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The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition


I really love Christmas.

Oh...not the religious aspect of the holiday, because I am a Jew, I love being a Jew, I will never convert (but give it a shot...I like to chat about religion), and from my perspective Jesus is not divine. And I abhor the commercialism that has tried mightily to push out the other, more interesting and pleasing and yes, spiritual aspects of the holiday.

I love a pleasant interaction with the butcher or the teenaged checkout clerk at the supermarket or the guy who pumps my gas (yup...NJ!). They seem in many cases to be more friendly and happy, and I try to end them with a happy, "Merry Christmas." Because we are a Christian country. Most of us celebrate Christmas, so why not recognize reality?

And the angrier side of me will loudly respond with "Merry Christmas" if anyone says, "Happy Holidays," because I am unfamiliar with and do not celebrate "Holiday."

And the really pissed-off side of me will think and sometimes say, "stop diluting centuries of American Exceptionalism by denying the country's Christian roots."

Why the Left Doesn't Like Christmas

There is a mind-blowing chutzpah or lack of self-awareness when people do something and yet deny that they are actually doing it. But the evidence is overwhelming. The left has stopped schools from calling Christmas vacations by that name -- the name schools called them throughout American history until the last couple of decades. Almost every non-Christian school in America now calls Christmas vacation "winter break." Fewer and fewer Americans, stores, companies or media wish people a "Merry Christmas," preferring the neutered "happy holidays" (despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of Americans celebrate Christmas). And in but one generation, virtually every American business has gone from having a "Christmas party" to having a "holiday party."
See? The Left is responsible for pretty much everything that is wrong with America, and the ruining of a lovely holiday in service to their progressive god is high on the list of reasons they need to be driven from the public square.

The fact is that Christianity has been a huge driver of Western political philosophy, and is indispensable to the cause of freedom. And spare me your sanctimonious lectures about religion being responsible for so much death and destruction in human history. And spare me your smug condescension about how modern society must be inclusive. Should we include Sharia law? FGM? Stoning adulterers? Hanging gays?

Screw you...I'll take Christianity, with all of its warts, any day. And don''t forget that much of the glory of Western art and music was financed by the Church, or created to express religious themes. And yes, I am jealous...take a look below the fold for one reason.


Posted by: CBD at 11:00 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 ?

Posted by: Linn Ridge at December 17, 2019 11:00 AM (ECrgQ)


Posted by: Linn Ridge at December 17, 2019 11:00 AM (ECrgQ)

3 Off to fetch the others.

Posted by: Linn Ridge at December 17, 2019 11:00 AM (ECrgQ)

4 Top 10?

Posted by: Central Scrutinizer at December 17, 2019 11:00 AM (vI+F1)

Yo, Spike!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 17, 2019 11:01 AM (pNxlR)

6 The left doesn't like anything except LGBT days.

Posted by: henry at December 17, 2019 11:02 AM (JMDly)

7 Punk Monkey.

That funky monkey.

Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 11:02 AM (M0u+N)

8 not first

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 11:02 AM (q80AH)

9 Terp Tern!

Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 11:02 AM (M0u+N)

10 Kind of a mellow Rant.

You been dipping into JackStraw's stash?

Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 11:03 AM (zOZae)

11 th

Posted by: rhennigantx at December 17, 2019 11:03 AM (JFO2v)

12 Cheeky monkey.

Posted by: Insomniac at December 17, 2019 11:03 AM (NWiLs)

13 The left doesn't like anything except LGBT days.

Posted by: henry at December 17, 2019 11:02 AM (JMDly)

...and they love pushing it thru pop culture.

Posted by: BignJames at December 17, 2019 11:03 AM (X/Pw5)

14 And don''t forget that much of the glory of Western art and music was financed by the Church, or created to express religious themes.

But it is White Man art, so double plus ungood now.

Posted by: Bruce at December 17, 2019 11:04 AM (vd8XM)

15 The main message of Christianity? Humility. Pure and simple. No wonder the narcissistic left hate sit.

Posted by: Inspector Kemp at December 17, 2019 11:04 AM (+DS2f)

16 As far as I am concerned, CBD, Jews are perfectly entitled to eat Christmas Snow.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 11:04 AM (90T4r)

17 Chuck is a jew?

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'invite a comrade for dinner!' at December 17, 2019 11:05 AM (VqhL9)

18 I'm discovering that almost every time I respond with Merry Christmas to a clerk's Happy Holidays, I see a huge smile of relief.

Posted by: Diogenes at December 17, 2019 11:05 AM (axyOa)

19 Ah, lovely, CBD. Thank you.

Posted by: bluebell at December 17, 2019 11:05 AM (/669Q)

20 Luciano in his prime.. nothing better!

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at December 17, 2019 11:05 AM (so+oy)

21 A wise man once told me, either you glorify god, or you glorify yourself. Those are the only two choices.

Posted by: Inspector Kemp at December 17, 2019 11:06 AM (+DS2f)

22 Do you get Chinese food on Christmas eve CBD? or is that an old wives tale?

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'invite a comrade for dinner!' at December 17, 2019 11:06 AM (VqhL9)

23 And that wise man was me.

Posted by: Kamala at December 17, 2019 11:07 AM (M0u+N)

24 I don't piss on anyone's religion, so don't piss on mine.

Except Kwanzaa, which is genuinely stupid.

Posted by: Inspector Kemp at December 17, 2019 11:07 AM (+DS2f)

25 Love him or hate him, Cocaine Mitch just knocked Chuck on his ass.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 17, 2019 11:07 AM (ZLI7S)

26 Merry Christmas to All,And to All a Good Night!!!

Posted by: Tex Lovera at December 17, 2019 11:08 AM (wtvvX)

27 I like to mock the Picts.

Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 11:08 AM (M0u+N)

28 Except Kwanzaa, which is genuinely stupid.
Posted by: Inspector Kemp

That kind of fell off the face of the earth, didn't it?

Posted by: Bruce at December 17, 2019 11:08 AM (vd8XM)

29 Protestant here. Do like the pageantry and ornateness that revolves around the Christmas. I always associate it with the RC Church, for whatever reason. I like OTHER people's pageantry, mind you. I hate doing pageantry in my own house, or in my yard, or on my house. Just let the others doit.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 11:09 AM (90T4r)

30 Love him or hate him, Cocaine Mitch just knocked Chuck on his ass.

Posted by: JackStraw

I just saw that! He's a master at that.. with that smirk on his face the whole time.

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at December 17, 2019 11:09 AM (so+oy)

31 Yeah, whenever I call a business and get the "Happy Holidays" at the end of the call, I always wish them a "Merry Christmas" right back. Amazing how often I get a "Merry Christmas" right back.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at December 17, 2019 11:09 AM (OaLGH)

32 Had some twit on Facebook who was pissed about Merry Christmas not being inclusive to those not Christian ask, "What if a Jew said Happy Hanukkah" to you?

I said I'd reply back, "Happy Hanukkah".
Why wouldn't I?

Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 11:09 AM (aMV0K)

33 The Word came first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles. That is my favorite part of the Lord of Hosts coming to earth to make a new covenant with the whole earth. I love that He sets apart the Jewish people as His own, that He is capable of that kind of faithfulness to His word, and I am totally fine being grafted into the vine. That is why I honor and respect the Jewish people and always will.

I'm studying Isaiah, and truly, it is a book for this time. Everyone should be studying it.

Posted by: the girl who says.... at December 17, 2019 11:09 AM (sI15f)

34 28
Except Kwanzaa, which is genuinely stupid.

Posted by: Inspector Kemp

That kind of fell off the face of the earth, didn't it?

Posted by: Bruce at December 17, 2019 11:08 AM (vd8XM)

wasn't the Kwanzaa guy outed as a criminal?

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'invite a comrade for dinner!' at December 17, 2019 11:09 AM (VqhL9)

35 Love him or hate him, Cocaine Mitch just knocked Chuck on his ass.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 17, 2019 11:07 AM (ZLI7S)

What did he do?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 17, 2019 11:09 AM (WI7YS)

36 Such a nice sentiment CBD. I have a Jewish friend who has a standing invite at her neighbor's 7 fishes feast. She goes every year and loves all the celebration around the Christmas season.

Posted by: kallisto at December 17, 2019 11:09 AM (S44lC)

37 Jews get 10% more gold each time treasure is found, but Christians have +4 to create jello salad.

Posted by: Kate Winslet's boobs at December 17, 2019 11:09 AM (yw6lL)

38 Don't forget the cathedrals!

Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 11:09 AM (M0u+N)

39 Perfectly stated, CBD. Exactly the right approach, in my view, to all matters of culture, religion, etc. Be literate about history, be humble, have perspective, recognize the positive, and respect everyone and celebrate/indulge that which you particularly like.

Posted by: rhomboid at December 17, 2019 11:09 AM (El6T/)

40 I love Christmas as a celebration of the birth of Christ. I also love the warmth of the decorations, and just the whole feeling of promise.

Anyhow, some angry prog in my paper complained that the city's tree is decorated in WHITE LIGHTS!!! REEEEE!!! and the white is not inclusive of all the diversity of our citizenry.

*must not wish all the bad things to happen to prog*

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 17, 2019 11:09 AM (ptqGC)

41 I started using "Have a good holiday". Not because I don't like saying Merry Christmas but because I can use the same greeting for the 4th of July.

Yes I am that word lazy

Posted by: Big V at December 17, 2019 11:10 AM (B06Zw)

42 I once had thanksgiving with a bunch of vegetarians. When I asked if there would be a turkey, they said no , unless I brought one. So I did. Funny, somehow my wife and I managed to eat an enormous turkey all by ourselves, since there were no leftovers, and they were all avowed vegetarians.

Christmas is a little like that for the left....

Posted by: Inspector Kemp at December 17, 2019 11:10 AM (+DS2f)

43 As far as I am concerned, CBD, Jews are perfectly entitled to eat Christmas Snow.
Posted by: tubal

Just not the yellow snow.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 11:10 AM (aMV0K)

44 34

That kind of fell off the face of the earth, didn't it?

Posted by: Bruce at December 17, 2019 11:08 AM (vd8XM)

wasn't the Kwanzaa guy outed as a criminal?
Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'invite a comrade for dinner!' at December 17, 2019 11:09 AM (VqhL9)

Convicted murderer. From Detroit. Thought it up while in the joint.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 11:11 AM (90T4r)

45 -
A wise man once told me, either you glorify god, or you glorify yourself. Those are the only two choices.

Posted by: Inspector Kemp at December 17, 2019 11:06 AM


Very good way to put it.

Posted by: irright at December 17, 2019 11:11 AM (pMGkg)

46 Everyone has a religion. It's just a matter of discovering what it is.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at December 17, 2019 11:11 AM (H8QX8)

47 Good Morning Horde.

Posted by: Surfperch at December 17, 2019 11:11 AM (tVQUs)

48 Anyhow, some angry prog in my paper complained that the city's tree is decorated in WHITE LIGHTS!!! REEEEE!!! and the white is not inclusive of all the diversity of our citizenry.

Point out that black lights have their own holiday: Halloween.

Posted by: Adriane the Make Sure Win Win is not Actually Win Lose Critic ... at December 17, 2019 11:11 AM (LPnfS)

49 The lesson to emulate the reason for the season kinda took with the Left. Unfortunately they thought that was Santa Claus...with the unrealistic economics based on questionable labor practices, to the service of rewarding "good behavior" based on a surveillance regime the likes of which history has otherwise only ever seen in its blackest nightmares...

Posted by: Brother Cavil
Democrats, Media, and Deep State: Hostis Humani Generis
at December 17, 2019 11:11 AM (Rvlwi)

50 >>What did he do?

He declined to acquiesce to Chuck's request.

It means no.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 17, 2019 11:11 AM (ZLI7S)

51 34:wasn't the Kwanzaa guy outed as a criminal?

Yes. Liked torturing women, as I recall.

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 17, 2019 11:11 AM (vN4+Q)

52 If you discount the religious aspect, Christmas is just buying shit, cutting down trees and running up the electric bill for no apparent reason.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at December 17, 2019 11:12 AM (YA914)

Yes. Liked torturing women, as I recall.

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 17, 2019 11:11 AM (vN4+Q)

well, who doesn't?

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'invite a comrade for dinner!' at December 17, 2019 11:12 AM (VqhL9)

54 "I'm discovering that almost every time I respond with Merry Christmas to a clerk's Happy Holidays, I see a huge smile of relief."

Yup yup, that is so.

Posted by: Boxx Culvert, Man about Town at December 17, 2019 11:12 AM (wmfhQ)

55 At this point I'd rather Christmas just went away. Its been corrupted into a crapfest of commercialism and lousy songs about a fat elf

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:12 AM (KZzsI)

56 Anyhow, some angry prog in my paper complained that the city's tree is decorated in WHITE LIGHTS!!! REEEEE!!! and the white is not inclusive of all the diversity of our citizenry.

Explain that some of the white lights identify as a different color, but we are not to judge them for it. We need to embrace their uniqueness.

Posted by: Bruce at December 17, 2019 11:13 AM (vd8XM)

57 I meant mentally torture. Turnabout is fair play.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'invite a comrade for dinner!' at December 17, 2019 11:13 AM (VqhL9)

58 Oh yeeeeah, forgot the woman torturing part. Yeah, he did that too.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 11:13 AM (90T4r)

59 If you discount the religious aspect, Christmas is
just buying shit, cutting down trees and running up the electric bill
for no apparent reason.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger

And getting hilariously drunk on shit you don't drink the other 50 weeks of the year. Can't forget that part.

Posted by: Brother Cavil
Democrats, Media, and Deep State: Hostis Humani Generis
at December 17, 2019 11:13 AM (Rvlwi)

60 and the white is not inclusive of all the diversity of our citizenry.

Well, then they should have lights in colors ranging from beige to yellow-ish to dark brown would not, IMO, make for an attractive lighting display.

Since when are lights supposed to be inclusive? So dumb

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 17, 2019 11:13 AM (WI7YS)

61 "32 Had some twit on Facebook who was pissed about Merry Christmas not being inclusive to those not Christian ask, "What if a Jew said Happy Hanukkah" to you? I said I'd reply back, "Happy Hanukkah". Why wouldn't I?"

With my friends who are Jewish I might even say it first. It costs exactly nothing to be kind and polite. Which begs the question - what the fuck is wrong with these people on the left?

Posted by: Inspector Kemp at December 17, 2019 11:13 AM (+DS2f)

62 Fox reported this morning that the Freedom From Religion idiots have managed to get an elementary school's living nativity cancelled.

Isn't that the organization Ron Reagan belongs to?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 17, 2019 11:14 AM (ptqGC)

63 Easter a bigger event in Christianity, IMO. Cause if not for that, what's the point, really?

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 11:14 AM (90T4r)

64 Hear about Whamaggedon?

Yes, its a survival game of how long after Dec 1 can you go before you here Wham's Christmas song (won't post the name, rumor is that its bad luck, tempting fate).

Once you hear it you get to go to Whamhalla, and drink Whameade!

So, far? I've survived.

Posted by: Don Q at December 17, 2019 11:14 AM (NgKpN)

65 And yes, telling a clerk "Merry Christmas" gets a happy, genuine smile and a Merry Christmas back. Even if you're not Christian, who'd be opposed to having a special happy day?

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:14 AM (KZzsI)


Happy RamaHanuKwanzMas!

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 17, 2019 11:14 AM (aKsyK)

67 44:
Convicted murderer. From Detroit. Thought it up while in the joint.
Posted by: tubal

Ah, that was it.

Happy Kwanza OR I'LL CUT A BITCH!!

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 17, 2019 11:14 AM (vN4+Q)

68 If you discount the religious aspect, Christmas is just buying shit, cutting down trees and running up the electric bill for no apparent reason.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at December 17, 2019 11:12 AM (YA914)

But that's what they are pushing for. Making utterly devoid of its true meaning and just all about decorations and buying tons of gifts. Empty, meaningless nonsense which is perfect for the left

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 17, 2019 11:15 AM (kw5n8)

69 55
At this point I'd rather Christmas just went away. Its been corrupted
into a crapfest of commercialism and lousy songs about a fat elf

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:12 AM (KZzsI)

Nice CRT 'fat shaming'. I can't even. Its those Keeblers cookies man.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'invite a comrade for dinner!' at December 17, 2019 11:15 AM (VqhL9)

70 and the white is not inclusive of all the diversity of our citizenry.
Me: Ever seen the breakdown of the spectrum of light?
SJW: Physics is racist
Me: Right-o, defenestration it is

Posted by: Brother Cavil
Democrats, Media, and Deep State: Hostis Humani Generis
at December 17, 2019 11:15 AM (Rvlwi)

71 I'd say that religion hasn't been responsible for death and destruction. Hardly any at all.

The amount of people killed in religious conflicts in absolutely dwarfed by those murdered by their own governments in atheist regimes...

And most religious conflicts weren't truly religious to begin with. Most of the time, the religion was just an excuse, a lampshade for megalomania and ambition. Removing religion doesn't prevent that, leaders just find different excuses.

How long will it be before someone uses environmentalism to justify a war? It'll happen.

Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est at December 17, 2019 11:15 AM (J+mig)

72 I like to mock the Picts.
Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 11:08 AM (M0u+N)

Oh come on! They groove with small, furry animals like nobody's business ...

Posted by: Adriane the Make Sure Win Win is not Actually Win Lose Critic ... at December 17, 2019 11:15 AM (LPnfS)

73 I was at an audiophile Christmas party. They were taking requests in order to showcase their top shelf components, so I asked to hear Dino's ' Christmas Blues'. He said he couldn't play that in deference to our Jewish guests. Me: 'Do you know who wrote White Christmas?'

Posted by: kallisto at December 17, 2019 11:15 AM (S44lC)

74 Isn't that the organization Ron Reagan belongs to?
Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 17, 2019 11:14 AM (ptqGC)

Ron Reagan is a nasty piece of work, a real prick.

Posted by: JoeF. at December 17, 2019 11:15 AM (CqE5x)

75 63 Easter a bigger event in Christianity, IMO. Cause if not for that, what's the point, really?
Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 11:14 AM (90T4r)



Posted by: SMH at December 17, 2019 11:15 AM (RU4sa)

76 Christmas started as a pagan holiday to gather all round the hearth on the longest night of the year.

Coopted by Christianity. Can be coopted by anyone

Posted by: Ignoramus at December 17, 2019 11:15 AM (z5aNp)

77 Do you get Chinese food on Christmas eve CBD? or is that an old wives tale?

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'invite a comrade for dinner!' at December 17, 2019 11:06 AM (VqhL9)

We are going to my SIL's house for fried chicken and my famous (hah!) biscuits, and a lot of good cocktails.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 17, 2019 11:15 AM (wYseH)

78 Easter a bigger event in Christianity, IMO.

Yeah the birth of Christ is a pretty special day but Easter is much more so. Ascension day as well.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:16 AM (KZzsI)

79 Anyhow, some angry prog in my paper complained that the city's tree is decorated in WHITE LIGHTS!!! REEEEE!!! and the white is not inclusive of all the diversity of our citizenry.

Point out that black lights have their own holiday: Halloween.
Posted by: Adriane

White light is the absence of color. Totally inclusive.
No color is above another color. Totally equal.

Obviously he doesn't love science sexually.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 11:16 AM (aMV0K)

80 61 "32 Had some twit on Facebook who was pissed about Merry Christmas not being inclusive to those not Christian ask, "What if a Jew said Happy Hanukkah" to you? I said I'd reply back, "Happy Hanukkah". Why wouldn't I?"

With my friends who are Jewish I might even say it first. It costs exactly nothing to be kind and polite. Which begs the question - what the fuck is wrong with these people on the left?

Posted by: Inspector Kemp at December 17, 2019 11:13 AM (+DS2f)

Note, Scrooge was not inherently religious.

It was about the Christmas spirit.

Posted by: Don Q at December 17, 2019 11:16 AM (NgKpN)

81 I wish people "Merry Christmas." I want to share the joy that is the birth of Christ and happiness of the season with people, I'm not trying to convert you, I'm trying to share my happiness and joy. I have noticed that some people when they wish me a Merry Christmas back, they seem just a little relieved and smile a little.

Posted by: Cheribebe at December 17, 2019 11:16 AM (a4qVe)

82 By that token a rainbow flag is not "inclusive" either. There are no brown or black strikes and unless you're buddies with Smurfs they're aren't any blue people either.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 17, 2019 11:16 AM (WI7YS)

83 Linus Van Pelt : Charlie Brown, you're the only person I know who can take a wonderful season like Christmas and turn it into a problem.

Oh, Linus. If you only knew...

Posted by: WTP at December 17, 2019 11:16 AM (66rlH)

84 Except Kwanzaa, which is genuinely stupid.

Posted by: Inspector Kemp

That kind of fell off the face of the earth, didn't it?

Posted by: Bruce at December 17, 2019 11:08 AM


Well it was made up by an FBI dupe.

Posted by: Mr. Scott (Formerly GWS) at December 17, 2019 11:16 AM (JUOKG)

85 I was at an audiophile Christmas party. They were taking requests in order to showcase their top shelf components, so I asked to hear Dino's ' Christmas Blues'. He said he couldn't play that in deference to our Jewish guests. Me: 'Do you know who wrote White Christmas?'
Posted by: kallisto at December 17, 2019 11:15 AM (S44lC)

Well, the Jewish guests WENT to the Christmas party. What would they expect?

Posted by: JoeF. at December 17, 2019 11:16 AM (CqE5x)

86 Nice CRT 'fat shaming'. I can't even. Its those Keeblers cookies man.

I mean who ever heard of a fat elf?? Its like a tall Dwarf. Oh wait, I guess Peter Jackson thinks those exist.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:17 AM (KZzsI)

87 58 Oh yeeeeah, forgot the woman torturing part. Yeah, he did that too.
Posted by: tubal

See! He was diverse! He liked torturing AND murdering! Happy Kwanza!

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 17, 2019 11:17 AM (vN4+Q)

88 32
Had some twit on Facebook who was pissed about Merry Christmas not being
inclusive to those not Christian ask, "What if a Jew said Happy
Hanukkah" to you?

I said I'd reply back, "Happy Hanukkah".

Why wouldn't I?

Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 11:09 AM (aMV0K)

I never understood this argument. Just because I don't celebrate the same holidays or practice the same religion as someone else doesn't mean I'm offended if they mention it to me. If a Jew said, "Happy Hanukkah" to me, I'd be pleased. It's pleasant to be included in other people's celebrations, and to be thought of kindly enough to warrant that inclusion, even just in passing. I don't see it as them forcing their religion on me so much as inviting me to share some of their world. I'd feel the same if someone wished me a Happy Kwanzaa or a blessed Ramadan, and I would hope they'd feel the same when I wish them a Merry Christmas. I'm not telling them to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior, for Pete's sake. I'm wishing them peace and good will and prosperity and all the other good things that come along with the celebration of Christmas, which, to me, are directly derived from the birth of Christ.

Posted by: MWR, The Public Intellectual (aka Beth) at December 17, 2019 11:17 AM (rP4OC)

89 83: Today they'd ban that program for talking about religion and reading from the Bible.

Posted by: CN at December 17, 2019 11:17 AM (U7k5w)

90 And don''t forget that much of the glory of Western art and music was financed by the Church, or created to express religious themes. And yes, I am jealous...take a look below the fold for one reason.

This is something I always bring up. The problem is that too many people have not been educated enough or been exposed to the glories of Western art. Painting is dull and classical music is bo-ring! Although, to be frank, most "classical" stations on the radio do their best to dilute music. I mean, heaven knows I like Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, but not every other day!

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (Ki5SV)

91 White light is the absence of color. Totally inclusive.
No color is above another color. Totally equal.

Obviously he doesn't love science sexually.
Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 11:16 AM (aMV0K)

Yup, white light is what you get when you have ALL the frequencies present.

Its the ONLY completely inclusive color.

Posted by: Don Q at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (NgKpN)

92 Last Christmas at my husband's life coach sister's, I said the words, "Happy Birthday Jesus," and it was met with silence, except for her worthless hipster 40 y.o. son, who smirked and said, "Except Jesus wasn't even born in December, if he was born at all." The same idiot who said the highlight of his life was attending Burning Man.

Ugh. My husband's siblings and their hell spawn.

I usually sit in a corner and drink wine to survive.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (ptqGC)

93 62 Fox reported this morning that the Freedom From Religion idiots have managed to get an elementary school's living nativity cancelled.

Isn't that the organization Ron Reagan belongs to?
Posted by: Jane D'oh


Posted by: Puddleglum at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (vN4+Q)

94 Why doesn't a Jew like the religious aspect of Christmas? While all the goyim are in church or driving to each other's houses it's the best time of the year for uncrowded Chinese restaurants...

Posted by: Richard McEnroe at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (ABuva)

95 Easter a bigger event in Christianity, IMO.

Yeah the birth of Christ is a pretty special day but Easter is much more so. Ascension day as well.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor

Chicken and egg argument. Without the birth, there'd be no resurrection.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (aMV0K)

96 Had some twit on Facebook who was pissed about Merry Christmas not being inclusive to those not Christian ask, "What if a Jew said Happy Hanukkah" to you? I said I'd reply back, "Happy Hanukkah". Why wouldn't I

Well yeah, I want them to have a happy day, too. I think Hanukkah is cool.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (KZzsI)

97 We are going to my SIL's house for fried chicken and my famous (hah!) biscuits, and a lot of good cocktails.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 17, 2019 11:15 AM (wYseH)

Going to try for the Ribs Flambe again this year?

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (OaLGH)

98 At this point I'd rather Christmas just went away. Its been corrupted
into a crapfest of commercialism and lousy songs about a fat elf

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:12 AM (KZzsI)

I'm all for not calling the commercial holiday as Christmas. It's demeaning to the true spirit of it. Kind of a reverse separation of church and state here. Keep Christmas pure, and let everyone else have their "winter holiday".

Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (J+mig)

99 When I was in grammar school we had winter break and a holiday concert, etc. school was about 25% Jewish. We had menorahs as well as Christmas trees decorations. This was in the 80s.

Posted by: Hotgas VIP Member at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (VZo1+)

100 We are going to my SIL's house for fried chicken and my famous (hah!) biscuits, and a lot of good cocktails.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 17, 2019 11:15 AM (wYseH)

Excellent! We are alone. Maybe we'll get Chinee food at our fav restaurant. See if there's a buncha hebrews there.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'invite a comrade for dinner!' at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (VqhL9)

101 Grinch of Spades Headquarters up in here.

Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (M0u+N)

102 The leftists wish this country had taken the French tact to revolution instead of the one we took. Think about it. The French in the 1790's killed their king, got rid of religion (worshipped the "Goddess of Reason"), started executing tons of people, and in the end, ended up with Napoleon.
Put in today's terms, kill Christianity (replace it with worship of government), kill the family unit (replace it with government as mommy and daddy), and have an imperial bureaucracy run things.
The left never learns. Ask the 100 million or so that died in the 20th century alone.

Posted by: jim at December 17, 2019 11:19 AM (DF+pC)

103 15 Absolutely. I'm so humble it's awe-inspiring.

Posted by: Richard McEnroe at December 17, 2019 11:19 AM (ABuva)

104 Japan has that thing where on Christmas they get KFC.

Always found that to be an odd tradition but they seem to enjoy it and it has to be good for the Colonel's bottom line.

Posted by: Big V at December 17, 2019 11:19 AM (B06Zw)

105 "Which begs the question - what the fuck is wrong with these people on the left?"

Not enough space on the innertubes to answer that...

Posted by: Boxx Culvert, Man about Town at December 17, 2019 11:19 AM (wmfhQ)

Opinion | We Are Republicans, and We Want Trump Defeated - The New York Times
Conway's Husband, The Dick with Ears THERickWilson, Steve Schmidt * others

Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at December 17, 2019 11:19 AM (BqBId)

107 I usually sit in a corner and drink wine to survive.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (ptqGC)

That sounds more like a recipe for day to day survival, not just special occasions.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at December 17, 2019 11:19 AM (OaLGH)

108 Also something I learned this weekend...Wreaths Across America had gotten into trouble in the past for putting "Christmas wreaths" on graves of Jewish veterans. Now no wreaths for Jews.

My father, OTOH, while not a Jew, a WWII combat infantry, Purple Heart and Bronze Star recipient, did not have a wreath when I stopped by to see him this weekend. Seems even cutting out the Jews, there's still not enough wreaths to go around.

Posted by: WTP at December 17, 2019 11:19 AM (66rlH)

109 56. Once again the progs demonstrate their essential stupidity. White light comprises all the color wavelengths in the spectrum.

Posted by: kallisto at December 17, 2019 11:20 AM (S44lC)

110 I say it "Happy Holydays".

Posted by: Balrog of Morgoth at December 17, 2019 11:20 AM (CLteG)

111 Chicken and egg argument. Without the birth, there'd be no resurrection.

Kinda. I mean the birth represents Christ's perfect life and his resurrection the atoning death. But Easter kind of sealed the deal.

"Except Jesus wasn't even born in December, if he was born at all."

Born in the Spring, we know that. Guess what genius, not every president was born on President's day. And only someone utterly ignorant of history and literature would even suggest Jesus was not a real person.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:20 AM (KZzsI)

112 10 Kind of a mellow Rant.

You been dipping into JackStraw's stash?
Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 11:03 AM (zOZae)

I kind of visualize Dildo in a tie dye shirt groovin' to Bob Marley. "Poor me, Israelites..."

Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at December 17, 2019 11:20 AM (RD7QR)

113 I got your stocking stuffer right here!

Posted by: Fritz at December 17, 2019 11:20 AM (2Mnv1)


And intercourse all of these intercoursing companies that want to make a shit ton of money off of Christmas without ever mentioning the name Christmas. The holiday. What holiday? Oh for those lefty lack wits holiday comes from holy day.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 17, 2019 11:20 AM (kw5n8)

115 Fox reported this morning that the Freedom From Religion idiots have managed to get an elementary school's living nativity cancelled.

Don't have time to look it up, but - has the school said, "Screw you, we're doing it anyway!"? Because if they just cower before these clowns and whine, "well, the law's the law," then they need to be mocked and told to man the fuck up.

You know why there's a successful war on Christmas? Because too many "Christians" won't fight back!

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at December 17, 2019 11:20 AM (Ki5SV)

116 Easter a bigger event in Christianity, IMO

YES! This is true on a "church scale" as well. The crucifixion of Christ is the redemption of mankind's sin and proof of Gods' love for us.

Church is 4 days of services in the Orthodox Church.

Posted by: Cheribebe at December 17, 2019 11:20 AM (a4qVe)

117 92 Last Christmas at my husband's life coach sister's, I said the words, "Happy Birthday Jesus," and it was met with silence, except for her worthless hipster 40 y.o. son, who smirked and said, "Except Jesus wasn't even born in December, if he was born at all." The same idiot who said the highlight of his life was attending Burning Man.

Ugh. My husband's siblings and their hell spawn.

I usually sit in a corner and drink wine to survive.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (ptqGC)

Next time a response of 'then why are YOU here, just for a free dinner?' might be appropriate

Posted by: Don Q at December 17, 2019 11:20 AM (NgKpN)

118 I had a few jewish friends growing up who always had christmas trees. Fuck it, tis the season.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at December 17, 2019 11:21 AM (9Om/r)

119 64 I live in South Texas. Unless WHAM! has banjos and fiddles, I'm fairly safe...

Posted by: Richard McEnroe at December 17, 2019 11:21 AM (ABuva)

120 104
Japan has that thing where on Christmas they get KFC.

Always found that to be an odd tradition but they seem to enjoy it and it has to be good for the Colonel's bottom line.

Posted by: Big V at December 17, 2019 11:19 AM (B06Zw)

I always assume that derives from some American GI deployed to Okinawa who was craving a turkey dinner for Christmas, and had to settle for KFC as the closest thing available. I have no idea if that's the truth or not, but it makes me smile.

Posted by: MWR, The Public Intellectual (aka Beth) at December 17, 2019 11:21 AM (rP4OC)

"American exceptionalism"---and there, dear readers is the reason for the venom.

Because we ARE exceptional by virtue of being governed by a political system unique in history.

Thus we may embrace and celebrate Christianity, Christmas and the plethora of other virtues we embrace.

The remainder of the world may either join us or go shit in their hat.

Posted by: irongrampa at December 17, 2019 11:21 AM (KATBx)

122 If you don't include all colors in your display you run the risk of a prism sentence.

Posted by: Muldoon at December 17, 2019 11:22 AM (m45I2)

123 Good morning and MERRY CHRISTMAS, Horde.

Posted by: BCochran at December 17, 2019 11:22 AM (9CkBG)

124 Hubs and I are doing dinner out on Christmas.

Being on the outs with the family is much easier on the wallet, I must say.

Not having to buy gifts, trees, decorations, etc makes one focus on other things.

Like getting the hell out of Illinois.

Posted by: SMH at December 17, 2019 11:22 AM (RU4sa)

125 and the white is not inclusive of all the diversity of our citizenry.

It is, however, inclusive of the color of the snow it represents.

Now, take a look at your skin. Who the hell would want lights in that color?

Posted by: t-bird at December 17, 2019 11:22 AM (EYsyU)

126 So because some bigoted idiot got their panties in a wad, now no kids or adults can enjoy a live Nativity.
And best yet everybody who is a Christian or Jew or Hindu was immediately convinced by the warm spirit of the Freedom From Religion Foundation to become at Atheist./sarc

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 17, 2019 11:22 AM (WI7YS)

127 Posted by: MWR, The Public Intellectual (aka Beth) at December 17, 2019 11:21 AM (rP4OC)


Nah, can't be.

Posted by: Brent Cochran at December 17, 2019 11:22 AM (9CkBG)

128 Chinese food on Christmas eve

Darrin should've brought The Duck DeCapitator with him to Night Stalker.

Posted by: DaveA at December 17, 2019 11:22 AM (FhXTo)

129 I love Christmas and all the hoopla that goes with it.

The cheesy movies, the special food, the lights, decorating, the excitement of kids, the Masses - even the shopping frenzy at the grocery.

Like Diogenes, I fight back against the "Happy Horseshit" every chance I get.

Posted by: Tonypete at December 17, 2019 11:23 AM (Y4EXg)

130 96 Had some twit on Facebook who was pissed about Merry Christmas not being inclusive to those not Christian ask, "What if a Jew said Happy Hanukkah" to you? I said I'd reply back, "Happy Hanukkah". Why wouldn't I

Well yeah, I want them to have a happy day, too. I think Hanukkah is cool.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (KZzsI)

I've wished many Jewish people a Happy Hannukah, despite not being Jewish. It's going to be Hannukah whether I celebrate it or not, and I wish the best for my friends.

They just don't understand that we don't hate each other. Christianity and Judaism have largely reconciled, while the Left has gone further into the rabhithole of antisemitism.

Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est at December 17, 2019 11:23 AM (J+mig)

131 The remainder of the world may either join us or go shit in their hat.

No hats required!

Posted by: The Streets Dept. of San Francisco at December 17, 2019 11:23 AM (EYsyU)

132 "Life coach?"

Sounds like a racket.

Posted by: JoeF. at December 17, 2019 11:23 AM (CqE5x)

133 Having white lights on the tree is cause for reflection.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at December 17, 2019 11:23 AM (GP3/4)

134 Bah humbug!

Posted by: Insomniac at December 17, 2019 11:23 AM (NWiLs)

135 108 Also something I learned this weekend...Wreaths Across America had gotten into trouble in the past for putting "Christmas wreaths" on graves of Jewish veterans. Now no wreaths for Jews.

My father, OTOH, while not a Jew, a WWII combat infantry, Purple Heart and Bronze Star recipient, did not have a wreath when I stopped by to see him this weekend. Seems even cutting out the Jews, there's still not enough wreaths to go around.
Posted by: WTP at December 17, 2019 11:19 AM (66rlH)

We always take one to Dad this time of year.

The Vet cemetery where he is buried in California only places wreathes on about 1 in 20 graves normally.

Posted by: Don Q at December 17, 2019 11:23 AM (NgKpN)

136 Dammit to fuck, autocomplete. Well, if anyone didn't know my full name before, they do now. Lol.

Posted by: BCochran1981 at December 17, 2019 11:23 AM (9CkBG)

137 Because we ARE exceptional by virtue of being governed by a political system unique in history.



Being governed by despotic imbeciles isn't exactly unique.

Posted by: SMH at December 17, 2019 11:23 AM (RU4sa)

138 It's funny that now when you say, "some dude got his panties in wad.", that might be the actual truth.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at December 17, 2019 11:24 AM (1ISKN)

139 Kinda. I mean the birth represents Christ's perfect life and his resurrection the atoning death.


The birth represents God fulfilling His promise to us as prophesied by Isaiah.

His word that He sought Jews and Gentiles alike to enter into His presence.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at December 17, 2019 11:24 AM (YA914)

140 Okay, I"ll bite: if not divine, who is Jesus?

Posted by: KungPow at December 17, 2019 11:24 AM (bL9Sz)

141 Going to try for the Ribs Flambe again this year?
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (OaLGH)

I'm glad you said it so I didn't have to.

Posted by: bluebell at December 17, 2019 11:24 AM (/669Q)

I mean, heaven knows I like Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, but not every other day!
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing

Eine Kleine Middle Klasse Musik

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 17, 2019 11:24 AM (aKsyK)

143 Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 17, 2019 11:22 AM (WI7YS)

As kids my sibs and I used to love going out with our parents to drive around town and visit all the creches. There were so many of them even in our little city. Nearly every church had one.

Now that's just a half-forgotten memory.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 11:25 AM (H9cB7)

144 Well, if anyone didn't know my full name before, they do now. Lol.
Posted by: BCochran1981 at December 17, 2019 11:23 AM (9CkBG)

I always assumed it was Bartholomew.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Purveyor of Locally Sourced artisinal Hogwash at December 17, 2019 11:25 AM (xPJvm)

145 Born in the Spring, we know that. Guess what genius, not every president was born on President's day. And only someone utterly ignorant of history and literature would even suggest Jesus was not a real person.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:20 AM (KZzsI)

Iirc tradition is he was conceived in Spring(on Easter) and the day of his birth is marked as 9 months after that.

Posted by: Someguy at December 17, 2019 11:25 AM (7nTlT)

146 Chuck is a jew?
Posted by: Cannibal Bob

You dint know dat ?

That's like someone asking "Cannibal's a carnivore ?"

Posted by: JT at December 17, 2019 11:25 AM (arJlL)

147 106
Opinion | We Are Republicans, and We Want Trump Defeated - The New York Times
Conway's Husband, The Dick with Ears THERickWilson, Steve Schmidt * others
Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit

Wow! Not sure how Trump survives this. Gonna be a short night. It's all over. etc...

This will have all the impact of a fart in a hurricane. Well, maybe Congressman Nukem' farting would get noticed in a hurricane.

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 17, 2019 11:25 AM (vN4+Q)

148 85. I don't think the Jewish guests even cared. This was the unilateral decision of a blond, blue eyed soiboi.

Posted by: kallisto at December 17, 2019 11:25 AM (S44lC)

149 96 Had some twit on Facebook who was pissed about Merry Christmas not being inclusive to those not Christian ask, "What if a Jew said Happy Hanukkah" to you? I said I'd reply back, "Happy Hanukkah". Why wouldn't I

Well yeah, I want them to have a happy day, too. I think Hanukkah is cool.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (KZzsI)

Judas Maccabeus was a bad ass.

Posted by: josephistan at December 17, 2019 11:25 AM (Izzlo)

150 Posted by: KungPow at December 17, 2019 11:24 AM (bL9Sz)

We're not REALLY going to have this argument here, are we? Bah humbug!

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 17, 2019 11:25 AM (WI7YS)

151 "Last Christmas at my husband's life coach sister's..."

Believe I've identified the initial problem here.

Posted by: Boxx Culvert, Man about Town at December 17, 2019 11:25 AM (wmfhQ)

152 B Cochran! MERRY CHRISTMAS! How's the shoulder?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 17, 2019 11:26 AM (ptqGC)

153 Going to try for the Ribs Flambe again this year?

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (OaLGH)

You bastards never forget anything.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 17, 2019 11:26 AM (wYseH)

154 Our town has a religious sign. Some Freedon from Repligion wipe from KANSAS claimed he was oppressed when he drove through on the interstate and demanded it be pulled down. We did not accommodate him.

Posted by: Richard McEnroe at December 17, 2019 11:26 AM (ABuva)

155 73
I was at an audiophile Christmas party. They were taking requests in
order to showcase their top shelf components, so I asked to hear Dino's '
Christmas Blues'. He said he couldn't play that in deference to our
Jewish guests. Me: 'Do you know who wrote White Christmas?'

Posted by: kallisto at December 17, 2019 11:15 AM (S44lC)

And Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

Posted by: MWR, The Public Intellectual (aka Beth) at December 17, 2019 11:26 AM (rP4OC)

156 Guess what genius, not every president was born on President's day.


President's Day is the Worst.

Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 11:26 AM (sX1BW)

157 Our house is so pretty at Christmas time. Sad to take this down in a couple of weeks

Posted by: Victor Tango Kilo at December 17, 2019 11:26 AM (WGUm2)

158 "The Vet cemetery where he is buried in California only places wreathes on about 1 in 20 graves normally."

Sad. Not only myself, but many friends and relatives on FB were quite surprised to hear that there aren't enough wreaths to go around. Apparently if you go to the WAA site you can guarnantee that you're loved one gets a wreath. I think you have to donate $15 for this guarantee. Not sure about that. As the deed is done, I will make a donation next year for Dad and a few others as well.

Posted by: WTP at December 17, 2019 11:26 AM (66rlH)

159 "American exceptionalism"---and there, dear readers is the reason for the venom.

Because we ARE exceptional by virtue of being governed by a political system unique in history.

Thus we may embrace and celebrate Christianity, Christmas and the plethora of other virtues we embrace.

The remainder of the world may either join us or go shit in their hat.

Posted by: irongrampa at December 17, 2019 11:21 AM (KATBx)

In other words, America, fuck yeah.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at December 17, 2019 11:26 AM (9Om/r)

160 Dammit to fuck, autocomplete. Well, if anyone didn't know my full name before, they do now. Lol.

Posted by: BCochran1981

No worries! Everybody knows your secret carrotchili shame, anyhow...

Posted by: Brother Cavil
Democrats, Media, and Deep State: Hostis Humani Generis
at December 17, 2019 11:26 AM (Rvlwi)

161 Posted by: BCochran1981 at December 17, 2019 11:23 AM (9CkBG)

BC! Haven't seen you around in a dog's age! How have you been?

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at December 17, 2019 11:26 AM (Ki5SV)

162 140 Okay, I"ll bite: if not divine, who is Jesus?
Posted by: KungPow at December 17, 2019 11:24 AM (bL9Sz)

A righteous dude who could look directly into your soul and give you a dose of the good medicine.

Posted by: Balrog of Morgoth at December 17, 2019 11:26 AM (CLteG)

163 people killed in religious conflicts in absolutely dwarfed by those murdered by their own governments

Nope, duh Prophet comes in 1st by double at least.

Posted by: DaveA at December 17, 2019 11:27 AM (FhXTo)

164 "Opinion | We Are Republicans, and We Want Trump Defeated - The New York Times
Conway's Husband, The Dick with Ears THERickWilson, Steve Schmidt * others"

talk about a shitty appeal to authority. Wow.

Posted by: Boxx Culvert, Man about Town at December 17, 2019 11:27 AM (wmfhQ)

165 Trump and Boris, they are not blonde. They have gone super saiyan.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at December 17, 2019 11:27 AM (92HT0)

166 I was at an audiophile Christmas party. They were taking requests in
order to showcase their top shelf components, so I asked to hear Dino's '
Christmas Blues'. He said he couldn't play that in deference to our
Jewish guests. Me: 'Do you know who wrote White Christmas?'

Posted by: kallisto at December 17, 2019 11:15 AM (S44lC)

And Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.


Most Christians I know would have no problem with playing Dradle Dradle Dradle

Or Sandler's Hannakua Song

Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 11:27 AM (sX1BW)

167 Okay, I"ll bite: if not divine, who is Jesus?

Said John Waters planning his new Christmas movie.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 17, 2019 11:27 AM (U+yse)

168 Okay, I"ll bite: if not divine, who is Jesus?


According to Netflix, just another gay dude.

Posted by: SMH at December 17, 2019 11:28 AM (RU4sa)

169 Judas Maccabeus was a bad ass.
Posted by: josephistan at December 17, 2019 11:25 AM (Izzlo)

And an important figure in our Judeo Christian culture.

Posted by: DR.WTF at December 17, 2019 11:28 AM (aS1PU)

170 Iirc tradition is he was conceived in Spring(on Easter) and the day of his birth is marked as 9 months after that.

Lambs out in the fields, that puts it down as Christmas. Also, this incredibly compelling piece of astronomy:

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:28 AM (KZzsI)

171 If someone tell you "Merry Christmas" and you're offended then the problem lies with you.

Posted by: Guzalot at December 17, 2019 11:28 AM (prSvo)

172 Go look up the Islamic invasion into India. Fucking bloodbath.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at December 17, 2019 11:28 AM (GP3/4)

173 I'm with you CBD. I always say "Merry Christmas" this time of the year.
Sometimes the leftists will give me a dirty look or sneer but not a single one has ever said a thing back. Physical size can do that.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserios at December 17, 2019 11:28 AM (pw+jk)

174 Or Sandler's Hannakua Song

Mind still blown that Kirk is a Jew.

Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 11:28 AM (M0u+N)

175 Er spring, sorry not Christmas. Early spring is when the lambs come. Also very symbolic

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:29 AM (KZzsI)

176 I come back to a theological discussion.

I'm no good with these.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 11:29 AM (q80AH)

177 I always assumed it was Bartholomew.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, Purveyor of Locally Sourced artisinal Hogwash at December 17, 2019 11:25 AM (xPJvm)


Posted by: bluebell at December 17, 2019 11:29 AM (/669Q)

178 Does the Freedom From Religion Foundation actually do anything that benefits people other than their aggrieved members with their stupid lawsuits? I was at the local Food Pantry today. They had 15 carts of donations from one Sunday from the local RC Church. Where were the donations from the Freedom of Religion Foundation?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 17, 2019 11:29 AM (WI7YS)

179 A new USA Today/Suffolk Univ poll was released at 5pm yesterday.

Even though it's RV's, not LV's, it shows Trump leading all DEMs. Biden is closest at -2 points.

This poll seems to be being widely ignored. I can guess why, I think.

RAS is 48/49 today, btw. One point better than Zero on the corresponding date in 2011. RE: 2020 v. 2012: Trump may sell get an opponent as pathetic as Romney was.

Posted by: mnw at December 17, 2019 11:29 AM (Cssks)

180 Coming back to the 737 piece in the MoRe - that's pretty much nonsense.

What drove the 737MAX design? Fuel $$$.

Yeah, okay, your press people can spin a reduction in CO2 from the reduction in fuel burn per seat mile, but really, it's all about the benjamins.

Let's look at what really happened here: Boeing made a hugely shortsighted decision to continue growing the 737 in order to please Southwest rather than coming up with a new airframe and new systems that'd actually be competitive with the A320 family.

Boeing killed the 757 without a real replacement, and airlines are buying the longer-range A320 models for those medium-load transcontinental runs.

The 737 has been stretched and fattened beyond any sane calculation, and Boeing's going to be paying for that for a decade.

Posted by: JEM at December 17, 2019 11:29 AM (8erNz)

181 173 I'm with you CBD. I always say "Merry Christmas" this time of the year.
Sometimes the leftists will give me a dirty look or sneer but not a single one has ever said a thing back. Physical size can do that.
Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserios at December 17, 2019 11:28 AM (pw+jk)


Say "Happy Christmas".

It's European, so it could case even more confusion.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 11:30 AM (q80AH)

182 >>Okay, I"ll bite: if not divine, who is Jesus?

Just some guy who used to hang around golgotha.

Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 11:30 AM (zOZae)

183 117- that is the perfect answer to Christmas deniers.
If it's just another day, why aren't they at work?

I"m sorry your SIL and her spawn are intolerant assholes Jane. Does saying such things makethem feel better about themselves? Or do they get a thrill mocking someone else's beliefs?

Jane D'Oh, you are too good.

Posted by: vivi at December 17, 2019 11:30 AM (11H2y)

184 According to Netflix, just another gay dude.

We finally got fed up and dumped Netflix over that. Talk about a pointless, stupid, and cowardly spit in the face.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:30 AM (KZzsI)

185 179 A new USA Today/Suffolk Univ poll was released at 5pm yesterday.

Even though it's RV's, not LV's, it shows Trump leading all DEMs. Biden is closest at -2 points.

This poll seems to be being widely ignored. I can guess why, I think.

RAS is 48/49 today, btw. One point better than Zero on the corresponding date in 2011. RE: 2020 v. 2012: Trump may sell get an opponent as pathetic as Romney was.
Posted by: mnw at December 17, 2019 11:29 AM (Cssks)


Trump will have his pick of opponents as pathetic as Romney.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 11:30 AM (q80AH)

186 165
Trump and Boris, they are not blonde. They have gone super saiyan.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at December 17, 2019 11:27 AM (92HT0)

*golf clap*

Posted by: MWR, The Public Intellectual (aka Beth) at December 17, 2019 11:30 AM (rP4OC)

187 "and from my perspective Jesus is not divine." ...

There is that silly leftist argument that Jesus was an illegal alien immigrant, but in a sense they are half right. The seed in Mary was "alien" since it came from (was created by) God (JC's body/soul Father). That gave Jesus 23 "perfect" chromosomes with a lot of Dominant genetics. (but he was not Baby God, Mary was not the mother of God).

Jesus also is called "the second Adam" ... since the rest of us have been burdened with sin nature blood from Adam (with some Neanderthal mixed in). But JC decided to obey his Father's will, rather than his own, and he rejected all the temptations ... so "tis the season to be jolly".

As I understand it, "Judaism" still does anticipate (hope for) a prophet/savior ... but does not expect he will be "Divine, God in the flesh". I could be wrong on that, and there may not be one consensus view, idk.

Posted by: illiniwek at December 17, 2019 11:30 AM (Cus5s)

188 'Do you know who wrote White Christmas?

Josef Goebbels?

Posted by: Millenial at December 17, 2019 11:30 AM (iys0/)

189 149 96 Had some twit on Facebook who was pissed about Merry Christmas not being inclusive to those not Christian ask, "What if a Jew said Happy Hanukkah" to you? I said I'd reply back, "Happy Hanukkah". Why wouldn't I

Well yeah, I want them to have a happy day, too. I think Hanukkah is cool.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (KZzsI)

Judas Maccabeus was a bad ass.

Posted by: josephistan at December 17, 2019 11:25 AM (Izzlo) I

I didn't know it was related to that set until just now. A little ironic since I think the modern denominations of Judaism do not incorporate the Maccabees(books).

Posted by: Someguy at December 17, 2019 11:30 AM (7nTlT)


Sales of tobacco products to anyone under 21 would be banned under a year-end congressional spending bill likely to pass this week, congressional staffers said Monday.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 17, 2019 11:30 AM (aKsyK)

191 Nope, duh Prophet comes in 1st by double at least.
Posted by: DaveA

Show your work troll.

Posted by: Guzalot at December 17, 2019 11:31 AM (prSvo)

192 "Mind still blown that Kirk is a Jew."

Whenever I hear children's Christian songs like "Away In a Manger" or "Jesus Loves Me", I imagine them being word-spoke by William Shatner. It's a problem that I have.

Posted by: WTP at December 17, 2019 11:31 AM (66rlH)

193 my husband's life coach sister's,

Life coach. Because lifing is hard.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 17, 2019 11:31 AM (+y/Ru)

194 American exceptionalism"---and there, dear readers is the reason for the venom.

Because we ARE exceptional by virtue of being governed by a political system unique in history.

Thus we may embrace and celebrate Christianity, Christmas and the plethora of other virtues we embrace.

The remainder of the world may either join us or go shit in their hat.
Posted by: irongrampa at December 17, 2019 11:21 AM (KATBx)

Amen to that.

A lot of Lefties can't seem to separate the idea of exceptionalism and supremacism .

The difference is that exceptionalism is a rejection of supremacism. We are not a better grade of apple. We are an orange.

We are not born better, we do not have magic dirt.

What makes us different from every other nation in the world is our full embrace of the rights of the individual, flowing from a higher source than mere government.

The idea that anything higher than government is still heretical to most of the world, though Liberty has been shining her torch outward for centuries now.

Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est at December 17, 2019 11:31 AM (J+mig)

195 Judas Maccabeus was a bad ass.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 17, 2019 11:31 AM (U+yse)

196 182 >>Okay, I"ll bite: if not divine, who is Jesus?

Just some guy who used to hang around golgotha.
Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 11:30 AM (zOZae)

And after a night of boozing it up with his unemployed friends.

Posted by: Roy at December 17, 2019 11:31 AM (cspJy)

197 Going to try for the Ribs Flambe again this year?

Posted by: blake

You bastards never forget anything.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

Forget? We write shit down.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 11:31 AM (aMV0K)

198 >>Sales of tobacco products to anyone under 21 would be banned under a year-end congressional spending bill likely to pass this week, congressional staffers said Monday.

Raise the fucking voting age to 21.

Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 11:31 AM (zOZae)

199 I mentioned this on JJ's thread this morning.

On Sunday during the sermon, sunlight coming through a window of our church lit up the star over our church's creche. Gradually, the beam of light traveled over the faces of the wise men and shepherd, and eventually fell on Baby Jesus. It was beautiful. Son pulled out his phone and took a picture of it.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 17, 2019 11:32 AM (ptqGC)

200 174 Or Sandler's Hannakua Song

Mind still blown that Kirk is a Jew.
Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 11:28 AM (M0u+N)

I saw Shatner do a live show a few years ago, and he said that he was involved in acting since high school, and when he told his mom that he got a part in the school play as a Jewish husband, his mom told him to march right back to the theater & tell the director you want a speaking part!

Posted by: josephistan at December 17, 2019 11:32 AM (Izzlo)

Do you know who wrote White Christmas?

Whitey Whitney

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 17, 2019 11:32 AM (aKsyK)

202 'Do you know who wrote White Christmas?

Josef Goebbels?

It certainly wasn't the Aliens. They're awful.

Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 11:32 AM (M0u+N)

203 If some idiot says happy kwanzaa or whatever formulation they invented for that stupid failed holiday I'd tell them Merry Christmas back, though. Not gonna endorse that stupid psychotic lie.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:32 AM (KZzsI)

204 Go look up the Islamic invasion into India. Fucking bloodbath.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory

Otherwise known as "why I don't GAF about the Rohingyas".

Posted by: Brother Cavil
Democrats, Media, and Deep State: Hostis Humani Generis
at December 17, 2019 11:32 AM (Rvlwi)

205 Sales of tobacco products to anyone under 21 would be banned under a year-end congressional spending bill likely to pass this week, congressional staffers said Monday.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.

But pot is totes ok.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 11:33 AM (aMV0K)

206 Why the Left Doesn't Like Christmas


And yet they want the holiday off.

Funny, that.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - I support medically approved diets for anorexics who are trapped in fat girls' bodies at December 17, 2019 11:33 AM (6aW5L)

207 >>Just some guy who used to hang around golgotha.

Nailed it.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 17, 2019 11:33 AM (ZLI7S)

208 Sales of tobacco products to anyone under 21 would be banned under a year-end congressional spending bill likely to pass this week, congressional staffers said Monday.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 17, 2019 11:30 AM (aKsyK)


Gonna be some upset troops.

Imagine being old enough to die in war, but not to smoke a cig.


Posted by: SMH at December 17, 2019 11:33 AM (RU4sa)

209 Heavy rumor in Washington is that Democrat organizations and individuals like Soros have made substantial financial promises to Democrats in districts that voted for Trump to secure their vote for impeachment.

Can you say "quid pro quo"? Money over the citizens will?

Posted by: Hesco Gypsy at December 17, 2019 11:33 AM (m/eiQ)

210 Sales of tobacco products to anyone under 21 would be banned under a year-end congressional spending bill likely to pass this week, congressional staffers said Monday.

Because that's easily discovered in the constitution. The "do it for the children" clause.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:33 AM (KZzsI)

211 MP4 and Jane!

Shoulder Surgery #3 was almost 6 weeks ago. Turns out there was all kinds of fraying/floaters/cartilage fuckery going on in there that didn't show on the MRIs. So hopefully this finally makes it usable. It's doing pretty well so far.

Truthfully, been a rough year. Some of it just situational, some of it my fault. Doing my best to clean up my own messes. Other folks messes? Well. Those I'll just have to ignore.

Posted by: BCochran1981 at December 17, 2019 11:33 AM (9CkBG)

212 Sales of tobacco products to anyone under 21


Tobacco products like products not containing tobacco?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - I support medically approved diets for anorexics who are trapped in fat girls' bodies at December 17, 2019 11:34 AM (6aW5L)

213 209 Heavy rumor in Washington is that Democrat organizations and individuals like Soros have made substantial financial promises to Democrats in districts that voted for Trump to secure their vote for impeachment.

Can you say "quid pro quo"? Money over the citizens will?
Posted by: Hesco Gypsy at December 17, 2019 11:33 AM (m/eiQ)


How about foreign interference in our elections?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 11:34 AM (q80AH)

214 189 149 96 Had some twit on Facebook who was pissed about Merry Christmas not being inclusive to those not Christian ask, "What if a Jew said Happy Hanukkah" to you? I said I'd reply back, "Happy Hanukkah". Why wouldn't I

Well yeah, I want them to have a happy day, too. I think Hanukkah is cool.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:18 AM (KZzsI)

Judas Maccabeus was a bad ass.

Posted by: josephistan at December 17, 2019 11:25 AM (Izzlo) I

I didn't know it was related to that set until just now. A little ironic since I think the modern denominations of Judaism do not incorporate the Maccabees(books).
Posted by: Someguy at December 17, 2019 11:30 AM (7nTlT)

1 & 2nd Maccabees are only in the Catholic Bible - (maybe Orthodox too?)

Posted by: josephistan at December 17, 2019 11:34 AM (Izzlo)

215 >>Sales of tobacco products to anyone under 21 would be banned under a year-end congressional spending bill likely to pass this week, congressional staffers said Monday.

Raise the fucking voting age to 21.


Might as well raise the military recruitment age while we are at it. If we are going to treat them like kids, then lets prevent them from dying in our wars.

Honestly, the argument for raising the recruitment age is much sounder than the argument for raising the tobacco age.

Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 11:34 AM (sX1BW)

216 Posted by: MWR, The Public Intellectual (aka Beth) at December 17, 2019 11:17 AM (rP4OC)
Very well stated, Beth.

There aren't many Jews around here, but I have two Jewish friends. I say "Happy Hanukkah" to them and they say "Merry Christmas" to me. They both love Christmas festivities and roll their eyes at the idea that celebrating Christmas is "non-inclusive."

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis at December 17, 2019 11:34 AM (sWM8x)

217 I'm pretty sure we're going to go back to winter solstice celebrations soon.

Posted by: TexasDan at December 17, 2019 11:34 AM (yL25O)

218 The fact is that Christianity has been a huge driver of Western political philosophy,

Exactly. The left's war on Christmas is part of their bigger war on all of Western Civilization. Attack and destroy Western religion from the inside and out and the same with traditions and institutions

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 17, 2019 11:34 AM (kw5n8)

219 The Babylon Bee piece about Santa accused of "quid pro quo" for expecting good behavior for gifts was very funny.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at December 17, 2019 11:34 AM (H8QX8)

Posted by: Joe Biden at December 17, 2019 11:34 AM (6VO15)

221 Truthfully, been a rough year. Some of it just
situational, some of it my fault. Doing my best to clean up my own
messes. Other folks messes? Well. Those I'll just have to ignore.

Posted by: BCochran1981 at December 17, 2019 11:33 AM (9CkBG)

I'll keep you in my prayers. {{hug}}

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 17, 2019 11:35 AM (ptqGC)

222 Nailed it.

Too soon, bro.

Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 11:35 AM (M0u+N)

223 >>Shoulder Surgery #3 was almost 6 weeks ago.

Shit man, sorry to hear that.


Who is gonna grate the carrots for the Christmas Chili?

Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 11:35 AM (zOZae)

224 Okay, I"ll bite: if not divine, who is Jesus??

Some delinquent who threw a riot in the Temple.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 17, 2019 11:35 AM (+y/Ru)

225 In before the great fruitcake debate.

Posted by: Count de Monet at December 17, 2019 11:35 AM (q1Pj5)

226 217 I'm pretty sure we're going to go back to winter solstice celebrations soon.
Posted by: TexasDan at December 17, 2019 11:34 AM (yL25O)

Complete with human sacrifices

Posted by: josephistan at December 17, 2019 11:36 AM (Izzlo)

227 Who is gonna grate the carrots for the Christmas Chili?


Oh boy, here we go.

Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 11:36 AM (sX1BW)

228 Religion of any kind must be stamped out, in order to cultivate utter obedience and subservience to "the state" or government.

That's why the pinch faced barren hags outlaw the Easter Bunny.

Now one would think, a similar abhorrence of Islam and Moslems would prevail, logically speaking. Haven't quite squared that circle. Gloria Steinem should be screaming about the illegal alien migrant invasion, and pointing out that Islam is utterly and completely incompatible with a free and open democratic western secular society.

Certainly something much more malign and wicked is going on here. We can still embrace the power of "And"... but it is remarkable.

One observation, removing those judeo-christian foundations from law and culture, something has to, or will, replace it.

So far, nothing much encouraging on that score. Yeah, I'm no choir boy, not a very churchy kinda guy, but recognize a just and moral society is not negotiable, or horrible, horrible chaos ensues. I can't figure out why it takes 5,000 years for even the dimmest bulbs to figure that out. Oh well.

Posted by: Common Tater at December 17, 2019 11:36 AM (hptIz)

229 Schiff wanted to include an article of impeachment (due to the timing) against the King of Kings for abuse of power when He tore up the temple and chased everyone out.

Posted by: Roy at December 17, 2019 11:36 AM (cspJy)

230 Nope, duh Prophet comes in 1st by double at least.

Posted by: DaveA


Show your work troll.

Posted by: Guzalot

Read carefully.

Mohamed - ~250m, Marx - ~100m

Posted by: DaveA at December 17, 2019 11:37 AM (FhXTo)

231 As I understand it, "Judaism" still does anticipate
(hope for) a prophet/savior ... but does not expect he will be "Divine,
God in the flesh". I could be wrong on that, and there may not be one
consensus view, idk.

Posted by: illiniwek at December 17, 2019 11:30 AM (Cus5s)

Correct. Although there are outliers who believe they know who it will be.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 17, 2019 11:37 AM (wYseH)

232 What is this winter solstice deal? My progressive relative always talking about it.

I asked him if there are still Nativity scenes permitted in Berkeley. No response.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at December 17, 2019 11:37 AM (H8QX8)

233 208: SMH, complete totalitarian, bullshit. Good thing those commie cocksuckers have everything else fixed.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at December 17, 2019 11:37 AM (KP5rU)

234 Christmas is TOTALLY miraculous and that's why it is totally hated by the left:

What one event shaped history and civilization more than this birth? We even denoted time by it, except until recently when lefties don't want to mention God, so they won't say, " AD and BC."

At the time that Christianity took hold in Ancient Rome there was a myriad of religious cults, yet it was Christianity which flourished. How many people have shown and attributed positive change in their life to finding Jesus? Ever hear anybody say, "Oh, yeah, my life was a mess and then Mithras gave me meaning!" Yeah, me neither.

The Gospel of Luke has the Angels telling the SHEPHERDS first...the lowly working man got the news before the mighty Kings! ( the left hates common folk/the working stiff)

The entire host of Angels paid respect to a baby! ( we KNOW the left hates babies...and innocence and good)

Christmas reminds us that Christian and Jews are connected as brethren - ( everybody there at the first Christmas was a Jew!) and we sadly know how the left feels about Jews.

So for everything that the left hates about Christmas, I love it even more! Bring on the Salvation Army bell-ringers, the hope in salvation and hope in mankind that comes with the season, the warmth of kindness and happiness that bubbles up at Christmas and mostly, bring on the exploding heads of leftards everywhere!

Merry Christmas!

Posted by: RondinellaMamma at December 17, 2019 11:37 AM (8/7u2)

235 I watched a pretty funny YT vid on the "worst Hallmark-type Christmas Movie Ever."

They went Hallmark knockoff because what could be worse than a Hallmark Christmas movie than a bad knock-off?

The winner was a fascinatingly weird item called "The Christmas Mail" and right from the awful pun in the title you know just how bad it's going to be.

It's so bad it's good. I especially like the fact that it was obviously filmed in SoCal yet everyone walks around in mittens and scarves with green grass and leaves on the trees. No budget for faux sneaux.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 11:37 AM (H9cB7)

236 Thanks, CBD, and Merry Christmas

Posted by: Jeffersonian at December 17, 2019 11:38 AM (yX3gx)

237 From Bilbo's point of view, every dwarf is a tall dwarf.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at December 17, 2019 11:38 AM (92HT0)

238 I'm pretty sure we're going to go back to winter solstice celebrations soon.
Posted by: TexasDan

I am not dancing around a pole nekkid.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 11:38 AM (aMV0K)

239 18 year olds are not suited for our modern rules of engagement which are focused on some leftist notion of legality rather than traditional notions of winning.

It's not my preference, but until those change, 18 & 19 year olds should not be put into such situations.

Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 11:38 AM (sX1BW)

240 Shit man, sorry to hear that.


Who is gonna grate the carrots for the Christmas Chili?
Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 11:35 AM (zOZae)

Yeah. Torn labrum fixed in Sept 2016. Biceps tenodesis (they cut loose your biceps tendon from the shoulder and reattach it to the top of your humerus.) in August 2018. Now the "clean out" back in early Nov.

Duh. Your mom.

Posted by: BCochran1981 at December 17, 2019 11:38 AM (9CkBG)

241 That 250 million due to Mohamhead could be a low figure.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at December 17, 2019 11:38 AM (GP3/4)

242 Mohamed - ~250m, Marx - ~100m
Posted by: DaveA at December 17, 2019 11:37 AM (FhXTo)

And the RoP keeps running up the score.

Posted by: Roy at December 17, 2019 11:39 AM (cspJy)

243 55
At this point I'd rather Christmas just went away. Its been corrupted
into a crapfest of commercialism and lousy songs about a fat elf

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:12 AM (KZzsI)

What on earth am I to do with all of these cookies?

Posted by: washrivergal at December 17, 2019 11:39 AM (XtntB)

244 "...Merry Christmas"

Posted by: Jeffersonian at December 17, 2019 11:38 AM (yX3gx)

And Merry Christmas to you too!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 17, 2019 11:39 AM (wYseH)

245 Duh. Your mom.

Posted by: BCochran1981 at December 17, 2019 11:38 AM (9CkBG)

Uh-oh. And that's when the fight started.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 17, 2019 11:39 AM (ptqGC)

246 >>Yeah. Torn labrum fixed in Sept 2016. Biceps tenodesis (they cut loose your biceps tendon from the shoulder and reattach it to the top of your humerus.) in August 2018. Now the "clean out" back in early Nov.

You should probably get a lighter toaster.

Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 11:39 AM (zOZae)

247 >>The left has stopped schools from calling Christmas vacations by that
name -- the name schools called them throughout American history until
the last couple of decades.


Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at December 17, 2019 11:40 AM (bDqIh)

248 Jane, I don't know how you can sit through all that - God bless you. Your nephew's stupid remark - "if He was born at all" - well, nothing like a little sacrilege on Christmas. I would have been tempted to ask if he had ever read a history book. You don't have to believe Jesus is God to know that He actually lived here on earth.

I know you do it to keep the peace with your MIL. God love you - I think my head would explode.

Posted by: bluebell at December 17, 2019 11:40 AM (/669Q)

249 yeshar koach
I also always say Merry Christmas

Posted by: Dr Strangelove at December 17, 2019 11:40 AM (kSq2k)

250 OT:

I'm torn about this weekend's movie thread.

I've had an idea for a thread about coincidence and it's place in drama for a while, but then I watched Home Alone again recently and decided that it would be the perfect vehicle for the idea. And, since this weekend is the last weekend before Christmas, it would fit with the season.

On the other hand...Star Wars is coming out on Friday. Everyone's gonna talk about it anyway, and it'll drive more clicks to Ace's blog and put more pennies in his pocket.

I think I'm resigned to writing about Star Wars.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 11:40 AM (q80AH)

251 Best Babylon related take on the Bible recently was: "Planned Parenthood gives lifetime achievement award to King Herod."

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 17, 2019 11:40 AM (WI7YS)

252 CBD: "I love being a Jew, I will never convert (but give it a shot...I like to chat about religion)"

I love this sentiment.

As a Christian, it's my job (per the Great Commission), to preach the Word around the world. I'm humble enough to realize, however, that I'm never going to argue someone into Christianity (or, from my perspective, the Kingdom of God). If I ever did, there will always be a better debater that will argue someone out of it. That being said, I love to talk with people about why they believe what they do, and I think it's sad that some may think that I may hate them because we have different beliefs. It's my job to love people, no matter what, just as Christ did.

What I can do, however, is act, in my daily life, like Christ changed me. I have found that a life lived in that way does more to show people that Christ is real than anything else. After that, I have to believe that a revelation will come to people that shows them the Way.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at December 17, 2019 11:40 AM (m2EfB)

253 I'm waiting for Netflix to do a homosexual Muhammad movie.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:40 AM (KZzsI)

254 Merry Christmas to all.

Posted by: parker at December 17, 2019 11:40 AM (mmH7U)

255 I am not dancing around a pole nekkid.
Posted by: rickb223


Hey! You're a Moron. Act like it!

Posted by: Tonypete at December 17, 2019 11:40 AM (Y4EXg)

256 Truthfully, been a rough year. Some of it just situational, some of it my fault. Doing my best to clean up my own messes. Other folks messes? Well. Those I'll just have to ignore.
Posted by: BCochran1981 at December 17, 2019 11:33 AM (9CkBG)

I can sympathize with that. I was mentioning that I need to do a complete reboot of my life, mentally and physically. My main goals for 2020 are:
- lose some weight
- stop brooding and get a positive (or as near as I can get) attitude
- really cut down drinking
- finish my book
- write a screenplay

I need to flesh all of that out and make a "battle plan," as it were. The hardest one is going to be the attitude shift. That will be a bitch and a half.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at December 17, 2019 11:40 AM (Ki5SV)

257 Anyone know of a children's book that tells the story of Hannukah? There are plenty of books that tell how it is celebrated but I couldn;t find one that tells of the Maccabees.

Posted by: sharon at December 17, 2019 11:41 AM (QzF6i)


Oh this is gorgeous. 750 more people to disregard.

Posted by: JEM at December 17, 2019 11:41 AM (8erNz)

259 I've had an idea for a thread about coincidence and it's place in drama for a while, but then I watched Home Alone again recently and decided that it would be the perfect vehicle for the idea. And, since this weekend is the last weekend before Christmas, it would fit with the season.

Strangely nobody claims Home Alone is a Christmas movie despite it being set in December. Or Lethal Weapon.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:41 AM (KZzsI)

260 Not putting pants on for Christmas.

Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 11:41 AM (M0u+N)

261 I actually have a feeling akin to CBD's, about Judaism. I live in a neighborhood fairly close to an Orthodox synagogue. On Friday evenings, (or High Holy Days) I often see them walking to their services. (Many are Russian, and they still wear distinctive clothing.) This time of year, I am tempted to stop one and say "Thank you." After all, Jews are, from my point of view, the Christ-bearers.

Which reminds me, it's time to reread GKC's Everlasting Man. Or at least the God in the Cave chapter.

Posted by: Eeyore at December 17, 2019 11:41 AM (ZbwAu)

262 Whether you are a Jew or Gentile leftism is an invention of Satan and serves only him.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at December 17, 2019 11:41 AM (lyaJC)

263 At this point I'd rather Christmas just went away. Its been corrupted

into a crapfest of commercialism and lousy songs about a fat elf

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:12 AM (KZzsI)

Merry Christmas, my friend!

Posted by: Snoopy and thre Red Baron at Christmas, The Guardsmen at December 17, 2019 11:41 AM (q1Pj5)

264 What I can do, however, is act, in my daily life, like Christ changed me. I have found that a life lived in that way does more to show people that Christ is real than anything else. After that, I have to believe that a revelation will come to people that shows them the Way.
Posted by: Darrell Harris at December 17, 2019 11:40 AM (m2EfB)

also, pray for them to see.

Posted by: Roy at December 17, 2019 11:41 AM (cspJy)

265 Just some guy who used to hang around golgotha.

Nailed it.
Posted by: JackStraw at December 17, 2019 11:33 AM (ZLI7S)
did You Morons ever Hear WASP 's Golgotha, If the video and Lyrics don't make you tear up you are dead, Man Blackie Lawless has done a complete 180

Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at December 17, 2019 11:41 AM (BqBId)

I make a point of trying not to get embroiled in any discussion about Christmas with leftwits.

Someone will get leveled, and it won't be yours truly.

So we don't go down that path.

Posted by: irongrampa at December 17, 2019 11:41 AM (KATBx)

267 I know you do it to keep the peace with your MIL. God love you - I think my head would explode.
Posted by: bluebell

After you"cut a bitch", right ?

Posted by: JT at December 17, 2019 11:41 AM (arJlL)

268 Next up in the queue, the Netflix film on how Buddha was a homosexual!

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:42 AM (KZzsI)

269 I think I'm resigned to writing about Star Wars.

I already feel the hate flowing through me.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at December 17, 2019 11:42 AM (iys0/)

270 My second favorite thing about NJ is that they pump your gas!

Posted by: kallisto at December 17, 2019 11:42 AM (S44lC)

271 259 I've had an idea for a thread about coincidence and it's place in drama for a while, but then I watched Home Alone again recently and decided that it would be the perfect vehicle for the idea. And, since this weekend is the last weekend before Christmas, it would fit with the season.

Strangely nobody claims Home Alone is a Christmas movie despite it being set in December. Or Lethal Weapon.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:41 AM (KZzsI)


Before I came upon the Home Alone idea, I was gonna write about Catch Me If You Can and how it's a perfect Christmas movie.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 11:42 AM (q80AH)

272 Don't know if it has come up yet in this thread, but IIRC the 4th of July was originally Independence Day. Funny how that was changed.

Posted by: davidt at December 17, 2019 11:42 AM (l3+k2)

273 I would have been tempted to ask if he had ever read a history book.


A punch in the face would be better.

Just to provoke his "clever" response about whether Jesus would do that.

Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 11:42 AM (sX1BW)

274 Kim Kardashian has tampons on her tree. I invented that but do I get any credit? Noooooooo! Dammit Bill, where's my wine?!

Posted by: Hillary of Chappaqua at December 17, 2019 11:42 AM (6VO15)

275 253-Meant Babylon Bee.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 17, 2019 11:42 AM (WI7YS)

276 These asswipes need to be told over and over. It's freedom OF religion. Not freedom FROM it. Nobody is making you be any religion nor forcing you to not be an atheist. Go for it. I mean, heck in this country you can identify as 3 different genders and nobody is throwing you in camps. K.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 17, 2019 11:42 AM (r7Fvf)

277 At the time that Christianity took hold in Ancient Rome there was a myriad of religious cults, yet it was Christianity which flourished. How many people have shown and attributed positive change in their life to finding Jesus? Ever hear anybody say, "Oh, yeah, my life was a mess and then Mithras gave me meaning!" Yeah, me neither. . . .

Merry Christmas!
Posted by: RondinellaMamma at December 17, 2019


Well, maybe "Hail Mithras" is heard among soldiers. In 80 AD, so listen for it on your next time travel jaunt.

Mithraism held sway and competed with Christianity for quite a while. But it was a male-only club, primarily aimed at soldiers, and you had to be initiated. Whereas Christianity not only accepted women, it encouraged all its adherents to tell everybody about it and their conversion. No religion could stand a chance as a world-wide faith if it excluded half the human race.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at December 17, 2019 11:42 AM (Ejm1K)

278 Merry Christmas!
Posted by: RondinellaMamma at December 17, 2019 11:37 AM (8/7u2)

Beautiful comment, RondinellaMamma! Buon Natale!

Posted by: bluebell at December 17, 2019 11:43 AM (/669Q)

279 253 I'm waiting for Netflix to do a homosexual Muhammad movie.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:40 AM (KZzsI)

Starring Barack Obama

Posted by: Balrog of Morgoth at December 17, 2019 11:43 AM (CLteG)

280 233 As I understand it, "Judaism" still does anticipate
(hope for) a prophet/savior ... but does not expect he will be "Divine,
God in the flesh". I could be wrong on that, and there may not be one
consensus view, idk.
Posted by: illiniwek at December 17, 2019 11:30 AM (Cus5s)
Correct. Although there are outliers who believe they know who it will be.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 17, 2019 11:37 AM (wYseH)

I have a friend here, a rabbi, who jokes with his Christian friends that if he sees the Messiah, his very first question will be "Now tell me, is this your first visit or your second?"

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 17, 2019 11:43 AM (Kpl3J)

281 231 As I understand it, "Judaism" still does anticipate
(hope for) a prophet/savior ... but does not expect he will be "Divine,
God in the flesh". I could be wrong on that, and there may not be one
consensus view, idk.

Posted by: illiniwek at December 17, 2019 11:30 AM (Cus5s)

Correct. Although there are outliers who believe they know who it will be.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 17, 2019 11:37 AM (wYseH)

Kind of related to Christians that claim to know when Jesus is coming back.

Posted by: rhennigantx at December 17, 2019 11:43 AM (JFO2v)

282 Posted by: RondinellaMamma at December 17, 2019 11:37 AM (8/7u2)

Nice post.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 17, 2019 11:43 AM (WI7YS)

283 I've always resented saying "Happy Holidays"

if I lived in Israel, I would not be offended at someone wishing me a "Happy Hanukkah". It's the predominant religion and it's not supposed to be hostile.

And something like 5% of the United States celebrates hanukkah

And CBD, you have a very healthy attitude about Christmas

Posted by: Blago at December 17, 2019 11:43 AM (sjTfF)

284 I thought it was pretty well established lambs in the field means it was NOT Christmas ... not winter. Equinox is why it was changed to Christmas, one of many compromises with the pagans. JC was born in the fall ... Sept 11th 3BC had some interesting stars aligned ... but there are a couple other dates also of interest.

Posted by: illiniwek at December 17, 2019 11:43 AM (Cus5s)

285 I'm Jewish and I love Christmas music, especially the religious pieces. With all the Jewish composers you'd think there'd be lovely Hanukkah music. There isn't, it's all dopey.

Posted by: CN at December 17, 2019 11:43 AM (U7k5w)

286 >>Kind of related to Christians that claim to know when Jesus is coming back.

...and this time, He's Pissed.

Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 11:44 AM (zOZae)

287 No religion could stand a chance as a world-wide faith if it excluded half the human race.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at December 17, 2019 11:42 AM (Ejm1K)

see also: Modern Feminism

Posted by: Roy at December 17, 2019 11:44 AM (cspJy)

288 Biceps tenodesis (they cut loose your biceps tendon from the shoulder and reattach it to the top of your humerus.
Had that done + debride the Arthritis in AC & Shoulder joint, Calcium deposits, Several Rotator Cuff Tears

Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at December 17, 2019 11:44 AM (BqBId)

289 286 >>Kind of related to Christians that claim to know when Jesus is coming back.

...and this time, He's Pissed.
Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 11:44 AM (zOZae)


Nothing like Gandhi II.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 11:44 AM (q80AH)

290 I think I'm resigned to writing about Star Wars.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison

Not a SW fan, but, do your thing, James Monroe !

Posted by: JT at December 17, 2019 11:44 AM (arJlL)

291 Alright boys girls zims zers shims shams and Brandybucks, I've got to run to a doc appt. I'll try and check back in later.

Oh. For those that enjoyed the podcast AtC and I did, we're willing to come back for a special episode. We're clanging around on twitter trying to get the Babylon Bee podcast guys (Ethan Nicole and Kyle Mann) or their guest this week XplodingUnicorn (James Breakwell) to agree to come on with us. That happens and there will absolutely be more Drift Compatible. If you're on twitter, chime in.

Posted by: BCochran1981 at December 17, 2019 11:44 AM (9CkBG)

292 I know you do it to keep the peace with your MIL. God love you - I think my head would explode.

Posted by: bluebell at December 17, 2019 11:40 AM (/669Q)

Thanks, bluebell. I get almost physically ill thinking of going up there Christmas day. When the MIL is gone (and she's a tough old bird, may live forever), I've told my husband I'll spend Christmas with his sibs maybe every other year.

How I miss my sweet parents, and envy people who can stay home and celebrate the day in peace.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 17, 2019 11:44 AM (ptqGC)

293 18 year olds are not suited for our modern rules of engagement which are focused on some leftist notion of legality rather than traditional notions of winning.

It's not my preference, but until those change, 18 & 19 year olds should not be put into such situations.
Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 11:38 AM (sX1BW)

The only people who deserve to be put into combat under Leftist RoE are the supporters of such and convicted felons (and that Venn diagram has a high overlap).

Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est at December 17, 2019 11:45 AM (J+mig)

294 I love to talk with people about why they believe
what they do, and I think it's sad that some may think that I may hate
them because we have different beliefs. It's my job to love people, no
matter what, just as Christ did.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at December 17, 2019 11:40 AM (m2EfB)

It's fascinating!

There are a few around here with whom I have these discussions, and it is a joy to learn about how other religions worship and what they think and believe.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 17, 2019 11:45 AM (wYseH)

295 290 I think I'm resigned to writing about Star Wars.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison

Not a SW fan, but, do your thing, James Monroe !
Posted by: JT at December 17, 2019 11:44 AM (arJlL)


I do enough weird, only for me stuff.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 11:45 AM (q80AH)

296 Beats all heck out of saying "Happy Satanmas"

Posted by: DamnedYankee at December 17, 2019 11:45 AM (DI/ar)

297 Dammit Bill, where's my wine?!
Posted by: Hillary of Chappaqua at December 17, 2019 11:42 AM

Spill the wine, take that girl..

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 17, 2019 11:45 AM (r7Fvf)

298 and envy people who can stay home and celebrate the day in peace.


Irish Christmas' are the best.

Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 11:45 AM (sX1BW)

299 286 >>Kind of related to Christians that claim to know when Jesus is coming back.

...and this time, He's Pissed.
Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 11:44 AM (zOZae)

Ill be back!

Posted by: rhennigantx at December 17, 2019 11:45 AM (JFO2v)

300 No religion could stand a chance as a world-wide faith if it excluded half the human race.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at December 17, 2019 11:42 AM (Ejm1K)

especially the half that did 9/10 of the talking.

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 17, 2019 11:45 AM (Kpl3J)

301 Only problem I have with Christmas is that the overwhelming majority of my friends are selfish assholes who don't appreciate a fucking thing you do for them and theirs.

Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 11:45 AM (zOZae)

302 It's not my preference, but until those change, 18 19 year olds should not be put into such situations.

Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 11:38 AM (sX1BW)

That is a really, really good point.

Thank you.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 17, 2019 11:46 AM (wYseH)

303 258

Oh this is gorgeous. 750 more people to disregard.

Posted by: JEM at December 17, 2019 11:41 AM (8erNz)
Any bets on if these "scholars" are also members of the global warming faction?

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at December 17, 2019 11:46 AM (N39Ws)

304 Romans liked oddball religions, they were big on hedging their bets. I mean okay your cult might be kooky, but what if its true? Never hurts to spark up another sacrifice, just in case. But Christianity was exclusive and rejected the Emperor. Plus there's that whole "Satan hates it and wants it destroyed" thing behind the scenes.

I thought it was pretty well established lambs in the field means it was NOT Christmas ... not winter.

yeah that was a typo, should have been Spring. NO lambs in the field in September.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:46 AM (KZzsI)

305 259 I've had an idea for a thread about coincidence and it's place in drama for a while, but then I watched Home Alone again recently and decided that it would be the perfect vehicle for the idea. And, since this weekend is the last weekend before Christmas, it would fit with the season.

Strangely nobody claims Home Alone is a Christmas movie despite it being set in December. Or Lethal Weapon.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:41 AM (KZzsI)

I think Home Alone is a pretty obvious Christmas movie, I've never head anyone try to argue differently.

Posted by: josephistan at December 17, 2019 11:46 AM (Izzlo)

306 My second favorite thing about NJ is that they pump your gas!
Posted by: kallisto

And your favorite is that I'm from there, right ?

Posted by: JT at December 17, 2019 11:46 AM (arJlL)

307 Omg this dude is seriously going on about Russia again

Posted by: Blacksheep at December 17, 2019 11:46 AM (6mvRv)

308 257. I THink we have one on display at the library. I'll check it out and get back to you.

Posted by: kallisto at December 17, 2019 11:46 AM (S44lC)

309 Having just moved to ABQ I just have trouble understanding the tradition of the candalaria, putting a candle in a paper bag and lining your property with them. Coming from Cali this seems unsafe to say the least

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at December 17, 2019 11:46 AM (tJ8mR)

310 Speaking of Christmas movies, Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence is playing on TCM on Christmas eve. It's about life in a Japanese POW camp.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 17, 2019 11:47 AM (+y/Ru)

Dow Jones gains 10,000th point since Trump inauguration.

Early night...

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 17, 2019 11:47 AM (zBaqJ)

312 309 Having just moved to ABQ I just have trouble understanding the tradition of the candalaria, putting a candle in a paper bag and lining your property with them. Coming from Cali this seems unsafe to say the least
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at December 17, 2019 11:46 AM (tJ8mR)


Have you embraced the "throwing a whole pizza onto your roof" tradition yet?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 11:47 AM (q80AH)

313 So let me take a wild guess that the "Freedom From Religion Foundation" consists entirely of leftist militant atheists, because I can,'t imagine a Conservative who an Atheist like Zod getting all upset and demanding a elementary school stop their live nativity.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 17, 2019 11:47 AM (WI7YS)

314 Somewhere in western Montana on I-90 there is a sign that says "Jesus is Lord in this valley!" Been there for years.

Posted by: free tibet at December 17, 2019 11:47 AM (9DetG)

315 putting a candle in a paper bag and lining your property with them. Coming from Cali this seems unsafe to say the least


In California its just an invitation for someone to take a dump in a flaming bag.

Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 11:47 AM (sX1BW)

316 With all the Jewish composers you'd think there'd be lovely Hanukkah music. There isn't, it's all dopey.

Its like how there are wonderful Christian film makers and authors but when it comes to doing something specifically Christian they turn incompetent and sappy.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:48 AM (KZzsI)

317 I'm in agreement with all the comments about "legal age". There should be one and only one age to define when someone is legally an adult. At that age, they can then buy alcohol, smoking products, firearms and ammo, enlist in the military, and drive a car. Pick an age and stick with it.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at December 17, 2019 11:48 AM (N39Ws)

318 I've got Christmas music on right now. I've got to finish writing Christmas cards and do some baking. Ahm tahred.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 17, 2019 11:48 AM (ptqGC)

319 >>Somewhere in western Montana on I-90 there is a sign that says "Jesus is Lord in this valley!" Been there for years.

Lotta those. But the one you re thinking of is between Bozeman and Butte, I believe.

Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 11:48 AM (zOZae)

320 306. The first favorite thing is the shore of course.

Posted by: kallisto at December 17, 2019 11:48 AM (S44lC)

321 I think that there was always a lot of "Happy Holidays" but everyone knew just exactly which Holiday was in question.

The stupidest thing I think I ever saw was an elementary (or middle, not sure) school fund raiser in their parking lot selling "Holiday Trees".


And I've known Jews who put up Christmas Trees, having decided that they're fun and not really religious anyway. But HOLIDAY trees? Because that makes it legal for a public school to sell trees that everyone knows very well are for a specific religious holiday?

Posted by: Synova at December 17, 2019 11:48 AM (BD/yx)

322 225 Okay, I"ll bite: if not divine, who is Jesus??


A fraud. A Charlatan. An imposter. A poseur.

And all his words hold no more meaning than Aristotle, Gandhi, Mohammed, David Karesh, Jim Jones, Bill Kristol or Bitter Clinger.

And all the people of His day that witnessed His miracles and recorded them were basically just organized, conniving operatives creating a Jesus Dossier to topple Jewish leaders.

And Paul was just a Christine Blasey Ford totally inventing a fake event that never happened that went about proselytizing like Greta Thunberg.

And all the people that believe he is divine are basically just a bunch of #metoo , Russian collusion, climate catastrophe, Quid Pro Quo believers that are full on believers in deception and lies.

Either that or he is divine.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at December 17, 2019 11:48 AM (kTywB)

323 A few years ago after eating at a restaurant

My daughter: "Merry Christmas"

Waiter: "I dont believe in god"

Daughter: "that's OK, he believes in you"

The guy actually had a heart warming grin.

Posted by: Lemmiwinks at December 17, 2019 11:49 AM (0Qhkh)

324 During my readings today, I found it interesting that within Jesus' family, there was a prostitute (Rahab) and Ruth, not an Israelite but rather a Moabite, a foreigner.

So, I draw from this that the Messiah sprang from the dysfunctional and ambiguous family of man. And He was pleased to do so.


Posted by: Tonypete at December 17, 2019 11:49 AM (Y4EXg)

325 Posted by: JEM at December 17, 2019 11:41 AM (8erNz)
Any bets on if these "scholars" are also members of the global warming faction?

Oh, I'm sure many of them are. But still...a lot I would expect, a few I didn't, but I'm sure most of these people are among those who show up in those 'surveys of historians' that periodically anoint the JEF as one of the greats.

I regard it as nothing controversial to say that after eight years of Bush fecklessness and eight years of Obama malevolance Trump represents nothing more radical than a necessary if somewhat abrupt reversion to the mean.

Posted by: JEM at December 17, 2019 11:49 AM (8erNz)

326 but then I watched Home Alone again recently and decided that it would be the perfect vehicle for the idea.


Draw direct parallels to compare it to the pace and events of Die Hard.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - I support medically approved diets for anorexics who are trapped in fat girls' bodies at December 17, 2019 11:49 AM (6aW5L)

327 Have you embraced the "throwing a whole pizza onto your roof" tradition yet?

I heard about that.

Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 11:49 AM (M0u+N)

328 And Paul was just a Christine Blasey Ford totally inventing a fake event that never happened that went about proselytizing like Greta Thunberg.

Did you talk to his Dead Sea beach friends?

Posted by: Insomniac at December 17, 2019 11:49 AM (NWiLs)

329 285 I'm Jewish and I love Christmas music, especially the religious pieces. With all the Jewish composers you'd think there'd be lovely Hanukkah music. There isn't, it's all dopey.
Posted by: CN at December 17, 2019 11:43 AM (U7k5w)

even my little town recently had a Klezmer concert.
I hate to say it, but for me klezmer is in a three way tie with mariachi bands and polkas.

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 17, 2019 11:49 AM (Kpl3J)

330 It's about life in a Japanese POW camp.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 17, 2019 11:47 AM (+y/Ru)

I saw that in Paris in 1983. Man, that was weird.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 17, 2019 11:49 AM (wYseH)

331 >>. . .So for everything that the left hates about Christmas, I love it even
more! Bring on the Salvation Army bell-ringers, the hope in salvation
and hope in mankind that comes with the season, the warmth of kindness
and happiness that bubbles up at Christmas and mostly, bring on the
exploding heads of leftards everywhere!

Merry Christmas!
- - -

Yes! And Merry Christmas to you!

Posted by: Lizzy at December 17, 2019 11:50 AM (bDqIh)

332 Oh, and the protagonist of The Christmas Mail is a mailman (heh heh, get it) who's really a frustrated rock and roller who has won an oddly-specific "4 awards for his guitar playing," yet in the scenes where he plays, he makes not even the slightest attempt at miming.. Just doesn't move his fingers at all.

As the reviewer puts it, I guess that's why he won 4 awards, he can play mind-bending solos without moving his fingers.

Man, that movie was so bad I have to get it on DVD for my collection of bad movies.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 11:50 AM (H9cB7)

333 "Jesus wasn't even born in December."

The December 25 date was chosen among a lot of competing choices and won out because the pagans had their own festival, Sol Invictus, the Festival of the Unconquered Sun, on December 22. This made the Christ's Mass an attractive alternative. "Honey, are we going to the Sol Invictus thing this year?" "We could, Marius, but our cousin is a Christian, and they have their celebration on the 25th. We could, like, combine both." "As long as there's enough wine, I'm fine with it."

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at December 17, 2019 11:50 AM (Ejm1K)

334 >>Having just moved to ABQ I just have trouble understanding the tradition of the candalaria, putting a candle in a paper bag and lining your property with them. Coming from Cali this seems unsafe to say the least

In my old town in MA the streets are lined with luminaries every Christmas Eve and all the street lights are turned off. The tradition is to drive, slowly, around town, navigating just by the luminaries and the Christmas lights.

When the conditions are right and there is a fresh coating of snow it's pretty beautiful.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 17, 2019 11:50 AM (ZLI7S)

335 Christmas has gotten so secular in so many ways, for so many people. I call them the " Todd and Margo" Christmas people.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 11:50 AM (90T4r)

336 326 but then I watched Home Alone again recently and decided that it would be the perfect vehicle for the idea.


Draw direct parallels to compare it to the pace and events of Die Hard.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - I support medically approved diets for anorexics who are trapped in fat girls' bodies at December 17, 2019 11:49 AM (6aW5L)


Other than the fact that both are Christmas movies, what do they have in common?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 11:50 AM (q80AH)

337 Having just moved to ABQ I just have trouble understanding the tradition of the candalaria, putting a candle in a paper bag and lining your property with them. Coming from Cali this seems unsafe to say the least
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at December 17, 2019 11:46 AM (tJ8mR)

You fill the bag with sand, and they are small votive candles. I've seen plenty (and we had them a few times) and I've never seen one catch fire.

Posted by: bluebell at December 17, 2019 11:50 AM (/669Q)

338 I'm in agreement with all the comments about "legal age". There should be one and only one age to define when someone is legally an adult. At that age, they can then buy alcohol, smoking products, firearms and ammo, enlist in the military, and drive a car. Pick an age and stick with it.


I think you can make an argument for graduated ages ... the problem is the left is undoing the ones that made sense and federalizing it rather than leaving it to the states.

Driving age is the easy one. A one-size fits all solution makes no sense.

The point is everything was fine - until the left fucked it up. Par for the course.

Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 11:50 AM (sX1BW)

339 I think Home Alone is a pretty obvious Christmas movie, I've never head anyone try to argue differently.

I have never heard anyone claim it. There's an enormous difference between

1) A movie that occurs during the Christmas season or near it
2) A Christmas movie

For example, Lethal Weapon takes place around Christmas, but that's no more key to the film than if it happened in summer. None of the themes of the movie are about Christmas.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:50 AM (KZzsI)

340 Don't know if it has come up yet in this thread, but IIRC the 4th of July was originally Independence Day. Funny how that was changed.
Posted by: davidt at December 17, 2019 11:42 AM (l3+k2)

Like Memorial Day used to be Armistice Day.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at December 17, 2019 11:50 AM (Ki5SV)

341 304 Romans liked oddball religions, they were big on hedging their bets. I mean okay your cult might be kooky, but what if its true? Never hurts to spark up another sacrifice, just in case. But Christianity was exclusive and rejected the Emperor. Plus there's that whole "Satan hates it and wants it destroyed" thing behind the scenes.

I thought it was pretty well established lambs in the field means it was NOT Christmas ... not winter.

yeah that was a typo, should have been Spring. NO lambs in the field in September.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:46 AM (KZzsI)

Middle East appears to be still pretty warm during our winters. And this was during the Roman warm period.

Posted by: Someguy at December 17, 2019 11:50 AM (Zm+LZ)

342 Imagine Christmas in the Kellyanne Conway house. I feel so sorry for their kids.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 17, 2019 11:50 AM (ptqGC)

Me: 'Do you know who wrote White Christmas?'
Posted by: kallisto at December 17, 2019 11:15 AM (S44lC)

I so much hoped that we could give
you a white Christmas -- just like
the ones you used to know... Aren't
those the words that clever little
man wrote -- you know the one who
stole his name from our capital --
that something-or-other Berlin?

--Oberst von Scherbach ( Stalag 17 )

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 17, 2019 11:51 AM (kw5n8)

344 I would ask why all those triggered flakes are taking a paid holiday at Christmas? I mean since you're so offended at everything. Go to work then.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 17, 2019 11:51 AM (r7Fvf)

345 And I've known Jews who put up Christmas Trees, having decided that they're fun and not really religious anyway. But HOLIDAY trees? Because that makes it legal for a public school to sell trees that everyone knows very well are for a specific religious holiday?
Posted by: Synova at December 17, 2019 11:48 AM (BD/yx)

Hanukkah hedge?

Posted by: Insomniac at December 17, 2019 11:51 AM (NWiLs)

346 Its like how there are wonderful Christian film makers and authors but when it comes to doing something specifically Christian they turn incompetent and sappy.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:48 AM (KZzsI)

What do you think about the movie Places In The Heart? I had the privilege of meeting Robert Benton at the church we both used to attend in NYC, and he said he wrote the movie as a Christian allegory.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at December 17, 2019 11:51 AM (m2EfB)

347 Other than the fact that both are Christmas movies, what do they have in common?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 11:50 AM (q80AH)


Violence, subterfuge, more violence, explosions, and violence with the lead character put in a position accidentally and just wanting to see his family again.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - I support medically approved diets for anorexics who are trapped in fat girls' bodies at December 17, 2019 11:52 AM (6aW5L)

348 Trump's in one of the Home Alone movies.

Bet that triggers folks to this day.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 11:52 AM (H9cB7)

349 316: Perhaps, but there IS a lot of truly beautiful music. Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel is not even tolerable after the first verse. "Enough already, eat your brisket and latkes"

Posted by: CN at December 17, 2019 11:52 AM (U7k5w)

350 George Conway is a repulsive insufferable slob

Posted by: Blacksheep at December 17, 2019 11:52 AM (6mvRv)

Golgotha WASP ! Just Haunting & Beautiful

Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at December 17, 2019 11:52 AM (BqBId)

352 312 309 Having just moved to ABQ I just have trouble understanding the tradition of the candalaria, putting a candle in a paper bag and lining your property with them. Coming from Cali this seems unsafe to say the least
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at December 17, 2019 11:46 AM (tJ8mR)


Have you embraced the "throwing a whole pizza onto your roof" tradition yet?


Okay, first. Pizza on the roof? I'm going to have to ask my coworkers because that is definitely a new one.

The luminarias also have sand in the bottom of the bag and you don't light them if it's windy AND there's nothing to start on fire anyway. (The ones along the top of buildings are electric string lights.)

Posted by: Synova at December 17, 2019 11:52 AM (BD/yx)

353 Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 11:40 AM (q80AH)

Show Star Wars "above the fold". Put Star Wars in the headline.

Dispose of it "below the fold" in a line, maybe a line and a half.

Proceed to a worthier topic.


Posted by: Brother Cavil
Democrats, Media, and Deep State: Hostis Humani Generis
at December 17, 2019 11:52 AM (Rvlwi)

354 I am not dancing around a pole nekkid.
Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 11:38 AM

Ummmmm, you do know that some of the 'ettes are discussing wanting to see your feets of strength?

Posted by: Duncanthrax The Austere at December 17, 2019 11:53 AM (9UaSi)

355 Thanks kallisto.
My son's inlaws are Christian and the grandkids get to spend way ore time with them.
Want to make sure they know their Jewish heritage too and to be proud of the glorious history of the faith.

Posted by: sharon at December 17, 2019 11:53 AM (QzF6i)

356 I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the deeds are restricted
And the races aren't conflicted

Posted by: Insomniac at December 17, 2019 11:53 AM (NWiLs)

357 348 Trump's in one of the Home Alone movies.

Bet that triggers folks to this day.
Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 11:52 AM (H9cB7)


One of my favorite memes from 2016 was this:

"Everyone's slamming Donald Trump, but I didn't see Hillary Clinton help Kevin find the lobby."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 11:53 AM (q80AH)

358 289 286 >>Kind of related to Christians that claim to know when Jesus is coming back.

...and this time, He's Pissed.
Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 11:44 AM (zOZae)


Nothing like Gandhi II.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz

UHF was an under appreciated gem.

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 17, 2019 11:53 AM (vN4+Q)

359 CBD, you are alright! Happy Hanukkah

Posted by: Jim at December 17, 2019 11:53 AM (rnwV8)

360 I really like Christmas music, but it has to be actual Christmas music, not Santa music, not "winter festival" music, but about the birth of Jesus.

In: Wexford Carol
Out: Grandma got run over by a reindeer

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:53 AM (KZzsI)

361 That said about Christmas in December: My ex (brought up a Catholic) used to suggest that October, after the harvest, made sense. If Caesar wanted to tax everybody in the Empire, it would make sense to do it after the harvest was in, right? And in Palestine the nights would have been cold enough by October to require shelter, hence the barn and the manger.

On the other hand, Joseph and the pregnant Mary were not able to hop into the Subaru and drive to Joseph's birthplace. It would have taken them some time on foot or donkeyback to get there. If they set out in late October, it might well have been mid-December before they approached their destination.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at December 17, 2019 11:54 AM (Ejm1K)

362 339 I think Home Alone is a pretty obvious Christmas movie, I've never head anyone try to argue differently.

I have never heard anyone claim it. There's an enormous difference between

1) A movie that occurs during the Christmas season or near it
2) A Christmas movie

For example, Lethal Weapon takes place around Christmas, but that's no more key to the film than if it happened in summer. None of the themes of the movie are about Christmas.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:50 AM (KZzsI)

By that definition then the vast majority of "Christmas movies" aren't.

Posted by: josephistan at December 17, 2019 11:54 AM (Izzlo)

363 354 I am not dancing around a pole nekkid.
Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 11:38 AM

Ummmmm, you do know that some of the 'ettes are discussing wanting to see your feets of strength?
Posted by: Duncanthrax The Austere at December 17, 2019 11:53 AM (9UaSi)

I have prehensile toes, does that count as feets of strength?

Posted by: Insomniac at December 17, 2019 11:54 AM (NWiLs)

364 MOT here with a shiksa wife. We have a menorah, a tree, and on Thanksgiving I hung up the Christmas lights. Our first holiday together she felt bad that we weren't celebrating my holiday as much as hers. I had to explain that while the miracle was a great miracle, Hanukkah itself is akin to Arbor Day on the Jewish scale of holiday/holy significance.

The next year she got me a Hanukkah Bush.

Posted by: astronaut achmed at December 17, 2019 11:54 AM (rksBL)

365 317 I'm in agreement with all the comments about "legal age". There should be one and only one age to define when someone is legally an adult. At that age, they can then buy alcohol, smoking products, firearms and ammo, enlist in the military, and drive a car. Pick an age and stick with it.
Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at December 17, 2019 11:48 AM (N39Ws)

It's an idea that has merit. Most cultures around the world have a singular age of majority, a clear line when you stop being a child and are expected to grow up and be responsible.

It'd be far preferable to the perpetual adolescence (now up to age 26 in the case of health insurance) that the other side seems so keen to promote.

Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est at December 17, 2019 11:54 AM (J+mig)

366 Having just moved to ABQ I just have trouble understanding the tradition of the candalaria, putting a candle in a paper bag and lining your property with them. Coming from Cali this seems unsafe to say the least
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at December 17, 2019 11:46 AM (tJ8mR)


I think it has something to do with the fact that very little of what New Mexico is made out of is particularly flammable.

Posted by: reason at December 17, 2019 11:54 AM (RQDhf)

367 The pizza-on-the-roof thing was from Breaking Bad. It has to be a giant pizza.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 11:54 AM (H9cB7)

368 So, I draw from this that the Messiah sprang from the dysfunctional and ambiguous family of man. And He was pleased to do so.

Posted by: Tonypete at December 17, 2019 11:49 AM (Y4EXg)

You picked up on the key point.

Posted by: blaster at December 17, 2019 11:54 AM (9VeU0)

369 289 286 >>Kind of related to Christians that claim to know when Jesus is coming back.

...and this time, He's Pissed.
Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 11:44 AM (zOZae)


Nothing like Gandhi II.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 11:44 AM (q80AH)

If there's anything I've learned from the Civilization series, it's that Gandhi is a warmonger who loves nukes.

Posted by: Someguy at December 17, 2019 11:54 AM (Zm+LZ)

370 353 Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 11:40 AM (q80AH)

Show Star Wars "above the fold". Put Star Wars in the headline.

Dispose of it "below the fold" in a line, maybe a line and a half.

Proceed to a worthier topic.

Posted by: Brother Cavil
Democrats, Media, and Deep State: Hostis Humani Generis
at December 17, 2019 11:52 AM (Rvlwi)


Then my hard work at dissecting the utility of coincidence to establish dramatic situations in fiction, contrasted to coincidences resolving dramatic situations, would just get lost.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 11:54 AM (q80AH)

371 328 And Paul was just a Christine Blasey Ford totally inventing a fake event that never happened that went about proselytizing like Greta Thunberg.

Did you talk to his Dead Sea beach friends?
Posted by: Insomniac at December 17, 2019 11:49 AM (NWiLs)"

heh. This brought up a thought - I wonder how "devout" Greta would be if she was beaten with big sticks by a half dozen guys for a couple of days, and then asked if she still "believed"? Cuz Paul did.

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 17, 2019 11:54 AM (Kpl3J)

372 People from Grand Junction are pretty cool, but Moabites are kinda weird. Lin Ottinger's Rock Shop is pretty cool.

Posted by: Common Tater at December 17, 2019 11:54 AM (hptIz)

373 "Everyone's slamming Donald Trump, but I didn't see Hillary Clinton help Kevin find the lobby."

That scene was well done though. He's just a little boy and he asks a nearby adult how to get somewhere. He doesn't know who Trump is and Trump is a decent and helpful.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:55 AM (KZzsI)

374 358 289 286 >>Kind of related to Christians that claim to know when Jesus is coming back.

...and this time, He's Pissed.
Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 11:44 AM (zOZae)


Nothing like Gandhi II.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz

UHF was an under appreciated gem.
Posted by: Puddleglum at December 17, 2019 11:53 AM (vN4+Q)

No more mister "passive resistance." He's out to kick. Some. Butt.

Posted by: Insomniac at December 17, 2019 11:55 AM (NWiLs)

375 Hey, must know the same people I do.

Posted by: vivi at December 17, 2019 11:55 AM (11H2y)

376 I really like Christmas music, but it has to be actual Christmas music, not Santa music, not "winter festival" music, but about the birth of Jesus.

In: Wexford Carol
Out: Grandma got run over by a reindeer

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:53 AM (KZzsI)

I'm right with you on that one. Those songs are beautiful and timeless

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 17, 2019 11:55 AM (kw5n8)

377 I wrote that jokingly, but I guarantee there's more than a few film students who would say "Oh yeah, I could totes write a 12 page paper on that."

Posted by: Moron Robbie - I support medically approved diets for anorexics who are trapped in fat girls' bodies at December 17, 2019 11:56 AM (6aW5L)

378 Ummmmm, you do know that some of the 'ettes are discussing wanting to see your feets of strength?
Posted by: Duncanthrax The Austere at December 17, 2019 11:53 AM (9UaSi)

Count me out. He can keep his shoes on as far as I am concerned.

Posted by: bluebell at December 17, 2019 11:56 AM (/669Q)

379 255 I am not dancing around a pole nekkid.
Posted by: rickb223

I ain't farting on no snare drum.

Posted by: Pip at December 17, 2019 11:56 AM (QTN+F)

380 376 I really like Christmas music, but it has to be actual Christmas music, not Santa music, not "winter festival" music, but about the birth of Jesus.

In: Wexford Carol
Out: Grandma got run over by a reindeer

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:53 AM (KZzsI)

I'm right with you on that one. Those songs are beautiful and timeless
Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 17, 2019 11:55 AM (kw5n

Handel's Messiah.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 11:57 AM (90T4r)

381 +1000000

This bullshit isn't inclusive. Not by a country mile. First off, it shuns and excludes the majority of this Christian country. That's a bad way to be inclusive.

But what about people like me, who aren't Christian? The ones who are presumed to benefit from this fake ass inclusivity?

Again: FAIL. When someone says "Merry Christmas" to me, I feel included. When someone says "Happy Holidays" to me, I know they've been forced to the PC yoke, and though I disagree with it, it's been done in my name, and it makes me feel like an outsider who's culpable in the bullying that made them say it.

Fuck all that.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at December 17, 2019 11:57 AM (5VFi3)

382 By that definition then the vast majority of "Christmas movies" aren't.

Exactly. People throw that term around I guess because they want to watch that movie at a certain time of year? Its like saying Blues Brothers is a mall movie because they drive through a shopping mall in one scene, or that a movie with one scene with a high school in it is a school movie.

Coincidence does not define theme.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:57 AM (KZzsI)

383 Hanukkah hedge?
Posted by: Insomniac

Bring me...A shrubbery!!

Posted by: The Knights who say ...Ni! at December 17, 2019 11:57 AM (vcOmj)

Like Memorial Day used to be Armistice Day.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing

I will note that 'President's Day' is BS also. Until the Congress 'moved' the celebration of George Washington's birthday to the first Monday after his birthday, it was (and is) just that. A celebration of Washington. There is no 'President's Day'.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at December 17, 2019 11:57 AM (Zo1XC)

385 It's an idea that has merit. Most cultures around the world have a singular age of majority, a clear line when you stop being a child and are expected to grow up and be responsible


We basically had that - with some exceptions.

You could drive earlier. And in some states you couldn't drink until 21.

Everything was fine until the left fucked it up.

But why should an 18 year old be on the hook for a contract if he cannot smoke or drink?

Civil law sucks, and common law is much better. It is all tied together. Artificially changing things with the stroke of a pen - things that law and tradition took millenials to properly develop.

Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 11:57 AM (sX1BW)

386 I really like Christmas music, but it has to be actual Christmas music, not Santa music, not "winter festival" music, but about the birth of Jesus.

In: Wexford Carol
Out: Grandma got run over by a reindeer
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:53 AM (KZzsI)


You'll hate the new Hillsong Christmas album, then.

And if you don't, you should.

Posted by: reason at December 17, 2019 11:57 AM (RQDhf)

387 372 People from Grand Junction are pretty cool, but Moabites are kinda weird. Lin Ottinger's Rock Shop is pretty cool.

Gearheads in Moab, for all your camping needs.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 11:57 AM (H9cB7)

388 I so much hoped that we could give
you a white Christmas -- just like
the ones you used to know... Aren't
those the words that clever little
man wrote -- you know the one who
stole his name from our capital --
that something-or-other Berlin?

--Oberst von Scherbach ( Stalag 17 )
Posted by: TheQuietMan


Posted by: JT at December 17, 2019 11:57 AM (arJlL)

389 381: Yes!

Posted by: CN at December 17, 2019 11:58 AM (U7k5w)

390 Hillsong Christmas?

Felonia sings?

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 11:58 AM (H9cB7)

391 On the other hand, Joseph and the pregnant Mary were not able to hop into the Subaru and drive to Joseph's birthplace.Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at December 17, 2019 11:54 AM

It's not their fault flannel shirts hadn't been invented yet.

Posted by: Duncanthrax The Austere at December 17, 2019 11:58 AM (9UaSi)

392 >>I'm in agreement with all the comments about "legal age". There should
be one and only one age to define when someone is legally an adult. At
that age, they can then buy alcohol, smoking products, firearms and
ammo, enlist in the military, and drive a car. Pick an age and stick
with it.

They want to reduce voting age to 16, but tobacco to 21, and have healthcare at 26. NO.

Posted by: Lizzy at December 17, 2019 11:59 AM (bDqIh)

393 One of my absolute favorite's, " Silent Night". Lots of what swirls around that song is very poignant, its' history.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 11:59 AM (90T4r)

394 Twisted Sister's Twisted Christmas album kicks Yuletide ass.

Posted by: Insomniac at December 17, 2019 11:59 AM (NWiLs)

395 385 It's an idea that has merit. Most cultures around the world have a singular age of majority, a clear line when you stop being a child and are expected to grow up and be responsible


We basically had that - with some exceptions.

You could drive earlier. And in some states you couldn't drink until 21.

Everything was fine until the left fucked it up.

But why should an 18 year old be on the hook for a contract if he cannot smoke or drink?

Civil law sucks, and common law is much better. It is all tied together. Artificially changing things with the stroke of a pen - things that law and tradition took millenials to properly develop.
Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 11:57 AM (sX1BW)

Gay marriage was established by common law(which allows judges to essentially make the law). It has it's downsides.

Posted by: Someguy at December 17, 2019 11:59 AM (Zm+LZ)

396 In: Wexford Carol
Out: Grandma got run over by a reindeer
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:53 AM (KZzsI)

Now I have Julie Andrews singing "The Wexford Carol" in my head.

O/T - a touch of cinnamon in the coffee beans before you grind: a good thing or bad thing?

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at December 17, 2019 11:59 AM (Ki5SV)

397 Ukraine Ambassador Bill Taylor expected to leave his job next month.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 17, 2019 11:59 AM (ZLI7S)

398 Don't take this the wrong way, but when I was a pup the folks bitching the loudest about things being called "Christmas" were .... the liberal Jewish folk in my town. The Christmas trees in the lobby of my elementary school became known as "holiday bushes," and "happy holidays" became the greeting, because the scolds insisted that those who celebrated Hanukkah didn't get left out.

And get this: the same busybodies demanded that Kwanza be included in the "winter concert," even though there was one black kid in the whole school, and he was Catholic.

Posted by: the other coyote at December 17, 2019 11:59 AM (po8bk)

399 lousy songs about a fat elf

Allow me to recommend Lutheran Public Radio music:

Truly the best Christmas music around.

Posted by: Diesel Jones at December 17, 2019 11:59 AM (0CeRG)

400 391 On the other hand, Joseph and the pregnant Mary were not able to hop into the Subaru and drive to Joseph's birthplace.Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at December 17, 2019 11:54 AM

It's not their fault flannel shirts hadn't been invented yet.
Posted by: Duncanthrax The Austere at December 17, 2019 11:58 AM (9UaSi)



It was their fault.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 11:59 AM (q80AH)

401 I don't like most Christmas music. I usually listen to the Peanuts Christmas Special this time of year. Vince Guaraldi.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at December 17, 2019 11:59 AM (iys0/)

402 Heh

Braveheart To Get All-Female Reboot Starring Lena Dunham

Babylon Bee

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:00 PM (KZzsI)

403 396 In: Wexford Carol
Out: Grandma got run over by a reindeer
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:53 AM (KZzsI)

Now I have Julie Andrews singing "The Wexford Carol" in my head.

O/T - a touch of cinnamon in the coffee beans before you grind: a good thing or bad thing?
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at December 17, 2019 11:59 AM (Ki5SV)

Depends. Do you like cinnamon flavor in your coffee?

Posted by: Insomniac at December 17, 2019 12:00 PM (NWiLs)

404 "Oh Holy Night" sung properly where the "fall on your knees" line is a powerful demand. Also by a large chorus.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - I support medically approved diets for anorexics who are trapped in fat girls' bodies at December 17, 2019 12:00 PM (6aW5L)

405 Gay marriage was established by common law(which allows judges to essentially make the law). It has it's downsides.


No - that is not common law.

Constitutional law should never be confused with the Common Law. We abandoned the common law in the name of codifying everything and it has been a disaster.

Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 12:00 PM (sX1BW)

406 Happy impeachment eve!

Posted by: George Conway at December 17, 2019 12:00 PM (UU64l)

407 Lou Christie's "O Holy Night" is one of my all-time favorites.

Just sublime. What a voice.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 12:00 PM (H9cB7)

408 And the angrier side of me will loudly respond with "Merry Christmas" if anyone says, "Happy Holidays," because I am unfamiliar with and do not celebrate "Holiday."

This makes me sad.

There's nothing at all wrong with "Happy Holidays" -- it's well-wishing with alliteration -- and there's noting wrong with "Merry Christmas" either. What makes me sad is how both expressions -- two-word statements of good will -- have been remade into political statements.

I totally get what you mean about Christmas becoming too commercial. I don't think that the solution is to make it too political. Count me out.

I will, however, say this from the bottom of my heart:


(There. I'm not sad any more.)

Posted by: FireHorse at December 17, 2019 12:01 PM (ScWBu)

409 I really like Christmas music, but it has to be actual Christmas music, not Santa music, not "winter festival" music, but about the birth of Jesus.

In: Wexford Carol
Out: Grandma got run over by a reindeer

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:53 AM (KZzsI)

I'm right with you on that one. Those songs are beautiful and timeless
Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 17, 2019 11:55 AM (kw5n

Handel's Messiah.
Posted by: tubal

I reiterate, FBC Radio

Click on a player, upper right corner

The last 30min or so:

Dec 17 - 12:00:07 What Child Is This? 3:14
Dec 17 - 11:58:53 Shepherds! Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep 1:12
Dec 17 - 11:58:13 Station ID 0:41
Dec 17 - 11:55:51 Bethany Christmas Greeting 1:05
Dec 17 - 11:52:57 Coventry Carol 2:56
Dec 17 - 11:51:20 O Come, Little Children 1:35
Dec 17 - 11:48:12 Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light 3:08
Dec 17 - 11:45:20 Angels from the Realms of Glory 2:51
Dec 17 - 11:42:01 The Promised One Is Come 3:18
Dec 17 - 11:37:12 Sinfonia from Bach: Christmas Oratorio, Part Two

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at December 17, 2019 12:01 PM (Zo1XC)

410 >>I don't like most Christmas music. I usually listen to the Peanuts Christmas Special this time of year. Vince Guaraldi.

Ella Fitzgerald's Swinging Christmas

Stax Records Christmas album

Two good one.

Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 12:01 PM (zOZae)

411 When my daughter was little, she just had to have this CD of Christmas songs meowed by cats. I cannot tell you how enchanting that was.

Posted by: washrivergal at December 17, 2019 12:01 PM (XtntB)

412 "Oh Holy Night" sung properly where the "fall on your knees" line is a powerful demand. Also by a large chorus.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - I support medically approved diets for anorexics who are trapped in fat girls' bodies at December 17, 2019 12:00 PM (6aW5L)

Or sung by Josh Groban. I love that version.

Posted by: bluebell at December 17, 2019 12:01 PM (/669Q)

413 92 Last Christmas at my husband's life coach sister's, I said the words, "Happy Birthday Jesus," and it was met with silence, except for her worthless hipster 40 y.o. son, who smirked and said, "Except Jesus wasn't even born in December, if he was born at all." The same idiot who said the highlight of his life was attending Burning Man.

Ugh. My husband's siblings and their hell spawn.

I usually sit in a corner and drink wine to survive.
Seriously, if it's that bad, end it. They obviously don't give a fuck for your world view and won't even humor you with a fake "thanks" and a smile. Hanging with people, "because family" where the family insults you, is not a good time. I got family that I don't give a fuck about anymore. Mostly having to do with funerals with relatives that were very generous to them. The relative died and you couldn't even get a fucking sympathy card.

I'd lay down the law to your husband. If they can't be civil and polite, fuck em. Why should you be self medicating because of a-holes? They have their good time, they gloat inside that they have you cowering, and know you'll take it.

Posted by: Groundhog at December 17, 2019 12:01 PM (VYwSh)

414 The Left hates Christmas because they are AT WAR with civil society. A major part of civil society is religion. The Left demands you worship one God: the State, and if you do not want to worship the State: too bad.

I am not remotely religious but I am obsessed with freedom, and this means freedom of conscience, and if people believe in God and Christ as their savior, if they aren't trying to kill me, that's perfectly fine by me. So Merry Christmas to you all.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at December 17, 2019 12:01 PM (dJGLL)

415 I love Robert Shaw Chorale. Everything they did was great.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:02 PM (KZzsI)

416 When my daughter was little, she just had to have this CD of Christmas songs meowed by cats. I cannot tell you how enchanting that was.
Posted by: washrivergal at December 17, 2019 12:01 PM (XtntB)

Hold my beer.

Posted by: Alvin and the Chipmunks at December 17, 2019 12:02 PM (/669Q)

417 I cannot tell you how enchanting that was.

Are you saying that through gritted teeth?

Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 12:03 PM (M0u+N)

418 CBD's devotion to the spirit of Christmas despite being of the Old Covenant brings a smile to my face today. Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah, man!

Posted by: exdem13 at December 17, 2019 12:03 PM (W+kMI)

419 For me, its not Christmas until Da Cannibal greets me with "FuckYou JT and I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas !"

Posted by: JT at December 17, 2019 12:03 PM (arJlL)

420 When my daughter was little, she just had to have this CD of Christmas songs meowed by cats. I cannot tell you how enchanting that was.
Posted by: washrivergal at December 17, 2019 12:01 PM (XtntB)

Hold my beer.
Posted by: Alvin and the Chipmunks


Posted by: Snoopy & The Red Baron at December 17, 2019 12:03 PM (aMV0K)

421 On the other hand, Joseph and the pregnant Mary were not able to hop into the Subaru and drive to Joseph's birthplace. It would have taken them some time on foot or donkeyback to get there. If they set out in late October, it might well have been mid-December before they approached their destination.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius

I found this on the internet:
They had to travel 90 miles to the city of Joseph's ancestors (Bethlehem); south along the flatlands of the Jordan River, then west over the hills surrounding Jerusalem, and on into Bethlehem. "It was a fairly grueling trip", said Strange, who annually leads an excavation team at the ancient city of Sepphoris, near Nazareth.

Posted by: Bozo Conservative....outlaw in America at December 17, 2019 12:03 PM (vcOmj)

422 I love being a Jew, I will never convert (but give it a shot...I like to chat about religion), and from my perspective Jesus is not divine.

I don't even have being a Jew going for me. I just don't believe.

But I love reading and talking about religion. It usually doesn't last long, because it turns out that actual believers actually believe and my questioning is their heresy.

My absolute bestie is a Baptist and she won't talk about it with me.

Merry Christmas, pretty Hordelings!

Posted by: Bandersnatch at December 17, 2019 12:03 PM (wzVKm)

423 When my daughter was little, she just had to have
this CD of Christmas songs meowed by cats. I cannot tell you how
enchanting that was.

Posted by: washrivergal at December 17, 2019 12:01 PM (XtntB)


Posted by: Dogs Barking Jingle Bells at December 17, 2019 12:03 PM (q1Pj5)

424 413 - Ditto.

Posted by: josephistan at December 17, 2019 12:03 PM (Izzlo)

425 Oh, and all that being said, where I work now - where I am working until I can move on to bigger and better things, hopefully soon - they are making me wish Christmas was over, because just how many covers of "Last Christmas" and "All I Want For Christmas Is You" must I be subject to over an 8-9 hour shift???

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at December 17, 2019 12:04 PM (dJGLL)

426 Oh come oh come Emmanuel, by Enya. Sends chills down my back. Worth listening to.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 12:04 PM (90T4r)

427 Robert Guillaume, of the tv series "Benson" could really belt out "Oh Holy Night".

Posted by: bill in arkansas at December 17, 2019 12:04 PM (C1Lsn)

428 412 Except that Josh Groban is a leftist ass and doesn't believe a word he's singing.

Posted by: rammajamma at December 17, 2019 12:04 PM (PQRcz)

429 Raise the voting age to 35.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at December 17, 2019 12:04 PM (92HT0)

430 Spent Christmas away from family one year. Wore out my Sarah McLachlan 'Wintersong' CD.

Posted by: Santamental Fool at December 17, 2019 12:04 PM (6VO15)

431 CBD's devotion to the spirit of Christmas despite being of the Old Covenant brings a smile to my face today. Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah, man!
Posted by: exdem13

Seconded, con mucho gusto !

Posted by: JT at December 17, 2019 12:04 PM (arJlL)

432 Why should you be self medicating because of a-holes? They have their good time, they gloat inside that they have you cowering, and know you'll take it.


Better yet, self-medicate and then become a better more fun asshole.

Is it what Jesus would do? Probably not.

But think of the fun you could have.

Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 12:04 PM (sX1BW)

433 So Merry Christmas to you all.
Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at December 17, 2019 12:01 PM (dJGLL)

Thank you! I promise not to kill you. Or even shiv you just a little bit.

Posted by: bluebell at December 17, 2019 12:04 PM (/669Q)

434 Oddly, the Brian Setzer Orchestra has a couple pretty good Christmas albums. Its a mixed bag, but some great stuff in there where they get it right.

And of course Annie Lennox' Christmas album is absolutely gorgeous. I'm pretty sure she's an atheist but she really delivers.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:04 PM (KZzsI)

435 "White Christmas", the song, was written in 1941 and became wildly popular in 1942, after the War began. If you've known WW2 vets, it really hit home for those men who were in the South Pacific or North Africa, or out to sea on the Christmases when they were all wishing they were back home. I would credit it as one of the most powerful and moving of any WW2 era song.

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 17, 2019 12:04 PM (Kpl3J)

436 *Very* unlikely, but *very* good rendition of 'O Come Emanuel'

Sugarland, Jennifer Nettles does a fine job.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at December 17, 2019 12:04 PM (jOEDM)

437 235
It's so bad it's good. I especially like the fact that it was
obviously filmed in SoCal yet everyone walks around in mittens and
scarves with green grass and leaves on the trees. No budget for faux

here in my chunk of excessively sunny socal, folks get bundled up in their winter coats when the temperature drops below 70. grass is still greenish, but most trees with leaves have lost them by now.

Posted by: Anachronda at December 17, 2019 12:05 PM (sGtp+)

438 The Left hates Christmas because they are AT WAR with civil society. A major part of civil society is religion. The Left demands you worship one God: the State, and if you do not want to worship the State: too bad.

Fuck the left. They really don't want the war they think they do.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 12:05 PM (aMV0K)

439 If there's anything I've learned from the Civilization series, it's that Gandhi is a warmonger who loves nukes.
Posted by: Someguy at December 17, 2019 11:54 AM (Zm+LZ)

That was actually a flaw in the code. Basically, the pacifism preference counter could be modified by certain events, which would push the number so high as to render the result out of bounds... which would be counted as zero, meaning he'd instantly flip to Genghis Khan mode.

Posted by: Cato, Collectivism Delenda Est at December 17, 2019 12:05 PM (J+mig)

440 I don't have an issue with the Church stealing Mithras' festival. He was an asshole anyway.

Sol Invictus!

Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 17, 2019 12:05 PM (u2I6p)

441 404 "Oh Holy Night" sung properly where the "fall on your knees" line is a powerful demand. Also by a large chorus.
Always liked this version.

Posted by: exdem13 at December 17, 2019 12:05 PM (W+kMI)

442 416 When my daughter was little, she just had to have this CD of Christmas songs meowed by cats. I cannot tell you how enchanting that was.
Posted by: washrivergal at December 17, 2019 12:01 PM (XtntB)

Hold my beer.
Posted by: Alvin and the Chipmunks at December 17, 2019


Knowing how women like to see guys with animals, I always figured David Seville could take Simon or Theodore along with him to the park, and the chicks would gather. "Isn't he cyoooote!"

Once the girl David was dating met Alvin, though, everything went downhill fast.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at December 17, 2019 12:06 PM (Ejm1K)

443 Depends. Do you like cinnamon flavor in your coffee?
Posted by: Insomniac at December 17, 2019 12:00 PM (NWiLs)

I don't know if it would be a good taste. I'm actually editing my book as I post here, so the question is actually for a character in the book.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at December 17, 2019 12:06 PM (Ki5SV)

444 "Happy Holidays" is what is termed a wretched neologism. It lacks specificity. On Thanksgiving, why would someone not recognize this? It should not be trivialized by "Happy Turkey Day", as the roots of the tradition are far more than that.

Some people just make it their hobby to become offended by anything.

"Happy Independence Day" makes more sense than "Happy 4th of July", although there isn't too much in-dependence happening these days.

"Happy Veterans Day" or "Happy Memorial Day" isn't clear on the concept either.

Posted by: Common Tater at December 17, 2019 12:06 PM (hptIz)

445 The Left is responsible for pretty much everything that is wrong with America

That cannot be overemphasized.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at December 17, 2019 12:06 PM (EgshT)

446 427 Robert Guillaume, of the tv series "Benson" could really belt out "Oh Holy Night".

Dude really killed it on Soap."You want me to get that?"

The episode where Benson and the guys rescue Billy Tate from the religious cult is one of the funniest episodes of any TV show, ever.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 12:06 PM (H9cB7)

447 I really like Christmas music, but it has to be actual Christmas music, not Santa music, not "winter festival" music, but about the birth of Jesus.

In: Wexford Carol
Out: Grandma got run over by a reindeer

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 11:53 AM (KZzsI)

I'm right with you on that one. Those songs are beautiful and timeless
Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 17, 2019 11:55 AM (kw5n

Handel's Messiah.
Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 11:57 AM

O, Holy Night.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 17, 2019 12:06 PM (ejd/p)

448 Except that Josh Groban is a leftist ass and doesn't believe a word he's singing.
Posted by: rammajamma at December 17, 2019 12:04 PM (PQRcz)

I know he's a lefty, and I don't know what his religious beliefs are. But he has a beautiful voice and the Catholic tradition is to find the good and leave behind the bad, so that's what I do with regard to him.

Posted by: bluebell at December 17, 2019 12:06 PM (/669Q)

449 Seriously, if it's that bad, end it. They obviously don't give a fuck for your world view and won't even humor you with a fake "thanks" and a smile. Hanging with people, "because family" where the family insults you, is not a good time. I got family that I don't give a fuck about anymore. Mostly having to do with funerals with relatives that were very generous to them. The relative died and you couldn't even get a fucking sympathy card.

I'd lay down the law to your husband. If they can't be civil and polite, fuck em. Why should you be self medicating because of a-holes? They have their good time, they gloat inside that they have you cowering, and know you'll take it.


All This^^^^

Yeah, it's a little depressing around this time of year when you can't spend it with family.

But if they can't treat you (and your spouse) with respect, it's time to cut ties.

Posted by: SMH at December 17, 2019 12:06 PM (RU4sa)

450 They had to travel 90 miles to the city of Joseph's ancestors (Bethlehem); south along the flatlands of the Jordan River, then west over the hills surrounding Jerusalem, and on into Bethlehem. "It was a fairly grueling trip", said Strange, who annually leads an excavation team at the ancient city of Sepphoris, near Nazareth.

The interesting thing is that, as the crow flies, its about 20 miles. Just... down a cliff basically.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:06 PM (KZzsI)

451 Oh come oh come Emmanuel, by Enya. Sends chills down my back. Worth listening to.

Oh nice. Listening now. Thanks.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at December 17, 2019 12:06 PM (wzVKm)

452 Despite my behavior here, I am an absolute, convinced Christian believer. What I love about AoS is that birds of different feathers can flock together here, and yet, there is a strong bond underneath it all. This really is a pretty unique place.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 12:06 PM (90T4r)

453 I love Robert Shaw Chorale. Everything they did was great.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:02 PM (KZzsI)

He was great in From Russia With Love and Jaws

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 17, 2019 12:07 PM (kw5n8)

454 451 Oh come oh come Emmanuel, by Enya. Sends chills down my back. Worth listening to.

Oh nice. Listening now. Thanks.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at December 17, 2019 12:06 PM (wzVKm)


This gem:

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 12:07 PM (q80AH)

455 443 Depends. Do you like cinnamon flavor in your coffee?
Posted by: Insomniac at December 17, 2019 12:00 PM (NWiLs)

I don't know if it would be a good taste. I'm actually editing my book as I post here, so the question is actually for a character in the book.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at December 17, 2019 12:06 PM (Ki5SV)

Hey, go for it. Maybe your character will like it.

Posted by: Insomniac at December 17, 2019 12:07 PM (NWiLs)

456 Boogie Woogie Choo Choo Train

Posted by: The Tractors at December 17, 2019 12:07 PM (q1Pj5)

457 But I love reading and talking about religion. It usually doesn't last long, because it turns out that actual believers actually believe and my questioning is their heresy.

Posted by: Bandersnatch

Not to all of us.

Posted by: FireHorse at December 17, 2019 12:07 PM (ScWBu)

458 YouTube has some great compilations of old Christmas music from the 20s-30s-40s that I've really been enjoying. Nice mix of the secular and the traditional.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 12:07 PM (H9cB7)

459 Oh come oh come Emmanuel, by Enya. Sends chills down my back. Worth listening to.
Posted by: tubal

Celtic Woman Christmas Celebration

Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 12:08 PM (aMV0K)

460 My absolute bestie is a Baptist and she won't talk about it with me.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at December 17, 2019 12:03 PM

So an interpretive dance is right out?

Posted by: Duncanthrax The Austere at December 17, 2019 12:08 PM (9UaSi)

461 Meeting many nice people at the MoMees showed me that family isn't just blood.

Posted by: SMH at December 17, 2019 12:08 PM (RU4sa)

462 Wore out my Sarah McLachlan 'Wintersong' CD one Christmas.

Posted by: Santamental Fool at December 17, 2019 12:08 PM (6VO15)

463 425 Oh, and all that being said, where I work now - where I am working until I can move on to bigger and better things, hopefully soon - they are making me wish Christmas was over, because just how many covers of "Last Christmas" and "All I Want For Christmas Is You" must I be subject to over an 8-9 hour shift???
Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at December 17, 2019


Try Dan Fogelberg's "Same Old Lang Syne" for a chaser.

Especially if you once lived it.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at December 17, 2019 12:08 PM (Ejm1K)

464 What I love about AoS is that birds of different feathers can flock together here, and yet, there is a strong bond underneath it all.

We're huggy drunks.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 17, 2019 12:08 PM (u2I6p)

465 461 Meeting many nice people at the MoMees showed me that family isn't just blood.
Posted by: SMH at December 17, 2019 12:08 PM (RU4sa)


You took your granddad's bones with you, didn't you?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 12:08 PM (q80AH)

466 380:Handel's Messiah.

My sister and I are going to the Kennedy Center in DC to see this again. It's turning into a yearly thing for us. Great place to see a concert. Excellent acoustics.

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 17, 2019 12:08 PM (vN4+Q)

467 Robert Guillaume, of the tv series "Benson" could really belt out "Oh Holy Night".

He was a very talented actor, I wish he could have grown up in an era that allowed more than one major black star at a time. Hollywood was one of the most racist places on earth. Still is, I guess.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:09 PM (KZzsI)

468 397 Ukraine Ambassador Bill Taylor expected to leave his job next month.
Posted by: JackStraw at December 17, 2019 11:59 AM (ZLI7S)

A sterling resume tarnished by slavish loyalty to the deep state.

Posted by: Balrog of Morgoth at December 17, 2019 12:09 PM (CLteG)

469 My absolute bestie is a Baptist and she won't talk about it with me.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at December 17, 2019 12:03 PM


As a Baptist myself, I can understand her reluctance.

Posted by: SMH at December 17, 2019 12:09 PM (RU4sa)

470 441 404 "Oh Holy Night" sung properly where the "fall on your knees" line is a powerful demand. Also by a large chorus.
Always liked this version. It's how I learned the carol, which was not in the Lutheran Hymnal.

Posted by: exdem13 at December 17, 2019 12:09 PM (W+kMI)

471 Thanks for the Pavarotti, CBD!

Posted by: m at December 17, 2019 12:10 PM (7juvc)

472 You took your granddad's bones with you, didn't you?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 12:08 PM (q80AH)


I never knew my grandfathers.

They skipped out on their families long before I was born.

Posted by: SMH at December 17, 2019 12:10 PM (RU4sa)

473 "All I Want For Christmas Is You"

That song

"I don't want much for Christmas"

oh ok, that's good because I don't have a lot of money and...

"All I want is you"

wait... I'm not much?

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:10 PM (KZzsI)

474 For a bit of levity, at the "just right" moment for friends and family, spool up Bob Dylan singing (no, I'm not making up) "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing". I thought he was going to hurt himself. Way to go, Bob!

Posted by: Common Tater at December 17, 2019 12:10 PM (hptIz)

475 Darn, work interfered with me joining a good rant. And I didn't even find the root bugs and just have to hope for more info from the code developer (ugh, managers writing code) and the IT team on why the one system was down for an hour.

Really stupid that companies and orgs have let a handful of always angry whiners change their traditions. How about "Christmas party on Dec ##, all faiths welcome to attend" If the company is majority jewish or athiest they certainly can have a Solstice celebration or Hanahka party, this is the land of the free. But it rankles that so many places have allowed jeerers vetos to override what most folks enjoyed.

Posted by: PaleRider is simply irredeemable at December 17, 2019 12:11 PM (cDw3P)

476 did You Morons ever Hear WASP 's Golgotha, If the
video and Lyrics don't make you tear up you are dead, Man Blackie
Lawless has done a complete 180

Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at December 17, 2019 11:41 AM (BqBId)

Yeah, I was pretty surprised by it. I'm a tad biased, but it takes a metalhead to tell a story that way. lol

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at December 17, 2019 12:11 PM (9Om/r)

477 Merry Christmas, MUMR.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 12:11 PM (90T4r)

478 422 I love being a Jew, I will never convert (but give it a shot...I like to chat about religion), and from my perspective Jesus is not divine."

The theological question that's in play goes back as far as Religion itself. Judaism holds that the Divine and humanity can't be mixed in with each other. Roughly speaking, Christianity says yes, it can, at least that one time. We've all been arguing that point in various ways for at least 3,000 years now. The classical Romans went all the way to the other end of the spectrum with stuff like "well of COURSE the Emperor is Divine!" and all that.

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 17, 2019 12:11 PM (Kpl3J)

479 386: Hate on Hillsong all you want but that gal who does most of the singing is very easy to listen too.

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 17, 2019 12:11 PM (vN4+Q)

480 Or sung by Josh Groban. I love that version.

Posted by: bluebell at December 17, 2019 12:01 PM (/669Q)


I'll consider it so long as there is no yodeling.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - I support medically approved diets for anorexics who are trapped in fat girls' bodies at December 17, 2019 12:11 PM (6aW5L)

481 Sorry horde, made same point twice. 430,462. Multitasking I blame.

Posted by: Santamental Fool at December 17, 2019 12:11 PM (6VO15)

482 Wouldn't be Christmas without MUMR.

Posted by: SMH at December 17, 2019 12:11 PM (RU4sa)

483 But I love reading and talking about religion. It usually doesn't last long, because it turns out that actual believers actually believe and my questioning is their heresy.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at December 17, 2019 12:03 PM (wzVKm)

I don't think questioning is heresy. I think questioning is the way to learn. I've never seen you question Christianity in a belittling way, at all - nor do any of the commenters here, that I've seen. Honest questions are always welcome, although that doesn't mean I would know enough to give a good answer!

Posted by: bluebell at December 17, 2019 12:11 PM (/669Q)

484 What a wonderfully written post. My Christian mother used to speak of Jewish and Christian doctors and nurses covering for each other during Christmas and Yom Kippur. And each group honored and respected the other. nobody made a deal of it. It was just done. Spirit of days long gone. Thanks for the post.

Posted by: Doug at December 17, 2019 12:12 PM (gBNW4)

485 My absolute bestie is a Baptist and she won't talk about it with me

There is a limit to how far you can get with argument and logic. There's a point at which only faith and the gift of the Holy Spirit can take you the rest of the way. This is a topic which, by its very definition, is metaphysical; it defies scientific and rational examination, eventually, because it is supernatural.

That doesn't make it untrue, it simply makes it in another category.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:12 PM (KZzsI)

486 I think the reason the old Christmas Standards stand the test of time is they where designed to be sung by a group of average people.

A well sung Christmas carol is a beautiful thing and a decent choir director can teach nearly any group to sing them well.

Posted by: Big V at December 17, 2019 12:12 PM (B06Zw)

487 Is it forbidden to quote MUMR, cause this last vapor cracked me up.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 17, 2019 12:12 PM (u2I6p)

488 One of my favorite songs for the season. Christmas commercialization has been a trial sometimes, but it has given us some great music! I have performed this one as both mixed 4-part and men's 4-part settings

Posted by: exdem13 at December 17, 2019 12:12 PM (W+kMI)

This makes me sad.

There's nothing at all wrong with "Happy Holidays" -- it's well-wishing with alliteration -- and there's noting wrong with "Merry Christmas" either. What makes me sad is how both expressions -- two-word statements of good will -- have been remade into political statements.

I totally get what you mean about Christmas becoming too commercial. I don't think that the solution is to make it too political. Count me out.


Posted by: FireHorse at December 17, 2019 12:01 PM (ScWBu)

Seconded. I'm fine with Happy Holidays.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at December 17, 2019 12:13 PM (m2EfB)

490 452 Despite my behavior here, I am an absolute, convinced Christian believer. What I love about AoS is that birds of different feathers can flock together here, and yet, there is a strong bond underneath it all. This really is a pretty unique place.
Posted by: tubal at D


This is a unique place, with people who deeply care for each other.
Although I will admit that I am completely intimidated by CBD, and am terrified to talk to him at momee events. Whew, it's good to get that off my chest.

Anyway, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, much love and bountiful blessings in the New Year. You morons are an amazing bunch.

Posted by: Moki at December 17, 2019 12:13 PM (mFoNl)

491 473 "All I Want For Christmas Is You"

That song

"I don't want much for Christmas"

oh ok, that's good because I don't have a lot of money and...

"All I want is you"

wait... I'm not much?
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019


Vince Vance and the Valiants had a short-lived hit in 1979 with "Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran" to the tune of "Barbara Ann" by the Beach Boys. This lady singing the Christmas tune, though, is worth keeping around and playing every year.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at December 17, 2019 12:13 PM (Ejm1K)

492 Status Quo's "Christmas Time" is a great one that's certainly not overplayed on these shores.

I discovered that one through it being linked here at AoS some years ago.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 12:13 PM (H9cB7)

493 I'll consider it so long as there is no yodeling.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - I support medically approved diets for anorexics who are trapped in fat girls' bodies at December 17, 2019 12:11 PM (6aW5L)

No yodeling, no bagpipes, no polka music. No mariachi band either.

Posted by: bluebell at December 17, 2019 12:13 PM (/669Q)

494 We received an email at work about a member of our organization who is raising funds to build churches in third world countries.

I didn't know the name, he's new, so I went to the office millennial hampster gurl leftist who keeps our tracking sheet, and asked what branch he's from.

She said "I don't know, I deleted that immediately. I can't stand Christians spreading it to people who aren't Christian, and I don't even want it in my inbox."

Insane. They're insane with hate.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at December 17, 2019 12:13 PM (5VFi3)

495 Ladies and GentleMorons of the Horde

I have a submission for the AOS Styleguide.

Its not an Impeachment, its a DeElection.

Impeachments are for Crimes, you have to have done something wrong, while this is just a subversion of the election process.

So now, anytime someone mentions impeachment to me, I say 'on, you mean the DeElection'.

Posted by: Don Q at December 17, 2019 12:13 PM (NgKpN)

496 People from Grand Junction are pretty cool, but Moabites are kinda weird.

God commanded the genocide of the Amalekites. Should've been the Moabites.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 17, 2019 12:14 PM (+y/Ru)

497 I always love the non Christian artists who have zero problem putting out a Christmas album.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 17, 2019 12:14 PM (r7Fvf)

498 Vince Vance and the Valiants had a short-lived hit in 1979 with "Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran" to the tune of "Barbara Ann" by the Beach Boys. This lady singing the Christmas tune, though, is worth keeping around and playing every year.


Bombs over Baghdad is catchier.

Posted by: SMH at December 17, 2019 12:14 PM (RU4sa)

499 Questioning is NOT heresy, Bander, IMO. Neither is doubt, or wavering faith. We're just flesh, man. We are the finite, looking on the finite. Thus endeth my sermon.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 12:14 PM (90T4r)

500 455: A unit secretary used to put nutmeg in coffee, it was bad enough that most preferred to buy from dunkin.

Posted by: CN at December 17, 2019 12:14 PM (U7k5w)

501 Ex father in law was an MP in ww2. He always admired the Kraut pow's singing Stille Nacht. He was also on a firing squad for some SS bastard. He also admired the Garand.

Posted by: bill in arkansas at December 17, 2019 12:15 PM (C1Lsn)

502 >>People from Grand Junction are pretty cool, but Moabites are kinda weird.

You should check out the Freaks in Sedona.

Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 12:15 PM (zOZae)

503 I'll consider it so long as there is no yodeling.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - I support medically approved diets for anorexics who are trapped in fat girls' bodies at December 17, 2019 12:11 PM (6aW5L)

Slim Whitman: Damn!

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 17, 2019 12:15 PM (kw5n8)

504 Insane. They're insane with hate.

The open bigotry of the Left can still astonish.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 17, 2019 12:15 PM (u2I6p)

505 No yodeling, no bagpipes, no polka music. No mariachi band either.

Posted by: bluebell at December 17, 2019 12:13 PM (/669Q)


I'd consider mariachi. I lurvs me some mexican polka.

But no yodeling. I don't know why people have begun to believe that being incapable of steadily holding a single note means you're *good* at singing.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - I support medically approved diets for anorexics who are trapped in fat girls' bodies at December 17, 2019 12:15 PM (6aW5L)

506 "Oh Holy Night" sung properly where the "fall on your knees" line is a powerful demand. Also by a large chorus.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - I support medically approved diets for anorexics who are trapped in fat girls' bodies at December 17, 2019 12:00 PM (6aW5L)


Eric Cartman ruined this song for me. I can't hear it any other way.

Posted by: reason at December 17, 2019 12:16 PM (RQDhf)

507 Insane. They're insane with hate.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at December 17, 2019 12:13 PM

You should have said. Cool. You don't mind working on Christmas then.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 17, 2019 12:16 PM (r7Fvf)

508 500 455: A unit secretary used to put nutmeg in coffee, it was bad enough that most preferred to buy from dunkin.
Posted by: CN at December 17, 2019


Most of those "flavored" coffees come off kind of cloying, in my experience. Sweetener or sugar, some milk, and the good roasted scent of the coffee itself, and I'm fine.

A local small coffee shop used to offer a Turkish blend that had an aroma of roasted peanuts. Wish I could find it again.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at December 17, 2019 12:16 PM (Ejm1K)

509 There's nothing at all wrong with "Happy Holidays" -- it's well-wishing with alliteration -- and there's noting wrong with "Merry Christmas" either. What makes me sad is how both expressions -- two-word statements of good will -- have been remade into political statements.


I am with you on this.

But this is where we are.

Sides must be taken.

I think most of us would prefer not to have live our life this way.

But the left has decided against it. So sides must be taken.

Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 12:16 PM (sX1BW)

510 497: Barbra Streisand cranked out a couple, IIRC

Posted by: CN at December 17, 2019 12:16 PM (U7k5w)

511 Just for a moment I was back at school
And felt that old familiar pain
And, as I turned to make my way back home
The snow turned into rain

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 17, 2019 12:16 PM (Kpl3J)

512 I love talking about this stuff, but I never get the chance in the comments, so I blog about it. But Bandersnatch and CBD, would love to havarim with you about it. Merry Christmas, and thanks for being open-minded!

Posted by: itsacon at December 17, 2019 12:16 PM (F9nal)

513 Eric Cartman ruined this song for me. I can't hear it any other way.
Posted by: reason at December 17, 2019 12:16 PM (RQDhf)


Thank GOD I never watched that show.

Posted by: SMH at December 17, 2019 12:17 PM (RU4sa)

514 Slim Whitman: Damn!

He made the aliens' heads explode !

Posted by: JT at December 17, 2019 12:17 PM (arJlL)

515 Ingrid Michaelson does a nice song, Looks Like A Cold, Cold Winter. And I like St. Stephen's Day Murders by Thea Gilmore.

But for some classic music - The Cherry Tree Carol, by the King's College Choir:

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at December 17, 2019 12:17 PM (Ki5SV)

516 Moab

The Delicate Arch at sunrise after camping out in the desert all night with my buddies. Campfire of sputtering juniper and a bottle of tequila.

Good times, good times. One of those moments that reminded me how vast and great and beautiful this country is.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 12:17 PM (H9cB7)

517 Eric Cartman ruined this song for me. I can't hear it any other way.


The Whitney Houston National Anthem of Christmas music.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - I support medically approved diets for anorexics who are trapped in fat girls' bodies at December 17, 2019 12:17 PM (6aW5L)

518 "Oh Holy Night" sung properly where the "fall on your knees" line is a powerful demand. Also by a large chorus.

--Or Johnny Mathis

Posted by: FrodoB,
hobbits don't wear socks at December 17, 2019 12:18 PM (vhYTW)

519 Eric Cartman ruined this song for me. I can't hear it any other way.

The angels something-something.

I always want to start to sing it that way.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 12:18 PM (H9cB7)

520 It's not what you say, it's how (or why) you say it?

On Thanksgiving, for example, just what fucking holiday do you think it might be? An excessive adherence to PC, is corrosive, and weak. The SOBs foisting this shit on us do it for one reason, to expunge it, period. They ruin everything they can. Why let them?

Plus, it pisses them off. What's not to like?

Posted by: Common Tater at December 17, 2019 12:18 PM (hptIz)

521 511 Just for a moment I was back at school
And felt that old familiar pain
And, as I turned to make my way back home
The snow turned into rain
Posted by: Tom Servo at December 17, 2019


The weird thing about that song for me is that, when it first came out, I pictured the girl who would soon become my wife no. 2 as the narrator's former lover.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at December 17, 2019 12:18 PM (Ejm1K)

522 Ukraine Ambassador Bill Taylor expected to leave his job next month.

Always nice to have a little warning.

Posted by: Zombassador Chris Stevens at December 17, 2019 12:18 PM (jyVW0)

523 I love how "Baby It's Cold Outside" has become far too rapey for modern sensitivities but it's perfectly OK to play Cardi B singing about her ass getting eaten-out on drive-time radio.

And yeah, it's Donnie TwoScoops who's "degrading our culture".

What an incredibly stupid time to be alive.

Posted by: DocJ at December 17, 2019 12:19 PM (77WPm)

524 Martin Luther also prefers Christ-centered Christian hymns.

Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at December 17, 2019 12:19 PM (wCmLp)

525 Eric Cartman ruined this song for me. I can't hear it any other way.

The angels something-something.

I always want to start to sing it that way.
Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 12:18 PM (H9cB7)

"Jesus was born - and so we give him presents"


Posted by: Pug Mahon, Purveyor of Locally Sourced artisinal Hogwash at December 17, 2019 12:19 PM (xPJvm)

526 Slim Whitman: Damn!

He made the aliens' heads explode !
Posted by: JT at December 17, 2019 12:17 PM

Una Paloma Blanco... Ahhh Ahhhh Aaaa

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 17, 2019 12:19 PM (r7Fvf)

527 Mitch Miller's Christmas Album

Don't laugh - it reminds me of my childhood Christmas.

Posted by: Tonypete at December 17, 2019 12:19 PM (Y4EXg)

528 She said "I don't know, I deleted that immediately. I can't stand Christians spreading it to people who aren't Christian, and I don't even want it in my inbox."

Insane. They're insane with hate.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at December 17, 2019 12:13 PM

Well...she sounds nice. But remember...we're the bigoted ones.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 17, 2019 12:19 PM (ejd/p)

529 Gloria in excelsis Deo. Sung by a mass of people.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 12:19 PM (90T4r)

530 478 422 I love being a Jew, I will never convert (but give it a shot...I like to chat about religion), and from my perspective Jesus is not divine."

The theological question that's in play goes back as far as Religion itself. Judaism holds that the Divine and humanity can't be mixed in with each other. Roughly speaking, Christianity says yes, it can, at least that one time. We've all been arguing that point in various ways for at least 3,000 years now. The classical Romans went all the way to the other end of the spectrum with stuff like "well of COURSE the Emperor is Divine!" and all that.
When the Jews said, "The Messiah has come, death to the Romans!" the Christians said "Nah man, He was here and gone already, we'll take a pass. There was a lot of hurt feelngs over that, the Christians got booted out of Temple, and the breach was never mended.

Posted by: exdem13 at December 17, 2019 12:19 PM (W+kMI)

531 Mitch Miller's Christmas Album

Don't laugh - it reminds me of my childhood Christmas.


Sing along with Mitch!

Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 12:20 PM (sX1BW)

532 DonQ. I was just musing. I think 1988 is the last time the Dems accepted a Presidential election they lost. And even before then, the progda press was always in overdrive that an R victory means "compromise and reach across the aisle" while D victory means "accept the will of the majority ya deplorables"

Posted by: PaleRider is simply irredeemable at December 17, 2019 12:20 PM (cDw3P)

533 She said "I don't know, I deleted that immediately. I can't stand Christians spreading it to people who aren't Christian, and I don't even want it in my inbox."



Posted by: Moron Robbie - I support medically approved diets for anorexics who are trapped in fat girls' bodies at December 17, 2019 12:20 PM (6aW5L)

534 >>The Delicate Arch at sunrise after camping out in the desert all night with my buddies. Campfire of sputtering juniper and a bottle of tequila.

The Portal Trail is one of my favorite places on earth.

Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 12:20 PM (zOZae)

535 Oh yea. Its that special time of year when South Park replays The Woodland Critter Christmas. It's horrible and screamingly funny.

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 17, 2019 12:20 PM (vN4+Q)

536 I feel so proud... My lovely town is featured in a Brit newspaper... For it's mile of homeless along the freeway.. Hurrah!..

Posted by: It's me donna at December 17, 2019 12:20 PM (6XlcD)

537 Eric Cartman owned Poker Face and Sailing Away, so it is a wash.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at December 17, 2019 12:20 PM (92HT0)

538 Barbra Streisand cranked out a couple, IIRC
Posted by: CN at December 17, 2019 12:16 PM (U7k5w)

I have her Christmas CD. She had a beautiful voice and I love hearing her sing Ave Maria. I know she's Jewish, and doesn't believe what I believe, but she sings those songs with reverence and I appreciate that.

Also know she's a horrible lefty, etc., but like with Groban, I'll take the good and leave the bad.

Posted by: bluebell at December 17, 2019 12:20 PM (/669Q)

539 She said "I don't know, I deleted that immediately. I can't stand Christians spreading it to people who aren't Christian, and I don't even want it in my inbox."


Oh good, so you wouldn't mind working Christmas Day.

Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 12:21 PM (sX1BW)

540 >>Eric Cartman owned Poker Face and Sailing Away, so it is a wash.

Heat of the Moment, too!

Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 12:21 PM (zOZae)

541 where the "fall on your knees" line is a powerful demand. Also by a large chorus.

Yes, it washes over you. Very powerful.

Posted by: t-bird at December 17, 2019 12:21 PM (98WNR)

542 Loved that Wasp song, gonna have to look into that album. The crucifixion from the perspective of the thief on the cross...

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:21 PM (KZzsI)

543 "Come Sail Away with me, you guys!"

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Purveyor of Locally Sourced artisinal Hogwash at December 17, 2019 12:21 PM (xPJvm)

544 The Portal Trail is one of my favorite places on earth.
Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 12:20 PM (zOZae)

And then a hike down Negro Bill Canyon to the Morning Glory natural bridge (watch out for the voluminous poison ivy!) for some amazing views.

Damn, I need to get back to Moab.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 12:21 PM (H9cB7)

545 But for some classic music - The Cherry Tree Carol, by the King's College Choir:
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at December 17, 2019 12:17 PM

Big fan of The Boar's Head Carol, meself.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 17, 2019 12:21 PM (ejd/p)

546 This is huge!

As of 01-01-20, Any Conceal Carry Permit issued in the US will be recognized by the Territorial Government. Doesn't matter where it is from. Puerto Rico will honor it under Universal Reciprocity.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 12:21 PM (aMV0K)

547 She doesn't want "it" in her inbox?


Posted by: Phrasing at December 17, 2019 12:22 PM (hptIz)

548 Mitch Miller's Christmas Album

Don't laugh - it reminds me of my childhood Christmas.

Christmas with the Ray Conniff singers. My Mom, god rest her soul, wore through the other side she played it so much. Every time I hear any song from the album I get so many great memories of my childhood and my Mom but it makes me a bit misty.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 17, 2019 12:22 PM (r7Fvf)

549 My favorite Christmas music? Anything from Trans Siberian Orchestra... And Pentatonix

Posted by: It's me donna at December 17, 2019 12:22 PM (6XlcD)

550 Schumer has to be having a cow right now.

Posted by: torabora at December 17, 2019 12:22 PM (Y274z)

551 Just for a moment I was back at school

And felt that old familiar pain

And, as I turned to make my way back home

The snow turned into rain

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 17, 2019 12:16 PM (Kpl3J)

Sounds like jersey.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at December 17, 2019 12:22 PM (9Om/r)

552 Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at December 17, 2019 12:11 PM (9Om/r)
It makes me tear up every time I listen to it, He is a Born again Christian as is Dave Mustaine & Dave Ellefson Bassist for Megadeth is a Presbyterian Pastor now

Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at December 17, 2019 12:22 PM (BqBId)

553 As of 01-01-20, Any Conceal Carry Permit issued in the US will be recognized by the Territorial Government. Doesn't matter where it is from. Puerto Rico will honor it under Universal Reciprocity.

Which might matter to me if I ever intended to set foot in Puerto Rico. Which I don't.

Posted by: DocJ at December 17, 2019 12:22 PM (77WPm)

554 She said "I don't know, I deleted that immediately. I can't stand Christians spreading it to people who aren't Christian, and I don't even want it in my inbox."


Oh good, so you wouldn't mind working Christmas Day.
Posted by: SH

Ding ding ding!

Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 12:23 PM (aMV0K)

555 524 Martin Luther also prefers Christ-centered Christian hymns.
Father Martin loved good Christmas hymns yeah.

Posted by: exdem13 at December 17, 2019 12:23 PM (W+kMI)

556 When Schumer is full throated RHEEEE!!!, Trump will tweet to him.

Posted by: torabora at December 17, 2019 12:23 PM (Y274z)

557 Giving you all the stink eye!

Posted by: Greta Thunbergergler at December 17, 2019 12:23 PM (ymnmz)

558 Posted by: Tonypete at December 17, 2019 12:19 PM (Y4EXg)


Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at December 17, 2019 12:23 PM (BqBId)

559 God commanded the genocide of the Amalekites. Should've been the Moabites.

Not to mention the Budlites.

Posted by: That irredeemable guy who always says... at December 17, 2019 12:23 PM (EgshT)

560 As of 01-01-20, Any Conceal Carry Permit issued in the US will be recognized by the Territorial Government. Doesn't matter where it is from. Puerto Rico will honor it under Universal Reciprocity.

Which might matter to me if I ever intended to set foot in Puerto Rico. Which I don't.
Posted by: DocJ

I'd set foot in PR before NJ.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 12:23 PM (aMV0K)

561 " A Child's Christmas in Wales" by Dylan Thomas. I read it every Christmas season. Don't judge me!!

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 12:23 PM (90T4r)

562 garrett. Just returned from Sedona on Saturday. You ain't just whistling Dixie. Even the damn grocery store clerk gave me a lecture on new age, vortex crap. Loons, loons I say!

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at December 17, 2019 12:24 PM (N3JsI)

563 >>And then a hike down Negro Bill Canyon to the Morning Glory natural bridge (watch out for the voluminous poison ivy!) for some amazing views.

Hike? That's a killer descent. I used to LOVE riding Moab every year.

And yeah...the creeks and the riverbottom are nasty with Ivy.

Posted by: garrett at December 17, 2019 12:24 PM (zOZae)

564 I'd set foot in PR before NJ.
Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 12:23 PM (aMV0K)

Fair. Unfortunately the parental units still live in NJ. Le sigh.

Posted by: DocJ at December 17, 2019 12:24 PM (77WPm)

565 Stawk Market up more...but so is oil.

Posted by: torabora at December 17, 2019 12:24 PM (Y274z)

566 Sounds like she needs something in her inbox.

Posted by: ... at December 17, 2019 12:24 PM (5qQwh)

567 " A Child's Christmas in Wales" by Dylan Thomas. I read it every Christmas season. Don't judge me!!
Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 12:23 PM

My (formerly) local talk radio station reads it on air every Christmas morning.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 17, 2019 12:25 PM (ejd/p)

568 My advice - be the Fun.

Just don't give a fuck all about other people's attitudes regarding Christmas - have a blast. sing, make merry, give gifts. If they don't reciprocate, meh. I'm not doing it to get thanks, I'm doing it because I want to.

Best way to tell anti-Christmas leftists off is with a smile and a I don't give a shit what you think attitude.

Posted by: Inspector Kemp at December 17, 2019 12:25 PM (+DS2f)

569 Well, I must run. Hope you all have a lovely day.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at December 17, 2019 12:25 PM (Ki5SV)

570 i'm worse. i came up with:

"happy happy, merry merry"

it covers merry christmas and happy new year, with the innuendo that i'm very, very busy.

Posted by: mjc at December 17, 2019 12:25 PM (Pg+x7)

571 As of 01-01-20, Any Conceal Carry Permit issued in the US will be recognized by the Territorial Government. Doesn't matter where it is from. Puerto Rico will honor it under Universal Reciprocity.

Which might matter to me if I ever intended to set foot in Puerto Rico. Which I don't.


Yea, but Guam too.

Just don't take too heavy of a gun.

Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 12:25 PM (sX1BW)

572 It's a Trap.


Posted by: nip at December 17, 2019 12:25 PM (cpS4u)

573 511 Just for a moment I was back at school
And felt that old familiar pain
And, as I turned to make my way back home
The snow turned into rain
Posted by: Tom Servo at December 17, 2019 12:16 PM (Kpl3J)

This could segue immediately into:

It was raining hard in 'Frisco
I needed one more fare to make my night
A lady up ahead waved to flag me down
She got in at the light

Posted by: m at December 17, 2019 12:25 PM (7juvc)

574 556
When Schumer is full throated RHEEEE!!!, Trump will tweet to him.

Posted by: torabora at December 17, 2019 12:23 PM (Y274z)

Posted by: Ben Rothlisbergergler at December 17, 2019 12:26 PM (ymnmz)

575 Puerto Rico will honor it under Universal Reciprocity.

Aren't all the flights to Puerto Rico from NY? How are you going to get it there?

Posted by: t-bird at December 17, 2019 12:26 PM (98WNR)

576 She said "I don't know, I deleted that immediately. I can't stand
Christians spreading it to people who aren't Christian, and I don't even
want it in my inbox."

She seems nice.

Posted by: That irredeemable guy who always says... at December 17, 2019 12:26 PM (EgshT)

577 533 She said "I don't know, I deleted that immediately. I can't stand Christians spreading it to people who aren't Christian, and I don't even want it in my inbox."




That seems like it's only fair. You gonna go "Bah, humbug!" girl, you get to watch the store for the day. I still hug Mom each Christmas for all the days she worked Christmas Eve and/or Christmas Day because she was a hospital/hospice RN.

Posted by: exdem13 at December 17, 2019 12:26 PM (W+kMI)

578 As of 01-01-20, Any Conceal Carry Permit issued in the US will be recognized by the Territorial Government. Doesn't matter where it is from. Puerto Rico will honor it under Universal Reciprocity.


Wow, so I still can't drive through New Jersey or Maryland, but they made it legal for me to visit Puerto Rico.

Good thing we had an (R) majority in the the House and Senate while we also had the most conservative president since Coolidge in office.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - I support medically approved diets for anorexics who are trapped in fat girls' bodies at December 17, 2019 12:26 PM (6aW5L)

579 Also know she's a horrible lefty, etc., but like with Groban, I'll take the good and leave the bad.

I tend to give artists a pass to enjoy their work. I mean, if you reject all art for the personal lives or nasty nature of the artist you have to pretty much deep six 99% of everything ever made. Franz Liszt eventually became a monk but he was basically a rock star with groupies for years. Artists are generally trash, personally.

But sometimes they can push it too far and be too in your face and obnoxious to the point that I cannot separate them from their work (like Tim Robbins or Barbara Streisand). In the future, some day, after they're dead maybe the memories of their hate and corrosive filth can be ignored or forgotten. But not today, for me at least.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:27 PM (KZzsI)

580 putting a candle in a paper bag and lining your property

Looks really beautiful when the whole neighborhood lights up.
Even better on snow.

Posted by: DaveA at December 17, 2019 12:27 PM (FhXTo)

581 Aren't all the flights to Puerto Rico from NY? How are you going to get it there?
Posted by: t-bird

I flew to PR out of Miami.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 12:27 PM (aMV0K)

582 It was raining hard in 'Frisco
I needed one more fare to make my night
A lady up ahead waved to flag me down
She got in at the light

Posted by: m at December 17, 2019 12:25 PM

You see, she was gonna be an actress, and I was gonna learn to fly..

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 17, 2019 12:27 PM (r7Fvf)

583 Squeal like a pig, Chuckie.

Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 12:27 PM (M0u+N)

584 Harry Chapin. I discount and disregard " Cat's in the Cradle", and then am able to appreciate Chapin.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 12:27 PM (90T4r)

585 OT:
Mormon Church Has Misled Members On $100 Billion Tax-Exempt Investment Fund, Whistleblower Alleges

The confidential document, received by the IRS on Nov. 21, accuses church leaders of misleading members - and possibly breaching federal tax rules - by stockpiling their surplus donations instead of using them for charitable works. It also accuses church leaders of using the tax-exempt donations to prop up a pair of businesses...


I wonder if Romney was in on it.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 12:27 PM (q80AH)

586 Mitch Miller and (the Merry Makers?), saw them in concert. Sat on the first row to watch the women breathe.

Posted by: Claude at December 17, 2019 12:27 PM (wXw18)

587 501 Ex father in law was an MP in ww2. He always admired the Kraut pow's singing Stille Nacht. He was also on a firing squad for some SS bastard. He also admired the Garand.
Posted by: bill in arkansas at December 17, 2019 12:15 PM (C1Lsn)

"Silent Night" is, to me, needlessly mournful. JMO, I know people will vehemently disagree but I have always found it that way. Anyways, growing up as a brat in Germany, we learned it in the original German. Even now I can remember how it and some carols went in German.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at December 17, 2019 12:27 PM (dJGLL)

588 581

The movie is available on Amazon Prime
Posted by: MAGA at December 17, 2019 12:27 PM (I5LRE)

Ah. Thank you.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 12:28 PM (90T4r)

589 That Dan Folgerberg is a depressing fucker.

Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 12:28 PM (M0u+N)

590 My workplace is now open Christmas eve. That's a new change.

Posted by: Max Power at December 17, 2019 12:28 PM (QCc6B)

591 I wonder if Romney was in on it.

Is the Pope a Commie?

Posted by: It's me donna at December 17, 2019 12:28 PM (6XlcD)

592 Wow, so I still can't drive through New Jersey or Maryland, but they made it legal for me to visit Puerto Rico.

Good thing we had an (R) majority in the the House and Senate while we also had the most conservative president since Coolidge in office.


Sorry, we at the GOPe believe in state's rights. We don't want to interfere with other states rights to restrict your God-given right, protected by the 2nd A, to carry a gun.

By the way, we are raising the age to smoke tobacco, and things that you might use to not smoke tobocco.

Posted by: SH at December 17, 2019 12:29 PM (sX1BW)

593 Santa Claus and His Old Lady

Posted by: Cheech and Chong at December 17, 2019 12:29 PM (q1Pj5)

594 Merry Christmas Horde. This year is not so Merry in the Kim hause. I'm trying but its rough this year.

Posted by: USNtakim profoundly deplorable. at December 17, 2019 12:29 PM (0OmEj)

595 579
But sometimes they can push it too far and be too in your face and obnoxious to the point that I cannot separate them from their work (like Tim Robbins or Barbara Streisand). In the future, some day, after they're dead maybe the memories of their hate and corrosive filth can be ignored or forgotten. But not today, for me at least.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:27 PM (KZzsI)


I have similar thoughts to the works made by totalitarian regimes, mostly the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union was one of the most evil things in the history of mankind, but they produced a lot of great stuff (often that the Soviet censors had trouble with).

Now that the Soviet Union is gone, I have no compunction about giving out some cash to MosFilm for a movie here or there, but I do wonder what I would have thought in the 50s through the 80s.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 12:29 PM (q80AH)

596 Dan Fogelberg. " Leader of the Band". Not music to party to.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 12:29 PM (90T4r)

597 "My absolute bestie is a Baptist and she won't talk about it with me." Posted by: Bandersnatch

"a man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition, reject"

It doesn't mean you win the argument, or that she is exasperated ... just means she understands a fruitless effort. As for being besties with a heretic ... there can be a downside to that, but it depends on the context I suppose. Christians are quite capable of working/playing around others with different beliefs.

Posted by: illiniwek at December 17, 2019 12:30 PM (Cus5s)

598 I wonder if Romney was in on it.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison


I don't. What a crumb he is.

Posted by: Tonypete at December 17, 2019 12:30 PM (Y4EXg)

599 "Silent Night" is, to me, needlessly mournful

It sounds quiet, respectful, and sweet to me, but I understand what you mean.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:30 PM (KZzsI)

600 Anyone seen that WA/Po poll that Schemer cited this morning that 7/10 Americans want "more evidence?" Aside from the obvious, Schemer misrepresenting what the conveniently-timed poll says, I suspect that there is more to the story, as with all polls.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at December 17, 2019 12:30 PM (1CjJc)

601 598 I wonder if Romney was in on it.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison


I don't. What a crumb he is.
Posted by: Tonypete at December 17, 2019 12:30 PM (Y4EXg)


I want it to come out that he was central to the affair to defraud members of his church of billions of dollars, and he has to resign in disgrace.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 12:30 PM (q80AH)

602 Couldn't think of a better place to carry 24/7 than Puerto Rico. Makes Little Rock seem safe (LR being the only nearby place where I consider a BUG).

Posted by: bill in arkansas at December 17, 2019 12:31 PM (C1Lsn)

603 Looks really beautiful when the whole neighborhood lights up.

It's not as nice as you might think.

Posted by: San Bernardino at December 17, 2019 12:31 PM (u2I6p)

604 600 Anyone seen that WA/Po poll that Schemer cited this morning that 7/10 Americans want "more evidence?" Aside from the obvious, Schemer misrepresenting what the conveniently-timed poll says, I suspect that there is more to the story, as with all polls.
Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at December 17, 2019 12:30 PM (1CjJc)


Wasn't that the whole point of the impeachment proceedings in the House? Why vote in the House if the House hasn't collected all the evidence and made its case well enough yet?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 12:31 PM (q80AH)

605 Round Trip from DFW to San Juan with plane change in Philly.

So no need to go thru NY. Besides, the weapon would be in checked luggage anyway.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 12:31 PM (aMV0K)

606 599 "Silent Night" is, to me, needlessly mournful

It sounds quiet, respectful, and sweet to me, but I understand what you mean.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:30 PM (KZzsI)

It is somber, and quietist in general. Sang by opposing sides in the trenches, in WWI.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 12:32 PM (90T4r)

607 I want it to come out that he was central to the affair to defraud members of his church of billions of dollars, and he has to resign in disgrace.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison


From your keyboard to God's ears.

Posted by: Tonypete at December 17, 2019 12:32 PM (Y4EXg)

608 "Silent Night" is, to me, needlessly mournful

It sounds worshipful to me, although I don't know if that's an actual word.

Posted by: t-bird at December 17, 2019 12:32 PM (98WNR)

609 Schumer wants McConnell to recuse himself.

McConnell to Schumer. "lolgf".

Posted by: Claude at December 17, 2019 12:32 PM (wXw18)

610 That Dan Folgerberg is a depressing fucker.
Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 12:28 PM (M0u+N)
Especially after he split from John Ford Coley.

Posted by: jhawk90 at December 17, 2019 12:32 PM (Xvo1a)

611 ... "happy happy merry merry"

i'd stay and discuss the season of joy and good will and glad tidings for the new year (what are your plans?), but i'm very, very busy and have to go.

Posted by: mjc at December 17, 2019 12:32 PM (Pg+x7)

612 While out shopping this Christmas season, I've made it a point to tell store employees I've had to deal with and/or check out clerks, "Merry Christmas!" Let me just say that the response from those people was bright and cheery. Almost like, hey, you said the "C" word! And they reciprocated with big smiles on their faces. Nobody will stop me from saying what I want. And others out there appreciate it, greatly, imho.

Posted by: Lady in Black at December 17, 2019 12:32 PM (JoUsr)

613 I'm gonna be like you, Dad. You know I'm gonna be like you.

Posted by: Arkansas Biden Baby at December 17, 2019 12:32 PM (EgshT)

614 Wasn't that the whole point of the impeachment
proceedings in the House? Why vote in the House if the House hasn't
collected all the evidence and made its case well enough yet?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 12:31 PM (q80AH)

Exactly. I suspect that is the gist of the poll, that there needs to be more evidence to support impeachment, which with recognition that it is the House's job to do such, actually rebuts Schemer's point.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at December 17, 2019 12:33 PM (1CjJc)

615 612 While out shopping this Christmas season, I've made it a point to tell store employees I've had to deal with and/or check out clerks, "Merry Christmas!" Let me just say that the response from those people was bright and cheery. Almost like, hey, you said the "C" word! And they reciprocated with big smiles on their faces. Nobody will stop me from saying what I want. And others out there appreciate it, greatly, imho.
Posted by: Lady in Black at December 17, 2019 12:32 PM (JoUsr)


Always add, "ya filthy animal."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 12:33 PM (q80AH)

616 595
Now that the Soviet Union is gone, I have no compunction about
giving out some cash to MosFilm for a movie here or there, but I do
wonder what I would have thought in the 50s through the 80s.

mosfilm has a nice youtube channel where they've been posting lots of movies.

Posted by: Anachronda at December 17, 2019 12:33 PM (sGtp+)

617 six hundred and sixteenth!

Posted by: wth at December 17, 2019 12:33 PM (v0R5T)

618 crap.

Posted by: wth at December 17, 2019 12:33 PM (v0R5T)

619 617 six hundred and sixteenth!

Murphy's Law

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 12:34 PM (H9cB7)

620 My "family" Christmas last year was not.

My Aunt decided that we weren't doing a family thing, as she wanted to do it with her in-Laws instead, but insisted that me, my father (who I do not get along with in any way), and my grandfather (Who insists I completely genuflect to my father within his presence) be there, so that her in-Laws could gawk at us like the outsiders we were.

It was humiliating and actually dehumanizing on some level.

Posted by: Allie at December 17, 2019 12:34 PM (sm6Pk)

621 Always add, "ya filthy animal."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 12:33 PM (q80AH)

and "heathen" is a nice touch.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'invite a comrade for dinner!' at December 17, 2019 12:34 PM (VqhL9)

622 Nobody will stop me from saying what I want. And others out there appreciate it, greatly, imho.

Posted by: Lady in Black at December 17, 2019 12:32 PM (JoUsr)

It is especially fun to use on the grinches one happens on this time of year.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at December 17, 2019 12:34 PM (1CjJc)

623 There's prolly been a nood since, oh, comment, 450. But we're coasting along on fumes.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 12:34 PM (90T4r)

624 610 That would be Dan Seals

Posted by: rammajamma at December 17, 2019 12:35 PM (PQRcz)

625 Anyone gonna check on Ace?

Posted by: BignJames at December 17, 2019 12:35 PM (X/Pw5)

626 "Silent Night" is, to me, needlessly mournful

It sounds worshipful to me, although I don't know if that's an actual word.
Posted by: t-bird at December 17, 2019 12:32 PM

Reverential is a good word.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 17, 2019 12:35 PM (ejd/p)

627 It was humiliating and actually dehumanizing on some level.

Posted by: Allie at December 17, 2019 12:34 PM (sm6Pk)

Did they at least throw peanuts at you? Sounds inhumane.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at December 17, 2019 12:35 PM (1CjJc)

628 Nope, no NOOD.

Jinxed it now though.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 12:35 PM (H9cB7)

629 617
six hundred and sixteenth!

Posted by: wth at December 17, 2019 12:33 PM (v0R5T)


Posted by: wth at December 17, 2019 12:33 PM (v0R5T)

LOL. oh man wth. Couldn't even lock up 616.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'invite a comrade for dinner!' at December 17, 2019 12:35 PM (VqhL9)

630 "It was Christmas Eve, babe, in the drunk tank. An old man said to me, won't see another one... "

The Pogues - Fairy Tale of New York. I love this sad, melancholy, Christmas-ish song.

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 17, 2019 12:35 PM (vN4+Q)

631 It was humiliating and actually dehumanizing on some level.
Posted by: Allie at December 17, 2019 12:34 PM (sm6Pk)

Sorry to hear that.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at December 17, 2019 12:36 PM (H8QX8)

632 You people are killin every buzz ever.

Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 12:36 PM (M0u+N)

633 six hundred and sixteenth!

Posted by: wth at December 17, 2019 12:33 PM (v0R5T)


Posted by: wth at December 17, 2019 12:33 PM (v0R5T)

LOL. oh man wth. Couldn't even lock up 616.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'invite a comrade for dinner!' at December 17, 2019 12:35 PM

Y'all need to talk to TJM. He's got it nailed.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 17, 2019 12:36 PM (ejd/p)

634 630 "It was Christmas Eve, babe, in the drunk tank. An old man said to me, won't see another one... "

The Pogues - Fairy Tale of New York. I love this sad, melancholy, Christmas-ish song.

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 17, 2019 12:35 PM (vN4+Q)

Always find the Pogues optimism uplifting.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 12:37 PM (90T4r)

635 ... which reminds, we are blessed with the great excuse:

"why didn't you come and see me?"

"i'm sorry. i have to keep an eye on my carbon footprint, which was running over a bit last month."

Posted by: mjc at December 17, 2019 12:37 PM (Pg+x7)

636 Schemer cited this morning that 7/10 Americans want "more evidence?"

An amount greater than zero? At least we can count on 3/10 of you!

Posted by: Adam Schiffless and the Nads at December 17, 2019 12:37 PM (98WNR)

637 There is no "Christmas" without accepting the love of Jesus Christ, Lord and savior.

Roman 10:9 and all that.

Posted by: Hesco Gypsy at December 17, 2019 12:37 PM (m/eiQ)

638 Check out this darling New Jersey board of education woman who accuses Jewish leaders of trafficking in human parts, and more

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:37 PM (KZzsI)

639 624 610 That would be Dan Seals
Posted by: rammajamma at December 17, 2019


Aka "England Dan."

England Dan and John Ford Coley's "Sad to Belong to someone Else (When the Right One Comes Along)" -- darn good stuff. (Another one I lived.)

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at December 17, 2019 12:37 PM (Ejm1K)

640 Schemer cited this morning that 7/10 Americans want "more evidence?"

An amount greater than zero? At least we can count on 3/10 of you!

Posted by: Adam Schiffless and the Nads at December 17, 2019 12:37 PM (98WNR)

What do the 3/5 Americans want?

Posted by: Coun t de Monet, fruitcake lover at December 17, 2019 12:38 PM (q1Pj5)

641 Okay, time for a nood, or we'll start drinking alone, looks like.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 12:38 PM (90T4r)

642 And Christians need to take a different and better view of Judaism. (altho it's gotten better)

I say to myself that Hey, Jesus was a Jew raised as a Jew taught as a Jew.

Whatever his divinity is or is not he was a Jewish scholar.

Much of his teachings are encapsulated forms of some parts of the Torah and the boiling down of many of the laws to the basics. Weeding out what some could say are the chaff and leaving the essentials.

God chose the Jews in more ways than one and one way was to cause Jesus to be born amongst them.

Plus God gives fair warning and says that anyone who disparages the Jews and the Jewish nation will suffer for they are His people. And those who aid the Jews and the Jewish nation will be blessed.

So give a shalom out to a Jew today. It couldn't hurt.

Posted by: jakee308 - Hylozoist at December 17, 2019 12:38 PM (PiE+K)

643 7/8 eople want to give Schumer a trebuchet ride.

Posted by: Claude at December 17, 2019 12:38 PM (wXw18)

644 Schemer cited this morning that 7/10 Americans want "more evidence?"

I don't think that helps his case the way he thinks it does

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:38 PM (KZzsI)

645 Two of my favorite Christmas songs:

Don't Be a Jerk, It's Christmas.

Stop the Cavalry.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at December 17, 2019 12:38 PM (1CjJc)

646 614
Wasn't that the whole point of the impeachment

proceedings in the House? Why vote in the House if the House hasn't

collected all the evidence and made its case well enough yet?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 12:31 PM (q80AH)

I suspect that is the gist of the poll, that there needs to be more
evidence to support impeachment, which with recognition that it is the
House's job to do such, actually rebuts Schemer's point.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at December 17, 2019 12:33 PM (1CjJc)

Or lets flip the script. The dems just spent 2 years of Mueller and 2 months of Shampeachemnt and they still don't have any evidence to impeach PDT, therefore Schumer takes it a license to continue to to impeach foadify cause they public want's more evidence before the accept an impeachment.....but wait there is no evidence to impeach so MAOR HERRINGS. These people are deranged.

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at December 17, 2019 12:38 PM (ymnmz)

647 LOL. oh man wth. Couldn't even lock up 616.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'invite a comrade for dinner!' at December 17, 2019 12:35 PM (VqhL9)

I know. First comment of the day FAIL. Hopeless.

Posted by: wth at December 17, 2019 12:38 PM (v0R5T)

648 640
Schemer cited this morning that 7/10 Americans want "more evidence?"

An amount greater than zero? At least we can count on 3/10 of you!

Posted by: Adam Schiffless and the Nads at December 17, 2019 12:37 PM (98WNR)

What do the 3/5 Americans want?

Posted by: Coun t de Monet, fruitcake lover at December 17, 2019 12:38 PM (q1Pj5)

Math? Really you guys?

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'invite a comrade for dinner!' at December 17, 2019 12:39 PM (VqhL9)

649 What do the 3/5 Americans want?

Posted by: Coun t de Monet, fruitcake lover at December 17, 2019 12:38 PM (q1Pj5)

Heads on pikes? Tar and feathering?

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at December 17, 2019 12:39 PM (1CjJc)

650 I know some of us, myself included have issue with The church of Latter Day Saints, but I'm telling you, their choir sure can sing a Christmas song.

Posted by: bill in arkansas at December 17, 2019 12:39 PM (C1Lsn)

651 644
Schemer cited this morning that 7/10 Americans want "more evidence?"

I don't think that helps his case the way he thinks it does

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:38 PM (KZzsI)

7 in 10 say u f'd up. They all want you ti STFD and STFU but Schumer is all MOAR COWBELL.

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at December 17, 2019 12:40 PM (ymnmz)

652 Always add, "ya filthy animal."


A coinkidink. I watched that last night.

Posted by: Lady in Black at December 17, 2019 12:40 PM (JoUsr)

653 624 610 That would be Dan Seals
Posted by: rammajamma at December 17, 2019 12:35 PM (PQRcz)
t'was a bad joke. Had a friend back in high school that was really into Steely Dan so I'd say "Hey they were on Mike Douglas yesterday" and he'd lose his shit "THAT WAS ENGLAND DAN STEELY DAN WOULD NEVER" lol

Posted by: jhawk90 at December 17, 2019 12:40 PM (Xvo1a)

654 Hate speech!

Ben Shapiro@benshapiro
Gorsuch said "Merry Christmas." Recuse!

Amee Vanderpool@girlsreallyrule
Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch just appeared on Fox and Friends this morning, making a point to parrot the "Merry Christmas" talking point of the GOP. If he's willing to go on Fox and throw a shout out to Republican narratives, what ele is he willing to do?

M*rry Chr*stm*ss is a GOP talking point!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 17, 2019 12:40 PM (+y/Ru)

655 Hey, CBD.
Look up the mystery of the Magi and check out the video by Hal Lindsey.
Merry Christmas.

Posted by: The N Word at December 17, 2019 12:40 PM (ZPP76)

656 Or lets flip the script. The dems just spent 2 years
of Mueller and 2 months of Shampeachemnt and they still don't have any
evidence to impeach PDT, therefore Schumer takes it a license to
continue to to impeach foadify cause they public want's more evidence
before the accept an impeachment.....but wait there is no evidence to
impeach so MAOR HERRINGS. These people are deranged.

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at December 17, 2019 12:38 PM (ymnmz)

That is what I was hoping to do, but wanted to see the poll first, before flipping it.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at December 17, 2019 12:40 PM (1CjJc)

657 A former investment manager alleges in a whistleblower complaint to the Internal Revenue Service that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has amassed about $100 billion in accounts intended for charitable purposes, according to a copy of the complaint obtained by The Washington Post.

Just sayin.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'invite a comrade for dinner!' at December 17, 2019 12:41 PM (VqhL9)

658 The fact that anywhere near 50% allegedly want Trump impeached and removed from office, despite the economy and the lack of evidence of any criminal wrongdoing, just doesn't feel right.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 12:41 PM (H9cB7)

659 > I said I'd reply back, "Happy Hanukkah". Why wouldn't I?"

Of course. Or Diwali, for that matter. Or Saint Patrick's Day. Or Cinco de Mayo. Or whatever. Hell, if someone wishes me a Happy Saturnalia I'm going to take it as a gesture of fellowship, and respond to it.

As far as I'm concerned, anything that involves dressing up in interesting/beautiful/ridiculous clothing, slamming drinks, and stuffing yourself with tasty food is cool.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at December 17, 2019 12:41 PM (WsmTT)

660 If the Senate trial is a trial, having evidence makes sense. I mean a grand jury doesn't create the case, it just sets enough of a case out to decide if a trial is justified.

But Schumer's motivation isn't to get evidence, its to pile on, draw out the length of the trial, and to control the trial by who gets to testify etc.

Democrats want this to last as long as humanly possible.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:41 PM (KZzsI)

661 Posted by: Allie at December 17, 2019 12:34 PM

Sounds horrible. I have a BIL and SIL who are level 11 annoying. He's sucked all of my MIL and FIL's money basically. But he'll tell you how fucking smart he is and how bad orange man is. And the wife's parents are at the age we now get to host them and all their offspring. Bonus. a few are ex drunks so out of respect my wife doesn't want any booze around. I go outside. A LOT have to check the turkey in the smoker A LOT you know.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 17, 2019 12:41 PM (r7Fvf)

662 7/8 people want to give Schumer a trebuchet ride.

While he's peering down his nose over his glasses like a smug prick.

Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 12:41 PM (M0u+N)

Schumer can FOADIAF.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 17, 2019 12:41 PM (pNxlR)

664 Number of the beast

Posted by: Josephistan at December 17, 2019 12:42 PM (2Axdr)

665 > The fact that anywhere near 50% allegedly want Trump impeached and removed from office, despite the economy and the lack of evidence of any criminal wrongdoing, just doesn't feel right.

The media lies.

Always remember, and never forget, that these are the same people who told us Granny Cacklepants had a 99.9999999999% probability of winning.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at December 17, 2019 12:42 PM (WsmTT)

666 663
Schumer can FOADIAF.
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 17, 2019 12:41 PM (pNxlR)


Fend Over A Delirious Indian At Five?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 12:42 PM (q80AH)

667 M*rry Chr*stm*ss is a GOP talking point!

I saw that earlier, and I couldn't believe it. Democrats aren't allowed to enjoy Christmas? That's certainly going to attract more voters *sarc*.

Posted by: Ian S. at December 17, 2019 12:42 PM (6XLoz)

668 Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 17, 2019 12:40 PM (+y/Ru)

Amee is phenomenally dim witted, isn't she?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 17, 2019 12:42 PM (WI7YS)


Apparently the Brits need to ban screwdrivers.

Posted by: JEM at December 17, 2019 12:42 PM (8erNz)

670 South Park "I'm a Jew on Christmas"

Posted by: kbdabear at December 17, 2019 12:42 PM (qAR6u)

671 Which might matter to me if I ever intended to set foot in Puerto Rico. Which I don't.
Posted by: DocJ at December 17, 2019 12:22 PM (77WPm)

I've been there, and PR has some fantastic places - the El Junque rain forests, the secluded Caribbean beaches on the small island of Vieques; it's a great tragedy that it's been so poorly run for a century. (And the US Congress deserves even more blame for that than the Puerto Ricans do)

If we were to sell all of PR to Donald Trump as his private property, within 10 years PR would be incredibly rich, completely developed, and it would be the #1 tourist destination in the entire region. All of the basics are already there, it just needs One Man with a Plan in charge of the thing.

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 17, 2019 12:43 PM (Kpl3J)

672 653 I suspected a joke or sarcasm, but a big Dan Seals fan when he was alive - great cowboy crooner.

Posted by: rammajamma at December 17, 2019 12:43 PM (PQRcz)

673 661 Sounds horrible. I have a BIL and SIL who are level 11 annoying. He's sucked all of my MIL and FIL's money basically. But he'll tell you how fucking smart he is and how bad orange man is. And the wife's parents are at the age we now get to host them and all their offspring. Bonus. a few are ex drunks so out of respect my wife doesn't want any booze around. I go outside. A LOT have to check the turkey in the smoker A LOT you know.
Posted by: Minnfidel at December 17, 2019 12:41 PM (r7Fvf)

Even my grandfather said he felt embarrassed, and he's one of the most stiff-necked, stone-faced, never-show-emotion-ever people I've known.

Posted by: Allie at December 17, 2019 12:43 PM (sm6Pk)

674 "fook off and die in a ford"?

Posted by: mjc at December 17, 2019 12:43 PM (Pg+x7)

675 You people are killin every buzz ever.

Posted by: eleven

Christopher Columbus beached a ship on Christmas 1492 and set up the colony La Navidad. Should've called La Genocidedad!!! Before going back to Spain he killed every Indigenous Person on Hispaniola and enslaved the rest!!

Posted by: WaterCow at December 17, 2019 12:43 PM (ScWBu)

676 But Schumer's motivation isn't to get evidence, its to pile on, draw out the length of the trial, and to control the trial by who gets to testify etc.

Democrats want this to last as long as humanly possible.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor

Since it would tie up Lieawatha and Bernie in the Senate....

Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 12:43 PM (aMV0K)

677 Okay, time for a nood, or we'll start drinking alone, looks like.

Posted by: tubal at December 17, 2019 12:38 PM (90T4r)

Too late....big coffee w/shots of kaluha and cherry liquer.

Posted by: BignJames at December 17, 2019 12:44 PM (X/Pw5)

678 M*rry Chr*stm*ss is a GOP talking point!

Its bold of the Democrats to admit that they hate Christmas.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:44 PM (KZzsI)

679 Schemer cited this morning that 7/10 Americans want "more evidence?"


That's one thing they haven't figured out yet. How to get "more evidence" from that cornucopia of stuff in rogue Ford Focus trunks that always benefits Democrats. They're looking though...

Posted by: Lady in Black at December 17, 2019 12:44 PM (JoUsr)


A small group of President Donald Trump's fiercest conservative critics,
including the husband of the president's own chief adviser, is
launching a super PAC designed to fight Trump's reelection and punish
congressional Republicans deemed his "enablers.". . .
The mission, as outlined in a website that launched
Tuesday coinciding with a New York Times opinion piece, is simple: "Defeat President Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box."
group is led by a seven-person advisory council that features some of
the GOP's most vocal Trump critics. Most, but not all, have already left
the Republican Party to protest Trump's rise.
principals include former John McCain adviser Steve Schmidt, former
Ohio Gov. John Kasich adviser John Weaver, former New Hampshire GOP
chair Jennifer Horn, veteran Republican operative Rick Wilson and George
Conway, a conservative attorney and husband of Trump's chief counselor
Kellyanne Conway.

Posted by: Lizzy at December 17, 2019 12:44 PM (bDqIh)

681 678 M*rry Chr*stm*ss is a GOP talking point!

Its bold of the Democrats to admit that they hate Christmas.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:44 PM (KZzsI)


"Hey, Warren's Chief Strategist, what are Warren's thoughts on apple pie?"

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Strong with the Force Schwartz at December 17, 2019 12:44 PM (q80AH)

682 And they need to stop sending the smart ones to the States.

That's part of the problem with PR is that all that's left is the lazy and the venal. (Democrats in other words.)

Posted by: jakee308 - Hylozoist at December 17, 2019 12:44 PM (PiE+K)

683 Seriously Amee's comment sounds so stupid that it seems like a parody. I know it probably isn't which is sad.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 17, 2019 12:44 PM (WI7YS)

684 678 M*rry Chr*stm*ss is a GOP talking point!

Its bold of the Democrats to admit that they hate Christmas.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:44 PM (KZzsI)

Why does every single thing need to be Partisan Politics to them?

Posted by: Allie at December 17, 2019 12:44 PM (sm6Pk)

685 665 > The fact that anywhere near 50% allegedly want Trump impeached and removed from office, despite the economy and the lack of evidence of any criminal wrongdoing, just doesn't feel right.

The media lies."

It's easy to get those results, just make sure that your pollster only contacts people in NYC, Seattle, Portland, and Sacramento.

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 17, 2019 12:45 PM (Kpl3J)

686 Christopher Columbus beached a ship on Christmas 1492 and set up the colony La Navidad. Should've called La Genocidedad!!! Before going back to Spain he killed every Indigenous Person on Hispaniola and enslaved the rest!!

Maybe they were assholes.

Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 12:45 PM (M0u+N)

687 Some of the most loved Christmas songs were written by Jews. For example, White Christmas was written by Irving Berlin, and a whole Christmas album of hits was written by Phil Spector

Posted by: kbdabear at December 17, 2019 12:45 PM (qAR6u)

688 Check out this darling New Jersey board of education woman who accuses Jewish leaders of trafficking in human parts, and more
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:37 PM

I got nuthin'. Really. That this person can in an election anywhere outside of Mogadishu is unreal.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 17, 2019 12:45 PM (ejd/p)

689 Every Christmas, 1000 non-Christians die in acts of domestic violence.

Posted by: The Made-Up Statistics Council at December 17, 2019 12:45 PM (U+yse)

690 A LOT have to check the turkey in the smoker A LOT you know.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 17, 2019 12:41 PM (r7Fvf)

Wild Turkey.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at December 17, 2019 12:45 PM (1CjJc)

691 It's sappy but I liked a lot of Foglerbergs stuff. Leader of the band will get me every time. Dust. he was also like the only guy I know of to use French horns in that era.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 17, 2019 12:46 PM (r7Fvf)

692 > Last Christmas at my husband's life coach sister's, I said the words, "Happy Birthday Jesus," and it was met with silence, except for her worthless hipster 40 y.o. son

"Oh, good. Then you won't be insulted when you aren't invited next year. I mean, since it's all a sham and a fraud."

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at December 17, 2019 12:46 PM (WsmTT)

693 We hate everything good. EVERYTHING!!!

Posted by: Democrats at December 17, 2019 12:46 PM (EgshT)

694 Thanks CBD and Merry Christmas to you too.

Although as a Jew, you do have the eight crazy nights of Hanukkah.

Posted by: Archer at December 17, 2019 12:46 PM (gmo/4)

695 M*rry Chr*stm*ss is a GOP talking point!

I saw that earlier, and I couldn't believe it. Democrats aren't allowed to enjoy Christmas? That's certainly going to attract more voters *sarc*.
Posted by: Ian S

HEY KIDS!! No presents for you! Your parents are Democrats!

Want life long Republicans? Push that.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 12:47 PM (aMV0K)

696 Since it would tie up Lieawatha and Bernie in the Senate....

"Oh you don't have to show up at all to vote!"
--Ruth Bader Ginsburg

"In the interests of bipartisanship we will allow proxy and remote voting!"
--The Turtle

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 12:47 PM (KZzsI)

697 Mormon Church Has Misled Members On $100 Billion Tax-Exempt Investment Fund, Whistleblower Alleges

The confidential document, received by the IRS on Nov. 21, accuses church leaders of misleading members - and possibly breaching federal tax rules - by stockpiling their surplus donations instead of using them for charitable works. It also accuses church leaders of using the tax-exempt donations to prop up a pair of businesses...

As a LDS guy, I'm curious about the details, but this sounds like a nothing-burger to me. The Church gets audited every single year. They own a lot of properties (churches, temples, farms, etc). It's a big church with a ton of expenses. Every homeowner knows they have to have a safety fund in case of emergencies.

I'm mildly curious which "private businesses" they're supposed to have supported. I also note the "whistleblower" doesn't allege the leadership is enriching themselves.

Posted by: bonhomme at December 17, 2019 12:47 PM (9t0Zz)

698 I have asshole libs in my family. They are not to come over, ever. End of fucking story. I see them at other functions, but they will not defile my house with their garbage and shit-stirring.

I ceased giving a fuck a while ago.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at December 17, 2019 12:47 PM (GP3/4)

699 A LOT have to check the turkey in the smoker A LOT you know.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 17, 2019 12:41 PM (r7Fvf)

Wild Turkey.
Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at December 17, 2019 12:45 PM

Well, they are hard to catch you know

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 17, 2019 12:47 PM (r7Fvf)

700 Its bold of the Democrats to admit that they hate Christmas.

Also motherhood and apple pie.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 17, 2019 12:48 PM (+y/Ru)

701 In what universe is Katshit a "fierce conservative"?

That must be the same one where Spock has a beard, right?

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at December 17, 2019 12:48 PM (WsmTT)

702 Best way to tell anti-Christmas leftists off is with a smile and a I don't give a shit what you think attitude.
Posted by: Inspector Kemp at December 17, 2019 12:25 PM (+DS2f)



When hamster gurl flew off the handle about our Christian coworker I just put up my palms and said ok, ok forget it, laughing, and walked out. She knows I think she's a weird bigot, I didn't have to argue, and I'm sure it left her fuming. They hate being ignored more than anything.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at December 17, 2019 12:48 PM (5VFi3)

703 691 His Seeing You Again will rip your heart out. He was a solid guitar player as well.

Posted by: rammajamma at December 17, 2019 12:48 PM (PQRcz)

704 "The theological question that's in play goes back as far as Religion
itself. Judaism holds that the Divine and humanity can't be mixed in
with each other. Roughly speaking, Christianity says yes, it can, at
least that one time."

not all Christianity says that. I'm copacetic with Judaism on this. The Savior is divine in that he was sent directly from God (seed to Mary, and other Fatherly oversight along the way ... in the garden ... "not my will but thine be done"). But the "Divinity of Jesus" is used to say JC is God the Son, which is obviously an Orwellian conversion of son of God.

All that trinity baloney was part of the many compromises with pagan multi-go religions ... half god half man ... a god taking on human form (no man has seen God at any time, the son revealed Him ... God cannot be tempted, JC was tempted on all points like as we).

God did not do kabuki theater and pretend to be tempted, pretend to be a man. Jesus was a real boy, that became a real man that obeyed, and died as the lamb of God, even though he could have called for angels to save him, or he could have taken Satan's deal "all these kingdoms I will give you".

We can't be superheroes and we can't be half-God ourselves, but we can strive to be like our brother JC. imo these are important distinctions.

Posted by: illiniwek at December 17, 2019 12:48 PM (Cus5s)

705 My grandfather played the french horn. I love to hear it in non-classical settings. Yes's "Onward" is one good one.

And of course, John Entwhistle played the horn on some Who songs.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 12:49 PM (H9cB7)

706 In Italian we say Santo Natale, which gets more to the point than "merry".

Posted by: Hesco Gypsy at December 17, 2019 12:49 PM (m/eiQ)

707 The principals include former John McCain adviser Steve Schmidt, former Ohio Gov. John Kasich adviser John Weaver, former New Hampshire GOP chair Jennifer Horn, veteran Republican operative Rick Wilson and George Conway, a conservative attorney and husband of Trump's chief counselor
Kellyanne Conway.
Posted by: Lizzy at December 17, 2019 12:44 PM (bDqIh)

5 people who will never work for pay in politics again. Seriously, who would hire them? Not Democrats, they've got their own people already, they don't need any turncoats.

Our Never Trumpers are just like the conservative "Remainers" in the UK - they all decided to join up with the Lib-Dem party The Lib-Dems won 11 seats out of 650 - their entire party could fit inside a travel van now. That's the same amount of influence that the Never Trumpers have here.

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 17, 2019 12:49 PM (Kpl3J)

708 Saying "Merry Christmas" is (or should be) as offensive as wishing someone a "Happy Birthday." Yes it's not everyone's birthday and if you have a problem with that GFY.

Posted by: xnycpeasant at December 17, 2019 12:49 PM (koNhm)


Happy Channukah

Posted by: ploome at December 17, 2019 12:49 PM (9bzf/)

710 686 Christopher Columbus beached a ship on Christmas 1492 and set up the colony La Navidad. Should've called La Genocidedad!!! Before going back to Spain he killed every Indigenous Person on Hispaniola and enslaved the rest!!

Maybe they were assholes.

Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 12:45 PM (M0u+N)

It's a false claim. Settlement is kind of a strong word. The 11 dudes there to man the little fort got killed, no mention of any dead natives let alone enslaved ones.

Posted by: Someguy at December 17, 2019 12:49 PM (7nTlT)

711 708 You first

Posted by: rammajamma at December 17, 2019 12:49 PM (PQRcz)

712 > Note, Scrooge was not inherently religious.

"Some people think that Ebenezer Scrooge is.
Well, he's not. But who is? All Three Stooges."

-- from the only thing Adam Sandler ever did that was worth a damn.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at December 17, 2019 12:50 PM (WsmTT)

713 663: That would make the season bright

Posted by: CN at December 17, 2019 12:50 PM (U7k5w)

714 706 In Italian we say Santo Natale, which gets more to the point than "merry".

Buon' Natale among my peeps.

Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 12:50 PM (H9cB7)

715 Democrats want this to last as long as humanly possible.

Which is like Wile E. Coyote ordering the biggest anvil that Acme offers.

Posted by: t-bird at December 17, 2019 12:50 PM (OiC69)

716 My grandfather played the french horn. I love to hear it in non-classical settings.

Posted by: Guy Smiley

You know who else played French horn? Ronnie James Dio.

Posted by: FireHorse at December 17, 2019 12:50 PM (ScWBu)

717 705 My grandfather played the french horn. I love to hear it in non-classical settings. Yes's "Onward" is one good one.

And of course, John Entwhistle played the horn on some Who songs.
Posted by: Guy Smiley at December 17, 2019 12:49 PM (H9cB7)

Marty Feldman played the French Horn in Young Frankenstein. (and Marty Feldman actually did play the French Horn, that's why that was in there)

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 17, 2019 12:50 PM (Kpl3J)

718 We can't be superheroes and we can't be half-God ourselves, but we can strive to be like our brother JC. imo these are important distinctions.

Posted by: illiniwek at December 17, 2019 12:48 PM (Cus5s)

That view is approximately Nestorian I think.

Posted by: Someguy at December 17, 2019 12:50 PM (7nTlT)

719 I have asshole libs in my family. They are not to come over, ever. End of fucking story. I see them at other functions, but they will not defile my house with their garbage and shit-stirring.

I ceased giving a fuck a while ago.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at December 17, 2019 12:47 PM

I am stuck for now. But I did draw the line that will cause some backlash this year. And I don't care. One of the cousins identifies suddenly as a xhe. And she posts non stop anti Trump. Anti Christian crap. I told my wife in no uncertain terms was she ever welcome in my home again. Gonna be ackward with her aunt but IDGAF.

Posted by: Minnfidel at December 17, 2019 12:51 PM (r7Fvf)

720 I ceased giving a fuck a while ago.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at December 17, 2019 12:47 PM (GP3/4)\
I hate to say it. The worst are teachers and other steeped in that system. They have no conception that others think differently, and so they have no inner monologue when it comes to breaching political topics.

I try to be diplomatic, but loudmouth soup gets the better of me, at times.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at December 17, 2019 12:51 PM (1CjJc)

721 664 Number of the beast

Posted by: Josephistan at December 17, 2019 12:42 PM (2Axdr)


Neighbor of the beast.

Posted by: Moron Robbie abridged at December 17, 2019 12:51 PM (6aW5L)

722 @686
"686 Christopher Columbus beached a ship on Christmas 1492 and set up the colony La Navidad. Should've called La Genocidedad!!! Before going back to Spain he killed every Indigenous Person on Hispaniola and enslaved the rest!!"

Okay, so I say every Mestizo owes themselves half reparations.

Posted by: xnycpeasant at December 17, 2019 12:51 PM (koNhm)

723 I cringe away from any interaction with other people, so my preferred form of Christmas greeting is irrelevant.

Posted by: Chris M at December 17, 2019 12:51 PM (eAZVt)

724 692 > Last Christmas at my husband's life coach sister's, I said the words, "Happy Birthday Jesus," and it was met with silence, except for her worthless hipster 40 y.o. son

"Oh, good. Then you won't be insulted when you aren't invited next year. I mean, since it's all a sham and a fraud."
I have said Jesus is more true than the heretic Karl Marx and his false gospel of worshipping the State. That usually winds 'em up good.

Posted by: exdem13 at December 17, 2019 12:52 PM (W+kMI)

725 I have asshole libs in my family. They are not to
come over, ever. End of fucking story. I see them at other functions,
but they will not defile my house with their garbage and shit-stirring.

I ceased giving a fuck a while ago.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at December 17, 2019 12:47 PM (GP3/4)

Thats the way to do it. I don't have any libs in the family, but my brother's asshole inlaws make up for it. Whenever there is a gathering at his house the 2 of us hang out in the garage most of the time.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at December 17, 2019 12:52 PM (9Om/r)

726 There were five stooges.

Curly, Moe, Larry, Spike, and Harpo.

Posted by: eleven at December 17, 2019 12:52 PM (M0u+N)

727 I have asshole libs in my family.

Didja see Crazy Bernie's Christmas strategy?

Ben Pershing@benpershing
"Bernie Sanders is struggling to gain traction with Democratic voters over age 50, so his campaign is coaching thousands of young supporters on how to talk to their parents and grandparents during the holidays."

What could possibly go wrong?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at December 17, 2019 12:52 PM (+y/Ru)

728 The principals include former John McCain adviser Steve Schmidt, former Ohio Gov. John Kasich adviser John Weaver, former New Hampshire GOP chair Jennifer Horn, veteran Republican operative Rick Wilson and George Conway, a conservative attorney and husband of Trump's chief counselor Kellyanne Conway.

One body, so many assholes.

Posted by: JEM at December 17, 2019 12:52 PM (8erNz)

729 Always remember, and never forget, that these are the same people who told us Granny Cacklepants had a 99.9999999999% probability of winning.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at December 17, 2019 12:42 PM (WsmTT)

The media leans on those polls to "prove" that Trump had the Russians hack the election because their polls are never wrong.

Posted by: kbdabear at December 17, 2019 12:52 PM (qAR6u)

730 NOOD

Posted by: Max Power at December 17, 2019 12:52 PM (QCc6B)

731 For those of you who attend Christmas Eve or Christmas Day services, please say thank you to the minister/priest, the organist, and the ones who print the bulletins, usher, and sing - all the things that make the service special. In 9 years at this church, Rev has yet to receive a word of appreciation at Christmastime.

Posted by: grammie winger at December 17, 2019 12:52 PM (lwiT4)

732 698: Yay, someone who agrees with me. I won't make a big dinner to get some assholean lecture in return.

Posted by: CN at December 17, 2019 12:52 PM (U7k5w)

733 Before the thread retires, I just wanted to say..

* Merry Christmas, ye Hordelings *

and I may say it again sometime over the next week.

Posted by: mindful webworkerho ho ho or yo ho ho at December 17, 2019 12:52 PM (IjxMe)

734 Ace up

Posted by: rickb223 at December 17, 2019 12:53 PM (aMV0K)

735 It's a false claim. Settlement is kind of a strong word. The 11 dudes there to man the little fort got killed, no mention of any dead natives let alone enslaved ones.
Posted by: Someguy at December 17, 2019 12:49 PM (7nTlT)

Yeah - 11 shipwrecked guys killed a couple hundred thousand natives on Hispaniola? Disease is what killed all the Caribbean natives, they appear to have been especially susceptible to the European diseases.

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 17, 2019 12:53 PM (Kpl3J)

736 Nood.

Posted by: Linn Ridge at December 17, 2019 12:53 PM (ECrgQ)

737 Ofra

Posted by: ploome at December 17, 2019 12:53 PM (9bzf/)

738 Whew that was quick retirement

Nood Ace

Posted by: mindful webworker - willowed again at December 17, 2019 12:53 PM (IjxMe)

739 Buon' Natale among my peeps.

Nothing flows off the tongue like "Fröhliche Weihnachten", though.

Posted by: t-bird at December 17, 2019 12:53 PM (lK7fO)

740 680: The mission, as outlined in a website that launched Tuesday coinciding with a New York Times opinion piece, is simple: "Defeat President Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box."

That will move the needle. A bit. A wee bit? Maybe if you bump it, it will move?

Posted by: Puddleglum at December 17, 2019 12:55 PM (vN4+Q)

741 I'm mildly curious which "private businesses" they're supposed to have supported.
Posted by: bonhomme at December 17, 2019 12:47 PM

Hopefully not the one The Happy Valley People sang about in their catchy tune "ZCMI".

Posted by: Duncanthrax The Austere at December 17, 2019 12:56 PM (9UaSi)

742 a whole Christmas album of hits was written by Phil Spector

My favorites off that album:

I'm going to shoot this girl. For Christmas!


This hairdo proves that Jesus did not die for everyone's sins.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at December 17, 2019 12:57 PM (iys0/)

743 @#707, by Tom Servo: not only did the Lib Dems get nowhere on Thursday, their leader, Jo Swinson, got shown the door by a SNP candidate. Hilarious.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at December 17, 2019 12:58 PM (dJGLL)

744 Posted by: grammie winger at December 17, 2019 12:52 PM (lwiT4)

Good point, I am sorry to hear that nobody says thanks. They usually don't thank me for Christmas Eve services, although one guy last year said, "Great job!" probably because I didn't preach and just did lessons and carols. But hopefully he remembers that God thanks him.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 17, 2019 12:59 PM (WI7YS)

745 It's a false claim. Settlement is kind of a strong word. The 11 dudes there to man the little fort got killed, no mention of any dead natives let alone enslaved ones.

Yeah it was the guys who came afterward who did all that.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 17, 2019 01:01 PM (KZzsI)

746 I wonder what would have become of my second grade teacher, who insisted we spell Christmas that way, and not "Xmas", and showed us the etymology, to the point of underlining "Christ". In class.

I already know what would have become of my fourth grade teacher: she had a notepad on her desk with a quotation from the Book of Psalms and was extremely religious. I never heard of the Chronicles of Narnia until she read the books to us in class. It's not that she would have been fired, or not hired. She would have been shot.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at December 17, 2019 01:05 PM (dJGLL)

BREAKING: Manafort Hospitalized After 'Cardiac Event'

Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at December 17, 2019 01:07 PM (BqBId)

748 " Jesus was a Jew raised as a Jew taught as a Jew. Whatever his divinity is or is not he was a Jewish scholar."

he argued the OT law with the Pharisees, to reveal they had corrupted it. (they all had the women in red, yet tried to entrap JC with their legalism)

JC came for the Jews, the people (Jew and Gentile) loved him, the corrupted aristocracy rejected him and conspired to have him killed. And JC fulfilled all the law ... then became the final (pure lamb) sacrifice. Christianity didn't start until Pentecost ... but (if I ever took the time ) the OT would show what Paul said ... the gentiles had the law written in their heart ... resurrection of just, resurrection of unjust .. is the standard imo, at least for non-Christians (OT and NT).

Posted by: illiniwek at December 17, 2019 01:09 PM (Cus5s)

749 Worked for a small company owned by an Indian. Every Diwali we would have a party. When they would wish me Happy Diwali, i would respond in kind. I was honored to share in their holiday. Only a dick would would respond to that with Happy Holiday. But the soulless left is based exclusively on the idea of power and subjugation. Though few would have a problem wishing someone Happy Diwali or Ramadan, it's ok to force Christians to not wish people a Merry Christmas. You can't give an inch to these people or they will take you whole foot.

Posted by: IanDeal at December 17, 2019 01:15 PM (vgGyZ)

750 "That view is approximately Nestorian I think."Posted by: Someguy

never heard of that, but from a quick search, absolutely NOT Nestorian. JC was not of two natures ... he was the son of God human, now at the right hand of God (first fruits from the dead). First raised, and head of the body of Christ, risen Christ the head, Christians are members in particular. Later we shall be like him (spiritual body), then we shall see clearly.

Posted by: illiniwek at December 17, 2019 01:19 PM (Cus5s)

751 why would you wish anyone 'happy ramadan"?

Posted by: ploome at December 17, 2019 01:24 PM (9bzf/)

752 rickb223:

"Had some twit on Facebook who was pissed about Merry Christmas not being inclusive to those not Christian."

Like MWR at 11:17, and Yudhishthira's Dice at 11:57, I just do not understand this.

I don't see what could be more inclusive than a Christian counting me in on the well wishes and good cheer even knowing I'm not a Christian. I've always been grateful, and I'm kind of peeved at those who've turned this expression of unrestricted goodwill into the original microaggression.

Posted by: JPS at December 17, 2019 01:33 PM (Rw7i6)

753 How about "The Hebrew Hammer" as a Hanukkah movie?

Posted by: Elmer at December 17, 2019 01:47 PM (ue+Wr)

754 @ 708:
Have a very Happy, Jesus, our Lord and Savior's, Birthday!

Posted by: Cosda at December 17, 2019 01:54 PM (X4VTw)

755 If you want to see commercialization of the Christmas Season, it is hard to top Bethlehem, Israel.
Lived there a few years and keep going back. Not Jewish as acceptable for citizenship, but all my friends there say I am definitely Israeli.
Happy Hanukkah is coming! Chag Sameach!

Posted by: Kafiroon at December 17, 2019 02:40 PM (QKWsH)

756 Amen, goddammit!

Posted by: Anna Mac at December 17, 2019 03:35 PM (T05Pk)

757 "but give it a shot...I like to chat about religion"

OK--I am a Christian--and here goes: Can we start with Jeremiah 31:31-34? What do you think Jeremiah means?

Posted by: Tom at December 17, 2019 04:13 PM (ZUTjn)

758 "And spare me your smug condescension about how modern society must be inclusive. Should we include Sharia law? FGM? Stoning adulterers? Hanging gays?

Screw you...I'll take Christianity, with all of its warts, any day. "

My feelings exactly...and I'm an atheist.

Posted by: Jeff Powell at December 17, 2019 07:02 PM (T7lnu)

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