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Johnson & Johnson Ordered to Pay $572 Million for Claimed Collusion in Opioid Addiction in Oklahoma Case

And this seems to be only Oklahoma.

That means there are 49 other possible judgments, not including US territories or foreign countries. And most of those will have populations much larger than Oklahoma's.

An Oklahoma judge on Monday found Johnson & Johnson and its subsidiaries helped fuel the state’s opioid drug crisis and ordered the consumer products giant to pay $572 million to help abate the problem in the coming years.

Cleveland County District Judge Thad Balkman’s ruling followed the first state opioid case to make it to trial and could help shape negotiations over roughly 1,500 similar lawsuits filed by state, local and tribal governments consolidated before a federal judge in Ohio.

"The opioid crisis has ravaged the state of Oklahoma," Balkman said before announcing the verdict. "It must be abated immediately."

The companies are expected to appeal the ruling to the Oklahoma Supreme Court.

Before Oklahoma's trial began May 28, Oklahoma reached settlements with two other defendant groups -- a $270 million deal with OxyContin-maker Purdue Pharma and an $85 million settlement with Israeli-owned Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.

Posted by: Ace of Spades at 06:05 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 First!

Posted by: The Man from Athens at August 26, 2019 06:06 PM (8Ls/+)

2 Personal responsibility is HARD.

Make the courts punish the drug makers...

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Relax, buy ammo and don't give one inch at August 26, 2019 06:06 PM (bcbK8)

3 second

Posted by: The Man from Athens at August 26, 2019 06:06 PM (8Ls/+)

4 First?

Posted by: Someguy at August 26, 2019 06:06 PM (y178e)

5 Fuck corporations.

Posted by: Ha at August 26, 2019 06:07 PM (MAstk)

6 Politics instead of logic or jurisprudence.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Relax, buy ammo and don't give one inch at August 26, 2019 06:07 PM (bcbK8)

7 Well, TPTB want the US filled with violent, low IQ Muslims. I would not be surprised if their Corporate Masters want everyone who is not Muslim to be hooked on a narcotic so they can be controlled.

/why yes, I am that cynical

Posted by: shibumi, high functioning conspiracy theorist at August 26, 2019 06:08 PM (AkkRZ)

8 The Pockets, they are deep. No?

Posted by: Guy who talks like Frito Bandito at August 26, 2019 06:08 PM (DuZls)

9 Oklahoma apparently already reached settlements with two other pharmaceutical companies, Teva Pharmaceuticals ($85 mil) and Purdue Pharma ($270 mil).

Posted by: Jordan61 at August 26, 2019 06:08 PM (Ez6QX)

10 This is a reminder to largely avoid individual stocks.

Posted by: Ha at August 26, 2019 06:08 PM (MAstk)

11 Johnson and Johnson should just refuse to sell painkillers in Oklahoma. Instead they can hand out flyers to people in pain and with the phone numbers of their lawmakers and state DA.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Relax, buy ammo and don't give one inch at August 26, 2019 06:08 PM (bcbK8)

12 Wouldn't fucking surprise me if the Cartels aren't involved in this shit in some way.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Relax, buy ammo and don't give one inch at August 26, 2019 06:09 PM (bcbK8)

13 Why aren't they suing the doctors who prescribe the meds too? Or are they?

Posted by: Jordan61 at August 26, 2019 06:09 PM (Ez6QX)

14 County District Court judge?

Getting pretty big for his britches.

Posted by: Hawaiian Judge #666 at August 26, 2019 06:09 PM (QzkSJ)

15 2: That's right. Abusing opiates is not the fault of the manufacturers. Opiates are a very good thing for people with severe pain, and in the right circumstances even fentanyl is a marvel.

If they want to go after a real pusher, go after China who pushes this into the hands of the cartels. Need an American? Choose The Joint Commission, that organization pushed opiates harder than any doc would do.

Posted by: CN at August 26, 2019 06:10 PM (U7k5w)

16 Did they make people take their drugs?
If we are to blame companies for drug addiction , why can't states or feds be sued for having product flow over wise open borders? May we use cartels or groupsbdemanding open borders and freely trafficking of humans and drugs?

Posted by: Willow at August 26, 2019 06:10 PM (+mASz)

17 The class action lawyer commercials are writing themselves now.

Posted by: DR.WTF at August 26, 2019 06:10 PM (aS1PU)

18 The pharma company i work for is moving to a rather high tax state, but they got a tax brrak from that state. Turns out that that said state will now be suing the company for more than the tax break is worth over opiods. Heh.

Posted by: Josephistan at August 26, 2019 06:10 PM (Izzlo)

19 Johnson and Johnson was wrong!

Posted by: garrett johnson at August 26, 2019 06:10 PM (gRVES)

20 How exactly was J&J's iiability or culpability defined?

Posted by: kallisto at August 26, 2019 06:11 PM (9xfh1)

21 That'll teach'em to do bidness in OK. Walk away.

Posted by: Burger Chef at August 26, 2019 06:11 PM (RuIsu)

22 Don't have a lot of sympathy for the corporate dinks...or the druggies either for that matter.

Posted by: Sharrukin2 at August 26, 2019 06:11 PM (ltuaO)

23 how many of you know someone who died because of this?

a girl I went to school with lost her son last summer.

Posted by: x at August 26, 2019 06:12 PM (nFwvY)

24 ouch

Posted by: vmom happy to have read a good book! at August 26, 2019 06:12 PM (+72t1)

25 >>how many of you know someone who died because of this?

I don't know anyone who was killed by Johnson & Johnson.

Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 06:12 PM (gRVES)

26 16 Did they make people take their drugs?
If we are to blame companies for drug addiction , why can't states or feds be sued for having product flow over wise open borders? May we use cartels or groupsbdemanding open borders and freely trafficking of humans and drugs?
Posted by: Willow at August 26, 2019 06:10 PM (+mASz)


The trial lawyers are trying to set things up so they can start suing fast food franchises for making people fat.

It's all part of a plan to squeeze businesses to the point they need big daddy government to step in and mediate the crisis and tell everyone how things must be done.

/only kidding just a little.

Posted by: blake - used pronoun salesman
at August 26, 2019 06:13 PM (qC1Sy)

27 Fuck corporations.

Posted by: Ha at August 26, 2019 06:07 PM (MAstk)

Is this satire or are you really that dumb?

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at August 26, 2019 06:13 PM (BSPSX)

28 "They've been the principal origin for the active pharmaceutical ingredient in prescription opioids in the country for the last two decades," Hunter said after the trial ended July 15. "It is one of the most important elements of causation with regard to why the defendants ... are responsible for the epidemic in the country and in Oklahoma."

That'll teach those asshole pharmaceutical companies to manufacture pharmaceutical products.

Posted by: hogmartin at August 26, 2019 06:13 PM (t+qrx)

29 In Oklahoma born in a coma
What does it matter, what does it matter?

Posted by: Three Dog Night at August 26, 2019 06:13 PM (q1Pj5)

30 No doubt a kangaroo court, the outcome not in doubt just how much they were going to squeeze out of J&J

Posted by: Skip at August 26, 2019 06:13 PM (BbGew)

31 Does this mean when I need pain pills for pain they won't be there?

Posted by: eleven at August 26, 2019 06:13 PM (tH5fk)

32 Rub some Talcum Powder on it and walk it off.

Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 06:13 PM (gRVES)

33 Opioid crisis < climate crisis < toenail fungus crisis

Posted by: freaked at August 26, 2019 06:13 PM (Tnijr)

34 The fentanyl coming over the border is not prescribed any more than heroin is prescribed. Prescription opiates are the best for cancer pain and I hate to see that fucked up by junkies, many of whom never had a prescription opiate.

Posted by: CN at August 26, 2019 06:13 PM (U7k5w)

35 Garrett Johnson is right about Johnson and Johnson being wrong!

Posted by: Howard Johnson at August 26, 2019 06:13 PM (iljWR)

36 19 Johnson and Johnson was wrong!

Posted by: garrett johnson at August 26, 2019 06:10 PM (gRVES)


Posted by: gabby a. j. beatnik johnson at August 26, 2019 06:13 PM (DTX3h)

37 Government shakedown.

No one goes to jail, the coffers get filled for muh new programs, and life goes on (unless you died from opiates).

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at August 26, 2019 06:13 PM (j3npP)

38 Because the government extorting the producers to drive up the price will certainly cause the addicts to quit.

Posted by: DaveA at August 26, 2019 06:13 PM (FhXTo)

39 Is this satire or are you really that dumb?

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at August 26, 2019 06:13 PM (BSPSX)

I'm really that dumb.

Posted by: Ha at August 26, 2019 06:14 PM (MAstk)

40 The lawyers are the real winners as usual. What we need is some common sense lawyer control.

Posted by: freaked at August 26, 2019 06:14 PM (Tnijr)

41 Does this mean when I need pain pills for pain they won't be there?
Posted by: eleven at August 26, 2019 06:13 PM (tH5fk)

We're already there.

Posted by: hogmartin at August 26, 2019 06:15 PM (t+qrx)

42 Is J&J going to appeal? Because this is ridiculous - no one forced anyone to get addicted to the drugs they were prescribed. It's like those 600 lb folks blaming everyone but themselves for being obese.

Posted by: IC at August 26, 2019 06:15 PM (a0IVu)

43 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge at August 26, 2019 06:15 PM (Zz0t1)

44 Rub some Talcum Powder on it and walk it off.


Posted by: Jewells45 at August 26, 2019 06:15 PM (dUJdY)

45 Look I remember the JJ rep selling opioids out of the trunk of her car. She was hot too. Truth.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'when Trump tweets a Subaru gets another bumper sticker' at August 26, 2019 06:15 PM (O5bec)

46 31: You'll have to get street drugs, no manufacturer in their right mind will continue to make oxycontin or fentanyl.

Posted by: CN at August 26, 2019 06:16 PM (U7k5w)

47 Yeah. You ain't gettin pain meds.

Here. Have some weed and try not to think about stuff.

Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 06:16 PM (gRVES)

48 How do you understate the addiction potential of opioids?

Posted by: Wonkish Rogue at August 26, 2019 06:16 PM (BRpqW)

49 Drug companies provide drugs that must be prescribed before they're available.

Where is the Dr's accountability here?

Posted by: Sponge at August 26, 2019 06:16 PM (Zz0t1)

50 44
Rub some Talcum Powder on it and walk it off.


Posted by: Jewells45 at August 26, 2019 06:15 PM (dUJdY)

Right? clever.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'when Trump tweets a Subaru gets another bumper sticker' at August 26, 2019 06:16 PM (O5bec)

51 I am sure some if not all of the drug makers of these opioids acted with reckless regard in some cases and/or turned a blind eye to the evidence of abuse, HOWEVER, there is also something to be said for the lack of gov/regulatory agencies oversight and the personal responsibility of those taking these drugs and those close to them who certainly had to notice something was "off". In addition we want to be careful not to bankrupt companies that make life saving discoveries every year.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 26, 2019 06:16 PM (p0A33)

52 I'm sure there is no possible way for this to come back and bite us all in the butt in some unexpected manner.

Posted by: I Have Questions at August 26, 2019 06:16 PM (BvNzB)

How exactly was J&J's iiability or culpability defined?
Posted by: kallisto at August 26, 2019 06:11 PM (9xfh1)

By the number of zeros in their bank account.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at August 26, 2019 06:16 PM (ur8yz)

54 28. so it's just because they made the drug - not due to some cover up? Sheesh.

Posted by: kallisto at August 26, 2019 06:16 PM (9xfh1)

55 Wanting governments to go after opiod manufacturers is not much diferent than wanting them to go after gun makers for the people killed by firearms

Posted by: Josephistan at August 26, 2019 06:16 PM (Izzlo)

56 Does this mean when I need pain pills for pain they won't be there?
Posted by: eleven at August 26, 2019 06:13 PM (tH5fk)

Yup. Unintended consequences of the "opioid crisis".

Posted by: DR.WTF at August 26, 2019 06:17 PM (aS1PU)

57 Eleven I think that's a certainty. They are already stingy with dying patients.

Posted by: Willow at August 26, 2019 06:17 PM (+mASz)

Step 1: Take lots of OxyContin cuz I like the way it makes me feel

Step 2: ??????????????

Step 3: It's all Johnson & Johnson's fault!!!!111!!!!

Posted by: naturalfake at August 26, 2019 06:17 PM (SHtRW)

59 The problem is that the manufacturers DID send out their minions to doctors' offices around the country to "sell" pain management. They even concocted a scheme where "pain levels" were yet another vital sign along with blood pressure, pulse and respirations. They manufacturers instructed their pushers to "educate" physicians about the importance of providing a patient with a completely pain free life.

I think the corporations DO have a HUGE responsibility in all this.

just my 2 cents.

Posted by: comrade nurse ratched at August 26, 2019 06:17 PM (d7Ww2)

60 37: If you die from opiates, it's because you chose to use.

Posted by: CN at August 26, 2019 06:17 PM (U7k5w)

61 Is J&J going to appeal? Because this is ridiculous - no one forced anyone to get addicted to the drugs they were prescribed.
Posted by: IC at August 26, 2019 06:15 PM (a0IVu)

I'd be interested to know how many opioid addicts were ever prescribed opioids. Or how many benzo addicts were ever prescribed Xanax.

Posted by: hogmartin at August 26, 2019 06:17 PM (t+qrx)

62 J & J ha? Well there go the NY Jets. I see them selling off talent now. LOL

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 26, 2019 06:17 PM (p0A33)

63 Well...

*takes chug of laudanum*

Posted by: Miklos, feeling no pain at August 26, 2019 06:17 PM (QzkSJ)

64 As much as I dislike jackpot-seeking litigation like this, it couldn't happen to a much more deserving group than anyone who organized to push opioids to addicts through ostensibly legal channels.

Posted by: cool breeze at August 26, 2019 06:18 PM (UGKMd)

65 Is J&J going to appeal


Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 26, 2019 06:18 PM (p0A33)

66 Does this mean when I need pain pills for pain they won't be there?
Posted by: eleven at August 26, 2019 06:13



I needed pain pills for the first time in many years recently, and badly. Was denied because "opioid abuse."

I get wanting doctors to prescribe less of these, but as in all things, large institutions, both public and private must overreact.

"If it's worth doing, it's worth doing so hard that it becomes a problem in its own right," must be a motivational poster hanging in government offices and C-Suites around the US.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 26, 2019 06:18 PM (ja1SX)

67 Hey remember when they made evil tobacco companies pay billions and all the money went to child health care?

And everybody stopped smoking and skittles and unicorns were everywhere?

Oh wait a minute a couple of lawyers got rich and my family's mouths still smell like ashtrays.

Junkies will still die cause it ain't codeine derivatives killing people it is fentanyl.

Posted by: Demos at August 26, 2019 06:18 PM (IoIaQ)

68 DAAAAAANG - if upheld this could be company ending which couldn't happen to a better bunch of corporate reprobates.

Posted by: Kenny The G from AZ at August 26, 2019 06:18 PM (YhLp3)

69 Wow, now i really can't wait for my upcoming hip surgery. Might as well have it done here. Drugs would be more accessible.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'when Trump tweets a Subaru gets another bumper sticker' at August 26, 2019 06:18 PM (O5bec)

70 This is kinda like being born in 1998 and suing the tobacco companies because you smoked and have lung issues.

You're really stupid and didn't pay attention to anything for most of your life.


Posted by: Sponge at August 26, 2019 06:19 PM (Zz0t1)

71 If you die from opiates, you're dead, which really makes it hard to enjoy life. But you can still vote. It's in the Constitution.

Posted by: Joe Biden at August 26, 2019 06:19 PM (iys0/)

72 This business is getting out of hand and we'll be lucky to live through it.

Posted by: Ford Pinto at August 26, 2019 06:19 PM (q1Pj5)

73 Who is Garrett Johnson?

Posted by: kallisto at August 26, 2019 06:19 PM (9xfh1)

74 How exactly was J&J's liability or culpability defined? "

Mony, Mony, Mony...

Posted by: Anon a mouse at August 26, 2019 06:19 PM (6qErC)

75 16 Did they make people take their drugs?
If we are to blame companies for drug addiction , why can't states or feds be sued for having product flow over wise open borders? May we use cartels or groupsbdemanding open borders and freely trafficking of humans and drugs?
Posted by: Willow at August 26, 2019 06:10 PM (+mASz)

Yes, I think it's time for us to find somebody with standing to sue California and New Mexico (sanctuary states bordering Mexico) for allowing the trafficking of the substances that are actually devastating communities, namely fentanyl and heroin. Perhaps that could be Oklahoma's next move.

Imagine the hilarity if Oklahoma won a billion dollars from California.

Posted by: didImessupagain at August 26, 2019 06:19 PM (Vhkmw)

76 Well, TPTB want the US filled with violent, low IQ Muslims. I would not be surprised if their Corporate Masters want everyone who is not Muslim to be hooked on a narcotic so they can be controlled.

/why yes, I am that cynical

Posted by: shibumi, high functioning conspiracy theorist


And they want you disarmed as well.

Don't leave that part out.

Posted by: RKae at August 26, 2019 06:19 PM (5htzg)

77 Why aren't they suing the doctors who prescribe the meds too? Or are they?
Posted by: Jordan61

They always go for the deep pockets.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 26, 2019 06:19 PM (CDGwz)

78 "Oklahoma argued the companies and their subsidiaries created a public nuisance by launching an aggressive and misleading marketing campaign that overstated how effective the drugs were for treating chronic pain and understated the risk of addiction."

So they ran commercials and 4,700 people over a 10 year period went out and bought the drugs over-the-counter?

Posted by: olddog in mo at August 26, 2019 06:19 PM (Dhht7)

79 45 Look I remember the JJ rep selling opioids out of the trunk of her car. She was hot too. Truth.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'when Trump tweets a Subaru gets another bumper sticker' at August 26, 2019 06:15 PM (O5bec)

Precisely. No manufacturer of opiates sells directly to the public. Most of the opiate addicts I dealt with never had a prescription for the stuff, not so much as a Percocet.

Posted by: CN at August 26, 2019 06:19 PM (U7k5w)

80 who organized to push opioids to addicts through ostensibly legal channels.
Posted by: cool breeze

Yep. They should stick to ostensibly illegal channels.

Posted by: Open Borders Lobby at August 26, 2019 06:20 PM (QzkSJ)

81 Who is Garrett Johnson?
Posted by: kallisto at August 26, 2019 06:19 PM (9xfh1)

Gabby Johnson's third cousin removed. Didn't you see Blazing Saddles?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 26, 2019 06:20 PM (p0A33)

82 why would any company continue to make any drug? The liability is to much. Pain killer narcotics are a marvel of modern medicine. I suppose eventually pain management will be a thing of the past. I hope that when I need it (and I will) I Will have options other than death.

I'm not saying that mistakes and abusive marketing never happened. I suspect that Illegal drugs have fueled the problem more than the drug makers and medical practice has. (cartels, china, heroin ect.)

Posted by: USNtakim at August 26, 2019 06:20 PM (0OmEj)

83 Was denied because "opioid abuse."

Indeed. Sudafed anyone?

It's a tax!

Posted by: Anon a mouse at August 26, 2019 06:20 PM (6qErC)

84 >>How exactly was J&J's liability or culpability defined?

They can afford it.

Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 06:20 PM (gRVES)

85 US liability laws suck and this is a load of shit. JnJ should just quit making any class III drugs.

Posted by: Vic at August 26, 2019 06:20 PM (mpXpK)

86 Does this mean when I need pain pills for pain they won't be there?

Posted by: eleven at August 26, 2019 06:13 PM (tH5fk)

now THAT'S an opioid crisis!

Posted by: wth at August 26, 2019 06:21 PM (v0R5T)

87 you know we should get the epi pen and opiod guys together

Posted by: yankeefifith at August 26, 2019 06:21 PM (HALdu)

88 Coyote sues Acme.

Posted by: Burger Chef at August 26, 2019 06:21 PM (RuIsu)

89 I suspect that Illegal drugs have fueled the problem more than the drug makers and medical practice has."

Hush yo mouth. It's for the chille'n. Or something.

Or to quote the great Insty: "I'll believe there's a crisis when those telling me act like there's a crisis"

Posted by: Anon a mouse at August 26, 2019 06:21 PM (6qErC)

90 61 Is J&J going to appeal? Because this is ridiculous - no one forced anyone to get addicted to the drugs they were prescribed.
Posted by: IC at August 26, 2019 06:15 PM (a0IVu)

I'd be interested to know how many opioid addicts were ever prescribed opioids. Or how many benzo addicts were ever prescribed Xanax.
Posted by: hogmartin at August 26, 2019 06:17 PM (t+qrx)


Posted by: didImessupagain at August 26, 2019 06:22 PM (Vhkmw)

91 "Prescription opiates are the best for cancer pain and I hate to see that fucked up by junkies, many of whom never had a prescription opiate."

Yep, and government's endless jihad against drugs terrified my mom's doctor into never giving her enough to actually manage the pain of the cancer that killed her. Fuck prosecutors and the addicts and the abusers.

Posted by: Rob Crawford at August 26, 2019 06:22 PM (cOZDs)

92 "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing so hard that it becomes a problem in its own right," must be a motivational poster hanging in government offices and C-Suites around the US.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice

"The best way to get rid of a bad law is to enforce it strictly."

Posted by: Miklos on sausage making at August 26, 2019 06:22 PM (QzkSJ)

93 I dunno I would think a much more laudable lawsuit would be from parents of children that we're prescribedvritalin or such for the murder the child committedcwhile drugged up legally with govtvand school districts permission

Posted by: Willow at August 26, 2019 06:22 PM (+mASz)

94 36
19 Johnson and Johnson was wrong!

Posted by: garrett johnson at August 26, 2019 06:10 PM (gRVES)


Posted by: Central Scrutinizer at August 26, 2019 06:22 PM (vI+F1)

95 Expect late-night bottom-feeder lawyer commercials.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 26, 2019 06:22 PM (CDGwz)

96 After shoulder surgery a year ago i had to track every pill i took and then turn in a spreadsheet to get a refill. and that wasn't even the good stuff that makes you wanna dance.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'when Trump tweets a Subaru gets another bumper sticker' at August 26, 2019 06:23 PM (O5bec)

97 The death toll around these parts is staggering. It's not just young people. One guy who succumbed was 47.

Posted by: kallisto at August 26, 2019 06:23 PM (9xfh1)

98 The DRs who over prescribed these are also at fault, as are the Pharmacies that dispenced them and the Insurance companies who paid for them. Lot of fault to go around. Gonna sue everyone? We need both to hold people to account but also need tort reform.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 26, 2019 06:23 PM (p0A33)

99 Johnson and Johnson should just refuse to sell painkillers in Oklahoma. Instead they can hand out flyers to people in pain and with the phone numbers of their lawmakers and state DA.

Or instruct them to go to their local undocumented opiate distributor - apparently the courts don't have a problem with their products.

This is why we can't have nice things.

Posted by: Blue Bird of F'ing Joy at August 26, 2019 06:23 PM (lD3vL)

100 4,700 people over a 10 year period went out and bought the drugs over-the-counter?"


BTW, it wasn't "4,700" - it was a precise 4,653.

(here's a clue - when big data gives precise figures, it's bullshiite, not data)

Posted by: Anon a mouse at August 26, 2019 06:23 PM (6qErC)

101 And the mass tort attorneys are off to buy new yachts, whores and an island or two.

Plus donating millions to the democrats in the process.

Meanwhile, Johnnie Fentanyl and Martha Narcan each get a check for $13.59 for smokes and beer.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at August 26, 2019 06:23 PM (Z+IKu)

102 Rob I watched the same painful deaths with two siblings

I love that the rest of Humanity must suffer because of drug addled fkrs

Posted by: Willow at August 26, 2019 06:24 PM (+mASz)

103 "The death toll around these parts is staggering. It's not just young people. One guy who succumbed was 47."

That sucks. Are the people actually supplying it to them being punished, or just the companies with deep pockets?

Posted by: Rob Crawford at August 26, 2019 06:24 PM (cOZDs)

104 >>The death toll around these parts is staggering.

How many of those people ONLY took Precription Opiods, though?

...or, were those one of many drugs they were abusing?

Personally, I have never met a pill popper who wasn't an alchoholic as well.

Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 06:24 PM (gRVES)

105 Maybe they ought to get dentists out of the opioid business

Posted by: CN at August 26, 2019 06:25 PM (U7k5w)

106 What will happen is that many drug companies will simply quit making any class III drugs and the costs will skyrocket.

Posted by: Vic at August 26, 2019 06:25 PM (mpXpK)

107 Sorry, this court ruling feels too much like "Let's sue the gun-makers because going after criminals & crazy people is waaaaaay too hard."

As much as I dislike 'big pharma' (extortion-ary prices and funding the war against vaping), they're NOT the primary cause of this issue (or at least J&J...there are other drug companies with far dirtier hands).

Posted by: CPT. Charles at August 26, 2019 06:25 PM (W+kMI)

108 Bullshit verdict.

J&j opiods are not available on the street. They are surgical and clinical. Jury saw dollar signs.

Next time you complain about the cost of drugs, remember today.

Posted by: RobM1981 at August 26, 2019 06:25 PM (/CIO6)

109 he class action lawyer commercials are writing themselves now.
Posted by: DR.WTF

Tell us about it.

Makers of Roundup Weed Killer

Posted by: Cheri at August 26, 2019 06:25 PM (oiNtH)

110 Does this mean when I need pain pills for pain they won't be there?

Posted by: eleven at August 26, 2019 06:13 PM (tH5fk)

Just slap hot iron to it.

Posted by: Schvantz and Schvantz at August 26, 2019 06:26 PM (v0R5T)

111 buy new yachts, whores and an island or two. "

Hey, there's a place just southeast of Charlotte Amalie...

Posted by: Anon a mouse at August 26, 2019 06:26 PM (6qErC)

112 55 Wanting governments to go after opiod manufacturers is not much diferent than wanting them to go after gun makers for the people killed by firearms
Posted by: Josephistan at August 26, 2019 06:16 PM (Izzlo)


I know! Isn't it great?

Posted by: Judge in the J&J Case at August 26, 2019 06:26 PM (Ri4j/)

113 Personally, I have never met a pill popper who wasn't an alchoholic as well.
Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 06:24 PM (gRVES)

Yeah, I've known people who thought popping pills and drinking was a great combination.

Posted by: blake - used pronoun salesman
at August 26, 2019 06:26 PM (qC1Sy)

114 The important thing is to remember that a wall is racist and wouldn't stop any of these illegal opioid deaths.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Eight Has No Home Here at August 26, 2019 06:26 PM (fsa/N)

115 >>As much as I dislike 'big pharma'

You should hate Big Regula a hell of a lot more.

Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 06:26 PM (gRVES)

116 So how long before GM, Ford, Honda, etc have to pay bazillions for all the DUIs caused by their products?

Posted by: Lurking Lurker - Not In My Purview at August 26, 2019 06:26 PM (Ri4j/)

117 This is really good news for the politicians that won this settlement!
Also, Vic is correct.

Posted by: David Prince at August 26, 2019 06:26 PM (JkygK)

118 When there is a pot crisis will the states that legalized it pay up?

Posted by: Skip at August 26, 2019 06:27 PM (BbGew)

119 96 After shoulder surgery a year ago i had to track every pill i took and then turn in a spreadsheet to get a refill. and that wasn't even the good stuff that makes you wanna dance.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'when Trump tweets a Subaru gets another bumper sticker' at August 26, 2019 06:23 PM (O5bec)

Exactly. People dying from opioids are largely getting them off the street.

Posted by: CN at August 26, 2019 06:27 PM (U7k5w)

120 Great, thanks Oklahoma Jury.

Watch. Now every person who has to live with chronic pain is going to be subject to even more Doctors and nurses suspecting them of being a drug abuser.

Yes, companies riding the wave of selling drugs to abusers are bad bad very bad.

Here's the problem though. Nobody knows except the patient how much drugs they need to deal with what they're feeling.

My Dad had a bad surgery that damaged a nerve cluster. He gets treated with mistrust every time he switches Doctors. I can't guess how much worse that just got because of this judgement.

Posted by: bonhomme at August 26, 2019 06:27 PM (9t0Zz)

121 Don't forget the Red Chinese role in this.

Posted by: Burger Chef at August 26, 2019 06:27 PM (RuIsu)

122 I din't see how anyone can understate the addictiveness of opioids, they're at the highest level of FDA control schedule that can still be sold legally.

Posted by: Josephistan at August 26, 2019 06:27 PM (Izzlo)

123 "I love that the rest of Humanity must suffer because of drug addled fkrs"

I would take every drug dealer and feed them into a wood chipper, slowly, so they can experience one tenth the pain they've caused others.

Then I'd start on the law enforcement that prefers traffic enforcement to actually taking down organized crime.

And finish with the open borders politicians.

Posted by: Rob Crawford at August 26, 2019 06:27 PM (cOZDs)

124 Johnson & Johnson had one of the great corporate CEOs, James Burke, who handled the Tylenol tampering case so competently. But he's gone. We need a book on some of the first-class CEOs in American business.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at August 26, 2019 06:27 PM (H8QX8)

125 I'd be interested to know how many opioid addicts were ever prescribed opioids

Years ago, I had a co-worker that had severe back pain. He was prescribed oxycontin. And..became addicted to it. He was not an addict before, but the medication is addictive, and his doctor did not tell him that.

He had back surgery, and no longer needed or wanted the pills. However, they made him go through narcanon classes because "addict." But at this point, he was not.

That's one way people get hoooked. Not everyone can say "no, I don't need this any more."

Posted by: shibumi, high functioning conspiracy theorist at August 26, 2019 06:27 PM (AkkRZ)

126 I don't get too worked up about lower court rulings. Let the appeal process play out.

With that in mind, fuck corps and 90% of lawyers.

Posted by: Ha at August 26, 2019 06:28 PM (MAstk)

127 I still contend that the so-called opioid crisis is fake news bullshit concocted by the MSM to paint flyover voters are drugged out idiots.

I don't know anyone who is an opioid addict. I know plenty of drunks. I know people who are or were drug addicts. Pain pill addicts? Nada.

Posted by: Lurking Lurker - Not In My Purview at August 26, 2019 06:28 PM (Ri4j/)

128 You should hate Big Regula a hell of a lot more.

Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 06:26 PM (gRVES)

Lol. Big Regula makes me laugh.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'when Trump tweets a Subaru gets another bumper sticker' at August 26, 2019 06:28 PM (O5bec)

129 misleading marketing campaign that overstated how effective the drugs were for treating chronic pain and understated the risk of addiction."

Its amazing that we have this internet thing, and despite have a world of knowledge, the courts just slap some marketers with a half billion dollar fine for doing their job too well.

From what I can tell, street dealers don't have marketing departments or hot chicks selling opiates to physicians.

Posted by: Blue Bird of F'ing Joy at August 26, 2019 06:29 PM (lD3vL)

130 $572 million to the state workers (leftist and leftist causes) and ZERO DOLLARS to the affected.

Sounds fair to me.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at August 26, 2019 06:29 PM (pw+jk)

131 Doctors are prescribing these drugs.

Where is their accountability?

Posted by: Sponge at August 26, 2019 06:29 PM (Zz0t1)

132 Big Regula makes me laugh.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob

Your laugh permit, please.

Posted by: Big Regula at August 26, 2019 06:29 PM (QzkSJ)

133 Yeah, oxycodone is just too dangerous. We need to switch back to safer morphine derivatives, like heroin!

Posted by: Broseidon Czar of the Brocean at August 26, 2019 06:29 PM (64PcC)

134 104. I don't know? I always joke about popping Xanax with a Stoli chaser so I got the meme from somewhere.

Posted by: kallisto at August 26, 2019 06:29 PM (9xfh1)

135 120 Great, thanks Oklahoma Jury.


No jury. Just a SJW judge.

Posted by: Lurking Lurker - Not In My Purview at August 26, 2019 06:29 PM (Ri4j/)

136 Incredibly effed up, but day ending in y too.

Nice precedent for suing gun makers.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at August 26, 2019 06:29 PM (XNDy+)

137 The biggest, single factor of the prescription drug/opiate crisis was government involvement in healthcare: pushing the idea of "pain as a vital sign", supporting "x/10" as a valid/objective way to assess pain, and classifying "untreated pain" as medical malpractice. And allowing the pharmaceutical companies to market their wares as "non-addictive"!

There is no way for government to fix the problems it caused - it's too dysfunctional. So how about it just gets the f*** out of healthcare and stops screwing it up even more.
Now, I am not defending Big Pharma. They played a role, to be sure. However, this decision should only be seen as a victory for those who want to obfuscate the real problem.

Posted by: Dr. Lurker, MD at August 26, 2019 06:29 PM (+6I1D)

138 Next we'll have Tomahawk Lizzie and Donkey Chompers telling us that the drug companies charge too much and Harris and Sanders will want to legalize more recreational drugs.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at August 26, 2019 06:29 PM (+y/Ru)

139 Raise your hand if you personally know of friends and family with terminal cancer that had to fight the system to get enough morphine/ medication so they would'nt suffer undue pain.

Yet here we are. How about we just hand the damn things out like skittles - and not concern ourselves with people that abuse the system. And if you OD, you dont get free, unlimited doses of narcopan (or whatever its known as.)

Posted by: 13times at August 26, 2019 06:30 PM (M6Yu0)

140 I don't get too worked up about lower court rulings. Let the appeal process play out. "


Posted by: Anon a mouse at August 26, 2019 06:30 PM (6qErC)

141 132
Big Regula makes me laugh.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob

Your laugh permit, please.

Posted by: Big Regula at August 26, 2019 06:29 PM (QzkSJ)

Big Regula is in the next Star Wars sequel. Brother of Jabba.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'when Trump tweets a Subaru gets another bumper sticker' at August 26, 2019 06:30 PM (O5bec)

142 I still contend that the so-called opioid crisis is fake news bullshit concocted by the MSM to paint flyover voters are drugged out idiots.

Since for decades, Normals have been ridiculing the elites about their addiction to psychotropic anxiety meds.

Posted by: Blue Bird of F'ing Joy at August 26, 2019 06:30 PM (lD3vL)

143 I'm gonna sue Jack Daniels for hittin' meWith the trunk of a big ol' live oak treeHe hurt me this mornin' with that bright sunlightI'm gonna sue Jack Daniels for what he did to my face last night.

Posted by: Stu Podaso at August 26, 2019 06:31 PM (nWGgE)

144 Personally, I have never met a pill popper who wasn't an alchoholic as well.
Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 06:24 PM (gRVES)

Yeah, I've known people who thought popping pills and drinking was a great combination.

Posted by: blake - used pronoun salesman
at August 26, 2019 06:26 PM (qC1Sy)

I knew a guy in college and every single Friday night and most Saturday nights, he would -

finish off a full bottle of Jack Daniels and a handful of yellowjackets.

I have no idea how he was still alive at the end of 4 years.

Posted by: naturalfake at August 26, 2019 06:31 PM (SHtRW)

145 Raise your hand if you personally know of friends and family with terminal cancer that had to fight the system to get enough morphine/ medication so they would'nt suffer undue pain."

*both hands OK?*

Posted by: Anon a mouse at August 26, 2019 06:31 PM (6qErC)

146 This just seems another opportunity to move money around in a way that doesn't actually address the problem.

Because these outcomes are facilitated not by the product itself but the surrounding culture, market for it, social norms and the freedom we enjoy to make decisions. You could take this to extremes by attacking any number of manufacturers from guns to automobiles to alcohol to surfboards.

Posted by: Wonkish Rogue at August 26, 2019 06:32 PM (BRpqW)

147 Maybe they ought to get dentists out of the opioid business
Posted by: CN at August 26, 2019 06:25 PM (U7k5w)

If I write 5 prescriptions for Narcotics, of any kind, a year it is a lot

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 26, 2019 06:32 PM (p0A33)

148 Garrett: You have now!

Posted by: Broseidon Czar of the Brocean at August 26, 2019 06:32 PM (64PcC)

149 I remember the world's smartest black man saying not to fix the underlying cause but to pop a pill.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at August 26, 2019 06:32 PM (pw+jk)

150 We can sue for alcoholism now!!!!!

YAY 'Murica!!!!

Posted by: Sponge at August 26, 2019 06:32 PM (Zz0t1)

151 Personally, I have never met a pill popper who wasn't an alchoholic as well.

Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 06:24 PM (gRVES)

As someone with broad experience in a spectrum of various substances, I can safely say that pills are the worst. There's nothing more degenerate and pathetic than the pill popper. They don't last long regardless of what they're taking because pills are really tricky. Timing is everything, but there are a lot of variables (stomach contents, general health, weight, etc.) that can greatly effect the high. Eventually they hit the death jackpot.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at August 26, 2019 06:32 PM (j3npP)

152 doesn't actually address the problem."

Can't. We might be out of a job.

/your betters

Posted by: Anon a mouse at August 26, 2019 06:32 PM (6qErC)

153 Slogan of the Libertarian Party: Can't We All Just Get a Bong?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at August 26, 2019 06:33 PM (+y/Ru)

154 knew a guy in college and every single Friday night and most Saturday nights, he would -

finish off a full bottle of Jack Daniels and a handful of yellowjackets.

I have no idea how he was still alive at the end of 4 years.

Posted by: naturalfake at August 26, 2019 06:31 PM (SHtRW)


Dude in my fraternity did heroin and cocaine along with drinking like a fish. Graduated with honors. Oh and he fucked hookers all the time too, lol. He was an interesting character.

Posted by: Lurking Lurker - Not In My Purview at August 26, 2019 06:33 PM (Ri4j/)

155 15 2: That's right. Abusing opiates is not the fault of the manufacturers. Opiates are a very good thing for people with severe pain, and in the right circumstances even fentanyl is a marvel.

If they want to go after a real pusher, go after China who pushes this into the hands of the cartels. Need an American? Choose The Joint Commission, that organization pushed opiates harder than any doc would do.
Posted by: CN at August 26, 2019 06:10 PM (U7k5w)

Eh. My big boss at work was put on fentanyl after her hip surgery and she begged her doctor to immediately take her off of it and put her on something else after two days of it. And she's not a left-winger by any means.

My soon to be roommate was put on it after his diving accident and has told me he was afraid that they got him addicted to it during the very short time he was on it, because he couldn't speak to tell them no more.

Posted by: Allie (Hikaru) at August 26, 2019 06:33 PM (vmRc0)

156 That means there are 49 other possible judgments

Oh, jeez. Good luck getting a lawyer in the next few years.

Posted by: t-bird at August 26, 2019 06:33 PM (aKxkI)

157 Greetings:

Sounds a bit like government "tax-farming" to me.

Company makes the money, then government comes and takes its "share".

Posted by: 11B40 at August 26, 2019 06:33 PM (evgyj)

158 132

Big Regula makes me laugh.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob

Your laugh permit, please.

Posted by: Big Regula at August 26, 2019 06:29 PM (QzkSJ)

Big Regula is in the next Star Wars sequel. Brother of Jabba.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'when Trump tweets a Subaru gets another bumper sticker' at August 26, 2019 06:30 PM (O5bec)

I was known as Big Ragu on Laverne and Shirley. Wanna hear me sing Rags To Riches (again)?

Posted by: Carmine Ragusa at August 26, 2019 06:33 PM (q1Pj5)

159 The majority of the overdoses are illegal fentanyl coming in over the Mexican border. No money in addressing that problem.

Posted by: Aviator at August 26, 2019 06:33 PM (2cuLk)

160 My life has sucked so much lately I actually understood the appeal of getting shitfaced on oxys and/or booze.

Posted by: kallisto at August 26, 2019 06:34 PM (9xfh1)

161 I remember the world's smartest black man saying not to fix the underlying cause but to pop a pill.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious



Posted by: RKae at August 26, 2019 06:34 PM (5htzg)

162 Oh, and the big drug problem in OK is Meth.

Posted by: Aviator at August 26, 2019 06:34 PM (2cuLk)

163 139: I guess we could always go back to cutting their nerves and crippling them

Posted by: CN at August 26, 2019 06:34 PM (U7k5w)

164 150 We can sue for alcoholism now!!!!!

YAY 'Murica!!!!

Posted by: Sponge at August 26, 2019 06:32 PM (Zz0t1)

$500 million won't cover my bar tab.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at August 26, 2019 06:34 PM (j3npP)

165 >>>Who is Garrett Johnson?

some famous guy

Posted by: trapper's girl at August 26, 2019 06:34 PM (tU1YH)

166 So, bankruptcy, right?

Posted by: the Butcher at August 26, 2019 06:34 PM (DIosY)

167 >>Eventually they hit the death jackpot

Happened to one of my best friends. Great fisherman. Super intelligent guy.

Jack Daniels and Pills. Did himself in with them, both.

Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 06:34 PM (gRVES)

168 >>Who is Garrett Johnson?


Posted by: Garrett Morris at August 26, 2019 06:35 PM (gRVES)

169 WHere are all these bodies stacking up? I don't know anyone who has died from opioids. Or overdosed and lived.

Posted by: NCKate at August 26, 2019 06:35 PM (lknvV)

170 #156 Better call me then.

Posted by: Saul at August 26, 2019 06:35 PM (1MOsp)

171 Maybe they ought to get dentists out of the opioid business
Posted by: CN at August 26, 2019 06:25 PM (U7k5w)

If I write 5 prescriptions for Narcotics, of any kind, a year it is a lot
Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 26, 2019 06:32 PM (p0A33)


Plenty of 1st class NSAIDs out there for dental pain.

The only thing opioids give you in pain relief over them is the buzz.

Posted by: naturalfake at August 26, 2019 06:35 PM (SHtRW)

172 to pay $572 million to help abate the problem in the coming years.

Not a penny of which will pass unfiltered to anyone. No, the funds will be 'administered' thru 'programs' and departments. For your own good, of course.

Posted by: t-bird at August 26, 2019 06:35 PM (VP1E6)

173 "He was not an addict before, but the medication is addictive, and his doctor did not tell him that."

The warning labels, the actual physical paperwork needed to get the prescription, the pharmacist, the endless sources online or at a library... none of that informed him?

Or did the doctor just double-dog dare him to take some random pill?

Posted by: Rob Crawford at August 26, 2019 06:35 PM (cOZDs)

174 BTW, it wasn't "4,700" - it was a precise 4,653.

Well, I thought about adding an -ish or approximate to the number, but lazy.

Posted by: olddog in mo at August 26, 2019 06:36 PM (Dhht7)

175 finish off a full bottle of Jack Daniels and a handful of yellowjackets.

I have no idea how he was still alive at the end of 4 years.

Posted by: naturalfake at August 26, 2019 06:31 PM (SHtRW)
[Insert voiceover concoction description from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas here.]

Posted by: Hunter S. Thompson at August 26, 2019 06:36 PM (DuZls)

176 Anecdotal story: A "doctor" in Frederick, MD was busted a few years ago for sitting in a barn writing oxy scripts for the unruly patrons lined up in his parking lot. He did this for quite a long time.

It sounded like that was all he did all day. It seems like that would be easy to notice by someone. #Red Flag.

Posted by: OldDominionMom at August 26, 2019 06:36 PM (t0Z53)

177 Big Pharma, that reminded me I have not done my 1800 shot yet. Would you believe >$300 for my insulin shots?

Posted by: Vic at August 26, 2019 06:36 PM (mpXpK)

178 155: So everyone should suffer because some people like the euphoria?

Posted by: CN at August 26, 2019 06:36 PM (U7k5w)

179 Yeah, I've known people who thought popping pills and drinking was a great combination.

According to celebrity Autopsy, that's what killed Chyna. Death by accidental overdose.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at August 26, 2019 06:36 PM (+y/Ru)

180 And ConAgra is responsible for the obesity "epidemic."

This is bullshit.

Posted by: Insomniac at August 26, 2019 06:36 PM (NWiLs)

181 Frankly, I don't give a fuck about anyone who dies of a overdose of anything. Booze, drugs...whatever.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at August 26, 2019 06:36 PM (BSPSX)

182 If they have to payout zillions for lawsuits how can they pay taxes?

Posted by: torabora at August 26, 2019 06:36 PM (1MOsp)

183 Coincidentally, both Teva and Perdue are clients of mine.

J&J notsomuch.

Posted by: Defenestratus at August 26, 2019 06:37 PM (kI/3T)

184 And pain pills will not longer be available for people who really need them. What a stupid time to live thru.

Posted by: Infidel at August 26, 2019 06:37 PM (BLFnH)

This is 110% the fault of doctors, physicians. They Rx these meds, they treat patient's pain, they insist patients do physical therapy that makes the pain worse, they make patients show up in the office for refills, they make them go to the ER on nights and weekends when the dog eats their bottle of narcs!

Fuck the Doctors!

What we need are more Nurse Practioners with 2 years of MSN training in grocery store drop-ins! They can give you all the narcs you really need, and a Z-pack for your viral cold too! Plus some Viagra for your narc caused root drop! One stop shop!

Posted by: Gillette, the Gay Blade at August 26, 2019 06:37 PM (UFLLM)

186 Any company named after twin dongs deserves what it gets.

Posted by: The Notorious AOC at August 26, 2019 06:37 PM (4e+hS)

187 >>Frankly, I don't give a fuck about anyone who dies of a overdose of anything. Booze, drugs...river water.


Posted by: Zombie Ted Kennedy at August 26, 2019 06:38 PM (gRVES)

188 162 Oh, and the big drug problem in OK is Meth.
Posted by: Aviator at August 26, 2019 06:34 PM (2cuLk)


Same here in OK West, AKA, Central Valley, CA.

Posted by: blake - used pronoun salesman
at August 26, 2019 06:38 PM (qC1Sy)

189 OT...

Ferdinand Piech is mort.

(Met him once. Looked like a stock photo of a German U Boat skipper)

*looks for some 10W 30 to sacrifice*

Posted by: Anon a mouse at August 26, 2019 06:38 PM (6qErC)

190 Opioids do suck. But that's not Johnson and Johnson's fault.

Posted by: Chris M at August 26, 2019 06:38 PM (7a/p9)

191 In my area, meth and heroin are the biggest problems. Along with the homelessness, crime, child abuse/neglect that goes along with these addictions. Horrible.

Western Colorado.

Posted by: Cheri at August 26, 2019 06:38 PM (oiNtH)

192 Their mistake is they were defended by the law firm of Johnson Johnson Johnson & Johnson.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at August 26, 2019 06:38 PM (amw5z)

193 After day 2 or 3 I can't take any kind of painkiller. Makes me nauseous. I will take Advil if I need to. After my back surgery years ago I took the whole bottle (not all at once) and still had horrible pain. Doc wouldn't give me a refill. I can't imagine the damage I did and am really still doing by taking Advil. What's the alternative? Being in pain. No thanks.

Posted by: Jewells45 at August 26, 2019 06:39 PM (dUJdY)

194 This payment is to abate the problem? Who will get it? Who will manage it?

This is going to make somebody rich enough to buy a sports ball team.

Posted by: blaster at August 26, 2019 06:39 PM (ZfRYq)

195 Doctors for the most part don't know shit. Their answer to everything is here try this pill. Oh that pill didn't work, uhm hmm, how about this pill instead?

Posted by: Lurking Lurker - Not In My Purview at August 26, 2019 06:39 PM (Ri4j/)

196 Frankly, I don't give a fuck about anyone who dies of a overdose of anything. Booze, drugs...whatever.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at August 26, 2019 06:36 PM (BSPSX)

Speaking of which, you up for drinks later this week?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 26, 2019 06:39 PM (p0A33)

197 I blame the Doctors, I know my Dad's Dr he was a known pill pusher(found that out later) and when he left the State and went to NC or SC he had Patients that followed him.

My Dad was a quadriplegic he got hooked on Pain pills but I blame his then girlfriend who pushed to have him get pills. I didn't know he was hooked until I went with him to get his pills and he asked me to give him some and he chewed them.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at August 26, 2019 06:39 PM (dKiJG)

198 He was not an addict before, but the medication is addictive, and his doctor did not tell him that.

I'm not trying to be excessively assholish, but who doesn't know that a narcotic is habit-forming? I understand that folks rely on medical advice from physicians, but you're supposed to be an informed participant in your own care too.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at August 26, 2019 06:40 PM (iys0/)

199 114 The important thing is to remember that a wall is racist and wouldn't stop any of these illegal opioid deaths.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Eight Has No Home Here at August 26, 2019 06:26 PM (fsa/N)

Any attorneys around? Could Oklahoma sue California and New Mexico for their sanctuary policies rolling out the welcome mat for the stuff that is actually killing people and destroying communities?

Posted by: didImessupagain at August 26, 2019 06:40 PM (Vhkmw)

200 ""The best way to get rid of a bad law is to enforce it strictly."

Posted by: Miklos on sausage making at August 26, 2019 06:22 PM (QzkSJ) "

Sounds good in theory, but besides Prohibition, how many times has this actually happened ?

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at August 26, 2019 06:40 PM (XNDy+)

201 People in general are not dying from Vicodin or Percocet. They're dying from fentanyl, and most of them time it's not Rx stuff, it's Chinese shit.

Not that Rx fentanyl can't kill you, because it absolutely can. Washing fentanyl down with booze is a good way to get your lungs to stop working while you're passed out.

Posted by: Broseidon Czar of the Brocean at August 26, 2019 06:40 PM (64PcC)

202 I've lost family to the "opioid crisis," as long as you define it as "doing a fuck ton of street-bought opioids, which were eventually laced with fentanyl."

Posted by: Washington Nearsider, LOL, get fucked at August 26, 2019 06:40 PM (T8HPM)

203 So now Val u Rite can be sued if some moron OD's on it?

Posted by: torabora at August 26, 2019 06:40 PM (1MOsp)

204 I haven't taken anything but vitamins since February.

I did attempt the CBD thing for joint pain and it didn't really appear to do much, so I'm back on the nothing but vitamin bandwagon.

I feel exactly the same as I did last year at this time.

Posted by: Sponge at August 26, 2019 06:40 PM (Zz0t1)

Next time you complain about the cost of drugs, remember today.
Posted by: RobM1981 at August 26, 2019 06:25 PM (/CIO6)

Posted by: Weasel at August 26, 2019 06:41 PM (MVjcR)

206 200 ""The best way to get rid of a bad law is to enforce it strictly."

Posted by: Miklos on sausage making at August 26, 2019 06:22 PM (QzkSJ) "

Sounds good in theory, but besides Prohibition, how many times has this actually happened ?
Posted by: sock_rat_eez at August 26, 2019 06:40 PM (XNDy+)


Prohibition was enforced strictly? Surely you jest.

Posted by: Lurking Lurker - Not In My Purview at August 26, 2019 06:41 PM (Ri4j/)

207 I understand that folks rely on medical advice from physicians, but you're supposed to be an informed participant in your own care too."


Next you'll be telling us it's a good idea to get multiple opinions on surgery or other "procedures"...

Oh, wait.

Posted by: Anon a mouse at August 26, 2019 06:41 PM (6qErC)

208 When wife was in hospital after Whipple surgery they'd ask what your pain level on scale of 1-10. Like Pavlov's dog, she learned to 7-10 if she wanted to get an oxycodone. Below 6 was Tylenol.

Posted by: olddog in mo at August 26, 2019 06:41 PM (Dhht7)

209 The county this took place in is adjacent to Oklahoma City and is where the University of Oklahoma is located. Fairly affluent county with healthier than average people for OK. The ERs there are not full of drug overdoses.

Posted by: Aviator at August 26, 2019 06:41 PM (2cuLk)

210 don't know anyone who was killed by Johnson & Johnson.

Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 06:12 PM (gRVES)



Posted by: Hank Johnson at August 26, 2019 06:41 PM (flINI)

211 I actually had a boss named John J. Johnson.

I wonder what his middle initial stood for?

Posted by: Jonah Goldberg's Wife's Boyfriend at August 26, 2019 06:42 PM (+dsLj)

212 #199 Maybe California can sue itself?

Posted by: torabora at August 26, 2019 06:42 PM (1MOsp)

213 Prohibition was enforced strictly? Surely you jest."

Kennedys chuckle...

Posted by: Anon a mouse at August 26, 2019 06:42 PM (6qErC)

214 179 Yeah, I've known people who thought popping pills and drinking was a great combination.

According to celebrity Autopsy, that's what killed Chyna. Death by accidental overdose.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at August 26, 2019 06:36 PM (+y/Ru)

Pat Oswald's wife did the same she had "Back Pain" and she drank and took pills. Also she worked on GHOSTBUSTERS which might have killed her too.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at August 26, 2019 06:42 PM (dKiJG)

215 Let me get this straight--the Oklahoma AG is "Mike Hunter"?


Posted by: Furious George at August 26, 2019 06:42 PM (9vQJW)

216 $572 million filtered through SUV and boat dealers by the paper shufflers.

Posted by: Burger Chef at August 26, 2019 06:43 PM (RuIsu)

217 #199 Maybe California can sue itself?"

Hey, that's my plan to balance the budget!


Posted by: Anon a mouse at August 26, 2019 06:43 PM (6qErC)

218 198 He was not an addict before, but the medication is addictive, and his doctor did not tell him that.

I'm not trying to be excessively assholish, but who doesn't know that a narcotic is habit-forming? I understand that folks rely on medical advice from physicians, but you're supposed to be an informed participant in your own care too.
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at August 26, 2019 06:40 PM (iys0/)

Some of us have doctors that say "If you don't do exactly what we tell you, we have the right to remove you from our patient list".

Which is tough when you're on an HMO (because you really don't make enough for the PPO) and most doctors in your area aren't seeing new patients.

Posted by: Allie (Hikaru) at August 26, 2019 06:43 PM (vmRc0)

Hey, and free Narcan too!

Narcan parties are a hoot! And damn, is the sex good!

Posted by: Gillette, the Gay Blade at August 26, 2019 06:43 PM (UFLLM)

220 Next time you complain about the cost of drugs, remember today.

Interesting point. Do countries like UK and Canada sue pharmaceutical companies as frequent and as hard as the US?

I can understand why Big Pharma would integrate a lawsuit tax into their products sold in the former united States.

Sort of why ladders are so horribly expensive for the amount of tech and materials involved.

Posted by: Blue Bird of F'ing Joy at August 26, 2019 06:43 PM (lD3vL)

221 180
And ConAgra is responsible for the obesity "epidemic."

This is bullshit.

Posted by: Insomniac at August 26, 2019 06:36 PM (NWiLs)


Posted by: Knife and fork at August 26, 2019 06:43 PM (O5bec)

222 5 Fuck corporations.
Posted by: Ha at August 26, 2019 06:07 PM (MAstk)
Speaking of this.

I read somewhere lately (was it here or powerline, perhaps?) about how sad it is that the real legacy of William Buckley is the Republican dedication to BIG businesses and corporations.

The libertarian side of me wants to believe that businesses are good/OK, but the longer I live the more I think I've been wrong.

Posted by: Murrican Ninja War Eeyore at August 26, 2019 06:43 PM (xptlg)

223 Once again screwing over the people that actually need prescription drugs in the name of pretending to do something about the junkies on the street.

Legitimate patients get to jump through more and more legal hoops (because those monthly triplicate forms weren't already enough of a hassle) and pay increasing amounts of money.

Next we can sue ammo manufacturers for every person harmed by a bullet! It'll be great!

Posted by: Sjg at August 26, 2019 06:43 PM (gDSJf)

224 Well, it sounds like I've got a new way to make a few mill.

Posted by: Andrew Luck at August 26, 2019 06:44 PM (Zz0t1)

225 I haven't taken anything but vitamins since February.

I did attempt the CBD thing for joint pain and it didn't really
appear to do much, so I'm back on the nothing but vitamin bandwagon.

I feel exactly the same as I did last year at this time.

Posted by: Sponge at August 26, 2019 06:40 PM (Zz0t1)

You should try Vitameatavegamin. It's so tasty, too!

Posted by: Lucy McGillicuddy at August 26, 2019 06:44 PM (q1Pj5)

226 whatever

Posted by: trapper's girl at August 26, 2019 06:44 PM (tU1YH)

227 Today Johnson and Johnson. Tomorrow Cold Stone Creamery.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at August 26, 2019 06:44 PM (+y/Ru)

228 >>Some of us have doctors that say "If you don't do exactly what we tell you, we have the right to remove you from our patient list".

Take 3 of these and don't read the red WARNING label.

Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 06:44 PM (gRVES)

Modernity, we hardly knew ye.
UK Parliament Committee Wants to Ban All Private Cars and Trucks by 2050.

Posted by: Axeman at August 26, 2019 06:45 PM (DuZls)

230 169. Bucks Co. and Delaware County PA. My hairdresser, 25 yrs. old, went to ten OD funerals over a span of 15 months. My friend's son-in-law. Another friend's brother.

Posted by: kallisto at August 26, 2019 06:45 PM (9xfh1)

231 With the radioactive crap spewing out of Russia and Japan maybe we will envy the dead.

Posted by: torabora at August 26, 2019 06:45 PM (1MOsp)

232 You should try Vitameatavegamin. It's so tasty, too!

Posted by: Lucy McGillicuddy


Or eating a whole conveyor belt of chocolates. I hear that's good, too.

Posted by: RKae at August 26, 2019 06:45 PM (5htzg)

233 I have had a couple of absolutely horrific experiences in emergency departments - being stuck in there, in pain, unable to leave, stuffed in a room and forgotten. Ironically, both cases were the result of docs that arbitrarily decided I was looking for meds; one of them even was even a dick about it and told me he hoped I had "learned my lesson".

Different people react differently to this stuff; it really pisses me the fuck off that my medical care sucks a lot more than it has to because the gov wants to impose one-size-fits-all solutions.

Posted by: lurker (the other one... spelled with a P) at August 26, 2019 06:45 PM (eAshZ)

234 185
This is 110% the fault of doctors, physicians. They Rx these meds, they treat patient's pain, they insist patients do physical therapy that makes the pain worse, they make patients show up in the office for refills, they make them go to the ER on nights and weekends when the dog eats their bottle of narcs!

Fuck the Doctors!

What we need are more Nurse Practioners with 2 years of MSN training in grocery store drop-ins! They can give you all the narcs you really need, and a Z-pack for your viral cold too! Plus some Viagra for your narc caused root drop! One stop shop!
Posted by: Gillette, the Gay Blade at August 26, 2019 06:37 PM (UFLLM)

Lol, don't forget the laxative for the narcotic associated constipation. I was watching a sportsball game and a commercial for some prescription med that had been created for narcotic induced constipation. Gobsmacked. I guess opiods stop you up so bad that milk of magnesia or ex-lax aren't strong enough? Then why do all those junkies shit all over the streets in SF and now Denver?

Posted by: didImessupagain at August 26, 2019 06:45 PM (Vhkmw)

235 Do countries like UK and Canada sue pharmaceutical companies as frequent and as hard as the US?

Posted by: Blue Bird of F'ing Joy at August 26, 2019 06:43 PM (lD3vL)


For one thing, the pharma formulary is the government.

Posted by: Vendette at August 26, 2019 06:45 PM (9Eyhn)

236 Once again screwing over the people that actually need prescription drugs in the name of pretending to do something about the junkies on the street.

The world must be made safe for the most stupid and least responsible among us!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at August 26, 2019 06:46 PM (+y/Ru)

237 finish off a full bottle of Jack Daniels and a handful of yellowjackets.

I prefer crickets. They're crunchy!

Posted by: andycanuck at August 26, 2019 06:46 PM (Dh1wo)

238 The libertarian side of me wants to believe that businesses are good/OK


They are, until they grow to be monopolistic Woke Corp. The key to that philosophy is to keep them from getting that big.

Posted by: Jonah Goldberg's Wife's Boyfriend at August 26, 2019 06:46 PM (+dsLj)

239 Without knowing the details - and they'd better be pretty amazing for this to not be another case of shake-down - I think fiduciary responsibility should make all pharma exit any lines with this kind of vulnerability to theft via the courts.

J and J and others should just walk away from all medications with any addiction/abuse potential, period. And stop marketing everything else - make doctors and patients try to find what they need themselves.

Won't fix anything. Country's waaay to dumbed down and selfish to learn from any self-inflicted idiocy.

NGU - so pharma is supposed to police medical practice? OK, can we do away with all state regulatory bodies then, save some $?

Posted by: rhomboid at August 26, 2019 06:46 PM (QDnY+)

240 Time for another discussion on how there is no such thing medically as "addicts" or "addiction". It's just something that's become universally accepted as being true with no factual medical evidence.

Posted by: lowandslow at August 26, 2019 06:46 PM (4thlk)

241 BS ruling, sure to get flipped. Im surprised it went this far- J&J isn't usually a very aggressive defendant.

Posted by: LASue at August 26, 2019 06:47 PM (Ed8Zd)

242 >> I guess opiods stop you up so bad that milk of magnesia or ex-lax aren't strong enough? Then why do all those junkies shit all over the streets in SF and now Denver?

Speaking as a retired Pro (Played 2 years in Newark).

The best way to deal with Junkie Turds is to let them dry out and then blow them into the gutter using a leaf blower.

Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 06:47 PM (gRVES)

243 Johnson and Johnson should just refuse to sell painkillers in Oklahoma. Instead they can hand out flyers to people in pain and with the phone numbers of their lawmakers and state DA.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Relax, buy ammo and don't give one inch at August 26, 2019 06:08 PM (bcbK

I have often said this about tobacco and alcohol companies as well.

You want to weaponize the judiciary and have pig-ignorant jurors "stick it to the man?" Fine. Then you have two choices, citizen serf:

- travel 16 fucking hours to get the pain killer / smoke / booze you want / need;

- hang the judges and politicians of your state.

It's as simple as that.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at August 26, 2019 06:48 PM (Ki5SV)

244 Doctors are already wary about prescribing painkillers. This probably isn't going to help the people taking them legitimately.

Posted by: Weasel at August 26, 2019 06:48 PM (FWLEy)

245 why do all those junkies shit all over the streets in SF and now Denver?

The quart or so of semen they get injected up their butt every day selling their ass to pay for the drugs is a hellava laxative!

Posted by: Gillette, the Gay Blade at August 26, 2019 06:48 PM (UFLLM)

246 Why was J and J singled out? What about Phizer, etc?

Posted by: davidt at August 26, 2019 06:49 PM (Bgx7w)

247 told ya he was famous

Posted by: trapper's girl at August 26, 2019 06:49 PM (tU1YH)

248 230 169. Bucks Co. and Delaware County PA. My hairdresser, 25 yrs. old, went to ten OD funerals over a span of 15 months. My friend's son-in-law. Another friend's brother.
Posted by: kallisto at August 26, 2019 06:45 PM (9xfh1)

Sad but true Transplants are through the roof because of all these Deaths. I thought you couldn't us those organs but you can because Fentanyl doesn't stay in the system for that long.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at August 26, 2019 06:49 PM (dKiJG)

249 I guess opiods stop you up so bad that milk of magnesia or ex-lax aren't strong enough? Then why do all those junkies shit all over the streets in SF and now Denver?

So Brett Favre didn't shit for a majority of his career?

Posted by: Sponge at August 26, 2019 06:49 PM (Zz0t1)

250 I hate pain killers. Most times I don't even get the prescription filled when they give me one.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at August 26, 2019 06:49 PM (9Om/r)

251 195 Doctors for the most part don't know shit. Their answer to everything is here try this pill. Oh that pill didn't work, uhm hmm, how about this pill instead?

Posted by: Lurking Lurker - Not In My Purview at August 26, 2019 06:39 PM (Ri4j/)

Very true. Nowadays doctors are simply pushers. I read somewhere (I don't know if it's true maybe an MD will weigh in) that they barely study nutrition in medical school. Various vitamin deficiencies (and we all probably have them because the food sucks) can cause a lot of problems that writing a prescription for won't fix (or simply mask the underlying issue).

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at August 26, 2019 06:49 PM (j3npP)

252 The learned intermediary defense should have taken care of most of this case.

Posted by: LASue at August 26, 2019 06:50 PM (Ed8Zd)

253 No pain meds for you. Go chew some willow tree bark.

Posted by: Insomniac at August 26, 2019 06:50 PM (NWiLs)

Please put this gem in the ONT quotes of the day:

"But folks, I can tell you that I've known eight presidents, three of them intimately."
--Joke Biden, 2012

Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at August 26, 2019 06:50 PM (cHJ70)

255 >>Without knowing the details - and they'd better be pretty amazing for this to not be another case of shake-down - I think fiduciary responsibility should make all pharma exit any lines with this kind of vulnerability to theft via the courts.

J and J and others should just walk away from all medications with any addiction/abuse potential, period. And stop marketing everything else - make doctors and patients try to find what they need themselves.

Not just Pharma companies. Walgreens, CVS and Walmart have established policies where they have decided what the max dose of narcotics patients can have and simply refuse to fill legitimate prescriptions. Most likely to limit future liability.

Posted by: Aviator at August 26, 2019 06:50 PM (2cuLk)


Posted by: Chief Cocktoasten at August 26, 2019 06:50 PM (CLteG)

257 Wish those junkies would quit taking the opioids. We much prefer omelettes instead of hard tack.

Posted by: the coyotes at August 26, 2019 06:50 PM (v0R5T)

258 Great....I can hear all the corporate plaintiff law firm helicopters warming up for the big powow on how to maximize private suits against JJ and Purdu. Next up - never-ending ads on how to sign up for a class action for anyone "affected by" oxy. Will take quick congressional rider to some bill limiting recovery of private suits.

Posted by: Emil Moresi at August 26, 2019 06:50 PM (ulzjD)

259 Some of us have doctors that say "If you don't do exactly what we tell you, we have the right to remove you from our patient list".

Which is tough when you're on an HMO (because you really don't make enough for the PPO) and most doctors in your area aren't seeing new patients.
Posted by: Allie (Hikaru) at August 26, 2019 06:43 PM (vmRc0)

Do they come to your home 3 times a day to watch you swallow your pills? There are doctors who run pill mills and pharmacies that fill their scripts. Most don't.

Posted by: didImessupagain at August 26, 2019 06:50 PM (Vhkmw)

260 why do all those junkies shit all over the streets in SF and now Denver?

The quart or so of semen they get injected up their butt every day selling their ass to pay for the drugs is a hellava laxative!

Posted by: Gillette, the Gay Blade


...Um... thanks for not linking to a picture... I guess?

Posted by: RKae at August 26, 2019 06:50 PM (5htzg)

261 Does this mean when I need pain pills for pain they won't be there?


This is exactly what my first thought was.

Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at August 26, 2019 06:51 PM (JoUsr)

262 I think in Ohio you can only get like a 4 Day supply and Kids can only get a 3 day supply of Pain Killers.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at August 26, 2019 06:51 PM (dKiJG)

Who is Garrett Johnson? 


Posted by: Garrett Morris at August 26, 2019 06:35 PM (gRVES)



Posted by: Brad Garrett at August 26, 2019 06:52 PM (flINI)

264 Some of us have doctors that say "If you don't do exactly what we tell you, we have the right to remove you from our patient list".

Posted by: Allie (Hikaru) at August 26, 2019 06:43 PM

I find this tough to believe. But even if true, do you do any research prior/during/after seeing dr. to trust but verify?

Posted by: olddog in mo at August 26, 2019 06:52 PM (Dhht7)

265 My hairdresser, 25 yrs. old, went to ten OD funerals over a span of 15 months. "

Did similar. It was called the "early 70's"

No one to sue then, tho....

Posted by: Anon a mouse at August 26, 2019 06:52 PM (6qErC)

266 116 So how long before GM, Ford, Honda, etc have to pay bazillions for all the DUIs caused by their products?
Posted by: Lurking Lurker - Not In My Purview at August 26, 2019 06:26 PM (Ri4j/)

Honda and Toyota won't have to pay.

Posted by: clutch at August 26, 2019 06:52 PM (h5m02)

267 >>Does this mean when I need pain pills for pain they won't be there?


This is exactly what my first thought was.
Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun

Already a problem.

Posted by: Aviator at August 26, 2019 06:52 PM (2cuLk)

268 259 Do they come to your home 3 times a day to watch you swallow your pills? There are doctors who run pill mills and pharmacies that fill their scripts. Most don't.

Posted by: didImessupagain at August 26, 2019 06:50 PM (Vhkmw)

I recently had to reschedule an appointment. They sent me a letter that said "You have used up 1 of your 3 reschedulings. Should you do this 2 more times, we reserve the right to drop you from being a patient at our office."

Posted by: Allie (Hikaru) at August 26, 2019 06:53 PM (vmRc0)

269 If I disagree with a doctor, they are no longer my doctor.

Posted by: NCKate at August 26, 2019 06:53 PM (lknvV)

270 NGU - so pharma is supposed to police medical practice? OK, can we do away with all state regulatory bodies then, save some $?

Posted by: rhomboid at August 26, 2019 06:46 PM (QDnY+)

??? not sure what you are referring to?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 26, 2019 06:53 PM (p0A33)

271 Used to be lawyers couldn't advertise on t.v. Now that they do, most of the commercials on local t.v is for ambulance chasers, and chemical and drug lawsuits. They went after Monsanto because big payday. Notice they never go after an organization that has no money.

Posted by: charles w at August 26, 2019 06:54 PM (U6TH0)

272 the ER where my wife works has some Russian Dr and they will laugh at patients that ask for Pain Meds,

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at August 26, 2019 06:54 PM (dKiJG)

273 Maybe the plan is for the govt to take over drug dealing.

Posted by: davidt at August 26, 2019 06:54 PM (Bgx7w)

274 You guys need to get off the western medicine.

Holistic Healing.

Embrace the power of the triangle.

Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 06:54 PM (gRVES)

275 No coyote omelette for you!

Posted by: junkie pinching out his weekly turd at August 26, 2019 06:54 PM (v0R5T)

276 Sad but true Transplants are through the roof because of all these Deaths.

In China, if you have a low social credit score, you are required to donate your kidneys. If really low, you are required to donate other vital organs too.

In the fUS, we can use Chinese sourced fentanyl to kill off potential donors, mostly young people so that there is less mileage on the donated organs.

Don't need a social credit score - donors are self selecting. By punishing J&J, the drugs become more expensive and harder to come by in legitimate ways which should, if the product really is addicting, force people to go to the street dealer and get the Chinese opiates, which ends up jacking up transplants.

Posted by: Blue Bird of F'ing Joy at August 26, 2019 06:55 PM (lD3vL)


You can definitely skip Dave Chappelle's new Netflix special 'Sticks and Stones.'

Chappelle has always been a daredevil comedian willing to take a controversial stance or downplay a serious controversy for laughs, including his early-2000s skits about R. Kelly's court trials on Chappelle's Show. But now he chooses to blatantly ignore the historiccriticism against his style of comedy and new loud-and-clear criticism from the trans community. His approach comes off like a defiant rejection of change at any cost. As he keeps going down this path, drawing attention to the worst aspects of his important career, the biggest cost will be tarnishing his own legacy.

He ain't woke and that's no joke!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at August 26, 2019 06:55 PM (+y/Ru)

Time for another discussion on how there is no such thing medically as
"addicts" or "addiction". It's just something that's become universally
accepted as being true with no factual medical evidence.

You must convince your target market that they're helpless without your product.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - #PurgeProgressivism at August 26, 2019 06:55 PM (HaL55)

279 202 I've lost family to the "opioid crisis," as long as you define it as "doing a fuck ton of street-bought opioids, which were eventually laced with fentanyl."
Posted by: Washington Nearsider, LOL, get fucked at August 26, 2019 06:40 PM (T8HPM)

These are the people I've narcanned. Not cancer patients, and not post-op patients, street drug purchasers. Any opiate comes with literature describing the potential for addiction, it is not the pharmacist, the doctor, or the manufacturer who is at fault if you love the rush and "need" more.

240: There is tolerance and withdrawal, but alcohol and benzo withdrawal is much more dangerous than opiate withdrawal.

Posted by: CN at August 26, 2019 06:55 PM (U7k5w)

280 240 Time for another discussion on how there is no such thing medically as "addicts" or "addiction". It's just something that's become universally accepted as being true with no factual medical evidence.

Posted by: lowandslow at August 26, 2019 06:46 PM (4thlk)

Addictions have withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes withdrawal symptoms can be pretty severe. So no, not made up.

Posted by: Someguy at August 26, 2019 06:55 PM (y178e)

281 You guys need to get off the western medicine.

Holistic Healing.

Embrace the power of the triangle.

Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 06:54 PM (gRVES)

Or healing crystals.

Posted by: Marianne Williamson at August 26, 2019 06:56 PM (q1Pj5)

282 251 195 Doctors for the most part don't know shit. Their answer to everything is here try this pill. Oh that pill didn't work, uhm hmm, how about this pill instead?

Posted by: Lurking Lurker - Not In My Purview at August 26, 2019 06:39 PM (Ri4j/)

Very true. Nowadays doctors are simply pushers. I read somewhere (I don't know if it's true maybe an MD will weigh in) that they barely study nutrition in medical school. Various vitamin deficiencies (and we all probably have them because the food sucks) can cause a lot of problems that writing a prescription for won't fix (or simply mask the underlying issue).
Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at August 26, 2019 06:49 PM (j3npP)

False, and false. If you're unhappy with your physician, find another one. A lot of time the nurse practitioners or PAs who work for a large practice will spend more time getting to know you and I have found several who are super open minded about reading research articles I bring to them. Some of the "nutrition" info you read online is BS. Search for an article about "why did we fall for clean eating" or maybe "how did ..." for an example.

Posted by: didImessupagain at August 26, 2019 06:56 PM (Vhkmw)


This weekend took care of a 65 y/o patient, systemic infection from a laceration. On Diasbility for back pain.

As soon as he was well enough he walked to the bathroom, smoked a meth pipe, and walked out the door.

Our tax dollars at work.

FUCK ALL JUNKIES. I'll help the 1/10th of 1% that make an effort to get help. The rest = WELFARE KIBBLE.

Posted by: Cabeza Fromage at August 26, 2019 06:56 PM (UFLLM)

284 Anecdotal story: A "doctor" in Frederick, MD was busted a few years ago for sitting in a barn writing oxy scripts for the unruly patrons lined up in his parking lot. He did this for quite a long time. 

It sounded like that was all he did all day. It seems like that would be easy to notice by someone. #Red Flag.

Posted by: OldDominionMom at August 26, 2019 06:36 PM (t0Z53)


I know that Doctor and his son. What a mess

Posted by: Truck Monkey at August 26, 2019 06:56 PM (flINI)

285 I'm proud to be a junkie from Muskogee.

Posted by: Joke Biden at August 26, 2019 06:56 PM (ZLI7S)

286 If you take opioids for more than 2 weeks, you're practically addicted. If you have a continuing supply, you will keep taking them. The only reason I'm not addicted is lack of supply.

Posted by: Chris M at August 26, 2019 06:56 PM (7a/p9)

287 Meh.

Every prescription you get has a print out all about the drug and associated problems and the way to take it, etc.

Plus, the pharmacists always offer to give you an explanation.

Plus, I have yet to meet a doctor who doesn't tell me what he's prescribing, why, and how to take it and then asked me if I had any questions.

You have to be either magnificently stupid or just an a-hole who won't listen to anything anybody says.
to not understand just what the drug is that you're taking.

Posted by: naturalfake at August 26, 2019 06:57 PM (SHtRW)

288 I think in Ohio you can only get like a 4 Day supply and Kids can only get a 3 day supply of Pain Killers.

Makes it rather hard to prep for TEOTWAWKI. Those who need pain meds will not survive the Zombie Apocalypse.

Posted by: Blue Bird of F'ing Joy at August 26, 2019 06:57 PM (lD3vL)

289 Aspirin and Crown Royal. Rodeo sports medicine.

Posted by: bill in arkansas at August 26, 2019 06:57 PM (C1Lsn)

290 Embrace the power of the triangle.

Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 06:54 PM (gRVES)

Mmmmmmm......Hair pie......

Posted by: Sponge at August 26, 2019 06:57 PM (Zz0t1)

g'early evenin', 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson
The MiMoMe is 21SEP19 in Chelsea, MI
click here for sketchy details & sign up<b
at August 26, 2019 06:57 PM (zEOTN)

292 I can't get hooked on opioids because they make me puke.

Posted by: grammie winger at August 26, 2019 06:58 PM (lwiT4)

293 Unless the state's can sue members of Congress for being equally complicit, this is meaningless.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at August 26, 2019 06:58 PM (fQV4c)

294 Hey, AltonJackson.

Posted by: hogmartin at August 26, 2019 06:58 PM (t+qrx)

295 Not just Pharma companies. Walgreens, CVS and
Walmart have established policies where they have decided what the max
dose of narcotics patients can have and simply refuse to fill legitimate
prescriptions. Most likely to limit future liability.

Posted by: Aviator

* * * * * * *

My dad is 85 and suffering from severe stenosis in the next, etc etc and it is incredible the number of hands in front of the doctor's decision-making. First the state requires we drag him in to the doc office so he can pee in a cup to ensure he doesn't cruise the neighborhood trying to score some weed, then the insurer has a "committee" that determines what they will and will not cover based on what they determine my dad "needs", then Walgreens pharmacists step in and blocks us if we are even a DAY early trying to fill his meds because of efficiency and ease of travel. It is the proverbial monkey, making love to.......a football.

Posted by: Emil Moresi at August 26, 2019 06:58 PM (ulzjD)

296 289 Aspirin and Crown Royal. Rodeo sports medicine.
Posted by: bill in arkansas at August 26, 2019 06:57 PM (C1Lsn)

You didn't really need that liver anyway.

Posted by: Allie (Hikaru) at August 26, 2019 06:58 PM (vmRc0)

297 kallisto: "How exactly was J&J's iiability or culpability defined?"

J&J has money; someone else doesn't.

So, to balance the inequity, government has to steal from Johnson to pay Paul. It's in the secular Bible.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at August 26, 2019 06:58 PM (6eEQ+)

298 244 Doctors are already wary about prescribing painkillers. This probably isn't going to help the people taking them legitimately.
Posted by: Weasel at August 26, 2019 06:48 PM (FWLEy)

It's easy to get a readout of their prescription usage. But then, the street drugs are the real crisis.

Posted by: CN at August 26, 2019 06:58 PM (U7k5w)


Posted by: Chief Cocktoasten at August 26, 2019 06:58 PM (CLteG)

300 I can't get hooked on opioids because they make me puke.
Posted by: grammie winger at August 26, 2019 06:58 PM (lwiT4)

you and me both grammie. you and me both

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 26, 2019 06:58 PM (p0A33)

301 I can't get hooked on opioids because they make me puke.
Posted by: grammie winger at August 26, 2019 06:58 PM (lwiT4)

Have you tried taking them with a Zofran chaser?

Posted by: hogmartin at August 26, 2019 06:59 PM (t+qrx)

302 Johnson & Johnson Ordered to Pay $572 Million for Claimed Collusion in Opioid Addiction in Oklahoma Case

Now here's the part I don't get: how did J&J force all those people to become addicted to opiods?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at August 26, 2019 06:59 PM (KWIwS)

303 287 Meh.

Every prescription you get has a print out all about the drug and associated problems and the way to take it, etc.

Plus, the pharmacists always offer to give you an explanation.

Plus, I have yet to meet a doctor who doesn't tell me what he's prescribing, why, and how to take it and then asked me if I had any questions.

You have to be either magnificently stupid or just an a-hole who won't listen to anything anybody says.
to not understand just what the drug is that you're taking.
Posted by: naturalfake at August 26, 2019 06:57 PM (SHtRW)


Posted by: CN at August 26, 2019 06:59 PM (U7k5w)

304 J&J's stock is trading up on the news.

Posted by: blue13326 at August 26, 2019 06:59 PM (iah8B)

305 off topic, it appears that Joe Walsh has been endorsed by Louise Mensch.
oh, did I just hear RBG on the telly..?

Posted by: Mallfly The Georgia Peach at August 26, 2019 07:00 PM (ZqRa6)

hey, hogmartin

Posted by: AltonJackson
The MiMoMe is 21SEP19 in Chelsea, MI
click for sketchy details & sign up
at August 26, 2019 07:00 PM (zEOTN)

307 Same here grammie.

Hello Alton!

Posted by: Jewells45 at August 26, 2019 07:00 PM (dUJdY)

308 J&J's stock is trading up on the news.
Posted by: blue13326 at August 26, 2019 06:59 PM (iah8B)

I noticed that too. There's a little live ticker symbol next to the company name in the article.

Posted by: hogmartin at August 26, 2019 07:00 PM (t+qrx)

309 I've always been more of an LSD kind of guy.

Posted by: Ex-Gov Moonbeam at August 26, 2019 07:01 PM (v0R5T)

310 just watched a documentary of this on YouTube last weekend. Basically these opoids were never meant for most patients, just those in hospice, but they kept expanding what they could be used for. It's called The Sackler Family.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at August 26, 2019 07:01 PM (r+sAi)

311 300 I can't get hooked on opioids because they make me puke.
Posted by: grammie winger at August 26, 2019 06:58 PM (lwiT4)

you and me both grammie. you and me both
Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 26, 2019 06:58 PM (p0A33)

Same here. I've had several surgeries for broken bones, after which opiods were prescribed. In each case I discontinued using them after a day. The surgeries hurt, of course, but not THAT badly, and the opioids made me nauseous, constipated, dizzy, and just generally feeling weird. The idea of taking them for choice appalls me.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at August 26, 2019 07:01 PM (KWIwS)

312 In fact, the 3% rise in the company's shares after hours means the company is making about $10 billion in market cap on the news.

Posted by: blue13326 at August 26, 2019 07:01 PM (iah8B)

hey, Jewells

Posted by: AltonJackson
The MiMoMe is 21SEP19 in Chelsea, MI
click for sketchy details & sign up
at August 26, 2019 07:02 PM (zEOTN)

314 I had surgery a few weeks ago and got a prescription for Oxycodin. I think I took a total of four of them, and that might be including the one I had in the hospital the day after surgery.

I can say this... they turn my nose numb. And while I certainly needed the last one I took, it made me very happy and that's a problem.

So I didn't take any more. But I also didn't need more than the Gabapentin and Advil I was taking. And even the Gab, doc says I have to reduce over time instead of stop cold.

But I was watching a video about the crisis and the narration was that this woman got a prescription... then she got the refill... then she got half a refill... and then she got it off the street because the doctor wouldn't give her more.

I think that I do blame the doctor a little because if you need Oxy for a whole month, much less TWO, after surgery, something is drastically and horribly wrong.

But the doctor didn't make her take them and didn't make her ask for more.

So... I donno. Group effort?

Posted by: Synova at August 26, 2019 07:02 PM (BD/yx)

315 Notice they never go after an organization that has no money.
Posted by: charles w at August 26, 2019 06:54 PM (U6TH0)

Mass torts are big business. There are even conferences in Vegas and other places on how to make a case and make it pay.

Defense attorneys don't mind as they are driving/flying for dollars from one depo to the next.

Big corporations factor in the payoffs and delay the cases as long as they can then stick the lost monies on the consumer.

It's a racket.......and pays everyone with the injured party getting the hind tit.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at August 26, 2019 07:02 PM (Z+IKu)

316 I can't get hooked on opioids because they make me puke.

Posted by: grammie winger at August 26, 2019 06:58 PM (lwiT4)

you and me both grammie. you and me both

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 26, 2019 06:58 PM (p0A33)

I'm in this group also.

Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at August 26, 2019 07:02 PM (JoUsr)

317 310 just watched a documentary of this on YouTube last weekend. Basically these opoids were never meant for most patients, just those in hospice, but they kept expanding what they could be used for. It's called The Sackler Family.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at August 26, 2019 07:01 PM (r+sAi)

No one should leave out The Joint Commission, nobody pushed "Pain is whatever the patient says it is" more than that group of fuckers

Posted by: CN at August 26, 2019 07:02 PM (U7k5w)

318 Verdict is bullshit.

Pharmaceutical companies sell a legal product.

They do not sell direct to the public.

If someone abuses Opioids they either are buying them illegally, stealing them, or abusing prescribed medication.

I fail to see how JandJ have any culpability.

Posted by: Radical Centrist at August 26, 2019 07:03 PM (lRFDw)

319 I take tramadol, among other medicines, for psoriatic arthritis and have been for a couple of years. I don't take the full amount the Rx is written for, and don't notice any 'high' from what I do take. I have joints that hurt like shit, but I'm sort of resigned to the fact that it ain't going to get better. I'm wondering how this might be looked at down the road.

Posted by: Weasel at August 26, 2019 07:03 PM (FWLEy)

I can't get hooked on opioids because they make me puke.
Posted by: grammie winger

What's the trick to make dogs and cats take pills?
Roll the pills in pancakes, or something?

Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at August 26, 2019 07:04 PM (cHJ70)

321 I wonder how many have died from constipation. Took opioids after hernia op and couldn't go for a week. Brutal.

Posted by: dartist at August 26, 2019 07:04 PM (K22Va)

322 Chris M: Haven't found that to be true of hydrocodone. Maybe it's true of the harder stuff. I've been able to stop using and I practically live in a pharmacy.

Posted by: Broseidon Czar of the Brocean at August 26, 2019 07:04 PM (64PcC)

323 That's right. Abusing opiates is not the fault of the manufacturers. Opiates are a very good thing for people with severe pain, and in the right circumstances even fentanyl is a marvel.

For whatever reason, and believe me in my family I'm an outlying point, opiates have no addicting appeal to me. I got 'em prescribed for sciatica pain and as soon as the pain went away so did the remaining pills. I understand on a conceptual level that not everyone's like that but not on a total feeling it way.

Posted by: Captain Hate at August 26, 2019 07:04 PM (y7DUB)

324 I can't get hooked on opioids because they make me puke.

Posted by: grammie winger


Same thing that keeps me from becoming addicted to "Star Wars" films.

...Sorry. Wrong thread.

Posted by: RKae at August 26, 2019 07:04 PM (5htzg)

325 >>No one should leave out The Joint Commission, nobody pushed "Pain is whatever the patient says it is" more than that group of fuckers
Posted by: CN

I remember when we were accused of being uncaring because we treat "the fifth vital sign" aggressively enough.

Posted by: Aviator at August 26, 2019 07:05 PM (2cuLk)

326 I think you'd need a shitload of tramadol to get high. It's very infrequently a drug of abuse.

Posted by: Broseidon Czar of the Brocean at August 26, 2019 07:05 PM (64PcC)

327 What's the trick to make dogs and cats take pills?


Put the pills on the counter, point to them and say, "NO!"

Posted by: RKae at August 26, 2019 07:05 PM (5htzg)

328 There seems to be a whole lotta judgy shit going on here.

Please, remember to be kind.

Posted by: comrade nurse ratched at August 26, 2019 07:05 PM (d7Ww2)

329 Where the fuck were the government regulators???
This is a CONTROLLED substance. Who looks at the patterns of who is prescribing and ordering these drugs?? Because EVERY shipment is going into a database somewhere...

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at August 26, 2019 07:06 PM (438dO)

330 didn't...

Posted by: Aviator at August 26, 2019 07:06 PM (2cuLk)

331 So if docs aren't prescribing as much then overdose deaths should be declining

Posted by: NCKate at August 26, 2019 07:06 PM (lknvV)

332 to safer morphine derivatives, like heroin!

Soup up your vape pipe for black tar.

Posted by: DaveA at August 26, 2019 07:07 PM (FhXTo)

333 Helloooooooo nurse!

Posted by: Insomniac at August 26, 2019 07:07 PM (NWiLs)

334 There seems to be a whole lotta judgy shit going on here.

Please, remember to be kind.

Posted by: comrade nurse ratched


Kind people are the problem!

I hate kind people!

Posted by: Judgy McJudgepants at August 26, 2019 07:07 PM (5htzg)

335 >>What's the trick to make dogs and cats take pills?

Reese's Pieces.

Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 07:07 PM (gRVES)

336 I'd care, but Johnson and Johnson like Procter and Gamble is "woke"....
they want protection from politicians they probably should not have worked so valiantly to alienate the "right" you know the side of the aisle that universally acknowledges at a minimum that corporations are a necessary evil and all that?
Lie down with donks get up with fleas, and a sore butt.

Posted by: sven at August 26, 2019 07:07 PM (xbWHd)

337 Didn't Rodgers and Hammerstein try this shit once before in Oklahoma?

Posted by: Fritz at August 26, 2019 07:07 PM (kLDv+)

338 326 I think you'd need a shitload of tramadol to get high. It's very infrequently a drug of abuse.
Posted by: Broseidon Czar of the Brocean at August 26, 2019 07:05 PM (64PcC)
Agreed, but it's bound to get lumped in with other stronger opiates as the world continues to go nuts.

Posted by: Weasel at August 26, 2019 07:07 PM (FWLEy)

339 Johnson & Johnson fined $572 were the Okies huffing baby powder?

Lets see the lawyers get $175 Million for paperwork!!!

Posted by: saf at August 26, 2019 07:07 PM (5IHGB)

340 What's the trick to make dogs and cats take pills?
Roll the pills in pancakes, or something?
Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at August 26, 2019 07:04 PM (cHJ70)

And add peanut butter for the dogs.

Posted by: clutch at August 26, 2019 07:07 PM (Z3oWA)

341 What's the trick to make dogs and cats take pills?
Roll the pills in pancakes, or something?
Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at August 26, 2019 07:04 PM (cHJ70)

American cheese for dogs, although Teddy's pretty good at swallowing them after I put them at the base of his tongue. No idea on a cat

Posted by: Captain Hate at August 26, 2019 07:07 PM (y7DUB)

342 I guess JNJ's stock actually went up after hours on the news because it sets a ceiling? This will be appealed and likely significantly lowered.

It's a stupid case, my understanding is JNJ just manufacturers the components of a lot of these drugs. You also have a doctor and a patient in the mix of how someone becomes addicted.

Posted by: Blago at August 26, 2019 07:08 PM (zuvmW)

343 For Dogs.

I think all Cat Pills are suppositories.

Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 07:08 PM (gRVES)

344 Looks like Morgan and Morgan got another $570M fee.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at August 26, 2019 07:08 PM (1g7ch)

345 So I didn't take any more. But I also didn't need more than the Gabapentin and Advil I was taking. And even the Gab, doc says I have to reduce over time instead of stop cold.

Doctor prescribed Gabapentin for back pain a while back. Worst drug I ever took. Blech. Didn't do shit for the pain, either. Then I find out a lady I know is in a pain management program taking these things in huge doses. They give her a monthly supply AND THAT'S ALL YOU GET. She's in bad shape.

Posted by: wth at August 26, 2019 07:08 PM (v0R5T)

346 2 Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Relax, buy ammo and don't give one inch at August 26, 2019 06:06 PM (bcbK

Johnson and Johnson wants the state to pressure me to embrace 147+ genders.
I have other things going on to keep me from caring that politicians are gonna politician.

Posted by: sven at August 26, 2019 07:08 PM (xbWHd)

347 Another abuse of opiates is the method of ingestion. A lot of your hard core will grind and snort, eliminating any time release, often times resulting in an od. Pretty common around here and East OK.

Posted by: bill in arkansas at August 26, 2019 07:08 PM (C1Lsn)

348 332 to safer morphine derivatives, like heroin!

Soup up your vape pipe for black tar.
Posted by: DaveA at August 26, 2019 07:07 PM (FhXTo)

You'll need at least a two-stroke motor for that.

Posted by: Insomniac at August 26, 2019 07:08 PM (NWiLs)

349 Please, remember to be kind.
Posted by: comrade nurse ratched at August 26, 2019 07:05 PM (d7Ww2)

*hangs head*

*rewinds rented tape*

Posted by: hogmartin at August 26, 2019 07:08 PM (t+qrx)

350 >>What's the trick to make dogs and cats take pills?


Posted by: JackStraw at August 26, 2019 07:08 PM (ZLI7S)

351 282
251 195 Doctors for the most part don't know shit. Their answer to
everything is here try this pill. Oh that pill didn't work, uhm hmm, how
about this pill instead?

Posted by: Lurking Lurker - Not In My Purview at August 26, 2019 06:39 PM (Ri4j/)

Very true. Nowadays doctors are simply pushers. I read somewhere (I
don't know if it's true maybe an MD will weigh in) that they barely
study nutrition in medical school. Various vitamin deficiencies (and we
all probably have them because the food sucks) can cause a lot of
problems that writing a prescription for won't fix (or simply mask the
underlying issue).

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at August 26, 2019 06:49 PM (j3npP)

Yeah, all Doctors are Fucktards.

Next time you get real sick, please call a Hippie and heal with the power of Love, Man. And some edibles. And maybe a crystal enema.

And PLEASE stay the fuck out of the ED, we are too busy taking care of your 19 year old whore daughter on Welfare with her 3 kids and multi-bug STD causing debilitating pelvic pain...

Posted by: Cabeza Fromage at August 26, 2019 07:08 PM (UFLLM)

352 It's called The Sackler Family.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at August 26, 2019 07:01 PM (r+sAi) \

Nope. Severe cancer bone pain is severe cancer bone pain whether the sufferer is in or out of hospice and they deserve relief. The Sackler family is not to blame for whatever an addict or a bad dr. chooses to do.

Posted by: LASue at August 26, 2019 07:09 PM (Ed8Zd)

353 "Addictions have withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes withdrawal symptoms can be pretty severe. So no, not made up."

I'm not saying the body doesn't react to taking drugs and the effects on the body when you quit. I'm saying there's no such thing as medical addiction to the drug.

Posted by: lowandslow at August 26, 2019 07:09 PM (4thlk)

354 I think all Cat Pills are suppositories.

Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 07:08 PM (gRVES)

One would wish. (BTW, I can pill a cat like nobody's business)

Posted by: grammie winger at August 26, 2019 07:10 PM (lwiT4)

355 Because EVERY LEGAL shipment is going into a database somewhere...

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at August 26, 2019 07:06 PM (438dO)


Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at August 26, 2019 07:10 PM (KWIwS)

356 I have joints that hurt like shit, but I'm sort of resigned to the fact that it ain't going to get better. I'm wondering how this might be looked at down the road.

Posted by: Weasel at August 26, 2019 07:03 PM (FWLEy)


Never change doctors.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - 99 gun homicides, 0% by white men at August 26, 2019 07:10 PM (UxP0a)

357 Hi Insom!

*runs full on*

Posted by: comrade nurse ratched at August 26, 2019 07:10 PM (d7Ww2)

358 Maybe this is a dumb question, but is this all that different than holding gun manufacturers at legal fault when people get shot? Setting some kind of horrible precedent?

Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at August 26, 2019 07:10 PM (JoUsr)

359 >>Another abuse of opiates is the method of ingestion. A lot of your hard core will grind and snort, eliminating any time release, often times resulting in an od. Pretty common around here and East OK.
Posted by: bill in arkansas

There is a fentanyl patch that is a plastic patch that sticks on the skin and releases a low dose of medication over 72 hours. I had a patient roll one up and try to smoke it.

Posted by: Aviator at August 26, 2019 07:10 PM (2cuLk)

360 the joke punchline is that to get a dog to take a pill you wrap the pill in a piece of bacon. The first ten sections of the joke are about how badly scratched you can get trying to get a cat to take a pill.

Posted by: Mallfly The Georgia Peach at August 26, 2019 07:11 PM (ZqRa6)

361 >>I had a patient roll one up and try to smoke it.

That's awesome.

Posted by: garrett at August 26, 2019 07:11 PM (gRVES)

362 >>What's the trick to make dogs and cats take pills?

Start them out smoking weed.

Posted by: wth at August 26, 2019 07:11 PM (v0R5T)

363 off topic, it appears that Joe Walsh has been endorsed by Louise Mensch.
oh, did I just hear RBG on the telly..?
Posted by: Mallfly The Georgia Peach at August 26, 2019 07:00 PM (ZqRa6)

The thread below is on RBG.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at August 26, 2019 07:12 PM (1g7ch)

Never change doctors.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - 99 gun homicides, 0% by white men at August 26, 2019 07:10 PM (UxP0a)
Yeah. I was thinking just that earlier. If you have a long term, established relationship with your doc they're probably not as reluctant to prescribe pain meds.

Posted by: Weasel at August 26, 2019 07:12 PM (FWLEy)

365 What's the trick to make dogs and cats take pills?
Roll the pills in pancakes, or something?
Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at August 26, 2019 07:04 PM (cHJ70)

Open the pup's mouth, pop the pill in as far back as possible, shut the pup's mouth, and then vigorously rub his throat in a peristaltic motion until he swallows.

Hiding pills in things often doesn't work, as the pups will recognize it and spit it out, often unseen.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at August 26, 2019 07:12 PM (KWIwS)

366 Juries are as sappy as the general public buying sob stories, getting them to make J&J payout was a walk in the park. It's no one gets hurt by a payout, they can pay that. Lawyers will get a lion's share of that.

Posted by: Skip at August 26, 2019 07:12 PM (BbGew)

367 283

This weekend took care of a 65 y/o patient, systemic infection from a laceration. On Diasbility for back pain.

As soon as he was well enough he walked to the bathroom, smoked a meth pipe, and walked out the door.

Our tax dollars at work.

FUCK ALL JUNKIES. I'll help the 1/10th of 1% that make an effort to get help. The rest = WELFARE KIBBLE.
Posted by: Cabeza Fromage at August 26, 2019 06:56 PM (UFLLM)

My mother's a retired nurse. She hasn't donated blood for decades because she said most of it got pumped into "skid row bum alcoholics" who showed up every weekend with GI bleeds. I can't give blood, so makes no difference to me anyway.

Posted by: didImessupagain at August 26, 2019 07:13 PM (Vhkmw)

368 342: Or you just have assholes who start and end with street drugs.

Posted by: CN at August 26, 2019 07:13 PM (U7k5w)

369 What's the trick to make dogs and cats take pills?

Shove it in a Vienna sausage.

Posted by: Jewells45 at August 26, 2019 07:13 PM (dUJdY)

370 Frankfurters are good pill camouflage, too.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - 99 gun homicides, 0% by white men at August 26, 2019 07:13 PM (UxP0a)

371 There is a fentanyl patch that is a plastic patch that sticks on the
skin and releases a low dose of medication over 72 hours. I had a
patient roll one up and try to smoke it.

We take tons out of snatches and assholes. Absorbs really well, higher rate than skin, still gives you a prolonged time release high. Often done with tampon vodka, gets you through that rough day in the HR office...

Posted by: Cabeza Fromage at August 26, 2019 07:13 PM (UFLLM)

372 i agree with the cheese

Posted by: trapper's girl at August 26, 2019 07:14 PM (tU1YH)

373 >>>>I had a patient roll one up and try to smoke it.

That's awesome.
Posted by: Garrett

He had a bitch of a time keeping it lit and the acrid smoke from it set off the fire alarms.

Posted by: Aviator at August 26, 2019 07:14 PM (2cuLk)

Why doesn't someone invent Bacon-Flavored Dog Pills?

Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at August 26, 2019 07:14 PM (cHJ70)

375 My mother's a retired nurse. She hasn't donated blood for decades because she said most of it got pumped into "skid row bum alcoholics" who showed up every weekend with GI bleeds.


Oh jeez. I've never considered that sort of thing.


Posted by: Moron Robbie - 99 gun homicides, 0% by white men at August 26, 2019 07:14 PM (UxP0a)

376 368: Some leukemia patients get multiple transfusions daily until the DIC resolves.

Posted by: CN at August 26, 2019 07:15 PM (U7k5w)

377 This is just another example of diluting personal responsibility. It's not the fault of J&J, Teva, the Sacklers, or anybody else if somebody chooses to abuse opioids. It's the fault of the abuser and/or the prescribing doctor. Particularly if the prescribing doctor is called "Bubba" and his office is on a street corner.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at August 26, 2019 07:15 PM (KWIwS)

378 Why doesn't someone invent Bacon-Flavored Dog Pills?

Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at August 26, 2019 07:14 PM (cHJ70)

Their owners would be oinking them down.

Posted by: wth at August 26, 2019 07:15 PM (v0R5T)

379 #193 same 3 and I can't get them down. Even though they would still help.

So ended up with a bunch of expired scripts. Ex GF stole them.

Posted by: torabora at August 26, 2019 07:15 PM (1MOsp)

380 349 Please, remember to be kind.
Posted by: comrade nurse ratched at August 26, 2019 07:05 PM (d7Ww2)

*hangs head*

*rewinds rented tape*
Posted by: hogmartin at August 26, 2019 07:08 PM (t+qrx)

You have a rented tape? You probably have about $90,000 in accumulated late fees by now.

Posted by: Insomniac at August 26, 2019 07:15 PM (NWiLs)

381 The best cat meds are the liquid ones that come in a little syringe so you can shoot it down the cat's throat. You get the cat all immobilized in a towel like an outraged fuzzy burrito and it gets that "you haven't got a chance, ape" look on its face. It's all ready to spit out the pill and then it realizes it's already swallowed the medication while it was growling.

Posted by: hogmartin at August 26, 2019 07:15 PM (t+qrx)

382 There's pain and then there's pain. Some people really must take something for relief. Obviously. But getting off the drug is the patient's responsibility, not the doctor's.

Pain is a natural response and to medicate to the point of absolutely zero pain or to the point of pleasure means you're likely overdosing. Pain signals tell you you're hurt and to try to stop doing what you're doing. It's like a rate limiter. It's surely a warning signal. So, to medicate to the point of not feeling anything may well inoculate your brain from very real warning signs that your physiology and anatomy is not progressing appropriately.

Whatever the case, the patient has more responsibility in being proactive here than the prescribing doctors. Doctors are not in your body, and each of us a unique collection of chemicals that is never an exact duplicate of anyone else, not even twins. If doctors get blame, patients should get even more unless it's outright malevolent malpractice.

But yeah, go ahead, sue J&J (or others) out of existence and then let's all watch the great advances in medicine. We'll be chewing mushrooms and sucking bark in no time.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at August 26, 2019 07:16 PM (6eEQ+)

383 There is a fentanyl patch that is a plastic patch that sticks on the skin and releases a low dose of medication over 72 hours. I had a patient roll one up and try to smoke it.
Posted by: Aviator at August 26, 2019 07:10 PM (2cuLk)

Went out to lunch with my mom and one of her old lady friends who has used fentanyl patches for almost 10 years because of degenerative disc disease. She said it's the only way she can get around.

Posted by: didImessupagain at August 26, 2019 07:16 PM (Vhkmw)

384 >>What's the trick to make dogs and cats take pills?

Airsoft suppository.

Don't laugh until you tries it.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at August 26, 2019 07:16 PM (1g7ch)

385 i agree with the cheese
Posted by: trapper's girl at August 26, 2019 07:14 PM (tU1YH)

I always agree with cheese, no matter what the question is.

Posted by: hogmartin at August 26, 2019 07:16 PM (t+qrx)

Yeah but why traumatize the cat?

Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at August 26, 2019 07:16 PM (cHJ70)

387 Yeah but why traumatize the cat?


Asked and answered.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - 99 gun homicides, 0% by white men at August 26, 2019 07:17 PM (UxP0a)

388 My mother's a retired nurse. She hasn't donated blood for decades because she said most of it got pumped into "skid row bum alcoholics" who showed up every weekend with GI bleeds. I can't give blood, so makes no difference to me anyway.
Posted by: didImessupagain at August 26, 2019 07:13 PM (Vhkmw)

A fellow grad student and I used to walk into the lab at Berkeley past the "Plasma Donor Center." The line outside looked like escapees from the cantina scene in Star Wars.

We looked at each other, and solemnly promised each other that if either of us needed plasma, the other would donate it.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at August 26, 2019 07:17 PM (KWIwS)

Yeah but why traumatize the cat?

This would make a good punchline.

Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at August 26, 2019 07:17 PM (cHJ70)

390 357 Hi Insom!

*runs full on*
Posted by: comrade nurse ratched at August 26, 2019 07:10 PM (d7Ww2)


Posted by: Insomniac at August 26, 2019 07:17 PM (NWiLs)

391 >>What's the trick to make dogs and cats take pills?

Stick pill in cats mouth and IMMEDIATELY stick cats mouth to dogs bung hole. Cat spits pill out at 30 mph, and up the dog's bum it goes.

Simple, really.

Posted by: Cabeza Fromage at August 26, 2019 07:18 PM (UFLLM)

392 382 Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at August 26, 2019 07:16 PM (6eEQ+)

We all have different pain threshholds.
I got my gall bladder removed Tuesday....
open surgery the easy way failed.
I was home by Saturday on a slow morphine drip for two days and hit the button three times for the feed.
I refuse to take anything stronger than an aspirin.
Told the doc I was too dumb to feel pain.

Posted by: sven at August 26, 2019 07:18 PM (xbWHd)



Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at August 26, 2019 07:18 PM (cHJ70)

394 381 The best cat meds are the liquid ones that come in a little syringe so you can shoot it down the cat's throat. You get the cat all immobilized in a towel like an outraged fuzzy burrito and it gets that "you haven't got a chance, ape" look on its face. It's all ready to spit out the pill and then it realizes it's already swallowed the medication while it was growling.
Posted by: hogmartin at August 26, 2019 07:15 PM (t+qrx)
Yeah! We always ask for the liquid when WeaselCat v2 needs medicine.

Posted by: Weasel at August 26, 2019 07:18 PM (MVjcR)

395 My husband is 0-, CMV- so he donates pretty frequently. High chance his blood gets saved for more worthy recipients.

Posted by: didImessupagain at August 26, 2019 07:18 PM (Vhkmw)

396 Garret to help with the triangle. I'm going straight to crystals and breathing techniques

Posted by: Willow at August 26, 2019 07:18 PM (+mASz)

397 no such thing medically as "addicts" or "addiction".
It's just something that's become universally accepted as being true
with no factual medical evidence.

Posted by: lowandslow

People are just charging into hell to give you an internet comment.

Posted by: DaveA at August 26, 2019 07:18 PM (FhXTo)

398 Tramadol is a joke, a bad joke .

Posted by: Asscheeks of Saturn at August 26, 2019 07:19 PM (Jj+59)

399 There is a fentanyl patch that is a plastic patch that sticks on the skin and releases a low dose of medication over 72 hours. I had a patient roll one up and try to smoke it.
Posted by: Aviator at August 26, 2019 07:10 PM (2cuLk) that's funny!

American ingenuity at it's best.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at August 26, 2019 07:19 PM (Z+IKu)

400 28 "They've been the principal origin for the active pharmaceutical ingredient in prescription opioids in the country for the last two decades," Hunter said after the trial ended July 15. "It is one of the most important elements of causation with regard to why the defendants ... are responsible for the epidemic in the country and in Oklahoma."

That'll teach those asshole pharmaceutical companies to manufacture pharmaceutical products.

Posted by: hogmartin at August 26, 2019 06:13 PM (t+qrx)

"Since you made it, you're at fault?" This is like suing GM for drunk driving accidents.

I don't see this making it past appeal.

Posted by: Jeff Weimer at August 26, 2019 07:20 PM (ijEPD)

401 Yeah, can drive a semi through that word 'medically'. WTF. LOLGF.

Posted by: Asscheeks of Saturn at August 26, 2019 07:21 PM (Jj+59)

402 399 There is a fentanyl patch that is a plastic patch that sticks on the skin and releases a low dose of medication over 72 hours. I had a patient roll one up and try to smoke it.
Posted by: Aviator at August 26, 2019 07:10 PM (2cuLk)

I've heard of addicts chewing them.

Posted by: Insomniac at August 26, 2019 07:21 PM (NWiLs)

403 Geraldo opening his pie hole on J&J decision, no idea if he is wrong or right but says this is only 1 year of this payout of a possible many decade. Of course Geraldo blames the millions killed on opioids to drug companies.

Posted by: Skip at August 26, 2019 07:22 PM (BbGew)

404 We take tons out of snatches and assholes. Absorbs really well, higher rate than skin, still gives you a prolonged time release high. Often done with tampon vodka, gets you through that rough day in the HR office...
Posted by: Cabeza Fromage at August 26, 2019 07:13 PM (UFLLM)

I do think the Chinese treat junkies correctly. Maybe Xi thought shipping all those hot shots to the US was going to be seen as helpful.

Posted by: didImessupagain at August 26, 2019 07:22 PM (Vhkmw)

405 I still think the Democratic convention winds up being brokered with no clear leader after all the primaries. The Dems are going to realize that Hillzebub is the best they've got, and she rides in on her broom cackling dementedly. Hey - Breaking the glass ceiling - I'm still with her. Its still her turn. Those campaign slogans write themselves.

Posted by: An Observation at August 26, 2019 07:22 PM (yoSmH)

406 Reading many of these comments its no wonder we shouldn't be allowed good things.

Posted by: Skip at August 26, 2019 07:23 PM (BbGew)

407 Anyway nothing like fighting with your sisters doctor because he's afraid of sticking his neck out to give her narcotics 6 weeks before death! Well becauze. Might !addiction!

Cancer is a rascally thing .lung cancer or pancreatic won't kill you but the narcotics might!

Priorities u know

Posted by: Willow at August 26, 2019 07:23 PM (+mASz)

408 I would like this judge to experience something so .dire but be refused pain meds.

Posted by: Willow at August 26, 2019 07:25 PM (+mASz)

409 My husband is 0-, CMV- so he donates pretty frequently. High chance his blood gets saved for more worthy recipients.

Posted by: didImessupagain at August 26, 2019 07:18 PM (Vhkmw)

Absolutely. Trauma patients and anyone with a compromised immune system, in particular. If you have a children's hospital nearby with a donation center they will adore your hubby.
(I'm also o-neg, cmv-neg)

Posted by: Vendette at August 26, 2019 07:27 PM (9Eyhn)

410 352 It's called The Sackler Family.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at August 26, 2019 07:01 PM (r+sAi) \

Nope. Severe cancer bone pain is severe cancer bone pain whether the sufferer is in or out of hospice and they deserve relief. The Sackler family is not to blame for whatever an addict or a bad dr. chooses to do.
Posted by: LASue at August 26, 2019 07:09 PM (Ed8Zd)


Posted by: didImessupagain at August 26, 2019 07:30 PM (Vhkmw)

411 I'm curious what they're going to be babbling when we line them all up and start cutting their throats, one by fatass one.

Posted by: CPT11A at August 26, 2019 07:37 PM (gSJ4F)

412 Stick pill in cats mouth and IMMEDIATELY stick cats mouth to dogs bung
hole. Cat spits pill out at 30 mph, and up the dog's bum it goes.

Simple, really.

...and there goes a mouthful of perfectly good Guinness...

Also, I saw Crystal Enema open up for The Furry Angry Burritos at CBGB's in '79.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - #PurgeProgressivism at August 26, 2019 07:38 PM (HaL55)

413 Tramadol is glorified aspirin without the aspirin.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy - #PurgeProgressivism at August 26, 2019 07:41 PM (HaL55)

414 They even concocted a scheme where "pain levels" were yet another vital sign along with blood pressure, pulse and respirations.


At The Children's Hospital I worked for, Medicaid is the largest single third-party payer, so the hospital is beholden to Medicaid. As part of Medicaid Meaningful Use (a scheme to coerce hospital compliance by withholding a percentage of reimbursements if the hospital is not in compliance) the pain score is a required data entry point in the EMR for every single doctor/patient encounter, whether pain is relevant to that visit or not. The pull-down menu for Pain Score included approximately 40 different options for the degree of pain and the manner in which it was assessed.

In nearly 10 years with that outfit I annotated for every single patient "No Pain- verbal" because there was no data entry option of "Not applicable"

Posted by: Muldoon at August 26, 2019 07:43 PM (mvenn)

415 I hear you, Muldoon.

Posted by: Nurse ratched at August 26, 2019 07:47 PM (TXrfZ)

416 It's CHEEEEZZZE, Gromit!

Posted by: Burger Chef at August 26, 2019 07:52 PM (RuIsu)

417 407 Anyway nothing like fighting with your sisters doctor because he's afraid of sticking his neck out to give her narcotics 6 weeks before death! Well becauze. Might !addiction!

Cancer is a rascally thing .lung cancer or pancreatic won't kill you but the narcotics might!

Priorities u know
Posted by: Willow at August 26, 2019 07:23 PM (+mASz)

Happened to my grandmother when she was dying of cancer in 1986. We complained, and the nurse actually said "we are afraid if we give her morphine she might expire." She was basically comatose, only could express pain. Afraid she's might expire? So unfortunately your experience isn't new.

Posted by: didImessupagain at August 26, 2019 07:53 PM (Vhkmw)

418 "Yeah, can drive a semi through that word 'medically'. WTF. LOLGF."

What should we base the concept of addiction on? Feelings? It's a multi- million dollar industry based on non-conservative notion we aren't responsible for our own actions.

Posted by: lowandslow at August 26, 2019 07:53 PM (4thlk)

419 Wait. What? J&J got held liable for $572mil for advertising opioids???

Posted by: Random Thought Generator at August 26, 2019 08:44 PM (iOKfQ)

420 297 kallisto: "How exactly was J&J's iiability or culpability defined?"

J&J has money; someone else doesn't.

So, to balance the inequity, government has to steal from Johnson to pay Paul. It's in the secular Bible.
Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel at August 26, 2019 06:58 PM (6eEQ+)

I think the "Tobacco Master Settlement" is running out of money. All the programs (almost none of which are smoking withdrawal or discouraging) funds from that bucket of bucks need new funding sources. And the shysters need a new Lambo.

Posted by: Fox2! at August 26, 2019 08:45 PM (MwFQu)

421 10
This is a reminder to largely avoid individual stocks.

Posted by: Ha
//Absolutely true! Let me tell you...

//As to the "bad" guy doctors that supply everybody with unlimited opioids, they are being gathered in by LE, according to a nurse friend. And no more free samples for anybody.
It's very few people, the drug suppliers, and they should have been caught before this.. My orthopedist is livid that fracture patients can't get more than 3 days on it, but for me a week was fine. I was just so scared of getting hooked--he said, forget it, you won't with this kind of pain.

Posted by: PJ at August 26, 2019 09:36 PM (qlTN9)

422 Can't wait till Greenland joins the suit.

Posted by: Wickedpinto at August 26, 2019 09:57 PM (pKzMs)

423 If I were a big Pharma CEO, I'd shut down opiate-based pain killer production immediately. No personal responsibility? Then FUCK YOU, the Courts and especially the pond scum sucking attorneys!

Posted by: WVinMN at August 26, 2019 10:00 PM (Kk540)

424 Did JnJ send the drugs directly to addicts?

Posted by: Big Al at August 26, 2019 11:19 PM (QCgN0)

425 This removes all agency from the users. Makes them less than human. IOW, what The Left wants for us all.

Posted by: R Daneel at August 26, 2019 11:33 PM (IL6PC)

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