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Open Thread

Posted by: Ace at 08:22 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 First

Posted by: Priapism at January 07, 2020 08:22 PM (ucNdt)

2 Corgis called

Posted by: olddog in mo, uckfay ancercay at January 07, 2020 08:23 PM (Dhht7)

3 Going to fetch a drink.

Posted by: Tonypete at January 07, 2020 08:23 PM (Y4EXg)

4 Pithy there, Boss.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 07, 2020 08:23 PM (yQpMk)

5 top 5

Posted by: runner at January 07, 2020 08:23 PM (zr5Kq)

6 Fuck CNN and fuck Menendez and Wolf. God the gall and sheer lunacy of that "network".

Posted by: turambar at January 07, 2020 08:23 PM (Gylu/)

7 Perfect.

Posted by: runner at January 07, 2020 08:24 PM (zr5Kq)

8 He was a fucking general, you moron. Go look up what a 'military' IS!

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 08:24 PM (2B9A/)

9 Probably not second, but what the hell--Second!

Posted by: jwpaine at January 07, 2020 08:24 PM (eYbxr)

10 Bomb bomb bomb, bomb Iran!

Posted by: Anna Puma at January 07, 2020 08:24 PM (sMpSx)

11 @JohnBasham 45 seconds ago

BREAKING: #Iran warns that if the U.S. retaliates for the two waves of attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy #Dubai and #Haifa.


Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 08:24 PM (cF8AT)

12 It's always fascinating to consider that there are individuals visiting the HQ who will go to a decent amount of effort in the hopes of very briefly trying to slightly annoy people that they've never met.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 08:24 PM (PRN3w)

13 I could have been first but I read the content.

Posted by: turambar at January 07, 2020 08:24 PM (Gylu/)

14 CNN whores are very cheap.

Posted by: runner at January 07, 2020 08:24 PM (zr5Kq)

15 Sometimes the stupid overwhelms me.

Posted by: grammie winger at January 07, 2020 08:24 PM (lwiT4)

16 And if people do not have the beach boy's song in their heads now, you have no soul. Or are just young. Either one.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 08:25 PM (2B9A/)

17 there is a tweet I saw
said Soleimani tortured a 4yo boy in front of his father by drilling holes in his legs, before burning the dad alive

Posted by: vmom 2020 at January 07, 2020 08:25 PM (G546f)

18 15 No, it really shouldn't grammie. You ought to know that by now. Look at the kids coming up in this world. I shudder.

Posted by: turambar at January 07, 2020 08:25 PM (Gylu/)

19 BREAKING: #Iran warns that if the U.S. retaliates for the two waves of attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy #Dubai and #Haifa.

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 08:24 PM (cF8AT)

Interesting. What if the retaliation destroys their capacity?

Posted by: Vanya at January 07, 2020 08:25 PM (U7voe)

20 What is a Pedophile, Alex?

I'll stick with Video PotPouri for $1000

Posted by: Wolfe Blitzer at January 07, 2020 08:25 PM (M28y2)

21 BREAKING: #Iran warns that if the U.S. retaliates for the two waves of attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy #Dubai and #Haifa.

Settle down, Francis.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 08:25 PM (JCrfD)

22 I could have been first but I read the content.
Posted by: turambar


Just identify as first. It seems to work for athletes.

Posted by: Tonypete at January 07, 2020 08:25 PM (Y4EXg)

23 After the Sandman verdict, CNN will have to raise the price it charges for its stable of whores.

Posted by: Anna Puma at January 07, 2020 08:25 PM (sMpSx)

24 Same amount of evidence that CNN is actually a news channel.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 08:25 PM (O8SrN)

25 Perhaps Trump can spare a bomb for CNN HQ.

Posted by: MAGA at January 07, 2020 08:26 PM (8hmVW)

26 22 I really don't get that whole thing, Tony. Heh.

Posted by: turambar at January 07, 2020 08:26 PM (Gylu/)

27 11 @JohnBasham 45 seconds ago

BREAKING: #Iran warns that if the U.S. retaliates for the two waves of attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy #Dubai and #Haifa.

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 08:24 PM (cF8AT)


You didn't hit shit, Ali!!!

That's almost right up there with "Go away, or I shall taunt you a second time-a!"

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 08:26 PM (Ct55T)

28 Adam Housley
From a great source and not Admin. "There is absolutely a plan and after taking shot after shot from Iran in recent months...taking out the general isn't the only opportunity that exists." Also "No way Iran can conduct a conventional war and nobody is gonna side with em"

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at January 07, 2020 08:26 PM (BqBId)

29 TuCa should stick to reporting about shit on the street in San Fran...

Posted by: Pliney at January 07, 2020 08:26 PM (nzKWW)

30 So how many waves of ordinance can these clowns have.

Back in the day it was good because they didn't want to shoot all their bottle rockets off at once in case Saddam decided to get frisky.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 08:26 PM (O8SrN)

31 And if people do not have the beach boy's song in their heads now, you have no soul. Or are just young. Either one.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 08:25 PM (2B9A/)

I must be very young. Yeah, that's it. Young.

Posted by: grammie winger at January 07, 2020 08:26 PM (lwiT4)

32 BREAKING: #Iran warns that if the U.S. retaliates for the two waves of attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy #Dubai and #Haifa.

I'm not really seeing a downside. Dubai could use a dope slap.

Bibi will channel zombie Moshe Dayan and turn Tehran into glass.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 07, 2020 08:27 PM (Ki5SV)

33 CNN whores are very cheap.
Posted by: runner

How much you lookin to spend?

Posted by: Nick Sandman - Pimping CNN Hoes at January 07, 2020 08:27 PM (SfYbS)

34 "No way Iran can conduct a conventional war and nobody is gonna side with em"


Posted by: runner at January 07, 2020 08:27 PM (zr5Kq)

35 This is the country we gave untold untraceable cash and a license and tech to develop nukes. The future has this really strange way of making Democrats look like the fucking devil incarnate. And they frankly don't do too well in the present.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 08:27 PM (ms95q)

36 CNN HQ?

Drag out an F-111F and load up a couple GBU-28s.

Posted by: Anna Puma at January 07, 2020 08:27 PM (sMpSx)

37 Who's the skeevy little badger on the right?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 07, 2020 08:27 PM (ptqGC)

38 Friends, Bro-mans, countrymen, lend me your ears. We come here to bury Soleimani, not to praise him. Nah, just kidding, we're gonna praise the shit out of him because Orange Man bad.

Posted by: THIS is CNN at January 07, 2020 08:27 PM (MmFTx)

39 Maybe all those people killed by terrorism aren't dead! Bush hid them all at Gitmo!!

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 08:27 PM (oVJmc)

40 I must be very young. Yeah, that's it. Young.
Posted by: grammie winger at January 07, 2020 08:26 PM (lwiT4)

Pirates don't listen to the Beach Boys. They are more Jan and Dean guys.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 08:27 PM (2B9A/)

41 BREAKING: #Iran warns that if the U.S. retaliates for the two waves of attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy #Dubai and #Haifa.

I'm not really seeing a downside. Dubai could use a dope slap.

Bibi will channel zombie Moshe Dayan and turn Tehran into glass.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 07, 2020 08:27 PM (Ki5SV)

Haifa could use a rebuild also

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 07, 2020 08:27 PM (85Gof)

42 BREAKING: #Iran warns that if the U.S. retaliates for the two waves of attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy #Dubai and #Haifa.


More people died in a funeral procession, though.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 08:28 PM (PRN3w)

43 I cant get over how many times they say that.

Trump offers, without evidence how tax cuts will generate business.

Trump states, without evidence how building a wall will protect Americans.

Every news article is conditioned with words like that. How come they never said that during Obama.

Obama expresses, without evidence, how new healthcare plan will save money...

Posted by: Two Weeks From Everywhere at January 07, 2020 08:28 PM (+dsLj)

44 #Iran warns that if the U.S. retaliates for the two waves of attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy #Dubai and #Haifa.

Haifa is a Left stronghold in Israel, so if that gets "destroyed" all that's left in Israel is Maccabees on meth.

Dubai is, I think, viewed as a latter-day Sodom by the more observant Sunnis, but the rest of the world won't stand for Iran making it a hostage.

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 07, 2020 08:28 PM (ykYG2)

45 If I have this right, Iran plans to open multi front attacks on different countries, if we retaliate for them attacking us in Iraq

Posted by: notsothoreau at January 07, 2020 08:28 PM (JKNZq)

46 Okay. Wipe out Haifa?
That's really not going to work out well for Iran.
Israel will go to nukes. We won't have to.
This entire adventure looks to be like a failed attempt to take our embassy. The genius behind it and his henchmen got blown up.
No, the rag heads just had to escalate. We need a meme of gif of the 12th Iman rising and it's the Golden Scalp Weasel.

Posted by: Winston a dreg of society at January 07, 2020 08:28 PM (Tt761)

47 644 With the Iranians launching missiles honor is satisfied and both countries can claim victory and go home. Do we really want to force them into an honest to God shooting war? To what purpose?
Posted by: Ace's liver at January 07, 2020 08:12 PM (wGeit)

Pretty good analysis
Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 07, 2020 08:15 PM (85Gof)

"Pretty good"? What kind of cock-sucking bullshit is that?

At the moment, Iran has a nuclear program. By this time tomorrow, that program needs to be gone. As does their ability to carry through on any of their threats.

Posted by: Tom Servo at January 07, 2020 08:28 PM (V2Yro)

48 Time for what the muzzie leaders in Iran are all about, death and destruction.

It's what they want, so they gets it.

Long overdue.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at January 07, 2020 08:28 PM (Z+IKu)

49 Who's the skeevy little badger on the right?
Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 07, 2020 08:27 PM (ptqGC)

I believe that's Bob "If you tell your parents you'll get in trouble" Menendez

Posted by: Vanya at January 07, 2020 08:28 PM (U7voe)

50 CNN and the other treasonous fake news fucks best hope they can steal the next election.

Posted by: The people across the aisle want us silenced at best,dead at worst at January 07, 2020 08:28 PM (xXx5y)

51 Brave Sir Nancy Pelosi should really place outside Iran that Trojan Rabbit.

Make sure Jimmy Carter is hog-tied inside.

Posted by: Anna Puma at January 07, 2020 08:28 PM (sMpSx)

52 >>Drag out an F-111F and load up a couple GBU-28s.

Are those the ones that look like a Telefunken U47?

Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 08:28 PM (M28y2)

53 BREAKING: #Iran warns that if the U.S. retaliates for the two waves
of attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy #Dubai and #Haifa.

Wasn't that Saddam's gambit in the first Gulf War? He launched missiles at targets in the hopes that the Muzzies will line up behind him to get rid of the Crusaders and Israel?

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 07, 2020 08:29 PM (+k5vA)

54 Jane D'oh, it's Bob Menendez.

Posted by: no good deed at January 07, 2020 08:29 PM (MmFTx)

55 Hey guys, I'm keeping a WATCHFUL EYE on the border situation! Yeah, over 400K anchor babies got squeezed out in 2019, but I'm giving a WARNING not to do it again!

Oh, and BIBI told me he'd let me keep my foreskin if I killed some Iranians, so that's what we're doing now.

Oh, you voted for a WALL and getting us out of the shithole countries? TOO BAD! You get a couple metal slats and another FOREVER WAR!!!!!!!

Posted by: Zion Don at January 07, 2020 08:29 PM (uOe/W)

56 Jeff Zucker needs to be tried for war crimes.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 08:29 PM (oVJmc)

57 If I have this right, Iran plans to open multi front attacks on different countries, if we retaliate for them attacking us in Iraq

Smart. Very Smart.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 07, 2020 08:29 PM (yQpMk)

58 What better way to cement the newborn Israeli/Sunni alliance than to threaten Haifa and Dubai in the same sentence.....

Who the fuck is running that greasefire of a country, anyway?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 08:29 PM (Ct55T)

59 Who's the skeevy little badger on the right?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 07, 2020 08:27 PM (ptqGC)

I believe that's Bob "If you tell your parents you'll get in trouble" Menendez

Posted by: Vanya at January 07, 2020 08:28 PM (U7voe)

Ah, yeah. He like them young.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 07, 2020 08:29 PM (ptqGC)


Oh noooo, we'll never have evidence of all the people Soleimani CAN'T KILL NOW THAT HE IS DEAD.

Timelines, how they work?


Posted by: Hands at January 07, 2020 08:29 PM (786Ro)

61 15 Sometimes the stupid overwhelms me.
Posted by: grammie winger at January 07, 2020 08:24 PM (lwiT4)

Me too.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at January 07, 2020 08:29 PM (H8QX8)

62 Holy crap. Trump is the 12th Imam.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 08:29 PM (PRN3w)

63 Within 48 hours Trump puts *Democrats* in the damned if they do, damned if they don't position they've been trying to put him in. Watch.

They'll be back to Stormy and the 25th Amendment soon.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 08:29 PM (ms95q)

64 Hell, these guys take platoon strength casualties at their own funerals.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 08:29 PM (O8SrN)

65 BREAKING: #Iran warns that if the U.S. retaliates for the two waves of
attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy #Dubai and #Haifa.

Meh. Call their bluff and pants them before the region.

Posted by: Methos at January 07, 2020 08:29 PM (kOpft)

66 Now I want to know what the Beach Boys song is.

Posted by: grammie winger at January 07, 2020 08:29 PM (lwiT4)

67 Some Cob needs to man the banhammer.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 08:30 PM (oVJmc)

68 Bibi will channel zombie Moshe Dayan and turn Tehran into glass.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 07, 2020 08:27 PM (Ki5SV)

The Iraqi's had it coming!

Posted by: Joe Biden at January 07, 2020 08:30 PM (2N7oZ)

69 I want to be sedated.

Posted by: Persian Bomb Pilot at January 07, 2020 08:30 PM (+fPHo)

70 19 BREAKING: #Iran warns that if the U.S. retaliates for the two waves of attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy #Dubai and #Haifa.

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 08:24 PM (cF8AT)

Interesting. What if the retaliation destroys their capacity?
Posted by: Vanya at January 07, 2020 08:25 PM (U7voe)

that's what I was saying earlier. They never studied the doctrine of First Strikes. If you want to hit anything at all, do it on your first strike, because you're not going to get a second chance. Use it or lose it.

Posted by: Tom Servo at January 07, 2020 08:30 PM (V2Yro)

71 BREAKING: #Iran warns that if the U.S. retaliates for the two waves of attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy #Dubai and #Haifa.

I'm not really seeing a downside. Dubai could use a dope slap.

Bibi will channel zombie Moshe Dayan and turn Tehran into glass.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 07, 2020 08:27 PM (Ki5SV)

Nah, they will let us take charge of any retailation, and help with the defense in the unlikely case that they need it.

I believe they have their own SCUD killers now and don't need a loaned battery of Patriots.

Posted by: Oldcat at January 07, 2020 08:30 PM (eoQWY)

72 8 bazillion jobs saved or created!

Evidence? What the hell is that?

Posted by: CNN at January 07, 2020 08:30 PM (ms95q)

73 #Iran sure likes to yap.

Posted by: runner at January 07, 2020 08:30 PM (zr5Kq)

74 Are they going to test the rail gun tonight?

Posted by: Braenyard at January 07, 2020 08:30 PM (5TmO/)

75 Don't know who this person is so....



U.S aircraft from Turkey's Incirlik air base are now airborne, per military sources, but no reports of any attack on Iran has come in yet. The base houses B-1B Lancer bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 08:30 PM (cF8AT)

76 59 Another one who should be behind bars forever. But, Democrat.

Posted by: turambar at January 07, 2020 08:30 PM (Gylu/)

77 Smart. Very Smart.


It's like they have democrats running point on their military strategy.

Posted by: Two Weeks From Everywhere at January 07, 2020 08:30 PM (+dsLj)


Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 07, 2020 08:30 PM (ptqGC)

79 CNN makes Walter Duranty look like the most honest reporter ever.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at January 07, 2020 08:30 PM (GbPPJ)

80 Obama claimed to have created or saved thousands of jobs.

But offers no evidence


Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 07, 2020 08:30 PM (tT0V4)

81 66 Now I want to know what the Beach Boys song is.
Posted by: grammie winger at January 07, 2020 08:29 PM (lwiT4)

Just type in 'Barbara Ann song' into your search engine.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 08:31 PM (2B9A/)

82 11 @JohnBasham 45 seconds ago

BREAKING: #Iran warns that if the U.S. retaliates for the two waves of attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy #Dubai and #Haifa.

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 08:24 PM (cF8AT)

If they were trying to offer a face saving way to de-escalate, this would probably be the wrong way to go about it. Makes me wonder if there might be competing forces within their government, one trying to find a way out and one trying to push it further.

Posted by: Ghost of Lee Atwater at January 07, 2020 08:31 PM (nu45M)

83 I want to be sedated.

Should have asked 24 hours ago.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not scanning your email for ad targeting at January 07, 2020 08:31 PM (xkSJa)

84 "No way Iran can conduct a conventional war and nobody is gonna side with em"

This is true, but Iran might be trying to provoke an invasion of Iranian soil. On Iranian soil, Iranian nationalism will defeat an invader.

Turning Iran into "Afghanistan Junior" by crashing its infrastructure is more practical, but has knock-on effects, like: what does the planet do with another Afghanistan. We've already got one Afghanistan and it is a pain in everyone's arse

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 07, 2020 08:31 PM (ykYG2)

85 Be prepared to see video of shirts that manage to be loud in black and white.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 08:31 PM (2B9A/)

86 This is very close to the scenario I would put AF units through full scale training through.

Right now pucker factor is very high for those in theater. The incoming Missiles get met up by the Patriots

Worst case attack against the base is an air burst ground contaminating warhead on a missile. At the troops won't have to be in PPE in summer conditions.

Posted by: Minuteman at January 07, 2020 08:31 PM (gKleB)

87 Just type in 'Barbara Ann song' into your search engine.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 08:31 PM (2B9A/)

Ahhhhh! Gotcha

Posted by: grammie winger at January 07, 2020 08:31 PM (lwiT4)

88 BREAKING: #Iran warns that if the U.S. retaliates for the two waves of attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy #Dubai and #Haifa.

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 08:24 PM (cF8AT)

Interesting. What if the retaliation destroys their capacity?
Posted by: Vanya at January 07, 2020 08:25 PM (U7voe)

that's what I was saying earlier. They never studied the doctrine of First Strikes. If you want to hit anything at all, do it on your first strike, because you're not going to get a second chance. Use it or lose it.
Posted by: Tom Servo at January 07, 2020 08:30 PM (V2Yro)

Sounds more like the bluff, especially if they weren't too careful to try and hit our bases and made sure we knew it.

Posted by: Oldcat at January 07, 2020 08:31 PM (eoQWY)

89 BREAKING: #Iran warns that if the U.S. retaliates for the two waves of attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy #Dubai and #Haifa.

Any of you homos touch my stuff, I'll kill you.

Francis 'Iran' Soyer

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 08:32 PM (oVJmc)

90 If you attack us we will launch another ineffective strike upon you! It will be the mother of all ineffective strikes!

Posted by: Tehran Tom at January 07, 2020 08:32 PM (O8SrN)

91 Hey, is the LIFE EXPECTANCY for WHITE MALES still declining? Mostly due to SUICIDE and DRUG OVERDOSES? What a shame, what a shame.

Did you know the STOCK MARKET is at an all time high? All my Jewish friends, who own a lot of stocks, are VERY HAPPY!
Why are you schlubs in Michigan not HAPPIER with me?

Also, we're gonna stay in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Liby, and pretty much the entire continent of AFRICA! And we're gonna go blow some shit up in IRAN!

MIGA2020, KIG2020!!!

Posted by: Zion Don at January 07, 2020 08:32 PM (uOe/W)

92 I want to be sedated.

Posted by: Persian Bomb Pilot at January 07, 2020 08:30 PM (+fPHo)

You'll get a good long sleep shortly.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 07, 2020 08:32 PM (yQpMk)

93 The base houses B-1B Lancer bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 08:30 PM (cF8AT)

Rush tomorrow: PDT accomplished a massive paving project in Iran last night.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 07, 2020 08:32 PM (ptqGC)

94 So, if I land in UAE and tell you all the secrets I know, will you allow me settle in the US and get me free tickets to Epcot ??

Posted by: Iranian Pilot No 2 at January 07, 2020 08:32 PM (zr5Kq)

95 He was a poet, a scholar, a musical prodigy and made a damn good tamale!

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at January 07, 2020 08:32 PM (hmgiv)

96 This war has been building and building and building for years. The Time has Come. Nothing is gained, and much is lost, by putting it off.

Posted by: Tom Servo at January 07, 2020 08:32 PM (V2Yro)

97 Socialists and muslims love to rule by brute force. Obama fits both descriptions. First the lock stepped for messiah slick willy, then Obama. How could they be wrong after that ?

Imagine, people thought is was no big deal for Obama gave North Korea
and Iran highly advanced military technology and weapons AND HUGE
AMOUNTS OF OUR MONEY, and now they both boldly threaten our very
survival ! No big deal, according to the lock stepping fools ! Fools
are not satisfied or happy until they manage to ensure their own
destruction. Such as it has been since ancient times. Of course water has nothing to do with wet, and fire has nothing to do with hot, right ?
Digging the utopian grave, how surprised they are when they succeed!

Posted by: ron n. at January 07, 2020 08:33 PM (om5HK)

98 Tucker seems to be coming around.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 08:33 PM (JCrfD)

99 Now I want to know what the Beach Boys song is.

Posted by: grammie winger at January 07, 2020 08:29 PM (lwiT4)

The Little Old Lady From Pasadena

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 07, 2020 08:33 PM (q1Pj5)

100 Now I want to know what the Beach Boys song is.

Posted by: grammie winger at January 07, 2020 08:29 PM (lwiT4)

Little Deuce Nuke?

Posted by: Brian Wilson's Bed at January 07, 2020 08:33 PM (2N7oZ)

101 Maggie Haberman @maggieNYT
POTUS is NOT giving an address tonight, per two sources.
Hey Guys you ain't gonna believe this CNN was wrong again

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at January 07, 2020 08:33 PM (BqBId)

102 Hey, PDT: Finish Them!

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 07, 2020 08:33 PM (ptqGC)

103 >>Hell, these guys take platoon strength casualties at their own funerals.

Ok, that was funny.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 07, 2020 08:33 PM (ZLI7S)

104 66
Now I want to know what the Beach Boys song is.

Barbara Ann

Posted by: dartist at January 07, 2020 08:33 PM (K22Va)

105 "No way Iran can conduct a conventional war and nobody is gonna side with em"

This is true, but Iran might be trying to provoke an invasion of Iranian soil. On Iranian soil, Iranian nationalism will defeat an invader.

Turning Iran into "Afghanistan Junior" by crashing its infrastructure is more practical, but has knock-on effects, like: what does the planet do with another Afghanistan. We've already got one Afghanistan and it is a pain in everyone's arse
Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 07, 2020 08:31 PM (ykYG2)

Persia fell plenty of times to foreign invaders. No reason it couldn't again.

But we don't need to send troops in, just let the government fall.

Posted by: Oldcat at January 07, 2020 08:33 PM (eoQWY)

106 And if people do not have the beach boy's song in their heads now, you have no soul. Or are just young. Either one.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 08:25 PM (2B9A/)

Actually, I've got the Regents' version in my head:

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 07, 2020 08:33 PM (Ki5SV)

107 Dear Mullahs in Tehran

1. Never taunt Trump by sticking your tally-wacker in the meat-grinder.
2. See #1.

Posted by: Anna Puma at January 07, 2020 08:34 PM (sMpSx)

108 Well, let's see. The guy was in fact a muslim. Yep, he fits the profile. He was in the business of killing people.

Posted by: Eromero at January 07, 2020 08:34 PM (UUkQp)

BREAKING: #Iran warns that if the U.S. retaliates for the two waves of attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy #Dubai and #Haifa.


Also we will accept an apology and five billion dollars in cash.

- Ayotollah Komani

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 08:34 PM (PRN3w)


Posted by: BluesFish at January 07, 2020 08:34 PM (WQZ1O)

Tucker seems to be coming around.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 08:33 PM (JCrfD)

He changed his tampon after he realized his kids won't be drafted.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 07, 2020 08:34 PM (ptqGC)

112 Tucker seems to be coming around.

He seemed to be following the Glenn Beck pathway.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 08:34 PM (oVJmc)

113 I do not want a single building standing in that hellhole. Bomb the living hell out of it, civilians and all. Enough of these stone age pieces of shit. Its 2020 gottamit.

Posted by: Eli Cash at January 07, 2020 08:34 PM (67sg6)

114 Funny:

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at January 07, 2020 08:34 PM (TLxpZ)

115 Posted by: Oldcat at January 07, 2020 08:33 PM (eoQWY)

Yeah, big no on the ground. Shred their industry and military from the air and let them wallow in their own waste and failure.

Posted by: Vanya at January 07, 2020 08:35 PM (U7voe)

116 Seriously. This is always the point in the movie where Trump inexplicably turns the tide. I recognize it from the 20 other times I've seen him do it.

Posted by: CNN at January 07, 2020 08:35 PM (ms95q)

117 This is true, but Iran might be trying to provoke an invasion of Iranian soil. On Iranian soil, Iranian nationalism will defeat an invader."

The only bit of "Iranian Soil" that I think it might be useful to occupy is Kharg Island. Very strategic spot of ground, and once taken it isn't easy for Iran to get it back.

but we always could just blow it up.

Posted by: Tom Servo at January 07, 2020 08:35 PM (V2Yro)

118 uOe/W might need a little love tap with the banhammer
Just saying.

Posted by: Hands at January 07, 2020 08:35 PM (786Ro)

119 Ethan Klapper @ethanklapper
FAA just out with three NOTAMs banning US operations (US air carriers, US-registered aircraft, licensed airmen) over Iran, Iraq, the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at January 07, 2020 08:35 PM (BqBId)

120 From a great source and not Admin. "There is absolutely a plan and after taking shot after shot from Iran in recent months...taking out the general isn't the only opportunity that exists." Also "No way Iran can conduct a conventional war and nobody is gonna side with em"
Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at January 07, 2020 08:26 PM (BqBId)


After you died, do you think any of the Terrorist Leaders are going to listen to some third string office boy from Tehran?

"Listen Nasrullah, you need to take on Israel tonight. Never mind half your Hezbullah Militia is dead or wounded in Syria, and we will be barely hanging on by our teeth by Friday Prayers."

Sure Nasrallah, listen to the putz. What do you have to lose?

Posted by: rd at January 07, 2020 08:35 PM (+0uDE)

121 What 116 said

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 08:35 PM (ms95q)

122 @ZekeJMiller

WASHINGTON (AP) -- FAA issues emergency restriction for Persian Gulf airspace, citing 'potential for miscalculation or mis-identification'

Well duh.

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 08:35 PM (cF8AT)

123 Turning Iran into "Afghanistan Junior" by crashing its infrastructure is more practical

Do just enough to stoke the revolution. Step one, incinerate the IRGC so that the regime has no shock troops.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 08:35 PM (JCrfD)

124 Also we will accept an apology and five billion dollars in cash.

- Ayotollah Komani
Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 08:34 PM (PRN3w)

"Sure. Wait at the airport, I'll have it delivered."--PDT

Posted by: Vanya at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (U7voe)

125 Posted by: Zion Don at January 07, 2020 08:32 PM (uOe/W)

You know, and I know, that
chaos and bedlam are consuming the entire world! UV light waves are only
the beginning, Tom. We have an inch of topsoil left!

Posted by: William S. at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (2N7oZ)

126 No one is talking about invading Iran except the left and the msm

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (85Gof)

127 Yeah, big no on the ground. Shred their industry and military from the air and let them wallow in their own waste and failure.
Posted by: Vanya at January 07, 2020 08:35 PM (U7voe)


Posted by: Iranian Pilot No 2 at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (zr5Kq)

128 Good Lord, Tucker is waving his cuck credentials around tonight. This shit is why I don't trust libertarians with power.

Posted by: Jackal at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (Mvs5D)

129 I was at MOPP4 at White Sands in June...

In theater their kit never leaves them.

Posted by: Anna Puma at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (sMpSx)

130 so

Posted by: runner at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (zr5Kq)

131 Anybody visited the settlement they named after me in the GOLAN HEIGHTS?

I could be PRESIDENT of ISRAEL!!!

Posted by: Zion Don at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (uOe/W)

132 Now I want to know what the Beach Boys song is.??Barbra Ann

Posted by: FrodoB, reloading at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (dQF3z)

133 This conflict with Iran was inevitable and necessary. The stupid children in the media have no conception of what's going on. Trump is sparing a future generation. Iran WILL get a nuclear weapon and WILL use it, and Trump understands.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (H8QX8)

134 G'night everyone !

Betting that the cows and cornfields will still be here in the morning.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez, we are being gaslighted 24/365 at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (zlgJP)

135 Somehow after years of living under the threat of Soviet sponsored vaporization and the 'Soviet Drive to the Rhine in 2 days"

I can't get excited about Iran using up the New Years fireworks their moms wouldn't let them stay up long enough to use on December 31st

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (O8SrN)

136 Some Cob needs to man the banhammer.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 08:30 PM


Trolls were better back in the day.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (rBtIz)

137 Does Tehron have wastewater treatment plants? If so, we oughta bomb the shit out of them.

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (q1Pj5)

138 >>>POTUS is NOT giving an address tonight, per two sources.

I hope he goes and plays a round of golf tomorrow.

Posted by: Mark1971 at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (xPl2J)

139 BREAKING: #Iran warns that if the U.S. retaliates for the two waves of
attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy #Dubai and #Haifa.


Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 08:24 PM (cF8AT)

If they were trying to offer a face saving way to de-escalate, this
would probably be the wrong way to go about it. Makes me wonder if there
might be competing forces within their government, one trying to find a
way out and one trying to push it further.

Or the whole 'face-saving' thing is wishcasting and they simply couldn't hit anything either due to their targeting being crap or because we intercepted it.

Posted by: Methos at January 07, 2020 08:37 PM (kOpft)

140 BREAKING on CNN: After retaliatory strikes on U.S. troop bases by the Iranian Freedom Fighters, Jake Tapper has updated his alert warning level from VETCON 1 to VIETCONG 1. Developing ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Make the 20's Roar Again! at January 07, 2020 08:37 PM (WqPYg)

141 Good Lord, Tucker is waving his cuck credentials around tonight. This shit is why I don't trust libertarians with power.

Posted by: Jackal at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (Mvs5D)

No kidding. And he kind of let the Antifa thugs who terrorized his wife and tried to tear his door down off.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 07, 2020 08:37 PM (ptqGC)

142 Great Doug MacGrggor calls in to Dove it up and be a general Foreign Policy Bitch.

Tucker must really like the subtle curve of this guy's cock.

Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 08:37 PM (M28y2)

143 This is the country we gave untold untraceable cash and a license and tech to develop nukes.

Uh, no. "We" did no such thing.

Posted by: Common Tater at January 07, 2020 08:37 PM (zHVM/)

144 There is no need for address.

Posted by: runner at January 07, 2020 08:37 PM (zr5Kq)

145 POTUS is NOT giving an address tonight, per two sources.

He's on his fourth scoop.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 07, 2020 08:37 PM (yQpMk)

146 Turning Iran into "Afghanistan Junior" by crashing its infrastructure is more practical, but has knock-on effects, like: what does the planet do with another Afghanistan.


Do what we should have done with Afghanistan: Fuck up their shit and leave. Rebuild your own goddamned country, and if you fucking pussies are crying over spoiled milk then maybe next time think twice about pissing the world off with your terrorist antics.

Posted by: Two Weeks From Everywhere at January 07, 2020 08:37 PM (+dsLj)

147 Does Tehron have wastewater treatment plants? If so, we oughta bomb the shit out of them.
Posted by: Count de Monet


Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at January 07, 2020 08:38 PM (SfYbS)

148 Everyone on all channels is screaming, "ZOMG War With Iran Is Ultra-Bad!", as if it will be the end of the World.

I have yet to hear anyone on any channel describe what existential damage Iran can do to us if we go to war with them.

Posted by: Gref at January 07, 2020 08:38 PM (AMIL/)

149 Islam is one of the three great cancers of the world, the other two being communism and the democrat party.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 07, 2020 08:38 PM (l9m7l)

150 He seemed to be following the Glenn Beck pathway.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 08:34 PM (oVJmc)

Is his face covered in cheetos? Because that seems to help these people for some reason.

Posted by: Asking for a Friend at January 07, 2020 08:38 PM (2N7oZ)

151 "125 Posted by: Zion Don at January 07, 2020 08:32 PM (uOe/W)

You know, and I know, that
chaos and bedlam are consuming the entire world! UV light waves are only
the beginning, Tom. We have an inch of topsoil left!

Posted by: William S. at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (2N7oZ)"

LOL, and really g'night !

Posted by: sock_rat_eez, we are being gaslighted 24/365 at January 07, 2020 08:38 PM (zlgJP)

152 Who is this goddamn idiot that Tucker has on the phone?

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 08:38 PM (JCrfD)

153 Evidence and CNN. That's funny.

Posted by: t-bird at January 07, 2020 08:38 PM (NAs56)

154 Going to go eat a bite. Take care, Horde. Prayers up for our military and those in harms way tonight and in the days ahead.

Posted by: turambar at January 07, 2020 08:38 PM (Gylu/)

155 It didn't make sense Trump was going to speak tonight. He has to act first, even if it's with non-action.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 08:38 PM (ms95q)

156 Posted by: Eli Cash at January 07, 2020 08:34 PM (67sg6)

Whoa, whoa. I feel the same as you, brother, But Israeli children should be spared, surely?

Posted by: Inshallah at January 07, 2020 08:38 PM (uOe/W)

157 Doug MacGreggor is insufferable.

Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 08:38 PM (M28y2)

158 Another never Trump genius colonel.

Posted by: dartist at January 07, 2020 08:38 PM (K22Va)

159 >> Makes me wonder if there
might be competing forces within their government, one trying to find a
way out and one trying to push it further.

That's exactly what Walid Phares said is going on.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at January 07, 2020 08:38 PM (f1Vqw)

160 138 >>>POTUS is NOT giving an address tonight, per two sources.

Sorry to keep you waiting. Complicated business.

Posted by: jsg at January 07, 2020 08:38 PM (GVtam)

161 Dubai? Nuts. Some big golf tournaments are going to be affected by this. PGA Europe does a few tournaments to start the year in that part of the world, including Dubai. Also, the 24 Hours of Dubai. Not a huge sportscar race but an interesting one. The Dakar Rally is going on in Saudi Arabia too.

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 07, 2020 08:39 PM (e3Mfh)

162 the other two being communism and the democrat party.

but you repeat yourself.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 07, 2020 08:39 PM (yQpMk)

163 Persia fell plenty of times to foreign invaders. No reason it couldn't again.

Falling to foreign invaders is one thing. Paying homage to them is another. The Greeks didn't last long in Iran before getting the boot from another group of Iranians, the Parthians (professing a weird form of Hellenism). The Arabs did better but they got ousted by Iranian dynasts, too (professing weird forms of Islam).

So maybe our plan is to invade Iran until the Iranians proclaim George Washington as the reincarnated Mahdi.

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 07, 2020 08:39 PM (ykYG2)

164 So, if I land in UAE and tell you all the secrets I know, will you allow me settle in the US and get me free tickets to Epcot ??

Posted by: Iranian Pilot No 2 at January 07, 2020 08:32 PM (zr5Kq)

No, all you're getting is Galaxy's Edge.

Posted by: Methos at January 07, 2020 08:39 PM (kOpft)

Good Lord, Tucker is waving his cuck credentials around tonight. This shit is why I don't trust libertarians with power.

Posted by: Jackal at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (Mvs5D)

Did you hear Rand Paul today? Omg.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 07, 2020 08:39 PM (ptqGC)

166 Somehow after years of living under the threat of Soviet sponsored vaporization and the 'Soviet Drive to the Rhine in 2 days"

I can't get excited about Iran using up the New Years fireworks their moms wouldn't let them stay up long enough to use on December 31st
Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (O8SrN)

Yeah, OUR WWIII we feared was a real WWIII, not some penny-ante conflict that kills fewer people than a moderate city's rush hour.

Posted by: Oldcat at January 07, 2020 08:39 PM (eoQWY)

167 Just identify as first. It seems to work for athletes. -- Tonypete[i/]

Ooohh! First! Yay me!

No, somehow doesn't seem to be working.

Posted by: Gisela of France at January 07, 2020 08:39 PM (J6P5a)

168 Uh, no. "We" did no such thing.

Posted by: Common Tater at January 07, 2020 08:37 PM (zHVM/)

Don't be obtuse.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 08:39 PM (ms95q)

169 If we don't stop, they'll be forced to hang more gays from cranes in Azadi Square.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 08:39 PM (O8SrN)

170 @ShannonBream

Per Fox's @johnrobertsFox - The White House says the President is not planning to address the nation tonight.

(shockingly CNN was first to report that)

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 08:39 PM (cF8AT)

171 Iran is like the drunk pop-collared cocksucker at the bar who starts a fight by throwing a single jab and not covering or following it up.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 08:39 PM (Ct55T)

172 No kidding. And he kind of let the Antifa thugs who terrorized his wife and tried to tear his door down off.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 07, 2020 08:37 PM (ptqGC)

Sorry, I was too busy to protect my wife and children.

Posted by: Tuck at January 07, 2020 08:39 PM (2N7oZ)

173 From the previous thread:

> "Where is Cat Stevens in all this?"

Riding on the "Peace Train":

Now I've been happy lately
Thinking about the good things to come
And I believe it could be
Something good has begun
Oh, I've been smiling lately
Dreaming about the world as one
And I believe it could be
Someday it's going to come

Dream on, pal.

Posted by: Anonymous 7 at January 07, 2020 08:39 PM (/CMjY)

174 No one is talking about invading Iran except the left and the msm

No need.

Target the oppression infrastructure in Iran (military, mullahs, religious police) and let the uprisings boil over.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 08:39 PM (oVJmc)

175 Time for some ice cream I think

Posted by: Anna Puma at January 07, 2020 08:40 PM (XzUYv)

176 Do what we should have done with Afghanistan: Fuck up their shit and leave. Rebuild your own goddamned country, and if you fucking pussies are crying over spoiled milk then maybe next time think twice about pissing the world off with your terrorist antics.


I'm sort of leaning towards this. We've tried it the other way, so let's give it a shot.

Either that or be the imperialists we're always accused of being as we dump trillions into sh*tholes.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 08:40 PM (PRN3w)

177 This shit is why I don't trust libertarians with power.
Posted by: Jackal at January 07, 2020 08:36 PM (Mvs5D)

Carlson is in over his head.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at January 07, 2020 08:40 PM (H8QX8)

178 Yeah, OUR WWIII we feared was a real WWIII, not some penny-ante conflict that kills fewer people than a moderate city's rush hour.
Posted by: Oldcat at January 07, 2020 08:39 PM (eoQWY)

Or an Iraqi generals funeral.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 08:40 PM (O8SrN)

179 Now I want to know what the Beach Boys song is.

Barbara Ann

Posted by: dartist at January 07, 2020 08:33 PM (K22Va)

Wasn't the original version by Jan and Dean?

Posted by: Vendette at January 07, 2020 08:40 PM (pXNaM)

180 My husband is reading twitter on his phone. He just looked at me and said, "There are unconfirmed reports that France has surrender."

I chuckled...

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 08:40 PM (cF8AT)

181 It kinda seems like Iran has painted itself into a corner.

Posted by: Max Power at January 07, 2020 08:40 PM (q177U)

182 Or the whole 'face-saving' thing is wishcasting and they simply couldn't hit anything either due to their targeting being crap or because we intercepted it.
Posted by: Methos at January 07, 2020 08:37 PM (kOpft)

That was my initial impression as well. But if they actually were trying to save face, this is a bad way to do it.

Posted by: Ghost of Lee Atwater at January 07, 2020 08:40 PM (nu45M)

183 175 Time for some ice cream I think
Posted by: Anna Puma at January 07, 2020 08:40 PM (XzUYv)

Make it a double.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 08:40 PM (NWiLs)

184 Well, if this gets the FBI to stop hunting for Russians under Trump's bed and seeking out Hezbollah sleeper cells in the USA instead...

...I'll call that a win.

(Seriously tho, nobody is going on vacay at the DHS & NSA for a while.)

Posted by: CPT. Charles at January 07, 2020 08:40 PM (W+kMI)

185 Maybe we could light all their oil wells on fire, like Saddam did in Kuwait. Let's see how quickly the Iranians can put them out.

Posted by: notsothoreau at January 07, 2020 08:40 PM (JKNZq)

186 No kidding. And he kind of let the Antifa thugs who terrorized his wife and tried to tear his door down off.


Tucker is brilliant but a weenie. That's not necessarily a good combo.

What he should have done was get a shotgun with rubber bullets and invite Antifa over a second time for some target practice.

Posted by: Two Weeks From Everywhere at January 07, 2020 08:40 PM (+dsLj)

187 Obtuse??????

Posted by: eleven at January 07, 2020 08:41 PM (M0u+N)

188 "No one is talking about invading Iran except the left and the msm"

Ssshhhh.... They're on a roll.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 07, 2020 08:41 PM (tT0V4)

189 148 Everyone on all channels is screaming, "ZOMG War With Iran Is Ultra-Bad!", as if it will be the end of the World.

I have yet to hear anyone on any channel describe what existential damage Iran can do to us if we go to war with them.

Posted by: Gref at January 07, 2020 08:38 PM (AMIL/)

It's almost like they're trying to knee-jerk other nations into stepping in to defend Iran...

Posted by: Allie at January 07, 2020 08:41 PM (vmRc0)

190 Tami, I just heard Hollywood has surrendered.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 07, 2020 08:41 PM (ptqGC)

191 @165 no, was he as cuckish as that shithead who was just on Tuckers show?

Posted by: Jackal at January 07, 2020 08:41 PM (31Gtg)

192 My husband is reading twitter on his phone. He just
looked at me and said, "There are unconfirmed reports that France has

I chuckled...

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 08:40 PM (cF8AT)

Hahaha good one!

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 07, 2020 08:41 PM (q1Pj5)

193 Why would they need 'face-saving' missile launches? Just have their nation tune in to CNN and see how glorious the mullahs are.

Posted by: t-bird at January 07, 2020 08:41 PM (lK7fO)

194 So, if I land in UAE and tell you all the secrets I know, will you allow me settle in the US and get me free tickets to Epcot ??

Posted by: Iranian Pilot No 2 at January 07, 2020 08:32 PM

Negative, Ghostrider, the pattern is full.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at January 07, 2020 08:41 PM (rBtIz)

195 Fuck up their shit and leave.

I'm not sure the Afghans would realize we fucked anything up. I mean, how many ways can you wreck the stone outcropping they use for eating dinner on?

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 08:41 PM (O8SrN)

196 My frieds, you have nothing to fear from a nuclear Iran.

Posted by: TuCa at January 07, 2020 08:41 PM (nzKWW)

197 No, all you're getting is Galaxy's Edge.
Posted by: Methos at January 07, 2020 08:39 PM (kOpft)

*YES ! I did not read The Art of the Deal for nothing.

I will accept your offer.

Posted by: Iranian Pilot No 2 at January 07, 2020 08:41 PM (zr5Kq)

198 Iran is like the drunk pop-collared cocksucker at the bar who starts a fight by throwing a single jab and not covering or following it up.

Yeah, I get that a lot.

Posted by: Khusro II Aparwez at January 07, 2020 08:42 PM (ykYG2)

199 Time for some ice cream I think
Posted by: Anna Puma at January 07, 2020 08:40 PM (XzUYv)

I wish I had some ice cream.

I think I'll go have some hot buttered toast and a glass of milk.

See you all tomorrow.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at January 07, 2020 08:42 PM (Ki5SV)

200 Tucker isn't brilliant. He mimicks the people he's around well, but he doesn't really uncork anything profound.

Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 08:42 PM (M28y2)

201 the evidence is in!...anders is a total failure, and his name is stupid.

Posted by: trapper's girl at January 07, 2020 08:42 PM (rPkiQ)

Jennifer Franco @jennfranconews
#BREAKING: IRGC says the attacks on military bases throughout Iraq is 'severe revenge' for the U.S. killing of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani.

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at January 07, 2020 08:42 PM (BqBId)

203 U.S aircraft from Turkey's Incirlik air base are now airborne, per military sources, but no reports of any attack on Iran has come in yet. The base houses B-1B Lancer bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons
Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 08:30 PM (cF8AT)


Incirlik is pretty famous for all them nuclear weapons.

But we aren't there yet, I don't think. B-1B are pretty awesome for other things, too. Including fucking up SAM sites and super cool low-level, terrain-hugging action!

Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 07, 2020 08:42 PM (qgUJH)

204 Seems like only yesterday that Obama saved millions of jobs.

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at January 07, 2020 08:42 PM (5v8FT)

205 195 Fuck up their shit and leave.

I'm not sure the Afghans would realize we fucked anything up. I mean, how many ways can you wreck the stone outcropping they use for eating dinner on?
Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 08:41 PM (O8SrN)

In general it's pretty difficult to win a fight against someone who has nothing to lose.

Posted by: Ace's liver at January 07, 2020 08:42 PM (wGeit)

206 I was at MOPP4 at White Sands in June...

In theater their kit never leaves them.
Posted by: Anna Puma]/i]

One of the many Roving Sands?

Posted by: BifBewalski at January 07, 2020 08:42 PM (VcFUs)

207 Jew haters are a strange lot.

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 07, 2020 08:42 PM (e3Mfh)

208 The live chat on Al Jazeera's Youtube channel is pretty damn funny.

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at January 07, 2020 08:42 PM (TLxpZ)



Posted by: Braenyard at January 07, 2020 08:42 PM (5TmO/)

210 Is it ee-ron or eye-ran?

Actually, who gives a fuck?

PDT will make no comment on this little tapdance performed by the ee-yuh-fool-uh.

Posted by: Persian Bomb Pilot at January 07, 2020 08:43 PM (+fPHo)

211 "What evidence is there..." Well, there are official Iranian government statements crowing about that. Will that do?

Posted by: Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet is Concerned that It Did Not Get Everything It Wanted at January 07, 2020 08:43 PM (8ZASj)

212 Ooops. Closing code, dumbass

Posted by: BifBewalski at January 07, 2020 08:43 PM (VcFUs)

213 @charliekirk11

Nancy Pelosi claimed she was "closely monitoring" the situation in Iraq

This was after VP Pence called her to brief her on what was happening & she ignored the call

In reality:

Instead of closely monitoring the situation, Pelosi was at a restaurant grand opening


Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 08:43 PM (cF8AT)

214 Maybe we could light all their oil wells on fire,

I like the electrical wires idea. Unless, of course, this is all German equipment and nobody in-country knows how to repair it.

Posted by: t-bird at January 07, 2020 08:43 PM (DCYln)

215 The '79 revolution would have never happened without the backing of the Soviets....

We're still living in the bloody, counterproductive legacy of communism.

And yet half of our stupid ass country is still trying to make that their platform.

Fuck me.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 08:43 PM (Ct55T)

216 #BREAKING: IRGC says the attacks on military bases throughout Iraq is 'severe revenge' for the U.S. killing of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani.


That's not throughout.

We can show the meaning of throughout, if you want.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 08:43 PM (JCrfD)

217 Persia fell plenty of times to foreign invaders. No reason it couldn't again.

Falling to foreign invaders is one thing. Paying homage to them is another. The Greeks didn't last long in Iran before getting the boot from another group of Iranians, the Parthians (professing a weird form of Hellenism). The Arabs did better but they got ousted by Iranian dynasts, too (professing weird forms of Islam).

So maybe our plan is to invade Iran until the Iranians proclaim George Washington as the reincarnated Mahdi.
Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 07, 2020 08:39 PM (ykYG2)

The Selucids were in place in most of Iran for hundreds of years, and the Perso-Greek culture fusion never really went away. There's no huge issue with homage when your elite is still mixing in with the local bosses and you have a lot of local autonomy.

Same thing with the Muslim conquest. Eventually, the landowners in Persia, mixed in with whatever Islamo/Arab culture they found useful, reasserted themselves as the rulers.

Posted by: Oldcat at January 07, 2020 08:44 PM (eoQWY)

218 . . . aaaand there are ice cream sammies in the freezer.

but not for long!

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 07, 2020 08:44 PM (q1Pj5)

219 Tucker isn't brilliant. He mimicks the people he's around well, but he doesn't really uncork anything profound.


Are you sure you don't have him confused for Hannity?

Posted by: Two Weeks From Everywhere at January 07, 2020 08:44 PM (+dsLj)

220 In general it's pretty difficult to win a fight against someone who has nothing to lose.
Posted by: Ace's liver

Ya might be on to something there.

Posted by: eleven at January 07, 2020 08:44 PM (M0u+N)

221 I think the US response will be to destroy Iranian oil refineries (limiting their military access to fuel), destroying Iranian aviation capabilities on the ground, eliminating the known long range ballistic missiles, and eliminating Iranian missile boats.

Phase two will probably be a warning to other nations to remove their ships from Iranian ports before those ports are closed from mining. A contigent of B-52s arrived in Diego Garcia yesterday and Quick Strike extended range air launched naval mines are prepositioned there. The B-52 can carry a dozen or more and launch them from standoff distance.

Posted by: Nevyan at January 07, 2020 08:44 PM (a7HML)

222 C-130s w/Jdams last

Posted by: Braenyard at January 07, 2020 08:44 PM (5TmO/)

223 207 Jew haters are a strange lot.
Posted by: Puddleglum at January 07, 2020 08:42 PM (e3Mfh)

So I noticed. Penis envy I guess.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 08:44 PM (O8SrN)

224 152
Who is this goddamn idiot that Tucker has on the phone?

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 08:38 PM (JCrfD)


Not watching, but from other commenters it appears to be some idiot named Doug MacGregor -- who assured as after Salmonella was blown up that "Iranians weren't like us; they don't emote."

Posted by: ShainS -- Make the 20's Roar Again! at January 07, 2020 08:44 PM (WqPYg)

225 Sources say Tucker Carlson to surrender to Tehran.

Posted by: BluesFish at January 07, 2020 08:44 PM (WQZ1O)

226 @charliekirk11

Nancy Pelosi claimed she was "closely monitoring" the situation in Iraq

This was after VP Pence called her to brief her on what was happening & she ignored the call

In reality:

Instead of closely monitoring the situation, Pelosi was at a restaurant grand opening

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 08:43 PM (cF8AT)

I'd rather have her drinking in the restaurant, frankly.

Posted by: Oldcat at January 07, 2020 08:45 PM (eoQWY)

227 Incirlik is pretty famous for all them nuclear weapons.

But we aren't there yet, I don't think. B-1B are pretty awesome for other things, too. Including fucking up SAM sites and super cool low-level, terrain-hugging action!
Posted by: Moron Pundit at January

B1s are de-nuked

Might have taken the nukes out in Incirlik

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 08:45 PM (HALdu)

228 Incirlik is pretty famous for all them nuclear weapons.

But we aren't there yet, I don't think. B-1B are pretty awesome for other things, too. Including fucking up SAM sites and super cool low-level, terrain-hugging action!
Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 07, 2020 08:42 PM (qgUJH)

We are not going to nuke Iran save in the extremely unlikely case they manage to sneak a nuke into the US and blow up one of our cities.

IIRC some B-1Bs have been modified to carry SDBs. A whole boatload of SDBs. One bomber can hit dozens and dozens of targets with a ten meter CEP.

Posted by: Ace's liver at January 07, 2020 08:45 PM (wGeit)

229 210 Is it ee-ron or eye-ran?

Posted by: Persian Bomb Pilot at January 07, 2020 08:43 PM (+fPHo)

It's bye-bye-ran (with apologies to "Office Space")

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at January 07, 2020 08:45 PM (H8QX8)

230 I think Anders is being sarcastic.

Posted by: t-bird at January 07, 2020 08:45 PM (DCYln)

231 Trump really needs to stop hIttIng Iran.
I've got ValerIe Jarrett here flayIng me over thIs.
You bItter clIngers have no Idea what I'm goIng through.

Posted by: #OccupiedResoluteDesk at January 07, 2020 08:45 PM (GYdWB)

232 So no Americans casualties, so no news other than their pop-rockets?

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at January 07, 2020 08:45 PM (r+sAi)

Yep, I'm thinking this was a pussy non-attack attack by Iran to save face. It did nothing, and this may be the end of it.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at January 07, 2020 08:45 PM (f1Vqw)

234 Jennifer Franco @jennfranconews
#BREAKING: IRGC says the attacks on military bases throughout Iraq is 'severe revenge' for the U.S. killing of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani.

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani

Did someone say something about a face saving gesture?

Posted by: eleven at January 07, 2020 08:45 PM (M0u+N)

235 Notice I don't interview anyone I with differing opinions about this?

Posted by: TuCa at January 07, 2020 08:46 PM (nzKWW)

236 Jennifer Franco @jennfranconews


#BREAKING: IRGC says the attacks on military bases throughout Iraq
is 'severe revenge' for the U.S. killing of Iranian general Qassem

Poor things, they're retarded.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not scanning your email for ad targeting at January 07, 2020 08:46 PM (xkSJa)

237 In general it's pretty difficult to win a fight against someone who has nothing to lose.


Except their lives...

Posted by: Two Weeks From Everywhere at January 07, 2020 08:46 PM (+dsLj)

238 #BREAKING: IRGC says the attacks on military bases throughout Iraq is
'severe revenge' for the U.S. killing of Iranian general Qassem

So according to reports they hit nothing but this gave them a "we showed you" moment?

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 07, 2020 08:47 PM (+k5vA)

239 Surprising they went with ballistics, if that is true, would think that would make the euros unhappy.

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 08:47 PM (HALdu)

240 Wasn't the original version by Jan and Dean?

Had to look it up. First recorded by the Regents in 61. Dean of Jan and Dean sang lead with Brian Wilson in 65. Interesting eh?

Posted by: dartist at January 07, 2020 08:47 PM (K22Va)

241 226

Nancy Pelosi claimed she was "closely monitoring" the situation in Iraq

Probably been texting the mullahs.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 08:47 PM (ms95q)

242 233
Yep, I'm thinking this was a pussy non-attack attack by Iran to save face. It did nothing, and this may be the end of it.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at January 07, 2020 08:45 PM

This will be the mother of all face saving! Please if you would continue to let your media pretend we destroyed many things, like the Hollywood sign, and perhaps The Trump palace in Florida.

Posted by: Tehran Tom at January 07, 2020 08:47 PM (O8SrN)

243 What evidence is there, really, that rocks do not have consciousness? /sarc

Posted by: pst314 at January 07, 2020 08:47 PM (iRbDn)

244 Why would they need 'face-saving' missile launches? Just have their nation tune in to CNN and see how glorious the mullahs are.
Posted by: t-bird at January 07, 2020 08:41 PM (lK7fO)

Even the Mullahs don't watch CNN

Posted by: Oldcat at January 07, 2020 08:47 PM (eoQWY)

245 Prayers for our Armed Forces personnel and their families. Prayers for the Iraqi civilians caught up in this.

Posted by: Sock Monkey..if this be treason, make the most of it at January 07, 2020 08:47 PM (xBSYq)

246 Sounds like the mullahs are hoping Trump allows them to shoot off a symbolic attack and go back to previous positions.

They had their bluff called and folded.

Orange Man wins this round without WWIII.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 07, 2020 08:47 PM (ZLI7S)

247 Anders Hillsdale cred shows him to be very tongue-in-cheek here..

Posted by: TexasJew at January 07, 2020 08:48 PM (c+cGk)

248 Willowed:

>>> Eh? What are you going on aboot?


Are the jets defecting...........
Posted by: James
Yep. They are leaving NY for Toronto!
Posted by: Puddleglum at January 07, 2020 08:01 PM (e3Mfh)
Posted by: IrishEi at January 07, 2020 08:43 PM (sGotD)

Posted by: IrishEi at January 07, 2020 08:48 PM (sGotD)

249 >>Poor things, they're retarded.

Remember when they revealed their Plywood Stealth Drone?

And the world was like, 'That's adorable honey. Put it on the counter and we'll show it to your father as soon as he gets home'.

Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 08:48 PM (M28y2)

250 Yep, I'm thinking this was a pussy non-attack attack by Iran to save face. It did nothing, and this may be the end of it.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at January 07, 2020 08:45 PM (f1Vqw)

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no. And it ain't over now. WE decide when its over.

Posted by: Brother Bluto at January 07, 2020 08:48 PM (q1Pj5)

251 Is the president going to speak tonight?

Posted by: Braenyard at January 07, 2020 08:48 PM (5TmO/)

252 Yep, I'm thinking this was a pussy non-attack attack by Iran to save face. It did nothing, and this may be the end of it.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at January 07, 2020 08:45 PM

This will be the mother of all face saving! Please if you would continue to let your media pretend we destroyed many things, like the Hollywood sign, and perhaps The Trump palace in Florida.
Posted by: Tehran Tom at January 07, 2020 08:47 PM (O8SrN)

Take the blame for the shit bombs in SF and LA.

Posted by: Oldcat at January 07, 2020 08:48 PM (eoQWY)

253 199 I think I'll go have some hot buttered toast

That sounds lots better than ice cream, to me.

Posted by: April at January 07, 2020 08:48 PM (OX9vb)

254 239 Surprising they went with ballistics, if that is true, would think that would make the euros unhappy.
Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 08:47 PM (HALdu)

Screw the Euros, they do business with these pissers every day. Just like they did with Saddam.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 08:48 PM (O8SrN)

255 The first bomb is the deepest, baby, I know
The first bomb is the deepest
'Cause when it comes to being lucky, Iran's cursed
When it comes to lovin' peace, their worst
But when it comes to being bombed Iran's first
That's how I know.....

Posted by: Cat Stevens at January 07, 2020 08:49 PM (Z+IKu)

Seems like only yesterday that Obama saved millions of jobs.

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at January 07, 2020 08:42 PM (5v8FT)

Yep, "Lost" OR "Saved". Same diff.

Posted by: Barry at January 07, 2020 08:49 PM (2N7oZ)

257 Wasn't the original version by Jan and Dean?

Had to look it up. First recorded by the Regents in 61. Dean of Jan and Dean sang lead with Brian Wilson in 65. Interesting eh?

Posted by: dartist at January 07, 2020 08:47 PM (K22Va)

The Who did a version of it too. More of messing around in the studio with Keith Moon doing the vocals

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 07, 2020 08:49 PM (+k5vA)

258 253
199 I think I'll go have some hot buttered toast

That sounds lots better than ice cream, to me.

Posted by: April at January 07, 2020 08:48 PM (OX9vb)

That's so weird because I was honestly thinking about making buttered toast just as I refreshed and saw this.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 08:49 PM (ms95q)

259 Sounds like the mullahs are hoping Trump allows them to shoot off a symbolic attack and go back to previous positions.

They had their bluff called and folded.

Orange Man wins this round without WWIII.
Posted by: JackStraw at January 07, 2020 08:47 PM (ZLI7S)

There's a reason why our deck has 12,452 cards in it rather than three.

Posted by: Oldcat at January 07, 2020 08:49 PM (eoQWY)

260 Yeah, this does seem to be and odd thing for the Iranians to do. You would think the terrorist route would have made more sense.

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 08:49 PM (HALdu)

261 The historical precedent to this is the Falklands War. The Argentine Generals were unpopular and figured they'd roll the dice on regaining their mojo with a war. The Mullahs figure that they would try the Hail Mary play themselves, because YOLO.

SPOILER ALERT: It doesn't pay off.

Posted by: Minuteman at January 07, 2020 08:50 PM (gKleB)

262 @CindyOtis_

The image of the attack tweeted by Iran's Fars News Agency is actually a picture they gave to news agencies in 2017 when Iran struck ISIL targets in Syria.

She has a bunch of pics from Iran showing when they were originally published:

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 08:50 PM (cF8AT)

263 So basically Iran bombed an aspirin factory.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 08:50 PM (ms95q)

264 If you have the technology to make Buttered Toast, you have the tecnology to make Cinnamon Toast.

And Cinnamon Toast is way better than plain toast.

Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 08:50 PM (M28y2)


You know, I seem to remember when there was this nood thing around these here parts.

Posted by: teej who will never buy another Yamaha instrument at January 07, 2020 08:50 PM (zNjsG)

266 My prediction: The nuclear program installations will be hit first. We have their coordinates from the Israeli heist of the Iranian nuclear files. It may take specialized penetrating weapons and MOABs.

The B-52s are for cleanup. This will be B-1s and B-2s from Diego Garcia, with F-22 Barcap out of the Gulf, and AWACS out of Incirlik Air Base, Turkey.

If Hezbollah hit Israel, the IAF joins in.

Hell of a plan, Iran.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at January 07, 2020 08:50 PM (u82oZ)

267 199 I think I'll go have some hot buttered toast

That sounds lots better than ice cream, to me.

Posted by: April at January 07, 2020 08:48 PM (OX9vb)

That's so weird because I was honestly thinking about making buttered toast just as I refreshed and saw this.
Posted by: ...


The calling of the carbs is ever present.

Posted by: Tonypete at January 07, 2020 08:50 PM (Y4EXg)

268 Yeah, this does seem to be and odd thing for the Iranians to do. You would think the terrorist route would have made more sense.


We probably shouldn't expect religious fanatics to act rationally.

Posted by: Two Weeks From Everywhere at January 07, 2020 08:50 PM (+dsLj)

269 Is the president going to speak tonight?

Posted by: Braenyard at January 07, 2020 08:48 PM (5TmO/)


Posted by: Vendette at January 07, 2020 08:50 PM (pXNaM)

270 It's bye-bye-ran (with apologies to "Office Space")

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at January 07, 2020 08:45 PM (H8QX

Ok, that IS a Beach Boy's song.

Posted by: Brian Wilson's Bed at January 07, 2020 08:51 PM (2N7oZ)

271 And Cinnamon Toast is way better than plain toast.

I put apple jelly on cinnamon toast. It's like tiny apple pie.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 07, 2020 08:51 PM (yQpMk)

272 @charliekirk11

Nancy Pelosi claimed she was "closely monitoring" the situation in Iraq

Probably been texting the mullahs.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 08:47 PM (ms95q)

She also warned President McKinley to not fire on Fort Sumter

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 07, 2020 08:51 PM (+k5vA)

273 The image of the attack tweeted by Iran's Fars News Agency is actually a picture they gave to news agencies in 2017 when Iran struck ISIL targets in Syria.

OMG So...did they actually DO anything at all?

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 08:51 PM (JCrfD)

274 As it turns out, The Mouse That Roared was just a silly movie.
Too bad, so sad, Tehran.

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 07, 2020 08:51 PM (q1Pj5)

275 Surprising they went with ballistics, if that is true, would think that would make the euros unhappy.
Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 08:47 PM (HALdu)

Screw the Euros, they do business with these pissers every day. Just like they did with Saddam.
Posted by: DamnedYankee at January

Yes. And?

The thing is it makes it harder for them to argue that the obama treaty is wise and that allowing them to have launchers and nukes is not suicide.

Which makes it harder for them to do business with Iran.

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 08:51 PM (HALdu)

276 @NewsBreaking 11 seconds ago

BREAKING: Reports of an explosion in central Baghdad - Al Arabiya

(Grain of salt w/ all these reports)

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 08:51 PM (cF8AT)

277 Orange Man wins this round without WWIII.

And filled a lot of diapers in Iran.

Posted by: dartist at January 07, 2020 08:51 PM (K22Va)

278 And Cinnamon Toast is way better than plain toast.

Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 08:50 PM (M28y2)

Interesting. But I'm not sure I can trust you after the whole Godfather thing. You're not a wartime consigliere, garrett.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 08:51 PM (ms95q)

279 This is outrageous that President Trump has gotten the U.S. into this quagmire. You know, Quagmire is my favorite character on "The Family Guy." I should also mention that the show "Family" was one of my favorites back in the '70s. I really would've liked to nuzzle 10-year-old Quinn Cummings, who starred on that show. Speaking of shows, I just saw "Cats" on Broadway. It is amazing that they were able to train those five-foot cats to take part in a musical. If I'm elected President, I hope that one of those giant cats will serve in my Cabinet. Like I always say to my blue-collar friends, nothing beats a giant pussy. Amirite?!?

Posted by: Joe Biden at January 07, 2020 08:51 PM (BsrgJ)

280 My prediction: The nuclear program installations will be hit first.


It really does to me present a golden opportunity for the Golden Scalp Weasel to nip this in the bud.

Posted by: Two Weeks From Everywhere at January 07, 2020 08:51 PM (+dsLj)

281 More like the tents and camels Clinton hit, but yeah.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 08:51 PM (O8SrN)

282 Have the Dems leaked our target list to the Iranians yet?

Posted by: xnycpeasant at January 07, 2020 08:52 PM (sGOvg)

283 The calling of the carbs is ever present.
Posted by: Tonypete

Sweet Lady Carbcaine.

Posted by: eleven at January 07, 2020 08:52 PM (M0u+N)

284 >>I put apple jelly on cinnamon toast. It's like tiny apple pie.

This is how it is done people. Pay attention to this guy.

Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 08:52 PM (M28y2)

285 My prediction: The nuclear program installations
will be hit first. We have their coordinates from the Israeli heist of
the Iranian nuclear files. It may take specialized penetrating weapons
and MOABs.

The B-52s are for cleanup. This will be B-1s and B-2s from Diego
Garcia, with F-22 Barcap out of the Gulf, and AWACS out of Incirlik Air
Base, Turkey.

If Hezbollah hit Israel, the IAF joins in.

Hell of a plan, Iran.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at January 07, 2020 08:50 PM (u82oZ)

You're saying they didn't think it all the way through?

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 07, 2020 08:52 PM (+k5vA)

286 The Seleucids were in place in most of Iran for hundreds of years

Death of Darius III: 330 BC
Arsaces I is king in Parthia: 247 BC
Arsaces II accepts vassalage to Antiochus III 'the Great': 209 BC
Priapatius un-vassals himself: 180s BC
Mithridates I takes Babylonia: 141 BC

Slightly less than 200 years if we are being generous.

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 07, 2020 08:52 PM (ykYG2)

287 And now that I think about it, that video did look familiar.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 08:52 PM (JCrfD)

288 I think I'll go have some hot buttered toast

That sounds lots better than ice cream, to me.
Posted by: April at January 07, 2020 08:48 PM (OX9vb)

You look you have a fever?

Posted by: IrishEi at January 07, 2020 08:52 PM (sGotD)

289 The calling of the carbs is ever present.

Posted by: Tonypete at January 07, 2020 08:50 PM (Y4EXg)

It kind of is. And I was feeling sick, too.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 08:52 PM (ms95q)

290 260 Yeah, this does seem to be and odd thing for the Iranians to do. You would think the terrorist route would have made more sense.
Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 08:49 PM (HALdu)

I think this is honor culture stuff. Killing Salami so perfunctorily was like giving a guy who insulted you a backhand, straight to the mouth- casual and swift. Demeaning. Especially after they were making noises about how we could not do 'anything'.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 08:52 PM (2B9A/)

291 no comment from GEOTUS. I think that's smart because that doesn't elevate the Iran 'response."

Posted by: vivi at January 07, 2020 08:52 PM (11H2y)

292 The historical precedent to this is the Falklands War. The Argentine Generals were unpopular and figured they'd roll the dice on regaining their mojo with a war. The Mullahs figure that they would try the Hail Mary play themselves, because YOLO.

SPOILER ALERT: It doesn't pay off.
Posted by: Minuteman at January

Right, but they did not bomb Buenos Aires either. Sank some ships and fought it out in the islands.

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 08:53 PM (HALdu)

293 Wait, Quaqmire? Is that near Tehran?

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 08:53 PM (O8SrN)

294 Psst. Hey Mullahs. Want to borrow my shotgun?

Posted by: Joe B at January 07, 2020 08:53 PM (iI7am)

295 260 Yeah, this does seem to be and odd thing for the Iranians to do. You would think the terrorist route would have made more sense.
Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 08:49 PM (HALdu)

The mullahs probably aren't really in charge of anything outside of oppressing the populace. Soleimani probably was the only dude in charge with any kind of brain in his head. (I wouldn't be surprised if the guy made sure his underlings were useless barbarian fuckwits, to avoid any power plays against him).

So with Sooley gone, they're all thumbs and asses, so huckin' a bunch of shit at the Great Satan is just about all they can figure to do in their panic.

I'm guessing.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 08:53 PM (Ct55T)

296 CNN: President Trump said, "(Baghdadi) died like a dog, he died like a coward. The world is now a much safer place. God bless America," but offered no evidence.

Posted by: BlackPanties AngelsFace at January 07, 2020 08:53 PM (4ceyg)

297 > "Sounds like the mullahs are hoping Trump allows them to shoot off a symbolic attack and go back to previous positions."

Or maybe they're mulling it over.

That's why they're called mullahs, isn't it?

Posted by: Anonymous 7 at January 07, 2020 08:53 PM (/CMjY)

298 Have the Dems leaked our target list to the Iranians yet?

Posted by: xnycpeasant at January 07, 2020 08:52 PM (sGOvg)

The missiles are coming from inside the house!

Posted by: When a Demoract Calls at January 07, 2020 08:54 PM (2N7oZ)

299 Oh good. Now brave Col. Tucker is off on his favorite subject, his precious San Francisco.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 07, 2020 08:54 PM (ptqGC)

300 BREAKING: Reports of an explosion in central Baghdad - Al Arabiya

And the new Quds commander is????

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 08:54 PM (JCrfD)

301 The Persians need to remember what ubama did to them during their attempt at freedom. They know democraps nor the 'media' is their friend.

Posted by: Eromero at January 07, 2020 08:55 PM (UUkQp)

302 Good evening, Horde.

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 08:55 PM (TdMsT)

303 Wait, Quaqmire? Is that near Tehran?

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 08:53 PM (O8SrN)

No, it's just outside Baltimore.

Posted by: Some Jackass at January 07, 2020 08:55 PM (2N7oZ)

304 Sank some ships

The Brits sank the General Belgrano nee USS Phoenix with a torpedo from a nuke boat.

They never had a chance.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 07, 2020 08:55 PM (yQpMk)

305 No comment from Trump means Iran has no idea what he's gonna do.

Posted by: davidt at January 07, 2020 08:55 PM (l3+k2)

306 The calling of the carbs is ever present.

Posted by: Tonypete

Sweet Lady Carbcaine.

Posted by: eleven at January 07, 2020 08:52 PM (M0u+N)

But don't forget this fact

You just can't get it back, carbcaine.
She don't lie
She don't lie
She don't lie

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 07, 2020 08:55 PM (q1Pj5)


Lawrence O'Donnell @Lawrence
Trump wagged the dog.

Now the dog is wagging Trump.
Ghost of Qassem Soleimani
STOP THE GOD DAMN HAMMERING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at January 07, 2020 08:55 PM (BqBId)

308 It seems like we shot down some if not most of their rockets. None of them appear to have actually hit our bases and no casualties - so far.

I think Trump could say if that is your retaliation - eh.

Posted by: blaster at January 07, 2020 08:55 PM (ZfRYq)

309 Reports of an explosion in central Baghdad

So, a day in the Arabic week beginning in 'al-'

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 07, 2020 08:56 PM (ykYG2)

310 We should be sure to sink anything with mine laying capability just for starters.
They always threaten to mine the straits just to stir up the Euroweenies.

Posted by: xnycpeasant at January 07, 2020 08:56 PM (sGOvg)

311 Good evening, Ladyl!

Posted by: Duncanthrax The Austere at January 07, 2020 08:56 PM (DMUuz)

312 I hope our response is a joint Israeli-US effort. That will really delight the Left.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at January 07, 2020 08:56 PM (H8QX8)

313 244 Why would they need 'face-saving' missile launches? Just have their nation tune in to CNN and see how glorious the mullahs are.
Posted by: t-bird at January 07, 2020 08:41 PM (lK7fO)

Even the Mullahs don't watch CNN
Posted by: Oldcat at January 07, 2020 08:47 PM (eoQWY)

Bah. They're probably subjected to CNN in the airport just like the rest of us. Probably why they hate us.

Posted by: Ace's liver at January 07, 2020 08:56 PM (wGeit)

Walid Phares says there are two factions, the crazy lunatics who want to retaliate big time, and the more rational players who want to let it go and maintain status quo.

I think this was a big nothing burger. WWIII averted. Now, if the lunatics gain the upper hand and do something real that kills Americans, it's on, but so far, nothing.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at January 07, 2020 08:56 PM (f1Vqw)


How's that Conan thing go again?

Something, something driven before you?

Posted by: teej who will never buy another Yamaha instrument at January 07, 2020 08:56 PM (zNjsG)

316 Might have taken the nukes out in Incirlik
Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 08:45 PM (HALdu)


Ever since Erdogan started talking crazy, I've assumed we removed the nukes just in case. We didn't announce it because we still wanted the right people to think they were there. In fact, I doubt we'd even tell Turkey.

Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 07, 2020 08:57 PM (qgUJH)

317 Not sure what the right target set is but my first choice would be to go after their underground nuke and missile sites and then to go after everything the mullahs use to stay in power.

Make it easier for the Iranians to do the footwork.

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 08:57 PM (HALdu)

318 We should level Paris.

That'll keep them guessing.

Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 08:57 PM (M28y2)

319 Something, something driven before you?

Hear the lamentations of their transmen.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 07, 2020 08:57 PM (yQpMk)

320 The tweet Ace quoted was Anders restating CNN's assertion, I think.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 08:57 PM (oVJmc)

321 They always threaten to mine the straits just to stir up the Euroweenies.
Posted by: xnycpeasant at January 07, 2020 08:56 PM

Heck, threatening to trim the lace off of their soccer shorts does that.

Posted by: Duncanthrax The Austere at January 07, 2020 08:57 PM (DMUuz)

322 Hey Ayatollah! Hey! Hey!

You're not even on our news, now.

They lied to you about that tech you bought from the Pakis.

Posted by: Les Kinetic at January 07, 2020 08:57 PM (+fPHo)

323 Tomorrow the dumb fucks can have a parade and whip themselves bloody to show us how they punish us.

Posted by: dartist at January 07, 2020 08:57 PM (K22Va)

324 In fact, I doubt we'd even tell Turkey.
Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 07, 2020 08:57 PM (qgUJH)

I doubt they told Congress either.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 08:57 PM (O8SrN)

325 309 Reports of an explosion in central Baghdad

So, a day in the Arabic week beginning in 'al-'
Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 07, 2020 08:56 PM (ykYG2)


Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 08:57 PM (Ct55T)

326 I'm still gonna like tucker. He's always been no war so no surprise.

Posted by: willow at January 07, 2020 08:58 PM (W6Zth)

327 We should level Paris.

That'll keep them guessing.

Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 08:57 PM (M28y2)

You know who else wanted to see Paris burning?

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 07, 2020 08:58 PM (q1Pj5)

328 I just *dare* Iran to attack Congress. They will get one holy hell of a sternly worded letter, let me tell you.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 08:58 PM (ms95q)

329 323 Tomorrow the dumb fucks can have a parade and whip themselves bloody to show us how they punish us.
Posted by: dartist at January 07, 2020 08:57 PM (K22Va)

Don't forget the traditional stampede and casualties!

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 08:58 PM (O8SrN)

I think I'll go have some hot buttered toast

That sounds lots better than ice cream, to me.

Posted by: April


I think you guys just invented something. Ice cream with hot buttered toast. First restaurant that serves that gets mobbed.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at January 07, 2020 08:58 PM (13CQC)

331 The best thing about this is that Iran's nuclear program is now gonna be toast. This must be the minimum cost extracted. It's what worries all their neighbors the most and ending it will completely change their polictical status. They don't have China to watch over them like Lil' Kim does.

I'm betting on a bloddy revolution. The Iranians want to join the big party going on right now.

Posted by: pawn at January 07, 2020 08:58 PM (PveK5)

332 Sank some ships

The Brits sank the General Belgrano nee USS Phoenix with a torpedo from a nuke boat.

They never had a chance.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at January

I am fine with that.

Don't start nothin won't be nuthin

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 08:58 PM (HALdu)

333 We should level Paris.

That'll keep them guessing.

Maybe Berkeley, too.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 08:58 PM (JCrfD)

334 The calling of the carbs is ever present.
Posted by: Tonypete at January 07, 2020 08:50 PM (Y4EXg)

The sad thing about low carb is that you can have all the butter you want, but none of the stuff that butter is really good on.

Posted by: April at January 07, 2020 08:59 PM (OX9vb)

335 Tomorrow the dumb fucks can have a parade and whip themselves bloody to show us how they punish us.
Posted by: dartist

And then we drone them.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 07, 2020 08:59 PM (JtBPN)

336 We should level Paris.

That'll keep them guessing.
Posted by: garrett

It's so crazy...wait no.

Posted by: eleven at January 07, 2020 08:59 PM (M0u+N)

337 You know who else wanted to see Paris burning?

Von Schlieffen?

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 07, 2020 08:59 PM (yQpMk)

338 334 The calling of the carbs is ever present.
Posted by: Tonypete at January 07, 2020 08:50 PM (Y4EXg)

The sad thing about low carb is that you can have all the butter you want, but none of the stuff that butter is really good on.
Posted by: April at January 07, 2020 08:59 PM (OX9vb)

Butter is fine on veggies.

Posted by: Ace's liver at January 07, 2020 08:59 PM (wGeit)

339 @mattdpearce 2 minutes ago

"U.S. radar was able to track the missiles in flight and, as a result, personnel at the base were able to take cover before they were hit." A U.S. official said four of the 15 Iranian missiles failed in flight, @DavidCloudLAT reports:

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 09:00 PM (cF8AT)

340 >>The sad thing about low carb is that you can have all the butter you want, but none of the stuff that butter is really good on.

This is just not true.

Posted by: Marlon Brando at January 07, 2020 09:00 PM (M28y2)

341 Tommy (Dude!) Vieter on Twitter:

Right now we need a diplomatic channel to deescalate this situation, which is why having a belligerent, ideological hack like @SecPompeo as our chief diplomat is so dangerous.

Posted by: Biergood at January 07, 2020 09:00 PM (yb6r+)

342 Here abduhl, have a porkchop and a beer. And this 1000 pound olive drab iron bomb.

Posted by: Eromero at January 07, 2020 09:00 PM (UUkQp)

343 Was CNN wrong about EVERYthing tonight? That's like throwing a perfect game.

Posted by: t-bird at January 07, 2020 09:00 PM (lK7fO)

344 Ya know, it has to suck being squashed at a Iranian stampede. How the hell do you explain that when you get to Allah and try to get in line for your 72 virgins?

"Achmed, no, not that line. You are over here"
"But that's the line for Osama's pool boys!'
"Yes Achmed, and he likes the butt stuff.
Let this be a lesson. Never get trampled at a funeral, but it is too late for you now."

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 09:00 PM (O8SrN)

345 > "We should level Paris.

That'll keep them guessing."--

Posted by: garrett

That would keep a lot of people guessing, not least of all the Parisians.

Posted by: Anonymous 7 at January 07, 2020 09:00 PM (/CMjY)

346 We should level Paris.

That'll keep them guessing.

Maybe Berkeley, too.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 08:58 PM (JCrfD)

Berkeley, Portland, and then Madison.
Madison or Austin.

Whatever it takes.

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 07, 2020 09:00 PM (q1Pj5)

347 Good evening, Duncanthrax!

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:01 PM (TdMsT)

The bases Iran chose to "attack" where the ones with the least chance of killing Americans, BTW. If they wanted to do some real damage,they would have targeted other bases, apparently.

This was farting in our general direction, to save face with their lunatics.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at January 07, 2020 09:01 PM (f1Vqw)

349 Iran missed us by "that much"?

Posted by: Meremortal at January 07, 2020 09:01 PM (Bwqq4)

350 301 The Persians need to remember what ubama did to them during their attempt at freedom. They know democraps nor the 'media' is their friend.
Posted by: Eromero

That, and Michael Jackson dying which turned the news cycle all around. I swear I went to work that day expecting to hear the Great Leader speak in favor of all those Iranian protesters. But no....
Of course, Farah Fawcett died earlier the same day.

Posted by: Rex B at January 07, 2020 09:01 PM (iI7am)

351 Ever since Erdogan started talking crazy, I've assumed we removed the nukes just in case. We didn't announce it because we still wanted the right people to think they were there. In fact, I doubt we'd even tell Turkey.
Posted by: Moron Pundit at January

Apparently the removal process is rather cumbersome and would require lots of flights. There have been a few unusual flights that some suggest were part of an expedited removal

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:01 PM (HALdu)

352 CNN: "Reports are that a Baskin-Robbins delivery truck has arrived at the White House..."

Iranian Mullah 1: "Baskin-Robbins?"

Iranian Mullah 2: "It's an ice cream chain jn America."

Iranian Mullah 1: "W-wait... what?! Achmed! Bring me the phone!!!"

Posted by: Nevyan at January 07, 2020 09:01 PM (a7HML)

353 And ace's liver, butter is fine in that first cup of coffee, too.

Posted by: Eromero at January 07, 2020 09:01 PM (UUkQp)

354 305 No comment from Trump means Iran has no idea what he's gonna do.

Posted by: davidt at January 07, 2020 08:55 PM (l3+k2)

The pearl-clutching Media and Professional Foreign Policy Experts apparently fail to realize that if they don't know what Trump's strategy is, then neither do the Iranians. Why in hell should PDT tell the Deep State and Congressional and media leakers what his strategy is???? Surprise in warfare is a big-time force multiplier.

Posted by: Gref at January 07, 2020 09:01 PM (AMIL/)

355 So if Iran mines the straits, how is Japan gonna get their gas?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 07, 2020 09:02 PM (tT0V4)

356 This was farting in our general direction, to save face with their lunatics.

So, should our response be a decapitation strike? Or just take out their silkworm batteries?

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 07, 2020 09:02 PM (yQpMk)

357 TheQuietMan


It could very well be an unauthorized launch.
If so, the smart move from the mullas is to arrest the offending people, and beg, really beg, for mercy from President Trump's strike package.

And I hope there are no injuries to the US troops in harm's way.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at January 07, 2020 09:02 PM (u82oZ)

358 >>Maybe Berkeley, too.

Good thinking.

We don't want them getting complacent. Best to keep them guessing what we're really up to.

Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 09:02 PM (M28y2)

359 Iranian terrorists killing American servicemen is truly a blessing of liberty. Like trannies, but hotter. WAY HOTTER.

Posted by: David French at January 07, 2020 09:02 PM (WdocV)

360 If Iran knocks out Dubai, Congress will impeach foaddy fi all over again, this time with GOP joining in.

The junkets must flow.

Posted by: Hands at January 07, 2020 09:02 PM (786Ro)

"U.S. radar was able to track the missiles in
flight and, as a result, personnel at the base were able to take cover
before they were hit." A U.S. official said four of the 15 Iranian
missiles failed in flight, @DavidCloudLAT reports:

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 09:00 PM (cF8AT)

If true there is gonna be one mega bugfuck price to pay for this.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:02 PM (ms95q)

362 @NewsBreaking 11 seconds ago

BREAKING: Reports of an explosion in central Baghdad - Al Arabiya

(Grain of salt w/ all these reports)

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 08:51 PM (cF8AT)

If so, it's pretty unlikely that there were *no* casualties

Posted by: Methos at January 07, 2020 09:02 PM (kOpft)

363 So if Iran mines the straits, how is Japan gonna get their gas?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 07, 2020 09:02 PM (tT0V4)


Posted by: Asking for a Friend at January 07, 2020 09:02 PM (2N7oZ)

364 So, rough sequence of events here, if i'm not mistaken:

- Iranian backed forces attack our embassy in Iraq. No significant result.
- US kills Iranian head ramrod and related regional stooges killed by remote strikes. Desired result obtained. (namely: dead terrorists.)
- Iran fires a salvo of missiles presumably at US assets within Iraq. No significant result.

I mean, taking the broad view, i would think Iran ought to just pack up their jacks and fuck along with themselves, now.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 09:02 PM (Ct55T)

365 Face-saving missile strikes that miss is like shooting at a cop to save face.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 09:02 PM (oVJmc)

366 Regardless of details from today's action and any action of ours in response, nothing is "over" or done with.

Iran's regime is under tremendous pressure on all fronts, including at home, their various hegemony-seeking ventures are all at risk. But they're not going to abandon any of them.

Their Iraq operation has multiple motives, none of which change today.

Sanctions are just biting worse as time goes on, no relief in sight. Their Iraqi proxy collection may shatter with Soleimani gone, and with popular hostility to their meddling and theft continuing to rise. Their Lebanese allies are under pressure, and Israel strikes at their operatives in Syria with impunity.

The game is young.

Posted by: rhomboid at January 07, 2020 09:03 PM (El6T/)

367 This was farting in our general direction, to save face with their lunatics.

So, should our response be a decapitation strike? Or just take out their silkworm batteries?

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 07, 2020 09:02 PM (yQpMk)

My plan is we build a giant wooden badger . . .

Posted by: Sir Bedevere at January 07, 2020 09:03 PM (q1Pj5)

368 334 The calling of the carbs is ever present.
Posted by: Tonypete at January 07, 2020 08:50 PM (Y4EXg)

The sad thing about low carb is that you can have all the butter you want, but none of the stuff that butter is really good on.
Posted by: April at January 07, 2020 08:59 PM (OX9vb)

I managed to eat about a half a pound of chocolate (dark) before I played with a group of men tonight.

It was a terrible plan.

I don't even like dark chocolate.

My stomach is not happy.

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:03 PM (TdMsT)

369 If true there is gonna be one mega bugfuck price to pay for this.
Posted by: ... at January

by who?

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:03 PM (HALdu)

370 @mattdpearce 2 minutes ago

"U.S. radar was able to track the missiles in flight and, as a
result, personnel at the base were able to take cover before they were
hit." A U.S. official said four of the 15 Iranian missiles failed in
flight, @DavidCloudLAT reports:

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 09:00 PM (cF8AT)

I'm setting the over/under for Iranian civilian casualties from the four failed missiles at the funeral stampede death toll.

Posted by: mugiwara at January 07, 2020 09:03 PM (p9Acv)

371 >>Right now we need a diplomatic channel to deescalate this situation

Chamberlain is dead, so....

Posted by: Boswell at January 07, 2020 09:03 PM (32YRo)

372 @BabakTaghvaee

#BREAKING: According to my #Pentagon sources, No #US or #Iraqi servicemen are killed in Ain al-Asad due to #IRGC|ASF Operation #Soleimani. None of 6 Qiam-1s launched from #Tabriz at #Erbil have hit their targets! 5 missed targets & one of them was shot-down by #USArmy's C-RAM!

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 09:03 PM (cF8AT)

373 If you're on Twitter talking about diplomatic channels and criticizing Pompeo, you just might be retarded.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 09:03 PM (JCrfD)

374 So, they hit Baghdad and what, killed some of their Iraqi henchmen?

The guys who voted to tell us to GTFO?

That's an awesome plan!

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 09:03 PM (O8SrN)

375 Flaccid missiles from Iran.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at January 07, 2020 09:04 PM (G4ot7)

376 You know who else wanted to see Paris burning?

The Vikings?

Posted by: 18-1 at January 07, 2020 09:04 PM (WdocV)

Don't forget the traditional stampede and casualties!

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 08:58 PM (O8SrN)

We take out one of them. They take out 35 of themselves. It's genius I tells ya, pure genius

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 07, 2020 09:04 PM (+k5vA)

Guns go "Bang!"
Bombs go "Boom!"
You'll find our chief towel head
In the city of Qom

-- reciter of lyrical poetry
General Red Mist,
directing missile fire

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 07, 2020 09:04 PM (pNxlR)

379 OANN just reported an iraqi general was killed by one of the missile strikes at an airbase. I didn't catch the name.

Posted by: Methos at January 07, 2020 09:04 PM (kOpft)

380 This was farting in our general direction, to save face with their lunatics.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear

The mullahs are losing the war at home. This is a desperation move, not strategic.

Posted by: Sock Monkey..if this be treason, make the most of it at January 07, 2020 09:04 PM (xBSYq)

381 C-RAM!

C-RAM is a radar. That's not going to shoot anything down.

WE are still a smart military blog.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 09:04 PM (JCrfD)

I think this was a big nothing burger. WWIII averted. Now, if the lunatics gain the upper hand and do something real that kills Americans, it's on, but so far, nothing.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at January 07, 2020 08:56 PM (f1Vqw)

No. Launching direct attacks on American military bases is a crossed line that demands a strong response. You do not say "no blood no foul" to this one. Take out the nuke program for starters, take out all ballistic missile bases and factories, take out all naval facilities. Then see what the Iranians want to do next.

Posted by: Tom Servo at January 07, 2020 09:04 PM (V2Yro)

383 Mullah 1: He has ordered....

Mullah 2: ...

Mullah 1: ...the taco bowl.

Mullah 2: fuck

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:05 PM (ms95q)

384 I saw Hot Buttered Toast open for Neneh Cherry at the Peach Pit in '89.

Posted by: Hands at January 07, 2020 09:05 PM (786Ro)

385 They'll probably hit our concentration camps full of orphans in cages on the Canadian border.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 09:05 PM (O8SrN)

386 363 So if Iran mines the straits, how is Japan gonna get their gas?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 07, 2020 09:02 PM (tT0V4)

Posted by: Asking for a Friend at January 07, 2020 09:02 PM (2N7oZ)

Too bad there's not a North America counter to OPEC

Posted by: josephistan at January 07, 2020 09:05 PM (Izzlo)

387 Posted by: Tom Servo at January 07, 2020 09:04 PM (V2Yro)


Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:05 PM (ms95q)

388 The thing that Iran needs to worry about is if they mine the Straits how is china going to get it's gas?

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:05 PM (HALdu)

389 Remember when Bill Clinton had the option to kill Osama Bin Laden in 1996 and choose not to?

Well, Donald Trump is no Bill Clinton.

Posted by: 18-1 at January 07, 2020 09:05 PM (WdocV)

390 A U.S. official said four of the 15 Iranian missiles failed in flight


Whoa. It's like my 7th grade model rocket stage all over again.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:05 PM (PRN3w)

391 I farted louder.

Posted by: Swalwell at January 07, 2020 09:05 PM (GVtam)

392 Flaccid missiles from Iran.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at January 07, 2020 09:04 PM (G4ot7)

We've been really stressed lately.

Posted by: Iran at January 07, 2020 09:05 PM (2N7oZ)

393 345 > "We should level Paris.

That'll keep them guessing."--

Posted by: garrett

That would keep a lot of people guessing, not least of all the Parisians.
Posted by: Anonymous 7 at January 07, 2020 09:00 PM (/CMjY)

The Parisians can't do what we do:

Posted by: Ace's liver at January 07, 2020 09:06 PM (wGeit)

394 Where's the skull? Iran just hit several US bases with missiles.

Posted by: Viator at January 07, 2020 09:06 PM (89mvl)

395 So if Iran mines the straits, how is Japan gonna get their gas?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 07, 2020 09:02 PM (tT0V4)


Posted by: Asking for a Friend at January 07, 2020 09:02 PM (2N7oZ)

Too bad there's not a North America counter to OPEC

Posted by: josephistan at January 07, 2020 09:05 PM (Izzlo)

Taco Bell!

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 07, 2020 09:06 PM (q1Pj5)

396 Village Idiot's Apprentice

China hardest hit, not Japan.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at January 07, 2020 09:06 PM (u82oZ)

397 You can also declare the Iranian nuke facilities "no go" zones. Reserve the right to strike anything moving in or out. Pretty hard to operate a nuke program without traffic in and out.

Posted by: xnycpeasant at January 07, 2020 09:06 PM (sGOvg)

398 The sad thing about low carb is that you can have all the butter you want, but none of the stuff that butter is really good on.
Posted by: April


Posted by: Miklos, molluscophile at January 07, 2020 09:06 PM (QzkSJ)

399 You know who else wanted to see Paris burning?

The Vikings?

Posted by: 18-1 at January 07, 2020 09:04 PM (WdocV)

Fran Tarkenton was merciless.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 07, 2020 09:06 PM (+k5vA)

400 >>They'll probably hit our concentration camps full of orphans in cages on the Canadian border.

Their sleeper cells in America will mix the chopmeat with their Wipe hands tomorrow. No Gloves.

Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 09:06 PM (M28y2)

401 I think this is honor culture stuff. Killing Salami so perfunctorily was like giving a guy who insulted you a backhand, straight to the mouth- casual and swift. Demeaning. Especially after they were making noises about how we could not do 'anything'.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 08:52 PM (2B9A/)


Like that shit-talking dealer that Wyatt Earp slapped the shit out of in TombStone.


Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 07, 2020 09:06 PM (qgUJH)

402 What evidence is there, really, that Bob Menendez was in the business of sex with minors in the Dominican Republic?

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at January 07, 2020 09:06 PM (eiJ3N)

403 376 You know who else wanted to see Paris burning?

The Vikings?
Posted by: 18-1 at January 07, 2020 09:04 PM (WdocV)

First you rape, then you pillage and THEN you burn!

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 09:06 PM (2B9A/)

404 381 C-RAM!

C-RAM is a radar. That's not going to shoot anything down.

WE are still a smart military blog.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 09:04 PM (JCrfD)

Maybe, maybe not:

Posted by: Gref at January 07, 2020 09:06 PM (AMIL/)

405 Have we started arming the Iranian resistance yet? No?

The FNM calls them terrorists...but you will recall they also called Solemani a "Warrior Poet"

Posted by: 18-1 at January 07, 2020 09:06 PM (WdocV)

406 by who?

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:03 PM (HALdu)

Iran and the Mullahs.

Like Katrina and the Waves but with turbans.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:06 PM (ms95q)

407 Not surprising they had so much warning with the abm missiles radars.

Is there Thaad in Iraq?

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:07 PM (HALdu)

408 And, we have discovered once again that Iranian military tech sucks.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 09:07 PM (JCrfD)

409 Face-saving missile strikes that miss is like shooting at a cop to save face.

Suicide by Trump.

Posted by: dartist at January 07, 2020 09:07 PM (K22Va)

410 First you rape, then you pillage and THEN you burn!


Posted by: Trogdor burninating the peasants at January 07, 2020 09:07 PM (WdocV)

411 Flaccid missiles from Iran.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at January 07, 2020 09:04 PM (G4ot7)

We've been really stressed lately.

Posted by: Iran at January 07, 2020 09:05 PM (2N7oZ)

Stage fright.

Posted by: Tehran at January 07, 2020 09:07 PM (q1Pj5)

412 No, al-Asad and Erbil have plenty of Americans to harm.

And, um, folks, the ineffectiveness of Iranian missiles is absolutely unlikely to be "intentional". They cannot "aim" systems like this with the precision implied - "just missing" our bases.

There is no short-term "face saving" at play. There is serious if desperate action to regain the initiative.

Posted by: rhomboid at January 07, 2020 09:07 PM (El6T/)

413 VIA @ 355- Isn't this the reason the Japanese made uh-lektrick cars?

Posted by: Eromero at January 07, 2020 09:07 PM (UUkQp)

414 Iran just hit several US bases with missiles.

Why hadn't anyone brought this up?

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 07, 2020 09:07 PM (yQpMk)

415 Well, Donald Trump is no Bill Clinton.

Posted by: 18-1 at January 07, 2020 09:05 PM (WdocV)

Heh, not everyone can whack off on a dress. That takes effort!

Posted by: Billy Jeff at January 07, 2020 09:07 PM (2N7oZ)

416 Trump's Twitter feed is quiet.

Too quiet.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:08 PM (ms95q)

417 General "Buck" Salami: "I say we hit 'em with all the missiles we got!"

Ayatollah: "Are you fucking insane - they'll wipe us out?"

Gen. Buck Salami: "I'm not saying we aren't going to get our hair mussed. A million casualties, top!"

Posted by: Boswell at January 07, 2020 09:08 PM (32YRo)

418 Tommy (Dude!) Vieter on Twitter:

Right now we need a diplomatic channel to deescalate this situation...

diplomatic canal > diplomatic channel

Start digging, foggy bottom!

Posted by: Hands at January 07, 2020 09:08 PM (786Ro)

419 381 C-RAM!

C-RAM is a radar. That's not going to shoot anything down.

WE are still a smart military blog.
Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 09:04 PM (JCrfD)

Confusingly, people often abbreviate the Centurion system as C-RAM.

Posted by: Ace's liver at January 07, 2020 09:08 PM (wGeit)

420 397 You can also declare the Iranian nuke facilities "no go" zones. Reserve the right to strike anything moving in or out. Pretty hard to operate a nuke program without traffic in and out.
Posted by: xnycpeasant at January 07, 2020 09:06 PM (sGOvg)

"They have not layed a finger upon our nuclear facilities!"
"Yes, but the surrounding countryside is littered with destroyed vehicles and corpses of those trying to get to our nuclear facilities"

Posted by: Achmed BinNuke at January 07, 2020 09:08 PM (O8SrN)

421 "U.S. radar was able to track the missiles in flight and, as a

result, personnel at the base were able to take cover before they were

hit." A U.S. official said four of the 15 Iranian missiles failed in

, @DavidCloudLAT reports:

#BREAKING: According to my #Pentagon sources, No #US or #Iraqi
servicemen are killed in Ain al-Asad due to #IRGC|ASF Operation
#Soleimani. None of 6 Qiam-1s launched from #Tabriz at #Erbil have hit
their targets!
5 missed targets one of them was shot-down by
#USArmy's C-RAM!

Maybe they want us to laugh ourselves to death

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 07, 2020 09:08 PM (+k5vA)

422 Now would be the perfect time to drop a single bomb on Soleimani's grave.

Just one to let them know anytime, anyplace we want.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 07, 2020 09:08 PM (ZLI7S)

423 The sad thing about low carb is that you can have all the butter you want, but none of the stuff that butter is really good on.


It's not perfect but almond flour bread can help with that. There's a Keto Bread with 4 carbs a slice you can get at some supermarkets too.

My favorite though is Barely Bread, 1 carb per slice, a little more for their bagels, but they are some crazy expensive shit.

Posted by: Two Weeks From Everywhere at January 07, 2020 09:08 PM (+dsLj)

424 Trump should tweet:

Cool rockets, Achmed.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:08 PM (PRN3w)

425 Trump's Twitter feed is quiet.

Too quiet.

hah. Nice.

Posted by: eleven at January 07, 2020 09:08 PM (M0u+N)

426 Trump's Twitter feed is quiet.

Love it.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 09:08 PM (JCrfD)

427 You know who else wanted to see Paris burning?
Posted by: Count de Monet at January 07, 2020 08:58 PM (q1Pj5)

Dokken ?

Posted by: jsg at January 07, 2020 09:08 PM (GVtam)

428 Like that shit-talking dealer that Wyatt Earp slapped the shit out of in TombStone.

Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 07, 2020 09:06 PM (qgUJH)

Exactly that.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 09:09 PM (2B9A/)

429 In the background of all this posturing with Iran, Turkey just basically invaded Libya cutting off the path of a natural gas pipeline being done within an agreement with Israel, Greece and Cyprus. remeber Leviathan is coming on line and will severely diminish Iran's cash situation.

Posted by: sharon at January 07, 2020 09:09 PM (QzF6i)

430 407 Not surprising they had so much warning with the abm missiles radars.

Is there Thaad in Iraq?
Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:07 PM (HALdu)

You lothed your car. You named it Thaad.

Posted by: josephistan at January 07, 2020 09:09 PM (Izzlo)

431 Iran's strike was a strikeout.

Except with liberals. They loved it.

Posted by: Meremortal at January 07, 2020 09:09 PM (Bwqq4)

432 Give Tehran the Serbian treatment - blow up every power station, factory, and warehouse within a days drive.

Then wait.

Posted by: 18-1 at January 07, 2020 09:09 PM (WdocV)

433 Maybe they want us to laugh ourselves to death

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 07, 2020 09:08 PM (+k5vA)


Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:09 PM (ms95q)

434 I and some fellow pacifist will go to Tehran to talk to these Mullahs. Tell Trump to seek a Cease Fire.

Posted by: Jim McDermott at January 07, 2020 09:09 PM (iI7am)

435 >>You know who else wanted to see Paris burning?

Midnight Oil?

Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 09:09 PM (M28y2)

436 Trump's Twitter feed is quiet. Too quiet.


Mommy hold me

Posted by: The Mullahs at January 07, 2020 09:10 PM (+dsLj)

437 Confusingly, people often abbreviate the Centurion system as C-RAM.

I did not know that. I stand corrected.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 09:10 PM (JCrfD)

438 I managed to eat about a half a pound of chocolate (dark) before I played with a group of men tonight.

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:03 PM (TdMsT)

I think you know the rule, right? Pics and stuff?

Posted by: April at January 07, 2020 09:10 PM (OX9vb)

439 Face-saving missile strikes that miss is like shooting at a cop to save face.

It could have been pre-arranged. Or maybe the new guy wants to defect.

Posted by: t-bird at January 07, 2020 09:10 PM (g0Lfb)


Posted by: CNN Chyron loop malfunction at January 07, 2020 09:10 PM (sGOvg)

441 Firing shit at our bases isn't the same as hitting our bases.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 09:10 PM (O8SrN)

442 Out: War as diplomacy by other means.

In: War as surprise anal by other means.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 09:10 PM (2B9A/)

So I see that 12 climate change activists were arrested in Australia for starting the fires so that they could blame climate change.

That tracks.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at January 07, 2020 09:10 PM (r+sAi)

444 I managed to eat about a half a pound of chocolate (dark) before I played with a group of men tonight.

It was a terrible plan.

I don't even like dark chocolate.

My stomach is not happy.

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:03 PM

Are we not doing "phrasing" anymore?

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at January 07, 2020 09:10 PM (rBtIz)

445 435 >>You know who else wanted to see Paris burning?

Midnight Oil?
Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 09:09 PM (M28y2)

There are French aborigines? Huh. Who knew?

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:10 PM (NWiLs)

446 Iran lobs missiles like Obama throws first pitches.

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 07, 2020 09:10 PM (q1Pj5)

447 Except with liberals. They loved it.


My chin loves Ali Khameni's balls almost as much as I love Iranians killing American servicemen.

Posted by: David French at January 07, 2020 09:10 PM (WdocV)

448 You lothed your car. You named it Thaad.

This place.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 09:10 PM (JCrfD)

I managed to eat about a half a pound of chocolate (dark) before I played with a group of men tonight.


Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 09:11 PM (oVJmc)

450 428 Like that shit-talking dealer that Wyatt Earp slapped the shit out of in TombStone.

Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 07, 2020 09:06 PM (qgUJH)

Exactly that.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 09:09 PM (2B9A/)

I enjoy seeing Billy Bob Thornton getting his ass kicked. Watch that scene over and over.

Posted by: Ace's liver at January 07, 2020 09:11 PM (wGeit)

451 Maybe they want us to laugh ourselves to death
Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 07, 2020 09:08 PM (+k5vA)

I hear they've gotten the liberals quite excited.

Posted by: Meremortal at January 07, 2020 09:11 PM (Bwqq4)

452 >>There are French aborigines? Huh. Who knew?

Who do you think painted all those caves?

Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 09:11 PM (M28y2)

453 So I see that 12 climate change activists were arrested in Australia for starting the fires so that they could blame climate change.



I'll have to go back to the morning thread where I called that.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:11 PM (PRN3w)

454 How long before Hanoi John Kerry is seen sneaking into Tehran to bring an end to this madness!

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 09:11 PM (O8SrN)

I think you know the rule, right? Pics and stuff?
Posted by: April at January 07, 2020 09:10 PM (OX9vb)

Pics of the men?

They're pretty cute!

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:11 PM (TdMsT)

456 Ladyl sure knows how to paint a word picture.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:11 PM (ms95q)

457 Firing shit at our bases

It seems that might be literal.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 09:12 PM (JCrfD)

458 I'll have to go back to the morning thread where I called that.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:11 PM (PRN3w)


Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:12 PM (ms95q)

459 HA!

I'll have to go back to the morning thread where I called that.
Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 20

Like a 180 arrests for arson as of right now. Considering the number of deaths, they should be charged with them.

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 09:12 PM (O8SrN)

460 >>>>Give Tehran the Serbian treatment - blow up every power station, factory, and warehouse within a days drive.

You forgot the Chinese Embassy.

Posted by: Mark1971 at January 07, 2020 09:12 PM (xPl2J)

461 456 Ladyl sure knows how to paint a word picture.
Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:11 PM (ms95q)

Just like Pocahontas in that Disney movie.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 09:12 PM (2B9A/)

462 Send some Democrat scum to "negotiate" with Iran in Iraq.

Leak to some questionable Obama holdovers in the state department that Pompeo is where ever the Dems are hold up.

Get some pudding cups ready.

Posted by: 18-1 at January 07, 2020 09:12 PM (WdocV)

463 I managed to eat about a half a pound of chocolate (dark) before I played with a group of men tonight.

You go, girl!

Posted by: Mayor Buttplug at January 07, 2020 09:12 PM (JcXHH)

464 A severe retaliation?

I'm going with face-saving bluff, for now.

Posted by: Ha at January 07, 2020 09:12 PM (NSFCQ)

465 So the B "52"s are on their way. Get it...?

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:12 PM (ms95q)

466 CNN Chyron just now: "Pompeo makes emergency visit to White House...Death to the Great Satan!!"

Posted by: Boswell at January 07, 2020 09:13 PM (32YRo)

467 I managed to eat about a half a pound of chocolate (dark) before I played with a group of men tonight.

Go on...

Posted by: Meremortal at January 07, 2020 09:13 PM (Bwqq4)

I think you know the rule, right? Pics and stuff?
Posted by: April at January 07, 2020 09:10 PM (OX9vb)


Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:13 PM (TdMsT)

I managed to eat about a half a pound of chocolate (dark) before I played with a group of men tonight.


Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:13 PM (NWiLs)

470 Except with liberals. They loved it.

Posted by: Meremortal at January 07, 2020 09:09 PM (Bwqq4)

Here do I swear fealty and service to Iran, and to the Lord and Ayatollah
of the realm, to speak and to be silent, to do and to let be, to come
and to go, in need or plenty, in peace or war, in living or dying, from
this hour henceforth, until my lord release me, or death take me, or the
world end.

Posted by: Michael Moore at January 07, 2020 09:13 PM (2N7oZ)

471 Trump's Twitter feed is quiet.

well, he's kind of busy right now.

Posted by: Jewells45 at January 07, 2020 09:13 PM (dUJdY)

472 Soleimani is bieng buried live on Al Jazeera right now - apparently it was postponed following the stampede. Trump should bomb him again.

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at January 07, 2020 09:13 PM (TLxpZ)

473 I hope the ChiComs have a 'Plan B' for where they're getting a major chunk of their oil & gas.

Posted by: CPT. Charles at January 07, 2020 09:13 PM (W+kMI)

474 I can't form a complete opinion until I hear what presidential frontrunner Kamala Harris has to say.


Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 09:13 PM (JCrfD)

475 fuck all these goat fucking camel fuckers.

our kids have more honor and bravery in their middle fingers than these sand fucks do.

I hope PDT takes out the rocket launching sites and their nucular sites.

And we get the fuck out of the ME.

and Israel, we have your backs. You are a true friend.

Posted by: nurse ratched at January 07, 2020 09:14 PM (PkVlr)

476 lol Ladyl.. phrasing!

Posted by: Jewells45 at January 07, 2020 09:14 PM (dUJdY)

477 Has Butterbottom commented on what a madman Trump is for them shooting shit at us?

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 09:14 PM (O8SrN)

478 Is the president going to speak tonight?

He was, but he can't stop laughing.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not scanning your email for ad targeting at January 07, 2020 09:14 PM (xkSJa)

479 Trump's Twitter feed is quiet.

well, he's kind of busy right now.

Can't tweet and eat at the same time, y'know.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 09:14 PM (oVJmc)

480 Very good cram vids

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:14 PM (HALdu)

481 I'm not very smart, so y'all will have to indulge me on this one:

367 Re: fires

I'm going to go ahead and put my money on the global warming cultists who block traffic and that kind of nonsense.

"Raising awareness" through massive wildfires and inefficient combustion for peace or some stupid thing.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Obama outlawed catastrophic plans by requiring everyone to buy one at January 07, 2020 09:26 AM (kquOY)

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:14 PM (PRN3w)

482 "Global Warm___ Activists"

1. By definition, way too many people have way too much time on their hands.

And it should be a capital offense, arson. No two ways about it.

Posted by: Common Tater at January 07, 2020 09:14 PM (zHVM/)

483 Wait - who's shooting shit? San Fran declare war on US too?

Posted by: Hands at January 07, 2020 09:15 PM (786Ro)

484 Iran lobs missiles like Obama throws first pitches.

Isn't hitting a base the ideal situation? You know, a large flat area of concrete that you've known about for years? and it's stationary!

Posted by: t-bird at January 07, 2020 09:15 PM (Z1eux)

485 And it should be a capital offense, arson. No two ways about it.
Posted by: Common Tater


Posted by: eleven at January 07, 2020 09:15 PM (M0u+N)

486 Soleimani is bieng buried live on Al Jazeera right now - apparently it was postponed following the stampede. Trump should bomb him again.
Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at January 07, 2020 09:13 PM (TLxpZ)

So, we should hope for another stampede?

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 09:15 PM (O8SrN)

487 And it should be a capital offense, arson. No two ways about it.

Give them the Green Inferno treatment. Feed a child, cook a commie.

Posted by: 18-1 at January 07, 2020 09:15 PM (WdocV)

488 I'm going with face-saving bluff, for now.

Posted by: Ha at January 07, 2020 09:12 PM (NSFCQ)

Iran firing a bunch of missiles that miss everything shows a bit more weakness than not doing anything at all. I can't imagine making fools of themselves was the plan.

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at January 07, 2020 09:15 PM (TLxpZ)

489 PerhapsIran should have attacked with a banana.

Posted by: henry at January 07, 2020 09:15 PM (J3Rfi)

490 Dark chocolate is best in manageable doses.

As for the man-puddle, um. Hi Milo.

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 07, 2020 09:15 PM (ykYG2)

491 452 >>There are French aborigines? Huh. Who knew?

Who do you think painted all those caves?
Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 09:11 PM (M28y2)

Do they play les didgeridoos?

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:16 PM (NWiLs)

492 So is Trump weak and feckless for letting Iran attack us, or repulsive
and unstable for responding? Somebody please fill me in. It's 9:14pm EST if that helps.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:16 PM (ms95q)

493 And they're burying that guy live? Wow, that's harsh. Was he gay?

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 09:16 PM (O8SrN)

494 I don't see how any of this "face-saving" angle works out....

Iran isn't China. "Face" doesn't mean shit. Honor doesn't mean a damned thing to the mullahs. They need their people to keep being afraid of them. They don't need Face. They need Fear.

Picking themselves a limp-wristed pissing match with The Great Satan does nothing but explode the entire mythos of Iran being the de-facto Shi'a hegemon of the region.

They've really fucked themselves royally here i think.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 09:16 PM (Ct55T)

495 Soleimani is being buried live on Al Jazeera right now

He got better?

Posted by: t-bird at January 07, 2020 09:16 PM (Z1eux)

496 And it should be a capital offense, arson. No two ways about it.


Death penalty, no options.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:16 PM (PRN3w)

497 Oh yeah, there was that grand naval exercise with the Iranian - Russian - ChiCom navies.

I 'spect the Iranians are getting their "Good luck, yer on your own." email by now.

Posted by: CPT. Charles at January 07, 2020 09:16 PM (W+kMI)

498 And they're burying that guy live? Wow, that's harsh. Was he gay?


In my dreams he sure was!

Posted by: David French at January 07, 2020 09:16 PM (WdocV)

499 This little paragraph caught my attention from SKY News report after the missile launch...(direct C & paste)

Meanwhile, The US Federal Aviation Administration will ban US carriers from operating in the airspace over Iraq, Iran, the Gulf of Oman and the waters between Iran and Saudi Arabia....EX-SQUEEZE ME?
Says who da hell?? NAMES... I WANT NAMES!!

Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 07, 2020 09:16 PM (kFkpX)

C-RAM is a radar. That's not going to shoot anything down.

WE are still a smart military blog.
Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 09:04 PM (JCrfD)


My information is that it is a system that includes radar but can (not always) include counter-weapons.

Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 07, 2020 09:17 PM (qgUJH)

501 Kinda related, in what is immensely amusing either way, a top Iraqi Shi'a "militia" guy who was in US detention for a few years told us everything - or, well, we're *saying he did*. Everything about various Shi'a militia people, about the Iranians who fund and run them, etc.

This guy is back on the street and active in the cause.

So either he spilled his guts, to our benefit, or we're painting him as a stoolie, and not keeping it secret. One can imagine the wonders this does for Iranian proxy outfit morale and mutual trust.

I believe a "bwahahaha" is called for here.

Posted by: rhomboid at January 07, 2020 09:17 PM (El6T/)

502 There are French aborigines? Huh. Who knew?

Who do you think painted all those caves?
Posted by: garrett at January

In France they are referred to as French

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:17 PM (HALdu)

503 Hannity, Kennedy, Cuomo, Maddow. Not a single reliable source of news to be had tonite.

Posted by: BluesFish at January 07, 2020 09:17 PM (WQZ1O)

504 Posted by: Methos at January 07, 2020 09:02 PM (kOpft)
Later report said Sonic Boom from a American Jet

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at January 07, 2020 09:17 PM (BqBId)

505 Maybe they want us to laugh ourselves to death

Why so serious?

Posted by: The Joker-with better thought out plans than Tehran at January 07, 2020 09:17 PM (kOpft)

506 So did Iran just steal a page from Bill Clinton's playbook and shoot some $2 million missiles at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt?

Posted by: cool breeze at January 07, 2020 09:17 PM (UGKMd)

507 So, Iran wears a mom hijab?

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 09:17 PM (O8SrN)

508 ran firing a bunch of missiles that miss everything shows a bit more weakness than not doing anything at all. I can't imagine making fools of themselves was the plan.

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans a

They control their media.

Look at the statement. It was a severe retaliation.

They're telegraphing that was it.

Posted by: Ha at January 07, 2020 09:17 PM (NSFCQ)

509 >>Do they play les didgeridoos?


Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 09:17 PM (M28y2)

510 Wait - who's shooting shit? San Fran declare war on US too?

Posted by: Hands at January 07, 2020 09:15 PM (786Ro)

Individually we're weak, but combined, we form a mighty faggot!

Posted by: London Breed at January 07, 2020 09:18 PM (2N7oZ)

511 175 Time for some ice cream I think
Posted by: Anna Puma

Yeah, I know it's late but I think I'll join ya.

Posted by: Dems kill unborn but not our enemies at January 07, 2020 09:18 PM (Z5p7s)

512 There are French aborigines? Huh. Who knew?

Who do you think painted all those caves?

Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 09:11 PM (M28y2)

Do they play les didgeridoos?

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:16 PM (NWiLs)

Yes, but miserably at that.

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 07, 2020 09:18 PM (q1Pj5)

First you rape, then you pillage and THEN you burn!
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 09:06 PM (2B9A/)

I keep telling you jackwagons... You burn BEFORE you rape, because it's more romantic in the firelight.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 07, 2020 09:18 PM (x7118)

514 Been picking out Townes Van Zandt's guitar part for "Pancho and Lefty" tonight.

Sort of apropos the moment.

"All the federales say

They could have had 'em anyway

They only let 'em slip away

Out of kindness I suppose."

Posted by: Les Kinetic at January 07, 2020 09:18 PM (+fPHo)

515 MSDNC was dutifully regurgitating Iranian TV propaganda. 60+ missiles to multiple locations! At least 45 Americans killed! Tingles went on and on about the assassination of the beloved Soleimani. It was truly disgusting.

Posted by: JuJuBee, just generally being shamey at January 07, 2020 09:18 PM (COzlW)

516 Iran firing a bunch of missiles that miss everything shows a bit more weakness than not doing anything at all. I can't imagine making fools of themselves was the plan.
Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at January 07, 2020 09:15 PM (TLxpZ)

I can't imagine it's going to be portrayed that way in Iranian media. Remember, this is a country in which it's illegal to possess a satellite dish.

Posted by: Ace's liver at January 07, 2020 09:18 PM (wGeit)

517 493 And they're burying that guy live? Wow, that's harsh. Was he gay?
Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 09:16 PM (O8SrN)

You guys make me laugh.

Posted by: CaliGirl at January 07, 2020 09:18 PM (7bcfy)

518 Vuvuzelas

I hate those things.

Oh, wait, you mean the horns they played at soccer games? Well...I like horns.

Posted by: Barack Obama at January 07, 2020 09:18 PM (WdocV)

519 >>In France they are referred to as French

The Gaul of some people.

Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 09:18 PM (M28y2)

Iran isn't China. "Face" doesn't mean shit.
Honor doesn't mean a damned thing to the mullahs. They need their
people to keep being afraid of them. They don't need Face. They need

Picking themselves a limp-wristed pissing match with The Great Satan
does nothing but explode the entire mythos of Iran being the de-facto
Shi'a hegemon of the region.

They've really fucked themselves royally here i think.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 09:16 PM (Ct55T)

Agree 100%. All they understand is force, fear, violence and submission.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:19 PM (ms95q)

521 Trump's Twitter feed is quiet.

Too quiet.
Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:08 PM (ms95q)

He's in the Situation Room. Huddled down in the corner while the adults talk.

oh, wait, that was Obama.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at January 07, 2020 09:19 PM (1g7ch)

522 Then there is this: How much did the Iranians just give us and the Israelis on their missile telemetry tonight?


Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 09:19 PM (JCrfD)

523 What about pointed sticks!

Posted by: Achmed Burntoast at January 07, 2020 09:19 PM (O8SrN)

524 At least 45 Americans killed

I just came.

Posted by: David French at January 07, 2020 09:19 PM (WdocV)

525 "Why hadn't anyone brought this up?"

Brought what up?

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 07, 2020 09:19 PM (tT0V4)

526 Have they put him in the plot next to McCain?

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:19 PM (ms95q)

527 OMG CNN is creaming in their pants that we are going to NUCLEAR WAR......................

Where is Dr. Strangelove ?????

Launch the B-17 Stealth Bombers NOW !!!!!!!!! But Speaker Pelosi we do not have B-17s anymore ........... Impeach Trump for getting rid of the B-17s .................

Posted by: James "Buster" Hymannd at January 07, 2020 09:20 PM (qM84C)

528 The Gaul of some people.

Can we have a frank discussion about your sense of humor?

Posted by: 18-1 at January 07, 2020 09:20 PM (WdocV)

529 515

Did Iranian tv really say 45 Americans dead?

Posted by: Ha at January 07, 2020 09:20 PM (NSFCQ)

530 I managed to eat about a half a pound of chocolate (dark) before I played with a group of men tonight.

This is why the 'rons love the 'ettes.

We're afraid not to.

Posted by: filbert at January 07, 2020 09:20 PM (NiXyF)

531 The Statue of Liberty is kaput!

Posted by: Radio Tehran at January 07, 2020 09:20 PM (q1Pj5)

532 Funny enough, if you got rid of the Iranian cancer in the region, and let Reggie in Turkey have just enough room to play around and feel comfortable, you could have a massive resurgence of peace and prosperity in the ME.

Seriously, Erdogan and the Saudis are more interested in cash than crazy prophecies. Perfect diplomacy partners for Trump.

Israel would be a much happier place, too, without being surrounded by nutjobs trying to kill them every fucking day.

Here's hoping.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 09:20 PM (Ct55T)

533 PerhapsIran should have attacked with a banana.
Posted by: henry at January 07, 2020 09:15 PM

Trump's not falling for the old banana in the tailpipe!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at January 07, 2020 09:20 PM (rBtIz)

534 Why do I doubt the narrative of 'missiles' being used here???

Posted by: weft cut-loop at January 07, 2020 09:20 PM (+1IcC)

535 Did Iranian tv really say 45 Americans dead?
Posted by: Ha at January 07, 2020 09:20 PM

Some "expert" on MSDNC said Iranian TV was saying it.

Posted by: JuJuBee, just generally being shamey at January 07, 2020 09:21 PM (COzlW)

536 @LucasFoxNews 6 minutes ago

Iran attempted to launch 15 ballistic missiles into Iraq:
10 hit Al-Asad Air Base
1 hit Erbil
4 failed

Source: U.S. military spokesman

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 09:21 PM (cF8AT)

537 The Left is begging the Mullahs to save them from BadOrangeMan.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 09:21 PM (oVJmc)

538 The Statue of Liberty is kaput!

That's disconcerting.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 07, 2020 09:21 PM (yQpMk)

539 Wow.
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:13 PM (NWiLs)


Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:21 PM (TdMsT)

540 o the B "52"s are on their way. Get it...?

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:12 PM (ms95q)

So everyone's singing "Love Shack" in the WH Situation Room?

Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 09:21 PM (Pqytn)

541 Right, but they did not bomb Buenos Aires either. Sank some ships and fought it out in the islands.

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 08:53 PM

The British did not have the ability to bomb Buenos Aires. They barely had the ability to reach the airport at Stanley, and couldn't bomb it with any accuracy. The fact that they hit the runway there was a matter of pure luck.

Of course, I don't know that the British would have bombed Buenos Aires even if they had the capability. I can't think that would have helped the situation out on the islands any.

You know, the thing that you lose when you stop using real aircraft carriers is the ability to operate decent airborne early warning aircraft from your carrier deck, and the British paid dearly for their lack.

Posted by: Cybersmythe at January 07, 2020 09:21 PM (edlKR)

542 Why do I doubt the narrative of 'missiles' being used here???

Posted by: weft cut-loop at January

What do you think they were?

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:21 PM (HALdu)

543 534 Why do I doubt the narrative of 'missiles' being used here???

Posted by: weft cut-loop at January 07, 2020 09:20 PM (+1IcC)

Ah, you'd prefer carpet bombing.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:21 PM (NWiLs)

544 >>>Soleimani is bieng buried live on Al Jazeera right now...

Soleimani? I heard of him. I heard he was dead.

Posted by: The Duke at January 07, 2020 09:21 PM (l3+k2)

545 At least 45 Americans killed


Democrats will again insist we give them everything they want.

Shelter in place, placate bullies, etc. You know, modern problem solving.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:21 PM (PRN3w)

546 Did Iranian tv really say 45 Americans dead?

"Reporting live from Baltimore..."

Posted by: t-bird at January 07, 2020 09:22 PM (NAs56)

547 So everyone's singing "Love Shack" in the WH Situation Room?
Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 09:21 PM (Pqytn)

Rock lobster.

Posted by: CaliGirl at January 07, 2020 09:22 PM (7bcfy)

548 There are French aborigines? Huh. Who knew?

Who do you think painted all those caves?
Posted by: garrett at January

In France they are referred to as French
Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:17 PM

The Gaul of some people.
Posted by: garrett at January 07, 2020 09:18 PM

To be frank, they ought to be frog marched.

Posted by: Hands at January 07, 2020 09:22 PM (786Ro)

549 539 Wow.
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:13 PM (NWiLs)

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:21 PM (TdMsT)


Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:22 PM (NWiLs)

550 Some "expert" on MSDNC said Iranian TV was saying it.

Posted by: JuJuBee, just generally being shamey at January 07, 2020 09:21 PM (COzlW)

That reinforces my belief this is face saving.

It's for domestic consumption. So far.

Posted by: Ha at January 07, 2020 09:22 PM (NSFCQ)

551 Lindsey Graham on Hannity of course. Senator Talksalot.

Posted by: Les Kinetic at January 07, 2020 09:22 PM (+fPHo)

552 Trump should tweet:

Cool rockets, Achmed.
Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:08 PM (PRN3w)



Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 07, 2020 09:22 PM (qgUJH)

553 At least 45 Americans killed


Democrats will again insist we give them everything they want.

Except, you know, there were zero.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 09:23 PM (JCrfD)

554 Agree 100%. All they understand is force, fear, violence and submission.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:19 PM (ms95q)

Go on.

Posted by: Harvey Weinstein's Walker at January 07, 2020 09:23 PM (2N7oZ)

555 planet claire

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 07, 2020 09:23 PM (yQpMk)

556 Must be a couple of O'Berry Holdovers....
Still....just limp d**kness...(as was Berry) auth over mil ops....

Posted by: Nightwatch on the ramparts at January 07, 2020 09:23 PM (kFkpX)

557 544 >>>Soleimani is bieng buried live on Al Jazeera right now...

Soleimani? I heard of him. I heard he was dead.

Posted by: The Duke at January 07, 2020 09:21 PM (l3+k2)

Well, I've never heard of him.

Posted by: Charles Gibson at January 07, 2020 09:23 PM (wGeit)

558 It's for domestic consumption.

They chose .. poorly.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 07, 2020 09:23 PM (yQpMk)

559 You wish to know how successful our attack on the great Shitan was!
It was mighty!
The sky was lit by the force of our missiles speeding death and destruction to our enemies!
Many thousands were killed!
The Hoolywool sign was completely destroyed!
There is human waste flowing in the streets of once mighty San Francisco!
The people of Los Angeles are forced now to live upon the ruined streets in tents like the poorest of camel herders!
Everywhere there is destruction!
I tell you this so it is true!

Posted by: Tehran Tom at January 07, 2020 09:23 PM (O8SrN)

560 Seen on twitter:

How to talk to your dogs about the situation with Iran

Step 1: Ask him who is a good boy.
Step 2: Tell him he is, in fact, the good boy.
Step 3: Be careful he doesn't misunderstand Soleimani as "salami."
Step 4: Rub his belly and give him a treat.
Step 5: Go on about your day with your dog instead of talking about Iran.

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 09:24 PM (cF8AT)

561 Ladyl........phrasing dear!

A meremortal sighting! How the heck are you?

Posted by: westminsterdogshow at January 07, 2020 09:24 PM (/UQ/R)

562 planet claire

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 07, 2020 09:23 PM (yQpMk)

Oookay, this whole Outlander story line has gotten way out of hand.

Posted by: Countn de Monet at January 07, 2020 09:24 PM (q1Pj5)

563 Lindsey Graham on with Hannity now.
Funny how Lindsey can disguise that windsock on his head.
As someone here said recently, being a Senator is first and foremost about self promotion and personal enrichment.
Guessing Lindsey sups at the table of the defense contractor trough.

Posted by: Voter theater. at January 07, 2020 09:24 PM (542h7)

564 Tweet quietly and carry a big stick

Posted by: Zombie Teddy Roosevelt at January 07, 2020 09:24 PM (786Ro)

565 I like the B-52s for the same reason I like the Fleshtones. They're sneaky in their simplicity, but when you really listen they're pretty good musicians.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:24 PM (PRN3w)

566 So everyone's singing "Love Shack" in the WH Situation Room?

I feel silly for laughing at that.

Posted by: Jewells45 at January 07, 2020 09:24 PM (dUJdY)

567 France just surrendered.

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at January 07, 2020 09:24 PM (TLxpZ)

568 Right, but they did not bomb Buenos Aires either. Sank some ships and fought it out in the islands.

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 08:53 PM

The British did not have the ability to bomb Buenos Aires. They barely had the ability to reach the airport at Stanley, and couldn't bomb it with any accuracy. The fact that they hit the runway there was a matter of pure luck.

Of course, I don't know that the British would have bombed Buenos Aires even if they had the capability. I can't think that would have helped the situation out on the islands any.

You know, the thing that you lose when you stop using real aircraft carriers is the ability to operate decent airborne early warning aircraft from your carrier deck, and the British paid dearly for their lack.
Posted by: Cybersmythe at January

Yes. The thing is that the Argentines might have felt differently if there had been attacks upon their home and supported the military had there been.

Sinking a boat, shooting down some planes and fighting it out in the islands kept everything away from them.

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:25 PM (HALdu)

569 They chose .. poorly.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 07, 2020 09:23 PM (yQpMk)

If we respond, yes.

Posted by: Ha at January 07, 2020 09:25 PM (NSFCQ)

570 Buzz them and drop a string of firecrackers.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at January 07, 2020 09:25 PM (1g7ch)

571 567 France just surrendered.
Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at January 07, 2020 09:24 PM (TLxpZ)

I can't stop laughing.

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:25 PM (TdMsT)

572 wds!! {{hugs}}

Posted by: Jewells45 at January 07, 2020 09:25 PM (dUJdY)

573 Yeah, keep forgetting - Meremortal! Long time.

Any Siberian fishing ventures to report?

Posted by: rhomboid at January 07, 2020 09:25 PM (El6T/)

574 571 567 France just surrendered.
Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at January 07, 2020 09:24 PM (TLxpZ)

That's the 4th time in the last 6 hours, can they do that?

Posted by: DamnedYankee at January 07, 2020 09:26 PM (O8SrN)

575 480 Very good cram vids
Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:14 PM (HALdu)

If you can connect it to a doorbell camera I'll take two.

Posted by: Bilwis, Devourer of Low Glycemic Souls at January 07, 2020 09:26 PM (jp0Bv)

576 How long before Hanoi John Kerry is seen sneaking into Tehran to bring an end to this madness!
Posted by: DamnedYankee

Perhaps Donnie is waiting for his plane to land before returning fire

Posted by: Sock Monkey..if this be treason, make the most of it at January 07, 2020 09:27 PM (xBSYq)

577 I always sing LOCK WASHER! (rock lobster) in my head when I'm working on something requiring one.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:27 PM (PRN3w)

578 534 Why do I doubt the narrative of 'missiles' being used here???

I did too, but US officials said they were ballistic missiles. Iran put on quite a show, for them.

Posted by: Meremortal at January 07, 2020 09:27 PM (Bwqq4)

579 Verified account @RichardHaass [Council on Foreign Relations]

a month ago, the most promising political dynamic in Iraq was anti-Iranian nationalism, and in Iran, anti-gov't populism. Now both have been replaced by surging anti-Americanism. The regime in Tehran is now stronger, the one in Baghdad weaker. Not obvious how we are better off.

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 07, 2020 09:27 PM (ykYG2)

580 All right, ya morons, I have to turn in. It'll be 5 am before I know it.

Have sweet dreams of playing with men and hot buttered toast. Or hot buttered men with cinnamon toast. Or something.

Posted by: April at January 07, 2020 09:27 PM (OX9vb)

581 Graham just now on Hannity (paraphrasing)

"Just got off the phone with the President. If you are watching this in Iran, you are in control of your own future. IF you continue this crap, you will soon be out of the oil business."

Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 07, 2020 09:27 PM (qgUJH)

582 Les Kinetic - The Tube that is You has a great version of Townes playing that. "Here's a Medley of my Hit" he says, before getting into it. Capo on the first. It's from a movie.

The turnaround is kind of tricky, but I have it down almost. I can't sing and play at the same time yet. When I put on a thumbpick and a single steel pick (Doc Watson style) it was like having to learn to finger pick all over again.

I need to sit down and practice with someone. YouTube is excellent but there's nothing like real live feedback and practice.

Posted by: Common Tater at January 07, 2020 09:27 PM (zHVM/)

583 The mayor of San Francisco probably sent Tehran a sympathy card.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:27 PM (NWiLs)

584 I'm quite sure we'll respond to Iran.

But from my observation of Trump's international behavior, it very likely will not be in the kneejerk way the "experts" want/hope/pray he does.

Posted by: filbert at January 07, 2020 09:27 PM (NiXyF)

585 567 Laugh out loud.

Posted by: Akua Makana at January 07, 2020 09:28 PM (YkUJb)

586 561 Ladyl........phrasing dear!

A meremortal sighting! How the heck are you?
Posted by: westminsterdogshow at January 07, 2020 09:24 PM (/UQ/R


I'm suffering the consequences of poor food choices today.

Other than that--everything is okay.

How are you, dahing?

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:28 PM (TdMsT)

587 Obviously so many missiles missing their targets was by design. Why? I'm dead set against another Middle Eastern war but amenable to a full on nuclear attack and more assassinations if necessary. Maybe Iran thinks that's a widespread opinion and is trying to do as little as possible so as not to glow yet placate It's populace and maybe garner foreign sympathy.

Whatever, the faux missile attack was part of a larger strategy.

Troops on our own southern border and nukes and drones abroad, thank you.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at January 07, 2020 09:28 PM (fkH2M)

588 How long before Hanoi John Kerry is seen sneaking into Tehran to bring an end to this madness!

He's got James Taylor on stand by

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 07, 2020 09:28 PM (+k5vA)

589 LucasFoxNews 6 minutes ago

Iran attempted to launch 15 ballistic missiles into Iraq:
10 hit Al-Asad Air Base
1 hit Erbil
4 failed

Source: U.S. military spokesman
Posted by: Tami

Those bastards blew up a gerbil!

Posted by: rickb223 at January 07, 2020 09:28 PM (JtBPN)

590 Ah, you'd prefer carpet bombing.
Posted by: Insomniac

no...oh no.....

Posted by: Huma at January 07, 2020 09:28 PM (QzkSJ)

591 After this morning's root canal procedure, visiting the HQ is a tonic.

Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 09:29 PM (Pqytn)

592 Shiny happy people dropping bombs...

Posted by: The B52s at January 07, 2020 09:29 PM (l3+k2)

593 Westie!

Love you girl! Still with that man, or is there hope?

Posted by: Meremortal at January 07, 2020 09:29 PM (Bwqq4)

594 592 Shiny happy people dropping bombs...
Posted by: The B52s at January 07, 2020 09:29 PM (l3+k2)

That was REM....

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 09:29 PM (Ct55T)

595 Fox News, CNN, etc have all these retired military officers from Vietnam all telling us what Trump should do...... Give it a rest ..........

Posted by: James at January 07, 2020 09:29 PM (qM84C)

596 " can they do that?"

Of course they can.

It's France.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 07, 2020 09:30 PM (tT0V4)

597 536
@LucasFoxNews 6 minutes ago

Iran attempted to launch 15 ballistic missiles into Iraq:

10 hit Al-Asad Air Base

1 hit Erbil

4 failed

Source: U.S. military spokesman

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 09:21 PM (cF8AT)

That's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see how it plays out for them.

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 07, 2020 09:30 PM (q1Pj5)

598 591 After this morning's root canal procedure, visiting the HQ is a tonic.
Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 09:29 PM (Pqytn)


I hope you are feeling okay.

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:30 PM (TdMsT)

599 I'm betting that Trump will head fake absolutely everybody and come out of this intact and with some sort of resolution that clarifies things rather than muddying them, ala the Syria pullout.

I don't know how he will do it, but my money is on him, based on history.

Posted by: West at January 07, 2020 09:30 PM (TLBWP)

600 Those bastards blew up a gerbil!
Posted by: rickb223 at January 07, 2020 09:28 PM (JtBPN)

I've decided I'm anti-Iran after all!

Posted by: Richard Gere at January 07, 2020 09:30 PM (wGeit)

601 Hopefully they were not Gerbils of Color !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: James "Buster" Hymannd at January 07, 2020 09:30 PM (qM84C)


The U.S. Army issued a warning on Tuesday about "fraudulent text messages" telling people they have been selected for a military draft.

U.S. Army Recruiting Command said its received multiple calls and e-mails about the texts that falsely advise recipients to "report to the nearest branch" and warn that the recipient would be "fined and sent to jail for a minimum of 6 years" if they don't reply.

USAREC said it wants to ensure everyone that the texts are false and "were not initiated by this command or the U.S. Army."

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 07, 2020 09:30 PM (aKsyK)

603 I hope and pray that Trump has been studying wars and how the seditious Demonrat basids sabotage them and therefore is not going to play the "kinder and gentler" game Dubya did but will make some rubble bounce and then announce. OK if there are any rational adults in Iran you may want to take over now so we don't have to use our bigger and badder weapons.

Posted by: paleRider is simply irredeemable at January 07, 2020 09:31 PM (eASYU)

604 So Iran killed more of their own people at Salami's funeral then they killed Americans today.

Posted by: lowandslow at January 07, 2020 09:31 PM (4thlk)

605 After this morning's root canal procedure, visiting the HQ is a tonic.

Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 09:29 PM (Pqytn)


I hope it's going okay for you. I had to have one a few years ago for a crack in a tooth, and after hearing about them my entire life I was dreading it. The pain was MUCH better after the procedure, though. The root canal itself wasn't much worse than getting a cavity filled, honestly.

Here's hoping yours is similar.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:31 PM (PRN3w)

606 Shiny happy people dropping bombs...
Posted by: The B52s at January 07, 2020 09:29 PM (l3+k2)

That was REM....
Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 09:29 PM (Ct55T)

Yeah but the hot brunette B52 chick sang on it.

Posted by: filbert at January 07, 2020 09:31 PM (NiXyF)

607 "Just got off the phone with the President. If you are watching this in Iran, you are in control of your own future. IF you continue this crap, you will soon be out of the oil business."

Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 07, 2020 09:27 PM (qgUJH)


Posted by: Ha at January 07, 2020 09:31 PM (NSFCQ)

608 Verified account @RichardHaass [Council on Foreign Relations]

a month ago, the most promising political dynamic in Iraq was anti-Iranian nationalism, and in Iran, anti-gov't populism. Now both have been replaced by surging anti-Americanism. The regime in Tehran is now stronger, the one in Baghdad weaker. Not obvious how we are better off.
Posted by: boulder t'hobo

It's not as if Iran hasn't been buying off Iraqi politicians and setting up militias for the past 6+ years or anything.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at January 07, 2020 09:31 PM (+1IcC)

609 Either way, my bias is to get the US out of there, because we don't need to be there, and we're not Alexander the Great and we're not Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas.

And the 'chan troll we had in here did make a salient point : we got Americans right here - and not just white Americans like he professed to care about - who are dying of hopelessness and addiction. We are raising a generation mired in debt to service college educations they don't need; and they associate this debt with 'capitalism'.

And I am unsure they are wrong to do so.

America (and Western countries generally) need to sort out their own affairs before blundering around in Near Eastern quagmires we don't understand. And yes I include myself in this 'we'.

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 07, 2020 09:32 PM (ykYG2)

610 Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 07, 2020 09:30 PM (aKsyK)

Well gawwwwll-leee, sarge.

Wonder who could possibly be behind that shenanigans?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 09:32 PM (Ct55T)

611 {{{Jewels!}}}

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:32 PM (TdMsT)

612 Did Iranian tv really say 45 Americans dead?

"Reporting live from Baltimore..."
Posted by: t-bird at January 07, 2020 09:22 PM (NAs56)

And Chicago ...

Posted by: LASue at January 07, 2020 09:32 PM (wMHPW)

613 594
592 Shiny happy people dropping bombs...

Posted by: The B52s at January 07, 2020 09:29 PM (l3+k2)

That was REM....

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 09:29 PM (Ct55T)

B-side to Love Shack?

Posted by: The B52s at January 07, 2020 09:33 PM (l3+k2)

614 Can't we just use some obscure DARPA weapon that makes all of their nation vomit for a week or so? Or at the very least, can't we just blast them with Nickelback until they commit suicide?

Posted by: shibumi, living in Atlas Shrugged at January 07, 2020 09:33 PM (UmCSQ)

615 #598 Yikes!

I hope you are feeling okay.
Doing fine. The endodontist graduated from the WV School of Dentistry. I figured anyone practicing dentistry in the great, beautiful state of WV has seen it all. A great guy and in and out in an hour and 15 minutes.

Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 09:33 PM (Pqytn)

616 Where is Barry Soetoro to save us from the evil Trump and Dr. Strangelove Pompeo. Or is it Trump fiddles while Iran burns ........

Posted by: James "Buster" Hymannd at January 07, 2020 09:34 PM (qM84C)

617 Can't we just use some obscure DARPA weapon that makes all of their nation vomit for a week or so? Or at the very least, can't we just blast them with Nickelback until they commit suicide?
Posted by: shibumi


The Brown-note weapon is right out because, over there, who'd even notice?

Posted by: Tonypete at January 07, 2020 09:34 PM (Y4EXg)

Those bastards blew up a gerbil!

Richard Gere is inconsolable and in hiding.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 07, 2020 09:34 PM (pNxlR)

619 The endodontist graduated from the WV School of Dentistry.

Give you a jelly jar of moonshine, then knocked the tooth out with a ball-peen hammer?

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:34 PM (NWiLs)

620 OANN confirming iraqi casualties at the al assad airbase.
No US casualties at the moment, but that now appears to be dumb luck, not the 'face-saving' nonsense that several folks here are pushing.

Posted by: Methos at January 07, 2020 09:34 PM (kOpft)

621 Announce that illegals will comprise the initial invasion force.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:35 PM (PRN3w)

622 587 Obviously so many missiles missing their targets was by design. Why? I'm dead set against another Middle Eastern war but amenable to a full on nuclear attack and more assassinations if necessary. Maybe Iran thinks that's a widespread opinion and is trying to do as little as possible so as not to glow yet placate It's populace and maybe garner foreign sympathy.

Whatever, the faux missile attack was part of a larger strategy.

Troops on our own southern border and nukes and drones abroad, thank you.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at January 07, 2020 09:28 PM (fkH2M)

Maybe so, maybe not. If those are simple ballistic rockets with no on-board nav and guidance system, and not set-up to get in-flight guidance commands from ground stations, the expected impact area at several hundred miles range may be several miles in diameter.

Posted by: Gref at January 07, 2020 09:35 PM (AMIL/)

623 I actually thought David French's tweet in the last thread was quite appropriate.

At least his TDS is not all encompassing.

Posted by: chique d'Epstein didn't off hisself at January 07, 2020 09:35 PM (tGqH3)

Doing fine. The endodontist graduated from the WV School of Dentistry. I figured anyone practicing dentistry in the great, beautiful state of WV has seen it all. A great guy and in and out in an hour and 15 minutes.
Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 09:33 PM (Pqytn)

It's good you went to an endodontist.

My twin brother is one, and he does a lot of tricky repairs on root canals performed by general dentists.

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:35 PM (TdMsT)

625 >>Doing fine. The endodontist graduated from the WV School of Dentistry. I figured anyone practicing dentistry in the great, beautiful state of WV has seen it all. A great guy and in and out in an hour and 15 minutes.

The toothbrush was invented in West Virginia.

Had it been invented anywhere else it would be known as the teethbrush.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 07, 2020 09:36 PM (ZLI7S)

626 Any videos like the one from Iraq war that showed some Iraqi General saying all is well as their are US Soldiers and bombs exploding behind him ???

Posted by: James "Buster" Hymannd at January 07, 2020 09:36 PM (qM84C)

627 Can't we just use some obscure DARPA weapon that makes all of their nation vomit for a week or so? Or at the very least, can't we just blast them with Nickelback until they commit suicide?
Posted by: shibumi,

The nation isn't the problem. It's the Council, the Ayatollah, and the interlocking religious institutions that rule the country.

Again, sidebar has it right; just lock down all incoming and outgoing shipments of anything including money. They'll puke the cancer out in a month.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at January 07, 2020 09:36 PM (+1IcC)

628 Can't we just use some obscure DARPA weapon that
makes all of their nation vomit for a week or so? Or at the very least,
can't we just blast them with Nickelback until they commit suicide?

Posted by: shibumi, living in Atlas Shrugged at January 07, 2020 09:33 PM (UmCSQ)

The Nude Bomb is still in storage.

Posted by: Agent 86 - Retired at January 07, 2020 09:36 PM (2N7oZ)

629 confirming iraqi casualties at the al assad airbase.
No US casualties at the moment, but that now appears to be dumb luck, not the 'face-saving' nonsense that several folks here are pushing.
Posted by: Methos at January

We must have known what they were andwhere they ere going right after they launched.

The funny thing is they murdered Iraqis, how is that going to go over with the Irqais?

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:36 PM (HALdu)

630 623 I actually thought David French's tweet in the last thread was quite appropriate.

At least his TDS is not all encompassing.
Posted by: chique d'Epstein didn't off hisself at January 07, 2020 09:35 PM (tGqH3)

You're giving him a far more charitable read than I did.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:36 PM (NWiLs)

631 Don't think of it as "nuking Iran"

Think of it as "radiation therapy".

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 09:37 PM (Ct55T)

632 595
Fox News, CNN, etc have all these retired military officers from Vietnam
all telling us what Trump should do...... Give it a rest ..........

General Jack Keane is the only one I'll listen to. Might as well find a few PFC's as those Lt. Colonels. I like Ollie though.

Posted by: dartist at January 07, 2020 09:38 PM (K22Va)

633 Guessing most of the dentistry in WV is outpatient, put their teeth in the overnight box, pick them up the next day.

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:38 PM (HALdu)

634 Verified account @RichardHaass [Council on Foreign Relations]

CFR? Yeah, thanks. I can't wait to hear what you say.

Posted by: t-bird at January 07, 2020 09:38 PM (nIvDu)

635 Give you a jelly jar of moonshine, then knocked the tooth out with a ball-peen hammer?

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:34 PM (NWiLs)

LOL. A lot of long-endurance novacaine and and additional applications when two nerves refused to cooperate. The right side of my chin was numb for seven hours. Now normal.

Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 09:38 PM (Pqytn)

636 {{Lady}}

Got my flu shot today. I better not get sick now. Hubby kept riding my ass to get it done.

Posted by: Jewells45 at January 07, 2020 09:39 PM (dUJdY)

637 Is it just me of does Michael Moore look more and more like Emperor Palpatine?

Posted by: Diogenes at January 07, 2020 09:39 PM (axyOa)

638 Give you a jelly jar of moonshine, then knocked the tooth out with a ball-peen hammer?


That reminds me, since this is a music thread:

Guy Clark, "Soldier's Joy, 1864"

"I came to in a wagon load of ten more wounded men
Five was dead by the time we reached that bloody tent
Give me some of that soldier's joy, you know what I mean
I don't want to hurt no more, my leg is turning green"

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:39 PM (PRN3w)

639 623 I actually thought David French's tweet in the last thread was quite appropriate.

At least his TDS is not all encompassing.
Posted by: chique d'Epstein didn't off hisself at January 07, 2020 09:35 PM (tGqH3)

I'm sure he's also shocked and horrified at the reactions of the liberals he's so eager to impress.

Posted by: chique d'Epstein didn't off hisself at January 07, 2020 09:40 PM (tGqH3)

640 Any videos like the one from Iraq war that showed
some Iraqi General saying all is well as their are US Soldiers and bombs
exploding behind him ???

Posted by: James "Buster" Hymannd at January 07, 2020 09:36 PM (qM84C)

Baghdad Bob - There are no US tanks within 100 miles of Baghdad! [US tank rolls past in the background]

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 07, 2020 09:40 PM (q1Pj5)

641 Step 1: Ask him who is a good boy.

Am I a good boy? AmI? Am I?


Posted by: Marcus Barkus Rufus Dufus O'Malley at January 07, 2020 09:40 PM (xBSYq)

642 636 {{Lady}}

Got my flu shot today. I better not get sick now. Hubby kept riding my ass to get it done.
Posted by: Jewells45 at January 07, 2020 09:39 PM (dUJdY)

I sure hope it keeps you well.

I don't get a flu shot any more. Just rolling the dice!

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:40 PM (TdMsT)

643 Do just enough to stoke the revolution. Step one, incinerate the IRGC so that the regime has no shock troops.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 07, 2020 08:35 PM (JCrfD)

THIS. Target the Mullahs not the people who are also trying to rid themselves of the mullahs.

Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at January 07, 2020 09:40 PM (imSgd)

644 637 Is it just me of does Michael Moore look more and more like Emperor Palpatine?
Posted by: Diogenes at January 07, 2020 09:39 PM (axyOa)

Lynne Stewart. With less stubble.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:40 PM (NWiLs)

645 The funny thing is they murdered Iraqis, how is that going to go over with the Irqais?
Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:36 PM (HALdu)

If they killed a significant number of Iraqis on the ground, they will likely demand a response and that'll be that.

Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 07, 2020 09:40 PM (qgUJH)

646 You're giving him a far more charitable read than I did.
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:36 PM (NWiLs)

Chique is not quite as bloodthirsty and Vendetta minded as the rest of us.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 09:40 PM (2B9A/)

647 President Trump needs to send Jimmy Carter, both Clintons, GW, John Kerry and Barack Hussein on a "Peace Delegation" to Iran.

Let's see if any of those assholes will volunteer for some "constructive dialogue".

Posted by: Kazi at January 07, 2020 09:40 PM (0x00j)

648 You're giving him a far more charitable read than I did.
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:36 PM (NWiLs)

Care to elaborate?

Posted by: chique d'Epstein didn't off hisself at January 07, 2020 09:41 PM (tGqH3)

649 Hubby kept riding my ass to get it done.
Posted by: Jewells45 at January

So not very surprising

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:41 PM (HALdu)

650 He was a good boy.

Posted by: Mama Salami at January 07, 2020 09:41 PM (EgshT)

651 #624
My twin brother is one, and he does a lot of tricky repairs on root canals performed by general dentists.
My general dentist referred me to him. She's pretty sharp, too, but insisted on the specialist. A good move and worth every penny.

Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 09:42 PM (Pqytn)

652 "The funny thing is they murdered Iraqis, how is that going to go over with the Irqais?"

They will blame us.

Posted by: Meremortal at January 07, 2020 09:42 PM (Bwqq4)

653 Yeah me too Ladyl. But there's been so much crud going around I considered myself lucky I had not caught anything yet. Plus.. cruise coming up.. don't want to get sick.

Posted by: Jewells45 at January 07, 2020 09:42 PM (dUJdY)

654 637 Is it just me of does Michael Moore look more and more like Emperor Palpatine?

Posted by: Diogenes at January 07, 2020 09:39 PM (axyOa)

Maybe the XXXX jumbo-sized edition

Posted by: Marybeth at January 07, 2020 09:42 PM (4pK1/)

655 Hubby kept riding my ass to get it done.


Talk about phrasing, dahlin!!!

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:42 PM (TdMsT)

656 603 I hope and pray that Trump has been studying wars and how the seditious Demonrat basids sabotage them and therefore is not going to play the "kinder and gentler" game Dubya did but will make some rubble bounce and then announce. OK if there are any rational adults in Iran you may want to take over now so we don't have to use our bigger and badder weapons.

Posted by: paleRider is simply irredeemable at January 07, 2020 09:31 PM (eASYU)

I believe Mike Pompeo is giving top-notch strategic and tactical advice to PDT. Pompeo graduated first in his class at West Point and served as an armor officer in West Germany. He later got a law degree from Harvard, believe it or not.

Posted by: Gref at January 07, 2020 09:42 PM (AMIL/)

657 647 President Trump needs to send Jimmy Carter, both Clintons, GW, John Kerry and Barack Hussein on a "Peace Delegation" to Iran.

Let's see if any of those assholes will volunteer for some "constructive dialogue".
Posted by: Kazi at January 07, 2020 09:40 PM (0x00j)

They should only be sent if Iran agrees to keep them, send them on foot with hiking gear

Posted by: CN at January 07, 2020 09:42 PM (U7k5w)

658 653 Yeah me too Ladyl. But there's been so much crud going around I considered myself lucky I had not caught anything yet. Plus.. cruise coming up.. don't want to get sick.
Posted by: Jewells45 at January 07, 2020 09:42 PM

Oooo--a cruise! Where are you going?

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:43 PM (TdMsT)

659 "Hubby kept riding my ass to get it done."

Man, the ladies are frisky tonight!

Posted by: Meremortal at January 07, 2020 09:43 PM (Bwqq4)

660 So, while I've turned mainly into a lurker I've been reading the comments and while the troll was mad lulzy - as were the edits - I have seen some morons bitch about us engaging.

Knowing what we know about the dead Salami what were we supposed to do? Say fuck it, pull out and let Iran be emboldened by us leaving without retaliating?

I don't want to be in that region anymore than anyone else but fuck - what were we supposed to do after the embassy attack?

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free at January 07, 2020 09:43 PM (IYHxL)

661 B-52's are the most under-rated band evar.

No you can't haz my man card.

And Shiny Happy People was REM.

Posted by: eleven at January 07, 2020 09:43 PM (M0u+N)

662 and... we are close to cutting the cable cord. Got 3 roku sticks.. two of them installed and so far so good. Living room TV is the last one hubby will probably do that one this weekend. Then.. goodbye Spectrum. Then.. final goodbye when we go to Google for internet.

Posted by: Jewells45 at January 07, 2020 09:44 PM (dUJdY)

663 Carter and BJ get the 20000 ft Tehran tour sans parachute.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at January 07, 2020 09:44 PM (G4ot7)

664 The Ette's are getting randy tonite.

Posted by: eleven at January 07, 2020 09:44 PM (M0u+N)

665 661 B-52's are the most under-rated band evar.

No you can't haz my man card.

And Shiny Happy People was REM.
Posted by: eleven at January 07, 2020 09:43 PM (M0u+N)

And you look down on me for liking TOS?

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 09:44 PM (2B9A/)

666 Hannity and his guests are way out over their skis right now...

Posted by: BetaCuck4Life at January 07, 2020 09:44 PM (FBrfY)

667 BRB, time for a little hit in celebration of no casualties.

So far, anyway.

Posted by: Meremortal at January 07, 2020 09:44 PM (Bwqq4)

668 "The funny thing is they murdered Iraqis, how is that going to go over with the Irqais?"

Blame it on The Great Satan, as usual.

Posted by: Dr. T at January 07, 2020 09:45 PM (Vgw1E)

669 662 and... we are close to cutting the cable cord. Got 3 roku sticks.. two of them installed and so far so good. Living room TV is the last one hubby will probably do that one this weekend. Then.. goodbye Spectrum. Then.. final goodbye when we go to Google for internet.
Posted by: Jewells45 at January 07, 2020 09:44 PM (dUJdY)

I've been live streaming for almost two years.

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:45 PM (TdMsT)

670 Carter would just turn to dust on impact.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at January 07, 2020 09:45 PM (G4ot7)

671 648 You're giving him a far more charitable read than I did.
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:36 PM (NWiLs)

Care to elaborate?
Posted by: chique d'Epstein didn't off hisself at January 07, 2020 09:41 PM (tGqH3)

Taken in the context of everything else he's said about PDT, his general cuckery, and his wholly unnecessary preface of "we can't change our president right now," he's still saying PDT is a fuckup so all we can do is pray.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:45 PM (NWiLs)

672 "Hubby kept riding my ass to get it done."

Man, the ladies are frisky tonight!
Posted by: Meremortal at January

The question is, did she tell him she got the shot or not?

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:45 PM (HALdu)

673 Is it just me of does Michael Moore look more and more like Emperor Palpatine?
Posted by: Diogenes
Lynne Stewart. With less stubble.
Posted by: Insomniac

Mama Cass.

After the accident.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at January 07, 2020 09:45 PM (+1IcC)

647 President Trump needs to send Jimmy Carter, both Clintons, GW, John Kerry and Barack Hussein on a "Peace Delegation" to Iran.

Let's see if any of those assholes will volunteer for some "constructive dialogue".
Posted by: Kazi at January 07, 2020 09:40 PM (0x00j)

Toss in Mittens - someone needs to haul the luggage.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 07, 2020 09:45 PM (pNxlR)

675 thathalfrican, hey you're back!

i agree - Iran's regime is a danger to others and itself

Posted by: vmom 2020 at January 07, 2020 09:45 PM (G546f)

676 Oooo--a cruise! Where are you going?

Caribbean cruise. St. Thomas, Barbados, shit.. I can't remember.. there's 6 ports of call. I can't wait!! Been saving for a year!

Posted by: Jewells45 at January 07, 2020 09:46 PM (dUJdY)

677 And you look down on me for liking TOS?
Posted by: Aetius451AD

I never looked down on you. I'm half nerd.

I just point at nerds.

Posted by: eleven at January 07, 2020 09:46 PM (M0u+N)

My general dentist referred me to him. She's pretty sharp, too, but insisted on the specialist. A good move and worth every penny.
Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 09:42 PM (Pqytn)

The best possible decision!

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:46 PM (TdMsT)

679 Verified account @RichardHaass [Council on Foreign Relations]

a month ago, the most promising political dynamic in Iraq was
anti-Iranian nationalism, and in Iran, anti-gov't populism. Now both
have been replaced by surging anti-Americanism. The regime in Tehran is
now stronger, the one in Baghdad weaker. Not obvious how we are better

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 07, 2020 09:27 PM (ykYG2)

These geniuses have been so spectacularly and consistently wrong that I translate this to the mullahs will be swept out of power before Friday prayers.

Posted by: mugiwara at January 07, 2020 09:46 PM (p9Acv)

680 Iran firing a bunch of missiles that miss everything shows a bit more weakness than not doing anything at all. I can't imagine making fools of themselves was the plan.

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans

Yeah, SC fireworks stand technology at its finest. Roman candles would be as effective...

Posted by: Boswell at January 07, 2020 09:47 PM (32YRo)

681 The question is, did she tell him she got the shot or not?

Yes, I told him. Then he patted my ass and said good girl.

Posted by: Jewells45 at January 07, 2020 09:47 PM (dUJdY)

Caribbean cruise. St. Thomas, Barbados, shit.. I can't remember.. there's 6 ports of call. I can't wait!! Been saving for a year!
Posted by: Jewells45 at January 07, 2020 09:46 PM (dUJdY)

That sounds lovely!

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:47 PM (TdMsT)

683 Iranian minister just tweeted that this attack was proportionate and justifiable.

Sounds like the DNC is writing their material.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:47 PM (ms95q)

684 CFR? Yeah, thanks. I can't wait to hear what you say.

They're the guys who have accomplished fuck-all with Iran for the last 40 years.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 09:48 PM (oVJmc)

685 @realDonaldTrump 3 minutes ago

All is well! Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by far! I will be making a statement tomorrow morning.

Posted by: Tami at January 07, 2020 09:48 PM (cF8AT)

686 683 Iranian minister just tweeted that this attack was proportionate and justifiable.

Sounds like the DNC is writing their material.
Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:47 PM (ms95q)

Probably use the same PR firm.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:48 PM (NWiLs)

687 We are lectured by our betters all the time about how rational and civilized they are, yet all I ever see from the leftists and apparatchiks are petty acts of revenge and wilful denial of the will of the people, be it Trump, Brexit, etc.

Leave us alone if you can't walk the talk.

Posted by: Kazi at January 07, 2020 09:48 PM (0x00j)

688 So no American casualties means no response? Nope. I got my Magnum condoms, I got my wad of hundreds and I'm ready to plow.

Posted by: Regular joe at January 07, 2020 09:48 PM (6/uwW)

689 And Ladyl.. I already have my fund set up for the MoMe in October. Am adding a little every week.

Posted by: Jewells45 at January 07, 2020 09:48 PM (dUJdY)

690 The Peanut Farmer from Plains, GA, is probably not in the best of health. One might wonder if he ever has moments of lucidity, and regret for the dumpster fire he helped create, as he gets ready to shuffle off this mortal coil. Gotta be a bitch.

Posted by: Common Tater at January 07, 2020 09:49 PM (zHVM/)

691 Posted by: vmom 2020 at January 07, 2020 09:45 PM (G546f)

For now. Anyway, yeah I'd like to hear from the less than enthusiastic or outright against it Morons.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free at January 07, 2020 09:49 PM (IYHxL)

692 B52s was a better sock for, "Shiny happy people dropping bombs."

Posted by: davidt at January 07, 2020 09:49 PM (l3+k2)

693 Point to be made here...

If Iran's networks were intact inside Iraq, they'd have likely launched the attack from there. The fact that they had to resort to missile attacks from Iranian soil is an indicator that we've severely disrupted and/or disabled their militia structure inside Iraq.

I'm pretty sure that they would have preferred to do everything from inside Iraq, so as to maintain deniability and to ensure that it looked like the Iraqis wanted us out. This attack indicates a probable loss of their assets in Iraq, which is interesting.

Posted by: Kirk at January 07, 2020 09:49 PM (pVima)

694 So everyone's singing "Love Shack" in the WH Situation Room?

Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 09:21 PM (Pqytn)

Iraq Lobster

Posted by: cool breeze at January 07, 2020 09:49 PM (UGKMd)

695 trump to make statement tomorrow.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 07, 2020 09:49 PM (KP5rU)

696 681 The question is, did she tell him she got the shot or not?

Yes, I told him. Then he patted my ass and said good girl.
Posted by: Jewells45 at January 07, 2020 09:47 PM (dUJdY)

-Ed McMahon

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 09:49 PM (2B9A/)

697 Got my flu shot today. I better not get sick now. Hubby kept riding my ass to get it done.

Posted by: Jewells45 at January 07, 2020 09:39 PM (dUJdY)

I guess we really have stopped doing phrasing.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:49 PM (ms95q)

698 Hey brown Iranian minister. Tweet: the attack was proportionate and justifiable.

Posted by: John Kerry at January 07, 2020 09:50 PM (G4ot7)

699 Trump just tweeted

Posted by: CSMBigBird at January 07, 2020 09:50 PM (xInes)

700 689 And Ladyl.. I already have my fund set up for the MoMe in October. Am adding a little every week.
Posted by: Jewells45 at January 07, 2020 09:48 PM (dUJdY)


You HAVE to be there!!!

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:50 PM (TdMsT)

701 690 Khomeini was a man of God!!

Posted by: Mr. Peanut, President Peanut to you! at January 07, 2020 09:50 PM (U7k5w)

702 This would be a great site if commenting was worth a fucking damn. Otherwise it sucks for anyone who doesn't want to site the comment page and hit refresh to understand the dialogue. You should fix that Ace - you're a smart guy and your blog should be more influential.

Posted by: Chouinard at January 07, 2020 09:50 PM (ua1m6)

703 699 Trump just tweeted
Posted by: CSMBigBird at January 07, 2020 09:50 PM (xInes)


Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:50 PM (NWiLs)

704 Trump was supposed to be making an announcement tomorrow morning anyway. Giving details of what they knew Sole-mio was planning.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 09:50 PM (oVJmc)

705 Trump just tweeted that he is assessing and making an announcement tomorrow.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:51 PM (ms95q)

706 Baghdad Bob - There are no US tanks within 100 miles of Baghdad! [US tank rolls past in the background]

Posted by: Count de Monet

Guess we're gonna need a Tehran Tony or something since we're fresh out of Bobs...

Posted by: Boswell at January 07, 2020 09:51 PM (32YRo)

707 Posted by: Chouinard at January 07, 2020 09:50 PM (ua1m6)

I felt the same way but got used to it. It's more or less part of the charm.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free at January 07, 2020 09:51 PM (IYHxL)

708 This blog is hardly rocket surgery.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 09:51 PM (2B9A/)

709 I'll be there Ladyl.. no worries

Posted by: Jewells45 at January 07, 2020 09:51 PM (dUJdY)

710 All is well! Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by far! I will be making a statement tomorrow morning.

Posted by: CSMBigBird at January 07, 2020 09:51 PM (xInes)

711 The Ette's are getting randy tonite.

Posted by: eleven at January 07, 2020 09:44 PM (M0u+N)


Awww yeah.

Posted by: Randy at January 07, 2020 09:52 PM (PRN3w)

712 709 I'll be there Ladyl.. no worries
Posted by: Jewells45 at January 07, 2020 09:51 PM (dUJdY)


Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:52 PM (TdMsT)

713 So everyone's singing "Love Shack" in the WH Situation Room?

Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 09:21 PM (Pqytn)

Iraq Lobster
Posted by: cool breeze at January

Rock the Casbah

also, Rock lobster is an awful song, Love Shack not much better.

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:52 PM (HALdu)

714 @Chouinard

Sure thing Tide Pod.


Posted by: BifBewalski at January 07, 2020 09:52 PM (VcFUs)

715 Trump will be making a "statement".

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:52 PM (ms95q)

716 "All is well"????

Jesus, Donnie, what the hell.

That tweet sounds like he's gearing up to let them slide...

I just hope there's something up his sleeve.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 09:53 PM (Ct55T)

717 Posted by: Chouinard at January 07, 2020 09:50 PM (ua1m6)

YahooNews is right over there.

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 07, 2020 09:53 PM (q1Pj5)

718 715 Trump will be making a "statement".
Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:52 PM (ms95q)

I like pie.
-Donny Two Scoops

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 09:53 PM (2B9A/)

719 Chouinard, Pixy needs the job.

Posted by: Kazi at January 07, 2020 09:53 PM (0x00j)

720 @ 31 grammie winger
Yes Grammy we're very young, at least we can continue in that delusion here at AOS. My spirit is young but my body not so much. I'm waiting on back surgery so that maybe I won't have the sciatica and have more mobility. It's ridiculous at my age that I can't work in the yard or stand in the kitchen for more than 15 minutes without back pain.

I just had a flash, iirc didn't you used to be Mama Winger? And because you talked so much about your grandkids I suggested you change to grammie Winger and that was the impetus for the change. Or am I misremembering that in my senility?

Posted by: Farmer at January 07, 2020 09:53 PM (LttNJ)

721 706: Tehran Tariq

Posted by: CN at January 07, 2020 09:53 PM (U7k5w)

722 This would be a great site if commenting was worth a fucking damn. Otherwise it sucks for anyone who doesn't want to site the comment page and hit refresh to understand the dialogue. You should fix that Ace - you're a smart guy and your blog should be more influential.

Posted by: Chouinard at January 07, 2020 09:50 PM (ua1m6)


My sister made $3495.23 working from home part time.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:53 PM (PRN3w)

723 Trump says he'll "make a statement" tomorrow morning.

And light brown liquid ran down the keks of mullahs and Demonrats (BIRM) everywhere.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:54 PM (ms95q)

724 re Carter: it always amazes how much damage one limpdick can do, in the wrong place, in only four years.

I think not even the dog eater could boast so longlasting a legacy. I'd have to go back to Aethelraed the Unready.

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at January 07, 2020 09:54 PM (ykYG2)

725 11 @JohnBasham 45 seconds ago

BREAKING: #Iran warns that if the U.S. retaliates for the two waves of attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy #Dubai and #Haifa.


Posted by: Richard McEnroe at January 07, 2020 09:54 PM (ABuva)

726 Yeah, this place needs a high-quality commenting system like at HotAir.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 09:54 PM (oVJmc)

727 My sister made $3495.23 working from home part time.

She's living a kick-ass life.

Posted by: eleven at January 07, 2020 09:54 PM (M0u+N)

728 Seems like deescalation now.

Posted by: Ha at January 07, 2020 09:54 PM (NSFCQ)

729 722 This would be a great site if commenting was worth a fucking damn. Otherwise it sucks for anyone who doesn't want to site the comment page and hit refresh to understand the dialogue. You should fix that Ace - you're a smart guy and your blog should be more influential.

Posted by: Chouinard at January 07, 2020 09:50 PM (ua1m6)


The regulars like it just the way it is.

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:55 PM (TdMsT)

730 Could you imagine if ace went to facebook or disqus?

Everyone posting directly under the first spam post so that it's at the top of the screen, and it would be *exactly* like the HQ now.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:55 PM (PRN3w)

731 "All is well"????

Chip Diller couldn't have said it better...

Posted by: Boswell at January 07, 2020 09:55 PM (32YRo)

732 Trump chooses his words very carefully. Someone had unfortunately told me Trump said he was making an announcement tomorrow morning. He didn't say announcement. He said statement.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:55 PM (ms95q)

733 Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 09:53 PM (Ct55T)

Perhaps it's just letting the American people know that our boys are ok. He still could easily bomb them to prehistoric times. Or throwing on my tinfoil hat, the Ayatollah called and said "we'll be good"

I absolutely doubt the latter.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free at January 07, 2020 09:56 PM (IYHxL)

734 @JohnBasham 45 seconds ago

BREAKING: #Iran warns that if the U.S. retaliates for the two waves of attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy #Dubai and #Haifa.

Posted by: Richard McEnroe at January

France - Damnit!

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:56 PM (HALdu)

735 Posted by: Chouinard at January 07, 2020 09:50 PM (ua1m6)

No snark: I honestly don't understand what your complaint is...

Are you saying that the main posts are getting too hard for outsiders to understand because they incorporate too many in-jokes from the comments?

If so, you may be right, but i'm not convinced one way or the other that that's a problem. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 09:56 PM (Ct55T)

736 Posted by: Chouinard at January 07, 2020 09:50 PM (ua1m6)

Thank you for the valuable tips on running a blog properly. Until this one gets fixed to your satisfaction, why don't you frequent another one?

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar knows that EDKH at January 07, 2020 09:56 PM (BiNEL)

737 I have said before, but I like the way the discussion is presented here. You have many different threads, but you still see them all and can pick what you want off the cart, so to speak. You are not insulated. The other way, you might miss a hilarious comment or great argument because it is in a thread you are not checking.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 09:57 PM (2B9A/)

738 Ace needs blogging advice from the drive-by's. Obviously.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:57 PM (ms95q)

739 My sister made $3495.23 working from home part time.
Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January

Is that what they refer to as "in call"?

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:57 PM (HALdu)

740 Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:53 PM (PRN3w)

"She made more but I took 60%" - Velvet Jones

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free at January 07, 2020 09:57 PM (IYHxL)

741 AoSHQ is what it is today due to Minx 0.7 alpha and cobs wielding banhammers, but mostly cobs wielding banhammers. And Minx 0.7 alpha. It's so retro that Millennial spam-farmworkers just can't grok it in the fullness.

Posted by: filbert at January 07, 2020 09:57 PM (NiXyF)

742 Yeah, this place needs a high-quality commenting system like at HotAir.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 09:54 PM (oVJmc)


One of the saddest parts of their f*ckup was that all of those old topics that were discussed at length and used to come up in search engines are all gone. Poof. Nothing for anyone who might be conservative-curious and looking for information on topics.

And facebook comments under an article don't come up in search engine results, do they?

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:58 PM (PRN3w)

743 Darling {{{Hrothgar}}}

Posted by: Ladyl at January 07, 2020 09:58 PM (TdMsT)

744 Yeah, this place needs a high-quality commenting system like at HotAir.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 09:54 PM (oVJmc)


All it needs is a trigger value in the response to a comment post that advances the scroll to the previous position so you don't have to remember the last comment you read.

Posted by: Moron Pundit at January 07, 2020 09:58 PM (qgUJH)

745 No snark: I honestly don't understand what your complaint is...

Are you saying that the main posts are getting too hard for outsiders to understand because they incorporate too many in-jokes from the comments?

If so, you may be right, but i'm not convinced one way or the other that that's a problem. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at January

Pictures! He needs pictures damnit!

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:58 PM (HALdu)

746 Dubai: WHAT THE FUCK

Posted by: Richard McEnroe

Bwahahaha...why didn't they just say that Joe's House of Carpets and Spaghetti in Timbuctoo is next!

Posted by: Boswell at January 07, 2020 09:58 PM (32YRo)

747 >>If Iran's networks were intact inside Iraq, they'd have likely launched the attack from there. The fact that they had to resort to missile attacks from Iranian soil is an indicator that we've severely disrupted and/or disabled their militia structure inside Iraq.

I don't think so.

They missed with every single missile. They are either spectacularly incompetent or they didn't want to hit their target and this was all for show.

Show is a very big deal in the Muslim world, particularly because they have control over the media that our media would kill for. They will paint this as a big win and a vengeance for Soleimani but the truth is the lost.

Iran blinked. Trump won this one.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 07, 2020 09:58 PM (ZLI7S)

748 and it would be *exactly* like the HQ now.
Cats & dogs living together.

Posted by: Venkman - the ghost buster, not that dumbass 05 at January 07, 2020 09:58 PM (VcFUs)

749 Iranian minister just tweeted that this attack was proportionate and justifiable.

Sounds like the DNC is writing their material.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 09:47 PM (ms95q)

Probably use the same PR firm.

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 09:48 PM (NWiLs)

Fusion GPS?

Posted by: Methos at January 07, 2020 09:58 PM (kOpft)

750 Are you saying that the main posts are getting too hard for outsiders to understand because they incorporate too many in-jokes from the comments?


He's suggesting a platform similar to Longbow 2.0

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:58 PM (PRN3w)

751 And facebook comments under an article don't come up in search engine results, do they?
Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:58 PM (PRN3w)

Meanwhile you can read Paul Anka handing out awards for best Haiku from 2004.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 09:59 PM (2B9A/)

752 "She made more but I took 60%" - Velvet Jones

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free at January 07, 2020 09:57 PM (IYHxL)


Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 09:59 PM (Pqytn)

753 Posted by: Zion Don at January 07, 2020 09:58 PM (ChlAd)

You don't like Jews or black folks very much do you?

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free at January 07, 2020 09:59 PM (IYHxL)

754 Off slimy 1980s sock

Posted by: BifBewalski at January 07, 2020 09:59 PM (VcFUs)

755 One of the saddest parts of their f*ckup was that all of those old
topics that were discussed at length and used to come up in search
engines are all gone. Poof. Nothing for anyone who might be
conservative-curious and looking for information on topics.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:58 PM (PRN3w)

Feature. Bug. Some disassembly required.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 10:00 PM (ms95q)

756 The guys all get shirts
That's the fucking way it is
I'm Paul Anka, bitch

Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 10:00 PM (NWiLs)

757 Wait, how did I miss thathalfrican AND chique on the thread!

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 10:00 PM (PRN3w)

758 They missed with every single missile. They are
either spectacularly incompetent or they didn't want to hit their target
and this was all for show.

Show is a very big deal in the Muslim world, particularly because
they have control over the media that our media would kill for. They
will paint this as a big win and a vengeance for Soleimani but the truth
is the lost.

Iran blinked. Trump won this one.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 07, 2020 09:58 PM (ZLI7S)

I vote for "show".

Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 10:00 PM (Pqytn)

759 He's suggesting a platform similar to Longbow 2.0

Crossbow is vastly superior.

Posted by: eleven at January 07, 2020 10:00 PM (M0u+N)

760 Feature. Bug. Some disassembly required.


Good point.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 10:00 PM (PRN3w)

761 I swear my eyes just glide over the anti-semitic trolls. I do not know if that is a gift or not.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 10:01 PM (2B9A/)

762 So the policy here is that anyone posting suggestions for improvements or changes that the old-timers don't like gets ridiculed and told to take a hike?

Posted by: Gref at January 07, 2020 10:01 PM (AMIL/)

763 Announce that illegals will comprise the initial invasion force.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 09:35 PM (PRN3w)

Col. Andy Tanner:
12 million screamin' illegals.

Darryl Bates:
Well, last I heard, there were a 22 screamin' illegals.

Col. Andy Tanner:
There were.

Posted by: Just the Facts at January 07, 2020 10:01 PM (2N7oZ)

764 757 The guys all get shirts
That's the fucking way it is
I'm Paul Anka, bitch
Posted by: Insomniac - Ex Cineribus Resurgo at January 07, 2020 10:00 PM (NWiLs)


Where's Joe?

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 10:01 PM (2B9A/)

765 Seems like deescalation now.

Posted by: Ha at January 07, 2020 09:54 PM (NSFCQ)

You do not deescalate by throwing missiles at US spaces. They need to be taught that that is not acceptable and Trump is just the guy to do that.

Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at January 07, 2020 10:01 PM (imSgd)

766 So why did Vlad make an unscheduled visit to Syria?

Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 10:01 PM (Pqytn)

767 762 I swear my eyes just glide over the anti-semitic trolls. I do not know if that is a gift or not.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at January 07, 2020 10:01 PM (2B9A/)

"Oooh, it's another Ben Roethlissberger joke!.....

awww, fuck."

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 10:02 PM (Ct55T)

768 @748 They missed with every single missile. They are either spectacularly incompetent or they didn't want to hit their target and this was all for show.


It depends on the missiles that they used. I'm not familiar with the stuff Iran's got. But I suspect that they're older models with poor guidance systems (by modern standards) that consider "landing anywhere in the target city" to be a spectacularly successful hit.

If that's the case, then the results wouldn't be that surprising.

It's also possible that we had anti-missile defenses on-site that shot down anything that might have gotten close to actually hitting the airbase.

Posted by: junior at January 07, 2020 10:02 PM (/sKj3)

769 Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 10:00 PM (Pqytn)

Maybe we should blow the fuck out of a refinery or nuclear site. Just for "show".

Let them know; "Don't make us take off the belt next time. Actually we'll make you go cut your own switch."

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free at January 07, 2020 10:02 PM (IYHxL)

770 Iran blinked. Trump won this one.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 07, 2020 09:58 PM (ZLI7S)

I vote for "show".

Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 10:00 PM (Pqytn)

There we have it. Definite evidence. Trump is a show-er, not a grow-er.

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 07, 2020 10:02 PM (q1Pj5)

771 You should fix that Ace - you're a smart guy and your blog should be more influential.

Posted by: Chouinard

Yeah, Chardonnay -that's what Ace needs, more elites to comment!

Posted by: Boswell at January 07, 2020 10:03 PM (32YRo)

772 So the policy here is that anyone posting suggestions for improvements or changes that the old-timers don't like gets ridiculed and told to take a hike?

Posted by: Gref at January 07, 2020 10:01 PM (AMIL/)


First we get ampersands, then we can discuss the little thumbs-up icons that stifle any actual conversation.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 10:03 PM (PRN3w)

773 I'll not sully myself on some dirty, ampersand-infested blog.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 10:03 PM (oVJmc)

774 @767 So why did Vlad make an unscheduled visit to Syria?


Reassure Hassad that Moscow still has Syria's back after Iran implodes?

Posted by: junior at January 07, 2020 10:03 PM (/sKj3)

775 So the policy here is that anyone posting
suggestions for improvements or changes that the old-timers don't like
gets ridiculed and told to take a hike?

Posted by: Gref at January 07, 2020 10:01 PM (AMIL/)

Yep. "Be better, Ace" is just a "suggestion" for an "improvement".

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 10:03 PM (ms95q)

776 Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi stopped a meeting with House Democrats on Tuesday night to deliver news that Iran had attacked US forces in Iraq, and somberly told the room to "pray," Rep. Debbie Dingell of Michigan told outlets.

For Iranian success?

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 07, 2020 10:03 PM (+k5vA)

777 Posted by: Gref at January 07, 2020 10:01 PM (AMIL/)

What can I say? The HQ is very protective but I wouldn't begrudge an improvement.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free at January 07, 2020 10:03 PM (IYHxL)

778 763 So the policy here is that anyone posting suggestions for improvements or changes that the old-timers don't like gets ridiculed and told to take a hike?
Posted by: Gref at January 07, 2020 10:01 PM (AMIL/)


There's a whole sub-section in article XVII about appropriate lawn etiquette, too.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 10:03 PM (Ct55T)

779 Crossbow is vastly superior.

1911 45ACP

Posted by: BifBewalski at January 07, 2020 10:04 PM (VcFUs)

780 Yeah, Chardonnay -that's what Ace needs, more elites to comment!
Posted by: Boswell at January 07, 2020 10:03 PM (32YRo)

Actually, the entertainment value of Ace slapping around dumbass "elites" on his own web site is worth stopping to consider.

Posted by: filbert at January 07, 2020 10:04 PM (NiXyF)

781 Col. Andy Tanner:
There were.

Posted by: Just the Facts at January 07, 2020 10:01 PM (2N7oZ)

[tosses coffee into fire]

This is very important to not forget to add this last part.

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 07, 2020 10:04 PM (q1Pj5)

There we have it. Definite evidence. Trump is a show-er, not a grow-er.

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 07, 2020 10:02 PM (q1Pj5)

Oh yeah, if Iran is a rockin', don't come a knockin'.

Posted by: Officer URL at January 07, 2020 10:04 PM (2N7oZ)

783 First we get ampersands, then we can discuss the little thumbs-up icons that stifle any actual conversation.
Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 10:03 PM (PRN3w)


Posted by: filbert at January 07, 2020 10:04 PM (NiXyF)

First we get ampersands, then we can discuss the little thumbs-up icons that stifle any actual conversation.


Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 10:05 PM (oVJmc)

785 Coming to AOS is it's own experience, like going back to a simpler time. Think of it as electronic camping out.

Posted by: Meremortal at January 07, 2020 10:05 PM (Bwqq4)

786 There we have it. Definite evidence. Trump is a show-er, not a grow-er.

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 07, 2020 10:02 PM (q1Pj5)

I dunno. The 82nd AB's ready brigade was sent to Kuwait. That's a kind of a "show", too.

Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 10:05 PM (Pqytn)

787 >>I don't think so.

They missed with every single missile. They are either spectacularly incompetent or they didn't want to hit their target and this was all for show.

Show is a very big deal in the Muslim world, particularly because they have control over the media that our media would kill for. They will paint this as a big win and a vengeance for Soleimani but the truth is the lost.

Iran blinked. Trump won this one.

No, I don't think so. This is playing perfectly into Trump's hands, if he wants to eliminate the so-called "Quds Force". He can now strip the Iranian air defenses, and then bomb the ever-loving out of the IRGC to his heart's content. I think this was a major screw-up on the Iranian side, and possibly due to some low-level IRGC commander getting ahead of himself.

It's an insane move on the Iranian's part. Ballistic missiles launched from Iranian territory? WTF were they thinking? Trump absolutely has to respond to this, and now he's got justification to do it.

I wonder if the regime really has control over the IRGC, at this point. It's a very serious escalation, and one that's given Trump perfect justification for destroying the IRGC in detail inside Iran. Nuts.

Posted by: Kirk at January 07, 2020 10:05 PM (pVima)

788 Posted by: Zion Don at January 07, 2020 10:03 PM (ChlAd)

You got your highschool chick stolen from you by a Jew or a black dude didn't you?

Straight piped her.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free at January 07, 2020 10:05 PM (IYHxL)

789 First we get ampersands...
...10:03 PM (PRN3w)

775 I'll not sully myself on some dirty, ampersand-infested blog.
... 10:03 PM (oVJmc)


I'll take "hordemind" for $300, Alex.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 10:05 PM (PRN3w)

763 So the policy here is that anyone posting suggestions for improvements or changes that the old-timers don't like gets ridiculed and told to take a hike?
Posted by: Gref at January 07, 2020 10:01 PM (AMIL/)

No. Suggest away. Just recognize suggested changes won't likely materialize.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 07, 2020 10:05 PM (sQqgE)

First we get ampersands, then we can discuss the little thumbs-up icons that stifle any actual conversation.

You get &&&&&&&&&&&&&&privilege once u make the wall of shame

Posted by: BifBewalski at January 07, 2020 10:05 PM (VcFUs)

792 Posted by: Kirk at January 07, 2020 10:05 PM (pVima)

Absolutely. By the way you are so much better than Kurt.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 10:06 PM (ms95q)

793 It's an insane move on the Iranian's part. Ballistic missiles launched from Iranian territory? WTF were they thinking? Trump absolutely has to respond to this, and now he's got justification to do it.

I wonder if the regime really has control over the IRGC, at this point. It's a very serious escalation, and one that's given Trump perfect justification for destroying the IRGC in detail inside Iran. Nuts.
Posted by: Kirk at January 07, 2020 10:05 PM (pVima)

Trump's statement tomorrow should be, in its entirety:

"Hey, Iran. You missed."

Posted by: filbert at January 07, 2020 10:06 PM (NiXyF)

794 Maybe we should blow the fuck out of a refinery or nuclear site. Just for "show".

Let them know; "Don't make us take off the belt next time. Actually we'll make you go cut your own switch."

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free at January 07, 2020 10:02 PM (IYHxL)

First, I like the cut of your jib and want to subscribe to your newsletter.

Second, having to cut your own switch sucks. Do you choose the smallest thinnest one knowing how badly it will sting or do you choose a thicker switch with less give that will leave bruises?

Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at January 07, 2020 10:06 PM (imSgd)

795 Reassure Hassad that Moscow still has Syria's back after Iran implodes?
Posted by: junior at January 07, 2020 10:03 PM (/sKj3)


Once the mullahs are out of business, every dirtbag regime on Earth is gonna be scurrying to solidify hegemony over their orphaned little solar system of basket case shitholes.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 07, 2020 10:07 PM (Ct55T)

796 It depends on the missiles that they used. I'm not familiar with the stuff Iran's got. But I suspect that they're older models with poor guidance systems (by modern standards) that consider "landing anywhere in the target city" to be a spectacularly successful hit.

Do you really believe hitting a city in Iraq as opposed to hitting US military as revenge for their most "revered general" is any kind of win in anyone's mind?

I don't.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 07, 2020 10:07 PM (ZLI7S)

797 First we get ampersands, then we can discuss the little thumbs-up icons that stifle any actual conversation.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 10:05 PM (oVJmc)


(clicks little thumb icon without articulating any thoughts of my own)

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 10:07 PM (PRN3w)

798 Tit for Tat. Trump now gets to bomb the base(s) that launched tonight's missiles.

Posted by: davidt at January 07, 2020 10:07 PM (l3+k2)

799 First we get ampersands, then we can discuss the little thumbs-up icons that stifle any actual conversation.

Then we get the women. Capische?

Posted by: Tony Montana at January 07, 2020 10:08 PM (q1Pj5)

800 And seriously people, what kind of rinky-dink country names its super-capable special forces outfit the "Cuds Force?"


Posted by: filbert at January 07, 2020 10:08 PM (NiXyF)

801 763 So the policy here is that anyone posting suggestions for improvements or changes that the old-timers don't like gets ridiculed and told to take a hike?
Posted by: Gref at January 07, 2020 10:01 PM (AMIL/)

Well yeah. But it's nothing against you personally.

It's complicated.

Posted by: Meremortal at January 07, 2020 10:08 PM (Bwqq4)

802 I always knew I'd picked the wrong switch if I could hear it whistle as it was being swung.

Posted by: Moron Robbie -Tehran was getting his life back together at January 07, 2020 10:08 PM (PRN3w)

803 You do not deescalate by throwing missiles at US spaces. They need to be
taught that that is not acceptable and Trump is just the guy to do


If you control your media, you don't even need to launch the missiles in order to report that you launched the missiles and blah, blah.

People are really stretching for an excuse to do nothing here.

Posted by: Methos at January 07, 2020 10:08 PM (kOpft)

804 Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 07, 2020 10:05 PM (oVJmc)


Someone's anglin' for a night in the box!

Posted by: No One of Consequence at January 07, 2020 10:08 PM (CAJOC)

805 If you have to pick your own switch, get the one with all the leaves on it.

Posted by: eleven at January 07, 2020 10:08 PM (M0u+N)

806 So the policy here is that anyone posting
suggestions for improvements or changes that the old-timers don't like
gets ridiculed and told to take a hike?

Posted by: Gref

Not sure I've been to many blogs that within an hour after a post, there is going on nearly 750 comments, and a lot are unique looks...Hot Air bloggers would kill their mothers to get even 50 on any given post

Posted by: Boswell at January 07, 2020 10:09 PM (32YRo)

807 Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at January 07, 2020 10:06 PM (imSgd)

Luckily I never had to do it, got threatend with it once but never had it happen thankfully.

Did catch the belt a few times however. According to my mom she said you cut a decent switch, you don't cut the thin one knowing it'll hurt more but if you bring in a thick one that breaks easy you are GUARANTEED to get a worse ass beating with a switch that can cut the speed of sound.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free at January 07, 2020 10:09 PM (IYHxL)

808 Trump's statement tomorrow should be, in its entirety:

"Hey, Iran. You missed." but we won't in (looks at watch)... three, two one.

Posted by: filbert at January 07, 2020 10:06 PM (NiXyF)


Posted by: redbanzai the Southerner at January 07, 2020 10:09 PM (imSgd)

809 759 They missed with every single missile. They are
either spectacularly incompetent or they didn't want to hit their target
and this was all for show."

Do we know this for sure?

Posted by: Donna&&&&V. at January 07, 2020 10:09 PM (d6Ksn)

810 ont is up morans.

Posted by: eleven at January 07, 2020 10:10 PM (M0u+N)

811 Trump has five more years to deal with these assholes. No way in hell he lets them get away with this without a *major* narrative shift.

Statements come in many shapes and sizes. Let's see what Trump's is.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 10:11 PM (ms95q)

812 Do we know this for sure?

Posted by: DonnaV. at January 07, 2020 10:09 PM (d6Ksn)

It's easy to find out. How many Iranian oil refineries are still in operation?

Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 10:11 PM (Pqytn)

813 He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of
the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then,
during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick
supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many
Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor
that day, I can tell you!

Posted by: Zeon Don at January 07, 2020 10:11 PM (2N7oZ)

814 Posted by: Zion Don at January 07, 2020 10:10 PM (ChlAd)

Have a good night you insufferable unfunny fuck stick.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free at January 07, 2020 10:11 PM (IYHxL)

Have a good night you insufferable unfunny fuck stick.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free at January 07, 2020 10:11 PM (IYHxL)

You sound like my wife.

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 10:13 PM (ms95q)

816 Trump Statement?

+25% tariff on any country which does any trade with Iran.
+50% next month
+100% the next.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at January 07, 2020 10:13 PM (1g7ch)

817 ________&________

"Who dares disturb Big Ampersand?"

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 07, 2020 10:14 PM (pNxlR)

818 Lemme take a wild guess too, your absent daddy is where the half come from?

I mean, come on, You're a stereotype my dude.

Posted by: Zion Don at January 07, 2020 10:12 PM (ChlAd)

And what the fuck are you, Stormfront Boy? Or is it Girl now?

Posted by: ... at January 07, 2020 10:14 PM (ms95q)

819 Commenting on a site is a lot like joining a club - this one is pretty welcoming and witty - but the acceptance factor is pretty high, and the entertainment factor is off the those who lurk, join in, the waters fine and the Horde loves new guests, as long as they don't soil the carpets...

Posted by: Boswell at January 07, 2020 10:15 PM (32YRo)

820 759 They missed with every single missile. They are
either spectacularly incompetent or they didn't want to hit their target and this was all for show."

They probably didn't have any other option for striking any US military target on short notice. They can't do airstrikes given our air superiority. They can't send an armored column to hit one of our bases - it would be demolished before it got halfway. Every US Navy ship in the region is ready to shoot first and ask questions later if unidentified small boats come near.

Posted by: Gref at January 07, 2020 10:15 PM (AMIL/)

821 778 Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi stopped a meeting with House Democrats on Tuesday night to deliver news that Iran had attacked US forces in Iraq, and somberly told the room to "pray," Rep. Debbie Dingell of Michigan told outlets.

Meeting? is that what the asshats are trying spin the glitzy restaurant opening in dc they're all at as?? bwwwaaaahhhh

Posted by: bebe's boobs destroy at January 07, 2020 10:16 PM (tUOCc)

822 So, I get a side of Trump with my morning coffee.

Should be good...

Posted by: CPT. Charles at January 07, 2020 10:16 PM (W+kMI)

823 Posted by: Zion Don at January 07, 2020 10:12 PM (ChlAd)

LOL. Enjoy being terrified of the blacks and Jews for the rest of your life.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free at January 07, 2020 10:17 PM (IYHxL)

824 I wonder if we fired anything at Iran. I can see Trump tomorrow with his arms out, "That's it?" acting like he's flicking a crumb off his sleeve.

Posted by: dartist at January 07, 2020 10:17 PM (K22Va)

825 I imagine the presidents statment in the morning will be to lay out the case why we have or will kick the shit out of the mullahs.

Posted by: usntakim now a russian bot. at January 07, 2020 10:17 PM (0OmEj)

826 Have a good night you insufferable unfunny fuck stick.

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free

Unless you're a neo-Nazi or a wacky liberal - then what thathalfafrican said...

Posted by: Boswell at January 07, 2020 10:19 PM (32YRo)

827 The electronic surveillance systems targeting Iran at this moment is likely mind-boggling.

Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 10:19 PM (Pqytn)

828 Supervisor: "What's that?"
Console Operator #34: "Upstairs bedroom light switch."

Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 10:23 PM (Pqytn)

829 MUMR? Is that you?

Posted by: Meremortal at January 07, 2020 10:23 PM (Bwqq4)

830 Right, but they did not bomb Buenos Aires either. Sank some ships and fought it out in the islands.

Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 08:53 PM

The British did not have the ability to bomb Buenos Aires. They barely had the ability to reach the airport at Stanley, and couldn't bomb it with any accuracy. The fact that they hit the runway there was a matter of pure luck.

Of course, I don't know that the British would have bombed Buenos Aires even if they had the capability. I can't think that would have helped the situation out on the islands any.

You know, the thing that you lose when you stop using real aircraft carriers is the ability to operate decent airborne early warning aircraft from your carrier deck, and the British paid dearly for their lack.
Posted by: Cybersmythe at January

Yes. The thing is that the Argentines might have felt differently if there had been attacks upon their home and supported the military had there been.

Sinking a boat, shooting down some planes and fighting it out in the islands kept everything away from them.
Posted by: not so at January 07, 2020 09:25 PM (HALdu)

They didn't need early warning radar for the fleet. They got all their info about flight ops from Chile, using their radar based on a secret deal, beamed to London and then out to the fleet.

Posted by: Oldcat at January 07, 2020 10:35 PM (eoQWY)

831 Imagine the swarms of US aircraft that have been feigning attack runs at Iran tonight and the past few days. You can be certain the Iranian military has had a terrifying week or so.

That is the reason they made a very ineffectual attack.

Posted by: Brian at January 07, 2020 10:46 PM (tFiTQ)

832 They didn't need early warning radar for the fleet.
They got all their info about flight ops from Chile, using their radar
based on a secret deal, beamed to London and then out to the fleet.

Posted by: Oldcat at January 07, 2020 10:35 PM (eoQWY)

Lindybeige devoted an entire video on the secret UK-Chile EW deal recently.

Posted by: mrp at January 07, 2020 10:48 PM (Pqytn)

833 Embrace the havoc, your only affinity. Baby, yeah!

Posted by: Fritz at January 07, 2020 11:28 PM (ATCV4)

834 Iran is too broke for a war. This won't escalate and will be over shortly.

The mullahs only fired the missiles so they wouldn't appear weak in front of their citizens. It'll backfire among their hardliners when no US casualties are reported. I think that'll be the bigger scandal for them. I personally think they're heading for a coup.

Posted by: Brisco_County_Sr at January 08, 2020 01:30 AM (DBPIP)

835 What proof is there that everything that comes out of a liberal's mouth isn't a lie?

Posted by: Steven Browning at January 08, 2020 06:57 AM (0YZ6P)

836 They didn't need early warning radar for the fleet. They got all their info about flight ops from Chile, using their radar based on a secret deal, beamed to London and then out to the fleet.

Posted by: Oldcat at January 07, 2020 10:35 PM

So that's how they got advanced warning of the exocet that took out Sheffield?

Posted by: Cybersmythe at January 08, 2020 08:33 AM (edlKR)

837 I just want the whole world to know about this spell caster I met
two weeks ago, I cannot say everything he has done for me my wife
left me 3 years ago left with my kids I was going through online
when I meant this wonderful man's testimony online I decided to
give it a try and my wife is back to me now and we ar1e happily
married again cause is too much to put in writing all I can say is
thank you very much am very happy .and does alot of spell
including Love Spell
Death Spell
Money Spell
Power Spell
Success Spell
Sickness Spell
Pregnancy Spell
Marriage Spell
Job Spell
Protection Spell
Lottery Spell
Court Case Spell
Luck Spell etc. In case you need his help contact him on this email
address he is a good man

Posted by: micheal pan at January 09, 2020 01:00 AM (49EYj)

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