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Is Sundown Joe About to Get His Clock Cleaned in Iowa?

Breaking news: Very old man peters out towards the end of a race.

Bernie Sanders continues to lead his Democratic rivals in New Hampshire just hours before the Iowa caucuses, which could hand him a crucial victory in the first contest of the race, a new Franklin Pierce University-Boston Herald-NBC10Boston poll reveals.

Sanders has boosted his support in the Granite State to 31% of likely Democratic voters, a seven point lead over former Vice President Joe Biden and 14 points ahead of Elizabeth Warren, who has stalled at 17%, according to the poll.

Former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg is in fourth place at 8%, Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar is at just 4% support, and Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is at 3%.

Just 7% of New Hampshire Democratic voters say they are now undecided.

You may have heard that the the supposed gold standard of Iowa polls, the Selzer poll commissioned by the Des Moines Register, was cancelled and suppressed for reasons that many find... dubious.

There is some suspicion that the poll wasn't really thrown into the garbage because some interviewers forgot to mention Pete Bootygag as a candidate, or mispronounced his name.

Some suspect that those are just convenient rationalizations for rubbishing a poll that showed Bernie sanders well ahead of Joe Biden, and which might have caused a stampede of voters away from Biden.

A pollster who spoke on condition of anonymity told American Greatness that it was "highly unlikely" that Buttigieg's name would be mispronounced on such an important poll. "The phone workers are prepped on pronunciation,: she said, adding, "this was an important poll, little chance this was just blown off."

The pollster also explained that a call center manager walks around and listens to the calls while they’re being made.

The below is supposedly the reason for cancelling the poll:

Some people see the disappearance of things which are inconvenient to the Democrat Establishment as familiar:

Deb Heine notes that two other polls from last week showed Sanders surging and Biden falling. The New York Times had it 25% Sanders, 18% Bootygag, 17% Biden (third place!), and 15% Warren.

An Emmerson College poll had it 30% Sanders, 21% Biden. And then, surprisingly, 13% Klobuchar, and Warren behind her.

So what did this scrapped poll say?

We don't know, but people are claiming they've "heard" things.

Mike Cernovich says he heard it showed Sanders surging, Biden crashing:

This guy claims no, it was Warren surging, and Sanders crashing:

Joe Biden seems to be Lowering Expectations, and merely promises to "survive all the way through the whole thing."

Wow. You're vowing to merely survive?

Is that where the goalposts are now?

Joe Biden continues showing that he's an angry old man.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden bristled when he was asked during an interview about his son Hunter’s work for a Ukrainian energy company that is at the heart of the Senate impeachment trial against President Trump.


Guthrie then asked if it was “wrong” for Hunter to take a seat on the board of Burisma Holdings “because the company wanted access to you.”

"That's not true. You're saying things you do not know what you’re talking about," Biden said. "No one has said that -- who said that?"

The NBC anchor said some people would see it as "sleazy" and asked "was it right?"

"Well, he said he regretted having done it. Speak for yourself. He's a grown man," Biden said.

Old Joe wants his shirt back:

Meanwhile, while the DNC and their owned and operated media (or is the media that owns and operates the DNC?) prepares to screw Sanders, it is worth noting that only 50% of Bernie supporters say they'll support any other candidate except for Bernie:

"Bernie or Bust" is a thing, again. And if he doesn't win, it is not unreasonable to suspect Bernie or Bust will have an even greater effect in the election than it did in 2016.

Posted by: Ace at 05:57 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Boom!

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 05:57 PM (cfSRQ)

2 Hello everyone!

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at February 03, 2020 05:57 PM (QyoQ9)

3 there we go

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at February 03, 2020 05:57 PM (sy5kK)


Posted by: garrett at February 03, 2020 05:57 PM (TAD8F)

5 Fine, I'll get the others.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at February 03, 2020 05:57 PM (QyoQ9)

6 Yes!

Wonder what this post is about? I should check.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 05:57 PM (cfSRQ)

7 ok, I'll take a 3rd.

Not bad for a Monday.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at February 03, 2020 05:57 PM (sy5kK)

8 I'm, pulling for Joe!

Posted by: That Chick on the Plane at February 03, 2020 05:59 PM (TAD8F)

9 poor uncle Joe.

why doesn't a loved one pull him aside and tell him his political career is over and he needs to just stop.

Posted by: nurse ratched at February 03, 2020 05:59 PM (d7Ww2)

10 Media doesn't care.. Their shiny new object is Mini Mike

Posted by: It's me donna at February 03, 2020 05:59 PM (6XlcD)

11 Bernie!!! Bernie!!! Bernie!!!

Posted by: Guy Who Says "Bernie" A Lot! at February 03, 2020 05:59 PM (I2/tG)

12 Well its not his strong state, NH either for that matter

Posted by: Skip at February 03, 2020 05:59 PM (ZCEU2)

13 This could be a Great Leap Forward for the Bernie Campaign.

Posted by: garrett at February 03, 2020 06:00 PM (TAD8F)

14 Can they all lose?
- me

Yes, bigly.

Posted by: mikeski at February 03, 2020 06:00 PM (P1f+c)

15 Joe Concha
Dangerous stuff here. This isn't even the equivalent of jaywalking. Have to wonder if a certain popular journo tournament Smug was running had anything to do w/this: Comfortably Smug Twitter Account Banned For Asking 'Where's Hunter, Fat?'

Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani at February 03, 2020 06:00 PM (BqBId)

16 There is some suspicion that the poll wasn't really thrown into the garbage because some interviewers forgot to mention Pete Bootygag as a candidate, or mispronounced his name.

rather call Iowans dumb (at least the newspaper people) instead of telling the truth

they will lie about anything

Sunny outside? Nope. I see clouds over there in Russia.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at February 03, 2020 06:00 PM (vEIlU)

17 I've fallen and I can't get up!

-Joe Biden

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at February 03, 2020 06:00 PM (j3npP)

18 Why is Choo-Choo being led around by the arm by a young woman ?

Posted by: McCool at February 03, 2020 06:00 PM (sZaoP)

19 Biden wi a , but just barely and now they BBC an all talk about how he beat expectations

Posted by: Port at February 03, 2020 06:00 PM (HaFL0)

20 The people in the photo behind Biden don't look too thrilled.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 03, 2020 06:00 PM (WI7YS)

21 corn pop.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 03, 2020 06:00 PM (KP5rU)

22 was "highly unlikely" that Buttigieg's name would be mispronounced on such an important poll.

It's Butt-gigitty.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at February 03, 2020 06:00 PM (+y/Ru)

23 I don't want Uncle Joey to leave the race yet.

He provides much-needed comic relief.

I'm looking forward to the day when he punches a voter.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at February 03, 2020 06:00 PM (k4dH2)

24 Ugh man autocorrect can suck

Posted by: Port at February 03, 2020 06:00 PM (HaFL0)

25 >>Well its not his strong state, NH either for that matter

He's not even on the ballot in Lucidity.

Posted by: garrett at February 03, 2020 06:01 PM (TAD8F)

26 Biden's brain is Swiss cheese.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at February 03, 2020 06:01 PM (NWiLs)

27 Shakira is 5' 2".

Something about her is off. I don't know what it is, but I saw it last night on the SB half-time show.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy. #DemocratsSuck at February 03, 2020 05:41 PM (HaL55)

She's one aria away from ramming her Jeep Grand Cherokee through a security check point at Mar-a-Lago.

Posted by: Archer at February 03, 2020 06:01 PM (gmo/4)



LMAO what a disaster this whole thing is...

Posted by: Rev. Dr. E Buzz Miller, Lesbian at February 03, 2020 06:01 PM (lg/F7)

29 17 I've fallen and I can't get up!

-Joe Biden
Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at February 03, 2020 06:00 PM (j3npP)

Clap on! Clap off!

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 03, 2020 06:01 PM (jpBkc)

30 It will be hilarious if Sanders continues to do well, and the DNC has to resort to ever more desperate and obvious tricks to deny him the nomination.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at February 03, 2020 06:01 PM (I2/tG)

31 I hate to say it because he's a psychopath, but Cernovich is the one who is right. The numbers were Bernie 22, Warren 18, Buttigieg 16, Biden 13.

That's a fact. Practically nobody remembers me around here anymore, but I am plugged in enough to have heard immediately what the numbers were.

Will that be the outcome tonight? Who the hell knows, there are so many reasons they can shift due to the wonky caucus format. But that's what they were in the DMR poll, bank on it.

Posted by: Not Jeff B. at February 03, 2020 06:01 PM (Z2oju)

"Depends"? With Joe and Bernie, hell yes.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at February 03, 2020 06:01 PM (7rVsF)

33 Bernie or Biden. Doesn't matter.

Watch out for Hillary.

Posted by: torabora at February 03, 2020 06:01 PM (Y274z)

34 There is some suspicion that the poll wasn't really thrown into the
garbage because some interviewers forgot to mention Pete Bootygag as a
candidate, or mispronounced his name.
This is b.s.

I worked at as a pollster, first taking survey and later as a supervisor.

You know the names. Period. And yes, the whole point of having supervisors is to ensure the polling is done consistently and accurately. You sit there and listen to the pollster ask the questions.

Here's the thing.

Let's say you have a screwup employee who botches a question. You know what you do? You don't *throw the whole poll away*, you simply check their tally sheet and throw out all those results, send the person packing and have other callers make up the total.

This is beyond stupid.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:01 PM (cfSRQ)

35 I heard that if Biden flunks Iowa, then Bloomberg steps in

All these white B initial guys are interchangeable

Posted by: vmom 2020 at February 03, 2020 06:01 PM (G546f)

36 Biden has been Dead Candidate Walking.

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 03, 2020 06:01 PM (6Cbbt)

About that poll.

I understand the big NO about Bernie the Commie, but why the hate for Andrew Yang from Democrats?

His plan is giving away a thousand a month to everyone. He is the Asian Santa Claus. And yet, he can't even seem to buy votes, using other people's money.

It seems that the Democrats are just old fashioned racists after all.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at February 03, 2020 06:01 PM (sy5kK)

38 Creepy Uncle Joe has served his purpose - run for office so it can be claimed that Trump is trying to affect the election by thinking badthought about investigating his 'political opponants' and be impeached.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at February 03, 2020 06:01 PM (1g7ch)

39 willowed:
Before I went to see 1917 today, I heard dipSchiff on the radio make his
closing arguments. He was fantasizing again, and seemed to be
thrashing, Pris-like, even more energetically than usual.
He was going overboard in slandering PDT's counsel, and his rhetoric was borderline insurrectionist.

And 1917 was very good.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at February 03, 2020 05:59 PM (ufFY

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at February 03, 2020 06:02 PM (ufFY8)

40 I predict Biden get around 20%. And then everyone crows about how he beat expectations...ignoring the fact that Bernie wins with around 24%

Posted by: Taylork at February 03, 2020 06:02 PM (HaFL0)


How about I take Shakira home and see if I can find what's wrong with her....

Posted by: Pendulating Richard at February 03, 2020 06:02 PM (/NRYk)

42 See Sundance's theory over at CTH: Biden was a necessary component of the Trump Impeachment fooferall. Without Biden as a candidate, no quid-pro-quo, no investigation of a Political Opponent, yadda yadda yadda. If Biden were just an ex-politician, there's no hook to even *pretend* why looking into Biden-related corruption would be an impeachable abuse of power.

Now that that's a thing of the past, look for Biden to "spend more time with his family". His sleazy, corrupt family.

Posted by: John Bradley at February 03, 2020 06:02 PM (2ZZVu)


Posted by: Joke Biden at February 03, 2020 06:02 PM (9t0Zz)

44 California isn't a big electoral state.

Posted by: The Biden Campaign, From The Future! at February 03, 2020 06:03 PM (I2/tG)

45 Bernie hasn't been killed despite a flood of Democrats screaming that voting for him is racist. Biden couldn't score in a kiddie pool full of hundos.

This thing is over, and none of the other dwarves are going to beat Sanders. They can rob him though, in which case Katie bar the door!

Posted by: trev006 at February 03, 2020 06:03 PM (nTPpB)

46 Petebreath Buttgig only garnered 8% of eligible voters in his election in South Bend. Iowa can have him/her/xer/it.

Posted by: Cicero Kaboom! Kid, at February 03, 2020 06:03 PM (Vy7tf)

47 Trump will get more votes than the top two Dems

The media will ignore it and spend all the time taking about how the Dem winner has momentum and is now proven to be serious threat to defeating Trump

Posted by: RoyalOil, Vicroy Canadian Territories at February 03, 2020 06:03 PM (aO8Gd)

48 Biden didn't even really campaign much in Iowa, I think he or his team wrote it off early and are focusing on later races. NH etc.

How about I take Shakira home and see if I can find what's wrong with her....

Rule #1 brother

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 03, 2020 06:03 PM (KZzsI)

49 Also, the idea that the poll was "deep-sixed" because of political pressure or a desire to help Biden is total bullshit. Selzer would sooner resign permanently from her gig rather than accede to that. No need for conspiracy theories.

Posted by: Not Jeff B. at February 03, 2020 06:03 PM (Z2oju)

50 I'm looking forward to watching Bernie's heart explode as soon as he gets the nomination.

Posted by: garrett at February 03, 2020 06:03 PM (TAD8F)

51 Another thing:
Everyone who does polling understands this is a lie.

Everyone in politics knows it, too.

So once again they're relying on Democrat loyalty to shore up the lying transparently false narrative that everyone knows is a stupid, fake, dumb lie.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:04 PM (cfSRQ)

52 fuck meter: zero.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 03, 2020 06:04 PM (KP5rU)

53 30 It will be hilarious if Sanders continues to do well, and the DNC has to resort to ever more desperate and obvious tricks to deny him the nomination.

I still think that's why they're letting Mini Mike in. They're trying to slow Bernie's momentum, because (as Obama said last week) they really don't want him to win.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at February 03, 2020 06:04 PM (k4dH2)

54 30 It will be hilarious if Sanders continues to do well, and the DNC has to resort to ever more desperate and obvious tricks to deny him the nomination.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at February 03, 2020 06:01 PM (I2/tG)

This is exactly what I'm hoping happens. I was also hoping the GOP would help stoke the fires but lol like those cucks would do anything useful.

The center cannot hold. It really is going away for good. The future belongs to the fringes. It would be nice if we recognized this and acted accordingly to turn the Left against itself by any means available.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at February 03, 2020 06:04 PM (j3npP)

55 His plan is giving away a thousand a month to everyone.

Big Deal - Bernie's going to give away ten thousand a month to everyone.

Posted by: Bernie Bros! at February 03, 2020 06:04 PM (I2/tG)

It will be hilarious if Sanders continues to do well, and the DNC has to resort to ever more desperate and obvious tricks to deny him the nomination.

Do you reject Satan?

And all his works?

And all his empty promises?

Do you believe in the God the Father, almighty, creator of heaven and earth?

Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only son, our Lord, who was born of the Virgin Mary, was crucified, died, and was buried, rose from the dead and is now seated at the right hand of the Father?

Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the Resurrection of the body, and life everlasting?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at February 03, 2020 06:04 PM (7rVsF)

57 Think the caucus format is too hard for Biden to win

Posted by: not so at February 03, 2020 06:04 PM (HALdu)

58 Mayor Pete Buttigieg is in fourth place at 8%

Just about the exact amount of BLTGQwerties in the U.S.?

Posted by: wth at February 03, 2020 06:04 PM (v0R5T)

59 Breaking news. Very old man peters out towards the end of a race.

'I do NOT have my peter out!'
looks down

Posted by: Cannibal Blob at February 03, 2020 06:04 PM (hmgiv)

60 Biden looked like a geriatric being led around in a retirement home in that video.

Posted by: IC at February 03, 2020 06:05 PM (a0IVu)

61 "things were getting worse faster than I could lower my expectations!"

- Uncle Joe

Posted by: one of the quiet ones at February 03, 2020 06:05 PM (2GPSc)

62 Maybe this will split the Democratic Socialists out of the Democrat Party?

You would have honest but evil Socialists, corruptocrat old line Establishment Democrats and Trumpian Populist Big Tent Republicans.

Posted by: rd at February 03, 2020 06:05 PM (+0uDE)

63 Fauxcahontas looks like some freaky-deaky scarecrow when she does that stupid waving of her hand.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at February 03, 2020 06:05 PM (ufFY8)

64 The Donks are masters at gaming the system, if the powers that be want Biden to win and Bernie to lose, then Biden will win and Bernie will lose.

It doesn't matter.

I don't think Trump will lose to anyone the Donks throw at him, if the election is fair.

Posted by: Mr. Wiffle Snuff at February 03, 2020 06:05 PM (0keV9)


Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at February 03, 2020 06:05 PM (RD7QR)

66 How about I take Shakira home and see if I can find what's wrong with her....

She looks fantastic for her age. Hell, she looks fantastic for ten years younger than her age.

Posted by: bonhomme at February 03, 2020 06:05 PM (9t0Zz)

67 58
Within the margin of error, of course.

Posted by: wth at February 03, 2020 06:05 PM (v0R5T)

68 42
See Sundance's theory over at CTH:

Posted by: John Bradley at February 03, 2020 06:02 PM (2ZZVu)

Sundance needs to stick to economics. He's good at that.

He's wrong about just about everything else.

The Dems were going to impeach Trump. It was certain. If not Biden, something else.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:05 PM (cfSRQ)

69 *sniffs hair of post, gives it a little sideboob squeeze*
Joey keeps saying this line about his Ukraine corruption of "nobody is saying that" when everybody is saying that.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at February 03, 2020 06:05 PM (r+sAi)

70 I honestly see Warren coming in second in a bunch of races, behind a variety of different people like Romney did... and overall doing better than any of them.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 03, 2020 06:05 PM (KZzsI)

71 Whenever I start to feel sorry for Joe, he gives an interview.

Posted by: Ktgreat at February 03, 2020 06:05 PM (AD3JT)

72 lol, the faces on those angry old white people behind angry old white Biden when talking about the shirt


Posted by: artisanal 'ette at February 03, 2020 06:05 PM (vEIlU)

73 Bernie might be the Dems' best hope. It's fairly obvious at this point that their candidate is going to be old as dirt and pasty white. His full-pinko platform might be the only way of ensuring that the non-white brigades of the Free Shit Army show up at the polls.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at February 03, 2020 06:05 PM (ppBhU)

74 I was also hoping the GOP would help stoke the fires

Trump's already doing that - trying to enrage Bernie supporters by citing the DNC's duplicity.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at February 03, 2020 06:06 PM (I2/tG)

75 Biden: "I thought they were exaggerating when they said that the Republicans said they were sending out 80 people to participate in the Democratic caucus here... By the way, give us back your 'Joe' shirt!"

He's gonna blow!
(Buttgiggity too)

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at February 03, 2020 06:06 PM (+y/Ru)

76 The very concept of polls - their manipulation and suppression - astounds me.

Controlling the opinions of people by telling them what other people supposedly think... Damn.

Mind control.

Posted by: RKae at February 03, 2020 06:06 PM (OfgiI)

77 50 I'm looking forward to watching Bernie's heart explode as soon as he gets the nomination.
Posted by: garrett at February 03, 2020 06:03 PM (TAD8F)

I'm looking forward to someone asking Bernie what exactly is the difference between a "democratic socialist" and a communist.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 03, 2020 06:06 PM (jpBkc)

78 60 Biden looked like a geriatric being led around in a retirement home in that video.
Posted by: IC at February 03, 2020 06:05 PM (a0IVu)

It is Elder Abuse!

Posted by: rd at February 03, 2020 06:06 PM (+0uDE)

79 I hope none of the Dem losers crazies won't support any other candidate.

Posted by: Cannibal Blob at February 03, 2020 06:06 PM (hmgiv)


So Biden is sniffing and touching and poking and pushing people away from him and telling them to go vote for someone else --- while telling them he'll probably die in office so, vote for his VP.

That's the way to win! Go Joe!

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at February 03, 2020 06:07 PM (vEIlU)

81 I find it funny that dems don't know who they're voting for without a multiple-choice list.

Posted by: irright at February 03, 2020 06:07 PM (RVcmP)

82 What's even worse for Biden is that Lizzie's voters will go to Burnie rather than Biden, since she's been sucking up to the rad left. This means Burnie now has an effective 48% of the support.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 03, 2020 06:07 PM (Kpl3J)

83 74 I was also hoping the GOP would help stoke the fires

Trump's already doing that - trying to enrage Bernie supporters by citing the DNC's duplicity.
Posted by: The ARC of History! at February 03, 2020 06:06 PM (I2/tG)

Yep. It's masterful. He has an uncanny gift for putting the cat among the pigeons.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 03, 2020 06:07 PM (jpBkc)

This is exactly what I'm hoping happens. I was
also hoping the GOP would help stoke the fires but lol like those cucks
would do anything useful.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at February 03, 2020 06:04 PM (j3npP)

Operation Chaos.

Trump doesn't even have primaries in certain states.

Someone might have some fun with that.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:07 PM (cfSRQ)

85 9 poor uncle Joe.

why doesn't a loved one pull him aside and tell him his political career is over and he needs to just stop.
Posted by: nurse ratched at February 03, 2020 05:59 PM (d7Ww2)

so true.

I don't even like Sleepy Joe, but I am really starting to feel sorry for him. His brain is out of gas. It misfires regularly. It is obvious. It can't be hidden any more.

Do the people around him think so little of him as a person, that they don't see it? Or are they willing to sacrifice his final cogent days for "the cause"?

I think we all know that answer.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at February 03, 2020 06:07 PM (sy5kK)

"Democratic socialist" is the demo. "Communist" is the product.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at February 03, 2020 06:07 PM (7rVsF)

87 Biden leaving his Des Moines field office looks like a blind guy being led to the car, doesn't it? Has on dark sunglasses too...another eye bleed?

Posted by: Tami at February 03, 2020 06:07 PM (cF8AT)


Tanned Rested and Ready! Brokered DNC, here I come!

Posted by: Hitlery Cliton at February 03, 2020 06:07 PM (/NRYk)

89 meant to add, in New Hampshire.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 03, 2020 06:08 PM (Kpl3J)

90 His full-pinko platform might be the only way of ensuring that the non-white brigades of the Free Shit Army show up at the polls.

He polls lower with minorities than a mayonnaise sandwich.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 03, 2020 06:08 PM (KZzsI)

91 As a comment I saw mentioned supposedly Trump was going to need help from Ukraine to beat Biden after the ass whooping he gave Hillary with the entire Democratic machine and their media propaganda organization.

Posted by: Skip at February 03, 2020 06:08 PM (ZCEU2)

92 Whenever I start to feel sorry for Joe, he gives an interview.
Posted by: Ktgreat


Whenever I start to feel sorry for Joe, he swims naked in my pool, tells rambling tales that are clearly lies, then physically shoves me around when I ask why his kid is such a failure.

Posted by: RKae at February 03, 2020 06:08 PM (OfgiI)

93 The excuse I saw on Althouse was that some of the pollsters "adjusted the font size" on their screens, and that made Butteggsalad's name not appear. Unless they hit the scroll bar, which they apparently didn't.

Which also shows the poll was bullshit, since you randomize the order of items on a list in a proper poll. If Bootyjuice's name was read last to every poll responder, the poll sucks.

Posted by: mikeski at February 03, 2020 06:08 PM (P1f+c)

94 The democrats are insane to destroy their party to find someone tho get fucked by Trump.

Posted by: not so at February 03, 2020 06:08 PM (HALdu)

95 >>> Joe Biden seems to be Lowering Expectations, and merely promises to "survive all the way through the whole thing."

Wow. You're vowing to merely survive?

Is that where the goalposts are now? <<<

By the time the Dem Convention rolls around, the DNC will be so desperate to keep Bernie from winning the nomination that the goal line will be moved to give the nomination to the candidate with the most hair plugs.

Posted by: Gref at February 03, 2020 06:08 PM (AMIL/)

96 >>>Bernie's going to give away ten thousand a month to everyone.

Correction - the only people getting ten thousand a month in a Bernie Sanders America are party apparatchiks. The rest of us are splitting time between gulags and a factory making something depressing.

Posted by: Inspector Cake of Scotland Yard at February 03, 2020 06:08 PM (HmZuC)

97 I wonder if Joni Earnst saying that Preezy Paste-eater would be immediately subject to impeachment hearings upon his swearing-in has filtered down to them yet?

And yes, he should be impeached if he manages to steal the election, which I don't see happening. But I don't put anything past the Prog/Dems. By Any Means Necessary is their war cry these days.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy. #DemocratsSuck at February 03, 2020 06:09 PM (HaL55)

98 Yet another reason why politics in the US is garbage. As is every Democrat.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at February 03, 2020 06:09 PM (3H9h1)

99 Levin talking bout Rush

Posted by: Skip at February 03, 2020 06:09 PM (ZCEU2)

100 why doesn't a loved one pull him aside and tell him his political career is over and he needs to just stop.
Posted by: nurse ratched at February 03, 2020 05:59 PM (d7Ww2)

they are hoping the veep will be the first Woman President

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at February 03, 2020 06:09 PM (vEIlU)

101 Surprisingly, NBC's Savannah Guthrie was tough on ol' Joe and Hunter:

Sundown Joe didn't care for her questions.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 03, 2020 06:09 PM (ptqGC)

102 I don't think Trump will lose to anyone the Donks throw at him, if the election is fair.
Posted by: Mr. Wiffle Snuff at February 03, 2020 06:05 PM


Posted by: Winston Wolfe at February 03, 2020 06:09 PM (xPhgI)

103 I'm looking forward to someone asking Bernie what exactly is the difference between a "democratic socialist" and a communist.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara


Hell, these fuckin' people can't even tell the difference between a male and a female!

Don't give them even HIGHER level tests!

Posted by: RKae at February 03, 2020 06:09 PM (OfgiI)

104 I understand the big NO about Bernie the Commie, but why the hate for Andrew Yang from Democrats?

His plan is giving away a thousand a month to everyone. He is the Asian Santa Claus. And yet, he can't even seem to buy votes, using other people's money.

He give coronaviruscash!

Posted by: vmom 2020 at February 03, 2020 06:09 PM (G546f)

105 the only people getting ten thousand a month in a Bernie Sanders America are party apparatchiks

Well, the people in the nomenklatura will get that, and they are the only ones who matter.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at February 03, 2020 06:09 PM (I2/tG)

106 Joe Biden laying a full mouth kiss on his granddaughter while she pulls her skirt up slightly was a truly disturbing sight.

I shudder to think what he would have done without that mic in his hand

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 03, 2020 06:10 PM (KZzsI)

107 Booty Juice.

Posted by: xnycpeasant at February 03, 2020 06:10 PM (koNhm)

108 I like how Biden asks for his shirt back. I guess he couldn't read that it said "Settle for" Biden.

Posted by: the dandy at February 03, 2020 06:10 PM (bR08X)

109 Bloomberg has vid of him saying that high taxes are good since they take away money from stupid voters.

Posted by: not so at February 03, 2020 06:10 PM (HALdu)

110 I think Warren is the Party favorite as most fitting to the Wall Street Globalist UniParty needs. Bernie is scary as he would stripped of all wealth but one house, which he would then reward his most violent lieutenants with. Buttgag is just kind of gross when you look at him and sort of squint your eyes. Yang is just some guy who hasn't fallen out yet.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at February 03, 2020 06:10 PM (1g7ch)

111 63 Fauxcahontas looks like some freaky-deaky scarecrow when she does that stupid waving of her hand.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at February 03, 2020 06:05 PM (ufFY

Whereas Bernie has that pointing with the finger to emphasize ... well ... everything he says.

Only occasionally does he resort to playing the invisible vertical piano.

You'd think his handlers would tell him to dial back the pointing thing, which is even more annoying than his accent (which he can't help).

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 03, 2020 06:10 PM (jpBkc)

112 Biden has been planning for a while to lose Iowa. First to Warren then to Buttigieg then to Bernie.

But he may not place in Iowa. He may not break the 15% required to get delegates.

That will be hard to spin.

Especially if it happens again in NH.

Also, those polls showing Bloomberg in third nationally do not take into account that he is not even in the ballot in the first 4 contests. I award him zero delegates.

Posted by: blaster at February 03, 2020 06:10 PM (ZfRYq)

113 93
The excuse I saw on Althouse was that some of the pollsters "adjusted
the font size" on their screens, and that made Butteggsalad's name not
appear. Unless they hit the scroll bar, which they apparently didn't.

Which also shows the poll was bullshit, since you randomize the
order of items on a list in a proper poll. If Bootyjuice's name was
read last to every poll responder, the poll sucks.

Posted by: mikeski at February 03, 2020 06:08 PM (P1f+c)

And it assumes that there are no supervisors checking to make sure the script is being read correctly.

Try another one.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:10 PM (cfSRQ)

114 Klobuchar

I can't help it. Every time I see her name I hear, "Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree."

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at February 03, 2020 06:10 PM (+y/Ru)

115 Haha, what about the dwarf? He didn't poll... high enough to mention?

Posted by: E. Warren, I am a gay transgender queer ally at February 03, 2020 06:10 PM (NVYyb)

116 The rest of us are splitting time between gulags and a factory making something depressing.
Posted by: Inspector Cake of Scotland Yard at February 03, 2020 06:08 PM (HmZuC)

Zero unemployment, comrade!

Posted by: Bern My Ass at February 03, 2020 06:10 PM (Vy7tf)

117 Bernie's my boy!

Posted by: Zombie Leon Trotsky! at February 03, 2020 06:10 PM (I2/tG)

118 DOCTOR Jill Biden on CNN this morning: "Hunter is the heart and soul of the family."

Yeesh. That's a low bar.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 03, 2020 06:10 PM (ptqGC)

119 Sundance needs to stick to economics. He's good at that.

He's wrong about just about everything else.

The Dems were going to impeach Trump. It was certain. If not Biden, something else.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:05 PM (cfSRQ)

Yeah, agreed. The Dems started talking Impeachment the day after the election, they never let up. Remember Michael Moore shouting THIS WILL NOT STAND!!!! Yeah, well you try to stand up, fat man.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 03, 2020 06:10 PM (Kpl3J)

120 Still worried about who these two old guys will pick as running mates. The powers that be may be hoping the winner will kick off soon and the VP step up.

Posted by: skywch at February 03, 2020 06:11 PM (IWvy/)

121 Biden couldn't score in a kiddie pool full of hundos.

What does that even mean?

Biden couldn't score in a kiddie pool of hundred dollar bills? Biden couldn't score in a kiddie pool of centenarians?

Posted by: bonhomme at February 03, 2020 06:11 PM (9t0Zz)

122 John Kerry to the rescue!
John Kerry to the rescue!
Go John Kerry Go!

Posted by: BluesFish at February 03, 2020 06:11 PM (WQZ1O)

123 Heh. Look at the wilted looks in the audience at the Biden event, changing from the top photo to the second one.

Posted by: m at February 03, 2020 06:11 PM (vSb78)

124 The pollster also explained that a call center manager walks around and listens to the calls while they're being made.

These are professional, credentialed pollsters, people!

Posted by: t-bird at February 03, 2020 06:11 PM (EYsyU)

125 By the time the Dem Convention rolls around, the DNC will be so desperate to keep Bernie from winning the nomination that the goal line will be moved to give the nomination to the candidate with the most hair plugs.
Posted by: Gref at February 03, 2020 06:08 PM

What am I, chopped liver?

Posted by: Leg Hair at February 03, 2020 06:11 PM (xPhgI)

126 Zero unemployment, comrade!

After all, being unemployed in the Soviet Union was a criminal offense, Comrade!

Posted by: Zombie Leon Trotsky! at February 03, 2020 06:11 PM (I2/tG)


Joe is such a dementia patient I don't have the heart to pull the 'you dropped your wallet' routine on him...

Posted by: Surprise Anal Otter at February 03, 2020 06:11 PM (/NRYk)

128 not even warren likes warren

Posted by: not so at February 03, 2020 06:11 PM (HALdu)

129 A while back, I went through Bidens campaign appearances.

In the last two months, he's had two scheduled after 4pm.

And before you say, "well maybe he's at private events"

Nope. His wife has had events almost every evening--no way Joe is going to private big wig events without his wife.

Compare to Trump, holding at least one or two rallies all over the country (not just IA) every week

Posted by: RoyalOil, Vicroy Canadian Territories at February 03, 2020 06:12 PM (aO8Gd)

130 I want to see each Dem candidate stay in the race way past their expiration date then go down in flames one by one until there is only one weak legged Dem staggering around. Then Two Scoops comes in like a lion on a wildebeest. And just toys with it until it goes down from being terrified to death..
Yep. I want that.

Posted by: Cannibal Blob at February 03, 2020 06:12 PM (hmgiv)

131 DOCTOR Jill Biden on CNN this morning: "Hunter is the heart and soul of the family."

So she admits the family is nothing but depraved, addicted trash?

Posted by: Bicentennialguy at February 03, 2020 06:12 PM (JcXHH)

132 By the time the Dem Convention rolls around, the DNC will be so desperate to keep Bernie from winning the nomination that the goal line will be moved to give the nomination to the candidate with the most hair plugs.
Posted by: Gref at February 03, 2020 06:08 PM (AMIL/)

I'm sure the Bernie Bros and antifa will accept that with their accustomed equanimity.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 03, 2020 06:12 PM (jpBkc)


Posted by: Joe Biden's Blood-Filled Eyeball at February 03, 2020 06:12 PM (hfM+5)

134 warren invented grudge masturbation

Posted by: not so at February 03, 2020 06:12 PM (HALdu)

135 the goal line will be moved to give the nomination to the candidate with the most hair plugs.

The rules will be changed so only the superdelegates will be allowed to vote.

Posted by: The DNC! at February 03, 2020 06:12 PM (I2/tG)

136 Iowa should know I farm. Big farmer. My family have farmed for generations. And, I have ridden the RAGBRAI five times. Six! Six times. Plus, I know where Cedar Rapids is.

Posted by: E. Warren, I am a gay transgender queer farmer at February 03, 2020 06:12 PM (NVYyb)

I'm looking forward to someone asking Bernie what exactly is the difference between a "democratic socialist" and a communist.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 03, 2020 06:06 PM (jpBkc)

that's easy.

the socialists are afraid of guns.

the communists are not.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at February 03, 2020 06:12 PM (sy5kK)

Joe Biden laying a full mouth kiss on his granddaughter while she pulls her skirt up slightly was a truly disturbing sight.

I shudder to think what he would have done without that mic in his hand

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 03, 2020 06:10 PM (KZzsI)

Is she Hunter's kid?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 03, 2020 06:13 PM (ptqGC)

139 Clown cars.
Dick tripping.
Rake stepping.
Flaming dumpsters.

Some assembly required.

Posted by: Ladies and Gentleman Your Democratic Party Manifest at February 03, 2020 06:13 PM (koNhm)

140 Go Hawkeyes! My alma mater.

Posted by: E. Warren, I am a gay transgender queer farmer at February 03, 2020 06:13 PM (NVYyb)

141 Bernie! Don't eat the mushrooms!

Posted by: Cannibal Blob at February 03, 2020 06:13 PM (hmgiv)

142 So the democrat coalition is in flux; it used to be unions, NE liberals, southern racists, and city machines

Now it seems to be coalescing as socialists, bitter old women, diversity mongers, and border jumpers.

What a party!

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at February 03, 2020 06:13 PM (LWu6U)

143 C-SPAN, no one speaking, caption:

"U.S. Senate. Waiting for a Senator to Speak"

It's hopelessly pathetic.

Posted by: m at February 03, 2020 06:13 PM (vSb78)

144 There's simply no reason to vote for Bootyjudge other than the identity politics.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at February 03, 2020 06:14 PM (oVJmc)

145 >>Joe Biden laying a full mouth kiss on his granddaughter while she pulls her skirt up slightly was a truly disturbing sight.

'Let Grampa sniff your hair before you go to bed, sweetie.'

Posted by: garrett at February 03, 2020 06:14 PM (TAD8F)

I'm looking forward to someone asking Bernie what exactly is the difference between a "democratic socialist" and a communist.
In one, you vote who you're going to steal the money from.
In the other, you vote for the ones who stole your money

Posted by: RoyalOil, Vicroy Canadian Territories at February 03, 2020 06:14 PM (aO8Gd)

147 "Hunter is the heart and soul of the family."

Hunter Biden - Hookers and Blow, 2020!

Did anyone ask "Doctor" Biden if Hunter is going to make his court date in Arkansas?

And has she met her new grandchild yet?

Posted by: The ARC of History! at February 03, 2020 06:14 PM (I2/tG)

148 124
The pollster also explained that a call center manager walks around and listens to the calls while they're being made.

These are professional, credentialed pollsters, people!

Posted by: t-bird at February 03, 2020 06:11 PM (EYsyU)

That actually is how it's supposed to work.

So either the poll was run by total idiots (hmmm) or they got numbers they didn't like.

Given that the mainstream press is happy to dump garbage polls that are wildly wrong all over the place, I know where I come down on this.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:14 PM (cfSRQ)

149 101 Surprisingly, NBC's Savannah Guthrie was tough on ol' Joe and Hunter:

Sundown Joe didn't care for her questions.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 03, 2020 06:09 PM (ptqGC)

I'd love to see Potato Salad Joe have a moment and blurt out, "Folks, I've got bitches all over me! These uppity bitches where did they come from? Who are these cunts with these questions?"

*rack focus to Warren Wineboxers heads exploding"

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at February 03, 2020 06:15 PM (j3npP)

The Democratic nominee will be...

*rips open envelope*

... Some random guy pulled off the streets of Milwaukee.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at February 03, 2020 06:15 PM (7rVsF)

151 I'm looking forward to someone asking Bernie what exactly is the difference between a "democratic socialist" and a communist.

He'd probably just give you the ol' Appeal to Ignorance crap.

"If you don't know the difference, I can't help you. See, this is the problem with American schools..."

Posted by: bonhomme at February 03, 2020 06:15 PM (9t0Zz)

152 Levin about to play Rush's announcement

Posted by: Skip at February 03, 2020 06:15 PM (ZCEU2)

153 Joe Biden laying a full mouth kiss on his granddaughter while she pulls her skirt up slightly was a truly disturbing sight.

I shudder to think what he would have done without that mic in his hand

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 03, 2020 06:10 PM (KZzsI)

...and he's moving her hand towards his crotch.

Posted by: Cannibal Blob at February 03, 2020 06:15 PM (hmgiv)

154 How about I take Shakira home and see if I can find what's wrong with her....
Posted by: Pendulating Richard at February 03, 2020 06:02 PM (/NRYk)

Carpet don't match the drapes. Best to put in hardwood. Problem solved.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at February 03, 2020 06:15 PM (1g7ch)

155 Now it seems to be coalescing as socialists, bitter old women, diversity mongers, and border jumpers.

What a party!
Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at February 03, 2020 06:13 PM (LWu6U)

You left off Convicted Felons.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 03, 2020 06:15 PM (Kpl3J)

156 18 Why is Choo-Choo being led around by the arm by a young woman ?
Posted by: McCool a

Probably to keep him from poking at people who ask him mean questions. There have been a couple of instances of Biden putting his hands on people who question him.

He can't seem to handle people persisting in questioning him. I want him to get the nomination just to see if Trump can provoke him in the debates.

Posted by: nerdygirl at February 03, 2020 06:15 PM (+lVUW)

157 hiya

Posted by: JT at February 03, 2020 06:15 PM (arJlL)


Posted by: Bernie Sanders' Communism-Filled Aorta at February 03, 2020 06:16 PM (hfM+5)

159 Depends, of all things, is the third option?! It should be the first.

Posted by: Hillary! at February 03, 2020 06:16 PM (cfSLd)

160 144
There's simply no reason to vote for Bootyjudge other than the identity politics.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at February 03, 2020 06:14 PM (oVJmc)

Corporatist graft.

He's big with Wall Street types. Will also bend over for the tech lords. In his case, literally.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:16 PM (cfSRQ)

161 Joe's a survivor. He'll be the candidate. I know, I'm an expert.

Posted by: freaked at February 03, 2020 06:16 PM (Tnijr)


What does that even mean? 

Biden couldn't score in a kiddie pool of hundred dollar bills?

Posted by: bonhomme at February 03, 2020 06:11 PM (9t0Zz)

This one. Or maybe I meant to say a pool full of kiddies. Whatever, point is Joe Biden doesn't know where he is, much less have the stamina needed to campaign or score chicks like Trump undoubtedly could. Anyone citing him as the "favorite" outed themselves as a fucking idiot months ago.

Posted by: trev006 at February 03, 2020 06:16 PM (nTPpB)

163 If Bernie or any of the other candidates run against Trump, will the MFM endorse them. What did Trump 5 newspapers in the whole country endorsing him. All the reasons why they like Bernie, Biden will be interesting reading.

Posted by: Colin at February 03, 2020 06:16 PM (yythk)

164 It's just heard to believe that the party of FDR, JFK,
& LBJ has sunk so low as to have a slate of candidates so unimpressive.

Posted by: Cosda at February 03, 2020 06:16 PM (D3bRp)

165 How much of the Impeachment Sham did in Ol' Joe? It sure raised the profile on the crooked old bastard.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at February 03, 2020 06:16 PM (oVJmc)

166 The Dems around here are so excited about having the convention here. "Finally, we'll get attention for something besides 'Laverne and Shirley' and Jeffrey Dahmer! Something positive!"

I don't have the heart to tell them, "well, if the Bernie bros don't get their way, it might look like the '68 Dem convention. And you know who won in '68."

Posted by: Donna&&&&V. at February 03, 2020 06:16 PM (d6Ksn)

167 There's simply no reason to vote for Bootyjudge other than the identity politics.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles


I'm bringing up the rear in this election!

Posted by: Buttigig at February 03, 2020 06:16 PM (Y4EXg)

168 I am oddly intrigued by the idea of Warren having some trans youngster picking out her cabinet.

Id like to see it.

I mean end of the Republic and all that but it would be a hell of a show.

Posted by: blaster at February 03, 2020 06:16 PM (ZfRYq)

169 Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:05 PM (cfSRQ)
Yep ! Publix Store Manager is wrong all the time on everything pertaining to the Coup

Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani at February 03, 2020 06:16 PM (BqBId)

170 131
DOCTOR Jill Biden on CNN this morning: "Hunter is the heart and soul of the family."


So she admits the family is nothing but depraved, addicted trash?

Further evidence the Biden family's heart and soul is hidden away in a deep dark place.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at February 03, 2020 06:16 PM (NVYyb)

171 Hunter Biden - Hookers and Blow, 2020!

Did anyone ask "Doctor" Biden if Hunter is going to make his court date in Arkansas?

And has she met her new grandchild yet?

Posted by: The ARC of History! at February 03, 2020 06:14 PM (I2/tG)

It was Angry Alisyn's sidekick, the little concerned-face guy John Berman, so no.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 03, 2020 06:16 PM (ptqGC)

172 Nobody will touch the Biden's....same connected as Clintoons.

Posted by: torabora at February 03, 2020 06:16 PM (Y274z)

173 they have a nerve talking about Hunter being harassed or whatever

look at what they have done to all of Trump's family, including grandchildren and all of his friends and associates

gfy- truly

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at February 03, 2020 06:17 PM (vEIlU)

174 If you found out that Hunter had schtupped Step Mom of the Year Doctor Jill Biden, would you be surprised?

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 03, 2020 06:17 PM (6Cbbt)

175 Surprisingly, NBC's Savannah Guthrie was tough on ol' Joe and Hunter:

They know he's dead candidate walking. They smell blood in the water and are playing journalist.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at February 03, 2020 06:17 PM (+y/Ru)

176 ... Some random guy pulled off the streets of Milwaukee.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at February 03, 2020 06:15 PM (7rVsF)

Who would more than likely do a better job even if random guy was a Dem. These pukes they're trying to foist off on the country are absolute dog shit.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at February 03, 2020 06:17 PM (j3npP)

177 Meh.


*makes contemptuous gestures*


Posted by: sock_rat_eez, we are being gaslighted 24/365 at February 03, 2020 06:17 PM (zlgJP)

178 158


Posted by: Bernie Sanders' Communism-Filled Aorta at February 03, 2020 06:16 PM (hfM+5)

In light of Bernie Sander's unexpected suicide or heart attack tomorrow, I am reluctantly declaring my candidacy for president.

Posted by: Hillary Clinton at February 03, 2020 06:17 PM (cfSRQ)

179 Hey, remember now that third hand information is essentially fact that can be used to take people to court and convict them.

New rules.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at February 03, 2020 06:17 PM (e284m)

180 Wasn't Biden the guy that said it isn't incest if your kid wasn't married to the grandkid's mother?

Posted by: not so at February 03, 2020 06:17 PM (HALdu)

181 "Hunter is the heart and soul of the family."

How long did it take Hunter to piss hot after he got a cushy Officer commission in the military? A week?

Heart and soul my ass.

Posted by: bonhomme at February 03, 2020 06:17 PM (9t0Zz)

182 37
About that poll.

I understand the big NO about Bernie the Commie, but why the hate for Andrew Yang from Democrats?

His plan is giving away a thousand a month to everyone. He is the Asian Santa Claus. And yet, he can't even seem to buy votes, using other people's money.

It seems that the Democrats are just old fashioned racists after all.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at February 03, 2020 06:01 PM (sy5kK)


Never Ever Forget,

The Democrats were the Party of Slavery. Lincoln and the Abolitionists formed the Republican Party to defeat the party of slavery.

The KKK was the militant arm of the Democrat Party.

Woodrow Wilson was a loyal Democrat, and he segregated the Civil Service and supported the KKK. He showed "Birth of a Nation" in the White House.

When the Civil Rights Act was finally passed after twenty years of Segregationist Democrat Senator Filibusters, LBJ actually said, "This will have those N****** voting for us the next 200 years."

Yes they are racists. Notice how the first thing they classify you is by YOUR RACE?

Posted by: rd at February 03, 2020 06:17 PM (+0uDE)

183 118 DOCTOR Jill Biden on CNN this morning: "Hunter is the heart and soul of the family."

Yeesh. That's a low bar.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 03, 2020 06:10 PM (ptqGC

Keeping the sugar jar full of coke keeps a smile on everyone's face.

Posted by: Cicero Kaboom! Kid, at February 03, 2020 06:18 PM (Vy7tf)

184 He'd probably just give you the ol' Appeal to Ignorance crap.

"If you don't know the difference, I can't help you. See, this is the problem with American schools..."
Posted by: bonhomme at February 03, 2020 06:15 PM (9t0Zz)

That's an easy one to foil.

"So you're saying that there IS no difference, then?"

Put the words in his mouth, make him distinguish the two.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 03, 2020 06:18 PM (jpBkc)

185 I'm still so broken up about Rush. And I only have 1 feeling.

Posted by: Muad'dib at February 03, 2020 06:18 PM (cdo+X)

186 I don't have the heart to tell them, "well, if the Bernie bros don't get their way, it might look like the '68 Dem convention. And you know who won in '68."
Posted by: Donna&&&&V. at February 03, 2020 06:16 PM (d6Ksn)

'68 convention, '72 campaign.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 03, 2020 06:18 PM (Kpl3J)

187 I will never stop laughing at Buttgig's name

And elections are marathons, not sprints. Losing states, even early states, are what separates the men from the sexy, sexy boys. And underaged girls with nice smelling hair.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo. Yes, you. at February 03, 2020 06:18 PM (l4C/z)

188 The vim and vigor of the Democrat lineup gives me hope for the future.

Posted by: Fritz at February 03, 2020 06:18 PM (ATCV4)

189 174
If you found out that Hunter had schtupped Step Mom of the Year Doctor Jill Biden, would you be surprised?

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 03, 2020 06:17 PM (6Cbbt)

Quite the opposite.

Surprised if he didn't.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:18 PM (cfSRQ)

190 I really hope Trump wins in November, if only because these assholes shouldn't be rewarded for how they've behaved the last four years.

Posted by: Kensington at February 03, 2020 06:18 PM (y87jW)

Which is the more attractive tourist spa?

Warsaw, October, 1944
Milwaukee, October, 2020?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at February 03, 2020 06:19 PM (7rVsF)

192 The big win for me is an end to this cycle of the relentless TV ads

Posted by: zeera BMGG - Books Make Great Gifts! at February 03, 2020 06:19 PM (CAJL/)

193 174 If you found out that Hunter had schtupped Step Mom of the Year Doctor Jill Biden, would you be surprised?
Posted by: Ignoramus

kinda assumed he has

Posted by: vmom 2020 at February 03, 2020 06:19 PM (G546f)

194 17 I've fallen and I can't get up!

-Joe Biden
Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at February 03, 2020 06:00 PM (j3npP)

18 Why is Choo-Choo being led around by the arm by a young woman ?
Posted by: McCool at February 03, 2020 06:00 PM (sZaoP)

Elder Abuse

Posted by: rd at February 03, 2020 06:19 PM (+0uDE)

195 Quite the opposite.

Surprised if he didn't.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February


Posted by: not so at February 03, 2020 06:19 PM (HALdu)

196 He can't seem to handle people persisting in
questioning him. I want him to get the nomination just to see if Trump
can provoke him in the debates.

Posted by: nerdygirl at February 03, 2020 06:15 PM (+lVUW)

I can actually see him losing it and jumping across the debate stage onto Trump, trying to wrestle him.

PLEASE let Joe be the Dem candidate!

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 03, 2020 06:19 PM (ptqGC)

197 You ever fucked on cocaine, Hunter?

*uncrosses leg*
*crosses leg*

It's nice.

Posted by: Dr. Jill at February 03, 2020 06:19 PM (JcXHH)

198 You realize that I must enter the race now to save America from Trump, yes?

You deplorable basket of morons. I'll get you, and your Ewok too!

Posted by: Hillary Clinton at February 03, 2020 06:20 PM (e284m)

199 " ...
The center cannot hold. It really is going away for good. The future belongs to the fringes. It would be nice if we recognized this and acted accordingly to turn the Left against itself by any means available.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at February 03, 2020 06:04 PM (j3npP) "

Way I see it, we are the center, they are the fringe party.
Any other view starts by accepting our enemies worldview.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez, we are being gaslighted 24/365 at February 03, 2020 06:20 PM (zlgJP)

So there was some rumor last week about Hillary willing to be Vice-President on the 2020 ticket.

Anyone who was at the top of the ticket and selected Hillary as VP simply has a death wish.

Arkancide is not a river in Egypt.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at February 03, 2020 06:20 PM (sy5kK)

201 Yes they are racists. Notice how the first thing they classify you is by YOUR RACE?

Posted by: rd at February 03, 2020 06:17 PM (+0uDE)

The biggest racists I've ever known were white Democrats.

They didn't even hide it, because they knew that being Democrat gave them a pass.

Which it does.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:20 PM (cfSRQ)

202 My first prediction is that Bernie will win the DNC nomination in spite of repeated attempts by the DNC to kill his nomination using any Calvinball possible. Then it will be the MFM's job to carry his message of "Everyone gets 'everything' and let's not talk about cost and liberty to get there" while Trump is called a racisty bigot NAZI.

The DNC's consolation prize will be, "Well, we can't beat Trump so we'll, ultimately reluctantly, sacrifice Bernie and be rid of him from now on.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at February 03, 2020 06:21 PM (6eEQ+)

203 *hold envelope to forehead*

A mummy,
A rummy,
and a dummy.

*opens envelope*

Who are Sanders, Hillary, and Biden.

Posted by: Karnak the Great at February 03, 2020 06:21 PM (aS1PU)

204 This thing is over, and none of the other dwarves are going to beat Sanders. They can rob him though, in which case Katie bar the door!
Posted by: trev006

Please let this happen, dear lord, please. Let. This. Happen.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at February 03, 2020 06:21 PM (myjNJ)

205 Joes peter out is assault with a dead weapon.

Posted by: rhennigantx at February 03, 2020 06:22 PM (JFO2v)

206 Twenty years from now there will be old shrews who still get agitated when they talk about how President Trump ruined Biden's campaign by having the Ukraine investigate him.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at February 03, 2020 06:22 PM (1g7ch)

207 203 *hold envelope to forehead*

A mummy,
A rummy,
and a dummy.

*opens envelope*

Who are Sanders, Hillary, and Biden.
Posted by: Karnak the Great at February 03, 2020 06:21 PM (aS1PU)

Ha ha..Heyo!

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo. Yes, you. at February 03, 2020 06:22 PM (l4C/z)

208 Biden looks like he is being led around. His family should stop this now because PDT will show no mercy.

Posted by: Jmel at February 03, 2020 06:22 PM (OeWgo)

209 Maybe they will run an identity Trifecta Throupledidacy: Tulsi, Bootyjuice and Abrams.
They can take turns being co-tops and co-bottoms of the ticket.
Living Constitution doncha know.

Posted by: xnycpeasant at February 03, 2020 06:22 PM (koNhm)

210 Interested to hear Hunter's testimony in the Weinstein trial

Posted by: not so at February 03, 2020 06:22 PM (HALdu)

211 I miss that old, drunken sycophant, Ed McMahon

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo. Yes, you. at February 03, 2020 06:22 PM (l4C/z)

212 Joe Biden has no Shame. That's been an asset until now.

He passed No Shame onto Hunter, and look how it turned out

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 03, 2020 06:22 PM (6Cbbt)

213 If Hilary couldn't win last time around she sure as hell can't this time. No one can beat Trump as things are now. The Dems know it and will tantrum with chaos.

Posted by: freaked at February 03, 2020 06:22 PM (Tnijr)

214 So my takeaway is in that last chart, in the far right-hand column, there are Democrat voters who would rather see a diaper product for incontinent adults as the nominee if their favored candidate doesn't win.

Posted by: Anonymous 7 at February 03, 2020 06:23 PM (XehFa)

215 208
Biden looks like he is being led around. His family should stop this now because PDT will show no mercy.

Posted by: Jmel at February 03, 2020 06:22 PM (OeWgo)

His family is putting him up to it.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:23 PM (cfSRQ)

Biden looks like he is being led around. His family should stop this now because PDT will show no mercy.

Posted by: Jmel at February 03, 2020 06:22 PM (OeWgo)

Hillary was tough and mean. Joe doesn't know what day of the week it is.

It will be a debate for the ages.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 03, 2020 06:23 PM (ptqGC)

217 167
I'm bringing up the rear in this election!

this is about me, isn't it?

Posted by: brie larsen at February 03, 2020 06:23 PM (sGtp+)

218 PLEASE let Joe be the Dem candidate!

Posted by: Jane D'oh

It really is can't lose for the popcorn industry. Corrupt joe, commie sanders, lieawatha, or now half-pint dictator mike.

no matter who it is, Trump is going to have a blast.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at February 03, 2020 06:24 PM (LWu6U)

219 not even warren likes warren
Posted by: not so at February 03, 2020 06:11 PM

When Bailey the dog was asked what kind of night his owner would have in Iowa, he replied...

Wait for it.


Posted by: RedMindBlueState at February 03, 2020 06:24 PM (rBtIz)

220 MO LO TOV cocktails. Molotov cocktails here. Get your molotov cocktails. Step right up. Buy two, get one free. We take food stamps.

Posted by: Guy making bank in front of democratic convention at February 03, 2020 06:24 PM (C1Lsn)

221 All this poll nonsense, dems imploding, I'll tell you what is surging right here.

Posted by: Lace Wigs at February 03, 2020 06:24 PM (1CjJc)

222 The only that can beat me now is a speed bag! - Bernie 2020.

Posted by: Archer at February 03, 2020 06:24 PM (gmo/4)

223 Look, fat!

Posted by: Joey Sundowns at February 03, 2020 06:24 PM (y87jW)

224 /turban off

Posted by: DR.WTF at February 03, 2020 06:24 PM (aS1PU)

225 I don't even like Sleepy Joe, but I am really starting to feel sorry for him. His brain is out of gas. It misfires regularly. It is obvious. It can't be hidden any more.

Do the people around him think so little of him as a person, that they don't see it? Or are they willing to sacrifice his final cogent days for "the cause"?

I think we all know that answer.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at February 03, 2020 06:07 PM (sy5kK)
Watching my dad lose it until nothing was left was heartbreaking.

Watching a guy lose it that still has enough going on that wants to fuck me over isn't heartbreaking.

At least when he wanders off his family won't have to give the cops a photo of him to find him.

Posted by: Groundhog at February 03, 2020 06:24 PM (VYwSh)

226 I laugh out loud at people who think that Hillary can even try to run in another election. But I do think it likely that she is seriously considering being VP to whoever wins. Especially if its one of the men on death's door like Biden or Sanders. Even if they didn't die of natural causes who'd be surprised if one croaked? And as VP the tour is pretty easy, show up and wave next to the candidate, do a quick memorized intro, do a few small speeches. You don't even have to do the obnoxious "eat a snack at the state fair" stuff.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 03, 2020 06:24 PM (KZzsI)

227 The DNC's consolation prize will be, "Well, we can't beat Trump so we'll, ultimately reluctantly, sacrifice Bernie and be rid of him from now on."

Yes except Bernie as the candidate affords no protection to the Clinton Biden Deep State Ukraine Russia Racket.

Posted by: freaked at February 03, 2020 06:24 PM (Tnijr)

Anderson Cooper wants to know who has the BIGGEST CAUCUS?

Posted by: saf at February 03, 2020 06:24 PM (5IHGB)

229 Wonder what the bookie odds are on the candidates in the UK.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at February 03, 2020 06:25 PM (9pm4Q)

230 168 I am oddly intrigued by the idea of Warren having some trans youngster picking out her cabinet.

Id like to see it.

I mean end of the Republic and all that but it would be a hell of a show.
Posted by: blaster at February 03, 2020 06:16 PM (ZfRYq)


Now brave little Caitlyn, these are your choices, and you are supposed to pick this person. Understand?

Posted by: rd at February 03, 2020 06:25 PM (+0uDE)

231 211
I miss that old, drunken sycophant, Ed McMahon

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo. Yes, you. at February 03, 2020 06:22 PM (l4C/z)

He had his own show, though. Star Search or something.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:25 PM (cfSRQ)

232 It's Booty Judge, not Booty Juice.

Posted by: Asscheeks of Saturn at February 03, 2020 06:25 PM (Jj+59)

233 .. someone is going to get his cock cleaned in Iowa.

Posted by: saf at February 03, 2020 06:25 PM (5IHGB)

234 220 MO LO TOV cocktails. Molotov cocktails here. Get your molotov cocktails. Step right up. Buy two, get one free. We take food stamps.
Posted by: Guy making bank in front of democratic convention at February 03, 2020 06:24 PM (C1Lsn)

Oh boy!

I'll take two cocktails

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo. Yes, you. at February 03, 2020 06:25 PM (l4C/z)

235 Heart and soul of the family? Only if heart is coke and soul is crack.

Posted by: Archer at February 03, 2020 06:25 PM (gmo/4)

236 Crap. Still had lace wigs in my dooblie doo.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at February 03, 2020 06:25 PM (1CjJc)

237 Bernie better have a food taster.

Posted by: Cannibal Blob at February 03, 2020 06:25 PM (hmgiv)

238 I plan on staying in the race til I've touched every voter in some way or fashion. That's the Biden Promise.

Posted by: Smokin' Joe Biden at February 03, 2020 06:26 PM (4e+hS)

239 Ahhhhhh, yaaaassssssss. Gimme some more blue-on-blue fire. This Iowa caucus is gonna a be lit AF.

Posted by: BifBewalski at February 03, 2020 06:26 PM (VcFUs)

240 Im bringing up the rear in this election!

this is about me, isn't it?
Posted by: brie larsen at February 03, 2020 06:23 PM

Not really, no.

Posted by: Pete Booty judge at February 03, 2020 06:26 PM (rBtIz)

241 Guthrie is so far left she had to ask the question in a sing songy way, like gee Mr. Biden, I didn't think the Beaver could do that?

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at February 03, 2020 06:26 PM (r+sAi)

242 "Wow. You're vowing to merely survive?"

It's worse than that. He's not even committed to surviving a presidency. He's interested in having a good VP, remember, because he's an "old man".

Biden is asking for a mercy vote because he's just such a likable fella and not to worry about anything because he won't be doing anything.

The man has dementia.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at February 03, 2020 06:26 PM (6eEQ+)

243 *hold envelope to forehead*

A mummy,
A rummy,
and a dummy.

*opens envelope*

Who are Sanders, Hillary, and Biden.
Posted by: Karnak the Great

The original was Tutenkamen, Dean Martin and Chuck Barris !

Posted by: JT at February 03, 2020 06:26 PM (arJlL)

244 231 211
I miss that old, drunken sycophant, Ed McMahon

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo. Yes, you. at February 03, 2020 06:22 PM (l4C/z)

He had his own show, though. Star Search or something.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:25 PM (cfSRQ)

jah, and that sweet Publisher's Clearinghouse side gig.

But I'll always remember him as the guy on the couch, laughing at Johnny Carson's jokes.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo. Yes, you. at February 03, 2020 06:26 PM (l4C/z)

245 Hunter's watching the caucus returns from an undisclosed champagne room

Posted by: REDACTED at February 03, 2020 06:26 PM (rpxSz)

246 217

I'm bringing up the rear in this election!

this is about me, isn't it?

Posted by: brie larsen at February 03, 2020 06:23 PM (sGtp+)


Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at February 03, 2020 06:26 PM (1CjJc)

247 Joe can hide his own Easter Eggs.

Posted by: Asscheeks of Saturn at February 03, 2020 06:27 PM (Jj+59)


Hitlery is sending coded messages to Antifa... watch for them...

Posted by: Joe Blowme at February 03, 2020 06:27 PM (/NRYk)

249 He had his own show, though. Star Search or something.

Yeah, another one of those shows that never had anyone actually become a star from it.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 03, 2020 06:27 PM (KZzsI)

250 MARK!

Good to see you around!
Marine ratched really enjoyed shooting with you on Saturday! thank you!

Posted by: nurse ratched at February 03, 2020 06:27 PM (d7Ww2)

251 I resent being left off the pole . . . poll!

Posted by: Mayor Buttplug at February 03, 2020 06:27 PM (vGJY7)

252 Ed schlepped life insurance and reverse mortgages as well.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at February 03, 2020 06:27 PM (oVP12)

253 Grandaddy says I kiss almost as good as my Mama does.

Posted by: Finnegan Biden at February 03, 2020 06:27 PM (sWM8x)

254 206 Twenty years from now there will be old shrews who still get agitated when they talk about how President Trump ruined Biden's campaign by having the Ukraine investigate him.
Posted by: Burnt Toast

it's so beautiful

Posted by: x at February 03, 2020 06:28 PM (nFwvY)

255 219 not even warren likes warren
Posted by: not so at February 03, 2020 06:11 PM

When Bailey the dog was asked what kind of night his owner would have in Iowa, he replied...

Wait for it.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at February 03, 2020 06:24 PM (rBtIz)

That's the way your mother likes it, Trebeck: rough.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo. Yes, you. at February 03, 2020 06:28 PM (l4C/z)

256 Come on Iowa, gives us 5 candidates with 20% of the vote. You can do it!

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at February 03, 2020 06:28 PM (r+sAi)

257 Obama didn't want Hillary has his VP, when it looked good on paper

Secretary of State and a license to steal was the price to keep her on the reservation

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 03, 2020 06:28 PM (6Cbbt)

258 Some people see the disappearance of things which are inconvenient to the Democrat Establishment as familiar:

Conversely, the sudden appearance of things which *are* convenient to the Democrat Party comes as no surprise either.

Posted by: Trunkful of 'discovered' ballots at February 03, 2020 06:28 PM (xSo9G)

259 Dont let the sundown Joe go done on you

Posted by: rhennigantx at February 03, 2020 06:28 PM (JFO2v)

260 But I'll always remember him as the guy on the couch, laughing at Johnny Carson's jokes.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo. Yes, you. at February 03, 2020 06:26 PM (l4C/z)

I can think of worse ways to get rich.

I mean, you can even show up for work drunk and people are fine with it!

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:29 PM (cfSRQ)

261 Is today some gay celebration thing? there was table at a coffee house giving out rainbow cupcakes and the sign said "All kinds of Love".

It was flaming. I got out before someone spontaneously combusted.

Posted by: Cannibal Blob at February 03, 2020 06:29 PM (hmgiv)

262 250 MARK!

Good to see you around!
Marine ratched really enjoyed shooting with you on Saturday! thank you!
Posted by: nurse ratched at February 03, 2020 06:27 PM (d7Ww2)

Hey super nurse!

I enjoyed having him on the range. He sure is dialed in with that PPQ.

I'm surprised how popular that Taurus 709 was!

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo. Yes, you. at February 03, 2020 06:29 PM (l4C/z)

263 If Grassley was a car, he'd be a horse

Posted by: REDACTED at February 03, 2020 06:29 PM (rpxSz)

264 Keeping the sugar jar full of coke keeps a smile on everyone's face.


Posted by: BackwardsBoy. #DemocratsSuck at February 03, 2020 06:29 PM (HaL55)

265 257 Obama didn't want Hillary has his VP, when it looked good on paper

Secretary of State and a license to steal was the price to keep her on the reservation
Posted by: Ignoramus at February 03, 2020 06:28 PM (6Cbbt)

Hillary got her money's worth on that deal.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at February 03, 2020 06:29 PM (sy5kK)

266 Damn, how did that happen?

Posted by: BackwardsBoy. #DemocratsSuck at February 03, 2020 06:29 PM (HaL55)

267 Grandaddy says I kiss almost as good as my Mama does.
Posted by: Finnegan Biden

At least she didn't do that old fashioned foot lift thing

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 03, 2020 06:30 PM (KZzsI)

268 That's the way your mother likes it, Trebeck: rough.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo. Yes, you. at February 03, 2020 06:28 PM

Never. Not. Funny.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at February 03, 2020 06:30 PM (rBtIz)

269 Something about her (Shakira) is off. I don't know what it is, but I saw it last night on the SB half-time show.

Maybe she's been Spirit Cooking with Jay Z and Beyonce

Posted by: random lurker commenter at February 03, 2020 06:30 PM (48RE5)

270 Send Grassley to the glue factory.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at February 03, 2020 06:30 PM (oVP12)

271 So, what will tomorrow's impeachment bombshell be?

Posted by: Vanya at February 03, 2020 06:30 PM (U7voe)

272 243 *hold envelope to forehead*

A mummy,
A rummy,
and a dummy.

*opens envelope*

Who are Sanders, Hillary, and Biden.
Posted by: Karnak the Great

The original was Tutenkamen, Dean Martin and Chuck Barris !
Posted by: JT at February 03, 2020 06:26 PM (arJlL)

Chuck was a CIA Ninja assassin!

Posted by: rhennigantx at February 03, 2020 06:30 PM (JFO2v)

Watching a guy lose it that still has enough going on that wants to fuck me over isn't heartbreaking.
Posted by: Groundhog

As a matter of fact it is downright soul refreshing nector that I relish nearly as much as I do liberal tears. Fuck. Joe Biden. And his corruptocrat family.

Posted by: BifBewalski at February 03, 2020 06:30 PM (VcFUs)

274 Just got the ebook version of Gregg Jarrett's Witch Hunt! Not a bad read so far!

Posted by: Mayor Buttplug at February 03, 2020 06:30 PM (vGJY7)

275 The big B has demented dementia.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at February 03, 2020 06:30 PM (9pm4Q)

276 Maybe she's been Spirit Cooking with Jay Z and Beyonce

I'd never seen her before last night. Something just ain't right with that gal.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy. #DemocratsSuck at February 03, 2020 06:31 PM (HaL55)

277 " ... Joe Biden laying a full mouth kiss on his granddaughter while she pulls her skirt up slightly was a truly disturbing sight.

I shudder to think what he would have done without that mic in his hand

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 03, 2020 06:10 PM (KZzsI)"

Saw that this morning; found both the kiss and the hand gesture disturbing ... almost as disturbing was the no-comment poker-face treatment of the incident by the reporter.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez, we are being gaslighted 24/365 at February 03, 2020 06:31 PM (zlgJP)


I like cupcakes.

In my ass!

Posted by: Peter Buttplug at February 03, 2020 06:31 PM (/NRYk)

279 Bernie probably already knows its rigged against him but knows he will get payouts worth the effort.

Posted by: Skip at February 03, 2020 06:31 PM (ZCEU2)

280 CBS "News" is showing video of rallies from Iowa. The people behind the candidates look like their dog just died.

Posted by: freaked at February 03, 2020 06:31 PM (Tnijr)

281 OK, seriously, who the heck names their daughter Finnegan?

Posted by: Archer at February 03, 2020 06:32 PM (gmo/4)

282 The Big Media, today:
Iowa represents the best of America: Farms, small businesses, and good old red, white and blue family values!

The Big Media, next week through November:
Iowa is representative of all the red states that have bought into the Trump message of racism, sexism, no immigration, and anti-intellectualism! It's populated by white-skinned deplorables who deserve to live in the middle of nowhere!

Posted by: Gref at February 03, 2020 06:32 PM (AMIL/)

283 Bernie -- which old coot does he resemble most closely, Statler or Waldorf?

Posted by: Emmie at February 03, 2020 06:32 PM (87gB3)

284 He had his own show, though. Star Search or something.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:25 PM (cfSRQ)
Worked with a guy whose daughter won on his show. Pretty sure it wasn't when Arsenio Hall took it over. Girl could sing. The prize money was money that could be spent on "Approved" musicians, producers and studios. All entities connected to show. That money went fast. I think she's an owner/operator of her own beauty parlor in New Jersey these days.

Posted by: Groundhog at February 03, 2020 06:32 PM (VYwSh)

285 Vanya: "So, what will tomorrow's impeachment bombshell be?"

Trump bombed the bombshell factory!

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at February 03, 2020 06:32 PM (6eEQ+)

286 Nobody will touch the Biden's....same connected as Clintoons.

Posted by: torabora at February 03, 2020 06:16 PM (Y274z)

In the sense of the Bidens being Democrats, maybe. Otherwise, hahaha, I think this was the whole problem of the campaign. Obama kept saying "er I dunno," at which point Scumbag Joe looked to his advisers- who gave him a hearty thumbs up.

The second Joe Biden actually looks like he's in danger of testifying on behalf of anyone, they'll kill the whole family and blame it on Putin/ Trump.

Posted by: trev006 at February 03, 2020 06:32 PM (nTPpB)

287 All the way through the whole thing.

Okey dokey.

Posted by: runner at February 03, 2020 06:32 PM (SEDJv)

288 The only reason Bribem is in the race is to prevent indictment

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at February 03, 2020 06:32 PM (+MS7k)

289 Yeah, another one of those shows that never had anyone actually become a star from it.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor

Sawyer Brown.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at February 03, 2020 06:32 PM (myjNJ)

290 Funny video of a girl sucking down some kind of gummy candy.

Posted by: bonhomme at February 03, 2020 06:32 PM (9t0Zz)

291 Oh and I missed the thread.

Rick Wilson is not fit to lick Rush' ass.

God speed, Rush.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at February 03, 2020 06:32 PM (1CjJc)

292 252 Ed schlepped life insurance and reverse mortgages as well.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at February 03, 2020 06:27 PM (oVP12)


Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at February 03, 2020 06:32 PM (NWiLs)

293 279
Bernie probably already knows its rigged against him but knows he will get payouts worth the effort.

Posted by: Skip at February 03, 2020 06:31 PM (ZCEU2)

Yep. The idea is to make sure everyone thinks you care. Don't let them see the tar on the ball.

Posted by: Cannibal Blob at February 03, 2020 06:33 PM (hmgiv)

294 Bernie -- which old coot does he resemble most closely, Statler or Waldorf?

I could never tell them apart, but the guy with the round head.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 03, 2020 06:33 PM (KZzsI)

295 The poll in that last pic might have been, 'Who do you think wears Depends'?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 03, 2020 06:33 PM (xSo9G)

296 290
Funny video of a girl sucking down some kind of gummy candy.

Posted by: bonhomme at February 03, 2020 06:32 PM (9t0Zz)

I think I trusted you once before.

Posted by: Cannibal Blob at February 03, 2020 06:34 PM (hmgiv)

297 279
Bernie probably already knows its rigged against him but knows he will get payouts worth the effort.

Posted by: Skip at February 03, 2020 06:31 PM (ZCEU2)

He's a coward. He actually wants to win, but has no guts.

Sat out the Cold War in Vermont. All for the revolution, but married into money and got a government salary.

Has three homes, but still talks the game.

When the DNC screwed him, he meekly submitted because he's a coward. Look at how he reacted with Warren making up crap! Total beta wuss.

His followers, on the other hand, may be a bit more determined to make some noise.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:34 PM (cfSRQ)

298 And you thought Joe was crazy?

Yashar Ali @yashar
Why liberal white women pay a lot of money to learn over dinner how they're racist

A growing number of women are paying to confront their privilege - and racism - at dinners that cost $2,500

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at February 03, 2020 06:34 PM (+y/Ru)

299 OK, seriously, who the heck names their daughter Finnegan?
Posted by: Archer at February 03, 2020 06:32 PM

Someone who's wake woke.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at February 03, 2020 06:34 PM (rBtIz)

I look at those people in Iowa that are watching their Dem candidates, and wonder if they are really that stupid, like being lied to, or are just Communists that want their free lives to be taken away at gunpoint.

Maybe it is a combination.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at February 03, 2020 06:34 PM (sy5kK)

301 Bongino's been hinting for a couple of days that most of the money Hunter Biden received through Burisma actually wound up in Paste-Eatin' Retard Joe's bank accounts.

And today be hinted that the reason Joe dropped out in 2016 in favor of Hitlery Clinton was that she knew about that stream of income.

Bongino never hints unless he has concrete proof in hand.

Posted by: Richard at February 03, 2020 06:34 PM (I6tpa)

Biden kissed is 19-year-old granddaughter full on the mouth at some event today.

And the Left always ridicules people from the Ozark and other rednecks about incest? And then there's Bro-Fo.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 03, 2020 06:34 PM (zBaqJ)

303 No Joe-mentum in Iowa ... Or the family reunion.

Posted by: The man who would be Paul Drake at February 03, 2020 06:34 PM (FsgBK)

304 If I was doing a serious poll about the Iowa Caucus with a week left, I would ask the following questions:

When is the caucus? Answers like the day after Groundhog Day or day after the Superbowl, or first Monday in February would be acceptable.

When does it start? 7 pm.

Do you know where your caucus location is? Y/N

Please name it? (Accepy anyone that can name a reasonably possible location)

If you cannot get people that can answer these four questions, they are NOT going to be caucus goers.

Everything else they say is merely a popularity contest.

Posted by: rd at February 03, 2020 06:34 PM (+0uDE)

305 I like Chuck Grassley.

He was a friend of my father's, in a casual way. Good guy overall.

The Senate houses much worse.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo. Yes, you. at February 03, 2020 06:34 PM (l4C/z)

306 Who are we, as people who want to see PDT re-elected - hoping will win Iowa? IIRC the Iowa caucus doesn't have a great track record of picking the eventual nominee.

Posted by: Defenestratus at February 03, 2020 06:34 PM (9V81o)

307 >>> while the DNC and their owned and operated media (or is the media that owns and operates the DNC?) prepares to screw Sanders, it is worth noting that only 50% of Bernie supporters say they'll support any other candidate except for Bernie

I love Trump fanning those flames on Twitter:

"The DNC on Bernie Sanders, "Looks like they're going to do it to him again, doesn't it?""

"he is getting the DNC to rig the election against Crazy Bernie, something they wouldn't do for
@CoryBooker and others. They are doing it to Bernie again, 2016."

Posted by: LizLem at February 03, 2020 06:34 PM (hvf9s)

308 Yeah, another one of those shows that never had anyone actually become a star from it.

A whole bunch of people who made it big were on the show. I wouldn't claim it was because of Star Search, but Britney Spears, Alanis Morisette, and Drew Carey were on the show.

Posted by: bonhomme at February 03, 2020 06:35 PM (9t0Zz)

309 -
OK, seriously, who the heck names their daughter Finnegan?

Posted by: Archer at February 03, 2020 06:32 PM


When you've already been woke, so you're wake.

Posted by: irright at February 03, 2020 06:35 PM (RVcmP)

310 281 OK, seriously, who the heck names their daughter Finnegan?

A pretentious James Joyce fan. I liked "seven!"

Posted by: Mayor Buttplug at February 03, 2020 06:35 PM (vGJY7)

311 Vashta Nerada: "The only reason Bribem is in the race is to prevent indictment"

Probably more truth to that than not. If he loses and runs for any office again, then your statement is about 99.9% true.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at February 03, 2020 06:36 PM (6eEQ+)

312 306 Who are we, as people who want to see PDT re-elected - hoping will win Iowa? IIRC the Iowa caucus doesn't have a great track record of picking the eventual nominee.
Posted by: Defenestratus at February 03, 2020 06:34 PM (9V81o

Article in tomorrow's MR about Trump likely to take Iowa early.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 03, 2020 06:36 PM (zBaqJ)

313 CBS "News" is showing video of rallies from Iowa. The people behind the candidates look like their dog just died.
Posted by: freaked

In the pics above, the attendees just don't seem to exude the remotest enthusiasm.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 03, 2020 06:36 PM (CDGwz)

314 OK, seriously, who the heck names their daughter Finnegan?

Irish ?

Posted by: runner at February 03, 2020 06:37 PM (SEDJv)

315 OK, seriously, who the heck names their daughter Finnegan?

Posted by: Archer at February 03, 2020 06:32 PM

Captain Kirk...

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 03, 2020 06:37 PM (zBaqJ)

316 Injun Liz radioing back to base that she's going to continue her kamikaze dive.

Posted by: Anonymous 7 at February 03, 2020 06:37 PM (XehFa)

317 I think I trusted you once before.

Go on and check it out. I promise it's not NSFW and you won't be scarred.

Posted by: bonhomme at February 03, 2020 06:37 PM (9t0Zz)

318 Begin again?

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo. Yes, you. at February 03, 2020 06:37 PM (l4C/z)

319 Future headline: Biden drops out of race to spend more time with family

Posted by: The man who would be Paul Drake at February 03, 2020 06:37 PM (FsgBK)

320 Bernie is primarily running so his wife can take ten percent of his ad spend as income.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at February 03, 2020 06:37 PM (+MS7k)

321 319 Future headline: Biden drops out of race to spend more time with family
Posted by: The man who would be Paul Drake at February 03, 2020 06:37 PM (FsgBK)

Biden Drops Out of Race to Spend More Time With Someone Else's Family...

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 03, 2020 06:38 PM (zBaqJ)

322 305 I like Chuck Grassley.

Yeah, Coolidge was a good guy too

Posted by: REDACTED at February 03, 2020 06:38 PM (rpxSz)

323 Vashta Nerada: "The only reason Bribem is in the race is to prevent indictment"

Probably more truth to that than not. If he loses and runs for any office again, then your statement is about 99.9% true.
Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel

Shouldn't matter. If you broke the law, fuck you.

So if I kill someone, the po po can't come after me if I'm running for office? In what galaxy?

Posted by: rickb223 at February 03, 2020 06:38 PM (WavOX)

Bernie is running so his wife can't be investigated.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at February 03, 2020 06:38 PM (7rVsF)

325 And just think, before Rush Limbaugh there was no alternative 'media' to showcase what the left (Jimmuh Carter, Tip O'Neil, Fritz Hollings, Clintoons,ubama, etc) were doing to America. I listened to Rush today while out on patrol. Went in to do reports and logs at around 1325 and missed his announcement. Heard it on Hannity on the way home Damn. Just damn. Sitting here looking at a cigar on my desk.

Posted by: Eromero at February 03, 2020 06:38 PM (UUkQp)

326 Biden drops out of race to spend more time with toothpaste.

Posted by: runner at February 03, 2020 06:38 PM (SEDJv)

327 When you've already been woke, so you're wake.

Posted by: irright at February 03, 2020 06:35 PM



Posted by: RedMindBlueState at February 03, 2020 06:38 PM (rBtIz)

328 106 Joe Biden laying a full mouth kiss on his granddaughter while she pulls her skirt up slightly was a truly disturbing sight.

I shudder to think what he would have done without that mic in his hand
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 03, 2020 06:10 PM (KZzsI)

I expected to see a much younger granddaughter.

Posted by: Emmie at February 03, 2020 06:39 PM (87gB3)

329 If the democrats had any brains they'd make sure Bernie won the nomination. He has no chance in hell of winning--neither does any of the other candidates.

Let him run against Trump, lose, and then he's done.

Posted by: IrishEi at February 03, 2020 06:39 PM (sGotD)

330 274 Just got the ebook version of Gregg Jarrett's Witch Hunt! Not a bad read so far!

If you're on a regular thread, & a Book Thread breaks out, do you have to put on pants?

Asking for a friend.

Posted by: J. Random Commenter at February 03, 2020 06:39 PM (xPhgI)

331 Joe will get ~20% of the vote tonight.
They interviewed a lot of Iowans on Fox.. and electability is a major concern.
Many will vote for Joe and hold their nose.. and he just had one of the bigger rallies among all candidates.
But let's pause for a sec,, Iowa is nothing in the grans scheme of things.. it gives the leader a slight momentum.. but the vote will be so spread out, it will be meaningless..
You will have a lot of pundits scratching their heads tomorrow.. because they have hyped the shit out of this and will have no spectacular results.
Reminder: Ted Cruz won Iowa.

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at February 03, 2020 06:39 PM (CjFDo)

332 Would anyone be surprised if Gropin' Joe is the reason why his family is such a train wreck?

Posted by: weft cut-loop at February 03, 2020 06:40 PM (VVbgV)

333 325 And just think, before Rush Limbaugh there was no alternative 'media' to showcase what the left (Jimmuh Carter, Tip O'Neil, Fritz Hollings, Clintoons,ubama, etc) were doing to America. I listened to Rush today while out on patrol. Went in to do reports and logs at around 1325 and missed his announcement. Heard it on Hannity on the way home Damn. Just damn. Sitting here looking at a cigar on my desk.
Posted by: Eromero at February 03, 2020 06:38 PM (UUkQp)

I had a weird feeling when he didn't show up after Christmas and Mark Steyn was filling in every day.

Depressing as all hell.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 03, 2020 06:40 PM (zBaqJ)

334 Bernie -- which old coot does he resemble most closely, Statler or Waldorf?


Posted by: rickb223 at February 03, 2020 06:40 PM (WavOX)

I am running for President as the candidate of the AoSHQ Party. This announcement has nothing to do with any investigation. Especially concerning those three hobos. I got an alibi.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at February 03, 2020 06:40 PM (7rVsF)

106 Joe Biden laying a full mouth kiss on his granddaughter while she pulls her skirt up slightly was a truly disturbing sight.

Finnegan: No tongues PawPaw.

Slo Joe: Just the tip?

Posted by: Archer at February 03, 2020 06:41 PM (gmo/4)

337 none of these idiots will be able to share a stage with PDT and not look like an idiot.

Buttygigg might actually hold up the best in a debate with Trump

Posted by: nurse ratched at February 03, 2020 06:41 PM (d7Ww2)

How is Klobuchar still in there? Does anyone know what her unique advantage is?

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at February 03, 2020 06:41 PM (M9ntN)

339 A lot of Dems think Joe is the only one who can beat Trump. They are delusional of course.

Posted by: freaked at February 03, 2020 06:41 PM (Tnijr)

340 >>>Grandaddy says I kiss almost as good as my Mama does.<<<

If you look closely, Pop-pop is slipping her a little tongue.

Posted by: Fritz at February 03, 2020 06:41 PM (ATCV4)

341 I'd feel bad for the Dem. base, having this bunch of yech to choose from, but if you are letting idiotic perverts like George Clooney, Kevin Spacey, Anderson Cooper etc influence how you vote, its really hard to do anything but point and laugh at you.

Posted by: PaleRider is simply irredeemable at February 03, 2020 06:41 PM (cDw3P)

342 Joe Biden laying a full mouth kiss on his granddaughter while she pulls her skirt up slightly was a truly disturbing sight.

I've seen a few families that do the kiss on the mouth thing with their kids. It ALWAYS weirds me out. I kiss my kid on the cheek, on the top of the head, on the nose, but never on the mouth.

Posted by: bonhomme at February 03, 2020 06:42 PM (9t0Zz)

343 I had a weird feeling when he didn't show up after Christmas and Mark Steyn was filling in every day.

Depressing as all hell.

Makes sense after today's announcement. Prayers up for him and his family.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy. #DemocratsSuck at February 03, 2020 06:42 PM (HaL55)

344 Bernie is primarily running so his wife can take ten percent of his ad spend as income.
Posted by: Vashta Nerada

The lake dacha needs redecorating.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 03, 2020 06:42 PM (xSo9G)

345 Go on and check it out. I promise it's not NSFW and you won't be scarred.
Posted by: bonhomme at February 03, 2020 06:37 PM

That young lady needs more practice.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at February 03, 2020 06:42 PM (rBtIz)

346 Look at those sad sacks of shit in Joe's audience.

Pretty much sums up loserville all around.

I will be voting for him though. He's the worst.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at February 03, 2020 06:42 PM (Z+IKu)

347 Fun fact

Howard Dean's younger brother went hiking in Laos DURING the Vietnam war

they didn't run out of supplies

Posted by: REDACTED at February 03, 2020 06:43 PM (rpxSz)

348 If the democrats had any brains they'd make sure Bernie won the nomination. He has no chance in hell of winning--neither does any of the other candidates.

Let him run against Trump, lose, and then he's done.
Posted by: IrishEi

Most will be done. They'll be well into their 80's by 2024.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 03, 2020 06:43 PM (WavOX)

349 none of these idiots will be able to share a stage with PDT and not look like an idiot.

Buttygigg might actually hold up the best in a debate with Trump
Posted by: nurse ratched at February 03, 2020 06:41 PM (d7Ww2)

All Trump has to do is say "Butt Edge Edge."

Posted by: DR.WTF at February 03, 2020 06:43 PM (aS1PU)

350 Late: the Super Bowl halftime was slutty (once again) and the choreography was poor. The whole thing was overdone and just gauche.

Posted by: FloridaMan at February 03, 2020 06:43 PM (1gpgR)

351 rickb223: "Shouldn't matter. If you broke the law, fuck you..."

To normal America, sure. And that's the illusion too many still live under WRT two Americas. You know it; I know it; everyone knows it.

Those most deserving of sanction - those who wield the most power - will still escape justice.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at February 03, 2020 06:43 PM (6eEQ+)

352 295 The poll in that last pic might have been, 'Who do you think wears Depends'?
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 03, 2020 06:33 PM (xSo9G)


Answer all of them, except Yang.

Posted by: rd at February 03, 2020 06:43 PM (+0uDE)

353 Off, incorrectly formatted Richard Sherman sock!!

Posted by: Sharkman at February 03, 2020 06:43 PM (I6tpa)

354 Where does the black vote go? I expect many will stay home. Why Trump ran his Super Bowl ad touting Criminal Justice Reform

Turnout. Turnout. Turnout

Has momentous consequences for winning back the House and picking up some Senate seats

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 03, 2020 06:44 PM (6Cbbt)

355 And the Left always ridicules people from the Ozark and other rednecks about incest? And then there's Bro-Fo.

I think its far worse in rich elite communities

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at February 03, 2020 06:44 PM (KZzsI)

356 CBS "News":

"Republicans urge Trump not to gloat at SOU"

Posted by: freaked at February 03, 2020 06:44 PM (Tnijr)

357 As we comment, hundreds of Illinois buses are headed to Iowa loaded with voters. Whose, is the question?

Posted by: Embarrassing Stain at February 03, 2020 06:44 PM (gbf/Q)

358 Cancer: after hearing the words "you've got a spot on the lung", my brother was gone in a year. I hope with medical advances and Rush's resources, he has a better prognosis.

Lung cancer = unseen damage.

Posted by: FloridaMan at February 03, 2020 06:44 PM (1gpgR)

359 -



Posted by: RedMindBlueState at February 03, 2020 06:38 PM


Heh. I'm always a day late and a dollar short.

Posted by: irright at February 03, 2020 06:45 PM (RVcmP)

360 257 Obama didn't want Hillary has his VP, when it looked good on paper 

Secretary of State and a license to steal was the price to keep her on the reservation

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 03, 2020 06:28 PM (6Cbbt)

As much as I despise Obama, I don't even think Joe Biden or Sally Kohn are this dumb. He would have been dead before she finished signing the Obama/ Hillary paperwork- and turning it into Hillary/ Telegenic Minority TBA.

Posted by: trev006 at February 03, 2020 06:45 PM (nTPpB)

I had a weird feeling when he didn't show up after Christmas and Mark Steyn was filling in every day.

Depressing as all hell.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 03, 2020 06:40 PM (zBaqJ)

Yeah. I missed Rush today, fired up the laptop, and read it here first.

I am having difficulty getting going today the way I should.

Rush was also gone in January for a number of days. He loves his job, to him it is heaven, so I was starting to wonder.

But this news is just a kick in the soft parts.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at February 03, 2020 06:45 PM (sy5kK)

362 There will be no talk of Finnegans or leprechauns or raging alcoholism in this thread. Thanks for your cooperation.

Posted by: Dr Spank at February 03, 2020 06:45 PM (4e+hS)

363 #LOLGF

They're all just meat for the Trump grinder.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at February 03, 2020 06:46 PM (yQpMk)

364 the goal line will be moved to give the nomination to the candidate with the most hair plugs.

The rules will be changed so only the superdelegates will be allowed to vote.
Posted by: The DNC! at February 03, 2020 06:12 PM (I2/tG)

Off on a tangent...

How exactly do the parties reimburse the states for the primaries?

DNC has made it pretty fricken clear via court records that they are a private club...

Posted by: Burnt Toast at February 03, 2020 06:46 PM (1g7ch)

365 People say they feel sorry for sunset Joe. Me? I'd push him down the stairs and giggle like Tommy Udo

Posted by: Regular joe at February 03, 2020 06:46 PM (6/uwW)

366 >>> "Republicans urge Trump not to gloat at SOU"

He will make the SOTU about America, not himself, which is what he has done the previous times before.

But I WANT some gloating in there. Would be well deserved after the past three years!

Posted by: LizLem at February 03, 2020 06:46 PM (hvf9s)

367 Those most deserving of sanction - those who wield the most power - will still escape justice.

Well, Congress got that all started by exempting themselves from the laws they write, so we should've seen this coming a mile away.

I wonder how we could stop that and make them legal citizens? If you're not subject to the law, what does that do to your citizenship status?

Posted by: BackwardsBoy. #DemocratsSuck at February 03, 2020 06:46 PM (HaL55)

Most will be done. They'll be well into their 80's by 2024.
Posted by: rickb223 at February 03, 2020 06:43 PM (WavOX)

The only ones less than 70 in 2024 are Steyer, who looks eighty, Klobuchar, who is an idiot, Yang, and Buttigiegiegity.

Posted by: rd at February 03, 2020 06:47 PM (+0uDE)

369 My wife, who has voted libertarian in the past, is caucusing with the Dems today in Iowa (sadly). The Dem caucusing location for our precinct was changed just a week or two ago, which has the Sanders people freaking out saying it's an establishment conspiracy. Lol....I hope the Dems tear themselves apart in this caucus!

Posted by: Grimaldi at February 03, 2020 06:47 PM (6K3U5)

370 If you have been to Ireland, been in a pub smashed, you know what a finnegan is. Who names their kid that?

Posted by: not so at February 03, 2020 06:47 PM (HALdu)

371 Grassley might run for President in 2024

Posted by: REDACTED at February 03, 2020 06:47 PM (rpxSz)

372 338
How is Klobuchar still in there? Does anyone know what her unique advantage is?
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at February 03, 2020 06:41 PM (M9ntN)

When on the road, she can eat a salad with her comb.

If that doesn't scream "Presidential", then I don't know what does.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at February 03, 2020 06:48 PM (sy5kK)

373 So if I kill someone, the po po can't come after me if I'm running for office? In what galaxy?
Posted by: rickb223 at February 03, 2020 06:38 PM (WavOX)

Wait, let's hear this out.

I have an idea that might just work under these rules....

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo. Yes, you. at February 03, 2020 06:49 PM (l4C/z)

374 "Republicans urge Trump not to gloat at SOU"

He will make the SOTU about America, not himself, which is what he has done the previous times before.

But I WANT some gloating in there. Would be well deserved after the past three years!
Posted by: LizLem

He deserves to gloat. HE DID THIS. Not congress.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 03, 2020 06:49 PM (WavOX)

375 Blonde Morticia: "How is Klobuchar still in there? Does anyone know what her unique advantage is?"

If you check the flowchart, it's the entry under "Number of X chromosomes".

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at February 03, 2020 06:49 PM (6eEQ+)

376 Flashback 11 years. Obama won Iowa with a small army bussed in from Illinois. Media wouldn't report on John Roberts two headed love child because he pulled votes from Hillary

The rest is history

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 03, 2020 06:49 PM (6Cbbt)

377 Most will be done. They'll be well into their 80's by 2024.
Posted by: rickb223 at February 03, 2020 06:43 PM (WavOX)

The only ones less than 70 in 2024 are Steyer, who looks eighty, Klobuchar, who is an idiot, Yang, and Buttigiegiegity.
Posted by: rd at February 03, 2020 06:47 PM (+0uDE)


I forgot the good news, AOC will be eligible.
Alexandria Donkey Chompers will be 36!

The Vanguard of the Youth Rebellion!

Posted by: rd at February 03, 2020 06:49 PM (+0uDE)

378 >>> I hope the Dems tear themselves apart in this caucus!

Cauci and the convention. It will be glorious popcorn and pudding time.

And I hope that Rush lives long enough to see it all, plus see Donaldus Magnus reelected to a second term.

Posted by: LizLem at February 03, 2020 06:50 PM (hvf9s)

379 CBS "News":

"Republicans urge Trump not to gloat at SOU"

They should be urging the Dems not to commit seppuku whilst there.

I'd personally like to see that. I'd almost pay to watch it.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy. #DemocratsSuck at February 03, 2020 06:50 PM (HaL55)

380 J-Lo has a big butt. But then, she does look pretty good for being 50 YEARS OLD.

Posted by: JAS at February 03, 2020 06:50 PM (IsG7k)

381 I want a knife twist or three at the SOTU.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at February 03, 2020 06:50 PM (oVP12)

382 I have an idea that might just work under these rules....
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo. Yes, you. at February 03, 2020 06:49 PM (l4C/z)

Is it a cunning plan?

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at February 03, 2020 06:50 PM (NWiLs)

383 Blonde Morticia: "How is Klobuchar still in there? Does anyone know what her unique advantage is?"

She says she was the only candidate on the stage that was able to get a campaign contribution from an ex-boyfriend.

Maybe she has a certain set of skills?

Posted by: blaster at February 03, 2020 06:51 PM (ZfRYq)

384 How is Klobuchar still in there? Does anyone know what her unique advantage is?
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at February 03, 2020 06:41 PM (M9ntN)

When on the road, she can eat a salad with her comb.

If that doesn't scream "Presidential", then I don't know what does.
Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at February 03, 2020 06:48 PM (sy5kK)

She's as heroic and resourceful as Odysseus!

Posted by: DR.WTF at February 03, 2020 06:51 PM (aS1PU)

385 Shit. Corrections. 12 years and John Edwards

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 03, 2020 06:51 PM (6Cbbt)

386 Buttygigg might actually hold up the best in a debate with Trump

Yeah he talks purty. Typical polictian.

Posted by: Jewells45 at February 03, 2020 06:51 PM (dUJdY)

387 Would anyone be surprised if Gropin' Joe is the reason why his family is such a train wreck?

Posted by: weft cut-loop

He is certainly to blame for Hunter's wastrel existence. Joe looked around at the mini-dynasties (Kennedy, Gore, et al) and figured he could establish the same thing for Hunter. Didn't take. Hunter just isn't made of the right stuff. The most sadly amusing element was the late-in-life attempt to establish a military background.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 03, 2020 06:51 PM (xSo9G)

388 366 >>> "Republicans urge Trump not to gloat at SOU"

would having the Robert Palmer Girls backing him up be considered "gloating" ??

Posted by: REDACTED at February 03, 2020 06:51 PM (rpxSz)

389 As much as I would love to believe Democrat voters are completely suicidal, I tend to think 1/3rd of them know who actually has a decent shot at beating Trump. And that's enough to be the nominee if the Party Establishment likes you.

But if Biden does drop out early, the only other one I would worry about is Bloomberg. A billion extra dollars can unfortunately move the needle.

Posted by: Blago at February 03, 2020 06:52 PM (sjTfF)

390 I forgot the good news, AOC will be eligible.
Alexandria Donkey Chompers will be 36!

The Vanguard of the Youth Rebellion!
Posted by: rd

So close. She doesn't turn 35 until October 13th.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 03, 2020 06:52 PM (WavOX)

391 Posted by: Ignoramus at February 03, 2020 06:49 PM (6Cbbt

John Edwards.

I make the same mistake too.

Remember how we scoffed at his TWO AMERICAS?

He was right that there are two. Just not the way he described.

Posted by: rd at February 03, 2020 06:52 PM (+0uDE)

392 would having the Robert Palmer Girls backing him up be considered "gloating" ??
Posted by: REDACTED at February 03, 2020 06:51 PM (rpxSz)

Probably, though they're likely all retirement age by now.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at February 03, 2020 06:52 PM (NWiLs)

393 Klobucher is still in it because Minnesohta is right next to Iowa.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at February 03, 2020 06:53 PM (j3npP)

394 I've been drinking. Heavily.

In no particular order

Thanks AtC for the beautiful prayer on th Rush thread.

Bernie is probably soiling himself at the thought of actually having to work

Those krauts make a damn fine wheat beer.

Posted by: 2009Refugee at February 03, 2020 06:53 PM (8AONa)

395 She says she was the only candidate on the stage that was able to get a campaign contribution from an ex-boyfriend.

Maybe she has a certain set of skills?

"There's a hundred on the nightstand. Please don't be here when I wake up."

Posted by: BackwardsBoy. #DemocratsSuck at February 03, 2020 06:53 PM (HaL55)

396 Buttygigg might actually hold up the best in a debate with Trump

Yeah he talks purty. Typical polictian.
Posted by: Jewells45


If he didn't have a flaming gay husband, he would probably beat Trump.

As much as people profess to love the gheys and kneel at the rainbow flag, I do think it would be a big headwind in the Midwest for Buttigieg.

Posted by: Blago at February 03, 2020 06:53 PM (sjTfF)

397 Would anyone be surprised if Gropin' Joe is the reason why his family is such a train wreck?

There's no doubt about that.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at February 03, 2020 06:54 PM (oVJmc)

398 I think the plan is for Biden to pick some flaming commie as VP, then Biden dies in office.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at February 03, 2020 06:54 PM (l9m7l)

399 Remember how we scoffed at his TWO AMERICAS?

He was right that there are two. Just not the way he described.

Posted by: rd at February 03, 2020 06:52 PM (+0uDE)

In his case it was "wife America" and "mistress America."

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:54 PM (cfSRQ)

400 "Republicans urge Trump not to gloat at SOU"

would having the Robert Palmer Girls backing him up be considered "gloating" ??
Posted by: REDACTED

The Rockettes.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 03, 2020 06:54 PM (WavOX)

401 Buttygigg might actually hold up the best in a debate with Trump

Posted by: nurse ratched at February 03, 2020 06:41 PM (d7Ww2)

*poorly faked crying*

So they're not letting him on a stage with Trump.

Posted by: trev006 at February 03, 2020 06:54 PM (nTPpB)

402 Usually, one joins the military BEFORE using drugs.

Posted by: JAS at February 03, 2020 06:54 PM (IsG7k)

403 380 J-Lo has a big butt. But then, she does look pretty good for being 50 YEARS OLD.
Posted by: JAS at February 03, 2020 06:50 PM (IsG7k)

I wonder what she looked like this morning without any makeup?

Posted by: Cicero Kaboom! Kid, at February 03, 2020 06:55 PM (Vy7tf)

404 391 Posted by: Ignoramus at February 03, 2020 06:49 PM (6Cbbt

John Edwards.

I make the same mistake too.

Remember how we scoffed at his TWO AMERICAS?

He was right that there are two. Just not the way he described.
Posted by: rd at February 03, 2020 06:52 PM (+0uDE)

John baby daddy found out by national enquirer. NYT Wapo etc media elite should have to suck dicks at a bus station for their charity.

Posted by: rhennigantx at February 03, 2020 06:55 PM (JFO2v)

So if I kill someone, the po po can't come after me if I'm running for office? In what galaxy?
Posted by: rickb223 at February 03, 2020 06:38 PM (WavOX)

Wait, let's hear this out.

I have an idea that might just work under these rules....
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo. Yes, you. at February 03, 2020 06:49 PM (l4C/z)


Most of us have a list.

Posted by: rd at February 03, 2020 06:55 PM (+0uDE)

406 -

Posted by: irright at February 03, 2020 06:55 PM (RVcmP)

407 Is that fake news or are people like Romney actually telling him not to gloat?

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at February 03, 2020 06:55 PM (r+sAi)

408 403 380 J-Lo has a big butt. But then, she does look pretty good for being 50 YEARS OLD.
Posted by: JAS at February 03, 2020 06:50 PM (IsG7k)

I wonder what she looked like this morning without any makeup?
Posted by: Cicero Kaboom! Kid, at February 03, 2020 06:55 PM (Vy7tf)

That other gal has to weight 150 or 160. I am 5 10 and 190 and overweight.

Posted by: rhennigantx at February 03, 2020 06:55 PM (JFO2v)

409 Yeah he talks purty. Typical polictian.

He uses his mouf better'n a two-dollar whore.

And there's a very good reason for that. Prolly a lot of them.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy. #DemocratsSuck at February 03, 2020 06:56 PM (HaL55)

403 380 J-Lo has a big butt. But then, she does look pretty good for being 50 YEARS OLD.
Posted by: JAS at February 03, 2020 06:50 PM (IsG7k)

I wonder what she looked like this morning without any makeup?

And without any 'corrective' surgery?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at February 03, 2020 06:56 PM (oVJmc)

411 398 I think the plan is for Biden to pick some flaming commie as VP, then Biden dies in office.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at February 03, 2020 06:54 PM (l9m7l)

WAIT, WHAT?!?!?!?

-Joe Biden

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at February 03, 2020 06:56 PM (j3npP)

412 Didn't Bernie win the NH primary in 2016?

Posted by: Surfperch at February 03, 2020 06:56 PM (speO7)

413 386 Buttygigg might actually hold up the best in a debate with Trump

Sure. Until we get to the part where he 'managed' South Bend.

Posted by: Cicero Kaboom! Kid, at February 03, 2020 06:56 PM (Vy7tf)

414 Sad news about Rush

Posted by: DB- just DB at February 03, 2020 06:56 PM (iTXRQ)

415 Usually, one joins the military BEFORE using drugs.
Posted by: JAS

You didn't go to high school in the 80's, did you?

Posted by: rickb223 at February 03, 2020 06:56 PM (WavOX)

416 Trump should have 3 or 4 bowls of red beans just before giving the SOTU speech

Then when he walks up to the podium, hand Pence a clothespin

and just wink at Nancypants

Posted by: REDACTED at February 03, 2020 06:56 PM (rpxSz)

417 I must say that the dim civil war is preferable to an American civil war.

Posted by: USNtakim profoundly deplorable. at February 03, 2020 06:56 PM (0OmEj)

418 Mayor Pete is a pandering preening metrosexual. That's a turnoff for too many. Being gay adds to it

I can see a gay guy getting elected. I can see a woman getting elected. But they need certain attributes

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 03, 2020 06:56 PM (6Cbbt)

419 If he didn't have a flaming gay husband, he would probably beat Trump.

As much as people profess to love the gheys and kneel at the rainbow
flag, I do think it would be a big headwind in the Midwest for

Posted by: Blago at February 03, 2020 06:53 PM (sjTfF)

No, he wouldn't.

The only reason he's in the race is that he's gay.

He's the mayor of Indiana's fourth-largest city that has had zero successes in running it.

Take the gay out of it, and he's a no-show.

Even the slanted garbage polls show him getting crushed in Michigan because South Bend is local enough that people know he's a crappy mayor.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:57 PM (cfSRQ)

420 I was just reviewing how Schiff spent his final arguments against Trump trying to convince Senators that "If you don't convict, Trump will do it again!!!!"

Do WHAT? What crime did he do? Schiff NEVER has gone there. And now he's arguing that Impeachment is the only Remedy for what someone MIGHT do in the future. He has gotten just more and more insane as this has gone on.

Posted by: Tom Servo at February 03, 2020 06:57 PM (Kpl3J)

421 Quite the opposite.

Surprised if he didn't.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February

Posted by: not so at February 03, 2020 06:19 PM (HALdu)

And now we know the significance of the definition of 'is'.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at February 03, 2020 06:57 PM (1g7ch)

422 Idea?

Most of us have a list.
Posted by: rd


Posted by: rickb223 at February 03, 2020 06:57 PM (WavOX)

423 368
Most will be done. They'll be well into their 80's by 2024.
Posted by: rickb223 at February 03, 2020 06:43 PM (WavOX)

The only ones less than 70 in 2024 are Steyer, who looks eighty, Klobuchar, who is an idiot, Yang, and Buttigiegiegity.
Posted by: rd at February 03, 2020 06:47 PM (+0uDE)


There is nobody on the Demo stage today that will be even considered a viable candidate in 2024.

If I had to name one, it would probably be Tulsi Gabbard.

But they mostly hate her because she served in the Military and has an independent mind. So she is out.

There is nobody. The only rising stars in the Demo party are quite Communist, or at least anti-American, in their beliefs and words.

Now go back and look at the faces of those Iowans sitting behind Joe. They realize the same thing that I just said. They are starting to figure out their party has left them forever.

It's like many of these Democrats have never played musical chairs, and are surprised that when the music stops, there aren't enough chairs for everyone.

That look of despair. Yep, you just lost.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at February 03, 2020 06:57 PM (sy5kK)

424 350 Late: the Super Bowl halftime was slutty (once again) and the choreography was poor. The whole thing was overdone and just gauche.

Posted by: FloridaMan at February 03, 2020 06:43 PM (1gpgR)

If they wanted good choreography, The Super Bowl would have the Texas A&M Fightin' Texas Aggie Band as part of each halftime show.

Posted by: Gref at February 03, 2020 06:58 PM (AMIL/)

425 If he didn't have a flaming gay husband, he would probably beat Trump.

As much as people profess to love the gheys and kneel at the rainbow flag, I do think it would be a big headwind in the Midwest for Buttigieg.
Posted by: Blago at February 03, 2020 06:53 PM (sjTfF)



Try Philadelphia and Newark. The urban vote will stay home.

Posted by: rd at February 03, 2020 06:58 PM (+0uDE)

426 So if I kill someone, the po po can't come after me if I'm running for office? In what galaxy?

This is actually the basis of an old Doctor Who episode (The Deadly Assassin).

The Doctor (Tom Baker) is accused of killing the President of the Time Lords, and declares himself a candidate for the office to stay free while he finds who actually did it.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at February 03, 2020 06:58 PM (oVJmc)

427 Hmm. A Biden-Bernie ticket?

Checks some of the boxes. The establishment gets their man and the Bernie Bros get a consolation prize knowing a) Biden isn't long for this world and b) Bernie really likes to talk but doesn't like to work.

And the DNC gets their old white men.

It's not the worst they could do.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at February 03, 2020 06:58 PM (6eEQ+)

428 Republicans urge Trump not to gloat at SOU

Rub congress' noses in all that winning by emphasizing what could be done if 'we worked together'. Then mock Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and the squad in particular as the reason nothing has been able to get done for the last three years. Make them the personification of democrat failure.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at February 03, 2020 06:58 PM (aIRv9)

429 And now we know the significance of the definition of 'is'.
Posted by: Burnt Toast at February

makes it funnier

Posted by: not so at February 03, 2020 06:58 PM (HALdu)

430 Any big moves need to be made before The Secret Service shows up.

Posted by: klaftern at February 03, 2020 06:58 PM (RuIsu)

431 There isn't a demonrat in the race or out of it who can beat PDT.

Every single state in this country is in play this year.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez, we are being gaslighted 24/365 at February 03, 2020 06:59 PM (zlgJP)

I read this post title as "Is Joe about to get his cock cleaned in Iowa?"

Miley said, well if his cock is dirty, it needs to stay dirty.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at February 03, 2020 06:59 PM (rCwaK)

433 LOL. I was a nerd in High School in the early 70's. No drugs until college.

Posted by: JAS at February 03, 2020 06:59 PM (IsG7k)

434 whoever the fuckstick was that thought giving foreign born people security clearances was a good idea needs thrown against a wall and shot.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at February 03, 2020 07:00 PM (oVP12)

435 It's like many of these Democrats have never played musical chairs, and are surprised that when the music stops, there aren't enough chairs for everyone.

That look of despair. Yep, you just lost.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg

Golf clap. Seriously. Nice job.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 03, 2020 07:00 PM (WavOX)

436 Hmm. A Biden-Bernie ticket?

Combined age-- 155.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at February 03, 2020 07:00 PM (oVJmc)

437 Shakira is the bomb. J Lo not so much

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 03, 2020 07:00 PM (6Cbbt)

438 Even the slanted garbage polls show him getting crushed in Michigan because South Bend is local enough that people know he's a crappy mayor.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:57 PM (cfSRQ)

He has "minority chic". Yang, does not.

Anyway, how are the Vampires coming?

Posted by: CN at February 03, 2020 07:01 PM (ONvIw)

439 Most folks don't love the gays. They don't hate them either. But they sure as hell don't want to lose their job because of a crude remark.

Posted by: JAS at February 03, 2020 07:01 PM (IsG7k)

440 Joy Reid tells Buttgiggy the word "heartland" is a racist dog whistle:

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 03, 2020 07:02 PM (ptqGC)

441 Anyway, how are the Vampires coming?

Posted by: CN at February 03, 2020 07:01 PM (ONvIw)

I probably should stop commenting and continue the edit.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 07:02 PM (cfSRQ)

442 "Born the the USA?" Puerto Rico? Huh?

Posted by: JAS at February 03, 2020 07:02 PM (IsG7k)

443 373 So if I kill someone, the po po can't come after me if I'm running for office? In what galaxy?
Posted by: rickb223 at February 03, 2020 06:38 PM (WavOX)

who ya got in mind ?

maybe some shelving challenged soul

Posted by: REDACTED at February 03, 2020 07:02 PM (rpxSz)

444 If they wanted good choreography, The Super Bowl would have the Texas A&M Fightin' Texas Aggie Band as part of each halftime show.
Posted by: Gref at February 03, 2020 06:58 PM (AMIL/)

Yup...the Stupid Bowl should have the bands from the College national champs and the high skool champs from somewhere do a back to back show.

Enough of the whores, sluts and reprobates.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at February 03, 2020 07:02 PM (Z+IKu)

445 Unless Klobuchar is third or better, she is done.

She was hoping for the fellow midwesterner, northern neighbor from Minnesota favorite daughter vibe to get her some momentum.

It will work as well for her as it did for Michelle Bachmann and Tim Pawlenty in 2016.

Now, how many of you just said "Who?" when I mentioned those names?

Posted by: rd at February 03, 2020 07:02 PM (+0uDE)

446 Remember the Red Sweater Guy? Kenneth Bone, the dork who became a minor sensation last go-round?

He's come out in support of....Andrew Yang.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at February 03, 2020 07:02 PM (oVJmc)

447 I probably should stop commenting and continue the edit.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 07:02 PM (cfSRQ)

Not what I meant, just looking forward to this one.

Posted by: CN at February 03, 2020 07:03 PM (ONvIw)

448 Trump should High five pence at the SOTU

Posted by: REDACTED at February 03, 2020 07:03 PM (rpxSz)

449 How is Klobuchar still in there? Does anyone know what her unique advantage is?
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at February 03, 2020 06:41 PM (M9ntN)
Eating a Salad with a Comb ?

Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani at February 03, 2020 07:04 PM (BqBId)

450 438 Even the slanted garbage polls show him getting crushed in Michigan because South Bend is local enough that people know he's a crappy mayor.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:57 PM (cfSRQ)

He has "minority chic". Yang, does not.

Anyway, how are the Vampires coming?
Posted by: CN at February 03, 2020 07:01 PM (ONvIw

Buttgig garnered less than 10% of eligible voters in South Bend his second election. Less than his People in his own home town are not 'inspired' by him.

Posted by: Cicero Kaboom! Kid, at February 03, 2020 07:04 PM (Vy7tf)

451 Jane D'oh: "Joy Reid tells Buttgiggy the word "heartland" is a racist dog whistle:"

The entire English language is a racist dog whistle to her.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at February 03, 2020 07:04 PM (6eEQ+)

452 Surprisingly, NBC's Savannah Guthrie was tough on ol' Joe and Hunter:

Sundown Joe didn't care for her questions.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 03, 2020 06:09 PM (ptqGC)

He looked on the verge of losing his shit. I don't think it's smart to keep that addled fool out there.

Posted by: Captain Hate at February 03, 2020 07:04 PM (y7DUB)

CBS "News":

"Republicans urge Trump not to gloat at SOU"

Washington Generals urge Harlem Globetrotters not to run up the score.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 03, 2020 07:04 PM (aKsyK)

454 Nood Veritas.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy. #DemocratsSuck at February 03, 2020 07:04 PM (HaL55)

455 439
Most folks don't love the gays. They don't hate them either. But they
sure as hell don't want to lose their job because of a crude remark.

Posted by: JAS at February 03, 2020 07:01 PM (IsG7k)

Mayor Pete is the upper-class white female ideal of a gay man.

Fresh-faced, religious and completely asexual.

He's gay, but not demonstrative. Supporting him showcases your tolerance and also sticks it to those icky religious people who you hate.

This is a very narrow base upon which to build a presidential campaign, but it has a lot of money to throw around.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 07:04 PM (cfSRQ)

456 BackwardsBoy @ 409- That quote come from the same movie Slim Pickens made a remark about 'Kansas City faggots'? A movie that will NEVER be made today?

Posted by: Eromero at February 03, 2020 07:05 PM (UUkQp)

457 OK, seriously, who the heck names their daughter Finnegan?
Posted by: Archer at February 03, 2020 06:32 PM (gmo/4)

Maybe she's woke?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 03, 2020 07:06 PM (LxWV7)

458 It's like many of these Democrats have never played musical chairs, and are surprised that when the music stops, there aren't enough chairs for everyone.

That look of despair. Yep, you just lost.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at February 03, 2020 06:57 PM (sy5kK)

The 1980 Dems called. Said, " Weren't you idiots paying attention!?"

Posted by: tbodie at February 03, 2020 07:06 PM (hJ+K2)

459 419 If he didn't have a flaming gay husband, he would probably beat Trump.

As much as people profess to love the gheys and kneel at the rainbow
flag, I do think it would be a big headwind in the Midwest for

Posted by: Blago at February 03, 2020 06:53 PM (sjTfF)

No, he wouldn't.

The only reason he's in the race is that he's gay.

He's the mayor of Indiana's fourth-largest city that has had zero successes in running it.

Take the gay out of it, and he's a no-show.

Even the slanted garbage polls show him getting crushed in Michigan because South Bend is local enough that people know he's a crappy mayor.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at February 03, 2020 06:57 PM (cfSRQ)

I am so fucking pissed off. I was told it did not matter what you did you with dick or pussy. Now, it matters 100%. And if you got a dick and run track as a girl, more power to you. You want to suck dick, I dont care, Eat pussy, dont care. Do both, dont care.

But that is not a plan to help people. To raise the economy and standard of living. It is not a way to live. Lets say you have sex 2 or 3 times a day. So what about the other 22 hours. Your job, jour passion, your vocation. How do you keep a roof over your head and the lights on??

Mayor Pete should advocate for ghey dollars and star on their chest to be recognized in public.

oh sorry that did not work!

Posted by: rhennigantx at February 03, 2020 07:06 PM (JFO2v)

460 432
I read this post title as "Is Joe about to get his cock cleaned in Iowa?

I don't wanna wash grandpa again!! (sobs)

Posted by: Biden's grandkid at February 03, 2020 07:06 PM (Vy7tf)

461 He looked on the verge of losing his shit. I don't think it's smart to keep that addled fool out there.

With just a little prodding Joe will snap.

Posted by: N.L. Urker Philips Screwdriver of the Gods at February 03, 2020 07:06 PM (Uu+Jp)

If he didn't have a flaming gay husband, he would probably beat Trump.

As much as people profess to love the gheys and kneel at the rainbow flag, I do think it would be a big headwind in the Midwest for Buttigieg.
Posted by: Blago at February 03, 2020 06:53 PM (sjTfF)

I go round and round with a couple of liberal black guys, in their 40's, about politics. Been doing it with these guys (separately, they don't know each other). They hate Trump. And I don't have to ever watch MSNBC, because they quote liberally from those shows.

But both of them openly laugh when I ask if Mayor Pete has support in the black community. I mean, laugh out loud.

"He's a fag! C'mon, dude!"

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at February 03, 2020 07:06 PM (sy5kK)

463 Buttgig garnered less than 10% of eligible voters in South Bend his second election. Less than his People in his own home town are not 'inspired' by him.
Posted by: Cicero Kaboom!

Remarkably, 8,000 votes. Roughly half what AOC got. The Chairman of the County Commission in this western NC county got more votes than either of them.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 03, 2020 07:06 PM (CDGwz)

I can see a gay guy getting elected. I can see a woman getting elected. But they need certain attributes


It all comes down to dimensions.

Posted by: G at February 03, 2020 07:07 PM (ZJRPl)

465 Of course, gloatage would be grounds for impeement.

Posted by: Maxine Waters at February 03, 2020 07:07 PM (sWM8x)

466 461 He looked on the verge of losing his shit. I don't think it's smart to keep that addled fool out there.

With just a little prodding Joe will snap.
Posted by: N.L. Urker Philips Screwdriver of the Gods at February 03, 2020 07:06 PM (Uu+Jp)

But in 20 minutes, he will forget everything and be Good Ol' Joe once again.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at February 03, 2020 07:08 PM (sy5kK)

467 OK, seriously, who the heck names their daughter Finnegan?
Posted by: Archer at February 03, 2020 06:32 PM (gmo/4)

Their 1st daughter was named Finn. So that was alreadyvtaken.

/s just in case it is needed.

Posted by: tbodie at February 03, 2020 07:08 PM (hJ+K2)

468 Biden is also a personal space violator. He stands in your space when he's arguing with you. But, it's Biden so you're happy he's not touching you inappropriately.

Posted by: Ktgreat at February 03, 2020 07:09 PM (AD3JT)

469 Trump done gloatified the presidency!

Posted by: Al Sharpton at February 03, 2020 07:10 PM (sWM8x)

470 Nice work on the margins, @264...

Posted by: Gabby Johnson at February 03, 2020 07:11 PM (7s3Gx)

471 Seen plenty of pollster scripts. They have the phonetic spelling right next to any candidate not named John Smith.

Hell, I've seen pollsters scour YouTube looking for a local channel report on unknown, downballot races just so the questioners say the name correctly in that area's dialect.

This story is BS

Posted by: Bif at February 03, 2020 07:11 PM (yhv0Z)

472 I just don't think America is ready for a President who takes it up the ying yang

Posted by: DB- just DB at February 03, 2020 07:12 PM (iTXRQ)

473 This story is BS
You've obviously never been victimized by a butterfly ballot.

Posted by: Algore at February 03, 2020 07:13 PM (sWM8x)

474 How is Klobuchar still in there? Does anyone know what her unique advantage is?
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at February 03, 2020 06:41 PM (M9ntN)
Eating a Salad with a Comb ?

Posted by: Ghost Of Qassem Soleimani at February 03, 2020 07:04

Is she tossing the salad of a bear?

Posted by: olddog in mo, uckfay ancercay at February 03, 2020 07:14 PM (Dhht7)

475 I also hope Trump will not gloat at SOTU. SOTU could be a God-given opportunity to begin transitioning to a "presidential" persona.

I want him to capitalize on the good breaks. There's not much to gain by throwing people like US more hunks of bleeding raw meat.

I LIKED his Super Bowl ads very much-- that's what I'm talking about here. (altho I disagreed with his 'prison reform,' I thought it was a smart ad)

Posted by: mnw at February 03, 2020 07:25 PM (Cssks)

476 I LIKED his Super Bowl ads very much-- that's what I'm talking about here. (altho I disagreed with his 'prison reform,' I thought it was a smart ad)
Posted by: mnw at February 03, 2020 07:25 PM (Cssks)

Me too. I found the prison ad devastating for the democrats. That ad is the fist of death - that tearful black woman screaming thank you Donald J Trump. That is kill shot stuff. On the super bowl no less.

As the video games say, now is the time to "Finish Him!" Start hammering democrats in their strongholds. New Jersey was a start, but hold more rallies is purple states. hell, 50 states, 50 rallies. Make them huge so everyone gets in.

Posted by: Inspector Kemp at February 03, 2020 07:34 PM (+DS2f)

477 And start having impeachment ads. basically, while democrats screwed around with impeachment for the last three years, Donald Trump negotiated trade deals, got our economy into high gear, cut regulations, kept us safe, etc etc.

Posted by: Inspector Kemp at February 03, 2020 07:36 PM (+DS2f)

478 Hold a giant rally in California's central Valley. Fresno, or Bakersfield.

Posted by: Inspector Kemp at February 03, 2020 07:37 PM (+DS2f)

479 428 Rub congress' noses in all that winning by emphasizing what could be done if 'we worked together'. Then mock Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and the squad in particular as the reason nothing has been able to get done for the last three years. Make them the personification of democrat failure.

I love this idea. Just say here is what I accomplished in the last year, here is what I accomplished in the last 3 years. imagine what you and I could do if we stopped screwing around with impeachment and endless investigations?

Posted by: Inspector Kemp at February 03, 2020 07:44 PM (+DS2f)

480 Remember the Red Sweater Guy? Kenneth Bone, the dork who became a minor sensation last go-round?

He's come out in support of....Andrew Yang.

They should run together on the Yang Bone ticket.

Posted by: mc at February 03, 2020 08:01 PM (l1TIo)

481 Test

Posted by: ShainS -- Day 1,696 of ongoing coup against candidate/President-elect/President Trump
at February 06, 2020 07:44 AM (WqPYg)

482 This blog Is Sundown Joe About to Get His Clock Cleaned in Iowa?
helped me with my grandmother's diabetes issues,
but I found a remedy for this:
Hope you heal quickly! Kiss you all!

Posted by: Neely Pharmer at February 23, 2020 08:01 PM (5L2ht)

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