plywood.

Landed in the landscaping bushes. Got yelled at, too. Boss did ask if anything was broken, first. But then yelled at me for laying down on the job.
Posted by: garrett at March 20, 2020 04:13 PM (bKjAM)

That was you?! Just kidding, but had a worker do the exact same thing off one of my buildings, 3 stories up. Landed on steel decking on a lower level midway between two beams so it flexed enough to absorb the shock and he actually lived.

Posted by: moon_over_vermont at March 20, 2020 04:19 PM (kUmUV)


Not sure of course, but "notwithstanding any other provision of law" clauses may well exist that would give a president or governor some powerful waiver power. This is certainly the case with a lot of federal legislation and programs I'm familiar with (but those mostly concern defense and operations outside the US).

Defense Production Act is a pretty big bulldozer in that regard.

Posted by: rhomboid

I don't necessarily doubt it, but I can't find anything like that with respect to hazardous materials or worksite regulations in the DPA. I'm still looking . . . .

Posted by: imp at March 20, 2020 04:19 PM (SFOr6)

329 There is no first amendment right to falsely yell "fire" in a crowded building

If my building is on fire, kindly yell out.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at March 20, 2020 04:19 PM (cCrQI)

330 the medical community is not letting up with their dire predictions, but that's what they do--they're not going to come out and say that most of us won't die, or that thousands of us had it already months back. They're always going to give the worst prognosis available---this way they're covered.

yep. and medicine is hounded by lawyers to the point that they cannot help but over prescribe, over do everything, CYA constantly. they're damaged that way (thanks lawyers!).

Trump needs to be listening to other voices on this - just like with the military, he started out totally believing they were Super Perfect and gradually learned they were kinda like bureaucrats and not exactly perfect. The President needs to learn that the medical experts can be and often are WRONG. and they definitely lack perspective nowadays, a lot of them.

they're not looking at losing THEIR jobs any time soon

Posted by: THE_BlackOrchid_STATE! at March 20, 2020 04:20 PM (j9HX3)

331 pew pew pew gets us out of this ... and into something worse.

Rare that this has led to a happy result.

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at March 20, 2020 04:20 PM (ykYG2)

332 there is a genetic component to the severity of this bug

Posted by: THE_BlackOrchid_STATE! at March 20, 2020 04:03 PM (j9HX3)

How do people of Irish and English descent do? (Asking for a friend).

Posted by: Serious Cat at March 20, 2020 04:20 PM (zqs/f)

333 Like what we did just before and after Pearl Harbor. Suspend the entire bureaucracy, union regs and build factories. Repatriate our entire manufacturing sector as soon as is possible.

We did it before and we MUST do it again..
Posted by: J.J. Sefton

We don't have the political will. We're looking at 25% unemployment, and we're upping H1B visas. I am the most depressed about this country I have ever been, we're tanking our economy over the flu, just because the media is shrieking about it, and NOBODY will call this out for the madness it is.

Posted by: MaureenTheTemp at March 20, 2020 04:20 PM (Fus8x)

334 Harder for gangbangers to shoot each other if they're stuck at home.
Posted by: Blanco Basura - hiding out in the secret mountain lair at March 20, 2020 04:15 PM (SchxB)

Go LONG on drywall futures !!!!

Posted by: Adriane the Practical Critic ... at March 20, 2020 04:20 PM (LPnfS)

335 If you want to see what would have happened to us here if we had partied on like so many seem to think we should have, keep an eye on Iran.

300 deaths yesterday, and new cases skyrocketing because they refused to stay away from each other.

Posted by: ghbucky at March 20, 2020 04:20 PM (s9Eo8)

We were talking about an oven I had that "died" only because the board died, and the local scrounger said it was just 2-3 years *too* old for him to find a replacement somewhere in the US

But, I bet there is someone close enough to hit with a rock that can repair / replace it for you if they desired to do so.

A lot of the shit I repair / restore requires board work. Sometimes you can find the right board. Others, you can repair the components / traces on the failing board...other times, you have to make an ersatz board from an unrelated one.

It's not nearly as hard as some would lead you to believe, just massively inconvenient when compared to ordering a replacement unit.
Posted by: garrett at March 20, 2020 03:57 PM (bKjAM)

I did a lot of the same stuff for work (until I got laid off a few weeks ago...). If you have the EAGLE files, you can get 4-layer boards manufactured IN THE US by OSH Park, Pad-2-Pad or ExpressPCB. And the last two also have their own downloadable CAD programs to do the design yourself, without having to go to AutoCAD.

That's just the board themselves, you'll still have to populate them with components, but there are other services that handle that as well.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at March 20, 2020 04:20 PM (EGyGV)

337 I think that members of the media--outside of the ones actually being paid by China--just defend China because they work with some westernized Asians and "they're really nice." so when they defend China, they think they are defending their fweinds.

It's the same thing with Islam. They work with a sweet girl from Syria or a "really cool dude' from Turkey, so it's all cool, don't be a hater.

Posted by: JoeF. at March 20, 2020 04:20 PM (CqE5x)

338 At Wal-Mart today the check-out was talking about Wal-Marts profits are going through the roof, at a recent store meeting and their would be bonuses for employees. The check-out was highly pleased. Fear mongering works as well for Merchants as is does for government. WHO KNEW? Helping people get rid of all that dirty filthy money.....Saints i yell yah, SAINTS :-)

Posted by: ron n. at March 20, 2020 04:21 PM (om5HK)

339 They are locking us down here as we speak.

Posted by: tubal at March 20, 2020 04:21 PM (90T4r)

340 Fun fact: The US has an incidence today of 55 cases/million population. Mexico has one 1 case/million.

I sorta doubt the Mexicans are doing great medical testing, I also doubt the Chinese were there in big numbers. When their numbers explode, we'd better have the border ready UNLESS heat does matter.

Posted by: dagny at March 20, 2020 04:21 PM (nRWPy)

341 Joe Mannix, glad you mentioned that (Chinese nationals in key institutions).

There are many serious problems that have nothing to do with the virus, or even the general shift of production to China.

Chinese influence/espionage operations - governmental/security and private/industrial - are something this country has never seen. Probably period, in terms of scale, but certainly in terms of a rival/adversary/enemy foreign power having them here.

The press/think tank one ace highlights in this post is just one component.

Big big issue. Different than industrial, investment, or trade issues.

Posted by: rhomboid at March 20, 2020 04:22 PM (El6T/)

342 If I thought I could trust these people, I'd be right there with you. Problem is the nation has been hijacked to a dangerous degree by transnationalists and globalists who have been compromising America for their own benefit for, now, decades. And this isn't just the White House. This goes to Congress and the Chamber of Commerce.

So these voices from another point of view have been saboteurs, not advisers. In theory, I'm with you; in current practice, I'm just not. I've seen too much corruption and, to be generous, error on the part of these advisers to trade/labor policy.
Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at March 20, 2020 04:14 PM (6eEQ+)

Fair enough. In management positions I've actually designated people to argue the other side of an issue, because having overlooked (or underweighted) something is the sort of thing that keeps me awake at night.

But of course, as you correctly point out, that necessitates good faith on the part of the person arguing the other side.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 04:22 PM (rmY2H)

343 It's common to talk about the effect of regulations on causing businesses to move their production overseas, but I have to wonder about the reverse effect, the impact of open borders and "free trade" on regulation at home. When you can import your circuit boards and steel and everything else from China, politicians pay less of an electoral price for imposing stricter regulations on those businesses here in the US. You don't have the necessary debate about what we as a society are going to give up for slightly cleaner water or air, or to prevent the ugly aesthetics of a factory on the horizon.

Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at March 20, 2020 04:22 PM (SgjGX)

344 I am all for manufacturing in the US. HOWEVER, a US based manufacturer will have to satisfy OSHA, the FDA, the EPA, unions and state bureaucracies. Prices WILL be higher.
Posted by: JB1000 at March 20, 2020 04:16 PM (Kf5r9)
They will be. It will be a difficult adjustment. A big part of the answer is "swing an ax through as many regulations as possible."

Not all regulations are bad, but we have far too many and far too many are bad. Start taking a hatchet to the regulations. Do it wholesale if necessary, but preferably find out from industry why they aren't repatriating and repeal everything that is sensible to repeal to remove specific roadblocks.

This doesn't necessarily help at the state level, but let the states compete for that. If Alabama doesn't have an onerous regulation that Colorado does, Alabama will get the plant and Colorado won't.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 20, 2020 04:22 PM (hYcqw)

345 If you want to see what would have happened to us here if we had partied on like so many seem to think we should have, keep an eye on Iran.

There is more than a fine line between "partying on" and keeping cool.

Posted by: JoeF. at March 20, 2020 04:22 PM (CqE5x)

346 >>288 And CATO, the Koch Foundation, AEI, and the various "conservatives" who are (quietly) funded by these groups say: Nah, it'll be fine.

I read that in the voice of The Critical Drinker.


That's good, it was written in the voice of The Critical Drinker.

Posted by: ace at March 20, 2020 04:22 PM (PbpT7)

347 I know that manufacturing has change a lot, hell I worked for a manufacturer. My mom's toy manufacturing plant changed to plane production in early 1942. They got it done and we could do it now as well. With mostly inexperienced female labor.

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at March 20, 2020 04:22 PM (JVgnl)

348 Mayor Lightfoot actually expected the Federal govt to do the job she's supposed to be doing locally. Made me laugh, but she's a libtard and it comes with the mental illness.

Posted by: Roy at March 20, 2020 04:22 PM (ABjxW)

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at March 20, 2020 04:22 PM (1CjJc)

350 imagine
China stopping export of BP meds
think tge alphabet soup agencies are gonna complain about their regs not being met at the new bp med mfg plant?

Posted by: vmom 2020 at March 20, 2020 04:22 PM (G546f)

351 uh-oh..

Posted by: t-bird at March 20, 2020 04:22 PM (CDGwz)

China also needs to be politically marginalized, and the US needs to be prepared to walk if it isn't. China needs to be removed from the WTO. If they aren't, we leave the WTO and set up as many bilateral trade agreements as we need to. China needs to lose its permanent seat on the UN security council. If that doesn't happen, we need to leave the UN.

To fix this will require playing hardball for a decade or more, at very high risk and at great expense and likely impacts to our standard of living. I don't think the last of these will be extreme, but they will be there. I think it is worth it to do this, but it is going to take constant vigilance and a lot of risk to get there.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)


Big stuff -- I hate to see the impacts to our standard of living. That's where it's time to cancel the affirmative action set-asides, stop shoveling cash to universities so they can degree people in subjects that are not only useless but damaging to civil society.

I don't think we're up to it.

I have a horrid fear that whatever we do could go like 1945 - 1989 (i.e., US responsible for 45% of global GDP to ta-ta Big Devil) -- or it could abort like the Reconstruction and leave us permanently injured.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at March 20, 2020 04:23 PM (G51Gf)

353 They will be. It will be a difficult adjustment. A big part of the answer is "swing an ax through as many regulations as possible."

Not all regulations are bad, but we have far too many and far too many are bad. Start taking a hatchet to the regulations. Do it wholesale if necessary, but preferably find out from industry why they aren't repatriating and repeal everything that is sensible to repeal to remove specific roadblocks.

This doesn't necessarily help at the state level, but let the states compete for that. If Alabama doesn't have an onerous regulation that Colorado does, Alabama will get the plant and Colorado won't.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March


Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 04:23 PM (HALdu)

354 ACE inhibitors (ex lisinopril) and ARBs (ex losartan) affect the ACE2 thingummy
they are also the 2 most commonly rxd type of bp pills
Posted by: vmom 2020

TBH, I don't recall all the details as I was doing taxes yest. and my mind was on other things.

But the Fauci interview on JAMA network was pretty good. I think near the end he mentioned this. Also MedCram on Youtube had a bit yesterday about NSAIDS and how uncertain that science is right now. That is worth a watch.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at March 20, 2020 04:23 PM (LWu6U)

355 I mean yeah, Trump could try to open a federal circuit board facility, but do you think the press and Hawaii judges would just give him a pass on doin so?
Posted by: imp at March 20, 2020 04:13 PM (SFOr6)

Just charge anyone attempting lawfare and/or protests against the new facilities with sedition.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at March 20, 2020 04:23 PM (miJU3)

356 300 deaths yesterday, and new cases skyrocketing because they refused to stay away from each other.

also, they are dirty people whose prayers go unheard.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at March 20, 2020 04:23 PM (cCrQI)

357 Fun House Detention!!

Posted by: tubal at March 20, 2020 04:23 PM (90T4r)

358 I sorta doubt the Mexicans are doing great medical testing, I also doubt the Chinese were there in big numbers. When their numbers explode, we'd better have the border ready UNLESS heat does matter.
Posted by: dagny at March 20, 2020 04:21 PM (nRWPy)

Agreed. My point was there's not necessarily a direct line between incidence and, e.g., the quality of medical care, or the fastidiousness of the culture.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 04:23 PM (rmY2H)

359 >>>
Look up the incidence (i.e., per capita rate) in Switzerland, which makes Germany look like India.

It's 3X higher today on a per capita basis.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 04:13 PM (rmY2H)

Switzerland is on Italy's northern border.
Northern Italy is the hotbed of Chi-nah virus.
More exposure and for extended time than Germany?

Posted by: Braenyard at March 20, 2020 04:24 PM (oUnSf)

360 I feel like the late 1990s/early 2000s was when I started noticing EVERYTHING being made in China. Clinton had much to do with that development

Somehow, we survived the world before that. I'm all for going back to that world even if it means my bottle of Advil costs an extra 15 cents.

I also noticed the quality of everything when down the toilet about this same time.

Posted by: Blago at March 20, 2020 04:24 PM (CKS6C)

361 340, Dagny by the time symptoms get bad, you either require hospitalization or not. They get bad in a hurry--not enough time to convoy to US border. No air travel anymore.

Posted by: whig at March 20, 2020 04:24 PM (EUDB2)

362 Are we inhibiting ace now??

Posted by: tubal at March 20, 2020 04:24 PM (90T4r)

363 I'm just now learning that the 1929 stock market bust was accompanied with a commodity bust (so even gold would sell off) ... credit structure didn't fall apart for a couple years. (but they were not doing QE and ZIRP and various derivative games)

Posted by: illiniwek at March 20, 2020 04:24 PM (Cus5s)

364 Is Hannity talking to Cuomo right now?

Posted by: garrett at March 20, 2020 04:24 PM (bKjAM)

365 Mistakes gather us all.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at March 20, 2020 04:25 PM (U/QDb)


Illinois is shut through April 7. Jabba says banks will remain open and he said if you have to go to your job you can. If you don't have to go out don't. So WTF? What's the point? Businesses have pretty much shut on their own for the 2 weeks any way.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 20, 2020 04:25 PM (Gs3UF)

367 I mean yeah, Trump could try to open a federal circuit board facility, but do you think the press and Hawaii judges would just give him a pass on doin so?
Posted by: imp at March 20, 2020 04:13 PM (SFOr6)

Good God, no! The Feds would screw it up, guaranteed. It'd be unionized, and probably producing vacuum tubes or something, very slowly, inefficiently, and incompetently.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 04:25 PM (rmY2H)


And if there is not sufficient authority in that then congress can damn well pass a law that gives Trump the temporary authority to waive whatever federal laws and/or regulations are necessary to get production underway to address this crisis. And federal laws have supremacy over state laws, so those won't be a problem, even if some state objects, which would be a stupid thing to do at this point.

Laws are man-made obstacles, and they can be removed. All it takes is the willingness to do it.
Posted by: TrivialPursuer

Ah, OK. You're just venting. No problem.

Read up on Ex Parte Merryman and get back to me.
Posted by: whig

A power that is spelled out in the constitution versus a host of modern regulations and attendant agencies all infested with deep state holdouts? Counselor, that case is easily distinguished.

I'm talking about now, under existing law, there seems to be little we could do to radically shift the balance of production capacity for certain things back to the US. If we end up needing a million ventilators, we will intead have to improvise, like the kids with the valve that allows 3-in-1 on a ventilator.

I believe it's called the Katie Hill valve.

Posted by: imp at March 20, 2020 04:25 PM (SFOr6)

369 It's becoming increasingly obvious that the people yelling "RUSSIA!!" for the last 3 years were doing it with China's dick in their mouths

Posted by: kbdabear at March 20, 2020 04:25 PM (qAR6u)

370 Posted by: Poopy at March 20, 2020 04:23 PM (ClPes)

I don't know about you but I always heed stock market advice from guys named Poopy.

Posted by: DR.WTF at March 20, 2020 04:25 PM (aS1PU)

371 I'd pay more for a major appliance if it would last as long as the ones my grandparent's bought.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 20, 2020 04:26 PM (oVJmc)

372 NJ AG encourages companies to pursue workplace harassment charges for employees who use 'China virus'

but we have our Constitution !!!

Posted by: McCool at March 20, 2020 04:19 PM (KvRqW)

When they pull shit like this, it's no wonder some wonder if this pandemic is really that bad.

Posted by: JoeF. at March 20, 2020 04:26 PM (CqE5x)

373 Posted by: whig at March 20, 2020 04:24 PM (EUDB2)

If I were a Mexican peasant and the virus was exploding in my country, I'd head norte

Posted by: dagny at March 20, 2020 04:26 PM (nRWPy)

374 Interesting that calling it a Chinese virus is racist but screaming about RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA isn't.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 20, 2020 04:27 PM (oVJmc)

375 I have a horrid fear that whatever we do could go like 1945 - 1989 (i.e., US responsible for 45% of global GDP to ta-ta Big Devil) -- or it could abort like the Reconstruction and leave us permanently injured.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at March 20, 2020 04:23 PM (G51Gf)
Dealing with China will be the highest-stakes game played since the War. I don't know if we're up for it, either. But I do think we need to try.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 20, 2020 04:27 PM (hYcqw)

376 It's becoming increasingly obvious that the people yelling "RUSSIA!!" for the last 3 years were doing it with China's dick in their mouths
Posted by: kbdabear at March 20, 2020 04:25 PM (qAR6u)


Posted by: dagny at March 20, 2020 04:28 PM (nRWPy)

NJ AG encourages companies to pursue workplace harassment charges for employees who use 'China virus'

but we have our Constitution !!!

Posted by: McCool


And this is why I doubt we're up to the big changes Joe Mannix is talking about here this afternoon.

Trump has 5 years left on the clock. All I care about in his predecessor is their commitment to continuing with the KAG agenda. No ideology, don't care what they did in the past -- just KAG.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at March 20, 2020 04:28 PM (G51Gf)

378 Read up on Ex Parte Merryman and get back to me.
Posted by: whig

Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 04:28 PM (HALdu)

379 Posted elsewhere by a close friend:

What we are seeing is an extension of the attitude, "In order to save x we have to destroy it". I've seen this proposed with regards to the Republican party after 2016. Then it moved on to conservatism in general. The attitude has metastasized now to include capitalism, and on this they have succeeded.

They've successfully shut us down. That was step one. Now they're divvying up the money and shaping the authority structures that will oversee the restart. Finally, everything will be brought back on line, and may at first look like everything is back to normal. It won't be. We may realize it as early as this November, or four years hence, but mark this: Our enemies pulled of one hell of a win here.

Posted by: Joe Kidd at March 20, 2020 04:28 PM (5WpEK)

380 Switzerland is on Italy's northern border.
Northern Italy is the hotbed of Chi-nah virus.
More exposure and for extended time than Germany?
Posted by: Braenyard at March 20, 2020 04:24 PM (oUnSf)

Exactly. That would be my guess for a large confounding factor.

Plus northern Italy is quite like Germany. The Italy we stereotypically think of with donkey carts and such is southern Italy. After all, Lombardy derives its name from the Lombards, a Germanic tribe.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 04:28 PM (rmY2H)

381 We have to vote our way out of this.

We need to get more active. Find the politicians that BELIEVE the way we do, not the corrupt back scratching and connected pricks the party is foisting on us.

We need to take the time, and get involved at the low level precincts and districts. We need to be just like the damned communists and infiltrate the Republican Party. We even need to have some people undercover and infiltrate the Democrats and the other parties.
(People doing what Zombie has done)

We need to get out and walk the precincts, identify our supporters, and those that can be swayed or convinced. And identify the others too.

We can vote our way out of it. We need to identify the right outsiders like Trump, and hopefully the right insiders too.

Posted by: rd at March 20, 2020 04:28 PM (+0uDE)

Repatriate drug manufacturing? Some dweeb from a
consulting firm will gasp and say to the CEO, "You won't meet analyst expectations for the next quarter!"

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at March 20, 2020 04:28 PM (7rVsF)

383 366 Illinois is shut through April 7. Jabba says banks will remain open and he said if you have to go to your job you can. If you don't have to go out don't. So WTF? What's the point? Businesses have pretty much shut on their own for the 2 weeks any way.
Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 20, 2020 04:25 PM (Gs3UF)

Exactly. He shut the main stuff down on Monday when he closed restaurants and bars. WTF is different now?

Posted by: Roy at March 20, 2020 04:28 PM (ABjxW)

384 who has more power- a President or a US circuit court judge?

Posted by: DB- just DB. at March 20, 2020 04:28 PM (iTXRQ)

385 One thing I want to point out that a lot of the doomsayers are missing -

This is not the next depression. The depression had a lot of causes, but the cure was the realization that there was work to do to win the war and it was OK to invest and build again.

This is like the depression (over a few weeks) and the war boom over the remainder. We will not spiral down for a decade, but will get that over with from the start and then rebuild. In fact, the next decade will be the 50's boom and we will (hopefully) skip the bombing bit as well.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at March 20, 2020 04:29 PM (LWu6U)

386 1st thing Trump & company have to do is read the riot act to the people in charge of Wall St. & tell them if you don't stop the pants shitting we will, by shutting it down

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at March 20, 2020 04:29 PM (ksQ1i)

387 And this is why I doubt we're up to the big changes Joe Mannix is talking about here this afternoon.

Trump has 5 years left on the clock. All I care about in his predecessor is their commitment to continuing with the KAG agenda. No ideology, don't care what they did in the past -- just KAG.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at March

meh, you might be surprised.

my not very right friends are freaking out and discovering that some of the shit they virtue siged was stupid.

Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 04:29 PM (HALdu)

388 I'd pay more for a major appliance if it would last as long as the ones my grandparent's bought.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 20, 2020 04:26 PM (oVJmc)
I have a 65 year old hotpoint refrigerator running in my garage. The compressor was replaced in 1968.

Posted by: BluesFish at March 20, 2020 04:29 PM (qXLLv)

389 1st thing Trump & company have to do is read the riot act to the people in charge of Wall St. & tell them if you don't stop the pants shitting we will, by shutting it down
Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at March 20, 2020 04:29 PM (ksQ1i)

Why not shut it down for one or two days?

Posted by: JoeF. at March 20, 2020 04:30 PM (CqE5x)

390 Trump nearly blew his top at the presser today.

I'd say his patience with the media is about at an end.

The others were getting peeved also, especially Pompeo.

Posted by: davidt at March 20, 2020 04:30 PM (l3+k2)


Just charge anyone attempting lawfare and/or protests against the new facilities with sedition.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

Again, this is wishcasting/venting. Sedition laws aren't constitutional, and/or will never be enforced.

I'm trying to think of a realistic response to medicine and equipment shortages, and especially with medicine (precursor components, especially) I'm not finding a lot of wiggle room.

Posted by: imp at March 20, 2020 04:30 PM (SFOr6)

392 Just came from Dollar General. The store was a mess. The usual things were sold out. And why do people have to drag the whole family with them to the store? Kids running up and down the aisles. So much for the six foot rule. If this is what the government had in mind it ain't working.

Posted by: Case at March 20, 2020 04:30 PM (WRPeR)

393 Jabba let's carry-out continue. Yay. Culver's in my future.

Posted by: lizabth at March 20, 2020 04:30 PM (L3Rsz)

394 The economy is being paused. It's a shitty outcome. But it's not being killed. It will whirl back up because of the natural inclination of people to get shit done and make money.

Posted by: ... at March 20, 2020 04:30 PM (uEbPt)

395 And if there is not sufficient authority in that then congress can damn well pass a law that gives Trump the temporary authority to waive whatever federal laws and/or regulations are necessary to get production underway to address this crisis. And federal laws have supremacy over state laws, so those won't be a problem, even if some state objects, which would be a stupid thing to do at this point.

Laws are man-made obstacles, and they can be removed. All it takes is the willingness to do it.
Posted by: TrivialPursuer

No new laws, please. Just an understanding that some of the existing ones will be tacitly held in abeyance temporarily.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 04:31 PM (rmY2H)

396 In fact, the next decade will be the 50's boom and we will (hopefully) skip the bombing bit as well.
Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at March 20, 2020 04:29 PM (LWu6U)

Hollywood has run out of ideas, so ... bombs ...

Posted by: Adriane the Practical Critic ... at March 20, 2020 04:31 PM (LPnfS)

397 Why not shut it down for one or two days?
Posted by: JoeF. at March 20, 2020 04:30 PM (CqE5x)
Try a week

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at March 20, 2020 04:31 PM (ksQ1i)

398 368, imp,
Read beyond the law, in essence, Judges can be told to stuff it and if there is popular approval for the actions, the system will cause the judges to be rolled over. Ex Parte McCardle, the Switch in Time that Saved Nine, Worcester v. Georgia, Cherokee Nation v. Georgia. The federal judges have no enforcement power beyond persuasion and that persuasion doesn't work when the public is against it.

For example, district court judges issuing nationwide injunctions is about to get canned and technically, even Lincoln argued that Dred Scott only applied to the two parties in the case, not nationwide.

Law is an extension of politics, not separate.

Posted by: whig at March 20, 2020 04:31 PM (EUDB2)

399 my not very right friends are freaking out and discovering that some of the shit they virtue siged was stupid.
Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 04:29 PM (HALdu)
Because virtue signalling is a luxury--one that's becoming increasingly hard to afford.

Posted by: JoeF. at March 20, 2020 04:31 PM (CqE5x)

400 The difference if not being left our of the Leftist Governor virtue signaling.

Posted by: lizabth at March 20, 2020 04:31 PM (L3Rsz)

and we will (hopefully) skip the bombing bit as well.
Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at March 20, 2020 04:29 PM (LWu6U)

Generally I agree, but I need some more info. Which cities are getting glassed? That might have an impact on my point of view....

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at March 20, 2020 04:31 PM (EGyGV)

402 Illinois just order shelter in place for whole state.
Declared it is more important to save lives than businesses.

Good luck with that logic after half of them go belly up.

Posted by: Ripley at March 20, 2020 04:31 PM (MxEKc)

403 The same people today telling you that it's a moral imperative to shut down the entire US economy to stop COVID-19 were less than a moth ago telling you it was a racist overreaction to stop air travel to the US that originated in the same country as COVID-19.

Posted by: Sherpa_K2 at March 20, 2020 04:32 PM (BsCoj)

404 NOOD

Posted by: DR.WTF at March 20, 2020 04:32 PM (aS1PU)

405 190 Posted by: Boomer Redneque hears small arms fire off in the distance at March 20, 2020 04:01 PM (KXHve

Nice of the FBI to visit here

As if the feebs were that intelligent. They'd be promoting action. I just asked who, like me, wants to watch. You know, like the cops do when pantifa riots?

Posted by: Boomer Redneque hears small arms fire off in the distance at March 20, 2020 04:32 PM (KXHve)

406 Exactly. He shut the main stuff down on Monday when he closed restaurants and bars. WTF is different now?

Posted by: Roy at March 20, 2020 04:28 PM (ABjxW)

Grandstanding. Fatso did took a deep breath and said, As governor this is a tough decision BUT he has to try to protect the lives of everyone. Except for the unborn. Slaughter away on them

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 20, 2020 04:32 PM (Gs3UF)

407 my not very right friends are freaking out and discovering that some of the shit they virtue siged was stupid.
Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 04:29 PM (HALdu)
Because virtue signalling is a luxury--one that's becoming increasingly hard to afford.
Posted by: JoeF. at March

yes. the things they thought they knew are not true now.

they are very interested in something other now.

Posted by: not so at March 20, 2020 04:33 PM (HALdu)

408 Just came from Dollar General. The store was a mess. The usual things were sold out. And why do people have to drag the whole family with them to the store? Kids running up and down the aisles. So much for the six foot rule. If this is what the government had in mind it ain't working.
Posted by: Case at March 20, 2020 04:30 PM (WRPeR)
Went to a local grocery. It's quite funny. There were no sign of shortages--until the TP aisle--not a single roll of TP in the toilet paper aisle.

What is this thing with toilet paper?

And then past the TP aisle, normal again.

Posted by: Axeman at March 20, 2020 04:33 PM (Eicbe)

409 392 Just came from Dollar General. The store was a mess. The usual things were sold out. And why do people have to drag the whole family with them to the store? Kids running up and down the aisles. So much for the six foot rule. If this is what the government had in mind it ain't working.
Posted by: Case at March 20, 2020 04:30 PM (WRPeR)


But we need to close down the schools!

Why doesn't Daddy watch the kids? / sarc

Posted by: rd at March 20, 2020 04:33 PM (+0uDE)

410 63 A friend still mired in the Beltway (though like me and others, continuously astonished at the degradation of so much there) had the notion mentioned by others above: the VirusCrisis leadership of Trump, with what is likely to be a good outcome, will have an effect (on some anyway) similar to the post-9/11 murmurs (heard those directly, from the horses' mouths), even from Dems, "thank God Gore's not president".

Makes you wonder why they vote for Democrats thereafter.

I have a neighbor who agrees wholeheartedly with my rants views about California state government, taxes, regulations, idiotic legislation (banning straws, etc.), the vagrancy problem, etc. but then says she votes Democrat. WTF? Where does she think our problems come from?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 03:57 PM (rmY2H)
Work harder on her. There are ways to red-pil her. Trump suspending travel to China early in January, trying to wean us from being so dependent on China and wanting to secure our border are proving he was right and the Dems were absolutely wrong. Plus the economy was roaring before the coronavirus.

Posted by: redridinghood at March 20, 2020 04:33 PM (wiXsO)

411 I have a 65 year old hotpoint refrigerator running in my garage. The compressor was replaced in 1968.
Posted by: BluesFish at March 20, 2020 04:29 PM (qXLLv)


Good old fashined R22 with a condensor that doesnt start under pressure.

The new 410 has to run at about 15% higher pressures than 22. Also.... because of efficiency mandates, there is no ramp up on pressure like in teh old days. Remember when we were kids it seemes like forever until the AC in the car got cold?? Todays systems stay charges at 100% operating pressure and hard start with it.

Higher pressures and loaded pressure starts = premature equipment failures.

The legacy of the Hole In The Ozone.

Remember when THAT was going to kill us all???

Posted by: fixerupper at March 20, 2020 04:33 PM (nw6Hr)

you might be surprised.

my not very right friends are freaking out and discovering that some of the shit they virtue siged was stupid.
Posted by: not so


Well theah. I just *might* be surprised -- pleasantly. It's not only this current covid panic, though; are they ready to take a second look at the habits of culture leftism -- "diversity" hiring, the destruction of academic standards, pouring money into the black hole of climate change?

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at March 20, 2020 04:33 PM (G51Gf)

413 The economy is being paused. It's a shitty outcome. But it's not being killed. It will whirl back up because of the natural inclination of people to get shit done and make money.
Posted by: ... at March 20, 2020 04:30 PM (uEbPt)

Trump used an interesting formulation at yesterday's presser. He said "We STOPPED this GREAT economy, the best economy ever, to deal with THIS."

We "stopped" IT. Not the other way around.

Posted by: JoeF. at March 20, 2020 04:34 PM (CqE5x)


who has more power- a President or a US circuit court judge?
Posted by: DB- just DB

A single Circuit Court judge has almost no power. District Court judges on the other hand, are nigh-unto-God.

The real question is whether Trump has an army that would obey him, or a pack of rabid wolves who will subvert him at every turn. I think we know the answer to that in the federal bureaucracy.

Posted by: imp at March 20, 2020 04:34 PM (SFOr6)

415 1st thing Trump & company have to do is read the riot act to the people in charge of Wall St. & tell them if you don't stop the pants shitting we will, by shutting it down
Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at March 20, 2020 04:29 PM (ksQ1i)

Guaranteed that that would panic the stock market even further.

What are you going to do, require every one to buy stocks?

We've had too much government interference in the economy as it is. Yeah, I know we have some now, but this is an extraordinary time, and there's no compelling reason to mess with the stock market.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 04:34 PM (rmY2H)

You know how we're going to solve this? Some scientist who's a gorgeous, pouting blonde will suggest the solution but be overridden by her obtuse male colleagues. Through her stern determination she overcomes their objections and saves America!

Expect a movie detailing this in a few years.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at March 20, 2020 04:34 PM (7rVsF)

417 I don't know what I would do if I ever saw Rick Wilson or David French in person.

Posted by: Kilroy wasn't here at March 20, 2020 04:34 PM (5IbVn)

418 If you want an eye opener about how much we DON"T make here in the USA regarding medications and OTC meds and skin care, health care products, go look in your own medicine cabinet and bathroom storage. Look at the label. You'll notice almost everything says, "Distributed by" . It doesn't say, made by , manufactured by, etc.

I was curious yesterday about whether there are any USA made skin care lotions. Googled it, and found several lists of USA Made Skin care. All were small companies making organic, spa type of products. None of the included companies were the big names you see in CVS, WalMart, etc.

So where is a $5.95 bottle of Jergens being made? My guess is in China, India, or some other sweatshop type place.

Posted by: Jen the original at March 20, 2020 04:34 PM (4ywJ2)

419 I've always said I would pay a little more for stuff made in USA by American citizens.

Posted by: f'd, screaming from the front porch at March 20, 2020 04:34 PM (Tnijr)

420 >>>Plus northern Italy is quite like Germany. The Italy we stereotypically think of with donkey carts and such is southern Italy. After all, Lombardy derives its name from the Lombards, a Germanic tribe.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 04:28 PM (rmY2H)

I knew an Italian family (I'm told this is not uncommon) the women and the children are born blonde and stay blonde until they are about twenty, then their hair turned jet black.

Posted by: Braenyard at March 20, 2020 04:35 PM (oUnSf)

421 384 who has more power- a President or a US circuit court judge?

Laden or unladen?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 20, 2020 04:35 PM (oVJmc)

The Incredible Disappearing Nood....

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at March 20, 2020 04:36 PM (EGyGV)

423 I got you babe.

Posted by: DR.WTF at March 20, 2020 04:36 PM (aS1PU)

424 Oh man.. nerves are frayed here at my house. Hubby and daughter just got into it and she left in a huff to go to work.

Posted by: Jewells45 at March 20, 2020 04:36 PM (dUJdY)

425 Work harder on her. There are ways to red-pil her. Trump suspending travel to China early in January, trying to wean us from being so dependent on China and wanting to secure our border are proving he was right and the Dems were absolutely wrong. Plus the economy was roaring before the coronavirus.
Posted by: redridinghood at March 20, 2020 04:33 PM (wiXsO)

I am working on her, and will continue to do so. Plus her neighbors (and our mutual friends) are staunchly conservative. But my approach is "softly, softly, catchee monkey." Not argumentation, but rather kind of a Socratic approach.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 20, 2020 04:37 PM (rmY2H)

426 FBI lost the post above.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at March 20, 2020 04:37 PM (1g7ch)

427 Unnood.

Posted by: Axeman at March 20, 2020 04:37 PM (Eicbe)

428 I taught a saw a nood.

Posted by: BluesFish at March 20, 2020 04:37 PM (qXLLv)

429 There was a thread and then there wasn't a thread.

It must have been those damn Dragon Riders again.

Posted by: 29Victor at March 20, 2020 04:37 PM (BJKQV)

430 denooded

Posted by: BluesFish at March 20, 2020 04:37 PM (qXLLv)

431 Recall the corgis.

Posted by: Axeman at March 20, 2020 04:37 PM (Eicbe)

432 False nood.

Even read the content.

Posted by: clutch cargo at March 20, 2020 04:37 PM (8B6Ng)

433 That was fun. Are ghost noods still alive out there, somewhere??

Posted by: tubal at March 20, 2020 04:37 PM (90T4r)

434 a fleeting ephemeral nood
like a unicorn

Posted by: DB- just DB. at March 20, 2020 04:37 PM (iTXRQ)

435 I have seen the future and it is incredible.

Posted by: DR.WTF at March 20, 2020 04:37 PM (aS1PU)


"It winked out!"

- - Lazarus

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 20, 2020 04:37 PM (pS94+)

437 329 There is no first amendment right to falsely yell "fire" in a crowded building

If my building is on fire, kindly yell out.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at March 20, 2020 04:19 PM (cCrQI)

That is an old myth. The court did rule that you could falsely yell fire in a crowded building without prior gov censorship. However, you are still responsible for any resulting injuries and can be sued into oblivion.

Posted by: Vic at March 20, 2020 04:38 PM (mpXpK)

438 Is there a pithy French or Dutch term/slang for a woman who slept with the Nazi Occupiers?

I need something to describe those who keep supporting Chinese attempts at world domination.

Posted by: dIb at March 20, 2020 04:38 PM (VJOLZ)

439 There was a mood, I even scored too ten, but then disappeared. Can't have lurkers getting those kind of numbers.

Posted by: CA Token at March 20, 2020 04:38 PM (+8LG8)

440 I was first on the nonexistent thread dammit!

Posted by: Emperor Country Boy at March 20, 2020 04:38 PM (95Ied)

441 Doing the Time Warp Again!

Posted by: rd at March 20, 2020 04:38 PM (+0uDE)



Posted by: vmom 2020 at March 20, 2020 04:38 PM (G546f)

443 balk nood. take your base.

Posted by: BluesFish at March 20, 2020 04:38 PM (qXLLv)

444 Maybe if the MFM had a spine, they'd have a poll asking "do you think the media has handled this well?"

Or, "do you think the media is to blame for your pain?"

Posted by: clutch cargo at March 20, 2020 04:38 PM (8B6Ng)

445 "What are you going to do, require every one to buy stocks? "

Yes. The Feds should put $2500 in an IRA for every citizen that cannot be withdrawn for 20 years. There could be exceptions based on age or maybe medical situation.

Posted by: f'd, screaming from the front porch at March 20, 2020 04:38 PM (Tnijr)

446 I feel like IL govs next step will be to have all doctors and nurses "shelter in place" at the hospitals, without receiving pay.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at March 20, 2020 04:38 PM (JRaU+)

447 Oh Juanita, oh Juanita, oh Juanita I call your name

Posted by: tubal at March 20, 2020 04:38 PM (90T4r)

448 Comments on new thread borked.

Posted by: DaveA at March 20, 2020 04:38 PM (FhXTo)


For example, district court judges issuing nationwide injunctions is about to get canned and technically, even Lincoln argued that Dred Scott only applied to the two parties in the case, not nationwide.

Law is an extension of politics, not separate.
Posted by: whig

An extension of Stalin's question about the Pope, I get it. But it's not like Trump has the Army of the Potomac to back him up. OSHA/EPA/DOL will follow a court's order to hold up construction of a needed facility, just to screw Trump. On a practical (not legal) level, they will fuck the country to trip up Trump in any and every way.

Posted by: imp at March 20, 2020 04:38 PM (SFOr6)

450 I was first on the nonexistent thread dammit!
Posted by: Emperor Country Boy


I thought I was!! Damnit!

Posted by: Tonypete at March 20, 2020 04:39 PM (Y4EXg)

451 446 I feel like IL govs next step will be to have all doctors and nurses "shelter in place" at the hospitals, without receiving pay.
Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at March 20, 2020 04:38 PM (JRaU+)

Isn't this really the story of NHS/Medicare for All?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 20, 2020 04:39 PM (pS94+)

452 So, Coke and bleech for muh toenails, huh? What the heck is this an add for?

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at March 20, 2020 04:39 PM (1ISKN)

453 I have a bad feeling about this....

Posted by: runner at March 20, 2020 04:39 PM (zr5Kq)

454 446 I feel like IL govs next step will be to have all doctors and nurses "shelter in place" at the hospitals, without receiving pay.
Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at March 20, 2020 04:38 PM (JRaU+)

Yeah, our Jabba is winning the race to be most woke...

Posted by: tubal at March 20, 2020 04:39 PM (90T4r)

455 No nood is not a good nood.

Posted by: davidt at March 20, 2020 04:39 PM (l3+k2)

456 Yes. The Feds should put $2500 in an IRA for every citizen that cannot be withdrawn for 20 years. There could be exceptions based on age or maybe medical situation.
Posted by: f'd, screaming from the front porch at March 20, 2020 04:38 PM (Tnijr)

Who will manage said IRA?

Posted by: Jen the original at March 20, 2020 04:39 PM (4ywJ2)

Hey..... Bob from the NSA..... was that YOU guys again??

Posted by: fixerupper at March 20, 2020 04:39 PM (nw6Hr)

458 shoulda seen the size of that nood, brought it to the side of the boat... boom gone.

Posted by: BluesFish at March 20, 2020 04:39 PM (qXLLv)

459 392 Just came from Dollar General. The store was a mess. The usual things were sold out. And why do people have to drag the whole family with them to the store? Kids running up and down the aisles. So much for the six foot rule. If this is what the government had in mind it ain't working.
Posted by: Case at March 20, 2020 04:30 PM (WRPeR)

That part is so disappointing. My mom told me a story that yesterday a Walmart cashier got testy with her for declining to take a receipt, calling her "paranoid". In Japan they are hardly effected, sans schools being out, and I believe tis because they almost universally know how to modify their behavior to limit the spread of an outbreak. It's reported that they've had their lowest flu cases in a long, long time.

Posted by: Serious Cat at March 20, 2020 04:40 PM (zqs/f)

460 Nood: Reloaded.

Posted by: Axeman at March 20, 2020 04:40 PM (Eicbe)

461 >>>I need something to describe those who keep supporting Chinese attempts at world domination.

Posted by: dIb at March 20, 2020 04:38 PM (VJOLZ)


Posted by: Braenyard at March 20, 2020 04:40 PM (oUnSf)

462 China supposedly has their export numbers back to normal

If 20K people in Wuhan died, how hard would it be for the Chicoms to put 20K more slave laborers on trains to replace them out of a nation of 1.5 billion?

Posted by: kbdabear at March 20, 2020 04:40 PM (qAR6u)

463 Remember Bill Clinton gave them Most Favored Nation trading status. Along with our nuclear missile technology.

He deserves to be hanged.

I agree wholeheartedly.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - #CancelChina at March 20, 2020 04:40 PM (HaL55)

464 Why not shut it down for one or two days?

Posted by: JoeF. at March 20, 2020 04:30 PM (CqE5x)


Try a week

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at March 20, 2020 04:31 PM (ksQ1i)

Because the markets provide liquidity and access to people's money. You would be doing a huge amount of damage.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 20, 2020 04:40 PM (dLLD6)

465 Saw Bugs....reminds me of misplaced aggression and car keys.

Don't remember the actress's name because her breasts were computer enhanced.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at March 20, 2020 04:41 PM (U/QDb)

466 "Who will manage said IRA?"

Good question. I dunno.

Posted by: f'd, screaming from the front porch at March 20, 2020 04:41 PM (Tnijr)

Was it a Buck Throbnorton nood?

Posted by: Soothsayer, now with a gentle glide applicator tip at March 20, 2020 04:41 PM (EvZQi)

468 Re-nood.

Posted by: Bob the Bilderberg at March 20, 2020 04:41 PM (qc+VF)

469 Well, I linked 'Apocalypse Fatigue' on Facebook and now all my family is mad at me for not taking this seriously enough.

According to them, nothing is ginned up by the media, all the hospitals will be overrun, analyses of who's dying where and why don't matter, etc. etc.

I hate being at odds with my family.

Posted by: Sal at March 20, 2020 04:43 PM (bo8pf)

470 Our entire "elite" should be stripped of their political offices or high placed government jobs or their cushy jobs they got because they were in tight with somebody. Then have their assets stripped that they made by selling out the Americans they have contempt for.

Then they should be told "Learn to Code, Assholes"

Posted by: kbdabear at March 20, 2020 04:43 PM (qAR6u)

471 Trump used an interesting formulation at yesterday's presser. He said "We STOPPED this GREAT economy, the best economy ever, to deal with THIS."

We "stopped" IT. Not the other way around.
Posted by: JoeF. at March 20, 2020 04:34 PM (CqE5x)

It was our choice to stop the economy to deal with this. One can argue with whether that was the right thing to do, but the thing is we did voluntarily stop it.

Once we get the All Clear, people will be hankering to get this economy going again. The problem (or at least, one of them) is that if the rest of the world (e.g. Europe) doesn't get a handle on it, we'd have no place to fly our planes to for a while. Fortress America would be OK for a period, but we'd have to eradicate this worldwide for folks to be confident enough to travel extensively again.

That part could take a while.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at March 20, 2020 04:44 PM (iuFgi)

472 Jen the original: "It doesn't say, made by , manufactured by, etc..."

And the new classic... "Designed by ___ in Anycity, USA."

Which mostly means an American company employing VISA labor designed that which is being off-shored to China for manufacture.

And, especially with tech/hardware, try looking at labels on website photos of products. Place of manufacture is routinely blacked out. That means "Made in China".

It's a conspired effort to conceal information that just might give a consumer pause.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at March 20, 2020 04:46 PM (6eEQ+)

473 I've always been supportive of my House Representative, Tim Walberg, R.

He's sent out numerous updates as to what is going on, where to go for additional help regarding the country shut down, etc. Was making the rounds to as many locales as possible in person.

He just put a photo on his Facebook page of him getting out of his truck in the parking lot of his office in Michigan , carrying pizza boxes he fetched for his staff for lunch. Asking for his constituents to do what they can to help the small businesses in their community.

There are some decent people that get sent to DC and he has remained one of them.

Posted by: Jen the original at March 20, 2020 04:47 PM (4ywJ2)

474 If China is truly worried about being re-infected by the rest of the world, then we should help them out with that quarantine...
For as long as it takes...

Posted by: TSgt Ciz at March 20, 2020 04:47 PM (af5xa)

475 During Vietnam the Viet-Cong could depend upon Walter Kronkite to be their propeganda man

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at March 20, 2020 06:05 PM (FLiOE)

476 During the Vietnam War the Commies could count on their good friend and American Traitor Walter Kronkite

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at March 20, 2020 06:17 PM (FLiOE)

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