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House of Lords Rejects Fillibuster Which Would Have Prevented the No-Brexit Bill; House Expected to Pass the Bill and End Brexit

Okay, technically, that headline isn't true -- the bill is supposed to stop a no-deal Brexit.

But that means that they'll never exit the EU, because the EU refuses to offer them anything but a punitive deal which the entirety of Parliament has rejected four times now (I think) by huge margins.


if the EU will not offer a deal that the British politicians want to be seen agreeing to (they actually do want to agree to it; they think of the British people as serfs and don't mind if the EU serfifies them further),

and the only way out is through no-deal,

but this bill is designed to make a no-deal Brexit illegal,

That means that Brexit is cancelled.

Or it will be, if the House of Lords acts as expected and passes this travesty.

Who cares how the people voted? The only people who matter are the corporate/media classes. The rest of you exist to be farmed by them for taxes.

We should know by tomorrow (morning, I think -- 10 am GMT) if they decided to repeal democracy.

Posted by: Ace of Spades at 08:35 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Who would have guessed the UK parliament was so eager to cede their power to the EU?

Posted by: Liberty at September 05, 2019 08:38 PM (FGlKA)

2 "You say you want a revolution "

Posted by: Iblis at September 05, 2019 08:38 PM (1mpw4)

3 Aahhhhhh.....

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at September 05, 2019 08:39 PM (Zv1X1)

4 Be interesting to see how the plebes respond.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at September 05, 2019 08:39 PM (BrRAn)

5 wait, what?

Posted by: BunkerInTheBurbs, still needs a new Nic! at September 05, 2019 08:39 PM (6b6MO)

6 okay I'm going to try to get back into this book, Elric of Melnibone, which is only occasionally holding my attention.

I want to finish it to get to the next one, Sailor on the Seas of Fate, because I heard that was super-trippy.

Posted by: ace at September 05, 2019 08:39 PM (PbpT7)

7 I will never read a post again without checking the comments again.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at September 05, 2019 08:40 PM (Zv1X1)

8 England is dead within 25 years, anyway.

Posted by: ... at September 05, 2019 08:41 PM (uEbPt)

9 GloboHomoPedo continues to buttfuck the rest of us.

Posted by: jennifer anniston's perky nipples at September 05, 2019 08:41 PM (QwmrN)

10 Fuck you commoners. Your vote means nothing. You are still a serf of Germany.

Posted by: ryukyu at September 05, 2019 08:41 PM (vKhgw)

11 Fuck that.

To the streets.

Burn it down.

Posted by: Ha at September 05, 2019 08:41 PM (MAstk)

12 The only time the popular vote matters is when it agrees with what the "elites" say. Making it a joke. So ha-effin'-ha.

Posted by: Flyguy at September 05, 2019 08:43 PM (v30M8)

13 6
okay I'm going to try to get back into this book, Elric of Melnibone, which is only occasionally holding my attention.

I want to finish it to get to the next one, Sailor on the Seas of Fate, because I heard that was super-trippy.

Posted by: ace at September 05, 2019 08:39 PM (PbpT7)

They are all pretty trippy.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Get Your Fat Girl Throws Down Training Videos at The Outrage Outlet! at September 05, 2019 08:43 PM (8uDfa)

14 they think of the British people as serfs

Well ... they are "subjects" who like to have their government spying on them at every single street corner and alleyway.

Personally, I don't care if they stay in the EU or leave. It makes no difference to me. What I want to see is some justice brought on the Brits who engaged in the coup to try and stop and then overthrow Trump. I'd like to see Steele and whoever else over there was involves (and there are many since most of the Brits loved Barky) start dropping like flies in teh street and just disappearing from sight (never to be heard from again). That's what I really care about. They can stay in the EU or leave ... who gives a shit?

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at September 05, 2019 08:44 PM (gHb8k)

15 Most popular baby name in Britain 2017 was... Mohammed.
But because it's spelled 68 different ways, they rank it at *#10* and all the other spellings in the place wherever they rank. In fact, not only is it the #1 name, it's ahead of "Oliver" by 1,000 namings... 7,300 to 6,300.
So like everything else about the modern decline and fall of western civilization, a big fat lie.

Posted by: ... at September 05, 2019 08:44 PM (uEbPt)

16 Well, they are British SUBJECTS, after all. At least they were, now they truly are vassals, free to pay homage and fealty to their masters while being raped and stabbed by the imported preferables.

Posted by: Bilderback at September 05, 2019 08:45 PM (m8EK1)

"Your opinion is very important to us..."

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 05, 2019 08:45 PM (Wx/+I)

18 Some words of advice for the Brits - -

when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security

Posted by: The MSM at September 05, 2019 08:45 PM (BJKQV)

19 "Democracy"

It's Britainistan.

Posted by: Anon a mouse at September 05, 2019 08:45 PM (6qErC)

20 Democracy? It's only a model.

Posted by: King of the Britons at September 05, 2019 08:46 PM (Koj8B)

21 I bet there'll be lots of posturing and chest beating, and nothing of consequence will happen. Britain should send the Queen to Brussels to take the knee and kiss the ring.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at September 05, 2019 08:46 PM (BrRAn)

22 Great Britain ain't. The people need to burn Parliament to the ground.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at September 05, 2019 08:46 PM (yQpMk)

23 Democracy? It's only a model.

Posted by: King of the Britons at September 05, 2019 08:46 PM (Koj8B)

Oooh. Rough.

Posted by: ... at September 05, 2019 08:47 PM (uEbPt)

24 I propose that we all drop acid on the ONT.

Purple microdot is also acceptable, as are shrooms.

No jimson weed.

Posted by: H.P. Eriscraft at September 05, 2019 08:47 PM (kQs4Y)

25 Help help I'm being repressed.

Posted by: The British at September 05, 2019 08:47 PM (uEbPt)

26 When the left regains power someday, they won't wait 5 minutes to do away with the constitution forever.

Posted by: Rusty Nail at September 05, 2019 08:47 PM (ju9gW)

Good thing they first banned people from owning guns, eh?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 05, 2019 08:47 PM (Wx/+I)

28 okay I'm going to try to get back into this book, Elric of Melnibone, which is only occasionally holding my attention.

I want to finish it to get to the next one, Sailor on the Seas of Fate, because I heard that was super-trippy.

Posted by: ace at September 05, 2019 08:39 PM (PbpT7)

These are the books that inspired the Blue Oyster Cult song Black Blade.

Posted by: Mark1971 at September 05, 2019 08:48 PM (xPl2J)

29 Who would have guessed the UK parliament was so eager to cede their power to the EU?
Posted by: Liberty


Well, one part of the parliament is named the "House of Lords" after all.

I weep for my Brit cousins.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 05, 2019 08:48 PM (Y4EXg)

30 I propose that we all drop acid on the ONT.
Posted by: H.P. Eriscraft at September 05, 2019 08:47 PM (kQs4Y)

Who could tell the difference?

Posted by: DR.WTF at September 05, 2019 08:48 PM (aS1PU)

31 When this results in Prime Minister Nigel Farage, my laughter will be second only to November 9, 2016 at around 10PM EST.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at September 05, 2019 08:48 PM (cxTzE)

Sounds like there are a lot, a lot of lonely lampposts in London tonight.

Posted by: naturalfake at September 05, 2019 08:48 PM (mIQCW)

33 The EU - and the British ruling class system that is strangling the effort to exit the EU - are the default ruling system that man has known since he crawled out the cave. Call it feudalism, serfdom, socialism, monarchy, aristocracy, communism - pick the name you prefer, they're all the same. A foot stamping on a human face, forever.

The one rare outlier - American exceptionalism- is being ground under as we speak.

The sad reality is that in the end, evil wins. And it wins because it is active, on the offense, all the time, while good is generally passive and reactive and just wants to be left alone.

Posted by: LGoPs the former boyscout who now shouts Broken Arrow!, Broken Arrow! at September 05, 2019 08:49 PM (T6OXT)

34 Let them eat fish and chips

Posted by: G marks the spot at September 05, 2019 08:49 PM (mrrpb)

35 'we exist to be farmed for taxes' - that's how most EVERY politician regards us. They are the parasites. We are the hosts.

Posted by: kallisto at September 05, 2019 08:49 PM (XaO9F)

36 That's sad.

It would be nice to see about a half million Brits descend on Parliament in the morning, but the tide has turned on the stiff upper lip. They are now bought and paid for slaves.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at September 05, 2019 08:49 PM (r+sAi)

37 blood in the streets in the UK, which was probably gonna happen anyway, but.....yeah

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at September 05, 2019 08:50 PM (oAY8z)

38 My understanding is that Brexit can still happen if the an election is called in October and the Tories win a majority. They can repeal this law.

Posted by: Mark1971 at September 05, 2019 08:50 PM (xPl2J)

39 The Limeys have been getting their asses kicked for over 240 years.

On the bright side, maybe we're due for a third-wave invasion of British rock-n-roll!

Posted by: Fritz at September 05, 2019 08:50 PM (kLDv+)

40 Max Fried is slicing and dicing the Nats tonight.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at September 05, 2019 08:50 PM (cxTzE)

41 new model army -

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at September 05, 2019 08:50 PM (ykYG2)

42 I'm kinda confused since a few days ago people were saying how Boris totally pwned the libs and was on track to make the 10/31 deadline.

Posted by: Lurking Lurker - Not In My Purview at September 05, 2019 08:51 PM (FiUMj)

They're doing this because they know they can get away with it. The Brexiteers will meekly accept the decision of their betters.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 05, 2019 08:52 PM (Wx/+I)

44 These are the same people who cashiered Winston Churchill after WWII.

So, meh.

Posted by: LGoPs the former boyscout who now shouts Broken Arrow!, Broken Arrow! at September 05, 2019 08:52 PM (T6OXT)

45 okay I'm going to try to get back into this book, Elric of Melnibone, which is only occasionally holding my attention.

I want to finish it to get to the next one, Sailor on the Seas of Fate, because I heard that was super-trippy.

Posted by: ace at September 05, 2019 08:39 PM (PbpT7)
I'm reading the French graphic novels of same.

Posted by: H.P. Eriscraft at September 05, 2019 08:52 PM (kQs4Y)

46 Dude with weird hair leads a country with a legislative body that doesn't give a flying f*ck what the electorate cares about..
USA or Great Britain???

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at September 05, 2019 08:53 PM (438dO)

47 okay I'm going to try to get back into this book, Elric of Melnibone

waste of time, imo. i tried and failed several times. worst protagonist ever, and not even a good antihero.

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at September 05, 2019 08:53 PM (ykYG2)

48 Posted by: Lurking Lurker - Not In My Purview at September 05, 2019 08:51 PM (FiUMj)


People didn't think they'd have the stones for this move.

Those people, myself included, were WRONG.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 05, 2019 08:53 PM (WX5d1)

Hey Eris, I watched that video re Prometheus - great review!

"...devoid of intelligent life, kind of like Glasgow on a Sunday morning."

Thought I was back in Scotland.

Posted by: Gooshy at September 05, 2019 08:53 PM (wPrFz)


There's no England now.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 05, 2019 08:54 PM (aKsyK)

51 Bill nay the Brexit, guy?

Posted by: Moron Robbie is a Proud Black Woman - my word as a Biden at September 05, 2019 08:54 PM (fsa/N)

52 it's all amazing, isn't it? The Correct Side loses, let's change the rules.
Dr Frankenstein would be horrified at the monster we would have created if Trump hadn't decided to become the modern Cincinnatus. (F U, go look it up)

Posted by: mallfly the Georgie Peach at September 05, 2019 08:54 PM (ZqRa6)

53 ...and this is why every last royal is a useless meatsack. Then they have the nerve to be pompous about their status. Where's QEII's outrage about this middle finger to her people?

Posted by: kallisto at September 05, 2019 08:54 PM (XaO9F)

54 Good....I hope they get what they deserve good and hard.

Soon England will resemble the movie "Zardoz".

Just without guns or penises.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at September 05, 2019 08:54 PM (Z+IKu)

55 Thought I was back in Scotland.

Goo 'way noo!

Posted by: H.P. Eriscraft at September 05, 2019 08:54 PM (kQs4Y)

56 Oh.. and I forgot..
Go Bears!

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at September 05, 2019 08:55 PM (438dO)

57 WE are only say 20 years behind Britain, sorry, had to say it. That is if wee don't 'change' some things.

Posted by: Eromero at September 05, 2019 08:55 PM (UUkQp)

58 Presdent Obama coulds solve this mess in 5 minutes !! Another Trump screw-up !!!!!

Posted by: Mary Clogginstien from Obamaboro, VT and proud of it !!!! at September 05, 2019 08:55 PM (qM84C)

Dude with weird hair leads a country with a legislative body that doesn't give a flying f*ck what the electorate cares about..
USA or Great Britain???
Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry


Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 05, 2019 08:55 PM (aKsyK)

60 kay I'm going to try to get back into this book, Elric of Melnibone, which is only occasionally holding my attention.

Ace does love Moorcock.

I'll see myself out.

Posted by: Flyguy at September 05, 2019 08:55 PM (v30M8)

61 >>>waste of time, imo. i tried and failed several times. worst protagonist ever, and not even a good antihero.

I like him. I just don't like the Magic Can Do Anything thing.

Also, he's a super-super-hero. Conan can kill, say, six good fighters in a fight; in the first book (last in the chronology) Elric literally killed 100+ non-human/possibly immortal beings in a long fight.

It's not very grounded.

>>>I'm reading the French graphic novels of same.

I hear those are good.

Posted by: ace at September 05, 2019 08:56 PM (PbpT7)

62 London Calling fits

Posted by: Somewhere on Ventura Highway at September 05, 2019 08:56 PM (M+Lyo)

63 I'm kinda confused"

So are the journalists... i don't have much faith in the tales

Posted by: Anon a mouse at September 05, 2019 08:56 PM (6qErC)

64 In the US Congress critters have gladly ceded actual responsibility to executive branch agencies and the courts. And they retain the perks. Its a good gig. I'm sure their British counterparts want something similar for themselves - perks without actual responsibility.

Posted by: 2009Refugee at September 05, 2019 08:56 PM (8AONa)

65 Ace, Razorfist has a neat intro to the series:

Posted by: H.P. Eriscraft at September 05, 2019 08:57 PM (kQs4Y)

66 The ice age is coming, the sun is zooming in

Meltdown expected, the wheat is growin' thin

Engines stop running, but I have no fear

'Cause London is drowning, and I, I live by the river

Posted by: Somewhere on Ventura Highway at September 05, 2019 08:57 PM (M+Lyo)

67 This is Calvinball, English Style!

I love how those Brit MP's hoo and ha and harrumph in their sessions..

pussies harrumph!

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at September 05, 2019 08:58 PM (438dO)

68 The story of your enslavement:

Posted by: Wontsumit at September 05, 2019 08:58 PM (122Gu)

69 H.P., yes, I watched that, that's why I started reading the Elric novels after all these years.

Posted by: ace at September 05, 2019 08:58 PM (PbpT7)

70 wasn't there talk of johnson calling for new elections? the idea being that a pro-brexit majority would be installed.

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at September 05, 2019 08:58 PM (Pg+x7)


"wut the mutherin' fook was that about?"

Posted by: Gooshy at September 05, 2019 08:58 PM (wPrFz)

72 >>Ace does love Moorcock.

That's not fair. He's only experimenting with the crocs.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 05, 2019 08:59 PM (ZLI7S)

73 How dare you suggest Congress has passed our responsibilities on to the courts! Now, if you'll excuse us, it's time for this month's three week vacation.

Posted by: Moron Robbie is a Proud Black Woman - my word as a Biden at September 05, 2019 08:59 PM (fsa/N)

74 'the fascist regime' indeed. Johnny Rotten called it 40 odd years ago.

Posted by: kallisto at September 05, 2019 09:00 PM (XaO9F)

wasn't there talk of johnson calling for new elections? the idea being that a pro-brexit majority would be installed.

Posted by: musical jolly chimp

New rule! Can't call snap elections any more.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 05, 2019 09:00 PM (Wx/+I)

76 Hadrian the Seventh

I was told by a number of Brits that shotguns are still able to be held in private hands.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at September 05, 2019 09:00 PM (u82oZ)

77 Wow. This is so damn depressing

Posted by: IC at September 05, 2019 09:00 PM (GxCwU)

78 If an election happens the Tories would need to win 51% of seats and all the MPs would have to be pro brexit which is really unlikely. Or am I missing something?

Posted by: Lurking Lurker at September 05, 2019 09:01 PM (FiUMj)

79 Tea tomorrow will be very upsetting.

Possibly Verklempt.

Posted by: jsg at September 05, 2019 09:01 PM (Payrh)

80 ... otherwise, england is lost. when you can be imprisoned for criticizing transexuality, there is no future.

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at September 05, 2019 09:01 PM (Pg+x7)

81 i've mentioned this, but if you want to dip into 70s fantasy, I can halfway recommend "Nine Princes in Amber."

It's the first book of a five part series. It starts well with lots of neat ideas.

Trouble is, it really grinds after the first couple of books and never really comes to much of an ending.

all the books are really short so, not hard to read. But then, also kind of expensive to buy five 180 page novels with no real payoff.

Posted by: ace at September 05, 2019 09:02 PM (PbpT7)

82 And I thought our government was fucked up.

Posted by: freaked at September 05, 2019 09:02 PM (Tnijr)

83 C'mon, Boris! Pull a miracle out of your ass and make this happen!

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler at September 05, 2019 09:02 PM (H3MF8)

84 It's so sad watching those ancient hardy people who laid example to us great and bad open their arms to dissolution.

Posted by: Billy Ray Gunn at September 05, 2019 09:03 PM (vMDnu)

85 If an election happens the Tories would need to win
51% of seats and all the MPs would have to be pro brexit which is really
unlikely. Or am I missing something?

Posted by: Lurking Lurker at September 05, 2019 09:01 PM (FiUMj)

The Tories that rebelled against him in parliament have been forbidden from running again as Tories.

Posted by: Mark1971 at September 05, 2019 09:03 PM (xPl2J)

86 ... oh, that's right, there's a new rule that it takes a 2/3 majority vote to approve a new election.

all gone.

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at September 05, 2019 09:03 PM (Pg+x7)

87 wasn't there talk of johnson calling for new elections? the idea being that a pro-brexit majority would be installed.

Posted by: musical jolly chimp

New rule! Can't call snap elections any more.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh
.........He Did! But the opposition thinks they have the upper hand with the status quo.. it is very possible if they let the people speak, they will once again put BoJo back!
(this is my limited understanding of the goofy Brit system of gov't and elections as filtered through Fox pundits.. so I may/probably be talking out of my ass)

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at September 05, 2019 09:03 PM (438dO)

88 Hadrian the Seventh
I was told by a number of Brits that shotguns are still able to be held in private hands.
Posted by: NaCly Dog at September 05, 2019 09:00 PM (u82oZ)

Dress back jump back, this is a bluebeat attack
'Cause it won't get you anywhere
Fooling with the guns
The British Army is waiting out there
An' it weighs fifteen hundred tons.......

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at September 05, 2019 09:04 PM (Z+IKu)

89 80. yep. Sex Pistols were right about that too: 'No Future!'

Posted by: kallisto at September 05, 2019 09:04 PM (XaO9F)

90 One thing that will definitely happen is that when the next election happens, which must happen by May 5, 2022, the Tories will no longer run the government.

The question is whether it will be BRexit party or Labour.

This stunt to force remain down the throats of the people who voted for independence is not going to help Labour win that election. This is going to remain a festering boil on the ass of British politics until it is resolved by either abject submission of the voters to the EU, or the complete dismantling of the existing government.

I want to think there is still some spine left in the UK, but I don't see much evidence in anyone other than their voters.

Funny, much like our voters gave a finger to the current establishment.

Posted by: Dave in Fla at September 05, 2019 09:04 PM (PHotS)

91 Fuck The Clash. Those Sandanista and commie BIRM lovers would only oppose the EU because it's not commie enough.

Posted by: WTP at September 05, 2019 09:04 PM (HA2LH)

92 Fanny Hill is a good read.

Posted by: jennifer anniston's perky nipples at September 05, 2019 09:04 PM (QwmrN)

93 Read the article.

Labour has said they wouldn't agree to a general election unless this bill was given royal assent, i.e. passed into law.

House of Commons already voted for the bill. House of Lords are going to hold a vote on it. Assuming it passes into law, yes Boris loses the hard Brexit / no-deal Brexit option -- BUT, now there can be a general election, which I assume will be a pseudo referendum on Brexit.

So there's still a slim chance for Brexit.

Posted by: Hands at September 05, 2019 09:04 PM (786Ro)

94 Kinda makes you wonder why they wasted so many lives fighting those two wars.

Posted by: 29Victor at September 05, 2019 09:04 PM (BJKQV)

95 Who cares how the people voted? The only people who matter are the corporate/media classes. The rest of you exist to be farmed by them for taxes.


Posted by: Billy Ray Gunn at September 05, 2019 09:05 PM (vMDnu)

96 Time for QEII to channel her inner Henry VIII. The Tower and then the Block for Parliament.

Posted by: Jmel at September 05, 2019 09:05 PM (w0gkn)

97 e

Posted by: Billy Ray Gunn at September 05, 2019 09:05 PM (vMDnu)

98 Old Blighty

Well you know they have a fricking queen.

Posted by: blaster at September 05, 2019 09:05 PM (ZfRYq)

99 "I propose that we all drop acid on the ONT. "

I'm pretty sure I would freak out.

Posted by: freaked at September 05, 2019 09:05 PM (Tnijr)

100 No one should ever doubt the power of the globalists.
They will continue to move to make a one world government. First Europe, then the Americas, then the middle east, then africa and finally asia.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at September 05, 2019 09:06 PM (r+sAi)

101 New Model Army is still around btw:

We become like a people listening for the bells
Of a church submerged a hundred years ago
All just staring at the setting sun
All just staring at the setting sun

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at September 05, 2019 09:06 PM (ykYG2)

102 "The artist was very tall and thin, almost like a skeleton in his stained, white garments. His lips were thin, his eyes were slits, his fingers were thin, his hair was thin, and the scalpel he held was thin too, almost invisible, save when it flashed in the light from the fire which erupted from a pit on the far side of the cavern. The artist was named Doctor Jest and the art he practiced was a performing art rather than a creative one: the art of drawing secrets from those who kept them. Doctor Jest was the Chief Interrogator of Melnibone."

Posted by: H.P. Eriscraft at September 05, 2019 09:06 PM (kQs4Y)

103 wasn't there talk of johnson calling for new elections? the idea being that a pro-brexit majority would be installed.
Posted by: musical jolly chimp

Well, either it will or it won't .

A bunch of Tories crossed the aisle to side with the Liberal Democrats, kind of a centrist (UK style) alternative to Labor, which are just about full on Islamic commies, judging by Jeremy Corbyn.

I guess that Boris should roll the dice and find out.

What's the point if the people may have changed their collective minds?

Posted by: Bozo Conservative....outlaw in America at September 05, 2019 09:06 PM (S6Pax)

104 in recent decades, the Brit's Conservative Party have acted like our GOP establishment.

My God, we have a winner! Push him aside! But seriously, Boris J needs to consult with people like Max Boot on how to rebuilt your party after you let the other side win and permanently destroy you.

Posted by: mallfly the Georgie Peach at September 05, 2019 09:06 PM (ZqRa6)

105 does it take weeks upon months of Hong Kong style protests for the people to have their say?

Posted by: kallisto at September 05, 2019 09:07 PM (XaO9F)

106 Ace - Why the pixy rule about ignoring line carriage return/feeds and bunching up shit in comments??
This blows..

A CR/LF takes 1 freakin' extra ASCII character than a LF
If you need some extra cash donations to give us some white space, just say so!

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at September 05, 2019 09:07 PM (438dO)

107 As if Labour will agree to a new election whether the bill gets passed or not.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at September 05, 2019 09:07 PM (r+sAi)

108 If you liked THE BOYS I suggest you read STEELHEART ordinary people hunting Superhero's, their is no anti religion elements like with THE BOYS.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at September 05, 2019 09:07 PM (dKiJG)

109 >>>102 "The artist was very tall and thin, almost like a skeleton in his stained, white garments. His lips were thin, his eyes were slits, his fingers were thin, his hair was thin, and the scalpel he held was thin too, almost invisible, save when it flashed in the light from the fire which erupted from a pit on the far side of the cavern. The artist was named Doctor Jest and the art he practiced was a performing art rather than a creative one: the art of drawing secrets from those who kept them. Doctor Jest was the Chief Interrogator of Melnibone."

I read that passage when I was a kid, my only youthful effort to read Elric, and put it down because i thought it was sadistic and morbid.

But Elric isn't actually sadistic. He is just born of a very sadistic and decadent race/species.

Posted by: ace at September 05, 2019 09:07 PM (PbpT7)

110 re 102: Yuck.

Posted by: mallfly the Georgie Peach at September 05, 2019 09:07 PM (ZqRa6)

111 Tomorrow should be..........interesting

Posted by: Norman Spiny at September 05, 2019 09:08 PM (mYyxr)

112 A version of this has been happening here on immigration. The people want a wall and an end to the insane asylum laws. They voted for it. But the elites say LOLGF and nothing changes.

Posted by: Lurking Lurker at September 05, 2019 09:08 PM (FiUMj)

113 When is the last time anyone got to see a major nation commit suicide?


Posted by: MBunge at September 05, 2019 09:08 PM (7Nkan)

114 England been dead since WWI.

Posted by: dantesed at September 05, 2019 09:08 PM (88xKn)

115 Holy crow. This RS hitpiece on Andy Ngo is straight-up fever swamp conspiracy theory shit:

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 05, 2019 09:09 PM (WX5d1)

116 @90
Revolutions are for the young, the average age of a British subject is 40 years old, the young are mostly muslims and north africans, guess which side they would be on if things get froggy?

What's going to happen is that the subjects will grouse, fart and plan their next four week holiday.

Posted by: Radical Centrist at September 05, 2019 09:09 PM (ykh1D)

117 okay I'm going to try to get back into this book, Elric of Melnibone, which is only occasionally holding my attention.

I want to finish it to get to the next one, Sailor on the Seas of Fate, because I heard that was super-trippy.

Posted by: ace at September 05, 2019 08:39 PM (PbpT7)

You might try reading the Elric stories in the order in which Moorcock wrote them, rather than arranged chronologically from Elric's perspective. That would allow you to skip the first book for some time. I think the first story written is the first one in the third book arranged chronologically.

Posted by: My Ridiculously Circuitous Plan at September 05, 2019 09:09 PM (fFyJf)

118 From the Sidebar: Turns out Mr. Crenshaw planned a while ago before he got elected to promote these unconstitutional red flag laws.

Not much was said about it in the Fake News because they were taken aback as they though Crenshaw was total conservative.

There's even been talk of him being a tad never trump like who he associates with.

I think we've found our next "sleeper agent" since Obama left.

It's always those who say they're your friends who stab you in the back.

Crap. I just wanted some peace and quite in my retirement. It's been shit show since 2008 when the company closed too soon for my plans then the economy was in the dumper and me being an old man couldn't get a job so my only choice was to retire early and I still had to get a part time job.

Crap crap crap.

If these jags get me stirred up and it's all (redacted due to possible triggering) and I have to put my fat ass out on (Redacted see above) and start to (redacted) the tree of liberty then I'm really going to be ticked off.

I guess it's better to burn out than fade away.

Posted by: jakee308 - Hylozoist at September 05, 2019 09:09 PM (cxIsI)

119 When is the last time anyone got to see a major nation commit suicide?



Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 05, 2019 09:10 PM (WX5d1)

120 When is the last time anyone got to see a major nation commit suicide?


Posted by: MBunge at September 05, 2019 09:08 PM (7Nkan)

1991, comrade

Posted by: Mikhail Gorbachev at September 05, 2019 09:10 PM (xPl2J)

121 When is the last time anyone got to see a major nation commit suicide?

Posted by: MBunge at September 05, 2019 09:08 PM (7Nkan)

Germany for the 3rd time

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at September 05, 2019 09:10 PM (dKiJG)

122 England been dead since WWI.
Posted by: dantesed

Yes, WWI pretty much killed a lot of Europe. It destroyed their hope and optimism, along with millions of their best young men.

Posted by: Bozo Conservative....outlaw in America at September 05, 2019 09:10 PM (S6Pax)

123 Sire, the peasants are revolting!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at September 05, 2019 09:11 PM (BiNEL)

124 This was baked into the cake, the longer the process went on.

I know some folks - well respected - really enjoy the political chess match, and they like to theorize how positive outcomes can occur by working within the process.

But that's just not how shit works. It's not how shit has ever worked. And it's not how shit will ever work.

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:12 PM (AzTx0)

125 >>>You might try reading the Elric stories in the order in which Moorcock wrote them, rather than arranged chronologically from Elric's perspective. That would allow you to skip the first book for some time. I think the first story written is the first one in the third book arranged chronologically.

i am doing that. I may stop after Sailor on the Seas of Fate if it doesn't live up to the hype.

Posted by: ace at September 05, 2019 09:12 PM (PbpT7)

126 All the stories have been told
Of kings and days of old
But there's no England now
All the wars that were won or lost
Don't seem to matter very much any more

Posted by: 2009Refugee at September 05, 2019 09:12 PM (8AONa)

127 Commissar Hrothgar

They stink on ice.


Posted by: NaCly Dog at September 05, 2019 09:12 PM (u82oZ)

128 A version of this has been happening here on immigration. The people want a wall and an end to the insane asylum laws. They voted for it. But the elites say LOLGF and nothing changes.
Posted by: Lurking Lurker at September 05, 2019 09:08 PM (FiUMj)

Things change, but in ways the self-appointed elite want.

Posted by: Surfperch at September 05, 2019 09:12 PM (tVQUs)

they should just change their name to "Airstrip One" already & be done with it

Posted by: AltonJackson
The MiMoMe is 21SEP19 in Chelsea, MI
Friday night we dine in Hell
at September 05, 2019 09:12 PM (BjZrZ)

130 A CR/LF takes 1 freakin' extra ASCII character than a LF
Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at September 05, 2019 09:07 PM (438dO)

Think of the impact of all those extra characters over a single thousand comment thread and then think of the impact on Mother Gaia and Ace's carbon footprint!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at September 05, 2019 09:12 PM (BiNEL)

131 The Royalty ain't no bed of Petunias either.

Posted by: Rodney at September 05, 2019 09:13 PM (Tnijr)

132 Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the Brexit
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
"Relax," said the EU Commissioner
"We are programmed to receive
You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave!"

Posted by: Gref at September 05, 2019 09:13 PM (Xtdaf)

133 24 I propose that we all drop acid on the ONT.

Posted by: H.P. Eriscraft at September 05, 2019 08:47 PM (kQs4Y)

Is this before or after we find out whether it is a Yoko ONT?

Posted by: rickl at September 05, 2019 09:14 PM (sdi6R)

134 the Queen ought to think very carefully about assenting this. as though her life and her family's heads were on the line.

Posted by: x at September 05, 2019 09:14 PM (nFwvY)

135 131 The Royalty ain't no bed of Petunias either.
Posted by: Rodney at September 05, 2019 09:13 PM (Tnijr)

What choo talking about, Willis?

Posted by: Randy Andy at September 05, 2019 09:14 PM (ed8K1)

136 there's a lot more going on over there than what meets the American eye...

or so people who apparently know what they're talking about say.

Posted by: redc1c4 at September 05, 2019 09:15 PM (fe82+)

137 ironically whenthe UK becomes majority Muslim they may well split from the EU.....and join the Islamic State.

Posted by: Lurking Lurker at September 05, 2019 09:15 PM (FiUMj)

138 A CR/LF takes 1 freakin' extra ASCII character than a LF


Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at September 05, 2019 09:07 PM (438dO)

Think of the impact of all those extra characters over a single
thousand comment thread and then think of the impact on Mother Gaia and
Ace's carbon footprint!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar............
Then, think of the extra IKEA shelves Ace needs to store the archival copies..
OK.. I get it! How un-Green of me!

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at September 05, 2019 09:15 PM (438dO)

139 90 One thing that will definitely happen is that when the next election happens, which must happen by May 5, 2022, the Tories will no longer run the government.

They don't run the government now.

“You see democracy works only if you have the principle of losers consent.”

_Nigel Farage

Posted by: Billy Ray Gunn at September 05, 2019 09:15 PM (vMDnu)

140 Things change, but in ways the self-appointed elite want.

Posted by: Surfperch at September 05, 2019 09:12 PM (tVQUs)

I think we are getting ready to prove (yet again) that free men cannot rule themselves but need a beneficent dictatorship to rule over them as in days of yore.

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at September 05, 2019 09:15 PM (BiNEL)

141 Tick Tock

Posted by: Anonymous Fox Host at September 05, 2019 09:16 PM (Payrh)

142 oh crap. Listen, you put a couple of spaces at the end of a line, press "enter", put a couple of spaces, press "enter" and type your next line.

Like this.

And this.

Posted by: mallfly the Georgie Peach at September 05, 2019 09:16 PM (ZqRa6)

143 106 A CR/LF takes 1 freakin' extra ASCII character than a LF
If you need some extra cash donations to give us some white space, just say so!
Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at September 05, 2019 09:07 PM (438dO)

Anyone else actually used printers for which the Carriage Return really returned the carriage, and the Line Feed really fed to the next line?

Me neither, being 29 and all.

Posted by: Splunge at September 05, 2019 09:16 PM (ed8K1)

144 ironically whenthe UK becomes majority Muslim they may well split from the EU.....and join the Islamic State.
Posted by: Lurking Lurker at September 05, 2019 09:15 PM (FiUMj)

It'll still be the UK, the only difference is that "K" will stand for "Kaliphate" instead of "Kingdom".

Posted by: Surfperch at September 05, 2019 09:16 PM (tVQUs)

145 Now we'll see what stuff the Brits are made of these days.

Posted by: Utility muffin at September 05, 2019 09:16 PM (oS0xz)

146 When is the last time anyone got to see a major nation commit suicide?


Posted by: the Angeloi dynasty at September 05, 2019 09:16 PM (ykYG2)

147 Oh, Mark usually leaves his little gems in the old thread. Guess he jumped the gun this time.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 05, 2019 09:17 PM (WX5d1)

148 What will happen if the EU continues to decline and eventually folds......

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at September 05, 2019 09:17 PM (Z+IKu)

They ought to go to Runnymede and do that thing again.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at September 05, 2019 09:17 PM (2SUAg)

150 146 When is the last time anyone got to see a major nation commit suicide?

Posted by: the Angeloi dynasty at September 05, 2019 09:16 PM (ykYG2)

Raises hand.

Yeah, we're a state, but larger than many nations.

Posted by: California at September 05, 2019 09:17 PM (ed8K1)

151 The Queen is dusting off her Webley

Posted by: Iblis at September 05, 2019 09:17 PM (1mpw4)

152 2016 was a grand year but looks like was just an illusion, on both sides of the pond. The losers of both elections still got to run things.

Posted by: Lurking Lurker at September 05, 2019 09:18 PM (FiUMj)


Posted by: redc1c4 at September 05, 2019 09:18 PM (fe82+)


I'm not seeing the problem

Posted by: at September 05, 2019 09:18 PM (Tnijr)

155 The pound was worth almost $1.50 before Brexit
It is now down yo $1.20
Some are expecting it to go to parity with both the Euro and dollar
Soros again did berry well betting against the pound
Wage earners will be hurt the most

Posted by: Kurt at September 05, 2019 09:18 PM (fw6XO)

156 Meanwhile Tommy Robinson rots in jail.

Posted by: kallisto at September 05, 2019 09:18 PM (XaO9F)

157 or so people who apparently know what they're talking about say.
Posted by: redc1c4 at September 05, 2019 09:15 PM (fe82+)

I call bullshit.

There's never any shortage of people "in the know", always touting the secret inner workings about how the next rhetorical Steiner is just around the corner, getting ready to come in and save the day.

The day is never saved. Steiner never shows. The longer shit drags out, the less likely a positive outcome is to occur.

As a former Moron in good standing used to say, right up until his good standing wasn't so good anymore, it's all just a three act play.

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:18 PM (AzTx0)

158 105 does it take weeks upon months of Hong Kong style protests for the people to have their say?
Posted by: kallisto at September 05, 2019 09:07 PM (XaO9F)


You can throw off the tyrants but an hour and a half later you're oppressed again.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at September 05, 2019 09:18 PM (amw5z)

159 I know some folks - well respected - really enjoy the political chess match, and they like to theorize how positive outcomes can occur by working within the process.

But that's just not how shit works. It's not how shit has ever worked. And it's not how shit will ever work.
Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:12 PM (AzTx0)


Posted by: kids, blackmail and shit at September 05, 2019 09:19 PM (QwmrN)

160 and MOAR details...

as the ZH article says, this site is pro-Remain, and they think BoJo knows what he is doing.

Posted by: redc1c4 at September 05, 2019 09:19 PM (fe82+)

161 158 105 does it take weeks upon months of Hong Kong style protests for the people to have their say?
Posted by: kallisto at September 05, 2019 09:07 PM (XaO9F)

You can throw off the tyrants but an hour and a half later you're oppressed again.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at September 05, 2019 09:18 PM (amw5z)

That was damn funny and I want to quote it in the hopes that it will increase your audience.

Posted by: Splunge at September 05, 2019 09:20 PM (ed8K1)

162 Brexit is dead. How dare those peasants think they have a say in national policy.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at September 05, 2019 09:20 PM (amw5z)

163 Follow link to read statement
Kevin Lewis

NEW: Montgomery County, Md. issues statement calling recent sexual assaults "horrendously vile acts."
(By illegal immigrants which this tweet left out)

The county also accused the


neo-Nazi sympathizers + "local and national conservative news outlets" of spreading false information

Posted by: BetaCuck4Life at September 05, 2019 09:20 PM (9BmSv)

164 When is the last time anyone got to see a major nation commit suicide?

Posted by: MBunge at September 05, 2019 09:08 PM (7Nkan)

Nepal in 2008 was more of Murder-Suicide, but I guess that still might count.

Posted by: Surfperch at September 05, 2019 09:20 PM (tVQUs)

165 134 the Queen ought to think very carefully about assenting this. as though her life and her family's heads were on the line.

Posted by: x at September 05, 2019 09:14 PM (nFwvY)

And if Parliament decides to go along with the Queen's non-assent? Elizabeth may decide it's in her and her line's best interest to not find out if Parliament will submit to her ruling.

Posted by: Gref at September 05, 2019 09:21 PM (Xtdaf)

166 That was damn funny and I want to quote it in the hopes that it will increase your audience.
Posted by: Splunge at September 05, 2019 09:20 PM (ed8K1)


I'd be flattered.

*curtsies smartly*

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at September 05, 2019 09:21 PM (amw5z)

167 Kreplach was aw'ite. It sucked he got the hammer, I never did figure out why.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 05, 2019 09:21 PM (WX5d1)

168 Posted by: Splunge at September 05, 2019 09:16 PM (ed8K1)

Not a printer per se, but IIRC, the original paper tape keypunch had separable CR and LF, this permitted you to overpunch an error character with a null character.

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at September 05, 2019 09:22 PM (BiNEL)

169 The pound was worth almost $1.50 before Trump

It is now down to $1.20

fixed it for you, wash pot hea.

Posted by: mallfly the Georgie Peach at September 05, 2019 09:22 PM (ZqRa6)

170 It is harder to preserve than to obtain Liberty.

Posted by: John C. Calhoun at September 05, 2019 09:22 PM (tVQUs)

171 Oh, fiddlesticks!!!

I meant to write:

And if Parliament decides to NOT go along with the Queen's non-assent? Elizabeth may decide it's in her and her line's best interest to not find out if Parliament will submit to her ruling.

Posted by: Gref at September 05, 2019 09:21 PM (Xtdaf)

Posted by: Gref at September 05, 2019 09:22 PM (Xtdaf)

172 Brexit will eventually happen. It'll take a general election or three, but the Brexit Party (or equivalent) only needs to win once. They win, then they leave the next day unilaterally without all the mucking about with withdrawal agreements.

Posted by: Frankovich's Monster at September 05, 2019 09:22 PM (dYe5S)

173 Uniparty it's global.

Posted by: Simplemind at September 05, 2019 09:22 PM (ZuGkg)

174 Kreplach was aw'ite. It sucked he got the hammer, I never did figure out why.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 05, 2019 09:21 PM (WX5d1)

Wonder no more. He was too critical of the GOP.

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:23 PM (AzTx0)

Who'd have thunk it?

Maybe strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords really was a good basis for a system of government.

Posted by: AltonJackson
The MiMoMe is 21SEP19 in Chelsea, MI
Friday night we dine in Hell
at September 05, 2019 09:23 PM (BjZrZ)

176 The pound was $2 in the early 2000s. Then Labour decided to turn the UK into a 3rd World country. And the pound has been in free fall ever since.


Posted by: Lurking Lurker at September 05, 2019 09:24 PM (FiUMj)

When is the last time anyone got to see a major nation commit suicide?

"Yoo, hoo!" - Austria-Hungary

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 05, 2019 09:24 PM (Wx/+I)

178 Anyone else actually used printers for which the Carriage Return really returned the carriage, and the Line Feed really fed to the next line?

Me neither, being 29 and all.
Posted by: Splunge


Like control codes X'09' and X'11' for example?

Never heard of them. LOL

Posted by: Tonypete at September 05, 2019 09:25 PM (Y4EXg)

179 Wonder no more. He was too critical of the GOP.

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:23 PM (AzTx0)

You believe so much that just isn't so...

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:25 PM (wYseH)

180 Maybe strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords really was a good basis for a system of government.
Posted by: AltonJackson
The MiMoMe is 21SEP19 in Chelsea, MI
Friday night we dine in Hell
at September 05, 2019 09:23 PM (BjZrZ)

I wonder if there are ponds in the Washtenaw/Livingston county area of southeast lower Michigan this time of year?

Posted by: hogmartin will be sad if you don't register for the fall MIMoMe at September 05, 2019 09:25 PM (t+qrx)

181 @175
Alton Jackson... can't we play paintball in Hell too?

Posted by: shibumi, in house selling hell at September 05, 2019 09:25 PM (l/6vt)

182 Kreplach was aw'ite. It sucked he got the hammer, I never did figure out why.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 05, 2019 09:21 PM (WX5d1)

He didn't get hammered, he was Pixy-banned, his posts were being disappeared several seconds after posting them and he was never given a formal ban notice. He could've changed his IP or contacted Pixy and been able to go back to posting without consequence.

Posted by: Surfperch at September 05, 2019 09:25 PM (tVQUs)

Maybe strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords really was a good basis for a system of government.


Surprisingly, it's turned out to be better than anything anyone's come up with since.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at September 05, 2019 09:25 PM (amw5z)

184 The Brits must have decided that Brexit weighed less than a duck.

well, some people must enjoy being subjects, eh what?

Posted by: mallfly the Georgie Peach at September 05, 2019 09:25 PM (ZqRa6)

185 Does England have a Home Depot they can go to and get their sten on?

Posted by: Burnt Toast at September 05, 2019 09:26 PM (1g7ch)

186 Kreplach got banned?

Posted by: kallisto at September 05, 2019 09:26 PM (XaO9F)

187 Wonder no more. He was too critical of the GOP.

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:23 PM (AzTx0)


Me and others here, particularly the guy who runs this place, are bitterly critical of those worthless fucksticks. Perhaps hypercritical.

It would be a weird move to ban someone for that on AoS.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 05, 2019 09:26 PM (WX5d1)

So there's still a slim chance for Brexit.
Posted by: Hands


Yes, and I -- perhaps naively -- haven't entirely given up on the Brits themselves either. Street action? A little Hong Kong?

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at September 05, 2019 09:27 PM (2SUAg)

Contacting Comcast is more productive than contacting Pixy.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 05, 2019 09:27 PM (Wx/+I)

190 You believe so much that just isn't so...
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:25 PM (wYseH)

Then tell us - why is Kreplach banned ? You did it. Why ?

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:27 PM (AzTx0)

191 Posted by: Surfperch at September 05, 2019 09:25 PM (tVQUs)

Uh...not quite.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:27 PM (wYseH)

192 Does England have a Home Depot they can go to and get their sten on?
Posted by: Burnt Toast at September 05, 2019 09:26 PM (1g7ch)

Cookie Monster won't let you have pipes and springs.

Posted by: hogmartin will be sad if you don't register for the fall MIMoMe at September 05, 2019 09:28 PM (t+qrx)

193 well, some people must enjoy being subjects, eh what?

Posted by: mallfly the Georgie Peach at September 05, 2019 09:25 PM (ZqRa6)

"Enjoy" might be a wee bit much of a superlative there gov'nor, but it'll be all the same in a hundred years!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at September 05, 2019 09:28 PM (BiNEL)

194 -
If you think you can find a bad guy from history who is not a leftist,
here's a clue, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao are all leftists. If you are
trying to find excuses for this bunch, you are one as well.

Posted by: irright at September 05, 2019 09:28 PM (RVcmP)

195 I fall asleep for a few minutes and Brexit is over?

Posted by: ALH at September 05, 2019 09:28 PM (GaOgf)

196 You did it. Why ?

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:27 PM (AzTx0)

Another example of you thinking things that just aren't so.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:28 PM (wYseH)

Crap. I just wanted some peace and quite in my retirement. It's been shit show since 2008 when the company closed too soon for my plans then the economy was in the dumper and me being an old man couldn't get a job so my only choice was to retire early and I still had to get a part time job.

Posted by: jakee308 - Hylozoist


** broken record warning **

Tom Cotton. Look him up and take heart.

Dan Crenshaw plays him on t.v.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at September 05, 2019 09:28 PM (2SUAg)

198 A national strike should be in order but it won't happen. Why? Not just apathy, although there is much of that, but legitimate fear. Brits know full well that they would suffer horribly, and perhaps be killed, if such a strike were to look potentially successful. We "won" the Cold War only to live in a totalitarian system. What's the difference between London and Hong Kong? Nothing if the rulers feel threatened.

If anyone wants to understand the sudden push for gun control look no further than the UK. The ruling class here has started to acknowledge there will be violence if they send their thugs door to door to seize guns. I'm not so certain people even will resist, but either way, the ruling class doesn't care.

This is the most prosperous time in human history and the Darker Ages approach. Hard to square those two things.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at September 05, 2019 09:29 PM (iw59Q)

199 A national strike should be in order but it won't happen. Why? Not just apathy, although there is much of that, but legitimate fear. Brits know full well that they would suffer horribly, and perhaps be killed, if such a strike were to look potentially successful. We "won" the Cold War only to live in a totalitarian system. What's the difference between London and Hong Kong? Nothing if the rulers feel threatened.

If anyone wants to understand the sudden push for gun control look no further than the UK. The ruling class here has started to acknowledge there will be violence if they send their thugs door to door to seize guns. I'm not so certain people even will resist, but either way, the ruling class doesn't care.

This is the most prosperous time in human history and the Darker Ages approach. Hard to square those two things.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at September 05, 2019 09:29 PM (iw59Q)

200 When is the last time anyone got to see a major nation commit suicide?
*clears throat*

2012. And before that 2008.

Posted by: Simplemind at September 05, 2019 09:29 PM (ZuGkg)

201 If you think you can find a bad guy from history who is not a leftist,
here's a clue, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao are all leftists. If you are
trying to find excuses for this bunch, you are one as well.


Tamerlane was strictly GOP.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at September 05, 2019 09:29 PM (amw5z)

202 I've been pixy banned a few times but I can get back on after rebooting my phone.

Posted by: kallisto at September 05, 2019 09:29 PM (XaO9F)

203 Contacting Comcast is more productive than contacting Pixy.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 05, 2019 09:27 PM (Wx/+I)


If you're lucky Pixy takes a week to respond and then two more weeks to act on it.

That's my experience anyway.

Posted by: Surfperch at September 05, 2019 09:29 PM (tVQUs)

204 The Betsy Ross flag looks better n better thru the rear view mirror of history.

Posted by: BluesFish at September 05, 2019 09:29 PM (WQZ1O)

205 re 194: but they weren't REAL leftists!!

Vote Bernie 2020 and find out the hard way!

Posted by: mallfly the Georgie Peach at September 05, 2019 09:29 PM (ZqRa6)

206 Maybe it's time to dump a cargo freighter's worth of bananas into the Channel...

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 05, 2019 09:30 PM (Ct55T)

207 Another example of you thinking things that just aren't so.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:28 PM (wYseH)

Then who banned him ? He made several attempts to get back in. Always banned - even with a new hash. That's not a pixy thing. That's a COB thing.

Who ?

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:31 PM (AzTx0)

stoopid computer

yes, there's a paintball operation in the Hell area

maybe we have a plan for Saturday afternoon

Posted by: AltonJackson
The MiMoMe is 21SEP19 in Chelsea, MI
Friday night we dine in Hell
at September 05, 2019 09:31 PM (BjZrZ)

Posted by: mallfly the Georgie Peach at September 05, 2019 09:31 PM (ZqRa6)

210 Posted by: Surfperch at September 05, 2019 09:25 PM (tVQUs)

Uh...not quite.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:27 PM (wYseH)

Really? Then what happened? And why did he not appear to be fully banned nor mention the site informing him of his ban?

Posted by: Surfperch at September 05, 2019 09:31 PM (tVQUs)

211 I wants top thank Presdent Obama four this grate economy we be having and hope that idiot Trump does not skrew it up !!!!!

Posted by: Mary Clogginstien from Obamaboro, VT and proud of it !!!! at September 05, 2019 09:31 PM (qM84C)

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at September 05, 2019 09:27 PM (2SUAg)

I was amazed they roused themselves from their stupor and voted for BREXIT in the first place, so I haven't given up hope completely (yet).

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at September 05, 2019 09:31 PM (BiNEL)

213 oops.

Posted by: mallfly the Georgie Peach at September 05, 2019 09:31 PM (ZqRa6)

214 201 If you think you can find a bad guy from history who is not a leftist,
here's a clue, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao are all leftists. If you are
trying to find excuses for this bunch, you are one as well.
Tamerlane was strictly GOP.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at September 05, 2019 09:29 PM (amw5z)

Does that mean Pol Pot was Green Party?

Or Libertarian?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 05, 2019 09:32 PM (Ct55T)

215 Holy crap! I read all of michael Moorcock books in hs. You go! Still have them. May have to pull them out. Early morning dreams will still on occasion feature envisages of Elric.

Posted by: enzo at September 05, 2019 09:32 PM (AY0BI)

216 Who ?

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:31 PM (AzTx0)

What makes you think that it is any of your business?

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:32 PM (wYseH)

217 I think Mary Cloggenstein would know how to spell 'screw', thank you.

Posted by: mallfly the Georgie Peach at September 05, 2019 09:32 PM (ZqRa6)

*curtsies smartly*
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero)


Cicero is a girl?

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at September 05, 2019 09:33 PM (2SUAg)

219 'Kreplach' sounds like a Polish pastry or empanada type thing.

Posted by: kallisto at September 05, 2019 09:33 PM (XaO9F)

220 217 I think Mary Cloggenstein would know how to spell 'screw', thank you.
Posted by: mallfly the Georgie Peach at September 05, 2019 09:32 PM (ZqRa6)


Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 05, 2019 09:33 PM (Ct55T)

221 Double post? Kreplach banned?? Brexit busted??? What in the bloody bitflipping world is happening? Why why why?

Posted by: at September 05, 2019 09:33 PM (Tnijr)

222 Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at September 05, 2019 09:29 PM (iw59Q)

You can say that again...

oh wait, you did!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at September 05, 2019 09:33 PM (BiNEL)

223 *curtsies smartly*
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero)


Cicero is a girl?
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at September 05, 2019 09:33 PM (2SUAg)


Don't let the moobs fool you.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at September 05, 2019 09:33 PM (amw5z)

224 I fall asleep for a few minutes and Brexit is over?
Posted by: ALH at September 05, 2019 09:28 PM (GaOgf)


Posted by: Hairyback Guy at September 05, 2019 09:33 PM (Z+IKu)

225 Does that mean Pol Pot was Green Party?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 05, 2019 09:32 PM (Ct55T)

Certainly! He loved the earth so much he fed it with the bodies of a a few million Cambodians.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:34 PM (wYseH)

226 No bottom since the days of Kipling.

Posted by: Regular joe at September 05, 2019 09:34 PM (6/uwW)

227 If I might posit a reason for Kreplach's banishment, Kreplach was always the angriest guy in the room and there can only be one angriest guy in the room.

Posted by: Radical Centrist at September 05, 2019 09:34 PM (ykh1D)

228 Really? Then what happened? And why did he not appear to be fully banned nor mention the site informing him of his ban?
Posted by: Surfperch at September 05, 2019 09:31 PM (tVQUs)

Bans aren't announced anymore. They just "happen".

Get this - I have a back-channel to a couple COBs. There is no "official document" in circulation regarding banning.

It's just a COB, or COBs, doing their own personal project.

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:34 PM (AzTx0)

229 The House of Lords thing is a little weird. They probably could have filibustered the bill until Parliament was prorogued on Sept. 9. Not sure the calculation behind the stand down order.

I suppose it's because most the UK is a bit ashamed about the House of Lords still existing, so Boris "winning" via House of Lords maneuvers would be bad politics. Plus, still there's still some chance for a pre-Halloween general election. Boris gets a majority in that, then he can repeal this surrender bill.

Posted by: Frankovich's Monster at September 05, 2019 09:34 PM (dYe5S)

230 Is this site advanced enough to have different types of bans? I thought we only had the Hard Ban and the Pixy Ban.

Posted by: Surfperch at September 05, 2019 09:34 PM (tVQUs)

231 217 I think Mary Cloggenstein would know how to spell 'screw', thank you.

Umm, I don't know, she's pretty messed up.

Posted by: dantesed at September 05, 2019 09:34 PM (88xKn)

232 Of all the things that will get you banned here, I don't think, at this point, that 'being critical of the GOP' is even close to being on the list.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at September 05, 2019 09:34 PM (oVJmc)

233 by the way, I saw somewhere online that Joe Biden was on the Colbert Show last night. I wonder if his eye was still bleeding.

Posted by: mallfly the Georgie Peach at September 05, 2019 09:35 PM (ZqRa6)

234 Took typing in 11th grade, make that 65/66, and I remember it was the first electrics in the school. Us football players took that class thinking thinking it would be easy, and because the teacher was only 3 years or so older than us. Well it won't easy (had to learn the alphabet) and she got married (to a really big guy) at the beginning of the school year. But I still remember asdfjkl;. Even with the keys covered. They told me computers would be and easy class too. Heh.

Posted by: Eromero at September 05, 2019 09:35 PM (UUkQp)

235 Has anyone done 'Unexpectedly!' yet?

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 05, 2019 09:35 PM (2B9A/)

236 204 bluesfish "the betsy ross flag looks better n better..."

i just read that a couple waving the ross flag at a sporting event in utah were told to remove it or be thrown out because it was a symbol used by hate groups. because kapernick said so and nike obeyed.

it's a lie. there's no association of that flag wwith "hate groups" hasn't hap[pened. it's made up. and now it's being banned.

that's our flag. it belongs to al of us and to our noble history.


Posted by: musical jolly chimp at September 05, 2019 09:35 PM (Pg+x7)

237 What makes you think that it is any of your business?
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:32 PM (wYseH)

Might as well say it was you. It was you. Why nibble around the edges on this ? Just sack up and say you ordered the Code Red.

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:35 PM (AzTx0)

238 I had a 6 foot Black Snake in my Kitchen tonight JOY!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM (BqBId)

239 Good thing the common people have been disarmed and can't resist the building of a Pan-European Utopia. They just don't know what is best for them. They have to be reined in, educated, and shown the true power of a fully functioning Brussels. The Betters know better. That will teach those silly wankers that Sovereignty and Democracy were just silly words that some unwoke White Males wrote down (no doubt in an opium-addled haze) on some papers at some time in the past.

Words. Just words. They don't mean what you think they mean. We've moved past those times. Definitions change. Get with the times, you ungrateful commoners.
Welcome to the jungle.

Celebrate your freedom!

Posted by: gogman at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM (WLETU)

I was amazed they roused themselves from their stupor and voted for BREXIT in the first place, so I haven't given up hope completely (yet).
Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar


Exactly. And they don't seem to be in a very good mood right now.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM (2SUAg)

241 You can be tiresome.

You can be combative.

You can't be both.

(At least, not at the same time)

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM (Ct55T)

242 I had a 6 foot Black Snake in my Kitchen tonight JOY!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM (


Deep State is a girl?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM (amw5z)

Has anyone done 'Unexpectedly!' yet?

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 05, 2019 09:35 PM

I don't think so

I gots dibs on "Inconceivable!!!" when the time comes

Posted by: AltonJackson
The MiMoMe is 21SEP19 in Chelsea, MI
Friday night we dine in Hell
at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM (BjZrZ)

244 238 I had a 6 foot Black Snake in my Kitchen tonight JOY!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM (BqBId)

I had one in my basement, IYKWIMAITTYD

Posted by: Shep! at September 05, 2019 09:37 PM (NWiLs)

245 'Kreplach' sounds like a Polish pastry or empanada type thing.

Jewish dumpling, I believe.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at September 05, 2019 09:37 PM (oVJmc)

246 241 You can be tiresome.

You can be combative.

You can't be both.

(At least, not at the same time)
Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM (Ct55T)

I have seen it done.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 05, 2019 09:37 PM (2B9A/)

247 238 I had a 6 foot Black Snake in my Kitchen tonight JOY!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM (BqBId)

Did it taste like chicken?

Posted by: ALH at September 05, 2019 09:37 PM (GaOgf)

248 Boris Johnson Banned Brexit with the COBs?

What the fuck?

Posted by: Lurking Lurker at September 05, 2019 09:37 PM (FiUMj)

249 that's our flag. it belongs to al of us and to our noble history.

Give it another year and they will be banning the cross. That's their next goal.

Posted by: Simplemind at September 05, 2019 09:37 PM (ZuGkg)

250 Might as well say it was you.

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:35 PM (AzTx0)

Which drunken idiot are you? You are jabbering like a fool. Maybe you should stick to topics other than the internal workings of this blog.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:38 PM (wYseH)

251 OK, Britain, you need to stop worrying about a "deal," and just draft a carefully worded "screw you" sort of letter.

I'll help you out.

Do you have a pen? Take this down:

"When in the course of human events..."

Posted by: RKae at September 05, 2019 09:38 PM (fV4fe)

252 I have seen it done.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 05, 2019 09:37 PM (2B9A/)


"Can I go to the bathroom?"

"I don't know, can you?"


Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 05, 2019 09:38 PM (Ct55T)

*pops popcorn*

Posted by: Gooshy at September 05, 2019 09:38 PM (wPrFz)

254 -
Tamerlane was strictly GOP.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at September 05, 2019 09:29 PM


Hey, now. I hate Trump. At least I'm as good as David French??

Posted by: Tamerlane at September 05, 2019 09:38 PM (RVcmP)

255 I don't think so

I gots dibs on "Inconceivable!!!" when the time comes
Posted by: AltonJackson
The MiMoMe is 21SEP19 in Chelsea, MI
Friday night we dine in Hell
at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM (BjZrZ)

Ok, then I will just pencil in 'You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.' right there.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 05, 2019 09:39 PM (2B9A/)

256 Has anyone done 'Unexpectedly!' yet?

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 05, 2019 09:35 PM

I don't think so

I gots dibs on "Inconceivable!!!" when the time comes
Posted by: AltonJackson at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM (BjZrZ)

Put me down for "'twas ever thus".

Posted by: hogmartin will be sad if you don't register for the fall MIMoMe at September 05, 2019 09:39 PM (t+qrx)

257 I had a 6 foot Black Snake in my Kitchen tonight JOY!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM (BqBId)


Better to have a 10" one in your wife.

Posted by: Conservative Media Journalist at September 05, 2019 09:39 PM (WX5d1)

258 *pops baconcorn*

Posted by: kids, blackmail and shit at September 05, 2019 09:39 PM (QwmrN)

OK, Britain, you need to stop worrying about a "deal," and just draft a carefully worded "screw you" sort of letter.

I'll help you out.

Do you have a pen? Take this down:

"When in the course of human events..."

Posted by: RKae at September 05, 2019 09:38 PM (fV4fe)

Nah. More like the Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at September 05, 2019 09:39 PM (w5Kav)

260 The rest of you exist to be farmed by them for taxes.



Posted by: ShainS -- Cancel #ErasureCulture at September 05, 2019 09:39 PM (WqPYg)

261 that's our flag. it belongs to al of us and to our noble history.


Posted by: musical jolly chimp at September 05, 2019 09:35 PM (Pg+x7)

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at September 05, 2019 09:35 PM (Pg+x7)

Please to note the correct verbs and adverbs to maintain your social credit standing:

that was our flag. it belonged to all of us and to our ignoble history.

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar GoodThink Bureau at September 05, 2019 09:39 PM (BiNEL)

262 If I might posit a reason for Kreplach's banishment, Kreplach was always the angriest guy in the room and there can only be one angriest guy in the room.

Kreplach struck me as someone who got angry a lot and (important) didn't temper it with instances of non-angry. That can wear on a site's vibe after too long.

Chi-Town Jerry is headed down the same road. (I've been on it too.)

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at September 05, 2019 09:39 PM (ykYG2)

263 You can be tiresome.

You can be combative.

You can't be both.


You must have missed the CNN climate change nonsense!

Shit! It makes a person's eyes bleed!

Posted by: RKae at September 05, 2019 09:39 PM (fV4fe)

264 Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM (amw5z)
It was gone before I could get something to catch it

Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:39 PM (BqBId)

265 I don't think, at this point, that 'being critical of the GOP' is even close to being on the list.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at September 05, 2019 09:34 PM (oVJmc)

Ya think?

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:40 PM (wYseH)

Boris Johnson Banned Brexit with the COBs?

They did it to make black girls obese.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 05, 2019 09:40 PM (Wx/+I)

267 Might as well say it was you. It was you. Why nibble around the edges on this ? Just sack up and say you ordered the Code Red.
Great. Here comes you can't handle the truth...

Posted by: Simplemind at September 05, 2019 09:40 PM (ZuGkg)

268 238 I had a 6 foot Black Snake in my Kitchen tonight JOY!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM (BqBId)

Dear sweet Jesus. Where do you live?

Posted by: Ladyl urgent prayer needed for Laura and Allison at September 05, 2019 09:40 PM (TdMsT)

269 Hey, now. I hate Trump. At least I'm as good as David French??

Posted by: Tamerlane at September 05, 2019 09:38 PM (RVcmP)

Tamerlane's prize winning gerbil crapped bigger than David French.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 05, 2019 09:40 PM (2B9A/)

270 The rest of you exist to be farmed by them for taxes.

Rabbits for sale. Pets or meat.

Posted by: ALH at September 05, 2019 09:40 PM (GaOgf)

271 Is this site advanced enough to have different types of bans? I thought we only had the Hard Ban and the Pixy Ban. <<<<<<<<
There used to be a no deal exit, but congress banned it.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at September 05, 2019 09:41 PM (r+sAi)

272 Bans aren't announced anymore. They just "happen".

Get this - I have a back-channel to a couple COBs. There is no "official document" in circulation regarding banning.

It's just a COB, or COBs, doing their own personal project.

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:34 PM (AzTx0)

When you try to comment at a banned IP (not a Pixy-Banned one) the site will tell you that you're banned and your post will never appear.

I'm speaking from experience as I was formally banned for about a week a couple years ago and whenever I tried to comment an error screen would pop up informing me that I had been banned and that I should contact Ace or Pixy if I believed the ban was wrongful.

Posted by: Surfperch at September 05, 2019 09:41 PM (tVQUs)

273 Posted by: Tamerlane at September 05, 2019 09:38 PM (RVcmP)

What are you doing here? Weren't you a human speed bump?

Posted by: DR.WTF at September 05, 2019 09:41 PM (aS1PU)

274 Yikes, the Iconians just turned 2 of the Ice Warriors planets to DEAD in my GCIII game. I didn't know they could do that?

Posted by: DaveA at September 05, 2019 09:41 PM (FhXTo)

Dear sweet Jesus. Where do you live?
Posted by: Ladyl urgent prayer needed for Laura and Allison at September 05, 2019 09:40 PM (TdMsT)
SW Pa.

Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:42 PM (BqBId)

276 Obamaboro is proud to announce that are grate town has started a funds drive to kollect money from the peeple of Obamaboro to helps repair Presdent obonar's new home on Nacetuckit Island if it is dameraged from the Global Warming Storm that jit Florida. What has you done to help our pesins of color community ???

Posted by: Mary Clogginstien from Obamaboro, VT and proud of it !!!! at September 05, 2019 09:42 PM (qM84C)

277 Which drunken idiot are you? You are jabbering like a
fool. Maybe you should stick to topics other than the internal workings
of this blog.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:38 PM (wYseH)

Yeah ... it's you. Could not be more obvious.

The first thing most people do when they're caught red handed ? Yell. Scream. Get loud. It's human nature.

I wonder if Ace appreciates your winnowing of the customer base ? Meh - he probably ain't noticed.

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:42 PM (AzTx0)

278 268 238 I had a 6 foot Black Snake in my Kitchen tonight JOY!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM (BqBId)

Too beaucoup!

Posted by: Vietnamese Hooker #2 at September 05, 2019 09:42 PM (NWiLs)

279 The British people are serfs and they're treated as such. The UK gubmint is a massive deception and fraud just like the gubmints of Canada, Australia and the United States corporations. They're all corporate entities and the people are merely corporate citizens who don't have rights. They are given privileges that the corporation can usurp at any time.

Posted by: timajin at September 05, 2019 09:43 PM (AL9FO)

280 275
Dear sweet Jesus. Where do you live?
Posted by: Ladyl urgent prayer needed for Laura and Allison at September 05, 2019 09:40 PM (TdMsT)
SW Pa.
Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:42 PM (BqBId)


Posted by: Ladyl urgent prayer needed for Laura and Allison at September 05, 2019 09:43 PM (TdMsT)

SW Pa.

Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:42 PM (BqBId)

*nods knowingly*

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 05, 2019 09:43 PM (Wx/+I)

282 Posted by: timajin at September 05, 2019 09:43 PM (AL9FO)

They're worse than serfs...

they're subjects.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 05, 2019 09:43 PM (Ct55T)


Isn't Tamerlane the Squire of Gothos?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 05, 2019 09:44 PM (aKsyK)

284 I had a 6 foot Black Snake in my Kitchen tonight JOY!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM (BqBId)

Must've been an Eastern Indigo Snake, they fit that description and can get up to eight feet long.

Posted by: Surfperch at September 05, 2019 09:45 PM (tVQUs)

285 I had a 6 foot Black Snake in my Kitchen tonight JOY!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM


Well a white one would just be racist.

Posted by: Diogenes at September 05, 2019 09:45 PM (joNfe)

286 looked like a Black Racer

Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:45 PM (BqBId)

It's a Greater Yinzer Snake. Very venomous.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 05, 2019 09:45 PM (Wx/+I)

I wonder if Ace appreciates your winnowing of the customer base ? Meh - he probably ain't noticed.

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:42 PM (AzTx0)

You're absolutely right. I think you should run right out there and email ace tonight and tell him how he should run his blog.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at September 05, 2019 09:45 PM (w5Kav)

289 262 If I might posit a reason for Kreplach's banishment, Kreplach was always the angriest guy in the room and there can only be one angriest guy in the room.

Kreplach struck me as someone who got angry a lot and (important) didn't temper it with instances of non-angry. That can wear on a site's vibe after too long.

Chi-Town Jerry is headed down the same road. (I've been on it too.)

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at September 05, 2019 09:39 PM (ykYG2)

Yeah, I took a break for a week or two recently because it seemed like every topic was giving me a ragestroke. Didn't seem like there was anything I could say that didn't involve killing somebody or other.

Posted by: rickl at September 05, 2019 09:45 PM (sdi6R)

290 think



Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 05, 2019 09:46 PM (Ct55T)

291 they're subjects.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 05, 2019 09:43 PM (Ct55T)

What lovely phraseology, it sounds so much better than servant, serf, kulak, or peon.

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at September 05, 2019 09:46 PM (BiNEL)

292 They're all corporate entities and the people are merely corporate citizens who don't have rights. They are given privileges that the corporation can usurp at any time.

You have entered... the Moldbug Zone. *doo dee doo dee, doo dee doo dee*

Congratulations. The red pill tastes like sh!t but it does work.

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at September 05, 2019 09:46 PM (ykYG2)

293 You're absolutely right. I think you should run right out there and email ace tonight and tell him how he should run his blog.
Posted by: IllTemperedCur

Posted by: lin-duh, was deplorable now a committed racist doing keto! at September 05, 2019 09:46 PM (UUBmN)

294 6 Read all the Moorcock books. Enjoyed them way back in he. Have to of all the Eternal Champion Cycle I liked The Jewel in the Skull about Dorian Hawkmoon.

Posted by: morigu at September 05, 2019 09:46 PM (Eu98u)

295 Be interesting to see how the plebes respond.

By doing what they always do. Nothing.

Posted by: Blue Bird of F'ing Joy at September 05, 2019 09:46 PM (lD3vL)

296 I had a 6 foot Black Snake in my Kitchen tonight JOY!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM (BqBId)
Here I go aga-a-a--a-a-ain!

*writhes on hood of Subaru*

Posted by: H.P. Coverdale at September 05, 2019 09:46 PM (kQs4Y)

297 Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:42 PM (AzTx0)

Again...why do you think any of this is your business?

Why do you think you know how the blog works behind the scenes?

Which drunken fool are you?

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:46 PM (wYseH)

298 SW Pa.
Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:42 PM (BqBId)


Makes sense. When I was in the Emma Kaufmann Camp I saw dino-blacksnake in the pool. Fuckin thing had to be eight or nine feet.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 05, 2019 09:47 PM (WX5d1)

299 looks like Trump, BoJo, and Putin need to form an alliance, especially since the other side says the word Hitler more often than the 3rd Reich.

Posted by: x at September 05, 2019 09:47 PM (nFwvY)

300 "279 The British people are serfs and they're treated as such. The UK gubmint is a massive deception and fraud just like the gubmints of Canada, Australia and the United States corporations. They're all corporate entities and the people are merely corporate citizens who don't have rights. They are given privileges that the corporation can usurp at any time.

Posted by: timajin at September 05, 2019 09:43 PM (AL9FO) "

Oddly reminiscent of a software EULA ...

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at September 05, 2019 09:47 PM (pkvuH)

301 Nevermind, apparently Eastern Indigo snakes only live in the Deep South. If it was a Black Racer, it would've been very close to being the largest of it's species.

Posted by: Surfperch at September 05, 2019 09:48 PM (tVQUs)

302 You're absolutely right. I think you should run right out there and email ace tonight and tell him how he should run his blog.
Posted by: IllTemperedCur at September 05, 2019 09:45 PM (w5Kav)

No. Of course not.

The better play will be to inform Ace that a nic he converses with is banned.

It's gonna' happen. Hell - Ace would get banned if he didn't own the joint. Too critical.

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:48 PM (AzTx0)

303 Betsy Ross was a Quaker, they were strict abolitionists and pacifists. There is a Quaker Meeting House near me, it was the first stop on the Underground Railroad after you cross the Mason-Dixon line. Fugitive slaves would find respite there. The Quakers would even perform marriages for the slaves.

Posted by: kallisto at September 05, 2019 09:48 PM (XaO9F)

304 Will no one think of the children? Trust us, we are...

Posted by: House of Lords at September 05, 2019 09:49 PM (DCYln)

305 Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:46 PM (wYseH)
That is another account of the 4 time Banned Scoggdog

Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:49 PM (BqBId)

306 284 I had a 6 foot Black Snake in my Kitchen tonight JOY!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit

did it have a wallet that says BAD MOTHERFUCKER?

Posted by: x at September 05, 2019 09:49 PM (nFwvY)

307 So if I wear my NRA hat in San Francisco the police can arrest me for being a terrorist?

**orders new NRA shirt to go with hat**

Posted by: Diogenes at September 05, 2019 09:49 PM (joNfe)

308 *pops one open and fires one up because it's time to get extreme*

Posted by: kids, blackmail and shit at September 05, 2019 09:49 PM (QwmrN)

309 They are given privileges that the corporation can usurp at any time.
Posted by: timajin at September 05, 2019 09:43 PM (AL9FO) "
Oddly reminiscent of a software EULA ...
Posted by: sock_rat_eez at September 05, 2019 09:47 PM (pkvuH)

Amazing what corporate and State lawyers can concoct to bind the serfs to their will (all for the greater good of course).

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at September 05, 2019 09:49 PM (BiNEL)

310 Diogenes @ 285, the white ones are snowsnakes. the greatest danger with them is when they wrap around your arms and legs and then their mate (they mate for life) packs snow up your ass. Very uncomfortable or so they say.

Posted by: Eromero at September 05, 2019 09:49 PM (UUkQp)

311 It's gonna' happen. Hell - Ace would get banned if he didn't own the joint.
You're new around here, are t you???///

Posted by: lin-duh, was deplorable now a committed racist doing keto! at September 05, 2019 09:50 PM (UUBmN)

312 Let them eat haggis.

Posted by: The House of Boards at September 05, 2019 09:50 PM (EgshT)

313 Not a fan of Elric.

But, Ace, if you're into etymology check out the etymology of "farm" and its original definition. "Farmed for taxes" is actually redundant (if you're an 18th century writer like Adam Smith).

Posted by: moviegique at September 05, 2019 09:50 PM (CcUfv)

It's gonna' happen. Hell - Ace would get banned if he didn't own the joint. Too critical.

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:48 PM]/i]

cereal? Ace has banned himself

Posted by: AltonJackson
The MiMoMe is 21SEP19 in Chelsea, MI
Friday night we dine in Hell
at September 05, 2019 09:50 PM (BjZrZ)

315 The better play will be to inform Ace that a nic he converses with is banned.

It's gonna' happen. Hell - Ace would get banned if he didn't own the joint. Too critical.

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:48 PM (AzTx0)

As far as I know, there's only one rule here: Don't Be A Dick. You lose.

Posted by: DR.WTF at September 05, 2019 09:50 PM (aS1PU)

316 That is another account of the 4 time Banned Scoggdog

Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:49 PM (BqBId)


Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:50 PM (wYseH)

317 Nevermind, apparently Eastern Indigo snakes only live in the Deep South. If it was a Black Racer, it would've been very close to being the largest of it's species.
Posted by: Surfperch at September 05, 2019 09:48 PM (tVQUs)

Yup...they can get big and they move fast but are harmless. Some 5 or 6 feet and thick.

He must be old and eating good to get that size....

Keep him around, they eat all things smaller like rats and bugs and such.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at September 05, 2019 09:50 PM (Z+IKu)

318 Obviously UK likes the taste of Merkel 's wrinkled, shakey ass.

Posted by: Regular joe at September 05, 2019 09:51 PM (6/uwW)

319 276
Obamaboro is proud to announce that are grate town has started a funds
drive to kollect money from the peeple of Obamaboro to helps repair
Presdent obonar's new home on Nacetuckit Island if it is dameraged from
the Global Warming Storm that jit Florida. What has you done to help our
pesins of color community ???

Posted by: Mary Clogginstien from Obamaboro, VT and proud of it !!!! at September 05, 2019 09:42 PM (qM84C)


I stepped-up a couple years ago, Mary, and donated a case of Toilet Bowl Cleaner to the Obama Presidential Outhouse in Chicago. It's almost as beautifully done as his official Presidential portrait.

Posted by: ShainS -- Cancel #ErasureCulture at September 05, 2019 09:51 PM (WqPYg)

320 303 Betsy Ross was a Quaker, they were strict abolitionists and pacifists. There is a Quaker Meeting House near me, it was the first stop on the Underground Railroad after you cross the Mason-Dixon line. Fugitive slaves would find respite there. The Quakers would even perform marriages for the slaves.
Posted by: kallisto

so Kapernick's a sneaky little shit like Ben Penn.

Posted by: x at September 05, 2019 09:51 PM (nFwvY)

321 Isn't Tamerlane the Squire of Gothos?
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.



I just saw the actor who played Squire Trelane in "The Man Without A Star" with Kirk Douglas.

Check out this excellent bit (a must for all gun aficionados):

Posted by: RKae at September 05, 2019 09:51 PM (fV4fe)

322 I enjoyed the Elric books, but I haven't read them since the mid 80s.

Posted by: Darth Randall at September 05, 2019 09:51 PM (QD9b6)

323 If you say you would be surprised by ace being banned by his own blog, let me put some of my knowledge into you...

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 05, 2019 09:51 PM (2B9A/)

324 303 Betsy Ross was a Quaker, they were strict abolitionists and pacifists. There is a Quaker Meeting House near me, it was the first stop on the Underground Railroad after you cross the Mason-Dixon line. Fugitive slaves would find respite there. The Quakers would even perform marriages for the slaves.

Posted by: kallisto at September 05, 2019 09:48 PM (XaO9F)

Yes, the Quaker Church opposed the American Revolution because of their strict pacifism. Some members disagreed and either left the church or were excommunicated, or whatever their term was.

Posted by: rickl at September 05, 2019 09:52 PM (sdi6R)

325 Scoggdog had style.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 05, 2019 09:52 PM (2B9A/)

Posted by: AltonJackson
The MiMoMe is 21SEP19 in Chelsea, MI
Friday night we dine in Hell
at September 05, 2019 09:52 PM (BjZrZ)

the Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks.
Posted by: IllTemperedCur


I just had a pleasant trip to wiki thanks to your post.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at September 05, 2019 09:52 PM (2SUAg)

328 -
It's gonna' happen. Hell - Ace would get banned if he didn't own the joint.


You're new around here, are t you???///

Posted by: lin-duh, was deplorable now a committed racist doing keto! at September 05, 2019 09:50 PM


Heh, not new, just exceptionally stupid.

Posted by: irright at September 05, 2019 09:52 PM (RVcmP)

re teletypes: on late 70's ITT terminals, I dont recall two key presses to properly get a cr/lf to the next line. There was separate lf key, handy to keep crypto in synch, put more room between incoming messages, aaannnnd dump 30 feet of teletype paper on the other guys deck. Not that I'd do that.

Posted by: Gooshy at September 05, 2019 09:52 PM (wPrFz)

330 "307 So if I wear my NRA hat in San Francisco the police can arrest me for being a terrorist?

**orders new NRA shirt to go with hat**

Posted by: Diogenes at September 05, 2019 09:49 PM (joNfe) "

Someone on a morning thread was outlining their plan:
MAGA hat
body cam

Body cam is a nice touch for the eventual trial.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at September 05, 2019 09:53 PM (pkvuH)

331 Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:50 PM (wYseH)
Trust me It is ! He phraseology is the same as Scoggdog, and other banned accounts

Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:53 PM (BqBId)

332 Who came up with the idea of The EU in the first place?

Posted by: davidt at September 05, 2019 09:53 PM (c+W6c)

333 Remember when the English citizen was armed well enough that he was able to rise up, put the Royalty to heel and even chopped a King's head off?!?!?

Ahhh, good times. Good times.

Posted by: Sharkman at September 05, 2019 09:54 PM (Mo1SD)


The white males are to be harvested for dollars.

Posted by: Rev. Dr. Joe Biden at September 05, 2019 09:54 PM (z8c2c)

335 Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:53 PM (BqBId)

I don't doubt it.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:54 PM (wYseH)

336 As far as I know, there's only one rule here: Don't Be A Dick. You lose.
Posted by: DR.WTF at September 05, 2019 09:50 PM (aS1PU)

Yup......and CBD does a good job as well.

Enough already.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at September 05, 2019 09:54 PM (Z+IKu)

337 332 Who came up with the idea of The EU in the first place?
Posted by: davidt at September 05, 2019 09:53 PM (c+W6c)

Eustace P Dreadful. She was a horrific narcissist and wanted to write her name across the stars.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 05, 2019 09:54 PM (2B9A/)

Who came up with the idea of The EU in the first place?

Posted by: davidt at September 05, 2019 09:53 PM

they were called....the Druids

Posted by: AltonJackson
The MiMoMe is 21SEP19 in Chelsea, MI
Friday night we dine in Hell
at September 05, 2019 09:54 PM (BjZrZ)

339 Yes, the Quaker Church opposed the American Revolution because of their strict pacifism.

Must have changed since then. My family was Quaker (parts still are). Definitely not pacifist, it was up to each person.

Posted by: t-bird at September 05, 2019 09:55 PM (CE5C/)

Who came up with the idea of The EU in the first place?

Posted by: davidt at September 05, 2019 09:53 PM (c+W6c)

The Habsburgs.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 05, 2019 09:55 PM (Wx/+I)

Posted by: davidt at September 05, 2019 09:55 PM (c+W6c)

342 334

The white males are to be harvested for dollars.

Posted by: Rev. Dr. Joe Biden at September 05, 2019 09:54 PM (z8c2c)

Asian women and black women will pay the most.

Posted by: kids, blackmail and shit at September 05, 2019 09:55 PM (QwmrN)

343 A friend of mine is on a 3000 km adventure in Australia. He just sent a picture of an eastern brown snake. He's about 6 feet from it. Considered to be the second most venomous snake in the world.

Posted by: Diogenes at September 05, 2019 09:55 PM (joNfe)


Contrasting the two political systems (ours and theirs) reinforces my conclusion that the one which governs us is unique in the world, and the best ever devised.

Look what fealty to it's precepts has wrought. The most exceptional country on the planet, populated by an extraordinary people.

If you think otherwise, then go find me a country whose advantages eclipse ours.

Posted by: irongrampa at September 05, 2019 09:55 PM (KATBx)

345 Trust me It is ! He phraseology is the same as Scoggdog, and other banned accounts
Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:53 PM (BqBId)

Whomever this nefarious ScoggDog was - I hope you get healing from whatever he or she did to you. That bitch or bastard must have been something else.

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:55 PM (AzTx0)

346 they were called....the Druids
Posted by: AltonJackson
The MiMoMe is 21SEP19 in Chelsea, MI
Friday night we dine in Hell
at September 05, 2019 09:54 PM (BjZrZ)

No one knew who they really were,
or what they were doin'.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 05, 2019 09:56 PM (2B9A/)

347 338
Who came up with the idea of The EU in the first place?

Posted by: davidt at September 05, 2019 09:53 PM

they were called....the Druids
Posted by: AltonJackson
The MiMoMe is 21SEP19 in Chelsea, MI
Friday night we dine in Hell
at September 05, 2019 09:54 PM (BjZrZ)

Every. Single. Time.

Posted by: kids, blackmail and shit at September 05, 2019 09:56 PM (QwmrN)

348 Must have changed since then. My family was Quaker (parts still are). Definitely not pacifist, it was up to each person.

Posted by: t-bird


Richard Nixon was a Quaker.

It's not exactly what it was back in the 1700s. But then, which denomination is?

Everybody's got the damned rainbow flag flying over their church.

Posted by: RKae at September 05, 2019 09:56 PM (fV4fe)

349 Enough already.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at September 05, 2019 09:54 PM (Z+IKu)

No's an everyday occurrence. The blog attracts a small core of dickheads. That's why we have ban hammers and anonymous moderators.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:56 PM (wYseH)

350 332 Who came up with the idea of The EU in the first place?

Posted by: davidt at September 05, 2019 09:53 PM (c+W6c)

Napoleon. Sort-of. But he WANTED Brexit. Brexit with Extreme Prejudice.

Posted by: Gref at September 05, 2019 09:57 PM (Xtdaf)

351 they were called....the Druids

They were good boys.

Posted by: Pine-scented Druid philosopher James Comey at September 05, 2019 09:57 PM (EgshT)

352 Whomever this nefarious ScoggDog was - I hope you get healing from whatever he or she did to you. That bitch or bastard must have been something else.

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:55 PM (AzTx0)

He used to work under the name T.T. Boy. Allegedly.

Posted by: kids, blackmail and shit at September 05, 2019 09:57 PM (QwmrN)

353 I want to do a sociological study by putting up lost puppy posters with a cute pic, & phone# that goes to voicemail.

on some the puppy's name will be lil' Trump, the others will be lil' Obama.

Posted by: x at September 05, 2019 09:57 PM (nFwvY)

354 We will always have the Binary Scale.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 05, 2019 09:57 PM (2B9A/)

355 Who came up with the idea of The EU in the first place?


The beast that rises out of the bottomless pit and goes into perdition.

I never caught his name.

Posted by: RKae at September 05, 2019 09:57 PM (fV4fe)

356 He's about 6 feet from it.

Considered to be the second most venomous snake in the world.

Posted by: Diogenes at September 05, 2019 09:55 PM (joNfe)

These two phrases are incongruent.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:58 PM (wYseH)

357 Alexander the Great was trying for an EU. or WU. something history history.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at September 05, 2019 09:58 PM (r+sAi)

358 ONT is up.

Posted by: H.P. Coverdale at September 05, 2019 09:58 PM (kQs4Y)

359 RKae-

"I just saw the actor who played Squire Trelane in "The Man Without A Star" with Kirk Douglas."

Bill Campbell! When I was a wee bairn, I watched Wizard of Oz over at his house. Heh.

Posted by: moviegique at September 05, 2019 09:58 PM (CcUfv)

I saw Anonymous Moderators open for Pixy & The Coders at the Blind Pig back in '04

Posted by: AltonJackson
The MiMoMe is 21SEP19 in Chelsea, MI
Friday night we dine in Hell
at September 05, 2019 09:58 PM (BjZrZ)

361 nood !

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at September 05, 2019 09:58 PM (pkvuH)

362 -
Whomever this nefarious ScoggDog was - I hope you
get healing from whatever he or she did to you. That bitch or bastard
must have been something else.

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:55 PM


He, actually was worthy of note.

Posted by: irright at September 05, 2019 09:58 PM (RVcmP)

363 The pound was worth almost $1.50 before Brexit
It is now down yo $1.20

You are never wrong to assume that Joe is wrong, either in his facts or in his interpretation, so I went and looked. Man the pound has been falling against the Dollar since 2007, and against the Euro since 2000.

The pound has issues.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at September 05, 2019 09:59 PM (yQpMk)

364 Whomever this nefarious ScoggDog was - I hope you get healing from whatever he or she did to you. That bitch or bastard must have been something else.

He was definitely a butt sniffer of the first order.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at September 05, 2019 10:00 PM (yQpMk)

365 I predict that the EU is going to gloat and then try to penalize the UK for even thinking about straying off the reservation.
Then, there will be a backlash.

Posted by: JoeF. at September 05, 2019 10:00 PM (o1fzk)

366 Hmm, I'm guessing I willowed myself.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at September 05, 2019 10:01 PM (yQpMk)

367 Good thing the brits gave up their guns, so they can't actually DO anything about their votes being castrated.

Posted by: Washington Nearsider, LOL, get fucked at September 05, 2019 10:01 PM (T8HPM)

368 Inside of 40 years, the UK will be either an Islamic State, or --if they are lucky--a US Territory.

Posted by: JoeF. at September 05, 2019 10:03 PM (o1fzk)

369 No's an everyday occurrence. The blog
attracts a small core of dickheads. That's why we have ban hammers and
anonymous moderators.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:56 PM (wYseH)


Did not know that. * scours interwebs for AoSHQ application to be an anonymous moderator * What's the pay?

Posted by: ShainS -- Cancel #ErasureCulture at September 05, 2019 10:03 PM (WqPYg)

370 353
I want to do a sociological study by putting up lost puppy posters with a cute pic, phone# that goes to voicemail.

on some the puppy's name will be lil' Trump, the others will be lil' Obama.

Posted by: x at September 05, 2019 09:57 PM (nFwvY)


Heh. Somewhat unfair as most would assume the Obama ate the puppy already.

Posted by: ShainS -- Cancel #ErasureCulture at September 05, 2019 10:06 PM (WqPYg)

371 I was at the store-- Who's the dink?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at September 05, 2019 10:07 PM (oVJmc)

372 Parliament cannot ban no-deal Brexit, because that is the EU's default position. Parliament required Boris to seek a three-month extension, and to agree to whatever extension EU asks for if they provide a different date.So yes it would be a cancelling of Brexit.
However, the filibuster was going well, and Boris asked them to stop. He is up to something. There is something called royal assent which Boris can deny, and keep the bill from passing.
He can also just refuse to do as Parliament says.

Posted by: MikeN at September 05, 2019 10:07 PM (o/eHL)

373 Bill Campbell! When I was a wee bairn, I watched Wizard of Oz over at his house. Heh.

Posted by: moviegique at September 05, 2019 09:58 PM (CcUfv)


I played on a rugby team with a young Bill Campbell when he was shooting the TV series "Crime Story" in Las Vegas around '87. Great guy and hell of an athlete.

Posted by: ShainS -- Cancel #ErasureCulture at September 05, 2019 10:08 PM (WqPYg)

374 Ace,
According to Mish Shedlock and a legal opinion by the London School of Economics, Boris pulled a fast one on the Remainers, because the latest bill - the Burt Benn bill will trigger a Constitutional procedure in which the government-meaning PM Boris Johnson -must approve the bill- which he won't of course.

According to this analysis Boris got what he wanted:
A. He will likely get a clean Brexit
B. He has forced out the Remainers out of Tory party so he can form a clean alliance with the Brexit Party
C. He will likely force an election where the opposition will have to defend the Burt Benn bill which doesn't allow Britain to negotiate with the EU- an untenable position.

This is not the end of the world, but a victory in the end for Brexit and Boris Johnson. He faked out the Remaiiners into pushing this bad bill which they now must defend.

Posted by: Unsk at September 05, 2019 10:08 PM (Nz64U)

375 Crap. Billy Campbell.

Posted by: ShainS -- Cancel #ErasureCulture at September 05, 2019 10:08 PM (WqPYg)

376 This bill is symbolic at most. The Queen may veto it; but even if she signs it, it will be followed by an election, the Tories and/or Brexit party will win, and then they repeal the bill in time for a Halloween Brexit.

Posted by: jdgalt at September 05, 2019 10:09 PM (3SFo/)

377 That procedure is called the Queen's consent. The government - meaning Boris must give his consent for the bill to become law.

Posted by: Unsk at September 05, 2019 10:09 PM (Nz64U)

378 Proving that you can vote your way in, but you have to shoot your way out.

Posted by: One More Zap Rowsdower at September 05, 2019 10:10 PM (1Ja6u)

379 This is not the end of the world, but a victory in
the end for Brexit and Boris Johnson. He faked out the Remaiiners into
pushing this bad bill which they now must defend.

Posted by: Unsk at September 05, 2019 10:08 PM (Nz64U)


Positively Trumpian.

Posted by: ShainS -- Cancel #ErasureCulture at September 05, 2019 10:13 PM (WqPYg)

380 Who would have thought that a majority of the Parliament would chose self-immolation over independence from a foreign power? Labour, out of power, refusing to accede to general election? Well, not all of the cards have been played in this game.

Posted by: mrp at September 05, 2019 10:45 PM (Pqytn)

381 I want to be banned HARD!!!

Posted by: Bill Kristol at September 05, 2019 10:49 PM (CLteG)

382 It would be so funny if the Queen said, basically, "I'm old, and I'm going to die soon. So I might as well take the opportunity to tell you all that you're horrifically corrupt shitheels, and I'm going to ignore any worthless exhalations that come out of your whore mouths. Boris has six months to do whatever he pleases, and you can all go directly to the devil, you slavish cunts. I'm out."

Posted by: Mitch H. at September 05, 2019 10:56 PM (JpPA+)

383 I'm a little late on this but I think the bill actually requires the government to seek an extension to negotiate a deal. The EU can always tell the U.K. to take s long walk off a short pier, assuming the EU has simply gotten sick of the UK's shit.

And I do recall several European leaders making noises some months back that they couldn't and wouldn't extend Brexit indefinitely. Article 50 has been invoked and they'll need to either piss or get off the pot.

Posted by: Robert at September 05, 2019 11:04 PM (1Yy3c)

384 We aren't going to be able to vote our way out of this either.

Posted by: Quilp at September 05, 2019 11:26 PM (Bf3hj)

385 Holy shit. And I thought quantum theory was hard to get my arms around...this Brit politics crap is complicateder than a motherf**ker.

Posted by: Lawrence L at September 05, 2019 11:41 PM (Uu7xZ)

386 And this is why, Piers Morgan, we have a second amendment. They wouldn't try that here.

Posted by: James OBrien at September 05, 2019 11:42 PM (TF9Iy)

387 No's an everyday occurrence. The blog
attracts a small core of dickheads. That's why we have ban hammers and
anonymous moderators.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 05, 2019 09:56 PM (wYseH)

Not all dickheads are the same, you know.

Posted by: Richard Cranium at September 06, 2019 12:17 AM (VHSlW)

388 241 You can be tiresome.

You can be combative.

You can't be both.

(At least, not at the same time)
Posted by: Warai-otoko at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM (Ct55T)

I've gained about 10 points in the polls with this strategy, don't knock it.

Posted by: Elizabeth Warren at September 06, 2019 02:00 AM (sy5kK)

389 I had a 6 foot Black Snake in my Kitchen tonight JOY!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Deep State is in Deep Shit at September 05, 2019 09:36 PM

that's one of the standard themes at Pronhub.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at September 06, 2019 02:04 AM (sy5kK)

390 315 The better play will be to inform Ace that a nic he converses with is banned.

It's gonna' happen. Hell - Ace would get banned if he didn't own the joint. Too critical.

Posted by: The White Devil at September 05, 2019 09:48 PM (AzTx0)

As far as I know, there's only one rule here: Don't Be A Dick. You lose.
Posted by: DR.WTF at September 05, 2019 09:50 PM (aS1PU)

I could have told you that if you asked me.

Posted by: zombie Richard Milhaus Nixon at September 06, 2019 02:09 AM (sy5kK)

391 Classic Clash and Ace, hurrah

Posted by: Summer of Love at September 06, 2019 02:43 AM (FJrl0)

392 There are still some options I believe, some of where were defined by Unsk (#374). Boris has boldly claimed we would no deal brexit on Halloween do or die, thats a bold claim and he so far hasn't appeared rattled.

The Optimist in me says this is all just cover fire keeping the opposition busy thinking they are blocking Boris' every move while he has already moved his pieces into place and they are untouchable.

Boris has cornered Corbyn who after 2 years of demanding an election has turned and run from one. In the event of an election, the common sense thing to do is

* Partner with The Brexit Party for the areas where they would never vote Tory, but they are strong Leave areas.
* The Brexit party won't run candidates in areas where there is a Leave Tory running
* The few ex-Labour MPs that are pro-Leave can run in pro-Leave areas that are strong Labour.

As for the death of the UK compared to the US, as someone who has spent 15 years in the US, we are both in very similar positions. A crazy left wing elite with a complicit media and

Many folk are conservative and most of those that claim they are not may identify as Democrat or Labour, but think conservative, but most of those people have families to feed and jobs to do while the remaining moonbat left are funded by the tax payer, unions and wealthy donors to go out and stir things up.

However, like the US has Trump, we have Boris, someone who finally has made moves to drain the swamp. While it is a long road, there is some optimism that the Tory party could get cleaned up.

Similarly, the US has a government that seems more interested in catering to illegals and special interests than the people, we have a government that is more interested in handing unchecked power to the EU. These minority opinions are just that.

Don't underestimate how many people this has pissed off. I see angry posts on Facebook from people that rarely talk politics, and I myself, having never protested in my life and looking for events to go and show these assholes how pissed off the people are.

Posted by: Ring at September 06, 2019 05:21 AM (KPGR9)

393 22 Great Britain ain't. The people need to burn Parliament to the ground.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at September 05, 2019 08:46 PM (yQpMk)

It is almost November....

Posted by: Guy Fawkes at September 06, 2019 06:35 AM (K45p2)

394 How many Divisions has the EU to force the UK to stay?

Posted by: redleg at September 06, 2019 08:52 AM (M8rOc)

395 And now you know why the UK has disarmed their populace

Posted by: Traddy at September 06, 2019 09:40 AM (GSJcT)

396 Can't wait for season 23 of "The Crown" when they cover this.

Posted by: Reality Man at September 06, 2019 10:34 AM (//Byp)

397 Allahpundit Headline on Hot Air just now: "Amazing: Wilber Ross threaten to fire NOAA employees if the contradicted Trump!"

You know what else is amazing? How the fuck did they get a tootsie roll in the center of a tootsie pop? I mean, same amazing fucking shit, right, Allah?

Posted by: Boswell at September 09, 2019 08:44 PM (32YRo)

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